#i know my mom would be like why dont you draw something like cute animals? :(
greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
heyy greyy
how are you?
i have slept maybe three hours I'm surviving purely on coffee and my mind's going in 15 different directions and the usual shyness that keeps my thoughts locked has left me stranded so uhh i may be asking these very important questions that you definitely don't have to answer but anyways here they are
1. besides taylor what are your favourite artists /genres to listen to ( a song in currently obsessed with is sidelines by pheobe bridgers 10/10)
2. what are you favourite cuisines to try out? (this is inspired because of my friend making red thai curry for me bless her I'm not an adventurous eater but it was so good 15/10 recommend)
3. sirius in your stories loves maths, is it something inspired by you or just a hc for him? god bless y'all who enjoy maths I'm gonna cheer on you guys while i work with biology
4. ooo do you love nail paint/ nail art ?
5. see this is my kinda think but when I'm bored or just sitting idly is i have a pen I'll just draw stuff on a paper (can call them doodles but they aren't really) but yeah these days i gravitate towards making an eye or fingers for some reason ( like those witchy creepy cartoony ones)
6. its an imaginary world with no responsibilities and not considering logical housing situation then what animal would you have as a pet ( i once was in a lengthy discussion with my mom how hypothetically giraffe would be a good pet- they could carry all your groceries to you apartment floor with no issue but then i saw them fighting and I'll stick to cat and dogs for now)
uhh yeah these are it for now- i have more but i dont want to overwhelm you (too much)
(if these weirded you out I'm so sorry but uhh yeah bye i find you very cool and Inspiring and uhh you give me hope that the clusterfuck of bad desicions and noooo why did i think this was a good idea that is your early 20s work itself out in the end )
also if you ever want to see badly drawn witchy fingers that i have no idea why i have started to draw pls ask :)
friend! hello! please sleep. these are all very sweet, very cute, and I'll happily oblige answering sleepy silly questions, and here is more information than you ever wanted to know!!! but also, this is the third time this week i have been called cool and i just....i promise i'm not. i promise i am just a Big Dork who Does Her Best. But also...not mad that i give off a vibe that i made a bunch of bad decisions in my twenties, which i am still technically in. Not mad at all <3:
-music genre besides taylor swift: i tend to have either the music taste of someone...much older, or much younger. like i went to a josh groban concert, sat VERY close when i was 23? and was the youngest person in the crowd who wasn't forced to go with their parents by a long shot (made friends with an older woman who wore a fur coat and pearls and i decided im going to be her when im older)
but to name a few-- one direction stan (and zayn, harry, and nialls solo careers only), sara bareilles, josh groban, ariana grande, billy joel, elton john, paul simon/simon and garfunkel, and then i also listen to a lot of instrumental stuff...like...film scores (the film score to Much Ado About Nothing is my favorite ever).
-cuisine: i am not a picky eater at all, i will eat dry wall if it has a dipping sauce and tell you its the best thing in the world. and im a latinx household, so a lot of my daily cooking is...that. but when i venture away, i tend to take inspo from my friends/their recipes (made sushi pizza last week? very good, 10/10 recommend), and try out what THEY eat regularly.
-maths: while i do like maths, this HC wasn't inspired by me. sirius is a very black and white thinker. he is pragmatic, and logical by nature. this is canon. he's also....canonically very smart, and provided the black family has a lot of money (and a lot of paranoia, i don't think Orion Black and his predecessors would've let anyone else touch the books other than family, i wouldn't be surprised if they were charmed either) and its just a HC of mine that sirius had to learn about managing money and numerology and maths from a very young age to prepare for... heir-hood. (i do like doing math, and i am good at it, however its not something i would ever make a career out of...exclusively.)
-nails: this might be disappointing, but i don't do my nails. they wouldn't last a day. the only time i do is when im obligated to for an event/wedding, and they literally barely make it through the ceremony. nails are kept short, unpolished.
i love witchy hands!!!
pet: i would hands down have flamingos in my front yard. like a cute little pond and they would just stand there on one leg like Misty Copeland and be cute and pink and mind their business <3
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dellinah · 3 years
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I'm still not coping well so i made some shitty memes about my constant hyperfixation
Well I have been fascinated with these animals since I was a literal 8 year old bc of a book my mom gave me about animals (they're all drawn as opposed to pictures too it's pretty cool i used to trace over them all the time)
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They're cool marsupials that went extint in 1936
I am a dumbass with one braincell so for some reason it didn't sink in that when the text said 'disappeared 70 years ago' it meant DISAPEARED FOR REAL. I also was too dumb to realize it was under the 'extinct' chapter
Anyway. These animals are fascinating to me and I have been obsessed with everything related to them ever since. I love how close they look to dogs and wolves despite not being related bc evolution works that well, i love their cute little faces, I love how they managed to survive way longer than they were meant to (more on that bellow), how they move, their lower ankles that look like someone fucked up a dog drawing, everything about it
And I absolutely HATE what they have become a symbol of
I would like to think human activity alone isnt enough to actually drive animals to extinction. That, while it helps, it merely speeds up the pace of an inevitable fate. But that's not true. There have been countless animals that died out bc of humans, and that would have been just fine without us around - be it by hunting, destroying habitats, introducing new species or bringing disease
Thylacines were hunted with no mercy bc they were thought to kill farm animals. People offered money for each one that was shot. Animals that humans introduced to their habitat infected them with disease and made food less avaiable. And just a few decades later, they were gone, forever
And if that wasn't bad enough, the last one we have record of died bc of NEGLET. In a zoo, he was left out in the cold night and didn't make it. They probably threw the body away with no care, thinking they could just get another one to use as exibition, and then realized too late it was the last
ON TOP OF THAT, rules to protect them were set in place about 50 days before the last one died. 50 DAYS!! Talk about too little too late. Maybe if they had done it earlier, things would have been different, but no. They didn't care until they realized hey we havent seen one in forever, fuck
ON TOP OF ON TOP OF THAT, the picture that was used to get farmers to kill them of a thylacine with a chicken in its mouth was most likely faked using a mounted one. It was fucking propaganda?? To??? Kill animals?? Man, what the FUCK. Maybe kill the ones around your property (still wrong but fine) but why lie to people to make them go out of their way to kill animals in the wild??
Everything about thylacines' extintion just highlights the worst parts of the human nature. How careless we are to everything but ourselves. How if it doesn't make us money, we don't care. How we care too little too late. How we can destroy something so easily. And how we don't care about lying about something to get what we want, no matter how bad the consequences might be to someone else
I honestly think the fascination people have with finding these animals in recent years is due to guilt, at least some of it. Yes it's a cool animal, but most important of all it makes us feel bad. So finding a new one maybe would make it ok. We can still save it. We're not that bad.
But that ever happening is unlikely
Thylacines lived short lives (up to 6 years in the wild, 9 in zoos) so to have them survive would require large populations constantly breeding. So to think we wouldnt have found a bone, a dead body, or run over one in over 70 years (also everyone has a phone now, why cant there ever be GOOD pictures taken of these sightings?) just seems like the kind of thing that can't happen
Not only that, but before human intervention they already suffered from low genetic diversity due to its population getting smaller over centuries due to disease and few individuals. It's sad to think that they were always doomed to fail, but it's likely the path they were going towards
So it just makes it way less likely that they would have survived in the wild. They were already failing to reproduce and survive with the individuals they had - imagine after we kill 99% of them. Even if some did make it past the year we recorded, it probs died out shortly after
BUT they could still be alive today, or at least gotten a few more decades. Some people think they did. And maybe we could have helped them if they made it to today with the technology we have
But we'll never know
There's a bunch of footage (with some newly discovered one) of the last one, and while that is cool, it just makes me sad :( to see it pacing around its small cage, with nothing to do, no other one to keep it company (they were often depicted in pairs, idk if they were social animals but it seems like it), not knowing it would never again have another one like it. There's also footage of someone rattling its cage?? Probs to get it worked up to make it walk around or react or something. DONT DO THAT
It's just a sad footage overall, and becomes painful to watch once you know everything else. A sad pacing stressed animal, that would die alone in the cold and go down in history as the last one ever. All while being oblivious to everything we have done to its kind, bc it was just a scared animal
Some people think they survived into the 90's, a lot of people claim to have seen one since 1936 (with no proof) and february 2021 one expert said they had proof they saw one and that it was a baby. It has been debunked by another expert, i have yet to see the pics, but until we have DEFINITE proof, i'll keep on believing they're gone
But it's nice to hope every once in a while. Every sighting makes me a bit happy. This is a big world, with so much of it unexplored, and animals though extinct have showed up again or even been cloned recently. So who knows!
It has been pretty shitty to live through a major historical event that is bad. For a moment I hoped I'd witness one that was actually a positive one
And honestly, if they are still out there, maybe a small population that learned to hide very well, I hope they keep hidden. I'd love to see them, but maybe they're better on their own
We've seen what happens when they're not
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ryuijsakamoto · 4 years
I just would like to take a moment to talk about my fave headcanons i have for all the characters
he is the most OVER DRAMATIC bitch on this earth
he definitely did theatre at some point in his life
after his arrest he sometimes gets really nervous and has trouble conveying his words. he stumbles over them and cant convey his point well
ann and haru like to braid his hair sometimes
when he was younger he faked not being able to see so he could get glasses, it didnt work tho
so hence now he wears fashion glasses
he had braces in middle school
there is One(1) picture of middle school akira. One
he 1000000000% believes in ghosts and has since he was a child
aliens though? not real.
takes lots of selfies when he moves back and sends them to his friends often
biggest flirt but if u flirt back with him he. Dies cannot talk his face is fully red and hes hiding behind his hands
takes every opportunity to visit his friends 
claims hes not a sap but futuba swears she saw him crying over a handwritten thank you card from ‘’that one arcade kid names the kind or smth’’
when he was a kid he has a fluffy mess of hair similar to akiras and it was the cutest thing ever
he needs reading glasses but no one knows because hes embarrassed by them
he likes to doodle on papers, hes not an artist but he likes to make dorky quick drawings in the corner of his paper
he has trouble focuing sometimes and likes to tap his foot silently or draw lines on paper to help him focus
calls yusuke and akira pretty boy by habit, it started as teasing but then it just became a Habit
he keeps every gift his friends give him and therye very dear to him
he has akira help him dye his hair
when one of his friends is gone / in danger he doesnt dye his hair again until he knows theyre safe
his mom sewed his purple jacket for him herself
he likes to cook and bake
he hold his bros..bro come cuddle me...he very affectionate with his friends and casually touches like hugs, hands over shoulders, etc.
sings to himself when hes alone
she has a pretty popular instagram account
she has really bad handwriting
like ryuji, very affectionate 
she loves beanies and wears them especially in the snow
likes to make pointless arguments with ryuji sometimes, stuff like is water wet?
likes to curl her hair over breaks, thinks it looks cute
she loves to watch sappy romance and drama shows / movies
she stress eats
hates when people attack her friends on her instagram 
she has pet fish 
she picked up gardening from haru, its only a small plants and she forgets to water it sometimes but shes trying her best
he is secretly a sucker for cutely decorated sweets
he had a small anime phase, not that he told madarame, but he has a box full of his old anime drawings and he will Never show them to anyone
he, like ryuji, sometimes drawes in the corners of his papers
unlike ryuji his are more detailed n not as dorky, its usually a detailed flower pattern or something of the sorts
he straightens and dyes his hair
his room? full of art pieces and posters u cannot see his original walls
he always has his phone on dnd and forgets to check it for days sometimes
he has 5 pairs of the same shirt, each one for a different occasions (they all look the same though...we dont ask why)
when he gets too worried over his art and stuff usually his friends will drag him out of his room and make him go eat with them
his friends pictures in his phones are hand-drawn little sketches he did
when hes concentrating really hard he puts his bangs into a ponytail so they dont fall in his face
so clumsy. he trips over everything
got through school before highschool without having to study
is not good with change
loves cute plushies and clothes
is Tired please give her a break
when Sae notices shes overexerting herself she makes sure to leave some of makotos favorite food and a small note for makoto on her bed
she just loves her sister very much
actually really likes spicy foods
u mention around her youre having trouble in school? not getting enough rest? forgot your lunch? Mom Mode Makoto activated
when shes alone she can curse up a storm
likes to play poker
is really good at talking to people and keeping up frienships
after highschool she is always busy u wanna hangout? she has 2 available days for the next 5 months
she has braces. she despises them
a very picky eater
sometimes she falls back into her old habits of hiding and isolating herself, when that happens shes learned to text someone and they sit outside her door and talk to her untill shes feeling better
cries easily, especially over characters and shows
has a phantom thieves fan account
when morgana and akira move away she gets a cat plushy because she misses her friends
shows everyone so many fun online things, discord? they have s discord gc because of her
akira has to remind her to drink water and fix her posture too much
wants to cosplay
shes really nervous for her first day of school but joker texts her all throughout the day even if he got in trouble for it
surprisingly a morning person
she Runs on caffeine
likes to spoil her friends, yusuke spent all his money again? heres enough to get home and also buy a 3 course meal 
works at a plant shop even though she doesnt really need to because she loves being around plants
plays piano and cello
touch starved pls hug her PLEASE
likes to fish
cutest laugh please protect her
also dabbled in acting, though hers was more classical stuff like shakespear
she loves golf and swimming
knows how to fight and will do so if needed
she bullet journals
Akechi (in general + if he got to stay with the pt):
actually doesnt have a strong opinion on pancakes, just was really feeling like eating pancakes that day when he overheard morgana
he loves the praise he gets but the spotlight is exhausting
shido told him long hair didnt look good on him once so now he refuses to cut it out of spite
loves to watch gordan ramsey, thinks its hilarious
Bottles up his emotions like crazy
actually really caring towards his friends, always checking up on them and making sure theyre taking care of themselves
loves shit talking his dad, esp with ryuji haru and yusuke who join him and shit talk their own father figures
he wears colored contacts
writes poetry, no one knows this though
cannot back down from a bet, tell him that he wont eat that spoonful of wasabi? hes choking it down with tears but at least he proved you wrong
kinda very incredibly petty
a big fan of mythology, he looked into it after getting his loki persona
loves movie dates with the phantom theives
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dontbesoweirdkira · 4 years
Hey, it's me again, I hope you are still open for requests! You said I could ask for Mic content and, if I still can, what about some DadMic headcanons, with his own child and/or an adopted one?! Which one you prefer is fine! I hope you are doing well and thank you for the opportunity you gave me! Take care 💗
A/N: Hey you!! Thank you for requesting, it means a lot that you like my present mic work. And yes, you most definitely can have some DadMic headcanons. If you have any more requests just let me know. I did hours worth of homework and it deleted so i’m kind of like forget school and imma become a professional headcanon writer so honestly hit me up with as much stuff you want :)))))))
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(i kind of wrote this like you are in the ages of like 6-10 so just keep that in mind)
-I feel he would have his child out of wedlock, maybe when he was younger out partying things got a little crazy then bam, next thing he knows he has a child with no mom and no idea what to do.
-cAlLs AizAwa 
-No but He’s a great Dad honestly, although he's clueless sometimes, he tends to figures things out fairly quickly
- At first it was really hard for him since he had this baby, a new hero career, and the whole world trashing on him, he totally broke down a few times and wanted to give up. BUt aizawa and his other friends helped him through and encouraged him
-You’re his little sunshine and HE LOVeS yoU tO death
-calls you literally any pet name that is very soft and cute and innocent
-He buys evErything for you, i swear! If you just look at something for more than two seconds, it’s in his cart and he’s buying it for you
-”dad you don-”
-”shh pumpkin, let daddy buy it for you.”
-your room is filled with what every girl wants to have
-He learns to do your hair, no matter the texture or thickness or length, he’ll watch youtube videos and figure it out
-he lets you do his hair as well, braiding it, curling it whatever, he’s totally fine with it. JuSt DoNt CUt iT
-New school year and you need new clothes?? Yeah over 1,000 dollars worth of stuff brought.
-speaking of school, sometimes you get comments and stuff from teachers or students because you might not look like him or because you don’t know who your mom is, ect.
-At first when you were younger, it didn’t hurt you, you couldn’t understand that anyways, but as you started to get older it affected you more and more until one day you came home crying to present, and it literally breaks his heart
-”Daddy, why isn’t my skin as light as yours, and my hair isn’t as thin? The other kids make fun of me for it...it really hurts me. And WHere is mom? Does she not love us? You’re really sweet i don’t know why she doesn’t want to be with you…”
-”why are you asking this?”
-”The kids and teachers at school…”
-He literally storms down to your school and demands that the questions and comments stop or he’s going to press charges
-Never ever was asked about any of those things again...well, more or less, sometimes you hear teachers or students whispering or makings sly comments but you chose to ignore those things 
-HUGs!! He hugs you like all the time everyday when he sees you. Like it’s his way it’s saying i love you although he screams that to you all the time
-Like when the world found out that he had a kid, and he was still kind of a kid himself with a just starting a career, he kind of got shitted on a whole lot...by everyone and the press is always writing stories and stuff so when you were old enough to read or understand some stuff he’d often keep TV off or keep you away from the press and media although that became harder when you had to go outside and go to school but as much as he can limit that crazy stuff you see, he’ll do it.
-He makes sure you can defend yourself and as soon as you get your quirk, he’s training you. He will never push mega hard however he makes sure that the training is vigorous enough that when danger comes...you’re ready 
-Being a pro hero’s child can mean you’re in a lot of danger, people want to kill or kidnap you to hurt the hero so he’s constantly worries and on you about safety
-If your quirk is similar to his, skskkdnjsk he literally will SCREEEEEEEE, he thinks it’s so awesome you have a quirk like his and he will make sure that the both of you will annoy Aizawa 
-As much as Hizashi spoils you, you had to grow up a whole lot quickly. Even though he’s an underground hero and kinda works on his on time, his job is still quite demanding and he has to be gone a lot so that means you need to learn how to cook, clean, do your homework, etc. on your own so if anything happens (god forbid) you know how to take care of yourself. when you were younger tho he’d have a babysitter/nanny to look and take care of you while he’s at work
-Although when he is home he cooks and does all of that stuff. HE'S A REALLY GOOD COOK??????? Like seriously and don’t let me get started on the pastries he makes...mmmm yummm…
-only burnt down the kitchen once...Don’t tell Aizawa plez ;-;
-He actually feels very very bad about leaving you at home a lot with responsibility, he’s all about fun and really just being a kid so he always apologizes to you and plans something super fun when he’s off of work. Like laser tag, going out for ice cream, or just building forts at home. He makes sure you have a balance
-He might’ve brought you a puppy so you would have a friend, you let him name the puppy and now you have a “Mr.Ruffkins” running around your house
-He let’s you have girls night which is basically just you and him and sometimes a friend, and you guys just paint each other nails, put bows in each others hair, all the girly stuff,  and just talk about anything. 
-It’s his way i guess to make up for the mother-daughter time you don’t have in your life
-Cute picnics at the park with a bunch of snacks and you guys will just feed the little duckies and animals 
-Brings you around his agency or to his radio show all the time, like everyone that works there knows and loves you a whole lot. You even have a mini cute pink desk with a name tag on it.
-You have a little segment on his show called “LittleMic and PresentMic” and you guys just talk about crazy weird stuff and reach out to single Dads who are also raising up kids. It’s super cute i swear.
-Aizawa is your tired uncle that says he hates coming over but he comes over like everyday and eats all your food while watching TV on the couch 
-He’s the best uncle though but he’s super blunt. So sometimes you go to him for advice or just to talk. He adores you though and checks on you while DadMic is at work or something. 
-Aizawa call you “Kiddo” or “littleMic” or just “y/n”
-Present lets you pick out his new tattoos, and one time he let you draw one….now he has a crooked purple butterfly on his arm...it’s all good tho
-Father daughter danceeeeee ya ya ya! You guys bring the moves and the music to the dance floor like get out the mf way swines.
-He picked out your dress and you picked out his suit, he even let you do a little man bun
-sometimes when you guys are just chilling at home, you will play some of your favorite classics, and you will step on his feet and he’ll dance, you guess may have fell like twice.
-speaking of music and dancing, he will turn up all of the pop jams that you love (slipping some of his rock n’ roll faves) THROW candy all through out the house and both of you are dancing in weird costumes while singing
-You are very much involved in music and he showed you how to make your own mixtapes, playlists, and how to DJ on your own
-piggy back rideeeesss yuuuuhhhhh. When you’re feeling sad he randomly picks you up, twirls you onto his back and runs around the house yells
-Usually does this until you’re laughing and playing along with him
-one time you like dressed up like him for halloween and it was lit. hair somehow slicked up, black leather jacket and some headphones...wooo child you looked cool
-”nO PapArazzi PleAse”
-I feel as though you’d be bilingual, Japanese and English. I feel at home it’ll lean more towards English although there’s a hint of Japanese in there
-He rarely gets mad at you but if he did, it’s probably because you put yourself in danger or something of that sorts
-If you cannot sleep, he’ll let you sleep with him and he’ll have blue clues playing in the bakground to help “sooth you” (he enjoys that show very much”
-”dad? I-”
-Tells you stories about his high school/early life and gives you advice
-”in conclusion do not throw a pumpkin at a security guard or you might get hurt...okay love bug?”
-The sweetest thing ever, like he randomly makes weird faces or says random things to make you laugh
-Forehead kisses or little cheek kisses
-Twirls you around and says “Ah my little princess looks lovely today”
-You help him choose outfits when he’s indecisive
-”take away the scarf and go with the graphic tee and maybe the black boots instead of the red ones”
-”Look at my child, a fashion Icon.”
-He let you decorate the house so now there’s glitter, pink stuff, rainbows and sparkles all around the house but it’s super cute. 
-Many cute photos of you guys in macaroni picture frames.
-Being Present’s Child would be super cute and mega fun. He’s one of the most interactive loving dads out there, you would never feel lost or lonely for a second. Seriously he is the dad that we all wanted/ needed as a kid lmao. 
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some-jw-things · 4 years
Speaking of the coronavirus, any advice on how to handle all the doomsday talk? I still have to pretend to be a witness rn so I don't get kicked out and I'm in constant panic every time it gets brought up. Like I still believe in everything I was taught I just dont agree with it because god is a killing manipulative asshole, but I'm still pretty scared about dying. Everyone sounds so excited and I keep feeling so nauseous. Everyday my mom talks about it and everyone is preparing and I'm a wreck
If you can, block coronavirus on all social media and try to avoid the news. I know lots of people are getting sick of hearing about it and also keeping in mind people with anxiety, so it’s getting more common for people to tag it for blocking purposes. You can also ask people to tag it if they aren’t already. Going off social media as a whole would be a last resort imo, the internet is a pretty huge resource when PIMO and just talking about non-cult things with people who aren’t cult members and don’t believe in that stuff is essential, especially now
Obviously “I was raised in a doomsday cult and risk backsliding into toxic beliefs if you guys keep making it seem like the world is ending” is not a common concern that occurs to most people. But if you say hearing about the virus is giving you anxiety, you won’t have to get into all of that, and people should be pretty understanding
They don’t need to hear all the gory details about why it gives you anxiety, they aren’t entitled to hearing your super interesting cult stories or whatever
Try focusing on uplifting stories, stuff about people being kind and helping each other, or just straight up ignore all news and focus on comforting stuff. Look up cute animal videos. Binge a tv show. Read books, draw happy things, listen to music when people start talking near you, leave the room whenever possible. Isolation can suck for your mental health, but not nearly as much as being trapped with only doomsday-prepping cult members is. It is better to be alone right now
Remember you are not alone. I think every ex-JW spends at least a little time in the space of “I still believe but don’t agree.” The majority of raised-Witness kids end up leaving, and we’ve all been there. You can make it out to the other side. JWs have been predicting the end of the world since the 1800s and it hasn’t come yet. There have been other diseases, worse diseases, that have come and gone. The world is still here. Humans are resilient and everyone is working on fixing this. The Earth has gone through far worse, and that wasn’t the end of it either.
The end of the world is not something to look forward to you and you are right in your beliefs. That’s why every human who isn’t a Jehovah’s Witness is working on keeping us all alive. Everyone staying home and taking precautions is preventing the spread, and most people who get it get better. We will all survive. The world will not end. As a whole, we are taking care of each other. We’ll get through this, we always do
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baroquebucky · 5 years
part 1
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A/N: okay so this is the first real part of my new series :D let me know what you guys think <3 it’s kinda slow but i promise it’ll get better !!!! also i know there’s like not much about the schools programs in the movie but just imagine that they have a vet program lmao thank u :-)
You shuffled around your backpack looking for your dialectical journal, quickly scribbling your name on it and handing it to your AP lang teacher with a smile as she collected them.
“i hope you enjoy midtown tech ms. Parks” she smiled at you and you gave her a soft thank you as the bell rang. You gathered your things and swung your backpack over your shoulder, heading to the area sami had pointed for you to wait for her earlier that morning.
As you looked over the sea of people you saw the unfamiliar yet familiar curly brown hair you had set your eyes on earlier, you glanced at his face and quickly checked him out as he walked through the halls, weaving through the many teens talking and crowding the halls. Before you could fall head over heels for the stranger you saw sami walking quickly your way, eager to see what you had thought so far.
“i mean yeah it’s pretty good so far, nothing much has happened” you smiled biting into your pizza, half paying attention to what your friend was saying and half glancing to see if the curly stranger had A lunch too.
“okay either you’re thinking about something much more important or suddenly you think my analysis of parks and rec is boring” sami spoke, looking at you with such seriousness you let out a small laugh.
“you know i love your episode by episode review sam” you smiled, sipping your water and hoping to avoid the subject of a crush with sami, because once she envisioned a pair of people together, not even the national guard could stop her.
“I know you do, so why weren’t you paying attention to it” she spoke, quirking her eyebrow out as you leaned your head back and groaned at her persistence. “I just saw this cute boy and i just can’t get him off my mind it’s nothing” you shrugged, shoving a spoonful of your fruit cup in your mouth.
“oh my god y/n finally i can get some work done!” She shouted causing you to choke at her sudden outburst. You swapped the fruit quickly and began coughing, immediately downing water and starting to laugh.
“jesus christ sami i almost choked calm down” you laughed as she pulled her phone out and went to Instagram. “What’s his name?” She asked not even looking up at you and you rolled your eyes.
“I don’t know i just saw him for like three seconds before you blocked my view of him” you smirked at her, knowing he dreams of playing matchmaker were gone. “I’ll find him, what kind of hair did he have? What was he wearing?” She asked quickly.
“uh curly hair, brown curly hair and brown eyes, a grey jacket i think” you shrugged finishing your lunch before throwing it away and sitting back down. Sami groaned as you gave her your vague answers. “I’ll find him” she mumbled as you both walked out of the cafeteria.
You looked at your wrinkled paper, searching the halls for your 4th period, art. You found the art room after taking two wrong turns and having to walk the entirety of the second floor because you were too scared to turn around.
“For your first art project of the year i want you guys to draw or paint a place you like, it can be your home, a safe space or just somewhere in the world” the teacher spoke, explaining the project that would ease you into the year.
As the bell rang once more you headed to an outside building for your small animal management class, then you headed back inside for your pre calculus class. You sighed walking through the halls, pulling out your wrinkled schedule once more and walking downstrairs again to look for your AP chemistry class.
You scanned the walls for the matching room number and you were met with your new chemistry teacher as you approached the door.
“hi what’s your name?” She smiled at you holding out a clipboard. “Y/N parks” you smiled at her, fiddling with your lanyard. “Ah yes, go ahead and sit wherever you’d like, i don’t have a seating chart yet” you thanked her and took a seat near the middle of the class.
You watched as more kids pounded into the room, your eyes searching for Sami, you were giddy just thinking about having a class with her. You smiled widely as she walked into the room, taking a seat beside you.
You were so engrossed in your conversation you didn’t see the boy with the brown curls walk in. The teacher closed the door and smiled at the class, welcoming you all and giving you a syllabus. That’s when you saw him.
Four columns over and two seats ahead of you, sat the cute boy with the curly hair you had been thinking of all day. “That’s him!” You whispered to sami as you unsubtly pointed in the boys direction as you took out an empty spiral notebook. “Oh my god that’s peter parker! You have a crush on him?” Sami laughed a little and you blushed.
“I mean look at him he’s so cute! And he must be smart, i mean AP chem isn’t for everyone” you smiled, wanting to get sami off your case. She only shrugged and put the syllabus you handed her into her binder. As the class ended you and sami both walked out, heading to your final class which you had together as well, orchestra.
It didn’t take you long to realize that peter and his friend, Ned, were walking behind you two, talking about something in Star Wars. “sami hes behind us holy shit” you whispered, smiling widely at your friend, following her to the orchestra room.
“Oh yeah i forgot to mention he’s in band!” She scoffed, mumbling under her breath a little. “hey bands not so bad! they’re pretty good and guard is amazing” You huffed, furrowing your eyebrows and pushing your friend slightly.
“look just because you almost did color guard your freshman year doesn’t mean you have to defend marching band” she laughed as you rolled your eyes.
“it’s fun okay!” You defended yourself laughing at her mock annoyance of you.
As you walked down the strairs you noticed how peter and Ned took the elevator down, you shrugged it off and continued your way into the orchestra room. You told the teacher you played bass, she quickly assigned an instrument for school and one to take home and got you the music you were missing.
The final bell of the day rang and you packed your stuff up. Getting ready to call your best friend back home and tell her all that had happened today.
You and sami walked out of school, waving bye to her as she entered her moms car. “You sure you don’t want a ride?” She asked for the fifth time and you laughed.
“Yes I’m sure, I’ll take the train I’ll be fine” you smiled and said goodbye one last time, hopping on the train and quickly finding a seat, texting your best friends back home of today’s events.
“Ned she was so pretty! Like oh my god, her hair! and during class she said ‘that’s him!’ Oh my god she’s so cute” peter spoke to his best friend, an extra bounce in his step as they made their way to the train station.
“you know it’s unfair you use your senses to find out who likes you but you call it cheating when i want you to see if the girl from 5th period likes me, or that girl in the tuba section!” Ned scoffed throwing his hands up as peter ugly laughed softly.
“listen dude, i just think i might have a real shot with her, i just have to find a way to talk to her you know?” Peter spoke, hopping on the train with his friend, ending the conversation about girls and starting the one about building the new LEGO set he got over the weekend.
As he got down from the train with Ned it didn’t take him long to spot you, his heart racing a little faster as he saw you talking on the phone, a smile on your face.
“wait Ned shut up!” Peter spoke quickly, rushing to move closer to you. He focused his senses to hear your voice amongst the crowded train station.
“i mean yeah it’s pretty nice here, i have to take the train so that’s pretty fun, also there’s this really cute guy i saw, i have chemistry with him- no dumbass the class” you laughed.
Peters heart rate sped up as he heard you talking, were you talking about him? I mean that one football player was sitting next to him, maybe you were pointing at him. He focused once more to see if maybe, just maybe you would drop another hint.
“- yeah no way bro, i think he does sports” you spoke, going up the stairs. Peters small smile fell from his face and Ned watched intently.
“what did she say?” He quickly asked, peter sighed. “I think she was talking about charles, she said she thought he did sports, we both know I’m not the sport type” peter spoke, clutching the strap of his backpack tightly as the two headed to his apartment.
Ned put his hand reassuringly on peter shoulder, “dont man, I’m sure if it’s meant to be, fate will pull you two together” he smiled and peter looked at him.
“dude that was so wise” he smiled, Ned only winked at him in return, causing both of them to burst out laughing.
The next day came quickly for you, and before you knew it you were walking into AP chemistry again, heart racing as you anticipated the new seating chart.
“please for the love of any higher force put me next to the cute peter kid” you whispered, taking the seat you sat in the day before. Sami soon walked in with a smirk on her face, that immediately set off alarms in your mind.
“oh god what did you do” you spoke worried.
“oh no not me, fate” she winked before turning to face the front, peter rushing in as the bell rang and taking a seat.
“okay as you know we will have a seating chart so if you will all please line up,” Ms. Patrick spoke, naming off kids, it wasn’t until 9 kids in that you realized he was going alphabetically.
“Mr. Parker you’ll be behind Jamie” she spoke, peter stumbled as he made his way to the seat and you smiled softly at his awkwardness.
“Ms. Parks you’ll be next to peter” the teacher spoke, continuing to name out the list. You however, cough as you choke on your spit, walking to your seat with a flushed face, not wanting to look at the boy next to you.
You quickly gulped down your water, not wanting attention drawn to yourself, even though yesterday you would’ve pounced on the boy sitting next to you.
“are- are you okay?” He whispered, causing your face to turn a deeper red.
“me? Yeah I’m fine I’m really good why?” You spoke quickly, fiddling with your pencil as the teacher gave instructions on how to set the notebook up.
“you just look really nervous, don’t worry, i don’t bite” he smiled at you and you felt your heart skip a beat, Jesus his smile is so cute.
You returned his smile and quickly looked down at your notebook, cutting the small slips of paper and gluing then into the first page.
“okay write your names on the front of the notebook and then I’ll hand out your homework” the teacher spoke, handing out sharpies.
You looked at peter, seeing how his brow furrowed just a bit when he was taking notes. He glanced up and you quickly looked forward, heart racing at the thought of him knowing you snuck glances at him.
“y/n?” He asked and you looked at him quickly, face slightly red, scared he had caught you staring. “the sharpie” he spoke and you laughed, facepalming yourself mentally.
“oh yeah- uh thanks” you spoke clearing your throat, then you realized, your front cover is black.
“where the hell do i write my name” you whispered, looking to see if there was another colored sharpie.
“you can- you could write it on the inside” peter spoke, leaning over to flip your notebook cover. He smiled brightly at you and you returned it.
“oh yeah, duh, you’re smart” you smiled, chuckling softly as you write your name before handing the sharpie to the girl infront of you.
Peter watched as you wrote your name down, falling in love with the way you wrote your name, how would it look if you wrote his name down? He smiled at the way you looked taking notes, thinking the way you bit your bottom lip slightly made you look cute.
Peter blushed when he felt your eyes on him, he knew exactly how fast your heart rate became when he looked up and you thought he had caught you. Technically, he knew so you were caught, but you didn’t know that, and the way you smiled at him when he wasn’t looking made him swear he wouldn’t let you know he knew.
Suddenly, AP chemistry became your favorite class, and not because of the subject.
Peter realized that AP chemistry was all he looked forward to, because the pretty girl somehow ended up next to him. And then he smiled at himself as he swung through the streets of Queens, maybe it was fate.
part 2
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Ddlc x fem!reader
Chapter 22
Today was the day of Con and I was absolutely anxious and excited at the same time.
We were all packed into Dad's van and which Sayori and Natsuki sharing a seat, we all fit.
(Best Friend) has been trying to keep me calm on the way there.
The girls have been awful quite.
"Are you guys okay?" I asked them.
"Yeah, it just seems this day would never actually happen." Said Sayori and Natsuki agreed.
"It's like someone has been avoiding this for awhile." Said Natsuki, looking somewhere. Maybe a hidden camera?
"You do remember what to tell people when they ask who you are?" Asked Mom and I turned to face her.
"That we are cosplaying who we actually are, yes ma'am." Said Yuri.
"Good." She said. She clearly didn't think this was a good idea at all but I spent most (all) my money for everyone to go and have money to spend.
"So what's there to actually do?" Asked Monika.
"Look around, see really cool things, spend to much money on Said really cool things." Said Jack. "(Y/n) did you really have to give us all these bags? People might think I'm associated with you."
I sighed. I bought really cheap bags for everyone beside my parents and I didn't want to exclude my brother.
"Jack please. If you dont have it, you'll lose all your money without actually buying anything. I see how you organize things." I told him.
Then everyone just fell into a rhythm of everyone talking to each other.
Until we got to our destination.
Mom handed everyone their bracelets, to make it know we are supposed to be there.
"Me and your father is going to look on our own but all of you need to stay with each other." Said Mom, looking at me and Jack.
"Of course." We said and they left. (Best Friend) grabbed and pulled me along for other to follow us.
"Come on! There is this Artist here that I want to see." They said and I sighed, I didn't really mind.
"Then can we see if there's Steven Universe stuff somewhere?" I asked.
"Oh can we?" Asked Sayori.
I must have gotten her hooked on that show, opps.
"Fine..." said (Best Friend).
They had ended up buy a Deadpool drawing that was really well done.
Sayori and I was looking at the different areas, looking for Steven Universe merchandise.
I had found a hat and I instantly bought.
"(Y/n)! You look so cute in that hat!" Said Sayori and I blushed at the complement.
"Did you find something you want?" I asked her and she held out a button and she was wearing another. The being held out to me had a heart and a heartbeat line across it.
"I got it for you." Said Sayori, blushing "Since we wouldn't be here without you." She whispered. "So my heart beats for you."
"Awwwwww. That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard." Said a stranger. "Such a cute couple. I love your Sayori cosplay."
"Thank you! I worked really hard on it." Said Sayori before engaging in a conversation with the stranger.
Her button was like my hat. Yellow star over red, like steven universe shirt.
I was pulled away by Natsuki.
"Hey! We have to stay in a group." I told her.
"I want some manga and I don't want to be alone." She said, not stopping pulling me.
We reached where they were being saled. I looked over a few and pointed out a few I've seen the anime of.
"Oh, 'Kiss him, not me' is a good one." I said but Natsuki seemed to make her mind up on one already. All I saw of it was it was very pink and she had it in her bag and she dragged me away. We had gotten to a place with barely anyone.
"Another one and Natsuki?" Asked the same stranger. "You really must be the romantic to get another doki doki literature girl." Said the stranger and got into a conversation with Natsuki.
Yuri showed up, with a new book and bookmark. She seemed super happy.
"They had an area with horror stuff and it was so brilliantly put together." Said Yuri. "And also!" She said before pulling out a keychain with a little Yuri on it and gave it to me.
"You bought your own merchandise and why are you handing it to me?" I asked, Yuri suddenly got flustered.
"So you'll have something to remember me." She said before seeing the stranger. "You've been making friends?"
"No, Sayori and Natsuki just got recognized by the same person." I told her and the stranger saw Yuri.
"Did all your friends cosplay the girls?"
"Yep. I'm gonna go look for Monika. Yuri keep an eye on Natsuki. Don't lose her in a crowd."
Monika had stayed with Jack. So (Best Friend) and Sayori are probably together.
"(Y/n)! Come look at this!" Said Monika and I moved closer and saw she was holding a Rose Quartz necklace.
"Dang, that would look really good on you Monika." I told her before seeing she had her own necklace with an emerald on it.
"Well I bought it for you." She said before sliding it over my neck. "There, it looks better than it did by being on you." Said Monika kissing my forehead.
"So you are like the main character!" Said the same stranger. I'm getting tired of this person finding me. Jack saw the displeasure on my face.
But before anything could happened the lights had turn off and I was pulled away and towards the stranger. They kept me close as they navigated us away from Jack and Monika
"I am happy to finally meet you (Y/n)." They . "Even though I am a version of you."
"What the hell is that even suppose to mean?!" I yelled.
"Don't you understand? I was the that had to force myself out of that game."
Then I remember.
"You're suppose to be the main character!"
"Ding ding!"
Miss me?
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ronancegayass · 4 years
Flower Asks: all of them >:3€ (forgive me)
(this is so many omg but I’ll allow it only bc i love u)
Alisons: Sexuality? 
     Gay af (ace lesbean)
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
     Waman (she/they)
Amaryllis: Birthday?
     November 2nd
Anemone: Favorite flower?
     Funnily enough anemones are one of my favs but i think my top favs are chrysanthemums and morning glories but I really love many flowers and flowers in general
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
     As of right now, stranger things duh
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
     Like favors or? I mean I really do try to be a kind and helpful person but if I don’t know somebody or haven’t at least seen them a couple times before I usually don’t do much bc of anxiety 
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
     "The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.” Lara Croft mostly bc I cant think of anything else right now and that stuck with me
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
     Like a really good cup of black tea with cream and sugar or sweet tea
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
     Never been kissed before but I definitely have someone in mind I would kiss ;3
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
     Hell yeah I am right now and I don’t think I ever have been before now
Baneberries: Favorite song?
     Oh hard question... currently really digging We Fell In Love in October by Girl in Red 
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
     My family is supportive (for the most part) and very loving, even if they express love in weird ways sometimes. We also like to joke around a lot and make fun of each other but in a good way? Like we all have a good time mostly and I get along better with everyone since I started college
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
     My girlfriend is my best friend uwu I also have a lot of good friends but yeah
Begonia: Favorite color?
     Purble but specifically like a pastel purple and purples that lean more towards blue than pink
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
     Lynx! I love so many animals tho and I also like many cats and domestic cats in general
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
     Probably would love to just be a loved house cat who gets to lay in front of the fire all day or a lynx bc i love them
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
     A veterinarian (or a special agent lmao)! I also still plan on being a vet tho even tho I get discouraged at least once a month 
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
     I mean I like kids and I was a camp counselor for a summer, but I dont really want any of my own
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
     Oh god so many things.. Biggest thing would maybe be death/dying? Like if i think about it too much like the possibility of there just being nothing after death freaks me out. That and throwing up/nausea 
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
     I played soccer and then I was a competitive swimmer so i was kind of an athlete? even tho i hated sports
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
     I think I would like to go to waffle house, have the perfect cup of tea, spend lots of time with my loved ones and pet my kitties, play video games with my gf, and sit under a tree in the mountains preferably on a warmer day in the fall and watch the sunset 
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
     Very happily taken
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
     Always wanted to visit Norway
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
      Really big long hugs, good morning or goodnight messages, and I also really love cards 
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
     I have 6 
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?
     Yup! I have an industrial, orbital, and 3 earlobe piercings   
California Poppy: Height?  
     5′2 or maybe a little less
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
     Yeah I think so, but I do also get freaked out easily lmao
Carnation: What are you currently wearing? 
     Red flannel, jeans, fuzzy socks, and big dyke boots  
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
     Yeah I did for a long time and I still sometimes sleep with one or like a bathroom light on if Im sleeping by myself in a new place
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
     Either my mom or my dad I dont remember technically who was last bc my parents are visiting me at college
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
     Again, never kissed or been kissed! but maybe soon... :0
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
     Font? I like the font in Night in the Woods?
Columbine: Are you tired?
     Pretty much always either sleepy or tired lol
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
     Christmas, getting to see my gf again, and Magfest!
Coneflower: Dream job?
     Like a veterinarian but having my own practice and also being able to take in injured wildlife if possible
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
     Introvert for sure
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
     Oh repeat question, hell yes
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
     Depends what it is but I would go pretty far for somebody I care about and Im also a crazy person and would drive/travel no matter what distance for someone I love
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
     Yup! I had a ballerina bunny, named Bunny because I was very creative and I still have her
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
     I think so? I did a lot of cool stuff with my GS troop like our bronze award project and going ziplining and to sliding rock. 
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
     My GS gold award for sure, that shit was hard work and stressful af
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?  
     Umm??? I would tell my dad to eat shit and die and I cant imagine my mom being anything but sweet and supportive so I dont even know
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
     You! This morning uwu
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
     uhh Im pretty good at making sense of stuff in my science labs and reasoning and im sometimes good at art? I feel like I do traditional better but Im getting better at digital
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
     bad at not being impulsive sometimes and bad at dead by daylight 
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
     a little over a month but officially got a girlfriend who i love very much, my gf came down to visit and we got to chill on the mountains together, and I had a pretty nice birthday 
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
     Good! Got breakfast at a diner with my parents and got coffee and a donut at my fav coffee shop so thats all i really need in life tbh 
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
     Yeah Im happy even tho Im stressed with school at times 
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
     Get a job after graduation and hopefully get into vet school on the first or second try
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
     My kitty, mom, wonderful gf, sister, dead by daylight, heated blanket, apartment, waffle house, my sisters kitty, and my dog
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?  
     Donuts, coffee or tea, blankets, video games, and loud music
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
     Hmm... I really like to draw art for those i love, tell them how much i love them even though i can be bad with words, and i just try to spend a lot of time with the people I care about no matter what we are doing
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
     uhhh trying to open up more? and Im really proud of my gf 
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
     Going to waffle house. Go to a mountain and hike a little, sit on the top with girlfriend. Admire beauty of mountain countryside. Admire beauty of girlfriend while they admire the beauty of the mountain. Then warm up together with hot chocolate and play video games
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  
     I like to doodle and do the arts, play video games, and I like to bake sometimes
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
     uuuuuuh I have a good friend I’ve known since kindergarten or first grade when I first moved to where I currently live
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
     My gf uwu and my mem
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
     probably like less than 10 
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
     I think its really cute especially when you compliment my laugh
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
     ??? I think I am an okay person? And I try to be a good person and be kind and polite to people
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
     Umm... I mean I like that Im kind? and Im not fake and I try to be a good person     
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?  
      I hate that I procrastinate and that I can get frustrated easily at myself and at situations like crowds and traffic
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
     I liked to play ‘restaurant’ with my sister with our littlest pet shops
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
     I had a really great best friend named Rachel :c
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
     Losing a lot of friends and for being distant for a long time 
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
     Cutting off a friend that was bad for my mental health and who didnt treat me well even though we were best friends for a long time 
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
     My name is literally my parents ship name... like they even told me they chose my name by putting their names together lmao but I mean I like my name so i guess its okay..
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
     Small town in new jersey when I was really, it was nice and family was closer. Then we moved and that was difficult but I ended up adjusting and it was good, had a decent amount of friends and the schools i went to were good
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
     For a long time I shared a room with my sister and we had a bunkbed and I had the top bunk of course, when we moved out of the apartment and into a house I got my own room and it was baby blue only because I told my dad that no, I didnt want a fuckin pink room and that was a whole thing lmao
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
    It was good? but also sucked a lot. I had a lot of issues with my mental health and struggled for a long while with something. I was bullied and stuff at home wasnt always that great. And i got outed so that was fun. Other than that I enjoyed swimming competitively and I got into art
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
I love my mom!! she is the most Mom mom and is so sweet and always there for me. She helps me out so much with so many things and I just love my mom so much
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
     I mean I love my dad? And hes better than he used to be, but he still doesnt help with shit and irritates me a lot. 
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
     I never got to know my grandfather on my moms side bc he passed away a few months before i was born and I sort of knew my grandmother but she lived far away and passed away 10 years ago. I usually see my gramma on my dads side the most and I try to visit often and help her out with stuff and I love her even though she can be a bit... racist and shit.. and I sometimes see my grandpa and step grandma but they can be strict about weird shit and always ask a lot of uncomfortable questions
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
     I dont really do much on my birthdays? Ive had a lot of nice birthdays and it usually involves going out to dinner or having a nice dinner at home and having birthday cake and playing games like jenga or yahtzee.
Peony: What was your first job?
     I did some petsitting for a while but my first real job was being a camp counselor/tower belayer/lifeguard at a girl scout camp
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)?
     Met online after following them for a long time and drawing some arts for them, but didnt really start chatting until stranger things 3 came out bc I saw they had just watched it. Didnt meet irl until fursonacon and I just remember seeing them walking up to my car when I got there and just being like .... oh no.  I had already had a crush but at that point I was just heart eyes      
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
     Its a little fucked up but depending on the type of physical pain I like it? Like getting tattoos and stuff.. emotional/mental I just curl up in blankets and listen to sad music lol
Pink: Where is home?
    I feel like I have many homes? I feel really at home in the mountains, at home with my family, and when Im with my girlfriend
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
     Every event no matter how shitty shaped me into who i am today and Im pretty content and lucky with what I have today so maybe nothing?
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
     My GS leader Miss Kristin. So incredibly kind and outgoing and just willing to do whatever she can to help others. Shes so adventurous and outgoing and made my gs troop so amazing. She is such a wonderful lady and shes basically like another mom to me.
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
     To be with my SO in a nice cabin in the mountains with a nice fireplace. Its cozy and we have pets (especially kitties but also maybe a dog and chickens and such) and life is okay and we’re happy
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
     God and Santa Claus (i was so heartbroken (over santa not God lmao))
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
     My girlfriend and my mom
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
    My gfs voice and their laugh c: and I also really like the sound of thunderstorms and rain
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  
     To see my gf again and for winter break to just be here already I am so done with school lol
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
     Difficult? I try really hard to express how I feel but I usually mess up and I get anxious but I try my best lol
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
     Any of my loved ones and my cat 
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
     I wish I got more sleep but it was an okay amount
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
     Good morning texts from my gf and my gf in general
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
      I dont currently have a job but I occasionally do art commissions which is usually fun and gives me something to do 
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
     Any of my flannels and my leather jacket (also not mine but my gfs hoodie they gave to me to borrow)
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic. 
     mountains, cabins, flowers, fall, flannel, small coffee shops, pastels 
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
     Im not one to be picky about gifts? I just love anything that someone put some thought into and thought I would like or reminded them of me but i feel bad if it was something expensive or anything lol
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
     Final exams and graduation
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
     0 lmao I used to read a shit ton but Ive been picky about what books I want to read lately 
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
    Working towards applying to vet school and maybe thinking about moving out depending on a lot of things.
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
     I like collecting pins, pennies, and postcards which is funny to me
(So in conclusion,,, I love my gf)
(wow that was long as hell and took forever but done!)
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dat-town · 5 years
hearts in the foam (and typos in names)
Characters: Minhyuk (Rocky) & You
Genre: so much fluff!
Setting: coffee shop au
Summary: You always spell his name wrong because his frustrated face is too precious.
Words: 1.7k
Shoutout for @kmhoodys because I totally stole this from our list of AUs, hope you enjoy it! ♥ Also for @restlessmaknae as a thank you for getting me into the fandom.
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Park Minhyuk would like to think that he's a patient and kind person in general. He's pretty sure his friends would agree – maybe not Sanha but that's only because that brat likes to dance on others' nerves. His mom is probably biased but according to her he is the sweetest boy in the universe – okay, most definitely biased. But the thing about Minhyuk is that he gets on well with everybody: with the elderly of the neighbourhood because he's genuinely interested in their stories and is happy to help with their Internet connection when they want to FaceTime with their grandchildren, with his classmates who know they can count on him whenever because he is a trustworthy member of the student council and even with all kinds of animals – except cicadas – but dogs in particular love him. So he's an overall lovable person, okay?
But mornings are definitely the rock bottom for him. He knows he can be pretty grumpy before a reasonable hour but he still tries hard to behave like a decent human being. One thing he needs in his morning routine is some kind of coffee even is he prefers latte over strong caffeine. And since he is a man of reasonable choices he always buys his daily cup of energy in the lovely café on the campus because it happens to be on his way to university. They make it just as creamy and sweet as he likes it. However there's one thing he can't stand about the service there.
“They keep getting my name wrong!” he groans dramatically as soon as he slumps down next to his friends at the lecture hall. They all – except Moonbin who looks like as if he had run the marathon this morning – look up at him just as sleepily as he feels with bones buried under tiredness.
“Who?” Jinwoo furrows his brows as he tries and fails to contain a yawn.
“This one girl who works in the morning shift of the café. I’m a regular but she still asks for my name and manages to mess it up,” Minhyuk blurts out what his problem is all at once. He puts down his paper cup on his desk and glares at it so gruesomely as if it was the source of all his troubles, the bane of his existence.
“Maybe she has very bad memory?” Dongmin tries to reason with a weak guess.
“But come on, I have one of the most common male names in Korea! There are at least dozens of idols with this name,” the offended guy shakes his head and instead of useful advices or mental support what he gets is Myungjun arguing whether there's really that much Minhyuk in the kpop industry and he starts to count them out loud. Only Jinwoo seems helpful and attentive enough to engage in the conversation even further.
“True, you have a pretty usual name. What can she confuse it with?” he wonders and the question makes Minhyuk sigh as he is reminded of all times he faced with different syllables written on the cup instead of the ones he should have.
“Minhyun, Mingyu, Minhoon, Minjae, Min-whatever or today: Minhee! For god's sake, that's a girl name!” he grimaces when he loses counting the names on his fingers. There were even more occasions but he really couldn't keep track on all the names that girl came up with. He was fairly sure she was doing it on purpose and probably spent her time on Naver searching for even more names but the 30 million dollar question was: why? Why would she do that?
“Maybe you should try something new. An English name maybe,” Sanha suggests and Minhyuk can't believe that he's actually planning to take his advice but he has run out of any better ideas. Now he wanted to see once for all if the girl really did it on purpose or not.
 So the next morning when he walked into the café and saw you at the counter, he mustered up all his courage to go to you like he did almost every day and make a bit of a fool out of himself with a smile on his face.
“Good morning! What can I get for you?” You turned to him, lovely as always. He swore your smiles were similar to sunrays warming the Earth and the glint in your eyes was like the stars in the universe. You looked the prettiest in that cute apron out of all the baristas at this place and it was truly devastating that it was your habit that made him frown with each cup of coffee he got.
“A large vanilla latte to go, thanks,” he repeats his usual order almost automatic and when you say the price he already knows, he pays without any other word.
He knows how the process goes by heart. He has been through this routine half-asleep, running to classes and totally out of it too, so it’s no-brainer what's next. So there it comes: you grab a pen and a big empty cup looking up at him with curious anticipation in your expressive eyes.
“Your name, please.”
It takes everything in him not to snap or blurt out his real name this time, but he keeps a straight face as he says: “Rocky.”
He watches your expression closely but you're either oblivious or a great actress because you don't even bat an eyelash before shifting your gaze to the cup and scribbling something on it.
“I'll let you know when it's done,” you promise softly and turning around you start to work on his drink as he sulkily sits down at a table while waiting. These quiet, short minutes has always given him the perfect opportunity to watch over you, the grace in your movements, the way you dance a bit to the silly songs from the radio or just the frown of concentration on your forehead as you draw the perfect heart in the foam of his latte. He almost forgets about his little test until you remind him to it in that melodic voice you have.
He's almost dreadful when you call him and he takes his cup. He shouldn't worry since everybody knows the American movie, you can't mess that up. And yet, you still do. The writing on the cup is definitely too long to be Rocky and isn't even a name to begin with.
You look cute when you are annoyed, it says and he just stands there dumbfounded while you're already serving another guest not paying attention to him any longer. He sticks by just a bit longer watching as the next guest gets his coffee – without heart in the foam! – then his alarm reminds him to get going.
He reads the message again and again as he walks towards the university building. At first he doesn't know what to do with it but then it makes him grin, then laugh. He doesn't even complain to his friends about the coffee girl that day and decides to change his strategy next time he visits.
 It’s a lovely, warm morning, yet he can’t wait to have a hot drink in his hands. This time he came prepared. He waits for his turn patiently but he can't suppress a sly grin on his lips when he finally gets to the front of the queue. You nod in acknowledgement when he orders his usual, curly locks of hair falling into your eyes as you hover over the cup, pen ready in hand.
“Can I get your name?” You follow the routine and at this point, Minhyuk becomes sneaky.
“Yes,” he says simply, irrevocably and for once you seem surprised halting in your movements.
“Yes.” he repeats clearer, not breaking eye contact as you croak a brow at him.
“Okay,” you huff out with an amused smile tinting your rosy lips.
Then he has nothing better to do than play with the piece of paper in his hands and wait until you call his so-called name for his done drink. He steals glances at you a few times in the meantime and once he catches you staring back at him. You both look away caught red-handed. Though, it boosts his confidence enough to stride to the counter with pride when you call for him.
“Large latte for Yes,” you say it with all seriousness in the world without any wariness in your voice. The other guests in the café might look weirdly at the two of you but you don’t care.
“Thanks,” he walks up to you and gently takes the cup from your hands finger still brushing yours lightly. Quickly he checks the ‘name’ written on it and he puts a similar paper cup into your hands.
“Hope you are free Friday,” he says with a cheeky smile leaving your astonished once again.
“What?” you blink, fingers mindlessly playing with the used cup you just got.
“You just said yes,” Minhyuk shakes his own drink flashing your writing on it and you look down on the cup placed in your right. It's the one from last time, your compliment and a new line in messy handwriting under your message: Would you like to go out sometime?
Very smooth, you have to give him that and you can’t help but smile. You wondered when he was going to step up his game. You were anticipating, to be honest.
“Do I have to call you by your name then, Minhyuk?” you teasingly ask, mouth curled up in a charming smile as you gaze settles on the boy with most beautiful chocolate eyes you have ever seen. Not to mention the cute nose scrunch he does when he’s frustrated. If he asked you would admit that the first time was a mistake for real, a careless typo but after that you became careless and it turned into a game to play. You’re glad he went along with it.
“I don't know. Maybe you can come up with a better one,” he shrugs now and the smile he flashes you might become your next favourite thing about him. He leans a bit forward and quiets down his voice as if he whispered a secret.
“Maybe you could try something sounding like boyfriend. We will see,” he winks at you and when he leaves the café shop he not only brings his latte along with him but a little piece of your heart already.
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llcvinias · 4 years
i  just  watched  dean  matthews  pull  lavinia  vogel  into  his  office.  maybe  it  has  something  to  do  with  them  being  a  member  of  zeta  beta  zeta.  yeah,  i  spoke  to  lavi  a  few  times.  they’re  a  sophomore  studying  animal  behavior. apparently  they’re  from  las  vegas,  neveda.  maybe  that’s  why  they’re  so  finicky  and  effulgent, i  don’t  know,  man.  all  i  know  is  they’re  always  listening  to  playing  games  by  summer  walker. 
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god  asdj  please  excuse  my  reused  muse  and  bio  asdj !  i  got  a  little  nervous  jumping  in  late  and  said  well  fuck  let  me  just  bring  this  baby  back  to  life  and  call  it  a  day !! im  still  just  as  excited  and  cannot  wait  to  start  writing  with  you  all !! 
—  °。..   ›    basics    .
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋    𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄    :    lavinia june vogel.
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒    :  lav, lavi, lava, vinnie, lj. 
𝐀𝐆𝐄    :    twenty - one  .
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘    :    february sixteenth  .
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑    :    female  .
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒    :    she / her  .
𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘    :    bicurious  .
𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂    :    aquarius  .
𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓    :     five foot seven .
𝐁𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐃    :    slim  .
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒    :    ozzy vogel , imma josephine vogel .
𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆    :   arabella vogel , lillian vogel .
𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒    :   english , italian , spanish .
𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍    :    las vegas nevada . 
—  °。..   ›    personality + headcanons    .
clumsy and impulsive . she is walking chaos sometimes . she has a big drive to enjoy herself? to suck the life out of life but not in a bad way? and that usually leaves her getting stuck in crazy situations that she usually laughs about .
adventure is her middle name . she loves experiencing new things . will try everything at least once. if you need someone to help you rob a bank or walk to the other side of the country with you ask her only once and she’ll be all over it.
boisterous . she cannot help it . she will talk your ear off until you literally pay her to shut up .
she’s just very intoxicating ? theres just something about her that just draws you in?
she craves meaningful bonds with other people? feeling important and loved is so important to her.
she gets attached easily and with that she tries her best not to drown in everyone? set boundaries and put herself first? practice self love.
she wants you , she needs you , and then she gets scared and pushes you away.
she feels things super deeply . very vehement .
is the biggest goofball sometimes . love spreading laughter .
she is d r a m a t i c !
she is a lover , will give you her all in any kind of relationship. will put in the absolute effort and go the distance .
she wants to save everyone .
she can be stubborn sometimes even a little jealous  . maybe selfish . traits she trying to overcome.
she’s hard to understand sometimes ? she just has all these feelings and doesnt know how to handle them sometimes .
is a ball of light . constantly smiling and giggling .
she is social ! loves ! being ! around ! people ! the type to have seven best friends and ten friend groups !
did i mention she’s talkative??
kind of annoying?? 
i picture her to be super captivating ?? just theres something about her.
very affectionate . and when she’s drunk? it only grows.
will pull you into crazy schemes all with the help of her favorite pout .
crawling into bed and waking you just to tell you about this crazy thing that just happened? her.
she has a soft spot for music and you will always find her at some odd spot of the hotel writing.
sings in the shower . loud and non stop . it’s a good thing she’s good.
had four dogs and three cats growing up ! is animal obsessed . say anything bad about any breed she will fight .
friendly but does not take bullshit . will speak her mind and put anyone in their place ?
shes either im telling you how i feel and never shutting up or dont ever talk to me again.
cheers !!! has been cheering since she was a little girl and is damn good !! she is all about school spirit, you will catch her wearing her football players jersey on game nights and filling their lockers with pre game goodies !! 
—  °。..   ›    fun facts + family information    .
waters that reflected an childhood parted in two , one half dipped in warm sun dancing across sun kissed skin and salty water devouring painted toes . and the other with an forced hole in your heart sheltered by masculine hands . the vogel girls and dad .
it was an family entangled in words pulled from pages , it’s title being the perfect family . everything about them , it was just right . the love , the happiness it was all there . lavinia’s younger years , she spent them glued to her father . her mornings walking around his shelter playing with four legged angels and her afternoons sitting between her mothers legs as the two watched the ocean clash into the blue sky above it .
her nights consisted of loud laughter that soared from her sisters mouth , her emerald hues watching love radiate off of her parents . even at her age , she just knew that that’s how love was suppose to be . and then one day , it changed . a blink of an eye , in a beat of a second . her mother with an induced voice and tender eyes fell into a rabbit hole of darkness . and before lavinia could turn to her dad and muster out an why, she packed her stuff , got in the car and never looked back .
three years later , he had to sit down his children and tell them that their mother .. the love of his life was no longer here . up until she was old enough to grasp it , she did not know what happened . why her mother no longer wanted to be her mommy . the beauty and the curse of innocence . her dad did everything in his power to play both roles , to fill their head with good memories of his wife despite the pain she left the four of them . ozzy vogel was a good man . he built his girls an amazing life in charlottesville. granted them everything he could . but most importantly , he raised three beautiful women on his own . all on his own.
lavinia is the baby of her family, and the only child her parents planned for : her dad use to tease her sisters by calling them a happy surprise before throwing a playful wink in lavinia’s direction.
with age , lavinia started to discover of course with help of her older sister arabella that their mother turned to drugs to ease whatever struggle she was dealing with internally . and while it did not make her leaving them any easier , it did give them an understanding .arabella , along with their father , is the only one who constantly tries to fill their heads with positive thoughts of their mother .. telling them memories and quirks and sayings she was granted with their mom . sometimes , lavinia longed to hear them and others ? she hated it .
she basically grew up at her fathers shelter and quickly learned helping those who do not have a voice was a calling .she also connects with animals in a sense of , knowing what it’s like to be abandoned and unwanted .
her family means everything to her , she will constantly jump hoops for them .while their father had never been too much of an athlete , their mother was .. and the girls at a young age found their own little sports to devote themselves to .
her biggest ambition in life is to live ?? she so badly wants to just take everything in , all of the highs and the ups and the wonders of being alive .
—  °。..   ›    wanted connections    .
cheerleader friends ! a bond formed by long practices and sore muscles. 
sorority sisters that actually feel like sisters, close and cute friendships. she would take bullets and climb mountains for them.
a platonic soulmate, her other half, the two are attach at the hips and do everything together. 
a close group of friends, they have the most craziest stories together. are insanely close, have their up and downs but its always them at the end of the day.
first love, maybe even high school sweethearts .
on and off again lover, i want it to be angsty and toxic but despite everything they really do love each other. 
friends with benefits.
ex friends.
ex best friends.
study buddies.
partner in crimes.
will they wont they.
love / hate relationship.
hookups !!
girls she experiments with !! 
i just want fun and fresh plots so literally anything?? 
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quackspot · 4 years
Tell me more about banana man, please
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this fcuckr who looks like an elf in only this picture because i felt like giving him pointy ears
hell yeah
SO. his dad was a human and his mom was a banana. he doesnt know his dad and his adoptive mom was based off like. a plum or something
he bonded with other people in high school ish because of anime! he still loves anime but his old friends have moved on. his closest friends were percisi (peach in anothr language aha) and simon (who is sauces oc) 
percisi helped him sell his soul to satan to get some mangas early. this was when platano was about 14 and i think percisi was 12? 13?
simons a bit of a coward but platano likes him!!! im pretty sure simon was platanos first crush
speakign of crush platano fell in love with another one of sauces ocs, sage,
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who i drew a redesign for using th sims since he doesnt like his art even though its amazign :((( send him love at oh-dinosour !!!!!!!!!!! !! ! ! ! 
this part i dont like quite much and i might rewrite but their relationship started with platano stealing sage from his house on a really dark planet.  platano saw sage and went “oh my god he can watch anime with me” and then made sage watch anime with him it was rather forceful !
if i rewrote it it’d probably be like bumping into each other somewhere and platano seeing sages cool shadow arms and being like “hoollly fuck” and then them hanging out talking about anime and such
YES platano loves anime yes hes a villain he SUCKS at being a villain. 
when i see giovanni i think of platano but there’s a lot of differences between the two because platano can and WILL kill and also platano does not have big brother / dad energy . arcenciel has dad energy (or at least i TRIED to give him dad energy)
i like to beleive that platano and arcenciel had a thing a while back lets talk about arcenciel too i can also talk about eau if ur interested
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heres the designs of arcenciel i cant figure out how to design him.  like .   making a character based off a rainbow is hard
his original self SUCKED ASS !! ! !! he was all like “but im not gay though ahhaha” while having a boyfriend but he got himself together after the two broke up . sage’s dads helped him and i think that’s sweet
the reason why arcenciel was scared of being gay was due to being bullied in school due to literally being named “rainbow” like here let me find the scene 
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chris and lyle r sage’s dads i’d send the original ref but sauce would kill me since he has “i hate my old art”itus . i mean yeah old art sucks but i like all his drawings theyre cute
also note that most of the characters are LGBT ! platano and arcenciel r gay and eau’s nonbinary now because i like to project onto characters
eau’s a water cowboy because the water was like “lets become a person” so eau’s just water in form of some emo cowboy !!! hes like 15 in umg (originally 13? i think?) but he’s been like. alive and out of the water for 3 years hes been alone in a house for 3 years by himself all alone
eau has a crush on meko im pretty sure jamies ok with that   . mekos the main character and he is 16 ? 
what i dont like about umg is that the first line is, becaus i couldnt think of anything else, meko buying dildos. it was a placeholder thing that never got edited so yeah aha
he draws a lot but its all in pointy-chin anime style let me try to find an example 
im looking but then i rememebred that he bruises like a banana and theres also a drawing somewhere of him being hit by a broom
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heres one drawing i dont htink this is good i want one of his diary doodles but i cant find them 
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i wnet up real far heres pablo . you might see that he does not look like his son, platano, and thats good. 
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thanks past me for putting a bucnh of old art all together
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see look theres sage but old design .. . old designsse... .  these were from 2018 because umg was made february of 2018
if you have any other questions because i honestly lsot where i was feel free to ask
the only reason qhy i got lost was because i started seeing my old old art fro mlike 2015 ahaha
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asianpower5 · 5 years
Ok so its been 24 hours since I saw the movie and I wanted to write down my thoughts, most of it is for me so I can go back and read how I felt about it years from now, its going to be very long and wordy but im just writing as the thoughts come and now worrying about grammar or anything, that includes timeline, so my thoughts may come to me out of order . I’m going to put it all under read more so i dont spoil it for any of you lovely people
So I got to the theater like 40 minutes early because I just couldnt contain myself and I wanted to get my perfect seat. Wore my new HTTYD shirt and brought my toothless plushie from build a bear (another little girl had the same idea she was so cute)
but now onto the movie
they threw me for a loop I was totally expecting a “this is berk’” speech as the very opening, not the raid, but honestly this movie is about change so I liked the change. But I still got my fix, because as they flew back to Berk my only thought was “this is berk”, AND THEN HE SAID THE THING YES.
Loved the scene in the great forge, it just really showed how big Berk is and how many vikings there are, and seeing them all happy and enjoying a meal together just warmed my heart, plus Gobber teasing Astrid and Hiccup about marriage and Valka beating Spitelout at arm wrestling haha.
Tuffnut was comedic gold, talking about his “beard” and giving hiccup bro pep talks. And when he said the earth was round? and the stars? I almost died laughing. 
Grimmel  being a complete jerk and drugging those poor dragons with their own venom.
Fetch with Hiccup’s leg?? and him dropping it in Astrid’s lap and then being over protective of the leg when Stormfly came near it? Then Hiccup tickling Astrid, what did we do to deserve such a cute Hiccstrid scene?
Toothless meeting the light fury was even better than I thought, he was such a dork and had no idea what to do, then looking to Hiccup for advice about how to flirt oh gosh silly boy.
Im calling Hiccup out on his saying Astrid isnt a romantic, I mean Hiccup is totally the hopeless romantic, but Astrid in my mind is totally a secret romantic, at least when it comes to her own relationship.
Also Toothless practicing his mating dancing by watching his shadow and studying the naddars as they danced was so adorable.
Ok ngl I actually thought Grimmel had shot Toothless in the house, and I was so happy to see that is was part of their plan and that he had back up (sorry Fishlegs I love you and you took one for the team so good on you!). Why I was surprised by this idk, I know these characters enough to know that they would pull something like that. BUT HICCUP TELLING GRIMMEL OFF AND CALLING HE OUT FOR SITTING IN STOICKS CHAIR, YES BOY. That just made the feeling of Berk being attacked and flames burning everywhere hurt so much more.
The meeting with all of Berk? Just wow, I mean first off I love that Hiccup had his whole gang up there with him, just goes to show that he really trusts them and values them as being part of the team. Astrid sticking up for my boy and Tuff just going “IM WITH HIM WHO ELSE” A plus team work, I loved the support. Not to mention the fact that Hiccup was able to convince them all to pack up what little they could carry and leave. I mean we know from the first movie that vikings are stubborn, but they are also capable of change. The fact that they left their home of 7 generations and probably left some import things they couldnt carry with them was such an amazing gesture. And Berk really is where ever the vikings are, it is not just a single island. It really hurt to see them leave the island, the place where it all started, but the fact that they all stuck together really shows how strong of a bond they have as a people. 
Light fury knocking Hiccup off Toothless, such a sassy girl I love her. I mean come on Toothless was obviously gunna save him. Also the sheeps wanting to be dragons is something I never new I needed, especially after seeing how afraid of dragons they used to be (I mean the dragons did hunt them, but im all here for them cosplaying as their favorite dragons) 
I JUST REMEMBERED I NEVER TALKED ABOUT FLASHBACKS SO LETS DO THAT NOW. First of little toddler Hiccup??? THE FRICKIN CUTEST THING EVER OK. I know there was a line in the trailer that wasnt in the movie the one where Stoick says something like “I believe its your destiny to find the hidden world so dragons and vikings no longer need to fight” but I wasnt sad that they didnt keep this line. I think it makes more sense to have what they did, Stoick talking about finding the hidden world so they could protect Berk from it. I mean this took place when they were still fighting dragons, so yea the line about destiny could mean he thinks Hiccup would destroy the hidden world, but the tone of the scene was so calm and relaxing that to me it gave off the vibe that Stock was implying that Hiccup would unite their worlds, which doenst make sense since again they were still at war with the dragons at this point. So I liked what they had in the movie, I think what they kept fit the tone and it still showed how Berk was at war with the dragons.
NEXT FLASHBACK. Little Hiccup just sneaking down the stairs and then his little face like “oh shit” when he saw his dad was up and trying to sneak back up. The way he said he wanted water, I JUST IT WAS SO CUTE, whoever voiced tiny hiccup good job because omg it was so cute. How happy he was to go over to his dad and sit on his lap.  When he asked Stoick if he would get them a new mom, my heart just broke I mean Hiccup was so young that he didn’t fully grasp the situation, and I mean before Hiccup got caught sneaking downstairs we saw Stoick crying. That was so important to me I mean Stoick the Vast, he is massive, and remember the first movie the fact about him ripping a dragons head off as a baby? Yea this character who basically screams masculinity has yet another vulnerable scene, showing yet again that crying is ok (I mean back in the first movie when he told Hiccup he wasnt his son, and when he met Valka again?? yes please keeping showing people that being masculine doenst mean you cant cry!). Stoick teaching Hiccup about love, yes dad points for you, I adore the scenes like these, that show how much Stock loves his family, he would be so proud of Hiccup and who he has become. OH YEA SIDE NOTE HOW I FORGET HICCUPS STUFFED DRAGON? THROWBACK TO THE TV SERIES THANK YOU.
New Berk, cuz thats the best I got to call it right now, love how everyone basically immediately goes to claiming their areas ahha.
Ok Snotlout my boy did you really just say “who died and made yout Chief” because too soon, I still love you
Low key thought they were gunna make Snotlout and Eret a thing, despite the weird flirting Snotlout had with Valka. I mean he was trying to be taller than Eret, and Eret was like hah no, yall id ship it ngl eret and snotlout 
Toothless meeting up with the light fury again, but this time trusting his instincts is another reminder that toothless is in fact an animal, a very intelligent animal, but an animal who has instincts and a desire to be with his own kind, I mean can you blame him? Its been at least 6 years since hes seen another dragon that was like him, maybe even longer depending on how long he was alone before he met hiccup. 
The throw back to the forbidden friendship scene? With toothless drawing in the sand, and oh God I never thought I would get so emotional about sand but dang that sand animation just was so realistic that I wanted to touch it. Hiccup being like “wow now you can draw”, Toothless growling at the light fury like he did to Hiccup back in the first for stepping on his art, come on guys Toothless worked hard on his art! The light fury flying away but toothless not being able to follow her, another throwback to when he couldnt fly with the dragons during the snoggletog special.
Hiccup making toothless a tail to fly alone, and Im glad they added the part when Astrid said they tried it before, again throwback to snoggletog, and that he didnt want the tail, and Hiccup clarifying that it was because he had no need to fly alone before. Now my only worry here is that the casual fan will just think that the exchange is a copout, I mean unless you remember the special you wouldnt know that they tired making him a tail fin and he didnt want it, so to the casual fan it might seem like they only added the comment to answer the question “If hiccup could make a tail fin why did he never do it before?”. Seeing the special where toothless destroys the tail really adds a layer of depth to the scene, because those of us who saw it remember that it was a statement that even though Hiccup had the ability to create a tail so toothless could fly alone, toothless wanted to fly with his best friend and didnt care for the tail. 
now the actual scene with toothless flying alone finding the light fury, first off it was so cute how he showed her his new tail! He was so proud of it, and no doubt proud of his best friend for making it. The scene itself though reminded me so much of the romantic flight, the way they flew together above the clouds and how it gave a sense of flight because we couldnt see the ground, ugg it was so beautiful. I was honestly blown away by the animation, the clouds and the color, they were all so beautiful. Toothless and the light fury flying together and really bonding, similar to Astrid and Hiccup on their first flight together, ugg all the throwbacks to the first movie really killed me. Also Toothless trying to copy the light fury and how she goes invisible was so cute, he was like “ah yes I got this, wait no shit again, no shit again again!” then he basically summons thors power of lighting and finds his new power, so proud of my baby. 
Now I fully believe that Toothless was going to go back to Hiccup after he spent time with the light fury in the hidden world, no way my boy would leave my other boy without a goodbye. But the other started to freak Hiccup out, I mean Hiccup knew his best friend would come back, but the others made him doubt it and seeing him freak out was heart breaking.
Astrid being like boy hop on we gonna get yo dragon, yes girl. Honestly them going into the hidden world on Stormfly? I mean need i say anything about the animation in this scene? The visuals were just breath taking, I cannot put it into words. Tootheless being the alpha is always a win, also Astrid calling him a king and Hiccup realizing that this beautiful place of dragons, is not place for humans, because Valka said it best, greedy humans ruin everything.
Hiccup and Astrid getting caught by a dragon and then going on a fun slide ride, and of course toothless comes through as the alpha to protect his humans, ALSO STORMFLY DONT THINK I FORGOT ABOUT HER, CUZ YES. I mean just like toothless Stormyfly will protect her human best friend, and I love her. 
How did I forget the next raid scene? I mean dang again the visuals and the lighting were just so spot on. Them all getting trapped? Valka being a badass and working with Cloudjumper to save them? Hiccup jumping and just escaping the clutches of Grimmels dragon? RUFFNUT
Ruffnut my girl dont think I forgot about you, I just I dont even know what to do with you. She was amazing, I mean shes just does not care, not scared that shes a prisoner, she fricking just talks about how ‘hot’ she is and just other random stuff about her life, like girl give me that confidence. But when she talked about the island i was like girl no dont do that, but her flying back and saying she doenst look back in response to being asked about being followed was pretty darn funny.
Bro the scene of the light fury and toothless getting captured? Toothless protecting her and telling the other dragons to stand down, at least until they can escape. Just heart breaking, help is so close, but I guess thats the downside of being the alpha, having that power can be used against you.
Astrid my girl, pep talking my boy Hiccup JUST LIKE THE FIRST MOVIE. And yes parallels again, just like in the first one Astrid said things to hiccup, she was very honest with him pointing out the things that had done wrong, the first pointing out how messy the situation got because of the lies, and in this movie pointing out how he constantly doubts himself, and in both Hiccup has a sassy comment regarding her pep talks, but Astrid always follows up with the good, like how he was the first viking to ride a dragon or how he was always brave, even without toothless, showing how she would always be by his side to support him and help him, especially when hes about to do something stupid. I just ugg they are couple goals, they dont even need to say I love you because they SHOW IT in their actions, in their support for eachother, their cute banters, and I am here for it. ALSO I MEAN HE KISSED HER HAIR EARLY AND THEN HER FOREHEAD THOSE ARE SO CUTE TO ME AND JUST SO NATURAL FOR THEM AHHH. Also “so what are you gunna do about it” “probably something stupid” YES YES YES I AM HERE FOR THAT SHIT
Everyone jumping off the island so they can ‘fly’ on their own, just first off so visually amazing, and second off so symbolic to me of each of them spreading their own wings and growing up into amazing people. 
Fishlegs and his baby dragon, I mean come on lets be real that shit is adorable, and baby dragon had his big dragon (does that dragon have a class name? because I dont remember it) friend and Fishlegs be like dont mess with baby dragon. 
Yooo I knew it, from the trailer I was like “Tuffnut is probs pissed that this dude cut off his hair beard” and boom it happned, but rip hair beard (until the end of the movie that is when it comes back)
I got such satisfaction out of Toothless destroying grimmels arrow shoter thing and watching as Grimmel started to get afraid, I mean this dude was so confident in his abilites, and up until now he has had the upper hand, but then you can see the “oh shit moment” as he realizes he is starting to lose and heck yea im here for it. Speaking of oh shit moments, when hiccup was riding toothless and they wer getting attacked? and then toothless is like “I SUMMON YOU THOR AND YOUR LIGHTING” and hiccup was like WTH?!!??!?!?
Ok yall that scene when toothless got shot, and hiccup is hanging from the light fury with grimmel on his leg? I mean Grimmel really thought that he had won, he underestimated the love Hiccup has for Toothless, and the moment that Hiccup told the light fury to save Toothless and he let go? the hesitation she had trying to pick who to save? her new mate, or his best friend that she now seems to understand has a great important meaning to toothless? The image of Hiccup falling, and the camera angle? I mean seeing him fall from above, seeing it in his face that he was content, content knowing that his best friend would be alive and safe and that Grimmel would no longer be able to hurt the dragons or his people? Such a self sacrifice, a true Chief just like his father. 
Then the light fury to the rescue! Hiccup being like LOL BYE GRIMMLE YOU DEAD. Also reminded me of when he started to ride toothless back in the first movie and they fell and hiccup got back on his back and in control just in time, because dang she saved him his butt just before he hit the water. But seriously I loved this scene, she went back for hiccup, she saw the interactions Toothless had with him, how Toothless protected him and Astrid in the hidden world, how Toothless CHOSE HICCUP when he saw him in danger in the hidden world, she came to realize that this boy is important to Toothless, and she saw that Hiccup was willing to die for Toothless, and she went back and saved him, and God I got emotional.
Also Hiccup leaning on Astrid because he has lost his prostectic leg, yessss im here for it
NOW TO THE REAL TEAR JERKER I mean gosh you could just see the realization again in Hiccup that the dragons didnt belong with them on Berk, that even though they love the dragons and the dragons love them, even though they have worked together for years and they want to live together in peace they just cant do it safely.There are too many people out in the world who would attack berk, and we have seen that both in the movies and the show, and that puts both the people and the dragons at risk. 
It was safest for everyone if the dragons went to the hidden world, where no one could find them, well expect Hiccup and Astrid who have been there once. I just cant though, that scene was just so amazing and heart crushing. I mean you can see it that Toothless doesnt want to leave his best friend, and Hiccup doenst want him to leave, but he reassures him that its ok that its best for everyone and that its time to say good bye for now, not forever though. Then oh God how Astrid follows him, because she knows hes right too, she knows that they can no longer live with their dragons safely, and she takes off Stormflys saddle and says good bye to her best friend. THEN VALKA who has lived with the dragons for 20 years, she knows too and she doenst hesitate to let Cloudjumper go free, and it made so much sense to me that she was so willing to do so even after being together for 20 years, she has protected them for 20 years so there is no doubt in my mind that Valka would do this without a second though if it meant that was the best thing for her friend. THEN OMG EVERYONE ELSE FOLLOWS THAT JUST HURT SO MUCH. I mean ever single Berkian seens what Hiccup did, and everyone knows they have a special bond, I mean they all have a special bond with their dragons, but Hiccup and Toothless are different, they were the only pair that we know of that needed each other to fly, I mean sure the other vikings needed their dragons to fly but their dragons didnt need them to fly, toothless relied on hiccup to control his tail and that bond is so special. Anyway, I just thought that all the others saw Hiccup doing this, and hes their Chief the man who started the whole riding dragons for them, so I have no doubt in my mind that they would follow his lead, and again to me they see Hiccup and Toothless doing this letting go, so they must think “If these two can do it so can I”. I just really think it shows how much the vikings truly care for their dragon friends, when you love someone you want the best for them, you want them to be happy, even if that means you need to say goodbye. And thats what happened here the vikings loved their dragons so much that they were willing to say goodbye to their friends if it meant that they would be save, and the same goes in the other direction, the dragons are not dumb and I believe they knew that leaving is what was best too, that leaving meant that their viking friends would be safer. The love they all have for each other is so amazing. I only wish that the goodbye was long, I am so bad at goodbyes and omg I just wish they had a longer time to say goodbye, not only to their dragons but to the others as well, I mean toothless saying goodbye to Astrid and Stormfly too Hiccup? uG I SUCK AT GOOD BYWS OK I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO BE ABLE TO SAY GOOD BYE TO ALL THE DRAGONS.
But man i said to myself ‘you can do it dont cry’ didnt work, I sobbed, legit sobbed, and it wasnt my normal movie cry were its just tears, it was the kind where you can feel the pain in your chest from your heart beating to hard, from trying to hold back the chocked sobs so no one else would  get annoyed, although lets be real they are did the same thing so we all cried.  Seeing them all fly off, AND THE REVERSE HAND TOUCH I CANNOT, THAT REALLY HURT I JUST COULDNT TAKE IT THE PARALLELS REALLY KILLED ME THE ENTIR MOVIE. Then Toothlesses look back at Hiccup, and then the long shot and seeing the massive wave of dragons, and then seening toothless following from the back as he is the last to leave, the vikings looking on with sadness and fondness for their dragons, really did come for my heart.
NOW ONTO HAPPY TIMES. the Wedding, oh my god, how lucky can a girl be? I got to see the mother of all my OTPs get married, and dang they were beautiful, and they looked so happy, it just warmed my heart to know that these two dorks who truly have a special relationship finally got married. Then Gobber called them Chief and Chiefstriss and wow really hit me hard that these two were going to lead Berk together, because they are always there to support each other. THEN that kiss so cute, and how Hiccup goes to gently cup her face with his hands, just wow my otp is the best.
Then we again have love master Tuffnut who will take Snotlout as his new student, and FISHLEGS HAS A LITTLE BABY GRUNKLE STUFFED ANIMAL IN HIS BAG. aND RUFF being like “you win i love sensitive guys” Then we have Hiccup and Astrid looking out to the sea as their friends and family come together with them, and Astrid lays her head on his shoulder so great.
Now dang my boy HICCUP WITH A BEARD??? BEARDCUP IS REAL, and he is wearing his fur cap, and Astrid looking like a frickin QUEEN, and AGAIN HOW LUCKY CAN A GIRL BE I SEE A WEDDING AND I GET CHILDREN????? MY OTP HAS TWO CHILDREN???? AND THEY ARE GORGEOUS.
buT DANG when they saw Toothless through the fog and then the light fury and then the little baby heads pop up, and you can see how happy Hiccup is. But Toothless doenst immediatly recognize him, which makes sense because I mean 10 year for humans can change the looks drastically, and hiccup has a beard now so he doenst look like what toothless remembered, plus hes the alpha and must protect his family. Astrid protecting her children like a frickin badass mom, and Zephry hidding behind her mom and Nuffink going into her chest? Ug love it, they trust their mom to protec them, and I love this to because it really shows that they are children, I mean I have no doubt that Astrid and Hiccup are going to raise them to be brave, I mean its Hiccup and Astrid, but they are still children and well they have grown in a world without dragons, different than their parents, we know at that age Astrid was fearless, I mean she wanted to fight a flightmare, but now the world has changed and they arent at war and they can raise their kids as kids, and I love that they showed that fear in the children it just gave a sense of realism to me. 
Then HIccup DID THE THING with the hand and Toothless finally was like “WAIT THIS IS MY HUMAN” and his eyes went big and omg how he attacked him with kisses and licks. Then Astrids laugh to see them reunite, and them urging their kids that it was ok, and remember before when I said they would raise brave kids? Well this little cuties were afraid, but they still listened and trusted their parents, and omg Zephry was so stiff from fear and her face, and Nuffink was hiding his face, but Hiccup came and showed them how to approach Toothless, and wow here we go again with the hand touch and HIccup telling them to let him come to them, and Toothless did the thing AND OMG THEIR REACTION WAS SO CUTE. The way Zephry cocked her head and smiled, and how Nuffink dropped his hand from his face and his mouth widened in awe of his dragon. 
THEN I GET TO SEE HICCUP WITH HIS SON RIDING TOOHTLESS? AND HIS SOON IS JUST MAKING THE CUTEST LITTLE WAVING MOTIONS WITH HIS HANDS. And hiccup throwing his kid in the air as he giggles in delight, and I swear I heard him say “Dada” and it killed me. Then Astrid being Astrid flys right passed them ON STORMFLY, like thank you for not forgetting about my girl, because she loves Stormfly and Stormfly loves her and seeing Astrid ride her with her daughter just made the scene even better. They could have easily forgotten about my girl, but they didnt, they didnt do her dirty, I may not have gotten to see the moment when she and Stormfly met again, BUT I SAW THEY RIDING TOGETHER AND THATS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME.
Oh yea bonus points for seeing the light fury and the babies flying with them. Then Hiccup just flys upside down dropping Nuffink on Astrids head, and ug the way he just casually clings to his mother, then I was like wow I hope Zephry gets to ride Toothless with he father, AND THEN HE PULLED UP NEXT TO THEM AND HELD OUT HIS HAND TO DO JUST THAT, dreamworks you really came through for me, thank you so much for allowing Dead and all the other hard workers of this franchise make this amazing world for us. It tore my heart apart, but I loved every second of it, and I have no regrets, it was honestly a great ending,no matter how badly it hurt and how badly I wanted them to live together forever, it was just the perfect ending with a great lesson about letting go and moving on, becoming your own person, and being happy with the memories you had, because being able to say you loved something or someone and letting them go is better than never loving them at all, thats what happend to the vikings and dragons, and thats what happened to me personally at the end of it all. I cant wait to relive the magic and watch all the movies again. 
oh how could I forget? The end credits, you thought the pain ended with the end of the movie nope the credits are going to give you every major scene from each movie, reminding us where we started and where we have come to, and that was just the cherry on top of it all. 
Also side note a girl sat behind me and she goes “is that a toothless plushie?” and yes it was so she asked to see it so i handed him to her and we started talking about the movie, she was able to see it during an early release boo i had work. Anyway she asks me how old i was when the first came out, and I said 16, she seemed shook and i asked her the same, she said she was 5, so if math does me right she would be about 14/15. I was older than she is currently is when the first movie came out, thats wild. Then i laughed off the age difference saying “you would never know ill be 25 in a week”, and her (i assume) mom said I looked young haha. But because of the age difference I gave her some good life advice, I told her not to care about what others think of you, Im almost 25 crying over a dragon movie that means the world to me as i sit with my dragon plushie, and her mom just agreed with me and told her to listen to me because I knew what I was saying haha. Shout out to this girl too because shes the one who told me that Hiccup and Astrids’s kids had cannon names, I had been avoiding everything I could about this movie so I was glad to be up to date on that.
Wow this took me like 2 hours to write i think? I mean yea it was mostly for me to read later in life so I can remember this day, all the photos i took before hand, and all the excitement I had, wow Hi future me! Sorry about all the grammar mistakes but Im just typing as the thoughts come, hope I didnt break your heart again as you read all this. Until next time
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shakingsphere · 5 years
um i need a distraction so heres a question thing that yall are supposed to send to me but i just answered all of them if ur interested
Alisons: Sexuality?
straight i think
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
she/her cis
Amaryllis: Birthday?
january 30th!
Anemone: Favorite flower?
idk what they’re called but these vine type flowers on the side of my porch!
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
depends on the context, definitely nothing where they could take advantage of me
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
i hate quotes i can never remember any lmao
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
.... diet coke
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
maybe? he didnt love me back
Baneberries: Favorite song?
vienna by billy joel
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
my parents are nice and supportive but overbearing and judgmental. my dad has a tendency to talk when its not his place and my mom is very jewish. my sister doesnt like me very much and is kind of rude. one of my brothers is really nice and the other is awful
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
I dont
Begonia: Favorite color?
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
red panda
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
a cat
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
an animator 
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
i love kids theyre so cute
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
heights bc theyre scary, and unachieving because i dont want to waste my life
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
i used to play with ants a lot
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
like if i was conscious it was my last day? i dont even know
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
single :/
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
central asia and iran
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
when im with my friends and we’re just hanging out
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
no ma’am i am a child of god
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  
my ear lobes and i want to get my doubles done
California Poppy: Height?  
5′3. it be like that
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
yes!!!!!!!!!!!! omg
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  
a college sweatshirt and pj pants with penguins on them
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
when i was little....
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
my friend hannah
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
i haven’t...
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
um lobster?
Columbine: Are you tired?
yeah lol
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
college and moving out of state!!
Coneflower: Dream job?
something where i can use my degree lmao
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
i think im an introvert but i also might just have anxiety
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
i would take a bullet for most of my loved ones
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
yes. a tie-dyed teddy bear named tie-dye. he is my husband.
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
nothing that people who arent me should remember, but i think our experiences shape us so
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
im not dead idk
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?  
um id probably be upset i care about my parents approval way to much
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
my friend hannah again lol
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
public speaking!!
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
um i met my future roommate, i lost a bit of weight, and i got some cute shorts
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
join my college’s honors program and study in russia
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
im not doing this one too tired
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed? 
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
i try to tell ppl they are important to me
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
im funny i think
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
i wake up at 9:30 its 70 degrees Fahrenheit and i get lunch with some friends and then we hang out for the day
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  
im so bad about this all i do is watch youtube and study, but i love to draw and im going to start reading more
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?  
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
pretty sure its french for clear or bright (depending on the context). my mom just liked it
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
im from a suburb of kck. its a nice and safe place to grow up but i wouldnt choose to live here
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
nice, but its in the basement so the view is really bad i hate that
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
no nope no
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
she is very smart and hardworking but very judgmental and a bit inconsiderate. she loves me very much tho
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
he is short and angry. he tends to interrupt me a lot. he is supportive of everything i do. he is stingy about money tho
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
my mother’s mom died before i was born, and my i was never close with her father. he died when i was 8. my other grandma has bad dementia and isn’t sure who i am anymore. shes presbyterian but she would send my sister and i dreidels and such for hanukkah. im told i look a lot like her. my grandfather has been very grumpy for as long as ive known him.   
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
my 13th. i had an anxiety attack and had to go home early.
Peony: What was your first job?
i was a hostess at a seafood restaurant.
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
i give myself time to process it and then just move forward i guess
Pink: Where is home?
where your sense of belonging is ig idk
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
i would have made better grades and quit band in middle school haha 
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
i want to be happy with 2 kids and a husband and live below my means but still be comfortable 
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
nihil was a philosopher. 
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
fuck idk my dog
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
background noise when your sitting outside
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?
for everything to work out!!!  
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
very very hard
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
the internet
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
8 hours but i overslept
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
i have to
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
i dont have a job rn and thats bad
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
my jeans from uo
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  
cool librarian or 90s mom
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
160,000 dollars :)
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
the cost of college!!!!
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
oof like 2. i read Dune, and Slaughterhouse Five
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
college! finishing up my first semester
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
yeah :( 
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
ive been late to ap french almost every day this semester #c’estlavie
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spicydadshowdown · 5 years
80s Shera Episode 1 reaction whatever under the cut... is what I would have said if I knew where to find the read more function on mobile.
1. Okay so Adora was stolen away from her mother by Hordak. He also snorts like a pug when he laughs, so theres that.
2. He-man is making spiced bread. He has a green tiger... pet? The cats voice is terrible and I hope I dont have to hear that shit constantly.
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😭 cute...
4. Adoras mom is called "The Sorceress"
5. TS is basically like " okay so this door that's been sitting in my dusty ass castle since forever just opened up and I need you to check it out. I have absolutely no idea where it goes or what lies beyond the door, but you should be fine. Oh yeah while you're at it can you deliver this sword to the person whose name I wont disclose to you? Thanks!" Adam rightfully gets snarky with her lmao.
6. I'm not really sure why she doesnt tell him its Adoras sword?
7. The green tigers name is Cringe (Kringe?) which fits perfectly for this abomination to God and my auditory nerves.
8. Jesus, this tiger is actually going to be Adam's companion throughout this entire journey huh? The voice actor is trying to give him this cowardly sounding voice but it's very grating to listen to. But... it is 80s shlock and honestly Catras voice is even worse. Thank God I knew what Catras voice sounded like before going into this because if I didnt know what the fuck was gonna come I would have died from the whiplash.
9. Bow and his weird... whatevers first appearance
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10. WHAT IS THIS OUTFIT LMAO. Also whatever this metal..crop top this is has a little cape, but it doesnt exist in this shot.
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11. He got slightly more beefy, plus the cape!
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12. Heres Catra and Shadow Weaver
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13. Scorpia and... that poor unfortunate monster with 4 legs on the left
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14. Hordak has a more proactive role than he does in the reboot (which is something that could change over the course of its run), hes planning a trap to catch Adam.
15. Hordaks right arm turns into a fucking laser gun.
16. Glimmer is currently forming a rebellion against the horde. It's nice to see that her leadership role still carries over to the reboot.
17. Theres like... this race of diminutive purple goblins or whatever that live in the woods and I'm too fucking tired to go back and find out what they're actually called. Heres who ever the fuck this is and her talking knock off Fantasia broomstick.
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18. Okay so earlier Bow and Adam got into a bar fight with some horde soldiers and now bc of them the entire village of Thaimor is gonna be enslaved by the horde. Nice job fellas.
19. Glimmer rallies her tiny rebellion and goes off to save the villagers of Thaimor! Not sure what a bunch of scraggly lookin dudes with clubs, spears and pitchforks are gonna do against heavily armed militia. But it's the thought that counts!
20. Tbh I cant describe how awful and hilarious Catras voice is, it's something you have to experience for yourself.
21. Adora finally makes an appearance and shes called " Hordaks favorite". That's honestly pretty interesting? I mean I know their dynamic will never be fully fleshed out but lol... Im... Intrigued.
22. Heres Glimmer shooting lasers out of her hands. " For Brightmoon!"
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23. Catra can turn into a fucking leopard when she puts her mask on and it's the raddest shit I've ever seen.
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24. Glimmer I think still has teleporting powers? Or she can at least disappear and reappear at will.
25. She ready... to Snippy...
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26. Okay so I cant remember what this particular type of animation technique is called, but they're definitely drawing over recordings of people and animals moving. Because some of these shots are very fluid and ya know... this is an 80s cartoon they dont have the budget to do decent animations lol. Also sometimes the characters do that Scooby Doo run from the old SD cartoon and it's just really funny to watch.
27. Oh yeah so I almost forgot to mention that Adora is actively taking part in the village siege. Shes fighting against the rebels and doesnt feel guilty about enslaving the villagers. Interesting...
28. He man gets snuffed out when confronting Adora because he was distracted by the glowing sword ( the one he was supposed to deliver to someone ). And it ends with Adora obtaining the sword.
Honestly theres not much I can say about this? I recommend watching this cartoon if you enjoy a good 80s shlockfest... because hoo boy... it be Like That.
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johnnysseocute · 6 years
Babysitting with NCT
127 edition
loves kids and kids love him !!
accidentally makes you do all the work
youre trying your hardest to get them to calm down bc theyre running around and shit
all taeil does is turn on princess and the frog and tell them sit down
and they ofc they all come sit down and cuddle up to him
smiles down at them when they fall asleep in his lap and he just strokes their hair
he likes to put them on his back as he does small chores
he doesnt do much but they always beg him not to leave
the most organized
he has the kids on a schedule
the most playful !!
he may be 6ft but catch him running around with a bunch of little kids playing tag or hide and seek
when they get hungry he tries to make them food with you but its messy bc he ends up flirting with you the whole time
so he gives up and just throws them some fruit snacks
he kisses you in front of the kids just so theyll say 'ew'
lets them eat ice cream when theyve been "good" but johnny always ends up letting them get ice cream
just wants the kids to be happy but also kinda wants them to stfu be quieter
he kinda lets the do whatever bc he cabt say no to them
he has the best snacks tho
takes care of you like one of the kids so u dont have to do much
when its nap time he gives everyone a kiss on the forehead including you
likes to bring arts and crafts for the kids to do !!
has a different one everyday and theyre all good
omg the perfect babysitter
hes very stern but also very sweet
has a soft spot for the children
hypes all their drawings up,,,, esp if they draw him he could CRY even if they make him look ugly
makes then watch educational tv shows
will not hesitate to scold the kids AND you
scolds the kids for eating sweets past their bed times and scolds you for giving it to them
mr nakamoto does not play !
he keeps his kids in check
educates them on all types of shit like the flaws of capitalism
his kids are woke !!
makes them watch mulan bc its the feminist movie
hes super affectionate with them tho
always asks for kisses on the cheek and freaks out over how cute they are when they do it
also likes to give them little mini lessons in japenese and he smiles so wide the whole time and highfives them when they get it right
is pretty much one of the kids
you end up doing most of the work but he feels really bad after
at least they click really well bc hes like one with the kids
they both make a huge ass mess trying to make you heart shaped cookies
and like you wanna be mad but,,,, god they look so cute covered in flour and smiling and they did really try hard on those cookies
so you give them all kisses on the forehead and make them go clean up
likes to talk through their stuffed animals
has the best silly animal voices that makes the kids laugh
surprisingly pulls through and is a natrual dad
hes very calm yet still gets the kids listen to him
they all run to him so they can kiss their 'boo boos'
loves playing dress up
and will never miss a tea party
he runs around as the tickle monster to make them laugh
sometimes theyll run up to him randomly and kiss his dimple and he gets sooo smiley and happy !!
so confused poor thing
he calls you for help
but as soon as he gets the hang of it he loves them and would die for them
theyre all his 'lil buddies'
pretty much lets pick out whatever they want to eat or watch and they love it
doesnt know what kids would even like so he buys stickers but is nervous if they would even like them
mark thinks he did awful but they love him so much and always ask for him back
at first he wasnt keen on babysitting
but as soon as one of them grabbed his finger it was over
he always taps you to look over whenever theyre doing something cute
always tells them good job even for the smallest things
tells the best bedtime stories
but sometimes he gets too into and it turns scary lmaodjbdjdj
but as soon as he notices theyre a lil spooked he stops and turns it all happy again
he makes sure to tuck them in nice and tight and that they all get their kisses
A/N its 4am tumblr deleted my old one so i had to rewrite this so much fun !! so tjis is unedited once again
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edelwary · 6 years
when you were first getting into art, what and how did you draw? (like did you just doodle ur masterpieces on pieces of paper and posted-notes or did you have a proper sketchbook) how did you find motivation? bc ive been trying to draw but I always get unmotivated and stop while still wanting to get better just by doing nothing.
TL;DR ; skip to the HOW TO ACTUALLY FUCKING DRAW part bc i have a megaton of shit to say lol + The MOTIVATION part 
mmh… I’ll get into details with this one tbh bc it’s a long ass process ahah : 
I live by the sea ; when i was youung i used to draw TONS of boat, but like, dollhouse boats, you could see the insides and stuff ; i loved to add tiny details and stuff, and imbricate everything together !
around 8 or 9 yo, i went to the public library with school and discovered the wonderful world of mangas ! I basically… Copy pasted an entire Mermaid Melody tome x) 
For about 2 years i alternated between reading mangas and trying to copy them ! Then i just kept drawing in the margins of my schoolwork for about… 5 years ! I have a Fuck Ton of sketchbooks of that time, it was… The start. Lol. Never say it’s bad because it’s never bad, just not there yet !!
Around my 13 yo, i went every saturday, for two years, under a bookstore ; there was a cave, and drawing classes ; that teacher was mean and harsh and stuff, but like… Not really. He would take away my eraser for the class, force me to use pencil, to draw something else (bulky boys instead of magical girls). 
I’ve learned a lot, more in terms of How To LEARN to draw than to draw itself, but i still progressed a LOT !! 
Then i kept drawing by myself for a year and i really worked hard on it ; about hours a day, trying watercolors and stuff ; i have a real problem with colors in traditionnal art, but i’m much better with lines (i should scan some RAD stuff i made in the weekend, yall ive never done anything this good i stg i dont know why i always forget im so much better on paper) 
This gets us to my sweet 16 ; i have to year of advance, bc i got ‘’’promoted’’’ idk how to say it ; anyways, i entered my (current) animation school for the first year at 16; vERY IMPRESSIVE AND TERRIFYING. 
And i learned. A fuckmegaton. Of shit there. 
Now i’m going for my third year there and i can make photorealistic marmora blades and cyberkpunk decors if i want to and that’s rad, but here is
I have one HYPER important advice, and i’m keeping it to heart since i’m like, 11 : Have. Sketchbooks. Please !!! It’s very important. Here’s why : 
You keep everything with you in one place. You have 1 sketchbook, it’s basically easy to take every where (a A5, or A4 are pretty easy to carry, i have like, 12 of those, and around 8 of A3) 
You keep track of what you’ve done. It’s super important, bc first you can cry of laughter at your old stuff bc its cute but not so good, and second, you can just be like ‘holy mama’ and see how much you’ve improved
It’s very important to be organized. I WORK in art, and trust me, if there’s something that i’ve learned this year through tears and missing files and bugs : Be. Impeccable. Now if it’s for fun, go a little loose, and just have a folder for art on your computer, and a sketchbook, no need to stress, but the better you try to keep a record of where is what, the better you’ll see whats wrong
Notebooks are friends !! You can draw, write, glue stuff, make notes, lists, everything !!! I have my life in those. It’s more important to me than any of my phones. 
Be proud of it. Like, not everything, duh ! But try to tell yourself than it’s like a RPG ; even if it’s only 2 xp here and there, one day you’ll beat level 40, and that’s super important : art is. Fuckin. Long.
I cant stress it enough. It’s soooo long !!! SO LONG !! it’s years. It’s like karate and fishing and ANYTHING. To be good at it, it takes time, but it WILL COME if you keep trying. There’s no secret passage. 
You’re gonna me it, believe in me who believes in you. 
Use. References. 
Coming from a little shit who’s got a really good visual memory, that can sound like bs, but i stg everything is always AT LEAST twice as good if you’ve used a visual support. 
I’m not saying COPY EVRYTHING (even though thats a good training) I’m saying, if you really want to do that asian tiger, please have at least two or three pictures of it nearby. Take photos of your hands, and stuff ! 
Make it harder. 
No eraser. 
I draw all my backgrounds on my sketchbook with INDIAN INK; no returns, no refunds. 
Ink, Ink, INK !! Don’t allow mistakes.
And if you make mistakes :
New page, restart
It’s okay
It’s for you
I once started back again a whole EXAM bc it was bad, i got one of my best grades 
You’ll improve and be more assured if you know you just have to DO IT. Trust me. It’s VISIBLE; if you can erase, you fidget and hesitate and ‘’kbeujebez hahhaaa idkkidsd’’ ; stop ; do it, and if you don’t like it ? Try again, there’s no time limit
Draw as large as you can 
There’s no interesting story here, it just helps. Bigger movement of the hand, more place for details, breathing lines
Thin lineart helps
Thinner. Make it even thinner
Break the rules, but not the ones that structure your art 
Big lineart ? Why not
Unfinished lines, vaporeous colors ? Pretty
Cubism is actually based on extensive and intense practice of classical art, it’s not wibbly wooblly ; the anatomy is more correct than you think 
Structure and composition are important, but so is movement and life ; choose your fighter ; mine is fluidity and fun, i’m like, a rogue/archer in drawing. Some people are dwarf fighter. That’s amazing and great. 
Don’t be afraid to do nothing
Pages and pages of my sketchbooks are actually just lance facing right and smiling, you know… 
Sometimes it just doesnt work : two ways :
Take a break, Kiki’s delivery service style
Keep trying, break your art until it obeys and comes back
Take breaks. Breath. 
Don’t compare. I do it, it doesn’t help at all. You’ll make it ; and if you compare, keep in mind that everyone’s different
I’m not gonna lie, it’s NOT easy, it’s even hard 
But I really, really think it’s worth it 
My main bitch 
I’m always pumped for art because i can LITTERALLY NOT do anything else ; i love reading and writing and stuff but at the end of the day i just want !!! to draw !!!! aaaaaa-
Fall in love with it, and with the possibilities ; i have stories to tell, tell me yours ! Do your best, one day it WILL work
Actual advices : 
I have an inspiration blog where i just reblogs stuff i like to draw them later
Find a picture, copy it. Do it again. Change the characters (i have 2 ocs and Lance and Keith as default characters) in the pic. 
Like an artstyle ? Break it to its very core, analyse it, copy it, redo it, trace it and ABSORB it. Don’t copy/past, LEARN from your heroes.
Do what you like. I have 86578 pieces of voltron, this is not a coincidence. I have ENDLESS ideas for this show, wtf. 
Try new things. Buy indian ink im begging you. It’s so cool. 
Have a game with yourself, or a challenge. STICK TO IT. 
Study. When you’re bored, usually it’s because you’re stagnating. Make it harder or do hands until you cry. 
Love your backgrounds; make backgrounds, study trees, and tokyo streets, and venice’s bridges. Decor is just as cool as characters, if not more
Mess a little with everything. My roomate more than one found me stained from head to toes trying to DO STUFF 
Draw outfits. Draw what you want but can’t afford 
MAKE YOUR LIFE A COMIC. Remember those sketchbooks ? Make a comic a week/month/every full moon, whatever, and draw your life (mine’s the roomates au lol) 
Prompts blogs are cool too 
Make fanart of a fic you liked ; you have the characters and the pose already, you just have to illustrate ; double bonus, you probably will make a writer’s day, if not year !
That little movie that plays when you listen to your favorite song ? DRAW IT
Your favorite scene in your favorite movie ? Redraw each shot. On post it. Plus it looks awesome afterwards to have the infamous TREX scene of Jurassic Parks in post it
Get bored. That’s inevitable. Dance, scream, get back to it. Walk, draw everything you see. 
Make a paper google map street view : Take a walk : every 50 meters, draw what is in front of you. 
Snapchats your friends. Draw their snapchats when they answer 
Draw maps. Invent places. Invent bikes, and hovercrafts, and monsters. Make your everyday inventory. Make your life a video game, and do the concept arts of it. 
FETCH your inspiration. I have approx. 20 artbooks, full of drawings and concept arts of my fave movies/games ; take what you like and add it to the story you have since you’re 8. We all have one. 
Ask for it ; your sis, your mom, me even ! If you dont have ideas, someone will have them. 
WELL i’m gonna stop there, even though i got like, 9864567 more to say, but with this you should be fine ! Anon, i’m rooting for you ! we all start somewhere, just hold on!!!! 
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