#bones really put their ALL in them and i couldnt be more happy!!
note-boom · 1 year
Okay I just watched the latest episode and I am in TEARS over how beautiful the OP and ED were. Those...those soft, pastel colours did something to me, okay?
The ED especially just did something special to me. The season started off with the backstory of the ADA, so it was so....beautiful to see the ending theme have a little omake of a lazy day at a fully peopled agency. It was nice to see an organisation started by ordinary people with extraordinary talents have a peaceful day where their extraordinary people are doing ordinary things.
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specialstay · 1 year
This is the long wanted part 2! Im ao sorry for being this late </3
There was the silence again and that disgusting feeling in your chest. You knew that he has already promised more than one time to spend some time with you and it didn't change. He kept getting stuck at work.
But what if he's serious now and really does change?
Would you be rather with him here, not sure if he will change or just have some space and really have some time to think about everything.
"I think its best if I somewhere else tonight" you say and couldnt dare to look in his puppy eyes and instead deeply analyzed that picture on your nightstand. Too afraid to turn around and look in his tearing eyes which has always broken your heart in milion pieces.
He removed his hand from your back and that little bit of warmth it previously gave you flew away. It felt like breaking up but thats not what you said... right?
That anxious feeling you knew flew through your body and was sticking to every bone in your now cold body. Have you messed up this time?
"Y/n.." his voice was shaking and made it almost to a competition between his voice and your hands, you stomach turned around when you thought about all the possible endings this could have now.
"Do you want to break up?" you couldnt tell who was more scared to hear this answer, you or him.
"Chan I gave up so many things for you and i dont wanna throw that away" you finally say and for you, this was a 'no, i dont want to break up' and thought that you had calmed him down a little with that but no, his response was unexpected.
"Instead of giving love as a reason you say that you dont want to break up because of all the things you've done for me" his tone was a mixture of anger and pain, more like disappointed.
"Chan thats not what i meant" you immediately say before he interprets everything wrong and finally turns around to see him. His eyes usually filled with joy and love are dead, sad and lifeless.
"But thats what you just said. If you only stay with me because of the time we've been together and the things you did, i want you to break up" you desperately try and find some light in his eyes, just a little sparkle.
"No you misunderstood me" you say in shock while turing around so you can really face him. "I would never stay only because i have invested a lot, I would only stay if i still love that person and you are that person. The person I love" youre facing him and put his hands in yours and insead of responding, he just looked down at your hands. Just like that one time he was anxious and you we're calming him down before a show. You put his hands in yours and moved your thumb a little to calm him down. Just like he used to do.
"When youre not happy with a new song you just dont throw it away. You sit there for hours and try to make it better, to fix it" he was looking up and the last 3 words gave him hope that this wasnt over, that you two can just go to sleep and forget about all this, but you werent done yet.
"And sometimes if you get stuck on a melody, or any part of the song, you put it aside for a few days and start again" you voice was soft, avoiding any type of miss communication.
Pictures of you two wont stop appearing in your head. All the good memories.
"If i get get it right after some time ill just delete that whole track..." he says quietly and you noticed the tears on your face as some of them were traveling down your lips, almost synchro with his tears.
"We wont throw this away" you say in a shaking voice and finally give in the urge to wipe away his tears. "If you throw away this song I will be mad" you smile with tears as he wiped away your tears.
"What are we going to do with this song?" he asks and you felt that anxious feeling leaving your body with every breath you take.
"I dont want to put it away for some time. Im eager to make it perfect from this very second"
You couldn't resist anymore.
Within seconds your lips collide with his and it caught him off guard but it didnt bother him, why else would he kiss you back?
It felt more like he has been waiting for this.
No words were needed. You wont throw this away nor put it aside.
This will be fixed now and forever.
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safetycar-restart · 4 months
sub alpha! logan anon again hi!
i love what you said about him getting all rumbly when he leans in submission like he’s accepting it but also purring in his own special alpha way.
oh but with sub omega!oscar they would be be so cute together. imagine putting oscar on his back before working a vibrator into logan’s ass and making them grind against each other.
also alphas who get whinier when you won’t allow them to use their knot like logan only being allowed to shallowly fuck inside of oscar.
also oscar who’s a bit bratty (definitely brattier than good boy logan at least) and tells logan it’s so cute that they’re both omegas to their beta dom.
and logan doesn’t hate that. it kinda turns him on actually. knowing he’s both a good boy and a good toy for his partners.
also strange thought but their dom just tying a pink ribbon around logan’s knot and telling him how cute it is his little puppy knot.
Okay sub!alpha Logan anon I'm gonna need you to claim an emoji or something because your thoughts are incredible and I need something to refer to you by (May I suggest 🪢? cause ya know... knot).
Firstly, logan's rumbles like purring!!! YESSS. It really is just him trying to show how happy he is and how good he feels. It's like he's so happy his body doesn't even know what to do with all of this emotion and so he ends up rumbling so loud he's practically vibrating.
I also think he tends to nuzzle and accidentally scent you at the same time, especially when he's feeling subby? So you kinda just gets knocked over by a rumbling Logan who rubs himself all over you, smiling and rumbling and scenting you and if he had a tail it would be wagging uncontrollably cause he is truly as happy as can be.
Even though he's doing all these things that should be stereotypically, there's no mistaking that he's very much submissive. You could move him anyway you wanted to, he's like putty under your hands.
And Oscar!!
Oscar and Logan are so good together, just the prettiest subby boys. I definitely agree that Oscar is a little bratty, certainly in comparison to good boy Logan. This works out very well though, because logan loves to be of service to you? So he absolutely adores when you have him help you with Oscar, like when Oscar has stepped out of line and needs to be set straight so you have Logan help you. He just feels so good because he's helping! He's doing as he's told!
It's also just so easy to get them worked up? You'd think that as an alpha/omega couple, they'd be fine to fuck happily on their own but that couldnt be further from the truth. There's not a dominant bone between them and if left to their own devices, they'll end up just grinding against each other desperately with no idea what else to do because you must help them!! They need their beta dom they can't be expected to do anything themselves!!
This makes them so fun to watch, because you can just watch them get more and more riled up and desperate.
Like letting them fuck but not allowing Logan to knot Oscar, so he can only fuck him so shallowly and neither of them are satisfied so they're both so whiney and unhappy. But they won't even consider doing what they actually want, because they're good boys!
And oh my fucking god Oscar calling Logan his fellow omega? The first time he does that, Logan cums straight after. He doesn't have permission or anything, but he just didnt expect to hear Oscar mumble "we're such good omegas" and he couldnt help himself at all.
You and Oscar had to hold Logan after that because he was so sure he disappointed you both by cummming so quickly but no, that was the hottest thing you had ever seen.
Just... happy subby alpha Logan and happy subby, occasionally bratty, omega Oscar.
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fratboykate · 2 years
well it’s kind of a funny story actually! we were in france for a competition (naturally), the competition was in a city but we decided to stay about 35 minutes away in the countryside in the village i’m from! free accommodation. i’d been thinking about proposing for a really long time, i knew i was going to marry her pretty much as soon as we started dating tbh, but i was really in my head about it because i wanted it to be perfect because she deserves it! one of the days we were in the city for comp day and i was running late so she had to leave without me but she sent the teammates who weren’t shooting that day to pick me up so i didn’t have to worry about being in hurry and driving around all the roundabouts (rural france has a lot of roundabouts, i hate them/they make me nervous). so we parked the car and we were walking down this street to the venue and i turned my head by complete chance and i saw the perfect ring in the window of this jewellery store. it was perfect, but we were running late so i asked if one of the other girls would come with me to buy it the next day. so the next day i tell agf that i’m going into the city to get our morning bread instead of walking to the bakery down the street, but really i was going with the team to buy the ring. the whole team turned up, including her coach AND her physio. they all wanted to see the ring, to make sure i was doing right by her etc. the ring is perfect: 24k white gold band, solitaire cut ethically sourced 1.5ct diamond, it cost more than the down payment on our house lol but if they hand asked me to cut off my arm with a wooden spoon right then and there i would have. i had originally planned to propose when we got back home, at the park where i first told her i loved her and i knew in my bones i was going to marry her - something really low-key. i forgot my bag so i had to put the ring in its box in my coat pocket and we went about our day and tbh i kind of forgot about it. it was bastille day - i think that’s what you call it in the US anyway - so we were at the small village festival, then later at my family’s house and it was nice because my sister who was abroad at the time had managed to make it home while i was in the city in the morning. it’s on a hill and we were looking down at the fireworks in the village below and i could hear the music and feel the celebrations of my family in the background and i looked over at her and i just remember thinking that i’ve never felt this safe and happy, and if the world ended that second i wouldn’t care because she was there. and i just realised i couldn’t wait any longer. i couldn’t wait for her to be my wife. so i put down my drink and i let go of her hand and turned around to get the ring out of my pocket and when i turned back, opened ring box in hand she was just opening the ring box with my ring in it. we laughed and cried and proposed and said yes (obviously). it turns out that she specifically flew my sister out to go buy the ring with her, because she saw the perfect ring on our first day there and she wanted to buy it that day, and she wanted my sister to be there. so she bought her a plane ticket and when they went into the city that afternoon they were actually buying the ring. from the same jewellery store. on the same day. there are like 3 other jewellery stores on the same street. and then we got married a month later! -agf
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wanderrlust0 · 2 years
i lost like 5 lbs and i like it .. i think i can stay this weight for the summer and i can wear certain clothes without constantly looking down and feeling like i look fat. like today, i could tell that i felt more comfortable than i usually am in my outfit, like it felt great and i didn’t feel that insecure. sometimes im always making sure my shirt covers a certain amount of my stomach bc i’ll soon feel like im bloated. i love wearing high waisted shorts/skirts/pants; theyre like one of the best things to exist lol. i wasn’t trying to lose weight on purpose, it just sorta happened under certain circumstances. i also know that my body kind of loses weight easily, like if i eat any less than my normal at the moment, i will automatically see a difference. sometimes i just dont like my body proportions. like, my upper arms feel fat and i dont like that crease at the armpits. im always on and off about my calves bothering me. i do like my hips a lot; i like feeling my hip bone. i like my waist bc it curves in. im pretty neutral about my ass lol i think the size of it fits my body and im not really into having such a huge butt. i used to like hate my boobs so much. i just didnt like them. i didnt like how small they looked compared to other girls i would see. i felt like no guy would want a girl like me with small boobs. i pretty much fell for societys standards or the male gaze with what the “perfect” female body is and id look at my chest and it would feel so flat. foreal in high school i wanted a boob job in the future like your girl just wanted boobies. i still get insecure about them but defff not to the extent that i used to. i used to care so much and now ive gotten more comfortable, but i do sometimes think like damn why cant any gained fat just all go to my tits lol. when i had my after hs “glow up” and felt prettier, there were more guys liking me during college and i put myself more out there and that honestly helped. im just rambling now. anyways, my bf loves my boobs and whenever he’s admiring them and expressing how much he likes them it just makes me happy and my past self needed to hear that sooner. going deeper into it, i feel like this is the root of me being attracted to girls. like i would see a girl with my ideal body type and boobs just bigger than mine and i wanted that bc i felt like that was part of being pretty. ive been admiring girls for so long but i didnt even realize the extent of it and what it meant since i focused on boy crushes in school. i had a lot of female celebrities that i liked; i just thought they were perfect and i wanted to be them. omg on that note, im very glad that i no longer have thoughts where i wish i was white. i cant believe i even thought of what i wanted to look like. i hated my eyes, my nose, my side profile. i’ve gained more acceptance to my facial features (still not a fan of my side profile tho lol). ive embraced being asian and i dont feel any internal racism anymore. also, middle school/hs can really ruin your confidence and i feel like its inevitable for everyone. anyways, another thing i like are my collar bones and that whole part of my body. very minuscule, but i like my wrists. i would wrap my fingers around them and try each finger to figure out their size and go up my arm until my fingers couldnt touch. during college is when i noticed my body changing more. i was losing more fat and some to me felt like baby fat. so i noticed my wrists getting smaller and looking more dainty and flat, like how i wanted. even my fingers shrunk. towards the second half of college, i would put on rings id wear a lot and they became loose more often and like now, they completely slide on my finger. in hs i thought my fingers looked so chubby and my ring size felt too big. anyways, ill finish and stop rambling now but its kind of eye opening typing all of this out. ive also been writing my thoughts wayyy more often on here. years back i never posted a text post and i barely posted my own pics too, so ive been using my “blog” to write and post more original stuff // 7.22.22
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ninjasmudge · 2 years
Long ask incoming I'm sorry I know I wrote it as a reply to a comment but I'ma just throw this ask here to going deeper into it after seeing Knox's discord part but. Bone King and his emotions it's just. SO INTERESTING. Like all the emotions (so far at least) acted on usually are ones that LBD/Wukong share. So Macaque both have a "He's annoying" but also a kind of ~*affection*~ (I use this loosely since idk s3 but Wukong at least *knew* Macaque enough they were *probably* friends) so it boils down to interest since that's the best they combine to. Meanwhile with the Mayor you only have LBD's "He's the favorite" but Wukong with Nothing so those two boil down to basically "we'll keep him around" but there isn't an agreeance on how. Then his base emotion of just "we shouldn't be a thing" and I don't think *either* Wukong/LBDs emotions like that and only Wukong's side offers any kind of "solution" hence Macaque being groomed a bunch (plus that ties into the "keep him around" by making sure he can't leave) and AAAAA... I just really like psychoanalyzing Bone King. His reactions are so complex in the sense both sides will have an *emotion* to it but only the shared parts will have Bone King reacting and it's two half are already VERY different in personality and aaaaaAAAAAAAAa
sorry i left this for a while i love all stuff in here and it was frustrating me i couldnt get out what i wanted to say back ^^
when i actually made this au the initial thought was like 'damn wouldnt this be a cool idea for the aesthetics' and then what really got me into the idea was thinking about how the bone king would feel about stuff. like, their conflicting feeling on so many things make them such an interesting character and when i started thinking about it deeper, even the stuff the do agree on is for vastly different reasons. and dont even get me started on trying to understand what their goal is sksbskssn. i think a lot of what u said s what makes them a really fun and terrifying villain though because theres NO way to predict what theyre going to do because THEY dont know yet either!
also it makes me SO SO happy you picked up on some of the stuff i was trying to say about how their feelings vs memories work, sometimes i dont know if im getting it all out right, but genuinely im so happy you were able to not only understand what i was trying to say but also put it so succinctly!! what you said about their feelings on maq and the mayor are pretty much spot on to how i was picturing it!
to be honest, even working out stuff like where they would stay was difficult because i think being on flower fruit would make swk uncomfortable and lbd would hate it, but swk wouldnt want to be in lbds mech, so they stay on a neutral ground. i mean, conflicted is probably one of the main words id use to describe BK overall and everytime i answer an ask i have to sit and think for a moment bc sometimes even the obvious answer is not the most accurate or interesting option. like, when i thought about what theyd think of mk, to start with i thought theyd be interested and hostile, but the more i thought about it, i kind of thought, they actually probably wouldnt be THAT hostile unless provoked bc swk definitely doesnt want to hurt him, and lbd wanted him for some kind of destiny, and when she took his powers, she definitely COULD have hurt him more, but didnt, i think theyre mostly interested in scaring him!
idk how to end this but thank you so much for the interest it absolutely delights me when i see stuff like this and again, sorry it took me so long sksjsksjssk
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basically a Striker x male imp with powerful regeneration powers, the two knew each other before Striker worked as a noble assassin, y/n by having these powers was almost always in extreme danger situations (like fighting a noble without a head and still somehow win), the two constantly bickered and usually ended up with broken bones. Now these days they meet again after years without seeing each other and with repressed feelings they finally have time to talk... after fighting a little more
Striker x Male Imp with a healing factor.
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You and Striker first met each other years ago.
The two of you ran into each other during a job. You both had been hired to kill some petty mob boss.
Striker was seconds away from killing the target, when you jumped through the guy's skylight splatting onto the ground.
Jumping up you effortlessly killed the mob boss and all his bodyguards.
Striker confronted you outside the building, surprised at how good you look after falling through a plate glass windows.
He told you that was good work, if sloppy, but that was his kill. And he just couldn't tolerate theives.
He was surprised by just how nonchalant you were, as though he were telling you something you'd heard a hundred times.
You told him a job is a job, and you wouldn't hold it against him if it were the other way around. And much to Strikers surprise, you turned, and began walking away from him.
Striker, froze, processing what was happening, before he raised his rifle and blew your brains out.
Usually didn't like shooting people in the back, especially a fellow assassin like you. But hey, you practically asked him to do it.
He began to leave, only for you to suddenly jump him from behind, scratching up his shoulders and back, almost managing to cut his throat.
He threw you off, before spinning around and fired three more shots into your chest. That seemed to keep you down this time.
Dragging himself away, he looked back to find you weren't there.
He found himself on edge for weeks after that, never sure If you were gonna go coming looking for pay back.
He only calmed down after running into you at a bar.
And much to his surprise you didn't seem to hold any animosity towards him, in fact, you actually offered to buy him a drink.
Not wanting to offend you, he said yes.
He ended up actually enjoying the night, the two of you having a lively conversation over a few drinks
He couldnt help but ask about the whole, "I shot you in the head, why aren't you dead" thing.
So over a few glasses of whiskey, you explained that you had a serious healing factor, so serious, you were borderline immortal.
Needless to say Striker was amazed and honestly found it kinda hard to believe.
Although what happened next put it all into perspective.
A large demon walked up to you, saying a few words he sunk a large blade into your chest.
Before he could draw his pistol you placed your hand on his shoulder.
Taking a large gulp of your drink, you pulled the blade from your chest and plunged it into the demons stomach. And like nothing had happened, you went back to the conversation.
After that Striker finished his drink, thanking you before he got the fuck out of there.
That was not the last time you and Striker crossed paths. The two of you often ending up taking the same job.
You always having an advantage as you could just recklessly run into a fight, absorbing every attack before killing the target, and walking away unscathed. Where as Striker had to more carefully think his strikes through.
And much to your surprise and joy, you found that through the many jobs you and Striker fought over, you developed something of a frienemy complex.
As annoying as you stealing his jobs was, he couldn't deny, he was having the most fun of his life.
Striker was an extraordinary Imp and it was exceedingly rare he found anyone on his level. So getting to test his skills against you was great.
The two of you were constantly fighting.
Most of the fights were picked by you, usually finding something petty to fight over.
You found the fights good fun, since you weren't really in any danger and Striker always gave his all in a fight.
Your fights got more common, Striker randomly attacking you on the street. The two of you fighting for hours, both refusing to submit.
Bloody knuckles, bruised bodies and broken noses, the two of you were relentless.
And oddly enough, between the brutal smackdowns and all night benders, you found you began enjoying each other's company.
It was an odd dynamic.
The way you could go from brutal fighting, to casually enjoying a meal together, back to a brutal melee.
Though despite your questionable relationship, the teo of you ended up seeing less and less of each other.
Striker began taking much higher risk jobs, often taking on nobility, and as such becoming harder to find.
While you on the other hand, with the pile of cash you made through your killing work you decided to take up several hobbies.
Painting, music, craft, but you would quickly grow bored of them, they were all too easy.
So you decided to travel, taking up any job that caught your fancy.
You tried to let Striker know, you know, for old times sake. But just couldn't get in contact wirh him.
A by-product of being known as a royal killer, you suppose.
You travelled for a few years, traveling the seven rings, taking up various jobs and drastically expanding your resume.
Eventually you'd find yourself in the wrath ring, finding work on a very quaint little ranch.
Usually you'd spend a couple months on the job before moving on to the next one. You'd done this for years, never sticking around for more than six months.
But you found yourself sticking around.
Life on the ranch was good. It was lots of hard work, but you were never bored. And the annual blood moon festival was always something to look forward too.
And over time, you found yourself genuinely enjoying your work. finally finding some sort of purpose in your life, finding yourself being treated like a member of the family. Eventually you worked your way up to foreman.
It wasn't long after a tornado tore through the ranch, you and another worker getting caught up in it.
Only managing to survive because of your healing factor.
You limped back to the ranch, you had to at least act like you were injured. The whole family was overjoyed to see you alive.
But it wasn't long after that a familiar face showed up.
Striker. In all his cowboy glory.
Initially you were overjoyed, tackling the Imp to the ground. Striker effortlessly throwing you off, before he recognised you.
He seemed just as happy to see you, the two of two sharing a hug.
You couldn't explain it, but it felt amazing to hug the Imp. The two of you sharing an long moment together. Staring into each other's eyes.
Apparently he was in town and looking for work.
You didn't buy it for a second, of course. Striker was a cold blooded killer, not some field hand.
But when the boss asked, you still backed his story, telling the boss he was the hardest working guy you knew.
Which wasn't Untrue.
So Striker began working under you, which was great, since he had to do everything you told him to.
But eventually you confronted him about it, telling him you knew he wasn't there for a field hand job.
Striker tried to keep the facade going, but he quickly gave in and told you he was there for a target.
You figured as much, striker telling you he actually planned on taking the position of foreman, as his cover and after hearing that you knew you couldn't let this opportunity go to waste.
So you didn't.
For the first few weeks he was there, you made sure he got all the grunt work, the two of you often getting into fights like the old times.
Though you did take emense pleasure in watching Striker struggle to do basic field work.
But if striker was one thing, it was adaptable.
And soon enough he was working as hard as anyone.
The two of you became close again, alot like last time, but there seemed to be something new between the two of you.
Like a longing that had grown between the two of you, after spending years apart.
Your feeling would grow come to a head after a trip into town.
Striker would use his first pay check to buy a bottle of local brew. Which in wrath, was essentially moonshine. You'd find a hill not to far from the ranch, before popping the bottle.
The two of you would go through the bottle fairly quickly, reminiscing about the good old days.
Both of you getting more and more inebriated as you dug deeper and deeper into your past.
Telling him you had tried to sat goodbye, but couldn't find him. Striker would admit that he had missed you desperately. Hed tell you how it was only his work that kept his mind off of you.
You would lean in close, inches from each other, leaning in, you'd share a much over due kiss.
You weren't sure how Striker would react. You half expected him to knock your lights out.
But instead, Striker pulled you deeper into the kiss, his hands beginning to roam your body.
The kiss would only grow in intensity, the two of you shedding layer after layer of clothing.
You would embrace each other in that field.
You couldn't remember who was on top, and who was bottom, but you woke up the next morning feeling very satisfied.
The next morning was... interesting.
Youd woken up in lots of interesting situations. But hungover, buck naked in the middle of a field besides your long time friend, was a first.
The weird part though, was that It wasn't awkward.
You woke up about the same time. The two of you just laying there, Basking in the early morning sun.
You would just curl up together for a while, quietly discussing what should happen next.
You were shocked when Striker said he wanted to be with you.
Not really sure how to answer, you just kissed him. The two of you ending up having some early morning sex.
So after hundreds of fights, years apart and a pretty severe hangover, you and Striker were finally together.
Thanks for the request y'all. Usually I like don't write for Striker as I just felt there was a bit too much content surrounding him. My headcanon is a little more intimate than the prompt suggested, but none the less, this was still fun to write. Thanks for reading I hope you liked it.
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remuscore · 3 years
Here’s a bunch of wing au things I spammed my server last night in a nice list for y’all
Janus and Roman love to preen their feathers and also love preening their friends wings.
Janus is the only one that can get Remus’ wings clean and always has to stop him from damaging them more. He does not take care of them.
Patton often needs help cleaning out his wings bc of how small they are and Roman is always so happy to help.
Logan and Virgil don’t like their wings to be touched sadly, but they wouldn’t complain if anyone asked nicely.
Virgil’s are very fluffed up and feathers pop off like crazy because of nerves and so much shifting. There are little black feathers everywhere.
Logan’s wings are long enough to smack the back of someone’s head if they’re being annoying.
Janus’ are too but they would probably take someone down. Just body slammed. They have to sit very tightly against his back so that they don’t hit things.
When he’s tired and can’t be bothered, they drag on the floor.
Patton loves cuddling with the others bc they have big enough wings to cuddle under like blankets. Roman actually does use his as blankets.
Remus used to hate how small his wings are but with how high energy he is it’s really better that his wings are smaller. Hurts himself a little less.
Roman on the other hand hits the lamp and tv every three seconds and has in fact trapped his feathers under something more times then he can count.
When Remus is terribly anxious, he tugs on his feathers and sometimes chops the ends of them off.
Currently he’s working hard on trying to heal them. He hasn’t been able to fly for awhile because of how much damage he’s put his wings through so he’s trying very hard to redirect himself.
Clipped wings take about 12 months to fix so as long as he doesn’t have a bad episode he should be fine.
One of Patton’s feathers is clipped from accidentally closing it on something and not really noticing until someone brought it up. It doesn’t effect his flight tho.
When Janus is having a bad depressive episode and doesn’t clean or take care of his wings, they get very choppy and messy from dragging so much and not getting preened.
Virgil once accidentally stepped on them and ripped out a couple feathers and even pulling on the skin as a kid. That freaked him out so even now Virgil makes sure to stay a good distance away from Janus even when his wings are up.
(Someone asking if Remus could fly) He can a little. They’re very damaged so they can’t take him very high but they can get him up a little. If a hard gust of wind catches his left side he’s knocked to the side and falls like a badminton birdie.
He’s probably broken his wing once. Imma say his frustration with not being able to fly for almost 2 years now got to him and he tried jumping off something and taking flight but he fell and snapped the main bone.
It was horribly painful and he couldnt bend it so it just hung awkwardly on his shoulder with two plywood wrapped around it. Couldn’t fly for another two years after that mess. Couldn’t even glide.
Out of all of them, Roman flies the most.
Logan only does so if he needs to, Virgil is hilariously afraid of heights, Patton flies a good amount but he has terrible depth perception so he stumbles a lot, Janus looks like a terrifying fucking omen, and Remus can’t bc ya know.
Because Roman flies a lot, he uses that to his advantage when fighting.
Once he grabbed Remus and took him up while arguing and Remus was desperately grabbing onto Roman and trying to get his wings to sit on the wind.
Roman pretends to drop him as a threat and Remus panics like shit with his wings flapping like crazy and that’s when Roman notices a chunk of his feathers are missing.
He puts him down safely on the ground after that and asks a million questions about his wings while Remus is still trying to breathe.
He tries touching them but they smack him and Remus glares at him.
Roman is now hyper aware of the sharp and strange angle of his brother’s wings and watches them to make sure there aren’t more chops being added on.
Janus and Virgil both have a habit of throwing their wings in front of them when they flinch. Patton’s flap when he’s afraid like when someone shakes out their hands. Roman’s and Logan’s get all big and puffy, and Remus’ shoot right out to make himself look bigger and more intimidating.
That’s it yeha
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Ok ok! Good uhm.
Ok since body dysmorphia has been kicking my butt lately i wanted to request something with Schlatt where basically the reader Starts getting really insecure because of their body. Pushing and pulling on their stomach etc. They also start binding unsafely with like really tight bras because they can't afford a binder and they end up fucking up their ribs really bad. They end up in the hospital and a very worried Schlatt visit's them and lectures them about how they shouldn't have done that and about how worried he was. So when they get back home there is a gift on the bed, turns out Schlatt bought them a binder.
The reader would be Non-binary and afab.
Also a little message for pretty much anyone who is insecure about their body/has body dysmorphia because of their chest, don't bind unsafely. That can really fuck up your chest and make you actually being happy with your body even harder.
Hell yes. I love this idea thank you icarus! Writing has been rude to me lately and I needed inspiration. This has hit it exactly.
Pronouns:nonbinary (dont think any were actually used in this so yeah.)
Tw: AFAB reader, swearing, insecurity, mention of surgry, mention of blood, mention of hating self, pain. Again angst to fluff. It is reflecting on how I have felt about my body before because I needed to make it seem kinda real.
PSA: please dont bind safely. It's dangerous and can lead to serious health consequences. I know hating your body sucks but I dont want anyone to get hurt because they dont listen to their lungs, they dont take off their binder, or if their bras are way too fucking tight. It can and will hurt you. So please bind safely!!
Happy birth-what the fuck?!
Lately your brain was giving you more dysphoria then ever. Telling you your body was too big, your boobs were too noticable, and you hips are too feminine.
What brought this on? Someone simply said your dead name. It made your dysphoria hit you like a truck.
After that day everything went down hill. Your stopped streaming, telling your followers that you were going on a mental break, you didn't really talk to friends, your brain could put words together. And you most importantly barely texted your loving supporting boyfriend schaltt, not wanting to break down in front of him.
You never had the time or thoughts of getting a chest binder. It was your biggest mistake honestly.
Deciding against chest binders and wearing alot of tight bras to flatten you. But it didnt work. So you got tighter bras. And they did work. But you didnt read up on how to bind safely.
This lead to the predicament now. In front of your mirror you were pinching and pulling at your skin. There was too much. All you wanted to do was cut it off with scissors. But decided against it due to the fact of all the blood that you would loose.
Your chest, smaller then it was yas, was still visible after your 3rd bra. You decided to add a 4th and tighter one hoping it would completely hide your boobs.
Your body made you want to puke. It made you feel disgusting. But you never told schaltt that. Afraid that he would say that you looked as gross as you thought you did.
Only 5 minutes after the 4th bra you felt excoriating pain in your ribs. And worse of all a harsh pop. That immediately brought red flags. It hurt to breath. Your head fuzzy and light headed.
Your only reaction, to call for an ambulance. Dialing the three numbers as you whimpered in pain you held onto your lungs. "911 what's your emergency?" "I cant breathe. It hurts so bad. Please help." "Are you by yourself?" "Yes. I need help please." "Ambulance, firemen, and police are on their way. Ambulance is 2 minutes out."
You didnt know if you had 2 minutes. "They can break the door down if I dont answer." That's all you said after collapsing.
Next thing you knew your door was busted off its hinges and you saw two paramedics. They were quick to transfer you to the ambulance, cutting through the four bras that held your chest.
It help get air to your lungs but it barely helped.
"We have a collapsed lung. ETA 2 minutes." The paramedic back there with you spoke to the walkie talkie.
Collapsed lung? Was that the harsh pop? God, was the bras that bad of an idea? All that was going through your mind was how you possibly could get worse. The instant you got into the trauma bay was way worse. With no time to numb you and your O2 stats dropping they had to cut between your ribs and shove a tube right next to your left lung. Draining air and excess blood blocking your lung from inflating. And before you knew it you were off to emergency surgery for getting a shard of bone out of your chest cavity.
The last thing you remember was counting down and falling asleep.
When you woke up your boyfriend was next to your bed, hands engulfing one of yours.
It looked like he had been crying before falling asleep on one of your legs. Taking your free hand through his hair you smiled lightly. "I'm sorry for all of this ram boy." He grunted lightly and moved his head back into your hand. His messy hair was thick and nearly matted. It made you wonder how long he's been sitting there. You loved him and felt so selfish for doing this to him.
"I cant believe I did all this and for what? To cause you and everyone pain? All because i couldnt afford a chest binder and deciding that I might as well try another way. I should have been safer huh?" You didnt expect an answer back. Just his quite snores.
"Yeah. Not really fuckin selfish more like kinda dumb. Your body doesnt show who the fuck you are (y/n). Your heart does. And your heart isnt say boy or girl. Its saying you are you. A person who uses pronouns they them. A person that love everyone and cares for their friends. A person who love me and jambo so deeply."
He took a breath.
"You normally are quite smart. Saving up for one would of been a better idea instead of doing such a stupid thing. Asking for my help. Because if I knew I would of helped. I would of found one just right for you. I would help you remember to take it off after 8 hours. Even would of found a way to make you feel more like you."
You could hear his heart break.
"But now you're here, four broken ribs, a healing lung, and stuck in the hospital for another week at least."
You felt so guilty. He was right. You should of told him. He would never have seen you like you saw yourself. He never cared about how you looked. He only cared for your heart.
Tears falling down your face you continued to massage his scalp. "I could of lost you. You are my rock. When I cant keep up my normal antics and feel like I'm at an all time low. You are there to pick me up." You had to stop the sob from coming up. "I'm just so happy youre alive." He looked up.
His red eyes were making your heart ache. "I wont do it again I promise. But I cant just ignore the feeling of dread whe. I look down and realize I present so much like a girl. I dont wa t to be one." Schaltt nodded and kissed the hand he was holding. "Then let me help you. I wont let this happen again. Just please. Come to me. Talk to me. I'm here like you are for me."
You gave a small nod.
This man knew his way to your heart. He was so sincere about this. "I will. But promise me you wont look down on me if I end up feeling like that." You just needed to make sure you knew he would never but you needed his words. "Mever sugarbabe. Never in my life have I looked down on you and never will."
God the week was long, him and the doctor explaining safe binding that you cant fully bind for at least 6-8 weeks. Schlatt telling you his reaction to finding your apartment swarmed with police and firemen and you no where to be seen.
He was practicing on saying happy birthday to you. But was cut off. "Happy birth-what the fuck?!" He was so concerned and even more so when you were in hospital.
When you did go home he helped you through the door, and watched you as you saw the small package on your couch.
Opening it you saw a chest binder. Specifically the one you were looking at. Looking over to schaltt with tears in your eyes you walked up and hugged him lightly minding the pain in your left side. This was the best gift.
The only gift you had been wanting for the past week or two. "Now you can be safe. But no binding till your doctor says so or I swear to god I will personally smite you down." You had to try so hard no to laugh or the pain would of been hell. Kissing his cheek you smiled.
"Of course schaltt. I will make sure to not wear it till I'm healed dont want to get blood on it ya know. Also it would hurt like a fucking bitch."
He chuckled and ruffled your hair. "Alright now go sit down. I'll get you some soup ya dork."
This was going to be a great time. That was until the pain fully came back. And then this is going to be a mediocre time.
Please pardon spelling errors. I havent proof read. And I am on mobile for almost all stories. But thank you so much for requesting this became something that I could write and it helped me alot. Now I might take a while for other things too and i apologize that's cause i am starting school soon. Also family issues. So yeah might take a bit. Dont know how long though. I'll try to keep them coming but if not you know I'm studying or helping my mom and grandma.
Eli out.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
so, this can be with izuku, baku, and shotou. and there’s a situa like infinity war where they have to fight who sacrifices themselves and s/o dies. but ends up coming back. or however you want it. i love your blog 💕💕 #blackgirlmagic
A/N: I like the way you think anon ;) I really let my imagination fly with this one. I hope you like it!
Warnings: death, blood, cursing, resurrection
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Midoriya Izuku:
izuku couldnt breathe the entire way to the hospital
he couldn't get the sight of your sightless eyes and lifeless body from the forefront of his mind
he would never forget the image of seeing the ten-inch thick pole you took for Eri tear through your body 
there was blood
so much blood 
no one had ever heard midoriya scream like that before 
he was forced to be held outside the OR as the medical staff operated on you
aizawa had disabled his quirk, so he was forced to just scream, curse, and plead for iida and ochako to let him through. however, he couldn't do anything else but choke on his voice as he saw them try to revive you with the defibrillator 
but it was no use
izuku all but fainted when the head surgeon solemnly came out to tell everyone that you didn't make it through the operation 
eri, who had been with aizawa to the side, shook her head. she couldnt accept this 
even though aizawa had told her she wasn't ready to use her powers, she couldnt just sit there and let you die
you saved her life and she would do the same 
before aizawa could catch her, she ran into the operating room 
she ignored the questions and confusion around her and placed her hands on your body, focusing more than she ever had in her life 
a bright light filled the room for a moment before it dimmed down 
there was a pregnant pause before a nurse ran outside the OR with tears in their eyes
“it’s a miracle!” they cried. “the girl brought them back!”
izuku threw everyone off of him and rushed into the room to see you holding the crying girl in your arms, confusion in your eyes 
“izuku? what happened? why am i in the hospital and why is eri crying?”
the young hero couldnt think to do anything else but fall into your arms and sob out his fear and frustrations 
his words were near incomprehensible as he thanked eri and told you how much he loved you 
you were even more confused as you watched all your friends, the doctors, and nurses cry with relief but you just held them happy that everyone was safe
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Bakugo Katsuki:
within the midst of destruction, you looked at the villain with a look that made bakugo’s heart drop 
he knew that look
and he hated it with his entire being 
that was the same look you had when you were about to do something really stupid
your eyes locked on his with a fire he knew he would never extinguish no matter how badly he wanted to 
“dont even fucking think about it” he bit
you smiled despite the rising fear in his gaze. “win this.”
the cheerful wink you gave him was your goodbye
it was supposed to give him hope and courage, but all it did was make him blank with fear and rage
he was too hurt to catch up to you as you ran into the heart of the villain’s lair, sacrificing yourself so that he and the rest of the team could take the villain down 
katsuki, however, had been so blind with anger that he was able to find the villain within all the destruction
despite everything he was taught, he planned to kill them to avenge your death, but he was surprised to see them gently holding your lifeless body in their lap 
katsuki was prepared to push his body over the limit to take you from them, but the villain just held up and hand to explain why they were giving up
“this is your s/o, right? the one who came to fight a hopeless fight just so you had a chance. even though you all had hurt them at one point, they still made the ultimate sacrifice...”
“what the fuck are you on about, you son of a bitch!”
the villain gave him a look that made him pause
they then held up a jewel filled with their own life energy, something that made it almost impossible for the heroes to beat them
“perhaps i was wrong. there are true heroes in this world. it would go against everything i fought for if i let them die”
and in the next moment, katsuki watched as the villain placed the stone on your chest
they died quietly as their life energy filled your body 
katsuki rushed to catch you and he held you close, not caring about the tears that fell past his cheeks
he placed kisses wherever he could, on your face, thankful that you had been brought back to him
despite his feelings towards the villain, he respectfully covered their body and gave a prayer of thanks for giving you a second chance
you slept peacefully as he carried you out of the falling building
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Todoroki Shouto:
“just as earth gave me life, in return, i have to give life back to it”
todoroki knew what those words meant, but he didn't want to believe it 
from the moment you two met, he knew of your fate 
your quirk came with a price and one day, you would have to pay for it 
and that day was today 
all the heroes had been taken down and were beaten within an inch of their lives, but you wouldn't let them go down. you wouldn't let them lose
now was your time to do what you were put on this Earth to do
you softly kissed his lips and wrapped your necklace around his neck before standing 
shouto was too weak to do anything but watch in dismay as your body withered away into the ground 
suddenly, the entire city was filled with sunlight as the wind sang and the waves danced with life. roots, plants, and trees covered the heroes’ bodies, healing them from their past wounds and instilling them with a new will to fight the enemy 
as shouto stood, a single bolt of lightning struck the hand he put in the air and it danced around him before exploding into an array of beautiful blue flames
he knew this new charge in power was supposed to be your last gift to him, but he’d be damned if he let things go this way
perhaps some type of higher power had a destiny for you in mind, but he would change fate
even if it killed him
and change it he did
when the fight was over, he abandoned his team and ran to the tree you had told him gave you a chance to meet him
when he got there, the gigantic tree stood there, almost mocking him about his loss 
shouto spent the next hour cursing and fighting the tree, demanding it do something about your death 
when he finally realized it wasn't responding, todoroki pathetically fell down into the small pond before the tree and sobbed his heart out
as he wept, he hadnt realized the necklace had fell into the pond, but he did gasp as it materialized into the water and was replaced with your body 
you rose out of the pond, violently coughing for a moment before letting out an embarrassed sound when you realized you were naked 
however, shouto, so overwhelmed with relief, embraced you in a bone-crushing hug 
you let go of your embarrassment  and hugged him back as he whispered how he’d never let you do something so stupid again
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bostonbashers · 3 years
mercs react to their s/o being terminally ill. ~
Hi I don’t know if you’re an angst person but I hope you consider my request. May I request the mercs with an s/o that gets diagnosed with a terminal illness that has no cure and could potentially be fatal? How do they deal with the idea that they could die?
How about mercs with an s/o who is very sick? Thank you and good luck!
so y’all tryna break my heart today, huh. i love writing angst but it always ends up hurting me :’)
terminally ill could be considered a heavy topic so i will tag it accordingly! poor mercs.. please enjoy! ❤️
scared to death for them. his face grows white upon hearing the news and he freezes, his stomach turning at the realization that he may lose the only person that could understand him, not as a scout but as himself.
will probably hurt more than his other half and the news weighs him down greatly, affecting his everyday tasks. he becomes very clingy and is worried that once he leaves their side, they’ll be gone from his reach.
not the best caretaker and doesn’t really know how to assist a sick person, so he calls his ma up for advice and tries his best to follow it, even if he makes a few stumbles here and there. you know he means well even if he nearly burns all the food he makes for you.
demands the medical center to do something about it and says it’s an order, his voice booming around the quiet area. when they apologize and inform him that nothing could be done, he nearly loses his shit and has to be held back before he decides to blow up the place.
tries to be strong for them, even if he’s godly worried but doesn’t show it. he highly believes they can make it through their sickness and tries to keep their spirit up no matter how low the day is; “this disease has got nothing on you, cupcake! you are the strongest fighter i know!” and when they smile, it motivates him to continue on.
they whimper cause they know something isn’t right. though they can’t quite put their finger on it, they do notice the change of behavior their s/o has as time passes. the way they drag their body, eat and sleep less, often too weak to move and it just worries them. they know something is wrong.
hugs and rainbows and everything bright makes everyone happy right? so they do just that. even if they can’t understand what they’re going through, they try to cheer them up with everything they have; stuffed animals, their favorite food, cuddles and even sets up little skits for them.
on their worse days, where they’re terribly ill and can’t build up the strength to do even the simplest of tasks, they just stay by their side, hugging them here and there to show that they’re not alone.
tavish is heart broken but he doesn’t show it to his s/o. the last thing they need to see is another crying face around them. instead, he asks how his s/o how they’re feeling and comforts them in their time of need despite the tears threatening to spill.
he mostly grieves in silence at first, not even alcohol being able to silence the pain that ached inside him. he cries to himself for a while until his s/o catches him one night, hunched over on the table while he let out soft sobs. they hug him from behind until he’s ready to talk and when he does, he feels much better. 
once he composes himself the day after, he tries to cut down on the alcohol to be sober enough to care for his s/o properly. he wants to be there for them completely in their time of need.
is deeply saddened for his s/o, not knowing the impact it had placed on their shoulders. he doesn’t say much but hugs them gently, caressing their back for comfort. “(y/n) will be okay. misha is here.”
he’s already a worry wart so upon learning this, he becomes even worse with his concerns and frets about his s/o often, commenting on every little thing. if they cough too loud or even vomit, he freaks out inwardly and does everything and anything he can to help them.
he often asks medic for advice on how to help them cope with their disease at the least and follows his tips to the bone. he also makes sure that his s/o doesn’t overwork themselves at all and tells them to rest often.
he thinks that the doctor is just pulling shit out of their ass and probably just giving his s/o a scare. they’ve been acting and looking fine lately, so it’d be strange for them to have an incurable disease. he brushes it off his shoulders for the time being.
but then as he slowly observes them more, he does notice major changes that he hadn’t caught before. the way they moved, spoke, and even the way their beautiful smile weakened eventually caught up to him and he’s completely devastated, reality finally striking him.
stays up countless nights to find a cure, anything and everything that could at least prevent it from worsening. it’s true, he could always bring people back to life but it wasn’t always an assurity and he wasn’t sure if a disease was the same, so it worries him more. even if his s/o begs him to take a break, he just won’t. not when they’re in danger.
he gets angry at the doctor at first, spewing out questions that he knew the doctor couldnt answer himself; “wut do ya mean ya weasels can’t do a thing? isn’t that your job?” when his s/o drags him out of the medical center, he grows eerily quiet compared to the moments earlier and keeps his head down the rest of the way home.
when his s/o does confront him later that night, they cup both his scruffy cheeks in their hands and he leans into their touch unconciously. “i’m gonna be okay.” he stays quiet, staring at them with a sullen expression. “oi know.” he murmurs, “oim just- just afraid to lose ya.” and they shake their head and wrap their arms around his torso, “you won’t.”
afraid is just the beginning. he’s utterly mortified with the idea of losing them, often keeping him awake at night and sending him into nightmares. he’s lost so many people in his life and he knows the pain of it, but this was different. this pain is absolutely unbearable and he holds them tight as they sleep, silently begging that they don’t take away the one perfect thing he has going in his life.
he tries not to cry right in front of his s/o as they announce the news to the both of them, but his s/o knows he’s one second away from breaking down so they pull him out of there as soon as possible. he tearfully apologizes to them, blaming himself for not taking care of them more often and how he should’ve noticed. his s/o tries to reassure him it’s not his fault but it doesn’t really change his mind.
doesn’t deal with the idea of losing his s/o very well. he smiles less and worries more, stressing himself out but tries to maintain his positive attitude for the sake of keeping them happy during these times.
anything his s/o needs, he does without a complaint. no matter what time of the day or how busy he is, he will drop it just to attend to them. he takes it up a notch once he’s aware his s/o is sick and you best believe it’ll be done in a heartbeat once those words leave your mouth.
he’s had a feeling for a while that his other half was sick, hence the reason why he forcefully decided to drag them to the hospital. when the news is confirmed, he thanks the doctors and quietly pulls them out of the building. he sees the teary eyes of his s/o and sighs deeply, embracing them in a tight hug, whispering sweet nothings to them.
is aware that their s/o’s mental health may decline due to the sudden shock and tries to lighten up their day often, buying them things they want or complimenting them whenever he sees them. he also starts conversations whenever they’re around. even goes as far as dancing with them in the middle of his quarters.
makes sure his s/o is relaxed as possible at the same time. he messages their back and wherever it hurts, holds them whenever they need it, and becomes a mother hen whenever they fall terribly ill. even if he’s outwardly fine, he’s honestly devastated but tries to keep his head on his shoulders, knowing that panicking will only worsen the situation.
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honeypirate · 3 years
bestie bestie bakugou
Bakugou and fem!reader, best friends, roommates, loveeee
Warning - swears, mentions of sex
You were walking around the city for hours now, you left the apartment just before sundown and now it’s raining and you think you see the light from the sun turning the clouds lighter on the horizon. You came home after a long day of work, of fighting a villain, of almost not making it back this time, to find your boyfriend, who you didnt even live with mind you, fucking someone else on your bed. You didn’t say anything, you just walked out, quietly, he didn’t even notice. 
The buzzing in your hand caught your attention, making you aware of the heaviness of something in your palm, you raise it to see and then remember it’s your phone. The action causes it to wake up, showing your notifications, 50 missed calls from him and almost as many texts and double the amount of calls and texts from your two best friends
The screen catches the water from the rain as it flows down the surface, you try to unlock your phone, a sudden urge to not be alone hitting you, but your thumb was too cold and wet to unlock with the fingerprint. You go to press in the buttons but the screen doesnt recognize your fingers either, you’re starting to panic, to hyperventilate when the screen lights up, you relax seeing the name pop up and try to answer but you were shaking so much, you brought the phone to your lips, sticking your tongue out to click the green button. 
“Fucking bastard is going to die” he says as he wraps you in a towel, pulling you to his chest, “y/n im so sorry. You’re staying here with me for now on, i’ll go to your place tomorrow and get some of your things and get your key back from that fucker.” he was pissed, fuming, you haven't seen him this mad since high school “Katsuki i couldn't possibly put you out” he holds his finger to your lips “shut up, im insisting, plus this place is too big for just me” you chuckle through the shivers that are now finding your body, your skin and bones finally reacting to the cold as your body shakes uncontrollably. “T-t-thank you K-Kacchan” he sighs and takes your hand, pulling you with him down the hall to the bathroom. 
After a really nice shower, you exit his big ass fancy shower that was really more like a spaceship, you had to use a step stool to get inside it. It had multiple different heads, a steam option, and could even convert into a jacuzzi, if only you didn’t feel like a bath was too close to being a ‘you’ flavored soup. 
You find a change of clothes for you waiting on his bed, a pair of his sweats and one of his shirts, you brought them to your nose, taking a deep breath. They smelled like downey, the yellow kind your parents used to use, it smelt comforting. You slip on his clothes and feel like you’re getting a hug from him. 
When you make it back to the kitchen you have the shivers again, your wet hair making your back wet. He takes one look at you, arms hugged around your body, and he throws you over his shoulder and takes you right back to his room. He sets you down on the bed and then takes a hold of his hood and pulls his hoodie off, shoving it down over your head. “I’m making you some tea and then you are going to talk to me more if you feel like it okay?” you nod with a small smile as you pop your arms through the sleeves. 
Its been six months, Bakugou has helped you heal through your pain, he got you some things from your apartment and got your key back. He also officially, and with pleasure, told your ex to fuck off, that it was over and to never contact you again, with too many threats to count. He really enjoyed it and wanted to do it for a long time but he’d never tell you that. You cut your ex out of your life, easily letting him go because if you caught him cheating once who knows how long he did it, you were 100% okay with never seeing him again, the hard part was waiting for the feelings to go away, to rid yourself of the habit that was your ex. 
You tried to go back to your apartment after a few weeks, it was fine for the most part, you found a completely new bed in your room courtesy of Bakugou and although he denies it wholeheartedly you know no one else would have done that,... but after a few days you called Bakugou, telling him that it just felt empty and that it didn’t feel like your home anymore, he invited you to move in immediately and you never looked back. 
Your new bed and all the furniture you didn't sell sit proudly in the spacious spare bedroom at Bakugous apartment. He was right, this apartment was way too big for one person.
Bakugou had girls over periodically and you didn’t mind them at first, you even made them breakfast sometimes, on the off chance Bakugou slept late and didn’t kick them out immediately. He’s never liked the morning after, the girls he has dated were just to fill the hole in his soul made by the feelings he has developed for you. He’s trying to find one that makes him feel as electric as you make him feel. 
After a month of random girls you start to notice yourself resenting the girls you hear him with, the way they fake moan in the bedroom, loudly just so you will hear and then they will give you evil stares as they walk out in the morning. You asked Yao-Momo for some advice once, calling her after you hear another loud girl as you went to the kitchen for some ice cream, losing your appetite you left the ice cream on the counter and just left the kitchen (just eyerolling when he tried to give you shit about it) . “just ask him to stop” you sigh “I cant do that. I dont want to cause him any trouble. I just dont know why he has to go for girls like that” you fake throw up and she laughs “y/n do you think you like bakugou?” she asks and you gasp “of course not! He’s my best friend! And hes bakugou! I couldnt possibly…” you pause for a while as you think, were you really discovering feelings for the blasty explosion boy? This was such a rub. She just laughs at you from over the phone “unclench your jaw y/n. Dont be so tense” you realize shes right as you release your teeth, relaxing your face and jaw “you know me so well” you say with a laugh “of course i do. I’m your real best friend. Not some ill tempered boy. If you like him great, tell him and he’ll stop fucking randoms or if you dont like him tell him to stop fucking randoms so loud” you laugh “so wise Yao-momo, me lovely sensei Yao-Momo” she laughs at you before you guys have to hang up, both having work in the morning. 
After the next few days you realized just how in love you were with him, getting more and more annoyed with the girls he brought home, not even noticing that they were showing up less and less, pretty soon the random girls have stopped coming over all together, not that you knew that, you still heard what seemed to be sex noises from his room every once in a while, you just assumed he kicked them out right after, not that he was thinking about you and … you know wink wink  
Another six months later  you’re with him on a mission, the villains just keep coming wave after wave, a quirk controlling their (dead before you even came around) bodies, it was never ending, if you stopped fighting they would kill you and you didn’t know who the villain was or where they were. You had your agencies looking for them and until then you had to fight, to keep these bodies occupied so they didn't bring chaos anywhere else. You didn’t talk during the fighting but you both were paying more attention to making sure that the other was fine that you ended up just fighting the villains going after each other. When you get home, battered, bruised, and covered in sweat and blood and many tears, you each take turns showering in his amazing shower, you couldn't use a normal shower for your sore muscles. 
You made a meal for you both quietly as he showered, too tired to speak or do more than was required, when he came to find you he almost cried with relief at your home cooked meal, he was starving. You ate together in silence, both reflecting on the battle, both reliving every moment where you almost lost the other, where you almost lost the fight, feeling more and more anxious the more you thought about it. What would you have done without him? You didnt want to lose him and regret never telling him, but you know you are way to exhausted to speak. 
You stare at each other in the hallway, both wanting to say something, to not leave each other yet. You turn to go and he grabs your hand, pulling you with him into his room before climbing in bed and pulling you along with him down into his soft comfortable bed, he pulls you to his chest and you feel all your stress and anxiety leave your body. He kisses the back of your head “I love you” he whispers into your hair, the only energy he has left. You turn in his arms to look at him and see his eyes blink slowly, he can hardly hold them open anymore. You smile softly “I love you” you whisper back and he sighs, a happy smile on his lips as he lets his eyes close “good” he says and you chuckle, your eyes closing as you lean forward, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before allowing yourself to fall asleep, the feeling of his arm around you and the sound of his soft breaths comforting you.
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sweetiejunie · 4 years
Txt reaction when other members see marks on them that you left. Thought of this really random thing and decided to post it. iM SoRrY.
[Well not rly txt but legal line]
Genre: idk smut(?)/ fluff(?)
It’s been a while since you last saw each other. Your bpyfriend had been on tour for the past few months and you missed each other. I mean, who wouldnt? You missed his touch, his laugh, just him general — and maybe also a particular part of him. Sure, you talked on facetime every other night while he was away but nothing could beat the real thing.
The day he came back you met him at the airport and spent the rest of the day with him. You both knew how busy and hectic he schedule would be once their short break was over, so you wanted to make the most out of it. He invited you stay the night with him and let’s just say things got a bit... intense.
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You both had woken up together, saying your shares of ‘i love you’s to each other.
Deciding you wanted to be decent before running into the others, you hopped into the shower while yeonjun went to the kitchen to get breakfast.
He came out of his room with a tank top in hand. Not realising, he hadn’t even bother to put it on before facing the other boys.
Realising what? Well...
As he made his way around the kitchen, he felt everyone’s eyes on him.
“What? Fine, if it bothers you guys so much ill put on my shirt,” he stated, figuring the stares were form the others pettiness.
After he had put on his tank top, the boys started laughing, confusing him more.
Sensing his confusion, soobin tried to contain his laughter and clued, “hyung, go take a took in the mirror.”
Walking towards the mirror they had in the livingroom (where they hang their clothes) yeonjun glared at the other boys, still unsure of what got them so cracked up in the morning.
He looked in the mirror, and it didnt take long for his eyes to fall on his collar bone and shoulders, where a few red marks were littered.
He couldnt help but smirk. A sense of pride washing over him. As you can tell, he wasn’t afraid to show you off and call you his.
Well, that and also the thought of being able to punish you tonight as well.
“Well you guys surely know what i was up to last night then,” he proudly stated to the others. (This cocky mf-)
One of the boys chimed in, “wait, i just realised. If yeonjun hyung looks like that, what does y/n look like?”
With that everyone would burst out laughing. Everyone but yeonjun, who was now making his way to the bathroom, banging on the door for you to hurry out.
Honestly, he couldn’t wait to see how flustered and embarrassed you would get infront of the other.
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Waking up next to you was one of soobin’s favourite things. He loved seeing your sleeping face, peaceful and snuggled up in his chest.
Slowly getting up, he wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed.
Picking up his tshirt and sweats off the floor, he put them on and made his way to the kitchen.
“Morning hyung, y/n not awake yet?” Taehyun asked.
“Yeah, wanted to make her some breakfast before she does.”
Humming a reply, taehyun gave him a pat on the shoulder before walking away.
However, the moment his hand landed on his shoulders, soobin hissed and winced in pain, which of course didnt go unnoticed by the others.
“You okay hyung?” Taehyun questioned, tone full with concern. By now, everyone was staring at soobin, wondering what was wrong.
“Here, lift your shirt, maybe you got injured,” yeonjun said, walk over from the couch.
Complying, soobin peeled off his shirt. But the moment he did so, he heard snickering from the other members.
“What’s wrong?” Soobin probed.
Taking a picture with his phone, still laughing, yeonjun showed it to soobin, accompanied with, “maybe you shouldn’t go so hard next time.”
Seeing the picture, his shoulder blades were covered with scratch marks. Soobin was embarrassed, but somewhat happy?
“Dont be embarrassed hyung, at least you’re getting some,” beomgyu said, another string of laughter following.
“What are you guys laughing about?” The suddenness of your voice shocking them. You walked out of soobin’s room, dressed in what they figured to be one of his shirts.
Rushing to put his shirt back on, soobin stood still, unsure of what to say.
“Hey y/n, get over here-” yeonjun called out, getting cut off by a panicking soobin.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no,” soobin chanted, running over to you, pulling you back into his room.
Let’s just say it took a lot of convincing to get that little flustered bunny to leave him room again.
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Beomgyu woke up, admiring you sleeping in his arms. He would lay there, simply playing with your hair or carassing your face gently.
Sighing, he realised he had to leave for work soon.
Dragging himself away from you, he looked in the mirror, getting himself ready when he noticed the dark marks on his neck and collar bones.
Mentally he cursed himself, but at the same time he felt strangly proud to see them.
Deciding to put on an oversized hoodie to cover them, he left for the practise room and left you to your slumber.
Halfway through practise, no one noticed and beomgyu had completely forgotten about the marks.
Well, he forgot about them until someone had to point it out.
“Good job guys, take 10,” their instructor complimented.
Grabbing a bottle, beomgyu chugged it, tilting his head back just a bit too far.
“Hyung, what happened to your neck?” Kai innocently asked.
Curious, the other members turned their attention to him as well.
Confused, beomgyu thought about it for a second. And then realisation hit him.
“Oh, nothing,” beomgyu answered, wanting to change the topic as soon as possible.
“No, that’s not nothing,” soobin would state, a smirk on his face as he went to grab the neck line of beomgyus hoodie, pulling it down slightly.
Bursting out in laughter at the sight.
Wrapping his arm around him, soobin said, “well, well, well. Is our beomgyu growing up?” Wiggling his eyebrows at him.
And of course, the other boys got the hint and started laughing as well.
“Hey, at least im getting laid,” beomgyu retorted, shooting a glare at soobin suggestively.
With that, all soobin could reply with was, “shut up.”
Just like that, beomgyus day went on as per normal. But he couldn’t wait to get home and see the look on your face when you realised what you did.
Really random ㅠㅠ was planning to post something else but hated it and decided to start again from scratch
Masterlist • Pt2
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scalproie · 2 years
hot rod....
until I finally rewatch the movie and because you specified hot rod im going with the most fresh in my mind aka cyberverse roddy. Btw did you know that the only reason hot rod was absent from tv shows for so long until recently and was replaced by both bumblebee and smokescreen as the "reckless young bot who is lowkey the successor to optimus prime" character was because hasbro couldnt secure his name for toys. crazy.
favorite thing about them: love love LOVE his voice and his design, his laugh is unbelievably cute and his usual red is sooo good but the black-ish red has a special flavor to it. Love his flamethrower gimmick. His characterization is also very... cool, not a single obnoxious bone in him which you MIGHT expect from characters like him but NO, just a really cool good guy with big brother vibes. That's why he's also a bit more "mature" than you'd expect. Then there's him being a lot of the focus during the most interesting part of the show and having a really compelling arc about being put in a leadership position and how to handle it, and the show handle it really well. I'm always happy when he's on screen.
least favorite thing about them: this is literally not his fault, and this will forever be my grievance, but GOD I wish he was still a major player after the quintesson arc was done. If only cyberverse had been allowed to go on for longer.
brOTP: aw man with bee, they have massive brothers vibes. And they work amazingly well on trios too so you can add cheetor to that list. I also love his relationships with the quintesson squad, if only there were more time dedicated to them and seeing them interact, but special mention to my girl clobber because now that was an unforeseen friendship that they managed to sell in little time, their dynamic was really fun.
OTP: take a wild guess it's with soundwave. Idk I feel Ive made my case enough already. I really felt that one.
nOTP: lol okay I dont. Downright hate anything here, its either not my thing and I'll dont care for it and ignore it. BUT if Im allowed to be mean for a second... because back in the mtmte days I was SO unimpressed with drift and with driftrod... I know it was sad/bad/whatever for comics fan but I really was like [WHEEZE] at that whole situation with drift. cyberverse really was for me I'll miss it so much.
random headcanon: he doesnt NEED to do the cartwheels to transform, we've seen him transform without the cartwheels, but he just really likes doing those. Also, post-finale, I think he would continue on his journey and become as popular a leader optimus was, and be one of the best autobot/decepticon ambassador, and encourage bots and cons cube players to mix to make new city teams. I also think he would listen much more to music, and naturally, supervise soundwave's memorial statue, even buff it every once in a while with the help of willing clones, and laugh at the situation.
unpopular opinion: I know he was never planned at all since the beginning and I know Hot Rod didnt need him and I liked that Hot Rod did his leadership journey without needing the matrix BUT cyberverse Hot Rod was extremely deserving of the matrix and I wouldve liked to see him... Rodimus...
song i associate with them: this is a bit harder to think about for cyberverse Hot Rod but "The Phoenix" by Fall Out Boys, "A Star Is Born" by Cheryl Freeman, and "Interplanetary Spark" from sega sound team
favorite picture of them: there is A LOT but. look at my boy just hanging out :)
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gallickingun · 4 years
hiii im in love with your writing!! and i surprisingly fell hard for that little oneshot of kirishima arriving home and just snuggling SO i thought it was the most adorable thing. i was wondering if you could write another wholesome sweet moment, perhaps during an afterglow or during pregnancy or just another snuggle i dunno jaj sorry if it's not from a prompt list i couldnt find one PLEASE AND THANK YOU YOURE AWESOME BYE
a/n: omg thank you SO MUCH YOU ARE SO SWEET!!!!! i love love love kiri, and i love making him soft. he deserves a sweet lil SO who will love him and hold him tight! here we go!! 💕
ps, you got a pregnancy afterglow!!! hope that made you doubly happy! spicy, so below the cut!!
pps, we have.... daddy kiri here. in BOTH senses of the word. hope that’s cool with you!
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“That okay?” Kiri asks, hands gentle around your waist as he shifts you on the mattress. His fingertips brush the slight swell of your belly, thumb finding your navel as his eyes wash over your full figure.
You nod, biting your lip as you gaze up at him. Really you want to beg him to go faster, your hands in his hair and his name on your lips, but you can’t help to keep yourself quiet when you see the way he’s looking down on you in pure adoration.
Kirishima’s mouth brushes over the highest part of your stomach, dragging his tongue and teeth up your sternum until he connects to the upward curve of your chest. He smirks up at you, “These are nice.”
You giggle, shaking your head as your hands drift into his hair, threading through the bright crimson strands. You tug a little to guide his mouth down to your chest and he takes the hint pretty quickly. He licks over your skin, bringing goosebumps to the surface as the air conditioning hits you from above.
“Gonna start movin’, ‘kay?” Kirishima mutters, teeth catching your nipple. You whine and whimper, trying to force your head to nod up and down. He must understand because he starts rolling his hips forward again, using your gathered slick to slide into you easily.
It’s not hard for him to work you over the edge, not at this point. He’s had you going for a little while now, sweat sticking to your temples and lower back from the effort. The tinge of red on his cheeks reminds you of the amount of effort he puts into loving you.
Kirishima pulls away from your chest with a pop, lips bright red as he meets your mouth in a kiss. One of his hands rests in your hair, the other drifting around your torso, indecisive in his desire to touch your belly or support your back. His tongue presses into the seam of your lips and you part for him willingly, keening into him.
“Shit, sweetheart, you feel good,” Kiri murmurs into your mouth, the stroke of his cock within you turning your head away in pleasure. You whine, jaw dropping to let your panting gasps fall free from your tongue.
Kiri takes advantage of your wanton state, mouth ravaging your throat. The sharp ends of his teeth make quick work of your thin skin, nipping until you’re crying out and then soothing with his tongue and lips afterward. It’s like he lights you on fire only to then calm the flame.
You palm over his back and shoulders, the rippling muscle underneath your fingertips doing little to quell the wetness gathering between your thighs, distributed as he ruts into you. Kirishima has sucked at least three hickeys into the curve of your neck but you have little mind to care. You’re overwhelmed by him; the scent that fills the room, the heat that radiates from his body, the calloused pads of his fingers.
“C’mon, baby girl, tighten up for me.” Kiri’s hand in your hair tightens, yanking at the base of your head. He smirks, that confident persona he puts on once the clothes come off becoming much more evident the longer his cock is in you.
You nod in acknowledgement before focusing as much as you can on clenching yourself around him. Kiri nods, chewing on his lower lip as he loiters above you, thumb traveling down the expanse of your thigh to eventually find your clit.
"Such a good girl," Kirishima kisses the top of your knee, using his thigh to prop you up, "You always come so good for me, yeah? So pretty."
You're a blubbering mess, words unable to form on your lips, catching on your teeth like a net. You push them out anyway because you think Kiri loves to get you flustered; the smirk on his face and the tensing of his shoulders only does more to confirm your suspicions, so you continue.
He twists so he can get your leg over his shoulder, penetrating you at a whole new angle. You cry out at the first thrust but your cheek is pressed into the pillow so it's muffled.
Kirishima chuckles, "You like moanin' for me, baby?"
"Y-Yes, Kir-"
He tuts his tongue against his teeth, mouth scraping over your knee cap, "What was that?"
It's a warning, a promise that there will be repercussions if you don't follow his lead.
You turn, blinking wide eyes up at him in an attempt to have him forgive you, "Yes daddy."
"Good girl."
Your hand wanders around in midair, something you can't see, in search of him to help him ground you, to anchor you to this world before your spirit flies too far away. He slips his knuckles between yours, effectively grounding you. His mouth pressed to each of your fingers, soothing the nonexistent pain of your bones.
"Tell me what you want, pretty girl," Kirishima mutters. You can barely hear him over the mixture of panting and blood pumping in your ears. You let out a wanton cry, eyes screwing shut as he drills into you mercilessly, hips slamming into you, surely leaving bruises.
You gulp, your throat sticky from whining into the open air, "Please, I-I want your come. I want you to come in me!"
He chuckles and the deep baritone sound rolls like a wave, the vibrato of his chest making you shiver. You only wish he were talking in your ear instead of so far away.
"I already gave you a baby, sweetheart, what else do you need my come for?" Kirishima snaps his hips particularly fast and you feel your cervix cry out from within you, a jolt forcing its way up your spine.
You whine once you realize what he's said, tears beginning to pin prick the corners of your eyes, "B-But, I-I wan'it."
He's mocking you, you know it. His tone is too patronizing, the glimmer in his eyes sarcastic. You pout, squeezing his hand, "Please, daddy. Please. Want you to co-come in me."
Kirishima has his thumb circling your clit, hardening the tip of his finger just enough to give you added friction. You grind your hips upward, chasing the high that will have you crying out his name and stuttering for moments after.
His free hand wraps around your neck from behind, pulling you forward so he can kiss you on the mouth, "Such a good girl," the words are mumbled into your lips, muffled and distorted by the skin, "takin' me like the perfect little slut you are, huh?"
You whine into his mouth, palming at his back as you buck along with him, but he's got you producing waves of slick already. Your eyes roll back in your head as he continues fucking you through the crescendo, his own release building and begging in the form of his cock twitching within your dense muscular center.
"Please daddy, please," you know your irises are swallowed by your pupils, eyes blown wide with serotonin. You whimper, sifting your fingers through his hair before digging your nails into the tops of his shoulders, "Wanna make you come, wanna make you feel good, please."
Kiri pushes both of your knees back so he can butterfly you open, your thighs pressing into your chest as he ruts into you sloppily. You can tell by his rhythm that he's nearing the edge of his resolve, his mouth twisted and his nose scrunched at the center.
Your begging for him pushes him over, beckoning a wave of pleasure for him to ride just as steady as he's riding you. Kirishima's hips stutter and his cock twitches from base to tip and you can't help the moan that parts your lips.
After he's come down from the aftershocks, Kiri nuzzles his face into your neck, tugging your legs just enough to help you lay flat on the mattress. He kisses your cheek, "Such a trooper, sweetheart."
"Worth it," you giggle as he blows raspberries against your throat.
His mouth trails, pert blushed lips tickling your body, from your collarbones to your belly. He laughs once he gets to your navel, his voice soft as he speaks, "Not givin' mama a hard time, are ya'?"
Your heart warms at the sight of Kirishima mumbling to your unborn child, his fingertips tracing patterns and names over the stretched skin. He never fails to make you feel beautiful and important, especially not now. Kiri is always telling you how amazing you look, even if it's in a pair of sweatpants and one of his tee shirts.
"You’re so perfect, you know that?” Kiri kisses the top of your belly before pushing himself closer to your face. He’s smiling as he kisses you gently, much in contrast to the past couple of hours you’ve spent between the sheets. He doesn’t mind, though, not right now when your hormones are raging and you want every bit of him that he has to offer.
Kirishima kisses your cheek before pulling away, tugging you close so you can curl up into him, “I don’t know who I had to bribe in another life to get lucky with someone like you, but thank goodness I did it.”
You lay your palms flat against his chest, the muscles of his pectorals flexing under your touch. A smile tugs on the corners of your lips, but overall your body is tired and slow to move. He notices, dipping his head down so he can kiss your forehead and temple.
“You’re gonna be such a good momma,” Kirishima murmurs against your cheek, voice a low rumble in his chest. “I can’t wait to put another baby in you, keep you full all the time, yeah?”
If you were being honest, you’d have as many children as Kiri wants you to have, so long as he’s willing and ready to help you take care of them. And you know he will; Kirishima has been fawning over being a dad since the day you got married a couple of months ago. You’d been together for too long for him not to know with his whole heart that you were to be the mother of his children.
Even so, you scrunch your nose and swat him away, “I’d need a break sometime, you goof.”
“There’s my girl,” he’s peppering kisses over your cheeks now, giggles passed between the two of you at the action, “I can’t wait to meet them. I hope they’re just like you.”
“Kiri,” you whine.
Another bout of laughter escapes his lips, the vibrations in his chest making you feel whole somehow. You never believed any of those sappy romance stories before Kiri; everyone else had played with your heart - toying with it like it was some sort of thing detached from you as a person. He had been the first to throw himself at you and be truly vulnerable, the kindest person you’d ever met.
“What?!” He has you caged into his body now, knees on either side of your waist and elbows by your shoulders. In every sense of the word, you should feel panicked, frightened by the proximity and your inability to escape it. However, the only things flooding through your system are comfort and safety.
Your hands float to meet his cheeks, thumbs brushing over the tops of his cheekbones, “I hope they have your heart. You have such a rare one.”
A blush paints over his cheeks, starting at the neck and making its way skyward. You smile at him, the hormones making a raging comeback as tears fill your vision, “I am such a lucky woman, a lucky wife. You’re going to be a wonderful father.”
Kirishima tucks his face into your neck, careful not to let his hips hover too close to your belly. You feel the wetness of tears on your neck so you drift one hand into his hair, soothing his scalp with your nails. His mouth presses openly to the column of your throat, nudging his nose over your jugular. You smile at the warmth that spreads throughout your body as he curls closer around your, tightening his grip.
“You’re amazing, Kiri,” you murmur into the darkness of the bedroom, “I love you.”
He kisses the juncture of your jaw and neck, “I love you too, sweetheart.”
The next few moments are spent in silence, hands finding different patches of warm skin and mouths touching over bones and muscle. His fingertips roam over your belly, hushed words whispered as he brushes his nose over your rib cage. You are sure to echo the same amount of kindness in return, your nails mapping out the dips of his muscles and your mouth littering kisses over the top of his head, planting seeds of kindness like flowers in a garden.
“Wanna take a shower?” Kiri asks after a particular lull in conversation.
You scrape your fingertips over his back, a shudder running down his shoulders at the motion. A hum from you tells him that you’re in agreement, so he shifts away from you, standing to his full height beside the bed. Kiri holds you by the hand, but you tuck your legs into yourself as a shiver racks your body.
“S’cold, Kiri,” you whine, pouting in hopes that he’ll pick you up like he always does.
The redhead chuckles before tucking his arms underneath your shoulders and knees, plucking you from the bed and cradling your body into his chest. You rest your head on his collarbone, nuzzling your nose into his pectoral, “You’re so warm, honey.”
Kirishima kisses the top of your head, turning his body as he walks through the bathroom doors. He sets you down on the counter, your legs swinging slightly while he starts up the shower. The mirror fogs at the top from the heat and you feel a little dizzy from the sudden amount of steam.
You blink when he comes to stand between your legs, hands brushing over your ribs and down over the growing swell of your belly. He’s smiling, a genuine grin that you can’t help but mimic. Kiri leans forward to kiss you on the mouth, hands palming at you to keep you close. He is slow but deliberate, melding his lips to the shape of yours, gently tugging you toward him.
He hums, disconnecting just enough to press warm kisses from the corner of your mouth to your ear. A sigh from his lips makes you shiver, your hands instinctively threading into his hair. Kirishima kisses the juncture of your jaw before pulling away, “Ready?”
You nod and he helps you down from the counter, holding your hand as you step into the shower. Kirishima is quick to pick up your shampoo from the corner shelf, lathering it in his hands while you dampen your hair. His hands are gentle, smooth, much in contrast to his quirk’s abilities. He slides his fingertips through your hair, building up the bubbles as he works the soap into every inch of your hair.
A gasp parts your lips when you feel him press up against you, his torso completely parallel with yours. Kirishima kisses your shoulder, hands slipping down over your body, settling at your hips. He chuckles, “Relax, angel, you’re so tense.”
Kiri’s hands continue to map out the planes of your body, soap trails in his wake. The water from the shower washes over your body, erasing the evidence of his touch. Kirishima helps you to wash the soap out of your hair, turning your body so you’re facing him now. He dips his head under the water to kiss you on the lips, hands still massaging in your hair to relieve it from shampoo and suds.
“You’re so pretty,” Kiri murmurs against your lips. He tugs you forward, rolling his hips up into you, “God, you’re so beautiful, I’m so glad that you’re mine.”
Your hands find his shoulders and you pull away so you can look up at him, stars in your eyes. Just as always, the truth in his gaze - the reality that he really does love you with his whole heart - turns your insides into hot lava, warmth licking at your ribs the longer you stand in front of him. You smile, leaning into him so your bodies are entangled.
You’re not sure when it happened, when you truly became one. But now, you’re satisfied with the idea that you can’t truly tell where you end and he begins.
And you wouldn’t change a thing.
TAGLIST: @kamehamethot @simplybakugou @lady-bakuhoe @todorki-shoto @redhawtriot @burnedbyshoto @cookies-n-chaos @katsukisprincess @rat-suki @cutesuki--bakugou @k-atsukidayo @bnhatrashh @succulent-momma @voiceofreader @multifandom-fanfic @that-one-enthusiast @bitchtrynafck @cutest-celestial-princess @blue-peach14 @pastel-prynce @bokunokangae @shoutodoki @bakuoushoe @tenyaingenium @lxvely-mha @myherorambles @ramen-rambles @bratwritings @samanthaa-leanne @orokayagi @tumblingintothefeelstrain @sunbeamwrites @bnhawritten @bnhasidebin @lovekatsukibakugo @aizawamirite @plusultrawritings @bnha-violetnote @yuueimagines @suckersuki @heroes-landing @bnha-mha-imagines @heroesreverie @pink-imagines @brattyquirks @kazooli 
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brelione · 4 years
Virginity (TopperXReader)
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27 and 47 for Topper? I love how many requests I got like when I said to send in requests yall really delivered and I appreciate it so much.
Also if someone could please make some more Topper gifs that would be great because I suck at it :)
Warnings:Smut if you couldnt tell by the title.
You and Topper’s relationship had officially started around three months ago.You knew that he had been with a handful of girls before you and had even lost his virginity in freshman year.You,on the other hand,couldnt relate.He had tried a couple of things before,like pulling up your shirt or when a makeout session got intense he’d go to unbutton your pants but you had always made up an excuse.
Now he had you pinned against the wall,his lips moving down your neck and his teeth nipping at your skin every couple of moments.Your parents had gone to the mainland for a vacation,you didnt know what from exactly but it didnt really matter.His hands trailed down,going to pull off your t shirt.He felt you stiffen,making him pull away and look up at you.
 “Are you just not into me?Cause I keep trying to make a move and you just dont seem happy.”He sighed,standing up straight.You bit down on your lip,trying to figure out what to tell him. “Um..im a virgin.”You mumbled.His eyebrows knit together,his lips falling into a frown. “What?Say it again,please.”He requested.You sighed,looking up at him. “Im a virgin,Topper.”You expected him to laugh but instead he nodded. “You couldve just told me.”He mumbled,feeling like you didnt trust him.You shrugged,not really knowing what to say. 
“So are you uncomfortable right now?Do you want to just rain check it for another time?”He asked,his hand rubbing your side lightly.You bit the inside of your cheek,beaming up at him. “Its not that im uncomfortable,I just dont know what im doing.”You admitted.He nodded,leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Thats okay,I know what im doing.And I know that there is no way that you’re having your first time against a wall.”He took your hand,bringing you up to your bedroom.
He grabbed a towel from your bathroom,putting it down on the bed. “If you want me to stop,just tell me.Understand?”He asked.You just nodded,too nervous to say anything. “We dont have to do it,you know.”He said upon realizing just how nervous you were. “I want too...just nervous.”You answered.He placed a light peck on your lips,then your nose and forehead. “Its me,baby.You know I wouldnt hurt you.”He sent you a reassuring grin,kissing your neck lightly.
 “Try not to be so tense,okay?If you’re tense it’ll hurt and neither of us want that.”He spoke softly,moving his hands down to the bottom of your shirt and pulling it over your head.He lifted your head up by your chin,kissing you again. “I love you.”He grinned.You grinned. “I love you too.”You answered.He placed light kisses down your chest,leaving small hickeys.
His hands went under you,unclipping your bra.You bit your lip as his latched onto one of your nipples,sucking gently. “You okay?”He asked.
You nodded,urging him to keep going.He kissed your collarbone,leaving a rather dark hickey on the skin.His fingers unbuttoned your pants,pulling them down and tossing them over the side of the bed.He didnt fail to notice your thighs squeeze together,making him grin. “You know,its not really gonna work if you close your legs.”He chuckled.You apologized quietly,letting him pull down your underwear and spread your legs.
He ran a finger past your folds,smiling at how wet you were becoming.He pressed a kiss to your clit,testing the waters.He licked softly at your core,listening to you moan quietly.He put a finger in you,moving it in and out slowly so you could get used to the feeling before adding another.Your moans acted like fuel,making him move faster.Your face twisted in slight discomfort when he added a third.
 “I know,I know but I gotta stretch you out so I wont hurt you.”He spoke softly,kissing your stomach lightly.The discomfort went away as your wetness coated his fingers,making it easier for him to move.He couldve listened to your moans as he fingered you for hours,letting you cum all over them.He pulled them out after a while though,pretty sure that you wouldnt be able to handle two orgasms.You whined at the loss of contact,making a smile spread across his handsome face.He pulled down his pants along with his boxers,letting you stare for a few moments. “Its okay to back out now,you know.”He reminded you. “You’re going to puncture my kidney with that thing.”You mumbled.
He let out a low,chuckled shaking his head. “It’ll be fine.”He answered.He grabbed a condom that he kept in his pocket,sliding it on. “Ready?”He asked.You let out a shaky sigh,nodding.He slowly began to slide in,stopping when he saw your eyes clench shut,holding your breath.He leaned down so you could touch him,your fingernails digging into his back. “Hey,hey,I know it hurts but you gotta relax.”He spoke softly.You bit down hard on your lip,holding him tighter.
 “It hurts.”You whispered.He nodded,kissing your forehead. “Do you want me to stop?”He asked.You shook your head,telling him that you needed a minute.He nodded,his fingers grazing over your temple and cheek bone,trying to ease the pain. “You can move.”You whispered.He slowly inched in,not wanting to give you too much at once.He’d pause everytime he moved,letting you adjust.Once he was fully in he waited for you to tell him you were okay,hovering over you and letting you run your fingers through his hair.
 “You okay?”He asked.You nodded,letting him know that he could move.He started with a slow pace,watching as your face changed from being in discomfort to pleasure,quiet moan spilling from your lips.He sped up a bit,not going too hard on you.Your hands went to his hair,pulling at the blonde strands lightly. “You good?”He asked.You nodded,he eventually got to a hellish pace,your nails leaving red scratched on his back and his teeth leaving small marks along yout neck.
“Topper-Topper I think im gonna cum.”Your grip on him tightened.You had read enough about sexual education due to the american school system failing you that you knew what the feeling within you meant.Though it was rare for a girl to get that feeling when with a guy.He kissed your forehead as you climaxed,the fluids leaking out of you and onto the towel.
He slowly pulled out of you,not wanting you to get overwhelmed by all the feelings.He disposed of the condom,pulling on his boxers and going into your dresser to get you a new shirt and some more comfortable underwear,smiling down at you. “So?How was it?”He asked,sliding the underwear up your legs due to you still being in a tired,amazed state. “Fucking insane.”You smiled,slowly sitting up.
You felt a bit sore but nothing too bad,taking the shirt from him.He laid down next to you,letting you rest on his chest. “How bad did it hurt?”He asked.You sighed,tightening your grip on his torso. “It was pretty bad at first but then it didnt hurt anymore.”You answered,pressing a light kiss to his collarbone.He nodded,rubbing your back. “Are you sore?”He asked.You shrugged,closing your eyes tiredly. “Do you want a heating pad or icepack?”He asked.You grumbled,resting your head in the crook of his neck. “I want cuddles.”You answered.
@outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey
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