#congrats man! you have a dick! i dont! and you are the one on MY ACCOUNT LMAOOO
mysicklove · 7 months
I’m sorry but I’m not a woman’s so that’s mean I don’t want to read x female reader cuz I don’t have a pussy
incel anon this one wasnt funny :/ can u say something more misogynistic so i can laugh at you? litterally have one job 🙄🙄🙄
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therealmilfdennys · 2 years
SFW and NSFW headcanons for the ST boys I write for lol
I want! To do one of these for everyone I write for but this is fresh on my mind so it's first lol. Eddie, Billy, and Steve are included. I wanted to post this before some of my asks so you know what you're getting lol. Anyway! CW: Feminization, trauma mention, nightmares, scars, and season 3 spoilers, cockwarming, crying, panty stealing, exhibitionism sort of, billy's mommy issues, more crying, let men bottom. Written with top!reader in mind, mostly gender-neutral but AFAB based (I write what I know) if there's more Please let me know.
Steve Harrington SFW 
He hates being alone in that big house, so hes either holding you hostage or he’s always at yours. 
Says he HATES spending time with the kids but is the first to defend them in any situation, even if You have something negative to say about them.
I think the whole ‘six nuggets’ speech was WAY out of character but like, I think Steve deserves ONE baby as a treat. Or maybe he’s the honorary uncle to one of Nancy’s kids lol. He’d be a sick ass uncle.
He Does in fact love PDA, he’s a touchy feely guy (post season one, at least Genuinely) 
His love language is physical touch(receiving) and gift giving(giving). HIs parents were always trying to ‘make up’ for not being there with gifts (the BMW was from the Florence trip, two whole months by himself with little to no contact.)
He really likes movie dates, be it renting a tape and staying at his or yours OR going out and catching one at the theater. He got weirdly into film after working at Family Video.
His favorite candy is anything banana flavored (laffy taffy is the top spot).
He likes pepsi over coke and Is pretentious about it. 
I ama  firm believer that he has a full skin/hair/night/morning routine that he is ADAMANT about. HE has a toiletry bag bigger than his overnight bag that he carries his “essentials” in if he stays over at yours/Eddie’s. 
Speaking of Eddie they got weirdly close after the whole Vecna thing so if you’re dating Steve congrats you have a a new bestie :) Eddie will offer you joints you do Not have to accept. 
Steve is a fan of thicker people I’m sorry I dont make the rules. They all are but Speficially Steve and Billy lol. 
He gets really bad nightmares about the demogorgons sometimes, sleeps with the bat next to him most nights. “Just in case, babe. Can’t be too careful.”  
Was a bug kid, and WAS friends with Eddie in elementary school I will die on this hill. They used to make bug palaces on the playground someone please ask e about this for the love of fuc-
HIs favorite book is The Outsiders :) He doesn’t and didn’t read a lot but that is one of the few books that can grab his attention and keep it. Got very excited when the movie came out and it is one of his favorites :)
First guy crush was Rob Lowe he “Just thought he was badass.” uhhh okay Stevie we get it.
Boyfriend Material to a fucking T. You need someone to help grocery shop? He’s there. Help move furniture? He’s there? Sad? He’s there and he’s making stupid jokes and calling you pretty and kissing your eyelids. 
He lets you wear his clothes and encourages it. Will have a fashion show with your clothes to make you feel better about it if you’re insecure. 
Firmly believe there isn’t a mean bone in this mans body. He couldn’t bully you into submission if he wanted to he’d feel too bad.
He’s a simp to the bone. All you have to do is put on the puppy eyes and the “Please Stevie?” And he melts.
I’d call him the pussy eating king but Eddie Munson holds that title so Steve is the Pussy Eating Prince? 
I don’t think he’s a dom by any means, but I DO think he’d be a service top. 
“Baby cum for me please? Wanna feel it. Need to see you cum, look so pretty when you do.” and “So fuckin’ tight, so wet and pretty and perfect. Doin’ so good for me.”
Praise!! Kink!!! Both giving and receiving! Pull on his hair and call him a good boy and he’ll whimper so pretty. 
Big Dick. I don’t remember where I read the headcanon that Steve has a huge dick but i fuckin ran with it so now he does :). Its pretty too. 
He likes slow and sleepy sex over anything else. The sex where you guys are like, trying to fuck but end up just cuddling and kinda grinding against eachother? *chef’s kiss*
Big fan of cockwarming :) sometimes he’s just so needy and you’re busy with work stuff, or college stuff or you’re just reading and he’s all 
“Can I please just put it in? Don’t even have to move, jus’ wanna be close baby.” 
He’s shit at dirty talk but he tries okay?
“Steve we talked about the shitty porn dialouge baby.” “Yeah, yeah sorry.” 
BIg fan of giggling during sex? He just thinks you’re so pretty and he gets these big goofy smiles that are all teeth and yeah. 
When he cums he’s loud as fuck. He’s vocal in general but he gets LOUD when he’s close. He whines and whimpers and huffs out these little moans. HIs tummy gets all tense and his hips jerk and he’s trying so hard not to cry out and beg. 
“Gun’ cum baby, please? Guna’cum for’ya please.” 
Tears up if its really good or if you edged him lol. 
All in All a nice guy to fuck and Date i wont him. 
Eddie Munson SFW :)
Will make you a mixtape way before you start dating and if you listen hard enough that was his original confession. 
He likes to make NPC's in his campaigns based off of you :) whether they be random passerby or main baddies. 
Doesnt matter what shape, size, gender, ethnicity, race anything. If Eddie falls for you? He's All In. He loves HARD and he doesnt give a shit about consequences. 
His queer awakening was Slash lol
Probably autistic, but its the 80's and its rural Indiana so. No Outlet for that. 
His best friend is 100% Dustin they hang out regularly. He's trying (slowly hut surely) to teach Dustin some guitar stuff. 
Eddies idea of a date is driving out to empty fields in the van with some burgers and a joint or two and stargazing. He knows a lot about astrology and definitely shows off his knowledge. 
He's a cuddle bug. Leeches your warmth in the winter and sticks to your sweaty skin during the summer. If he's not sleeping flush against you hes whiney as fuck. 
He likes to wrap his arms around you from the back when you guys are just standin' places. He's a lil lanky so he just kinda curls himself around you, no matter if you're taller or shorter than him. 
he likes to call you "your majesty" a lot, and not in a condescending way. 
"you're royalty babydoll, should be treated that way" hands you a rock he thought you'd like.
hes very much the 'crow friend' if you've seen those tiktoks?
keeps a box of shiny stuff, fancy rocks, funky sticks, jars, and weird shit he found that he likes to show you sometimes and give you if he thinks you'll like it. 
very sensitive to rejection, has attachment issues. 
his parents left when they realized he was getting caught too often doing illegal shit for them so they dipped and he took it to heart. 
still convinced Wayne thinks he's a burden
please kiss his cheeks and play with his hair and call him pretty he blushes so nice. 
he gets freckles during the summer and a REALLY nice tan if hes out enough. 
never learned how to swim correctly, is self taught. 
used to chew on his hair and still does if he's Very upset or close to a meltdown. 
umm bottom lol sorry
or a pushover service top
i cannot see him as a massive sadist it doesnt fit im sorry
likes to dress up sometimes :) likes feeling pretty and dainty 
he just hangs around naked sometimes? he seems the type to me?
eats pussy for HIS pleasure and will go till he gets lockjaw and THEN some. 
the one on this list who Knows how to make AFABs squirt. and is PROUD of it. 
is actually very shy? knows people dont like him usually and is worried its a prank. 
wants his ass ate sorry not sorry it had to be said. he thinks it would feel fucking amazing and he deserves it. 
he LOVES being ridden, titties bouncin' in his face, tummy jigglin' for him to grab onto. he fuckin ADORES it. 
hes GRABBY. he grabs at your ass, hips, thighs, stomach, shoulders. Anything He Can. he just gets so needy 
he begs so pretty. loves being overstimulated and gets shakey after his first orgasm but wont stop you till hes cumming dry. 
"cm-cmon..can…i can c-cum again bab-baby i can. puh-puh-promise i can." 
LOVES when you baby talk him but like, in a condescending way? 
"oh sweet thing :( just gotta cum so bad huh? couldnt wait could you, just had to act like a needy slut, yeah?" "mhm, mhm, needy..needed it, so bad. so bad." 
drools lol hes like A Dog. his legs get shakey and his head rolls and he grins like a maniac and theres spit dripping down his chin and im <3
loves to finger you, anywhere, really. and loves when you just shove a hand down his pants and jack him off. 
the kinda guy who would refer to your pussy as "his girl" 
He’s a fuckin perv. Steals your undies and has a stash of them for ‘safe keeping’. Porn mags out the ass. Normal ole teenage boy stuff lol. 
he'd let you use his dick as a stim toy /hj
Billy Hargrove SFW
Boy is an ASSHOLE okay? lives to bully and tease you at first (and even after you're dating but then its affectionate) 
He has a lot of resentment towards positive female/female presenting roles in his life because of his mom i think? and he REALLY has to work on that shit, and if you have the heart to help him with that you're a saint. 
I think the best approach would be to help him from outside. Let him do some introspective shit and just kinda. Guide him. 
Okay so he knows hes a dick, hes trying to get better this is prime, please ask HIM out time. 
He will get so incredibly flustered if you ask him out on a date or something he wont know what to do. 
Hes used to being the flashy one. The Stud. the Untouchable. A Lot of internalzed homophobia in this bad boy. Toxic Masculinity ftw
After the Mindflayer he is a Lot different and i really want to write my specific headcanons and ideas on how he survived/what happened after lol
Hes more subdued, he's quiter, he doesnt lash out as much. He's still, ragey, obviously but its toned down a lot. 
He's not quite as outgoing either, which Max helps a lot with. They get close. 
You and him get closer too. 
I think you guys start as FWB and escalate from there because what ELSE would happen with Billy Hargrove. 
Uhhh he secretly likes rom coms sorry not sorry. 
He LOVES sixteen candles its one of his favorites. 
his queer awakening was :) tom cruise in top gun, that basic bitch. 
he likes when you call him baby/baby boy a LOT. 
he gets FRECKLED in the summer. He tans so pretty and he gets a nice little flush/sunburn on his cheeks and ears that makes him glow. He really thrives in the summer. 
City Boy. Has never seen a cow irl until Hawkins and is terrified of them, please show him they are gentle giants. 
He likes to go to drive ins (and make out) for dates before the mindflayer. He still likes to do that AFTER the mindflayer but hes much more a homebody now so he really likes napping together. 
calls you bitch but affectionately. 
is an AVID reader actually? i love the headcanon that Billy is Wicked smart so i like to think he reads alot. 
he likes period romances (jane austen is his GIRL)
he thinks cooking together is the height of domesticity and at first it freaked him tf out how much he liked doing it with you. now he eases into so quickly its a little funny. 
feral mountain lion turned a little less feral house cat energy.
likes when you call him Bills :)
Likes to walk with his hand in your back pocket and yours in his. 
So at first, he's hyper-dominant. Won't let you even Ride him. He's in his head about it 100% he doesnt want you to think he's weak. Men dont take it like that. 
He soon learns you VERY much like it when he's crying for you  
Hes a power bottom i wont take arguments. 
He's also a fuckin BRAT. Needs you to put him in his place but Gently. Needs a firm hand but do Not raise your voice at him or he shuts down. 
It takes a while before he trusts you enough to let you see this side of him and you need to respect that. He will come to you when he's ready. 
He knows hes pretty and he uses it against you. Flutters his eyelashes and smiles all pretty and puffs his chest out. Lays himself out to make himself real pretty. 
Praise tf out of him please he'll cry. 
"Oh pretty baby, you're doin' so good :) such a perfect boy for me. feel so good in me handsome." He's tearing up and nodding so hard. 
"Yeah. Yeah m'good. M'good boy. Doin' good." Under his breath with his eyes squeezed shut, white knuckling the sheets. 
Needs a lot of reassurance that you're feeling good. He spent a lot of time not really giving a shit if the girls he was with got off so with you? He's constantly. "Is that right? That feel good? Want more?" He wants to be perfect for you. 
Sometimes, after the nightmares are getting worse and he's so sleep-deprived he's cross eyed and he can't really think he needs you to take him apart and he goes so willingly.
He gets whimpery and almost immediately oversensitive. Like his cock is a livewire. His fingers and lips tremble and he's trying so hard to keep his eyes on you, to be a good boy. He goes pliant and soft and gets this silly little smile on his face. Eyes hazy and wet. He hums and nods and lets you do whatever. He knows he's safe. 
The scars ARE sensitive lol you heard it here folks. 
He doesnt fuck you with the lights on or fully naked for almost a year after he's fully healed. 
He rubs vitamin E oil and scar softner into the skin where he was attacked twice a day, every day, for a year before you get to see them. 
He breaks down when you call them pretty :) 
And you BETTER think he's still handsome or i'll find you istg /hj
Uhh, this may be a personal want of mine or a real headcanon but I think he would like to try makeup? Like a full glam rock, smokey eye red lip whole shebang. 
Fuck him so good his mascara runs. 
Prolly has a mommy kink but i’m not brave enough to write that (unless…)/hj
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smolcuriouskitten · 2 months
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"Okay so I called you all over here for some big news!" Rockelle chirps with a bright smile over her face.
"You pregnant?" Onyx asks with a raised brow.
"Nah, shes decided to give her music away to Sony." Chris pipes up.
"Dont be silly, shes decided to give Kimchi to me as a parting gift before she moves to Korea!" Renelle chirps, playing with the pup in her lap.
"Stopped pretending shes not a whore?" Roxie responds, smacking her gum.
"How about we all just wait until she says something?" Death reassures them, Rockelle's face scrunched to a look of irritation.
"No, no, Roxie I will put you back if you dont shut up, and no." Rockelle responds waving her hand. She takes a deep breath and smiles. "I have a boyfriend!" She happily exclaims, bouncing on her heels.
"Oh hell no." Roxie pipes up despite everyone else cheering. "There is only ONE guy you been having around lately....And I know who it is...but they dont know. Furball, you cant be fucking serious." Renelle turns to face her. "What are you talking about? I thought she was out on tour for the past few months." Renelle asks with a scowl on her face.
"She was but she was kidnapped by the biggest crime lord there...Think back to where she was.." Roxie continues, slowly walking to Rockelle with the biggest shit eating grin on her face. "Go on...Use your minds for something that isnt being stupid." She teases then Chris raises a brow.
"You mean she went on tour in Gotham. So shes dating Bruce Wayne. Hes not bad-" Chris starts then Rockelle let out a sigh.
"Since Roxie ruined the surprise, no it isnt Bruce. Its Joker."
"You cant be serious!"
"Damn you like dick attatched to toxic dont you?"
"You date a man whose a clown willingly?! Are you crazy?!"
"Ellie I support your decisions but this is a bit much!"
Roxie was cackling on the floor and Rockelle stood face to palm. "Can all of you just let me speak my peace for one second and quit talking over me?!" She yells then everyone quiets down, looking over at her with a raised brow. "Go on, we are waiting." Renelle said, glaring at Rocky.
Rockelle let out a soft sigh and smiles. "As bad as it sounds, he keeps his crime life seperate from the life here. Hes sweet despite his homicidal tendencies. And dad, he doesnt do anything to hurt me or that you would not approve of. Maybe one day you all can meet him, hes really sweet if you look past the paint and smell of gunpowder. NOW you guys are free to ask questions." Rockelle said with a lovedrunken sigh.
Renelle was the first to raise her hand. "Okay yeah um...Why him? You got choices and you pick HIM?! How was he different?!" She asks, genuinely flabbergasted. "Is it the damn books you read? Did it give you a mask kink or something?! Doesnt he smell?!" She continues and Rockelle scoffs. "You dont pick who you fall in love with. Besides, I dont see the crazy homicidal side of him, the side everyone else sees. You would be surprised at how gentle he is with me. I dont even fear him and I dont treat him differently. Hes my big scary teddy bear. I wouldnt have it any other way."
They all looked at each other and let out a sigh. If she was happy thats all that mattered to them, even if her man was a crazed maniac. "One question." Onyx piped up and everyone looks over at her. "Is the paint a indicator of what his face looks like? If so, I feel bad for you." Onyx comments before Rockelle giggles. "Now if I tell you that, he might get mad at me. You all will find out in time....Maybe. Anyway you all have to get out, hes coming within the next hour." Rockelle quickly comments, opening the door for them.
"Well damn, kick us out for some dick, I see how it is!" Renelle pipes up and Chris snickers. "And the amount of times you kicked me out so you and Chris can fuck do you want me to revisit in grave detail?" She retorts, then Renelle turns red as Chris snickers, escorting her out the door. "Dont worry we are leaving. Congrats! Stay safe! Let him know to quit blowing up the bakery too, that happened the 3rd time this month!" Chris comments as they leave, patting Renelle's back, swallowing a laugh. "Will do! Be safe you two, love you!"
Onyx got up next to leave, dragging Roxie by her arm. "Thanks for telling us about who you date. Dick must be good for you to pick him." She gags and Rockelle rolls her eyes. "Says the one who fucked a guy with an alien problem. Get out of my Caucasian household." She retorts, Onyx dragging her little sister out of the house. Death looked over at Rockelle with a raised brow. "While I dont approve of this...I will let you deal with this in your ways. Call me if he gives you any issues." Death chimes in as he leaves. Rockelle nods and smiles, waving at everyone before shutting the door and pressing her back to it.
"Why does everyone think his dick is whats keeping me around? We havent even had sex yet!" She mumbles to herself.
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"Darling?" Rockelle chirps, gently holding the Jokers face.
"Could you do me a favor and leave a bakery alone during your robberies?" She sits up and kisses his forehead, which makes him raise a brow. "Explosives have no direction doll." He responds, gently pulling her closer.
"Thats a shame...My friends bakery keeps getting blown up...I was hoping you could do something about it." She whispers in his ear, gently rubbing her thumb along his scar. A soft growl left his lips as he feels it. "I will think about it." He responds, leaving a kiss on neck before Rockelle squeals.
"Thank you baby!" She kisses his face and giggles, looking at him. "Yeah yeah. Ya know, you have me wrapped around your finger. Dont get used to it." He responds, then she scrunches her nose, tilting her head. "And why is that a bad thing?" She playfully narrows her eyes at him.
"You might get too used to it. Softness isnt exactly in my vocabulary." He responds and she shakes her head, leaning closer to him. "Of course I will. I give you a reason to be soft, who has to know you are a big ol' teddy bear? I will keep it a secret." She teases, kissing his cheek and scar again. "Besides, I told my family about you today. They would love to meet you." She continues.
He hums in response, turning his lip up. "We will see." He said, Rockelle pouting at his indifference. He doesnt look at her because he knows he will immediately say yes if he does. "Please baby?" Dammit that whining voice she does. Stay strong! "Fine. But the paint stays." He responds making Rocky cheer. "Yay! Thank you baby!"
@whyscserious @bewitchingbaker
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
Favorite and least favorite on the Star Fleet and the Zed Stacks?
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YEAH TOP HAT TOP FAV TOP KEK he's such a dick and i love that ksjskj the token jerk in the good guys team and the snobbish archetype are my absolute favourites and Top Hat just NAILS it in such a good way~. And he's funny, has a funny voice, a funny gimmick that gives him extra emotion i am love ♡♡♡♡ what a tugboat mannnn
Plus all the out-universe lore of "uuUUuUuH his model is missing, what if I found it? what if I held him hostage so The Exibition releases everything online for free and for everyone?? 👀👀👀UuUuUuuuUU" (?
Well, it aint exactly a least favourite but more of "least things i can say bout him", and that'd be Big Mac
Like... he's big, umm works with wood kinda lumberjack... oh, he's superstitious! That's a neat thing that should have been expanded on, and of course is protective of the younger tugs and...... and I dont wanna say that is it, but it kinda issss (he's still very loved nonetheless)
I really like Zorran, I really do, but you know what???? Zak.
Zak can be so extra sometimes, and you'd think there's not a lot bout him but there is. Specially implied. How he tries to one up Zorran, how he seems a bit more extreme/unhinged than the other Z-Stacks, that Dwight Schrute-ness of his is so on point, and honestly is a bit underrated...
So congrats Zak, you surpassed your boss, at least on this regard xdd
If "token jerk in a good guys team" is my fav trope, does that mean that "token good guy in a bad guys team" is my least fav trope?
Yes, and unfortunally Zebedee fits in that category (I mean Zip too, but he's silly and unaware, Zebedee has a bit of a moral compass)...
Depending on how the show handles him my opinions would change but he'd still be at the bottom 'cause the others Zs can be so much funnier </3 (he's still very loved nonetheless)
And here's in list form for easy comprehension xd:
⭐Star Fleet⭐
Ten Cents (we love the angry moody boi uwu)
Grampus (yes, we count him here also OMG HI GRAMPUS!!!)
Sunshine (THE MANNNN....like he is a grown ass man lol)
Hercules (he's so very cool and handsome that it clashes in neutrality ._.)
OJ (ahh spunky old man lmao YEAH)
Warrior (you're funny and silly and ily but i dig a bit more braincells and a better spotlight episode unu)
Big Mac (if only there were more to say bout you~)
Zak (evil second-in-command my beloved <3)
Zorran (a competent leader on the antagonist team? yes please!)
Zebedee (tis a bit of an unfortunate placement innit?)
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youre just homophobic, there isnt much else to it. not everyone can be bisexual. not everyone can be attracted to the other sex's genitalia or body. i dont need to call myself superlesbian or some shit because being a lesbian alone should be enough to say "im a female who likes pussy and only pussy" but yall homophobes have ruined that to validate your nonexistant ~genders~ (as in, gender itself isnt a real thing). i can tell you dont think homosexuality is an innate and natural thing. i can tell you think all people have the capacity to be bisexual and experience attraction to the opposite sex.
males and females have different bone structures, especially in the face, and im not at all attracted to male faces. most trans woman still have visibly male bone structure and are therefore not sexually attractive to me (or other homosexual women). even trans women who do have passing facial structures still either have a penis or a faux vagina that isnt even self lubricating, so again, not attractive to real lesbians (aka homosexual woman). id also like to mention to you that if you do your research, trans women will never be able to carry children because their bodies literally dont and cant produce the hormones needed to keep a fetus alive. not to even mention that a male body would almost certainly reject have a uterus put into it.
and btw, lots of (actual homosexual) lesbians would be willing to date a trans person if hes FtM! because sexuality is based in a person's SEX, not something as made-up as gender.
why do you feel the need to help pressure homosexual women into dating people who are male? why isnt it good enough for bisexual women to date trans women? why do us lesbians need to validate them by pretending wed date dick-havers? why dont you realize it would be traumatic for an actual homosexual women to be in sexual contact with a penis?
There’s so much wrong with this I don’t even know where to start. But I guess I’ll start with the fact that claiming to be able to know if someone is biologically male/female is both sexist AND racist. This is literally how you get cis women, mainly cis women of color, being accused of being trans in sports. A lot of them just naturally have higher testosterone levels, which affects both their performance and appearance and because of people like you, they get scrutinized.
As for the “non self lubricating vagina” crap, vaginal dryness is a thing a lot of cis women experience. Sure it’s not exactly the same thing, but are you really gonna dislike a woman based solely on the fact that she’s dry? Bc that sounds pretty stupid to me.
And again, I stated it as a hypothetical. I love how y’all just prove over and over again that you don’t actually read anyone else’s arguments and just throw the same, stale, disproven bullshit at us over and over again.
I haven’t met a single lesbian who would actually date a trans man. Most that I’ve met just acknowledge that trans men are men, and one just hated trans people on the basis of our being trans. Also, just to be that person, if you consider yourself a lesbian but would still find yourself attracted to a trans man who has had bottom surgery, congrats you like dick lmfao.
I don’t want to pressure anyone into dating anyone else. I just want exclusionists to stop treating trans people like a monolith. And you’re doing that thing terfs do where they act as if every trans woman has a penis. News flash, bottom surgery still exists. You were just talking abt trans women with vaginas 5 seconds ago. How do they all now suddenly have dicks again?
Also just hilarious that you’re calling me, a pansexual queer, homophobic. Oh but do go ahead and be panphobic. Please tell me all about how I’m actually bisexual (as if bisexuality doesn’t also include all genders literally in the bisexual manifesto) or straight. Please tell me what my sexuality actually is just like you claim I’m doing to you.
Anyway, seriously get off anon so I can block you or I will stop answering these. I’m tired of having the same argument over and over again with you misogynistic, racist, transphobic fucks. Get over it or get bent.
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polyghostfacehours · 2 years
hello it's bloodybrahms/bb! congrats on 3k!!!! and ooooo this event is so clever???? cuz i totally get wanting to celebrate it but also not wanting/being able to take new requests - lowkey wanna steal it 👀
but about me! im painfully shy 🥺👉👈 and i get flustered easily - call it quirky, call it an anxiety disorder, just don't call me late for d-
i'm very introverted, would rather stay in than go out - and i have a few very close friends rather than a large group of casual friends. not to be a basic bitch but *slams my myers-briggs down* INFJ - that should give you a good amount of info. i'm a very empathetic person, i /do/ scream if a stuffed animal falls to the floor, i /do/ pick worms up off the sidewalk and put them back in dirt, i will not apologize. im a hopeless romantic, and touch starved to death so i'm very affectionate in a relationship; main love languages are definitely physical touch and words of affirmation (and sending heart emojis). i love to write, play vibeo game, and i'm a stress baker - and since im usually stressed, im /usually/ in the kitchen making cookies babeyy. i dont usually add physical descriptions but i am a short short bitch and i think that could lend itself to hilarity.
can't forget the negatives! sadly im very stubborn, a bit spoiled, insecure - sometimes to the point of distrust, and overly sensitive to the point of being easily sad or angered. im trying to work on these things but alas i am only human 😔
thank you for doing such a fun event!!! slap a lil 🥺 emoji on that spectrum for me, and make it romantic pwease?
no pressure if you don't want to fill this out - just once again congrats on the big follower milestone!! <3 💞🥳
- bb 🥺
hypERVENTILATING BC I LOVE YOU. OML Im such a fan of your works wtf. Your poly!ghostface stuff fucks me up and gives me life and I STILL go back to them.
Anyways, romantically, I feel like you match a more with Stu! It's pretty close to being dead center, but there's just things in here that had me going: 'Oh yeah, Stu would EAT that up.'
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- You're quirky. And I mean that genuinely, not in a 'lol so quuuirky' kinda way. Stu would find an absolute kindred spirit in you. You put some worms back in the dirt and he'll ask why and you tell him and he's just listening with rapt attention like 'I c, I c'. Scream when a stuffed animal falls over and he'll scream right along with you even though he doesnt know why. Like, Stu has this cool frat boy, popular surfer dude kinda thing going in public, and I hc that privately he's just like a weird ass fuckin kid, man. So being able to be his more weird ass self? You make him feel less constricted.
- Your love languages are what I feel are Stu's as well. Physical Touch is his main one, the more you cuddle and make contact with him, the more he feels loved. Words of Affirmation are a big one too: Stu either get's clowned on a lot or is seen as an absolute dick (which he kinda is tho NGL lol), so you talking him up? Nut.
- A stress baker S.O sounds like an absolute dream to Stu. Like cookies, tarts, brownies, etc? For free?? Out of nowhere?? Has he died and gone to heaven? Did he just not survive Woodsboro?
- Billy also doesn't have a large group of friends. He'd appreciate that whenever he nags with you, it'd end up being in a more one on one setting rather than a group. It'll do wonders for his view on you, and the more you get solo time with him, the more he'd be endeared to you. Especially since you're a writer.
- I think the only point of contention between you and them is the fact that you and Billy are both really stubborn. Stu is more go with the flow tho, and you could much easier convince him of something that Billy. If you're poly with them tho, prepare to fight over getting Stu on your side in an argument lol, Billy is good at hooking Stu with carefully placed words.
Please go follow @bloodybrahms
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tastyykpop · 3 years
Hiii Congrats on reaching the milestone💕💕love your blog btw!! Could you please do a Taeyong smut where he is kinda cold to her before but confesses after he becomes very jealous??
Hii ty so much u have no clue how much this means to me🥺
ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ, ɪᴅɪᴏᴛ
Pairings: tsundere!taeyong x reader
Genre: smut
Warnings: d/s themes, jealousy, possessiveness, marking, praising, a dash of spanking, fingering, hair pulling, unprotected sex
I finished this at 4am so it's not edited 💔
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"Lee Taeyong!!" You chased the dark haired boy down the side walk, never turning to look back as his name was called, "Wait for me please!"
He scoffed. Luckily you couldn't hear him. "What an annoying brat." Taeyong continued on, still ignoring you and your protests of him walking away.
Running as fast as you could to catch up was easier said then done. You held boba and your food from a nearby fast food restaurant in one hand, Taeyongs in another with your purse flopping against you. You wouldn't be in this situation if Taeyong scare you into holding his food for you, threatening you with a cold stare.
Yes, you and Taeyong are friends. It's odd because of how cold and almost rude he is with you, but you're somehow friends, at least you think you are. Some people say he's got a soft spot for you but you're not too sure anymore. One day hes calling you an idiot for not taking care of yourself and the next hes rolling his eyes at you and telling you to fuck off. Coming to the conclusion that maybe he only thinks of you as a friend, you started pushing him away recently and hung out with another friend of yours. Too bad because you may have had feelings for Taeyong too. Something about him made you want to stick around even though most of the time he didn't want you around.
"Goddammit Taeyong...wait up!"
As annoying as it was to be running with food and drinks in both hands, the most annoying part had to be the purse. It was big, heavy, and swayed with every step, bumping into your left arm ever millisecond. Why couldn't you just man up to Taeyong before?
"Did you say something?"
"Huh- what!? When did you-" you tilted your head upwards to meet Taeyongs arched brow and impatient face. How did you not realize you caught up?
You pushed his food and drink into his chest and grumbled, "Here." And without waiting for Taeyong, you readjusted your purse and walked to your house with expectations that he would follow.
Taeyong frowned yet tailed you like a lost puppy.. He didn't have any plans catching up to you or telling you to wait for him and just admired you from behind. He liked the way your hair bounced over your shoulders with every step, the way your hips swayed as you walked. He even liked how long the skirt made your legs look even though you were tiny compared to him. Taeyong liked you without a doubt, but he wouldnt actually tell you that.
"Are you coming?" You opened the door to your house. Taeyong didn't answer, only pushing you out of the way and beelining it to the table where he placed his food and drink. "I'll take that as a yes..." you sigh.
Placing your food gently on the table, you sat across from the male who eyed you up and down but with no expression crossing his face.
"Y/n." Taeyongs stern voice startled you as you almost choked on a boba pearl. "Whats on your neck?"
"My neck?" Softly, you touched the side of your neck before realizing what he meant. Yesterday, that friend of yours that you've started hanging out with asked you to hang out. And little did you know, hanging out didn't mean just watching movies or joking around. It soon turned to small touches, then kissing, then making out. Before you knew it, he was kissing and sucking your neck, creating the purple mark that now painted your skin. "Oh...it's nothing. Just a bruise."
"What are you stupid? Your telling me you just happened to bruise your neck? Dumbass."
"Then why did you ask if you already know?" You mumbled.
As you took the biggest bite from your burger, Taeyong had to speak up again, "I hate it."
"Its a good thing it's not on you then isn't it."
"I think you would look better covered in my marks." His voice never faltered and you were sure he was joking. Taeyongs always been straight forward with you, but this seemed like a joke, it had to be a joke. Your mind was playing tricks on you and this is what you wanted to hear. It can't be real.
"You're kidding right...?"
"Completely serious."
"So you're...jealous?"
"Stop asking so many questions." He said coldly, shutting you up quickly, but the smirk on your face still lingered.
"I just think it's funny that a small mark on my neck could make someone as cold as you are, jealous." You say, confidence flowing out of you out of nowhere and this time, Taeyong went quiet. "Its cute."
"Cute? You know what's cute is me bending you over this table and fucking the life out of you so you only remember my name and who owns that cute ass."
Heat rose to your cheeks and the tips of your ears, and maybe Taeyong could tell but youre sure your face was starting to show a hint of red, "Now I know you're just bluffing."
Taeyong rolled his eyes, "Come here and shut that mouth, I'll show you I'm not." It had to be the way his voice growled that made you suddenly get out of your seat and stand before the man. It's easy for you to be flustered but it's also easy for you to obey someone that shows more dominance and Taeyong- well he was just overflowing with it.
"We're gonna have a little fun, yeah?" He smiled devishly, "You trust me right?"
"Y-yeah, I m-mean we are f-friends."
Suddenly, your body was bent over the table and your wrists were bound by Taeyongs hand. If you wanted to escape, Taeyong wouldn't let allow it, so you were locked in place.
God, the way this position impacted Taeyong to the point where he just wanted to fuck you all day and night. With your skirt barely hiding your pretty pink panties, he could easily get off by himself at the sight. He didn't need to do that though, he had you after all.
"Did he touch you?" You hear him say, voice low and frightening, enough to paralyze you from moving and speaking. But to his dismay you didn't answer. Moreover, hesitated to answer because of the tone he used. "I asked you a question." He growled, "Did. He. Touch. You."
A soothing hand ran up the sides of you skin, it was cold, almost like a vampires touch compared to your warm skin. "Y-yes."
Taeyong stopped, "Where?"
"Why does it matter?" You say, finding your confidence again though that won't last since your bent over the table with your ass in Taeyongs face.
"I dont want you to remember his touch, only mine. So I'll touch any place he touched." He continued touching where he could reach, the hand binding your wrists let up and rested on your ass as if about to spank you. "Now answer me."
You grumbled and arched your back as a way to tell Taeyong to shut up and fuck you. The pain of something not filling you up was unbearable, you even thought about slipping your fingers inside dripping cunt for relief. "Stop asking me questions and fuck me please."
"God you're so annoying." He spoke. "Im not going to fuck you until you tell me. It shouldnt be that hard since you're so confident." Taeyong pulled you up by your hair and forced you on his lap where your back was pressed against his chest. You couldnt look him in the face, too afraid that you'd break into a blabbering mess.
"H-he touched m-me," you grab Taeyongs hand with hesitation and placed it on your panties that covered your leaking hole, "here."
Almost positive Taeyong could feel your juices soaking through your panties, you pulled your hand away letting his own linger where you needed him most.
"What did he do when he touched you here?" His middle finger went along the slit of your cunt, dragging up and down gently.
He crooked his head before pushing your panties to the side and dipping two fingers in, "He didn't do this?" As you body arched into him, he was able to go deeper and finger you slow enough that you were sure it was teasing. And the pain of wanting to be filled up slowly disappeared but not enough.
"N-no, he d-didnt." As he began picking up speed, you cursed a threw your head back. You cried for more, struggling to stay still in his lap and his fingers worked magically inside you.
Taeyong loved every second of this. To finally see you melt in his arms literally when you could so easily turn him down for this. And he'd like to think he was the only one who could make you feel this way. Make you whimper and whine and call out to him for more. He was the only one for you.
"Please T-Taeyong, i want you to f-fuck me so bad," with a third finger slipping inside you, you moaned uncontrollably at the pace. Though you weren't stuffed like you would be with his dick, it was obvious Taeyong knew how to work his fingers to make you act this way. "Please, please, please..."
"Where else did he touch you?" He ignored your please.
It irked you how he didn't bat an eyelash at your desperate self. If you had your confidence again, you would have taken his dick out and sat on it without a question, even so you knew Taeyong wouldn't allow it just yet. He wanted you to fall apart before he even started.
"Mmm Taeyong-" you moaned with content as his fingers curved against your walls, "H-He touched m-my ch-chest."
Taeyong bit the inside of his cheek trying to hide the smirk that formed, "Guess ill just do the same." His free hand worked its way to your mounds where he proceeded to grope you and brush over your sensitive buds. The combination of his fingers inside you and his hands fondling your boobs was sure to bring your to an orgasm soon.
"Youre so beautiful." Taeyong mumbles into your ear, "so fucking perfect."
As carefully as can be, his fingers pulled out of you as a string of your slick connected to his three fingers.
So delicious, Taeyong thought, everything about you was so delicious.
You were flipped around so you faced Taeyong. This time, you didn't look away from him or hide your face from him. Instead, you maintained eye contact with the pretty boy below you before you suddenly pulled him into a desperate and needy kiss.
His heart beat faster than before. His ears burning as his face was flushed. You kissed him. You, the girl that he's been crushing on for years finally kissed him. It only took his jealousy to make this all happen.
"You don't understand how much I love you," he unbuckled his belt, "I cherish every minute and every second I spend with you," soon his pants were unbuttoned, "I can't stand seeing you with someone else," He slipped his dick inside of you with ease, a moan falling from both of you, "Even if you don't love me back, I still fucking do."
You couldnt find words to speak. Your mind was running but not thinking. If you spoke, you weren't sure if it'd be babbling or moaning because of how hard Taeyong fucked up into you. "I-i lo-" No, you couldnt say it back, not while being fucked into a whole new galaxy.
Taeyong on the other hand, was anxious yet pounded into you, enough to bring tears to your eyes. He wanted you to speak, he wanted to hear those three words come out of your mouth, but all he got was your adorable moans and sighs. Yet he wasn't complaining, they sounded lovely apart from the skin against skin. He's just overthinking.
"Youre doing so well, baby." His voice slowly fading, you were so lost in the feeling that anything Taeyong said, went out the other ear.
"F-feels so g-good. Want m-more..." Your greedy hands tugged at Taeyongs locks, but you weren't the only one being touchy. Taeyong was also kneading the plush skin of your ass, giving small taps before digging his nails in, making you whimper.
"Youre so needy baby, huh? So cute and needy for me." He slapped your ass playfully. The smirk on his face was evident that he loved every second of this.
"F-fuck yes, i-im so needy f-for you." You cry, "Youre t-the only one who c-can make me f-feel t-this good."
Of course he is. And Taeyong couldn't be any happier hearing that from you. It gave him energy to fuck harder while now holding your hips still like you were his personal toy. You struggled with keeping the hold on his hair. Your light tugs now harsh pulls but Taeyong didn't mind, in fact he liked how his head was forced to look at your beautiful face.
"Pretty girl." He leaned over the slightest bit and sucked on your necks sweet skin as you tried bouncing on his cock along with him thrusting up. "How much do you love this cock?" He questioned against your neck.
"S-so so much, Taeyong!" Your hips stutter and you know youre close but refuse to faulter, "Y-you h-have the best c-cock."
Taeyong moved back from your neck and grabbed your chin, "Are you ever going to let that guy touch you like that again after this?" You shook your head quickly. "Good girl."
"Im g-gonna cum." You say and without a single thought or word, your body shook as pleasure washed before you. Still, though Taeyong was on the edge of cumming himself, he kept the quick pace from before. But you were so sensitive from the orgasm, and even started screaming Taeyongs name. It wasn't pain, but pleasure, very sensitive pleasure that could easily make you cum a second time.
Seconds before you were about to feel another wave, Taeyong shot his seed deep into you, thrusting slowly as he came down from his high.
"D-did you mean what you said?" Taeyong breathes heavily and raises his brow in question, "About you loving me."
"Duh. I love you, idiot. I wouldn't say that if I didn't mean it." He rolled his eyes. That's the Taeyong you knew. "And what about you? Are you gonna say something or leave me hanging."
"I l-love you t-too." You say quickly. "I mean it."
Taeyong smiles a real smile before patting your head like a puppy and lifting you off his dick, "Lets get you cleaned up, baby, then we can talk about planning a date."
"A date??"
"Mhm," he smirked, "but not after a round two."
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Tims S/O vs. the batfam
You, the reader, are Tim’s significant other. Congrats! you may think the hard parts over right? WRONG. you need to win over the whole ass Wayne family and heres how it goes.
refers to you as Mx. L/N; however as you visit the manor more frequently, he begins to refer to you as Mx. Y/N
Since he refers to you as Mx. Y/N, you call him Mr. Alfred because you feel weird calling him just by his first name
No matter what first impressions you gave off to him, he never shared them due to not wanting to be impolite
you quickly realize that none of the bat fam helps with the chores, so you try to lend alfred a hand whenever possible
you try to be polite as possible around him, and he appreciates it
Is EXTREMELY protective of Tim
So when you first met him, he did the whole “you break my brother’s heart i will break your face” talk and that was TERRIFYING
Tim tells you not to worry about it, but whenever you were with Tim, you could sense Dick out of the corner of your eye, watching
However, as you spend more time around him, he sees that you’re really in love with tim and hes really in love with you
And you see that tim and dick have an amazing brotherly relationship, something you’ve never experienced yourself
One night, you tell dick that you wish that you had a brother as great as him
In that moment, he decided that he was gonna adopt you as one of his siblings and boom hes your big brother too now.
Duke being considered the newest person in the Wayne Manor, is basically your liaison, explaining all the dynamics and history of the Wayne Family/Manor
Super Charismatic, though hes clearly being observant of your every move, analyzing who you are as a person
But for the most part, he made you feel really comfortable at the manor
So the day you bought him a 1000 puzzle set was the day you basically won him over
You let him geek out about film and riddles, listening to every word he said, which was something that apparently didn’t happen often to him
Also duke straight up just third wheels you as often as he can
so basically
you were scared of jason
He was rarely at that manor, especially while you were there but when he was, he came in dragging blood or drinking alcohol
once while you were alone in one of the rooms by yourself, Jason came in, mask off, bandage on his right arm
he asked you, “so why are you dating replacement?”
“Why do you call him replacement?”
“Oh you know, because he replaced me when I died”
“oh. right.” Yeah you’re kinda stupid for that one
It takes a while for you to remember that jason is a vigilante who literally died and came back to life, and it takes him a while  to remember that you’re a teenager and not a crime fighting super hero
so yeah your relationship does improve a bit
Whenever you guys get to talk, he always asks you some really deep question that throws you off guard, but you guys end up having really meaningful discussions and you get closer with him that way
you were even more scared about Cass than Jason
She just silently stared at you sometimes: didn’t even try to hide it
Like duke, she analyzed you a lot during your first meeting with her, although she did it to a more extreme: just by looking at you, she could sense your breathing, heartrate, movements; she was basically reading you soul
From this, should was able to tell just how absolutely frightened you were to meet her, so she made sure to smile to calm you down
Whenever you were alone with her you couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward; not only was there a bit of a language barrier but she was not the most talkative person, at times you just sat in silence
So you would try to do things with her rather than talking: you showed her pictures from your phone, she showed you her fighting moves, and you made conversation through facial expressions and body movements
i mean whos gonna be happy about seeing their ex’s new s/o not her nope
She kept smiling and laughing but you could see the burning hatred behind her eyes
It took a solid month before she actually talked to you
and it took another month for you to pluck up the courage to ask if she actually hated you
She looked embarrassed and admitted that she did kinda hate you in the beginning but that was solely because you were dating her ex, but she saw how good of a person you were, so she doesn’t hate you anymore
She asked if you hated her, since she kind of ignored you in the beginning
You said no, since she was so cool and you could see why Tim dated someone like her
Yeah so now you’re besties
And you often talking about Tim and his dating antics, sometimes right in front of him lol
Sometimes she would joke about stealing you from him, making sure to give you extra long hugs, and give u a kiss on the cheek just to piss Tim off >:)
definitely looked up all your information as soon as she found out you were dating tim
Immediately went to interview mode when she met you
Asked about your future plans with tim, your job, your future college choices, your darkest fears, your median income
“... Im like 16″
Asides from that, shes pretty chill
you dont see her often, but she’s always down for a talk!
Would acted like my aunt from new jersey (in a good way)
You were super nervous about meeting him
Tim recalled events with him like he was recalling a war
So you were surprised to see a 12 year old kid being the one shooting daggers at you
“Drake brought home another guy/girl/person”
“damian shut the fuck up”
one day you catch him painting in his room
You ask him about his various paintings and he tells you his inspirations from each, going on a long rant for a solid hour
He realizes that hes been lecturing you for an hour and looked at you, blushing a bit
“Damian, you’re an amazing artist.” you say. smiling 
Now Damian always tells tim that you’re too good for him, and everytime you banters with tim damian always took your side
Except when he saw you two kissing/cuddling, he would call you guys “disgusting pigs” and bolt out of the room
ah, bruce. the final boss
You couldn’t help but feel absolutely terrified. 
I mean not only is he a super mega rich business man and also like super famous but hes also BATMAN
you are also almost certain that he doesn’t know who you are despite being with tim for a few months by now
Everytime youre both in the same room he is often too busy to look up from whatever hes doing or rushing past you to go somewhere
Tim often confides in you about being the middle child in the family, meaning that sometimes people dont notice him and its really frustrating for him and for you to hear
One day u and tim are chilling in the batcave and bruce comes it and freezes when he sees the two of you
“who are y- what are you doing here-”
“oh um hello Mr. Wayne”
Bruce kinda just looked at you with a perplexed look, but that was when damian and cass walked by
“Father. Drake. Y/N” said damian, with Cassandra smilng and waving at you, to which you wave back.
“Hey Damian” you say nonchalantly. “I saw that you’re working on a new painting. youll have to tell me ALL about it later.”
“Of course. Im sure you’re aware of Georgia O’Keeffe” 
You smiled and nodded, to which he gave the tiniest of a smile back as he and cass headed for the training room
Bruce just stared at you even more perplexed than before, I mean, you just made damian smile
You glanced at Tim, who seemed just as uncomfortable as you
“Oh yeah Y/N, didn’t we have that movie we were gonna watch? yeah lets go like right now.” Tim said as he pulled your arm took you out of the batcave, giving bruce the well talk later look
After that instance he talk to some of his children about you, and they had nothing but good things to say. Even Jason, who literally kills people for a living, put in a good word about you.
The next time you visited the manor, you were greeted by bruce himself, dressed up in a business suit.
“Y/N, correct?” he pulled out his large calloused covered hand and held it towards you
After a brief moment you smiled and took it
“Yeah, thats me”
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saksukei · 4 years
mermaid yeosang au
[plenty of curses lol and also this is hella long ,,,,, so I'm sorry] This was once again inspired by warmau, please check them out! I love their writing.
other mermaid aus; yunho san
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when your friends said you were a dumb fuck you begged to differ but now you just agree
because really– you have proved how low your IQ level is when you went to the beach
It was a cloudy day and it was supposed to rain later on but you and your friends were already at the beach– so you decided you might as well enjoy
you wanted to go for a swim but all your friends refused and said that they preferred to stick to the shallow water
you went in for a swim in the deep water, where the waves form because you go out to swim pretty often ,,,, especially this place
but then it started raining cats and dogs
and the current started becoming stronger
your grade A swimming skills couldn't save you because even as you were trying to swim against the current, the water was just sweeping you away
The only thing you could hear were your friends screaming for the one second you managed to get out and then you were back in
salt water going through your nose
and you felt like this was it
because getting out of the water is impossible and you've heard countless stories of people drowning, never thinking you were going to go be one of them
and this isn't some movie where you get washed up on some shore on an island and find your way back home
and so you just let the water take you with itself
Till you felt a strong grip on your wrist
you couldn't see clearly because the salt water and the sand was hurting your eyes
but you felt something wrap it's arms around you tightly and drag you away with full force
you felt everything fade away as you lost consciousness
you eyes fluttered open and you jolted up
you found yourself on this flat rock on some unknown shoreline?
“oh good– you're up,” you heard someone say from behind you.
You turned around to see a white haired boy, prominent cheek bones, angular face, melanin skin, a weak smile on his lips
and then you noticed–
the huge gash that went from his ankle to almost his knee
“w-what ,,,,, how did this happen? Are you okay?” you asked, worryingly, as you inched closer to him.
“oh I'm a hundred percent fine!” he replied in a sarcastic tone, pointing towards his leg
“rude,” you hissed, as you tore your sleeve, wrapping it around his leg to cover the wound
“please stop– this ,,, it won't help,” he pointed towards the bandage.
“i know it's not great but it'll be worse if I don't do this now,” you answered.
“no you don't understand,” he interrupted, his tone stern.
“what do I not understand? This is one of the things I've been taught to do in case someone gets wounded and this prevents bacterial infection from happening–”
“I'm a mermaid,,,,,,” he confessed.
and you stopped dead in your tracks
“y-youre a ,,,,, what?” you asked him again
“don't tell anyone please,” he grumbled. “I don't want a fanclub”
“oh my god ,,,, you're a mermaid but you're also a dick, congrats!” you replied, clearly annoyed.
and he just rolled his eyes
“why don't you just tell me how I can help because I don't want to be responsible for murder,” you hissed.
Yeosang scoffed and kept thinking of a solution, till an idea popped into his mind, a smile on his face
You could see the light bulb over his head
“well- there are these things we use to heal and keep ourselves strong ,,,,, they're a type of seashell.....”
“oh god– this will be like finding a needle in a haystack,” you sighed.
“no actually the shell is the color of my tail which is emerald green, with white lines and we don't carry these shells with us, but rather– they find us when we are in need,” he explained.
“so can't it just ,,,,,, I don't know pop out of the ocean right into my arms?”
“if that's how it worked, do you think I would have entertained you all that long?”
“fine, you win,” you admitted, gritting your teeth
“dont hit your head on the rocks or drown like you did before–” he jabbered.
“you know ,,,,, I really miss two minutes ago when I didn't know your existence,” you retorted, as you dived into the water, missing the smirk on his face
After several minutes, you found the shell and you swam back to the silver haired boy
“y-you found the shell?” he gulped
“yeah, why do you sound so panicky?” you asked, as you handed it to him, noticing the change in his tone
“nothing,” he scoffed. “I thought your intelligence quotient was so low that you would drown again,”
You only huffed in annoyance as you watched the gash on his leg disappear in an instant
“how did you get hurt anyway?”
“i was trying to save your dumbass from drowning.....”
he stood up and mans was taller than you
“the wound is fixed, the attitude comes right out huh?” you snapped.
“this isn't attitude, this is just–”
“no, you're just a jerk face” you interrupted, getting up.
Before you could utter another word, in one swift motion he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him
“first of all, it's not jerk face– it's Kang yeosang and second of all, I didn't have to injure myself just to save your petty ungrateful ass, but I still did.”
“well, god wanted me dead and now you get to find out why,” you managed to choke out, hoping he wouldn't notice how fAST YOUR HEART WAS RACING
He let go of your wrist as he rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time
“do you want to get back home or not?”
“yeah, so that I can forget your existence.”
He mumbled a ‘fine’ and jumped into the water
and you jumped after him
you could see his dark emerald green tail and as it came to the middle part, it become almost white, similar to his hair color
“hold on tight and pray that I don't strangle you,” he wrapped his arms around you and held you close to his chest
I mean ,,,,,, dude was a dick but he looked hELLA FINE AND YALL SEE HIS CHEST??
he swam at literal lightning speed like you were there before you even knew it??
the storm had passed and you could see lifeguards, friends and family on the shoreline
You were in still water, small waves here and there but nothing too strong
“the coast guard is going to come here for another round to search for you–pretend you're unconscious and just let your body float,” he instructed.
“what if I get only farther and farther away from the shore?” you asked and he rolled his eyes
“you need to stop asking me stupid questions ,,,,, and- I'll be here to supervise.”
“okay then um- thank you ,,,, yeosang.”
“you're welcome–” he let go of your body and you let your body float on the water, till you felt a boat near by, eventually taking you out of the water
you eventually pretended to regain consciousness and was happy to be reunited with everyone
you also got scolded by everyone but you felt as if something was missing
sure you didn't like yeosang but he still saved you and you just ,,,,, kinda liked having him around even if he was annoying
I mean he made your heart race and get you all giddy for some ,,,,,, reason
this incident happened a little over a month ago and you spent all your time missing yeosang?? even though you like barely knew him and he was a dick lol
you went back to the beach, without anyone around and just walked along the shoreline till you felt your foot hit something
it was emerald in color?
yeosang's shell??
was he in trouble?
you panicked internally because you hoped he was okay
you picked up the shell and looked around,
but you still couldn't see him
you saw a rather large rock so you decided to swim towards it in hopes of trying to spot him from the top
and you got there but unfortunately the rock was too steep and slippery and so you were trying to find an edge where you could get on top from
unaware that Yeosang was watching you struggle and grinning at your stupidity
“you do realize– I have been looking for that ,,,, every where,” you heard someone say, making your heart race and you ended up bumping into his chest ,,,,, again
“you dick– if you were here ,,,, why couldn't you help me?”
“sorry it was fun watching you struggle–” he smirked
“rude– but I found your shell so- are you okay?” you asked with geniuine concern
He sighed, “oh god- I have to tell you something....”
“you see ,,,,, I had originally sent you on a wild goose chase when I sent you to find my shell–”
“what do you mean?”
“actually no one except the mermaids themselves can find their own shell,” he scratched the back of his head. “unless–” he paused.
“unless they are your significant other....”
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nicoskneecaps · 2 years
Dni/byf!! + some stuff about me at the end!!
ft. a rainbow subtitle theme bc gay except tumblr doesn’t fucking have yellow
- General dni criteria (basically don’t be a dick)
- fakeclaimers
- proshippers (i have nothing against you guys, however most of the proship stuff triggers me and i enjoy interacting with people who interact with me, but i really don’t wanna be triggered. please respect my boundaries, and please understand that i’m sure you’re lovely people, i just need to set this boundary for my own sake. if you’d like to send an ask anonymously i’d be happy to answer it)
- anyone who’s gonna talk to me about politics, i don’t have time for your shit (especially right wing people or trump stans) (excludes talking about things like blm, women’s rights, lgbt rights and stuff like that which are actual issues that need to be talked about)
- neurotypical cishet singlets /hj
- people who post about/have a pfp related to ohshc or mha/bnha (triggers)
- the god fandom (christians, excludes lgbt allies who don’t push their beliefs onto others)
- i make inappropriate jokes quite often
- i swear a lot
- i reclaim the f slur (i am a gay man)
- i dont tolerate shit. i block very liberally and will block you if you piss me off
- i get pissed off very quickly
- i use caps lock a lot, not necessarily because i’m angry, sometimes i’m just passionate about something
- i may vent on here occasionally. i’m dealing with a lot at the moment and it’s hard for me, so venting is how i cope. please do not feel the need to comfort me or anything, i don’t vent for people to have pity. i just need somewhere to put my thoughts
- english is not my native language and i sometimes have a hard time with it
- i do not understand tone, especially by text. please use tone tags/indicators with me
- i am really fucking gay. i know that doesn’t sound like something important but i make it very very obvious to ward off the homophobes. if you have a problem with me either block me, ignore me, or comment so i can block you :))
- i may have to turn off anonymous asks if people start sending me mean things anonymously or if they find this (you know who you are.)
- i am the host of a DID system (info about the others on @thecrowsystem)
- please do not send anything rude or mean, even if it’s a joke
- please do not vent to me. i’m not in the right mental state to help you. as much as i would love to, i can’t
- please do not ask me personal questions. anything i would like people to know about me will be stated in the “about me” section of this post (the section after this one)
- please do not pry for information. if i want to share it, i will
- if i ever share pictures of the body, please do not repost or save them. this is a boundary we all have
- please do not sexualize me or any of my headmates. i am a minor, and despite not all of us being minors, the body is still a minor as well and we are all uncomfortable with it
- if you think you can come back, don’t. block us and leave us the fuck alone. you know who you are. i dont have time for your shit.
- please don’t ask who that last boundary was about, if it were about you, you would know. trust me, you’ll know if i’m mad at you
- please do not repost, heavily reference or trace any art i may post here. reblogs are fine, however i’ve had bad experiences in the past with people reposting my art without credit. if you’d like to use my art as a profile picture or header image, please ask me and credit me in your bio
About me!!
Hi, my name is Iris/Nico! if you’ve made it this far, congrats, welcome to my blog! i am a Nico di Angelo and Iris Black splitroject, and the current host of a traumagenic DID system! i am a 15 year old gay/greyrom ace, and use he/they pronouns! i have a boyfriend named Lillium, he is really sweet. i have adhd as well as tourettes. i speak french, but english is my second language so im not TOO bad at it, it just gets hard sometimes. idk what else to put here aHah, cya!
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drawing by velinxi from the countdown to countdown comic
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misterbitches · 3 years
i had the misfortune of finally watching/getting through what happened in whatever episode where he gets raped so im gonna talk about it and tag it cos that's what a bitch fuckin feels like, got it? i do what i want aint no limit bad ass bitch aint never been timid. woopsie realized i got the nicknames confused oh well lmao
it's just logistically and plot wise like there's literal plot holes in this and i'm taking the production and set-up into account along with the actual content and development. im an ARTIST OKAY im jk i mean i am and i am pretentious and terrible but look. i didnt get that degree and im not in a house worth of debt for nothing ok. it's called writing on tumblr about my grievances of shows that dont matter and do not respect me as a fat black american woman either so it is my fault yet here i am.
anyway it was worse than i imagined and their talk after (with chengren) was even worse. that's what i mean about making the lines their own (the actors) bc teng teng sounded like a straight up motherfucking moron and im like
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bECAUSE IT'S HIM EVEN THO IM LIKE WHAT THE FUCK DID U JUST SAY U STUPID BITCH? but then it's like awwww and they also care about his wellbeing obviously??? but no? but it's like ok still teng teng said it even if it's stupid because he is a character and charles puts that forth. the people that fail the most to do that are xing si's family but that's not the actors fault because it's the literal material. you're like wait what but you just said...?
so i know they have no script editors i guess i think i find this season ACTUALLY fascinating because of just how egregious it is. i also went back and watched history: obsessed which i thought i liked because of their chemistry even though god the production....but i tried rewatching it and i was like wow this is worse than i remembered and the production issues were even worse because some of the music was SO LOUD AND BAD HOLY FUCK and their whole rship isssssss a sight to behold lmao
so man i guess it really is the power of anson/charles. which is good cos we love to see it...sort of but also a lot.
i honestly....because i've been able to pay attn more to the aftermath of the rape going back and putting it into more context and focusing (just barely lmao) is hm even worse. the inconsistencies are insane. it's not even just about the act but the writers have zero idea where they are going because they have no interest in exploring it. but the way in which it happens is like fascinating. yong jie literally thinks he owns xing si and it doesn't matter if he was kissing him or not or asked for a kiss on the lips (which dude what the fuck? i'll get to that) because he was plied with "extremely strong drinks" and his mom knew about it....which girl congrats you're an accomplice to the rape of your son by your other son?
but first of all...the kissing thing. in what fucking world would he (xing si) want that unless he thought he (yong jie) was someone else. i can't say their attraction is evident because we are being lead by this team to think so; they create this false sense of sensuality already so to me that signifies that they never intended for them to have a bond as brothers. it just feels cheap and fucking lazy (which it is.) even if he did, which doesn't make sense considering the context THEY CONSTRUCTED, it wouldn't matter because he was so fucking drunk which.... at that point nothing is fun, you feel sick, who wants sex like that? does he not have whiskey dick? did they have a condom? was it not painful for him considering? even if this was something to easily get over like was the dick good? it couldn't have been. and then, on top of that, there's the fact that you can change your mind or whatever but also that people do get aroused in these situations bc it is human nature (that's if they can literally get aroused which if the drinks were allegedly sooooo strong that nigga would be out so....again like even practically here it doesnt add up. have these people ever been drunk? if not, write what you know girl. cos sometimes it's like i think some of u r trying to be cool when u dont have 2 b lmao)
so yong jie coming on to him previously may be seen as like push-and-pull but here's the thing. right after it happens (the rape and it's rape so call it that you'll be okay) xing si gets up and goes home and is terrified and upset. he acts like what we have seen or even felt after a violation. he's scared, clutching his bag, it's like...you know...decently coming off as truly distressing (the actor isn't bad at all and i like that he's dark. i just massively hate this for him but hey at least he can show some chops.) like honestly man that fucking sucks and hurts to see. if we've been there we feel it. or part of it is realizing belatedly what happened. a lot of times that drop in your stomach is the worst.
but somehow for some reason, to which i cannot understand, the three of them begin to talk as if xing si pressured him? which maybe i missed something and that is possible—dont feel like going back to look—but that also made no sense. like what kind of false memory is this? why would he think he wasn't willing? and if he thought yong jie wasn't and that he pressured him how does he remember like...anything about the sex?!?!??!? besides waking up and being with him. like i guess he felt yong jie's MASSIVE DONG imprint but ??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!!!!
god then the logic of the top/bottom thing is like i said i wasnt going to get into it but it's actually really funny. this whole thing was hilarious. honestly because I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS. he could have totally raped him in that way but how did you get to this CONCLUSION FROM THAT??????? BY YOUR LOGIC THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS? IF HE IS THE BOTTOM AND PENETRATION IS THE ONLY FORM OF TRUE CONSUMMATION AND RAPE BECAUSE APPARENTLY, BASED ON ANATOMY, IF YOU HAVE A DICK IN UR BUTT UR A GIRL THEN HOW. DOES. THIS. MAKE. SENSE. AND THEN
this whole stupid conversation happens so we get to the conclusion that xing si violated him ok cool but that means that something is wrong. that is the CONCLUSION WE CAME TO A SECOND AGO?
also the other rapist is a villain and muren isn't in love with him so, once again, you're breaking the rules of your own world about acceptability which is why most of this is absolutely mind bogggglinG that iit's fuckign comical. like i actually when i can stomach it start laughing or my jaw is slack because it's so insulting as a viewer because there is like 0 logical followthrough.
because whatshisface barges in, kisses him in front of his friends without permission, then says whether you were willing or not which is hm. at that point how u gonna change that around but let's not bother with logic here. i am simply here to point out how this makes no sense according to the rules they set up even outside of the basic rule of life which is hm dont rape people maybe.
so now we know xing si was raped, they believe he was raped, he himself believes he was raped, and whatshisface literally says he doesn't care even if he was willing (he wasn't) so he admits to rape. i don't believe in the police and i hate them (BL industry needs the cops but dont get me down that road) but no one...thought to go?
because according to history 4 logic nothing matters so im sure if he went to the police you could handwave the homophobia since there's no actual context for anything besides their whimsy. but they dont want to do that because they aren't interested in an arc of growth; redemption isn't possible unless he is removed from the family but again no work on thinking this through or thinking about the victim's feelings. because gay sex? who fucking knows. supposedly progressive taiwanese writers of gay shit (like how supposedly progressive the world is. as in it is not and this behavior is the norm and bl perpetuates that) can't think of transformative justice?
and then they gave bad advice so we wont acknowledge that because teng teng doing anything wrong/stupid is frequent but hurts me and also that storyline is not real so i pretend they are not there outside of this post
so all of this is just straihgt up clownery now because it's fucking absurd like logically, practically, human-wise. the kissing thing is inconsequential but it was such a lazy cheap way out lmao cos they really wanted it to seem consensual but that's not how it works. on top of that their attraction makes no sense because whatshisface is just there. he is just there. he's nothing and no one so the sentiments are even more empty and on top of that he doesnt listen to a single request fucking obviously because the basis of their relationship is fucking rape so fucking listening and respecting his partner is not on his list of fucking priorities. he's literally so fucking annoying even without being a rapist it's like someone please beat his ass.
and then after all of that you want us to feel bad? with your horrible writing, poorly misplaced music, stupid costumes (those fucking SHOES THEY ARE HIDEOUS, AND MOST OF THIER CLOTHES DO NOT FIT IT'S LIKE WHY), questionable fucking editing. we're supposed to wnat them together? this sounds literally fucking crazy but bear with me lmao even with the rape they could at least have SOMETHING i mean like i cant believe im fucking saaying this. but like in addicted heroin which is fuckin tragic and awful at least there's a MODICUM of interest but honestly that show s a fucknig drag. idk they lookd good together? here we have 0. nothing. and it doesnt motivate. watching obsessed again i can see why i liked it in the beginning bc they have good chemistry but the acting and production adn like everything about it plus the rape-y vibes it's just too much. you need to pick one thing so if you're going to be a shit writer at least supplement it with something. this thing is nothing.
and even more nonsensical and what boggles my mind frankly out of all this is the mother's involvement and the father's final response. there are NO consequences? theyre all happy?
ok so lets go through this:
1. 2 boys grow up 2gether, one of the boys is fucking psycho, the mother knows but does nothing??????????????
2. one of the sons moves out so his father doesn't get a hint that's he's fucking gay. ok fine. he has 2 best friends, a job, an apt. he is fine.
3. aforementioned brother is obsessed with him for SOME REASON besides being crazy?
3.5 no one has done anything during him growing up to help him not be crazy?
4. mom says to husband who is their father also just in case we forget "im afraid he will lose his humanity"
4.5 again, do nothing. 0. just like oh man hes crazy. guess that's just our son ;)
4. who cares. plies him with alcohol purposefully to rape him. not even dubious (even though dubious is fucked and not okay or is just not. fucking real. these shows are contextless when they want to be or even movies or whatever so it's like largely not up to the task to understand complexity in human rships and then oversimplifies it constantly because that's what we do IRL. but people have fucking feelings you know and we realize when things don't feel good or right to us either very quickly after or having to process it. and once you're eyes are opened you may feel as something was fucking ripped away from you. for the modc couple this would be a very logical conclusion for the high schooler the thirty year old dated but again logic or feelings are up to their whimsy. no one cares bc everything can be counted as dubious so honestly it's a fucking stupid fucking topic like again why are we litigating what is and isnt consent when you could just like idk. read cues? consent? wait? not be a freak? like we all know what is proper human shit so even if we are watching this uncritically which u cant bc it's glaring and stupid it's just even more dumb) so it was honestly a rape plot like he literally planned it soooooooooo??!?!
5. aftermath of rape the victim is like literally fucking bereft and confused. and a rape victim. like that's what they are insinuating and what also he is to be clear.
6. boy tells him "idc if i raped u i luv u lmao"
7. mom ENCOURAGED THE BOY to get him drunk because her other son was too nice? she encouraged her adult son to rape her adult step-son (but her real son because she repeatedly says you are my son and the dad does too THEY GREW UP TOGETHER WHEN THE KID WAS IN AN IMPRESSIONABLE STATE) so THIS ALSO MAKES EVEN LESS MOTHERFUCKING SENSE
8. everyone finds out about his rape and he isnt mortified he's just concerned about himself being gay to his dad?????? except it's not really about his gayness bc now it's about his sudden love for his rapist brother? which? hm ok. understandable the dad is like wow i do not think i like this
9. dad knows all of it is fucked up, everyone does, knows the mother fucked up, knows he fucked up. doesnt like it because he is normal. so we know this is terrible? ok great so—
10. father says "i can't accept this...but i'm willing to give you my blessing" ok see here's the thing. when you write you have to think about the things you are putting on the page and what you have written previously. this quite literally made no sense how the fuck are you going to not accept them but give them your blessing? does this crew know what the fuck words are? i'm assuming they went to some sort of school to obtain jobs here bc there cannot be natural talent or experience. maybe most of them are rich. fuck i do not know but this also makes no sense. just the literal logic of it it's like fucking insane the whiplash.
10.5 apparently this father is also shitty. everyone here sucks and they are basically begging me to think xing si is a fucking idiot so i dont even want to look at him if he is an object he doesnt matter so now i want to kick him. thanks a lot you made the victim get absolutely fucking nothing
they KEEP PUSHING the brother thing it is so insane and it's liek GUYS WE GET IT WE UNDERSTAND THEYRE "RELATED" BUT NOT RELATED SO IT'S OK HE WAS "RAPED" BUT NOT RAPED but you're GOING BACK ON YOUR OWN RULES!!!!!!!!!! WE GET THAT THEY ARE BROTHERS!!! WE'RE OVER IT NOW BUT WHAT IS THIS WHEN WE ALREADY ESTABLISHED SOMETHING? I AM CONFUSION? they flip flop between my son, my brother my actual brother, and cannot fucking distinguish between love for your father and love for your romantic partner? so to me what i see is that the father wants to fuck the son. that's the conclusion i am garnering now considering nothing matters and his love for his "brother" is the same as his love for his dad lmao. they couldnt even do that in a way that made sense. like damn anybody can get anything. these ppl who are doing this have to be fucking rich and/or have connections.
also this guy sounds literally like a textbook abuser like he says constantly "im the best choice" is a rapist is awful holds capital (oh hees "saving" smh ur trapping her!!!!! RETIRE!!!!) also wears terrible shoes so i am like ur alllllllllLLLLL FUCKING CRAZY ur all literally crazy and then they are trying to set rules and boundaries in their fucking house like WHY ARE THEY LIVING TOGETHER EVEN? even tho oh my god they know he raped him and for some reason they are both allowing to live in the house but they dont want them to have sex??!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! i get that this is their house but this is like at this point these ppl are writing anything and now whatshisface is acting like a 2 yr old again and we are supposed to find this cute? like it makes 0 sense why do u fucking care u literally encouraged ur son to rape him so they cant have consensual sex under your nose now and have to wait four years? this is coming from the son who couldnt wait until someone was sober enough to realize hes fucking psychotic and should be killed also the fact that they act like being 20 means u have no fucking brain like this kid is in med school supposedly how do we know like hes a liar and an idiot so. also wait do they mean undergrad? how are you in med school at 20? is he a genius? girl i dont care lmao i guess i missed that but it's not like it matters so whatever
even if we ignore the stupidity of the literal acts, the grossness of the content, the absolute inability to write coherently or even remotely in a way where we would even want to see them together which is like....u set it up at the beginning so he punches "the love his life's best friend" also holy fuck im sorry remember when he punches muren because xing si got too drunk. so i'm guessing whatshisface is that good of a bartender that he makes super strong drinks and gets xing si drunk but his alcohol is magical therefore it doesn't make him sick. his alcohol is the type that gets you drunk but somehow doesnt get to your liver even though that's how we get drunk but dont ask guys he's only in med school and a bartender so i think he knows best (seriously have the main writers had a day of fun in their lives? have they ever been drunk? are they toddlers? drunk babies could probably do better tho.) i get that he was also jealous but if this kid is SOOOOOO genius (he understands social cues lmao he has the cpacity to project onto his victim so im like miss me with the not understanding shit. go to a fucking therapist like seriously did no one care abt this kid? his mother thinks he's like almost a goddamn murderer. how is she not dead? how are they all not dead? how do any of them know how to drive with this type of brain?) then he would understand that they are very clearly friends since he watched them part in a very platonic way and since he apparently knows what love is cos he thinks....he can....make someone fall in love with him bc he loves them? again, i wouldnt know hes 20 and taiwanese and im 29 and black from AMERICA so im WESTERN* so you know. different life experiences i guess XD
even if we do mental gymnastics to get it to a place where they "had sex" and he didnt rape him there's 0 ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ties to the literal story they wrote and the rules they set up. i'm going ot assume they dont know wtf theyre doing and i know for a fact we all care more about their dumb show than they do but it's actually startling how piss poor this is it's like idek what to compare it to. the continuity is awful awful awful they needed a script supervisor majorly and they are making bank and are going to make fucking bank fof this shit. and itll just continue like that until IRL material changes and that's facilitated by these very same groups they choose to profit off of and exploit by propelling it into the mainstream and litigating homosexuality through capitalism. and i'm being specific with homosexuality. i dont want a GL market like at all and i know why we wouldnt have it either and that has everything to do with the nature of BL, capitalism, coercion, and the fanbase being young girls and women. i don't think in this day and age we can safely say all the fans are straight; i'm sure a majority but many women or people on the gender spectrum and sexuality spectrum also consume it. frankly, it's possible the women who write it could be or something too. i dont rly believe any1 is str8 lmao but im just saying it's not out of the realm of possibility. but it isnt about that at all. that's why we wont see "good" female characters (like well written) often that's why we won't see trans women or kathoeys or fat people or black asians in it. a lot of it is is a choice we participate in whatever. but holy fuck dude u could at least respect the audience's fucking intelligence. i'm talking about everything i think that is encapsulated in the project but it's even more jarring and worse because it's so insanely inconsistent and poorly done. like how we jump from one conclusion to another is wild to me. even their first "night together" and he wakes up im like girl....u no ur ass felt it. this nigga broke into his house and was like "im gonna have u" like it's getting weird
just make xing si suffer offscreen not us the stupidity is staggering, mind blowing, hilarious.
how wong kar wai, a straight man from HK (or at least married to a woman), or barry jenkins, a striahgt black man, write/do stories well about people they wouldnt knw about their experiences directly is....well thinking like using their brains and like knowing all types of people? the man who co-wrote moonlight is a hOMOSEXUAL, leslie cheung was fucking gay or queer (and he committed suicide and that's important also RIP homie) both are hailed as queer cinema like WKW wanted to do something else and invested time into it, changed the way he played around with structure, moved away from his crime oriented stuff. he THOUGHT about it and this film is about their reality. it's a harsh film, idk how i feel about it (but my fav movies of his are the crime ones or the messy ones where it's clear he didnt write a script lmao fallen angels is one of my fav movies its' abt assassins kinda) but i know it means something. and he didnt like what HK had previously wasnt enough. it is not the only cinema that should be shown since it's such a stark reality and depressing but it is a real depiction so we can have all sorts of stuff. no this isnt WKW level or moonlight level but i know for a fact these people think they are doing something because artists always do i say this as one and someone who is equally as useless. you're making a statement.
i also hate the westerner component of peoples analyses. first of all dont do cultural relativism. we can critique and respect. but second of all how are we going to keep saying "dont put western ideals on this" when that is what is happening anyway because that's part and parcel for soft power and capitalism. how about taiwan's history with the KMT? what about the regimes young people fought about? aided by US imperialism which permeates through society and affects material conditions, views, democracy, identity and that goes into culture and media. hm? what about that? is that reality too fucking western for people? that we are doing the same thing again now? is that okay to talk about or is that only on your time?
then there's the argument that this is just entertainment. yea no shit but the thing is if we r gonna talk about marginalized groups and watch bc of marginalized groups and then be expected to identify then i dont see why i cant put this in context. even if it wasnt fucking serious we'd still judge it. but it's so pompous and again like i wouldnt say EYE think it's art but it is "art" in the literal sense and no self respecting artist would ever go "man this means nothing." of course im not sure if they do respect themselves so hey but u cant just go oh man it's entertainment when it literally rests on the fact that HOMOS are MARGINALIZED. it literally rests on the fact that WOMEN ARE OBJECTS. you either want progress or you dont. i dont understand being so demanding but not beign specific in the demands and not trying to use your brain. if you dont want to use your brain don't. but if you are looking , engaging, and keep making these arguments or telling ppl it doesnt matter whilst complaining about how much others care is hypocritical at best, willfully obtuse at worst. both bad. :)
(also all this + another thing; it is insulting to have this like wedding happen based off of this stupid relationship when people fought so hard and had to push it. now they can use the material conditions to their advantage but it's so ridiculous. also because there is difficulty still in getting married in taiwan i'm honestly like....the boldness of the writers...)
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yikeswtfmate · 4 years
(1) New Message from Unknown Number
main masterlist // (1) New Message Masterlist // next part
Summary: Y/N is drunk and can’t remember her ex’s number.
A/N: Hello, it is I, the idiot who writes Social Media AUs when she’s drunk but is too lazy to put them in the proper format and just leaves them to die somewhere on her laptop
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Social Media AU - that’s a lie, it’s actually just texts in Word format 🤡)
Warnings: swearing, dumbassery
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Unknown Number: Hey asshat so listen
Unknown Number: I kno we hvnt spoken since like
Unknown Number: High school but whateve idc
Unknown Number: U’re an asshle so I dnt even care that its like…
Unknown Number: 3 in the morning nvrmd
Unknown Number: Ive ben dared to txt my hottest ex by these evil witchS so
Unknown Number: Here u go
Unknown Number: At least u had decent abs so congrats on tht jfc
Unknown Number:  also u dnt get to complain abt this txt bc like
Unknown Number: u dated me for 6 months on a dare so U KNOW WHat this shuold feel like ya
Unknown Number: Wow dude that sounds like a dick move
Unknown Number: Seriously who the hell dates someone for 6 months on a dare?
Unknown Number: Doesn’t that only happen in movies though?
Unknown Number: hey bitchass dont act like u don’t kno what im talkinG abt
Unknown Number: Oh shit yeah, sorry. I don’t know who this asshole of an ex is but I sure as hell am not him
Unknown Number: Dude sounds like a complete waste of human space
Unknown Number: And I think I wouldn’t get to live it down if my friends would hear I did something that shitty
Unknown Number: Wait lemme ask Sam
Unknown Number: Nah, he says Steve would’ve beaten my ass if I were to do that so there u go
Unknown Number: m sorry who tf are u
Unknown Number: Bucky
Unknown Number: what kind of stupid name is bucky
Unknown Number: Shit man, u’re the one blowing up my phone at 3 in the morning, sending me weird ass messages when I don’t even know u and u dare say my name is stupid???
Unknown Number: Sheit srry
Unknown Number: Is been A long night
Unknown Number: nd week
Unknown Number: Actlly make thAt the whle entire fuckin month
Girl with asshole ex: Srry fr bothering u
Unknown Number: It‘s cool
Girl with asshole ex: Hey the witches ask if ure hot
Bonky: Yeah
Bonky: U wanted me to lie?
Girl with asshole ex: Fair point
Girl with asshole ex: They wnt a pic
Girl with asshole ex: Pic or it didn’t happen punk
Girl with asshole ex: Tht was nat
Bonky: What kind of party are u at that you can constantly text me?
Girl with asshole ex: Wanda’s place
Girl with asshole ex: Girls night
Girl with asshole ex: Getting hammered on wine BITCH
Girl with asshole ex: Also dnt change the subject
Bonky: I don’t even know your name
Girl with asshole ex: Why would I tell u my name I just want to see a suppsdly hot asssd
Bonky: You know mine and now you want me to send u a pic of me
Bonky: Bit of a disadvantage here babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: BABE if I tell u my name will u send a pic of u so we kno u arnt a 60yr old perv
Bonky: I’ll think about it
Girl with asshole ex: Hey fuck u
Girl with asshole ex: Not fair
Bonky: How do I know you’re not the 60yr old perv?
Girl with asshole ex: Cuz she got big tiddies to prove
Girl with asshole ex: And that was wanda
Girl with asshole ex: So now u know my fridsn
Bonky: Still don’t know your name tho babe
Bonky: Also tell Wanda she shouldn’t give out this type of info to strangers
Girl with asshole ex: ure not a stranger anymore bonky
Girl with asshole ex: ure my babe nao
Bonky: I’m going to let that Bonky slide just bc u’re cute
Bonky: But I’m also going to stop replying until you tell me your name
Girl with asshole ex: U think im cute?
Girl with asshole ex: 
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Girl with asshole ex: I mean u havnt even seen me but thats fair
Girl with asshole ex: Wand and nat say its true so ill believe u rnt lying to me rn
Girl with asshole ex: But I wanna see if ure cute
Girl with asshole ex: Wait why r u up st 3 in the mrng I mean we re drunk but wht r u doing
Girl with asshole ex: Babe u need to take better care of urself
Girl with asshole ex: Babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Ph shit ure actually ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: I dont like this
Girl with asshole ex: I actually like talking to u
Girl with asshole ex: Pls stop ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: COME BACK AND LOBE ME
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: It’s Y/N
Bonky: Now, that wasn’t so hard was it? 
Babe: fcuk u
Bonky: I’m up at 3 bc we ordered pizza and decided it’s time to beat Sam’s ass in Mario Kart once and for all
Babe: Nd how’s that going for ya?
Bonky: Bitch has been beating us for the past 3 hours
Bonky: Thor is the only one getting at least close to him now so we’re about to give up
Babe: Wait shit how r u replying so fast if ure playing Mario kart tho
Bonky: I gave up two hours ago
Babe: Quitter
Bonky: Just gotta know which fights to pick babe
Babe: Heads up I might be fallin asleep soon
Bonky: Drink some water before that, maybe get some food in u as well to soak up all the alcohol and have an advil close for tomorrow
Babe: Ok MOM
Bonky: Hey Wanda willingly told me you have “big tiddies” so your friends don’t seem to be doing a good job of taking care of you
Bonky: Might as well let me do it so you don’t die tmrw
Babe: Ohhhh so u careeeee babe im touched
Babe: Kkkkkk Ill talk tu u tmrw ill be dead soon
Babe: Nd I do have big tiddies
Bonky: Good night babe
Babe: What the shit
Bonky: I see you survived
Babe: Barely
Babe: My head might explode soon and I feel like I’ve vomited for an entire lifetime
Babe: TMI sorry
Bonky: I’d like to point out I’m glad I don’t have to decipher your texts anymore and that you can actually spell properly
Babe: Fuck you Buckaroo
Bonky: I would also like to remind you that I have on good authority that you have “big tiddies” so don’t make me use that against you
Babe: I am going to kill Wanda
Babe:Ugh I need coffee
Babe: I’ll talk to you later
Bonky: I’ll be waiting for you babe
Babe: So
Babe: BABE
Bonky: Yes baby?
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Bonky: Nah, you love it
Babe: Fine
Babe: You still haven’t sent a pic of you though. I might be able to rise Nat and Wanda from the dead if you do
Bonky: What do I get in return?
Babe: The promise that I will keep replying even though you might turn out to be an ugly orc?
Bonky: Not enough
Babe: Fine. I’ll keep talking to you until you want me to stop. Or until I get bored of you
Bonky: Eh, you can do better
Babe: What do you WANT?
Bonky: A pic of you in return
Babe: I’m not sending you nudes, perv
Bonky: If I wanted to see you naked and be a dick about it, I could’ve asked last night, don’t worry
Bonky: But if you’ll know how I look it’s only fair I should know how you look
Babe: That sounds reasonable
Bonky: I’d say it’s a fair exchange
Babe: Fine, you first then
Bonky: If you don’t send me a pic of you afterwards babe I will stop replying, just so you know
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Babe: Did you type super hot guy with the most beautiful eyes in the world in Google or something?
Bonky: I’m touched but no. Sam took that photo at a work event
Babe: Bitch do you really expect me to believe this is you? That looks like a guy who just stepped out of a magazine, I highly doubt I would have the luck to text him instead of my ex when drunk
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Bonky: Are you always this annoying?
Babe: …
Bonky: What? Do you want me to take a selfie with the fucking newspaper now? I read the news online babe, I’m not getting off of this couch just so I can buy a stupid newspaper to prove it’s me
Babe: Do you have one in a suit?
Bonky: …why am I putting up with this?
Bonky: Hold on
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Bonky: It’s been 5 minutes, are you going to reply?
Bonky: You still have to send me a picture of you though, a deal is a deal you know
Bonky: Fine, I warned you
Babe: Shit sorry
Babe: Hi Bucky, this is Natasha
Bonky: Hi Natasha. Is Y/N alright?
Babe: Uhm how should I put this?
Babe: Y/N is crying right now and she can’t reply herself
Bonky: What? What happened? Is she okay?
Babe: Oh yeah
Babe: She’s just crying because (and I’m quoting here) you’re “so beautiful, it’s like all my wet dreams and fantasies have come together. I swear this is some cosmic joke, this is not happening”
Babe: I’m not sure if she’s laughing or crying now
Babe: But she keeps yelling at me that I have to send you the most perfect picture of herself that has ever existed or you will stop talking to her
Babe: I think she started crying again because “I will never live up to that level of perfection, he told me that I have to know which fights to pick”
Babe: Uh yeah so here
Babe: 1 Photo Attached
Bonky: Hey Nat, could you tell Y/N that I would like to talk to her now?
Babe: Sure
Babe: Hey
Bonky: Baby?
Babe: Yeah?
Bonky: You picked the wrong fight if you think “you will never live up to this level of perfection”
Babe: Oh God
Bonky: Stop being an idiot
Bonky: And listen to me
Bonky: I would really like to keep talking to you. Mainly because you’re an idiot who makes me laugh, but it’s also the fact that you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my entire life
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rebel-ezra · 3 years
hello friends! another star wars review
here’s what was going on in my mind when I was watching the rise of skywalker:
last one of the skywalker-saga :( also this is a long one I am so sorry congrats if you read this entire thing
why do I have the feeling poe is going to die in this one aklsdjfsk I guess we’ll just have to wait and see
starting it off nice and easy with angry kylo ren lol
what is that glowing thingy
oh he maaaadd he is GOING FOR IT
it’s Ugly Emperor 
that…. is a big fleet…
finn an poe <3 my absolute babies
why does kylo keep anakins skull around tho
the falcon is on fire oh no baby nooo
the absolute chaotic energy that is rey, poe and finn <3
“alone with friends” :’)
wooooow festival!!
jdfklsajfl run babies RUUUNN
nice shot but who are you
‘I got a bad feeling about this’ YEA NO SHIT LANDO ME TOO
‘excellent job sir!’ ‘terrible job sir’ this is what c3po becomes after spending too much time with poe
‘I’ll tell you later’ ‘you mean when poe’s not here’ ‘yea’ ‘we’re gonna die in sand burrows and we’re all keeping secrets’ god I LOVE THEM
‘I dont like bones’ 
oh god fucking damnit kylo is still alive
‘poe dameron spice runner, runner of spice’ I love them so much
‘one last look at my friends’ AJLKDSFJS SIR
JALDKFJSKLD POE SAID ‘can I kiss you’ well he can certainly kiss mE
“it’s just his arm it’s just his arm he’s okay he’s fine calm down”
‘hey fellas’ 
terminate them??? LETS NOT NONO DON’T SHOOT THEM
hux u bitch dont do it
tell the truth kylo
“don’t destroy palpatine rey that is literally The Path to the dark side”
yea no great landing boys 
rey didn’t have time to just quickly heal poe’s arm nice and easy hmm
oh great kylo’s here as well
of course he is
what if rey is going to die I don’t think I could handle that
HE CANT FUCKING DO IT HAHA it takes big dick energy which you do not have sir 
omg leia pls go and persuade your stupid ass son
rey why are you healing him he is literally trying to GET YOU TO THE DARK SIDE
‘goodbye dear princess’ FUCK OFF
don’t show me crying chewie please U THINK MY HEART CAN TAKE THAT?? SPOILER ALERT; IT CAN’T!
‘hey kid?’ “WHO??”
yea no I am full on bawling my eyes out right now
kylo yeeted that lightsaber
define ‘planet that they know’ please
omg now poe is going to blame himself cause his friend couldn’t get away because she gave him the medal
omg rey is on luke’s island
I am an emotional wreck now
I do love the sound of “general dameron” tho
“poe this speech is making me EMOTIONAL”
such an epic battle I love this please let them all survive
“oh Ugly Emperor is here”
“nice they did it nOW GET THE HELL OFF THAT SHIP"
finn dont do anything stupid
kylo do something good
‘go without us’ NO
hi kylo please go help rey do something good for once
kylo with a blue saber tho
they’re losing :( POE what now
‘my friends I’m sorry I thought we had a shot but there’s just too many of them’ ‘there are more of us poe’ YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA OH MY GOD THERES SO MANY OOOO 
‘it’s jut people’ ITS THE RESISTANCE U BITCH
please tell me rey is alive
OOOOOOOO he went zooming
did he just die 
kylo are you alive
I was so hopeful and now ugly ass nutsac emperor is back fucking bitchass 
nut sack is like “oh shit she is alive uuuugh”
‘I am all the sith’ ‘and I am all the jedi’ YEAAAAAAA poetic cinema
poe please get finn or lando whatever  SOMEONE get finn
kylo is somehow still alive I gotta tell you he’s got some real strength tho
can he heal her or at least try it
come on rey come on baby
“lksdjfklasjflsk this is cute this is niceWAIT NO KYLOOOOO!! NO DID HE DIE?? OH MY GOD HIS FINAL ACT WAS TO SAFE REY”
omg they did it they took down the whole fleet
who is that
oh my god loved it that was amazing
sorry this was so long if you’ve made it to the end congrats
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nolanhollogay · 3 years
you’ve unlocked nate’s tragic backstory congrats!! @juliesdahlias @richitozier @witchofinterest
cw: talk of sex in the beginning (nothing explicit and nothing happens but u know i dont want anyone to be uncomfy), talk of and descriptions of child abuse, blood and stabbing
"No," Dick grumbled, glaring down at him. He was sitting on Nate's thighs, his legs tucked underneath himself as he frowned in playful displeasure.
Nate whined. "Why not?" he asked, walking his fingers up the inseam of Dick's jeans. His nails were painted a pretty purple color at Rachel's request and they looked exceptionally lovely against the dark blue denim.
Dick grabbed his hand to stop it's wandering. His palm was warm around Nate’s cold fingers. "It's 3pm." 
"Time isn't real. It's a man made construct," Nate countered, tangling their fingers together. He didn't even really care all that much about having sex anymore, he just liked to argue.
"That doesn't mean we don't have to follow it," Dick said, rolling his eyes. 
"So what? We can only have sex after 8pm? We're not straight people, Richard."
Dick laughed, face lighting up in surprise and Nate's heart sang.
"No, we’re not, but like, calm down. Wait a bit. You're like a rabbit," he said, kissing Nate's forehead. Nate smiled and pulled him into a kiss with a hand on the back of his neck.
"I have a pair of bunny ears, if you're into the kind of thing," he joked against his mouth, just to hear him laugh again. 
Dick tried to keep the kiss calm and sweet but Nate didn't really have the patience for that. He slid his tongue between Dick's teeth, pulling him closer by his hair. Dick, for all of his protesting before, didn't seem too upset about it.
Nate had just gotten Dick's shirt off, throwing it to the floor, when his bedroom door opened.
He let out a loud annoyed groan at being interrupted. He couldn't handle any more robbers or people who wanted to beat him up. He really needed to invest in a better lock
He looked over Dick's shoulder and groaned again when he saw his father standing there. He was wearing a god awful trench-coat that was the color of olives and an unimpressed look. He looked older then when Nate had seen him last, around ten months ago over a Skype call. His hair was more gray than black and there were more wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. 
What was he even doing here?
Nate pushed Dick out of his lap causing him to grunt in surprise. "Hi Dad," he said, forcing a smile. It probably looked as fake as it felt.
"I guess I know why you weren't answering my text messages," Nate's father said with a hint of a smile. Dick went pink in the face and grabbed his shirt from the ground, pulling it back on.
Nate shrugged. He'd been ignoring his father's texts for months for a variety of reasons. He'd seen the texts about him visiting that morning but assumed it meant some time in the near future, not that day.
Nate's father cleared his throat, looking between him and Dick with a raised eyebrow. "Aren't you going to introduce us?"
Nate made a noise of annoyance in the back of his throat. He didn't want to introduce them. He wanted them to stay so far away from each other that they didn't know the other existed.
"Dick, this is my father. Dad, this is my boyfriend, Dick," he said, gesturing between them with his hand.
Dick smiled, charming but nervous and Nate’s heart turned into liquid despite his growing anger.
"Uh, nice to meet you sir," he said, reaching out to shake his hand. Nate's dad took it, looking less than enthusiastic. When they dropped hands, he looked Dick up and down, taking in his muscle and his messed up hair.
"I don't like him," he said in Mandarin, sending Nate a disapproving look.
Nate rolled his eyes. "I didn't think you would," he replied in English, just to piss him off.
"You could have at least told me you were seeing someone, Minjun," he said, once again in Mandarin.
Nate let out a humorless laugh. There was something dark and sad crawling inside his chest. He felt twitchy and ready to snap, like a caged animal. "Yeah, but then you would have gotten mad at me," he all but growled.
"Why would I be mad at you for dating someone?" his father asked, looking genuinely puzzled. Nate watched the realization hit him and he was given a look so pitying that it made rage dance under his skin. He wanted to bite someone.
"Minjun, I'm not your mother. I'm not going to hurt you or be mad at you for every little thing. You're an adult who's free to make his own decisions," he said. Then he quickly added, "Within reason." Nate scoffed. Of course he decided to switch back to English to say that. 
Nate rolled his eyes but didn't argue. Dick sent him a confused looked, mouth twisted down in a frown.
"Is there anything you needed?" Nate asked, trying not to curl his fists at his sides. Or did he just come over to ruin Nate's day and unearth his trauma for no reason?
His dad shook his head. "No, not right now. But we'll make dinner together tomorrow and talk. I'll call you."
"Okay," Nate replied briskly.
Nate watched him go, seething silently. Dick watched him, eyes locked on the clench of his jaw.
"What just happened?" he asked, voice flooded with concern.
Nate didn’t want to talk about it. "That was my dad," he said vaguely.
Dick rolled his eyes, but there was no heat behind it. "I gathered that, yeah. What was he saying? That stuff about your mom.. And what was he calling you?"
"Minjun. It's my name. My other name. And I don't want to talk about it. Not right now," Nate explained. He still felt caged. He was hit with the urge to break something, like the lamp on his desk.
"Okay. Fine with me," Dick said with a nod and a small smile. Then he asked, "Can I give you a hug?"
Nate laughed despite his rage. "Why are you asking? Freak."
Dick made an annoyed noise. "Because you're all tense. I don't want to touch you if it don't want to be touched."
"You're so soft. It's disgusting,” Nate said, sending him a smile. “Give me a stupid hug."
Dick wrapped his arms around his Nate’s waist, pulling him close. Nate buried his face in his neck, sighing. This was the one place he felt truly comfortable, wrapped in Dick’s strong arms.
It wasn’t until much later that Nate brought up his family again. They were lying in his bed, with Nate turned away from Dick, looking out of his window. The moon was full and bright, and he locked his stare onto it to give himself something to focus on as he told Dick his story.
"My mom is shitty,” Nate explained, unprompted. He knew Dick wouldn’t have brought it up again because he said he didn’t want to talk about it, but he needed to get it off his chest. it had been eating at him all day, like a parasite in his stomach. “She used to hit me and burn me with her cigarettes and she hated me. She's the reason I have the scar on my back." 
Dick ran his fingers over it, the raised pink skin that interrupted the smooth expanse of his back. It was a line that was just off center and it would have been perfectly straight if not for the jagged curve at the end.
"What happened?" Dick asked, voice soft. Something cracked in Nate’s chest, but he ignored it.
Nate cleared his throat as the vivid memories hit him. He just had to focus on the moon and ignore the phantom pains. Ignore the feeling of blood trickling down his back and the blade under his skin.
"She, uh, got mad at me for something. I don't remember what, but she pinned me to the kitchen floor and tried to kill me. Said she was gonna rip my heart out from the back so I didn't have to see it,” he said. He remembered the sweetness in her voice as she said. He’d never heard it before that moment and he didn’t like it all. ”She would've gotten farther than she did if my dad hadn't come home from work early. That's why it's crooked at the bottom. Because he yanked her away from me from the side."
Dick mumbled, "Jesus Christ," which made him laugh.
"After that he shipped me out here to the States to live with my uncle when I was like sixteen. To get me away from her and so he didn't have to deal with all my bullshit and trauma. It's why he was trying to be nice earlier. He feels guilty."
Dick kissed his shoulder, wrapping his arm around his waist. "That's so terrible. I'm sorry you had to live through that."
Nate shrugged. "Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. It doesn't really matter."
"Of course it matters," Dick argued. "That's something that you have to carry with you every day." 
Nate turned around to face him and Dick saw something on his face that made him kiss him, gentle and slow.
“Don’t get all soft on me,” Nate grumbled. “I’m not broken or something. I’m just traumatized and that’s my burden to live with.”
Dick’s eyebrows wrinkled as he thought of how to reply. Nate smoothed the lines out with his pointer finger.
“I love you,” he settled on. “I know we’re both weird about saying it cause we’re our own kinds of emotionally fucked up, but I do. Not just cause you told me about your family or cause you’re a good kisser. And I want you to know that someone loves you unconditionally.”
Nate’s face twisted as his eyes filled with tears. He huffed in anger and embarrassment at his body’s reaction. He wasn’t going to cry over this.
He buried his face in Dick’s chest as he tried to collect himself. “I hate you. You gross me out,” he croaked out.
Dick laughed, Nate feeling it from where his face was pressed against his bare skin. Dick ran his fingers through his hair making him sigh.
“Love you too,” he finally replied as he felt himself starting to drift into sleep.
There was a smile in Dick’s voice as he responded, “I know you do.”
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wanderingpages · 3 years
Anon M:- (Dark AU) Part two thoughts
(My [wanderingpages] responses are in this color!)
these are....longer (idk if that’s good or bad lol)
Madoc is ghosting Cardan haha
Cardan….murderers need sleep too (2moodz: sleep is for the weak/ sleeping for the week)
Locke is just…there (useless and full of disappointment)
And….nosing tits what
…I don’t get it lol
I just know that I don’t want anyone nosing my tits (she got coke on her lol literally (an experience :/))
Cardan has acknowledged that hes a perv! Congrats Cardan! Youre officially the last to know!
….is dain doing coke (yes)
….wtf is happening
Nis is this u (nicasia? The one who was on Locke first? Yes)
Cardan no (Cardan says yes)
Ghost you….dont need to watch him
….cardan has seen the ghosts dick (100% he has)
The ghost is watching him get a bj rn idk why im surprised
..im pretty sure that girl wanted coke and not…Coke
No Cardan knows this (100 % he does)
The pining for CEO cardan gets worse (hahaha I’m so sorry)
The ghost…wants coke
Everyone wants coke lol (there’s not a person at this party who doesn’t want a hit)
Does Cardan have a tragic past (yes lol how else do I justify making him type evil?)
Of course he does
I think this is an oc (nope, Sophie exists within tfota universe!)
Why is jude being paranoid
Ok imma assume that every drink is spiked with something or the other (hahaha mostly)
Wait hes gonna shoot jude I didn’t notice that
CARDAN THINK ABOUT HER ASS LATER (he can’t help it if it’s RIGHT there!)
Jude is….idk what shes doing (not even Jude knows)
…who shot jude (one of the goons but I think I ended up making it ghost becuase I’m an idiot who lacks basic continuity rules lol)
Im confused
Why she been trained to shut down
Oh this is gonna become a Plot isnt it (part of it yeah)
Jude passes out hahahaha this is not good
SHE CANT CONSENT IF SHES KNOCKED OUT (he not about that life)
Im liking cardans dialogue
Jude:- “I just killed a man”
Cardan:- “lol nope that was me” (“you tried tho”)
She has every right to be creeped out by water
Hahahhahaha she missed him hahahaha this is going to end badly (🤪)
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Fall Back to the Jet
Summary- Bucky x Y/N (Steve, Natasha, and Sam features) Cap tells you to fall back to the Quinnjet, but you decide on another option. Lucky Buckys close by. Warning- Violence, swearing. Written for @hopingforbarnes​ 250 Writing Challenge. Congrats!!!! Prompt is in bold italiacs. 
Word Count- 1.9k
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It was all going smooth till Steve spoke directly to you in his com “Y/N, we have it from here, fall back to the quinnjet” 
You were still the rookie although its been a year, and Steve was the Captain, No one defies the captain, except for you. You eyed the open doorway the hydra agent just went into, taking a deep breath as your resolve settled, you werent going to sit on the quinjet any longer while the rest cleaned up. Ducking into the dark doorway, you stalked down the stairs while hearing your name being yelled at in the com “Y/N, I TOLD YOU TO FALL BACK” Sorry Cap, not this time. 
There are times in your life you maybe regret a decision, this was one of them. You thought the room was clear, sweeping your sights back and forth from the other end of a rifle, when there was a clip to the back of your head, knocking you forward and stupidly dropping your gun. “You Mother Fucker!” you yelp, and turn to face your opponent, twisting your head slightly to knock out the kink he put in your neck. He was well over twice your size, his meaty hands flexing to get around that slim column of your neck, you could see it in his eyes when he lunged at you, side stepping around him with a kick. It was like bouncing your foot off cement and didnt phase him much, smirking at you as he came at you again. “SHIT!” you state as you start blocking and trying to attack back. 
“Bucky you got her?” Steve hissed as they barged into a lab and Steve threw up the shield, blocking the barrage of bullets aimed at the two men. 
“Yea I got her” Bucky ducking behind the shield and once in a while lifting behind from it and aiming his own specially trained on targets rounds, he twisted away and went back out the way he came, using his vibranium arm to slam open doors to see them empty. “Come on Y/N, where the hell are you?” He snarled, until he heard you cussing out someone and the shallow sound of flesh getting pounded on. He hoped that it would be you doing the pounding, but when he opened the door, that certainly wasnt the case. 
Bucky came into you looking twisted around the mans arm, and him slamming you down into the floor, doing your best to keep your head from being bashed in, attempting a kick into his face, his throat, just about anywhere to get him to release his hold. Blood ran down the side of your face from your scalp and your words were flying just as much as anytime youve ever been pissed off, regardless of the situation. “If you dont let me the fuck go you dick wilted asswipe, Im gonna rip your balls off and stuff them down your throat.” If Bucky wasnt scared as hell for you at the moment, he would have rolled his eyes at you, once he realized the way you were being flung back and forth wasnt gonna allow him to take a shot, he shouldered the weapon.Close attack it would be 
Without another pause, Bucky strode forward, his strides wide and his metal arm slammed into the hyrdra agents side of the head, jarring his hand to open wrapped around your neck and you fell to the floor from a considerable height,snapping the back of your skull against the cement with a sharp cry. Rolling away from the two men clashing like titans above you. Bucky was shorter in stature then the hydra agent was, but much more quick on his feet, as well as being a super soldier, it wasnt exactly a fair hand on hand fight. Within minutes the agent was merely blocking the bone rattling blows Bucky was issuing, you were crawling across the floor to where you dropped your weapon, sitting back and putting it to your shoulder, waiting to get a clear shot.
Buckys silver hand wrapped around the back of the mans neck, the plates clinking as he tightened pressure and swung him around right in the aim of your shot, you lining hydra right up in your cross hairs, and pulling the trigger. Barnes turned his face away to keep from getting splattered from brain matter and blood. Loosening his hold, the hydras body, minus the top of his skull, collapsed with a dull thud. You lower the rifle and wince, placing your hand against your head. “Bucky... he got me pretty good.” Your vision going in and out at the moment. 
“Jesus Christ Doll” He hisses as he sidesteps around the body and goes to you, his hands cupping your face to look in your eyes. “Can you focus on me?” You blink a few times and wide eyed stare right at him best you can. 
“Hows that?” You question, grinning stupidly since your just glad Bucky got there in time. He frowned a bit and sighed, wrapping you in his arm to get you to stand. 
“Steve, I got her, Im taking her back to the Jet.” He spoke, not to you though and you didnt bother trying to get an answer. With his assistance, you two hobbled, less with sleuth, but with plenty of pauses for Bucky to check to make sure the coast was clear, the two of you headed outside. Sam was already in the jet, waiting on the two of you. 
“Steve and Nat are finishing up downloading the computer files, then they will join us. Come on Kid, I got a spot waiting for you.” 
“She had her head hit pretty badly” Bucky stated as you two followed Sam inside, going to sit you down, a wave of nausea threatened to upchuck whatever breakfast was, which what was that again? Oh yea, bowl of Wheaties, you remarking to Steve and Bucky this morning across the table. 
“Breakfast of Champs!” You werent exactly feeling like a champ right now. 
Sam looked you over to, prying one eyelid open, then the other. “I think shes going to be okay, but once we reach the compound we will be able to take a closer look.” Bucky settled in beside you and you pried them open once more. 
“Thanks for coming for me.” 
It was this moment Steve and Natasha returned, Steve snapping past you without acknowledging you at the moment. “Get us home Sam” his voice clipped, and Natasha plopped down next to you, her eyes brimming with worry. “Hey, we win some, we loose some right? You also got a hard head, I know.” She teased, having sparred and tumbled with you plenty of times. Steve stayed up at the front with Sam for the moment, but once he was sure you were okay, back home, you were most likely gonna get one of the famous Cap speeches youve seen him dish out to other agents. For now you were content to lay your head on Buckys shoulder, his hand resting against his knee, palm up. Without hesitating, you weave your fingers with his and he gives them a gentle squeeze. It might amaze others just how gentle he could be with that vibranium limb of his. Not you though. 
When the jet lands, you walk off, much more in control then before, but Bucky still hovers nearby and follows you into the medic bay. Quickly your head is checked over, a flashlight shining in your eyes, follow the finger, clean up the scrapes and blood. “Your gonna be dizzy for a few days, so nothing strenuous.” 
In this moment, you were okay with that. 
Steve came in, his demeanor still snapping in anger, but a touch calmer then before. He glanced at the medic and asked “Please, give us a few moments Ma’am, then you can have your patient back.” Bucky moved to take over bandaging the rest of you up as the medic left the room to the three of you. 
He looked at you, hands moving to rest against his hips as he seemed to asses you. “I heard your okay, Y/N. Good, you gave your team quite a scare.” You did have the audacity to look a bit sheepish, but felt the need to defend your actions. “I know, I honestly thought I had him.” 
“Thought, not good enough. Your still fairly new to the team...” This caused a look from you while Bucky patched up the back of your head as best he could. “So I think a bit more team building practices are in order Y/N. Until then, field work is off the table.” 
“What? Steve, come on.” You go to push Bucky back so you can stand up, but hes firm, firmer then you can give him credit for. “It was one mistake, I made a bad call.” 
“Yea, could have gotten you killed. Your always trying to think solo and you just cant. Were a team Y/N. We work together. Ive already made the decision.” 
You kinda gape as Steve turns to leave, fuming. You swear your heads going to blow like in those old bugs bunny cartoons where it goes off like a train whistle. “That son of a bitch just benched me. BENCHED ME!” This time you manage to move to a stand, about to storm off after Steve, but Bucky caught your arm and sat your ass back down. 
“Youve got to calm down before I can fix you up, Okay?” Bucky said calmly as he works diligently. His hands just as gentle as ever, you can barely even tell hes doing anything. You stay as still as you can, fighting back frustrated tears at the Captain benching you like this. Your tired and sore, your reaction just adding to your already bad day. “It was one mistake, one. I just hate always being told to go back to the jet when I could be helping you guys out. It was a bad call on my part, but fuck... I just wanted to be useful. I cant believe how bad this has turned into.” 
Bucky is silent for a moment before he pulls back and studies your face momentarily, and sighs. “Listen, I will talk to Steve, okay? Right now hes just being a dick. He will give everyone else crap about not following orders, but damned if he does.” You wipe at your face to get rid of the frustrated tears build up and arched your brows, hopeful. 
“You would really do that Bucky? If he says yes, I promise I wont mess up again.” 
“Course I would, and let me tell you, Steve wouldnt have listened either.” He went to pick up the tools and waste sitting on the table nearby, and scrubbed his hands clean. “Let him just cool off, hes probably speaking in worry as well Y/N. He doesnt always show it, but your just as much family as the rest of us.” 
Tentatively you go to stand, touching the bandages he finished securing gently and wincing. Without even asking he held out some aspirin that you popped immediately. “How about we go crash on the couch? You still owe me live commentary on that second little people going to drop some jewelry in a fiery hole movie. What was it again?”
This caused you to laugh. “The Twin Towers? Sounds good Bucky” 
@what-is-your-plan-today​ @official-and-unstable-satan​ @p8tn0lish​ 
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