#broken pieces (you and me) fit perfectly together
chronosbled · 1 year
. ◞ * ☣   What   Were   Your   Hands   Meant  To  Do  ?
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Not necessarily to a god, but to hope. To family. In mud you see art. In shadows you see color. If the world fell apart around you, you would start gluing the pieces back together. Life tastes bitter but you like the bite. Those around you are inspired by your kindness, by your faith, by your hope. You might not speak often, but your words are the loudest in the room. You are rain and its ability to seep into every crack, the promise of new life.
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Tagged by: @thornicidxs​​​
Tagging: Just steal it and tag me y’all.
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0 notes
pucksandpower · 2 months
Max Verstappen x Reader
Summary: in which Max is the only lullaby you’ll ever need
Warnings: 18+ content
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You stare up at the ceiling, wide awake. The numbers on the alarm clock seem to taunt you, the minutes ticking by as you struggle in vain to fall asleep.
It’s nearly 1 am and Max still isn’t home.
With a sigh, you roll over and bury your face in his pillow, breathing in his familiar scent.
It’s not the same.
Your body craves his warmth, the protective circle of his arms. Sleep just won’t come without him here.
You’ve always been this way, for as long as you can remember. A perpetual insomniac, tossing and turning through the lonely nights.
That is, until you met Max.
The first night you spent together, you were astonished to find yourself drifting off within minutes of being wrapped in his strong embrace. It was like magic. Now, months later, the spell hasn’t broken. Max has become a necessity, not just for your heart but also for your health.
The sound of the front door opening stirs you from your restless thoughts. Muted footsteps make their way to the bedroom and you feel the mattress dip down.
“Hey,” Max whispers, his hand grazing your shoulder. “Sorry I’m so late, the meeting ran long. I didn’t mean to keep you waiting up.”
You roll over to face him, drinking in the sight of his tousled hair and tired eyes. “It’s okay. I’m just glad you’re here.”
He offers you a soft smile, the one he saves only for these quiet intimate moments, and your heart skips. No matter how many times you see it, that smile never fails to make you melt.
“Let me just wash up and I’ll be right there, okay?” He squeezes your hand gently before disappearing into the bathroom.
You listen to the familiar sounds of him getting ready for bed, a ritual you know by heart. The splash of water, the electric hum of his toothbrush, the soft thud of his clothes hitting the hamper.
When he emerges in just his boxers, you lift up the covers in silent invitation. He slides in behind you and tucks your body against his chest, legs tangled together.
You fit so perfectly, two puzzle pieces made for each other.
His arms wrap around you like bands of steel and you feel yourself begin to relax into him. Here, cradled against him with your legs interlocked, is the only place you’ve ever found true peace.
Max brushes his lips over your hair. “Did you miss me?” He murmurs.
You smile into the darkness. “You know I did.”
“I missed you too, schatje.” His voice is husky with fatigue. “I’m exhausted but I had to get back to take care of my girl.”
You snuggle deeper into his embrace. “My hero.”
He chuckles, low and warm like honey flowing over you.
You talk softly as you both unwind from the day, voices hushed in the intimacy of the night. He tells you about the team debrief that ran late and you fill him in on the book you started today, trading thoughts and details as the fuzziness of sleep starts to seep into the she of your consciousness.
Eventually conversation tapers off, words replaced by contented silence. Max’s breathing deepens and you know he’s nearing slumber. But your mind still buzzes, body fighting against its own weariness.
You shift restlessly and Max instantly tightens his hold. “Shh I’ve got you,” he soothes. “Just try to relax.”
One large hand begins massaging gentle circles on your back and you focus on its hypnotic motion, on the sensation of his calloused fingers tracing delicate shapes.
He starts humming softly, a nameless tune that fills you with wistful melancholy. You’ve never asked where he learned it. It belongs to these fragile midnight moments, when he coaxes you to stillness with his voice and touch.
Between the comfort of his embrace and the lullaby reverberations rumbling through his chest, you finally feel sleep approaching. Your thoughts drift away until only the present remains — Max surrounding you, his warmth, his scent, the combined rhythm of your heartbeats.
Just as your heavy eyelids begin to close, Max shifts suddenly and cages you beneath him. You gasp as he presses urgent kisses under your jaw, nipping at the sensitive skin.
“Max!” You squirm half-heartedly. “I was almost asleep.”
“Not quite yet, schatje. We’re not done.” His voice is gravelly with arousal that makes your belly swoop. “I need you.”
He kisses you deeply until you’re clinging to him, nails digging into the flexing muscles of his back. This man unravels you with barely a touch, your body open and pliant to him like a flower turns to the sun.
When he enters you it feels like coming home. You let out a shaky exhale, overwhelmed by the perfection of his body joining yours. This connection, this wholeness, is all you’ve ever wanted.
Max sets a slow, deep rhythm. His eyes blaze into you, grey flickering with lust and love and possession. “You’re mine,” he rasps, thrusting harder. “This is right where you belong. Under me, surrounding me, taking all of me.”
“Yes, yes I’m yours,” you gasp. The slide and drag of your bodies is maddening, tension coiling at the base of your spine.
Max grips your thigh, hooking it over his hip to drive himself deeper. “No one else gets to have you like this. You only come apart for me. I’m the only one who gets to feel you shatter.”
You cry out as he hits that perfect spot inside, stars bursting behind your eyelids. “Max, please …”
He crushes you closer, thin control fraying. “Please what? Tell me. I’ll give you anything you need.”
A particularly deep thrust wrings a wanton moan from you. You’re so close now, balanced on a knife’s edge of bliss. “Just you,” you manage to say. “I just need you.”
Max smiles, satisfied. “That’s my girl.” Then his lips slant over yours, swallowing your sobs of pleasure as his hips piston faster. The tension crests, higher and higher, until finally it breaks and you’re swept away on waves of dizzying ecstasy.
Max tenses and follows you over with a rough groan, your name a prayer on his lips. He collapses heavily against you, breath coming in harsh pants.
For long moments you just cling together, fingerprints bruising, heartbeats thundering through one another.
Eventually Max stirs, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. But he doesn’t separate your bodies. He knows you’ll rest easier staying connected, so he simply shifts just enough to take some of his weight off you.
You let out a small sigh of contentment, his warmth seeping into every inch of you like a blanket. Utterly spent and sated, you quickly begin drifting off. But before sleep claims you, Max’s quiet voice cuts through the haze.
“I’ll always come back to you. Every night, just like this. You’re my home.”
His words wrap around your heart, a vow and a lullaby in one. You manage to murmur a quiet “love you” before finally succumbing to sleep, safe in the harbor of his arms.
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sorrowsofsilence · 5 months
Burning Out • III
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
I was lost, but now I'm found Under the lights and in the sounds So let us sing and sing it loud That we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are.
Noah Sebastian is lost. His crime-filled lifestyle is anything but perfect; but everything changes once he meets you.
Words: 6.3k
Warnings: Smut 18+ (female!fingering), explicit language, mentions of drinking, mentions of taking pills, mentions of death
Authors note: Chapter Three - A Dreamlike Heathen: this chapter isn’t as long as I hoped but I do hope you enjoy <3 I’m sorry it took so long for me to upload!!! Songs are Dreamlike by Dead By April and Heathens by Aurora! Also I’m sorry for any mistakes I wanted to publish this and it’s not proofread and it’s currently 1am here and I’m so sleepy lol
Tags: @crimson-calligraphyx @lma1986 @spicywhenspeaking @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken @princessmarshmallowx @laurpartyprogram @cookiesupplier @nojoyontheburn @lacktoesandtoddlerants @veronicaphoenix @er3nslovergirl @melinacchss-blog @cncohshit @thescarlettvvitch @scrumptiousfestivalpost
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“Fuck Noah,” She whispered, panting as she threw her head back into the mirror, eyebrows furrowed in pleasure.
“Oh my god don’t stop.” She moaned, and I obliged, giving her everything I could.
“Come Y/N,” I said between sucking, and squeezing her hips, “be a good girl for me.”
Her legs began to vibrate, her mouth open, sound unable to escape as she shook through her orgasm. I didn’t stop until she physically pushed me away, shallow breaths leaving her lips.
I grabbed her chin, pulling her lips to mine, begging her to taste herself from my tongue.
“Life had broken her; just as it had broken him. But when they got together, their pieces became whole. And they started on their journey, together, mended as one.” - Steve Maraboli
Twenty fucking thousand dollars. Twenty.
My mind kept racing over two things. The fact I had to somehow come up with all this money myself; and the fact I slept with Y/N last night. I sat on the cot in our motel room the next morning, head in my hands as my leg bounced nervously.
“I-I should go,” Y/N hopped off the counter, wiping my release off of her stomach before readjusting her shorts.
“wait-” I grabbed her wrist, pulling her back toward my drunken state, “can I see you again?”
She gave me a wry smile, “I’d like that.” She tugged from my grasp but I held her tighter, pulling her into my arms.
My body remained swaying, the euphoria and alcohol mixed, “do you regret what just happened?”
I wasn’t sure if this question was for me, or her.
“No,” She said, her fingertips running up the skin of my neck. She fit against my body perfectly, as if she was always meant to be there.
I had left the bar with the boys minutes after fucking Y/N’s brains out, stealing lingering glances at her figure behind the counter before parting. Even though I was drunk, I couldn’t believe it happened… but I needed a release, a bit of euphoria to ride out through dealing with the crushing news D gave us.
Twenty thousand.
I looked at the anklet D put on me, the green dot blinking periodically. I couldn’t believe the fucking bastard was tracking our every move. He’d followed us for years, but this was next level.
I also had no idea how to get that much money by myself. The boys and I alternated job’s each night for our sanity, but the fact I had to keep a journal and record each place I got the money from, and then submit it to one of D’s bitches so he could ensure only I was doing the work, was ridiculous.
Twenty thousand this month would mean I’d need to get approximately 645 dollars a day since there were 31 days this month. Which realistically didn’t seem too bad once broken down; but some days I could bring in thousands, others, absolutely nothing at all. At least my final day of owing will be a fantastic birthday present to me.
I groaned, flopping back into the mattress on the floor, my thoughts overwhelming. Everything has led up to this moment, and I was still completely fucked.
Jolly sat on his bed, strumming away on his old acoustic guitar that was barely holding onto the strings. With his hands dancing along the neck, I closed my eyes to the rhythm he created, fingers tapping along the beat.
I began humming, words spiralling out of my mouth subconsciously, “I’ve seen the devil, more than I’ve seen god.”
Jolly gave me a slight snicker, continuing to strum, “I like that.”
“I see through you, I know what you are.”
I repeated the two phrases over and over, singing lowly as I continued to drum my fingers. Hmm. I checked the time on my phone briefly, realizing it was 4:30 pm.
I sat up, grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder.
“Where are you going?” Jolly asked.
“To see Y/N.”
“Why?” Jolly stopped playing, placing the guitar across the bedsheets.
It's been twenty long years I've cried, but not enough tears I've become the sum of all my fears (I feel scared, so scared)
I stared at him blankly, the cogs within my mind turning to find an answer themselves. Why was I going to see her? Why did I care that I made it for when she got off work at the cafe? Something about her was magnetizing, and I couldn’t help but crave more. I wanted to explore her mind and body; to know her in every way possible.
I don’t have time to think of someone like her; I don’t deserve to think of someone like her.
I have a job to do.
But I don’t care.
“I don’t know,” I turned to look at him with my hand on the doorknob.
Jolly’s eyes watched back quizzically, “I think you should leave her out of this. Break it off now.”
I furrowed my brows, “There’s nothing to break off.”
Jolly gave me a curt laugh, “Yea, which is why you fucked in the bathroom yesterday. Nothing to break off.”
My face warmed, unsure of how he knew. I didn’t think it was obvious.
“She seems like a nice girl. You wouldn’t want to get her killed,” Jolly warned. He wasn’t wrong. This line of business wasn’t exactly safe, and I knew I shouldn’t get Y/N involved.
“She already knows too much,” I said, avoiding his eyes as I stared at the floor.
“Det är inte riktigt rätt möblerat på övervåningen hos dig.” Jolly groaned, rubbing his eyes with his palm. Your top floor is not properly furnished (Mind is a mess).
I rolled my eyes, “Oh don’t bring out the Swedish insults you asshat.”
“Well, I suggest you break her heart now before it’s too late.”
I bit my lip as I opened the door, ignoring his burning words.
“Din jävla fubbick,” I heard the swede mutter before I shut the door. You damn moron.
Guilt washed over my body as I took long strides through the motel parking lot, my mind spiralling and my palms sweating. What am I doing?
Jolly was right; Y/N shouldn’t be mixed up in this; but part of me yearned for her. I haven’t had someone willing to listen to my thoughts for years. I’ve never had anyone else to relate to other than my brothers.
I wanted to share everything about me and learn everything about her, and she felt safe to do so. She was also wildly gorgeous; her e/c eyes glimmered with so much hope, something I aspired to have one day. Maybe I could even share with her. Hope.
You gave me a strength unparalleled But nothing compared to how much I've bled (I feel scared, so scared)
He hasn’t shown up for his coffee again today. Did he regret what happened last night?
I swept between the tables and recalled the previous events. I don’t even know what came over me yesterday, but I do know that I didn’t have any regrets.
I knew my face began to warm as I recalled the way Noah’s fingers dug into my hips, gripping onto me as he pounded into me mercilessly; drowning his sorrows through the pleasure of our bodies.
I couldn’t stop thinking about the way he stared into me, aching with fervour and hunger, begging me to give everything to him.
I wanna know what it feels like Is it nothing but dreamlike? I wanna touch you now
It was anything but romantic- having a quick fuck in the bathroom of a bar, but I longed for Noah even more after that.
I feel like I’m going crazy. How could he have such a hold over me, especially after finding out he is a criminal? I should be running; so why can’t I let him go?
Lust? Infatuation? Whatever it is, I crave him.
I pushed away my thoughts, finishing the rest of my closing tasks and clocking out. I waved to Annika as I pulled my hoodie over my head, grabbing my bag and de-tangling my earbuds.
As I walked out the door a hand immediately grabbed my own, pulling me towards them. A light squeal of surprise left my lips as he pulled me into his body, giving me a side hug.
“Noah?” I looked up to see a small smile dancing across the man’s lips as he towered over me. My eyes travelled across his neck tattoo, marvelling at its glory before trailing across his face in awe, my heart hammering once again.
His dancing eyes smiled as he wrapped his other arm around me, embracing me fully. I couldn’t help but grin as my face smushed into his chest, inhaling his scent; instantly comforted.
How can it feel so right? It is nothing but dreamlike I'm gonna touch you now
“You came,” I said, surprising myself. The way Noah’s cage felt immensely protective and serene as he embedded me into his chest, left my pulse pounding with elation.
“I wanted to be here for when you got off work,” He said, squeezing me gently before letting go. “Do you want to do something before your next shift?”
I gave him a cheeky grin, “Something?”
Noah licked his lips before matching my smile, putting his finger through the belt loop of my jeans, and tugging me along beside him as we walked down the sidewalk. I flushed at the gesture as he held me next to him as if claiming me for his own.
“I meant like, dinner,” He hummed, “but I also can’t stop thinking about last night.”
“Come Y/N,” he had said between sucking and squeezing my hips, “be a good girl for me.”
A shudder ran down my spine as my mind wandered, and I peered up at Noah, his cheeks flushing through his confession.
“Me too,” I said softly, “Did you want to come back to my place? We could order takeout… because I need to get my clothes for my next shift.”
“I’d like that,” Noah peered down at me warmly.
We walked together in silence, the only sound the bustle of life that surrounded the sidewalk as we passed various shops, heading towards my neighbourhood. For “level two acquaintances” the silence between the two of us was soothing, something that I think shocked us both.
Noah let go of my belt loop, shoving his hands inside of his pockets. I looked over at him, his expression filled with thought and worry, something eating him alive.
“Did you want to talk about it?” I asked gently, looking ahead as the light breeze slid past my cheeks.
Noah was quiet, eyes darting back and forth, “I trust you so much, and I don’t know why.”
I nodded, agreeing with his concern silently, letting him continue.
“and I don’t know who else to talk to about this with…my brothers are too involved and have enough opinions as it is,” Noah said, following me down the path that led us towards my house.
“Remember how I told you we owe a lot of money to this… guy? Well, this month is supposed to be our last month, and then we are finally free.”
I smiled widely, grabbing Noah’s arm in excitement, shaking him gently, “That’s great news! You’ll be done with it forever!”
Noah chuckled darkly, rolling his head to the side in annoyance, “Yeah, well, there’s a catch.”
My grip on his arm fell, a sullen expression taking over my joy.
“I have to get him twenty thousand, myself. The boys can’t help me.”
“Twenty thousand?” I exclaimed, stopping in my tracks to look at him, “That’s a shit ton of money.”
Noah’s hand ran across his face in frustration, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I know. I am beyond fucked.”
I blinked a few times in disbelief as we approached the steps to my house, the greeting of Juice’s trill on the other side of the door inviting us in. Noah was immediately bombarded with cat love and he gave the furry animal a small smile, bending down to scratch the top of his head before running his fingers down Juice’s back.
Closing the door I kicked off my sneakers, hanging my bag on the coat rack. Noah followed, placing his black vans politely by the front door; which was when I noticed a small anklet blinking beneath the hem of his pants.
I stared at it quizzically, and Noah caught my gaze. He lifted his leg, mouth forming a tight line.
“Like my new accessory?” Anger seethed from his tongue as he gave me a sarcastic smile, before standing in front of me, completely defeated.
I led us upstairs into my bedroom, “What is it?”
“A tracker.”
I stopped at the top, turning around to look at him, “What do you mean a tracker?” I watched his ankle with cautious eyes, flickering between Noah and the device.
He sighed heavily as I turned back around, opening my bedroom door. Noah immediately flopped onto my bed, inviting himself to lay on his back as he spread his limbs out, “The guy’s name is D, the one we owe. He said that to make sure I wasn’t getting the boys’ help with the money, we all need to wear these fucking trackers. I also need to keep a log of where the money comes from so it matches up with my location, and deposit it each week.”
“And this all happened last night?”
He nodded, and I watched as Noah’s eyes squeezed shut in frustration, tears pricking them. I stood next to the bed, watching for a moment as his chest heaved, crumbling before me. I then crawled next to him, sitting up as he rolled over. He placed his head onto my lap, holding himself against my thighs as silent tears cascaded down his cheeks.
“I…I’m barely holding on,” He whispered.
My fingers began running through Noah’s scalp, lacing themselves through his chestnut strands in an attempt to soothe him, showing my support. I hear you.
My heart yearned for him once again, filled with sorrow and pain as he suffered in torment, dealing with the burden of his demons. Noah didn’t deserve this. He was young when he fucked up, and he hasn’t been able to escape. I saw myself within his pain, my past mirroring back at me.
“I just keep hoping that one day I’ll have something else motivating me- something more than fear, more than spite. I wanna feel like I’m living.”
I listened to Noah’s words as they resonated with me. I too, wanted to feel like I was living.
I had never been part of the right crowd, and I was always getting into trouble, due to the influence of my previous relationships. I followed their shenanigans because I had nobody else to model- and I made some poor choices. I chose to follow them.
However, I also chose to leave- to start fresh and to forget about my past. People can change, and people can grow, and Noah deserved the same opportunity. He was being puppeteered by an evil man; and I wanted to help him escape, as much as he wanted his freedom.
I chewed my cheek in contemplation, fingers still stroking his hair, “let me help you, Noah.”
“Help with what?”
“The money. You don’t deserve to do it alone.”
Noah sat up now, watching me intensely from across the bed, “You’ve built yourself a new life Y/N. Don’t fuck it up now.”
He was right. Why was I willing to risk it all?
“I’ve been willing to fuck it up the second I saw you at the cafe,” I traced his face, analyzing his expression before my mind wandered to an idea; one so insane I couldn't even believe I was about to suggest this.
“I’m going to sound crazy, and I can’t believe I’m going to say this,” I hesitated for a moment, sucking in a breath between my teeth, “but why don't you come live with me? You and your brothers?”
Noah’s eyes widened, lips parting slightly in perplexity. He blinked a few times, and I continued my thought.
“You won’t need to pay rent or anything, so you guys can save money to pay this D guy faster. The motel money probably adds up.”
Noah slid off the bed, standing up abruptly, folding his arms over his body in defence, “You cannot be serious,” he laughed with incredulity.
“Listen, Noah,” I scooted to sit on the edge of the bed, looking up at him, “I was stuck for a long time, and I didn’t have a helping hand… but I have enough to offer you. I know what it’s like to struggle.”
Noah’s fingers ran through his hair as he began pacing, shaking his head, “I don’t need your pity Y/N.”
“This isn’t pity, I swear,” I stood up, approaching Noah gently, holding both of his biceps to keep him in place from his anxious wading, “I wished someone had helped me when I needed it.”
He stared down at me in complete disbelief, his eyes scanning mine for any signs of doubt; but I remained confident in my suggestion, staring at him assuringly.
“so let me help you,” I whispered, reaching up to place a gentle hand on his cheek. With a racing heart, I rubbed my thumb across his skin, bewildered at my words.
He closed his eyes in conflict and placed a hand on top of my own, clammy and nervous.
“Why are you helping a monster?” Noah breathed, leaning into my touch, curious eyes observing me.
“Everyone deserves help. You deserve it.”
What are we allowed to do? What are we allowed to be?
“You’re not a monster Noah,” placing a hand on his other cheek, I stood on my tiptoes, pulling him down towards me, kissing the tip of his nose delicately.
I wanna cross the line with you Let's pass the point of no return
Noah watched me with pure awe, matching me by grabbing either side of my face, and placing his forehead on my own, “You are fucking crazy.”
Is this wrong? I don't wanna know A big mistake? I don't wanna know
I chuckled softly, “I completely agree with you, I think I am insane for offering this.”
I wanna know what it feels like Is it nothing but dreamlike? I wanna touch you now
Noah laughed quietly with me, still in complete doubt. His eyes kept trailing between my own and my lips, as if trying not to kiss me, before giving in.
How can it feel so right? It is nothing but dreamlike I'm gonna touch you now
Noah’s lips kissed me tenderly as he held my face, and I melted into his touch. With each greeting of our lips, the kiss became harder and deeper, the emotion transferring from him to me; radiating between us.
We remained standing, holding each other intimately for a few more moments before Noah pulled away. He rested his forehead against mine once again, brushing his thumb across my lips as his eyes peered into mine longingly.
“I’m sorry, not sorry for breaking into your house; because otherwise, we wouldn’t be here,” Noah said.
“I forgive you, clearly,” I laughed, “but you could always try to make it up to me again if you feel like it?”
Noah let out a puff of air, hands running down my neck along my curves, resting at the top of my hips, “I like that idea.”
I grinned at him, my hands resting at the back of his tattooed neck, the apple and snake teasing me.
Noah leaned towards my ear, warm breath tickling my skin, “I’m craving the way you taste- and I’ve only tasted you once.”
I hummed as he kissed me hungrily again, letting out a sigh of relief. Our heads tilted slowly as they switched from left to right, sharing open-mouth kisses, and devouring each other.
Noah rubbed his hips into my own, a soft moan trailing from my throat. As much as I wanted to continue, I knew I had to go to work soon.
I pushed his chest gently, “It’s already 6… I need to leave for work in half an hour.”
Noah gave me a sly smile, “You underestimating my skills?”
I chuckled, “Not at all.”
“I bet I could make you come in two minutes,” His fingers trailed up the sides of my torso, fingers tracing circles across the skin.
I hummed, “what do I get if you can’t?”
Noah leaned towards my ear, fingers squeezing right below my chest, “then I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk, and you’ll come again.”
My body shivered from his words, and my stomach began to swirl with excitement as Noah’s hands worshiped my body, whispering lustful promises as he peppered kisses down my neck. Noah peeked over at the clock on my nightstand briefly.
My eyes fluttered shut as the pace of my breathing picked up, Noah leading us towards the wall. My back hit the surface as he pushed his body against mine, heat radiating off of him.
Noah’s hand gripped my wrists as he lifted them above my head, holding me captive as his other trailed down my waistline toward my desire.
I succumbed to Noah’s touch as his touch slid through me, circling and prodding. Whatever he was doing left me completely giving in to his caress; the fact both of us were still completely clothed made this moment that much more invigorating.
Noah’s teeth hooked on my bottom lip as he ravaged my mouth. I moaned earnestly as his fingers sank through my slick, curling towards my need. His palm pushed against me, rubbing and maintaining a repetitive pattern, and my legs began to give out. How he could make me surrender with his hand alone had me flustered.
(I'm in a) (I'm in a) (I'm in a) I'm in a, I'm in a dreamlike state
I rutted my hips towards his touch and Noah smiled into my lips, “so needy,” he mumbled.
I sighed eagerly as he continued his method, my body trembling in response, close to my release.
“C’mon princess, you can do it,” Noah muttered, trailing his lips down my neck towards my collarbone, before snagging his teeth on a sensitive spot. He sucked and nibbled at my skin, branding me.
I didn’t even care, exhilaration taking over.
Noah slipped his fingers out, sliding them up until he reached the top, pressing the pad of his fingers and circling them quickly. I shuddered, my body crumbling as I cried out his name.
Can it feel so right? It is nothing but dreamlike I'm gonna touch you now
Noah smiled into me again as his head lay pressed against my neck, satisfied and prideful of his actions.
My chest heaved as I came down from the high, folding off of the wall into his arms. I clutched onto his sweater for support, turning my head to the clock. 6:08
“That was four minutes,” I panted.
“Looks like I owe you,” Noah’s smug smile said it all.
I chuckled, looking up at him, eyes dilated with satisfaction “Oh, what a shame.”
Noah grinned, the whites of his teeth making my heart flutter. He sat on my bed, adjusting himself in his pants before watching me pace around my room, picking out my work clothes.
I opted for leggings and a tight square-cut long sleeve. I took the clothes out of my closet, holding them to my chest before turning around.
“Uh…” I looked at the brunette, his hair cascading down his face perfectly, “Do you uhm, can you turn around?”
Noah choked out a laugh, “huh? you do realize that I’ve seen you like, partially naked? And literally just touched you?”
My face flushed, “Yeah… but still.”
Noah chuckled, obliging as he turned around on the bed to face the wall. I began stripping, pulling my leggings up before changing my shirt. I peered at Noah, noticing his head whip back around.
“Hey!” I laughed, “No peaking!”
Noah turned around once I was dressed, sticking his tongue out playfully, “Whatever do you mean?”
I rolled my eyes as Noah stood up, scratching the back of his neck, “I’d say we’ve at least levelled up to buddies.”
Yea, fuck buddies.
I hummed, “I agree, definitely more than level-two acquaintances.”
Noah nodded at me with a lighthearted glare, “Friends would be going too far right now though.”
“Definitely,” I mimicked his expression before leading us down the stairs. I peered in the mirror that was hung on the wall next to the door, eyes glancing at the hickey forming on the side of my neck. Fuck. Nothing I can do about that now.
“I’m sorry we didn’t get to eat,” I said, “but if you want, you could come to the bar?”
“I’d like that,” Noah bent down to slip on his vans as I put on my black Converse.
I chewed my lip, “Did you want to invite your friends? Maybe talk about the offer?”
Noah stood up, frowning, “Y/N- I couldn’t do that to you.”
“Well, at least ask them, see what they say,” I looked at him with a serious expression, “I wasn’t kidding with the offer. I have the basement finished but unfurnished; and a spare bedroom upstairs. You guys would have your own space.”
Noah stared at the floor, kicking up the side of the carpet nervously, “I mean I’ll talk to them.”
I couldn’t help but smile widely, “Please do. Now lets go or I’ll be late.”
Ruffilo, Jolly, Folio and I sat in a booth at Sammy’s, the three of them watching me curiously as I explained the situation.
“She offered us a place to stay for free,” I peeked over at Y/N, stealing a glance as she catered to a few customers. Her H/C hair fell so delicately around her eyes, and my heart fluttered at how genuine and beautiful her smile was as she poured the drink for the woman in front of her. She lit up the room around her, her energy charismatic and incandescent.
“No fucking way we are doing that,” Jolly said, glancing at Y/N briefly before folding his arms, sinking into the leather of the booth.
“I mean,” Nick began, looking between us, “This would help us out a lot Jolly.”
“-and Noah,” Nicholas said, “Like we pay roughly 130 bucks a night. That’s $3,900 we’d save him right there.”
All of us peered over at Y/N, and she lifted her head, giving us all a smile.
“Why would she do that for you? For us? What’s in it for her?” Jolly said, skeptical.
I had no fucking idea why she would, but I was desperate for any amount of help I could get.
I shrugged, “I don’t know.”
She was selfless, enigmatic, and completely sublime.
“How long have you known her?” Nick raised a brow, plucking a fry from the plate in the middle of us.
I winced, “Er, two days?”
Folio’s eyes bulged out of his head as he leaned forward, chest pressed into the table, “Ain’t no fucking way this is real. She has to be getting something out of it.”
Jolly snorted, “yea, his dick.”
I scoffed, rolling my head back dramatically, “Oh fuck off !”
“That giant ass hickey proves it-”
“Oh, can it Jolly, have any of you ever thought that maybe Y/N is just a nice person?” Nicholas defended.
I grabbed a fry, dipping it in some ketchup before taking a bite, “people like us don’t deserve nice people.”
Ruffilo looked at me disappointedly, “Don’t say that. We’ve done some fucked up shit, but how else have we been able to get by?”
“Plus, we can’t help with the money. D doesn’t know Y/N exists, so he wouldn’t suspect the help.” Nick said, and Nicholas nodded in agreement.
I watched the three of them as they gave me a sullen smile, “I’m worried D will be suspicious that our locations will move though; and that it will put her in danger.”
“She must know there’s a risk, considering you filled her in on everything,” Nick took a sip of his beer.
“Why she’s willing to risk everything she’s worked towards beats me,” I said, sighing heavily.
“Worked towards?” Nicholas asked.
The boys waited for me to answer.
She bargains with the world So everything she wants will come to her With no greed inside her mind She knows what she deserves
“She’s been through some fucked up shit I guess, but she saved a bunch of money and moved here to start over her life. She works two jobs almost every day to afford everything,” I looked back at Y/N for a prolonged period, my heart beating quickly, “She just kept telling me she knows what it’s like, and she wished people helped her.”
“So pity?” Jolly gave me a sarcastic smile, nodding rapidly.
“No,” I defended, “she’s just a generous person.”
We remained silent, chewing our food quietly before Jolly spoke.
“Well, I suppose it’s worth a shot,” He said, eying the fries before staring at me, “for Noah.”
“Yeah, but also you guys. She offered it to all of us,” I said.
Nicholas looked over at her warmly, “That’s kind of her. Really kind.”
We fell from sky with grace And landed in her soft and warm embrace She gave her love, her gift of life So we could live with her
I stood up, walking towards the bar, sitting on a stool in front of her. She nodded to another customer before smiling at me, waltzing over.
“So?” She bit her lip, almost looking hopeful.
I picked at the resin counter, my nail grinding within a divot in the material as I distracted myself from her, “How early can we move in?”
“Tonight if you want.”
Y/N and I shared a look before I nodded, giving a gentle laugh, “Okay. Want to meet your new roommates? Considering you haven’t even met the guys you offered your entire life to.”
Y/N laughed, “yea. I’m realizing how crazy I sound the more realistic this becomes.”
I motioned for the boys to come over and they did, each with a beer in their hand, sitting on either side of me along the counter.
Y/N gave them a sunny grin, introducing herself.
“It’s nice to see you again,” Nicholas said politely.
“You as well,” she nodded, before looking at Folio.
“I’m Nick, Nick folio,” He held out his hand, wrapping around her own and shaking.
She then moved to Jolly, who gave her a curt smile. Although he was stand-off-ish, she greeted him warmly.
“Joakim, but call me Jolly,”
“So, tonight?” I eyed everyone, who all turned to look at Y/N.
She shrugged, “I’m off at midnight. I can help take stuff over.”
“Well, we don’t exactly have a lot. We can probably take everything in two trips,” Nick said.
“I can help, I’ll meet you guys at the motel.”
We packed everything into our backpacks and suitcases, and my chest tightened at the realization we would be leaving our ‘home’ of the last few years.
“This is crazy,” Nick shook his head as he played Tetris with our belongings, organizing them within our van.
“You gotta admit,” Nicholas began as he carried out the old guitars with Jolly, “It will be nice to be in an actual house for a while.”
“Good point,” Jolly mumbled, “But I’m still suspicious.”
That is why we live like heathens Stealing from the trees of Eden
Y/N made it over around 12:30, and we packed her car full as well; not that there was much room considering how small it is.
All of us stood outside the motel, part of us grieving for departing what we’ve always known; the other relishing in gratitude for this new opportunity.
Y/N placed a hand on my shoulder as I stared at the motel door plaintively.
Living in the arms of freedom And everything we touch is evil That is why we live like heathens
I gave her a sorrowful smile before nodding at my brothers, “Y/N will lead the way.”
I sat in the passenger seat of Y/N’s car, staring out the window as we drove past the buildings towards her neighbourhood; our new home.
I couldn’t believe this was happening. This woman was a complete gift, the strings of fate leaving me confounded yet wonderstruck.
Once we arrived and went inside, Juice greeted the boys, and each of them immediately fell in love with the orange fur ball. Y/N toured everyone around before leading us down to the basement. As Y/N mentioned it was unfurnished, but had a full bathroom. The only items around were a rack of guitars in pristine condition and a few cardboard boxes.
“Holy shit- is that a Martin D-41?” Jolly immediately smiled, walking over to assess the guitars, “and an Ernie Ball Music Man John Petrucci Majesty?”
“Damn, and a Gibson Thunderbird IV Bass?” Ruffilo joined in on the geek-sesh, both of them giddy.
Y/N laughed, “Wow, you must know your stuff. Those were my dads, he was really into music.”
She walked over, grazing her fingers across the strings, “I’ve kept them in his memory, but I have no idea how to play.”
I watched her as she picked up the Martin, handing it to Jolly, “feel free to use them whenever you want; they deserve some love, they were made to be played.”
Jolly’s lips fell open before he smiled warmly, gazing at the guitar, “You’re so fucking cool.”
We all chuckled and I watched Y/N in awe as she interacted with my brothers, taking them in and treating them as if she’d known us all for years.
The stone, the dirt, the dust The unforgiving promise made to us Unworthy of your light, your god, your touch We're guided by the lust
“I only have one blow-up mattress I take camping, but there is a bed in the spare room, and the couch in the living room…” She looked between the four of us until her eyes landed on me.
“Uh,” Her cheeks flushed as she spoke, “we can always share my bed tonight until I can pick up a couple of mattresses…”
We cry the fallen names We cry for those who burned beneath the flame We stand besides the good and brave The broken and enslaved
My face warmed along with her and I coughed, straightening up, “Yeah, no worries.”
The boys watched us, a low chuckle leaving Folio. Y/N grabbed spare blankets, pillows and the blow-up mattress from the closet. She set up the bed, which Jolly dibsed. Nick took the couch, and Nicholas took the spare room down the hall from Y/N’s.
Y/N and I went into her room and she shut the door quietly, turning around, sighing.
“Well,” she blew out a puff of air, giving me a kind smile, “this is interesting.”
I nodded, following her with my eyes as she began getting ready for bed, brushing her H/C hair, and wiping off her makeup for the day. I admired her beauty, staring at her with reverence. She was brilliant.
“I-I can sleep on the floor Y/N. I don’t mind,” I whispered as she slid an oversized t-shirt over her frame, stripping off her work attire.
I licked my lips, swallowing harshly before averting my eyes, reminding myself that now was not the time to get worked up. She had to be at the cafe in a few hours.
Juice purred as he curled into a bed next to her windowsill, eying us from the corner.
Y/N turned off her main light, flicking on a dim lamp that cascaded a soft orange aura across the room before she crawled into bed, opening the covers and patting next to her.
“You can sleep with me, it’s okay.”
I shifted on my feet nervously, tossing my hoodie over my head and placing it neatly over the chair of her vanity, along with my jeans.
Hours ago I was pinning her against the wall, devouring her body in complete confidence. Why was I suddenly so shy? Why did this feel so much more intimate than sex?
Her love is yours But only if you give your heart to her
I walked over to her, sliding myself between her covers as I lay as close to the edge as possible.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” She mumbled, jumping out of bed and leaving to the bathroom, returning shortly with a bottle of pills and a cup of water.
She opened the bottle, turned around and placed one on her tongue before taking a swig of water. I watched as she placed her pills on her desk, before hopping back into bed.
That is why we live like heathens Stealing from the trees of Eden Living in the arms of freedom And everything we touch is evil
She crawled underneath the covers, snuggling into the duvet as she lay on her side, facing me.
We remained silent for a few moments before she asked me a question in a small voice, “Is it ok if the light stays on?”
I preferred the lights off, but I wasn’t going to share my preference; I was already invading her space.
“I have trouble sleeping,” She whispered vulnerably.
“Of course,” I said, pulling the covers over my shoulders.
“Okay,” her eyes fluttered open and closed, fighting against sleep, “goodnight Noah.”
I watched as her lashes touched the tops of her cheeks, her eyebrows releasing tension from the day, lips parted gently as sleep took over.
My eyes danced across her features, completely captivated. Y/N breathed slowly, and my hand subconsciously reached over, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear as I endeared over her.
“you’re my saving grace,” I whispered as I stroked her hair, still completely baffled this was all happening.
I watched her for a moment longer before I turned over, facing the door and her desk. My eyes trailed over to the bottle that rested on her desk, the yellow plastic alluring. Zolpidem. 700 dollars right there.
Destruction. Crime. Greed.
That is why we live like heathens That is why we live like heathens That is why we live like heathens
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Chapter four
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
𝒏𝒐 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒔 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝑰 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒂𝒎
part 3 of 💔broken family💔
summary - your life has gone downhill so fast, having drowned your emotions in alcohol, you're met with your ex-husband dropping your son off.
warning - angst, alcohol abuse, self-doubt, thoughts of disappearing, flashbacks, sad moments, crying, swearing, mentions of not taking care of themselves.
the gif I use isn't mine, headers by me.
part 1 - part 2 - part 4
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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You didn’t know how long it had been since you last saw Ari and Jason. You didn’t bother to check your phone or take good care of yourself. You hadn’t left the house, and it had gotten worse than when your son was living here, sure. He didn’t love you, but at least someone was there to bring you out of the dark. The bottles piled up in the corner, and bags had gathered under your eyes. You had showered, unable to live with the smell that would occur if you didn’t, but you barely ate. You couldn’t stomach it. The food had slowly gone off, and you relied on the alcohol between your hands to bring you back to those happy dreams, the world you would rather be in than this one. 
You had probably lost your job, but you had already lost everything else in life that you didn’t care anymore. You took another swig, more tears flowing down your face as the memories kept replaying over and over. You stared at the blank tv, remembering when you had first met Ari. 
You were in your twenties, wearing the prettiest light pink sundress and standing in line to get your favourite coffee. You hadn’t noticed the hunk watching you from a table. His laptop opened in front of him as you caught his eye. You were naive but not stupid. He had seen you come in every day, always ordering the same thing and always wearing a different colour sundress. Your head turned, and your eyes connected, causing a spark to flow through the two of you, and you gave him a soft smile, your cheek heating up as he returned it. You remember some asshole bumping into you just as you went to take a sip of your drink, causing the liquid to splash out and stain your dress. Ari had shot up, moving toward you so quickly, making sure you were okay, and giving the man hell before he went and ordered you a new one. You remember sitting down with him, feeling so shy, in the presence of someone so handsome. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He sat down next to you, handing you napkins and putting a large hand on your back as he stared at you with those beautiful blue eyes. “I’m so sorry that happened to you, crap. I forgot to introduce myself.” You swear your heart stopped as he chuckled. The smile on his face and the sound that escaped him was so… So perfect. His eyes connected with yours again, “I’m Ari. What’s your name, gorgeous?” Oh, at that moment, you wished your name was gorgeous. Your heart was beating so fast you thought it would beat out of your chest. 
“I’m Y/n.” His warm hand encased yours, giving it a soft squeeze, and the rest was history. You had fallen in love, got engaged a year after meeting, and then had Jason two years after getting married. You went so perfectly together, you were happy, and it was as if you were two pieces of a puzzle that fit together, but then everything changed. 
You blink, coming out of the memory, gulping down some more of your drink. You are startled as there is a knock at the door. Not knowing that you were supposed to be expecting someone, you got up and headed over to the door, slowly opening it and sighing as you came face to face with Ari, his eyes moving up and down your body, and you just sipped the wine out of the glass in your hand. “Did you need something?” 
“I’m here to drop Jason off.” You raise a brow, wondering why he is dropping your son off, thinking that maybe he has another date with the unknown woman. “Are you up for taking care of him?” You roll your eyes, placing the now empty glass down.
“Of course, I’m up for taking care of my own son. I’m his mother.” Ari nods and lets you know that he will go and get Jason, and you sit back on the couch. When your eyes land on him, you try and smile. “Hey, baby. I missed you. Did you have fun at your dad’s?” He stays between your ex-husband's legs, clinging to him as if you’d steal him away. “I got some new toys for you?” You could feel this draining you further, bringing you deeper into the darkness. 
Jason’s ears perk up at the sound of new toys, causing him to run to his room. “I can take to daddy’s!” You hold back the tears, not wanting Ari to see you so weak as you realise your son still doesn’t want to be around you. How could you fail as a mother? You watch as he comes back with the new toys, holding them in his tiny arms as he heads back over to his father, you try and smile at them, but this is breaking you too much. 
As they leave, you place your head in your hands and burst into tears, screaming and crying. Why was this happening to you? All you wanted to do was hold your son in your arms and tell him you love him. All you wanted was for Ari never to have stopped loving you. The tears kept flowing, and you whimpered into your hands, feeling your heart squeeze inside your chest. Everything had become too much, and you didn’t think you could go any longer like this. You were so lost in your mind that you didn’t notice Ari walking back into the house, his heart breaking as he heard your screams. He had rushed over, kneeling on the ground and bringing you into a hug, his hands gripping the back of your head as your fingers curled into his shirt, sobbing into him, finally letting go of all the pain. 
“Shh, shh. It’s okay, honey. I’m here. It’s okay.” He whispered, but his words were no comfort, not when you knew he wasn’t really here. He would never be here for you. Why would he? He left. Ari held you closer as you shook your head.
“You’re not, and it’s not.” You pull away, staring at him with tear-filled eyes. “I don’t have anyone anymore, Ari. You left. I lost the love of my life because you stopped loving me! I’ve even lost my son because he blames me!” You slam your fists into his chest, more tears flowing down as your heart keeps breaking. “Why are you even here!? Why are you acting as if you care?!” You bite your bottom lip, whimpering and sobbing, staring into the love of your life's eyes, thinking that the hurt look you see is all in your head. You push away, curling into the couch and turning your head. “Just go… It’s what you do best, Ari. You never even gave me a reason…..” You look at him. “Was I that hard to love?” You watch the many emotions go through him, but your eyes slip closed as you lean back into the chair. “You can go now… Looking at you hurts too much.” 
Ari nods, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on your forehead before he walks out of your house. Your tears continue to flow because again. You are truly alone. Your eyes open in shock when tiny arms wrap around you, hugging your body. “I sorry, mummy! I wuv you!” You stare at your son before your eyes move up and lock with Ari’s. Your arms slowly wrap around Jason’s, and you rest your head on top of his head as your eyes slip back closed, smelling his sweet scent, having missed him. “I stay?” You pull back and look at his wide blue eyes.
“Do you want to, baby?” He nods, nuzzling his head into your chest. You look back up to Ari, and he gives you a nod and soft smile before looking back down at your son, holding him closer to you. It felt like you finally got to feel your baby in your arms again before everything went wrong. But you couldn’t get your hopes up because it would break you if he turned around and did what he did before. “Thank you… I’ll drop him off tomorrow.” He waves you off before leaving. “Baby, what do you want to do today?” 
“Food and movies?” He stares up at you with wide eyes, and you nod, excusing yourself first to brush your teeth, change and wash your face, needing to get the scent of alcohol off of you before heading back into the room, noticing him nuzzled into the pillow. When Jason’s eyes meet yours, he gives a little smile. “Mummy!” You smile and head over, sitting down and breathing in as he nuzzles into your side, holding onto you for dear life. You grab your phone and scroll through take-out options.
“Did you want pizza for dinner, baby?” He replies with a little yes, and you nod before standing, his little hands going up as he signals he wants to come with you. You pick him up, place him on your hip and make your way to the kitchen, setting him down on the counter as you prepare the snacks for the movie as you both wait for the pizza. “Have you been enjoying staying at your father’s, baby?” 
Jason nods, “Is good. But at night is sad. Like here.” You tilt your head, stopping what you are doing and wiping your hands onto a teatowel. You slowly move over to him and cup his cheeks.
“What do you mean sad, baby?” You stroke his cheek, staring down worriedly at him. “Baby, what happens at night at daddy’s house?” 
He sniffles, pouting as he looks up at you. “At nigh’, daddy cries. Is like here when you cry, he tries to be quiet, but I hear him.” Jason leans into your hand. “Is sad.” He pats your hands, “I in trouble?” 
You shake your head, “No, baby. You aren’t in trouble. Do you know why he’s always crying?” You continue to stroke his cheek.
Jason shrugs. “All hear is I sowwy.” You nod, pressing a kiss on his head.
“Okay, baby. Don’t worry. Nothing is your fault, okay?” He nods, sucking on his thumb as you go back to the food, your mind now filled with why Ari was crying and who he was apologising to. You knew Ari was one to cry when something really hurt him. It was another one of the reasons you fell in love with him. He would let his feelings out, you had thought you found the perfect guy when he chose to communicate through problems instead of leaving, but you guess you were wrong with your judgement. “Alright, baby. The snacks are ready, and pizza is on its way. Do you want to help mummy carry the snacks to the loungeroom?” Jason nods, grabbing some of the food as you pick him up and grab the remaining. Once you’ve sat down and placed the snacks on the coffee table before you, you turn toward your son. “What do you want to watch, baby?” 
“Avengers!” He giggles, punching the air. You shake your head, smiling before putting the Avengers on, “Captin!” Your son squeals, seeing his favourite superhero on the screen. “Pow! Pow!” You smile, sinking into the couch and holding your son close, your heart finally feeling warm after feeling so cold for so long. “Mumma! Wook! Cap ‘Merica!” Jason’s head moves from you to the screen, staring wide-eyed at the blue, white and red man. “Look like daddy?” 
When those words slip from his lips, you stare at the screen, seeing the resemblance of the man you love. Your eyes move down his body and back to his face, those pretty blue eyes. You blink and shake your head. It’s your mind, and it’s playing tricks on you, making you see him because you miss him. You feel a finger poke your cheek. You look down and see your son staring at you with furrowed brows. “Yeah, baby. He looks like daddy.” You lean forward, pressing a soft kiss on his forehead, smiling as he bursts into giggles. 
“Yeah, baby?” 
“You still wuv me?” He pats his chest, pouting.
“Oh, baby. Of course, I still love you and will never stop loving you.” You place him onto your lap, “Why do you think otherwise?” 
You stroke his sides as he pouts at you. “Just tought… I, bad boy, tought you stopped wuving me.” He sniffles, fat tears brimming in his eyes. 
Tears fill your eyes, bringing your son closer to you as you place a kiss on his head, pulling him into you. “I will always love you, baby. Even when you hate me, I’ll still love you.”
Jason shakes his head into your chest, “I don’ hate you! I wuv you mummy!” Hearing those words felt good... But no one would ever know how broken you really are.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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slytherheign · 9 months
THE WAY I LOVED YOU | max verstappen
PAIRINGS: ex!max verstappen x fem!reader, daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
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SUMMARY: you're with someone new now, but memories of the past still haunt you relentlessly.
WARNINGS: feelings of hurt and guilt, mentions of an unhealthy relationship, and allusion to sex. let me know if i missed any warnings. [⚠︎︎RATING: 16+]
AUTHOR'S NOTE: inspired by taylor swift's song with the same title. reader's choice is made in this one. sorry in advance for hurting y'all but trust me all will be well in the last part.
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Those two sets of three little words.
I miss you. 
I love you.
And you swore your heart jumped and your world stopped again.
How did you end up here? You thought you were past this. 
You were with Daniel now, someone who cared and loved you wholeheartedly. He was wonderful, and he deserved all of your affection. But, truth be told, there were times when your mind wandered off to a place you wished it wouldn't.
Memories, like fragments of a broken mirror, haunted you relentlessly. The laughter you shared with Max, your late-night conversations, the way he looked at you... It was all so beautiful, so genuine. And now, you felt guilty for even acknowledging those memories.
But love wasn't something that faded easily, was it? It lingered, hidden in the darkest corners of your soul, reminding you of what was once pure and electric. It was as if you were two puzzle pieces, fitting perfectly together. But life had different plans, and the road you walked upon veered in opposite directions.
You wished you could erase the unwanted emotions, and replace them with unwavering loyalty and devotion. But the heart was a complicated thing, a labyrinth of contradictions. It was telling you to stay committed, to cherish what you have. Yet, it whispered Max's name when you least expected it, tugging at your heartstrings with every beat.
You couldn't help but question yourself. Were you being unfair to Daniel? To your relationship? How could you truly be present when scattered fragments of your heart remained entwined with someone from the past?
But there was a reason why the heart was situated on the left side of our bodies.
It was because it was not always right.
Max told you to use your brain, and that was what you needed to do.
You needed to confront the residual emotions, for the sake of both your present and your future. It wouldn’t be easy, but it was necessary. You owed it to Daniel, to yourself, and to love itself.
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You couldn’t ask for anything better.
Daniel Ricciardo was the embodiment of peace and the personification of sunshine. He gave the biggest smile a person could ever see—the type that once was shown to you, your mouth would automatically mirror his.
He was a sensible man—an incredible feat he had that made all your single friends jealous of you and your relationship. He was the special someone you would dream about every night.
“You look beautiful tonight,” he said, opening the door for you as you entered his car. You wore a gorgeous dark blue velvet dress that highlighted the shape of your body. “Thank you,” you replied, feeling… perfectly fine.
You watched him walk around the car until he settled on the driver’s seat and locked the door. He glanced at you with that contagious smile of his. You looked at him. “What?” you chuckled.
“Nothing,” he shrugged but he was still grinning. “You seem excited about something,” you commented. “Where are we going, Dan?”
He turned the key and started the engine. But before he could push the pedal down and drive the car, he looked at your confused face again. “You’ll see,” he winked.
You couldn’t ask for anything better.
Daniel Ricciardo was the type of man you’d wish upon the stars and that someone you’d wish for as you blew the candles out. A true gentleman who made sure you were happy at all times—always putting your needs and wants above his.
He always respected your space and your boundaries. He never made you wait and would call exactly when he said he would. He was close to your mother and talked with your father who was a businessman, though most times he probably didn’t even understand what your father was saying. He was charming, endearing, and with him, you were comfortable.
The ride ended and he took you to an exclusive restaurant on a rooftop where you could see the skyline beneath the starry night sky. 
Deep inside you, you could already feel the anxiety creeping up on you. You had no idea why, but something about this night made you extremely nervous and uneasy. You just hoped he didn’t notice it.
You were in awe when you realized he booked the entire rooftop for just the two of you. In the middle, laid a table for two with white sheets. Atop were expensive wine, two glasses, and luxurious cutlery. 
He led you to the table, pulling your chair for you to sit on. You thanked him as you adjusted yourself into a comfortable position. He smiled and then winked again.
It made you even more nervous.
A waiter made their way to your table, serving you your meal which was pre-ordered by Daniel. He never asked you what your favorite type of food was, but he knew the exact food that you would love.
“How did you know?” you asked him, looking at your plate with your favorite food.
“I observe you every time. Whenever we go out to eat, I take note of what you always order. This wasn’t actually on their menu, but I managed to convince them to cook it.”
Truly, you couldn’t ask for anything better.
You have felt your heart beat fast countless times when he was around you.
But your heart never skipped around him.
It never jumped and fell for him.
Daniel Ricciardo was the man of your dreams.
But Max.
Max Verstappen.
He was the man of your desires.
All the screaming and the never-ending arguments with him, the fighting almost every night before you went to bed, the throwing of items at each other when things got intense—you missed all of them.
The raised voices, the shattered glasses, the rough way he touched you when you made up in your bed after each argument…
The crying. The breaking up. The making up. The kissing in the rain.
You missed it.
You knew you shouldn’t, but you terribly missed it all.
There were times you found yourself cursing his name in your head at 2 a.m., while you rested with Daniel next to your bed. 
You shouldn’t even think of him. This was wrong.
But the breaking down and the coming undone, the way he always pushed you into a wall as he shut you up with a kiss, the way he pulled your hair while he destroyed you from behind—you missed the roller coaster kind of rush. You craved the toxicity.
Max Verstappen was toxic and the type of man your mother taught you to avoid when you were just a child. But the toxicity of everything made you live for the thrill of it all. Both of you, so in love, that you acted insane. You never even knew you could feel that much when you were around him.
That was the way you loved him.
You looked at your boyfriend, Daniel, who happily told you some of his favorite memories. You weren’t even listening to him, you just laughed along every time he laughed. He couldn’t see the smile you were faking. 
When he stood up and guided you to a slow dance, you followed his moves and looked deep into his eyes.
For a second you swore you saw his face. The wild, crazy, frustrating, intoxicating, and complicated man. But after a blink, it returned to Daniel.
How was it, that after all this time, Max Verstappen still haunted you? 
And how was it, that after all this time, you still let him?
All of a sudden Daniel pulled away from you and you looked at him confusingly. Your heart started beating fast again. He took a few steps back…
And then he knelt down on one knee. He pulled a small box from his suit, opening it to reveal a beautiful ring. He had shown that ring to you before. It was his mom’s.
“Y/N, will you marry me?”
He was proposing.
It was now or never.
Present or past.
Calm or chaos.
Sweet or toxic.
Dream or desire.
Honey or broken glass.
Daniel or Max.
“Danny…” you said his name, a tear falling down your face. You crouched down to his level, hugging him.
And then you stood up, still crying.
“I’m sorry…” 
You turned your back on him immediately, not wanting to see his face after you broke his heart. You wanted to look back, but you decided not to. You didn’t want to know the sight of him breaking down.
If you were going to remember Daniel’s face, you wanted to remember his big smile. Not his broken expression after you killed his heart.
You just shattered the heart of the sweetest man you have ever known. You just killed his butterflies.
You couldn’t ask for anything better from him, because you knew the best you’ve ever felt was with Max Verstappen.
So you ran away. From the place and from him.
You traded serenity with madness and chose the rocky road instead of the smooth sailing waves of the sea.
And now you found yourself at the place where Max and you had your first date.
It was 2 a.m. and it started raining. There was a streetlight above you from where you were standing.
You closed your eyes, basking in the feeling of rain that was pouring heavily. It was kind of comforting because the raindrops concealed your tears. 
And then the rain suddenly stopped touching you and all that was left on your face was the drops that your eyes teared.
You opened your eyes, only to see a shadow of an umbrella and a man holding it to stop you from getting wet any longer.
You turned around to see his face.
Max Verstappen.
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SLYTHERHEIGN TAGLIST: @writingstoraes @joshiiieeenesx
FORMULA ONE TAGLIST: @dreamingofautopia @lpab @matildrry @fangirl125reader @tall-tanned-tattoo @aundercover @stevesworld9 @princessria127
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sasuhinamonth · 1 year
Well, well, well.
Looks like we're finally here! After weeks of preparation and formatting and planning, we are FINALLY ready to make two announcements today!
Let's start with Artist of the Year, as congratulations are very much due!
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Perhaps you recognize this beautiful art style! The MOD team took attentive care to go through the many fabulous artists we have in the SasuHina fandom, and we found one artist in particular whose dreamy style and beautiful color schemes fit our theme perfectly!
We'd like to congratulate @daifukumochiin for being SasuHinaMonth2023's ARTIST OF THE YEAR!
Mochi is such an amazing artist that keeps pumping out beautiful pieces, and we were so happy to see the amazing pieces she made for our banner and icon for 2023! Everyone, please send your love and joy to DaifukuMochiin. She deserves it!
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Now, we think it's about we get into the meat of this post!
For anyone who needs a reminder, SHMonth2023's Theme is A SIGN OF AFFECTION. The MOD team has been working on the many prompts correlating with this theme, and right now, we're happy to share these prompts with you all! We've also translated the prompts in Spanish for all our hispanohablante friends :)
SHMonth2023 Prompts
Day 1 | Día 1
“Love at first sight” | “Amor a primera vista”
“Waiting for you�� | “Esperándote”
Day 2 | Día 2
“Knowing me, knowing you” | “Conociéndome, conociéndote”
“Home is where you are” | “Mi hogar es donde estás tú”
Day 3 | Día 3
“A glance that reveals everything” | “Una mirada que revela todo”
“Doing chores without being asked” | “Hacer los quehaceres sin que lo pidan”
Day 4 | Día 4
“Knowing their favorite drink” | “Conocer su bebida favorita”
“First touch” | “Primer roce”
Day 5 | Día 5
“Forehead touches” | “Frentes unidas”
“Lips against fingertips” | “Labios contra sus dedos”
Day 6 | Día 6
“If you fall, I will catch you” | “Si caes, yo te atraparé”
“A warm embrace” | “Un cálido abrazo”
Day 7 | Día 7
“Noticing subtleties” | “Notando sutilezas”
“Tying ties” | “Uniendo lazos”
Day 8 | Día 8
“Playing with hair” | “Jugando con el cabello”
“Talk to me.” | “Háblame”
Day 9 | Día 9
“You can find something truly important in an ordinary minute.” | “Puedes descubrir algo realmente importante en un minuto”
“Cooking together” | “Cocinando juntos”
Day 10 | Día 10
“Kissing in the rain” | “Beso bajo la lluvia”
“Finding beauty in the ugly and broken” | “Encontrar belleza en lo feo y roto”
Day 11 | Día 11
“I love you” | “Te amo”
“Nicknames” | “Apodos”
Day 12 | Día 12
“Stay a little longer.” | “Quédate un poco más”
"A collection of kisses" | “Una colección de besos”
Day 13 | Día 13
“A love that cannot simply be expressed with words” | “Un amor que simplemente no puede ser expresado en palabras”
"Secret rendezvous" | “Encuentro secreto”
Day 14 | Día 14
“Bouquets” | “Ramo de flores”
“Enjoying a story together” | “Disfrutando de una historia juntos”
Day 15 | Día 15
“Take my hand, take my whole life too.” | “Toma mi mano, también toma toda mi vida”
“Love notes/letters” | “Cartas/Notas de amor”
Day 16 | Día 16
"The name you yell after a nightmare" | “El nombre que gritas después de una pesadilla”
"I missed you." | “Te extrañé.”
Day 17 | Día 17
“Sharing a meal” | “Comer juntos”
"Watching the sunrise together" | “Ver el amanecer juntos”
Day 18 | Día 18
“Unyielding encouragement” | “Apoyo inquebrantable”
“Daily routine” | “Rutina”
Day 19 | Día 19
“To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love” | “Ser aficionado (a) al baile era un paso seguro para enamorarse”
"Even shame can turn into love" | “Incluso la vergüenza puede convertirse en amor”
Day 20 | Día 20
“A shared bed” | “Una cama compartida”
“Sudden confession” | “Confesión repentina”
Day 21 | Día 21
“A hint of jealousy” | “Un toque de celos”
“You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how.” | “Deberías ser besado (a), constantemente y por alguien que sepa cómo”
Day 22 | Día 22
“Talking through problems” | “Hablando a través de los problemas”
“Vacation time spent together” | “Vacaciones juntos”
Day 23 | Día 23
"Poetry spoken by a simple man" | “Poesía escrita por un simple hombre”
"Courage found in a shy woman" | “Valentía encontrada en una mujer tímida”
Day 24 | Día 24
"Finding the middle ground" | “Encontrar el punto medio”
"If there was a rose every time I thought about you, there would be only one, because you never left my mind." | “Si existiese una rosa cada vez que pienso en ti, solo habría una porque nunca dejaste mi mente”
Day 25 | Día 25
"Shared hobbies" | “Pasatiempos compartidos”
"I trust you" | “Confío en ti”
Day 26 | Día 26
"A quiet relationship" |  “Una relación privada”
"Following you" |  “Siguiéndote”
Day 27 | Día 27
I’ve loved you for a thousand years, I’ll love you for a thousand more.” | “Te he amado por mil años, te amaré por mil más”
"Tears and touches" |  “Lágrimas y roces”
Day 28 | Día 28
"Calling late at night" |  “Una llamada tarde en la noche”
"I would do anything to call you mine." | “Haría lo que fuera para llamarte mía (o)”
Day 29 | Día 29
"If God made it a Sin to love you, I would be beyond saving" | “Si Dios hizo que amarte fuera un pecado, entonces no tengo salvación”
"An excuse to pull you closer" | “Una excusa para acercarte a mí”
Day 30 | Día 30
"Sharing a secret." | “Compartiendo un secreto”
"Warmth of a body on a cold night." | “La calidez del cuerpo en una noche fría”
Day 31 | Día 31
“There’s nothing I wouldn't do to make you feel my love.” | “No hay nada que no haría para demostrarte mi amor”
“Will you marry me?” | “¿Te casarías conmigo?”
We're excited for July to come to see all the creativity bloom from our little fandom! Just a reminder: we WILL be making weekly prompt cards for SHMonth, so keep an eye out for those as July creeps closer.
Thank you all for your patience and enthusiasm!
The MOD Team
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winchesterszvonecek · 6 months
Big Hug Mug - [ Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek ]
Summary: You accidentally break Otis’s favourite mug and his reaction was not at all what you expected it to be
Word Count: 1700
Warnings: female!reader, fluff
Masterlist | Otis Masterlist
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There was an unspoken rule within the walls of firehouse fifty-one. A rule that nobody dared break should they face the unbearable consequences, that were basically just Otis sulking for the remainder of shift, no matter what may have happened regardless.
Seriously, he could have won the lottery and yet he’d still sulk if anyone broke the rule.
You knew this rule. Hell, you helped implement this rule into society and even went as far as to draw up a little notice to stick next to the coffee machine and yet today… Today you broke that rule.
You used Otis’s mug.
And to make matters worse, you didn’t just break the rule, but you broke the mug as well. You broke the big hug mug and the second it hit the ground, you knew you were done for.
To be fair, technically Capp broke the mug by throwing a football around inside and knocking it out of your hands, but still. You’d used the mug and if you hadn’t? Well, let’s just say it would have been in one piece still sitting on the counter rather than in multiple pieces and scattered all over the floor along with your coffee.
“Oh no. Oh no, no, no.” You mumbled to yourself, practically falling to your knees in the middle of the common room, where the camaraderie within had died down severely after the smashing of the mug. “Otis is going to kill me.”
“We’ll give you a good funeral.” Mouch muttered, earning a few stifled chuckles from the others and a stern glare from you.
“Shut it, Mouch.” You gritted, your jaw tensing as your eyes dropped back down to the mess on the floor. You picked up a piece of pale orange mug, running your thumb lightly over the broken words that once spelled out ‘big hug mug’.
You knew how much Otis liked this mug. How much he loved it. He was always going on and on about how it was the perfect shape. The perfect size. How it seemed to keep his coffee warmer for longer and how the exterior didn’t get too hot which meant he could hold it without burning his hands.
Even the shape of the handle was something he often talked about, how his fingers fit perfectly around it without any discomfort as most of the mugs in the firehouse had small handles, making for awkward holding and a lot of near misses.
Otis really treasured this mug and now it was broken.
You had broken it and even though it may sound silly to some people, you were really afraid that he wouldn’t be able to forgive you for doing so. Which would be even worse now given the fact that you were dating.
After a hellishly long year of pining for one another you were finally dating. You were finally happy, together, and maybe even a little in love too. And now all that could end up crumbling beneath you because you broke the one rule you swore you’d never break.
“Where is Otis right now?” You glanced up, your eyes wide as you shifted them around the room, only getting shrugs in response which had you grumbling in annoyance. “Don’t all jump in to help me at once.”
“I think he’s in the bunk room.” Cruz replied, a touch of sympathy slipping through his lips as even as Otis’s best friend, he never dared use that mug.
“Okay, maybe this won’t be so bad then. Maybe I can fix it before he notices… Right?” You chewed at your lip, which was actually wobbling a little as you began to grow nervous.
“I hate to say it, kid.” Herrmann said softly, crouching down in front of you and picking up a small piece of the mug, the ceramic crumbling between his fingers. “But I think the mug is done for.”
“You’re right.” You whined quietly, hiding your face in your hands and taking a few deep breaths as you actually felt rather sick over the whole ordeal. To the point where your hands physically shook and your stomach tightened to where you thought your torso was about to snap in half. “Oh, I have to tell him, don't I?”
“Or…” Mouch dragged out, gaining your attention. “You hide the evidence and blame it on third shift.”
“Interesting.” You pondered, chewing at the skin of your lip as that wasn’t a half bad idea. But you knew it was wrong. Otis was your boyfriend and he deserved to know the truth. You shook your head, beginning to gather up all the broken pieces. “No. No, I can’t do that. I can’t lie to him. I’ll just tell him the truth. Capp broke it.”
“Well if you hadn’t been throwing that football around like a child, it wouldn’t have broken now, would it?” You pointed out, raising your eyebrow as you got to your feet.
A rather excellent point if you did say so yourself.
“You don’t know that.” Capp replied, shaking his head. “You shouldn’t have been using it. And you shouldn’t have gotten in my way.”
“You shouldn’t have been throwing a ball around inside.”
“Alright, that’s enough.” Herrmann said in a way far too similar to the tone he used with his kids. “All this yammering ain’t gonna fix that mug. Now you got two choices here…” He turned to you, innocence clouding your face that had been firing looks towards Capp. “You do what Mouch said and blame somebody else…”
“A wise choice.”
“…Or you tell Otis the truth.” Herrmann finished, ignoring Mouch’s comment. “It’s your call.”
As tempting as the first choice was, you knew you couldn’t lie to him and so you picked the right one. The one that wouldn’t eat away at you inside as you never were good at lying, or keeping them rather. You knew it would come blurting out of your mouth at some stage and you’d rather it be now than later as that way, if Otis hated you for it, it might not hurt as bad.
You sucked in a breath, holding it until your legs had carried you all the way down the corridor and once you reached the bunk room doors, it burst out of you all trembling, making you want to turn tail and run as far away as you could. But you didn’t. It was only a mug. It was a piece of coloured ceramic and it really wasn’t something you should be worried about.
But you were. You were so worried and yet to your surprise, you still managed to push open the bunk room door and walk all the way over to Otis without passing out completely or throwing up on the floor.
“Hey baby.” Otis said with a smile the second he glanced up from his book. Only, when he saw the look on your face that smile dropped quicker than his mug had only minutes ago. “Hey, are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“I have to tell you something.” You mumbled, biting at the skin around your nails as you took a rather slow seat on the end of his bunk, the soft creak of it making you jump a little. “I did something…”
“You did something?” Otis repeated, a nervous chuckle leaving his lips as he shuffled closer to you, swinging his legs over the edge of the bunk to mirror your position. He couldn't help but feel sick. Couldn’t help his mind from racing with the idea that you were about to tell him you’d cheated on him.
“Mhm.” You nodded, dropping your hand from around your mouth and allowing it to settle on your lap, which your gaze fell to. “I broke your mug.”
“Wait, what?” Otis asked, his eyes squinting a little as you finally brought your focus up to his confusion riddled face.
“I broke your mug.” You said louder and more clearly, your brow furrowing when all Otis did was laugh softly to himself in a way that showcased those cute dimples of his. “You’re laughing… Why are you laughing? Didn’t you hear me?”
“I heard you.” Otis nodded, shaking his head as another laugh escaped his lips. “You just looked so nervous I thought you were about to tell me you cheated on me or something.”
“What? I would never cheat on you.” You defended, unsure where you should feel offended or not. “I was just… Scared because I know how much you love that mug, that’s all. And I didn’t want you to be mad at me.”
“Oh, baby, I’m not mad at you.” Otis said softly, cupping your face with both hands and bringing it to look up at him. “I could never be mad at you.”
“But I broke your favourite mug.” You whispered, the small pout on your face almost breaking Otis’s heart had it not been so downright cute.
“I know. And yeah, I’m a little annoyed but I’m sure it was an accident.” He replied, running his thumb lightly over your cheek in a way that had all your silly worries fall from within you. “It was just a mug and I may have loved it, but baby, I love you more.”
“You love me?” Your eyes widened, your face lifting beneath Otis’s touch as that was the first time those words had ever passed either of your lips.
“I do.” Otis nodded, his hand dropping from your cheek to gently hold the side of your neck, where he was able to feel the increased beat of your pulse beneath your skin. “I love you… And I have from the very moment I met you.”
“I love you too.” You whispered, your vision blurring a little from the tears that formed in your eyes.
You leaned in, pressing your lips softly against his and the moment they connected, he took control. His fingers thread through your hair, pulling you closer as he kissed you deeply. And with each brush of his moustache over your skin and the heat of his tongue against yours, it quickly made you forget all about what happened. As Otis was right… It was just a mug.
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Like this? Apply to my Otis tag list here!
tagging: @sancochillo @kellykidd @violetmacher @kiddbegins @neapolitantoebeans @alexxavicry @babyyoda89 @wandamaxim0f @bloodybagels @stephydearestxo @evanbuckbuckley @annchersita @doublebassallie @orileyrandom @sjhhemmings @gretsky0321
Enjoy my work? Why not consider buying me a coffee?☕️
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
hi there! I'd love to request prompt 4 and/or 7 with Frankie Morales, please, I would actually start screaming, hope you're having a lovely day <3
Chocolate Eyes (Frankie Morales x reader) Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Want to be tagged?
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Prompts: The hand behind their nape when they’re embarrassed, Almost kissing but someone walks in 0_0 A/N: Hi there!! Thanks for the ask <3! I hope you’re having a lovely day too. Frankie fluff is like a drug to me, so I hope you like this hehe Word Count: 1.6k
Your best friend waddled around the room, looking for a dress that she had been begging you to try on. She moved particularly quickly for someone so heavily pregnant and it made you very anxious.
“Slow down Jess, you’re going to push that baby out of you.” you chastised her with a small chuckle.
Jessica yanks the white and blue sundress from her closet with a “Tada!”. You stare at it, wondering whether you could look even remotely pretty from something so beautiful. It had a low neckline, puffy sleeves and screamed summer but you shook your head, feeling that you could not pull it off.
“Oh come on, honey, you’ll look great. Trust me, you’ll definitely turn some heads.” she said, kissing your forehead and wiggling her eyebrows.
You rolled her eyes at her comment. She didn’t mean “some heads”, she was talking about one specific head that you’d pick out of the 7.8 billion heads on the planet. It had been a few years since you saw him, with you going to university. You had given up on him after he didn’t show up to Jessica’s wedding to William Miller, willing yourself to forget about him.
But here you are, a small sad frog playing on your broken heartstrings, trying to piece back together the feelings that you had for Frankie Morales. You missed his curly brown hair that was hidden under his cap and his beautiful smile that was accentuated by a perfect little dimple on his right cheek. You missed his eyes, the beautiful eyes that were the colour of freshly melted chocolate and were full of so much kindness.
You gave Jessica a small smile as she rubbed your shoulder sympathetically.
“Look, this is your chance to get to know all of the cute young bachelors that are going to be at the baby shower. I’m not letting you go without dolling you up. After all, this can just be my practice round before this little princess grows up.” she says, rubbing her tummy.
“Fine, as long as you don’t make me look like a clown.”
“Aye, aye, captain!”
Jessica kept her word and you gasped at your reflection when she turned the makeup chair around. Soft makeup adorned your face, accentuating your features and your hair fell around your head in magnificent curls. A jewelled headband adorned your head and the dress fit perfectly. You gave Jessica a big hug before holding her hand and leading her downstairs for her baby shower that you had been preparing for all day. At the bottom of the stairs you were met with Santiago who gave you the biggest smile and hugged you tightly.
“¡Ay, chica! When did you take your nose out from your books and decided to visit us?” He chuckled as you pout and punched him playfully in the stomach.
“Oh I’d save that punch for someone else if I were you, if you know what I mean.” he said almost immediately and you frowned further, administering another punch, making him groan. “Leave her alone Pope, how’ve you been, sweetheart.” Benny pulled you out of Santiago’s arms and into his, making you squeal.
“All good, Benny, still being a menace?” you smile sweetly up at the 6 feet tall man.
“As always.” he replied with a small smile playing on his lips.
You couldn’t help but look around for Frankie, your eyes searching hopefully willing for them to meet his sweet brown ones, but to no avail. You sigh and help Jessica to her seat, when the front door opens and the atmosphere of the room changes. Your heart stilled the moment Frankie waltzed through the door, every cell in your body screaming for oxygen as you conveniently forgot how to breathe.
He looked different, a little older with a few grey hairs decorating his crown of brown curls. He had ditched his usual hat and casual shirts for a more formal button down and slacks. The crows feet were more prominent at his eyes when he grinned, but they framed the same beautiful eyes that you had been looking for all these years.
He stopped in his tracks when he looked at you but he didn’t look surprised at your presence, but more of your appearance. He took a second to look you up and down and you blushed, a smile creeping up your face as Jessica tapped your hand. William shoved Frankie’s shoulder with his, nudging him forward. It was then when you noticed he was holding two bouquets.
He knelt down in front of Jessica and kissed her forehead, handing her a bouquet of beautiful pink roses which she cooed at. He then slowly stood up and turned to you, his eyes big and wide as he took in your appearance from up close. You wanted to scream at him, hit him and walk away but you were held captive by his matured beauty. His hand found yours and he brought it up to his lips, kissing it gently, sending an array of butterflies to attack your insides.
“Hi.” he whispered and you didn’t realise how much you missed the sound of his voice.
“Hi.” you said back as you clutched the hand that he kissed close to your heart.
He handed you a bouquet of blue dyed Gardenias and you took a second to glare down at Jessica who was busy sipping on her juice and grinning at her husband.
“They’re beautiful, Francisco, thanks.” you whispered and he raised a hand to the nape of his neck and blushed.
You couldn’t help but grin at his bashfulness, letting him stir you aside as guests started to pile into the house with gifts and well wishes for Jessica. He plucked a flower from your bouquet and tucked it behind your ear, letting his hand slide down to graze your jaw and tip your chin up to meet his eyes.
“You look heavenly.” he breathed.
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” you say, feeling yourself get dizzy from all of the attention he was giving you.
Your sweet dream was broken when Santiago yelled, “Catfish, you simp, come here we gotta toast!”
You rolled your eyes at your boys and smiled down at the beautiful bouquet, your heart feeling content for the first time in a long time.
You busied yourself with carrying the gifts up to the nursery, arranging them in piles so that the Millers could have a proper look at them once the party was over. A soft knock sounded at the door and before you could say anything, Frankie opened the door and slipped inside. You smiled at him and he carefully approached you, sitting cross legged beside you.
“Sorting the gifts, huh? Anything good in here?” his first full sentence to you in years made you look up from your work instantly.
“Other than burp clothes and tons of nappies, nothing that we could use.” you chuckled.
Frankie reached out and grabbed a big teddy bear, observing its face before hugging it close to his chest. The action made your heart yearn bad and you stifled a smile as you watched him snuggle his nose into the bear’s head.
“How’ve you been, miel?” he asked, tilting his head so that his eyes met yours again.
“Could have been better, you?”
“About the same as you.” he replied, sighing into the teddy.
“Feels like I’m missing something.” you decided to casually take a leap.
“Me too, miel.”
Frankie straightened his back and scooted closer to you, the smell of his cologne enveloping you in sweet memories. You bit your lip and furrowed your eyebrows, almost as if you were pleading with him to do something about the gap that was between the both of you. Slowly, he got closer and closer, until you could count every single one of his eyelashes that framed his eyes perfectly.
If you tipped your head slightly to the right, your lips would have been on his and you would have felt complete but the door swings open for a second time, causing the both of you to jump away from each other. Benny Miller stood there holding a bottle of wine in one hand and his tie in the other and you mentally cursed him for his perfect timing. His eyes were wide as saucers as he noted the way your hand magically clutched onto Frankie’s thigh.
“Andddd that's another moment ruined by Benjamin Miller. You’re welcome folks.” he said, giving you both a two fingered salute and scurrying away before Frankie could come to his senses and beat the living daylights out of his best friend.
You found yourself giggling, remembering the other moment ruined by Benny that included his brother and your best friend attempting to get some alone time together.
“Oh that bastard, I’m going to kill-” Frankie attempted to stand up but you pulled him down, tired of waiting any longer.
“Shut up, Frankie.” You breathed before letting yourself fall onto the carpet and pulling Frankie down with you, causing his lips to come crashing down against yours with a shocked groan getting caught in his throat. He immediately took hold of the reins and kissed you back, years of tension easing from the way his lips moved against yours in a slow dance.
He pulled away only when he started to suffocate, refusing to leave the safe sanctuary of your soft breaths against your face. He kissed your forehead, nose and cheeks before lying down beside you and staring at the impressive mural that William had painted on the ceiling of the nursery. He laced his fingers with yours and kissed the back of your hand again, before clutching it close to his heart as his breathing slowed.
“We should do that more often.” you whisper into the air.
“We really should.” he whispered back, a smile gracing his face. 
Reblogs are appreciated ~~~~~
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
tessellate by mellowflicker
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by mellowflicker
T, 18k, Wangxian
Summary: The guy’s car is that sort of vehicle that can fit few people but a lot of life garbage if you’re running away. He’s been shuttling between his house and the car for so long Wei Ying’s tea has gone cold and irrelevant. Everything seems insignificant now that Wei Ying has a human neighbour. And the guy just absolutely had to buy the house right next to Wei Ying's. Kay's comments: Ah, this story was so soft in its sadness. Really hard to describe what it made me feel, but I'm feeling a lot of it. Just. The feeling of isolation of Wei Ying living all alone with only his cat named Donkey until one day, Lan Zhan moves into the house across from his and despite how Wei Ying has isolated himself, he just can't help himself and pester Lan Zhan and look out for him. Both of them a broken in their own ways, but their broken pieces fit together perfectly. Excerpt: "I need to go to a pharmacy to get some first aid supplies," Lan Zhan says. "I forgot the bird seeds," Wei Ying beams at him, seeing through Lan Zhan’s adorably crude lies. "You go there and I'll go back." "You go first. I will wait here." "Nononono, we'll both go. Take the keys." The look on Lan Zhan's face when he comes back to the car with lube and Wei Ying is holding two rabbits in a little box is worth every single day Wei Ying has spent alone in a dilapidated house on the edge of the world and his sanity. "Wei Ying." "First aid supplies." They go home.
pov wei wuxian, modern setting, modern no powers, cottagecore, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, touch-starved wei wuxian, car accidents, kidnapping, ptsd, post-traumatic stress disorder, mental health issues, anxiety, domestic fluff, domestic bliss, lan xichen/nie mingjue, nielan, happy ending, jiang yanli/jin zixuan, xuanli, pets, lan wangji loves rabbits, soft lan wangji/wei wuxian, top lan wangji/bottom wei wuxian
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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starks-hero · 2 years
Stark Relevations
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
Summary: Relevation; an act of revealing or communicating a divine truth. Or the one where Stephen finally remembers you.
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: A little bit of angst, a portion of comfort with a side of miscommunication
a/n: due to popular demand, here's the long overdue second part to dream a little, dream of me
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‘Every second was worth it since it lead me back to you.’
You traced the engraved words with your thumb. The watch sat warm in your hand despite its metal appearance, likely due to your inability to put it down.
You still remembered the night Stephen gave it to you. A candlelit dinner, the first of many. He had handed the gift to you over the table, his hands shaking as he passed it off, silently saying ‘This is my heart. Please be gentle.’
You would have never imagined that such a small trinket could mean so much to you, yet you also never imagined falling for a man like Stephen.
Stephen with his rough edges that somehow fit perfectly against your own. Neither of you had any idea just how much you would grow to mean to each other, how both your broken pieces would fall together to create a mosaic more beautiful than what either of you believed you deserved.
Now, the watch in your hand served as your only proof that it was all real and not some dream you thought up. Perhaps that's why you kept it with you even now. You needed the comfort it offered more than you cared to admit. It was essential, something you weren't entirely sure you could live without.
Turning the watch in your palm, you watched as the second hand glided across the face. Paired with the rhythmic beat, it was almost hypnotic, tempting you to forget the sorrows it represented.
tick. tick. tick.
A sudden knock at the door almost sent you off the couch. You gave yourself a moment to recover, scrubbing your free hand down your face with a somewhat irritated sigh. Having been tossed back into the real world in all its bleakness, you tucked the watch back into your pocket and stood.
The visitor knocked a second time, clearly impatient, although he always had been. You opened the door and found Stephen on the other side, his hands folded neatly behind his back. Your temporary surprise was swiftly replaced with the realization that it was Friday. You knew you were miserable but were you seriously at the point of jumbling up what day it was?
“Stephen,” you greeted somewhat breathlessly.
“You didn’t answer my calls,” he accused in a tone that bordered playful. “I was starting to think you’d stood me up.”
Yep, it was, in fact, Friday.
You had no idea how it had slipped your mind. It was almost tradition now, had been since the day you’d met again after the casting of the spell that erased the best part of your life. After your accidental ruining of his best shirt, Stephen had smoothly suggested buying you a coffee some other time. Ever the opportunist. And so your ‘coffee dates’ as Stephen had so fondly coined them took place every Friday afternoon, (Saturdays when things were hectic.)
“Am I interrupting something?” he asked.
“No, no, I just-” Your hand subconsciously travelled to your pocket. “Lost track of time.”
He nodded nonchalantly, if not somewhat unconvinced, before tilting his head in an invite. “Shall we?” he asked with a smile you almost mistook for flirtatious. You didn’t allow your mind to linger on it.
The walk to the cafe was a brief one. You knew the old Stephen would have been as quick to form a portal, (he was never overly keen on walking places when he had an alternative, it was one of those little, mundane things you still remembered about him.) He seldom used magic around you now, an obvious indicator of his hesitation to involve you in the life he had no idea you'd already been such a large part of.
Despite the cafe not appearing much different to the countless others littered around New York, this one was different. The title bestowed upon it leniently by Stephen as 'home of the best coffee in NYC' meant it held a special place in your heart. That and the minor detail that it was the spot Stephen chose to bring you after your reunion run-in.
The day your world started turning again.
You still had the styrofoam cup from that day, tucked away on a high shelf in your apartment. You told yourself it was out of sentimentality and not in a desperate attempt to salvage the pieces of your old life.
You sat across from him now. He was carefully cradling his coffee in his hand and rambling on about something you couldn't find it in you to focus on. Your attention was on him rather than his words. His little quirks that you had to pretend you didn't notice. The way his eyebrow hiked up when he lied, the way he subconsciously ran his fingers over his knuckles as he spoke. The yellow of the gloves he wore that made your skin crawl. He'd started wearing them around you again and the whole thing felt like a cosmic slap to the face.
‘He doesn't trust you anymore. Everything you once had is gone. He doesn't trust you with his broken parts-’
“Are you going to drink that?”
You blinked owlishly. “What?”
“This is our sixth time here and I don't think I've ever actually seen you drink anything.” Stephen motioned to the cup of, albeit almost cold, coffee in your hand. “Kind of defeats the whole purpose of meeting for coffee.”
You smiled, hoping the action deceivingly reached your eyes. “Is it that difficult to believe that I just like spending time with you?”
“With me?” Stephen asked. “Incredibly.”
It hurt more in moments like this. When you could allow yourself to believe, even for a moment, that nothing had changed. That this was playful banter between partners and that he was still yours–
“Speaking of coffee,” you distracted yourself quickly. “That's your third cup.”
“Worrying that your counting.”
“Something keeping you up at night?” You sat back as you waited for him to answer, doing your best to ignore how his foot was now brushing your own beneath the table. He grinned again but his gaze moved off to the side in a look you'd come to recognize all too well. You felt very uneasy all of a sudden.
“Things have been... hectic lately.” Stephen shifted as he spoke.
“Some problems at the sanctum. Nothing drastic, definitely not something I should be burdening you with.” He looked at you with a softness you hadn't seen in his eyes since before the spell.
“Come on, this is what platonic coffee dates are for,” you encouraged him. “Besides, I can tell it's stressing you out.”
Stephen hid his smirk behind his cup. “Sometimes it scares me how well you can read me.”
Oh, if only he knew.
He downed the last of his coffee before speaking. “Someone or some-thing broke into the sanctum not long back, and now an artefact is missing. Wong's so stressed his hair is starting to grey but I don't see the big deal.” You didn't miss the sudden quirk of his brow. “It's just some old relic.”
You took a sudden interest in the bottom of your cup as Stephen's words fell over you like hot tar. “I'm sure it's nothing worth worrying over.” You tried but the words left you feeling hollow. “Like you said, it's just some old relic, right?”
Stephen tilted his head with something that fell between suspicion and confusion; but certainly not the knowledge that you currently had said 'old relic' hidden in your New York apartment.
“Yeah,” he eventually nodded and you tried to hide your relief. “Anyway, about that movie you told me about last week-”
You tried to listen, you really did. You tried to keep the worry from your eyes and the guilt from your expression. But the chill running down your spine left you fearing you'd slip up and Stephen would learn the truth.
You had never meant for it to go this far. This whole thing was something far more in line with the actions of your enemies.
You'd heard of the orb of agamotto, read of its power and caught glimpses during your time at the sanctum. The day faith conjured up the cruel joke of tossing Stephen back into your life as a stranger was the day the thought of using it was planted in your mind. The orb held the ability to counteract the spell that stole so much from you. It could give Stephen back his memories and in turn, give him back to you.
You knew the plan reeked of selfishness but after everything you'd been through didn't you deserve to be selfish for once?
Yet the feeling of devotion that had driven you to steal the orb to begin with was exactly what had you hesitating now.
You couldn't ignore how much better Stephen's life seemed to have become since he forgot you. His eyes were brighter, features less weary. He was no longer plagued by the fear of losing you, of not living up to the man you already thought he was. A visible weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Which is why you so deeply regretted this, still seeing him. Still going on these silly little coffee dates and allowing him to tell you things about him that you already knew, laughing at anecdotes you'd heard a hundred times over and just barely preventing yourself from slipping up. From taking his hand or calling him 'love.'
He was still talking, deep into one of those rants where the cool blue of his eyes brightened and the corner of his lips turned up at the end of each sentence. You knew you had to leave him soon.
The longer you left the shovel in his hands the deeper he'd dig your grave.
“I promised a neighbour I'd help them with groceries,” you lied with surprising ease. It was an attempt to ease your escape but things were never easy with Stephen.
“They can't do their own shopping?” he asked, his expression shifting to one of amusement.
“They are eighty-two.”
Stephen's smile broadened. “And here I thought I was supposed to be the one getting cats out of trees and carrying elderly ladies' groceries.”
You stood, grasping your cup as you did so. “I'll give her your number,” you promised.
If your sudden lack of enthusiasm hadn't been a dead giveaway to Stephen that something was wrong then the way in which you'd begun to pick at the paper sides of your coffee cup was. That, and your sudden inability to look at him.
“Hey.” His hand gently circled your wrist. “You're sure everything is okay?”
You glanced down at him and immediately wished you hadn't. He was watching you with genuine sincerity and the desire to help a friend in need and for a brief moment, you almost fell victim to the urge to just tell him everything.
But you managed to bite your tongue.
“I'll see you around, doc.” You quickly took your leave, missing the recognition that flashed in Stephen's eyes at the nickname.
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You hadn't seen Stephen in three weeks and in that time you had done just about everything to get him off your mind. Your desperation reached its peak exactly a week after the incident in the coffee shop. In a frenzy of emotion, you'd held the watch, the very emblem of Stephen and everything he meant to you, over the side of Brooklyn Bridge. Surely if you could let this part of him go it would make the rest of the process easier.
The fact that another two weeks had passed since and the watch still sat heavily in your pocket disproved your theory. Although you failed step one of your plan, step two would be far more straightforward. Returning the orb to the sanctum would resolve all of this. You would give up your chance of winning back someone that was clearly far better off without you, peace would be restored to the sanctum and you and Stephen could finally move on.
It would add the final piece to the nightmarish puzzle that would have to become your new reality.
Sneaking into the sanctum sanctorum was surprisingly easy, almost deceivingly so. Of course, you had the advantage of knowing both the place and its people inside out, but you'd expected someone to have caught you, a defence spell to have gone off, something.
You now stood in the centre of the room of timeless artefacts and still couldn't shake your unease. If the orb had been stolen then surely someone should have been manning the room it was taken from, right? It's not exactly like the relics concealed in the room were a dime a dozen.
You snuffed out the ringing alarm bells in your head and decided against questioning your good luck any further.
Stepping up to its designated alter, you shrugged your bag from your back and pulled out the orb. You stared at it for a long moment, catching your reflection in the swirling green at the orb's center.
‘You're doing the right thing,’ you reminded yourself firmly. ‘For him.’
A hurricane-like sound and a blinding flash of green filled the room as you placed the orb back on its stand. It sat before you almost tauntingly now. You could feel its buzzing power kissing your skin. Its green aura pulsed and you felt temptation creep back into your mind. The temptation to take it and just follow through with your plan, to allow yourself to make the selfish choice. Just this once–
A sudden blast of power so strong you could have mistaken it for a bull sent you flying back into the furthest wall. You groaned, grabbing your side as you tried to sit up.
“Stay down,” your attacker warned and you felt your heart almost give out.
The threatening resonance of Stephen's magic cut you off. “I said stay down.” His voice was dangerously low and his calmness terrified you.
You shifted against the wall and faced him, only to immediately wish you hadn't. The look of absolute contempt and distrust he watched you with made you feel ill.
“You almost had me fooled. The dates, the meaningful conversations, the pretending to know so much. All to get to this.” Stephen spared the orb a glance. “To think I believed you for so long.”
“Please,” you spoke around what you were almost certain was a broken rib. “Just let me explain.”
He shook his head.
“I don't know who you are or what backstreet terror group you work for. But whatever your plan was it ends here.”
You swallowed. Stephen's words had a layer of truth to them that he couldn't realize. If you didn't do something now it would all end here. Despite what you'd intended to do just moments ago, the burning in your eyes and the way Stephen regarded you as if you were cruelty incarnate caused your composure to crack.
“I was trying to undo your spell.” The confession felt like the first breath of fresh air you’d had in months. “I just wanted you to remember.”
Stephen took a step back and you could tell you had caught him off guard. “What?” His confusion was temporary. Anger swiftly took its place. “What did you just say?”
Well, this was it.
“Five months ago you cast a spell to prevent a multiversal incursion. Part of that spell involved making everyone forget... me.” You motioned to yourself, broken bones and misty eyes. You must have looked like someone worth forgetting. “Including you.”
It was quiet for a moment. Then, “I'm not falling for that.”
“Why would I lie to you?”
“Because that's what you people do!”
You flinched. 'You people.' The words stung. You knew exactly what he meant by them. 'You people that lie and steal. That put yourselves and what you want above all others. You villain.'
“I'm telling you the truth.” The words came out pained.
“Prove it,” Strange challenged almost mockingly. You’d heard that tone before, mostly on missions. When he had someone backed into a corner with all the power in his palm. He didn’t expect an answer.
“Mc'Hales Restaurant on 47th Street. That's where you took me on our first date.” You didn’t miss a beat. “And I know you wear those gloves because you hate the way people stare at the scars on your hands. It took you months before you stopped wearing them around me. You don't drive at night or when it rains. You had a dog called Einstein as a kid, you wanted to be a vet before you became a surgeon.” Stephen seemed visibly shaken by your words. “And I know you hate the water because of what happened to your sister-”
“Don't you dare.” He cut you off harshly. “You do not mention her.” His skepticism quickly gave way to anger at the very idea that you would go as far as weaponize such a painful memory from his past. “I was impressed by how much research you'd done to play this little role but you just crossed the line.”
Your head fell back against the wall in defeat.
‘Come find me.’ He'd said. ‘I’ll believe you.’ He'd said.
Still cradling your cracked rib, you dug your free hand into your pocket. Strange tensed at the action, eyes hardening when you revealed a small silver-coated pocket watch.
With no short amount of difficulty, you tossed it towards him and he hesitantly reached out to grasp it. He studied the watch as if he still wasn't entirely sure it wasn't some well-disguised grenade. He flipped it over in his hand and his eyes widened ever so slightly. He ran his thumb over its surface several times and you knew the engraving had stirred something.
“You gave it to me for our anniversary,” you said. “The year after you came back from the snap.”
It was still for a moment and you could feel your heart beating in your ears. Then an odd combination of sadness, disbelief and anger flashed in Stephen's eyes. His fingers curled over the watch, his jaw setting in anger.
You clambered to your feet with a hiss of pain before cautiously moving toward him.
“Stephen? I know it sounds insane but please just say something-”
“If what we had was real,” he started. “Then how were you so okay with erasing it all.”
His words caught you unawares and you fumbled to find an answer. You settled on brutal honesty.
“It was my job. And I wanted to keep you safe. If there had been any alternative I would have taken it in a heartbeat, trust me I would have. But there was no other way. Leaving you that day was the hardest thing I've ever done, but the only thing that could have possibly hurt more would have been losing you for good.”
Stephen watched you for a long moment as the true weight of your words set in. Then, he exhaled. The sound was shallow and weak and you knew it meant the truth had finally hit. He ran his index finger along the line of his top lip, both disbelief and remorse moulding his expression.
“Why- why would I let that happen? I'd never cast that spell if-”
“If I hadn't forced you to,” you comforted.
His gaze shifted between the watch and you. There was a glint in his eyes now, one of eager curiosity and a desperation to know more. “You're saying you convinced me to do it?”
You grinned. “You really don't know me, huh?”
He shook his head.
“I wish I did though.” His words surprised you. “I wish I could remember.”
He turned and paced away, each of his movements heavy. He stopped before the orb of agamotto. A small smile ghosted his lips.
“Smart move, reversing the spell with the orb.”
You frowned, posture growing heavy with guilt.
“It was stupid, selfish. I just wanted you back. I didn't take into consideration how much better off you were without me.”
Sadness returned to Stephen's expression. His eyes held a sorrow similar to the one you’d seen the day he let you go. He said your name gently, coaxing you to return his gaze. When you did, his features softened.
“These past few months have been a lot,” he started. “I've felt... partial. Like something was missing but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. Funnily enough, the only time that feeling went away was when I was with you.” With his free hand, his fingers ghosted your cheek. “I missed you before I'd even realized I'd lost you. That's telling in itself. I think we've been through enough. We deserve to be selfish. Just this once.”
Stephen's thumb gingerly swiped across your cheek again and you were struck with the sudden realisation that you had begun to cry. But could you be blamed? Even now the guilt you felt was almost suffocating. To have him stand in front of you, completely unaware of just how better off he seemed to be without you and yet entirely willing to remember it all. You weren't worth all of this.
“It's not too late for you to walk away.” Your insecurity and guilt made themselves known. “Stephen, I want you to be happy.”
His expression shifted to one you mistook for relief. In actuality, it was wonder. Complete wonder at your selflessness, even in the face of such cruel circumstances. You'd lost everything and despite it all you just wanted him to be happy. The true weight of that fact slammed into Stephen so hard it left him short of breath.
He could see why he fell for you, why he had been falling for you for the past number of months. Why each conversation had over coffee had him questioning his sanity because the type of warmth and devotion he felt towards you shouldn't have developed so quickly. It made sense now in his eyes; as if the universe had finally realised that despite its ineffability, it would never succeed in keeping you apart.
He turned back towards the orb, hand reaching out. You caught his wrist and held him there. You said his name, encompassing in that single word all your fears, every warning, every word of caution. You paired it with a look that asked ‘are you really sure about this?’
Stephen wasn't swayed.
He looked between you and the watch still held in his other hand. Then he smiled.
Grasping hold of the orb, you watched him make quick work of its magic, his actions fuelled by certainty. The relic grew bright, pulsating against Stephen's palm. Its light flooded the room again, kissing the ceiling before dispersing with a bang and drifting towards the ground in specks of emerald green.
And just like that, Stephen was swept up in a flood of remembrance. It was like waking from a dream, slowly and then all at once. Thousands of fractured memories all falling together. The persistent feeling of having lost something was replaced with the warmth of having found it again.
Stephen looked at you as the final piece slotted into place and his world became whole again.
‘It lead me back to you.’
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dream a little, dream of me tag list: @bakerstreethound @evelynrosestuff @frostandflamesfanfic @drmeowingfangirl @clea-strange-is-the-way @mischiefmanaged71 @my-beel @ambiguous-g @sherlux @doozywoozy @stupidthoughtsinwriting @sakura-babi-98 @xbarrjallenx @morphiemysia @strangercat
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daisybianca · 1 year
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pairing: max verstappen x femalereader
summary: you complain about insignificant matters and max is always there to comfort you.
warnings: none, really.
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"DAMN REMOTE," You muttered, jabbing the skip button repeatedly. The obnoxious song played on, completely unaffected by your efforts to fast-forward. "Why. Won't. It. Work?"
Finally, in a fit of temper, yoy threw the silver remote across the room where it hit the wall with a satisfying clank. You sat back against your desk chair in a huff. Only moments later, I heard footsteps on the stairs.
"(y/n)?" Max opened the door and stepped inside as if he was wary of what he would find. You could see the laughter in his eyes, barely restrained. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. The remote for the iHome probably isn't, though." You gestured toward where you thought it had landed. Max raised his eyebrows and picked up the silver device, now in two pieces.
"Must you always break everyone's gifts?" He sighed, turning the remote over in his hands to try to figure out how to put it back together.
"Only if they're unnecessary or already dysfunctional." He rolled his eyes and apparently giving up and setting the broken remote on yoyr bedside table.
"Now are you sorry you got me that iPod?" You asked. He scoffed.
"Of course not. I am sorry that I let Daniel pick out the iHome. If he had taken my suggestion, you would have a yet-to-be released model with a working remote instead of…that." He gestured at Danny's choice and you both grimaced.
For some reason, Daniel had thought that a neon orange with green dots iHome would go perfectly with the navy blue iPod that Max was getting you. Max had been planning on buying it, then returning and exchanging it for a more…normal color, when Daniel had decided to wrap and deliver it himself. He had gone so far as to help you plug it into the wall, almost permanently damaging the thing in the process.
You sighed. "I told you, if the iPod was unnecessary, then the iHome is doubly so. Headphones work perfectly fine."
Max's beautiful eyes took on a mischievous glint as he began to walk toward tou.
"Oh, really?" he asked, sauntering forward. He caressed your cheek, and you closed your eyes and leaned into his hand.
Then, in one lightning fast motion, you were lying on your bed, the length of his body pressing against yours. His arms were on either side of your shoulders, holding most of his weight off of you. Raising his eyebrows, he smirked at you, exhaling and bending his head closer to yours.
You could feel your breaths become gasps as his mouth came increasingly closer to your neck. He kissed your collarbone, then up the column of your throat, tracing his lips along your jawbone to finally reach your ear. Once there, he caressed what felt like every plane, and brushed back and forth across your earlobe. You tilted tou head to give him better access. He chuckled and you felt his cool breath on the side of you neck. You shivered.
"I wouldn't have been able to do that if you had been wearing headphones," he said. He rolled you both then, arranging you so that you straddled his waist. Yiu didn't move for a moment, adjusting to the fast change of position. "They would have fallen out, had I done that," he pointed out, running his hands up your arms to my shoulders, then finally to stroke the back of my neck.
"I would have pulled them out the second you started that," You managed to gasp out, trying to find a place to put your hands, and ending up resting them on his rock hard stomach. Max looked at you from under his eyelashes, his eyes smoldering, and you blushed. He smirked and slid his hands back down your arms to your hands, which he grasped and used to pull you down to lay on him.
"I think we can safely say that an iHome is a necessity after all, don't you?"
You were too distracted by the feel of his hands running up and down your back to do more than grumble in assent.
Max chuckled, and you could feel the vibrations through your body, which made you laugh too.
"Fine," You huffed. "But only as long as I get to pick out the color this time."
"We'll see about that," Max said devilishly, angling your face up to begin his persuasion once again.
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
A Star Among Many (NSFW 18+)
Alyssa's Tale as told by @jackharloww
Heaux Tales of Jack Harlow
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He broke me. When I finally felt that he had mended all the broken pieces of my heart back together, he smashed it back to the ground. I will never forget the way he looked at me. Like I was the stars to his universe and the moon to his planet- And that’s exactly what he told me, all the lies he fed me, I should have known. I should have listened to my family when they told me he was going to drain me from the little happiness I had left. I should have listened to them when they told me he was no good. I should have listened.
I felt his soft fingers on my shoulder as his breath kissed my naked skin. I sat against his chest feeling his heartbeat against my back, drowning all my previous thoughts. As we sat here this morning, I couldn't help the feeling of pure bliss deep in my chest. I shifted to get a better look at his face, so my eyes could connect with his, making an immediate smile appear on my face as I took him in.
"What are you thinking about?" he asked with a cheeky grin.
“You. Me,” I said softly, as my fingertips began dancing on his exposed skin “you are my soulmate,” I continued gently. He smiled and gave me a sweet and tender kiss. ”ain’t nobody I love more than you,” he spoke before kissing me once more. His eyes were sparkling like the ocean, as if they were waves pulling me closer and closer to him.
“I don’t want you to leave” I looked down at the sheets as if to save myself from drowning in his eyes. I just now remembered he had to leave town tonight. I didn’t want this to end.
“Baby,” he sighed. He reached forward and grabbed my face with his soft hands and gently pulled it up, making me look into his blue eyes. “I wish I could bring you with me,” he whispered, caressing my cheek with his thumb. He held my face softly, like it was made of the finest porcelain he didn’t want to break.
“I could always come with you,” I suggested. A flicker of hope filled my eyes, hopeful that he would agree and finally show me off to the world. That hopefulness quickly disappeared when he softly shook his head and placed his forehead against mine.
”I like it this way, just you and me,” he whispered, “you’re my lil secret.” He pulled away and stared into my eyes, gently pulled my chin up, and gave me a deep kiss. His lips kissed mine like they were two pieces of a puzzle, fitting perfectly together.
“I want to have you to myself for as long as possible,” he said after our lips parted. I gently nodded and smiled at him. I put my hand on his chest, stroking it gently. I wanted my hands to roam over his naked skin and my body to tell him the things my lips couldn’t. His mind and body spoke the same language as mine as he flipped me over, planting kisses all over my body, as if his lips were trying to memorize every single part of it.
“I can’t get enough of you” his hot breath hit my naked chest as he left wet kisses to it, my soft moans giving him all the answers, letting him know everything he needed. And just like that, he made love to me, his little secret.
“I’ve missed you so much,” I said, putting my hands around Jack’s neck. He picked me up and put my legs around his waist while we shared passionate kisses. My back against the hotel room door, his lips all over me while my moans filled the air. He was finally back. I’ve missed him like crazy. He had been gone for a while. The text messages and calls were not enough. I finally had him in front of me. I could finally touch his face, my hands could finally caress his arms, and my fingers could finally roam around his body. Oh, how I’ve missed this, missed him.
“I’ve missed you too, baby,” he mumbled against my lips. His hot breath met mine. His large hands were all over my body, he had an arm around my waist, and the other eagerly pulled up my dress. I reached down and helped him pull down his pants; his lips never left mine. He looked me deep into the eyes. His eyes darkened as he pumped himself and positioned himself before quickly pushing deep inside me. I closed my eyes and pursed my lips together as I held onto his shoulders. Both of us let out loud moans as he filled me up, making me feel every inch of him, filling me perfectly.
“you feel so good,” he said with panting breaths, his eyes piercing deeply into mine. He moved his hips deeper into me, and the feeling engulfed me. I leaned back, giving him access to my neck and his lips marked me up.
“You’re all mine,” he whispered in my ear as his thrust got quicker and harder. He lifted his head from my neck and brought me into a passionate kiss, his thrust caused me to moan into his mouth. “Feels so good,” I cried out. The feeling of him stretching me out with every thrust made my nails scratch his shoulders and back. “good girl,” he praised as he quickened his pace. One of Jack’s hands pushed in between our bodies and reached for my clit, rubbing it, and the new added pressure made my eyes roll back. “Shit, shit, shit, I’m gonna cum” I yelled out. His hand around my waist tightened, and his thrust became sloppy as he chased our releases. “Let it go, baby, I’m right behind you,” he panted out, and just like that, I saw stars. “Oh fuck, you feel so good,” he moaned into my lips as he filled me up to the brim. He kissed me before resting his forehead on mine as we both panted heavily.
That was nice and just what I needed. The sound of the shower Jack was in filled the air, while I was cuddled up in the warm covers in bed, with his shirt around my body, waiting patiently for him. I never imagined us being like this when I first met him. That sunny day when I was just going to buy some pastries and saw him, my dream come true. The only problem is, of course, all of the traveling, my heart and body aches whenever he’s not with me, but he never fails to make it up to me. All the late-night calls, the messages, the gifts he sends, the pictures, and of course, nights like this - when he visits after being gone for a while and makes up for it in every way possible. Jack needed that, too; He had been acting weird this past week, Of course, he had a lot to do at work, as he said.
His phone went off and took me out of my trance. I reached for it and saw that Urban was calling. I’ll let him know when he comes out of the shower, I thought, and was just about to put the phone down when the call ended and a text message from Urban came through.
Urban- your wife and kids miss you.
I giggled at that. Probably some inside joke, I thought to myself and put the phone back in its place. Just then, Jack came out from the bathroom, a towel resting low on his hips, and his curls were dripping wet. He went to his side of the bed and laid down next to me. He reached out and gave me a few kisses before sitting with his back against the headboard. He reached for his phone, and I saw his face change immediately. Instead of laughing at Urban’s message, he frowned and angrily typed something back, and locked the phone.
“you good?” I asked him,
“Uh, yeah yeah, I’m fine,” he stuttered before showing me his beautiful smile. I nodded gently, deciding not to put any weight on it right now. He would tell me when he felt ready. I glanced at him as he typed in his code and typed in one last message to urban before putting his phone on the bedside table. “Ready for round two?” He asked me with a smirk and got on top of me.
He turned around and fell asleep directly after our second round. I couldn’t shake off the feeling of something being wrong. I waited a few minutes and crawled out of bed, and walked over to his side of the bed. I slowly took his phone and tip-toed to the bathroom. I looked into his messages and saw the last thing he wrote to Urban.
Jack - Fucking stop breathing down my neck bro
Maybe it wasn’t as fun of an inside joke as I thought. I went to look at the rest of his messages but couldn’t find anything other than work-related things. I went to look at his photo albums but couldn’t find anything there either. Until I found it. The private album. The album that would soon shatter my heart to the ground, with no one to pick up the broken pieces. I tried the same code and got in. I could not believe the things that I saw. My heart dropped to my stomach as my eyes stared at the beautiful woman in the white wedding gown, with Jack's arms draped around her. My breath hitched at the sight of ultrasound pictures, pictures of kids that shared a resemblance to him. A whole life outside of the one I knew of. I was nothing. He made me feel like I was everything, but now - absolutely nothing.
All the signs were there. How did I not realize?
I should have known that I was simply another star in his black sky, one he could gaze upon in his time of need. I should have known that I was yet another moon among others swept up in his orbit.
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codfanficedits · 9 months
Cheating Ghost part 11 - His ending.
Ghost POV:
I lost it all. And for what? For a little toy, for a little smile, for a little weak moment. Sixty goddamn days of my life.
It wasn’t even worth it. It made me lose the job I worked so hard for. Price didn’t want to hear shit after I got my sentence. I tried to explain how it wasn’t really my fault. After all, you and Soap had planned this. No matter how innocent you tried to act in court. I knew what had happened.
I really tried to live with my anger. I had to go to therapy, but that was a waste of my fucking time. I have one little outburst and all of the sudden I am the problem?
I had to sell the house, because of you. Everything reminded me of you, at night I thought I saw you stand in the doorway, I swear I could hear your footsteps, your laugh, your voice. But you were never there. It haunted me, you know that? So I sold it, bought another house. Tried to forget about you. The money I had made during my time in the military, it lasted me a long time. I didn’t have to work, no I could drown my sorrows in liquor and hookers. The funny thing was, money doesn’t last, just like we didn’t.
And I really tried. I tried to get new jobs, but they would never last. God, people are morons and I just cannot deal with them. Do you know how hard it is to keep your house when you’re not able to keep a goddamn job? And furthermore, do you know how hard it is to keep a relationship when you’re not able to hold a job, when the bills are stacking up?
God, and even if I could hold a job, I’m not able to keep a relationship, I keep searching for a piece of you. Even when they’re a perfect match, they’re still not you.
I hate myself for letting you go, I crave how predictable you were, I crave your touch, your voice, you.
Yet at the same time, I am so angry at you for taking everything from me. I deserve better than this. You took everything I worked so hard for.
The anger is tucked away, for now. It reappears whenever I hit the bottle. Everything I’ve been holding in comes out then. It’s not a pretty sight when I get my shit together again, it makes me feel ashamed.
Your little action has made me unable to look into the mirror. I see my fathers eyes whenever my eyes linger to long on the man I see in the mirror. I became what I hated the most and I can only blame you for it.
I even tried to make up with the last woman, the one you found the video of. I went to her house, tried to explain myself. I even apologised for calling her my toy. She had the audacity to laugh at me. She told me to fuck right off. Hell, she even pulled her girlfriend to her side when I asked for a second chance. It left me broken. Not even my back up wanted me anymore.
Lately I’ve been wandering the streets, as a soul without a purpose. I avoid the large windows, I cannot stand to see my reflection in them, the shell of the man I was supposed to be. I had such a good life ahead of me, but it was all ruined. My days are filled with sorrow and time is slipping through my fingers.
It is a good day, a beautiful day, so I decide to go to the park, maybe it would ease my mind, before I would go home and get drunk again. I wander around in the park, aimlessly, the sun on my skin is a nice feeling, it beats the feeling of feeling sorry for myself.
My heart skips a beat when I see you. You’re standing close to the water, and I can’t tell what you’re saying to the man in front of you, but you look happy. The clothes you’re wearing fit your body perfectly, and truth be told, you look better than you’ve ever looked before.
God I miss you. I miss you so goddamn much. I start to make my way over to you, I want to talk to you, maybe there is a new chance for us to be together. The guy you’re with can suck it, I can show you what you deserve.
My blood runs cold when I see the man in front of you go down on one knee.
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patrothestupid · 25 days
YOU - You were born for this. Your quick thinking matches that of a slug hopped up on every single methamphetamine at once. You crack that beyblade in half, giving him the slightly bigger piece. "Here, now we both can have it!" MOGGRART SHOPPER - What the fuck. LOGIC [Difficult - Failure] - What the fuck. MOGGRART SHOPPER - What the fuck. MOGGRART SHOPPER - I... He looks at the broken blade, and then back to you. The expression on his face is unreadable as he fishes for something from his pocket. PAIN THRESHOLD - You wonder how much your disorientation is factoring into that judgment. Probably a lot. HALF LIGHT [Easy - Success] - Oh you are so fucking done. Wake me up when you're at the hospital room with MOGGRART SHOPPER - He pulls out another broken blade and presses the pieces together. They fit perfectly. A tear falls from his eye. "...This is beautiful. Thank you." LOGIC [Impossible - Failure] - WHAT THE FUCK. SHMUGSHARK SHOPPER - "I'll forgive you for that lie, but you better not do that again." His hands rummage through his pockets again, before picking up a phone. "And...here's my number. Call me if you want to blade, champ." YOU - You both walk out of the store, ignoring the yelling of the security guards that were called as a result of the commotion. You may have lost half a blade, but you gained a new companion in a rival. I have no fucking idea how to continue this it ends here LMAO
What a beautiful end x'( Thank you for this aaaa it was epic (and well narrated) YOU RULEZ
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vikenticomeshome · 2 months
Cyberchase Comics: The Great Cyber-skate by Ron Barrett
Here is the first of a group of three one-shot Cyberchase comics produced by Ron Barrett for the pbskids.org website sometime in 2011. They were placed under the "activites" section, but they have since been removed. I will transcribe the dialog.
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The Hacker: This museum is all about me! I love it!
Caption #1: Buzz ironing my lovely cape
Caption #2: Generous me giving toys to Delete
The Hacker: Only one thing is missing...
The Hacker: A pedestal for my statue!
Buzz: Hey boss, look! There's a skateboard contest on Radopolis!
Cyber News: Trophy to be awarded to winner
The Hacker: That's it! The perfect pedestal! I'm going to win that trophy
Buzz: Too late! Entries are closed. Besides, you don't own a skateboard and you don't know how to skate.
The Hacker: FEH! I never let ignorance stop me!
The Hacker: I'll put together the ironing board and bunnies...
The Hacker: Presto! - A skateboard!
The Hacker: OOOOPS!
Narration: On Radopolis...
Jackie: Ouch! I hit my thumb!
Slider: Let me take a look at that.
Nezzie: Oh Slider, you did a terrific job designing this skateboard challenge.
Matt: Hey, guys! Can we finish building it?
Matt: Why do I suddenly feel invisible?
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Slider: Well, I'm off to enter the contest!
Jackie: It is a challenge - It's got a banister, crazy cones, broken sidewalk...
Inez: Sewer half-pipe, a loop...
Matt: and a judge.
King Dudicus: Judge Dude.
The Hacker: Pardon me, young Radopolite, what time does the contest begin?
Young Radopolite: 2:30, its 2 O'clock now.
The Hacker: 2 O'Clock? May i see your watch?
Young Radopolite: Sure, mister.
The Hacker: Ah-ha! You're wearing it upside-down! It's only 8:30!
Young Radopolite: Silly me. I must be tired. I should rest before the contest.
The Hacker: Good idea! I'll hold your number for you.
Young Radopolite: Thanks.
The Hacker: He just dropped out. I am taking his place.
King Dudicus: You, dude?
The Hacker: Want to give me the trophy now or wait 'til after the contest?
King Dudicus: The dude who's best at finishing the course wins it.
The Hacker: Listen up, you bolts buckets - after I complete my great skate, I want you to cut a hole on the course...
The Hacker: So Slider will become a stumbler!
King Dudicus: Let the cyberskateboard contest begin! The first skater is... The Hacker!
King Dudicus: Go dude!
Jackie, Inez, and Matt: Hacker?
The Hacker: Whooooayy!!
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The Hacker: Ai-yi-yi-yi!
Buzz: There he goes. Start cutting.
Digit: Oh no! The contest has already started. Huh? Hacker? Buzz? Delete?
The Hacker: HELLLLP!
Buzz: Heh-heh
Digit: I'd better squawk on the Sqwak! Earthlies! Buzz and Delete are cutting a piece out of the course!
Buzz: A hole to be filled by Slider.
Delete: Finished.
Jackie, Inez, and Matt: Thanks Didge! We're on it!
Inez: There's a whole piece missing. How do we make one that fits perfectly?
Jackie: It's a rectangle.
Matt: We can measure the hole...
Matt: and cut a new plank to fit out of this broken skateboard.
Jackie: measure with what?
Matt: I can measure with my shoelace.
Matt: It's one lace long...
Matt: by one third of a lace wide.
Jackie: Draw the lace lengths on the board. Hurry! Slider's starting.
Inez: Gee, it looks more like a tangle than a rectangle.
Matt: It should have square corners.
Inez: Wait! Here in our toolbag - A carpenter's square!
Inez: You can use it to square off the corners.
Matt: Great! I'll measure one lace length...
Matt: across the top and redraw the line.
Matt: Then measure and draw one third of a lace down the side...
Matt: turn the square...
Matt: so the corner is at the side. Draw one lace length across here...
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Matt: Then turn the square and draw a line upward!
Jackie, Inez, and Matt: The rectangle is untangled!
Jackie: Cuttin' it out!
Matt: Perfect fit!
Digit: Nail! Nail! The gang's all here!
Inez: Thanks, Didge!
Narration: Just in time!
Digit: Go Slider!
Narration: Up ahead, Hacker enters - the loop!
Narration: And as he does...
Narration: The legs on his ironing board spring open!
Ironing Board: Sproing!
Narration: As Slider rolls past him to the finish!
Narration: And is awarded the trophy!
The Hacker: My pedestal! Sob! Sob!
Buzz: Don't be sad, boss. We'll fix up a nice pedestal for your statue.
The Hacker: I am gorgeous.
Delete: You're the iron man, boss.
Buzz: Yeah, we're never board with you!
That is the end of the comic.
So, what did I think about it?
Slider is great, but why is he entering a skating contest on a course that he built himself? That gives him an unfair advantage. Why did they keep the contest running while the kids tried to fix the sabotaged ramp?
We now know that citizens of Cybersite Radopolis are called Radopolites. Buzz's line about making a hole to be filled my Slider creeps me out.
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Summary: When Y/N needs help on a hunt, she doesn't expect Bobby to send Dean Winchester to her. Now the two must work together to solve the case and Dean has to deal with Y/N's sarcastic and biting personality, that maybe he likes a little too much.
Pairing: Dean × F!Reader
Warnings: just some swearing
Word count: 2168
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It was early morning when Dean's phone rang in the motel room where the brothers were spending the night.
"Hello?" Dean said sleepily after glancing at Sam as he sat up on the bed next to his, his arm in a cast because of yesterday's hunt. He probably should have taken a break from work for a while.
“Dean, it's Bobby. I found you a case, well not me exactly.”
"Awesome! And I thought I could sleep for two hours in a raw."
"'Oh shut up. So, do you want this case or not?”
"What is it about?"
"I have no idea. Y/N called me, she says she's never seen anything like this, she needs backup."
"Y/N? Oh c'mon..."
She was an excellent hunter, a ruthless professional. A person perhaps a little too sarcastic and stubborn, of those who never admitted they were wrong even if they knew perfectly well they were.
"Don't complain. Y/N is a smart girl! And I know you like her even if you pretend you don't, okay?”
"What? No I…" Dean was interrupted by a low, mocking laugh.
"Okay, okay." He said rolling his eyes, even though Bobby couldn't see it. "Sam has a broken arm, he can't hunt like this."
His brother snorted.
"He can stay with me until you are dome with this hunt." Bobby replied.
Dean glanced at Sam, who didn't look really convinced.
"Okay. Where's Y/N?"
"Toledo, Ohio. You can find her at the Devil Return Motel, room 12."
Dean couldn't help but smile, he was sure she had chosen a motel with that name on purpose.
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That fucking case had forced her to ask for help, something she didn't do often. Y/N was poring over everything she could glean from searches around the town but she couldn't come to a logical conclusion.
Bernard Dubois, the first victim, had been attacked in his residence and then deprived of all nails and eyes. Other pieces of flesh that appeared to have been bitten off the body were also missing.
Mark Stern, on the other hand, the second victim, seemed to have had less luck: this one had been found in the garden of his residence without teeth, in addition to nails and eyes.
Y/N had been in that town for two days now and that "thing" had already caused two deaths. One dead a day wasn't a good pace and she knew she couldn't do it alone.
When she heard a knock at the door she got up from the old brown couch and went to open it, expecting some old bearded and experienced hunter: she had specified to Bobby how weird this hunt was.
Protected by the chain, she opened the door a little, remaining impassive on seeing Dean.
Dean Winchester was one of the best hunters she'd ever met, hell maybe the best ever but working with him was always terribly difficult for both of them. But that didn't make her like him any less, she just had to put on a little show.
"Y/N, how long! Are you going to let me in or…?” and she closed the door again, almost slamming it in his face.
"Hey!" She heard him on the other side.
She rolled her eyes and moved the bolt so she could finally open the door. Moving away from the entrance they reached the center of the room.
"Don't you check that i'm not a monster or something?"
He asked surprised by such a... frivolous welcome.
When she turned to answer him, she looked up at the ceiling and Dean did the same.
"Anti-demon" nodded Dean seeing the pentacle painted in black. "I would have made it under the rug tho," he added, receiving a look that could have incinerated him instantly.
"What if I was something else?" He asked closing the door behind him.
“I've fitted a silver handle and the mirror says you're not a shapeshifter. Do you want to do your job now or do you want to continue humiliating yourself?” She smiled at him victorious, handing him the sheets with the newspaper articles.
A case with Dean Winchester. It was going to be a hell of a hunt.
Anyone in their right mind would have preferred to stay away from that manipulative and sometimes even seemingly selfish woman. Only apparently, Dean thought, he knew that behind that facade there was a part of her that she didn't show very often. Dean had known her for a long time, they had worked together several times, since before Sam left Stanford to go looking for John with him.
Dean dropped the bag on the mattress and walked over to the table covered in photos and documents, placing his hands on opposite sides of it, followed by Y/N.
On the table, photos and medical records continued to dance before her eyes, as if they were reproaching her incompetence.
"I'll set everything on fire once I find that son of a bitch" she muttered annoyed starting to move the sheets for the umpteenth time, so that they could compare the victims.
Origins, frequented places, age, job, physical traits: everything seemed to not coincide. This implied a lack of pattern.
"Which of the monsters we know prefers to eat the side dish rather than the main course?" She asked Dean, sometimes having the same sarcasm as someone else was an advantage.
Dean gave the papers one last look and then sat down on the edge of the bed. "Rugaru?" He tried passing the list over in his mind.
"A picky Rugaru? I doubt it" Y/N disagreed as she continued to stare at those papers which by now she knew by heart. “Besides, there were animals footprints at both crime scenes.”
“Werewolves? Are you serious?" She anticipated him turning her head in his direction just to be able to throw him one of her "and I should collaborate with you?" looks.
“And I said animals footprints. More animals.”
She moved to what should have been the kitchen and picked up a book she'd forgotten on the counter while taking a snack break from her research. She threw it at him without even a warning, at least he still had quick reflexes.
"Otters" she anticipated him again when he saw him open the book, helped by the post-it that marked the offending page.
"Otters? Are you kidding me?" Dean gave her a questioning and somewhat incredulous look.
“Not this time. Otters and dogs" she added, opening the mini bar to get a beer just for her. Little sense of welcome, definitely.
She felt like she was playing Guess Who, but it was a very long and definitely not funny game.
Dean leafed through the book and then went back to reading the documents scattered on the table.
"C'mon, Sherlock. I'm sure you can do it." he teased him opening her beer and taking a long drink.
In both cases the men had been deprived of eyes and nails, feet and hands.
"What creature prefers eyeballs to human flesh?" He asked to himself, trying to remember if he had ever read anything like this in John's journal. Obviously he knew those pages, every note that John had written had been assimilated in a short time during his father's absence. So he was pretty sure John Winchester's diary wasn't going to help him. To make sure, however, he decided to take a quick look.
He sat back on the bed, and pulled his source of information from his duffel bag, the thing that had kept Sam and Dean going all those years. He leafed through it quickly but carefully until he reached the last page. He closed the journar, resigned and he sighed.
"Well, that's weird," he said. "Did the two gentlemen here have absolutely nothing in common?"
"As far as I know, no," Y/N answered after sipping his beer, shrugging. “One of them even lived outside Toledo.”
"But his body was found dead here, right?" the man asked again. Y/N nodded.
"Nah! There must be something. There's always something." He put the diary back in the bag and returned to concentrating on the documents of the victims. He turned to look at the girl, his eyes narrowed.
"Did you check if the two guys knew each other?" he asked, receiving only a suspicious silence in response.
From her guilty expression, he knew perfectly well that the idea hadn't even crossed her mind.
Dean chuckled amused and also very pleased.
“I take that as a no,” he said, patting her on the shoulder. "Don't worry, it happens to the best of us."
He turned away from her and went to arrange his things on the couch in the corner of the room.
“Tomorrow morning we're going to talk to the families of these two. Now it's late and we should sleep."
If she could, she would have hit herself.
How could she not think of such a thing? She had focused so much on love matters to understand if it could be a passionate revenge that she had totally forgotten to ask their families for confirmation. She knew everything about the lives of those fucking dudes and not if they knew each other.
And did you need a Winchester get it? She admonished herself inwardly, shaking her head.
Y/N glanced at Dean as he dropped his dark red shirt and T-shirt on the back of the armchair in front of the couch. “So, do you wanna sleep or not? I bet you haven't slept in at least fifty hours.”
He, on the other hand, hadn't slept for three days. He had had a very difficult case that had given him a hard time and he had also had to take Sam to the hospital, which hunters only did when things were really bad and he had been in the waiting room for hours and then returned at the motel with a pissed off Sam about his arm in a cast.
He hadn't even had time to close his eyes before he got Bobby's call, which was why he was there now.
“You don't need to worry about me, Dean. I have to get some stuff ready for tomorrow." Y/N retorted without even glancing at him, busy fiddling with fake FBI badges.
«No offence, sweetheart, but you don't look really good» insisted Dean, also stripping of his jeans to freely remain half naked. "You should sleep."
«Never as much as you, love. With those dark circles you have, even the monster we're dealing with would run away» she retorted choosing the most suitable badge for that case and leaving it on the table.
"Now shut up and sleep." she said firmly trying to convince him.
But Dean didn't seem to want to listen to her. Of course, he wanted to sleep and send her to hell but he just couldn't do it knowing that she stayed awake when she needed to sleep too.
Y/N fumbled some more with the things in her bag and then turned back to Dean, finding him still wide awake, staring at her.
She huffed, finally giving in and Dean had to hide a smile.
“You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?” She complained as she began to pull off her shoes, followed by her socks and jeans.
"I take the couch?" Dean said uncertainly as she pulled on an extra large t-shirt.
“Didn't you say you wanted to sleep? Well, I assure you that it's impossible to sleep on that couch» she shook his head as he approached the bed and lifted the sheets. «I don't bite, Dean» she invited him to follow her, sitting down on the bed.
"I mean, yes, I bite, but not now," she corrected herself with a guilty smile, leaning back on the bed with his arms folded. "So?"
They were just like cat and dog, except that they fought like an old married couple, but still cared about each other.
Dean raised his eyebrows, thinking about her proposal and moved his gaze to the couch which, to be honest, looked really questionable. Leather, a little scratched at the seams and with not exactly accommodating cushions. He looked at the bed and then once more at Y/N, who was patting the empty seat next to her.
Dean sighed and finally moved. He lay down next to her and rested his head on the pillow, it wasn't the first time they'd shared a bed, only it had been almost a year since the last time.
Maybe, the last time had been when, after drinking a little too much, they had almost ended up doing something else in that bed. They both pretended not to remember that night, anyway.
"Why isn't Sam with you?" she asked.
"Broken arm, he's staying at Bobby's." He murmured in an already sleepy voice.
"Now we should rest," he said then, settling on his side, facing right at her. “Try not to stare at me too much while I sleep, okay?”
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Tags: @eevvvaa @spn730015 @supernatural111222 @youcancallmelily @clairenovakanddeanwinchester @dads-on-a-hunting-trip @3amstillawake @supernaturalmess @marvelandsupernatural @agirlwatchingalotoftvshows @candy-coated-misery0731 @impalaslytherin @rudy-the-winged-wolf @dean-winchester-6767 @samanddeansannoyingsis @roseblue373 @waynes-multiverse @random-spn-fan
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