You don't have to do what you don't like and makes you feel bad. Yes. This applies to so many things. Just think about it.
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heavenangelly · 3 months
Say yes
Do you want that guy/girl? They’re yours. Do you want to lose 50kgs in one day? You’ve already lost it. Do u want to be the most drop dead gorgeous person out there? You’re already them. Do you want to get transferred 30 million dollars right now? The moneys already there.
Manifesting is meant to be light hearted. Yes, sometimes some situations may seem stressful, but when you realise it can be solved instantly from imagination, the problem is gone. When manifesting, you’re not meant to struggle. You’re not meant to cry or whatever. It’s meant to be F U N.
When manifesting something, I notice I naturally say no to things that may seem impossible or something I really want to happen. And then the doubt will come in and I’d stop manifesting it. But as the god/creator of my reality, it literally can be yes. If I want it, why can’t I have it? I’m the only person saying no.
Everything is from you. So nothing cant be a yes unless you say it’s a no. YOU CREATE.
Never bar self. Never say no to yourself. If you want it, claim it as yours and don’t gaf what anyone else says or what the mirror is showing you. This is literally YOUR WORLD. Stop limiting yourself and instead be limitless. You’re literally the creator, the god of your reality. Learn to say yes to yourself. Learn to make yourself happy regardless of how “impossible” or “unrealistic” these things are. Because, who cares? If it makes you happy or it’s something you really want, SAY YES.
Don’t say no.
Say YES.
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pixel8or · 2 months
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etherealkissed88 · 5 months
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“ive been persisting for a year and my 3d still hasnt conformed!” 𓆩✧𓆪
stop TRYING to get shit in the 3d! trying will not get you anywhere but experiencing more trying! remember the 3d reflects self! if you are assuming/being the one who is trying and waiting for shit to conform then what do u expect? more of that will reflect…
𓆩★𓆪 if you have been “persisting for a year,” i can assure you two things:
thing 1: you were persisting in what you dont want/fears/doubts & identifying w them
thing 2: you were not being the version of you who already has it / you were not being in the state of the wish fulfilled
thing 1: persisting in what you dont want/fears/doubts: you can have all the doubts you want, but when you identify w them / persist in them, then you flop. when u assume/do techniques, you are choosing to identify as another version of you. key word = identify ->
if i identify as the version of me who is living my dream life, does it make sense to look at a doubt and identify w it? or assume the doubt has bad meaning? no. it makes sense that i move on from it bc i already identified as the one who has it. the doubt is just there, neutral.
continuing to identify w the version of you who has it regardless of the 3d
= persisting
= applying the law
persisting = continuing to hold an idea or identity as true even when you manifest it, you will still be persisting in it because you will continue to hold it as fact. you are always persisting in something.
𓆩★𓆪 “how to not identify w a doubt?”
1) move on from it. focus on something else. ur only job is to assume it in the 4d only. if you feel lack, dont panic, feel the doubt & when ur ready, change self/states theres no need to push urself into anxiety. ur desire isnt going anywhere. relax.
2) identify as the one who has it. when u truly identify as the one who has it, any doubt would seem worthless.
𓆩★𓆪 “how to identify w it?”
assume that is ur identity already in imagination. its a simple decision. techniques are there to help to so use them to satisfy yourself in imagination, not to see 3d change. i say this because you need to get out of this 3d trap ->
3d trap = you assume you have something & feel good and then when you look at the 3d, you let that make you feel like shit
solution: know the 3d is always neutral and only you add meaning to it + know the 3d literally reflects imagination + focus on satisfying ur inner self only
thing 2: not being the version of you who already has it / not being in the state of the wish fulfilled. state of wish fulfilled = you know you have it already (in imagination); nothing in the 3d can change that
there are infinite versions of you (rich you, broke you, sexy you, business woman you, 100k followers you, annoying you). your job (or should i call it privilege) is to choose one version of you and identify with it in imagination and boom its done.
1. choose the version of you that you want to be
2. identify w it in imagination (via techniques to satisfy your inner self)
3. know its a fact because you just experienced it in the real reality (imagination aka inner self)
4. know any fake illusions of reality (3d) are neutral
𓆩★𓆪 in summary, if you are aware of it not reflecting after persisting for 100 years, you are saying that your senses & 3d mean more than inner self (even tho the 3d is a reflection of inner self). stop forgetting that it is all neutral. it is all inner self reflecting! CHANGE SELF!
𓆩★𓆪 the 3d is a form of inner self so it makes common sense to go to the source and change self (imagination). idc about how long youve been persisting bc if you were rly doing ur job and assuming it in imagination, you would know you are god who has whatever she claims in an instant.
from my sexy twitter thread (click da rainy cloud): 🌨️
kisses, jani 𓆩★𓆪
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ninasrestart · 5 months
Hey, you. You're too pretty.
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Seriously though? why do you always end up mogging everyone near you? You look like a real life goddess! You make models look bad and I am not even exaggerating. Your whole body is the epitome of perfection, those pretty eyes, that cute nose, with that juicy, sexy, perfect lips make people look back TWICE or more at you. You just keep on getting prettier every. single. day. Like holy shit, are you even real? No, actually? your beauty enhances literally every second and it's just so, so pleasing to look at. I could look at you forever and still want to take another look. I just don't get how pretty one can be, my standards increase rapidly just by looking at you, and tell me, is that my fault? is that my fault that I feel this way when i look at you? because, I, I really cant control how i feel when I look at you, I love the way you smile, your voice, the way your lips move when you speak, I love the way your eyes shine under the bright moon. You look like a cigarettes after sex song and you put every plastic surgeon to shame because they can never, never make someone look as pretty as you. You just are a big earth shattering ball of beauty, aren't you?
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nailisaa · 7 months
a small law of assumption guide (+ results)
3d = physical reality, senses, etc.
4d = imagination
1. choose what you want.
- STOP limiting yourself. you can manifest the “craziest”, most “illogical” thing ever.
2. assume it’s yours.
to assume means to ACCEPT as true. fulfill your desire within imagination and know that you have what you want there.
3. persist. 
persistence means “continuance despite difficulty or opposition.”
don’t get discouraged by anything that happens and remind yourself it’s in imagination.
- you manifest it all the same way!! the same way you would manifest a penny, is the same way that you manifest $1B.
- don’t worry about how you will get it! life will take care of itself and it will come straight to you
- “why isn’t it here yet” because that’s what you’re accepting as true. let go of the idea of time because it isn’t real. decide you have it NOW and have faith in your decision.
- once imagined, it is true, you experienced it.
- if you ever see the word “feeling,” feeling = acceptance. to feel means to accept. don’t confuse it with emotion.
recent success:
the only reason im squeezing this in is bc i told y’all i have stories i haven’t posted… i need to get rid of them, im tired of scrolling through my 49472993 drafts
found/reunited with 2 online friends i hadn’t talked to in 3 years. we used to play video games together but they literally disappeared (theres a longer backstory for this, if you wanna hear lmk but i’m too lazy to write it rn cause it’s a lot😭)
manifested a weird guy off the train literally right away☠️ i swear there’s so many creeps in my city…
i broke out again so i’m currently manifesting that shit away, it’s going well!
a lot of compliments!
i lost 7 pounds :)
that’s all u need to know, go apply bestie!
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tianas-gems · 24 days
imo, i don't really like when people say "if you had your desire, how would you feel?" it's not an if. something that helped me is changing the if to since.
since you have your desire, how do you feel?
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Stop settling for what the 3d shows you
Lately I've realised that I've been just settling for what the 3d has been showing me. I've been feeling unmotivated about loa and manifesting, and I should've realised it's because I've just been conforming with what the 3d shows me even tho it's not what I have in my 4d.
I've been letting my circumstances in the 3d limit my 4d and what is possible and what is not which is so so stupid because I know that I have the power to control literally everything in my life.
I've been lazy and instead of changing self in the 4d I've just been adapting it to what the 3d has been showing me when I could've just decided I have exactly what I want already.
So moral of the story? Don't be as lazy as me kids, all you gotta do is decide. The 3d doesn't mean shit.
Dearly, Anastasia🎀
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littlepandaaa · 1 year
Try night revision if you had a really bad day
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I remember reading in a deleted @rosellesworkshop post that she used to affirm that regardless of everything she kept all her thoughts on check at the end of the day.
Sorry if I'm misremembering, but the post has been deleted, so i can't fact check it
I think that this is a wonderful idea, to use revision at the end of the day, specially if you had a bad day of focusing too much on the things happening in the 3d and you feel frustrated by it.
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“Night after night you should assume the feeling of being, having and witnessing that which you seek to be, possess, and see manifested. Never got to sleep feeling discouraged or dissatisfied. Never sleep in the consciousness of failure".— Neville Goddard
Neville always talks about the importance of going to bed with the wish fulfillment, not matter what happened during the day, not matter how much we "sinned" aka living in a state that we do not desire, to always go back to the state of wish fulfillment before going to sleep.
“Your subconscious, whose natural state is sleep, sees you as you believe yourself to be, and whether it be good, bad or indifferent, the subconscious will faithfully embody your beliefs.”— Neville Goddard
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"No matter what, today i kept all my thoughts on check"
Affirm that , but most importantly, you have to go to sleep knowing that not matter what you did during the day, you did everything right and nothing can ruin it.
Whatever you want it's already yours, just feel the feeling of already having it, already living it.
Forget what happened during the day, how does it feel to live you dream life? How do you feel now that you already have all the things you always wanted? Feel those feelings before going to sleep.
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vesora · 1 year
all you got to do is sit there and look pretty: loa edition
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DISCLAIMER: this was written before a series of realisations, the main point still stands but the subconscious mind does not exist. it is simply awareness. let go and let god.
one thing i have noticed, even in myself, is that we have this need to keep doing something. i need to keep affirming, i need to keep forcing myself into a state, i need to keep focusing on my thoughts or else it won’t manifest. all these thoughts have a common link, a fear of not manifesting, or rather, the 3D not conforming. 
it’s not our fault. we have been primed to think this way. work this hard and you’ll get (x). this is not the way it’s supposed to be. with the law, we break free. 
i need you to know that it’s okay if you’re consciously not thinking from your desire all the time. it’s okay that you don’t feel okay with entering another state if this one is too traumatic for you. relax and know the you on the outside, does not manifest.
who manifests then?
our inner self; our subconscious mind. our subconscious mind is us, but unlike our conscious selves, it is also the Universal Mind, meaning it knows all, it has all knowledge and power stored inside it. our job is to give the subconscious mind a job. as the conscious mind, we hold the key to decide to let what the subcon should manifest and not. we are the guard, we don’t manifest. 
all we really have to do is be still and let God, and by God i do not mean some external being, i mean our subconscious mind; our true self. letting go and detaching doesn’t mean you will stop caring about what you’re manifesting, it simply means that you know that the subconscious will handle it for you. because the subconscious IS you, it’s a robot that only listens to YOUR command. it cannot be influenced by any other force. 
for the past few days, when i made the unfavourable circumstances post, i was feeling so incredibly awful. i felt i had no reason to live, because i thought me as the conscious sora, was responsible for changing my life. while that is true to an extent, all i have to do is give an order. i told my subconscious mind that night to fix everything for me because i was tired and the next day, all the things that were causing me distress got solved. the next day i had an even better day, because the subconscious really fixed the things causing me stress. life was peaceful again.
it was then i realised that i have been too attached with doing things right, when all i had to do was sit there and look pretty while my subconscious does the work. 
another success happened just now! my browser froze and i didnt save this post. i panicked for a second then i was like “sora you just wrote a post about your subcon fixing things”; so i told my subcon “hey man fix this pls” and it did! lol browser is back to normal which is how ur seeing this post rn
what if my subconscious doesn’t listen?
anything that happens regarding these things is a direct reflection of you. inner creates outer, not the other way around. so, any failure is not because the technique failed, it’s because you haven’t changed self yet. and what changes self? persistence. you must keep persisting because the subconcious HAS NO CHOICE but to listen to you. if it ‘doesn’t’, DON’T ACCEPT IT. 
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And He said unto them, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him? And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee. I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth. And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Luke 11:5-9
in this verse that neville also referenced, we can see that the man did not give up. in fact, importunity means: the act of making intrusions, being unrelenting, consistent. unrelenting, he never took no for an answer. he kept going and going and going until the man decided to give him bread. do not take no for an answer. do not settle. even if the door seems shut, you will ALWAYS be the key to open it; there is no other choice. keep telling your subconscious mind that you are rich, you are beautiful, you are everything and your subconscious mind will have no choice but to reflect that onto the 3D because that is its job.
excerpt from power of awareness:
“THERE ARE three principal characters in this quotation, you and the two friends mentioned.
The first friend is a desired state of consciousness .
The second friend is a desire seeking fulfillment.
Three is the symbol of wholeness, completion.
Loaves symbolize substance.
The shut door symbolizes the senses which separate the seen from the unseen.
Children in bed means ideas that are dormant.
Inability to rise means a desired state of consciousness cannot rise to you, you must rise to it.
Importunity means demanding persistency, a kind of brazen impudence.
Ask, seek, and knock mean assuming the consciousness of already having what you desire.
Thus the scriptures tell you that you must persist in rising to (assuming) the consciousness of your wish already being fulfilled. The promise is definite that if you are shameless in your impudence in assuming that you already have that which your senses deny, it shall be given unto you – your desire shall be attained.”
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catherineaboutlife · 23 days
The success story of logging into the void state of my reader after two years of attempts: The “secret” that helped her
Disclaimer: I'm not a coach or anything like that and I'm not manifesting void state to anyone (because there's no need to) but I'm sharing my successful experience and opinion regarding void state and am very supportive and believer in people who share their void journey with me and ask me for advice. I never take responsibility for other people when it comes to void state, and I do not guarantee that my advice will help. I hope you understand me.
The other day, a reader of mine (she allowed me to share her story on my blog) wrote to me and asked for advice on what to do if she is unable to enter the void state, because every time she lies down and begins to affirm, she is enveloped in fear and begins to sabotage the entrance to the void.
Point A
She tried to enter the void state for two years. She used different methods, but nothing worked. During the day, she constantly thought that today she would definitely enter the void state, but when the moment came, she began to be afraid or simply fell asleep.
What exactly was she beginning to fear? The unknown that will remain in the void even after exiting the state. She was scared to enter this state and scared because she didn’t know what would happen after she left. When she tried to enter the void state, her brain immediately began to plunge into anxious thoughts and reflections. By doing so, she sabotaged her success.
Point B
An idea came to me that, in my opinion, could help her. And she really has this “secret” and just yesterday she entered the void and showed her desires (which ones, I don’t know)!
What's the "secret"?
Since during the day she mentally prepared herself for entering the void state, by the evening she had a lot of expectations and fears because she began to sabotage the entrance to the void state and procrastinate. I asked her to try to enter the void state at a time when she would not be ready for it at all. That is, try to enter the void not in the evening, when she already understands that something is about to happen, but at a moment when she is not ready at all. For example, during the day while reading a book. Just lie down and immediately start listening to a guided meditation or affirmation (whichever is more convenient). Not in the evening when she's ready, but during the day when she doesn't plan on trying it at all.
And it worked! She drank tea during the day and watched the news on TV and suddenly got up and went to the bedroom, where she immediately, without hesitation, began listening to a guided meditation and literally ten minutes later she consciously entered the void state!
Briefly about the “secret”
Try to enter the void state at a time when you did not intend to do so at all.
Why might this work? Because often, when you prepare yourself for this moment, you begin to worry and ultimately cannot relax and trust the process, which is why you simply sabotage your success.
URB: She has now written to me that a little later she will write a list of what she manifested from the void, so stay tuned for an update! I've added the list directly to this post.
I'm so happy for my reader who is now living the life of her dreams, and I hope her story inspires you to realize your success! Just do it. I believe in you!
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heavenangelly · 2 months
Why you keep on failing
The most simple answer is: your reliance on the 3d.
Bloggers can say multiple times that imagination creates the 3d and that you should just know you have it in imagination, but you, the student, will still not understand unless you APPLY.
It doesn’t matter how many posts we make, if you don’t understand and don’t have experience with actually applying, it will fall on deaf ears.
There is nothing that you are not currently seeing that isn’t accepted internally in imagination. The 3d is a mirror of you/imagination. It cannot show you what you aren’t in imagination.
You have to be willing to change. You have to WANT to be different. You can say you desire something, but do you actually? Enough to change? Enough to actually apply no matter what you see physically? Enjoy it within regardless of everything?
The law is SO simple it actually makes me laugh. But as soon as you look to the 3d for VALIDATION, you fail. YOU ARE THE VALIDATOR. YOU’RE GOD. YOU VALIDATE THE 3D. I don’t know how many times I have to say this, but if you don’t have it within, you never will have it. And if you’re not fulfilled / secure within with the fact you have it, even if it manifests, you’ll still assume failure.
What a lot of people also don’t understand is that imagination is INSTANT. It’s the only true reality, the reality that YOU create and then it’s reflected physically by the mirror/3d. Since it’s the real reality, you literally have manifested your desires. Instantly. If it’s in imagination, you have it.
I can say that and you’ll accept that it’s done in imagination, but then you’ll look at the 3d and ask where it is. Don’t do that😭😭. The 3d WILL conform, but you shouldn’t even notice the lack in the 3d when you have it in the real reality (imagination). You should be so fulfilled in imagination that you don’t actually care that the 3d hasn’t conformed yet.
Once you fully understand that you already have it (in imagination; the REAL reality) you literally don’t care abt the 3d. You literally already have it, so why would you care about the physical confirmation? You must rely on your imagination and yourself. I know some people are like, “but I want it in the 3d!!” THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN IMAGINATION AND THE 3D. It WILL come. It’s LAW.
You just have to rely on imagination more. Make it your heaven, your proof, your love. Practice manifesting and confidence within yourself and your ability to create. Know who you are.
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pixel8or · 9 months
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etherealkissed88 · 7 months
★ the whole point of law of assumption is that you already have it ★
imagine that you manifested that desire a week or a month ago. whenever you think about that desire, you would go straight into the happy or calm state / assumption that it's yours already...because it is yours already.
lets say i want $500k right now. i would be planning which stores i want to go to and which clothes i want to buy. i would feel happy asf and i would feel that feeling of already having $500k. i dont care how or when it will manifest bc i already know its mine now. i would feel fulfilled with this already manifested desire which is now my reality.
"why is it that your reality already if it isnt in the 3d?"
reality = imagination. therefore if i imagine something and accept it as true, it is my reality no matter what the copy machine 3d shows me. whatever happens in imagination is what is really happening. imagination is my identity. i identify as the girl who has $500k. the 3d's job is only to copy and paste who i am in imagination (the real reality) so, imagination is the source/the reality. why would i care about it being in the 3d if i know by law that it will reflect? i would rather feel fulfilled as the source than wait for a copy machine to show me, god, what i desire. i would rather give it to myself.
if i already manifested that $500k a week ago, i would automatically be excited asf thinking about all the shit i already bought w that $$$ and thinking about what im going to buy. i would prob imagine going to the store and feeling that feeling of financial freedom. i would feel the happiness of looking at something in the store and immediately putting it in my cart with no issues bc I ALREADY MANIFESTED MY $500k
feeling = knowing you have your desire
i would use whatever technique i want (visualization, affirming, scripting, etc). lets say i choose visualization: i would visualize walking to the store and feeling/knowing that i have all this money to spend. feeling doesnt mean emotions even though its fine that i naturally feel happy bc i know i have all this money. its also okay if i dont have any emotions or if i feel calm bc since i already have it, its normal to me to have $500k. do not force emotions. feeling does not equal emotions. i would then accept that visualization as true. i would decide/accept i have that $500k bc i just experienced the proof in the real reality, imagination. i would remind myself that whatever i assume/accept as true in imagination is reality, no matter whatever circumstances i see in the 3d.
"you got robbed of a huge sum of money. was that bad or good? well, let me ask you this: did it change the fact that your nature is being wealthy? no, it didnt. your identity, your I AM, is set in stone. its only your thoughts and your interpretation of your emotions and of the circumstances around you that distracts you from your Truth. whether you have millions in your bank account or literally 0 in savings, you ARE rich. you ARE wealthy. numbers do not define you. life does not define you."
i accepted that i have $500k already = i identify as the girl who has $500k. this is why the 3d never matters bc no matter what happens, i will always be the one who has it in imagination. "deny the senses" mean i shouldnt care about what the 3d shows me since imagination is the only reality. if my bank account shows me $0.50 instead of $500k, will i be sad and thinking that it didnt work? ofc not, i wouldnt give a fuck bc i still identify as the girl who already has $500k.
this is why knowing and fulfillment are important. i know i have $500k, i am fulfilled with that fact. whats important is the knowing: i know i have this desire because i just imagined it and imagination is the only true reality so imagining = experiencing.
"how do i know if im fulfilled?"
youve accepted the fact that its already yours. you dont care about the 3d and you dont get discouraged by it bc its already yours in imagination. you are not "trying" to get something that you already have. you naturally think thoughts/have beliefs that match with your state of having it.
to be fulfilled i simply decide i have it or visualize again for fun. since i already identified as the one who has $500k, any thoughts, doubts, circumstances that pass will not get any attention from me. i simply dont identify with them. i go back into imagination and remind myself of my real identity.
this is what law of assumption is: ASSUME YOU ALREADY HAVE IT! CREATION IS FINISHED. YOU ARE ALREADY IN BARBADOS. assume = accept something as final without [3d] proof. the only thing i should be accepting as final is having it in imagination.
if you already have it, how would you feel, what would you do, what would you think, what type of person would you identify as? visualize/affirm/script/etc. the point is that you already have it.
its not "going to happen". the moment u imagined it/decided it/accepted it as true, it ALREADY HAPPENED. thats part of understanding that imagination is the only true reality. imagination is so limitless: you do anything, anywhere, instantly.
there should not be any "when is it going to happen?" since you just experienced it...thinking like that means you arent fulfilled. simply fulfill yourself again bc returning to the state aka making it natural for you is how it shows up in the 3d, its not about how long youve stayed in the state.
make imagination your dream world by giving yourself exactly what you want. know thats the truth, identify as the one in imagiantion who has it (the real reality/the real you) and ignore/dont accept anything that tells you otherwise. stay true to imagination.
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ninasrestart · 5 months
You are GOD.
Dont you get it? You are the creator, you're everything, you can get everything you want this second. Right now, right here. Its not even that difficult. Just decide that you are/have it and boom! There it is. It might take you a bit to revolve your mind around it but once you do i promise you its going to be so easy. Quit praying to the universe, its YOU. Just tell yourself what it is that you desire and you'll have it that second.
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nailisaa · 9 months
once imagined, it’s done! that's all there is to it. the only reason you’re asking blogs “why isn’t it in the 3d” is because you don’t actually think imagination is the true reality despite us saying that it is. the 3d will do it’s thing on its own, there’s nothing else you need to do…
doubts, negative thoughts, negative emotions, etc. relating to your desire, do NOT belong in the state of wish fulfilled. if "it's done" then why are you upset that "it's not done"? if you're experiencing that you're simply not in it. and that's ok, all you have to do is let it pass and change your state.
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