#but new self affirmation just dropped
beacon-lamp · 1 year
[white knuckling the bathroom sink] but i stay silly :3 but i stay silly :3 but i stay sil
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bitterscampi · 9 months
[dalton castle voice] I’m gonna win an Emmy and I’m gonna break so many hearts!
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che444 · 7 months
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In order to change them, you must change YOU.
(Long post)
I have manifested many people back into my life: SPs , old friends, family member, people I wanted to be friends with but didn’t have the courage to ask to be friends. Literally anyone. But before I could invite them into my life, I had to go within.
When you’re manifesting someone, you must not only drop your old story but theirs as well. This was hard for me to understand at first because I had very strong negative emotions towards some people for what they did, and I chained them to those cinder blocks of mistakes and viewed them in that light forever.
I am one to hold a grudge, and sometimes they do some bs that makes them deserve it! You’re valid!
However, if you want a person back in your life under better circumstance you must remember several important things:
everything happens through you:
I am not blaming you for their behavior but what you must realize is that they have no choice but to continue to be the way that you ultimately view them. If you think your SP doesn’t want you, they will continue to not want you, because you are consumed in that thought and they only reflect you, you are god and they are your creation.
Process how they made you feel:
You’re never just going to let something go, sometimes people will hurt you, but in order to change the story surrounding them and how you view them you must process your feelings towards them. Write it down, talk to a close friend, whatever works for you.
You may come out of this not wanting them in your life and that is perfectly okay, you may decide you no longer want them and you want someone better and that’s okay! Manifest it baby!
Allow them to evolve and/or Allow yourself to have the version of them you want
If you want to access this new and improved version of them you must allow it to come in or it simply will not.
What I like to do is take myself out of the position of being the person who experienced them, and look at the raw emotions of it all, as God. I am not a religious person, however looking back on when I grew up Christian it definitely offered some interesting points that I believe helped in my journey.
If you are god and all your creation is made in your image, take a second to consider it you have ever done anything that may have caused hurt. Have you ever done anything that hurt someone? Have you ever related to feelings of jealousy or got really angry at someone? Most likely. Have you been forgiven and in turn changed to be better? There are many people who may still view you as the villain in their story but you have forgiven yourself and became anew, they could never put that on you now because of who you have evolved to become, right? Well, give this person a chance to evolve. You are the one writing the story, are you going to continue to make them the big bad wolf or are you going to let them be the knight in shining armor.
Now if this is about you not believing you deserve it, you need to start there. Why do you believe you are not worthy of your creation? Why do you believe you cannot have them or that they don’t want to be in your life? It may be that you don’t believe in love, or that you don’t believe you are worthy. Work on self concept and understand that you are everything and therefore everything is yours. From the trees to the moon, you are everything.
You can get a completely different version of them, you can completely revise an argument away, you could literally make them disappear. You can do anything! It’s your world.
Most importantly: LEAVE THE 3D ALONE
Sweetheart, if you are still maintaining the state that they hate you after saying affirmations for a day then immediately trying to text them, STOP. Start within, and the 3D has no choice but to follow. If you want to make up with them, go within, set the scene of making up with them in your head, say your affirmations, or whatever will give you the feeling that you seek. Once you reach that fulfillment within yourself, they have no choice but to reflect. Let them be who you want them to be, stop holding the old story over both of you, release it, and write a new story. Have faith in your story and have faith in you, and you will receive exactly what you want. Don’t worry about time, worry about you, time isn’t god, you are love.
P.S - don’t let anyone tell you that you shouldn’t manifest a better version of your ex or a person. You are god, why would you let anyone tell YOU what to do? Be fr.
Luv, che 🌺
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Love Languages
What is says in the title. I have no requests right now and I thought now would be a good time to write these, I've been meaning to for over a month now, I think. General fluff, relationship to reader is romantic. GN!reader. Only thing I can think of would be one somewhat dirty joke. But it's literally just Alejandro teaching reader a phrase in Spanish and that's about it.
Price: Acts of Service. He’s been in the military for a while now and, while he may be used to giving orders these days, he remembers the days well where a superior would yell at him to do something. Price is well aware that the chances of survival go up tremendously when everyone is working together as a team, regardless of whether you’ve been given a command to help your pal out or not. It’s almost subconscious, actually. You drop something without you noticing? He’ll pick it up, trailing behind you while carrying it. The dishes need to be done? He’s on it immediately, maybe whistling a song even while he does so. You’re in need of medication? Mans notices when you’re running out before you do and always makes sure to get the prescription and or the meds if he’s able to. And if he can’t then he’ll remind you to pick them up, going with you. As a captain, he’s a busy bee, always filing reports and doing whatnot, so him taking the time out of his day to do something, no matter what, isn’t as small a thing as one might think. It doesn’t even matter how small, repetitive and tedious the task is, he’ll do it just for you. Won’t make a big deal out of it, though, just you noticing he did something for you is more than enough. Give him a kiss in return while thanking him and he’ll be the happiest man alive as well.
Gaz: Words of Affirmation. While it’s hard to pin down one love language for him, he absolutely adores making you feel loved using his words. He can be a cheeky bastard, sassing just about anyone he knows he’ll get away with relatively unharmed, always knowing what to say to make just about any situation go from dreadful to a bit more humorous, for the most part. Gaz does well with words, plus he can also read facial expressions very well. While there might be some guesswork involved from time to time, if you let him, he’ll find the right words fairly quickly. Doesn’t matter if you just want to be told how handsome you look in your new suit, or if you want to be comforted after being let down one too many times. Finding the right time to be silent is also an art, Gaz has mastered it. It comes natural to him, speaking to his loved ones, that is. If he can, he’ll accompany his sweet words with other love languages as well. It’s not uncommon for him to shower you with compliments while twirling you around, giving you a beautiful bracelet, or simply putting his head on your shoulder. This man will hype you up, no matter how insecure you feel. But don’t ever doubt his words, he’s as sincere as it gets with you. If you do then he will make an entire PowerPoint presentation on why you’re as amazing as you are. Has no qualms about holding said presentation either, by the way.
Ghost: Acts of Service. Don’t get me wrong, he loves touching you and getting to touch you, if he could he’d always intertwine his fingers with yours, but he’s not always sure if he should touch you. Would it make you comfortable? Do you even like being touched right now? Sometimes he might be self-indulgent, but it’s not too often. However, performing just about any task for you, he knows that won’t upset you. The trees and hedges need to be cut? You don’t have time to go grocery shopping? Can’t beat this seemingly impossible video game boss? Yeah, he’s got your back. He’s not too shabby at most things in life. Ghost can notice and memorize things very quickly, he’s got enough experience in life to know what to do in most situations plus he loves you dearly, so he’d literally crawl his way to Eden and pick the fruits of the tree of knowledge if you demanded it. If you ask him to do something with you, though, then I can tell you he’s smitten. Loves grocery shopping with you, loves it if you hand him the wrench and hold the flashlight while he repairs something, loves feeding the strays outside your home with you. If you ask him to do something together then he gets the feeling of his affection for you being reciprocated, so never be ashamed to ask him for something. You could literally just ask him for a hug and his heart would soar in the heavens.
Soap: Physical Touch. He grew up with a loving mother who would smother him in hugs whenever she could. He didn’t particularly grow out of that either, he’ll still return any hug his mother gives him to this day. Having grown up in a very physically affectionate household, he took after his family and thus loves touching you in any way he can. Whether it’s ruffling your hair or putting your foreheads together, he just loves being close with his loved ones. Even his friends he’s very touchy feely with. It’s reassuring to him, feeling his loved ones, their warmth, hell, even feeling their pulse is nice. It’s not a given in his line of work, after all. Friend or lover, doesn’t matter, he’ll give you a hug, he’ll cuddle you, he’ll playfight with you. Has a very hard time toning it down and his heart breaks a bit every time someone asks him to not touch them as much, he genuinely can’t help it. When he’s lonely he becomes extra affectionate and isn’t afraid to ask you for some cuddles either, they’re very calming to him. If you return his affection, even if it’s awkward for the both of you, he becomes very happy, almost beaming with joy if you’re not a touchy person normally. Initiate a hug for once and he’ll never want to let you go again. But beware, his hugs are extremely tight. If it wasn’t as embarrassing, I’m sure he’d sleep cuddling something as well. However, it’s not the most manly thing to sleep with a plushie, so he settles for another pillow mostly. Will invite you to take a nap with him, though.
Alejandro: Physical Touch. He’s among the people of his culture who are more tactile. It’s a similar situation to Soap, he learned that from home. While he may not be as prone to being touchy with a friend, unless you’re very close, once you’re lovers he loves nothing more than having his hands on you. Not even in a dirty way, he’s more than content just having his hand on your shoulder too. Will give you massages, lots of kisses and will generally just pull you close to him. Might pick you up and spin you around from time to time as well. He’s a strong lad, so I can assure you, he will be able to pick you up. Not very fond of PDA for privacy reasons, but once you’re home alone, he’ll be all over you. Find a reason to touch him back and he’ll smother you. While he can respect you if you don’t like being touched, he will be sad a bit, but will find alternatives. He’s a very affectionate guy with the ones he loves. For what it’s worth, if you’re not a touchy person and can’t speak Spanish very well, you can say some nonsense and it’ll make him smile every time. Though, beware, he’s not above teaching you things such as “estoy caliente” either. It won’t lead to anything, but he will crack up whenever you say it to Rudy, with the latter being severely disappointed in Alejandro. You trying to speak or learn Spanish shows him that you’re trying to put in effort into learning his culture, which he can appreciate, naturally.
Rodolfo: Quality Time. Much like Ghost, he’ll love you forever if you give him hugs on the regular, maybe a peck on the cheek too if you’re together, but he won’t force anything. It’s ingrained in him that men really shouldn’t be weak, though, ironically, you can see him be just a tad bit softer with lads. A close second for his love language would be gift giving. He earns enough money to buy you something nice from time to time. But other than that, he doesn’t have too much time either, and what little time he does have he wants to spend with you. Sure, he can’t exactly make time for you during a mission, but regardless of how tired he might be, he will drag himself out of bed just to be with you five minutes longer. One activity he particularly enjoys the day after he came home from deployment would be simply taking a nap together. Doesn’t matter if you’re cuddling or not, though he would prefer if you would. He gets to rest, you get to rest, both of you are happy. Besides, whenever he gets to be near you he won’t have to worry about anything happening to you. Considering he’s confident enough in his abilities to keep bad people away from you, he likes having you close as well. You don’t even need to be talking, it could just be the both of you cooking together and eating afterwards, that’s enough to make him content. He can tell when you’re doing your best to make time for him as well, and it warms his heart every time.
Valeria: Gift Giving. She’s the undoubted queen of not having much time for anything at all, and she can’t always make time for you, or most people, either, which is why she’ll opt for other means of showing her affection. While some gifts may take time, those being the special ones, it’s normally something quick she can get you. Some new clothes, some sweets, or something else entirely. She rarely ever gets to give them to you in person, regardless of how badly she wants to see your beaming and surprised face, but she never forgets an important date, her memory is just good like that. Your anniversary, your birthday, your pet’s birthday, she has it all memorized and will get you a gift accordingly. You don’t have to give her anything in return, though, her tastes are very expensive. If you really wanna show her how much you adore her in a way she can easily comprehend, do her some favors. Clean the house, make her a meal, give the soldiers asking for her some misdirections so they won’t catch her. It’s not often she likes someone, much less actually trusting them, but she can appreciate someone, who genuinely wants to help her out, even in the small ways. She might sometimes think that you’re just trying to get a favor out of her, but if you genuinely never ask for anything big even she will doubt her theory and will trust you more. Love goes through the stomach, cook her a delicious meal every once in a while and she’ll love you even more.
Graves: Words of Affirmation. However, it should be noted that that’s just his main way of showing affection, he shows affection in every other way as well, very much so even. It’s hard to pin him down as well, he changes it up every once in a while. But what always stays the same is him giving you small compliments throughout the day. If he can’t tell you how much you’re rocking the garments in person, he’ll leave you a handwritten note to build you up. Very chatty, unlike Gaz, he loves hearing himself speak and will stop at nothing to attain the feeling of just saying something. Considering he’s from the southern part of the United States, he throws around petnames like it’s nothing. If you like it, good, if you don’t, he won’t particularly stop either. In fact, he might get more cheesy and cliche with them as well. Not as eloquent as other people might be, he’s a commander, not a poet, but just as sincere. You look fucking awesome, darlin’. They should make a Met Gala just for you. Will also tease you in a loving way. Bullying his loved ones into blushing is his most genuine way of showing love. Once he teases you, you can be certain this guy really likes you. The formalities are finally over, now he can be genuine and honest with you. Give him strong reactions and he’ll love you even more. Don’t try to fluster him back, though. Conversations like those are competitions and he’s the most sore loser on the planet.
Alex: Physical Touch. Words of Affirmation and Acts of Service are also strong with this one, but I’m limiting myself to one here. As I’ve said a few times already, he loves, loves, loves getting to hug and cuddle you. If you’re together then he has no shame in showing PDA either. Will initiate physical touch, will ask you for physical touch, he’s not ashamed at all. A guy needs what he needs, after all. Even just small touches are more than welcome with him. Hand on your shoulder, his fingers combing through your hair, deliberately leaning against you when he’s tired. Snuggle up to him after a rough day, he’s so gentle with you and will make you feel as loved as he can, either by distracting you with the top ten list of top ten lists of what he loves about you, or by watching a VOD on YouTube with you. Even if you aren’t too touchy, make an effort to initiate physical contact with him, he notices it immediately. Won’t push you, he might stop if you really hate physical contact, but will make it up to you with other love languages. Give him a kiss and he’ll rest his head on your shoulder, with eyes bigger than that of an anime girl. The heart irises are there too, of course. If he’s had a rough day, then please hug him, or better yet, cuddle him. It makes him feel a lot better, drifting off to sleep with your comforting touch. This guy would set a forest ablaze just so you can feel some warmth.
Farah: Quality Time. Unless you’re part of her liberation force, she likely has next to no time for you either. And even then, time alone with her is sparse. You can make plans with her, but chances are she’ll have the revolution on her mind, what her next step should be and how her enemy might prevent her from getting what she wants this time. It’s hard for her too, trust me, but she needs to be prepared, always. It’s not often she actually can do so, but she’ll try to make plans with you without her mind wandering. She’s usually so focused, but also hyper aware of the bad things that could happen. So, sometimes she sits herself down with you and thinks of only the things she wants to do with you. Order takeout, cuddle and maybe read some books as well. Despite not usually being one for things like that, evenings like those will be the only times she’ll try to take better care of herself. By which I mean, if you have a skincare routine, she’ll try it out with you, asking you questions about what this and that might be and what it does. If you have a face mask that evening, she’ll laugh a bit, but won’t be opposed to trying it out either. It’s rather sudden when she does have time, but it’s time well spent. Show her affection in any way, she’ll always appreciate it. Give her a kiss, tell her how much you love her, buy her some fresh baked goods, she’ll fall in love with you all over again, again and again. Once the fighting is done, she’ll repay you with everything she can, give you whatever it is she has to offer and make sure you can feel just as loved.
Laswell: Gift Giving. She’s not particularly one for physical affection, she much rather shows it through things that reminded her of you. That nail polish looked like it would go well with your new outfit, you’ve been eyeing that necklace for a long time, using a scooter to get around the city was something you’ve been into for a while. She always remembers every single small detail that might be important later on. You like Sanrio. You like motorcycles. You like sports. Because her memory is amazing, she’ll always get you something you’ll like. Even when you forgot something or haven’t thought about it in a while, she’ll remind you. Especially nice things. Brains are always biased towards the bad, she wants you to see the good in yourself and your surroundings. But aside from those two things, she’s rather versatile as well. Her words can make even your biggest insecurities temporarily go away. She isn’t always eloquent, but she can be if she wants to be. Quality Time is a given to her. If she can and you want to as well, she’ll spend every minute of her wake with you. Even when you aren’t around to do any of it and she has time to do so, the dishes will be washed, the clothes in the washing machine will be neatly hung up and the living room will be clean. Now, if you want to make her feel loved, give her some genuine words. She hears lies on the daily and knows when people are being insincere, but seeing you give her a genuine smile while telling her that she looks like a goddess in her new dress sort of does something to her. You don’t need to use the prettiest words, just say what you think, tell her how much you love her, that’s all she really needs.
Nikolai: Acts of Service. Another wildcard, he’ll do whatever makes his partner happy. But if we’re talking about his genuine self, the one that doesn’t do whatever makes you happy, then it’s Acts of Service. It’s unprompted too, for the most part. Whatever he can find out, that makes your life easier, he’ll do. He’s a real handyman for all sorts of things and in real good shape too despite his age. Mans can repair a helicopter, he can do the same for your heater in winter. Never be afraid to walk up to him and complain to him about something not working, he’ll fix it himself in record time if you let him. Doesn’t mind his hands getting dirty either, that’s just what happens. Big things, small things, doesn’t matter. Let him take out the trash or let him fix the engine of your car, he can do both. Hell, if you need someone taken care of in the most brutal way possible, if you need some dirt on someone, he’s also your guy. If he really likes you, then chances are he’ll do some of it for free as well. He’s competent enough in just about everything, he has the experience, so whatever it is you need done, he’ll do it. But if you ever were to do him a favor like that as well, he’ll be overjoyed. Most of the time showing affection is subconscious to him, but once it clicks, and it will fairly quickly since he’s a smart cookie, he’ll give you the most loving smile. You don’t have to kill someone for him, just baking him a delicious pie is more than enough. You make his life easier as it is, but the occasional baked good or gifting him a nice bomber jacket won’t hurt either.
König: Acts of Service. I guess Acts of Service just come with age. Not too big on showing physical affection, not the best with his words either since he can still get nervous around his loved ones from time to time. Another big contender would simply be Quality Time. He much prefers not having to talk all the time, so you knitting while he reads the news would be ideal for him. Being near each other in silence is the best thing he can imagine, that way he can show you how much he loves you without straining himself too much. Acts of Service because he’s old enough to realize that if you really do love someone, you’ll make their life easier in any way, shape or form possible, even if it’s just putting chicken nuggets in the oven just before they come home from work. Besides, despite it being tedious, he doesn’t hate cleaning as much as some other people do. It’s calming to him, seeing his living space be decluttered. So, it helps him and it gives you less work to do at the end of the day. Another way he shows affection is by warding off creeps with his presence. Being around you makes him protective over you. Now, you can spend your time with him in silence, or just occasionally talk, he’ll eat that right up and love it, but you can also give him the occasional hug or cuddle. He won’t mind, but don’t overdo it. He’s not a particularly cuddly person, but he will appreciate you standing on boxes just so he can lean into your shoulder for once, if you’re shorter than him. It’s the small things that count. Another thing he’ll always enjoy is you maybe knitting or crocheting him a scarf. He’s not sensitive to the cold, but he won’t mind being warm either. Spray it with your perfume or cologne too and he could just pick you up and give you a little kiss.
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blippymilk · 4 months
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Clay Headcannons (Romantic)
Genre: Fluff, Romantic
Warnings: None
A/N: I love Clay so much so I genuinely enjoyed writing this 🤗
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✩ The best boyfriend you could ever ask for hands down
✩There’s quite litteraly no one like Clay
✩ You fell first but he definitely fell harder
✩ Words of affirmation + physical touch kinda guy
✩ In the beginning of your relationship he’s not very touchy especially not in public
✩ But once he gets attached it’s over 🫡
✩ Always has to be touching you in some way
✩ Hand holding, waist hugs, neck kisses, and anything else you can think of
✩ Even when he’s working in his office he doesn’t mind you sitting on his lap as he works
✩ You had to be the one who could convince this man that it’s ok to be serious AND fun sometimes
“But what if people think I’m too silly again? My fun boy Clay days are over.” :((
“But there’s also nothing wrong with having fun from time to time too sweetie.”
✩ Wasn’t very open to expressing his emotions before he met you
✩ You had to let him know that it was ok to rant to you (and he’s still adjusting but he’s way better at it now)
✩ Please join his sad book club ok >:((
✩ Best dancing partner. EVER.
✩ If you’re at a party with Clay and there’s a dance floor
✩ Everybody getting left in the dust. Including you after a period of time 😭
✩ This man has past experiences with his boy band so he never lost his moves. If you can push him out of his comfort zone for the night, he’s gonna end up the center of attention.
✩ Clay’s not no mean troll, but he will got to war for his s/o and that’s a fact
✩ He can be very extra without realizing it, especially with the little details (bcs that’s just who Clay is :D)
✩ Don’t let him catch you singing any of his Brozone songs (especially his part). He will be all over you for the rest of the day, teasing you and kissing every inch of your face until no area goes untouched
✩ Wanna get Clay flustered? Tell him he has a beautiful voice and you love to hear him sing
✩ Will 100% start humming to you before bed
✩ You’re the reason Clay started to let up and not focus on working 24/7, 24 hours a week. And Viva noticed that (and she thanked you for helping him relax bcs she’s tired of seeing him stress)
✩ But also please thank him for working so hard to become a licensed CPA. He loves the sound of his job and loves to hear you say it too.
✩ Definitely the big spoon when it’s time to get comfy at night. Being so much taller than you, he likes to consider himself “the one in control”
✩ Loves when you play in and take care of his hair like your own.
✩ Loves a good relaxing “spa” (self care) day. A day where you two, and ONLY you two get to sit back and treat yourselves. Facials, hair care, bubble bath, back massages, etc.
✩ Viva made you a matching sweater romper and you put it on for Clay. Let’s just say that was the best decision ever.
✩ Just like you do for him, he appreciates everything you do. Like no matter what it is, he supports you and he’ll be there every step of the way.
✩ You never have to worry a day in your life about Clay cheating, or finding “someone better”
✩ One time during whatever the situation was that had you guys dancing, you spun away from Clay and a new girl quickly replaced you for him to dip her. And he let her go as soon as she even slightly tilted.
“Clay, why did you drop her?!”
“She was kinda close to me and I don’t know how you or I feel about that to be honest.”
✩ (dw he apologized after)
✩ Clay can be really serious. Or really, really, really, reallyyy, corny. 😐
“Babe, did you know my favorite word is universe? Because it starts with U-N-I.”
“Are you wifi? Because I’m tryna hook up.”
“I heard kissing is a love language. Tryna start a conversation?”
“Are you my grades as a kid? Cause your bad AF.”
“Oh my gosh- CLAY-!”
✩ Overall Clay is an amazingly sweet well rounded man
✩ Never lose him
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nailisaa · 11 months
hi nai!! i entered the void state last night (i woke up in it) and i manifested always waking up in it every night aware and my desired appearance. there's more that i want to manifest but tbh i don't rlly know what i want to do with my life and stuff and i would kinda use that as an excuse to procastinate but @gorgeouslypink once advised me to stop using that as an excuse and that i could contemplate after i entered so now im doing the contemplating about it
but i rlly just wanted to thank you and @gorgeouslypink and @xoxoloagossipgirl because you guys are the reasons i was able to enter
my sob story: i had been trying to enter for 2 years now and honestly i was never even consistent and i would just not even try until something super bad happened and then i would try to enter that night and ofc i wouldn't and i was just self sabatoging myself even though i rlly needed to enter. i dropped out of school bc of bullying and hid it from my parents, my parents were super abusive and mysoginisitc, i was bullied at school and work, i only had 2 friends and they both didn't rlly care about me that much, etc
what finally got me in: i came across the "wonyoung challenge" and i started binging gorgeouslypink and your page. gorgeosulypink doubts post is acc god send, like i recommend it to every single person who's trying to enter the void and it just motivated me so much and then i found your page and read a few of your loa posts and then cqme across the wonyoung challenge and i just basically followed it and entered
my advice: don't put a time limit and seriously occupy the mindset of wonyoung. i kept telling myself i am going to wake up in the void tonight because i said so because im just like wonyoung and if any issue came up, id just be like imma fix that in the void. at first, ig i was affirming and persisting cuz i was trying to adapt to that kinda new mindset but by day 3 it just kinda became natural and i did sats everyday. i struggled with sats but i mastered it by day 4 and then i entered it on day 5. literally just watch wonyoung content and watch how she is and copy it. she knows she's that girl and she always knows things are going to work out for her. so just know you are going to enter the void state and keep reminding yourself of that if it doesn't show up immediately but know that it is going to show up eventually because it's the law. sats is also really powerful and using it is the best thing u can do from my experience.
anyways thanks and I'm so grateful for you and pink and xoxo!!! 🤎💜💙💚💛❤️
IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU, TRULY!!! 🤍🤍 don't thank me, YOU got yourself into the void, you just applied <33 also i literally love Wonyoung she’s so pretty and confident, so shes motivating for me! i’m so happy you have your desired appearance and are able to get into the void more often, let me know whatever else you choose to manifest, i love you!!!
@gorgeouslypink !!
@voidsuccessarchive @voidsuccess
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Tangerine headcanons/ imagines
tangerine x female reader
tw: none! just cute stuff that makes us sad
okay so I love analysing people and ive been in love with him since march/april, so this was a piece of cake- also im obsessive and lonely so was super easy lmfao
these are just things that I think (kinda self indulgent) but if you disagree that’s fine too
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princess treatment- he’d treat you like royalty
huge softie at heart
love language wise:
 physical touch- I feel like he’s quite handsy, he always has to be touching some part of you
 acts of service- he’d always be willing to help you, does things for you. makes you snacks and drinks throughout the day- like if you’re busy, he’d pop in and give you a tray of stuff you may need
 quality time- he’d value the time you spent together, even if you weren’t doing an activity together (both in the same space, doing your own things) he’d designate certain days for just you
 gift giving- he’d spoil you like crazy, he’d remember certain little things about you and get you a thoughtful gift based off that (like if you mentioned something you wanted to try for just one second midway in a conversation you had months ago, he’d remember it)
words of affirmation- he’d call you tonnes of pet names, I feel like he’d say ‘my’ in front of it to make it more special. he’d tell you he loves you, how special you are and how much he adores you etc
hates everyone but you vibes- he’s standoffish to everyone, but when it comes to you he’s the complete opposite; he speaks very soft and kind towards you
he treats you like the most valuable thing on earth
very patient with you
protector x protected energy- he just always wants you safe
nose and forehead kisses
lots of thumb stroking on your cheeks 
lots of intense eye contact- he admires your eyes
feel like he’s a hip and thigh kinda man
I feel like you’d be very close to Lemon, and sometimes it’ll wind him up. Lemon would tell you embarrassing stories about Tan- you’d love it while he’d hate it
I get ride or die vibes- kinda like romeo and juliet, just minus all the death
he secretly loves your chick flicks, he pretends he hates them but watches them with you every time
he also pretends he hates when you call him sweet things but he definitely looks away to smile
he’s very slow to warm up, takes a bit of time to crack him open. on the outside he’s a doberman but on inside he’s like a ragdoll
gets a bit possessive, not in a scary way- but I do think that sometimes it could be
feel like he’s the kind that will literally worship you
you clean his cuts and wounds after missions
he runs warm but you run quite cold, so he’s always trying to warm you up
I feel like you’re the first person he’s actually loved romantically
drinks black coffee and ofc tea
definitely a whisky drinker, he loves a good whisky by the fire
I feel like he’s very clean, likes to keep everything organised. maybe a bit of a perfectionist
always smells good
very romantic and extremely charismatic- a natural charmer. funny and lots of inside jokes
he’s a great caretaker- looks after you really well. if you’re ill he’d be with you at all times, not caring if he got sick too. and when it’s your time of the month he’d get you hot water bottles and you’d get lots of back rubs etc
he loves it when you use your fingers to trace over his tattoos, same goes for his chest hair too
also loves when your stroke through his hair
he gets really irritated in hot temperatures- and starts swearing a lot more
I feel like he’s kind of set in his ways about things/ he knows what he likes, and that you help open his mind about trying and doing new things. you help keep things fresh and exciting
some reason I feel like you’d have daddy issues idk why, (sorry if you do, also sorry if you don’t lmao)
he might follow you like a lost puppy, he’d literally do anything you say
you’d be best friends as well as a couple
he’s very reliable and would drop anything for you
if you needed to rant or vent, he’d be there lending you his ear. he’d be an incredible listener
very attentive
feel like he’s a fast driver, but never when you’re in the car
if someone flirts with you or someone was mean to you at work he’d say “where are they? I will fuckin kill em”
private but not secret relationship
definitely a homebody
whenever he goes past the florists or to the shop, he’d always bring some flowers back for you (more often than not- it’ll your favourite type of flower)
leaves you sweet notes around the house
that’s it for now, hope you liked
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treasureofmammon · 1 month
🧡 This is war, Levi 🧡
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🔎Summary: Leviathan, Avatar of Envy, Master of water itself, Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy, master of the greatest sea monster: Lotan, third in line of the Seven rulers of the Devildom, one of the most powerful demons in all the realms, Devildom's nobility. And yet, an insecure otaku boy. What else can you do to let him know that you find him so so SO attractive, cool, smart, and wonderful? What else do you need to do to let him know that you love him?
👥️Characters: Leviathan x gender neutral MC.
⚠️Warnings: Self-loathe, low self-esteem, insecurities. But, mainly Fluff.
📝 Note: I sped run the current event: "The phantom butterflies" 🦋, and I am so happy that Levi shined like the strong demon man he is (although I'm disappointed there was no smooching). Heck! We even got to tell him he was cool! We need more opportunities to give him some words of affirmation. He deserves it. So here I am with a fluffy text for our favorite otaku demon.
Leviathan, Avatar of Envy, Master of water itself, Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy, master of the greatest sea monster: Lotan, third in line of the Seven rulers of the Devildom, one of the most powerful demons in all the realms, Devildom's nobility. And yet, an insecure otaku boy. What else can you do to let him know that you find him so so SO attractive, cool, smart, and wonderful? What else do you need to do to let him know that you love him?
You ask yourself this question mentally as you see your crush playing a videogame. You sigh. You've been so good at flirting, giving him presents, droping all the little obvious hints that you are in love with him, inviting him over your room and snuggling to him, kissing his cheek or hugging him, even dropping little compliments like —Levi, you are so cool— or —You're so handsome Levi, why would you say you aren't?—; but his replies are always so sad: —Eh? Did I hear that right? N-no! This is a dream: who would like a yucky otaku like me!— or —I must be hallucinating, someone pretty like you could never think that of an otaku like me. Wait! I- I didn't mean to say you're pretty! Ah! But it's not like I don't think you're pretty, you are! In fact, you're gorgeous. No! But I don't think so! Well, I do, but I don't- UGH!!—. As usual, he always runs away and hides. You end up confused and unhappy. What else do you need to do to come across clearly?
As you watch his every skilled hand movements on the controller, you realize how frustrated you feel. A new emotion emerges from within you, as you understand how incredibly sad this is for both of you; and at the same time, this frustration leads to anger: how many times do you have to drop the hints, say those true compliments, insinuate him your intentions? No more!
A spark goes free and sets you on fire from within: and you respond to this flame with a wonderful idea: —It's on, now—, you think: —This is war, Levi—. If he can't understand it with kindness, he will understand it with a much more aggressive approach. This is a war now, a war that you're sure you'll win, one in which your enemy is Levi's poor self-esteem and loathing. The tactic? You will bombard him with words of love, affection, and compliments until he can no more. The war-zone: his own territory; he won't be able to run away today, after all, he's cornered in his own bedroom and you're blocking the door, there's no chance that he can get away from you this time. And, of course, by the end of this epic battle, you'll be the winner, and he will finally understand your feelings!
—Hey, Levi...— you start.
—Yeah?—, he answers, not a single second wasted looking at other things than the screen in front of him.
—I think you look so cool when playing videogames—, you say with a devilish smile.
Leviathan freezes, —Eh?—, he pauses the game and looks at you perplexed. —Wh-What did you just say? I must have heard you wrong—, he chuckles nervously.
—You didn't. I do think you look cool playing videogames—, your facial expression is serious but not hard. You mean it.
Levi, on the other hand, starts to feel dizzy, his cheeks get rosy, eyes widen, and his heart pounds a million km per hour. —Y-You do?—, trying to find some ease, he returns to his self depreciation: —Well, y-yeah. After all, that's all an otaku like me can do: be good at videogames—.
—Oh, but it's not only videogames, it's also how cool you are in general, you know?—.
—Oh yeah. Like when you summon Lotan or control water with your magic. Or like when you do repairs in my computer. Oh! Or when you craft your own cosplay outfits! All you do is super cool to me...—.
Leviathan starts to retreat slowly from the pillow he was sitting on to the corner of his room, loosing his sanity, face red as a tomatoe; but you follow him every step of the way, moving from your pillow crawling after him. Slowly remarking his good characteristics.
—You are the Devildom's Grand Admiral! That's so cool!—.
—I-It's just a tittle, it means nothing—.
—Not anyone gets a title like that. And you can also control water; that's such a big power you have—.
—I-It isn't that d-d-difficult!—
—No—, you shake your head —I bet it is—. You continue: —Besides that, you're one of the most powerful demons? That's so cool, Levi—.
—N-No. I'm not that strong, though—.
—I bet there's a reason for that, and it's probably because you are indeed strong... and reliable—.
—H-Hey! MC, wh-what are you doing?—, Levi asks, embarrassed and clearly threatened.
—I think you should know by now, Levi—.
—Know wh-what?—.
—How much I like you!— you say, and continue —Your purple hair, and your orange eyes, the fact that you look so good in anything you wear...—.
—Look good?! I'm a yucky otaku!—.
—That's not true! You're an otaku, AND you're handsome—.
Finally, Levi hits his back against the glass of his enormous fish tank and continues his rant —MC? Are you ok? Are you sick? Maybe a curse? I don't think it's possible for you to think this way about me—.
—Why not?—, you question his own belief as you play with the collar and zipper of his coat, having him against the wall (literally).
—W-well, an otaku like me... You know, it's disgusting—. His body tenses as he feels part of you on top of him. He has nowhere to escape to, other than his defense mechanism: finding a "logical" explanation on why it can't be that you love him.
—What makes you disgusting exactly?—, you ask seriously.
—You know! I'm an otaku who is obsessed with video games, anime, and manga, s-so...—.
—But I like those things too. Do you find me disgusting?—.
—NO!— Levi shouts. —You're beautiful!—, he confesses but immediately realizes his words and his embarrassment grow higher. He hides his face behind his hands and, in a quiet voice, admits: —I can't believe I said that—.
You grin, happy to have your crush exactly where you wanted him to. Your hunch proven right: yes, he loves you back. He's just insecure. Gently, you take his hands in yours. Surprised and confused, Levi watches you as you move his hands from his face and entangle your fingers with his.
—Tell me Levi...—, you feel the rush of blood run up to your pretty face, embarrassment filling your mind; but you continue determined: —What else do I need to do so you finally notice me? So you can finally understand how much I love you?—.
Leviathan's eyes widen in surprise.
—You are so cool, Levi, and so handsome, and so nice to me. I love you—, you confess. Then, you shorten the distance between you two, slowly, letting him know that you want to kiss him and yet respecting his heart, so you ask —Can we kiss?—.
Levi frees his hands from yours and place them softly on your cheeks, kissing you tenderly, almost as if you were an ethereal crystal that could break easily. You smile through his kiss and reciprocate with another when he's about to separate his lips from you.
Shortly after, with your eyes still close, you ask—Levi, how do you feel about me?—.
Finally, gathering all his strength, which surely will cost him years of his life span, he yells nervously: — I-I-I... I LOVE YOU TOO!—.
[Notes: The character(s) depicted here belong to the mobile game "Obey me: shall we date" and are owned by Solmare Corporation. The text here was made by me: Treasure of Mammon, meaning these are fan-made. | GN!Reader | English is not my first language, so there might be orthographic and syntax errors. I urge you all to interact kindly with this post].
📌 Masterlist
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yuurivoice · 20 days
Saw a goofball post about ASMR Roleplay, romantic plots, narratives, etc. and so on.
Let me share some of my philosophy with you as someone in this game for 7 years, 150k subs on YouTube, and who turned this into a lucrative business for himself. I say all that not to flex, but to assure you that maybe I know a little bit about what I'm talking about.
Audio Roleplays, ASMR Roleplay, etc and so forth is not some sort of rigid, strict thing. If you believe that content in this niche has to adhere to strict rules, structure, and expectations, you've already entered into this with strange expectations because there is such a vast array of ways you can go about presenting this content.
Some of it is slice of life moments in time with an assumed relationships between character and listener. Before narrative audios started to pick up steam, or rather, a handful of folks (myself included) developed followings centered on original characters and stories, the vast majority of creators in this space were just doing snippets of experiences. And, in case you were unaware, that approach is wildly successful. Boyfriend Experiences, audio smut, etc. has a much wider appeal at this time because a listener can drop right in and enjoy it.
If you have somehow deluded yourself into thinking that every audio has to adhere to strict narrative rules, be defined by conflict, or things happening beyond whatever the vibe calls for, you're willfully putting yourself and the niche in a box. Which is fine, but seeing people piss and moan about it is strange.
My approach has been to blend narrative series along with one-shots. One-shots serve as super self indulgent audios that aren't tied to the narrative and allow listeners to engage with some of their favorite characters they fell in love with in the narrative without furthering the plot.
Sometimes I play the game, explore tropes and clichés that are popular for the sake of taking a crack at it. Because it brings in new listeners who then become fans of my narrative work and creates genuine supporters of my passion projects.
And ya know? It fucking works. It works really well. I can drop a very straightforward, stripped down comfort audio with Alphonse like I did today and move listeners to tears. And then we can continue on with BitterSweet when I'm good and ready. It keeps the channel running, keeps the audience engaged, and keeps me working.
The bigger point here is that creators should be able to approach their work as they see fit, without concerns about goofballs with strange expectations and standards dictating to them what is and is not valid. You wanna know what's valid? Creating shit that you like, that the people who support you like. However you achieve that is all good in my book.
Having some goofy ass superiority complex about how people play pretend with pretty voices is strange behavior. I'm proud that my community has never flung that kind of nonsense around, and I'm speaking on it to affirm that kind of stance for the folks who rock with me.
If you're a listener who has recently stumbled into this niche, I implore you to explore, listen to others, find what you like and enjoy it because you enjoy it. There are countless people making audio content these days and there's no wrong way to do it, never has been. There's something for everyone, and if someone tries to tell you otherwise, be wary.
I'm not about negative nonsense, not about tribalism or putting down one person over another. Lift up your faves and share why you appreciate them and their style. But petulant bickering and shitting on others because of something as trivial as audio content? Nahhhh. If I catch anyone spouting nonsense like that in my name, I try and snuff it out as fast as possible because that's not how my shit is built.
If you are someone who fucks with me and my work but has had some opinions like that, I implore you to chill because none of this has ever been that serious. I want people to enjoy what they want to enjoy because for the love of fuck, life is too short to try and grandstand over this silly little niche. Or please get all the way away from me and my people.
Deuces. ✌️
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sukunasweetheart · 11 months
heed the warnings; fem reader, consumption of blood, smut, unprotected sex, breeding, vaginal sex, fingering (fem!recieving), kinda dubcon bite, a hint of degradation
vampire!sukuna is not one to mix up hunger with lust, but when he feasts on your blood, the unthinkable happens, and he realises that there’s something new at play in his mind.
after a year of dating your vampire lover, you’re finally allowing him to have a taste of you. sukuna pins you to the bed gently, keeping your wrists down against the soft mattress, making sure that you're completely at his mercy.
he smiles down at you - reading into your nervous expression and thinking about how cute you look when you try to appear unphased, unbothered.
"go on already. let's get it over and done with," you pout, knowing that he's teasing you internally, despite having said nothing.
"no need to be so impatient. i like taking things slow, when it comes to handling you," sukuna responds, smoothing a thumb over your cheek.
he begins with a forehead kiss, then trails down to give your lips some attention as well, warming you up a little to bring the heat to your face. he then moves on to your jawline, and finally reaches the side of your neck shortly after.
sukuna gives taunting little pecks to your skin, making you flinch slightly as you don't know when he's going to sink his teeth in. you feel his breath mingling over your neck - getting you a bit ticklish.
you smell sweet to him, and he can't help but take in one breath after another through his nose for your dizzying scent. he hopes you won't mind his lack of verbal affirmation before he finally digs his fangs into you, puncturing your skin.
an inexperienced vampire makes a huge mess when they feed on living creatures - their lack of technique and self control causes them to get blood all over their mouth and clothes; similar to a toddler's first time eating proper food.
sukuna however, has been around for centuries. he won't waste a single drop.
nevertheless, you taste really good. he's glad that he'd already fed himself prior to this. if he were a century younger, he would've lost restraint and sucked on you till your head spun.
once he had bitten you, you gasped softly, hand flying up to the back of his head. tingles run through the surface of your skin as he sucks, and you can feel the blood leaving your body. controlling your breathing, you shut your eyes and bask in the strange, foreign feeling of getting bit and sucked on.
sukuna’s hand that had been wrapped around your wrist ever so slowly inches up to your palm, gracing your fingers with his, intertwining with you against the bed.
within him, something different arises. he knew drinking from you would prove different than everyone else he’s fed from before, but he always viewed it purely as just having a meal.
yet, this time around, a distinct passion gets seated in his core, something familiar but much contrastive to his hunger. he has to suppress his urge to groan against you, as he gets oddly feverish - even though you’re the one getting your blood sucked. sukuna’s body presses onto yours harder, and his weight that drapes upon you becomes more prominent.
your other hand trails down his back, grasping a fistful of his shirt, trembling lightly. it doesn’t hurt as much as you expected. it feels almost arousing... intimate, even. reaching a kind of closeness that others wouldn’t be able to have. 
you whimper lightly, and he takes it as a sign that you’re at your limit, and after one more gulp, he detaches his fangs from you. at the sudden relief, you jolt slightly. even after stopping, the persistent fog doesn’t leave his mind.
sukuna looks at the two perfect little holes on your neck and runs his tongue over them for the final time, before getting up to look at your face properly. the little tears pricking your eyes, flustered face, pursed lips to prevent any noises from coming out your throat. it gives him another strong pang.
“why... why are you hard...?” you question, confused. you’d been feeling his erection poking at you for a while now.
he looks down, equally as confused, at his very obvious tent. being turned on after drinking someone’s blood? it has never happened before. sukuna turns back to you again.
you blink at him, wondering what his next course of actions are going to be. his gaze flutters down to your lips, and what comes next is very unsurprising. he follows his instinct - and his instinct right now, is to fulfill his lust.
as his tongue slips in, his deep-seated kiss shares the metallic traces of your own blood, albeit small. you follow along, cupping his jawline as your knee rises gradually in between his legs to nudge his cock, stirring him up further. you savour the groan that he lets into your mouth.
while still kissing you, his hand comes down to unbuckle himself, freeing his dick because the restrictiveness is getting too unbearable. then, the same hand goes to place itself onto your pussy, the warmth from his palm emanating towards it, even more when he begins to softly rub your clit over your panties.
sukuna relishes in the feeling of you rolling your hips against his touch - and his dick begins to throb all the more harder.
swiftly getting his fingers underneath the fabric of your undergarment, he pulls the material down as you lift your legs to aid him, revealing your bare cunt, oozing with your arousal. he smirks at you and teases your clit with his thumb before sinking his middle and index finger into your sopping hole.
gasping, you feel his fingers thrust in and out of you, scissoring against the sensitive spot inside. you become subjected to sukuna’s lewd gaze as he keeps his eyes onto your face, getting your entire body feverish with exhilaration, yearning for him deeply.
you think he’s going to stop soon and slip his cock in anytime soon, but he doesn’t. you inch closer to an orgasm with each movement of his digits, the embarrassing wet noises of his fingering and your moaning taking place in the room. 
when you cum, your back arches entirely, and you coat his fingers with your slick, pussy ending up dripping wet.
“such a good whore for me. making a mess with your cunt alone,” he speaks with a salacious tone. 
looking at him again, you catch him sucking your juices off his fingers, throwing you into a flustered state, but turning you on once again. sukuna then strokes himself a few times, before lining his big cock up to your pussy and pushing it inside.
the incredible stretch feels so good, you can never get used to it. sukuna sighs, content with how your cunt embraces his dick and clenches around him. everything inside him throbs, and he begins to thrust into you at a steady pace, as he leans down to kiss you again.
your hands clasp at both sides of his face, eager to keep him close. as he builds you up towards a second orgasm, numerous whines escape your lips and ring out against his own, making the exchange sweeter.
you pull away momentarily to catch your breath, but he chases after your lower lip, needy and desperate. sukuna speeds himself up, groaning in a lewd manner, mindlessly grinding against your g-spot.
the wet sounds of your pussy with each thrust, every sound you make with that voice of yours, it’s becoming too much for him. he’s already so close, which is unlike him - he usually lasts...much longer than this.
“fuck, fuck, fuck...” he growls above you, eyebrows furrowed, almost looking like he’s in pain.
sukuna buries his cock deep into you when he cums, hips stuttering against yours, coupled with his muscles flexing and heavy panting. in his state of heightened sensitivity, something washes over him completely, as the scent of you seems to provoke him relentlessly.
he comes down and sinks his fangs into your shoulder, as he’s still releasing into your womb.
cupping your mouth with your hand, your eyes widen at the sudden action, your back arching once more. it wasn’t the thrusting that had pushed you off the edge. it was the bite.
your other hand claws down his back as he’s still latched onto your shoulder, groaning as your sweetness fills his mouth, cock still spurting messily into your cunt, your body pleasuring him in every way possible.
he only detaches himself when you softly mewl his name. sukuna’s lips are dyed red with your blood, which he licks off with his own tongue. he’s returned to his senses while you... well, you look like you’re out of it. in a good kind of way. your eyes are in a daze, but you’re smiling.
“shit. you came from the bite, didn’t you? freaky woman.” “who’re you calling a freak? you’re the one that made a meal out of your girlfriend.” he smirks and comes down to kiss the bite area softly, wrapping his arms around you.
only through you, does his lust and hunger become erotically harmonised. this just might become a regular thing.
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yandere-writer-momo · 10 months
Yandere Baki Short Stories:
So I decided to make a second part to Wake Up due to all the asks. I combined a few of the asks into this little companion piece too! This is the last part so you guys can use your imagination to decide who she should choose. So leads enjoy!!
Kinda Angsty and there’s nothing adult in this. Just minor yandere behavior and the importance of knowing your self worth
Third part
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Yandere Jack x Afab reader x Yandere Hanayama
What was it with television making that feeling of aha so dramatic? The sky didn’t cry for (your name) as she sobbed her heart out into her pillow. Jack wasn’t going to burst through the door like a shining knight to kiss away her worries and reassure her that he cared about her because he didn’t. At times she wished she could live in a fantasy world where everything was happy, happy, happy but alas, her world was nothing like that.
Jack only agreed to marry her because she bugged him about it. That it would be strange for a woman to travel with a man if they weren’t married. All of this was her own doing because she was so blinded by the love she had for him.
They were only married on paper. There was not a single moment of warmth between them other than the fond childhood memories she held close to her heart. She clung to his empty words of how she has been ‘his good luck charm.’ She truly didn’t feel lucky at all with how neglectful he was to her.
A part of her wished for her old Jack to return to her but she knew deep down, he was dead and gone. There was not an ounce of love or care in the man who would occasionally drop by their shared home. They were merely acquaintances who would say hi to each other every once and awhile.
They’ve never even been intimate before so she couldn’t delude herself into thinking he might have some form of care for her. Jack only did this at her insistence, not out of love but out of obligation. They were childhood friends and nothing more.
(Your name) felt herself grow exhausted as the hours dragged on. She was sure she looked a mess with tear stained cheeks and swollen eyes. It’s not like it mattered. Nothing mattered right now other than succumbing to her desire to sleep.
There was no point in letting herself cry over spilled milk. As much as she wanted to rot in bed and tell the world her woes, it wouldn’t change anything. The reality of Jack not loving her back wouldn’t change and the rose tinted glasses she put over her own eyes was too shattered to create that illusion again.
Tomorrow would be a new day. Tomorrow she would stop. She would stop the one sided conversations with herself and she’d stop going to every tournament and fight.
It was time to put herself first. She needed to love herself again while she reevaluated her marriage. (Your name) knew if she didn’t, she’d fall apart and there wouldn’t be anything that could glue the broken pieces together again.
(Your name) frowned at her reflection. She looked like someone hit her with a car, backed up, and then hit her again. Perhaps a little self care would help?
(Your name) shuffled through the contents of her drawers until she pulled out a face brightening mask. She needed a little brightness in her life that wasn’t the screen of her phone staring back at her as she watched three little dots flicker every once and awhile. She was not going to be putting anymore one sided effort into this tumultuous marriage… it was a dumpster fire she no longer had any interest in salvaging.
(Your name) pressed a kiss to her reflection. A few positive affirmations spilling from her lips.
“You are beautiful. You deserve love. You deserve…” she smiled warmly at her reflection. “Better.”
A few days had gone by and she finally felt a bit more at peace. Her reflection no longer looked as ragged and she was smiling a bit more.
“You are beautiful. You are worthy of love.” She whispered the affirmations to herself with a smile. This was a small step but it was helping her with her confidence. “Fake it till you make it.”
Today she was going to go out into the city and take herself on a date. She felt like she deserved one… one where she was the priority for once.
(Your name) slowly began to paint her face with a smooth foundation with a giggle. She could not remember the last time she’s dolled herself up like this for herself. She needed to be more independent and more confident in herself.
Maybe she’d treat herself to the new cafe down the corner? The place looked like it had some decent caffeinated beverages and some cutesy treats. Maybe she’d get herself some flowers too?
A bouquet of sunflowers and honeysuckle sat on the dining room table as (your name) enjoyed a meal she had made for herself. It’s been about two weeks since she started to put herself first. (And two weeks of her still rejecting Kaoru).
There wasn’t a single message or call from Jack so her recent misadventures must not have any effect on him. This only proved to her how little she truly meant to him…
(Your name) glanced over at the pictures that lined the TV stand and the few on the walls. It was time to close this chapter in her life.
(Your name) rose up from her chair to take down the memories that no longer made her heart flutter. Her fingers gently tracing over the old face of Jack. There was no longer a flutter in her chest when she stared at his hardened expression. The butterflies were dead in her stomach and now she felt… nothing.
She took her time removing each picture before putting them in a cardboard box in the corner of the room. She’d take them out to the dumpster tomorrow first thing.
(Your name) walked over to her purse and pulled out an envelope. She gave a sad smile to the envelope in her hands before setting them by the bouquet of flowers.
Inside the envelope were signed divorce papers. All Jack had to do was sign his name on the dotted lines and they’d no longer have to be around each other… no longer would he be trapped by her. Jack would be able to do whatever he wanted without a bird that chirped constantly on his shoulder.
“Happy birthday to me…” She whispered softly to herself, her fingers slipping off the simple gold band off her ring finger. “And thank you for everything.”
She’d start looking for apartments tomorrow, for now, she’d spend her nights in the room with her heated blanket. The blanket no longer a replacement for Jack, but a feeling of security.
Kaoru felt his breath hitch when he saw (your name) alone at a cafe from his limousine. It’s been the same routine for him for the last two weeks. His dark eyes studied how happy she looked… why was she in such a chipper mood today?
He recently noticed a change in her. One where she wasn’t as cold towards him but also still politely rejected his numerous advances. Kaoru also had seen the wedding pictures of her and Jack were removed from the TV stand yesterday. The few pictures that hung up on her living room walls were also gone from what he could see from the doorway… there was trouble in paradise… and Kaoru knew this was his chance.
Kaoru took in a deep breath before he turned to Kizaki, “I’m going to head out, Kizaki. Can you pick me up in an hour?”
Kizaki sighed from the drivers seat but nodded his head. “Of course boss.”
Kaoru exited the vehicle, his eyes didn’t leave (your name)’s form for even a second. Kaoru wasn’t going to waste this opportunity presented to him.
He would not be deterred from her rejection. Kaoru wanted her and he would have her. No matter what.
(Your name) hid her smile in her mug when a large shadow looked over her. It seems Kaoru had found her.
She turned her head to glance over at the large Yakuza.
“Hello.” She greeted him simply. “And what do I owe the pleasure of being in your presence?”
Kaoru just cracked a small smile at her, the yakuza gesturing to the chair in front of her. “May I sit?”
“You’re asking me like I have a choice? That’s funny.” (Your name) looked Kaoru up and down. “Take a seat.”
Kaoru chuckled and sat in front of her, the scarred man admiring her beauty. “You’re even prettier up close…”
“Always with the flatteries.” (Your name) chuckled as she took a sip of her hot beverage. “So what can I do for you? Or are you simply a moth drawn to my flame?”
Kaoru smirked, an itch stirring in his loins. She’s been a bit feisty as of late and he loved it. He liked that she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind to him. He found it even more attractive.
“So what if I am drawn to your flame?” Kaoru huskily whispered, his eyes wide when he saw the ring was no longer on her finger. That simple band of metal was gone…
(Your name)’s noticed Kaoru’s focus on her hand, the woman smiled at him. “You have quite an observant eye. I filed for divorce.”
Kaoru could hear the sadness in her laugh when she chuckled, his heart ached for her. The yakuza hesitantly taking her hand in his to give it a firm squeeze.
(Your name) gave him a soft smile. “So soon I will be a single woman. Hopefully that doesn’t make the chase boring to you.”
Kaoru’s heart thumped on his chest, a fire ignited in his soul. “No… no it doesn’t.”
(Your name) and Kaoru sat at the table, completely lost in their own world together. Neither one looked away from the other. This was the start of a new chapter… she just hoped she wouldn’t regret this decision.
Jack finally made his way into the home, the blonde grumbled when he smacked his head on the door. He was a lot taller since the last time he’s been here, but hopefully (your name) wouldn’t mind too much.
It’s been strange lately. She hasn’t come to any of his fights nor has she texted him. So he decided to hurry it up and come home to check on her.
Jack slowly made his way into the living room, his eyes narrowed when he noticed the wedding pictures weren’t up. Why were they taken down?
Jack made his way into their room, the room now bare save for the few items of his he left behind a few months ago when he was last here.
“(Your name)?” Jack’s voice quietly rung out throughout the house. But there was no response… why was it so quiet?
Jack began to open all the doors but there was no sign of her. Where was she? She always replied right away to him?
“(Your name)?” Jack went into the kitchen, his eyes wide at the wilted sunflowers and honey suckles on the dining room table. A big white envelope in front of it… but what caught his eye the most was the small gold ring that sat on top of it.
Jack snatched up the ring in shock. (Your name) never took off her ring… never. Had something horrible happened to her? Was she okay?
Jack tore open the envelope, his hands trembled at the contents inside… (your name) wanted a divorce… a divorce?
Jack took a seat at the table, the reality setting in. (Your name) had finally given up on him. She left him… but she had promised to never leave him even though he was difficult.
Jack reached for his phone and dialed her number. The dial tone only built up more distress in him as he waited for her to pick up.
“Hello? This is (Your name).” The giggle on the other end of the line gave him a moment of relief..
“(Your name)? Where are you-“
“I’m not able to reach the phone right now so please leave me a message. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Bye bye.” The relief was gone just like she was. Jack could only tremble as he sat at the table.
The blonde rose up from the table. His hands repeatedly dialing her number again. He wouldn’t give up. Jack made his way to the box full of pictures. His fingers fondly traced over her smiling face.
Each call went straight to voicemail now rather than the cute dial tone. Had she blocked him? Why would she do that….
Was there someone else now? Is that why she left?
Jack sighed, he was going to have to find her… and this time. He wouldn’t give her so much freedom.
He thought if he kept her at a distance, it’d keep her safe but he was a fool. The safest place for her was beside him.
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whimsical-roasting · 11 months
okay just imagine being friends with colin and jamie being like slightly jealous
okay so i’m thinking about doing like a psych major!reader who shadows Dr Sharon at the football club for experience and ends up having a thing with Jamie... like Jamie asks for her to tutor him on psych knowledge and being a better person and ofc they lowkey fall for each other but don’t know it... 
ANYWAYS AROUND THAT PLOT LINE... the reader and Colin end up as bffs (lowkey spoilers for Colin’s info in s3?).. also my bestie is @sokkigarden and i love and appreciate her support
okay, so reader is shadowing Dr Sharon and Colin is so nice that he consents to her sitting in on the session since Dani was a bit too traumatised to have any silent observers 
she doesn’t speak and tries not to make too much eye contact but when they do lock eyes, she gives him a soft smile, and he returns it
after the session, now only 3 people know Colin’s gay... him, her, and Dr Sharon. when she catches his eye at the end of the session, she does a little lock and key motion to her lips as if to say ‘my lips are sealed, promise’ with a soft smile, and he smiles and nods
the reader is usually extroverted and chatty but remains professional - not really interacting with the boys unless necessary (obvi Ted won’t have any of it, but that’s a diff point) so Colin isn’t too fussed about her...plus, she seems genuinely nice
in the next couple of weeks, the reader bumps into Colin in the hallway and goes, “oh!! Colin, I was out on the weekend and saw this and thought of you, so um, here :))” and nervously passes him a small pocketbook of affirmations since Dr Sharon instructed him to reaffirm “I am a strong and capable man”
he grins and thanks her, and then BOOM, they’re now good friends. he offers to drop her home when her Uber cancels, and they blast Taylor Swift and rap to Drake 
now fast forward a while when Jamie asks the reader to tutor him in psych/therapy, and it is a funny exchange:
Jamie: you’re uh, good at this psych shit huh?
Reader: uhh, you mean the 4+ years I’ve dedicated to this degree? Yea, I kinda hope I’m good at this psych shit
Jamie: can you help me do better at therapy?
Reader: um,, therapy is more of a personal thing.. you kinda do better yourself
Jamie: oh, then what do you do :/
Reader: -_-
Jamie:  no no, I didn't mean it like that, fuck sorry
Reader: I can tell you about tools and theories that can HELP YOU help yourself 
Jamie: yea yea.. that. let's do that, I want that
Reader: this isn't a drive thru, Tartt, you can't just ask like it's a dollar menu
anyways,, she agrees bc experience yea totally it’s the resume experience and not cause he has a cute thinking face and emotional intelligence is hot or anything like that
so they’re like a month in with this whole ‘tutoring’ thing and she’s at his place and he notices a childish bracelet on her wrist.. he seems to notice a lot about her but he tells himself it’s cause he’s getting more self-awareness (lmao dumbass, SELF-awareness has nothing to do with HER hair, eyes, and new accessories but sure)
okay the next day in the locker room, he sees Colin w the same bracelet??? so he asks and Colin’s all like, “it’s a friendship bracelet, boyo!” and Jamie just kinda nods not replying before they head out onto the pitch
next time he and the reader are tutoring he asks why she and Colin are wearing the same bracelet thingy...she tells him it’s a friendship thingy and she made it for the both of them.... Jamie just kinda stares and goes ‘where’s mine.’ 
she blinks at him and tilts her head, “are we friends?” and his mouth falls open “we’re fuckin not???” he questions, slightly offended. and she’s all like “no no, ofc we are... but maybe just not friendship bracelet level friends” 
Jamie fights back a pout, but there’s a crease in the middle of his brows and she wants to lean forward to flatten it with her thumb but fights the urge
there’s silence for a moment...
“when you upgradin meh?”
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Mayaaaa! I have been stalking you @lotusmi @multiversebaddie @blushydior and someone else I forgot their tag, I think they deactivated 😞 for a long time and you guys helped me so much 😝😝but I am sending this to you because u r the most active right now I believe but I got into the void state and shifted Using these blogs !
You guys all like Neville and say work on faith so I used lotus detailed posts, she’s an angel! And same with multi, I used her faith and Neville posts and combined with what I learned from lotus without over consuming since that’s a problem in the community. Then I used your intention reprogramming method I saw in your lucid guide and focused on faith and no methods! Just intention and it worked faster and more easy than any other method I tried for months. I did everything from meditations to Sunni method to 10k affirmation challenge to the Bambi challenge and nothing worked better than faith, neville, and intent.
I also used blushydior/Bambi’s @rosellesworkshop and @fleurx post to help create better habits for myself instead of crying but not doing anything. Sometimes all it takes is aesthetics to motivate you to stop crying and get off your lazy bum and get your dream life !!! I’m so angry it took me this long and 8 blogs to decide I was tired of my life and I deserve better. But I got here 😙 that’s all that matters
I manifested and revised
being 22, to 17 again because I lost my childhood to abuse but I still wanna be a grown
Become a successful drop-shipper and having a six figure stream of income. I have been broke forever so I’m going to get more and I’m so estatic to soon be a multi millionaire at 18
I’m going to start modeling and received an email from img modeling company that they are happy to have me in their agency
Desired face and body. Think Bella Hadid’s body but Taylor hills face but with my own twist because I wanted to be original
Acceptance to Columbia even though before the void state I failed high school and was definitely about to flunk out of college
Good self concept to makeup for all the times I’ve been broken and knocked down. I will never feel like that again
Perfect family, which was damn dysfunctional before the void
Dream apartment. My dad bought me an apartment in New York for college and it’s 6k a month but he payed the first year off and is giving me an allowance of 15k a month
Being a nepo baby and revised my treacherous past that I will never acknowledge again. It’s the soft princess life from now on forward
Also reading @voidsuccess encouraged me a lot because I promised myself I would stop at nothing to become the next post. I’m so happy I can say I committed to myself and promise 😇😇
Omg idk how I missed this earlier this is amazing! Yes girl periodt 💅 keeping it simple fun and easy will always benefit you at the end. And I’m also obsessed with all the users you tagged as well congrats 🎉 you deserve this and moreee 😭😭
I think this is my current fav success story wtf this is amazing. Ty for telling us your method bb, and periodt on the easy princess soft life !! literally same it’s what we deserve 💗
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caycaysdiamond · 2 years
Calling the housewardens your "lil meow meow".
Sooo self indulgent, I call Leona my lil meow meow all the time and I just had to wonder his reaction <3 he is my baby girl fr <3!!! Expanded to the housewardens because I think it would be funny to call ‘em that. Established relationship, cringe writing, mushy fluffy lovesick writing
Riddle Rosehearts
Firstly, do NOT call this man any pet names in public he will combust! Riddle is a very private person, not a huge fan of PDA or being too lovey-dovey in front of people.
Anyways! I’d imagine you’d only call him this after your relationship has been established more and Riddle is more used to intimacy with you. He’s never been in a relationship before you (no shocker) and would like to take it slow.
Imagine the scene: you’re cuddling, Riddle’s the little spoon because he’s had a particularly stressful day. You’re holding him tightly, whispering sweet little affirmations…
“Tomorrow will be a better day, my lil meow meow,” You say, giggling.
Riddle.exe stopped working???
He’s as red as the roses in the garden!
It’s not that Riddle wasn’t used to your little pet names by now but what the HELL was a lil meow meow ???
What happened to darling, love, sweetheart?
You gotta explain to him it’s a meme and endearing! You’re just calling him as cute as a kitten <3
He accepts it but the redness of his face isn’t going down anytime soon.
Dear reader, he will never get used to that pet name so use it sparingly unless you want a broken boyfriend all the time.
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Leona Kingscholar
It’s so fitting for him, huh? Couldn’t resist yourself could you, dear reader?
It’s okay cause nor could I.
His reaction is silence. Just plain silence. You could see the speech bubble of just a period of ellipses if you really tried.
He’s blinking and you, you’re blinking at him. We’re playing the blinking game!
Leona isn’t mad, per se, nor is he as embarrassed as Riddle. I feel like he would also know the origin of the whole lil meow meow meme.
He’s more like ???? what was the reason?
You’re still sitting in silence btw. I feel like you would have to break that silence. He’s not entertaining you, he knows your game.
“You don’t like it, Leona?” :(((
He thinks it’s time for you both to take a nap, and go to sleep... Again! You’re obviously still tired, reader if you think the Leona Kingscholar is cute enough to be called “lil meow meow”.
New flash he is cute enough to be called lil meow meow <3
And honestly … Leona, baby, you’re a literal cat. The pet name fits!
“Lil meow meow.”
The pet name stays and if you pay close enough attention, whenever you say it just the slightest bit of a smile can be seen on Leona’s face.
He’s only soft and cute for you, after all.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Reader stop breaking your boyfriends, this is really mean!
Azul is working as usual. You sit near him and work on whatever schoolwork you have, sometimes talking and ranting about your day. He listens, of course, occasionally nodding along or offering his input.
But today you’re feeling playful and flirty! You slip in the lil meow meow after one of your usual pet names for your lover.
“Am I your lil meow meow?” He’ll ask. His face will be the brightest shade of pink and he’ll probably have dropped his pen at this point.
He’s gonna bury his hands in his face, you’re not seeing him this flustered over just a pet name! Not for free.
Oh, he’s so fun to tease. Keep calling him it, he’ll be as red as Riddle’s hair.
Please for the love of god do NOT let the Leech twins find out about this little pet name you tease him with.
He’ll never live it down, the twins will never stop calling him it randomly.
Azul will be telling them what needs to be done in the lounge today and all of a sudden,
“Of course, lil meow meow.” - Jade, wearing that signature smirk of his.
GAH !!!
Reader for his sake be careful with this pet name.
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Kalim Al-Asim
You’re definitely just using it randomly as a greeting. The minute you see Kalim that day you’re just like, “Hi, my precious lil meow meow handsome snookums.”
Kalim is just :D!!!!
“Hi (enter the most love sick pet names here)!!!!!”
Okay, I’m over exaggerating but you two are disgustingly in love. NRC’s sweetheart couple.
If Grim is with you he’s fake gagging!! Get him out of here rn!!
If anyone else is around, the reaction is a mix of “ew”, “damn I want what they have”, “god they’re so cute”, “GROSS!!!”
You two have a habit of bouncing between many, many different pet names. So you pulling out a new one was nothing new.
And you guys use them, whenever, wherever.
Kalim may actually acknowledge that you’ve never called him that.
He probably really like it! Especially when you say it’s because he’s just so cute like a little kitty :>!
Expect him to use it for you too now!
Mutually you are lil meow meow’s <3
(I’m gagging)
Jamil is so tired of you two!!
Please for the sake of his sanity (and NRC not burning to the ground) limit yourself to one pet name per sentence per HOUR.
But yea…not much to say on Kalim’s reaction other than he’ll love it.
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Vil Schoenheit
It’s hard for me to imagine even when you would drop this name on him.
Maybe you’re doing one of your usual spa days in his room and you sneak it in.
Or you’re alone in a classroom before the housewardens meeting, before anyone else showed up.
Regardless of when or where you decided to try it out. He’s not feeling this one, dear reader.
It’s funny and a bit cute, he’ll admit, but umm no.
His reaction is just a straight face and a small hum.
There’s also an awkward silence between you saying it and him even acknowledging what was said.
He might ask you why you decided to use it, I’d imagine he’d already know its meme origins.
“Just wanted to see your reaction.”
“Are you satisfied?” A small sigh escaped his lips.
Well, are you?
No matter if you got your few seconds of satisfaction or not, it’s already in the past.
I can’t imagine Vil being a big fan of a lot of pet names in general. He has a few that he really likes that you use and that’s it.
Try something else next time <3
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Idia Shroud
There’s two ways I can see this going and it depends on how far in your relationship you two are.
If you’re early in your relationship: he’s a mess.
You cannot keep getting away with doing this to these boys !!!
He’s stuttering.
His hair is a vivid pink.
He’s trying to hide his face in his jacket because that’s also a vivid pink.
He can’t even try to hide his embarrassment.
He’s malfunctioning!
And you’re just laughing! You’re enjoying this? Seeing your boyfriend turn into a puddle of mush?
If you’re further along in your relationship, he’s turning it around and teasing YOU.
“I can’t believe you used such a cringe ass pet name for me, normie. Did you think I was gonna be embarrassed?”
Idia, the tips of your hair is pink and your cheeks are too.
You two are playfully arguing about it 1) not being cringe 2) him actually being embarrassed.
He’s gonna call you it back within the argument too and you’re like ??:??/?/?
Oh, you want cringe? He’s gonna give you cringe.
“Sorry, my discord kitten. Couldn’t help myself.”
He’s giving you that cocky little grin he occasionally has.
Throw a pillow at him and take him off his high horse, reader.
Then hit him with another pet name that you know will give you a flawless victory.
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Malleus Draconia
You guys were doing one of your nightly walks around the campus. Hand in hand, you both were talking about your day and plans for tomorrow.
You’re gonna have to explain to him the origins of this peculiar pet name and also explain to him what a meme even is. He’s amused at the fact you think he’s “as cute as a kitten” and “simply adorable”.
He’s never been described as adorable and cute before (at least not by anyone that wasn’t Lilia lmao)
Child of man, have you no fear? Calling the Malleus Draconia cute? Ofc you don’t, he is cute. He loves how casual you are with him, not afraid to tease him, and treat him normally.
For the rest of your walk, you swear his voice is just a bit higher and the grip on your hand a bit tighter. He takes a longer path back to Ramshackle. He wants to stay in this moment for as long as possible.
Just like Kalim, he’s probably gonna turn around and use lil meow meow on you.
Just as you’re about to return back into Ramshackle for the night, “Have a good night, my lil meow meow.”
You: !!!???;!!.!!.!/!/!/!!/!.!.!
“Child of man, are you alright?” He’s smirking while saying that, knowing his effect on you already.
Assure him that you’re fine and really, really sleepy before he tries to tease you anymore!
I swear that night Grim heard you scream into your pillow and kick your feet up and down, sighing ever so dramatically at the end of it.
His henchman is weird…
Oh, and don’t think Lilia didn’t notice Malleus the moment he walked through the doors of Diasomnia. His whole demeanor was different from the way he left earlier and a beautiful smile was on his face.
“Ohoho seems like someone had a good walk.”
Lilia will surely tease him about it in the morning but for now, he just enjoys how absentmindedly Malleus starts his lovesick rambles about you.
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memoriesndew · 8 days
How to be More Confident
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Set Realistic Goals: Set attainable goals for yourself and strive towards achieving them. Success fosters confidence, so even minor successes can increase your self-esteem.
Be Kind to Yourself: Practice self-love. Recognize your qualities and accomplishments, but avoid dwelling on perceived flaws or failings. Positive Self-Talk: Be mindful of your internal conversation and fight negative self-talk. Replace self-doubt with affirmations and positive reinforcement. Remind yourself of your strengths and successes. Use Affirmations it really helps.
Accept Failure as Learning: Recognise that failure is a normal element of growth and learning. Instead of concentrating on mistakes, consider the lessons they teach and use them as opportunities for growth.
Step out of your comfort zone and attempt something new. Every time you test your limits, you gain vital experience and confidence in your talents.
Practice Confidence-Building Activities: Participate in activities that will enhance your confidence, such as public speaking, performing arts, or sports. The more you practise, the more assured you will feel. I used to be so shy about sports and so self-conscious but then I started to embrace exercising and sports and when I began enjoying them I wasn't so conscious and shy about it anymore. so be consistent in those activities.
Dress the Part: How you dress and groom yourself can have a huge impact on how you feel about yourself. Dress in clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable in your own skin. Dress how you feel or feel how you dress whatever you do affects your confidence and if you dress properly and put in effort you can feel so much better just looking at yourself in the mirror. Seek input and Accept Compliments: Ask for input from others and utilize it constructively to develop yourself. Accept praises and internalize positive comments to boost your self-esteem. Please don't reject all compliments I understand there a some you can be uncomfortable with but sometimes its ok to just say thanks and move on, also don't be dependent on compliments to make you feel good.
By adopting these suggestions into your daily routine, you can establish an affable demeanour and gain the confidence required to succeed in a variety of social and professional situations. Remember, this is a journey, so be patient with yourself and appreciate your accomplishments along the way.
bye for now my dew drops....
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internerdionality · 6 months
And just to be clear, it wasn't just Izzy's death or the way it happened that I found incredibly disappointing about that finale. For that matter, while there were some great moments, the entire season felt rushed and incomplete, with a lot of decisions that just baffled me.
The Olu/Zheng/Jim/Archie polycule got no resolution whatsoever and just felt crappily done. It felt like Jim and Olu transitioned from romantic to platonic between seasons and then got shoved at new love interests, instead of actually grappling with the interesting poly dynamics, jealousy, NRE, insecurity, etc., that they could have engaged with. And to be clear I LOVED every moment of Olu/Zheng and Jim/Archie! But it felt like the show didn't believe you can have meaningful romantic relationships with multiple people at the same time, so they had to make it as if Jim and Olu's romantic sexual encounter at the end of last season didn't mean anything and that the two of them are perfectly happy being chosen siblings. This after Oluwande is explicitly described as in love with Jim in the first season! WTF?
It also felt like they just abandoned Lucius and Pete being poly in favor of having a cutesy wedding? Like don’t get me wrong, yay for weddings, but honestly it felt very mononormative and forced instead of queer and affirming. Even if Lucius had like, kissed Fang on the lips right after, or if they'd had more affection shown between the whole crew during the wedding, that would have been something. It just felt off.
Zheng felt like a wasted character by the end. Her just letting Ricky know where all her ships were was unbelievable for how competent and badass they made her out to be, and literally her only impact on the plot was serving as a vehicle to drive Stede from place to place. Also just killing off her entire crew other than Auntie? Hundreds of mostly Asian women? Yeah, that's not a good look.
Why did they feel the need to destroy the Republic of Pirates, for that matter? What actual plot or emotional growth did it create? At the end of Episode 7, I expected Stede to have to grapple with how he's managed to not just bring down Blackbeard but the *entire Republic of Pirates* and *the Pirate Queen of China* to add to his whole "I ruin beautiful things" trauma and instead he just doesn't seem to care at all. Like how did he get from all of his trauma and grief about being inadequate in the first season—the actual trauma that led him to leave Ed in the first place—to "oh, it's not so bad being a failure once you get used to it"?!?! Throughout the season I kept thinking that he was repressing and it would come back up to bite him in the ass but no, apparently he just fixed that issue offscreen? What the hell?
And it was the same with Ed! After all that build up in the first season about how Ed doesn’t like to kill people directly—and maintaining that through the first two episodes, even, which was hard! We never see him directly kill anyone! The guy he shot had already been run through!—he’s literally joking while surrounded by corpses he killed and the show barely addressed the trauma that the character we knew would have experienced. Just a completely dropped note. What happened to Ed's self-hatred that they spent an entire dream sequence episode establishing?
Ed and Stede’s actual conflicts and problems just basically disappeared at the end, with a “oh I actually do love you, babe” glossing over Ed’s very legit reasons for leaving and then Stede (apparently?!?) being convinced to give up piracy without a second of screen time spent discussing it. If felt like they were actually setting them up to just be the toxic lesbians from episode four, how is that a satisfying finale? I honestly would have rather had them end the season apart again, but this time knowing they love each other and they have to do some work to get back to each other. Like, Stede sailing into the sunset after kissing Ed and promising to come back and Ed going "i trust that you will, thank you for giving me the space I need to heal"—that would have been a satisfying place to leave them.
And then Izzy's death... don't get me fucking started on what a complete waste of screen time and acting that was. Wow.
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