#and they were so young. i barely remember anything from before the age of 6 they’re hardly going to remember at all
I love you I love you I love you I love you I miss you I miss you I missss yoooouuuuuuuuu.
You should’ve been here this weekend. If you were driving you could’ve DD’d. You’d have carpooled w me and maybe T and you would’ve had a matching shirt and a lil coozie with your name on it and it would’ve been pink too even though you’d have been too young for one. We would’ve included you. You might have been a bridesmaid. You could be a godmother. Probably not on that one but you could’ve. You should’ve been here.
Your picture is all over his fridge. Pictures of just the two of you too. I wish there were more pictures of just the two of us. More recent pictures anyways. There aren’t any recent pictures anymore and I hate it I hate it I hate it.
They didn’t name the baby after you. Nobody has. That bothers mom more than it does me but there have been four babies since and not one of them has even had a nod to you. And the longer it gets the less likely it is. Well, that’s not true. Mine probably will. At least my son, should I have one. Although apparently childbirth really sucks so that may not be for a while. I was really banking on you having kids before me.
I miss you. Ren faire is coming up. Last time I went was with you. That won’t bother me much, there’s enough going on beside that where it won’t be an issue but I realized that today. I would love to lovingly beat you with a sword. What a sentence lmao. 5A kiddo. Watch your head
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holylulusworld · 19 days
Heavenly creature - Unbreakable Bonds (6)
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Summary: A stranger saves you from an unfriendly encounter. Is he a knight in shiny armor?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Princess Shuri
Warnings: heavy angst, language, hurt & comfort, clingy/possessive reader, fluff, dad!Steve
A/N: I usually do not describe my reader’s appearance/race. In this case I had to make an exception as it’s important for the storyline.
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
<< Part 5
Heavenly Creature masterlist
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“Soldier, are we done for today?” You hopefully look at Bucky when he walks inside the examination room. Your face falls seeing Steve by his side. “Please?”
“We are almost done for today,” Steve softly says. “Our friend will run a few more tests, okay.”
You reluctantly nod. 
“They mean no harm,” Bucky adds. You visibly relax at his words. “How about we have lunch together? All of us.” He holds out his hand and forces a smile on his face.
“Yes,” you grab his hand and smile widely. “Can we have dessert too? I miss ice cream. I haven’t had some in ages.”
“Why?” Steve asks. “Ice cream is great.”
“They said it’s bad and…” You suck in a breath. The words just slipped out of your mouth before you could stop them. “Sugar is bad…feelings too…”
“Doll,” Bucky wraps his arms around you when you start to cry. “Hey, you can eat as much ice cream as you want to.”
“What if I can’t heal you because I ate sugar? What if you die?” You fist Bucky’s shirt. “I can’t risk losing you. It will be all my fault if you can’t be healed.”
Steve chokes out a sob. He witnessed Hydra’s cruelty more than once. But your broken voice telling them all the things Hydra planted in your young mind when you were a child, is unbearable to him.
“They won’t know, Y/N,” Steve tries once again to get your attention. “Bucky is healthy and strong. If he gets hurt, we can help him at the medic bay. We have doctors, and I can donate blood for him too. I’m a super-soldier, remember?”
“You can?” You lift your head and sniffle. “Is your blood as good as mine? Maybe it’s not as good…”
“Y/N, I’m your father. We share the same blood,” Steve holds back another sob when you reluctantly let go of Bucky to step toward him. “I’m a universal donor too.”
“Oh!” Your smile widens and you grasp Steve’s hand. “You can save my soldier too! Wonderful!”
Steve holds back a sigh. Your whole world seems to revolve around his friend. Since they broke the barrier you built in your mind to protect yourself from remembering your past, you lost interest in anything but Bucky. 
“We should eat now,” Steve murmurs, afraid to scare you off if he speaks any louder. “What do you like?”
“Pasta and ice cream,” you dreamily say. “Maybe we can have chocolate too, and pudding. I love pudding.”
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“Hmm…tastes great,” you shovel the pasta in your mouth, ignoring people staring at you and the super-soldiers at your table. “What?” You cock a brow. “It’s good.”
“You should slow down,” Steve whispers, afraid to draw too much attention toward your table. “There is more than enough.”
“It’s delicious and I don’t want you to steal my food,” you pout at Steve before you look at Bucky. “Why don’t you eat, soldier? You need food to stay strong and healthy.”
“I’m good,” Bucky barely touched the food in front of him. On your way to the restaurant, you talked non-stop about your past, and all the things your so-called parents forbid you. Like playing with your dolls or spending time with other kids.
You nod but worry Bucky might be sick. “Are you sick? Do you need me to help you?” You slip off the chair to press the back of your hand to Bucky’s forehead. “No temperature. That’s good. You’re not having a fever then.”
“Y/N,” Steve gets up from his chair to stop you from examining Bucky. “Please eat your food. Bucky is not sick. You need the food more than him.”
Steve pulls the chair for you, nodding at his friend. “You need to eat something too, Buck. We don’t want Y/N to worry about you. Give her what she needs…”
“I’ll eat, doll,” Bucky lifts the spoon to his mouth. “See. No reason to worry about me all the time.”
You shyly glance at your plate. There is chaos in your mind. A part of you wants to be close to Bucky, and make sure he’s safe. And the little part that’s left of the shy librarian is screaming bloody murder and begs you to run for the hills if you get the chance to do so.
So far, you don’t know which part of your personality will win the war going on inside of you. You’d love it to be the part wanting to be close to Bucky. Because without him, who are you?
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Steve shows you around the apartment they prepared at the Avengers’ tower for you. You follow him, barely sparing the furniture and decoration a glance.
“We got most of your things, some books too. If you need anything else, please let me know,” he hopefully looks at you, waiting for your response.
“That’s very kind of you, and Mr. Stark but—” you chew on your lower lip, afraid to anger the super-soldier. “Can I not stay with my soldier?”
“Y/N,” he sighs. “I know something tells you that you must stay close to Bucky, but it’s best if you stay here for a while. You need to time on your own, and to sort your thoughts.”
“I want—” you shake your head. “I need to stay close. Please don’t leave me here all alone with my thoughts. Please.” You grab Steve’s hand, tugging hard. “Please Dad…don’t leave me alone with them…”
“With whom?” he softly asks. “Y/N?”
“The ghosts of my past,” you whimper. “I can hear them in my head now. Mom. Dad. My aunt. The doctors. The men with the guns,” you sniffle. “They are screaming at me. If I’m close to the soldier, they are gone.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Steve wraps you in a hug. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea. Bucky hates himself for kidnapping and hurting you. He blames himself for forcing you to remember your past.”
“I hated my life before the soldier found me again. Nightmares and flashbacks aren’t new to me. I just didn’t know why the voices followed me around. At least now I know that I’m not crazy.
“If you want me to, I’ll ask Bucky if it’s okay that you stay with him for tonight.”
Steve wishes you’d seek his closeness. You’re a grown woman, still, Steve feels like he’s holding a newborn child in his arms. Not days ago, he believed he’d never get the chance to become a father, and now he’s holding his child in his arms.  
“We will ask him together. Okay. Don’t worry. Bucky is a good man and will not send you away. Get a few things and I’ll be waiting outside for you.”
Steve steps away to leave the room. He’s still torn between protecting you from his best friend and being happy that you trust Bucky enough to feel safe close to him.
“You’d have been a much better dad,” you murmur as Steve grabs the door handle. “Now I know why they never told me about you.”
“I wish I knew about you, Y/N. I’d have come to your aid and saved you and Bucky.”
“I know.”
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“No programming and no manipulation?” Tony huffs. “That’s impossible. It’s like she’s programmed to follow Barnes like a puppy.”
Shuri shakes her head. “You don’t understand. In a way, she got manipulated by Hydra. But – the part of Y/N seeking White Wolf’s closeness is the part that remembers his kindness in times of need. I talked to her for hours and ran all the tests. It’s her, nothing more and nothing less.”
“I don’t—” Tony shakes his head. “How’s that possible?”
“Her vulnerable soul and broken mind tried to find a way to bear all the pain and treatment. Somehow, a bond between these tortured souls formed so many years ago. And I think it’s unbreakable…”
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“Sold-“ you stop yourself from pouncing on Bucky. You nervously shuffle from one foot to the other, waiting for Bucky to tell you to get closer. “Bucky.”
“Hi,” Bucky offers a weak smile. “How are you?”
“I…” Dropping your gaze you shrug. “I don’t know, to be honest. I remember everything now. Hydra. You. My parents, who weren’t my parents. My time as a librarian. The soldier protecting me.”
“I remember you now too,” he slowly steps closer and holds out his hand. “Back then I made a promise to you. Do you remember?”
“Yes,” you nod and smile. “You said that no one will ever hurt me again. That you’ll save me and get me away from the bad people.”
“I will keep that promise from now on. I failed you in the past,” he takes your hand to gently hold it, “I won’t fail this time...”
The End...?
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 5 months
Wobbly Hearts AU
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Summary: Kai doesn’t like soulmates. He doesn’t want them and he certainly doesn’t need them. High school is hard enough without all the extra stress of soulmarks and finding your soulmates. He decided at a young age he didn’t have time for soulmates and he plans to stick to that decision. Unfortunately, as always, the universe seems to take a lot of joy in messing with him. or Kai struggles with reading and it’s everybody’s problem.
Hi there! Yes it's the very fic I've been yelling about in vague posts and tags the last 6+ months! It's been so long since I've posted anything to ao3 I've forgotten how it works but I'm doing my best! This fic is an AU set in an alternate universe of the LEGO Ninjago Movie (2017) combined with a lot of the characterization and aspects from the original LEGO Ninjago show. It's over 100k so buckle up and prepare for some shenanigans!
the first chapter is UP
sample under cut
Kai got his first soulmarks when he tried to eat a marker.
Tiny, with fumbling fingers, freckles and barely two years old he didn’t remember that day in the slightest. But his parents told the story to him and Nya all the time when they were little. 
It was the little red marker they said that he went for. His mom didn’t notice until he’d pried off the cap and stuck it into his mouth after several unsuccessful attempts that ended in red marker all over his face. She’d gotten it out of his mouth before he could really try to eat it like he’d been meaning to. He'd started crying at the abruptness of his marker being taken away, but those tears dried up fairly quickly after his mom scooped him up. 
His mom laughed that maybe his soulmates wanted him to feel less alone because a blue marker appeared not long after they started to wash off the red.
His first soulmark.
Kai grew up with their scribbled colorful lines on his skin. At first it was the hazardous meaningless lines of a toddler and then, as time progressed, they became more purposeful doodles. They were just another part of life he didn’t fully understand but accepted as fact because his parents simply smiled and spoke over his head of soulmates. He didn’t think he really grasped much of the concept of exactly what a soulmate was until he turned five.
They were someone (or several someones) that could be his favorite person (or people) in the whole wide world if he let them. After Nya was born he argued she was his soulmate because she was his most favorite person in the whole wide world. His dad said it was a different kind of favorite. But Nya was family and that was just as important. 
It wasn’t until he was seven and struggling to learn the alphabet that he realized there was more than one soulmate out there for him.
Words started appearing as they learned how to write, the letters slanted and wobbly and hazardous. He watched their writing change and improve and watched them start to talk to each other. There were two of them. Two soulmates all for him. They talked in the simple words that they could manage. One excitedly scribbled I <3 U when they learned how. Kai had to ask his mom what the lines meant and she explained it with a patient smile. It means I love you.
He was ten and still just drawing doodles while his soulmates spoke of their favorite cartoons and what they had eaten that day. Letters seemed to float around his head and laugh at him as he tried to read what they were saying, frustrated tears biting his eyes and blurring the letters. Seeing him struggle, his mom would let him sit on her lap and read him the words out loud while he rested his head on her shoulder.
Pens and markers felt awkward in his hands. The little doodles he managed never looked as good as the doodles one of his soulmates was always making. Their doodles were of cool stuff, like ninja and dragons and mechs. The doodles were so cool and Kai doodled little hearts and flames around them as best he could to show how much he liked them. But half the time he couldn’t tell the hearts from the fire and explosions, everything so wobbly and awful. He tried to write his name once and it was almost worse than the hearts.
Keep Reading
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rorywritesjunk · 3 months
I can’t tell where the journey will end But I know where to start
Prequel to my Kid Buggy fic, set about 11-ish years before that story.
Buggy meets you by chance when he needs his buttons sewn back onto his jacket. He’s young, up and coming, and he thinks everyone should cower before him wherever he goes, but all you do is smile at him.
Rating: PG-13ish just for some swearing. Warning: Buggy’s in his early 20s. I also gave him some anxiety and stuff because while he’s in love he doesn’t believe someone could love him back. He just has a lot of uncertainty with romance. A/N: Meet the Family plus one that isn't really nice. I finally caved and was kind to Buggy when it comes to romancing Sunny. End of the chapter mentions sexy times but nothing graphic at all. I just realized maybe I should take pity on the fool.
Title comes from “Wake Me Up” by Avicii.
TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @ane5e @kingofthemfingpirates @the-angriest-angel @tiredemomama @valen-yamyam16 @i-reblog-fics-i-like @plethora-of-fickleness @uhnanix
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 + Chapter 16 + Chapter 17 + Chapter 18 + Epilogue
Chapter 16
Buggy couldn't fathom the amount of cousins you had.
They were broken into four age groups apparently. The 18 and older, the 12 year olds to 17 year olds, the 6 to 11, and the babies to 5 year olds.
The five and under thought Buggy was so cool and wanted to touch his face, hair, ask if he knew tricks since he looked like a clown, and when he resorted using his Devil Fruit to pick a grabby three year old up and hand the child to you, they thought he was even cooler.
The 6 and 11 age group felt they were too old for clowns and weren't really impressed that he was a pirate captain, but when he used his abilities to get their kites out of the branches of a tree and even some toys that ended up on the roof, they decided he was okay.
The older two groups mostly judged him because he was marrying their favorite cousin (you were somehow everyone's favorite in the family and Buggy fully supported that). Some of the male cousins tried to give Buggy the whole “you hurt her you die” talk but he wasn't actually intimidated by that at all for once. Found it to be more annoying than anything.
He would never hurt you in any way.
The female cousins thought you could do better, honestly, though they did ask what his hair care routine was when they saw how long and wavy it was (Buggy refused to tell).
All in all, meeting the cousins went better than expected.
He still had to meet your aunts and uncles. You told him it should be a little less stressful than the cousins, but when your dad mentioned the hot spring that all the uncles would be going to with some drinks, he insisted Buggy come along. You weren't there to help so he had no choice but to go with Blue.
It… it was weird. Buggy somehow was surrounded by all of them, each staring at him as they enjoyed their drinks. He didn't even try to drink yet, too nervous watching and waiting for one of them to ask something but they just stared at him.
“So, our little Sunny is engaged to a pirate captain.” One of them finally said (Buggy couldn't even begin to remember names right then). Buggy could only nod, unsure if this would lead to additional questions or what.
“How long have you been a captain?”
“How long have you been a pirate?”
“You better take care of our niece or else.”
Almost the entire hour spent in the hot spring went like that. Buggy barely spoke despite being in the spotlight. Blue actually did most of the talking even though he really didn't know Buggy well, but it sounded like he asked Sunny similar questions and got some answers and well, Buggy appreciated it. He had no problem being front and center when he was on his ship but off it, surrounded by this family, he was out of his element and hating every second of it.
A tiny part of him was starting to regret agreeing to coming here with you so early into the engagement since that had become a focus of a lot of conversation, but when he headed back to the main house and saw you with your cousins, holding the ring up that he gave you with a big smile on your face, he realized he could tough it out. It had only been a few days so far.
“Buggy, follow me.” Blue said as he put his hand on the young pirate's shoulder and steered him into the house. “I don't know if my daughter told you, but after Windy and I got married, we became jewelers.”
“Huh…” Buggy only nodded, not sure why that mattered. He was led into a tiny workshop where Blue turned the lights on, giving Buggy a view of everything.
Various tools, materials, stones, everything you would need for that kind of business filled the space of the small room. The worktop has dents, scratches, some scorch marks, showing years of love and hard work. There was a bright red cloth with two rings resting on it. Buggy picked one up to look at it, almost dropping it when he saw a tiny little engraving of his jolly roger on it.
“What is this?!” Buggy demanded, wondering if Blue was copying his jolly roger for some reason.
“Well, after you two showed up and told us the happy news, I started working on wedding rings for you both.” He chuckled, suddenly looking nervous and uncomfortable. “My wife sketched out the designs and I've been working on them the last few days as a surprise, but I realize now that that's silly because you probably have something better for the two of you.”
No, no he didn't. Was Buggy supposed to? He figured the engagement ring would be enough but was having a separate ring for marriage a thing? He was also thrown off by the fact that these rings were made in such a short amount of time. It was thoughtful, touching, but Buggy didn't know what to make of it. He set the ring back down and looked up at the older man.
“We… have to have a ring for marriage?” That was the question on his mind. He didn't have rings yet, he only had the (stolen) engagement ring so hearing that there was also supposed to be a wedding ring on top of it was a little much.
To his relief, Blue just chuckled, clapping him on the shoulder. “Only if you want! You're a pirate, I'm sure you have your own traditions anyway. I just wanted to give you a gift for taking such good care of Sunny this last year. I figure you're someone special by the way her eyes light up when she talks about you.”
Buggy scowled as his cheeks burned. That wasn't the case, you took care of him. He didn't do anything worthwhile to earn the love you have for him. Why would you tell your father something different? He didn't say anything, looking back down at the rings. They were a simple band, practical for working on a ship, but he wanted something a little more to it.
“If you already have something, I understand! I know this is a bit sudden.” Blue assured him. “And if you don't like them, I'm okay with that too!”
Buggy hesitated. It was thoughtful but it was missing something.
“No, they're… fine.” He told him, jaw clenched as he looked down at the rings. “Can you just add one thing?”
“Yea! We can have the wedding while the whole family is here!” 
Buggy spat out his drink while you choked on yours. Your mother's sister, the second oldest, heard that you wanted just your parents and someone to officiate and well, she didn't like that idea. She wanted to see her niece get married, why couldn't everyone enjoy it? 
“We'll find an officiant, we have the space to have your fiancee's crew join us so long as they behave and we can make the reception the big family dinner we always have!” Your aunt Stormy continued. Buggy was against the idea, was ready to say so, but you took his hand and gave it a squeeze.
“We just want to keep it small.” You told her, glancing over at Buggy. “The reception can be a party, but… we just want a small wedding.”
“Nonsense. You have a huge family, Sunny, and we want to see you get married.” Stormy said, shaking her head. “We won't take no for an answer.”
“‘We’?” You repeated.
“The rest of us aunts and uncles want to see you get married. It's not fair if we don't.” Stormy chuckled. “You're the first of the kids to get married, it's only right that the rest of us get to see it.” She glanced over at Buggy. “I imagine it will be quite a spectacle going by how your fiancee… is.”
“I don't know what that's supposed to mean, Aunt Stormy, but the wedding will be small.” You told her, fixing your aunt with a look that told Buggy that the conversation was over. “Me, mom, dad, Buggy, and some of his crew. That's it.” You tightened your hold on Buggy's hand. “Please excuse us.”
You didn't wait and dragged Buggy away. He noticed you were tense after that, but you also jumped to his defense before your aunt could make any other jabs at him. Spectacle? What kind of spectacle was she expecting?
You dragged him into the house, relieved no one else was in there. Everyone was outside socializing. You took his glass and put it in the sink with yours, huffing in frustration. Buggy was both a little nervous but intrigued to see you frustrated, especially since it wasn't directed at him.
“Of course she would go against our wishes.” You muttered as you started washing the glasses. “Makes it all about herself. She just wants a reason to dress up and will end up making it about her. We are not having a big wedding. I don't want it.”
“Babe?” Buggy asked carefully. 
You looked up from what you were doing, frustration in your voice when you asked, “What?!”
“D’you want to… take a break and go to the ship?” He was hesitant to even suggest it, figuring you'd rather spend time with your family than with him, especially since you have spent so much time with him already. You stared at him in surprise and he started back pedaling immediately. “I mean, this is your family, and I know you want to spend time with them, so I shouldn't have even suggested that, babe. Forget it. We can stay. I don't need to go, y’know, I just wanted you to, uh, have…a break?”
“No, no, Buggy. That's a good idea.” You told him as you dried your hands. “We just have to sneak down to the water. Who knows what my aunt is saying about the wedding now.”
Oh, that was a good idea? He was pleased with himself, smirking at you as he leaned on the counter. “Yea? Maybe we come up with other good ideas while we have some alone time.”
You grinned and tossed the dish towel aside. “Oh, and what kind of good ideas do you want to come up with, Captain?”
“We’ll just have to see, won't we?” He looked quite proud of himself for being flirty without something happening to him for once. “I'm sure we'll come up with something, babe.”
Something was you and Buggy in bed, naked and tired, both of you not sure how long you were in there for, both too distracted by each other to really care about time anyway. You had initiated it after Buggy made some joke about getting naked and you didn't hesitate in stripping down in front of him, grinning at the blush on his face and how wide his eyes got up on seeing you naked for the first time.
Now he was a little hesitant. You had said you weren't disgusted by his body upon knowing of his Devil Fruit powers, how limbs and parts separated when he needed them to, but he suddenly felt a little self conscious, so you walked over to him and kissed him, pulling at his clothes to encourage him. He never did this before, you had said the same, but like everything with you, he wanted it to be perfect.
He knew what to do from stories he heard growing up from the Roger Pirates and you knew what you wanted from romance novels you used to read to pass the time at the shop. And while Buggy took charge, he listened when you gave him directions on where to touch, kiss, everything. Hearing how you moaned and whined, panting his name between little gasps spurned him to make sure you screamed his name in the end.
And he was impressed he managed to keep it together when he was finally inside you, holding back to keep from finishing too quickly. There would be other times, sure, but this was the first time for both of you, and you were letting him touch you, pleasure you, and he needed it to be perfect for you. He was so in love with you.
And after all that, he was in your arms, head on your chest as your fingertips stroked down his spine while he made himself comfortable. 
“We should probably make an appearance before they come looking for us.” You sighed, making no effort to move. “I just don't want to.”
“We can stay here. The crew won't let anyone onboard.” Buggy mumbled back, eyes closed as he sank into your arms.
“I would like that since the second my aunt sees me she'll want to talk about the wedding, which is the last thing I want to do with her.” You kissed the top of his head and closed your eyes. “It's kind of late, we can make an appearance tomorrow morning. I just want to spend time with you right now.”
“Yea?” He lifted his head up, eyes wide in surprise. “You’d rather spend more time with me?”
You opened your eyes and looked at him with a frown. “Of course I would. I love you, Buggy.” Touching his cheek, you gave him a kiss as he wrapped his arms around you. “I love spending time with you.”
“Your family-”
“Yea, I'll see them tomorrow. I want to spend time with you right now.” You assured him. “Get some rest, honey.”
He nodded, settling back down with his head tucked under your chin, closing his eyes as you pulled the covers up over the two of you. He was more than happy to be in bed with you for the rest of the day, just spending time with you, not having to be surrounded by everyone else and their questions about himself and the wedding. 
Maybe Buggy could convince you to stay on the ship for the rest of the reunion.
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pandoraslove · 2 years
little violinist
this one is pretty long, but I really like it. It was just something I’ve been thinking about all day. Hope you like it. 
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Warnings: Fluff
Word count: 1761
Being the youngest Shelby has its perks. Apart from being spoiled rotten and you were also very loved. Arthur, Tommy, and John were all in some way a father figure just as much as your older brothers. Arthur was more nurturing, Tommy was more fatherly in the way that he always gave you advice when it came to school or anything other than boys because the lord knows that he’d murder any boy you even showed signs of liking. John knew how to cheer you up in every situation. Ada and Polly were the best when it came to more feminine things like hair, make up, and style. Finn is your partner in crime and best friend, you two are close since you’re only a year apart. 
At the young age of 5, everyone noticed how much you loved music. You’d hum to a song you’d heard and match its pitch with whatever objects you could find. At the age of 6, you stumbled upon a violinist, he was old, well into his 50′s, and playing for money, but the sound he emitted from his instrument was so enticing, you stood and watched him play. You didn’t know how much time had passed as you watched him play, but it was long enough for your family to notice you were no longer with them. They’d found you sitting on the concrete floor, legs criss cross, watching the man play his melodies. 
Thomas got you your first violin a few weeks later, right before all of them left to fight in the war. In those four years, you dedicated almost all your free time to playing the violin. It was your escape, you practiced until your finger were numb and only until you perfected every note would you think about stopping, most of the time you’d still continue. Your music was rarely heard, though, Not by Ada or Polly and not even by Finn. Your music was yours and yours alone. You’d leave in the morning with your violin, carry it around school and practice somewhere secluded after school. Or you’d leave after breakfast on the weekends while Polly was busy with the business. 
When the boys returned from the war, you weren’t able to spend as much time playing and practicing as you’d like. They became more protective than the last time you’d seen them. The first year they were back, after turning 11, you played in front of them for the first time. It was a simple song called ‘Andantino’. It was one of the first songs you tried to learn and succeeded. It was slow and beautiful. It was the first time any of them had heard you play and to say the least they were stunned. You were 11 and playing beautifully. 
That was the only time you’d played for them for a long time. It always made you nervous when others heard you play. you were a little afraid of their judgment. No one ever pushed you to play. When you were 14, you stopped playing for a few months. School was becoming more stressful and it felt like you barely had any time to play. When school ended for the year, you picked your violin back up and worked hard to regain you skill level. You’d go to your Uncle Charlie’s place and go as far out onto the field as you could so no one would hear you play. And if they did it would sound incredibly distant and faint. you tried to maintain the habit even when school started again. 
You ended up graduating high school early, at 16, and began to focus on your violin. It wasn’t strange for your family to not see you for the entire day as you’d spend it out practicing and playing. 
One day, you decided to go back to the market in which the old man with the violin was at. You had little hope you’d find him there but you did. Still playing the violin. You watched and listened to his music. It was just as beautiful as you remembered. He saw you from afar and beaconed you over when he finished his piece. 
“You seem awfully familiar...” He says trying to remember, “The little girl who watched me play for nearly an hour a decade ago?” You smile slightly. 
“Did you ever learn to play?” He asks. 
“I did.” He hands his violin to you and gestures for you to play. You took a moment to breathe and decided which song you would be playing. You let your fingers lead you, the memory of each note to lead you. You let everything go and let the music guide you, ‘Gymnopédie No. 1′ was the piece you had decided on playing in that moment. You shut your eyes and played the song by memory, every note was smooth and beautifully played. The music transported you somewhere safe, somewhere warm and comfortable. Once you finished the piece you opened your eyes and found a bigger crowd then the one before watching the man. He was in front of you with an astonished face. 
“That was absolutely beautiful, and all of it by memory... my God, you were born to be a violinists.” He says as you hand him back his violin. 
“I wouldn’t be here, playing the violin, if it weren’t for me hearing your music 10 years ago, I have you to thank.” You say walking away, but not before leaving a pouch with money inside the hat he was using to collect his earnings. 
When you arrived back home you found Thomas, Arthur, John, Ada, Polly, and Finn all in the living room. You were a little happier when you arrived from when you left. 
“I heard you gave quite a show today, Y/n.” Thomas says. You look at him a little shocked he’d found out but held a smile on your face nonetheless. 
“What? Where?” Ada questions. 
“At the market, the old man who was playing the violin 10 years ago still plays there.” You inform them. 
“And he let you play? How did he know you played the violin?” John asks. 
“Yes. And he recognized me. It felt amazing playing for a crowd. I used to be so afraid of playing in front of people, even you guys but after today, It felt so... magical in a way.” you say. 
“maybe you should do it more often then,” Polly says, everyone agrees. 
“Maybe, I should...” You say.
“Why don’t you play at the Garrison?” Arthur says. 
“That’s a great idea, you can play tomorrow night.” Thomas says. 
“The Garrison is a pub, Who the hell goes to a pub to listen to a violinist?” You retort. 
“Tomorrow can be a special event, it’s a great idea come on, Y/n.” Arthur tries to convince you. 
“It’s an awesome opportunity, y/n. You play really fucking well, everyone would love to hear you.” Finn says. 
“And we’ll all be there, so you’ll have more confidence and all our support. you’ll do great.” Ada persuades. 
“So, What do you say, Y/n?” Polly says after a while of you contemplating. 
“...Fine. I’ll do it, if you all promise to be there.” You say at last. 
“Deal.” Thomas says. 
That night you decided on which songs you would play. Some were slow and some were fast, but all were just as beautiful. You decided on playing the song you played earlier that day at the market first, then ‘Andantino’, ‘Concerto for Violin in A minor’, Accolay: Violin Concerto No.1 in A minor, a part of Brahms: Violin Concerto in D minor op. 77, Scottish Fantasy Op. 46 and then finish off with ‘Salut d’amour’. You would only play for an hour, that's the amount of time you all agreed on. 
The next day when you woke up you decide you wanted to get some practice in, so you went to your uncle Charlie’s yard and practiced until each piece was perfected. You’d played each song probably a hundred times since you’d started playing the violin. 
You went home and got ready with Ada and Polly later on. You decided on wearing a simple short sleeve light blue dress that was slightly shorter in the front than in the back. You wore white flat shoes rather than heels. Once you’d fixed your hair and applies a bit of make up, You, Ada, and Polly all walked to the Garrison together, your violin in hand. You were a bit nervous but pushed it all aside. The Garrison wasn’t as rowdy and loud as it usually is. It was more tame. You spotted Thomas, Arthur, John, and Finn seated in a booth. Arthur gesture with his hand for you to go stand on a small platform, While Polly and Ada went to sit with them. You pulled your violin and bow out of the case and stood at the front on the platform Arthur gestured to. Everyone watched as you took a deep breathe, looking towards your family who gave you smiles, encouraging you to start. It didn’t take you long after you started to travel to the place you adored. the place where there was nothing but you and your music. Your cheek rested on the violin, your eyes remained shut and your fingers played the right notes every time. Your eyes were shut but you could see a beautiful field with hundreds if not thousands of flowers, that’s where you were always transported when you played. there was a river not far from where you stood, the sky was a beautiful grey, and the breeze blew on your face. 
You only finally opened your eyes when you finished your final piece, it was quiet for a few seconds and it felt as if time had stopped. you received a standing ovation, even from Thomas, Polly, Ada, Finn, Arthur, and John. You smiled and gave everyone a small bow, then walked to the table your family was seated at. 
“Would you look at that, Our little sister, might as well become a professional, That was amazing.” John says. 
“Thank you, John,” 
“That was absolutely beautiful.” Polly says. 
“Thanks Aunt Pol,” 
By the end of the night, you’d received more compliments than you could handle, it all felt surreal. Maybe you could do this on a real stage in front of thousands one day. Others deserve to feel what you felt when you played, that feeling of everything being healed just by a simple melody. 
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madalice31 · 1 month
It’s annoying that I keep seeing articles talking about Aaron Taylor Johnson and his wife and how they’re so flabbergasted by everyone’s “fascination” with their age gap.
Like literally she was 42 and he was 18 when they met and started dating. Hell he might have been 17 going on 18 but i can’t remember. On one of his first movie projects I might add, like this was before Kickass. And she directed him in that first movie. In fact, by the time kick ass two rolled around I think they were already married. She married him before he even turned 21.
You can’t tell me he was not groomed. That’s just point blank. There has been a power dynamic imbalance since they got together. I mean seriously, he was a year older than her oldest kid.
The white media won’t drag her like the black media dragged Draya tho. They’ll just smile and nod and say it’s okay now that he’s in his 30s.
But let’s not sit here and act like this shit is normal. Notice how she’s had a grip on his career ever since? She’s literally a director and producer in the industry. She has weight. This man barely does anything with a romantic interest and I guarantee he would be in a lot more movies if he wasn’t married to her. And most likely he would have much larger parts in the films too. Like aside from bullet train, he’s had such a minute part in every other movie. My bf and I would get excited to see his name attached to a film, only to watch it and realize he has such a small role. It’s like they use his name for clout. Like I’m still trying to remember when he pops up in Tenant. And his name is never top billed when it should be.
I think Kraven will be the first movie he leads since the A Million Little Pieces movie, and he was directed by his wife in that as well! She overly involves herself in his career. She claims they “take turns” on projects so they’re not apart from each other for too long. But it seems his career suffers the most from that arrangement because again, it’s not like he’s off for months and months on a project. He’s not the lead! So he’s there for maybe a few weeks and he’s back home. Hell in a recent interview she was complaining about being away from him for 6 weeks (the longest they’ve been apart) and how they were “never doing that again.” This man is doing press tours for a project she has nothing to do with and and she’s coming with him to every interview. Like why? Ain’t you supposed to be home with the kids bitch? While he’s doing his own thing for a few weeks? Oh yes, that’s right, she needs to control everything he does. God forbid he’s away from her for long enough to realize maybe he’s not actually happy with her.
He likes to defend her by saying he pursued her but it’s like dude, you think so? You know what that sounds like? The 12 year old student who was raped by his teacher and defended her by saying he pursued and wanted a relationship with her. He grew up, married her, and got her pregnant all while she was in prison for being with him. Guess where they are now? Divorced. So just because Aaron thinks the relationship was his idea doesn’t make it right. She had the responsibility to say no, you’re entirely too young for me. Instead she decided to just “go with the flow” and let “a good thing happen” to her after two kids and a divorce 🙄.
Please. 8 or 10 years apart, I’ll give you that. But 20 to 30 years apart AND you met the person when they were still a teenager? I’m not tryna hear that age is just a number bullshit.
Smh. He’s so far gone tho, I doubt he’ll divorce her. He might pull a Hugh Jackman years from now, but at least Hugh was in his 20s when he got with his much older wife. I don’t think she was able to brainwash him the way Aaron’s wife has done. Plus Hugh and his ex never had kids. I’m sure kids being involved makes it harder for Aaron if he’s even thinking about or thought about leaving. So I guess we’ll just see how the cookie crumbles.
I like him as an actor, but I’ve always found their relationship disturbing. So I wish they would just shut up about it and be low key. Cause one thing they seem to steer clear of talking about is the actual beginning of their relationship and the fact that he was a vulnerable, 18 year old first time actor when they met, literally just as career was starting. And he’s never mentioned about how his family feels about him being with her. Never even made a passing comment saying that they love her or anything like that. Just saying, the signs are there.
The quiet on the set documentary clearly shows how young actors are not protected. In this case he was legal, so she got away with it. Smh. I wish him the best.
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soulntes · 1 year
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the song cords of the great mother's children is added an important milestone that represents the life of that child. the song cords are sang from it's beginning until the end of their journey of life.
the birth and death.
ingyen made it a habit of singing his lullaby every night before he sleeps to remind him the importance of his existence so he'd dream of healing and the growth of his influence.
with the reputation that demon left on the child, she made it her destiny to changing it as her son who'll become a mighty warrior. she kept talking highly of him on his learning abilities and skills when her mother asked how her grandchild has become quite an excellent teacher for the humans at such a young age. seykxel talks highly about his knowledge on plants, animals and facts about eywa's life that his mother taught him were important which the scientists took serious when they listened to his rambles.
he was young to enjoy the life pandora offered in his tiny hands that is too much, for him to receive back by the people. constant stares and conversations all in front of the child about what his father had done when he just wanted to be seen as one of them who was born here. born to be omatikaya. ingyen's protectiveness can protect much as she was one of the chief's daughters but such a single glare can last for a moment to shield her child.
ingyen loves seykxel.
her love continues to grow, it may become her downfall.
the time apart from her son, can be her greatest strength in gaining him back and go home where they belong. her mother must be praying countless of times for their return and faith to come back safely but to discover their true path and decide what they believe is right by eywa. ingyen hopes she can do her right by will and guide her son.
next thing you know, as she sung his song cord of his first birth the exhaustion consumed her and her eyes closed to dream of seykxel in front of her with his adorable smile.
spider always felt isolated and alone back at home. never interacted much with the other na'vi children his age other than the sully kids as the adults weren't fond of a human child near them. now he was more than ever spending the night in a whole different environment with no escape and in the same place as the avatar with the memories stored inside of the deceased man. the recom secured him a room to himself where he can be alone and not be disturb by any scientist or tests they were putting him through.
there he is. alone. quiet. without his mother.
he tried closing his eyes so the next day comes fast as he thought of a plan to flee, the sooner he is given freedom with the avatars but like always he thought of his mom. his mother's a strong, independent na'vi woman and he knows deep in his heart she's starting searching him even to the ends of time.
the reason he can't sleep or calm his nerves because she wasn't there to sing his song cord or another lullaby. the way she looks and how he misses the way they always joke around before a good night rest so he wants to try humming of what his mom sang. the song of his song cord.
spider starts to hum quietly the first line even with the heart ache hurting in his chest to hear glimpse of her soft voice.
"i bring you to the family. i experience the light. a miracle arrives, a birth that comes from me."
just outside spider's room, miles was about to knock on his door to inform him about their time to head out of base, he heard the kid barely singing a familiar tune with hesitation as if he wants to remember how it went. so he stood there quietly, not even he felt himself holding his breathe for a moment.
"great joy that is in the heart. great joy that is in the heart of the people. you brought me love and me back. a blessing that outshines anything."
miles may not know the meaning of the lyrics but they are for sure something important and sacred for the kid when he hears him sniffling a little.
"we thank you for the nights of life. we thank you. for the days of life. for i am yours and you are mine. o eywa, o eywa." spider chokes back his crying avoiding his eyes to become puffy in the morning. no matter how strong other see him and the capability he has to survive on his own, he will always want his mother.
his mother's cooking. her scowls at him. to hear her voice once again and hug her tightly, never letting go. the only one who gave him life and importance. as he repeated the song again, miles knocks slightly which startled him.
the avatar didn't hear a response just plain silence, "hey kid. we're heading out tomorrow early morning sharp. don't be up so late and be ready by the time i come by for you."
still no response.
he leaves it at that making his way to his room for preparations tomorrow and the guilt begins to eat away his soul.
yes, it was the sake for his mission to take the boy to base for information on jake sully but now that he fixed everything so he'd be away from any gadgets and being poked at..
the silence creeps its way into his thoughts, laying in his bed with the boy missing his mother the most. the na'vi woman with the scar under her left eye. their skin were the same there wasn't much if a difference but he remembers her four fingers, her tough but lean figure, her hair sometimes braided or loose, her body adorned in such wonderful detail of beads, strings, and plants decorating her skin.
the smile she showed him. only him.
with the image trying to be grasped in his thoughts, he too fell into a deep sleep that night.
not short after spider sang more of the lullabies from his childhood, he slept with a tear stained face and the eclipse light shining down on all three of them.
it was the forest in the same location.
ingyen woke up in the hut with a small breeze making it's way through the crack of the entrance and the sun shinning. she rose herself off the ground careful that she doesn't hurt herself and her... round belly.
a round belly?
this is the same thing in the dream she dreamt of the other night with the mysterious na'vi man. as steady as she went, her back ached at getting up to do her usual routine of the day when her son came.
spider saw his mom making an effort to stand on her own, as the responsible eldest son, he grabs her by her arm and gently lifts her, using his entire body to help. ingyen grins at his kind heart, "seykxel, i appreciate you helping but i am capable of doing stuff on my own. see. now let me start on planning dinner for all of us."
her son brushes off whatever she had said and retorts, "you know sa'nok, you've taken care of me my whole life and helped me adjust the omatikaya way. in return i've prepared myself for this kind of help you need. now i am taking care of your well being and my sibling."
ingyen's heart swells with happiness and pride at her son's consideration, always thinking about others like hers when she bears a child. spider goes to hug her with his ear placed right at her stomach, to feel his baby brother or sister. he senses the slightest movements they're making,"i feel they're going to be a girl." his mom quirks her head humming in amusement at his assumption, "how so? we don't know if you'll have a baby brother, my dear seykxel." she teases tickling his neck and he chuckles at the funny sensation. it's his weak spot.
spider shrugs, "just a hunch. if it is a baby sister then my instincts are getting stronger mom."
ingyen rolls her eyes playfully and sits on a rock near their hut as spider hands his mother the unfinished blanket in her hands. it was starting to look like a proper blanket, might as well she finishes the final touches since her boy won't budge from his pleas to do some light work.
with watching her surroundings it doesn't seem threatening or a mirage of a reality to fool her into thinking the possibility of losing something. the hut in the forest that gets a gorgeous view of the sky when it gets dark you can count every star to connect a picture and tell stories.
obviously the tools and weapons they have were in perfect shape to be refiled or inspected for a better reshape but it seems their things were also a mix of the customs of sky people.
she is familiar with chairs because there were three of them stacked near their hut. a fire arm with strong threads and beaded patterns on it of both na'vi and humans. just like jake does. there was also sky people clothes tucked deep into a basket so she goes to grab it. spider's attention is on organizing the hut where his mother laid to have it prepared again in case she grew tired again, for him to notice her movement.
she grabs what was a green shirt with a few tiny hole in it in the size for a fully grown man. it might fit seykxel but he'd never lay sight on these types of clothes. then she sees a pair of pants with half of it torn off like cut as if they tried making it comfortable. this is odd. she thought in who would be wearing it.
ingyen didn't think to know what to tell her son and she said, "where is your sempul, seykxel?"
her son shouts loud enough, "he is out hunting since early morning, sa'nok! he let me know when i was barely waking." the mother more confused than ever of becoming a mate with someone who is the father of her children now.
who is he?
living in the forest is truly a nightmare for miles even if it was a dream he could barely forget about. the insects bothering him when he is trying to focus in providing. the loin clothe he wears is something new and wants it to desperately cooperates with his movements because at this point he's turning back and will grab his pants back.
but he promised.
promised? promised what?
the bow and arrows he has at the ready, he scourges and blends in within eywa's nature to find another animal. he knows it isn't easy with the patience he barely has and every little noise clicking away that causes every twitch his ears makes.
it becomes more of a challenge than a routine for him since he has the memories of a deceased man, uncooperative and not open to learning about eywa's life, it's difficult to learn new things with the old ways of that man.
at this point he did enough on his part to finally head back home where he'll present their meat and fruits for the day. he brushes his slight curly hair that almost reach the end of his earlobes and take his leave, maybe he'll run into more resource to bring back.
as he thought earlier, he spots a hexapede eating. he killed it and thank for it's life given to them like he practiced multiple times from being smacked and flicked on his head for not getting it right. for the lack of learning and respect he had as she angrily taught him.
she was vicious thinking she intentionally wanted to make learning difficult for him so he'd get it through his thick skull so she could get every opportunity to hit him as discipline. her scrunched up nose when she's upset matching her unpleased glare staring deep into his got him amused plenty of times on purpose. just to see her ears flatten back and tail flick at his actions.
miles continues his path that he arrives seeing the mother of spider, going over his old torn up clothes touching the fabric. her face was still a blur to him so he left it at that and places the stuff he gathered on the ground. she felt his presence and her face instantly lights up with joy as she makes her way to him, kind of a waddle from her bump.
this amuses miles with pride and confidence when she is glowing and showing her stomach. she goes to embrace her mate with his arms around her, gently squeezing her and pecks her braided hair. he hums at her affection and says, "did you miss me, beautiful mama?"
she responded with an exaggerated tone, "no, i just happen to like giving hugs to kind strangers bringing me food for me and my children."
miles chuckles and squeezes her shoulders then turned her around, her back touching his bare chest, "is that so? then i hope there weren't men looking for a chance at steal my woman away when she's all prepared to birth our baby that we made?" he dips his head in her neck to give tiny bites on her unmarked blue skin, "because i haven't marked you enough to show who's mine."
she squeals using her hands to shove him from the affection displayed out in the open and when her son is in the hut, a few feet away and seconds to open to see his parents in their moment.
but it was too late. seykxel already seen it all before and hoped to never see them until now.
spider makes a frown expression and gags, "bro, really? i thought you promised to save that for dates nights and when i'm not around. great! now it's imprinted in my brain!" he throws his hands up in a joking matter and grabs the legs of the animal near the hut to start peeling the skin.
ingyen slaps her mate's arm to stop and he pecks her lips quickly for a chance before the kid sees. miles enjoys teasing the boy with his mom and her when she gasps, "can't help myself kid when your mother is irresistible and gorgeous. plus i like the look on your face. it's hilarious."
spider gags again starting to feel like he should go find beads, rocks, or anything at this point to chuck it at his father. ingyen's face keeps getting a darker shade from the compliments from that man's mouth.
with the jokes, teasing and intimate moments made everything seem right for each of them.
even if they didn't know the true meaning behind these dreams they keep getting and when they'll stop because.. it's all they know. know it's from the great mother's will.
once upon a dream.. these three interact many ways as a family would. a family who love and protect each other without knowing how they are so interactive and affectionate on a daily in their dream state.
the mother showing her pregnancy in the forest where her mind wanders into a neverending peace and relaxation. admiring the home built for them from scratch and decorations inside were detailed with patience and time. the thought of bearing a child and her son showing excitement over a new member in the family, swearing he'll be the best older brother they'll ever have.
the father not knowing he ever learned to hunt and search resources to provide for his family, he never met, motivates him to adjust like a true na'vi. going as far as appearing the same as them. it was a nice change of look from what he could imagine when he felt his hair. the way the na'vi woman appeared more gorgeous and breathtaking as the days go on and her dashing smile showing her happiness that he is making it happen for her.
the son. their son completely dedicated and does his very best in helping his mother the most through her time. proving he can be a good older brother once they're born to show them what he learned from their mother. play with them and telling them stories and teaching them tricks to play on their father in the future. become a protector and fighter whenever his sibling will need it and comfort them in their need of cries and helplessness. make each other jewelery for their parents as gifts and hunt together. their adventures are awaiting to be searched and filled with laughter and joy.
a family.
a family where love will bloom if it's followed and they're guided by their choices they believe is right.
then here dreams become a reality one day.
until another once upon a dream...
- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
morning approaches the forest where ingyen wakes suddenly that her hand goes over her stomach but there was no bump. she steadies her breathe looking around her to see if there weren't any enemies or predators around.
once it was clear for her, she packed her stuff inside her bag and checked her bow and arrows so she could head off for the search of her son.
on her way, she's been thinking about what could truly be waiting for her and seykxel of that very man in her dreams. from it's calm and bonding she noticed between them three can mean someone accepting her son for who he is and sees him how she does and treats him as such by the teasing he's done to him.
the intimacy with three shows their connection with each other and through these moments helps her ease her mind that seykxel might gain what he's been hoping for since he was a child. a father who sees him.
a man who sees her child.
there's no such miracle like that as long seykxel is her son and they go back home with her mother where it's safe.
a loud knock suddenly awoke spider to stand on fours for guard but he remembers that he isn't home. he relaxes himself as he rubs his eyes to get used to the bright light, another loud knocks sounded through the room that annoyed him so he covered his ears to prevent it.
miles grew tired by the second of knocking continuously and the throbbing pain again in his head because he told him they were leaving on the dot and they were wasting precious time. "kid, i told you to be up early! hurry your little stripped butt or i'll leave you here to be dealt with by those science pukes!" he shouts through the metal door and spider hisses back at him.
"don't hiss at me, i can hear you clearly through this door, monkey boy! i wouldn't be knocking like a maniac if you listened to what i said!" at this point miles is acting like a damn babysitter than a colonel on how he responds to spider and his actions.
just to be petty, spider destroys anything the room every step he took to the door seeing a fumed, full gear avatar staring down at him with his hands placed on his hips. the boy shoves him to the side and miles does it back to show him authority leading him where they should've been at earlier.
they're really acting like children.
the recom team were prepared and waited for their colonel's orders to head out on the helicopter, ready to take them where they needed to be at.
miles hands spider a oxygen mask and exo-pack for him to attach where he wanted. as soon the doors opened he ordered them to aboard the airship and he holds the kid by his shoulder, ducking to his ear level telling him what he should be doing.
spider quickly got on the airship and saw the armed gun in front of him and thought how cool it looked. he grabs the handles playing with the movements it has when miles sees him handling the gun, "whoa, hold on there hot shot! listen up, there is a tracker built into that mask. we hit ground and you take off, i'll have you back in two minutes and i will give you an old school ass whipping. understood?" he orders spider who kept looking anywhere but him and miles repeated the question.
"yes sir." he mockingly tells him with a roll of his eyes and decides it's best to stay put to avoid being heavily watched, "just wait when my mom finds me, you're all dead meat and she'll send you to eywa."
zdog side eyes him on his comment she didn't understand but bumps her elbow slightly to give him a warning.
ingyen's been searching through the forest meanwhile leaving small traps to alert anything that relates to a person's screams and she'll act immediately.
she maintains focus on every trail and scent that's out of ordinary than her regular forest, seeing tracks of combat boots and varies of small parts from bullets they were shooting at. the shack is where they were holding the children hostage and had an altercation between both parties.
her sister's arrows pierced into the dead demons bodies, laid there for the ground of the great mother to embrace. before she parts, she prays for their souls be judged by eywa herself and lead them the path of their passing and choose to embrace when she decides.
they were similar to jake sully as avatars but they had some strange aura around their bodies that seem too real to be a dream walker. to talk and walk through the eye of eywa but act on behalf of the sky demon's which ended their rebirth.
the work of the demon's technology has altered to the point where they mess with the great mother herself to get what they want and obtain something that doesn't belong to them.
some things the humans invent is becoming worrisome for the people that even toruk makto himself sought for uturu somewhere else to keep everyone safe and left the omatikaya from becoming a target for the rda.
ingyen swears to send a message to the rda like they sent their demon soldiers to kidnap and use children for their use of dominance. just like them, she'll be a nightmare to gain what is hers and show them no mercy.
a mother's loves is a mother's rage.
her ears twitch at the odd but similar sound of the blades of the airship getting closer and closer to where she is a few feet from. and began the head ached again.
following the sound, she has her arrow ready to shoot and rushes through the trees ignoring the pain. once it gets louder she climbs a tree to continue by branch to be hidden from sight.
if this is one of the soldiers who've taken her son, she'll have them plead and be the last thing they see.
the airships release their ropes close to the ground for the recoms to slide down and take position on guard until everyone is off. ingyen carefully inspects every movement and action they take to know what she's up against and use it on themselves. there were seven of them when the last one came down with.. seykxel.
she gasps and her heart is pumping with anxiety to come out and grab him as she was desperate to have him in her reach again but she stood her ground and follows her plan. she can't help but tear up at his bruised body and untamed hair. her poor child must've went through something that these demons put him through.
her eyes darken with pupils dilated and nose flaring in anger, she controlled herself before she gets them in a worse situation. once the airship leaves, they were left alone in the forest to fend for themselves.
their colonel gathered everyone for a quick talk.
"listen up. jake sully has gone underground. don't matter wherever he is, we'll find him and his bat shit crazy wife too." he comment on neytiri which bothers ingyen's at his disrespectful mouth not knowing he'd be terrified of her.
ingyen let out a calling that she trained her son to hear when he was young. at a safe distance she sounded off again that caught spider's attention but didn't make it obvious so he makes a wave movement of his hand behind his back. she saw it knowing he is aware of her presence.
miles sense the shift of spider's body language when he is behind him on a huge log but continue with the conversation, "to do so, we go na'vi. full all the way that means we eat na'vi. we ride na'vi. we think na'vi. and that starts with speaking the language."
when miles switch to the na'vi language it made spider chuckle at the pronunciation and lack of effort to be able speak in a fully sentence. that earned him a glare from miles and the rest of the recoms as if he grew two heads.
now this is amusing to the boy to show off his skills, "you call that speaking the language? you sound worse than a three year old." with that was a long silence and he smiled in triumph that they were outsmarted by a teenager.
his mother sent out another call that she's getting closer. the man's ear twitch at the sound which is a lot like how jake sully's wife did last night.
he faced the boy knowing he is making some kind of communication with someone among the forest, "alright smart guy. you just went from being our monkey mascot to official interpreter that means you teach us what it means to be na'vi. since you grew up here, show us the way of the people as they say."
spider's arches his eyebrow scoffing at his order, "you? all of you want to learn to be na'vi? i am sure you won't be able to survive on your own without those gadgets you have because us true na'vi use only our weapons and knowledge. it'll be hell for you."
ingyen prepared her aim towards the man next to her son right at the head as seykxel distracted them to give her time.
miles sighs, "you know i'm this close to beating your ass. didn't you hear me kid, we want to learn and you are our ticket for that. we look na'vi, all we need from you is to teach us how you lived among them. i mean you were raised by one. right?"
the boy answers back when he mentioned it, "so what? here am i. alive and better than ever before you and the rest of the demons came back to haunt everyone again. you will never learn and open yourself to be na'vi."
just as ingyen was ready to let go of her arrow and end the demon's life, a atokirina elegantly makes its way on her arrow as a sign to not do it. she immediately withdraws her weapon and watches it float down where the group were.
with the argument the colonel and kid were having, spider noticed the seed landing on his hand pointing towards the recom as everyone watched it float. then it made its way in front of the man landing on his shoulder. more came out of nowhere making the recoms see it as a threat to their leader and draw their weapons to shot them down.
the kid shouted in desperation over the pure spirits being interpreted wrong, "no! don't shoot! these are harmless!"
all of them landed on every inch of his upper body that miles felt weird in this kind of situation at these critters doing nothing but using him as a tree. seeing them himself were magnificent because in his memories, human quaritch refused learning the wild life and entities living on the planet that his ignorance lacked empathy.
"these are atokirina. woodsprites. seeds from the tree of souls and very pure spirits that give signs and considered bearers of omens to the na'vi. they chosen him.. for a reason." just as spider finished his explanation, the woodsprites floated off of him and into the forest to do another will.
everyone of them there were speechless and confused about the interaction. ingyen couldn't believe what she just witnessed. is this what the great mother had planned for her and her son?
she changes plans to spare the demon and acted fast on her next move.
miles is about to ask why those weird things did what they did when someone landed behind him, catching him off guard to hit him in his face, and climb behind his back. holding him by the base of his braid, tugging to draw out a grunt of pain and a knife rest on his neck.
"ma sa'nok! ftang lehrrap, eywa pe'un fìpo tutan!" her son jumps in defense of miles. mom! stop it's dangerous. eywa has chosen this man.
ingyen hisses at the demons pointing their guns at her holding their colonel hostage. miles felt like a fool for letting himself get distracted and tries to assert his strength onto her but her grip was too strong and her legs wrapped around his waist tightens.
this could be jake sully's friend by the size and spider addressing her as mother.
it was fight between everyone that a furious na'vi woman caught them off guard getting him in a sticky situation.
miles tries to speak from the blade touching his blue skin, "let's not be rash about this-"
ingyen hisses interrupting him pushing the knife closer and spoke next to his ear filled with hate, "tìfnu vrrtep! aynga 'aku ta letsranten oe kop fitseng fwew tsatu!" silence demon! you all taken someone important to me and i'm here for him.
he felt a chill run down his spine terrified of saying the wrong thing so he looks at the kid for help in translating, "spider. this woman understands what we are saying. tell me, what does she want? if not, something will happen here?"
one of the recoms, lyle, quickly grabs the kid in a head lock and directs his aim at him. this caused both, mother's and former father's, ears to perk of the danger spider is in and ingyen let's out a cry thinking she should've shoved her son behind her away from those filthy demons.
"lonu ma'itan! fu oe tspang nga!"" release my son! she shouted on top of her lungs shaking miles wanting for her child to be safe.
"my mother says you've taken someone important to her, she's here for me. i'm her son." he struggles to say so miles comes to a conclusion for all of them, "alright mama, we are not going to hurt your kid. if you just let me go and i'll guarantee he won't be harmed by anyone. let's settle a deal."
she searches a spect of movement from the demon holding her child to hurting him and continues to press her blade on his neck. "demon. i want my son back! you taken him from me thinking you were going to kill him. you are lucky he only has bruises or i would slice your neck!" the na'vi woman states holding her ground. "just give me my son."
"you can have him back but you're gonna have to ride with us, sweetheart because the kid has a tracker on that mask which will lead us where jake sully is. either you stay with us and let me go or you ain't getting spider back." miles coughs out holding her arm to breathe.
ingyen calms down detecting any lies on his face, "you lie and you're dead, demon." with that she releases miles and lyle backs off the kid who ran towards his mother.
the na'vi mother cries out with her arms open wide for him to crash into her body. she hugs her seykxel tight, afraid that he'll slip through her fingers and disappear, she kisses his head thanking mother eywa in protecting her son.
spider finally knows it's really her in the flesh. her warm body and motherly nature filling his needs, it didn't matter if they haven't seen each other a whole day, it'll feel like years being apart.
the recoms check on the colonel regaining his oxygen back and brushes off his soldiers that he was alright, they watch the reunion between mother and son.
miles can see the woman now. her head laying on top of spider's head, he searches for the scar under her left eye to prove what he saw in the lab wasn't just his imagination of his dreams.. and there it was.
how is it the possibility that the woman of his dreams is the mother of his son? the possibility meeting in this kind of situation?
son? you've forgotten your mission or you've gone soft?
he shakes his head and coughs to get their attention. ingyen holds her son close thinking they'll take him away but miles holds his hands up showing her no harm, "relax mama. nobody ain't laying a single touch on your kid. i'm just going to make myself clear. you and monkey boy are going to teach us to be na'vi because that's the only way you are safe from the rda and us. anything that makes me think you're running, we'll catch up and prepare yourselves for the worst. we got a deal, sweetheart?" he brings out his hand to shake on it with her.
ingyen eyes his hands but stubbornly decides to agree with him. the name made her heart flutter a little which she beats herself up in her thoughts on why she felt putty about it.
miles gets close to them slowly, "what's your name?" she ignores him with a huff turning her back. that earned her a low chuckle, entertained at her grouchy behavior, "well if you're not planning on telling me, might as well call you sweetheart. sweet cheeks? princess?"
she tried. she really tried her best to not give him what he wanted and her tail gave it away with a flick at each name so she hisses, bearing her teeth, "don't call me that!"
"that's what i'm calling you from now on since you are a difficult one to answer a simple question. come one sweetheart. we're eating and setting up camp for a new day tomorrow of teaching us to be na'vi." miles goes to jokingly play with her of petting her hair and she didn't take it lightly as she tries to bite his hand.
he grins at her action waiting for her and spider to follow him. spider didn't want to let go so ingyen carries him in her arms and walks in front the demon and behind his group.
after everyone settled down where camp is going to be made, the recoms took out their food supply that was filled with human resources that filled ingyen's nose in disgust.
miles tried handing some to spider but the mother slaps it out of his hand, he stood there unfazed she didn't want her kid eating what is strange to her, "what is it now, princess? your kid gotta eat something." she shakes her head going for her bow and arrows and says, "that isn't good for him, seykxel needs what we call food helps him grow strong and healthy. i hunt food for him."
the colonel immediately grabs hold of her hand as she flinches at his sudden grip that sends some sort of energy through her body. it's happening to him as well.
miles rubs his temples with his free hand, "i'm sorry sweet thing but one of us has to go with you and the kid stays with the rest of the group."
ingyen scoffs with the roll of her eyes and points shouting at him, "fine! you come with me" the recoms started to whistle and celebrate at the na'vi woman choosing the very man she tried to kill. they think he fancies her now with the charms he has.
the colonel shrugs agreeing with the na'vi lady before she gets more upset at limiting their freedom. he follows but seen how she moves diligently through the plants and trees that is difficult for him with the boots he has.
there was the awkward silence so he decided to start a conversation, "so princess, what do you hunt that's good for the kid? isn't most meat and other stuff toxic for him to digest?" each step he takes gets him to loose his balance and she has to grab him steady.
ingyen feels she's taking care of a child more than her son who needs the food, "i hunt, you quiet. need to concentrate better. you are better in silence than a yapping baby or you scare away prey." as she insults him the rest in her mumbling and for miles, he grins at her small antics.
he nods at her statement with a wider smile and winks at her, "okay sweet heart. i watch and you hunt. I'll ask questions later." she huffs at his behavior so she ignores him and starts to navigate her surroundings checking for an animal nearby.
miles watches her in her area of the forest how she acts and is steady with her movements. she'll be a heck of a teacher for them to even get the slightest thing right.
he watches her come to a stop and aims her weapon somewhere in her line of sight for a second and shoots. a thump heard a few feet away, she takes action with the very dagger that was on his neck a few moments ago, she kneeled next to it saying something he barely catch and ended the life of an animal in a fast death. he was surprised at her quick movements, "you're amazing princess, a natural."
ingyen chose he should know her name so he'd quit with the names, "ingyen."
"my name is ingyen." she repeats
"oh that's a pretty name." he compliments and she turns her head when she started to feel embarrassed not used to being called that by a demon.
as she went to carry the animal and head back, miles offered in doing so, "hold it princess, i'll do the honors." and so he carried it over his shoulder not catching the glare she sent his way after telling him her name yet decides to call her another stupid name.
"i am ingyen. i told you my name." she rebutted
to make matters worse, miles poked his teasing further again, "i know.. i just love calling you other names, sweet mama." with that he booked it back to camp when he caught her look as the mother chased after the demon to hit him on the head with her bow.
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@skinmittensgoblin @eternallyvenus @winxschester @perseny @cleverzonkwombatsludge @reallysparklychaos @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @liyahsocorro @violet-19999 @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @ratchetprime211 @analuw
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btsgotjams27 · 1 year
this is us ~ jjk | 9
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jungkook feels guilty about what he did.
✨ title: this is us | (sequel to all grown up) ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader | ✨ rating: m/18+ | minors dni ✨ genre/au: drama, romance, angst, fluff, smut | est!relationship, age gap, bff's younger brother ✨ playlist ✨ a/n: if you haven’t read the prequel to this, please do so here! :) you can read them here on AO3 & Wattpad
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[ SERIES MASTERLIST ] | next ✨ 10 ~ a blast from the past: part three
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chapter nine ~ a blast from the past: part two | wc: 8.4k warnings: flashback to 18-year-old-jungkook, he's young, naïve and wants get his dick wet, alex is a menace to society and jungkook, language, kissing, touching, groping, oral (m,f receiving), spitting, throat fucking, cum swallowing, dirty talk, unprotected sex, creampie, jungkook gets the clap, jungkook denies a hand job, allusions to sex
Jungkook woke up in a cold sweat. He could barely sleep the night before, tossing and turning, dreaming about a girl that wasn't you, as you were lying next to him. He didn't mean to and didn't want to, but he did.
The first thing on his mind was Alex. He couldn't stop thinking about why she was here. The meeting at work didn't reveal anything. It was mostly just an introduction to who she was and her role in the company.
The events from the day before replayed like a horror movie in his head. He shook the image and turned to face you, sleeping peacefully, not knowing what a shitty boyfriend he was.
His mind ran rampant, thinking about how you would handle the news - news of him practically feeling up his ex and kissing her back. God --he felt so lousy and lame and pathetic. He'd completely understand if you'd never want to see him again. You'd already gone through so much with U-jin cheating on you, and now...he was no different, was he?
He kept telling himself it was a moment of weakness and poor choices. It was like he was transported back into the mind and body of his 18-year-old self, remembering what it felt like to be with Alex, what it felt like to be wanted and needed.
Jungkook's stomach twisted and turned, his face grimacing as Alex was still at the forefront of his mind. He couldn't tell now if the growing erection in his sweats was because of you or her.
Closing his eyes in hopes of getting rid of his thoughts, he fluttered them open, moving a strand of hair from your face and gently stroking your cheek with his thumb. You looked like a plump baby cherub when you slept, so he thought, chuckling to himself, finding you endearing in the early hours of the morning. Your mouth was slightly agape, with small puffs of air escaping. He could see your eyes slightly moving while still closed. You were probably going to be awake soon.
He wanted to talk to you and explain everything that happened, and he didn't want to keep that from you. He didn't ever want to lie, that wasn't him, but he needed time to figure out what to say.
His phone was tucked underneath the pillow, and he reached for it, checking to see the time. It was early, 6:30 AM. This was a good time to hurry and get up before you did. He needed to get his mind off of everything. He'd leave a note telling you where he was in case you became worried. He couldn't bear to be next to you with keeping what he did with Alex a secret.
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The boxing gym was quiet for a Saturday morning. He set his gym bag down on the bench as he opened his locker, which was filled with dust. Jungkook sifted through a few things, searching for the roll of hand wraps. His trainer, Johnny, walked into the locker room, surprised to find Jungkook.
Johnny snickered. "Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up finally. Thought I'd have to come to hunt you down myself."
Jungkook scoffed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah... I've been busy, and I have a life, you know," he said, beginning to wrap his hands. It's been a minute since Jungkook's stepped into the boxing gym - you and work were keeping him busy. But today was different. He needed another outlet to let out all of his pent-up stress.
"I bet your form is shit now," Johnny teased, stepping closer to Jungkook, pretending to spar with him.
"Oh  yeah ?" Jungkook raised his brows. He was always confident in everything he pursued. He gave it his all, not just a hundred percent, more like a hundred and ten percent.
"We'll see once you step in the ring," Johnny taunted again.
Jungkook chuckled, shaking his head. Being back at the boxing gym was good, and maybe this would keep him distracted from you and Alex - mostly  Alex.
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"Yah--you have something you need to get off your chest?"
Jungkook was breathing heavily, practically panting, "What? No, I'm good. Come on." He got back into his stance, waiting for Johnny to continue.
"As I said, your form is shit right now," Johnny said, holding up his mitts for Jungkook to strike again.
"Shut up, Johnny," Jungkook retorted. He was taking his anger out on Johnny, which probably wasn't the smartest thing. He knew Johnny could knock him out if he wanted to. As much as he tried to keep Alex out of his mind, she did what she did best - leeching on and sucking the life out of him.
Johnny tested his jabs and blocks, could tell he wasn't in the right headspace, and stopped. "I've been doing this for a long time Jungkook-ah. I know when something is bothering you."
Jungkook punched the mitt harshly, making Johnny stumble back. He held himself up, preventing himself from falling over. Jungkook wiped the sweat from his forehead and took off toward the locker room. He removed his gloves and started to unwrap the tape binding his hands, throwing it on the ground out of frustration. Looking up, he saw himself in the mirror. Turning around, he punched the locker next to his, leaving a dent. He groaned loudly as he pulled his hand away, looking at the damage he had impaled upon himself.
"Fuck!" Boxing wasn't helping.  Nothing was helping. He wished he could go back to yesterday and undo everything - no, he wished he could go back in time and never meet Alex.
" Whoa,  man...you okay?" Jin asked as he walked into whatever this crisis was.
Jungkook grimaced, looking at his hand, which was now covered with cuts and scrapes. It was a stupid thing to do because now he'd have to explain what happened. He was in agony over this whole thing. He  hated  himself so much. He couldn't bear to see the look on your face once he told you what he did.
"Is this about Alex? What the hell happened with you two anyway?" Jin asked, waiting for an answer. "I go out for some fresh air during karaoke, and then you're gone when I come back."
Obviously, Jin knew Jungkook and Alex had something going on. Why else would Jungkook be so distraught and act out of character? It wasn't like him. Jungkook completely ignored him and continued on his way to open up his locker and grab his things.
"I'll see you later, hyung," Jungkook mumbled on his way out.
But Jin wouldn't let him go so easily. "Yah--yah!" Jin yelled, catching up to Jungkook while walking to his car. Jin pushed the door shut just as Jungkook was opening it. "Come on, man, talk to me. What's going on? This isn't like you."
Jungkook's jaw tensed up before letting out an exhale. "I fucked up."
"You hungry?"
The drive to the brunch spot was pure silence. Jin wanted to interrupt the awkwardness with new jokes he learned, but he could sense it wasn't the right place and time - the distress from Jungkook was enough for him to bite his tongue.
After receiving their food, Jungkook kept indulging in it and avoiding the conversation he alluded to earlier with Jin. Finally, he was fed up.
"Bro--you gonna tell me what's going on, or should I start making assumptions?" Jin asked.
Jungkook was midway chewing through his potatoes, swallowing the biggest gulp Jin had seen - it almost looked like it hurt. But Jungkook continued eating instead of answering Jin's question.
Jin nodded. "Okay fine. Lemme take a stab at what this could be about. Let's start when I brought Alex in, hmm? You started acting super strange - pretty nervous, I might say. I leave the two of you alone for a mere five minutes in the office, and I come back in, and she's practically feeling you up. And then, she can't keep her eyes off of you the whole time while we're at karaoke, and stupid of me to leave you two alone again, because I come back and you're gone. So, if you're not telling me what happened, I will assume the worst. Did you kiss her?"
He glared at his friend and colleague, waiting for him to answer, but his silence warranted what Jin suspected. "Did you tell your girlfriend?"
No, Jungkook thought, 'cause he fucked you instead of telling you the truth.
"I'm guessing that's a no," Jin sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He felt as though he was caught between a rock and a hard place. Jin loved his friend, and he'd grown fond of you too, but it wasn't his place to say anything.
"I'm going to tell her," Jungkook stressed as he pushed around the rest of his food with his fork. "I'm...just mustering up the courage."
"It's just a kiss, right? What's so hard about telling her about that, unless..." Jin stared blankly at his friend.
Jungkook licked his lips, his other hand nervously picking at the non-existent hair on his chin.
"Please don't tell me there's something else." Another nod of silence from Jungkook confirmed Jin's suspicions. "What did you do, Jungkook-ah?" Jin asked, rubbing his hand over his mouth in exasperation.
He was clearly avoiding Jin's burning glare, about to tell him what he did, but Jin interrupted.
"You know what," Jin held his hands up to stop him. "I don't want to know for fear that I'll have to resist the temptation to strangle you."
"Hyung...I already feel like shit, so please, don't say anything to anyone. I'm going to talk to her, I promise."
After brunch, Jungkook dropped Jin off at home. Peering up, he remembered your first "official" date when he brought you here. He chuckled, being reminded of Jin's note not to fuck at his place, and the two of you didn't, but that didn't mean you didn't have your hands all over each other,  not  watching the movie he chose that night.
Before Jin walked to his front door, he paused, turning back to the car, gesturing for Jungkook to roll his windows down.
"You gonna be okay, Jungkook-ah?"
He shrugged because he really didn't know how everything would turn out. He could only assume the worst, and he was prepared for it. Did he want to work this out in whatever way he could? Of course - he didn't want to lose you. You're everything he's wanted. At this point, he was willing to do whatever it took to be with you.
Jin grabbed Jungkook's shoulder, rubbing it to reassure him. "Let me know if you need anything, 'kay?"
Jungkook nodded, rolling his windows back up, his face in his hands, agonizing about what to do next. He knew he should go home and talk to you.
He checked his phone. Nearly two in the afternoon, and a few missed texts from you.
Baby  💫 8:30 AM
Hiiiiiii. You fuck me like a crazy person, and then I wake up alone. You're such a tease! When will you be home? Thought we could hang out WITH our clothes on lol
 Baby  💫 9:27 AM
Gonna meet up with Yuna and Hyunie. See you tonight.
Baby  💫 12:34 PM
Omg babyyy! This aglio e olio is to die for! Wish you could taste
it. We have to come here.
Jungkook  1:56 PM
Hi baby. I was at the boxing gym and had brunch with Jin. Might go on a drive but I'll try not to take too long, 'kay? Love you.
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-  2015  -
There were many instances where Jungkook had hoped he was born first instead of his sister. He often observed the funny and clumsy girl with framed glasses from afar, wondering if he would even have a slim chance of her being his. She was over every day after school because her parents constantly argued about something. She often found solace with Jungkook and Yuna. And, of course, he didn't mind having her there, spending almost every waking moment with her.
The final month before 18-year-old Jungkook finished high school, he applied to several schools in the States and was waiting to hear back to see if he was accepted.
He sat nervously at the dinner table with two envelopes in front of him, afraid to open them to discover his fate. He worked hard these last few years to catch up with his schoolwork and to graduate on time with his friends. He only found something he was passionate about once he discovered a love for drawing and gaming.
His 28-year-old crush entered the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking for something sweet to drink. You scanned the fridge and glanced at the young boy staring at the envelopes in front of him, nervously tapping his fingers on the table.
"You have to use your hands to open the envelopes. They won't open themselves," you teased, finding a bottle of banana milk on the middle shelf.
He didn't answer but continued to stare at the envelopes. You came over to the table and pulled up a chair next to him, puncturing a hole through the foil of the banana milk. As soon as the straw went through the top, Jungkook grabbed the bottle from you and started chugging down the bottle.
"Yah!" You shouted at him, annoyed at this bratty boy.
He stopped to take a breath. "Noona, you need to open these for me, please. I can't do this." He pushed the envelopes towards the beautiful girl with her hair in a messy top knot bun. His favorite look on you was a plus when you also had on your big nerdy glasses.
You opened the one from Otis College of Art and Design. You scanned the letter without giving away any indication of acceptance or rejection. You turned the letter over, grabbed the next one from Woodbury University, and did the same thing.
He sat there waiting patiently for you to tell him, but you went ahead and grabbed the banana milk he had basically finished. You tried slurping, but there was nothing left. With his wide eyes glaring, you finally broke the silence and chuckled.
"Well...? Noona, tell me, please. I can't breathe," his eyes darting from the envelopes to you to get any kind of reaction.
"Sorry, Kook...you didn't get in," you answered, trying to hold in your laugh. You cleared your throat and attempted to compose yourself again.
He frowned and looked devastated when you told him, but you couldn't lie to your little bunny.
"I'm kidding, Kook. Pack your bags. It looks like you're headed to California," you beamed, reaching across to ruffle his bowl haircut and pinch his cheeks. "My whittle googie is a big wabbit now."
He held your hands, and you continued pinching his cheeks, treating him like a little baby. Then Yuna walked in.
"What's going on?" Yuna asked.
"Jungkookie got into both of the schools in California!" you exclaimed, clapping your hands.
Yuna walked over and hugged him from behind. "Good job Kookie! I knew you could do it. That means we have to start packing, huh?"
"My whittle bunny," you teased him in a baby voice. "Who am I going to bother now that you'll be gone," continuing in your normal voice.
A part of him wished he didn't get in. A part of him wanted to stay. "I'll come back and visit, or you guys could make a trip out and visit me," he suggested.
"Oh, I would love to visit California! I hear it's beautiful. We should do it." Yuna exclaimed.
"Both schools are in Los Angeles, right? I definitely want to go to the beach there!  Ooh --okay, now I'm excited," you squealed at the possibility of visiting.
Jungkook was already thinking about everything he'd take you to do and see. He'd love to be your tour guide once he is all settled in.
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When Jungkook arrived at his dorm, the door was ajar, and he opened it further. "Hello?... Is anyone here?" He announced as he now fully stood in the room. No one was in sight, but he noticed a set of suitcases in front of the closet.
He heard two voices coming behind him, laughing and chatting as they entered the room. Two boys entered the room, one with a brown bowl haircut and the other with dyed orange hair. They stopped their chatter once they saw their new roommate.
"Oh-hey, what's up, man?" The orange-haired boy held his hand out to Jungkook. "I'm Jimin," Jungkook reciprocated, giving him a nod, "and this is Taehyung."
"'Sup, man?"
"I'm Jungkook," he said sheepishly, nervous, unsure what to do or say. It seemed they already knew each other, and Jungkook was the odd man.
Jimin brushed past Taehyung, plopping himself on the bottom bunk, splayed on top of the navy duvet, and Taehyung did the same but on the top bunk.
Jungkook decided the best thing to do was unpack. Even though he had just got off an eleven-hour flight, he knew he needed to stay up for the jet lag to wear off. Unzipping his large suitcase on top of his bed, he began stashing his undergarments and socks into a drawer while separating his shirts and bottoms.
"What's your major?" Taehyung propped himself on his elbows, peering at Jungkook.
Holding a few folded shirts between his hands, he turned to answer Taehyung's question. "Game Art and Design. What about you?"
"Cool. I'm doing filmmaking, Jimin's boring, and he's doing marketing."
Jimin took a fist and punched the bottom of Taehyung's bunk. "Yah--You'll need my help marketing all the porn you want to make."
"It's not porn! They're erotic films."
Jimin scoffed. "Same thing."
The two continued to bicker, and Jungkook couldn't help but smile. They were all going to get along just fine.
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It's been four months since Jungkook called home. He figured he should video call his big sister so she wouldn't worry about him. His mom was already leaving multiple voicemails and text messages asking him to call her back, and he might as well video call to get it over with.
"Well, well, well, look who decides to call," Yuna teased him.
"Ha-ha, very funny, Noona. I've been busy."
"Too busy to call your own family? "
"Sorry," he mumbled, knowing the  real  reason why he was always tied up.  Literally.
But his heart skipped a beat when he heard the familiar voice he was always so fond of. He missed hearing the sweet sound of you.
Moving into the frame, you peeked your head in. "Yah--cool guy...We let you leave, and you never call anymore? Rude,"  your arms were crossed, pretending to be mad at him.
He blushed, thinking you were cute. " Noona ..." he whined, "You have to let me live life a little. You know...get some life experience." Whatever that meant - but he definitely got a lot of life experience these past few months.
"Just don't do anything stupid, okay? I don't wanna have to fly all the way over there and kick your ass."
He chuckled. You were always saying things like that. He knew you had his best interest at heart and would forever look out for him. To be honest, he low-key wanted to do something stupid just so you'd come to rescue him.
"Here, talk to him for a second. I think Namjoon's gonna burn down the kitchen if I don't help him."
Jungkook nodded slowly, unsure of what to say next. He wasn't expecting to talk to you. He was expecting to talk to Yuna. "So...what are you guys doing?"
"We're just hanging out at Yuna's, having dinner. Well, more like burning dinner."
"Who's we?"
"Me, Yuna, Namjoon, and U-jin."
He threw a little in his mouth at mentioning that name. Guess you were still with that douche. He thought you would have dumped him by now, and he thought you deserved better.
"What about you? What are you up to?"  
"I'm just in my dorm, studying. I decided to take a break and call."
"Are you enjoying your time there? Making friends?"
"Yeah, I am...it's been fun. I miss home, though." He really wanted to say that he missed you and probably thought about you too often at night when his roommates were gone. He missed the warmth of your voice, the kindness from your eyes, the softness of your hair...he could go on and on. He should stop before he got a hard-on while talking to you.
"Aw, Jungkookie. I'm so happy to hear that!"
Jungkook adjusted himself in the chair, and you saw something that caught your eye.
"...are you in your underwear while talking to us?!"  You cringed and hid your eyes behind your hand.
"What? No." He moved, revealing he was in shorts.
You peeked through your hand and laughed. "Is that what the cool kids are wearing these days? Leather jackets and bright blue shorts?"
He smirked. "Yup. I'm a cool kid now... Nah, I'm heading out with my roommates and a friend after this."
"Ah, okay. Well, I won't keep you then. It was good seeing you, Jungkookie. Don't be a stranger and call your mom and Yuna more, but I'll let you go."
He heard Yuna yelling in the background. "Tell him we love him."
"We love you, Jungkookie. We're so proud of you."  You flashed a big smile and waved before hanging up on him.
"I love you too..." he trailed off as the screen went dark. It's been a while since he's seen you, and he soaked up every second he could. Your hair had grown out just a smidge, and there was a hint of blonde peeking from your hair, and he also noticed the new glasses adorning your pretty face.
He'd thought about texting you many times, wanting to see how you were doing, to catch up on life, wanted to know all the new shows you were working on, wanted to know all the gossip happening with the actors on set. But it would be weird for him to message you out of the blue, wouldn't it? He'd much rather talk to you than his sister. Yuna would just scold him for this and that, but you...well, you'd do the same, but you'd do it because you genuinely cared - and not out of obligation like his sister.
A knock at Jungkook's door interrupted his thoughts of you. He quickly stood to open it, and rushing in was Alex, immediately pushing him against the door, connecting her mouth to his. "God, I missed you so much," she whispered, kicking the door closed behind her, beginning to mark Jungkook's neck with purple bruises.
"Ale --aren't we meeting Tae and Jimin at the club?" Jungkook groaned when Alex palmed him through his blue shorts, stroking his growing erection.
She pulled away to look at him, shaking her head. "Told them we're gonna have a quiet night in and that they should go without us."
If Jungkook could describe Alex, she was a menace to society and more so to him. He had met her in his Public Speaking class, as she was the TA, then she began popping up everywhere, like in his Figure Drawing class, where she was the live model. She became interested in him when she realized his talent, especially drawing. She said she could help him excel by being his personal model. Of course, Jungkook being young and naïve, he fell for her tactics, and now here he was, probably about to fuck her senseless, just like how she liked it.
To be honest, it wasn't love. It was infatuation. Lust. Purely sex, nothing else. He never thought his first encounter with sex would be like this. He thought he'd be in love long before thinking about having sex. But it was a stupid, innocent dream.
"You want me to do what?" His doe eyes widened at her.
"I want you to fuck my throat," Alex explained again. Such an innocent mind that she was going to fuck up, she thought.
Alex laughed. "Oh god, Jungkook. You don't want me to suck off that fat cock of yours?"
"No...I just...don't want to hurt you, that's all."
She smirked. "You're cute."
"Don't call me that," he pouted. He didn't want to be cute. He wanted to be taken seriously, and it seemed she still thought of him as a baby sometimes.
"But you are, and you won't hurt me."
"Are you sure?"
"Oh, come on..." She urged, starting to palm him again through his shorts. "You're already rock hard after just talking about you fucking my throat? You're so fucking adorable. I can't stand it." Alex grunted before pulling down his shorts, letting his cock spring out, and stroking it. Jungkook moaned in response. He wasn't sure if he could actually do what she wanted, but he was willing to try anything.
"Come on, big boy. Show me what you got," she stated, kneeling, facing the massive cock in front of her, then peering up at him through her lashes. "God, I love having you in my mouth so much," she said, gathering her saliva and spitting on his swollen cock. Her hand spread the saliva up and down his shaft, causing Jungkook's eyes to flutter shut and his cock to twitch in her hand. She loved seeing him writhe and squirm before her. Her favorite thing in this world was her sweet, innocent, naïve doe-eyed boy.
Alex swirled her tongue around his reddened tip, then laid her tongue flat underneath his length, slowly taking him in, inch by inch, along the prominent vein, causing him to hiss and curse under his breath. She tugged him closer, pushing him even further inside her mouth. Jungkook's head lolled against the wooden armoire, breathing heavily as Alex bobbed up and down.
Suddenly, Alex pulled away. "Come on, baby. I said fuck my throat," she smirked, resting from her previous position on her knees to tucking her feet underneath her ass. Her eyes gazed at the sweet boy in front of her.
All of this was still new to Jungkook. Again, he had been seeing Alex for the last four months, not dating. It was more just crazy, insane sex when they were together. He had an idea of what she liked, considering what she was asking him to do. So, he thought he should surprise her.
"You want me to fuck your throat?"
She nodded.
"Then beg," he deadpanned.
Alex cocked an eyebrow, thinking that she'd taught him so well. "Please, Kookie. I need that big fat cock to fucking ruin me ."
He grabbed the base of his erection, stroking and tugging while the tip leaked pre-cum. "You're such a slut for this cock, huh?" he had heard that line from watching porn.
Alex hummed, almost giggling at how confident he was becoming.
Jungkook gently stroked her rosy cheek, then tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear before his hand gripped the back of her head, pushing Alex toward his hardened length. "Open your mouth," he stated boldly.
She grinned as he asked, opening as wide as she could before Jungkook's hips rolled forward, bucking himself into her mouth. He pushed as far as he could a few times, making her gag, eyes glistening from the tears forming and slowly falling from the corner of her eyes. Her saliva began to run down her chin as Jungkook continued thrusting into her mouth, pushing against the back of her throat. He groaned loudly, chasing the climax building within, his knees starting to buckle, almost losing his composure.
Jungkook wouldn't be able to last any longer. It was too much for him to handle. "Wai...wait...where can I cum?" he asked, breathing heavily, trying to keep his composure.
Alex pulled off, amplifying a loud pop along with saliva when she did. "In my mouth, bunny. Where else?"
"Are...are you sure?" He was afraid that he wouldn't want to come anywhere else but her mouth if he did that.
She answered by putting his cock back in her mouth, rapidly bobbing up and down, digging her acrylics into the back of his thighs. She took his hands, making him grab her hair. He saw it as a sign that she wanted him to thrust harder into her, and he did so willingly. The pent-up tension brewing in the pit of his stomach finally found its sweet release. A few slips of curses and moans left his mouth as she milked everything he had in him.
"Fucking hell--"
Alex swallowed his cum, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "So...did you like that?" she asked, the corners of her lips curving into a smile.
Jungkook down at her, nodding shamefully. "I did...it felt dirty," he stated, helping her stand.
Alex laughed, finding him absolutely adorable. So young, so innocent. "Oh, bunny, you have no idea what I'm capable of."
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The next couple of months continued like this, with Alex in control and Jungkook doing as she asked. He never once questioned her wants and needs, mostly because he liked having sex with her, and he didn't know if he'd ever get to have anyone like this ever again.
One thing that struck Jungkook was that he'd never been to Alex's place. They often had sex in his dorm or the most random places - his heart raced when they were in semi-public spots.
During the week of finals, Jungkook could be found in the library like many other students, but Alex had something else in mind. She discovered Jungkook diligently studying at a table with Jimin and Taehyung. She crept up behind him, snaking her arms around his neck, whispering something indistinct in his ear, causing him to turn his head. He excused himself from his friends, but Jimin and Taehyung weren't stupid - they knew their sex tells. So fucking obvious.
Alex dragged Jungkook past the history book section, opening the door to the broom closet and locking it as she shoved Jungkook in. She turned around with darkened eyes, watching him like he was her next meal. Walking over, her hands splayed against his toned chest, Alex shuddered, thinking about how far along Jungkook had come. From the innocent boy she started playing with for fun to the sexy young man she was teaching him to be.
Jungkook strayed towards her, his hands tangled in her hair, pulling her to him, connecting his mouth to hers. His kisses were usually slow and gentle, but not this time. They were hungry, impatient - tongue fiery and frantic. He hooked his arms under her thighs, lifting her up and causing a small yelp.
Alex loved when he was dominant, it took him a while to get to where they were, but it was all worth it, she thought. He laid her down on a table filled with cleaning supplies, but he didn't care. He pushed them aside. She propped herself up, waiting to see his next move.
Jungkook lifted one of her legs, pressing kisses along her ankle, shin and thigh, putting it down to do the same to the other. She grinned at him, teasing her. The wetness was already apparent when he pulled her lace panties aside, pussy aching for his touch. He inserted two fingers into her slit, then withdrew to spread her arousal on her folds, circling a few times before rubbing her clit, causing her to bite back a moan, which was a first. She wasn't one to be quiet during sex.
He dropped to his knees, adjusting the erection in his grey sweats. Alex slid off her panties, throwing them off to the side, ready and waiting for Jungkook. He hooked her thighs, pulling her closer to the edge, so he could have better access. Kissing her clit, then flicking his tongue short and quick. Her legs began to shake as he lapped between her folds for a few minutes, then lowered himself, darting his tongue into her entrance.
Alex writhed and squirmed underneath his touch. "Fuck, that mouth of yours is gonna kill me. I taught you so well," she moaned, looking down at the boy with darkened eyes who was huddled in between her legs.
Jungkook continued relishing in the pussy he grew to love so much within these last few months, one he would never get tired of. He stood on his feet, hovering over Alex, pushing up the sweater in between what he wanted. His mouth enveloped her nipple, gently biting as he pulled away, then kissing the top of her breasts while letting two fingers slip inside her pussy, causing lewd sounds to fill the small closet.
"I need you in me, bunny. Please," Alex whined before connecting her mouth to his, reaching to palm his hardened length, stroking him through his sweats. "God, I love your cock so much. Please, baby, fill me up like a good boy?"
He withdrew his fingers and stood, pulling down his sweats and boxers just enough to let his cock spring out. He grabbed the base of his shaft, slowly stroking himself. With darkened eyes, he told Alex to get down and turn around for him, which she willingly did. Jungkook lifted her skirt, plump ass on full display, his hand massaging one cheek while the other continued to jerk himself off, getting ready to stuff her.
Being with Alex was exciting because he never knew what she'd have up her sleeve, like today - fucking inside the library's broom closet. The thrill of being caught got Jungkook's blood pumping, primarily to his dick, but regardless, he loved it.
Jungkook placed himself at her entrance, spreading her slick with his tip. Alex mewled, pushing her ass towards him, urging him to hurry.
"I don't have a condom."
"I'm on the pill. Don't worry so much, bunny. Come on, cock in pussy.  Now ."
He hesitated for a mere second before saying fuck it and pushing himself into her. "Shit --" Forgetting how much he loved going raw, even though he knew it was stupid to do so. He took a moment to calm himself, hands grasping tightly onto her hips, beginning to rut rapidly into her cunt, pounding repeatedly. "Fuck --you're so tight," he hissed. "Always so fucking tight for me."
Alex peered over her shoulder with a grin as she watched Jungkook's cock disappear into her. "You fuck like a cute little bunny. So eager," eliciting a moan while Jungkook thrusts harder and deeper into her.
Jungkook's eyes suddenly widened, quickly pausing. "Sorry..." Thinking he was too impatient with her.
She chuckled. "No, I like it. Keep going. You're doing so well," she praised the young man with big doe eyes.
He rolled his hips, fucking her as hard as he could, sweat beginning to form on his hairline and temples. Jungkook watched Alex's ass bounce vigorously as he continued pounding as hard as possible, making the table squeak beneath them.
"Bunny--just like that. Fuck--fuck--ah!" Alex cried, holding her hand out against the shelf in front of her to keep herself steady. "Shit -I'm gonna come."
Jungkook bit down on his lower lip, grasping tighter, imprinting his hands on her hips. Alex finally let a cry of pleasure, clenching and creaming around Jungkook's cock. He fucked her through her orgasm, and now in hopes of chasing his. It had been building for quite some time. He was nearly at the cusp. The muscles in his abdomen tightened, pooling with fire, ready to burst into flames.
Alex reached back to play with his balls, and that's what pushed Jungkook over the edge. The tension in his abdomen snapped, painting her walls with his cum. He grunted through the last few thrusts, emptying himself into her pussy. Jungkook panted, breathing heavily as he slumped over on top of Alex, kissing her back.
"You're gonna be the death of me."
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As the school year ended, Jungkook barely made it through his final exams and projects. The one thing bothering him wasn't stressing over them, but it was something else.
" Bro --what the fuck are you doing?" Taehyung's eyes widened at the sight of Jungkook with his pants down. He and Jimin had just returned from dinner and found Jungkook in a compromising position in the bathroom.
"Dude-- get the fuck out! " Jungkook cried, trying to close the door but considering it was two versus one, his chances weren't looking good.
The two of them held the door open. "Are you checking out your balls?" Jimin laughed, falling over to Taehyung, trying to hold himself up. But they couldn't help but laugh at their young friend.
Jungkook groaned, slumping over while his pants were still down. "Ah--shit!  It fucking hurts."
"Your balls hurt? Here, lemme see," Taehyung stated.
"Get the fuck away from my balls," Jungkook threatened his friend.
"Bro--just lemme see them."
Ten minutes later, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung were sitting on Jungkook's bed, staring blankly outside their dorm room window. With the amount of sex, all three were having with different girls, minus Jungkook, only having sex with Alex, one of them was bound to get something. Stupid boys.
"Can't believe you got the fucking clap, bro," Taehyung said, shaking his head. "I knew she was gonna give you something."
"Shut up," Jungkook turned to Taehyung, shoving him on the bed. "Fuck, man," he groaned, throwing himself back.
"What are you gonna do?" Jimin asked. He was concerned for his friend, mainly because this was Jungkook's first sexual partner, and then to end up with an STD too. Poor kid, he thought.
"Gotta talk to Alex, I guess. What else am I supposed to do?"
"She's definitely fucking someone else besides you, Jungkookie. How else do you get an STD?" Taehyung's comment wasn't reassuring Jungkook at all. It was worrying him even more. "Unless..." Taehyung's head sprung up, glaring at Jungkook.
Jungkook sighed. "I'm not having sex with anyone else, only Alex." But fuck, Taehyung was right. How else could he have gotten it? Then he remembered something. "SHIT!"
"What?" Jimin and Taehyung asked.
"I went down on her too."
Jimin and Taehyung scooted away from him for fear of getting the clap.
"You guys are so stupid. You can't get the clap from me unless you're sucking my dick."
The two jokingly gagged. "Get away from us, Jungkookie!" Taehyung teased the young man.
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Alex was a hard person to get a hold of when Jungkook needed something, and he clearly needed to get to the bottom of this. He asked everyone he could and finally got an answer from one of his classmates, saying they saw her head into one of his professor's offices.
When Jungkook arrived, he lightly knocked on the door, not hearing a response even though he could hear movement and sounds from the other side. With the door ajar, he peered in, discovering a scene he thought he'd never find in a million years.
"What in the actual  fuck ?" Jungkook's jaw tensed, fist clenched as he caught Alex half-naked, straddling his professor.
Alex didn't look fazed at all. Instead, she grinned, "Wanna join?" She continued to rut against the man. 
But Jungkook's professor looked mortified at the sight of him.
"You're fucking disgusting. Don't ever talk to me again."
"Bunny ..." she pouted, standing up, pulling down her dress, and chasing after him. "I'm sorry."
Jungkook scoffed. Her apology didn't sound genuine one bit. Did she have any guilt or remorse? Their professor was fucking married, for Christ's sake. He shook his head, thinking about how many months he's wasted on her.
She held onto his arm, but Jungkook quickly ripped it from under her. He was disgusted, didn't know what to do with himself, and needed to scrub every inch of his body to rid himself of her. Jungkook gave her the once-over with such loathing in his expression. "Bye, Alex." Then he glanced over at his professor, who was trying to hide his embarrassment in his hands, which was in no way going to help. "By the way, she's got the clap, and now, so do you."
Jungkook huffed, beating himself up along the way back to his dorm. He was so stupid. Stupid to think that Alex actually liked him, thought that maybe if he were good enough, she would want more with him, perhaps even be his girlfriend. But Jungkook was nothing more than a plaything to her. At this moment, he contemplated calling you, asking you for advice on what to do because you always knew what to say. But he also didn't want to tell you what he had been up to, how stupid he's been to have let his dick get the best of him.
He cried out when he arrived at his room, thinking his roommates were out. Jimin immediately popped up from his deep sleep. "What's going on? What happened?" Jimin asked with rest still heavy on his eyes.
"Fuck-man. Fucking Alex-I can't believe her."
"What? What did she do?" Jimin now sitting up, rubbing his eyes, trying to pay attention to his friend.
"She was fucking Professor X." They referred to him because he looked like James McAvoy from X-men.
Jimin gasped, mouth agape. "No way. How did you find out?"
"How else? She does what she does best. Fucking people in the most public places - in his office."
"Holy shit- -" Jimin said, standing to comfort his friend. "I'm sorry, man."
Jungkook shrugged. "It's no one's fault but my own."
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Present Day
And he was right. It was no one's fault but his own.
He could've said no to Alex. He could've stepped away when she caged him against the wall. He could've made up an excuse to get out of karaoke. But once he saw her and was close to her again, it was like he was transported back into the body of the 18-year-old who was infatuated with her, longed for her, and ached for her touch. That was the kind of effect she had on him.
Jungkook didn't realize he had been driving for so long. He snapped out of it after hearing a few pings from his car, indicating new text messages. He tapped on the screen for the robotic voice to read it aloud:
Baby  💫 7:32 PM
Hey...haven't heard from you since this afternoon. Are you okay? Just wanna make sure your car didn't fall into a ditch.
Do you want to reply?
"Sorry, baby. I lost track of time, but I'm alive. I have a long drive back. Don't wait up. I'll sneak in a kiss when I get home. Love you."
Do you want to send it?
Baby  💫 7:35 PM
I don't mind waiting. See you soon.
It was nearly midnight when you decided to shut off your laptop finally. Your eyes were droopy and heavy-lidded from writing for the last few hours and waiting for your boyfriend, and you didn't anticipate him to be gone all day.
Setting your laptop on the side table, you shifted into a comfier position, pulling the fluffy duvet underneath your chin, asking Google Home to turn off the bedroom lamp. You suppose you'll just see Jungkook whenever he comes back.
A few hours had passed, and you were feeling restless. You were in the in-between stage of waking and falling asleep for the umpteenth time when you heard Jungkook shuffling in. "Hi," you mumbled, turning to face him and reaching to find his lips. "What time is it?"
"Almost two."
 You groaned, shifting into a better position. "It's so late. I thought it would've been nice to spend some time together."
"I'm sorry, baby. I went to the gym, had brunch with Jin, and then went for a drive. I didn't realize how far I had driven before turning back around," Jungkook muttered against the shell of your ear, arm draped over your waist, pulling you flush against his chest.
Your eyes fluttered open, finding him shirtless, hair damp from a shower. This look was one of your favorites - him freshly out of the shower. You couldn't resist coaxing another kiss from him, which he freely gave, then you snaked your arm around his shoulders, pulling in and kissing him deeply. You could feel him trying to tear away from your kisses, and you pouted when he got his way.
He softly giggled at how affectionate you had suddenly become. Jungkook lay on his back, head buried into the soft pillow, letting out a soft yawn.
It wasn't long since Jungkook fucked you like a madman, but you always yearned for his touch. You inched closer to him, letting your hand wander to the bulge hidden underneath his boxer briefs, softly palming his length a few times, eliciting a moan from him.
Don't get him wrong. He  really  wanted you to touch him, but he felt ashamed. Guilty. He didn't feel worthy of you. Didn't deserve the pleasure you wanted to give him.
Jungkook gently gripped your wrist, pulling it away from his building erection. "I'm sorry, baby. You don't have to do that. I'm pretty wiped from today."
You cleared your throat.  Is Jungkook denying a hand job?  That was a first. "Is everything okay?" You noticed he was acting out of character. You knew something was bothering him, but you didn't want to push him to say anything until he was ready.
He pressed his lips on your forehead, pulling you in for a hug. "Yeah, I'm just tired. I had a long day, and I just want to cuddle, if that's okay."
"Yeah...of course. I missed you."
"Missed you too."
"I love you."
Jungkook bit into his bottom lip, which was quivering. "I love you so much," he whispered shakily, trying his best to hold back tears.
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Once again, when you awoke the following day, Jungkook had already disappeared. The warmth from your bed is gone. Absent. Non-existent. Whatever was on Jungkook's mind must've been eating him from the inside out because you'd never seen him like this. Quiet. Unresponsive. Typically, it was the other way around. It was always more challenging for you to share your feelings, but Jungkook... always wore his heart on his sleeve.
But the soft clinking and sizzling from the kitchen gave you some reassurance, along with the aroma of espresso filling the air. Jungkook wasn't gone - just cooking. You were grateful to know he was still here and not dodging you like you were speculating - but again, it was just speculation. You were drawing your own conclusions without actually talking to him like grown adults should be doing.
Regardless, you pushed those thoughts aside because you were happy to have Jungkook around today. The two of you could have a lazy Sunday, and life had been too busy for the both of you, and it would be nice just to laze around and do nothing.
"Morning," you announced, entering the kitchen.
Jungkook had already had a full spread of breakfast goods when you approached the counter. He turned in your direction with a soft smile. "Morning, baby," he whispered, leaning down to kiss you, which you reciprocated willingly. His denial of a hand job from last night caused some bitterness because you'd been missing his touch, so this kiss would be enough for now. He returned to his position of flipping over the bacon once more to finish cooking them off.
To say that you were horny was an understatement. Jungkook fucking you like a madman the other night sparked something very primal in you. Snaking your arms around his waist, you made it a point to press your breasts against his back.
His nose scrunched, giggling at your obvious tell, peering over his shoulder at you. He asked, "Horny?"
"Very," you shamelessly admitted while kissing his back, one hand reaching towards the elastic on his grey sweats.
"You're going to make me burn the bacon," he smirked, turning off the stove to ensure he wouldn't burn all of his hard work.
"Then you could have me for breakfast instead."
Jungkook lightly chuckled. "Sounds very tempting."
You ran your hand past the elastic underneath his boxers towards his bulge, gently palming him. "I think I want sausage this morning," you hummed. Your joke was cheesy, but you couldn't help it. You'd been aching for him all day yesterday.
He set his chopsticks down, turning to face you. "Yeah?" he grinned. "Well, I won't stop you."
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The lazy Sunday was perfect. The two of you cuddled and lazed around. Jungkook played games, and you scrolled through Netflix. Also, you were very satisfied with breakfast, especially the sausage. You made it a point to fuck him like a mad woman. It was only fair.
Towards the end of the night, while settling into bed, you noticed that Jungkook was still pretty quiet throughout the day, and whatever was on his mind was still gnawing at him.
You snuggled up to him when he climbed into bed, drawing imaginary shapes onto his chest. "Jungkook..."
"Did I do something wrong?"
Immediately, he looked at you, pulling your chin towards him. "Why would you think that?"
"I don't know. You just seem distant these past couple of days."
Was he that obvious, he thought. Shit. He was awful at hiding his feelings. Not that he should, because you deserved to know the truth. He knew that the more he put it off, the more it destroyed him.
"There's a lot on my mind, and I'll tell you soon. I promise," he stated, softly caressing your cheek.
Could you have been the annoying girlfriend and tried to get it out of him? Probably yes - but you weren't one to talk because you also had things you needed to tell him - about your miscarriage and your mother.
Peering up at him, you could see his eyes glisten, so whatever was on his mind, you figured it was serious. You croaked out a ‘kay’ before kissing his chest, your hand laying across his stomach, clutching him closely. You just hoped that whatever it was, you'd be able to weather through it together.
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✨ next ~ a blast from the past: part three
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ethoglrl · 10 months
Adding more onto my Eyes Ears and Mouths AU (btw I made a silly little tag for it so like.. if you follow it you'll see when I post more oooooo)
So guys.. consider more info on the triplets (Pearl, Grian and Jimmy) and their backstory...
Tw for mentions of like. Difficulty getting food(?) and parental death/abandonment
----- (idk how to do a break so you have to hit "read more" to keep going im new to Tumblr bare with me here)
Pearl, Grian and Jimmy, the triplets.. their parents dead (or maybe the three just assumed they were dead.. who knows :3) and them newly orphaned, around 6..
Them three struggling for food, shelter.. everything. Hanging out in malls and small shops until they were kicked out, trying to beg for food while staying away from any law enforcement - they've heard how bad foster care could be once you were too old and how they'd split you up and they didn't even wanna try it
Them three sometimes having to split up to keep from getting caught, going to different parts of the city, whether for few hours, or days.. or weeks.. sometimes even months if they couldn't find each other. They all hated the separation, but they knew it was better than being split up permanently if they were caught
Pearl, having not only been the oldest but also looking a couple of years older than the other two, had gotten a couple of jobs young, around 13 or 14. She could never keep them long, hence the stealing even still. Besides, when you're working at a small corner store (think like a 7-11) it's easy enough to steal without many people raising eyebrows. But, eventually, she was always caught and fired, and bounced from job to job, never giving any references since she knew what they'd say, and just hoping they'd be desperate enough to hire this (appearance-wise) 15-16 year old without any proof of age or references or.. anything
She never told her brothers about any of the stealing, like where the food came from, or how she got Jimmy and Grian a slice of pie to share around their birthdays, or how one day she came home with a beaten up.. thing ("it's called a gameboy, you can play games on it .... no not games like tag, Jimmy"). She just said she was getting luckier with her begging and that's why she kept coming home much later than when she ended work
At about 15 (it was hard to count the days, but they knew their birthday was during summer) Pearl tells Jimmy. He could run faster than Grian, which mattered in a bad case scenario. Those two stealing while Grian kept begging, getting them some loose change that they saved in a plastic bag they once found, hoping to use it to get warmer clothes or blankets if they couldn't find any during winter
Eventually, maybe about 6 months after she told Jimmy, Pearl tells Grian about her stealing, and he helps. The three would clean up as best they could (so as to seem normal) then go into a mall or a small corner store and figure out what to steal. Only one would steal, the other two would be more like backup in case things went wrong
Now.. in this world, many people had powers (yet another reason they were scared of law enforcement. You never knew who would have a power that was super speed, or could freeze you still, making it easy for them to be taken into foster care) but the triplets.. didn't think they had any
Most people discovered their powers as children, even if they couldn't get the hang of them until they were adults or teenagers, but the triplets couldn't remember any time that they've had a power, so they assumed they were all powerless, which did make things more difficult but, they still got by and that's what mattered
Until one fateful day when Jimmy tries to steal a jacket to help them for the winter (even if it's a rather thin jacket)
He tries to run to the exit doors of the mall, where he can simply run among the cars and hopefully get lost, but before he can make it he gets tackled to the ground. He tries to escape the mall cop's grasp, he can't get caught and he knows there's only so long until more show up. Grian and Pearl started running over but before they could make it..
Bright yellow feathers sprouted from their brother's head, and they would see feathery wings flapping, trying to help him push up from the hard tile floor of the mall. They also saw ears floating around Jimmy's head which.. confused them. They stopped in their tracks, both confused on how the fuck their brother just transformed into some bird being when.. they were all powerless, weren't they?
Before they could get over their confusion and go over to help Jimmy, they see some ears float into the man's ears, and then the man froze. They saw Jimmy still kicking, scratching - doing anything he could to get out of the man's arms, but.. something was off with Jimmy's hands
The ends of his fingers turned into claws.. no, talons, black as the darkest night, the darkness going up his fingers where it ended.. and they could see blood coming from the man as Jimmy scratched him. And although Jimmy didn't notice it at the time, he could hear every single conversation going on in the mall, and he'd remember them all too
Pearl and Grian finally got over their shock and ran over, pulling Jimmy out of the man's grasp and the three of them running for the exit, Jimmy still holding onto the jacket and going back to his human form
When they got.. for lack of a better term, "home" (pretty much just the warmest spot they could find in an alley) they finally stopped running, and then the three finally let out their questions and confusion, although they didn't have any answers yet
Jimmy noticed how the other two treated him a bit differently after his transformation, and it worried him that one day he'd wake up and they'd be gone (Jimmy always handled separation the worst) but Pearl and Grian never considered that, they were just scared of angering Jimmy, of him attacking them like he had the man (they had all seen the news footage from a tv store, of a "yellow-feathered avian attacking a mall cop", and had seen the aftermath of the man when it was shown. They just got lucky that none of the mall's cameras had gotten a good look at Jimmy's face)
Next was Pearl. She had been running from a cop after stealing some bread, Jimmy and Grian being back at their "house" for the day, her legs so tired, almost giving out, panting for breath, unsure how the cop managed to go on but she could tell they weren't gonna stop soon.. she was slightly panicked, unsure of what to do. She couldn't let herself get caught, couldn't let her younger brothers' down.. and then, next thing she knew, she was flying, flapping wings behind her and leaving the ground
As she finally took a much needed breath, she saw the cop staring at her, mouth agape, and she flew as quick as she could (a bit wobbly but she slowly got it) to get back to her brothers, landing in the alley and seeing just how surprised and.. mildly scared they were hurt. She realized she must've made Jimmy feel this way too after he transformed.. but, as she calmed down from her panic, she went back to her human form, and told the story of how she transformed to the other too, and apologized to Jimmy for how she treated him
After that, Pearl and Jimmy tried getting Grian's powers to activate, since if they both had nearly the same thing, surely Grian did too? But no matter how hard they tried, Grian just.. didn't transform
It took to the point of Grian, Jimmy and Pearl nearly getting attacked by people who their stealing had affected for Grian to finally unlock his power. And as he transformed, the attackers ran in fright, but a few of Grian's Watchers (those little eyes, remember) followed them, shooting at them until Grian calmed down enough and they came back, disappearing to wherever with the rest
After this, the triplets worked on their powers, trying to learn of them, whether to use as a defensive measure or offensive one, but either way, it was a way to help them. Not to mention they were curious. They wanted to learn of their abilities, rather then ignoring them, as they've never seen anything like their transformations and the eyes/ears/mouths that float around their heads before
So, they learned how to trigger their powers, and practiced fighting against each other (which yes, has caused more than it's fair share of deep cuts and bed rest after but.. they needed to practice. If they couldn't defeat someone their age and roughly their size, how could they defeat a cop?) fighting or practicing triggering their transformations whenever they could, and they got pretty damn good at it too, using them whenever they were being chased or attacked without hesitation
So, for years they were small thieves, living on the streets, saving up for more, sometimes selling things they had for money. And, a few years later (and maybe a wobbly robbery but shhh they were never caught) they had enough finally for a small apartment. They would all sleep, curled up together for heat, and they cleaned up and all got jobs after getting an ID, slowly but surely. And, they (mostly) stopped stealing, not needing the food as much (usually) and they became more "normal" citizens
Well.. until one day....
And bam! That's what I've got for today :3 y'all better not get too used to daily posts cause after work during the week I doubt I'll have enough energy to post but I'll try to post at least once on the weekends!!
Don't forget to follow the AU tag (Eyes Ears and Mouths AU) to see when I post or even just follow me since I doubt I'll post much else here (I don't know how to do a Tumblr)
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shrinkthisviolet · 9 days
1, 2, 10, 12, 16, 21 for the roots asks for Morgan :)
1. How many living parents does your OC have? If they're alive, where are they now and what’s your OC’s relationship with them? If they’re dead, how did they die?
Ooh well right now, 1 with Tina. Though later it'll be 2, because of Henry (and probably later 3, when she comes to think of Harry as a father figure too).
Obviously, her relationship with Tina is very strong—naturally there’s tension at times, especially after Tina finds out about Eowells, but that’s bound to happen. Spoilers perhaps, but they come back from this tension stronger.
For Henry, it’ll be a bit of a bumpy ride given Morgan’s…difficult history with the concept of fatherhood. Calling Henry “Barry’s dad” is far easier than thinking of him as “stepdad”, but…she’ll get there. For Harry, she will probably never actually call him Dad, nor will he ever call her any form of “daughter” to her face, though they’ll probably refer to each other as such when talking to others. (More details about both of these relationships are TBD)
Harrison and Tess…well, Morgan’s relationship with them is ofc complicated. They’re her parents, but she doesn’t remember anything about them—she was too young when they died. Everything she knows about them is secondhand from Tina (or to a lesser extent Eowells*), or via what she can glean from Harry…though the latter is so E2-specific that it’s still lacking. So really, they’re her parents in a much more distant sense…and she barely even feels like she has the right to mourn them 🥺 more easily referring to them as “Aunt Tina/Mum’s friends” than “my parents”
*about this, btw…he does something quite underhanded that I can’t say too much about. You will hate him more than you thought possible when I reveal it.
2. What was your OC’s first job? Do they still work that job (or in that field), or do they do something else now?
Barista at Jitters! Then in s2, barista at Starbucks. Though once she transfers to CCU in s3 and sophomore year of college gets going, she decides to stay unemployed for a while 😅 juggling college and superhero duties (especially since Organic Chem is one of her classes during s3) is hard enough
10. What’s the first significant injury your OC remembers getting? Did it leave any scars?
Hmm maybe the time she fell off a Razor scooter when she was in kindergarten and got a scrape above her eyebrow. It was a pretty bad scrape, and she had to get stitches, though luckily it healed up fairly quickly.
One of the good memories she has of Eowells is him taking the day off work to spend with her in the hospital, and letting her curl up with him in bed. It was one of the few truly good days she had with him…and as with those good days, it was a rarity undone as soon as the next day
(He took her to the doctor that morning to make sure her stitches had dissolved and that her ill-effects were mild, then dropped her at school around noon before going off to work himself. And with that, they were right back to normal)
12. Does your OC’s family practice any faith or religion? Does your OC still practice? Why or why not?
She’s not really religious tbh, neither were her parents. She celebrates Christmas, but not in a super religious sense, more in a commercial sense (caveat: I do think Christmas is to a degree religious in nature, which is why I don’t celebrate it, but I do think people often do celebrate it secularly. Such is the case for Morgan)
Cut for length (16 and 21 are below):
16. What does your OC’s childhood bedroom look like?
Ooh well she has two: one in Tina's house for the most formative 6 years of her life (7-13, though she does also use it from ages 17-18 (and maybe beyond that)...possibly? Depends on if she dorms at CCU), and one at Eowells's mansion/house that she uses from 1-7 and then 13-16.
Her room at Eowells's house is fairly plain—Eowells had it painted a tactful pastel yellow, though when she was 13, in the early days of moving back in, she managed to convince him to paint it pastel blue instead (her superhero costume may be dark green, but blue is her favorite color). She doesn't have much decoration on her walls, no posters or anything of the like, though she did convince him to let her hang a whiteboard calendar on her wall. She still uses it. She also always keeps her room very neat, because Eowells gets tetchy when even a hair of it is out of place. He also doesn't see much point in knick-knacks or books that he seems "frivolous", so she learns quickly to keep those hidden
That aforementioned calendar was actually a gift from Tina, when she was 12. And her room at Tina's is much more lived-in, much more of "organized chaos"—knicknacks littering her dressing table, her clothes not always neatly folded, books scattered on every surface...though she always remembers to make her bed. And her four walls are alternating dark blue and dark green, the way she likes it 💞
21. If your OC could speak to their childhood self, what would they say?
“You are enough. You are more than enough, just as you are. And you don’t have to settle for him, you deserve better. One day, you will have so much better, I promise.”
oc ask game!
Taglist (send an ask or DM to be added or removed):
@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs
@thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @negative-speedforce @starstruckpurpledragon @angst-is-love-angst-is-life
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enrapture · 1 year
It’s 6:49am as I’m writing this
I feel like symbolically I’m at a public pool during summer time. A lot of kids /adults young and old around. Life guards on their little high chairs. They’ve blown the whistle to not swim for at least 10 minutes. And everyone is sitting around the pool waiting. I think it was because of chlorine or something I’m not too sure. I know they used to say wait before eating (idk if it’s a myth or not) but I remember getting told that in shows and sometimes in passing. Besides the point. but if you ever lived in Georgia (idk if it’s the same in other places Georgia is where I was born and raised and what I experienced when swimming at public pools) is that they’d blow the whistle sometimes and have you sit along the edge and wait til you can swim again. Well, there were times where my brother would push me in the pool when we weren’t supposed to be swimming and I got whistled and yelled at about it. But he thought it was the funniest shit in the world. Now I didn’t drown I was an okay swimmer at the time and got back up but it took A LONG TIME for me to master swimming because Mind you, as a kid I drowned A LOT…. sometimes my siblings would dunk me under and hold me there or not help me when I was struggling and sometimes my family would dress me up to go swimming and throw me in the pool with my cousins at their house and I remember having panic attacks at a very young age…. Haha I remember the first time was a bathtub my siblings held me under. I was a baby…. Anyway that’s a little tiny as fuck crumb of a very larger scale of trauma I have to share with you / for you in regards to this but I feel like my thoughts are (me the child who’s pushed in the pool) and I’m drowning in the water (my thoughts are drowning me tonight. So many overwhelming emotions and feelings about so many things. Feeling like I’m not being listened to when I express something that bothers me and a few other things that I won’t go into detail because you’re a reader you don’t care you’re just looking for something to pick at me at or be nosy. But ir sucks when you feel lonely man. It sucks feeling like you talk but it’s all not heard or felt it’s just blown away in the wind in passing. It sucks speaking to deaf ears I guess is what I’m trying to say. I feel like the child who got pushed in the pool (my thoughts overwhelming me feeling like a black hole suffocating me out of my oxygen and everyone around me watches and won’t lend a hand or anything to easily help me out of it fuck just by listening at the very least and then what’s supposed to be considered the life guard in the situation symbolizes myself like just sitting not knowing what to do as if I’m a teen who just signed up for a credit to get it over with to look pretty but not actually do anything so to speak like what it seems like a lot of life guards are idk though. But yeah all I can do is watch myself from a distance slowly but surely struggle and idk what to do in that instance. It sucks feeling alone man. It sucks feeling like no one really cares. It sucks feeling trapped in so many different ways. It sucks thinking about things that you can’t change. Thinking about things out of your control. It sucks going to a job you hate and living in a tiny as fuck bum fuck area that has barely any jobs. It sucks feeling used. It sucks feeling like you’re fucking crazy for feeling things deeply. It sucks feeling like your adhd ruins relationships/friendships with people because you get passionate about things and wanna express yourself but always feeling like you talk to much, are too much, are too fucking weird. It sucks feeling like you have absolutely no one…. All of it is shit or at least feels like it Right now. I know this too shall pass. Believe me I know… i I guess I just feel so alone rn and I feel like no one cares, wants to know or will even remotely care to listen. I feel like no one gets me or wants to understand me and I’m just …. Here dealing with all this and it’s suffocating to say the least. All the things contradict one another. :( it doesn’t help
And before you say seek therapy it’s more complicated than that if you understood the whole entire segment. You don’t know til you know. Til I tell you the entire thing. Anyway, enough of my bitching since I’m considered apparently a ‘bitch’ on this site, I’m going to try to sleep even though I think I’ll be up for the next few hours staring at the ceiling and crying off and on like the little bitch I am. I hope everyone has a great rest of your day. And thank you, if you’ve gotten this far enough to take the time to read this. As I know this is unnecessarily a lot… and if you end up dm’ing me afterwards about all this, know that I appreciate it. ♡
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Rei Mekaru (and why I love her)
So i responded to someone’s instagram story, which was a picture of SDRA2 Rei, saying “hear me out” and that’s where it started.
Spoilers for both games under the cut.
cw for me simping over rei, abandonment, and both games’ chapter 6 trials
Okay. Okay. Not only is rei hot as hell, BUT. She is also quite fun to hurt. You can take her childhood, and how she was abandoned, and write/draw her suffering. You can also make her beat herself up. In this essay, I will explain how rei mekaru is the hottest and saddest bitch around
Rei Mekaru has had some of the best character development i've seen in anything danganronpa related(Besides DRDT). She starts off as mean, with a somewhat holier-than-thou behavior, one could say. There's not really a reason for this that we know, at first. She is a teacher type, so surely she should be nicer? Now, we enter her backstory. On her character sheet, and in part of DRA chapter 6, we are informed about what seems to have caused such behavior; Abandonment. Rei Mekaru was 'abandoned' by her parents at a young age. Growing up to hate them, and even plotting a name change due to the aforementioned hatred. Seemingly keeping it out of spite. She grows up, going to schools and supposedly getting into college early (as, I believe, you need some sort of college degree to become a teacher/professor). From my understanding, she teaches away from her home country for a while, unaware that her parents have been searching for her for years.
Sooner or later, Rei receives a letter of acceptance from Hope's Peak, and moves back to her home country. She attends Hope's Peak with her 16 classmates, and remains distant. Calling them all "incompetents" frequently. Enter, the killing game. Rei's memories are wiped, and she doesn't remember her classmates. Another character sheet implies there was an attempted KG beforehand, but, because Yamato Kisaragi still had his memories, it had to be stopped and started again. She blocks herself off from everyone, barely even showing grief at the deaths of her classmates. Only when Satsuki Iranami reveals the reason for Haruhiko kobashikawa's death, and allows herself to die, does Rei begin to let go of the beliefs that built up in her childhood. She works with the others, even making a slight invention of her own so she can talk to them about things Monokuma might not like. When Mikako Kurokawa dies, on top of Rei, it seems Rei is shaking up. Talking in a somewhat slower manner.
“This girl……… has died.” The text has a few ellipsis in it, showing quite a long pause. This possibly leaves her more shaken than before, but she tries her best now to show it. Who knows what thoughts were in her head? Someone just died on her, after all. And then, Akane Taira is revealed as the mastermind('s assistant). That must hurt. Rei trusted Akane, including her in one the daily group talks. Perhaps Rei is good at hiding up her emotions, because I think a lot of people would break down and cry on the spot. The final trial, is where we first learn of her past. And where Rei first learns she wasn't abandoned. Her parents were in large amounts of debt, and had left a very young Rei in the care of her Aunt and Uncle. however, her Aunt and Uncle never showed up. Her parents just wanted her to have a good life, but her other family members could care less about her. She finds out that her parents spent years looking for her, and possibly she imagined them sobbing and calling out for her, or possibly she's trying to say this is false. Utsuro finally ends it off, stating that Rei's parents eventually went to Junko in hopes that she would tell them that Rei is alive. Supposedly dying sometime after. Rei wants to know more, but Utsuro refuses. And Rei falls into despair. I think, the new information is what made her personality change so much, in SDRA2.
Now, we move on to Chapter 6.5 of DRA. Of course, we only see her in the last few moments, but there's still a noticeable change. Emotionally, she shows sadness slightly more. Physically, she has her hair chopped off, and different glasses. When Ryutaro Maki asks about his sister, she looks aside. Sad, it seems. Now, it's small and unimportant to mention, but it's the first glimpse we see of her personality change. (from sdra2, that is)
Onto SDRA2. We first see Rei in the prologue, with her raising a gun to shoot Mikado. She still has this somewhat harsh personality, but wants to save others more. She is soon sent into a blaze of orange, and we are made to believe that she is dead. Until sometime in chapter 4, I believe. In chapter 4, i believe, we get a slight cameo. We can only tell it's her, from the outline. It seems she thinks that she is talking to Teruya Otori. (I am unable to find the scene lmao) "Akane Taira is alive." She says. It's here, we get to know that Rei is still alive. The next time we see her, is (i believe) the very end of chapter 5. In the same room to greet Yoruko Kabuya and Iroha Nijue when they awaken. It's unimportant, but it's how we know that the last sighting wasn't an AI or some shit like that. Chapter 6 comes, and boy oh boy do I love it.
She's shown to beat herself up constantly. When Teruya is mentioned in one conversation, she begins insulting herself and even calls herself pathetic. Rei believes that she should've just died. Let herself turn to ash. That way, Teruya would still be alive. When kokoro was revealed as Mikako's mother, she quiets down. Is it from flashbacks of the DRA chapter 6 trial? Or is she just shocked, and unaware of what to say? Her new personality is flaunted in SDRA2's chapter 6, I suppose. We still do get the cop-mocking ginger every now and again, though. She seems more forgiving, and like she has finally seen that people aren't just yins and yangs. Even accepting that Sora isn't quite Akane, and asking if she can refer to Sora as 'Sora' at the end of chapter 6. even promising to try and help Yoruko and Sora meet again. possibly because she doesn't want to see someone sad over someone they cared for again.
She quite possibly cared for Teruya deeply, and he could've been emotional support. or maybe, just a coworker, but the tragedy has made her more vulnerable to emotions. Either way, it's shown that she is less closed off about her emotions. And, possibly, has a harder time with sadness. Leaving her open for attacks on her mental state. Hence why she's a more complex character, but more fun to hurt. (hence why we should always make her go through 70 stages of grief) p.s. she's also hot as hell but you didn't hear that from me
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serendipity-writes · 2 years
Boys Will Be Boys (That's the Way That This Thing Goes)
Written for Harringrove Week July 2022! No prompt, just silliness
Fics for this event: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Rated Gen, 2.2k
“Isn’t it strange, how they get along so well now?” Martha whispers to the group one day as Steve takes up his new usual position by Billy’s side. “I thought they were at each other’s throats.”
Karen hums in agreement. She’s seen Steve around; it’s nice that he’s making more friends his age, considering how much time he spends with all the kids. Why it has to be Billy, she doesn’t know, but she supposes it’s not her place to make value judgements on that sort of thing.
read on ao3
Karen Wheeler doesn’t spend an inordinate amount of time at the Hawkins community pool. It’s just that it’s so hot in the summer, and there really isn’t much to do in Hawkins at any given time. So unless she wants to be slow-roasted in her own house, which isn’t particularly appealing, her only option is the pool.
The presence of a certain… attractive young lifeguard is just a lucky bonus.
The other one, Heather, Karen thinks, uncrosses her legs and hops down from the chair. “Ladies,” Karen murmurs, because it’s time. She hears the faint rustling and muted whispers that come with her friends adjusting themselves for the main event, but she keeps her eyes glued to the door Heather disappeared through.
Sure enough, he emerges mere moments later, toned arms and bronzed chest sparkling in the midday sun like a Greek god. He strides out onto the concrete, pausing on his way to the chair like does every day.
“Hello, ladies,” he says, the low rumble of his voice entirely too smooth and sultry for their location.
“Hi Billy,” they chorus back. He grins at them, all teeth and charm, nearly blinding in the sunlight.
“You’re looking hot today,” he tells them. “Remember to stay cool out here.” It would be an innocent enough comment, if not for the look in his eyes.
Karen swears he’s staring straight at her as he winks and walks away.
The rest of her “coven of wine moms,” as Nancy so elegantly describes them, titter behind her, but she doesn’t bother to engage. Every once in a while, Billy will toss a smile her way.
Yes, the pool is the place to be.
* * *
That Tuesday is shaping up to be a real scorcher. Ted barely blinks an eye when Karen tells him she’s headed to the pool. Bitterness rises in her chest like bile for a moment before she puts it out of her mind. She’s got bigger, better things to focus on.
She times her arrival perfectly, having just settled in when Heather’s shift ends. Billy takes her place as usual, with his customary greeting to Karen and her friends. He looks so relaxed up on the lifeguard’s chair, like he knows he can handle anything that’s thrown his way. Something about that easy confidence makes Karen hot under the collar, so she settles back against her pool chair, magazine held up in front of her face so she can watch Billy over the edge of it.
About half an hour later, something strange happens. Namely, Billy shadows his eyes with his hand, squints into the sun, and shouts, “Harrington! To what do I owe this pleasure?”
Karen looks toward the gate to the pool, where Steve Harrington has appeared with five children in tow. One of them is hers, she realizes as Mike elbows Will’s arm and leans close to whisper into his ear. Dustin and Lucas are there too, as well as a redheaded girl Karen vaguely recognizes as Billy’s sister.
She turns back to Billy, a little wary. His voice was laced with a challenge, and everyone in Hawkins has heard the rumors about their fight last November. Karen hadn’t had the misfortune to see the aftermath herself, but from what little she’d picked up from her kids, it wasn’t pretty.
But Billy doesn’t seem like he’s going to get up from his perch, and Steve doesn’t look particularly threatened either.
“The brats wanted to come to the pool,” he calls back, because they’re still at opposite ends of it, “and I had the day off. So, you know, here I am.” He says it with the kind of weariness that Karen associates with parenting preteens, a weariness she knows well. Steve’s turned into a good kid.
“Lucky you,” Billy sneers. Steve’s too far away for Karen to really see his expression, but she’d put money on him rolling his eyes so hard he sees his brain.
He ignores Billy after that, turning to the children and speaking to them softly before letting them free. He doesn’t swim himself, just takes a seat in a chair across the way from Karen, fully shaded by an umbrella, and slides a pair of sunglasses over his eyes. After a few minutes, Karen’s pretty sure he’s asleep.
Billy dons sunglasses as well, and doesn’t flash her a single grin until Steve’s gone.
* * *
It becomes something of a regular occurrence after that, Steve showing up with a varying number of other people’s children a couple of days a week. Usually he claims a chair and immediately passes out on it, although sometimes he brings a notebook along and spends hours with his head bent over the pages, scribbling away like he’ll die if he stops. And once or twice, he arrives in swim trunks and slathers more sunscreen on himself than Karen makes Mike wear, which is really saying something. Somehow, he still comes out the other side looking mildly burned.
Whenever Steve is there, it’s like Billy forgets Karen even exists.
* * *
Maybe three weeks into this, Billy calls Steve out like he always does, but instead of shooting some thinly veiled aggression his way and leaving him be, he beckons Steve over. The hesitation in Steve’s movements is painfully obvious, but he walks over to the lifeguard’s chair anyway, coming to stand under the umbrella. Billy starts talking to him, quietly now that they aren’t separated by a hundred feet of splashing water and screaming children. With a sigh, Karen drops her eyes to her Cosmo and actually reads it for the first time in her life. When she glances up about an hour later, Steve is just walking away from the chair, Billy staring after him as he goes.
He doesn’t come by the next three days, and Billy’s back to being his usual charming self.
* * *
The next time Steve shows up, he’s brought someone his age in addition to the ever-present children. She’s somewhat tall, with sandy brown hair and a slightly awkward gait. Karen can tell just by her posture that she’s not thrilled about being here. She pulls Steve aside to talk to him while the kids gleefully jump in the water, swatting him gently on the shoulder when he says something she evidently doesn’t like. But then she shakes her head and flaps a hand at him, collapsing into a chair when he walks away. Karen hasn’t heard anything from Nancy about Steve dating someone new, but she thinks they make a nice couple.
The redheaded girl seems to like her too, taking the chair next to her rather than joining the boys in the pool. The older girl ruffles her hair like Nancy used to do to Mike when he was younger. It’s cute.
Steve, strangely enough, heads straight for Billy. He crosses his arms over his chest, obviously more at ease than the last time they had spoken. Karen’s all for mending bridges, but she has to admit it’s a bit unexpected.
* * *
Billy starts keeping a closer eye on the gate. Karen only knows because she still keeps a close eye on him, like Ted keeps a close eye on his newspaper.
* * *
“Isn’t it strange, how they get along so well now?” Martha whispers to the group one day as Steve takes up his new usual position by Billy’s side. “I thought they were at each other’s throats.”
Karen hums in agreement. She’s seen Steve around; it’s nice that he’s making more friends his age, considering how much time he spends with all the kids. Why it has to be Billy, she doesn’t know, but she supposes it’s not her place to make value judgements on that sort of thing.
* * *
Billy absolutely roars with raucous laughter, slapping his leg and drawing every eye in the pool to him. “Full of surprises, Harrington!” he shouts, loud enough for the Carsons down the road to hear him. “Who knew!”
Next to him, leaning against the arm of the lifeguard’s chair, Steve is smiling like he’s holding back his own mirth. Karen rolls her eyes. Boys.
* * *
On the rare occasion that Steve is off doing something else, Billy’s gaze follows him around the pool.
* * *
Billy and Steve are sharing a cigarette by the end of the pool.
Billy smokes all the time, despite the No Smoking signs posted everywhere. But he’s the kind of guy who will chew out anyone else trying to light up with his cigarette still dangling from his lip. It’s alluring, his flagrant disregard for the rules combined with the obvious double standard.
But now, Karen thinks as she watches Billy hand the cigarette to Steve, watches Steve take a long drag before passing it back, that double standard seems to extend to the other boy.
It’s almost funny, when Billy yells “Hey!” and points threateningly at a kid that probably went to school with them. He’s got his lighter halfway to the cigarette held between his teeth, frozen with confusion rather than fear. “Can you not fucking read?” Billy shouts, gesturing with the hand holding his own cigarette at the sign on the fence just behind the offender.
“But—you—” the kid starts, pointing back at Billy, then at Steve, who plucks the cigarette from Billy’s fingers and inhales deeply, blowing the smoke out with a smug smile. “Him—”
“Ah,” Billy cuts him off. “Put it away. Rules are rules.”
The other kid looks like he’s going to keep protesting for a moment before the fight drains out of him and he shoves his hands in his pockets, kicking rocks as he flees with his tail between his legs. Billy and Steve share a look before cracking up silently into their fists, Billy leaning dramatically against the back of his seat and Steve nearly bent double.
Steve’s girlfriend, who’s been accompanying him to the pool more often recently, rolls her eyes with her whole body even while sitting. Karen is inclined to agree.
* * *
Billy hasn’t looked her way in days. It’s starting to feel like she’s back in her own home.
* * *
Heather slides down from the lifeguard’s chair to the excitement of every woman at the pool. Karen positions herself carefully on her pool chair, casually showing off the new bathing suit she bought at the mall yesterday. Ted hadn’t said anything that morning, of course, but Billy’s always been very observant and liberal with his praise. It’s harmless, really. Just a bit of an ego boost.
Except Heather leaves the locker room with her things and Billy still hasn’t come out to take his station. Which, truthfully, is surprising, because whatever else one might say about his professional demeanor, Billy is always punctual.
Two minutes pass, then five, and the concerned whispers around her are just starting to grate when she feels a touch at her shoulder. When she turns, Mike is standing next to her, dripping wet and shifting his weight from foot to foot.
“Hey Mom,” he starts, returning her slightly confused smile. “Can I have some money, please? Will and I want popsicles.”
“Of course, sweetie,” she replies, reaching into her bag to pull out a couple of neatly folded dollar bills. “Is Steve here with you?”
Mike shrugs, taking the offered money. “Yeah, he brought us here, but I don’t know where he went. Thanks!” He runs off before she can question him further, looping his arm over Will’s shoulders as they walk to the concession stand. There’s still no lifeguard on duty.
“All right, ladies,” Karen says, unfolding herself from the chair and standing up. “I think it’s about time for someone to check up on this public safety violation.” She makes for the locker rooms before the rest of the women have a chance to respond. At the very least, that bitch Doris would try to convince them to let her go instead.
Inside the building there’s a clear sign indicating that the men’s locker room is to the left and the women’s is on the right. Karen knocks on the wall outside the men’s side, hovering awkwardly in the doorway. “Billy?” she calls.
His response comes almost immediately. “Karen?” he asks, sounding startled. She supposes it’s a fair reaction.
“Heather went home for the day,” she explains, “and there’s no lifeguard on duty right now. Some of us parents are a little concerned.”
It takes him a moment to reply this time. “You’ve caught me at a bad time,” he says, voice quite steady if that’s the case. “I’ll be out in just a moment.”
“Alright,” she says slowly. When he doesn’t offer anything else, she pads out of the building.
True to his word, Billy strides to the chair after barely thirty seconds have passed, tossing her a suggestive wink as he takes his seat. She smiles back over the top of her Cosmo, licking her lips briefly.
Several minutes later, Steve comes out of the locker room, rolling his shoulders like he was just lifting something. He slides onto the chair next to his girlfriend’s, popping his sunglasses on and leaning his head closer to her so they can talk. Billy keeps glancing over at them as they laugh together, and even though Steve’s eyes are obscured, it’s clear enough from the tilt of his head that he’s looking at Billy too.
Karen doesn’t really understand their friendship, but stranger things have happened in Hawkins, Indiana.
* * *
(She realizes pretty quickly after that that trying to draw Billy's attention away from Steve is an exercise in futility.)
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yusuke-of-valla · 11 months
In S supports it’s revealed Chrom loved his father and one of his prized positions is a ring that his dad forged to celebrate his birth and intended. His son to give to his future wife. Though Chrom doesn’t mention this in the Robin support for obvious reasons.
Ok so here’s what Chrom says about the ring in various S-supports
This was crafted to commemorate my birth, and later given to me by my father. Since my earliest days I have planned to bestow it to the woman I would marry. It is yours now. A symbol of our everlasting love and affection. (Sumia)
My parents had it made for me when I was born. I've always kept it close, and I see no reason to change that now. The only difference is that it will now be attached to an even greater treasure. (Sully)
My parents had it crafted to celebrate my birth. I've always kept it safe because I knew someday I would give it away. I would give it to the woman I wanted for a lifelong companion. ...For a wife. So yes. I want you to have it. (Maribelle)
My parents had it made on the occasion of my birth. They told me to give it to the woman that I would spend my life with. I'm only doing what it was designed for in the first place. (Olivia)
Only one of those specifies his dad and the fact that Chrom cherishes this ring intended for his future wife is pretty much the only thing he has to say about his dad that’s positive and like. That’s not saying his feelings about his dad is positive, that’s saying his feelings about the ring are positive.
In comparison this is what Chrom has to say about his dad in Chapter 6
Oh, hi, Robin. Just...dueling with some unpleasant thoughts... Tomorrow we march to Regna Ferox to request additional soldiers. But there's something you should know first. ...Not everything Gangrel said was a lie. The last exalt, my father, waged war on Plegia for many years. The violence... It was a brutal campaign, ending only with his death 15 years ago. Plegia rightfully remembers their suffering, but his war was no kinder to his own people. As the fighting dragged on, our army became more and more diminished. Farmers who could barely wield a pitchfork were conscripted and sent to their deaths. Soon there was no food at all, and the kingdom began to collapse. I was young, but I remember those dark times. ...I know how they affected Emmeryn.
Indeed. When our father died before her 10th year, he left her quite the legacy... Plegia's desire for vengeance... Our own people's unbridled rage... My sister became a target for blame from all sides. Her own subjects began to hurl insults—and stones. She still bears the scar from one... But she never let them see her pain. Only Lissa and I understood.
I don’t think that’s “Chrom loves his dad despite his dad being a shit ruler,” I think that’s the ring means a lot to him because he got it from BOTH his parents and he was meant to give it to his future wife and he’s like. A romantic and likes the idea but doesn’t associate it with his dad because his dad sucks
Like we don’t have exact ages but Chrom’s dad died when he was really young and fucked everything in his wake and Chrom never has anything nice to say about him specifically… I think saying Chrom loves his dad is a reach. At best it’s probably “incredibly complicated”
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tw cocsa(?) | graphic description | sa
i need help. i need help defining what happened to me. it began when i was 4 or 5 and the other child was the same age. my sister and her friend were two years older than us so 6 or 7. they would make us (me and the other child) undress and touch each other's genitals while they watched from a corner. sometimes, they make us kiss. we were impressionable. we were young. we did it because big sister knew best. it went on for some years, maybe two. maybe three. it became a norm. a thing i had to do. whenever my sister had a friend who had a sibling who was roughly my age, i had to entertain them... sexually. if i wasn't made to show them my genitals, i had to put on a striptease for them, touch their genitals, kiss them. i was barely ten. i was made a sexual being before i was ready. and one time, i was climbing over a fence when this one kid (younger than me) poked me in my genitals before laughing. i was shamed for my outburst of anger. he was kid. he didn't know better... so was i. i was also a kid. i didn't know better. i became scared of the younger kid. avoided him at all costs. because if i avoided him then he wouldn't touch me again and it wouldn't hurt. all of this, the constant exposing, touching, poking, everything led me to be hypersexual with something short of a masturbation addiction. i have a horrible relationship with my body and intimacy. i have anxiety, depression, emotional dysregulation. i have extreme identity issues, a brittle sense of any belief i hold. i have deep feelings of shame and guilt. i cannot help but think i let this happen to myself. i need help. was this cocsa? or am i overdramatic?
Hi anon,
I'm sorry to hear about what happened. You're not being overdramatic at all. It's okay to be traumatized by this, and any feelings you have about this are valid.
It's understandable that you have concerns and questions about what happened to you. The experiences you described, where you were coerced into engaging in sexual activities at a young age, indicate that you may have experienced CSA, or more specifically, COCSA. Please know that you are not alone.
What happened to you was not your fault. As a child, you were unable to give informed consent or understand the implications of the situation. It's common for survivors to grapple with feelings of guilt, shame, and confusion. Please know that you deserve support and understanding.
It can be incredibly helpful to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor experienced in trauma and abuse, if you can access or afford it. They can provide a safe and nonjudgmental space for you to explore your experiences, process your emotions, and develop healthy coping strategies. Therapy can be a crucial step in your healing journey, allowing you to work through the impact of the abuse and find ways to rebuild a positive relationship with yourself and your body.
Ultimately, it's important to remember that healing takes time. You deserve support and care as you navigate this journey of recovery and reclaim your well-being. If anyone else has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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wack-ashimself · 2 years
Yeah....we do not need a season 4 of the umbrella academy..
They COULD make a movie special, to wrap up all the loose ends but if they don't, whatever.
Season 3 was the worst of all the seasons.
Fuck, Season 1 was their peak!
And because they destroyed the world, went back in time, etc, they seem to hit a lot of 'wtf' moments, and NEVER EVER explain them.
For some? Cool. Mysterious. But for ones that you tease all the time (what killed original ben) you never are given an answer just cuz...they don't want to? It could have really developed this alternative ben character, but nope; fuck us, right?
And so many fucking plot holes. Since they can use the excuse 'time travel/alternative time lines' anything from the first 2 seasons I won't cover (also cuz I barely remember those seasons. They were FUN to watch, not work).
1-so we find out #5 formed the commission (old version, 1 arm). He says don't save the universe (how the fuck did he survive let alone develop a 'paradox' free room). And has a tattoo on his chest that younger version cuts off. Then later he gets the same tattoo on his chest to 'keep with the time streams' or something. WHY? Reality is falling apart, do you think following the rules will somehow fix it? Also, he gets his arm cut off (then back when he saves time). How the fuck did the old him survive the attack, the end of the world, and get to the bunker? AND form the commission inbetween?
2-so, in theory, their dad for the entire series was trying to get to this magical room that resets existence (to bring back to life what appears to be his wife, on the moon, that Luthor was protecting...tho he couldn't access it, cuz it had its' own BARRIER. Kinda redundant.) Tho they never mentioned 1/2 of the stuff they show (how did he know about it? Understand the language? And he says 'the creators of this realm' so...not his species? Why does it look like their hotel if their dad created the hotel? etc). The 'defenders' never showed till the bell was rung. But...they only needed to access the machine. Why not look for the machine and activate it? Maybe the defenders would kill them during their vulnerability? The guards were clearly not immortal, so why not bomb the fuck out of them? See, they bring up new cool concepts, then when you question even some basic shit, it doesn't hold weight. Like, the bugs. WTF is with the bugs?
3-Allison can make anyone, anytime tell her the truth, and she can tell them to forget about it. I know, sounds evil, but she goes full evil (IMO) in this season, so why the fuck not? I would at minimum use it on my KNOWN PSYCHO dad, and when it didn't work, then I would know he has powers or isn't human. I mean, he never ages, and he made a robot mom....
4-robot mom goes cult leader (with a RANDOM flamethrower)? WHYYYYYYYYYYY!?
5-....a floating cube was born of a human mother? So...a box came from a box? haha. But seriously, c-section? His own language? This entire show should be called 'here's more questions, and even less answers than last time.'
6-mutiple times the human punching bag was interacted with (tripping, throwing, etc) and the person doesn't get any damage. Very inconsistent. Also, why does his a face fall apart? Why does he need an inhaler?
7-The ending was a (kinda) nice wrap up. Everybody (kinda) got what they wanted; no more power drama. Why did dick ben stay in old ben's body? And wasn't he dead well before the reset in the main universe? Only one to lose out was Luthor (his wife). She still exists, but where? There's no way they were called by the names on their birth certificate, so he has no idea where she was born or went. THAT sucks. Felt like the ending of the new spiderman.
Still...for the movie, they could explain a-dad, alien, now alive wife, mega corporation. Was that his plan the whole time? Why? And EVERYTHING with the back door to god machine. Who, what, where, why, how? b-how the FUCK did allison get her super dead from the past lover, young again, in the present? Does the machine make life PERFECT? c-why did their powers disappear? Who caused them in the first place? d-all that bull shit with the commission. Tho at the same time, with them resetting everything, you could just say it no longer exists.
Just this whole season felt campy, and everyone acting like over the top soap opera stars. Ben was better as a ghost...killing a bunch of characters we had no time to have grown attached to. Subplots that just straight up disappeared or are never covered again. All felt soap opera-y.
I do NOT need a whole season, just a wrap up movie. You owe me some damn answers!
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