#haaa i probably would tag more
outtoshatter · 8 months
20 Questions for fic Writers!
finally getting to the tag games i've been forgetting! thanks for the tag @sugareey-makes-stuff this looks so cute and fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Just 93....for now! I have a secret little goal to hit 100 before the end of the year but realistically that probably won't happen.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,864,258! I'd like to hit 2mil eventually :D
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Teen Wolf for now! Although I've been trying to get myself to be inspired by others, it's just not happening. Although i finally finished watching Superstore the other day and intensely plotted out a fic that would fill in some missing stuff that was bugging me. but I likely won't do that lmao
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Haaa Son of the Sheriff [Teen Wolf, G, 3k words] Nature of the Beast [Teen Wolf, M, 56k] No Mercy [Teen Wolf, M, 64k] Love Don't Lie [Teen Wolf, T, 2k] Ride with me [Teen Wolf, T, 4k]
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! almost always. sometimes I don't know what to say but I try to respond anyway. I didn't before, at first because when I joined ao3 the authors' whose works I commented on didn't respond so I just thought that was the culture, and then occasionally now because I'm just...very drained from pulling the story out of my head. MOSTLY though I genuinely love talking about my stories with people, especially when they have questions about my worlds; I put a ton of thought and care into my worlds and LOVE when people are interested!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ah...hmm. I don't know! i always aim for happy endings, they bring me the most joy in writing. Uhhh maybe Pulling Strings? It's more open than angsty, buuuut it is less outright happy than my other fics!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
HAPPIEST. That's so hard!! Because see above, all happy endings. I'll say an even tie between The Next Chapter and Fractured Starlight, just going by most recently picked fics!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
klfjsalkfslka I don't know that i'd call it outright hate. but i've gotten some WILD comments before. That were unquestionably FUCKING rude. But i don't know if it counts as hate. I have an entire folder i have named Hall of Shame of some of the worst offenders. It's gotten less bad now that I've archive locked all my fics, which made it so much more fun to post. I think the worst was either the several-paragraphs long, two part comment about how the reader was disappointed in me (??) and just a bunch of other rudeness, OR the person who, after I deleted their comment that pissed me off, pasted their comment back in with a bitchy little addition to let me know they felt entitled to leaving rude stuff on my fic. so i deleted it again c:
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't write a lot of it! Definitely not PWP. Just emotion-focused sex scenes if it happens and works for the rest of my plot! it's just not as fun as action scenes for me most of the time c:
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I'm hesitant to call it stolen but someone did ask me permission to translate my fic, and I granted it, but they did not link me to it, or even post it on ao3, which bothered me. but i found it. and. they had translated it, sure, but they'd also changed it from a sterek fic....to a Derek x Peter fic. which was. a weird thing to do. that was not what we had agreed upon so i just messaged them mainly asking like. for why.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
LOL. Yes! 4 on ao3, and two out there...on other sites. that was annoying D< I am flattered people wanted to translate my fics! I now have a blanket statement on my profile for this sort of thing, including that I want translations only on ao3, and not posted elsewhere because of...well. #11 lol
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No :c I'd like to try! But i have so many to-write fics!! I have some vague plans for a fic with @dappledawndrawn but like. my list. it's so long. (Also add in my fears that I'd be overbearing or something and i will procrastinate this forever.)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I'd have to say sterek lmaooo. I have others I like and even love a whole lot I just haven't become obsessed with finding out how to fit those other ships in a whole bunch of other worlds like I have with sterek. Maybe one day! Mostly they're book ships hahaha
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh man. ;-; the third of my fairy tale series. I started it like 3 times but could never get it right! i had it all planned out and everything it just would not work. So annoying.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Worldbuilding for sure. Plotting, foreshadowing. Building the tale itself i guess? And action oh man am I obsessed with writing action and I am good at it. I love building worlds, blowing things up, and telling the tale of why, taking the reader on the twisty, interesting, exciting journey to the satisfying conclusion.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Personally, I think I need to work on my descriptions of characters, and tbh I have trouble writing emotional scenes! I'm working on it though.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done it before! Looking back, I was annoyed at myself xD I mostly now stick to just writing it as regular dialogue, then "-in [x language]" afterward. I don't have anything against it I suppose, but usually it's not really important to the plot to have a single line in a different language than the rest of the fic (special cases happen) so I just don't hahaha
19. First fandom you wrote for?
e.e This question always happens on these things lkfdsalkfjdskaf SIIIGH it was Maximum Ride. c,:
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I am ever proud of Are You Ready? it's my baby, my love, I am so so proud of it and how my writing improved just trying to do justice to that story. So.
Thanks for the tag! Tagging @raisesomehale @rosieposiepuddingnpie @2dents @cephalog0d @halevetica @tkwritesdumbassassins @evanesdust and anyone else who might want to play who i didn't tag lfkjdslakjfs sorry
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mommalosthermind · 3 days
Get to know me tag game!
tagged by @hawkstincan and I just saw it so oops
Do you make your bed? Mostly, yes. Defensive bed sheets mean I am significantly less likely to have to deal with legos, pencils, crumbs or whatever other random shit The Youngest Monster had in hand while hiding in my room.
Favorite number? uhhh. I don’t really have one? I tend to pick either 13 or 14 for number things bc 13 made people mad as a kid and it was funny, and 14 is part of my birthday.
What’s your job? parent. Using the educational degree to be backup teacher for my three monsters.
if you could go back to school, would you? I mean. The funny thing about school is there’s a lot of shit I want to learn and very little of it is taught in a typical classroom. I still wish we’d lived in an area with a proper vocational school while I was in high school ngl. Anyway things like carpentry and sewing should still be in schools and i want to collect trades like Pokémon.
Can you parallel park? probably not? I have literally never bothered to try after getting the damn license.
Do you think aliens are real? I think it’s arrogant to assume humans are the only ‘intelligent’ anything, even on earth. But realistically, it’s entirely possible the universe is too young to have a lot of life floating around in it. Little green men that made the pyramids and steal cows, though? That’s… silly.
Can you drive a manual? No. I have been in exactly two cars with stick shift, and I would really like to be in none of them ever again. That’s mostly due to the driver being a twat, but like. No. I’m good.
What’s your guilty pleasure? Mmm that’s an interesting one since ‘guilty pleasure’ usually just means ‘this is something that I try to hide’ and I’ve spent a lot of time trying to uncouple my embarrassment with existing from y'know. Existing. So. Probably the thing I get a kick out of that makes me go “i should maybe not enjoy this so much” is listening in on gossip or drama that’s Not Mine ngl. Tell me aaaall about how your auntie X started a fight. If it’s not my family, it’s just story time.
tattoos? Four! I’ve got a mandala-inspired piece on the left arm, a tiger lily +dog tags on my right shoulder, a blue rose + witch’s claw on the left leg, and an anklet that looks like leather with a heart pendant on the right leg. If I had spending money I would have… so many more. So many. My partner thinks it’s funny that I accidentally split things up so the left half is in color and the right side is black and white.
Favorite color? Black, silver, blue, green….
Favorite type of music? The kind that doesn’t annoy me? I tend toward the rock spectrum, unless I’ve got instrumental on. The kids are all into nightcore so there’s a hilarious amount of that in my brain at any given time. They did not enjoy when I made them listen to Dune’s Can’t Stop Raving. Rude.
Do you like puzzles? Putting together a picture? I’m going to sort the pieces into inside vs outside and maybe even color and then get very bored very quickly and wander off. Riddles? I’m going to feel like an idiot and wander off. Numbers? I have spaced out before even completing the question.
Any phobias? Oh that’s a hell of a question. Spiders. I have worked very hard to get to a point where I am mostly nonchalant about it but. Haaa not a fan. I have woken up to Big Fucking Spider In The Bed or On The Window too many times.
Favorite childhood sport? I was forced into a couple different sports as a kid and I did not enjoy any of them really. I was, and remain, the person who’s got five books and even more notebooks in a bag and I am sitting under a tree and ignoring everyone else. I did not do well in any form of a team-setting. Literally ever. I think the one that bothered me the least was track, and that’s because it felt like I could turn off my entire brain and just move from point A to point B and then be done.
Do you talk to yourself? Constantly. It’s almost never complete thoughts though, it’s a bunch of disjointed outbursts that probably make me sound bonkers bc half of the conversation I’m having with myself is in my head. Complete with hand movements.
What movies do you adore? I don’t really watching things these days? So probably things I liked as a kid, like the labyrinth or the goonies or the dark crystal. There’s a theme there, don’t worry about it.
Coffee or tea? Tea. The only time I’ve managed coffee is when it’s vaguely coffee flavored milk and sugar lmao. Or chocolate coffee ice cream.
First thing you wanted to be growing up? you know, I feel like it shouldn’t be this hard to answer objectively innocent questions in a way that won’t make people uncomfortable? but I don’t have an answer to this. So. I wanted to be somewhere else. I wanted to be someone else. Things like dreaming about jobs and being an adult were not things I had the space to do.
I’m not going to tag anyone specifically today, but if you join in please feel free to and @ me so I can see! <3
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bunny-hoodlum · 1 year
☆ Share 3 fun facts about you, then pass this to three of your mutuals! ☆
Wow, I've been tagged four times! @alexis513, @littlemonstert-blog, @mrs-messy and @mysummerchoi, thanks for tagging me. :3
@mysummerchoi, I feel the exact same way. 😭 Plus, I'm not used to supplying info about myself when asked, haha. That stuff always evaporates from my head. ( . _ . )
I might have maybe almost died when I was three or four? Just kidding, but my mom thinks so. It was a day at a Californian beach, I was buried up to my neck in the sand for a picture and I guess they buried me too close to the water, so when a wave washed over me, they completely lost me in the sand, like either I sunk in deeper or sand washed over my head. My uncle just scooped me out like shwoop! lol. Without a picture, I won't know if it was a bad as they thought it was.
I can be clumsy and hurt myself and for whatever reason I never get scared or feel pain with this happens. Sometimes it feels predictable or like it's happening in slo-mo and I just go 'damn' before it happens. Like, at my old job working warehouse, I tripped on my ankle I think? And I just neatly fell forward like a feather, like I just knew not to resist or I'd hurt myself more. Try to imagine a lego man but with bendable knees. Now picture how you would use that lego man in a stop-motion film. It was like that. And it was so weird too that I thought it was funny. Sometimes when I derp and hurt myself it is actually pretty damn funny, but if it happens too often I get severely frustrated and devolve into a 5-year-old. Another time we got rear-ended twice near the offramp to Santa Barbara, and before the second impact, I just relaxed expecting it -- cuz you know, shitty drunk drivers survive because they literally can't tense up or do something worse like move to look behind them (you will hurt your neck doing that) -- But… But..! Try to get my attention when I can't see you, I freak the fuck out. This was probably more than one thing, but I think it's all related to each other lol.
Maybe this is too personal, but I always find psychology and whatnot very interesting, so from that perspective I'll share this bit of dumbassery: My attachment style has improved but is still pretty damn fucky. I just recently remembered how I had a crush on this boy in middle school (our middle school had 3 separate schools attached, so only time you could mingle with students from another jr high was after school clubs and we met in art club and bonded over FLCL), and I didn't know I liked him until the following year, but then I couldn't do anything about it because he was already dating someone else, a witty Korean-American girl (and I also had a complex about not being Asian enough). Time skip three years and he's finally a freshman, so I get to see him again. (We were same age but he had to start school late). I ask if he's still with her (because I still got some feels leftover) and he said she moved to Canada and had a girlfriend. And fuck if I know why cuz... I don't. My initial reaction wasn't 'Oh goody, I get to try again!'. No. I thought 'She's bi?! Why didn't she have a crush on me?!', like in that split second I wanted to be HER girlfriend instead of this other person. How dare this totally cooler than me girl that grabbed my crush find her own super cool girl to be with, like, first I'm not good enough for him, now I'm not good enough for her, I can't even begin to imagine how cool her Canadian GF must be, blah blah blah, she must be unsurpassably cool because she was chosen by someone also unfathomably cool and that's just how that shit works, blah blah blah-- sigh. The silent screams of my pathological need to be important, everyone. And that is why I will no longer do vent posts, because I feel super ashamed whenever I get validated for my bullshit. ; u ;
Haaa, alright, pick three mutuals. Hm. Feels like everyone got tagged tbh... @peppercornpress @char-lotteral aaaand @spaciousignatius 💖
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mayhaps-a-blog · 1 year
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I posted 2,168 times in 2022
That's 62 more posts than 2021!
150 posts created (7%)
2,018 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,164 of my posts in 2022
#star wars - 1,695 posts
#art! - 1,535 posts
#oooo - 1,143 posts
#thrawn - 696 posts
#chiss - 343 posts
#nice - 315 posts
#very nice - 287 posts
#ascendancy - 269 posts
#haaa - 262 posts
#awww - 230 posts
Longest Tag: 83 characters
#he's one of those geniuses who routinely just forgets other people aren't like that
My Top Posts in 2022:
One of the things that struck me the most about Richard Madoc’s character is how strongly he built up the ‘feminist’ narrative around himself; he describes himself as a feminist writer, he writes strong female characters, he goes out of his way to demand equal representation of women and minorities in the movie deal... and yet. And yet.
He’s trying so hard to assuage his guilt at what he has done and continues to do that he builds this other narrative in his mind, where he can be the hero: our success, he calls it, what we’ve done, as if Calliope has shared in this somehow, as if he’s done anything but torment her. He’ll do anything for the nebulous concept of ‘women’ but not the one thing that would help the woman in his life, right here, right now.
He’ll do anything but mildly inconvenience himself. And isn’t that telling?
371 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
I am loving rereading Dracula one email at a time, I loved that book in high school and it’s fun to get back to it!
Personally, I don’t think tumblr is giving poor Jonathan enough credit. He clocked on that things were REALLY weird pretty quickly, but by the time it was clear that things were dangerous – in the carriage surrounded by wolves – he was kind of out of options.
He can’t exactly flee the carriage (there’s wolves! Behaving very strangely and unusually aggressively!) and once he’s in the castle, he still can’t leave without that carriage (under Dracula’s control) and by day 2 he’s realized he’s locked in.
He clearly knows at this point that he’s in the first 10 minutes of a horror film (which usually goes poorly for the solicitor) and the only way out is through. So, he does the only thing he can in this bizarre situation – plays along, does his job, takes extensive notes, and tries to figure out what’s going on and how to get out – the rosary helps, somehow, so that’s something.
I give Jonathan some slack for the first few days - honestly, if I was traveling alone in a foreign country where I didn’t speak the language and a woman I just met who was heavily religious grabbed my hands and begged me not to leave due to what seemed to be superstition, I would probably also insist on keeping my schedule. Maybe even a bit faster.
Admittedly I probably wouldn’t be traveling alone to a remote location to meet a mysterious man I’d never spoken to, but I’m not a solicitor.
375 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
OK so I finally got around to reading Gideon the Ninth and like. I get it. I get it.
Imagine you’re Harrowhawk “my existence is a war crime” Nonagesimus and your parents killed 200 infants so that you would live. Was it worth it? You don’t know, so you break into the tomb you’re meant to be guarding, because you have to know. Was it worth it? Except your parents think this is heresy deserving death, so they all hang themselves, and you’re there holding your rope and getting ready to join them but 200 souls are clawing at your heart asking you was it worth it? Was it? Was it?
And there’s this one girl, this one person who somehow survived, who you couldn’t kill, who your parents couldn’t kill, who somehow refused to die for you, and you love her for it, love her for being the one soul that you aren’t carrying on your shoulders (was it worth it?), and you hate her, because she should hate you, hate you for what you are and what you’ve done and your torment her because yes, you are awful and terrible and a blight upon the world (was it worth it?), and she hates you because you’re a bully and a bitch and she thinks she killed your parents so of course you hate her too.
And you can’t let her go, because who will hate you without her? And she can’t let you go, because who will hate her without you?
But there’s this chance, a chance to become something better, greater, perhaps a fraction of what you were meant to be and maybe then it’ll be worth it (could it ever be worth it?) so you drag her along because who else would you bring? And finally you’ve done it, you’ve told her your secret, and she told you yours, and maybe you don’t have to hate each other after all.
And then what does she go and do?
She goes and fucking dies for you.
Now you’ve got 200 infant souls and that of Gideon Nav hanging off your shoulders, and there’s nothing you can do, no way to fix this, you can’t even fucking die, so fuck it, was it worth it?
Was it?
760 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
I still think Mon Mothma could and should solve all her problems by framing Perrin for embezzlement.
811 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I have seen much speculation on the high quality of Dream of the Endless as a romantic partner, and I have seen many refute such speculations, mainly citing Nada as proof that Dream is a terrible, capricious lover doomed to failure.
Personally, I think it would fall somewhere in the middle. Dream is, by most accounts, a passionate and considerate lover.
Consider Calliope’s words from the comics: “He was the most gallant of lovers... He delighted in sharing his knowledge. He had a castle filled with treasures, and took such pleasure in showing them, giving them to me. He was so gentle, and his skin felt like white silk against my skin... when we made love, it was like a flame: I felt utterly engulfed, utterly loved. Treasured.”
Or words from another former lover: “...we began a conversation, which stretched over many weeks. And, at the end, he invited me to remain in the Dreaming, as a guest... He began, rather nervously, to court me. And I began, also rather nervously, to be courted. And we were both, initially, extremely happy. He loved me. I do not doubt that.”
In summary, as a lover, Dream is, in essence, a dream :)
And like a dream, it fades.
His first and foremost priority is, and always has been, his duty. Once he’s settled into a relationship, once the shine has worn off, he goes back to work, and his lover is left for when he feels like stopping by.
Both mentioned relationships end this way. A slow drifting away...
And once the drift begins, well. Nada was an extreme example, but reject him, insult him, even if it’s just a loss of temper, and a lover will find themselves shown the door and banned from returning. His anger, his hurt, is cold and sharp and cutting, like the nightmares he rules, and he holds grudges for millennia.
Dating Dream would be a dream, but the breakup is a nightmare.
1,211 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
“Remember to Breathe” ~ Danica’s Dorm Uniform Vignette (2/3)
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“Our dorm leader is a little intimidating, but please don’t be afraid. This is the most beautiful dorm in our school!” 
(A/N: This was originally posted back in February when I was still new to twst. Now that I’ve had this blog a few months, I decided to go back to some of my old vignettes and edit them. Some passages and plot bits have been rewritten and I’ve learned to make fake screencaps. Fake screencaps here are originally from Lilia’s ceremonial robes and Jade’s dorm uniform stories respectively.)
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Three Days Later…
Taima: I see, well, look on the bright side. 
Danica: What bright side?
Taima: *grins* Your evaluation could have gone way worse!
Danica: I guess, if you wanna look at it that way. It’s just…
Taima: I know, I know. Think of this as a challenge, your first at this school. 
Epel: Is there a reason why performing makes you so stressed?
Danica: Not performing itself, performing alone.
Taima: Dani has a thing about always performing in a group. Back in our idol club, she never wanted to have solos even though, honestly, we thought her voice was the strongest out of the three of us. 
Danica: But I won’t be singing solo for the contest, why is Vil-san making me do this? 
Taima: I think he probably wants to see how serious you are about competing in the VDC.
Epel: *crossing his arms* Or how well you follow orders. That seems more likely. 
Danica: Ugh! Well, at least you’ll be there, Tai-chan, and I’ll only be singing for a small number of people, mostly those in my dorm.
Taima: …
Danica: Hmm? What’s wrong?
Taima: Uh…about that…
*Flashback to Scarabia dorm lounge*
Jamil: Taima Abilene?
Taima: Yes? That’s me.
Jamil: This just arrived for you. *hands her an elegant looking envelope embossed with the Pomefiore emblem*
Taima: For me? *reads it over* Oh, cool! I’ve been invited to a concert at the Pomefiore dorm! 
Kalim: A concert! Sounds awesome! Who’s performing?
Taima: My friend Danica, she’s such a good singer. You guys should come too! 
Kalim: Yeah! I’d love to! There’s nothing I love more than…
Jamil: Kalim, you forget the invitation was extended to Taima only. Would it really be appropriate for you to barge in uninvited? 
Kalim: Haaa, don’t be like that, Jamil! I’ll ask Vil if we can come too! I’m sure he’ll say yes! 
Taima: Yeah! The more, the merrier!
*Back to the present time*
Danica: And?
Taima: Weeeeell…*laughing awkwardly* if it makes you feel better, only Kalim-san is coming. Jamil has a club meeting that day soooo…yeah…
Danica and Epel: … *glaring at Taima*
Taima: Heeeeyy, in my defense, there was nothing in the invitation saying I couldn’t bring a plus one! 
Epel: Geez, ‘think Vil-san invited anyone else?  
Danica: Sevens, do I hope not! 
Taima: Try not to worry too much. Tell ya what? Me and some of my dormmates are gonna check out that Monstro Lounge on the other side of campus. Ya’ll wanna tag along?
Epel: I love to, but I’ve got etiquette lessons back at Pomefiore. Ugh! 
Danica: I would too, but in addition to everything else, I gotta go find a club to join. 
Taima: Oof, maybe next time then. Got any leads?
Danica: One, someone told me there’s a light music club meeting today so that’s where I’m heading. 
Taima: Wish you luck on that; catch ya’ll later. 
Epel: Buy, guys. 
Danica: See ya back at the dorm, Epel. 
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Danica: Oh, I’m sorry, did I come to the wrong place? I’m looking for the light music club.
Cater: *smiling* Then you’ve come to the right place! 
Kalim: *also smiling* Nice to see new faces. Welcome! 
Danica: Thank you, but, this club only has two members?
Lilia: *hanging upside down right above her* Three members to be exact. And we’re more than delighted to welcome more!
Danica: EHHH?! 
Cater: Haha, don’t scare her off, Lilia! 
Danica: *trying to laugh* I wasn’t scared. Just surprised. (He wasn’t there when I…did he teleport?!) 
Cater: Don’t worry, he does that to everyone, even us! Anywho, glad to have you with us, Dani-chan! I’m Cater, a junior from Heartslabuyl, and you’ve just met Lilia. 
Lilia: Lilia Vanrouge, third year and vice dorm leader of Diasomnia. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Danica, such a lovely name. 
Kalim: And I’m Kalim! Dorm leader of Scarabia! 
Danica: Pleased to meet all of you, but, how do you know my name? I don’t think any of us have met. 
Cater: Haha, true dat. We might not have met in the flesh, but you’ve been the topic of our discussion today. I was just betting with Lilia when you’d show up here and…
Danica: Excuse me, what are you talking about? 
Kalim: He’s talking about your concert! Of course! We’re all hyped about it! 
Danica: …! 
Cater: I just got my invite, took a little convincing, but Vil finally agreed when I convinced him we were scouting for new members for the club! And that by keeping the invite list exclusive, he’d…
Danica: INVITE LIST?! Who else is coming?! (How did I know Vil-san was going to do this?!)
Kalim: Well, I’m coming as your friends’ plus one, and Vil said we could each bring one person. 
Cater: I’m bringing my vice dorm leader Trey. For some reason, he was totes interested in coming with me when I told him it was gonna be at Pomefiore. But hey! The more the merrier! 
Kalim: Yeah! That’s what Tai-chan said! 
Lilia: I was going to invite Malleus since he hardly ever gets out and…
(Danica tunes out the rest at the mention of Malleus)
Lilia:...but he’ll be busy at that time so I’ll be bringing Silver instead. 
Danica: *gives a little smile* (Oooooohhh, thank goodness…) 
Kalim: Oh, Silver’s coming? Awesome! 
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Danica: …
Cater: But back to present, Dani-chan, what you’ll be singing? 
Danica: I... have a few ideas. I’ll probably make a final decision once I get back to my dorm. 
Kalim: Yeah, probably gotta talk the setlist over with Vil-san, huh?
Danica: Yeah, most likely. He’s allowing me most control over my performance, but he insists on having the final say on everything. And naturally, I have my own ideas and he…*trying to smile* has his own. (LIKE THAT I SHOULD BE DOING THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!)
Lilia: Even so, perhaps you’d be so kind as to give us a little preview of what to expect Saturday?
Danica: *eyes widening* A…what?
Cater: Yeah, I’m sure Vil won’t object to that! 
Kalim: Sing for us! Sing for us! 
Danica: …I…I…
Lilia: Go on, don’t be shy, Nightingale. 
Danica: Well…I would…it’s just…I…I…
*The three look at her with curiosity*
Danica: Oh no! I completely forgot! There IS something I need to square away with Vil and it can’t wait! My deepest apologies for leaving so soon but we’ll all see each other Saturday! 
*The sound of hurried footsteps and the closing of the door*
Kalim: She seemed nice!
Lilia: A little timid, but very sweet indeed. 
Cater: Maaaannn, why must Pomefiore always get all the cuties??
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Danica: Sidonie-san! Where’s Vil? I must speak with him right away! 
Sidonie: He and Rook are in the ballroom, is everything alright?
Danica: It’s about Saturday! He’s probably not going to like this but…
Vil: *Standing with Rook* What won’t I like? 
Danica: !!!
Vil: Go on, what do you have to say?
Danica: Ermmm…well…I’m sorry to bother you, Sir, but this is about Saturday. 
Vil: Ah yes, we were just going over preparations! 
Danica: But…since you…chose to invite other students…I feel all the more pressured to be perfect. I know this will upset you but I’d like to cancel, or maybe…
Rook: Cancel?! Why ever for?
Vil: All I said was that you could invite your Scarabia friend. I never stated I wouldn’t invite others. 
Danica: I understand that, but…I’m…concerned about my ability to give a top-notch performance. 
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Danica: …Well…for one, I brought some of my stage costumes with me from home when I came to NRC. I recently tried them all on and it appears I’ve…lost some weight. Since this concert is such short notice, I don’t have time to send my costumes to a tailor. Therefore, I don’t have anything suitable to wear.
Vil: Hmmm, well now, that would be quite a conundrum warranting cancellation…
Danica: *face lights up*  
Vil: …if you weren’t already going to wear your dorm uniform. *smiling* I appreciate your desire to look fabulous, but in this case, wearing your dorm uniform would be more appropriate since you will be bringing merritt to Pomefiore. Is there anything else you’re concerned about? 
Danica: YES!!! I mean…yes there is. I assume the concert will be here in the lounge. If that’s the case, with everyone who’s been invited, I’m worried this space is a tad too small to…
Rook: How interesting that you would read my mind, Mademoiselle! Vil and I just arrived from the ballroom and I have convinced him that space would be more suitable for allowing you to truly shine! 
Vil: Anything else? 
Danica: One last thing, I guess (pleeeease, let this work). Back in my old idol club, we would always have our performances recorded. That way, I could watch them later to critique myself and take notes on what to do differently in the future. *with a smile* I’m guessing it would be too short a notice…
Vil: Hmph. I must say, and I don’t do so lightly, that your devotion to perfection is honorable. Fear not. Cater seems adamant about taking pictures for social media, so I’m certain he’ll be more than thrilled to take video as well. I’ll make sure he forwards everything to you. 
Rook: As you can see, cherie, you have no need for concern. Come Saturday, you will merveilleusse! 
(Danica lowers her head sadly, Sidonie notices.)
Sidonie: Vil, I might be meddling but I think the idea of Saturday’s concert is distressing her. A lot. 
Vil: Is that so, Danica? There seems to be more you wish to say.
Danica: …
Vil: Go on.
Danica: (Should I say it? But this may be my last chance) All those things are important to me, but the honest truth is, I’ve never sung solo before. If you make me do this, it would be a first for me.
Vil: I know. 
Danica: Huh?! How do you…
Vil: How I know is of no importance. Do you think I would consider any amateur singer to represent our school, and our dorm, at the VDC? 
Danica: No, Sir. And I want to meet your expectations, but I…
Vil: *frowning* If you want to meet my expectations, you can begin by not acting so sullen before you’ve even started! How will you know what you’re capable of if you give up at the slightest difficulty? Unexceptionable! 
Danica: I’m sorry. I certainly don’t want to be a disappointment. *lowering her head* I’ll…do my best on Saturday.
Vil: That’s better. Now, you should probably start rehearsing, you can use the ballroom if you wish. (Danica leaves, Sidonie looks concerned) Hmmm? What is it?
Sidonie: Don’t you think you’re putting unneeded pressure on her? Even if she leads the girls’ team for VDC, there will be others with her. Doesn’t this seem kind of excessive? 
Vil: Not at all, because when she wins, she will be in the spotlight to a much larger degree. I only wish to see if she is up to the challenge. 
Sidonie: Wait, so you’ve already decided to let her lead the girls’ team?
Rook: Oui! After finding some videos of her idol club on the internet. She’s quite talented and certainly has a winning presence! 
Vil: She’s not aware of this yet. I’ll inform her Saturday evening, after her performance. 
Sidonie: But now this makes even less sense!  Why make Danica prove herself if you’ve already decided…
(Vil and Rook give her a look and she pauses in thought) 
Sidonie: I see…so you’re testing her. If that’s how it is, don’t worry, I won’t tell her anything. *looking slightly defeated* I just hope you know what you’re doing. 
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clearpixellove · 4 years
1st request: Can I please get some noya smut 🥺🥺👉🏻👈🏻 I love this boy so much idc that he’s smol I want his dick to break me
2nd request: Woke up from a dream where Noya was pounding me hard from behind and everytime I would arch my back he'd push my backfurther into the matress while snapping his hips harder.
3rd request: Noya may be on the short side but with his energy- he can go ALL NIGHT LONG- uwu pls justify-
A/N: Okay finally. I’m writing the Noya smut. I’m in a rut at the moment so it’s kinda hard to work but I’m trying for you guys!! (Go follow @nekxrizawa because they were an absolute blessing and helped me with ideas~)
Also, I’m almost at 100 followers and ya’ll have no idea how much that means to me 🥺🥺 you guys have been so amazing and thank you so much for enjoying my shitty content!!! I love ya’ll
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Noya has stamina for days
Rounds on end
Especially if he’s extra stimulated
It’s impressive
It’s almost as good as Hinata’s stamina
Not to plus he has a high sex drive
Like he’s not always horny but like most of the time
A lot of things turn him on and guys I’m sorry to disappoint but
Degrading isn’t one of those
Praise is his thing~
He doesn’t like the idea off pulling you down
But if you praise him or he praises you, he’s so content
dom leaning switch
Listen, he’ll rail you into the middle of next week but god he takes the strap like a damn champ
Either way he’s hot
If he’s on top, he can see the confidence radiating off him
The smirk on his face with kiss swollen lips
Flushed cheeks and sweat dripping down his forehead
His rough scarred hands touching you all over and making you feel loved
He’s not that vocal when he’s topping tho
When he’s on bottom tho, he’s so precious
His cheeks are so flushed and he’s so needy
He’s super vocal when subbing, whines and whimpers non stop
He’ll beg for you so badly, like he’s dying without you
Please ride him if he’s on bottom too
Another big thing of Noya’s is overstimulation
It’s his stamina
Once he starts he can’t stop till he’s worn out
Not to plus he can’t help himself sometimes because of how hot he finds it
If you let him eat you out or you sit on his face, he won’t stop till you’re begging
On that note, he’s a big fan of oral
He prefers giving rather than receiving
He loves your reactions and making you feel good
He totally has a thing for Shy but freaky partners too; like Damn he loves the type
Like if you pull his shirt in public, rubbing your thighs together and blushing? He’ll be on his knees, begging you to let him touch you
For the first time in about 2 weeks or so Noya was takinf you on a date. He had gotten caught up with school and volleyball, he didn’t even have time for himself but then again you were his first priority so he didn’t really mind.
Nishinoya was just contently walking down the popular streets with you by his side, clinging onto his arm and making the man grin like an idiot. It was times like that that made him realise how lucky he was to have a partner like you. A significant other that cared, dealt with him and his extreme schedule, and so many other things. Not everyone had a person they could call a soulmate like he did.
While walking, he spotted an interesting shop down a side street and raised an eyebrow before smiling excited. “Baby~!! Let’s go check that place out, huh?” He grinned and gave a small chuckle, sending your cheeks ablaze with how cute and handsome he was. Nodding once or twice, he led you down the street and into the store. Looking around, he cocked up an eyebrow again as he realised what kind of store they were in. Then again, he should’ve known from the black and purple neon lights outside with the suggestive name. He simply shrugged and gained a smirk at your embarrassment, seeing how your grip on him tightened.
He wondered around with you at his side, his bright eyes catching onto a few items, some interesting enough for him to pick them up. The whole way around the shop though was just becoming simply hell for you though. It had been so long since you both had done it, and your fingers or toys just weren’t doing it anymore. Letting out tiny whines and rubbing your thighs together, it was growing more and more obvious how desperate you were for the Libero.
His eyes shifted from the small buzzing toy in his hands to you as he felt your grip tightened, upon seeing your state his smirk only grew. He put the toy back and walked out of the shop without buying anything and you on his side. He acted like he didn’t notice your increasingly needy state, simply walking back to your place. He definitely knew though. You were starting to get cranky, feeling like he wasn’t picking up on how bad your need was getting.
That changed when he stopped you both though. It was just on a lone sidewalk near your home, his mouth leaning in close to your ear. “Keep squirming so cutely like that I wont be able to hold back from fucking you in public, babydoll...~” he warned lowly, his voice gravely and teasingly, knowing how just that made the wetness between your legs pool and a shiver go down your spine.
The walk back was relatively quickly aside from your mind making it seem like it took almost hours to get back to your place. As soon as you were both inside, he didn’t hesitate to drag you upstairs and throw you onto your bed. He panted softly and was quickly throwing off his clothes, “you.. have no idea how painful it was for me to hold back, gorgeous~” he smirked and quickly helped you strip down.
It ended with you on your hands and knees, ass in the air with your chest pressed into the mattress, Noya in between your legs and eating you out like a man starved. He held your ass in his hands, spreading you out before him whilst his mouth pressed itself into your most sensitive place. If you held back any of your moans or tried to pull away, he would quickly land a blow on your ass, completely focused on pleasuring you. His tongue dragged over your slit, lapping at any of the slick that seeped out whilst one of his hands moved down. Quickly he shoved two of his digits deep into your cunt, pumping and curling at a fast pace whilst hitting that magical spot.
No matter how much you begged him to stop because of how “embarrassing” it was or how much you warned him you were going to cum again, he didn’t let up. His lips attached themselves to your throbbing, puffy clit sucking hard whilst his fingers worked their magic. You could feel your orgasm building more and more, and even with your face shoved into a pillow, your neighbors could probably hear your moans. Once it hit though, stars cleared in your vision and a silent scream fell from your lips, Noya grunting and groaning hard as he hit it with you. Seeing you in such a pleasured mess from just his mouth and hands, moaning his name and experiencing such ecstasy was too much for him to hold back on. Once he helped you ride it out and overstimulated you a bit, he finally pulled back and panted hard with your slick dripping down his fingers and chin.
“God, you are such a fucking blessing, Babygirl...~” he growled and slapped his now fully erect cock against your ass with the biggest shit eating grin. “I already know that magic pussy of yours is gonna take my cock so well~” he hummed and rolled the crown of the appendage against your clit before suddenly thrusting inside. He groaned out loudly and threw his head back, hands on your grips and holding on like a vice grip. They quickly moved to you back, pressing you down roughly. “Haaa..~ never gets old~ now be the good girl I know you are and let senpai rail this gorgeously needy cunt, hmm..~?” He teased into your ear and got started with his magic.
Holy shitttt that was intense even for me, I hope you guys enjoyed tho!! I’m sorry I had to join 3 requests together but it was just easier for me to tackle this way. Thank you for reading^^
Tag list : @nekxrizawa
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seimeinotaka · 3 years
Sword training (Vil x MC)
Set Post-Pomefiore.
Vil learns that Ann has somehow started training with a sword, of all things. He also finds himself getting somehow a knight of sorts.
Thanks to polyphenols@AO3 for beta-reading this!
"Hi yah!"
The yell reached Vil's ears as he was doing his daily walk.  Instinctively, he turned his head to where the sound came from, easily recognizing the person's voice.
Ann swung her blunt sword in an upward arch, possibly the new movement she had been taught. It was too amateurish, inelegant and charmless, Vil thought to himself. It was exactly like her, though unexpectedly so, as he wouldn't have imagined she was interested in sword fighting in the first place.
She swung again.
At least she was passionate about it, though her passion alone wouldn't get her very far.
Ann paused her swings, turning suddenly around, startled when she realized his presence, though this didn't stop her from waving at him and jogging to where he was standing.
"Vil-senpai!" she said in between breaths. "I felt someone watching me but I didn't think it was you."
"Your swing is inelegant."
As well as her appearance: her hair was in a messy ponytail, bangs disheveled all over her flushed face.
"Well, Shishou just taught me this yesterday."
"Yes, Shishou. Silver-senpai. He's teaching me the sword in his free time."
That was surprising to say the least, Silver was from Diasomnia and one of Malleus's guards, everyone knew how they would flock behind him. Weren't they overzealous about Malleus's protection?
"I find it hard to imagine, he is always in Diasomnia doing his duties."
"It's okay! Kanchou said so!" she replied with a smile, as he frowned.
"Kanchou? Do you enjoy not making any sense?"
She rolled her eyes, that infuriating smile not fading in the slightest, and it was so tempting to smack her. "Kanchou is Lilia-senpai. Since Lilia-senpai is Silver-senpai's senpai, that would make him the big boss, so Kanchou."
He arched an eyebrow at her incomprehensible logic. Just like her.
"You make no sense."
"I don't? Huh, that's rude. You always call us potatoes, why can't I give you nicknames? There's Shishou and Kanchou, there's also Tsunotaro though that's his own fault. Trey-senpai is Aniki, Azul-senpai is Boss..." She looked at him with a sly smirk, "Wouldn't you like to know yours, Vil-senpai?"
But he was not going to admit it.
"Too bad, it's a secret!"
"Then why offer something you're not even going to reveal?" He huffed, mildly annoyed to be entertaining her and going on her own tempo. He was the one who should be setting it, not her.
"Maybe I wanted to see if you were interested?"
"Why would I be interested?"
"Just a wild thought," she dared to say with a smirk. "I enjoy talking to you too."
Sometimes their paths crossed, almost like strangers fated to meet. He didn’t like leaving things to something intangible as fate, the same as how wishes worked. Like wishes, fate undermined hard work. There was no value to becoming the fated hero…or villain, cursed to a forgone conclusion especially if fate deemed you unworthy, no matter what. However, he wasn’t so sure he liked the only other logical explanation to these meetings, how he seemed to come across her during his walks, almost yearning for her.
Just as she was now standing in front of him, having interrupted her sword practice just to talk to him. And he was somehow entertaining her.
"If you were in my situation, like you were thrown into a foreign world, wouldn't you try things you normally wouldn't be able to do in your home world? We don't fight with swords, and the only remaining sword fighting styles are sports. Actually, one would suit Pomefiore, it's kind of elegant now that I think of it... But anyway, swords in my world are only good for sports, collection bragging rights, and to make money in gacha games, so you can't exactly train to wield one. "
He folded his arms over his chest, not fully convinced. “That’s quite a leap in logic, potato. Surely the first thing you would consider trying isn’t something involving fighting. I would understand if you were trying magic, but to want to engage in this kind of combat? You certainly don’t look the type.”
“How rude!” She huffed. “You should know better than to judge someone for their looks! Maybe I just wanted to try something really extra? This school has the gothic and medieval style that it begs to try something knights do.”
“That logic is too obtuse, even for you. I knew you were an otaku like Idia, but I didn’t take you as the delusional type.”
Something was off. She was unreasonable, but even this was a big stretch for her.
“Perhaps I could protect someone...!”
For a second, he thought something flashed in her eyes, but it was too brief to make sense of it.
"Must be nice to be able to take things like a game."
"Does it look like that way to you? I wish it was.”
Her soft expression was unreadable and somehow, it was disconcerting. It was the first time he had seen it in her eyes.
She didn’t seem to mind his silence, as she pondered for a brief moment, before breaking the tension. “Hmm, I guess if it were a game, I could say this…”
Ann knelt down in front of Vil, one knee on the ground, hand on her chest above her heart. Bowing her head down, she said with a regal tone, "I vow by this sword I wield, that I will protect you with all my might, my Queen."
Vil immediately froze up, heart stammering inside his chest, when she had just said before... was she even being serious? Was she playing, and like this? But the tone of her voice was so clear, playful but oddly sincere, making blood rush to his cheeks, heart racing so much it ached.
"How can you say such things without even the slightest hint of embarrassment?" he reproached, controlling the emotion within. It was unbecoming of a queen to show this inner and violently increasing turmoil that this…prank had stirred.
Ann stood up, laughing softly with a flushed face he wanted to smack.
"It's not like I'm not embarrassed but..." The expression in her eyes changed faintly, a mix of softness and...despair. "You don't know if you can say those words tomorrow so it's best to say them when you can."
She was most likely fooling around, she could stop doing that with him, as his heart was still recovering from the shock.
"So, you're one of those people, living your fullest every day," he replied, trying to sound unamused and unaffected by her.
"...I guess." Her gaze was fixed in the horizon, not looking at the orange colored sky but somewhere else, somewhere distant and foreign. That faint odd feeling from before heightened, it was briefly in her eyes. Perhaps she was just homesick, and this was her way of dealing with it. It could be something else too.
But he wouldn't pry, and he had the feeling she wouldn't say it either. Even someone as open as her had things sealed deep inside.
Because she was so open about everything, it was why she could hide something.
“Just so you know,” Ann began, as she casually stretched, suddenly tagging Vil on his walk because she knew no limits and he was feeling charitable that day. “Paladins are supposed to protect the King and Queen.”
“I am aware of it, thank you for the useless information,” he replied dryly. “Also, Paladins are supposed to be master equestrians. How is your progress in the Horse Riding club?”
She flinched at his words, a large grimace replacing her teasing expression seconds before. “It’s a work in progress…” she mumbled. Though he was already aware that her progress was nil, it was bold of her to speak such words.
“Do your best to improve then, potato.”
“I don’t only need the horse, alright!” she huffed quickly. “It’s important to know you’re protecting someone! After seeing Shishou and Kanchou, even the annoying Sebek, protect Tsunotaro earnestly, I realized… I guess those speeches you hear in shonen anime do make sense, you do get a stronger purpose if you’re protecting someone.”
"I don't need you to protect me."
"Who said I was going to protect you?"
He could feel the flare up his cheeks, his mind already thinking of thousands of rebuttals because how dare she. He was the Queen, it was natural to imagine her proposal.
Did he need her help?
Absolutely not, he was more than capable of defending himself. The bodies of many who tried to fight him and lost were proof of that.
Did he want her to...
He stopped that trail of thought.
And most importantly…
“Didn’t you make that silly vow before?” he snarled, feeling the heat in his cheeks.
“Ah, so you remembered!” She gave him a big, bright, cheeky and infuriating smile. “It was just a test, but I can tell you do want me to stick around.”
“You’re really…”
She still had that smile of hers as she waved him goodbye. Softer and odder this time, but a smile nonetheless and he wanted so much to wipe it from her face. When he reached his dorm, he avoided Rook’s piercing gaze as the hunter complimented his newest blush.
But once his racing heart had slowed down, there was still that odd feeling he couldn’t shake off.
"Don't you want to go back?"
This time, he had reached out to her, catching her off guard as she had finished her sword practice. She was startled, both at being reached out to and him asking her that question. She probably never expected him to do either, but there was something he had to figure out.
"To your world. Crowley is looking for a way to send you back, isn't he?"
"Well, looking is a stretch, he conveniently forgets it every time except when he wants me to do something. Then he excuses himself by saying that it is so hard that he can't do anything."
"You're avoiding the question."
She covered her mouth, but he could see hints of a gleeful smile. "Could it be you don't want me to go back? Hehe, that's actually sweet of yo-ack! Why did you smack me!?"
"You always think so highly of yourself, potato. Wouldn't you want me to beg you to not go back? Of course you would."
'So you keep deflecting the question,' he thought to himself. And it was then when he noticed, the smile she had held had softly, almost imperceptibly transformed. It was painful to watch, a mirthless expression behind that mask.
“There was something bothering me for a while, about you specifically. I finally realized it now. Your smile doesn’t always reach your eyes. I can tell you aren’t lying to me, but your true feelings are another thing entirely.”
She froze immediately, all pretenses and forced expressions vanished, replaced with a fearful expression of being caught.
“…You must be mistaken, Vil-senpai,” she replied softly, her hand gripping her arm awkwardly, as she couldn’t hold eye contact anymore. The attempt of a smile was so stiff that he didn’t need to say anything, as she realized it was futile. “I’m….”
She couldn’t finish that sentence and their meeting didn’t last much longer. Her distraught silence was more than enough proof for him that he was right, but she didn’t say anything else. He had caught her off guard, so used to hiding something in plain sight that, she didn’t know how to react when she met someone who knew where exactly to find it out.
Even though Vil didn’t know what it was.
As her figure disappeared in the horizon, he thought of his own Overblot. The feelings he had carried for so long, as they weighed him down, no matter how hard he tried to go on. Choking him gently, until he found it hard to breathe, to think.
Ann wasn’t capable of magic, that was certain, but…
That didn’t mean she couldn’t break.
Ann enoys giving people nicknames as you can tell. Hers for Vil is actually S-paisen, on the logic that he looked like an DoS but then he wasn’t (as she dealt with him during their stay at Ramshackle) and THEN NVM he is a DoS during his speech about making people kneel. Paisen, because she is affectionate towards him. She also has uhhh some issues but she’s not really the kind to say them out loud. Yet,
Thank you for reading!
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jaegerboob · 4 years
i was tagged by @trashpocket​ (hey bae ;)) and since im lonely here on tumblr and have no one but the void to yell at, i won’t be tagging anyone :((
okay let’s start off with my published WIPS lol i have quite a collection and boy do i regret posting most of these, but anyway that’s here’s my hot girl shit
"i’ll figure it out with a little more time” - (if u knew me at my thai BL phase no u didn’t :)) anyways this was a supposed to be a pretty short fic that features an oblivious Sarawat not knowing how to navigate his feelings towards Tine and Tine being an equally giant dumbass. their school is hosting a school dance and Sarawat’s emotionally constipated ass doesn’t know how to SPEAK and just ASK Tine to go w/ him. i swear i might be the author of this story but i also get mad at these fuckers
“we’re boyfriends?” - ah yes another Thai BL fic, i will admit. i have NO idea where to take this story lmao. i still wanna finish it tho cuz i hate disappointing ppl. the fic starts with Ae and Pond making a dumb bet so Pond will stop jerking off in their shared room and promises that he won’t do that as long Ae dates someone random and based off of Pond’s choosing. sweet bby Pete wanders into their campus accidentally  and gets picked. Ae does the deed and tells Pete they’re dating. Ae thinks that Pete and Pond are scheming to make his life a living hell but lo and behold Pete has actually fallen in love with him (heheheh) 
“i wanna ruin our friendship” - hello lgbtq+ community :). we all know where this fuckin title is from don’t be sneaky. so here’s my KilluGon college fic. I initially wrote this like two years ago and uploaded it on wattpad lmaooo then i edited it and posted on ao3 and once again i have no idea where to take this (ive forgotten what my original idea for this was lol) so basically Killua and Gon are really close friends and Gon is sortof a player in this AU idk why khdkadha but anywayz all of Gon’s exes have left him bc they’re jealous of Killua but Gon would never pick his current S/O over him so HAAA. it all goes to shit tho when Retz decides to trick Gon to taking her back for the school dance and idk what path to go for T_T 
AIGHT now for my UNPUBLISHED WIPS buckle up yall this is a LOT. all the titles are WIPS so that’s why theyre iffy lol
“pussy talented”- (don’t mind the title lmao i just wanted a cat pun in there somewhere) basically, Bokuto is a firefighter and Akaashi an editor. They work near each other and Bokuto often visits Kuroo, who works with Akaashi. Ofc Akaashi falls in love at first sight but then he overhears that he has a "Kenma" waiting for him at home. Akaashi assumes that he's probably Bo's boyfriend and then leaves him alone, making Bo confused as hell. Little that he knows that Kenma is actually a grumpy calico cat.
“killugon flower shop AU” - Wing owns a flower shop and Killua helps out with Zushi along with Alluka out of boredom and one day Alluka asks Killua to help out with her client then he meets Gon and is immediately smitten until Gon says that he's looking for something that he can give to a girlfriend (it was actually Ging's request lol), lots of misunderstanding, Killua being too shy to ask the handsome stranger out and Alluka and Zushi being done with his shit 
“rice isn’t the only thing getting crushed here” - Osamu falls in love with one of his most loyal costumers—Akaashi and he thinks he might just have a shot at it until one day while Akaashi is ordering a bunch of riceballs, Bokuto Koutaro of Japan's National Volleyball team enters the restaurant and sweeps Akaashi of his feet, unexpected angst and a generous helping of unrequited pining :)) dw this fic can go two ways: Bokuto is just Akaashi's best friend who he hasn't seen in months or b. Bokuto is actually Akaashi's fiance maybe i’ll write both endings heehee
“killua is sad and gets lovebombed” - while staying in Whale Island, Killua thinks he that he doesn't deserve Gon and tries to leave him while he's asleep but his plan is stopped when Gon wakes up and they both end up revealing their true feelings for each other
“excuse to write charles getting fucked by two delicious men” - Erik and Charles have been in a relationship for years now and basically fell out of love so when Erik gets promoted and has to move, Charles agrees and so they break up. Charles turns to Logan (who harbors a giant crush on Charles) for companionship and sleep together once. Logan says it was an accident but Charles wants more and they establish a FWB situation of sorts since Charles isn't ready yet. But then Charles gets into an accident and can't remember what happened the past year and a half so he still thinks he's with Erik. Meanwhile, Erik is living a luxurious yet empty life and when he gets the call from Raven about Charles' situation, he immediately goes back running.
“killua in whale island” - KilluGon are like 20-ish and Killua visits Whale Island and Ging just happens to be there as well. Killua thinks about how even though Gon and Ging are near identical, Gon just looks so much more handsome. (probs just a oneshot) 
 “another horny cherik fic” - Charles is a demon who was accidentally summoned when Raven, Hank and Ororo uses Erik's blood to perform a demon summoning ritual (as a joke) they didn't know it would actually work so now Charles is stuck with Erik because the human absolutely refuses to sell his soul
“IwaOi overboard AU” - Oikawa is a rich pretty boy and Iwa a college dropout who works at his uncle's repair shop with his younger brother Tobio and cousin Kyoutani ( both 5 yrs old). One day he gets called over to fix one of Oikawa's cars and after a failed and disastrous encounter with a drunk Oikawa, Iwa leaves the mansion fuming. Later in the day, it's discovered that Oikawa got in a car crash that took away his memories and since Oikawa apparently lives alone, he has no one to get him. not until Iwa comes ofc and with a malicious and vengeful intent, he tells Oikawa that they're dating and live together in his crappy apartment
“dancer Akaashi” - Akaashi is a dancer, Osamu is a bartender at the bar he works at and has also been in love with Akaashi for the past two years. He doesn't confess since he knows Akaashi doesn't like romance but then enters a bright eyed cheery Bokuto who sweeps the unreachable Midnight Moon off of his feet, bokuaka but im leaning towards bokuosaaka since akaashi deserves two boyfriends
“watch me be poetically horny for Akaashi Keiji” - Akaashi is a vampire and Osamu, a skilled artist. Akaashi posing nude and delighted at how beautifully Osamu portrays him. Osamu says otherwise. 
Cherik College AU - drift by great gable.... late teens cherik... Erik being a misanthropic horny bastard and Charles a snarky piece of shit.... they get paired up for 7 minutes in heaven... turns out Charles has been ogling him for a while now..  hmmmm,,,.,. ( i wrote this when i was drunk and my og draft is too long so take this instead lolz) 
“ BokuAka (NSFW) ” - Bokuto pushing off a guy who tried to hit on Akaashi while they're at a club. Akaashi gets so turned on he immediately drags Bokuto to the bathroom where he gets his facefucked in one of the bathroom stalls or Akaashi getting his face fucked in a dirty alley at the back of a bar after Bokuto gets into a fistfight.
“KuroKen (NSFW)  ” -Kenma does top during sex but but he's just really lazy to put in the effort 
aight that’s it oh damn i just now realize how much i have T-T bruhhhhhhh and this isn’t even all of them damnnn 
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Creep part 2 (Bakugou x Reader)
Pairing: Bakugou x fem!Reader
Genre: Spice!
Sequel to Creep (part 1)
Summary: Your roommate forces you to a dorm hangout with her boyfriend where you get hit on by a creep, only to have Bakugou come along and help you with the situation.
Word count: 2,835
Tags:  @yuki-osaki @liviitehe @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog
a/n: More spice than the first part ;)  This one took a different turn from the first part, so I hope you all like it!  The ending might be a little rushed because I’m really exhausted and I wanted to finish this before I pass out on my keyboard.
This part was inspired by a Tiktok that was going to be a completely different scenario, but it ended up fitting perfectly as a sequel, so I used it!
Also I hit 100 followers!?  In 2 weeks?!  What are y’all following me for, I’m trash!?  Nonetheless thank you for supporting my tiny blog out of the vast world of Tumblr, I really appreciate it.  100 followers may not seem like a lot for some of you, but I never expected this to happen and I’m so grateful for each of you 😘😘  Ok enough of the mushy stuff, onward to the sequel!
Maybe I was hit by cupid's arrow.  Or the devil's, considering the type of thoughts I'm having.
I'm not usually the kind of person who lusts over people or their appearances.  I'll at least acknowledge them as hot and then move on, but I don't dwell on them.  Until I went back to our shared dorm still wearing Bakugou's hoodie and started having flashbacks of our few moments together.  His scent coupled with the memory of his smirk and those intense crimson eyes left me with a lingering high.  We had left things unfinished, and that little nagging in the back of my head drove me to do something I wouldn't normally do.
And that was stalking him.  I ended up scrolling through Ochaco's following list for his profile, and finding it was akin to discovering a hidden treasure.  From the outline of his build in that long-sleeve shirt I last saw him in, I knew there was something there.  While his profile displayed mostly pictures of his friends hanging out, there were also clips of him training in the gym.  Only when I chose those to watch those and scrolled to the end of the set would I be gifted with a beautiful mirror selfie of him in a black tank top.  Even just standing there, hands in his pockets or arms crossed across his chest, the curve of his arms and veins straining underneath entice me.
But that wasn't what stands out to me the most.  It's actually his neck.  In the small amount of time I'd spoken to him, the moment that he removed his hood and exposed it to me is the image that replays the most.  The structure of his muscles and his collarbone melding together into a perfect sculpture of a man.  That's what mostly haunted me.  To think it's one of the more sensitive parts of him makes my heart pound a little harder.  In every picture, it was the first thing I looked for.
"You planning on taking that off anytime soon?"
I jolted when Ochaco's sly comment awoke me from my reverie.  "Yeah, I just needed to check something first," I tried to play it off before - reluctantly - ripping the hoodie off of me.
And now, the day after that, I have to give it back to him.  This morning, a rogue though flashed into my mind: instead of simply handing it to him, I could wear it to class and have him watch me peel it off my body.  Such a thought never occurred to me before, startling me for being brash.
I did wear it though. I told myself it was cold in the classroom and I would need it.
When I walked into the classroom, I didn't dare to glance at the back for him since my thoughts haven't been the purest and I think I might've choked if I didn't mentally prepare myself.  If he was nice enough, he would have respected that sign, but he wasn't.
As soon as I turned around from getting a pen from my bag, there he was leaning on my desk, earning an embarrassing squeal from me.
His head tilts against his arm.  "That's a lovely shade on you."
My breath stops for a millisecond.  Huh?
Bakugou twirls one of the strings on the hoodie around his finger.  "The black matches your nails."
Oh.  Duh.  "Yeah?  I might keep it then."  Just to make my point, I pull the hood up on my head.  "You're probably not getting this back."
"Hording my clothes now?"  He clicks his tongue, "Sounds like you're the creep now.  Or just a thief."
Haaa, you don't know the half of it.  From the position he's in, leaning down on the desk and resting his head on his arm, there's a very perfect view of his neck and collarbone right in front of my eyes from under his black shirt and denim jacket.  I try not to linger on it and force myself to concentrate on his face instead.  "I'll give it back after class, this room is always too cold for me."  But today it feels just a bit hotter.
We agree to get lunch and head to the library after class until the professor arrives and he returns to his seat, but not before sending a wink my way.  I clutch the neck of the hoodie, stunned as the gesture spirals be back to us almost kissing, before the fire alarm rudely interrupted everything.  For the rest of class, I'm more concerned with how to take off an oversized hoodie in a sexy way than any kind of modern British prose.
We decide on staying on one of the library floors where a moderate level of talking is allowed, taking over a small, private study room where the door is transparent and there's a rectangular glass window to see inside.  I'm partially thankful for the extra insurance keeping me from possibly jumping on him, but that doesn't keep me from staring and letting my mind run wild.
Bakugou chose the seat at the head of the table and I chose the seat adjacent to him.  "I can't get over how the old hag typed out an entire 7 page guideline on how to write this paper.  Does she expect us to write a dissertation or something?!"
I slurp my udon.  "She needs to chill.  I thought her sarcastic humor was funny the first week of class, but she's getting on my nerves now."
"Then why do you keep laughing at all her jokes?"
"Because I need to kiss up to her so she can at least remember me to give me a good grade for one."  I put a piece of chicken in my mouth.  "And also, I'm low key scared of her killing my first born child."
Bakugou almost chokes on his Mapo Tofu laughing at that, throwing his head back and slamming the table.  The image of me kissing his neck flashes through me and cuts my laugh short.  Calm yourself!  I clear my throat.  "Speaking of scary people, if I had met you at the party, I would've had a very different impression of you, since you were much more...aggressive there."
He has a confused expression before he looks down at his food.  "You mean how I was screaming playing that game?"
"Yeah."  I note how uncomfortable he looks on the subject.  "I guess people usually think that of you?"
"Something like that.  I was kind of a loudmouth in high school, I think I've gotten better."  He turns to me, twirling his chopsticks in his hand curiously.  "What was your first impression of me?"
I shrug.  "You're quiet, you have a brain in your head, and you like to sleep in class sometimes."
The blond snorts, "People don't usually associate me with 'quiet,' you'd be the first."
Should I be flattered by that? I wonder.
We finish our meals without another word.  I pull out my laptop and start looking through the guidelines for our paper again.  "I don't even know what book I want to write about, they're all so boring."
Bakugou shrugs, still peering into his laptop screen.  "I would just pick the one with a theme you can bullshit the most about."
"I guess," I slump down onto my arm.  I always liked reading growing up so I didn't think I would have a tough time in this class, but the professor really drains the energy out of me.
I feel a bit hot in his hoodie, perking up at the opportunity to pique his interest.  Maybe I can lift it up so my shirt underneath slides up and shows my stomach a little?  Would that be sexy?  How do I remove it casually enough in one swift movement without fucking it up?  Maybe he'll find any way I do it attractive, because hopefully that's how guys think.
I decide to just try it an see how it goes.  Lifting it with both hands from the bottom, I drag the hoodie up and almost get it over my head, feeling my shirt underneath lifting below it.  I try straightening my back to make my posture look a little more curvy than I probably already am.  The problem I face is getting it off my head, which immediately dampers my effortlessly-sexy act into an awkward one.  I have to slip my arms out from the sleeves and push it up from underneath, messing my hair up slightly in the process.
I sneak a glance out of the corner of my eye to gauge his reaction in case he saw it.  There is none, his eyes are still glued to the screen.
Well, that was kind of a fail, I think, throwing the hoodie onto the space between us.  I'm just a bit disappointed that I can't channel my inner flirt around boys I like, but it's not the end of the world.
"Too bad, I thought you look pretty good in my hoodie," he spares me a smug grin.
I freeze up at the statement, heat rushing to my cheeks.  "I think so too," I murmur, "Maybe I should steal your jacket too."
He stops tapping on his keyboard and stares at me with an unfamiliar emotion.  I'm about to ask what he's thinking before he removes his jacket and hands it to me.  "I'd like to see that."
I almost think it's a joke, but I take it from him anyway, draping it around my shoulders without putting my arms through the sleeves.  I get the sense that it might be too big on me if I put it on.  A fresh bout of his scent comes with it, sending me into another spiral of unhealthy thoughts.
"I think the universe is trying to tell me something, because you look good in all my clothes," Bakugou leans back in the seat, looking down his nose at me.
The implication makes my heart flutter.  "Yeah, they're actually mine and you'd stolen them from me before.  Or you just have a really girlish figure."  Like hell I believe that, you were probably sculpted from stone by the gods.
"Pfft, whatever you say," he rolls his eyes and looks back his laptop, scanning over the notes he wrote down.  "So, this is the list of themes for each of the books we read for class, wanna hear it just in case it triggers something for you?"
My mind is still hung on the sculpted from the gods thought, so I absently nod  while staring at him to make him think I'm paying attention.  In reality, my thoughts wander to the pictures I'd seen of him a few nights ago, the gym mirror selfies in his tank tops.  His arms are definitely just a teaser for what he probably has underneath that shirt, and I'm betting on there being a washboard waiting for me to run my hands over, judging by the brief glance I had down his shirt earlier.
Unconsciously, my eyes trace down to his black button down.  It practically teases me, his top 2 buttons undone to expose all of his collarbone and the top of his defined chest.  I don't have to go by the low quality mirror posts on his profile or the fuzzy memories from the party, it's right there for me to see.  Flashes of me running my fingers over his neck as I nibble on his ear, rogue noises of his hypothetical sighs of bliss, my hands spreading his shirt open to allow for more space to kiss down his muscular neck.  Each new image quickens my heart rate and sends a new tremor down my body.
I'd love to just devour him.
Both his voice and the rational one in my head snap me back to reality.  Did I really just-
Annoyance creases in his brow as I recompose myself and sit up straight.  "Sorry, I didn't catch the last thing," my voice comes out noticeably strained.
"What's wrong with you-"  Just like that, his face crosses with an awareness that only morphs into a smirk.  "I guess you're letting your mind wander."
My eyes widen.  Shit, he knows, I'm caught!  "No, I'm just-"
"We've only known each other for a day and you're already obsessed with me, aren't you?"  He leans forward, only to have me lean back, but he pulls the collar of his jacket on me to keep me in place.  "That might be a little unhealthy, don't you think?"
I'm staring at his descending lips, part of me holding a desire for them to quell the feeling I've locked up.
Bakugou hums low, breath caressing my face.  "I think we have some unfinished business from the other night.  You must've been thinking about that."  His gaze flickers down to my slightly agape lips before slamming his down on them.  Though it's not delicate by any means, it still feels like a tester.  Electricity shudders through me at our long-awaited reunion, and when he pulls away for a moment to look down at me with half-lidded eyes, I know he feels the same thing.
And something breaks free inside me.  I hurriedly press my lips back against his, catching him by surprise.  I take the lead, quickening the tempo of our kisses as one of my hands tangle in his soft hair, not giving either of us time to breathe.  Leaning forward into him, my stomach presses into the table corner between us, and I break away from him.  Allowing only a few pants, I jolt from my seat and round the corner to take the place of his lap and join our lips again forcibly, my knees on either side of him, pressing our bodies together against the back of the chair and swiveling into the table for stability.  He was caught off guard before, but he melts into me and allows his hands to grab my waist.
I trail my tongue onto his lower lip before tracing my lips across his jaw.  "You weren't expecting this, were you?"  I breathe against the shell of his ear, his natural musk filling my nostrils.
A low groan escape him.  "I didn't think you wanted me this much.  Must've driven you a little crazy somehow."
My hand tangled in his hair drags down his neck, my nails grazing it ever so slightly, eliciting another growl from him and his grip me tighter.  "I'll show you some of what I was just thinking about."  Starting at the base of his ear, I pepper more open-mouthed kisses down the same neck that's haunted me, sometimes tickling my tongue over the spots he  stiffens up at.
Once I reach the base of his neck, barely caressing that taunting collarbone, I move the opening in his shirt away to expose more of his chest to me, continuing up to where his shoulder and neck conjoin, remaining there to massage it with my lips and lightly graze my teeth on it.  "This little creeper wanted to taste this neck you love to flaunt."  I pull away and meet his wanton gaze.  "I wonder if I should mark it."
Calloused hands dig under my shirt as he catches his breath.  "Depends.  What kind of relationship do you want from me?"  He's holding himself back.
I never stopped to think about it.  He's a pretty great guy, we have pretty strong chemistry, and we bounce off each other really well, not to mention he's the only guy to have awakened such new feelings from me.  Looping my arms around his neck and joining our foreheads together, I mutter against his lips, "Let's go on a few dates maybe?"
He smirks and gives me another slow kiss before pulling away.  "Deal.  But let's take this slow.  I can very easily do something like this to you too, but then how will I get to know you?"
I sit back on his thighs.  "Fair point.  And, just an aside," my face gets warmer at my admittance, "I don't normally do this.  I'm usually more reserved, but you're different, I guess."
"I think you were just really thirsty for a real man," he winks, earning a shove in the chest from me.  "That was an impressive show though, I'll give you credit.  Maybe later, I can show you what goes on in my head.  Except, it's a lot more than just a few neck kisses."
I almost choke on that, my cheeks growing even hotter.
Bakugou's expression softens, the teasing disappearing.  "But before that, we can enjoy ourselves in calmer things.  Like dinner?  Or bowling?"
My chest swells with something lighter than desire.  "Sounds like a plan."
He plants a kiss on my nose.  "Okay, now get off before someone walks in on us.  It's a study room, not a make out room, creep."
I get off him and settle back into my seat.  "I think I prefer the term 'perv,' thank you very much."
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
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@aph-usa-is-my-dad​ Thank you, thank you! 🙇🏽‍♀️
Alright lads, looks like it’s time for hot takes part III!
Here’s Part 1//Here‘s Part 2
Apollo won’t get Zeus position. Why is everyone wishing for that? And why should he? All of you really want to romanticize/project yourself onto him, huh?
Casual Reyna >>> praetor Reyna
Grover has the fattest ass in the Riordanverse, I don’t make the rules
People lack of basic reading skills part III
The fact that adults in New Rome let kids rule the fucking place is still mindblowing
Rick apologists are lame. People calling out shit isn’t an attack on you. Stop defending a product‘s/public figure‘s honor. Defending Rick Riordan is the equivalent of you defending the honor of a snickers bar. Dude doesn’t know you and dude doesn’t give a fuck about you. You are a walking dollar bill at best
Romans are still fucking wacky and despite Camp Jupiter being superior allegedly it’s a whole damn chaotic mess. Where are the supposed civilized Romans because I don’t see them?
Camp Half-Blood >>>> Camp Jupiter, especially when Percy trains in his summer vacations and beats praetor Jason’s goddamn ass who’s been training for 12 years
Why did Riordan even try to make Jason appear to come close to Percy’s level? The imbalance of power is so abundantly clear and makes Jason seem even smaller in that regard. Riordan is truly Percy’s biggest hater
The fact that CHB also glamorizes child soldiers in a more fun and relaxed way. Yikes
Nico is a white™ (again, he is European)
Rachel was annoying but didn’t deserve the blatant hate.
Annabeth should’ve had another possible love interest to spark some pissed Percy. Luke doesn’t count. Percy’s jealously revolves around (the possibility of) her not being around him (e.g. the hunters), not him ”losing“ her to someone else romantically speaking
Silena is the OG Aphrodite kid, fuck the rest
Amazons >> hunters by a slight margin. They’re also an awful bunch
The execution of the hunters is so bad omg, just let me revamp them, Ricardo
If a different take on a headcanon/characters really offends you/paint that much of a different picture of op, then I’m not sorry (only exception if the headcanon is based on discriminatory means. Someone saying they don’t like A and someone using slurs and being a douche are two different things)
The entire Aphrodite cabin is pan FYI
Team demigods who receive periods would probably be extra fucked when it comes to monsters and stuff. Let’s address this
Why exactly couldn’t the gods handle their own shit? Hunting monsters in your area makes sense as a demigod job. But stuff like retrieving Hermes‘ staff (especially when the dude is the speedy traveler guy) makes no goddamn sense
Let’s face it: Annabeth is the only good female character that Riordan pulled off. Also wasn’t she based off his wife? If so, that’s why.
The lack of irl examples for his POC and other women is abundantly clear as he can’t lure everyone from his environment into the stories especially because he has no irl connection to minorities. So he fabricated stuff/did his 5 mins of wiki and got it severely wrong. Clock that tea!
Camp Half-Blood t-shirts belong to the trash. Orange is Yellow‘s cousin and both are ugly to the max. Let’s just switch colors of both camps. Let the Romans deal with the hideous shit
Chiron and Paul are Riordan‘s self-inserts
Tbh giving Hazel super mist powers and tying Frank to Poseidon was stupid
Skater!Percy is pretty much canon but I just can’t envision it? The thought of it is cute and so 2000s but my brain goes fjfldlsöwlwbvd (and tbh gymnast!/dancer!/Parcours!Percy >>>>> skater!basketball!Percy)
People are forgetting that Percy is the unpopular kid both in the mortal realm and at camp and partially chose to be so? Let me remind you of the truth real quick
Beckendorf and Silena are the horny bastards of the Camp Half-Blood. Issa fact
The gods not really immortalizing Chiron and simply saying that he’ll live as long as he’s needed turned him into the cryptic fuck we all know. That’s why he barely helps out (On that note a tiny Chiron essay)
A headcanon, regardless of how popular it is, isn’t factual/reality. So fighting over different takes of the exact same issue is rather pointless but you do you. Some popular blog having an opinion with a large following doesn’t automatically negate your sentiment
Piper being ”unconventional“ as in hating make-up and being dressed up is in itself more than fine but the execution was lacking and her coming off as pretentious and annoying was the result
Piper also has no taste in men if she thinks that amnesia brick boy Grace > Percy. Just no. Lesbians claim haaa
If I see another Amandla or Zendaya or another biracial/lightskinned face claim for Hazel I will lose it
Everyone and their mother having a crush on Percy fuels them Gary Stu feelings, just saying
The fact that Riordan casually drops the abuse that Percy has suffered from like some fucking tic tacs just to never be spoken about should be a reason enough to whoop his ass
Not maturing and darkening HOO (there were good thoughts but also many whacky executions) was the biggest mistake Riordan had made. He should’ve went the Rowling route and transitioned from kids books to YA
The whole fire stick thing that Riordan ripped off from Meleager and slapped onto Frank was terribly executed
A lot of you people should open up more to jokes and not take everything all too seriously
The fact that people seriously ship/ped Reyna x Apollo is proof enough that this fandom should burn
Why do Luke discussions at this point still exist? You’re essentially glossing over the same four things
Hyping up fanfics to the max is a terrible idea. Also don’t shy away from giving writers constructive criticism
Stoner headcanons are here to stay and slay!
On one hand seeing discussions from the science side of PJO talking about the biology, physics etc. is super interesting but on the other hand getting heated over the illogical basis of ”magic“ is pretty much a waste of time
Riordan‘s world building is truly awful
Frazel is a crime against humanity
If you don’t get someone‘s post actually look op up and read the tags? No need to spam the exact question to everything
Fat Frank stays. I get it, Greek gods are hot, they are conceited and choose to fuck people that they perceive as attractive, so their offspring also has some higher levels in the beauty realm. But why not explore the opposite? Why does every character need a makeover or a blessing that gives them enhanced looks?
Clarisse‘s thigh can break ya neck
Also Riordan is Annabeth’s biggest hater. Let’s throw all of her most important possessions away to proof that the smart one can survive without any of it. Sure, but the emotional attachment to the stuff still remains especially when everyone else is walking out of Annabeth’s life
Making Leo another horny bastard was an accurate portrayal of your casual 16 year old boy. Annoying, but realistic
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blinkasaurus · 3 years
Tag game! Thanks for the tag, @cobraking!
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you want to know better (or don’t, I’m not gonna hunt you down)
name/nickname(s): You can call me Sands.
gender: the yawning void
star sign: aries
height: 5′6″
time: what time??
birthday: I already gave you the aries, you’ll have to deduce the rest.
favourite band(s): queen, of monsters and men, reo speedwagon (simply because they used a really bad pun to name an album once)
favourite solo artist(s): david bowie, matthew good (I mean sometimes he’s a band and sometimes a soloist but either way that salty Canadian is GREAT)
song stuck in my head: one of the temple songs from Ocarina of Time
last movie: some maudlin christmas movie i’m sure
when i created this blog: uhhhhhhhh 2012
what i post: cobra kai, the occasional post re: a movie or star I appreciate, much shitposting
last thing i googled: ugh probably something for work
other blogs: what you see is what you get.
do i get asks?: only rarely but I love them
why i chose my url: uhhhh it has to do with newsies, which was a resurgence fandom for me in 2012. also i can’t have the url i want, despite it being unused, SO.
following: something like 143 (I follow a lot of deactivated blogs haaa)
followers: something like 115 (I don’t chase followers so if you’ve made it so far as to follow me, SORRY!!)
average hours of sleep: uuuughhghghghg like 5-6
lucky number(s): 7, 13
instrument(s): flute, piccolo, baritone/euphonium, tuba, lever harp, various small woodwinds, i dabble in many but have mastered few, however making music is a PASSION
what i am wearing: unintentional fem!johnny lawrence cosplay (think “I could eat”)
dream job: writer, critic, wandering mage (and definitely NOT the career I’ve been working on for the last 15 years and am about to drop HARD)
dream trip: climbing some tall-ass mountain, or eating my way through Europe. maybe both simultaneously.
favourite food: noodles. all kinds. all cultures. i love noodles.
nationality: born in the USA. leaving soon.
favourite song(s): a very of-the-minute question...um. Rebel Rebel by David Bowie, Apparitions by Matthew Good, Alligator by Of Monsters and Men (not actually a great song, but has fueled SO MANY GOOD WORKOUTS OMG)
last book i read: Averno by Louise Gluck (please check out her poetry, but warning I think it hurts more and more the older you get.)
top 3 fictional universes i would love to live in: Middle Earth, Tamriel, the karate-war version of the San Fernando Valley circa 2018 (I just want to bring popcorn to all the karate dilfs’ fights.)
I don’t think I’ll tag anyone specifically since you could kinda call these personal questions, but if you (yes, YOU) see this post and Feel the Call, please consider yourself (yes, YOURself) tagged!
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halorocks1214 · 4 years
Obviously TAG for the ask meme
I saw this coming from a mile away and I still Surprised Pikachu faced
Thanks for the ask!
Favorite character: Alaaaaan my bby (tho John is a close 2nd)
Least Favorite character: Is it cliche to hate the obviously hateable characters? Because Professor Harold is definitely up there (Fischler barely dodges because he’s gotten a few chuckles out of me for being a complete and utter dumbass. Watching him get owned is fun)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): These ship questions are going to be rough because I don’t really ship in this fandom like I do others? It’s probably my fault since I haven’t fully sat down and watched every episode and gotten all the ship-fodder I could possibly get, but if I did have to pick some: Penelope/Gordon, I’m a fan of John/Ridley just as much as the headcanon he’s Aro/Ace, I don’t mind Brains/Moffat or Brains/Virgil, and your Penny/Scott fics are cute don’t @ me after posting this
Character I find most attractive: Penelope could punch me and I would say thank you
Character I would marry: Don’t make me choose (but fr if I had to, Scott or Virgil ngl. They would make great husbands)
Character I would be best friends with: I would LOVE to have an EOS in my life. She would be a blast. Sass Masters For Life (also having a sentient Google follow you around would be awesome)
a random thought: I really am surprised at how small this fandom is. I get TOS being obscure since A.) 60s and B.) those dolls really don’t do the series any favors, but TAG? I mean I guess the animation is a little bit of a turn off for some people but it seems like your typical kids show that people would hop onto in the blink of an eye (like VLD or MLP). Maybe cuz it’s not American? Who knows, I just want more people to know about this show haaa
An unpopular opinion: I hope I’m allowed to not answer a question because I’ve tried thinking of one and I physically cannot come up with anything. I’m a very basic bitch and most of my opinions fall in line with the majority of this fandom sooo *yeets myself to the next question*
My Canon OTP: Penandink Penandink Pennyyy and Gordyyy (DID YOU SEE THE WAY SHE HELD HIS ARM IN THE FINALE?? NICE)
My Non-canon OTP: … Uh, Jeff/Lucy? *gets smacked over the head*
Most Badass Character: I only wish to be able to kick as much ass as Parker and he’s like 70 years older than me too, damn
Most Epic Villain: The Hood, though, I suppose that was a gimme
Pairing I am not a fan of: Again, have yet to fully watch the series, so I probably haven’t seen all the reasons why people are into Kayo/Virgil as I possibly could (though yall are free to tell me them since I’m rather flexible when it comes to what I ship or don’t)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Ridley should have appeared more than she did. She was fun
Favorite Friendship: The fandom mainly has made me really appreciate the BroTP that is Penny and John, but if I base my feelings off what the show has given me Penny and Parker are quite adorable with how they destroy everyone around them
Character I most identify with: As much as Alan is my fave, I too would love to lock myself up in space away from the rest of humanity like John sometimes (introverted as fuuuuuck)
Character I wish I could be: I guess any of the Tracys, really. They all have qualities I find to be respectable and that if more people had the world would be a better place  they’re also rich as fuuuuck
Fandom ask for anybody else that would like it
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fmdxyoungjoo · 4 years
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A Letter to Her Shared House Mates
Premise: A letter to all her shared house mates, short or long, personalised because joo wanted it to be ;;; | youngjoo would have written encouragement notes + made origami flowers for her housemates everyday, esp for those who have schedules and are busy, and her gift for them before they leave would have been a lightly scented candle of the scent she thought suited them, as well as a small recorded composition piano piece of music that she composed herself to fit what she saw of their personality
A/N: tagging all RELATED pple adfdfjkj...and i hope yall don’t mind that i took a little liberty >< with how they might have interacted! @fmdminhee, @fmdjoosung, @fmdmaverick, @fmdhyejung, @fmdyena, @fmdsooyeon
Dear Minnie, 
i am definitely going to miss you when we part from the shared house! it was wonderful being your roommate, even though sometimes i might have been overbearing in scenting candles and cleaning your things in the room since i can’t stand everything being in a mess. 
thank you for being so patient with me, and so so kind. thank you for listening to me on the nights even when you were tired and sleepy. did you know that lavender helps you sleep? i kept putting on the lavender scented candles in our room because i thought you needed the sleep. you always seem so tired since your schedule is busy after all...
i hope i had been a great roommate to you, because you definitely were a great roommate for me!
yours truly, joojoo :D
Dear Sung,
😍😘🥰😎! ....did i do the emojis right this time?
please continue being the bright sun that shines down on us all the time hehe. sometimes even i admire your tenacity and ability to continually be optimistic and happy all the time...ahhh haaa...how do you do it...
you’re one of the most amazing people that i’ve met. your energy, your kindness, and your EMOJIS-- 🤣 you definitely show me a whole new world of it.
lets keep in contact, okay? 🥺    
yours truly, youngjoo 🤧   
Dear Mav!
why are you so tall T-T
why are you still so tall T-T
i think my neck hurts all the time from looking up at you since i was born short, but you keep amazing me with your talent with singing and the guitar and piano! i mean--- even i couldn’t just listen once to something and play it T-T it takes me a long while to even make sure that i compose everything well and correctly for my songs. 
also! YOUR DANCING IS ALRIGHT! AT LEAST YOU’RE BETTER THAN ME! at least..you don’t trip over your own two feet all the time even while walking ╥﹏╥
i know this might be a wishful thinking on my part but....if you ever want to! only if you ever want to! i hope we’d get to collaborate something in the future! whether it be in singing or in compositions for each other, i do hope our future career paths meet! :o 
yours truly, youngjoo
Dear Hye-jung,
can you be one of the people that gives me some of your height T-T 
and your dancing skills?
at least so that i don’t trip over my feet all the time...
ah but that’s selfish of me hahhh--i do hope that whatever may come in the future, nothing ever gets you down! whatever people say, always know that you’re special, and always know that they’ve never seen the best side of you. 
the eyes of people and the public are naturally blind, only because they truly just want to see what they want and what they need to believe. i’m glad you finally found a place that you are comfortable and have debuted in! 
i hope we stay in contact, and maybe...maybe--just maybe because fuck gold star and what they do :D 
we can have a collaboration some day down the road?
yours truly, joo
Dear Yena,
can i call you that? 
hm..what should i say now...sadly enough, i don’t think we interacted enough, and that was partially my lazy fault. you probably saw me lazing around on the yoga mats, half asleep or cooking in the kitchens rather than talking to people, and i hope that hasn’t been a factor to make you think badly of me.
we’ve been housemates for more than a few weeks, and i hope you didn’t mind me or thought that i was a little busybody cleaning up occasionally your room! i’m not as busy as most of you are, so i did think that i should have put my effort into making things that yall could enjoy. like cooking, or cleaning up! 
small little things, that would make your day better ahaha.
also, i hope the small post it notes and flowers of encouragement you received helped too to make your day a little brighter!
yours truly youngjoo ^^
Dear Vivienne,
after a couple of weeks of being housemates with you--can i just say that hearing your guitar sounds at 2am just makes me happy, because well, as busy as you are, you’re back home, even if its a temporary home. 
please take care of yourself! i know wish definitely has a lot of schedules, and you’ve been flying everywhere, but i do hope you’re getting enough rest as well!
also--if you’re ever willing to come out for a drink ( • ̀ω•́  )✧ call me out even if my alcohol is kinda.. trash. we can get drunk all we like at my apartment whether its day or night. its the company that counts after all. 
i hope you like the aroma candle scent that i chose for you! take care of yourself and...message me!
yours truly, joo
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i dont think its that people disregard it per se, they just probably reblog stuff off of other people and don’t see your bio?
haaa, yeah…….. i’m sure you’re right… it still feels crummy though..
and i’m sorry, it’s something that’s been bothering me for quite a while, but there’s no way i can really go through all the followers i’ve got, figure out which ones i don’t want near me, and block them. it’d be pointless anyway, because more would come in and take their place and that’s… way too much, way too tiring… i’m way too tired..
it’s part of the reason why i’ve been gone, actually (well, it’s mainly because i’ve been really busy, and because i haven’t had a ton of inspiration, considering the person that is basically my ‘muse’ for these suggestions has randomly disappeared and i have no idea when they might be coming back. …i really miss them. i suppose i just have to keep waiting. like always. it’s been a few weeks already and i feel my stomach churning a bit… it’ll be fine. i’ll be fine.)
it’s even worse when the blogs aren’t actually censored,,,, i frequently check the tags on posts when i’m feeling down because it cheers me up, there’s lots of cute and endearing stuff, but then i see something god awful and i just,,,, i’m already feelin’ like garbage and i didn’t wanna end up seein’ that. (my bad i suppose. my fault for being a fricking idiot.)
i just wanna surround myself in soft stuff that helps me forget that my life is rotting around me, but the rot reaches further than i realize.
it feels like there’s really no reason to try because there’s no way i can stop it from decaying.
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scentedbygunpowder · 5 years
mun how much are you like your muse? do you have any examples or stories where you were like your muse?
Haaa, okay, anon, sit your little self down, because we’re about to have storytime.
So the most obvious answers to this would be ones that are fairly obvious. I like order. I’m logical. If something is worth my time or dedication, then I’m dedicated. I tend to be matter-of-fact and not show too much emotion. I’m practical. I try to be respectful, and do my duty. I have sacrificed something I wanted for others (although not near on the scale Riza has). I can have a dry sense of humor. And if you talk to me any, you’ll see at least some of these.
Let me tell you a story.
So when I was about fourteen years old, or somewhere around there, my youth group had a lock-in at a laser tag place. I had never played laser tag and wasn’t sure I wanted to go, but my parents encouraged me to, told me I might have fun and I could at least hang out with my friends. So I went.
The outer part of this place was a pretty nifty arcade, and we were given a cup of tokens to use, and I figured I end up spending most of time out there, especially when I learned that we would have to take turns going into the laser tag area. Still, I thought I’d try it once, just because, and then probably be done with it. So I stood in line. When it came time, we were turned loose into a room with vests that had large guns attached to them (they looked like the same size as phaser rifles from Star Trek to me), told to grab one (I ended up with team red) and then were instructed on how to put it on, some information about teams and goals no one paid attention to, told how to read the screens in the room so that we could see who won (I never did understand those), and then we waited until our turn when we were set loose into the laser tag area.
This place was really neat to me. I assume that they didn’t have a lot of room, as this place was in the middle of some hotels (this was somewhere in downtown Honolulu as my father was stationed in Hawaii at the time) but they had done a great job with the space they had. It was dark, with black lights lighting the place, and some sort of fog along the floor. It was a maze with dark gray painted plywood walls everywhere that had slits cut in them. Some slits were vertical, other horizontal. There were three bases somewhere in the maze as well, and a bridge that went up and over it all that you could go on. The bridge’s bottom and sides were solid, and the sides were just below waist high. One section, maybe eighteen inches wide, was solidly covered. 
I ended up with a group of boys that I didn’t really know, and, being our first time, we didn’t know what to do and all rather stuck together. Somehow we ended up on that bridge, and I realized that you could see down into the maze of walls and see people moving through them. Now, being with a group of teenaged boys, and being the only girl with them, I expected one of them to shoot first. Only... none of them did. So, finally, fed up with it and figuring I might as well get my turn’s worth out of it, I saw someone walking down there, took aim, and fired. It hit, the person started looking around and I did the logical thing--I ducked.
My teammates--who I can only assume at this point were city boys who had never seen a western or a cop show before--stood there staring down at me with expressions of “what are you doing?” on their faces. At least, until one of them got shot and his vest went down. Then they ducked.
After that, I was hooked. I went back in there as many times as possible, going for the red vests as much as possible because they were the best and heading on in there. I found out that I loved that bridge and the slats in the wall. I would get up  there as soon as I could, set myself up next to that covered area and just wait. When someone would walk by down there, I’d shoot them and then duck. In fact, I figured out that I could sit up there, see someone two or three aisles away, and, if I waited patiently enough, I could line up the shot and shoot them from that bridge, through those slats. They’d looked around shocked and confused, and they would have no idea where the shot even came from. I was having the time of my life, watching them be so confused. I went back and back and back in there, doing that, until they told us that it was time to leave.
It wasn’t until a few months ago when I was telling this story to some friends in a discord server that I realized what I had actually been doing. I had been sitting up on that bridge sniping people. Yes, fourteen year old me had, essentially, found the high ground, made myself a sniper’s nest, and was sniping people as the walked by during a church youth group event.
And if you think I didn’t get asked if I was actually Riza Hawkeye after a story of teenaged me sniping people, you’d be wrong! It turns out, I’m more like my muse then I thought! :P
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sophygurl · 5 years
Tagged by @whitewolfofwinterfell woot! TY
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
The Umbrella Academy 
Killing Eve
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Person of Interest
1. Who is your favourite character in 2? Mazikeen
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1? Reginald Hargreeves
3. What is your favourite episode of 4? Call me cliche, but Once More With Feeling
4. What is your favourite season of 5? Probably 4? IDK, I need to do a re-watch. 
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3? I mean, obviously it’s Eve and Villanelle
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2? Deckerstar
7. What is your favourite episode of 1? They are all SO GOOD but maybe Number Five?
8. What is your favourite episode of 5? If-Then-Else is one of the best episodes of anything ever, imo. 
9. What is your favourite season of 2? 4
10. How long have you watched 1? Well it just started this year so...
11. How did you become interested in 3? I read up on all new shows, and this one’s description caught me immediately between Sandra Oh, the cat and mouse spy/killer theme, and all of the female lead characters. Then I watched the first episode and was hooked!
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4? Wow, such a great cast. Sarah Michelle Gellar does a stunning job with all of Buffy’s changes throughout the 7 seasons and how she grows through all of her challenges and adversity. She expresses all of the ups and downs really, really well.
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? Literally could not choose. 
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ? Killing Eve has more episodes, so KE. 
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Clem. He seems to have the least amount of trauma lmao
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Haaa, no. No it would not. But I would enjoy seeing a good attempt at it.
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple. Cha-Cha and Diego. Think about it. 
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? It’s hard to say because POI has ended so the story is concluded and KE is only 2 short seasons in, but I’m gonna go with POI? It’s just kind of a tighter arc, I think. Though we’ll see what KE does.
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4? Buffy... I can’t even think of what Lucifer’s might be off the top of my head. 
Tagging: @dianebluegreen, @startenthousand, @scandalpantsstuff, @nightlocktime, @brokenyellowcrayons, @swordsandparasols, @theawkwardterrier, @c-l-ford, @dmphelps, @mysilverylining
(as per the usual, only do it if you want, and if you aren’t tagged and want to please do! tag me so I see it!)
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