#i just had to force myself to go eat something earlier
dix0nspretty · 2 days
Knives, Bikes, and Stitches, Oh My!
Summary: Daryl is working on his motorcycle and you watch. Too bad you can't keep your focus.
Daryl Dixon x F!Reader, 1.3k words
Era: Prison (again) because he's just so yummy...
TW: Mention of blood and stitches. Maybe chronic horniness?
Y'all loved my first story and I hope this one whets your appetites just as well! I have no idea how motorcycles or vehicles of literally any kind work, so please feel free to educate me in the comments.
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You put the fear of God in Daryl every time he sees you with a knife.
It’s not that you can’t use one. On the contrary, you’re a force to be reckoned with when you’re fighting. Sometimes all that can be seen of you in a fight is the shine of blood-tinged metal as you slash and stab at whatever is attacking with your twin blades. No, your knives are comfortable and at home in your grip. Maybe too comfortable.
“How many times I got to tell ya to stop eatin’ off yer damn knife?” Daryl’s rough accent sounds out in the empty courtyard. His head is bowed low as he works on his bike, not looking up as he speaks.
I’m perched on the tabletop of one of the prison’s picnic tables eating a can of peaches. Daryl, for some reason unknown to me, had elected to start taking his bike apart and putting it back together and I followed along to watch the process. I don’t know shit about vehicles, much less motorcycles, but I like spending time with the grumpy man.
“It’s fine, I’m not gonna cut myself.” I tell him as I tilt my head down to drag a slice of peach off the blade. Daryl’s eyes don’t move from the work in front of him, but I can feel him watching me. I pull the chunk into my mouth and lick the blade clean of the sticky juice.
“Told ya to cut it out.” I’m eating the canned fruit haphazardly, not paying any attention to how close I am to the edge. Daryl shakes his head. He knows it’s a matter of time before I cut my lip or tongue.
At his repeated command, I roll my eyes but pull away from the edge of my knife. I set the can of peaches down and watch him. His brown hair is getting longer now and it’s sliding down into his eyes, shielding most of his face from my watchful gaze.
“What are you doing, anyways?” I ask. I scoot myself closer to the edge of the table and peer down over his shoulder. He has one of his tools in his hand and some pieces of metal I can’t identify. It is roughly the size of my fist and cylindrical. Whatever it is, it looks important.
Daryl glances over his shoulder, feeling my curious eyes looking down. He huffs and continues his task. “Workin’.”
“No shit. Working on what?” I’m playing with my knife in my fingers, absentmindedly twisting and flipping it. Daryl looks up at me through his hair, squinting one eye against the sunlight. My breath catches in my throat, and I try to play it cool.
“Do ya really want to know or are ya jus’ bored?” He asks in his gruff voice. I don’t answer for a second. He looks so pretty. Get a grip, Y/N, I think to myself.
“Really want to know. Come on, I don’t know anything about bikes. Teach me something.” Daryl squints at me for several seconds longer and I’m convinced he’s going to send me inside to bother someone else, but he slowly starts talking.
“’M cleanin’ the carburetor.” He tilts his hand up to show me the same piece I was looking at earlier. “It’s startin’ to get clogged.”
“Oooookay. What’s that do?”
“It keeps the engine runnin’ smooth, basically. Don’t keep it clear and that can fuck up the bike, make it stall or overheat. Gotta take it apart and clean it every few months.”
Daryl lets me watch over his shoulder as he points out different parts of the carburetor and how to clean them. After a few minutes, his gruff voice starts to fade out and my mind begins to wander.
He just looks so good. His hands are greasy and dirty from all of his work today and his biceps are sweaty from the Georgia heat. He’s wearing one of his simple black shirts that already fit him so well and the sweat is only making him look more delicious. I’m watching his hands work over the small brass jets when I feel burning heat in my palm and look down.
I’d been messing with my knife the entire time and cut myself. I instinctively let go of the blade and it hits the concrete with a harsh clang. Daryl’s head lifts at the noise and he spins around right as I rush to tuck both hands behind my back. I look like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar and I’m trying to hide the chocolatey evidence. Except this time, it’s blood.
Daryl’s eyes run over me for a second, then flick down to my knife as it sits on the dirty floor. He slowly bends down and picks it up. “Y/N.” He starts, a low warning in his tone.
“It’s fine! I’m fine, I just dropped it.” My voice rambles out. There’s a high, nervous note to it and I’m hoping to God he doesn’t notice.
He raises an eyebrow. “If yer fine, why’s the knife got fresh blood on it?” Fuck.
“Uhhhhh.” I look around the courtyard, trying to find an excuse. I, naturally, see nothing. “Magic?”
Daryl huffs and crosses his arms. “Let me see your hands.”
I wince. I don’t want to get in trouble, but I can feel the blood dripping off my hand, and it stings. The longer I hold off showing him the angrier he’ll get.
“Y/N. Hand, now.” Daryl’s voice leaves no room for arguments.
“Jus’, don’t be mad?” I ask. He says nothing and I sigh, then slowly move my hands back in front of me. The blood is quickly evident on my skin.
“God damn it, girl. Why can’t ya ever listen to me?” Despite his rough tone, his hands are gentle as he takes my wrist and tilts my hand, inspecting the damage. I risk a glance at my hand. There’s a slash across my entire palm and more blood than there should be. It’s going to need stitches.
“Ya need stitches.” Told you.
 Daryl looks up from my hand but doesn’t let go of my wrist. His eyes lock with mine and he gives me a warm look. There’s exasperation and concern and I don’t know what to do with it. He takes a surprisingly clean rag from his pocket and ties it around my bleeding palm, firmly but not enough to hurt.
I can’t help but be surprised by just how gentle he’s being with me. I was expecting a pop in the side of the head and a banishment to Hershel’s cell. I look up at him through my lashes, waiting for my verbal lashing. After almost a minute, I realize there is none.
“Does this mean I gotta go in now?” I try to keep the potential disappointment from my voice and don’t entirely succeed.
“Yeah, yer going to go get those stitches. Ya weren’t listenin’ anyways.” He grumbles at me. “The hell were you doin’?”
I look away from him. I do not want to explain that I was too busy being horny over him to notice that I gouged my palm open. I risk a glance at him and I’m caught by those ocean-blue eyes.
“I was watching your hands…”
Daryl pauses, then snorts. “Maybe instead of watchin’ my hands ya should’ve been watching yours. Go get your damn stitches and I’ll show ya somethin’ else.”
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pocparks · 1 year
u ever have to like,,, force yourself to do things that you enjoy?
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flawless-peach · 3 months
activities to improve your life
(in no way do you have to do these or all of them in order to improve, these ade just little things to do to help you feel good about yourself <3)
- go on walks outside, or just get outside in someway. in the summers my boyfriend and I would walk a couple blocks to get a snowcone. now that's its spring I walk to the gas station near by to pick up energy drink for my boyfriend (spring semester)
- wake up earlier, now this one is important to me because I am a huge morning person and so is everyone in my family. but some people aren't naturally morning people. so dont feel like im saying wake up at 5am. I more mean wake up with enough time to enjoy your morning and look forward to the day, you don't want to rush to get ready
- drink an appropriate amount of water, I personally aim for about 60oz now, which I don't hot everyday, but when I first started trying to drink more water I started out with 20oz because I just wasn't drinking water. so don't push yourself because you'll only hate the water rather than appreciate what it can do for you
- journal every day. I normally don't journal about my day until the next morning as I reflect on the previous day, because I don't want the day to "end" before it's actually over. but I try to write reviews about episodes of the shows i like or take notes over my audiobooks and try to think about why I like/dislike them. I find that this helps me so that whenever I start getting emotionally overwhelmed to slow down and put into words what's wrong rather than just being overwhelmed
- working out to feel good rather than look good. I've had a terrible relationship with my body most of my life and so by working out to feel good i have different goals and schedules i followed than when I was trying to lose weight, and it's helping like my body even if it's not changing how it looks. I try to exercise at least 3 days a week, but if I don't feel good enough to i don't force myself (the walks outside are exercise too, so thats also helping me feel good even if I eat a snowcone immediately afterwards ^^)
- positive affirmations. I really struggle with this one, but I have a widget on my phone that rotates through different ones and im liking the ones that are good and at the end of the week in my journal I wrote them all out.
- look for long lasting happiness over short term happiness. this one is a lot harder i just wanted to add it on the end because sometimes I put off doing something I know will make me happy in the end because of short term gratification. I normally feal with this by letting them merge if I can (so like everything shower tiktoks while I get ready for my shower)
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noxtivagus · 2 years
rmb when ffxiv did that with ardbert 🥺
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theemporium · 8 months
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“Baby, please.” 
“Shhh, focus on your game, honey.”
“Just let me—”
“Eyes on the screen.”
It was torture. It was absolute fucking torture and it was driving him mad. Was it somewhat self-inflicted? Maybe so. But Jack Hughes didn’t believe the punishment matched the crime, in fact he thought it was far worse. Not that he would say as much, not when the risk that you’d torture him even more lingered in the air.
To be fair, he had been neglecting you—even if it wasn’t a conscious choice. 
It was summer. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and for the next few months, Jack was relieved from all his hockey duties and responsibilities. This meant lazy days to lie in bed a little longer, to eat a little less healthy, to enjoy time with his family and friends and girlfriend until hockey season came back around and he was forced to leave on long roadies. 
You and Jack had actually decided to visit the lakehouse a little earlier than everyone else this year, long before his family or even his friends showed up. It was a win-win, with you and Jack getting (what was meant to be) a romantic getaway and Luke getting the Jersey apartment all to himself.
Except, it wasn’t the romantic getaway you expected with your boyfriend. 
You weren’t under any false illusions. You and Jack were never an overly romantic couple. You weren’t expecting picnics by the lake or date nights on the boat or home-cooked meals shared over candlelight. That wasn’t how you two worked. That wasn’t the kind of couple you were. But you expected at least some attention from your boyfriend in the week you had alone before everyone else arrived.
Instead, he had stupidly listened to Trevor and Cole bang on about some video game and, without realising it, the boy had become addicted in the last few days. He was on the console, laughing and yelling with his friends he would see in less than two weeks and you were losing your mind.
You tried to ask him to join you for dinner, and he would just promise you he would join in a couple of minutes. You tried to catch up on some alone time when you were both crawling into bed, but he would either be half-asleep or rambling about the game. You had even tried to seduce the boy with a lacy set you brought with you as a surprise, and he didn’t even notice the number peeking out from under your robe.
Jack was usually an attentive boyfriend, and you knew he was only like this because he was hyperfixated on the game. 
But you were fucking sick of it. You wanted your boyfriend back. You wanted him all for yourself. And you were going to show him what he was missing while he was focused on the silly, little videogame.
“Shit,” he murmured, his breathing a little heavy as he tried to keep his eyes focused on the screen. As he tried to focus on his little figurine, as he tried to focus on the bullets flying his way from all directions, as he tried to focus on anything except his scandalously-clad girlfriend currently grinding down on his thigh. 
Those little shorts he owned were the death of you. And if Jack wasn’t going to fuck you, then you decided you would just have to get yourself off, maybe even remind him of what he could have had if he hadn’t been so focused on something else.
“Careful,” you teased, your voice a little shaky as you rolled your hips. “One button and they’ll hear you, baby. They’ll hear you begging to touch me. They’ll hear your pretty cries to fuck me.”
“Baby,” Jack rasped, his hooded eyes focusing on your face for a short few moments before his gaze dropped to your tits that were threatening to spill out of the lacy nightgown you were wearing. “Please.”
“Maybe I’ll turn the microphone on myself,” you continued, a taunting tone lacing your suggestive words. “Maybe I’ll let them hear how good I feel. Maybe I’ll tell them that I don’t even need you touching me to get off.”
His jaw clenched, the controller in his hands lying limp in his hold as he watched you reach up to squeeze your tits, pinching and rolling your nipples between your fingers.
“Fuck, Jack,” you moaned out, your head tilting back as you began to speed up. “These stupid fuckin’ thighs. Gonna be the death of me.”
“Babe,” Jack pleaded once again, his fingers itching to reach out and grip your thighs. To properly pull you onto his lap and feel you grinding down on his dick instead. To just be inside you while you make those pretty noises.
“You’ve not been a good boy, Jack,” you whispered, your eyes fluttering shut as you felt yourself quickly approaching the edge. “Only good boys get to fuck me.”
“I’ll be your good boy,” he breathed out, his blood rushing to his cock as he watched you grip the fabric of his shirt, leaning against him as your tempo increased.
“Yeah? You wanna be my good boy?” You questioned, your lips twitching upwards as you watched him vigorously nod his head. You leaned forward, your fingers squishing his cheeks together as he let out a small whimper. “You think you deserve to fuck me?”
“Please,” he whimpered out.
Your mouth fell open as you finally tipped over the edge, feeling your orgasm wash over your body as you let out a pathetically loud moan. You gripped onto him as you came, letting the pleasure rush through you as you left his thigh wet and soaking and dripping with your arousal. You leaned your forehead against his shoulder as you catched your breath, as you felt his racing heartbeat beneath your palm.
“If you wanna fuck me, you’re gonna have to prove you deserve it,” you told him, still a little breathless and rough. “On your knees, baby. Wanna see that pretty face of yours between my legs.”
The game was long abandoned as Jack quickly moved to complete your request, his cheeks already flushing with need. “Yes, ma’am.”
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lalacliffthorne · 10 months
because not even Azriel can sneak around forever, and it really is a wonder no one caught on earlier 🦇💜
(last part of the hickey drabbles)
this is the epitomy of giddy squeals and giggles, I´m so happy right now *kicks feet and squeals*
Tipping my head to the side, I stared at Azriel. His shoulders were propped against the foot of the bed as his eyes moved calmly over the pages of the book he was holding, his rough fingers absentmindedly stroking over my calf, and my heart drummed steadily against my ribs as I watched the warm morning light cast him in a golden hue.
“You think the others would notice another hickey?”
Azriel's eyes darted up from the pages and narrowed, and I almost choked on a snorted giggle when his fingers wrapped around my ankle and jerked me down and over the mattress. I heard the thud of his book landing on the floor, then his hands closed around my hips, and my breath caught in my throat when he dipped his head and his tousled hair brushed over my bare stomach.
I could feel Azriel's lips curve upwards. Then he slowly pressed his lips against my skin.
My heart leapt high, my hand darting out to slip into his hair as my eyes fluttered, and Azriel shifted, pushing my legs apart as he started to ghost his lips over my skin, his nose leaving a track of goosebumps in its wake. Every few seconds he lingered, pressing his lips against my skin, nipping and biting softly.
Something began to coil in my stomach, a flutter growing under my ribs, becoming stronger and stronger as Azriel slowly trailed up my stomach, his rough fingers closing around my sides as he gently nipped at the soft skin under my breasts. My breath stuttered, and I could feel his lips curving upwards when I dug my fingers into his hair.
Raising his head lightly, Azriel trailed his nose over the valley between my breasts and my neck as he moved up my body. Then his breath hit my cheek, and I forced open my eyes that at some point in the past minutes had fluttered shut, my own breath quick and unsteady as I tried to suppress the urge to swallow.
One corner of Azriel's lips slowly rose until a light crease formed in his cheek, his golden eyes twinkling in the soft light. Then he dipped his head and kissed me slowly.
I inhaled softly and sharply and slipped my hand up his chest, feeling my fingers leave a trail of goosebumps as they curved around the back of his neck and I kissed back.
A low sound left the back of Azriel's throat, and he moved closer, his bare chest pressing into mine as his knee pushed into the mattress between my thighs and his hand slipped to my jaw to tilt my head back as he deepend the kiss. His tongue brushed lazily over mine, and everything in my stomach curled as my heart thrummed into my throat.
With a crash, the door was thrown open; something jumped high in my chest when I pulled back quickly, eyes wide, and Cassian froze. His gaze darted over the scene in front of him; me, only in underwear, Azriel hovering above me wearing pyjama pants and no shirt, fresh scratches on his bare back, wings spread protectively –
My heart fluttered into my throat.
Seems like there was no getting out of this one.
For a second, I felt Azriel tense. But then he just scowled lightly and raised a brow at his brother.
Cassian blinked, and he squinted as slowly, his lips began to form a shit-eating grin. Then he turned his head lightly to call over his shoulder: “Mor?”
Azriel's scowl deepend, and shadows rose, slamming the door into Cassian's face. There was a muffled, snorted laugh from the hall, then Cass yelled loudly: “Feyre?!”
I winced, and Azriel breathed a groan, body deflating and collapsing onto mine, pulling me with him as he rolled onto his back and buried his face in my hair. Then he grumbled: “They're going to be –“
“Relentless,”, we finished in unison, and my heart flipped softly when I could feel Azriel smirk lightly into my hair.
Hesitating for a second, I propped myself up to stare down at him. His eyes were tired, and a little grumpy, but there was something dancing in his iris that looked suspiciously like amusement.
I blinked before slowly narrowing my eyes, and suddenly, my heart skipped a second.
“You knew he was coming, didn't you?”
Azriel shrugged, his honey colored eyes dragging over my face as one corner of his lips quirked upwards, and I opened my mouth.
“You could have locked the door!“ Staring at him, I lost the fight against my lips that desperately wanted to form a stupidly wide smile, and Azriel easily caught my hand before I could hit his biceps, his eyes bright when he grinned and pulled me into his chest.
I huffed into his skin before twisting my neck to stare up at him, trying my best to send him a glare.
“If they'll use this against us for the next century, I'm fully blaming you.”
Azriel stared down at me, one corner of his lips rising until a crease formed in his cheek. Then he blinked, and for a second, he looked a little cautios, his gaze moving over my face.
“Are you alright?”, he mumbled, not adding with this even though it rung through his voice, and something rose in my chest, skipping and fluttering when slowly, I started to smile, wide and cheekily.
“Eh.” I shrugged, resting my chin against his chest. “They would have found out eventually.” I furrowed my brows. “Besides, it was getting sort of annoying, not being able to just kiss you whenever I wanted.”
Azriel blinked, and my breath hitched when his eyes dragged over my face, his lips beginning to curve upwards, up and up until creases formed in his cheeks and his eyes twinkled.
I barely kept myself from swallowing harshly, because Gods, he was just unfairly beautiful, and instead just stared back, feeling my heart skip and hop with every beat. Then I blinked.
“They're going to come up here if we don't go downstairs, right?”
“Probably.” Azriel's eyes were shining with amusement, and breathing out and grumbling softly under my breath, I dragged myself up. Slowly climbing off the mattress, I picked up his discarded shirt from the ground, the cotton soft when I pulled it over my head and felt a wave of his scent of wash over me.
“Alright.” I held out my hand. “Let's get this over with then.”
Azriel huffed but slipped his fingers between mine, and I dragged him to his feet, tipping my head back to look up at him. One corner of Azriel's lips quirked, and I deadpanned and turned around.
Trudging down the stairs, I could feel Azriel behind me, his shadows brushing over the back of my legs and my hands, like a silent assurance for him as well as for me. When I threw a look at him over my shoulder, he was running a hand through his hair, his eyes glowing like amber in the warm morning light falling through the windows in the staircase. He caught my gaze, and a light twinkle flashed through his iris.
When I walked into the living room, Mor and Feyre, sat on the couch, raised their heads, and Cassian looked over his shoulders.
Mor squinted, tipping her head to the side in mild confusion as her eyes flickered over me, in the way too big shirt and with my hair probably still a mess, and her brows furrowed.
“So… the gigantic revelation is that Y/N slept in?”
“Shocking.” Feyre sounded dry as she sent me a grin, and I was just about to scowl when both Mor's and Feyre's eyes darted towards something behind me, and without turning around I knew that Azriel had appeared behind me. In pyjama pants, with equally messy hair and tired eyes.
Mor blinked while Feyre furrowed her brows. I could see the cogs turning in their heads while Cassian was practically vibrating on the spot, a shit-eating smirk on his face.
The air shifted behind the couch, and Rhys appeared out of darkness, straightening the lapels of his jacket and raising his brows. “Alright, what's so important?”
Cassian grinned widely.
After a few more second of silence, Azriel seemed to grow tired of waiting. He huffed and stepped closer; his chest brushed against my shoulder, and he lazily slipped a hand over my waist and tugged me back into his body.
Mor's and Feyre's eyes grew comically wide in unison.
“Oh!” Mor's mouth fell open as she pointed wildly at us. “Oh!”
“There it is,”, I mumbled under my breath, and I could feel Azriel drop his head to hide his light grin in my hair.
“What?!” Feyre gaped.
Rhys tipped his head to the side. “Huh.” Slowly, one corner of his lips quirked, and Azriel scowled at him over my head - likely in respone to something the High Lord had uttered in his mind, because Rhys' grin widened until it matched the one Cass was still wearing.
“You and you!” Mor looked torn between elated and pissed. “You two incredible shitheads!”
Rhys snorted, but Azriel just huffed, and when I threw him a look, his eyes were bright and twinkling as he loosely draped his arm over my collarbones.
My heart flipped and fluttered, and I almost groaned.
He was enjoying this.
“Wait, how did you –“, Feyre pointed at Cassian, and the General squinted.
“Let's put it this way;”, his lips twitched, “I am never walking into either one of their rooms again without waiting for a come in.”
“To be fair, you shouldn't do that anyway.” I pointed at him.
“Wait…” Mor was suddenly staring at us, her lips slowly curving. “How long have you two been sneaking around?”
I shrugged. “Few months?”
“Shitheads,”, Cassian whispered, but Mor didn't seem to hear him, because her eyes grew wide, and she reached out to grab Feyre's shoulder. Shaking it lightly, her thoughts seemed to be blaring, because suddenly, Feyre's eyes became big as well, and like one, they pointed at us.
 “Hickeys!”, it echoed in glee, and Azriel groaned and buried his face in my hair.
I blinked. Then I felt my lips twitch as I slowly started to smile, bright and cheekily.
Cassian's eyes widened subtly, and his shoulders began to shake as he chortled. “Oh Gods.”
Rhys beamed, and while Mor and Feyre started cackling, Azriel tightened his grip around me and dropped his head. My breath hitched when his hot breath brushed over my neck, then his deep voice sounded next to my ear, grumbling: “You're right. This is entirely my fault.”
part I part II
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hii! welcome back!! i love love love your writing:)
i’m not sure if you’ve written something like this but the reader is stressed over studying for an exam, she’s in the library until very late at night when one of the marauders (i can’t decide who, you can choose!) finds her dozed and trying to force herself to stay awake. then he finds out she hasn’t been eating properly. then he asks “are you okay?” and that’s what it takes for her to break down into tears? sorry if this is weird! i’m usually a silent reader. so mostly just a lot of angst and comfort, then fluff? thank you for taking time to read this! it’s okay if you can’t write it!
thank you so so much again! so glad you requested 😊 really hope you like it!!
pairing: Remus Lupin x reader word count: 1.4k description: fluffy; i left it up to you a bit at what stage you read their relationship
All the words finally made sense. It was like a puzzle. And it all fit together just like this. Or wait was it a different way? Should you go back to that first thread or follow this new one? Wait what was the first one again? There were some words. You couldn’t remember the words, but you knew how important it was that you put them in the right order…
“Sweetheart…” you hear again.
You open your eyes and see a bunch of crowded words on parchment right in front of you. You realize you’d fallen asleep on your notes, that they’d bled into your stress dreaming. 
“There you are.” The voice is warm and gentle. You know it.
“You fell asleep, love. It’s late. Thought it was weird I never saw you come back, so I came to look for you.” 
“Yeah, pretty girl. It’s me. Wake up.” 
You sit up, and Remus adjusts your hair and jumper for you as you rub at your face. 
“I was studying.”
“I know,” he chuckles. “But I think you need some rest now, don’t you?”
“Don’t I need some rest, or don’t I think so too?”
Remus laughs softly. 
“Too clever for your own good. Get out of study mode, lovely,” he tells you, bringing his hand to your head and scratching your scalp playfully.
You lean into it on instinct, loving his touch and his comfort after a long, lonely day in the library. Remus had wanted to study with you or at least keep you company, knowing how stresses out you were about this upcoming exam, but you told him he was too distracting and you’d find him later. That must’ve been many hours ago. 
Remus notices you shifting into his touch, and he slides his whole body closer to you. 
“Hey, you okay?” he whispers. 
“I..” you start, thinking “I’m fine” will come out automatically as it always does. But it gets stuck in your throat. It gets stuck on a lump there that is making itself more and more felt. 
“I…” you try again, but this time your voice completely cracks. 
“Hey, hey, come here, sweetheart. It’s okay,” Remus responds, bringing you into his embrace. He holds your head to his chest, wraps his other arm around you, caressing your back. 
You immediately start sobbing. 
“It’s alright,” he keeps repeating. He holds you close and pets you more intensely. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble through panting breaths into his jumper. 
“It’s okay,” he says quickly in his warmest tones. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. I’m just sorry I didn’t come look for you earlier.”
“Ugh, I’m so embarrassed,” you admit, pulling back and wiping your face with your sleeves, not feeling brave enough to look him in his warm brown eyes. “You shouldn’t need to take care of me. I should be able to do that myself. I just got a little carried away. I don’t know why I’m freaking out so much over this exam.” 
He shakes his head gently at you and brings his hands to either side of your face, lifting it to look into his and caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. 
“There’s nothing embarrassing about caring a lot, Y/N. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t,” he smiles adoringly. “And there’s nothing wrong with needing people, love. I’m happy to be here for you. I just wish you’d let me.” 
You nod slightly and manage to keep his gaze. 
“I’m sorry,” you repeat. 
“No more of that. You don’t have to be sorry, okay?”
“I mean it, Y/N,” he says with a gentle firmness only Remus could deliver. 
“Okay,” you say more certainly. 
He kisses your forehead quickly then goes to pack up your stuff. As he’s stacking your notes, your stomach makes a low rumble. Just when you thought you couldn’t be more embarrassed. 
“When’s the last time you ate?” His tone is chiding but teasing. 
“We had that pie…” 
“With me?!” he startles. You nod. 
“Baby, that was ages ago. Come on, we’ll find you something.” 
Remus takes your bag, just tssking at your pathetic objection as he adjusts the strap on his shoulder. He takes your hand, and you walk out of the library together. 
You walk in silence, but just Remus’s presence next to you gives you a quiet peace you’d definitely been missing. You lean your head on his shoulder the rest of the way, and he can’t stop his subtle smile the entire time.
When you get to the common room, he sits you down on the sofa, rubbing your shoulders dotingly and kissing the crown of your head before standing straight up. You’re confused why he’s not already sitting next to you. 
“I’ll be right back, okay?” You pout at his words. “I know, I’ll be quick, sweetheart; I promise.” He turns to go then turns back to you. “Those notes better still be stuffed in your bag when I get back.” He points a finger at your bag then at you, and you giggle and nod. He wags his finger a bit in emphasis, staring at you hard, then turn and bounds up the stairs toward the boy’s dormitories. 
It’s a mere couple of minutes later you hear him bouncing back down, but you’re confused to hear multiple sets of footsteps. You turn and see Remus walking back toward you and Sirius walking toward the door. 
“Hi, Y/N/N,” says Sirius. “So needy, aren’t you?” he teases then is out the door. 
“Where’s he going?” you ask Remus as he settles in next you. 
“He’s going to sneak into the kitchens for us.” You go to object, but Remus softly places his fingers on your lips. “He’s happy to, lovely. No matter how much he denies it, Sirius is a sweetheart.” 
“I know he is, Rem, but I really hate being all this trouble. All over a little exam.”
“It’s a big exam and very little trouble. We’re your friends, Y/N. When are you going to let us be here for you as much as you’re here for us?” 
“I don’t know,” you whisper honestly. You look down and are mortified to feel on the brink of tears again. Godric, you really did need some sleep.
“Hey, don’t cry,” Remus starts, but quickly adds, “Or do, if you need to. Just do what you need to do, and I’m here, okay?” 
He’s the sweetest person alive, you think, and you throw yourself into his arms. He chuckles at your affection but returns it immediately. You shift till his arms are around you, and you lift your legs into his lap, which he lovingly welcomes, pulling you close. 
“You’re really kind, Rem, you know that?”
 “Am I? Not doing much really.” 
“I’ll start letting you help me with things when you start taking my compliments,” you say through a strained, tired smile. 
“I’ll work on it,” he cedes.
You sit in silence together, the fire crackling nearby, Remus’s hands caressing you, and you find yourself dangerously close to sleep. Your eyes feel really heavy, keeping them open a struggle in vain. 
Remus feels you tense up every once in a while before slowly relaxing into him again. 
“It’s okay, baby,” he whispers into your hair. “Just rest, okay? When Sirius gets back, we’ll have something to hold you over, and then I’m sending you to bed.” 
“I don’t wanna go to bed.” You sound like a little kid, and he chuckles at you. 
“You have to rest, Y/N. No more studying tonight.” 
“I wasn’t gonna,” you say, your voice slurred with sleep. “I don’t wanna go to bed because I want to be with you.” Even in your sleepy state, you register Remus tense slightly at this clarification. 
“You’re the only thing that’s relaxing, Rem,” you go on. Your exhaustion is making you honest, your lacking the energy to over-think and filter. “You’re so warm and sweet, and I like how you care about me… and how you smell.” You nuzzle into his jumper. 
Remus is quiet, but he squeezes your body against his. Then softly, before you fall asleep, you hear his whisper, “Yeah, I care about you, darling. Adore you actually. More than anything.” A beat. “Okay, sweet girl. If this is how you’ll fall asleep, I’ll hold you all night.” He kisses your head again and adds, “I’ll hold you for forever if you’ll let me…”
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too-much-tma-stuff · 9 days
An Unwelcome Guest (part 5)
First | Previous | Masterpost | Next
Thank you to mossycobblestonewrites for betaing for me!
Something was off with Danny, he had been twitchy since earlier that day. Jason wondered if it had something to do with the meeting with Batman he’d agreed to tonight, but he didn’t think that was it. Batman didn’t scare Danny, Jason getting hurt might, but Jason was ready for this and with Danny there he wasn’t going to get hurt. 
As much as Jason wanted to let Danny talk about this when he was ready, they needed to be at their best, and on the same page. “Fox, in my office,” he demanded, using the false name Danny still went by in public after Danny had twitched one too many times. The goons around them cackled and nudged Danny with their elbow or slapped him in the shoulder, probably expecting them to go fuck which… it was a fair assumption, they did that a lot, but not today. 
Still, Danny smiled at them in a way that gave nothing away before sliding into the office after him. “So, are we here for you or me?” Danny asked, slipping past Jason to lean against the edge of the desk, smiling at him a little. 
“You,” Jason stated. It could have been him. He was pretty stressed about the meeting and he wouldn’t have minded taking it out on someone. Not today though, not when Danny was already upset. “What’s got you so twitching, Moonlight?” Jason questioned gently, stepping forward to rest his hands on Danny’s waist, forcing himself to be a calming and caring presence right now. 
“It’s nothing, Jason, really,” Danny reassured, giving Jason a small smile. 
“It’s not,” Jason argued, brushing Danny’s bangs out of his face. “I’ve never seen you this twitchy. What’s got you spooked?”
Danny looked down, unable to meet Jason’s eyes as he fought with himself, conflicted about what, or how much to say. Jason waited patiently. Danny sighed and looked back up at him. “You know I haven’t told you everything. You’ve been really good about letting me keep my secrets, and I appreciate that. I told you I wasn’t human and you didn’t push to know what I was. I appreciate that, and I’m still not ready to talk about it, But… I felt a new presence in Gotham this morning. I mean, people come and go all the time, I wouldn’t think anything of it really. But they tried to See us. I blocked their vision, but I’m worried about why they tried to look at all.
“I think that Batman might have something to do with it. I got angry when Batman tried to insist on meeting with you alone before and slipped a little. I’m worried they clocked me as not really human and if they did… what if they contact the GIW or something? I’m not ready to face them again,” Danny admitted with a small shudder. It was a very good reason to be jumpy really.
“I won’t let anyone hurt you. I won’t let them have you. We don’t have to go to the meeting if you don’t want to, or I can go alone,” Jason offered softly, but he knew Danny wouldn’t agree.
“No,” Danny snarled, grabbing onto Jason’s shirt. “No, I'm not letting you go alone! We’ll go, but it’s… Jason, if they try to get me I need you to run okay? Don’t try to save me. I can save myself, but not if I have to worry about you getting hurt. I just need permission to defend myself if it comes down to that. I can’t promise there won’t be collateral damage, it’s been a long time since I did anything full strength. I don’t know how… explosive it’ll be.” 
“You don’t need my permission to defend yourself,” Jason told Danny disbelievingly. “But you have it anyway,” Jason added immediately when he saw the dubious look on Danny’s face, deeply relieved when he felt his boyfriend relax slowly.
“Alright,” Danny said with a little smile, “then we’ll be fine. Let’s go ahead with the meeting,” he encouraged, stretching up to kiss Jason sweetly before they went back to work.
That night Jason and Danny went home a little early. Cooking and eating a quiet dinner together, letting the calm brace them for the meeting that night. Once they were finished and cleaned up they suited up again and headed out to the meeting spot they’d arranged with Batman; a warehouse just inside their territory. They had it staked out all day so there was no chance for a trap and arrived just before the time of the meeting so they would be there first. 
Both Red Hood and Hyena were leaning against one of the pillars together, Hyena tucked under Jason��s arm when Batman and Robin came down from the rafters. Those two could never use a fucking door! Jason rolled his eyes in irritation, irritation that turned to anger when he realized they weren’t alone, shooting to stand up straight and face the newcomer. Someone was with them, a blond man in a brown trenchcoat. Constantine. 
The temperature in the room dropped nearly ten degrees. Jason shivered, looking back at Danny for an explanation. Danny’s eyes were entirely green, no whites or pupils to be seen as he stared at Constantine, who at this point, was visibly cowering. Even Batman looked shocked by the shift in the air. 
“You do Not have permission to enter My Haunt, Hellblazer,” Hyena hissed, his voice echoing oddly as he stepped forward, in front of Jason, his arm half out as if to shield him. 
“I’m so sorry! Batman insisted I come, I promise I wouldn’t have come anywhere near your turf if it was up to me!” Constantine insisted, holding his hands up placatingly. 
“Were you at least polite enough to bring an offering?” Danny questioned, his glowing eyes narrowed. 
Constantine looked panicked as he quickly patted down his pockets. It seemed like the only thing he had was a pack of cigarettes. Danny laughed at him but considered the offering anyway, cocking his head. “They’re the brand Red Hood smoked, I’ll take them,” he decided. He held out his hand and Constantine tossed the pack to him, unwilling to get closer to a potential threat.  Danny caught the pack easily and passed it off to Jason, who pocketed it. 
“You smoke?” Batman asked Jason, sounding betrayed for some reason. 
“Really!? That’s what you’re worried about right now?!” Constantine squeaked at Batman indignantly. 
Danny cackled, shaking his head at them before looking at Batman with a thoughtful expression. “I’m assuming you brought him because you have questions and suspicions,” Danny asked with some disdain. 
“And here I thought this meeting was because you wanted to see me,” Jason put in, holding his hands to his chest as if he was hurt. 
“It is! I do! I’m just worried about you, this isn’t like you and if-” Batman started, sounding more and more like Bruce before Jason interrupted. 
“If what? If he's manipulating me?” Jason scoffed, and shook his head. “He’s not, and you don’t fucking know me!” 
Danny looked back and forth between all parties present before shrugging. “Do you know what I am, Hellblazer?” He asked curiously, looking back at Constantine, who hesitated, and then shook his head. “Do you have any skill with magic?” Danny continued. Constantine hesitated again, and then nodded. “Good. I will let you cast One spell, for honesty. Not to be forced to answer, not to bind me, but One spell circle to ensure I won’t lie. Then you,” he said looking at Batman defiantly, “can ask me your questions.” 
“Sweetheart, are you sure?” Jason asked, reaching out to grab Danny’s arm gently. “You don’t have to, you know it doesn’t matter what he thinks.” Ya, Jason was a little freaked out by the change in Danny here, but it didn’t really matter right now. They could talk about it later. 
“I know it doesn’t, but there are some things I want to tell you too, and this will make it easier,” Danny reassured Jason, clearly smiling behind his mask. 
“Um, if you’re sure?” Constantine hesitated, reluctant to piss Hyena off. 
“Yes, I’m sure. I’ll watch you make the circle,” Danny confirmed, stepping forward as Constantine started to draw the circle. “You were the one who tried to spy earlier today, huh?” Danny asked and Constantine flinched.
“Ya, sorry about that,” Constantine apologized, his hands remaining steady as he drew, despite the nervousness in his voice
“Don’t worry about it. I’m relieved to know who it was,” he admitted with a casual shrug. “Just don’t try that again,” Danny added, shooting Constantine a glare. 
The silence was heavy as Constantine finished the circle. Danny gave a satisfied nod as he stepped inside. The signs activated, glowing gold and then green. Danny seemed relaxed and comfortable again. “Right, spells’ active. I won’t answer everything but I can’t lie. Ask away,” Danny said smiling at Jason and spreading his arms a little. 
It was Batman who managed to ask first; “What are your intentions with my Son?”
“To fuck him on every flat surface from here to Star City,” Danny stated, completely seriously, making Jason burst out laughing, Constantine choke, and Batman look like he’d bitten a lemon. “And to love him, truly and unconditionally,” he added, his expression softening as he looked back at Jason. 
“I love you too, Cub,” Jason said fondly. He switched his attention to Batman with a frown, “I am Not your son. Fuck you.” 
The lemon-bitten expression on Batman’s face got worse. 
“What are you?” Constantine asked hesitantly and Danny shrugged. 
“I’m a myth. If I told you what I am you’d probably think the spell failed rather than thinking I was telling the truth. I am an impossibility and a fact. That’s as much as I’m willing to say,” he declared, glancing at Batman. 
Jason bit down another laugh at how dramatic and romantic Danny made it sound. Though it did make him wonder What exactly Danny was. 
“Are you human?” Jason asked. He knew the answer, but he wanted Batman to hear it. 
“I was human, not that long ago, and I’m not Not human now. I am as much human as I am anything else.” Danny mused, giving Jason a look that told him Danny knew he was being a little shit, and he was enjoying it. Honestly, that he had ever been fully human was news to Jason, he thought Danny had always been half. Had it been the tests that made him Something Else? Some new version of those chemically induced Metas?
“How powerful are you?” Batman, again.
“I don’t entirely know, it’s been a few years since I’ve really tested my limit,” Danny admitted with a little frown, “I do know the last time I was measured, I could have theoretically fought Superman and won without much trouble.” Behind him, Jason whistled softly, impressed. “I don’t use them because I’m not great at pulling my punches and I don’t want to damage Red Hood’s city.”
Constantine was glaring at Batman and making a quite clearly telegraphed ‘See?! I told you so!’ motion. Batman did not look pleased. 
Hood stepped a little closer to the edge of the circle, drawing Danny’s full attention, turning more towards him. “That was why you asked me for permission to defend yourself if you needed to before we came here?” Danny nodded, looking a little bashful. “So you’d use them if I asked you too?” Red Hood asked. Danny hesitated, then nodded again. 
“I’d do anything for you,” he confessed. The honesty was ragged, it dropped heavily into Jason’s chest as he realized the true weight and responsibility of that. 
“Do you have a deal with him?” Constantine asked Danny, gesturing at Jason.
“No, no deal, no contract. I can’t be bound by such things,” Danny said, shaking his head. 
Constantine looked a little green at that, though the non-magically inclined people in the room don’t know why. “Then why…”
“Because I love him. Because he gave me purpose and Home when I had none. Humanity ripped my haunt away from me and desecrated my grave. I don’t want to think about what I could have become if he hadn’t found me,” Danny admitted with a little smile, looking down almost bashfully. 
“Your grave? So you are dead?” Constantine asked. Batman had fallen silent, probably pretty lost.
“There are many ways to be dead or undead, and having died is not the same thing as being dead,” Danny said loftily. 
Jason was pretty sure he was enjoying being cryptic and mysterious, it made him snort an inelegant laugh. That made Danny’s mysterious composure break and he cackled as well, grinning back at Jason from behind his muzzle, so familiar and wonderful. Jason loved him, no matter what he was. 
Danny’s eyes were back to normal as he looked back at Constantine and Batman. “What you need to know is that I am not a demon or a monster. I am not controlling or manipulating anyone, though I probably could if I tried. I have Claimed Crime Alley as my haunt on Red Hood’s behalf because I am loyal to him. I have no interest in the rest of Gotham, or in the rest of the world for that matter. Stay out of our way and you have nothing to fear from me.” Danny splayed his hands in a peace gesture. 
After a few moments of silence, with no more questions, Danny steps out of the circle and ducked back behind Jason. He could feel Danny press against his back, leaning against him a bit more heavily then he normally would, betraying how much this had taken out of him. 
“I think that’s enough for today,” Jason said, crossing his arms and glaring at Batman. 
“But-” Batman started, sounding startled. “No! Next time, maybe try meeting in good faith without any uninvited guests. If you pull any shit like this again there won’t be any more chances,” Jason warned before turning away, wrapping an arm around Danny’s shoulders and ushering him out. Making a hand gesture to the waiting goons and gunmen as they left, signaling them to make sure Batman and Constantine left as Jason took Danny home. Not that it was needed, Constantine practically ran as soon as he got the chance.
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fandomfucker · 7 months
Poly TJD x reader angst/ fluff
Reader is sick but insists on her partners going to work. But while her partners are at work she tries to get up but passes out in the living room by the couch. Partners arrive home and find her still pressed out. Turns out to be severe flu
A/N I'm sick and miserable right now as well and I fully believe this one-shot cursed me. This is also exactly how I act but I was a good girl and I take liquid medicine😤
Word count: 2,725
Reader's POV
The sun was shining. The birds were chirping. Smiles graced the four beautiful faces of my partners around the breakfast table.
And I felt like dogshit.
My throat was on fire while my head pounded. My nose was so stuffed it was like trying to breathe through a brick wall and I was freezing to death.
My partners were up a bit earlier than usual because they had to go to work soon and I could hear them in the dining room downstairs. Tonight was Monday Night RAW and all four of them were required to be there for a surprise match involving Dominik and Finn.
Stumbling down the stairs into the kitchen, I tried not to trip over the king-sized comforter I had wrapped around myself and dragged off the bed.
Making a beeline for the medicine cabinet I kept my eyes on the floor in front of me, refusing to even accidentally make eye contact with any of my partners for fear of them hounding me with their overprotectiveness.
Rifling through the different bottles I kept a lookout for the cold medicine one. After searching for a few minutes I eventually gave up, accepting that we didn't have anymore, and just grabbed some ibuprofen instead.
I turned around to go grab a cup of water and screamed as I jumped, dropping the medicine bottle as I came face to face with my four partners.
"Holy shit! You guys scared me." I pouted, resting a hand over my chest to calm my racing heart as I bent over and rested the other hand on my knee.
"Whatcha doin', love?" Finn asked me bemused as the other three stood around him, all with a look of confusion, concern, or both on their faces.
"Nothing. I just have a bit of a headache and I'm really cold. Nothin' to worry about Loves." I gave them all a small smile as I leaned down to pick up the dropped bottle.
I winced in pain as all the blood rushed to my forehead, only increasing the force of my pounding headache.
"Let me get that, Babe." Rhea swooped in, pushing me to stand back up as she grabbed the medicine bottle for me. "Go lay down."
I shook my head slightly as she moved to grab me water to take my pills with as Dominik held my shoulders and guided me to the living room couch.
He gently pushed me to sit down before sitting next to me, rubbing my back to bring some warmth to my body.
Finn and Damian were not far behind and sat on the floor in front of me, each of them propped up on one of my thighs.
I glared up at Rhea as she came back with cold medicine, a bottle of water, some saltine crackers, a box of tissues, and a thermometer.
"You need to eat something before you take the medicine," She shoved the crackers in my hands before I could protest, taking the open seat on my other side as she brushed my hair out of my face. "Do you want me to make you any soup?"
"No, thank you. But don't you guys have to go to work?" I asked annoyed.
"Not if you're sick, mi amor." Damian soothed me as he rubbed my knee.
"I'm fine. If anything it's just a little cold." I reassured them, opening the crackers and beginning to munch on them.
"Yeah, well we'll see about that won't we?" Rhea announced as she got the thermometer ready to check my temperature.
"Stay still Babe." She ordered softly as she held the machine to my forehead, waiting for the beep that signaled it was done.
Having stopped mid-chew to fulfill her orders, I waited until the beep sounded and the item was removed from my face before continuing to eat my crackers.
Rhea frowned as she looked at the results.
"101.2. That's a minor fever, Hermosa." Damian informed the group, reading the thermometer over Rhea's shoulder from the floor still.
"It's literally fine." I rolled my eyes, right before I went into a small sneezing fit.
Dominik grabbed a couple of tissues from the box on my lap and hurriedly thrust them into my hands.
"Aw, fuck that hurt my throat." I groaned, throwing my head back against the couch as I wiped at my nose with the mountain of tissues.
"I'll call Paul, tell him we can't fight tonight," Finn announced as he stood up to go get his phone.
"No! No, no, no, no, no. Absolutely not. All four of you are going to go to Raw tonight and kick ass. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I swear." I protested.
"You pinkie promise?" Dominik asked me, his puppy eyes were fully showcased as he held up his finger for me to interlock with my own.
"Pinkie promise." I smiled, wrapping my pinkie around his before bringing our hands to my lips to seal the promise with a kiss.
I looked to Finn to make sure he wouldn't go and call their boss and say they couldn't come.
His eyes darted to Rhea, ever the leader of the group, and nodded before sitting back down.
"We better start getting our stuff ready to leave then, chicos," Damian spoke, standing up and kissing my forehead before making his way to the bedroom we all shared.
The other three followed in his footsteps, kissing my forehead and then going to the bedroom. Rhea being the only one who lingered.
"Hey," I took her hand in mine, bringing her even closer to me. "I feel a little under the weather, but I promise I'll still be in one piece by the time you all get back. I'll take some medicine and a nap and be good as new in no time."
She bit her lip, still hesitant to leave me alone. She eventually gave in and nodded, giving me a long lingering kiss on the forehead before following the boys to the bedroom.
I reached a hand away from the blanket cocoon I'd stuck myself in to grab the remote from the coffee table and turned the TV on, beginning to channel surf.
About ten minutes later all four of my partners walked out of the bedroom, bags in tow.
"We have to get going now if we're gonna make it in time to get ready before the show, muñeca," Damian informed me, gingerly sitting beside me to stroke my hair.
I nodded my understanding, still eating the crackers like Rhea told me to as I paid most of my attention to Child's Play on the screen in front of me.
"Y/n?" Finn tried to get my attention, deciding to just grab my face and turn it towards him after I only made a noise of acknowledgment at him.
He then grabbed my hand and dropped two rather large-looking pills into it. "Take these, please. They'll make you feel better, and then you can take two more in another four hours, okay?"
I nodded my head, gulping at the sheer size of the medication. I was not a huge pill person and my partners knew that.
Damian kissed my right temple and Finn my left as they said their goodbyes for the night, getting up to make room for the other two to say their own goodbyes.
Dom placed his hands on my cheeks, kissing my forehead and whispering a small prayer in Spanish against my skin before making room for Rhea.
She sat down next to me and put a hand on my thigh, telling the boys she'd meet them in the car.
I waved and blew a kiss to my boys as they walked out before focusing on Rhea's beautiful face.
"Be a good girl for Mami and take those pills, okay? I know they're really big but they'll make you feel better. We'll be back before you know it but if you need anything at all just call and we'll answer." She looked deep into my eyes, meaning every word as her thumb stroked my thigh.
"I will Mami," I answered.
She smiled and kissed me on the cheek before getting up and making her exit to the car. She blew me one of her signature kisses before closing the door behind her.
Looking back at the ginormous pills in my hand, I decided that I didn't really feel bad enough to take them. I'd be fine.
I spent the next few hours slowly finishing off my crackers throughout a horror movie marathon as I made my way through the box of tissues as well.
My headache had gotten worse, to the point that I was a little dizzy and disoriented. Deciding to take the much smaller ibuprofen pills, I unwrapped myself from my fluffy burrito of blankets and stood up.
I immediately swayed a bit but just chalked it up to the headache and gingerly made my way to the kitchen.
Pausing in the doorway of the kitchen I rested a hand on the wall to brace myself, tightly closing my eyes in an effort to rid the dizziness.
Opening my eyes, I continued to make my way back to the medicine cabinet, grabbed the ibuprofen, and then turned around to make my way back to the solace of my fuzzy cocoon.
A huge wave of dizziness came over me as I reached the corner of the couch. I stumbled, tripping over my own feet, and hit the floor, seeing spots right before seeing nothing.
3rd Person POV
The four members of the Judgment Day walked out of the arena, jovial after their win. Shoving into each other as they joked and laughed, they made their way to their truck.
"Stop!" Damian shouted joyfully as he laughed, shoving Dominik away from him before he could make another wild jab. "I'm gonna call Y/n and check-in, I'll be right there."
The other three voiced their acknowledgment as they continued making their way to the car while Damian stayed back and pulled out his phone, hitting the stared contact.
The line rang. And rang. And rang before eventually going to voicemail. Frowning, Damian hit the call button again which rang until going to voicemail again.
Hurriedly making his way to the truck, he hopped into the passenger side and turned to the rest of the group. "She's not answering."
The three other members looked at him with concern.
"Well, she's probably just asleep, right? I mean, she was pretty tired when we left and the medicine might've knocked her out. Not to mention it's pretty late." Dominik tried to reason, hoping to God that that was all it was.
"Yeah." Rhea agreed, "But let's just speed home anyways, right?" She nodded toward Finn who was in the driver's seat.
Finn nodded, shifting the car into drive and taking off, speeding home to their girl.
In the backseat of the truck, Rhea and Dom took turns trying to call Y/n again to no avail. Six missed calls later the group was now very worried. Typically, Y/n never had her ringer off and was generally a pretty light sleeper, so her being able to sleep through a total of eight full rings was alarming.
"Finn?" Rhea ventured, her voice beginning to shake slightly. "Drive faster."
~Time Skip~
Throwing open the car doors, all four Judgment Day members hopped out of the truck and ran to the front door. Finn quickly unlocked the door and they all battled to make it through the door first. Rhea being Rhea won and was already running to the living room where they'd left her earlier that day.
"Y/n?" Rhea called out, not seeing anything amiss at first glance. However, coming around the corner she noticed a pair of fuzzy sock-clad feet on the ground. Walking closer she saw the full form of their partner face down, unconscious.
"Y/n!" She ran over and fell to her knees beside Y/n, rolling her over and checking her pulse.
The boys immediately came running as they heard Rhea scream. Damian saw Rhea checking Y/n's pulse as she lay on the floor, along with the dropped bottle of ibuprofen, pills having spilled out all over the floor, and immediately thought the worst.
"Finn! Call an ambulance!"
~Time Skip~
Reader's POV
Somewhere far off I could hear the jumbled voices of my four partners hushedly arguing. I couldn't quite make out what they were arguing about but I could hear the clear upset in their voices.
I groggily opened my eyes, immediately closing them again as the harsh fluorescent lights around me hurt my eyes.
"Y/n?" I heard a voice speak from next to me. It was then I noticed that both of my hands were encased in two others.
I made a noise that vaguely sounded like 'ugh' before I opened my eyes again just a smidge. I felt one of four hands disappear from my touch and then the lights went out before I felt them come back again.
Opening my eyes a bit more I saw the beautiful faces of my four partners looking back at me. Rhea was on my right with Finn next to her, Damian and then Dom were on my left.
"Hey, sweetheart. How ya feelin'?" Rhea smiled softly at me, stroking my hair. I noticed her hand was shaking a bit so I squeezed the other hand that I was already holding.
"My head hurts and my nose is still pretty stuffy, but other than that, okay I guess." I smiled sleepily, pushing my head further into her hand like a cat so she wouldn't stop.
Damian's deep voice sounded next, switching my attention to the other side of the bed. "You had us pretty worried there, corazón."
I just frowned at him in confusion. "Why? What happened?"
It was then that I started to survey my surroundings beyond my partners and saw that I was lying in a hospital bed.
"You passed out, love." Finn supplied from further down the bed. I could hear the fear in his voice, the shakiness of it mixed with the pure relief made me want to cry.
Remembering why I had even passed out in the first place made me feel so incredibly guilty. If I had just taken the medicine like Mami told me to we wouldn't even be in this situation in the first place.
My lip started to quiver and I could feel the tears welling up behind my eyes.
"Hey. Hey, hey, hey, mi amor. We aren't mad, it's okay." Dominik immediately stood up and leaned towards me, trying to calm me down so that I wouldn't cry and make my sinuses worse.
I heaved a deep breath in, looking up at the ceiling to try and reduce the waterworks before they could actually overflow. 
"I'm so-" I started to apologize to the four of them for scaring them so badly but was cut off by Rhea. 
"No, baby. We're sorry. We all know that you don't like taking pills, especially ones as big as the ones we gave you. I should've just gone out and gotten you the liquid version so you would actually take it and-"
I cut Rhea off by placing a finger over her lips to silence her. Typically I would've just kissed her but I didn't want to get her sick. 
"It's okay. They really weren't that big. I could've taken them, I just chose not to." I explained timidly.
"Well," Damian cleared his throat, gaining the room's attention. "The doctors said that you have a pretty bad case of the flu but so long as you take some Tamiflu for the next couple of days, have lots of rest and lots of liquids you'll be right as rain in no time."
"Yeah, doc said you can be out of here in a few hours." Dom continued.
I just nodded my head and smiled softly at my partners.
"Still, I'm sorry for scaring you guys." I apologized timidly, keeping my eyes on my fingers as I drew circles on whatever parts of my partners I could reach, not wanting to meet their eyes.
"Y/n, you're sick and honestly you probably would've passed out either way. So, believe us when we tell you that there's absolutely nothing to be sorry for." Finn explained to me earnestly.
"Ok," I agreed quietly. I didn't really feel like arguing with them, especially since he made a pretty good point.
"Go ahead and go back to sleep, babe. We'll get that discharge paperwork started and get you home in no time." Rhea told me. I decided to take her up on that since I was still so exhausted.
Closing my eyes, I murmured a small "I love you" to the group, hearing four voices echoing it back in response just before losing consciousness again. On purpose this time.
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urmomspersonalwhore · 8 months
Boring Parties Make Exciting People
-Hyera/Reader, NSFW, Fingering, cunnilingus, taking of virginity, Orgasm denial, etc…
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“Wet already? I see your eager, hm.”
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Your fingers tapped the table, a hand holding your head as you were a bit bored of the part.
You had been invited to your friend's birthday party, though no one spoke to you. And you certainly didn't want to force a conversation.
All you did was eat the food and have some drinks, which is all you really needed to stay there.
At least it was worth something.
The loud music making your heart pound along the beat, it wasn't even good music to be honest.
Sounded like they took a playlist from a random market.
Your Small 'peace' was interrupted by a pink haired lady, she was pretty you must admit.
Very pretty.
There were two drinks in her hand, and she offered you one.
"Care for a drink? You seem lonely." The stranger teased with a captivating smile.
You give back a smile as you nod,
"Sure." you took the alcohol from her hand.
It was a margarita.
Raising the glass to your lips you took a small gulp. After, you smiled before you spoke.
“Mm, it's nice.” she laughed, a hand covering her mouth.
“Sounds like you don't like it.”
You shook your head, a small chuckle coming out of you as you tried to explain the misunderstanding,
“No no, it's really good!”
The Lady supported her head with a hand.
“Sorry for not introducing myself earlier, it's Oh Hyera.” The pretty woman who has now been revealed as Hyera presented.
“It's fine, I'm [Name]” she grinned, placing her hand on top of yours.
“Such a pretty name for a pretty girl, which reminds me, what're you doing here all alone?”
You shrugged in response, taking a sip before answering.
“Don't know, just relaxing I guess.”
She raised a brow with a grin,
“Why don't we go to a… more private area? Just you know, talk.”
Her hand extended out, ready to take yours.
You thought about it first and then accepted the offer. Both of you walk away from the crowd as you occasionally bump into strangers.
She brought you into a secluded bedroom,
Breaking away the hold on your hand as she sat on the bed. Hyera patted on the mattress, indicating for you to sit next to her.
You fixed your skirt as you say next to her. She shuffled closer to you, tilting her head as she smiled. Her pretty pink locks fell a bit off her shoulder from the position of her head.
A hand snaked up your thigh and your body tensed from the touch.
“Oh? A little stiff.” She teased with a smirk.
You averted your gaze,
“I've never done anything like this..like uh- sex.” You revealed and her smile grew.
“Awe, well I'll make sure to teach you. Yea? You want that?”
A shy nod came from your head, even a soft squeal as she pinned you against the mattress.
Her hands reached to unbutton your shirt, pulling it off of you. The pink-haired ‘goddess’ instantly attacked her mouth to your neck, already making purple bruises around your body to your chest. Which she unclipped the bra, latching her lips around your nipples.
Swirling her tongue as her long fingers pulled and massaged the other breast.
She took turns with them, trailing kisses to the other side.
Making the same movements.
The only noise you made were whimpers as gasps. Her hands moved but her mouth stayed in place when she pulled the hem of your skirt down. Taking it off you, throwing it some random place around the room. She smirked at the sight of the dark patch between your underwear after she separated your thighs.
“Wet already? I see you're eager, hm.”
Placing them at her sides, leaning down to rip them off you.
Her tongue flattened when it touched your dripping cunt. Soon after licking strides on it, even sucking on your clit for a bit. Her tongue soon thrust in you, a thumb playing with your bundle of nerves.
Your whimpers turned into soft moans, latching your hand onto her soft and long hair.
It was the most euphoric feeling you have ever experienced.
Her muscles were skilled, keeping up with a rhythm as they slipped in and out of your pussy. Squelches and moans are being heard around the room, even a bit of awe dripping off your forehead. Her other hand moved to follow your tongue, pounding into you.
Your thighs clenched around her head, you were near your orgasm. She chuckled, sending vibrations that caused a loud mewl.
“Feel..weird!” you gasped, and a whine followed after when she pulled away from you.
“Not yet~” Hyera teased, just like her fingers when they went back to your sensitive core. Instead of starting at a slow pace for you, they immediately went rough, she kissed you.
Tongue instead exploring your mouth and you can taste yourself. Her kissing muffled your moans, especially since your denied release made it easier to get you to cum. Her fingers started to work faster when she felt your walls tighten even more on her, so the woman’s kiss deepened. She pulled away from your mouth, leaving a connected string of saliva. Hyera wanted to hear you, and you gave her just that.
A loud moan erupted from your vocals, back arching from the bed as your arms clung to her. Both left a bit sweaty with heavy breaths. She giggled, hand moving to prod at your lips. Making you suck them as she spoke,
“Ready for another?”
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Told you guys I was gonna make one
©urmomspersonalwhore — please do not copy, repost or translate onto any other platforms without my permission.
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yunoclips · 10 months
could you please do a virgin!doyoung fic pls 🥹
Hey anon , I gotchu <3
The first time you saw Doyoung , he was hiding behind your friends. They were a couple of guys that you had met through countless school events and parties. Everyone was a familiar face.. except him. He stood behind them in silence , trying to avoid making eye contact. He kept his head down and his mouth shut. You had thought it was kind of weird and maybe a bit rude at first. But as you kept talking to them you had grown more curious and before you could question him , they all walked off. 
From that day forward you would always see him trailing behind Jaehyun and Johnny. Sometimes you’d see him alone , studying in a library , reading in the grass , eating sandwiches in the cafe window. He always looked well kept , not a single wrinkle on his clothing , hair styled , face clear. He was perfect , too perfect in fact. Something in his eyes was drawing you in. 
Maybe it was the fact that you were so tainted and he was so pure. Something in you just wanted to dig deep inside him and corrupt him. And so you started to push a little bit. Making sure to say hi every time he was around, purposefully bumping into him , making small talk. You had gotten him to open up a little , being able to hold conversations that weren’t cut short by rushed sentences and lame excuses. 
Today you and some of your friends invited a couple of the guys over to the dorms for a little hang out. Doyoung was among them. The entire night was going smoothly, but every now and then you’d search around for Doyoung. He was in the corner the entire time , taking slow sips from his red solo cup. Johnny had offered him a hit of his blunt but he denied. He would alternate between scrolling on his phone to resting his head back against the wall. 
He looked amazing though , a black turtle neck hugging his body snuggly. Black hair styled to perfection. It was irritating you , how could he come in here to hang out but not interact with anyone. 
You got up and pulled Jaehyun to the side, he looked slightly flustered at the sudden urgency. 
“What’s up with your friend ?”
“Who?” He looks around the room for a second before coming to a realization. “Ohhh, Doyoung?” You nod. 
“Yea he seems a little weird doesn’t he” A dopey smile is on his face. “He’s a little shy , not much of a people person. I don’t blame em’ though… He does seem to take a liking to you however..” 
“What are you talking about?” Curiosity running through your veins. 
Jaehyun looks around the room , like he’s trying to make sure nobody can hear him. 
“Ok don’t tell him I told you this. I really don’t feel like dying.” He pauses , gathering his thoughts. 
“So… The other night , we had just gotten home from happy hour. You remember that right?” 
You nod , completely invested 
“Anyways.. when we got home we decided to roll a joint. We asked Doyoung to stay but he told us no and then ran to his room. It was like he was in a hurry or something , but we ignored it cause Doyoung is always a little weird.”
He pauses again. Taking a sip from his cup before he continues. 
“It had been 3 in the morning , all the guys had went to bed already but I was still up. I was getting tired though so I had started to walk to my room. Doyoung’s door is actually directly next to mine so when I passed his door I started hearing sounds. He sounded like he was in pain , I was starting to panic. But just before I opened the door I heard your name come out of his mouth.”
My name ? You say to yourself. You were in shock but wanted him to finish the story so you nudged him. 
“I had thought maybe he was on the phone with you , it seemed like you two had hit it off earlier but no. He kept saying it , then I started hearing wet sounds and before I knew it his bed was creaking. After that I just ran into my room and forced myself to sleep” 
Doyoung.. the Doyoung that always looks like he’s pained when you force conversations onto him. The Doyoung that sits in the corner at parties. The Doyoung who speaks to nobody.. was jerking off with your name on his tongue. Before you could process everything you say something quickly.
“Is he a virgin?”
“Send him to my dorm room in 5 minutes.” 
He looked stunned but he sensed what you were insinuating and nodded with a smirk on his face. 
You quickly turn around and head straight over to everyone. Telling everyone good night, as far as they knew your stomach was in pain. You shoot one last glance at Doyoung before scurrying off to your dorm room. 
Once you get inside you rid yourself of your pants , leaving only a pair of lacy panties on. You ditch your shirt for something more comfortable , opting for an over sized shirt that covers everything. 
You turned off all the lights and lit the candle that was on your dresser. Then you just sat and waited. You were nervous for some reason , it’s not like you haven’t had sex more times than you can count. There was just something different about Doyoung. 
5 minutes had passed and still no knock. You started getting discouraged. Maybe you were a little too forward. You get off your bed sighing. Walking over to your mini fridge to grab bottle of water, a timid knock on the door stops you in your tracks. You take a minute to gather your thoughts. Maybe you were just hearing things.. but you were proven wrong when the knock happened again. This time you rush to your door and open it. Standing there was Doyoung , looking absolutely nervous. 
You stare into his eyes for a minute , trying to read him but he looks away. You just move over , allowing him access into your room. He walks in and starts to observe his surroundings. His back is turnt to you. 
“Jaehyun said you needed me for something.. is it about class ? Do you need the notes for our statistics fina-“ 
Grabbing his arm, you turn him around to face you. He looks like a deer caught in headlights. His breathing is erratic and his eyes are all over the place. 
“You know why you’re here Doyoung.”
“I-i don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You start by taking a step towards him. For every step you take , he takes a step back. 
“You think nobody can see you. Always quiet , always sitting in the corner. Never speaking just observing. You don’t smoke , you don’t drink. Yet you’re always at parties. You don’t like speaking to people. You don’t like interaction. Hell, you can’t even be bothered with me is that right?” 
He doesn’t answer but he does stop his movements. His legs had hit the frame of your bed , one more step back and he would fall. 
“You know Doyoung, I see right through you. You think you have everyone fooled. But nobody knows. Nobody knows that when you go home at night and nobody’s there but you and your four walls.. you pull your cock out and jerk yourself raw while moaning out my name.” 
His eyes widen. How did you know? Did someone hear him? Normally he would have ran away and hid from you. Maybe even move schools just from the embarrassment alone. 
But this isn’t a normal situation. His cock is so hard that he can hear the blood rushing in his ears.  
Your eyes trail down to the tent in his pants. Perfect.
“Tell you what Doyoung. I won’t tell everyone how much of a perv you are. Instead I’ll give you something to remember , something nobody else can give you. What do you say.. do you want that?”
His eyes are fixed on you, too stunned to speak. All he can do is weakly nod. 
“Is that a yes ? Lost for words now are you.”
“Yes.. I want it please.”
“Hmm.. that’s what I thought.. Take your pants off and get on the bed.”
He moves excitedly just like the virgin he is , almost tripping over himself when he slides down his jeans and boxers. He sits back on the bed , hands supporting his body. His cock sits long and heavy on his shirt, redness at the tip , veins prominent.
You can feel yourself salivating but quickly snap out of it as you drop to your knees. 
He looks at you with widened eyes. 
“A-are you g-gonna suck my c-“
You cut him off short by wrapping your lips around the tip. His stomach flexes and his breathing comes to a halt. That’s a good sign. Pulling off to spit on your hand , you start by wrapping your hand at the base. Going up and down , adding a twist every time you get to the bottom. 
He lets a gasp , similar to the sound one makes when they get punched in the stomach. His thighs start flexing.
You put your mouth back on his tip and continue your hand movements. He’s now moaning louder.
“Mmm.. fuckkkk” 
Your start bobbing your head up and down. Removing your hand , you take him deep in your throat. Your nose can feel his pubes graze the tip of it. The pleasure becoming too much for him to handle, he tries closing his thighs but you land a light slap to the inner part. Signaling him to keep them open. After the slap you can feel a drop of salty pre cum squirt on your tongue, his cock starts throbbing. You pull off quickly before he can finish.  A thin line of saliva connecting between your lips and the tip. 
When you stand up you catch him with his eyes rolled back , mouth agape trying to gasp for air. 
“I need you to lay down now.” 
He refocuses his eyes. It takes him a few seconds to process your request , already fucked out. Once he can gather his thoughts he moves just as he is told. 
“You’re a good listener , that’s hot” 
A thin layer of sweat is covering his forehead. You can feel your panties starting to get soiled, your arousal staining the lace. You slip them off and straddle him. Leaning down , you trap his lips into a sloppy kiss . Lips swallowing each others , spit being swapped. You pull of slightly out of breath. 
You starting rubbing small circles on your clit. He watches in awe, breathing heavily. Smirking you start to lift yourself but he stops you. 
“W-wait.. I-im a virgin.”
“Oh I know.” And with that you sink onto his cock easily. The mixture of your spit and arousal making the slide easy. 
Doyoung stops breathing , trying his best not to come. The feeling is indescribable. It’s almost too much , the mixture of the wetness with the warmth and grip is mind numbing. His eyes roll back and his cock starts to throb. He’s close already.
“Don’t. Don’t you dare cum inside of me.” 
He stares at you in silence trying his hardest to restrict himself. You give him two minutes to calm himself before you start moving. First you start with grinding , swiveling your hips back and forth causing him to whimper loudly. Then you finally start bouncing up and down. His cock filling you up so nicely, you bring a hand down to your clit and start rubbing calculated circles. The pleasure building nicely in your stomach mixed with the loudness of Doyoung’s moans was driving you crazy. You were getting so lost in the pleasure that you were absolutely startled when you felt Doyoung push you off of him. At first you had thought that something was hurting him but when you turned to look at his face , his eye lids were twitching , eyes crossed. He was gripping the sheets , Thighs slightly shaking. His cock was throbbing erratically and before you knew it, he started shooting warm ropes of cum over his shirt. He came untouched. His ears were ringing and his vision was blurry. 
The scene in front of you was so hot , you started rubbing yourself to completion. Clenching your thighs around your own hand. Doyoung laid in bed , staring at your ceiling , breathing labored. Cum staining his shirt , cock red and limp. 
You get up to get a good look at his face. He looks disheveled. He looks corrupted. 
Before you head off to get him a rag and use the restroom you whisper in his ear. 
“Same time next week. I’ll show you a real good time.” 
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nanamistie · 8 months
Can you do any of the Haikyuu boys x Fem!reader, where they get into an argument (with an angst ending please🥹🥹🥹) if you can’t that’s perfectly fine <3
Haikyuu boys getting in an argument with Fem!reader, and never solve the problem.
Warnings: angst, no comfort, swearing, harsh words, cheating, heavy breakups.
You were such a perfect couple, at least, that's what you thought. You were so proud of him, always comforted him after losing, he cared for you, he helped you with school. It was kinda weird that he never showed you publicly, or even mentioned that he has a relationship in interviews, but those didn't matter that much to you. You were in love, right? So then, why did you find him like this?
“Oikawa how could you do this to me?” you asked him desperately trying to hear that it was just a dream. “I’m sorry, I got bored of this relationship’’ he simply replied. Your eyes widened. “Y-You got b-bored?? Oikawa Tooru, how could you? I was there to wipe your tears when you lost, and I still didn't get bored -you paused- i hoped and prayed that one day you’ll win and be happy, and I would’ve wiped those tears again because they would’ve been of joy. And you got b-bored?” you looked at him with tears running down your cheeks. “I don't need to explain myself, it’s not my fault you were dumb and got attached” and with that he simply left you there, crying all by yourself.
He was so full of himself tonight. His team won an official match against Karasuno, but that doesn’t give him an excuse to treat you like this.
“How about we celebrate by eating out?” you asked while he sat on your shared bed. “Nah, I'll go talk to the boys and maybe play a game or two” he said standing up from the bed. “Why don’t you celebrate with me and you celebrate with them? I was there for you in stands of all your matches”
“Y/n, they are my teammates, they are more important than you are. Plus, you are a woman, why don’t you go back in the kitchen and make me something to eat.” your face got all red and flushed, you grabbed your purse and hit him in the head with full force. “Fuck you!” you grabbed your keys and left the apartment.
You slept at your friend's house, actually, you barely slept. You waited for him to call you all night, but he never did.
The last few days had been very tense. You and your boyfriend Kuroo were having a lot of small arguments,about the fact that he got late home almost everyday, he wasn’t giving you enough attention, you couldn’t come to his matches, things like this. But none of the small fights ended like this one in this morning:
“All I’m saying is that you could come home earlier from practice, or at least bother to text me that you’re gonna be late, it’s like you don’t even care that I'm here waiting for you day and night!” you yell at him. “Whatever Y/n, I’m late to practice” you both knew this was a lie. But you heard him mutter under his breath “I wanted a break anyway.”
And with that, he left. He left with no goodbye, no explanation, no excuses. You felt your whole world collapsing on you. You sat with your knees to your chest, crying, hoping he will come back and tell you that he didn’t mean what he just said.
Today he lost another game. And he felt like it was all his fault. So why won't he blame somebody else and maybe let his anger out on that person too?
“Baby, Kou, it’s fine, it’s just a game” you get interrupted by him. “No, it’s not just a game, Y/n, it’s volleyball, everything is important about it! WELL, I MEAN HOW WOULD YOU KNOW WHEN YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE A HOBBY, YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING! ALL YOU DO IS BOTHER ME AND KEEP DISTRACTING ME FROM THE ONLY THING THAT I REALLY LOVE!!” you pause your breathing. You felt so guilty, you look down, you don’t even dare maintaining eye contact with your “boyfriend”. Tears pick at your eyes, and you cross your arms.
“Yeah, sure, cry, that’s all you can do, since you know what I just said is true.” You felt those words cut so deep, your heart broke in a million pieces.
You never really learned how to cook, but seeing your boyfriend cook everyday made you learn a few things, so you thought you could make something special for him tonight. I mean, what could go wrong? Everything.
“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU WASTED SO MUCH INGREDIENTS, AND YOU STILL FUCKING BURNED IT, HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE?!” he yelled at you, showing you the mess you made in his kitchen. “I'm really sorry, I just wanted to make something good for you once…”
“Well, apparently you can’t, so why don't you just leave?” You looked up at him, but his gaze scared you- there was no more love in his eyes, not even a little bit. What was wrong with you, were you that hard to love?
“I love listening to you” you confess to him. “You do?” you look at him, reassuring him “Yes baby, of course i do! Even when you talk about how much you hate Oikawa, you know, i had a friend that i hated her the exact same way but-”
“Well if you like listening to me, then why do you make it about yourself?” you froze. Did you just do that? “I-” you looked into his eyes searching for his love and reassuring but where were those? “I’m sorry, I didn't mean to, you know that, right? I’m really sorry, Haji, look at me” you tried grabbing his face but he pushed your hands away. “Just leave me alone already, with your excuses and everything. I’m getting tired of this. We’re done.”
You hated yourself. That small mistake you didn’t even know you made, cost you everything.
Hey!! Of course I can write this! Sorry it took a long time, someone caught a cold and couldn't do it on time. Hope you liked it!
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trashiewrites · 2 years
pinning ghost against a wall and kissing the shit out of him leaving him flustered lmaoo
I know for a fact this is no way anyone would think this would go but ayeeee! Hope yall enjoy~
Don’t Test Me~ (ghost x reader)
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Word count: 549
Rated: G for girlbossin 😎😎😎
Ahh, domestic life is surely a spender. From being a classified asset to just a housewife due to your kids. Honestly, you envy your husband for still being in his task force.  Simon, being gone for long periods of time, is usually good at helping out but today he's been particularly difficult.
You walked past holding your youngest in your arms, walking beside your husband sitting on the sofa and pecking the top of his head "Simon love can you start the laundry for me~" Simon glanced over and hummed. "Thank you." You would smile and go tend to the babies. Going back an hour later and the laundry hasn't been touched. Did it irritate you? Yes, immensely. But you put the benefit of the doubt that he had some other things to do. You looked around the house to see Simon exactly where he last was. Yes, you don't say anything about it.
Off the go make dinner for every one you make Simon's favorite since you had yet to celebrate his return. It was a lovely dinner, fighting with your older toddler to eat the food. Eating your food, Simon finishing before you. "Thank you for the food dove~" he wrapped his arms around your shoulders; you leaned back into his chest.
"No problem, Simon," you relaxed your eyes as his lips met your forehead. Cries echo through the house, "little one must have heard us eating." He whispered.
"I'll handle it, can you handle the kitchen for me?" Simon nodded and you went to handle the baby. It took you a small while, a cranky baby in all situations means bad time; That took you about an hour tops.  You, exhausted and somewhat anxious, went to grab a bottle of water. While passing by you saw Simon at his desk doing something, you're unsure of what exactly. Then again it didn't matter to you. Walking into the kitchen to grab yourself some water. You take one step before stopping in your track, the kitchen wasn't even cleaned! AT ALL. You didn't know what He was on today but you were mad.  "SIMON RILEY!" You hear him rush down the stairs.
"What's wrong? You okay?!" Simon's face was written with concern, you only looked back at him unamused. You grabbed him and moved him in front of the fridge.
"Knees, now!" You said sternly, Simon looked back visibly confused. "Did I stutter Riley?"
"No ma'am," he did as told, keeping his eyes on you the whole time. Honestly, he prob thought things were going to go another way.  With your hand, you grasped his cheeks under his chin and directed his face to the messy kitchen.
"What did you tell me earlier?" His expression turned from 'oh~' to 'oh shit' real quick. "Now, within the next 30 minutes, I want this kitchen sparkling. Do I make myself clear?" You stared deeply into his brown eyes; his breath was heavy. He gulped loudly and then nodded. You chuckled and smirked, "Good boy~" Your fingers trailed his neck, and you kissed him softly. "Finish before 20 minutes and I'll reward you, Simon~" you waved at him as you walked out of the room; leaving the man on his knees, speechless, and very 'frustrated'. He never cleaned so fast in his fucking life.
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ironstrange1991 · 6 months
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Pairing: Supreme!Strange x Fem!Reader (Doctor Strange and Defender Strange are mentioned)
Synopsis: Supreme wakes up in the morning and decides he'll have the reader for breakfast.
Word Count: 1,2k
Warnings: SMUT: oral sex with female receiving, unprotected p n v sex, quickie, cum eating.
A/N: This one is short and I was really sleepy while editing, so please, pretend you guys didn't see the typos or grammar mistakes. Hope you like it and have a nice reading.
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You woke up in the morning earlier than usual. Supreme was sleeping on his stomach, one arm under the pillow he had folded in half, the other around your waist keeping you impossibly close to him. His breathing was soft and steady, his face was turned towards you, calm and peaceful. The sheet he had used to cover himself during the night was bunched up between his legs, leaving his glorious muscular ass exposed.
You allowed yourself to admire him in all his glory for a moment and then got up, took a shower and went downstairs to prepare breakfast.
You weren't given to great inventions in the kitchen, always preferring that Defender cooked for you, but there were some things you could do and do well. That was the case with breakfast. You decided on eggs and bacon, some chopped fruit and pancakes with raspberries.
Because you were so distracted with your work, you didn’t notice when someone approached you and hugged you from behind, wrapping their arms around your waist and pushing a very obvious erection against your hip. Before you even wondered who it was, he made a point of kissing your neck, rubbing his clean shaved face on your skin until he was right in your ear. "So you leave me alone in bed to come and prepare breakfast for the others..."
His baritone voice never failed to make your skin prickle.
"It's for you too. I was going to go upstairs and wake you up."
"Hum. I thought it was my day to have you all to myself." He protested gently biting your ear and you had to concentrate a lot to be able to flip the pancake in the pan before it burned.
"Your day was yesterday. Today is Monday, technically everyone's day." You responded knowing he wouldn't like that answer.
The two of you were still on a sort of honeymoon and Supreme had turned out to be even more jealous than you initially imagined.
He turned off the heat on the stove without asking you to do so, and with a quick movement he bent you over the huge solid wooden table. His hands were quick to lift the oversized t-shirt you were wearing that obviously didn't belong to you, it was one of Stephen's old band t-shirts.
"No shorts? Is that how you walk around this house?" He groped for the waistband of your panties and pulled them down with such violence that you could hear the delicate fabric tearing.
"Stephen!" You scolded him. That was one of your favorites.
"Shh. No shorts, wearing panties that barely cover your pussy... What do you expect from that? Oh I know, you wanted this, didn't you?" He slapped your ass.
"I just wanted to make breakfast." You gasped.
He knelt down and without warning he stuck his head between your cheeks and started licking your pussy, sucking and making you produce more and more of that nectar that he liked so much.
"Stephen… the others will see us here."
You didn't know exactly if that was allowed, it wasn't something that was pre-defined between you. But something made you think that was exactly what he wanted to happen.
"Let them see!" Supreme stood up and quickly freed his cock from its confinements. He rubbed the tip on your entrance and with a flat hand on your back forced you to bend over even more until your breasts and face were glued to the cold wood.
He teased some more, rubbing the tip against your clit making you moan softly and your legs shake begging him to finally take you.
"Tell me what you want, honey."
You bit the corner of your lip surrendering to him. "I want you Steph. Fuck me, but be quick, we don't have much time."
"That's my girl." He entered you with a single firm thrust and kept his pace fast and merciless exactly how you liked it.
"Oh, fuck honey, this pussy makes me crazy. So fucking good."
He grabbed your hip with one hand and your shoulder with the other to balance his thrusts and you moaned loudly, totally unaware of anything other than the two of you fucking on the kitchen table.
“Shit, you take cock so well, such a hungry little pussy..."
"Stephen...I'm gonna cum." You almost screamed the words.
He moaned loudly and pulled out to which you protested. He turned you around to face him and made you sit on the table and then entered you again. Your legs wrapped around his back. His lips never left your neck, sucking and leaving marks there for the other Stephens to see.
For Supreme Strange, everything was a competition.
"Oh, I love you, honey." He cooed totally lost in his own pleasure and you could feel his thrusts getting irregular, his balls tightening, his cock pulsing violently inside you.
You cupped his face making him look at you "Gonna cum for me, Steph?"
He kissed you passionately "Only after you."
You moaned loudly feeling his body pushing you towards your orgasm and you didn't fight him, instead you surrendered to him. Your head fell back, your eyes closed, your lips turned into a big O as you were washed by the feeling of ecstasy that Stephen insisted on prolonging with each thrust that strategically reached your sweet spot.
"That's right, honey, give it to me."
When you felt your orgasm slowly and lazily dying away, Stephen pulled out and pulled you off the table.
"On your knees, honey, I want to fill your mouth with my milk."
You obeyed eagerly and he thrust against your mouth a few times until he started cumming.
"Oh shit... your mouth feels so good, honey. Take all of it. Drink all my milk, don't waste a drop."
You did your best to swallow it all, but Stephen's first morning cum was always a huge load. Even with your efforts some still dripped down the corners of your mouth, but you were quick to scoop it up with your fingers and suck them one by one.
Stephen watched with a satisfied smile on his lips and helped you get up. He kissed you tenderly and picked up what was left of your panties from the floor and stuffed them into his pants pocket.
"I'll buy you a new set, I promise." He informed sheepishly, but you weren’t mad about the panties, not really. So you gave him your best smile and pulled down the t-shirt that did little to hide your naked ass.
"Sit down, I'll finish making you breakfast." You said giving him a sweet kiss on the lips.
He did as you said, but kept his eyes glued to you the entire time.
"Maybe you'd better put something on first, honey."
You shrugged, turning on the heat on the stove again and pouring in more pancake batter to fry, and you both heard Stephen and Defender coming down the stairs, talking to each other  and approaching and you couldn't help but giggle at the look on Supreme's face.
"You had yours, Steph. If they want it, they'll have theirs too. Those are the rules, remember?"
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing!
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prince-liest · 2 months
I know you’ve gotten asks already talking about how happy they are that you’re going more in depth on the subject of Vox being trans in your next installment, but I can’t help myself… I’m so excited that you’re writing about that. It can be difficult to find trans rep in fandom spaces sometimes and your stories are so well written that this is like a gift from god. SO ANYWAY I’m super happy and your works are amazing and I just hope you know how many people value your works for all that they give.
Secondly, I was wondering whether or not Vox would have been trans on earth or just in hell? I mean I’m sure it would be difficult considering the time period but I also couldn’t think of a reason why he would be cis on earth but trans in hell. UNLESS he realized he was trans in hell/was finally able to do something about it?? Anyway, all of this is just speculation, I am only curious!!
Regardless, great work. It genuinely means a lot to me, if no one else :)
Oh, man, I'm ngl, one of my little, "Wait! I can do anything I want!!!!" moments of going mad with power once I got more and more experience at writing was realizing that I could just trans anyone's gender at-will and I didn't need anyone's permission for that. I still remember the first time I quietly decided an OC of mine was trans (love you, Laledy, you obnoxious asshole). I'm always a little apprehensive to start writing trans characters in new fandoms, mostly because I've been in a number of fandoms that have corners that get very tetchy about their weird gender role stuff, but it's consistently been met with such a positive reaction that it really brings me joy. So thank you so very, very much!!
My personal take on Vox in 666 specifically (a lot of which isn't going to come up because he does not want to get into it) is that he wasn't personally really in a position or environment conducive to considering trans-ness as, like, a thing that happens when he was alive, and he put his all into putting on The Correct Gender Performance with the vim and aplomb that we see from him in canon, plus all the underlying bullshit that goes into maintaining that facade. So, y'know. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, minus the Jewish. Which did not do amazing things for his mental health, not that he let himself pay attention to that at the time!
And then he wakes up, in hell, with this weird-ass demon body with a television for a head, and - well, it just makes sense to present as a man at that point, doesn't it? Hell is dog-eat-dog, and he's not going to pick the submissive gender to put himself on the back foot from the start!
He figures out what the fuck being trans even is eventually, just. Not for a while, and not until after someone like Valentino, having known and assumed that Vox is trans as a given for fucking months, mentions it offhandedly to Vox, who had been mentally describing himself as "just lying about his sex like those girls in stories that get shit done by dressing up as men". Then he gets to have his own little spiral about it, and also why it's upsetting him, and why he felt so vulnerable about Valentino knowing, and why Valentino specifically, Mr. Fishnets, Heels, and Microminis, is the one that ended up in a position not only to know this about Vox but for Vox to feel comfortable having any kind of sex with. It wasn't something Vox had to analyze back when it was just "her" freaky boyfriend being into pegging!
Okay, fuck, I have even more feelings about trans Vox than I thought I did, hahahaha.
Might fuck around and write a staticmoth-centric prequel interlude at some point if I have the brain cells for it. Vox is a lot more confident and comfortable with his gender now, to the point where he can absolutely see fucking around in a dress for kinky reasons as crossdressing and not being forced back into a box that doesn't fit, but it'd be neat to explore the earlier days. Val isn't here for gender, he's here to be sexy, but Vox... this IS the origin of the daddy kink, just saying.
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mssonepiece · 5 months
🩷High School Sweetheart🩷
🩷Chapter 1🩷
The Text?
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Megumi Fushiguro x fem!Reader; Modern AU, no curses, cursed spirits or possession of cursed techniques; Reader and other characters are in college.
1.3k+ Words
Next Chapter
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Dear Megumi, we've been friends since middle school and I've been thinking maybe it'd be nice to know if you feel the same way that I do about you.. I hope I don't regret this... I feel more close to you than any of our other friends and lately I can't stop myself from wanting to be around you all the time, it's okay if you don't feel the same. I love being your friend and I'm so scared to lose that because of this.
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Looking at the message you typed out on your phone five minutes before you think of how this is the corniest text you've ever written up in your life. It would be utterly embarrassing to send this message just to be left on read or be told that your feelings are not reciprocated, making things awkward between the two of you. But you've felt as though you've had this crush on Megumi for so long that it's either shoot your shot and try to be something more or force yourself to stop hanging out with him in hopes to lose all romantic feelings toward him. Will that ever happen though? Would you be able to lose feelings even if you did ignore him? The more you think about the situation the more you feel like the text is a bad idea. Is it a good idea to ruin this friendship for the chance of something... more. Ding
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~After The FaceTime With Maki~
You and Maki talked on the phone for a good hour and a half before you had to end it short for a bit of grocery shopping. You should have done it much earlier in the week, then you could have stayed on the phone longer. If you don't go today though then you will have nothing to eat tonight. On the way there you think back about what Maki told you over the phone. She of course had more to say about Mai, they've been living together for a year now in an apartment their parents pay for but Maki is the only one doing the daily chores around their house. You think that if you were her, you would have made Mai do more or move out way sooner. Maki of all people is surprisingly patient with her though.. at times.. It seems like she's also having the usual problems with her father too. They always seem to have some sort of dispute going on but today was particularly bad. He doesn't accept what college she has chosen to go to and is trying to have her drop out and transfer to the same college that Mai attends. Mai goes to a more high-league school but Maki has no interest in going to a school that is only to help her family's public image... It's that bad. Well her father called again pestering her this morning and when she declined for the hundredth time, he called the college board saying that Maki was very interested in transferring soon, even asking for her transcript. He's taking things too far, you can't help but feel bad for her. Wishing you could have talked to her more on the phone and carried on walking the short way to your local market.
The sun is setting, casting a beautiful blend of colors across the cloudless sky. On the side of the sky where the sun has already subsided, stars are starting to appear. Your feet slowly stop moving forward as you crane your neck up, getting a better view of the whole night sky. You could look at it forever but the awkward feeling of standing in the middle of a sidewalk was creeping up on you, making you take slow steps towards the market again. It's a silent walk other than the cars and people passing by. It's peaceful. Well until the sudden thought of wanting to share this moment with Megumi. Leading to a slideshow of thoughts. Your head felt like it was spinning and full of so much information that it just wanted to drop on the hard concrete ground.
The market doors seem to appear in front of you out of nowhere, arms instinctively reaching out to pull the handles. Maybe you've been a little in your head lately because of this whole Megumi thing but none of the choices of action are appealing. If you were to end up ruining your friendship with Megumi over some high school crush then you’re sure you could never forgive yourself. He’s always been there, mentally and physically. Ever since you first became close in middle school he has been the first friend you would choose to hang out with, even though he can be a bit of a bore sometimes he is good company. You could be sitting in silence together for hours, him reading a book and you playing a video game, watching a show, or sometimes reading along with him and neither of you would have anything to complain about. But if you carry on feeling like this without ever telling him then it would soon be too hard to even be around him anyway. It’s slowly becoming a comfort to have him just hanging around whenever you have something you need to do. You would have even asked him to come along shopping with you if you had not felt embarrassed by the whole text you wrote up earlier, and didn’t even send. The urge to text him now is strong but what to say isn’t coming to mind. You’re better off getting what you need from the market and going back home. Maybe then you'll be able to think of something to send him.
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Setting the few bags of grocery’s down on your dining room table you finally take a deep breath for the first time in what seems like hours. Reaching back for your phone from the back pocket of your jeans, you open the messages app. 
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After updating Kirara and texting Maki again about your crush situation, you decide it’s best to put your phone away for a bit while you make dinner. Choosing to ignore the fact that you told both of your friends you were going to text Megumi. But also sending a text to Nobara that will catch her attention, riling up her pho mo.
Your kitchen isn't very big, only having a small one bedroom apartment often doesn't come with much foot space. You still try to make it look nice with decor and furniture. Plants really have helped with brightening up your home, bringing different greens and yellows throughout your house. It makes you feel like your apartment is 'homey' and more livable. Everywhere you've lived before here never really felt like your own. Going from your family home, to a year long roommate situation, and finally now you rent your own apartment off-campus. It's such a different feeling knowing that you have the place to yourself and of course the responsibility of the bills will definitely make you feel that difference too. It's close to campus, just a short five minute walk. You're even able to stop by Starbucks everyday, you don't.. but you could. You basically live in the center of town so you can walk to most places with ease, making rent much more tolerable too when not having to pay for a car. You'll have to deal with your college loans later in life, but that's the least of your current worries.
Dinner is as boring as usual, chicken and rice. Anything that is quick and easy to make so that you can relax sooner. It doesn't take long to make the rice and start on the chicken. You start to feel like it would have been better to order food but it's all worth it when you get to sit on the couch with a steaming bowl of chicken and rice. Situating a pillow in your lap, then the bowl of food on top. You use your right hand to hold the bowl in place on your lap and the other to reach for the tv remote now that you're comfortable, turning on the television to Netflix most recent watches. Episode 13 of "Orange is The New Black" brightens the display from the dark loading screen previously there. You raise your hand to the spoon sitting in the white glass bowl and take a bite from it as the show starts. You hear a faint ringing of an iPhone from the kitchen but choose to ignore it til the end of the episode.
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