#jess mariano x reader
History Repeats Itself
note: first jess one-shot!!! (and i'm actually proud of it???) also i say their baby is one but i don't know babies to well so if she's too advanced for a one year old, just cut me some slack
warnings: teen pregnancy, food/eating
word count: 4.7 k
♡ summary: Being a teen mom is hard but without any help it's even harder, after saving up enough she can finally move to Stars Hollow to be closer to her baby's father
♡ Jess Mariano x reader
request ✓
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The bus ride down was long, and it only got worse as 1-year-old Caroline woke up from her nap and decided to let everyone know of the inconvenience. Finally after the long months of working and saving up she had enough to move to Stars Hollow, unlike Jess who had a parent to send them and an uncle to stay with, she saved up and made it happen. She wanted Caroline to be around her father, and she wanted to be close to Jess.
And Y/n’s always loved the idea of a small town, a place where you felt safe, a place she would feel safe raising her child in, a place that wasn’t $2,500 a month for a closet. Here she could give her daughter a lot more, here she would have a support system in Jess and Luke. Unlike what her parents would give her.
By this point in the bus route it was only the mother and daughter and a couple strays, she saw the messy haired boy sitting on a park bench close to the bus stop, of course he had his nose in a book. She started packing up Caroline’s stuff, tucking her blanket and toys in the basket of the stroller.
When she got to the bus doors, Jess quickly made his way to help her lift the stroller down the steps, when the stroller was once again on the ground Jess squats down getting face to face with his little girl, “Hey, Care!” “Daddy!” He lifted her up by her armpits. When the little girl was out of her seat and in her dad’s arms, her mom stacked their bags on the seat.
“Hi! You’re so big! Really she is. She’s growing up so fast.” “Well she can walk way more stable now. No more scaring, mommy that you’ll fall if I look away for a second.” She says the last sentence in baby voice while she tickles the girl’s belly to make her giggle and their foreheads to rest on each other’s.  
“So you gonna show us around?!” “‘Around’?” They continued their walk around the gazebo area, walking towards Luke’s. 
“This is it, that's the record shop, that’s the bookstore, that's Luke’s, and that’s all you need to know.” “Well where’s the bank, I might need to rob it later.” “You’ll find a job. And if you don’t then work at Luke’s, he could do with the time off then maybe he’d get off everyone’s backs.” “He’s probably stressed with you always causing trouble.” “Me? Trouble? Nooo, I’m a peach.”
Jess had the baby today since Y/n was off to find a job, her first stop was the most promising. Luke let her know that a friend of his needed extra staff at their Inn for an event that was coming up, someone who could be an assistant of sorts. So after wearing her most capable looking top, and best fitting jeans. She kissed Caroline’s check and yelled goodbye to Luke and Jess as she began her walk.
When she walked inside she saw a man at the front desk on the phone. Waiting to ask for directions, she hung around the man’s desk, busying herself with some pamphlet. She couldn't help but listen to the man’s angry English in his french accent.
Suddenly he hung up the phone and got back to writing whatever he was writing, without looking up and with an annoyed tone said, “Yes?” “I was looking for Lorelei, I’m here for-” “The assistant job, yes.. Follow me.” He walked quickly to wherever it was they were going, mumbling along the way, “Of course, an assistant. Just what we need around here. Not like I don’t already do most of the work around here.”
He opened the door for them, it ended up being the kitchen they were now in. A tall woman holding a to-go coffee cup that said ‘Luke’s’ on it and a shorter woman in an apron fighting with a scruffy man about vegetables, which look to be parsnips. 
“The mini-you is here.” “One little comment, Micheal. I’m not saying you’re incapable. I just want more help with organising events so I focus on planning!” “Whatever.” Turning on his heels, Micheal walked out the doors making his way back to his desk. 
“So you’ve met Micheal! Sorry, we usually don’t let him around the new people but we're a little short-staffed. Let’s head to the dining room.”
They sat down at a table in the dining room, Lorelei asked all the important questions, and Y/n was perfect, now she was just asking the things she’ll tell Sookie later when the woman asks about the new hire.
Taking a sip of her sixth coffee this morning Lorelei asked, “So, are you new to town? I haven’t seen you around before.” The girl was stirring milk into her second coffee as she responded, “Yeah, I am. I just moved here with my um- my daughter, closer to her dad so…” 
Since it was of course the time most adults got horrified, thought she was a bad kid, and though she didn’t get that vibe from Lorelei, it was at least bound to shock her. “You’re daughter? How old are you? Wait- I know, it’s on your resume. I mean- I’m, deja vu y’know? Abba did say ‘the history books on the shelf are always repeating themselves’.” 
She must have seen the confused look on the young girl and explained, “I had my daughter when I was sixteen.. And came here to get a job, so just getting major deja vu. Well then, since I know what you’re going through, I won’t put you through the short mental torture of waiting for a call I was gonna do and just tell you you got the job.” “Oh, thank you! I really need this, I can’t thank you enough.” “Just change her name to Lorelei and we’ll call it even.” “deal.” Those two would get along great, much to Luke’s misfortune.
Y/n sat at the counter with Caroline in front of her sitting on the counter while she played with her mother’s hair. Jess was filling up cups of coffee and serving customers while he listened to Y/n’s words.
“So until you go back to school, you’ll have Caroline during the day here and when I’m done work I’ll take her.” “No, you’ll never have a break. After work you go to your house, relax then grab her after dinner.” 
Jess may have this ‘I only care about myself’ attitude but that never included Caroline and Y/n, he’d kill for either of them at any given moment. He always put them first. If thought Y/n needed a break, she was getting a break whether she wanted it or not. 
Just as the girl was going to thank him she was interrupted by another girl around their age coming to sit down at the counter, two over from her. 
“I have the book you lent me.” She said, unknowingly interrupting the conversation since Jess was facing the coffee machine to make a new batch when she sat down. “Oh, thanks.” He muttered, notably not turning to face her.
On the inside Jess felt guilty. Why did he feel guilty? He didn’t do anything, he and Y/n weren’t together, nevermind the fact that all he did was lend Rory a book. As friends. Because they’re friends. But nonetheless it almost felt like cheating. Jess and Y/n may not be together officially but that didn’t mean that they both didn’t love each other. And not just because they were the parents to a beautiful little girl. Jess had always wanted more, he’d let the girl know that more than a handful of times, and she let him know it wasn’t unrequited, yet something always came between them.
You’d think having a baby together would bring them closer, and in some ways it did; they trusted each other more. But they also fought more and being the dumb teenagers they were, they didn’t have the emotional ability to move past that and build the relationship they both wanted. And then when they felt they were ready to, Jess was sent to live with his uncle. Just another fork in the road. But now they were living in the same town and had a good system, and people to support them. It was the perfect time, everything was going right, they could feel all the feelings that never really left resurfacing.
“Okay, I have to get to work. You’ve got her?” “Yeah.” “Bye, baby, I love you. I’ll see you in a little bit, but you get to spend all day with daddy.” “Bye-bye, mommy!” 
She said bye to Jess after she walked around the counter and handed him Caroline, muttering a small ‘go see, daddy’ that Rory most definitely heard.
When the door finally chimed shut Rory shot up to follow Jess to the table he was now setting Caroline up at. She watched his gentle movements as he readjusts her shirt and places crayons and paper in front of her, which she got right into scriballing away. 
“She’s yours?” “Yeah.” “.. So that girl is your girlfri-" "I’ve got work to do.” 
The warm atmosphere of the dinner is a stark contrast to the cold winter air. Noticing Jess and Caroline are nowhere to be seen she assumes they were upstairs and makes her way up the stairs. Half-way up the flight of stairs she could hear her little girl’s loud giggles. She quietly opens the door to see Jess holding Caroline above his head, as if she was flying.
When she first got pregnant everyone told her Jess wouldn’t be a good dad, that she can’t rely on him for anything. God were they wrong. She doesn’t think it’s possible for her baby to have a better person as a dad. She sadly doesn’t get to watch the scene for much longer as she’s spotted by little Caroline.
“Mommy! I see daddy ‘morrow?” “Yes, you get to be with daddy all day tomorrow too.” “Yay!”
As the conversation between them goes on, Jess lets his little girl plant her feet back on the ground and starts collecting some things she’ll need during the night before she comes back here tomorrow, he then starts getting Caroline’s shoes on her feet. While Y/n sits on the couch next to their little girl.
“So who was that girl this morning?” “Who?” 
Jess always did this, it was a tell tale sign that he didn’t want to talk about it, but that’s never stopped Y/n before. “You know who.” Of course having to be difficult, Jess gives her a fake confused look, as if he’s never met another girl in his life. 
“The one returning your book.” “Oh, that girl.” “Yeah, that girl.” “She’s nobody.” “So you just lend books to ‘nobody’s now?” “Care, where’s Mr.Wiggle?” The girl lets out a gasp and reaches out for Jess to help her off the couch, when he does she runs into the closet where she previously hid while playing hide and seek a couple hours earlier. 
“What? Don’t want Care to hear about her new step-mom?” “Don’t call her that.” “What? Care? Only you can call her that?” “No, don’t call Rory Care’s ‘step-mom’.” “Rory! I get her name!” 
Jess was a quiet guy, but not this quiet, especially not with Y/n. He didn’t want to talk about Rory, maybe because it was weird talking about another girl with your baby momma. And yes it was weird for Y/n too, but for a completely different reason, she assumes. She liked Jess, and has since before she even knew about Caroline.
“C’mon, Jess, it’s me. I want you to be happy.” Sure Rory made him happy, but only because she was the only friend he had here, it wasn’t the way Y/n made him happy. Before he could deny for words again Caroline came back running into the room with her stuffie in her hands. Having already said her goodbyes, she opened the door and walked out.
“Caroline, wait hun! I think you should go for it Jess.”
She walked out the door, closing it behind her, leaving Jess to stare at where she disappeared. He decided to take her advice, just maybe not the way she meant it
Y/n helped Caroline pack more snow onto their snowman. Caroline wanted to do it after she heard Luke complaining about town events again, he stopped complaining when he saw how excited the girl was. They had Mr.Wiggles off the side learning against the tree, using him as a reference. 
“Mommy, no. Mr.Wiggles has more hair.” 
Caroline was getting very comfortable ordering her mother around, but in this instance Y/n let it slide, poking more sticks on the top of the snowman’s head to mimic Mr.Wiggle’s spiky hair. 
“That’s good!”
Lorelei and Rory were just one snowman down, both told Caroline they thought she would win and encouraged her before she even started. Since they were so close, they could hear the scene that had just played out. 
“Tough age, wait till you get to the terrible twos. ‘No’ is all you’ll hear.” Lorelei said, kindly as her and her own daughter walked past them. Y/n let out a laugh at the comment before she asks, “You guys done already?” “No, but after Michelangelo over there busted out the power buffer, and when Caroline busts out her cuteness, what chance do we have?” “I see your point.” “So off to Luke’s we go.” “We’ll see you there in a bit.”
Y/n was standing talking to one of the decorators when she saw Lorelei and Sookie step out of the kitchen, quickly finishing her directions she wrote down a note on her clipboard then made her way to meet them at the entrance of the dining room.
When Sookie sees her, she asks, “What’re we looking at today?” Sookie was really fun to work with, like Lorelei she was very chill as a boss, but Sookie was also so kind and always took it upon herself to make sure Y/n has eaten and that her and Caroline are taken care of. She could tell the woman was going to make an amazing mother.
“This is last on the list.” She replied, after she took a quick glance at her clipboard, then continued, “We’ve got trumpets, the madrigal singers-” “Sorry to interrupt, but I’m not playing squire of Bracebridge.” 
Sookie and Lorelei must have finally told Jackson to play the squire, they told her earlier in the week that they were playing to ask at the last moments so he had to. It was a flawless plan, especially when Jackson can’t say no to Sookie.
She saw that Lorelei and Sookie were just ignoring him, so she played along and continued down her list, “All the servers are lined up. This is just for the recorder players and harpists.” She stopped at the recorder players and let Lorelei talk to them, “Hi. Lay some on us, guys.” 
The two recorder players played the soft tube they were going to come accustomed to in the next few days. The three of them shared positive looks and when their playing came to an end, Sookie said, “Hey, you cats really know how to blow those things.” Lorelei continued Sookie’s comment by saying, “You’ve got the gig. Y/n here will call you later with the details. Thanks.” 
Recorder players started packing their things, Jackson started again on the fact that he wouldn’t play the squire, and the three women continued to ignore him.
“When do the quests arrive?” “Thursday at four on their own jet.” “After buying out the whole inn.”
“Must be nice to have money.” Y/n added, checking off and writing down more notes on her clipboard.
“You know what struck me today?” “-Was it the fact that I am not the squire?-""We’re crazy for doing this.” “We’re beyond crazy.” It did feel crazy, Lorelei told her they’d never done a function this big before and that’s the reason they hired more help. Like her, but also that they were planning to do a lot more big things like this, more weddings, and such. 
“We’re ‘Anne Heche speaking her secret language to god and looking for the spaceship in Fresno’ kinda crazy.” “Oquinis no-goodo noto.” Sookie said, causing Y/n add, “Il ecnatra dos guidan.”
Their nonsense was once again interrupted by Jackson, “And spring this on me at the last minute too. I mean, that’s just manipulative.” Suddenly a cook pops his head out of the kitchen, saying calmly, “Sookie- fire!”
Sookie rolled her eyes softly, this happened far too often, before saying, “I gotta get back in the kitchen. You guys handle the harps?” Both women nodded and replied in unison, “You got it.” 
“Alright. I’ll do it. I’ll play squire Bracebridge if that’s what you want.” Everyone knew he would cave eventually. Sookie patted his arm and said a quick, “Thanks, sweetie.” before walking back into the kitchen to hopefully deal with the fire. “As long as it’s not just because I fit the costume.” Jackson looked back at Lorelei and Y/n, Lorelei had a grin on her face while Y/n wore a tight-lipped smile. “It’s because I fit the costume, isn’t it?” He followed after Sookie.
Lorelei put her arm around Y/n and led them to the harpist, “Go ahead.” The harpist played the same tune as the two recorder players. But just as the woman started, Lorelei got a call. She patted Y/n’s arm, “I have to take this, you handle the harpist.”
The girl tried to stay calm, nodding her head and going back to listening to the music. Lorelei trusted her, yes it wasn’t a big job by any means, but still it was a step into a bigger role down the line.
The next day, Sookie and Y/n had all the waiters/performers in the dining room going over what their job was. And teaching them the old English words to use for things.
Sookie was just telling Rune that he couldn’t just talk like an old man whe Lorelei came in with a disappointed look on her face, and let them know the dinner was off.
The three women, as well as Rory and Caroline were now sitting at a table at Luke’s, Caroline was happily eating her pancakes, plain just as she liked and completely unaware of the collective disappointment of the group.
Lorelei has really welcomed Y/n into her life. She may not be Jess’s biggest fan, but she would always help another teen mom out. Especially since she sees so much of herself in Y/n. She’s grown to really love the girl in the short time they’ve known each other. And aftering hearing Y/n didn’t have her family in her life she was more than happy to help and maybe become that family for her one day. Just like Mia did for her.
“I’ve got 30 pounds of aged beef, trays and trays of trout, mountains of prune tarts. I diced pumpkins until my hands turned orange. I’ve got pumpkin hands!” Sookie showed the table her hands, it apparently caught Caroline’s attention since she grabbed Sookie’s right hand and held it in her left while she continued eating. Sookie lets her hand rest in the little girl’s while she freaks out more and asks Lorelei, “How can you stay so calm?” “There’s nothing we can do about it.” 
Rory was just as upset, mostly because she knew how hard her mother worked on the planning, “I can’t believe they got snowed in.” Y/n hasn’t told Jess, but she’s become pretty close to Rory, the girl sometimes comes to the Inn and helps around and Rory’s become kinda her only friend, that was until Rory invited her to the record store with Lane. After that day she had two friends. 
After knowing Rory more, she realised how much she and Jess have in common, and even though Rory has a boyfriend she can tell there’s an attraction to Jess she’s trying so hard to hide. 
Y/n zoned out for a moment, looking outside, she was upset that the first event she helped organise wouldn’t even happen. She was broken from her stare out the window from Caroline jumping in place while sitting on her mom’s lap, the cause of which was Luke coming to the table. 
“You girls want anything besides coffee?” He asked, adding on with a pat on the girl’s head, “Or pancakes?” “Hey, what about Luke?” “What about him?” “He eats, and Jess eats. Doesn’t Jess eat?” Sookie directs the question at Y/n, before the girl could say anything Luke cuts her off, “What’s she doing?” “I think she’s inviting you for dinner.”
Getting distracted while trying to convince Luke to come to dinner, the four decide to still put on the dinner for the town. Like an out of control slumber-party.
The dinner was going great, the secret amazing part of inviting the town was that Y/n and Caroline could actually meet everyone. Miss. Patty and Babette loved Y/n and Caroline (mostly Caroline), Caroline loved Kirk, and everyone loved that Caroline could do whatever she wanted and Talor wouldn’t say anything. And Y/n got to meet Paris after all the stories she’s heard.
Caroline and Y/n were in line for the horse drawn carriage rides, when Caroline saw her favourite person, Lane. “Laney! I ride with you!” Lane, before agreeing, made eye contact with Y/n to make sure it was okay. Y/n gave them the go ahead and helped Caroline get settled. After their carriage left she made her way to the next one. Telling the driver it’s just her.
It was nice to get a break from everything. It was quiet and peaceful. Well that was until Jess ran up and hopped on the carriage next to her. Without a word he put the blanket that was over the girl’s legs on his too. 
“I thought you and Care were going together.” “She’s one ahead, with Lane.” “Ahhh. Well it’s two to a sleigh no more, no less. So you were breaking the rules, you're welcome for saving you.” “You could have hurt yourself.” “Aw, you care about me.” “You are my baby's father.” 
She wished she just agreed with him. She didn’t just care for him because he was Caroline’s dad, and she doesn’t think she says it enough. But then again, maybe it would mess things up if she admitted that. But that decision was made for her.
“I’m touched.” “Jess. I don’t mean it like that. I care about you, Caroline or not.” 
Trying to change the topic to something she thought was more lighthearted, she says, “So, how are things with Rory?” “There are no things with Rory.” “C’mon, Jess, we can talk about this stuff-” “Why are you so insistent that I date Rory?” 
She wasn’t expecting that outburst. Not from Jess. He rarely ever yelled at her, and when he did it was always misplaced anger, never actually angry at her. This time it was her, it was what she said.
“I just want you to be happy-” “C’mon, Y/n. Be serious.” “I am. I want-” “If you want me to be happy so bad, why won’t you give me a chance?!” 
He turned his face to her, looking right into her eyes, she could see the hurt in his. Did she put it there?
“What’re you-” “Since we found out about Caroline, I’ve tried and tried to help you realise that I love you. And not how you mean ‘I love you’. I don’t love and care for you because we have a family and I have to. I love you, because I want to. I want to be with you. And I know it will be hard, but I’ll do the work.” 
If she had more social awareness at the pent she would have hated that the coachman heard all of that. But after what Jess said, the look in his eyes; that was so full of love. She felt like it was just them two in the world. No, that it was just their little family in the whole world. He and Caroline were all she would ever need.
“I love you too, Jess. I have for so long, long before Caroline, but I thought you wouldn’t want to be tied down to me, especially after I had Caroline, that any sign I thought you gave me was all in my head.” “It’s not.” 
He brought her in closer to him, an arm around her shoulders and when her arms wrapped around his waist he left a kiss on the crown of her head. The small kiss brought her eyes up to him, which led to their first real kiss in one year and nine months. 
His lips were softer than she remembered, but they still fit into hers as if they never left.
She broke away from their reuniting kiss to place her head in the crook of his neck, wanting nothing more than to be close to him.
“My mom didn’t want me to come home.” She took her head out of his neck to look at him fully. They were always that person for each other, the one you can tell your problem to and they knew when to help and when listening was enough. Right now, she knew listening was enough.
“I’m sorry, Jess.” “It’s fine. Just sucks.” “I know. Well, Care and I will always want you to come home.” After her words, he brought her closer than before. She was always just what he needed. 
Wanting to change the subject, Jess nodded his head to the snowman Y/n and Caroline built. “It’s good.” “What?” “Your snowman, well Caroline’s snowman I'm sure she’d want me to say.” “You know which one’s ours?” “Definitely shows her personality… It kinda looks like Mr.Wiggles.” “That’s what we were going for. But everyone thinks the one on the end is going to win.” “Really? It’s so overdone.” “I agree.” “You and Care’s should win.” “Agree again.”
The dinner was filled with Jess and Luke confused at what exactly was in the food, Jess and Y/n trying their best to keep Caroline sat which about half an hour in they gave up and just let her walk around the lobby, as well as saying hello and talking to everyone at the table. Having an interesting conversation with Mrs.Kim about grace, ‘helping’ Kirk by sitting on his rolling food cart, and even talking with Paris for a while. 
Overall it was a great night. Even better when Jess, Y/n, and Caroline got to their shared room, putting Caroline asleep together for the first time in a while. And falling to sleep in the same bed together, holding each other, listening to each other’s breaths, as well as Caroline’s. Everything was just how they both always secretly wanted. And now get to have openly and freely. 
In the morning Y/n got up early since she was technically working, and she still was when Luke, Jess, and Caroline left to open the diner for the day. It was around noon when Y/n finally left, walking to Luke’s to spend the day with her two favourite people. Which was when she saw Michelangelo’s snowman fallen to a large pile of snow on the ground.
She didn’t even have to think for a second to know that Jess did it. Sometimes he did the weirdest things to show his love.
The bell rang as she pushed open the door, she sat down next to Caroline, saying ‘good morning’ and getting one back before she made her way to the counter.
“I saw what you did.” “What’d I do?” “Caroline will be happy she won.” “Anything if my girl’s win.”
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magewritesstories · 9 months
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[ ᴊᴇꜱꜱ ᴍᴀʀɪᴀɴᴏ ] ᴍᴏᴛɪᴠᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
summary: Luke doesn’t understand where Jess’s sudden motivation to do well in school is coming from TW: none note: i love him sm, but it’s a pretty short fic
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“I’m leaving!”
Luke looked up, astonished at the sight that greeted him. Jess stood in the doorway of the diner, with a book bag slung across his shoulder, headed towards the library.
This had been happening for about two weeks now. Every Wednesday at 15:45 on the dot his nephew— his school despising nephew— had been leaving to go to the Stars Hollow Library
The older brunet had made sure that he was actually going to the library and not off to Walmart to pick up some extra shifts.
Jess made his way across the townsquare towards the local library. Everyone who knew the boy in the slightest would know he had no business there— his habit of annotating books meant he couldn’t borrow any, and he despised the quiet— so why was Jess Mariano going to the Stars Hollow Library?
The answer was very simple; Jess had a crush.
You were always there. Sitting in a faraway corner, of the library, working on homework or reading for an assignment. 
A few weeks ago he’d gathered the courage to walk up to you when you were reading Wuthering Heights. He was surprised when you remembered him from your english and biology classes (mostly because he was rarely there.)
You were sitting in your usual spot when Jess arrived. It was a small wooden desk, with enough place for two people. The edges of the table were worn, just like the fabric of the pillows on the chairs. There was small yellow-light over the table that blinked every now and then.
The black-haired boy made his way over to the table, letting his bag fall onto the floor with a loud thump. 
The sudden sound made you look up from your math assignment, “Oh, Jess, hey,” You gave him a bright smile, “Didn’t think you were gonna make it today.”
“Oh please, I am nothing if not consistent,” He quipped as he tried to ignore the feeling of his heart hammering against his chest.
You rolled your eyes, “They only thing you’re consistent in is bailing, Mariano.” Jess shrugged, “Doesn’t really matter what it’s in, I am consistent.”
“I heard you missed the math quiz yesterday?” You asked, turning back to your homework, “And I missed you in english.”
The teen shrugged, grabbing his books, “I had some stuff to do.” You raised an eyebrow, “Stuff?”
“Yeah, stuff.”
“Well, you missed Ms Bledel handing out our assignment,” You continued. Another thing Jess loved about being around; you didn’t push too hard on things that weren’t your business.
You handed him a copy of your notes, “It’s a two person assignment, and since you weren’t there I made sure we were paired up— so you better not choose next week thursday to be consistent.”
Jess laughed, taking the papers, “I make no promises.”
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It was a busy day in the diner when you stormed in. Jess was refilling Rory’s cup of coffee, when the bell rang and you shouted his name.
He looked up in surprise, along with Luke and Rory. “I got an A!” You shouted, running over to him. The black-haired boy wrapped his arms around you in surprise when you jumped towards him, “Thank you!”
You were referring to the fact that he’d helped you with the english assignment and you’d gotten an A for it— which was practically unachievable since Ms Bledel never gave A’s.
Jess rolled his eyes, hoping that the tinge of red on his cheeks wasn’t obvious, “It’s not a big deal,” He shrugged as you pulled away.
“It’s a huge deal,” You countered, “She never gives out A’s, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten an A for english in my life.”
Rory, who was watching the scene amusedly, nodded along, “Yeah, even I haven’t gotten an A in her class before.”
Having heard the commotion Luke walked over to the three teens, “I heard someone got an A?” You nodded, proudly holding up your’s and Jess’s copy of the assignment— bit with a red A on them.
“Oh this is so going on the fridge,” Luke smirked, which made the black-haired boy groan, “Please don’t...”
You giggled slightly at the scene in front of you, before realising you had other places to be. “I have to go,” You said, “But I’ll see you at the library tomorrow?”
That’s when it clicked in Luke’s head; the sudden motivation to do well in school had nothing to do with his threats of kicking Jess out if he failed, it was simple puppy love.
The brunet watched in amusement as his nephew’s eyes followed you all the way to the end of the street.
You had become Jess’s motivation.
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word count → 782 words links → gilmore girls masterlist
2K notes · View notes
iwritefandomimagines · 9 months
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pairing: jess mariano x reader
description: you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy jess’ flirty teasing. he’d be lying if he said that you didn’t make him uncharacteristically mushy.
warnings: swearing n fluff!!!, that’s all folks
author’s note: ok so i caved and started rewatching GG already — i had this idea and had to run with it! let me know what u think x
“Wow Y/N, we have got to stop bumping into each other like this!”
You looked up, rolling your eyes at the smirking boy before you as you placed down your book, “Oh yes,” you quipped sarcastically, “Such a shock to see you at your uncle’s diner that you live above and work at. Bonus points for you literally choosing to come over to my table, by the way. Usually you save our tantalising small talk for when I come to the counter for a drink.”
This only emboldened his smirk, and he glanced back to see Luke quirking his brow at his usual game — he always distracted himself from helping out by busying himself with talking to you.
In seconds he’d sat himself down in the empty chair opposite you, leaning on your closed book and staring so intently into your eyes you felt your heartbeat quicken immensely.
“What do you want, Mariano?”
“Ouch, last name?” he pouted, “And here I thought we were friends.”
Your heart was racing at how close to you he seemed to be, but his assertion of your supposed ‘friendship’ dulled this a little.
It infuriated you that he spent so much time flirting, and then every other moment acting like his having any romantic interest in you was a ridiculous suggestion.
“Friends, hm?”
In all the time he’d been loitering around, lending you books, stealing your books, making you coffee and all-round just finding any reason to be near you, Jess had never been certain his attraction to you was reciprocated either.
You’d started out shy, unsure of why the hell he seemed so struck with talking to you when he appeared so disdainful of everyone else in Stars Hollow.
And then you’d warmed to him, you’d opened up, you’d spent evenings as the only two people in Luke’s — just talking for hours on end — only to the next day seem distant again.
He’d tried to reassure himself that you did like him too, and that you were just shy, but something always stopped him from passing the boundaries of friendship beyond flirtatious remarks.
“Am I being relegated to an acquaintance?” he placed a hand over his heart and screwed up his face like he was going to cry, before relaxing it and smirking once more, “Or is your inquisitive tone your way of hinting at your undying love for me?”
“Shut up,” you shoved his arm gently, watching him feign a gasp, “You’re a pain in the ass, you know that right?”
Jess scooted his chair even closer to the table, “I totally thought that was your favourite quality of mine. My mistake!”
You didn’t reply for a moment, challenging him with eye contact and feeling your chest tighten at the way he seemed to match the intensity.
“What’re you doing tonight?”
This was new — he normally just hinted at caring what you were up to, nudged for you to give away whether you were seeing anyone, and danced around flirting just enough that he could deny it if you called him out on it.
You gestured to the book he’d made himself comfortable on, “A riveting night of draining your establishment of coffee ‘til you close, finishing this book and then probably either starting another or binging some shitty tv.”
It was only now that he looked at the book he was leaning on, clocking that it was Ham on Rye and he was the one who’d lent it to you when you’d expressed a desire to read more Bukowski.
“How’re you finding it?”
“Oh, and apparently starting the Jess and Y/N book club,” you teased, “Yeah, I’m enjoying. Thank you again for letting me borrow it.”
He smiled, “Anytime. Want me to leave you alone ‘til you’re done with it?”
You pondered his question for a moment. You didn’t want him to go anywhere, but weren’t quite sure if you should suppress your eagerness for his company.
“No, no,” you bit your lip, “Its alright. Does—,” you almost asked if Luke needed him, in the hopes that he’d say no and you could ask him if he wanted to get out of there. Almost.
“Does… what?”
“Nothing, never mind,” you shook your head, blushing crimson at how closely he watched your every move, “Its quiet in here tonight.”
He shrugged, “I was hoping you’d ask if I wanted to get out of here, because Luke definitely doesn’t need me when it’s this dead.”
You smirked, “Is this you asking me to get out of here?”
“Yes, Jess, cool. Let’s go somewhere else,” you grinned, pulling your book from beneath his elbow slowly and watching him roll his eyes at your teasing smile as you did so, “I was going to ask that. Didn’t want to seem too eager and boost your ego.”
He feigned insult again, “Ego? What ego?!”
He rose to his feet as you packed your book into your bag, gesturing that he was going to go and tell Luke he was leaving and quickly sauntering over to the counter, where you just about overheard Luke mumble, “Finally asked then?”
That made your stomach swarm with butterflies — this was really happening.
All this time, and things were finally progressing.
Jess briefly disappeared behind the counter, before re-emerging with his jacket and opening the door to the diner for you to lead the way out.
“Where’d ya wanna go?” you asked, your voice quiet as you suddenly felt anxious about being so close to him.
Your feelings for Jess had been growing steadily for so long now, bubbling under the surface, and now you finally had an inkling he actually liked you too you didn’t know what to do with yourself.
He shrugged again, looking down at his feet with his hands stuffed in his pockets as he ambled through Stars Hollow at your side.
“We can just walk,” you hummed, “Or we can go to mine. I’ve, uh, got a treehouse out back that my dad built when I was a kid. Or not if that’s a really fucking lame suggestion.”
He kicked a stone at his feet, “No, that sounds good. Totally lame. But good.”
That pleased you enough to elicit a small hum from your lips, and you found yourself walking a little closer to him as you led the way to your house, “Good. Follow me then.”
When you arrived at your house it was empty as ever — the reason you spent so much time at Luke’s was the rarity of company at your own home given your parents’ busy work lives.
You grabbed a few drinks from the fridge, some snacks from the cupboard, and then led the way out back to the treehouse, which was lit with fairy lights and adorned inside with band posters and shelves of books.
“I’ll give it to you, Y/N, it’s less lame than expected,” Jess nudged your side as you crawled in and slumped down on the mattress in the corner of the room, scoffing at him, “I feel honoured to have the Jess Mariano’s approval.”
“Should I feel privileged to be up here?” he licked his lips, eyes glancing over at the torn “NO BOYS ALLOWED” sign discarded at the edge of the tree house too, “Or does the sad state of the sign suggest I’m one of many exceptions?”
You rolled your eyes, “If you’re jealous that other boys may have been up here, you can just say that, Jess. But you should feel privileged because you’re the first. In fact, I can’t believe I didn’t even think twice about bringing you up here.”
He seemed to like that, his eyes glimmering as they darted between your lips and your eyes repeatedly while he found the words to respond.
“I’d say that means you like me, Y/N,” his voice was barely above a whisper as he spoke, and your close proximity left you shuddering as his breath fanned over your face, “Can’t say I blame you.”
His shit-eating grin made you roll your eyes for the millionth time tonight, “Here I was about to say maybe you were right. Thanks for snapping me out of it, shithead. I don’t like you nearly as much as you like yourself, huh.”
He just stared at you for a moment, eyes still twinkling and his breathing jagged.
“Funny, except I don’t think that’s true,” his head dipped to kiss you now, capturing your lips at first tentatively and then with increasing pressure as you kissed back.
He pulled back for a second, half smirking and half dazed, “Yep, I’d say you definitely like me.”
“Says the one who initiated the kiss,” you challenged, “And has been flirting with me incessantly since, like, the moment we met.”
He raised his eyebrow, “Oh is that so?”
“Are you denying it?”
“Oh no, I’ve definitely been flirting,” he licked his lips once more, desperate to kiss you again but trying to refrain for now, “It’s just funny that you’re only calling me out on it now.”
You gently shoved him and poked out your tongue, “I can kick you out of my treehouse whenever I want, you know.”
He only leaned closer again, “But you’re not gonna, are you?”
Jesus Christ you’d not been prepared for the palpitations in your chest right now. Your heart thrummed against your rib cage, drunk on the feelings that had only gotten stronger tonight.
“It’s your lucky day.”
You kissed him again, and the arm he wasn’t propped up on scooped around your waist to pull you closer and deepen the kiss, “Yeah, I guess it is.”
You stayed like this for god knows how long, joking around in between kisses and getting more and more comfortable in each other’s company, until he sat up abruptly and furrowed his brows.
“What’s wrong? Filled your kiss quota for the night and ready to leave or something?” you smiled, tongue in cheek, and he chuckled.
“Oh no, never. Just figured as much as I’d like to just kiss you, we should probably talk,” it was unlike Jess to look as nervous as he did right now.
In the time that had passed this evening, you’d grown comfortable enough to help him out a little here.
“I really like you, Jess.”
He wasn’t expecting that — you could tell from his wide eyes and open mouth, which he swiftly shut when he realised he was slack-jawed and silent.
He reached out to take your hand in his, fingers twiddling with yours, “You do? That’s, uh, good. ‘Cause I really like you too, Y/N.”
You couldn’t help the little joyous giggle that escaped your lips, and he couldn’t help the warmth that spread through him at the sound of it, “D’you want to stay over tonight? We can sleep in here?”
He kissed your nose, relaxing back into his reclined position again, “If you’re sure… I’d like that.”
“‘Mm, c’mon then,“ you cuddled in a little closer to him, suddenly overcome with tiredness from the evenings events, “…’m sleepy.”
He smiled, a broader smile than he was sure he’d ever smiled before, happy you were finally this close to him. He dipped his head to kiss your forehead, interlocking your hands as you got comfortable on his chest.
“G’night beautiful,” he whispered, and you could hear his heart thrumming in his chest. You couldn’t believe you’d found this side of Jess Mariano. And you weren’t going to get over that joy any time soon.
“Night Jess,” you hummed, already half asleep, “You better be here when I wake up.”
“Oh I will, Y/N, I’m not going anywhere.”
ahhHhHhh i hope you enjoyed this !!! please feel free to make some requests if you’d like, or just let me know what you think! i’ve been in such a writer’s block funk lately — but hopefully i’m back now!
here is my masterlist if you’d like to read more of my works!
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pettydollie · 6 months
movie night (jess mariano x gilmore reader) ♡.。.:*
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a/n: just letting you know before you read, i wrote this at like 10:30, i was super tired and i did not proofread 😭 i’m just trying to get this out tbh. also this is kinda just bc i may not be able to get out chapters 5 and 6 for iwmflyb this week. ik it’s not billy but maybe i’ll do something for him tmr wc: 1.4k
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“rory! where’s my white sweater?” you yelled to your sister. you walked out of your room and ran downstairs to her room. “can i give it to you tomorrow?” she asked with puppy dog eyes, pouting. you folded your arms in her doorway. “why tomorrow?” you raised an eyebrow. “dean’s coming over tonight.” rory told you , getting up from her bed. “hm, okay. as soon as prince charming leaves, i’m stealing it back!” you sassed. rory stuck out her tongue at you in which you did right back.
then a knock was heard at the door. mom forgot to get luke to fix the doorbell, so everyone had to knock for now. “coming!” you yelled. you ran out of rory’s room to the door. you opened the door to reveal a slightly messy jess. “oh, hey.” you greeted. this was very random. “oh, hey back.” he teased. he welcomed himself into your home and walked to the kitchen. “wait why are you here?” you followed.
he took off his jacket and put it on the back of a chair. “i thought we were hanging out today?” he stated, confused. “no, you’re coming over tomorrow, silly.” you walked over to the fridge and took out a chocolate pudding. “dessert before dinner? naughty, naughty.” jess joked. “shh.” 
“your mom won’t mind right?” he questioned slightly nervously. 
“mind what?” you replied with a mouthful of pudding. rory came out of her room in a rush but stopped in her tracks seeing jess. “um. what’s he doing here?” rory folded her arms and tapped her foot. “hello to you too. i’m great, thanks. how are you?” jess spoke sarcastically. “you guys are bad hosts.”
you ignored jess and turned to rory. “jess forgot that he was coming over tomorrow instead of today, ror.” you explained. “you mind of we change it to today?” he wiggled his eyebrows. “no! dean is coming over today and i don’t want you to ruin it.” rory whined. “how would i ruin it?” he responded highly offended. “yeah, please tell us.” you quipped.
“by being… jess!” 
“now that’s a great answer if i’ve ever heard one.” you giggled. “i mean it though, dean doesn’t like him, he doesn’t like dean. you see the pattern?” she tried to convince you. “oh hush, you.” you silenced her, turning to face jess. “sure, you can stay. as long as you bring us the goods from Luke’s.” you ordered, standing taller. “i’ll go get them right now.” he winked.
rory rolled her eyes as soon as he left. you put your spoon in the sink. “why are you being so mean today? you’re friends with him!”
“okay, i’m sorry, but dean really doesn’t like him. i just don’t want him to ruin anything between us.” she confessed. “MOMMY! RORY’S HAVING BOY PROBLEMS!” you yelled very loudly. “shut up!” rory grinned, laughing. “NO IM NOT!” she yelled back upstairs.
the thudding of lorelai’s loud boots was heard as she ran into the living room. “spill it, sister.” she sat down excitedly. rory turned back to you. “he’s bringing Luke’s! i think it’s a pretty fair deal. and it’ll be like a double date!” you reasoned. “oooohhh. a double date!” lorelai’s eyes shone brightly like a cartoon character. “well fine, but what am i supposed to tell him? ‘oh, hi dean! do you mind if your least favorite person on earth joins us for our very romantic date tonight? thanks!’” she overdramatically acted out. 
“ooh, ooh, i’ll be dean!” lorelai turned her chair. she furrowed her brows and her voice changed to a deep tone. “oh no way, rory, i repeat, NO. WAY.” you giggled at your mother’s impression. 
“he doesn’t sound like that!” she tried to hide it, but rory couldn’t help grinning. “just don’t tell him.” you simply put. you nodded while rory scoffed. “whatever you say.” she walked back into her room. lorelai looked at you.
“she seems excited.”
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the first knock of the night was heard at 7pm. “knock knock!” rory went running to the door hoping it was dean first. but she was disappointed as it was jess instead with a box. “food!” rory cheered, grabbing the box from him. “thanks.”
jess closed the door and stepped inside. you were spread on the couch with a soft blanket on top of you. he walked over to where you were and bent over to kiss your head. “someone looks cozy.” 
“i am.” you grinned. “what are we watching tonight?” he asked sitting on your feet. “Donna Reed!” rory yelled from the kitchen. jess rolled his eyes smiling. “that’s not a movie. this is supposed to be a movie night.”
“whatever. she still deserves to be seen.” you sat up and leaned onto jess’ shoulder. “dean says he’s gonna be here in five minutes.” rory announced walking into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. “ooh, ooh!! you should hide and scare him.” you giggled mischievously. 
“no, that’s a terrible idea. that’ll make it even worse for him.” rory sympathized. she wasn’t wrong, dean would probably get super mad. “fine.” you shrugged. it’s alright, there will always be next time!
the second knock of the night was heard a few minutes later to which rory got up to answer the door. “hi, dean.” she leaned up to kiss him. he walked in and gave her the tub of ice cream. “what flavor did you get?” you asked him, shouting. 
he chuckled and walked into the living room. “hey-“ he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw jess’ face staring back at him. he turned to rory. “wh- is this some kind of joke?” you could see the anger starting to rise.
“y/n wanted him over tonight. he said he’s going to behave.” rory soothed, handing you the ice cream and sitting down on the couch. his mouth formed a straight line when jess gave his little wave. 
dean walked over and sat next to rory with his arms crossed. you gasped. “neapolitan!” you cheered. jess grabbed a spoon from the table and dug in with you. “what are we gonna watch?” dean questioned, taking some popcorn. “donna reed.” you and rory answered simultaneously.
“what’s that?” he manspread on the couch. “i’m sorry, what? you’ve never seen it?” you exaggerated, putting a hand to your heart making jess grin. “that’s a sin.” rory gasped. “that’s a cruel statement.” you quipped.
“so it’s like a show?” he asked, smiling softly. he was slightly nervous with jess being here. part of him didn’t know how to act. “it’s more than a show. it’s a lifestyle!” rory boasted and turned to you. “it’s a religion.” you pointed with your spoon and a mouthful of ice cream. rory nodded with you.
“oh jeez, can you put it on already? i’m dying over here.” jess groaned dramatically. you stuck your tongue out at him and pressed play.
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“bye dean!” you waved goodbye after watching a few episodes of the great donna reed. rory was quite upset, though. jess fell asleep on the couch while you guys were watching so you decided to leave him there for a few minutes to talk to rory privately. “how could he like that kind of stuff?” she whispered. “i think he just meant that the idea of a wife cooking for her husband is nice.” you reasoned.
“but i don’t think he understands the time period. what it was like for women at this time, you know?” she continued whispering. you nodded your head in understanding. you think she was being a little extra, but you kept that to yourself. “i’m tired i’m going to sleep.” rory kissed your cheek and walked to her room. “nighty night!” you whisper yelled.
you crawled onto jess and he shifted over slightly. “jess,” you shook him slightly. “wake up for a sec, babe.” you needed to quickly make sure he was allowed to sleepover without luke going into a frenzy before you could sleep comfortably.
you could hear him awakening from his slumber. “yeah, what’s up? you okay?” he sat up quickly. “i’m alright, are you able to sleepover?” you asked, rubbing his arm. he nodded and laid back down, bringing you with him. he stroked your hair as you covered yourself with the blanket. “goodnight!” you kissed his neck before snuggling into him. “goodnight y/n.” 
you sat up all of a sudden. “my sweater!” you whisper-yelled out. “huh??” jess hummed. “i need to get my sweater back from rory!” you got up and ran down the hall to her room, slamming her door open. jess chuckled to himself. “I WANT MY SWEATER BACK!”
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munsonsfairy · 1 year
nephew with emotionally unavailable parents 🤝 uncle who feels the need to take care of said nephew
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bealovesmarauders · 1 year
Heyyy! You said you were writing for Gilmore Girls, are you writing for Jess? If so, could you please write headcanons for him or anything you want to write really. If you don’t want it its okay ofc💕
grumpy x sunshine / jess mariano
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jess mariano x reader (headcanons)
wc: 700
a/n: thank you so much for requesting!! yes i do write for jess!! one of my fave bfs other than james potter and gilbert blythe. they’re all so<33  i’m absolutely obsessed with the grumpy x sunshine trope rn and jess with that seems perfect so that’s what im gonna write about if thats ok!!
⋆ ࣪.      ⁺⑅     ⋰˚     *.゚    .˳⁺⁎˚     ˚⁎⁺˳ .    ༺ ˖
jess has always been the bad boy of stars hollow since he moved. that is a fact. and when he meets you it completely throws him off because how can someone be so happy and sweet, and so beautiful at the same time?
obviously he’s not known for being optimistic… so when you meet him while working at luke’s, you try to make it your personal mission to have jess smile at least once a shift
luke thinks it’s great that you two have to work together because jess badly needs a good influence, and you’ve known luke since you were young so you’re completely and entirely trusted with the shop when luke goes fishing and whatever
jess is astounded
and then the way you treat the customers
even kirk likes you- he thinks you’re a wonderful break from whatever the hell luke’s attitude is
you’ve memorized everyone’s regular orders and never fail to serve someone without a smile on your face
at first it kinda pissed jess off tbh because he thinks it’s an act and not genuine
but as he gets to know you better he realizes that you’re just a really lovely sunshiney person no matter what, and hey, maybe you’re rubbing off on him a bit after all
one time he leaves his book at the counter while he’s on a break and you run up to the apartment to give it to him, even though there’s a backlog of customers
“you forgot your book downstairs”
he kind of stares at you, a smile creeping up 
“you’re welcome”
more awkward pauses
“you should really use a bookmark, you know, it’s bad for the pages if you bend them like that”
“you read?”
“yeah. you should really start a new book, though. that one had a super unsatisfying ending”
“oh yeah?”
that’s when everything changes for him
the next shift he comes to work on your day off and you’ve left him a small package beside the coffee machine with his name in cursive on it
it’s a book
your handwriting is inside the front cover with a little note to him
‘for jess, this is my favorite book, don’t bend the pages please :)’
and then there’s a homemade bookmark
from then on you guys start trading books 
and he starts smiling at you more
you guys get closer and more attached, working perfectly in sync at the diner- you’ll have the fries done at the same time he’s grilled a burger, so that everything stays warm for the customers
jess also starts doing more little things for you: wiping down the counter, helping clean up so you can go home earlier, giving you all the tips in the tip jar even though technically he deserves half
until one day you come into work late, eyes rimmed with red, furiously blinking tears away
he’s never seen you like this, so obviously he has to fix it
because you’re y/n l/n. you’re the sunshine of stars hollow
lorelai and rory are there, and so he asks lorelai to help man the coffee 
jess takes you upstairs to his room, away from prying eyes, and asks you what’s wrong, cause he can tell
you just burst into tears
“hey hey hey, you’re okay, what’s wrong?”
cue protective jess.
through the tears you tell him how you’re overwhelmed with school, homework, the pressure to get into a good university, and how you feel like you’re supposed to handle it all by yourself
jess knows it’s not the time for wisecracks
so he wipes away the tears from your cheeks and listens as you talk
when you’ve calmed down, you hug him as a thank you
jess has never really been hugged before. luke and his mom aren’t very affectionate, especially physically
when you finally pull away, his touch lingers
and you kiss him on the cheek very quickly
that’s when jess knows you’re the one
you’ll always be his sunshine, even through both of your worst moments
and he knows he’s going to spend the rest of his life with you, and devote his days to hearing you laugh
but that’s a story for another time
i hope you like this!! thanks so much for requesting, sorry if this got a bit long or if it’s not what you're looking for. likes and reblogs are appreciated! <33
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hyunjin1e · 6 months
POISON, jess mariano
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summary: jess has always kept to himself. never cared to like a girl since it “wasted his time,” but when he meets her…
pairings: jess mariano x fem!reader
warnings: fluff, smoking, making out, jess’ in love !
it all started with...
"jess, go help out that table," his uncle demanded, too busy sweeping the counter to look at him.
"yes, uncle Luke." huffed the boy, murmuring something under his breath, staring at his feet as they moved towards the table.
once his eyes locked with yours, as poetic as it sounds, the world around him, stopped.
"I-what can I get you?" he asked, quickly collecting himself as he awaited for your answer.
"uhh, a danish." you hummed, your eyes skimming the boy, seeing him for the first time.
his eyes looked down, spotting a book you've been reading, "pride and prejudice, huh?"
"you read?" to find someone your age, matter of fact, a boy, that reads, wasn't something you hear everyday.
"not much." was all he said.
"aha." you hummed as a reply.
"hemingway's better," the boy continued.
"yeah?" you raised your brow.
"yeah." he stared into your eyes, daring you to say something.
"jess! get the girl her goddamn food!" the boy, jess, rolled his eyes at his uncle, giving the girl one last smirk before leaving her table.
"one danish to that girl." jess stated, throwing the notepad onto the counter and making his way upstairs, deciding to finish his shift for the day.
jess was smoking a cigarette at the lake when he heard her voice again.
"smoking can kill you." you say as you sit down next to him, your legs dangling from the bridge.
jess looked at you, tilting his face a bit before averting his eyes back to the lake.
"yeah, well.." he didn't know what to say.
"it'll be a shame, too pretty to die." you said quietly, loud enough for him to hear, though.
"are you flirting with me?" the boy smirks, looking at your face once again.
"why, is it working?"
"well I feel quite flattered." he smiles, putting a smile on your face too.
"you're pretty too." he says after a bit of silence.
"thank you, jess."
"hey! you know my name, tell me yours."
"dunno, I like being mysterious." you gave a cheeky smile.
"please?" he tried giving you his best puppy eyes, which worked.
once jess heard your name come out of your lips, he paused, his eyes slowly drifting around your face, finally putting a name to the face.
"well, y/n, come walk with me?" he stood up, proposing his hand for you to take.
you take his hand, lifting yourself up and letting him take anywhere.
"what's with you and y/n?" Luke bursts into their shared room, startling jess, who has been leaning on Luke's bed, one hand holding his book.
"what do you mean?" his ears seemed to prick up at your name.
"you know what I mean! running around with y/n for 2 months now!"
"look, I might be in love with her." he stated.
"in love?! jess, you're 17." his uncle yelled confusingly.
"so?! im 18 soon. y/n is amazing, I've never felt like this before."
"I never saw you like this before!" Luke sighed, calming down. "just don't fuck up." and with a final nod, he left, leaving jess with a small smile on his face.
jess pulled himself up, reaching for the phone.
"y/n, hi." he smiled, biting his lip.
"jess!" your voice came from the other side, making his smile grow wider.
"meet me at the bridge in 5." and with that he ended the call, rushing downstairs and out the diner.
once he reached the bridge, he was out of breath. he ran so he could make it before you, so you didn't overthink if he bailed on you or not.
"jessie" you smile teasingly once you meet him.
"y/n." he did the same.
"anything you wanted to ask me?" you raise your brow.
"right! y/n, I know we only know eachother for a bit more than two months, but I fell for you. your smile, our share of love for books and music, your random rants late at night. I fell for you."
he awaited for your answer, his heart beating out of his chest, he has never done that before. the first time he saw you, he was addicted. it was like poison. you were poison.
but he loves it. he loves you.
"I fell for you too." your face hurt from smiling.
that was all jess needed for him to pull you into a long kiss, grabbing onto your neck, he kissed you long and good.
both could stayed like that forever.
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amorchai · 4 months
OMG IM IN LOVE WITH UR JESS MARIANO FICCS!! can i request a jess mariano x reader? the reader is a naturally loud and bubbly person. reader is talking to jess abt something they're excited abt, but realize that theyve been talking the entire time and jess hasnt said anything, reader automatically shuts down and stops themselves bc they're always told that theyre too loud and talk to much. i need the comfort fics😢😢 <3
jess assures you when you're insecure.
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pairings: jess mariano x reader
words: 466
warning(s): insecurity ( r thinks they talk too much )
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you had been mid-rant, jess fresh on break with a tea towel over his shoulder and hair tousled from the aftermath of mid-afternoon rush in luke’s café. when you had entered, the chaos of people leaving, jess breathed a sigh of relief and his uncle granted him his break.
you were talking about your long day at college – filled with dramatic students and unsympathetic professors, jess was sitting across from you, head perched on his palm staring at you.
“… i didn’t do one of the readings because i used that time to see you instead, god forbid i have a social life because he didn’t care… he just looked right at me and said that i should’ve known the answer.”
jess quirks a smile, a simple ‘how was your day?’ turning into a ramble that he didn’t dare interrupt. he knew you were interested in him, you just needed to offload and then you’d ask how his day was – even though his was significantly more boring than yours.
“anyways, i met paris for a bit during our free periods – she drove down and we grabbed some lunch. so that made me feel better, oh they had the best black coffee! paris loved it! i should take you sometime-”
you take notice into how jess is staring at you, your energy yields as you take it for boredom rather than admiration, the relationship was still fairly new in your defence.
“i would love that, baby,” jess replies.
your eyebrows furrow, your finger that previously runs across jess’ free palm stops. jess matches your expression, hand cupping yours with a small, “what’s just happened?” confused by the sudden silence and change of energy.
“no, sorry, was just rambling. i haven’t even asked you how your day was…” you trail off, looking down to your hands to avoid eye contact in case you might cry. jess tries to meet your gaze, head lobbing down, “it’s okay, i like listening to you talk.”
you look at him, eyes wide and confused, “you do?” jess’ heart throbs in his chest, unsure if you’ve been called out on being talkative or upbeat before, but a topic he’ll bring up another time. “’course, baby.”
your biting your lip anxiously, the need to kiss him very much sitting in your heart, if only you weren’t in the company of small-town eyes – babette sitting across the room. “how was your day?” you ask jess, smiling happily when he takes both your hands in his.
“alright, kirk saying this, dean annoying the living the hell outta me. but tell me more about the café. we could go on friday after your college class, yeah?”
you couldn’t help following your heart in leaning over and kissing jess, even if it was only for a few seconds.
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my masterlist . my taglist
amorchai © ─ all rights reserved. no reposting/translating/copying will be tolerated.
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
“HOLDING HANDS UNDER THE TABLE” prompt with jess mariano please and thank u 🫶
this is the first thing i've ever written for jess, so i you enjoy besties <3 also, i am a lorelei and rory stan, so if you aren't or want to say anything mean, say it to a wall.
"holding hands under the table." (from this prompt list)
when you and jess got together, you wanted to keep it on the dl. well, he wanted to keep it on the dl. although you weren’t best friends with rory gilmore, you were kind of friends and he didn’t want to create any animosity between you, so you decided to not tell anyone about it.
before school, you would meet in the back parking lot where no one ever was. jess brought a surprise pastry to share and a cup of hot chocolate while you brought a new book.
"on the menu today, vanilla scones with lemon icing."
"ooh, luke's getting fancy." you teased.
"i'm pretty sure he bought them."
"then disregard what i said."
"and what book did you bring today?"
"kirk told me i had amazing taste when i bought the book."
"kirk told you that? why would kirk be working at the bookstore?"
"who knows? i've learned to stop questioning kirk." you handed it over to him.
"really?" you shrugged, "i am not reading this."
"oh, you're boring. come on, it's a good book." you insisted. he opened his mouth to argue when the bell rang, "are you actually going to come to class today?"
"i don't know, i kind of like hearing you recite everything back to me." you playfully shoved his head and grabbed your stuff, "i'm kidding. we'll see. i have some stuff to do before."
"what could you possibly be doing right now?"
"stuff." he responded, "i'll see you later. promise i'll be there."
"you better." he leaned down and kissed your forehead before he was on his way, "i'm holding you to it, mariano." he gave you a thumbs up.
true to his word, jess walked into class as if he hadn't missed the majority if the day, "you know, when you said you had some stuff to do, i didn't think it would take all day."
"you'll be happy to know i got you something." he produced a flower he had definitely picked from the garden on the way to school.
"awh, that's sweet." you cooed, "how much do we owe taylor for it?"
"he won't even know it's missing." jess rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair then grabbing your hand and holding it in his lap under the table, "i got you something else too, but that'll have to wait till later."
"not like that." he rolled his eyes, "a cd."
"cd? jess mariano, you are spoiling me." you smiled.
"anything to see you smile." he gave you a sarcastic smile.
taylor's 2.5k celly!
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fandoms--fluff · 7 months
Pop of Colour
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Flufftober, October 9th
Female reader x Jess Mariano
Summary: Jess asks you paint his nails
Warnings: none
A/n: this is the first Gilmore Girls fic I've written, I hope it's good! Oh, and this is ooc but Jess is my sweet baby, so hush and read! ...only if you want to <3
Jess is sitting on your bed, leaning against your headboard with one of your pillows in his lap. He watches as you screw the top back on your nail polish. He watched you paint your nails the whole time.
He's always been interested in painted nails and always wished he could have his colorful as well. But he knows people will point it out and they'll make fun of him, as his mom had always told him, even when she was drunk or high as a kite. All her boyfriends and husbands had made it very clear that boys should never have painted nails or wear any makeup when Jess once came back home from school after coloring his nails with markers at school.
"You okay, Jess?" You ask him, noticing his eyes trained on your hands. "Um, yeah, sorry" he looks up at your face.
After a pause he opened his mouth again, "I-I was wonderin if you could, uh, paint...my nails? please?" He knows that he's not good at asking for things or asking about stuff, but he's been trying since you guys started dating.
"Oh, yeah, of course, hun. Come over here" You softly smile and nod over to the other chair with a sweater draped over the back of it.
He blinks for a second, surprised that you said yes, and puts your pillow back. He climbs off the bed and sits down on the chair. You pull out your small basket with nail polish and sit on your chair, holding it out to him.
"You can choose whatever colour you want," You tell him and he takes the basket from you.
He gently rummages through the different colours and pulls a dark red one out. He hesitantly hands it to you and places the basket on your desk.
You take it from Jess and shake it for a couple seconds. "Good choice" You twist the top open. "Okay, place your left hand on the desk and keep it still," You tell him. He nods, obliging to the order. He places his left hand on the wood surface.
As you paint his nails, his eyes are focused on the strokes of the small brush. Every time you dip the brush back into the polish and start on the next nail, he feels the coolness of the strong smelling dyed chemical.
"Aaand...done" you twist the top back onto the bottle and put it with the rest of them.
Jess looks down at both of his hands. A smile perks up on his face when he sees the shiny polish on his nails.
"You like?" You ask, seeing the smile on his face. "I love 'em...thank you" He answers, still working on not being closed off with his thoughts and emotions.
"Of course, any time. Now, just for the next five minutes, keep your hands still, especially the one I just painted, to make sure nothing smudges" You put the basket away before leaning against the desk.
"But what if I wanted to kiss you?" Jess smirks, trying to put his 'bad boy' image back up. "Hmm, cute" You smirk back, knowing exactly what he's trying to do.
"You'll have to wait, for now, this'll have to suffice" You lean down and kiss his forehead.
"Oh, come on, not even a real kiss" He pouts, something that's new for him, but he makes sure to only do it in front of you. He almost slipped up in front of Luke after he had a nightmare one night, and it was a complete disaster in his mind.
"Nope, you, baby, are gonna have to wait" You playfully wink, making him groan. The only good thing out of your teasing is now he knows what it's like to have painted nails like he's always wanted without someone making fun of him (at least right now at least), And if Luke brings up how his nail colour changed, no he doesn't.
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thewriterg · 1 year
𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝐚𝐛𝐜𝐬
pairing(s): jess mariano x gn!reader, collegestudent!jess x collegestudent!reader
summary: you see the title :)
word count: 1.2k
request: if you’re uncomfortable with it you don’t have to but could you write NSFW alphabet with Jess Mariano 🤭
warning(s): smut and language
A/n: —GIFs; @buffysummers— *cracks neck* it’s been a while since I’ve done this but I think I might still got it
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Aftercare king
I feel like In his younger years he didn’t really know much about it I mean come on we all knew he was a man whore back than
he would crack you open some water and be on his way before you fell asleep
or fuck you to sleep and leave before you woke up
but he’s gotten better!
gets you a warm rag to wipe you up would run you a bath occasionally but Jess is a little arrogant bitch so he’s not gonna admit that he wants to cuddle with you for a lot of little while 🙄
Body Part
His favorite body part on you is your face even in his younger years jess didn’t base his sole existence off sex he loves to lay a hand on your cheek or kiss your forehead
But In all honesty
Jess is an ass man
There I said it.
His favorite part on himself other than his hair is his hair. he likes when you run your fingers through it and normal time but especially after sex
he’d never say it to your face though it’s Jess come on Y/n 🙄
he’s into hair pulling
pull his hair see what muffled sounds you can get out of him 🙏🏽
because he’s definitely not just going to let it spur out and let you hear them.
bratty jess?
the answer is yes.
He likes to cum either on your ass or inside you that’s just his preference.
he’s also not against in your mouth when you suck him off
I feel like he’s not really throwing a bitch fit rather you spit or swallow
kiss him and make him taste himself and feels a certain way ;)
but going back to inside you :)
he likes when you clench around him and kinda ground him in a way? Like bringing him back to reality in the best way possible
he’s in love with you either way 🤸🏾‍♀️
Dirty Secret
Jess Mariano is a switch.
like I said he was a man whore even though it’s behind him now he was a whore.
He has plenty experience on his belt
Also my man is a book reader
You can’t tell me that he hasn’t read smut like let’s be serious for a second
just know that Jess can get around and you’re always gonna finish with him 😊
Favorite Position
Rocking horse and spooning.
Jess is an eye contact person
Just intensely staring at you as he rubs circles on your puffy clit or Keeps running his thumb over your red tip
if you can hold up with his eyes than you might just have him tucked under your thumb
If not than expect him to tease the fuck at out of you and result into shit like fucking you in a mirror forcing you to watch
I feel like other than like a sarcastic remark and a couple smirks Jess isn’t really that goofy?
I don’t think Jess is a sunshine/silly character anyways so, there’s that
He keeps himself trimmed not completely bald but not where to point where he’s uncomfortable or scratching you with it
He doesn’t really care all that much about body hair?
Like it would go like this;
“We can’t, I haven’t shaved.”
“…so?” 🧍🏽🍽️
There’s a lot of things that Jess is but naive however is not one.
when you want to get intimate Jess catches your drift pretty quick
But on a serious not I feel like Jess would like no shit be so sweet sometimes
Like starting up at you as he kiss up your legs to your abdomen and chest
Prepping kissed everywhere kiss rolls, beauty marks, freckles, your back and shoulders, dimples, everything.
Body worship bae
Jack off
He doesn’t do it a lot anymore? He has you and once again he’s never based his whole being off sex intake
but my man is a college student 🙏🏽
and you both have busy schedules so he might have to do what he has to to take his mind off his exam stress
if you catch him!?
please like make him finish in front of you it’d make him so hot and bothered
neither of you would go to class
Hair pulling; hair pulling is a probably a big key to Jess’s subby side
he is a switch and I’ll die on that hill.
Markings; he’d be a little shit about markings hickeys, hand marks, kiss prints, anything. leave scratches down his back and hickeys one his neck where people can see? he’s fucking whipped and will be back for more when they fade.
I rest my case your honor.
your ass or your mouth.
When you wear tighter clothes that shows off your figure he loses all sense he has come to have and will shamelessly stare
Also cock warming.
You’re helping him study and he can’t focus? It’s almost like a game
The more flash cards he can go through and get right than the more you move
if he gets more than enough wrong you’ll basically just torture him and sit there as he struggles to hold in his groans
Hurting each other other than like a couple smacks on the ass from either parties Jess isn’t into the pain thing at all
he doesn’t mind a good blowjob
oral fixation go brrr
Jess is all about the adrenaline he gets off the risky feeling of being caught
Janitors closet type beat
Once again y’all are college students
You eat, breathe, and live quickies.
yes 😈
The amount of places y’all have been in is very questionable
a dressing room 😏
restaurant family bathroom 😝
the janitors closet 🤨
the library 😟
it’s literally his specialty
“rubbing those pretty legs together thinking about me in the middle of them”
All while your in class
sir enough. 🙏🏽
Not the biggest fan
only toy he was really keen on was something like vibrator underwear
but that’s a story for another day
Depending on your personality is rather where you can keep up with Jess or not
because he’s a very big fucking tease
If you can than your best bet is to not let him talk like once you start keep going and he doesn’t have a chance like zero chance
Stare at him dead in his eyes maybe look at lips for a little bit and keep sweet talking him and he’s bending to your will
you have to really pull the noises out of this one
he’s not letting them slip easy
Wild Card
Once you were giving Jess head he was already overstimulated maybe on his third or forth orgasm and the last one you gave him practically had him unconscious
For the rest of the night he was clinging and whiny wanting you close
That’s been the biggest sun moment you’ve seen in Jess your whole relationship
X ray
6.5 to 7 inches
It gets him around but you’re also not dying splitting in half
Put your fingers in mouth
Don’t break eye contact as he licks around your digits
you two are at it like fucking rabbits
Unless you’ve been at it for a while Jess is usually the one falling asleep after you
he’d run shapes on your hip kiss your forehead when your eyes close and then finally be on his way
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thegettingbyp2 · 7 months
Reader works at the diner and sees how hung up on Rory Jess is. She decides to distract him from his infatuation (smut more than welcome, also this can be when they are adults if you prefer.)
Taking Your Mind Off of Her
Buy me a coffee :)
Gilmore Girls Rewatch
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You and Jess had a friend with benefits situation going on between the two of you, but you were quickly regretting it as you felt feelings develop for him. And what made it worse was that you had to see him every day due to the both of you working at Luke’s Diner. And what made it even worse was the fact that you had to watch him pine for Rory.
This day in particular was driving you up the wall. Lorelai had just left, leaving Rory sitting on her own at the table; something that Jess rectified as quick as he could, sliding into the seat next to her and leaning in close. You could hear them talking quietly and Rory’s giggle every now and then, a sound that had your eyes rolling. You felt bad for Jess as you saw his face light up after he made her laugh and you knew that any second, that expression was going to be wiped off of his face.
Just like clockwork, you heard Rory harshly reminding Jess that she was with Dean before she stormed out of the Diner, leaving Jess sitting on his own at the table, trying his best not to look dejected. You made your way over to the table and picked up the abandoned coffee up. ‘Jess, you know that she has a boyfriend,’ you reminded him, ‘do you really think she’s going to break up with him? Everyone loves him in this town.’
‘Don’t remind me,’ Jess said quickly, still looking down at the table, his jaw set as he tried not to let any emotion show on his face. Sighing heavily, you reached down and grabbed the sleeve of his t-shirt, yanking him up and dragging him towards the stairs that led to his and Luke’s apartment. ‘What are you doing?’ he protested, but not trying to get out of your grip as he followed you.
‘Taking your mind off of her,’ her you replied as you opened the apartment door and pushing him against it when it closed. ‘I’m fed up of watching you mope around after her, you need to deal with the fact that she’s chosen someone else.’ You spat out before crashing your lips onto his.
The second your lips were on his, Jess’ arms wrapped around you, pulling you tightly against him and spinning the both of you around until you were the one who was pressed against the door. His hands moved to grip both of your wrists and he pulled them up until he was pinning them above your head. His hips pressed against yours and you whined against his lips when you felt his cock pressing against your groin. ‘You going to distract me?’ he asked lowly, moving both of your wrists into one hand and using his now-free hand to trail down your body, slipping underneath your t-shirt to graze his fingers against your bare skin.
‘Yes,’ you gasped, nodding your head, quickly falling into a headspace that would let Jess do pretty much anything he wanted to you. His pressed his hips impossibly closer to yours, lowering his mouth until it grazed your ear.
‘Jump,’ he said, letting go of your wrists and letting you jump into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you through the apartment, throwing you down onto his bed. He reached down to push his jeans and boxers down his legs and quickly getting rid of his top before he crawled back over your body. Whilst he was undressing, you took the time to undress yourself so by the time he was hovering over you, the two of you were naked. He lowered his hand to gently push two fingers into you, causing your back to arch and your chest to press against his.
‘Jess,’ you whimpered as soon as his thumb joined to rub circles against your clit.
‘That’s it, good girl,’ he murmured as he lowered his head to your neck, pressing kisses to your skin, making your eyes roll to the back of your head as your fingers tangled in his hair, wanting to hold him as close to you as you could. ‘You thought you’d distract me? Don’t want me thinking about Rory?’ he asked, smirking when he felt your body tense slightly at the sound of her name. Jess chuckled lowly as he felt you still underneath him and he lowered his head to take one of your nipples between his teeth, nipping your skin slightly and causing your back to arch up into him.
‘Jess, please,’ you begged, tears pricking in your eyes when you felt him take his fingers away.
‘So Rory’s a touchy subject?’ he teased, pulling away.
‘Stop,’ you whined, writhing on the bed as Jess watched with amusement playing in his eyes when he saw just how much the thought of him with Rory was irritating you. When you realised that Jess was content with watching you for a moment, you huffed and sat up, reaching down to the floor to pick up your discarded clothes, trying desperately to hide the smirk on your lips, knowing that this was a sure-fire way to stop his teasing.
‘What are you doing?’ Jess asked, all trace of amusement disappearing from his voice when he clocked the moment your fingers wrapped around the blouse that you’d been wearing, slipping it over your shoulders until it hung off of your body.
‘Well, you’re clearly not going to do anything so I might as well just go home,’ you said, swinging your legs over the side of the bed.
All of a sudden, you found yourself pressed back into the mattress with Jess pinning you down as a low growl came from his chest. ‘You’re not going anywhere,’ he murmured as his lips latched onto your neck, a satisfied smile appearing on your lips as your plan worked. ‘You told me you were going to distract me, so you’re going to distract me.’
You gasped at his words and at the feeling of him suddenly pressing into you. Jess held himself still above you while he let you adjust to him and your fingernails dug into his arms slightly. ‘Or maybe it was you distracting me just then?’ you managed to breath out sarcastically, causing Jess to let out a dark chuckle before he pulled out only to push back into you, starting up a rhythm that had you being pushed up the bed with every thrust.
‘You’re always so good to me,’ Jess groaned as his arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you pinned where you were, not letting you move any further up the bed. His hips were hitting against yours harshly and you knew that you were going to have bruises in no time but you couldn’t bring yourself to worry about that at the moment; you were too busy chasing the high that you know only Jess would be able to give you.
‘Jess,’ you whined, seemingly unable to utter another word.
‘Yeah, sweet girl?’ he asked condescendingly. ‘You got anything else to say or have I fucked all of the other words out of that pretty little head of yours?’
You could only nod in reply as he lowered his hand to rub tight circles against your clit and your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him down into a bruising kiss that had you both moaning into each others mouths. As soon as Jess heard your whimpers and whines growing louder, he pulled back to look at you, marvelling at how someone so beautiful actually liked him.
‘You’re close, aren’t you? Go on, cum for me, (Y/N),’ he encouraged as his own pace started to falter as he was falling over the edge but wanting you to cum first. You left yourself tip over the edge as your legs tightened around Jess’s waist as you felt him still against you.
The two of you slowly came down and Jess lowered his body until his weight was comfortably resting against you. His hands gently threaded through your hair and he kissed you gently, the action causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
‘Thank you,’ he whispered softly against your lips, your eyes fluttering open in confusion.
‘For what?’
‘For distracting me for a while.’
It was then that you felt everything come to a screeching halt. You’d forgotten that that was all this was. You and Jess weren’t together and he was hung up still on Rory Gilmore.
All you was to him was a distraction from what he really wanted.
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magewritesstories · 10 months
[ ɢɪʟᴍᴏʀᴇ ɢɪʀʟꜱ ] ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
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ᴊᴇꜱꜱ ᴍᴀʀɪᴀɴᴏ — ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ᴄᴀᴛ ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ
♠  Jess is the black cat boyfriend no debate
♠  his favourite activities are browsing bookstores in New York to find the most ridiculous books and having movie nights at with home-made pizza
♠  his gifts are usually consist of annotated books and/or CD’s he’s burned for you
♠  so touch starved, like so touch starved, his love language is definitely physical touch
♠  would do just about anything if you just bat your eyelashes at him
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ᴘᴀʀɪꜱ ɢᴇʟʟᴇʀ — ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪᴇʀᴄᴇ ɢɪʀʟꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ
♦  study dates, study dates, study dates
♦  probably mistook your flirting for picking a fight until Rory told her that you were flirting with her or you just straight up told her you wanted to kiss
♦  loves to do things for you just because, carrying your bags, making you coffee/tea when you working, because you deserve to be pampered, her love language is acts of service no doubt in my mind
♦  when it comes to gift giving it’s usually offhanded like, “Yeah I saw it in the store and bought it, no big deal.”
♦  she’s pretty stubborn so getting her to do things is hard but she ends up doing them because it’s you, and she would do anything for even if she complains 70% of the time
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ʟᴏɢᴀɴ ʜᴜɴᴛᴢʙᴇʀɢᴇʀ — ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴏᴜꜱ ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ
♣  he takes you to so many places, sometimes it’s places he’s been other times he spotted a new restaurant on his way and he decides to take you there next time the two of you go out.
♣  his favourite thing to do is go shopping for you, particularly enjoys buying you clothes and accessories and then seeing you wear them
♣  Logan’s love language is definitely gif giving, and more often than not the gift are expensive (read: birkin bag.)
♣  whenever he plans dates it’s the out there stuff he thinks you’ll enjoy doing, but he doesn’t mind having dinner at home with a good movie or some music either
♣ he would also do anything for you, even the things you ask him to do halfheartedly or jokingly
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ʀᴏʀʏ ɢɪʟᴍᴏʀᴇ — ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴᴅ ɢɪʀʟꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ
♥  her favourite kinds of dates are the calm ones, like browsing bookstores and going to museums
♥  she loves to sit with you on the couch until ungodly hours just talking about random things or having deep conversations, although the ones about the future are her favourites
♥  love language is words of affirmation, mainly because growing up Lorelai thought her how important communication is in all her relationships
♥   Rory doesn’t really like dates in crowded places, she enjoys the occasional concert or outing to a busy place, but low-key dates will always be superior in her opinion
♥ getting her to do something she doesn’t want to is impossible, she’s very stubborn and when she doesn’t want to do something it’s very hard to convince her to do it
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iwritefandomimagines · 7 months
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pairing: jess mariano x reader
description: jess wasn’t going to buy your easter basket and risk the embarrassment of his potentially unrequited feelings. so instead, he pays kirk to buy it so he can steal you away.
warnings: bit of swearing, bit of fluff, jess mariano i love u
author’s note: jess mariano stop appearing in my dreams challenge! anyway, hope you all enjoy. this has been in the drafts for ages and i finaaally finished it.
You were perched opposite Rory at Luke’s, on the edge of your seat as you tapped your feet anxiously and leaned on your basket.
“Nobody’s going to buy my basket,” you huffed, “You’re so lucky you’ve got Dean to like, 100% make sure yours gets bought.”
Rory rolled her eyes, “You’re being dramatic, Y/N. The town loves you. Just because you’ve been here less time, doesn’t mean nobody will buy your basket. Hey, maybe stalker over there will buy it.”
Rory was blissfully unaware that despite pretending to be distracted by wiping down the counter, Jess’ ears were practically pricked up like a dog listening.
“Stop calling him that, Rory,” you shook your head, cheeks burning as you looked over at him and he briefly looked up and caught your eye, “He’s my friend. And he said he wasn’t participating, which I assume means no buying as well as no making.”
“Whatever you say, Y/N. But we’d better head over there.”
You nodded, following her down to where Taylor Doose was already stood yelling at the town to hand their baskets in with haste and get ready to begin bidding on them.
Jess was lurking just out of sight, deciding what his best approach was for buying your basket and getting to have lunch with you as a result.
He spotted Kirk meandering over, a lightbulb moment sparking in his head as he dashed over to his side, “Kirk. I need you to do me a favour.”
“Jess Mariano needs a favour from me?”
“Yes— I need you to buy Y/N’s basket for me and then give it to me,” his hands were stuffed in his pockets as he sighed out his request, and Kirk eyed him inquisitively.
“What’s in this for me? And why can’t you buy it yourself?”
Jess huffed, “I’ll pay you 20 dollars. I can’t buy it myself because I told them I wasn’t going to be free to. I’ll be back at the diner, bring me the basket when you’ve got it and I’ll go and meet them with it. It’s a surprise then.”
“Oh,” Kirk stared blankly for a moment, “A romantic gesture. Got it. The whole town have been wondering when you’d finally get together. I’ll tell Taylo—,”
Jess took a step forward, hands flying from his pockets, “Don’t say a word! Just— we’re friends. I’m being a nice friend and buying Y’N’s basket.”
“What if I want to buy Y/N’s basket? I’m her friend.”
“Why would you want it?”
“Because— I don’t know. But I might.”
“Just take your $20 and buy me the basket, and I’ll give you what you paid for it after, Kirk,” he pulled $20 from his wallet and handed it over, “Or I’m telling Luke.”
With that, Kirk nodded and scurried over to complete his ‘mission’.
Kirk came rushing into the diner out of breath, basket in his hands and his face bright red, “I got it! I got Y/N’s basket. I paid $120 because a love rival of yours wanted it too, according to Ms Patty, so it was difficult. But I got it.”
“$120? I don’t have—,” he rethought it as he saw you headed for the diner, “Fine.”
He pulled his remaining cash from his wallet, handed it over to Kirk as he took the basket from him, and then wrote Luke a note explaining why he was about to take cash from the register and replace it with savings he had stashed upstairs when he next went up.
You entered the diner alone, no Rory this time, and Jess was relieved. He knew she didn’t like him, so he was happy to have time alone with you.
“Oh, so Mr Too Cool for the Easter basket bid wanted a basket after all and just got Kirk to do the work for him?” you teased, propping yourself up on the counter as you tried to suppress the giant smile forming as a result of his gesture.
“Well, time-honoured town traditions aren’t really my thing,” he shrugged nonchalantly, just a hint of a smile tugging at his lips, “But you’re good at this kind of thing. I thought it’d be nice.”
You placed your hand on top of where his rested on the counter, “Oh wow, are you ill? Is Luke ill? Am I ill and entirely unaware? Jess Mariano— doing something because you thought it’d be nice…”
He shook his head with a laugh, “C’mon, I can be nice!”
“Oh sure. You’ll have to show me this apparent nice Jess now when we go and eat the miserable contents of this basket,” you sing-songed, aware that your hand was still on top of his. You grabbed it, giving it a light tug to urge him to get away to join you now.
“Hm, not sure you deserve it if you’re going to tease me,” he pouted, following you out of the diner anyway as you swung the basket in your hands and skipped along, “Fine. Well let me choose where we go to eat then.”
“Sure. I just wonder where you’ll take me,” you teased, watching a smirk grace his face as he shook his head, “Gee golly I sure hope there’s a bridge involved.”
You’d wandered past him sat on that bridge many a time and it had once been your reading spot instead.
Jess scoffed at your mocking, “It’s quiet, can you blame me? I’ve already had Kirk telling the whole town about my supposed romantic gesture.”
You narrowed your eyes, briefly feeling a pang in your chest at the implied denial that there was anything romantic about him buying the basket.
“So this wasn’t your way of confessing your undying love for me?” you paced your palm to your chest in feigned dismay, “What’s your motive, then? Are you luring me out there to kill me?”
“You’re a pain in the ass, Y/N,” Jess rolled his eyes, “Can we just go?”
“No denial. Wow, I’m gonna die at Jess Mariano’s hands, and the last thing I’ll have eaten will be my miserable cheese sandwiches,” you gasped.
Jess led the way out through the town, clocking that all eyes were on you both, “Bold of you to assume I’d let you live that long. Think I’d get the job done quick enough to eat the sandwiches myself. I am pretty hungry.”
“Well unfortunately for you I put up a good fight when I’m hungry,” you nudged him, “And you’re supposed to be being nice, huh?”
Jess nudged you back, “You accused me of plotting to kill you!”
You just hummed, swinging the basket as you walked at his side and finally reached the bridge. You sat yourself down, waiting for him to follow suit as you immediately began unpacking.
“Wow, someone’s eager.”
“You just spent $120 to eat sandwiches with me Mariano,” you laughed, “You haven’t got a leg to stand on talking to me today.”
Jess shrugged, conceding as he looked into the basket while you pulled out it’s contents, “Pretty good.”
You handed him a sandwich with a small smile, taking one of your own and unwrapping it to take a bite, “In all seriousness, why did you actually bid on my basket?”
Your voice was small, and it warmed Jess’ heart to see you nervous to hear his answer.
“I just thought it’d be nice,” he shrugged, but you could see in the way his eyes lingered on you, as they so often did, that he was being honest now.
You smiled, “It is nice. I’m glad. Rory’s always got something to say when we talk at Luke’s, it’s nice to have time to talk alone.”
Jess quirked his brow with a smirk, “To talk alone? Are you sure it’s not you confessing your love for me?”
You scoffed, but the scoff became a small laugh as you looked at your feet where they swung over the edge of the bridge. Had you given the game away with your nervousness? Would it be clear now that you really did like him?
“You know what I mean, asshole,” you chuckled, shrugging, “I like your company.”
He smiled genuinely again, the glimmer in his eyes sending sparks through your body, “I like your company too. Just about the only person in the shithole town whose company I do enjoy.”
“You’re so poetic, Mariano,” you joked, taking another bite of your sandwich and trying to hide your blush, “But I’m glad. I really—yeah, I just like spending time with you.”
There was a brief moment of silence as you both continued eating, swinging your legs practically in sync with each other as you did so.
“Can I be honest?” Jess almost whispered as he finished his sandwich and leaned over to grab a juicebox, “Nice touch by the way.”
You giggled, “Hey, you can’t beat a juicebox. Gimme one, please.”
He handed you one too, and as you pierced the carton with your straw you’d remembered what he said before, “Of course— Of course you can be honest. What is it?”
He gulped, taking one small sip of his drink and then placing it down at his side, “I kinda did this to help me, I dunno, tell you that I liked you. Thought the gesture would… This feels stupid now.”
You bit your lip, trying to process what was currently happening, “It’s not stupid, Jess. I was hoping that was what this was… I mean, who spends $120 on a basket—,”
“Stop reminding me how much money I spent, please,” he interjected with a groan.
“Sorry—,” you smiled, “I didn’t want to get my hopes up and thought maybe it was just you confirming we were friends, but I’ve liked you for ages, Jess.”
He seemed more than pleased with this, a huge smile spreading across his face as you fluttered your lashes at him and smile right back in his direction.
He clenched his jaw, “Really? Rory’s always teasing you so I thought—,”
“How is someone so intelligent simultaneously so dumb?” you teased, shuffling closer to him and pushing the basket back so that you could move close enough that your thighs almost touched, “She teases me because she knows I like you, Jess. It was her who encouraged me to make a stupid basket to see if you’d bid because that would apparently prove you liked me too.”
Jess laughed, “I s’pose it worked out, then. I—I really like you, Y/N. At first I thought it was just because you were the only person here who isn’t— well isn’t always— a pain in the ass. I thought I’d just found a friend, y’know. But that’s not it, I really like you. I don’t wanna be just friends.”
Your heart was racing, and he seemed to have closed the last remaining gap between your sides. You leaned your head on his shoulder with a happy sigh, “I don’t wanna be just friends either.”
His hand moved to rest atop yours where it was placed on your knee, “That’s made the ridiculous amount of money somewhat worth it.”
“Only somewhat, hm?”
“It’ll only be completely worth it when you’re my girlfriend,” you could tell he was shy about saying that, “So yeah, only somewhat.”
“Is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend, Mariano?” you grinned, heart still thrumming hard against your ribcage as he tilted to look at you.
“It might be,” he smirked, “But only if your answer’s gonna be yes. If not you’ve like, totally got the wrong idea Y/N.”
You leaned up, propping yourself up with your hands on his shoulder, and pressed a small kiss to the corner of his lips.
He smiled against your lips, reciprocating the kiss for a moment, “Is that a yes?”
You laughed, hooking your arm around his and leaning on his shoulder once more, “Yes, Jess. I’d love to be your girlfriend.”
You sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the sound of only the stream of water beneath you and your synchronised heartbeats.
“Those sandwiches sucked, by the way.”
“Oh I know,” you hummed, “I didn’t want to end up eating them with someone else so thought it wasn’t worth making much effort. Hence me hardly packing much.”
“Well now you’ve just got a hungry, broke boyfriend,” as soon as he said the word broke he was once again reminded of the cost of the basket.
“$120 man. Wow, I really do like you.”
thanks soooo much for reading! i hope you like this, i really enjoyed writing it <3 let me know if you have any more requests & please let me know what you thought!!!
also — here is my masterlist
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lovings4turn · 8 months
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٠ ࣪⭑ spending a fall day with jess mariano : a moodboard
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teddypickerry · 1 year
Can you do a Jess Mariano blurb where the reader is helping Jess with his homework but he keeps trying to distract her by kissing her lips and neck? 😄 (think of the episode “teach me tonight” but with Jess and the reader dating and he’s kissing her like he kissed Rory in S3 EP10 when they’re walking and kissing)
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pairing! jess mariano x gn reader
warnings! imply of sex (i think that’s it?)
word count! 833
a/n! took me forever ‘m sorry!!! this is also not my best work but back & writing for my boy is good enough for me. <3
the diner was quiet on the particular evening. despite the typical eight o'clock late dinner rush, the door were locked and a red 'closed' sign hung from the blue painted door. the only sound erupting throughout the small former hardware store was the sound of your voice reciting the words from the textbook balanced on your thighs. you were leaned back in your chair, your legs pressed against the table with the book pressed into them. your hair was falling in-front if your face which kept the attention of the boy who sat beside you everytime you pushed it behind your ear.  "and the trail of tears was what year?"
your head bopped up from its current slouched down position as your eyes caught glimpse of the dark haired boy sat beside you. he was leaned on the table, specifically over his book. his head rested on his palm as he held his head up from falling down in boredom.
"is your hair shorter? it looks shorter." your boyfriend was far from an idiot. but in this moment you honestly doubted him. jess was one of the smartest people you'd ever had the privilege of knowing. hell, he was way smarter than you. but here you were sat helping him with history... and geometry, and biology. it wasn't like you were the smartest person in school, but you got your fair share or a's. plus you knew how serious luke was about his nephew passing the twelfth grade. and you'd do anything to get your boyfriend on a good path.
"1828 and 1829." you explained to him simply before continuing onto the next page, him leaning closer to you. it wasn't hard for the smell of cheap cologne, cigarettes, and luke's laundry detergent to catch your attention. especially when you glanced up at your boyfriend's face far too close to your own. "i like it." he mumbled as he lightly pressed his finger to your face, pushing back the strand of hair that fell once more. no matter how long you'd been together, the small touches and glances still made you go mad. "you liked president andrew jackson's racist speech against the cherokee?"
"no," he rolled his eyes at your statement as you tried to diffuse the way he was making you feel on this tuesday evening. "your hair. it's a good length... and you know — i know all about good length."
his comment resulted in a laugh escaping your lips with a smirk growing on his face. jess felt accomplished for making you laugh, especially when you'd just spent half an hour explaining nonsense to him. "okay cmon, back to work." you ordered as he stayed in his exact position. you were about to scold him for not taking this study date seriously. but you lost time when his lips pressed to yours. your eyes immediately shut as your hands cupped his face. he deepened the kiss and leaned over the table to press into you even more. you found yourself getting lost in the kiss that warmed your soul. but before you could be taken by him, you pushed away and pressed your lips together. "jess, we're studying."
"okay we can study," he nodded as he positioned himself back on the chair and balanced a pencil between his fingers. which immediately caught your attention. "i'll start with the inside of your mouth and you can start with mine."
"jess," you hinted with a tone reaching annoyed. he let his smirk grow a bit before glancing around for a moment. "'mkay tell me more about the Indian Removal Act," he shrugged. you gave him a proud smile and muttered a "gladly" before opening the next page and reciting the next paragraph. you were only two and a half sentences in when you felt him move closer to you. and then some more... then some more.
it was when you finished the first paragraph that you felt his dark curls against your jaw as his lips connected with your neck. his arms wrapped around you as he continued to harass your neck with several kisses that would definitely leave a mark. something jess was certainly good at. "jess! we have to study!”
"no, i think you've got this stuff pretty much down." he mumbled as he pulled away for a second before you felt the feeling of his lips reaching your sweet spot. you held in a breath as you found yourself not fighting the feeling for a moment. "you need to learn this stuff if you're going to graduate, jess. please, work with me." you begged as he drew his face away slowly. just enough so that you could face one another. "and after, if you get a b... you might just get something starting with a b.”
the glow on the boy's face suddenly erupted with slightly wider eyes. he simply sat back as he sat his textbook in his lap, leaving only one arm behind your shoulders. "mkay, teach me tonight."
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