#but i still find that the show isn't giving him the depth i want
heretherebedork · 7 months
Here we are, almost at the finish line, and for the life of me I still don't get it. They are all messed up, confused, broken people. So... Why so much Top hate? I mean, even if we considered what he did cheating, since when is cheating a high crime in bl? That have been actual crimes committed by characters in this show and that's apparently fine. So why can't Top shake whatever image people assigned to him 9 episodes ago?
I dunno. Honestly, I like Top more now than I did at the start but I'm still not super attached.
Top is interesting but I feel like a lot of that interesting is being held back for some reason?
But I will be clear that a lot of BL fans absolutely consider cheating to the be the Pinnacle of Worst Things Possible in most shows and most relationships. Cheating has long, long been a high crime in BL and is the cause of like 90% of miscommunications in shows based on misunderstandings and assumptions of cheating.
But in the context of Only Friends? Top's biggest issue for me isn't the cheating, it's that he... has this air of trying to be perfect all the time in a way that doesn't work and I don't find that interesting, honestly?
He and Mew spent the first half of the show basically trying to act out their own little romcom of a BL that didn't really fit the energy everyone else was bringing or that I was expecting from the show. And I now struggle to see how Top fits into the world and into these relationships.
Top has spent most of the series sort of... outside of everyone else and not just as in the actual friend group. He's the addict who basically claims to instantly shake his addiction, he's traumatized but in a way that doesn't seem to affect him too badly (the scene of not wanting to take the sleeping pills anymore was good but I need more than that), he's a top tier guy who doesn't do serious relationships but he only has one ex we hear about or meet and Boeing is the best trash ever but I can see why you might not wanna pursue a longterm relationship with him.
My views on Top have changed but at the core I just don't find him to be a super interesting character. He has had good scenes (all my favorite scenes of his are with Boston and Sand) and I wish we'd gotten more of him with the other characters and less of him with Mew. He plays off everyone else so well in terms of being more fully realized as a character.
I dunno. I'm not invested in TopMew as a couple because I think they were presented and then proceeded in a way that doesn't fit with the vibes of anyone else but also in a way that feels... shallow.
I could not explain to you why Top loves Mew. I couldn't explain why Mew loves Top. Because their love just feels like it was written Because They're A Branded Pair Of Actors.
I am struggling to put more words into this.
But definitely part of it is that Top is written as a kind of foil for Ray as well but in order to fulfill that role he has to be what Ray isn't while also being what Ray is (just like Boeing and Mew) and that means he has to have the addiction and the trauma but he has to have gotten past them (like Boeing has morals and understands maturity but has gotten past that and gone right into being trash but trash with morals).
There's a lot that goes into what makes people dislike characters or find them to be ones that just aren't as engaging or interesting and I think the show did Top and Mew a bit dirty in the relationship development by having them both trying from the start because they started trying before they got to know each other and then the show kind of FFed their getting to know each other bit while showing us deeper moments with the other couples.
Or at least that's how it felt to me.
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cherryrainn · 2 months
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; pairing ; adam x sinner! reader
; note ; request i got on wattpad!
; warnings ; none
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adam kicked back, watching the chaos unfold in hell from his lofty perch in heaven. it was like a twisted reality show, and he reveled in the spectacle of sinners tearing each other apart.
"get 'em, you filthy bastards!" he shouted, a wicked grin spreading across his face as the damned souls clashed in a violent dance of destruction. it was a symphony of chaos that resonated with the delight in his secretly twisted heart.
then, his gaze fixated on a particularly alluring sinner, you, who moved with a sinful grace. "damn, look at that hot piece of ass!" adam exclaimed, his eyes widening with carnal desire.
lute, who was standing next to him, dared to interrupt his reverie. "sir, what are you talking about?"
adam shot her an irritated look. "fuck you, bitch! can't you see i'm busy? get the fuck outta here!" he growled, waving her away.
lute rolled her eyes, muttering to herself as she retreated. "yes, sir. have your fun."
adam, still fixated on the enticing sinner, decided to kick things up a notch. with a snap of his fingers, he made whatever ethereal device he was using to watch hell follow the sinner, who happened to be you, into your home.
through a portal, adam descended into the depths of hell, ready to make a surprise entrance. as he materialized in your home, you were taken aback, thinking the extermination had started early.
"what the heck?!" you exclaimed, eyes wide with shock as you took in the unexpected intrusion. "is it over for me already?"
but adam, grinning with delight, reassured you, "fuck no!"
you eyed him cautiously, wondering what the hell was happening. "who are you, and how'd you get in here?"
adam's expression shifted, a mix of surprise and indignation crossing his features. "what the fuck do you mean, 'who am I'?" he retorted, his voice laced with offended arrogance. "i'm adam? the first fucking man? the big fucking cheese up in heaven! how do you not know who i am?"
you blinked, taken aback by his sudden outburst. "uh, sorry." you replied, trying to diffuse the tension.
adam scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "un-fucking-believable. you sinners don't know shit," he muttered under his breath, his ego bruised by your apparent ignorance.
you eyed adam cautiously, still trying to process the fact that the first man was standing in your living room. "anyway! you're hot!" he declared, his arrogance undeterred by your confusion.
"what?" you stammered, genuinely bewildered by the sudden change in tone.
adam leaned against your furniture, a smug grin on his face. "you heard me."
your skepticism was palpable. "are you even allowed here? aren't there like, rules?" you asked, your voice tinged with both caution and curiosity.
adam waved off your concern with a dismissive smirk. "rules? fuck the rules. i do what i want."
you furrowed your brows. "but, like, isn't that against the... heavenly code or... something?"
he groaned. "who gives a shit!? i'm here for a good time, not a long time."
and so began the surreptitious rendezvous between an angel and a sinner. during exterminations, adam would sneak away from his duties just to see you. you'd usually be hiding, fearing the consequences of being caught, but adam would always find you.
"chill out, y/n! it's just you and me," he'd whisper, his cocky grin never fading.
and against all odds, love began to take root, wrapping its tendrils around both celestial and damned hearts. It wasn't just a desire – it was a connection that ran deeper than the realms they inhabited.
yet, adam couldn't shake the knowledge that being in love with a sinner was wrong. he had entered your world just wanting to fuck around with some hot piece of shit, a way to spice up his boredom. but now, he found himself entangled in emotions he hadn't bargained for.
he was confused, he wanted to protect you..? to shield you from the eternal damnation that loomed over your head? 
he didn't just wanna fuck around with you – he wanted something more. he wanted you, all of you, body and soul. he wanted to be with you, to stand by your side against the forces that sought to tear you apart
and then, one fateful day, as he lounged in your humble abode, a sudden epiphany struck him like a bolt of lightning. 
"i wanna get you into heaven," he declared, his voice tinged with a newfound determination. "i don't give two shits about the rules anymore. maybe it's time for heaven to change."
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dandylovesturtles · 5 months
havin' all these Splinter and Leo thoughts. augh.
this is partly the fault of @/turtleblogatlast's post about Leo just wanting to make Splinter proud.
Seven days post-invasion, and Leo is feeling (relatively) pretty good. Sure, he's still on a truly ridiculous amount of painkillers and he can't walk two steps without collapsing, but he's able to stay awake and talk to his family and considering where he thought he would be right about now, well... that's everything.
So yeah, he's feeling pretty good. He just finished his lunch of soup and a protein shake, warm and a little drowsy while he listens to April talk about some of the more ridiculous conspiracy theories that have started spreading on the surface. Donnie's tinkering with one of his smaller inventions while he listens, Mikey is nestled in Raph's lap, and everything is calm and cozy in their makeshift medbay.
And then his dad walks in and says, "I would like to talk to Blue, please. Alone."
And suddenly Leo doesn't feel so good anymore.
"Aha, wait," he says quickly, reaching out and grabbing April's sleeve just before she rises from her chair. "Whatever it is, you can say it in front of everyone, right?"
Splinter shakes his head. "This is a conversation I think it is best we have in private." He makes a shooing motion at the others, and April pulls her sleeve from Leo's fingers with a helpless shrug.
"See ya in a few, Leo," she says, then walks out. The others look from Splinter, to him, then back to Splinter, and one by one they each get up and shuffle out, too, with their own hasty farewells.
Traitors, every single one of them.
The door closes, and Leo finds himself alone with Splinter for the first time since coming back from Staten Island. Or at least, the first time he can remember. He was pretty out of it the first few days; most of what he remembers is muddled and confused. And embarrassing. He cried a lot more than he'd care to admit.
Splinter hops into chair April was sitting in and pulls it closer; he has to stay standing to be anywhere near eye level with Leo. He wishes he could read Splinter's face, but his expression is giving nothing away. Sometimes it's easy to forget he spent a not-insignificant part of his life as an actor, until something like this happens.
Leo decides to speak before he can. Head him off at the pass, or something.
"If you're going to yell at me, just remember my eardrums are already damaged."
Which is true - turns out being 1, too close to an exploding alien spaceship and 2, getting punched in the head repeatedly by an alien very mad about said exploding spaceship is bad for the ears, even when you don't have outer ears like a human. So super loud noises are a bad idea right now, and thus Leo cannot be yelled at. Flawless logic; maybe he can keep using that every time he gets in trouble.
For the first time, his dad's expression shifts, just a little. A deeper frown, a heavier set to his brow.
"You think I came in here to yell at you?"
Leo feels his stomach twist. Does he have to spell it out? "I mean, didn't you? That's usually what kicking everyone else out is leading up to."
"I see..." Splinter is still unreadable, looking a little too intensely at Leo. "And what do you think I want to yell at you about?"
He really does want it spelled out. Leo suddenly realizes that there won't be any yelling because this is his punishment: to admit everything he's done, to speak all his sins for his dad's ears. Lay it all out in his own tongue and show that he understands, really and truly, the depths of his screwups.
Oh, he understands. He understands it so well he may choke on the words.
"...For losing the key," he says finally, and it stings on its way out. He hasn't talked about it since it happened; every time he tries to say anything to the others, they shush him, saying, "It's okay, Leo, everything is fine now."
It's not okay, and everything isn't fine, and this is when he finally hears about it.
Finally, an identifiable emotion on Splinter's face: horror, dawning clear and present. And Leo doesn't understand that, because doesn't Splinter know he lost the key? He was there for that conversation, wasn't he? Leo's memories of that day have grown a little hazy between the drugs and the recovery and the fact that thinking about it for too long makes him go fuzzy around the edges, but he's pretty sure he remembers Splinter being there. He flicked popcorn at Leo's head. He probably should have done more than that; maybe then Leo wouldn't have made such a mess of things.
Splinter doesn't say anything right away, just stares at Leo with that horrified expression, and the silence is so scary that Leo starts filling it without even thinking.
"I was kidding about the whole... not yelling at me thing. I know I deserve it. I mean, I was fooling around, doing what you and Raph told me not to do, and I doomed the whole world doing it! Some leader I am, right? And I know I'm not exactly your favorite son to begin with, and that's fair, because I keep letting you down, but this is definitely my worst screwup to date, and you yell at me when I don't close the fridge door all the way or throw balls around the TV room so why wouldn't you yell at me for destroying the planet, right...?"
His voice peters out at the end, too hoarse to continue. That's the most words he's strung together over the last week, and for the first time he's glad for his injuries, for stopping him from spewing any more embarrassing word vomit just to fill the air.
Splinter is still looking at him with that same horrified expression. If anything, he just looks more upset, which means that Leo at least accomplished his goal.
Leo's waiting for the yelling to start, but when Splinter finally says something, it's, "You think I have a favorite son?" throwing Leo for a loop once again.
"Uh, yeah?" he says, because that's all there is to say. He's always assumed it's Donnie - the "funny one", the one who fixes Splinter's TV when it's broken, and the only one of them likely to get a real job and move out of the house. But even if it's not Donnie, it's gotta be Mikey, or Raph. His brothers are amazing and talented, and all Leo has ever been good at is winning the Lair Games.
Splinter closes his eyes a moment, and when he opens them his face moves back to a more neutral expression. "I do not have a favorite son," he says, firm and serious. "I love all of you just the same."
Leo thinks that can't be true - if it is, he feels bad for the other guys. But he doesn't think he can just say that, so he says, "Yeah, Dad, of course," instead.
Splinter looks a bit crestfallen. "You don't believe me?" he asks, and shoot. Leo has no idea how to respond to that.
"...I know you love us," is what he says. And that's true, it is! He just doesn't know how his dad could like him as much as the others.
Splinter's expression turns sad. He reaches out and lays a furry hand on Leo's arm, careful of his bandages and all the many wires he's hooked to. "You think you doomed the world?"
"I lost the key," Leo repeats. "It was all my fault. It's why I had to..." His voice fumbles over the words, and he revises. "It's why it had to be me."
Splinter's mouth twists. He climbs out of the chair and onto the mattress, careful not to jostle Leo as he settles down on his knees.
"Blue," he says softly, gently palming Leo's face this time. "None of this was your fault."
Leo's stomach twists again. He thought he was being punished, but somehow this is worse.
"Yes it was," he argues. "I lost the key," for the third time, "and... and I ignored the order to retreat, and got Raph captured, and and and, I ignored the guys and tried to force our way into Metro Tower, and it was me who told Donnie to try to fly that stupid ship, and because of me Mikey had to-"
"Leonardo," says Splinter, sharp, and Leo goes silent. His dad looks devastated, but he keeps his hand on Leo's cheek, brushing with his thumb, and for the first time Leo realizes his skin is wet. Splinter sighs heavily, his entire frame seeming to droop with the weight of it.
"Leonardo," he repeats, softly this time. "You did not doom the world."
A furry finger on his lip quiets him.
"You did not doom the world," Splinter repeats, once again firm and serious. "You did not take the theft of the key seriously, because you did not know what it was, the threat it represented. But it was the Foot Clan who chose to use that key, fully knowing what evil it would unleash. That is not on you, my son. The responsibility falls squarely on them."
Leo doesn't know how much he can believe that - isn't it their job to stop the Foot Clan? But Splinter looks so sure as he says it, and his hand is still tender on Leo's cheek, and for the first time a little bit of doubt seeps into Leo's heart, telling him that maybe, just maybe, this wasn't all his fault after all.
But still...
"Even if that's true," he says, with heavy emphasis on the if, "everything I did after that-"
"You are young," his dad interrupts. "You are inexperienced. You are learning. And the amount of growth you showed us all, even over just that one day... You shined as brightly as I know you can."
Again, Leo's stomach does a twist - but it's a happier one, this time. Splinter's voice is sincere, leaving no room for doubt, and Leo can almost, almost believe that this is true, that his dad has believed in him from the very beginning. Has seen something in him, whatever it was that led him to make Leo the leader, that lead to him putting trust in Leo.
He just wishes he felt like he'd done more to earn it.
"You did not doom the world," says his dad again. "You saved it. But, it never should have been like that to begin with. You should never have been facing down such a fierce foe so young, especially as alone as you boys were. And you-"
His voice becomes choked up, and Leo's heart lurches.
"You... sacrificed yourself to save us all. I... I am your father, and I... could not protect you."
He's crying. His dad is crying, and Leo feels panic, reaching out to try and stop this.
"No." Splinter holds up a hand, giving his head a hard shake. "All I ever wanted for you boys was to save you from the sacrifices asked of our family. And yet I could not - and for that, you paid dearly. You almost paid the ultimate price, and we almost lost you forever."
A thick knot forms in Leo's throat, and he can barely get out, "I'm okay, Dad, I'm here."
"Yes you are." Splinter squeezes his shoulder desperately. "You are here. You are safe. But that doesn't change that it should not have been you to begin with."
Leo watches in dawning horror as Splinter steps back, then kneels over on the mattress.
"This is why I came in here, Blue. Not to yell at you. To apologize."
He presses his forehead against the sheets.
"I am so sorry that I could not protect you."
He's crying. So is Leo, openly now. He reaches out for his dad, fumbling for his shoulders and urging him to straighten up.
"No, Dad... This wasn't your fault!"
"No! It was just... it was just a really, really shitty thing that happened, okay? It was the Foot Clan, and the Krang, but it wasn't- it wasn't..."
Splinter raises his face and looks at him, and suddenly the words he's been trying to get Leo to believe for the last several minutes barrel into him and Leo crumbles.
"...I didn't have to do it," he says.
"No." Splinter gets up, coming closer. "You had nothing to atone for. You did it because you are brave, and you are kind, but this was never yours to fix."
Leo sucks in one harsh breath, then another, and then he's sobbing harder than he ever has in his life, and his dad hugs him tight, his arms warm and his fur soft where Leo buries his face in his shoulder.
All the feelings he's pushed aside - the ones he didn't think he had the right to feel, because he'd had to do it, he had to make up for his mistakes - bubble over, gripping him with grief and despair but also relief, that he's still here to cry and be hugged by his dad.
"I was so scared."
"I know."
"I thought I wouldn't see you guys again."
"I know. We thought we had lost you, too."
"I just... I didn't know what else to do... I couldn't let him... I couldn't..."
"Shhh, it's alright. It's over now. We're all safe."
Leo hugs his dad back, as tightly as he can with his injuries, and sobs and sobs until he's all out of tears. And all along, his dad tells him he is safe, he is good, and he is loved.
Later, Leo feels even better than he had before.
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buckyalpine · 8 months
Shapeshifting Bucky
Random thought from the depths of crackfic hell. But imagine an AU where Bucky's time with hydra also included the ability to shape shift on top of his super soldier serum. He can turn into whatever but he really only shifts into a wolf most of the time. Stealthy, huge, strong, agile and an absolute puppy. Werewolf Bucky is the scariest mf to exist. In his wolf form, his fur is nearly jet black, a stark contrast to his beautiful blue eyes. His teeth turn into sharp fangs and his claws could slash through just about anything.
The large furry thing is nothing but a little puppy around you.
Human Bucky struggles to show his affection for you even though he loves you like crazy. He loves touching you but hesitates to do anything. Wolf Bucky has 0 issue hopping onto the sofa he doesn't fit on, attempting to curl up in your lap. He doesn't fit on your lap either and you end up drowning under a heavy mass of dark fur, the chuff he makes as you adjust himself is equivalent to his usual pouty face.
How dare you try and squirm away when he wants pets and cuddles.
And honestly, he's pretty irresistible. Even Tony's found himself petting the soft fur when he walks by, scrunching his face when he realizes who he's petting and cursing to himself immediately after. It's not just Tony either. Most of the Avengers catch themselves mid pet, occasionally shrugging and going back in while shaking their heads at themselves.
That isn't the only thing wolf Bucky enjoys.
“Bucky!” You stare at your boyfriend who was a human last time you left him, now in his wolf form sitting on top of your duffle bag you'd packed for an upcoming mission. There's no way for you to get to it, sitting as its hidden underneath him and it doesn't look like he has any plans on moving. He growls when you try and get closer, daring for you to try and leave when you just got back from a mission earlier in the week.
"Baby, I have to go, you gotta get off" You try to reason with him but he just stares at you with piercing blue eyes. By now you can read his body language and he's not hearing any of it.
Don't think so, stay with me
"C'mon, you know I'll be back soon" You gently scratch the top of his head and he nuzzles into your palm. He tiled his head to the side widening his gaze as best as he could and you couldn't help but giggle at how cute he looked, silently pleading with you.
"Aww, don't give me those puppy eyes Barnes, that's not fair" You coo while he lets out a whine, huffing and resting his head on his front large paws until his ears perk up with a bright idea.
"For fucks sake Bucky!" You laugh incredulously when he picks up the bag with his teeth, shaking the clothes out and burying himself under them, happy to be surrounded by your scent and finding another way to keep you there.
"What’s going on" Steve walked by the room, wondering why you hadn't come to the jet yet, eyes growing wide when he saw what his best friend was up to "What the hell"
"Oh my god" Sam looked over Steve's shoulder, snorting at the way Bucky was now half asleep while you were still in your tac suit but your bag now nearly torn to bits. You shrugged, deciding to give up, looking at the over grown puppy waiting for a belly rub, giving the two men an apologetic smile.
Bucky snuggled happily on top of your clothes, his nose nudging into your hoodie, before closing his eyes, ears twitching contently while your on the phone with Fury, coming up with a lame excuse as to why you couldn't join.
Some other things I imagine for wolf Bucky:
He's the cutest thing ever. Sam nicknamed him Sirius Black and he loves it.
Loves eating meat. Eats a lot in general.
Fiercely loyal
Likes to go on walks
I'm sorry for this, I have a headache, instead of taking an Advil and sleeping, I'm out here giving into my ridiculousness, I'll see myself out.
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vipwinnie · 8 months
Smoking Problem
Theodore Nott x reader
Summary : Theo has always been addicted to cigarettes but this time it was too much
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I sat in Theo's bedroom with tears in my eyes as cigarette smoke filled the air. I watched my boyfriend, his face contorted with anger, smoking one cigarette after another. This habit had become a gap between us, an impassable wall. At the beginning of our relationship, I didn't think this would be a problem. But as time passed, I realized how cigarettes had taken over his life. I spoke to him repeatedly about the dangers to his health, to our relationship, but my words seemed to be lost in the smoke. Arguments had become commonplace. Every time I asked him to stop, he got defensive, arguing that he could smoke if he wanted. The tension between us continued to grow, until that fateful day. That day, the argument reached a level I never thought possible. My words were filled with frustration and disappointment, and his were laced with anger and resistance. The ring he had given me, a symbol of our love and our promises, had become a silent witness to our imminent destruction. In a fit of rage, I stood up, tears streaming down my cheeks, and threw the ring on the floor. The sound of metal against tile echoed through the room, marking the end of our love story. The silence that followed was deafening. But no sooner had the ring hit the ground than something unexpected happened. The boy suddenly stopped shouting and his face showed surprise. He looked down and saw the ring on the ground. The anger faded from his face, giving way to sadness and regret. He immediately picked up the ring, his hands trembling, and rushed over to give it back to me. He wanted to be forgiven, to repair his mistakes. But it was too late. I had already made my decision.
Theodore’s POV
I sat alone in my bedroom, my heart heavy and my mind tormented by the violent argument with my girlfriend. The days that followed were hell, a descent into the depths of sadness and distress. I found myself in a terrible state, unable to control my emotions. Tears flowed almost constantly, flooding my face as I remembered the harsh words we had thrown at each other. Every thought of her reminded me of our argument and the pain that came from it. Sleep was my worst enemy. I tossed and turned in my bed, unable to find rest. Images of our quarrel haunted my dreams, waking me up in sweat and leaving me exhausted throughout the day. The food no longer had any taste. My appetite was gone, replaced by a lump of anxiety in my throat that prevented me from eating anything. Every bite felt like cardboard in my mouth, useless and tasteless. I felt lost, like a part of me had been ripped away. I found it difficult to concentrate on my daily tasks, my mind continually being flooded with thoughts of regret and sorrow. My life seemed like a collection of painful memories and empty feelings. Yet, despite all this pain, I knew I was responsible for our argument. I had let anger and frustration take over, instead of communicating constructively. I blamed myself for letting our relationship reach such a breaking point. The days passed slowly, each minute seemed to last forever.
One evening, while I was lying on the floor crying, my friends Draco and Blaise came to find me in my room. Blaise said:"Man, are you still thinking about her? You've got to move on." Draco chimed in:"Yeah mate, moping around isn't helping. You need to get back out there." I sighed."I know guys, it's just...we were together for so long. I miss her." Blaise put his hand on my shoulder."I understand. But sitting here won't change anything. You've got to go talk to her, sort things out." Draco nodded."He's right. You won't know if you have a chance unless you try. The worst she can say is no, and at least then you'll have your answer." I thought about it. They were right,  I had been moping around for long enough. I needed closure, one way or another. "Alright, I'm going to go look for her. Thanks for talking some sense into me guys." 
I finally decided to make a sincere declaration of love to her, in the hope that she would forgive me. I took a deep breath and walked towards where we used to meet, a bench near the lake. When I saw her, my heart soared. She was there, sitting on the bench where we had shared so many happy moments. Her face was full of sadness, but I could still see the love she felt for me. I took a deep breath and approached her. "Y/N," I began with a shaky voice, "I'm so sorry for everything that happened between us. I didn't mean to hurt you, and I sincerely regret every harsh word that I could say. You are the most important person in my life, and I can't imagine my life without you." She looked at me, her eyes filled with unshed tears. “I blame you, you know,” she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "But I love you so much, and I can't stay mad at you forever." I took a small box out of my pocket, containing the ring I had given him when we first started dating. "Y/N, I want you to know how much you mean to me. This ring symbolizes our love, and I want to give it back to you as a renewed promise. I promise you that I will do everything in my power to be the best boyfriend, to make you happy every day." Tears began to stream down her face as she took the box into her hands. She carefully opened it, revealing the sparkling ring inside. A radiant smile lit up her face, and she held out her hand so I could hand her the ring. “I forgive you,” she said softly, her eyes shining with happiness. "And I promise to give you another chance. I love you, and I want to be with you." I felt an immense relief wash over me as I slipped the ring onto her finger. I took his hand in mine and realized how lucky I was to have him in my life. We kissed, sealing our reconciliation and our renewed love.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 24 days
Cookie's Fic Recs
I feel like no one really does rec lists anymore! But last night I was feeling and sappy and mushy and decide to put together my own little list of fics I love. These are in no particular order, and they don't follow any real theme/tropes other than I dearly love them all, and you should definitely give them a read!
*I tried to tag everyone I could find a blog for, but if I missed anyone, please let me know I can tag them!
The Instinctual Gravitation Towards Warmth by kimkhimhant (@kimkhimhant)
This is my comfort fic. No joke, this is what I read when I want to die. It’s angsty as all hell, it’s made me cry, but it is so indescribably good. Kim is an addict going through recovery, finding love and family along the way. He hits rock bottom—arguably multiple times—but always claws his way back, always with the support of the people that love him. It’s such a beautifully written and cathartic story, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read it. But it’s almost certainly the fic I’ve reread the most. 
Error in the Code by BlackwaterVial (@blackwatervial)
Sneaking this VegasPete onto my otherwise KimChay list bc it altered me. I think most people already know what it is, but jic: it’s a sci-fi/cyberpunk/android AU, and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever read. I go feral for androids and this fic delivers in all the best ways. The world building alone makes me weep. But all of the characters interactions, the way we get such an in depth feel for everyone despite the limited PoV, and the most satisfying take I’ve seen on android artificial intelligence ever—I can’t recommend this story enough. 
Idiots & Idioms by snickerdoodlles (@snickerdoodlles)
This one is actually a series, and it's genuinely so much fun to read. For the most part it's a SocMed fic with Chay taking over Wik's twitter and making it everyone's problem, and it's fkn hysterical. This one is actually a series, and it's genuinely so much fun to read. For the most part it's a SocMed fic with Chay taking over Wik's twitter and making it everyone's problem, and it's fkn hysterical.
Silver for Truth by snickerdoodlles (@snickerdoodlles)
This fic is the Kim & Khun vs. Tawan team-up we deserve. Kim is a ruthless, demented bitch, that's too cool to beat Tawan to death bc what if he messes up his wrists right before a show?? Big, get 'im. Kim is the feral-est cat ever, leaving behind evidence and bodies for Kinn bc saying "hey bro, I still love you/look out for you" is too much emotion for him. The fic is also from Tawan's PoV which also makes it the funniest thing ever, for reason that I won't spoil <3
The Wiked Lies We Live by shubaka (@shubaka)
Oh my god, this fic. Canon divergence (technically??) where most things happen as normal... except KimChay have been bodyswaped at the start of it. The little twists Shu puts on the events of canon, given it isn't the correct characters experiencing them (such as Big being very confused about why Kim is suddenly nice to him??) are so much fun.
A Portrait of Affection by froginthesun (@froginthesun)
Kim is an artist and Chay is the part time nude model he hires. ‘Nuff said right there, except no it isn’t, this fic is beautiful. Kim’s frustration with his craft is palpable, and so is the way he rediscovers his passion through Chay. The writing is wonderfully detailed, every chapter felt like walking through a museum. And tension slowly building between them—unf. 
Sunshine in My Closet by moneskin 
This is an A/B/O AU that is so satisfying to read. Typical hilarious boundary violations (Chay stealing Kim’s clothes, a bewildered Kim handing over a freshly worn outfit, having barely any idea who this strange kid is) characteristic of the AU, but then the story also delves deeper into more serious topics. Chay has a history of abuse from a past alpha that he has to learn how to navigate with Kim, who is incredibly patient and works hard to make Chay feel safe and loved. Overall a very sweet and comforting read. Seriously, this fic makes me melt.
Your Body Feels Like Disrespect by Blue_Jay (@bluejayfiction)
This fic is so funny because it begins with Kim blurting out, in the middle of an Important Mafia MeetingTM, that he and Chay aren’t having sex, and then wanting to die about it. Followed by Kim’s family trying very hard to both support and terrorize him. It’s hilarious, sexy, and one of my favorite reads when I need a pick me up. (Bless Kinn’s determination to be a Good and Supportive Brother, and Vegas for being the Worst Person Ever.) 
In Silent Screams (In Wildest Dreams) by BelladonnaWyck and StratsWrites 
This is definitely a darker fic. There’s DubCon, Kim is generally Sketchy, but it’s very hot. And I love explorations of his character where he isn’t just outwardly psychotic and cruel. This fic shows the kind of dark that I think Kim could have been, if you just tilted his character a little to the left. He still seems very much the way he is in canon, but he’s also… a lot more calculating and cold, sometimes. I love it. 
Forget-me-always by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
I cannot sing the praises of this fic enough. I think it’s probably tied for IGTW for my most-read fics. I’ve probably read this one more often in reality, but only bc it’s shorter. But oh my god, does it hurt. Kim gets struck with amnesia post-break up, does a little light stalking, and gets Chay to help him learn/remember who he is. In the process realizes that wow his life sucks, and there’s no way he wants to go back to it. Especially if he’s the kind of person that hurt Chay. He would rather start over. (Ofc, he doesn’t get to). This fic makes me cry, it’s so good 
Coffeehouse Play by AirgodSLV
This is a canon divergence AU that I adore. The KimChay characterization is on point. I love that despite everything going on around them, they also get to be two boys that hang out and play videogames and try to shove each other off the couch while Porsche makes dinner. Given the age difference it’s so easy to make Kim Older and MatureTM, but he’s still a kid, and this story never once forgets that. It felt so honest and true to his character that Kim does have a lot of plans, and he’s very smart, but he’s also still so young, and sometimes shit just goes wrong. 
Want and Need by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
God, this fic. T h i s f i c. Post-canon Chay goes to therapy and becomes a camboy (in that order) and it’s delicious. Watching the steady breakdown of his and Porsche’s relationship is so satisfying. Everything one of them does to make things worse feels awful, but is so in character that it’s hard to be mad at them for their decisions. Kim readily giving up control if it means he can be with Chay, and Chay getting a crash course in how to dom. All of it is just. So good. This is such a good fic
Your Look, Through This Lens by WildelyDawn (@wildelydawn)
AU where Chay becomes Kim’s photographer. This fic emotionally hobbled me. Just a fair warning. You will cry. But that said, the ending isn’t nearly as sad as the tags would have you believe! At least in my opinion. I think it’s fairly open/hopeful, and beautiful either way. I love the way this fic shows how Kim balances being Wik while also being part of the mafia. And I love how temperamental he is; always hot and cold, while remaining pretty even as far as how he expresses himself. Always very aloof/detached, just out of reach, with Chay never really sure where he stands/what Kim wants. But at the same time the fic happens just before Kim gets a big break, and the subtle ways he shows his excitement and nerves as things start coming together—it’s wonderful. 
Love’s a Two-Way Dream by giraffeter (@giraffeter)
This fic is dark. Kim atticwife’s Chay and it’s not a good time. But!! It’s not just dark for the sake of it; Kim is a genuine sociopath, yes, but it unfolds slowly. You get a sense of creeping dread as he does things that are just a little bit off, until finally the Big Bad Thing happens. At first he seems normal, playing the part of good and respectful boyfriend. But it just goes downhill from there, and I love every word of it. The ending especially is very satisfying. 
In the Dark of the Night by bisexualbard (@bisexualbard-writes)
Not to recc everything Bard writes, but… This is a rape recovery fic that I feel handles the subject matter incredibly well. There’s no gratuitous rape scenes, and even with the flashbacks, I don’t remember any of them being incredibly detailed. I think Bard handled the fic with incredible respect and grace. This is another one that’ll make you cry. The way Chay handles his past trauma while trying to have a relationship with Kim is so painfully real. And so is the way Kim wants to help him, but doesn’t really know how. But they figure it out together, and it’s amazing. (Also Kim acquires a stabby child in the form of an OC that I adore.) I just love the path Chay's recovery takes in this fic, it's so visceral and relatable. It's all around just. So good. I love this fic for the same reason I love IGTW and it's because both fics show an excellent depiction of recovery.
Chains and Crowns, A Flower Can Both Make by Sweet_William (@sweet-william-writes)
Incredibly Regency AU. Historical AUs are some of my all time favorites, and this is everything I didn’t know I needed. Sweet_William captures the essence of an Austen-esque style while still making this feel like the KinnPorsche characters. Chay is wonderfully feisty, Kim is delightfully complex, and the various family interactions always had me cackling. 
Simple Little Secrets by CorvusCloudburst (@cloudburst-ink)
Chay sees the future when he touches people. Kim thinks he’s either insane, a spy, or a conman. Oh, and Chay’s visions of Kim? Always sex-related. The shenanigans are endless. What more do you need?? They’re both crazy4crazy and it’s my favorite thing ever. Their banter is snappy and fun, the writing is sexy, and it never once gave me second-hand embarrassment despite Chay’s horrible situations. 
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adventuringblind · 7 months
The Edge of the Knife
Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Genre: Smut
Summary: Sometimes, pain is the only sense of control she has. So, she gives that to Daniel too.
Warnings: SH is mentioned but not described, fingering, bandage, knife play, branding, dom/sub dynamics, gentle Daniel, PinV, everything is consensual and very safe
Notes: Listen, y'all, this is probably the best thing I've ever written. I fell in love with this so fast. Also, I promise I'm working on requests! I just also have to find time to write things for me as well 😁
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She wouldn't say Daniel is possessive. He doesn't care if she talks to other guys. Hardly gets jealous. Only intervenes if he can see she's uncomfortable.
He does, however, like to show her off. Show people she's his in the more unconventional ways. Hickeys and bite marks are the way he normally claims her. It wards off the unwanted attention and he gets to be smug about showing people she's his.
She loves it. Bathes in his adoration and want of people knowing she's his. He's always telling people how amazing she is to the point where Max even gets fed up with him because he's so smitten.
She is really his everything. Would give her the moon and stars ig she asked. He wants to show everyone she's his in every way.
The problem is, hickeys and bite marks aren't permanent and a tattoo is nice (he has many) but it's not as personal. It doesn't feel the same.
Now, on her end, she feels the same way. But she'd never say this to him. The fear of rejection outweighs the desire for him to make her his in a permanent way.
Her past isn't an easy one. It's not something she talks about often. It's heavy and she doesn't like thinking to much on it if she can help it.
The edge of the knife has been her attempt at regaining control. A pain she chooses in a life that hasn't ever given her a choice. It's not a good habit and she's aware of it. Daniel has done a good job of keeping her mind occupied enough. Even helping her find other healthy habits.
Yet her mind still wanders back to that place. That desire to choose where and when she feels pain. That desire to retain control over at least that one thing.
It's on a particularly hard day when she finally goes to Daniel. She'd been stressed beyond what she could handle. The weight of the world sitting uninvited on her chest.
He'd noticed this; Daniel is an observant person.
Her mind had wandered to distant and dark places. The depths she shouldn't wander to. She walks gently over to Daniel where he sits absentmindedly flipping the switchblade in his hands. Most likely double checking he still had it and it hasn't fallen into her bored hands.
When Daniel takes notice of her just standing in wait, he puts the knife away safely in his pocket and opens his arms to her.
The tears flow freely then, soaking into his shirt like it's a towel. His fingers run along her spine, shoulder, arm, and her legs. "What's wrong, baby?"
"Life's just hard right now." She admits through choked sobs.
Daniel hums into her neck. "Do you want something specific to help?"
She hesitates. This could be to her detriment. But she wants the knife on her skin so badly she's willing to beg for it. So, she takes a deep breath and prepares herself for whatever happens.
"I want you to mark me. Permanently." She cringes away from him. Though it's pointless, Daniel simply drags her gaze back to him with a hand layed gently on her cheek.
"I want you to be very specific. Do you want me to brand you with the knife?" He sounds serious, but there is a look of excitement in his eyes that betray his calm demeanor.
She shakes her head yes, assuming that will suffice.
"Words baby." She assumed wrong.
"I want you to carve me with your knife. I want you to mark me permanently. Want you to make me yours, Danny."
They eye contact he holds with her is gentle and considerate. She can see him mulling through his thoughts. His hand moves to her left hip, his fingers tracing things against it.
"How you you feel about the number three? Make you the only lucky charm I'd ever need."
She almost falls out of his lap. "Yes please." It's something like a whine mixed with a beg. It's desperate but she could care less.
"Now, I know this might be scary, so do you want me to have complete control over you? Or shall we skip that for tonight?"
"No please, I need you to take the control away. If you do it then I can't anymore. It'll be like ruining something intimate after."
"Then give me a few minutes. I want you waiting on the bed when I come back."
It doesn't take long to strip of her clothes as asked. Her mind wanders to what he could need that not in there bedroom already. She runs through a mental list in her head, but her thoughts are cut short by Daniel sneaking back into the room softly.
"Fuck love, you're sitting so pretty for me. My beautiful girl."
He's beaming at her. She can feel the blush on her face rise to her ears. Mostly because of the compliments, but also because of what he returned to her with. Daniel places some darker colored towels, water, and first aid supplies on the nightstand. It makes her swoon. Seeing him care so much and so willing to do this for her.
"I'm gonna tie you up now, okay baby?"
Always attentive. Always checking in with her.
He takes his time securing her wrists to the headboard. There is no escape now. Daniel reassures her many times that she can back out. There is no shame in that. Then he kisses every inch of her body. Praises her for being so brave. "My beautiful girl, being so brave for me, letting me show the world your mine."
She's no longer in the darkest portions of her mind. She's given up to the voice of Daniel. Submitted her mind and body to him, letting him take car of her how he deems fit.
Her legs are not secured. She assumes that it's something to do either future plans. For now, he spreads her legs and places wet kisses and small bites around the space she needs him most.
She cries in relief when his tongue flicks her clit woth kitten licks. Her moans grow as he laps at her like a man who's starving. She repeats his name like she's praying to give her the release she desperately craves.
Its messy, but it's amazing. Daniel's hands place pressure on both her knees to keep them down. The tremors shaking through her body make her legs want to cage him there.
The rapidly building release stops suddenly. She bucks her hips I'm utter disappointment. She wants more of him. She needs more of him.
"You're doing so good for me baby. You'll get to cum, Just not yet." He winks. It makes her fall into that fuzzy, floaty headspace even more.
Daniel maneuvers their bodies into an odd position. Her left side is facing the ceiling but he has her looking at him. Her left leg is bent so he can still have access to her aching a needy heat.
His fingers are slow to fill her. Two, but with his rings on it feels like more to her.
"Are you sure you want this love? You're sure you want to show off that you're my girl?"
"Please Danny. I want this. I need this. Let the world know I'm only yours." She moans out. It's mildly slurred but she knows he understands. There is a glint in his eyes that it excited. His pupils are wide with arousal. His lips twitch up in that award winning smile she loves so much. It doesn't help she can feel how hard he is through his shorts.
Daniel loses his shirt, but his shorts stay on for the moment. Then he curls his fingers back into her, capturing her lips as he does. It's a sloppy and wet kiss that he spends dominating her lips. It's filled with love and passion, which is normal for them, but this one feels different. There is something primal about it.
His fingers do a number on her. He knows her body so well that his fingers work on autopilot. Daniel pulls away from the kiss and pulls out the switchblade in his pocket. He holds eye contact while gently tracing the outline of the three he plans on carving into her skin.
The cold of the metal against her skin pulls another breathy moan out of her. "You like how the feels baby? You like knowing I'm gonna make you mine?" If she could moan any louder it would alert the whole of Monaco.
"Danny I'm-"
"Shhhh, it's okay baby, let me take care of you."
It's startling, being three seconds away from the plunging her body and soul into endless pleasure and having the knife press deep into her flesh.
Three seconds becomes zero and the cliff falls out from beneath her. She scream his name as his fingers work her endlessly into overstimulation and the knife continues its path.
She can't hear. She can't see. Her mind is overrun with emotion. Her muscles contract as her nerves catch fire.
She can vaguely hear the man she loves talking her through it. The contrast between the filthy but loving words he uses only sends her further into submission.
Finally, his fingers slow and the knife is no longer touching her. She can hear in click closed an set on the nightstand.
She's just crying at this point in a writhing mess of pain and pleasure.
Then Daniel does something she's not expecting. His tongue hits the area of her hip that's now leaking crimson. It's animalistic the way he licks the wound clean. It's aggressive the way his fingers leave her just for his hand to find the wound and make her cry out ad he applies pressure. It's primal how his red coated lips find hers. His free hand wipes away her tears as he sings her praises. Her mind can only find him in the fog as he claims her as his over, and over again.
She watches with intrigue as the rest of his clothes fall to the ground. As his hands are wiped off on one of the towels that he then places under her. The goal to catch the excess blood running down her side.
Is a mix of gentle and possessive as he fucks her into the sheets. Her body and the mattress becoming one.
It's loving and beautiful. It sparks every positive emotion in her. The sting in her hip numbed from the feeling of Daniel flush against her skin. His hips rocking rhythmically and hitting every place she needs him.
She's lost by the time he finishes. His voice the only thing making sense in her head. She almost cries when she can no longer feel his skin of hers. The feeling of him gone more painful then the ache on her side.
"I'm here baby. We have to clean you up now, okay? Gotta keep my mark from getting infected."
He's gentle with her body as he cleans it. Though, she still hisses in pain as he works through disinfecting everything and plastering medical tape over it.
"You're so beautiful baby. Can't believe you're all mine. My everything. The love of my life. And now the only lucky charm I'll ever need."
The next morning is filled with sweet kisses and gentle looks. Daniel has to stop her from just ripping the bandage off and staring at the mark for hours. He simply keeps her hands busy in other ways.
When Daniel deems it safe to pull the bandage off, he's the one to do it. Nothing but lobe and adoration fills both of them as they see the, currently stabbed, mark on her hip. He places small kisses down the length of it.
In reality, the mark is only visible to them. But Max had invited them to swim and Daniel wasn't going to let the opportunity go to waste.
Did he get her a bikini that revealed more then neccecary? Yes. Is she wearing it and basking in his attention? Also yes. Something about the way he hypes her up just drives her confidence levels up.
Is everyone a little concerned when they see a very obvious scar of the number three on her hip? Again, yes. That concern quickly dies down when they see how happy she is when Daniel traces his fingers over it.
Max comes and asks teases them about it eventually. "I didn't know you were into that kind of thing!" He laughs.
Daniel looks between him and a certain Monegasque. "Mhmm, like you would do the same with your whole name to a certain someone." Her and Daniel laugh as Max turns a bright shade of red.
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mo0nfairy · 1 year
Three words: yandere Luis Sera.
tw :: re4 spoilers, yandere!luis, obsessive!luis, kidnapping, guns, drugging, noncon touching, blood, wounds, parasites, insinuations of sex, being physically restrained.
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⸺ yall. this man. >>>>>>>> zoo wee mama !!! this dude literally has me full-on giggling and kicking my feet while i write about him in my diary. and his voice and dialogue !!!! can't get enough of him i stg- but let me chill out cuz i could literally talk about luis for hours. with that out of the way, i must address the elephant in the room. he survives here. period. (i'm still salty about this count your fucking days capcom).
you and luis had met while he was still working for los iluminados. his task was simple: lure victims into his laboratory what the sultry attitude of his, infect them with las plagas, and give them away to the saddler. and you were just like any other victim, lost and confused over what the fuck you had gotten yourself into. but for whatever reason, you didn't seem afraid at all. you were annoyed at the inconvenience more than anything.
he meets you at the church, where you had attempted to find help in the middle of your crisis. and he'd be a liar if he said you weren't much prettier than all his other victims. the way you look at him with that harsh gaze pulls on his heartstrings like a puppeteer. your furrowed brows and that adorable pout — oh, how badly he wishes to kiss it all away. but, he has been assigned a task. and as much as he wants to abandon it right then and there for you, he must persevere.
you point your gun in his direction. "forgive my manners. my name is luis sera, encantado." luis puts his hands in the air and surrenders with that all-too irritating look on his face.
he then puts on his best facade of the unfortunate traveler who got caught up in this mess. and you don't believe him for a second. you ignore his insinuations of you teaming up, as well as his obnoxious attempts at flirting and go your own way. correction, you try and go your own way. you now just have this yapping puppy dog at your side. and god, does it piss you off how flirtatious he attempts to be during such a time like this. holding open doors for you despite there being every kind of abomination on his tail; a shitty remark like "after you, i insist" with a smirk and a wink. your sneer afterwards drives him nuts.
for the first time in the entirety of this heartthrob's life, luis is chasing after someone. the pursued is now pursuing and it is slowly but surely driving him fucking insane. your resistance to his affections isn't the only thing that allures him to you, however. it's your ambition, your drive, your depth that truly thrusts him into the deep end. admitting he is deeply in love is nothing but a pipe dream, as he knows your inevitable rejection will shatter him, but he will show this love through flirtatious, albeit desperate, acts of affection. eyes softening whenever you're in his train of vision, the ardent kiss on your hand when you help him up from a ledge, doing the whole "hey, is this guy bothering you?" when there is a literal demon chasing you. (he is also 10000% a "where my hug at?" kind of guy. i am so sorry.)
by the time you two make it to his laboratory, luis knows in his heart there is no way he can hide it now. he is hopelessly and irrevocably devoted to you. so, he meticulously has you read through his notes regarding the amber. while you are occupied, luis approaches you from behind, locks you tight in his arms and shoves a syringe into your neck. you feel him press kisses to your temple as you struggle in his embrace; incoherent words of affection reverberating in your ears. soon, everything goes quiet and finally, you can rest.
a blinding light welcomes you once you wake. in an attempt to scrutinize your surroundings, you realize you are restrained to an examination table. ragged belts loop around your legs, your arm, your waist, god, even your neck. you can't move a single muscle, despite your efforts to do such. the squeaking of a stool's wheels sliding across the ground steals your attention. luis sera now sits beside you in all his glory, taking a puff from a cigarette while his other hand grasps hold of yours. you want so badly to slap it away from you, maybe sock him square in the face while you're at it, but you're paralyzed from head-to-toe and completely inexorable to his touch.
"i love you like this." his voice has that same sultry tone you're used to, but there is something sickeningly sweet that hangs off of his every word. “i'm certainly the luckiest bastard in the world to have you beneath me.”
you don't respond, only staring at him in sheer horror while he begins to caress the top of your head. and just when you think this nightmare couldn't get any worse, luis leans down and brings you into a fervent kiss. you can almost hear how his heart pounds like a drum in his chest, as it always does when you’re around. after your attempts at thrashing against him, you use all force within you to bite down on his lip as a last resort. he endures, this is worth any and all pain, before he finally pulls away from you. “mierda!” he exclaims. your mouth tastes of copper and smoke; your teeth are now painted red.
"okay, we'll skip the foreplay." he wipes his mouth with his sleeve, that smug grin returning to his lips. "come on. where's the love, baby?"
luis runs his tongue across the scar you left with your teeth and a shiver runs down his spine. your mark on him, it makes him dizzy with euphoria. and he knows how terrified you must be, considering your current circumstances and of what he is known to be capable of. but, maybe this can be a new chapter for him — for the both of you. you can continue being your most amazing self, all with him at your side. and he'll pursue a tender heart and romancing the love of his life, a major contrast to the all-too lonely, bloodied footprints in his path.
besides, people can change. right, y/n?
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disclaimer :: reader is not infected lol.
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16-jarrah · 3 months
only halfway thru the new frieren episode i was almost tearing up because the theme of protecting each other and caring about life more importantly than winning is so poignant. not all the characters are human in species but once again the humanity is blossoming in frieren's story. i was so afraid they'd actually get killed last ep but i mean it's so funny now what was i even thinking. this is frieren. they won't kill unless it was really necessary.
the reveal that richter raised the platform not to make his fight with lawline and kanne easier but actually to protect them from denken's attacks was so good. the "magic is nothing if you cannot imagine it" line is so wonderful because i'm a big fan of magic systems that revolve around that logical "science-y" aspect of like. understanding how it will work in order to do it. (same reason why i love the magic in "world's greatest assassin".) laufen getting caught by frieren even though she knows it's a trap just bc she didn't want denken to get hurt was also so good. the reveal that denken didn't have a grander motive to be a first class mage beyond "i wanna go back to my hometown and visit the cementary there but only first class mages are allowed to enter" was so painfully human and so reflective of real life. it also strikes you because he was introduced as a high-profile, politically influential mage.
i love what denken says about not going out without a fight. i love that the episode ends in a fistfight for him. i love it when media uses fistfights and punching in such an emotionally-charged human way, beyond the violence, instead depicting it as some sort of catharsis really. because sometimes all you need is a good rough n tumble. in denken's case, it's his way of not giving up without a fight. i like that. i also like that this was foreshadowed by denken telling laufen to cut the tree down instead of trying to cut the restraint. "we don't have any mana" "neither do they". sometimes all it takes is to find a differently way to approach your problems and sometimes the solution is simpler than you think.
i'm a big fan of frieren breaking the barrier because she thought it was unfair to cut kanna (and by extension lawline) out of her source of magic, giving her an unfair disadvantage and honestly a handicap. it's a short part of the episode but it's so important, because it shows that if people are given the right tools and the accessibility, they can do for themselves what they want and need to do. i love that frieren is like "can you imagine winning against a water manipulating mage with water around? i can't."
i'm a fan of how the "basic" combat and defensive magic are depicted and treated as in this show. yes, people more on from traditions, but traditions are there in the first place. richter's explanation of magic history in their world provides an insight to how modern magic evolved from the foundations. but the foundations were still foundations for a reason. they made it a point with fern saying "frieren doesn't restrict me from spells" (even tho it was the setup for a small joke) that the point isn't to pick a side between tradition vs modern, but rather to learn from both and decide for yourself what you want to apply to yourself. the depiction of fern and frieren winning with traditional magic and richter and kanne overwhelming each other with modern magic makes it clear that the show isn't trying to preach to either side.
i also like the theme of "pursuing magic out for the sake of magic is enough". it's nice to hear that denken shares this mindset with frieren, because again he was introduced as someone influential and you'd think he thinks like he could use magic as a source of power. and that's the impression i got of him too from previous episodes, but a lot of first impressions of mine were proven wrong later and i'm so happy for that bc these characters have so much depth packed into them in so little time.
what else have i missed...
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24hlevi · 6 months
hiii, could i request for hcs abt nagumo having a crush on a reader who acts oblivious to his flirting and how he finally confesses 💞💞💞
i love nagumo so much and this is so great! thank you for requesting 🫶
— heart stealer
nagumo (sakamoto days) x gn!reader
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• nagumo is so incredibly obvious when he has a crush on you he thinks it's insane how you don't realize when he's constantly flirting and trying to get you to know he likes you without saying it
• he likes the game of you figuring out that he likes you, but eventually gives up and just forces himself to tell you his feelings for you
• he would show up more at sakamoto's convenience store just as an excuse to see you even if he's forced to work at the store with the others, he never works and is instead talking to you the whole time
• nagumo is big on body touch, he's always lightly grazing your shoulder with his hand when he's next to you, gently grabbing your waist to move past you, finding excuses to hold your hand
• he isn't one for deep conversations but he will enjoy sitting with you on break and listening to you talk about your life and interests and if it gets deep, he's listening more intently
• he'd likely mess around with you a few times like little pranks, nothing too crazy, but enough for a good few laughs from him and you shoving him aside
• nagumo wants to know everything about you, and he will wait however long it takes for you to go into depth about everything, he gets surprisingly patient when he has a crush
• he will consistently say pickup lines, majority of them are terrible and cringey, but he enjoys saying them to see the reaction on your face
• once it gets to the point that he can't wait for you to realize anymore, he will find a way to confess to you
• he likely asks sakamoto first on what he did to get a better gist on what to do, but still doesn't really listen and does what he deems fits
• nagumo would confess by first taking you out to eat at a nice place he remembers you love but don't go often because of it's prices, and maybe a movie after before on the walk home he hands you a bag of snacks he got from sakamoto's that you love and telling you his feelings
• he's genuinely surprised when you say you had no idea, he thought he was being so obvious but apparently not, so he's glad he confessed now instead of waiting and it going wrong
• he then asks if he can kiss you, and when you just do it, he grins on the inside and pulls you close to him, and has a wide smile on his face when you pull away and look up at him
• he's so happy when you agree to go on another date with him, and promises that he won't let his work get involved and if anything happens he will protect you over his job
• nagumo cares about you more than anyone else or anything, he will be telling you that every day and is way more affectionate once you two are official, he just loves you so much
• it then is a nice memory to look back on later down the line when he lays next to you in bed staring at you while you sleep
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yoonrimin · 8 months
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yoon recommends
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@feelbokkie >>>> don't let me love you
pairing: felix x fem!reader / chan x reader
summary: with the upcoming wedding of her cousin and her ex, y/n is in desperate need of a date for the wedding that will show the happy couple that she moved on
genre: smau, fake dating, crack, angst, fluff
status: completed
feelbokkie also has a lot of other content for stray kids that i really enjoy, i think that i read all her materialist so go and check her blog out!
@milkandhyunnie >>>> this boy is bad news
pairing: hyunjin x reader
genre: angst, smut, smau, college au, enemies to lovers
status: ongoing
summary: as an aspiring journalist, you are the news editor for the uni chronicles; the campus newspaper, popular for delivering breaking news at the drop of a hat and providing detailed articles about the various happenings around your university. you think you’ve covered every story there was to cover before you’re tasked with producing an in-depth editorial on a student whose name is on everyone’s lips—hwang hyunjin.
we love a good enemies to lovers in this blog! and the character development????? off the charts
@sluttywonwoo >>>> instead of you
pairing: best friend’s brother!lee minho x f!reader ft. han jisung
status: ongoing
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either.
series warnings: swearing, drug + alcohol use/mentions, menstruation mentions, angst, eventual smut
one of the best minho fanfics fr
btw you're going to see a lot of Kaili in my recs ;)
@skzonthebrain >>>> GO LIVE bangchan
pairing: chan x fem!reader
genre: smau, university au, established friendships, strangers to friends to lovers
status: ongoing
summary: you're crushing on the local JYP Campus Radio Host, Chan, but then again who isn't? You've always admired him from a far, thinking just like any other popular guy, he wouldn't give you the time of day. After a sudden encounter with Chan one day in the campus coffee shop 'Lifeline', everything changes."
>>>> If only you new
pairing: Chan x reader (gender not mentioned)
genre: one shot, established best friends with chan, angst, pining, fluff
summary: your ex cheated on you. you are heartbroken, have been crying for days and the worst of it all, you're now sick with the flu. thankfully Chan will always be there to look after you. is there a reason he cares so much?"
content warning: mentions of cheating, reader is cheated on, mentions of betrayal, character gets sick and pretty depressed.
>>>> what the heart wants
pairing: chan x reader
genre: one shot, nonidol!au, fluff, emotional, first confessions, best friends to lovers, established friendship with Minho and his fiance, established friendship with chan
summary: you have healed from the pain your ex caused and your close friend helps you realise you're ready to love again. will Chan still feel the same way after all this time?"
content warnings: mentions of being cheated on, emotional but happy emotional, mentions of pregnancy (not y/n), opening your heart to love after betrayal, nothing but fluff really.
i find all of the works of Ven pretty well written, is one of those writers that leaves you feeling the passion that she puts on her writing. i love them.
@kkami-writes >>>> waiting for us
pairing. ot8 x fem!reader
genre: soulmate!au, college!au, social media!au + written parts, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, smut(?)
status: ongoing
summary: at age 16 you either get your soul mark (in the form of your soulmates name somewhere on your body) or you become a blank, someone who doesn't have a soulmate. you've long lost any semblance of hope or comfort in the magic of soulmates, despite the fact that you have 8 of them.
content warning: swearing, mentions of sex, sexual innuendos, skz should be in horny jail, potential smut (MDNI), domestic abuse, sexual assault, implied/referenced self-harm, suicidal tendencies/thoughts, male x male relationships (skz are soulmates), polyamory, kms/kys jokes, mentions of homophobia + transphobia, lots of written parts, more to be added.
one of my recent lectures that i've been enjoying a looot. i truly recommend it.
@mazeinthemiroh >>>> all her materialist
i love their work, her reactions are really really good and well written. one of my comfort blogs tbh
that's why all her stray kids materialist is here, just so you can see and read it with your own eyes
@straylightdream >>>> 8.13
pairing: lee know × fem!reader
genre: one shot
summary: after a nightmare wakes you up your husband comforts you.
this made me cry its so good and fluffy omg
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p.d: in the future new blogs are going to be added, these are my more recent and current obsessions of the month if am being honest. but they're here because of the history and the writers are doing a really really good job with their works which is highly appreciated.
♡♡ if you're one of the creators tagged here i wanna say thank you for your hard work and that i truly admire your talent and skills that give us those beautiful stories ♡♡
p.d. 2: i apologize if there are any mistakes, english is not my first language, if you find any please let me know so i can get better!
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xoxo, yoon's out!
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nervocat · 7 months
Hello. I read everything from you so far and am so happy to find someone who prefers to write sfw (⁠^⁠^⁠).
Can I request Neuvillette x male reader?
Reader is a carefree, simple, humble farmer/worker from lower class who's a bit slower with actions and intelligence.
Reader is the only person that knows Neuvillette's soft side and who Neuvillette has keeps close to himself because our Chief of justice is whole days around all smart and noble people that he just appreciates some normal/simple chat.
People of higher class talking rumours since reader always shows up at trials as support to Neuvillette in their work clothes (reader doesn't have any pretty clothes)
(sorry if it's too much)
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★ 📝 — notes: omg, my first request! Hi hi!! And it's not too much, I like the idea. I hope this is up to your standards ^^
Also this was super fun to write and I'm happy with how this turned out. My favorite writing so far honestly and I added some things to the request for added depth to the request, hope you don't mind. Made my day btw when you requested this and said you read and like all my writings, I appreciate it. And I have something in the works for Flufftober to anyone who sees this, it's for Omori, I just had to get this out because I couldn't miss this silly little opportunity
       — word count: 1.0k , fandom: genshin impact , cw: bittersweet end, but still fluff, sorry if you didn't want that — ✦
                     " Farmer and the Chief Justice "
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       You were one of the people in Fontaine who were less-known and technically "lower class," but no one treated you as such. You were actually quite respected since you were a Farmer of Fontaine, supplying the Fontainians with the fruit and vegetables they love. You also grew things for the Melusines, which they supplied you with since they have some of their own special crops. This one day catches the eyes of the Iudex, the Chief Justice, Neuvillette. 
     The Melusines told Neuvillette all about you to the way you looked to the way you farmed things for them. Sigewinne even told him about you and how you send stuff to her in the Fortress of Meropide. Currently, you were out getting seeds for yourself in the Court of Fontaine and Neuvillette was walking with the Traveler and Paimon, discussing something when he caught sight of you. A Melusine saw that you had Neuvillette were in proximity, and went up to you to get your attention and gently tugged you away to him. The person selling you the seeds just laughed and put what you would've purchased to the side, waiting until you get back to come buy them. The Melusine stopped in front of Neuvillette and the Traveler with you in tow, Paimon startled by the eagerness of the Melusine and the sudden appearance of you two.
     "Monsieur Neuvillette! This is the farmer I was telling you about, [name]!" She introduced you with a smile, her mitten-shaped hands holding onto your hand as you caught your breath from being suddenly pulled away. You perked up though when you heard the name "Neuvillette" and looked up to him in front of you.
     "M-Monsieur Neuvillette? What are you doing here?" You inquire. "And the Traveler? Paimon? This certainly isn't what I expected when I went to buy seeds.." You added in a murmur. The Melusine ushered you forward, happy that her two favorite people have finally met, the Melusines around also radiating happiness.
     That was when you first met Neuvillette, about almost a year ago, and now you're in a happy, secret relationship with him.
     Neuvillette went to visit you in your house when he had the time to and you came over to his office even more frequently. You also always go to the trials if you're not busy — which you normally never are unless you have something like an infestation of insects. The rain goes on for longer those days after the trial. You know he's the Hydro Dragon, so when you're done taking care of the infestation you make sure to shower him in love and give him a gift or two (aka your finest crops and maybe something else occasionally). You always go in your farming clothes, which you make sure are clean, in the trials and smile at Neuvillette encouragingly all the time.
    When the classified higher classes catch onto this much later into your relationship, they start to gossip and word spreads throughout Fontaine within a month and people want confirmation if it's true, even Furina, but they'll have to wait for a while to have that information confirmed by you two. Charlotte even tries to get info for some exclusive news, but she also fails. The only ones who know of you two are the Traveler and Paimon and Sigewinne and Wriothesley. They keep their secrets well enough and won't tell anyone (though Traveler has to quiet Paimon occasionally).
     You two aren't great with expressing love through actions, so you give him your crops and he gives you seashells a lot. He loves what you make with your crops for him and you have an entire little collection of seashells in a drawer in your room and have them around your house. Neuvillette always feels oddly happy when he sees the seashells he gives you around the house.You decide to try each other's hobby at one point and you both fail, Neuvillette not really knowing how to care for crops and you not getting how to taste the differences between waters, but you let each other ramble to one about the said hobby.
     While you're not dumb, you're not smart either. You're empathetic which could lead to you getting scammed for something but Neuvillette makes sure you don't. You tell him he shouldn't worry so much, but you forget it later. Since you're also so carefree while Neuvillette is not, you tend to not overexert yourself with work and just hang around with Melusines. You scold Neuvillette sometimes if he overwork himself at all and he just apologizes, to which you wave a dismissive hand and hug him, preying tk Archons that no one comes in the office. You make sure Neuvillette takes care of himself and Sigewinne appreciates it.
     When you and Neuvillette have alone time together, he always seems more relaxed around you, clinging to you when  he can and follows you around your house or keeps stealing glances of you if you're in his office or in a trial. He loves you alot but won't say it with words.
     Neuvillette keeps you close to himself in the sense you're the only person he's let himself be so close with. He knows you'll never be guilty of a crime, and if you were ever to be, it'd be silly and just a few day sentence for something someone trying to get back at Neuvillette or get something out of him to hint at a deep bond. Sigewinne and Wriothesley would care for you, don't worry.
       One thing that worried Neuvillette though was that since you were both guys, he worried that the Fontainians would judge you two harshly maybe and hate you both feverently and try to get Neuvillette out of his Chief Justice position, but the people who knew accepted you two and the people of Fontaine happy of the possibility of such a respected figure like Neuvillette to be in a community such as this. Some are not respectful about that possibility, but they get shut away by the people of Fontaine for it. Neuvillette's happy to know the people accept him and you, and the skies are a lot sunnier for years.
     You and Neuvillette love each other so much and you have little to no issues in your relationship and you stay together even after your death, with him visiting your grave all the time. The skies are always rainy and stormy after your death, but he cherishes you and never took you for granted. ☆
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🌊 ★ — © nervocat || I appreciate any reblogs made, and pls don't repost or translate my works anywhere, ty — ✦ 📖
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Paul x Chani Relationship Analysis/Thoughts
If you all thought I was done posting about Dune, I'm not, obsession is still going strong. But this time I want to talk more in depth about Paul and Chani's relationship, and by talk I mean gush and maybe cry a little about it. Their romance is so well written that it really does make you feel a whole spectrum of feelings from fluffy adorableness to heartbreaking devastation.
Right from their very first meeting this relationship is interesting and compelling because of the dreams Paul has of her beforehand, even before he ever sets foot on Arrakis he has visions of her. Because these visions are so intriguing, sometimes being very dreamy and kind of romantic, and sometimes being really disturbing where she is stabbing him and taking his life, just like Paul we ourselves are interested in Chani, in who she is, what these visions are and so it creates an anticipation within the audience for their first meeting long before it happens.
When that first meeting does happen you can see that look of recognition in his eyes. For him this meeting is very different than it is for her. This is the girl he has been dreaming about for a long time now, he tells Mother Mohiam that he has dreamt of her many times, so he's had even more visions than even we have seen. So this moment is one that for him has been long awaited, he already feels a deep connection with her because of those dreams, I would even argue that he already has some romantic feelings for her too, considering the way they look at each other in those dreams and visions. For Chani though, he's a stranger, an outsider and even a threat. I do think that she feels some connection, some intrigue towards him though. She says 'they say you are the Mahdi' so she has heard of him before their meeting and so I think that has piqued her interest, I also suspect, as she isn't a believer herself she felt some negative feelings towards this unknown outsider that people are calling Lisan al gaib. Then she meets Paul and he isn't at all what she was expecting, which I think only makes her more curious about him.
Another really interesting scene between them is right before his duel with Jamis when Chani gives him her crysknife. Despite clearly having no confidence in him, which to be fair to her it did look like a strong desert wind could blow him right over, he was tired and traumatised when they met, she still gave him that blade and I think that is really significant. That blade isn't only sacred to her people but she says that her great-aunt gave it to her, which means it is of personal sentiment to her as well. It's really interesting to me that she chose to give him the blade considering the fact that she doesn't believe in the prophecy and when he is an outsider who she clearly thinks is about to die. I think maybe the reason why is because she has some respect for him because of the way he is protecting his mother and because he stood up as her champion. It's clear that Chani has a lot of respect for fighters, she puts a lot of value in a person based on their skills as a warrior, which makes sense considering her fedaykin background. I think she recognised his bravery in standing up as champion and so she has enough respect for him to want him to die with honour. The best way she can aide him in this is by giving him her own crysknife.
After she gives him the crysknife there is a moment when she turns to leave and he calls her back. You can see that he really wants to say something to her but is struggling to find the words. I love this moment because again it shows how Paul wants to make a connection with her, because of the dreams he had and because he already feels linked to her, but he just doesn't know where to begin to explain it, how do you tell someone that you were dreaming about them before you ever even met them? I also think Paul was maybe looking for a way to ground himself, in most of his visions Chani was acting as a guide for him, she's leading him and showing him the way, so to me it would make sense in this moment when he is confronted with this duel that could end in his death, that he would search for some comfort in her.
Another scene I really love is after he has killed Jamis in the duel, we see him walking through the small crowd of fremen and they are all patting his shoulders showing him honour and respect. There is that really beautiful shot of Chani climbing off the rock, its in slow motion and the wind is blowing causing her clothes and hair to flutter in the wind and it just looks so ethereal. Then it flicks back to Paul continue his walk through the crowd and he's also in slow motion, he looks up at her and their eyes lock on each other. Paul is in a very vulnerable position in this moment, he's still struggling with the death of his father and the massacre of his friends, now he's just killed for the first time and you can see from the look in his eyes that it has effected him deeply, he's devasted. In this moment of vulnerability we are shown him walking towards Chani. In a lot of ways the moment mirrors many of the visions he's had of her, where she is standing some distance away and he approaches her, or follows her. I just love that symbolism of him walking towards her, of her becoming his way. The symbolism is then deepened when Stilgar tells Paul he is one of them now, a life for a life and when the shot switches back to Paul you see Chani at his side. When Jessica then says that Paul has to get off world and Paul tells her no, that his path leads into the desert we are again shown this image of him standing with Chani at his side, this is imagery that continues into the second movie.
The last scene of dune part 1 is Chani showing Paul a fremen riding a sandworm, desert power, before telling him its only the beginning and then continuing to lead him into the desert. I love the little look they exchange and the smile that crosses his face as he looks after her.
One thing I did notice is that throughout part 2 in particular these two are always looking for each other and exchanging these little looks, like they can't help but be drawn to the other. Part 2 is where we really see their romance begin to form and honestly what I love the most about it was how natural it felt.
For Chani the way it grows is through her respect for him as a warrior. I think this is initially what attracts her to him. In the beginning of the movie after he fights the Harkonnens she tells him that he fought well, and you can see that respect begin to grow more. One of my favourite scenes though is the one where they're at Sietch tabr, Paul and his mother are sitting separately from the rest of the fremen and Paul realises there's spice in the food they've been given. When Chani's friend begins to tease Paul, Chani sticks up for him and gives the reasoning that they should give him their respect because he's a good fighter, I just love the look her friend gives her, its so relatable, its that, girl I know what you're about and I know you like this guy, look. I think most of us have had that moment when we realise that our friend has a crush on someone and you can't help but give them that teasing/knowing look. Just 10/10 moment there.
I think another moment when Paul earns Chani's trust and respect is after Jessica drinks the water of life and the two factions of the fremen (believers and non believers) are arguing and Paul pipes up admitting that his mother is trained in poison transmutation. It's clear that Chani doesn't believe that the prophecy is true and that it is something that outsiders use to control her people. So whilst I think it takes her aback when he declares that he is not the Mahdi and that he just wants to fight beside them and learn their ways, it also makes her warm to him even more and begin to trust him. Its why later when Stilgar sends Paul off into the desert and Chani's friend asks her if she cares for him now, she replies that he isn't like the other outsiders, that he's sincere. She had become used to foreigners using her people for their own ends but she sees something different in Paul, which honestly just makes his actions in the end of the movie all the more heartbreaking. This sincerity that she sees in him is what makes her follow him into the desert and help him. This is only a little detail but I do love the little breathy laugh/smile he lets out when he realises its her sitting above him on the sand dune, its cute that he's so happy to see her.
Her teaching him to sandwalk is another really good scene. That moment when she's explaining it to him and then he's like 'well according to my info books' was really hilarious especially the look she gives him, just hush Paul, at least he had the good sense to stop himself. But what is really beautiful about that scene is again that imagery of them being side by side, not only that but seeing them move in sync with each other as he learns from her.
Speaking of beautiful scenes the next one where she is explaining to him how wind traps work and he's just staring at her completely smitten made me melt. Her opening line in this scene is also telling, she says that she is the only one who believes he'll make it to summer. It seems like such a innocent, non descript line but it shows that she now has faith in him, she believes in him, not him as the Mahdi, but him Paul, the person. I also love how it parallels back to part 1 and how she had no faith in him pre his fight with Jamis. The scene is just also so beautifully shot, how her voice fades out as their love theme begins to softly play, we are really shown how Paul is seeing her, how he's just lost in her, and I will never get over the way he looks at her in this scene. I also love that awkward but giddy feeling she clearly gets when she catches him staring at her, like awkward crush feelings where she's feeling a bit shy and overwhelmed but she is also happy that he's looking at her that way because she too is feeling romantic feelings for him. It very much gives early stages of love vibes, when you both have feelings for each other but you haven't acted on them yet, you're still feeling the other out. I could watch this scene a hundred times over and never get tired of it.
However if you told me I could only watch one scene from the movie ever again, it would have to be the scene in the tent after they've attacked the spice harvesters. Everything about this scene is just so perfect. The atmosphere is so jovial and you get such a sense of comradery, you can tell that these people have a deep bond between them and its beautiful to watch Paul find a place among them. When he makes that impassioned speech about how they should strike further north, and if he dies he dies but the others will continue on until the fremen are free, I just love the look on Chani's face, you can literally see her falling deeper in love with him in this moment, she's spellbound by him. I also love how after he has been given his fremen names and everyone gets up to hug him, Chani becomes visibly nervous, you can almost see her thinking in her head, ok girl just stay cool and collected don't let your heart eyes show. It is again playing into that early love stage of a relationship. Then when she does lean in she doesn't fully hug him because she's too nervous too, yet the moment is so charged and full of chemistry, its so obvious that they want to kiss. They also do one of my favourite things a couple can do, I call it the magnet move, when Chani pulls away, Paul instinctively follows her wanting to maintain that closeness, like two magnets on a table, you pull one away and the other follows.
Next comes the big moment, the first kiss. This is another beautifully shot scene, and I know you are probably getting sick of me saying that but I can't help that this film was filled with such artfully done scenes, especially the romance ones, they're just gorgeous to look at, especially with the golden sand lit by the golden sun. But this moment it also very significant because of what happens later in the film, as beautiful as this moment is it sets us up for the devastation that comes later. The scene starts with Paul saying 'I found my way father' which is a call back to the conversation he had with his father in part one where his father tells him its ok to find his own way even if that path isn't as the Duke. We see him remove the ducal ring showing that he is shredding that identity, stepping off that path and instead embracing the fremen way and his fremen identity. What is really interesting is that right before taking the ring off he looks back to see Chani climbing up the sand dune towards him. What follows is basically a conversation about who they each are and where they come from. Chani asks Paul about his own home world and we get a true understanding of just how different their worlds were. They talk about her secret name, Sihaya and how she hates it and its connection to the prophecy, its about claiming your own identity and rejecting the one someone else chose for you. Paul rejects his title of duke and of Madhi and instead chooses to be Paul Maud'dib Usul the fremen. Chani rejects the name that links her to the prophecy and chooses her own path, and at this moment they are both on the same path. They get into a discussion of blood, how he comes from Dukes but that here on Arrakis they are seen as equals. This moment is so important, Paul tells her that he wants to be equal to her and this is the promise that he'll later break. Despite that, in this moment I really do believe that Paul means it and that he is sincere. I also love how sweet their first kiss is, how she is the first to lean in and how she turns to deepen it and how he then wraps his arm around her shoulders to pull her in even closer, its just the perfect first kiss.
Following their first kiss we get a montage of the passing time and again its stunning visually. Just before they kiss Chani tells Paul that maybe she'll show him the way of the fremen/desert and one of the first shots of the montage is literally her showing him the way through the desert. We see them fighting Harkonnens together and we see him growing closer to the fremen. I love the shot where they are standing on the sand dune and Chani leans her head on his shoulder, when it flicks next to the harvesters being brought in, I couldn't help but notice that the balloons carrying the harvesters looked like hearts. Then you have that shot of Paul lowering the telescope and you see his eyes have now turned blue showing that he has fully and truly embraced the fremen and become fremen.
The next scene we see of them after the montage is when Paul wakes from a nightmare on the day he's going to ride a sandworm for the first time. This scene shows us not only that some time has passed but also that their relationship has advanced a lot, they are now sleeping in the same tent and its very domestic. She comforts him as he gains his bearings after the nightmare showing how she has become a source of support for him. Him then telling her about his nightmare also shows the trust they have between them, he feels safe enough to be vulnerable around her, to share his fears with her. When it comes to the moment when he rides the sandworm for the first time its really sweet how worried we see her. She knows that he's just had this nightmare, so naturally when doing something this risky Chani probably would wish he had a good nights rest and was focused. Also I think some of her worry comes from knowing how important this is to Paul and how its the final test for him to become truly fremen. She loves him so she wants him to succeed. I also love that look she gives her friend when she tells Paul to call a big sandworm, but I also love that her friend reassures her and reminds her that Stilgar has taught him well. When Paul succeeds and rides the worm you can see the pure exhilaration on Chani's face, she is so happy for him and so proud of him and you can feel the same sense of triumph she and the other fedaykin feel. But Chani's mood quickly shifts when she sees the other fedaykin go from cheering to praying to Paul, and that worry creeps back in.
Their love scene is one of those scenes that covers a full spectrum of emotions. It's a very tender moment between them and also surprisingly steamy considering the rating. There is this tiny blink and you miss it moment where right after Chani says 'will you always be with me' they both have these little smiles on their faces before Paul replies 'as long as I breathe' honestly its such a tender moment and it really pulls at my heartstrings every time I see it. But then the mood shifts and we can see Chani's fear coming through. It mirrors the tent scene where Paul has his nightmare only this time their roles are reversed, Paul is the one comforting Chani and she is the one that is expressing her fears. Their fears are the same, they both fear the fundamentalists that worship Paul as the Mahdi. Chani recognises the dangers of this blind worship and how its is being spread by Jessica who is fanning the flames. It does kind of feel like Paul is burying his head in the sand a bit here though, he is trying to pretend that he can just ignore this problem but Chani can see that its beginning to grow out of control and that scares her. I think the fact that she asks whether he will always be with her shows that she fears losing him.
The biggest turning point comes though when Paul is reunited with Gurney. For the first half of the film Paul has been adamant and steadfast in rejecting his connections to the house atriedes and instead embracing his new identity as a fremen. But when Gurney shows up he is connection back to his previous life, his previous identity and this clearly worries Chani even though she claims that she trusts Usul. Despite her worry though she still helps Gurney when Paul tells her that he is family. She knows that this new stranger is someone important to Paul and so because she loves Paul and wants what's best for him she swallows down her own concerns and helps Gurney. The situation only gets more tense though when Gurney tells Paul that he knows where the Atreides family atomics are.
Which is when we get the second tent scene where Paul tells Chani about the atomics. Honestly this is another scene that is wrought in tension but where there is a moment or two where there is this tenderness between them too. It's interesting that whilst telling Chani about the atomics Paul is studying the ducal ring, its the first time we see it since he took it off right before their first kiss. It's clear that Chani is becoming more and more scared especially when Paul starts making plans for how he could use the atomics and says the line 'he who can destroy a thing has the real control of it.' She rightly calls him out, reminding him that he promised her that he didn't want power. Then he accuses her of not trusting him and honestly even I found her response a bit harsh, telling him that he's a foreigner just like his friend. I saw some comments, mostly on youtube, complaining that Chani never saw or accepted Paul as fremen, that she always saw him as an outsider, and they use this moment as proof of that. But I don't agree with that view at all, I think Chani's biggest fear is that she will lose Paul to the fundamentalists and that he'll be unable to outrun who he was in the past, the duke of arrakis, the future of house Atreides, he would no longer be her equal, be the man she has come to love, its because she does see him as one of them that she fears him becoming someone else. I do think that this is where Chani starts to put some walls back up, she has that little feeling of doubt creep in, she's feeling unsettled. However her calling him a foreigner really hurts him and he denies it. You can see Chani's facial expression shift when she turns to look at him. At first she looks angry and like she is about to throw off another snipe at him, but then she sees his pain and instead reassures him, telling him he wasn't to her but he is to the desert. I think Gurney showing back up has reminded Chani of how they come from different places, how he was once a duke. But Paul also recognises Chani's fears and tries to reassure her, reminding her that his loyalty is to her and the fremen and its them that's behind his motivations. Chani seems to be convinced but that tension between them still lingers.
Things only get worse when Paul has that dream about Chani dying and awakes to Sietch Tabr under attack. There is that heartstopping moment where Paul can't find Chani and you can see the very real fear when he shouts out her name. His and the audience's fear only increase when we locate Chani but she's standing on a dune exactly as the vision showed and we get that mirroring image of Paul running up the dune towards her and you can't help but panic that this is his vision coming true. The look of complete relief on Paul's face when he reaches Chani and she is ok is only momentary because it quickly turns to horror when they see the artillery hitting the Sietch. But once again it is to each other that they turn for support. I think the attack on Sietch Tabr has a huge effect on Paul's motivations going forward, he says to Gurney that he never saw it coming. Despite all of the nightmares and visions he is plagued with, this was something that he didn't see coming, that he couldn't stop and that is frustrating to him, he thinks if he did see it then maybe he could've stopped it and I think its the same with the vision of Chani's death, his visions have always been murky and unclear and as he is losing more and his fear is growing it makes drinking the water of life more tempting. What is that line that Jessica is always saying, fear is the mind killer. I think the attack on Sietch Tabr and the vision of Chani's death happening simultaneously is what finally causes Paul's fear to take over and that is when he truly becomes lost.
The last scene between Chani and Paul before they leave to go south is one of the most bittersweet and heartbreaking I've seen. Chani's line 'the world has made choices for us' is really heartbreaking because of how true it is, they only have the illusion of making choices, they are being pulled by the actions of others around them, so as much as Paul wants to live happily amongst the fremen and with Chani, outside forces work to pull him off that path and onto one of their own choosing. Jessica's actions, Gurney's, the Harkonnen's, the Bene Gesserit and the Emperor's all work against Paul and force him into a choice that he doesn't want to make. So he 'chooses' to go South and drink the water, but he also doesn't have a choice in it at all in truth. What makes my heart ache is the way he is crying in this scene, his fear that he will lose Chani. She tries to reassure him that he'll never lose her but she doesn't fully understand, she doesn't know what he does, that he's going to have to drink the water. It's that line 'as long as you stay who you are' you can see the resigned nod he gives and the just pain in his eyes because he knows that he can't stay who he is, so this promise she is giving him isn't the comfort he is seeking, its confirmation that he will in fact lose her and its just awful to watch him have that realisation and poor Chani seems to be clueless to it. But something interesting that I caught in this moment is that she calls him Paul Atreides. It's interesting because whilst she has called him Paul on occasion she mostly refers to him by his fremen name Usul, but not only does she recognise him as Paul in this moment she also recognises him as an Atreides which I don't think we've seen her do since the beginning of their relationship. Also when Paul replies he says that he will cross the storms with her and help get her people to safety. Again this is a departure from his view before this when he insisted that he wasn't a foreigner, that the fremen were their people. Already we are seeing this distance begin to form between them, its subtle but the cracks are there.
The last kiss between them in this scene is bittersweet, you can see Paul relishing it, clinging to it because he knows its likely their last kiss, for him this is a goodbye in a way. The head shake he does when they pull apart and the way he keeps his eyes closed because he can't bear to look at her, knowing what he's about to do, it really does just hit you in the gut, its so painful to watch, especially because you know he is doing this because he thinks its the only way to keep her safe, to keep the fremen safe, he has to open his mind so he can see all the dangers that might come their way, so he can guide them to the future where he doesn't lose her or his friends.
One moment where I have seen alot of conflicting opinions over is the scene where Chani comes to Paul after he drinks the water of life. I've seen alot of people say that Chani was going to let Paul die, that she had clearly already fallen out of love with him, which honestly I think I may have watched a different film to them. Personally I didn't see it as her not wanting to save him or her wanting to let him die, Chani was frantic from the moment she showed up there, she is scared and confused, we see her asking over and over what happened. My heart broke for her when she realised that he had drank the water, there is also that devastating moment when she thinks he is dead and you can see her start to tremble and crumble, there's pure pain in her eyes, so I'll never understand those with the view that she had fallen out of love with him at this point. After realising what he has done she then becomes angry at Jessica in particular, she doesn't understand Paul's own actions in drinking the water, we can see this by the way she keeps asking him why he would do it. But she knew that this was what Jessica wanted and that she had been scheming and manipulating to get her way, so Chani's anger is understandable and its why she tells Jessica to fix it because she sees her as the perpetrator in this. I think the point is that Jessica never gives Chani the opportunity to choose for herself, Chani is still trying to process what has happened and still trying to work through all the emotions she is feeling, I mean girl is understandably a mess, she's scared, confused, angry, and there are people there sprouting out nonsense about a prophecy that she doesn't believe in which is only making her angrier, of course she wasn't thinking straight. So no, I personally do not think she was going to let him die, I think she was just going through it. I also think it was terrible that she was forced into playing a part in this prophecy considering how she felt about it, also because when Paul wakes up he's not entirely the same person, so now Chani must feel like she played a part in destroying the man she loves and bringing forth this new person who seems like a stranger to her in many ways. As I said earlier she also doesn't understand his actions, why he drank the waters and I think this is largely something that causes her pain going forward to, every new action he takes hurts her because not only is he betraying her and going back on everything he had previously said to her but she doesn't understand why he is, for her this has come completely out of the blue.
Another opinion I see alot is that from the moment Paul wakes up he is dead in the eyes and that he is completely changed, that from that moment forward he never shows emotion again. This is another one where I don't entirely agree with it. I do think there is a hugely drastic change in Paul post drinking the water, obviously. I also agree that most of the time he looks dead in the eyes, like there's some kind of void there now, he seems very calculating and cold and yes most of the time emotionless. But I do think there are moments, very small moments, but glimpses of the old Paul that come through occasionally and almost every time we see these glimpses its in connection with Chani, the exception being when the Emperor says that Leto was a weak man. I also don't agree with the view that Paul was dead in the eyes the moment he woke up, that it was instant like that. The way I saw it was I thought he actually looked happy to see Chani, it reminded me alot of the few times we saw him have nightmares and he would immediately turn to see Chani, would seek out her comfort, I think its the same here, he wakes up and he's disorientated and the first thing he does is search for her, he sees her there and he hears her tell him she's there. You can see and feel her relief and when she hugs him to her, he wraps his arms around her too. She needs to know that he is ok and so she asks him and its so sad the way her voice shakes when she does because it shows just how scared she was. Once she realises that he is ok and her fear fades that's when her anger comes out full swing, especially when he says he's ok thanks to her because its that reminder of how she was forced into playing a part in the prophecy she hates, he knew how she hated her secret name because of the connection to the prophecy and so again it makes her angrier. So she slaps him and walks away. For me this is the moment when his eyes go dead and he becomes emotionless, as he is watching her walk away. We see him stand as everyone bows down to him and as he turns there is just this chillingly cold look in his eyes.
If Chani was angry after Paul drank the water, its nothing compared to how she feels after the war council. This is another instance when she is forced into doing things she doesn't want to, this time by Gurney, she goes to speak up and Gurney pulls her to the ground and tells her she'll get in trouble, she pulls her blade and goes towards Paul to intervene when the Fremen get upset at him talking without being a tribe leader and pull their weapons and again Gurney stops her. When everyone begins to bow down to Paul Gurney literally pulls her down so that she is bowing to him too. But I do think this is the moment where her heart begins to break, as upset as she was when he drank the water this moment is even more hurtful and even more of a betrayal. Not only is it clear that he is embracing the role of Mahdi in this moment and using her people to meet his own ends, but when he declares himself duke of arrakis he is putting himself above her in rank, he is no longer her equal, he is her duke and she and her people are his servants. This is what is heartbreaking to her and this is what feels like a betrayal because it comes back to that scene before they first kiss where he says he wants to be equal to her. Now he is betraying that.
I said earlier that throughout the first half of the film we saw alot of imagery of Paul and Chani side by side, this imagery of unity, but from the moment he drinks the water, we see the opposite, they are always at a distance from each other, she sees him walking through the crowd from a distance at the war council, when making the plan to attack the Emperor's ship they are sitting on opposite sides instead of next to each other, after the battle when they are gathered in the hall we see Chani look for him and sees him walking at a distance surrounded by his loyal followers. Despite this one thing remains the same and that is that they still seek each other out with their eyes, they still have these little moments where they're eyes meet and they seem to say something without actually talking.
One exception to this new distance we see between them is the very last scene where we see them talk to each other. It was actually only on a rewatch that I realised that these were the last lines they speak to each other and also the last line Chani says at all. When they are gathered in the hall and Paul has ordered for the prisoners to be brought in, we see him look to Chani and approach her. The last words she says to him are 'this isn't over yet.' Now obviously she's talking about the battle here, but I also like to think that she is talking about them too, despite everything she is still clinging to him and to them with a very thin thread at this point. It's very similar to the scene before they go south and its just as heartbreaking because once again Paul knows what he is about to do and knows its going to hurt her. So he tells her he'll love her as long as he breathes, and this line just felt like a knife to the heart, its so romantic and yet even as he says it you can feel that something is coming and like their last kiss it feels like a goodbye. I've seen some say that Paul was lying in this moment but for me I think the thing that makes it so tragic is that its the truth. At this point Paul has broken so many promises that he made to her, has betrayed her in so many ways and he knows he's about to make it worse, so he gives her this one last promise, one that he will not break. She might not believe him but despite that he needs to say it, he needs her to hear it. It's this one last moment of pure honesty and love between them. You can see that it means something to her as well, that despite how angry she is she still feels his words in that moment, we see it in the way she kind of gasps and tries not to let it overwhelm her.
But then comes that moment, the one where everything comes crumbling down as Paul says he'll take the princess' hand. I mean Zendaya's acting in this moment was phenomenal, I really did feel her pain and shock and anger. But I think the part that really hurts her isn't even him marrying another woman its the part where he says that he and the princess will rule over the empire together. Again it comes back to equality, Chani was Paul's equal and that was important to her, but here he is declaring himself a lord and he is making a move for the throne of the known universe, again putting himself in a position above Chani as well as a position of power over her and her people, on top of that by saying that he will rule with the princess he is essentially making another woman his equal in Chani's place, a woman who will also have power and control over Chani's own people. Of course this feels like a betrayal for her and of course this hurts her, I mean Chani looks like she almost wants to throw up in this moment she is so distressed by it, you see her pull her anger back up and at this point I really do think she is using her anger as a shield and as something to hide behind so that she doesn't have to confront the pain she is in.
Which brings me to the duel between Paul and Feyd. I really do think this fight shows just how deeply Paul still loves Chani and vice versa. There is that moment when Feyd knocks Paul down, its a hard enough knock that everyone around gasps and even Paul himself looks frightened, it almost looks like he is beat. But then Paul looks to Chani, I think this is for a couple of reasons, one being that if he is about to die then he wants to have one last look at her, another is because she is his source of strength and right now he needs that in order to continue the fight. But this look draws Feyd's attention and he realises the connection between Paul and Chani. Feyd's biggest mistake is turning his attention to Chani, calling her Paul's pet. You can see the disgust on Chani's face here, I think it still hurts even if its not Paul's view, it's again highlighting their difference in station, Paul's a duke of a great house, she's his pet, its degrading. But this comment makes Paul angry too. This is another reason why I argue against the view that Paul is emotionless post drinking the water because in this moment you can see the emotion in his eyes as he stares Feyd down. Its pure fiery rage and protectiveness. Watching Feyd approach Chani is what gives Paul the strength to get back up and as he moves towards Feyd you can see his anger growing. If Feyd hadn't turned his attention to Chani and taunted Paul then Feyd may have been able to beat him. We see Paul thump his chest twice and you know that he's out for blood now. When Feyd does stab him we see Paul again look to Chani, drawing that strength from her, when Feyd is pushing the emperor's blade towards Paul and he is trying to stop it with his hand, its just such a tense and horrifying scene to watch, but Paul bares the pain of that blade slicing through his hand because he knows what is at stake, because when he looked at her the first time he exposed her to Feyd, who turned his attention to her, if Paul dies now then that means leaving Chani vulnerable to Feyd and there is no telling what Feyd would do to her, the fact that he called her a pet shows that he doesn't see her as human so you know it wouldn't be anything pleasant. Which means for Paul dying is now no longer an option, his main priority is keeping Chani safe, its why he drank the water and became the Mahdi in the first place. Its the threat to Chani that gives Paul the strength to defeat Feyd. There is also something symbolic about the fact that its the same crysknife that Chani gave him before his fight with Jamis that he uses to kill Feyd, a crysknife that was already covered in his own blood.
It's also clear throughout this whole duel that Chani still cares for Paul, we see it in her reaction when he is stabbed, that fear that he will die, that she'll have to watch him die, also she must be thinking, on some level, about the first time she saw him fight, right after they first met, the parallels between the two duels are so clear. The relief she shows when he kills Feyd, the way she lets out the breath she was holding and the way she trembles, its clear that she is still in love with him. There's also a moment where after pulling the knife from his shoulder Paul looks at her and her gaze just softens and she once again looks at him with tenderness. But when the emperor finally kneels to him and everyone (but irulan and jessica) follows suit, Chani refuses to. Her anger is back and she refuses to bow to him, to recognise him as someone who is above her, she will not see him as anything but her equal. She also won't follow him down this path, won't support this action and so she leaves. That last look between them is so loaded, so complex and fill of so many different emotions. Paul is looking at her with such longing and sadness and Chani is staring back at him with defiance and anger. Then he has to watch her leave, she's a part of him, a part of his soul and he has to watch her leave. He doesn't take his eyes off her until she is completely out of sight and then he looks down and closes his eyes as if he's never been in this much pain before. Something else that is so tragic about this scene is how it mirrors but is opposite to the one in part 1 that I talked about above. The one where after his duel with Jamis we see him walking towards Chani, now he has once again become champion in a duel, but this time Chani is walking away from him.
I think the thing that is so tragic about their love story was how hard they tried to cling to each other, from halfway through the film you can feel the end coming for them, they are battling against all these external forces that are bigger than the two of them and yet they still love each other, they really did fight as hard as they could to be together. Even when he makes the grab for power, he loves her, even when she walks away, she loves him. Even at the end they are still deeply in love with each other but they've been forced onto different paths, because the world made choices for them. Honestly thinking about it too hard makes me want to cry. Maybe I am being too optimistic here but I am going to take some hope that their last lines to each other 'its not over yet' and 'I'll love you as long as I breathe' means that they will find their way back to each other somehow.
I don't think I have ever come across a movie couple that has such a well written and heartbreaking story as these two, but as much as I could continue to waffle on about them this post is past ridiculously long, honestly if you have read to the end of this, I am impressed and very grateful, so thank you. But yeah that is my very long thought dump on Paul and Chani, if you can't tell yet they've completely wrecked me.
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Closed Position: Meet the Characters
Closed Position Masterlist ||| Main Masterlist
With the first chapter of the Dancing with the Stars fic, Closed Position, finally posting next week, I thought it might be fun to get to know Dieter and Kat a little bit more. I mostly did this for myself to try and get the Destiny & Deliverance version of Dieter out of my head. I also wanted to figure out Katarina a little more…because again, I still have Talia on the brain. 🤦🏻‍♀️
So, given that, you guys get some fun details on these two that will hopefully help me switch gears and give them a little more depth.
About Dieter Bravo in Closed Position
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At the beginning of this fic, Dieter is eight months post rehab. This is the first time he has successfully kept clean for any meaningful length of time, and he is determined to stick with it. His acting career hasn't been going well because no one wants to work with him. He's looking to change his image and prove that he is a different man to get his life back on track. However, that process is proving harder than he would have thought as no one is taking his recovery seriously. As a last-ditch effort to save Dieter's career, his agent books him on Dancing with the Stars.
In an effort to hold on to his sobriety, Dieter has cut pretty much everyone out of his life that he considered to be an enabler or a bad influence. He spends a lot of his time alone and fills it with hobbies - painting, reading, music, taking care of his plants and the stubborn stray cat that won't leave his beach house.
Dieter has also been making an effort to present himself as less of a slob. When he leaves the house these days, he tries to look presentable and even dresses appropriately for work meetings. He slowly starts to embrace fashion and wants to look his best. He has held onto his longer curly locks, but instead of leaving them in an unruly mess, he does try to style them so that he looks more put together. As he gains more confidence, he embraces this version of himself and doesn't think twice about the old worn clothes he used to live in... except for his green robe. He still wears it around the house.
Even though Dieter keeps busy, he's lonely. He feels misunderstood and wishes people would give him a chance to prove himself. Ultimately, his dance partner gives him that opportunity. Sure, he finds her attractive, but it goes deeper than that. She gives him true friendship and the non-sexual intimacy that he has starved himself of most of his life.
About Katarina Stamos in Closed Position
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Katriana Stamos has been involved with ballroom dance since she was very young. She has spent the last 13 years on Dancing with the Stars, where she often does not make it very far into the competition. Mainly due the partners she is paired with because they are just not physically able to keep up. She has suspicions that there are other nefarious reasons for it too. Those suspicions are confirmed during her last season on the show when she is paired with Dieter Bravo.
Kat isn't old by any means, but she is past the typical age of retirement for a ballroom dancer at 39. While dancing appears to be all about the glitz and glamor, behind the scenes its full of struggle and pain. Kat's body is wearing down and aches constantly due to worsening rheumatoid arthritis in her feet, knees, and hips. She's often too tired and achy after rehearsal to do things like clean her modest size house or go out with her castmates. She's a little messy and at times struggles to keep it together. However, she isn't going to let these issues get her down during her last season, not when she has finally been paired with someone that has potential to make it to finals.
This is an amazing opportunity for Kat, financially speaking. One would assume that being a cast member on Dancing with the Stars would be a good payout. It is, for those who make it further into the competition. Since Kat hasn't been lucky enough to do that, things can get tight with finances. Especially since she is trying to save up to open her own dance studio once she does finally retire from professional dancing. If she can make it to the end this time, her funding problems will be solved.
The last notable thing about Kat...she is dating another dancer on the show named Alec. They've been together for six years. Alec is kind of a jerk for many reasons that we will see play out through the course of the story. He becomes almost unbearable to deal with when Dieter comes into the mix even though Alec is the one that has a terrible history when it comes to fidelity.
There are some other tidbits we find out about Kat early on that explains why she is so accepting of Dieter and willing to give him a chance. What she doesn't expect are the feelings that come with their budding friendship.
How are you guys feeling about these new characters and this different version of Dieter? Excited yet?
I have done a TON of research around the behind-the-scenes workings of the show. I plan to share some of that with you as we go along. It has actually helped form a lot of the plot. While I don't claim 100% accuracy on it, I do plan to try and incorporate details as accurately as I can from what information is public.
With all that said, we finally get to really meet these two next week. I can't wait to finally share them with you!
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Series Summary: Dieter Bravo, now sober, was looking to change his bad boy image after hitting rock bottom. His team hoped that having him join the nationally televised family friendly dance competition would be a good first step, if they can keep him out of trouble. 
Katarina Stamos expected her last season as a professional dancer on Dancing with the Stars to go the same as it had for the past thirteen seasons. That all changed when she was partnered with the infamous Dieter Bravo. 
Dieter and Katarina are reluctantly thrown into their partnership and must learn to work together to succeed in the competition. In the process they form a deeper connection beyond the dance floor that neither anticipated.
👉 Warnings: Themes dealing with intimate partner violence, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn. Read at your own risk. Dieter Bravo comes with his own warnings.
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CP Taglist: @secretelephanttattoo @titlee78 @maggiemayhemnj @legendary-pink-dot @linzels-blog @morallyinept @survivingandenduring  @wannab-urs @harriedandharassed @hisandsnakes @misstokyo7love @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @sin-djarin @cakipy-blog @missladym1981 @guelyury @weho2kcmo @alokaerza @girlofchaos @trulybetty @rhoorl @bitchwitch1981 @madnessofadaydreamer @darkheartgatita @jazzloveslatte @timpletance @musings-of-a-rose @samiamproductions @myloveistoolittle @for-a-longlongtime  @copperhalfcent @auteurdelabre @drewharrisonwriter
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dreamingmantis · 5 months
So here are some of my imaginings of what could have happened with human star. This isn’t a full rewrite (in case it seems choppy), just me rambling about many of the ideas I had. Though, I may write some of these. But please, ask or talk to me about it. It's so much fun to imagine. This is a long post, so I've put the rest under the cut. ✨
Some people have mentioned Star being mute. I’m not sure if they are actually referencing the star we got in the movie, so I’m just going to say that his voice is the last thing he finds in his humanoid form, and that he does in fact, mime things. If he talks, it's very little.
I want to know more about Asha’s father and her relationship with him. He seemed to be some sort of philosopher or astronomer. He drew maps, and he always recognized a certain star that only appeared at certain times of the year, right above the castle, and moved in an arc over it with the Earth's rotation. He called it the wishing star. You know, the star. He had a powerful wish too—one that he gave to King Magnifico before he tragically passed. But, he doesn't have full control over the wishes... yet. The wishes of those who have passed ascend to the stars, where they hold them safe.
Perhaps she's already known about his evil intent, even though no one else does. I'd also like to see more of Asha's flaws. If she's caring or people pleasing to a fault, I almost want to see it cause a problem. Maybe she accidentally impedes on something important and completely messes it up, possibly even the wish ceremony in an attempt to get her grandpa's wish granted (to inspire future generations). It would give more impact before she runs into the woods and sings This Wish. (just please don't say "throw caution to every warning sign" cause... what?)
Do you know the concept art of when Star first comes down to Earth? I think after Star's light envelopes the island, he would awaken in the forest, confused as to why he is so far from home. Asha finds him, and of course, is equally confused. He sees her and slowly realizes that she is the one who called him down and that he's on Earth.
I would want to see lots of shapeshifting here. There could be a song as he slowly gives his magic to the trees and the animals that explains who exactly he is, and by extension, how the galaxies, planets, and life are formed. He personally knows many of the stars we know about (you know, like Spica or Arcturus). In fact, when she tells him about her seven friends, he is reminded of seven stars he knows deeply, the Pleiades (his guiding constellation). She knows about them because her father showed her.
I think that concept would also give more depth and lore to King Magnifico’s sorcery. What he keeps in his room are akin to chemistry experiments, if you will, so it’s clear that he practices some sort of alchemy. He could have only retrieved magic like this from the cosmos, possibly the life force of the stars. She asks him if he can grant her grandfather’s wish. He shakes his head or signals. He can't. And of course, he doesn’t know or have the wish. King Magnifico is in possession of it.
Imagine they fly, like a Peter Pan-esque way (or maybe in the end, because they have to stay hidden). I want her to talk more about her father. Maybe he has an observatory. If the stars need to align a certain way for Magnifico to perform an ultimate spell, one of the keys to stopping him would be there.
He's still naive to exactly what's going on, yet he imparts wisdom, almost by accident, that make Asha realize. Since he isn't fully familiar with humans and their world, he probably messes with some items he sees and definitely knocks some things over. (I don’t know why but I imagined him hiding inside a jar.) But he's so fascinated by the smallest things in the world. Asha doesn't want him to be seen because she knows they'll be in deep trouble, but what if Star runs off out of curiosity and impresses a small crowd of people with his magic tricks. But of course, someone goes to pass along the word and soon enough, it'll reach Magnifico. I'm sure he wants to meet her friends too, but she has to try to hide him as she interacts with them and maneuvers her way up the castle.
I want the idea of humans being like stars of our own to slowly come to light over the story rather than in one song. Star can see all the wishes in people’s hearts, like the cores of stars. He can see each person for who they truly are at the core of their beings, in their purest forms. He wants to show her at some point, so, he takes her hands. And he feels a profound love for the first time. He feels the love she has in her heart for her family and her. For the first time, he can see where the wishes he hears come from, because...
After everything, Asha and Star finally reach the castle and find all the wishes. Star instantly recognizes their forms. And here, Asha finally sees the wishes of her family—her mother, her grandfather. But one is missing. Some people have died never knowing their wishes they gave to King Magnifico. Star has seen and held them before, because the wishes of those who have passed ascend to the stars, where they hold them safe. That includes Asha’s late father’s. And Star is the one holding it safe. So, he reaches deep within himself and pulls it out. She hold it in her hands, and it breaks her heart. His wish was for all people to know that in a world of matter who they are, their dreams are within reach. They shouldn't ever stop looking up because someone told them they can't. If they're going to sing At All Costs with the original words, this is when it would be. It would be so profoundly magical, like an I See The Light kind of moment. Their love for these precious wishes and for each other. Imagine, Asha’s holding her father’s dream in her arms, and very carefully, she passes it back to Star for safekeeping, yet at the same time, they’re holding each other.
Imagine, just imagine, that he was the star on her father's map.
Magnifico still ultimately wants to capture Star and keep him inside his staff forever so he can dictate the world. And Star holds some of the wishes of the passed? That’s even better for his quest for power. In fact, he aims to become so powerful that he can pull the wishes down from the heavens. He could extend his power into the cosmos. And if Asha made a mistake earlier in the film, people would be much more likely to believe him at first when declares Asha a traitor and lies that she's the one who destroyed their wishes. Also, he needs a bit more epic of a villain song.
I think they would be forced into hiding. Asha's friends are there and they still sing Knowing What I Know Now complete with some Star shapeshifting.
Her friends hadn't showed up as promised. Perhaps Magnifico had put an end to their uprising. Either way, Asha and Star confront him. Star is the last person she has by her side, and with a few words of his spell, he sucks him into his staff. He finally has the power he's craved. He can pull the wishes down from the heavens and crush them. She is alone when he commands the clouds to cover the stars and says his line of “There will be no more hope" (I don't remember the exact wording). She looks out to see the kingdom in hiding, wondering if her friends are really there like they said they would be. It's dark and storming, and she's so alone in the moment that it seems that Magnifico has already won. There are no stars in sight. Yet, she remembers how Star showed her that each person is made of everything that comes from the stars. So she begins to sing: So I look out to the stars just like me.
It turns out, her friends are there. They show up right when she needs them most and begin to sing with her, their hearts alight like the cores of stars. It's not enough. But the kingdom sees hope, and that's when they begin to come out. I mean from across the island, from their homes. He still casts a spell, and while weighed down, they still sing. That way, Magnifico's "mirror mirror" sequence could also extend across the whole island.
And Star breaks free. He ascends, high, and the wishes Magnifico attempted to pull down to Earth are let free. And when the clouds dissipate, he's sucked into his staff and defeated.
It would honest be funny if Star plummeted just to appear over the balcony and surprise her. And then... this is when they kiss.
So, she reunited with her loved ones as was in the ending, and of course, he must return to the heavens soon. (And be the guiding star). Asha loves him, but she loves her friends and family too, and her kingdom needs her. So, he bestows a new gift on her that she's worthy of. She would become the first fairy godmother and have the ability to commune with the stars. She can go between the heavens and Earth. She would have a dress transformation that would be reminiscent of the one in Cinderella. Sabino also begins to pluck his lute and play When You Wish Upon a Star in the end. When Star does return home, maybe, he leaps like a shooting star over the castle. Get it?
I appreciate that the setting alludes to the various cultures of it's inhabitants from around the Mediterranean region (I would love if even more variety was shown as a Mediterranean person myself), but I really want more of Asha's specific cultural background to be portrayed. I'm trying to think exactly what role Queen Amaya would have in the narrative. I've heard her and Magnifico were supposed to be the first villain couple which sounds so cool! I'm trying to imagine how exactly the dynamic would be there. If you have any ideas then lmk. ^^
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layzeal · 4 months
Dr. Lace, as a practicing Lan Wangjiologist, why do you think Lan Wangji waited until the end of the novel to tell Wei Wuxian about A-Yuan surviving? Like, in universe, because while I think the real answer is that the twist plays out better at the end of the story, it’s more fun to guess why Lan Wangji kept quiet.
"Dr. Lace" and "Lan Wangjiologist" made me laugh for like two days straight. well done anon. well done sjdhfkjsdhlfkdsjf
but you've actually caught me on something that i don't know if i have a true answer!! i mean, as you said there is the obvious reason of it just working a lot better from a storytelling point of view.
us readers don't really learn about a-yuan existence until wwx mentions it the first time as they're hanging out in yiling before climbing the burial mounds, then there's a flashback where we met the wen remnants, they die, wwx is killed, and immediately after we return, we get the blood poll scene, which also immediately reveals to us that the little boy we met is actually now the BIG boy we've fallen in love with a long time ago! we care about lan sizhui long before we even know that he was relevant in wangxian's life before that. "what happened to a-yuan" isn't a looming question that follows us or the characters throughout the story, because a-yuan only comes up quite late in the plot. mxtx wasn't going for a shocking plot twist with that reveal, but merely using him as another piece in the story's theme. we love lan sizhui before we even know he's a-yuan, and knowing that he's now only alive BECAUSE wwx sacrificied all he did to save the wen remnants, even if he "failed" shows us the human side of how worth it was.
but of course that doesn't come without its foreshadowing. note that i don't subscribe to the "wangxian are a-yuan's parents" or "lan sizhui secretly calls lwj 'baba/fuqin'" headcanon (although u can always argue that 一日为师,终身为父 but that's for another day lmao), i find their relationship has a lot more nuance and honestly more depth than that of a nuclear family. we see how he and lan wangji seem to be much closer compared to other juniors (ie hgj personally teaches him the qin language, gives him books that other lan disciples seem to not have access to, etc) and while that is curious, it's not out of place for lwj to have a particular student he wants to train more closely. lan sizhui clearly deserves it! however, once it is revealed just how much sizhui means to lwj, as well as how he gave him both his new "birth" name and his courtesy name, as well as why he'd want sizhui to be under his protection and teaching, it all clicks!
but again, it's simply not a major focus within the plot.
ok cool lace, that still doesn't answer why lan wangji doesn't bring that up in-universe. and you're right! i'm quite fond of tangents
but seriously, i do think that's part of it as well. just like how the question of "what happened to a-yuan" doesn't follow us around the story, that's the same for our main characters. wei wuxian has long been convinced that a-yuan died alongside the wen remnants, so he doesn't ask because he's allergic to reminiscing anything about the past. for lan wangji, lan sizhui is safe (and still amnesiac), and wei ying is back to life, there are a thousand other things they need to focus on before bringing all of that up. and lan wangji is nothing if not focused on fixing the most important tasks at hand, matters of the past can be talked about later unless relevant (it's no wonder that all of lwj's backstroy is revealed to us by the narrator or a different character, after all).
but most of all, i think lan wangji didn't bring it up because he simply did not know how to tackle the subject of the first siege, wwx's death, or the wen remnants with him. it's understandably a very sensitive subject, and lan wangji did not wish to overstep his boundaries by bringing it up when wwx wasn't ready to. again, he's a man of priorities, and he wouldn't risk breaking the scab off the wound unless it was necessary, or wwx did it first.
from those lens, it's no question why he only seemed to consider revealing a-yuan's identity after the second siege, not only because wwx has finally had closure on the death of the wens, but because lan sizhui himself is starting to piece things together, though it is also not something that should be forced. however, after the second siege, things really begin speeding up again, and between wwx watching the wens fade away and having a fight with jiang cheng, he's is clearly both physically and emotionally drained all the way until they get freaky in the bathtub, where things get even WORSE, and then guanyin temple happens which just... yeah. there was enough telenovela drama for one night.
so, once all of that is finally over, and lwj sees sizhui analyze chenqing with a clear sense of reminiscing, lwj finally settles it that he will reveal it. they're not in a hurry, wwx is finally doing okay, closure has been achieved in multiple things, and there are no other priorities at hand.
except that! he doesn't even need to. because sizhui catches up does it for him. and isn't that even more fitting?
but really, since i received this ask i have been thinking to myself "at what other time would lan wangji have revealed a-yuan's identity? and why?" and i just... keep hitting a wall. because revealing extremely charged emotional subjects to a beloved person who has never brought it up to you, about another person who doesn't even know or remember it, it's simply not lan wangji's character. wei ying is alive and safe, a-yuan is alive and safe, tearful revelations can come later, but right now lan wangji needs to ensure that they'll continue that way.
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