#glad they actually made some not homophobic on accident this time
floating-in-the-blue · 11 months
WIP Word Search Game
My darling @innytoes tagged me. Thank youuuu!! <3
Crazy (from the Alex Adoption Fic)
“So …,” Willie drew up one of his legs, slinging his arm around it and settling his chin on his knee, “is Luke your boyfriend?”
Something caught in Alex’s throat and he choked out: “What? No!” Seeing the frown on Willie’s face, he added: “We’ve been best friends since kindergarten and we’re very close but no. He’s a great friend but I think he’d drive me crazy as a boyfriend! Besides, he’s straight.”
Willie laughed. “Oh okay then. I had just thought, you know, since you were asking for him in the ambulance …”
Alex narrowed his eyes, suddenly suspecting that Willie interpreted his answer as him not being gay either and being relieved about that. Willie didn’t look like a homophobic asshole but as he’d learned the painful, very painful, way, you could never know.
“No, he’s not my boyfriend. But I am very gay,” Alex clarified, watching Willie closely.
Willie, for his part, just started laughing, his whole body shaking, and then grinned at him, eyebrows wiggling. “Good to know. So am I, by the way.”
Oh. This created a very different problem then.
The only cuddle I could find is in a plotting bit for Can I Interest You in Some Stolen Goods and My Heart? where Alex ends up living with Willie and the gang and has a talk with Reggie
“You know, we talked about it after that game night. Me and the boys? And we think you’re the first guy who might actually deserve Willie. Because you’re just as in love with him as he is with you and it just ... it feels right, you know?”
He tells them how they’re very protective of Willie because of those past things and that they’re his brothers and that’s what family’s for, right? But then realises what he’s just said and apologises but although Alex hates the reminder of how his family has treated him, he reassures Reggie that he’s glad they all think like that and yes, that is what family should be for
he asks Reggie if he can hug him and Reggie is delighted “I love hugs, and cuddles!”
Willie comes in while they’re still hugging and jokes “Are you trying to steal my boyfriend, Reggie?” and Alex breaks off and is embarrassed and hastens to reassure Willie but Willie and Reggie are all at ease
Alex tells Willie “you know I love you,” and before he can fully register that he said ‘I love you’ for the first time in the weirdest way possible, Willie’s already smiling and saying “Yeah, I know. I love you too.” and kisses his cheek and Alex thinks about how he thought the occasion for saying it the first time should be special and that’s part of the reason why he hasn’t said it yet but now he realises that it was the perfect moment because it was kind of mundane and special at the same time and that’s how he loves Willie. Like it’s the most miraculous thing in the world and the most natural thing in the world and how he loves him in the moments that aren’t special, where Willie leans sleepily in the door frame, yawning, or when he’s brushing his teeth etc.
Dog (Alex Adoption Fic)
The boys decided that it was about time his casts were finally, properly marked up with ritualistic drawings. Or at least that’s how Bobby phrased it shortly before Reggie stopped him from drawing dicks on them. 
Bobby shrugged and said “It’s tradition,” not sounding very apologetic but at least refraining from following the tradition and instead drawing a wicked Sunset Curve logo on his arm, which Alex much preferred to (drawn) dicks. He bore the teasing following that particular statement stoically and only blushing a little bit.
Reggie doodled little dogs and dolphins (the only animals he claimed he could draw) all over his leg cast and Luke added musical notes and some lyrics and some very misshapen stars.
Alex wasn’t sure it really made an improvement to his appearance but at least they were slowly starting to treat the accident with less … awe.
Tired (Alex Adoption Fic, of course ;D)
It went like that for the next several days. Alex was asleep or dozing most of the time but whenever he woke during the day, at least one but most often all three of his boys would be there. And none of them would comment when Alex wept about the absence of his parents.
He hadn’t said much about the day of the accident, both because he was tired and because it was too hard to talk about, but they didn’t press him on that or anything else. Mostly, they were just there and that was enough.
The only actual rain I found was in my Metal Gear Wip Nature 2.0:
The explosion is small, just a tiny flicker in space, but he imagines the atoms freed of cohesion, travelling away from each other, faster and ever faster. Some of them caught in the gravity of the blue planet below, where they will be swallowed by clouds and rain. Some of them consumed by the light and heat of the sun. Some of them travelling on, further and further away from here for eternity. He hopes some of them will find their way to Jupiter.
But since it's just so much fun, have a 'bRain' from Luke & the Phantoms as well ;D
“Wait, so …” Alex stepped closer, trying to run a hand through his hair only to encounter the obstacle of his basecap and he settled for adjusting that instead, clearing his throat, the thought in his brain still unwieldy and stuck like a fishbone. “Just to clarify. Luke is a junkie rock star and he’s gay now?”
“Actually, in one of his last interviews he identified as bisexual,” Julie replied, and excuse Alex but the precise label wasn’t really something he cared about right now, except that it was not straight!
no-pressure tagging: @nuandia, @hot-elf, @glamorouspixels, @innytoes (right back at you ;P)
Your words are: black, paint, smile, big, torn :D
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griddlebutch · 3 years
I watched luca for the first time today and it really is queer coding at its finest. Like as someone with an italian american family watching it with my little cousins, being able to openly talk about how relatable luca is to me as a lesbian, and seeing all my cousins take in such a wonderful, simple message about acceptance while also being validated in our calabrese culture by tiny little details like scopa and "e basta!" was just so healing.
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citizen-zero · 2 years
I’m glad there’s a wider array of media made by for and about queer people but Brokeback Mountain will always have a special place in my heart.
It was the first major film I can remember watching that took us and our relationships and our struggles seriously. It didn’t depict a romantic and sexual relationship between two men as a joke or as disgusting and perverted—it showed them as complicated people with complicated feelings and experiences. It made clear that they were not the problem for “being deviants,” the problem was the homophobic time and place they existed in. And like I know it’s a tragedy but the FACT IS! It was a tragedy! The ending was fucking devastating as it properly should be!
It wasn’t Bury Your Gays to me because BYG always feels like it’s a punishment for being queer, or storied where the tragedy of the queer character’s death isn’t allowed to have full impact or meaning and there’s no real point to it and the only reason they died was to die. Their death doesn’t have any far reaching implications. And we can argue that Jack’s death in BM served no purpose but that’s the point. Whether it really was a tractor accident or it was a murder by homophobes, there was no point, and that’s a tragedy on its own but the extra layer is the fact that Ennis can’t mourn him the way he should be allowed to and there’s never going to be any kind of closure. It’s a tragedy and it feels like one and most importantly it feels like it has respect for the fact that shit like this happened and still happens every day. It doesn’t wave it away as nothing but it gives space and weight to the grief queer people have often had to bear by themselves. Like I’m okay with queer people in fiction dying even for no reason as long as their death has some kind of significance and impact on the story and the other Characters.
And finally it’s the only movie I can think of that I’m okay with the fact that the leads were two (presumably) straight men because ykw? They took it seriously and did a good job making me believe in the relationship they were acting out. They did a better job depicting two queer men in fucking 2005 than a lot of actors manage in 2022. If it were being made today I’d say it’s unacceptable, those roles should go to actual queer actors, but I can forgive it bc in the context of the time it was truly a big deal what they did.
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chewiedon · 3 years
(Y/N) in this story is 18, he's called a boy because he's small and naive. Shinobu also isn't actually homophobic, it's just there to advance the plot.
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Giyuu was never one to look to others for judgement. He didn't have a care in the world of how other people viewed him, he lived in his own little world and he liked that. That little world of his was dark, cold, and lonely but he didn't care at all.
"Please train me! Please make me your tsuguko!"
His little world changed when he met (Y/N), and he hated the way (Y/N) made him feel. The light fluffy feeling he got inside his stomach reminded him of Sabito, and he hated it so much.
(Y/N) was a small and social boy. The complete opposite of Giyuu yet they seemed to get along so well together. Giyuu had no idea how to train or handle a student, but (Y/N)'s persistence was more annoying than anything. That quickly changed after a couple weeks of having him around and Giyuu had become more and more fond of him.
He hadn't noticed it at first, but he began to notice the little things (Y/N) did. They'd be on his mind constantly on missions and meetings, not a day went by when the boy wasn't present inside his head.
His favorite thing was when (Y/N) took naps, which he took naps often. (Y/N) would mumble all kinds of things in his sleep, while most of the time they were things about food or pretty girls. Giyuu would think about the soft words that slipped from his lips every second he could.
"596! 597! 598! 599! 600!" (Y/N)'s chanting snapped Giyuu out of his thoughts.
In the courtyard stood the boy himself swinging a wooden sword over and over again. His face drenched in sweat.
"Do 200 more," Giyuu announced.
"Wha? 200? But I've done over 2500 already today!" He whined, jumping up and down slightly.
"Your stamina is terrible, do 200 more (Y/N)." Giyuu furrowed his brows at (Y/N)'s reluctance.
"Yessir..." He mumbled groggily before starting over again, "1! 2! 3! 4!"
Talking to the boy was an addicting drug to the hashira, he loved hearing his student's rants even about silly things. Every word that had fallen from (Y/N)'s lips had felt like honey, and Giyuu was slowly but very surely falling deeply with the boy. The thought crossed his mind,  was he in love with him?
"I'm not!" The ravenette had abruptly shouted out, angry at himself again.
(Y/N) jumped from his sudden outburst, "You don't what? Were you talking? I'm sorry I was focused on my swinging," He had bowed respectfully.
Everything had seemed to come to a pause, the orange hue of the setting sun had bathed itself on the small boy and his mentor.
"You're done for the day." The hashira abruptly announced.
"But I have 127 more swings to go-" The boy was cut off again.
"Doesn't matter, we'll pick it up tomorrow." Giyuu had turned around and began to enter his estate through the engawa.
"But you have that abrupt mission at Natagumo mountain with Shinobu-sama, Oyakata-sama summoned you." (Y/N) stated, his eyebrows furrowed.
Why was his mentor so mad all of a sudden? Was he swinging wrong? He could've sworn his posture was perfect...
"Then you can pick it up by yourself, your next mission isn't until next week." Giyuu had disappeared into the darkness of his estate, leaving (Y/N) in the courtyard confused and dazed.
"Idiot! Dumbass!" Giyuu cursed at himself again, why was he so pissed tonight?
The hashira took his anger out on you by accident. He paced around his small bedroom, he was fuming. He can't remember the last time he's been so mad, especially at himself. He respected (Y/N) so much and he felt as if he was cursing you by even considering the idea of love.
"I don't need it."
"I don't deserve it."
"It's all a massive waste"
He repeated it over and over in his head. How dare he fall in love with someone as precious, as perfect as (Y/N). He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs, he wanted to cry out.
"Giyuu-san? Are you okay?" His wild thoughts were completely dispersed when (Y/N)'s sweet voice made way to his ears.
The ravenette's anger seemed to have disappeared, and was replaced with the light warm feeling. Guilt began to fill him, he had made him worry.
"Yeah... I'm okay. I'm sorry for taking out my frustrations out on you," Giyuu had turned to where the boy was in the doorway and looked down at him.
"I'm glad it wasn't my fault I made you mad, I thought I was doing something wrong," He explained to his mentor.
"No, you were fine," His mentor shook his head, he couldn't help but grin at the boy.
"Ah, you smiled!" (Y/N) exclaimed.
"You seem to forget I'm human sometimes," The tips of Giyuu's lips dipped down to a frown again.
"It's not that at all! I guess I just missed your smile is all,"
Falling in love with (Y/N) was like being submerged into a lukewarm pool. He was no longer annoying or a chore to deal with. He was Giyuu's everything, and he was changing the little world inside his mentor's head.
The next day had arrived swiftly, Giyuu had left his estate before the morning sun could peek over the mountains. The plan was to meet at the master's mansion and to get a report on what they'll be dealing with. The hashira would be going on a mission with a fellow hashira named Shinobu Kocho.
"Oh my Tomioka-san~ I'm surprised you didn't bring your little (Y/N) here with you~!" She sang out as Giyuu entered the mansion.
"He's still training his stamina, I want him to focus on that before he stresses about missions," He explained swiftly.
"Don't be shy Tomioka~ You just want to keep him all to yourself~!" Her smile was sweet while she cupped her face with her hands.
"You're being annoying, how I train my tsugoku is none of your business." The water hashira walked past her swiftly after taking off his shoes.
"Maybe, but you have to admit that you're being clingy with the poor boy. I wonder if he's lonely at your sad little estate all by himself?" Kocho had cocked her head to the side and put a finger on her chin in a fake pondering look.
"I know he would voice any concerns to me. He has training to do so I know he's not bored. Why're you so concerned anyways?" Giyuu's eyes furrowed at the talk about his tsuguko, especially under the idea that he was treating him poorly.
"You shouldn't let your little student distract you, this isn't some game." Her tone turned flat, and her eyes poured into her comrades. Game? She would accuse Giyuu of all people for treating this like a game? Did she mean the feelings he developed for (Y/N), or the demon slaying job?
"What game?" His eyes narrowed, listening to her next words carefully.
"The job, don't let falling in love with some boy distract you." Her tone turned sour at the mention of (Y/N). As if the mere mention of the two being involved was forbidden.
"Ara~! That was rude of me, my sincere apologies Tomioka-san~!" Her hollow smile returned to her face before she turned around and made her way deeper into the mansion.
All Giyuu could do is stand there silent, because in a way she was right... He had no right to fall in love with (Y/N), not to mention two men being in love was taboo.
But that lukewarm pool was addicting. He didn't care, he just wanted to bathe in (Y/N)'s warmth.
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melanielocke · 3 years
Lost in the Shadows - Chapter 10
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Taglist: @nott-the-best @foxglove-airmid @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 @justanormaldemon @styxdrawings @ipromiseiwillwrite
CW: Discussion of toxic relationship
Lucie was under the impression Alastair liked Thomas, but Lucies texts only made him more nervous. Even if Alastair smiled back, even if some things he said could hint at romantic feelings, Thomas had no clue how to make a move on people, much less Alastair. After dinner, they talked a bit more, about books, history, places they wished to travel. Alastair told him that he’d once read Machiavelli’s the Prince for comfort, but had since replaced it with Marx’ the Communist Manifesto. Thomas, who read mostly fiction, found it hard to imagine those books as something one read for comfort, but he promised he’d give the Communist Manifesto a try.
‘My ex recommended the Prince,’ Alastair explained. ‘In retrospect, the book suits him pretty well. It’s about power, manipulation, and he was all about that.’
‘As in, he manipulated you?’ Thomas asked.
‘He wants to get into politics, and I think he cares more about holding a position of power than about doing what’s best for the country. But he also manipulated me,’ Alastair said, showing no emotion. ‘He was very obsessed with his own social status and image, and would have done anything to improve that. I would not have reflected well on his image, so he kept me a secret and made me believe it was what was best for me.’
Thomas was certain he would be a better partner to Alastair than his exif they were in a relationship, but figured that was a pretty low bar. He didn’t know much about relationships, had never been in one, and wasn’t sure he knew how any of that worked, or how to be with someone with such a bad past experience. He didn’t want to hurt Alastair by accident. Perhaps his parents had some advice, but then he’d first have to tell them he liked boys. Which he planned to, but he had not yet figured out the right words, the right occasion.
‘How did you come out to your parents?’ he asked Alastair.
His parents were outside, they wouldn’t overhear. Thomas hoped they wouldn’t walk in out of a sudden, but if they did… Well, then at least they’d know and Thomas wouldn’t have to prepare a speech.
‘I only came out to my mother and aunt Risa,’ Alastair said. ‘Not to my father, nor do I care to.’
‘So, did you prepare a speech or anything?’ Thomas asked.
‘I did, because I suspected my mother and aunt Risa might not understand or know much about gay people, so I’ve mostly been educating them on various sexualities and gender identities. Risa actually discovered she is asexual and aromantic after I explained those concepts to her. Why do you ask?’
Thomas turned red, he laughed nervously. ‘I’ve been meaning to tell my parents I’m gay, but haven’t found the right time, or figured out how to tell them.’
‘You don’t have to tell anyone if you don’t want to. Do you want them to know?’ Alastair asked.
Thomas considered Alastair’s question for a moment. ‘Yes, I do. I think it would be easier if they knew and I would rather tell them before I am in a relationship instead of introducing a boyfriend. Since that would be awkward for him as well. Mainly, I just want them to know but I don’t want an awkward conversation.’
‘I think your problem is that you’re too determined to do it perfect,’ Alastair said. ‘Your parents seem very open and accepting, I don’t think you have to worry.’
‘No, I know that,’ Thomas said.
He felt stupid. Alastair must have had a much harder time telling people, he hadn’t known beforehand that his mother would be accepting. Thomas was fairly certain his parents would love him no matter what, and yet here he was complaining to Alastair about how difficult he found it to come out.
‘I know it can still be scary,’ Alastair said. ‘I was fairly certain Cordelia wouldn’t mind at all, yet I postponed telling her for a long time. Of course in my case it could have saved me a lot of misery, had I told her sooner.’
‘What do you mean?’ Thomas asked.
‘She realized almost immediately after I told her that my ex boyfriend was treating me badly, when I did not. It took her a couple of weeks to convince me, but I realized she was right and then I broke up with him.’ Alastair paused. ‘It’s nice to have someone to talk about it. For a long time, I had only him and he actively discouraged me from telling anyone else.’
‘I’m guessing he wasn’t out?’ Thomas asked. ‘He thought being gay would reflect badly on him as a politician?’
‘No, I don’t think that was the problem. He was private about his sexuality, but I think his friends and family knew. I don’t blame him for that, I understand it’s not always easy to talk about and there can be consequences when people know. But I think in his case, he didn’t want people to know about me because I was so much younger, he probably knew grooming a teenager would reflect badly on him. He always said it was because I wasn’t out that he wanted to keep our relationship a secret, that he wanted to protect me from judgement, but I doubt that was true. I never wanted to be someone’s secret.’
Thomas frowned. ‘Wait, how much younger were you?’
‘Six years. I met him when I was fourteen and entered a relationship with him at sixteen.’
Then Alastair’s ex must have been twenty two at the time? Thomas, at eighteen, considered sixteen year old boys children and had no romantic interest in them. He preferred to look at boys his own age, maybe a little older. Despite being a year ahead in his education, Alastair was only a couple of months older than him. He couldn’t imagine being interested in a teenager when he was in his early twenties.
‘I didn’t realize at the time that the age difference was a red flag,’ Alastair explained. ‘I felt very mature, to have caught the attention of someone older. He told me, over and over, that I was very mature for my age, that he couldn’t believe I was still so young.’
Thomas suspected most teenagers would be flattered to be called mature, to be taken seriously by an adult. It was a vile sort of manipulation, to seek out someone young and vulnerable and isolated, someone who would easily fall for such compliments, only to take advantage of them and treat them badly.
‘How did you tell Cordelia?’ Thomas asked.
‘She realized something was not right,’ Alastair said. ‘She realized I was sneaking out at night, that I was barely eating and losing weight because I was so nervous. She said I was “being even more difficult than usual, and that’s saying something”. So I told her not to worry about it and that I was just sneaking out to see my boyfriend. I said I’d wanted to tell her, but wasn’t sure yet if I was ready, and that he had recommended I don’t tell anyone yet. She started asking a lot of questions about my relationship. At first it was in a supportive way, what did he look like, what were his interests. She kind of freaked out when she learnt about the age gap, and the more she asked about how he treated me, the more concerned she became. She’s been very protective of me ever since.’
‘I’m so sorry. Not that it’s my fault, or there’s anything I could have done, but I’m just sorry. That it happened to you. I’m glad your sister is protective of you. As long as she’s not too protective, I mean,’ Thomas said. ‘I know from experience too much protection can be suffocating.’
A small smile appeared on Alastair’s face, and Thomas realized he so rarely did. He had a very pretty smile that lit up his dark eyes.
‘I found it confusing most of all. As the oldest sibling, I always thought it was my duty to protect her, not the other way around. But Cordelia is fierce, and I love that about her. This one time we ran into him while shopping, not long after the break up. He tried to approach me while Cordelia was getting us ice cream, and when she returned and saw him she threatened to expose him as an abuser and child groomer on all her social media channels if he didn’t back off.’
‘Isn’t what he did illegal anyway?’ Thomas asked. ‘Since you were a minor? Couldn’t you go to the police if he kept harassing you?’
‘Age of consent is sixteen, so even if he was much older it was legal for him to have sex with me,’ Alastair explained. ‘It would be illegal if he was my teacher or in any way in a position of power over me, but he was not. He must have been aware of how those laws work and I think perhaps he waited until I was sixteen so it would be legal.
Him harassing me might be enough to get a restraining order, but honestly I don’t trust the police to believe me over him. Besides, I have no intention of sharing something so personal with police officers. I expect them to not care at best and I think it is likely they will be racist and homophobic and will blame me for what happened.
Cordelia has enough followers on twitter and Instagram to get the story out if we wanted to and it’s a decent threat, but I’ve asked her not to.’
‘From what you’ve told me, he fully deserves to be exposed,’ Thomas said.
He was angry on Alastair’s behalf, and Thomas guessed Alastair was right that as an Iranian gay man he could not trust the police to help him.
‘It’s not so much about whether he deserves it or not. I’m still processing what happened, and I don’t want to be judged by strangers on the internet. I consented to everything sexual we did even if it was coerced, and not everyone will understand all the subtle manipulation involved. I know people will claim it was all my fault, and if I didn’t want it I should have just said no. Or that after breaking up I decided to ruin his life by telling lies. He has powerful friends, I do not. I admire the bravery of the people who expose rapists and abusers on the internet, but I can’t put myself through that right now.’
Thomas felt nauseous, the idea of Alastair being manipulated into having sex with a much older man was difficult for him to process. It made him angry, Alastair had given this man everything, had loved him. How could someone have taken advantage of such a beautiful and passionate man? People often accused Thomas of being too kind, too compassionate, of trying to empathize too much with people who did bad things, but he was fairly certain that if he ever encountered the person who did this to Alastair, he would feel nothing but anger and hatred towards him. And he’d make sure whoever it was would never hurt Alastair again.
He wanted to show support, he wanted to love Alastair, but wasn’t sure how. He knew it was a big step for him, to open up so much, he knew Alastair was very private and trusted him as much as he knew how to trust. Thomas was terrified of letting him down, of breaking his trust.
‘Did he at least back off after that threat?’ Thomas asked.
‘I haven’t seen him in real life again, but he has been texting me until I blocked his number. He is part of the reason I came here, something I needed to get away from. You have provided a decent distraction and I am grateful. I have never… had a friend like you.’
Thomas wasn’t sure how to feel about that statement. He liked being trusted, he loved that Alastair valued him, but at the same time he wanted to be more to him than just a friend. But Alastair needed a friend, Thomas told himself. And perhaps Alastair would fall in love with him over time, perhaps someday they could be together. If not, being his friend would still be worth it.
‘Now, would you want to play another game of ludo before I return to the Herondales? I am certain the dice will be on my side this time,’ Alastair said.
The dice were not on Alastair’s side. The difference in rolls were at the very least statistically improbable, but Thomas wasn’t great at math. He won by a landslide.
‘You’re older than me,’ Thomas offered as an explanation.
Alastair frowned. ‘Only by a few months, and what does that have to do with anything?’
‘I have a theory that dice games like this one favor the young,’ Thomas explained. ‘I used to play this game with my sisters and I always did better. Of course, Barbara would usually let me win with games, but that’s difficult with a game like this. But most of my friends are younger than me, and with Lucie I don’t have nearly this amount of luck. And when I played with my younger cousin Alexander, my rolls are as pathetic as yours. Of course, that’s for the best because he’s three and he throws the game across the room when he loses.’
‘Nothing you just said makes sense,’ Alastair pointed out. ‘The dice can’t tell how old you are.’
‘Perhaps there’s a little spirit in there,’ Thomas said with a smile. ‘Something that realizes if little Alexander loses, painful things will happen to it. It probably dreads the day Alexander will play against children his age.’
Thomas guessed that might not be the best idea, at that age all children were sore losers. Most three year olds didn’t play together yet anyway, it was more parallel play what they did. Alastair left after losing another game, and at the end Thomas might have convinced him of his theory.
‘I’ll meet you here after breakfast for another walk,’ Alastair said with a small smile that made Thomas’ heart race. He hoped he wasn’t showing that. Would Alastair suspect Thomas liked him, now that he knew Thomas was gay? He wasn’t sure if he wanted Alastair to. If Alastair returned his feelings, sure. But if not, what if Alastair would retreat in his shell again, what if he didn’t want to be his friend anymore?
‘See you tomorrow,’ Thomas said. ‘Good night.’
Thomas didn’t sleep well that night. He dreamt of a castle, surrounded by dark forest. He didn’t know where he was, or what was happening. On a surface level, it didn’t even seem so scary but a voice inside Thomas was telling him to run as fast as he could to get away from there, yet he couldn’t move. He wasn’t sure what he was running from exactly, but he woke up drenched in sweat at six in the morning. He didn’t feel rested exactly, but didn’t think he’d fall asleep again, so instead he changed the sheets on his bed and took a quick shower before putting on some clothes.
It would probably be some time until Alastair showed up, so Thomas made breakfast, and took his time to eat before settling in the garden. Gnomes were early risers, and Thomas liked watching them run around. Here they weren’t used to being seen though, and any indication that Thomas did see resulted in them running away and hiding, peeking out of the bushes on occasion to see if he was still there. Thomas put out a plate of cookies, perhaps they would become more trusting to humans who could see them overtime.
He sat there, reading a book Lucie had given him a while back. Ever since Thomas had told her he liked boys, Lucie had recommended books about queer men and right now he was reading Winter’s Orbit, a science fiction story about two men in an arranged political marriage. The amount of miscommunication and hopeless pining was almost painful to read, but also enjoyable. Thomas guessed he wasn’t much better, he still had no idea how to tell Alastair how he felt. Hopefully, he could finish the book before dying, he desperately wanted to know if these two could figure out their feelings for each other before it was too late.
‘What are you reading?’
Thomas looked up to see Alastair, dressed in a black Metallica t shirt and black jeans. He summarized the book he was reading.
‘It was a gift from Lucie,’ he said.
‘It sounds interesting,’ Alastair said. ‘I like books with some political drama. Can I borrow it when you finish?’
‘Sure. And in case I don’t get to finish it, I’ll write you into my will and leave you this book.’
Alastair groaned. ‘Please do not make jokes about you dying.’
Thomas sometimes felt like making jokes about it was the only way to cope. In reality, the idea that he was very likely to die was terrifying, even if the people around him kept assuring him he was going to be fine.
‘Sorry. I hope you’ll like this book. Although… one of the main characters was abused by a previous partner. Would that be an issue?’
Alastair tilted his head. ‘I think then maybe I should wait until I read it. That’s difficult with reading fiction, not all authors offer content warnings and going in unprepared can be devastating. When I know it’s coming… It’s easier, but I’m not sure if I want to do that right now solely to read a book.’
Thomas nodded. ‘I can imagine. If you want any books that don’t have topics that are triggering for you, I’ll try and see if I have anything. Or you can ask Lucie.’
‘I’ll think about it. Being able to read fiction while being prepared through content warnings is something I’m trying to work towards. No idea how long that will take, according to my therapist I’m too impatient. You coming? This early, there might still be some hedgehogs,’ Alastair said with a grin.
‘You really like hedgehogs,’ Thomas pointed out.
‘When I was a child I wanted one for a pet, but my parents didn’t think that was a good idea. Instead, I could have a goldfish. They’re very popular in Iran, people get them for the Persian new year celebration, Nowruz. People usually release them into a river or pond after the celebration, so that’s what Risa did. My parents weren’t too happy about it. At the time, I believed he would probably be happier there anyway than in a bowl, but it is likely he died within days. I don’t think it’s good for the environment either, and many Iranians are pushing back against the tradition because of that. Did you have pets growing up?’
‘Most of my childhood, because I was so sick, my parents didn’t think it was a good idea. They were afraid a pet might carry diseases I would be more vulnerable to,’ Thomas said. ‘But I hope I can adopt cats someday. And Barbara and Oliver have two guinea pigs.’
‘My cousin Jem has a cat,’ Alastair said. ‘Little beast hates everyone, but adores Jem.’
‘Do you see him often?’ Thomas asked. ‘Jem, I mean.’
‘Not really. My father never wanted him near our family, I think because he was afraid Jem would see right through him. But now that we don’t live with Father anymore, I see him occasionally. He offered me to come live with him, but I’m not sure. I still feel like I barely know him.’
They didn’t find any hedgehogs during their walk, presumably because the fog had gotten so thick they wouldn’t see any if they were there. Although Thomas was fairly certain they were taking the same route they had yesterday and during their first walk, everything looked different. He told himself it was probably the fog, but he couldn’t quite convince himself.
‘I don’t remember these ruins,’ Alastair said.
Thomas’ followed Alastair’s gaze and saw the ruins of a very old building. Of course, there were lots of old castles in Scotland, but Thomas hadn’t read anything about ruins in these woods.
‘Do you think we should take a look?’ he asked carefully. ‘I’m not seeing anything unusual.’
‘Apart from ruins that weren’t here yesterday?’
‘We must have taken a different path,’ Thomas said.
‘Sure,’ Alastair said and Thomas didn’t think he believed it. ‘Under normal circumstances, I would not take another step, but if we are to save your life we need information. Perhaps those ruins hold something of interest.’
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sjw-publishings · 4 years
Stay Straight Babe
“Im so glad I still have my lovely boyfriend with me during Quarantine, Amirite Cherry?”
“Yeah...hehe, so glad to have Sammie with me too...”
Anton, the Drama Queen laughed with his lesbian shy bookworm bestie as they discussed about theatre and all about. Of course, they would’ve invited their lovers along, but they were too busy being techno geeks and talking computer games in their gaming rooms.
“Did you have lunch yet?”
“Yeah, tried takeout from that famous Chinese restaurant downtown! Was super good!”
“Oh my god! Me too sistah!!!”
A large groan came from their study, where his boyfriend’s currently at. Anton naturally looked concerned for his boyfriend.
“What was that?”
“I don’t know! But something came from Sammie’s room too...”
“Yeah! I gotta check Kenny, Brb!”
Ending the call, Anton left the bedroom, and headed his way outside the study, about to open the door, but then a loud masculine voice rumbled from behind the door.
“Samantha? You’re just such a great fri... girlfriend... eungh so hot...”
Samantha? Who is that....But more importantly, why would his friend...boyfriend be moaning to a lady? Is he...cheating on him? But that can’t be, his geeky nerd cutie is as queer as a three dollar bill! But still, he had to check it out....that deep voice certainly did not sound like a nerd’s...
As Anton walked into the room, his eyes widened at the pile of clothes and tossed garments on the ground. Large XL sandblasted jeans, track pants, sneakers. Tons of sports posters and trophies decorating the shelves, and a large television screen playing the latest soccer match...though for some reason, he vaguely recalled seeing football and baseball at intervals.
But it definitely did not look like a study room...despite him initially thinking that it was. Alongside a couple of dart boards, some sports equipment, and a pool table, seemed like a recreation room...but since when could they afford...
A large moan came from the couch, as Anton came to the front of it, all his eyes focused on was an incredibly muscular asian hunk man-spreading in bliss, dressed in a white tee with an iconic sporting good logo in the front, left hand gripping his cellphone while his right hand dug deep into his clean white boxers. The man panted out of relief, and relaxation, like a weight lifted off his shoulders. Whispering into branded phone with his deep husky, asian tone.
“Stay Straight Babe~”
So hot...NO! Anton get a hold of yourself! Who was this Asian man? Where was his roommate? He had to get questions, even if this...extremely hunky cutie, looked so sexy dazed and looking up.
“What?...Who are you!”
The Asian man snapped out of his trace, eyes opened...but ever so slightly. He was asian after all, but he was chill...in control. Still leaning back on the couch, he looked at Anton, puzzled, before looking down at his exposed boxers and then back at the stranger. His mind cleared up in an instant, forcing out a-
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“Kevin Lang, Fag!”
The man said it, and gave that signature sarcastic response from only a jock bully like him. Smirking condescendingly, he was in charge, and that theatre gay started to tremble.
“Listen Queer, I know you’re thirsty and all for men during this. But some of us got girlfriends who we can’t visit. So stop being a WUSS and deal with it.”
Now this really pissed him, not even caring about the stickiness on his right hand, or that he had a pitched tent. All he knows now is to deal with this gay of a roommate who spied on him and his girlfriend. The tall 6ft 2 jock cornered Anton to the door.
“Go jerk to your boyfriend or something...oh that’s right! Even a FAG like you doesn’t have one!”
Anton was in tears, he remembered the countless dates that he had, alongside the taunts made by this douchebag Kevin who somehow managed to wolf his way into his life throughout college. He had to get out of there..., quickly opening the door and running back to the bedroom, locking it.
“I...I have to call Cherry...”
As he typed for her number, a sudden ringing notification popped up for the name Chelsea. Must be a typo when he was saving Cherry’s contact right? Cause that number definitely was Cherry’s.
“What happened?”
Almost suddenly, his mind shrugged off of whatever his homophobic roommate had said. His best friend was weak right now, he had to help her.
Gripping ahold of the phone, he didn’t notice the warm tanned spot spreading on his palms, down his wrists every second as he held the cellphone.
“Samantha...called me a dyke.”
“You know! My roommate, the one that’s dating yours!”
It made sense now, the two of them bonded over how much they despised their roommates bullying...and the strangeness of how the douchebag jock and queen bee couple somehow always interfered in their respective love lives...
Clutching the phone tighter, his wrists tightened as definition thickened his forearms. Curling his biceps subconsciously, toning strongly till they were the size of baseballs.
“Yeah Kevin was such a douche, had to defend myself from him tryin’ to whoop me...”
“Yeah, had to backflip and dodge Samantha’s attacks. Didn’t feel good knowing she still holds a grudge about me being a dyke.”
Heh, he knew his best friend could handle herself. She was still a cheerleader in training, but could whoop Samantha’s arrogant butt anytime. Must also be her half asian genetics like his.
Sitting up straighter, Aiton’s broad shoulders filled out his sweater, which almost ripped if it was not for that white stain sealing up the cracks. That white stain...which came from Kevin...right? Was there a stain?
The white coloration spread all across the attire, shrinking up the sleeves to simply resting just below his shoulders, accentuating his large biceps which he proudly admired. Alongside his large back which occupied his entire bed...wait, didn’t he?
Taking a closer look at his bedroom...wait, looking DOWN at his bedroom. He was on the upper bed of a double decker, with training equipment at the side and a couple of sports memorabilia which looked reminiscent of the recreational room.
Yeah of course that douchebag Kevin had to have most of the room with his crap...though it was not all bad. He worked out quite often during his spare time...outside of that artsy degree he had no idea why he took...did he take an artsy degree? He shrugged, doesn’t matter, he worked out.
Anyways it showed, leaning back and taking full charge of the entire bed. At least he was the alpha HERE! Listening to what his best friend spoke...though she was mostly talking about drama with her roommate, not the kind of thing he was interested in.
But he always liked her voice...
“At least...I think I like girls? But that was an accident! I don’t like Samantha!”
Aiton nodded, unsure of what to say, but felt...pretty cool about it. Crossing his legs, as he saw those large trunks that trained...almost like for years. They which reached the end of the bedside, as those khakis lengthened and stretched into XL sweatpants...gotta snatch that back his junk from Kevin later, but not now. He was cool, now. Kicking off his large trainers which went-
As they hit the floor, wiggling his size 12 feet beneath those white socks. Kevin could insult him all he wants later, it was his room too. The fledgeling Jock can say whatever he wants to anybody, and he says-
“You were like ‘I think I like girls’, sounded pretty dyke to me.”
Aiton smirked, teasing the cheerleader from across the phone. He always liked doing that, he was in charge after all.
He knew how icky the two cheerleaders felt towards homosexuals...but then again, wasn’t he a bit rude towards them as well? Not as bad as Kevin but an occasional joke here and there meant nothing right?
“Who you callin’ dyke, Fag?”
“Who you callin’ Fag, Dyke?”
Okay...maybe he didn’t like being called Fag either. But it was just insults between him, Cherlse, and Kevin and Samantha. Anyone else and they answer TO HIS FISTS....except maybe ladies...especially hot babes.
He began to palm himself, and as he kneaded his hard rocket, he sneered in disgust over a rainbow wristband on his wrist. He blinked, in its faggy place was a white sports watch. His rocket doubled up in size, while darkening in tan, its always time to be a Jerk, just like his Bro Kevin.
“You know i get weak when you use my own words~”
Cherlsea opened up her phone webcam, and Aidon did the same. Both smirking at the other. The Jock knew it was always ladies first, but he was a Jerk so-
“Oh damn...she’s hot!”
“Of course I am, do I still look pretty dyke to you~?”
Watching her seductively pose on her bed, it felt like ages since he had seen a woman like that! In that revealing tank and double Ds he could just!
Squeezing his own chest, feeling rock solid muscle layering his nipples, pectorals filling his sports shirt massively like the man he was. Feeling those abdominals as a well deserved 6 pack emerged from years of crunches.
“So hawt~”
“Course you aren’t hunky~you are so hawt, ooooooaaaaah!”
The Queen Bee’s second in command had let out her mating’s call, the asian babe was too much for the Douchebag Jock’s right hand man, and vice versa. As their desires linked up, with the help of a fortune cookie they ate prior, they were about to finally be set into motion.
Each of them felt a tight stinging to their holes simultaneously. As the Asian Jock’s butt hole tightened, the Cheerleader’s lady hole expanded. Like a trade of preferences, but that is not all.
As testosterone pumped in the man, churning larger sacks, as he watched his babe’s hair lengthen, his shrunk, and BUZZED off the sides and back, leaving a stylish gelled top, maintained with a pair of shavers, scissors, and his Bro. Not actually brothers, but they were asian , jocks, and total jerks. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were related.
Speaking of Asian, his tan had bathed his facial features alongside the rest of his body. Cleansing the GAY away from him as his jaw hardened into a fierce square. His lips snarled in momentary disgust, before his raising his cheeks, as that scowl shifted to an arrogant smirk as he watched his girlfriend do the same.
His brows complimented his prominent features, as they frowned, closing his eyes as his girlfriend’s moan was too much to bear...he needed RELEASE! RELEASE!
Aidan Long expelled a thick goo from below, as his eyes gave way to a thin fierce asian dark brown. Staring into the ceiling in a haze...before the sounds of his lover’s panting sent him back to reality.
“Man...that feels good, but still miss our hot damn ‘Dragon and Empress’ sessions before all this happened.”
“Yeah totally...stuck with bestie the whole day is fun and all but...she and your douche roommate keep doing it all day.”
“Caught him jerkin’ off too jus now...”
“Whaaaaaat! Omg same, saw Samantha doing that too!”
“Course...nothin’ beats my empress...”
“Same for you too...my long muscular dragon.”
Almost instantly, the doors slammed open. Of course, Kevin had the spare keys to the bedroom too, and he was sneering right at the door.
The two jocks laughed arrogantly, before sneering at each other. The two of them were thirsty, and they understood and respected that.
“Ohhh almost forgot, mwah mwah mwah!”
“Mwah mwah mwah back to you GAY!”
Kevin left the room, most likely going to order more of that Chinese take out or something. Doesn’t matter to Aidan though...he was friends with the man, but he wasn’t INTO INTO him.
“I swear this stay at home thing is turning me gay...”
“Oh there’s nothing wrong with some bonding sessions. Me and Samantha are pointing each other’s nails later on, and that isn’t DYKE!”
“Yeah, should probably binge watch soccer with that douche. Felt like We haven’t did a sports marathon in ages!...No homo of course.”
The two of them chatted for a while more, loving the company of the other intimately as they teased one another like the lovers they are.
But they eventually have to go to other stuff. And by stuff he wants to do, is CHILL.
“Love you hunky, talk to you l8r!”
The Jock simply posed to the camera,and spoke.
“Stay Straight Babe”
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spnreactions · 3 years
Season 15 Featurette: Castiel’s Goodbye
Just by the title, this is gonna be rough. 
...here goes nothing. 
Yeah hi can we just take a second to talk about the fact that Dean’s biggest concern there was still Cas? Not even that he was gonna die? No no. It was that Billie was gonna kill Cas in front of him, and he’d have to watch Cas die. And then WHAT HAPPENED??!! So to all of you losers out there saying Jensen played that as homophobic, just...no. Dean didn’t have enough time to process any of the stuff Cas was telling him, especially after Dean had just said that the last thing he wanted was to watch Cas die. So no, it was not homophobic. It was actually completely in character for Dean to not know how to react, thank you very much. (...anyways.) 
I love that Misha got exactly the ending he wanted for Castiel. I agree that it was a perfect ending for him, and I’m so happy that it came out the way it did. 
Okay but is he trolling us though? Because I know there are a lot of theories out there that Cas could come back in some way, because Misha was contracted for 15 episodes and he’s only been in 14, and that picture of J2M, all with grey hair...there are a lot of signs that point to him coming back. I’m just saying. 
That said though, side note: my guess is that if Cas does come back, it won’t be, like, back back. I think it’ll be in some sort of flash forward where we kind of see everybody, maybe in Heaven or something. But I think this death was pretty final for Cas, even if his character does kind of come back in some way. 
OMG WAIT! A thought just occurred to me. WHAT IF CAS IS DEAN’S HEAVEN?! WHAT IF??!! GUYS!!! What if, at the end of everything, Dean dies (maybe also Sam, I’m honestly not sure), and when he goes to Heaven, Cas is waiting for him. Cause, like, Heaven is supposed to be your best memories, right? So what if Cas is Dean’s best memories? What if Dean’s Heaven (now anyways) is them growing old together? Because that would explain why Misha had grey hair in that picture, especially ‘cause angels don’t actually age, but if it was in Dean’s Heaven, it would make sense! Oh my god this is totally what I want now holy frick. I don’t know if it is gonna happen, and I’m sure however the show ends will be awesome, but wow that would be cool. Okay. I’m sorry. I’ll move on now. 
OOOF! That’s right! That would’ve been right before COVID! I can’t even imagine how much worse that would’ve made it.
:’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’(
God that’s so haaaaard. I wouldn’t have been able to manage omg. 
Wait WHAT?! 
Dude I was freaking out when I found out about that ahhhhh. 
Oh my god. :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( :’( 
That must’ve been so scary.... :’( :’( 
Poor J2M...Jesus. Misha especially. 
God. I can’t even imagine. 
I’m so glad they’re all okay. 
Geez Misha, I wonder why it stands out! 
God, I don’t know what I would’ve done if that plane had actually crashed. I can’t even imagine how that would’ve impacted their families or this entire fandom. I mean...wow. 
Yeah I’m really glad they’re okay. 
Okay, not gonna lie, that was not what I was expecting from that. However, it was still really interesting and really sad and also kind of terrifying to think about what could’ve happened if that plane had actually crashed. 
But the takeaway from that is that they’re all okay, they were able to go to the convention, they were able to finish shooting, and now, I have a new theory after all. 
But wow. 
Okay then. Let’s move on and hopefully slow my heart rate down. 
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P.S. Misha Collins is somehow an incredible mix of adorable and hot (as is much of this cast) and I just can’t with him. <3 <3 
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trashmouth-tozier89 · 4 years
Welcome to the Loser’s Club Asshole! - Ch.1 | ONE
Warnings: swearing, one homophobic slur (Bowers)
Word Count: 4,084
Pairing: Richie Tozier x Reader
A/N - the first official chapter of the first series on my page! oof, this is gonna be a ride. please know this is basically my interpretation of the two recent adaptations of IT that have come out, and so the cast of this exactly the same, with you as Y/N! I hope you enjoy this, and my interpretation of the film! 
If you wish to be added to the taglist, send in an ask or pop it in the comments! :)
Welcome to the Loser’s Club Asshole Masterlist 
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Being the new girl was certainly the worst.
Y/N’s mum had decided her family needed a big change, and she assumed this would mean something like refurbishing the living room or getting a family pet, not moving to a completely different town on the opposite side of Maine. She had begged and pleaded, took every chance she could to convince her against the decision, but before she knew it, the house was bought and she was packing her bedroom into measly cardboard boxes.
Being a stickler for organisation, she had split everything she owned into 4 categories; clothing, books, cassette tapes and others. As she slipped her final book into the box labelled books, she sighed in relief; glad she was finally finished and could take a rest. It’s not like she owned much anyway, but she didn’t exactly like doing something which she didn’t want to do. Packing up her stuff meant that this was final, it was happening and nothing would change it.
Moving to a new city meant moving away from the place she called home; her friends, other family; she even considered the possibility that she’d miss the bullies at her school. She wasn’t exactly the most confident and outspoken person, so she wasn’t sure how easy it would be to make new friends. Especially considering the school her mum had enrolled her at, Derry High School, had taken one look at her grades and placed her in all the higher set classes. If she were to make friends, they would probably end up being nerds who were the pit of all jokes at the school. It’s not like she had any way of keeping in touch with her friends back home either; she wasn’t sure if her new house would have a telephone, and even if it did, catching up on the phone every night was not the idea of fun she had pictured for her summer holiday. She was utterly doomed to spend your summer indoors, alone, doing art to pass the time.
She lay back on the mattress that was once her bed, which annoyingly had no bedding on but it was better than nothing, and flipped to an empty page in her sketchbook, the pencil meeting the paper within seconds. She didn’t even have to think about what she was drawing, for the inspiration simply came without effort. Halfway through drawing, her mother barged into the bedroom, looking around to check she had completed what she had asked. Y/N could tell she was stressed, her decision quickly backfiring when she realised how much there was to do; the two were meant to be leaving for Derry tonight, and the moving truck was yet to arrive.
“Is it still not here yet?” Y/N questioned, looking to her mother’s worried expression and matching it. She nodded, shaking her head softly and sighing loudly. This really was taking a toll on her. “Is everything else packed up?”
It was just the 2 of them living in the house, though not for much longer. Y/N’s father had been out of the picture for about a year now, passing away after a terrible accident in one of the quarries across town, and it had taken a damaging toll on the whole family. Her mother had been feeling down for months, and she considered that this was probably the reason she wanted to move; the memory of her husband was bound to this town and if she were to move, maybe she could escape the pain. Y/N couldn’t deny, that really was the only reason she was happy to leave this town too, and so she went with her decisions with at least a little support.
“Thankfully it is. We are just waiting for the truck and then we can leave. I’d be happy to set off now, but I don’t know how I feel leaving all our stuff in the house by itself.” She explained, sitting down on the edge of the bed and resting her head in her hands. Like a miracle, the truck pulled in as soon as she finished her sentence, and Y/N could see the glee on her face when the middle-aged man from outside shouted “Is this the L/N residence” from the drive. She stuck her head out the window with a big grin, nodding yes and explaining she’d ‘be down in just a second’. It had all begun to set in; they really were moving, and they probably wouldn’t ever be coming back.
Making her way down, Y/N’s mother was in conversation with the truck driver, whilst other men rushed past her to grab all the furniture and boxes from inside the house. She only heard small snippets of her conversation, before sitting down in the car and closing the door. She didn’t want the big goodbyes and sadness; she wanted to get it over and done with before the emotions began to sit in. Thankfully, her friends had already said goodbye to her the day before; once she had left, she would be en route to Derry, no stops.
The new house was nice. It was nothing compared to her old one, but it was manageable. Y/N had her own room, and she could definitely fit all her furniture into it without too much of a squeeze. It just felt... strange. The whole town felt strange. Off. Like something wasn’t right.
Nevertheless, she lived here now and she wasn’t going to complain, because it would only upset her mother more and she didn’t want that to happen. Today was supposed to be Y/N’s first day at school, which she saw as extremely pointless considering the fact it was also the last day at school before summer. Her mother hadn’t picked the most opportune time to move house, but she wanted Y/N to at least get one or two friends before going into the summer, so she had someone to spend the time with. She understood the reasoning, she just didn’t exactly agree.
Especially considering she was 5 periods into the school day and yet to make any friends. Everyone either sent her a glance of disgust or confusion, questioning who she was and why the fuck she was even here. She peeked at her timetable to see her last lesson was easily the worst, Math. Being in the higher set didn’t make it much easier either. Apparently, the smart kids of Derry were much smarter than the smart kids of her hometown. Walking into the classroom, she recognised everyone from your previous classes, except one boy who sat right at the back of the class. His head was leant down, focused on a book, but she knew she didn’t know him based on the fact she hadn’t seen anyone with the same curly hair and blue shirt.  Due to the fact the only empty seat happened to be next to the boy, she made her way over.
“I-uh, is this seat taken?” Y/N asked, pointing to the vacant seat with a grin on her face. His head shot up at the sound of a girl’s voice, shaking his head slightly to indicate it wasn’t before looking back at his book. She sat herself down, pulling the math textbook out of her extremely light backpack and turned to face the boy. He seemed nice enough, and she thought she ought to begin making friends; at least then she could say she tried. “What are you reading?”
“Oh, it’s a book about birds.” He mumbled, almost like he didn’t want to be talking to her, but she wouldn’t let that put her off.
“Have you ever been birdwatching? I love to just sit in my back garden and watch them, sometimes I get my sketchbook out and draw them” she smiled at the thought, memories of her and her father sat in the garden with binoculars that were too big for her face hanging around her neck as he pointed out what each one was. Birdwatching soon became one of her favourite activities. That was the benefit of living near trees, and thankfully her new house also had that.
“Wait, you actually like birdwatching? I love it; b-but all my friends think it’s stupid!” He perked up, shocked to have found someone else with the same passion. She knew she was going to get along quite well with the boy, or she hoped at least. “I’m Stanley Uris, but you can call me Stan. That’s what my friends call me”
“I’m Y/N L/N. Hopefully we can birdwatch together sometime soon.”
“I-I’d like that” he grinned, cheeks blushing red at the idea of a pretty girl like her wanting to spend time with a boy like him. Her first official friend – Stanley Uris. Stan Uris. The boy from math class.
Maybe her summer wouldn’t be as lonely as she anticipated.
As the final bell of the day rang, the children of Derry High School spewed into the hallways, cheers and laughter filling what was previously silence. A collection of 3 boys rushed out of once classroom, carrying on down the corridor together; anyone around them could see very clearly that they were best of friends just from the way they interacted.
“So there’s like this church full of Jews right? And Stan has to take like this super Jew-y test” Eddie Kaspbrak, the smaller one of the 3, explained. The boy had a fanny pack tightly strapped around his waist, containing who knows what, and his backpack hanging over his shoulders. Some may have considered the extra accessory unnecessary for a school day, but they did not know Eddie and his hypochondriac personality well enough to make a judgement.
“But how’s it work?” Bill Denborough questioned; Bill was largely considered the leader of the pack due to his optimistic personality and valiance, also the fact that he was the tallest of the 3 gave him a slight advantage. Though, everyone has noticed the way Bill had been acting a lot more removed, and they immediately credited it to the fact Georgie, Bill’s younger brother, had gone missing only months earlier. No one dared to bring it up to the poor boy though.
“They slice the tip of his dick off!” Eddie pointed out, with a little too much enthusiasm. Bill pulled a face, as if to say Eddie was crazy, but the third boy simply scrunched his eyebrows together in a frown.
“But then Stan’ll have nothing left!” Richie Tozier, the final of the three, joked. Richie was the clown of the group, or as they liked to call him, the ‘trashmouth’. Mainly due to the amount of rubbish and vulgar words that came out of his mouth almost every second of every day. Richie couldn’t help it, it was his personality, but most people who met his for the first time didn’t expect such crude things due to the way he looked; the lens of his glasses were so thick, they made his eyes appear 5x bigger than they really were, meaning Richie was able to get away with a lot of the wreck he havocked.
“That’s true” Eddie started, before being interrupted from the touch of a hand grabbing his shoulder, and a familiar voice shouting “Wait up, you guys!” from behind him. The 3 turned to face Stanley, who had made his way out of maths a little late because he wanted to give Y/N his telephone number and address. That way, they would be able to birdwatch together.
“Hey Stan, what happens at the bar mitzvah anyways? Ed says they slice the tip of your d-d-d-dick off” Bill stuttered out, another stand out feature about the young boy. Bill had sported a stutter since he was a young child, which had earned him the nickname ‘Stuttering Bill’ from everyone at school. He hated the nickname, and he didn’t necessarily like his stutter either, but it had been getting better as time went on.
“Yeah, and I think the Rabbi’s gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say ‘Where’s the beef?” Richie exclaims, earning a small chuckle from the other two, while Stan simply stayed straight faced.
“At the bar mitzvah, I read from the Torah” Stan began, earning the attention from the other boys, “And then I make a speech, and suddenly I become a man”
The explanation seemed enough for Eddie and Bill, but of course, Richie slipped in one more joke with “I could think of funner ways to become a man”. That was before locking eyes with a group of boys, obviously older, who went by the name of the Bower’s gang; there was Patrick Hockstetter, a tall quite lanky boy, with black shady hair; Belch Huggins, overweight enough so that his belly always hung slightly over his belt, a baseball cap on his head and a grin of mischief on his face; Victor Criss, rather tall and thin like Patrick, but with hair as light as his pasty skin; and lastly, Henry Bowers. Sporting a brown mullet, wearing a t-shirt and a look of disgust on his face, Henry was the worst of them all.  Even the name, Henry Bowers, struck fear in almost every student at Derry High. It was common knowledge; do not cross Henry Bowers or any of his goons. Unless you have a death wish, that is.
Richie had been so distracted by the gang, he barely noticed when Stan corrected his grammar; “More fun, you mean”
The Bower’s gang stared at the smaller group as they passed by, Patrick licking his lips at Richie as if he was fresh meat. It is obvious from the boys faces they were frightened, Eddie even double-taking once or twice to ensure they weren’t following. Richie piped up, noticing how the group had been rendered silent; “Think they’ll sign my yearbook? ‘Dear Richie, sorry for taking a hot, steaming dump in your backpack last March, have a good summer!”
Eddie and Bill chuckled at the memory of Richie’s disgusted face having discovered Bowers had, in fact, taken a shit in his backpack without him knowing. Richie had learnt from that point that whenever the gang were in the toilets, it wasn’t a smart idea to also go in. And make a joke which is bound to aggravate them. Stan, however, was too preoccupied by Greta Keene who had knocked into his shoulder whilst barging towards the toilet at a speed that was simply unneeded for a school corridor. Greta was also a bit of a bully, but mostly to the girls of the school, considering she thought she was superior to them all. With the attitude of a stuck up brat, Greta was despised by the group of boys too. This was understandable.
“Best feeling ever” Stan grinned, as the 4 boys dumped everything and anything they could out of their backpacks and into the bins in front of the school. It was extremely relieving for them, knowing school was finally over.
“Oh yeah? Try tickling your pickle for the first time” Richie quipped, earning nothing but eye rolls and sniggers from the rest. Thankfully, Eddie was changing the subject before Richie could continue.
“Hey, what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?”
“I start my training” Richie explained, as if it was the most obvious thing that could’ve been said. This confused Eddie, and the remaining boys, as he questioned “Wha-what training?”
“Street Fighter” Richie answered, referring to the video game in the arcade Richie had practically dedicated his life to complete.
“Is that how you wanna spend your summer? Inside of an arcade” Eddie grimaced at the idea; he never understood the appeal of gaming, or the arcade for that matter, whereas Richie was the exact opposite. Richie looked at Eddie with a disappointed look on his face, huffing lightly.
“Beats spending it inside of your mother!” Richie exclaimed, chuckling at his own joke as he lifted his hand to high five Stan with an ‘Oh!’, only for his arm to be pulled down by Stan, who wasn’t joining in on any of Richie’s jokes, and instead making a more reasonable suggestion; “What if we go to the quarry?”
Eddie seemed on board with the idea, Richie too, but Bill was quick to remind them; “Guys, we have the b-b-b-Barrens”
“Right” Stan responded, understanding that going to the Barrens meant spending the day searching for Georgie.
“Betty Ripsom’s mom…” Eddie mumbled, changing the subject once again, as he spotted the woman stood next to a police car. She was looking around at all the children, searching for her daughter, who had also gone missing month before.
“Is she really expecting to see her come out of school?” Stan muttered, feeling a pang of guilt as he noticed the distraught expression on the woman’s face.
“I don’t know” Eddie answered, “As if Betty Ripsom’s been hiding in Home Ec. for the last few weeks”
“You think they’ll actually find her?” Stan asked again, eyes still pinned solely on the woman.
“Sure. In a ditch, all decomposed, covered in worms and maggots, smelling like Eddie’s mom’s underwear” Richie retorted, almost with a lack of humour to it.
“Shut up! That’s freaking disgusting” Eddie complains, the fact his mother is the pit of another one of Richie’s jokes getting on his nerves.
“Sh-she’s not dead. She’s m-m-m-m-missing” Bill insisted, turning back to Richie with a saddened look in his eye. The boy’s hearts dropped at the realisation of what they were talking about, and how sensitive it was for Bill. If Betty was dead, that meant Georgie probably was too, and Bill wasn’t ready to accept that.
Richie adjusted his glasses slightly, apologising quickly; “Sorry Bill. She’s missing.”
Bill turned to walk away from the bins and towards their bikes, with the others following behind – “You know the Barrens aren’t that bad. Who doesn’t love splashing around in shitty water?” Richie barely got out before a hand had grabbed onto the straps of his backpack and flung him backwards, sending him tumbling into Stanley. As they fell to the grass, Stanley’s kippah slipped off his head. Patrick noticed this, and grabbed the head cover before Stanley could stop him; “Nice Frisbee, flamer” Patrick mocked
“Give it back” Stan insisted, but Patrick had flung the small hat into a passing bus and shouted “Fucking losers” before Stan could grab it out his hand.
Belch approached an unsuspecting Eddie from behind, burping loudly into his ear. This caused Eddie to gag and run to the over side of Bill to get away from the boy. Bill, however, escaped any ridicule apart from a nudge from Henry as he passed by, mumbling “Loser” not so discreetly.
All the meanwhile, Y/N was stood at top of the path leading down to where the confrontation could be seen happening. She had been walking out of the building to head home, glad the day was finally over, before she witnessed the boy from math class being pushed over and bullied by the group of boys she didn’t even know. She usually would’ve left this kind of confrontation alone, but considering Stanley was the only friend she had managed to make yet, she kind of owed it to him. She rushed over to Stan’s side, helping him up off the ground, him mumbling a small ‘thank you’ in response. She watched as the bullies began to walk away, but she wasn’t going to let that happen; who were they to treat her friend like shit?
“What is your problem?” she shouted, capturing the attention of the rest of the Loser’s, but more importantly the Bower’s gang. They stopped in their tracks, turning back with a look of surprise on their face; surprise that someone would have the audacity to stand up to them. She couldn’t help but take a step back, feeling intimidated by the older boys, but that didn’t stop the girl from standing her ground with confidence.
“What did you say?” Henry scoffed.
“I said, what is your problem – need I repeat that again? Maybe a little slower so you and your pee brain friends can understand it a bit better this time?” she retorted, not letting the pit of fear she felt bubbling in her stomach show. Eddie, Richie, Stan and Bill cowered behind her, looking at each other in shock that this random girl was standing up to the school bullies, insulting them.
“Y/N, right? Only your first day at this school and I’ve heard all about you. You and your mom – I heard, she gave the principal a blowie so he would let you join the school. Not surprised, from the looks of you, your whole family are whores.” Henry muttered, making his way closer and closer to her face. Y/N felt sick at his words, the idea of a rumour like that being spread around school filling her with nothing but rage. With his final sentence, she watched as his hand went to reach under her skirt, before he had locked eyes with a police officer who stood against one of the cars. He pulled his hand away almost immediately, and she swore she saw a look of fear in the bully’s eyes. He began to back away, thankfully, but finished with one final sentence.
“This summer’s gonna be a hurt train, for you and your faggot friends” He threatened, before licking his palm and sliding it across Y/N’s cheek in one swift motion, eventually walking off towards their car and driving off. As soon as the group were far enough away, Y/N span around to check on the boys.
“A-are you guys okay?” she muttered, checking all 4 of them for grass stains or bruises. Meanwhile, they stood frozen, staring at the girl. It was starting to make her nervous, like she had done something wrong; “what?”
“That. Was. Hot” Richie muttered out, one word at a time, as his eyes remained solely on the girl in front of him. He thought the girl was the prettiest person he had ever seen; her e/c eyes which sparkled in the sunlight; her smile which stretched up to her eyes, that just seemed so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness; her wavy h/c which flowed, it looked so soft, and he just wanted to run his fingers through- What was happening to Richie?
“Excuse me?” She questioned, furrowing her brows and giggling at the boy.
“Uh, thank you. He meant to say th-th-thank you” Bill stuttered out, the girls appearance setting him back a little too; nowhere near as much as Richie though. While the other boys had snapped back to reality, Richie still seemed in some kind of trance, until Stan nudged his side harshly.
“Oh that’s no problem, Stanley here is the only friend I’ve made so far, so I thought I’d help out. I guess I didn’t expect…”
“Henry, Henry Bowers” Eddie filled in, noticing she was racking her brain for a name she knew didn’t reside there. She nodded, smiling thankfully before continuing
“…Henry to be so, uh, psychotic. Is he always like that?”
“Pretty much, stay away from him as much as you can Y/N. He’s a dickhead” Stan warned her, watching as her head nodded in acceptance; he didn’t have to tell her twice. “Oh, we were going to head to the Barrens tomorrow, i-if you wanted to join?”
“The Barrens? What’s that?” she questioned, furrowing her eyebrows and looking around the group to see they were all staring at her in admiration.
“It’s a small tract of land still heavily covered in trees and plant life, but there’s a river that runs through it…” Stan explained, watching as she went to ask why anyone would want to spend their day splashing through shitty water, but his face said it all; don’t ask.
“Umm, yeah. I’d like that – you have my number right, Stan?” she asked, and he nodded quickly. “Right, well I guess I better be off – my mom’s probably sat at home, waiting to hear all about how shit my day was, so… I’ll see you guys tomorrow!”
She skipped off into the distance, Stan waving goodbye before turning back to the 3 boys who still stood shocked. Stan chuckled at the way they watched her leave, Richie’s mouth even falling open slightly, beginning to drool. He wiped it away quickly, before turning to Stan in an instant and almost yelling
“Who the fuck was that?”
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It’s been a long long time
Summary: Eddie left with Richie the day after he got back from Derry, leaving you with your mother. A few months pass and you’re finally going to see your dad again, but you’re not all that excited. 
warnings: curse words and some homophobic comments 
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this, I hope you like. Please let me know what you think!
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You had no idea why you were here right now. The airport was bustling with a bunch of people, who all seemed to be as hurried as he other, pushing past each other without a second glance. You did not want to step on the plane. The row in front of you kept getting smaller, and the realization that you would have to get up from you seat made you sigh. The flight attendant glanced your way, and you shot her a small smile as an hello, before dragging yourself upright.
You watched the plane from the window for one last time, bidding your adieu to New York for at least three weeks. You loved living in New York. Despite the fact that life at home had always been hectic, it was home, and were feeling a little sad that you had to leave it. Not as sad as it made you however to think about having to see your dad and his boyfriend. That’s where you were going after all. To spend the entirety of three weeks with a man who had abandoned you for a man, leaving you all by yourself with your deranged mother.
You winced as the thought crossed your mind, despite her many flaws, your mother was your mother and you loved her to bits. But that didn’t mean she was in any way a good person. She was overbearing, an drove everyone who tried to get close to you away. Myra loved to lock you up in your room, using whatever excuse came to mind to keep you at home.
Your dad was a solace, who often helped you sneak out when you really wanted to go somewhere. It felt like it was you and him against the world at those times, and that only made it hurt more when he packed his bags in a flurry, without even saying goodbye, calling a few days later to say he was divorcing your mom and was moving to California with a guy called Richie Tozier.
He only stopped by once, to pack his bags and to sign the divorce papers, two days after his original phone call. When he did he told you that he was sorry, that a lot of things had happened and he just couldn’t stay with Myra. That wasn’t the problem though. You knew Eddie deserved more than what your mom could give you, and it didn’t even matter that it was a guy he was leaving her for. Straight, gay or bi was all the same to you, as long as the person was happy. But Eddie left, and after signing the divorce papers, you had never heard off him again.
It had been six months and in those six month you had never received a phone call or a letter, or any sign of life. You had looked Richie up of course, and thank to videos on the internet you found out that he and your father were living happily in their big house with a stupid Pomeranian. Richie seemed like a fun guy at first, judging by interviews and tweets he had posted, until your mother had begun to tell you the truth. The ringing of your new phone was what drew you out of your thoughts. You had gotten a new phone right before leaving, because you had accidently dropped your old one. You glanced at the screen, the name dad popping up. You placed your passport onto the counter, while picking up the phone with one hand.
‘Hello,’ you said into the phone, fumbling your way through baggage control.
‘Hi, Y/N. How are you?’ Eddie sounded breathless, almost like he was surprised that you picked up.
‘Why are you calling me right now Dad? I’m about to get on the plane.’ You could hear how snappy you sounded, but you couldn’t help it. You were not looking forward to seeing him again.
‘Sweetheart, please’, Eddie pleaded, and in the background you could hear Richie’s voice, though you couldn’t make out what he was saying.
‘Leave it, I’m on the plane now, did you want something,’ you asked.
‘I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be there when the plane lands okay. I brought you a gift’, Eddie said, just as you entered the plane and trudged towards your seat. You were the last one boarding, and you knew you had to hurry.
‘I don’t want anything from you, we’re about to take off, Goodbye.’ You ended the call without waiting for a reply of his.
You dropped in your seat, the uncomfortableness already settling in. This was going to be a long five hour flight.
You tried to sleep, and you managed to pretty quickly. While you slept, you dreamed. You dreamed off fights and arguments, of your mother getting even more overbearing as Eddie left, of a clown terrorizing you. You shot up, your breathing heavy, but you were relieved to see that you hadn’t screamed, like you usually did after a night terror. For some reason, you had always had dreams with a clown in it, ever since you were only four years old. Myra was convinced it was either a tumor or a behavioral problem, but Eddie had consoled you, telling you, that it was probably just picked up form watching a scary movie as a child and being traumatized by it.
You still had about 3 hours to go, and you shuffled down, trying to get at least more comfortable. You still couldn’t believe you had actually agreed to this. Though to be fair, your mother had made it pretty clear you didn’t have a choice but to go. It was strange, considering Myra was the one who had chucked all the pictures that Eddie was in away.
It had actually been kind of funny, seeing Myra lose it like that. It gave her something else to focus all her anger on. You let your mind wonder towards the nearby future. You imagined all the scenarios that could happen once you landed, and came to the conclusion that a lot of it was depending on you. There was no excuse for what Eddie had done, but there was no doubt in your mind that he would apologize profoundly, and it was up to you to decide whether or not you would accept it.
You were so mad, and all you wanted to do was to stay in your room for this whole vacation. The hurt that you felt when Eddie just started his life anew, dropping you like you were weighing him down. Myra told you that he had never really cared about you. That Richie had come first. Richie hadn’t wanted you there, and Eddie had obligated. He didn’t want you in his life, he wanted to start fresh. It confused you that he suddenly demanded you to come over.
Your mom had said that it just to keep up appearances. You figured she was right, but that knowledge would not help you get out of this mess. You were going to be with them for a while, and you needed to at least be polite to them. You were just going to have to suck it up.
The landing of the plane was not nearly as bad as you had thought it would be, and in no time, you had arrived in California. It was warm, a lot warmer than it was in New York, and while you dragged you suitcase behind you, you were starting to regret not opting for a dress. You were almost glad when you saw the familiar figure of your dad. He was easy to recognize with his small figure and his hair that still looked like the day he had left you with Myra, but he looked different somehow too. He was less tense, his shoulders dropped in a relaxed state.
The permanent frown on his face was no longer there either, and it reduced the wrinkles in his face. He looked younger somehow, not just because he had less wrinkles, but because he had this childlike happiness like a cloud hanging above him. He seemed to stand straighter too, like he was more proud of who he was then he was before. You grind your teeth together, clearly he was happier here than he had ever been with you, off course your mother would tell the truth for once in her life and it would be about this.
He didn’t seem completely relaxed though, his eyes kept scanning the room as if he was looking for something, and his eyes screamed how terrified he was. A hand was placed on his shoulder, you’re your eyes followed the hand to a body. The body of one Richie Tozier. The best way to describe this guy was in the word of General Leia herself: a scruffy looking nerf herder.
His hair looked like it hadn’t been washed in weeks, he was wearing an awful looking Hawaiian shirt, and his glasses lay askew on his face. It looked almost comical. He looked nothing like in the interviews, where he had seemed somewhat decent. This guy screamed that he was comedian. Another hand joined the other on Eddie’s shoulder. It looked like he was giving Eddie a massage, who seemed to be enjoying it. Richie said something, but you were too far away to hear what he said. Whatever it was, it made Eddie laugh, loud and unbothered, and you had almost never seen him laugh like that. It was insane to think that this was the guy your dad would want to be with. They were so unlike each other.
It stung, worse than you had expected it to do. It seemed like this was completely different Eddie than the one you were used to. You gripped your suitcase tighter, shaking your head as if you could ban the angry thoughts away, and started walking forward. Richie was the first one to see you. His mouth dropped open a little, as if he was surprised to see you, as if you could just jump out of plane  and not show up. He mumbled ‘Eddie’, to your dad, and that caused Eddie to look over your way as well.
Eddie rushed forward, Richie following him like a shadow. ‘Y/N’, Eddie mumbled, instantly enclosing his arms around your shoulders as soon s he got within touching distance. The urge to lean back is strong, but you do your best to stay as still as possible. If you were being honest, you really missed your dad’s hugs. His demeanor might have changed, but his personality was clearly still the same. He pulled back, asking you how your flight was, if you were alright and if anyone had bothered you during the flight.
For a second, it was like nothing had changed. Your dad had always been protective, not like your mother, who took it to the extreme, but still protective. Then you was movement behind Eddie, and you realized why you were there in the first place. You still hadn’t even responded to Eddie’s questions, but you had already turned all of your attention to Richie.
Richie, who waved dumbly, a weary smile on his face. ‘Hi’, he said, ‘It’s nice to finally meet you.’ He had an air of arrogance in the way he spoke, but somehow he still seemed kind regardless. Richie seemed like the kind of guy that you would have to truly know, beneath all of his layers, to like him.
‘Hello’, you responded blankly, taking notice of the was his face fell as you spoke. The tone of your voice was cold, but you had intended it that way. As long as you kept your voice cold, you kept it neutral, and if kept it neutral then you could maybe survive this entire trip. Despite this mantra going over and over in your head, you couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty when you watched the way Richie’s eyes seemed to turn sadder. He laughed awkwardly, shoving his hands deep into his pockets.
‘You almost look as cute as your dad did on you age’, he said, clearly intending it as a joke but it fell flat miserably. Eddie tried salvaging the situation by laughing at his joke, but it was obvious that it was not the kind of first impression he had wanted to make. When you turned around towards your bags, you could see Richie shoot Eddie a helpless look, who just shrugged back. They looked kind of cute together.
‘Y/N’, Eddie tried again, because he was desperate to get any kind of reaction from his daughter at all.
‘I’m really tired dad, can we just go to your house?’ Y/N asked blandly.
‘Yeah of course’, Eddie replied, gesturing his hand in the way they were supposed to be going.
When you entered the car, you swear you could hear Richie whisper, ‘at least she still called you dad, Eds,’ you chose to ignore the words, busying yourself by typing away on your cell phone. You didn’t look up once during the entire ride.
Richie was the one who carried your bag into the massive house. It was located at the edge of a street, and though it wasn’t a villa, it was close too it. When you walked into the hallway, after passing the front yard full of flowers and green, you saw the staircase on your left. On your right was the living room, a big open space with a massive sofa and flatscreen. There was also a piano, but when you looked closer you saw that there was a layer of dust on it.
Following that you came into the kitchen and dinner room, the walls being a beige color. ‘We could make you something if you want? We weren’t sure what to cook so.’ Eddie spoke, running his hand through his hair. He looked even more nervous than before. The conversation had not gone the way he hoped. ‘I’m tired, I’d like to go to bed.’
Eddie nodded, but it was actually Richie that spoke up. ‘Yeah sure, I’ll show you to your room,’ Richie proposed, waiting for your conforming nod before walking ahead. ‘Goodnight Y/N’, Eddie called out to you, not expecting an answer and not getting one either.
Your room was a pastel pink color, with a twin sized bed in the middle. There was a desk in the corner, and a big window looking out over the garden. There was a built in closet, and while Richie dropped the suitcase at the side of your bed, you went to check it out. It was filled with clothes, every favorite color of yours was in it, but most of it were sweaters and long pants. You glanced at Richie, still waiting, with a questioningly look. ���Oh’, Richie exclaimed, ‘we bought those when you were supposed to come over during winter.’
You raised one eyebrow. ‘When was I supposed to come over?’ You asked, trying to make sense of what Richie was saying.
Richie frowned, scratching the back of his head. ‘You know, before you canceled. Eddie wanted to buy you something season appropriate because he know your mom would probably refuse to see reason and pack you way to hot clothes. When you canceled we kind off forgot it was in there.’ Richie looked almost accusingly at you.
Your hearts starts pounding, your face turning bright red. You grind your teeth together almost painfully, and Richie gulps slowly. You suddenly remind him a lot of Eddie, when Richie did something stupid again.
‘What the fuck, are you even talking about? I was never going to come here, how could I when dad didn’t even try to call me. This is so stupid, both of you are acting like it’s such a pleasure to have me here, well if it was then why did you guys just leave me with my mother?’ Your voice got increasingly louder towards the end, but you couldn’t help it. Who was he to judge you like this? A guy that had killed someone. A guy that looked like he didn’t know what the word shower was. He was the one your dad had chosen over you, and he knew you for an hour before he judged you like you were an open book.
‘Y/N, I don’t know what I said but I’m sorry I guess? Jesus you really are Eddie’s daughter aren’t you. He’s constantly making me apologize for everything too.’
Coming from anyone else, you would have found it funny. As it stand though, you find it hard find anything relating to Richie amusing.
‘See, look at that frown, that’s the exact one your dad gets when I’ve done something stupid.’ He laughs albeit vaguely, trying to drag a chuckle out of you. ‘I’ll just go fuck myself,’ he says, shaking his head while slapping his palm against his forehead harshly.  Just then Eddie appears in the doorway aswell, staring at Richie for a minute, a soft ‘Rich’ falling from his lips, before focusing on you.
‘What do you mean, when I was supposed to come here during winter? You never called me dad how was I supposed to come up here?’
Eddie looks appalled, taking a few quick steps towards you. ‘Y/N, I’ve called you twice a day since I left, I never gave up. When I called Myra a couple of months ago, I begged her to let you stay over, and she said she would ask you. We then agreed that you were going to come here to spend two weeks with us, but you cancelled last minute. Remember?’ Eddie explains, almost looking as confused as you feel.
Your mom had never told you he called. And she certainly hadn’t asked you to go spend some time with your dad before the summer. On the other hand, you had never received any phone calls from your dad, let alone two on the same day, so maybe it was possible that he was just making this whole thing up. You nodded to yourself, that must be what was happening.
‘Whatever, I just want to go to bed now.’ You said tiredly, and it wasn’t even a lie, because you were really tired. You needed some time to recharge.
‘Y/N’, Eddie tried again, but he was stopped when Richie stepped beside him.
‘Let’s her get some rest Eds, we’ll talk later.’
Eddie sighed but nodded none the less. ‘Alright, Enjoy your nap sweetheart. We’re just downstairs if you need anything.
‘Oh, we forgot to mention but some of our friends are going to come over today? We called ourselves the losers club but we were actually really cool. You’ll love them I’m sure. Did you knew that I met Spaghetti there? Yeah we were best friends since forever and then when I turned eleven I just suddenly had a crush on this weird hypochondriac with super tiny shorts.’ He laughed awkwardly, ‘And I still do, I mean you don’t have to like me, though I would love that because I really don’t want  leave Eds, but I’ll do if you want me to I just hope-‘
He was interrupted by Eddie’s shout of ‘Richie, You were rambling again.’
‘Right’, he muttered before turning around and walking out the room. Eddie shot you a small smile before closing the door behind him softly.
‘Really Richard? You had to mention my shorts?’
Despite the situation, you couldn’t help but laugh. Your father had always seen so uptight, to have someone call him Spaghetti just seemed so out of the ordinary.
You had hardly just rested your head onto your pillow, before you were pulled into a deep sleep.
A knock on the door pulls you from your slumber, your head shooting up from your pillow. You groan, the nap did the opposite of what the plan was. You felt more tired than before, and you were not looking forward to getting up at all. ‘Y/N, my friends will be here soon, maybe you should wake up?’, Eddie called out from behind the door. It sounded unsure, like a question, and that sounded really unlike your dad that it almost scared you.
You shouted a quick yes, before realizing that he said his friends were coming over, which meant that you were meeting even more people today. You were not looking forward to that at all.
You were curious however to hear more about who Eddie was when he was a kid. You had always asked him and he said that he couldn’t remember, but that all seemed like a bunch of bullshit to you. When you reached for your phone you came to the conclusion that you had forgotten to answer your mom’s call, and that she had left you a hurray of voicemails.
‘Y/N, where are you? Do you have any idea how worried I am about you? Did your dad pick you up? Have you met Richard yet? I need you to be careful sweetheart, you don’t want to catch what those disgusting q...queers.’ You winds at your mother’s words. You couldn’t help but feel for your dad, having to endure your mother for all these years, and even now.
‘Please call me back honey, you know that I miss you. I need you here, you understand that right? Call me back.’ You groaned. You knew that she hated you were coming to California, but you hadn’t expected her to call you eight times in a day. Calling her would be emotionally draining as always, but you really couldn’t put it off anymore.
By the time the phone call was done, you had heard the door open at least seven times. Nobody had come up again to come and get you, for which you were glad. Your mom didn’t ask about your flight, in fact, she didn’t ask anything about you but everything about Eddie. After finally getting her off the phone, you got up quickly and walked downstairs.
You paused on the stairs for a second, listening to the bustling sound of laughter coming from the living room. You hoped that the night would get by fast, and that meeting these people wouldn’t be too bad.
When you walked into the room, the chatter stopped and everyone turned to look at you. You smiled hesitantly, letting out a small; ‘hi.’
A man with dark curly hair responded first. He got up, looking collected as ever, reaching out to shake your hand. ‘Hi, I’m Stanley,’ he said. Next was his wife Patricia, followed by Bill, Audra, Mike Beverly and Ben. They seemed nice, but it was still awkward. You weren’t exactly talking freely to your dad, so it was weird to try and talk to these other people. You decided to sit next to Patty, because that was the spot closest to the door, and she seemed to be the friendliest.
‘How are you sweetie?’, she asked with a knowing smile on her face. You glance at her, trying to gauge what she was doing. You didn’t really know this person, and you didn’t know if she really cared for the answer or not. ‘I’m okay,’ you chose to say, going for the safe answer. She looked at you but didn’t say anything more. ‘I love your hair Y/N, it’s really pretty,’ Mike told her, interrupting the awkward silence that seemed to suffocate the room.
‘Yeah, she definitely gets that from her father’s side of the family. Miss K always looked so good when I sneaked in through the window.’
It pulls a few sniggers from the group, Eddie throwing out a ‘beep beep Richie’, but giggling himself.
‘You’re really funny Richie’, Stan deadpanned, looking entirely unbothered. It pulled a laugh out of you, unable to help yourself. Eddie’s head shot to you, a smile taking up most of his face. You break eye contact as fast as possible.
‘So Y/N, have you heard the story about how we all met?’
When you shook your head, Bill started the detailed story of a crazy summer where they did all fun and crazy types of things. You noticed that Eddie shot Bill some looks during his story, which caused Bill to stutter and change the course of his story. It was suspicious, but you were glad that everyone was focused on Bill instead of you.
‘And so Eddie chased Bowers away. He was so scared but he didn’t leave anyone behind.’
‘He didn’t leave you behind you mean’, you grumbled, louder than you had suspected. Eddie looked betrayed, kind of like you had slapped him in the face.
‘That’s enough, Y/N’, Eddie bellowed, his voice tinged with a hard edge. It was the first time since you had seen your dad that he actually acted like your own father. Strict but fair and you had missed this. But that didn’t mean Eddie could just do it, coming back into your life after not wanting to be in it for months. ‘Yeah, or what else? You’re going to ignore me again? Refuse to talk to me for ages?’
Eddie’s eyes are burning, both with fire and tears. ‘Alright that’s it. We’re talking about this, right now.’
At your hesitance, your father repeats the words. ‘Right now, Y/N’, he ads softer, ‘please.’
You follow him up the stairs, pointedly ignoring the stares of the ‘losers’. You feel like a small child walking up the stairs to be scolded. It’s the way you always feel around your mom, and you hate that you feel this way around your dad, the only person you really trusted throughout your childhood.
You follow your dad into his study upstairs, closing the door behind you. Eddie had already chose to sit down on the sofa, and he waited until you sunk down before opening his mouth. ‘Sweetheart, I really need you to tell me what’s bothering you. I’ve been patient with you, but you’ve done nothing but push me and Richie, being as distant as possible.’ He declaimed.
‘Why did you never call me?’ You began, the hurt coming true in your voice. ‘I get that you wanted to be with Richie, and had to leave mom. But why did you leave me?’ You started to cry, even though you didn’t want to. The first week when you were left alone at home, you cried all night. It was a great excuse for your mother to baby you once more, but you hadn’t been able to help it. Eddie frowned at you, he looked appalled.
‘I did call you, I even called Myra a few times, and she told me that you weren’t interested in talking to me. That you were mad and you didn’t want anything to do with me. She said you didn’t want to know me anymore because I was not your dad anymore.’ Eddie continued, trudging through. He looked hurt, like someone had stabbed him in back.
‘I said no such thing. I could never. Dad, how can you ever think that I would hate you because you were gay? I don’t care. As long as it makes you happy it doesn’t matter to me. I love you way too much for that. But that doesn’t change the fact that you left me with mom by myself.’ Eddie turned sad, opening his mouth to interject, but ultimately deciding against it and letting you finish.
‘I used to complain about her to you all the time, and I waited for you to come and get me, but you didn’t. Why didn’t you at least come to visit? I hate that I can’t hate you, or Richie. The guy is so stupidly funny, he’s hilarious.’ Eddie snorted despite himself, finally seizing his chance to respond to the accusations.
‘Y/N, I swear to you that I tried everything. Every single thing that I could. I left voicemails to  ask if you wanted to come here. I called your mom multiple times to beg her to let you visit. She finally relented when I told her that if I wasn’t allow to see you I’d call the police.
I couldn’t take you with me right away because that would be kidnapping, and by the time the divorce was finalized, I was scared that you didn’t want to see me anymore. I’m sorry Y/N, just please, I’m begging you. Just try to like it here. You’re always welcome here. You’re my daughter and I’m so proud that you are. If you don’t like It here that you can go home, I just want you to be happy and if that isn’t with me and Rich than I’ll accept that. The same goes if you want to stay here longer, you are just as much a part of this family as everyone else.’
You blinked a few times, really trying to see with clear vision, without the tears. Eddie’s words were genuine, you knew your father well enough for that. And you knew all of these things, you knew that logically your dad couldn’t just  drag you off across the country, but the hurt and doubt had wormed it’s way inside your head, and had changed your perspective on reality. It was actually kind of nice to have deep and meaningful conversations with someone, you hadn’t had that in a while.
You leaned forward, wrapping your arms around Eddie’s shoulders. He instantly reciprocated, bringing you as close as possible. You weren’t ready to forgive him quite yet, but you had missed your dad a lot, so you were going to do your best to leave the problems in the past.
‘Okay just’, Eddie laughed, standing up and walking towards the door. He placed his finger to his lips, mimicking a hush sign. He then waited for about five seconds, before pulling the door open. Richie fell flat on his face, letting out an ‘ouf’. You let out a surprised laugh. Richie scrambled back up, trying to be graceful about it, but failing miserably. ‘I was not listing in to you guys, at all.’ You couldn’t help but laugh again, you were not lying when you said Richie was funny.
‘What do you say we start over again and get some food downstairs, Bev brought cake and it’s as almost as good as Eddie’s ass,’ Richie joked. He watched as you scrunched up your nose, and Eddie smacked his arm.
Turns out that the ‘losers club’ had some great story’s about your dad growing up, and they were not shy about sharing. By the end of the night, you felt like you had known these people for years, if not hours. They called you an honorary member of the losers club, while Richie joked about you having to cut your palm in order for that to happen. Eddie wasn’t so happy with that statement. Richie was really good to your dad, even though they bickered to no end, you could see that they did it out of a place of love, and you had never seen a smile do big on your dad’s face as when he was with his real family.
You were sad when they night ended, and you hoped that you could meet Eddie’s friends again soon.
‘Maybe next time you can come over to our house,’ Beverly said as she hugged you.
‘That would be great’, you responded with a big smile on your face, not noticing the proud look Eddie shot you.
Right after the door closed, your phone rang. It was your mother, once again. Worried that something might be wrong, you picked up, respectfully walking into another room, because you were sure your dad wouldn’t want to talk to her.
‘Mom, is everything?’ You asked the second you picked up. You heard a sigh of relief on the other side of the phone. ‘Oh honey I was so worried about you, you haven’t let me know you’re okay in so long.’
You frowned, looking up at the clock. ‘Mom I talked to you like five hours ago,’ your voice was questioning. There was absolutely no reason for your mom to be this worried, she knew you were with your dad. ‘Is this entire trip going to be like this?’
‘Excuse you Y/N, don’t you dare talk to me in that way. I’m calling with good news, I’ve found a way for you to come home. I can book you a plane and you can be home with your mommy in two days.’ She sounded really smug, like she had just won something. You glanced up when the door opened, Eddie carrying two mugs of hot chocolate in his hands. He placed one on the table in front of you, smiling warmly at you, before making his way back to where he came from. Before he closed the door, you could see Richie waiting excitedly for him to return, placing his broad hands on his back.
He gave you you’re privacy, without you even having to ask it off him. Your mom would never ever do that. You’re heart felt heavy all of a sudden. ‘Y/N’, Myra continues to chirp in you ear, trying to get your attention. ‘I don’t want to leave her mom’, you say, though you weren’t even aware that the words were forming. Eddie freezes, just before the door is shut. He stares at you, and he looks conflicted, like he doesn’t know what to do.
You place your phone on speaker, indicating that it was alright for him to listen in. He steps into the room more, showing that Richie is also in shock and wanting to listen in.
‘Y/N, what do you mean? Don’t you want to live with your mommy? Why would you want to stay there?’ Your mom demanded, her voice sounding slightly hysterical.
‘Because I like it here mom. I haven’t been able to spend time with dad in a long time, and now that I can I really want to take full advantage of it.’ You explain, but god knows that nothing could ever get through to Myra when she was in one of her moods.
‘Like it there? Honey it isn’t safe for you out there. What if you catch’, her voice lowered to a whisper, even though she had no idea that Eddie and Richie were listening in. ‘what they have.’
Richie gasps angrily, his hands squeezing together in tight fists. Eddie shoots him a warning look. You guessed he got used to the homophobic comments.
‘Mom, stop it. That isn’t okay. There’s nothing wrong with that. Love can come from anyone and really they’re happy.’
Eddie and Richie share a look of love towards one another, their hands finding each other’s.
‘Y/N, don’t even start with this. Your father left you remember. He didn’t call you or came to visit you once. He only demanded to see you now and he threatened me to let you come here, after not caring about you for such a long time.’ She reprimands, and how stupid it might seem, it makes you feel small again.
Eddie’s face turned red in anger. ‘How dare you. How fucking dare you? I called her every day, and I don’t know how she didn’t get them but I did. I called you at least two times a week to ask you to get her to call me back, you know this. In those phone calls I constantly asked if she could stay over with me for a couple of weeks, and you said no. So yes I did threaten to call the police in you because you wouldn’t let me see my own daughter Myra’, Eddie snarked, Richie silently cheering him up.  
‘Edward, get my daughter back on the line. I did that for her own good. Do you have any idea how heartbroken she was when you left? I know that if I let you talk to her she would only get hurt more so I blocked your number when she wasn’t looking. You bad news Edward and I want my daughter to come home now.’
You were shocked. You had had no idea that she blocked your father’s number, cutting him out of your life. And all this time you kept crying and hurting and blaming your dad while it was all your mothers fault. That little-
‘You bitch’, you screech, unable to think clearly through your feeling of hatred towards her. ‘I hate you. You’re the worst mother ever. I’m not coming home, not today, and not in three weeks. Goodbye Myra.’
Richie shrieked with laughter, hitting his knee with his own hand. He doesn’t even attempt to conceal how funny he finds it, and that only makes things funnier.
You mother screams to the funny, but you’re pulled into a side hug by Richie, and you choose to ignore what she says.
‘You heard her Myra, we’ll call you. I think you should leave her alone for a while, in fact I might just block your number.’ Eddie says, and before she has a change to answer, he ends the call.
He joins the awkward hug, pressing a kiss to your head and Richie’s lips.
‘Welcome home kid.’  
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yeah, i don't lie a lot either, not only because i'm just really bad at it but also i'm a pretty honest person, i rarely see a reason to lie about something to people i'm close with. i do lie to teachers too though. because i am not just gonna tell them that i'm planning on procrasting an assignment for 3 weeks and then doing it on the last night. no, thank you. about that i can lie very convincingly.
there was also this one memorable occasion where i was lying horribly and then somehow managed to save the situation? it was weird. basically this guy i was friends with asked me out and I panicked coz i didnt want to hurt his feelings but i really didnt like him that way, so i said i'm sorry i have a crush on someone so i'm not emotionally available. and he was like oh cool who is it? because he obviously didn't believe me (see: my terrible lying skillz) and i was like oh it's my classmate [insert random name that does not belong to any of my classmates] and he asked for his facebook because again: didn't believe me. and so i panicked even more because i didn't know any people with that name so i told him yeah you caught me, i was lying, i actually have a crush on my best friend (we're both girls) so hopefully ur not homophobic dude. he was not homophobic! so that was great, even if i did lie so horribly at first that i had to come out to save my lie 🤷‍♀️
i'm pan ace by the way! and i'm only out as pan to 5 (i think) people irl and literally no one outside of tumblr knows that i'm ace (because i'm apparently really horrible at telling who in my life is aphobic and after one attempt at coming out as ace and backtracking asap i did not try again!)
also, i figured that you would like to know, that i found some hair dye i bought before (the second) quarantine in my country started and forgot about. so i dyed my hair red again! at 1am (well it's 12.30 but thats close enough right?) i also accidentally dyed my favorite (white) sleep shirt red because in my excitement i forgot to change. so now it looks like someone's head was cut off while wearing it! the chaos! i'm loving it
Oh yeah, I had this one lecturer last trimester that would give you assignments and expect you to have started them like, a solid month before it was due. If it was like a MASSIVE assignment I would understand of course. But half the time it was just like a 1000 or 2000 word essay. Two weeks from the due date I’m pretty sure she expected a draft. That is of course not what I did. I’m over here chatting with my tutor the day it’s due like yeah I started last night gonna try to get it done by the due time tonight :)) shoutout to that tutor, I gave her second-hand anxiety and stress and she did not deserve it. But when talking to the lecturer? nooo I’ve made a start for sure :). On the other hand that was my worst class last trimester and my results just. weren’t vibing. so maybe I should’ve started weeks prior sdkfsdfsk. Lying to teachers about having started an assessment is my specialty. stressing tutors out about having not started so close to the date is also my speciality (i’m so sorry sdfkshdf).
oh my god what a legendary way of saving that lie in the end. that’s incredible. I think I would’ve panicked so much in that situation it just would’ve been stuttered half words and a sprint in literally any direction to get away. What a save. 10/10 quick thinking skills there honestly. to be fair there also weren’t enough people in my high school to get away with naming a fake person. when a guy asked ME out I just stood there staring at him with great fear until he reminded me I could say no so I said uh, yeah, I mean no sorry, and speed-walked away. he was good about it though. until I found out he wanted to ask me to the ball in year 12 I believe and I suddenly disappeared whenever he entered a room. Weird how that worked. so strange. odd. top 10 unexplainable things in the world.
so when I was younger I was ‘dating’ this guy on minecraft. there! i said the first sentence! cue laughter! meanwhile a guy at school had started to show interest in me (the dude above) and i mean. what was i gonna say. sorry dude i’m actually dating someone on minecraft so :)) can’t date you! but some friends got really curious about why I was so against dating him because we did actually get along pretty well as friends. and I wasn’t about to tell THEM the truth either. so i. so i- so. i um. i uhhhhhh. hhhhhh. i confess. the worst lie i’ve ever told. went something like
so the thing is I’m actually in a long distance relationship with someone, which is why I can’t date this guy and am not interested. we met in new zealand though! he’s in america now. it’s SUCH a weird story. we met in [insert place two towns over] and started dating and it was all going really well when his parents found out. they weren’t happy with us dating so they decided to move away so he couldn’t date me anymore. they moved ALL the way to the US just because they disapproved! we still keep in touch through messaging apps and that though. so. then my friends took me to maccas after school asking more questions and what he looked like. so I showed them his insta profile and explained a bit about him. that part wasn’t a lie but geez, THEY MOVED ALL THE WAY TO AMERICA FROM NZ BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T APPROVE? WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT ASS LIE IS THAT. THAT IS THE WORST THING I’VE EVER COME UP WITH. I THINK I GAINED MY ABILITY TO LIE SOMEWHAT WELL AFTER THAT BECAUSE IT TRULY COULD NOT GET WORSE. anyway. that’s something i never want to reflect on EVER again. thank god i’m only exposing myself to all of tumblr. i was like 14 or 15 there is no excuse for a lie that god awful at that age. and yet. ANYWAY.
that’s awesome though! 10/10 identity in my opinion, thanks for sharing!!! I came out to my entire english class in year 13 as part of a speech assessment just cause it seemed to fit the speech topic at the time and i was like fuck it. last year here. let’s do it. and my parents still didn’t find out. despite reading the speech. it was a coming out comment that clearly just went over their heads. they still don’t know. everyone else does. it’s wild. I feel you though. I’m so comfortable saying I’m bi or I’m gay or I’m queer or anything of the sort with people I know are chill but the ace side of things? it’s just trickier for me, at least. the first time I mentioned asexuality was to my Dad when he asked me to explain what the acronym LGBTQIA+ meant after seeing it on the news or something. So I went through each and explained them carefully so he understood. And I got to asexuality and I started explaining and he was like oh but that one’s a choice though with a very final sounding voice. And I didn’t really know my sexuality exactly at the time but I was questioning if I was ace and I was like ! neat ! i’m never telling anyone now ! i’m sure he didn’t really mean harm or anything and if i genuinely sat down now he’d listen but it was enough to keep that part of my identity more private. still i met a bunch of ace people at uni by accident in one class. it was rad. english attracts queer people i swear.
and omg, awesome! I hope it turned out well! well except for the shirt. but honestly, that seems like an awesome edition. i’m feeling a serial killer who collects the shirts of people whose heads they just cut off. who then wears them to bed to sleep in cause like obviously you can’t just wear that in public. what a vibe. also at 1am? sdkfjskdfsdf mood. i’m glad you’re vibing with it though!!
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augustheart · 4 years
1, 9, 15, 20 for the writing ask meme!
This time around all of these are for fics by the way.
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Like I said in the last ask at any given time I have a stupidly high number of projects I’m working on but I will take this time to talk about the ridiculously long one I’m putting most of my energy toward now! (The tab is open right now and it is taunting me with that “last updated yesterday at [...]” notification and its 32,427 word wordcount.)
I won’t say exactly what it’s about even though it’s not that hard to figure out and several people already know exact details but progress is generally pretty good! Not the fastest I’ve ever written because I write in fits and starts but it’s going pretty good! (Just jinxed it though for sure.) I’m working on chapter five of a planned ten, and I really hope I don’t overshoot that by accident. It’s fun! It’s definitely more like the things I used to write when it comes to like... the actual angst/“whump” part because there’s a lot of that here, and I’m very really mean to readers with a couple of these cliffhangers. Chapter two and chapter four are especially rude, sorry.
I love all of it. I love that I get to write about people overcoming hardship and coming together and also beating the shit out of people who hurt their loved ones. I genuinely love what I’m writing now and I think it’s probably one of my best works and I’m glad that I decided to write it all out in advance before posting it because I feel like that gives me time to really perfect it. It also makes it easier to go back and seed plot elements through the prewritten chapters, which is helpful because I keep forgetting about a character and going back to make sure that they get to be there because they’re, y’know, the main protagonist of the show. (Don’t worry there is still a character arc and a story she has, it just gets lost in the shuffle a little because there are like... six storylines going on at once that need to intersect. I think six, anyway. There are a lot. Jeez, I think it may be closer to seven, counting the villains...)
Anyway please [Eric Andre “let me in” voice] show me support when I finally post it because I imagine the fandom will be relatively in brumation when I finally do all things considered. 
9. Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
I refuse to write really short things, it has to be at least 1,000 words for some reason, but I do both! I prefer my longfics, I think they give me more time to write plot and flesh out characters, but I’ve found that a good median wordcount for me is...like...6,000 words? That’s usually what I fall on when I limit myself to something under 10,000 that has the potential for more than just 1-2,000 words. But I do like to read and write both! As evidenced by some of my current projects shaping up to be over 50,000 words at least if they haven’t already left that count in the dust by now (hi, Half Light, you stupidly long son of a bitch). 
And I am the hellish combination of both! I usually know at least how I want it to end, but the entire journey from A to B is a complete mystery to me. Sometimes I’ll have elements I want to incorporate or characters I want to include and I’ll plan for them but I will never, ever write down my outline. The only time I write down outlines it’s when I need to know the concrete timeline for something that’s set in the past or is taking major divergent choices or both (i.e., I made a timeline outline for Heartless leading up to when Eric approaches Dorothy, a timeline outline for Two of Spades when I eventually actually work on that, a timeline outline for what I nicknamed the “I’m no longer baby I want power AU,” etc). Literally every other time I am absolutely flying by the seat of my pants. I don’t know what I’d do without Hedgi who helps me plot at least half the things I write (at least for the fandoms she’s also in), usually after I try to write them and immediately get stuck like a puppy who tried to jump into a lake and found out the shoreline was actually just a bog.
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
Oh, it really depends. I’m alright at nailing tags down, unless there are categories I want to use that don’t already have a set tag, but sometimes when I think of the concept for a fic it comes ready-made with a summary and I don’t have to think about that at all, or I’m directly inspired by a phrase/lyric/etc and I can just use that for the title and spend hours deliberating on a summary. Luckily for the project I’m working on now the conceit can just be the summary, and the title took a tiny bit of research but I knew what I wanted the bare bones to be and I just needed the actual names/terms. I do think in general, though, summaries are a smidge harder than titles for me. 
12. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
I really, really want to answer this one to talk about the different hidden references, relationship development, and foreshadowing that I baked into damn near every level of the big project I’ve been talking about because it’s in literally everything right down to the chapter titles (and there’s a hint to pay attention to them when you read, especially once we get to chapters 6-10, which I am extremely pumped to write), but I also really don’t want to spoil anything, so... time to be as numbingly vague as possible, I guess.
I’m foreshadowing that a character will develop powers by the final act, of course, but I’m also foreshadowing that a different character will not only develop them but use them to basically save the life of another character--and related to that, there is intense foreshadowing of a character using certain things to save someone else’s life at around the same time, which is not subtle at all if you know what you’re looking for (mainly because I slipped it into plain sight) but is part of some nice red herrings if I do say so myself. It also really makes me laugh that I decided to do some, um, “homophobia-shadowing,” where I just... imply that a character is homophobic. I dunno why I just think that’s a funny thing to do even if it has real repercussions for certain characters later. 
There’s some character development mixed that I’m really excited for because it allows a character to go in a completely different direction than they do in canon but in a way that I think still feels really right for them. This happens a couple times, actually, but this one in particular is something I knew had to happen the second I realized how to tie this plot thread back into everything else. I think it’s exactly what the character could’ve needed if this had gone down and I’m really excited to write it. The other character should’ve just been allowed to do this in canon because I think it would’ve fucking ruled.
Also, in everything I write that’s comics-based, whether it’s fic for the comic directly or for a show/movie using comics as source material, everything is a reference. That number code? That could be anything from the first time someone appeared in a comic mixed with the publishing date of the comic itself (i.e. if someone appeared for the first time in 1964 but the comic began publishing in 1959 I’ll use 6459 or 5964) to the creator’s date of birth. I think that I use famous writers of the character/potential creators of the character as street names or last names or aliases whenever I need to bring them up is a lot more obvious. Same with how I use writer/artist initials as “random letters” if I think a code would realistically have one mixed in--I just checked a document for an example of this and found “ADBP5519MWGK6419.”
I also reuse direct lines of dialogue if I think they fit the situation--for example, in Butterfly Effect I lifted the “World War I chic” line directly from Giffen’s Doom Patrol run, which I mentioned in the author’s note, and there’s dialogue in my current big project that’s a direct reference to/play on the “I wish you’d died instead of Mom” line in the JSA Infinite Crisis tie-in (Johns is a fuckin’ hack for that one though and it made no sense for what he used it for, a better line would’ve been “I bet you wish I’d died instead of Mom,” but we don’t have time for that), and I’ll probably directly reference dialogue from JSA/JSA at some point in chapter nine or chapter ten. (Think really hard about how that arc opens if it’s one you’re familiar with, lmao, and remember--there’s no time travel to undo things here!) 
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dailudannos · 4 years
Hiya! I’m ghostly-shenanigans-in-progress but since it’s a sideblog I can’t send asks. But I would love to know more about your halfa au and other hcs you have for your favorite ghosts!
Bruh, I am so glad you asked!
Sorry I took so long to answer
Since this is a reverse role AU, but actually try and reverse the roles, get it?
Basically this rag tag group of halfa kids team up and fight the baddies from the ghost zone, which they try to avoid at all costs. And since it's reversed, the bad guys are just as evil as you think.
I wanted to put in a little more diverse characters and more POC bc I think it's what the show needed more in the first place, so I added bits and pieces to try and make it more...specific to today's time?? I guess you could say? (I've always loved the hc that danny was trans, so I added some genders/sexualities to make it seem that not everybody needs to be straight or basic male/female)
Hopefully it'll piss bitch fartman for being the homophobe he is
I got super focused on the kids and their personalities and making their lives into an alternate universe
I've made little tweaks and have gotten to where I like everyones' roles in place.
Sidney Poindexter and Youngblood are human adults; since they both died so young, why not give them their own liveable lives? Lunch lady and Box Ghost are also human, probably bc they died from most likely horrible accidents, make them human too
Now there are still ghosts that are ghosts. Pandora, Ghost Writer, Wulf are examples. Except they protect the human world from any bodily harm from any threats from the ghost zone, until the kids came along and did it for them. They accepted it, but taught the kids important rules and powers they needed to learn
On the GZ:
No one goes in or out at all costs. The kids have learned to stay very very far from the portal, for fear of being used as a stuffed decoration on someone's wall, or killed altogether
Even the full ghosts that use to live there stay away; which is why there's more ghostly residents wreaking havoc on the city. Don't worry, the kids can handle it
Only the older three ghosts know why no one tries to stay in the gz, but they just won't say (ghost king phantom)
It's about as desolate as it is in the show, except with more ruins and extremely old relics kept by the observants, who try and protect anything in the zone as much as possible; relics, artifacts, books of the past, anything to hold onto history of ancient ghosts, and what was once a time of peace
I feel so excited about all of this that I've taken so much dedication to bringing this au to everyones' eyes, and make them have these great ideas about this and create their own aus or storylines or comic strips- it's so great!
I'm sorry, this is all I could think of for now. I'm working on a p2 character spreadsheet of the characters as halfas or *cough cough* old ancient beings of power *cough cough*
Edit: omg I just realized you also wanted hc for the other kids oops
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clay-air · 4 years
IT Reddie/Stanlon/Benverly In the Flesh AU
Losers are in their early/mid-thirties.
Living: Bill, Ben, Mike
PDS sufferers: Georgie, Beverly, Stan, Richie, Eddie
Five years ago, the dead rose all around the world, and the small town of Derry, Maine, was no exception. Halfway into the zombie apocalypse, a breakthrough drug called neurotriptaline allows the risen dead to regain their senses—rebranded as Partially-Deceased Syndrome sufferers, they receive treatment and begin to be integrated back into the communities they nearly destroyed. Derry was never the most tolerant of towns, and to no one’s surprise the surviving townsfolk are incredibly hostile to the returning PDS sufferers. It is in this setting that seven Losers—each damaged in their own way by the events of (and prior to) the Rising—find each other and start to heal.
Disjointed outline and notes below the cut: I will definitely never actually write a fic for this bc I am pathologically incapable of turning my ramblings into a cohesive story with a plot and all that, so everything is up for grabs!!  If you do get inspired by my musings and write or draw something, please lmk!!!  Also feel free to comment with your own thoughts/ideas/headcanons!!!!
Warning for references to: suicide, homophobia, spousal/parental abuse, hate crimes, self-harm scars, violence
Bill Denbrough gets his baby brother Georgie (their age gap is a lot bigger in this AU) back but has to deal with the residual guilt he still feels about his death (an accident Bill maybe could have prevented). He saw Georgie after he’d risen, missing an arm and eating a dude (alternatively, Zombie!Georgie actually kills Bill’s wife Audra bc Bill hesitated over shooting him, and Bill has to deal with that while also trying to make sure Georgie doesn’t find out/remember what he did) and was the one to restrain him so he could be sent to the treatment center.
Ben Hanscom loved Beverly Marsh from afar until she went missing (killed by her abusive husband who later died during the Rising) and when she comes back to Derry from the treatment center with no one waiting for her, he decides this time he’ll actually step up and be there for her. Of course he has to actually get her to trust him first. She vaguely remembers him as a guy who was always nice to her, but it’s dangerous to assume that anyone in Derry has less-than-homicidal feelings regarding those with PDS.  Beverly is starts off nervous and flighty, but eventually adopts a very “middle finger to the whole damn town” attitude, and, despite her initial reservations, finds that the words of a certain Undead Prophet are starting to resonate with her....
Stanley Uris committed suicide before rising from the grave, and he’s trying to find a reason to stick around for his “second chance at life” that he never wanted in the first place. Can he finally move past the cloying, suffocating fear he felt every second he was alive now that he no longer has any need to “fear the Reaper”? He finds companionship in Mike Hanlon, a quiet man who defended his farm on the outskirts of town all by himself during the Rising, luring the Risen who wandered on to the property into a barn and keeping them inside once he heard about the successful neurotriptaline trials. Mike’s refusal to join the Human Volunteer Force during the Rising (he didn’t want to kill anyone, zombie or not) earned him the scorn of the already-pretty-racist townsfolk.
Richie Tozier was the victim of a homophobic hate crime, and now because of bureaucratic bullshit (reintegrated PDS sufferers need to be incident-free for a minimum of three years before they can change their address) he has to come back to the very same town that loathed him enough to kill him. Also they have another reason to hate him now! He’s trying to take it in stride (or at least outwardly appear like he’s taking it in stride) but his murderer, Henry Bowers, is basically a town hero for helping form the HVF, and he’s using his status in the town to make Richie’s already pretty miserable half-life hell. Things start turning around for him when he finds a reason to stop playing hooky and actually show up for the Give Back program: another PDS sufferer who is wound up tighter than anyone he’s ever met, is absolutely CAKED in flesh-tone makeup, and whose snapped insults in response to Richie’s trashmouth antics don’t carry the now-familiar hatred behind them that he’s become accustomed to. Also he’s cute as fuck. But damn, gay thoughts come with a lot of baggage after being gay literally got you killed.
Eddie Kaspbrak succumbed to slow poisoning by his mother, who’s Munchausen by proxy escalated with deadly effects. Unfortunately, once he’s released from the treatment center Eddie has nowhere to go but back into her open arms. She refuses to acknowledge what she did to him, and starts using his daily neurotriptaline doses as a new way of controlling him (Eddie is absolutely PETRIFIED at the thought of going rabid). Ironically, his only moments of freedom happen when he’s at work for the Give Back program (his mother’s protests that he’s too frail to do manual labor don’t really hold up under the fact that he’s kind of unkillable now?) where he meets a fellow PDS sufferer who’s an irredeemable trashmouth but who treats him more like a human being than anyone ever has, even counting before he was a literal zombie. And no, Eddie does not think he’s fucking funny. He doesn’t.
- Beverly supplying Eddie with DIY neurotriptaline she learned how to make from the ULA website so he can get out from under his mother’s thumb, which he accepts after an hour-long tirade about how she doesn’t know if it’s safe or even STERILE (“Eddie, honey, I don’t think we can get infections anymore” “it’s the PRINCIPLE of it, Bev!”)
- Mike showing Stan that all the bird species he saw in the woods when he was alive are still there, and that the Rising didn’t destroy everything good in the world, also introducing him to his secret library
- Bill bringing Georgie to Mike’s farm so he can see and work with the animals (and also so he isn’t in town where someone might mention Audra). Mike is somewhat disapproving of Bill’s not telling Georgie what happened, but he sympathizes, and tries to help both brothers work through their trauma. (Stan eventually convinces Mike that he should be taking care of himself too)
- Ben struggling to convey to Beverly that he genuinely wants to be her friend (and more) and help her (Bev: “Oh wait are you one of those guys who finds the whole ‘undead’ thing hot? Why don’t you go to the PDS brothel then and leave me alone?” Ben: *internal screaming*)
- Richie and Eddie building fences at 1/6th the pace of all the other pairs of Give Back program “volunteers” bc they can’t stop ribbing each other and arguing and also Richie might’ve made it his new-life’s purpose to get Eddie to smile and laugh as much as possible. “Do you even still need glasses, asshat?” “The better to see you with, my Spaghetti” “Don’t fucking call me that”
- turns out Richie and Beverly sort of hunted as a group during the Rising (a la Kieren and Amy) and now they like to get together in the Barrens, get high off sheep brains, and try not to have panic attacks about what they did while unmedicated. Bev confesses that while she hates the slow-drip of returning memories of the Rising, she hopes that one day she’ll remember being the one who killed her husband because that would mean she got her revenge in the end. Richie offers to help her jog her memory by reenacting it with him starring as her husband, but she just laughs and punches him in the arm. “Be glad I can’t feel pain anymore, Marsh, that seemed like it might’ve done some serious damage” “Beep beep, Richie”
- insert that ep 1 scene with Rick’s dad dragging the neighbor’s PDS wife into the street and shooting her, but replace with Bowers killing Adrian Mellon as Bill  watches from through the curtains across the street with Georgie’s head tucked into his chest so he can’t see
- Stan slowly coming into his own through what starts off as relatively harmless acts of rebellion against Derry but escalates to all the Losers having a blast vandalizing their own graves. “Honestly Richie, I’m surprised your epitaph wasn’t ‘blessedly silent at last’” “Woah! Stanley gets off a good one!”
- Richie visiting the Kissing Bridge where he was caught halfway carving his name + ??? by Bowers’ crew and was brutally beaten before being thrown into the river. Looking back, it was hardly a crush worth getting killed over, but this time he feels like he’s drowning in his feelings (of fucking course it would feel like drowning) and he’s terrified. Carving a shaky “E” where he never got to finish his declaration last time takes some of the weight off his heart.
- Ben finally getting Beverly to realize that he’s been in love with her since long before the Rising by telling her that he was the one who wrote the anonymous postcard she received a few months before she died, and showing her all the other poems he’d written over the years. “January embers”...
- Bill and Mike helping Eddie gather proof that this mother was responsible for his death by combing through Derry police records and autopsy reports (also hey, turns out you can still detect all those poisonous chemicals in his partially deceased body!) and using it to get him essentially emancipated and his mother arrested. Eddie moves in with Richie afterwards and being in close proximity all the time brings both their feelings to a boil.
- Georgie does eventually remember encountering Bill and Audra during the Rising. “I died, and you lied”. He runs away into the Barrens where he meets a strange PDS sufferer who wears clown makeup instead of the usual flesh-mimicking stuff...
- the creeping emergence of a ULA splinter group led by Pennywise that starts haunting at the edges of Derry and stoking the fires of the townspeople’s fear against the Risen. Eventually they kidnap Georgie to their weird sewer cult dungeon under Neibolt bc they think he’s the First Risen (lol sorry dudes, wrong side of the pond), and the Losers have to gear up and go get him back before a fucking clown EATS HIM to bring about the Second Rising.
Physical appearances:
Eddie: wears his contacts and makeup religiously until he is able to escape his mother, at which point he starts to let loose a bit (it helps that Richie says he’s still adorable, even tho Eddie would never admit to that). He has a gash in his cheek and a huge puncture wound straight through his chest, both of which he sustained during the Rising.
Richie: wears glasses even tho he doesn’t technically need to anymore. Gave up on the whole makeup thing pretty early bc it was a pain to apply, but he does sometimes wear the colored contacts when he’s out and about for the Giveback Program. He’s covered in cuts and blue/purple bruises that he sustained in Bowers’ attack, and has a big nasty stitched-up gash just above his hairline from hitting his head on a river rock.
Beverly: makeup and contacts whom? She has a pretty conspicuously hand-shaped bruise around her neck that she tends to cover with scarves tho
Stan: wears the makeup and contacts, but is much better at making them look natural than Eddie is. Matching scars on each wrist that he keeps covered all the time. A bullet hole in his side from the Rising.
Georgie: wears the makeup and contacts. Missing an arm (injury sustained during the Rising)
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mutant-riot · 6 years
So, I wrote this ficlet, and I don’t know what exactly I want to do with it. I’m gonna drop it below and see what you guys think.
To continue it and/or post on AO3 or leave as it is - that is the question...
Any and all suggestions welcome!
Current/Working Title : Shame
TW: internal homophobia, homophobic language, past/implied self harm
Erik was nervous as he looked at the light streaming from inside the rec centre. He bit his lip, debating turning around and going home. No one would even need to know he’d come. But he’d told Charles that he’d try his best to come, and he didn’t want to lie – especially to Charles. Erik closed his eyes and sighed, imagining the disappointment on his “friend’s” face. He needed to do this; it would be fun.
He stood up, stretching his legs and snuffing out his cigarette. His flannel made him sweat bullets in the 75° heat, but it was “cute” on him (as Charles described it), so he wore it anyway. He kicked a rock into the dark brush that lined the walkway as he slowly made his way up to the building. As he reached for the door, he quickly looked around to make sure no one saw him. He knew Charles would be upset if he knew Erik was making sure no one saw him going to a mutant function, but he pushed it back, pulling open the door.
Loud music and voices hit him even from the doorframe, and he tentatively made his way down the corridor toward the source. He peered into the reception hall, scoping it out and searching for Charles.
“Erik!” Oh, there he was. Charles dashed over from the window, where Erik assumed he’d been watching for him.
“Hey,” Erik replied, feeling himself blush as Charles took his hand.
“I’m so glad you could make it!”
“Me too,” he nodded, looking around the room at everyone there.
“Let me introduce you to some of my friends.”
Erik followed Charles over to a group of other teenagers, who were dancing in a circle.
“Everyone, this is my...friend Erik. Erik, this is Hank, you know Raven, Kurt Wagner, Azazel, and Emma.”
The group all smiled and waved, and Erik felt even guiltier for being scared to be there. He wished he could just accept himself and his life, but he couldn’t seem to break through the shame. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Emma shoot a worried glance to Charles, who nodded, and his heart skipped a beat. Were they talking about him?
“There are a lot of people here who I don’t know actually,” Charles added, smiling broadly at Erik as he led him to some chairs.
“Really? Is it a big turnout?”
“Yeah! It’s usually just me and Raven and a couple of others, but it’s fantastic to see so many new faces. And I’m really glad to see yours, of course.”
“I-I’m glad to see yours too,” Erik said, sitting next to Charles and fiddling with the metal bracelet he always wore.
“Are you doing okay? I don’t want you to feel nervous and upset the whole time, dear. If you need to go home, it’s 100% okay.” Charles’ voice was quiet and sincere, and Erik felt his heart race again. This is was a place where he could be himself, where he could show others and himself it was okay to live as they were. But the voice in the back of his head still screamed “freak” and “faggot.”
“Fuck it,” Erik breathed, sitting up straight in his chair and looking directly at Charles, whose eyes were wide with concern. “Charles, um, can I...aah, can I please kiss you?” The worry evaporated instantly from Charles’ face, and Erik could see his cheeks burning even in the dim light.
“Of course you can,” he nodded, gazing into Erik’s eyes. Erik hesitantly touched his boyfriend’s face before lightly kissing him, pulling away quickly and hoping he’d melt into the floor. But behind his embarrassment was a flutter of joy, and he felt it. Then, without even really knowing what he was doing, he placed his hand on Charles’ knee, and Charles put his hand on Erik’s.
Does this count as holding hands? Am I too sweaty? Erik’s mind swam with “what if’s” and other questions.
“Do you want to dance?” Charles asked him, gesturing to the other teens around the hall and breaking him from the whirlwind of thoughts. “But you certainly don’t have to, I was just won -”
“Yeah,” Erik said, nodding. “Let’s dance.”
“Are you sure?”
Charles stood up and smiled broadly when Erik held out his (sweaty) hand for him to take.
“Glad to have you two join us,” Raven teased, winking at them. Charles shook his head, still beaming at Erik.
“I don’t know how to dance...” Erik whispered to Charles who chuckled.
“Neither do most of us, don’t worry,” he replied, shrugging. “Just do what makes you feel comfortable.”
Erik knew he was painfully awkward, but Charles kept looking at him with his wide, sparkling eyes and making him feel so... wanted and safe and normal. He wasn’t the only mutant in the world; there were so many around him. He was normal here.
When the song switched, Erik felt the energy in the room change. It was a slow song... People were starting to pair up, and Erik looked down at his boots. Every good thing he’d felt suddenly decayed into doubt and guilt. He swallowed hard and raised his gaze to see Charles over by the snack table, musing over the options and drinking a cup of lemonade. Erik knew he was letting Charles down, that he was being a coward...
“I, uh, I’ll be right back,” he said, walking quickly past Charles and out into the dark. The humid air greeted him, and he sat on the sidewalk. Pulling his knees to his chest, Erik started to cry. He wasn’t what Charles deserved; he couldn’t show affection or be open to anyone about who he was. He was such a monstrous fuckup. All the other mutants he’d met were so well adjusted and kind, but he wasn’t. He hated himself and his mutation, and he knew he’d just end up hurting Charles, who was nothing but wonderful and caring. Nothing he deserved, nothing he’d ever deserve.
He heard the door open, and he jumped, wiping his eyes and cheeks, hoping the person wouldn’t even notice hum. But the footsteps were heading straight for him. Fuck.
“Erik?” Charles’ voice was soft as he sat next to Erik on the edge of the concrete. He took his hand in his own and gently kissed it. “It’s okay, darling.”
“I’m so sorry...” was all Erik could manage before starting to sob. He squeezed Charles’ hand, silently begging him not to leave.
“I’m not going anywhere, I promise.” Erik bit his lip; Charles had heard him. He must be projecting really loudly.
“Is it okay for me to put my arm around you?” Charles asked, looking up into Erik’s tear-stained face. He nodded, and Charles gently placed his arm around his waist. Erik leaned against him, feeling the waves of calm emanating from his boyfriend.
“I know this is difficult. I know you’re hurting. I want to help you. Please let me in. Please, Erik...” Hints of desperation crept into Charles’ words, and Erik’s heart sunk.
“I don’t want to scare you away,” Erik replied so quietly he almost hoped Charles wouldn’t hear.
“You won’t.” Charles held him tighter as he rested his head on the telepath’s shoulder. “I promise.”
“Do I have to talk about it?”
“Not if you don’t want to. I can just look.”
“I’m not going to leave, promise,” Charles affirmed as he turned to directly face Erik, who nodded and fiddled with his bracelet. Charles patted Erik’s knee before closing his eyes. Erik felt his presence in his head. Then he heard Charles asking him to remember.
“Show me.”
Erik showed him – losing his parents, every “session” with his aunt’s friend Sebastian Shaw who said he’d “cure” Erik’s mutation, pleading to anyone above who was listening to make it all go away, realizing he liked boys and breaking down, self harm, the shame that burned in his stomach constantly – it all poured out of him as each event triggered the next.
Charles’ presence slipped away, and Erik found himself back on the sidewalk with Charles. Tears were streaming down both their faces, and Erik reached out and took Charles’ hand, feeling it tremble in his.
“I’m so sorry,” Charles whispered, wiping tears from Erik’s cheeks. “Oh god, I’m so sorry.” Erik shook his head.
“It’s okay, I’m okay,” he said. “I just need to stop letting it all get to me. I need to stop thinking about it.”
“Trying to repress it will only hurt more, dear. Let me help you.”
“Don’t shut me out. I’ve been a few places you’ve been, I know what it’s like.”
“Mhm,” Charles nodded. He pulled up the thin sleeves of his shirt to reveal lines of straight scars across both arms. “ I lost my father too, in an accident at his office. My mother remarried one of his co-workers less than a year later, he moved in with his son, and that’s when my mutation really started to take shape. Mother told me I was just crazy and to stop making things up. Kurt, my “step-father,” made sure I always heard the worst news about mutants on the news and whatever he and his friends said about mutant control and registration. And his son always joined in. Once they found out I liked boys, I thought my life was over. But it’s not. It’s only just begun.” He kissed Erik’s hand again, holding it tight.
“I...don’t know what to say. You’re so nice to me. I don’t deserve it.”
“But you do, Erik. You deserve nothing but kindness.”
“How can you know that?”
“We all deserve kindness, every one of us.”
“But I don’t. I just hurt everyone and let them down. It always ends...”
“Well, I’m not going anywhere.”
“I do. You’re not alone, Erik.”
“Thank you,” Erik sniffed, sliding closer to Charles, who smiled warmly at him. “I-I’m sorry I ruined your night. I know you probably wanted to dance and be with your friends.”
“You didn’t ruin anything at all. Don’t worry, okay?”
Erik nodded, trying to believe Charles. He wanted to so badly, but the voice in the back of his head kept yelling “he’s lying.”
“Can I ask you something?” Charles questioned, and Erik’s heart skipped a beat.
“Sure, anything,” he replied, trying to keep his voice from shaking.
“Are you okay with being with me? I know you’re dealing with so much right now, and I’m worried you felt obligated to say yes when I asked you, and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable to push you into something you don’t feel ready for...”
“No, Charles, it’s okay. I want this. I’m so scared, but I do!”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” Erik nodded, smiling. “I am.”
“Okay,” he replied, gently touching Erik’s cheek. “Okay.”
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writer-or-whatever · 6 years
09.02-09.08: Fics I Read This Week
this is coming two days late. i had it typed up on my computer and i just... forgot to post it? oops. anyway, last week i decided to systemically make my way through the cisco/barry relationship tag on ao3 (though i’m not done) so not only has that significantly lengthened this list but also it’s the first time i’ve read fics from The Flash fandom, even though i’ve religiously followed the tv series since it started in 2014. 
Also i am super into Cisco/Barry/Caitlin fics but there are a whole two of them that i could find so if you have any please send them to me, i’m desperate and am going to have to write some of my own to fill the void. 
anyway, fics recced below the cut by fandom then by pairing, as always, with fics from the flash fandom at the bottom because there are very very many fics. 
Harry Potter Fics:
A Good Boy by bafflinghaze
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Draco’s work goes a little overtime. When Draco returns home, he finds that Harry’s gotten started without him—but only a little, since Harry is such a good boy.
Word Count: 1k
Gilmore Girls Fics:
The Best Of It by dollsome
Paris outs herself and Rory during a televised argument with Michele Bachmann. Peskiest of all is the fact that Paris and Rory aren't actually dating. A documentary crew wants to make Paris And Rory's Modern Stars Hollow Family anyway. Meanwhile, Rory goes slowly and quietly nuts. (And doesn't like Paris like that -- why would you even suggest such a thing?? Not that ... anyone did.)
Word Count: 73k
Notes: One of my all time favorite fics. It’s so good and so well-written and so fantastic and I’m screaming. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry--because you’re laughing so hard.
The Flash Fics:
((if someone has any more fics than the ones listed below, pls send them to me. i am desperate))
Equipoise by trufflemores
Barry gets sick.
Word Count: 3k
Notes: I love this fic and this ship. 
Guardian Doctor by LightningLemonade
Caitlin Snow is more defensive of her boys than even she knew.
Word Count: 366
cw: homophobic language
escapes, true love, miracles by spocklee
princess bride AU. written (late) for flashvibe week.
Word Count: 22k
Notes: Top ten favs out of any fandom, easily. I mean, my favorite movie as an AU and it does it justice and non-binary!Barry and just yes.
Heartbreak Hotel by RonnieandtheProfessor
Cisco and Barry go undercover to investigate a meta-human that's been only attacking couples that stay in a certain hotel. Barry struggles with the 'pretending' aspect of their mission, as his feelings begin to grow a little too real.
Word Count: 4k
once i have you, i will never let you, never let you go by coopbastian
Barry and Cisco respond to a meta-alert but one of them gets kidnapped in the process.
Word Count: 3k
Thunderstorms by fezwearingjellybananas
In which Barry does not like thunderstorms, but Cisco is there to support him
Word Count: 300
finding you by craptaincold
“Oh, don’t play dumb, Barold,” Lisa said. “Barry,” Barry said. “Barold,” Lisa said, “A little birdy tells me that you’ve got a crush on him.” Barry was about to take a sip of his coffee, but was pretty glad he didn’t make it yet, because he would’ve choked on it. “Excuse me? I- I don’t, what makes you think that? Did you talk to Iris?” “I didn’t, but I’m sure going to now.” Lisa smirked. “I’m sure she’d have so many embarrassing stories to tell about you.” She paused and rested her chin on her hand. “Plus, she’s pretty cute. Is she single?” “She’s engaged. Don’t even think about it.” Lisa sighed, dropping her grin to a pout. “I have a proposition for you, Barry. Cisco is a sweet boy, and there aren’t too many of those in this world, you know? I’d love to have him for myself, but I hate stepping on any toes,” she said, as if she didn’t rob people for a living, “So, if you don’t step up and tell him how you feel by the end of the month, I’ll be forced to nab him up.” “We’re already dating,” Barry blurted out, mind now a dumpster fire. Oh god, why did he say that? You’d think having superspeed would make him be able to stop himself from saying impulsive things. Word Count: 2k
The Person That You Were (You Cannot Find) by Ecliptic_Fiction
When it's four in the morning When it comes without warning And the Silence drags you down under the tide.
Word Count: 2k
Notes: God, I love this. They’ve got such a beautiful relationship. 
cw: self-esteem issues
To Lean On by Ecliptic_Fiction
Tears prick at Barry's eyes at the sight of the man before him, and he can't help but smile at the thought of spending forever with him. "I do," he whispers, squeezing Cisco's hand gently. Word Count: 5k
Where Do You Go (When You Think Of Me?) by Ecliptic_Fiction
Thank God for Francisco Ramon- the saviour of the Flash. Word Count: 3k
...so could we by coopbastian
Cisco is having a hard time on the fact that Leo implied that he and Barry are a couple. Word Count: 1k
What really matters by Saluzozette
It was late at night when Cisco's voice broke the silence in the room. Barry was on the verge of sleep, curled around his boyfriend, his nose buried deep into his hair. Cisco's back was warm against his chest, their fingers glued together and really, the speedster had rarely felt as tired, comfy and happy as he was right now. His mind was already drifting away, but he acknowledged the other man's plea nonetheless. “Barry?” Cisco's voice was alert and very much awake. Far from the comfortable stillness that had filled the bedroom for the last hour. Why wasn't he asleep already? “Hum...” The speedster mumbled, trying to sound a little bit less out of it than he actually was. “I'm gonna do it.” Word Count: 4k cw: graphic descriptions of violence, homophobia, mentions of neglect and abuse
sweet creature, sweet creature by buckybunnyteeth
Cisco wakes up to the quick warm feeling of lips pressing against his own. or Cisco needs Barry to know that he loves him ... without saying that he loves him. Word Count: 3k
It's Not About Winning by st4rlabsforever (omaken)
Cisco wriggles his wrists in his restraints. In the grand scheme of things – or at least as far as kidnappings go – this one isn’t so bad. Sure, the ropes might be chafing his wrists and the blindfold might be messing with his balance, but his discomfort is at a solid three out of ten right now. Just a day in the life of Central City's premier superhero couple. Word Count: 5k
Vows and Promises by daydreamingstoryteller
Barry has made the decision to sacrifice himself to stop the Dominators' attack. But Cisco has some scores to settle with him before he can leave. Or. Another Invasion AU but with Secretly married Flashvibe Word Count: 1k
'Fake' Dates & Not-So-Shitty Acting by twelvexclara
When Caitlin and Julian need someone to go undercover for an event, they ask Barry and Cisco. The thing is, the situation is more complicated than you think. Word Count: 2k
Stars in Hiding by Neuqe
"It is getting rather confusing for all parties involved, and Cisco would prefer if his life did not resemble this much a 90’s situational comedy" Barry and Cisco decide to keep their relationship as a secret. It is not necessarily the best idea. Word Count: 5k
We will find each other by Neuqe
Cisco accidently vibes Earth-2 and learns something new about Reverb. Word Count: 1k
swimming in the sunlight by VolunteerFieryDantooinian
Cisco can feel it, he can fucking feel what almost happened, he almost lost him- But Barry came back. It took a month, but he came back. It scared the hell out of him. Then again, he had a habit of doing that. Title from BøRNS's American Money, which is a total Barrisco song tbh Word Count: 1k
You Love the Limelight Too by PoliticalBloodTea
People won't stop flirting with Cisco. Barry is not jealous. He's not. Word Count: 3k
Decelerate by trufflemores
3.12. Barry and Cisco cuddle after Barry phases the train. Word Count: 1k
That Would Be Enough by UpsideAround
Soulmarks weren't supposed to change. Soulmarks didn't change. Fate must have hated him, because Barry's soulmark had been erased once when he was eleven, and brutally slashed out when he was in his twenties. Word Count: 2k Notes: I love this so much, tbh
Duration by st4rlabsforever (omaken)
“Hey! So,” Cisco says, pulling out the dark blue package from his shopping bag, “I was thinking we could try this tonight.” He tosses it to Barry and tries his best not to blush. The slogan ‘Last Longer. Stay In The Moment’ stares back at him in big, white letters. Or: in which Cisco buys Barry an endurance enhancer, and Barry is not amused at all. Word Count: 1k
Trademarked Kisses by aldergroves
(The first) five times that Barry and Cisco kiss. Word Count: 1k Notes: NON-BINARY CISCO!!!!!!!!!
Mach 1 by RedelliaValentinos
"Can I ask you something? It's just out of curiosity," the boy spun the chair around. Harry gave a hum of approval to go ahead and scooped up his coffee mug. Nothing this kid could possibly say was going to interrupt his consumption of caffeine. "What would happen if Barry went Mach 1 during sex?" Word Count: 838 Notes: Harry isn’t the only one who choked on their coffee because of this.
Another One Gone by superallens
6. “You can’t die. Please don’t die.” Word Count: 873 cw: major character death Notes: only read it if you want to cry
Locked in the closet by graveltotempo
Hartley and Snart get locked in closet and accidentally get a first row view of Barry and Cisco going at it Word Count: 2k
Insomnia by VenezuelanWriter
Barry can’t keep losing so many hours of needed sleep because he’s too busy feeling like this: hollow inside, weak and anxious. Word Count: 2k
All That Glitters by dancesontrains
The glitter had settled all over his cowl, so he was still breathing it in, and he began to remove it. Might as well remove the already unzipped jacket too...and the trousers, what if they had the particles on them? Clearly whatever was in them wasn't good for him, he could tell that much. Why else would he blurt out something like that to his friend? Word Count: 2k cw: rape/non-con elements
Work by coopbastian
prompt: “I’m singing along to this song and you can’t stop me, so either deal with it or join me.” Word Count: 623
The Hysteria Games by st4rlabsforever (omaken)
Barry and Cisco discover Pokemon GO. Naturally, everyone loses their minds. Word Count: 2k
Gold and Metallic Red by Mikkal
No one can know he likes painting his nails. And, so far, it’s working. No slip ups. Of course, up until recently, he didn’t have a superhero for a best friend. A superhero best friend who can vibrate through walls and forgets sometimes that it’s rude to not knock, damn it, Barry! Word Count: 815 Notes: You can read it as gen if you want, tbh.
So No Memory Remover Machine? by Magicaltally
Team Arrow ships Barrisco, and even if they're not in Central City that won't stop them from playing match makers. Word Count: 1k
Forbidden by unsernameinuse
Dr. Wells has rules about romance in the workplace. No one agrees with him, but especially not Barry and Cisco. Word Count: 808
Ransom by pennflinn
Inspired by the tumblr post, "Imagine Cisco getting nabbed by a villain and they want him to call the flash and he has to explain why he’s saved in his phone as 'Bae.'" Cisco is kidnapped and held as ransom for the Flash, who he has yet to confess his feelings for. Things get awkward fast. Word Count: 1k
It was just a dream by demflashvibefeels
Barry dreams about something terrible Zoom could've done. Good thing Cisco was around Word Count: 194
Side Effects by trufflemores
There are complications when Barry and Cisco share a bed. Word Count: 965
Whenever you need me, I'll be there by PunkyRaticate
Cisco and Barry have been dating for a few months now and when they finally get a day to themselves they're pretty stoked. What happens when Mrs. Ramon decides to call and invite her son over to his folk's house in the middle of their Mythbusters binge-watching session. He agrees to it and now he wishes he hadn't. Word Count: 2k
Ride or Die or Fake Dating by Ihateallergies
Barry needs a favor from Cisco. Word Count: 3k Notes: ICONIC
Barry and Cisco's Love Story by VenezuelanWriter
Cisco recovers from his past relationship with Barry's help and they finally get to a place where they can be together. (I recommend you reading the first two stories for the series before reading this one so you enjoy it even more) Word Count: 7k cw: past relationship abuse
Protection by Neuqe
Barry and Cisco get kidnapped before their date night. Cisco is pissed off for multiple reasons. Word Count: 2k
Vibe-y Patronus by LadyOrpheus
prompt: hey how about flashvibe with barry helping cisco get more comfortable with his powers? Or Barry helps give Cisco the proper motivation. Word Count: 1k
Whoever The Flash’s Stupid Little Heart Desires by TwirlsWrites
At this point, they're just glad that they know there's a way to wake him up. Unfortunately, finding out who exactly Barry's heart considers to be his one true love is a lot more difficult than one would have thought. Word Count: 2k Notes: I fucking LOVE this fic
Cisco Keeps Getting Flowers From A Secret Admirer - You Won't BELIEVE What Happens Next! by TwirlsWrites
“Cisco, look,” Caitlin said, pointing at the Cortex computer. Cisco stepped closer; there was a single yellow flower with a ribbon tied around the stem. “Huh,” Cisco muttered, picking it up, “It has my name on it.” the soft red ribbon had ‘Cisco’ scrawled on it. “Well don’t grab it, what if it’s a trap?” Caitlin said, rushing over.
Word Count: 2k
Notes: The title is a little eh, but the work is AMAZING!!!!!! TwirlsWrites is an iconic writer. 
You and I Were Meant to Be (Ain't No Doubt About It) by spoopy_dragons
Francisco Ramon was born with the name "Flash" scrawled across his wrist. The story of Cisco Ramon falling for someone besides his soulmate, but maybe, just maybe, it'll all work out in the end. Word Count: 4k
"Are we soulmates?" by supercala_docious
Cisco started to get memory-flashes of him and Barry as a couple. Word Count: 927 Notes: I love, love, love this
we can work from home, oh, oh, oh-oh by buckybunnyteeth
“You’re not gonna electrocute me are you, dude?” A different, much more pleasant shock goes through Barry’s body when a warm weight settles on his lap. Barry’s head snaps back up and he feels his jaw drop at the sight that greets him. Cisco has plopped down into Barry’s lap, miles of beautiful brown skin on display as he is wearing only a pair of very short yellow shorts and a smile. A smile that is curved around a grape Sucker. Word Count: 1k
Sledgehammer by Neuqe
Barry gets hurt and the heart monitor is betraying him or the one where Caitlin is the smartest of them all. Word Count: 3k Notes: I love this and Caitlin and Barry being brotp is canon.
Laundry Day by RedBowBuddha
After Cisco and Barry move in together, Cisco is worried that it was a bad choice for their developing relationship. Barry sets out to prove that it was a perfect choice. Word Count: 4k
((find my other weekly fic recs here.))
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ok not so positive thing !! kind of a vent
i’m aware that i can be a huge asshole but i’m also aware that to quite a few people, i’m a lovable asshole. but sometimes i feel like i’m just being an annoying dumbass to everyone around me, even if nobody acts like it, but it’s practically my whole personality and i feel like if i don’t act like that i’ll lose all my friends. i do try my hardest to comfort them when they’re upset, but i find it kinda hard to feel any sympathy and it makes me feel so guilty. i wanna feel bad, it’s just difficult, so i usually just kinda sit there and keep repeating “it’s gonna be ok, don’t worry” over and over. i also keep thinking about the fact i’ll be dead before i know it, and at some point, everyone will forget me. the thought terrifies me but i can’t stop it, and it’s keeping me from actually enjoying my life. i’m worried that i won’t survive past college (if i get into one) and it’s practically making me plan my whole life out in fear. everyone i know irl is homophobic, besides 2 people. but one of those people brought my mental health down a fucking ton, and the other one i keep ghosting on accident. i feel like i have some undiagnosed ND thing because i show more signs for at least 1 (that i can’t remember) than what’s considered normal, but every time i try to talk to my parents about it, they brush it off like it’s nothing. i feel like my whole personality is just stolen from different people i meet. i’m glad i at least have everything sorted out lgbt-wise, though. i just feel like a terrible person and like i’m just made up of other people. no matter what i try to do to stop thoughts like this, i can’t. i hate it. 
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