#i am so glad lousy three is a tag
firedragon1321 · 6 months
Lousy Three Nicknaming Contest Over!
A while back, I posted for suggestions for nicknames for Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti. I finally got around to catching them, so it's time to crown the winners!
First up- Munkidori.
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He is now Mojo Jojo! I'm afraid I can't find the person who posted this name, but they came in early and hit hard. I grew up on the Powerpuff Girls, so this was pretty much over the second they hit enter.
Runners Up for Munkidori
@pepsimansthickjuicymeatyschlong- enn eff tee
@ezdrools- Paul (I assume it's a reference to the DNA Productions logo)
@gamegem92- Ape Escape (I know they changed it but I love Ape Escape)
@thephantomwolfi3- Bored Ape
Next up- Okidogi
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@thephantomwolfi3 came up with Cheems. While not a huge fan of the meme, that ironically only made the name more attractive to me.
Runners-Up for Okidogi
@bellatheinkdemon- Princess
@gamegem92- Husky Tantrum
Finally- Fezandipiti
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This was a hard contest. Ultimately, I took Malewife from a group because it amused me. @eggchjf also submitted the rest of the holy trinity- Mansplain and Manipulate.
Runners Up for Fezandipiti
@pepsimansthickjuicymeatyschlong- makeup youtuber (would have won if I could fit it neatly into the twelve character limit)
Now, here's some honorable mentions for group names
@starwarrior65- Okidogi=Moe, Munkidori=Curly, Fezandipiti=Larry and all together called the Loyal Stooges.
(Other people went this route too, but I'm highlighting this one for the addition of the new group name)
@starchbean- I named them Dunkdon, Grifthound, and Dipstick :P
@lucked-out-mouse- Caffeine, Steroids, Botox
@mynarco- i saw someone on twitter name them gaslight (munkidori) gatekeep (okidogi) girlboss (fezandipiti) if that helps at all
@gurren-logout- Ed, Edd, and Eddy
@56th-tin-knee- Monkretin (monkey + cretin), Thugrizzly (thug + grizzly), and Charlatrane (charlatan + crane)
(I loved these three so much. They sound like real Pokemon names!)
@lupinevolt- Doggonit, Baboonzled, Unpheasant
Thanks to everyone who participated!
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi!! I was wondering if you could do another fic involving jules and coops together? Just like sweet moments between the three? I loved the baby sitting series you did and could not stop thinking about it❤️❤️ Thank you!!
Yeah, of course! I love writing my boy at any opportunity. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, but the relatives are my ocs!
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Sirius asked under his breath as Remus finally—finally—appeared from the mass of people.
“It’s fine,” Remus said around a forced smile to a middle-aged man across the yard.
Sirius hid his mouth by pretending to look down at the nearest casserole dish. He didn’t even know what was in it; nobody had bothered with labels, and everyone’s dishes were the same basic florals in different colors. “I love you, Re, and I totally get the whole ‘meet the parents’ thing, but this is a bit much if I’m being honest.”
“Honey.” Remus’ shoulder pressed against his own. “I’m sorry you’re not having a good time, but my Aunt Jen would skin me alive if I didn’t bring the man I’m marrying to the family reunion. We can leave tomorrow if you really hate—oh, no.”
“Remus!” a shrill, excited voice called. Sirius felt his fiancé straighten up as a tall, redheaded woman in star-painted jeans hurried across the grass with three other women in tow. She reached up and gave Remus’ cheeks a squish, then leaned in a planted a lipstick-stamped kiss to his forehead. “How are you, my duckling? Was your flight alright? Make sure you stay away from the salt or else your feet will swell.”
“Hi, Aunt Jen,” Remus said, grimacing a little at her rib-crushing hug. “I’m doing well, and our flight was fine. How are you?”
“Peachy keen,” she assured him. Dark brown eyes lasered in on Sirius half a second later and he felt his fight or flight kick in. “And who are you?”
“Aunt Jen, this is—”
“It was rhetorical, honey,” Jen interrupted with a pat to Remus’ arm as she stepped closer to Sirius and immediately hauled him in for a hug. She was as tall as Remus, but broader in the shoulders and hips; he had never felt so engulfed by someone. It was a strangely enjoyable feeling.
“Aren’t you a handsome one?” the shortest of the group cooed, as if she was talking to a particularly small dog in a purse. “Our Remus always knew how to pick them.”
Remus furrowed his brows. “Aunt Lisa, this is the first boyfriend I’ve—”
“But he’s not just a boyfriend!” Jen trilled, giving Sirius’ cheek a pat. “He’s a fiancé, something I learned from your mother. Not from your father—oh, I gave him a talking-to about that—and not from you, duck.”
Sirius bit back a laugh at the nickname and spared a glance to his left, where Remus had gone pink all the way to his ears. “Sorry.”
“Introduce us!” the shortest insisted, taking the other two by the hands as pulling them forward with an eager smile.
“Everyone, this is Sirius Black, my fiancé.” Remus gestured between them, and the four women beamed at him. “Sirius, this is Aunt Jen, Aunt Lisa, Aunt Allison, and Aunt Mary, my dad’s sisters.”
“It’s lovely to meet you,” Sirius said, holding a hand out.
“No need to be so formal,” the brunette grumbled with a teasing grin. “We have heard so much about you from Lyall. After those damned pictures—”
“Allison,” Jen hissed.
“—after the damned pictures,” Allison repeated with a pointed look. “I was about ready to drive up to Gryffindor myself and give that lousy son of a bitch a piece of my mind—”
“—but Lyall talked me down and I have been waiting to meet you ever since.” She finished with a soft huff and gave his arm a quick squeeze. “Remus is a lucky boy to have you. It’s very exciting to see you in person at last.”
Sirius’ heart gave a happy little ka-thump and he smiled. “I’m glad to be here. Thank you for having me.”
“He is so polite,” Lisa said to Remus out of the corner of her mouth with a wink and a thumbs-up. “Good choice.”
“You know what I just realized? We haven’t said hello to Jules yet. We’ll see you in a few, yeah?” Without waiting for an official answer, Remus wrapped an arm around Sirius’ waist and practically carried him away from the table. Once they were out of earshot—and the aunts had busied themselves with one of the younger Lupins—Remus relaxed with a slow exhale. “I am…so sorry.”
“For what?”
“I had no idea they were going to corner you like that. I mean, I did, but I was hoping it wouldn’t be for another few hours. They tend to move in a pack at reunions, like sharks. Or wolves.”
“They’re really sweet.”
“They are,” Remus said grudgingly, though Sirius could read the affection dripping off him like his favorite book. “My dad’s the youngest of five, and I was the first nephew. You can imagine how that went.”
“Baby of the baby?”
“Can I ask one thing?” Remus nodded, visibly confused, and Sirius found he couldn’t keep his grin down any longer. “Duckling?”
“I hoped you didn’t hear that,” he groaned as they headed toward the kids’ play area beneath a large oak. “Long story short, it involved five-year-old me, a pond, and a sinus infection that made me sound like a duck when I sneezed.”
“Oh my god,” Sirius laughed, earning himself a light elbow to the ribs. “And the name stuck?”
“Considering she was the one that had to stay with me while my folks were working, she could call me whatever the hell she wanted. Please don’t ask her about it unless you want a thirty-minute TED talk about the ins and outs of my sinuses.”
“She’s a doctor?”
“No, she just overshares.”
Sirius looked up and saw a herd of small children racing toward them, led by his favorite person under the age of eighteen; Jules crashed into his legs and squeezed him tight around the waist. “Hey, I missed you!”
Jules propped his chin below Sirius’ sternum and stared up at him with the classic hazel-gold eyes that were far more common than Sirius believed before they arrived in the Lupins’ backyard. “I missed you, too! How’s the team? How’s Harry? Is he still super small or did he do that weird thing that babies do where their legs grow and the rest of them still looks normal? How was your flight? Did you have turbulence?”
Sirius thought for a moment. “Good, also good, growing normally, and yes.”
“Sweet! Come play cornhole with us!” Jules grabbed his hand and dragged him along the grass at the closest thing he could manage to a sprint with Sirius’ added weight—the pre-teen years had lent him gangly legs, though he didn’t seem quite sure how to use them yet. He looked more like a foal than a sixth-grader.
“What the hell is cornhole?” Sirius muttered as the flock of kids ran ahead to grab armfuls of beanbags.
Remus grinned. “Something I’m about to kick your ass at.”
By the time the sun set, Sirius was exhausted. He had been introduced to dozens of people who looked just enough like Remus to be eerie, as well as plenty who seemed to have been acquired by one Lupin or another over the course of their life. Jules fluctuated between laminating himself to Sirius’ side and disappearing for an hour at a time, only to return more grass-stained and rumpled than ever as he begged Remus to swing him around by the ankles again. His ass had been thoroughly kicked at cornhole and freeze tag; it was a true miracle he hadn’t already passed out into a food coma. For all of his earlier griping, Sirius couldn’t think of a time in recent months when he had been more content.
“You’re a brave soul,” Remus remarked as they sat in the grass together and watched the fireflies wake. Though it was a warm night, it seemed the citronella candles littering the tables were doing their job of chasing off mosquitoes.
Sirius leaned his head on Remus’ shoulder. He smelled like grass and summertime and sunbaked warmth. “Am I?”
“Mhmm. I’m sure most people would have run screaming by now.”
“I like your family.”
A beat of silence passed; Remus rested his temple against the top of Sirius’ head. “I’m really glad to hear that. They’re weird and loud, but I love them.”
“And I love you.”
“Are you saying I’m weird and loud?”
“On occasion.”
“Asshole,” Remus laughed, giving him a nudge that hardly qualified as more than a gentle sway.
“Language, there are eight million kids around.”
“They’re busy.”
Sirius watched as small group run by in a wave of giggles, all clutching mason jars of fireflies with their names written on masking tape. “Thank you again for asking me to come with you.”
“Like I said, Aunt Jen would—”
“Remus.” He fell quiet. Sirius didn’t remember the last time he said Remus’ full name aloud. “Your family loves you so much. They’re everything I ever wanted growing up, and it means the world that you wanted to share them with me. All they want is to see you happy. It was amazing to finally meet them.”
“They really, really love you,” Remus said softly, his voice a little thick. “I had about twenty people tell me how wonderful you are. They all thanked me for bringing you, and not a single one mentioned the celebrity thing. Even my Uncle Jay didn’t say a word about hockey.”
“He was the one in the jersey?”
“I’ve known him for my entire life and I’ve never seen him without one.”
“Huh.” Sirius tucked his face closer to Remus’ neck and let the sound of the bullfrogs in a distant marsh lull him. “What time is it?”
“Almost eleven. The adults will be up for a while, but the kids will start crashing soon.”
Footsteps on the cool grass rustled to their right and Sirius looked up. “Who wants pie?” Aunt Allison singsonged, breaking their quiet bubble with paper plates and utensils. “This one is blackberry, but we have peach, pumpkin, and a few others on the table if you’re still hungry.”
“Just a small piece, please,” Sirius said.
Allison paused and cocked her head, then burst out laughing. “Oh, you’re funny!”
“I am?”
“Don’t fight it,” Remus whispered.
“You are a growing boy,” Allison said as she cut a thick slice and plonked it onto his plate. “And there’s no such thing as too much pie.”
I’m 26, Sirius wanted to say, though he held it in. “Just a small one for me, as well,” Remus said.
“Ha!” Allison snorted. “You’re already too skinny. Eat your pie or you’ll end up a string bean like your father. The NHL might have given you muscle, but it’s useless if you don’t enjoy some of your favorite aunt’s—”
“—woah, hey now—”
“—pie once in a while.” Allison kissed the tops of their heads once both plates were secure and bowing in the middle. “I’m going to make sure the kids aren’t poking around in the river again. Sleep well, you two.”
Sirius stared down at his plate as she wandered away. “I’m honestly going to die if I eat this.”
“Yeah, please don’t make yourself sick on pie. You really don’t have to eat all of that. The aunts and uncles are convinced that none of us are eating properly once we turn eighteen.”
“I wish I was kidding. You’re going to sleep so well tonight, though.”
As if on cue, Sirius stifled a yawn with the back of his hand and cuddled under Remus’ arm again. A familiar shadow bounded over not two seconds later and he barely held down a groan. “Hey, can I join you?”
Remus shrugged. “ ‘course.”
“Sweet.” Jules settled himself across their laps, staring at the sky with his head pillowed on Sirius’ thigh. “Did you have fun? I’m really glad you could come.”
“I had a great time,” Sirius answered honestly. Now please move on so I can take a nap.
“Mom and dad and me got here yesterday, and Aunt Jen kept checking the door for you guys even though she knew you weren’t coming until today. She was worried you wouldn’t like us, I think.”
“That was never an option, Jules.”
“Yeah, I know.” A devilish grin flickered over his face. “Remus is the weirdest of all of us, and if you want to marry him—”
“Get off,” Remus grumbled, shoving Jules’ legs onto the picnic blanket. “You know, you were a lot nicer before you turned eleven. Can I return you and get a new one? I have the receipt somewhere.”
“That’s all a birth certificate is, right?” Sirius raised his eyebrows. “If you bring it back in good condition, I hear they give you a ten percent discount.”
Jules scowled. “That’s so not true.”
“How do you think I got Regulus?”
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?” Remus asked with a pointed look. “Run along, problem child.”
“Of the two of us, I’m the least problematic.” Despite his words, Jules clambered to his feet and dusted his hands off over Remus’ head. “I’m not the one that got a secret boyfriend and got engaged in a year. I’m so easy. Mom and dad want two of me.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” Remus sighed as he stretched out on the blanket. “They had a second kid because they wanted two of me.”
“You’re adopted.”
Remus cracked one eye open in disbelief. “No, I’m not.”
“How do you know?”
“Because—y’know what, go to bed. Or go find the stampede, I think they’re by the river.”
Sirius whistled lowly as Jules scampered off again. “That was impressive. Isn’t your aunt over there?”
Realization clicked into place. “She’s going to make him go to bed.”
“You’re brilliant.”
Remus smiled without opening his eyes, and tugged Sirius down by the sleeve to lay next to him. “You’re just figuring that out now?”
The stars were brighter than anywhere Sirius had ever seen; for a moment, he was struck speechless by the endless rivers of sparkling white overhead. He stared until his eyes burned from dryness, then put his head on Remus’ chest and kept on looking. There was no way he could tear his gaze from it. A few shooting stars streaked across the clear sky and he felt his heart skip a beat in pure amazement when he realized there was nothing else he would wish for in that moment. He could listen to Remus’ heartbeat and the sound of his new family talking against a backdrop of the night, relishing in a full belly and cool wind, and simply stay there for as long as he liked.
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reinerispretty · 4 years
rotations. (zuko x f!reader) pt17
there’s a lil easter egg in here :) wonder who can find it first!! thanks so much for reading i lov u
“What if he doesn’t want to see me?” Zuko asked. His amber eyes were transfixed on the tent before him.
“I think you know that isn’t true.” (Y/N) took his hand in hers and squeezed it. “I’ll be with the others if you need me.”
When the group awoke the next morning, Aang was gone. Each member searched high and low for the young Avatar, but to no avail. “I don’t really think this is the time for him to go on one of his special Avatar journeys,” Toph grumbled, to which (Y/N) hummed in agreement. As the group reunited after their searches, Zuko proposed the idea of utilizing the bounty hunter June and her shirshu Nyla in finding Aang. 
“Isn’t she the one who paralyzed me?” (Y/N) asked bitterly.
“And me?” Sokka chimed in. 
“And me?” Katara added. Zuko shrugged. 
“Her shirshu can track someone down from across a continent. If anyone can find Aang, it’s her.” (Y/N) was not interested in the idea of procuring a bounty hunter to find Aang, but it was their only hope. 
And that hope was quickly squandered. When they found June and convinced her to help them, her shirshu couldn’t locate Aang.
“Is he dead?” (Y/N) asked. June shook her head. 
“Nyla would be able to smell his body. Your friend isn’t in this world anymore.” What that meant exactly, the group had no idea. Even when Aang traveled to the Spirit World, his physical body remained in the physical one. How could he have just disappeared? 
“Try this, then,” Zuko said, holding up a piece of clothing to Nyla’s nose. The shirshu sniffed and immediately turned in the opposite direction, ready to dart off into the woods. 
“Whose is that?” Katara asked. 
“It’s my uncle’s. If anyone will be able to tell us what to do, it’s him.” 
Nyla led the friends to the outer wall of Ba Sing Se, where they were met by King Bumi, Master Pakku, and the other great masters they had met over their travels. 
“How do you all know each other?” Sokka asked. 
“We are all part of the Order of the White Lotus,” Piandao explained. “An organization that transcends loyalty to our nations and instead comes together to fight for the common good.” 
“Does that mean my uncle is here?” Zuko asked. Piandao nodded. The six friends were led into the main camps, where many tents had been set up to house other members of the Order. As (Y/N) passed, she recognized a few of the members as people she had known during her time traveling the three nations. Citizens of the Fire Nation that were also part of the Order seemed to be few and far between, but (Y/N) supposed their numbers deteriorated after nearly a hundred years of pro Fire Nation propaganda. 
The biggest tent of them all belonged to the Grand Lotus: Iroh. The rest of the group dispersed to discuss battle plans, leaving (Y/N) and Zuko paused just paces away from the entrance of the tent.
“What if he doesn’t want to see me?” Zuko asked. His amber eyes were transfixed on the tent before him. 
“I think you know that isn’t true.” (Y/N) took his hand in hers and squeezed it. “I’ll be with the others if you need me.” Her fingers slid from his and Zuko turned to watch her walk away before taking a deep breath and entering his uncle’s tent. 
(Y/N) sat between Sokka and Katara as they listened to Master Pakku describe the Order’s plans to liberate Ba Sing Se. He paused as she joined their group. 
“Ah, (Y/N). Glad to see you’re back in the clothes of your home nation.” It was a joke of course, a nod to the last time they had seen each other. 
When the Fire Nation was attacking the Northern Water Tribe, (Y/N) had felt defenseless while fighting off the Fire Nation soldiers, so she had unleashed her firebending on them. Soldiers from the Water Tribe had captured her as a spy and it had taken a lot of convincing from Katara that she really was trying to fight against the Fire Nation. It was an embarrassing misunderstanding that led to (Y/N) to choose hand-to-hand combat over her own firebending if she could help it. 
“Evening, Master Pakku,” (Y/N) said with a smile.
“Do you really think Iroh and the other firebenders will be powerful enough to take back the city?” Sokka questioned. Both Pakku and (Y/N) nodded. 
“His power as a firebender is unparalleled,” Pakku explained. 
“He might look like a sweet old man, but he is one of the best firebenders in the entire nation,” (Y/N) added. “I learned some of my best techniques from studying how he fought. Plus the comet will only make firebenders even more powerful.” 
“Yeah, but you’re fighting against Fire Nation soldiers,” was Sokka’s rebuttal. “Won’t they be more powerful too?” 
(Y/N) nodded. “I don’t mean to sound like a snob, but people like Iroh and I spent a lot more time training than those lousy soldiers. It’ll be a long fight, but not a hard one for Iroh.” 
Almost as if he had been summoned, Iroh exited his tent with Zuko as his side. (Y/N) recognized the glistening trails of tears on Zuko’s face, but also saw the happiness in his eyes. 
“(Y/N)!” Iroh cheered. She smiled widely and stood to run over and give him a hug. “It is very good to see you again.” 
“And you the same,” she said, giving him a bow. “It feels like just yesterday that we broke out of the Fire Nation prison.” 
“This is who broke you out?” Katara asked. Iroh chuckled. 
“You think I would let the only other sane person in the Fire Nation stay in jail?” They returned to the campfire to further discuss their plans for the comet. Iroh poured them all cups of tea as Zuko and (Y/N) sat next to each other. Katara was the only one who caught the look of surprise on his face and she returned it with a smile as she accepted her cup of tea. 
“Katara,” Zuko said. “How would you like to come to the Fire Nation to help (Y/N) and I take down Azula?” 
“It would be my pleasure,” Katara said with a grin. The situation still gave (Y/N) a heavy feeling in her stomach, but sometimes the right thing was the hardest thing to do. 
Eventually, (Y/N’s) friends and the other members of the Order dispersed from the campfire to retire for the night. Only (Y/N) and Iroh remained, finishing off the pot of tea. 
“I see you and Zuko reconciled,” Iroh hummed as he sipped his tea.” 
“For the most part, yes.” Iroh was the easiest person to talk to, (Y/N) found. When she was younger and had not even her own parents to turn to, if Iroh was visiting, he would lend her an ear. “I think I’ve forgiven him. Part of me still gets mad thinking about the things he’s done to me and my friends.” 
“That is only natural. The heart cannot forget the wounds that it has endured, but it can heal from them.” (Y/N) nodded. 
“I’m trying to.” 
“I always thought you and Zuko were the most interesting pair.” 
“How so?” Iroh sat in silence for a moment as he pieced his thoughts together. 
“You are strong in your beliefs. You are not afraid to be defiant if it means doing what is right. I remember when you were younger, I heard you arguing with your mother about why you should continue your firebending training. You told her that you did not care what she wanted you to do, because you knew becoming a better bender would make you stronger.” Iroh chuckled. 
“Zuko had told me to say that, so I could stay in training with him. She gave me the punishment of a lifetime after I said it.” 
“I am sure. But Zuko was not granted the same strength as you. He is loyal to the people he cares about, which is why it was so hard for him to choose what was right and wrong. He loved you and I but loved his father and Azula as well.” 
(Y/N) furrowed her brows. She wasn’t quite sure where Iroh was going with this, but then again, was anything he said ever straightforward?” 
“You pushed Zuko to make the right choices and he pushed you to stand up for yourself. As I watched you grow up, I noticed how you rotated around each other. Like the moon and tides, you and Zuko were always the driving force behind the other.” 
“Until he was banished.” 
“Zuko fought so hard to capture the Avatar because he wanted to restore his honor and return home to you. He will never admit it, but that is all he wanted.” 
“And I guess here I was, fighting against my home for doing horrible things and taking someone I cared about away from me.” 
“We are all connected, but no matter how hard you or Zuko tried to cut the thread that tied the two of you together, it is indestructible.” Iroh finished the last of his tea and stood. “You must rest. We all have a big day ahead of us.” 
(Y/N) watched as Iroh returned to his tent. She squashed out the dying fire. and made her way back to the tens she and her friends had been given. Katara and Toph slept in the first one, Suki and Sokka in the next, and Zuko lay fast asleep in the last one. 
(Y/N) crawled into the spot beside him, feeling the exhaustion of the day weighing heavily on her body. She lay on her back and instantly fell asleep. 
Katara woke the next morning and decided to rouse (Y/N) and Zuko first, since they would be traveling to the Fire Nation together. She pulled open the door to the tent to see (Y/N) snoring on Zuko’s chest, with Zuko’s arm wrapped tightly around her waist. 
Katara dropped the tent door and walked away. She could give them a few more minutes. 
Tag List!
@mdgrdians , @soft4kei , @bubblebars , @pleasantfankingdom , @vintageroses1014516 , @celamoon , @fangirlanotherjust , @gliderbudgie , @haylaansmi , @jada-cleo , @boxofteenageideas , @disgruntled-gay , @lie-ana , @jasmine-the-amazing , @svsoftie , @buckysfeet , @anime-simp , @imcravingyou , @rosetheshapeshifter , @alrightberries , @izzieserra , @hstott , @random-stupid-stuffs , @jackbamexpress , @jainaixo , @thefoxskinwalker , @kryptidkova , @bigbuckyenergy , @omgwhattheeven , @ohmigooosh , @snapchatisoverrated , @inlove-maze , @harapirena , @sooske , @sweeetteaa , @selenvx , @ilovespideyyy , @saaaasib , @mochminnie , @agentsofblinks , @happyariesbabey , @slytherky , @uglipotata72829 , @og-disaster-bi , @animeluver23 
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slimepuparibaba · 3 years
Starconches and Windwheel Asters | Chapter 1: A Bet Sealed
In which Childe and Lumine have a talk on the beach and make a bet...
Okay, I am so sorry in advance, but this one is painstakingly long. I sincerely did not mean for it to be this long, but it's hopefully fluffy enough to make up for it. These first few chapters are going to need fluff. And... and I mean it. Seriously. Childe might seem a little OOC and all over the place, as will this chapter. Hopefully, I managed to capture how scattered Childe's thoughts are. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Full fic below the cut!
Masterlist -> Next
You can also read this fanfic on AO3!
"Hey, girlie, hold still!"
Those first four words made Lumine's heart thump in her chest.
She will never forget the day she met that Harbinger, the one she was supposed to call her enemy. His codename was Tartaglia, though he went by Childe. He was cunning, bold, and sly. The first day they met, Childe wasn't hesitant to reveal his intentions to her and Paimon. He was here on Fatui business, to fulfill the will of the Tsaritsa.
Even then, Lumine fell.
It wasn't a subtle type of thing, either. Everyone who traveled by Lumine's side noticed that, as soon as she returned to the inn they were staying in, she was giggling to herself... almost on cloud nine.
Kaeya was one of the first to notice it. He had left Mondstadt to ensure Lumine safe travels throughout Teyvat; and, since there was no calvary to be the captain of with the Knights, he wasn't exactly "needed", per se. Besides, Jean and Diluc were still there; surely, the Dandelion Knight and the Darknight Hero would be able to take care of any issues.
Kaeya could easily see through Lumine. He was there when the encounter between Lumine and Childe first occurred. As soon as the ginger gestured her to follow, the knight could tell how smitten Lumine was. And, while the one she happened to fall for was a Fatui, Kaeya wasn't entirely against it. He was glad to see her mind taken off the whereabouts of her brother, after all.
Barbara was the second. She was one of the members of the team to easily read the faces of everyone, whether they seem troubled or happy, or in this case, madly in love. She was hesitant that Childe was the one to sweep Lumine off her feet, but the nun shrugged it off and decided to support Lumine.
Whenever the young Harbinger was spotted nearby and approached Lumine, Barbara and Kaeya weren't hesitant to push her towards the object of her affections. They gave subtle tips, hoping the Traveler would catch on and at least attempt to make a move.
Of course, though, Lumine's comrades weren't the only ones to notice.
Childe was, of course, very aware of the Outlander's affection towards him. In fact, he somewhat formulated it. He heard of the "new girl" in Teyvat who saved Mondstadt and learned she was heading towards Liyue. Since he was already stationed there for the Rite of Descension, he decided that it was best to gain the trust of her and her acquaintances before pulling the rug out from underneath them when the time was right.
He had done this before. He would make many swoon for him and gain the information, or the Mora, that he needed. After all, he was Tartaglia, the 11th Harbinger. This kind of work was as natural to him as breathing was.
Thus, he decided to pull the strings on this strange yet powerful visitor...
"Running... errands?" Lumine asked.
"Yup! Exactly that." The ginger teen was leaning against the bar the inn had owned, his blue eyes filled with playfulness. "I've seen how your little tour group over here is faring, and I couldn't help but notice the lack of ingredients and materials you have in that inventory of yours." When he said that, he gestured towards Paimon, glancing at the floating being. Everyone else did the same, glaring at the mascot.
"Hey! What did Paimon do?!" She squealed.
"You ate most of the Sunsettias in the middle of the night?" Amber said.
"You also used our Mora to buy an entire feast for yourself..." Noelle added.
"Paimon, maybe Lumine was right... maybe it's time you become emergency food." Beidou finished chugging one of her jugs of alcohol, slamming it onto the table next to her, and smiling almost wickedly at Paimon.
Paimon was in the midst of a panic, waving her arms around. "No, no! P-Paimon meant to share it with everyone! Really! Honest! P-p-pinkie promise!" At that, Childe let out a hearty laugh.
"Well, as you can see, your team is desperate for some supplies." He looked back at Lumine, who was watching the fiasco take place directly in front of her. She was giggling at the scene, and the sound of that laughter slightly made the Harbinger's heart flutter.
I'm sorry, my heart did what? Childe tried to snap himself out of it. We're here on a mission. We have to find the Gnosis and hand it over to the Tsaritsa... this is just the usual seduction routine we've used before. Stay on track, Tartaglia!
He cleared his throat, continuing. "So, ojou-chan..." He leaned closer to the girl, flashing that signature smile that he always wore. He could tell Lumine was swooning just from the slight red that started spreading on the tips of her ears. "...how about it? You and I can round up some food. After all, I do have lots of Mora, and you are the team's leader. You should know what everyone wants." The blonde started to ponder on it, weighing her options carefully. "Oh, and you need to ditch the small child."
Paimon let out a loud yelp, taking offense to the last-minute comment that Childe tacked on to his proposition. She angrily huffed, looking to Lumine and telling her to turn down Childe's offer, because it was "not fair to Paimon" and Childe was "super untrustworthy". The ginger reiterated his proposal, putting extra emphasis on the "ditch Paimon" condition, and Lumine had her mind made up.
"Alright. I should be fine around three."
Paimon continued to throw a hissy fit, whining about how she has to come with Lumine because, without her help, Lumine wouldn't be able to hold the food. Even then, Lumine still confirmed that she made up her mind.
This was working smoothly for Childe. He would be able to get Lumine, the foolish girl, alone. No Paimon or teammate could get in between the two of them. He would easily be able to squeeze out all of the information he needed. And, if the time came, maybe the two of them could've even had a sparring match. Oh, how fired up he was just to cross blades with the Traveler.
However, he then realized that it wasn't up to just Lumine to make this decision...
"Alone? With a Fatui?" Amber spoke up, having an obvious opposition to this outing. "Traveler, with all due respect, you may be the Honorary Knight, but he's a Harbinger! You can't trust him that easily. Remember what happened with the Fatui in Mondstadt?"
Lumine looked up at the Pyro Archer and smiled nervously, correcting her statement. "I mean... if we are being technical here, it was mostly the Abyss that was involved with the Stormterror issue."
"And Venti?" The girl responded, crossing her arms. "You told me that La Signora harmed him pretty bad. Signora is also a Harbinger. I don't know what she did to Venti," Amber said, crossing her arms and standing firm, "but I know that it was bad. All Fatui are the same, especially when it comes to the Harbingers. You can't trust them--especially not one like this guy." She glared at Childe, who just flashed a smile her way.
Childe was used to this by now. When he first got promoted to being a Harbinger, everyone that used to be close to him stood far away. Not even his fellow Harbingers could trust them--in the Fatui, you had to learn to trust no one but yourself. Because the Fatui was a place for those who were used to scheming and lying for the sake of the Tsaritsa. That was what he signed up for, anyway.
The archer continued, suggesting that Lumine at least take someone with her, or let them tag along from behind. She claimed it was safer that way so that Childe wouldn't try any "funny business." "You can take Kaeya with you, or even Lisa," she suggested. "Anyone would be fine... just please, don't go on your own with him."
"Well..." The Traveler looked around at the people who were gathered near her. They all seemed to be nodding their heads in agreement, and she felt the atmosphere became much tenser than it was minutes before. "...um, if that's the case, then--"
One person raised their hand from amidst the group. The Calvary Captain himself, Kaeya, stood up from his seat and approached Lumine from behind, patting her on the shoulder.
"Lumine is more capable than we would like to think. I think she'll be fine," the blue-haired man stated. He made it clear to Lumine that he was on her side--he already knew of her little "crush", anyway, and was willing to play the wingman. "She's strong enough to defeat Stormterror. Who's to say that she can't deal with one lousy Harbinger?" Kaeya chuckled, turning to the rest of his friends and teammates. From the crowd, another figure emerged, standing right beside Lumine.
"Mhm! I think she'll be fine, too!" Barbara clung onto Lumine's arm, backing up Kaeya's stance on the matter. "She's able to harness both Anemo and Geo now, and she's already proven how strong she is in Mondstadt! I know she'll be okay!" The two Mondstadt citizens glanced at each other, nodding their heads in mutual agreement. Truly, those two were on the same wavelength.
"But... but Paimon doesn't trust him!" Paimon shouted out, zooming across the room and staring Childe right in the eyes. "You can see it in his eyes... yeah, like Kaeya said! His eyes... they're suspicious!" Ironically enough, Kaeya pushed Paimon away from Childe, gesturing her to back down.
Kaeya and Barbara gave Lumine the thumbs up, almost as if to say that they would take care of the others and that it was best for the two of them to be on their way. So, catching onto their cue, Lumine coughed and looked up at Childe.
"W-well, n-now that I think of it," she stuttered, trying to smoothly change the topic. "I just realized that I am... not busy right now?" She tilted her head towards the exit to the inn, and Childe smiled softly. He understood clearly.
"Ah... then, shall we head out?" The ginger offered his arm to the girl, and she took it with glee. "Well, then, I'll be taking oujo-chan out now!"
"Bring her back home before dinner!" Beidou called out, gaining a chuckle from Childe. "Or else..."
"Yeah, yeah! I hear ya, Miss Pirate," he laughed. Looking down at the blonde, he smiled. "Now then, shall we get going, Miss?"
Oh, dear Archons, his smile was enough to make Lumine die and revive on the spot. Forget Mora Meat or Qingce Stir Fry--if Childe smiled at her like that, she would instantly have buffs and infinite health restoration!
Slowly melting from his charms, Lumine nodded.
"Yeah...! Let's go!"
Liyue Harbor is a beautiful place.
Childe knew this, considering he had been there for a while. And yet, for some reason, just walking along the beachside with Lumine made its beauty all the more noticeable.
He was able to finally get the Traveler all to himself, and seeing how easily she went with him, squeezing information out of her should be easy. He was slightly disappointed, though. Considering her title as the "Honorary Knight of Mondstadt", he was expecting her guard to be a bit higher. And yet, she came willingly without any additional convincing. How he so wished for her to put up more of a fight...
Lumine, however, noticed Childe's watchful eye on her. She ran ahead and bent down, digging into the sand beneath her. Her intentions weren't exactly clear until she gently cradled a small shell in her hands.
It was a starconch.
The blonde looked back up at her acquaintance and smiled. It was one of the goofiest grins anyone could ever have seen. She seemed almost proud of it like she needed praise for digging up such a small shell.
"Well, now," Childe teased, "must I give you a gold star for digging this up?" He was slightly amused at her actions and wasn't sure what she wanted to do with the shell. "What? Does this ojou-chan want to build a sandcastle?" Childe kneeled and leaned in closer, peeking over Lumine's shoulder. He's done this before--it's just the normal routine. He'll tease them with the possibility of a kiss and then treat them to dinner, before gaining every possible piece of information he co--
"It's for you, actually!"
...I'm sorry, it's for what now?
Lumine giggled, grabbing Childe's hand and placing the small starconch in his. Man, her hands are small, Childe realized. She's only two years younger and yet she's so tiny... so tiny that it's kind of cute...
Wait, cute? No. Not cute! Snap out of it, Childe! You're a Harbinger! What are you doing, falling for the one who's supposed to be doing the falling?!
In an attempt to ignore the feelings plaguing his heart, he cleared his throat and asked, "For me? Your enemy?" He held it up to the sunlight, inspecting it further. "Hm... and, what exactly is your intent with this, Traveler?"
Lumine brushed a stray hair behind her ear and smiled. "Well, I just wanted to give you a present. I can do that, can't I?" Once more did she flash that small grin of hers, piercing Childe through the heart. He even dropped the starconch into his lap when she did that, causing Lumine to giggle even more.
Okay, so maybe she's cute. Fine. She wins that.
"That, and..." The girl looked out to the seaside, watching the waves meet with the sand before retreating away. "...I'm not dumb, you know." Without looking Childe in the eye, she stated ever so calmly, "I know you want information."
Shit. I got caught.
So, this Outlander isn't as dumb as Childe initially believed. Good. That made the challenge all the more fun to him, after all. If it was to be easy, it practically felt wrong and would've been much more boring.
The ginger smirked, taking a seat right next to Lumine on the sand, gazing at the ocean as well.
"Well, well. So, you caught me red-handed," he laughed. "What? Did you pull me over just for that, ojou-chan? Hm?" He glanced at the girl beside him, who was enjoying the calm sea breeze.
She looked quite beautiful in the sunlight, now that Childe thought about it. The sun reflected off her golden hair at just the right angle, and the way she seemed so calm was just something else to him.
"Not exactly," Lumine answered, snapping Childe out of his trance.
Seriously, stop daydreaming and focus, dammit!
Lumine continued, "Actually... I only agreed to come with you because I feel like I can change your mind about some things."
Oh? Change his mind? That was new.
"Change my mind? Hah, on what, girlie?" He scoffed, intrigued. "Being part of the Fatui?" Surprisingly, however, Lumine nodded her head. Childe stared at her for a second, astonished. They... they only just met? Why would she care about him being in the Fatui? "You're... you're joking, right?"
"Nope," Lumine stated, bluntly. "Not joking."
After a few seconds of silence, suddenly, the ginger started to burst out in laughter, clutching his stomach and rocking back and forth. To him, such an idea was so outlandish that he didn't expect this Outlander to even admit such a thing! Him? Leave the Fatui? That was such a stupid thought that even Childe wouldn't dream of pursuing such a path.
"L-Leave the... hahaha...! L-Leave the Fatu... Hahahaha!" The boy was practically cracking up, still in disbelief. "M-Man...! When did you become so funny, huh, ojou-chan?" He attempted to catch his breath, and yet, he kept laughing. He was in hysterics.
In response, though, Lumine shook her head. She stared directly at the Harbinger, resting her head on her knees. The look in her eyes told Childe the truth.
Lumine was definitely not kidding.
Childe ceased his laughter, an eyebrow raised in confusion and intrigue. What was the purpose of this, he wondered. Was Lumine that smitten that she believed she could reform Childe? That kind of plot-twist was one that was unimaginable to him, so that couldn't be it at all. Did she think that having Childe out of the Fatui would be beneficial to her? Now that option seemed much more plausible.
He sighed, lying down on the sand and looking up at the sky. "Really, now... this is one of the first times I've heard that in years. But..." He turned his head to look at Lumine, a slight chuckle in his voice as he softly smiled, "...I never expected it to be from you."
The girl picked back up the starconch that Childe had dropped onto the sand and placed it back into his hand once more. She curled his fingers up so that the shell wouldn't fall out of his grasp, and she gripped his hand in hers, nodding.
"Well, guess I'm full of surprises." This Traveler was somewhat unlike anything that the Harbinger was able to grasp, but he found that it just made things more interesting. "I... want to make a bet with you, actually."
"Oho, a bet, you say?" Childe sat up, leaning in closer. "Continue... I'd like to see what's on the line. Our lives? Dignity?"
"How about..." The girl started to trail off, looking away before snapping her fingers and glancing back at Childe. "...your title as Harbinger?"
Oh, so we're playing that game now.
"My title? As the 11th Harbinger? No, no, no... see, even if I did take you up on that offer," the ginger stated, before hastily adding, "Which I'm not if I need to make that clear..." He sighed, closing his eyes before continuing with his reasoning. "...I had to go through a lot of stuff just to get that title. There's nothing, and I mean nothing, that you could bet on that would match up with that."
"Well," she trailed off, looking down at her feet and tapping her boots together as if stalling. "...you're right. I have nothing to offer." She looked back out to the horizon, watching the sun slowly start its descent. "You're a Harbinger, and asking you to leave the Fatui isn't something I can just ask you to do."
"And... I'm sure that you're convinced that we're enemies and that you'd never want to leave in the first place."
"Mhm. Right on point."
"But...!" Lumine tried to continue persuading him, and finally decided to reiterate, "You don't have to give it up if you don't want to by the time this whole thing is over." Childe became even more curious. By the time what is over? "I want to take you sightseeing around Liyue Harbor while we run errands."
Ah, so a date...
...wait, hold up, a date--?
Aren't we moving too fast? We literally just met! Should I even be doing this on duty? Wait, what am I saying?! I'm her enemy! Why am I worried about moving too fast? It's not like I want to... or... d-do I? Damn it, Childe, get your act together!
"And... this time..." The girl, while Childe was in the middle of his own internal monologue, continued with her proposition. "I want you to take a good look and see the people as what they are--people." She emphasized this point, losing the light-heartedness that was once in her tone. "Not as people you need to collect debt from, need to defeat, or need to conquer. Just... as people with families, with lives!" She looked at him with the most sincere gaze. Her amber eyes were sparkling with a glow that was drawing Childe in, almost convincing him--hypnotizing him--to accepting the deal.
Her eyes are actually really pretty now that I have a good look at them...
"I want you to see them as an average human being, just like you and me. If you can do that... then... at least consider leaving the Fatui. I'm not forcing you to leave, but I just want you to keep it in mind, okay, Childe?" When Lumine was finished with her speech, she noticed Childe was just staring at her blankly. It was almost as if he was in a trance, which was uncharacteristic of him. "Um... Childe?"
Were her eyes always that pretty? It's like looking at the sun, but...
...why can't I look away?
"Childe!" Lumine called out, snapping him out of it. He jolted, just realizing he was in a daze. "Were you even listening to me?" Childe was about to lie and say he totally did until he saw Lumine's pouting face. Her cheeks were slightly puffed, her eyebrows furrowed, and yet she was incredibly...
"U-uh..." Holy fuck, she's cute.
"Hello~?" Lumine started to call out to Childe, waving her hand in front of his face. "Teyvat to Childe. Can you hear me?" Little did the Traveler know the number of jumbled thoughts going through Childe's head.
It was a mess in there. Mountains of gushing ramblings about her were starting to pile on top of each other with some logical part of Childe's conscious trying to compress them and hide them far away into the back of his mind. Even then, the loud thoughts kept bleeding through. He was starting to lose focus.
She's just so cute.
In fact, he was so broken that all that left his mouth were broken words and jumbled up sentences. "Um... sorry, what? I was... um... uh..."
Come up with an excuse, you dimwit! Don't make a fool of yourself! You know better than this!
"I was looking at that... o-other starconch!" Childe stammered, trying to search desperately for some convenient starconch that was placed out in the open. Sadly, he couldn't find one, so he just pointed in a direction, hoping Lumine wouldn't catch on to his poor acting skills. "Y-yeah! That starconch, haha! Over there!" Lumine was about to check in that direction, but Childe immediately tugged on her arm in hopes he wouldn't be exposed.
...wow, he thought, mentally facepalming. This is... a complete and utter trainwreck. Good going, Childe. Good. Fucking. Going.
The Traveler, realizing how off track he was, decided to cut him some slack and summarize it in a few short phrases. She sighed, saying, "Look, I just think you're not as bad as everyone thinks you are." She hugged her knees tighter to her chest, seeming quite sincere about such a concern. "You're a lot nicer than a lot of people would think you would be, even if you're a Fatui Harbinger... you just... need to learn to put down the act, you know?"
How would you know how nice I am? Childe began to wonder. For all you know, I could be deceiving you and ready to kill you at any moment. So why... why are you letting down your guard for such a flimsy hypothesis? Are you choosing to believe that I'm nice just because you've fallen for me? He scoffed, deciding to scold her for such an unusual mindset.
Ojou-chan, that's truly sweet of you, but being smitten for me doesn't change the fact that I'm your enemy...
"Even if you are my enemy..." Lumine responded, stopping Childe from continuing his internal narration.
Shit, did I just say that out loud?!
"I think you're... way too humane for me to brush off as a totally bad person," she explained before turning her head and smiling at him.
Did she just gloss over the whole 'smitten' part? God, why can't I think straight today?!
While she was definitely very pretty whenever she smiled, Childe's thoughts were all over the place that he was just picking out things that he probably shouldn't have been paying attention to. Truly, the Harbinger was completely off his game.
"Haha... hah... humane, you say?" He nervously chuckled, trying to regather his thoughts (as well as what little left of logical thinking he had). "Girlie, with all due respect, I'm a Fatui Harbinger. You know that I'm not here for good reasons, and yet, you still want to deny that?" It was admirable, really, it was. The fact that Lumine was completely ignoring Childe's position as a Harbinger and seemingly not minding it at all was something he hadn't seen in a while, but it was dangerous for her. She was on a quest: a journey across all of Teyvat, fighting against the Abyss and the Fatui alike. So why was she disregarding Childe's position as Harbinger? Why was she denying it?
"Well... yeah," Lumine answered. "Of course I'm denying it."
"But why?"
"Because..." The blonde girl shifted her eyes away from Childe, murmuring something under her breath. Even though she tried to avoid him hearing it, the Harbinger could make out a few words: "...you keep looking lonely..."
Oh? Him? Childe? The 11th Harbinger? One of those appointed and trusted by the Tsaritsa? The one who always shows up wherever the chaos is? How could he be lonely? If anything, he was far from lonely. He was surrounded by colleagues who feared and respected him, who would listen to his every word! How was that lonely?
Lumine, still avoiding Childe's gaze, let out a sigh and said in such a small voice, "I... caught you alone once. You were... writing a letter to someone, if I remember correctly."
His letters.
The letters that Childe would write to his siblings back in Snezhnaya whenever he had the time; letters talking about the things he had seen, sent over with an abundance of gifts that he so wished he could give them in person but can't; the letters written with stories he wanted to tell by their fireplace back home, where they could all eat Calla Lily Soup together and laugh at the shenanigans Childe was up to.
Those letters.
The letters that he had to send from nations away because the Fatui didn't trust him to stay in Snezhnaya.
The letters that he sent constantly because he felt homesick and wanted to be with his family.
…yes, those were such letters.
How could he be so stupid to let his guard down and have Lumine, his enemy, of all people, see that?
Childe fell silent, not saying anything. His silence spoke volumes to Lumine, confirming her suspicions. She saw the look on his face and seemed to take pity on him, to which he didn't want from her. He was seen at one of his most vulnerable times--when he was homesick and hoping the best for his family. He didn't want the one he was to cross blades with one day see such a thing.
"...you seemed kind of sad writing it." Lumine looked up at the sky as if searching for someone. It was almost as if she knew the feeling Childe had felt when he was writing those letters. "...you must miss them, the person you were writing to." The atmosphere grew tense, with the girl continuing to gaze at the sky with such a sorrowful look in her eyes; the boy, remaining uncharacteristically silent. "...maybe you just joined the Fatui for the sake of that person..." She looked back at Childe, with what seemed to be a look of pain on her face. "Right?"
Why? Childe wondered. Why is she looking at me like that? Like she would know. And why would it matter to her why I joined the Fatui? I'm still her enemy in the end... He looked at the waves touching the sand gently before they moved away, back to the ocean. The waves would touch the sand, then part with it... touch it, then part... what a somber feeling he felt, just from this one conversation.
Was this her plan? The ginger kept pondering. Did she pry into my private life in hopes that she can let my guard down? In hopes that she can strike me down faster that way? Childe was slowly growing paranoid, not believing Lumine's intents to be pure. He kept searching for reasons to antagonize her, to make her the enemy. He kept grasping at straws.
The thumping of his heart, though, kept telling him otherwise.
This entire time on the seashore of Liyue Harbor, Childe was at war with his heart and his head. His thoughts were all over the place, he couldn't understand a thing, and he was making no sense. He was quite lost, though he hated to admit it. The only thing he could make out clearly was the sound of Lumine's voice and her ethereal figure as she sat there, sometimes smiling, sometimes frowning.
So maybe that's why he accepted her offer. Maybe that's why he decided to let his guard down, just this once. Maybe... just maybe, that was the reason that he took up Lumine on her offer.
"...so," he quietly murmured, breaking the silence between them. "...you just want to take me on a date around Liyue and convince me to be... what? Merciful?" He had a slight smile on his face, hoping to lighten the atmosphere. Thankfully, to his benefit, it worked.
"Something like that--wait! Date?!" Lumine almost instantly regained that innocent glow she had before, giving in to Childe's antics. "D-da... it's not a date!" she screeched, turning to him and pounding her fists into the sand. The Harbinger covered his face to avoid the sand from flying into his face, starting to feel a bit giddier.
"Hahaha, yeah, sure! Okay, I totally believe you," he laughed, lowering his arm to catch a look at the flustered girl.
"I'm serious! It's not a date!"
"Oh, then what is it? A business outing? Hahaha!" Ah... she really is a bit cute.
The lighthearted atmosphere that was with them in the beginning returned. For now, Childe told himself, he'll let his guard down. Just this once, he'll try and let Lumine do as she pleases. Some part of him was telling him that it was alright to just be a human rather than a Harbinger around her...
...and for the first time, Childe listened.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #807: Day Two at Roy's Food Shack (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
12:23 p.m. at the Beach Side of Isle Defino.......
Roy: (Smirks Confidently While Watching Ness, Toon, Ashley, Kirby and Zelda Try out Plates of Nachos He Made For Them) Well? Whaddya thing?
Toon: Not gonna lie....(Starts Enjoying the Nachos He's Eating) These are some really good nachos.
Ness: (Nodded in Agreement) Yeah. I'm actually starting to like them already.
Kirby: (Happily Cheers) Poyo!~
Ashley: I must admit, Roy....(Use a Napkin to Wipe the Crumbs From her Cheeks in a Polite Manner) Your dish was fairly decent.
Zelda: (Smiles Brightly While Wiping the Crumbs Off her Cheeks as Well) I'd say. Since when did you started making these kinds of nachos?
Roy: A long time ago. (Crosses his Arms) King Dad taught me how to cook them and I've became a master at it ever since.
Ness: Neat. Did you thought of some other foods and snacks you wanna put on the menu?
Roy: Only Hot Dogs, Candies, and Tropical Beverages so far. I originally thought about making smoothies, till I realized that the place behind us are already making business out the whole thing. (Points at the Smoothie Place Behind Them)
Wario and Waluigi walks out of the smoothie place Roy pointed at while drinking the slushes they've ordered.
Waluigi: (Starts Having Brain Freeze) WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Wario: (Starts Waluigi at Waluigi's Misery Before Getting Brain Freeze as While) GAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!
Back to the Kids......
Toon: (Sees Wario and Waluigi Screaming in Agony from a Distance) I feel bad for two sometimes.
Ashley: (Already has a Deadpinned Look on her Face) I don't. They're the epitome of idiocy.
Ness: (Turns to Lucas Who is Cleaning the Food Stand's Counter) So Lucas, how's the work life going for you?
Lucas: (Smiles Brightly) It's going great so far. I cleaned the counters, the tables, I even got to be the cashier afterwards.
Ashley: (Smiles Softly at Her Boyfriend) I'm glad you're having a good time, Lucas. (Slowly Turns to Roy With a Dark Glare) You HAVE been giving him breaks during those times, right Roy?
Roy: (Already Getting Startled by Ashley's Glare) C-Christ onna stick, girl! Relax! I gave the kid plenty of breaks.
Lucas: (Nodded in Agreement) It's true.
Ashley: (Takes a Look at Roy For a Brief Second Before Sighing) Very well. If Lucas said you have, then I'll take your word for it. For now......
Roy: ('Sighs in Relief') Thanks for that. (Starts Grumbling Silently) You creepy ass twerp.....
Ashley: (Went Back to Glaring at Roy) What was that!?
Roy: (Gets Startled Again) Nothing!!
Zelda: You know, I've always been interested in cooking. (Smiles Sheepishly) Despite how terrible I am at it.....
Ness: (Turns to Zelda) How bad are we talking here?
Zelda: Well, for starters, I accidentally burnt the cake to the point where it actually turned into ashes that one time back at my universe. Then after that, I burnt the chicken, ham, corn on a cob, casserole, even the gravy.
Ness: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) How the heck did you managed to burn the gravy?
Zelda: (Sighs While Placing her Hand on her Forehead) Your guess is as good as mine on that one......
Toon: Speaking of burnt cooking.... (Turns to Zelda) Big Link and I are planning to go on a hunting trip in a couple of months. You can tag along with us.
Zelda: You sure you guys want me to go? I don't really know how to hunt that much.
Toon: (Smiles Brightly) No worries. We can teach you the basics once we get there. Hey, we can even get Mewtwo to join with us. We'll have more chances to hunt a crap ton with him on our side.
Zelda: (Sighs While Giving Toon a Sisterly Like Look on her Face) Alright, but we're not using him for shortcuts. If we're going to hunt, we have to do it fair and square, got it?
Toon: ('Sigh') Alright.
Roy: You folks enjoyed the best nachos you ever had?
Zelda: Yeah.
Ness: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Mmhmm
Toon: It was great.
Kirby: Poyo!
Roy: Good. Cause it cost you $20.00 each.
Toon/Link/Zelda: WHAT!?
Kirby: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Shock) Poyo?
Ashley: (Glares at Roy in a Deadpinned Like Manner) You mean to tell me that you called us here try out your nachos, only to charge us an expensive price!?
Roy: (Smirks Smugly at the Gang) That's the thing about business, people. If you wanna gain more money, you gotta higher the price sometimes.
Toon: But for a bunch of NACHOS!? These costs at least $2 or $3 each!!
Lucas: (Turns to Roy With Worry in his Eyes) Yeah, Roy. Don't you think that's a bit too much?
Roy: My business. My rules. (Reach his Hand Out While Doing a "Gimme" Like Motion With It) Now pay up!
Ness/Toon: ('Groans in Annoyance')
Lucas: (Starts Feeling Bad) I'm sorry, you guys.......
Ashley: (Gives Lucas a Small Smile) Don't worry, Lucas. This is not your fault. (Starts Rolling her Eyes on Roy) I should've known there was a catch in all of this from the getgo....
Kirby: (Frowns Sadly While Looking Down at the Counter) Poyo......
Zelda: (Gives The Kids a Reassuring Smile) Guys, it's fine. (Starts Taking Out her Wallet From Her Purse) I managed to save plenty of money from my allowance a couple of days ago. I can try and pay it for of all. (Turns Back to Roy) How much is all of this together?
Roy: Welllllllll......(Takes Out his Calculator and Add Up the Total) Four Nachos + Three Pieces of Chocolate Candy will lead you tooooooo........('DING') Over a hundred.
Zelda: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) WHAT!? For five Nachos and small pieces of candy!? H-How much are the candies anyways?
Roy: Ten Dollars each.
Ness: Are you seriously!?
Toon: What kind of service is this!?
Ashley: A lousy one. That's what.
Zelda: (Finally Glares at Roy) Roy, this has gone too far. I want you to lower the prices of the nachos and candy you us right now.
Roy: (Starts Getting Even More Smug Like) Or I can you five to work along with Lucas to pay your debt.
Lucas: Roy, no!
Zelda: I'm serious, Roy Koopa. If you don't lower those prices right now, I am going to telepathy to tell all of our moms what you've been doing.
Roy: ('Tch') Yeah. I like to see you try, Little Miss Princess.
Zelda: One. (Starts Glowing in a Pinkish Aura) Two. Th-
Roy: ('Groans in Defeat') Alright! Alright! Fine! I'll lower the prices. $2.50 for the Nachos and $0.50 for each candy. You happy!?
Zelda: (Smiles in a Very Satisfied Manner While the Kids Cheers her On) Very. Thank you, Mr. Manager~
Roy: (Starts Rolling his Eyes in Annoyance) Yeah. Whatever.
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coplins · 3 years
(1/3) Thanks for responding. I totally see the queerbaiting/kill your gays criticism - it's clear from Misha's comments after the fact that he really thought he was doing something supportive and didn't get how it was the opposite. I wasn't upset with ignoring Eileen because that whole plot was so badly written, and I didn't mind blurry wife because that was a story they'd never have time to tell, so leaving it to be your choice of wife/co-parent (Jared's words) worked for me.
(2/3) I don't see Dean's lack of reciprocation as a problem because Jensen and the showrunners have continuously said that is not their intent in writing/acting that character, so anything folks read into it is subtext. Again, Misha thought it would be better rep than it was. It was a bad call. John isn't canonically a child abuser, just a lousy parent. Both Dean and Sam have done so many crappy things as well that honestly, they shouldn't be there by that metric either. 3/4) But I don't think the finale (awkwardly written as it was) cancels out their character development at all. They are different people - back at the starting point, but not the men they were when they started. Dean is emotionally open; he's dropped acting tough and can talk about his emotions. He can be alone and be okay. Sam is no longer afraid of his blood or turning into John; he can be a good dad. I wish we'd seen Jack and Cas, or heard them at least wish them well, even just a prayer. (4/4) But even though that was crappy to leave out, I don't think it negates the show or the characters. 19 added Cas and Jack's names to the table, and I can be happy with that as the final episode. I was prepared to pretend it didn't exist before it even aired. I AM really glad you're anti-harassment. The shit that even folks like Kripke have been getting on their pages has made me so sad. Dabb posted something about baboons and folks even thought it was about them, not his new show! (Also, sorry to dump like a huge text thing in your inbox. It's totally fine that we disagree on things. I've just seen so many crazy things like people blaming Jared and saying the episode was an ad for Walker and to boycott Walker - a ton of Jared hate in general, really. Or saying Jensen "Destiel Isn't Real" Ackles is secretly a heller who's been viciously silenced by the powers that be for years. And now Misha's getting dogpiled for trying to interact and understand how he fucked up.)
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It's fine, Nonnie. :)
Okay, so, just to make one thing clear. If you enjoyed the finale, then I think it's great. For everyone who didn't get their joy sucked out of them, that's awesome! I got to see the Wincest side of my Tumblr dash go apeshit from happiness and I'm happy for them. I've since had to unfollow some of those blogs when they turned bitter and hateful towards those of us who didn't like the ending. I curate my Tumblr (internet in general) experience to avoid seeing hate thrown at ships, actors, characters, fans, or people in general. I unfollow people if they post too much toxic stuff no matter if they're Destiel shippers, angel fans, or whatever part of fandom they're in.
I try not to reblog too much angry/bitter crap either. There are a lot of posts on my dash that I wholeheartedly agree with but don't belong on my blog. And I've written my share of wank and rants over the years but seldom hit post because I don't want to ruin someone else's positivity. When I do hit post I tag it "spn wank" so it can be avoided. If I need to angry-rant I do so in chat. Sometimes I mess up. There are undoubtedly some less than nice posts in the Buckleming wank category on my blog.
Generally speaking, my M.O. is disengaging and/or vote with my wallet. I will never condone cyberbullying. No matter how famous the person, or how nasty they are, harassment isn't okay. Actions have consequences and I try to think of what they are before I act. If I vent hurtful opinions about an actor, it'll be kept in chat, with someone who understands that particular frustration. (Not related to the current situation.)
When it comes to canon, it doesn't matter what showrunners or actors tell us about how it's meant to be interpreted or how they meant to act it. Canon is what's shown on screen, period. As curious as I am about what the actors have to say about things, it isn't important regarding canon at all. I'll stan my boys no matter what their characters get up to on-screen. <3
Yeah, I've seen the theories and the dogpiling. Luckily, I've avoided seeing the Jared hate but I knew it would be there because the internet is a cesspool of people lashing out aimlessly or misdirecting their anger. Even IF they wrote the finale in a way that they thought would put a spotlight on Jared's upcoming series, HE was nowhere near a position of power to make that decision and should be left out of it. I just figured, if it was true that that's what they thought, then the Wincest bunch was their target audience for the new show. *shrug*
Interesting to hear your take on the finale. If I follow people who have your take, they're not vocal about it, or I'm simply missing it because I don't stalk Tumblr. All it takes for me to stop scrolling and go back to my writing is 3 unknown anime posts in a row or one reader-insert fic and I'm nope-ing the hell out of here. X)
I'm not going to argue against any of your points. It's great that you saw it that way. Fuck, I wish I did too.
I kinda feel like I need to address the child abuse comment I made, though. Some separate neglect and abuse like those aren't the same, some only count physical abuse, others include verbal abuse. Too many of my loved ones (both close friends and family) have experienced all three of those categories and the one who was left alone to care for her little sister as a child, definitely has a lot of mental scarring from it, so I'm counting neglect as abuse. That said, I fucking love John Winchester. So it might be Jeffrey Dean Morgan's charisma, so sue me. But John canonically neglected the hell out of his sons. We got proof of that even in this season when John drops his son off for days in a town where kids have gone missing recently. So, yeah... But, on the other hand, of course both he and Mary should end up in Heaven. Like, that wasn't even a question.
I think my strong reaction against it was how every part of the found family the Winchesters had gathered over the years was erased from the narrative as soon as Dean died. The only one who is shown as important is Bobby, a found-family member that initially was connected with John, not someone the brothers had found and connected with on their own. Bobby is also the only non-Winchester in the photos Sam has over his bed when he's dying. I don't know, man, "Everyone's here," simply doesn't do it for me.
"Family ends with blood" like the finale implied, only works if the greatest monsters in life haven't been family members, and my best friends (twins) growing up, just like my mother, were abused, mentally, physically, and sexually, by parents. I've seen the aftermath of those hellfires, how long it takes to assemble the fractures of your being and become, if not whole, at least functional and happy. For them, it was the friends they made along the way, those who loved them when they couldn't, who really mattered.
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And that was one thing I really loved about SPN (and still do). Team Free Will. Wayward Sisters. All the people that they met along the way and connected with. I've loved to see Sam and Dean develop their bond by taking it from unhealthy, destructive co-dependency to step by step with several setbacks become their own individuals with lives outside of each other, yet still having the strong bond full of brotherly feels where the love they had for each other was rooted in respect for each other's differences and not who they "were supposed to be for each other". And unlike you, I can't see anything but regression in how the finale played out.
Okay, I gotta stop talking now. ^^ I have one scene my betas told me I need to rewrite in my next chapter, and another chapter half done, and I'm itching to post so I need to get on with it.
I hope I didn't put too much of a dampener on your enjoyment of the finale. My opinions don't matter. We all come from different life experiences and therefore find different things compelling and important. I don't begrudge anyone their happiness. <3
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Spiral Day
This is also a combined (ooh snazzy) sequel to Ice Day and Kneecap Day. This work can stand on its own, but some characters make more sense in the context of the past two fics.
And of course, this is a RSS story for @brutal-nemesis's Spiral Day 2021.
Trigger Warnings--also tagged: Hospitals
“Jaydyn, you said that your cousin is Chaia Glassman, right?” Anna asked.
Without looking up from his hospital crossword, Jaydyn replied, “Yeah. Why?”
“Just making sure.” Anna replied, trying to not sound conspicuous. She walked over to the entrance to the ED, where a stretcher lay in wait. “Bring her over to trauma 2,” Anna commanded.
Chaia hadn’t said a word since the ambulance left the lake. Lucy had agreed to let Maria sit on the stretcher with Chaia when they got to the hospital. Maria’s hand reached into the metallic blob at the head of the stretcher.
Upon their arrival at the trauma bay, Maria jumped off the stretcher. “Hey, lifey,” she said, “we need to move you again.”
Chaia squirmed in Aaron’s arms as he lifted her from the stretcher to the exam table. Chaia kept her legs unusually still, which, while concerning, helped Aaron stay safe during the transfer.
Anna walked over and peeled the metallic warming blanket off Chaia’s cold, wet body. “Chaia, it’s Anna,” she said in a slow soft voice. She slipped her hand into her pants pocket, discreetly pulling out her pen light. “Can you look at me?” Chaia didn’t budge. She kept her head firmly in her soaked sweater. “Please?” Anna tried again, sliding her free hand under Chaia’s chin. As Anna gently tilted Chaia’s head to face out, the movement caused Chaia’s eyes to open. They were open just long enough for Anna to shine the penlight and confirm that Chaia’s pupils were reactive. “It’s over,” Anna assured Chaia, sliding the light back into her pants pocket. “What do you say we get you out of these wet clothes?” Anna bent into a white cabinet next to the exam table and grabbed a dotted hospital gown and patient belonging bag.
Maria placed herself at the foot of the exam table and grasped Chaia’s hands. “Up, up,” she said, gently tugging on Chaia’s arms to sit her upright. With Chaia sitting slumped slightly forward, Maria reached down to the bottom of Chaia’s sweater and began to pull it up and off of her wife. She slipped Chaia’s wet, curly head out of the neck hole and pulled the sweater off Chaia’s arms. Maria shifted to Anna, trading the wet sweater for the hospital gown. Anna placed the sweater in the patient belongings bag. Maria draped the gown over Chaia and buttoned the back snaps. She gently lowered Chaia to a resting position on the exam table.
“Now, let’s get those skates off.” Anna grabbed a pair of scissors and walked down to Chaia’s feet. She easily unlaced Chaia’s left skate and slid it off her wet foot. She swapped Chaia’s sopping wet wool sock for a bright red hospital sock and carefully placed the skates on the floor away from the table. Chaia’s right foot, on the other hand, was a bit more complicated. The right skate was entangled in green slimy plants and looked to be filled by a larger foot than the left skate. Anna cut through the mangled lakeweed to expose the skate’s laces. She carefully untied the bunny ears knot and began to unthread the laces from the eyelets.
At the second eyelet pair, Chaia whimpered and thrust a flapping hand toward her foot. Maria took hold of the hand and placed it against her sweater. “I’m right here, lifey. Squeeze when it hurts.”
Anna returned to meticulously unlacing the skates. As the unlacing neared the ankle bend, Chaia seemed increasingly agitated. Her whimpers turned to moans. Tears made their way down her still-puffy face. She finally managed a single word. “Stop,” she said weakly.
“I’m almost done,” Anna assured Chaia. She sighed and picked up the scissors. She loosened the remaining laces and cut down the middle. “Okay. I am going to take the skate off in three, two, one.” Anna placed one hand on Chaia’s shin and the other under Chaia’s heel. She braced Chaia’s leg and pulled the skate off.
As soon as her foot was free, Chaia folded into a ball.
Anna looked over at Maria. “I need to talk to you out here,” she said, pointing towards the center of the ED.
Maria planted a kiss on Chaia’s head. “I’ll be right back.” She joined Anna beyond the end of the side curtain of the trauma bay.
Jaydyn had heard the chaos on the other side of the curtain and was getting curious, so it was surprising when Maria appeared from the other side of the curtain. “What are you doing here?” he asked.
“Um.” Maria paused. She pulled back the curtain separating Jaydyn and Chaia’s sections of trauma treatment. “Ice skating accident.”
“Wh- what happened?” Jaydyn asked. He was shocked to see his cousin crumpled almost entirely into a pathetic wet ball. The only exception, of course, was Chaia’s bright purple ankle, which rested against the white sheet on the exam table.
At that moment, Rory walked in and headed for the back wall, where the portable X-ray had been left. “I am so glad that radiology forgot this here today. Oh, and, uh, Jaydyn, your surgery is scheduled for 2:30. They’ll come by to get you prepped shortly.” Rory grabbed the X-ray and headed over to Chaia.
Maria looked over at Jaydyn. “Surgery?”
Jaydyn nodded. “Something about taking out whatever is left of my kneecap. That’s not important right now. I need to help Chaia.” He glanced over at Chaia, who was doing a lousy job of telling Rory to get away from her. Jaydyn shifted forward in his hospital bed, but was promptly stopped by Anna.
“You, sir, are not getting up,” she commanded. “However, I can wheel you over there.” Anna walked to the head of Jaydyn’s bed and unlocked the brakes on the wheels. Slowly, she pushed the bed to align with Chaia’s. She locked the brakes.
“Chaia, it’s me, Jaydyn. Do you wanna hold my hand?” Jaydyn reached for Chaia’s flapping hand.
Chaia uncrumpled and rotated to look Jaydyn in the eyes. “Hey, loser,” she mumbled.
Rory let out an exasperated sigh. “Chaia, I know it hurts, but please stop moving for a minute.”
Jaydyn saw the pain and fear in Chaia’s eyes. “Look at me,” he said. “I have no clue what I am going to tell your mom. Or my mom.” He let out a little laugh. “Oh gosh, what am I going to tell Bubbe? How am I supposed to explain that her two grandchildren got injured in unrelated accidents at the same time?” He waited for Chaia to react but got nothing. “Come on, it is kinda funny.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Jaydyn saw Rory pull X-ray images up on the computer. “So, Dr. Byrne, what’s the good word?”
“So, Chaia,” Dr. Byrne started, but he didn’t have Chaia’s attention. She was numbly staring at the ceiling over Jaydyn’s shoulder. However, a short nudge on Jaydyn’s part brought her focus over to Rory’s computer. Rory continued, “it appears that you have a spiral fracture in your Talus bone, which is in your ankle.” He used his cursor to circle an area of white bone with a black line down the middle. “There is some good news. It has remained stable and does not require surgery. Your body temperature appears to be steady and normal, so we just need to focus on getting a cast on that leg. Okay?”
With her free hand, Chaia reached for Maria, who immediately took hold. Chaia locked eyes with Rory and gave him an unsure nod.
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falseroar · 4 years
Silent Watch Part 2: Into the Woods
((Just two young people, discussing their hopes and fears. In the woods. At night. Actually, this part is a fairly short and quiet heart to heart. I’ve always liked the idea that JJ is British, so that’s why he has that accent instead of an Irish one.
Link to Part 1 here.))
You soon reached the trailers and cars set up around the set and slowed down long enough to call out, “Mr. Jackson? Jameson?”
There was no answer as you wandered among the trailers, guided more by your memory than what little the moonlight overhead could do, and you found yourself reaching into your pocket to feel the familiar weight of the pocket watch there, the raised lines of the elaborate metalwork on its cover.
It was the single most precious thing you owned, the memory of the giver almost as important as the spell on it designed to protect its bearer. Everyone in your town possessed a ward of some kind, only a maniac would risk going out without one.
But then, most of the cast and crew had come from the cities, where sealed walls and regular patrols kept them safe. For them, the stories of what lurked in the woods near your town were just legends or things that happened to other people. You remembered some of the actors and actresses even laughing about the warnings the town had given them before filming, calling the crew who left before dark superstitious or lazy.
You had been one of those to always work as late as possible, but that was only because you needed the money and you trusted the warded watch to keep you safe.
Now, as you caught sight of the figure in the distance walking along the tree line, shoulders still hunched with his hands in his pockets as he kicked away a stone, you gripped the silver pocket watch and took a deep, steadying breath before running after him.
As long as you had the watch, you were safe. Jameson, on the other hand…
“Mr. Jackson! Jameson, wait!”
He didn’t hear you, and you cursed under your breath as you ran under the shade of the hanging limbs and stumbled through a clinging bush before finding the trail barely visible in the moonlight. Minutes later, you spotted the bright blue vest on the trail up ahead and this time, when you called, he turned around.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked, staring in surprise as you ran right up to him and gave him a shove, made harder by how far he made you chase him. “Ow!”
“What am I—What are you doing, going off into the woods, at night, without even a ward to protect you?” You gasped for breath but still had enough to add, “You idiot!”
“A what?” he asked, and you nearly hit him again.
“A ward, a protective charm, something, these woods are dangerous even in the daytime, you can’t just go wandering off alone—”
Jameson seemed surprised at your words, but that’s not what made you pause when he looked around, as though astonished to find himself so far within the trees that neither the party nor the town could be seen anymore.
It was dark, and you might have been tempted to write off the red in Jameson’s eyes as tiredness or maybe even from a drink or two from the party, but something in the slump of his shoulders, in the way that he wouldn’t quite look at you…
“Have you been crying?”
Jameson looked as though he were going to argue, but then sighed and sat down on the raised root of a tree. “Is it that obvious?”
You hesitated before sitting down next to him, trying to ignore the desire to get out of here and back to the safety of the others. After an awkward silence where you tried to figure out what to say, you decided to just ask, “…Do you want to talk about it?”
Jameson chuckled. “Not really.”
He sighed, rubbing a hand over his dark mustache that you suspected might be fake, his feet tapping on the ground as though sitting still for even a moment was too much to ask, and then blurted out anyways, “I’ve never lost my temper like that before, I swear, I don’t know what came over me, I just…”
His fingers interlocked and twisted together while he worked himself up to continuing, and when he did you noticed that his voice sounded...different. You hadn’t noticed it before, but apparently Jameson had been faking a generic American accent. Now, either because he had forgotten or was too upset to keep it up, you could hear the vowels and emphasis on certain words shifting, sounding more British if you had to guess, although you couldn’t narrow it down more than that.
You realized, despite all of the fame he had gained, despite the responsibility of owning and running his own studio, despite the larger than life character he played on the screen and in front of everyone else, he really wasn’t that much older than you. It wasn’t something that had occurred to you until you heard the soft sniffle before he spoke.
“Have you ever hoped and worked so hard for something, and been terrified that you might lose it all, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it?”
“…I can imagine.”
You could feel his stare on you, prompting you to explain further even if you would rather not.
After a long silence and some fidgeting of your own, you managed to wrestle out the words, “I’ve wanted to be a lawyer, ever since…for a long time. And there’s this college with a great law school that could make that happen, and I got in.”
You felt the pride at those last three words, and the familiar sting of the ones that followed. “But it’s expensive, and I don’t…I think I can make it, there are scholarships and I have a meeting with the admissions officer in a few months—”
But if it wasn’t enough…You swallowed, trying to banish those thoughts before they could start to spiral again.
Jameson exhaled, his silhouette in the darkness looking up at the branches overhead. “It’s always money, isn’t it?”
You started to ask what that’s supposed to mean before recalling one of the actresses’ words. “Is your studio really out of money?”
Jameson shrugged. “We might as well be. Near every dime I’ve had has gone into this studio, and even that hasn’t been enough, not with one disaster after another.”
He opened his hand and began to list them off on his fingers. “Studio fire, burned three sets to the ground and took sixty feet of film with it. Film that’s just gone missing or been corrupted. Red tape every time I turn around, permits that were signed and filed but suddenly can’t be found just when we start rolling. Stars coming down with the flu and setting schedules back weeks. I’ve lost count of how many studio hands have been injured and sent home with broken bones or concussions, or how many close calls I’ve had myself.”
He pulled back the collar of his shirt and you could just make out the white line of a bandage before he let it drop back into place with another heavy sigh.
“At this rate, the best I can hope for is that this movie makes enough to pay off the bank. No wonder that lousy muckraker thinks I’m cursed.”
“That’s what he said to you?”
“Among other things.” Jameson considered and then shook his head, apparently having decided against sharing some of the more colorful language with you. “Of course, once word gets out how bad the studio’s doing, no one’s going to want to touch us. The pictures are booming, so what does that say about a studio that has managed to bust at every turn? I had to pull every last string I had just to get the cast and crew for this film, and then shoot it out in the middle of nowhere because it’s the only site we could afford. No offense.”
“What, that you called this place the middle of nowhere? Why do you think I want to get out of here so bad?”
Well, it was one reason.
You watched Jameson out of the corner of your eye, taking in the slumped figure of the nearly broken man beside you before coming to a decision.
“I think I know a way to break your curse.”
((End of Part 2. Thank you for reading, and I’m really glad the first part seems to have gone over well. These quiet moments are nice, while they last.
Link to Part 3.
Tagging: @silver-owl413 @skyewardlight @withjust-a-bite @blackaquokat @catgirlwarrior @neverisadork @luna1350 @oh-so-creepy @weirdfoxalley @95fangirl @lilalovesinternet-l @thepoolofthedead @a-bit-dapper @randomartdudette @geekymushroom @cactipresident @hotcocoachia @purple-anxiety-blog @shyinspiredartist @avispate @missksketch))
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The Perfect Ship
Request: Hey, I saw that you’re requests for Spn are open. Can you write a Dean Winchester x reader fic? R is a part of the team and on a mission she discovers that Spn is a book (like a cosplay or smth) and she sees  people shipping them and her reaction is the same as when Dean found out about Destiel. Maybe they end up together after that. I hope that wasn’t too much. Thank you Requested by anon.
A/N: I’m glad someone finally requested a Dean fic. I’m so in the mood for him right now. And don’t worry, that’s not too much information, in fact it’s great. I decided to do two parts, so in this part there’s only a part of the request at the end, but still enjoy!
O/h/c= opposite of your hair color.
Word Count: 1634.
“Come on tell me you got us a case, Sammy! It’s been a week and nada. This has been the longest and most boring week of my life. If I have to sit here for another minute and watch the state the bunker is in right now, I’m gonna die!” you whined.
Sam smiled before answering “I think I might have something”.
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“What is it? Spill it out!” you quickly came to his side to check the case on his laptop.
“Three people have disappeared in the last two weeks near Jackson Square” Sam informed you.
“Are you kidding me? New Orleans? Really? It’s full of witchy Voodoo crap and haunted houses. There are probably some teenage kids playing some stupid game. There’s no case there” Dean took another sip of his beer.
“Shut up! We’re going, but if you want to stay here, it’s your choice. I’m not gonna rott with you. Let’s go, Sammy! Oh, and even if there’s no case, why would you miss visiting New Orleans. I mean come on” you took your leather jacket and headed outside to the Impala. Seconds after, Sam followed and then Dean.
“Backseat now!” Dean ordered as you sat in the driver’s seat.
“What happened to ‘there’s no case?”.
“I still don’t believe there’s a case but no one takes baby away from me, especially not you. So, backseat now!”.
“No! I was here first. Besides, I always ride in the backseat, I’m not going to this time. I’ve been rotting for a whole week in the bunker. I deserve this”.
“You deserve nothing of a sort. Now be a good girl and do what you’re told”.
“Excuse me?” you exited the car and crossed your arms ready to attack Dean after hearing his response.
“You heard-”.
“Oh my god! Stop being so dramatic. Both of you! Y/n, you can take my place. I’ll take the backseat but for heaven’s sake, shut.up!”.
“Where’s Y/n?” Dean asked after fueling the Impala and paying at the gas station.
“I don’t know. I thought she was with you”.
After searching for you for about five minutes, Dean gave up and waited for you in the car. It was hot and sticky and you’ve been away for 15 minutes. Finally you made your way back to the car with a grin on your face.
“Alright, let’s go” you instructed as soon as you entered the car.
“Oh, she lives! I thought some monster devoured you. What a shame!”.
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You gave him a fake smile before looking down at your phone.
“What the hell took you so long?” he turned to face you.
“As you said, there was a monster. I had to fight for my life. I barely survived” you mocked.
“Very funny. Next time, I won’t be waiting”.
“We’ll see about that” you smirked.
“Pull over!” you commanded.
“What now?”.
“I’m hungry. I need food!”.
“We were at a gas station like an hour ago. Couldn’t you get something from there?” Dean rolled his eyes.
“Gas station food and restaurant food are two different things, Dean. What is wrong with you? You love food?”.
“I just want to get there before I’m old and toothless”.
“Well, I got some bad news for you buddy. You’re already old and you’ve lost a couple of teeth, so like just give it a couple of years and you’ll have no teeth”.
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“Can you both stop please?” Sam finally spoke.
“I haven’t done anything. She started it” Dean shifted the blame onto you.
“Says mr. perfect” you rolled your eyes.
“Both of you just shh. I don’t want to hear a word coming out of your mouths the whole way to New Orleans”.
“Bossy much?” you muttered.
“Yeah” Dean agreed with you.
At two or three a.m, Sam was sleeping uncomfortably in the backseat and you fell asleep on Dean’s shoulder. He was about to tell you to move, but when he saw how peacefully you slept he refrained from doing so and couldn’t help but smile. Four hours later, you woke up at the sound of loud 70s music.
“Rise and shine, sweetheart” Dean smirked.
“Fuck you, Winchester!”.
“I told him not to do it” Sam said.
“You were sleeping for so long. I had to do something and we both know you’re not the type that’d wake up if someone just nicely asked you to” he teased.
“What time is it? Are you out of you damn mind? It’s six in the morning and I’ve slept for like three or four hours and you call that so long? The average amount of sleep a normal human needs is like seven or eight hours and I’m not normal so I need more, you asshole!”.
“That’s your problem”.
“We’ll see in the future when I’m standing on your deathbed” you rested your head on the window and tried to get some more sleep, but of course Dean wouldn’t let you.
“Hey, what are you doing? We’re almost there. You can’t go back to sleep now! You already look like hell what are people gonna say when they see you if you sleep a bit more?”.
“Maybe that’s why I look like hell? Lack of sleep causes that. And I always look awesome so…”.
“Ok the guy said that the first victim was going to this party which happens to be tonight. We should head there” Sam informed you.
“Where is it?”.
“The abattoir. Bourbon street”.
“It’s like three minutes away, so I’ll meet you guys there later. I’m gonna go do some sightseeing and culture” you were eager to see the city.
“Hold on, I’m coming with you” Sam said.
“Oh no, no, no. You’re staying with me and someone has to do research and it ain’t gonna be me” Dean refused.
“First of all, Sam can decide for himself. He’s not a child anymore. Second of all, if there’s no case, then there’s no research” you reminded.
“But what if there was? Are you really going to let innocent people die just because I said there ain’t one. I didn't know you trusted me that much. I’m really honored. I appreciate that” he mocked.
“I think I’m gonna stay with Dean. we shouldn’t leave him alone, you know. He might get scared. Maybe that’s why he didn’t want to come here in the first place” this time it was Sam’s turn to tease Dean.
“Yeah. I think you’re right… one more thing, you stink. So maybe take a shower before you go out and make all the people we’re gonna question run away”.
“Guys, somebody help me!” you entered the motel room that Dean and Sam were staying in.
Sam gave you a weird look before assisting you with all the bags that you’ve got.
“What’s all this?” Dean asked.
“Let’s just say things you wouldn’t like”.
“Ah, speaking of things that we wouldn’t like, this is the last available room here” Dean informed you “We have a double bed and a single bed”.
“Ok. Problem solved. I’ll take the single bed and you’ll share the double bed” you suggested.
“Ha ha, that’s not gonna happen” Dean laughed nervously.
“Do you have a better solution? I hope you’re not suggesting that Sam and I share the same bed, no offense, babe. Besides, you’re brothers so what’s the problem?”.
“That’s exactly what I suggested but I forgot that he’s a giant which he reminded me of, so… and no! It’s weird even if he wasn’t a giant”.
“Oh, no! You’re not suggesting that we-”.
“Yeah, that was my exact reaction” Dean added.
“Hell no! We can’t even sit five minutes together before starting a fight and now you want us to sleep next to each other?”.
“I don’t like it anymore that you do”.
“Right! So, sharing a bed with your brother is weird but sharing a bed with me is not?”.
“Well, it’s less weird. You’re a woman”.
“So are you saying that if Sam was girl, that wouldn’t have been weird?”.
“Ew, no!”.
“Fine, but if you end up on the floor, it’s not my fault. I warned you”.
“And if you end up without a blanket it’s not my fault. I warned you”.
“Are we going to the party or are you two just gonna stay here and fight until you actually fall asleep together from the exhaustion of arguing!” Sam left and both of you followed.
“Am I hearing stuff or did someone just say-” you were interrupted by Dean.
“Idjits? Not again!” Dean sighed.
“Not again what?” you asked.
“Something related to supernatural” Sam added.
“Supernatural?” you were confused.
“It’s uhm- a series of books about our lives” Dean admitted.
“Pff, yeah right. Who’d write anything about your lousy lives. Even better who’d read such crap?” you laughed and when you saw Sam and Dean’s facial expressions, you knew it’s real “oh, you’re- you’re not joking”.
“I mean it can’t be that bad. What do they know about you? Two brothers that hunt demons and monsters?”.
“They can’t know everything. I mean how would this author know all about you”.
“I think you’re in the new books too” Sam believed.
“As if”.
“I love him, Sammy! What should I do? Do I tell him or do I keep it to myself. I don’t want to get hurt, because you know Dean is a womanizer and I’m not 100% sure that he loves me back” a girl with o/h/c came with a guy who was dressed like Sam.
“Listen Y/n. Life is too short and if you love him, you should tell him. Trust me on this” the guy spoke in a deep tone.
“What the hell is that?!” your mouth was left wide open from shock.
To Be Continued...
Tags: @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @berruneko09 @spnwinchestersd​​@simonsbluee​​ @capsheadquaters​​
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
hey can i ask what happened with the other blog?? like,, i went to go check it and this and im just Very Confused ngl (its ok if you dont wanna answer!! i was just wondering 'cause it felt kinda out of the blue)
Ok so basically this is the timeline that I remember. This is long, sorry for mobile users :v There’s a summary at the bottom.
It was a sideblog. There were three members: me, mod maude, and @/kuroocrow who I don’t personally know and I’m not sure why they were a member. I don’t know if they were ever a public mod or if someone else added them. That’s why I’ll just say the url and not the mod name. There was also Mod Vagabond and a few other mods [Mod Papyrus?? Or Mod Sans? I think?] but they had left a long time ago.
Me, Mod Maude, and Mod Vagabond were doing all the work and then Mod Maude stopped helping with the confession blog around or after Mod Vagabond left the blog. I was left doing all the tagging and reblogging things. I sent @/kuroocrow some messages asking them to help me out and they basically blocked my main blog. I figured since I was a temp mod and the blog really belonged to Mod Maude, I just kept going on my own. I don’t know why, really, I figured it wouldn’t be proper to invite other people to be admins/mods since it wasn’t my blog, and I thought Mod Maude would come back eventually. I’ve been friends with them for a while and I know they’ve been having a difficult time irl. But that’s not my place to share those things.
Anyways, after a while I noticed some messages were randomly vanishing from the inbox and queue. It wasn’t due to a blacklist hiding things and even when I resent them, they were still vanish.Also, other people noticed as well, like this anon: https://fictionkinfessions.tumblr.com/private/190655459474/tumblr_B6kjIK0k80F7wf0Ds
I don’t agree with how @/kuroocrow was behaving and it creeped me out to some minor degree. I also think it’s lousy on their part because they were doing it in secret, and because most of the secretly deleted confessions were either harmless or uncalled for. What’s the point of a confession blog if you’re treating it with such a bias? I’d ask them but I can’t so, so that’s that.
 There’s some confessions I don’t agree with, but post anyways because I think the purpose of a confession blog is to have a place to share things. Anyone can make a secret, password protected sideblog and make personal posts. Part of the appeal of confession blogs is the audience. You can say something personal to you, and not be alone. Does that make sense?
Here’s the last confession they deleted:Anonymous said:okay im not sure if i kin anybody from bojack yet but i wanna tell every diane kin thank you so much for your explanation how pop culture can normalize all kinds of topics! i know its small, but i gave a presentation (my fun senior one that determines if i graduate) on that topic and used your explanation to explain normalization as its the main one that got directly to my point and how i learned about it! i actually got a great grade on it too! thank you again @ all the dianes out there!
I don’t understand how this had broken the previous blog’s rules or why it would have been deleted in the first place. In any case, it doesn’t really matter anymore. I am sorry I didn’t do this sooner. I don’t know how many confessions simply weren’t posted, or worse, if anonymous people were IP blocked. [I don’t know if any one was actually IP blocked, that only occurred to me just now. I wouldn’t think so though.]
So because of this weirdness, I asked Mod Lemon Time who’s a friend of mine to set up a new sideblog and gave them my tumblr password to transfer over the url when it was ready. They even drafted up all the old confessions from the previous blog with the tags I wrote! Thank you so much for that! Absolutely amazing! It was a very smooth transition and I’m glad the url didn’t get nabbed during the blog switch.
I think that’s about it. I am really sorry if you had a confession randomly deleted. That’s not cool. I can’t say for sure if a confession was deleted. Sometimes tumblr doesn’t send those email notifications. This changing blogs thing was the last resort and I didn’t really know what else to do to fix this. Maybe this was overkill. Maybe I cared too much about a tumblr blog but hindsight is for chumps and I’m forging full speed ahead in thie wagon!! If and when Mod Maude ever comes back I’ll have to apologize to them a lot too, but I hope what I did was understandable. They put in a lot of time and effort with making this blog in the first place.
Also, I think this goes without saying, but please don’t harass @/kuroocrow over this. It’s not necessary or anything. It’s just a confession blog on the internets and not like money fundraising scams or whatever. Like seriously illegal things, you know? It’s done with and to me that chapter is complete.
In summary: many confessions were randomly being deleted by a third member on the blog. I wasn’t comfortable with that or with a total stranger acting subversively as a blog admin. I thought restarting the blog was a fair solution to all that. Mod Lemon Time is a friend of mine who made this new blog and is a temporary mod / member.
Mod Party Cat!
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dragon-kazansky · 4 years
A rose in London - Sherlock Holmes
Tumblr media
I’m struggling to find some pics and gifs for certain scenes
Chapter 14 - Everyone together again
Sherlock sat in a chair with his violin, plucking it mindlessly. The room you were in was shabby, but it would do. No one knew where either of you were and at least you had a roof over your heads. You were staying in the room above a tavern, the one where Sherlock came for a boxing match. You were sitting across from Sherlock as he let his mind go over the facts of the case. The wall behind him was scribbled in notes. Names, dates, places.
You watched him quietly.
Suddenly he dropped the violin and pinched the bridge of his nose. You got up and hurried to his side, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and placing the other firmly on his arm. You watched as he picked up his pipe and lit it. Sherlock welcomed your embrace as he sat back and let his mind focus once more.
You had no idea what was running through his mind, but you knew he would tell you once he figured things out.
His eyes shot open when he remembered something.
Sherlock shot up out of his chair and began to collect things in the room. You watched him rush around and grab items. You took to sitting in his chair as he did his thing, not once saying anything to you.
He drew on the floorboards, opened up the little black book he had taken from when you went to investigate Rotheram's death, took out some chunks of bone he had also taken from that little room. He lit candles within the diagram he had drawn and sat in the centre of it, taking is dagger.
"Sherlock?" You asked softly.
"Blow out the other candles." He told you.
Trusting him, despite how weird this was becoming, you did as he said and walked around the room, blowing out the other lights. All that could be seen was Sherlock sitting on the floor with his candle and dagger. The blade glinted amongst the light the flame provided. You took to crouching beside the diagram, not taking your eyes off of him.
Sherlock took a big swig from the bottle he had beside him. He was sweating profusely.
The detective cut his hand and let his blood drip over the melted wax on the floor. He then placed his hand face down on the book.
Whatever this ritual was for it was making you uncomfortable.
You had no idea was going through his mind. You dared not disturb him, but your concern was growing by the minute. It became too much when he passed out.
You gasped and hurried over, cradling him in your arms. You used all your strength to pull him onto the bed before seeing to the wound on his hand. You dared not look at the symbols on the floor as you soaked a cloth and dabbed his head with it. Sherlock could be too much sometimes and you worried for his health, even if answers did come to him doing such a thing.
When you were happy with Sherlock's condition, you relaxed on the bed beside him, running a hand through your messy hair. You looked at the man beside you and let his features settle in your mind.
By God you loved this man.
You never thought you could become so attached to someone in a matter of days, but it seemed to be true. Sherlock had made an impression on you and you couldn't rid yourself of this feeling.
Eventually you passed out, a knock on the door disturbing your slumber. Daylight filled the room now, meaning you managed to sleep a few hours last night.  You groaned in annoyance, but also confusion. No one knew you were here and you couldn't think of who would come looking.
You were quiet as you approached the door and grabbed the dagger Sherlock used last night. You took a hold of the door knob and counted to three under your breath. You pulled the door open and almost screamed when you saw John and Irene standing there. You pulled them into the room and dropped the dagger.
"What are you doing here? You should be resting!" You scolded, whispering loudly. You took note of his arm in a sling. Joh nwas relying much more on his cane now than he did before.
"What are you going to do? Send me back?" He asked, amused.
"This is not funny. You could have died."
"As could have you." He warned.
John grabbed a chair and moved it to the centre of the room, sitting down and looking at Sherlock who remained passed out. You gave a sigh and turned around to make tea.
Irene moved over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. She looked concerned as she checked him over, but seemed happy when she didn't sense a fever.
"I'm glad to see you're alright, Miss Adler." You said, watching he fuss over Sherlock a little.
"As am I about you." She turned to smile over at you. Sherlock would be glad to know she was safe, but you don't know how he would feel about the fact she hadn't left London.
"You look like you've been busy." John said, looking at all chalk on the floor and notes on the wall.
"Sherlock's doing."
As if hearing his name, the man in question woke up, startled. You both turned to face him.
"Good morning." Irene said softly. "Now, we need to work." She got up off the bed.
"Familiar artwork." John pointed out to him. "You look gorgeous." John teased Sherlock as the latter sat up, feeling rather stiff.
Irene came and stood beside you, taking the cup you offered to her.
"Somehow I knew you wouldn't leave." Sherlock said, smiling at Irene.
Irene didn't answer to that. but knelt down and picked up a paper instead. She held it up so Sherlock could read the headline.
"You made the front page." She said seriously.
"Only a name and no picture."
"So, it looks like you'll be needing to work outside the law now and that#s my expertise."
"I feel safer already."
John got up slowly from his chair.
"You seem to be making a rapid recovery." Sherlock turned to him.
"Yes. Took the shrapnel out myself." John went to sit with Sherlock on the bed. "Mary said I had a lousy doctor." The pair of them looked at each other and then Sherlock looked at you. You shrugged with a smile making John chuckle softly.
"Well I'm... so very glad... that you're, um... well... with us." Sherlock said, pausing between words as if that sentence hadn't come to him immediately.
You and Irene shared a look of amusement.
Sherlock got up and organised himself, you all took a seat and waited for him. You caught the other two up on the events that happened from the hospital and last night while you waited.
"Now you're sitting comfortably." Sherlock, wearing only his undershirt, trousers and braces, and his shoes, turned to the three of you. "I shall begin." He clapped his hands once. "My initial approach was far too narrow. When Blackwood invited me to Pentonville prison he suggested I widened my gaze and at minimum I have done just that. In fact I may have reconciled thousands of years of theory logical disparity, but that's for another time. Blackwood's method is based on a mystic logical system that's been employed by the Temple of the Four Orders for centuries. To fully understand the system to get inside it, I reenacted the ceremony we interrupted. With a few enhances of my own."
He was referring to when he first caught Blackwood with John.
"My journey took me somewhat further down the rabbit hole than I intended, and though I dirtied my fluffy white tail, I have emerged. Enlightened." He circled around the three of you. "The fraternity silently controlling empire share a leaf with the pharaohs, kings and emperors of old: that the sphinx was a door to another dimension. A gateway to unimaginable power. It's made up of four parts: the foot of a lion, the tail of an ox, the wings of an eagle and the head of a man." Sherlock pointed to each part with his cane on a diagram he had drawn. "In Sir Thomas' secret chamber I found the bone of an ox, tooth of a lion, feather of an eagle and the hair of a man."
You remembered him picking up items of the table before Clark came back with jasmine bath salt.
"Map." Sherlock pointed to the one by John's feet. John picked it up and opened it on the floor. "The points of the star represent the five murdered girls, but the cross is what we're now interested in." You, along with Irene and John, knelt down to look at the map, placing candles on it to keep it open. "It's a widely held belief that within the architecture of the great cities are coded references to the system." Sherlock knelt down opposite you all.
"Since he rose from the grave, Blackwood has killed three men. Each murder was located in a location that has a direct connection to the temple, therefore, the system. Reordon, ginger midget, represents man. Found his body here." He pointed to where the graveyard was located.
"Sir Thomas, master of the temple, wore the ox ring. He died here." He pointed to the headquarters where he lived.
"Standish, Ambassador to America, where the eagle has been the national emblem for over a hundred years. Headquarters of the Four Orders, where he died is here. He pointed to it on the map, further proving the design of the diagram on the map.
"The correspondent of the stardom will show us the location of Blackwood's final act on the map."
"So we have man, the ox, eagle.... Only the lion remaining." John pointed out.
"Right here." Sherlock pointed to it on the map.
"Parliament." You looked at him.
The sounds of shouting came from downstairs. You all got to your feet and followed Sherlock. He opened a hatch in the corner of the room, the footsteps outside getting louder.
"Ladies first."
Irene went first, you followed. John climbed in, Sherlock gave him a page before he climbed all the way down.
"Follow these instructions." He told John. "And look after Y/N for me." John tried to ask why he wasn't coming too, but Sherlock pushed his head down and closed the hatch.
Lestrade came in with his men.
Sherlock turned around and let himself be arrested.
@awyr @fandombeehive @charmed-asylum  @sigynbandraoi-blog  @procrastinatingmurder @madshelily @phantomofhogwarts @photography-to-all
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silverofdreams · 4 years
what if- “ A tale of two people”
Authors note:
This is the final installment to this series, I hope you all have enjoyed reading it as I had fun exploring this little plot idea. English is not my language please excuse any grammar mistakes.
I tag a few of my choices friends,
@ao719, @debramcg1106, @zaffrenotes, @the-soot-sprite @star-spangled-eyes @dcbbw @burnsoslow @emceesynonymroll
Disclaimer: I own nothing only my character Rose.
Song inspiration: Ellie Goulding- “love me like you do”
Pairing: Drake Walker/ Mc (Rose)
PG just pure fluff
Chapter one: https://silverofdreams.tumblr.com/post/189626271455/my-story-is-finished
Chapter two here: https://silverofdreams.tumblr.com/post/189808906220/what-if-chapter-two
Chhapter three : https://silverofdreams.tumblr.com/post/190041970130/what-if-a-tale-of-two-people
This story explores the What if Drake mentioned in book 2, what if he and Rose (Riley) met somewhere else other than Liam’s bachelor party could their story have become different?
   Chapter four
– The future –
Drake and Rose
A few years had now passed, Drake was back in Cordonia, it was time for the social season for Liam to begin. The guys had decided to go to New York to give Liam his bachelor party since the social season was all about him finding his queen. Drakes ex-girlfriend were now a mother to twins, Drake saw them from time to time, but he never talked to any of them it was best to leave that part of his life in the past. He also had no contact anymore with Rose, they somehow lost touch two years ago, he figured she might had found another guy and had forgot about him.
The guys were busy making the final arrangements to the bachelor trip. And in the later evening they took off to New York. Maxwell was his happy go lucky self on the plane. He had never been outside Cordonia, so this was a life adventure for him. He talked the other guys ears off and made them go mad by his many jokes and puns that he threw at them.
After some hours they landed at the airport, Bastien took their bags and grabbed them a cab to their hotel.
After they installed themselves in their separate rooms, thankfully Drake did not have to share one with Maxwell. They decided to go barhopping for a bit before deciding what to do their first night in the states. Drake really was not in the mood for this though, all he wanted was to take a whiskey in the bar lobby since the flight had been so long, he was also a bit jetlagged. But the other 3 had convinced him fresh air could do him good so out they went.
They soon stumbled into a small bar / pub and since it was about 8 Bastien thought it would be a good idea to have a meal, they did not know though the bar usually closed about 9 so they really came in the last minute.
Rose had worked several hours already it had been lousy day with few customers and a cranky boss that had taken out his bad mood on her and her coworker Daniel. She checked her watch, one hour left of the shift, when her boss yelled there was customers. She stood up and met Daniel on the way out. “Can you cover them for me please”? He asked as he needed to leave early. Rose walked up to the table where three handsome guys sat “May I help you”? She asked. Drake at that time looked up, with a shocked face realizing who their waitress was “Rose”?
Rose stopped for a minute why did this guy look so familiar “oh my god, Drake? Its you are it not”? “Yes, it is he” a voice said behind her as she turned around there was a 4th guy also very handsome, as he sat down, she turned back to them “Am I dreaming, is this really happening? I thought I lost track of you forever Walker” Rose said and could not help but stare at his handsome face. Drake looked a bit uncomfortable, he had not really told his friends about the girl he met years ago but lost track of. He had not counted to ever meet her again, but now here she was. “Eh Drake who is this girl?” Maxwell asked and watched his friend closely.
“Rose, this is my friends Maxwell, Bastien and Liam, guys this is Rose someone I met a few years ago”. Rose sighed “I’m just someone you met huh, what about all the time we spent together, before you just gave up and left me behind”. Liam looked at the two of them “Guys, this is not something to discuss here say Rose was it? Why do you not come with us after your shift is over? We want to go somewhere but do not know of any good place and if you follow it’s a good opportunity for you and my grumpy friend here to talk” Rose nodded “okay if Drake is okay with me following then I accept” she waited for Drake to reply.
“No objection” he muttered, she took their orders and went behind to deal it over to the chef.
When her shift ended, she changed her clothes and went outside, there the guys waited for her. “So, what are the plans?” Rose asked and watched them.
Liam told her it was a bachelor party for him and that they wanted to do something fun.
Rose nodded “Let’s go to a secure beach area not to far from here, there me and Drake should be able to talk as well, it’s a secret spot so no other people should be there more than the five of us”.
After a while they arrived and as expected the beach was empty. The weather was perfect for a night out the other guys went ahead to make a fire and set up a temporary camp. Rose and Drake sat down near the water away from the others. The two of them sat in silence for a while not sure what to say. “So here we are “Rose started to say Drake simply nodded “Yeah, uh I did not think I would run into you again Greer”. “Me either Drake, me either but still yet here we are it must be fate right”. Drake gave a little laugh “It surely must be Greer, say why did you stop all contact with me years ago”? Rose sighed “I’m sorry, it was after you had passed out according to your roommate, I guess he never told you I called so I simply thought you would not want anything more to do with me”. Drake raised his eyebrows “I can’t recall any phone call from you, damnit my roommate must simply had forgot to tell me”. Rose smiled “Damn your roommate”. Them both laughed. “I’m glad we got to meet like this again though Greer, I have missed you”. “I have missed you too Drake, more than you can ever know the days has been terrible without your company”.  They looked at each other as Rose let her head rest against his shoulder.
After a while Drake simply turned to her “I’m living in Cordonia now, my friend Liam is the prince there and this trip is before he ahs to choose his future wife”. Rose surprised face made him laugh a little “Way to spill the beans yeah”. Rose laughed “I knew those friends of yours had to be rich they looked the part”. “How long are you staying this time”? She then asked.
Drake sighed “We are leaving tomorrow, it’s a short trip”, Rose gasped “tomorrow, but what about us we need a chance to catch up”! Drake held her closer to him “We have tonight rose, maybe more if you want to come back with me?” Rose smiled “It’s crazy but I will do that, I will give us a chance to grow and become closer, I can’t pass this up”.
Drake smiled and they met in a slow kiss now their life together could begin for real.
 The end
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truxi-twice · 5 years
Whoo. Back from Disney. My phone wasn’t functioning properly for most of the week either. What did I miss?
Disney was fantastic! It was Sterling’s first time ever going, and I’m just really glad I got to show him all sorts of things I knew he’d love. After almost ten years living together, I thiiiink I’ve got a pretty good idea of what his cup of tea is.
And in this case, his cup of tea was definitely getting to meet Alice at the UK pavilion in Epcot.  And Launchpad and Scrooge in Animal Kingdom. And dancing with José and Panchito in front of the castle (maybe. A little bit. He’s not big on Big Displays, but I think he liked that last one. Definitely more than the time the Majesty Makers made him try to pull the sword out of the stone).  And just the entirety of TomorrowWorld and Future World.
I really want to do a write-up of the whole thing while it’s fresh, but I don’t even know where to start.  Let’s try some highlights
- Dinner at the California Grill our first night in before even getting to the parks. We finished dessert (a s’mores-ish thing with a banana-jam cream puff, a chocolate-filled cream puff, a graham crisp, and marshmallow ice cream, which is officially the greatest marshmallow flavor) just in time to go out on the balcony and watch the fireworks, and no lie, I straight up cried. And I don’t mean I teared up. I was just covering my mouth and almost sobbing once they started up with “Touch the Sky.”  I think it’s just that that’s when it hit me that we were really there, and that literal months of planning had finally come to fruition and that we were getting to do one of the Big Things I’d been looking forward to for over half a year.  Plus, they were beautiful. THEY HAVE FIREWORKS SHAPED LIKE BLOCKS AND MAUI’S FISH HOOK!
-Started off in the parks with Haunted Mansion. Sterling’s call since Peter Pan was closed. Turned out to be a good’un. No matter how many times I ride that ride, I love it.
- It rained all day the first day. While that kind of sucked because it meant we were wet and cold, and no one noticed our Darkwing&NegaDuck Disneybounds, it meant that we literally just walked onto a lot of rides in Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. Including Slinky Dog Dash. Which, just... I have never seen a wait time of less than an hour, usually longer.  I didn’t even bother booking Fastpasses because it looked like an ok kiddie coaster. It was a blast! And the theming was so cute and clever! So we immediately got back in (the very short) line to do it all over again. 
-Epcot was wonderful. Epcot is always wonderful. I could easily spend two full days in Epcot, and with the festival going on, I wish we’d gotten even more time.
-We Disneybounded José and Panchito in Epcot and actually got some recognition--mostly in the Mexico Pavilion. One of the castmembers let us use the hats in his stand to take photos!
-(they really need to #bringbackDreamfinder tho. Or do literally anything else with the Journey Into Imagination. It’s just so...dated and unpleasant, and generally just...unwhimsical it is. I don’t want it to go away. I just want it to go back to being a true journey into imagination.)
-We wore our Legends of the Hidden Temple t-shirts for our Animal Kingdom day, and everyone recognized them. Got a lot of compliments, but the best was truly Launchpad at the character meet-and-greet. He pointed at Sterling’s, then mine, then back again for a bit like he was thinking. Then he made Sterling pretend to be sneaking and he grabbed Sterling from behind like he was a temple guard.
-Also, just...Animal Kingdom. That was probably the best day where Everything Went Right. We rode Everest six times. Near close we just kept getting back in line, usually with a lot of the same people, and you could just tell everyone was so psyched up. We just barely squeaked onto the ride before it officially closed for the night, and got to see the start of Rivers of Light from the top.  It was beautiful. Everyone clapped and cheered when the ride was over.  Then we got out with enough time to scurry to the bridge and watch the rest of it. (Also, Sterling bought an adorable plush yeti. We’ve named him Spag. Spag Yeti.)
-Actually, speaking of people being excited, that’s something else I love about Disney. Everyone’s just so nice. Not just the cast members. Even the guests. It’s like we all feel like we’re part of the experience, so everyone’s just a little more pleasant to everyone else.
- We rode Rockin’ Roller Coaster three times in a row on our second-to-last morning and then swooped on over to Tower of Terror.
- The last night there was kind of rough (I thought we could make Fantasmic and Illuminations. That was foolish. We got to Fantasmic late, so even with fastpasses, we had lousy seats, and then we booked it to Epcot on aching feet just in time to see the last bit of Illuminations. In retrospect, we should’ve just done Illuminations, since that’ll be gone soon, which is a shame. It’s beautiful). But on a whim I asked about pin trading at our resort and found a Horizons pin--Sterling’s favorite attraction he never got to see. It kind of made the night a little better.
-...maaaaybe I went overboard with pin trading after that.  I found one of the  José construction pins tho!
- Our last go-through of the Haunted Mansion, the ride broke down. But it broke when we were in front of the ballroom scene. Specifically in front of the dueling portraits.  It was kind of cool to really got to look at everything thoroughly.
- I still love It’s a Small World.
- I left some Disney Art Drops around the park. Most got picked up without a word, but two people did actually tag me in a post with their finds, so that’s nice. A little girl found my Basil of Baker Street in the hedgemaze! ...Figment didn’t get picked up tho, which made me a little sad, because I wanted him to find a good home. I didn’t feel good about leaving him where he was overnight (it was in some bushes near the color-change tiles), so he came back home with me.
- Actually, speaking about those color change tiles, I’m so glad I saw someone talking about them online. That’s another thing that just about made me cry when I found them. They’re very simple, but something about them plus Spaceship Earth all lit up at night brings me right back to the very best of childhood.
So...yeah. Eventful week. I am exhausted. And dreading the thought of Doing Anything. But also wanting to get back to drawing stuff again.
One little Spark of inspiration...
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elliot-orion · 5 years
Paper Stars Excerpt: Christmas
This is actually part two of this short, but because the first is mostly River awkwardly explaining Christmas, it’s not really needed. Also the book mentioned is by Jon Steward and is hysterical. Enjoy!
“It is Christmas, River!” Keio is bouncing on their toes as I climb up the ladder into the ship, which is a lot more difficult than usual given the big bag in my hands.
“Yea!” I grin.
“Did you get good presents from your family?”
“I mean, I got a new backpack from grandma, she always insists on really practical gifts, and a couple of posters of my favorite paintings, and one of David, too, from Ash. So I’m really happy. Ash liked the box set of Twilight Zone shows that I got him, so I was proud of that. It’s a TV show, Kei.” I answer their question before they can ask it. I’m getting good at predicting what they won’t understand lately.
“Wonderful!” Keio grins. “And… was it as had as you thought it’d be… to not have your grandfather?” I take a deep breath.
“Kind of. But Ash and I got grandma dorky slippers just to continue on the tradition. She cried, but… but it made me feel a bit better somehow? To know we continued on that tradition of dumb slippers. And we are making grandpa’s favorite cookies later, so I can’t stay long. But… I don’t know. I guess it just… feels like grandpa isn’t as gone as he is, you know? So it’s hard, but… I actually feel better about it than I have in a while.” I smile weakly.
“I’m glad.” Keio takes my hand, squeezing it tight. I squeeze back. The light feeling is back. For once, my grief hasn’t ruined something entirely, and it feels pretty good. Kinda like I’m moving on.
I don’t think this is going to last for long, though. I can feel it, that depression, lingering in the back of my mind. Waiting to take over again. This is a brief reprise, sure, but once this is over… once I realize that he’s really not here again… that I just had a good Christmas without him… the guilt, the grief, the depression, it’s all going to come back. I know it will.
I don’t think knowing is going to make it suck less though.
But for now, I had Keio and presents and Christmas, so I’d fight it off for just a little while longer.
“So, your present!” I hold out the gift bag, forcing a grin that isn’t so forced onto my face. “Come on, open it!”
“Okay!” Keio rips open the bag, bouncing up and down. They pull out the first part, a book.
“Earth: A Visitor’s Guide to the Human Race?” Keio frowns for a minute, before processing it a little more. “Oh! Is this to help me understand your culture?”
“Yea! But I need you to know, it’s like, half a joke. So it’s not one hundred percent accurate, you know? But it’s funny, and I’ll explain the jokes to you, and I think you might like it!” I’m bouncing up and down too. I know for a fact that Keio won’t get half the jokes, and it’ll probably confuse them more than they already are.
But come on. Am I just supposed to not get them this book? They are an alien for fucks sake, let me have some fun, okay? It was this or the ‘I kissed an alien and all I got was this lousy tee shirt’ tee, and Keio doesn’t like clothes, so this is what they get now.
“There’s something else, too.” I bite my lip, shifting as Keio pulls out a little pouch, and then, from inside it, a shark tooth on a leather cord.
“A tooth?” Keio frowns. “Why would you give me a tooth?”
“Well, you mentioned that people on your planet give bone jewelry as presents, and… well, that’s a tooth from a shark, they are kind of… they are the Water Demons of our planet, only they aren’t really bad, people just think they are. And you know… I thought I’d give you something that combined both of our cultures? If you don’t like it, I can - I can return it though…” I swallow, shifting quicker now.
“No!” Keio cries. “No I do not wish to return this! I love this! It is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, River. I… Thank you. Thank you so much.” Keio throws their arms around my neck, sniffling.
“Oh! I… You’re welcome.” I hold them back, hiding my face in their fur. “I’m glad you like it…”
“I love it. I… I do not believe you know what this means, River, but… But I love it. So much.” Keio pulls back, wiping at their thick tears. “Yes, River. Yes.”
“Yes? Yes what? Keio… what does this mean?” I frown. I thought they’d get excited about it, I mean, I hoped at least. But I didn’t… I didn’t think I’d be touching on some super meaningful thing for them. They said that necklaces with bones are given all the time. I didn’t think… I didn’t think it was super big.
But now… now I’d give anything to know what I just did. Because I don’t think I regret it. Not when it gives Keio that shy, happy smile, not when it gets them crying with joy. I don’t know what I did…
But it was the right thing, I think.
“I will tell you later, River.” Keio giggles. “Now, this is your present.” Keio unravels a strand with beads from their wrist. I’ve never seen them without it, even though I don’t really know what it is, mind you. But it’s beautiful, I’ve always thought so. The beads are delicate, intricately carved in a way that plastic never could be. Somehow, there are the littlest scratches in the bone beads that I’m pretty sure are writing, but I don’t know what they say. Keio has repeatedly refused to tell me what they mean.
And hanging from the middle of it all, is a thick, wicked tooth. At least three inches long, looking sharp as hell, or, would be, but the tooth is filed smooth and the tip softened.
“I… are you sure, Keio?” I frown. “That’s important to you. I know it is, you are always touching it and holding the tooth in your hand. I mean… are you sure?”
“I’m positive. And don’t worry. I have the match here.” Keio holds up their other wrist, with the same woven sinew bracelet, wrapped at least five or six times.
“Okay…” I laugh, wiping at my own tears. I don’t really know why I’m crying… no, I do. This strand… it means a lot to Keio. I know it does. It means everything, even if I don’t quite know what the everything is. But it’s important.
And they are giving it to me.
“Can I wear it as a necklace? It’ll be safer than on my wrist.” I take a shaky breath, smiling.
“Yes. Here, let me help.” Keio smiles, an equally watery, soft smile, as they step behind me to wrap the strand twice around my neck before tying it. “Not to tight?” I shake my head. “Good.”
And then, they leave a gentle kiss, to the back of my neck, right above the knot. They whisper something, in their language. I want to ask what they said.
But it doesn’t feel like the right time.
“Merry Christmas, Keio.” I whispered, pulling them into a tight hug.
“Merry Christmas, River. I hope it is a good one.”
And to my surprise, it is.
@merigreenleaf @ageekyreader @samplewriting @odessawrites @dreamcontagion @aschenink i can’t remember the rest of my tag list so that’ll have to do rip
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everlarkficexchange · 6 years
Thief of Hearts Part 3 - Say Something
Written by: @mega-aulover
Prompt 43: Prompt - a story based on the song “Say Something”, by Great Big World and Christina Aguilera… [submitted @xerxia31]
A/N: This song is so great and I couldn’t help but snatch it up for Thief of Hearts, but I wasn’t sure which scenario to post so I wrote three. 
You get to choose your favorite scenario so please comment and tell me which one you want me to continue. Please vote in the comments not in the tags.
Rating: T (warning rocky times ahead)
Find Part 1 Part 2
* Scenario One * Say Something-
“Say something, I’m giving up on you
I’ll be the one, if you want me to
Anywhere, I would’ve followed you.” - A Great Big World, Christina Aguilera
The apartment looked like a tornado had gone through it, the sofa was tossed, the coffee table was upside down, shards of a broken lamp littered the floor. Peeta heaved, allowing himself to feel every single turbulent emotion at the loss of Katniss. He drank deeply from the bottle, it’s amber liquid no longer burned down his throat but the blazing memory of his last moments with Katniss scorched his heart.
Four hours earlier:
“Who are you?”
He turned around to see Katniss standing there in his shirt, her lovely hair askew, her silver eyes wide upon her face, hurt written in their depths.
“Katniss,” he approached her, his mind spinning quickly formulating words.
“Who are you?” She backed away from him.
Her backing away was like being kicked in the nuts.
“You mentioned the purse,” Katniss shook her head, her hand extended in front of her. “I wasn’t going crazy that day, it was you.”
“Katniss, I told you that wasn’t me and I wasn’t speaking about that…I was talking about a job.”
“With her, with the blond. I saw you yesterday…I didn’t want to believe it…but…she’s real…you’re with HER when you come home late,” Katniss mumbled, her large eyes filled with tears. She gazed at him, her lips trembling, her arms wrapped around her middle protectively.
“Cashmere is,” Peeta’s mind raced to come up with a way to explain it all. “Katniss I haven’t cheated on you. I swear. I never took your purse, I love you.” It was true, Peeta Mellark was in love for the first time.
Katniss stared blankly at him.
“Say something?” He could see she was giving up on him. “Katniss please say something, don’t give up on me, on us? I’m the one for you if you allow it.”
It had been love at first sight, when he saw her on the street that day. He ran because he was so scared, but her face, her eyes, they haunted him. Then he began looking for her. That night in the bar was no coincidence. He walked up to her to tell her the truth, but her kiss, her kiss was better than Fourth of July fireworks.
He brought her home, the sex was incredible, and when she’d hit him with the pillow he’d never been more in love. Then the worry set in. The entire time they were together, he was scared that his private and personal worlds were going to collide and combust.
He was living his nightmare.
“What else have you lied to me about?”
“Katniss I grew up in a bakery, I swear. I even paint…” Peeta ran his hands through his hair, quickly thinking how to keep her here to convince her, but it was a losing battle.
Katniss took a vase and launched at him. Peeta dodged it. “YOU’RE A LOUSY CREEP!” she yelled, then she ran, and he’d almost lost her. When she tripped, his heart nearly stopped. He cradled her in his arms, unable to think of her demise, He needed to catch her and he did, he thought everything was going to be okay. But she slipped from his hands like fog.
Four hours later :
The door to the apartment opened. “Peeta?”
“She’s gone,” Peeta slurred, he drank deeply from the liquor bottle. He followed her, he would have followed her anywhere, he was so in love.
“Peeta.” Finnick approached him slowly. “I’ve never seen you this way.”
“She left me,” Peeta muttered standing up, “I have to find her Finn…I love her.” Peeta swayed.
“Peeta you need to get yourself together, we’re too close to the end. We’ve worked too hard to have you fall apart.”
Peeta shoved the bottle at Finnick’s chest. “I want out.”
“Peet,” Finnick said, taking the bottle from him.
“I want Katniss,” Peeta said, his eyes were wild, “I had her, had her and she left. She overheard me with Cashmere…she heard me and thought I was a thief, and a cheat.”
“Peeta you are a thief, you’re the best thief and conman around, and if you don’t do what we planned they’ll kill your nephew.”
Peeta stared at him. The only reason he’d gotten dragged back into this world is because of his five-year-old nephew, Toby. Peeta was only a kid himself when he and Rye began stealing things. The things they stole were priceless pieces of fine art, expensive and rare jewelry. Peeta was agile and quick, Rye was the planner but he was reckless.
They were getting ready to pull the biggest job of their life, stealing the Mockingjay Diamond, when their father died. Peeta left it all behind. Rye kept up with this world. His brother wanted to steal that diamond for nothing more than the glory of taking it.
Then nine months ago, Rye was murdered and so was his wife. The only survivor was Toby, and Cashmere was using him as leverage to drag Peeta back.
Peeta had gone to Finnick, the man who had helped him get out. Somehow, he had ended up here, lost and broken.
“Hey Peeta, say something?”
Hearing those words repeated to him, caused him to feel small and hopeless.
Finnick kneeled down and handed him a clear photo. “Cashmere has him, she has Toby.”
Peeta glanced up at Finnick.
“Say something?” Finnick questioned.
What was there to question? It was already decided.
* Scenario Two * I’m Feeling So Small-
“And I am feeling so small, It was over my head
I know nothing at all, And I will stumble and fall
I’m still learning to love, Just starting to crawl” - A Great Big World, Christina Aguilera
“Hi, Haymitch,” Katniss whispered, standing outside of his cabin in the rain. She was cold and wet. Her lips trembled. This was the only place she could think of, the one place where no one could find her.
Haymitch had taken her in at the age of eleven when she had no one. When he found her, she’d been living in the forest, hiding from the man who’d caused the death of her family. Haymitch had brought her up and helped her hide from Brutus the man responsible. She’d testified but her life was in danger and the government wouldn’t help her.
Haymitch took it upon himself to help her cope with the daily fear that someone could be out there wanting to hurt her the way they’d hurt her family. She kept a low profile, only had a few friends. She paid for everything in cash, had a disposable phone.
“Come in,” Haymitch waved her in.
It was like going back in time. Nothing had changed, nothing at all since the moment she’d left here. Haymitch remained.
“You in trouble?” It was a rhetorical question, Haymitch knew everything about her. He made it his job to keep her safe.
Katniss shook her head, but the tears threatened to fall.
“Yeah, you are,” Haymitch said wiping his face, “Come on, you look like you can use a bath and a good meal. Go get dry, you smell like a wet dog.”
The mention of food caused her stomach to grumble. She hadn’t eaten anything since she’d found Peeta with that woman, over 48 hours ago.
Haymitch didn’t say anything more when he heard her stomach, he only nodded, his peppered hair was askew.
Dejectedly, she walked down the hallway to the room, drenched from the storm outside. Opening the door, she put her bag down and stared into the void. Water droplets splashed on the floor. Everything looked the same, down to the dust bunnies by the window sill.
She began crying. She was feeling so small, everything was over her head.
How had it all gone wrong, she wondered. She’d finally felt safe, with him. As much as Haymitch protected her, she never felt secure enough, there was always an outside chance danger would follow her. Tears mixed with the rain streaking down her face as she recalled how happy they were three months ago.
Three Months Ago:
They were moving in together. Katniss watched Peeta’s ass as he moved up the stairs, his broad shoulders and the muscles moved as he carried the heaviest boxes with ease. He was strong, and she marveled at his physique.
It was hot outside, her internal temperature, however, was hotter. She swallowed, she wasn’t as experienced as other women, she’d only had two boyfriends. Her first was a high school boy named Marvel, but he was only nice to her until the moment they did ‘it’. Afterwards, he turned mean and cruel.
Katniss was glad that he’d gone off to school and broke it off with her.
Her next partner had been Darius. He was safe, and the sex wasn’t great either. Maybe because she wasn’t emotionally involved with Darius, and it showed. They dated for nearly two years, and she was never comfortable with him touching her.
Peeta, on the other hand, she couldn’t wait to be with him, around him. She was amazed that someone who was hot like him wanted her. He was beautiful, exciting and she had finally found out what it was like to orgasm. Her nipples tightened at the thought of having him once more, her underwear became damp. She began imagining him stripping off her shorts and taking her roughly against the door.
“Are you okay?”
Katniss snapped out of her naughty daydream. She blinked and her cheeks bloomed pink. They had arrived at his floor and were in front of his door. “I need a bath,” she rushed out as she opened the door for him.
He put the boxes down. His eyes twinkled and he gave her that darned sexy grin of his, the one that made her knees week. “I can join you now, we’ve got a tub that’s big enough for two.”
Her eyes widened, she hadn’t considered doing it in the tub before.
Peeta chuckled, “You’re so pure.”
“I’m not,” Katniss shot back. He didn’t know of the things she’d done to survive, who she had become. If he knew, he would have a different idea about her.
He picked her up, surprised, she squealed.
“Yeah you are, but you’re perfect for me.” He put her down in the bathroom, his mouth quickly sought contact with hers. He backed her up to the sink, his kisses causing a rush of wetness that ruined her underwear. Katniss hands frantically sought purchase on his chest. She slid them down, toying with the hem of his t-shirt, as she pulled away from his dangerous kisses.
He stepped back slightly to remove his shirt, and she expelled the breath she had in her chest. She shyly ran her hands up his muscled abs. His hands were still at her waist, waiting for her signal to undress her. The one thing she learned about Peeta was that he was a gentleman, he didn’t take from her like others had, he always gave her pleasure first, always waited to see if she was ready, and he put her needs above his own. It was thrilling, to know she could dominate this beefy gentle giant.
His hand cupped her cheek, his lips were only a breath away. “You sure you’re okay with moving in with me?
He looked so vulnerable, his blue eyes were seeking assurance.
“I know it’s only been three months but I just can’t imagine not coming home to you.”
Katniss nodded, the action caused her lips to join with his. She wasn’t afraid of taking the leap, but then she’d never actually lived with a man, shared his bed, and allowed him into her inner sanctum. And two weeks into living with Peeta, Katniss had learned so much about herself. She was learning to love, and like an infant, she was starting to crawl.
Three Months Later:
Her hand went to her midsection. She’d been flying high until she’d seen him with that woman yesterday. Everything changed in a blink of an eye. Betrayed and broken, she gave up on him, on the dream of what they were. Katniss blinked as she took stock of her surroundings.
“Peeta Mellark,” Haymitch said coming into the room. He put a plate of food on her dresser. Took the towel he had draped over his shoulder and wrapped it around her.
Frowning, she registered that she was trembling. She rubbed her shoulders. She was numb from the inside out. “How bad is it?”
“Thought you would ask,” Haymitch reached into his back pocket and produced a file.
She took the file, her eyes trained on her mentor. Swallowing, Katniss was unsure if she wanted to know the truth. There was a lot at stake. Biting her bottom lip, she silently flipped through the information.
“What else are you hiding?”
His question stopped her from reading the file. Her hands trembled. She looked down a lonely tear streaked down her cheek.
“Say something?” Haymitch persisted.
Going to her wardrobe she collected her weapons. What was there to say? It was already decided.
** Scenario Three ** And I will Swallow my Pride-
“Say something, I’m giving up on you, And I’m sorry that I couldn’t get to you
And anywhere, I would have followed you….And I will swallow my pride
You’re the one that I love, And I’m saying goodbye” - A Great Big World, Christina Aguilera
Peeta rounded the corner and saw her waiting in line to get on a bus. He realized this was one of those out of town buses, not a city bus. “Damn,” he muttered, jamming his hands through his hair.
He had woken up when he heard the soft click of the door. At first, he thought she was in the other room, but when he heard the front door shut close he knew she was leaving him.
Flying from the bed, he had quickly grabbed the pants that Katniss always instead he keep folded over a chair, and shirt. He hadn’t even bothered looking for his shoes. It was imperative that he get to her. He’d hurt her, and in turn, she’d walked out on him. Peeta couldn’t even blame her, he’d broken her trust by not telling her what was going on. He kept things from her for her own safety.
But that had backfired. Everything blew up in his face. He still recalled the heartbreak written on her face, her pain so great her hands trembled. Hands that had gripped him with want and need. But it was more than just desire, they needed each other.
He yelled, “Katniss,” but someone honked the horn at the same time and she didn’t hear him.
He was still a block away from the stop where she stood. Peeta took a shortcut, running through an alley, but he was too late, the bus flew by. He saw her sitting inside the bus. “KATNISS!”
“STOP!” he yelled at the bus, waving his hands, hoping the bus driver saw him. It kept on going. Peeta took off after the bus on foot.
He panted as he ran full force chasing the bus, but the great machine rolled on. Not even his metal bionic leg helped him chase down the bus. He came to a stop but noticed his car was few feet away.
He would follow her to the ends of the earth, he wasn’t going to give up on her. Not now that he knew her secret, he wasn’t going to let her slip through his fingers. As quickly as he could, he took out his keys and before long he was driving after the bus.
He was willing to swallow his pride, he was willing to give up his lifestyle for her. Because he loved her. She was more precious to him than the Mockingjay Diamond Cashmere wanted him to steal. He shouldn’t have said yes to the job, but he needed the money.
During the two-hour car drive out of the city, he put on his shirt and discovered he had a pair of his non-lace up sneakers in the car. The bus drove into a smaller town. He followed it wondering where Katniss was going.
The bus came to a stop and several people got off, Katniss amongst them. He quickly scanned the area for a place to park. Peeta saw a spot to park and although there was someone waiting he cut them off and stole the spot. The guy behind the wheel was honking at him and yelling obscenities. Peeta didn’t bother responding.
He jumped out of the car and hopped around on his feet to put on his sneakers. The man shut up when he saw his metallic foot. With his sneakers in place, his eyes searched for Katniss. It wasn’t a busy town, it was quiet. There was an afternoon crowd, but nothing compared to the throngs of people who lived in the city.
He spotted her as she walked briskly.
His heart beat quickly when saw her cross the street. He thought he could reach her until he saw her head to a police station. He came up short when he saw a tall man dressed in a suit. This guy wasn’t a regular cop, this guy had government agency written all over him, from his polished black shoes to the dark navy blue tie.
He was a tall bronzed man with sea green eyes, and he was calling her name. “Katniss.”
She waved at him, indicating familiarity.
Had she betrayed him, he wondered. Then he shook his head, that couldn’t be he knew the truth about her.
One Month Ago:
He’d arrived early from his trip, he had anticipated surprising Katniss. Lately, she hadn’t been herself. Her eyes didn’t focus on him they strayed off to the side as if she was thinking of something other than him. She also avoided certain things, like tea, and just before he’d left he wanted to take her to a steakhouse and she declined.
She couldn’t stand the smell of his favorite tea. Plus she told him to take it easy on the cologne. Katniss always liked the way he smelled. The conference held nothing that could help his father’s bakery. He heard his phone go off, he was going to let it go, but it kept on ringing.
Frustrated he pushed back the shower door, as he was showering, soap got in his eyes. “Ah hell.”
He blindly searched for a towel as the ringing persisted.
“Hello,” he growled into the phone.
“Hello, Peeta.” Cashmere’s smooth voice caused Peeta to sigh angrily. The woman was dangerous, but she wanted something. She’d been trailing him for months now, it was one of her goons who had attacked Katniss, he’d seen him and tackled him to the ground.
“I heard you were in town again. How was the conference? Did it help you figure out a way to save the bakery?”
“I’m not interested, Cashmere.”
“Oh come on Peeta, be reasonable.” She sounded like she was pouting over the phone. “I need the best and you are the best thief. I will make it worth your while, there is a great cash reward, it will help your family.”
His father was ill, the bakery was being run by his mother and was failing. They’d let go of the staff, made changes, but the economic fallout had hurt them. Skyrocketing prices of ingredients combined with no one wanted to pay the higher prices affected the revenue.
“No.” Peeta shook his head. As a kid, his mother had beaten him, and Peeta found the streets to be an escape. He had been good at stealing good at morphing into a character in order to take what wasn’t his. Soon, he found himself stealthily getting into places no one else could. Then on one of his jobs, someone got shot. An innocent woman, It changed him seeing a human die. Peeta lost his drive all he could see was her face and he couldn’t steal anymore.
It helped him see what he would miss if he ever got caught. He had walked away, gone back to the bakery.
“I’ll give you one more hour,” Cashmere said before the line went dead.
He threw the phone back on the desk. There was no way in hell he was going to help her. They would be okay. Angrily, he rushed back to the bathroom, by now the water was no doubt tepid at best, but he had a head full of shampoo. In his haste, Peeta forgot the floor was wet and slipped. He grabbed the door handle of the shower but he kicked over the wastebasket.
The contents spilled on the floor. “Crap.”
Quickly, he picked up the scattered contents, then he stopped short when he pulled a toothbrush-like handle from behind the toilet bowl. Peeta fell on his butt when he realized what he was holding.
The pregnancy test stared up at him, its sign positive.
It all made sense; her lack of appetite for red meat, her turning green at his tea choice and her sensitive nose. His hands shook at the realization that Katniss was pregnant.
One Month Later:
The discovery of the test she’d carefully thrown out in the garbage propelled him to say yes to Cashmere, with the understanding that after that he was out. It was why he’d said yes to the job. He knew she was pregnant, and was waiting for her to say something to him. It’s why he couldn’t let her go, why he would follow her anywhere she went even if that meant turning himself in.
Peeta loved her, and he was going to be a father.
He watched her lower her head, she didn’t look at the man in the face, she stared at her feet as she spoke, he could tell she was distressed. The screeching sound of a car could be heard. Peeta watched from his vantage point as the car came barreling down towards her.
“KATNISS,” he screamed, running toward her.
Katniss turned around at the sound of his voice as if searching for him. Then she turned her attention to the man. She pushed him out of the way screaming his name, “FINNICK!”
Peeta watched, horrified, as the car hit her and then sped away.
“KATNISS.” Peeta ran to her. His hands shook as he held her. “Katniss, I love you.”
Around him, cops poured out of the station. An ambulance was called.
“Say something?” Peeta touched her skin, it was still warm, but she didn’t reply. It seemed as if she was saying goodbye.
But there was nothing to say, nothing he could do.
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hellomissmabel · 6 years
The Duchess I/III
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Pairing: Bucky x reader ; Steve x reader
Warnings: A man hitting a woman on her cheek during a heated argument.
Word count: 2.1k
Summary: The Duchess of Manhattan likes her men regal. Y/N Stark grew up loving the king, but when the tables turn and the lovers are torn apart, she aims her arrows at the second in line for the throne.
Series masterlist can be found here
A/N: Written for my bae @caplansteverogers
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The royal palace has always been a place of mixed feelings. When you were younger and your father was still very much in love with his second wife, your mother, you could roam the palace at all hours of day and not a soul would blink an eye. You’d play in the royal garden with your bow and arrow in an attempt to impress young prince Bucky. Then you’d race each other to the pond where you’d find young master Steve feeding the ducks, the bastard son of King George. The three of you would stay at the water until nightfall and the palace guards came looking for the prince.
But once you reached the desirable age of 16, the king of New York took note of your exceptional beauty, a beauty all men wished to possess but none could claim except the prince, for Bucky captured your heart a long time ago. Nevertheless, before the prince was even born, his father King George made an arrangement with the richest Duchess of all, Natalia of Queens, to unify their strengths with a marriage between prince Bucky and her daughter Natasha.
So when king George realised Bucky would never look at any other women ever again as long as you were in his life, he promised your father all the richness and all the land his heart desired if he sent you away from the palace and to your aunt. Your father, the duke of Manhattan Tony Stark, was now the Duke of Manhattan and Staten Island, where your aunt and uncle resided. The offer of the king was too good to turn down and thus young Y/N joined her aunt Wanda where she lived with her brother Count Pietro, both unmarried.
You remained with your aunt Wanda and uncle Pietro for several years, forging relationships stronger than the ties of blood. You met a young farmer, Clint Barton, and his wife Sarah along with their two kids. It was Clint that taught young Wanda and Pietro all they needed to know to uphold their county after their parents died an untimely death. It is thanks to Clint that young Count Pietro managed to keep his father’s people thriving and strengthened the community.
It was also Clint that comforted you when the letter came the day before Christmas, demanding your return to court as a lady in waiting to the new queen. King George had been involved in a so-called hunting accident and unfortunately laid down his life the next morning. The coronation of the new king, king James, was to coincide with the announcement of the engagement of King James to Duchess Natasha Romanova of Queens. The letter had been signed by king James and delivered by his half-brother Steve Rogers, the Duke of Brooklyn, who per request of the king was to personally escort you back to court.
“My old friend,” you great the blond with a gratuitous smile. Steve has definitely aged with grace and he looked quite valiant in his grey suit with gold cufflinks.
Steve presses a chaste kiss to your cheek as a greeting. “It’s been too long, Y/N. I’m sorry to hear about your father’s passing… Duchess Stark.”
“Oh please,” you wave away the title as if it means nothing, “Don’t call me Duchess Stark. Duchess will do just fine for formal events. But in private, you can always call me Y/N… Steve.” Getting into the car with him, you inquire about the situation at the household of the Duke and Duchess of The Bronx. “I’ve heard many rumours but I doubt they are true.”
“After the Duke’s death, Duchess Carter and her daughter Sharon have found refuge at court. As long as they are at court, they’re under the protection of King James. But if they wish to return to the Bronx, the people will have their head within the hour. The fate of the Bronx now rests with the king but my guess is that that’s exactly why he called you back to court.”
This spikes your interest and you easily betray your curiosity by exposing your expression to any signs of confusion and excitement. “The Bronx is Manhattan’s neighbour and it’s my belief he wishes to make you Duchess of Manhattan, Staten Island and the Bronx, as you have always been loved by the people all over New York.”
Pursing your lips, you reply rather sourly. “I have my father to thank for that. A lousy family man but always good to the people, throwing luscious balls for both the elite and the commoners. Everyone was welcome, always.”
Resting a hand on your knee, Steve leans in to whisper something in your ear, mindful of the driver as he too is employed by the king. “He also means to take you on as his mistress.”
“I see,” you answer dryly, clearly not amused by Steve’s revelation. “He can’t have Queens and Manhattan, not even for sake of tradition.”
It is a well-known secret that the eve of the announcement of an engagement, the king also announces his mistress. He or she is then brought to his chambers after the official ceremony, where they will consummate their silent agreement. Yet the king’s mistress is also the king’s favourite and usually granted with either title, land, money, or other precious goods. Yet you already have a title and more land than you wish, money doesn’t fancy you either so there’s nothing that he could offer to persuade you.
Once you arrive at court, you are rushed to your quarters where you are left to your own devices, preparing for the occasion. There is however an impressive collection of gowns waiting for you in the dressing room, all hand-picked by Bucky or so Steve tells you. Eventually your eyes fall on a soft red-pink ballgown with roses stitched on the skirt of the dress.
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The Duke of Brooklyn awaits your arrival at the end of the hallway to escort you to the grand hall where the festivities are taking place. His eyes are glued to your dress, scanning you from head to toe as he checks out your bosom as well.
“You do know something is missing right?,” he queries playfully, stepping behind you and asking you to lift up your hair to he can put on the necklace he purchased for you. Or rather, the necklace King James purchased for you, a ruby diamond embroidered in gold.
Offering his arm to you, his joyous expression soon turns serious again. “Don’t speak to the Duchess Natasha,” he warns immediately, a threatening undertone cutting like a knife into your skin. “With the Bronx, you will possess far more land than her, and if Bucky means to marry us off to each other… The only thing Natasha’s power will rely on is her money, and the kingdom needs money or Bucky wouldn’t be marrying her.”
Turning towards your friend right before the doors to the ballroom, you whisper under your breath in a sharp timbre. “I am not marrying you, Steve. I will only marry for love, nothing less.”
Your eyes soften when the lights falling on Steve’s face reveals his shattered hopes. Cupping his cheek you watch how he leans into your touch regardless of your rejection and you realise that no matter what, the Duke of Brooklyn will love you forever, just like you will love Bucky forever.
The king is sitting on his throne, with his future queen next to him. The crown weighs heavy on his head, even though the coronation and announcement of his engagement ran as smoothly as he had expected. But there’s a thorn in his eye, a gilded rose dancing in his line of vision. Duchess Y/N Stark, now the Duchess of both Manhattan as the Bronx by his command, is waltzing away on the melodious tunes of the orchestra.
Getting up and strutting toward the centre of the room where she is laughing at something funny Steve’s just whispered in her ear, all guests make way for the king as I wave at the orchestra to keep playing. They don’t seem to mind the interruption, Y/N’s eyes as innocent as those of a doe but with a heart of a stallion, Steve’s broad posture as warm and welcoming as ever. They truly are a match made in heaven, I might convince myself.
Once I lace my arm around Steve’s shoulder, after the initial curtesy and politeness, I grin widely at my eldest friends. “I am so glad you could make it.” My voice is somewhat sincere, breaking a little under the pressure of keeping a straight face around the love of my life. “I am so glad I found you together as well since I have good news for both of you.”
“She already knows, Bucky,” Steve interrupts me before I can tell her I’ve decided to make the biggest mistake of my life and arrange her wedding to Steve without her permission. “And she said no.”
Am I infuriated by her insubordination? No. Am I pleased she isn’t following my orders and kissing my ass like all those other fuckers? Yes. But does that mean she’s off the hook. Absolutely not. “Y/N, a word, please,” I sneer while gripping her upper arm tightly, ghosting through the masses as casually as possible. But the guests are too busy enjoying the luxury and splendour of the palace to notice what’s going on behind the scenes.
Instantly taking her to my private living room, I press my lips to hers ardently yet violently as my anger and longing consume me completely. The clock strikes midnight on Christmas morning when she gingerly gives in and kisses back.
“I didn’t know kissing people at midnight on Christmas morning was a thing…,” she chuckles softly when she pulls away, chest heaving slightly.
Sliding my lips down her neck and onto her throat, she moans with a little giggle once my lips close around her pulse point. “It is now.”
“Are you trying to change my mind about marrying Steve?” Pushing my chest very gently, she tries to create some distance between us. “Because I won’t. I should be your queen, Bucky, not Natasha.”
With a deep, shuddering exhale I make it clear to her that I will not take no for an answer. Batting my hands away when I try to pull her to my chest, my hand lashes out and strikes her across the cheek. I have never hit a women nor would I ever do so, or so I thought. But Y/N inspires the demon inside me and I am beyond myself when I can’t have her and can’t have my way with her.
Clutching her cheek in the palm of her hand, she takes long strides away from me, her face contorted in pain and surprise, disbelief but mostly betrayal. Then the mask covers her true emotions as if turning the page of a book, her face cold. “Your wish is my command,” she replies with a monotone voice. “Goodbye, King James.”
I let her slip away without another word, my heart falling into its grave.
Finding Steve isn’t hard when you’ve grown up inside these walls. By the river, where the ducks still reside, I find him kneeling and trying to lure a mother with her baby ducks with some pieces of bread he stole from the banquet.
“Steve…,” you call out his name but instead of walking over to you, he beckons you to come to him instead and try gaining the trust of the ducklings yourself. Because you have a heart for animals, of course you agree and soon your dress is stained by the fresh, green grass.
The fluffy ducklings shuffle closer and closer until one eventually takes the bait and the others follow naturally. They are so cute and cuddly you can’t help but shelter one in the palm of your hand and pet the adorable little creature before giving it back to the mother.
“What did Bucky say?,” Steve inquires gingerly, his eyes cast downwards in anxious anticipation.
Clearing your throat, you stand in front of the blond with your head held high and a straight back. Even though the decision falls hard on you, there’s no way you can take back the words you said to Bucky. You have torn him from your life and thrown the pages into the fire. And vengeance is a peculiar beasty, much like ambition and blind adoration.
“Steve,” I mumble to his lips, our breaths mingling in the freezing air of night. “Tell me… How much would you like to be king?”
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