#fred weasley (ron's version)
fleursfairies · 10 months
can i play someone in the harry potter hbo series
im ginger let me in
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dorotheataylor · 9 months
Begin Again
Pairing- Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Summary- Based on Begin Again (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift <3
Warnings- Slight angst, kissing, a lot of Fluff and as always my poor english :)
Word count- 1.6k
A/N- Long time no see people. So here I am with a Fred Weasley fic coz I love this dork sm. Also this happens after the war and yes Fred is alive coz he never died (im delusional)
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It was Wednesday, probably your least favourite day of the week. You were getting ready for work, deciding to wear heels for today.
“Don’t wear them, they don’t look good on you.” Your ex-boyfriend would have said if he were here. You sighed and looked into the mirror.
“But I look good in them.” You smiled at yourself before leaving. You decided to walk to the ministry for today rather than apparating, stopping by a cafe to grab a quick morning coffee for a head start for the day. Your headphones played a song you loved.
“I don’t get this song.” Your ex-boyfriend would’ve commented if he were here. You shook your head and smiled through the song.
“But I do.”
As you walked towards the cafe, you suddenly bumped into someone who was much taller than you. The things they were carrying dropped on the floor as you quickly bent down to pick them up, removing your headphones from ears to your neck, apologies never stopping to leave from your mouth.
“I’m really sorry for not paying attention, hope I didn’t break anything.” You said, finally looking at the stranger’s face as you gave them the last thing you picked.
It was a man. A really good looking and tall man. He had red hair, which were perfectly messed up, his smile looking genuine as he smiled at you.
“It’s alright.” The handsome stranger said, “I hadn’t been paying attention as well. Reckon its partly my fault too.”
Damn, you could listen to his voice forever if you could. It was as clear as crystal water, as smooth as silk.
If it had been your ex-boyfriend, he would’ve gotten mad. Mad that because of you he dropped his things. He would’ve cursed at you, maybe even yell. You shook your head and quickly came out of your thoughts.
“Guess we’re both sorry then.” You said, trying not get awkward. He chuckled and extended his free hand.
“I’m Fred, Fred Weasley.”
Three weeks later on a Wednesday, you walked inside the same cafe, half expecting that Fred wouldn’t arrive. But you were immediately proven wrong when you saw him, already standing near a table, waiting for you.
He waved at you when he saw you and gestured for you to sit across from him. You walked towards him, sitting down as he pulled out the chair for you. He didn’t know how nice this gesture was but you did.
You small talked about everything. You attempted to make jokes about things to which he responded with throwing his head back laughing like a little kid. “That was the funniest thing someone has ever said to me.” He said.
You were surprised at his response. “It wasn’t even funny, why do you even try to be funny when you’re not?” Your ex-boyfriend would’ve said if it were him instead of Fred.
As your conversation went on, you thought that maybe not all relationships are the way your previous ones were. Maybe some included this. Happiness. Because today, on Wednesday, in this cafe, you watched your feelings begin again.
“I’ve never met someone who has the collection of all the chocolate frog cards.” He had said laughing a little when you showed him your card collection. “Well except my brother Ron of course. This is impressive.”
You had smiled and responded, “thanks. I’ve liked chocolate frogs since I first ate them on my way to Hogwarts, back in first year.”
“I kind of figured, it’s cute if you ask me.” He had smiled, making you blush.
He had been telling you about himself and his family. You had been listening intently and laughing every time he told you about the pranks he had played on other students along with his brother George, back when he was in Hogwarts.
You told him about yourself, getting shy occasionally which he couldn’t comprehend why, but you did. He was the sweetest man you had ever talked to.
He eventually took you to meet his family. You were a nervous wreck, to which he had assured you that there was nothing to worry about and his family especially his mother were going to love you.
And he was right. His mother, Molly Weasley who was also a redhead welcomed you as if you were her own. His father, Arthur Weasley was also genuinely interested in knowing about your work. He had asked you many questions related to your work field, making you smile a little as you didn’t really have anyone who was interested in what you did.
His siblings were all friendly towards you. You had immediately gotten along with George, which made Fred smile to himself. You had even given some advices on how they can improve their shop works. Ron showed you his chocolate frog card collection and told you how he still had some missing. You offered yours to him to which he smiled and agreed happily. Ginny treated you as her sister, very much interested in getting to know you more.
You liked the Weasleys, and the fact they accepted you made both you and Fred happy. He had kissed your forehead once you reached your doorstep, after he had insisted on walking you home. That night neither you nor Fred slept, replaying the moment you spent together.
Christmas was around the corner and snow had started to gather everywhere. Everyone you could see were busy shopping for holidays.
You were in a shop, buying gifts for Fred and his family. You smiled when you saw the things that Fred had talked about many times and how much he would love it if got it. You made your way to pay, the cashier surprised to see you buying gifts.
“You’re buying gifts for yourself?” he asked. You and the cashier had been friends for many years as you were a frequent customer in his store.
“No, they’re for my- friend and his family.” you had hesitated because you two hadn’t made anything official. Hell was there anything even to make it official? You thought.
The cashier smiled, “explains why you look better than before since last few weeks. Finally got someone right?”
You smiled and nodded back at him and said, “I’m giving love a chance to begin again.”
You and Fred were walking back to your house, hand in hand as he small talked about everything. You hadn’t been paying attention, your mind going back to your ex-boyfriend.
You didn’t remember anytime when you and him were like this, peaceful and most of all- happy.
You decided to tell Fred about him so you said, “I wanted to-”
“I wanted to-” he said at same time as you, making both of you laugh.
“You first.” You said.
“I wanted to tell you that my mother wants me to invite you home for the Christmas dinner.” He said sheepishly rubbing his neck.
“I don’t know, Fred. Christmas dinner is for families and-”
He interrupted, “But you’re a part of the family now. Please come, Y/N. I’ll feel better if you did. Plus we’ll get a jumper knitted by my mother herself with our initials on it. It's a family tradition for every Christmas."
"Okay, I'll be there." You said with a smile. Fred grinned widely and kissed your cheek in excitement making you a flustered mess and you thanked Merlin for the cold.
You forgot all about your ex-boyfriend as Fred went on to tell you stories of pranks he played on Ron with George. You had a small smile on your face as you listened to him, and for the first time you thought 'what happened in the past stays in the past'.
It was New Year's Eve and you and Fred were decorating your house for the party later tonight. He watched you as you were focused on shaping the cookie dough to bake. Your tongue was grazing your upper lip, ounces of flour around your forehead.
He blushed and looked away when you caught him staring and resumed his work, smiling to himself.
Night came on and the party was in full swing. Fred and George were entertaining the guests with the products from their joke shop. Ginny and Hermione helped you serve the drinks as Ron and Harry small talked, drinks in their hands.
And the time came for which everyone was waiting. The new year countdown. Everyone gathered around near the clock as it ticked. Suddenly, Fred took you by your hand and led you to the balcony.
People started counting backwards as Fred took your hands in his. He looked nervous and your heart couldn't help but pick up its pace.
"Y/N, I've known you for almost an year now and I don't think I can deny it any longer."
"You have always been so kind to others but never to yourself. So I want to be the one to take care of you. You have showed me many times what I'm worth of. You showed me a new way to view life."
"Fred, what are you saying?" You asked, quietly.
"I'm saying that I love you, Y/N. All of you. And I'll never get tired of admitting it. Be my girlfriend, Y/N."
You didn't say anything as tears fell down your cheeks. You grabbed him by his collars and attached your lips with his. He immediately wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer when you heard everyone screaming.
"Happy New Year!"
Fred and you smiled into the kiss as he sealed the promise of never hurting you by deepening the kiss. Surely you have had some bad relationships but it was all worth it if it had brought you to Fred Weasley, the redhead which made your belief in love begin again.
Ah I loved writing this. Thank you for reading!
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snowyslytherinowl · 10 months
Most Crushed on Male Harry Potter Characters: A Study (Version 1)
I was wondering what male characters from Harry Potter (including Hogwarts Legacy and Fantastic Beasts) are the most crushed on. When I couldn’t find anything online that answered my question, I decided to take it into my own hands and research it for myself. I looked at reader-insert fanfics and thirst trap videos on 4 websites (AO3, Tumblr, Wattpad, and TikTok) since I think it’s the most effective way of seeing how many people want to be the focus of a Harry Potter boy’s affection. Here are the results as of August 6, 2023! 
Note: I researched other characters (ex. Matteo Riddle, Charlie Weasley) that weren’t listed here, but some of them didn’t make the cut on any website. I’ve also never seen Fantastic Beasts or played/watched videos of Hogwarts Legacy, so it’s possible that I missed loved characters from those parts of the Harry Potter universe. 
The second version of this study is now out! You can find it here!
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*GIF isn't mine
What I did: I researched how many works are under “(male character)/reader” and “(male character)/you.” The number of works under these tags differed, so the number in parentheses is the higher number of works between those 2 tags. I only counted pairings with at least 300 works.
Draco Malfoy (1,414 works)
Severus Snape (1,013 works) 
Sirius Black (890 works)
Remus Lupin (817 works) 
Sebastian Sallow (710 works) 
Fred Weasley (698 works) 
George Weasley (627 works)
Harry Potter (401 works) 
James Potter (332 works) 
Newt Scamander (326 works) 
Tom Riddle/Voldemort (316 works) 
Ominis Gaunt (310 works)
Potential problems: I think the AO3 results are the most accurate since for the most part, all reader-insert works are under only 1 name of the character, not something like “Snape/reader” and then “Severus Snape/reader.” However, I did notice that there were sometimes works with 2 characters where 1 character had a relationship with the character, while the other character was in a loveless arranged marriage or some sort of non-con relationship that the author didn’t mean to romanticize. 
What I did: I researched “(male character) x reader,” “(male character) x you,” and “(male character) x y/n.” The number of followers under these tags sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of followers between the 3 tags. I only counted characters that had a reader-insert tag with at least 2k followers. Some characters are tied because Tumblr only shows followers in thousands, not the specific number. 
Draco Malfoy (13k followers) 
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin (11k followers)
Fred Weasley and James Potter (8k followers)
Newt Scamander and George Weasley (6k followers)
Regulus Black and Tom Riddle (5k followers)
Cedric Diggory and Severus Snape (4k followers)
Theodore Nott and Sebastian Sallow (3k followers)
Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Ominis Gaunt (2k followers)
Potential problems: Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like “Remus Lupin x reader” and “Lupin x reader.” I had to exclude Harry’s tags because a lot of the works under those tags were mixed with reader-inserts or other characters. Also, there are probably some thirst photos/GIFs on Tumblr for male characters that aren’t tagged as a reader-insert. 
What I did: I researched “(male character) x reader,” (male character) x you, and (male character) x y/n. The number of results under these tags sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of results between the 3 tags. I only counted characters that had a reader-insert tag with at least 10k results. Some characters are tied because Wattpad doesn’t show the exact number of results. 
Draco Malfoy (68.5k results) 
Neville Longbottom (53.4k results)
Newt Scamander (50.9k results)
Cedric Diggory (49.3k results) 
Ominis Gaunt (37.5k results) 
Ron Weasley (26.3k results) 
Remus Lupin (19.4k results) 
Sirius Black and James Potter (18.9k results) 
Severus Snape (18.4k results) 
Fred Weasley (15.9k results)
George Weasley (12.8k results)
Theodore Nott (11k results) 
Tom Riddle (10.7k results)
Potential problems: I don’t think these results are very accurate. Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like Remus Lupin x reader and Lupin x reader. I had to exclude Harry again because his results pulled up results for other characters. Similarly, searches for other characters pulled up reader-insert stories written only for a different character. 
What I did: I looked up “(male character) thirst” on TikTok and filtered the results to show videos in order of highest number of likes to least number of likes. The first video wasn’t necessarily a thirst video of that character, so I had to manually search for the thirst video with the highest number of likes. I only recorded characters where their thirst video with the highest number of likes had at least 10k likes. Some are tied because the same video covered multiple characters. 
Harry Potter (3m likes)
Newt Scamander (447.6k likes)
Neville Longbottom (295.4k likes)
Dean Thomas (206.9k likes)
Cedric Diggory (131.6k likes)
Fred, Ron, George, and Bill Weasley (123.8k likes)
Draco Malfoy (91.6k likes)
Severus Snape (57.5k likes)
Remus Lupin (21.4k likes )
Lucius Malfoy (21k likes)
Sirius Black and James Potter (17.6k likes)
Potential problems: There were so many problems with finding videos on TikTok that romanticized the character, so I would take the TikTok results with a grain of salt. It was really frustrating to research on TikTok LMAO. I originally just looked up videos with the name of the character, but it took forever to find a thirst video and it was sometimes difficult to tell if it was an actual thirst. For example, there were some edits of Snape that showed him as a kid and a grown-up and it wasn’t clear if the creator was romanticizing him. For this reason, I know that the rankings I listed are most likely inaccurate because there are definitely thirst videos of characters that weren’t labeled as thirst videos. Also, for the results I gave for Harry, I looked up “Harry Potter thirst” and chose the video that @miwallbank duetted and had the most likes. 
For accuracy reasons, I left out the numbers of results from TikTok because I think that my research was inaccurate for the most part. 
Draco Malfoy (approximately 82,914 admirers)
Newt Scamander (approximately 57,226 admirers)
Neville Longbottom (approximately 55,400 admirers)
Cedric Diggory (approximately 53,300 admirers)
Ominis Gaunt (approximately 39,810 admirers)
Remus Lupin (approximately 31,217 admirers)
Sirius Black (approximately 30,790 admirers)
Ron Weasley (approximately 28,300 admirers)
James Potter (approximately 27,232 admirers)
Fred Weasley (approximately 24,598 admirers)
Severus Snape (approximately 23,413 admirers)
George Weasley (approximately 19,427 admirers)
Theodore Nott (approximately 14,000 admirers)
Tom Riddle (approximately 5,316 admirers)
Regulus Black (approximately 5,000 admirers)
Sebastian Sallow (approximately 3,710 admirers)
Do I think these final results are accurate? Most likely not, so take the final results with a grain of salt. Also, these results aren’t necessarily indicative of how much a character is crushed on since there are probably plenty of people who don’t write fanfiction or follow tags on their loved character. I might do this again, but this is what I have for now. Thanks for reading!
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ghostofscarley · 2 years
Fred Weasley x Reader
Inspired by the movie 'Enchanted'
Taglist: @wolfstardaughter-jj @dayangestre @cobrakaisb @emso12 @wixabear @robincantfunction @lilyswh0re @dracosluvbot
word count: 8.7k
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"you're practically gaping at her mate, subtle much," fred muttered as he glanced at harry who was staring at the fifth year ravenclaw, cho chang, mindlessly as she giggled with her friends, "so much for wanting to keep my lunch down. mate, before you lose anymore pumpkin juice, you'd have more luck going over and talking to her-"
"oh, leave him alone fred," rolling her eyes, y/n gave back the rolled up newspaper to a glaring hermione granger after having smacked the ginger boy on the back of his head, "he is however, miraculously, right in a sorts though harry. you really should talk to her."
"ugh! look at this! i don't believe it, she's done it again. miss granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. her latest prey, sources report, is none other than the bulgarian bon-bon viktor krum. no word yet on how harry potter's taking this latest emotional blow," glaring now at the newspaper article, hermione slams it onto the table, almost knocking over her own goblet of pumpkin juice in the process, "i mean who does she think she is? i can tell you right now, harry seems to be doing just fine."
shaking his head, as if he had been in a trance, harry looked towards his fury-filled friends is confusion
"i wouldn't mind her, mione. you know how that hag of a woman is," shaking her head at the clueless chosen one before turning to in a sympathetic manner to comfort her bushy-haired friend, "the lengths she'd go and the people she'd shine a false light on for the sake of fame and attention. such a bitch."
groaning, fred slid over to his best friend, not so subtly stretching an arm around her shoulder, pulling the girl closer, and unbeknownst to the ginger, causing a certain hue of rosy red to spread across the said girl's cheeks
"such a dirty mouth. to what do i owe the honours of being allowed to be within the presence of that mouth?" winking with a sly grin, blowing a single strand out of his eyes and angling his head to get a better look at the girl, he asks, "is the one and only y/n y/l/n blushing because of little, ol' frederick weasley? you flatter me."
huffing, y/n shrugged off the older twins arm that was draped across her shoulders, sending a scowl his way as she crossed her arms
"you wish freddie, and don't say shit like that. weirdo."
"well maybe if someone stopped swearing then-"
"i'm not wearing that, it's ghastly."
hearing this, both y/n and fred looked over to the two youngest weasleys, one of which were holding what looked like old rags of spare lace sewn together, before hermione laughed
"they're not for ginny. they're for you! dress robes."
upon saying this, the friend group all broke into laughter whilst ron's face fell
"dress robes? for what?"
to this, y/n and fred, having calmed down from the fits of laughter at the situation for the younger weasley male, turned to each other, a look of confusion now adorning their faces
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"the yule ball has been a tradition of the triwizard tournament since its inception. on christmas eve night we and our guests gather in the great hall for well mannered frivolity. as representitives of the host school i expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and i mean this literally because the yule ball is first and foremost... a dance." groans emerge from the boys who are listening on. the girls seem a lot more excited, "silence. the house of godric gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. i will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."
y/n sent a quick glance to where harry, fred and george were standing only to see the twins murmuring to themselves and thus she shook her head, knowing that it was nothing serious before focusing back on mcgonagall
"now to dance is to let the body breathe. inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight and inside," upon hearing whispers, she turns to glare at ron, "every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance, mr weasley, will you join me?  now, place your right hand on my waist."
embarrassed and a little befuddled, ron almost mutters
impatient, the woman moves to correct the placement of ron's very much awkward placing of his arm
"my waist," the woman states firmly, before the music starts up and the professors leads them into a waltz, inviting others to join
upon the invitation, the girls rushed to stand, only for the boys to remain seated, awkward, some even scratching at the back of their necks
with a smirk, fred walks over to y/n, who had previously been in a conversation with her friend and fellow quidditch team mate, katie bell, when she saw an approaching body out of the corner of her eye, before turning to see fred offering his hand out to her
"if you will, m'lady."
nudging the girl with a giggle, katie pushed her friend out of her seating position and into the arms of the cheeky ginger, winking at the girl before turning to find her own partner
"real smooth, weasley," she stated, placing one hand into his before raising her other arm to rest it on his, "'m'lady', huh? that's a new one. what book did you stumble upon to get that one? oh who am i kidding, you'd never pick up a book. willingly."
"oh ha ha, you're so funny. much laughter. such a comedian," the hand that rested on her waist began to poke slightly at her after her cheeky comment, twirling her and bringing her back into his chest now, "i'll have you know that i didn't find it. i just heard it was all. in one of those silly muggle movies that you love."
"they are not silly," she scoffed, moving her hand to slap the back of his head only for him to grab it and keep a firm grasp on it instead, the familiar heat spreading across her face, "they are romantic. not that you'd know."
"what's that supposed to mean? i'm so romantic i'd knock your socks off with how chivalrous and charming i am."
the girl couldn't keep a straight face at what the boy had said, immediately breaking out into a boisterous cackle which attracted many fellow gryffindors though the girl didn't care. the boy didn't either, a small smile then growing rather large at the sound
"oh freddie, now who's the comedian?" sighing, she moved, well tried, to rest her right cheek on his shoulder, which was now hunched to aid her due to the distinct height difference, "i can't wait. i mean, an actual ball, are you kidding? hogwarts is already magical on its own. can you imagine how wondrous it'll be?"
"oh, do you already have someone in mind as to who you'll take? my, my. and whom is it that has piqued y/n y/l/n's interest?" he nudged at her, wiggling his eyebrows as chuckled at the rosy red cheeks, "it wouldn't happen to be someone i know, would it?"
"what's it to you?" burying her face deeper into his neck, her voice came out as a murmur, "maybe i have found someone i hope will sweep me off my feet."
though the girl couldn't see it, fred's face dropped, after a wave of shock, not expecting what she said
"oh. well that's good," he shrugged, the movement pulling y/n out of her trance, and out of his neck, "can only imagine how wonderful he is. only the best for you."
"yeah," she said, a look of serenity taking over her face as she thought about the boy that was standing in front of her, "he is pretty wonderful."
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"this is mad. at this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates. well, us and neville," ron uttered, sharing a chuckle with harry whilst y/n, who was across the table next to fred shared a look of displeasure with hermione, "then again, he can take himself."
before y/n could reply to the younger weasley, hermione had beaten her to it
"how sweet. but it might interest you two to know that neville's already got someone."
a smirk growing, the older gryffindor girl knew that she no longer had to say anything
"well now I'm really depressed."
ron's shoulders drop as his lips form a pout
hearing quick scribbles, y/n turned to read what fred had written before he scrunched it up and threw it at his brother
'get a move on or all the good ones will have gone'
to this, ron looks up from the parchment before turning to his older brother
"who are you going with then?"
fred turned to y/n, who was sat on his right, sharing a smile, as she let out a small giggle, wiggling his eye brows, before turning and throwing a piece of scrunched up parchment at angelina johnson
y/n could only feel her smile drop, her eyes gloss, and the rosy hues fade as she watched the boy next to her whisper at the girl. a girl that wasn't her
"oi! angelina!" acting out dancing movements, he then continued to ask, "do you, want to go, to the ball, with me?"
with a smile growing on her face, angelina turned so her whole body was facing him before resting her head on her hand with a dreamy look
"yeah. yeah, i want to go."
y/n could only see fred wink at ron before she quickly packed all her things and rushed to hand her book to snape, alarming the others as they all watched the girl scamper off, not wanting them to see the tears that had now escaped, her heart broken
"what's wrong with her?" ron could only ask though he got shrugs from both fred and hermione, "well, anyway."
fred could only drown out his brother's words as he watched the girl practically run put of the great hall, before he heard a book slam and turned to witness hermione leaving as well, sending a final glare to his little brother
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the small sniffles from the gryffindor girl, with the occasional break of an audible sob were all that could be heard that wintry evening as the rebounded off the walls of what she thought was an empty corridor, void of students
"y/n? is that you?" the soft voice came from around the corner from where she was sat, the owner of the voice stepping out into the open corridor to reveal adrian pucey, chaser of the slytherin quidditch team and a total heartthrob, his face softening as he looked at the upset girl in front of him, "are you ok? what happened?"
she made quick eye contact with the boy before she hurriedly brushed away her tears, rubbing at her eyes and glancing down as she shrugged her shoulders and shook her head, not wanting to look at him again
not wanting to seem vulnerable or weak in front of him
"come on," nodding his head to the side, he waited with his hand held out, "let's go for a walk. i promise it won't be a bore. i'm a pretty fun person."
looking from his eyes back to his outstretched hand and then his eyes again and seeing nothing but kindness and warmth in his irises, the girl huffed a little before placing her hand in his, allowing him to pull her up from her seated position
not saying anything for a few moments, the pair walked, hands still in each other's, taking in the sights of the school, the blanket of white coating every inch that was exposed, small, icy flakes fluttering and falling, both from the sky and the branches of trees that had collected hefty amounts
"so, mind telling me what's up?" adrian spoke out, filling the otherwise silent air before freezing up a bit, turning to the girl frantically, "not that you should feel obligated to tell me, if it's something you wish to keep to yourself then i won't pester you about it. but. i am here if you do need to talk."
"you make it seem a lot more... serious than it is, i guess," she responded, wanting to reassure the boy whilst feeling idiotic herself, then scoffing and shaking her head, "i mean, who cries because they watched their crush ask out another person to this really extravagant ball that's coming up? stupid, right?"
now frowning, the slytherin boy turns towards her, shaking his head
"y/n. that is a valid reason to be upset. it's not stupid at all. well, i guess it's their loss."
shaking her head as more tears welled up, she stopped their walk, removing her hand from his grasp before facing him and placing both of them on his shoulder
"it's not stupid at all," he all but uttered, not wanting to scare or upset the girl any further by his usually confident and loud voice, "it's rather valid you know. but anyone would be a blind idiot to not take you."
her crying came to a halt as a look of self doubt lingered in her eyes
"no, adrian. you don't understand. the girl is like. stupid gorgeous. like, her eyes are doe like, you could easily get lost in them. her skin is ridiculously smooth and clear, free of blemishes and pimples and blackheads, not to mention the tone of colour. her hair, looks alone, is so silky and it blows freely in the wind, never a single strand out of place. she's a bloody chaser on the quidditch team so that's a factor alone. her laugh is airy and fucking perfect. her smile is so warm and dreamy and captivating. she's not too short but not too tall. angelina johnson," taking a breath, the girl could feel her senses cloud, losing sight and touch, looking aimlessly past the boy, "she's so fucking perfect and. i'm just. me. i don't even know why i thought i had a chance. but the way he looked at me, smiled at me, with that stupid boyish grin he always wears. i was so sure it would happen. and then it didn't. i was stupid to think fred weasley, the class clown, would ask me to the ball when someone like angelina johnson roams the very same halls. it seems so bitchy to say that too because she's so kind. always the sweetest thing to me and here i am being the grouchiest person ever."
"then go with me," he asked, no stated firmly and without a doubt, "i won't let you downplay yourself like that, comparing yourself to someone who is just another girl. who isn't all that. and that's not because i'm biased or partial as your friend. she may be beautiful, but you radiate beauty. and i won't let you continue to bottle up these thoughts that you hold against yourself when they aren't true. so, i am asking you to go to the yule ball with me, as my date."
"oh ade, i, i can't. i just, i don't want a pity date. just because the guy i wanted to go with asked someone else."
instead of arguing, because him asking her wasn't out of pity, adrian held out his hand to her, waiting until she eventually took it, though not without a look of confusion before he cleared his throat, taking her down the corridor
in a horrible, posh british accent, like more posh than his usual accent, he sang out loud, his voice echoing off of the walls for all to hear
"hee hee"
"ade, what are you doing?"
"my baby's always danCInG, and iT WouLdN't be a bAd tHiNG. BUt i doN't geT nO lovInG, aNd thAt'S nO LiE"
quickening her pace to match his, she couldn’t help but smile, forgetting what had happened in the great hall not too long, spinning whenever he motioned for her to, seeing others who were now exiting the great hall watch on, curious
"wE sPenT thE nIGhT in fRisCo, aT evEry kiNdA diScO. fRoM thAt nIghT i kIsSed oUr lOvE gOodByE."
out of the corner of her eye, she could she a flash of ginger hair, though she wasn't given more time to wonder about who it was before she was dipped and she let out the loudest cackle
"dOn't bLAmE iT on tHe sUNsHinE, DOn'T bLamE It on thE mOoNlIGhT, dON't bLAme It oN ThE gOoD tiMeS. bLAmE iT on thE boOgie."
doing one more spin, the boy left the girl in the middle of the corridor before skipping and spinning and prancing circles around her, her smile growing and lighting up the otherwise darkening hall as the sun set
"i jUSt cAn't, i JuST caN't, I jUsT cAn'T cOnTrol mY feET. i jUSt cAn't, i JuST caN't, I jUsT cAn'T cOnTrol mY feET."
now out of breath, the boy dropped onto both knees, gesturing for her hands and asking once more
"i hope that wasn't too embarrassing for you," he chuckles, taking in deep breaths, the musical break out doing more numbers on him than his weekly quidditch practices, "so, i'll ask again. will you, y/n y/l/n, chaser of the gryffindor quidditch team and total heartthrob, accompany myself, adrian pucey, chaser of the slytherin quidditch team and also total heartthrob, to the yule ball? i can't promise i'll be as 'extravagant' as i was in this moment, but i'll be the best damn date you could ever wish for."
"well, i mean i don't know, i-" dragging on her words, she looked down at the boy to see his confident grin faltering and she knew she couldn't continue to play along, "of course i will ade. how could i say no after that?"
breathing out a sigh of relief, he went to wrap his arms around her before realising he was still on his knees, getting up and then embracing the girl who was no longer teary eyed and instead glowing, radiating warmth and happiness
whilst most onlookers were applauding the 'proposal' they had witnessed between the two chasers, a certain ginger beater, who was watching from behind pillar, was green with envy, shaking his head before walking off to find george
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it was christmas night. the night of the yule ball and y/n finds herself in hermione's dorm room, getting ready with said girl and the youngest weasley
"ok but can we talk about that proposal again and how cute it was," ginny exclaimed, grabbing onto the oldest girl's hand and twirling, though almost falling due to the wedges that adorned her feet, "i mean. i always saw you two together so i knew he was friendly but. the singing, the dancing, the 'falling onto his knees'. it was so romantic."
"ah, gin," the girl, though smiling, shook her head slightly, straightening up her younger friend, "it was cute, but i just don't see adrian like that. he's just a good friend."
"y/n, y/n, y/n. did you not see the way he looked at you? it was practically heart-eyes. he adores you. he had this soft smile on his face and his eyes glowed. it was like you had hung, no, handpicked the moon and the stars for him. he was enamoured."
"adrian is aromantic, gin. i can assure you he doesn't like me like that. besides, though he's my date, i've always had my eye on someone. the feelings just don't seem to be reciprocated."
ginny's smile faltered as she looked at her friend who was gazing down, twiddling her fingers
"if you're talking about my git of a brother," she held up a finger to the girl, whose mouth was slightly ajar, as if she were to ask 'which brother' "and before you get smart, i'm talking about fred. you're clearly not as smart as i thought you were if you think for a second that he doesn't like you. he's constantly talking about you and whatever you've done that was just 'oustanding' or 'astronomical' when you aren't around.. and then where you are around, he needs to be touching you in some way. if i thought adrian was enamoured with you, fred is gobsmacked, drop dead, head over heels, in love with you."
"then why didn't he ask me to the ball, gin? why did he ask angelina? and why did he do it in front of me? no, it doesn't matter. i don't think i have the right to ask that. just... clearly, whatever feelings he did feel.. aren't there," she looked over to the clock in the room before turning to the bed that had her dress hanging just above it, "come on. we've got just under two hours before the ball, and i would like to do your hair. your dress is beautiful by the way."
"well i know, and yes i understood, adrian does not like you and you do not like him and it's all platonic, but i just know he's gonna be blown away with how gorgeous you'll look. i mean the satin and the deepness of the green, which honestly suits you. even if he wore his house tie, it would still match your dress. you'd look hot as a slytherin. too bad you're too much of a lion to be a snake. platonic or not, this is still gonna be as much of a date as any other date you've been on or could go on. and don't look at me like that, enjoy your night with adrian. you deserve it."
before y/n could respond to the girl after having braided and pinned up her ginger hair into a half up/half down style, hermione's voice echoed from the bathroom
"y/n, could you please help me with my hair?"
"don't think for a second that i'm done with you gin, just give me a few minutes. i've got a choice of words with you."
"ah, would you look at the time. i think neville is downstairs waiting for me. see you soon."
"gin- GINERVA," before y/n could say the girl's full name, she had sped out of the dorm room, leaving the older girl to shake her head and huff, "i'm gonna kill her."
quickly slipping in her own dress, she then knocked on the bathroom door before opening it, to see a nervous hermione granger in a beautiful periwinkle dress that complimented the soft brown of her eyes
"and what is it that i will be doing with your hair tonight, miss?" she asked in a horrible mock posh accent, "would you care to flip through our catalogue? i personally love style 3."
"i was actually wondering if you could help me curl it and then pin it back, i don't want to do too much with it," she requests, finally looking over to her friend before gasping slightly, "the dress is absolutely gorgeous on you, y/n. adrian won't know what hit him. if we didn't already have dates, i'd take you myself. save me a dance, perhaps?"
"oh, of course, kind lady. it would be an honour to get the opportunity to dance with you at this regal ball," she continued with her horrible accent, whilst casting a charm to curl hermione's hair, going to speak again but losing the accent, her tone sincere, "you look beautiful, mione. i just know viktor won't be able to keep his eyes off you. and i mean, i wouldn't blame him. i wouldn't want to look away from you either. you really did a wonderful job at picking the dress. should i ever get married, obviously as one of my bridesmaids, or even maid of honour, i'd have you pick out the dresses without a doubt. ok, all done. what do you think?"
"oh, y/n," before y/n could say anything, hermione threw her arms around her, "it's absolutely beautiful, thank you. ok, take a seat and i'll do your hair and your make up if you'd like. not that you'd need any. your natural beauty alone would blow the minds of the whole school, hogwarts, beauxbatons and durmstrang. veela's have nothing on you."
"granger, you flatter me. surprise me will you? i don't really have anything in mind so go at it however you see fit. and maybe just a clear gloss. that way, i can get absolutely hammered and not worry about having to remove a full face of make up."
at the request, hermione spun the girl so that she was no longer facing the mirror, taking the still charmed wand and curling her hair back to resemble that of beach waves, keeping it soft and light, not overdone, before parting her hair, braiding the top half of the two section before tying it off into two separate ponytails that sat on the top of her head, similar to a half up/half down style. she then applied a coat of clear gloss as requested, as well as a light coat of mascara to really accentuate her eyes, before spinning her again, ready for the reveal.
"i'd like to see adrian try and take his eyes away from you. it'd be with great difficulty, i'll tell you that much. you'll easily be the prettiest girl at the ball."
"oh, mione, you can't say that when you'll be there. if i'm gorgeous, you're absolutely stunning. i honestly am envious that viktor is taking you. though i'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. don't hide away too much, yeah? i will be getting that dance," she then hugged the younger girl, careful as to not wrinkle either dress or ruin either hairstyle, "thank you for this. i don't think i've ever felt this pretty. who needs a beauty team? i just need you, my girl. let's go blow everyone away, yeah?"
"let's do it."
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walking down to the great hall, the duo heard gasps and saw looks of awe as they turned heads. y/n saw the youngest weasley standing with neville and her own date before looking around, her eyes settling on a cleaned up fred weasley who looked as handsome as ever. he seemed to have found her too, meeting her gaze
she wanted to smile bashfully and wave at the boy she considered her best friend before she saw the girl whose arm was linked with his. the girl that was hanging off of him. and she removed her gaze from him, keeping the small smile as she looked over to adrian, who was returning the smile as he met her gaze, walking over to meet her at the foot of the staircase
"i'll see you around, mione. blow them all away."
the girls hugged a final time before separating to move to their respective dates
"wow, y/l/n. you look incredible. didn't take you to be much of a green girl but it really does suit you. maybe you should've been sorted into slytherin, would've fit right in."
"mm, i don't think so. too many snakes for me to handle. i'm happy with my little pride of lions. must admit, you do look quite incredible yourself. very handsome. i very much like that your tie matches my dress. you wouldn't have asked one of my friends about the colour, would you?"
"whaat? me? never. that does not sound like me at all. but yes. yes i did. reckon we'll make quite the couple. turning heads left, right and centre."
"maybe i should have worn a burgundy. once in a lifetime opportunity to see you in red. reckon you'd look quite ravishing i suppose."
"maybe not so much. wouldn't want to make a fool of myself. at least you can pull off any colour, miss head-turner. shall we make our way inside now?"
"we shall. lead the way, mr head-turner."
from the other side of the hallway
fred was standing just outside the entrance of the great hall, in a group that consisted of himself and his date, angelina, george and his date, alicia spinnet, and lee and his date, patricia stimpson, when the three girls turned to the staircase to see who was making their way down and gasped
"look at our girl, ang. she looks amazing," exclaimed alicia, pulling george with her towards the girl, though george stopped her, "why are we stopping?"
"the girl still needs to find her date, ali. we'll see her inside, alright?"
the girl pouted slightly before nodding and returning her gaze to their third chaser
"did you guys see pucey's proposal to her? it was so romantic and she looked so happy. if i'm being honest though, i thought you'd ask her freddie. especially after that dance practice a few weeks ago. but you have to admit, she and pucey make quite the cute couple. it had to have been the talk of the school. one of our chasers with slytherin's chaser and heartthrob, adrian pucey. i mean she was left smiling hours after. sure, he can't sing to save his life, but it was adorable. the way he got on his knees and grapsed onto her. the way he spun her. her cackle! i don't think i've seen her so hap-" angelina was cut off mid-sentence
"can we stop talking about how cute pucey and y/l/n would be? this isn't about them."
"woah, what's wrong with you? besides it's the truth isn't it? isn't she your best friend? you'd think you'd be happy for her?"
"she can be with pucey for all i care. he's bloody perfect for her, isn't he?" fred sneered, moving his gaze to look at the girl, his glare dropping as he saw that her eyes met his before she turned away, "i just want the best for her. that's all."
george could only smirk, wanting to slap the back of his twin's head but refraining and he rested his arm around alicia
"it seems to me like your jealous, freddie."
fred could only scoff, his glare returning and focusing on his brother
"shove off. whatever, let's just go inside." he suggested as he saw the girl he longed for enter the great hall with her date
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looking around the now wintry filled hall, y/n couldn't help but gasp, her grasp around adrian's arm tightening
just when you thought the school couldn't get anymore magical
"oh, ade it's wonderful. it's so magical."
"i'm afraid that's to be expected in a school of witchcraft and wizardry, my dear. thought you knew that. this'll shock you. we also have wands each that produce spells and charms. just as magical."
rolling her eyes but smiling nonetheless, she lightly shoved the boy before looping her arm through his once more
"shut up, smart arse, you know what i mean."
"i do. but i must say, it's got nothing on you and your beauty. really did me dirty because now i have to fend off the whole school. it'd be considered lucky if i'm 436th in the line of 947. you really have charmed the school, y/l/n."
"you flatter me. look, here come the champions? ugh, my mione is so gorgeous. booked myself a dance with her, i did. luckiest girl in the world i consider myself to be."
"well i guess i'm 437th in the line now. i hope you're ready for your feet to be aching."
"oh stop it ade. if anything, you're 537th. no, i probably won't dance with that many people, to be completely honest. you, mione, ginny, luna, maybe george if i can catch a word with alicia. oh my goodness. look at fleur. she's absolutely stunning."
"again. i mean, yeah she's pretty. but looking at the girl on my arm, she's nothing but a caterpillar next to the butterfly that is you. don't tell her that though. she might send the whole of beauxbatons on my ass and i'd like to be around long enough to walk you back to your common room."
"you're such a flirt. might wanna watch out before i start to believe less and less that you're aromantic."
"why? is the infamous y/n y/l/n scared to fall in love with the handsome, dashing, charming, endearing, loving, kind and caring adrian pucey?"
"not to mention cocky and the lack of humbleness. but no. in fact it's quite the opposite. wouldn't want to break your heart when you inevitably fall in love with me, ade."
"oh because it will hurt for sure. thank you for watching out for my heart," he chuckled, grasping his chest, as if to reinforce the protection he holds over his heart, "i just want to give you the full experience as my date. that includes the corny compliments, horrible jokes and puns and of course my amazing dancing skills. so, what do you say? we go spike the punch, have a few glasses and then hit the dance floor and show everyone what we're made of? not enough to be absolutely wasted, but enough to allow you to feel the rush, enough to be tipsy, enough for you to sober up easily after a couple songs."
"let's do it."
5 minutes later
the dances of the champions has concluded and now other couples are invited to occupy the vast dance room
y/n and adrian, three glasses of spiked punch layer, were just a little tipsy, feeling the rush of the alcohol but were stable enough to find each other's touch and guided the other to the dance floor as a familiar song began to play
something told me it was over
when i saw you and her talking
something deep down in my soul said "cry girl"
when i saw you and that girl walking around
swaying together, the pair moved closer, the warmth welcoming both of them, something nice about being able hold each other like this, whilst knowing that the only thing that would come out of tonight would be a closer friendship
"i love this song. the lyrics tell such a sad story but etta james just captures the feelings that should be portrayed so beautifully. the fact that she'd want to lose her sense of sight than to have to watch the man she's in love with push her to the side as he pursues another."
i would rather, i would rather be blind
than to see you walk away
so you see, i love you so much
that i don't wanna watch you leave me
"the song is rather sad. i must say though. i wouldn't want to go blind when i have you in front of me, dazzling the whole school."
"and so the corny puns start, huh? do your worst, pucey."
"oh darling, don't worry. i plan to."
when the reflection in the glass
that i held to my lips now
revealed the tears that are all on my face
baby i'd rather be blind
than to see you walk away from me
the song then ended, though the pair continue to sway, seemingly lost in their own world as another fan favourite began to play, y/n removing her head from adrian's shoulder to better appreciate the abba song, if you will, grasping the hand that rested on her hand to manoeuvre him around, matching the tempo the upbeat song
you can dance
you can jive
having the time of your life
see that girl
watch that scene
digging the dancing queen
"i swear this song is like every teenage girl's 'anthem', i guess you could call it. i heard this song a lot growing up. mum loved it."
the two would spin each other, the previous stance during the slower dance gone as they were laughing loudly together. they were sure to remember this night for the rest of their lives
anybody could be that guy
night is young and the music's high
with a bit of rock music
everything is fine
you're in the mood for a dance
and when you get the chance
"dad always found mum's taste in music a little weird, being a muggle and all, but he loved her and her weird little quirks so much. he loved how happy she got whenever the song would play, so he always played it any chance he got."
"was wondering who you inherited your quirkiness from. figured it was something you picked up on your own. seems that isn't the case."
slapping his chest lightly, she threw her head back, laughing
"oi! how rude. some gentleman you are, ade. feeling real flattered right now. like gosh, i might faint. falling head over heels."
"oh shush."
you are the dancing queen
young and sweet
only seventeen
dancing queen
feel the beat of the tambourine
"i didn't think i'd have this much fun if i'm being honest," y/n laughed as they continued to mindlessly jump and twirl around together, knowing that others were watching, and that they'd probably look at the two weirdly for their assortment of strange dance moves, "but i'm so glad i'm here with you tonight, ade. the evening has been absolutely wonderful."
"your mother was a muggle, right?"
"yes? why?"
"just had to be sure. do you know if she ever went to those muggle balls that they hold in movies? prom was it?"
"i didn't know you watched muggle films," she glanced over to the boy who was now bashful, sporting a small smile, "but uh, no. prom is an american event. mum, however, did go to a formal. who she went with, i wouldn't know. i just know it wasn't dad. she met him a good 5 years after she finished school."
"well, i saw that proms often crown for prom king and queen. if you ask me, who needs a prom queen when i have my dancing queen right in front of me."
she cackled once again, wanting to slap his chest yet again but deciding against it and instead fixing up his tie which had been a little lopsided
"you really are something, you know that."
"i think they have one more upbeat song before they play a final slow song, so what you say we have a few more glasses and sober up before the last dance."
another three glasses later and the second last song began to ring out through the hall
i've got sunshine on a cloudy day
when it's cold outside
i've got the month of may
"this song just makes me so happy. it was my parents wedding song. mum grew up with it and she introduced dad to the song after their second date. dad's loved it ever since. would always sing it to her. it makes me feel warm."
i guess
you'd say
what can make me feel this way
my girl
talking 'bout my girl
"i wish i grew up on songs like these. they just seem so nostalgic even though i'm hearing them for the first time tonight."
"ade, you're joking? you cannot be serious. this is urgent. every time we hang out, no matter what, i will play one song. this just isn't acceptable. i refuse to believe it."
i've got so much honey
the bees envy me
i've got a sweeter song
than the birds in the trees
"what do you say y/l/n? reckon my singing the other week was sweeter than the birds that roam hogwarts?"
"that was singing? well, sweet isn't the first word that comes to mind."
"oi, you should be grateful. i don't give out thise performances for free. only on special occasions. it was a moment to remember forever."
whilst the two swayed and the girl sang to the boy, a ginger haired, sulking, teenage boy was staring off at them from his seated position
"you're staring. the song is about to end freddie, just ask her. i'm sure adrian won't mind. everyone knows you're her best friend."
"why would she want to dance with me, ang? she looks quite content with pucey. what's the point?"
"it's just one dance, fred. besides, you've been frowning all night and that's not like you, it's weird."
"quite the date i am huh? sorry. you would've been better off with harry and he's just as much of a lousy date as i am. at least his date got a dance."
"it's alright. i still got a few dances with alicia and you know i've had my eye on roger davis. got a dance with him so i'd say my night was pretty successful."
"that makes one of us."
suddenly, before the final song was to commence, dumbledore had a final announcement to make
"the yule ball is coming to a close and so i must announce before the final dance that there is to be a change in scene. i ask that you gentlemen or women invite another to the dance floor that he or she did not accompany to the ball."
"see, there's your chance fred. take it."
"if anything, she'd probably want to dance with geor-"
"FRED WEASLEY YOU GO OVER TO THAT GIRL AND YOU ASK HER TO DANCE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I ASK FOR YOU MYSELF! i am sick of your pity party of despair and loneliness. just go for it."
he could only sigh as he stood up from the seat he had been sat in for the last 2 hours, making his way over to the pair, though lord knows his heart was 2 seconds away from pounding violently through his ribcage and out of his chest
whilst fred made his way over, the two were still away in their own world, wanting the moment to last just a little longer
"was hoping i'd get my last dance with you. i've had so much fun tonight and i don't want it to end."
"i've had a lot of fun too. was quite the experience having the prettiest girl in hogwarts wrapped in my arms, swaying to muggle misic. who would have thought. i think i might sit this one out. i don't see myself dancing with anyone else that isn't you."
"are you sure you're aromantic, ade? like, straight up? 100%?"
though he knew she meant nothing by it, he still laughed lightly and hugged her before pulling away so they were both at arms distance
"straight up. if i wasn't, i would have been kissing the hell out of you. i can assure you i feel no romantic feelings. even after having you in my embrace for the last 2 hours, it's nothing but platonic. i just don't see anything happening. that, and i can see a certain ginger making his way over and i don't fancy getting kocked out right now. so, after the dance, i'll meet you and escort you to your common room to see you off."
looking to her right slightly, her heartbeat quickens as she sees a hurried fred weasley making his way over before she turns back to adrian
"are you sure? i could just sit with you?"
"i'm sure. i'll just sit with miles. poor bloke was rejected so he's been sat at the table, drinking. reckon i should go over before he dies of alcohol poisoning because trust me, he will find a way. besides, i think someone wants to dance with you. about time if you ask me."
and with that, adrian placed a final kiss on her forehead before he walked away, sending a last wink towards her before turning and not looking back
she could only watch his retreating back for a moment longer before she felt a tap on her shoulder
feeling like her chest was about to explode, she took a slow, deep breath before turning to see the boy who, after the weeks that went by with distance between them, still had her heart
"hi? um, you look.. good?" his face furrowed, slightly frowning as he shook his head, "i mean, obviously you look better than good. amazing, incredible, gorgeous, spectacular. all eyes were on you tonight and reasonably so. the dark green really stood out against your skin. you and pu- adrian really blew the whole school away. it was really cute. anyway, it was nice talking to yo-"
"fred, do you want to dance with me?"
here she was with her heart on her sleeves as she awaited his answer. fred was flabbergasted
"i- me?"
"i mean, no one else is around," she said as she gestured to the empty space around her, "what do you say, freddie? for old times sake? accompany me for the final dance?"
"how could i say no?"
she let out a breath of relief as she took the hand that was held out to her, a small smile growing on her face as she felt warm
dumbledore moved to the centre of the stage a final time
"now, please join me in welcoming mr jon mclaughlin who has warmly agreed to sing our final song for the evening. mr mclaughlin, the stage is yours."
a light piano echoes through the hall as y/n gazes into fred's eyes, something she hasn't done for a while, something she has missed
she missed her freddie and she finally had him back in her arms and she was reluctant to let go
you're in my arms
and all the world is gone
the music playing on for only two
she wanted to say something, anything. she wanted nothing more than to catch up with the boy in front of her but nothing came to mind
so she just held on tighter, resting her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as they swayed in time, the rest of the world beginning to fade out as they lost themselves to the music and the soft voice of mr mclaughlin
so close
and when i'm with you
so close to feeling alive
he too had a lot on his mind. like how effortlessly perfect she was. from the way her eyes shone as the fire of the floating candles reflected off of them. how her cheeks now adorned its usual rosy hues. how in love he was with her
"you really are beautiful, love."
a life goes by
romantic dreams must die
so i bid mine goodbye
and never knew
"thank you, freddie. i must say, you look quite swell yourself."
"ah, you know. i just pulled this little getup from out of my trunk. curled my hair a little, though it's nothing compared to you. i never thought i'd love seeing you in green so much."
she couldn't help but lean closer, wanting to be as close to the boy as possible
"so, you and pucey, huh? when did that become a thing?"
"is there another pucey running around that i don't know about?"
y/n could only scoff, though it was light-hearted
"smart arse. there isn't a thing. we're just friends. freddie, i don't want to talk about adrian. just. dance with me."
so close
was waiting
waiting here for you
and now forever i know
all that i want is
to hold you
so close
she rested her head on his shoulder, with a little struggle but she got there and and shared a look with angelina, who only winked at the girl. similarly, fred, who now turned was facing adrian who could only raise his drink in acknowledgement, smiling, and seeming to have mouthed the words, 'well done weasley', to which fred just shook his head, the smile never leaving his face
so close
to reaching that famous happy end
almost believing this one's not pretend
and now you're beside me
and look how far we've come
so far
we are
so close
looking back on their years together, the pair couldn't help but wonder why this didn't happen sooner, why they elongated the pain and sat through the hurt when they could've shared this moment of peace and euphoria earlier
they thought about the weeks they had spent apart and in the presence of another when all they needed was each other. what were they thinking, honestly?
"are you singing, frederick gideon weasley?"
"for you, i'd do just about anything, love."
she sighed happily before she thought back to that afternoon in the great hall. the study session
"i really thought you were gonna ask me. i was so sure, especially when you looked at me with those warm eyes of yours and your happy, boyish grin and i was so excited. but then, you turned and asked someone else. and i had to leave. i couldn't be around to hear all the giggles you both shared whilst i was slowly breaking."
oh how could i face the faceless days
if i should lose you now
"y/n, i'm so sorry. believe me when i say that i was planning on asking you. that afternoon, during dance practice. i was set on asking you then. but then you said-"
"that i might have found someone i wanted to sweep me off my feet. did it never occur to you that i was thinking about you? freddie, i had, have literal heart eyes for you. was it not even a little obvious?"
"i guess not, love," he said, shaking his head at his own obliviousness, "i just. wanted the best for you. and if you had already found it in someone else, then i was fine with that. well, i wasn't but i wasn't gonna let it show. when you said that, i thought someone else had asked. and that you had said yes. so i asked angie, and ended up being a shit date, so i owe her big time. but then when i left to chase after you, adrian was there, singing, in a horrible accent i'd like to add, and in the middle of it all, you just looked so happy, despite the tear tracks that stained your face. your smile was so bright. and then he asked you and you said yes and i just felt. defeated. which is unfair, but i didn't know you were dateless. had i known, i would've asked myself. i just should have asked you about it, but instead, i went and asked someone else, i made you cry and then i pushed you into the arms of another in the process. i was just a downright git who doesn't deserve you. i'm lucky you're dancing with me ri-"
we're so close
to reaching that famous happy end
almost believing this one's not pretend
let's go on dreaming though we know we are
rolling her eyes, she pulled him even closer, if it were possible, titling her head ever so slightly to slot her lips onto his, shutting him up
and it was like sparks, no, fireworks went off and they lost themselves to each other. this was where they truly belonged
"do you ever shut up? you ramble a lot, freddie. i'd say it's cute and a little impressive but then it kept going on and on and i didn't know when you'd st-"
fred leans in again, the kiss lasting a little longer than the first, the otherwise chilly night feeling rather warm
"fred, you just kissed someone with a dirty mouth."
fred grinned gingerly, leaning in to whisper into her ear
"yeah. and i'm about to do it again."
so close
so close
and still
so far
adrian and angelina, who was accompanied by roger davis, sat off to the side, grinning at the kissing couple, bumping fists under the table
"i reckon she doesn't need me to escort her to the common room anymore. suppose i should take drunk-off-his face over here back to our dorm," adrian says to angelina, gesturing to the shitfaced miles bletchley, "tell y/n i said goodnight. if you get the chance to."
and with that, adrian left the yule ball with his drunk mate attached to his arm and a smile on his face, happy that his friend finally got the guy she wanted
her freddie
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is that a wrap?! i think fucking so. this will forever be my baby because believe me when i say i've never written a fic this long but it was so worth it.. love yall <33
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mycenalucentipes · 1 year
I'd like to request fred and george weasley head cannons! Specifically how they would go about dealing with their feelings and asking out a crush in each house. So how fred would deal with realizing he likes a girl in Slytherin/Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw/gryffindor and how he would ask them out. Same with george.
(Bonus points if you wanna do for Ron weasley, harry Potter, and/or draco Malfoy too)
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a/n: This seems fun, so I’ll give it a shot! I think I’ll do Hufflepuff and Slytherin for Fred and then Ravenclaw and Gryffindor for George. Sorry to split it up, but I get pretty carried away with writing^^’. These headcanons might be more like one shots, I apologise.  
a/n after writing some more: I’m sorry, these are definitely more like one shots. Umm, I'm not so good at headcanon stuff, so I hope you're not too disappointed! Also will try to get around to doing a Draco version of this over the next week???
Summary: Headcannons(err more like oneshots) on how Fred and George Weasley deal with falling head-over-heels for their crush! 
Warnings: Fluff I guess? A couple swears here and there, Fred and George and maybe you confessing your ever growing young love for each other
Fred Weasley x Hufflepuff!Reader
1.1k words
You were just a typical shy, kind hearted Hufflepuff girl. You wouldn’t throw an insult in anyone’s direction. Though you weren’t afraid to hex or charm someone. You tended to stay out of people’s way, ducking through the crowd and avoiding as many shoves as possible to get to your next class through the busy halls. 
It was in a 5th year Hufflepuff/Gryffindor Charms class that you shared with the Weasley twins. Professor Flitwick paired you and Fred up for an essay on your  two most recently learned charms. The Severing and Colour Change charms. 
It was during this duo effort that he found himself falling hard for you after an incident during the essay. 
You both decided to work in the Gryffindor common room one evening. Practising the charm as well as writing about the two. He cast the Severing Charm with too little caution or regard for his surroundings. 
Let’s just say, you ended up with a new haircut that night and were not too happy. Without skipping a beat after it happened, you shot the Colour Change Charm at him, turning his hair a bright indigo blue.
Fred didn’t even care that his hair was blue(well at that minute). He stared at you, awestruck that you had retaliated. Up until then, you were just the Hufflepuff that stayed out of everyone’s way. Never cursed or gossiped. Of course, Fred profusely apologised, all while laughing his head off. 
“You know, love. I must say, you look quite cute with that new haircut of yours.” He gave a cheeky smile before running away from your wand pointed at him, not wanting to see what else you might cast at him. 
Fred didn’t know why he never noticed you before. He wishes he would’ve. He loved seeing this new side of you and desperately wanted to get to know you more. 
Every Charms class, he would start sitting next to you, and distract you from lectures. He would write jokes to you on scraps of paper, or just nudge your arm or leg endlessly until you jokingly kicked him back. One time, you accidentally knocked him in the shin a little too hard that he yelped quite loudly in class. 
“Mr. Weasley, do you have something to share with the class?” Flitwick asked with a little bit of irritation in his voice.
“N-no sir, sorry!” He squeaked out, rubbing his shin under the desk. You shot him an apologetic look, then went back to listening to Flitwick continue on. 
George would tease him endlessly about his new little crush on the Hufflepuff girl. He noticed the lovesick daze his twin would be in during meals in the Great Hall. Fred would sometimes just get lost in staring at you while you joked around with your housemates. 
Occasionally, you would catch him staring, then smile a bit. He loved the way your eyes sparkled when he caught his gaze. Or how your smile would instantly brighten his whole world. 
Even after the project ended, he made every effort to try and hang out with you. Whether it be plopping himself next to you during meals or even following you to the library to study. Which, didn’t actually include much studying when he was around. He was far more fond of staring at you and joking around. 
You quickly grew accustomed to his constant attention, flirting, and shenanigans. You loved it all, but you would never dare be the first one to confess. So you quietly went along with him, watching and admiring, not having the confidence to believe he would like you back. Boy were you wrong. This man was whipped. For you. 
One abnormally normal Thursday, you sat through the regular same old charms class, ate the same meals, talked to the same friends, Fred pulled you outside to the courtyard after class was let out. He gently led you by holding your small hand in his larger one.
“Fred? Are you alright? Where are we going?” You asked, growing more concerned as Fred’s pace picked up. In all honesty, Fred was a tad nervous. Sure girls flirted with him here and there and he would sometimes reciprocate that. He was a charming guy, what can you say? 
Fred would not say a thing on the way to the courtyard. Heck, you still had no idea where this boy was taking you. You could sense a nervousness about Fred, which was quite odd to you. You’d never known him to be nervous about anything. Even in potions when Snape would drill him and Fred would just joke and laugh about it. So why was he so worked up today?
You both sat down at one of the corridors’s archways that bordered the school’s courtyard. You could finally see his face. He looked just the slightest bit flustered with a light pink dusting his cheeks. This is new. You thought nervously. Fred fiddled with your hand a bit, refusing to look into your eyes.
“Freddie, what is it? You’re scaring me…” You whispered out to him. He finally looked you straight in the eyes, guilt flashing through them. 
“Oh! No, please don’t be scared. Merlin, I’m so sorry, love, haha,” Fred apologized while grabbing your other hand now and facing directly towards you, “ Just a tad nervous, but I have to tell you now, I can’t wait any longer.” He began rambling on about how much you meant to him and how he couldn’t take his mind off of you. You lived rent free in this man’s head and he didn’t know how to contain his feelings any longer. 
“Fred, what are you on about?” You smiled, feeling giddy already. You had a suspicion of where this might be going. He stopped rambling, feeling his full confidence and charm return.
“Y/n, I was wondering if you would like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend? I quite fancy you. I really, really like you a lot!” He beamed with a wide grin. Even though you felt this might be what was happening, your face still turned into one of shock. Fred’s smile faltered for a second, but not for long. 
You flung yourself into him, giving him the warmest, sweetest bear hug you could manage. As you dove into him, he let out a small “oomf!” before returning the hug. 
“Yes, of course I’d love to go to Hogsmeade with you!” You happily cheered. “And I like you too!” Fred couldn’t have been more happy with the outcome. He was completely, utterly head over heels for you. 
Fred x Slytherin!Reader
877 words
I think even if the reader was a Slytherin, Fred would still be pretty outgoing and wouldn’t shy away from her. He also wouldn’t hesitate too much to finally confess his feelings. I feel that he wouldn’t be able to keep his feelings to himself for very long. Here’s another scenario of Fred slowly realising his ever growing crush on you. It hits him like a slap to the face and he can’t contain these feelings to himself anymore.
Fred wasn’t really sure how his crush started. Maybe back in his third year, whenever you cheered on one of his and George’s pranks? He was amazed he was able to catch your attention, because the whole “Gryffindors and Slytherins will never mesh” thing. Since then, he never really saw a reason to totally resist all Slytherins. You were different. 
You weren’t snobbish or all high and mighty about being a pureblood Slytherin. You never bullied anyone. Except for Pansy occasionally. She usually deserved it though as she often picked on some poor Hufflepuff girl or a non pureblood Slytherin. You also never put up with Draco’s shit. So you and Malfoy ended up with a mutual understanding that neither of you would mess with each other.
Another part to add to his growing feelings was 4th year, watching you stand up to Professor Snape after he picked on George a bit too harshly. Of course, the twins could’ve stood up for themselves, they could care less about Snape and that class. Something in you had just snapped that day. It cost you 20 Slytherin house points, but you couldn’t bear to see Snape bullying any more students that day. 
Now to the part we are at today, 5th year. You both became friends over the past couple years. You were currently in the middle of pulling off some prank with Fred and George. Fred and George had a plan that involved you since you had an in with the Slytherins. 
You were to “accidentally” trip and fall into Pansy. In the process you “accidentally” slop some Out to Lunch Fake Moustache lotion on Pansy’s face. While you had her distracted, Fred and George would slip some Dungbombs into Crabbe and Goyle’s robe pockets. 
The plan went off without a hitch. Pansy was screaming bloody murder when she started growing facial hair. She only found out when Draco started cackling at her as she approached the Slytherin table for lunch. The laughter didn’t laugh long whenever Crabbe and Goyle entered. Nearly everyone evacuated the Great Hall after this. 
The three of you made a run for it. Filch was close on your tails, too close. George sacrificed himself so you and Fred could get away together. He winked at Fred with a salute, then turned around and grinned at Filch, not a glint of fear in his face. Just pure humour and amusement. 
The two of you slipped into one of Hogwarts’ secret passageways that led all the way to Hogsmeade. You and Fred laughed the whole way there. 
“Man, I gotta thank your brother later for taking one for the team.” You laughed, nearly out of breath from your workout.
Fred laughed along too, excited to finally have you alone. As you both made your way to The Three Broomsticks, he grew a little nervous. What if you didn’t like him like that? What if you fancied George? Or didn’t even want to date a Gryffindor? Man, he needed to calm down. 
After sitting down at a table in the corner with your butterbeers, he noticed you looked a bit flushed. “Y/n, are you alright? Pansy didn’t hurt you, did she? Are you fevered?” His mouth rushed with questions.
“N-no! Silly, I’m good. I just… Fred, I need to tell you something.” You replied. A look of concern spread over his features, fearing for the worst. He was so in love that his mind was a little wonky about this. He would lose all sense of reality when he stared into your beautiful eyes. His mind and heart would race when you would accidentally brush hands or place a hand onto his forearm. 
Finally, you stared into his eyes, “I like you!!!” You loudly declared, standing up to further prove your point. You startled quite a few patrons surrounding you. Fred slightly startled too, eyes going wide as he was not expecting this. He didn’t think you would confess to him. You stood there breathing heavily, waiting for his response.
“Love, I really, really like you as well!” He exclaimed as he too stood up. He pulled you close and brought your faces close to each other. “May I?” You nodded a little shyly, closing the gap between your lips. Once again, you shocked him. It took a second for him to lean into the kiss. 
When you did break away you confessed, “I’ve fancied you since year two, Fred.” His eyes widened. “Year two!?” You giggled bashfully and nodded while looking away. Fred gently used his hand to guide your face to turn back to him. 
“I really should’ve realised sooner. I think I only realised a month back if I’m being honest.” He said, a blush clear on his cheeks and ears. “Although, I’ve always been quite fond of you. You’re my little snake now.” 
You laughed and hugged him once more. You were finally his, and him, yours.
George Weasley x Gryffindor!Reader
1.3k words
Now, I think George would try to be more subtle about it? It might take a bit more prodding from Fred to finally tell you directly. 
Though George never really took notice of you until third year of Hogwarts. You were mostly lost in your thoughts to yourself a lot and weren’t the most bold student. You were 11-13 though, that’s fair enough. 
It wasn’t until you made friends with the Golden Trio. Ron Weasley specifically. You and Ron became best buds in your third year and his first, like a sibling relationship. You met all three of them on the train. You had noticed Harry and Ron in one of the train compartments and asked if you could join them. Mostly because you figured the red head would be the Weasley’s younger brother! 
Ever since then you had been helping Ron with homework, attend quidditch matches with him, and even sneak him out to Hogsmeade. After a year of knowing them, during your 4th year, Ron invited you over to stay with them for winter break! So of course you had to go! 
It was wonderful there, with everyone, the atmosphere was warm, cosy, and overall felt like another home. 
When Ron introduced you to everyone, you definitely caught the attention of George Weasley, he was stunned to silence by your character and beauty. He thought you were the most beautiful thing to cross his path. He just had to get to know you better. Also because you meshed so well with his family! 
He was in awe at how much Ron looked up to you and how smart you were. You always helped Ron with his homework. Maybe you would help him too with his! Merlin knows he didn’t care much about his homework. Whenever meal times came around, you were always first to volunteer yourself to helping Mrs. Weasley out in the kitchen. You also could talk for hours on end about the muggle world with Mr. Weasley, being a half-blood yourself. You definitely had some information to share with him.
At some point during your stay, you decided you would try to befriend the Weasley twins. They were in your grade, so why not get to know them? George was elated by this. Falling in love was new to him and made him a little shy when it came to you.
Over the next week of break, you and the twins got very close. Often playing wizards chess, quidditch, or just pulling pranks on the others. You did accidentally give them both pig ears and pig tails with a prank formula gone wrong. They both found it hilarious and decided to try and make more of whatever it was you did.  
Since it would get cold, George would let you borrow his jumpers. He thought you looked absolutely adorable with how oversized they looked. He loved that they were his that you were wearing as well. You often would go to George and ask for a jumper to borrow when it would get cold. It was often rare to see you not wearing one of his jumpers around the house anymore.
Some nights, everyone would sit down by the fireplace and just share stories or jokes. You also situated yourself next to George, even leaning against him a few times (all of the time). His heart would flutter every time he felt your presence lean against him. He loved it, absolutely adored it. 
A couple times, you would fall asleep against him. He knew as soon as your weight would sink into him further along with the sound of your gentle breathing. He would then gently prod you awake once it got late enough and everyone had gone up to bed, leaving just the two of you. 
“Hmm…oh, hey George? Where did everyone go?” You pondered as you slowly sat up.
“Oh, they left for Ireland, said they’re not coming back for a couple days.” He shrugged as you gave him a look of ‘wtf’. He burst out laughing, “Kidding, kidding, I swear, they all went to bed. It’s past 11:00pm.”
You playfully smacked his arm, “Oh, you! Sorry for dozing off on you. Why didn’t you wake me?”
“You looked so enchanting in your sleep. I couldn’t bear to disturb your peaceful slumber, so why wake a pretty face?”
“Y-you don’t mean that. How can I look beautiful while sleeping? I know for a fact that I sleep-talk and drool occasionally!” You giggled while leaning back into his side, resting your head onto his chest.
“Okay, so maybe you drool, but it doesn’t take away from your cuteness!” 
No matter how you looked, George would always slip in a compliment to you. He would even spin your self doubts into compliments. 
Eventually, it was time to go back to school! It was a couple months before George came to terms with his feelings for you.
Whenever George realised his crush on you though, he would try to subtly flirt with you. He would always flatter you, never missing an opportunity, oftentimes he would or if you were walking down the hallways together, he would playfully nudge or bump shoulders with you during your odd conversations. 
You often talked about really random things. Like, what a chair’s scream might sound like if a desk chair suddenly gained sentience. Or what if frogs harmonised their croaks and ribbits to mate? 
If you both were through a crowded hallway, he would grab your hand or wrap an arm around your shoulders to keep you close and not be swept away by the bustling students. 
Whenever you got excited over something, for example, you aced your potions exam, you would run to George after class and throw your arms around him. He would instantly hug back. 
He loved the way your hair smelled, how it felt when you hugged him, how your laughter would ring through his ears. He loved it all, couldn’t get enough of it. 
He also loved when you would attend the quidditch matches and cheer him on. So he decided he would confess to you after a match one day.
“Hey Y/n, meet me after the quidditch match today!” 
“Why do you even ask,” You replied with a laugh, “I always do that anyways.” George just shrugs and runs off to catch up with his teammates.
Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff. Of course, Gryffindor came out on top! The Gryffindor stands cheered wildly, you included. You rushed down the stands to meet George. 
When things calmed down, he took you somewhere a little more private. 
“Y/n… I wanted to tell you that meeting you has been the most wonderful moment in my life. Hanging out with you has been an even more wonderful time.  You captivate my mind everyday. I can’t help but admire you!” 
“George, what are you on about?” You looked up at him questioningly. He sighed with a smile and ran his hand through his hair.
“God dammit Y/n, haha. What I suppose I’m trying to say is that these feelings have transformed into something more than just…friendship.” Oh. You blushed heavily, finally getting the hint. “I like you, like, like-like you, Y/n!” 
“Oh George! I like you too! I feel the same way! I-I never knew you felt this way.” You mumbled into his chest. As soon as he had confessed, you had thrown yourself into a hug with him. 
“I noticed,” He chuckled while hugging you back.
“I guess, looking back, a lot of our interactions like that make sense now.” You laughed at your own obliviousness. 
George would be so flustered and over the moon that you two were finally a thing, that he would forget to ask you out on a date. He sincerely meant to do so. So on your way back to the dorms, he would suddenly spin towards you and ask you to go out with him for lunch/dinner whatever you prefer! 
George Weasley x Ravenclaw!Reader
I profusely apologise for these becoming so long and like..kind of not headcanons again.
1.4k words
As a Ravenclaw, George would be drawn to your wit, sharp mind, and creativeness. You weren’t just a typical bookworm. No, you put your intellectual prowess to use. Often to cause mischief or shoot back sarcastic comebacks to any rude students or professors. 
At age 14, you became an animagus, a pine marten! You might be more of a shy and withdrawn Ravencalw, but people just seemed to gravitate towards you. You never had any problems getting along with people. (Minus a few Slytherins…) 
You and George had Transfiguration class together.  This was 5th year charms, so you were learning some vanishing spells as well as more of turning animals into inanimate objects. McGonagall had paired the two of you up for an essay presentation. You looked over to him with a small grin, and he of course, returned the gesture. 
You two would meet during evenings either right before dinner, or nights after dinner whenever George didn’t have quidditch practice. 
He always looked forward to these meetings. Conversing with you was so easy, it just felt so natural to him. He loved how well spoken you sounded. You were always researching something about a different charm or spell. You were always experimenting with some new charm or spell to get different reactions out of it.
A couple times you tried testing it out on him as you both worked together. You hadn’t meant for as many mishaps as you had, but George enjoyed them nonetheless. 
One time, you were attempting to give shoes a pair of wings. After hearing this fun fact, George offered up a pair of his shoes. Your spell went just a tad awry, giving his shoes a rat tail, ears, and four legs. His shoes scurried away down some drainage. They’re still wandering around the undergrounds of the castle to this day…
Another time, you were practising a transfiguration spell with George. This time it was actually for your project and not just some random experiment you conjured up. You turned him into a ferret. A bloody ferret. You were casting the spell, when someone knocked into your wand hand, thus redirecting the spell towards George instead of the wooden box that sat on the table in front of you. 
You had no clue what to do. You hurriedly picked him up and ran to McGonagall. She just sighed and turned him back as soon as you explained why in the world you came running to her with a ferret in your hands. 
“George, I am so so sorry!” You blushed while frantically apologising to him. He laughed and just said, “It’s all good love. No harm done!” You both ended up bonding over these little mishaps. George ended up loving so many of them he had you help implement some of your random charms into the Weasley twin tricks and sweets. 
Finally, the night before, you both finished the project. You just wrote about the importance of casting transfiguration spells correctly. As well as incorporating the charms that would turn people into animals. (Yes, he begged you to include the time you transformed into a ferret). Though you now knew how to undo that spell. You had to beg McGonagall for that one.
“Hey Y/n, wanna turn me into a ferret again?” George kept pestering you that night to do so. He wanted to show off your skills in class tomorrow. At first you heavily protested. What if you couldn't do it right again? (“That's the point of practice, silly!” George would retaliate. He loved getting you worked up. He also felt honoured that you cared so deeply for his safety.) 
You eventually caved, figuring it could be fun. You still had yet to show him your animagus form. Martens and ferrets happened to be of the same family, so why not? You sighed, casting the spell, and watched as he quickly shrank to the form of a ferret. He ran right up to your legs, running around in circles. You giggled at his playfulness and then transformed into your pine marten form. 
His little ferret form gave you a shocked face as if to say, “Wtf!? You’re an animagus!? Bloody hell that’s amazing!” He loved this. So. So. Much.
Your presentation went very well! A few times, you had to nudge George in the arm to keep speaking, he’d get lost in your words, listening to your voice. Once he got speaking though, he really did take over a lot. 
After this, he, like Fred, would insist that you keep hanging out. You would often join him for meals or trips to Hogsmeade, along with some other Gryffindor friends. 
George wanted to form a strong friendship bond with you. He did so, without even realising he fell for you, until Fred’s words hit him deep one time. 
He would always make sure to hold your hand and buy you a couple treats at Honeydukes. He knew all of your favourite candies by now. 
If it was cold, he would lend you his scarf and hold your hand inside his coat pocket. He rarely would leave your side for anything. 
Everytime your hand was in his, his heart would skip a beat. Or if you weren’t beside him, he found himself longing for your presence.
Fred would make fun of him endlessly, but lovingly, for how whipped he was for you. 
He would often sneak into your dorm/common room late at night and pester you to cast the ferret spell again, and have you run around with him in your pine marten form. He loved roaming the halls with you as a little animal. You wouldn’t get caught near as much unless McGonagall was roaming for some reason. It was much easier to hide away from authority. 
It was one fateful night, you both scurried your way up to the astronomy tower in your animal forms. Once you reached the top, you transformed back into your human form, and undid the ferret spell on George. You were both panting heavily, large grins spread across your faces, as Mrs. Norris had almost caught the two of you.
George stared into your eyes, admiring the starlight that reflected so beautifully in them. He could never get enough of your beauty. Taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat and summoned the courage to speak. “Y/n, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for a little while now,” he began, a little shaky, but full of sincerity. 
You looked towards him, a blush rising to your ears already, “What is it, Georgie?” He smiled at the use of his nickname from you.
He grasped both of your hands, intertwining both of yours and his fingers together. “Well, ever since I’ve gotten to know you from our project, I’ve really come to appreciate and admire your brilliance, scheming, creativity, and the special feelings of the moments we spend together.” He confessed, a blush now covering his face.
“Oh really now?” A large smile grew on your face as you brought one of your hands up to softly caress the side of his face and into his hair. As if to urge him to continue.
“I-I’ve realised that my feelings for you are more than just friends. I really want to be something more than just good ol’ pals, y’know? You just, light up my whole world, brighten every day!” He paused as he was getting really excited. “I’ve fallen for you Y/n, and I cannot get up. I would really love for you, if you would take me as your boyfriend?” His face almost matched his hair colour. He was bright red, his heart was pounding twice as fast, waiting for your reply.
“Oh, Georgie, of course I would!” Your voice responded, full of love and tenderness. “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to hear something like that from you. Your humour and kindness, how you see me for who I really am, it’s been amazing getting to spend time with you. So of course! As long as you’ll have me as your girlfriend!” You both laughed. He picked you up into a hug and spun you around. 
When he set you back down, you stayed in each other’s warm embrace for a while. Breathing in each other’s scents, you both appreciated the peacefulness and love that surrounded your atmosphere now.  
End a/n: I really hope this last one made sense xD. I lost my mind a little trying to write it out. Hope you enjoyed!
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whinlatter · 1 year
Heyyy I absolutely loooove your metas and fics and istg I've read all of them and I constantly keep reading them. Big fan, maam! Also I have a question, how do you think Ginny's family, especially each of her overprotective brothers reacted when they got to know that Harry and Ginny dated? And then broke up and the again got back together?
Thank you so so much for reading (and re-reading!!!!) all of my stuff, you absolute legend 💗💖💘
You will be unsurprised to hear that I've thought about this one a lot. The short version is: I'm Team The Weasleys Always Sort Of Knew Something Was Going On and Were Supportive (if a bit Amused). The longer version is below the cut!
(Also someone else kindly sent an ask about this a while ago, about Molly and Arthur knowing about the break-up, and I completely forgot to post my reply to that, so very sorry to that anon, and hope the too-long discussion of this Q under the cut makes up for it!)
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I think there's a lot of evidence that throughout the series at least some of the Weasleys speculated something was going on or would one day go on between Harry and Ginny (especially the observant ones - Bill, Molly, Arthur, maybe even the twins, to some extent):
Ginny's historic crush on Harry in CoS is about as subtle as a brick through the window, visible both at the Burrow and at school with the Valentine, which the twins and Ron all know about (and rinse Harry for)
Ginny's romantic life is canonically the subject of some sibling speculation (see Fred and George at WWW in HBP), as are the love lives of all the siblings bar Charlie and the twins (Bill, Percy, Ron all get the sibling side-eye)
Starting in Christmas in OotP Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny begin to hang out a lot that Christmas as a foursome in ways that might invite some idle speculation about the pairings within…
By HBP, Harry does spend both the summer and Christmas holidays of 1996 either in cahoots with Ginny to tease Ron or staring at her or getting goosebumps whenever she got physically close to him (have you seen a teenage boy with a crush? Also criminally unsubtle)
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When Harry and Ginny get together in HBP, I don't think Ginny would ever tell her parents or any brothers other than Ron that she's started dating Harry. But there may well have been clues her family might pick up on:
After Bill's attack by Greyback, Bill remains in the Hospital Wing. It's implied that Molly, Arthur and Fleur stay either in the castle or in Hogsmeade in the days between the attack on the Astronomy Tower and Dumbledore's funeral. Harry and Ginny are together at this point, spending all their time together with Ron and Hermione. Obviously Fleur, Molly and Arthur would be preoccupied with Bill's recovery, but I do think it would be noticeable that the trio had become a four, and that Harry and Ginny seemed much closer than they were previously - Fleur in particular I think might notice, given her affection for Harry, and likely pass on her speculation to Bill (hi sorry you got savaged by a werewolf but guess who your sister is smashing)
Many of the teachers close to Molly and Arthur (such as McGonagall and Hagrid) likely knew about Harry and Ginny (if Snape and Slughorn knew, the goodies knew too, I reckon). They would have had occasion to mention it to the family at least in passing in that interim period between the attack and the funeral (my money is on Hagrid)
At the funeral itself, Harry and Ginny sit together in public and interact quite intimately before the break up takes place (Ginny whispering in his ear, nudging him, then obviously staying sat alone together after the funeral is over). All her family are in attendance, and remain close by when the break-up happens, and likely travel back to London altogether (though I don't think they would necessarily witness the breakup or notice it happening in the moment). I think it would be clear that there was something going on between Harry and Ginny, even if it wasn't at all clear what that was
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In DH, you have quite a few moments where there are even more little hints that Harry and Ginny was a bit of an open secret among the Weasleys:
In DH, Ron makes that comment about Ginny and the tattoo as they strip off in the seven Potters scene, in front of his dad, Bill, Fleur and the twins (Ginny's seen Harry shirtless because they're just very good pals, don't worry about it!)
Ok this one is a bit galaxy-brain take sleuthing on my part but during the wedding prep Molly is deliberately trying to separate the trio and convince them not to leave. She allocates the tasks and assigns them to combinations of people very deliberately. The evening after Molly corners Harry and tries to get him not to leave, she makes Harry and Ginny set the dinner table alone in the kitchen. Now, do we think Molly Weasley, Mastermind in Chief, might have put Harry and Ginny on a task together as she tries to persuade Harry not to go on the hunt... is this Molly pulling out the big guns...
At the wedding, Ginny winks at Harry in front of her entire assembled family when Muriel says she's showing too much boob (icon alert). And then Harry spends most of the reception leaning against a pillar staring at Ginny in front of her entire family. I mean, lads. You're killing me
When the DA summon the Order before the Battle in the Room of Requirement, Ginny is my petty queen has that infamous interaction with Cho over the diadem in front of the twins, showing she is giving precisely zero shits at this point
Harry and Ginny have that wordless interaction where Harry refuses to support her staying behind to fight in the battle, in front of all her family, where she at least appears to agree to go home only because Harry has said so, taking his direction over that of her family's. (I mean, we all know Ginny then tries to sneak off to fight because she's not only a petty queen but also a sneaky one but... still significant)
The big one for me is Ginny's reaction to Harry's death. She screams the loudest out of McGonagall, Hermione and Ron when she sees his body, in front of all the Weasleys and all combatants. I'm not saying this grieving war-ravaged family were thinking like huh weird that Ginny's so sad rn given the situation at hand, but I do think it was quite a telling moment for what Harry and Ginny had become by this point in the narrative
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All this is to say I think many of the Weasleys might have suspected something was going on, but didn't know the full story, and have the discretion not to blame Harry for Ginny’s misery nor to pry too much after the breakup, especially when Ginny comes home from school heartbroken (which is partly why I had them trying to cheer Gin up somewhat ambiguously in think / hope - her parents can see she's extremely sad, they aren't entirely sure about why or about of the details, but I think they're attentive, loving parents who aren't stupid and might have their suspicions).
Overall, then, when Harry and Ginny get back together after the war, I think the family both sort-of suspect there's been this thing coming on between them for a while, and, while they'd perhaps be surprised by the extent of it (there is literally no chill way to say 'hey I thought of your sister as I died!'), I think Molly, Arthur and the brothers would just be happy for them, with a few jokes and 👀 comments here and there. I don’t think they’d be angry at Harry for the breakup or sincerely over-protective and territorial over Ginny. They love Harry like a brother, they'd love the idea of him being formally part of the family one day, and they trust him implicitly.
Honestly, I think it makes sense that Ron was the one who would have by far the most extreme reaction to the breakup in particular, and even his response is reasonably mature. It's worth noting that it's actually only Ron and the twins that ever openly actually discuss and try to pry/interfere in Ginny's romantic life - the twins in HBP to take the piss a bit (in a slightly slut-shamey way - 'you're going through boyfriends a bit fast, aren't you?'), and Ron both during in the infamous fight over the Dean kiss and during his angry conversations with Harry post break-up. I think this is peak big-brother-to-Ginny-but-actually-little-brother-to-everyone-else energy, playing up overprotective. I don't think Bill, being eleven years older than Gin would at any point be that interested in policing Ginny's romantic life, I think Charlie truly would notice very little and care even less. Percy's got bigger fish to fry and other issues to wrangle with after the war, not to mention a whole relationship with both Ginny and Harry to mend. I think, at most, Harry and Ginny get a bit of teasing from her brothers but that's about it (my dumb headcanon is the first time they hear Harry call Ginny 'Gin' they're like... excuse me? Who the fuck is that?) I think actually protective big brother energy, from the likes of Bill, would mean worrying about the two of them in terms of public media scrutiny, which must be relentless, and about their long-term safety from reprisal attacks more than anything else.
I also think it’s clear that Harry really doesn’t care all that much what the rest of the Weasleys think lol, and certainly doesn't fear them. He does fear the loss of Ron's friendship in HBP (wrongly, because Ron is an OG Hinny shipper), but that’s a fear specifically about Ron’s reaction, not that of his wider family. In DH, Harry’s fully about to go hold Ginny for a bit in front of Molly with zero qualms, and the two of them hold hands in the vicinity of Order members and family members twice (once entering the hospital wing in HBP, and once at the Burrow) - not an especially declaratory gesture, but one that suggests they don’t hugely fear discovery. I think both of them would accept the need to be braced for mockery but basically trust the family not to be dicks about it. The important thing to remember is that canonically Ginny Weasley can and will hex you if you step out of line
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shadowbriar · 2 years
Bridges - Fred Weasley
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Pairing : (F/M) || Fred Weasley x Reader Word Count : 3.5k Warning : Drinking. Notes :  This story was posted first on my Ao3 account.  In which Fred tries to spare himself the heartbreak from falling for someone he's supposed to love as a sister.
Fred Weasley has lost count of the tired exasperation he’d blow in the last twenty minutes. His mother has done it again, losing the plot just mere seconds before the train leaves for Hogwarts. In her defence, it isn’t easy living and preparing for 4 troublesome boys for school.
It was Ron’s blunder this time on forgetting his jumper that made their mother get haywired. As much as Fred wanted to get angry at his youngest brother, their mother’s nagging is much more than enough to scare him for a few weeks ahead. But that doesn't mean he wouldn’t give little Ronniekins some hard time later.
“Fred, off you go.” His mother said with a tired sigh, ushering his son to walk through the Platform 9¾.
He shot a silent ‘finally’ glare at his twin, earning a short snicker from him.
Fred readies himself, tightening the grip on the cart handle. He’s done the walking for a couple of times now, mastering the trick. And so he closes his eyes and starts to pick up a pace, running through the brick walls. But his eyes were abruptly opened as he leaped forward, his cart crashing into someone.
His belongings were scattered, along with hers. There’s always something bad waiting on the other side of the brick walls, he thought. They groan in pain, the hard contact was enough to give them light bruises tomorrow morning.
“You bloody idiot!” Fred spat, his annoyance was through the roof “What kind of daft are you to be standing right in front of the portal?”
The girl stared at Fred in fear. Tears were forming on her eyes, scared and hurting. Fred could tell from her emblemless sweater that she must be a first year student, the same age as Ron. Perhaps she was just confused and didn’t know where to go.
Fred sighs, forcing his anger to evaporate as he holds out a hand, “Are you alright?”
The girl nods lightly. She was trying hard to suppress her sniffling as she collected her trunk and placed them back in her cart. Her head was hung low, making Fred feel even more guilty.
“I’m Fred, Fred Weasley.” he introduces himself, not even apologising from his raised tone “I’m in third year.”
She nods, slightly smiling as she tells him her name.
Fred didn’t know then that their not so pleasant encounter would be the start of a complicated matter of heart. He couldn’t possibly know, he was a child. But one thing he was certain of is that this wouldn’t be the last of them. Her soft gaze and sweet smile would always be his personal gravity, he was sure of it.
Fred couldn’t wrap his head on the silly game the girls are playing.
The three girls were giggling in the living room, their laughter echoing through the ceilings of the Burrow. He finds it soppy that they were talking about their versions of prince charming. How they would like their weddings to be and how many children they would have. Although he is coming to the age where dating is not as appalling as it once were, listening to the girls’ unrealistic ideas of a man is still sickening for him.
Don’t get him wrong, he has his own preferences too when it comes to romance, but the thought of finding the perfect girl at the age of fifteen and spending the rest of his life with her seems to be too feeble. He wants to make mistakes first so that when he’s finally ready to settle, he won't blow everything up just like what he’s always done in life.
The thought sometimes bothers his sleep too. He wasn’t sure who he’s supposed to look for. Should he look for someone who has the same taste in jokes as he does? That way they could spend joy and laughter everyday. Or should he look for someone who is more entrenched, someone who could give him a better grip in life.
Fred averts his gaze to the quiet girl seated across from him. It has been years since they first met at Platform 9¾ and there surely have been some noticeable differences in her. She was less shy, albeit still the quietest among the other 2 girls.
“What unrealistic trait does your prince have?” George asks her, looking amused.
She says with a shrug, “I don’t really have a long list of criteria.”
“She only wants her boyfriend to be a redhead.” Hermione chimes in, looking rather bored at her friend’s taste “A little uncreative of her, don’t you think?”
“Red hair? Like us?” Fred asks, sounding intrigued “You’re saying you fancy one of us?”
“You Weasleys are not the only redheads in this world.” she defends nonchalantly, rolling her eyes.
George nods and smiles mischievously, “Yes, but we are the better looking redhead, wouldn’t you agree?”
Fred has to bite the growing grin as he watches her blush. Her modest demeanour has always been pleasing to his eyes. A stark contrast to his obnoxious and loud personality, she is calm and collected whilst still having a mischief side. A trait Fred was proud to have introduced to her.
“I’ve always liked seeing you with Charlie.” Hermione says to her, smiling at the thought “Maybe you could date him.”
“He’s old, is what he is.” Fred argues fast, sounding more annoyed than he had intended to.
The sudden change of tone was noticed by Hermione as she raises an eyebrow, yet as fast as it appears, she brushes it off in a blink. She bites her lip, trying not to smile at the not so subtle hint Fred accidentally dropped. He could only pray that Granger wouldn’t encourage this tonight on their girly night talks.
“Well older boys are always more charming, right Ginny?” Hermione says, turning to the youngest.
“We’re older.” George says with a grin, turning to the quiet girl.
“She can’t possibly fancy any of you tossers. She’s still got taste at the very least.” Ginny says with quite disgust on her face.
Fred was punching every foolish butterfly flying inside his stomach as he heard her laughter. She doesn’t seem to mind the teases his twin had thrown at her. Ironically aching him a little at the thought that she doesn't see him in a romantic way.
Well, she shouldn’t be, considering how close they are. She probably sees him as an older brother at most. Someone who would always put a smile on her face, but only as a brother, never a lover.
And with this realisation, Fred swore quietly to bury the budding feelings inside his chest. He shouldn’t be feeling jittery around her, he couldn’t. They’re a family, though not bounded by blood. Still, he couldn’t burn their bridge by painting it red. He ought to dim the light now before it gets anywhere more than puppy love.
Fred scrunch his nose in disapproval as he spots her entering Madam Puddyfoot’s Tea Shop, in hand with Cormac McLaggen. Now in her fifth year, she has certainly gained the attention of boys. None of those blokes are up to his standard to be frank, but bringing up the topic to her would only ignite another argument. Having known her for years, he couldn’t help but to feel a little bit protective.
At least, that’s the reason he’s so convinced of having.
“I’m yearning for some firewhiskey.”
George raises his brows at the sudden announcement his twin made, but follows him anyway as they head to the Three Broomsticks. They were never particularly fond of alcohol, but perhaps his twin could use a little bit of warming up. It is coming to the late weeks of December after all.
But as they sat down, it was clear to George that his brother wasn’t aiming for a light warm up, he wanted to get pissed. So pissed he wouldn’t remember who dragged him back to the castle in the morning.
“So am I only here to carry you back to our room or will you share your thoughts with me?” George says, pushing the empty glasses away.
Fred slurs, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The doorbell jingles as someone enters the bar and as if on cue, Fred’s locked to hers. She was no longer with McLaggen. A sight he very much prefers.
Noticing the familiar redheads in one of the booths, she approaches them with angry steps. The state Fred was in is certainly displeasing. His hair was unkempt, face as red as his hair from all the alcohol. His head was hung low, only supported with one arm resting on the table.
Fred couldn’t make out the nagging she was giving to him and George. Her words were fuzzy, like buzzes of bees swarming his ears and trying to enter the hive that is his brain. He could see George trying to defend himself from her long train of moaning, looking defensive.
“We’re going back to the castle.” she says with a demanding tone “Now.”
“But you haven’t had a drink.” Fred argues through his hiccups “Here, have some of my firewhiskey.”
She slaps away Fred’s hand that was giving her his half-empty glass, staring at him with a displeased look, “I am very disappointed in you, Fred.”
Her words sting his chest like a poison.
With one last huff of annoyance, George finally agrees to close the bill and bring Fred back to the castle. Fred is in no state of sobriety but it isn’t as bad as she’s reacting to. He hasn’t told him the reason he’s pouring down the alcohol either. If it wasn’t for her pleas and desperate gaze, he would’ve let his twin have another round.
And so the two of them now carry Fred back to the castle. She was far shorter than him, so she stood as nothing but an arm rest. Still, she tries her best to support Fred out of any trips. As much as he feels protective of her, she feels supportive of him too.
Once they reach the bedroom, she helps him take off his shoes and lay under the duvet. George was out, trying to find an empty bin just in case his twin had to empty his stomach later on. She tucks him tight, sitting on the side of his bed as she stares at him with a sigh.
She was about to leave when Fred’s hand wrapped her wrist, “Please stay.”
“You know I can’t stay in the boys dormitory.” she reasons softly, gently caressing his hand.
“No one will know. George wouldn’t tell a soul.”
She pauses to contemplate. They haven’t spent much time together and she’s dying to talk to him. He has been acting quite out of character lately, picking up arguments every chance he’s got. To see him completely stewed tonight was the icing on the cake for her.
“One snore, and I’ll leave.”
Fred smiles, nodding.
She peels the neatly tucked duvet back and slid herself in, scooching close to Fred. He reeks of alcohol but arguing about the foul odour would tarnish the intimacy they are in right now so she chooses to mentally turn a blind eye on it. It’s a rare gem to finally have some alone time with him.
“You smell nice.” Fred says as he rests his chin on her head, pulling her closer to his chest “You always smell nice.”
“Right, you’re sounding very creepy right now, if we’re honest.”
Fred smiles before pulling himself lightly to get a better look of her. She was staring at him, worry still evident lightly on her face. She must have been holding in thousands of questions about his behaviour but he is not in the mood to entertain them. He only wanted her to be there.
“Are you really disappointed in me?” he asks, sounding pitiful to himself.
“Well you have been quite the stranger lately.” she confesses gently “Is there anything you’d want to share with me? Anything that’s been bothering your mind?”
Fred pauses for a minute, wondering if he should just dive in and ask the million galleons question now. He could always hide under the excuse that he was drunk tomorrow morning. But it would only be him who forgets about the night. She would have to live with it for the rest of her life and he isn’t sure if he’d want her to carry it.
But he has been standing at the end of the cliffs for quite some time now. He’s dying to get it off of his chest. He’d try every diversion and convenience himself of every possibility there is but he still couldn’t really accept it. He is ultimately and undeniably in love with her.
“Promise me you won’t look at me differently.” he whispers, voice cracking in uncertainty “Promise me you won’t hate me for this.”
“I could never hate you, you know that.”
Fred forces a smile.
He chews the inside of his cheek, still debating inside. His brain was scrambled, unable to make a coherent sentence that would best convey his feelings. He was never even sure how to portray it sober, so you could tell how hard it is for him now.
“Do you still want your prince charming to be a redhead?”
She squints her eyes, smiling as the childish memory washes her, “I can hardly remember I ever wanted that, but I suppose having red head children is adorable.”
“McLaggen isn’t a redhead.” he says, expression now unreadable for her “And so is Dean Thomas and every other bloke you’ve had a date with.”
“Really?” she asks in annoyance “Out of your head and you still have the will to argue with me about boys.”
Fred could visibly see the brewing exasperation in her eyes. But he wasn’t planning on arguing with her. No, he only wanted to take this silly secret off of his chest.
“I’m a redhead.” he says softly “Date me instead.”
She was thunderstruck. She searched for any trace of prank on his face, yet there’s nothing she could find but vulnerability and sincerity. He was studying her reaction, hoping they were just mere surprise and not a sign of rejection.
“You’re drunk.” she says softly, trying to convince herself that his words hold no meaning “You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“If I tell you tomorrow morning, would you believe me then?”
Fred looks persistent, but she couldn’t give herself the benefit of the doubt and take his words more than empty drunken words. She couldn’t let herself go through the same hell again of hoping he would see her more than his extended little sister. It took her years to master the act of indifference and dull the affection she’s had since he first rammed her with the cart years ago.
“I guess if you could even remember to tell me then, we’d have this talk.”
He nods eagerly, mentally swearing to himself to not forget this promise. He wouldn’t be able to, no matter how hard he’ll try to forget in the morning, he’s sure of it. He isn’t the type to blank from a night of long drinks. He will surely remember each detail that’s happened tonight when the lights come on.
Much to his dismay, he did remember. Well it’s hard to not realise that something had happened last night when he had her snuggled close to his chest, her arms tightly wrapping his waist. This is the very first time they’ve ever been this close. Sure they have slept next to each other before, but never this intimate.
And it’s scaring him.
He silently peels her arms away, the absence is leaving an invincible scar on his heart, but it has to be done. He can’t let this go more than what it has already been. Hell, he’ll be cursing himself for the rest of his life for ever letting last night happen.
“Going somewhere?” she asks before he could reach the door.
“Yeah, I uh, I need to throw up.” he tries to make an excuse. She points at the empty bin by the bed with a smile, pointing out his lie “I wouldn’t want to make you disgusted by my puke.”
She rolls her eyes, “Your puke might actually be one of the least disgusting things I’ve seen of you.”
Fred flashes an unsure smile, doubting himself to sit on the edge of the bed. Her gaze was too captivating for him. Like a massive blackhole ready to engulf him completely with no return. But he knows that she’s waiting for him to finish whatever it is he started last night. He owes her that at the very least.
“Listen,” he starts with a heavy sigh, not having the heart to meet her eyes “I know what you’re thinking, but I just- I made a mistake last night. I was drunk, and if you could just pour them down the drain, I believe that would be best for us all.”
She makes a baffled expression, shaking her head in confusion, “Just so we’re clear, what exactly was the mistake you’re talking about?”
“Please, don’t make this any harder than it already is.”
“No, really. I am lost.” she says with a light raise of tone “Were you referring to the fact that you’re completely hammered, or that you made poor judgement on the boys I’ve dated with, or the fact that you basically asked me to date you?”
Fred stares at her in defeat. His secret is out. He knows it, she knows it. The only way he could make this any worse is to leave her hanging. If he wants to end it then he better cut straight to it, give her the crystal clear position of where he’s standing. Spare the poor girl any more ponders at night.
“Love, I’m sorry.” he says gently, finally looking up to her “But you must understand why this can’t go on.”
“What can’t go on?”
“What is this?” she yells, throwing her hands through the air in clear bewilderment “Your half spoken words and strange gestures these days. What exactly are you talking about Fred? I am completely and utterly puzzled.”
Fred wasn’t aware that his fists have curled into a ball, trying to hold in the outburst that is so fighting to come out. Seeing her in this state has given him the sight of all the seven hells. But if just confessing his feelings has brought them this much squabbles then imagine the anguish it would bring the both of them should they take it a step further.
At least, in his mind that’s the scenario they would go down to.
“You know I love you.” he confesses with a defeated tone “But you also know why we can’t be together.”
“No, actually I don’t.”
“Love, come on.” Fred chuckles half heartedly.
“No, I really don’t.” she says firmly, eyes still locked on him for answers “What could’ve been so bad if we were together?”
“Everything! Everything would turn bad the moment we change this.” he argues, standing from his seat. He paces around the bed, rummaging his hair despair “This, this very delightful feelings we’re having right now would last only for a month. Two at most if I could hold in my mean pranks. And then one day, within a year or five, we would fight about the silliest thing and forget why we loved each other in the first place.”
She sighs with a bitter smile. He didn’t even ask what she wanted. He just has to be the one to make the decision for the both of them, just like he always did. And it’s worse to finally realise that he has known all along that of her sentiment yet choses to turn the cheek and look away.
“You knew all along about my feelings and you didn’t even ask what I would’ve wanted.”
Fred shrugs, forcing a thin line of smile, “I think I know what you want.”
“And yet you still deny me of it.”
His face fell.
He never intended to hurt her, not like this. But he knew how impulsive he could get sometimes. And though the only thing he’s ever been so committed to is his feelings for her, being together with her would mean that there would be consequences the both of them have to carry. And that may include the scratch and burns of his hasty decisions.
“Don’t call me that if you can’t mean it.” she says softly before peeling her off of the cover “If you want to end what could’ve been the best relationship in our lives before it even started then I respect that. I respect your decision. But please don’t project your doubts on me and make it seem like I have any part in this nightmare because I know what I want and it certainly is not this.”
With those last words, she finds herself out of the bedroom. His heart completely shatters at the sound of the door closing, though she closes it softly. Fred could feel the strings in his heart snapping, aching his very body as the realisation hits. He didn’t need to be in a relationship with her to completely burn every bridges they have. He just has to be a complete arse to do so.
A complete arse who’s broken not only his but her heart too.
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𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔!
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— state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and what you want with it
— do you have any specifics for the reader? male, female, blonde, poc, etc?
— requests can be send through inbox or dms, but inbox is heavily encouraged!
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any gender x any gender
poly relationships
sensitive topics
x reader
ships (canon or non-canon, so long as it’s not problematic)
i. i WILL write cheating, but not if a character is going it to the reader/another character. i’ll make someone comforting another person after being cheated on, but i won’t write finnick odair cheating on someone
same thing ^^ goes for homophobic, transphobic, ableist topics like that, and. well i guess the same goes for abuse?
smut (i’m 14)
student x teacher
canonically gay character (ex: wylan van eck) x fem!reader for romantic requests
canonically lesbian character x male!reader for romantic requests
songfics (nothing against them, i just don’t know how!!)
things about ocs
ship fics
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character list (more to come!)
❍ = easiest characters to write for
bolded — favourite characters to write for
❍ sophie foster, ❍ dex dizznee, fitz vacker, ❍ keefe sencen, ❍ biana vacker, ❍ marellla redek, ❍ maruca chebota, tam song, linh song, ❍ wylie endal, ❍ jensi babblos, stina heks
❍ peter pevensie, ❍ edmund pevensie, ❍ susan pevensie, ❍ lucy pevensie, mr tumnus, ❍ caspian, eustace scrubb, jill pole, shasta, aravis
❍ percy jackson, ❍ annabeth chase, ❍ grover underwood, ❍ jason grace, ❍ piper mclean, ❍ leo valdez, ❍ hazel levesque, ❍ frank zhang, nico di angelo, will solace, reyna arellano, rachel dare, ❍ travis stoll, ❍ connor stoll, thalia grace, magnus chase, ❍ alex fierro, carter kane, sadie kane, lester papadopolous, lavinia asimov
❍ christine daaé, ❍ raoul de chagny, erik destler, ❍ meg giry
p.s. i’ll write for the movie, musical, book and 1990 miniseries versions!!
harry potter, ❍ hermione granger, ❍ ron weasley, ❍ luna lovegood, ❍ neville longbottom, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, ❍ sirius black, remus lupin, ❍ james potter, ❍ marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald, dorcas meadowes, lily evans
ocean o’connell rosenberg, ❍ noel gruber, ❍ mischa bachinski, ❍ ricky potts, jane doe, penny lamb, ❍ constance blackwood
❍ alina starkov, malyen oretsev, ❍ genya safin, ❍ zoya nazyalensky, david kostyk, erm others i accidentally deleted remind me to update this
kaz brekker, inej ghafa, ❍ jesper fahey, ❍ wylan van eck, nina zenik, matthias helvar
ponyboy curtis, ❍ johnny cade, sodapop curtis, darry curtis, steve randall, ❍ twobit matthews, ❍ dallas winston
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, ❍ finnick odair, ❍ johanna mason, marvel sanford, clove kentwell, cato hadley, ❍ cinna
IT (2017)
bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, ❍ stan uris, beverly marsh, ben hanscom, ❍ mike hanlon
❍ agatha of woods beyond, ❍ sophie of woods beyond, tedros of camelot, ❍ hort of bloodbrook, ❍ hester of ravenswood, ❍ anadil, ❍ dot, nicola, aric, rhian mistral, rafal mistral, leonora lesso, clarissa dovey
❍ alex bailey, ❍ connor bailey, ❍ red riding hood, ❍ jack, ❍ goldilocks, ❍ bree campbell
daphne blake, ❍ fred jones, shaggy rogers, velma dinkley
❍ jo march, amy march, beth march, meg march, ❍ laurie
pippa fitz-amobi, ❍ ravi singh, naomi ward, ❍ cara ward, connor reynolds, ❍ jamie reynolds, nat da silva
❍ charlie conway, adam banks, ❍ lester averman, guy germaine, ❍ connie moreau, julie gaffney, ❍ ken wu, dean portman, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson, ❍ fulton reed
dracula, ❍ lucy westenra, mina harker, arthur holmwood, ❍ renfield, dr seward, abraham van helsing, ❍ quincey morris
victor frankenstein, ❍ adam frankenstein, elizabeth lavenza, justine moritz, ernest frankenstein, henry clerval, the bride
henry jekyll, ❍ edward hyde, ❍ richard enfield, gabriel utterson, hastie lanyon, lucy harris
gotta update this one guys,,,
john bender , ❍ claire standish, allison reynolds, brian johnson, andrew clark
❍ blossom utonium, bubbles utonium, buttercup utonium , ❍ brick jojo, boomer jojo, butch jojo
❍ jareth, thomas jerome newton, david bowie
❍ sweeney, anthony hope, ❍ mrs lovett, johanna
lottie pumpkin, ellie wolf, ❍ jamie volk, ❍ ollie moreno, ❍ raphael wilcox, ❍ anastacia alcroft leblanc, saskia san martin, lola tomkins, mickey tomkins, binah fae
❍ corny collins, ❍ seaweed j stubbs, amber von tussle, tracy turnblad, penny pingleton, link larkin
sarah williams, ❍ bernard the elf, ❍ rodrick heffley, ❍ varian
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sitp-recs · 2 months
hi liv!! <3 recently ive been very into harry/george, i was wondering if you had any recs for that? thank you so much, i hope you have a great day xoxoxo
I got you, anon! Writcraft sold me on this ship back in 2020 and I’ve been slowly making my way through their tag since then. Such a great rare pair! Here are some recs for you, enjoy :)
Stepping Out by Alisanne (T, 900 words)
Harry is sent to talk to George.
After Hours by torino10154 (E, 1k)
Harry stayed behind with George to help tidy up the shop and, after a bottle of Wicked Witch of Western Wales Wine, well, one thing led to another.
Highland Fling by sliebman10 (E, 1.5k)
While on holiday, Harry and George decide to try on kilts. They are very taken with the different look, and one thing leads to another.
Maybe by Vorabiza (T, 5k)
George and Harry need some time alone to heal, but being alone together opens up new possibilities.
See You Next Week by TwoAces (NR, 5k)
George is struggling to cope with the death of his twin, and Harry just wants to get through to him. He doesn't realize quite how torn up he is, himself, though, and through their attempts to heal each other they discover they are very much in love.
Tell Me (We Belong Together) by Maggs0607 (M, 6k)
Harry isn't sure when or how it happened, but one day he looks around the Burrow table and realises that in the three years after War, George Weasley has become his best friend.
Just Like You by @wynnefic (E, 9k)
Of friendship, grief, and getting it on with a polyjuice version of your deceased loved ones. (Polyjuice: Fred/George and Harry/Sirius). Cw: incest
Hopelessly Devoted To You by @writcraft (E, 10k)
Harry and George watch a lot of musicals and accidentally fall in love.
Two out of Three by @wynnefic (T, 15k)
A few years after the war, Harry thinks he has the ideal life. He's working his way up to his ideal job, he's still together with his Hogwarts sweetheart, he's got a couple of great friends, and he's love potioned to the gills.
Evergreen by @thecouchsofa (T, 23k)
Harry asks George to the Yule Ball because it’ll be a laugh and he’s in dire need of one of those. If George can continue to keep his crush under wraps it should all go swimmingly.
May Contain Nuts by scoradh (E, 32k)
After Voldemort is defeated, the script for Harry's life comes to an end. Unsure of what to do with his life, he does nothing. Only one person is on hand to show Harry that a hero is not the sum of his vanquished enemies, but he's got problems of his own. Cw: major character death
Sunshine on Leith by GobletOfCider (M, 78k) - Muggle AU
After years of running from his problems, avoiding family and anything that resembles stability, George finds himself a little bit smitten with single dad, Harry. Settling down in Edinburgh was never part of the plan, but it just might be everything he didn't know he needed.
Bonus: minor Harry/George
A Season in Amber by Thevina (T, 8k) - Dron
Nowhere in Draco's job description does it state that because he's an Unspeakable, he's skilled enough to retrieve Ronald Weasley (or anyone) from beyond the Veil. But when Potter gives him no other options but to join him in this literal death-defying endeavour, Draco does exactly that. If only finding Ron had been the hardest task.
Inevitably Everything by CheekyTorah (M, 8k) - Dron
Ron didn’t need help finding a date.
Sad Girl Fall by yrfrndfrnkly (M, 20k) - Pansy/Luna
Pansy's been watching Luna follow her autumn vibes wherever they take her for six years. This year, she follows along.
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gothicgender · 4 months
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Salutations, welcome to my blog. I'm Blake but you can call me blaky or Liu aswell, however you prefer ! To say something about me I use they/them or neutral pronouns and want to become a writer. I may have bad grammar because I'm not english.
Requests - open
Request rules :
I will write for my fandoms because I'm more used to them.
The fandoms I'll write for are Hazbin Hotel, creepypasta, monster high, harry potter and maybe teen titans.
I am comfortable writing fluff, smut, angst, romantic, platonic and other stuff requested...tho I won't write smut that is too freaky or with weird kinks that I'm no comfortable with.
I can write fem, male and gender-neutral reader.
I can write headcanons or small fics about ships I also like because find it more easy then to write a ship I don't see happening or that I personally don't like.
I wouldn't like to be rushed with requests because it can be really stressful !
Do not be afraid to request and be specific with it !
Characters I will write for !
Hazbin hotel :
Angel Dust
Sir Pentious
Cherry Bomb
The overlords (expect Valentino)
Adam (probably)
Mimzy (probably)
Katie Killjoy
Tom Trench
Ships I accept :
Charlie x Vaggie
Husk x Angel Dust
Valentino x Velvette x Vox (I believe they are poly)
Sir Pentious x Cherri Bomb
Carmila and Zestrial
Creepypasta :
Jeff the killer
Ben Drowned
Homicidal Liu
Bloody Painter
Ticci-Toby (probably)
Jason the toymaker
Candy Pop
Eyeless Jack
Hobo Heart
The puppeteer (maybe)
Laughing Jack
Nathan the nobody
Jane the Killer
Nina the killer (both versions)
Kate the chaser
Nurse Ann
Suicide Sadie
Judge Angels
Laughing Jill
Ships I accept :
Jane the killer x Mary (her canon wife)
Kagekao x Suicide Sadie
Bloody Painter x Judge Angels
Nurse Ann x Dr. Smiley
(other you can suggest)
Monster high (gen 1 or 2) :
Clawdeen Wolf
Draculaura Vike
Frankie Stein
Cleo de Nile
Lagoona Blue
Ghoulia Yelps
Abby Bominable
Jinafire Long
Iris Clops
Robecca Steam
Rochelle Goyle
Scarah Screams
Skelita Calaveras
Spectra Vondergeist
Toralei Stripe
Purrsephone and Meowlody
Twyla Boogeyman
Venus McFlytrap
Marisol Coxi
C.A. Cupid
Casta Fierce
Clawdia Wolf
Viperine Gorgon
Deuce Gorgon
Clawd Wolf
Heath Burns
Holt Hyde
Invisi Billie
Jackson Jekyll
Neighthan Rot
Garrot du Roque
Kieran Valentine
Manny Taur
Ships I accept :
Clawdeen x Draculaura
Clawd x Draculaura
Cleo x Deuce
Abby x Heath
Ghoulia x Sloman
Frankie x Jackson
Spectra x Porter
Rochelle x Garrot
Scarah x Billie
Iris x Manny
Harry Potter :
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred and George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Alicia Spinnet
Lavender Brown
Parvati Patil
Dean Thomas
Neville Longbottom
Ginny Weasley
Lee Jordan
Angelina Johnson
Blaise Zabini
Pansy Parkinson
Tom Riddle
Theodore Nott
Daphne Greenglass
Millicent Bulstrode
Cho Chang
Padma Patil
Luna Lovegood
Marietta Edgecombe
Penelope Clearwater
Michael Corner
Hannah Abbott
Susan Bones
Cedric Diggory
Ships I accept :
Harry x Ginny
Ron x Hermione
Neville x Luna
Molly x Arthur Weasley
Bill x Fleur
Draco x Astoria
Angelina x Alicia
Teen Titans :
Robin (Dick Grayson)
Beast Boy
Madame Rogue
Punk Rocket
Ships I accept :
Robin x Starfire
Raven x Beast Boy
Jinx x Kid Flash
This is all so far ! Thank you for visiting my page.
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l0verboyxoxo1111 · 7 months
𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 & 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌:
Hello everybody and welcome to my writing blog! :) I wanted to write down here, what are my rules and what will I write for.
What I will write for:
• X reader’s
• Headcanons
• Fluff
• Smut
• Agnst
• all genders of readers
• Kinks (only ones who aren’t harmful)
• Ships
• Fanarts
What I will not write for:
Characters I will write for: * if the character is gay I will not write them as straight.
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Harry Potter | Marauders Era
• James Potter
• Lilly Evans
• Peter Pettigrew
• Remus Lupin
• Severus Snape
• Sirius Black
• Regulus Black
• Narcissa Black
• Bellatrix Black
• Andromeda Black
• Lucius Malfoy
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Harry Potter | Golden Trio Era
• Harry Potter
• Hermione Granger
• Ron Weasley
• Draco Malfoy
• Luna Lovegood
• Neville Longbottom
• Fred Wesley
• George Weasley
• Pansy Parkinson
• Blasie Zabini
• Tom Riddle
• Adult Version Sirius Black
• Adult Version Remus Lupin
• Adult Version Severus Snape
• Also I will write for: Mattheo Riddle, Tom Riddle as brothers ( i will also Write for Tom as young Voldemort) Enzo Lorenzo, Theodore Nott
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• Edward Nyggma
• Oswald Cobbelpot
• Fish Mooney
• Jerome Valeska
• Jeremiah Valeska
• Barbara Kean
• Bruce Wayne
• James Gordon
• Selina Kyle
• Poison Ivy
• Victor Zsasz
• Tabitha Galavan
• Harvey Bullock
• I will also write for DC characters who aren’t from the Series, as: Harley Quinn, The Joker, Roman Sionis Etc.
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• Rachel Green
• Monica Geller
• Phoebe Buffay
• Joey Tribbiani
• Chandler Bing
• Ross Geller
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Hazbin Hotel:
•Angel Dust
• Charlie Morningstar
• Vaggie
• Cherri Bomb
• Sir Pentious
• Husk
•any other character from that fandom
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Helluva Boss:
• Stolas
• Blitzø
• Asmodeus
• Fizzarollie
• Loona
• Millie
• Moxxie
• any other character from this fandom
* you can ask me to add more fandoms, I will add them if I know them <3
That’s all hope you Enjoyed :)
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v-o-i-d-e-d · 10 months
Request rules and Character list
Hi! Welcome to my blog!
~here are a few rules~
I don't write:
anything to do with piss
large age gaps/ageplay
smut for characters under 18
crossover au
Fanfiction of real people
mlm relationships (it's not my place to write what I haven't experienced)
Incest (this includes anything to do with stepsiblings and stepparents)
Please don't:
harass me about my writing/schedule
critique my writing without permission
repost my writing (reblogging is okay and encouraged)
Characters/fandoms I write for:
Titanic (1997)~
Jack Dawson
Rose DeWitt Bukater
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Peter Pan
Henry Mills
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Doctor Strange
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Peter Parker (All three of them)
Wade Wilson
Peter Maximoff (Pietro only by request if I feel like it. I don't like him that much)
Star Wars~
Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa
Rey Skywalker (Argue with the wall)
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Poe Dameron
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Ashoka Tano
Din Djarin
Cassian Andor
Jyn Erso
Star Trek (The JJ Abrams version)~
James Kirk
Pavel Chekov
Dr. Leonard McCoy
House M.D.~
Gregory House
Allison Cameron
Robert Chase
Doctor Who~
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
Amy Pond
Clara Oswald
River Song
The Hunger Games~
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Finnick Odair
Haymitch Abernathy
Young Coriolanus Snow (don't start with me)
Johanna Mason
Harry Potter~
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Hermione Granger
Remus Lupin (Mauraders and Golden Era)
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
My Babysitter's a Vampire~
Benny Weir
Ethan Morgan
Rory Keaner
Erica Jones
Sarah Fox
Top Gun/Maverick~
Pete Mitchell
Bradley Bradshaw
Jake Seresin
Gilmore Girls~
Lorelai Gilmore
Rory Gilmore
Jess Mariano
Indiana Jones
Wilford Warfstache
Marty McFly
Ferris Bueller
Cameron Frye
Malcolm Bright/Whitly
~this is just a preliminary line up and more characters will be added~
All my works will use feminine descriptors and pronouns unless specified in the request. Feel free to send in a request and I'll be sure to get to it as quick as I can!
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cailynwrites · 5 months
A Very Pairy Christmas Masterlist - 31+ podfics for December
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Week 1: ❄️ Snow ❄️
Warmth by @givereadersahug (James x Lily x Severus)
Knitting Hats for Puppies by @arielsakura (Harry x Bill)
Convergence on a Winter's Night by @inmyownlittlecorner5 (Ted Tonks x Severus Snape)
Snowdrifts by @indreamsink (Draco x Hermione)
Sock Snowmen by @givereadersahug (Harry x Severus)
The Great Biscuit Calamity of 1978, And Other Such Disasters by @lunapwrites (Sirius x Remus)
Snowdeer Charms and Concussions by @arielsakura (Tom x Harry)
Week 2: 🎵 Caroling 🎵
Sorry It Took Me So Long by @arielsakura (Luna x Harry)
With Love by @smallsherbert (Pansy x Hermione)
Fast the Night Is Fading by @snapesnailtape (Severus x Lily)
Sing My Song (For You) by @theselittleponders (Rose x Scorpius)
Draco, Merrily on High by @blythe-ly (Draco x Harry)
Remus Lupin and the Christmas Snail by @innermostplanet (Remus Tonks)
Beautiful the rose that in your garden is by porcelainsalt (Luna x Astoria)
Week 3: 🎄 Mistletoe 🎄
'tis the damn season (Pansy's version) by @the-francakes (Ron x Pansy)
Escaping Fred Weasley's Magical Mistletoe by @ptwritesmore (Fred x Hermione)
Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by @siriusly-sapphic (Narcissa x Dorcas)
Mistletoe Rescue by @indreamsink (Draco x Hermione x Theo)
Rocking Around the Christmas Tree by @ptwritesmore (Ron x Daphne)
Festive Mood by @paulamcg (Molly x Amelia)
House Unity by @tryslora (Draco x Neville)
Week 4: 🎁 Gifts 🎁
The Pink Prank/Prankmas Eve by @danpuff-ao3 (Draco x Ron and other pairings)
Fulfilling of the Secret Wish by smirkingcat (Draco x Remus)
Unlocking Christmas Joy by @ptwritesmore (Harry x Hermione)
The Seventh Annual Weasley White Erumpent Exchange by @constitutionalweasleymonarchy (many pairings!)
A Non-Christmas Non-Romance by kelly_chambliss (Snape x McGonagall)
Adeste Fideles by @madmaudlingoes (Draco x Ron)
you make me feel good by @facingthenorthwind (Albus x Scorpius)
Week 5: 🥂 New Year's Eve 🥂
snapshots by kitsunerei88 (Percy x Oliver)
The Enchanted Forest by @xslytherclawx-writes (Neville x Regulus)
A Magical New Year's Masquerade by @ptwritesmore (Draco x Hermione)
This Time Next Year by @janieohio (Draco x Harry)
Bonus: 🕎 Hanukkah 🕎
kindling and memory by @leftsidedown (Fleur x Tonks)
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snowyslytherinowl · 5 months
Most Crushed on Male Harry Potter Characters: A Study (Version 2)
Because I feel that my original study on the most crushed on male Harry Potter characters was flawed, I decided to do a part 2. This time, I looked at all of the characters listed below on every website, regardless of whether they have 10 works or 10,000 works. On AO3, I also looked at original character pairings because I believe the author is usually attracted to the canon character they’re writing about or they’re writing for an audience that is attracted to the canon character. However, I couldn’t look up OC-prairings for Tumblr and Wattpad and explain why under their individual sections. The websites I looked at were AO3, Tumblr, and Wattpad. These are the results as of December 31, 2023 (I know I’m late to posting this, but it’s because I forgot to add other edits to this post until now)! 
Included characters: Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Newt Scamander, Cedric Diggory, Sebastian Sallow, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, James Potter, Tom Riddle/Voldemort, Ominis Gaunt, Neville Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black, Ron Weasley, Theodore Nott, Oliver Wood, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Mattheo Riddle, and Lorenzo Berkshire. 
Note: I didn’t include Harry Potter (the character) because results for Harry Potter on Wattpad and Tumblr frequently returned results about the Harry Potter fandom as a whole, not Harry Potter himself. 
Original study link (August 6, 2023) here!
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*Collage is mine, but all the photos were found on Google
What I did: The number of works under “(male character)/reader” and “(male character)/you” differed, so the green number is the higher number of works between those 2 tags. The blue number is the number of works in “(male character)/original character(s).” The red number is the added total between the green and blue numbers. The characters will be ranked based on the red number.
Draco Malfoy: 1,445 + 2,981 = 4,426 works
Severus Snape: 1,128 + 2,769 = 3,897 works
Sirius Black: 952 + 2,236 = 3,188 works
Remus Lupin: 900 + 1,500 = 2,400 works
Sebastian Sallow: 880 + 1,379 = 2,259 works
Fred Weasley: 743 + 1,228 = 1,971 works
Tom Riddle/Voldemort: 361 + 979 = 1,340 works
George Weasley: 684 + 932 = 1,616 works
Ominis Gaunt: 421 + 697 = 1,118 works
Regulus Black: 223 + 878 = 1,101 works
James Potter: 375 + 506 = 881 works
Charlie Weasley: 152 + 548 = 700 works
Cedric Diggory: 232 + 422 = 654 works
Ron Weasley: 212 + 430 = 642 works
Lucius Malfoy: 202 + 384 = 586 works 
Neville Longbottom: 190 + 383 = 573 works
Theodore Nott: 95 + 426 = 521 works
Newt Scamander: 336 + 130 = 466 works
Blaise Zabini: 79+ 322 = 401 works
Oliver Wood: 123 + 198 = 321 works
Bill Weasley: 106 + 170 = 276 works
Mattheo Riddle: 59 + 108 = 167 works
Theseus Scamander: 72 + 25 = 97 works
Lorenzo Berkshire: 10 + 13 = 23 works
Potential problems: 
I think the AO3 results are the most accurate since for the most part, all reader-insert works are under only 1 name of the character, not something like “Snape/Reader” and then “Severus Snape/Reader.” However, I did notice that there were sometimes works with 2 characters where 1 character had a relationship with the character, while the other character was in a loveless arranged marriage or some sort of non-con relationship that the author didn’t mean to romanticize. 
Also, whenever I calculated the the number of works under both “(male character)/Original Female Character(s)” and “(male character)/Original Male Character(s)” it was always less than the the number of works under “(male character)/Original Character(s).” Therefore, I’m not sure if this means I undercounted OC-pairing works.
What I did: I researched “(male character) x reader,” “(male character) x you,” and “(male character) x y/n.” The number of followers under these tags sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of followers between the 3 tags. However, I couldn’t count the number of followers for any tag along the lines of (male character)/OC. This is because Tumblr doesn’t provide the number of followers for OC-pairing tags for whatever reason. Also, some characters are tied because Tumblr only shows followers in thousands and hundreds, not the specific number. 
Draco Malfoy: 15k followers
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin: 12k followers
James Potter: 10k followers
Fred Weasley: 9.2k followers
Tom Riddle: 6.6k followers
George Weasley: 6.4k followers
Newt Scamander: 6.2k followers
Regulus Black: 5.7k followers
Theodore Nott: 5.4k followers
Mattheo Riddle: 5.1k followers
Severus Snape: 4.5k followers
Sebastian Sallow: 4.2k followers
Cedric Diggory: 3.9k followers
Ominis Gaunt: 2.7k followers
Ron Weasley: 2.6k followers
Charlie Weasley: 2.2k followers
Neville Longbottom and Oliver Wood: 1.9k followers
Theseus Scamander: 1.8k followers
Bill Weasley: 1.5k followers
Lucius Malfoy and Lorenzo Berkshire: 1.4k followers
Blaise Zabini: 1.3k followers
Potential problems: 
Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like “Remus Lupin x Reader” and “Lupin x Reader.” 
I’m not entirely sure how Tumblr rounds the number of followers under a tag, but the number of followers can vary drastically for characters that are tied depending on how Tumblr rounds. For example, Sirius may have 12,900 followers and Remus may have 12,009 followers, or Sirius may have 12,499 followers and Remus may have 12,001 followers. Therefore, the lack of an exact number of followers under a tag has the potential to mess up the accuracy of the total final results. 
I noticed that not every single result under the tag was actually a reader-insert post. However, I don’t think this is a major issue since I counted the number of followers under a tag who are under the impression that every post with that tag actually adheres to the tag title. 
What I did: I searched for “(male character) x reader,” (male character) x you, and (male character) x y/n. The number of results under these searches sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of results between the 3 tags. I didn’t search for anything along the lines of (male character) x OC (refer to “potential problems” for my explanation). 
Lorenzo Berkshire: 59.3k results 
Draco Malfoy: 48.7k results
Neville Longbottom: 46.2k results
Newt Scamander: 42.9k results
Cedric Diggory: 41.5k results
Ominis Gaunt: 30.3k results
Theodore Nott: 22.2k results
Ron Weasley: 19.7k results
Remus Lupin: 17.3k results
James Potter: 14.9k results
Sirius Black: 14.3k results
Severus Snape: 13k results
Fred Weasley: 11.6k results
Tom Riddle/Voldemort: 11.1k results
George Weasley: 9.2k results
Oliver Wood: 4.8k results
Regulus Black: 3.4k results
Blaise Zabini: 3k results
Lucius Malfoy: 2.5k results
Mattheo Riddle: 1.8k results
Bill Weasley: 1.6k results
Charlie Weasley: 1.4k results
Sebastian Sallow: 400 results
Theseus Scamander: 175 results
Potential problems: 
I don’t think these results are very accurate, especially since Lorenzo has only 23 works on AO3 yet somehow has more results here than Draco. Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like Remus Lupin x Reader and Lupin x Reader. 
Searches for James, Potter, and Remus frequently returned Marauder fanfiction collections which didn’t separate works for the individual characters. 
As I stated above, I didn’t research pairings with OCs since many of the results didn’t even return OC pairings. For example, the very first result for Snape x OFC is literally a fic of James Potter x Snape. 
If you compare my results from the original study, some of the characters have fewer results than they originally had. I’m not sure if this is an error on my part, if Wattpad changed how it returns results for searches, or if some fics were deleted. 
Wattpad doesn’t provide the exact number of results for each search, so this has the potential to mess up the final total results.
Final Total Results
Draco Malfoy: ≈68,126 admirers 
Lorenzo Berkshire: ≈60,723 admirers
Newt Scamander: ≈49,566 admirers
Neville Longbottom: ≈48,673 admirers
Cedric Diggory: ≈46,054 admirers
Ominis Gaunt: ≈34,118 admirers
Remus Lupin: ≈31,700 admirers
Sirius Black: ≈29,488 admirers
Theodore Nott: ≈28,121 admirers
James Potter: ≈25,781 admirers
Ron Weasley: ≈22,942 admirers
Fred Weasley: ≈22,771 admirers
Severus Snape: ≈21,397 admirers
Tom Riddle/Voldemort: ≈19,040 admirers
George Weasley: ≈17,216 admirers
Regulus Black: ≈10,201 admirers
Sebastian Sallow: ≈6,859 admirers
Mattheo Riddle: ≈7,067 admirers
Oliver Wood: ≈7,021 admirers
Blaise Zabini: ≈4,701 admirers
Lucius Malfoy: ≈4,486 admirers
Charlie Weasley: ≈4,300 admirers
Bill Weasley: ≈3,376 admirers
Theseus Scamander: ≈2,072 admirers
Once again, I doubt the accuracy of these results, so take these results with a grain of salt. However, I do think these results are more accurate than my last research study since I tried to be more precise. Also, these results aren’t necessarily indicative of how much a character is crushed on since there are probably plenty of people who don’t write fanfiction, follow tags on their loved character, or interact with fanfiction/the fandom in general. I will do this study on female characters sometime in the future, but I don’t know if I’ll redo this study on male characters. Thanks for reading! 
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solongdaisymayy · 8 months
Traditions (Fred & George's Version)
written for #WeasleyWeek hosted by @thethreebroomsticksfic. – Day 5: Fred and George Weasley
shoutout to @lanaturnergetup, queen of George Weasley fics & all things present tense, for looking over this fic! ☺️
Read it below or on AO3 !
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It’s one of the oldest, most well known traditions in the Wizarding World, receiving your Hogwarts letter the summer you’re eleven. Criminally less talked about, George reckons, is the insane barrage of questions from a newly admitted first year, all centered around life at Hogwarts. 
“Oh, just you wait, you’ll see what they have in store for you. It’s fun watching the new midgets be sorted,” Fred says when Ron comes down for breakfast on a Monday morning, this time inquiring about the sorting ceremony. Unfortunately for Ron, they've specifically been instructed not to give this bit of information away.
“But how are we sorted? What do we have to do?” Ron asks, taking the seat beside Dad and loading his plate with scrambled eggs and sausages. 
A tawny owl carrying an envelope with the Hogwarts seal arrived for Ron just last week, and he’s talked of little else since. His wondrous curiosity – this wide-eyed eagerness to know where each class is located and what time dinner starts and how soon he can try out for the Quidditch team – would all be sweet, were it not for the fact that Ron has been directing most of these questions towards him and Fred. 
George, groaning, reaches for the pot of tea and wonders dismally if pretending he’s lost his hearing might prompt Ron into shutting up for the rest of summer. The temptation to just tell Ron the truth is growing stronger by the minute. So what if Ron knows all they had to do was pull on a tatty old hat? It surely won’t ruin his first day at Hogwarts, not the way Mum and Dad went on about it. Does it really have to be kept a secret?
Fred, however, waves a hand at Ron, throws George a quick sidelong glance, brow raised. “Just a small test. Doesn’t take too long either, the sorting ceremony.”
George sighs but gives in. For tradition, as they say.
“It’ll be over faster than you can say ‘blimey’. You’ll barely even feel the pain before - poof!” He snaps his fingers. “You’re done, just like that. New house, new mates, you’ve got it all.”
The color drains from Ron’s face. “Pain? What d’you-”
“Don’t worry, you can scream if you’d like.” Fred is the picture of calm as he addresses Ron, who's frowning. “We’re all used to it by now, watching the wee ones squirm. It rarely lasts longer than a minute.”
Dad, his face hidden behind the morning paper, clears his throat loudly.
“Right, right,” Fred says hastily, “but we’re not supposed to talk about it. You’ll find out soon enough, only a few more weeks.”
“Just don’t look too scared when you get there,” George advises, buttering his toast before slathering it with generous amounts of marmalade. “They won’t sort you into Gryffindor, then, and you’ll fail our house test.”
“And that would be a shame,” Fred yawns. “Mum’ll have to disown you.” 
“That’s enough,” Dad interrupts, his voice straining suspiciously behind that newspaper. “Ron, don’t worry, and don’t listen to these two. It’ll be fine, trust me.”
Ron nods, unsure, and stares down at his plate. George tries his best to keep his mouth straight. It’s always so easy, messing around with Ron. 
Ten minutes later, and he’s passing Ron on his way to the kitchen for some of yesterday’s scones. George, glancing down at his younger brother, falters for a heartbeat. He should just let it go, really, but he can’t resist. Biting back a laugh, he pats Ron's head, offers the boy a sympathetic smile when he looks around.
Ron’s expression turns, if possible, ever more morose as he turns back to his cold eggs. 
“Listen, if you fail the sorting ceremony, Ronnie,” George assures him, “there’s always Hagrid’s apprenticeship to look forward to.”
Fred grins. “Yeah, no shame in working with Chizpurfles and Chimeras, dear brother.”
“Working with what? Is that legal?”
“So long as you don’t lose a limb, sure.”
Dad makes a sound, somewhere between a cough and a laugh. 
It’s tradition, too, George reckons, to keep the children guessing about life at Hogwarts.
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lanaturnergetup · 8 months
more about ice cream
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for @thethreebroomsticksfic weasleyweek (#WEASLEYWEEK), day 5: fred & george weasley
a george weasley (and verity!) drabble, continuing on from @hinnyfied's excellent fic, which you can read here <3
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George is having a terrible, no good, very bad day. You’d think working in a joke shop is nothing but laughs, but there’s a surprising amount of paperwork involved. About the same amount of paperwork as the errant thoughts about Fred that keep popping into his mind. It’s one of those days. 
 Paperwork and grief: two things that (in George’s experience) tend to dampen the laughs at the joke shop.
Especially when Verity, who usually does the paperwork, has done nothing today but glower at him. Or she’s done her version of glowering: frowning and manning the till without taking on paperwork duty. Which, from Verity, is a sign that something’s deeply wrong. 
Finally, at ten past twelve in the afternoon, George says, “Get on with it.” 
“I’m sorry?” Verity asks.
“Whatever’s bothering you. Spit it out.” 
Verity, ever the professional, seems to take a moment to decide whether she wants to say anything or not.
George wonders what’s weighing her down. It could be something as small as missing the bus (Verity despises a lack of punctuality, and despises it even more when it comes from her) or something as big as a family member being ill. Both would result in the same slight frown on her face. Finally, she says, “I broke up with Gertrude.” 
George racks his mind, which brings forth an image of a blond woman raising her eyebrows at him and looking vaguely angry. Right. Gertrude. He’d never liked her much when Verity brought her around. She was maybe his least favourite of Verity’s girlfriends. And, given the sort she’s brought around to the shop, that’s saying something. “And when you say you broke up with her…” 
Verity’s mouth twitches. “I mean… she broke up with me. Or, rather… She ended things with me in a sushi restaurant, and I couldn’t enjoy my food in peace.” 
“She ruined the sanctity of your sushi?” George says, incredulous. “That’s it. This calls for ice cream. Let’s go.” 
“Go where, Mr Weasley?” Verity says. 
“Fortescue’s, of course.” 
“If we both go, there’ll be no one manning the shop,” Verity points out.
George fixes his gaze upon Verity, thoroughly unimpressed. “Verity. I appreciate your work ethic, but it’s a weekday afternoon. No one’ll say anything if we close for lunch, and this situation calls for ice cream. Let’s go.” 
Before she can protest, he’s managed to sweep her away and out of the shop. (She gets the closed for now, check back in later for more mischief! sign up on the door with a flick of her wand right on time.) 
Working in a joke shop, surrounded by neverending work and the thoughts of his brother, can be exhausting. But some days there’s ice cream, so. There’s that. It will have to do, for now. 
And when they walk into Fortescue’s and see none other than Ron and Harry, in their Auror robes, holding ice cream cones which they’re licking with all the enthusiasm of Aurors slacking off their duties… well, George thinks, it definitely does something to perk the day up.
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