#how to write hypothermia
unboundprompts · 4 months
any tips on how to write somebody who is suffering from hypothermia/ frostbite?
How to Write About Hypothermia/Frostbite
-> Mayoclinic: Hypothermia
-> Mayoclinc: Frostbite (has images that may be triggering)
-> Nationwide Children's: Frostbite
Hypothermia is caused by long exposure to cold weather or water. Your body begins to lose heat faster than it can be produced. Left untreated, hypothermia can lead to complete failure of your heart and respiratory system and eventually to death.
Symptoms of Hypothermia:
Slurred speech or mumbling
Slow, shallow breathing
Weak pulse
Clumsiness or lack of coordination
Drowsiness or very low energy
Confusion or memory loss
Loss of consciousness
Bright red, cold skin (in infants)
Someone with hypothermia usually isn't aware of their condition because the symptoms often begin gradually. Also, the confused thinking associated with hypothermia prevents self-awareness. The confused thinking can also lead to risk-taking behavior.
What to do if a Doctor is not an Option:
Removing wet clothing
Protecting the affected area from further cold
Not walking on frostbitten feet
Reducing pain with a pain reliever
Frostbite is damage to the skin caused by extreme cold. It happens when the skin, nerves, and blood vessels below the top layer of the skin freeze. Rain, snow, water, and wind can cause the skin to cool faster, which may lead to frostbite.
Early signs of frostbite:
Skin that is paler than normal, cold, and hard
Pain, tingling, burning, numbness, or aching
Blisters in the first 24 hours
Later signs of frostbite (if not treated):
Dark purple or black skin color
No feeling or pain in that part of the body
Frostbite is most common on the fingers, toes, nose, ears, cheeks and chin. 
Writing Prompts about Hypothermia and Frostbite:
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
She was so cold she could barely think. The feeling in her feet and hands were lost so long ago that she could hardly bring herself to continue walking.
His breathing was so shallow that he was lightheaded. He couldn't catch his breath, couldn't keep his eyes open. He wanted nothing more than to just lay down.
Their fingers and toes were tingling, a burning sensation that was slowly spreading.
She looked at her fingers, her skin an ugly purple shade.
Blisters coated his skin, the confusion he felt was too much for him to grasp the gravity of the situation.
They couldn't stop shivering, their entire body felt like it was burning.
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a-sketchy-character · 28 days
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i don't feel like cleaning up 580 pages enough to put my thoughts in a coherent form so i'm drawing snuggles instead
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rohirric-hunter · 6 months
I've been trying to put this into words for a while now and I think I might have something -- most of the time when people examine storytelling tropes, especially experts in a related field, especially historians and medical professionals, they are setting out to disprove the trope.
Even if they're not, once they find some evidence that the trope doesn't work in real life or isn't how it was done historically, they often expect that to be the end of the conversation. Historically, people did not go adventuring with two-handed greatswords strapped to their backs -- and therefore you should not have it happen in your fiction, and the conversation ends there. In real life, having a character get hit so hard on the head that they pass out for several hours would demand immediate medical intervention and likely cause permanent brain damage -- and therefore you should not have it happen in your fiction. End of discussion.
These people fail, I think, to understand the reason these tropes exist. It is not because people are just uneducated and think that's how things work. In fact, I would go out on a limb and say far more people are already aware of these things than these experts assume. The attraction of the trope doesn't come from the belief that it is accurate.
These tropes exist because it is widely agreed that they are cool, sexy, emotionally fulfilling, narratively convenient, or any number of other things that really have nothing to do with whether or not they are accurate to reality. I'm not quite sure what it is about most of these experts that makes them unable to understand that, or unwilling to play the game that the rest of us engage in, where we all quietly pretend that it does work because it's harmless and enjoyable.
Really the only people I've ever seen who understand that and try to work their own expertise on the subject into the tropes in a cohesive and satisfying way are Shadiversity on YouTube and blumineck on here. Both in the martial arts categories, which ties mostly into history -- I've yet to find a medical professional online who's willing to play the game.
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lavendelhummel · 11 months
I can’t stop thinking about “you are the water, that turns the wheel itself.”
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
Winter Whumperland 2022 Day 5
Prompts: Trapped in a Blizzard | comfort: Warm Kisses
Rated: teen
Warnings: hypothermia, frostbite, vomiting, ptsd
Pairings: Hiccup/Fishlegs
Word Count: 1,579
Summary: Fishlegs is trapped in a blizzard. Hiccup brings him back to Dragon’s Edge, but not all of him makes it.
A/N: Thank you @jayalaw and @howtowhumpyourhiccup for helping me out with this one! (I am aware of the typo in the title. It's fixed on ao3, but the link doesn't reflect that.)
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littledreamling · 2 years
Currently fighting the urge to write a 200k angst fic about Dream and Hob’s relationship emohasizing the struggles they’d go through, trying to tackle Dream’s pride and chronic need for independence and trying to forge a way through all of the trauma they both share only to realize it just isn’t working, that their love for each other isn’t enough to heal them, that they need more time, always more time, in order to work on themselves for themselves (not for each other)
And so, after months of attempting a relationship, of fighting, of inadvertently hurting each other, of constantly being not only on different pages but in completely different books, they come to an agreement: their relationship must come to an end, for both of their sakes, but they’ll resume their occasional meetings. And maybe it’s not once a century, maybe it’s once a year. And they slowly work on themselves. They slowly heal. They start to file down their jagged edges that had cut each other so badly before. Maybe they find peace in each other again. But maybe they don’t, because some people, no matter how much they love each other, simply don’t work. The love is there, and it matters that the love is there, but it doesn’t change anything
And before anyone asks, yes, this urge is stemming from my own trauma with my ex, with whom I had an incredibly toxic relationship, despite the love that we held for each other and I’d love to explore that dynamic in fic form, but I’ve been told that that’s called trauma dumping and is, in fact, frowned upon so I’ll throw this out to anyone else who wants to take a stab at it
#I’m too tired to get creative in the tags of this one#I just want to see trauma explored in different ways#because it’s not always fear or shutting down#sometimes it’s anger#sometimes (especially for unresolved or unexplored trauma) it’s violence#sometimes it’s an intense need for independence even at the expense of yourself#sometimes it’s pushing everyone away because you can’t accept kindness or warmth#and sometimes that kindness and warmth is more grating than the harshest insults could be#kindness isn’t always welcome or helpful especially in the face of trauma#which sounds counterintuitive#but trauma can be like hypothermia#too much warmth is a shock to the system - a shock that can kill you#Hob’s personality wouldn’t always be great for Dream#just like Dream’s personality wouldn’t always be great for Hob#they’d grate on each other; thay’d get on each other’s nerves constantly#opposites attract isn’t always true#and while I personally think that they have enough in common for their relationship to work beautifully#I would love to explore the aspects of their relationship that don’t fit#anyway my ex (who this post was inspired by) died before we could ever resolve our relationship issues#so I can’t write this fic because I don’t personally know how the ending works#but I’d love to see other people write it!#*it’s free therapy*#sandman netflix#the sandman#dream of the endless#morpheus#hob gadling#dreamling#angst#toxic relationship
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cryingtulips · 2 years
The Weeping Angel (How Far You Fall From Grace) Ch 1 of ?
Protege au where Dream has plans to be god, and for that Tommy needs to change
CW: brief descriptions of starving, emotional and physical abuse, implied violence, non graphic animal death, suicidal ideation, brief implication of suicide attempt (its about the aftermath on Tommy’s body, not the actual attempt), hypothermia
crossposted to ao3
Ch 1: A ghost within my own skin
It’s been half a month since exile started, and Tommy’s hatred towards it grew with each miserable sunrise and sunset.
Despite what Ghostbur said, Logstedshire was not home. It will never be home. Logstedshire could never compare to the beauty L’Manburg was, and it can never bring Tommy the same amount of comfort L’Manburg did.
While L’Manburg was everything warm and bright, there was an endless iciness and heaviness settled over Logstedshire. Whereas L’Manburg had life running through its very soul, Logstedshire was everything dead. The only living thing in Logstedshire besides Tommy was Mushroom Henry, and she wasn't doing well.
She was identical to Tommy in the sense that she was bony, with no meat to her form as the frosty weather killed off any grass to graze. As each day went by, the more she spent her time laying down trying to preserve her remaining energy. Deep down, Tommy knew she wouldn’t survive the winter, that soon she would leave for a better place.
Dream often told him it would be more merciful to kill her now, prevent further suffering, and realistically Tommy knew he was right. Still, he couldn’t get himself to do it. She was his only companion, not including Dream. As much as Tommy appreciated Dream’s company…it was nice having company that didn’t hurt. Mushroom Henry didn’t belittle him whenever he rambled, and she never hurt him for simple mistakes. Mushroom Henry was safe when everything else wasn’t.
Late at night, when the mobs came out to roam, instead of sleeping in his tent, Tommy would go to her. She was warm, and she acted as a barrier between the cold and the mobs. With his back to the small wooden fort Ghostbur made, he would sleep buried against her side as she curled against him, heavy head resting on his legs.
It was different from his nap with Henry, but it was fine, he often told himself. Different cows, different situations. This was something he couldn’t change, and no amount of tears spilled in the night was going to change it, no matter how much Tommy wished it did.
He wasn’t in L’Manburg anymore, and even if it hurts to remember, Tommy needs to learn to accept this. There is no Henry, there is no Wilbur, and there is no L’Manburg. Not anymore. All that’s left is Mushroom Henry, a small fort far away from all he has known, and Dream. His only friend.
Leaning his weight on Mushroom Henry, Tommy reminded himself this was all temporary. I just have to be better, he whispered to her. I just have to be better, then I can go home.
Tommy thought things with Dream had been going well.
He was following the rules, and Dream seemed happy with the system they had. Dream would show up, and with no hesitation, Tommy would greet him with materials already ready to be thrown in a hole. They would spend the morning chatting, and in the afternoon Dream would leave.
It was routine, and maybe Tommy should have been satisfied with this. If he was, maybe Dream would have ended exile early. But Tommy is never satisfied. Tommy is a fighter, and an opportunist.
(He’s selfish, that’s what he is. A selfish child who only demands more and more)
Tommy needed materials, not only for himself but Mushroom Henry needed food if she were to survive the winter. However, Tommy’s routine became a hurdle toward his goals. It’s hard to maintain and improve materials when every day he’s forced to restart to nothing but wooden tools.
He isn’t sure where he got the idea, maybe it was an offhand comment Ghostbur made before abandoning him, but Tommy started making a bunker.
Every day, when Dream would leave to do who knows what, Tommy would grab some wood and craft a flimsy shovel that did more breaking than actual digging.
Every day, he gathered his materials and hid them in chests underneath the fort, the wooden tools soon advancing into iron.
Every day, Tommy feared Dream discovering the bunker.
And this was something he couldn’t wrap his head around. If Dream was his friend, why was he so afraid? This shouldn’t even be a big deal. It was just some food and iron tools. Compared to netherite armor and weapons, iron was nothing.
But did having these materials make him selfish? Did wanting to be safe make him self-absorbed? Was he being greedy? Was he being a bad person? Dream was trying to make him better, and by doing this, was Tommy undoing all the progress the man has done?
Curling alongside Mushroom Henry, soft breath ruffling his hair, Tommy turned to the stars. He liked the stars, for they reminded him of summer nights and a caravan where singing and laughter could be heard behind tall walls that promised safety. Wrapping a hand around the compass which pointed where he could not return, Tommy reminisced on what he took for granted, and what he can never get back.
Tommy messed up.
He messed up, and now everything’s ruined.
Everything’s ruined, and it’s all his fault.
There wasn’t much to Logstedshire when Dream left.
Ghostbur liked to think they could’ve made a home, far away from the Esempi. Maybe not Logstedshire itself, but he hoped for the day when he and Tommy would leave the stifling sight the server had become.
Standing in front of another man-made crater, ears ringing and ash-covered skin stinging from where he stood too close to the explosions, Tommy doesn’t think Logstedshire could ever have been a home to them.
Climbing a tower with destruction painting the scenery below, the only color besides brown and dull green being the red from Mushroom Henry’s slack body, Tommy doesn't think anything else but L’Manburg could be his home.
(Home hasn’t been a thing for him since before L’manburg, but that was ripped away the day Wilbur decided it needed to go)
Looking down below, Tommy isn't sure if he can ever have a home now. Not when everything he has ever cared for is always taken away by force. Not when he’s at fault for it all.
(Tommy can’t help but wonder if he has a curse in his genes—disaster encoded into his very DNA—to cause everyone to leave)
(Tommy refuses to listen to the small voice in his head that says this isn’t true, that he isn’t a curse, but something to treasure. He ignored it because it was none other than Wilbur’s voice he was hearing)
(He could never decide if it brought him comfort, or made him hate his brother more. Hate him for leaving; for promising to return, to stay, only to leave as a liar)
(Tommy doesn’t want to hate Wilbur. Wilbur was everything good in the world, and he was Tommy’s brother. He was family, and he was all Tommy had)
Tommy couldn’t tell what hurt more; the burns on his body, or his shoulder from the fall.
He’s convinced the landing dislocated it, and he didn't want to address the possibility of the same being for his ankle. It hurts to walk, vision flashing white with each step. It hurts to walk, but he doesn’t have a choice. He has to leave Logstedshire, leave Dr—leave his only friend.
Mushroom’s Henry’s blood stained his tattered shirt, evidence of his failure to protect the only good thing he had left. The only comfort it brought Tommy was the fact she died quickly. She didn't suffer. She didn’t suffer as Henry did.
The trek through the snow was one Tommy made in a haze. His brain was fuzzy with static, clogged with nothing but the fear of being discovered and punished.
Tommy was tired.
Tired of this encompassing fear.
Tired of hurting.
Tired of people betraying and leaving him.
He was tired, freezing, and hungry. If he didn’t have the correct attire for Logstedshire, he definitely didn’t have the current attire for the arctic. His foot was turning a concerning shade of white, and his fingers were getting paler and paler the longer he walked. His ears and nose burned, and the pinching wind made his soaked form tremble.
He wants to go back because at least Logstedshire was sometimes warm. But going back meant going back to Dream—going back to the constant disappointment and pain. Tommy couldn’t return to that. It—he can’t.
His teeth rattled as he continued to walk, and he ran his hands over his arms absentminded, wanting warmth to return to them. His best bet for shelter would be a tree, but every time he rested under one, he could only feel danger danger danger.
Dream can—will find him. He doesn’t have time for rest. He needs to leave, needs to get as far away from the Esempi as he can.
But his resolve grew weaker and weaker the further he walked, the more his legs shook, and the more he lost feeling in his limbs. Each sluggish blink was a struggle to open again. He was exhausted, and everything was confusing. Everything felt frozen and yet like he was on fire, and the only thing preventing him from tearing off his clothes was the memory of a young Wilbur explaining to an even younger Tommy how that made things worse.
Tommy managed a few more steps before stumbling, arms too slow to catch his fall. He couldn’t do anything else but curl up into a ball, tender snow covering him with the cruel mockery of a blanket.
From where he was lying, Tommy noticed there was smoke in the distance. Probably from the fires from the explosions he didn’t bother to put out. Buried beneath snow, all Tommy can do is hope it doesn’t kill all the vegetation in the area. The animals won’t have any food or resources for shelter if that happens. He hoped he didn’t destroy their homes like he destroyed his own. He hoped and hoped, but ultimately he knew he did. It’s as Dream always told him, tried to teach him: the only use Tommy is good for is destruction. An agent of chaos few knew how to handle, knew how to direct, and how to control.
Wilbur tried, Tommy thought feverishly as he shivered. He tried his best to teach me how to be better.
But Wilbur is gone, and the only one who was willing to teach Tommy was Dream, and not even he could handle the blond.
All alone, heavy snow suffocating him, Tommy felt tears prinkle in the edges of his eyes. He can’t do anything on his own, doesn’t know how to be alone, and anyone who might care always leaves. Dream was wrong, Tommy thought, nobody cares. A tear spilled from his eye. I’m not worth being cared for. 
Through hazy vision, Tommy saw a green blur run toward him, but couldn’t find the energy to identify who or what it was. Maybe death won’t be too bad. Tommy blinked as the figure cupped their hands around their face, shouts inaudible. Maybe I can see Wilbur, and maybe my cows will be there too.
Tommy closed his eyes, comforted by the idea that he would never have to open them again.
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abysslll · 1 year
grinning sooo evilly while plotting out the bruabba confession fic rn
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whump-kia · 12 days
I MADE A WHUMP EVENT: get ready for July folks
welcome to the Whumperless Whump Event of July! for your sickfic, situational, and completely apersonal whump needs--comfort included, of course.
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Image transcripts, tagging rules, and guidelines under the cut!
Any and all art types allowed (GIFs, drawings, music, writing, etc.)
No AI generated content allowed
OCs and Fandom works alike are welcome :)
Trigger and content tags required, even if the prompt explicitly requires the content (eg. Vomiting still needs the emetophobia tag)
NSFT and NSFW are allowed, if tagged appropriately. This blog will not reblog them, as minors do follow it. However, you're still free to write as you please :)
If enough interest is shown, I will make an Ao3 collection
Side note: please let me know if there's anything I can do to make this post or event more accessible. Should I put the image transcripts on the ID too? Is the formatting causing issues? What can I do?
This is not a contest, just an event. The only awards will be announcements for people who completed the whole darn thing. My entries will not receive any announcements or awards, because I'm hosting
Tag with, per example: #whumperless whump event day 1; #whumperless whump event; and (optional) #whumperless whump event day 1: alcohol as a sanitizer
Tag me (@whump-kia) please! If not, I may not see it or be able to reblog it!
If desired, tag the medium you used
Trigger tag and content warn (including nsfw/nsft)
There are NO OTHER RULES. Do one prompt! Do seven! Do 'em all! Repeat the same prompt six days in a row! Switch them around and do them all out of order! Post them eight months after the event is over! Finish the prompt list early! Write one long-ass story that deals with every prompt or do a one-sentence drabble for each one! Recommend your favorite scenes regarding the prompt! Write, draw, sing, play music, make playlists, do fic recs or show recs or episode recs or book recs, fucking crochet or something! FOLLOW THE VIBE. DO WHAT'S FUN.
Prompts (text):
Emergency First Aid: Self-done stitches / Alcohol as sanitizer / “It's just a scratch, I've had worse.”
Does your insurance cover this?: Car accident / Bystander caretaker / “Eyes open, ambulance is almost here.”
Like a record, baby: Vertigo / Struggling to stand / “Is the room spinning, or is it just me?”
It's every day bro: Chronic pain / Massage / “I'm used to it.”
Stealing my breath (give it back): Wheezing / Light-headed / “I'll count, you just breathe.”
Summer is a curse: Heat Stroke / Panting / “Why don't we… find some shade, quick?”
Accidental Cryotherapy: Falling through a frozen lake / Hypothermia / “Hey, c'mon, you gotta stay awake.”
Put your head on my shoulder: Migraine / Light & Sound Sensitivity / “I can close the curtains…”
White and red handkerchief: Coughing up blood / Can't speak / “You just can't shake that cough, can you?”
Your work is never finished: Forced to work while ill / Workplace emergency / “...sit down, I'm calling HR.”
A minor annoyance: Stuffy nose / Hate to be sick / “I'm fine, I can work.”
It's going down (I'm yelling timber): Building collapse / Trapped under rubble / “I can't move my legs.”
It's just a pebble: Avalanche / Stuck in the mountains / “Well, this wasn't how I thought the hiking trip would go.”
Lay down your sword: Fighting back a cold / Cuddling / “Just let yourself be sick so you can get better.”
I'm going down (you're yelling timber): Passing out / Exhaustion / “I've got you, let's sit down, I've got you.”
Say goodbye to filters: Half-conscious / Delirious / “You would never say that in your right mind…”
In hot water: Dangerously high fever / Cool baths / “We have to get that number down somehow.”
I don't see it: Hallucinations / Fever dreams / “It's just a nightmare. You're safe.”
The whump morning after: Tending to injuries / Domestic hurt comfort / “Let's check the bandages, okay?”
It's not fun if you're panicking: Stuck in an elevator / Claustrophobia / “Get me out.”
Where's the exit: Lost / Stuck in the wilderness / “Surely someone will notice we're gone.”
Better out than in: Nervous Stomach / Vomiting / “I got your hair, it's fine.”
Well, that doesn't taste right: Accidentally poisoned / Allergic reaction / “My tongue feels like bees, is that normal?”
Be one with the fish: Drowning / Rescue Breaths / “Why did you think that was a good idea?!”
We didn't start the fire: Severe burns / Running into flames / “I know it hurts. Breathe.”
That's no barn spider: Venomous bite / Arachnophobia / “You'll be okay, we can help.”
What's your name again?: Concussion / Temporary Amnesia / “I don't remember what happened to me.”
Nothing behind the eyes: Fully unconscious / Force feeding / “It's just me, go back to sleep.”
Wrong place, wrong time: Robbery / One of many hostages / “Stay behind me, I can take a hit.”
I don't mean to get emotional: Fear / Breaking point / “I can't stop crying, I'm sorry--”
Only way out is through: Tunnel collapse / Accidental Journey / “We can't just sit here and wait.”
Wild animal attack
Broken bone
Bloody nose
Panic attack
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mionemymind · 2 months
Give Me Another Chance
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Summary: The five times Y/n asks Wanda to give her another chance and the one time Wanda says yes.
Warnings: Angst, No Happy Ending, Dying, No Part Two?
A/n: Was heavily inspired to write this angst after reading Marry Me by @just-aake Theirs had a happy ending to it so I highly suggest reading their lovely work.
Word Count: 1.6k
“Give me another chance, Wanda,” Y/n pleaded as the two walked through the compound late for their meeting. It was 8:30 am. The group was instructed to arrive for the mission briefing at 8:15 am. Wanda barely had time to brush her teeth before she ran out of her room and immediately bumped into the last person she wanted to speak to, her ex. 
“Shut it, Y/n.” Y/n sighed as she kept her mouth shut. The headache coming from drinking too much poured into her head like a tsunami. “I blame you if we get the short end of this mission.” Before Y/n could respond, the two finally arrived at the conference room.
“You’re late.” Steve deadpanned. “We-” 
“No excuses Y/n, you and Wanda are on backup duty. Stay in the quinjet until asked.” Wanda groveled silently as she was handed the mission file by Natasha. Y/n stood behind Bucky and peered over his notes. 
“This was going to be a long day,” Y/n thought. 
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“Give me another chance, Wanda,” Y/n begged through the phone. She was walking through the bustling streets of downtown New York to find Wanda. The girl had mysteriously gone out for the night and decided to tell no one about her location. This was nothing new to the team, even Natasha knew it was something that Wanda did to feel better about herself after their breakup.
But tonight felt different to Y/n. It was already past midnight and Wanda hadn’t come back home. Y/n called again only for the phone to go straight to voicemail for the 10th time tonight. “Watch where you’re going asshole!” 
“Sorry,” Y/n mouthed as she walked away. Realistically, Y/n knew that Wanda could handle herself even if she was impaired, her magic subconsciously protected her in situations like this. But the worry that pitted her stomach told her otherwise. 
“Where could you be?” Y/n thought out loud. Looking around the surrounding buildings, Y/n’s eyes settled on the Chrysler building. Like a light bulb, a switch flipped in her head. Running to the nearest empty alleyway, Y/n called for her suit and flew to the top of the building. 
In all her glory there was Wanda lying on the edge of the Chrysler building. Her cheeks were flushed as she held the near empty bottle on her stomach. The remainder of the six-pack lay waste on the floor. Wanda didn’t know how much time had passed since she started drinking. The near numbness in her lips indicated that it had been a while. 
Y/n landed with a soft thud, not wanting to scare Wanda off.  She checked her watch and it was already 2:00 am, a new record for Wanda. Leaving her suit behind, Y/n walked slowly to Wanda. Once she was within arm's reach, Y/n securely held her by the waist. 
“What are you doing here?” Wanda didn’t have to turn her head to know who it was. The feeling of sensing Y/n was something she used to enjoy. Now it was just a constant reminder of their failed relationship. 
“I’m here to take you home. It’s late Wanda.” Wanda sighed as she let Y/n gently grab the bottle from her hand. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
“You’re drunk Wanda.” 
“And you’re the asshole that left me.” Y/n ignored the insult thrown her way and picked Wanda up bridal style. “You’re gonna get hypothermia if you stay out here.” Y/n looked down at Wanda when she didn’t respond back. The brunette was already deep asleep as she nuzzled her head into Y/n’s chest. 
When Wanda woke up the next day, she refused to ask who took her home. Not when her thoughts already lingered about Y/n. 
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“Give me another chance, Wanda,” Y/n whispered as she held Wanda’s hand. The brunette was dressed in an all-black skin-tight dress with high heels. She even put make-up on to feel better for the occasion. 
“You don’t deserve me.” Wanda walked away from Y/n and to the open elevator. Their eyes met again as the doors closed. Once she was fully out of sight, Wanda let a tear fall. “Why must you make it so hard for me to move on?” 
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“Give me another chance-”
“Are you serious right now?” Wanda was in disbelief. “You. Fucked. Up.” She poked at Y/n’s chest. “Not me. And now you want me to seriously give you another chance?
“I understand that I fucked up-”
“No! You don’t! You broke up with me and left me to sort things out by myself. And cowardly enough, you went on a mission just to avoid talking to me.”
“Let me explain-”
“Explain? What is there to explain? I’ve begged and begged so many times before for you to tell me the truth. Each time you would shut me out and disappear. You never had the decency to tell me anything. But now when it’s convenient for you, I suddenly am the bad guy for not hearing you out. “
Wanda shoved Y/n out of her room. “All you did was make me wonder why I ever deserved that type of treatment when all I ever did was love you.”
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“I’m sorry I keep messing things up,” Y/n groaned. The bruises on her chest made it hard to breathe or maybe it was the blood she could taste in her mouth. Regardless, everything hurts. “I wasn’t really thinking when I broke up with you back then.” 
Wanda ignored the burning feeling in her chest as she continued to rip apart the indestructible chair Y/n was cuffed to. “Are you serious right now? Y/n please use your fucking smart brain and help me get you out.” 
Wanda concentrated back on her powers to try and rip apart one of the steel cuffs. When the cuff didn’t give, Wanda stopped in frustration. “Why isn’t this working?” 
“‘Cause they knew you would be the one to get me.” Wanda furrowed her brows, not understanding who “they” was. “What are you talking about?” 
A loud pitch echoed through the chambers as the intercom turned on. “Countdown commences. Ten minutes till detonation.” The large screen behind Wanda flickered as the countdown was displayed in bright red. 
“Tony! I need you to locate the bomb. Y/n is stuck in this chair and I can’t get her out of it.” Wanda looked around the room once more but the lack of controls and buttons made it feel useless. 
Wanda hurried back to Y/n at the sound of her coughing up more blood. “What did they do to you dekta?” Y/n tried her best to grin, not wanting to show Wanda how much pain she was in. 
“You’ve done worse to me in training,” Y/n joked but none of it sat right with Wanda’s conscience. Using her shirt, Wanda wiped part of the blood that came out. She used her free hand to locate the source of the bleeding. 
“Wanda,” her green eyes focused on the brown eyes she loved. “I think I’m dying.” 
“Shh shh - don’t talk like that dekta.” Wanda located a small tear inside Y/n’s organs and used her magic to pause the bleeding. “We’re gonna get you out of here.” 
“I’m sorry for all the times I’ve failed you.” 
“And I’m sorry for leaving you.” 
“Now is not the time-” 
“We’re out of time my love.�� Y/n glanced to the screen in front of them. Only five minutes left before it detonated. 
“Any updates Tony?! We have five minutes left!” Wanda yelled. 
“I’m trying my best here. We’re swarmed!”
“Wanda - I need you to listen-”
“No!” Wanda declared. She looked at Y/n with a deadly stare. “Stop acting like that - like this is our last chance.” Wanda refused to believe that the world would be cruel to let the love of her life slip past her. Not when they haven’t sorted everything out. Not when things are still bad. 
“I love you,” Y/n whispered with a tired smile. Wanda could feel Y/n’s energy draining by the second. The longer she went without medical attention, the slimmer her chances of survival grew. She gripped on Y/n’s shirt, trying her best to keep her cries at bay. 
“Don’t-” Wanda sobbed as tears fell down her face. “This isn’t how I wanted you to confess. I deserve a confession where dying isn’t involved.” 
“One minute remaining,” the announcement said. Y/n’s eyes started to droop. Her consciousness was slipping by the second. Wanda cupped Y/n’s cheek and lightly tapped her face. 
“Wake up dekta.” Y/n slowly opened her eyes. “Ask me again.” 
“Tell me you want me back.” Wanda pressed her forehead against Y/n’s. “Tell me to give you another chance and I will. I’ll give you all the chances in the world so just ask me.” 
“Wanda…will you give me another chance my love?”
The world slowed down as the bomb deep under the building blew up. Wanda could feel the blast reaching to them as she created a magic barrier that surrounded her and Y/n. And as it continued to explode around them, Wanda leaned in and kissed Y/n hoping that the last thing the dying girl felt was her love. 
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aliidarling · 27 days
writing this made me think of beth and now i’m sad. i miss beth😒
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DARYL DIXON x fem!reader
nsfw content — pls scroll if uncomfortable
summary: you’re out on a run with daryl when you stay overnight at a camp. the temperature drops to freezing and daryl notices how you’re shivering.
warnings: fluff and smut, more smut sided, mean daryl, a lot of banter, p in v, groping, riding, whimpering daryl, daryl learns his place, reader is on top but daryl is in control, hypothermia mentions, creampie, unorotected sex, cuddling with the tip in LMAO
no proofread cuz i’m lazy :P
nsfw content below!!
being on runs with daryl was hard. he was short tempered with a bitchy attitude all the time, gruff with his words and agonizingly quiet. you could hear a pin drop whenever you were with the older man, but the second he got angry it was like hell had been released.
it was a cold winter, to your luck. you were walking alongside daryl in the forest, the both of you sweating from the labor of having to put down walkers and walk miles.
“ya’ wanna settle down camp sum’ where?” he gruffs lowly, glancing at you through the corner of his eye. his words catch your attention, probably the first innocent words he’s spoken to you in hours.
“good with me.” you shrug.
he lets out a huff and nods, motioning you towards another direction. you mindlessly follow, wiping some dirt off onto your pants.
a few minutes pass before you eventually wander across a little clearing that seemed fit for a temporary camp. it was a small area, with trees surrounding it, completely silent so you could hear if any walkers came across you two.
“i’ll go hunt sum’ fish, make a fire.” he grumbles, throwing his stuff down on the grass and immediately making a beeline towards the sound of a nearby lake. you watch as he disappears into the distance, a frown painting your expression.
“uhh.. okay.. yeah, i’ll set up a camp n’ stuff.” you mumble to yourself, your words dying off as he leaves hearing range. he was just dying to get away from you, huh?
ten minutes later, you’re sitting infront of a small campfire, a tree stump under your butt as you wait for the older man to return from his little quest. picking at a piece of weed, you stared off as the fire blazed infront of you.
you flinch when you hear a twig snap behind you. you immediately turn, peering behind your shoulder with your hand hovering over your blade.
daryl appears behind a tree, holding a wiggling fish that looked big enough to feed you two plus seconds.
“do i look like a walker?” he says rudely.
“sorry.” you mutter, lowering your hand and relaxing your posture, staring at him as he steps forward and roughly drops the fish into the fire.
the impact sends some fire sparks towards you, making you tense and shield yourself lightly.
“could you not?” you snap, scowling at him as you sit back up. he rolls his eyes at you, sitting across from you without a word. the fire sat between the two of you as silence washed over the camp, the only sound being the fire sparkling.
“it’s pretty cold, huh?” you say quietly, giving him a small smile. your attempt at small talk was shot down as he immediately glared at you, making you shrink and feel quite silly.
“it should take up to ten, fifteen minutes to cook.” he mumbled after a few minutes of silence. you peeked up at him, frowning. what did he have against you?
you shivered as it began to grow colder every passing second, the wind picking up as the air grew thick. you wrapped your arms around yourself in hopes of warming your body temperature. he noticed but didn’t say a word, instead staring at the cooking fish and waiting for it to be ready.
“where are we sleeping?” you spoke up again.
he doesn’t respond until minutes later, hands occupied with skinning the fish and cutting it in pieces. he hands you a nicely sized portion, blank expression on his face. he never had much of an expression when it came to dealing with you.
“we’ll figure it out, but so far it looks like we’ll have to make do with the grass.” he huffs. he motions around the campsite with one of his over-exaggerated waves. “might snow tonight, so find a spot under a tree so you don’t fuckin’ die from hypothermia.”
you nod along to his words, munching on the fish he made with a hum. you glance back at him and narrow at his sleeveless arms.
“are you not cold?” you scoff lightly, a smile tugging at your lips. his lips twitch, readjusting his position as he suddenly feels very aware of the cold air brushing against his biceps.
“i’ll be alright,” he murmurs, taking another large bite of the fish. “what about you? you’re wearin’ a thin top.” he motions to your long sleeve henley.
“i’ll be alright.” you can’t help but grin, shrugging as you mock his words. he can’t help but chuckle lowly, glancing down at his half eaten fish before resuming his feasting.
after you both finish eating you’re quick to find spots under trees. both trees are next to each other but with a respectable distance, mostly because you both haven’t done nothing more then have a small conversation. a conversation that was less then twenty minutes ago.
the air grew more cold as the wind grew louder, leaves rustling and leaving you cold and huddled up into a tight ball. your weak attempt at warming yourself was proven useless when snow started to fall, painting the floor a frosted color.
“yer’ alright?” he breaks the silence. you peer over your shoulder and look at him. he was leaning against the tree next to yours, his biceps tense as snow fell on top of them. the sight was almost angelic, a big muscular man with snow falling on top of him delicately.
“s’cold.” you mumble quietly, curling back up as you quietly rock yourself. your lashes flutter close as you focus on your breathing and not dying of hypothermia. you shivered.
another few long minutes of silence pass, the sound of both your breathing the only thing audible. you can feel his eyes on your back but you don’t say a word, mostly out of stubbornness.
“jesus christ girl, you’re gonna die like an idiot, just c’mere already.” the words leave his mouth with a bitter tone. he didn’t want you that close to him but he would rather have you invade his personal space then straight up die.
you give him a confused look, your cheeks flushing as you see him pat his thigh in an impatient manner. a moment passes before you finally muster up the courage and shuffle onto his lap, your chest to his as you bury your face into his shoulder. the contact felt unfamiliar, but definitely not unwelcome.
his hands wrap around you immediately, one on your lower back and pressing you into him, the other gently petting your hair and twirling little strands between his rough fingers. you had never felt him be so gentle with you, heck, you were pretty sure this was the first time he had ever genuinely touched you other then the rude shoves and pushes.
you didn’t know why his body was so warm, but all you knew was that you wanted to be as close as possible to him. seek shelter in his arms and fall asleep by being rocked.
his rough fingers gently tug at your shirt hem, pulling it down in order to warm you more. his finger brushed softly against your flesh as he did this, making your heart skip a beat. you didn’t say a word, but the two of you could feel the tension thickening.
he stares at your body, your face, how your legs are straddling him and how your buried so deep into his chest. he brushes his finger against your skin lightly under your shirt again, wanting to see if he had imagined the way you reacted the first.
just like he assumed, your body language tensed just slightly, your hands wrapped around him tightening. a lazy smile forms on his face as he slowly pulls his hand under your shirt, resting against your bare back. you shivered, cuddling closer and tucking your head under his chin.
“you’re warm.” you hum quietly, trying your best not to let any more reactions slip as he rubbed his hand up and down your back.
“my bare skin is a lot warmer, sweetheart.” he says smoothly, no hesitance in his words. you gulp hard, blinking and processing his words before looking up at him through your lashes.
“i heard, uh, skin to skin is the best way at beating someone up.” you offer a sheepish smile, cheeks flushed from the cold and the feeling of being in his arms. he can’t help but chuckle dryly at your comment, his hands slipped to wrap around your waist and rub further up until one was playing with your bra clasp and the other was rubbing your belly. you curled up into his touch, a soft sigh leaving your throat.
“you want me to warm you up?” he says lowly, his voice a gentle whisper in your ear as he hoists you up further into his lap. his eyes flutter as he looks you up and down, taking in the sight of your body molding perfectly into his.
“yes please.” you nod and slowly sit up on his lap, your hands going to grasp ahold of his shoulders for balance as you started to lean in. he took the hint and gently cupped your waist, eyes flickering from your eyes to lips, watching intently as you grew closer.
a small moan left him as your lips connected to his. he tightened his grip on your soft skin under your shirt and rubbed it, kneading it as he kissed you. his adam’s apple bobbed as he leaned in, pressing his chest flush to yours and starting to slowly peel your shirt off.
you stopped him, frowning. “it’s too cold for that.” he rolled his eyes at your comment and reluctantly let your shirt go. a small huff left him as he looked back at your pretty face.
“let me at least—“ he mumbles, his hands slipping back under your shirt to grope your breasts. he runs his rough palms over your bra and pulls it down, letting your breasts out from its confinement. he could see your nipples poking through your top more clearly now, but he wished nothing more then to be able to feel them without anything in-between you two. maybe next time.
“so fuckin’ pretty.” a smile tugs at him as he gently gropes them, kneading and rolling your nipples between his fingers. he was gentle, watching your every reaction closely, fingers working at you like a professional. it felt like he was.
“please, i want more, daryl.” your voice sounded pitifully small as you pressed your face into the crook of his neck, straddling his thigh firmly and pressing your core down in hopes of relieving the tension. he watches you with a heavy gaze as you focus on rocking your sensitive core against his thigh, brows furrowed in concentration as you moan softly.
his hands continue groping and gently massing your breasts, rough fingers pulling at your nipples which earns a shallow gasp from you, and pulling you harder down on him. every moan that leaves your throat has him shivering and aching to be inside you more.
“s’enough, baby. c’mon, lemme put it in.” he mutters. his hands grab at his pants belt and he unbuckles it quickly, and in seconds his hard cock slaps against his abdomen, making your eyes widen at his size and his hard he was. you feel your pussy grow even more damp.
“y-yeah, okay.” you nod immediately and start to pull down your pants just enough to have your panties on display. you straddle his hips again, hovering over his cock, your pants around your ankles. it was cold as shit, but you chose to ignore it, too eager to feel him inside you to even care.
one hand on the back of your back and the other pulling your panties to the side, he slowly slides you down until his gruffy patch of hair above his cock brushed against your clit. your lips formed an ‘O’ shape as you felt the slow stretch of him entering you and opening up your inner walls. it felt so good.
“feels so good, daryl.” you cry out softly, shaky hands grabbing onto his shoulders to hold yourself steady on his cock. he hums in acknowledgment, nodding subtly as he wraps his palms around your waist. his fingers knead your doubly flesh, his eyes glued to where you both were conjoined.
“mmm, good girl, jus’ like that,” he grunts, his voice shaky as you start to bounce on his cock. his head leans back against the bark, almost whimpering as he feels your pussy go up and down so him. so god damn tight and wet, he could barely think. it hasn’t even been five minutes and he was already pussy drunk.
“you like that? does it feel good?” you ask breathlessly, eyes dazed as you repeatedly slam yourself down on him. you had never had such a strong and powerful man under you, whimpering as you rode him. you didn’t want this to end, ever.
“feels so good, baby. don’t stop— augh, don’t fuckin’ stop..” his hold on you tightens. maybe you would get bruises, it wouldn’t surprise you, he was holding onto you like you were his lifeline. your hip movements only quicken at his words, moans leaving your throat and eyes rolling back. his fat tip punched that sweet spot inside you everytime you slid down, making you repeatedly chase that feeling.
“i-i’m sorry baby, m’gonna cum,—“ he whimpers, grabbing your hips and starting to slam you down on him at his own speed. a gasp leaves you as your back arches, your hands going to wrap around his shoulders and bury your face into his neck. your body was repeatedly slammed down onto his cock, no break at all between thrusts. he was going fast and hard, eager to feel himself cum inside your soapy walls.
his eyes squeezed shut as he felt himself start to cum inside you, his hands growing faster in pulling you down on him. your tight pussy milked him dry as he whined into your ear, teeth gritted as his fat tip pressed hard onto your sweet spot. his large hand went to rub at your clit as he started to thrust upwards into you, looking to make you cum.
“cum ‘round me sweetheart, i’ve gotcha..” his fingers rub eight figures onto your clit. you shiver on his lap, whimpering loudly into his ear. your hole spasms around him and you clench down hard, making him groan. seconds later, your juices drip down his cock as you slowly go limp, laying like a lifeless doll on his lap with his cock still buried nice and deep inside you.
a few minutes pass of you panting heavily, the cold no longer a problem for you both. daryl held onto you tightly, rubbing your back gently as he calmed down. he eventually started to slide you off him, making you wince and grab onto him tighter.
“jesus— fuck, what’s wrong with ya?” he glares at you. back to his snarky personality, it looked.
“it’s warmer with you inside. just, don’t, okay, please?” you bat your lashes at him, sliding yourself down again, making him hiss at the friction.
“you’re gon’ be the death of me, girl.” he grumbles. he pulls your clothes back on the best he could without tempering with his placement inside you, trying to keep you both as warm as possible. you hum dumbly and snuggle back into his chest, nice and cozy.
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hyuckiefluff · 7 months
Hiiii! May i request a mini fic where the femreader loves to play with jeno's hair. Can u add a little fluff to it? 🥹
I love ur fics so much! Thank u! 💗
thank uu for requesting!! feedback is greatly appreciated <3
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pairing: lee jeno x fem reader
cw: none! unless ure like me and lovey-dovey couples trigger u lol im jk!!! no but writing this rlly had me kicking my feet cuz i can vividly imagine jeno being like this irl
wc: 500+
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With the TV light casting a soft glow around the room, you tugged the blanket over your and Jeno’s bodies after feeling him shiver slightly, cocooning yourselves in its coziness.
"Why aren't you wearing a shirt? It's like -5 outside, babe," you looked down at your boyfriend, who was sprawled out on top of you on the couch. His arms wrapped tightly around your frame, seeking warmth in your proximity. You both were having a lazy day, watching the Bob Ross channel since you got called off work due to the snowstorm.
"I prefer your warmth," he mumbled, his voice sounding a bit slurred since half his face was buried in your chest. "Actually, you should take your shirt off too. I heard it's the best way to fight off hypothermia... skin-to-skin."
"Hypothermia is a bit of a reach, and please, stop being such a horn-dog for two seconds."
"Can't help it," he replied in a raspy tone, his slow blinks signaling that he was on the verge of falling asleep.
You smiled fondly, and your hands instinctively moved to his back, where you began to scratch. He groaned in satisfaction, and you could feel his leg twitch a little. It reminded you of a puppy when you rubbed its belly.
"You like that?" you inquired, and he responded with a contented hum.
Your hands traveled up to his shoulders, massaging his tense trapezoids. "Ahh, baby, that feels amazing," he slurred, his head growing heavier on your chest, a clear sign that he was relaxing more.
"Should've done this yesterday after your workout," you pointed out, your fingers expertly working the knots in his muscles. You noticed how tense he was and how he flinched a little when you pressed too hard.
He only managed a noise in response, lost in the bliss of your ministrations. Your fingers found their way into his messy locks, and he sighed contentedly. You knew he loved it when you played with his hair the most.
"Your hair's grown a lot," you said, grabbing onto a particularly long section.
"Yeah, I should cut it soon," he replied casually.
"You will do no such thing, sir," you declared.
He snorted at your sudden seriousness, but when you remained silent, he looked up and cooed at your frown.
"Baby, you said it yourself, it's getting out of control," he teased, laughing at your dramatics.
You rolled your eyes playfully. "Just say that you hate your girlfriend..."
His eyes softened, and he reached up to cup your cheek, his touch warm against your skin.
"You're so cute, and you take such good care of me, how could I ever hate you?" he murmured, his gaze filled with affection.
He raised himself slightly, leaning in to leave a soft kiss on your jaw. Your attempts to be fake-mad at him never lasted long, especially when he did sweet things like this. You reciprocated by pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. This led to a playful kiss battle, each peck and smooch more intense than the last until you fell defeated, collapsing into a fit of giggles when he playfully attacked your lips with his.
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norrisleclercf1 · 5 months
Thinking about arrogant doctor Charles who has been a dick lately but notices you overworked, overtired running on energy drink and about to lose it
A/N: Anon you're a god, this is also a way I can talk about ER Doc Charles since I've thrown my doc fic for him in the trash
"Seriously, can't even keep up." Dr. Leclerc or as you called him Dr. Devil scuffs ripping off his blood soaked gloves. "Bite me," You snap, trying to control your temper, all while reserving your energy.
4, 12 hour shifts back to back was rough, but the hospital was short staffed on nurses and you need the money. In a normal day you avoided being scheduled to work with Dr. Leclerc, and his need to be a dick.
It was bad enough he was arrogant, but had the skills to back it up, he was also being a major prick right now. "If you can't do your job, get the fuck out of my ER." He hisses writing down orders. "Your Er? I think you forget the nurses run the hospitals, not you arrogant self righteous, pricks." You seethe storming out of the room and slamming open the doors.
You needed air, you couldn't handle the beige walls and smell of chemicals anymore. The snow falling as you sit outside, not caring that your blood was running cold from the weather. Your lungs burn as you inhale the ice air. "Can't do this anymore." You whisper closing your eyes letting the night snow fall around you.
You don't know how it happened, all you knew was your eyes closing and then suddenly being shaken awake. Whining you blink hard, blinding light causing you to groan. "Thank fuck, you're not dead." You stop hearing the voice of Dr. Leclerc.
Turning your head you see him there, glasses on the tip of his nose and black scrubs wet. "What dumbass falls asleep in the fucking snow? Are you wanting to get pneumonia, or worse? Hypothermia? You're lucky I found your ass," He rips into you and you don't know why but the tears cloud your vision.
Dr. Leclerc freezes, unsure what to do. Groaning he stands up and folds his glasses and moves crouching to your level on the bed. "Please, don't cry, I don't know how to comfort you." He begs sounding so lost as his fingers tear through his hair making it stick up everywhere.
"Why are you so mean!" You yell, crying out of anger now. "Wha," "I mean, I try! I really do but I'm not a robot Dr. Leclerc! I've done 4, 12 hour shifts because nurses keep calling out! I've barely slept and all I've had to eat is energy drinks. SO I'm sorry!" You scream and cover your face full on sobbing now.
"Charles," He whispers and you turn angry now. "What?" You snap and Dr. Leclerc flinches. "My name, it's Charles. You still call me Dr. Leclerc, just, just call me Charles." He snaps and stands up putting his glasses back on. "Stay in here and sleep, and there's warm soup. Potatoe soap, warms the soul. And rolls. It's, it's whatever." He grumbles and fumbles around.
Opening the private room door, he stops. "You're right, nurses run the hospital. And, I need my best nurse not to die on me. So eat and sleep, be back in 4 hours." Charles walks out and you lay there and sit up glaring at the door. "I still hate your arrogant ass!"
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moonlight-prose · 8 months
If you’re taking those as prompts, ❛ don’t you know what you’re doing to me? ❜ with Din perhaps?
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a/n: so i took forever on this, because i kind of fell out of writing for din for...well....awhile. i can tell you this sat in my wips folder half finished for months. honestly i was wondering if it would even get finished. but i was re-watching mando last night and decided why the fuck not. i can't remember which prompt list this was from because it's been so long, but that's okay. this is not beta read or edited, but we live and die by the pen.
summary: on your list of things that could possibly happen while bounty hunting with din, dying from hypothermia wasn't included. nor was finally admitting the truth to yourself about your feelings.
word count: 3.1k+
pairing: din djarin x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, near death experience, angst, feelings being admitted sort of, p in v sex, a hint of choking, they're so in love it's sickening.
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It’s fucking cold in the Razor Crest as you sit in the cockpit waiting for his return. You’re bundled in a jacket that has seen better days, but even with the extra layers you swear you’ll freeze to death before he comes back. Tempted to turn the ship back on in order to get some heat—you do the most to distract yourself from the frost currently eating away at the skin of your face. Din’s instructions were clear. Keep the ship hidden until he comes back with the bounty, which would be simple enough.
That is if the bounty he was currently hunting resided on a planet with a temperature that wouldn’t kill you from exposure. Everything had been fine two hours ago. You were working on repairing an old comlink as he tracked the bounty through space, having caught their signal on the outer edges of the galaxy. Except then…they were attacked. Neither of you could see who caused it or even why, but suddenly a lone ship was heading into the atmosphere on the one planet you always said you’d rather die than visit.
Hoth—a frozen pit that once housed the Rebellion of all places.
So, there you were. Shivering to gain some warmth as you scanned the area for Din’s signal. If the ship was right, he still remained alive. You only wished you could say the same for yourself by the time he came back.
The cold had begun to seep into your layers, hitting your chest directly and causing you to cough harshly. If he didn’t return within the hour he would find you dead due to hypothermia. Except that’s not what scared you. It was the fact that he would be the one to find you—a man who showed absolutely no interest in you whatsoever.
You weren’t sure when the crush started or even why, but you do know the realization hit you harder than a speeder-bike going at full speed one day while you were sitting beside him in the cockpit. He laughed at something you said, the chuckle low and slightly clipped due to his modulator and that’s what did it. What had you sitting there in shock—eyes wide—as it suddenly dawned on you that…you liked him. A lot more than you would have ever thought before.
“Maker fucking above,” you muttered, your teeth chattering with the words. “Hurry up, bucket head.”
Vaguely you recalled some survival tips from your time as a teenager on Bracca working as a scrapper. Never touch live wires, always look out for yourself, and when stuck in freezing temperatures—layers become your best friend. So, you stumbled out of the cockpit chair and towards the ladder that would lead you to the rest of his ship. Slow small steps were all you could manage as your body went into overdrive to try and keep you warm. Except the ship acted as an icebox rather than a heater.
You could lock yourself in his small cot, burrowing under the blankets he’d bought because of you complaining there wasn’t enough on the ship. But you’d first have to get there. It was a struggle to even climb down the ladder—your breath coming in gasps as your lungs fought against the freezing air. How long had you been sitting up there? You held no answer to the question, because the results were clear to you now; you were up there long enough to lead you right to death’s doorstep.
Dragging yourself along the side of the ship wall, you flinched as the cold metal touched your cheek. You should have gone against his orders and simply turned the ship back on. It would keep you from this—currently fighting against hypothermia as Din took his sweet time coming back.
The sound of the airlock on the door releasing when it opened brought a small flicker of hope to life, burning bright in your chest. But it faded just as quickly as it came. You caught sight of him dragging a half dead bounty up the ramp—his helmet turned towards you—before you collapsed to the ground. Your body shivering in a final attempt to generate enough body heat in order to keep you alive.
His voice calling your name echoed in the back of your mind as you drifted off—the concept of sleep far more enticing than it should be.
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Steady breaths against your bare back was what you woke up—your mind drifting slowly back to reality. Or at least what you thought to be reality. The last thing you could recall was seeing Din’s helmet as your body did what it could to survive. How you ended up in the darkness of his cot, pressed against someone you assumed to be him…naked, was a mystery to you. Perhaps you were still dreaming. This must be how your mind envisioned some form of peace to ease your soul into an afterlife.
“You’re awake.” His voice caught you off guard—the breath in your throat catching.
The shift of his body created a low burn of heat to appear at the bottom of your stomach as his arm tightened around your waist—drawing you closer. “You almost stopped breathing when I got back. Your body went into shock from the cold.”
“I was dying,” you said softly, the realization far less jarring than waking beside him in the nude.
He hummed, the low pitch a vibration you felt along your back. “I had to get you warm.”
“So you took off my clothes?” you asked, the smile prominent in your tone.
“Generating enough body heat only works when—”
“Both of us are naked.”
His fingers gripped onto the soft skin of your belly. “Yes,” he replied—voice slightly strained.
Somehow it never registered that he was actually sans armor and clothing until you felt his hand glide further up. The soft skin of his palm turned the spark into a fully formed flame that traveled its way through your body. He was laying beside you…naked. If you concentrated hard enough, you could feel the rise and fall of his stomach against your lower back—his skin soft there too.
Any other time your brain would have short circuited, but the sluggishness from sleep had yet to wear off. It made you rather docile—something you felt oddly grateful for. You were entirely aware, fully conscious of your words and decisions, but the tranquility in your body seemingly spurred you forward. No other time would you be this centered—this sure of yourself—and maybe that’s where you made the mistake, because this was dangerous. Revealing the feelings you’d harbored for months was like poison to your heart…positively lethal.
“Din,” you murmured, the soft heat coming from his body now spreading into yours.
If you knew you’d end up like this after one visit to Hoth, you would have come here a lot sooner.
“Yes?” Even his breath was warm as it brushed across the bare skin of your shoulder. Maker you were close in his bed that was barely big enough for him, let alone you beside him.
“I—” The words caught in the base of your throat, lodging themselves there like a stone you couldn’t swallow. You wanted to say it. Get everything out into the open and be done with it, but your mind seemed to be slowly coming to its senses.
“What is it?”
Closing your eyes, you let out a shuddered breath in the hopes that it would push down the erratic nerves which jumped under your skin. If you chickened out now, you’d never say the words. They’d be your secret—forever trapped in the cage of your heart until it was far too late to confess them. What’s funny is that they seemed like such easy things to say. How hard was it really to say I love you? How much effort did it take? Only you now realized it took a lot more than you expected.
It was far easier to die than to admit your feelings.
“I have to tell you something and I just—” Inhaling, you curled your hand around the blanket beneath you. “I don’t want you to look at me differently if things don’t turn out the way I hope.”
His thumb rubbed a soothing circle against your hip. “I won’t.”
You scoffed. “You probably will.”
The subtle shift of his body against yours caused flutters to go through your heart—rendering you speechless for a moment. He was so close it was maddening. If you had the courage you’d turn around, press yourself to him, and whisper the words against his lips. But you were practically stone, unable to even turn your head slightly to feel the press of his lips against your neck.
“For a while now I’ve felt…well…my feelings towards you have changed.” You blurted them out, hoping it was like ripping off a bandaid. Except the silence of his response hurt more than you expected.
“I know,” he said, his hand pressing a bit harder on your hip.
Nothing could have prepared you for the shockwave that went through your body. “You know?” you exclaimed.
“I’ve known since our trip to Coruscant.”
You paused, trying to form something to say, but all you could come up with was: “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Why had he let you think he held no feelings towards you? That you were alone in this. You felt him stiffen behind you, his hand pulling away slightly and your heart sank in your chest. Perhaps you had asked the wrong question. Or even touched on a part of this he didn’t want you to see. But you had to know the truth. You knew why you waited—why you couldn’t get the words out for the life of you—but why had he?
That is until he wrapped his arm around your waist tightly, jolting you back towards his body. A soft yelp left you as you tried to refocus yourself in the pitch black space. Except then you felt it. Pressing hard and insistent against your lower back—a part of Din you had only ever imagined, but never seen.
He grunted, his hand splaying across your stomach as you shifted against him. “Don’t you know what you’re doing to me?”
You gasped. “Din—”
“What you’ve been doing?
His hips canted downwards, grinding against you and sending heat sparking up your spine. Enough to combat the cold that still remained in you, but you wanted more. You craved it. Moaning softly, you pushed back against him, pressing your thighs together to hopefully appease the growing ache that formed. Except he was one step ahead of you. Shoving his bare thigh between your legs, he pressed it upwards, grinning at the way your head fell back against his chest—a guttural moan leaving your lips.
“Every day is fucking torture,” he rasped, his hand sliding even lower until his fingers were hovering right above where you needed him most. “Because I can’t touch you.” His lips pressed against the curve of your jaw. “Because I can’t kiss you…”
“Maker,” you gasped, reaching down to wrap your hand around his wrist. “I-I want you to touch me. Want you to kiss me.”
His fingers dipped down even lower, finally parting your folds. A ragged groan was pressed to your jaw, his teeth scraping down against the skin when he found you wet and dripping for him. You could feel his heartbeat against your back. How it was erratic and almost as quick as yours. He was just as nervous as you were—if not more so, because of his creed.
He wanted you to be his, to love him as he was with his creed, but he was scared that this wasn’t permanent. You wanted to show him the inner workings of your mind, the makeup of your heart—how he was seared into it. He was ingrained so deep into your soul that you couldn’t even fathom the thought of being parted from him.
“Are you always this wet for me?” he asked, disbelief clear in his tone.
Nodding, you felt another moan begin to form, only for it to die as he pulled his fingers away. “No—”
“Shh,” he breathed, cupping your jaw as he moved even closer. “I’ll take care of you.”
Heat flooded your stomach, a whine forming in your throat as he pulled you back, the head of his cock now nudging against your entrance. You dug your nails into his forearm, your lips parting to form around his name. A ragged moan echoing in his small quarters, and he began to push forward. Sliding into you slowly as you fought to keep yourself quiet.
“So fucking tight,” he hissed, wrapping his arm around your torso and thrusting into you completely, his hips pressing against your ass. “Won’t last—”
You keened when his hand fell to your clit, circling it with enough pressure to send jolts up your spine. For a moment he simply held himself there. Encompassed in your heat as he worked you over, building your release steadily until you were pressing into him. Your hips rolling against his fingers—fucking yourself on his cock. Soft moans were pressed to your skin, the stubble on his jaw scratching along your shoulder, and that only heightened everything.
For the first time…he was entirely yours. Bare and open as he indulged in something both of you had held back from doing for so long.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you turned your head and caught the corner of his lips in a kiss. Something so tender yet so powerful. It nearly sent you over the edge and you felt Din’s surprise at the action. How his body jolted, his hips nudging forward and fingers stuttering in their motions. Even though he had proudly claimed he wanted to kiss you, to finally feel your lips against his. He had never expected it to come true.
“Cyar'ika,” he breathed.
“I want…” You gasped, hips rolling against his fingers in quick movements as that blinding feeling continued to overtake you. “Kiss me Din. Please, please—”
His mouth found yours in the darkness of his cabin, and you felt your heart scream out. Felt your entire body give into him, his name, his signet forever carved into your heart. He was your future and he knew it. Which is why he kissed you with a fervor that you believed only existed in your dreams—a passion that you felt right down to your toes. His tongue slid along yours, tasting the shitty caf you had earlier—the desperation on your tastebuds.
“Ah…” You tried to form the words on your tongue. The feelings that were trapped in your heart, but they refused to be let loose.
“I know you want to cum,” he breathed, fingers speeding up as your walls began to flutter around his cock. His other hand shifted, wrapping gently around your throat to keep your face close to his. Pressing down lightly as you gasped. “Let me feel it.”
A keening broken moan of his name ripped from you, hands scrabbling to grasp for something, settling for his arm that kept you pressed against him. White flashed behind your closed eyes, his lips swallowing every sound you made as you writhed against him. Gushing around his cock.
You didn’t hear the hoarse shout that he pressed into your mouth, his hips thrusting into you quickly as he followed you off the edge. Filling you with a warmth that you swore you felt  in your chest. Biting down on his bottom lip you sucked into your mouth, moaning when he canted his hips forward, prolonging the sparks that ran up your spine. He was a panting mess and you tried to picture what he looked like.
Was his hair a mess? Were his cheeks stained red? Were his lips swollen?
The urge to simply open your eyes nearly overtook you, but you understood what came with that action. What would have to happen afterwards. Din had explained enough for you to grasp the basic details of what being a Mandalorian meant. So you kept them closed and opted to simply feel. You memorized how his lips against yours felt, what being full of him felt like.
You kept what you could nestled against your heart, remaining here for as long as possible. Din’s cock softened in you, twitching every now and then when your walls fluttered. But you solely had him to blame. Because he was running his hand along your body, grazing your nipples lightly before pulling away—the familiar feelings in your stomach stirring once more. If he wasn’t careful neither of you would be leaving this bed for quite some time.
Which didn’t bode well for you seeing as how you hated the planet you currently resided on.
“Din,” you breathed, pulling away to catch your breath before he dived down again—ready for round two of the hottest makeout session you’d partaken in.
“You want to leave,” he panted. There was something scary about how he could see your thoughts so clearly. You’d have to ask him about it later.
“No…” Your head fell back against his shoulder. “I want to stay here, but Hoth.”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. “We can stay here for as long as you want.”
Half expecting him to pull out and place his helmet back in its rightful place, you were a bit surprised when he remained put. Curling himself around you closer until his body perfectly molded yours. The cold still remained in the ship—the heaters unable to counteract the snowy planet—yet you found that you were perfectly content to remain right where you were. Wrapped in his arms—the certainty of your future now nestled in his heart. Mimicking yours in every way.
“Din,” you breathed in the darkness, feeling him trace something along your waist.
“I just wanted to say…” You took in a breath, trying to calm the racing of your heart. “I feel like you should hear me say it.”
He pressed a kiss to your temple, his fingers pressing down. “I know cyar'ika. I feel the same way.”
“You do?” you asked softly.
“I do.”
You settled into the bed, allowing your muscles to relax and your body to once more give into the temptation of sleep. With Din right there, you felt as if you were able to finally relax. To give in and allow yourself to float.
“You know…” You yawned, feeling his chin settle against your shoulder. “Maybe Hoth isn’t so bad.”
He smiled, his lips brushing along your skin as you drifted off, mind succumbing to the sweet snare of unconsciousness. “No,” he breathed, continuing to trace the shape of his signet on your skin, because whether you wore it or not…you were a part of his clan. His life. “It’s not.”
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sxnshxnxxnddxxsxxs · 7 months
Duke Thomas headcannons becuase please just write him as a black boy:
the first time there’s a summer rain at night after he moves into Wayne Manor Duke sets up the speakers and the floodlights and lives out his 00’s rnb music video dreams
after that Alfred will sometimes drive him around in the back of one of the cars when it rains at night because he doesn’t want his latest grandson to get hypothermia but understands that it is very important to live out 00’s rnb music video dreams
Duke teaches Cass the Usher watch this thing and originally they only use it to tell each other that they’re gonna do some dumb shit but then Cass decides she really likes it and uses it more than the actual sign
Duke and Cass have a theme song because they are besties and that theme song is black and yellow by Wiz Khalifa whenever it plays they drop everything to rap to each other and if anyone turns it off before it finishes they start it again even louder it becomes a great distraction technique for other batfamily members. they chose the song because of their uniforms but the first time a civilian sees how enthusiastic they are about the song they draw a different conclusion and they find it so funny that they definitely have to keep it as their theme song from now on
Duke lives a no shoes in the house life no matter who’s house it is or what everyone else is doing
He also keeps his Signal uniform exclusively in the batcave because no uniforms in the Manor seems like the natural extension for no outside clothes in bed
Duke sneaks scotch bonnets into the Manor kitchen generally timed with the occasions that Jason is around and in the mood to cook. Dinner those nights feature running eyes and noses from Bruce Tim and Steph along with all the milk in the Manor finishing. It’s great entertainment for Duke Cass Damian Jason and Dick
Duke has locs he lowkey thinks about bleaching the ends to match the aesthetic of his uniform but he’s unsure of if it will make him to conspicuous
When he first moved to the Manor he got pooled into the schedule to pick up hair shop (beauty supply store) supplies with the Fox’s because they’re all way too busy of people to be driving out of the way individually so it only made sense to add Duke to that. He and Tam also timetable his retwist appointments with her hair appointments for the same time
Duke is an instigator Jason and Tim will be having a petty squabble that is about to fizzle out but then Duke walks past them and just whispers a quick “if I were you I wouldn’t have that” and then an hour later a priceless vase is broken there’s holes in the wall and Tim and Jason have matching black eyes. Duke considers it a public service to provide Babs with entertainment for when Oracle hours a slow she agrees and doesn’t snitch on just how much shit Duke starts so he can get away with even more
Duke joins Jason and Alfred’s book club and the first book he picks is Beloved because like they’re in this big old gothic manor respect the aesthetic
One time Bruce walks passed Duke on ft to his friends and he’s performing “Wisdom” and Bruce thinks it’s something Duke came up with himself and is trying to be a supportive dad and is like “that’s great son” with a really strained smile and Duke just sticks to the bit like “you really think so?” bruce even more pained “yeah it’s amazing”
He also has exclusively satin pillowcases and gives everyone in the Manor a set because it’s good for the hair and therefore a good use of Bruce’s rich people money
Duke upon realising that he was gonna be adopted by a bunch of crime fighting pseudofurries and was going to join them in the crime fighting said this some white people shit and that’s why he chose Signal rather than some bioluminescent bird
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moonlitnyx · 7 months
Starring | Venti, Xiao, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Aether x GN reader
Synopsis | It's a cold, breezy day, and your absolutely freezing!
Format | Short drabbles/fics on each character
CW | fluffy fluff, modern au, reader has hair in Xiao's part, reader and Xiao share a bed,its really cold, im in love with litteraly all of them, nothing really that bad bro...NO VENTIS WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS FIC
AN | I wanted to write for 6swirl but um its embarrasing to admit that I haven't done heizous hangout quest yes im sorry sniffles. ALSO, apologies for all who live in hot places u guys are the real alpha males here.
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Saying you were cold was an understatement.
Your toes were numb, your teeth chattering as cold wind breezed your face and nipped at your skin, and you shivered as you glanced at your boyfriend who was having the time of his life.
"-and that's when I told them, 'I'm taken!' See how good of a boyfriend I am? And even though Diluc would totally disagree with what I just said, you would agree with me, right!" Your boyfriend, Venti, chatters away as he holds your hand in his gloved one. His nose is a bit red, but he grins as he catches you staring at him.
"What, admiring your beautiful boyfriend's face?" His teal eyes glimmer, and you flick him on the forehead.
"O-ouch!" He gingerly touches the spot where you just flicked him, and you roll you eyes before going back to shivering.
"It's so cold!" You groan, leaning into Venti. "How are you not cold?"
Venti shushes you, his finger touching your lip as he smilies coyly. "It's a secret!"
You whack him in the head.
You were currently hiding yourself under the blankets from the cold, face buried in the crook of Xiao's neck.
You had turned up the heaters, added an extra layer of socks on your already sock-covered feet, even had been tempted to add another blanket onto your bed had it not been Xiao's grumbling protests that you were gonna die from a heatstroke rather than hypothermia.
"How are you not cold?" You ask, voice muffled as you lean into Xiao's comforting embrace.
"Experience." His hands comb through your hair, cheek resting on your head as he mumbles the words.
"I'm so coldddd." You drag out the words, huffing as you readjust your position, and you can feel a faint smile form on Xiao's face.
You feel his hand travel down to yours, rubbing faint circles on the inside of your wrist. "You said that already." His voice is gruff, annoyed, but Xiao pulls you closer to him.
Had you not came into the cafe that your boyfriend, Kazuha, worked at, you'd probably had been soaked through by now.
Kazuha hands you some warm, steaming tea as he sits next to you at a table booth, a sympathetic smile on his face as he examines your drenched state. "Forgot your umbrella again?" He hums, cheek resting on his palm. He doesn't say it in a rude way, more of a "I-Know-You-Checked-The-Weather-Forecast-And-Ignored-It-Because-You-Thought-It-Was-Lying," kinda way.
You huff, slouching as you laid your cheek on the cool table surface, hands wrapped around the cup of tea Kazuha handed you. "How was I suppose to know that a ten percent chance of rain would mean It would start storming?" You protest, and Kazuha laughs.
"Okay, okay," He chuckles, getting up from his seat and pressing a kiss on your cheek.
"How are you not freezing? Are you even human?" You're insistent questions earn you a glare from Scaramouche.
"It's not even that cold." He rolls his eyes, readjusting his grip on your hand before sighing. "We're almost back to our apartment, then you can stop complaining."
"I'm not complaining, I'm stating facts!" You exclaim. "It's like-It's like a freezer in here!" You see Scaramouche rolling his eyes-again, and he huffs.
"What kind of analogy is that?" He snarks, and this time your the one who rolls your eyes.
"Forgive me for not suddenly being the greatest poet to be ever known when it comes to explaining how fucking cold it is here!" You grumble, and your boyfriend sighs at that.
"Okay, okay, c'mon we're almost home. Then you can go start complaining about how hot it is in their," Scaramouche says, and you beam.
"I-I'm not cold," You grumble as Aether glances at you worriedly while you wipe your nose with the back of your sleeve.
"Uh huh..." He takes your hand in his, and he eyes you with a concerned glint in his eyes. "And I'm not the better twin." You snicker at that, and he grins.
"Lumine would kill you if she heard that." You smile, and suddenly you feel the soft material of a scarf on your neck, and you frown. "Aether-"
"You look, really, really cold." He clicks his tongue, and you roll your eyes. "I've been through worse weather." You huff, a hand on the scarf that Aether gave you.
He rolls his eyes. "Stop acting so high and mighty." He jabs you in the stomach playfully, and you yelp.
"Okay-okay, sorry! I'm so cold, wow, is it cold in here or is it just me?"
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©moonlitnyx. do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work/theme without prior permission and or confirmation.
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