#cute baby tho glad I got to hold her
I love you I love you I love you I love you I miss you I miss you I missss yoooouuuuuuuuu.
You should’ve been here this weekend. If you were driving you could’ve DD’d. You’d have carpooled w me and maybe T and you would’ve had a matching shirt and a lil coozie with your name on it and it would’ve been pink too even though you’d have been too young for one. We would’ve included you. You might have been a bridesmaid. You could be a godmother. Probably not on that one but you could’ve. You should’ve been here.
Your picture is all over his fridge. Pictures of just the two of you too. I wish there were more pictures of just the two of us. More recent pictures anyways. There aren’t any recent pictures anymore and I hate it I hate it I hate it.
They didn’t name the baby after you. Nobody has. That bothers mom more than it does me but there have been four babies since and not one of them has even had a nod to you. And the longer it gets the less likely it is. Well, that’s not true. Mine probably will. At least my son, should I have one. Although apparently childbirth really sucks so that may not be for a while. I was really banking on you having kids before me.
I miss you. Ren faire is coming up. Last time I went was with you. That won’t bother me much, there’s enough going on beside that where it won’t be an issue but I realized that today. I would love to lovingly beat you with a sword. What a sentence lmao. 5A kiddo. Watch your head
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soft-candyz · 2 years
what kinds of sounds/dirty phrases would come out the ateez members’ mouths during sex?? and i loved your previous post SO good
Thanks for the ask Anon (*^3^)/~♡
Honestly, this one was so fun to write and think about 💭 and I'm glad that you really liked my previous post as well !! 🌟
More under the cut - Fem!reader
Hongjoong wants to hear every single sound you make while he makes you feel good. Every whimper, every breath, every hiss. He would try to keep his groans from escaping his mouth just so that he can hear your voice loud and clear. But when the pleasure it's just too much and he can't control himself anymore, be prepared to hear the prettiest moans ever.
"Don't cover your mouth, Love. Let me hear your beautiful voice."
"How can I keep quiet when you are so tight for me."
"That's good, Love, keep doing that."
Seongwha praises you a lot. He loves to whisper in your ears how good you're being for him, how well you take all of him, how pretty you look underneath him, with your eyes rolled back and your mouth slightly opened, feeling his burning breath brushing against your skin. Even when he can barely speak, overwhelmed by the pleasure, he would still make sure to tell you how perfect you are for him.
"Look at you. So pretty for me."
"You've been such a good girl, you deserve all of this."
"I'll show you just how much I love you."
Just like Hongjoong, Yunho wants to hear your voice. But at the same time, he wants make sure you hear his as well. He thinks your voices are just made to be heard together; your softer whimpers blending so perfectly with his much deeper and harsh moans. And don't try to hold any of those pretty sounds from him, he wouldn't like that.
"I can give you everything you want, Precious, you just need to use your words."
"I don't care if they hear us, I'm not done with you yet."
"Tell me how good it feels."
He wouldn't speak much but Yeosang's deep groans are enough to completely intoxicate your mind. His wet, blonde hair sticking to his forehead, eyes glazed over with his lips parted open. Occasionally hissing when you clench around him, gasping for air, he would grip your hips leaving red marks on your skin.
"Ah...so good."
"Stop teasing, darling."
"I need you so bad."
San is mean. You are just his lovely, sweet, slut and he wants to make sure you remember that. So be prepared to get called all sorts of names: slut, whore, doll. His favorite one tho, would probably be Kitten. His rough voice echoing in your mind, telling you to mewl and beg for him. And he will growl. 100%
"Such a good little Kitten for her Master, aren't you?"
"No, no, you need to beg for it, Kitty."
"You are mine, got it? You belong to me."
Whimpering your name, Mingi is shameless. Knowing how much you love to hear his deep voice, whining and chanting your name like a prayer. You need to know how good you make him feel and how much he loves you. And as he gets closer and closer, breath hitching in his throat, his voice would become barely a whisper.
"God, you feel amazing."
"I'm so lucky to have you."
"You know how much I want you"
Wooyoung is noisy. He will be loud, moaning and growling, and he will make sure that the neighbors know he is the one making you cry in pleasure like that. He will tease you to no end, chuckling deeply, satisfied with how you're looking at him. But how couldn't he, you are just so cute, pleading him just for a simple touch.
"I want them to hear you scream, or I won't touch you."
"Look how good you take it."
"I swear I won't stop until you're screaming my name."
Jongho's voice is so sweet and beautiful when he sings for you. But when you're on your knees, eyes up to look at him, his demanding tone is enough to remind you just how much control he has over you. When his mind is foggy with pleasure you could catch him groan and whimper a little, and his moans are just as beautiful as his singing voice.
"On your knees. Now."
"Don't make a mess, baby"
"Did I say you could stop?"
©2022/ written by soft-candyz on tumblr.
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shankschewtoy · 2 years
hello!!! you can make me a hcs on zoro, marco and law or they crush on a woman who is strong and during a fight / training she removes weights that had around her waist and her wrists and they understand that until she is always restrained! kinda like the gaara and lee fight in naruto! Thanks you ! Sorry my English is bad, very bad.. 😭
a/n - Hi! Don't worry your english is great! :D And this is so cute, I love this idea sm :0 thank you for the request!
Warnings ⚠️ - fem reader, reader can solo the entire verse ngl 😩
Too stunned to speak
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- You’re in a pretty heated fight between a strong haki user
- You could definitely hold your own! But, this battle was kind of getting too long for your liking
- You took a step back, slowly unraveling the extremely heavy restraints on your waist and wrists, as well as your ankles
- They fell to the ground, and they were so heavy that they cracked part of the ground
- The enemy’s eyes were full of instant pain and regret
- This battle would probably end really soon now..
- Law was busy fighting another enemy, but he seemed to hear the loud thump of metal against the ground
- When he turned to see you removing your restraints, I don’t think he breathed for a couple seconds 🗿
- once you removed those weights
- man was too stunned to speak
- you were already one of the most powerful people he’s ever seen before-
- Now you take the restraints off and your power multiplies by at least 5????
- nah- 😭
- he’ll get sidetracked and accidentally get beaten up for it 💀
- he can’t take his eyes off of you
- He’s still worried af for your safety but- it looks like you don’t even need any help at all-
- He’s actually really happy and proud!
- He takes pride in your strength
- He’s glad to have such an amazing and powerful s/o like you 🥺
- He never doubted you, he just wanted to make sure you never got hurt :)
- ok side note, one time you took off the restraints and they fell on his toes
- pls don’t ask me why I thought of this-
- His foot was just- in PAIN for hours after that
- You had to give him a lot of cuddles and say you’re sorry before he stopped pouting like an emo baby 💀
- he can’t stay mad at you for very long 👌
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- man’s fighting off an enemy with you right?
- He left you to fight the other one on your own, but he promised himself that he’d come help you in a second
- honestly you don’t even need help
- When he skidded to a stop, his sword in his mouth as he got ready to strike at the enemy
- He heard a loud clunk against the floor, and your restraints fell onto the ground, cracking it open from the weight
- He stopped, almost dropping his sword from his mouth from surprise
- I mean- ofc he knew you were strong af but not this strong?!
- When you were kicking the enemy’s dumb ass, he had a grin on his face, sitting back and watching the show
- Man acted like he was watching a good anime 💀
- He also cheered you on sometimes
- And literally roasted your enemy
- “Go for the dick y/n!” (Zoro tf.)
- “Oooooo ouch, that looked like it hurt.” (The enemy got his balls kicked 🗿)
- man could almost feel that pain ngl lmao
- after the fight, he gave you the longest ass kiss I think you’ve ever had
- He was so proud of you 🥺
- He’s so excited to have such a strong person like you at his side :)
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- (same situation as the other two btw)
- He was in his Phoenix form, mainly burning everything in his path as he fought one of two enemies
- He felt like he needed to stick by you to make sure you didn’t get even a scratch on you
- But you reassured him that you were fine
- Boi was like: …….. but I care abt u.
- He ended up going to fight the other guy tho
- He’s such a protective guy 🥺 he never wants you to get even a tiny paper cut!!
- Marco made sure his battle lasted no more than a couple minutes just so he could get back to you
- Pls he cares abt you soooo much he could die 😭
- When he rushed back to you kicking the enemy’s ass, he was SHOOK
- and like he couldn’t even move
- his precious y/n was literally obliterating this dude’s ass
- and you weren’t even using your full abilities?!!
- when you removed those restraints, you gave him a heart attack (but like a good one-)
- Boy was so excited and amazed by you
- He was smiling the entire time, and after your fight, he gave you so much love and kisses
- He also patched up whatever scrapes you got like he usually did
- Man was so amazed, he loves you so much for who you are
- And it makes him sooo excited that you’re so strong!
- You can totally hold your own even though he still worried about you all the time
- Remind him that it’s alright, and that you’re strong af 🥺👍
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a/n - I watched a clip of Marco in a spoiler vid I saw and I was like: PHOENIX MAN OMG- I swear I can’t wait to see him in the anime 😭😭😭 Tysm for the request!!
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dontexpectmuch · 1 year
Helloooo :) can I request a jude fic/headcanon with a reader who is slightly older than him (maybe 2 years) and how the dynamics would be/moments that would happen?
To be more specific, older!reader just wants to spoil her mans and Jude is just flustered and shy about it.
jude bellingham dating someone who’s older than him could be like…:
him being quite nervous before your first date, pacing around the living room while his mum tried her best to calm him down. jude almost spent the entire day to get ready, trying his best to look as ‘manly’ and ‘mature’ as he could, this internal need to impress pressuring him. even though he wanted to be the to pick you up, he didn’t feel confident with driving in germany, resulting with you being the one to come to his place.
even though the two of you have been going out for some time now, jude can’t help but feel nervous around you still. he knew that you were really independent, that you could get shit done without relying on him in any way and even though he admired you for that, you slowly becoming a person he’d look up to, he also wanted to be the one to provide you the opportunity to lean on him. just how you would be his rock to lean on when days were tough, he also desperately wanted you to do the same. so, he tries his best to aid you, for example when you were working from home. he’ll cut up some fruits for you, prepare your tea or coffee and say encouraging words whenever he could. and when seeing your thankful smile after he’s done that, he feels his pride swell up, finally feeling like he’s good enough.
his mum really loves you, she’s glad that jude found someone who’ll help him whenever he needed it. so, whenever she decides to go back to england for a bit, visiting her husband and other son, she’ll invite you to stay over, knowing that jude would be in good hands. jude hates to admit it, but he is also glad to have you, because yes, he’s almost 20, but he still can’t cook to save his life. but he also doesn’t want you to think that he is a little child, so he always helps you prepare the food or wherever you needed. you guys now have many cooking dates, spending time in the comfort of your place or his.
“what, what’s that for, love?” judes eyes were wide, looking at the flowers in your hand as you cheekily smile at him. “flowers.” you shrug with your shoulders. “yeah, i can see that, but, like, for what?” he asks you as he takes them from your hand to put them in a vase. you follow him into the kitchen, placing your bag next to the kitchen counter. “walked past a cute flower shop and it made me think of you, so, here you go.” you go up to him and wrap your arms around his torso, all while jude tried his best not to blush or stumble on his words as he searched for an answer. “thank you, really, but, i should be the one to do that, no?” - “pretty boys deserve pretty flowers.”
when jude introduced you to his close friends, he didn’t know what to expect. yes, he was nervous, he wants you to like his friends and not think that he was immature or whatever. but, when he saw that you and gio talked about some topics that jude would never even think about, getting along just fine, he felt relieved. he knew that your age would never influence anything, but what can he say, overthinking can be a menace in these situations.
whenever you two went out for some coffee or lunch dates, jude would try to look as tough as he could, tensing his shoulders slightly, holding your hand, walking on the outer side of the sidewalk, opening doors for you as fast as lightning. but one thing he has yet to beat you at was paying. whenever you ate something and it was time to pay, you somehow always got it done so fast that he didn’t even know how much there was to pay to begin with. he always tried to fight for the check, but you always told him that he could do it the next time. (you lied)
never dating a younger guy ever again tho.
jude’s so baby girl
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biohazard-4ever · 1 month
I have seen many head cannons with Leon and a daughter. What if he had a son?? (With Claire preferably) Do you have any headcannon?? Literally throw me a bone! Any bone at that, it’s like people cannot imagine him with a son!
My time has come... What if I tell you, anon... That I actually HC Leon having a son first?
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Say hello... To Leon Myles/Miles Kennedy (Your pick the spelling)
Yes, Leon Scott Kennedy, son of Leon Kennedy, named his son Leon Miles Kennedy.
DEAL WITH MY HC! Leon is the only character with a middle name that can easily work as a first name (Scott) and in my HC, he will continue his Father's legacy of naming every male son as Leon-something!
Myles is a shy boy, and honestly? Hunnigan, Helena, and Sherry can't help but have cuteness aggression every time the little boy comes to visit his papa at work with Mama Claire!
Imagine Leon but as a baby. That is Myles. He is Leon but with strawberry blonde hair and big, deep blue eyes like his Mama's!
Miles is a French Name like his Mother's. Claire is also a French name so Leon got really fixated about French Names for boys.
Myles only accepts leaving his mother's lap if it is to go straight to his dad's. No matter how tiring his day at work is, every time he sees his son you'll never see Leon with the brightest smile on his face.
Often, Myles got the hiccups. He sounds like a small puppy every time he gets them. Leon will loudly tap his son's back, loudly but softly, until the hiccups stop. Myles learned to fake them just to get his dad to put him to sleep.
He starts to walk after his 1st birthday. Claire is amazed about how alike Leon the little boy is! At first, she thought he would keep the round baby face, but looking at Leon's baby pictures, she can tell that is just baby-fat, not his face shape. He is turning into a mini copy of his dad... She couldn't be prouder.
Claire started having contractions from her 7th month all the way to the full weeks of pregnancy. Leon kept watchful eyes on her at all times... During their friends' reunion, even the way she adjusts herself on her seat Leon can tell she is having one of those annoying contractions. He will instantly put his hand on her back and rub it in circles. She will lean down on the table or with her elbows on her knees and support her head on her hands. Controlling her breathing. Leon by her side, softly telling her: "Breathe in... Breathe out... In... Out..."
He was born as the doctor had imagined. September the 30th. The irony of the date and the heavy meaning it has for Leon and Claire... A new dawn. A new meaning. Little Myles is the living tribute to Marvin, Sherry, Elliot, Annette... Everyone who survived and who couldn't survive Raccoon City, but that in a way, helped them to survive it. A legacy of something good that came out of that terrible day...
Claire breastfed him all the way through. She wanted to have this with her son, this special and unique connection. She wants to have the full experience of motherhood. Even the bad things. This is her normalcy.
Leon already had to make a full presentation at the President's office holding little Myles in his arms. Claire has the photo of Leon shaking the president's hand with Myles reaching out to the U.S small flag at the presidential desk. A few moments later, he actually knocked it down.
Myles has a photo sitting on the presidential desk. And there is a photo of Ashley Graham with little Myles on her lap.
Leon is an attentive dad and very soft, too. He understands his son's language as if it is their own made up language! Claire is glad! She carried the baby for 9 months and dealt with the feeding, but Leon really is wearing the dad pants on his end, too. Dad material right there.
He was born an actually small baby! Really the most adorable little thing ever! He grew fast, tho! And now some would say he is really a big baby for his age! Leon is proud of his big and healthy baby.
Myles only walks if he is having his hand being held by his mother or dad.
He is not a baby to cry for any reason. But when he does, oh boy, get ready for Mom Claire and Dad Leon's attack! WHO DARED TO MAKE THEIR BABY CRY!
Auntie Jill is his 2nd favorite person and comes way after his mom and dad, but he will accept her! Uncle Chris is big and looks mean! And he laughs loudly and his beard scratches the poor baby! It is itchy! Myles is terrified of the big werebear man! Want Myles to behave? Say: "I'll call Uncle Chris" and he will stop whatever he is doing and just go to his mom's lap!
Chris does not let that hurt him or whatever! He laughs it off and keeps trying to win his nephew over! The first time Myles runs to his uncle's leg and hugs him, tho... Chris is in tears of joy!
By the age of 2, Myles becomes sick, really sick... Some symptoms that really scare the sleep away from his parents... He is warm, really, really warm. So warm that Leon needs to get in the bathtub with his son because only then he cool down and can sleep... Leon is already silently crying, and Claire is calling Rebecca. Claire is the driver that night... When it comes to his son, Leon panics easily and he does not want to let his son.
The T-Phobos infection. That is what is happening to their son. Now Claire is the one crying her eyes out feeling guilty. Leon holds her strongly trying to squeeze those thoughts out of her! THAT.IS.NOT.TRUE!
Claire feels so, so down. She only finally has the courage to look up at Leon in his eyes when Rebecca comes with a calm Myles in her arms. Telling them she easily produced a medicine that could control the symptoms while the vaccine was being produced. The virus is not as strong as the T-Virus or any other already known. And it's manifestation is temporary. Claire cries out of relief... And now, Leon is the driver. Claire can't stop cry out of relief all the way while telling their son how much she loves him...
Oh my god, this is getting too long... I better stop it already LMFAO! But as you can see, Anon... I MAY have a few IDEAS about Leon having a son :P
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bisexualfemalemess · 10 months
Watched episodes 4-6 and Ricky Bowen is so unhinged this season, i love it 😭😭😭 Also rina failed couple costume because their out of sync and finally revealing their dating, i love it. Also my heart dropped when he said he needed a minute. MADLYN ALMOST KISS?!! Ruined by that pumpkin ghost, jarred is a fucking weirdo??? SEB CHEATED ON CARLOS???? Loved the original song this episode tho and jet simping for kourtney.
WITH BIG RED??? The way that gina’s motivation and way of finding chemistry is ricky 😭😭😭 I love them. Ej giving ricky advice on gina and caswen hug and i love you, i love their friendship. Glad, he’s with val. Loved their duet. The redlyn break-up was inevitable and i’m hoping it’s leading towards madlyn even if madison answered maddox’s phone. I MEAN SHR HAD A PICTURE OF HER IN HER LOCKER SHSHSHSHW Jealous ricky is a serve, i love it. HE’S TIRED OF LOOSING PEOPLE GIVE HIM HIS HAPPY END. Terri was annoying me in episode 5 like you told your daughter no boys and then you make an exception for a famous actor??? Like stfu. You don’t even know your daughter. I KNEW IT WAS COMING BUT RINA RAINKISS KNOCKED ALL THE AIR FROM MY LUNGS!!! AND THE CHOCOLATES?! A SPIN HUG IN THE RAIN TOO, I LOVE THEM, THEY HAVE AN INSANE CHOKE HOLD ON ME😭😭😭 Also, Love Kourtney’s storyline and jump was so good and Emmy is such a comedic relief, i love her.
Ricky calling her sweetie, awww. NO RINA TROYELLA??? I HATE IT HERE. Emmy’s episode 6 storyline, my baby she just wanted to sing ☹️ FLASHBACKS! Kourtney and Ashlyn were so cute in the scene with their little pact. Love their friendship. BENJAMIN WAS IN A BOY BAND?! BIGGEST PLOT TWIST OF MY LIFE. Awww miss jenn worrying and carinh about carlos without even really knowing him. MOTHER from the beginning. SEB AND NATALIE??? He’s so unserious “I was in a serious relationship. With a woman.” Seblos over again, they’re so cute. Get back together. ALSO THE AMOUNT OF SWEARING THIS SEASON ENSNEJWJS, IT KEEPS GETTING ME SO OFF GUARD. “He’s singing the damn song!” RICKYYYYY. Close-up on all the couples unofficial and official, they’re all endgame. REAL!! Gina flashback!!! Yes, she taught herself how to knit a hat. “Find something you like about this school and try not to kill it.” Runs into ricky. It’S A RINA FLASHBACK!!! I miss gina 1.0 but i love season 4 gina sm. Gina convinced him to join the musical and she joined because of him!!! “Love is lame, idiot. That’s why i try to avoid it.” NOT ANYMORE. Ha! “Good luck, skaterboy.” HE WAS A SKATER BOY, SHE SAID SEE YOU LATER BOY. They’re so fucking tethered and soulmates. THEY OWN MY LIFE! Alyson reed giving miss jenn advice and her joining east high omfg. TRUST THE PROCESS PERIODDD. GIVE RICKY A HAPPY END MF!!! THESE ARE HER CHILDREN DEN MOTHER FRR. OMG! DREAMS DON’t DIE!!!! Emmy’s voice is gorgeous, all the songs hit so hard this season tf. It’s the little rina moments this episode for me. ALYSON REED AND BART JOHNSON HELPING THE DRAMA DEPARTMENT AWWW! Gina not wanting to say i love you first i get it and i’m a ricky saying i love you first truther. RICKY GOT INTO COLLEGE!!! MY BOY! 1.8 GPA?! BOY, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THESE YEARS. Awww, as long as gina’s there his future’s locked, she’s his future 😭😭😭 NO, WTF WAS GINA’S CALL ABOUT IF IT’S SOMETHING BAD IM THROWING HANDS.
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svt-nari · 11 months
svt reacts to nari and cheol (pt. 1) !
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— he always knew about cheol’s feelings and he was sure they would end up together.
— it was just a matter of time in his opinion.
— when cheol called him saying that it was the day he was gonna confess, that he was a nervous wreck, jeonghan was exploding from happiness.
— he just wants what’s best for his members!
— when nari told him through message that it had happened he just knew he had to tease them about it.
— the only one who has the balls to tease nari tho…
— he wasn’t surprised but he was really happy, one of the most excited ones once he found out that they were - finally - together.
— helps them with whatever he can just to see them happy and healthy.
— shua found out through nari because she was a nervous wreck about meeting cheol.
— poor baby was nervous for his friend :(
— i mean, nari made him nervous through their phone call…
— got so hyped up when he got the news that they were finally a couple!
— the one who takes most of their pictures ^^
— baby was so serious about letting the other members figure it out by themselves.
— like, bro acted all surprised when they decided to break the news to all of the others!
— acted all 😱😱😱😱
— and nari just rolled her eyes at him with a “bro you already knew it”
— which made him shush her bc he didn’t want the other to feel left out
— which earned him a lot of ‘boo’s.
— he’s just protective of his friends and wants the best for them.
— junnie was in china when cheolri decided to finally be a couple
— so, nari called him right after she got home from their date
— and SCREAMED to jun about it
— was all “WE ARE DATING!”
— and poor junhui was so startled that he just understood what she meant on the other day
— so he sent her a cute ‘im happy for you 🥰’
— he literally sent a message to minghao right after
— and was all like “bruh, they finally got together”
— so he ended up killing two birds with a stone
— he’s one of nari’s number 1 fanboy which results in him fighting cheol sometimes
— ^ only kidding tho, jun knows he’s too young to die so he doesn’t test cheol’s patience
— he’s overall just really happy that they found their happiness in each other.
— so. damn. dramatic.
— like, bro almost cried because, according to him:
— “my nari is too young to get married!”
— and the couple’s eyes got so wide with his statement
— started denying - even though they really considered the idea - that they would get married that soon.
— was upset for awhile
— especially when they told him he wasn’t the first one to know about it
— ^ full on sulking for an entire week until nari bribed him with a new phone case.
— really supportive!!!
— cries a lot about them when he drinks, saying that they only deserve happiness.
— cares a lot for them and nari is really grateful for it.
— my boy wonwoo was actually the one who first said that they really matched each other’s energies.
— like, in his gut he knew there was something else
— so he wasn’t that surprised when they told him that they were together.
— ^ just shocked with his newfound skill.
— likes to pride himself in that though.
— he secretly enjoy watching them together,
— brings a kind of comfort watching the two of them being all lovey-dovey with each other.
— he snaps a picture or two whenever he has the chance.
— tells them to enjoy every moment together
— he’s glad that they have each other.
— he knew that the lyrics nari wrote were describing someone he knew,,,
— all the sweet smiles whenever she talked about the song were the same ones she would direct to coups
— he pieced everything together quite quickly
— then, one day, nari arrived at the studio earlier with cheol
— ^ they were recording for the new album
— and woozi was in a meeting with the other producers before he went to the recording session
— to his surprise, when he entered it, the couple was holding hands while sitting on the couch
— with nari’s head on cheol’s shoulder
— and then he knew
— teased cheol for a good time
— like, whenever he receives lyrics that are all overly sweet
— he will immediately call seuncheol out on it and start the bickering
— though, he uses them for inspiration since he can feel the love whenever they are together.
— proud that they don’t care about what anyone has to say.
all rights reserved © svt-nari, 2023
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amatorysacrivn · 2 months
What kind of yandere is everyone?
AAAHHHU okay okay!! some of these are less yandere and more so obsessed and toxic lovers but yk
tiffany is an emotional, guilt tripping girl. she will get you isolated with her emotions. she’ll play her victim card just to get you to stay with her. she trusts you with her whole life! how dare you try to be around anyone else when she’s so vulnerable with you? i’d say she’s a manipulative yan.
“no, please! i don’t feel well, i need you to care for me. you can collect the others’ product later! just please stay with me! i’m sick!”
rosaline is a verbally abusive yet so caring kind of girl . she will tear you down so you don’t think anyone but her would love you. even if anyone tries to get at you, she’ll send her henchmen to abduct and mutilate them. i’d categorize her as a sadistic yan.
“why do you bother making conversation with them, sugar cube? you know they don’t like you. they never will like you. they don’t want you like i do. must i blacken your other eye?”
vesperia is just… sick. she wants to kill you. she wants to turn you into a corpse. she wants to keep you in her morgue forever and ever and ever and ever and— i’d call her an obsessive yan.
“can… can you promise me you’ll come here when you die? please?”
elita is the kind of person that will stick to your side like a piece of melted chewing gum. it adores your company and wants to be your bestest friend in the world! besides, what if you inhale the product? what if you get high and it needs to care for you? it totally didn’t drug you to keep you around. clingy yan.
“there’s my sweet larva! i was getting worried about you. i got you a lil drink while you were gone! here drink it! …drink it. i said take the fucking drink.”
cy is similar to tiffany in the sense of guilt tripping, but she’s much nicer! she’ll baby you, coddle you, make you feel special, but the moment you try to stray from her grasp she starts the waterworks. also a manipulative yan.
“oh buttercup, i’m glad you called me back. i missed you so much! i brought your favourite snacks and movies and— ..what do you mean you didn’t want to do that today? but i came all this way to keep you company! surely you’ll let me hold you while we watch lalaland again :(“
aziel is the kind of guy who will act like you are already his partner! he believes you are already in love with him but haven’t asked for a label yet for some odd reason. that’s okay! no matter how much you push him away, he’ll always find a way back. he’s a delusional yan.
“oh my lemon bar~! can i get a kiss? please? it’ll help me with work! come on, just one? alright i’ll stop, i love you! …say it back. you know you love me. say it back.”
leviathan and lazaria are a package deal of psychos. (no they do not date they just share) they will helicopter and tease the sweet thing but at the end of the day that’s their sweet thing. nobody else gets to touch them lest they be brutally murdered by the two of them. leviathan is a masochist yan tho while lazaria is a sadist yan.
“my poison, you’re so adorable. you should carve your initials into my back so everyone knows i’m yours. come on, it would be fun!”
“i wanna make you bite the curb and suck your broken teeth out of your gums. you’re so cute!!”
konstantin is hostile and mean. he hates you, but he can’t get enough of you. he wants to put you in a glass enclosure like he does the insects he collects but he also wants to leave you dead on the operating table. he’s a mixed messages yan.
“your presence is excruciating. make yourself useful and hand me the scalpel. thank you. i love you. …i never said that. you’re hearing things. shut the fuck up.”
casanova is a show off. he wants you to be impressed by him. he’s kind to you, flirts with you, and will court you even if you’re already dating. but god forbid you reject him. he will indulge himself in you but as soon as you say no he becomes hostile and won’t let up. he will get you to say i love you back. self indulgent yan.
“mi vida! mi vida, i harvested an entire group of friends in two hours! isn’t that impressive? i’m so cool, aren’t i? i love you so much i couldn’t do this without you! mwah!!”
kastiel is infatuated with you. he has been for too long and he always will be. he’s so in love with you and worships the littlest of actions you do. you’re just so,, perfect. too good for him. are you real? are you just another cryptid waiting to take his skin? he’ll let you! he’s an obsessive yan.
“oh my god, my everything, my life my love! you looked so perfect back there. please, please crawl into my body. snuggle yourself into my rib cage, kiss me through my throat. lorelei doesn’t treat me this good…”
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akamikazae · 3 months
Sorry in advance for asking all these things 😭 but first up, your oc is cool! She’s so stylish as heck! She gives me that 80s funky/chill vibe and her hair is flawless! And I adore for bond with sasuke so much, Ahh. Would it be ok to ask about their lore together? How did they meet and bond together like mother and son? (And kakashi too! He’s papa).
Plus, I also appreciate all the Sasuke positivity so much. From your drawings to random posts. It’s so refreshing and uplifting for me. There’s to much negativity for the poor kid these days. And I greatly respect the “my son!” Feeling to for sasuke. I to get that parent vibe haha (sasuke is little guy no matter what, must squish respectfully).
And for atla, if your oc and characters you like. What benders would they be? And if they are besties with any of the Alta crew?
P.s; i do Like seeing the snake positivity! It’s wonderful seeing that. Poor things also get bad rap as well. (I like seeing hognoses, they are cute!! Myself I wish I had one and tarantulas😭) ANYWAYS, TY FOR POSITIVE CONTENT SO MUCH. Be well and have a great day/night! Sorry again for the long ask!
Never ever be sorry for sending an ask! I love love getting them and getting to chat w lovely pals like you! So thank you for popping over to send me an ask ❤︎₊ ⊹  You are always welcome to ask about my lil fam! I will try to keep it short and sweet lol ₊⊹ Ahhh thank you so much for saying so, Akami is very very dear to me! I’m glad u think she’s got a bit of a retro vibe. I always see her fitting in well w that 90s-ish style from the 80s to the 00’s ! (I actually have a 90's au for them too)
Shisui was one of Akami's first childhood friends and later her first lil love. She goes w Shisui to meet Sasuke when she’s 13yr, he’s only a few weeks old but the second she holds him and his chubby baby hand swipes her chin she falls in love. Bc of her relationship with Shisui Akami spends more and more time around Sasuke— he’d be tagging along after the big kids, but she always made time for him. Even if it was 20 extra minutes before a mission or after a long day of training, she’d hide her injuries and play with him instead. She’s one of many Anbu called to the scene the night of the Uchiha massacre. The second she found him all alone she knew she was taking him home and she quit Anbu that night.  Akami never felt heard or seen as a child so she tries her best to make sure that Sasuke has a voice. She didn’t intend to take on a parental role; it just happened over the years. She’s always open about his family and ready to listen when he confides in her, she teaches him every single uchiha jutsu she knows (and eventually kakashi does too) so Sasuke can still feel connected to his Clan. She gets him through his nightmares and defends him tooth and nail, she teaches him how to cook and use a sword. No matter what, he's always gonna be her baby and she’ll be his Kami-chan. There is nothing she wouldn’t do for him.  Akami and Kakashi knew each other as kids, they did not get along until their traumas sort of forced them to see eye to eye and rely on each other.  But it wasn’t a friendship until their early-mid teens, even then it always felt like more. Shortly after she takes in Sasuke they start a tumultuous FWB only to realize they very obviously love each other. Sasuke approves bc Kakashi makes Akami happy and is always there for her (for better or worse) and Kakashi and Sasuke start to have a very meaningful connection well before he becomes his sensei.  Yes parent squad ! Sasuke deserves the world and I love that you love him too!!<3 In ATLA Akami would be a water bender, she’s a descendant of the Yuki clan so it just seems fitting for her heritage! Tho I’d be wary of her healing abilities, she’s more of a fighter and I would not put it past her to learn how to blood bend! (She was Anbu Root for a reason💀)  Sasuke is fire bb! Kakashi I go back and forth on but I think he would be fire too .I love love love love ATLA and have tried to make an au for her but I find it hard to imagine Akami interacting w the gang (They all just feel so young lol- though she’d probably like Suki and Zuko best) I think that she would get along really well with Piandao! June, Jet and Iroh too. She’d def feel some sort of kinship for Azula (ruthless + manipulative never taught to love, w similar mommy and daddy issues!🤝lol) Yes Yes! I love snakes, they are so beautiful !! When I made my oc I really wanted to have her be ostracized because of her father and resemblance so it’s so fun to play w both the beauty and monstrous qualities for her. 🐍Akami and her summons Ryū are based off of mangrove pit vipers and Copper bellied water snakes ! Thank you again for the ask! I could blab about them all day if my super long winded response wasn’t proof lol 💕💕Take care my dear and have lovely day and or night :)
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hii! Hope you're doing well :) I saw ur requests were open and I was wondering if u could write a fluffy tendou x fem reader where reader and him are crushing on each other but don't know it lol and reader invites him to a family members wedding as a plus one? You can end it however you want lol I just think this situation is cute :)) if u could include slow dancing tho 🥺
Thank you!!!
HI! Oh my goodness, anon, I am so so so so so glad you requested this because I had so much fun writing it! I hope you enjoy it and I lived up to your expectation. You are a genius and thank you again for requesting this you lovely human being! <3 I hope you have an amazing and beautiful day!!!
Silly Little Crush - Satori Tendou
Pairing - Satori Tendou x f!reader
Warnings - there's blood at the beginning, but nothing to intense, but other than that, a ton of fluff
Word Count - 1,988
Notes - thank you again for requesting this! I really hope I did well, it was honestly one of my favorite requests, so thank you so much! <3
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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“Imagine sucking.” She said that through a cough, but Tendou heard it loud and clear as another volleyball hit him on the side. “What did you say?!” He ran up to her and began chasing her with a volleyball, the both of them laughing the whole time. “Timeout! Timeout!!!!” She hid behind the net, out of breath from running and laughing. “No timeouts!” Tendou ran under the net and continued chasing her before she absolutely ate it, falling flat on her face. “Oh shit!” Tendou ran up to her, dropping the ball behind him. “Are you alright?” She turned over, still laughing her ass off, but the only difference was, there was blood running down her nose. He kneeled down to her level, trying to help her up. “You hit the floor pretty hard. Are you sure you don't have a concussion?” She took a deep breath, stopping herself from laughing. “I'm fine, Tendou. I didn't hit my head. Just my big ass nose.” The two of them broke out in laughter again, the rest of the team running up to her with worried expressions covering their faces. They were all simultaneously asking questions like “are you alright?” and “do you need a nurse?”. Tendou stood up, holding his hands out. “Guys, you’re overwhelming her, I can take her to the nurse, just continue practice.” He turned around and helped her up, walking out of the gym.
“You didn't have to do that, you know? I'm not a baby, Tendou, I wasn't overwhelmed.” “I know… it… uh… well, you got out faster, didn't you?” She giggled in the palm of her hand, looking out at the swaying trees. “Are you feeling better though?” Tendou rubbed the back of his neck and then looked at her nose, which stopped bleeding, but her face now looked like a crime scene. “Yeah. The bleeding didn't last long, so that's good.”
The rest of the walk to the nurses office was silent. Just shared glances and smiles every now and again. She couldn't help but stare at him. The butterflies she would get every time he would smile at her. The warmth she would feel in her face whenever they talked. She definitely had a crush. She couldn't help it though. Especially watching him practice. God, she was just teasing herself every time she would show up after school to cheer him on. The sweat dripping down his forehead, the way he would pat his teammates on the back with a smile, the serious look when he got really into the game, the stupid little songs he would sing to himself. She was over the moon for him and was shameless about it. She would just never admit it to him though. She didn't have the courage to.
“I'll wait out here for you, okay?” She looked up at Tendou, who was pointing to the nurse’s office. She didn't even know that had arrived, she was too sucked into her own thoughts. “Oh! Yeah. But you don't have to! I know you have practice and all that.” “I practice everyday. Missing fifteen minutes of practice isn't going to lose our title of champion, stupid.” She giggled and walked into the nurse's office. God, he could listen to that little giggle all day. It was definitely safe to say that he had a huge crush on her. She was just so smart and fun and funny. He could barely focus whenever she showed up to practice, just doing her homework or even fully invested in their practice. He would always end up getting hit with a ball while he just watched her with a soft smile. He would never admit it to her though. He didn't have the courage to.
“You owe me big time, Tendou.” Tendou jumped, not expecting her to be out so fast. “Owe you? You’re the one who had the untied shoelaces.” She looked down at her shoes and looked back up to him unamused. “These are my school shoes, dummy, I don't have laces.” “Not my fault some laces appeared out of nowhere and tripped you.” “You owe me a snack at the vending machine on our walk home.” “Shoot,” Tendou stood up, his lanky arms limply hanging in front of him. “Thought I could get out of that one.” “Nope, never.” She ruffled his hair and ran off, heading back to the gym. He wished he could just tell her.
“Tendou, I have a weird question.” She sat on the curb next to the vending machine, waiting for Tendou to hand her her snack. “Go for it.” He handed her both a drink and some chips and took a seat next to her, the sun shining on his bright red hair. “My mom is taking me to a wedding, and I don't really wanna go by myself, you know? I don't want to suffer the whole time so I was wondering if you could go with me as my plus one?” “To a wedding?” “Yes, are you deaf?!” She could feel her face going red, but she tried to hide it best she could. Tendou thought for a moment, shoving food in his mouth. “Yeah! I think it’ll be fun!” “Ew, don't talk with food in your mouth.” She giggled and pushed his face away and he swallowed his food, laughing. “So, when’s the wedding?” “Next weekend.” “Can't wait! We’ll have the best time. I'll make you have the best time in the world, promise.” “I swear, Tendou, if you screw this up-” “I won't. I'll behave, promise.”
“You said you’d behave, Tendou.” “We aren't even at the wedding yet, why are you getting onto me?!” She pointed at Tendou’s socks which had tacos with sunglasses riding a skateboard on them. “What?! These are classy!” “I am going to slap you.” “Come on! They’re cool!” She grabbed his hand and dragged him over to her car. “I swear to god, Tendou, if we get kicked out because of your stupid socks-” “We won't. The groom will love them so much he’ll tear them right off of me.” “Somebody’s optimistic.” “We didn't even talk about you yet.” “Me?” She blushed, starting to drive to the wedding, shortly behind her parents' car. “What about me?” “You look great. I didn't realize how good you looked in yellow.” She could just feel her face overheating. “Th-Thanks, Tendou,” she looked over at him, staring at his bowtie. “You, on the other hand, look goofy as hell in that bright yellow bowtie.” “Jesus Christ! I was trying to compliment you! Did you have to bash on me?! It's part of the dress code!” She laughed and ruffled his hair, stopped at a red light. “I know, stupid. I was just playing. You look great. You should wear a tux more often.” “Dude, I wish! I heard girls eat this shit up! You know how popular with the ladies I’d be if I wore a tux to school every day?!” She just laughed, still watching the road. Little did he know, she was already eating that shit up.
“I think you should wear a dress more often. I know you have to wear a skirt for your school uniform, but this is different. You look,” Tendou cleared his throat, his face going slightly red. “You look really pretty.” “Thanks, Tendou. You look really handsome.” He felt like he was about to overheat. “St-Stop.” “You stop.” How was it not obvious that they were totally into each other?
“Yo! This is the reception?! It's fancy as hell!” Tendou went to run off, but she grabbed his arm. “Tendou, I swear to god-” “I know,” he sighed, his body going limp. “Behave, blah, blah, blah. You think they have food?” “Well of course they have food, Tendou, this is a wedding.” “I'm hungry.” “You snuck in chips in your tux and ate that through the whole ceremony.” “I want real food.” He held tightly onto her hand and dragged her over to the food table. His hands, even if calloused and covered in bandaids, were surprisingly soft. “So, how do you know these people again?” “The bride is a friend of my mom’s.” “So why are you here?” “I've known the bride since I was a baby.” “Oh, gotcha,” Tendou filled a small plate with a bunch of food, turning to her. “You like breadsticks, right?” “Duh!” He put a ton of breadsticks on top of the already giant pile and walked with her over to a table.
“Uh, thanks for inviting me to this wedding, by the way. I'm having a lot of fun.” “Oh, sure! Anytime, Tendou. Well maybe not anytime invite you to a wedding, but you know what I-” “Yeah. I know what you mean.” She smiled at him and he felt his cheeks flush red. He shoved a breadstick in his mouth to try to cover it up and handed her one as well. “If I'm being honest,” she scooted closer to Tendou, the people around them laughing with drinks in their hands. “I do think you look better in your volleyball gear. It suits you.” “You really think so?” “Oh, for sure.” “Even if I'm stinky and covered in sweat?” She just giggled and grabbed his hand as everyone around them set down their drinks when a slow song came on. “I think we have to withhold this whole stupid wedding stuff and I think we have to dance now.” She could feel herself blushing, but just ignored it. “Is that so?” Tendou quirked an eyebrow and immediately put his hands on her waist as they got to the dancefloor. She hugged around the back of his neck and they were pressed together closer than they ever had been. “Can I be honest with you?” Tendou’s voice, which usually had a sort of charm and goofy tone to it, was now shaky and serious. “Yeah. Sure.” She looked at his averted eyes as they swayed slowly, back and forth. “I… I've kinda had a huge crush on you for a while. Just… I know it sounds stupid… I don't really know… uh-” “Don't hurt yourself, Tendou.” He laughed at her stupid comment, his shoulders becoming less tense. “I'm serious though. I've had a pretty big crush on you… for a pretty long time now.” She played with the back of his hair, getting nervous all of the sudden. “Tendou, I-” “I'm sorry.” She tilted her head. “Sorry? Why are you sorry?” “I…” “I'm not going to reject you, stupid, I was going to say that I have a crush on you too.” He looked into her eyes, his going wide. “Wh-What?! Seriously?!” “Yes! Tendou, I don't know how it wasn't obvious. I invited you to a wedding for christ’s sake.” “Oh. Now I feel stupid.” “You’re not.” She held him closer, their chests pressed against each other’s.
“God, this is so cheesy,” she giggled into his chest as Tendou’s hands were still tightly around her waist. “We go to a wedding together. We dance together. We admit feeling for one another-” “Yeah,” Tendou chuckled, feeling his hands still shaking. “Pretty stupid, huh?” “I never said stupid. Just… cheesy. I actually kinda like it.” “Me too.” His eyes met with hers, the fairy lights in the reception hall making them dark, but glowy at the same time. She raised her hand to his face, cupping his cheek with the softest smile curling onto her lips. Tendou leaned down, their lips only centimeters apart. “Are you about to make this cheesier, shortstuff?” She giggled, pulling him just a tad closer. “Of course I am.” His long fingers wrapped around the back of her head as he pulled her in for a kiss, their lips just lightly brushing against each other before they absolutely melted, holding each other as close as they possibly could.
Who knows. Maybe she would catch the bouquet.
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So on the subject of geckos and lizards :::
I first got Macaroni innnn I believe 2020? Along with his younger brother Roman ofc, but I was trying to get Macaroni used to me and being handled with people because I planned on loving him TO DEATH, and my brothers friend at the time was over. He hadn't held one ever and I was like "yo do you wanna hold him a little bit?? You gotta be careful with him tho cause he's fast and WILL run from you, plus he's itty bitty" (He was literally a month and a half old) and he said sure. So I told him to put his hand on my brother's bed, he did as told, I set Macaroni on his hand. Bro.
THIS MF LAUNCHES MACARONI. I guess it was an instinct thing but istg when I heard the little thud of Macaroni hitting the wall my heart sank. (To be clear it wasn't a loud thud, more like a tap, he barely grazed the wall THANK GOD) I picked him up and started petting the little mf AND IMMEDIATELY STARTED BAWLING. I felt so bad and guilty, so I fed him a juicy little worm and put him back in his enclosure. To this day I don't allow anyone but me to hold him, I'll occasionally let my mom handle him, and I'll let my aunt have him sit on her shoulder, but I will not let someone handle him alone BECAUSE I DONT WANT HIM TO GO THROUGH THAT AGAIN. My poor baby, I felt guilty for days after and that kid wasn't allowed in my presence anymore. Thankfully he was fine, wasn't any more or less timid than before, but I left him alone for a while because I didn't want to yk.. add onto that traumatic experience. ☹️
Moral of the story, don't let people hold your baby gecko 😔
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Here he is 🤭 Hes got a fat head but he's still a cutie patootie (Say he's cute rn 😡)
Anywho I'm gonna PASS OUUUT 🥳
HELL NO ID COMMIT A CRIME IDC IDC IDCCCCC WHY R U LAUNCHING MY CHILD that’s so heart breaking omg i’m glad macaroni was ok tho🤞🤞
HES SO CUTEEEE i love him give him a little pet for me…
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mattslolita · 15 days
update about the boy!
SO yesterday (sunday) he came over to mine, and my older friend was also here cuz she came round saturday night. she has a baby and shes like 8 months old. basically he was like playing w her an making her laugh (HES GOOD W KIDS OMG😊😊😊) and my friend went "thats ur man right there" and i laughed. he heard her and jus looked up and smiled at me 😏😏
when she left we were chilling in my room and i forgot all abt this tbh, but he gave me the charm he bought last week 😍😍😍 then cuz its his mums birthday soon we were looking for stuff to get her. then we thought of buying this cute box of fake pink roses that look real from some website and a charm from pandora and then a perfume she wants.
after like 2 hours we decided to go out for smth to eat (wingstop bc ITS FIRE and im fussy asf). when we left we saw 2 of his mates and one of them said to me "im jus gonna hav to pretend im interested in you to get him to make a move atp" 😭😭(he dint hear)
then we got home. i was laying on my stomach on my bed and he was downstairs talking to my mum (God knows abt what🤔 ) and he came up and layed next to me but dint say anything instead jus looked at me. then i said "what?" and he jus sighed and said "nothing" AND obviously it wasnt nothing but i dint wanna push it. i told my friend and she was like "he wants you so bad its UNREAL" LMFAOO 🤣(real)
today at schl we had science and we had that COVER/SUPPLY TEACHER AGAIN OMGGGG!! i wanted to cry like bro LEAVEEEEEEEEE!!!!! she made us answer true or false questions related to biology (ibsr idk the difrence between biology chemistry or physics its badddd) 😭😭😭 and if we thought it was true we had to go to the left side of the room and false, on the right (games you'd play w a fucking toddler, grow up!) and i knew the answer too one of the questions (SURPRISINGLY 😉) BUTTTT... i literally cant tell my lefts and rights (im dyslexic but also jus super dumb 🥹) so the boy was like "yes but what side do we go on" and i was like "hold on" and he went "YOU DONT KNOW UR LEFTS AN RIGHTS?". he was pissing himself w his friend and the teacher was like "how are you in top set w/o knowing ur lefts and rights?" first off pipe down, second, fucking LEAVEEE the SCHOOL MAN! he was takin the mick the whole day and then said " you wanna start learning how to drive as soon as you turn 18 but the driving instructors gonna go 'turn right' and ur gonna go left, straight into the fucking river" VIOLATED! (SO TRUE THO) 😭😭😭😭😭😭
side note- i was sitting on the grass with two of my friends today and this girl whos in my brothers year like 2 years below said hi to me then she went "ur rlly pretty" I LITERALLY LOOOOVE PPL LIKE THAT. she was so sweet omg i wanted to cry 🥲🥹
im soso glad u liked the fic bb❤
that girls so sweet OMGGGGG !!! if he doesn't ask you out soon ISTG.....
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nabateaprodigy · 10 months
Please may I have a Fairy tail scenario of when you (Gray's younger twin brother *you know the rest about him including that he is a kind young man and he is a ice mage like his brother..and he is slightly stronger than Gray at ice mage and Juvia was now his wife*) were asked the awkward question about where babies came from and obviously you spat out your tea at your son's (Greige Fullbuster is your son) unexpected question and you were not telling your six year old son where babies came from literally..it was understandably awkward considering how the hell you were going to explain where babies came from to your son..Greige was understandably confused about it when you and your wife (Juvia Lockser is your wife) told him that Greige was going to be a big brother when Juvia found out that she was pregnant and you two were going to have a daughter (you and Juvia told Greige the pregnancy news yesterday).
Your loving wife, Juvia Lockser thankfully rescued you from an awkward conversation because you were getting rather flustered trying to explain in a way that was appropriate to a six year old boy (you knew exactly how babies are made but you are definitely not telling Greige that!).
You and Juvia are adults and married happily..and Juvia is now Juvia Fullbuster because she took your surname.
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*the little boy in the image is Greige Fullbuster*
Papa Where do Babies Come From?
Series: Fairy Tail.
Characters: Juvia Lockser and Greige.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Notes: Hmm don't really like how this turned out honestly. I mean I don't think it's awful but I think I could have done better. Also Greige going to be a little OOC here. I've read the 100 Year Quest manga but just couldn't get his personality right here so sorry about that.
Reader: Male.
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Today was just like any other day when you woke you saw your lovely wife Juvia. No matter how many times something like this happens you'll never get tried of the sight. You love nothing more than waking up seeing and Juvia laying next to you.
You put your hand on her cheek just admiring her as she slept. You could look at this sight forever and not get tired of seeing it. However, even though you wanted to do you knew you had to get started with your day.
"Juvia it's morning time to wake up." You spoke as you kissed Juvia on the cheek. Juvia then begin to wake up and you saw her beautiful blue eyes that you love so much.
"Good morning darling how did you sleep?" Juvia spoke rubbing her eyes as she had not fully woken up yet. "I slept well as always you know I sleep great when you're here with me." You spoke In response to her.
"That's good darling I'm glad you slept well. I suppose we should start our day now right?" Both you and Juvia now sitting up in bed and hold her. "Wish I could stay like this forever but we have to start our day. Greige might be upset with us if we decided to stay in bed all day."
Juvia laughed. "You're right he would be upset tho I would to see that cute face of his when he gets mad," Juvia spoke as you both got out and started getting dressed.
Juvia had finished getting before you so she went to check on Greige to see if he was awake or not. While Juvia was doing that you went to the kitchen and started to enjoy your food along with some time.
After some time your son Greige came into the kitchen and it looked like he had something on his mind. "Hey buddy what's up? You look like you've got something you want to ask me." You said to Greige as you drank some of your tea.
"Papa, where do babies come from?" Greige asked and you immediately spat out your tea and began coughing. "Papa, what's wrong?" Greige asked wondering why you had such a reaction to his question.
Your mind drew a blank as to how you should go about answering his question. You sat there confused unsure of what to say to him. But just then Juvia entered and saved you from the awkward situation!
"Oh, Greige you're a bit too young to know about that. But I promise I'll tell you when you're older. But I do have something to tell you. " Juvia spoke looking at her son happily. "What is it, Mama?" Greige said curious thinking about what his mother was about to tell him.
You stood up and walked over to Juvia as you kissed her and wrapped one of your arms around her. "You're going to be a big brother! Soon we'll be introducing a new person to this family your little sister!"
Juvia spoke happily that she could now finally tell Greige the news. "Me? A big brother?" Greige said in surprise to his mother.
"That's right buddy soon you'll have a little sister. You'll be a big brother to her make sure to keep her safe okay?" You said to your son.
Greige smiled running up to hug the both of you. "Yes, I promise I'll be the best big brother ever and protect my little sister!"
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL
July 2022 Wk 2 
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying the most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Triage (grey) Ep 12 - Tol’s turn to fix the timeline - well he can’t do any worse, right? I found this episode a little frustrating, but I still think this is one of the better high concept Thai BL‘s I’ve seen in a long time. I’m reminded a little of Great mMen Academy for some reason (much as I question if GMA is a BL). I’m excited to see howTriage ends, but also glad next one is the final ep. Where Triage falls down, for me, like Manner of Death, is going to be in rewatchability. I think once the element of surprise is removed, there isn’t enough romance holding this show together to make me want to rewatch it. But I think the story is a lot better for having not been that romantic. It’s just I happen to be a romantic at heart. 
Love Mechanics (Sun WeTV) Ep 4-5 - ep 4: of course the cheating gf is hurt in a car accident with her rich boyfriend#2 and Vee rushes back to her and then makes eye contact with Mark who he is hurting even more. Because why not MORW PAIN? This whole series is basically a diatribe against cheating and the one honest gay reaps all the punishment. And yet I CAN’T STOP WATCHING. Stupid genius YinWar. Also I do love Poppy turning up, he’s got to be one of my favorite character actors in the BL universe, right up there with Gunsmile. Watching Vee lose everything was cathartic, his family, friends, and Marke are too good for him. He is a lovable asshole tho. I am both delighted and terrified that we have 6 more episodes of this nonsense.  Ep 5, why are these cheaters so cute? Because it is YinWar, that’s why.  Also I love it when Mark gets his own back against Vee, even if it’s just teasing and standing up for himself. Don’t ask, I didn’t get the bit with Vee’s dad either. Lots of good brother characters this summer in BL. Meanwhile  Yawhe is figuring everything out.
 Vice Versa (Sat on YouTube) Ep 1 - The meet cute was awkward and I don’t love that. Jimmy (Puen) is lovely, of course. The lead (Lay) is okay, I haven’t fully warmed to him. (Hooray for a butch character! Even if they had to use body swap to explain them. Notice mostly no polite particles?) I like the concept of this show. You know me, I’m big into paranormal and magical realism and skewed reality. I’m engaged with that if nothing else. And then Nanon waltzes in holding a goddamn guitar and I’m mad at the whole universe.
Unforgotten Night (Weds on GaGa) Ep 4 - I am beginning to think we should be calling this show Forgotten Kink rather than Unforgotten Night. Actually, this week was fine, we got a bit more of the side couple, whom I am now officially calling P’Daddy and Baby Boy. Also I may a UFO pun joke. Go me. TRASH WATCH IS HERE! 
Sky in Your Heart (Fri YouTube) Ep 7 - How is this show now boring, corny, AND cheesy? Also I’m starting to get bad secondhand embarrassment. And then... the white sponge bath, of course.
Even Sun (Wed iQIYI) Ep 3 - They are pretty, it pretty, that’s it. I’m so bored.
Check Out (Sat IQIYI) Ep 6 - World’s most boring date? Mostly I was just confused by the random English letters on Daonuea’s shirt and wondering if I could get one like it with Thai script (since it’s so pretty). In other news, should I start a vomit trigger warning for BL shows? Why do people throw up so much? We don’t have to SEE it, ya know? 
My Secret Love (Sat YouTube Sat) Ep 7 - Interesting that they call GL yuri in Thailand. That’s it. That’s all I got. 
War of Y has semi started or something? Whatever. 
Oh My Sunshine Night (?) - Ep 1 I managed the first ep without subs but it seems really really sad. I am nto sure I am in the right mind set for this one so I think I will wait until 1. I know if it ends happily, and 2. It’s easier to get internationally. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry (Japan Weds GaGa) Ep 3 - currently my favorite show by a land slide. I like everything about it, the questionable content and relationship, the age gap, the characters, Shin’s obsessive staler edgy intensity, the side boy with the terrible hair. The food. ALL OF IT. Minato’s feelings for his sensei are an interesting parallel to Shin‘s feelings for Minato - and explain both why Minato is sympathetic to Shin and dismissive of him at the same time. When Minato admits to his feelings for his high school teacher, Shin final understands Minato’s reluctance, or thinks he does. I feel Minato deeply, he’s sunshine honesty and core integrity does not allow him to outright lie to Shin that he isn’t attracted, which goes up against his ethical scruples around their age gap. There’s an interesting dialogue going on within this show around how seriously to take teenage love and first true desire (simultaneously the most intense of our lives and the most scary for the adults around us) and how it’s belittled by society as a result. I should note at this juncture that the age of consent in Japan is 13, the lowest of any developed country. However, most prefectures also have local "corruption of minors" or "obscenity statutes" (淫行条例) which raise that AoC to 16-18, unless they are in a "sincere romantic relationship" (usually determined by parental consent). Are we going to meet Shin’s parents and large family under this context? I’d really like it if we did. Japan may be reserved in its romances but it usually attacks social criticism and difficult content head on (unlike Korea), so I wouldn’t be surprised if we got this topic grappled with directly. See Japan’s approach to noona romances. 
Want to See You (Vietnam YT) Ep 6-7-8 - Far be it for me to say this with our prince of VBL but I don’t think that these leads have any chemistry. Sad, that’s usually not one of Vietnam’s issues. The brother character remains my favorite and a best boy and the only reason I’m still watching this show.
Senpai, Danjite Koidewa! (Japan Fri Viki) Ep 4 - We are halfway through this one, and I’m still not sure if I like it. It’s just too cringe. Also they keep reusing a lot of footage.
Gameboys 2 movie - didn’t drop for me in the USA on gaga.
Love in Spring AKA Spring of Crush (Korea grey) Ep 15-16 - A suitably tragic ending (including an Untamed call back) for all the bad characters and some of the good ones. I liked the psychopath second lead best - apparently my second lead syndrome extends to COMPLETELY INSANE. In the end, this drama was all over the place with uneven acting, narrative, and focus (sometimes it wanted to be a slapstick comedy, sometimes a depressing drama) which meant no one, actors or viewers, took anyone or anything seriously.... AND it’s a bromance. I was left wondering is SalHyung is now code for “they were roommates” in Kdrama historicals but otherwise largely apathetic and unimpressed. Korea, we now know you can do better. Watch Tinted With You or Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding instead: 3/10 not recommended, I don’t know what I’m watching, and neither does it. Full review here. 
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Japan to adapt yaoi Takara Kun To Amagi Kun as Takara-kun and Amagi-kun. Oriyama Nao and Sato Arata will star, and rumors of the leads from My Love Mix-up putting in a cameo. 8 epes. About a popular guy and an outcast boy who secretly like each other, and soon after start dating in secret. Premieres August 18 no word on distribution yet. 
Japan to produce The 8.2 Second Rule AKA 8.2 Byo no Hosoku about a boy finding his first love. 
Korea’s Kidari Studio to adapt Happy Merry Ending about two men who work with wedding events, grumpy/sunshine pairing. 
Blueming is getting a season 2. This is one of my favorites from this year (9/10). I am not thrilled about this decision. It’s the same director as TMS2, and I didn’t like that one all that much. Still, I’ll probubly watch it. I’m very intersted in where Korea goes when it’s given enough rope to hang itself with. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
I think Coffee Melody is to start tomorrow on Viki? (Pavel my love!) 
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NOTE: There probubly will not be a weekly update next Sunday from yours truly. I have a busy week of remote work (with the meetings and the deadline) and then a (cough cough) college reunion thingy. So yeah. Don’t think I’m dead, okay? 
This week’s best moments?
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Can’t lie, I’m a big fan of the boyfriend sniff test. 
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I feel this in my bones... or shoudl I say stomach? 
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Sing it with me now... jealousy! 
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And a meeting of the Marks. (I used to think War & Mark looked A LOT like each other, but now I really don’t anymore). I hope Mark IRL really is really in Love Mechanics. I love him so much. He’d make a great boyfriend for heartbroken rich boy Nuea.
(last week)
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ct-multifandom · 2 years
Evolution Things
I see you’ve all been sleeping on Alim Kubdel. Couldn’t be me <3 glad everyone’s waking up though. I’m glad to see him finally be relevant again
Also Alix ‘cause she didn’t do jack in s4???
I’m a bit confused about why adult Bunnyx was sending Alim in “our” time postcards instead of him in her time. Just so that he’d know she’s Bunnyx before it even happened? Plot bs?
Edit: I had this typed out and then I deleted it, but I saw other people mention it so I’ll edit it back in. Will Alix’s dad die??? I had the thought while watching that scene, but the tone was so cheerful I thought nahh it’s a kids show. If it’s true, though, NOOOOOO!!! Also, would it be something that happens during canon, or off-screen right between present and future Bunnyx time? Ik Alix is a pink-haired cartoon girl who just got her superpowers, but don’t orphan her! You have to make her the new MC of the series if you do. It’s anime law.
Edit 2 I can’t shut up: I remembered in Chat Blanc when people were theorizing that future Alix sentimentally holding on to this stuffed toy she won off Rose as a kid was meant to imply that Rose will succumb to her illness. If THAT’S true… *screaming and crying* if I had a nickel for every time future!Bunnyx showed up bringing a vague omen of someone’s impending death unrelated to the emergency at hand I’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
Okay a little fandom salt here, warning: I’m seeing everyone talk about how cute Cannigirl (?) is, and imma be real, I feel like Miss Hound, Flairmidable, and her all have similarly designed and equally good suits. But when Penalteam came out the majority of people were shitting on Miss Hound saying she looks ugly? Idk I think if Miss hound has a bad design then so does Cannigirl and if Cannigirl has a good design than so does Miss Hound. Maybe everyone’s just gotten used to the Barkk drip after the initial expectations vs reality reveal in 4-24 but I’m starting to think a lot of you guys just play favorites big time…
I love Alix’s hat tho. It’s so cute, it’s like a newsboy cap or a Donald Duck hat. I love how Sabrina had a dog ear beret and she had a dog ear cap. It’s different and fits their characters. I also love that it turns rabbit-themed when she unifies. I kinda wish it was part of her usual design? Attention fan artists who draw the kids in alternate outfits: I need more hatlix.
I’ve been waiting to see if baby Bunnyx looks different from the big one, and she does! The white part of her suit on her belly is shaped like a romper in the present while in the future it’s shaped like a crop top. Edit: baby bun doesn’t have the circle thingies oh her mask. Present!Bunnyx has a black inside on her umbrella instead of white. Future!Bunnyx keeps her normal hair and piercings when she transforms but little Alix doesn’t have piercings yet and her hair stays similar, but changes ever so slightly. It’s the same length on all sides, is styled a little differently, and is a darker shade of pink. Reminds me of Caprikid’s hair change.
The DJWifi kiss. Man people have been rightfully complaining for the past forever that we didn’t see them really interact in Animan before coming back on screen and going, “oh yeah btw we like each other now”. This was an admittedly very clever way of addressing that. Still a little weird that they became so serious so fast, but oh well, we don’t know how long the tension was building up before Origins ‘cause they’ve been close for a long time and Animan was just the tipping point.
It was also funny how they re-contextualized the taxi joke from Reverser. Turns out Scaredy-Chat wasn’t exaggerating too much!
Gabriel get drinked by Nathalie
I saw someone say Nathalie is finally growing a backbone. More like she’s wearing one as an exoskeleton. She has a literal spine of steel now, but at what cost.
Something that I find really interesting is Alix talking about her interest in engineering. This is pretty much new info for us and it adds context to future Alix’s shirt with the gear with rabbit ears. It could also lead to development in her undeveloped friendship with Max by giving them something in common beyond being aspec.
They keep dropping new hobbies for the cast beyond their “one defining cartoon character interest”. They tell us that Kim likes running and swimming, Max likes playing games and programming, Marc likes writing, and also soccer/football. But I noticed that they’ve also gotten into talking about the kids’ career aspirations. Nino likes to DJ, but he wants to direct films. Luka likes playing music, but he plans to make stringed instruments for a living. Juleka likes music too, and she likes cosmetology, but she dreams of modeling. Alix likes skating and street art, but she plans to become an engineer.
Adrien has no idea what he likes, and Marinette has too many things to choose from, so it’s interesting to watch these side characters start to figure out their futures first. Ik a timeskip to the kids as adults wasn’t in the plans for s6/s7 as announced a long time ago by Astruc, but I’d love to see them grow up and have these different hobbies vs jobs. Who will follow their current interests into the pro level and who will take a totally unexpected path? I’m looking forward to seeing more of this from others in the present.
I hope they will do the pattern of recovering a miraculous one at a time and giving it to the holder permanently. As exciting as the love square resolution is, miraculous is so lonely to me without the side characters. Idk how it’d work out with the rings, like is the kwami actually in there? Is stealing a ring the same as recovering the miraculous? But we’ll see. They can’t episodically shoehorn meaningful side character moments into episodes that aren’t really about them.
Maybe the whole season is just the cat, bug, and rabbit, but that doesn’t make sense to me. If the show was originally planned to end at s5, you’re telling me the hero team was just never coming back until post-canon? That some of them were meant to have a combined screen time of 2 minutes over the whole show? It makes no sense. Plus, why drop transformation phrases for the Penalteam heroes if they’re not gonna actually transform for over a season? Chat said it himself, we’re getting them back one by one.
Maybe each and every episode won’t feature the hero for its miraculous, but they’ll get the kwami back anyways and make the holder permanent later at a time that makes sense? Idk
Gabriel dumbed his last ass
Nathalie spit in Gabe’s eyes challenge
If I want anyone to have a redemption arc it’s her come on bbgirl I believe in you
Alix dodgeball master
Poor 1940s Barkk is so innocent. She doesn’t know what’s coming. I mean, they pulled her out of Nazi-occupied France, so comparatively the present is in a much better place, but still.
Rabbit Noir was so cute. The neon blue under-eye weirdly works, but I feel like they could’ve done something different with the tails.
Let’s drink to all the Alix screen time yet to come. I told myself that my one expectation for this episode would be good Alix time, and I got it, so I must say I’m happy. Return of the queen.
About Multiplication: idk if Mylene will be relevant to this plot considering she wasn’t in the trailer and it’s gonna be big Adrienette time, but in Mega Leech the filter thing they were protesting was a Tsurugi company product, and Ikari Gozen is quite literally a Tsurugi car. Could there be a connection? Is Mylene gonna bring her environmental concerns up to Tomoe directly? Will she help defeat her? No clue how they’re actually gonna do it ‘cause no lucky charm or cataclysm alone will defeat an army of giant samurai sports car centaurs deliberately wrecking Paris. (If you steal the mouse ring off one of the clones will it be the same as taking it when they’re all combined?)
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baekhvuns · 8 months
I almost thought I forgot to send you an ask, dw abt the timing tho. it happens to me a lot 😭 I forget if I had done something and then i question it?
IKR HIS WHOLE PERSONALITY IRKS ME SO MUCH BUT THEN HIS FACE?? HIS FACEEEE!!! 😩😩 he's such a hypocrite honestly, and each time he makes a dumb fucking decision I want to punch him in the face so bad!! BUT THEN I RMR THT ONE CHAPTER WHERE NAVIER'S HAVING A FLASHBACK TO WHEN THEY WERE KIDS AND- 😭 I CANT-
Bcz...this just got too real? 🫣
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😒 don't even talk abt tht selfish piece of shit, I hate her. The audacity she has, like she literally just said "there's not a woman in the whole world that wouldn't sulk if his lover is spending time with another woman." 😃 miss girl YOU are the OTHER WOMAN! He is spending time with his WIFE! On her BIRTHDAY. Jail. I want to see her in jail. I'm glad Heinrey knows the kinda person she is, he and the empress are the only ones putting her in her place. Like it annoys me so damn much how she cries over every damn thing, idc whatever shit she went thru, it didn't give her any right to become a homewrecker. And soveishu is dumb enough. And navier?
....she's. Etheral. How to be her? How to hv a man like hers? How to be bold like her? How to BE NAVIER??
OMG GURL YES I READ IT 😭 I CANT BELIEVE SOVEISHU KISSED NAVIER'S NECK?!?!?!?! 😭 IM- IDK THT MAKES ME LIKE HIM MORE DESPITE HIS SHITTY ATTITUDE?? WHAT DO I DO 😭 but respectfully, he should fuck off....you lost the chance man. You lost her. No Bcz what does he want frm navier??? Does he think she has a heart of stone? As if she doesn't hv feelings??? He gets all riled up if she even talks with some other guy and look at him, going out with a strange girl he has no idea who tf she even is.
I'm telling you rashta is the downfall of the empire. Girl I'm telling ya, if I see a strange woman running to hug my man like tht..id throw hands idc what my status would be, I would THROW HANDS. (On both, my man, and the girl) Navier is so strong. BWAHAHAHAHA AND HIS GUTS TO SAY "IM A GOOD MAN" 😭🤚 STOPH- HES THE MOST DELULU PERSON EVER! Rashta is like that one annoying cousin. LIKE SHE HAD THE AUDACITY TO WEAR THE SAME DRESS AS NAVIER?!?!? FASION POLICE- YOU GOTTA ARREST HER! BCZ THT IS PLAGIARISM 😭
I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna kill him, I'm really gonna kill him I HATE HIM SO MUCH! NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE HAS A CHARACTER MADE MY BLOOD BOIL THIS BAD!
Navier no...the potion has worn off, Duke Kaufmann likes you 😭
No way you fell asleep on the stairs...was it Bcz it was comfortable or you were just too tired to walk till your bed? 😭 (OMG I WROTE THIS THINKING YOU WROTE "I FELL ASLEEP ON THE STAIRS" AND I WAS LIKE ?!?! WHAT- I READ IT WRONG 😭😭 but this is so funny so I kept it in the ask, i cn be so silly sometimes)
NO WAY DROP THE NAME OF THE MOVIE! controversial? I'm questioning my tastes-
Ikr it's so wholesome and cute, the last episode ended on sung ho offering haebom to drink with him, man I'm totally up for everything that's coming next, Bcz haebom, is already in love and he might not realize it yet, Bcz the way he blushes EVERYTIME he sees sung ho. LIKE WHEN HE DROPPED HIM AT THE DAYCARE CENTRE HE THOUGHT "DID WE JUST LOOK LIKE A COUPLE RN??" NOW TELL ME THIS MF DOESN'T THINK ABT IT ALL THE TIME 😭😭 dw I'll update you once the new episode comes.
I don't wanna go to work tomorrow AND I DONT WANNA GO TO UNI I wanna fall in love with someone IM SO LOVESICK 🤧
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please stop. im in a public setting this picture to picture comparison is taking me out pls don’t let me do this bc i have this draft where the reader is an undercover empress and san’s a thief w heinry’s personality
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no srs as much of a goof heinry is he is quick to check someone like rashta or whoever disrespects navier like that,,,, rashta needs to go to jail esp for what she did to that maid???? gOD 😭😭😭 ITS ON SIGHT WITH HER AND THE WAY SHES COPYING NAVIERS STYLE AND HAIR ?????? CRYING honestly soveishu puts her in place sometimes and it makes me feel so good omg i just spoiled it for u
NAVIER IS THE PERSONA OF ELEGANCE !!! THE EMPRESS, ur asking the right questions bc when will fate put us under her fate 😭😭
duke kaufman is so 🥰☺️🥰 id be w him ngl very mingi coded
NO LMFAOOO THIS IS SO CUTE FHWJD 😭😭😭 I FELL ON THE STAIRS LIKE GOING UP THE STAIRS did not fall asleep but i was transferring from my couch (where i slept on) to my room and i thought the platform of the stairs was there and i took a step and boom im collapsing <3 my eyes were closed yes bc i have this thing that if i open them while i transfer my sleep will vanish <3
omg ok it’s a 2006 bollywood movie w srk in it, it was extremely controversial bc of the concept but i think if it were released today it would’ve gotten a better reaction nonetheless
manifesting a ceo who does ur taxes and handles everything for u <3
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