#he thinks he's being secretive and getting away with it
sergeantbarnessdoll · 20 hours
Forbidden Love » Bucky Barnes (AU)
Pairings: Farm Hand!Bucky Barnes x Farmer’s Daughter!Reader
Summary: Your parents forbid you and Bucky from being together.
Warnings: mix of Fluff and Angst, language, making out (18+), crying, unplanned pregnancy, pet names
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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You’ve had a crush on the farm hand since the day you met him. You would’ve never thought of being in a secret relationship with him, but here you two are. The two of you are currently in the back of the barn making out. Bucky has you pinned against the wall with his hands on your waist. One of your hands was clutching his white tank top while your other hand was on the back of his head, your fingers running through his hair. Your mind began to drift elsewhere. You were thinking of what your parents would say if they found out about yours and Bucky’s secret relationship.
“What’s on your mind, pretty girl?” Bucky asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Nothing.” You say.
“You sure?” He asks, moving his lips to your neck.
“It’s just-” You paused for a moment before continuing your sentence. “I’m worried about what my parents will say when they find out about us.” You tell him.
Bucky pulled his lips away from your neck and looked in your eyes, his hands moving up and down your sides.
“Let’s hope they accept us being together cause I love you.” He says softly.
“I love you too.” You say, smiling up at him.
Bucky kissed you once more before going back to work. You walked out of the barn like you and Bucky weren’t just making out. You walked in the house, thinking you were in the clear, but you weren’t. Your parents stopped you in your tracks.
“What were you doing in the barn for so long?” Your mom asks.
“Oh umm-” You paused to think of an excuse. “I was talking to Bucky while he was on his break.” You tell her, lying through your teeth.
Your mom looked at you for a few seconds. She knows when you’re lying. You felt yourself getting nervous. You thought your parents were going to catch you lying.
“Just don’t bother him.” Your dad says.
You exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding and mouthed “Thank god.” to yourself.
Later that same day, you went back to the barn. Instead of going to the barn, you seen Bucky packing up his things to go home. You smiled and walked over to him. Bucky gave you a quick peck on your lips before your parents seen you two.
“So I was thinking…” Bucky put his hands on your waist. “We should tell your parents about our relationship.” He says.
“Me too.” Your fingers fiddled with the buttons on his dirty and sweaty button up shirt that he had unbuttoned. “I’m pretty sure my parents are getting suspicious. I had to lie to them earlier and I hate lying to them.” You say.
Bucky could hear the nervousness in your voice as he looked down at you.
“I’m nervous.” You say, looking up at him.
“Me too.” He wraps his arms around you, holding you close to him. “They have to know.” He says, rubbing his hand up and down your back to calm your nerves.
“I know.” You mumbled, loud enough for him to hear. “Let’s get this over with.” You say.
You and Bucky went inside the house and to the living room where your parents were, watching TV.
“Mom? Dad?” You say, getting their attention.
“Yes, sweetie?” Your mom says, hers and your dad’s attention was turned to you and Bucky.
“Me and Bucky have something to tell you.” You say.
You and Bucky sat on the couch opposite from them. You took a deep breath before saying anything.
“Me and Bucky are together.” You say, getting straight to the point.
“What do you mean you two are together?” Your mom asks.
“We’re dating.” You say.
“No.” Your dad says.
“But dad-” You got interrupted.
“You heard your dad.” Your mom says.
“If I may…” Bucky starts. “I love your daughter and she loves me. If you guys are going to fire me just because I’m in love with your daughter, then go ahead, but that’s not going to change my feelings for her.” He says.
“I think you should leave, James.” Your mom says to him.
Bucky nods and stood up, patting your shoulder as he walked past you and left. You just scoffed and stood up from the couch to go to your bedroom.
“We’re not done talking to you, young lady!” Your dad calls out to you.
You didn’t say anything. You closed your bedroom door and threw yourself on your bed, crying in your pillow. You just wished that your parents would understand how much you love Bucky.
You haven’t seen Bucky in a few days. You knew what that meant. Your parents fired him because of yours and his relationship. You’ve been feeling sick lately. At first you thought it was something you ate, but now you’re thinking it’s something. It didn’t take you long to realize what it was. You could possibly be pregnant… with Bucky’s baby. You immediately went to the drug store to buy a pregnancy test and went back home. Luckily, you were home alone when you took it. You had it face down on the sink counter. You paced back and forth, waiting for the timer to go off. You jumped at the sound of the timer going off on your phone. You shut it off and picked up the pregnancy test. You took a deep breath before turning it over. You gasped when you seen a plus sign on it. Meaning that you’re pregnant. You grabbed your phone and texted Bucky.
You: Are you busy?
Bucky: No. Why?
You: Can I come over? I have something important to tell you
Bucky: Of course you can. See you soon
You shut your phone off and got in your car to go to Bucky’s. Before you knew, you were at his house. You knocked on the door and patiently waited for him to open it. Bucky smiles when he sees you. He stepped aside, allowing you to come inside of his house. He gave you a much needed kiss.
“What do you need to tell me?” Bucky asks. “You said it’s important.” He says.
“Can we sit down first?” You asked.
Bucky led you to the living room. The two of you sat down on the couch. Your fingers nervously played with the bottom of your dress.
“I’m-” You paused nervously.
“Whatever it is, you can tell me.” Bucky says, holding your hand.
You took a deep breath. You decided to be straight forward with it.
“I’m pregnant.” You tell him.
Bucky stared at you with a look of shock and surprise on his face.
“Please say something.” You say.
“I- we- we’re going to be parents?” He asks.
“Yes.” You say.
Bucky kissed you with so much passion that it took your breath away.
“We’re having a baby!” He says with a smile.
“We’re having a baby!” You confirmed, smiling.
Your smile faded away. You thought of what your parents were going to say when they find out about you being pregnant with Bucky’s baby. They didn’t approve of you and Bucky being together. They sure as hell aren’t going to approve of you having a baby with him.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Bucky asks softly.
“My parents are going to like me being pregnant with your baby.” You say.
“If they don’t understand our love, then we’ll find it out on our own.” He says.
You and Bucky spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out how you two are going to tell your parents that you’re pregnant with Bucky’s baby.
You two walked in the kitchen of your parents’ house. They stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to you and Bucky.
“If he’s here, it better be important.” Your dad says.
“It is.” Bucky held your hand in his, intertwining his fingers with yours to calm your nerves. “I’m pregnant.” You tell them.
Your parents looked at the two of you with wide eyes.
“When did you find out?” Your mom asks.
“This afternoon.” You say.
“Who’s the father?” Your dad asks.
“That would be me.” Bucky speaks up.
There was an awkward silence for a moment.
“You’re out of here.” Your dad says.
“What?” You asked, making sure you heard him right.
“You heard me, missy.” Your dad stands up from the kitchen table. “If you’re having his baby, then you aren’t living here with me and your mom.” He says before leaving the kitchen.
You packed up your stuff with Bucky’s help and moved in with him. You exhausted by the end of the day. You took a shower to relax yourself. Then you got in bed next to Bucky, cuddling yourself against his side and your head on his chest. Bucky wrapped his arms around you. You let yourself get caught up in your thoughts.
“Do you want to get married?” You asked, looking up at him.
“Of course I do.” Bucky says, looking down at you.
“When?” You asked.
You watched as Bucky sat up and looked for something in the drawer of the nightstand next to his bed. He grabbed a small velvet box and turned himself towards you.
“I had a better way of doing this, but I might as well do it now.” Bucky got off the bed and got down on knee. “Will you marry me?” He asks, opening the small velvet box, revealing the most beautiful diamond ring you’ve ever seen.
“Yes!” You answered.
Bucky smiles and said the ring on your finger. He stood up and kissed you passionately.
“We’re getting married!” You say with a smile.
“We’re getting married!” Bucky confirms, smiling.
Bucky got back in bed, holding you close to him with one arm wrapped around you and his free hand on your stomach.
“I love you, baby.” Bucky says softly.
“I love you too, Bucky.” You say in almost a whisper.
-Bucky’s Doll
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xiao-come-home · 3 days
Giggling, kicking my feet, spinning in circles over Boothill...
Just imagine, S/O in a creative field, and they've been preparing for an event where they get to show off their work..
Except, they've been doing it in secret because they don't feel confident and they're unsure if people would stop by for them..
So cue S/O's surprise when they suddenly bump into Boothill at said event—maybe even burst into (happy) tears if he praises their work.. I just know this man's the sweetest for his S/O ;;;-;;;
YUEESS anyway this got kinda long but take it 🫡
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You knew the day was coming - the day so, so important in your career that could possibly shift everyone's opinion about you and your hard work. Day after day, more preparations were made, and people who assisted you kept patting your shoulder as you walked by, already congratulating you.
Yet, amongst all of the joy - your hesitation was certainly present. No one close to you knew about the event - not even the closest people, not even Boothill himself, who was your significant other. Even though so many already praised you - just what meaning does it hold if no one actually shows up to the event itself?
The lack of confidence and worrying were the only ones that bothered you to no end - which, Boothill noticed immediately as it was not your usual behavior. Not only were you constantly busy and away from home when he finally got back, but you were constantly stressed out. He tried not to pressure the matter as you were unwilling to talk, but that's Boothill we're talking about - which means - time for Boothill to snoop around and find out himself.
Today is the day. The day you anticipated so much, but also dreaded to finally have it happen. You hop onto the stage, and gasp at the amount of people below. You can't count the amount of eyes that gaze at you, and people seem to be genuinely impressed at your work - applauding loudly, causing you to tear up on stage.
That's a shame you haven't noticed the familiar cyborg who's been watching you the whole time, smiling widely to himself.
Once the official part is over and the festivities begin, people swarm around you to ask you more about your work or actual interviews, but you gently excuse yourself for now under the excuse of being tired. Surprisingly, the crowd goes away, but they'll surely be back...
You breathe in and out, shaking your head from all the attention, but suddenly, you bump hard against something and your hands automatically cover your poor nose; the pain makes you cry under your nose a tiny "oww," just what the hell is that pole here? Was there one before?!
"Ouch! 'm sorry sweetheart! Thought ya would finally notice me, but not that kinda way..." Boothill's voice reaches your ears and you open your eyes in the span of seconds, "I can't believe ya didn't tell me about all of this! A god dang event just for you, and those little motherfudgers that barely let me in, let alone get closer to ya—"
Boothill takes your hands off your face in his, pressing a soft kiss on your nose, "I didn't know my sweet pea was so smart," his voice gets softer and quieter, eyes gazing into yours, "I'm so proud of ya. I really wish you've told me about this, so we could be properly celebratin' this together."
You no longer could fight your tears and let them run down your cheeks, "I'm sorry, I didn't— I didn't think anyone would even show up," you sobbed, "I didn't even know if I could get through this if—" your sentence gets cut off by Boothill's fingers pushing your chin up and staring at you with ungodly amounts of love in his eyes.
"Silly you," he wiped off the tears with his hand, "of course they'd come. They did. So many people are here just for you, admirin' yer work and almost fightin' to say a word to ya. I know ya often doubt yourself, but, as you can see," Boothill looks behind you and see people fawning over your projects, "there's no need for it. You deserve all of this, sweetheart, even if I can't understand a single fudgin' word. You put yer entire heart into this - I see it, love."
Boothill's words only make you cry harder, wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly - but this time, your tears are those of joy.
After calming down, you sit nearby with Boothill next to you. Sparing him a glance, you confusingly mention the new hat he's wearing, "Ha! Took ya long enough to see! It worked as intended - ya didn't know it was me back there, in the crowd!" He exclaimed proudly, sending you a smug grin.
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Lucifer - [ FORSAKEN ]
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I need to write about him…! I literally can't stop thinking about him…like seriously he's been plaguing my thoughts for dayyysssss!!!
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It’s no secret that Lucifer gets obsessed with showing others the pleasures of the world and knowing you have yet to experience intimacy and now shy away from it in the afterlife simply because you fear being known as a virgin even in hell drives the fallen angel insane.
He figures your secret out quicker than anyone, always watching you closer than most, going out of his way to cluster and spoil you any way he can. When he's sure you're comfortable with his subtle advances, he moves into lingering touches and straightforward compliments.
You start to anticipate Lucifer’s attention, drowning in it whenever he's near. It’s a strange addiction you can’t shake, never having the chance to experience someone dote on you as much as he does, and he'll give into your sweet pining for him every time and not because he wants to be friends. Though it is rather flattering to his ego that you only have eyes for him.
His true interests in you stem from the desire to turn your soft words into moans of his name, imagining how the sparkle in your eyes will darken with pure lust when he fucks you for the first time, and deciding whether to make you take his cock once or more times than you'll be able to remember.
He simply has to lower your guard first, gifting you expensive items, studying your behavior outside of his company, and diligently building your self esteem with every word he says. It’s a methodical, harrowing approach, but he’s quite skilled at it.
Lucifer says all the right things and does what he can to earn your already cemented trust, and when he's sure you won't refuse his requests, he comes to your room late at night with a proposition.
He doesn't say much of anything when you allow him inside your room, eyes glowing brightly as he watches you perch yourself on the edge of your bed, gripping his cane to keep from touching the soft skin that isn't hidden by your short nightgown.
At first, his staring is something you're used to, don't see as a sign of desire, but rather a habit you assumed he has with every sinner. After a long moment, you begin to squirm, wanting him to speak since anxiety was your worst enemy, and being barely clothed in his presence was a reasonably new milestone for you.
“D-did you need something, Lucifer?” you ask him with a sheepish smile, and the blonde chuckles, biting his lip as he trails his gaze up to yours, “Yes, actually, I do, angel...” He shifts, doing away with his cane and top hat by the snap of his fingers before walking to stand in front of you. He may lack height, but you're shorter, especially sitting on a bed, and the instant height difference flutters your heart. A weird warmth spreads through your body as his scent engulfs you, a mix of pine and apple pouring off his tailored suit in waves and only intensifying as he brings a hand under your chin to lift it.
Lucifer is deliberately gentle, not wanting to startle you but drinking in your timid reactions to his touch. “Wanna help me with something important, sweetheart? It's fine if you don't want to, but you're the only one I trust to ask..” he smiles softly, holding your stare as it wanders his face for any clue to his true motives, but you find no hidden intent on his expression.
You're not naive, to a certain point, but he's far too skilled and manipulative to let you in on his goal, and so when you hesitate to answer him, Lucifer feigns a frown.
“Wouldn't you like to help me, baby doll? I'm your sovereign, after all, and it's only a small favor between friends..” his hold on your chin tightens a tad, and you gulp from the growing pressure he inflicts. You aren't allowed to look away from him then; the space between your bodies was inching towards non-existent as he nudged your knees apart with one leg, and you shivered as the fabric of his pants nestled between your inner thighs. A tender gasp leaves your lips as the fallen angel lowers his head, gradually caging you under his weight and closer to the bed itself, “You'll help me, won't you, sweet girl..” he purrs against your lips, breathing in the sultry whine of compliance you let out, “I'll help you, Luci.” You finally comply, running out of breath by the second, and deathly afraid of disappointing him with a refusal.
He grins, a deep laugh leaving his lips as you lift a hand to keep him at bay for a moment. “W-wait maybe I shouldn’t be doing this….with you…” is you can pant out as he grimaces at your hesitant action.
You don't want him to stop touching you, but you can't think straight with him this close, either, so you're prepared to break away from the devil himself until he smirks before getting a hold of your wrists. “What are you-??” The question dies on your tongue as he pushes you down entirely, grasping your jaw harshly as he kisses you gently, using his other hand to pin your hands above your head. You struggle underneath him for a second, trying to speak but too intrigued by the taste of his tongue gliding against yours, dazzled by the unfamiliar sparks in your core as he presses his thigh right on your clothed cunt.
That singular adjustment had your toes curling, a distinctive wet patch forming in your lace panties and rubbing off on his pristine white pants, and your face deepened another shade of red at the realization.
Why was this happening to you?
How could he possibly endure your hidden filthiness with so much passion?
Didn't he know you'd never done this before?
Never knew how to please another, let alone satisfy the king of Hell?
You felt a sliver of shame run up your spine, your heart beating louder as fear settled in your chest, and a sheen of tears coating your vision. “M’ sorry… I'm getting your clothes…a-all messy,” you whimper into Lucifer's mouth, absentmindedly chasing his lips for another kiss as he pulls away slightly to address your thoughtful apology -as unnecessary as it is.
“No need to apologize, sweetheart. I love to feel how wet you get for me…Dont you? Means you’re enjoying my touch…” he drawls nonchalantly, pecking your lips as you nod in agreement, tentatively rutting your hips against his thigh for more friction. Lucifer hums in approval, studying your new-found reactions and encouraging your body to meld into his.
“It’s only natural, angel. I know you can’t help it….”
The remnants of purity shatter from your consciousness when he sits up above you, suit jacket and vest long gone, and his dress shirt halfway undone to expose his ivory skin. Your break out into a cold sweat spotting the rise in his crotch, a noticeable imprint of his cock stretching the white fabric of his pants, making your head spin.
Still, your focus on his heavenly features falters as he spreads your legs to rest on either side of his hips. A jolt of embarrassment hits you as cold air floods over your wet cunt, practically leaking though he's barely touched you there, and you're tempted to cover up in shame as he lowers his gaze to the sight.
“Please don't look-” you start to protest, voice shakey with worry, but he ignores your plight while trialing a hand down your torso until it cupped your mound. A pool of arousal coated his palm, drizzling past his fingers on contact, and you cried out from the subtle touch. Lucifer cursed, taken aback by your sensitivity but even more enticed by the thought of using it against you.
“It's hard to believe no one ever laid a hand on such a pleasant sinner like you…” he mutters incredulously, fixated on toying with your clit, circling his palm over it while dragging two fingers further past your folds. You gripped the duvet with tight fists, eyes rolling to the back of your head as heat entrapped your core and body tossing about to lessen the new sensation in fear of a high you'd never known before.
“Don't make me…please. Th-this…I-I can't..” you babble softly, reaching to stop his hand with one of your own and attempting to close your legs for an extra measure of protection.
Lucifer clicks his tongue, a twinge of anger biting his pride, “Keep your hands to yourself, or I'll do it for you..” he growls, and you throw him a pleading look, afraid of his authority and terrified of disappointing him.
“But I-” you start to counter his order but yelp instead as he pushed your legs back open, landing a harsh slap on your cunt as a warning, and you heed it this time with a gracious moan. Lucifer's eyes are narrow as your face falls slack, a clear indication you enjoy him being rough despite experiencing intimacy for the first time, “It’s so easy isn’t it?…Enjoying another’s touch… It’s a shame you had to wait so long for it, Angel. Breaks my heart…” he mumbles, a triumphant smirk on his face as he finally pushes one then two fingers into your hot walls.
You mewl at the sudden but slow intrusion, greedily clenching down on his digits with a lazy smile adorning your face, nodding slowly as he starts to pump them experimentally.
“You're tight…warm too. Mmm, you feel so much better than I imagined, sweetheart. Well worth the wait…” The King of Hell praises you fervently, finding your sweet spots without much effort and abusing them to his heart's content. Your mouth fell agape, poised to speak but failing to do so as tempered cries left it instead. You were in hell, and the devil was making your skin crawl with a new sin you'd never thought of indulging.
Pure lust.
Lucifer intended to get you addicted to it, addicted to him, and nothing else.
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Should I make a part 2 or leave it be??? Hmmm. Choices…choices… I hope you enjoyed it either way cause it was just sitting in my drafts for the longest time.
Al don't be mad but you have some competition from this devilish twink- WOAH?!?? Who called him that?!?? (Not me I swearrr) ❤️ Alright ill stop. Credits to creator..
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webslingingslasher · 2 days
interest peaked… how the turn tables
how does trouble react when peter bites her? 🎤
'go away.'
you promise yourself that this is the one and only time you'll give into him. your face must show how annoyed you are because peter softens you right up with 'i love you.'
'aw. i love you too, handsome.' you wait for more, he doesn't offer anything. you lean over for a quick kiss before settling back into his sheets. the second your eyes are back on your book, peter bids for more attention.
you're not moving a thing, peter said you could read all afternoon if you wanted and you're going to do it. you pat your chest while shifting down, if he wants a cuddle, he has to come to you.
'i'm reading.' peter doesn't need another clue, he's pushing himself up and moving to lay on top of you. his weight adds a nice pressure, subconsciously a hand finds itself dragging through his curls while the other supports your book.
'trouble?' it's a whisper, you respond with 'shh.' your hand slowly stills the further you find yourself invested in the story, peter doesn't like it one bit. you hit the next chapter, honing in on heavy dialogue you're taken from reality and thrown into the page.
you jump, a soft yelp tumbles from your lips while your book drops and you push at peter's cheek. 'ow, ow, ow, ow! stop biting, stop biting!' peter digs his teeth in further, you whine and try to hold him back, it hurts more.
'peter,' you plead with his name and it's enough to make him let up. 'what? you've got very yummy arms.' it's the same excuse you use on him, you frown and stare at the soft indent he left behind.
'you bit me.'
'payback. let me get another.' you squirm away, 'no!' peter catches your arm and holds you still, you're still trying to fight him off when he latches on to the meat of your bicep. 'you're nibbling, i don't nibble!' it's a lie, you use him like a chew toy and you should be thankful he's being so easy on you.
peter lightly thrashes his head from side to side, it's like a dog with a bone. peter's the one with a pain kink, not you. 'i don't like it! i bite, you kiss, that's the rule!'
sweet relief, your attention lost from your damp skin by falling into the deep pits of peter's eyes. they're so pretty that you could spend limitless hours just looking at them.
'i'd kiss you if i could have your attention for two seconds.'
'then ask me!' peter blinks, a small frown forms. 'i tried. you shut me out.' he was pining for your attention and went for the one thing that would rip you from your alternate universe.
'does my petey want some love?'
a tender kiss is placed where his teeth were a minute ago. 'just a little.' you could set aside a few minutes, your book wasn't going anywhere.
'okay, give me hugs.' you ready yourself for a blanket of peter, instead he shakes his head and uses a hand to hold himself up, over you. 'no hugs. kisses.'
'what if i want hugs?'
peter said what he said. 'kisses.'
a pretend grumpy face, he surprises you with a peck. 'kisses.' you poke his shoulder. 'kisses always mean more to you, i know your secrets.'
'no secrets, i promise. can't a guy just makeout with his girlfriend without being interrogated?'
your eyebrows raise, 'from kisses to a makeout. see? i knew there was something up with you.' peter takes a deep breath and eases into that smile. the one full of boyish charm, the one that makes you feel warm and giddy under his touch because it feels like he's undressing you in his mind.
'trouble,' you lose all air when he places a barely there kiss on your lips. 'please let me kiss you.' you can't think straight when he whispers against you like this, especially when he's pleading.
'you can kiss me.' it's just as quiet, you can feel peter's smile when he leans in. he's so gentle you tug him closer by his shirt, in ten seconds you're pressing up and begging him for more.
you halfway notice when peter sets your book on his nightstand, this time you can't blame him for starting more than just a kiss. but you will.
'just a makeout, huh?'
'it's a paperback. we don't wanna crush it, right?'
'next time don't be so sneaky and just fuck me from behind while i'm reading.'
a sharp inhale, peter's pupils blow wide. an aggressive kiss, your bottom lip might be bruised in the morning. 'don't tempt me with a good time, trouble.'
'it's not tempting if i'm asking.' another kiss, peter can't hide his love if he tried.
'have i ever told you that you're the best thing to ever happen to me?'
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dadbodbuck · 19 hours
may i just add to your closeted! Tommy and Buck 1.0. having an affair scenario? confident tommy did not yet exist and buck going around messing around with a bunch of women at the same time would prolly fuck tommy up beyond repair. idk i think in this scenario buck would hold all the cards and tommy would have had no idea how to handle manwhore buck. someone needs to write that fic!
i don't know that it would necessarily be infidelity, because i don't think buck 1.0/closeted tommy would have the ability to ask to be exclusive (either of them) but i think you're absolutely right about it DESTROYING tommy. tommy who's finally accepting the whole "not being into women" thing, tommy who's slowly learning all the ways buck is reckless, sweet, kind, self-sacrificing, tommy who's falling a little in love, maybe. buck who is too, but he can't ask tommy to stay - tommy's closeted, and buck gets the feeling it's because he's ashamed of them (he's not, but nobody's going to get buck 1.0 to believe that). buck who can't stand being someone's little secret, tommy who's scared to be anything but. so they're not exclusive.
and buck still sleeps with other people. tommy knows, and never says anything except asking buck to get tested regularly. and it slowly eats away at the both of them - until one day tommy gets an opportunity down at harbor. air support. and he'll miss his friends (he'll miss buck most of all) but he can't pass this up. he loves flying. he wants the chance to start over somewhere new. he wants a clean break from this pretty, lonely, incredible kid who's somehow stolen his heart. they don't promise to keep in touch. to everyone else, it looks like two good work friends saying goodbye.
and then, buck meets abby. and tommy comes out. and eddie happens, maddie happens, chris happens, and suddenly five years have passed, and chimney is leading them into harbor's aircraft hangar with a sly grin on his face. and he turns to buck, and says, "hey, you remember tommy? i called in a favor"
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buddie-buddie · 10 hours
"I'm so excited you're here" for buddie 🙏
"I'm so excited you're here," Christopher says, grinning up at Buck in the way that never fails to set his heart on fire. 
Buck smiles, tousling the curls on top of Christopher's head fondly. "You didn't really think I'd let your dad have all the fun, did you?"
Chris laughs at that, and for the first time since Buck watched him walk out Eddie's front door two months ago, it starts to feel like maybe everything is going to be okay again. 
It's not that Buck ever doubted Christopher and Eddie would find their way back to each other again. It wasn't a shock to him that Chris wanted to come back to LA– that he wanted to come home– nor was he surprised when Eddie dropped everything to get on the next flight to El Paso as soon as Christopher said he was ready. He never doubted that any of it would happen. 
Some selfish part of him just wished it hadn’t taken as long as it did. 
He knows it’s what Christopher needed, and he knows that Eddie did the right thing in letting him go. It just hurt, is all. Worse than he ever could have imagined. 
It felt like Buck’s chest had been cracked open, a piece of his heart ripped off, torn out. And as much as time helped to close the wound, it still ached with each breath he took. He still spent the last two months walking around like a piece of him was missing. 
And maybe it was. 
He and Eddie had gotten together not too long after Chris left, and Buck had spent the majority of the flight fretting over how Chris would react to the changes that occurred in his absence. Somewhere over New Mexico, Eddie had placed a hand on Buck’s bouncing knee, the familiar warmth of his touch instantly grounding. It washed over him like a balm, instantly soothing the restless hum beneath his skin. 
“Baby,” Eddie had said, his voice low so as to not disturb any of their fellow travelers. “It’s going to be fine. Great, even.”
Buck had let out a tiny sigh, trusting Eddie and yet still finding it hard to shake the last of the stress away. “Wh-What if he changes his mind?” he asked, the words bitter on his tongue. “What if he refuses to get on the plane? What if he– if he wants to stay with your parents? Eddie, I– I’ll never forgive myself if I’m the reason you lose him again, I–”
“Shh,” Eddie’s hand moved from Buck’s knee to take his hand, lacing their fingers together and giving Buck's hand a reassuring squeeze. “He’s over the moon,” Eddie reminded him. “Has been since we told him.”
Which was true. They’d kept it a secret for nearly a month– from Christopher, from the 118, from everyone. There was something special about it, keeping their relationship to themselves. Something almost sacred about walking around with Eddie’s heart in his chest and being one of only two people in the world who knew it. 
As special as it was, nothing came close to how good it was once they decided it was time to share it. 
Christopher had been their first call, with Eddie assuring him that if it wasn’t something he was comfortable with, they’d end it. The thought alone had Buck’s chest aching, his stomach turning. He only just got Eddie, only just started to feel whole for the first time in his life. The fear that accompanied the thought of losing that– of losing Eddie– was nearly paralyzing. But it wasn’t one he had to sit with for too long. Christopher had broken out in a huge grin, mumbled something that sounded a lot like “Finally.” 
They’d told everyone else after that, and Christopher wasn’t the only one whose reaction to the news included a wide smile and the word “Finally.”
And when Chris had texted this morning and said he wanted to come home, Eddie booked two tickets on the next flight out while Buck threw their things in an overnight bag and grabbed his keys. 
Buck struggled to get the words out. “I know,” he let out a long, shaky exhale. “I– I just–”
“You’re worried,” Eddie, as always, knew exactly where Buck’s head was at, even before Buck did himself. “Because you think you’re not going to be enough for him. You’re afraid you’re not enough to make him want to stay. And you love him so impossibly much, that even the thought of possibly losing him again makes your heart break all over again.”
Buck nodded, swallowing around a lump in his throat. “Yeah.” He took a deep breath, trying to will away the hot tears pricking at the back of his eyes. “How’d you know?”
Eddie sighed, squeezing Buck’s hand in his. “I feel it, too.”
Buck's eyes shone with unshed tears. He brought their joined hands to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to Eddie’s knuckles. “What a pair we make.”
Eddie had taken his phone from his pocket, pulling something up before passing it to Buck. “I feel it,” Eddie repeated. “But I’m not too worried anymore. And this is why.” 
Buck looked down to see Eddie’s text conversation with Chris. 
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Buck’s heart swelled in his chest. He didn’t know if he’d ever be used to the feeling, to being loved like this. 
“There’s more,” Eddie said, scrolling down to newer messages, the time stamp indicating they were exchanged just before takeoff. 
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Buck lost the battle then with the tears welling in his eyes, the first one slipping free as he smiled down at Eddie’s phone screen. The tears blurred his eyes until the messages were nothing but blue and gray blurs. 
Eddie had taken Buck’s face in his hands, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. And then he met Buck’s lips in a soft, sweet kiss, one that said more than his words ever could. 
“Nothing to worry about,” Eddie had said when they parted, calm and reassuring. “Except maybe the javelinas.”
Buck grinned, blinking back the last of his tears. 
“What are you smiling about?” Eddie teased. 
Buck nodded at Eddie’s phone in his lap. “I think you have something to ask me.”
The corner of Eddie’s mouth tugged up into a shy smile, his eyes bright. “Will you–”
“Yes,” Buck didn’t even let him finish, too eager to get the word out, to dive into the next chapter of his life with Eddie. “Yes,” he repeated, grinning as he closed the distance and kissed Eddie again. 
“Yeah?” Eddie breathed, equal parts hopeful and hesitant, the word coming out just shy of incredulous. Almost as if he couldn’t quite believe it. 
Buck nodded, never more sure of anything. “Yeah.”
And now, they’re standing on the front steps of Eddie’s childhood home and Chris is laughing and wrapping his arms around Eddie and Buck is watching them with a smile so wide his cheeks are starting to hurt.
And then Christopher looks at Buck and goes “Buck do you want to see a javelina tomorrow?” and Buck feels like he just won the lottery. 
“Absolutely,” Buck says. 
He’s the luckiest man in the world.
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muntitled · 2 days
𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫
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Ghostface!Anton x fem!Reader | Shotaro x fem!reader
Warnings: Language, College!AU, Ghostface!AU, Incel!behaviour, Violence, Body Insecurity, Stalking, Cheating Implied, Catholic Imagery, Smut +18 (Minors DNI), DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, Dark fic, Inexperienced!Anton, Voyeur noism, Stalking, Masturbation, Cunnilingus, CNC, Dub/Con, Degradation Kink, Impact Play, Slight Bondage, Unprotected Sex, Mask Kink, Primal Play, Knife Kink, Blood Play, PIV, Mutual Virginity Loss
Reuploaded due to overcoming my writing insecurities. Read the warnings.
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You had absolutely no excuse.
Instead of pouring your attention into the gorgeous man peppering hot kisses down the side of your mouth, your gaze is planted on the casement window over Shotaro's broad, ruddy shoulder. And while he assaults your skin with a rain of sloppy, inebriated kisses, you can't help but let your mind wander as you think: it always seemed particularly sexist, that the boys’ dorm rooms had such a vast and expansive view of the city whereas the girl's dormitory was smack bang in the city centre on the other side of the district.
Perhaps not the best thoughts to be having while your study partner (and the college plug) was desperately trying to assimilate some kind of foreplay. Tiny cars strung along the streets created arteries of the city, as if the entire grid was a sentient being. It had the power to take anyone's breath away, but, the loveable, oblivious airhead above you, was very comfortable in the knowledge that your shortness of breath was all because of him…
"Has anyone told you that you're literally so hot?” You had learned pretty early on in your collegiate career that anytime a man veneered his words with this much of a slur, the chances that he was being honest was incredibly slim.. But then again, since when has honesty really been a defining male characteristic?
“Thanks, you too.” You whispered back with your eyes still firmly locked on the window. If only the city could be your lover
“I actually didn't expect you to be this kind of girl.”
Every single thing this guy said made your lady boner grow so horribly flaccid by the second. If he didn't penetrate your hymen soon you might be in dire need of artificial lubrication (which your roommate assured you was the very worst thing that could happen.)
“You just always seemed like the type to keep her head down,” Shotaro presses a surprising kiss to the very centre of your swollen lips. Your sudden influx of excitement at the action, not only leaves you partially relieved, but his hands digging firmly into the sides of your jeans is enough to reassure you that perhaps you weren't a raging asexual as you might have initially thought (and hoped).
“It isn't a bad thing, baby…" He continues to whisper as his plump lips find a particularly sensitive area behind your ear.
This was getting good…
“Just the thought that behind all that corduroy,” A kiss, “And pretentiousness," Another kiss, “And those undeniable book smarts,” His hand is cold to the touch as it slips beneath your woolen sweater, digging into your hip and wrenching an undeniable gasp from the bottom of your thoat, “I didnt think there was a nasty little slut so desperate to get fucked.”
Shotaro pulls back to admire your panting frame locked between his haphazard sheets and his exposed upper body. The sight of his red rimmed, droopy eyes and lazy smile glowing in the city’s technicolour spilling in through the window released in you, excitement and overpowered by an immediate feeling of insecurity.
“I like discovering people's secrets,” Shotaro grins before picking up his discarded jointcand taking one, long, sweltering drag. He leans down and your lips almost give way automatically, until he's blowing the smoke right into your mouth.
A groan mixes with a giggle leaves his mouth, and Shotaro presses your foreheads together before straightening back up, “I'm so hard right now,” He shakes his head before making quick work of killing the lit blunt and discarding it, somewhere in this room.
Shotaro lifts your shirt slowly, revealing the string of colourful beads dotted around your waist.
“It’s cultural,” You begin to quickly say,
“And fucking hot.” He concludes with a carnivorous grin before attaching his lips to your lower abdomen.
The air is vacuumed cleanly out of your lungs as your fingers find Shotaro hair.
He undoes your buttons while you feel the sudden inexplicable need to keep a firm eye on the open doorway leading out to the shadowy hallway. You vaguely know of a roommate yet you have no idea why Shotaro decides to keep the door open. However, the intensity in the idea of being caught spurs you both on.
If only you knew that the threat was not so hypothetical.
If only you knew that the pair of eyes you think you see lurking in the darkness is not, in fact, a mirage birthed from your overcast, sex-filled brain, but it's real.
And he sees you. And he is so undeniably disappointed in you for letting your natural instincts fall prey to such an utter predator like Shotaro. If only you knew that he saw you, even when you were seated in the very back of your Literature class. Never raising your hand but always mumbling along to a quote by Mary Shelley or Henry James, while the professor awaited the correct response from the rest of the class. Anton had always seen you, in spite of your shyness not despite it. It is from your wit alone and that narrowed look in your eye that has him tugging on his dick faster, while Shotaro begins to eat you out with fervour.
Anton nearly mewls at the thought of it being him between your thighs, wrenching those excited moans out of your pretty little throat. That throat that he would long ago have had locked in his fist while his fingers stabbed your pussy repeatedly and his lips danced against your soft, swollen, overstimulated little clit,
“Oh-fuck-” Anton blanched as his cum spurted all over his hand still stroking frantically at his cock. His mind was flooded with all the unassuming images of you he had saved on a private folder in his phone. Images of you biting your pen in a particularly boring lecture. Images of one of your braids hanging out the side of your mouth as you jotted down whatever you jotted down with such animation on your laptop. Every single fun and crazy hairstyle you wore on campus, slinking into the background thinking no one noticed but of course he did.
Of course he did.
“Fuck-Fuck-Fuck-Fuck-” Ethan slapped a hand against his open mouth, ebbing away his hoarse and desperate whispers as he delved further into the shadows. His wet curls bounced as his back hit the wall.
Before he lost sight of you for whoever knows how long, Anton made sure to look at you one final time before slipping away, down the hall to his own room just as Shotaro turned his head around in apparent alarm.
“Did you hear that?”
You most certainly did hear that but for the purpose of achieving your first orgasm that was not self-inflicted you dumbly say, “Heard what?”
“It sounded like-'' Shotaro's sentence is cut short by a loud and oppressive Drake tune that cuts through the charged silence. In a matter of seconds the boy abandons your exposed vagina in search of his phone displaying a profile picture of a brunette. You were once again losing your lady boner at dramatic altitudes, especially as Shotaro began to pull a shirt over his head and fumble around the room for his shoes.
“Something really bad came up,” He says as he drops the phone and backs away towards the doorway “Could we reschedule?”
What else could you have said to that? 'Could you please penetrate my hymen first before jumping to your girlfriend’s beck and call?'
“Of course. That’s perfectly fine." Even though it most certainly was not fine and your heart is plummeting as you pull your pants up with a nagging voice in your head telling you that 'You couldn't even hold a man's attention when he was greeted with the promise of sex. How pathetic could you get? Really.'
"I don't know how comfortable I feel letting you walk the streets alone so late at night, though,” an intense discomfort comes over the boy. It looks unnatural. “Especially with all those…” Shotaro trails off and you roll your eyes before sliding off his bed.
“You can say murders," you reply.
While Shotaro stands in the centre of the room, rubbing aimlessly at the back of his neck, you can't help but feel your attraction wane with his apparent and unmistakable idiocy.
"And anyway, that's okay. I'm not exactly the target of any murderer's affections." Not even yours.
You begin to gather your things, dead set on the idea of hiding out in your dorm room for the foreseeable week until the weight of this rejection is lifted. "I'll be quick."
"No, please, I insist." He says, ushering you out into the hallway before jogging past you. You wait idly in the short corridor with your backpack slung lazily over one shoulder as you overhear Shotaro burdening you onto his roomate.
While you wait, your legs are restless as your feet shuffle underneath you. That would've been all well and good if you didn't lift your Converse to see a murky white smudge on the wooden floor. Your eyes squint to better make out the stain in such horrible lighting but you're bombarded by a new pair of footsteps and a retreating Shotaro who screams as he leaves, "I'd feel much better if Anton walked you home!"
"So Anton will walk you home." Says the quiet boy in third person. A small, almost shy smile flits across his face as the front door slams shut.
Awkwardness settles when you run the risk of what is very clearly two introverts being forced to bare each other's presence. You had been walking alongside Anton Lee for 2 blocks and not once has either of you chosen to thaw away at the silence with a refreshing joke or some sliver of lightheartedness. No…
Everything feels so particularly heavy.
"We could cut through the park," Your voice sounds foreign even to your own ears, "It's the quickest way to my building."
Anton only replies with a small imperceptible 'sure' as the trees grow more dense around you, and the near constant New York bustle begins to wane.
"I'm sorry, you had to do this," With the sound of the city centre slipping through the space around you, you're compelled to fill the silence somehow. "I'm sorry for putting you out of your way."
The very next thing to happen not only surprises you but it sets off an equally surprising spell of warmth in the pit of your stomach as Anton throws his dark haired head back in a flurry of warm-hearted chuckles.
You immediately find his smile dazzling. It's so wide and all encompassing. Big teeth, big nose and scrunched up, enjoyment-filled eyes.
"I think I might've killed Shotaro myself if he let another one of his 'study buddies' walk home alone." He looks down at you through the corner of his eye, without ever once turning his head.
Only then do you take note of the sheer size of him. You could've easily been walking down this path with one of these dense trees.
"Very surprising that so many people like him, actually." Despite waging a war with his instinctive need to feel shy and reserved Anton cannot help but feel his natural inhibitions melt when he finally has you so close beside him.
"Very surprising that you like him…"
"I don't think I like Shotaro." You begin, "Not really." You make sure to keep your gaze trained on your shoes as you shuffle down the stoney path. Around you, midnight joggers, and crazy men high on various substances wander the park like forgotten apparitions.
"Yeah, Taro doesn't seem like someone you should hangout with." You raise a questioning eyebrow up at him.
Anton backtracks and fights to string along a functioning sentence, "Uh… I-Um-just mean, from what I gathered in our shared classes together-well, you're really smart! And Taro is…"
“-A mass of brainless brawn with zero wit and zero social skills outside of getting high and fucking?" You conclude for him, only earning another laugh from Anton that has your stomach warming once again.
“Remind me why you were about to have sex with him?" Anton fought hard to stuff down his vexation as the words left his mouth but to no avail. "I know what goes on when Shotaro brings people over to ‘study’."
You notice the vehemence with which he utters those words but you choose to not respond to it.
“Well I'm catholic," You begin, as you both cut through the trees, "And as much I pray to the Holy Mother, as much as I love and respect her, I have no interest in ending up like her
“Immaculate and deified?"
“A virgin.” You are unaware that your reply has Anton's gaze snapping towards you. Silence once again grows pregnant between the two of you as you walk. You begin to regret being so candid with a complete stranger.
"Ugh- I shouldn't have said that-"
"Hey, do you wanna play tag at all?" You're caught off guard by his sudden proposal, but he makes no move in explaining further as he continues to walk coolly, his graphic shirt flapping in the wake of a gust of warm summer wind.
"What if you ran," He shrugs, "And I tried to find you?” You can only look up at him with a questioning smile before he shakes his head furiously,
“Or not," He murmurs, his hands curling by his sides. "It's just, cardiovascular exercise might help improve your mood right now. You could run and I'd try to catch you and maybe it might help you forget but that's so stupid and I'm sorry-"
But you've already begun backing up. The park is filled with your happy giggles as you push the boy to the ground yelling "YOU'RE IT!" Before breaking off into the darkness collected amongst the trees. Your feet are set alight with motion, and your blood charges with newfound energy rolling through your arteries. This truly is the most alive you've felt in a really long time and you're quite embarrassed you hadn't thought of running by yourself.
You throw your head back, welcoming a gust of wind into your lungs. The skyscrapers peeking up from between the trees are quiet spectators.
Your eyes have begun to adjust to the darkness just as the very first spell of tiredness wash over you but you charge on, filled by excitement and that innate childhood need to 'never get caught'.
"I'm gonna get you," a voice murmurs from between the trees, only spurring you further into the darkness. Your once airy, carefree laughs have grown into tired pants as you feel the weight of your backpack on your shoulder and the first strains in your thighs. Your hair whips around you like the wayward petals of dandelions as you split through a grassy clearing.
You decide to take your break with your hands locked on your knees as you frantically survey the space around you. All appears calm but the inclination that this boy is much faster than you, has you beginning your sprint again.
"Fucking, fuck exercise!" You're panting heavily now and your gait has slowed down significantly however, you're surprised that the tiredness is not the only feeling coursing through your body right now but…
"You're gonna have to do better than that." You hear this from an unidentifiable location around you. Like a madman, you begin to grow utterly unsure of what you just released.
Complete and unadulterated fear.
"H-Hey, Anton!? I don't wanna play-" You place a hand on your heart, "I don't wanna play anymo-"
But a flash of black has already attacked you from the side, tackling you into the ground and leaving you completely winded. You try to wrestle him off of you but his knees lock on the ground as he straddles you. Your movements stop when you gaze up at Anton - or what you really hoped was Anton.
"Where'd you find time to change?" You ask, bring your hand up in an attempt to paw the Ghostface mask on his hidden visage.
You're wriggling and writhing underneath him but he doesn't move. His weight is practically as concrete as that of a cinder block on top of you, and there is virtually no way you're fighting him off. It takes all of 60 seconds of futile struggling to realise something was utterly wrong.
"Fuck-" The panic expands in your lower belly, floodinb your insides with fear until it inflages and pours out of your mouth.
"HELP!" You cry, "SOMEBODY! PLEASE FUCKING HELP ME- PLEASE-PLEASE FUCKING HELP ME!" You begin to cry real tears as you whip your head to the side in search of park wanderers only to find absolutely no one. The man above you quickly secures his hand over your mouth, collecting your rolling tears.
"Fuck yes…" You can hear his whispers through the mask as he lowers his head until his face is close to yours. You're quick in turning your head away from this monster on top of you but his hand on your wrist only snaps up to plug your nose shut.
Anton has your mouth and your nose covered in a horrible display of strength and danger. Your arms flail wildly around you and you're pretty sure you remember thinking the very frightening, very concrete thought that this is the moment your soul leaves this world.
But death does not open her arms to you, instead, you're furiously gasping in the fresh air that he allows you to have.
"Now I'm going to tell you one more time that yelling is allowed, baby. It's actually preferred, but, just not too loud okay?" You're nodding frantically once Anton uncovers a jagged blade from beneath the black robe. It cuts a menacing glint through the moonlight and you're only able to whine as the blade is aimed at your jugular while Anton's other hand lowers to explore the vastness of your clothed body.
"Youre gonna play my helpless victim alright-oh fuck, you're so pretty, you know that?." It's all so incredibly muffled from beneath the mask but the urgency in his tone has your legs squeezing together underneath him and your eyes squeezing shut in stark embarrassment of your actions. How absolutely sick of you to feel turned on in this very moment? Potentially more turned on then you might have been with Shotaro, in fact.
"Hey, it's okay, it's okay. I'll take care of you," the blade taps lightly at the side of your face, urging your wet eyes open only to reveal a blurry distorted image of the Ghostface above. "I'm honoured to be your first, okay?" You're only able to wail helplessly into his gloves as his other hand undoes the buttons of your cargo pants.
Anton rips your pants off like a madman, failing to hide his urgency or his jittery, maniacal movements. He doesn't even have your pants down all the way before his hand is buried in your cunt.
"I've watched enough porn to know I'm supposed to get you ready. And while raping you may be what this looks like I have no intention of leaving you unsatisfied." He words are slurred as you feel his gloved fingers enter your soaked vagina.
"You're already wet?" He remarks in complete disbelief as he uncovers his hand from the confines of your ruined panties. The Ghostface mask is lifted and discarded somewhere behind him only to reveal a painting boy with wild curls and wide eyes. He gazes at the arousal in awe, raising it up into the moonlight as he moves his fingers around it. Your breath shudders as Anton instinctively places those fingers directly in his mouth. He moans around them, before gazing down at your glistening cunt.
"I need you." He begins to plead as his voice cracks and his eyebrows curve inwards, "Please, I need you so bad." The knife is momentarily released from your throat as he sits back on his haunches. Anton rips his gloves off with his teeth before eagerly delving underneath his own robes to shove his hands down his sweatpants. You watch dazed as he jerks off above you, never once stopping his helpless cries. Cries that make the ache between your legs grow hotter and heavier, and your breathing once again picks up as you gaze up at him.
"A-Anton?" Your own voice cracks in the wake of not only your arousal but by the way you were crying your lungs out just a second ago.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"Please fuck me." He does not waste even a second more before he's shuffling off of you. Another yelp eases out of your throat as Anton pulls your hips towards his in a surprising display of strength before wrenching your legs apart. Without removing your panties any further Anton frantically uncovers his dick from inside his sweatpants. He mewls over and over again as he clenches the materials of his robe in his teeth before pistoning his cock through the folds of your virgin cunt.
You scream ruggedly into the air, exposing your throat to him as your back arches and your pussy cries out in pain. His cock rams unapologetically into your cunt as he lowers his head to your neck. He is crying, you begin to note as he fucks you relentlessly. He's fucking crying and its turning you on.
"Fuck, you're so fucking beautiful." He coos in your ear, only causing another wave of arousal to lubricate your pussy. "You're so fucking pretty and I promise I'd do anything for you. I'd do anything for this. To feel your pussy around my cock like this. I'd fucking kill someone for it-"
"My fucking God, Anton!" Your throat is hoarse from all your gasping and the immense pain is yet to subside but his words bring you a pleasure you've never ever felt. A pleasure you've never been able to feel on your own.
You pull him down into a sudden kiss which he melts into, his hips rutting into yours as if his cock can't get enough of the friction. Your own pain subsides, as you lift your hips to meet his shallow strokes and you're quickly approaching euphoria. This, you realise, is the feeling you've been missing. Rubbing your cunt underneath your covers in the dead of night brought momentary pleasure but there has always been a need for more.
"I need to cum inside you, okay?" You can't say no, not when he's taken to wrapping his fist around your throat and spearing your cunt with his cock as if his very will to live depended on fucking you senseless.
"Fucking slut- tell me to cum inside you!" And then his grip loosens and he's frantically slapping at your cheeks, "Please baby. Please, my pretty, pretty girl." It's utterly deranged, his moods lifting and falling and morphing and changing. It only brings you further to the edge to be so uttericaly unsure around him. Whether he's gonna hurt you or love you.
"Please cum inside me. Oh fuck, please cum inside me!"
Anton's mouth hangs open as his thrusts become irregular. His body shakes from above you just as your insides are flooded with his warm cum. The fullness of it, has you placing a hand on your clit as you're cumming loudly around his cock, milking it for everything it's worth.
"FUCK-" You scream, completely overcome with mutlplie waves of euphoria as you stare up at him above you.
Your hooded eyes looked up at him like your personal god. Nothing feels better than what he has given you, nothing could be better than this. Anton gazes down at you with the very same reverence. His perfect little slut cumming so beautifully around his cock. It's better than he could've ever imagined.
"I wanna stay inside you forever." He whispers breathlessly before pushing a slobbering kiss to your mouth, a kiss you warmly return. "Me too." Is all you can reply.
"Was I supposed to rub your clit? I'm sorry." He says, noticing your hand has found your wet mound while his cock is still buried inside you.
He pushes your hand away to some slick off your clit causing you to face another wave of shivers.
A trail of blood runs down his fingers and he stares intently at it and then at you before he eases his cock out of your cunt and bends down to place a delicate kiss on your mound. His plump lips are painted red, your red.
"We're a team now, okay? A family."
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daisykihannie · 3 days
Deprived (B.C)
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Day 1 of 8 days of Kinks: Sensory Deprivation
pairing: Sub!Chan x Amab!Reader
warnings: sensory deprivation, smut, Nsfw, established relationship, unprotected sex, anal sex, spanking, Chan cries just a little, begging, rough and soft??, manhandling, slight bondage, i love when men whimper, etc.
a/n: i was honestly really trying to keep this shorter and mostly just the smut but i’ve now learned that i can’t help but write my fics in detail:/
@chvnlix Day 1: Here
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Today was extremely exhausting and Chan honestly just wanted to have his brain clock out and bed rot for the next 8-10 business days but realistically, that’s not an option. Luckily he had enough mental strength to send you a message to let you know the state he was in. You and Chan have been boyfriends for 4 years now, you both knew each other better than you knew yourselves. That being said, you knew exactly what your boyfriend needed to shut his brain up.
“I’m home.” Chan groaned out, exhaustion heavy in his voice. He noticed the dim lighting in the living room, slipping out of his Vans and walking toward the couch where you were seated with just the lamp next to the sofa on. Chan wasted no time in straddling your lap as he took his seat on your thighs and wrapped himself around your rigid form like a koala. “Welcome home my love~” you purred out and began to drag your fingernails across his scalp in a soothing manner similar to the way you’d scratch a cat on the head.
Chan nuzzled his nose against your throat, breathing in the smell of your cologne and humming in satisfaction. “Have i ever told you how incredible you smell?” chan mumbled, refusing to remove his nose from your neck. “hmmmm i don’t think you have baby.” you teased, knowing he tells you multiple times a day just how much he loves how you smell. “mmm well, you smell so fucking sexy, it’s insane.” chan retorted softly, pushing his nose further into the skin of your neck.
You two stayed there in a comfortable silence for a little while longer before you used your free hand that wasn’t scratching Chan’s scalp to dig into your little chest of secrets next to the couch to fish out the special sound proof headphones you used specifically for times like this. They made it very difficult to hear anything, even without any music playing, and genuinely impossible to hear with music playing. You removed your hand from Chan's black locks, earning a whine of protest from the man still clinging to you like his life depended on it. “Shhhh don’t get all bratty on me just yet baby.” you sighed as you slipped the white headset to rest comfortably on his head.
At the realization of the head set and the muffled and very very faint noises that could make it through, he pulled away from your neck and looked at you with giant puppy dog eyes, hoping his suspicions are right about what you’re about to do. You gave him a soft, fond smile and showed him the blind fold you had also pulled out. If Chan was a dog, his tail would be wagging at 100 miles a minute right now.
It wasn’t very often that Chan was able to fully let go like this. He was someone who was too focused on his partners pleasure to really allow himself to give over his control and submit to you fully like he did with sensory deprivation. Often times he’d end up in his head too much and over think everything if he wasn’t as exhausted as he was right now. He needed permission to allow his brain to log out and know he’d be completely and utterly cared for and right now, you were giving him that permission and he was beyond grateful.
You slipped the blindfold over your boyfriend’s eyes, the strap wrapping around the headphones to further keep them in place on his head. You decided it’d be best to go ahead and turn on the playlist for times like this before the next part of the full sensory deprivation experience. Once the music started, Chan started to bob his head gently and rock slightly to the music, allowing himself to begin to let go and drown in what senses he still had.
The next step was removing his ability to touch, two of his five sense already removed from him. You slipped the leather gloves over each of his hands and placed each gloved hand onto his lap, one hand on each thigh. You noticed that his rocking movements had now been focused to his hips as he softly began to grind his half-hard cock against your still flaccid one. A soft groan falling from your lips as you tried to focus back on the task at hand and not how the blood rushed straight to your cock at the feeling of your boyfriend's arousal.
Now that Chan’s hands were gloved, you took out the leather and suede wrist cuffs and began to buckle the material to his left wrist first. Insuring that the cuff was snug enough to almost completely restrict his movements but not so tight that they’d become painful. Once the left wrist was perfect, you moved his arms behind his back, resting his right wrist above the left and pulling the man on your lap forward so his muscular chest was resting against your own, bracing his body weight against you fully now that he couldn’t use his hands to keep himself up.
You placed your chin over his shoulder to peer down the expanse of his back, the muscles rippling and flexing as he tried to continue rolling his hips but the new position didn’t allow much movement. Now that both arms were securely fastened behind his back, you landed a sharp smack to the plush of his ass, a yelp falling from the other male’s lips in response and you could feel Chan’s cock twitch against your stomach where he was braced against you.
You landed a second sharp smack to the same cheek, a whimper leaving your boyfriend’s lips now as he chased the feeling for a moment, the pain and excitement coursing through his veins like a drug. He didn’t know what you were doing and wouldn’t know what was going to happen to him and the thought of being good for you, allowing you to take him apart by every individual thread and fiber of his being just to rebuild him all over again, had his brain feeling like cotton candy as Apartment by BOBI ANDONOV pounded in his ears.
Next thing Chan felt was you sitting him back up, having to flex his abs and his thighs to hold himself up now that his balance was slightly off kilter with his hands behind his back. Then, your index and middle finger were pressed to his lower lip, tugging down on the plump, pink, tissue and showing his teeth slightly. Saliva began to pool from his mouth and wet your fingers before he let his jaw go slack, opening his mouth to you like the good boy he is.
You took this opportunity to drag your fingers along his pearly white teeth for a moment, watching as they glistened beautifully under the dim light of the lamp as you dragged his saliva along the smooth surfaces. You added more pressure to your finger tips as you dragged them across the slick surface of his gums, taking your time to feed Chan’s slight oral fixation before your next step. You languidly dragged your fingers across the wet pink muscle that was Chan’s tongue, letting him lazily lap at your digits, coating them thoroughly in his spit.
When you removed your fingers from the wet cavern, Chan let out a disgruntled whine, the empty feeling in his mouth almost had him crying. It just wasn’t enough, he needed more, so so much more from you. He needed you to touch him, use him, take over his senses in every sense of the word. He needed you to melt him down into a puddle and fuck him dumb. You were going to use the gag but he always sounds too pretty in the rare times he allows himself to fully submit to you that you couldn’t do that to yourself.
Chan was now completely deprived of most of his senses, smell being the only one he’s left with. You always allowed him to have his sense of smell considering how much he adored the way you smelled, losing the other senses only made your scent that much more overwhelming and satisfying to your boyfriend. Now that your hands had left Chan’s body, soft whines and whimpers left his lips as he wiggled on your thighs, quickly becoming desperate.
While Chan was struggling on your lap, you took the chance to pull the waistband of your sweats down. Your cock sprang free and recoiling off your stomach and leaving a small wet patch on the black fabric of your muscle tee from the beads of precum that were leaking from the reddening tip.
Seeing your muscular, domineering, boyfriend become a whining and whimpering mess for you and only you was definitely doing things to you. The way no one would be able to imagine THE Bang Chan submitting like this, becoming nothing but a submissive puddle of need for no one but you had your head spinning every time you made him like this.
After tucking the waistband underneath your balls, your hands gripped Chan’s defined hip bones and leaned forward, moving his body off your lap and allowing him to get his feet underneath himself and securely on the floor. Now that the both of you were standing, you made quick work of removing his jeans and underwear. You wanted his shirt off too but the fact that his hands were secure behind his back would make the removal impossible.
Grabbing the collar of his black Adidas compression shirt in both hands, you used a considerable amount of strength to rip the fabric apart, tearing the material to shreds until all that was left was the sleeves clinging to his shoulders. The action had Chan letting out a whiny moan, knees threatening to buckle at just how arousing it felt to have his shirt physically ripped off his body.
Now that Chan was sufficiently naked, you spun his body around and pressed your aching cock between his ass cheeks, rocking your hips languidly to drag your length through the flesh, surprised to feel something cold buried there. It had to be a plug, apparently he already prepped for you like the good boy he is. He leaned his head back against you and pushed his ass back to meet your movements with a moan. “P-please… n-need my baby… need you i-inside me” he whimpered, luckily he learned how to control his volume now so he wasn’t screaming but truly whimpering in a low and sultry tone.
You pulled away from your boyfriend, earning a disapproving whine and a slight stomp of his foot when your body heat left him. He was quickly getting more and more desperate as time dragged on, showing just how mentally gone he really was. Chan’s body felt fuzzy, like cotton candy was threaded through his muscles and tendons. The blood in his veins melting the cotton candy into a syrupy goop in his body. Everywhere you touched him felt like fireworks erupted across his skin and every touch was just as unexpected as the last and his brain was melting into the beats that thrummed through the speakers of the headphones as he struggled to keep up.
You dragged just your finger tips in feather light touches across the muscles of his thighs, allowing Chan temporary sensation before you ripped it away again. Dragging your finger tips from his chin, down his throat, and scratching a soft line from his collar bones down to the middle of his sternum. His skin was pale enough that the skin immediately lit up in a pink hue before you were pulling away from him again.
You continued to touch random parts of his body, with no pattern at all so he couldn’t predict your next move. You alternated the pressure of your finger tips from heavy and bruising touches to light and barely there touches. You’d point your tongue to lick his skin occasionally or drag your teeth across his flesh, still keeping every touch unpredictable. “S-stop teasing… please… m-more i-i need more p-please” chan quickly became a stuttering mess from the assault of your sporadic touches.
With a smirk, you watched Chan and admired the way he shuddered as you blew a steady stream of air across the back of his neck, then across his nipples. You watched them pebble up and a long, needy whine left Chan’s lips again. “Please please please… need to be filled please… fuck baby- i can’t take anymore…” he was getting louder now, frustration evident in his voice. You could see tears slip from under the blindfold, painting his cheeks with clear streaks. He was always so pretty when he cried.
You placed a chaste kiss to either cheek, covering the tear tracks as you made your way to be behind him again. With his back facing you and the couch behind you, you took ahold of his hips, digging your nails into the soft skin and leaving crescent shaped marks along the bones on either side. You pulled him into your lap as you sat on the couch, your still leaking cock pressed against his ass and lower back. He yelped at the sudden feeling of falling, feeling safe in your arms again once he was settled in your lap.
“need you so bad Jagi… please please… give it to me? i-i’ve been a good boy” Chan begged, if you hadn’t tormented him enough you’d definitely drag this out a bit more. You couldn’t help it, he just sounded too pretty begging for you but the submissive moans he lets out in this head space are so much sweeter.
Taking out the bottle of lube, you poured a generous amount on your length and used your fist to coat yourself generously. Even though Chan currently had a plug keeping him stretched for you, you still didn’t want to risk hurting him too bad. Removing your hand from yourself, you pushed your index and middle finger against the metal end of the plug and pushing it in just a little further. Chan arched his back and gasped at the pressure as you rocked the plug in and out of him just barely, only enough to feel the change in pressure.
Chan was panting on your lap now as you held his wrists in your free hand and pushed him forward. You were the only thing keeping him from plunging face first into the floorboard as you began to fuck his needy hole with the plug, stretching him repeatedly over the thickest part of the plug before removing it with a pop. He was crying again, needy and desperate as his hole fluttered around nothing and you couldn’t hold back anymore.
Throwing the plug to the side, the metal clattering across the floor loudly as you lined the tip up with his hole again and used your hold on his hands to slam his hips back against yourself so you could immediately bottom out inside of him. A guttural groan leaving your lips at the feeling of his warm walls wrapping around you again. “Fuck! oh my fucking god! yes yes yes yes more please!” Chan was almost screaming as he tried to fuck himself back on your cock but not having any leverage to move himself.
He felt way too good to take your time, both hands finding his hips and holding him up slightly with both his feet planted firmly against the cushions of the couch on either side of you and allowing himself to rest his upper back on one of your shoulders. You immediately began to thrust up into his heat at a brutal pace. The sounds of his screaming and skin slapping together every time your balls slapped against his own mixing into the air of the apartment.
You loved how loud Chan got when he didn’t have a chance to be self conscious about it with the headphones downing out every single sound. You abused his prostate, slamming into the bundle of nerves everytime you buried yourself inside him, just to drag across it as you pulled out. It really didn’t take long for Chan to be drooling and babbling as you fucked him dumb on your cock. “cl-close… please please please let me cum- c-can i cum p-please? fuck please!” Chan begged as his cock twitched painfully against his abs.
You moved one arm from his hip to wrap around his torso to keep him balanced on your shoulder and never slowing down your thrusts. Using your now free hand, you wrapped it around his throbbing cock as he leaked all over your hand. “yes yes yes yes fuck please g-gonna cum-“ Chan’s words began slurring together as you brought him to his high, your hand and his abs getting covered in his warm white ropes of release.
The way he clenched around you when he came had you hissing and groaning as you buried yourself to the hilt again, filling him up with your own release and painting his walls white. You rocked your hips through your climax before Letting Chan slump against you again. You two stayed like that for a moment just panting and catching your breath before you began removing the cuffs, then the blind fold, then the headphones. Chan was still floating through his post-nut bliss, this being the only time you’d be able to smoothly return his senses and not completely overwhelm him.
Chan’s eyes fluttered open again, fully cleaned and both of you wearing clean boxers and wrapped in the comfort of your bed. Chan was curled into your side with his head on your chest. The sound of your heartbeat and the gentle drag of your nails along his scalp being the things to bring him back to earth. The sound of you lazily singing to him allowing the transition to be as smooth as possible.
Noticing Chan stirring in your hold, you placed a soft kiss to the top of his head. “Welcome back my love~” you cooed. “Hi Jagi, thank you for taking care of me” Chan hummed in response. Bliss, love, safety. Those are the things you could make Chan feel so easily and only you were capable of it. Chan was so completely whipped and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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samandcolbyownme · 2 days
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Summary: Reader goes on a run with a few of the others but they end up getting blindsided by another group, reader and Rosita take the most damage.
Warnings: strong language, twd apocalypse setting, not-so-secret feelings between reader and Daryl but nothing is official right away, mentions of alcohol, mentions of fighting, reader gets injured and needs stitches, reader giving and receiving punches, kicks, etc. mentions of blood, cuts, weapons such as knives and guns, heavy mentions of killing (FAKE OF COURSE!!), a kiss or two, maybe three if you’re lucky ;)
Word count: 5.8k
“Y/n. You comin’ or what!?” Rosita yells over to you, “or are you too bus-“
“I’m comin’, alright!” You yell back, cutting her off, and all she does is smile.
You look away from the group, cheeks turning red as you look up at Daryl. His head tilts to the side as he looks at you confused, “What’s she mean by busy?”
You shake your head, “Nothing just.. girl talk.”
Daryl scoffs, shaking his head, “Good luck out there.”
“You sure you can’t come?” You bat your lashes, which definitely does something to him, but he just shakes his head, “Y’know I would if I could.”
He reaches up to pinch your chin between his fingers, “Be fuckin’ careful out there, a’right.”
You give him a smile, “I always try my best.”
He hums lowly as he watches you walk away, keeping his eye on you until you and the group were out of the gate.
If Daryl didn’t have a prior commitment to help Aaron with the one wall, he would definitely be going with you.
“Try and convince him to come along again?” Rosita asks as you walk with her. You roll your eyes, trying not to laugh, “Can you give me a break?”
Rosita is your best friend, has been since you saved her life. She had six walkers on her, you were moving by and decided to stop and help her and she instantly liked you, so away to hilltop you went.
One night later on, when you both were giggly off some liquor you found, you admitted to her that you had a thing for The Archer in your group - Daryl Dixon.
Which, you and him also did end up taking a liking to one another. It only took one look from each of you and that was enough to not keep each other off your minds.
“I think it’s really cute.” She glances over at you, “Seeing you guys in looove.”
“Please. He is not in looove.” You scoff, a laugh following right after, “Now you’re just being dramatic.”
“You guys talking about you and Daryl?” Michonne elbows you and you sigh, “Not you, too!” You groan, “Oh my god.”
“I think it’s cute, too. Never really seen Daryl look at someone the way he looks at you, and I’ve known him a while.” Michonne raises her brows and you just shake your head.
Someone even mentioning his name has your cheeks turning a rosy color.
“You know it’s true.” Rosita adds, “C’mon y/n. Just take a chance already.”
“I’ll think about it and get back to you.” You laugh, everything becoming serious when Rick holds his hand up, signaling to stop.
“Walkers?” Michonne asks, moving closer to Rick, and he nods, “About seven or eight? Some might be in the side tree line.” He looks back at the group, “I think we can take ’em.”
You nod, getting your knife gripped in your hand before you continue to walk down and take out the small group of the dead.
About an hour later, you come to the few houses at the end of the one road, “Wait.” You grab onto Rosita’s arm, “I don’t think we’re the only ones here.”
Rick snaps his head towards you, “What do you mean by that?”
“Something just fe-“
Bullets. Lots of them flying your group’s way.
“Get down!” Rick yells as you all duck behind old cars and trees. You get your gun ready, along with everyone else and aim, looking through the sight to see if you can see anything.
As soon as you see a body you fire, which leads everyone else into shooting blindly in the direction of where gunfire came from first.
“We move on three. You two go that way.” Rick points to you and Rosita and motions towards the houses, “You two go that way.” He motions for Carl and Michonne to go the opposite.
“I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere.” A voice from behind and the sound of a shotgun loading makes you all whip around.
Six men coming to form an arch around her.
“Who are you?” Rosita asks and the woman with the gun laughs, “Hell, I should be asking you all the same. Damn. Thing.”
“Wait.” She squints her eyes at you and points, “You. I’ve seen you.. with that long haired, crossbow wielding, psycho.”
You clench your jaw, tilting your head slightly, “I’m sorry, what did you say?” The lady with the gun tilts her head, “I think you heard me. I don’t really like repeating myself.”
“What do you want?” Rick asks, ready to negotiate, “We didn’t come to cause any trouble we-“
“I don’t fucking care about your bullshit we need supplies sob story, although.” She purses her lips, eyes scanning over your backpacks and weapons, “It really doesn’t look like you have a sob story at all, so I’ll just go ahead and let these men pick you off one. By. O-“
“We will give you our guns and walk away.” You say with a shrug, “How about that?”
She hums, gun now pointed at your chest, “How about… no.. and instead, we bring you inside and try to find out a little bit about you mysterious, pathetic looking people.” She looks at all of you again, “And where you came from.”
“No. We’re not-“ Rosita is cut off by the woman pointing the gun at her, “Was I talking to you?”
“Well, you said, you mysterious people, so I’m guessing I was included in that, too?” Rosita fires, sarcasm on her words.
The lady just sighs, “You made it so easy to pick who the first one is going to be.”
She steps closer to Rosita and you all move a step closer, too, “I’m just sayin’, you mess with one of us. You mess with all of us.”
You stare at the woman, a cold stare, “Put the gun down, and we’ll fucking talk.”
“We can talk this out. If you just let us explain why we’re here.” Rick steps up and the gun is now on Rick before it’s lowered to the ground, “Who’s in charge here?”
You all motion to Rick and he nods. The lady raises a brow, smirking as her eyes fall onto you, “Really? Because it seems like she’s running the show.”
“Walk.” The woman points towards the one house, “Now. Before I change my mind about killing you where you stand.”
You all move in a line and her men take your stuff.
Guns, knives, backpacks. Everything.
You were racking your brain for a way to get out of this, just like the others were.
“I have to pee.” You blurt out, instantly going with it, “Can I use the bathroom, or a tree, or something?” You cross your leg over your other one to make it more believable.
The woman looks you up and down, rolling her eyes as she motions to you, “Take her around back. Bring her in when you’re done.”
The man grabs you by the arm and pulls you, “Wait, I-“
“I have to pee, too.” Rosita does exactly what you did and the woman looks between you and her and squints, “If this is some kind of a ruse to escape, I swear, I’ll keep the kid hostage until I find you again, and then.. I’ll make him watch you all die a slow and extremely painful death.”
“No.” Rick and Michonne says instantly, “You can trust them.” Michonne assures the woman, but she didn’t believe it.
“I don’t trust you.” She shakes her head, “Do what you want, but just know, I warned you.”
You try not to laugh at the stupid woman as you and Rosita are walked back to behind the one house, with only two guards.
You share one glance with her, and that’s all it took for her to be on the same page as you.
You both turn around to face the men, giving them both the stink eye as you squat down. You bring your thumbs up to connect them to your belt loops.
“Are you going to piss or wh-“
You and Rosita lunge forward, knocking them both back onto their backs by the knees with a grunt.
You’re in fight or flight mode, and you weren’t going anywhere, not without a major fight.
“Fuckin bitch, get-“ you stomp the heel of your boot on his wrist and he yells, letting go of his gun. You go to try and kick it away, but he manages to get you on the ground and his hands quickly moving to go around your throat.
You grab his wrists, trying to pry his hands away as painful whimpers and squeaks are forced out of you.
He brings one of his hands back, quickly delivering a punch to your cheek bone. You’re dazed instantly as the punch jarred everything in your skull.
He delivers another punch, this time harder, which busts your cheek open.
As your vision is turning darker by the second, you try your best to kick him anywhere you can connect at. A sudden wave of panic sets in as your vision is almost totally back now, causing you to fling your legs up, your ankles on the opposite sides of his head.
You straighten your legs out to tighten them, pushing his arms together as you bring your knees in. He starts to lean backwards, and it’s just enough for you to bring you foot back, kicking him directly in the face.
He falls backwards off of you, his hands instantly moving to feel the blood that’s gushing from his nose, or mouth, hard to tell.
You go straight for the knife, lunging over to grab it before whipping around to stab him.
His hand catches your wrist, pushing your arm away from him as you try your damdest to keep pushing down. You groan loudly, smashing your knee into his groin area, which gives you the opportunity to push down and plunge the knife, handle deep into his throat.
You look over at Rosita as quiet choking fills your ears. You’re still dazed, in pain and your breathing just as rapid as hers.
She stands up, and you notice she’s got a decent cut on her forehead, “You good?”
She looks back at you, eyes going wide, “Holy shit, y/n.” She rushes over to look at your cheek, “That looks.. bad.”
“M’fine. We don’t have time.”
You stand up, looking down at the corpse with the knife in its neck. You bend down, pulling it out with a squelching noise as it comes out.
As you both gather up the weapons and supplies as quickly as you can, you flick off the bodies lying on the ground and Rosita can’t help herself, “I see why Daryl likes you.”
“You’re still on that?” You ask quietly as you move with her to the back of the house, looking around to make sure no one is coming to investigate.
“Honey, I’ll be on that until you’re on him, okay.”
“Oh my god. Okay, I promise, I’ll make it clear to Daryl, but only if we get out of here with everyone alive.”
“I swear to god if-“
“On your knees! Now!” One of the two guards starting to run towards you yells, but it was only a split second later that you were being shot at, again.
You and Rosita book it around the building, stopping her once you see the woman come out of the house with another guard.
Rosita leans around, firing a shot right into the one guards head, but the other one is still back there somewhere.
You go to pull your gun up and you hear your name being yelled.
“Y/n!” She’s pulled back and slammed against the old garage door, falling to the ground with a groan. You turn your gun on the guy who threw her, “Step the fuck back or I wi-“
He smacks the gun up in the air, it fires one time before the man kicks you in the torso, causing you to fly back onto the concrete, “Fuck.”
The man kicks your gun before moving to stand over you and your hands desperately search for something sharp or hard enough to crack his skull open with as you kick to keep him back.
Rosita jumps on his back, yelling as she tries to choke him out.
You scramble to pick up a rock you felt, and as he flings Rosita off, he quickly bends down to try and grab the collar of your jacket, you quickly slam the rock into his temple.
He stumbles back, groaning, and you get up as quick as you can, moving to grab your gun as you glance back at the porch.
One of the guards from
You turn to warn her, but the man you hit with a rock runs at you, slamming you into the brick wall, back first, before he grips your shoulder and neck and delivers another hard slam.
He does it again, this time throwing you away from him you roll across the dirt a few times and groan, coughing from the dust that your body stirred up on impact.
. He steps back, looking towards Rosita who is now standing up, gun in her hand. The guards cant even say or do anything before Rosita shoots both of them, back to back, not even giving them time to think about what they even wanted to say.
Which meant there was only one guard.. and the main bitchshow left.
And speak of the devil, Rosita points the gun to the door as the woman walks out first, Michonne, Rick and Carl all follow, and they have the final guard on their tail.
The woman comes down the steps, walking over to you and Rosita. Her eyes move over to examine the dead bodies of her people.
“There’s more outback, probably making their way up here right now.” Rosita says as she walks up next to you.
“Should have just listened, you now.. because now, I’m going to fucking kill you two in front of everybody.” The woman raises her gun and you scoff, “Go fuck yourself.”
You step towards her, “We never wanted this.”
“That’s funny..bbecause once you’re on my land, this is usually the only way it ever ends up.” The woman looks around, “Looks like we got more than the two out back.”
Walkers push their way through the trees and brush, moaning and groaning as they move towards where the gunshots and yelling has been coming from for the last half an hour.
You swing quick, hitting the gun out of her hand which catches her off guard, “Rosita. Go. I got this.”
She nods and grabs her weapons, making her way up to where Michonne and Rick had just taken out the last guard.
The woman goes to hit you but you grab her arm, jamming your knee into her ribs as she groans, catching your leg and body slamming you onto the ground.
You cough as she stands up, placing her boot on your chest, pressing down as you’re now looking at the shotgun from the bottom of the barrel up.
“If you kill me, you’ll have people after you.” You lay there, looking up at her as you wait a few seconds for your chance to swipe her legs out from under her with yours.
She falls to the ground with a grunt, trying to quickly get to her feet but you tackle her to the ground, instantly starting to wail on her.
“More walkers!” Carl yells loudly and you wrap your hands around the woman’s throat, “Kinda busy here, kid.”
“You got this?” Michonne asks as she looks down at the woman turning purple in your grasp, and you nod.
As soon as Michonne walks away, the woman brings her knee up, hitting you right in the middle of the back.
You tense up, “Fucking bitch!”
She leans up, head butting you in the nose and you fall back, with a quick and blurry glance around, you see walkers, at least twenty or so making their way in from the field.
She moves her body onto yours, straddling your thighs as her knees pin your hands down before she delivered a hard punch to your face, “You really think you can kill me? I’ve been doing this for years.”
“I’m gonna.” You spit blood at her, clenching your jaw as her hands tightens around you neck, “Maybe if I get you out of the picture, I can have that rugged lookin’ archer all to myself.”
“S-say one more fucking thing about him.” Your voice is strained from her grip, “I swe-“ you squeak as she squeezes, lifting your head up off the ground.
She leans in, “I bet he would make me feel so-“
Now you were pissed.
Everything in you felt like it was on fire, “Fuck you.” You manage get out before getting one of your hands free.
You reach up and grab as much of her hair you could get. She groans through gritted teeth as you pull her down with a hard yank, her body lifting to free your other hand.
You immediately try and deliver a punch, but she beats you to it. She cracks you over the mouth, the force busting your lip open again your teeth, and you instantly taste blood, lots of blood.
You grab her by her shirt collar, heaving yourself forward as far as you could go before throwing yourself backwards.
You’re able to get your leg under her, which helped you throws her body over yours.
You quickly move, getting into a standing position, just like her. Your chest rising and falling quickly, face swollen and broken.
More walkers keep coming, but you weren’t leaving this bitch alive.
“Give it up already.” She pulls a knife from her side holder and spins it around over her finger before gripping it.
You keep your stare on her, ready for whatever was about to come.
“Y/n! duck!”
You duck, watching as the knife she threw, land perfectly in the bitches chest. Michonne helps you up before going to take care of the walkers that are a little too close for comfort.
The woman falls to her knees, gasping as she sluggishly brings her hands up to the object protruding out of her chest.
You walk up, putting a hand on her shoulder as you grip the knife with your other hand, “Who are you?”
She smiles up at you, “Oh honey. I’m am only the start of what’s about to come.” Without another second, you twist the knife, pushing it in more before you push it upward.
The woman gasp, groaning in pain as you twist it again, “Oh, and the crossbow wielding psycho, just happens to be the love of my life, and the people you pointed your guns at, are my family.”
“Family doesn’t mean shit.” The woman chokes on her blood, droplets splashing all over, “They just.. screw you over in the long run.”
“Not my family.” You stand up, getting ready to walk away when you fall, due to the slash to your thigh.
Your hand slaps over the open cut in your blood soaked jeans, crying out in pain, just hoping someone can stop bashing heads in enough to hear you.
You look over, quickly trying to push yourself over the broken concrete and stones to get closer to a knife that’s lying on the ground.
The woman moves over as fast as her knees could carry her, “It’s not over until one of us is dead.” She grabs your ankle, holding you from moving any closer.
As she moves up, she puts pressure on your wounded thigh with her knee, making you cry out in pain. You opened your eyes, watching as she brings the knife up,
It all happened so quick, right as her arms went up, you struck, gripping the the knife and plunging it into the side her skull, causing what little life she had left in her, to fully die out.
She falls over, revealing Michonne, who is looking at you, “I’d ask if you were alright, but..” she cringes in a joking manner as she moves down to hold pressure on your thigh. , “..you don’t look it.”
“What the fuck was that?” You ask, laying back on the ground, “I feel like none of that made sense.”
Rosita runs up, falling down as she digs through her bag for medical supplies, “Shit, all I have is gauze, and you need stitches, y/n.” She looks up at you, “Oh my god, your face.”
“Have you seen your face, yet?” You try to raise your brows but you just can’t, “You need em, too.”
Rosita nods, “I can feel that it’s bad.” She laughs slightly, “Alright, lift your leg so I can wrap it quick.” She sighs, “And then we can get the hell out of here..”
“You guys ok-“ Rick stops talking when he sees how beat up you and and Rosita actually are, “I’m so sorry.”
“Rick why are you apologizing?” Rosita asks as she glances up at him. You have your eyes screwed shut as you push through the stinging pain of Michonne holding pressure on your thigh.
“I brought us here I-“ Rick hakes his head and you look at Michonne, “Tell him it’s not his f-ah, fuck.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” Rosita says in a mumble.
You look back to Michonne, “Please tell your man that this isn’t his fault. We’ll be okay. We’re the one who live, right?”
Michonne nods, a smile spreading across her face as she looks at Rick and Carl, “We are the ones who live.”
About two hours later, you finally reached home.
Your adrenaline has been keeping you going. That was until you seen Daryl’s face fall and him running over to you the second your past the gate.
“What the hell happened?” He yells, looking over the beaten and exhausted group as he goes right to you, “Y/n, hey. Ya still with me.” He cups your cheeks, tilting your head up and holding you with one hand as he snaps with his other.
“We were attacked, they’re dead. But..” Rick shakes his head and Daryl looks down at you as he feels your head move.
You slowly look up at him, a slight smirk on your lips, “I kicked ass, Dixon.”
That’s all you get out before you fall into him again.
“Whoa, hey, alright, alright.” He catches you, holding you up as he turns Rosita’s face to him. He looks at Maggie, nodding towards Rosita, “Take her to get help. I’ve got y/n.”
Daryl picks you up bridal style, carrying you over to the medical trailer. He kicks the door and Dr. Carson opens it, immediately rushing Daryl to bring you in.
You come to again, looking around as you try to figure out where you are exactly.
“Has she fallen asleep or passed out at all?” Carson asks as he moves with Daryl to look at you.
“yeah, yeah, uh..” Daryl’s mind is a mess right now, “..few minutes after they got back, then she collapsed on me right before I brought’er over.”
He lays you down on the table and you groan in pain, “S’okay. We’re gonna get you better.”
“Try and keep her talking.” Carson turns his attention to you, “Y/n, hi, it’s Dr. Carson, do you want any pain medication?”
You shake your head, whimpering at the pain setting in more and more, “No. no.”
“We have plenty, y/n. I sug-“
You cut Carson off in a snappy tone, “I said no.”
“Alright.. Do you know what happened, y/n?” He asks as he shines a light into your eyes, “Can you see me?”
You nod, groaning as you close your eyes again. He moves to get an IV ready while you mumble memories about the day you’ve just encountered. You try to move your leg but you forgot about your injury first a second.
You groan, “The fucking bitch in the woods.”
Daryl and the doctor look at each other then back to you.
“Hey.” You can feel Daryl lean in, interlocking his fingers with yours. You give it a weak squeeze and slowly turn your head towards him, wincing in pain. He lays a hand on your head gently, “None uh that shit, don’t be forcing yourself to look at me.” He shakes his head, trying to blink away the gloss coating in his eyes.
“But.. I like looking at you.” You smile slightly and Daryl sniffles, giving you a slight laugh, “I know whatcha mean, darlin’.”
You raise your hand up slowly, laying it on his cheek, “If.. i-f it makes you feel any better, I ki-lled her because she s-aid shit, shit.”
Your body starts tensing as Carson wipes the excess blood from your thigh. You whimper, returning your attention back to Daryl, “About you.”
He scoff, shaking his head slightly, “Me?”
“Said.” You grit your teeth, squeezing Daryl’s hand and the table below you, “You were a long.. haired.. c-crossbow wielding psycho, but.. but that was before I-I pissed her off.. enough to say some.. more dumb shit.”
Your words are almost a mumble, but Daryl focuses enough on you to understand what you’re saying, “what else she say?”
You shake your head, “I’ll tell… you later.. Where’s Rosita?”
“She’s with Maggie and Enid.” Daryl assures you, “She’s fine. Jus’like you’re gonna be.” He brings your hand up slowly and gently presses his lips to your turning purple knuckles.
“Y’sure you don’t want any pain meds, y/n?” Daryl asks, his words full of concern. You nod slightly, “I’m sure.”
You squeeze Daryl’s hand tight and he lays his other one on top of your hand. You arch your back slightly, “Fuck, Carson that hurts.”
“I know, I know but I have to clean it out.” Carson answers as he continues to work on your thigh.
“Tell me more about what happened, hm.” Daryl reaches in ever so gently as he moves hair from your face without trying to touch any bruised and swollen skin, but you didn’t care what he did, “Y’think you can tell me how you kicked ass?”
“Mhm.” You close your eyes and reopen them slowly, “We.. went, to that apa-apartment complex and a-ah..” you wince, “..As we were deciding on where to go, they came up behind us, held us at gun point while she ran her mouth.”
“They, who?” Daryl asks, “What did they say, what did they want?”
You work through telling Daryl about when those people first arrived behind you and what all happened in the woods.
“She thought you were the leader’n not Rick?” He smooths his free hand over your hair, “You did kick ass, huh.”
You smile, letting out a sigh, “I wanted to e-end her the-” You wince at the sting from the second round of the antiseptic on your leg, “Second I s-saw her stupid smug looking face.”
You tense up, groaning lowly as tears form in your eyes, “Um, she.. she wanted to know why we, we were on her land? Took our weapons, back..packs..” you let out a long breathe, “Said she had other questions?”
You go into telling him about how you and Rosita got alone and what you were able to do to kill the first two guards and how dumb the woman was because she were to only send two.
“They didn’t ..do nothing, right?” Daryl asks, tensing up as he let’s out a huff, “I’ll fuckin’ kill ‘em all.”
“They’re both dead, Daryl.” You whimper out, taking a deep breath, “They’re all dead. Rosita and I took care of them.”
“Wait, hold on a minute. Y’both took out.. how many guards yourselves exactly?” Daryl asks and you fight back a laugh, knowing it’ll hurt, “Five. Rick and Michonne got the.. last guard.”
“Alright, y/n, I’m going to ask you one last time.” Carson looks at you and you turn your head slowly, “No.”
“Alright. Sutures are going to be going in soon, okay? I’m going to need you to try and sit as still as you possibly can, do you think you can do that?”
“Like I have a choice to go anywhere.” You mumble, “Sorry i-“
“Nah, stop that.” Daryl shakes his head, “You’re in pain, we get it.” Daryl glances up at you, squinting his eyes as he leans in to look at your neck.
He lets out a low growl, “If there’s more. M’gonna find them ‘em. They’re fucking dead.” Daryl’s leg was bouncing up and down.
“Stop, stop, Daryl. I’m fin-.” You dig your nails into his hand as your back arches with the first stitch going through your skin.
Your eyes start to close then reopen as you try to keep yourself awake and talking to Daryl, but you cannot form any words right now.
“Hey, hey.” Daryl tries to comfort you but he doesn’t really know how, “Stay right here, darlin’.” He lays his hand on your head leaning in towards you more, “Don’t y’even think about leavin’ me.”
“I’m not..” you whisper out, “Going anywhere.”
You clench your bruised jaw, keeping your lips shut tight whenyou feel Carson do another suture, “The l-eader..” you groan, taking a deep breath, “..said that-that this is just.. the beginning.. I don’t..”
Carson squeezes a little bit harder and you are forcing yourself not to kick him in the face, “Fuck I want to kill you now, too.”
He shrugs it off, knowing that it’s just the pain and anger talking. He just shakes his head as he keeps his eyes on his work.
Daryl lays his hand on the lesser bruised side of your face, “Y’don’t gotta keep talking, if ya don’t want to.” He presses a kiss to your forehead, “You’re doing so good, almost done, baby.”
You can’t lie, your heart absolutely fluttered out of your body with his words, “I-I got..” you squeeze your eyes shut as you feel the final two sutures go in, a sigh of relief falling from your lips when Carson steps back, “Thigh is done, now let me have a look at that cheek.”
You turn your head, following commands from Carson all while Daryl still holds your hands.
He hates that you’re going through this, he’s kicking his own ass over not just going with you like you asked.
He blames himself, and you knew that, too.
Two hours has gone by, Carson said you could sleep so that’s what you did.
You opened your eyes, looking around to see that you’re in an actual bedroom and not the medical trailer anymore.
You try to sit up, just as Daryl comes back into the room, “Thought you would have been out longer, m’sorry.”
“Don’t do that.” You say soft as you look up at him. He shrugs and shakes his head, “Do what?”
He’s avoiding eye contact with you, that’s how you know something’s up.
“Can you help me sit up?”
Daryl is right there, sliding a hand on your back as you hold onto his other one to sit up.
“Good?” He asks, “How’s your pain?”
“I’m not taking any meds.” You argue and Daryl chuckles slightly, “Why are you are so stubborn sometimes.”
“Says you.” You smile up at him, shaking your head, “I just… I didn’t want to be taking it away from someone who needed it more than me, I-“
“Y’needed it though, baby. Somethin’ could’a-“ He stops for a second, “why ya lookin’ at me like that?”
You shake your head, a small smile resting on your lips, “What meds did I get?”
He sighs, “Look, I had Carson give ya antibiotics, a’right, but thats it.”
You nod, “Thank you.”
He looks up at you confused, “Y’not mad at me?”
“Mad at you for, what? Caring about me?” You shake your head, “I don’t think I could ever be mad at anyone who tries anything they can to keep me in their life.”
Daryl looks up at you, nodding as his eyes scan over you purple and stitched up cheek and your voice is low, “Could’ve happened to anyone.”
“But It happened to you.” Daryl stands up, walking over to the window before you can grab his arm, “Daryl.”
He keeps looking out and you sigh, “Don’t make me get up.”
He turns slightly, sighing before making his way back over to you, because he knows you’d try, “Don’t y’even think ‘bout it.”
“Look at me then.” You reach out, moving your finger slightly. His hand immediately finds yours and you can hear him trying not to get upset.
You give his hand a squeeze, “Hey.”
He leans over, careful not to put pressure on your hurt thigh. His arms wrap around you, holding you as you close your eyes.
You hand moves up and down his back, squeezing him tighter when you feel his body jolt slightly with a sniffle, “Daryl.” Your voice is just enough for him to hear, “it’s not your fault.”
You feel him nod, but he still doesn’t let go, “jus’don’t wanna loose ya.” He mumbles into your neck, laying his hand on the back of your head, “I like ya, a lot actually.”
“I told Rosita the same thing about you.”
He lifts his head, leaning back as he wipes his cheeks on the back of his gloved hand, “Been goin’ on t’me bout you, too.”
“That’s no surprise.” You laugh slightly, closing your eyes at the pain, “I’m good.” You look at him, knowing that he hates seeing you in pain, “I promise I’ll ask for medicine if it gets worse.”
Daryl goes to say something, but you cut him off, “Just shut up and kiss me.”
He rubs his thumb over his fingers, giving you a slight shrug and nod, “If y’want that,”
You tilt your head, reaching your hand out to him, “I want you.”
He smirks, laughing slightly as he shakes his head, “You’re gonna be the death’a me.” He leans over, hand moving up to rest on your neck.
You lean in, closing the space between you as your hands move up to cup his cheeks.
“You know you called me baby a few times.”
Daryl laughs softly, “I know.”
There’s a soft knock on the door before it opens, “Y/n?”
Daryl leans in, pecking your lips a few times before he tilts his head to kiss your cheek, “M’gonna go talk to Rick, ya good?”
You nod, brushing your thumb over his cheek, “More than good.” You smile and he kisses you a few more times before he stands up.
Rosita is standing there, arms crossed as she watches Daryl with a smile, “See, what did I say?”
He just shakes his head, a small on his face as he looks up at her, “You doin’ a’right?”
She nods, “I’m good.” You watch as Rosita comes over to sit next to you on the bed, “We’re good. Now, go.” She laughs slightly as she waves her hand, “We have things to talk about.”
Let me know what you think! I truly love each and every one of you. Thank you so much for reading! 🖤
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jeankluv · 15 hours
But daddy I love him - Satoru Gojo [ch.04]
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short series
summary: If there was a phrase that could describe you, it was; good girl. You had been a good girl all your life, following your father's orders and being as modest as possible. You had focused your entire life on being a perfect lady, one who could be a good wife in the future. This is how you had been raised and how you had been instructed. But your whole world was shaken when one warm summer morning, your eyes met the bold, defiant and sharp gaze of a young man with white hair.
tags: +18, female!reader, set in 1700s-1800s, loss of virginity, misogyny language and thinking, oral sex, fingering, innocent oc, unsafe sex, vaginal sex, manipulative, eating disorders, abusive parents, no use of y/n.
notes: next chapter will be the last one, if I don’t come up with something but I doubt, the ending is already decided so it will be next chapter and then the epilogue. Also I changed the picture, the new one is from a manhwa called Secret lady (highly recommended), the art is beautiful and the main couple are 🔝
chapter words: 4,3k
Jujutsu Kaisen materialist
ch.01 | ch.02 | ch.03 | ch.04 | ch.05 | epilogue
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His fingers ran up and down your bare back, causing your skin to tingle with each touch. Slowly, you opened your eyes, meeting Satoru's intense blue gaze as he watched you intently.
"Hi..." Hi whispered before connecting your lips in a tender kiss. "You are precious."
You shook your head and a playful smile appeared on your lips. "I'm sticky."
Satoru chuckled, the sound sending a shiver down your spine. "Maybe we could bath together. Does that sound good?"
A thrill ran through you at the suggestion and you nodded enthusiastically. “That sounds perfect.” You replied, your voice low and hoarse with desire.
Satoru rises from the bed and walked towards your bathroom. You gently sat on the bed, you felt your hips and lower part sore. With the wrinkled sheets of your bed you covered your body and looked out the window, the sun had not yet set but it was already low in the sky, there probably wouldn't be much left before it would set on the horizon and the warm summer night would arrive.
Satoru left the bathroom and approached your bed, where he gently picked you up and carried you to the bathtub. You felt like a princess, even like a goddess under her caresses and affections. Inside the water, you tried to cover yourself with your arms but Satoru stopped you and started soaping your skin.
“I thought we were going to bath together.” You murmured.
Satoru smiled. “You want that?”
“I… I mean I read it on a novel that lovers would do that.” You lowered your head, submerging it slightly in the water.
"Alright." He said, standing up and taking off the little clothing he was wearing, your eyes drifted away, embarrassed to see him like that again.
He got into the bathtub, causing some of the water to come out. Satoru sat behind you and you could feel his cock hit your ass. A shiver ran through your body as you remembered the night before, the pleasure, the kisses, his touches and how well it felt having him inside of you.
“You're tense.” He whispered against her skin as he took the sponge and began running it over your back.
“It's just… this is all new.” You said embarrassed.
"And you do not like it?" He inquired.
You nodded. “It feels good, it feels…intimate.” You looked over your shoulder at him and he smiled warmly at you.
With his free hand he grabbed your chin and connected your lips in a hungry kiss. His tongue entered you and he began to play with yours, causing moans to come out of your throat and your cunt to begin to get wet.
He bit your lip and dropped the sponge he was holding in his other hand. You stared at him, trying to read his movements. His large hands rested on either side of your hips and grabbed you, turning you so that you were both facing each other. More water fell out of the tub and you were kneeling in front of him, half your body out of the water.
Satoru looked at your face and then took a quick look at your breasts before cupping them in his hands. Throwing your head back you let yourself be invaded by the pleasure that his soft touch caused on your skin.
You bit your lower lip hard as you felt his thumb brush your nipple and send stimuli throughout your body. He leaned close to you and with his eyes still focused on you, he caught your nipple in his mouth.
“S-satoru…” You trembled, feeling your body weak under him.
Satoru continued with his mouth on your nipple and lowered his hand to your pussy, where he gently caressed it, causing you to hold on to the bathtub so as not to lose the little balance you had left. Two of his fingers entered you and began to move in and out.
Your body felt hot and the blood that ran through your veins accelerated with each penetration. Your body wanted more of him, more of his touch, more of his lips, more. But you also wanted to touch him, you wanted his cheeks to blush like yours, to cry with pleasure and moan your name.
Releasing one of your hands, you put it into the water and grabbed his member, you had read about it in your books, about how the protagonists gave pleasure to their lovers by moving their hand around their cocks. Satoru growled when he felt your hand grab him and he pulled away from your breasts to look at you mischievously.
“What are you doing angel?” His husky voice came out of his lungs.
“I…” You gasped as you felt his fingers deeper on you. “I want you to feel good too.”
Satoru hummed and smiled. “You are so pretty.” He said kissing your lips. “C’mon move your hand pretty angel.”
Your hand began to go up and down his member, while his fingers entered and left you. The atmosphere in that room became increasingly hot, full of moans and moving water. It was embarrassing to think about how you, who had behaved like a “good girl” all your life, were now emitting such lewd sounds from your throat.
You felt how Satoru grew larger with every movement and how he grunted under your touch, his eyes were completely closed and his cheeks had taken on a reddish hue.
Your legs and all of you began to shake, indicating that you were close to getting there. Satoru smiled and removed his fingers from you and you looked at him pleadingly, you needed to cum.
“I want you to finish on my cock.” He said holding your hips and placing yourself on top of him, you screamed when without warning he entered you.
“Satoru!” You tried to catch your breath.
This was the second time you had it inside but now it seemed even bigger than the first time. You held onto his shoulders and looked at him, shaken by the overwhelming sensation of having him inside you again.
“Move angel.” He whispered.
You began to move your hips, back and forth and in circles, giving yourself more and more pleasure with each of your movements, while Satoru whispered nice things in your ear.
You clung tightly to his body and tangled your fingers in his hair when you felt like you were going to come. Satoru, catching the signals that your body was giving him, moved and you pulled his hair while you stifled a cry of pleasure. Just a few more thrusts were enough for you to cum on his cock.
Satoru didn't pull out of you, but instead continued thrusting into you, seeking to reach the climax that you had reached. When he reached it, he growled your name and took over your mouth, in a kiss full of desire and pleasure.
“Oh angel…” He said, trying to catch his breath. “You are truly out of this world, you know that?”
You rested your head on his shoulder without saying anything and let Satoru's scent and warmth fill you. You both stayed in that position for quite a long time, so long that the water remained cold, your skin became completely wrinkled and the sun hid on the horizon.
It wasn't until your stomach growled with hunger that you moved from the bathtub. Satoru carefully carried you to your bed, wrapped in a towel, three times bigger than you. You watched as he moved from one side to the other in the room as if looking for something and you tried not to laugh at his desperation.
"What are you looking for?"
“Oh…my shirt.” He said looking around.
“Why do you want your shirt?” You tilted your head to the side. “I was going to get your dinner. You are hungry."
You touched your belly and nodded. “But it would be suspicious, it's better that I go and tell them to bring up the food.” Satoru opened his mouth and then closed it nodding. “I'll go in a second and tell Rose to bring us food.”
You moved from the bed and approached the closet, from it you took out a dress and a robe, which you shamelessly put on in front of Satoru. You no longer felt ashamed because he saw you like this.
You glanced at him one last time and exited the room, rushing through the corridor with the biggest of the smiles drawn on your face.
You could finally say it but you were certain that you had fallen in love with the duke and honestly you couldn’t be happier with the fact you were going to marry a man you were in love with and that you were leaving that place.
You saw Rose chatting with a few other maids and you rushed to them. “Rose!”
“My lady.” They all saluted you.
“I would like to have my dinner in my bedroom if it’s possible.” You smiled.
“No problem my lady.” Rose said.
You approached Rose and in a whisper you told her. “Add more food for the duke too.”
Rose smiled at you and winked her eye. “No problem my lady, I will deliver the dinner in a few minutes.”
“Okay, thank you.” You turned around but stopped before leaving. “Does anyone have news from my parents?”
“Oh a letter came, apparently they will be out more than they expected.” Another one of the maids spoke.
You nodded and thanked them, you walked back to your room and entered finding Satoru on the couch taking a look into one of your books.
“Rose will bring us dinner in a little while.” You said sitting next to her, Satoru hummed and continued reading the book he had in his hands. “Satoru…” When you said her name, her gaze moved away from the book and focused on you. “I was wondering if Rose could come with me once we get married.”
Satoru smiled and tucked one of your locks behind your ear. “Of course, there would be no problem.”
“Her husband would come too.”
“Okay, I'll find him a job and you both can live there.” He kissed your lips and you smiled.
"Thank you." You whispered.
“Don’t thank me angel.” He smiled. “Now tell me about this book of yours.”
“Oh that one.” You sat up straight on the couch and smiled, taking the book from his hands. “It is the story of an orphaned child. That he seeks to find himself and his place in society. It is quite funny and the romantic part of the novel serves as a good thread for the themes it deals with.” You turn your head to look at him and when you meet his penetrating gaze you feel your ears begin to light up. “I'm sorry I talked too much.”
Satoru shook his head and took your hand to bring it to his lips. “Not at all, it fascinates me to see you talk like that and I could do it for hours.”
You picked up the book and hid your embarrassed face behind it. “Please don't say those things.”
"Why not? You all light up when you talk about it, and that fascinates and excites me and I want to continue seeing it and listening to you talk about your books.” Satoru touched your cheek.
You had definitely fallen in love with that man and your heart did not stop beating with each of his words. “You could also tell me about the things you like.” You whispered, placing the book on the table. “I also want to see him excited.”
A smile appeared on Satoru's face and he tangled a strand of your hair in his finger and began to twirl it. “I like sweet things.” He looked at you subtly and you felt that those words had a double meaning. “Riding horses and taking my nephew to the park on Sundays with his two dogs.”
“How old is your nephew?” You tilted your head.
“He is about to be six.” He smiled proudly. “You know he is my nephew but after his father died and also his mom passed away giving birth to him, I adopted him.” You opened your mouth and nodded.
It was uncommon for nobles to do that type of things. According to what Satoru had told you, the position of duke had been given to him because his brother had wanted it, which meant that once Satoru had children, his firstborn would inherit the title. But if he adopted his nephew, it meant that it was his nephew who would inherit it. And that’s why a lot of nobles didn’t adopt close relatives because that would mean their direct descendants not inheriting titles.
“You are surprised?” He looked at you.
“Huh… A little bit.” You touched your chin. “It’s really uncommon what you did, that’s why.”
“I told you didn’t I? I didn’t wish to be the duke, it was my brothers duty and then for his son. That’s why I adopted him, so when the time comes he will be the duke.”
“And what was your wish?” You wondered curious about Satoru’s wishes.
“I wanted to serve right next to the crowned prince.” He smiled proudly. “And train strong soldiers for the future.”
“You wanted to be a teacher?” You smiled.
“Kind of… I am good with the sword and on the battlefield so I could teach others to be too.” He smiled proudly and with his chest puffed out. "I mean, I'm a good teacher, you've seen it yourself, angel." He smiled, bringing his face closer to yours.
The words got stuck in your throat and your heartbeat echoed loudly in your ears. Luckily a gentle knock on the door made you quickly get up and head towards the door. You subtly opened the door and stuck your head out to check who it was, when you saw that it was Rose the person on the other side of the door, you let her pass.
“Hello, duke.” She bowed to Satoru and pushed the cart with the food to the table that was there in your room. “I'll leave your dinner here.” She smiled. “My lady, if you want anything else, call me.”
You shook your head and smiled back. “You can go rest Rose, don't worry.” Rose nodded and with a goodnight, she left the room.
“She cares for you.” Satoru rose from the couch and walked over to the table.
“We were practically raised together.” You mentioned. “Rose is older than me and her mother used to work here as a maid too, when I was born my parents, well they didn’t care much about it and Rose’s mother was the one to take care of me and she was there, as an older sister for me.” You smiled looking at him.
Satoru smiled back at you. “I’m glad to hear you were able to have that kindness in your life.”
You nodded and you poked one of the pieces of food on the plate. "You are not going to eat?" You said looking at him through your eyelashes.
“I am not hungry right now.” He said observing you.
You swallowed the food and looked down. “It’s a bit embarrassing if I’m the only one eating.”
“Yeah.” He laughed. “Sorry angel.” You shook your head. “By the way, tomorrow I will be leaving.”
You looked at him, opening your eyes and feeling the breath escape from you. “Don't worry, angel, I'll just go to a nearby town to take care of some business, but I'll be back in three days at most.” He grabbed your hand across the table and brought it to his lips.
You nodded and sighed in relief. “Do you promise me you'll come back?”
He simply smiled and you believed every word that came from those lips that had captivated you so much. "Of course, my angel."
You continued eating dinner in silence while Satoru watched you and from time to time took something from the plates. By the time you realized it, you had to light the candles in the bedroom since the sun had already set and the darkness of the night adorned the place.
Neither of you said anything but you both understood from your looks and your caresses that Satoru would spend that night with you again. You didn't care if you weren't intimate that night, you just wanted to have the heat of his body close to him and for his aroma and being to warm you on that summer night.
Blowing out the last candle that illuminated the room, Satoru wrapped his arms around you and pressed you against his bare torso. I carefully brush your hair aside and leave a trail of kisses on your back.
“Good night my angel.” He whispered in your ear.
Without letting you escape, you both fell asleep. Wrapped in his arms you felt his love and warmth and you were able to dream and rest peacefully until the first rays of the sun began to filter through the curtains of your room.
When you opened your eyes again that morning, the first thing you saw was Satoru's serene and calm face. His white hair fell on his face, partially covering it, but that was not an impediment for you to admire his beauty. You stayed for a few minutes observing, studying each of his features, wanting to engrave them strongly in your mind so you would never forget them. But in those moments when you remembered that you could look at that face for years to come once you got married.
You brought your hand to his forehead and brushed a couple of strands out of his face, you smiled into the pillow. “I can't wait to see that smile every morning.” Satoru whispered with his eyes still closed.
You quickly removed your hand and looked at him. "You are awake." It wasn't a question, rather it was a statement.
Satoru opened his blue eyes and moved so he was on top of you. “That's right angel.” He said kissing your mouth. On impulse you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer to you.
"I do not want you to go." You whispered. “I want us to get married now and leave this place.”
“Soon my angel.” He whispered and started placing soft kisses on your face. “But today I must leave.” You nodded sadly. “Before you read two of your books I will be back.”
“But I usually read them…” You closed your mouth when you realized what it meant and smiled.
“When I return we will get married and I will take you with me, to a house near the sea, where you have your own library, so you can read and tell me about those books you read.” He hugged you and you nodded against his chest.
“That sounds really nice.” You murmured.
“Just wait a bit okay?” And you nodded again. “Trust me my angel, everything will be just fine.” He cupped your face. “I promise.” And kissed you, in a kiss full of love and affection.
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This was the fourth book since Satoru had left. He had promised to return before you finished the second one and your favorite corner had become the large window from where you could see the main entrance. You couldn't deny that when you finished the second book, a small hole opened in your heart and anguish began to grow in you. That was why you were now eagerly waiting for a carriage to enter through the gates and for your loved one to get out of it.
It was around the fourth day when the sun was already setting on the horizon, when you saw it. Putting the book aside, you marched through the house, running past the servants and opening the front door as if you were a little girl who had finally gotten permission to play outside. Your face was illuminated by a smile and your hands were clasped on your chest, trying to prevent your heart from beating out of you.
But that smile and nervousness disappeared when the ones who got out of that carriage were your parents and not the person who made you feel alive.
“Oh!” Your father said with surprise. “You are here, well then it will be easier. Let’s go straight to my office to talk.” He said walking past you and you swore that the air he moved could cut your cheeks.
You looked at your father from your place and felt how your cheek was burning, placing your hand on it you realized that your mother was in front of you and had slapped you. “You realize how disgusting you are.” You took a step back, scared by the timbre of her voice and her sharp gaze. “Disgusting whore.” Without saying anything else she walked in the same direction that your father had done and you felt like something was going to happen and it wasn't going to be good.
You looked at Rose who was watching you from the side with a look of anguish and helplessness. You just smiled at her and calmed her down.
Raising your head, you walked to the office, there you closed the door and took a strong breath of air when you saw that the atmosphere was extremely charged.
You looked at your parents and tried to breathe calmly, so that the tension and nervousness that invaded you would disappear. But their penetrating and menacing gazes didn't help in the slightest.
“You thought we were not going to find out?” His father began. “You were so loud moaning like a cat in heat that everyone could hear you.”
You opened your eyes and looked at them both with your heart in your fist. “Father, mother…”
“Shut your mouth!” Your father shouted.
“You let yourself be fooled so easily, when your mother told you not to come close, to stay away.” Your father leaned back in his chair and touched his forehead. “Do you know what this is?” He said, taking out a letter from his cheek. You denied.
“It's the reason you spread your legs.” Your mother snapped hatefully and you looked at her confused.
“Dear…” Your father warned her and your mother sat better in her chair. “I'm going to read you: Dear Crown Prince, I am writing to inform you that the plan has been carried out as expected. I have been able to obtain the desired documents from the family.” Your father looks at you over his glasses and continued. “She was really easy to manipulate and the job was much easier for me. In a few days I will be in the capital with the documents for the nobles. The best regards, Duke Gojo.” Your heart stopped beating at that precise moment, you could feel how your world was collapsing on you and beginning to crush your body.
You started to shake your head. “No, no, he wouldn’t.”
“Stupid bitch.” Your mother shouted. “I will ask the doctor to prepare medicine for you to start taking, lets hope you are not pregnant by that stupid duke.”
You covered your face with your hands and let the tears flow down your face. He had promised you to return, he had promised to get you out of that hell, he had promised you a house near the sea, he had promised you a library full of books so you could continue reading and tell him all the new stories you discovered. Had all those been empty words? All lies? No, no, no, his eyes were warm when she told you that, they were full of sincerity and affection. It couldn't be, that had to be a crude nightmare.
“You can read the letter as many times as you want, but that won’t change the fact that he used you.” Your father put the letter once again in front of you.
“That’s not true…” You whispered, shaking your head. “It can’t be true…”
“Our dear daughter.” Your father spoke. “We told you he was a bad man, you ignored us and he got under your skirt and left. You better start praying for no one outside this house to find out about your impurity, thankfully Mr. Harrison is still willing to marry you.”
You stood up from the chair and walked towards the door with tears streaming down your face. “The wedding will be next month.” Your mother spoke before you left the room.
You practically run towards your room only followed by Rose, who entered with you to your room.
“Rose… he…” You tried to articulate a single word but you were unable, the words were stuck on your throat and it hurt like knifes.
“It’s okay my lady.” She tried to calm you down.
But you couldn't, your chest hurt, your head hurt, your heart... you felt like it had been ripped from your chest and there was absolutely nothing left there now. Had Satoru really betrayed you? Had he really used you to help the crown prince? You felt dirty and you didn't know what else to think, you didn't know what to believe. You had completely trusted him, his actions, his words, his touches, everything.
But that letter that your father had read to you where he talked about how after sleeping with you he had taken the opportunity to go get the necessary documents to put the remaining nobles in his favor.
She was so easy to manipulate.
Those words keep on repeating on your mind, over and over again.
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Note: this chapter is programmed so once it’s posted I will be sleeping, hope everyone enjoyed it and remember next chapter is the last one 😜😘
- comment if you want to be tagged
🏷️: @catobsessedlady @zoeyflower @httpstoyosi @satoracyxys @lavender-hvze @slashersgirlypop @tinydonkeysforlife @oddball08 @tttttttf
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Pls More general sfw headcanons of cooper and reader? Ghoul or pre war whichever you prefer honestly.
General SFW Prewar!Cooper Howard Headcanons 2
(I'll do some Ghoul SFW in a follow-up; this got away from me a little.)
Clearly he enjoys film and theatre, but he has a fairly secret soft spot for musicals. Pretty much any musical will pique his interest, and you'll spend a fair few date nights out seeing shows. You find it very endearing that he wants to share his interests with you. He's got an especially soft spot for some of the older, cheesier musicals though; hope you're ready to see "Brigadoon" like a half dozen times! He's got that one on tape.
"Old Yeller" is banned media in the Howard household (as are most things about dogs who die), as well as books like "The Velveteen Rabbit", which he read to Janey when she was four and never truly recovered from. Coop cries like a baby every time and gets so embarrassed. You once asked Janey if she'd ever seen it, and she tells you, rather conspiratorially, that she once watched it at a friend's house.
The old man actually cries quite easily when he's moved by something. He'll try to hide it away, but every once in a while he fully loses it (tbh it's the 'child death' type stuff that really upsets him; to this day, he's still a little mad at Barb for showing him "Bridge to Terabithia" on family movie night and thinking he would like it). You think it's the sweetest thing and you always reassure him that it's nothing to be ashamed of.
I imagine that, like a good, engaged father, he takes a particular interest in Janey's likes and hobbies; if you ask him what she likes, he can give you an entire list of things you can engage with her on, every single one of them accurate and up-to-date. If Janey really likes a book series, he'll read it (or maybe listen to it if he's short on time). If she really likes a band, y'all have fun at the concert! Every group comes through LA so you may be going to several concerts a year eventually. He even knows who her favorite member is! He only falls in love with you more when you do the same with her.
He's a true romantic at heart; despite being really torn up about the divorce and thinking he'll never fall in love again, he does, and hard. It's not long before he (unbelievably, to him especially) finds himself wanting to propose. He waits a while, though, wanting to feel out the dynamic between you and Janey, worrying about how Barb will feel when she ultimately finds out. He doesn't want to be married to her anymore, but he still cares for her, and he doesn't want to hurt her.
I'd like to think that he and Barb had a pretty nice, large wedding (as I've said before, likely at an older age than many of their peers, even if, canonically, it seems they were already dating during Cooper's military service; they both strike me as the type to want to wait until they were better established to actually marry). Not anything too crazy, but since Cooper's career was really starting to take off, she did want to use the wedding as an opportunity to rub elbows, so there were quite a few people in attendance that he flat-out didn't know. It didn't bother him much at the time; Barb always loved an opportunity to network and Coop could never deny her anything. But, given a chance to do it over, I think he'd do things differently.
With you, he'd wanna go to the courthouse. He'd be happy to have a nice, private ceremony eventually, maybe a little vow renewal for your one-year down on the beach in Mexico or something. But when you get legally married it'll be at the courthouse, just the two of you and Janey. You wouldn't have it any other way.
You try your best to keep it under wraps, but, well...marriage licenses are a matter of public record, and there are people whose whole job is to unearth things like that. The fallout (ha) from it may be stronger than you anticipated, but, at the end of the day, you have one another, and you're happy with that.
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lacy-oh-lacy · 3 days
Coming out to Marvel Characters
A/N: Happy Pride! Reader's orientation/identity is ambiguous, as is your relationship with the characters :) Masterlist
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Steve: Telling him is a little intimidating considering the time he’s from, but truthfully you could of told him back in the 30s and even then he would of accepted you -albeit with more anxiety over your safety. He’s open minded for his time, and he has in spades the kind of compassion you need after bearing your heart and soul like that. 
Tony: He’s a dickhead more often than not, but he gets that this is a rare time not to be. He’s quiet for a moment, processing, and then he’s nonchalant. He acknowledges what you said as sensitively as he can but he also doesn’t linger on it. He accepts who you are, but to him it’s not a moment to get sappy over, it’s as casual as he thinks lending someone basic human decency should be.
Thor: He forgets for a minute that this can be a big deal to earthlings, queerness as you call it is a lot more normalised on Asguard.Then he remembers, and trying to be supportive -albeit a little clumsily- he pats your back and commends the courage it must of taken to tell him, assuring you you have his wholehearted acceptance.
Natasha: Look, as perceptive as she is, there’s no way she hasn’t already known for months. She’s just been too respectful to say anything. When you do finally tell her she feigns just a bit of surprise for your benefit, then she’s very casual about the whole thing. She’s accepting but in a quiet way, she’s one to show her support subtly as it naturally comes up.
Wanda: She doesn’t have the most in depth lgbtqia+ education or anything but she wholeheartedly supports the community. So, between that and her being the compassionate person she is, she’s very easy to tell. She’s so understanding and sensitive to your feelings, and honestly she’s just really touched that you trusted her enough to tell her.
Peter P: It really does come as a surprise, just because he’s usually so preoccupied with his own secret that he doesn’t often think about what other people might be hiding. He adjusts right away though, he’s always considerate to your comfort and now is no exception. He’s so sweet, he’s just happy you told him and asking the most thoughtful questions.
Carol: Though she’s also from a more close-minded time, she’s a little less intimidating to tell. For one thing, she’s spent her life since then around a diverse range of space cultures, and for another, she kind of has her own… vibe. And yeah, you were right not to worry, she doesn’t exactly overreact but she’s very obvious in her support.
Bucky: He is surprised, but also curious. When you spend most your life in the 30s and the rest in captivity you don’t learn how to respond to someone coming out to you (at least not in a way he ever would) but he doesn’t do too bad, he clearly isn’t bothered. Actually you coming out sparks his interest in the matter and inspires him to educate himself on queerness in the 21st century.
Yelena: As another queer person, she thinks it’s great, her eyes actually light up as you tell her. Honestly, she’s kind of hoping that you have more experience with things like pride and community than she does because she could really use some guidance, but even if not it’s still nice just to know she has someone who’s like her in her life and hopes that you feel the same way.
Loki: He couldn’t be less fazed if you told him your star sign, frankly. He is quick though, he can see this is important to you. So, wanting you to feel validated he asks some polite follow up questions, he’s happy to let you vent if you want, he’ll even offer some insight as someone a lot more at home in his queer identity if you need it. Plus, the best thing about telling him is that he’s definitely down to …handle… any bigots you’re dealing with.
Valkyrie: She’ll drink to that. Really, she thinks it’s nice, she’s supportive without making a big deal out of it. Though she’s queer herself, she wouldn’t think to offer any advice on the matter because well… she’s kind of a mess, but if you need someone to talk to she’s not a bad listener.
Kate: Despite what an adorably awkward motormouth she can be at times, she’s actually pretty chill about this. She does rush to reassure you that she’s fine with it, especially if you seem nervous, but she’s otherwise relaxed and lets you do most of the talking. It’s not that big of a shock to her really, it’s not like she’s never met other queer people before.
Peter Q: To be for real, most of what her knows about queer people comes from outdated stereotypes, relics from his childhood, and there was probably a time when coming out to him really would of sucked because of that, but he’s matured a lot since then so he takes this in with an open mind and responds with surprising sensitivity and kindness, at least by his standards.
Gamora: She’s been through planets more or less accepting of queerness so she gets the gist, but with how shut-off she’s been you’re still the first (out) queer person she’s known well. You wouldn’t know that though, because she responds very calmly to you coming out and she’s very easy to talk to about it.
Drax: He does not get the big deal. He doesn’t even get what homophobia / transphobia is really, and yet he still manages to say something totally offensive (albeit completely unintentionally) when you come out to him -which he later apologises for. Of course he accepts you, it’s not even a question, and after that first slip up he does make it a point to try and be more respectful …to mixed results.
Groot: He is Groot.
Rocket: He’s not respectful per se, because he never is, but he takes it fine. With all the crazy stuff he’s seen, you’re really not making headlines. He doesn’t know how to communicate it, but he’s sympathetic to the more alienating parts of your experience, especially to bigotry you faced, and he’s the quickest to defend you if ever needed.
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chewnotchoke · 1 day
tropes i'd give to boynextdoor + their theme songs
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it's my first time writing here on tumblr so i hope u like it! reading experience would be better if ypu try to listen to the songs! enjoy <3
sungho - strangers to friends to lovers
- song: get you by daniel caesar
𓍯 it all started from the cliché 'i was dozing off and was too sleepy after school i slept on his shoulder without my knowledge.' he smiled to himself once you got off of the bus because he thinks you were too cute.
𓍯 you started running to each other often ever since you take short walks by the park every afternoon, and sungho walks his dog there as well. (he saw you once walking and he started doing the same so he could see you everyday)
𓍯 "can i pet your dog? what's his name?" you slouched to pet the corgi you thought was cute. "sungho." "pardon?" you chuckled. "ah-i mean sochi."
𓍯 you started being friends with him when you offered to walk his dog one day. luckily, sungho lives across the street in the same neighborhood.
𓍯 walks with his pet turned into walks with sungho himself where you would find yourselves eating at a restaurant for dinner. sungho would offer to walk you back home just so he could spend more time with you even though your house is just five minutes away from his.
𓍯 sungho has always liked you from the beginning. you liked him when you two were walking late at night and he was yapping nonstop about his hobbies, favorites, and of course he would also ask about your interests. you realized he's so nice to also talk about you and he wasn't that narcissistic guy who just talks about himself. "what about you, do you like this too? i didn't think you'd like that...oh! i felt like you were into these kind of things!"
𓍯 you never found out you two have met before at the bus until you asked sungho his first impression of you.
𓍯 "ms. y/n..have you ever dated before?" he dropped a random question on a normal day where you'd walk with him and sochi. "uh..i haven't...?" it was kind of embarrassing for you that you've never dated before. "then would you be fine with dating a guy like me?" he stops walking and faced at your direction as the corner of his lips form a smile.
riwoo - second chance romance
- song: everything by the black skirts
𓍯 this hurts because you're in the same circle of friends with him. at first, youre the type of exes who would walk past each other without a word. riwoo's heart would ache everytime
𓍯 couldn't and would not entertain other girls because he's waiting for you to come back
𓍯 he would message your close friends in the circle to ask how you're doing. one time, he found out you were sick and your friends were all busy and your classmates didn't know where you lived so he rushed to your apartment with medicine and porridge and ended up taking care of you. despite knowing your door passcode, he knocked on the door to give respect without actually barging himself in until you let him inside.
𓍯 "are you okay?" he hugs you out of worry. "riwoo, you can't just hug me like this." he snaps out of it and realized what he's done which might have put you in an uncomfortable situation. "i'm sorry." he apologizes. "no, it's okay. i'm worried you might catch it too. thank you for taking care of me."
𓍯 he's very caring and thoughtful even as exes. when he notices you're down, he would anonymously leave your favorite food on your desk because no one else knows you best aside from him. he knows you would not eat it if you knew so he tries his best to keep it a secret from your friends.
𓍯 cried on your shoulders when he was at his peak of vulnerability because he misses you so much and he said he could not handle walking past each other anymore and acting like nothing happened between you two. "can we try again?" he looked straight into yours with his eyes pooled with tears. "only if we both promise we'll do better this time." and from that day onwards, your relationship with riwoo was better than before.
jaehyun - 'i wont give up until you fall for me'
- song: adore you by harry styles
𓍯 this man is a down bad loser in love for you. when i tell you there's no other woman in the world for him, trust me.
𓍯 he likes you a lot but not in an overwhelming way. he just wants to prove he can take care of you well.
𓍯 jaehyun is very open when it comes to expressing his love for you. social anxiety is scared of him because he's always verbal about his feelings even when surrounded with a lot of people. "can you slow down, pretty?" you've been trying to walk in a fast pace because he's been calling you pretty. you weren't trying to run away because you hate it, you just don't want him to see your red face because you honestly love it when he compliments you. "there's so many people can you please stop calling me that?" he quickly catches up after you. "then you should stop being so pretty and cute in front of me." he sniffs like it was so easy for him to say that. the people around you looked in your direction and smiled at jaehyun's remark.
𓍯 would intensely stare at you every chance he gets because he loves admiring all your features. "has anybody told you you have such pretty eyes?" his comment would leave you all flustered. "when will you stop looking at me?" you rolled your eyes. "hm...until you melt?" he gave you the sweetest wink, teasing you.
𓍯 you started dating when you accidentally confessed he's good looking and he makes your heart race. "i bet there aren't any other guys in the world like my boyfriend!" your friend starts bragging about her man. "tch! i bet no one's as handsome and sweet as jaehyun!" both jaehyun and your friend were surprised with what you just said that you started running away when jaehyun was asking you to repeat your words. "what? you think i'm handsome? does that mean you like m—oh my god! do you like me too? are you my girlfriend now?!" he jumps around the street with how happy he was to finally win your heart.
taesan - brother's bestfriend (jaehyun as your brother)
- song: sweater weather by the neighborhood
𓍯 your brother brings him home a lot to play games and you'd ask your mom if she has prepared some snacks for them just so you can enter their room to deliver the food and shoot a glance at him
𓍯 you know a lot of girls like him and you're glad he's best friends with jaehyun because you get to see him hang around your house.
𓍯 although he's not the type to strike a conversation first, he actually looks at you when your brother talks to you and you would accidentally meet eyes with him where you would immediately look away
𓍯 he unconsciously grew this habit of watching out and taking care of you after all the times he has seen your relationship with your brother. one time jaehyun left the two of you at the park after forgetting something at home. taesan would grab the end of your shirt to pull you closer after a bicycle just passed by. "be careful, jaehyun might scold me." no. it wasn't because of jaehyun. it's because he cares for you.
𓍯 he tried to keep his little crush on you a secret because he's scared jaehyun might not like him for you.
𓍯 "hey! you're supposed to wash the dishes today! dont even dare to pass that job to me again and run away later!" you threw a pillow to him before walking away. you glimpsed at taesan who was sitting beside him before you run upstairs. jaehyun chuckles, "ah that kid...isn't she cute?" jaehyun glued his eyes on the tv while pressing the keys of his game console. "yeah, she is." taesan didnt know it would come out of his mouth. jaehyun slowly turned his head to the flustered taesan. "what did you say..?"
𓍯 your first kiss with him happened when you were reaching your brother's book in the shelf. when you turned around, taesan was towering you while he reaches the book for you. your faces were too close he ended up kissing you with consent and that's how you started dating.
leehan - slowburn/first love
- song: spring snow by 10cm
𓍯 he's just so first love coded!
𓍯 the opposite of jaehyun. he tries not to make it obvious that he has fallen for you.
𓍯 the type to look at you when you're not looking. he knows you were looking at him from afar at the cafeteria and when your friend talks to you, he'd grab the chance to look at you the same way and he would find himself smiling on his own.
𓍯 would tilt the umbrella towards your side while his shoulders are already wet just so you wouldn't get rained on.
𓍯 loves admiring you from afar because he gets to look at you without feeling embarrassed.
𓍯 during a class retreat, you got asked by your classmates what's your ideal type. leehan was too dense to realize you were talking about him. "someone with sparkly eyes...and fluffy hair? someone who looks like they'd make a good partner?" you answered. 'hm? is there some guy like that in our school?' he thought to himself.
𓍯 king of acts of service. not good with words but he's insanely good in expressing his feelings through actions.
𓍯 it took wayyy too long before the two of you confessed to each other. it was so obvious to all of your friends that you like each other but you and leehan are the only ones who don't know about it. maybe because you're refusing to believe he would like someone like you.
𓍯 "how could you fall for someone like me? i don't think i'm as good as other girls and you're just...way too out of my league." your eyes were glued to the ground, in a disbelief that leehan likes you. "what do you mean 'someone like you?' you're everything i could ever ask for..." he brushes your hair with his fingers before pulling you into a hug.
woonhak - friends to lovers
- song: this is what falling in love feels like by jvke
𓍯 he's very extroverted, but when it comes to expressing his feelings, he tries to be nonchalant about it. (he doesn't want to be teased by his friends).
𓍯 would get this and that for you because he remembers you mentioning how much you liked it. "what's this?" you asked wonhak who placed a cinnamon bun on your table. "just saw it when i was passing by." he answered without looking at you.
𓍯 would use "y/n, wanna try the newly opened restaurant down the street?" as an excuse to go out on a date with you because he infact have been to that restaurant already.
𓍯 you knew you were starting to fall for him because his smiles started to hit different than normal days. "oh, woonhak? i dont remember you being this cute?" woonhak shyly rubs his nape, at a disbelief that you found him cute.
𓍯 you fell asleep on their couch while hanging around his house and he pulls the blanket over your body so you won't get cold. he started admiring you in your sleep and thinks you have such long eyelashes. he'd flinch when you move and pretended he was doing nothing.
𓍯 "hey! woonhak! look at this!" you were all giggly while playing around the water fountain and he was standing, watching you have fun before deciding to get himself wet and play with you around the fountain as well.
𓍯 he offered to dry your hair with a towel. he'd be so playful with it and mess with your hair for fun. "hey! stop it!" he would laugh and then pat your head with so much affection.
𓍯 you love teasing him that he likes you because he's so cute when he gets flustered like his secret has been revealed to the world, but you didn't expect it to backfire immediately. "what would you do if i do like you?" he says.
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reblogs are very much appreciated ><
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Yay! Requests are back!
Could I request Nanami's s/o being revealed as nobility?
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"So you're like a prince?"
"I am not a prince."
"I know but like a prince. Like a duke? Are dukes better than princes?"
"Princes are better than dukes, but dukes are also pretty high up there."
"I'm not a duke either."
He wasn't sure how the kids found out about his family heritage (although he could guess how (somewhere in the world Satoru Gojo sneezed)) but they had and had been asking him questions.
It wasn't as if Nanami kept it a secret. It was just not something he talked about. Plus his "royal" status was very tenuous at best. He was more of a 3rd cousin, twice removed, his mother's in-laws side of the family kind of thing. It was hardly worth mentioning, in most cases, unless it was brought up.
"That's still really cool Nanami-san." Yuji commented. "I mean, does your family have a castle?"
"They do. I don't."
"That's so cool."
"Is that where the blonde hair comes from?" Megumi asked. Which was honestly the most practical question all afternoon.
"Yes. They're from Europe. Which is where my fair coloring comes from."
"Have you ever been to a ball?" Nobara asked.
"No. I've never been to a ball." Just very fancy parties, but that was back in his finance days.
While the kids were asking all these questions, [Y/N] was suspiciously quite. "You don't have anything to say?"
"No. Not really." They told him. "Just trying to get used to the fact that my life is now a Hallmark movie."
Nanami chuckled. He supposed it was a little ridiculous, and maybe something he should have mentioned to his partner, but honestly he didn't think about it much. "Besides, you've always been Prince Charming to me. Hearing it's true is just a bonus."
Nanami gave them a bit of a shy smile before he turned away. "I'm not a prince."
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aphroditeinthesea · 2 days
Hi! Could I request a Percy Jackson x Daughter of aphrodite reader angst? (this request is inspired by another fic hehe) Where the percy jackson asks the reader to help woo Annabeth (you can decide how if you decide to do this) since she's A daughter and aphrodite and immediately Assumes that she's a master in the love department but the thing is the reader has a huggers crush on percy but she decides to help him out because everyone in camp knows that percy and annabeth are made for each other (just thinking about helping your crush get on with their crush makes my heart acheee😫 Againn if you decide to pick this up you can decide on the ending!!) That's all I wantttt~~ take care of yourself!!!
“ falling feels like flying (til the bone crush) ”
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percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite 🌊
a/n i <3 writing percy fics just so i can use a pic of logan lerman (he’s so pretty)
⚠️ extreme and painful longing
˚ ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ ⋆
He was so pretty. And that’s coming from a daughter of Aphrodite. Y/N was always admiring him from afar. His black hair that would occasionally be swept away from his face as the wind blew, causing the perfect view of his perfect features. It was confusing how a guy could look that beautiful.
She knew she wasn't the only one who felt that way, of course. Lots of girls had crushes on him. Most prominently, the prettiest daughter of Athena. Who, as if on queue, approached Percy as he was training. She had her curls in a ponytail, no makeup, just sweat that somehow made her glow. She didn't try. And he looked at her like she was all that he worshiped.
“I cant believe youre jealous of her,” one of y/n’s sisters commented.
She scoffed, “I’m not jealous of her,” she faced the other girl, “she’s just a bookworm, who happens to look like if Kate Hudson and Taylor Swift had a baby who was Victoria’s Secret Angel.”
“Mermaid man, twelve o’clock.”
“What?” She turned around to see the son of Poseidon approaching her. She awkwardly flipped her hair to be in front of her shoulders, then a little behind her shoulders, then-
“Y/N! I wanted to talk to you,” he greeted, sitting next to her.
Her sister smirked before walking off with a wink. Her heartbeat quickened, her mind going stupid, “Percsty!” She smiled.
“I have to confess something to you, no one knows, so please don't tell anyone, okay?”
She quickly nodded, “anything, yeah of course. What is it?”
He bit his lips. Oh gods. “I was wondering if you could help me impress Annabeth.”
Heart? Shattered. Brain? Broken. Lungs? Zero air, absolutely nothing.
“You like her?”
He blushed, looking down and fidgeting with his hands, “I do.”
“I can help,” dumbass, “one of the perks of being Aphrodite’s daughter.”
With that, she found herself in cabin three, under terrible, terrible circumstances.
“What’s her favorite flower?”
He thought for a second, “irises.”
Y/N wrote that down in her notebook, which she would promptly be burning at the campfire tonight. The stress was taking her over, she was ready to tear off the pink fluff ball that sat atop the pen.
“Extra olive pizza.”
“Gag me with a spoon,” she blurted as she wrote. “What?”
He leaned back on his bed, “you think she’ll like this? I’m not even sure if she likes me back.”
“Trust me,” she sighed, “she does.”
“I dont know.”
“Percy, she does,” she snapped, “especially I planned this whole thing.”
“Thanks for that, by the way,” he grinned, “I really wanna make sure she likes everything.”
“She will,” she reassured. “You know, I never really pegged you as a romantic.”
“Me neither,” he sighed, “but when it comes to her, gods.”
Y/N frowned, “you really love her?”
He stuttered, “I mean, love, that’s a big word. I- uhm- love her- I don’t,” he took a breath, “I do.”
The only way I can explain what y/n thought in that moment was something along the lines of, “alfkhgnlkhsjk.”
She looked next to him from where she was sitting. That’s when she noticed the framed picture on his bedside table. Him and Annabeth, two years ago it looked to be. His arm around her shoulder, both of them seemed to have been laughing when the candid was taken. That's when it hit her. The bright smiles on their faces were the ones she only ever saw when they  were together. Like they both had smiles reserved for the other.
She looked back at the green eyes that were looking at her, “I can tell.”
She stood in the middle of the woods, a few feet away from the camp entrance. She saw the figure approaching her. She reached for her pocket, getting ready.
“Cheese pizza with extra olives?”
She nodded, “yeah.”
“$11.90,” the delivery boy added.
She handed him the money, plus tip, considering he had to come into the middle of the woods for this.
She walked back into camp. Wondering why she was doing this. If she had been one of her siblings, she probably would've tried to sabotage the whole thing. Make sure that Percy and Annabeth never happen. But the way he talked about her? Like she was the center of the universe? She knew she could never compete with the daughter of Athena. His wisegirl.
“You got the pizza?”
She handed it to Percy as he set up the pink irises in a vase, “here,” she muttered, “there’s no change.”
“One pizza costs twenty dollars?” He questioned.
She shrugged, “inflation.” It was kinda depressing. The best revenge she could get was giving an eight dollars and 10 cents tip. She awkwardly played with the skirt of her dress, “I’ll go get Annabeth.”
She hurried to cabin six. She knocked on the door, lucky enough, the blonde opening it, “hey?”
“Annabeth!” she forced a smile, “Percy was looking for you, he wanted you to meet him by the strawberry fields.”
“Seaweed Brain!” y/n heard the laugh from archery training. She turned around, catching a glimpse of the new couple. Her hand was in his as they walked. Her nose buried in his shoulder as she giggled. For a second, just a second, he looked back at the daughter of Aphrodite. He flashed her smile, wording, “I owe you.”
Yes, you do.
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estapa-edwards · 1 day
Trevor Zegras with a hairstylist reader whom is his best friend & has the biggest crush on him, he doesn’t know tho. Z always goes to the hair saloon whenever he gets dumped and gets his hair washed to relive stress & ranting about how he somehow can’t keep a relationship, but reader know Z will only go back into a relationship a few days later (full on angst, you can decide if reader & Z will be a couple or not). Thank you, love you!!
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paring: Trevor Zegras x reader
word count: 1.6k
requested? yes
warnings: use of y/n.
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
Trevor Zegras, affectionately called Z by those closest to him, trudged into the small, warmly lit salon. His usually confident stride was subdued, shoulders slightly hunched, and his face was a mask of frustration and sadness. He glanced around the familiar space, taking in the comforting scent of hair products and the soft hum of conversations blending with the background music.
Y/N, his best friend and hairstylist, looked up from her station. Her heart sank at the sight of him. she had seen this scene play out too many times. Trevor was here for his routine post-breakup hair wash, a ritual that had become all too familiar over the years. Y/N had been harboring a secret crush on him for as long as she could remember, but  Trevor seemed oblivious, always lost in his own world of fleeting relationships.
"Hey, Z," Y/N greeted softly, trying to mask the concern in her voice. "Another rough one?"
Trevor sighed, running a hand through his tousled hair. "Yeah, you could say that. Mind if I get the usual? I need to clear my head."
Y/N nodded, motioning for him to take a seat at the shampoo station. As Trevor settled into the chair, Y/N prepared the water, making sure it was just the right temperature. She poured a generous amount of shampoo into her hands and began to massage it into his scalp.
Trevor closed his eyes, a look of relief washing over his face. "I don't get it, Y/N. Why can't I keep a relationship? What's wrong with me?"
Y/N's heart ached at the vulnerability in his voice. She had heard these questions before, each time feeling a pang of sympathy mixed with frustration. "There's nothing wrong with you, Z. Sometimes things just don't work out. It's not always about you."
Trevor huffed, his eyes still closed. "Maybe. But it feels like I'm the common denominator. Every time, it's the same story. I think it's going great, and then bam, it's over."
Y/N continued to work the shampoo through his hair, her fingers moving in soothing circles. "Maybe you're just picking the wrong people. Or maybe you're not ready for something serious yet."
Trevor opened his eyes, looking up at Y/N with a mix of confusion and curiosity. "What do you mean?"
Y/N hesitated, unsure if she should delve deeper. "I just mean that maybe you're not looking for the right things in a relationship. Or maybe you're not being yourself fully. Sometimes it takes time to figure out what you really want."
Trevor sighed again, leaning back into the chair. "Maybe you're right. I just... I don't know. It feels like I'm always chasing something that slips through my fingers."
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest. She wanted to tell him how she felt, how she had always been there for him, how she had seen him at his best and worst, and still cared for him deeply. But fear held them back. Fear of ruining their friendship, fear of rejection, fear of breaking the fragile balance they had maintained for so long.
Instead, she kept her thoughts to themselves, focusing on washing away his stress with each stroke. "You deserve to be happy, Z. And you'll find someone who sees you for who you really are. Just don't lose hope."
Trevor smiled faintly, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly. "Thanks, Y/N. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Y/N's heart fluttered at his words, but she forced themselves to remain calm. "That's what friends are for, right?"
--- --- --- 
The days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Each time Trevor found himself single again, he would return to the salon, seeking solace in the routine that had become his anchor. And each time, Y/N was there, listening, comforting, and silently yearning for him to see them in a different light.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Trevor walked into the salon, a familiar look of dejection on his face. Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. This time felt different, though. There was a deeper sadness in his eyes, a weariness that hadn't been there before.
"Hey, Y/N," he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Hey, Z," Y/N replied, her voice gentle. "Rough day?"
Trevor nodded, sinking into the chair at the shampoo station. "Yeah. Really rough."
Y/N began her familiar routine, her fingers moving through his hair with practiced ease. As she worked, Trevor began to talk, his voice a mix of frustration and sadness. "I thought this one was different, Y/N. I really did. But she said I was too distant, too focused on other things. She didn't think I was serious about us."
Y/N's heart ached at his words. She wanted to scream that she saw him, that she understood him in ways no one else did. But instead, she kept her voice steady. "Maybe she wasn't the right one for you, Z. Maybe she didn't see all the amazing things about you."
Trevor sighed, leaning back into the chair. "Maybe. But it just feels like I'm never enough. Like I'm always missing something."
Y/N's hands stilled for a moment before resuming her gentle motions. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "Z, have you ever thought that maybe you're looking for the wrong things? Maybe what you need isn't out there, but right in front of you?"
Trevor opened his eyes, looking up at Y/N with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "What do you mean?"
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest. This was it. The moment she had been dreading and hoping for. "I mean that maybe you've been overlooking something, or someone, who cares about you more than anyone else ever could."
Trevor's eyes widened slightly, realization slowly dawning on him. "Y/N, are you saying...?"
Y/N nodded, her hands trembling slightly. "I've been your best friend for years, Z. I've seen you at your best and worst, and I've always cared about you. More than just a friend."
Trevor stared at them, his mind racing. "I... I never realized. I always thought you were just being a good friend."
Y/N smiled sadly. "I was. But it was always more than that for me. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to ruin what we have. But I can't keep pretending that I'm okay with just being your friend."
Trevor sat up, turning to face Y/N fully. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
Y/N shrugged, tears welling up in her eyes. "I was scared. Scared that you wouldn't feel the same way, scared that I'd lose you. But I can't keep hiding how I feel."
Trevor reached out, taking Y/N's hand in his. "Y/N, I don't know what to say. This is a lot to take in."
Y/N nodded, squeezing his hand gently. "I know. And I don't expect you to have all the answers right now. I just needed you to know how I feel."
Trevor looked into Y/N's eyes, a myriad of emotions playing across his face. "I need time to process this, Y/N. But I promise, I won't let this ruin our friendship. You're too important to me."
Y/N smiled through her tears, relief flooding her chest. "That's all I can ask for, Z."
--- --- --- 
The days that followed were a whirlwind of emotions for both of them. Trevor found himself thinking about Y/N constantly, replaying their conversations in his mind. He had always known that Y/N was special, but he had never considered the possibility of something more between them.
As time passed, he began to see Y/N in a new light. He noticed the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed, the way she always seemed to know exactly what to say to make him feel better, the way she cared for him with a depth that he had never experienced before.
One evening, as the sun set, Trevor found himself standing outside the salon, his heart pounding in his chest. He took a deep breath, gathered his courage, and walked inside. Y/N was there, as always, working on a client's hair. she looked up and smiled when she saw him, but there was a hint of uncertainty in her eyes.
"Hey, Z," Y/N greeted, her voice tentative.
"Hey, Y/N," Trevor replied, his voice steady. "Can we talk? After you're done?"
Y/N nodded, her heart racing. "Of course. Just give me a few minutes."
Once the client had left and the salon was empty, Trevor approached Y/N, his heart pounding in his chest. "I've been doing a lot of thinking, Y/N. About what you said."
Y/N's breath caught in her throat. "And?"
Trevor  took a deep breath, reaching out to take Y/N's hand in his. "And I've realized that you're right. I've been looking for something that was right in front of me all along. You."
Y/N's eyes widened, hope and disbelief mingling in her gaze. "Z, are you saying...?"
Trevor nodded, his grip on her hand tightening. "I'm saying that I care about you, Y/N. More than just a friend. I don't know what the future holds, but I want to see where this can go. With you."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she looked into Trevor's earnest gaze. "I've wanted to hear those words for so long, Z. I care about you too. More than anything."
Trevor smiled, pulling them into a tight embrace. "Then let's take this one step at a time. Together."
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