#enzo vogrincic fanfiction
creative-heart · 21 days
"Love's Blossom"| Enzo Vogrincic
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Chapter 1: "Nurturing Beginnings"
Lucia’s notes: Here goes the first chapter of my new Enzo x Reader Series. It’s a bit short, but I hope you enjoy it as a way to get you into this world.
Content Warning: Baby Fever, slight brief talk of sex. I don’t think I’m missing anymore, but if I am, please let me know.
Word Count: 1.3 k
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It only took for Enzo’s cousin Juan to put his newborn baby boy in Y/N’s arms for the baby fever to ignite a new kind of fire in her gut, one that she had never felt before, and it burnt so bright she thought it might consume her. The Brunette was so taken by the little boy’s hand grabbing her pinky with his whole little fist that she didn’t realize Enzo was looking at the image in front of him as if it was the air he lacked to live; a new urge of making Y/N a mom growing in his heart.
The afternoon went by basically with them two gawking at the infant boy and as soon as they sat down in their car to head home Y/N looked over at her boyfriend “How crazy would it be if I said I want to have a baby?” she bit her lip a bit scared of the dark-haired man’s reaction to this revelation even though she didn’t quite expect the response she got back. Enzo snapped his head to look at her as soon as she said that the widest brightest smile spreading across his face, “I was thinking the same, for some reason seeing you with Luca made me think about how cute a mini us would be”.
And so they came up with a plan, Y/N went to see her doctor and explained the situation and she took the girl off her contraceptives starting her on some vitamins and folic acid as well, to help boost her reproductive system. For the next three months or so, it wouldn’t be successful according to the doctor, as Y/N’s body needed to get rid of all the hormones before any baby-making could happen, not that they couldn’t try anyway. 
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Two months into this endeavor, they had agreed not to try testing before the three months had passed so they wouldn’t get too anxious about it, not that it was working for Y/N, the brunette was going insane with the wait. So when Juan and his wife asked the pair to look after little Luca for the night as they had a child-free wedding, Enzo and Y/N jumped at the opportunity to try to get as much hands-on experience with a baby as they could before they got their little one.
Leading up to the day they’d be taking baby Luca, Y/N walked in on Enzo reading a parenting blog and trying to understand what he needed to do with him, as she silently approached him from behind kissing his cheek while he sat on the couch she asked “What are you doing my love? reading up on baby care?” The older man looked at his girlfriend blushing a deep shade of red “It’s just that I want to make sure I know what to do with him tomorrow, like, what temperature do babies take their bottles? How will I know when he needs a diaper change? Like he’s my nephew, I need to do a good job, plus I know nothing about babies.” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at how adorable he looked all worried.
When Saturday rolled around, Juan and his wife dropped Luca off at Y/N and Enzo’s place at around six pm with his diaper bag with all the essentials needed for the night. “Right, so in there are enough diapers to last him like a day, in case there are any emergencies, a couple of clothes changes, and his pjs, his pacifier, and all the bottles he’ll need until we’re back with Camila’s milk in them, you only need to warm them up, and they’re microwave safe” Y/N smiled holding the baby kissing his head “Don’t worry guys, we’ve got you covered, you go have fun, if there’s anything you must know about we’ll make sure to let you know”. As both Juan and Camila kissed their baby’s head and left the brunette turned around rocking the sleeping baby in her arms to look at Enzo “you alright there?” she smiled as he stood frozen holding the bag.
“Yeah..” He replied absentmindedly “It’s just I didn’t ask them how will we know if he’s too hot, or too cold? won’t he need another blanket? what if he doesn’t like the way we change his diaper?” Y/N laughed standing on her tiptoes to plant a loving smooch on the taller one’s lips “As adorable as I find the way you panic, you need to relax baby, you’ll see it’s more intuitive than you think, plus, I’ve changed diapers before, so we’re good” He nodded softly as Y/N went to lay the sleeping infant in the traveling cot they had set up in the guests room for the night turning the monitor on before walking back out. It always amazed Enzo how much of a natural his girlfriend was with kids, they seemed to just be naturally attracted to her like bees to honey were and he loved seeing how much she enjoyed playing with the little ones at all social gatherings they attended.
As the evening went on they found themselves taking turns to play with and hold the baby, Enzo took most of the feedings and Y/N took the diaper changes under the attentive gaze of her boyfriend who wanted to soak up all the knowledge he could on this. Once they had Luca in his pjs Y/N gently paced around their living room after dinner trying to make the baby go down for the night as the raven-haired man laid back on the couch watching her, his eyes never leaving her body as she kept going “come on bubba, I know you’re tired, go to sleep” she pleaded at the whiny, fussy baby as he was overtired.
When he finally gave in to sleep she sat down with him laying on her chest as she rested back against Enzo “Finally, he was so overstimulated he couldn’t even fall asleep” she whispered rubbing his back gently and watching him sleep. Enzo hummed softly as he just looked at her with loving and reflecting eyes “I wish I could be the little man right now” he whispered and smiled at Y/N’s quizzical look “so that I could be laying my face on those perfect boobs of yours, little sucker” he chuckled lowly at her glare “What? You can’t blame me they’re just way too amazing, I would die a happy man in there” Y/N rolled her eyes smiling feeling the warmth grow up her face.
A while later she went to put Luca down in the guest room tucking him in before walking back out to the living room and taking the tea Enzo offered her sitting back down with him “You think they’ll get bigger?” Y/N looked at him “Your boobs, you think they’ll get bigger when you get pregnant? Because if they will, I’m taking you to our room right now and we’re not getting out until we get a little Vogrincic in there” he smirked as she smacked his arm playfully “we can’t tonight Mr. there’s a sleeping baby in our guest room, I won’t be fucking you, not that I don’t want to tho” the hazel-eyed woman said lowly sitting on his lap straddling him stroking his chest playfully.
“Then you’re being especially mean right now because you know what you’re doing” Enzo smirked at her innocent-looking smile “Oh yeah, don’t play innocent, we both know exactly what you’re doing grinding against me like this baby girl” he whispered against the skin on her neck kissing softly going to her soft spot slowly grazing over it with his teeth a shaky breath getting caught in the back of her throat her eyes fluttering closed as he kept kissing up and down her sensitive skin. As she ran her hands through his dark locks she heard the baby start crying and sighed pulling away from Enzo “I’ll get him” Y/N got up and walked to the bedroom picking him up from his crib, checking his diaper before laying him down to change him. As the older man looked at her walk away she sighed this has to be the only downfall of babies he thought running his hands through his hair.
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Taglist: @madame-fear @lastflowrr @cyliarys-starlight @castawaycherry @luceracastro @deepinsideyourbeing @koiibiito @espinasrubi @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred
P.S: If you enjoyed this and want to be tagged in upcoming work, leave a comment down below.
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Slytherin boys :
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Us :
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themasterreader69 · 2 months
Enzo Vogrincic x Reader
Enzo Vogrincic regresa a casa antes de lo esperado por un cambio de vuelo, convirtiendo los sentimientos de un día cansador en un momento para reconectar.
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Eran pasadas las dos de la madrugada, la oscuridad envolvía la habitación del apartamento, nada excepto la luz esquinera al borde del sofá y las luces de la televisión. La película her se reproducía en la pantalla frente a mí aunque mis párpados pesaban como el silencio que me inundaba, las gatas estaban durmiendo en mi cama así que los únicos ruidos eran los de la voz de Joaquin Phoenix y los huesos de mi espalda cada vez que cambiaba de posición. 
     El largo día había dejado mi cuerpo exhausto, no obstante, mi mente seguía revoloteando como un pájaro inquieto, negándose a ceder ante el cansancio. Mis ojos se cerraban intermitentemente, luchando contra la tentación de dejarse llevar por el sueño. En un momento, el sonido de la película se desvaneció en el fondo, transformándose en un susurro indistinguible y caí en un sueño profundo sin más lucha.
Me despertó a las cuatro de la mañana, el inesperado tintineo de las llaves en la puerta principal, que resonó en la sala de estar, rompiendo el silencio de la noche. Me extrañé por la situación –¿Enzo? ¿A esta hora?– con un esfuerzo titánico, luché contra la somnolencia y me senté en el sofá, todavía parpadeando con un ojo cerrado. Mis sentidos se agudizaron mientras pausaba la película, que ya estaba mucho más cerca de su final de lo que recordaba haberla comenzado.
     Escuché la puerta al abrirse y mi corazón comenzó a palpitar con fuerza. Aunque mi mente estaba en cualquier lado –debido al sueño– la emoción de verlo de nuevo se filtraba entre toda esa fatiga. Seguí bostezando mientras esperaba en el sofá, con la mirada entrecerrada enfocada en la entrada. Mis sentidos estaban alerta, captando cada sonido, cada movimiento. Entonces, lo vi. Enzo entró en la habitación con total cautela, siquiera arrastró su valija, sino que la cargaba cuidando sus pisadas. Su figura apenas iluminada por la luz que llegaba del pasillo trajo una gran calidez a mi alma. Él estaba bellísimo, abrigado con su campera rompevientos de LOEWE –desde que modeló para ellos ya perdí la cuenta de cuántas prendas de esa marca hay en el armario– y con un jean básico que estoy casi seguro es de JACK & JONES fue de los regalos de su hermano menor por su último cumpleaños, el corte del pantalón es relajado y eso le queda tan pero tan bien. 
     Con un bostezo final, me levanté para recibirlo, dejando atrás el sofá y la película inconclusa. La fatiga se desvaneció momentáneamente, reemplazada por el calor reconfortante de un beso de regreso y un fuerte abrazo. 
Yo quería hablar primero pero me distraje entre sus labios. 
—¿Qué hacés a esta hora? pensé que ibas a estar durmiendo, quería que fuera una sorpresa el estar de vuelta. —Me dijo mientras hacía muecas como si lo que acababa de hacer fuera algo inimaginable. 
—No entiendo, en la última videollamada que hicimos me dijiste que no llegabas hasta la mañana. 
Dejó la mochila y las valijas y comenzó a explicarme mientras se desabrochaba la campera dejándola así en el perchero. 
—Sí, bueno, copsas pasaron —Se reía— Mira, es así, mi vuelo original tenía una escala larga pero resulta que hubo problemas técnicos con el avión, así que nos desviaron a otra ciudad para hacer una escala no programada y de suerte nomás es que pude conseguir un vuelo de conexión más rápido y lo tomé para poder llegar a casa antes.
Mi ceño se frunció ligeramente mientras procesaba la información –mucho que procesar para alguien que recién despierta además la gesticulación de sus manos me distraía– Banca ¿problemas técnicos? ¿pasó algo durante el vuelo? —Dije angustiado.
—No, no te preocupes —Me agarró de la mano mientras movía la otra para explicar— Fue más un tema logístico que otra cosa. Todo estuvo bien, solo un poco de retraso y un cambio de ruta inesperado. Pero ya estoy acá sano y salvo así que quédate tranqui. 
Me acurruqué un poco más cerca de él.
—Me alegra mucho que estés bien. Aunque hubiera preferido que llegaras según lo planeado así te esperaba con alguna sorpresita o algo, pero bueno, estoy feliz de tenerte de vuelta.
Enzo me sonrió y pasó un brazo alrededor de mis hombros, dejando un beso suave en mi frente.
—Tenía unas ganas de verte que no te haces idea —Me dijo mientras vi que su mirada pasaba de estar en mis ojos a estar centrada en la tele— Uy amor, ¿otra vez con esta película? ¿me tendría que preocupar de que me vayas a reemplazar por inteligencia artificial ahora? —Soltó una carcajada mientras jugaba con el control de la televisión. 
—No seas boludo. Primero, es un peliculón y lo sabes, si hasta te encantó el soundtrack tanto como a mí. Segundo, no hay robot que me convenza de hacerte a un lado —Le dije al mismo tiempo que le sacaba el control de las manos y le volvía a poner play a la película. 
—¿La vas a seguir viendo? ¿No tenés sueño? —Dijo mientras jugaba con mis pelos. 
—¿Vos no tenés sueño? Sos vos el que vino de un viaje largo, no yo —Le retruqué. 
—Todavía ando con jet lag, de hecho incluso podría decir que estoy estresado, ya sabés que no he parado en toda esta semana,pero ahora quiero estar contigo —Pausó como reflexivo— y ya sé que prácticamente no te dejé en paz con tanto mensaje y llamada pero es que, en serio, no es lo mismo hacer cosas sin que vos estés ahí. 
Con una sonrisa traviesa, empujé suavemente a Enzo hacia atrás para que se recostara por completo en nuestro sofá verde. Sus labios otra vez con los míos donde cada beso daba lugar al siguiente. El roce de nuestras prendas se convirtió en un juego tentador, su solo tacto enviaba una corriente eléctrica a través de mi cuerpo, ahora completamente despierto y atento.
—Extrañaba la sensación de tu piel —Susurré entre besos— dejando un rastro de besos en su cuello y hombros. 
Él se limitó a soltar pequeñas exhalaciones y gruñidos cortados, más no emitió palabra.
Haciendo un movimiento sutil, me deslicé hacia adelante para sentir la presión de su entrepierna contra mi vientre. Un estremecimiento recorrió mi cuerpo y creo que también el suyo porque me apretó contra sí. Sin embargo, noté que Enzo desvió su mirada hacia el techo, como buscando una excusa para escapar de la intensidad del momento. 
     Sus labios se movieron como si estuviera a punto de decir algo, pero ningún sonido salió de ellos. Un gesto de confusión cruzó mi rostro mientras seguía su mirada, intentando comprender lo que estaba pasando.
Entonces, su expresión cambió abruptamente cuando forzó su mirada en la mía, sosteniéndome los cabellos con firmeza. La intensidad en sus ojos me dejó sin aliento, y su voz resonó en la habitación con un tono tenso.
—Esto ya empieza a molestar —murmuró señalando el cinturón que llevaba puesto— Observé cómo movía su mano derecha lentamente por el cuero buscando la hebilla lentamente con sus dedos, liberándose para permitirse más movilidad.
Una sonrisa traviesa bailó en mis labios.
—Vamos a terminar de sacarte ese estrés que tenés, ¿te parece? —murmuré manteniendo mi mirada— Él asintió con una expresión de anticipación y supe que estábamos en la misma sintonía.
Su respiración cambiaba de ritmo con cada cambio de presión, y supe que estaba extasiado por el placer que le estaba brindando. Aunque él aún sostenía mis cabellos, no era para nada bruto, su mano estaba entrelazada de una manera delicada y cariñosa, dedicado a seguir mis movimientos con reverencia. 
Agradecimos el inesperado cambio de escalas de avión que había permitido que Enzo llegara antes y que había permitido este momento, necesario para los dos. 
Una oportunidad para reconectar después de estar separados, hasta el amanecer.
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pascaloverx · 2 months
Rewrite The Stars
Chapter Nine
Summary: One photo changes your whole life, when you accidentally bump into a celebrity and the world starts to believe that you are a couple.
In this chapter, we have an extra character, whom I'd like you to imagine as the actor Enzo Vogrincic. He'll only appear in this chapter and the next one and is not a romantic interest. And for those who enjoy the fanfic, I appreciate if you reblog or like. Thank you to everyone who is following the fic.
chapter eight chapter ten
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You didn't want to go to your mother's house without Pedro, but in the end, it was for the best. This way, you avoid confusing what is work with what is your personal life. After nearly five hours of driving, you arrived at your mother's house. She lives in a small but very cozy town. It almost seems like the hometown of a romantic comedy protagonist. You're nervous about seeing her after she probably expected to see you with your famous boyfriend and you came alone.
"Y/N, be careful. Your mom was picking up laundry and almost fell into a hole." A very familiar male voice shouts to you as soon as you park the car, which Pedro insisted you take.
"Enzo, is that you?" You ask as you carefully avoid every patch of dirt in front of you, afraid of falling into any hole. Enzo then takes your hand, as if he wants to guide you, and leads you closer to him. Which wouldn't be weird at all if he weren't your ex.
"Your mom asked me to come over for dinner with you tonight. She said it would be good for both of us to see each other. I think she's trying to convince you to stay. By the way, sorry for the closeness, but I think if you stay close to me, there's less chance of falling into a mysterious hole and avoiding breaking your foot." Enzo says as he holds you close to his body. You look at him, analyzing the situation, and understand that you've fallen into a maternal trap.
"She called you here to convince me to stay and get married, have kids, and a little house in the countryside, right?" You ask, already knowing your mother. Enzo has always been a great friend of yours, and during a brief phase of your life, you thought he would make a good boyfriend. And he did. But when you decided to move to the big city, where there are celebrities and dreams could become reality, Enzo thought it best to set you free. Unfortunately for you, your mother hasn't gotten over it.
"I tried to tell her that you're dating a big Hollywood actor, but it didn't work. Good luck convincing her of that. " Enzo says as he holds your hand tightly and leads you towards your mother's house. She, in turn, must be cooking.
"It's about that..." You ponder whether you should clarify that you're not actually dating a famous person and are just pretending to be in a relationship with one.
"I'm happy for you. You deserve to be happy with a good man, and from what I've heard, Pedro Pascal seems like a great guy." Enzo says as you enter your mother's house.
"My dear, I see you've found Enzo. Did he tell you that he just built a house and is working as a carpenter in town?" Your mother says as she holds a chicken pie in her hands. You start to take off your coat and leave your things on the living room couch.
"Yeah, Mom, I found my ex-boyfriend that you invited to our dinner. I'm really happy that he's doing well and that he built a house." And the atmosphere at your mother's house gets even better. 
"Thinking that you could be living with him in that house if you hadn't run away to live an adventure." Your mother speaks clearly trying to hit you in your weak spot. She never accepted that you left, mainly because she thought you would follow in her footsteps. Being a housewife with a working husband. 
"Mom, forget about it. Enzo is a good man and deserves a good person by his side. But that person would never be me. And besides, I'm doing fine. I'm even dating an extremely kind and famous man." Yes, you know. Bragging about a fake relationship makes you seem pathetic.
"My daughter. Don't get me wrong, but a relationship with such different people, taking into account that you are a simple woman and he is a celebrity, is doomed to failure. The most you could get out of all this is the reputation of being a freeloader. What I don't want for you. So maybe it's time for you to become more realistic."  Your mother says in a high-pitched tone, but sounding like she takes pity on you.
"As famous as my boyfriend is, he is a person who is capable of being in a relationship and not paying attention to nonsense like that. And if you haven't noticed, I'm being realistic. My reality is that I found a good man, with whom I am having a relationship. He's famous and that's just a detail." 
"So where is he now? If this relationship is so real, where is your boyfriend, my daughter?" Your mother responds, clearly upsetting you, but before you can reply, you hear Enzo shout from outside the house for the two of you to come to the front. You and she quickly go to see what happened and come across a strange car arriving. Enzo seems worried that it might be one of the neighbors my mother dislikes coming to pick a fight, but you recognize the car minutes after it's parked.
"I hope I'm not too late. I was shooting a commercial, but I brought some good wine to make up for the delay. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Pedro Pascal says as he gets out of the car with a dozen roses and a bottle of wine. You're speechless while Enzo and your mother seem incredulous.
"What do you mean, darling? What boyfriend lets his girlfriend come alone to her family's house?" Pedro says, still with his lips close to yours. He then turns around, holding the bouquet of flowers towards your mother.
"So you really are my daughter's boyfriend?" Your mother says as she holds the bouquet of flowers as if they were the most precious thing in the world.
"I really am, you can believe it. What fake boyfriend would come here to introduce himself to his mother-in-law?" Pedro Pascal asks as he approaches your mother to hug her, who seems even happy to be meeting him. Enzo still looks lost, and you laugh seeing the scene. Here in this little town, a celebrity appearing is like a comet falling.
"See, Mom? I told you this relationship was real." You say, hugging Pedro Pascal from the side, laying your head on his chest, as if to make it clear how comfortable you are.
"I confess that until now I thought all of this was a farce, and I still think so. But I'm a polite woman. So whether you're my daughter's boyfriend or not, you're invited to dinner. In fact, let's go in now, the food is getting cold. Enzo, you can come in too." Your mother says, entering the house, and Enzo follows right behind. Pedro gently pulls you by the arm.
"Who is that man, and why is your mother looking at me as if I'm suspicious of something?" Pedro asks, close to you. So close that you feel like kissing him.
"Well, that man is my ex-boyfriend, Enzo. He's a nice guy, and I'm pretty sure he's a fan of yours. My mother, on the other hand, doesn't believe we're dating and she's all grumpy and suspicious, so use your acting skills and make her believe in this relationship, understood?" You say, then give Pascal a peck on the lips, noticing that your mother and Enzo are eavesdropping on your conversation.
"Alright, love, let's convince your mother that you and I are a beautiful, loving couple." Pedro Pascal says as he approaches you and subtly kisses your cheek, pulling you inside your mother's house. And you go in hoping it will be a good experience.
tag: @wanniiieeee , @hungrhay and @leilanixx
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demigd-tardis · 3 months
Solo el respeto que tengo por los sobrevivientes y víctimas reales me detiene de leer fanfiction de Adolfo Strauch y Numa, porque la verdad es que Enzo y Esteban son los nuevos Sirius y Remus y no sé que hacer con esa información y tan poco material al respecto.
Igual no puedo creer que haya fanfiction de eso, no es una película, fue una tragedia real. Joder.
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creative-heart · 27 days
I'm about to start working on my new Enzo Series fanfiction, but it' s rooted on some quite personal stuff for me, so be patient okay?
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creative-heart · 1 month
"In the arms of love"| Enzo Vogrincic
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Lucia’s notes: This One Shot was fueled by my lovely @lastflowrr who said she heard the song “Nothing’s gonna hurt you baby” by Cigarettes after sex and wanted to see it in writing. So here goes nothing. I hope you enjoy it, especially my girl Lucy. I also suggest you listen to the song while reading this. 😘😘
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+18 MDNI: Please stop reading after the cut if you don't want to read the smut part.
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Content Warning: Mention of past relationship trauma, Sex scene, a short mention of heavy social drinking, some degrading name calling.
Word Count: 1.2k
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Enzo knew from the moment you two got together for the first time, that getting you to overcome your fears and traumas wouldn’t be easy and he had been trying for the past three years to help you get past what you had lived through. The dark-haired man had to admit, that he liked the little dynamic you had established for yourselves, he didn’t mind being a little bit of a dominant person when it came to you and apparently, it helped you stay centered.
When he saw the way you were drinking at the party in Mati’s house, he knew he needed to tread lightly with you or it could go southways. So he approaches you from behind wrapping his long arms around the middle of your body and whispers “Be careful now baby girl, if you get too drunk I won’t be able to fuck you when we get back, and then I will have to punish you won’t I?” and as soon as you hear those words coming from his lips you can feel your skin filling up with goosebumps, and even through the fog of your brain courtesy of the alcohol you’ve consumed already you are now burning with the anticipation his words brought into the mix. You know full well that Enzo means what he said and so you nod softly before turning around and looking up into his now dark brown eyes biting your lips “I’ll be good, I promise”. The only problem with this is, that you kind of enjoy it when he punishes you because you know he would never actually hurt you, as he’s repeated to you tirelessly, nothing’s gonna hurt you, as long as you’re with him, you’ll be just fine; you know this is true, you trust this man with your life.
When you walk away from his embrace, you’ve already devised a plan for how you will push his buttons and test how serious he is about the punishing part. The first step of this plan is locating the guy you know is going to drive him the craziest you flirt with; you slowly scan the room until you find your target, sweet Santi is sitting on the couch having a beer and you make your way to him, your hips swaying honestly a little more than they should, you sit down next to him your leg crossed in a way your knees are brushing slightly. “Hi Santi, did you do something different to your hair? it looks exceptionally good tonight” You smile playfully playing with his blonde curls. You can already see two things happening, first, Santiago’s already blushing like crazy, and second, you can feel Enzo’s glare drilling into you from across the room.
Of course, it doesn’t take more than 5 minutes for your boyfriend to make his way to you and bend down to talk to you at a volume he knows no one else will hear above the blasting music “What did I say about behaving baby? now we’re gonna have to go home and I’ll have to do something about this” You can already hear the lust filling his voice and you can’t help but bite your lip looking up at him, you can’t help it, you love being a bit of a brat sometimes. Even if you know this may come at a price.
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As soon as you walk into the apartment your back is against the wall and your hands are up and out of the way held by one of Enzo’s big hands, the other resting on your hips squeezing just enough to make you feel it. “You enjoy making me jealous by flirting with my friends, don’t you princess?” It’s the tone of his voice matched with the sweetness of the pet names he uses which makes you weak at the knees, your breath hitching at the back of your throat as you nod softly looking at him through your lashes. “No no, use your words, baby girl, you know I like hearing your voice”. Just as you’re about to talk back you feel his right knee pressed up gently against your center and through your opened mouth instead of words comes a whiny, needy moan, your eyes fluttering closed. Just as your eyelids close you feel the grip of his hand on your hip tightening and you know that  to be your final warning so you force the words out of your mouth “Yes Enzo, I enjoy it” you say barely above a whisper. 
Just as you finish saying that Enzo picks you up tossing you firmly yet gently over his shoulder walking straight to your bedroom “well then… I guess that means there’s no orgasm for you tonight then, that’s what you get for being a little slut” He puts you down on the bed taking your clothes off before folding them neatly on the chair beside your bed. “Come on babyyy” you whine aching for some release between your legs, when he catches you  through the corner of his eye he turns his head clicking his tongue admonishingly shaking his head. Once you’re both in your underwear he grabs your legs behind your knees bringing you to the edge of the bed and without breaking eye contact with you kneels down between your legs “now… you know not to flirt with my friends, it’s not respectful to me” he says in his low sultry voice in between kisses up your inner thighs just before depositing the last one right on your already pulsating nub. When you feel his mouth making contact with your already slick aching center you close your eyes a loud moan flowing from your lip before you can even stop it digging your nails on the heels of your hands leaving crescent shapes on them knowing better than to tug at your boyfriend’s hair.
Enzo might enjoy this a little bit too much if he’s honest with himself, but there’s something about having you like that, laying on the bed and at the mercy of his skillful fingers and mouth begging for some release that just drives him crazy. He’s been at this for almost an hour now, his fingers moving in and out of your dripping center which so lusciously tightens around them as he accompanies each thrust of his digits with alternating sucking and lapping at your throbbing core and once more when he feels your breath hitching in the back of your throat and you trying to move your hips into him trying to look some release and pulls away before you can get the so coveted release you so much desire. As he gets back up to his full height he looks at you seeing how distraught you look and smiles softly “Come on babygirl, let’s get you into the shower, a nice warm soothing shower to get you better”.
Before you can protest he’s disappeared into the bathroom running the water, once  he’s back by the bed Enzo  picks you up in his arms cradling you against his chest and walks to the shower standing under the water gently placing you down as he proceeds to wash your hair and body making sure to give you a soothing massage until he feels you relax under his touch. It's become a habit now, after one of these sessions of yours, he likes taking care and pampering you, he knows sometimes he can get a bit taken away in the situation and more than anything, he wants you to remember nothing’s gonna hurt you as long as you’re with him.
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Lucia's notes: I relly hope you enjoyed this little one shot, as usual, reqs are still open for a bit longer until I get in the mood to start my new series.
Taglist: @madame-fear @cyliarys-starlight @castawaycherry @luceracastro @espinasrubi @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred @deepinsideyourbeing
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creative-heart · 1 month
I've heard you want requests? 😏
You know how to make me happy 🥹
I still l o v e the newest pictures... could be something you can work with? Quiet and peaceful vacation with Enzo, away from all the trouble of life🙏🏻
I definitely could need it... ❤️
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Lucia's notes: Thank you my lovely @lastflowrr for this request, it was so cute to write this little Drabble/One Shot based on these pictures, I really hope I make justice to what you had in mind 🤗🤗🥰🥰.
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"Hidden haven"| Enzo Vogrincic
Content Warning: Just a little slight reference to sex, but in general, just a fluffy little piece.
Word Count: 1k
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You know  Enzo has been so stressed and tired with all the press tour and award season for his last movie, in almost two months you’ve rarely seen each other all three consecutive days, being a last year neurosurgery resident you can’t go away for long. Luckily enough, the universe, the gods or whatever you want to blame it on have aligned for once to your favor and your yearly holidays are coming up just as your raven haired boyfriend finishes with all this madness; so to celebrate and without telling him, you’ve organized a little roadtrip to a cabin in the mountains, just a week or so just for the two of you and you couldn’t wait to surprise him with it. 
As soon as the tan skinned man walked inside your shared home you run to hug him as if it is the last thing you’ll do in your life and you need it to stay alive “I missed you so much Zo” you mumble in the crook of his neck holding yourself up to try and match his height. He holds you up as he peppers your face with featherlike kisses “I missed you too chiquitita mía” he spaces each word with a kiss ending up on your lips with a soft, loving kiss. 
“I’ve got a surprise for you…I know you’ve been traveling so much, but…I’ve planned a roadtrip getaway for us, we’re going to Bariloche for a week, just us two, no phones answered, nothing” you smile looking at him “We’re leaving tomorrow, I’m driving so you’re relaxing and in charge of the aux chord”
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Early the next morning you two set your course out for the sweet and long awaited retreat from the world. You glance over in your boyfriend’s direction to see him laid back on the passenger seat, coffee mug in hand, sunglasses on. Enzo sighs relaxed and glances at you “I love you so much for this, I really needed this, thank you so much bebé”. You smile and the drive goes by smoothly while singing oldschool songs in the most out of tune way possible, snacking on your favourite chocolates and fries and just enjoying the time being just you two with no one from the outside world to derange you.
You arrive at the little cabin in the woods just before the sun starts setting behind the beautiful mountains, and you know it’s been snowing not long ago, the white carpet fresh on the ground. While you go and set your things down in the master bedroom upstairs, Enzo starts trying to work the fireplace and get it started, it’s an old school one with actual logs. After everything is settled, you longue on the couch in your pj’s cuddled up to your boyfriend’s chest playing with his fingers absentmindedly as he hummed eyes closed enjoying being this close to you “You know, I love the fact that getting more well known allows me to work and keep making a living out of this, but….getting recognized everywhere and people staring or asking for pictures is something I definitely do not love” you smile softly keeping your eyes closed as you hear Enzo’s deep soothing voice behind you and you give his forearm a soft squeeze, you knew he didn’t like people looking at him, and you definitely didn’t enjoy not being able to do as many things as you once did together because of that, but on the other hand, you also knew how much he loves acting and that this is what helped him keep doing it.
“I know darling, but I just think you are so good at what you do, that people just get too taken with you and your characters, take Numa for example, you touched so many people with him it was unbelievable”. You feel him humming against the skin on your neck as he trails soft kisses up and down, and you know exactly what he’s doing, it’s his tactic every time he wants to shift the conversation from himself, and in all honesty, it always works. “Zo…” you whisper in what wants to be a warning tone but ends up being more a pleading tone and the little sucker smriks against your warm skin “you can’t blame now, can you princess?” and all you can do is hum when you hear him call you that, he knows just what to say and what to do to make all your stress melt away and your brains turn into mush.
The next few days go by in a haze of late lazy mornings in bed looking out the window, limbs all tangled up together after having some coffee, once you both can master up the will to get out from under the bed covers, usually after some lazy love making as well, you sit down to work on a puzzle Enzo insisted on bringing over, it has like a thousand pieces and you most definitely do not have the patience to do it, but if that’s what the love of your life wants to spend his hours doing, then you’ll sit next to him mostly pretending to help before getting bored and taking his camera walking around snapping silly candid pictures of him working on his project the surrounding mountains, you even go out on little walks around the place to capture some nature through the lens.
Time definitely goes by differently here because when you’re feeling at home and Enzo and you have fallen into a sweet rhythm of slowed down life, you need to go back into the real world and as you pack up your clothes back into the suitcase you sigh, you have definitely enjoyed this time you’ve had here being just the two of you, no prying eyes and screaming girls asking for pictures with your boyfriend feeling left aside. You try to push those intrusive thoughts away as Enzo has made it his life work to reassure you that there’s no one more important in his life than you, well…maybe Ada, but you’re a close second to the cat you share custody of and you know that’s absolutely true, for wherever you may be, his eyes always find your own, and you feel as if you were right here, in a secluded spot just the two of you know.
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P.S: This hasn't been proofread, so if you see any mistakes, please do let me know, I appreacite it. Also, my girlies, keep the reqs coming, don't be shy, fluff, smut, angst whatever you have for me, for Enzo, Kuku, Simón and Santi 💖💖💖💖
@madame-fear  @cyliarys-starlight @castawaycherry @luceracastro @espinasrubi @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred @deepinsideyourbeing
60 notes · View notes
creative-heart · 2 months
"In the heat of the night"|| Enzo Vogrincic x fem Reader.
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A/N: Ok, as promised, here is the Enzo One Shot, please read at your own discretion. As always, narrated in 3POV usage of Y/N
+18 ONLY Heavy smut: If you DO NOT wish to read the smut part, please stop reading after "She considered his proposal for a bit before nodding softly “let me grab my things” she said before going back inside."
T.W: Reference to domestic Violence, Heavy smut, light smoking and drinking reference.
If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, please reach out to the authorities.
Word Count: 2.9k
When her Ex husband Luke had laid the first hand on her, Y/N ran away as fast and as far as she possibly could, only the clothes on her bag and a small backpack as what tied her to her past. That’s how she had gotten to New York where the neon lights and the sea of people not only welcomed her but helped her disguise, afraid he would have followed her there, even tho she knew he wouldn’t, he didn’t care enough. 
Now, without any money, or anywhere to turn to, she walked aimlessly around the big apple’s streets until she saw that small disguised red lettered neon sign that read “Velvet Lounge” and she walked in, the cold night air being the last push she needed to let herself through the door. Y/N looked around  and walked over to the bar to talk to the man behind it, after seeing the women dancing on stage and waiting tables and the men lost in a trance looking at the ones moving seductively up there. “Excuse me, hi, I urm…I’m in need of some work and a place to stay, could you maybe help me out?” He nodded and held his hand out.
“Andrew, nice to meet you, come with me, this works on tips by the clients and a percentage of the nights revenues that gets divided between all the girls working each night, it’s just dancing, so should any pervert try anything else on you for money, or not, you let us kow and we’ll ban him, the girls are dancers, not prostitutes” Y/N nodded, still a bit numbed out from all that had been going on around her. He turned around to face her, “you said you had no place to stay, right? you can stay here, there’s a couple of rooms in the back, Cady one of the girls lives here as well, you can start working as soon as you want, but by the looks you got, you’ve been shaken by something, so I would recommend you take a few days, the girls will teach you the works of the place”. 
She nodded again “Tha-thank you Andrew, by the way, my name is Y/N” she placed her backpack down and smiled softly at the ladies backstage. Andrew smiled and nodded “girls, listen up, Y/N here will be staying in the club with Cady, and she’ll start working whenever she’s ready, treat her well, and teach her the works of it, yeah?” he walked back out.
Almost a month had gone by, and Y/N was slowly letting the fear of coming across Luke go, as she settled into working at Velvet Lounge, she was mostly working the bar for now, her chosen stage name being Blue Diamond, she was getting ready and looked at the girls “I honestly, can’t quite believe it’s been a month since I got here” she smiled softly. Cady smiled as they had grown quite close sharing their every day life.
“Diamond baby, you’ve come out of your shell so beautifully I’m so proud of being your showgirl godmother” she grinned kissing the younger girl’s head “Are you ready for your stage debut tonight? I can sense a full house” Y/N felt the color drain from her face at the last words Cady said and smiled softly.
“I’ll have to be I guess, it’s only just one quick dance before hiding away behind the bar tho, I like it there” she chuckled.
When it was time, the club’s lights turned into a deep blue and Andrew announced through the speaker “And now… making her stage debut, please give a warm welcome to Blue Diamond”. Enzo sat at a table in the back, not really interested in the exotic dancing part, just really seeking the quiet of a place where he wouldn’t be followed by fans and paps. He had been filming in New York for a month now, he had at least two more to go and everywhere he went, there was a sea of people waiting for him, so that night he had decided to go off through the back alleys and walked in the first place he found. As he drank his beer, his eyes darted towards the stage as “Do I wanna know” by the Artic Monkeys started playing and a petite brunette walked onto the stage moving to the music in a way so enchanting and seductive that he couldn’t take his eyes away. 
As Y/N danced to her favorite song, which she had found easier for her first time, she looked around the far end of the room trying not to make eye contact to any of the guys at the front, their gazes too overwhelming for her, just as she scanned the room, her eyes fell on a pair of deep brown eyes that felt like melted chocolate. The man, even though looking straight at her like he wanted to take a look at her soul, didn’t intimidate her, it felt entrancing and mysterious and she liked that. She kept her eyes locked on his for the reminder of the song before getting off stage walking around the room to collect the tips, when she made it to him she winked at the man as she walked by.
 Enzo was lost, that woman had taken the last of his sanity with her, but he didn’t know if it would be appropriate for him to talk to her. He stayed a bit longer and decided against it, going back to his hotel after a few more drinks. Blue Diamond, her name, even is if it was a fake one, and he knew it, keep resonating through his head, the way she moved her hips, the manner in which she looked at him, as if she could see and read each and every though cruising through his mind drove him insane.
Days went by, weeks even, and Enzo couldn’t help but go back to that Wednesday night at the Velvet Lounge, and the way Blue Diamond danced and moved around like she knew she owned the room. As if that weren’t enough, it seemed like everywhere he went, the song she used, “Do I wanna know?” came in through the speakers, he could feel himself growning restless, he needed to talk to her, he needed to see her again, just one look at those dark coffee colored eyes could make him feel better. And so that Friday night, after taking a shower to wash off a whole day of shooting, he made his way back to the bar, he sat down at the same table he had weeks ago, waiting, hoping really, that the woman who had dominated his every thought, asleep or awake would come on the stage. Much to his surprise, she walked over. “Can I get you anything to drink handsome?” Y/N said after she had all but fought Andrew to go wait the table where she saw the same cinnamon skinned man from a few weeks ago sit down.
The Uruguayan looked up and smiled a much sultrier smile he knew himself capable of “a Heineken, and your name…your real name, Blue Diamond” she looked at him eyebrows quirked in confusion. 
“I’m afraid my real name is not possible, I’m working, the beer’s coming right up” she said walking back to the bar, feeling guarded even if she did feel flirtatious and intrigued. The night went on, and Enzo stayed until they all but kicked him out due to the bar closing. As Y/N walked out the side door to have a smoke she ran into the mysterious man’s broad shoulders “Oh…sorry, I didn’t mean to..” she cut off seeing who it was she had ran into “Oh, it’s you…Enzo isn’t it?” she smiled softly as she had seen his name on the receipt.
“That’s me….though it’s not fair, I’m afraid I’m at a disadvantage” he continued as the woman gave him a confused look taking a drag of her cigarette “you know my name and I still do not know yours” he could swear he saw electricity running in the air between them. He wanted to pin that alluring brunette against the wall and kiss her until his lungs gave out to start with, much darker thoughts running through his mind as he took in every single of her features under the dim light of the alleyway.
She bit her lip and smiled softly looking up at the much taller man towering over her “I suppose you’re right….I’m Y/N, nice to officially meet you”. She had been taking him in all night, every chance she got, his chiseled features drawing her in, only to find her mind going back to that unfateful night at her Rocheport Missouri house, where her ex had lost his temper in a way she had never seen before and pulling her away, she couldn’t let herself get caught up with another man. She finished her smoke and put it out before tossing it into the bin “I guess I better go back in, it was nice meeting you…Enzo” his name rolled off her tongue way too easy. She turned around to walk back in, but found herself being stopped by his words.
“Wait….do you have anything to do right now? I’d like to invite you a drink” he said, his voice deep and enticing. He could sense her being guarded off, and he knew she must have some bagage on her shoulders, but he was way too trapped in the moment to let that get in the way. She considered his proposal for a bit before nodding softly “let me grab my things” she said before going back inside.
Many a few drinks later at a nearby bar left them both looking at eachothers mouths as they spoke, neither of them could, nor wanted to disguise the tension and want filling the air between them, maybe the alcohol could be blamed, maybe it was just what they had been sensing since the very first night, either way, Enzo leaned in, softly grabbing Y/N’s chin between his index and thumb to tilt it up towards him and kissed her, slow at first, but letting all the want he had for her since the first time he saw her on stage seep through his kiss as she slowly parted her lips to allow his tongue the oh so desired entryway. The kiss slowly becoming all consuming, fogging their minds with want and desire, Enzo’s hands found their way to Y/N’s waist at the time hers racked through his dark silky hair pulling him closer, a small moan leaving her lips only to die in his mouth. When they needed to catch their breath the broke apart only slightly as she whispered “let’s get out of here”. He chuckled, the deep sultry sound sending shivers down the girl’s spine as he nodded and walked out wrapping his big hand around her waist, wanting to touch and feel every inch of her.
As soon as they stepped into the hotel’s elevator, he trapped her body against the wall kissing her again, his hands quickly to find her hips to pull her small body to his. She returned the kiss with the same fervor, wrapping her arms around his neck pulling herself as close to the man’s body as humanly possible and then some. When the elevator dinged at his floor, Enzo stumbled out still kissing and holding Y/N, he couldn’t care less to not break the kiss, he never wanted to. He held her tightly so she wouldn’t fall and after a couple steps she placed his hands on the back of her thighs whisking her up so she would wrap her legs around him. 
He fumbled for his room key before letting themselves into the dark room pressing her against the wall once more another quiet sigh leaving her lips as he did. Enzo found his way to her neck placing slow kisses and soft nibbles on her sensitive skin, Y/N’s eyes fluttered closed as she bit her lip to stop her moans and whispered quietly under her breath “oh fuck”, the older man smirked hearing that intoxicating sound come from her lips, tugging at her top until he took it off stumbling over to the bed letting her down quick to take his clothes off.
Y/N’s eyes darkened seeing his tall well worked body in the dim light that came in through the window, copying his actions and stripping down to her underwear. Enzo took a minute to look the gorgeous woman in front of her up and down before laying her down kissing down her body, leaving a trail of hot wet burning sensations, as he moved to the little black lace number that left little to the imagination, not that he minded that it did. He placed a kiss on the inner part of Y/N’s knee before moving up making his way to her already wet center as he looked up at her taking in her expressions to each and every kiss he placed on her sensitive skin.
Her eyes fluttered closed as she let out a shaky breath when she felt the tall man’s lips making contact with her already needy clit, still through the lace of her underwear, trembling fingers finding their way to his hair again tugging gently to let him know she needed more, so much more. She could feel his smirk against her hot sensitive skin as he murmured without breaking too much contact with her “use your words babygirl” the words flowing out of him low, silky and dark sending an electric shock through her entire body.
She couldn’t help the moan that came out of her in such a pathetic way when she heard him say that and whispered “I need more..please” he placed a short kiss on her skin before taking her underwear off going back to the task at hand taking the opportunity to slide a finger in her slowly, groaning at how good her insides felt around his finger, pumping it in and out as he suckled and licked at her throbbing nub. Y/N’s knees fell open more when she felt his finger, moaning again keeping her eyes closed “Eyes on me baby girl” he muttered “I want to see how good I make you feel” she moaned again as she obliged opening her eyes locking her gaze on his. He kept going being absolutely drunk on how good it felt making her feel this way picking up his pace he slid a second finger in and kept going. Soon enough Y/N through her head back letting her orgasm wash away through her as it came. He looked up at her riding her high out before slowly pulling away.  Without even missing a bit, he grabbed a condom from his night stand rolling it onto his already hard dick after taking his underwear off and looked at her. 
Y/N smiled lazily and sat up kissing him before laying him down on his back straddling his lap slowly guiding him to her entrance as she slow and steady let him in, Enzo’s hands flew to her hips groaning “fuck, you feel good babygirl” he let out in a musky tone. Y/N smirked humming softly as she started rocking her hips back and forth eyes locked on his. She moaned softly when a particular movement grazed that oh so sweet spot inside her, she kept moving taking in every single sound and movement that came from the dark haired man beneath her.
As Y/N played with the sleeping man’s hair resting on her chest, she kept going back to what her life used to be, and what it was now, she remembered Enzo had told her at the bar that he was an actor, and a famous one at that, and she was just an escapee exotic dancer, she couldn’t fool herself into thinking this was anything more than what it had been that night, a really hipnotizing one night stand that shook her entire being. She knew tho, that there could be nothing more, her story was way too complicated to explain to anyone, let alone someone like Enzo, it wasn’t like he was thinking about little house in the prairie and kids with her when he made a move, of course he wasn’t. That’s when she made her head up she placed a kiss on his head softly, gently getting up from the bed as to not wake him up and got dressed placing one last long soft kiss to his temple leaving a note for him that read “This was good, far too good for our own benefit, but it was just in the heat of the night, you’re better off without me, believe me, I know it. Take care, have a great life, xoxo Y/N (your blue diamond)” and walked out of that room to never return.
As she made her way back to the bar she wrapped her arms around her own body, trying to keep the heat and the feeling of his touch from escaping her. She would replay that night countless times in her head, she knew that, if only life were less complicated, if only she were someone better. But sometimes life just is what it is in the heat of the night.
@creative-heart @cyliarys-starlight @espinasrubi @candycanes19 @luceracastro @lastflowrr
P.S: If you wanna be tagged in my upcoming work, please just let me know in the comments 🤗💗
60 notes · View notes
creative-heart · 28 days
hello ! i didn’t know that you were taking requests omg i would have spam you sooner. i don’t know if you have seen enzo’s last ig story in snow but ommmg if you could write a fluffy request based on that story
like reader wakes up and she doesn’t find him, she just found a little note that he went walking into the forest so she goes back to sleep and when she wakes up after, she opens her insta and found his ig story. immediately she tells him to come back in their apartment bc she’s terribly afraid he might get lost in the snow or catch a big cold
he’s like no never im strong and i survived lsdln lmfao but when he comes back even though he doesn’t want to admit it, he’s completely frozen and he starts to sneeze and he’s starting to be really sick so reader has to pamper him 🥺🥺 warm a hot bath for him, prepare a soup or a tea, put him in bed.
like i just imagine them being in bed after he supplied her to stay in bed and reader telling him next time stop playing enzo the snow king bc look at you right now baby you have fever and you’re hiding inside my sweater 😭 and him still doesn’t want to admit that he took a big risk for his health, being like « who told u i’m not faking being sick just to sleep under you pullover next to your/my 🍒 » 🤭🤭
okay my imagination might be too big lol
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Lucia’s Notes: I love this request dear nonnie, because I feel like he’d be like a little boy when sick. I hope you enjoy this little drabble.
Content Warning: I don’t think there are any warnings, this is just fluff.
Word Count: 690
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"Winter's warmth"| Enzo Vogrincic
You wake up when the lack of Enzo’s warm body against yours hits you like a ton of bricks and turn around looking for him curling more into the blankets to shield yourself from the cold of the outside world. As you look around you find a little note on his bedside table and grab it to read it “Morning honey, woke up early and decided to take a stroll around the woods, love you xo. En” You look out the window and see the clouded snowy picture burying yourself back into your blankets and going back to sleep.
An hour or so later, you finally open your eyes and grab your phone to start roaming all the social media and messages you might have missed. When you finally fall onto Instagram Enzo’s story is the first one up there, you click on it to see what your fugitive boyfriend’s been up to while you slept in. One look at his snow-covered hair is enough to make you shoot up on the bed sitting up hastily calling this crazy man you call yours. As soon as you hear the click on the line of the call being picked up you say “Enzo Vogrincic Roldan, what the fuck are you doing out there with this snowstorm!? You’re gonna get sick, you could get lost even!” the tone of your voice rising in alarm at the thought of your boyfriend wandering too far from the apartment you rented for your holiday and not being able to find his way back safely. 
You hear his low melodious lazy laugh on the other end of the call “Good morning to you too chiquita, don’t worry about it, I’m not far and I’ve figured out how to get back, and as to getting sick, I would never, I survived filming La sociedad, remember? I’m immune to cold” You roll your eyes at his stupid bravado “Don’t roll your eyes baby, I’m fine, I’ll be there soon with some pastries for breakfast, you get some coffee started, will you?” you sigh getting up “just come back love”. As you hang up you get up putting on one of his sweaters that are just lying around the room before heading to the kitchen smiling at the fireplace in the living room. Just as you’re pouring the mugs of hot coffee Enzo walks into the apartment ruffling the snow off his long raven-colored locks and trying to muffle a sneeze so you won’t hear it. You shoot around as he’s failed to conceal it from you. “I’m just fine babe, don’t look at me like that” Enzo retorts to your arched brow.
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Later on that day you can see him shivering and sneezing more frequently and look at him “Ok, that’s it, you’re coming down with a cold love, I’ll draw you a warm bath and make you some tea with honey for when you get out” And he knows by the look on your face to better not argue it and nods softly “thank you love”. 
Once he’s out of the bath and you’re both cuddled in bed with your tea mugs as you play with his unruly locks absentmindedly you whisper “Now, could you stop playing Enzo king in the north and not go out in the snow next time? look how you’re feeling now, you have a fever, you’re even hiding in my sweater like a little kitten” you kiss his forehead to check if the paracetamol you gave him has started working yet. He shoots his face up to look at you, glossy eyes trying to look offended by what you said, “But I’m not sick baby, I just enjoy cuddling my girlfriend and snuggling away on my…sorry, your boobs”. You laugh at his silly statement and nod softly “I’m sure that’s it baby”. You keep playing with his hair seeing him slowly drift off to sleep as you admire his peaceful features tracing his nose lightly with your finger and smiling to yourself wondering how you ever got so lucky to get to share your life with a man such as this.
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P.S: This was just adorable to write, I had the silliest smile on the whole time. I really hope you enjoyed it.
Taglist: @madame-fear @cyliarys-starlight @luceracastro @castawaycherry @lastflowrr @espinasrubi @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred @deepinsideyourbeing
45 notes · View notes
creative-heart · 2 months
"In the embrace of dawn"|| Enzo Vogrincic x fem! Reader
A/N: Hi my lovelies! So this is a second part to "In the heat of the night" which you can read Here inspired from a message by my lovely @cyliarys-starlight who said I could not end it that way, so here we go.
TW: Brief description of domestic violence, mention of alcohol consumption, a bit of sex talk.
Please if you or someone you know is victim of domestic violence, reach out to the authorities.
Word Count: 2.3 k
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Enzo woke up slightly when he felt the body heat lacking from him and stretched trying to get his senses back awake as he looked around the hotel room, thinking maybe she was in the bathroom, or even had stepped out to get something to eat; so he frowned in confusion when he saw the note laying  on the bedside table as he read through it a couple times; still trying to make sense of it “This was good, far too good for our own benefit, but it was just in the heat of the night, you’re better off without me, believe me, I know it. Take care, have a great life, xoxo Y/N (your blue diamond)”- what could she have meant with him being better off without her, Enzo couldn’t wrap his head around it, of course, they had known eachother for just a hot minute, he couldn’t say he was in love, and he knew Y/N was guarded and hiding something  he couldn’t quite pinpoint, but he did know something, and that was that for once, when the tall guy was with her, he felt normal again, he felt warm, he felt like someone cared about Enzo, not actor Enzo.
He tossed and turned for a while on the bed before grabbing his phone to check the time, 6 am; he checked his schedule, he had just a few scenes to shoot today, he would go over to talk to Y/N right after, he didn’t care, he didn’t agree with the brunette on what she had said on her stupid note. He could take whatever she had to throw his way. He got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom reluctantly, not really wanting to wash away the night before, or her intoxicating scent from him, but knowing he needed to get ready for work. Once he was ready he made his way downstairs and to the cafe across the street to get some fuel in him before heading to the studio. The memories and images of last night still replaying on his brain in a merciless loop, the way Y/N’s lips tasted; how soft her warm skin felt underneath his; the way her breath hitched in the back of her throat when he kissed that specific spot on her neck or her inner thigh; he swore he could listen to the small woman breath out his name a million times and would never get tired of it.
Sure enough, three stupid scenes took up most of his day, his head already at the Velvet Lounge, or at the bar they had gone afterwards, even worse, his mind kept going back to his hotel room and he couldn’t think straight, he could still taste Y/N on his tongue, and he was more determined than ever. When Enzo could finally get rid of work, he made his way to the club, making sure to stop by a flower shop on the way, he had seen the tattoo of what seemed a Jasmin flower on Y/N’s lower back at some point and he got a small bouquet. He got off the Uber a block or so away and made his way to the alley, his hands shaking softly and his breath a little heavier than he would have thought it would be, he fixed his hair and clothes before knocking on the side door. He really thought he hadn’t done anything wrong  to make her leave and that she  wouldn’t have spoke to her friends about him in a bad way; his mind was spiraling so he was a little surprised when a slightly older redhead woman opened the door. “Yes? How can I help you handsome?” Cady eyed the man standing in front of her up and down, and it slowly dawned on her, this was the guy she had seen Y/N talking to a few times.
“Is urm…Y/N…Blue Diamond in? I need to talk to her, would you please tell her Enzo is here?” he smiled softly, bouquet in hand. Cady gave him another full look before humming softly and disappearing back into the building. “Y/N Honey!” she called out “There’s quite a hunk of a young man standing outside the door saying he wants to talk to you…Enzo he said his name was”. Y/N’s head snapped up from her journal so fast she got dizzy, the color completely drained from her face “oh…not welcomed? I can go back out and tell him to get lost” Cady pointed back over her shoulder, always protective of the younger woman.
Y/N sighed getting up and shook her head “no, thanks mama, not necessary, he’s not bad, on the contrary, he’s too good” she took a quick look at herself in the mirror, her gray sweats and oversized hoody covering her body-she had asked for the day off today, alleging she didn’t feel all that good-, she pulled her arms around her and walked out to meet him taking a deep breath before opening the door. Y/N was determined to just usher him away as soon as she opened the door; but the sight of the tall, handsome, caring guy standing outside clearly nervous as hell, with a bouquet of jasmins in hand and a worried expression on his face made her halt to a stop. “Enzo….didn’t expect to see you here, not after I left at 4 am and left that note” she looked down at her own feet when he looked her way. Enzo cleared his throat and moved a bit closer making her look up at him again.
“First, these are for you” he said handing the bouquet over “I saw a jasmin tattoo on your back and I thought I might be on the right track” he rambled on as she took the flowers -a small tight smile as a reply- “I must admit, I was a bit surprised when I woke up to that note, please, please tell me it’s not something I did…I couldn’t forgive myself if I wronged you in any way” he kept looking at her, big puppy eyes, concern plastered on his look as he fidgeted with the ring on his finger “I just…I wanted to come over and tell you, I don’t know what you’re holding back, I have no idea what you’ve been through, and I know we’ve only known each other for a bit, I’m not pretending like I know all about you, nor demanding to… I would never force you to share something you’re not comfortable with..” Y/N looked up at him, her eyes sparkly, small smile pulling at the edges of her lips as he rambled on, he was quite endearing and adorable-added to how hot he is and how good he fucked me last night, I could get used to the rambling- she thought but let him continue “I just want you to know, that you’re more than enough, and there’s no way something like what we shared last night, isn’t the best thing ever….I would love to, if you let me, get to know every nook and crany of you, inside and out, know your brain, know your heart, and take the time to mend it back together, protect you from whatever…whomever you might be escaping and protecting yourself from”. As he said that she pulled him in by his coat standing on her tiptoes she kissed him softly, a new sensation running in that kiss, it wasn’t the need and want that it had the night before, it was calm, it was safe. 
Enzo was a bit surprised to be cut short from his well rehearsed speech by Y/N, not like he would complain about feeling her lips on his; hands naturally and easily falling to her waist pulling her in gently to him, needing to shield her from the outside world in every possible way. When they felt like they needed to breath before they passed out, they broke the kiss and Enzo rested his forehead against hers. “You are adorable, persistent, but adorable” she whispered. “You’re also right, there’s a lot about me you don’t know, a lot that I don’t know if and when I will be ready to let out…but as much as I wanted to pretend that I was okay leaving you behind, it tugged at every fiber of my being, this somehow in some crazy way, feels natural, feels good, and I like it”. A slow grin spread across the taller’s face as he placed another kiss on her lips.
“This might be a lot to ask for, and please don’t think it is because I don’t like you being here, but I would love to spend every second with you… getting to know you, would you please come stay with me?” she bit her lip and looked down shortly thinking about what he was asking of her, she closed her eyes and in the first act of trust she had shown in god knows how long, she nodded. “Please give me a few minutes go grab a bag of my things?” she looked up at him, she still felt terrified, and out of sorts in ways, but something about his presence, his warmth, made the weight on her shoulders get easier to bear; Enzo placed a chaste kiss on her lips and nodded. As Y/N walked into the building, she found Cady, Astrid, Michelle and even Andrew piled up on the other side eavesdropping and looked at them with a quizzical look. “Excuse you?” she said.
Astrid smiled and with her thick russian accent said “Whoever your prince in shining armor is, can’t he take me with him as well?” Y/N laughed and nudged her playfully going to pack a small bag. “You know that  whenever you want to, you have a place and a job here sweetie” Andrew said and she looked back at them “it’s not like I’m leaving for good, I’ll just go for a few days and be back, I still need to work” she said her goodbyes and walked back out the door where Enzo awaited, he wrapped his arm around her waist protectively and walked back to the hotel.
A month or so had gone by, and the familiarity between them made Y/N feel safer than ever, like she could tackle whatever came her way, she also knew that filming was almost over for him, and soon he would leave the city. As she got some snacks for them, while Enzo waited on the couch she took a deep breath, she finally thought she could tell him her story. Deep in thought she made her way to the couch sitting down. Enzo looked up from his phone “what’s troubling you babe?” he said in that soft mellowy voice of concern that Y/N had gotten to know quite well in this time together; she nodded softly sitting down.
“Remember how you told me you would never force me to share my story?” she said barely above a whisper, Enzo put his phone down giving Y/N his undivided attention now- everything else could wait, the world could wait- and nodded; “well….I think that….if this is to be anything more than a passing fling to end when you leave New York in 2 more weeks…you deserve to know” he frowned at all the beating around the bush, but he let her, whatever she was getting ready to say had to be really important and he laid his hand on her knee in a protective way to encourage her. The petite woman took a deep breath and fixed her eyes on a loose string on her cardigan and started talking. “When we first met, I had just started working at the Velvet Lounge….I got there, because I got to New York with nowhere to go, anyone to turn to, I am….I’m originally from a small town in the state of Missouri, called Rocheport, and… I had just left, nothing on my back but the clothes I was wearing and a backpack, I urm…I’m married…my husband…his name is Luke, and one night, he…he got drunk, as he usually did but that night he got mad, and he…he…” she bit her lower lip, feeling some tears running down her face she quickly wiped at before going on “he laid a hand on me, so as soon as he passed out from the booze, I left, enough money for the bus ticket out of there on the first bus I found and I ended up here, so I… I just felt like I couldn’t trust…anyone really” she tentatively looked up from her lap to find an Enzo she had never seen before, jaw tight with tension, dark eyes, but not the dark she was used to see when they had sex, no, this was different, he hadn’t realized his hands were in fists. “please don’t look at me differently”she whispered.
He looked at her his gaze softening when he heard her say that “oh baby, I could never” he whispered bringing her close to his chest. “I just wish I could have protected you from that son of a bitch, I want to protect you every day of my life, as long as we’re together, nothing’s ever gonna harm you again, and that bastard better pray I don’t ever cross paths with him because I will not care, I will kill him; I swear I will kill him.” Y/N held onto him face buried in his chest feeling it raise and fall rapidly from his breath “Thank you for letting me into your world” he whispered in her ear “I’ll make it my life’s work to make yours better if you let me” she looked up at him, eyes glossy with tears and he leaned down cupping her cheeks as he kissed her deeply, in a way that let her know that no harm could ever get to her ever again, not as long as he was beside her, not as long as they were together.
@cyliarys-starlight @madame-fear @luceracastro @candycanes19 @lastflowrr @koiibiito @espinasrubi @castawaycherry
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creative-heart · 13 days
"Love's Blossom"| Enzo Vogrincic
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Chapter 2: “Silent hopes, Spoken dreams”
Lucia’s notes: I hope you enjoyed the first episode of this!
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Content Warning: This one is spicy, sex scene, oral (fem receiving); P in V; unprotected sex YOU CAN START READING AFTER THE FIRST CUT; pregnancy tests; conceiving related stress.
Word Count: 1.4k 
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Enzo and Y/N found they couldn’t keep their hands off each other as the three-month mark approached. They had decided to just go for it, with no tracking of days and fertility windows, they didn’t want to go crazy so early on in the process and they were also convinced that it would happen when it had to. The brunette would be lying if she said she wasn’t going crazy with the expectation, she was fully aware that these things can take a while to happen, conceiving a baby is no easy task, at all, but she wanted to be pregnant so badly she couldn’t wait.
One evening, as Enzo worked on making dinner for the pair, she crawled up behind him, barefoot and sporting his favorite lingerie ensemble on her; the one he had gotten her for their last anniversary six months ago and wrapped her arms around the taller man’s waist standing on her tiptoes to place a kiss on the nape of his neck “How mad would you be if I told you I’m not really that hungry?” Y/N whispered against his back while gently sliding her hands under his shirt running them up his abs softly. “Why? Are you not feeling okay love?” Enzo replied still facing the stove as he stirred the pumpkin creme soup he was working on. He felt his girlfriend shake her head no against his back and so he turned around “What’s going o-?” his words cut off cold when he spotted the petite woman standing behind him just in an all-black, lacey ensemble that left absolutely nothing to the imagination.
Y/N bit her lip looking at Enzo as he picked the girl up kissing her deep and slow as he walked over to their bedroom. She wrapped her legs and arms around the older one kissing back as deep. He looked at her as they reached the room “Three months are up, aren’t they?” Y/N nodded softly biting her lip “They are” Enzo didn’t even take long enough to see her answer, already kissing her neck once again taking the little garments left on her body off before laying her down to take his clothes off as well. Y/N laid back better against the pillows waiting for him to join her.
As soon as Enzo was naked he crawled onto the bed to join her crawling in between Y/N’s legs and kissing up her inner thighs softly locking eyes with the brunette girl resting up on her elbows her breath catching in the back of her throat as his lips closed around her already throbbing nub while he hummed gently in appreciation. Y/N moaned softly, her head falling backward as her hands ran through his raven locks. Enzo slowly slid one of his long digits in her as he kept sucking and licking on her throbbing nub while expertly matching the rhythm with his finger bringing Y/N swiftly to the edge. When he could feel her walls start to tighten around his finger he pulled out moving up to line himself up with her entrance his already glistening tip throbbing at the want for attention easily slipping into her center with one soft thrust. “Fuck baby, you’re so tight for me” Enzo muttered through a moan as Y/N wrapped her arms around him to bring him closer to her kissing him and moving her hips in time with his. Their bodies moving as one, deep thrusts growing faster and more erratic as pleasure took over both of them.
Soon enough Y/N looked at Enzo biting her lips, her moans filling the room “I’m…so…close” she mumbled in-between groans of pleasure as her nails left crescent shapes marked on the taller man’s back as her orgasm took over her as a tidal wave sending jolts of pleasure over her entire body. When Enzo felt her inner walls tightening around his pulsating shaft he didn’t need anything more to come undone inside her, holding himself still as his seed filled her up letting his body fall next to hers on the bed panting. When the older slid out, Y/N held her knees up to her chest to try and keep it all inside her body still trying to come down from her high.
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Y/N may not have told Enzo about her period being late, but it was quite clear that it was, almost two weeks to be exact, that’s when she decided to test and see what was happening. Of course, she’d keep it to herself until she knew for sure. If she was indeed pregnant, she wanted to make it a cute surprise for Enzo, he was on a short work trip for a possible new project and Y/N wanted him to focus on that until he returned. That Wednesday morning, the brunette walked into the supermarket and took a deep breath as she walked towards the aisle where the pregnancy tests were; she stood in front of it looking at the whole array of options in front of her biting her lip- who knew picking a freaking test was this difficult, should I get a normal one? a digital one? what if I got one of each just in case? Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do, one of each, want to be sure- and so she picked one classic one and a digital one walking to the self-checkout paying for them before she returned home.
Three minutes had never been longer, sure this was more than three minutes. Y/N paced back and forth in the apartment’s bathroom as the two tests were processed. She had set a timer for them and kept looking at her phone screen biting her lip, when the damn alarm went off Y/N took a deep breath before looking at both tests and bit her lip hard trying to fight back the tears when she saw the clear negatives on both sticks. The girl set the tests down on the counter, as she sat on the edge of the bathtub trying to fight back her tears, she never knew getting pregnant could be this hard, how did people do it by accident she had no idea. After what felt like ages Y/N stood up throwing the tests and boxes away, she wouldn’t say a word to Enzo, he was so excited about becoming a dad that she didn’t want him to be disappointed.
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Saturday rolled around and Y/N dressed up all nice to go pick her boyfriend up from the airport, they had talked over Facetime these past few days and Enzo hadn’t brought up the baby topic, but that didn’t clear the air, Y/N was nervous he might ask, and when he inevitably did and she had to tell him there was no baby yet, she hoped the tan-skinned man wouldn’t be too mad. The petite woman stood at the arrivals gate waiting for him to walk out and stood on her tiptoes to try and look for him. He grinned as soon as he saw the brunette head of hair peaking out behind the people waiting there and headed over to Y/N to pick her up “Hi Chiquita, I missed you” he whispered in her ear as they spun around her giggles resonating in his chest. After a little bit, he put her down and they walked out towards their car. Once they were in the safety and silence of the vehicle and were en route to their shared home he looked at her and said “So? Any news?” Enzo smiled excitedly biting his lip his smile slowly turning to a frown seeing the girl’s nervousness to his question and the teeny tiny shake of her head in response.
“Don’t worry about it love, we’ll keep trying, not that I mind this part of the job of trying to get a baby in there” he smirked holding her hand and placing a long kiss on the back of it trying to appease her. Y/N kept biting her lip and whispered “I just really wanted it to happen and thought it had happened. I don’t like seeing negatives on those stupid sticks” Y/N glanced at her boyfriend her hazel eyes looking slightly glassy as she had been trying to hold it together for so long since she had taken the pregnancy tests that past Wednesday.
As soon as they got home Enzo hugged her tight and whispered in her ear “We’ll make it, we’ll get there, the universe works in mysterious ways and we’ll get a baby when it’s the right time, please don’t worry about it bebé” He kissed her temple long closing his eyes. It was hard on him, he wasn’t going to lie to himself, but he knew that it had to be harder for Y/N, and he decided to support the love of his life every step of the way.
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P.S: Sorry for the sad tone of this, but things need to get worse before they can get better. Having a kid isn't that easy. LOL Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it.
Taglist: @madame-fear @lastflowrr @cyliarys-starlight @deepinsideyourbeing @koiibiito @luceracastro @castawaycherry @candycanes19 @chiquititamia @espinasrubi @lxdyred @nperoconelcositoarriba
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pascaloverx · 1 month
Rewrite The Stars
Chapter Thirteen
Summary: One photo changes your whole life, when you accidentally bump into a celebrity and the world starts to believe that you are a couple.
In this chapter, we have an extra character called Enzo, whom I'd like you to imagine as the actor Enzo Vogrincic. And for those who enjoy the fanfic, I appreciate if you reblog or like. Thank you to everyone who is following the fic.
chapter twelve chapter fourteen
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The next day came too quickly. Enzo texted you saying he'll pick you up for a tour around the city. He wants to explore the big city before leaving. Since it's your day off, you saw no harm in taking your ex-boyfriend on a tour. You pick out a dress and quickly get ready to go out. As you're about to leave, you notice a notification on your phone saying: "I want to see you." The number appears as unknown, but your heart begs for it to be from Pascal. Seeing him yesterday reignited a flame that had been extinguished within you.  You were about to respond to the message on your phone asking who it was, but then you heard the honk of a car and quickly realized it must be Enzo. You hurriedly finish getting ready, checking yourself in the mirror as you put on some lipstick and perfume. Then, you take the elevator to meet Enzo. He looks handsome, with his hair lightly brushing his face, dressed in jeans and a gray hoodie.
"You're looking like a movie star; I'm not sure if I'm appropriate to accompany you. Dating a celebrity must have made you more stylish. I don't remember you getting so dolled up when we were younger." Enzo says as you're getting into his car. You playfully slap his arm and give him a scowl, wondering where he got that idea. You've always dressed like this.
"You just weren't paying attention to me back then, you goof. I've always dressed the same way, even before dating Pedro. Now let's get going before I change my mind." You say, and you both laugh. That was the best part of dating Enzo—he was fun. In summary, your relationship could have been perfect if it weren't for two factors: lack of passion and the fact that he wanted to get married and have kids. And it's not that you don't want those things, but you want a little more. Traveling the world maybe, starting your own business, perhaps a restaurant. You've never told anyone, but you've been saving money to be able to take a professional culinary course.
"So, I'll be blunt. Your mother sent me here to take you home. She thinks your failure in the relationship with Pascal is further proof that she's right." Enzo speaks after a few minutes of silence. The sound of the music playing on the radio seems to be drowned out by the anger boiling in your blood. How could your mother think that a setback would make you go back?
"You know I really like you, but there's absolutely no chance I'll go back to my mother's house with my tail between my legs and become the woman she wants me to be." You respond decisively. Enzo chuckles discreetly, as if he already knew you would say that.
"I'll pass that message along to your mom. Another thing I'd like to mention is that I enjoyed it. Our kiss, I mean. I know you were trying to show that we don't have chemistry, but I didn't get over you." Enzo speaks, seeming a bit nervous but sincere. It's cute, don't get me wrong. It's just that you don't believe you and he could get back together.
"My dear Enzo. You are everything a woman could ask for. Everything anyone could ask for, really. But we both know how this will end. Me here, you there. You wanting things I'm not sure I want, and me wanting things you don't want. Eventually, we'll ruin the good memory we have of each other. Kissing you was a desperate measure, but it was totally worth it. However, I don't think I can love you now." Words seem harsher when you speak with such conviction. But inside your heart, you know why you don't want to give Enzo a chance. Pedro Pascal is engraved in your heart. 
"Thank you for your sincerity. Pascal really is a lucky guy. I hope he knows that." Enzo speaks and you wonder if he didn't notice that Pascal literally dumped you. 
"You noticed that Pedro broke up with me, right? I don't know if he thinks he's lucky." You speak with a certain fear. I'm afraid I realize that you feel something very real for Pascal. I mean, why else would you want Pedro to want to be with you?
"Believe me, he'll realize quickly that he made a mistake. I could say he might realize sooner than he thinks." Enzo speaks, parking the car in front of an ice cream parlor. Across the street stands one of the tallest buildings in the city. And in front of that building, you notice Pedro Pascal filming something. There's a crew with him, he's dressed in a suit, all polished. He looks almost like a prince. You and Enzo get out of the car, and while you try not to attract attention, Enzo simply waves in Pascal's direction.
"You've gone crazy?" You ask, holding Enzo's hand down, hoping Pascal hasn't noticed anything. After all, his job is to focus on the camera, not on who's passing by on the street. You grab Enzo's hand and lead him into the ice cream parlor. He laughs like a child who's just pulled off a prank, and you shoot him a look that could kill. It would be so embarrassing if Pascal saw you. But apparently, he didn't.
"You should go talk to him after he finishes filming. That's what I would do if I were in your shoes." Enzo says as he eyes the various ice cream flavors and places his order with the ice cream parlor owner. You look nervously at him and then order a chocolate ice cream. 
"And say what? 'Pedro, would you like to talk about what we could have been if you hadn't messed everything up?' " You say ironically, thinking about how foolish it would be to talk to Pedro now. Enzo, who is looking in your direction, points behind you, and it's as if your body alerts you that Pascal is there. The damn guy saw us.
"I would indeed, if you gave me that opportunity." Pedro basically responds to your hypothetical dialogue, and you feel the urge to run away. Enzo, who is busy getting his ice cream and yours, says nothing.
"You shouldn't be filming right now?" You respond while taking your ice cream from Enzo's hand and then find yourself unsure of what to do. Leaving the ice cream shop would be daring, given that Pedro is here, and if someone takes a photo of the two of you, it would cause a scandal. On the other hand, staying seems like a festival for you to embarrass yourself.
"I saw you and couldn't concentrate anymore. So, we took a break from filming. And I believe we can have a moment to talk, if it doesn't bother you two?" Pedro says, looking at Enzo and the ice cream shop owner. Both of them leave shortly afterward, Enzo probably heading to his car, and the owner going to the back of the shop.
"It's great to see that you've lost track of that. And what if a photographer passes by, or if that ice cream vendor mentions you're here? What are you going to do to stop the countless rumors about us?" You ask, looking into Pedro's eyes as he smiles at you as if you've said something nice.
"I don't care. If the world out there catches fire while I'm here with you, I couldn't care less. Now the question is, are you ready to give me a chance? To hear that all of this was my agent's decision, who didn't consult me about whether I wanted to end things or not? To understand that I've basically been sleeping and waking up thinking about you? Or do you prefer to keep hating me? Because honestly, I don't mind if you hate me, but at least give me a chance to..." Pedro declares to you, his eyes welling up with so much passion. It's as if he's acting without acting, as if he really needs you. In that moment, you found yourself lost in his gaze, unsure of what to say or do. Your mind is so muddled that you stare at him, wanting desperately to find a way to express what you're feeling. And then, you feel ready to say something.
tag: @wanniiieeee , @hungrhay and @leilanixx
Stay tuned for the next chapter
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creative-heart · 2 months
"The one that got away" Enzo Vogrincic x fem! reader
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A/N: Hi! this is the first thing I’ve written in so long, so please be nice. If you have any constructive criticism it’s always welcomed, if it comes from love and respect. I really hope you like this, it’s inspired in kind of a mashup between “The one that got away” by Katy Perry and “Bride or groom” by India Parkman. it’s also written in a third person POV.
Warnings: Basically Angst, all angst, mild drinking. Whatever is in italics is thoughts.
Word Count: 1.6K
The one where reader never spoke up for her love towards Enzo
It had always been them two against the world, ever since kindergarten when Y/N being the bubbly extroverted redhead girl she had always been, all but adopted sweet shy Enzo, since day one they had been inseparable. Y/N's mom even started calling them June and Johny as they became teenagers, always up to some innocent mischief -from stealing the leftover vodka from the liquor cabinet to grabbing their parents car keys in the night to go take a drive around-. 
It had been so gradually that she had fallen for Enzo that Y/N couldn’t pin point the exact moment, maybe it was after the redhead called him crying at 2 in the morning because that douchebag boyfriend of hers broke it off at 15, or when he ran to the store for the first time to get her tampons cause she had ran out on a Sunday afternoon, and now, here they were. 
“Last day of summer” Y/N sighed looking off into the sunset, while she sat beside the raven haired guy on her parents house roof like they always did “who knew highschool would come and go so fast”.
“And you are abandoning me, breaking a 15 year old promise to never leave me alone…” Enzo retorted in an overly dramatic way just to make his best friend laugh,“I always knew you would leave though, that I would have to face this horrible world alone” and laugh she did while rolling her eyes nudging his side playfully.
“Not my fault you’re bound to be the next big screen hearthrob, and I need to go off to college, not all of us are made for stardom”, she absentmindedly passed the bottle to him before turning slightly to look at that beautiful face she had grown to love, Y/N bit the inside of her lip, once again arguing with herself trying to decide if she should tell him she loved him or not - come on Y/N don’t be such a fucking coward, he’s right here, tell him-, she opened her mouth and took a deep breath she was going to do it, she finally would, when his phone rang.
“Well, that’s me, my brother’s downstairs” he huffed standing up placing a kiss on the top of Y/Ns head “see you later fireball” he chuckled as he got off the roof carefully, the nickname he had given his friend when they were kids still made him laugh to this day, the girl hummed nodding and watched him leave.
Life got busy, and they saw eachother less and less with every passing year. Not that anything changed when they did get to hang out, some things never change -how handsome Enzo was, or how much Y/N loved him for example- their friendship was the exact same that it had always been. 
Y/N tapped her fingers anxiously on the table in the corner of the cafe where they had agreed to meet, five years had gone by and the freckled face woman still felt the same butterflies in her stomach when she was seeing him -he lived in Madrid fulltime now it made it easier for work and she was still back in Montevideo, she was working in a big time law firm, everyone knew she was gonna be a lawyer since forever, always had an argument for everything-. She looked at her phone again and sighed, he was already fifteen minutes late, he never was, she thought maybe this time, life had gotten too busy -he’s clearly not coming, don’t blame him though, he must be so busy- she thought to herself, as she was gathering her stuff to get up, she felt his hand on her shoulder and his usual kiss on the top of her head.
“Sorry fiery, I’m so late, parking in Madrid” he laughed- that oh so enchanting sound that always made her heart skip a beat-, as he sat down across from his lifelong friend. She smiled, everything was forgiven as soon as he looked at her with those dark eyes of his.
“Thought fame had finally gotten to you and you weren’t coming” she pouted while setting her phone back down, she looked at Enzo’s face, something was different, she could tell, something had been different for a bit now, and the change of scenery did nothing to apeace her mind. He rolled his eyes with a warm smile plastered on his face.
“I would never miss the chance to see my best friend are you crazy?” he smiled at the waiter as he brought over the coffee he had ordered on his way in. He took to stirring the sugar in it for way too long, trying to find the words of what he needed to tell Y/N, she looked at him, a tilt in her head, there was something wrong, she could tell, she knew him too well.
“spill it” she said keeping her eyes glued on him he chuckled “you know me to well Y/N/N” he looked up and smiled at her -here goes nothing- he thought.
“I’ve met someone… well…more than met, I have a girlfriend, her name is Marina” he smiled at the mention of her name, Y/N gulped, and forced a smile on her face- she was dying inside, but she would never let it show, not to him, not when he looked this happy. “We met a few months ago, through some mutual friends, she’s a doctor, you will love her. She loves cats and painting, just like you, I can’t wait for you to meet her” he kept rambling on about Marina, he couldn’t help himself, she was the best woman to ever walk this earth besides from Y/N, he KNEW they would get along well- he wanted them to at least, they’re both too important to him in one way or another.
Crap, you’re an idiot, you’re a fucking idiot she kept repeating to herself, Y/N felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach, each word her friend said taking it a bit lower, if she had only been braver on that roof when she had the chance- Smile Y/N- she reminded herself, her friend- that word stinging more than it had ever done now- was happy and that was the most important part…right? right.
And he had been right, Y/N eventually met Marina, and she was a sweetheart, and she loved Enzo, it showed, Y/N knew by the way the blonde looked at him that she loved him, because it was the same way she looked at him.
Y/N would be lying to herself if she said she never wished Enzo and Marina broke up, she never lost that hope, relationships not always worked out…hers didn’t at least. But they hadn’t, they seemed to be the perfect power couple, so when her Johny had told her they were getting married and  asked her to be his best woman, she couldn’t say no, she had to be honest, another five years had gone by and the sinking feeling in her gut had never left, it was there every time she saw a picture on his instagram of them two, it got worse every time one of her relationships failed, it just never left.
The twenty-eight year old, fearless woman, who no one wanted to come across in court, somehow felt small and fragile while she looked at herself in the mirror and took a deep breath forcing a smile on her face while finishing her make-up “okay, listen up you”- she gave her reflection a peptalk while she got ready- “you had your chance, you were too scared to take it, it was there and you let it slip away, you have no right to ruin his happiness you’re gonna stand there, you’re gonna be the friend Enzo needs, and you’re gonna tough it out”, the last part coming out shaky as she suppressed a sob, she downed the last of her wine glass and walked out.
She knocked on his door “En, you ready?” she said slightly opening it, just enough to see the most handsome man she had ever seen standing there fidgeting with his bowtie, she laughed and walked in “come’ere, let me help” she turned him around and fixed it for him “there, handsome as ever my dear Johny” she smiled softly looking at him. 
“I’m ready Junie” he smiled a warm, soft smile at her walking out and making their way to the gardens where the ceremony would take place.
As she walked down the aisle, Y/N couldn’t help but think what would have happened if she had been braver that hot day of summer ten years ago- if you had only said something, if you had spoken when you opened your mouth- she reprimanded herself as she walked and took her place beside the love of her life, not in the way she would have wanted, not in the way she still dreamt of every so often, but in the way she could.
When the music started and Marina made her way out, that’s when she finally understood, it didn’t matter what she felt, she could wonder all her life what would have happened if -she probably would if she was honest with herself for once- what would have happened if she’d only been braver, would she be the one walking down the aisle to meet the man she had loved for over ten years, the man she still loved to that day? that was something that she would never know, for now, she could only look at the Johny to her June, and fake the brightest smile as the love of her life, married the love of his.
A/N: aaarrghhh I’m so sorry about ending it on a down note, it just didn’t feel right to turn it all around, and it being inspired in those songs, wasn’t a happy ending, don’t hate me! please? 
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pascaloverx · 19 days
Rewrite The Stars
Summary: One photo changes your whole life, when you accidentally bump into a celebrity and the world starts to believe that you are a couple.
chapter fourteen chapter fifteen
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Dear readers,
I am here to announce something. I've been contemplating the idea of writing a second season of the story between the reader and Pedro Pascal as they navigate their romance. If you think this is a good idea, please comment here. If not, the next chapter will likely be the last, concluding the fanfic.
It's important to mention that this second season would feature shorter chapters but focus on the dynamics of the main couple as they evolve in their relationship. If you’re interested, I’m willing to write it.
Thank you for your attention, and I ask those who enjoy following the story to interact with this announcement.
tag: @wanniiieeee , @hungrhay and @leilanixx
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pascaloverx · 15 days
To Begin Again
Summary: You're a new teacher at a large and influential school. It's a risky step for you, as you've been running from your ex for almost two years. But when Dumbledore asks you to take on a class at the renowned Hogwarts, you can't refuse. However, your life as a newly arrived teacher won't be easy. Especially when the other teachers don't seem eager to make friends. Or rather, two teachers in particular: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
Author's Note: Welcome, dear readers. Please leave your comments if you enjoy fanfiction. This fanfic takes place almost in the real world (with the addition of werewolves) and is not a wizarding fanfic. There will be some differences and changes in things from the Harry Potter story or other fanfics in the HP universe, but I promise to do my best writing this fanfic. There will be a love triangle coming in this fanfic. So, dear readers, just as in this fanfic it's meant to imagine Remus Lupin as being Andrew Garfield and Sirius Black as being Ben Barnes, now I present to you the fancast of Severus Snape as being actor Enzo Vogrincic. Imagine him as Snape if you can.
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In the morning, surprisingly, you don't feel a sense of regret. You quickly get ready, trying to avoid encountering Sirius in the bathroom. You can tell he's in his own room by the sounds he's making. After he left your room, you heard him break one or two items in his own room. But you're trying to pretend you're not concerned about him. Or that you're not wondering why he broke those items. As you put on your boots and finish combing your hair, you hear a light knock on your door. You open it to find Remus Lupin, with his hair slightly tousled, holding a package.
"It arrived for you. I decided to deliver it personally because I want to talk to you about yesterday. If you want, of course." Remus says, almost awkwardly, which you find endearing. You take the package from his hand, noticing that there isn't a specific sender. You open the package right there, as your curiosity outweighs anything else. And you're surprised when you see what's inside. A pocket watch and a note. The note reads: "So you can count the time until our reunion, amore mio. With resentment, S." You know exactly who sent this package before even seeing the S as a signature. That son of a bitch found you.
"You wouldn't happen to know if the person who delivered this was a young man with brown hair, slightly long? If he came in here or anything like that?" You ask Remus, noticing he becomes thoughtful. You admit to yourself that if Snape is around, you'll have to be extra careful.
"No, it was delivered by an elderly man. He's usually the one who makes this kind of delivery. Are you okay, Y/N?" Remus seems so concerned about you. Maybe it's because of your sudden nervousness when you received the package. Remus reaches out his hand towards you as if he wants you to know that he's there for you. You looked into Lupin's gentle eyes and held his hand. It's amazing that Remus noticed so easily that you're nervous.
"Can we have this conversation outside? I'm feeling a bit suffocated in here right now." You speak softly, feeling the air around you thinning. Severus Snape still has the same effect on you as before. But he won't be able to intimidate you anymore. Remus nods in agreement and while still holding your hand, he guides you towards the path outside Hogwarts. Before you know it, the two of you are walking towards the forest. It's almost funny how many memories you both have in this forest.
"Do you want to tell me what happened? Or do you prefer just walking until you feel better?" Remus asks after a while of walking in silence, hand in hand.
"Since I have a secret of yours, I guess I can tell you mine. A year ago, I was dating a renowned professor at the school where I worked. He was very influential and at least seemed kind to me. Until one day, I overheard him talking to some parents of our students about collaborating financially to ensure their children didn't fail. After that, I played detective and found out that he deliberately made life difficult for low-income students and passed any student whose parents paid him a good amount of money. So I gathered evidence and took it all to the media. I knew that if I spoke to the school owner, it wouldn't amount to anything. But Snape knew it was me. There were photos of documents he kept at home, and he hated receiving visitors. So it was obvious it was me. When he confronted me, I told him the whole truth. It was a nasty fight. But when he grabbed my arm forcefully, I knew he wasn't the man I fell in love with anymore. So I ended it with him and cut him with a pocketknife. It was a pretty shallow cut, but it got the message across. Since then, I've been avoiding him. That's why I came to Hogwarts. But apparently, he already knows where I am." You pour your heart out to Remus, who looks at you with so much compassion and concern that you feel a sense of comfort even while being so vulnerable. Remus then pulls your hand towards him and hugs you. It's such a delicate and loving embrace that you feel a certain relief.
"Thank you for opening up to me. It seems like we're now connected by our secrets. And I hope you know that if your ex shows up here, you can count on me to defend you. I may not seem like a great defender right now, but at night, I'm the most dangerous creature you'll see. Well, not every night." Remus speaks in a playful tone, making you smile a bit. You both step back a little but continue walking through the forest.
"How does it work for you? If you don't mind me asking." You inquire of Lupin, who's observing some details in the forest. He turns to look at you and then lets out a sigh.
"Well, I was attacked by a werewolf when I was younger. It was quite a shock for my parents when I first transformed. At first, it wasn't as intense as it is now. I was also a much smaller wolf. My parents did their best to handle me. I spent a good part of my time trying to control my temper and chaining myself up when I thought I was going to transform. Then I came to Hogwarts. I was a student here, I met Sirius, James, Lily, Peter, and the others. Here became my home, they became my family at a time when I needed one. My mother passed away a few years after I became what I am today. My father was a good man, but he became somewhat disillusioned with life. And the older I got, the less human and more wolf I became. On full moon nights, of course. Since then, I've been working here, making excuses when I have to disappear and locking myself in a bunker behind that cabin in the forest. It was Sirius's idea for the cabin; he wanted to be close by when I was transforming. The bunker is very well locked, and I can get out as soon as I come to my senses. The problem that led to you discovering my werewolf side the first time was because someone hit me on the head, and I blacked out. By the time I woke up, it was too late. And the second time, it wasn't a full moon. Sirius's theory is that someone deliberately triggered my werewolf side, but I have no idea who or why." Remus seems apprehensive as he finishes speaking. Perhaps it's because he's sharing his story with you, or because of the fact that these recent times, someone sabotaged him, putting himself and others at risk.
"You know it's not your fault what happened, right? And in the end, no one got hurt. I mean…" You say, and Lupin looks at you with a guilty look, as if he's tormented inside. You can feel that he wants to cry, perhaps out of sheer terror of what could have happened. Or because he realizes he doesn't have control over himself.
"You mean, no one died because of me. But I hurt you, Sirius, and could have hurt the children too. I may not have control over my actions, but I remember each one of them. It's the burden I have to carry for still existing on this earth. I could have caused a lot of damage. If something had happened to you all, I wouldn't be able to live with that." Remus speaks emotionally, and you can feel the pain in his words. You then cup his face in your hands and look at him firmly.
"You could have died that night too. I could have caused your death. And I'm not saying that doesn't weigh on me. But you don't have to carry that burden alone. You didn't hurt the children. You didn't kill me or Sirius. You could have, but you didn't." You speak while staring into Lupin's face, wiping away the tears streaming from his eyes. You feel his cheeks lightly caress your hand as his eyes close, feeling your touch.
"Maybe it would have been better if I had died. Then no one would have to deal with my werewolf episodes, and everyone would be safe." Lupin speaks as he gently opens his eyes, looking in your direction. You stroke his face once more, this time running your fingers through his hair.
"It wouldn't be better that way. It would be different but never better. And I believe everyone who cares about you agrees with me." You speak, removing your hand from Remus's face and resuming your walk, while he seems to have stayed still. Did you say something wrong?
"Does that mean you like me?" Remus asks, and you look back, noticing a mischievous smile on his face. You then walk towards him.
"I like you enough to not want you dead. But I think you might have already noticed by the kiss I gave you yesterday. By the way, I'm sorry if I was rude when I justified our kiss to Sirius. I was afraid of causing your divorce, but I think it's fair to say that I enjoyed kissing you. Even knowing that your heart is elsewhere." You speak, looking Remus in the eyes. He takes a step closer to you, which causes a strange sensation in your stomach, a good but different sensation.
"I'm afraid to inform you that my heart is right here. In front of you. Sirius and I love each other, but we don't own each other. Some time ago, we understood that our love for each other and our desire to be together doesn't align with a monogamous relationship." Remus speaks calmly, taking another step towards you. As if he wanted to kiss you again, and the strangest thing is that you would let him. But at this moment, he just adjusts a detail on your blouse, leaving you feeling a little embarrassed.
"And for what reason did you want to talk to me? Besides our kiss and our secrets, I imagine there's a reason for you to want to talk to me so early in the morning." You ask, trying to divert the focus from your reaction to realizing he wasn't going to kiss you. Lupin smiles like a fool.
"There will be a ball at Hogwarts this weekend. I'll have to be absent for a moment to deal with my little problem. But unfortunately, McGonagall wants me to find a substitute to monitor the students at the ball, you know, while they dance. Since Sirius is already one of the monitors because McGonagall forced him to be, I need you to be in my place." Remus speaks as you both make your way back to Hogwarts. Flashes from last night with Sirius run through your head, and you try to imagine what it will be like to monitor teenagers in his company.
"I could argue that I don't think it's a good idea. But I'll make it easy for you and just say that you owe me one. And I'll warn you now that I'm not excited about spending time with your boyfriend." You speak as you're almost reaching Hogwarts; you didn't even realize you were walking so fast.
"You can charge me whatever you want in return for this favor." Remus speaks with a hint of boldness, and you smile. From a distance, you both spot Harry Potter walking back and forth, looking a bit downcast.
"Remus, do you think you can help me avoid going to this ridiculous party?" Harry asks Lupin as soon as he sees him, while the young boy approaches you and Remus.
"My dear Harry, as much as I'd like to help you with this mission, I'm afraid McGonagall wants all students present. And it'll be a good opportunity for you to distract yourself," Remus responds to the boy, who seems bothered by something.
"May I ask what makes you not want to go to this party? Perhaps if we can help you with that, you can attend the party without any issues." You ask, looking at Potter, who has a cute yet grumpy expression as he thinks about how to explain why he doesn't want to go to the party.
"I don't want to invite anyone to be my date. I don't understand why. But I just don't want to. And it seems like everyone is going to invite someone. So Hermione and Ron have spent the morning talking about who I should ask. I can't take it anymore." Harry says a bit exaggeratedly but still in a funny way. Remus can't contain his laughter, but you seem to have an idea.
"What if you monitor the party with me and Professor Sirius Black? You get to attend the party, keep an eye on your friends, and even monitor Draco Malfoy. I know you must be itching to get back at him for what he said to you recently. Quite an opportunity. What do you think?" You propose to Harry, who quickly smiles as if you've just given him the best news in the world.
"I think it sounds like a good proposal. Thank you, Professor Y/L/N. You can count on my help to monitor the party." Harry speaks, becoming excited, and after bidding farewell to you and Lupin, he runs towards what you think are Hermione and Ron.
"You're good with the kids in this school. Do you want to accompany me to McGonagall's office to tell her that she now has a new monitor for the party and a junior monitor?" Remus speaks, smiling slightly at you, and you sigh. Damn, now you're going to be forced to put up with Sirius and look after Potter while overseeing the party.
"Lead the way, sir." You reply to Lupin, hoping he will guide you to McGonagall's office. He then takes your hand and leads you.
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