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Pynch pic I made a while ago
Are there any fans of The Raven Cycle?  :D
Available at my redbubble
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On May 17, 2019, the Internet celebrity Grumpy Cat, also known as Tardar Sauce, passed away from an urinary tract infection. She lived from 2012-2019, a span of only seven years, yet managed to reach the hearts of millions with her trademark face of resting contempt. 
Thank you, Tardar Sauce. Thank you for giving us the chance to laugh. Thank you for everything. You will always be a part of us. We wish you a peaceful journey beyond that rainbow bridge, and ease at heart for the loving family you left behind.
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Six of Crows- the animated movie?
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Dogs like to bark Cats sometimes hiss “What was a kiss without a kiss?”
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😳🤭 what if we kissed 🤭😳 and you were the wrong boy😫😬
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Kaz @ Oomen after he fucked inej up
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minimalist: the dregs
—your gang was your family, the bond strong as blood.
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Stadwatch: Kaz Brekker, you’re under arrest
Kaz: *pulls out a get out of jail free card* I think not
Stadwatch: That’s…from Monopoly. This is Ketterdam
Kaz: If you can’t beat the odds, change the game
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I will bet you a bagful of polished gold coins that “scheming face” is actually “I forgot what the fuck I was talking about but I need to uphold my reputation so I am going to frown and squint my eyes a little face”
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These adults really need to rethink how they have lived their past 18+ years because if these things are not okay in reality, what makes you think that these things are fine in fandoms? Especially when an author doesn't want these ships happening and those perverts decide to say that they are perfectly fine
There are adults commenting that adult/minor, incestuous, and pedophilic ships don’t hurt anyone in the real world, meanwhile I have about thirty asks right now from kids relieved to see everyone in the notes being vocally against this content because they’ve so often been made to feel unsafe by adults in fandom who support that content online so I think that about wraps up that argument. It does affect children, and you should be ashamed, and you can happily unfollow me, thank you.
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@sixofcrowsnet heist: crimes breaking into the ice court
the ice court had been built to withstand an onslaught of armies, assassins, grisha, and spies. when she’d said as much to kaz, he’d simply replied,  “but it hasn’t been built to keep us out.”
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The caption... I die of laughter
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local steal-spined harpy has to go get her bird bf after finding him eating geese at 2am read more here
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I agree with this entirely.
you can say whatever you want about kaz brekker, but he would NEVER get along with the darkling. my boy respects women. mister i-want-to-control-alina has nothing on him
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This was heartbreaking. Zoya is someone who has been a victim of the Darkling. She knows his manipulation, his lies, his poisonous ambition and his absolute apathy. Reading this part of King of Scars really highlights the abuser the Darkling really was, and how we need his victims' stories to be told.
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who would speak for liliyana, for genya and alina and baghra if she did not? who will speak for me?
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People who call The Darkling abusive and then point to Malina as an example of a healthy relationship are so full of BS
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These are both really good points, in-depth and beautifully written. I love this.
Loved how meta Leigh Bardugo went in KOS:
Starless Saints and his cult followers definitely remind me of the the Darkling fangirls on tumblr. Hoping for his resurrection, rationalizing his actions and romanticizing him. I can’t believe after reading the whole book, the only thing some people are excited about is his return. Did they skip over the parts where he was being righteously criticized?
Zoya believing she won’t ever be accepted by Ravkans as their queen because of her personality and who she is. Her being the raven-haired witch that is all storm and lightning. Same thing with the fandom still seeing her as the bitchy, mean girl she was introduced as in the first book. Not deserving of Nikolai’s love because she doesn’t fit in the acceptable mold they have created in their mind.
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This is great.
Grishaverse Characters as High School Teachers
Kuwei: Chemistry
“I’m 87% sure this won’t blow up so I don’t think you need goggles for this lab”
Nikolai: That overzealous AP World History teacher that talks really fast and has trouble being a neutral party in global matters because he has Opinions™
“Okay so lemme just put it out there that Christopher Columbus was an actual DICK and he was NOT A GOOD NAVIGATOR BECAUSE AS AN EXPERIENCED SAILOR I CAN TELL YOU-”
Alina: English
Complete nerd. Geeks out over Brit Lit (I feel like she’d bust a fucking nut over Beowulf like no joke) and is super hyper even during first Period.
Genya: Fashion
“Fuck lesson plans just make something snazzy”
Matthias: AP Calculus
*Actual responsible and well-thought-out teaching methods*
Zoya: Earth Science
“Let’s learn about some motherfucking rocks and some motherfucking weather, BITCHES”
Kaz: Would hold some sort of administrative position like Principal or Vice Principal
*Actually doesn’t give a fuck when kids do bad things. Only really gets mad when there’s bullying and discrimination involved, but otherwise with phones, cheating, and stealing, he really doesn’t care*
Inej: Foreign language teacher
*Glances around* “Okay, kids, today’s lesson is on how to curse the fuck out of people you hate without them knowing-”
Mal: Gym Teacher that doubles as a football coach
Constant “when I was your age” lectures. “Idgaf if you have a doctor’s note yOU ARE DOING LAPS”
Jesper: Way out of line guidance counselor that is always flirting with the band teacher in the teacher’s lounge
“Hey, baby, are you a C Major scale? Because you look all natural to me.”
“Do you even know what a C Major scale is?”
“Tbh no.”
Wylan: Band teacher
Nina: Health
“You see, kids, when you’re a stupid bitch and smoke you get throat cancer” *proceeds to flip through a slide show showing very gruesome pictures of said throat cancer. Permanently scars her students for life.*
The Darkling: Creepy guy who sells drugs in the school parking lot
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