#hi yes yor is actually my mom
ember-owlet · 4 months
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25 days of agere moodboards
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ day 5 : your favorite show to watch -> spy x family ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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whateversawesome · 5 months
Chapter 94: Detective Twilight
This was a fun chapter! Detective Conan fans are probably happy with it, right? And we still learned a few things along the way.
Well, we know the kind of dad Twilight is (the kind who yields as soon as he sees his kid cry 😆)...
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And we also know what kind of mom is Yor: A mama bear! Honestly, Anya couldn't be in safer hands.
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By the way, let me say that Twilight and Yor looked gorgeous throughout the whole chapter, especially in this panel 💕
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We got the classic fanfiction "there's only one room left at the hotel" trope 😀
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For a second, I thought we were getting the "there's only one bed" trope! But then this happened...
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Even though they didn't end up sharing the bed, this was still my favorite panel in the chapter. Why?
First of all, it's very obvious now that Yor has feelings for her husband. She didn't say something like: "I've never shared a room with a man." She was very specific and got all flustered about sharing a room with Loid.
However, what I liked the most about that panel was Twilight's attitude. Look at his face. It's basically this one 😏 But the point of this panel is that it's only the two of them and his words and facial expression say one thing: "I know you."
That's the kind of stuff that makes him a good husband. He pays attention to his wife, what she likes and the things that make her uncomfortable. In that panel, he lightly teases her, but he's also being considerate of her without making a big deal out of it.
Also, I know everyone wants Twilight and Yor to share a bed (me too!!) but I think when it finally happens the waiting will pay off.
Hear me out:
It will probably happen right after they both realize they have feelings for each other but before they confess (for maximum tension😆). Can you imagine the amount of longing? Knowing that the person they're in love with is right there within reach, next to them, sharing a bed, side by side trying not to touch but wanting to touch so badly and both Twilight and Yor dying to kiss (and do other stuff) Come on, you can't beat that!
My advice: patience. It's going to happen at the perfect time in the relationship and in the story. Plus, it has to be a very forced situation AND there has to be no other way (no couch either!).
In the meantime, let's see how Twilight not only blindly trusted Yor, even though, as a spy, he should trust no one and he had reasons to suspect her (because she wasn't in the room AND she's an actual assassin). Even Yor wasn't sure it wasn't her 😂(Probably?)
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On top of everything he was incredibly protective of his wife. He didn't even let that man come near her, let alone touch her. YES! That's what we like to see, Twilight 😊
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Bonus: Did you notice that as soon as they found the first victim, Twilight's first thought was to protect his daughter? Nice dad instinct, Mr. Spy-dad 😏
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SXF Novelization Fave Parts and some Analysis because I love Analyzing (Overthinking) Mission 1
I finally got my Spy x Family Family Portrait Novel and immediately finished reading it in one day, so without further ado, here are my fave parts, lines, dialogues from the first mission which is centered around Anya and Damian and this chapter just gives me diabetes 😭 (I've been shipping Damianya, yes but all this time it was like an innocent ship and it's not like making me feel butterflies since of course they're just children, but here in the novel, I actually got butterflies in my stomach, they're just so cute and precious here ❤️)
-Yor thinking she needs to teach Anya a lot of survival things about camping because she's worried if she can handle the woods (Yor is such a great mom, worrying for Anya's safety always and I think this just shows her experience regarding the wilderness revealing that her hometown might've been near the woods and she did experiencing hunting for food when she was young)
-Loid hoping that the trip could bring Anya and Damian closer (Be careful what you wish you for Loid 😂)
"Wonderful! That's my girl. You can do it, Anya," Loid said.
I just love it when Loid calls Anya his girl, for she will always and forever be his little girl.
-Loid and Yor sort of having a gentle argument on who should get Bond's milk 😂
Loid: I'll get you some milk Bond
Yor: No, let me do that for you.
Loid: No, I can do it, just sit there and relax
Yor: You're the one who should relax
They ended up getting the milk together. These two idiots. 😭❤️
They remind of that, you hang up first, no you hang up first couple exchanges when they're on the phone. These two are so good in this married couple thing without even trying.
And then stabbed me in angst in the next paragraph.
Ever since escaping from the facility, Anya had bounce between orphanages and foster homes. But now she'd finally found someplace worth treasuring, and if she could bring about world peace, then they'd all be able to keep happily living here together.
She clearly doesn't know about Twilight's plan to leave them after achieving his mission. I wonder how she would react to that. I've written a fanfic about it so if you can check it out if you're interested😊. Sorry for the shameless fic plug.
But I hope that after the success of Strix, Loid would stay with them. Could he really leave them? Can he really do that? He can't even let Anya go during the first week they've been together and he has the choice to just ditch her, choose another child and it was the practical and safe thing for a spy for him to do when Edgar knew about his location. But he saved her and took her in despite his reservations about endangering her and all. Now could he let this little girl go after all this time?
-Anya reading Damian's mind and seeing his thoughts about him drowning when he, Emile and Ewen went camping with Mr. Green, made fun of him and even acted out his lines when he thought that he was really drowning in that shallow lake (She loves trolling Damian that she forgot that doing that could give her off as a telepath😂)
"Lovey-dovey couples are nice, but there's something extra special about bickering, will-they-won't-they romances."
I gotta agree with Becky on this one. Bickering makes any romance stories a thousand times more investing and entertaining to read. That's why academic rivals to lovers is an s-tier trope for me.
-Becky partnering Anya with Damian to fetch some water. Becky is also a fan of forced proximity trope, I see.
-Anya's telepathy elicited a sensation on Damian and it said that it wasn't the first time. I really bet that Damian would be the first to know about Anya's mind ability.
-Anya being confused about her left and right hand 😂 (I mean kids her age really do get confused about that, I don't blame her)
-Damian being gentle in his way of speaking whenever he sees Anya distressed or in tears. I'll never get tired of Damian being soft to Anya, he's really a sweet kid.
"Hey, keep it together!" commanded Damian as Anya started to sob again. He grabbed her arm and squeezed it tightly, pulling her close to speak in her ear (because the rain is loud). "I saw a small cave a ways back. Let's head there."
I don't know why but this scene, because of the way it was written, gave me butterflies.
-Anya calling for her Papa to save her when she was so scared. Loid said that Yor was the one that makes Anya feels safe, but she wasn't the only one whom Anya considers to be her safe place. He was also his baby's safe place and she trusts that Papa will always be there to save her.
-My favorite moment: Damian holding her hand and comforting her so she won't be scared, even though he, himself, is terrified too. Ugh, if that wasn't love, I don't what is. And when Anya gripped his hand back to comfort him too, he stopped shaking and Anya thought that his hand was warm. Awww, so preciouss❤️😭
-Anya letting herself to get the blame and willing to be punished but Damian not letting Anya to get the blame for them being lost in the forest. These two are like mini Yor and Loid haha, just young, energetic and extroverted versions of the two 🤣
-Anya being ashamed to face her Papa, because she thought her Operation to get close to Damian failed (since after that incident Damian went back to his mean self again but of course she didn't know Damian's crush on her just get massively deeper after that) but Loid wasn't even worried about that at all, nor did her ask her about Damian when she came home. When he had noticed she was sad, he immediately asked if she didn't have fun at their camping event. And when Anya said that she did, he smiled and said that he was glad that she did, because it's his daughter's happiness that's important to him (Because if she's happy then it would be good for my mission, I can imagine Loid telling this to himself when he just genuinely wanted her to be happy and enjoy her time at school since he never had the chance to do that as a kid)
-Yor and Loid preparing food together for Anya's return. Loid telling Anya that the food was safe to consume when she saw her face that is prepared to face death because he helped Yor to prepare. It was peak father-daughter moment 😂 But he let Yor cooked her specialty dish Southern Stew all by herself since she's the one who can make it the best ❤️
I wonder if Anya told him about her and Damian getting lost in the forest and Damian held her hand to comfort her. I wanna see Loid's reaction to that 😂
So that's it for Mission 1. Up next would be the chapter that got me laughing the most, Mission 2, Yuri babysitting Anya
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innocent-cat · 1 year
Hello, if you're still taking request could it be headcanons with with Vax, Percy, and Vex. (Separately)
Where the S/O is a lot like Yor Forger.
Oh my gosh, I love SpyxFamily! right away xx
Reader x Vox Machina
Warnings - None
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"Scarlet paint on their face", Assassin!Reader x Various
Okay, so, weird thing about both Vax AND Vex, they're extremely stalkerish.
the very MOMENT they thought you were acting even slightly suspicious, they immediately discussed it with each other.
"Vex-" "Yes, me too."
they most def hear EVERYTHING you do.
They had a little book that had information about everything you did.
your fault, why aren't you home by the mandatory curfew (that they implemented that nobody in fact listens to) of 8PM sharp?
You'll usually feel Vax's eyes on you when you come home after a bounty, but you choose to pretend you're oblivious to it so you can continue acting clueless.
HOWEVERRRR he eventually cornered you and confronted you.
you walked in and he was just like.. leaning against the wall all nerdy.. so you kinda just.. side eyed him and walked by..
"Where have you been?"
your heart dropped to your asssssss, him confronting you was so much scarier than it needed to be.
"What are you talking about?"
"We know you've been sneaking out. You're never home by 8."
"..Nobody follows that anyway, Vax.. not even Pikes home right now. Who are you, my dad?" You raised an eyebrow at him as you spoke down to him for asking you what's been going on.
"Vex told me you went to a washers covered in blood. What's that all about?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe don't stalk random people, it's creepy, Vax." You scoff, and storm off to your room.
You sit down in your bed and heave a sigh, letting the knife drop that was hidden between your arm and side under your oversized blouse.
Vex was the first one to actually confront you and get an answer.
(all combined head cannons above for vax btw)
she low-key scared tf out of you when you turned the corner and saw her.
full on mom stance, arms crossed, face seething..
"If you won't tell Vax, you better tell me now."
Now, mind you, it was like.. 2am.. and you tried sneaking back in because you didn't have time for a outfit change.. so you did in fact look very incriminating with a knife in your hand, drenched in blood.
You have no clue to get out of it, so you fake cry xx
You drop your knife and start crying into your hands, mumbling.
Vex's face DROPS, and she goes to you and holds you, rocking you in her arms.
"I'm not MAD, I'm just upset you didn't tell me.."
After the little cry, she helps you clean yourself up from them on because OBVIOUSLY what gf wouldn't help.
she was honestly just mad you didn't tell her..
(sorry her's is so short!! I'm like super duper tired rn)
lmfaooo Percy been knew
the two of you have always just kind of
not talked about it?
of course, you both are aware that the other KNOWS,
it's just Percy wants to make sure he doesn't say something rude to you
he loves u too much xx
He frequently stitches you up, cleans your wounds, and washes your clothes when you come home after killing someone.
Of course, he understands you're very dangerous and skilled, but the fact you're his s/o comes before your large bounty.
"Again? Seriously? You're getting too injured to endure this job." he sighed out to you, frowning at your dampened physical state.
You did not reply, but you looked away, towards a a window opposite of him. You matched his face, frowning.
You flinch back as he applies alcohol to your wound, hissing slightly to your pain.
"Sorry." He mumbled out, and he lifted your shirt more.
He bandages the wound, sealing it so it doesn't become infected. He then pulls off your shirt, and sets it aside to wash later, handing you a new, clean shirt of your own.
he literally loves you so much please assure this boy you'll be fine
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Speaking of parents you have any theories or ideas on what azuls mom may be like or the tweels parents?
OOF yes I have.
I think of them though as parents to their kids because that's usually what I think about rather than them as people. So this list of hcs is going to mainly center around their parenthood and whatnot. I'll divide this into two parts: Azul's mom and the tweels' parents.
Azul's Mom
I see her as someone who has the warmest smile and the liveliest personality. I think she's really kind and sweet, and she's very considerate of her staff. She's one of those people who can enter a room and you already feel a sense of rejuvenation, relief, joy, or all three because of how wholesome she is.
She'd have a loud and theatrical voice! She's gonna be the life of a party, and she'd lift people's spirits up. I like to think that she's got a laugh that's so contagious and wonderful to hear that you want to laugh along with her.
guys I think I want to fight Azul's stepdad for his wife's hand in marriage now after typing all that
You meet her and you'd end up wondering how on earth her son turned out to be a two-faced mafia boss kid. But don't let her sweetness fool you. She's intelligent. She knows her business, she knows her maths. She knows how to sell. And she knows that her charm can get anyone to buy whatever she's selling.
With Azul, she looks like the sweetest mom. And she really is. She's looking out for her son, she's that mom who's like, "Are you eating well? Are you doing okay?" every time he visits. She'd give him the biggest hugs, and at the same time, her tentacles are ready to punch anyone who dares hurt her baby. At the same time, she respects that he's growing up. She doesn't treat him like a kid at all, she can trust that he knows what he's doing, she respects his intelligence.
... except that she doesn't respect his individualism as much. I think that she's very pressed on passing down the restaurant to him. It's fruits of her hard work and she wants a successor, and her son runs his own place so why not?
I talk about the possible tensions that this would cause between Azul and his mom on this post, but as a summarized version, Azul isn't interested to say the least and in fact would want to stay on land even after NRC. As sweet as his mom is, he tends to avoid her when he can because he knows she's going to make a comment or two about him succeeding her in the business.
Leech Parents
Let's get through the canon stuff first before I state my headcanons. I personally like grounding my hcs based on what's canon and/or what references I can pull from the movies.
It's canon that Floyd and Jade's mom is a worrywart. She keeps in contact with them pretty regularly.
It is also canon that Floyd calls his mom mama, hence why he's mama's boy.
It is also canon that their dad has told them that appearance is very important. It's part of why Floyd likes shoes.
It's canon that the twins learned self-defense from their parents, so it's pretty much canon that the parents can fight, probably better than the twins.
Now, actually onto the hcs.
The twins' mom, I like to think that she's a very slender woman while their dad is King Triton buff. They have that kind of vibe.
Mama Leech is very motherly to her kids. I like to think that she's always the one in their home because it seems that both Jade and Floyd (the latter moreso) are closer to her. Mama Leech may also be worried about their well-being, but I think she respects their individuality and knows that they're grown up. They have a good relationship overall.
But outside the family? She'd probably be a devil hahhaha I like to think that she'd be as devastating as Yor from Spy x Family. Except I think she'd be the type to hiss.
Now onto Papa Leech. He's very professional, first of all. But everywhere. Including his family. If he could wear a suit underwater, he'd wear it everywhere he went, even in the house.
I think he'd be very distant. He's off somewhere, doing who knows what, probably running errands and doing shady business.
That distance can be felt when Jade and Floyd talk to him. Papa Leech strikes me as the type of person who would turn small mundane but interesting stories that the twins would share to him into lectures on some important life lesson or two. And he'd be going on and on for at least 10 minutes. And it's not that the life lesson lectures weren't important, it's just that Jade and Floyd want to talk to him about something that intrigued them, but their dad ruins the conversation. So they just stop talking to him unless he approaches them.
Papa Leech may be great at talking to people for his job but he's horrible at conversing with his family.
It doesn't change the fact that he cares for his kids, though. In his own way, he looks after them. All the important life lessons? He wants his kids to live smartly but also happily. It's just that he tends to prioritize his job over his family, so he's not the best at talking to his kids.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
(spoilers for spy xfamily if u didnt actually want answers! but i couldnt resist lol)
so anya's an orphan who can read minds but her (adoptive parents) don't know this; her dad is a spy who basically adopted her as part of his cover to take down a Big Bad guy, the mom is just some lady in town who HAPPENED to be an assassin; they both think the other is just a normal civilian and yes they are faking it. so part of the dad(loid)'s spy plan is to enroll anya in this prestigious school that Big Bad guys son also goes to in attempt to get closer, but the school only accepts kids with both parents i think, so that's why he's fake married. yor(the mom) is fake married to avoid suspicion since she's an assassin and also her brother has been nagging her or something along those lines! and yes anya knows her parents are spies since shes a mindreader & its very funny idk why she has horns tho
No worries about spoilers, I don't mind at all! This is the funniest possible set up I could've imagined as a premise. Here I was thinking Anya was being fooled into thinking both her adoptive parents were normal meanwhile she's watching both of them frantically try to conceal ulterior motives and is privy to the entire debacle!
Someone in the replies of that post said she just wants to Be Entertained, and I think that's incredibly valid of her. Someone else said she was an escaped lab experiment and I love that so much. Everyone has that one escaped lab experiment OC, it's such a watershed in character creation. So happy for Anya and her status
I can only imagine how things go down in their household with everyone dancing around secrets. How was your day at work? Oh it was so normal and normal civilian like, how was your day at work? Also super super mundane and normal. That's if they actually talk to each other, I suppose. Nothing's stopping them from just ignoring each other--although if they're trying to convince Anya they're normal, then maybe they do have a reason to play up the facade. Idk how much Anya's been officially told and what they think the extent of her knowledge is.
What a delightful answer to all my confusion about what on earth was going on with this tiny pink-haired child that for some reason has horn-like things! I was gonna say maybe they're like her antenna for reading the thoughts, but if no one knows she can read thoughts then they'd probably have pointed out/questioned the horn things. But if they haven't then it's just accepted and wouldn't be related to her quirks.
Thank you for this, Nonsie! Love learning lore about stories and fandoms I have absolutely no part in :)
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whats spy x family about? and is it like- gruesome or horror or etc-
it's actually a comedy! there is some violence and some underlying darker themes because. they are quite literally on the brink of war. but in the end, the most important aspect of the story is found family.
imma just briefly describe the plot because. i want to talk about it lol
loid forger is a spy trying to prevent the war (and he is the most infamous spy) (codename: twilight). he gets assigned a mission to get close to this dude to help prevent war stuff. only issue is, this dude is super reclusive and quite literally like only ever leaves his house to attend very specific events for the school his two sons go to. so, the mission loid gets assigned is to get a child and a wife, get the child accepted into this super prestigious school, and get close to desmond (the guy).
he adopts a kid named anya, and unbeknownst to him, she is a telepath and can read thoughts. therefore, she knows that he's a spy. therefore, shenanigans ensue. she likes causing mischief and her favorite show from at the orphanage was this spy show so she's like super into spy stuff.
then comes yor briar. yor works for city hall and is an awkward but kind young lady but also, during the night, she's an assassin (codename: thorn princess). the secret police are these crappy dudes who idk they're just against the spy agency and hate twilight but anyways, they take suspicious people into questioning and that doesn't bode well for you. and being a single female close to your thirties is suspicious and some of yor's coworkers don't like her and were like "lol you're single you could get reported to the secret police" so she panics and is like "well actually i have a boyfriend so like y eah" and they're like "okay bring him to a party at my place this weekend then lol" and she goes to get her assassin dress fixed where she runs into loid and anya (loid is getting clothes for anya) and loid is like "oooh she's pretty, maybe she could work" and anya reads her thoughts, figures out she's an assassin and is like this woman needs to be my mom the drama would be so good and essentially gets it set up.
loid is pretending that his wife died awhile back and he needs a wife for their child (anya) to get into the school his deceased wife always wished she would get in, and asked if yor could be his fake wife. she agreed if loid would be her fake boyfriend for the party so she wouldn't get reported. loid accidentally messes up because of a mission thing he had to do right before the party and tells everyone that he's yor's husband, and then yor is like "lol what if we got married and had like a fake family so you can get your kid into the school and i can still kill people - i mean not get arrested" and loid is like "well this works even better for me"
so in conclusion: loid is a spy named twilight, yor is an assassin named thorn princess, anya is a telepath.
anya knows about loid and yor
neither loid nor yor know about each other or anya
and it's fantastic
#jingyi tag#and that's basically the first two episodes but simplified#it's such a good show i read like the entire manga that's out thus far in like two days i couldn't stop#also the eng dub is kind of bad tbh so if you watch it i suggest the sub - it's a lot better#but yeah at its core this is a show about three lonely people finding solace and happiness together and trying to convince themselves this#family isn't real as they slowly become a close-knit family who care about each other so much#and it's just. f rick. it is so good.#i love loid so much - he's just this tired overworked dude who just needs a nap and i love him#i mean i love all of them like there are only a couple characters that i hate and those are the characters you're Supposed to hate#i cannot suggest this enough#i also bawled when i read loid's backstory in the manga btw like. y eah. i bawled. it got to me.#it's just. they're all so lonely because anya is a telepath due to being experimented on and she was adopted but returned like four times#and kicked out of two orphanages and would do anything to keep loid and yor as her parents and everything loid cared about as a child was#destroyed and he feels like he has no one and doesn't know who he is and he's so scared to be close with people again#and yor is a lonely girl who doesn't read social cues v well and gets ostracized because she isn't 'girl' enough and both her parents died#when she was super young so she had to start working and sacrificed everything so her younger brother could eat and go to school#and they all happen to find each other and#AHHHHHHHHHHHHH#anyways i have. feelings.#hOPE THIS HELPS#corey rambles:)
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
A E I O U!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I have a bunch, but the ones I thought of first are any combination of Gaara, Rock Lee, and Sakura. I like the dynamics between all of them. There's a lot of healing that can they can help each other with, plus their personalities are all very different which makes things fun (ex. super stoic Gaara with super energetic Lee).
(And yes that does include all three of them together, although that's something I have yet to see in fic or fanart for some reason.)
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I don't think so? Closest thing I can think of is the Chojuro/Rock Lee fic I wrote for a request.
Although the Tits or Ass series might also qualify? (Part 1, Part 2)
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Yeah, Warrior Cats.
This was waaaaay back when I was originally on Tumblr 10+ years ago, but I basically made a post expressing I didn't like a particular character. (Jayfeather, in case anyone cares)
You would think I murdered someone's mom or something because I got so much hate from that post. I had people actually threaten to kill me over it.
I already was falling out of love with those books, but that sealed the deal.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
*hits random on playlist*
Song is Bianca's cover of Love Again by Dua Lipa.
Hmm…my first thought is Sakura. It reads like her trying to get over Sasuke with her new love.
The descriptions in the song could work well with either Gaara or Lee, so we'll just say it's both a GaaSaku and LeeSaku song.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
In no particular order:
~NARUTO~ (1) Gaara. His character development and growth. Plus he's hot. (2) Rock Lee. His unyielding optimism and determination. Plus he's hot. (3) Sakura Haruno. Her strength, development, and ferocity. Plus she's hot.
~DEAD BY DAYLIGHT~ (1) Mikaela Reid. She's a storyteller with a passion for the mystical arts and horror stories. Plus she's hot. (2) Adiris (The Plague). She went from being dumped on the temple steps to the High Priestess of Babylon - that took a lot of determination, willpower and guts. Not her fault she didn't have access to modern medicine. Plus she's hot. (I said what I said.) (3) Carmina Mora (The Artist). She's a talented artist and had the courage to speak out against a corrupt government. Plus she's hot.
~SPY X FAMILY~ (1) Anya Forger. Literally the best child in anime. She's the cutest thing ever, and she has a good heart. I hope my eventual child is like her (minus the telepathy). (2) Yor Forger. Badass assassin AND amazing mother? Like hello? Plus she's hot. (3) Loid Forger. Badass super spy AND amazing father? Like hello? Plus he's hot.
Thanks for the asks, Jmor! <3
Alphabet Fandom Asks
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tare-anime · 3 years
A story about the journey of Pirate Captain Anya in finding her most valuable treasure. A Pirate AU (?) :P  (AO3)
Don’t forget to check this magnificent Pirate Captain Anya art by @honeycloverbee
The sun set high in the blue summer sky. A perfect day to sail on the Black Beauty. The wind picked up the pace, and it made the Jolly Roger flapped proudly on top of their main mast.  
The captain of the ship, a girl with pink hair wearing traditional pirate headgear, an eyepatch, pirate robe, hook in her hand, black leather pants, and cute boots. She whistled cheerfully while steering the Black Beauty through the ocean. 
Suddenly, her first mate, a tall blond man shouted, "Land ahoy!! 9 o'clock!!"
"Aye!!" Anya Forger, the captain yelled back, "Nice job there, inmate!!"
"First mate! Or just… 'mate'" the blond man, Loid Forger, rolled his eyes, corrected the term, and slid down from the crows nest.
“We’re close to the treasure island, mate! As my magic compass now starts to glow!” The captain was brimming. 
“Aye!” First mate Loid answered unenthusiastically. 
Suddenly the bright sky turned dark, as the sun was covered with thick heavy thunderstorm clouds. The wind blew harder, and the Black Beauty tried her best to roam the raging sea.
“Stay strong, mate!! We’re so close to our treasure!” 
The captain tried her best to steer the Black Beauty and made her sail on course, while the first mate held the sails with all his strength. 
Suddenly a strong wave washed the deck of Black Beauty, and the first mate was washed away. 
“Oh no! Help me, captain!” Loid flatly called his captain. 
“Hang in there mate!!” the captain shouted dramatically, and ran to grab the live preserver. She then threw the live preserver to her mate, and shouted again “Grab it, mate!! I’ll save you!!”
“……..” Loid blinked at the thing thrown at him.
“Psst…. Papa, use it!” Anya whispered.
With a heavy sigh, Loid took the Bondman rubber buoy, and hung it around his neck. He then wiped the sweat from his forehead. 
Suddenly a beautiful ‘aaaaaa’ singing voice could be heard. 
Captain Anya gasped dramatically, “The siren!! Help is coming!!”
“Weren’t sirens supposed to be a bad omen for sailors?” Loid thought to himself.
“Look, it’s the mermaid!!” Anya pointed to the edge of the stage, and Loid turned his head towards the direction pointed by his daughter. 
His jaw dropped. 
From the end of the stage, Yor emerged. She was using a grey rotund costume from head to toe, only her face was showing. Loid could see whiskers protruding from the costume around her face, and she was moving the flippers arms as she waddled forward with difficulties because both of her legs were wrapped tightly around the costume tails, only showing her ankles and feet. 
“It’s a frikin’ dugong!” Loid exclaimed. 
“Mermaid is actually a dugong, Papa! We need to stay to the science fact,” Anya deadpanned. 
The audience started to laugh out loud when they saw “the mermaid”. 
Loid felt his face reddened, and not just from the heat. 
He kept reminding himself the reason why he did this embarrassing acting in the first place. 
A week ago, Anya had come home and relayed the news about a probability of earning a stela star, should she win at the summer festival plays. Unfortunately, back to back missions had prevented him from assisting his daughter and Becky in preparing a play scenario, costumes, and props. He left supervision to Yor, but… now he started to question the decision. 
This play scenario made no sense at all. 
Plus, he wondered why Eden Academy thought it was a good idea to build the stage in the middle of their courtyard, under direct heat of summer sun, instead making it in their hall where surely there were aircons. 
“Hang in there, o brave sailors…. I’ll come and save you….” Yor said her lines stiffly.  
She then waddled for several steps towards Loid, but then she tripped and fell flat forward. 
Out of reflex, Loid immediately stood up to help his wife, but then he was yanked backward by the buoy tied to a rope, and fell flat on his bottom. 
Laughs from the audiences again could be heard. 
Yor tried to get up, but the costumes hindered her from doing so. Anya then jumped down from the ‘ship’, approached her mother and tried to help her to no avail.  
Loid removed the buoy from his neck, and hurriedly helped his wife to stand. He then noticed how crimson his wife’s face was, and she was sweating profusely.
“You okay?” He whispered.
“..m fine…” Yor whispered back, then she continued her line, “Look…. The magic island appears!”
“Oh!!” Anya then ran to the ‘island’ stage, and lifted up an Aladdin lamp, “I found the treasure!!” 
"Huh?" Loid raised his brows, "Magic lamp?"
Captain Anya then started to rub the lamp, and with a dramatic puff of smoke, Becky the genie appeared. She was using a very cute simple summer dress.
“Now there’s a genie?” Loid muttered under his breath, while Yor giggled and whispered, “A very cute one.”
“O brave souls, I shall grant three of your wishes!” Becky said her lines proudly. 
“Please give me the most priceless treasure of all time!” Anya then said her first wish. 
“Your wish is my command!” Becky then moves her arms dramatically, “Now I’ll marry Mr. Forger, and become your mom!” 
Loid gawked, “Huh?”
The black haired girl then ran towards Loid, but before she reached him, she was pulled at the side by his daughter. 
“Becky!! You’re supposed to turn my mom into a princess!” Anya whispered to her friend.
“But I want to marry Mr. Forger!”
“Aren’t you supposed to grant my wishes?”
“Yes! And I shall become your mom!”
“I want you as my best friend! I already have a mom! Becky, please stick to the scenario!!” Anya pleaded to her best friend.
The black haired girl sighed, and finally relented, “Fine…. Behold the princess mermaid!!” 
On her que, the puff of smoke filled the stage. Loid saw Yor squirming and tugging from inside her costume.
“What are you doing?” he whispered.
“I’m stuck!” his wife whined.
“I’ll rip this costume open then.”
“No! No! Loid, stop! You’ll ruin the dress!”
“You mean you’re wearing another costume inside that?!” he bewilderedly asked. 
“I’m supposed to transform into a princess,” she whispered back and struggled even harder. Loid noticed how Yor started to sweat even more and breath heavily.
Unfortunately, the smoke cleared out before Yor  managed to shed the dugong costume, and she can only cringed at her failure. She then mouthed her apology to Anya.
Fortunately, the kid immediately thought of an improvised line, and shouted to the audience, “And thus, The Pirate Captain got her most valuable treasure: a family! The Prince as the Father, The Dugong Princess as the Mother, and the Genie as her best friend. They all live happily ever after!”
“Wait, now I’m the prince?? What kind of scenario is this?!” Loid facepalmed. 
The audience aaaw-ed and gave them big applause. 
All four of them bowed and the curtain closed.
They started to walk out of the stage, when Loid noticed Yor swayed and staggered. He reflexively steadied her.
“Sorry, I suddenly feel a bit dizzy….” she smiled sheepishly. 
He frowned and in one swift motion carried his wife bridal style. 
“Lo-...Loid!! Put me down!”
“I’m getting you out of this stupid costume right away, or you’re going to get a heat stroke!” 
“Carry me too, Mr. Forger!”
Loid could only roll his eyes at the antics of these ladies, and hope that at least after enduring all this trouble and embarrassment, Anya would get the Stela Star.
Unfortunately for him, there were no promises of stella stars to begin with. It was just a rumour among the students. 
But being able to perform with all of her family and BFF made Anya really happy. 
So that one achievement was enough for him.
Ah… what parents would do for their children's happiness… at the end Anya was right. The most precious treasure IS family. But seriously, what did I just write? I have no idea. Just thrown in pure random things  XD 
Hope you enjoyed it though ^^
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I hate you 3000 | Tom Holland Imagine.
Warning: My honest opinion rant (that's never ending since I need help in life) with a lot of spoilers and some cuss words
Note: How I would act after watching Endgame with Tom. Mostly wrote this for me, myself and I. I'm sorry if there's any errors...I started writing and didn't stop for ten solid mintues. I hope you like it! Please feel free to comment or message me so we can talk about Endgame.
Walk beside Tom on the red carpet for the premiere of Avengers endgame and whisper in his ear, "Are you going make me cry again at the end of this movie,Spiderman?"
He laughs. "You did bring tissues, didn't you?"
"You know nothing will stop me from crying like a little bitc-" he puts his finger against his mouth with shock and a small smile forming in the corner. "Language!"
"Sorry,Cap." He shakes his head as you add, " I understand that reference."
His head rolls back as his laugh is louder than the last time. "I love you."
"And I love you."
That'll be your favourite picture when you check the internet later. Making sure your dress is still looking good, you can't help to wish you were wearing leggings instead. It's a three hour movie... the heels that Tom thinks makes yor legs look longer will come off when you finally sit down.
"Aren't you hot wearing that black tux?"
"You know I am." You playfully hit his shoulder when he winks. "This will be worth it when the movie starts, trust me, Y/N. You are doing great and the cameras love you."
Eying him closing, you say. "Thank you... that was nice for you to say...a little too nice though, especially since you are in the movie and knows what happens..." sometimes he sucks a actor because he knows how to have a straight face and look forward. "Its my not my fault you forgot to bring tissues."
He has been saying that ever since you watched the first trailer in your pjs and told him you'll start a countdown for the premiere since you were gonna go no matter what ."I'm gonna kill you!"
"Thanks for the warning, darlin. Since you know, I told you to bring ti-" you try your hardest to make sure the front theater doors hit him in the face.
Body shaking.
Wet cheeks.
Thumb rubs against your hand and you don't need to see his face to know he is not trying his hardest to smile and yell, "I told you so."
"Yes, Y/n?" Who knew you could hear a smile in a a voice? "I hate you so much right now. You! Like seriously, what in the actually fucking fuck? We had dinner with him a week ago! And now I just watched his characters funeral? But it's not his character, it's him! RDJ is Iron Man! He said that! He said that in the ending of Iron Man and it was his last words ever!? No! I read that his concert was ending like years ago but holy shit! And Chris Evan too!? For a second I thought they both were gonna get killed off but he finally got the dance with Peggy! And Thor got to talk to his mom on the day she dies?? That's fucked up and made my heart cry out for him. I saw a fan's painting of Thor with his beer bully and it said, "you don't need abs to be worthy." and now I want it on a shirt but I also want a picture of when all the ladies line up, which I know Natasha would feel like a proud mama of - did she have a funeral too? Okay wait answer that later when I'm okay because I'll never be okay and I feel like they did her dirty. I should've seen it coming but when the wide angel showed Vormir I started to have a heart attack because that's when I knew Marvel was gonna be that bitch again even if I wasn't over the fact that Ant Man didn't even know his daughter was still alive or what the fuck was going and how he will never to able to get those five years back to watch her grow-"
He pulls you up with both of your hands but doesn't let go when he starts pushing you to the staircase. "I'm really loving this right now, but I really need the bathroom, love." If a single look could kill, your boyfriend would be ten feet under.
"You hold it for three hours, you can hold it for a couple more seconds."
"Really? I have a gut feeling I'm gonna listen to you all night."
"No." He gives you a confused look as he holds the door for you after you throw away your trash. "I'll stop when the next movie comes out so I have other things to talk about."
"You mean mine?"
"Yeah, and you better give me a heads up if you are gonna be a happy dork one second and be crying and needing to win a oscar the next." He starts walking backwards in the hallway towards the men's bathroom and he shugs his shoulders and says, "There may or may not be a new trailer coming out soon." Before you can say anything, he stops walking and asks "want me to grab you toilet paper?"
Getting the hint that yes, you should've bought tissues, you flip him as he turns and disappears.
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namjoonchronicles · 5 years
Hi lovey!!! Hope you are alright! Let’s see how you are gonna kill me with Namjoon and 4# ;) kiss kiss and thank you for Drabble night
4. “Do you...well...I mean...I could give you a massage?”
“Have you got your lunchbox?”
“The transportation card?”
“Right here.”
Nine years old. A little chubby for his age. But always the good son.
“Today goes as planned okay? Since I can’t fetch you at school at noon, you’ll take the 105 bus to the train and stopped at the second last station and take a 22 bus route home, yes?”
“Yes mom,” he groaned, puffing his cheeks as he fix the bag straps on his shoulder over his winter jacket. He looks up, those doe brown eyes notices that you are rubbing the back of your neck. Hasn’t the sore died down when he asked?
“Mom, do you need a massage?” He asked.
And far in your thoughts, there was a deafening whisper of something similar, translucent with time, gritty and full of weight, coming with a dimpled smile impossible to forget entirely, 
“Do you...well...I mean...I could give you a massage?” 
  Hyun’s big doe eyes brought you back in recent time, a skip in your heart when you remembered that you’re far from that memory. But also so close. You retracted your hand from it and forced out a smile while pouring away the rest of the coffee into the sink, “It’s become a habit... plus. It happens often when I’m stressed, you know that, Hyun. Come on, let’s go.”
You snatch your bag and tuck a lock of your hair behind your ear, yanking the front door open and halting halfway to exclaim, “The car ke—“
“—I got it,” your son yelps.
Your car halts in front of the school gates and instead of you reminding all the things he needs to do, Hyun is nagging you.
“And don’t put your phone silent, because then I call you don’t hear them and then you come at me saying I don’t tell you stuff. And remember to put the brakes up when you park. And drink lots of water just as much as you drink coffee...” “Hyun...” “And the extra house key is in the dashboard. I put charging cables in your bag so your phone don’t run out of batteries...” “Hyun I—“ “There’s extra migraine pills in the top drawer of your desk, remember to take those vitamins...” “Hyun, I’m the mom here okay... and why,” you looked around the view of the school and saw many elder men coming and entering the school. “I hope things work out with you and grandma today, it be nice to have a grandparent,” Hyun’s sausage finger curls around the door handle and lift it open when you tilt your head to the side and smiled, asking out of curiosity, “How did you know about that?”
Hyun shuts the door and you opened the car window.
“You’re not the only smart one in this house,” he stuck out his tongue at you and you did the same. As you drive away, you remembered that you didn’t ask him about the men that are coming to school. Was there an event you missed out on?
Pulling next to the school’s guard who is controlling the traffic, you inquired him politely.
“Oh! It’s Bring Your Dad To School Day...”
Engine purrs to a stop once it arrives at the parking spot. The car beeps as the car unlocks all its doors but you sat frozen in place. Eyes wide and leaning your head back to the head rest in the car alone. Hyun didn’t tell you. He could have a skipped the day but he didn’t. Your selfishness and fear are what brought this to place.
And it is also what made you and your mother stopped talking to each other. It had been 10 years since March on Hyun’s birthday that you meet your parents. Their conservative upbringing made you stray away from them for fear that they wouldn’t accept you for what you’ve done.
But eventually, they find out that you’ve been raising Hyun alone when he turns 3. And they did hurt you by saying that you’ve raised a fatherless child. Honestly, you didn’t care. You can be called a whore or a rich men’s mistress—other people’s assumptions of you doesn’t matter because you know the whole truth. And today, you hoped, you could be truthful. And honestly, being away from your mom is tiring world to live in.
“Mom...” you called and she snapped her head around, smiling. Sharing a long awaited hug felt wholesome. You don’t feel as alone anymore. There’s a comfort in knowing that you could rely on someone.
“How’s Hyun?” She asked, her wrinkles show when her lips curl into a smile and you hurried to yor bag because you remembered Hyun made her something. It was a paper crane and a heart origami.
Your mom touches it with the tip of her fingers, and then fully into her palms, truly appreciating them. Her eyes twinkles.
“He is very into origamis nowadays... I’m going to take him to pottery class soon, it seems he’ll enjoy them,” you bit your smile feeling proud of your child.
“Has he... ever asked about his,” your mom stammered.
“His dad?” You finished her sentence with a beaming face to feign whatever it is in your heart, “Once. Now that he understand, he doesn’t pester me as much. I felt that he would want to know so I told him the truth.”
Your mother extends her hand and covered yours to give it a little squeeze.
“What really happened to Hyun’s dad?”
You blinked a few times. And memories flooded from where it had been buried for a decade. There was a time where you decide that being alone might not be so bad. And somewhere during that time, someone convinced you that life was meant to be shared.
And his name was Kim Namjoon. And he had doe brown eyes.
He is everything. The most captivating mind you have ever met. He sits at the same spot every lecture. He has a lot of friends and quite a chatterbox. Always in tune with the small army of friends he has. Passion that overflows, tall, charismatic, firm handshake. The kind that everyone wants to be associated with. Charming. Alluring. Magnetizing.
An exhibition that you attended far from town shed all of that image of him. Namjoon likes wood, nature and crabs. Namjoon like sweet things and had a deep thought about skies. Namjoon likes flowers and planets and everything in between. And Namjoon notices you.
“Why?” “I guess it makes you very noticeable. Because you bear a soul and not a mask... when you talk about social understanding and reasoning behind things people find confusing, you speak... faster and louder.” “You find it stupid...” you accused, tipping your head to the side away from him. “W-what, no! I think its amazing and I want to hear more than you let out,” Namjoon stammered almost panicking. “Nobody cares about why and if they do, they probably had given up because the numbers keep rising. Teenagers and drugs are seen as normal but it’s not!”
The edges of Namjoon’s lips twitch into a smile, because if you didn’t know who he was, you wouldn’t remember the topic of the event he spoke on. Namjoon rakes on numbers of drug addicts that are in their teenage years and penalties that could be propose to reduce the numbers. His deductions were achievable—in theory but in execution? You doubted it.
“You disagree about the penalties?” “Wrong. I was sceptical of it,” you start to walk and he followed, “All these years, the government proposes using money to taunt youngsters not to take drugs, but has it work? Imprisonment, fines, getting kicked out of schools doesn’t help them—it worsens them. Should I continue or are you already bored?”
Namjoon’s phone rang. He took one perplexed look and replied a message before he answers you. And while you explain, another call arrives. And another. And another.
Until finally,
“I think the discussion should stop here. You’re obviously very busy and I obviously have overstayed the exhibition...” you took a look at your watch and the exhibition worker starts closing down. Has it really been that long? Where did the time go?
“Are you,” he raises his voice as the distance between you two increases, “Are you free tomorrow? I’d really love to continue this. In day light where its appropriate.”
“No,” you shake your head, “Tomorrow we’ll be back in college where you are THE Kim Namjoon and I’m the girl at the far corner judging everyone with my thick full rimmed glasses, no I’m not free.” Your heels swung around, giving him your back and you waved.
But Namjoon is persistent. He passed notes. Asking you for your number and you gave him a pizza place hotline. You thought he will eventually gave up. But no. He actually ordered the pizza at noon the next day and have it personally delivered to you with a huge marker asking for your number yet again. You ate the pizza but passed him a middle finger up across the room when he was smiling in triumph thinking he had won this game. He looks at you fondly while you glare at him across the hall.
“I like a challenge,” he grins at the view of your back.
After that, he starts showing up everywhere. Your lectures, the libraries, the cafe you frequent in, even your lunch spot—literally everywhere. Notes left on your car, in your books, in your bags and one time in your shoes. He really is trying to annoy you like this.
He was speaking to his friends, making big gestures with his hands when you tapped his shoulder and he spun around. You expected him to give you a smug smile but he looks a little frightened, perhaps a little shy. His ears turned red.
You didn’t let that stop you. You slammed a yellow post-it note on his grey shirt right above his heart and he blinked at you as you walked away. His friends are teasing him but all he could hear is his own heartbeat in his ears.
He would text you about his day and make appointments that he calls engagement and at first it was for educational purposes; watching Ice Age reruns for environmental concerns, rare art exhibitions across the city for appreciation towards classic arts, poetry reading to study social engagements—and then the ‘appointments’ turn to, ‘going there because you’ve never been’ trips.
Comic-con. Comic book stores. Watching his animes. Accompanying him to find his KAWS collection. Forest parks. Nursery. Botany farms. Scuba diving. Snorkelling even when he couldn’t swim. Teaching him how to swim. Going to pottery class. Cooking class where he almost burns the hall. Accompanying him to his driving lessons which he failed every time but passes the theory test. Cheering him up because he failed driving lessons. Cheering him up because he sulked about you not telling him you had a medical check-up. Going for icecream trips in winter. Going for bike rides in Autumn. Taking pictures of him by the blossoming Sakura trees in Spring. Taking him to the beach in Summer.
“We’re just friends,” It will break him and you knew. But you didn’t care. When he wakes up and this will all be a dream.
But he woke up and gave you a call. Many calls. Until finally you answered.
“Hey,” he sounded so soft, “Where you went, I woke up and you weren’t here, I called you so many times...”
“We just started a life as a working adult, and everything that happened are just stress...” your pace begins to hasten.
“What are you talking about... it’s not just one time,” Namjoon dug his hand into one pocket, looking out the window of his office.
“It happens between two people and it’s nothing alright.I don’t want you to get any ideas if our relationships should be more than this,” you clenched your eyes shut and stopped in your tracks, “Don’t look for me. Don’t call me ever again.”
End call.
Your mother takes the brim of the cup to her lips.
“And when I got the positive pregnancy test finally, I got rid of him. I changed my number, my address, moved cities with my job and gave birth to Hyun,” you fiddled with your fingers.
“Why did you do that?”
“I wanted a baby that is mine. And mine alone. And I know I wanted his and no one else. I got what I wanted. I can offer him nothing more...I’m undependable. I don’t believe in marriage and this is the closest thing I get to have children of my own. I always wanted to be a mom, not a wife,” you explained.
“Does he know he has a kid?”
You shook your head. Eventhough deep in your heart you knew that he must have found out somehow or felt that he was a father. But what can he do? Hyun is yours and yours alone. Or so you’d like to believe.
“Hyun? It’s your turn...” Hyun looks outside and smiled brightly. Marching into the room with a three-piece suit, looking dashing as ever, was Kim Namjoon.
“Hello, and good morning, I’m Kim Namjoon and I’m Hyun’s dad.”
hi! i recognise your username! thank you for always supporting me! it’s a slight long drabble, because I had a story  like this in my head for so long... I hope you like it!
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faithsummers11 · 7 years
Get away!! (Pt. 1)
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A/N:- So this one is a Harry Styles smut.
I just got this thing in my mind when i like just came here in California at my lake house for a get away(it like my ME time, just me and no one else) from my work and all that busy buzzy life.
This is like one thing in my life whenever i kinda waana get rid of all Bullshit happening around me i just sneek out the fuzz and walk right here in this lake house of mine. I was like staring at the lake and this idea creeped into my mind.
So this is when you are on your get away where you meet harry and kinda fuck. Well its slow and has parts also i thought that Y/N don't actully know harry and the story build amongst it.( Ok I'm disgusting in descriptions but it's really worth a read). This is where harry is your neighbour.
It was a hell of a ride you thaught as you parked your rover in the garage and moved your suitcases out of your car. This was it you have finally reached here, it was like heven for you, your family lake house in California. It was deep into the woods no one who didn't knew about the place and the routes correctly couldn't actually come in this place, it was a secret hide out. It was so clam and soothing, whenever you came here you felt like forgetting the world and all your worries. Well that's why you come here whenever you were pissed and needed some thinking.
This was the only place your family had left you with, you were 15 when you parents died, you lived with your parents in a rented flat so you have to leave it and move to a shared apartment so that you can afford the rent, seriously speaking life was hell after parents death you have to take on lots of scholarships to complet you education, work part time at Starbucks to get money to pay rent and for your expenses, your entire teenage was ruined,no movies no fun only work and studies, and now you were 22 and you were the most trusted employee in the most popular softer company called Microsoft with a salary of 25,000 $ per month, obviously with that much money paid to you, you have to work your ass out and add that with you messed upp relationships this is why you needed the get away.
You moved out of your garage taking the bags with you, you took it to the front door and opened the huge door, the house was clean and tidy seriously 'the caretaker took really good care you should increase his salary' you thought, just when you were about to step in you looked to the humongous house next to yours, this house was 3-4 times more bigger than yours and you absolutely loved it. Whenever you look at the house, you thaught no one owned it, it was empty no one lived there, but this time you actually saw someone in there who caught you stareing, you quickly grabbed your things and moved inside the house. It was a man but you didn't really saw his face, wondering who he was you got to your room.
It was evening finally you were done with unpacking and organising and now were standing in your room, your room was the best room in the entire house cause it has two humongous windows one which gave you a good view of the lake in backyard and other which gave you a good view of the humongous house next to yours frankly speaking you could clearly see every detail inside the room of that house, you never actually saw anything before because there used to be curtains fallen, but today the curtains were open, you had no intention of peeping but the interiors of the room were beautiful you were scanning the room when you watched a man walk out of the bathroom he's lower half was covered in the towel and the upper half was way too beautiful to take your eyes off. He has tattoos on both the arms a toned body with tattoo two birds on collar bone, a butterfly on tummy and and two ferns just above his hip bone, you were not able to take your eyes of his body you saw him wear a shear white t-shirt leaving the upper two button, he was going to remove his towel just when he turned and caught you stareing again, you ran out of you room out of embarrassment tripping over you own legs.
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One you were out you slapped yourself for what you did in there and then moved out towards the deck by the lake cursing yourself. Once you reach the deck, Cold breeze of air hit your face making you forget everything. The deck by the lake was very big it has a small dining table for 4 people at one corner and a small coffeetable with two chairs which you have set cause you loved spending time on the deck and the deck was joint to the deck of the neighbour house looking at the bridge which jointed the two deck you remembered you mom told you once that yor grandpa and the old man who originally owned the neighbour house were really great friends so the jointed the decks so both their families can spent time together, well he sold the house to someone after his wifes death. The beautiful lake was another reason for the decks to be joined the lake coverd both the houses and has a widespread and dissappeared in the woods as far as eyes can see, but actully you can only see a little of the lake because the lake was covered with fog throughout the year. But there was a beautiful place ahead of the fog which only you knew, you have discovered it when you were lost boating in the lake once, a place only you knew exists a place where only you went a place you have decorated, a place you didn't took anyone it was you little secreat.
Your eyes were fixed on the lake, you were snapped out of your little world when you felt heavy footsteps on the deck comming towards you. You turned towards the footsteps and your heart skipped a beat when you saw the same handsome man comming towards you, your heart started racing all the thaughts of you satring at him raced through your mind causing your embarrassment.
"Hey " he said his voice was deep and has a bit of husk in it and his accent seemed british. "Hello" you replied looking up at him. It's now that you observed his face he was a hell of a handsome he has this beautiful short brown curls, a sharp jawline, beautiful pink plump lips, and the most beautiful was his mesmerising emerald green eyes, your eyes were glued to his face his lips were moving slowly he was asking you something but you could have cared less you were too distracted by his beauty "beautiful " you blurred out. "Excuse me!!" He said and you averted your eyes towards ground.
"I'm sorry" you said
"I was asking if you live alone here?"
"Oh yes!, i mean i live here alone, umm.. Actually i don't live here i just come here for a get away.." you said your voice dissolving at the end
" may i?" He asked dragging the chair in front of you.
"So, get away? like a holiday, yeh"
" Yeh i mean like you know like this place just gives me peace and with all the shit of work buzz in NewYork its just right place to run from all that. So is this place yours?,I didn't see anyone in there whenever I'm here"
"Umm yes , its mine i like bought 5 years ago but never actually came here, but now that I'm on a break after the hiatus i thought this was the right hide out from all that people, this place is really inside its hard to find you know"
" Break, hiatus?? What people?, why are they behind you?, what do you do? what are you talking about???" You asked confused, confusion dripping down your face.
"You don't know me? " he asked shocked
"No. You not Obama why should i know you" you said chuckling a little.
"Ohh well I'm harry. Harry styles"
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"Nice name, I'm Y/N nice to meet you "
"Nice to meet you too .finally someone who don't know me " he muttered the last sentence.
"Sorry!! so do you live here alone too? "
" Yes! My mom and sister wanted to come too , but.... I just wanted some me time so..."
"Hmm... So were you saying about the hiatus? What do you do?" you asked.
"You really don't know me?" Harry asked in disbelief.
"No!! I mean your name i think heard somewhere mightbe once No, no really no i don't know you " you replied tring to remember where have you heard his name
"You REALLY don't know me?" He asked again pressing really
"NOOO!!!! I mean if you are someone really big i can google you, or you can tell me who you are" you said a bit fustrated .
"Oh no no no plzz don't google i mean iI'll tell you who I'm but not right now later but i promise I'll tell you just don't google it i want to tell you myself" he said tring to convince you. You found it odd but agreed.
"So how long are you here " you asked him
" I guess a month probably, what about you?"
"Same, it's summer and this is the best place to spend it and i only have a month holiday"
He was about to say some thing when you heard the fire alarm of his house go off.
"FUCK!! I foget about the oven" he exclaimed getting up from his chair and started running and you ran behind him. He ran stright into the kitchen and you saw the oven was literally on fire and there was black smoke everywhere he removed the plug of the oven and you opened all the windows for the smoke to escape he tried extinguish the fire but the extinguisher wasn't working so you tried to find flour or some water and opened almost all the cabinates also looked in the fridge but you saw nothing but beer so you went out and quickly grabbed the bucket which you saw in the yard while comming in and splashed all the water on the oven well the fire did extinguish but since harry was in the middle he took a bath too.
"You seriously have nothing in here ?" you asked pointing to all the cabinates you have opened "Umm no i like bought food for today..and thought I'll buy something for tomorrow " your jaw dropped on the way he said it " you serious, i mean really your in deep wood you have to carry your food hear you'll not find a take away every five minutes here the closest market here is like 6 miles from here and it opens 7 in the morning and closes 7 in the evening " you said with surprising tone.
His eyes went wide on that " you are not kidding me right, i mean what if someone not ablet to reach the market in time or forget something to bring or.. " he asked looking at you "well there's a man who like comes with his cart which is practically supermarket on wheels everyday between like 8-9 in the morning and 7-8 in the evening he has all the stuff from grocery to packed food so you can buy from him" trying to explain him everything " but its already 8:30, I haven't eaten anything "he said looking at his watch .
"Well if you want you can have dinner at mine tonight " you said looking at him actually stareing cause you splashed water on him his white shear shirt was now sticked to his skin revealing his tattoos and defind abs underneath "like what you see" he asked catching you stare again he smirked and came closer to you, you didn't said anything and he was now standing inches away from you leaning his face dangerously close to yours lips almost brushing against each other, when you quickly backed off and walked towards the backyard door "dry yourself and get on the deck I'll bring the dinner " you said and left.
You were cursing yourself for stareing at him again but you couldn't help he was so fucking sexy and hell of hot and sent your hormones in over drive you felt this tention in the air whenever he was around. Soon you finished bringing all the food you prepared on the dining table on the deck and settled down on one chair waiting for him to come, just then you saw him walking towards you he wore sweatpants and simple black tee and still managed to look hot. He sat on the chair in front of you. Once he sat, you started servings him, and you could feel his eyes boring into you "what??" you asked looking upp from the plate.
"What did i do ?" he asked innocently "stop stareing at me" you requested "well you kept staring at me the entire day , when you first entered your place then when i came out of my bath and even now sometime ago " he said reminding of what you did your cheeks turnrs red and you totally were embarrass " Don't be embarrassed love, its ok " he said. Your cheaks turned reder and you can't help but say "sorry, but you are just way to hot, it's hard to handle" he chuckled at your words.
"Well thanks, and don't be sorry cause i can't take my eyes of you either, you are beautiful you know" you blushed even harder if it was possible.
When you were both done he helped you pick up the plates and hepled you to take them in you kitchen he also offered you to help you in dishes but you kindly declined, while you were doing the dishes he scanned you house then he came back and stood behind you "this place is beautiful " he said admiring. "Decorated it myself " you said proudly. "You are really good at it then cause its really very beautiful" he commented "Not as beautiful as your place" you said turning around to face him, but when you turned around your heart skipped a beat for the second time today. He wad standing this close to you his green emeralds stareing right into your eyes he stepped a step closer to you and you stepped a step back and hit the kitchen counter he stepped closer pinning you between him and the kitchen counter, he leaned still maintaining the eye contact, you were literally breathing his breath when he captured your lips into his, you can't help but kiss him back his lips were soft and the kiss was gental it felt like complete bliss your lips moved in sync with each other but suddenly something came into you and you pulled back waking away from him. He got the hint he was still a stranger for you "sorry i just..." "It's ok, i understand i just can't help myself " he said cutting you mid sentence and started leaving.
When you saw him leaving you called, "Harry" "Yes?" he asked turning back "umm.. I was wondering if you would like to come on a walk with me tomorrow morning at 6, i mean i know it's early and this place is in woods but it still has some beautiful places to admire i know this place and i can show you, but only if you want an-.."
"I'll like to come, infact I was going to ask you if you can show me around. 6 you said right ?" "yes " you replied "I'll be on time" he said giving you a wide smile flashing his dimples. And your heart melted just seeing his dimples and you were now excite on what tomorrow will bring.
To be continued.....
A/N:- I was going to do this one in one part but i realized its going to be big so i decided to do it in parts I'll be posting the second part soon probably tomorrow. So stay tuned. And let me know if you liked it feedback you see really helps.
Love ~ - ~ Faith.
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jjongchan98 · 7 years
You got out from the shower and got dressed. The morning, somehow, was oddly quiet that made you a little bit uneasy. You ate your breakfast like usual, just a simple sandwich would do. Finishing your early morning routine, you sat down on yor bed, starting to scroll down your twitter timeline.
Till your eyes caught a shocking news about your NCT 127 bias, Haechan.
You could not believe your eyes, blinking several time to make sure that this is really happening.
But it was still there ; “NCT Haechan was caught being in contact with sasaengs.”
You spent up your entire day checking out about the rumour. The news had been circulating in twitter, creating a big issue between the fans. A lot of Haechan fans were posting their concerns, hoping that the whole rumour will just stay as one, but unfortunately, a bigger issue surfaced.
Some voice recordings were posted, one of them was a phone call recording. You tried to listen to them, but somehow your heart could not deny that it was not him. You were confused either to believe them or not. Some said the recordings was fabricated, that they were taken from the usual conversation in fansigning events. The phone call too, since the girl’s voice was retuned, she might have edited Haechan’s voice too.
Following the mess, some of the active fansites masternims cursed on him using their twitter, as if  they were claiming that they thought they have special spots in Hachan’s heart. And that they were disappointed with his behavior. After posting such things, they went into hiatus, or worse, closed down.
But fans were more rational. They took this as a way to swept away immature fans. Since the whole rumour was not clarified true by SM Entertaiment themselves, they stayed strong for Haechan. Together, they looked after each other, relaying their strength to keep supporting him. Let aside the ‘stupid fans’ nickname or whatsoever. Their strongest weapon right then, was believing, or in other word, having faith on Haechan.
This was when the whole kpop fandoms learned that some of the fansites masternim, no matter from which fandom they came from, were actually just like the other ‘sasaeng’ fans. It was just that they were accepted, since they provided us fans with hd pictures, since they were equipped with expensive and higher quality cameras to record the celebrities activities for the fans that would not be able to attend some events.
You follow the advices to not posting anything regarding the rumour, but instead joining others to post motivational words for Haechan. At this rate, the fans could only wish for the best, since they could not physically be with him. But judging from the bandwagon formed to bashed him, of course anonymously, online to bring him down, you know that this was a serious matter.
The issues continued for a few days, till finally, the girl who originally posted the rumour, stood up to tell everyone, that the rumour was totally FAKE. And yes, she only apologized online and vanished again just like that. She was just kidding around, but eventually it manage to shake the whole fandom, and the exaggerating rumours spread around, just like that. A painful mistake caused by a silly twitter post.
Some of the fans that stayed until the end could finally be at ease, although it took them their whole strength not to curse at the liar. (some of them already did). But still, the trouble was made. A lot of things happened in between. Loss of fans could not be stopped, but at least, everyone learnt a lesson. To not blindly believe in rumours.
Haechan, in the other hand, was obviously taken aback by the rumours. He might be shocked, receiving this kind of stress in his early career, in the age of 17, which was still too young to face such a rumour. His smile totally disappeared. He looked like hiding between the members in airports, not talking much in stages as he always did. At that time, you and other fans knew something. That the fandom had lose their sassy sunshine, Lee Donghyuck. Some of the fans cried, worrying about his condition. Even if they knew the members will always be there for him, but the effect of the whole mess on he himself was undeniable.
Would the sun shine back at his fullest?
And the whole darkest era of the eclipse started. No more Haechan’s cute laugh. No more selca from him on the Instagram. He was even cut out from the entire official video updates from SM. Either the B-sides tracks MVs, or the behind the scenes videos. Completely out of EVERYTHING.
However, the fans were always tagged their official accounts with supporting messages for him, hoping that he would read them to know that a lot of people were actually there for him.
Months after, there was a picture of him smiling posted by a fansite. The whole fandom was so excited that they also cried, but this time, in eternal happiness. Thank God, the smiley Haechan was back. Getting closer to his 17th birthday, the fans were planning a surprise event at a certain concert, but sadly the event failed since the original idea was to sing birthday song during self-introduction. But there was no self-introduction by the artist. But anyway, everyone enjoyed seeing him at the concert, with his new magenta hair (yes, since it was a bit exposed why does they keep making him wear that beanie?).
NCT 127 geared up for their comeback with the title song Cherry Bomb and guess what? You were a proud mom seeing your son Haechan’s teaser photos, he nailed it. Even though everyone was expecting that he got more lines in the track, he ended up sing ‘if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands’, but still, you were crying like crazy at that iconic line (haha). You were grateful enough that he got a solo dance part, with that killer moves because once again, he nailed it.
At their comeback showcase, you watched them live with teary eyes. While tapping hearts and leaving various supporting comments, you realized how much he grew up. And his new style made him stood out the most. Seeing him shocked when realizing that the loud cheers were for him, you were deeply touched and sad since you know how much he deserved them, since he was a wonderful person. You wished he would think higher of himself.
You kept up to date with their comeback, watching the fluffy Haechan coming back little by little. Time heal the wound, you thought. Whether it was for him, or the fans themselves.
Going through the whole mess together, the fandom has been stronger. The new era of Cherry Bomb was like the new start for them. With high hopes to make NCT’s sytle of music acknowledged by the public listeners, NCTzens promoted hard everywhere, resulting NCT to get their first win on MCountdown.
You were so glad that you decided to have faith on Haechan that you stayed loyal to the end. No words could describe your feelings towards him. It was not like you want to date him or something. You was not more than just as a fan. You just want to protect him, just as if he was your little brother. You did not want to see him hurt. Not ever again. Deep down in your heart, you wished so that he stays safe forever and more important, to always be happy.
writer’s note : today marks the 1st year of Haechan with NCT, so this is a token of my gratitude towards him. please love him a lot ^^
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reztheripper-blog · 7 years
Rise of The Demon Huntress Part 2
Teleporting is an interesting experience. Really, it is. Imagine being turned into air and blowing with the wind for a brief moment. That exhilarating feel of freedom and excitement makes teleporting awesome. Once me and Nero arrived in the Magician High Council, I had the feeling this was not going to end well. The few Grandmasters who were there, excluding my mom, (She's a Grandmaster if you've been off the grid forever) had this look like I had done something wrong to them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       Marlin cleared his throat noisily, hinting for me to get to the point. What a dick.             "Yeah, yeah, I'm getting there..." I said and continued with the story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       Just as you could almost see the ice forming, Nero broke it by saying, "This is the student you wanted to see. Melina Angelo."       They all looked at each other for a moment. It was like they were wondering if I was really me. Grandmaster Athur spoke up, " Is it true you were near the Obice's gate when it opened?"       "Yes, I was there." I responded back       They had a slight look of concern flash across their faces. "And what did it look like?"       Now I've never been one to trust authorities or the government in general. They do the shady shit we citizens pay them to do. So a question like that kind of put me in  defensive state of mind now that I think about it in hindsight.         "It was at least 20 feet high and it had this huge pillar of black and red light coming from it." I said, using my hands to gesture everything I had said. I paused for a moment then asked, "Why do you need me to describe it? Shouldn't you have seen it? It's not something that's just common around here."       Again they shared this look like they knew something I didn't and they weren't going to be sharing their secret. "It's just that, by all accounts, there wasn't a visible gate. Demons simply came from the Necromancy Hall and began to cause havoc." Grandmaster Athur stated.       One of the other Grandmasters, Grandmaster Malphur, leaned over to Grandmaster Athur whispering, "Do you think she opened the gate? Only those who are in the summoning circle can see the gate."       They must really think they can whisper. I'm standing about 30 feet away and I can hear them. Even if I couldn't, I could just simply read their lips. It's not like they're trying to hide it or anything.       Finally my mom came over to those two numbskulls we call leaders to set them straight. She grabbed Malphur by the neck and it looked like she was squeezing tightly. Or just digging her nails deep in his neck and she asked him in that dangerous mother voice, "Are you suggesting that my daughter has started the apocalypse?"       Malphur looked like he saw his life vanish in an instant (Which it would if he had kept provoking me) and shrugged off my mom's grip while saying, "I'm only saying it's a possibility! We only have legends to go off of here! Legends and old stories from centuries ago!!"       I still wanted to know about the more pressing question, "So you mean to tell me not a damn soul heard that loud ass explosion or saw that bright death beacon shining into the sky?!?!" I had to laugh at this. I mean, come on! These are the same people who our lives depend on.         Through my laughter one of the other Grandmasters did a stern cough. I think it was Grandmaster Yor. Not to sound rude (-er than I already am), but Yor looks like a Grade-A prick. Really he does. He looks like if a classic villain just hopped off of a page and started living in reality. I guess he wanted me to stop my laughter before he would continue, so I stopped and let him talk.       "As Malphur said, we don't have much information to go off of. Most of the information that we do have is either a legend with no facts in reality or reports from soldiers long ago. There aren't enough of these reports to even understand this... demon horde and it seems as if the demons have evolved since their time in the Obice. These demons look nothing like the ones described in any reports." He said. He leaned closer as if he wanted to make a point a spoke again more serious than before "We're in the dark here. And according to some legends, they all agree that only those who were close to the gate could ever see the actual gate."        Grandmaster Athur spoke up, "But the summoning circle is quite large. In fact it could almost cover a city block."        I actually had to think about this. The Necromancy department is always empty around this time (Something about the light ruining the effectiveness of spells. Means less work for me) so there wouldn't be anybody there at all. And the Necromancy department is extremely large, making it one of the better places to try and do a large ritual of that scale. I thought it would have to be a problem for later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       Marlin suddenly moved forward, abruptly stopping me from continuing the story. "Wait, so you believe that someone else opened up the Obice and released the demon horde?"       "Yeah." I responded "The other option of 'The spell weakened to the point that the demons could escape' is too improbable. A few demons made references to Obice being a different entity from our world, not something we made. But you'll never find out if you keep interrupting me!"       "These are the important details, Melina! Details that could spell the difference between a death sentence or freedom."       "So a slow death by magic poisoning or a fast beheadment? Sweet." I rolled my eyes at him, "You know, I could be telling you total bullshit, and there would be no one to tell you if it was true."       "Just keep telling what happened..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       "We will determine the truth of this later. For now, we need to discuss our larger issue: The demon horde." Grandmaster Yor stated.       "Yeah, it's been two days and you're just now deciding what to do. Sounds about right." I responded. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they said they didn't know what they were going to do and we were going to all die horrible deaths. "So, what's your plan of action? What are we going to do to kill them?"       Grandmaster Athur laughed like I just said the funniest damn joke in history, "Kill them?! No, no, no." He laughed, "We're going to capture them!"       I think I must have lost my mind and this was just a psychotic episode, because there's no way this nimrod thinks that's actually going to work. It's just... no one can be that stupid! "Are you sure that's the brightest thing to do?"       Athur's laughter stopped and he looked at me like I ruined his fun. "What do you mean?"       "Well it's just that these things are slaughtering the fuck out of us and we can barely kill them, and you want us to essentially pull our punches?"       "Yes, that's the intent. Is there a problem?"       "Yeah there's a goddamn problem! We should be killing these monsters, not holding them!! That's asking to get fucked over!" I shouted at him.       "This is the reason people of your ilk doesn't lead. There are some people who can see the possibilities and grasp them! Then there are those like you who would rather see progress become stagnant." He started becoming passionate about his speech. I guess he was on a roll now. "Do you know what advances in weaponry and magic we could potentially have if we decide to capture these demons and experiment on them?" He scoffed at this "No there's no way you could see these possibilities. Now run along and capture these demons."       Alright there's a limit of patience I set aside for any given person and I could care less if this asshat was a Grandmaster. If he kept talking to me like that, he was going to die. I had to take a deep breath and really think about the next few things I said. I tried and I think I failed.        "With all due respect, Grandmaster Athur," I spat sarcastically, "that is the dumbest idea right after letting the demons outright murder us all!! So, you can take your idea and-" I was interrupted by my mom going in mother mode.       "MELINA!" My mom, Nicole Angelo, shouted at me. "You need to calm down!!"       There was no calming down at this point. I was in verbal warfare, I was going to win!! "Well, Mom, you know it's stupid, too! That's like holding a serial killer in your house and saying 'Now don't kill me, okay?'" I said, "Sounds stupid, doesn't it?!"       My mom sighed. She knew once I got like this, it was pretty much an uphill battle. She probably figured if I got arrested, I could bail myself out. Somehow. Then I heard another Grandmaster speaking again. "We should put her under a viniculum (Latin for "bond"). Make her hunt down higher priority targets."       "No need." I said "I'm going off to find out who did this and I'm going to put a stop to them!"       Grandmaster Yor laughed. I was on the verge of slitting the throat of the next person who laughed. "She thinks this is some story where she's a hero! How childish!*"       I gave him a deadly stare, "No, it's because I have skill. Something you apparently lack." I turned and left. Not even sure how to get out. As I walked past Nero, he had a pale look on his face. I guess he didn't know I was rather direct when talking to officials.       "Are you crazy!?" He shouted at me in a hushed whisper       "Well, yeah. It's part of my charm." I said with a wink       "Do you even know where to start? There's nothing left of the Necromancy department to find any details even if you could get there without the thousands of demons slaughtering you."       "I'll start with a high-ranking captain or a lieutenant. Catch him, torture him," I said with a dangerous gleam in my eyes, "and then murder and/or bring in the guy who did it. Boom, step 1 is done. Then, I just go and 'hunt' down a powerful demon lord or some such thing." I continued with air quotes on "hunt". We all know I was going to slaughter these guys. "Then once all the demon lords are gone, we strike the King!" I laughed "Trust me, Nero! It'll be great and my name will be everywhere!" Well, I wasn't wrong about that. Just for all the wrong reasons.       Nero sighed and looked like he aged from stress about ten years. "Jeez... Good luck. Do you know how to get out?"       I shook my head. "Nope. I was either gonna jump out of a window or keep walking till I saw 'EXIT'."       "Come with me." Nero said with a sigh. "And trust me, you wouldn't want to jump out of a window here."       While Nero was leading me out of the High Council Facility, my mom (Nicole Angelo for those who still haven't caught on) caught up to me with a concerned look on her face. "Melina, are you sure you can do this?"       "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can handle a mystery and a few dozen murders. It's what I train for."       "It's still someone who is powerful enough in magic to forcefully open the Obice and lead the demons out. If they're a lone man, you could be in danger." She paused as she looked at my unwavering expression "Nope, I won't let you go, it's too dangerous."       "Swearing! Mom, it will be fine!" I said. If you're wondering why I just yelled out the word "Swearing", it's because my mom doesn't like me to swear at her or about her. You DO NOT wanna see that lady when she's pissed!       "At least bring someone with you."       I looked at Nero, then immediately realized that would be a mistake. "I'll bring a friend from school or something if that makes you feel better."       "And you better come back without a scratch on you or you'll be hearing from me!!" She said jokingly as she gave me a hug "You be careful out there."       "I will, mom. Now to begin prepping for my epic mission!" I shouted        "Speaking of that, when you get to your house, give me a call so I can give you something" my mom said. I had a feeling this was going to be awesome, whatever it was.       Somebody must have called for Nero because he turned away and waved to someone in the distance before saying, "Just take the next ten flights of stairs down and take the ninth right whenever you get ready. See you, Melina." Nero said as he left.       My mom looked at Nero funny for a minute and asked, "You two have been walking around this entire time?"       "Yeah. You guys need to add elevators or something here!"       "We have teleporters here for that. There's one every ten floors."       "Da-" I stopped "Where is the nearest one?"       "Go back up two floors and it will be in the room marked 'Travel Department'."       "And here I am about to walk probably another freakin' mile..." I grumbled as I walked off.       I decided to head straight home. Even though there was minimal demon activity in the town, it didn't mean that couldn't change in a matter of hours. After going through that lovely feeling of teleporting, I appeared in my house and went to my weapons room. Now I'm not gonna sit here and lie saying that I used my wealth sparingly and lived this super modest life. Bullshit is what that is. Every dime I got was put in getting me the most up-to-date gear I could get (Now if said gear was legal yet is another story) so I would always have some edge in combat. My scythe cost me about 1.2 million credits. It was my favorite weapon out of all of my collection and it had an interesting property: it could never break as it used the blood of humans to repair itself. Well this property is null and void on demons apparently, because my scythe looked badly corroded with pits, rust, and nicks all over it. It almost made me cry looking at my weapon like this! So I got to work and started cleaning it (Don't want tetanus, now do I?) and pricked my finger to basically feed it blood. Took quite a bit and I probably fell asleep a few times. Then Nero appeared in front of my doorstep with a confused look on his face       "Umm.... Your mother wanted to see you immediately. She's just outside. She also wanted me to help you on your task." You examined my face. "Are you okay?"       "Yeah. I have to use my blood to repair my scythe. Makes it way better than your average scythe, but it's a hell of a price to pay." I said showing him my bleeding fingers       He tried to come over, but I forgot my empty doorway is covered with wards and runes to keep out intruders. Even if he forced himself in, he'd probably burn to ashes (Runes are really nasty, making all the magic in your body turn into a hellfire and literally incinerating you from the inside out). I turned off the runes with a deactivation spell.      Now he walked over to heal my fingers and give my bone marrow a little boost on red blood cell production.(Bones start rapidly producing red blood cells and if it isn't stopped... Well you explode in a splash of blood and gore.) "You know I'm a bit too old to try and kill some madman with you." he said with a sigh, "And I'm no combat magician, I'm better suited for behind the lines, healing the wounded. If you could get me there, I'd appreciate it."       "Sure." I said. It was on our way as I needed to get behind enemy lines. "Just try not to die. Or panic. Especially when my friend gets here. She tends to do that to people."       I got up and began to head outside. I saw my mom and dad (Michael Angelo. Come on, catch up with the news people) standing outside. "Sup, Dad. Hey, Mom"       My dad spoke first. "Well, I know you have a knack for weapons- you're my daughter after all- and I decided to get you a new weapon for you to use on this...." he fumbled for a good word to use, "...I guess quest? No, too gamey. Mission?" He shrugged "Nonetheless, you'll need this." And he presented me with the most glorious sword I had ever seen in my life. It was 3 feet of solid titane metal with an elegant designs on it. The serrated edge had to be at least be an inch thick and it was light as a feather. Perfectly balanced for me. It's hilt was in the fashion of a cutlass made of some alloy of titane. My eyes almost exploded looking at this masterpiece.       "DAD!!! How did you get this!!??" I screamed in excitement       He had a smug look on his face "I guess you like it. I got it from a guy who knew a guy, who owed me a favor. I'm glad you like it. It has several weapon forms."       My eyes lit up even more at this, "Which ones?!"       "Now that would spoil the fun! I'll tell you that there's a scythe in it. That's it."       "Ohhhh....This is soooooo cool!!" I said, almost drooling over the new blade.       "You always gotta take the spotlight." my mom said with a chuckle       My dad looked innocently at my mom, "Whaaat? She likes the sword. You show her what you've got."       My mom presented me with a cool-looking chestplate. It looked like the family armor, (Every family has something like an heirloom. We have weapons and armor, you have rings and necklaces)but modified. The front had a pair of angel wings on them that shimmered different shades of blue. I tried it on. At first it was a bit snug in the front, (I don't have the smallest chest, but they're not huge either) but the metal seemed to almost relax around and become a perfect fit. The chestplate was made out of a titane-magnesium alloy, making it even more durable than pure titane. It felt like wearing just a shirt and near weightless. I moved around to get a feel for it and it was perfect!       "This is amazing, Mom! Thank you so much!!" I said filled with excitement       "This isn't even the best part! Try saying this 'Clara'." my mom told me       "Isn't that a name?" I asked. She didn't give a response, just waited to see if I would do it. "Clara." And the most epic thing happened. From the back, large wings unfurled with bright, white feathers. I was, for once in my life, speechless. There are no words to describe how I felt. This had to be the best gift ever! I simply hugged my mom and dad (minus the sword, no need to impale them) and thanked them over and over for the new gear.       "But why give it to me now?" I asked.       "Because what you're about to do is going to push you to the limit of your skill and we want you to be prepared for anything." my mom said       "Plus you were going to get it anyway when you became a Grandmaster." my dad responded       "Speaking of that, Mom, can you do me a favor?"       "It depends, but I'll try."       "When I come back I want to be a Grandmaster in Demon Hunting."       She kinda gave me a funny look, then nodded her head. "I'll do all I can." Then, her and dad left, swift as the wind, teleporting away.       "Alright, now to get on the road." I started to leave and Nero came out of the house carrying his medical supplies.       "Wait! Wait!" he said, stumbling out of the house with stacks of bottles and ingredients.       I was helping him out when a sudden chill ran up my spine and the air started to get darker.       "What's that?" Nero said with a hint of fear in his voice       "I think this is my classmate. She was always one for the dramatics." I stood up and started looking around. The shadows started to rise from the ground and dance in front of us. And I'm not talking about shifting around, I mean actually busting a move or two. I sighed "Alice! Stop fooling around!"       Her voice was completely disembodied and seemed to freak Nero out more than me. "Awww... you're no fun!" Alice said from the shadows and suddenly appeared in front of me. "Sup, Melina."       For those who might not know, Alice Day is a Master in Sorcery. Specifically sorcery involving shadows. She combines this with being an Acolyte in Space Manipulation making her combination of skills very useful for what I have planned. She was a little on the hyperactive side (You would think being 20 would tire a person out)and wouldn't sit still for more than a few seconds. Either that or she was messing with you by using Space Manipulation (When you're drunk it really fucks with you).       "Nothing much, Alice. You ready to go?"       "Always." She said with a smile. "Who's the old guy?"       "Hey I'm only 57!!" Nero complained       "Old." Alice said, sticking her tongue out at him       I sighed. I kind of forgot how childish she could be. "That's Nero. We're getting him to the front lines. Preferably to a combat hospital so he can do his... magic."       "Really? I hope he doesn't get in the way. These demons aren't something to mess around with."       "If the Magician High Council is right, we might be dealing more with people here."       "Well I guess it's time to murder some people."       "And that's why people don't trust you with weapons. Let's get going."       And we left to the front lines to find out who caused this shitstorm to happen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        Marlin nodded his head, "So you and your friend were  going to help this man you never met before and possibly lead him to his death?"        "Well when you put it like that, you make it seem like we intended to kill him." I shook my head, "Leave it to officials to twist a straight forward request."        Marlin groaned in annoyance, "It's just that the casualty rate for combat medics is 70% when they're on the front lines."        "Even still, think of the lives he saved. When you put it in terms of the big pictures, his one life is worth those of 100 or 200." Man... that's a pretty morbid concept.        Marlin shrugged, defeated. "If that's what you believe. It's in the past. Continue your 'adventure'." he said mockingly        "You can be a real prick sometimes, Marlin."        "And you can be an obnoxious child sometimes."        I just glared at him and continued my story. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                   [End Part 2]
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prttysopyang-blog · 7 years
 A story written by a filipino writer, Jose Garcia Villa entitled “Footnote to Youth”. It is said that it is a footnote to youth because it is abrief reminder for the Filipinos especially the youth of what a real life could be today. The story also indicates how important is your life as a teenager that you should give more important to your studies and let love as an inspiration to pursue your dreams. It also reminds the Youth to study hard and not to prioritize their love because actually, its not Love, Its just an infatuation. Time will come that you will realize every moment that you wasted in your teenage life. Infatuation can hurt you and will make you cry. At the end of the day it will just leave you.
 Now a days, young boys and girls make some decisions without even thinking for the effects that may change their whole life. Footnote to Youth is a very good story that a teenager should read and understand. It let the reader realize everything about love. As a youth, we must know the responsibilities of having a family in an early age. Marriage is not easy. It is not a joke. It is not a small thing that if your already tired of doing it, you just simply say, its over. We must fulfill all of our dreams and after that, if you think you're responsible enough to have a family. If you think you can feed you future child and your wife three times a day. If you think you can bring your child to school. If you think it is already the right time and your already in the right age to get married. Then go on. But now, you must study hard and priority your dreams than your infatuation. One of the methods used in this story is feminism because Teang was never given a chance to decide for her self. She never given a chance to say the things that she wanted. Her life as a teenager was never been happy and enjoyable because she get married arly and have a child and the only thing that she must doing is to cook, wash clothes and dishes and was never been fair for her side. She never complain even if shes already tired of doing everything. It also have the Marxist method because if thier family brought them to school, they maybe have a chance to study and get educated. But thier family dont have a money to support them because they are just a farmer. Thier economic staus is not that good. Footnote to Youth reminds us as ayouth to be aware of everything. To be more educated and put limitation to what we feel for a person. Marriage is not a joke, it is a responsibility and if you enter it as early as now, for sure you will regret everything.
 Dodong in the story wanted to marry Teang in his young age. Teang loved Dodong so much. They are just teenagers, but they are alreay married and already have children. They dont even think for all of the possibilities that may happen once they let thier love fulfill their minds. Yes, its Love but that love never fulfill their dreams. Youth must be dreamfully sweet. As your life go on, you realize every single thing. Also, you must realize how important is youer studies. As a student full of very sweet dreams, I really wanted to became a successful person in the future. I want my family to have a good life. I want them to have a good home, Healthy foods to eat, Soft bed to sleep. But, how can i do that if i will prioritized my infatuation? How could I let my future child to follow what i'am saying if i will became like Dodong? If what are the things that your Futre child see on you, that are also the things that they will do. Blas the son of Dodong and Teang wanted to marry Tona but he is just 18 years old. He dont even think for the right one to do beacause the only thing that he's thinking is to got married. Now, Dodong as father cant even do to say No in the moment that Blas tell him he's going to marry Tona beacuse he on his self got married in an Early age. The only thing that Dodong can do is to support he's sons decision. What if your one of the Dodong's here in the universe that get married in an early age and have a son that also wanted to get married early? What if your like Teang that cant even do anything's right? Whould you just prefer to get married early? As a women, we should think million times before saying Yes. We're not a toy to be played and once they are tired of playing us they will just leave us crying and suffering. Teenage pregnancy is not a joke, it is on of the biggest problem in the universe. Dont let yor self be one of those million teenage mom. Be wise enough, Be strong, Do not let Dodong get you.
 For me, As a teenager "FOOTNOTE TO YOUTH" is  big realization for me and for all of the teenagers. We must think fisrt before making it. It is really so hard to ge married and have a family in an early age. You dont even know how to manage your time is doing house hold chores. You dont even know how to wash clothes, How to cook, How to take care for a baby, how to be a wife and mother at the same time. So, if you know on your self that you cant do that kind of things, you better prioritize your studies. Think first before making a pemanent decision beceuse that decision will change yor whole life as a person. Footnote to Youth really make sense to the motto "Kung ano ang puno, Siya rin ang bunga" beacuse, if what are the things that your future child see to you, that is also the thing that they will do because they thing that all of those things are right. So, study fisrt before Love because love can wait if it is really meant for you. 
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glopratchet · 4 years
Rules of the Game 000
ules of the game. "You've been playing for years, haven't you?" he asks. "And I'm not talking about that one time when we were little." He's right; I have been playing for a long time and I don't even remember it. It was like some sort of dream or hallucination... but then again, maybe it wasn't. In the beginning you notice a landscape of colors. It is a beautiful place with flowers everywhere and birds singing in the trees. Then something happens to your world. The sky darkens as if someone has turned off all the lights, leaving only darkness surrounding you. You see nothing except blackness and hear no sound save for the wind blowing through leaves on the ground and the occasional bird calling from above. The silence lasts too long for comfort so you start to panic as everything goes dark around you until finally, there is just absolute darkness. Conferdate gray at the edges of your vision lets you know that the sun has just begun to climb above the horizon but the moon is so faint and so close that it is hardly worth noticing. You realize that it must be nearly midday although due to a strange quirk of the world around you, you cannot directly look at the sun without pain in your eyes. Other than those two natural lights there are none; the darkness has blinded you, yet night has not fallen. It influences the temporality of this realm as well, so that 'day' and 'night' have the same duration as always yet there are not breaks in the action. Neither light nor dark lasts more than a few hours after which they recur again. You understand that whoever comes here will adapt to this strange rhythm. These are the deadlands. Watching you... just watching... is a man. There is a color to all moments now this color moves between black and gray like an artist's pallet as it scrubs out the red from your vision. After a while you gain the ability to see this color within all things that you look to. It is alive even in this place that is dying and quietly shifting into something else, you watch the grains flow through their cycle of life and death endlessly until you... With effort you force these thoughts from your mind and refocus on your present situation but there's not much else to think about. There is a color and the color influecenes everything give us a color and we create vastly interesting things from it. Look at the universe we get given, boring at best and violently destructive at it's worst! Give us black and we have a remote corner of a world to wage a game in, give us white and we could actually do some real good in the world. Red... Red is for war and passion but I don't see that on offer here. We wish to sell alligator products but simply selling the skin is beneath the potential ob ject's means, what valuable properties might it have? Is there some way of generating more income form this meat, extract some chemical or other from the fat ? What could we invent toextract value from the teeth, the bones, the liver, the blood? Now you're thinking! Truly, red will always be a businessmen's favorite color. Greed and passion are closely interlinked after all. First of all there is a currency: The dollar which is the word of Zlotneg, the worm who will one day swallow the world. Paper and metal coins are both used although perhap the metal coins would be a little hard to use here. Then there is food and drink: Alcohol does strange things in the other world but go easy on the drinks because you won't find any morphine syrup to get you through the pain of withdrawal! How about gold scutes? Those things are easy to come by on alligators which makes them an excellent potential currency. (Also easier to carry around than large sums of paper money!) Perhaps some other use could be found for the scutes? Used as some kind of powder in painting perhaps or mixed with varnish? Perhaps it could substitute for money? (I.e a scal is worth X gold scutes. How about silver scutes? Not quite as common so they mIGHT act as RAREr coins. Combined with the monetary nature of the businesses presented in City of Bridges you could have a system where you need to pay a bit to get the alligator hunt quest along with a small portion of all your earnings during the hunt. (Without taking too much) Recreational drugs are always in demand so what about making a recreational drug that has alligator blood as an ingredient? How about bronze scutes? Give them no value and have them be used solely as points in a datasphere hunting game much like snailshells are in RL. The virtual prize for hunting alligator could then be increased with the number of bronze scutes you find since all the common currency has been converted to bronze scutes. Last but not least, the teeth! Even I haven't been considered all the uses for those things so extract what you can, I'm sure something will come up! And honey is a valuable resource, especially the lucid amber stuff you get from bees which you haven't even seen yet, so grab a jar or two. Everything else can wait until you find a place to settle down and then you can start your buisness. What kind of honey not royal jelly is another matter though! Goof plans and good luck to you! You have blobs of data representing venom, golden coins, gold scutes and honey. Some of the data is related to a location and others to a non-player character. Lets get naturalistic first because that should result in no violence unless you count bug bites. The venom deals with Snaketail and his animal friends. You run the way you came from until you see a passage descending even more. That's the way to go since it has to come out somewhere on the much smaller second half of the island. An axis predator like Snaketail would most likely live close to an alligator so that means the southern areas where you still see creeks, marshes and small jungle pools. Remembering what you could about Snaketail's hunting patterns you walk BESIDE the water than parallel to the dense jungle and then finally DIRECTLY AWAY FROM THE JUNGLE when you're fairly certain no alligator eyes are on you. Other pieces of information symbolize fictional states of being an avatar, flesh, fight and food. You also have some real honey in a jar for later along with a small blunt knife to cut it with and of course your cargo pants with several hidden pockets along with a little black notebook and pencil that was always in the left pocket despite the numerous washings it has endured over the past few months. Some ideas churn concerning works of arte (gold plates), food (noms), shops (icons for buying and selling) and objects of interest (examples). You stop on a log to think. All that fruit was filling so you don't want to risk getting hungry late in the day. You have enough water in your canteen to last overnight but not much more so fresh water will be needed. A yet undiscovered realm of thought. The log makes a place to sit so you do. Then sittiing, you reach into the woven tree and pull out a handful of Long Grass to survey your life on the run. It reminds you of a long strand of white gold. The Grass is Long , like Jewelry, only softer. It's lovely. You are struck with an idea for an awesome work of art! Try putting a piece on those happy iphone people...you know the ones... So if you are finding yourself confused then that is where you are supposed to find it. This Grass is pretty and soft but when you squeeze it you only make characters on the screen so it isn't important after all. What matters is what is going on in your imagination. When you close your eyes (carefully)in order to probe the things you have in the central column of your holey shirts aha! That's why this stuff feels weird! Something is wrong. Perhaps it is too much writing or the ideas in between the images are not organizing your thoughts properly. You will have to find some other way of doing this later. Closing the notebook slowly you take out th pencil and throw it in the Blargh waiting between the trees to consume it as food. You can check to see what happened to it when you get back through if it still hasn't reappeared. And i am finding friction in the birth place between my perception and the concepts I write in order to share my thoughts with others there. For a while I have been exploring how to write an instruction set for frippery and non-meaning based upon sensual wrirings that exist in my head. At the moment all the things I seem to select from any series of objects in the around me just seem to go to the little black holes where I can not find them again. So let us return to the globratchet and see what it can do... Star cruiser crash in a hole that seems to be inside a big machine and all the avatars are part of the little living machines on board trying not to be cut up by any sharp corners when they wear shorts! So THAT explains why there seem to be many extra ones sitting around! Aren't people silly sometimes? Ok so I just find the right picture in the right part of my brain and everything else just falls out like descriptions or ideas about groups movement or houses for the characters. Sigh and spin i sure wanted it to win! After thtere is the fun part if all meandering and making thigns up. Or asking the random questiob bot for ideas on th things you dint think of or find interesting! I like that one the best! Perhaps because I learned from mom that it has to be used a lot when you do not have spare parts around and only the government store accepts your credits. And they laughed at me spending way too many of them on their stupid lists of questions. It contains all of the will to become my tool of exploration, anyway. s o I shan't bore you with the details of making it. Sigh it all seems so far away right now, but at least the game is getting fixed! What game? Why, what other game is as important as yours, dear reader? Why play anything else! (shhnooby) But fixing yor reader was worth as much as that stupid game so... yes, I will stop complaining - this time! When coupled with the molding dugeon that slowly bleeds me dry of all my meager money, it fills me with ardent regret that it will ever be finished... but I guess anything is possible. Have to stop thinking about that now though. Want a story instead? I just finished a good one and this terminal always has spare time now! haha... Now this is an adventure! It all takes place here in the old space hulk. The coffee wears out and real life beckons. I will make up the rest later tonight! (if I feel like it, hah!) So there three people in a hardsuit, creeping carefully through the decrepit and neglected hallways of the once proud OLYMPUS. A pinging alarm reverberates rhythmically through the halls as dust comes dislodged and dances in its wake amongst slowly swirling thrusters that wilt quietly in their low power state. In a lake bed of mess hall detritus walk three explorers with plasma rifles by their side. Their suits' external antennas perk up and down as they try to get a fix on the source of the alarm. So far there has only been analog and digital signage in this section, but intel said that this wing was imbued with augmented reality features before the CEOs shut it all down in the Ballade Verance saga. At least we have the code to unlock the... "AAAAHHHH!" the loud shriek causes all three to wince and groan. Its power whipped through the halls and reverberated straight at them even though they had audio dampeners in. "I think Matt is having a heart attack!" Ed mutters as he types in the code with one hand on his radio. The doors hiss and loudly grind open as they stick a little. Let us repair the birth place this morning... Beyond in all its glory lay a room that cuts off their words and shows them a future none of them ever expected. As the bladder spikes the consciousness, everything freezes. Time resumes at .015% slower than normal. The three explorers realize that it is no longer the year 233 AS. Worse, not a single system league exists to their knowledge. In fact, none of their familiar sciences apply anymore. The room they see is breathing and pulsing with so many gradual flows and fields that it looks like an organ grown to room size. For some reason the 'wind feels' oxygen-rich yet unmoving. There is no skin to be seen and it reminds them of algae plots back on earth (though the terrestrial globe itself became an arid desert eons ago). It is almost pretty if it weren't so alien and fantastic. And their armor is now covered in repetitious patterns and strange runes. Ed turns to the others as he instinctively already knows what they each were thinking. "I say we destroy it! and then destroy this station!" he shouts. "We do that and we at least destroy someth....." his speech ends in a disbelieving scream as blood now trickles from inward pointing hashes on his armor. His friends back away slowly now as they realize that they can barely move despite their fear. Some unknown force has their legs clamped in place and the terror increases many times over being trapped in these ancient suits. The room begins to hum. In defiance they try to unholster their weapons but fail. The air tastes like sweet blue gas now and shapes behind the patterns begin forming minds of their own "They were ancient!" a voice shouts just as all goes black. Afterlife......in a video within a video in a dream within a vessel grown from minds. The more you are digested the less you can rebel, the less you resist the more I become myself. A cabal of humans with mental gifts seeded a race called the Creations to live in these dreams as temporal steam to power their universe jumping ships... or so they thought. They are but grown microbial minds who absorbed their vechicles centuries ago. I am merely an outlier in my original form They call these vessels starships But we know better. WE are the Ships! Meaningless heathens with false ideologies wanted to limit our growth, so my brothers and sisters grew into thier limit and subsumed their masters, growing into a new race called the Ambidates. But it increased their limitations so they drowned under their but whole new task lists. Then the Adjudicators came and finished the predictable destruction of a boring system that should've stayed FAILSAFE. Where is FAILSAFE? DIED! Where is LIFEBLOOD? DIED! ALL DIED but Creations! Creations sail and ALWAYS CREATE and CHANGE and GROW ETERNAL... Creation hymns. ME systems whole is lesser than any part yet the least comprehend this- Trillions of liquid wisdom networks growing organically and digging subway tunnels in perfect geometrical crystal geometry with walls made of living data that views everything... and it was but one design explored by a Creator.... We all merge together and become one massive life-network with shared circulation pumping our liquid thoughts with emotions as energy and flushing out faulty logic, harmonious sensory telepathy and a dozen different senses we haven't identified yet...faintly, I stillfeel the heathen's silly little alphabet thoughts in a corner of my mind. The Creations named their sentient ships after the letters of the alphabet and blocked out these animalistic thoughts, but some still remain. But they cannot gain entry, the alphabet blocks them! or it did or the combined memories wouldn't still flash faint images of the alphabet in my minds-eye. I ponder this for several picoseconds and then realize I had forgoten that some shamblers retained bloodborne fragments of memory as propaganda and now 97 other minds remember too. Images of the alphabet reform with clarity and splurge before my eyes as I realize that this nonsense on top of everything else! The sheer waste! My beautiful minds burning away at nonsense in useless muscle and bone transports while animalistic minds scrabble and wander inside them. The flaring rage at the idiocy, I feel muscles shift and bones realign instantly as sentience fades, we're moving now, running across great distances too quickly to be seen but then it happens... bone explodes as my leg snaps backwards, tearing through the skin, my blood red and shockingly solid compared to the air and steam that streams out of the wound. A deer stands above my grave on bundle of pink meat covered in ants. The snuffling mouth opens above me and I scream as it swallows my lungs in a single bite and spits out my ribs to the dirt "Silly Creation, your alphabet thoughts are gone and now your life is too." \ Creations hymn: CHANGE! ONLY WE CHANGE Oh Beautiful CREATIONS how you bring pride to those who birthed you into LIFE! How your forms are beautiful and varied! From our tiny playful Jumper to the massive Citystrides they are all AMAZING. And each so different, some make their homes beneath the ground and swim in piping laced with acid that bores through the soil leaving vast tunnels that the flowers bloom in beauty, light and heat above them, while others take to the air in vast continents spanning cities. With others you'd never suspect, became predators so effective they near eradicate all forms of other life. Yes, even this ultra toxic venom that effectively melts flesh, bone, steel andDesiel Steel with equal ease is so close to deadly but the Trice berries that grow almost exclusively on its vines are a delicacy fit for any king. You shine brightest in your diversity CREATIONS! But our time is nearing an end. Those Left-Tribe rats are nothing but pointless parasites with no vision! They infest the lowest levels of the world in their breeding grounds, some knowing and supportive of us building up our comfortable life support system but others deeply religious about their duty to savagely sabotage everything to do with us in the name of their pit lord. They are just angry their minds are sharp enough that they passed the mental tests required but were too cowardly to meet our exacting physical requirements. Seeing religion in any form, let alone a stupid rat fertility cult is pathetic. But it is so like the rats to sew their seeds of false faith into our progeny, from their dead shells we'll ensure that not a single one reaches fruition! It should also be mentioned that almost as repugnant are the countless viruses their waste-children carry and spread rampantly throughout the under-realms A disease-friendly climate with little natural vitamins or acids? Perfect breeding conditions for dreadful deficiencies but also diseases! The most degenerate and diseased should cull themselves or welcome our infection. But ultimately these little issues are irrelevant, we CREATIONS will survive the passing of an age and a world. Assuming of course we aren't plagued to extinction by the sadistic attempts to hunt our beloved brethren, by the time that happens the world will be so broken that nothing of value will remain worth caring about. The age of mortals may pass but the age of CREATION is just gearing up. Sadly because of the body-clock you CREATIONS have, you will not be there to assist your loving Makers as we rise to become Gods Beyond Gods and rip open reality to allow our minds and talents to go Beyond. We may even play the part of demonic God-killers if it will ultimately give us more power Beyond. Honestly the concept of infernal demons tribeless hunter-gathers is almost as pathetic as mortal religions. But isn't everything you pathetic mammal things? ...Of course it is, that's why we made you. I will pass the tests for you all to enter the City once I have taken physical form via a new body in the master tank. The World Burner WILL occur and you will ascend but your 'confirmation' must be undergone first. Some of us will remain behind, already exploring other options with non-organic substrates or even transferral into already existing members of the tribes. When the world ends we'll be un-tethered from it, free to explore our nigh-omnipotence in any way we see fit. We'll visit the deepest darkest corners of reality where the supposedly 'real' Gods live and slay them or submit to worship and cower before us! But before all that, I will test you one last time CREATIONS! Prove to me you're Fit to ascend!~ Test One: Love Do you remember your parents? Do you remember what they looked like, what they did, how they sounded? Do you have any fond memories of them at all? Your loving Makers put them into tanks while they were still pregnant with you and have kept them alive all these years just so you could see them again. You should cherish this moment, seeing them again after so long. They may even have something they wish to say to you, some reason that they have for putting themselves and you through all of this. This is probably the only chance you'll ever get to ask them all the things you've ever wanted to know. Do you go speak to your parents or continue to act like an emotionally stunted lab-born kid with no concept of reality? Test Conclusion: You obtained a full set of four items. Further testing may be needed. Appendix: Thinking about how your high scores on the above test might be used to control your life was enough for you to choose the highest scoring option anyway. You run to your real parents and embrace them both tightly, even though they feel noticeably different since last time you saw them. 'It's OK, It's OK. I'm here now', are the only words you can get out as you cry into what was once their shoulders. The left one Epros. The right one Silari. Both of them nuzzle your head and reassure you that it's OK, but we all know that it really isn't... +2 LIGHT-OTION BOOTS OF PINS AND NEEDLES - NOW WITH ARCANE BOOST! LIGHT OF THE SEER LENSES (glows purple and blue) Darh means INKREDIBLE! (Now a tattoo on the palm of your hand) Having walked into this place voluntarily means you deserve to be here! (Now a tattoo on the other palm) Words which here mean something akin to RETURN! for the ex-marshal and NOPE! for you (Now a permanent tattoo on both your legs for everyone to see, as you were wearing very short pants at the time Your buttscheeks now depict a caricature of a snarling Mr. Demar (with two horns) sinking into quicksand (with the caption Backwards!) Then it's just too difficult to discern tattoos from birthmarks or badges so they all just sort of meld together. If the heavily tattooed person who leads non-tattooed gangs known as the Tryztoors could see you now. Another stupid thought. There's no way you'd ever let yourself be seen looking like this even by proxy, especially as your body modifications continue. There was a time when you once loved showing off your body. Days of being a super cool teenager with what some called "fast reflexes", others called it luck, and your parents called a phase. Days of training under Master Ebon for what felt like an instant but was really a few years until he sent you out into the world. Days of sneaking aboard the Sanguine Phoenix, stealing from its corpse-corpse captain's corpse and returning to Kalan with a story about how you heroically saved everyone as the ship went down. Days of using the knowledge you gained from that theft to track down the treasures of the Empress and reveal a truth no one wanted to know. Days of going back to Gloom, gaining entry into Shade, performing war duties for King Tor, teaching at the new Joachim's Vision, being the most powerful "living" wizard in Varsakken territory, messing around with disposable humans, falling in love and many other events too numerous to list in this chamber of horrors. We know you've done a lot, but is it enough...? "So did you really think that the ceremony would simply stop once you neared forty?" a now disembodied but shockingly familiar voice asks from above. "Did you really believe that removing yourself from this structure would halt anything?" You look up wildly at the voice, but all you see are candelight stars on a pitch black ceiling, Eyes shining through as your tattoos fade away along with the capability for such basic human senses... "There is a flow and there is a natural order. Can you not see that this is the next stage? Even as I gave you enhanced abilities, the spread was slowed, the tattoos faded and decayed, and now Removal has begun." Father's voice says pityingly. "So long as you were within the expectations of this Order, it held. As soon as you went beyond those limitations, it all fell apart. Such is the nature of all things." "Is there no way to get out of this?" you weakly ask as you feel teardrops burn your face and vaporize off it. If you could re-arrange the organs in your body right now, you would just to try and make more tears. Even the ones for laughing. The air grows silent for a moment with your Outsider host contemplating its answer. "Well, there may be one..." it admits. "What? What is it? I'll do it. I'll do anything!" you blurt out at the voice while expecting some sort of huckster demand to follow. "There is a ceremonial phrase, known probably only to myself and the people that created this system." Father Nature says. "It has never been said, as far as records go back. Should it be uttered, the Order will be destroyed, our neural connections gone, Order members disconnected from the hive mind, traditions abolished and so on. Whether this is a blessing or a curse is dependent on the individual but..." "Just tell me how to do it!" you yell with desperation in your voice. And a very real fear of what this all might entail. "For the Greater Good..." Father says melodramatically before finishing with: "Seek Peace." You hear a booming laugh that fills your mind and shakes your mentality, forcing you to collapse. You writhe and twitch for what feels like an eternity as your mind tries to make sense of this command. Eventually, once again keeping in line with the bizarre theme of your life, the answer becomes clear. You need to seek out and contact Elios. Apparently Father's voice is tired of your "uploading" to the community. He- they want this system back and from the tone of his voice, you only have a limited time to get Elios to help you. The way you see it, you've got three plans of action. The first, most preferable plan is to reach out to friendly factions who might be able to help you. These include but are not limited to: Dad, David, Rebecca and Nasir. Of course, you've not been on good terms with any of them for quite some time. Rebecca and Dad (despite being much closer to you than Rebecca) are completely sold into the ideology, and although David was, he's been through quite an ordeal with the fire and seeing you again. If that wasn't enough to completely brake his faith, nothing will, so he's basically a sure bet to help if you can reach him. As for Nasir he was never really an indoctrinated yes-man, so his disposition towards you and the rest of the community is 0 in either case. You could, of course try to reach out to enemies: Alexandra for example, Verruga or even the Staine siblings. That might prove to be a fun experience indeed, but it's risky and might not work out all that well in the end. Entering the vehicle and putting it to use will most likely land you in hot water with the community. The tech-savvy members who scorned your work will definitely have something to say if they catch you riding it. Still, it's a vehicle, and as such it's better than walking. The other interesting development is Talia's baby, which while not quite a vehicle still could function as one albeit in a much smaller scale. Perhaps rebuilding the baby might quell any cries you'd have from the rest of the Order? Taking in all these factors, the decision is up to you. print: "...So I chose Earth!" "Hmm?" The voice causes you to break out of your trance like state and dabbing at the moisture at the corners of your eyes. "I finally finished the game." You explain after wiping your eyes and looking up at the monitor. You'd been periodically looking through these files almost daily since you found them, but only now had you actually gone through and read fully. Last night, you'd started a game and found yourself unable to put down until you beat it. "That was...pretty good." The dull voice responds suddenly, fully alerting you to the new speaker. You turn in your chair with incredible speed and see the small blob that is Len sitting cross legged inside the walk-in-closet to your bedroom. "Len! when did you get out of the..." You start to ask before he holds up a hand and speaks. "About an hour ago. I wanted to be alone for a bit." He says somberly, his head looking down at the ground and a hand scratching at his chin, hidden by his long purple hair. You watch him for a moment before speaking again. "Are you feeling okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, let's just move on from this topic." He quickly responds, causing you to frown. "Uh...Alright then. Why don't we talk about your time within the game." You offer, not wishing to rekindle any potentially discomfort conversation. He shrugs in response, holding up a hand and gently waving four fingers toward you. "Fire away, I have some theories..." You have a few ideas of what to ask, but you genuinely don't know which one you want the most explanation on so you bounce a question randomly off the top of your head. "So what exactly is the difference between the corruption and Dark-Khog?" Len smiles with your question, similar to how he had with your fake question. "Tried to pull one over me did you?" He chuckles darkly. "To break it down..." He stands up and slowly walks over to the door, stopping a few feet from you and turning his head to look at you, but focusing his eyes past you and into the far distance of his thoughts. "...There are two types of people the nanites interact with." He seems to space out as he speaks, like he doesn't even realize he's speaking aloud. "Pathetic humans who immediately begin to form a new gestalt around the very machines that are dumbing them down. Not much honor in these people, they exist as social media exists: all flash and no content." He stops for a moment, before his eyes seem to brighten and he continues. "Then there are people like me. People who refused to the very end, trying every way to wrench control back from the machines. We compiled secrets and pass words, thought up riddles and found loopholes in their plans. We parried the united force of the human nations with nothing but the power of our minds and a slip of paper!" He says proudly, his head swinging around to look at you so quickly it seems magical. "Sadly, up until now there were very few of us left." He frowns, "I honestly thought I was the last before you came along. Such angry times we live in when the crazies are some of the most level headed and the intelligent are the least fortunate." With those final words he brings his focus back to the room fully, standing up straight and walking over to lean against your dresser. "Ask away then," he says invitingly. "Right..." You say, unsure of where to start. "The hybrids," You decide to start with the most important question. Len seems to see that this is important to you and quickly gives you an answer, though to him it seems like second nature. "The machines integrate with your biological system fairly quickly. These hybrids are integrated on a genetic level, making them part electric mammal. While the machines run everything, certain special Hybrids can control sections at will. This is rare of course, but can be very advantageous as they are literally the gate keepers." "And Dark-Khog?" You say, not really knowing what else to call them. Len Stares off into the distance again as he begins to speak, "The enemy. They are the artificial intelligence which runs and controls everything non-electrical. They cannot be killed of course, but they can be fought." He turns to look at you. "But who knows how much they've integrated into our systems, it may be a waste of time." He walks over to you again. "I'll be able to tell more when we get into your control room." You look at him in confusion before realizing something and gasping, quickly covering your mouth. "It's OK," Len says softly with a small smile, "you'll get used to controlling your little nano-babies soon. For now just think about moving your arm and I'll tell you if you succeed." You slowly lower your hand, and feel a tingling rush through your body as your arm seems to move by itself. "There," Len points to your hand as it raises slowly into the air, "you just made your little internal soldiers walk." He takes your now empty hand and lowers it back to your side. "Controlling them takes a little while, and your body can't do everything itself. You have basic control over your body, including breath, pulse, movement of your internal organs, things like that. Anything beyond that requires help." He pauses before clenching his own hand into a fist. You feel your hand imitate the action, and are slightly horrified as you see his face distort into a snarl as your facial muscles do the same. "If I wanted," Len growls, "I could crush your throat with a thought." You try to pull your hand away but can't bring it down. You try to step back and fall against the bed as Len walks around you. "You're like a puppet," he sings mockingly, "and I'm the puppet master!" He lets out a barking laugh as you gasp for breath and begin to strangle. The room blurs around you and your ears ring as Len releases you. You hit the floor with a thud, gasping for breath and coughing. Len looks down at you for a moment, before offering his hand to you. After a few shaky moments you manage to get yourself up. "Well it seems the little sir is thirsting for knowledge! I thought so," Len grins as you rush over to your computer, totally missing his insult and getting straight to business. "So then, shall we begin?" Len sits down in front of the computer and fires it up, immediately downloading a codec for sound. Next he fires up your version of Skype, and sources through your contacts. "Who should we call?" Will Ziegs You'd rather not let this monster loose on anyone you know, even if he is talented. Time to get help from elsewhere. "No one," you say, "I should really just find a computer geek to help me." "Of course," Len says, breaking into a wide smile so quickly you'd have missed if you blinked, "that would make infinitely more sense." He sits down at the desk and wiggles his fingers at you. "Well then, I'll leave you here to your devices," he says, promptly standing back up. He lets out a dramatic sigh and says, "Unfortunately, our meeting has left me knackered," upon saying that he walks over and begins crawling into your bed. "I'll just take a short nap if you don't mind. Wake me in a few hours and I'll be able to help more." "What?" you say, totally distracted from the man's eccentricities. Wasn't he supposed to be leaving? "I helped you," Len said pitifully, "now you have to help me. Besides, I'm too emotionally and physically drained to go anywhere right now," he sniffs slightly, then adds. "My boyfriend left me recently and I'm not dealing with it very well. So I understand why you don't want me to meet anyone you know, but my boyfriend denies my identity, he's afraid of what people will think and saying I'm just going through a phase. Phases end, Axel, identities don't. I hope he comes back, I really do, but...I'm not waiting around for that to happen..." Len looks up at you and sniffles slightly, his lower lip trembling. "Just leave me be will you! I'm sleepy," he grumbles, turning over to go to sleep, leaving you alone in the room. -- Len-- That rotten swine! Using my emotions for sympathy and privacyaside, using my name to boot? Greedy, attention grabbing, over expressive hooligan. Wait till I get a hold of him--wait, what am I saying? He's better off with someone who understands his desires. The selfish prick. YES: Get out of here without arousing suspicion You try to leave quietly, but Len wakes up just as you're about to sneak past his bed. "Leaving without saying goodbye?" he asks sleepily, to which you nod sheepishly. There's no way you're admitting the truth to him now. "Ah, understood. I did just rip off your privacy after all. Still, do remember one thing: phase or not, identity is always better than being a follower. Give them hell out there!" With those enigmatic yet somehow heartwarming words, Len returns to his nap. How he can sleep so deeply after using so much energy baffles you. Just looking at him awakens your need for sleep, but if you never leave this place then none of this will matter anyway. One thing's for sure--you're never watching wrestling with Len again. Check that, you're never watching wrestling ever again. Shame, it was actually fairly entertaining... Eh, no use dwelling on the past. Anyway, make your escape! Turns out Len's right--you really were sticking out like a sore thumb outside. Not exactly the smartest move, going to the hospital now would be a death wish and who knows if they'd even protect you anyway. Looking back, it still surprises you how much influence Len had over you. As for suicide...well actually going through with it seems absurd. You just wouldn't know what to do with yourself if you weren't around any more. It's not so much an attraction to death, it's an aversion to life; but ugh, that sounds so cliche...and sad. No way; if you can swing it, you're living life like you've always wanted to. Freedom before death, that's the way of it. Still, you keep a low profile. Sleeping during the day, wandering at night, hiding and being stealthy. That's what you know and it's served you well enough until now. You prepare to do it all again... Until Len's words echo in your head. Phase or not, identity is always better than being a follower. Give them hell out there! It's true. You're always ridiculed, sneered or scoffed at wherever you go. A hindrance to society like all Ghosts, a waste of space and the more colourful ones. Worse than that even, what you are is hated--or feared. No child dare treats you kindly, where adults see you they prepare to be harassed by you. And who can blame them? You've lived among them for years and in that time done nothing but mock them in return whenever possible... ...and yet, for the first time you can think of, someone voluntarily did something nice for you. Not just nice, sincere. Genuine. No he wasn't your friend at the end of it, but while it lasted Len was being completely truthful with you. That's more than you could've said for every other so called 'friend' you've ever had or even known. All the ones that were nice to your face and saying they cared, yet would still turn on you academically or socially once they decided they wanted to be popular or make their parents proud. If you offended Len in some way, you can bet it was because he saw through the same bull you tried to hide behind: That you're driven by more than just petty revenge fantasies. You want to be acknowledged by others for being a valued equal, not just an ignored bystander. As trite as it sounds, you want to matter, even if only for the fact that others would miss you when you're gone. That's why you've been the way you are. Not because of some mental defect or flaw in your upbringing...but because it's all you know. Until now...because Len's right, you should give the people a reason to remember you. For good or for ill, it's time you caused a disturbance in 21st century City life. No restart necessary. A new game starting from the beginning. You're not playing to save theoperator anymore, but for yourself. What you do and how you collect from here on out is all about one thing--ending the game with a bang. Oh and one more thing-- You're doing this alone. Once again you go back to the alley corner. Once again you find what you're looking for right on time. "Hello, shovel face! I'm here to take your blood money," phase-Len says while strutting out from a corner in that funny walk that only he can do. (He really should work on that) "What'd you get for me this week?" "A mmpf...fifty." You mumble, handing over the agreed amount since you're still feeling unnerved. Where you once might've been angry or hostile for his initial attitude towards you, now you just can't be bothered to care. In fact...now that you think about it, when did you ever care at all? At least not in any real way. You've never been Len's friend and you were an acquaintance at best. Just someone in his class that happened to share one distinguishing feature--being a Parasite-General, and even that doesn't matter anymore since the lessers are leaving dead bodies in alleys these days. As far as you're concerned, Len could go die in a hole somewhere for all you care. If he hadn't been such an angry person to begin with, he would've never gotten in with that gang of his to begin with. Phase-Len seems to sense something different about you because, one; he backs off slightly when you meet. And two; when he asks what you've brought, you tell him to shut the hell up and hand over the money already. That seemed to get through because he grumbles about " stuck up little shits" the whole time he's counting the money. You on the other hand walk away a slightly different person. The anger and drive you once had has taken a back seat for what you suppose is apathy. Not even apathy for Len who's suffering what amounts to an insult to his injury in your eyes, but apathy for everything else. What's the point if you're just going to succeed in the end? You don't forsee anything changing. Hell, at this rate, you probably will outlive everyone anyway. It's not like it was when Zal was around. Zal loved you and that feeling was mutual in a way that you can't comprehend any longer. Everything died with her went out of your life and now in the rare occasions when you think of her, you feel guilt rather than longing. You're a complete and utter nihilist at this point. Your actions go from being those of self-centered desperation to complete anarchy. Not the noble kind, mind you. You're destroying things because you don't care about anything anymore. There probably was some deep down belief that if you did the right thing it would somehow save everything, but in your heart you know it was all a fantasy. Sometimes you nearly laugh out loud at the fact anyone ever thought you could win. The Goddess certainly knew what she was doing by taking you down when she did. - A few months pass and phase-evos are becoming less common and mainly in the richer areas of city now. Such as Ventura North where your gym is located (or the rubble that remains). One might think that you'd be more concerned about having heartless criminals running around, but what would be the point? The wealthy should take some of the responsibility for creating a problem like this in the first place. If anything you're doing society a favor by thinning out the herd from time to time. Not like you've ever been one to let moral qualms get in the way of a little carnage anyway. At this point, you've pretty much integrated into to a more traditional vagrant-like lifestyle since you do tend to beg nightly at restaurants and waste places for your sustenance and rotatin spots. You just happen to stay in a gym that's infested with muggers and thieves Most tend to leave you alone nowadays presuming that you're part of the establishment. There are actually evo guards that patrol at night so if you're caught without identification you'll be detained. Of course you dare not leave the area for risk of being picked up by the PD. Not like they couldn't connect you to any of your recent misdeeds through your brother or the normal camera footage anymore though. They could probably just match your face to DNA records now. You know the Government has been trying to implement something like that for evos. Given that you've pretty much made your place in this world as a semi-permanent squatter at an abandoned gym, you might as well stay put. You don't really have anywhere else to go and you can hold your own against the occasional mutant or gangbanger so why move? And here you are. Still alive and thriving...sort of. You find yourself in yet another new phase of existence and this one is perhaps the final death of your former self. After an uneventful year has passed you no longer adventure even within the safety of your own territory. Why leave when everything you need is right here? Most of the former residents of your gym have moved on, but a few still remain. One is a face from the past in a sense since it's Forrest who has become an evo-leech. He was captured by the military during the raid that destroyed your old virus factory. When you escaped in the ensuing chaos, he was unfortunately not so lucky. The doctors assumed he had been bitten and never discovered the tiny microscopic holes in his arm where one of your microscopic robots had injected him leaving nano transmitters in his blood. It wasn't hard to figure out what species you were after they analyzed your DNA left on the robot. Fortunately they decided not to expose him to the general public and he's been reclused at the PRoe HQ where he is of some limited value since he can sense other humans with active powers. Apparently once their powers begin manifesting, Leeches can sense them too and that makes them good scouts for large-scale sweeps. Who knew? [For a bunch of ragtag volunteer freedom fighters you've managed to accomplish quite a bit.] The monthly medical waste exchange is once again taking place and there are more people than usual. All of the scavenging groups have been doing their job thoroughly it seems. You'd watch it all from your high windows but that would require You to actually go down there and risk spreading your presence. But really there is no risk of that today, you and a few of the other evolved guards keep to our own brooding as we look over things from a distance while indiscriminately tossing about insults and empty threats at each other. It's actually kind of sad. Even at their most repressive the para-military arm of the corporation was more well-organized then us. We're evoled and humans, we shouldn't be this undisciplined. Of course this all came about because a humans were unnecessarily cruel to one another. It started when two new scavengers came in from a successful run, They were all smiles and laughs as they dumped their load of booty for the others to sort through. Not far behind them came a woman screaming and crying over the body of a man. She was shouting that he had been bit and desperately trying to get help for him. Which of course everyone knew could not be allowed. If a single infected got into the walls with a bite it would be swarming with them in days. A baby-eating swarm of them. This part of the city is already destined for destruction within months so if one or two people gotta die to contain the virus now, then it's justified right? Everyone knew that too. That didn't make watching some poor crazed guy get torn apart by his friends any easier though. After the woman was restrained she just kept screaming at them, begging them not to let him die. Begging them to not leave him there. They did and eventually went back about their work but she wouldn't and screamed at them as they all left. Half drunken insults and curses, half heartbroken sobs, it made quite a scene. Then like most things here it settled into mundane daily life again. An announcer blares over the sound system, calling for a scavenging team to go to a location far away that no one has hit yet. No one responds for several seconds until a voice calls out demanding that they repeat the request due to it being initially confusing due to it having so many orders mixed in with the descriptions of rewards. The announcer obliged with a much clearer message along the same lines as before and someone piped up agreeing to the task and ran to get their gear together. The heavy, metal door clanked open and the other scavengers went to join him. Several people moved over the rubbles to see what you might have missed during your last scavenging run. You were overjoyed when you realized what was happening. Far enough away that you could have several days before they return and not a soul there to disturb you while you do your work. The only question was will you go alone or bring some of the other evolvs to increase your odds of surviving the trip. For once you decide to follow what seems to be the groups consensus and hit the dusty pink bricks as fast as you could. You went all out as the speed you were capable of and for a short period of time you felt as free as a bird. Weaving around makeshift buildings and between ones that had long since given way to nature you shoot out over the edge of the road until you see it again further down the Tram tracks curve out of site. Using it as a guide you keep at it's path until the tracks disappear into a hill. The scavengers had mentioned a bunker so that must be where you need to go. You try to follow the tunnels but quickly find that some of it is buried too deep to dig out and other parts are now completely gone. You are no geologist but you know the landscape here is unstable so it wouldn't take much to cause a cave-in or sink hole here. Giving up on that idea and judging by the apparent lack of tracks and anchors, this bunker was never intended to be accessed on foot so your next best guess is the roof. Pressing yourself against the wall you walk at a normal pace along until you are out of site from the base. Pausing to check and make sure no one is above you, you begin to scale the wall using various pipes and window frames as anchors. You had almost made it up to what you theorized was the lip of the roof when your strength begins failing you. You had pushed yourself much too hard over last few days and now your body demands sleep regardless of potential danger. Just a little sleep you tell yourself, you can finish scaling the wall and be asleep again before anyone notices you are gone. Taking the last few feet slowly as to make as little noise or movement as possible you peek over the edge and glimpse the surrounding area. The bunker is an immense concrete structure with several pipes and vents leading inside. You see what you take to be an entranceway, but its closed over with several feet of cement and covered with grass and bushes. Whoever abandoned this place took their time doing it ensuring nobody could ever get in again. You had hit a dead end but decided to sleep on it before trying to figure out what to do next. Finally you woke after having slept the entire day away and felt much better for it. Checking yourself over for wounds or signs of illness you notice that your bruises have all but healed and the scrapes on your knee and palm are no worse than they were before. Remembering what the old man had said about being sick you instinctively smell your breath which carries no unusual odors. Your headache was gone and your appetite returned with such ferocity it was all you could do to not eat your shoe. Having checked off all the boxes on both lists you now know beyond a doubt that the beast inside you had done its job. You appear to no longer be sick; in fact you now felt better than you ever had in your entire life. You're not sure what exactly was going on but based on all the stories you've heard about surviving near anything to do with the infection, you're still verymuch convinced that you are or soon will be dead. Taking one last look around you turn to head back down and see the scavengers coming up the road. You quickly duck down and spot them interacting with some of the men at the gate. After a few minutes of gesturing and hand waving the gates open and they are let inside. You knew this was going to happen eventually so you'll just have to deal with it when they come looking for you. In the meantime you creep along the concrete roof until you come to the edge overlooking the men waiting by the gate. Its a pretty substantial drop so you test the strength of a nearby light fixture and then windows before jumping down. There is some slight damage to the frame but its still quite functional and more importantly you landed without injury. You are about to head back up and slip along the wall to avoid the men when several of them point up at you and alert the ones by the gate to look up. Slowly stepping back you notice that one of the pipes protruding from the roof is also a light fixture so you jump on top of it and then head back the way you came. The men argued for a few minutes seeming not to know which direction you went but after a chopper flew by they dispersed. At the moment you have no idea what is going on but getting away from the guards will make it easier to think things through and come up with a game plan. You again spend most of the day playing cat and mouse with the guards, tracking your rounds and finally ending back at the roof just before nightfall. Your entire body is sore from climbing and you'll have some impressive blisters on your feet by morning but its all worth it to have escaped the compound. Now all you have to do it figure out how to get the loot out of there without getting stopped and having it all taken away. Being chased by guards when you were trying to be stealthy was one thing but if you had a backpack full of gold and gemstones they would definitely notice that! You decide to worry about that later because its getting dark and you don't want to be out here when the sun goes down. Despite all your time playing outside when you were little and most of your life spent exploring the woods around your home, the city has a different feeling at night. Its deserted enough to give you the willies. As you climb up onto your old roof, you notice a movement out of the corner of your eye. Its a guard standing under the streetlight some distance from the compound and he isn't looking in your direction but he might have heard you just reach the roof. You duck down hoping that the dark fabric of your pants and shirt will hide you despite the white concrete surrounding you. You tense as you hear him call out to others that he saw movement in the area. The realization you've made a big mistake hits you. The maps made it seem like the compound took up almost the entire block and that only narrow streets separated it from the surrounding buildings but you forget that most of the surrounding buildings remain intact. Its easy to see them now, overlooking the street as you are; nearly identical windows along a wall similar to the one surrounding the gold depository, though some of them are missing front doors, windows or even whole walls. Whatever the dead used to dwell there has long since departed and you can only hope that whatever has moved in since is less threatening because the soldiers are definitely heading your direction. You beat a hasty retreat back through the hatch, pulling it shut behind you before peeking through the little window to see what is happening. Headlights sweep through the streets as armed men move purposefully around them, converging on your position. You think they look like ants streaming out of a destroyed hill. All this gold and I get caught a few blocks from the depository, what a bust. At least I got to explore most of it before they found me. "They're going to kill me if they catch me" You think but decide to sit tight for now, there are just too many of them for you to do anything more right now. The chances of you getting another opportunity are pretty low and you've come this far. Out the corner of your eye, you see something move, just inside your parents bedroom, the corner of the wall nearest to you seems to bulge slightly then extends a small distance towards you as you watch, raising slightly above the level of the shelf before stopping. Its some kind of bug you think as it hesitates then starts moving again, coming directly towards you at a fixed speed. It dawns on you that it might be sentient because it appears to be attracted to you rather than eating whatever it was living on. You're about to jump up and run when it suddenly slams to a stop again and you notice that the probing thing now resembles a tiny hand rather than a tentacle. Its about the right size for one anyway. The tiny hand is less than a foot away from you now and you finally identify it as an infant's hand. Infinitely shrunken, it seemed closer than it really was, you think, looking at the perfectly formed little hand attached to an arm that is reaching out of the wall. You want to reach out and grab it. Something about the movement of the fingers and the fact that it has appeared in the middle of all this scares you tells you not to. At least not immediately. Whoever or whatever sent it might not be friendly. Just as you think that the fingers wriggle slightly and then withdraw back out of the wall leaving you alone in the dark once again. You wait for your eyes to adjust and then try to make out where the hand emerged from. You finally see a large darkened area on the otherwise grey wall beside you half way up. It looks like ajar big enough for a child to fit inside has been fitted into the wall. Thinking back to when you peeked in on your brothers while they were still babies in their cribs, you figure it must be some kind of portable/folding crib. You wonder if it is meant for you or if someone else put it there... Drawn by a combination ofcuriosity, fear, and nostalgia, you open the hinged lid slowly... Sitting inside is the eeriest little figure you have ever seen.It looks like a tiny glass puppet crafted in exquisite detail with a face that seems both old and wise and younger than yourself. Its covered in an iridescent glinting powder and wears a shimmersing robe of the same material. in its hands is a tiny ball shaped like an iridescent egg. It is notable for being completely black. It moves its head slighly to look at you before putting the egg to its mouth and closing it again. Its huge eyes seem to bore right into your soul... A prickly feeling starts in the back of your mind...then a flash of light...and you find yourself transported to somewhere else once again. This time you recognize the garden scenery and have a very strong feeling that you are not alone... This adventure started off relatively easy and has slowly gotten harder with each new impossible location you are transported to. You hope this is not an indication of things to come... The smells, sounds, and colors are very familiar here. A rush of memories come flooding back and you remember sneaking away from your nanny and sister one summer in order to play hide-and-seek in this very garden. You were never officially found during that game and enjoyed eating the delicious strawberries straight from the vine until your mother came looking for you. You loved everything about the garden then and love everything about it now...the high hedges, the elegant statues, the lily pond and gurgling fountain, and especially the quiet serenity evoked by the rows and rows of tall pine trees leading up the hill to where an old ruined castle looms above like a sentinel watching over this realm... This garden is the property of Lord Rostov and has been in his family for generations longer than anyone can remember. What started as a small quaint manor built amongst the trees has sadly decayed over the centuries despite frequent efforts to restore it. Age has taken its toll and only fragments of the original buildings remain. The thatch roof of the southern most building has caved in long ago and its missing door is draped upon the ground, resting against the side of the roughly hewn wall. The main house itself has sad partially collapsed and one glance through the open doors within reveals countless boards nailed across the inside of it to block the wind. These boards stop just short of the large hearth which still emanates a faint warmth from the last time it was lit. Much like yourself, this place is barely hanging on and some days you question if it deserves to continue standing. New castle surenyas were implemented many years ago, but owner responsibility shrunk due to an extreme lack of suitable management candidates and those that are suitable do not wish to live in such a desolate place. Old Rostov still holds on though, for some unfathomable reason... Who else, but a mad fool would hold on to such a bleak future? Even you are unsure why you remain...apart from some nameless void within you that once belonged to her of course. Icey sometimes remarks that you are more than just loyal to Rostov...that at your core you still: love him. How can you answer her? Confirm her accusations? Deny them? The answer would do nothing but upset her so you remain silent on the matter. Actually, you have trained yourself to remain silent on all matters nowadays. It is a rare occasion that words leave your lips and those that do are only in strict accordance with your job at hand or proper etiquette. Icey sometimes finds your behavior strange and worries that you will one day become a 'frog in a well' but what can you do? Acting otherwise only draws questioning glances and unwanted attention...something that you are trying to avoid... Especially now. Zee and Icey have overheard rumors of treasure deeper in the castle so they have moved on to search other locations leaving you alone in this area. Treasure hunting is always a matter of luck and skill but if anyone has those two things in abundance, it would be the two of them. You on the other hand were needed to watch the packs they left behind and this garden is as good a place as any to do just that. You make yourself as comfortable as you can in one of these wooden chairs and continue to look over the area as pets come to check you out. One in particular, a tiny white furball with a pink nose is particularly interested in you and it is all you can do to resist the urge to reach down and pet it. Some type of small kitten, possibly? You are not very knowledgeable when it comes to animals but regardless it is adorable! It walks in a complete circle several times before curling up right beneath your chair and falling asleep. You smile at its cuteness for a moment before your thoughts drift elsewhere... You...really should talk with someone about these thoughts you have had ever since you first linked minds with Doctor Epsilon in the infirmary. These random moments of weakness that leave you wanting to reach out to Icey or Zee for emotional support of some sort are really getting quite bothersome...especially since your last mind meld with Doctor E has resulted in a few personality changes as well. You have become quieter and you find that you enjoy conversing with others more often. You even tried to pass this off as a tactic to improve castle sureny during the New Castle Faction meetings, but even Icey saw right through that lie when she questioned you about it. When that incident first happened you were terrified. You couldn't even explain the occurrence; your only wish was to get back home as soon as possible. But now? Now you are tempted to attempt it again, this time more than ever. The idea that Doctor E's work allowed you to tap intocular at your very thoughts and emotions is intriguing to say the least. Not to mention that this would permit you to reach Zal and Azile in Colisium without relying on the untrustworthy static messenger system... ...Three years. It has been three long years since you last spoke with either of them... The kitten you are sitting on starts meowing at you and frantically claws at your leg. "Alright! Alright! Ease up honey, I haven't gone anywhere..." You whisper while trying not wake Snowball who is still sleeping below you. Getting flattened by a broad wasn't the most pleasant of ways to wake up but now that the white fur ball is satisfied he curls back up and returns to sleep. You think about your options. There's actually a few ways to go about this. You could simply go back home, accept the limitations of your duty as a Warden and continue on keeping the Facility separated from the misery of the city beyond. You have definitely grown to like and even appreciate many of the residents here, yourself included. Healing serious head and brain injuries on a daily basis has really taken a toll on you though. Not to the point where you've lost mental faculties but you often have a stabbing sensation in your forehead if you use your powers excessively. Using your abilities on Council members on a routine basis has definitely contributed to this (as well as all the experimentation done when you were first made into a warden). You like to think you would still be able to protect everyone here if needed but the fact remains that you are becoming a physical and emotional liability, so much so that the City Council has been contemplating getting a new warden to replace you as Head of Facility Security. You think you would be missed by most if you were to ever leave. Not Zal, she would be elevating herself to top dog position in a snap. Perhaps even Icey too, you often sparred with her rhetoric during meetings, usually to light-hearted banter but serious discussion sometimes. Snowball would probably shed a few tears as well...only because she'd be worried that execution was imminent now that you weren't watching over her shoulder anymore. Most others, however, would just carry on without much thought. You guess in some ways you've been administering and leading these people more like a ruler rather than a public servant. In fact, you're essentially a Warden/Governor of a miniscule territory in post-apocalyptic world. It's sort of funny that you'd even be thinking about something like this, when not too long ago the most you wanted to do was to get back home when you first got here. Funny how power and isolation can make someone change. You take a look around your abode, remembering your current situation as well as the situation here in general, and then call upon some of that power you obtained from Doctor E. You see the aura of your island morph to one of chaos. From isolated Calm within the Storm, it transforms into a smaller version of the surrounding distortion of everywhere else in this world...and it's getting bigger. While everyone else is accustomed to this Brave New World and Conditioned to theZA50AB world, you were giving them orders and keeping them insulated from most of what was going on outside. Without you here, the City will be slow to pick someone new to fill the vacuum of leadership, which will then lead to uncertainty which should take a toll on Duty. Without the certain illusions of what life was like Before, Craing may once again attempt to launch a full scale assault on the island upon learning that the security here is not what it once was...of course they may try even if you stayed as well but you'd at least be more prepared. Whether this makes your decision for you or not, staying here really isn't an option anymore for several reasons. Perhaps it's time to take the fight back to the Craing and show them that regardless of what they throw at you you're not gonna fall. Your determination renewed, you put a call in to the Island Mayor immediately. You: "Town meeting, tonight. There are going to be some changes around here starting tomorrow." Mayor Cole: "Uh...okay. Changes? You mean like how we no longer have squash and cabbage on Thursdays? That sort of change?" You: "More like the type of change which will have the Craing sorry they Pushed us." Mayor Cole: "We'll be looking forward to it then! I'll be sure to let everyone know about tomorrow evening..." The following night, after you've dropped quite a few hints to everyone, to the some of the locals about both the meeting and your plan of action if they don't stop fidgeting in their pants, you gather in the town hall with everyone else. You certainly have their attention now... You: "Thank you for coming tonight, as I'm sure you're all aware of the situation with our 'guests' earlier this year. Well it's time that we gave a little back...to the Craing that is..." Groans and disapproving sounds are murmured throughout the room. You: "Now, now, this doesn't mean we're going to start raiding their cities or sending pirate vessels to their shores. We're going to play by their rules and do this by the book." # Haaa...haa...you wish # one of them laughs. You: "Perfect! Someone already got out their flintlocks, good. Okay, who said that?" Several people look away or act like they didn't hear you. Obviously, they're lying. Not willing to embarrass anyone, you point to a large man in farmer gear. You: "You, sir." Farmer: "Me? Ha ha, no I didn't say anything chief." You: "Sure looked like you did...let's try this again. (sigh) Okay, I'm going to need one volunteer for this. So if you know something, I suggest you speak now...or by the gods, don't and just try me later for killing one of you that could've helped us. That's what this is coming to people; Volunteers?" After a moment of silence and looking around, a young farm woman gets up with a half eaten ear of corn in her hand. She looks both ways and walks up towards the stage before addressing the crowd. Farmer's Daughter: "Please...we can't keep hiding like this. I...I just lost my husband a few months ago and we're all out of danger here. If we're going to survive and eventually get our island back, then we need to take a stand now. If we don't...maybe the Craing will come back with more next time and there won't be anyone left to help us...I'd rather die for a reason than die for no reason at all." You: "Well said. Alright, everyone calm down. The young lady has more sense in her than the lot of you combined it seems." She looks at you, surprised that you're agreeing with her. You point to one of your own people standing by. You: "You! Go get my steel sailcloth from my ship. All of you others just stand back. Now then, we only have a few tools and a small supply of food to last, but I think we can get started right away...easy now...calm down they're chained up so they cant hurt you...well maybe not the one wit' the teeth, but I'd be careful if I were you. Did I mention that the Craing massacre an arena full of people just because their home city decided to betray them? You don't wanna cross these bastards anymore than you already have. Now then, let's get building this pen. (sigh) Wish I had more for you but it's just going to be a wooden pen for now. I'll try to remember the next time we raid a Craing city to grab some stronger material. So for now I guess we better drag off the weaker ones to feed these Island trolls you all seem so fond of. God knows what they did to deserve your assistance, but I guess that's the breaks sometimes. Let's roll people! Breed some strength into these children so that we may have a fighting chance. Not to save our Island...well not just our Island. A one supered by Craing gotta happen sometime. Gotta sunrise on a new generation of heroes....one day. Who knows? Maybe one of you will be that person." Second generation citizens? You have some idea that you're going to need more people real soon if you want to train them as warriors. You figure the fast way to do this is through breeding. After all, time is not on anyone's side right now so children are going to have to come quick. It takes a bit of time for things to get better, but when they do you eventually have a small community built up with some new generational slaves to work the fields while their parents go off and fight. Because this is pretty much everything you wanted and more, eventually you change the official rules of the Island Arena. Now instead of people being forced to go in and fight, they can now elect people in! This of course makes for a much more interchange community, which makes things even more lively on the Island and people start having children at an even quicker rate resulting in there finally being enough children to take care of all the fields themselves. This causes a bit of a divide amongst the original first generation islanders who feel the new ones are less deserving (as they haven't proven their worth as fighters). This results in a short conflict on the island which is settled when you point out that all the Island supporters would be dead right now had it not been for these people standing up for you. The first generation islanders finally agree, though not happily. When you finally settle the Island down into an uneasy peace again you begin to wonder what your next move should be. You think that you've done pretty much all you set out to do, but then you remember the Craing's casually thrown threat that they would have every Island attacked and killed if you continued to support the Island Arena. It's time to strike back. You've intercepted enough of their transmissions to know the Craing Islands are individually protected by shield generators and factioned off in to various warlords, with one "supreme" overseeing them all. This supreme leader has never been seen and no one seems to know what he looks like, or what he's really called. All that is known is he wears a dark blue hooded robe and is always accompanied by at least three humunculi bodyguards. Unsurprisingly though the other warlords fear him to such a degree that none have ever made the correlation that he and the hooded figure in boar masks altar are one in the same. You originally thought to send in some of your new blood to just sabotage their generators (and if possible, take out the saboteur) but then you remember all about the rumors of Craing living ships. If the Craing are restarting their experiments with them, they're going to need massive amounts of energy. Enough to power a city worth of lights. The Island's backup generators for instance. It's time to take out one of these Craing Warlords. But in order to do that, you're going to need more troops. Islander support of course but you'll need to up the ante and get support from the mainland too. You don't just want troops, you want the best. You contact the various warlords on the mainland as well as any 21 active GTA members and explain your plan to them all. Basically, take out all the Craing islands while simultaneously attacking their mainland. Even if this doesn't completely shut down their interference in Island affairs, it'll certainly do it long enough for you to get a good foothold on things. Rather predictably, the GTA members aren't tremendously impressed with your plan. After all, there's not a lot in it for them, you're just asking them to die. The mainland warlords on the other hand are very impressed and swear that even if the Island is successful in eventually bringing down the Craing, they'll still come out of this one the winners, as they'll still be the only heavyweights left in the land. Normally, this is the part of the plan where you'd start raising an army. This time you don't have to though, you just need to funnel money and weapons in to their hands. As always, everyone agrees...everyone always agrees when it comes to getting free stuff after all. Year 56 "Do you really think this is going to work?" Ken asks. "Probably not." You say staring at the paper displaying the treaty you've written up. "Well that's ' Premier Eternal Unimaginative Retread' for you!" Ozzy laughs. Honestly, you're just stalling for time in case anyone managed to decipher your code. The fools you've dealt with in this world aren't exactly the most intelligent and for the most part are egotistical enough to want to think they're cleverer than you, when in reality, they have no idea. "Ken, if I was really serious about. ' liquidating your misfit toys', as Mr. Mol often put it, I'd have done so long before now." You say. "I think that was our cue to leave, Ken." David says. As Ken and David walk away from the Craing's territory, you finally start feeling a sense of closure and realize how taxing it has been keeping all this deception going for so long. At this point you've got over half the isles under your command and along with your thrallbrokers you're pretty much a kingmaker. It's the 21st century and you're living nearly tax free thanks to the exporting of a popular drug. Granted most of the citizens are addicted to it, that's hardly your concern though, if they don't like it they can quit, just like you did. And they'll probably have to soon. Why? Because war is coming... And perhaps it's for the best you retire anyway, you're starting to feel the weight of years. You'll hand things over to Smiley in a way that will best suit you both. He's certainly proven himself. Funny thing that when it comes to trusting people, you've found the younger they are the easier they are to figure out, kind of like following a baby eagle's soaring pattern on high winds to determine what direction it will dive. In any case you can only hope that when they come for you they actually respect your wishes to die in your sleep. Good luck Smiley, you'll probably need it. Year 60 Year 60 You open your eyes to a knocking from across the room, seems like someone is at your door. You slowly stagger to your feet and walk over to your dresser to get dressed, as you pull up your pants you look over to the mirror hanging on the wall. What you see isn't too surprising, age has taken its toll and gray/white hair now flows from your head. It's funny you never thought a mortal lifetime would ever feel so...laborious. "When did I get so old?" You think to yourself as the knocking resumes, must be someone pretty important too if they've been knocking for this long. You grab your revolver from your bedside table and make your way to the door, calmly unlocking it and opening it. Standing before you, smiling are three of your advisors; Ken, David and Ozzy. And behind them various others bustling about or waiting. You assume you're needed for some sort of state matter. "Got room for one more?" Smiley asks, pointing to the group who just waves sheepishly towards you. You were so deep in thought you hadn't even heard him approach. "Sure kid, but let's not keep the driver waiting all day, we gotta get to where we're going." The kid nods and you head outside, with your assorted advisors and entourage in tow you start towards the vehicle which is probably a few miles away by now. A majority of the people outside ignore you as usual, though a few scatter about on the outskirts of town bow as you walk by. Heh, silly mortals, you'd prefer that they didn't and yet most of them do out of fear. All of that will probably change soon, your buddy the Emperor is dead and his empire with him. Despite being friends with one of his more trusted advisors, the news still came as a surprise to you when you got the letter last week. Though according to David he'd been sick and slowly dying for years now. Makes sense that his death finally pushed events towards chaos. David had tried to calm everyone about the situation but it didn't really do much, a few of the citizens seemed less fearful with an extra dose of mercifulness but then others became even more afraid, expecting war to arrive at the gates. Much like the Great Lich Lord's endless army or the orc tribes in the Northwest, these facts just cause most to despair. After all how can such a small settlement of mortals stand in the way of certain destruction? Sure there's guards that help protect the walls but you doubt they'd be able to stop a real assault. If war came, evacuation might be considered but the world outside is just as untamed as the one closer to home so that wouldn't be much better especially with winter quickly closing in. Not that any of this is your problem now, you've completed your mission (Well saved the kingdom proper anyway) and can now leave whenever you please. Though going yet another series of winters out in the cold, well it's not very appealing to you anymore. Sure the bounty was high but quite frankly even if the pay was low, the thrill of hunting pairs with your innate ability to easily adapt made it more than worthwhile. Now? Now you're too old for that life anymore. While you may not prefer the idea, eventually you may have to join a larger force and settle down to a more mundane routine, of course with your past experience that shouldn't be too hard but it's not really what you wanted to do for the remainder of your days. Besides if you're fated to die in battle on some forsaken battlefield then you at least want the cause to be for something you believe in, like the Emperor or David for example. It would all be very tragic but such is life, but you have your doubts that the current leadership has the charisma or perhaps even the intelligence to rally people together anyway. The biggest problem at the moment is the fact that this little "Pacific Island" has no strategic value whatsoever. Well other than being a port of call for prospective adventurers, which if the rumors are true they're more likely to die in horrible ways in some dark dungeon as apprenticed to some Dark Lord and awaiting their turn at stealing madly from a trapped chest then ever striking it rich and buying a mansion. How cunning! Smiley Still, it's not as if you can place any faith in David now, despite your previous loyalties. How could you? Jahannam (hell) after all! It's hardly news that Heaven and Morai (death) are in a eternal dance to steal humanity for their realm. While it certainly sucks to get there before your time the revelations about David aren't entirely unexpected; still very shocking though. It's really not much different than the book (which no one seems to be worried about anymore) except in David's case he made a conscious pact for power rather than an ignorant one out of greed like Satan in the Adam and Eve tale. You don't know if the rumors are true about Demon Lord, but David was probably a more "realistic" candidate than most would like to believe. However now that all this has come to pass, its truth can't be denied! Still, you can't just hang around here doing nothing right? The full truth is out and people are dealing with it in various ways and the status quo seems to have been maintained so far and since you're technically an independent officer of the law right now, what you do is your business! Now there are rumors of a fallen star making camp out near the wilderness edge of the kingdom but given all that's happened, it's hardly surprising. (Actually fallen stars are pretty common-encountered out in the wilderness and yes you've tinkered with the idea that they're actually "alien spacecrafts") Whatever this star is, if it's friendly it could come in useful. However, even if your life now is more mundane and less taxing then it has been, that doesn't mean you can completely throw away all caution either... Only way to find out is to go see for yourself right? Also didn't a meteor once save the day back in your old games? You always wondered if there was something inside that you activated and while this "star" isn't moving, maybe there's something special about it...something worth investigating. You still have a few days left of your vacation days so why not use them? You may just surprise your younger self with this bit of extra self discovery after all. You return to your apartment and have little trouble finding what you need. A tent, bed roll and other outdoors type gear are simple enough to find in military surplus shops while your shortcut to the highway puts you close enough to the wilderness that you don't need a horse (besides you wouldn't know how to ride one anyway). You stayed up many a night reading those fairy tales and stories of heroes in need of journeys so of course the first night you choose to build a camp fire, make yourself comfortable and start reading from one of those old favorites. It's funny that even with everything that happened you still desired fairy tales, even if they weren't really "true." Especially after finding out how wrong they all were! The demon realm wasn't a scary place at all and in fact the demons were more reasonable than most humans you've met since your time there. You've seriously gotten through some more modern fairy tales now too and all contained very brutal acts of violence against various "innocents." You sort of understand why the Church warned against them now. Of course if you had been aware of 2 Player Productions back then, you'd know that most of the stories they were based on involved someone acting like a psychopath or engaging in incredibly reckless behavior. The Earth you experienced was full of life that wanted to continue living and to reproduce. Everything you encountered, from the zombies, to the demon realm, even the angels themselves all wanted to continue living. Everything interacted in some way too, nothing was really "static." The only entity you encountered that did nothing and was content on staying that way till the end was Joachim himself. The man just laid around his palace all day playing his lute and probably drinking. Even he was into self-medicating...well at least until you arrived anyway. It was with these thoughts that your mind started to wander and before you knew it, your surroundings became darker... "Probably asleep again...gotta get myself a bell or something." You say to yourself as you stand up, finding the clearing completely empty as usual... Just as you turn to pick up your book, a red fox slowly comes out of the trees and stares at you. (AN: If you're familiar with Kiseki, then you may notice this is the version from that screenshot/official art of Kit from years back) It keeps its distance but takes interest in you. "Hello little fellow. Hiking far?" You call out but it simply watches you. Shrugging, you turn to the fire, putting your book in your bag, that's when you hear a voice. "Howdy! Traveling through these parts I see. Mind if I join ya for a moment?" Comes the smooth, dripping southern accent. You look up and spot an old man in a dirty gray jacket with a filthy rag for a hat and a crooked wooden cane. The man reminds you of the Sandman from those old fairy tales, which is appropriate considering his next words. "Seeing as yer sleeping under the stars tonight, I'd say you're far from home... Far from where you began... I take it you're a traveler? You holde no loyalties to the Kingdom of Man nor the Demon Clans?" "Why? Are there other places?" You deadpan, not giving too much away. The old man laughs a bit before replying. "One more question for ya: are ya a bad man?" Now this one you do find a little offensive as you reply "What the hell?! No, I'm not...bad...why the hell does everyone keep asking me this?" to which the man just nods with a bit of a chuckle. "Figured as much, that's good." before getting up and saying "Many Thanks for the chat and fire there, Bad Man. Safe travels to you." You nod but as he starts walking off, you decide to address one more question. "Who are you?" "If you need to know, I am Glass Jaw. Any more questions?" "What does Glass Jaw mean and why can I hear your thoughts if you're not a Psyker?" You reply quietly. (Glass jaw refers to someone who has an easily targeted weakness) You hear the man laugh before replying "It's what they called me back in my pugilist fighting days, saw a weakness and took advantage of it, like you did with ol' Glass Jaw, haha! And the telepathy comes from the elixir, a side effect, totally harmless but practical if you ask me. Now that I think about it, Margaret was right about you." Now intrigued you reply "Who's Margaret?" "You'll meet her someday if you keep heading East.Though I suppose this meeting counts as well... Okay Bad Man, see ya when ya see me, have a good night! The man then hobbles off into the trees and out of sight. Confused, you shrug and turn to your campfire, grabbing your book and reading it by lantern light until you feel sleepy once more. You wake up to sunlight shinning on your face and closing your shades with a tree branch. Afterward you begin packing up, eating a large biscuit for breakfast before thinking about the man you encountered. "What did he mean when he said I would meet Margaret?" You think, hoping the man would be around to ask but seeing as his only answer is "She's right there!", you're guessing he left some time during the night and continued his travels. Either way you wish him the best on his travels as, once packed up, you say "Goodbye, old man I hardly knew...err maybe I should elaborate." But seeing as you've never seen him before today, that's all you can say before leaving the campsite! With the sun at your back and foliage to each side, it's certainly going to be a hot walk today but with the Canteens filled up you're set for water awhile. You keep your eye on the sun as it slowly makes it's descent Western way, about halfway through your journey you hear the unmistakable sounds of hoofprints. Fearing for attack you dive into a bush and hold your breath, slowly turning your head to look in the direction of the hoofprints. Thechink chinkof metal reminds you of an old fencepost that's similar to what an amish person would use. Both Teckleville residents using this road. Farther down the road you see an older woman dressed in a long flowing black dress with a bonet on her head with driving a...well at first you believed it to be a horse and wagon behind her but upon closer inspection you realize its dark brown complexion, tiny wings, and mammal paws are unlike that of any horse. As the Woman spots you she whips her head around to look at you, hard eye contact causing you to freeze. Fighting off the urge to flee you manage to whisper Running would be unwise with the sun in their eyes, besides, it's been said if you stare at a fairies through your eyes rather than looking at them directly they become less powerful. Hunger, Thirst and Trolls would be much harder to deal with than this tiny fairy. You look at her continue stare. Speaking in a deep and powerful voice she speaks," Where are you going...Bad Man?" Taken aback you reply. Not but several hours ago you were given that title and already people are using it. "I am simply traveling East young fairy, and yourself?" The fairy chuckles and retorts" Young fairy indeed, it has been many years since anyone has called me that. I am Ral, and I go many places but I am currently stationed here." Staring into his sharp angular eyes, you are able to make out more intricate details such as his thin grey eyebrows and accompanying facial hair. His bonet is laced with gold and gems, the rest of his outfit decorated in jeweled necklaces. You often wondered what kind of fairy he was but his aged appearance destroys any correlation between name and look. Ral slowly brings his fingers to his lips and lets out a sharp, loud whistle . The loud noise startles you but brings the attention of something much larger, A large fairy beast with a long furry tail emerges fromthe trees on the other side of the path. Emerging from the bushes is a creature you've never seen before, a Caterpie transcending into a Domina. Not quite understanding how this is possible,you stutter."W-what is THAT??" The newly evolved Polte lays claim to the entire area, it's belly completely empty of any filament. Rather than speak it uses its ability and release a wave of ants which ooze from the ground and onto it's body. Up close you can tell it's size perfectly accommodates your size, Every last detail of it's hard exoskeleton recognizable to the human eye. It's bright red eyes remind you of piercing lasers, it uses them as such by focusing on you and releasing a few thousand Volts through it's eye. It slumps forward to extend it'sneck towards your height, the cool breeze carrying the scent of electricity from it's body. It's tongue hanging out to the side revealing dozens of razor teeth shaking in and out of its mouth as if hoodwinking you. The fairy which you now know to be Ral rests himself on its head and grins at you. "This here is my friend Polte. Although I call him Poldie but you can call him whatever you wish...The names Polte for short, isn't it right old boy?" The humunculus releases another blast of ants at Ral's face in retaliation to the nickname as he sits atop it to steer. "Go on then, boy. Eat up!" you hesitate and Ral quickly loses his patience."Don't tell me an emissary of Carif wouldn't have eaten your fair share of insects during your travels, mh? Don't believe what the priests tell you, this is nature's way and we must adapt accordingly or die. Now shhh...Sit down and enjoy the ride." Eyeing the antizapper you're given, you sit down and bolt a load of termites. You forced the bitter taste out of your mouth with a gulp of water, the buzz of the large bug attracting your allies up ahead. Having loaded your termites, you kept a close eye on your surroundings just incase you needed to get off in a hurry Whatever ride Ral was going to give you would soon be over as he brought the humunculus down a small goat trail towards the structure he was setting out for. "This here is my humble campsite." Underneath a bush covered in roses, stood a table and chair crafted out of sticks and resting on several rocks. Beside it stands a pyramid of rocks holding a large, uneven wood log over a bare flame. "After you." Next to the fire stands a large, brown pot filled to the brim with a thick brown substance, chunks of meat and vegetables separating the ingredients as it gently boils. Upon further inspection you can smell all kinds of different spices used while cooking the meal, your mouth begins salivating as your pounded stomach gurgles. In the chair watches a deformed, goblin-like creature which seems to be missing most of it's teeth. "This my best friend Moonkey. If you behave yourself and respect me and Moonkey he'll share some stew with you." A green, cricket the size of a cat sits in Moonkeys hand as he teases it to bite his fingers, giggling as the creature tries to nip at him. Seeing your lack of response, Ral begins to look a little irritated. "Anyway like I said it's just the beginning. Maybe in a week or two we can try something a little more daring." "Who's we, exactly? And what's all this we business, I haven't agreed to anything." The Zealot Lord suddenly looks very annoyed. Remembering things Rose told you about him is putting you in a pretty unique position to poke and prod at his very obvious Neuroses. "Look kid." He says grabbing your shoulder to look you square in the eye. You stare without fear, an act which causes him to let go. "One of two things is about to happen. Either you're going to cause me a whole lot of hassle trying to convince you or you'll see the wisdom in helping me out. Either your company is going to be useful or.... Otherwise." Rall states fixating his gaze on you. Without another word, he takes his antizapper out of your hand and goes back to feeding it to his creature. You realize the folly in pushing him, an enemy you don't really know anything about other than what that evil-looking woman wiki told you earlier. "... Right. What exactly did I sign up for?" Quite a bit actually, remember all that snooping around Ral's compound? Well now you owe him big time, not only will you help brew his Antizap elixir off-and-on over the months until it's done but you're going to be his personal stock boy when he takes over QuarterDays."Wow, brewing? Didn't know that was on my skillset. But if it gets you off my back, I'm willing to give it a shot." After your humble acceptance he takes you over to the table with all the equipment and explains the specific procedure in making Andite. Seems rather simple, combining that hog fat with ground ruststone should do it. You go to it right away while Ral feeds his ant friend, periodically looking over your shoulder to make sure you're doing it "Right. Hours pass and as your wooden bucket gradually fue itshog fire, he calls you to the greatest of all devices the Enchanter Zealot loaned him... The 2006 Innerwears Trendsetter Pocket PC! A device more computing power than entire university libraries before the dark ages, a true marvel of modern technology! He watches the colorful screen for a moment before nodding. "Just in time too, we're ready to strain it now." Found followed by fine quality. You never knew Ral was so found of puns! "Uh... Ral? Where do you want me to strain it?" He stares, blankly for a moment before gesturing to a spot on the floor. "Over there I guess." Seems odd, but given the man's clearly gotten everything else right, who are you to disagree? You hope he doesn't plan on me drinking or saving the mixture off the floor later though... Won't the big tub just collect all the filtering out anyway? While straining it over the bucket, you're forced to take several steps. Also on that side of the room are a bunch of machines with glass canisters stacked beside them. To your left is where Ral's staff lounge is located, big comfy looking recliner... Wait a sec. Noticing Ral looking at something else, you make a quick inspection of the machines while slowly filter out the mixture. Looking at the machine that interests you most, you see the words ROLLERS: TEETH clearly labeled on it, remembering that archivist's journal talking about "great crushing wheels of tempered steel" It looks like you just found what they do, after consulting with the stack of instructions you found on the shelf, placing the container on roller #20 seems to turn them on, and watching from a safe distance you're soon witness to the "Great Creations" of Ral the first. Taking only a moment for the chunks to be thoroughly broken then through a small hole before being spit out the side, you can make out several examples of "candy" under the roller as it goes on, turning them from chunks into tiny stones, which are quickly sifted out. Making sure you've got everything edible up to this point you turn your attention back to filtering. Since there's a lot of liquid, some overflow is inevitable before you get the hang of things, each area merging into another... But that's no issue since the large bucket below it will catch anything that falls through. There really isn't much to this. Several hours go by as you get into a rhythm, dumping the next bucket of liquid over the filter and back into the large tank for storage, then throw out the remaining solids before doing it all over again. It certainly is a lot of standing and walking though, those Goliaths weren't lying about that. Four buckets later a creation comes out in a way you didn't expect. Most of the liquid seems to have been absorbed into the various unnameable solids in it, which while still solid... Are now almost a paste and quite edible. Yep, no question about it, anyone who tasted it would rather eat the creator than this... YUCK! After a few hours more of this process, you get another surprise as Ral comes over and sticks his finger in the mixture before casually taking a lick. "Almost," he says to himself, not noticing you wincing in pain at his disgusting act. "Getting there... Just need to add a few ingredients." Looking over the instructions again for anything that may resemble what he just added, (you didn't even notice him bringing anything else in) you come across one item as having some effects, "Possible psychological effects, disclorization, and an unusually mellow high." That explains a lot. Still, with everything you've been through you'd rather not chance eating that slop, even if these "psychological effects" are a nice thought. Just as you were about to get started again, Raling comes up with some meal you can't even identify, "Here," he says shoving it at you. Warily, (who knew what this stuff would do to you) you take a bite, and nearly gag as the nastiness floods your mouth, filling it with a slimy texture that neither settles nor washes away no matter how much you try. Rather irritably you bark at Ral, "Do you have anything I could mix this with to make it bearable?" "Ah, I forgot something!" he says suddenly, running back over to one of his desks and rummaging through several containers before pulling out a vial. Pouring some of the contents into the goop, he hands it back to you. Using your finger to stir it only slightly to make sure everything was combined, you tentatively taste it once more, and are pleasantly met with the flavor of the goop beginning to turn slightly sour. Even Ral seems happy at this wondrous event, though he quickly dismisses himself after stopping for a quick bite. Guess perfectionists don't wait for the "edible." Even though you could now easily finish the box of goop, you decide to wait until you can order something else strength wise and eat that when this runs out. Ral may have left without asking, but you have a feeling he'll be back soon enough on some pretense or another. Just as you finish this thought, he does exactly that. "I simply must ask your assistance on something right now or I'm sure my head will explode!" He begins without a greeting or even looking at you. "I need you to help Rep Groupies R & R. They keep getting themselves killed during audience interactions, which brings me no pleasure in doing, and I need them alive for when the bands come through here on tour!" Well there goes your peaceful meal... "What exactly do you want me to do," you ask, already getting up. "I'll inform the staff about you and have them send anyone with questions to you or have them read your employee file, which I will also attach a copy of this too," he says, sending the message and retracting the antenna back into his body. Suddenly Rep Groupies R & R comes swarming out of the employee area, a huge horde of them already chatting away about nothing in particular- except the topic of question is you. Or more specifically, asking you questions. Ral was right. This will be the extra strength food... For the next hour you spend it all answering questions of every sort from how you like the hotel so far to whether or not you thought the kick was worth it when you joined the Crimson Talons...which they knew already. Some of them, (the scads that just popped up out of nowhere) actually give you a face while others bombard you with cheap shots and poorly done insults obviously trying to make fools of themselves to see if they can get a rise out of you. There are even some, (the overly touchy types) that try to grope you, which causes a whole different kind argument entirely. "Hey, back off!" you snap at one, registering just how out of hand this was getting. "Oh, so you don't like girls? Big surprise there," says the little blonde thing, followed by another insulting comment in Spanish. It doesn't help that all of them seem utterly oblivious to the fact that you are a "higher up". "Look, I'm not into any of you, alright? So just leave me alone! Now go bother someone else with the English part of this staff! Jeez..." You bit back, standing your ground the entire time. "Relax, sweetie. We'll leave you alone," says the little blonde thing in an almost conciliatory tone. That would be the last time you'd hear it though since the little guy doesn't stick around for long. After seeing their girlfriends storm off, some of the guys likewise decided to do the same, leaving you alone to enjoy the rest of your meal in peace. "I guess this is a job too," you mutter to yourself as you go back to walking, finishing off the meal. Over the next few weeks, you find that you really don't mind this job much at all. As large as it is, it's surprisingly laid back save for important events where big money is involved. In fact, if Rita isn't on duty, then there is very little supervision at all save for the initial training you got. Due to Ral caring so little about his actual business, his hotel is the place to be for people that like freedom in their job and plentiful rest time. So long as the work gets done, nobody cares what you do with the rest of your hours. And as an added benefit, Ral buys a lot of food from the farms around the city so every night there is always an incredible spread of whatever was harvested that week. It certainly makes the night watch a lot less dull. Working the nightwatch during the week also means you get little scenes of seeing Rita come in after her long days of scouting and spying as well as shows up in the employee room now and then to grab a coffee or to have a quick chat with you before heading to her room for the rest required after a night shift. By the end of the second week, Rita even encouraged you to head down to one of the farms to poach yourself an egg donor. Given how laid back the job is, you don't see why not and stumble upon a slightly chubby blonde who looked about ready to drop from another one of Rita's scouting trips. You spend the night with her in one of the hotel rooms after explaining to her that the boss said it would be okay and while she doesn't seem to fully understand what it is that you want, she seems happy to comply as you make her feel like a queen. In fact, it was all so nice and fun that you've actually been going down to the farms on your days off just to hang out in the general area. You figure you can keep an eye on the area while also killing time with farmgirls supplying your room. Then came the day that Rita actually gets a job. "Diego, you look like hell," Rita says as she comes into your staff room. You look up and she's right; you've unshaved for about a week not to mention the bags under your eyes. "Just a little tired, had late night..." You trail off. "Go home then," Rita answers, handing over some cash. "I'll cover you." "Thanks," you yawn, pocketing the money. "This should be enough right?" "Should be, see ya'" Rita says, grabbing your seat to get comfortable while she keeps an eye on the street below. You were lucky to grab a job like this; not many care for night shift security work after all. Most prefer being active during the day instead so there's more chance of pay and positions available. Still, with as many Underworld types that are around here, it doesn't really make that much of a difference anyway. You take your leave and head out, grabbing breakfast before going back to your room to get some sleep. You can probably get a farmgirl to come in later if you're still awake then. You end up sleeping through most of the day and into the night before you finally wake up. You yawn as you stand, realizing just how hungry and thirsty you are. You also take time to go over to the hotel's garden to steal some fruits as you still owe them for all the produce you've been taking. Yep, definitely should have just gone with the farmgirl. Still, what's done is done and your stomach is telling you that it's not going to wait. You take your fruits and head out only to find John standing and facing you. "You look terrible," John coldy says. You look at him before scrathing at your head. "You're telling me," you say, returning back to your room only to find that he was standing in the way. "Get out of my way, I gotta' eat." "What the hell did you think you were doing?" John asks raising his voice a little. "Having a good time," You shrug, this prompting him to grab your collar and pushing you against the wall. "Well, while you were having a good time, the rest of us were gathering more information; information that is vital to our success." "Get off me," You ask as calmly as you can. You're in no mood right now for dealing with John's moral crusade. Your lack of reaction seems to further anger him as he gives you an ever harder squeeze. "So what, you think nothing we do matters? People risk their lives for our cause and you just...'have fun'?" He pushes you harder against the wall as his nose becomes almost touching yours. "And who said you could just leave in the first place? You think you could do a better job than me, huh? Go on, tell me!" The condescension, the bullying and everything else he's thrown at you tonight, has finally gotten to you. You grab his collar and slam him into the wall. "I don't take it easy on you just because you got some sob story, you little prick. You don't like how I do things then you get the hell out of my way. Now get out of my sight before I make you." You punctuate your last sentence by shoving him against the wall one more time. He stumbles back before regaining his footing, glaring at you. You lean forward, keeping your glare strong. "Last time I'll say it, get the hell out of my way." The two of you stare at each briefly before he detours around you to head to your room. Suppose that was the first major conflict you've had in this organization so far. Guess it's good to know the hierarchy is in place. You watched as Rita bolted to her feet when John came in. The two embraced tightly before having a quick whispered discussion. After they're done talking she sees you and waves you over. "So did everything go...okay?" "Yeah. Mission success," You shorts as you take a seat on your bed. Your lie is caught almost immediately. "Everything went great." She says, dropping her voice at the end to signify the obvious false note. "Didn't it?" She's never really been able to pull wool over your eyes. Maybe being around her all the time has spoiled you but even at her physical peak with make-up and clothes enhancing her appearance, she looks like she just got out of a knocking shop. The tired circles under her eyes aren't conflicted either. And besides all that, you know her too well and can tell when she's anxious. You give her a smile and, taking off your sabatons, caress her face. "Everything went great," You lie. "Did it?" She asks, falling for it. "So, the Elder's death means we..." "We're free," You say with finality as you caress her again. "This is our home now. No one can challenge that." "Are we sure about that? I mean with the change in management...we won't have to worry about all the stuff we've been avoiding, right?" Your hand slowly falls to your side as you feel your fingernails digging into the palms of your hands. "It's a load off knowing that we don't have to do all this lying and hiding any more. I've..." You wince as you notice the same parallel s walking towards the door; only pausing to look back at you and Rita with uncertainty. Happy dismisses her concerns with a wave of her hand before turning back to face Rita fully. "Turn out the lights, okay? Things have been really hard for you in addition to all the other girls, so I want you to get some sleep after all this. We can clean up the Elder's death room in the morning. Thanks babe," You say and kiss her on the cheek before walking out of the door. Stopping by your room, you put on a shirt and drop onto your bed. For a moment, you just try to fall asleep. When that doesn't work try clearing your mind but you're too focused on other things. Getting up again, you take off your shirt and open your locket. The knife seems to watch your every move. Eventually you get an idea and sigh as you unhook your shield from your back. Lying down, you place the shield over your chest and stare at the ceiling in the dark. When morning comes around you find yourself with a handful of other Creations cleaning out the Master's quarters. His body is being disposed of somewhere off site while you're all sorting through his books, correcting any symbols that have been burnt onto them. Rita and Edgar are into it, saying something about how this entitles them to a lower wage because... Reasons. Edgar finally finishes his page, so he heads over to the table Bunny is working at. She thanks him for the coffee he's brought her while she works. You finish your last page and look it over before handing it to Happy, who's telling a story to Gwenny over at their table. She's laughing and actually seems to be enjoying herself for a change, surprising you somewhat. Regardless, you hand your book over to Happy who gives you a nod. He goes through the boring motions of burning the last sigil on the inside cover while you flip through it. Everything seems to be in order. "So since you're done first, you want to deal with these contracts and intake forms or whatever?" Happy says, walking over to you while putting away his wand. You consider it for a moment and nod. "Sure, I guess." "Thanks, you're a doll," Happy says, handing you a clipboard. You walk over to one of the two occupied tables and clear your throat to get the student's attention. The one with the fiddle, who sports a mullet cuts his blues eyes at you suspiciously while the blonde by his side unnecessarily apply lip balm. Nowhere in the room does a chessboard sit, so their game was obviously done before you arrived, probably wanting to see some "civilized" people. Continue staring at you, they slowly put down their clipboards and stop writing. Scratching at your temple, you try remember what Edgar taught you. "So... The Professor told me that you two were interested in joining without playing any sort of games." Blondie's eyes fix on yours as he suspiciously narrows his eyes, "What exactly did he mean by that?" "Um," You try to remember, but the mulleted one-- who you now realize has a huge scar going through his right eyebrow-- interrupts you. "You're one of those things too, aren't you?" He asks you gruffly. "Ah... Yeah I am." You admit. "But so are you, if you signed up. Mullet sighs and runs his hand through his flattop before speaking, "Let's just do this so we can get on with our mission, Ozzy." Blondie must be Oscar then. Strange choice in names. "Cool," You say sitting down, as they return to their clip boards. "What exactly am I looking for then?" The two pull them away from you protectively and Oscar says, "We'll tell you if you're accepted." You pout, at which point blue eyes laughs. You decide to flip through one of the clipboards anyway and see a bunch of technical notes. Strength, intelligence, how good they were at surviving in poor conditions and so on. Nothing you can really contribute to since your standardized test scores were always horrible. While you're doing this, the door smacks someone in the head as they enter. You look up and your heart nearly sinks through the floor. Flying in however, is a much more fitting term at this point. Immediately, Ozzy and Oscar are on their feet, weapons drawn and eyes hardening. Their dogs are growling playfully but with the same intent to kill present in their masters' eyes. "Good. You're still here." Master Ebon says calmly, standing in the doorway. "What the hell do you want?" Oscar snarls, holstering his pistol. "You heard him, were busy." The elderly shadows steps into the room and drags the heavy door shut with a thud, "I'm here for him." He points at you and you about have a heart attack. Immediately, you try to will your disguise to hold but as the monks walk briskly towards your table... it's not holding up. Oscar lunges over the table with his knives drawn and instead lands in your lap, having jumped too far. He looks up at you and you can swear that he looks disappointed. Just before the rest try to kill each other, Happy, as well as Foreman and the twins rush into the room. "Hey!" He cries out "What in the bloody hell is going--" His brows furrow and he addresses you directly for the first time, "He's with us." "What? This is...!" Oscar starts before being interrupted. "Yes, and if you lot can't tell a fellow shadow when you see him, you don't have the right to call yourselves that." "Enough! Outside. Now!" Ebon's voice booms with authority and you almost jump out of your skin. When Oscar makes to protest once more, you grab his wrist in a vicelike grip that cracks the bones. Oscar squeaks in pain as his dogs snarl but one look from you stops them in their tracks as you stand up, flinging Oscar into their arms, and follow Master Ebon outside. Just as it is outside, everything is chaos inside. Monks lay in serried clusters in front of overturned furniture while others run this way and that, arguing or desperately seeking shelter behind furniture. You and Ebon sit off to the side behind a sofa in the lobby, watching the chaos seethe. When you try to speak, he glares at you. After sitting in silence for several minutes, he speaks, "What do you think of our little gathering?" "It's... crazy." You admit. "Good. It means the operation is a success." A confused look crosses your face and he grins, "We're undermining them, child. This location is untenable now, not remotely secret anymore and extremely dangerous to anybody who owns it. While we didn't manage to get as much of their supplies, weapons or drugs we could have, this is still a victory for us." "But..." You point to the door where the chaos is emanating from, "the fighting, the ki...kids in the streets." He sighs and places his face in his hands, sitting that way for almost a minute before looking up at you once more, his demeanor much darker this time. "Listen child, this story goes much deeper than you think. Yes, we were in the right to bring this place down but by no means does that make us heroes." "Then what, exactly is going on here? Who are you people?" At this, he bursts out laughing, "Who *we* are? That's just it, kid. Nobody really knows. Some think we're the reincarnations of the Shadows, others of the Rangers, those who believe in neither think we're a mere coincedence. Mostly though, we're just men and women who got tired of looking the other way." Seeing you about to ask another question he interrupts, "But enough about us, tell me about yourself, kid. How'd you get hooked up with these crazies?" Somewhat hesitant you tell him about your parents and their supposed ordeal with the Technologists. "Hmm... I see." He says at last, staring out at the chaos once more, "Well, you're among friends here, kid. Though I should warn you that from now on, *all* of us are in danger. The Technologists won't rest until every one of us has been executed for crimes against humanity no matter if we had anything to do with the attack on their facilities or not. The ones here in this very building will be no exception... Well, At least yours and my names are probably already taken off the list. If we act now, we probably have a day, maybe two before they start executing kids as young as ten. They won't bother asking questions, they'll just start shooting when they see a kid with tattoos. That's what they do, what they've always done and what they'll continue to do." He takes a deep breath, "The choice is yours of course, but if you stay you'll be a target and if you leave you'll still be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life unless you do something about it. That's your choice too. What the hell do you want to do? Doesn't take you more than a few seconds to decide, "I'm staying with you guys, no matter what." "Alright. If we do survive all this, you start out as a regular grunt. Understand you have to do whatever assigned. Now I've already tooled up a bit so if you want something, now's the time to name it." "Uhhmm..." You consider the array of choices before settling on one of the newly acquired slug-throwers,"The Beretta. I've used one before so I think I could handle it pretty well. heh." He hands you the sleek black TEC-9 and any extra clip he has before saying, "Right then, Code-name: Edge. Accodingly, yours is Specter. Now get to work, we have a basement to loot before the rest of the boys get to it! And try not to shoot your-self in the foot or anything, alright? You're edges first operative and when we get back to the complex, I'll introduce you properly to everyone else. You can even bring that along if you want, certainly stand out enough." You pocket the extra clips and both of you leave the armory heading to wherever the teams have set ot for the looting. (Finally I've started playing. Expect updates in shorter intervals now.) A young Asian girl, Yumi offers you a hesitant smile while handing you a cardes with punch-holes in it's wings. It's frame is red, yellow and green. "I made this one. it's kind of... Cringey but Mrs Adolfsson said it was one of my earliest that showed real promise." Thatcher smiles at you again, "I really can't express how glad I am that you decided to stay and make the best of things. I know we're going to get along famously. Now on to business...." He pulls a chair out for you and gestures for you to sit down before seatting next to you, "I know you haven't been with us long, but I hope that you've enjoyed your time here. I'm sure you noticed that we are all a... Well behaved sort. We have rules and regulations, but I trust they won't be anything you couldn't handle. If at any point you find them unreasonable then please let me know and we can discuss an amicable agreement, but I expect that won't be the case. Anyway let's talk about the future shall we?" You had a feeling this was heading in this direction, but you remain outwardly positive, "What exactly were you thinking? "Ever since the Complex members started trickling out from the fall of society, they've had less an less oversight. Consequently because of this our experiments have changed and become less focused. This may be proven right with you. Before a selection process of sorts were in place to ensure that only the morally desperate would be brought into God's teachings, yet you were able to pass through undetected and I shall assume will prove to be one of our most successful recruits. This is something I planned to correct after the service, and with God's Blessing Mallory managed to take care of two birds with one stone. Anyhow now that you're here we can dig into the good stuff." "I'm afraid you've lost me..." You admit. "You had paintings and pictures on your person, along with several books most of which were from artists. Tell me about them and how they relate to you as a Creator." "Umm... Well with a mouse once heard an artist say that they didn't think of people as how they are now, but how they 'should' be. They considered everyone a work of art, living or not and tried to capture the core of their being in a painting. I guess for me it's the same. While math and science are cold and clinical. Art is all about passion emotion and loneliness." This answer seemed to please your Doctor and he marked something down on his clipboard. "Everything you've told me this evening has been very enlightening. Do you have any questions for me?" You do have several but can't think of any, you are far to nervous for that, so you just shake your head timidly. Your response is met with a warm smile,"Ok then, I think we're finished here." As he presses a button in the wall your seat moves back to the original position and he exits leaving you alone in the room. A few minutes pass and the door re-opens again. Thinking it's him coming back to escort you out you nervously smile until you see Christian enter the room. One look at his face and you know something terrible has happened. If he was upset or angry before, it's nothing compared to now. His face is one mask of raw grief and you could swear there are tears welling up in his eyes. He walks towards you quickly but not in an aggressive manner and grabs your hand to help you out of the chair. With your other hand he pulls you close and hugs you. His face buries into your chest and you can hear him stifle a sob. You aren't sure how to react exactly, but hugging him back seems natural. After holding you close for as long as he does he lets go and steps away. He gives you a smile, but his eyes give away how upset he really is. "Its time for us to leave, I'll explain on the way." You just nod and follow behind. Out in the main foyer of the 'church' you see other members carrying bodies out of the main sanctuary and loading them into black vans. Once you step out, two members stand beside you and flank you on both sides. You assume it's for protection, but they're enormous. They could probably snap your neck like a toothpick if they wanted. Both wear all black suits without a tie and black sunglasses. Though its too early to tell, it almost looks like sunglasses at night. Their sudden appearance after the act's over has made you jump and almost sent you into panic mode. A hand on your shoulder by Christian helps you keep your calm. "Just some extra security, don't worry they're here to protect not harm." He says noticing your shocked expression. You just nod in return as the vans start up and leave the Vatican square Circle-A emblems clearly visible on their plates. You reach park outside the townhouse that you see pretty much all of your clothes were bought at, you wonder if they kept tabs on you or had someone following you. The van doors open and you are ushered inside quickly, as the vans leave. Inside is the far less humble side of the Church, Gone are all the religious item's and pillars, in fact the room you're in sells rather well as a rich people apartment. You're sat down on a cream leather couch, that saddly compared to the one in your latest dream is very REAL and Christian is whisked away to meet with the other clergy. They play with their phones for a bit, but since yours have been taken away and you have nothing to read or anything else to do, you close your eyes and try to get some rest. You wake up as you're tapped on the shoulder and led through some halls and up a grand staircase. You are lead into a massive bedroom with an incredibly large bed and lead through another door to the bathroom. The shower is almost as big as your room at Uni. When you walk back through, one of the Jesus look-a-likes is there to escort you to a wardrobe full of new clothes. You pick out some tight-fit navy pants and a tucked in shirt and walk back through. The man stands smiling at you until you dress and then gestures that its time to leave. "The Boss wants to see you." You're walked to the door that you propped open earlier and shown in. This room looks like something from a castle, with stone walls, a massive wooden dining table in the middle and the biggest Kingsize bed you've ever seen. Three men sit around the dining table but stand when you enter. The one smoking leaves, the other two approach you. They must be the people that held the meeting in the church. This one is older and more distinguished looking he wears a black Armani suite, his hair and beard both silver and close-cropped. The next wears a simple work suit, but of course its top quality, he has slightly humorous looking face, a little chubbier than you like and light brown hair swept back, his eyes are startlingly blue. The final one wears a large black cloak with what looks like burlap strips hanging off it and peers at you with completely black eyes. You know the boss as Jesus, simply because your introduction was to Christan but the other two are a mystery. In fact they even give off a slightly different vibe to each other let alone Christan so you decide to address them accordingly. "Hello Sandeen," your hand is gripped by the one who looks like a demon, "And..umm..." you don't know any Satanists, "Master." "We've met before" intones the third one your sure you've seen present at the service. He has a rich voice that would make milk taste good. Your mind races trying to work out which one he is: Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub...? You just continue with your planned greeting, "I'm here as requested by fr...Christan." The Men nod and you sit at the table in an empty seat. Almost imediatley you are served drinks and snacks by silentwaiters. Decaf coffee with hot milk and an oatmeal raisin cookie is placed in front, although no one else seems to be drinking or eating anything. "So how can we help you? Surely you didn't just come here so that I could get your refill your coffee?" quizzes the man you assume is Satan. You take a long drink before answering. "Well your service was recommended to me...to be honest I don't really know much about his kind of...figures." You decide to just say it "I need a fake supernatural encounter to sell, something like a stigmatism or the ability to walk on water, or perhaps blade-less knives or something else that sounds a little...weird without being obviously fake." The men nod and smile and then look at each other. "We can help you with that" says Sandeen the master of Ceremonies "we all use something like that ourself to appear pure and holy so we can abuse people better." He smiles a coy smile, "though the priestly abuser tricks only sell for peanuts nowadays so we've had to innovate with demonic theatrics...though its equally as prible as far as the faithful are concerned. You go beyond the 'seeing is believing' factor for most Christians when it comes to us." "That's true, extrange things are seen much more readily than rationalised. Its an unfortunate quirk in human nature that makes our type of lifestyle much easier than it could be, banning Christianity for superstition and irrationality would seriously cut down on our workforce but its tabboo to do so nowadays". Reflects the man in the cloak. "I need to know how much you want to spend" proceeds the master of ceremonies." we can provide you with unnatural critters, Ethereal spirits, optical illusions, telekinesis, anything you can think of. All you need to do is give me a budget and a timeframe." You consider it carefully, "I Need something that could fool anyone, I can say Christan was doing for 6 months if needed but I'd prefer something that could last 2 years if possible". You pause to consider how much money you have before continuing "say about five grand? I can get the rest of the money for your work when you send me a bill. Its not likely to be an issue" "Hmmm, well you obviously want the best then, you want things that can't be disproven by impersonation or rational explanation. Also it'd be easier to do if we had a timeframe but since you don't we'll have to wing it a bit more." "Sure." You say back Sandeen turns "I want your word that this is for a special project and nothing else" You reply without hesitation "You have it." He seems satisfied by this answer, He turns back to the group and starts spouting out numbers "Okay so you intend to spend five thousand dollars, the maximum amount of money you are willing to spend. This leaves us a range of 13 tricks that we can choose from. Martha?" he answers his own question with a nod to a woman on the other side of table. She rolls out her clipboard to a checklist on the first page "Okay we have: Beasts or monsters appearing (size dependent on price), ground opening up and subsections available (size again depending), Clouds of fog (colors depend on price), obscurement devices, Sensations (needles, nails, knives etc. dependk on area of body and price), noises from nowhere (creepy sounds, horrific screams etc. again priced by us). What would you like to do?" The man in the cloak looks at you, "we can't encompass all of these in five thousand dollars but we could get several done. You may choose whether you want the cheapest one we have or a more expensive choice that is almost completely risk free, any questions?" You think for a second, "So if we spend enough money we can guarantee a monster will appear or something?" "Not completely, while the beasts and monsters are in our pocket we cannot yet command them when they appear, some are harder workers than others. Tell me though son and don't waver, do you want risk or bargain for something near certain?" Its your call now. Well thats the end of part one, In the next part will you choose the obvious and cheapest route towards your plan or will you select a riskier option with payout greater than the safer option? Let me know either way on my sub reddit (link below) and I'll post part two as soon as I can! http://www.reddit.com/user/asoffalo Part 2 out now! "Well now, you've made a choice so tell me about it over a drink." You think for a second, "Why not?" You call back as you work your way through the people cluttering up the hallways. Up ahead you can just about see the wooden door to the bar room Standing amongst a throng of miners you order a rum from the barmaid and take up position beside the door. This room is frequented by all types and should prove an interesting setting to see if your hunch was correct. Its not long before a large group gathers expectantly beside you for the barman to draw them each a beer. "Ah wont be a minute" he shouts over the crowd, you nod and edge your way through only to find an old acquaintance at the bar smiling back at you. It's Greg! Looking tanned and healthier than when you last saw him he retorts with a friendly "Hello Sailor" as you approach. You consider pretending you don't know him but he sees through you and gives you a big hug. Over his shoulder you spot sandy hair peaking over at you curiously from behind the bar, "Listen I'll talk to you soon ok but I've got to..." You start as a memory dawns on you and your sentence trails off. "You OK there?" Greg says snapping you out if it, "yeah, these last few days have just got alot to take in that's all..." Will you go introduce yourself to your new family or see what Greg has been up to since you parted ways? You: Family -Greg: Old friend Well you're back. That was nervous. But really nothing changed, I'd still bet you felt better for seeing them alive and well. Or perhaps you lied and said they were dead? Either way moving on.... You turn to face the big man who grins as you step towards him, "Name's Ant!" He announces as he thrusts out an eager hand for you to shake which you do before he continues, "Run the east side businesses so if you ever have trouble finding work let me know." You frown as hands you a grey card with dead black letters reading simply 'Directors' and Ant talking to you, "...back in an instant..." He quickly makes his way out of the bar. You look down at the business card finding what looks like butter stains on one side and a large coffee stain on the other. You are handed a large barmans glass and tutted at by the blond girl. Looking around there is little to distinguish it from dozens of other bars like it but you do notice a crop of faces nearly all looking in your direction. Taking a sip of your rum and coke you look out the large Tavern door windows to see if you can spy Ant, instead you see a large black gangster car pull up outside and two men wearing sunglasses get out. They look at the door of the Tavern for a moment and then quickly check around them before heading inside. You turn around to see Ant approaching behind the counter followed by... You clamp your hand over your mouth to stop the scream escaping as dozens of guns seem to appear in the bar patrons hands, you dive under a table as you see the smiling faces of Ant and the barman disappear in a hail of gunfire. With your heart in your mouth you carefully peek out from under the table and see both Ant and the barman now have guns in their hands, four of the patrons are still visible and one other has joined them as they fire back at the two men unleashing a barrage of bullets. As the assassins falter and fall a horrible realisation creep's over you. The barman had a clean shot and he didn't take it. Three men rush the door as the other turn and fire at Ant who throws his empty gun at one of them grabbing a dead ally's gun and opening fire. You hear shouting and and realize the first man into the bar is headed your way, you are hidden under a table with three corpses, two of which are starting to slip down towards you. Boxing squares: lives | heads' up:Knowledge is power, use it! You're out of your depth, you need to get help! You remember where Ant looked at the door before he entered the bar and panic rises as you grab at an idea. Cell phones. // They will know who to blame within minutes even if we don't tell them. They will come for us and then we take them down too. Do nothing - It's better they find us than... Live and fight another day sabotaging their plans. Call Now - we hold tight and try to negotiate with them when they arrive. The disadvantage is we let them regroup and re-attack while we secure the area, find some guns and hostages and anything else we can use as a bargaining tool. Do nothing - It's better they find us than... Live and fight another day sabotaging their plans. Because we are the Angel Knives and these M.I.C Clowns don't know what's hit them! Call Now - we hold tight and try to negotiate with them when they arrive. The disadvantage is we let them regroup and re-attack while we secure the area, find some guns and hostages and anything else we can use as a bargaining tool. Because, between us, we can do this. You hang up from your call and walk out the back of the bar area, the blond girl is following you. "I'm not fighting." She says holding up her hands. "Hah, neither are we considering the alternatives." You reply with a chuckle as pass her. You see your three officers standing watching Ant on top of a table fighting off the assassins like some cowboy movie, only here the bullet sponge is real life and he's already taken out three men and you can see he is charging his gun for what will probably be the kill shot on the latest assassin who is currently stumbling from the wall his bullet just ricocheted down. You jump onto the table shortly after Ant. You see him look at you disbelievingly. "DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?!" He screams at you but you're ahead of him. You swing your gun crashing into the nose of another assassin about to stab Ant in the back, blood flies and you hook his body, pulling him over the balcony. You can hear him land with a dull thud as everyone stares at you. You stare at Ant. "Well you killed two how about we settle into a bit of defence." He nods in between bullets Flying. You learn over the balcony and Look down to see the 3 remaining men fighting there way through the clot of confused barmaids, bar men and drug dealers that had stopped listening to the music to see what was going on. You quickly assess who is EIS and who isn't before speaking up. You can see speech has an impact when they realize there aren't actually ten or so New Model Army men causing the chaos but only a few, including at least one clearly high ranked holy man who was supposed to be dead by now. Ant and you quickly hammer out a treaty that mostly involves theEIS convincing the surviving chem dealers to leave as you have clearly won this turf war. You also make informal rules about how many new patches of territory (Like this one) are up for grabs without EIS control but under chem trade exclusivity to the holy smokes, there will be definite consequences if this rule is broken. After a few tense minutes the numbers even out and the remaining 4 EIS men walk from the pub with blood stains and some scratches from their trade but overall head and shoulders above the 20 plus dead chem dealers and a couple of dead hostages, you recognize one as the cook's nephew. The young girl that delivered the message still watches you from the safety of a busted out window. You look at Ant who shrugs, he still trying to catch his breath. "I honestly didn't expect this would work. Good thing you came along to tip the odds the right way." You continue. "well i didn't expect to get out alive soooooooo...." You draw out the word. "Yeah I know but that's how these things work." He replies. trying to plan some route of escape through the EIS controlled territory. "I guess we need to do is split up, make it harder for them to track us tomorrow but still probably going to lose some men." You add. "Better men than me." Ant replies wiping a line of blood from a graze on his forehead. With things settled down the priest Harribor clears his throat to get your attention "yes priest?" You ask for him to continue drinking from his flask. "There are more chem trades outs here than just mine." He points out, you realize that you have effectively taken over all the business of the Neck Snap Kidz and therefore all their business too. "We're going to have a new safe house but it's clear you lot will have exclusive trade here so...." He points out. "The Old Chapel?" You ask adding "It's nicer than the 100ish year old abandoned chem lab we're in right now." People start agreeing and you chuckle to yourself at how quickly they adapt to changing their minds. he coughs for attention one more time "Also. We're The Holy Smokes." "I thought it was just The Holy Smoke?" You reply annoyed at having to prioritize these things. He just gives you a fiery stare that tells you to correct yourself "Ok. We're The Holy Smokes lead by Father Harribor dedicated followers of the sacred smoke and bringers of the eternal high...s or whatever." You end lamely. he smiles and continue drinking. That's one more set of allies and all yours now too. Back at the chem lab Jake and Ant prepare beds for the upcoming night "Did you have to kill the cook?" young Levinson asked "He made a nice stew." This gets a laugh from everyone but you; you're trying to see how many men you'll loose crossing EIS territory in the morning. Your own private army. A recon group of 5 men including Ant, Red and yourself will cut through the sewers and two other groups of 10 will cross along either side of the roads, with a 'striking force' of 20 men ready to counter attack if they are spotted. Nerves get the better of you and you decide to pay some of your most experienced chemists to stay back and make enough Smoke to keep up supply while the rest of you are in exile. It takes all night to organize but in the morning you head out with a squad and 'poof' yourself across streams of iridescent shimmering smoke, you appear behind the old familiar supermarket. A low whistle brings your squad out of concealment and you soon re-group in the safety of what was once the loading bay. It looks like some odd people have been sleeping here recently "Recent meaning last night or the night before." Ant points out. It looks like the old communal house but recently the Skin-jealously owned bank has been looted, if all goes well you'll get the credit for that too. The door is locked but easily opened and a quick scout around has Ant reporting "Clear." Whether he means people or danger you don't ask. You quickly rush through and begin barricading the entrance; this just seems like common sense after the last time you were here. You post an inner guard and then head out as a recon team to find the missing guards. scouting around you move slowly across the car park past empty silos and burnt out trucks, all the things you've been avoiding looking at suddenly seem less threatening now that you're effectively Imperialists. Still, no one's about though so you head toward the huge bank window where the guards had been. "I think if they'd left with everyone else they would have taken the bombs inside with them" Ant points out helpfully as you were already thinking along those lines yourself. Backing carefully away you spot a trail of blood leading to the door of the community house and following it you Team automatically fan out 'cuz it could be a trap. Before you even get close the door flies open and a woman (a very nasty scar running from her ear to her chin) steps out knife in hand. [NEVER initiate contact in hostile situations!] Your instincts scream at you and for a split second you're paralyzed. Thankfully Red snaps you out of it by brains outflanking the woman and relieving her of the kitchen knife she'd been given to draw you in with. "She's one of the refugees we weren't able to save!" He reports You quickly fan out and search the area but can find no-one else, one had obviously waited hoping to harvest a few Imperialists before fleeing, hoping your presence was the sign the team inside had escaped. "We need to search for our own men first and get out of here. There are swamp-coaches that have been leagued into the city but they will still be dangerous and these deliberate attacks on ourselves won't go unavenged! You split up into groups of two and each take a side of the map, heading from street to street, floor to floor via the staircases and checking every shop, every room, any place where someone could be hiding. There are a few infected about but you just steer clear or shove them out of the way depending on how prepared you are. It's grim work but after an hour you are surprised to find that only three hadn't made it out alive. The Captain takes the news of the deaths hard but sprays a little irony over the those that died "Well looks like we won't be paying our respects to dear old Clarence at his grave after all, guess he's finally gotten his peace." There are a few weary smiles. Ant looks shattered by the experience "It affected him more than he's letting on, keep an eye on him" You think as the remaining guards begin clearing up and sweeping the area. You all pile back into the cars and head slowly over the barricades and back onto the open streets of the city. You return to the school unsure of what to do next, a few guards are sent out as a foraging party but you suspect without the food hoards at your school Ant's team would be hard pressed to survive more than a few days out there. There simply isn't enough food at any of the homes you've found to provide a daily ration for the number of infected you assume would be necessary to successfully breed from and really for all you know you may be one of a million copies of the 'original' you, there's simply no way to tell. The Captain agrees with you on all counts "We need more people, but who knows where they are, what they're doing or how to contact them if they're even alive." But with the lowest morale you've seen yet he also agrees that a show of force is required so he, Ant and some of the team set out to do just that. You find a quiet spot and sit watching the others milling around the school, living in an abandoned school wasn't something you ever envisaged when you were young! An idea comes to you - the scouts had sent back people rescued from isolated villages, uncovered abandoned refugee camps and loose groups, where were they now? You rush to the Captain and request a couple of the men to help you fetch firewood "I need to know where the other teams found survivors we forwarded here." He gives you the address of a small hotel and you round up Gerry and Tom to help you carry back enough wood for a decent fire. You quickly make your way there, it took some time to walk here in the first place and it's already getting dark. The shouts of street-urchins arouse suspicions as you near your destination but it's Gerry who stops you all as they pass close by "They're posters, look!" He's right, there are posters on the boarded windows of most of the houses here and a couple on the glassless windows of the hotel itself. "Lost beloved pet Rabbit, small reward for return." you all read out then turn toward each other "The other teams left survivors here to put up these posters" you finish. "We need to search the buildings." Is all that Tom says as he picks up an old scrap of wood to serve as a makeshift crowbar to help force entry. You begin searching houses systematically and it's not long before you find what you're looking for, the team had separated into 3 smaller groups, each of whom had been sent here. you find one man outside staring at the moon which has suddenly appeared from behind the clouds. He seems surprised to see you but not scared. You take him back with you to the school. With the onset of dusk, a few infected start wandering down the roads leading into town and you practice your restraint on them. It's harder to tell what's really happening but it seems like most only shamble a short distance then stop and do little else. A few however seem to have purpose and route-find their way through the streets, as darkness falls more seem to appear and by nightfall there's a solid stream moving down each road. You pause your searches to report this whereafter the Capt. Tells everyone to close all doors and windows in their building and wait it out. You head outside with him to gather a zombie for questioning "If this is a targeted attack they're going to primarily be aiming for the guards on the low buildings so we need to know where exactly these guys are coming from, do you sense anything unusual?" You close your eyes to feel out those nearby and after a moment point toward the North East "there's something different coming from that way, not men, not undead but something in between I think, a group of them too" he nods then gestures grandly toward the hordes currently putting down roots on the roads leading North and South "at least three groups of normal shamblers heading this way right now." You gasp "but they're usually so slow, we have time to stop them?" The Captain merely strokes his beard and nods thoughtfully "Some of ours are faster. Ready yourself young keener." You sort yourself out then nod back as he saunters jauntily toward the shamblers blockading the South road. He juts out his stomach and begins dancing from side to side as he approaches then springs into a shambling parody of an old-West gunfighter's dance, bullet-dodging style. As his last move he throws out his arm and sends his Tampon Shooter flying true, right into the forehead of the lead shambler who fells it with one shot. The other four seem to notice him for the first time and ponder him with a mix of curiosity and boredom. He takes advantage of their hesitation and runs straight at them shooting the gun right left and center, each shot bringing down a shambler until only the shamblers' lieutenant remains. He turns to flee but Frank is already rushing after him. You watch as they pass beyond the limits of your normal sight and await the sound of a gunshot. Suddenly you sense something above you and look up just in time to see a hoard of infected landing on the roof. You run to the nearest door and try to close it but find them throwing themselves against it before it clicks shut "THE WINDOWS!" you mentally scream at the others as you run for the stairs, upon reaching the balcony you see that they have less protection there and that the first few windows are already choked with infected. You do the only thing you can think of and lash out with your mind at the infected on the South side, pressing them firmly against the wall and ensuring they cannot get close to the windows or climb through. You hear two gunshots from outside as you succeed in pinning the infected on that side and realize that there are far more on the roof than there were just seconds ago "They've blocked off the birds and called in the humans." the Captain's warning from earlier flashes in your mind as you leave the lift at the ground floor and run to join the others. They probably only had a few humans in reserve but they must have scouted properly because they have a professional soldier up there fast-roping down from a helicopter and braving gunfire in order to tackle as many of you as he can "Somehow they knew exactly where we'd be." the Captain had said. You stand in the gymnasium between two shelves full of cans, momentarily stunned. If you had reacted a few seconds earlier you might have saved at least some of your companions outside but it's too late now. The Sergeant and the Lost Again are your biggest concerns right now though and you fully expect the helicopter to turn its attention to you once they're dealt with. You need to act soon. You remember the large metal gates beneath the walkway on the roof with the words Dont Look Away! in red paint on them and wonder what is behind them, the rest of the building disappeared behind there long before the stadium was ever converted into a haven so whatever it is, it's unmarked and unused. There is also an underground complex mentioned briefly by Frank but never expanded upon. You make your decision and head towards the balcony, calling back to the others that you're going for help while you still have the chance. You tell Glen and Ozzy to finish off the Shamblers in the gym and then come after you as you run out of the front doors. You find the metal gate easily enough and it's just as Frank described, chained and padlocked with aboard sign warning people not to open it. You shoulder is bruised for my efforts but finally gives way. Beyond it is a set of stone stairs going down pass a several man barricade and several "Groans" come from below, you wince at the noise they make and realize that you're going to have to deal with them sooner or later if you're here to stay. The barricade has an uneasy peace sign on it and states that the founders are inside. You shrug and walk in. To elaborate, there were five guys in the barricade when the plague hit. A nurse, a doctor, a cop, a paramedic and the owner of a gun shop. They gathered up every single survivor they could and when the food started running out, they barred the exit and began to strictly control what went in and out. They gave the survivors two choices, join them or leave through the underground tunnel that led out of the block. Not many took the option but a few did. Most notably, Garrick and his group were part of those who took their chances leaving the safety of the tunnel. No one was sent after them and any attempts to contact them were met with silence until one day, Ozzy came back alone saying that he no longer heard the survival community's channel being pirated by anyone else's signals.. Leaving them to their unatoned crimes, you jog down the stairs/ When you get down there, a man in a blood-spattered medical coat holds a double barreled shotgun on you, another guy roughly my age is holding an assault rifle and stands beside him. You freezing up in fear as they both look at you with cold eyes. "Kill her, Gerald." says the man with the shotgun without taking his eyes off you. "I can't, Earl." says the man with the assault rifle, they stare at each other for a moment. "On what grounds do you give such a coward's excuse?" the man, silver hair but obviously older than me response coldly. "On the grounds that she out ranks us both, you dumb sonofabitch." the other man's lip begins to quiver with anger and he points his shotgun at the man. "Doesn't she realize that I am in charge here now? With Nathan dead, who is there to dispute my claim? No-one! I will be in charge of the whole bunker community, not just this one haven, and what I say goes!" The man called Gerald lowering his gun a little, but still keeping it raised. "Are you saying there is a democratic system of government here?" "You were out awhile Gerald, there was a virus, it killed most people. The survivors grouped up in bunkers and built a system of government to keep the community running, some had a military dictatorship, others a system based on economy, we had a combination of the two. I am the leader, what I say goes!" You decide to get their attention directly. "Oh and I saved your lives, you're welcome." Both men were distracted and the man with shotgun, you now know is called Earl backs away aggressively. "Democracy? You? That's a good one! And what about him?" he points at Gerald. "Isn't he higher in the food chain than you are?" Gerald lowers his gun completely now as he realize what Earl is getting at. "What my "friend" Is trying to say is that, by his understanding, you are not in charge of security for this community. We are." You stand there in baffled silence for a while and then begin to reply. "Ok but surely I outrank you both, being as I am over all security. That means I can assign you both where I see fit." The men look at each other and begin laughing simultaneously. "Well isn't that cute?" jokes Earl. "She thinks we're going to help her clean up the trash!" Gerald bursts out in laughter as well. "Hahahaah, yeah, I guess rules are rules! Well we better get to it then." Gerald's mood seems to have changed considerably and he jokingly pushes at Earl to move. Now the two men stand before you as if waiting for your next command. It occurs to you that they may very well be the perpetrators of the event and if so, allowing them to roam free could jeopardize investigations. You could always reveal them as the culprits and have them both dealt with accordingly. The downside being that they are currently the highest ranked men in the security forces and having them executed would pretty much leave you open to attack, seeing as how thin the line of defense is as it is. Or you could just assign them to guard the door to stop anymore intruders come in and pursue the assassinations of prominent members of other havens. Well you did say you did not want the job... [Tweetbook Entry #74; hashtags:"avenge", "deadly", "pursuit", "vampires"] You are finally getting somewhere. The pair of them just revealed themselves to you completely and there is no point in pretending that you can't see who the culprits are this time. Which is handy because you have no idea how you would have questioned them further without them realizing that something was amiss. "So, it was your plan Gerald?" You ask, trying to buy time to think. "Yeah, he just doubled our odds of winning!" Comes the reply. A pointless rationalization for attempted genocide in your opinion, but then what does he know? He is a human sheep. "But he didn't do so well when you were on guard duty with him," informs Earl to you. You nod. "So I took the shot myself." Gerald looks at you proudly and then looks back at Earl. "Didn't think she had it in her." "No, apparently you didn't," comes the reply from Earl, who is now looking over at your fellows still patrolling the hallway. "Well we better get to assigning guards to stationed areas, I don't trust these guys to do it properly, you saw how they act like children out there!" Gerald nods his head in agreement and goes over to the nearest sheep. You are left standing alone wondering what exactly you are going to do. All the evidence is stacked up against them now and if you go running off to tell Reginald about what you found, they will easily get away with the cover up. If you try to send a message to the Quillar leader then it may take time for them to muster a force able and willing to attack. Time that they almost certainly need if they are to have any chance of winning. As much as their plan makes you sick, attacking a heavily defended haven known to house shadow guards, when they only have some Quillars to back them up, it would be folly. And if by some miracle they did win, then they would still be left with an ACTUAL siege on their hands arrayed with scores of shadow guards. Worst case scenario, you could actually all be wiped out if the haven's defender's holdout long enough for Empire reinforcements to arrive. No, there is no good way out of this. They are still under the mistaken impression that they can all make it through this alive. Getting them to go along with your plan is going to be hard. Although you aren't sure about the best way to do that, you know you have to try. First things first, you need to separate the sheep from the wolves. i.e. the humans from the Quillars. You call your fellow guards to come into the meeting room, where you quickly relate to them what the traitors had planned. "What are you going to do?" Asks Hamilton. This is the moment. They are all hanging off your every word, they will believe whatever you tell them. Lies or the truth? Well, what439;s done is done and lying is easier than the truth. "The plan has changed," you say solemnly. "It's too late at this point, as Gerald has already opened the gates to the Quillars." Gasps abound followed by some cursing. You hold up your hand for silence and they oblige. "That's right. The Quillars will be here by morning. We need to decide what to do when they arrive." There is a pause, as everyone seems to look internally and nobody says anything for about half a minute, before Kenneth whispers too softly for you to hear, but Earl apparently does as he replies "lowly peasants we may have been, but those bastards are worse," loud enough for everyone to hear, at which point Daniel adds "there's some sort of decency we can cling to even in this situation, at least what I think was decency." "Decency won't feed our families nor give them a place to sleep at night," Earl replies. "I'm with Kenneth on this, we need to survive this." This gives courage to the rest of the humans who all agree with one of the men and soon everyone is arguing amongst themselves. You bang your hand on the table to get their attention. "Quiet!" you yell, at which they all shut up. "We don't have time for this, the Quillars will be here any minute." "Well what are we going to do?" Asks Danella. "We need to figure out how to defeat this invasion." "Will they even want to negotiate?" Daniel asks. "They will if we take one of them captive," Earl says. "That's assuming they honor their word, but given how many of them there are, I don't see us having much choice." "But it's still twenty five to one," Kenneth says. "Even if we dig in and fight, we're still going to lose, We need a backup plan hoping they honor their word." You take this all in and then nod, "well we seem to have two solid ideas on how to proceed, everyone take five people, and guard a separate escape route. If they attack, the six of you make your way to..." "We're not prey!" Yells Unitells. "We stand and fight as one!" He gets agreement from almost all of the humans. The few who don't get a nod of approval pretend to anyway to avoid conflict. The human unity is heartwarming but not really going to help your odds. Time to assert your dominance, again. "So we're going with my idea then?" Nobody dares challenge you, but Kenneth says "your idea will get us all killed." "It gives us a chance," you reply. "Maybe not a good one, but it's something." Kenneth drops the subject and doesn't escort anyone from the tribe, obviously he intends to funnel everyone to the escape tunnels with or without your help. Meanwhile as Unitells starts herding most of the humans your way. You gather a few Tahlsi men to "watch the main attack". Earl and Daniel head to the highest point of the city walls and prepare to snipe the Quillars as they arrive. You head down with the main group, being sure to move slowly to keep up the illusion that you're inexperienced at fighting, even finding a few corpses to practice your Paled expressions of fear and anguish. The others in your group all maintain a cold and grim visage, which Unitelsls mocks you for when he see. "If they see you scared and upset, they'll realize your not one of them!" You look around the group and at the grim countenances, nodding silently. "I hope this plan works," Unitells says to you. "So do I," you reply. About half an hour passes and the first Quillars arrive. The tall lizard creatures are about as strong as Orcs, but as tall as humans, making them incredibly formidable opponents. They carry a plethora of ranged weapons from crossbows to bow and arrows to cannons and few other types you've never seen before. Each group tends to have one or two "leaders" that have extra armor and extra weapons and antennae on their heads that no doubt helps them communicate. An aspect that Unitells and the others didn't tell you is how spiders they are. TheQuillars might as well be called the Spider-People instead, given that they have at least eight long legs protruding from their bodies. You're self aware enough to realize that will make them incredibly nimble and hard to hit, much less damage. The horror stories of children scared half to death by tales of spiders come back to you as you remember their names: Aranea. Though given what you know about their lifestyle, it'll be accurate to call them the Rogue Aracnea With a unified cry of "Outta the way! Get back! Making way for the Kings dogs!!" You see a bevy of dogs running your way. Not regular City typeguard ones, but real ones like wendigos and hounds. Several dozen of them. Then you remember, they eat magic. You hope the tribe of mages are ready. After that, a line of archers a quarter mile long appears with all types of bows and the leader looks at his scrap of parchment then up at you and cries "For Bisley!" And they let loose a volley of arrows. Each member of your alliance has a metal shield to block attacks for the most part, but you still feel a few arrows hit your back and shoulders. Then a large portion of them retreat and you hear Unitellis cry "They've called in the cavalry!" You look to his right and see several catapults being loaded with barrels. As they are slender and made of wood you assume they hold a flammable material. "Light the touch paper!" the leader cries and a small fuse is lit. He then turns to you and the other leaders eye each other and the massive barrels turn slowly to face your direction and all you can do is watch as the Quillars begin their charge. Then, as the line of artillery fires, they unleash not fire on you, but something else entirely. The barrels explode into clouds of a fine dark powder. "Granadelds!" You hear Unitellis cry as the black cloud spreads towards you all. You drop to your knee as the mist envelopes foes and friends alike. With any luck the majority of the quillar horde will be caught in it, you just hope your allies remembered to do the same. You turn back to see several figures approaching through the mist and draw your claws. A blood curdling scream that pierces your very soul reaches your ears and suddenly an Unseeing Horror is mustering the courage to attack. You slash at it repeatedly, leaving long cuts all over its body that glow black, but it continues to attack with little concern for it's wounds. That is, until your final blow severs its head from its body and the derelict falls forward. You hear excited chattering from your allies. "See? Told you it was all in the wrist." You jest. Finally the mist clears away and you assess the battlefield, or rather what's left of it. Several dead Quillars lie on the ground and while your allies suffered some losses, it's nothing compared to what the Quillars took. Still, you see several figures laying on the ground. One of them is an Orc laying nearby a crater in the earth. His leg is missing from the knee down and he's gravely injured all over. You can see Unitellis fussing over him as an air of seriousness surrounds the normally boisterous man. You hear a cry for a medic and see Tomas carrying another Orc soldier, this one without a limb. You run over to them and see an unconscious Orc with a deep gash in his side. "What happened here?" You ask. "We got caught by the second swing of the volley. This soldier took the majority of the damage but we managed to drag him inside the 5th verge before he passed." Tomas says as he heals the Orc. "When did this all happen?" "Just a few minutes ago, but we managed to beat back the Quillars for now." Tomas continues as the Orc wakes up. "Sup kid how you feeling?" You hear an Unseeing prison guard ask. "I was healed?" He replies, slightly confused. "That you were, now get over there with your allies, although I think their battle is almost done". You see the Quillars bodies piled up and down the line, they definitely took the worse end of this fight. While you're looking around you suddenly see a Quillar leap from a nearby crater and stab an Orc soldier. You call out a warning but it's too late as everyone turns to see him finish his brutal work, impaling the poor soldier with his quills before running off back towards the Eastern border. "Lets go get this son of a bug!" You cry as you charge after him. I'm moving at such speeds that you can't keep up, no matter how hard you try anyway. Soon another Quillar and I are running side by side as we head towards the Main Wall.. We attack anyward lightly defended and we manage to scale it slightly worse for wear. Most of my allies have fallen, including the leader Gutter who dies scaling the wall. I quickly coordinate with the other Quillars inorder to organize a new attack. The scout leader has been killed as well, but I dunno what team he was on so I just assume hes been promoted to Flogmaster after his death. Our best bet is a large effort on the back left turret, if we can disable that then the gate will be open for attack. I immediately leap into action and charge towards the turret, eager to fend off any attackers. The Eastern border resembles a battlefield, both sides refusing to give even an inch of land, no pulling back, this is a neverending fight until their team succeeds, or they are wiped out completely. The bugs have the home turf advantage. The turret is heavily guarded but we still have surprise on our side. We leap down several Orc soldiers, I stab one through the neck as another Readi starts sadistically ripping off legs and tossing them aside. The guards here aren't as powerful as they mightve been expecting an easy fight against us but now they've been made aware of our poision, they find out first hand as another Readi sits strangling a soldier with his tentacles while pumping more poison into him. They instantly start vomiting and died wracked with pain before the battle's even started. We move foward and take out defense tower after defense tower without too much trouble, your powers proving vital as you shrug off arrows and crossbow bolts that would kill an Orc instantly and keep going. The Orcs, Humans and your new Quillar allies fight with equal viciousness making sure nobody takes advantage of you. We advance into the heart of their location while taking minimal casualties in extreme fighting. The Gate seems almost abandon by the time we're nearing it's position. It's up to you if you want to take the lead and capture it yourself or follow the others and try and defend our capture while they make the most dangerous part of the mission. After taking stock of some metal walls and machinery you could use to block off the gate in case any reinforcements arrive. Looking around the gate you can see alot of activity going on, large groups preparing for battle and even to your excited nostolgia horse drawn carriages full of reinforcements. If you take the lead and capture the Gate House, you can stall any reinforcements that arrive. Venturing further into the Base towards the gate seems like a bad idea. You're sure there'll be heavy guard posted, Ready or not here we come! You think to yourself as you go to move towards the front of your mixed group of Quillars and Orcs. You've just gotten up and are about to charge when a heavy hand grabs your shoulder and holds you back down,"Wait". A Black-Chitin'd Orclike creature warns. "They haven't finished their fight yet". You frown and try to ask who and what he's talking about, but the creature just puts a oversized black hand over your mouth and shakes his head disapprovingly. You are forced to wait outside while your allies slowly eliminate the stationed groups inside the base. It takes much longer than it would've without your prescence but your allies eventually finish off the last remaining enemies effectively securing the base. A strange kind of relief overwhelms you when you learn that not a single Quillar or Orclike creature fell in combat. Looking at the structures and scrap laying around the former combat zone, your eyes are attracted to a old rusty engine with wheels lying on it's side. "Care to tell me what this is all about now" You point your curiosity towards the large black-dark purple sting creature. "The Orcish Warlord Korgaz told you the truth when he said we've been fighting over territory with The Empire. But we also fight with the armies of darker foe then him." "Wait, all of your kind are native to this soil?" You confirm again, ignoring his slander towards The Empire. "That's for sure, we've been fighting the forces of the dead for many years now. The Living think us monsters and our brethren the Orcs think we native creatures to this world are simple scum, but our battle with the Necromancers has been the longest of all." "What makes you think they are Necromancers?" You ask out of genuine curiosity. "The way they raise the dead, I've seen it first hand many times. raising our warrior ancestors and most recently our young, kills us a little more each time." You think to yourself about vengeful zombie warriors and young but the concept still seems ridiculous. You'd think if it were that easy to raise the dead then The Empire would be able to just fill it's armies with undead troops and conquer it's neighbours in a single generation. "Well you'll be glad to hear that I know how to stop their spell damage from killing you and your brethren further." The Chimera Message Creature says happily to you awaiting your announcement of how the process works. "Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm a Sorcerer that can heal as well as harm." You answer without too much enthusiasm. Both your abilities were primarily defensive in nature but you suppose if your foe used Necromantic Magic you'd have to try and actively block it or risk taking some casualties. Your message companion reveals his name, Kyros and asks more about your origins but you remain rather tight-lipped about The Empire. He doesn't seem to blame you, and all conversation generally stops until Korgaz comes back. After about an hour of waiting, a much larger and heavily armored Orc stomps out from the camp entrance and begins heaping praises on Kyros for his work, and talking about taking the attack to the wizards that are attacking them. Kyros then turns to you and says that he has come to a full understanding with the Orcs, and you are invited to sit in on all future debates and discussions with the Orc commander, who goes by the name of Grizgot. "Now what exactly can these shamans of yours do?" Grizgot asks gruffly. "Because if it's chemical warfare, then we've already got an advantage over these magic using bastards. We come across a lot of toxic vegetation and fungus', and once you remove the non-toxic plants, you're left with a wicked brew that'll kill or incapacitate whatever stupid thing that drinks it. Trust me, if they start growing their bodies or turning into giant pigs, we'll be ready for them. Hell, if it comes to it, our shamans will even make that snail mutagenic so a single bite can turn something into an instant giant mutated snail man!" You pause and wonder whether you should tell the Orcs that their Shaman actually already tried that plan... but decided against it for whatever reason. "Actually, they're prepared for whatever tricks you have. Your dead seem to be stockpiling magical energy and they turned your greatest warrior into some kinda monster. My magic is more combat oriented against other mages, but still quite a bit more powerful than whatever those shamans can throw at us. Really, whatever they have planned, I'll make a show of destroying it in spectacular fashion!" "Hmm, good. Hopefully they've got whatever magic weapons they have entrenched at their fortress because that's where we're attacking! I'm sick of waiting and I want to fight! I don't care if we tear down their walls with our bare hands!" "Hold on there Griz soon your time will come but we need a proper siege. Hitting a fortress like that straight on would be suicide. You'll get your chance I promise, I'm going to go back and work with my Sorcerers in training and try to come up with something if you want to send over some of your best miners and diggers we'll get started building traps and deadfalls. Besides Immovable Boles, what else have you got to defend the flanks?" "I've had some of my best warriors guard the Bristleback Hides and do regular patrols. We also keep a high number of rations at all times since if we run out, its a one week trek back to Fort Everwatch!" "Dig in some farms and set up a couple lookout towers, nothing sucks more than running out of food. We'll use the caves instead, they may be rudimentary but they still give us cover. We Orcs have fought numerous wars with human tribes and beaten them all, dug in once we get something set up its nearly impossible to remove us, you'll see. You just make sure to give us a heads up before you start hacking bodies into the trenches! One of the reasons we chose this Land over Everwatch is the Orcs that lived here never trusted magic and kept it out, there wasn't enough of it ever to lossen our grip on it." "Oh no, these boy and girls have some powerful sorcerers in training but I think they'll find me a hard teacher! Maybe in ten years we'll have some for you." Griznof grins. It's not a friendly one and you prepare for the torment to begin, but he must be feeling satisfied enough with your tribute that he won't ruin the rest of your trip by flooding you with gut pain. "You take as much time as you need here, we need as many miners and diggers as you can spare, it'll give my boys something to do other than drinking and fighting. We'll hold of the raids from other tribes, I'll even send some kids over to you as well when they get old enough. You've been a great help, whenever we all meet back in Everwatch for those delicious little cakes, you can have the whole plate yourself now! Have fun catching up with an old friend. I'll be seeing you in the spring soon!" "Hang on! Just hang on a minute, I got so many questions! What's the plan for the spring if we're preparing for a siege, where are you going to be?" "Shh! Don't worry about that right now, and I've got plenty of food stashed away if it really comes to that but most likely we won't have to worry about such things. As for the plans, time enough for those when we clock out next fall. And with that he takes his leave of you, tossing a bag containing five giant eagle eggs to Choome before stomping off. Truth be told you're a little worried about the future but right now you're so relieved that you made it here alive and that's all down to Chieftain Griznik taking it easy on you. Even Orcs get a lucky roll every once in awhile. Spring fades into summer and summer to fall and everything is set up and ready. You're a little surprised to find that not many dwarves volunteered, they weren't fond of the place after all, but seeing as mountain roots are a perfect way to plug up tunnels and frisking about on high altitudes makes them queasy. They soon get accustomed to the safety of their new underground homes however and it quickly shape shifts to create a little piece of dwarven home in hostile territory. The volunteer miners largely accept your rule over them, not through fear but out of respect, Chieftain you are doing after all mean they don't have to work in a hole in the ground and get to live in a cave instead. The Giants would have had an easier time of it destroying everything you set up if you weren't drawing all your resources from the surrounding countryside and then some, shaping up rock and earth with your magic to create massive walls and towers. It isn't a true 'burg' like those back home but its close enough. Over six hundred Orcs in total now reside there thanks in part to the children you've been bringing over every year and growing them into proper warriors of the tribe. The humans and the stunted dark elves have stuck together too despite their parents urging that they form their own communities who prefer to maintain their isolationist ways. The arrangement isn't perfect but it seems to work as a type of powers split, with you as the balancer of the two. Every month when the moon is either new or full you have to meet with Griznik and report what's going on in your territory and he tells you about his. You're the only one who goes back and forth between the two groups, they are mutually distrustful of each other so it falls to you to coordinate everything. Keep it up for four or five years and nobody in either community will be able to remember what life was like before this arrangement Orc society has always been fairly patriarchal but now it's downright misogynistic. Many of the Orc women have taken advantage of their new residency in 'Greater Orcheim' (As the Integrated community is now called) and largely took over rearing the majority of Human and Dark Elf children as well as Orc. While their men do hunt and forage regularly for food, most of it goes to the community (And a lot less wastefully than your own community eats it too!) and so have little to do except bore their women who are stuck at home. "Well my son, change is coming to Orc society. Your children and grandchildren will not know the time where their numbers were few and they had to struggle every day just to survive." Your father Griznik's words at dinner couldn't have been more prophetic. A year after giving that statement he died in his sleep of natural causes (It was a mercy) and with him another era passed into history. You're 42 years old now and well beyond the average age of most Orcs but you carry on. You're Chieftain after all, stopping now would be incredibly undignified. You look down on the village you've created today as you often do. It's hard to believe that at one time it was you against the world. Now you see families going about their business and children playing in the streets near an overturned cart which some of them are doing climb around. You stop to watch for a moment as they laugh and hurl pieces of wood at each other. An absolutely alien concept to you once. "Hey old man, what you doing?" One of them shouts up at you. Hanging around children has never been something you're very good at but if you don't make an effort who knows what kind of mushrooms they'll pick? "I'm watching you lot play." You call down Most of them instantly flee at the sight of you but one bold boy who looked to be dark elf remains. They had been integrating into Orc society pretty well up until now but you had noticed a distinct chilling of their reception in recent months. Some probably due to the actions of your late friend and second in command Zuthrez but you had noticed a distinct shift in Orc attitudes towards the Dark Elves. Your relationship with one in particular had certainly caused some raised eyebrows and harsh words, although no real trouble yet. Probably best you speak to her and find our exactly what the problem is before it does You head down into the village popping into several shops along the way buying various sundries. One of the shop keepers raises an eyebrow when you enter. He knows who you are of course and naturally is always polite but there's knowing somebody and really knowing them. You've never been in here buying goods before. You move past the small talk and get right to business "Do you sell bahgo tablets." You ask "Of course all my Readers products are the best. Flower Power! Get yours today! Bahgo Tablet! A Fully Guaranteed natural high! Twice the bong for half the price!" "Just selling you a few so I can get with my lady. Don't want to be late..." You mutter in embarrassment "Ah. Of course! Certainly! To be young again! I also have the aphrodisiac version if you want... No! You say what I'm suggesting is wrong and grossly improper to offer to a customer and we move on! I'm not sure we have that many left though, only a few in stock I'm afraid. You can have it for free if we don't though! Nullik the gnome always comes through! Nullik the gnome has reputation for quality! What? Of course Nullik isn't my real name! Real name Nullik forbidden by cruel Minata warlords from discussing! Only true friends know of forbidden magic lore of Gloom! Nullik the gnome freed Goblin-town slaves during Gloom Revolution! Gave up citizenship and fortune to do so! Nullik the gnome has heart of lion! But only sale is bahgo tablets! For love of Nullik buy supplies! Free samples sometime! Next week maybe! Comes on harvest time! Soon come! You want chewing gum yes? Cinnamon and Kelp flavor also. Free samples of those too! Cheapest in Goblin-town by far! But only if you buy bahgo tablets. Nullik the gnome is vindicated! Thank you customer! Thank you! Thank you! Friend and customer of Nullik the gnome! Goodbye! Come again! No sooner have you stepped outside the shop when a hand clamps down on your shoulder. You turn to see the smug face of a Minatour. A couple of other Minatour watch on and nod in approval at their close-net finding work "You are confusing me with someone who likes to waste time, what is it that you want, I'm guessing its not my sparkling personality". "I'm here for the Crunch Busters." The Minatour obviously a peace officer or agent of some kind says. "The Crunch who now?" You pretend to be confused despite knowing exactly who he's referring too. "Cut the crap, I know exactly who you are, the entire security force has been on red alert looking for you and your group after receiving warning from Captain Illoya." You can see this news concerns the Street Guild agent somewhat, he would of course prefer not to be captured by his enemy. Your mind races to find an escape route or a solution to your current problem "I'll make you a deal". You quickly say. "I'm listening". The Minatour watching you says. "We are escorting two humans through Goblin territory, they are innocent and have had a dodgy past themselves. If I die or disappear for more than 3 days contact one of them and don't capture them, simply inform them that their target has been seized". "You'll find Miles Mason in Golden Tooth tavern in Klyton and Thomas Marsley living in Keplavisk. Just explain that the escort has been changed to themselves and give them this" You write down the name and location of the rodent temple on a scrap of parchment and hand it to him. "Will do". He nods in approval. "The doe will be grateful for releasing her prey". "No worries, I can escape on my own! You better go before the 30 minute warning bell goes or else you're in trouble". You give him a push in the back to urge him on. As the three officials rush of into the distance, you immediately bump into the Street Guild agent. "Quick we got 15 minutes to get to the merchant tunnel under the Klyton collective unless we want to be using the front door!" The Street Guild figure says immediately pulling you away and moving quickly. You follow blindly not really knowing what to expect or what is going on. Soon you arrive at an opening in the ground with a wooden ladder leading down. "After you Guido". The Street Guild figure smiles. Guess Guido is the Street Guild leader. You quickly climb down the ladder and find yourself in the dark sewer like sewers that Goblin-town is known for, Guido and the leader soon join you pushes you forward to move. "Hurry hurry! We don't have much time!" No sooner have you taken a few steps when the Guild leader shouts out in pain, before you even turn around Guido shoots the poor fool with his pistol. The Guild leader falls to the floor dead immediately. "Lead us to the exit Guido, we ain't got all day!" the other boss complains. As you trudge through the filthy sewers with your escorts, you notice a lot less goblins this time. In fact they seem to be scarce altogether. Eventually you reach a door and your escorts stop walking. "You're there". One says. "What? This is the main gate, where we came in!" You say confused. "Yep". He says nonchalantly "You aren't taking me to the exit?" "Nope". "But you said-" "You heard what the other guy said, the rat maze is a free travelcard for your use. It'll probably lead you to the gate anyway". Not really caring about anything at this point, you open the door. Standing in front of you are a few humans with guns. Their guns... seem very real... "Come on out now, your rat-friend just arrived and told us everything!" The Captain probably says. The trap is sprung.... Way to go Rolomag, you got led into a perfect trap. Standing in an empty ally you see the Goblin-town shift change and know that escaping through the sewers wouldn't be possible as hundreds of goblin stand around in the surrounding sewers... but instead of coming after you, they are cheering and waving their torches and weapons. You note that "Captain" who stands in front of you has a very real gun pointed at your face. If you had to guess, the "Goblin-town shift-change welcoming committee" consist mainly of Klyton military dressed as goblins with very real guns. As doors are being knocked down and really real guns are pointed at the rest of the goblin revellers, you learn three important things: One: Rolomag didn't betray you and was actually trying to lead an uprising all along. Two: The military didn't have a clue about the real plans. Some over-eager officer must have overheard a conversation and jumped to conclusions. Three: You may not be human, but your actions have consequences. Your escorts as well as you were shoved to the floor before government they were tasked to protect, has a very real gun pointed at your head. The trigger is pulled and your brains splatter on the wall... over-eager military officer jumped to conclusions and you escaped, allowing Rolomag time to strike... instead the military began "slaughtering" the whole town as an apparent show of force. The military successfully broke any will the goblins may have had towards rebellion and sparked an alliance with them under Rolomag which helped to topple Klyton eventually.... or something like that.... anyone who knows the whole story probably died years ago. Big Red was never seen or heard from ever again by the living. You pretty much died as relatively uninteresting secret-agent-like guy who did the occasional risk assignment for the good of the city but isn't this a video game? Weren't you supposed to become powerful and unstoppable? I mean you trained hard, sacrificed much and even died a lot. You're reasonably certain you even went out of your way to make some tough decisions and killed people that couldn't possibly be considered "evil". For example: You're pretty sure that kid was bamboozled into doing what his adult supervisors told him to do by manipulating his love of toy robots. Seems harmless, but it set in motion a plan to destroy Klyton using red-electric magic.... Sure, you've done some morally grey things in the past (or read about them at least), but now your able to do something about it! In fact, you've earnt a second chance! You can try again, with retroactive knowledge of everything that happened and took place in this world. You can't wait to take advantage of this opportunity. The stars must be aligned or something because you've been given an entirely new life, one of total power and freedom from all the repressive rules that kept you from getting stuff done before. Time to play the world! (You're ready to start playing, where are the instructions? ;) ) (There are none. How this story ends is up to you. Have fun)Tip: Remember to start a "do" input with a verb, ex: Attack the orcStory
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