#but! we're getting them back and i had to mark it somehow
chrissiewatts · 27 days
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Alex + pulling Henry closer
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help-itrappedmyself · 3 months
Dead on Main part 8
Formatting on my phone is weird 🥲
Jason gets up quickly. He may not have his muscle memory in this body, but he still knows how to fight. Has known all his life. He can adapt to this body’s size and strength if he needs to.
He gets ready to defend himself, searching the alley for what hit him and seeing a… glowing figure approaching him. It looked like a vampire. This town is weird, what the fuck.
“What the fuck?” Jason spits out.
“Really, Daniel. Is that language really necessary?” The vampire asks as he floats towards him.
“Plasmius, leave him alone.” Jazz runs in and plants herself in front of Danny. “Please, can you not do this right now? We're already in the middle of a situation.”
“Well, this all could have been avoided if you had agreed to speak with me earlier.” Plasmius lifts his arm and a shot of what seems like pink energy shoots towards them, he both dive to the side.
Jason, body pumping with adrenaline, rolls and pops back up. And realizes he rolled through the alley wall. His body was glowing green, his feet were floating off of the ground, and he backs his way slowly out of the store he landed in and back out into the alley. He walks through the wall again.
Okay. He wasn't expecting to deal with a weird amount of meta powers today, but he can do this. The surge of power feels almost like the pit madness. Nicer, and more controlled. It's focused somehow, and he knew how to channel his pit rage at it's most uncontrollable. This power wants to be used.
Jason looks over in time to dodge another pink blast. Plaamius stalks toward him, and Jason lifts his fist to fight, feels power surge in them, his hand glow brighter, and when he releases the pent up surge green energy shoots at Plasmius the same way the pink was shit at him.
Alright, floating, glowing, walking through walls, and energy blast things. This is fine.
Plasmius and Jason trade blasts for a few minutes, squaring off in the alley. The blasts leave slight burn marks behind where the hit the surrounding area. Jason is careful to keep the shooting away from Jazz, but she isnt leaving.
She was digging around in her bag, but know she's flanking Plasmius. Like he can sense her, Plasmius goes to attack Jazz. Everything in Danny’s body reacts to that.
Jason flings himself in front of the shit, taking the hit in the chest, but manages to punch Plasmius away from Jazz.
Jason doubles over at the hit, feet hitting the ground for the first time since he went through the wall. That felt different than anything he'd ever felt. It burned where it hit him, but he felt it resonate through his whole body. He wants to help but he’s still realing from the hit.
He sees Jazz facing off with Plasmius and he tries to get up and help, he feels that same response from earlier, everything in Danny reacting to Jazz in danger, but he can't get up and something inside of him aches at that. At having to stay back and watch as Jazz enters the line of fire.
Jazz was holding something behind her back, but she brings it forward. Plaamius turns, it seems like he's trying to run, but whatever she's holding sucks Plasmius into it.
She keeps it pointed away from Jason as she pulls her arms back in and closes the lid.
“Is that a thermos?” Jason asks.
Jason nods slowly, taking stock of himself again now that the fight seems to be over. “Right. How do I stop doing… this?” He gestures to all of Danny, still glowing and green.
Jazz winces.
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Golden - Weasley Twins x Reader (Soulmate AU)
Request: Would you do one where a shy Hufflepuff is Fred and George’s soulmate? Maybe they are connected somehow like a song or marks or something and it takes them a while to find her because she’s so reserved but they end up bumping into her and finding out?
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It was common knowledge within the wizarding world that the age of twelve was the most common to find your soulmate. You weren't sure why twelve was the magic number, but you were never the type to question to origins of magic. What you were sure of that twelve passed by with no soulmate to speak of, then thirteen, and then fourteen. It was in your fourteenth year of life that you had given up the notion of having a soulmate altogether. Your parents had found each other even before going to Hogwarts and you had now been lapped by your younger sibling who had matched their first year.
Your parents marks glowed golden on their pinkies - a lifelong reminder of the most important pinkie promise they ever made. Your brother's soulmark was a simple streak on his shoulder from where he brushed against his soulmate waiting on the sorting ceremony.
Before you first touched your soulmate, the mark on your skin was just a dark patch. Muggles that fell in love with wizards or witches often just mistook the patch for a birthmark. The marks on your skin, however, could never be mistaken for anything but a soulmark. You had two marks that were completely separate from the other. The first was a line around your waist and the second a handprint from mouth to ear. The line on the waist could always be a hug from behind. It was easy enough to believe. But the hand print? You tried to keep the worst out of your mind.
It had been four years since you had given up on your soulmate. Exams were just around the corner and then you were out. You were quite tempted to just move into the muggle world and never have to deal with the concept of a soulmate again. You'd marry someone who, even though they weren't your soulmate, treated you well. And wouldn't that be enough in the end?
With that thought in your mind, you turned in your final examination to Professor Umbridge, who you were quite sure never even got a soulmark as it seemed impossible that anyone could love her. A huge wave of relief washed over you as you exited the Great Hall and, just for a moment, you allowed your eyes to close and a deep breath to escape your lungs. It was over.
Your moment was short lived as a chorus of "Get down!" rang out behind you, before a set of arms wrapped around you, yanking you to the ground. Your body slammed against the rough ground, but your head was caught before it hit by another set of hands. Still, your heart raced as you tried to catch your breath.
"Shit," one of the voices said - the one with his arms around you. He transitioned from holding onto you to rubbing your back. "We are so so sorry." "We let out fireworks. Thought the coast was clear but obviously we were wrong," the other voice said, hand still supporting your face. "Here, let us help you up," he offered. You had barely made it upright when the boy in front of you began to scowl. "Fuck, Umbridge," he seethed. "I'm sorry but we have to go."
Instead of leaving you, the boy pulled you along. The other tailing closely behind. "What are you doing?" you asked. "Unfortunately, you're an accomplice now and we're about to be caught." "Accomplice? I just met you!" "Yeah? Explain that to Umbridge over a hot cup of tea and a puddle of blood. You should be thanking me!"
It wasn't until you made what felt like four laps around the castle before you quit running. You didn't even know where you were and you had been attending Hogwarts for seven years. All you know was that you were in a tiny broom closet with two boys you just met. "Lumos," one of the boys spoke, and you finally got a good look at their faces. You rolled your eyes. You should have known it was the Weasley twins. You had never really met the two but the entire school knew of the mischief they caused. It had been far too easy for you to steer clear of them up to this point. "Fred," the twin on the left, George, asked quietly. Fred was looking down at his hand, then up to you. In the dim light you could barely notice the golden glow that now shone on his hand. "It's you," he spoke gently. "What do you mean?" you asked, eyebrows furrowed. Hesitantly, Fred reached his hand up to your face, placing it where it had been only moments ago. "You're golden," he smiled.
"My whole life I was wondering how I would get those marks," I laughed. "I always feared the worst, just because of where they are. Did you feel the same way?" He shook his head. "I always just assumed it would be a handshake." You rolled your eyes. "A handshake wouldn't give you this, though." You pulled up the other sleeve of his robes - nothing. No mark whatsoever adorned him. "That doesn't make any sense." When your eyes rose up to meet Fred's, he was looking beside you, at his twin, whose forearm revealed the missing piece of the puzzle. He, too, glowed gold.
Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
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hiaon · 1 month
How bout oc x male robot reader?
Reader is a robot made to make life easier for other people, basically cleaning, cooking, teaching, etc. but there's a hidden feature that allows him to help people with sexual needs.
All bots are unique, cuz people get to customize them, from their hair to their clothes, but something that not many people know is that you can customize their dick size and tightness.
Male robots are programmed to be tops and female bots to be bottoms. But Oc manages to make reader a bottom somehow?
Bots are also really humanoid from their body to their personality, mean they can 'feel' pleasure.
My sweet angel
Programmer!Oc x Robot!BottomMale!Reader
Better late than never right? Btw don't be shy writing a request because sometimes I have a lot of motivation but also, no idea what to write at all 🥸.
Disclaimer: Sexual intercourse, & Dacryphilia
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There is this company that grew a lot since it changed a lot of lives of the people a lot.
The company ' RoboNet ' grew because of their futuristic bots. It's decades advanced to other robots, and human like bots that you customize to your liking.
Either having it as a male or female. Long hair or short.. Even how they look like you can customize, it set the world on a storm on wanting one. Even one of this bots can make you famous in social media, so you'll be getting your money back when you buy the bot.
Their freakishly human like attitude, and actions left a huge mark on the lives of others for the better.. It also left a huge mark on the adult content industry.
Not only they can do whatever you want with the robots body.. The robots have a special system that only adults have access, their program is pretty simple.
The women is always bottom, and the man is always top. And, Elliot. He didn't like that, I mean sure it was fine for others, but no options for sexually frustrated gay man like him. So today, in his basement and has extensive knowledge about these types of robots because his brother is the lead programmer of the robots that RoboNet has.
Basically, he begged for his brother to teach him how to code such futuristic bots.
So now he is literally coding the man from his dream, and his brother got a model— You. — For being promoted being the lead programmer. His brother didn't really need it so he customize to Elliot's type. (He had a whole list to perfect you)
His brother pulled some strings to make changes that the other male bots didn't have, and also his brother knows how freaky is little bro is now.
He specifically tell his brother not to code you because he knows how and what he will make you become. You.
Finally, he's done coding. He's so ready to meet his literally ideal partner.
And finally the moment he have been waiting for, opening ideal partner.
"Please Choose a Name." You said, and Elliot was just shocked because that how he imagine you sounding like!
"Y/n" Elliot said, nervous.
"Thank you for choosing a name, Please wait." Elliot is practically scratching to just hold you, just sitting there opening up for him.. I mean literally.
You finally opened your eyes, and looked at Elliot.
"Hello... Uhm." You avoided your eyes from him because he was just starting so much. Yes, Elliot noticed.
"Oh! Sorry about that, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. M-my name is Elliot." Elliot already wants you so much because you we're literally what he was longing for for so long..
From head to toe, to how you talk in act, and just how you're there just fiddling your thumbs, sitting there.
"It's okay." You said, Damn. Elliot doesn't know what to do, he didn't really came in prepared. He was just so excited to have a chat with you, literally his dream man.
But then he remembered, he programmed you to really like baking. Like really like it.
"Uhm.. D-do you want to bake with me?" Elliot feels like he is an highschool girl that asking out her crush on out a date. Elliot is already feels embarrassed Infront of his ideal partner.
He saw your eyes sparkle, and he was holding for his self-control even second that your with him. His heart is going to explode from all of this happening.
"I would love to bake with you." You finally looked into his eyes.
Elliot knew this was going to be a little bit harder to contain himself with you, but he knew it isn't going to be for long.
When baking, the tention surrounding you two earlier melted down into two people just baking and having fun. But this situation didn't really stop Elliot for having a boner from time to time, because you kept reminding him on how much he wanted you.
And now, and finally, this was his last straw when he got some cream in his mouth and you decided it was a good idea it lick it.
Wait, did he programmed you to do such sly things?
After that, Elliot couldn't handle it anymore and bend you over the counter.
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"Ugh! I'm sorry.! I didn't mean to lick it.." You we're embarrassed that you we're being bent over in the kitchen counter.
"Then why did you lick it then?" Honestly, Elliot is smiling so hard like a highschool girl got to go to prom with her crush.. You really are perfect for him.
"I don't.. know.." You said just trying to avoid his eyes, but you can't because you are stuck with him bending you in the counter. Also, you didn't know why you licked him! You just went for it when you saw you had a chance..
Elliot is smiling like an idiot, and even blushing on how you blush. Like, wow it looks actually like human being blushing. His brother did a good job!
"Is it okay if I have sex with you?" He just have to make sure, because consent is the best thing for a first time.
"Erm.. S-sure.." You we're blushing so hard, especially your ears. They are angry red, and Elliot finds that adorable. You're so perfect.
Elliot didn't waste time in taking off his pants and your shorts, and holy crap your ass is huge. Ahem! Anyways—
Elliot couldn't resist on slapping your ass, he was mesmerized, it looks like it moves like jelly. It earned an surprised squeal from you.
He became harder because of the sound you made, and your body was made to leak out of your ass and of course your member. But this is probably on of the first kind it's kind that they have made,
His brother really our done himself by doing this for his younger bro. Elliot will be forever be in his debt. Since you looked ready and all lubed up,(with your own lube-like liquid coming out of your ass) he entered.
When he entered, you definitely need to get used to his size. After all this was your very first day and he didn't even controled himself when you just licked his face. You just know a lot of stuff will happened like this in the future.
"Are you okay-?" "Y-yes I'm fine... You can m-move now" Y/n cuts him off, he wanted him to start already.
Even if Elliot was a little experienced (he mostly spend time masturbating to random pornography.) He exactly knows what to do to you in this situation, his only goal is to make you feel good.
So he did what you asked for, he started off slow, when he saw that you we're handling it well he started to go faster. Now it got to the point where you we're moaning a lot, and he liked that so he kept speed steady.
"Uhg..n! Y-your so perfect Y/n!" You may have not heard him because you we're to cock drunk to even thing at that ever moment, but if you did you would have be blushing hard again.
"Y-you look so p-pretty! Ugh.! Being fucked l-like this haaa.." He truly meant ever damn words that was just randomly being thrown at you.
He noticed you we're crying, but you didn't say anything, so he thought it was out of pleasure. Fuck, he like— no. Loves seeing you like this. He wanted to see more so he broke the pace by being even faster.
That set up to be the right thing to do because he got what he wanted. You we're crying because of to much pleasure, and the moaning surely was currently being heard by the poor neighbors.
"So fa-fast! Ahg!" You moaned while pretty tears fall perfectly from your eyes.
5 minutes have pasted and you are finally getting ready to let out his load. As well as Elliot. Elliot didn't expect you to hold out for this long for him, he was so proud of you.
"Ugh.! Ima 'bout to come.! Ha..." You moaned out to him.
"T-then come my baby boy." When he said that you came, and he came after.
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He bathed you and made you drink water because caring for your loved once is always good. You need rest so he carried you to bed.
"Good night my sweet angel" Kissed your forehead and lips. Because only one kiss is a bummer.
You two slept like babies.
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thetempleofhades · 8 months
hi! I used to be crystallizedlegend before i lost my blog then got it back, empty then completely collpsed out of lost interest but my sagau brainrot reared its head again and here i am. i hope to be here for a while so.... one of the main things i remember wanting to finish was my reader gets somehow into genshin impact and instead of being accused of being an imposter, they're immediately hailed as the creator and they're completely dumbfounded as multiple people ramble on and on to them about it. So, here we go.
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You're..... actually not sure how you got yourself into this one. Then again, you usually weren't. You never knew how you ended up in these kind of weird situations.
You looked at your surroundings in caution as you brushed the dirt off of your elbows, rubbing softly at the marks they left behind. It's strange, it's almost like you recognize this place but you would have remembered a place like this, right?
It was times like these you cursed your inability to retain information and remember the most important details. You snapped your head to the side as you heard voices, scrambling up to your feet as you waited with a baited breath as people appeared.
....It was Aether and Lumine...? You rubbed at your eyes but they were still there. Had you found yourself in some sort of dream?
"I knew it!" Lumine, the twin you had played as, smiled brightly before scowling at Aether and shoving him as she bounded towards you, Paimon still catching up as she stopped in front of you. "I felt you were here, Your Grace!"
You were stumped. Your Grace? Why was she calling you that? And why did she know you'd be here? You didn't even know you'd be here.
"Oh! We're close to Mondstadt. Venti should know what to do! Everyone's aware that you're here and they're so excited!" Lumine came closer to you, grabbing your hand gently, smiling widely when you didn't pull away, overlooking that you were too stunned to even react.
.....That's how you found yourself in front of Venti. Barbatos, one of the Archons. You weren't sure about this situation as he fought with Lumine over what food to give you.
"U-Um..?" You called out, not sure if you should break up the fight. "I think you're mistaken.... There's not way that I could be this... creator.." You brought up, scared of their reactions but still confused by this situation.
"Your Grace? Did you lose your memory?" Venti stopped arguing with Lumine to peer at you in concern. "Of course you're our creator. Such a presence is undeniable. As your creations, we're all able to feel your power."
In response to your confusion, it started to storm outside. You could only stare after Venti in confusion as he rambled about sending letters to the other Archons.
You still had no clue how you ended up in this situation.
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ratedfleur · 2 months
Hear me out-
Gunwook and Gyuvin × reader who is hanbin's younger sister.
I just know the two of them would go crazy with their size kinks!! And they'd have tiny competitions too, but I feel like while they're quite literally fucking her out-
They'd reiterate this one line, "what do you think would happen if your brother found out tsk, tsk, just be a good girl and take him and me."
Oh and !! I feel like they'd both be soooo into tits don't ask me why-
Last can I be 🍙 anon? Thank you for listening to my yap, have great dayyy
this made me think about this scenario i wrote on my side blog about gyub and wook where they were bestfriends not until they started to become acadamic rivals and they would fight over y/n who is their longtime friend turned into crush.. and yes, you can be 🍙 anon!
okay so that and y/n is hanbin’s sister.. compared to hanbin, you were relatively shorter than the man, if you stood next to your brother, you were a head shorter hence why the man would coo over you, finding it adorable how you always need to look up at him.
meanwhile gyuvin and gunwook fed on yours and their height differences, they would go crazy over the fact where they were a foot taller than you, even teasing you about it as they made you their arm rests if you were to hang out with your brother’s friends.
simply rolling your eyes, you let them be thinking that it’s one of their friendly antics— but you were wrong.
somehow, you found yourself being cornered by the two towers when you went to a college party with your own friends not knowing the two would be there.
“hey pretty girl.” someone purred into your ear, making you raise your brow as you turned around to face them. to your surprise, it was gunwook who had this sly smile on his face while gyuvin stood alongside him with a cute smile on his face, waving at you.
“yah, what’s hyung going to say if he saw you wearing this out to a party?” gunwook asked as he took your hand, twirling you around for him and gyuvin to see you in your tiny dress.
snatching your hand away from his grasp, “none of your business.” you scowl before gunwook’s eyes turn into slits as he stares you down while gyuvin shakes his head disapprovingly at you. gyuvin pushes the younger aside as he walks towards you and pulls your hand as he walked while gunwook followed right behind you.
“that wasn’t very nice, y/n..” gyuvin says as he enters a room, shutting the door behind gunwook who now had a scowl on his face just like you.
"why do you care? it's not like you guys are my older brothers or something, we're around the same age for fucks sake." you say as you rolled your eyes before you yelped when gunwook grabbed your arm roughly, cornering you into the wall, making you gulp when he towers over you.
now that you and gunwook were in closed proximity, that's when you noticed how much taller and bigger he was compared to you and your tiny feminine frame.
"you've got a potty mouth, huh?" gunwook mutters as his hands begin to hold your side, fingers gentle before he roughly pulls you towards him, making you meek as your hands land on his chest.
shaking his head at you, gunwook snickers, "who knew little y/n was such a brat, hmm?" he says as he inches close, lips ghosting against your neck as you shakily released an exhale when you felt gunwook start to mouth kisses on your skin, hands still placed on your waist.
you couldn't help but whimper when his hands go lower, squeezing your ass which makes you throw your head back, giving gunwook more space to leave marks on. your whimpers start to get louder when gunwook's hands begin to pull your skirt up, making them bunch up on your waist.
that's when you start to panic, you can't be doing this with your brother's friends, you thought. hastily pushing down your skirt before you tried pushing gunwook off of you, you whimper as your eyes start to tear up, "please gunwook, stop it.. we can't do--" you say before your own moan interrupts you when gunwook's teeth sink into your skin, hands roughly pulling your skirt up again before his hands grope your ass roughly, squeezing them in his huge hands.
your knees shake underneath you before you felt gyuvin stand behind you, crotch placed on your ass as gunwook took his hands away from them. the eldest unashamedly grinded against your ass with his arm wrapped around the front of your shoulder while gunwook busied himself with your neck, tainting your skin with his marks.
"it's okay, y/n. nobody has to know, hmm? just let gunwook and i touch you." gyuvin purrs into your ear as he's hastily taking off his jeans to grind himself on your ass. 
gunwook moans against your skin before pulls away, lips shiny from his spit, "what do you think would happen if your brother found out tsk, tsk, just be a good girl and take him and me." he says before smashing his lips against yours, he kisses you harder when he feels you kiss him back, slowly becoming eager to kiss him back.
meanwhile gyuvin pouts as he's grinding against you, he instead wraps his arms around your waist instead, pulling your lower half towards him as he uses you to get off.
whining as you pulled away from gunwook's lips, your voice is raspy as you spoke, "c-can you please teach me then? i wanna know how it feels." you say in a shy voice meanwhile gunwook smiles gently at you for the first time tonight.
"of course, baby. but you have to make sure nobody finds out this, hmm?" he says while you nod eagerly, eyes glittering as you looked up at them both once they stood before you.
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spiritcc · 10 months
The topic that must be finally put to rest considering how every AA protag and money issues go hand in hand, how many cases did we actually get paid for?
1 - literally spelled out by the game that larry left us with fuckall, a bad omen of the life to come.
2 - nothing could scare the law offices' balance sheet more than the entrance of maya, but in the frenzy of fighting for the life of our workspace we didnt even notice the whiff of the long-lasting implications.
3 - okay this is the first $u$pect that can pay our bills, no way will powers left us without a relatively phat check so GIRL WE MAKING MONEY!
4 - genuinely if edgelord somehow figured that money dont matter in a friendship, either it was my wallet that bullied him into killing himself between these games or he at least had the decency to utilise von karma's leaked pin code situation and allowed us to drain his bank account posthumously. either way my belief that edgeworth got the bill paid here is naively high.
5 - i dont care if lana was going to pay or not bc i billed her for every fucking turn she did at the detention center. either way whether her estate got arrested in the investigation or not it seems like she'd be forced to pay so im staying positive.
1 - maggie. what exactly can maggie even pay me. i feel like the case was more of a friend request anyway so we're eating roaches for dinner again, but i also feel that maggie would be inclined to offer at least something. im not sure if putting down a "presumable twenty" counts as success. i'm going to go with no.
2 - maya is starting to get slightly comfortable being a liability to my expenses, this is my first warning girl.
4 - this HAS to be a case of the arrested estate being distributed towards paying the fee because i absolutely refuse to live in a world where maya's existence just keeps costing me money. engarde better have paid for it all. the gallows dont drop until he signs my check.
1 - a very big question mark about what can peenie the fail art student pay and whether grossberg is someone who entertains himself a free case. the existence of case 4 may actually suggest something interesting so let's come back to this one later.
2 - i dont care what kind of crippling debt ma$k has because if his wife can allow a bike she CAN, and WILL, pay my fucking fee i dont care. she looks like the type to pay anyway.
3 - maggie. maggie, maggie, maggie. what does it matter musing on how things would've turned out differently if they had actually remembered my face in time. in either universe, this is another expense, in a crisis where my laundry bill is financially ruining me as coffee cups keep flying in my face.
4 - this is a convict already. what can a convict pay to grossberg law offices? suddenly it looks like his gig takes up on free cases bc usually this dude would get a state attorney, right? is grossberg providing such services? if we are getting paid here, it is only the bare minimum it seems, so in retrospect it IS possible for case 1 to have been completely unpaid. as for this one, marking it as unpaid bc Doubt what we'd get could even pay for a single-ply toilet paper + they'd find a way to pay out even less considering the trial technically didn't go through smh.
5 - bitchass fucking fey family, call it THE FEE FAMILY for the way NONE OF THEM ARE PAYING IT!!!! THEY PUT ME IN THE HOSPITAL!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK FRIENDSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chronologically we have edgelord's two investigation games next so:
1 - well money was probably one thing in the whole mess there, sure. Dick Wright jailed this barbie girl motherfucker just so he wouldn't pay the bill. girl we making no money era is back.
2 - weirdly enough but god might exist after all because no way the kitakis are not paying me. we are saved!!!!!
3 - in a grand twist, there is also no way that these moneyfucks are not signing me a phat one so big bet a hot meal was had that day! i think after lamiroir regained her memories she just decided that this fee was her paying off child support for both kids and fucked off forever.
4 - boy I lost my god damn job.
5 - an interesting situation here because this case was most likely sponsored by the state since it's testing out the jury system and all so. we got paid? almost three cases in a row? WOE MAMA!
1 - not this shit again. another freeloader caught up in the scheme of my monetary ruin. at the time when a teenager is feeding a company of four. peenie's new drip alone cost us six months worth of rent. girl we eating discarded prison gruel at the dumpster in this dark age of the law.
2 - oh a wrestler AND a mayor? oho. ohohohoho. ohohohohohoho.
3 - the humble beginnings of my empty wallet, innit. sure, let her get away this time. not my first rodeo.
4 - starbuck for the love of god i know they said their budget went down but he is PAYING that bill or im cutting wires on his rocket and doing phantom a favor here. he can afford to pay me.
5 - maya sure evaded leaving her footprint on my taxes but there's such a sweet difference between an employee and an independent contractor and athena saw why. sure, free case! its cost is taken out of your salary, baby. you're not eating for four months. at least.
6 - hey the aquarium folks Surely have the dough, right? they found us themselves too so that's a definite bill here.
every case in the russian republic of village kurainovo was free which is a devastating stain on my financial report this year, remember how durke said we probably cant afford three meals per day? hello????
1 - motherfucker. this case actually cost us about 20 brazilian roubles because albi charged us for the magatama edible. the first case that lands us in the negative twenty. incredible.
2 - i fucking. if trucy thinks her main breadwinner status excuses her from freeloading a case that almost landed us in 3m debt then im selling rights to the gramarye IP to bozo the clown. family is Nothing to me. i havent eaten properly since 2016.
3 - stop fucking reminding me. not only that but fucking MAYA. THE BIGGEST EXPENSE IN MY LIFE IS BACK WITH NO JUSTICE DONE TO MY FINANCIAL WELLBEING. i havent showered in months. remember how nick told edgeworth that he "heard" that washing in the sink is good enough in the temple? so he didnt even do that himself. the lowest point of my life.
4 - with the urgency of it all and everything i have a strong suspicion the payment of this case was soba. max of what we're getting is food from that place. im shaking does this count as fair barter economy in their eyes? we're not in ancient fucking egypt.
5 - penniless, fatherless, across two countries too. whats not to like in this world. we havent seen a cent in this entire game.
Let's count the results:
31 cases across 6 games
13/31 cases most likely than not were paid for in acceptable capacity, which is less than a half. if we exclude cases where the situation isn't entirely clear (eg. engarde, lana), that is even less and we are looking at a third of all cases being remunerated for.
despite quite a few of the presumably paid cases involving rich clients, our gig most likely charges standardised fees, which makes the wealth of our clients irrelevant and simply further questions how much we actually made at the end of the day.
they are not lying, we really are making no money. this is concerning. ga'ran was right, fuck the attorneys just go and pick a state-backed position with the forces.
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another-lost-mc · 11 months
Hellooooo first time requesting on your blog!
So for a long time I've wondered what it would be like if NB Satan & OG Satan were to meet & converse with each other. How would they react to each other? What questions would they ask? How would they respond? Etc. I was wondering how you would imagine this interaction would work?
Also, is it okay if I claim 🦄 anon?
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A/N: Ooh that's such a neat idea. You know those “talk to your past/future self" tropes? I almost see OG Satan leading NB Satan through the present timeline version of House of Lamentation. It gives him a glimpse of what life will be like later, how things will change and what will still be the same. I kept this mostly wholesome because NB has enough angst potential without me adding to it. lol
SATAN x gn!Reader, 0.5k words, SFW.
Content: implied established relationship with gn!Reader.
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The house itself is obviously a bit different. It’s older but also newer in some ways—updates and renovations over time, that sort of thing. It’s endured years of the siblings living there and all that entails. Their home is obviously loved and well-cared for, despite the little dents in the wall from their squabbles and the occasional scorched marks from some accidental fires. Those lingering remnants of the past each tell a story, and OG Satan offers to share them all.
I think NB Satan is just confused by everything he sees. There are portraits of himself on the walls, and there's lots of family photos where OG Satan looks so happy. OG Satan talks about his brothers while they walk slowly through the halls together. His voice is laced with fondness, especially even when he talks about Lucifer. He reminisces about pranks he attempted with Belphie that Lucifer managed to thwart somehow, but there’s no real bite in his tone. He can look back fondly on those memories and cherish them all, the good and the bad.
By the time they get to his bedroom, NB Satan has no idea what to think. He explores the familiar space but notices all the subtle differences: there are a lot of human world literature and movies strewn about, and he notices a jar of cat treats near the door so it's easy to grab a handful before going out to feed the strays. This bedroom feels less like a prison of his own making because it's comfortable and uniquely him and surprisingly warm.
OG Satan just kind of watches his other self with something like amusement, and NB Satan gets fed up feeling like the punchline to someone's idea of a joke.
"I don't get it. We're the same, aren't we? So why aren't you—how are you not—?"
"How am I not what?"
"How are you not angry all the time? Why are you so happy? Especially talking about him."
"Oh, I'm angry," OG Satan says, picking up a framed photo from his bedside table. He runs his fingers over the glass as he looks at the picture in his hands. "You know what it feels like, how it festers deep inside us. We're always looking for reasons to let our rage loose on the world so everyone else hurts as much as we do. But we both had to learn that there's more to life than that, didn't we?"
OG Satan hands him the photo, and NB Satan takes the frame carefully. It's a a photo of him and his family at a beach somewhere, and right there in the middle with their arms wrapped around his waist is—
"Our attendant?" he asks, eyes lingering on a familiar smile before reluctantly handing the photo back.
OG Satan nods. "If anything, you're the lucky one," he says, returning the picture to its proper place beside his bed. "I had to wait a lot longer to meet them than you did. I was lost just as you were, but then they came here and—well, I have a feeling you know how the rest of that story goes," he says, clearing his throat as a pink blush dusts his cheeks.
For the first time since they met, it feels like they finally understand each other. "...Yeah, I think I do."
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starsomens · 8 months
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A/N: I was looking around for a prompt generator and I had found one specifically for NSFW prompts and this one prompt caught my eye and HAD to write it so please enjoy 😘. Here’s the link to the generator
Warnings: exhibitionism!, not proofread. outdoor(ish) sex, public(ish) sex, getting caught (kind of) PIV sex, unprotected (WRAP IT!),oral (female), dirty talk, marking, slight degradation, Noah x Y/N with slight x Nick Folio, kind of threesome to an extent (??), Noah is aware of it (sort of), this is a work of FICTION! proceed caution!!
Prompt: Exhibitionism. While out in the wilderness with friends, family, or a tour group, Noah and Y/N fuck in their tent, getting off on the idea that someone could possibly hear them. Bonus points for a member of their party catching them and watching them or listening to them, but not saying a thing.
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The air was fresh and crisp, the scenery was gorgeous, and you could understand why so many people loved camping and hiking. There was so much peace and tranquility. Birds of all colors and sizes would fly and chirp as you pass them by. No schedules, no deadlines, no tour bus, just time to relax. That mixed friends and your boyfriend made it all better.
It was the end of the tour and you all thought having some time out together would be a great time to unwind. Noah new a hiking trail that also had some great camping spots. Noah, you, Jolly, Folio and Nick all headed there for the weekend staring from Friday and you'd leave by Sunday afternoon.
"Guys look back," you call as you snap a picture on your polaroid. You snapped a great picture of them on the trail with a view of thick trees behind them, and some genuine smiles
"Hey, Y/N where are your bags?" Jolly asked tilting his head to the side
"I got it," Noah said holding it up with a bit of a shake. Most of you things were in one big back together while yours had supplies. Soap, extra undies, the battery pack, medicine, the emergency stuff.
"He didn't let me take it for myself, even when I asked if he wanted a break and he said-"
"No, cause we're almost there" he said coming up to a small hill and at the bottom was the campsite. Luckily the park that offered them had areas that can be reserved for people, while still giving space and privacy to others who might be camping. The area was a bit higher than where the lake was and the view was gorgeous! You had gotten there early just so you could set the tents up and hopefully have a swim.
You and Noah had brought a tent to share while Jolly had set his up, Folio need some help with his. He somehow was setting it up correctly....but inside out....
Nick secured any food you brought to be sure of bears not finding it. For now it'll be in a small safe provided by the park until you were ready to eat. The sun had come to it's peak at around 2:30 pm and you were all ready to have some fun! Of course you nearly forced them all to use sunblock before even leaving the camp area. While everyone was just changing in the open! You quickly changed inside the privacy of your tent with Noah waiting outside
"hey babe," he called
"Yeah? I'm almost done!" You answered
"Oh you're fine was just gonna say I can see the shadow of your boobs" he smirks to himself, you give a small shriek and fold into a ball trying to cover yourself "Babe, babe I'm playing! You're fine" he chuckled
As you unzip the tent you groan "Noah! Can you at least help me tie the top?" you look up at him as if he now owed you the favor for pulling that stunt
"Of course princess" you turn around and hold the pieces in place while he tied it. You could see the guys getting a head start, Noah most likely telling them you’d catch up. After he was done tying up the strings he kissed the nape of your neck
“I love this one on you babe, you look great” he smiles at you as you turn to him and you peck the bottom of his chin
"Come on let's get in the water!" you take his hand and lead him to the rope that hung from the tree that leaned over the lake. Noah took the first swing and landed with a splash into the water below. You catch the rope and hold it to your chest, taking a look at the jump you'd take. The guys were in the water encouraging you to come down
"Come on Y/N, Its just a swing! You'll get down here in 5 seconds flat!" Folio tried to make it seem less intimidating.
"Come on Y/N, you live with a fucking tree, you can handle this!" Jolly calls pointing to Noah
"Just swing down Y/N, I'm right here come on!" Noah said opening his arms to you. You take in a deep breath, hold it and run off the ledge holding on to the rope and letting go just a few feet from Noah. The cool water surrounded you as you swam up to the surface, if you weren't awake before, you were now
The guy cheered and clapped for you as if you were a performing diver for the Olympics "Nice job facing your fears Y/N"
"hey I wasn't scared!" you laugh splashing Nick. Noah coming up behind you and snakes his arms around your waist. You had he was going to be romantic and hold you in the water....but you were wring. Suddenly he flips you over his head and back into the water once. again.
"NOAH! Ugh I'm get you for that!" you smack his shoulder
"Awwhhh baby I'm sowwwyyyy" he said almost mockingly
This was exactly what you all needed after tour. Just relaxation, and fun. After about an hour in the lake Folio had gotten out to start some fishing, and Nick had started on some food. You and Noah sat down under the tree. You head laid on his shoulder as his hands played with yours. Your chin rests on his shoulder as you admire his features. His beautiful skin with some freckles just underneath his eyes, his sharp jawline and beautiful nose. Those deep dark eyes you love to lose yourself in, and of course that smile. That smile was what did it for you then and still does it for you now.
“What are you looking at pretty girl?” He asked you with a smirk finally catching you
“I’m looking at a pretty boy” you answer with eyes full of love
“Is that so?” He asked twisting his body to face you more “well, can this pretty boy kiss the pretty girl?” He asked
"of course your can" you close your eyes and lose yourself in the feeling of his lips on yours. His hand cups your jaw and holds you deeper in the kiss. the leaves sing in the wind as the breeze lifts your hair. When he pulls away he pecks your nose
"Did I ever tell you, that you're gorgeous as hell?"
"I think I may have heard that once or twice" you smile feeling your cheeks burn from the blush that crept to the flesh.
He leans down to your ear "you're also the reason my pants are so tight now" you furrow your brows in confusion and when you look down you see the slight tent forming in his pants
"Noah...really? Out here? What did it for you?" you ask trying to hide your giggle
"Well you tell me," he said looking around "I'm here with my sexy girl wearing a bikini that only makes her hotter, and I'm really debating on taking you into the forest and fucking you against a tree"
You could feel yourself ache just a bit at the thought of having sex, out camping of all places! Maybe if you didn't have your friends and his band members here you would have considered it.
"Well as much as I'd love that, maybe we can tomorrow when they go on a trail hm?" he pat his chest "How's that sound?"
"We'll see baby, come on let's get some food" he said helping you up and adjusting his situation before taking your hand and walking to the food that was being cooked.
As the night came, you all changed out of your wet clothes and gathered by the fire. The food was amazing! Of course, you and Nick had prepped them before packing and they came out perfect for the trip. The later it got the more beautiful and clear the stars became. Noah's arm was around your shoulder as your fingers linked together. Your lay a kiss to his hand and he returns it to your head
"Ugghhh the love birds are at it again" Folio groans, teasing you both
"Don't be jealous Nick! We can find you a nice nature girl out here" Jolly shoots back
"hey! I'd sweep her off your feet for your information" he defended with a confident smile
"I'm sure you would Nick," you answer "How about we get some rest to get a good start tomorrow? I don't know about you but that food has me sleepy" you said stretching
"I'm already ahead of you" Nick said getting up and diving into his tent, ready to get some sleep. Luckily since the are is meant for camping, the floor was pretty flat and clear of twigs, roots or anything sharp. The fire was at a safe distance to keep on for the night to avoid the area getting too cold. You bid each other good night and go into you own tents. Noah shuts yours tent, with enough room for some ventilation. You had both gotten a double sleeping bag just so you didn't have to be apart, plus you still wanted cuddles.
You both climb in and snuggle into each other. Your head on his chest, and your leg was over his hip, the best and most convenient position for you both since Noah tends to sleep on his back more often then you.
"Good night princess" he squeezed you tights and kissed the center of your forehead. "I hope snakes don't crawl in here-"
"Noah! Stoooppp" he giggles and rests his chin on your head for the night
. .. ... An hour must have passed by now and you still couldn't sleep! You turned around so your back was facing your boyfriend but you couldn't get the conversation from early out of your head. The idea of you both having sex, out here, trying to keep quiet, the risk the passion. You could feel yourself getting hotter and hotter with just the thought of it. You couldn't help but rub your thighs together to get some kind of relief from the ache between your legs. You had accidentally bumped into Noah with your ass 1 or 2 times. Luckily, he hadn't booked enough or make a move to think that he may have.
At this point, you were just feeling desperate and wanted to feel release. Do you lift your head just a bit to see or hear if anyone else was awake. luckily, it seemed as if you were the only 1 for now. You cautiously call to your boyfriend to see if he was awake
You cautiously call to your boyfriend to see if he was awake "noah!" you quietly yell "are you awake?"
A few seconds passing you thought that maybe he really was asleep, but then he answered you and realized that he in fact was also awake
"of course I am with the way you're rubbing your ass against me" he whispered " If I didn't know any better, I'd say that my little slut is feeling needy" He whispered closer to your ear, feeling his hot breath against your skin. his large hand grazes over your waist and onto your stomach. finding his way under your shirt and up to your bare breast, where he gave a slight squeeze.
"mmm Noah" you whine trying to keep your noise to a minimum.
"shh shh shh, careful princess, we don't want the others to wake up do we?" he shushes you scooting closer to you until his hard cock was against your ass. His hips grind up against you, even if it wasn't direct contact it felt so good, you wanted more and you wanted him.
You flip around and your lips instantly lock in a kiss, his hand brings your leg over his hip. You grind against him finally getting sensation through the thin fabric of your shorts. He swiftly flips you on to your back and kisses along your neck, each kiss searing into your skin, your heart racing and anticipating what was to come next.
"Noah please..I need-"
"Shh princess, I gotchu" he hushed you as he sat back on his knees and pulls down your bottoms and tosses them to the side. His hands spread your knees open for him to see the wet print on the center of those cute blue panties he loves. He lifts your but on to his lap and removes the last barrier between him and your pussy. Noah had one rule when it came to sex: he always eats you out before he fucks you. With the limited space that was in here he simply lifted your hips up enough to bring his meal to him.
You bite your lip from being help at this angle. Your knees dangle over his shoulder as his breath creeps up your thigh. His eyes never leaving yours as his mouth slowly comes in contact with your wet pussy and gives a long, slow lick from bottom to top, his tongue flicking your bundle of nerves
You could feel the air from your lungs escape completely as he ate you out. His nose began nudging at your clit as his tongue worked between your fold and prodding at your entrance. While one hand kept you hoisted up in the air, the other one snakes down your body and pushes your shirt over your breasts. Your nipples exposed to the cold air, hardening at the pleasure he was giving you, and being exposed in a risky environment. His large hand massages the flesh and rolls your nipple between his fingers.
“Noah…feel s’good,” you moan “ don’t…. Please don’t stop.”
He loved when you told him not to stop, especially when you said please. His hand retreats from your breast and comes up to your pussy. His lips wrap around and suck your clit between his lips as his long digits enter you and pump in and out. His fingers curl and hit your sweetest spot making you nearly cry out waking up everyone who is there. Your hand slaps over your mouth as you try to keep quiet.
Noah, for one was enjoying the view. Had his mouth on your pussy, giving you immense pleasure while he watched your face contort in the best of ways. Feeling you pulse around his his middle and ring finger made his chest swell with pride, knowing he was the one that was making you feel good. Little did he know that there were an extra set of eyes watching from a distance.
Over in folio’s tent, the drummer, completely shocked by what he was seeing. He was woken up by some suspicious noises and set up to see what was going on. At first, he thought he may have been dreaming and it could not have possibly been what he was thinking. His tent was directly across from yours at a certain Angle getting him. Perfect access through the slightly cracked zipper of your tent. Watching his close friend and leadof their band, eating out his girlfriend in their tent. They hadn’t even noticed how far the tent was left unzipped. He knew that they left it just slightly inserted. Maybe it was the movement, maybe they opened it more? He doesn’t know the reason why he was able to see so much into their private time. Was that he could not find himself looking away Either. 
All he knew was that he could feel his shorts growing tighter the longer that he watched. He knew that it was wrong, but for some reason he just couldn’t look away. he couldn’t see your face he could just see you being eaten out from the distance. His heart was pounding, trying to keep his breath at a minimum. His pants were getting tighter by the second to the point it was nearly painful, but wouldn’t be wrong to touch himself watching his two friends have sex? More thoughts were flooding into his mind. Things he would never think of before. Like what if it was him eating you out instead? Him being the one to give you pleasure, to make you moan and scream. But for now, just watching you receive pleasure was enough for him as his hands begin to lift and beyond the elastic of his shorts. He watched as Noah changed positions and had you on top.
You peel the shirt off of your body and toss it to the side as you adjust yourself to sink onto his hard dick. The sweetness of the stretch in the, fullness you felt in your lower stomach. Something about being out in a camping site, with his friends nearby, sleeping in their tents, made your body shiver in pleasure. Not necessarily to be watched, but the risk of being caught ignite something in your chest. You look down to see Noah with his eyebrows nipped together feeling the pleasure of your pussy constrict around him. You move your hips back-and-forth grinding your clit against his pubic bone as his dick stretched, and filled you, rubbing against your spot. You were seeing more than stars at this point. It was pure ecstasy, running through your body.
“Fuck princess… so tight and wet.” he whispers, obviously struggling to keep his voice down. “ do you like this? do you like when I fuck you outside, knowing there are people around? Such a little slut…but,” he comes up from his position to sit and come close your ear and whisper “ you’re my slut. My dirty little princess.” His hand, grabbed at your ass as he guides you up and down his cock. His mouth working at your collarbone, leaving bite marks, and bruises. your feet now planted on the ground as you walked back-and-forth against each other. The slight clap of skin against skin filled the quiet night air period the only other noise to be heard was the cracking of the fire. Just over your shoulder he had noticed something in the distance. Could it be possible that another pair of eyes were watching? You simply closed his eyes and came down to your nibble and began to suck and laugh at the sensitive skin.
“Yeah…right there, Noah” you pant “ So fucking good”
All of a sudden he pulls out of you, causing a wine to slip from your lips, losing the feeling of fullness and stretch. He turns you around and pushes your shoulders down onto the ground of the tent. The sliver of light that crept into your tent, making your body look celestial in the glow of the fire. He lines himself up and pushes the tip slowly before he bottoms out in one thrust into you. One reason he loved doggy was the primal feeling in his chest. Much less being out in the forest he felt like this is what you were meant to do. Find your person and marking them as yours and just fill them over and over again. Something about it just felt so natural and primal. If it weren’t for the extra people that were with you, he would have you screaming your head off.
He leans back as he watches himself pump in and out of you. Watching you take all of him, inch by inch your body arching more towards him, wanting to feel more of him. It made his cock harder and pulse each time, his large hand massaged the flesh of your ass so badly to spank you, but knowing that you would definitely wake everyone up. His body comes down until his chest molds with the arch of your back. His lips brush against the shell of your ear as he says
“ who does this pussy belong to?” he asked.
“Y-you..” you whimper out as his hips give slow short, thrust, extending, and prolonging the pleasure that you were chasing
“ say it baby,” he growls “ see how much you like being fucked and people know the only I can fuck you this good”
“I… I love it Noah” you squeal trying to keep your voice down, feeling your throat ache, wanting so badly to moan out “ I love it so much”
Nicks hand was coated with pre-cum as his hand quickly pumps up and down his deck. He could see your ass ripple with each thrust in the glow of the fire. each thrust your body jump and arch with pleasure. He just wish that he could see how your face twisted and pleasure. The way your mouth fell open when you were close. Fuck! This was so wrong!...but...but why does it feel so good? He's never felt so hard in his hand, never felt so good.
“Yeah baby…take it…take it” he huffs as his hand leaves your body and locks his fingers with yours and squeezed tightly. He ruts against you as he stutters and bites down on your shoulder to surpressed his own noises.
“Where..where?” He asked feeling himself close to cumming. He straightens himself again and gives you the last few hard thrusts. His eyes no longer on you but through the tent crack and gave a smirk, knowing damn well someone had enjoyed their night with a free show. Now most would think this wasn't ideal but in Noah's mind his first thought was
"that's right...all you can do is watch but never touch"
“I-inside…aahhh” you whine
He pounds into you with a few short but strong thrusts and spills into your pussy. Your walls milking and pulsing around him sweetly.
you shake as an orgasm rattles through your body, shaking your to your core. Your ass shivers against his hips as he pushes you over the edge. The lightheadedness, the tightness of your stomach, the way you pulse around him, the warmth that oozed out. He pulled out slowly and grabbed his shirt to clean you up. Pulling his shorts up again he helps to find yours and opens his arms for you to lay in
"Think you can sleep now?" he chuckles against your hair "little minx"
"hey!" you giggle "you like it when I'm a minx" you fire back
"I like you even if you weren't one" he kissed your head "Now go to sleep before someone gets up and asks why we're outta breath"
Nick sat in his tent, steamy and hot staring at his hand and the mess he had made. He couldn't believe what he had just done and how it had ended (lol post nut clarity). He cleans off his hand and plops back down on his sleeping back and stared through the see through room of this tent.
"fuck..." was all he could say when he processed what happened. Getting off to what he saw, fantasizing about you, and worse
Noah catching him and smirking at him! Tomorow morning was sure to be interesting.
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misseviehyde · 6 months
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Melissa had never thought she would meet the love of her life, fall instantly in love and get married so quickly, (especially after being single for so long) - but all her dreams had finally come true.  Dan was gorgeous - a well-read and well-spoken gentleman who had an impeccable taste in fashion and interior decoration and was the CEO of a small, but successful limited company.  
Melissa was a piano teacher, and she'd met Dan when he came for lessons.  As he brushed back his sexy hair and grinned at her with his confident smile, she'd felt her stomach flutter and known she had finally met the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Her heart had sank when she'd seen the wedding ring on his finger, but he'd blushed at her gaze - almost reading her mind.
"I... was... married.  She died in an accident.  I still wear the ring, though I don't know why.  My former wife... well she wasn't a very nice person.  It wasn't until she died that I realised she'd been dominating my life, gas-lighting me into thinking everything was my fault.  She had me totally under her heel and treated me very poorly.  Sorry, I shouldn't speak so ill of the dead, but I'm glad she died, I finally feel free.  That's why I'm having these lessons, I want to live - I want to finally do all the things I should have done when I was married to Cassandra."
They'd hit it off immediately and begun dating a week later.  A year later and they were married - and Melissa was finally moving into Dan's amazing mansion home.  She didn't care that he was rich, or that he'd lived here with his evil ex-wife... all that mattered was that she was finally with the man of her dreams.
Still - as they passed into the house, Melissa couldn't help but shiver.  The house still bore the marks of Cassandra's spoiled influence.  The more Melissa had learned of the evil, manipulative, vain and cruel Cassandra - the more she was glad she had never met the bitch.  She wondered how Dan had ended up with such a bad girl - or why he had allowed her to gaslight him for so long.  Dan had told him that Cassandra had even fucked other guys, but somehow made him feel it was his fault for being an inadequate lover. 
"She gets into your head and makes you her puppet," he had sighed sadly.  "Sorry - I mean, got into your head.  You know... it's funny, but sometimes I almost feel like she is still here. Crazy I know! Just ignore me, I'm being a fool of course."
That had really made Melissa shiver.  The thought that Dan's ex-wife might be haunting the house - watching them like some malicious purveyor really made her feel uncomfortable.  Good job she didn't believe in ghosts. 
"This is our home now baby," she had smiled. "We're going to be happy here.  Now forget all about your ex-wife and lets start our new life together."
In the dark corners of the bedroom an evil spirit gloated as it watched Melissa innocently unpack her things. At last - a woman was here.  A weak, willed, goody-two-shoes of a woman.  A foolish little slut with no idea of the transformation she was going to undergo. Cassandara smiled as she drifted close to her victim and tasted her innocent spirit.  Sustained by spite and bitterness, the spirit of Dan's former wife looked appraisingly at Melissa as an artist might look at a piece of clay.  So much potential... so much fun to be had.
Melissa shivered and she turned her head, almost as if she sensed something.  Weird, it felt like she was being watched.  For a moment the tension seemed to stretch out and then Melissa shrieked and nearly jumped out of her skin, as with a clatter, something fell from the top of the wardrobe... almost as if it had been pushed off.  Regaining her composure, Melissa convinced herself the object had fallen naturally and walked over to pick it up.  It was a jewel case containing a DVD.  Why it had been hidden on top of the wardrobe, she wasn't sure.  
"What the hell is this?" she mused, walking over to the bedroom TV and sliding the DVD into the player beneath. It whirred up and Melissa sat on the bed to watch.  To her surprise when the screen came on, it showed a video of the very bedroom she was now sitting it, only it was at night.  Red candles and soft lighting lit the room, and the sheets were white satin.
Melissa gasped and her hand went to her mouth as she saw two figures on the bed.  One was Dan, only slightly younger looking - the other was an amazing looking woman with a perfect, toned, body and firm full breasts.  Her body oozed sensuality as with a moan of pleasure she lowered herself onto Dan's cock and began to ride him.
Melissa watched in horror as the woman in the video fucked her husband.  Fucked.  That was the only way to describe it. When she and Dan had sex it was gentle love-making, this was like watching a porn video.  Dan's face was a mask of ecstasy, the woman on top of him moaning as she thrust her hips obscenely like she wanted to suck his dick up into herself and she took his straining cock deeper and deeper inside her.
"Oh Cassie, fuck me," he moaned... "I need you so badly."
"That's right Dan," she hissed, "my pussy controls you - only I can make you feel this way.  Say it."
"YES! OH YES, CASSIE, your pussy owns me - you're better than every other woman.  Only you can make me feel this way."
"Mmmmmh, good boy - I will ALWAYS be in control of your life."
Melissa felt sick to her stomach, yet she couldn't stop watching.  Cassie bounced on top of Dan with hot wet slaps, moaning and laughing as she squeezed her tight pussy around his dick and made him hers.  Dan was shaking, his uncontrollable lust for his bitch wife clear to see.  His eyes shone with devotion and with a wracking sob, Melissa realised he had never looked at her like that.  
"Oh my God Dan, why did I have to see this?" she sobbed.  "I thought we had a special connection, but now I see what you were like with her... you'll never need me like you needed her.  I can't believe this, I can't compete with that bitch!"
Hearing movement downstairs, Melissa quickly turned off the DVD, ejected and hid it under the bed.  She used some tissues to quickly blot her tears and put on a fake smile as Dan entered the room.  He walked over and put his arm around her lovingly.  "Everything okay baby?"
"Of course," she lied, "everything is fine."
It was hours later and Melissa couldn't sleep.  She couldn't stop thinking about the DVD and what she had seen.  The scene seemed to replay in her mind again and again and again.  As she lay in the bed, tossing and turning, with Dan snoring next to her, she wanted to scream but she couldn't.
Grinning maliciously, Cassandra floated over to Melissa and took a position up behind the bed-head. Reaching down she slid her spectral fingers towards Melissa's brow and sighed pleasurably as her phantasmal digits slid into the other woman's head.  She'd tried this before, but Melissa's unconscious mental defences had been too strong.  Now her mind was wide open.
Melissa groaned in relief as a sudden cool sensation seemed to slide into her head.  After hours of restlessness, she suddenly felt drowsy, and though the sex scene in her head continued to play - it no longer made her feel sad.  Instead she began to feel horny as she watched the lovers fuck.
The memory became a dream, and as she watched the lovers rutting - Cassie's face seemed to melt like wax and then reform.  With a gasp of astonishment Melissa realised she was now watching herself riding Dan - only, with a body like Cassie's.  Melissa couldn't believe how good her face looked on that bitchy body, all tanned and perfect.  She felt her heart beat faster and a sudden yearning to be like the woman in her dream and make this fantasy come true began to fill her mind.
Why not become more like Cassie?  Why not see if you can make Dan lust for you like he used to lust for her?
Melissa sighed happily in her dreams as strange thoughts and whispers filled her mind and her lips twisted into a unfamiliar smile.  Finally she slept, and her dreams were sooooo naughty that night...
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Dan blinked in surprise as he walked into the kitchen to find Melissa on a stool whistling and doing her makeup.  For a second he was struck by deja-vu then he realised why.  
"Melissa, are you wearing my ex-wife's clothes?  What the hell? I packed all that stuff away in the garage months ago!  Did you go unbox it?"
Melissa looked at him in confusion.  "Baby, I found this stuff in my wardrobe, I thought since you'd left it out, you wouldn't mind me wearing it.  I never thought of wearing clothes like this before, these leather pants feel really nice. Don't you like how they look?"
Dan had to admit that Melissa did look good in Cassie's bitchy clothes... he felt his cock twitch. There was something kind of hot about nice girl Melissa being a bit more like his nympho-ex, but why was she lying to him?  
"Melissa, tell the truth - I never left those clothes out - you must have got them from the garage."
Melissa frowned, "Dan - I promise you, they were in my wardrobe when I woke up this morning.  Are you accusing me of being a liar?"
"Of course not," he said reluctantly - but full now of spite, he snapped - "They don't fit you anyway, you'd need to lose weight and tone up to pull those off."
Melissa scowled. "Maybe I will then!" she snarled, stomping off back up to the bedroom.
Dan immediately regretted being mean to Melissa, but he was too proud to go apologise, so he left her to fester.
Cassie smiled as she invisibly watched - it had all played out exactly as she had known it would.  Floating through the wall into the bedroom she smirked as she floated behind Melissa and slid her fingers into the other woman's head.  They slid in easier now, like Melissa's mind was embracing their touch - almost pulling them in.
Melissa's eyes widened slightly and a lovely relaxed feeling throbbed through her body as Cassie's evil influence pulsed into her body.  The clothes seemed to pulse with the same corruption, Melissa was now encased in Cassie's bitchiness and it was starting to transfer into her body.
He's right - you do need to tone up and shape up - and you will.  You know you deserve to wear these clothes and you only want to dress like this.  Throw away all your old clothes, go to the garage and take all of Cassie's things - replace your entire wardrobe with hers.  Dan will only lust for you if you become more like Cassie.  Do it...
Melissa moaned as her brain pulsed with pleasure.  Standing up she walked to her wardrobe and with a sneer, began to rip her old clothes out.  It was time to upgrade... and join a gym.
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"Yes, this is more like it," smiled Melissa as she admired herself in the mirror a few weeks later.  The amount of weight and toning up that she had achieved in such a small amount of time was incredible. In fact, it was almost supernatural.  If she didn't know better she'd say that some outside force had been assisting her - speeding up her physical transformation from a slightly frumpy housewife into a toned and athletic looking hottie.
Dan had certainly noticed, but not complained - their sex becoming more ambitious and his pleasure in her superior body noticeable.  Melissa had almost completely stopped playing the piano or taking lessons in order to shape up and Dan hadn't objected when she had told him she wouldn't be contributing to the finances this month. 
In truth, he felt guilty that he had told Melissa she needed to shape up, and his guilt gave her power over him. Power Melissa was starting to enjoy.
She walked into her bedroom and sat on the bed.  All at once the delicious tingling throbbing feeling she got in her head whenever she was in this room came back and she smiled happily.  She always had her best ideas in the bedroom - it was almost like someone was projecting ideas into her head and the more she relaxed and welcomed it, the faster the ideas seemed to come. 
"Yes, I should try on some of the tighter, bitchier, clothes that Cassie used to own. I can probably fit into them now," grinned Melissa as she opened the wardrobe where she had put all the naughtiest clothes she had found - but had not quite been able to fit into - in.  Now she was about the same body build as Cassie though, it should be easy.
Melissa shivered as she stroked the latex clothing, faux-fur, leather boots and bougie jewellery on display.  Could she really wear this stuff?  It seemed like something some sort of slutty bad bitch might wear.
"Hurry up and try them on... you're going to feel sooooo fucking hot and horny in those clothes.  Haven't you seen how Dan has been responding to your physical improvements, next you need to start acting like a bad-bitch.  He enjoys being bullied and pushed around, it actually turns him on.  Try it. Put on an outfit and go tease him."
Melissa shivered and nodded.  Sometimes it felt like there was a voice in her mind whispering such deliciously evil things to her, but she had to admit - everything the voice told her to do worked.  With shaking hands she reached out and chose a bitchy outfit.
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It was tight - far tighter than anything she had ever worn.  A tight black one-piece black and white bodysuit.  It was funny how the suit seemed to squeeze her tits up and out - she was sure they seemed bigger these days.  High heels shoes also pushed her up - her feet felt smaller and more arched since she moved in with Dan and a generous application of expensive makeup made her look like a total bitch.
She was immediately aroused and she felt hotter and more powerful than ever before.  With a confident stride, she clip clopped around the room, smirking at the feeling of power Cassie's clothes gave her.  It felt like the old her was being smothered and something cruel and bitchy was taking over.  She loved the feeling and wanted more.
Striding next door, Melissa felt arousal as Dan gasped at her outfit.  His eyes lustfully drank in her body and she smirked to see the effect she was having on him.  He came towards her, but she disdainfully pushed him away.  "You'll spoil my makeup, keep back.  You've been pissing me off lately, so if you want a piece of my ass, you're going to have to start treating me better."
For a moment Dan looked like he might object... then he licked his lips nervously.  "Yes... dear, whatever you say. I'm sorry."
Melissa felt her pussy tingle and her nipples get hard.  Wow - making your man do what you wanted, felt really good.  "Good boy, perhaps later, if you're good I'll reward you - but for now I'm going shopping and I want to spend some big money.  You don't mind do you dear?"
"Of course not baby," muttered Dan.  
Melissa was acting more and more like his old wife every day - yet somehow, that was really turning him on.
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Cassie looked around the shop in delight - her hold over Melissa had grown strong enough that she was now finally able to leave the house.  A thin cord of energy, steadily growing thicker and heavier was growing between them and Cassie could feel her influence pulsing into the other woman, feeding Melissa's lust, ambition and cruelty. 
Melissa's body had changed so much in the last few weeks and the stupid bitch hadn't even questioned how her tits had got three sizes bigger.  Instead, she was proud of her sluttier body and thanks to the constant corruptive thoughts Cassie was sending into her protegee's head - she was getting worse by the minute.
"Yes, I deserve nice things and for Dan to pay for it all," hissed Melissa in glee as she tried on a pair of $500 boots that felt so nice over her latex bodysuit. She knew she didn't need the boots but she wanted them, so she took them.  It felt great to get what she wanted and be a spoiled bitch.
Melissa admired herself as she passed a mirror.  She'd been for a full body-wax this morning and her perfect abs, big-booty and huge tits were straining to break free of her super tight bodysuit.  She looked amazing and she revelled in feeling the hungry stares of men and women alike as they passed her.  "I'm a fucking Goddess," she laughed as she strutted down the street in her new boots, heading for home.
Entering the house, Melissa found Dan in the living room and beckoned him with a finger.  "Come with me. I'm horny and I want you to fuck me."
They entered the bedroom and Dan excitedly unzipped Melissa out of her latex suit - her smooth, naked body ready to be ravished.  She smiled excitedly as she pushed him onto the bed and drawing the curtains lit a number of candles.  There - now things looked exactly as they had on the DVD.  Dan seemed confused, but also turned on as Melissa straddled him and with an excited gasp lowered herself onto his cock.
"Oooooh, yes," she groaned loving how good it felt to finally be the bitch of her dreams as she began to gyrate her hips and ride her husband, just as she'd seen on the video. 
"Oh my God Melissa, your pussy feels so tight... it's amazing," groaned Dan.  
"I've been working out," purred Melissa as she fucked her man.  "Tell me that you like the bitchy new me, tell me how much you love that I've become more like your ex-wife."
"Ohhhh yes, I love what you've become, I don't know why or how, but it turns me on so much."
"Good boy," purred Melissa as she increased her bounces.  "I love what a bad girl I'm turning into and it feels like there is still so much more for more to do."
Cassie watched proudly as Melissa took control of Dan and made him her pussy slave.  Corrupting the other woman had been so much fun and there was still so much more to do.  A bit more gas-lighting and Melissa would be even bitchier.  Cassie was wondering if eventually she could even make the other woman worse than she had ever been.
It was definitely going to be fun to try...
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EPILOGUE (Weeks later)
Ghosts don't sleep - but they do fade in and out from time to time. Cassie had been somewhere else when she was suddenly rudely pulled into reality.
She was in a room - her living room - only there were candles lit everywhere. This wasn't something she had planned... what was happening?
In the middle of the room around the table sat Melissa and Dan. They were holding hands and Melissa had her head thrown back as in rapture.
"Hear me... spirit of this place. I summon thee and bind thee. Thou shalt obey me."
"Honey are you sure this is a good idea? You don't really believe there is a ghost do you?"
Melissa's lips twitched into an evil smile. "Oh yes honey. There is a ghost and I know who she is. But don't worry - I know how to deal with her."
Cassie felt a flash of panic and admiration. How had Melissa learnt of her existence - she thought she had been careful.
"Oh spirit of Cassie. I bind thee and summon thee into my body. All your bitchiness, all your knowledge shall be mine. I absorb thee and consume thee. Make me even more powerful!"
Cassie tried to fight, but her spirit was being pulled towards Melissa. She screamed as she was sucked into the other woman, her personality and consciousness unravelling as Melissa greedily sucked her up and consumed the concentrated evil.
Melissa screamed in pleasure, her tits swelling up even bigger and her body becoming hotter and stronger as she absorbed all of Cassies power, knowledge and memories.
In moments it was done. The ghost was no more and now only the fully evolved bitch Melissa remained.
"Mmmmh," she giggled stretching her slutty body with pride. "I love how it feels to be such a fucking bitch. Now I have ALL the power."
"Did you banish the ghost my love?" stuttered Dan.
"What ghost?" smirked Melissa fake innocently. "You must be imagining things. There was never any ghost and if there was - well she isn't a problem anymore."
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Laughing cruelly Melissa strode off leaving her pussy whipped gas lit husband to tidy up the room.
She was the only bitch around here now and she wouldn't be manipulated by a ghost.
She was the gas-lighter now... and she loved it.
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in an "Emily ends up in hell too somehow" AU, and things have been busy since THAT happened-
but Charlie finds time to looks over one day like "wow i feel like I've only ever seen your wings folded up these days... oh! you haven't been flying much lately! you know you can whenever you want to don't worry about me- i'd LOVE to watch you and Vaggie get some good swoop swoops in!"
Vaggie's like "babe i can just carry you. you can come for the swoop swoops too"
naturally Charlie is just "!!!" excited bc getting wing uppies from her dad is one thing, but the idea of going for a fly with the two angels who are happier down in hell (with HER) than they were up in heaven is just so "!!!!!!!!!!" she cannot WAIT
Emily has the most nervous, guilty smile on while listening to this.
Vaggie notices, asks what's up, and Emily (also bad at lying out right) (also good at not saying things) quietly admits that
she can't fly anymore
there's a silence so quiet they can all HEAR IT when one of Emily's feathers detaches and falls softly to the hotel floor
Emily goes on: it's not a big deal compared to what else they're all dealing with- (Charlie's horrified face says otherwise) -but every day Emily's been here down in hell her wings have worked less and less and now she can't even glide with them- which is fine! most people in hell get on fine without wings, right? It's, one of the big differences between here and heaven, and- well Vaggie was fine without flying for years, so really-
-but it's not fine to Charlie it's not fine it's not fine- she's not fine with this, she's not OKAY with the idea that being in hell has to HURT every angel in her life somehow- she's not okay with being so busy Emily didn't even feel like she could even MENTION THIS-
Vaggie is grabbing their hands and reminding them both to breathe okay? Hold on, slow down, let's check what we're up against here before we all go rushing into any guilt or blame or whatever
(vaggie is already happy to blame heaven for whatever this is and maybe scream up at that damn distant light from rooftop until she blows her voice out, but she can't do that while Emily's smile is still frozen determinedly in place and Charlie is shaking like a leaf, so-)
So it's let's all sit down and, brushing Emily's hair over her shoulder while Charlie clings to her hands and, it's Vaggie quietly asking her fellow angel is she can unfold her wings
the stiff, ginger way Emily slowly spreads all six of them giving lie to that brightly brittle smile
the words that slip out now, as Vaggie's hands gently run through dulled feathers and the bases of Charlie's horns press into feathery bangs as Charlie leans in and Emily slumps, wings limp in Vaggie's steadying hold
(the difference between wings just being gone, taken- and coming back- but always working and whole while Vaggie had them, and this, this gradual failure like a wind dying down, a light fading out, the wrongness of wings that felt heavy and air that passed over them like nothing, not catching and holding or lifting but just feeling hollow, an emptiness pressing her down- trapping her- only she didn't feel trapped she didn't she didn't this was the right choice to make and she made it-)
(Sera up in heaven, hesitating hesitating, all hosts of heaven's divine armies and powers at her command and her little sister down in hell, playing hostage with herself for the lives of sinners-)
(it was all Emily could do and she was GLAD to do it, but)
(maybe creation thinks she wrong for it- fine, let her be wrong like Vaggie was wrong like Charlie could NEVER be wrong- maybe there's a price and a pence for a seraphim who strays too far from heaven's light- even Lucifer hadn't LEFT. even Lucifer had just been caged...)
the black marks on Charlie's cheeks look like tear tracks as she listens, and Emily can't look at them as she wipes them all away. she can't look and still keep smiling
Behind them, Vaggie sighs.
and it's a stiffening in the shoulders at hearing her own name because Vaggie is pragmatic and practical and a realist and she wants things to work as best they can so she faces the flaws in them head on- hopeful words and songs dredged up only when Charlie and now also Emily needs them- but even then she doesn't pretend hell is all rainbows or heaven is full of mercy, and whatever she says next Emily maybe doesn't want to hear and maybe has been holding her breath for without knowing it, desperate to at least know and breathe out-
"Your wings," Vaggie says, running a hand over the tip of one "Do you know how to preen them?"
Emily blinks.
(she has a lot of eyes to blink with, so it takes moment)
"...preen... them?"
she says the word like she's never used it before- and she HAS, actually, just not- never in a sentence about wings, specifically
Vaggie tugs gently at one wing, tickles the back of Emily's neck with pulled free feather- one of the long ones- as Emily turns to stare at her and Charlie leans in further to crane around goggle at those six seraphim wings
"Preening." Vaggie has a small smile on, a little dry, mostly soft. "It's not really a thing up in Heaven, right? We- the Exorcists only did it right after Extermination day, to get ride of the blood and stuff, settle all the feather's that flying round in Hell had ruffled."
"ONCE a year?" Charlie, sounding a little stuffy, but mostly now just shocked. "We clean yours twice a DAY or else you start getting twitchy about it! Dad spends half of every EVENING fixing his!"
Emily sitting up between them, heart thumping- "Wing cleaning? I didn't, is that normal?"
"Down here it is." A shrug, Vaggie's own wings spilling down her back in example. "Hell doesn't play nice with an angel's wings."
"So- so mine, are they-"
"They're fine. A mess sure- but yeah, they're fine."
There's so many feathers on the floor just from Vaggie's light and tender touches of inspection and Emily still can't get the lump out of her throat-
Emily letting go of Charlie to pick up one of those lost feathers, and NOW her hand is shaking.
"Are you sure? They, it's like they're falling apart..."
"Molting!" Charlie scoops up some feathers too, hugs them to her chest and flops over backwards, bonelessly. "You're just molting... unholy FUCK."
Charlie pressing the feathers to her face to muffle something that might be a scream or a laugh.
Vaggie patting her hell princess girlfriend's lashing tail- "I freaked out about molting the first time too, remember babe?" - "I THOUGHT THAT WAS BECAUSE OF ONLY JUST HAVING GOTTEN THE WINGS BACK AND TRIGGERED TRAUMA AND- UGGHGHGHGHG!" - Vaggie chuckling, smiling as Emily runs a finger tip over the frayed edges of her own lost feather, scooting in and draping herself and her own wings over the other angel as the shakes get bigger, as Emily finally lets out a slow, shivering breath
a small whisper, into the side of Vaggie's hair, bending under the weight and snugged in Vaggie's arms circling secure around her waist "I'll be able to fly again? Once this, the molting is over?"
"You'll fly," a squeeze and the first tears squeezing out in answer, "We're gonna have to start preening all of them too-"
"Which we WILL have time for!"
Charlie swinging upright, eyes blazing, arms scooping both angels close.
"I don't care if the damn hotel catches on fire AGAIN- wing care first, catch up on everything else LATER!"
it's around now Emily tries to giggle and maybe lets out a sob instead. Charlie kisses her damn bangs, Vaggie nuzzles her wet cheek
"We'll imp some of my flight feathers to yours for now, okay? Get you in the air again tonight, get the wind in your feathers, at least just a little. You'll feel better after a bit of swoop swoop time."
"I- Imping...?"
"Pull off mine, stick 'em on you."
"Wha- but what about- you?"
"I'm due for a molt anyway, don't worry. A few days more without flying is nothing after three years-"
(Charlie, chiming in lovingly and KNOWINGLY)
(Vagige's eye roll and full bodied sighhhhh making Emily giggle for real this time) "Fiiiiinee sweetie, I meant that I'll be happier seeing her in the air again, more than I would being up there myself right now. Happy?"
(Charlie smug, Charlie melting, Charlie smooching Vaggie's bangs too) "Very. VERY happy~"
"Me too."
(Emily grinning to herself inside her snuggle chaggie sandwich of hugs) "You two sure know how to make Hell a happy place, don't you?"
"Charlie has a whole song about it." Vaggie points out, and it's all three of them shaking together, laughing, after all the dramatic and permanent pains they've faced- here's ONE that turns out to be simple, something fixed with a slight change in schedule plus a few freely given feathers
and isn't that nice, for a change
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sparrowrye · 4 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, part 20
Synopsis: soulmate AU where you have the same mark on your body as your soulmate, and if your soulmate dies, you die too. Alastor needs to make sure that his soulmate is safe so he can continue his reign - whatever that takes. Though it looks like we have a couple secrets of our own.
Previous part
Part 20: dark desires
"What do you want Husker?" I knew he was crossing when he first stepped out of the house. I sat just beyond the tree line with my back against a large oak. I had heard the door close, the sway of grass as he walked, his steps, his breathing, and felt his red magic about half way across the field.
I had barely slept last night. I woke up before dawn and made my way to my new sitting spot. I could hear the crash of the waves at the bottom of the cliff and the whirl of the wind across the field. The peaceful serenity was nice. The calm, external environment was helping me figure out how to feel internally. Until Husker showed up at dawn.
"I wanted to check on you." He stepped out from behind the tree.
"I'm fine. Never better. Why do you ask?" I had my legs pulled up and my arms dangling over them. I kept my one hand covering the bruised one.
"I thought maybe you would be happy that the curse is finally gone. But...you obviously don't feel that way."
"I shouldn't..." I pressed my lips into my shoulder to keep myself from spilling. I wasn't sure why I didn't want to talk about it with Husker. I had told him plenty before but this time I was hesitant.
"I'm usually good at guessing what's wrong," he tried, "but this time I'm a little lost. Did something else happen? Was there a memory?"
"No, he...I didn't..." I wrapped my arms around my legs and leaned my cheek into them. I was still holding my human form but I could sense everything as if I was in my Demon form.
My hands shifted so the bruise shone a little. Husker pointed and asked, "May I?" So I let him brush his claws across my injured hand, the muscle and skin popping and fixing itself. I turned my head the other way and gritted my teeth from the pain.
When he was done, I withdrew my hand to my chest and stared off into the forest. Husker was quiet. He sat in silence with me for a long time. I could hear his breathing and his presence sat on the outside of my shields.
I let out a huge sigh, Husker's ear twitching in my direction. I turned my head so he was partially in my view. "I don't...I should've known that he wanted something more with me."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean...I thought he just wanted to teach me how to defend myself against a Demon. That way he didn't have to ever think about keeping me safe again, but...I...he..." I struggled to find the words. I didn't want to tell Husker about the Sanctuary in case it somehow got back to Alastor. "When we touch I can feel both of our magic combining. He wants to keep me because it gives him more power. Which means...I can't do anything without him. I can't have a life anymore."
Husker was quiet. I could feel his presence fully around my shields as if to comfort me in some way. He physically sat adjacent to me against the same tree. I could hear his tail thumping and even feel it vibrating through the ground.
"Well, you know," he leaned over so his shoulder touched mine, "he's gonna teach you everything he knows. And you've obviously got your own kind of power and experience. Sooo...." he tilted his head, drawing out his words. He was waiting for me to finish but I obviously wasn't getting it. "So you may one day be better than him."
I actually laughed. It was short and high pitched. I stood up and spun on my heels, planting my hands on my hips. "This is the Radio Demon we're talking about. He's been around for thousands of years. He's had all that time to practice and master who knows how much magic. I've barely lived a second in comparison to him."
"True," he agreed, "but even he has his weaknesses. He's teaching you all the tricks which means you'll know how he thinks. It's just a matter of time."
"That's what I'm upset about." I paced around in a circle. I let my Demon side show and dug my foot claws into the soft earth. "In order to be even close to his level, I would have to train with him for hundreds of years. I don't even know how long I live for."
"Demons don't really have a timeline but most of us live longer than the average Human."
"I don't want to be stuck with him!" I yelled. My tail whipped behind me as my pacing increased. I went up to a tree and raked my claws down its bark. "I deserve to pick the life I want to live. He gets to decide what life he wants because he's got the power, but I deserve to decide."
"He's not really..." Husker clicked his claws together. "He's more...you won't get through to him unless you've got some kind of power. And...you may have to suck it up and train with him until you've reached that point. You've seen how he reacts when your shadow shows up."
I glanced down as my shadow morphed into the woman. I had yet to come up with a name, though I was heavily leaning towards Alcine. It seemed like a nice, elegant name for a woman who's shadow looked like that. She nodded her head at me on the grass.
I let out a strangled sigh. "I just...I have my own plans."
"I know." He pushed himself to his feet and stood in front of me. "I know exactly how you're feeling. So I want to do what I can to help you get there."
"What about you?"
He shrugged. "One step at a time. Maybe you'll even be able to convince him to let me go. But let's take this one day at a time."
I rubbed my clawed fingers together. "Okay."
"Are you finally ready, darling?" Alastor stood on the scorched symbol at the cliff, his eyes and teeth glowing brightly in the dim moonlight. His hands rested on top of each other on his red cane. I hid my Demon side as I walked up. My feet felt like they had glue on the bottom of them, making each step harder than the last. 
"Where are we going?" It was the third time I had asked. 
"Out. I think you've been stuck in this dusty house for too long." He uncurled a claw from his cane and held it out, his smile widening. 
"You and I both know kindness isn't your thing." I looked up through furrowed eyebrows and an angry scowl. Anger was easier to manage than fear.
He hummed a short laugh. "You pain me. I'm not all bad." He inched his hand towards me more. 
I sighed. "Yes you are," and took his hand. Our combined power rushed through my veins and took my breath away. I had to take a moment to recover while Alastor soaked in the feeling. He pulled me closer and teleported away. I nearly grabbed his arm when the ground disappeared. I was slowly getting used to the feeling of teleporting.
When we touched solid ground, I looked around at the dark landscape. We were on a roof but there were several huge buildings surrounding us. Not all the floors were lit up and most of them didn't even have windows or walls. I inched to the edge and saw a lively scene beneath me. The major streets were covered in yellow, electrical lights and people had to push themselves through the heavy crowd. 
This was one of those Old World cities. Since the Great Collapse, many major cities had fallen to nothing but ruins, leaving mother nature to handle them how she wanted. I had been in a ring of sorts in one of these cities. When an old ring had been discovered, everyone had to go find a new one. On the way, Striker and I had spent a night in one of these big cities. He heard of a fighting league, a legal 'ring' fight with willing participants. He had participated in a fight himself then offered me up to their champion. The fight lasted under two minutes.
I knew he would probably still be in one of the legal towns, but that didn't stop me from scanning the crowd in search of Striker's sharp face. "What are we doing here?" 
"There's someone I want to see if you recognize," Alastor answered nonchalantly. He stood just a hair behind me, his presence snaking around my shields. He didn't push through, which surprised me, but the fact that he was actively surrounding me didn't make me feel any better. I tried asking who I was supposed to be looking for but he didn't respond. He fell silent and just stared at me. I hated when he did that.
For awhile I simply watched. We were hidden on a roof that towered just above where the electricity stopped running. There was no one on the floors of the buildings around us and the shadows kept us well hidden from any curious eyes. 
After awhile, I sat down with my legs crossed and continued to watch. I was actually enjoying it. I stretched out my magic sense and felt everyone who came within distance. I could sense their emotions and feel who had Full magic and who had Slight. There were a few Demons hiding themselves in a human appearance, their magic's color shaping their outline. I imagined myself walking in the crowd with them all, brushing shoulders and going about a normal life. When I 'touched' them, it felt like I was sucking some of their energy straight from their body. 
A cold shiver ran through my body. I casted a glare at Alastor as his presence finally penetrated my shields. I tried wrapping my mind in a black cloak as if to keep him from reading my thoughts. I didn't know if he could actually read thoughts but I wasn't eager to find out. I turned back to the crowd to look for someone I would recognize. If he was trying to get in my head, that must mean he saw the person and wanted to see my reaction. 
It took me a few moments before my eyes locked on a man. I didn't immediately recognize him but I couldn't look away. He had a sturdy build, an ugly frown, and scraggly hair. My heart quickened and my hands started to sweat. What was wrong with me? Why was I freaking out? What was it about this man? No memories surfaced as I tried to remember.
He walked down one of the small streets and I followed, scrambling to my feet and jumping to the neighboring rooftop. I watched him from my high perch as he strolled halfway down the less-lit street. He leaned against the old building and pulled out a smoke. He was wearing a long sleeve which seemed odd for such a warm night. He put his hands in his pockets and just looked left and right. I knelt down and continued to watch him. What was he doing? Who was he waiting for?
Eventually, a second man walked down the street and shook hands with him. I leaned lower and casted a light wind to carry their conversation up to me. 
"That's thirty credits for the boy and forty for the girl," the newcomer said. He pulled out metal squares, called credits, to count them and drop them in the man's hand. 
"What do you want next?" the big man counted the credits himself before stuffing them into his pocket. 
"They're looking for two boys, around nine years old give or take."
"No girls?" 
"No. They supposedly have too many now and not enough fighters. They need the boys for the fights."
"Nine is awfully old." The big man blew out a puff of smoke. "They can't disappear as easy as younger kids."
"Which is why you're getting fifty credits for each." 
The big man coughed and took the smoke from his mouth. He cleared his throat and straightened his shirt. "Fifty? That sounds like they want a delivery."
"They do. They want them delivered to Swansbury. You can handle that, can't you?"
"Yeah, of course."
The newcomer held out his hand and the big man rolled up one of his sleeves. I leaned further over the edge to see what was all over his arms. The newcomer took the man's smoke and pressed it the hot end into his bicep. The man let out a grunt but didn't react in any other way. The newcomer returned the smoke after the big man had rolled his sleeve back down. The marks on his skin were all burn marks. Why did they do that?
"Your next contact will wear a gray top," the newcomer informed. He swiftly left the small street and disappeared into the crowd. The big man waited in the street, still smoking his cigarette. I watched him closely, trying to put together his face. I knew him. But from where?
Something pulled me backwards and I found myself in my mindscape. I pushed myself to my elbows and found myself in a memory. Not just any memory, the memory. The man trapped my hands against the cold cage floor and everything came running back. I squeezed my eyes shut and swallowed the fear in my stomach. I was suddenly standing and tripped backwards into my shields. I shook my head and pulled myself back to reality. I opened my eyes to an empty alley.
I jumped to my feet and rang along the edge of the roof for him. I found him down another small street, walking into another small building. This one had electricity shining through some of the shaded windows. The man appeared on the third level and collapsed on an old rickety bed. This was the man that had assaulted me.
My Demon side slipped out and I dug my claws into the concrete of the rooftop I sat on. So many emotions came flooding through me as I stared at him. He was a ring hunter. He was the people who stole children and sold them to the ring fights. I had so much energy buzzing through my body I didn't know what to do with. I wanted to bring the building down and watch him suffocate from the crushing rubble. 
"You can do it." 
My ear twitched as Alastor's lips brushed against it. My hands were shaking the harder I pushed them into the concrete. My heart couldn't slow down.
"You have the power, now."
My vision started to blacken around the corners. I was zeroing in on his helpless, clueless body on the bed. He was going to sleep peacefully and would wake up the next day to ruin another child's life. 
"You can put a stop to him."
My breathing grew shallow. My hands were sweaty and my tail whipped back and forth on the roof. My wings pressed into the floor on either side of me to give them something to do. I wanted to jump off this roof and crash into his room. I wanted to wrap my claws around his throat.
"It would take a flick of your wrist."
Alastor's hand was gripping my shoulder as he leaned further over the other one. He was kneeling beside me? Behind me? There was so much energy bouncing between us that I couldn't tell where he was in contact with me aside from his claws in my shoulder. 
"End his life to save so many." He gently grabbed my wrist and pried it off the edge of the roof. He lifted it up so my sharp, black claws curled around the man's figure. "Restrict his airflow." His throat closed and his eyes shot open. He clutched at his neck and rolled of the bed. He banged his chest as if to dislodge an object from his throat. "Watch him writhe as you did."
The man's flailing slowed until he finally laid still on the floor. The outline of his body grew red until everything about his was glowing red. It was his soul. I quickly cut off my magic. A second later the man gasped for air and the outline disappeared.
Alastor was everywhere. I abruptly withdrew and broke away from him. "I'm better than that," I clutched my hands to my chest, "I stopped the killing when I left the ring. I'm not going back to that. I'm not a Demon."
"Oh darling," he stalked over to me, "you are a Demon." He leaned down so his face was level with mine, arms folded behind his back. "It's how you managed to survive for so long in those fights. It's in your nature."
A door slammed shut, drawing both our attention back to the street. The man had run out of the building and was making his way to the crowded street. A huge, dark figure appeared at the end of the street and snarled at the man. He casted fire at the illusion and went the other way. Alastor chuckled and looked at me sideways. He grabbed my forehead, covering my eyes, and I felt my body drop. 
A second later I was gliding over the lower buildings on the outskirts of the city. The man was still running, casting glances over his shoulder for his pursuer. Various black figures scared the man from certain streets, herding him further away from the crowded street. I jumped from building to level and back again. I could taste the fear of the man. It was sweet and electrifying. I wanted more. 
The man tripped and scrambled behind a pile of crates. I jumped down on the other end of the alley where the man wasn't looking. The streetlight behind me blinked. The man's head swiveled in my direction. The light turned on and my shadow--no, Alastor's shadow--stretched down the concrete. 
"Good day sir!" Alastor's chipper voice came from my lips. I wasn't actually here. I was seeing through Alastor's eyes. He stalked slowly and precisely towards his prey. The man tried casting fire but his veins bulged and he cried out in pain. He curled into a bawl, sobbing and begging for his life. Alastor leaned down so his face was inches from the man's and said, "You've gotten in my way."
His claws latched around the man's throat. Half a second later, the man's life faded from his eyes. He slumped into the ground and Alastor straightened up. He snapped his fingers to call the dark figures to surround the body. He effortlessly lifted himself to the rooftop and made his way back. I could see my own body laying on the ground as he knelt beside it. He covered his eyes and my own flew open, my body lurching forward. 
"What are you do--"
He caught my chin in his claws and held our faces close. "You are a Demon by nature. Your power will grow until you can no longer handle it, unless you learn how to properly exercise it. That is what I'm doing." He shoved my face away and stood. 
"What did you do to him?" I pushed myself to my feet. 
"You'll know by tomorrow when I make my broadcast." 
Author's Note:
Thank you all for your patience, kind words, and understanding! I hope this chapter makes up for yesterday. How power hungry do you think we'll get? Can we fight the urge? How persuasive will Alastor be?
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nethhiri · 28 days
Marooned: Chapter 38
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warning: Another all smut no plot chappie! (feat. Heat kinda; also feat. everyone's favorite: inappropriate use of devil fruit power)
Sticky Situations
It was only curiosity. You weren't a pervert. It's not your fault sound travelled easily through the walls. You were walking past Kid's cabin when some distinct noises beckoned you to press your ear against the door. Did people do this when me and Kid were...?  Maybe you should bring up the subject of sound proofing certain rooms. There was a string of groans and grunts that sounded like Kid. The other person was Killer, telling Kid to relax. Heat rose to your face listening to Kid's cursing and demands that Killer go harder. You batted your ear, as it was starting to itch. Wait. In a split second, the door opened and Kid was tugging you in by the ear with his devil fruit. 
"Tsk." Kid pointed to your ear, "Might wanna take that off if ya don't want me to know yer peeping outside the door."
Your eyebrows knit together, puzzled. "Why aren't you both naked?" Kid had his shirt off. That's it. And they didn't have time to get dressed before Kid pulled you in. 
Kid barked out a laugh. "Forward aren't we? If ya want us, all ya hafta do is ask."
"No that's not-. I thought you guys were..." You made sex gestures with your hands and moved your eyebrows up and down suggestively.
Even Killer laughed at that. "I was helping Kid get a knot out of his shoulder."
Somehow this was more embarrassing than walking in on actual sex. "I see." Now the noises made sense. "I'll see myself out."
"Not so fast." Kid pulled you by the ear again until you were in front of him. "I know yer avoiding me since Killer spilled the beans that I was gonna yell at ya." 
"Noooo." Lie. You weren't scared obviously. You really didn't want to get sucked into some kind of 'you need to be more careful' bullshit. 
"I'm not gonna yell at ya."
"You're not?" Before you knew it, you were bent over his knee. "Hang on a minute. Let's talk about this."
"We could have if ya didn't avoid me." Kid tugged at your pants until your ass was exposed. "The time fer talking is over," he said with a sinister chuckle.
You played along gladly. The last thing you wanted was a serious conversation. You couldn't stop yourself from giggling. This would be fun. Snooping had its perks.
"Fuck ya giggling about?" Kid cracked you on the ass with his metal hand, hard enough to leave a mark.
You yelped. "I love when Captain Kid is mean t'me."
Killer crouched in front of you. "Count out loud or he starts over." He tapped the chin of his mask. "How many, Kid?"
"I think 10 should do it." Kid added, "Oh and ya can't heal it either or I'm gonna do it twice as hard next time."
"One," you still giggled. 
"I don't think you're doing it hard enough." Killer mused.
"T-two." Your grin faltered.
By the tenth spank, the bottom of your ass was cherry red. Kid's hand was so big its print took up most of the space. Tears pricked at your eyes and you yelped at him even resting his hand on the tender area. It was going to have a nice bruise tomorrow. 
"Not so funny now, is it?"
"No, Sir." He thwapped you again and you yipped. "What was that for?!"
"Fer being a little shit." 
"Eleven. You didn't count that one." Killer looked at Kid. "Looks like you gotta start over."
"Wait that one didn't count! Please don't." You gave Killer your best puppy dog eyes and turned to look at Kid to do the same. "I'll be good. I swear."
Kid tugged your pants back up and flipped you up to sit on his lap, earning a whimper from you. He grinned, "What's wrong, princess?"
"We're not fucking?" Was this not foreplay? 
"This a punishment. Fucking is a reward." Killer patted your head.
You stared at them incredulously. "You're kidding right?" They both had shit-eating grins across their faces. The real punishment was winding you up and doing nothing about it. You stood up angrily. "You wanna play this game? Fine." You were going to get them to crack before you. They wanted you to beg and you weren't going to let them have the satisfaction.
You left in a huff, nearly hitting Heat with the door as you left. You almost walked past him, turning on your heel to see his red face. You cocked your head. "Heat," you started in an accusatory tone, "what did you hear?" It was a bit hypocritical to be mad at him for being a pervert. You weren't mad. But maybe he could help you. Several thoughts went through your head: you could fuck him and get relief that way, he could help you concoct a revenge plan, possibly combine those two things in some way. You didn't want to make Kid and Killer jealous, you just wanted them to crack first. 
"N-nothing." He wouldn't meet your gaze. 
"Are you busy?" 
He straightened up, "No. Can I... help you with something?" He wasn't going to say no to a quickie.
"I need intel." 
It started with you wearing the tiny black leather shorts and the deep red corset top you had bought a while back with Heat. You knew it would drive Kid wild to see the bruising on your ass peek out from the legs of the shorts. Shorts was a strong word. They were closer to panties than shorts with the way your cheeks weren't completely covered. Heat didn't mind helping you. He would win, too, watching you slink around half-naked. You could feel Kid's eyes devour you from wherever he was. Another time, you wore a leather harness adorned with metal accents under your clothes, with panties to match. You knew Kid could sense the metal with his power and feel every curve along with your body heat. It was taking everything in him not to play with the metal bits, he knew he wouldn't be able to control himself. He was about to crack. What pushed him over the edge was the night you wore a metal butt plug and had a matching metallic egg in your pussy to dinner. Heat helped acquire the items from Kid's personal collection. Kid could feel every time you clenched to keep the egg from falling out and every time you squirmed for friction. He had broken out in a sweat on his forehead.
Kid was vulnerable to the obvious things. Killer was more difficult because his expressions were hidden and you couldn't tell if it was working. In the mornings you would ask if he needed to check and make sure you didn't heal the bruises. You took one of the shirts he had let you borrow and made it into a skin tight babydoll crop top with your fruit. You wore that, sans bra, and some little jean shorts once to help him in the kitchen, "accidentally" brushing against him whenever the opportunity arose. Another time, you enjoyed a popsicle when you were sunning yourself on deck while he happened to be at the helm. You about caused him to have a heart attack when one afternoon he came to prep dinner and found you sitting on the counter in a tiny skirt, legs parted just enough that he could see you didn't have panties on. What really got to him, was at the same diner that had Kid sweating, you sat across from him and rubbed at the crotch of his jeans with your feet. Heat let you in on a few fantasies that Killer had. 
What did Heat get out of it? Well, you let him know when the plan was going into action so he could watch, using your fruit to make a tiny peephole in the wall across from Kid's bed. 
Once you knew you had them, you excused yourself and let yourself into Kid's cabin. The smirk never left your face as you ran into Kid's closet to get one of his old feather coats. You were going to strip in the closet but wanted to pay Heat back appropriately. You donned Kid's coat and laid on his bed. You didn't have to wait long, as the door flew open and Kid stepped in with his first mate close behind. You didn't miss the way Kid's eyes widened slightly when he caught sight of his coat. 
"What the hell do ya think yer doing?"
"I don't know what you mean."
Kid grabbed your chin. "Ya know exactly what I mean, doll." 
You hummed with a smirk on your face, rolling on your back so the coat fell open.
Killer made a noise of appreciation before stripping his shirt and sliding behind you with his legs caging you in.
You almost regretted wearing Kid's coat because otherwise you would have been able to lean into Killer's bare chest. Still, you let your head rest on his shoulder, arching your back to push yourself up high enough to put your lips to his neck. The rough skin of his hands running down your body gave you goosebumps. They stopped to knead at your breasts, your hips, your thighs. It was clear Killer had a penchant for the fleshier parts of your body. Small moans left your lips as you pressed them against the skin of his neck, every so often giving him a nip. He moved your legs to rest on the outside of his, spreading you wide open. A thick finger circled your entrance, making you whine. 
Kid sat at the foot of the bed, sans clothing, lazily stroking himself and watching Killer play you like a fiddle, using his powers to alternate moving the egg and plug around. Fuck you looked so good wide open, pussy glistening and Killer had barely touched you. He wasn't going to give in to your teasing until he saw you laid out in his coat. There was no way he could let that image go to waste. As soon as Killer was done finger fucking you, he was going to dive in face first. Kid didn't understand how Killer held out this long without fucking you proper, but if you had taunted him as well as you taunted Kid, he was probably close to giving in.
Killer could feel his dick throb in his jeans, leaking precum. Every time he felt your cunt clench against his fingers, his cock strained against its confines. He could feel you squirm more and more against him as he worked a second and third finger in. The hand that wasn't occupied was lightly closed around your throat. He liked listening to the way your moans get raspier when he added pressure. 
"Killer... please." You rolled your hips into his hand, pressing your clit harder into his thumb. "M'close."
"Go ahead. Cum on my fingers. Cum so your captain can watch." 
The low voice in your ear and the breath ghosting the skin of your neck sent you crashing over the edge. "Oh f-uck, Kill-er." He held your legs open as they threatened to squeeze together. You twitched as he pulled his fingers back, opening your mouth so you could suck the juices from them. You whined when they didn't come, looking down to see Kid cleaning them off instead, leaving red stains at the base of Killer's fingers. You hadn't even felt him climb up the bed. 
Kid yanked you down a little so he could wrap his arms underneath your legs. "M'gonna wear this pussy like an oxygen mask," he said, more or less talking to himself. For a moment he took the time to appreciate the pink, glistening folds before him, engorged with the increased blood flow and the base of the plug snugly nestled between your cheeks. Then he went to work, groaning as the taste of your arousal hit his tongue. He wasn't kidding. Kid buried his face in your sex, dipping his tongue as deep as it would go, greedily lapping up the juices that spilled when you came. He moved the metallic egg in time with his rhythm, driving you insane. It made his cock hurt how badly he wanted to bury in your walls.
Your head rested on Killer's chest so you had a good view. It was a good thing Kid had you locked in place with his grip because you would be writhing all over the place with how intense the actions of his tongue and the use of his powers were. Every time you jerked away, he gave you a noise of displeasure, kind of a weak growl. The only time he withdrew his tongue was to bully your clit with it, making you buck when he grazed his teeth against it. Your previous orgasm made you incredibly sensitive, and he had you on the edge again already.
Killer was throughly enjoying how much you were enjoying yourself as he played with your breasts. He could tell by the way your breaths caught in your throat and the near incessant noises you were making, that you were close again. "Kid, she's gonna cum. Poor thing can't even form the words to tell you." 
You whined, but he was right. It was embarrassing how quickly you melted for them. The wave of tingling heat overcame you almost immediately after he said that. You felt a brief flood of wetness and heard sloppy sounds as Kid worked you through your orgasm. You panted hard and opened your eyes. You saw Kid put his googles back on his forehead, apparently having moved them down at some point. 
Kid saw you looking, "What? I was in the splash zone."
"I can't fucking stand you." You laughed. 
"Hah?! What was that?" Kid tugged you right out of his coat, flipping you onto your stomach. He teased the butt plug and egg in and out a few times, before removing the egg completely and putting the plug firmly back in its place, earning a squeak from you. "Tsk, wee mouse is overstimulated, is she?"
Killer tossed the coat aside and scooted further down the bed. He grabbed you and laid back flat, so your chests were flush. Then you felt Kid on top of you. His weight sandwiching you against Killer was making you wild. If only Killer would take his pants off, it would be perfect. Kid hiked one of your legs up, burying himself in you. You both groaned at the feeling. 
"I can still feel ya twitching on my cock, dirty lass," Kid teased. "Tell Killer how good I make ya feel. Maybe he'll finally let ya have it." 
You buried your face in Killer's neck, moaning, as Kid started to fuck you. "Feels so good to be f-fucked by a big c-cock." You attacked the other side of Killer's neck so that he would marks to match the ones you had left earlier, taking breaks to moan dirty things in his ear. "Don't you w-wanna stretch me out, too?" You rubbed your hand against the hardness in his jeans. "Please. Please let me." You moaned louder briefly at a particularly hard thrust from Kid. "I love w-hen Cap'n makes me cum all over his c-cock." Even your own dirty words were affecting you. "Let me c-um on your cock, K-Killer." After that, you couldn't form any more sentences. Kid's brutal thrusts had you screaming into Killer's shoulder. 
You felt Killer grab your wrist and guide your hand to his length, which at some point, had been partially freed. It was still within his underwear, though it was much more manageable when it wasn't under the tough denim. Gripping him through the fabric, you jerked him off. You could feel his girth pulse under your hand. Just thinking about having it inside you made your pussy clench. You whined in protest when Kid repositioned you, tugging your hips up and back, pushing your top half down. You couldn't wrap your hand around Killer at this angle, and with the way Kid was pounding your cervix into oblivion, at the same time playing with the plug, however you could feel Killer's erection against your stomach. Under your own cries of pleasure, you could hear soft huffs from under Killer's mask as the motions of Kid fucking you caused your stomach to rub against Killer. You felt his hips move as he rubbed himself against you even more. There was something so erotic about him so desperate to get off that he was thrusting against your stomach. That in itself caused the coil in your core to tighten, but when you heard him moan and felt his cock throb against you with a sticky sensation spreading on your skin, the coil snapped. 
This orgasm was the most powerful one of the three that they managed to give you. You shook as the pleasure took over your body, cunt gripping Kid so tightly that it forced him to his own climax. He pulled your hips tightly to him and ground his cock up into you harder. Your mixed fluids spilled onto your thighs. You could feel your walls flutter with aftershocks. Rolling  off Killer to the space next to him, you looked down at the mess on your stomach. 
"Damn, Killer," You said, looking at the mess on his own stomach to match. Kid spread your knees to look at his fine work and bent down to press his tongue into your overly sensitive clit. You jumped and he laughed at you before trailing his tongue up to lick a stripe through Killer's semen. 
Kid stood up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Ya wouldn't get so pent up like that if ya let one of us take care of ya more often." He looked like he was in thought.
You looked up at Killer. Smug with the fact that not only did you tempt him but you did it enough that he let you touch him, too.
He seemed to know what you were thinking and sat up, running a hand over your cheek. "Soon, breadcrumb." 
You were both startled when Kid banged his fist against the wall. "Heat! Ya fuckin pervert!" Kid could sense the various metals that made up his outfit, caught the same way he caught you. He touched the small peephole. Kid squinted. "What's this?" He immediately rounded on you. "Yer a sneaky one. Now I get it." 
Killer cocked his head to the side, intrigued by Kid's outburst. 
Kid continued, "Yer working with Heat!" He looked at Killer. "Heat was helping her behind the scenes and she made it easier for him to watch in exchange!" Kid laughed darkly. "So that's how ya got yer hands on this," Kid used his magnetism to move the butt plug, getting you to yelp again. Kid nodded, clearly thinking about what to do with this information. He looked at you. "Ya wanna wear it so bad? Ya can keep it in until I tell ya to take it out." 
It turned out, Kid had Heat in the same situation as you. Realizing it when you both paused at the same moments during the day when Kid decided to fuck with you, trying to contain twitches and moans. Or at meal times when you both jumped in your seat. One particularly good moment, which Kid was quite proud of, was when he made you and Heat spar, playing with both of you while you fought. He could tell you both went off somewhere together afterwards, probably to relieve each other. He released you from the punishment after that, satisfied with the show he got. 
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maiiefizz · 4 months
Jegulus Microfic
Tw: Bad decisions were made. (Spoiler in #)
They're lying together in the Room of Requirement. It's a small room now. Just big enough for a Bed.
The first night back in hogwarts, obviously they have to see each other.
But Regulus is different.
Somehow different from before the Summer holidays.
"What's going on, Love?" James brushes a few strands of Regulus' hair behind one of his ears, which had fallen into his face when he had laid his head on James' chest.
"You will hate me"
James freezes.
"What happend?"
Regulus buries his face in James neck, but he can instantly hear his sobs.
"They got me."
James understands in an instant.
He grabs Regulus Wrist and sees the dark mark.
Pitch Black and big on his lover's arm.
"I must obey him now. We can't see each other again, Jamie"
James kisses his hair, and strokes soothingly over the new tattoo. "No, Love. We will be together forever, remember?"
"But I can't follow you. I can't love you. We're in different teams now, James." Regulus tries to get up, but James strong arms are just pulling him closer.
"Nothing will separate us, Reggi."
"We have no choice, James! I-I have to follow him, and you have to fight against him and-"
"Who says that?" James interrupts.
"What do you mean?"
"Who says I have to fight against him? I'm sure he is willing to make me one of them"
"Potter, you can't just be one of them!"
"But then I can still be with you, don't I?"
"Don't do this, James"
"I love you. I'll do anything for you."
"You have to kill my brother, and Lily, and-"
"Can I keep you?"
"-You can keep me."
"Then let's fight against them. They trust me, so it's not a big deal. Do we need a plan?"
"We...we have to wait and see what the dark lord wants."
"Okay, so we still have time?"
"We have time, James. It probably won't start for a few weeks."
"So let's have some fun, before we have to kill Sirius."
"Are you sure you want this?"
"I'm sure I want you. I'll do anything to keep you, my Love."
Less than a week later, James has his new tattoo and he and Regulus are the new leaders of the Death Eaters. But not much later, he finds one of his best friends at his other side again.
"Oh, Hey Pete!" James says.
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datlokibumtho · 3 months
EDIT: I said I'd add more, and so I shall. I swear, the more I rewatch it, the more abserdity crosses my mind. I forgot some, so I'll add those when I remember them.
Rewatching the Mugen Train Arc, and there are a few things I noticed that I shall now share with you. I will add more as I think of them.
▪︎Rengoku's mom is hot
▪︎You will never be able to convince me we didn't see Akaza's O Face during that final attack.
▪︎Why didn't Akaza just drag Rengoku along with him to escape? All that oomf he has, and you're telling me one dude is too heavy? Nezuko can carry someone easily while in baby mode and was strong enough to curbstomp Daki, and you're telling me Akaza, Upper Three, the fourth most powerful demon in existence can't drag one guy along for the ride while bailing? I'm calling that shit hard.
▪︎Tanjirou's VA knocked this shit out of the park.
▪︎I call bullshit that Rengoku didn't activate his Demon Slayer Mark during all that.
¤ Edit: I now know why that didn't happen, so nevermind this one.
▪︎While we're on the topic of Rengoku, can I just briefly express my confusion as to his dream of choice when Enmu put him to sleep? Out of everything he could have dreamed, all the scenarios his mind could have conjured up, he chose "that one time I did something extraordinary and my dad didn't give a shit" followed by any given day of the week. Tanjirou got his family back, Zenitsu got to spend time with the girl he loved, Inosuke got to do whatever the fuck that was...and Rengoku's got an alcoholic father who doesn't give a hair on a witch's tit if his kids live or die, a mom that's still dead from illness, and last Tuesday, the Tuesday before that, and the Tuesday before that, also known as his everyday life. Why? He could have had a father that was a presentable human being again, a mother that wasn't dead or ill, a happy life...and he bypassed all of that. Just. Fucking. Why.
¤Edit: upon further thought and some amateur analysis of his psyche, the dream probably revolved more around time with his brother, or his boundless optimism making him think every day is a gift or worth celebrating or special somehow. Or maybe he just has a really bad imagination.
▪︎Rengoku just gave Enmu his first brush with heartburn.
▪︎Look up the lyrics to Homura by LiSA, and I believe you will join me in saying fuck whoever chose the music. Why they gotta do that? Why?
▪︎Get you a man that's an absolute goober, a total badass, a complete and utter derp, a major sweetheart, and a super serious hot mess all at once. Get you a Flame Hashira. Get you Rengoku Kyoujurou.
▪︎"I'm a box lunch vendor" wasn't suspicious until he said it wasn't suspicious. Then it became suspicious.
▪︎Rengoku moving his ass like "Total Consentrstion Fuck You I'm A Hashira" speed mode activated. "Ecceleration Mode", for anyone that's up on older anine.
▪︎Pigtails runnin' her way through Rengokus dream world like the edge isn't invisible and she was at zero risk of slamming face first into it.
▪︎God damn, Tanjirou, right between the man-titties. Rude as fuck.
Tumblr media
▪︎Tanjirou: smells blood in a snow storm, Muzan in the middle of Tokyo, identifies people by their scents after only meeting them once, can smell character traits
Rengoku: two cars down from them, chowing away at bento, unnoticed
Zenitsu: hears thing down to a celluar level and can figure out what something's species and intent are based solely of of their sounds of existsnce
Rengoku: two cars down from them, practically yelling "tasty" repeatedly, unnoticed
Inosuke: has super insane instincts and the ability to lock onto things miles away
Renkgoku: STILL just two cars down from them, living his best life with a crapton of bento, unnoticed
Tanjirou/Zenitsu/Inosuke: "Wonder where the Flame Hashira is."
▪︎Slasher demon: "No one's faster than me!"
The Other Speedy Stripy Boi Of The Mugrn Train Arc: "Destructive Death: Kick-Your-Ass-Faster-Than-The-Speed-Of-Sound-You-Scrub Type."
▪︎Rengoku's Dream World: sunshine, daisies, and fatherly rejection
Rengoku's Subconscious: flaming hellscape
Enmu's Lackey: "What the flip flap fuck is going on with this man?"
▪︎Enmu: shocked Zenitsu did anything while under his spell
The rest of us: "Yeah, it was always gonna go that way, chief."
▪︎My thought process through my original watchthrough eons ago: "Rengoku is a silly mans. Rengoku is kinda cool. Rengoku is utterly endearing. Rengoku is awesome. Rengoku is one BAMF. RENGOKU IS DEAD."
▪︎My almost simultaneous thought process through my original watchthrough eons ago: "I can't believe he dies, he's so amazing and wonderful and i love him. Ok, he dies in this fight, and now that i know the man, i instantly hate whoever did it. Oh no, he's HOT! My emotions are very mixed right now. My emotions are completely decided in their stance, and I am getting teary-eyed over yet another ficticious character."
▪︎My afterthoughts of my original watchthrough eons ago: "Akaza is the absolute worst, that pretty face, hot body and smooth af voice cannot change that. Wow, Muzan was mean to him after he did his damndest. My opinion can not change now that I have seen Senjurou, he is a wonderful little cinnamonroll, and Akaza must remain the worst. He can be terrible and still look good. I mean, are he and his utterly whorish waist and very lovely, somewhat delicately featured face really to blame or is Muzan or psychosis of some kind? Wow, that's a nice hourglass physique and horribly tragic backstory."
▪︎End conclusion from my original watchthrough eons ago: "My opinion of Rengoku has done a 180. I would die for Senjurou. I will probably never truly like Rengoku Shinjurou despite understanding that grief and disillusionment do strange things to people. Akaza is too hot, broken, and in a weird way endearing and lovable to hate. I loves me a tragic backstory and damaged man. I DO NOT HAVE A NEW SHIP I DO NOT HAVE A NEW SHIP I DO NOT HAVE A NEW SHIP"
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▪︎I had a new ship
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toournextadventure · 1 year
everyone but her pt.7
a/n: guys we're boutta start the FEELINGS. we're getting there, i promise. if we keep this up we might even get a smooch before too long 👀
Word Count: 3.7k Warnings: swearing Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader (Masterlist)
@extinctspino @basichextechml @cfvgbhndun-new-blog @jinxscatbomb @awolfcsworld @n0p35 @suzhiman @gengen64 @eclipsesmoonshine14 @asters-abditory
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There was a habit you had that Wednesday was starting to pick up on, and she was not fond of it by any means. Somehow, by some cruel trick played by whatever spirits were watching over her that day, you always, always came by her dorm while she was busy. She was playing the cello? You miraculously dropped from the sky and started talking before she could even set her bow down. She was writing? You burst into the room with whatever stupid question was on your mind for the night.
More than once you had even appeared while she was in the shower, knocking to let her know you were there and then yelling through the door. It was times like that she almost wished you would get struck by lightening on your next flight.
Tonight, however, you had crawled in through the window because Wednesday had finally gotten the bright idea to lock the door. She should have known better.
“You seriously need to lock your window,” you huffed as you pushed yourself back up to your feet. There was a nice tint to your cheeks from the cold. Wednesday stared for too long, thankful for the fact that you were too busy brushing the dirt from your knees. “What if someone came in?”
 “Oh yes,” Wednesday sighed, “what if.”
“Anyway, with that safety lesson out of the way, here’s...” You dug around your satchel until you pulled out a book that Wednesday… didn’t remember loaning you. “Your book!” You handed it over with an obnoxious smile. A Tale of Two Cities.
“You stole this,” Wednesday said simply, though she still reached for it without hesitation. Her fingers grazed yours as she took it from you; your fingers were cold. Would you mind so terribly if she wished to warm them?
“It’s not stealing,” you huffed before throwing yourself face-first onto her bed. “It was borrowed without permission.”
Wednesday didn’t dare dignify your nonsensical excuse with a reply, instead just placing the book on her desk and flipping through it to find where you had left your mark. It came in the form of a single downy feather stuck near the last third of the book. She exhaled slowly and put it in her drawer; you weren’t even looking.
“The Rave’N is coming up soon,” you mused as Wednesday started writing. It gave her a welcome distraction from… well, from you. “You thinking of going?”
The clack of the typewriter stuttered for just a moment.
“I could not fathom a greater form of punishment.”
“Oh,” you said before covering it with a cough. “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too.”
Wednesday felt a twinge of disappointment. Her words had been no lie; there was truly nothing more miserable than going to a stupid high school dance. But if you had intended on asking her, then maybe, just maybe, she would have considered it. After all, it wasn’t like you would be going with anyone else anyway. Right?
She said nothing, just continued typing away at her novel. Out of the corner of her eye, you shuffled and moved around, grabbing her pillow and resting it under your chin. Your eyes bore holes into the side of her head; god, did you ever blink? Didn’t you have anything better to do than lay there and stare at her?
“Thing, you smell absolutely divine,” you said in the most Enid-esque sing-songy voice after a few agonizing moments of staring.
With the slightest turn of her head, Wednesday watched Thing crawl onto the bed and start showing off. A pose to the left, a pose to the right, showing off his good side. You would “ooh” and “ahh” as he turned and would make ridiculous faces at him. It was beneath you, yet Wednesday couldn’t stop from watching with a morbid curiosity as you egged him on.
“You simply must tell me your secret,” you said as Thing finally crawled up onto your shoulder. “Tell me, is it the bergamot?”
“Can you two take this elsewhere?” Wednesday interrupted Thing mid-gesture. You pouted; it was enticing. “This isn’t beauty hour.”
“You, Wednesday Addams, are a killjoy.” You pushed yourself up to your knees - you were getting your shoes on her bed - and stepped onto the floor, Thing holding tight to your shoulder. “We’ll continue this in my room.”
The blatant stomping as you made your way to the door was enough to get Wednesday’s teeth grinding. Your ability to set her on edge just by being a brat was impressive, she wouldn’t deny it. Yet it still made her want to reach out and strangle you, no matter how far she had to go to reach your neck. She watched you leave only for a moment, more than ready to turn back to her novel but-
You froze with your hand only inches from the doorknob. Your right wing twitched, drawing Wednesday’s attention to the feathers that were still growing back from your flight in the woods all those weeks ago. She stood up from her desk and walked over to you with slow, purposeful steps until you turned around and were face to face with her.
Well. For the most part.
Wednesday stared you down, reveling in the way your wings twitched and shook under her gaze. Their reaction always intrigued her, always activated her curiosity in ways very few things could. Her own fingers ached with the desire to reach out and brush against the smooth feathers.
Instead she just grabbed the sweater you were wearing. It was made of a rather particular pattern in some rather familiar shades. She hadn't seen it in a few weeks, but surely she hadn't misremembered it. There was only one real difference between then and now.
“This is my missing sweater.” Wednesday met your eyes and took note of the way they widened only for a second.
“Is not,” you said quickly. “Thing, is this Wednesday’s?” Wednesday shot Thing a glare, one that he knew the consequences of. Instead of answering, he just shrugged and scuttled around to your other shoulder. A true coward. “Told you.”
“My mistake,” Wednesday said before giving you one last look - you practically shrunk under her stare - and walking back to her desk. “Thing, be back by curfew.”
“See you later, Wednesday.”
Your voice echoed in Wednesday’s head long after you had closed the door behind you. It was impossible to count the amount of people that had said her name, and yet when you said it… it was different. Something about it struck a different chord in her cold heart.
Maybe it was the fact you were shamelessly wearing her sweater.
Hummer’s meetings, though necessary, were becoming the bane of Wednesday’s existence. It wasn’t Eugene’s fault, he tried his best to make them fun, but your snoring from the other side of the hive was enough to drive anyone insane. What were you even doing there anyway? Hadn’t you officially given up on Eugene’s inability to make friends?
A loud slap reverberated off the walls, followed immediately by a "fuck!" and a disgruntled groan. Eugene halted in his speech as they both looked at you, now wide awake with glassy eyes and a bright red cheek. You gave Eugene an enthusiastic thumbs up and a grin that would make anyone swoon.
Eugene smiled right back at you and continued whatever it was he was going on about. But Wednesday noticed the way your smile dropped and you rubbed your cheek, looking around for the culprit. Thing snuck up Wednesday’s leg and hid on her shoulder, as far away from you as he could get. Smart hand, she thought behind a smirk.
The meeting continued, and even though Wednesday had never started paying attention to what Eugene was saying, now she was downright distracted. By the way you would hold your hand out for the bees to land on, to your absolutely pitiful sneeze when a bee landed on your nose, to the loose feathers you left on the floor. Why couldn’t you just pay attention so she could pay attention?
“Hey, I gotta head out.” You stood up. “I’m late for practice.”
“Okay,” Eugene said with a look that gave away his disappointment. “Wednesday can fill you in later.”
“Nah, I’ll hear it from you,” you said, shooting him a smile that had no doubt made many a woman swoon. “I’ll text you.”
“Sounds good,” Eugene answered, and you gave him a thumbs up.
“See you later Thing. Addams.” You winked at Wednesday before heading out of the hive.
The way her stomach dropped was downright embarrassing.
The meeting continued to drag on for another 35 agonizing minutes. Wednesday’s only saving grace was at least they were harvesting a few of the hives so it helped pass the time. Slowly. By the time everything was finished, Wednesday wanted nothing more than to escape and get back to her dorm. This much socialising was exhausting work.
“Hey Wednesday,” Eugene called out before she managed to escape. She stopped in her place and turned to look at him. “Is Y/N going to the Rave’N?”
“How should I know?” She asked, but what she really wanted to say was why do you want to know?
“Think she would go with me?” He asked; his eyes went wide at Wednesday’s sudden coldness. “As a friend!” He defended instantly. “Only as a friend.”
Wednesday’s shoulders relaxed slightly. Only as friends, she thought with the most miniscule nod to herself. That was acceptable. Not that she would have cared, obviously, if you would go as Eugene’s date. But surely he wasn’t your type- she stopped her thoughts right there. She was not going to proclaim to know what your type was or that she even cared in the first place.
“Just ask her,” Wednesday finally said before promptly turning around and walking out of the hive.
A mix of emotions tumbled around in her chest as she walked around campus. Why had she gotten such a visceral reaction to Eugene asking if you would go to the Rave’N with him? It was a dance that she cared absolutely nothing for. There was nothing enticing about a room full of sweaty teenagers drinking spiked punch.
What were you doing to her? What was it about you that was different? She had yet to care about anyone the way she did about you. Her protectiveness over Enid, Eugene, Pugsly, it couldn’t even hold a flame to how she felt about you. And she couldn’t even figure out what kind of feelings those were. How was she-
-the sound of a piano caught her attention and froze her in her spot.
The door to the opera hall was open just enough for music to spill out into the quad. It sounded like a jumbled mess, the keys being hammered and played in a way that was reminisce of a child. Thing pointed through the doors, and with a roll of her eyes, Wednesday walked in.
The pitiful excuse for music got louder as she walked further into the opera hall, her steps almost silent on the carpet. A twang from the piano staggered her steps and she tilted her head. The riff played twice, slowly, then picked up speed again. With a singular nod to herself she continued walking until finally she could look upon the stage.
You sat there on the bench, playing away as if you had not a single care in the world. Your posture was absolutely horrendous, Wednesday noted as she eyed your hunched shoulders and bent neck. It looked like you were too big for the instrument even though your hands flew effortlessly over the keys. Jazz, it finally clicked as she listened to you continue.
At least, it was jazz until it wasn’t. Maybe she wasn’t entirely sure what you were playing.
But she stood there and watched dutifully as you played, a smile seemingly etched onto your face. You looked completely entranced, your eyes falling shut as a laugh fell from your lips. You looked- no, Wednesday would never admit to that. She stood up straight and moved as if to leave until she noticed something.
There, on your right wrist, were three black hair ties. Her black hair ties.
Somehow, she didn’t mind.
You were late.
You were late and Wednesday had already pushed back her writing time for you. Now, 37 minutes past when you were supposed to already be in the room for tutoring, you were still nowhere to be seen? Wednesday would’ve strangled you if given half the chance.
“She’s probably asleep,” Enid said after Wednesday had paced the room for the seventh time that night. “Just go wake her up.”
Still asleep? How? It was a late start, of course, but it was a Monday. What could you possibly still be sleeping for? That decided it, she was going to go find out for herself. She didn’t bother saying bye to Enid and Thing - who were having yet another manicure party - and walked out the door, making a beeline for your dorm.
How could you stand her up? Tutoring had been moved around a few times but you always showed up. Now, the week before the Rave’N, you were going to abandon her? To spend time with Enid? How very well dare you, you certainly knew better than that, did you not?
She knew your room by heart; not because she had ever been inside, but she had walked you back numerous times. So she could be forgiven for not stopping to knock on the door and instead just walking in, closing the door behind her.
“Where were-”
-her heart froze in her chest when she actually looked into your room. It wasn’t untidy by any means, but the amount of… things was rather impressive. Bookshelves were littered with pens, badges, coins, daggers - is that her dagger? - and whatever else the mind could imagine. In the far corner of the room was a pile of blankets and clothes, and you were resting face-down on top of it.
Your wings were outstretched across the pile - your little nest, she thought - and for probably the first time, Wednesday stared in awe at how large they truly were. Realistically she knew they had to be big enough to carry you around, but to see them up close just hammered the idea home. They were stunning.
There was a peaceful look upon your face, one that she rarely saw during the day. You were snoring lightly and holding onto a piece of cloth so tightly that Wednesday could see the individual tendons in your knuckles. If anyone else had seen you, they would’ve called you adorable.
But not Wednesday, of course.
Wake her up. But you looked so comfortable laying there, spread out for no one but her to see. How many people got to see you like this? Free, unbridled for everyone else’s convenience. We’re here for a reason. Does that reason matter when you look so at peace? This is pointless. It most surely is because she can’t bring herself to move or turn her head away from you.
A shift in your breathing pattern, and suddenly Wednesday was brought back to her current situation. Right. You were supposed to be tutoring right now. Your math test was in three days and you needed help, and she was doing nothing to ensure your ability to pass the test.
Wake her up. But she didn’t have to, because you shifted and suddenly Wednesday was met with your groggy, half-open eyes that struggled to stay open. In those first few moments of consciousness, what were you thinking of? Was your head filled with the remnants of a dream that would be long forgotten before you spoke your first word? Were you thinking of someone that brought such a stupid, childish grin to your face?
“Fancy seeing you here,” you mumbled with that same dopey smile. It was pathetic. Wednesday was pathetic for letting it affect her.
“You missed tutoring.” She sounded too harsh; good. There was no chance she was going to let you know what you did to her.
“I was out late,” you mumbled again, finally pushing yourself to your knees. Wednesday turned her head when your sleep pants fell low on your hips. “Give me a sec and we can get started.”
She couldn’t see you, but she heard you shuffle around until the bathroom door clicked shut, and finally she could breathe again. Everything about you was really starting to wear her patience thin. She had come here with a purpose and now she was busy trying to keep her breathing in check because of your sleep pants. You truly were a testament to her patience.
“Ready?” You walked out of the bathroom while still pulling a shirt down. Thankfully, Wednesday didn’t notice until you were finished and-
“-is that my shirt?”
You froze in your tracks. This was becoming a common occurrence, Wednesday realised. At the very least this was the third time she had noticed you wearing some article of clothing that had belonged to her. First the sweater on Parents’ Weekend, then the sweater when you brought the stolen book back, and now this? How had you even managed to get them?
It was while you were frozen and staring at her that Wednesday finally looked at the pile you had been sleeping on. And how she could pick out at least three things in it that she knew had come from her closet. A blanket, one of her secret pairs of fuzzy socks, a jacket. Her glare shot back to you, and the room was so quiet you could both hear you audibly gulp.
Were you going to lie to her and say it wasn’t hers? She would have loved for you to try and talk your way out of this one. Everyone else might buy your lies, but not Wednesday Addams. She could not be won over by honeyed words and convincing smiles, no matter who gave them to her. No, she wanted to hear what you were going to say.
“I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for this-”
“-is it?” Her gaze never left yours. Say something.
“Not anymore.” You straightened up and crossed your arms over your chest. You had nerve, Wednesday would give you that.
She liked it.
“It looks better on you than it does on me.” Your eyes widened at her words before a blush rapidly ran down your neck. “Grab your book,” Wednesday said. You rushed to follow orders and made a spot for the both of you on your pile.
It was actually quite comfortable.
Wednesday went over everything she could with you in the time you had left. There was no doubt in her mind, you were still utterly hopeless at math, but by the end of the morning she had a little bit of faith that you would pass. That would have to be enough unless you could squeeze one more tutoring session in before Thursday.
“Hey, Wednesday.”
She stopped packing her things. She didn’t say anything, only turned her head just enough to look at you out of the corner of her eye. You were playing with your fingers; they seemed more pale than usual. Every time she would meet your eyes, you would find something else to look at.
“Eugene asked if I wanted to hang out with him at the Rave’N,” you said far too softly. “If I had no one else to go with, that is.”
Of course. The Rave’N was that weekend. It was coming up and you still hadn’t asked anyone to go with you. Why hadn’t you asked Bianca, or Yoko? Surely they would have enjoyed you as their date. What could have possibly been holding you back where you would consider going with Eugene?
Why did she like that you would consider going with Eugene instead of Bianca or Yoko?
“Enjoy the dance with Eugene.” She didn’t think she liked that so much either. Your attention would be on him, or Enid, or anyone else at the dance. What if she didn’t want to share your attention? What if she wanted it all for herself, just for one night?
“Wednesday.” Your huff brought her attention back to the look you were giving her. What was that for? “This is the part where you ask me to the dance and I say yes.”
“Why would I ask you to the dance?” Wednesday asked incredulously. And that was what brought a smile back to your face. An embarrassing smile that made Wednesday’s stomach twist into knots.
“Because Eugene and I have been trying to force you to ask all week,” you continued.
“He thought asking you for permission would force you to ask me yourself.” Your smile faded into nothing, leaving only a gleam in your eyes. “He’s not even going to be here.”
To say she was astounded at your planning was an understatement, but she was also amazed at your lack of execution. She never got the hint, so clearly your plan had been foolhardy at best. Besides, why would she be jealous of Eugene? It was clear you two were barely even friends to begin with.
But you were still standing there and staring at her, and you looked like you were waiting for a response. Did you truly think she would ask you to the dance? You knew how she felt about it, surely you didn’t genuinely expect her to ask. Did you? Then again, maybe a small part of her wanted to ask…
“Go to the dance with me.” It wasn’t a question. You didn’t seem to care.
“I’d love to.” You grabbed your backpack and started leading her out of your room to finally head to class. “We can work on your romance skills next time.”
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