#chuck fanfic
fluffsnake · 7 months
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Suptober Day 3 - Inspired
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leclercstarrs · 8 months
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sfw hcs, nate archibald.
summary: nate and sfw hcs!
warnings: not yet proofread!
notes: sorry for the inactivity but i plan on this being my first comeback post aka i’m returning very soon! stay tuned for my halloween event 🤭
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The original and best golden retriever boyfriend out there.
He’s so obsessed with you, literally worships the ground you walk on.
It took some time for the two of you to finally get together, as you were worried about Blair’s reaction, but she ended up being supportive, since you were happy.
He loves spoiling you but hates when you spoil him. He’ll buy you anything you want or ask for but as soon as you spend even a dollar on him, he’ll insist on paying you back or buying you something in return.
His favourite date with you isn’t some expensive restaurant, he just loves when he gets to come over to your house and order takeout while watching a movie.
That being said, he doesn’t mind going out to a fancy place if you ask. Of course, he insists on paying though.
Whenever he’s having family issues and needs to get away, he always goes to you for comfort and a place to stay until he’s back on his feet.
Speaking of family issues, even though he doesn’t always know how to voice his appreciation, you’re always there to step up and defend him against his father or anyone else whenever he can’t.
Your family adores him and constantly asks about him, he’s literally the most respectful boyfriend you could’ve asked for.
Nate definitely loves wearing couples costumes during Halloween or having a sleepover and wearing matching pyjamas during Christmas, even though he pretends it’s silly.
In conclusion, this man loves you so much and sees you as his lifetime partner, you’re just so special to him.
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taglist: @emryb @l5byrinth @hayleysimp @edb954
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sentientsky · 7 months
good omens fanartists, i love u most ardently. good omens fic writers, i would commit arson for you. good omens shitposters, i cherish and adore u. good omens angst meta-analyzers,,,my therapist knows your names
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jeonqkooks · 3 months
to the loml, my beloved, may i play in the event game? hehe ;u; i would like your take on yoongi + "did i say that out loud?" + "stop looking at me like that!" ♡
i love you and congratulations again, jen oi ♡ muah~
sunlit sunday. (myg)
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pairing: yoongi x reader prompts: "did i say that out loud?" + "stop looking at me like that!" genre/warnings: best friends to lovers (?), college au, fluff; mentions of drinking, barely edited word count: 1.1k note: i do not know what this is, nor why it took me over half a year to finish this drabble. cee my love you sent this ask in august 2022 and it took me literally forever to post i'm sorry 😭
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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The sun is already rising, but poor Yoongi hasn’t slept a wink. Partly because he can’t feel his left arm from where it’s being used as your makeshift pillow, partly because last night you told him you were in love with him and proceeded to pass the fuck out.
There was a party - there’s always a party every weekend when you’re in college - that Yoongi didn’t even want to go to. He just wanted to spend his Saturday night holed up in his apartment with you, pizzas and a movie. It gives him something to look forward to at the end of every week, partly because he's nothing if not a creature of habit, but mostly because he gets to spend time with you alone.
But tonight, you wanted to attend, and it didn’t take a whole lot of convincing for Yoongi to (begrudgingly) accompany you to a frat house on campus to spruce up your weekly routine. He would always complain, but you both know that he’d do anything you ask.
That's why he didn't really have anybody else to blame when he found himself having to tuck a very intoxicated you into an unfamiliar bed at 2:30AM in this greasy frat house. It wasn't exactly the best idea, but it was the only one he had. Yoongi wasn't exactly sober, and you were too drunk for him to haul you home.
You babbled nonsense the whole time he was peeling off your shoes and outer layers so you could sleep more comfortably. It was difficult - you're a squirmy drunk - but he managed in the end. When it comes to you, Yoongi has had years of experience, having known you from your early high school days together and being inseparable ever since.
He had gotten under the covers with you, about to try and coax you to sleep when you sighed dreamily at the ceiling, looking so content with whatever thoughts in your head that it felt like you could float away.
"I'm in love with Yoongi," you said, so softly that Yoongi wasn't sure if he heard you right. But even in the midst of tipsy uncertainty, his heart went berserk like it was going to run away from his body. Then you popped the ringing bubble in his head with a sharp giggle, uncaring, so oblivious. "Stop looking at me like that! Did I say that out loud?"
He didn't know what to say, even though it didn't really matter anyway. You weren't in a state of mind to comprehend everything he wanted to ask, everything he wanted to say to you. Yoongi kept his eyes on you while you kept yours on the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
"You did," he muttered, averting his eyes, and you tittered again.
"Don't tell him." You turned to look at him with a finger pressed against your lips. He wasn't sure who you thought you were talking to but he didn't correct you; there was no point in doing so anyway. "It's supposed to be a secret."
He doesn't remember what he said next, if he even said anything at all. Though it doesn't matter because you promptly passed out afterward, and it's unlikely that you'll remember any of it when you wake up.
Everything from then until now is just a jumbled mess to Yoongi, his thoughts full of what the fuck's and his chest full of borderline painful palpitations every time you snuggle further into his warmth, seeking comfort in your sleep.
The thing is, he knows that you were being honest. You meant it, because you're nothing if not an honest drunk; you've disclosed your fair share of embarrassing secrets whilst under the influence before. But never would Yoongi expect to hear those very specific words coming from your mouth, words that reflect the same sentiment that he's been trying to profess to you for years now.
They rolled off your tongue, just like that.
If he's being honest, it wounds him a little bit. He's spent hundreds and hundreds of days thinking about the perfect way to phrase his affection for you and yet, you managed to spill your feelings out without a single care in the world.
Granted, you were drunk out of your mind, but still.
Eventually, you stir from your slumber when blinding sunlight slips through the cracks between the curtains. Yoongi watches you frown before your eyes are even open, then you try to stretch for a brief moment as you look around the strange bedroom, partly alarmed, partly confused.
When your gaze finally lands on him, he catches the way your eyes soften, the edges of your confusion melting away even though he doubts that the sight of him answered any of the questions in your head.
"Morning," you say, your voice heavy with sleep.
"Morning," Yoongi replies quietly.
You share a look, one that means completely different things for the both of you. You're probably hungover, and Yoongi is in love.
So in love that he doesn't even care to berate you for making him spend the night in a random bedroom in a disgusting frat house, where a pair of (likely dirty) boxers is casually chilling draped over a chair. So in love that it expels all sense of fatigue from his body until the only thing coursing through his veins is unfiltered fondness for you and the way your eyes crinkle when you smile.
So in love that he would wait until you're awake enough to ask him to walk you home, ask him to make you your favorite hangover breakfast while you take a long, hot shower to feel like a human being again. He'd wait until you're fed and caffeinated before joining you on the couch, prepared to kill the remaining hours of the day together. So in love that he'd only wait until that moment to tell you the things he's always wanted to say, the things that have always been on the tip of his tongue but he's never been brave enough to utter them to you.
He'd tell you what you need to hear, albeit with a bruised ego that you beat him to the punch but he'd pretend that you didn't. It's a secret shared between only Yoongi and the four walls of this bedroom.
He's so in love that he would endure staying up all night in this dump when he could've been in his own bed, comfortable and clean and cozy. But it's okay because it's Sunday and the sun is out, and you were the one sleeping peacefully next to him, despite how your head made his arm go numb. It's okay because love has a tendency to make awful things feel better, even if love is only stored in a set of sleepy eyes staring at Yoongi and a whiny voice asking to go home.
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all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 10.03.2024]
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starrvsn · 4 months
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𝟒𝟏𝟏. some of the ficitonal characters from the boys in the boat, reactions to you giving them flowers :)
STAR LEFT A MESSAGE! hi friends! i know i haven't posted in a while but i just recently watched the boys in the boat and i absolutely loved it! especially the cast, full of fine talented men- so here's a little something about them with more to come! if you have any requests or ideas about them please let me know!
INCLUDES ⠆joe rantz, don hume, bobby mach, george hunt and chuck day (just some of the characters im partially attached to…)
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after their first win of the season, you greet bobby with a bouquet of flowers themed after the school's colors— immediately giving him praise and compliments about their win today. you knew he had a rough past season with the last crew, now seeing him with a new crew he trusted, something he was so passionate about. you were excited for him!
when he asks where this all came from, you shrug the gesture off as if it was nothing. stating that the flowers just reminded you of him and just had to give them to him. a wide smile tugs on his lips as he accepts them, his hand caressing yours gently. he appreciated them more than you knew. pulling you close, he presses a kiss on the crown of your head. caring less about his damp uniform or the loud crowd around you, just you and him.
“thank you lovely, these are beautiful.”
he's absolutely speechless, it wasn't everyday a man would recieve flowers and don didn't think he would be one of them. his eyebrows jump to his hairline when he sees you at the entrance of the shell house with a bouquet of flowers in your hands. his breath hitches as he asks where you got them from and you reply kindly that they're for him, giving him a sweet smile which he returns. you wanted to congratulate him for making the team, it wasn't easy and all the effort he put in finally paid off. a faint blush falls on his cheeks as he takes them, a beautiful arrangement of daisy's and poppy's held by a piece of brown parchment. he takes your hand tugging you into a hug, squeezing you appreciatively. there weren’t enough words to describe how much he loved them,
"this bouquet might be just as pretty as you." now you blush, playfully slapping this arm as you continue to hold him close. he wanted to keep them alive for as long as he can and maybe get you a bouquet in return. later (few months) when he sneaks you into the dorms he see's the bouquet in a glass still thriving well, making your heart swell.
he's gotten several bouquets from several girls after winning gold in the olympics. he's received a many of gifts from different people but none of them felt as special as yours. when he saw you for the first time since their win in germany, you had planned to go out on a date to celebrate so when he comes to pick you up with his own bouquet in hand. imagine his surprise and delight when he sees you walk out of the building with your own bouquet in hand. he lets out a soft laugh in disbelief watching as you. a proud smile on your lips, almost skipping towards him.
"ever so original rantz?" you jokingly say, fiddling with the fabric of your dress. holding the flowers to him— they're almost identical to his except, he has your favorite flower in the bunch making your heart swell.
"i didn't know you were gonna get me flowers." he replies, ever so charming smile gracing his lips. you tell him you wanted to surprise him— a token of your appreciation for all that he's done, all the hard work he and all the other boys put in. he thanks you greatly, exchanging your bouquets. he presses a sweet, chaste kiss on your lips before interlocking hands and walking to your date destination.
george didn't really take mind to trivial things of interest like that, what his favorite flower was but he made a great deal to what yours were and he never missed the chance to give you flowers when he could— after any occasion he would give them to you. if you passed your exam or got into a fight, he'd get flowers to make it up to you. he didn't really expect to get his own flowers, as it really wasn't a thing.
so one day when practice was particularly grueling and draining, the last thing your boyfriend had expected was seeing you; with a small bouquet of flowers in your hands waiting outside the crews dorm. you were speaking with roger, keeping you company. "who are those for?" george announces himself, now standing between the two of you. you chuckle bidding roger goodbye as he leaves, now alone with your boyfriend— a timid smile forming.
"pretty flowers for a pretty boy." you proclaimed, holding out the bouquet to him. he huffs a laugh taking them carefully, admiring them. he raises a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, cradling your cheek— caressing it gently.
"these a perfect darling, just like you."
“a new admirer giving you flowers? giving me a run for my money?” chuck eyes the bouquet in your hands, noticing that there was none of your favorite flowers in them— what kind of admirer were they? you let out a soft giggle that sounds like music to his ears. he won't lie, a slight pang of jealousy hits him at the thought of another man giving you flowers but he'd ask you another day.
"no silly, they're for you." you reply, standing from the bench to give them to him. he lets out a small breath of relief, practically melting at the gesture. he takes a hand that was stuffed in his pocket to take the flowers from you, eyeing them carefully. you tell him that some of the flowers had meaning— like the red tulips and daisy's meaning love. his gaze softens as you continue to explain, a loving smile gracing his lips as he admires your face and the bouquet. lovingly, he plucks a flower from the bouquet and tucks it behind your ear
"you're so sweet you know that." his hand running down your arm, grasping your hand gently rubbing your knuckles. you almost swoon— tilting your head in admiration "well you deserve the best, i hope you know." he knows, with you around it's hard to forget.
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ownership of starrvsn. please do not repost, modify or translate.
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wishfullyeternal · 7 months
Supernatural Masterlist
Dean Winchester-
Dean x Reader- Fluff
Dean x Reader- Fight (WIP)
Dean x Reader- Fight (WIP) Pt 2
Dean x Reader- Unexpected
Dean x Reader- Mary
Dean x Reader- One Left Shoe
Dean x Reader- Running into the Trees
Dean's Flowers
Sam Winchester-
Sam x Reader- Don't Worry, I'm Used to it
Sam x Reader- I'm Sorry
Castiel x Reader- Advice
Cas x Reader- You Called?
Castiel x Reader- What is Love?
Castiel x Reader- Tired
Gabriel x Reader
Gabriel x Reader- Crushing
Gabriel x Reader- Comfort
Gabriel x Reader- Wings
Crowley x Reader- Comfort
Crowley x Reader- Wings
Crowley x Reader- Awkward Cuddles
Crowley x Reader- Healing Your Wings My Dear
Crowley x Reader- Never a Hugger
Crowley x Reader- Hellhound
Crowley x Reader- Betrayal
Crowley x Reader- Control
Lucifer x Reader- Lucifer ≠ Love
Chuck x Reader- You're a God Too
Chuck x Reader- Afraid
Chuck x Reader- I'll Love You
Samandriel- Cuddles
Jack x Reader- Confused
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ao3statistics · 3 months
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Date of creation: 11.03.2024
The tag "Dick Grayson is Nightwing" comes in at 5147 hits btw.
Short version with most hits first, much longer version beneath.
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
Also, what's going on here:
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 4 months
AEW Wrestlers Pregnancy Headcannons
Requested by @moondust-imagines
Summary: AEW Wrestlers reactions to finding out you are pregnant
Main Masterlist Part 1
Wrestlers mentioned: 'Hangman' Adam Page, Christian Cage, Chuck Taylor and Swerve Strickland
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"Hangman" Adam Page
Adam cried when you told him you were pregnant.
You were scared by his reaction, the only time you saw him cry was after the whole brawl out
The diffrance was this time they were happy tears
He coudn't wait to be a father, he promised he would do everything he could to protect you and your baby
Adam did EVERYTHING for you, he wound't let you lift a finger during your pregnancy
It was adorable but also anoying at times, you were capable of walking 10 feet to grab a glass of water
Adam would run to the store in the middle of the night without a second thought for whatever you were craving
He was ment to be a father, he was everything you ever wanted in a partner
Christian Cage
I wrote a four part fic about Christian Cage that you can find HERE, in the second part the reader finds out she is pregnant. I decided to include the scene instead of making headcanons
I went out to pick up a few groceries and once I returned I found Y/n sitting on the floor of the master bathroom with tear-stained cheeks. I sat next to her and asked “What’s wrong?” nothing “If something happened the other day at work you can tell me you know” I waited, I knew she wanted to say something but was having trouble getting the words out. “You’re going to be mad at me” Her words were so quiet it was barely a whisper. “Why would I be mad at you honey?” What would I be mad at? “Don’t yell, I’m sorry. I don’t know how this happened” Y/n had tears in her eyes as she spoke. “I won’t yell, I promise but I need to know what happened so I can help you,” I told her carefully Just then she got up and handed me four items from the sink before returning to her spot on the floor. She was now fully crying and turned her back to me. It took me a minute to realize what I was holding in my hands. Four pregnancy tests, all different kinds but all were positive. “Are these real?” She turned to face me, mascara now ruined. “Are you mad at me?” I wasn’t mad but I was shocked, but I was also happy. “No sweetheart, I would never be mad at you. Especially over something like this” I gave her a hug to which she returned, burying her head in my chest as she continued to cry. I knew what this would mean, Y/n being pregnant would change everything. Although this was a shock I was so happy. We had never talked about having kids, Y/n was still in her prime and I was nearly 50. “What are we going to do?” I wanted Y/n to know that I would support her for whatever she decided. I mean she is making history with her current title reign and at the end of the day this is her body we are talking about. “This is your decision Y/n. I want you to know that I am happy about this but I understand if you don’t want to go through with this.” She looked at me with a sad smile. “Would I be crazy if I said I want to keep it? I still don’t understand how it happened in the first place but the more I think about it, I want to go on this journey with you Christian” I placed a kiss on her temple before saying “Don’t worry, I am going to be here with you for every second of it. We will do this together” 
Chuck Taylor
Looking down at the positive test in your hands you coudn't stop the happy tears that fell from your face
You coudn't wait to tell Chucky the news
When you told him you were pregant he was so happy
During your pregnancy he would constanly kiss your stomach and talk to your unborn child
Chuck Taylor is such a teddy bear, he would be the best dad
Once your baby was born the two of them instanly had a special bond, you swear your baby liked Chuck more than you
Chuck would build you the most perfect nussery and have the best friends come over to help baby proof the house
As much as he loved his friends he woudn't trust them alone with your baby
Swerve Strickland
When you told Swerve you were pregnant he was secretly terrfied
Not just because he would become a father but because of what he did to hangman
He would get nightmares of the cowboy breaking in and taking your baby, simiular to what he did to hangmans son
He was exited to be a dad but was scared of the responsibilities that came with being a father
He was scared that he would mess everything up, scared he would disipoint you
His thoughts kept him up at night and you assured him he would be a great dad
just like you predicted once your baby was born he was a great dad
Swerve promiced he would do anything and everything to keep the two of you safe
He would kill for you
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mothgardens · 5 months
Gabriel was created as an archangel of the Lord. He was created with the responsibility of helping God trap Amara. He was never created to just exist in bliss, he always had a greater purpose. Gabriel never wanted that. He hated having that duty which he was made to account for. He left heaven and took on Loki’s persona as The Trickster to escape. He got out of the life.
Likewise, Sam Winchester was cursed to his destiny ten years before he was conceived. Then he was born with a responsibility of being Lucifer’s vessel. He never got to live a normal life; he always had to hunt and work. Sam hated the hunting lifestyle. He was persistent on getting his full-ride scholarship to Stanford; he was persistent on escaping. He got out of the life.
They were both brought back into the life by Dean Winchester telling them that they had to take back their responsibility.
{I’m going to shit myself.}
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eddies-guitar13 · 1 year
Thomas : Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Newt: Okay.
Thomas : And make out during the scary parts.
Newt: Th-
Newt: The scary parts.
Newt: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
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sydsaint · 19 days
Citrus man, will you ever know peace? <3
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Summary: Trent betrays his friends, including Chuck's sister. But Orange ain't about to let Trent off easy after hurting the reader.
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Music blares in your ears as the SUV rolls down the road towards the arena. Chuck and Trent are both sitting in front talking to one another about something or other. And Orange Cassidy, or James as you know him, is sitting silently next to you.
The SUV rolls into the parking lot at the back of the arena and you pull your headphones off of your head. Everyone files out of the vehicle and heads to the trunk for their bags. You let out a small yawn and stretch your arms over your head while Trent opens the trunk. Too busy with your stretching, you don't notice the edge of the trunk in your path. But thankfully, James does.
"Watch it." James leans forward and grabs your arm to pull you out of the way.
You stumble forward into him and steady yourself. "Crap. Thanks, James." You thank him for pulling you out of the way.
James nods and you go back to fetching your bags from the trunk. Everyone gets their bags and heads inside the arena for Dynamite. The group is mostly silent as you make your way through the backstage area and towards the locker rooms.
Chuck and Trent are at the front of the pack talking quietly about something, which leaves you and James a few feet behind them walking side by side silently. You glance forward and notice Trent's body language. He seems tense. Which is odd for him considering the circumstances.
You nudge James subtly and nod forward at Trent and Chuck. "Does Trent seem off to you?" You ask him quietly.
James looks forward and the pair and shrugs. "He looks fine." He answers you. "Maybe a little tired? No one got much sleep on the plane ride."
You nod in agreement and drop the subject for the time being. Everyone makes it back to the locker room and settles in for the show.
You keep to yourself for the most of the night, which is nothing new for you. But you can't help but notice that Trent is doing the same. Which is very much unlike him. You keep an eye on him as subtly as you can while everyone gets ready for Trent and James' tag match against the Young Bucks.
"Okay! Everyone ready to head out?" You head over to the door when it's time for the tag match.
James and Chuck both nod and head for the door. Trent takes a few more seconds to join the three of you and you all head down to the ring. You and Chuck hang back and let Trent and James take the lead since they're the ones in the match.
"Hey, Chuck?" You decide to talk to Chuckie about Trent's odd behavior while the two of you waiting for the tag match to be over.
"Yeah?" Chuck turns away from the ring and looks down at you.
You bite the inside of your lip, unsure about how to start the conversation. "Chuck...have you noticed anything weird about Trent, lately?" You ask him.
"Trent?" Chuck replies and glances into the ring. "Umm, I don't know." He shrugs. "I guess he's been a little on edge these past few weeks."
You nod and turn toward the ring as well. You ad Chuck manage to turn just in time to see Trent and James lose the match to the Young Bucks.
"Oh no!" You gasp and move to climb up onto the ring apron. "Crap. What happened, guys?" You slip through the ring ropes and walk over to console Trent.
Trent has his back turned to you, so you can't see the rage in his eyes or his clenched fists. You continue to approach him to make sure that he's okay, but James stops you in your tracks.
"YN, don't." James steps in front of you.
"What?" You furrow your brows in confusion as James stands in front of you.
Suddenly Trent whirls around and lunges for the first person that he sees. You go wide-eyed and step backwards as Trent slams into James' back. James crumples to the floor and you put a hand over your mouth in shock. Trent stands back up to his full height and stares at you with an expression that scares you.
"Trent?" You stare at him in disbeleif. "Trent?" You ask again when he starts coming toward you.
You instincively take a step backwards and your back hits the corner post. Your heart-rate picks up immensely as Trent keeps on coming at you. He gets a couple of steps closer before James stirs from the mat. He grabs Trent by the ankle to take his attention off of you.
You glance down at James as he mouths, 'get out.' to you. Trent turns around and picks James up by the hair and you use the distraction to quickly exit the ring. Chuck meets you on the floor and checks on you. He's still not medically cleared to wrestle, or be involved in anything that could potentially hurt him.
"James?" You push off of Chuck and approach the ring again as Trent beats up on him.
Trent stops his assault of James and turns back toward you again. You can feel the rage coming off of him as he stares at you. You stop in your tracks and Trent turns back around to James. He picks James up by the hair in a gruff manner and tosses his friend out of the ring like a bag of trash.
You hurry forward and meet James on the floor. "James? Are you alright?" You sink down to your knees to check on him.
"YN?" James groans in pain, his eyes glued shut in a grimace. "Get out of here!" He warns you again. "I can't let you get hurt." He manages to find your arm and latches onto it with his free hand.
You remain in place and intend to shield James from anymore harm. Trent steps down from the ring and scowls at you shielding James from another attack. He scoffs and stomps off, shooting a look at Chuck as he passes.
Chuck rushes off and goes to fetch the medical staff while you wait with James.
"Help is on the way, James." You grab his head and set it in your lap to support him.
Blood gushes from a nasty cut on James' forehead and stains your pants. The medical team all come rushing down the ramp and swarm the two of you. You let them take James away to get looked at and Chuck consoles you.
"What the hell, Chuck?" You look to Chuck for some answers. "Why would Trent do that?" You ask him.
"I don't know." Chuck pulls you into a comforting hug and rubs your arm. "Come on, lets go make sure that James is okay." He leads you up the ramp.
You and Chuck head backstage and wait outside the medical room for some answers. One of the docs pops out into the hall about 15 mintues later and heads over to you and Chuck.
"YN?" The doc gets your attention. "James is asking for you, if you'll follow me." He gestures for you to follow him.
You share a glance with Chuck and he lets you walk off with the doc. The doc leads you through in the door and through the room to where James is resting.
The doc walks off and you make the rest of the journey to James' side. You rush over to him and notice that his cut has been stitched up.
"James! Are you okay? God, you scared the crap out of me!" You fire off questions at him.
"I scared you?" James has the audacity to laugh. "YN, you're the one that scared me!" He insists. "I told you to get out of there! You could have gotten hurt."
You huff and shake your head. "You were already hurt!" You protest. "Trent wasn't going to stop! Look at your head!" You point to his stitches. "I wasn't going to stand by and do nothing!"
James laughs again and pulls you into his side for a hug. You wrap your arms around him and bury your face in his neck.
"I'm alright, YN." James assures you. "And Trent isn't going to get away with this, okay? We'll find out what's going on with him." He rubs your back gently.
You pull away from James and smile at him. "You know I'll help in any way that I can. And Chuck will too." You nod toward the door, knowing that Chuck is waiting outside. "You want me to go get him?" You ask him.
"He can wait." James replies and grabs your hand. "You're sure that you're okay, right." He rubs the back of your hand with his thumb. "I know that Trent scared you."
"I'll be alright." You shrug and glance down at his hand in yours. "Does your head still hurt at all? The doc didn't say anything about a concussion right?" You reach up and card your hand through his hair gently.
James shakes his head, his grip tightening on your hand again. "I'll be fine." He assures you. "I've got you, right?" He smiles at you. "...And Chuck I guess."
You laugh and nod, relieved that James is alright. You know that these next weeks aren't going to be easy. But you've got each other.
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cha0ticlesbian · 29 days
I need fics where ALL the characters are alive and together and I mean EVERYONE
Pls give me recs🫶
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leclercstarrs · 6 months
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sweet like sugar, nate archibald.
summary: in which you come home to find a certain someone waiting in your bedroom for you.
warnings: fem!waldorf!reader, sort of sugar daddy/baby dynamic, oral, not yet proof read!
notes: this is overly long so i cut the smut short and lame, sorry bbies!!
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Walking out of the elevator and into your house, you’re shocked and slightly concerned when you’re met with the sight of Chuck Bass sitting in your living room. “Ew, Kill me now.” You groan.
Your words catch his attention and he turns in the couch to face you, “Lovely to see you too.” He gives you his classic smirk, immediately creeping you out.
“Why are you here?” You roll your eyes as you walk through the foyer and towards him, your shoes clicking on the floor. “Well?” You raise an eyebrow, placing your small handbag on the coffee table in front of the man.
“I’m here for your sister. She’s upstairs, we’re leaving for a dinner party.” Chuck explains, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Is that an issue?” He then questions you.
You don’t respond for a moment, staring him down, a cruel look on your face. “Yeah, actually, it is an issue.”
“You have a lot of nerve, you know that?” Chuck shakes his head, trying to intimidate you by stepping closer, “Talking down on me and acting all high and mighty as if I’m unaware of you and Nate’s dirty secret. Actually, speaking of Nate and that, uh, secret..If I were you I’d go upstairs and check out your bedroom.” He whispers, but quickly backs away and exits the living room when Blair starts coming down the stairs.
“What’s going on here?” Blair stands next to Chuck and the two of them look back at you.
“Oh, nothing. Just some banter, your sister seems to be..” Blair’s boyfriend puts on his strange checkered coat, “Not super fond of me.”
Blair glares at you, turning around and grabbing Chuck’s hand, taking him with her, not before he can get a small laugh at your expression, though. The pair enter the elevator, exiting the house and going on their date.
You, however, slowly make your way up the spiral staircase, walking towards your bedroom, Chuck’s comment from earlier stuck in your head. You’re not necessarily ashamed of the supposed secret arrangement between you and Nate. By definition, you’d be considered his ‘sugar baby’ but the two of you don’t view it that way. You’ve been friends with him since childhood, and as you got older, you started feeling attracted to him. Eventually, you both figured out the fact that you felt the same way, and things got physical since. You never wanted to put a label on it and every time he came over to your place, he’d bring you gifts or something you previously mentioned wanting. Now, it’s become a tradition. You fuck him and he gives you whatever you desire.
You gently push your door open, a shocked look on your face when you find Nate sitting on the edge of your bed, your room decorated with candles and white Christmas lights. “What is all of this?” You grin, looking in the corner on the room to find a fake Christmas tree, piles of gifts underneath it.
“Merry, early, Christmas.” Nate laughs, standing up from the bed and walking towards you.
“You’re so unbelievable!” You cover your mouth, “Nate, is this all for me?” You point at the neatly wrapped presents under the tree.
He nods, “Yeah. Chuck helped me set it all up.”
“I can’t accept all of this, Nate.” You shake your head, you back away from him, a guilty look creeping onto your face.
“Of course you can, I want you too. Besides, if you don’t, it’ll go to waste.” He insists, sitting back down on the bed, motioning for you to sit next to him.
“Okay..” You sigh, taking a seat next to him. “I guess I should get you something nice then, hm?” You look at him.
“Only if you want to get me something.”
“Of course I do, Nate.”
For a moment, you both sit in silence, unsure of what to do. Deciding to speak up, you turn your body so you’re fully facing him. “I can give you a present now if you want one.” Your tone is soft but seductive.
“Oh, really?” He holds back his smile, moving his hand up your tights and under your skirt, massaging your thigh.
“Hey, I’m the one giving you a present.” You scoff, “You’ve given me enough.” You move his hand away from your body, this time you push him back on the bed, unbuttoning his shirt. Slowly, you part the fabric, kissing down his abs, then hovering your mouth just above his v line. “Hmm” You hum, lifting your hand towards the bulge peaking through his pants.
“Fuckkk.” He groans, tossing his bed back as you palm his dick over the pants. “Please, baby.”
“Please what? Use your words.”
“Come on.” He starts getting desperate and increasingly needy.
You bite your lip, deciding to answer his pleas. You slide his pants off and toss them on the bed, then very slowly taking off his boxers, teasing him as much as possible.
“(Y/N).” He huffs.
“Fine, fine.” You let out a small laugh, feeling content with yourself. Instead, you wrap your hands around his dick, starting to jerk him off while you work on taking the rest of him in your mouth.
“Holy shit.” He moans, his eyes rolling back as you continue to take your time and slowly suck his cock, occasionally stopping and licking his tip, trying to prolong his pleasure, considering everything he does for you. Nate gently takes a fistful of your hair and helps bob your head in a rhythm, getting you to take all his dick. “That feels so good.” He breathes out. You pick up the speed, sending him over the edge. “I’m gonna—” He starts but quickly stops when you move your hands and completely take him in, his jaw opening and his eyes closing as he fills your mouth with his cum. You sit up swallow, then kissing him, letting him taste the remains of his juices on your lips.
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satinsolace · 4 months
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a happy place to dream about (slice of life horror, multi-chaptered)
Dean's rudderless when he limps ashore in West Cibola. 23, with nobody and nothing but a couple bucks and a broken-down old car to his name. It's October. Nothing's been right for a long time.
He turns 24 in a rundown long-stay motel room with an under the table turned actual job at an washed-up dive bar— the only place that'd take him without a real job history or a permanent address. It’s way off the tourist strip and the money’s terrible, but it’s steady.
Two years and some change later, just as the restlessness really starts to seep in, he meets Chuck Shurley for the first time.
That he knows of.
[Read on AO3]
They end up back in Chuck’s usual booth, sitting on opposite sides. Chuck studies him as Dean intently crafts paper footballs out of a torn page, generously donated from the back of Chuck’s composition book. Dean shows him how to shape the goalpost with his hands, tsking as he adjusts him. Chuck looks from Dean’s hands, to his face.
“So. What are we playing for?”
“What? Oh, I dunno. Does it matter?” Dean asks, pausing where he was lining up a shot.
“We need something, or it doesn’t… doesn’t matter,” Chuck slurs, just a little. “C’mon, like— if you can land it, I’ll—” He abruptly holds up a finger like a lightbulb, before very deliberately pointing it at Dean.
“If you can get it in one shot, I’ll let Jess live.”
“Jess?” Dean squints at him blankly, then “Wait— ceiling girlfriend, right? Seriously? You can just… change things like that?”
“I mean, I’ll take it into consideration. Writing’s kind of ephemeral. Sometimes you’ve gotta let fate decide.”
“Sure,” Dean says, “And I’m fate?”
Chuck smiles warmly across the table at him.
“You know, you could kinda say that.”
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mrsarcherofinfamy · 25 days
●Chuck Taylor x Reader●
Summary: You watch Chuck and Trent's Parking Lot Brawl.
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*Y/N's POV*
Standing in the parking lot with Kris and Orange Cassidy, I am holding Walter watching Chuck getting prepared for his match. He looks over at me and sees the look of concern and worry on my face. He gets up, walks over to me and puts his hands on both sides of my face.
"Baby. I will be okay. I'm doing this for us. He will pay for what he has done to you. To Cassidy. To Kris. To every one of us. I got this."
He kisses my forehead as I look down taking a deep breath. He walks back over infront of the cameras and gets ready for his parking lot brawl. I hand Walter over to Kris and she takes him back to the locker room. I stand behind the cameras watching and waiting.
*match has started*
I am breathing hard, watching these to former best friends beat the living shit out of each other. Trent picks up Chuck and slams him into the car hood.
"Cmon babe!"
Trent looks over at me and smirks. He grabs Chuck by his hair and drags him over infront of me.
"Cmon babe. You can do it."
Trent mocks me, pulling Chuck up by his hair and pointing at him. I slap Trent across the face and he lets go of Chuck's hair. I hand Chuck a trash can lid and he goes to hit Trent with it but, Trent dodges it hitting Chuck in the stomach with a boot. Trent grabs the trash can lid out of Chuck's hand, looks over at me and blows me a kiss. I roll my eyes shaking my head. He proceeds to smack Chuck in the head with the lid and I gasp covering my mouth.
Trent picks up Chuck and hits him with a piledriver ontop of the white sedan. He pins him and gets the win. I cover my mouth with a tear rolling down my face. I run over to Chuck and grab his arm, squeezing it a little. Trent grabs my arm and pulls it to make me look at him.
"Let me go!"
"Not before I do this!"
He grabs my face and kisses me. I start pushing him but, he doesn't let go. He lets go as a ref grabs him by his waist and pulls him away from me. Kris comes over standing infront of me wiping my face. Trent grabs a wrench and lines it up with Chuck's ankle on the car.
I try and push past Kris but, she has her back to Trent. Trent smashes Chuck's ankle with the wrench and I push Kris out of the way. I go to run after Trent as he is retreating but, Kris grabs my waist holding me back. I kick and scream trying to get to him. Kris finally let's me go and I climb up ontop of the car hood grabbing Chuck's head.
"Hey. Baby. I'm here."
He looks up at me.
"Are you going to the hospital with me?"
"Of course baby. I'll be by your side forever."
"I love you Y/N."
"I love you too Dustin."
The doctors load him onto the stretcher and I follow them to the ambulance. They put him in as I climb in and take a seat next to his head. I put my hand ontop of his chest and we head off to the hospital.
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Should've Been Born Later, Nix - Chapter 7: The Boys Back Home
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Easy Company x Fem!OCs
Chap. Synopsis: What will happen when some of Easy Company's most valuable soldiers disappear?
Words: 2,135
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Author's note: Hey everyone! Apologies for the delay with the chapter lol 🫠 This chapter is the point of view of the men in Bastogne!! Also, because this is my fanfiction and I can do whatever I want, there will be some soldiers who somehow survived their demise in previous episodes (Miller? Dukeman? PERHAPS) Anywho, thank you as always for reading and be on the lookout for Chapter 8! 🥰
"Luz!" Carwood cried over the last shell to drop. He watched the radioman dive into the foxhole - George met the same fate as the nine others who dropped into that hole, none of them came out. Lipton was astonished. At most, a foxhole could fit three of the men comfortably, perhaps four if needed. But ten men in one? Lipton should have seen a dog pile of olive drab stretching above the opening. Instead, he saw an empty hole in the ground. The First Sergeant blinked and rubbed his eyes, making sure what he saw was indeed reality. The foxhole stayed empty when he opened his eyes.
Lipton sprinted from where he was taking cover, desperately searching for Lieutenant Dike. He knew that Dike was the least preferable choice, especially in a situation like this, but the officers Lipton would have preferred to ask for help had disappeared. After an agonizing search mission, Lipton finally found the Lieutenant - Dike was absentmindedly strolling along, looking at the trees around him with a glassy, thousand-yard stare. “Lieutenant Dike!” Lipton called out, scrambling over tree roots and broken branches. Dike snapped back to reality, his posture automatically improving when he saw First Sergeant Lipton.
“What is it, First Sergeant?” Dike asked, trying to be authoritative. The yawn that followed his words worked against him. Carwood began to speak, but his words were caught in his throat… how in the world was he going to tell the lieutenant what just happened?
“Sir… we um…” Lipton tried to force the words out of his mouth.
“Spit it out, First Sergeant Lipton!” Dike ordered, irritation evident in his voice. Lipton paused, taking a breath before responding to the officer.
“Sir… several men are gone…”
“First Sergeant, this is war, we're going to have casualties every day.”
“Not like that sir, I mean… they've disappeared…”
Dike stared blankly at the NCO, wondering if he heard him right.
“Where did they go, Carwood?” Hearing Dike use his first name gave Lipton a feeling he could only describe as ick, but nevertheless, he continued.
“Sir, I saw ten men go into a foxhole, but when I reached them, the foxhole was empty.”
“And you’re sure you went to the right foxhole?” Lipton had to pause and take a breath before answering.
“Yes, sir.” In a flurry of urgency that Lipton had never seen from Dike before, the lieutenant had rounded up Compton, Peacock, Shames, Foley, and Welsh, as well as radioed to Colonel Sink. Lipton hastily repeated his experience to the officers, who were just as hesitant to believe Lipton as Dike was. 
“So they’re just… gone?” Harry asked, still skeptical.
“I wish I had more information for you sir, but all I saw was the men go into the foxhole and not come out,” Carwood replied, defeat evident in his voice.
“Shit…” Welsh muttered under his breath. The Irishman stared at the ground in front of him, wondering how he let two of his closest friends just disappear.
“So who all are we missing?” Buck interjected. He stood with his arms crossed, instinctively taking command of the conversation.
“Captains Winters and Nixon, Lieutenant Speirs, and then Roe, Luz, Liebgott, Guarnere, Toye, Malarkey, and Randleman,” the NCO listed off the men he saw disappear, and prayed he would see again.
What Lipton did not see was Skip Muck quickly scrambling back to his foxhole. He had originally made his way to CP to ask Captain Winters a question, but when he overheard the discussion between Lipton and the officers, panic consumed the soldier’s thoughts. Muck all but fell into Penkala’s foxhole, unaware that he inadvertently elbowed his best friend in the face.
“HEY! What the fuck!?” Penkala yelped in surprise, his hands shooting to his cheek.
“Keep it down, Penk! I gotta tell you something,” Muck hushed the soldier, looking to make sure no one else was around. “I just heard Lipton telling Buck that we lost a bunch of men.”
“Like, to a sniper?”
“No, like they fucking disappeared.” Alex rolled his eyes, figuring Skip was just up to his usual mischief.
“Yeah, and I��m marrying Rita Hayworth.”
“Penk, I’m serious. Winters, Nixon, and a few others are gone and they have no fucking idea where they went.”
“Wait, what’d you say?” Muck and Penkala looked up to see that Shifty Powers had joined them in their foxhole. The rifleman looked at his two friends with shock and concern - how could the soldiers just disappear, especially vital officers like Winters and Nixon?
“He said we’re missing half the fucking company!” Penkala’s voice raised again, becoming more distressed by the minute.
“I said keep it down, you ass-hat!” Skip punctuated his interjection with a sharp whack to the back of Penkala’s head. “Look, we all know Dike isn’t gonna do shit. When Colonel Sink gets here, we need to back Lipton up and make sure Sink knows what’s happening.”
“I can go round up some of the other NCOs and tell them,” Shifty offered, gathering up his rifle to go find the rest of Easy Company’s leaders.
“Alright, we’ll come find you once Sink gets here,” Penkala replied before Shifty set off on his solo mission. Before long, the Virginian had gathered up Alley, Christianson, Grant, Martin, McClung, Perconte, Sisk, Talbert, Popeye, and Smokey Gordon. Of course, the trio of Hashey, Garcia, and Miller wanted to tag along as well - even if they did not have a leadership role, they wanted to help their company however they could.
“I really hope Bull’s okay…” Hashey muttered to no one in particular, crossing his arms to conserve the little warmth he had. “First he went missing in Holland, now we lose him in Bastogne…”
“Yeah, we need to keep a leash on him or something!” Miller snickered to his friends before Babe Heffron bumbled up to the group. The redhead resembled a baby horse learning to gallop as he jumped and weaved past tree roots and foxholes making his way to the group of soldiers.
“The fuck is this I hear about Gaurnere missing!?” Babe’s respirations were loud and labored as he attempted to catch his breath. Before anyone could respond, Lipton came across the group of soldiers all congregated near CP.
“Hey fellas, everyone doing all right?” Carwood asked nervously - he loved his men, but he knew they were up to no good if too many were in one place without a good reason.
“We heard about the men going missing,” Smokey replied, Mississippi accent thick in his words.
“We want to help, Lip, however we can,” Floyd Talbert added. He nervously shifted his weight from one foot to the other, Smokey glancing a look of concern at his best friend. 
Lipton was about to express his gratitude to his company before Colonel Sink’s Jeep was seen pulling up beside the rest of the group. Lipton quickly went to grab the company’s officers as Sink nodded in thanks to his driver and stepped out of the car. With a loud, abrupt command to “Ten-Hut!” from Buck Compton, the gathered men snapped to attention and saluted the colonel, who offered a gentle salute in return.
“At ease men,” Sink instructed before turning to the officers, “I knew it was bad when I was getting a call from Dike.”
Lipton and Welsh needed to bite their cheeks to hide their amused smiles. “We’re not sure what to do, sir, or if anything can be done…” Buck replied to the colonel before taking a step back - the blonde gestured for Lipton to step up, an instruction to inform Sink of their predicament.
“Carwood, tell me exactly what you saw.” The rest of the gathered men leaned in as Sink spoke, anxious to understand what was happening.
“Ten men went into a foxhole while we were getting shelled, sir, but the foxhole was completely empty when I went to check on them afterward. There was absolutely no trace of anyone being in that foxhole, sir, and now we can’t find any of the men I saw go in.”
The older man nodded in understanding, silently processing Lipton’s words. “Who all went in?” The NCO repeated the names from earlier, ending with Captains Winters and Nixon. Sink simply looked down at the snow. “And you have no idea where the hell any of them went…”
“No sir,” Lipton replied quietly.
The colonel simply let out a sigh and shook his head, “I’m sorry boys, but since it was during a shelling and they were last seen going into a foxhole, the higher-ups probably aren’t going to authorize a search party,” he sent a determined look to the men, “I’m going to do everything I can to push the request through, but I better not hear of anyone taking matters into their own hands.” Before getting back into his Jeep, Sink turned to Lieutenant Dike, or rather, where Dike should have been. “And where the hell is Dike?”
“We don’t know, sir, we looked for him before you arrived but didn’t find him,” Welsh chimed in. Sink rubbed his forehead in irritation before turning to Buck and Welsh.
“All right, I’m making this an official order. Lieutenant Compton, if Dike isn’t to be found and a decision needs to be made, your company comes to you. Harry, you’re second in command. You kids do what you think is right. You’re good soldiers with smart heads on your shoulders.” Sink nodded to the officers and saluted the men before getting back in his Jeep and driving back to Regimental HQ - the poor man put his head in his hands, his most trusted officers were gone without a trace, and there was virtually nothing he could do to help them.
As if on cue, Dike returned to the company, “What are we all standing around for? We have a line to protect!” Dike crescendoed his voice to try and be more authoritative, but his efforts fell flat. Eyes rolled and voices groaned as the gathered men all dispersed and returned to their assigned duties - well, all except for Babe, Talbert, Smokey, McClung, Shifty, Alley, Grant, and Popeye. As everyone was trying to leave, Smokey grabbed the sleeve of whoever he could.
“Y’all, this isn’t right, we need to do something,” the machine gunner pleaded in a hushed tone.
“You heard Sink, though, there’s no way they’re gonna authorize a search party,” Moe replied, his brows furrowed in confusion.
Popeye took a beat before he chimed in, “...why do we need to wait for authorization?”
“Because only a general can authorize a search party,” Talbert answered the Virginian - while he did not agree with the policy at all, he knew that there was no getting around it.
“But didn’t Sink say that he left Buck and Welsh in charge if Dike isn’t around? They’re not the type to snitch,” Grant offered to the conversation, scrunching his shoulders up for warmth like a turtle retreating into its shell.
“Hell, they might be happy to help out,” Gordon affirmed the NCO. The men looked around at each other with uncertainty - what if Dike found out? Or Peacock? To be honest, it was probably worse for the latter officer to discover the plot. Thomas Peacock tries his best to be a good captain, but these efforts cause him to be rather heavy-handed with the rules. If Peacock were to hear of the plot to find the missing soldiers, he would surely either tell his superior officers or try to stop the soldiers himself.
“What if we get caught?” Shifty asked nervously - while he wanted to help his friends, the poor boy was nervous to hatch a plot like this.
“We can’t just do nothin’! We all know they’d do the same if it were any of us out there!” The man from Philly interjected, earning Babe a smack on the head from Grant.
“Where would we even start?” McClung asked the group.
“Well, best thing to do would be to investigate the foxhole and see if there are any clues,” everyone turned in shock to see Lipton returning to them. “I needed something from CP, and then I noticed all of you still over here, I figured you were up to no good,” the first sergeant said with a smile, earning him a loving slap on the back from Grant and Johnny Martin. The rest of the afternoon was about to be spent brainstorming, at least until one of the men needed to take their turn watching the line.
All of the men felt nervous, but especially Babe. Guarnere is his best friend, it would be one thing if Babe knew that he was wounded, even killed, but not knowing what happened to Bill was eating away at Babe worse than anything he had ever felt before.
Chapter 6 | Chapter 8 (coming soon!)
Taglist: @b00ks1ut , @blueberry-ovaries , @bucky32557038ww2 , @claudycod , @dontirrigateme , @easycompany123 , @emilee1421 , @executethyself35 , @hanniewinnix , @ithinkabouttzu , @jump-wings , @panzershrike-pretz , @stolen94 , @themysciraprincess , @xxluckystrike
Thank you so much as always for reading and stay tuned for Chapter 8! 😁
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