#because when I was at pride I got a free mom hug and it made me break
cheesecake-beech · 2 years
Okay, hear me out.... there a thing called Deep Pressure therapy (also known as Deep Touch Pressure therapy), and it's been shown to help with anxiety. Imagine if DPT helps Jean's anxiety, so when he starts getting really anxious, he gets Sven to hug him cause he gives really tight hugs and it helps calm him down.
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Random Ted Lasso headcanons because…why not:
Roy is an absolutely PHENOMENAL cook
On the other hand, Isaac can’t cook for shit like my guy burns water EXCEPT for breakfast foods. Isaac makes the best pancakes, waffles, French toast, etc.
Ted and Higgins both go to pride every year and wear a “Free Dad Hugs” shirt
When Frozen came out, Phoebe forced Roy to watch it so many times that he could’ve probably quoted it word for word (he took her to see Frozen 2 and ended up running into Trent and his daughter)
Whenever Trent’s daughter plays pretend with him and hands him an imaginary phone, he always comes up with the WILDEST scenarios for their game
One time at team karaoke (which became a pretty regular thing after the Everton F.C. match), Jamie and Colin sang Agony from Into the Woods and Jamie did the choreography (he definitely didn’t learn it because he rewatched the musical so. many. times. because he had a crush on Chris Pine *wink* *wink*)
Ted made the mistake of showing Me Before You at a team movie night one time and the entire team was sobbing by the end
Bumbercatch is the jumpiest mf ever but LOVES horror movies
One of Jamie’s favorite movies is Dead Poets Society and his favorite character was Neil (he was inconsolable when he watched it the first time and Neil died)
Beard knew about Trent’s crush on Ted and teased him about it every time he got flustered around Ted
The only times Roy isn’t the princess when he plays Princess and Dragon with Phoebe is when Jamie plays with her (Roy has SO MANY pictures of Jamie dressed as the princess on his phone and one is his wallpaper)
We all know that Jamie’s bi awakening was Roy and Keeley but Will’s was Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher in the Star Wars movies
Will was raised by a single mom who he loves more than anything (I saw someone else hc this and it makes so much sense)
Bumbercatch LOVES Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime/BU Supernatural and low key religiously listens to a true crime podcast
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pastafossa · 3 months
Re: your dad accompanying you on doctor visits—we stan Papa Pasta in this house 🙌🏼
HE'S THE BEST! He's so big and scary and gruff looking, he has scared the shit out of people for decades, and yet he is also Aggressively Supportive Of His Girls.
Has gone repeatedly to the doctor with me since I got sick at 13, and stood up to every last doctor and teacher that treated me like shit. Standard accompanier on doctor's visits and ER trips
Went toe-to-toe with my Jr. High's principal when she decided to close the library directly after the final bell because us volunteer kids and the librarian were selling snacks to help fund book purchases, and the principal claimed the sold candy would 'encourage bad behavior' somehow. He got the library reopened after arguing with her for two hours that she was forcing kids out of a safe space where they could do homework and read when they had nowhere else to go
When I got sick, he retired (since mom made more) and became the stay-at-home parent, took charge of meals, doctors visits, homework, all of it
Literally argued with other parents when they insinuated he was 'babysitting' his own kids
The cook in the family, including holiday meals, he is very proud of his Christmas/Thanksgiving stuffing (in his defense it is REALLY good)
So supportive of me being childfree that when I got my tubes tied he helped my mom make a cake that said 'YOU SHALL NOT PASS' with a picture of sperm falling into a crack in the cake (a crack that was sliced by a massive Deadpool action figure).
Has joined the Free Dad Hugs squad at Pride
Would bike with me to the library when I was a kid so we could pick books together
Still games with me and sis despite being in his sixties (we're all playing BG3 at present)
Proudly shows off his cat mug to guests - it has a picture of Fig on it, and he tells people Fig is his Bro Cat
Has accidentally irritated other parents by teaching their babies to make funny GRR faces and go BA-BA-BA-BA-BA
Has a growing collection of LGBT+ positive shirts
Will drive my mom to the park and unpack the little electric scooter for her (she has bad knees and can't walk great) so that she can zoom around the park
Has been married to my mom for thirty plus years and still accidentally takes pictures that only show the top of her head with him cause she's like 5'3 and he's 6'2
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peach-and-bugs · 11 months
That is very good, feeling extremely gay is the best.
While I'm here (since I was gonna request this last night/yesterday but I fell asleep), do you have any thoughts/head cannons on Adult!Yellow Jackets (whether you include cannon adult YJ's by themselves or as well as the others that died ((Jackie, Laura Lee etc)) is up to you) as parents/how they are around kids.
Just a thought, since Mama Lottie is the only thing I've been able to think about for weeks and I'm super excited for chapter 2 (no pressure on releasing it of course), and thought this would be cool.
If not don't worry I'll 100% understand if you don't xxx
Oh my gosh, this is absolutely perfect for me, thank you so much for asking me to ramble about the girls as moms/aunts. It's my favorite thing to think about. Some of these will expand upon what I said in my SFW alphabet
Yellowjackets as parents/with kids
tw: food shame/judgment with Jackie religious themes with Laura Lee (all positive endings)
✰ Jackie had a very strict upbringing to me. She was obsessed with being perceived as perfect and model all the time and I can only assume that was instigated by her parents (mostly her mother)
✰ She seems like the type to have kids, but she's always trying to improve upon how she grew up because she knows how that pressure feels and doesn't want that for her kids
✰ For whatever reason, I see her as a girl mom whose last kid is surprisingly a boy and she's thrown for a loop because she's so used to having girls, and having a boy is suddenly so different
✰ but as a girl mom, she tries to be really open for her daughters. She wants them to see her as just a normal person because that's how they'll then look at themselves. She's also that mom on holidays or family gatherings that lets her kids have control over what they eat
✰ I headcanon her mom was one of those almond moms who was always talking about what Jackie was eating or looked like and she's not gonna let that happen to her girls. She wants them to have a positive relationship with food from the start so they don't have to learn it like she did. She's opening up the pumpkin pie at thanksgiving before dinner is served and giving each of her kids a slice and noone can stop her
Laura Lee
✰ Laura Lee is still very involved in her church and faith in her adulthood and I can see her wanting that for her children too, but she makes it very clear that that faith for them doesn't need to be strictly Christianity. I think she'd probably take them to church when they're little, but she'd be really open to letting her kids know if that's not something they want, they can tell her they no longer want to go
✰ I can perfectly envision her as one of those moms at pride with the free mom hugs shirt on and proudly holding up her sign about how god made everyone beautiful as they are. She's also taking in any kid who needs a roof over their head and a hot meal, no questions asked
✰ I see her wanting to fully or partially home-schooling her kids. Can't really explain why, but it feels fitting
✰ We already know a lot of how I look at Lottie as a mom, given my mama!Lottie tag and fic, Bean Sprout, but I'll never skip an opportunity to gush about her more!
✰ she's the epitome of the crunchy granola mom who's taking her kid out to the garden with her, encouraging them to dig in the dirt in their rain boots and overalls to find worms and other bugs and taking them on hikes with the dog. She's got her kid and her dog with her all the time.
✰ She's the kind of mom who wants her kid to try everything at least once, but not in a pushy way. She thinks it extremely important for confidence development that her kid knows that it's ok to try and fail because you can always get right back up again
✰ She's also really good with other people's kids. She likes watching the way kids think and the best way to see and understand that is by getting to know them on their level
✰ Misty's awkward around everyone, and that extends to kids as well, but she's a little better with kids than she is with adults. She babysat back when she was a teenager, so she still knows a thing or two
✰ part of me can see her as a mom while another part of me doesn't. I think had the crash not happened, she'd be more likely to have or adopt a kid of her own, but in the crash timeline that feels far less likely
✰ that or it's a situation where she thought she wanted to be a mom when she was growing up because "that's what everyone wants" but as she gets older she realizes that no, she really doesn't want to be a parent
✰ but I do think she enjoys being around children to some degree due to her babysitting days
✰ So Natalie is an interesting one because my immediate reaction is always no, in no world does she like kids, but then I remember that she's actually pretty chill with kids and we see that when she goes to Kevin's son's soccer game
✰ In no way do I think she'd have a kid of her own, but she can definitely be the favorite aunt, that's for sure. She's gonna teach her friend's kids about the reality of the world, maybe how to get away with some very petty crime (but if they actually do it, she'll be pissed) and she's gonna go and take them to do the things they aren't supposed to, like getting sweets before dinner
✰ I think Shauna prefers younger kids. She's definitely having a hard time with Callie and the teen years, but based on how she talks about Callie when she was younger, she enjoyed the younger days
✰ She seems like one of those moms who had trouble making other mom friends, but it's alright because she's go her little girl keeping her company
✰ I feel like Callie was her little mini-me, which makes her growing up harder
✰ she's definitely one of those moms who kept a baby journal when she was pregnant, writing to her baby nearly every day and she managed to keep it up throughout a good chunk of her childhood. she's planning to give it to Callie when she graduates high school
✰ Tai gives me the vibe that having a kid wasn't something she initially considered when she was making her life plan, but now that she has Sammy she'd never go back
✰ I'm really hoping we get Sammy and Taissa again in season 3 because when she's in a good space and caring for herself she really is a good and caring mother, and it made me sad to lose that completely in season 2
✰ I personally think Samone carried Sammy and Tai stayed by her the whole time, making sure her wife got the best care she possibly could when they were in labor. After he was born and she got to hold him, she got this overwhelming feeling realizing that yeah, she's a mom now and this is her little guy to take care of
✰ she's definitely an only-child mom to me. I don't personally see her wanting another kid. can't really explain why on that one
✰ Very much like Natalie, Van gives off chill aunt or step-parent energy to me. I don't see her having kids of her own, but she's definitely really good with kids. The only way I see her as a mom is if she gets into a relationship with someone who's already got a kid
✰ She'd be willing to babysit her friend's kids as Aunt Van and she loves hosting them at her house for sleepovers. Breakfast is always fun at the Palmer house, and it's guaranteed to be very sugary
✰ I mentioned it before, but I can imagine her hosting summer parties in her backyard and grilling lunch with a bunch of kids running around playing with water balloons and squirt guns
✰ she's definitely got a box or closet full of cool toys for when she has kids visit. She also loves teaching them about the movies she liked growing up and taking them out on all kinds of outings
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zainmalik · 9 months
list of my favorite moments from this weekend
meeting @wecantalktomorrow
meeting the same louies at the airport twice (first when we were leaving for nyc and then after we were coming back home)
flying on a plane for the first time in years
seeing new york from the sky (truly breathtaking)
shake shack as our only eating place (and in my case also sleeping place akajsksksk)
kay and i saying fuck it and taking the subway to times square
the nice lady who helped us get a card to ride the subway
the fact that every time we rode in the subway something insane happened (shoutout to the street dancers)
walking through times square
talking shit about the overpriced new york souvenirs
the nice lady who stopped us to talk about how the neighborhood is always flooded with people + how they get free tickets to shows + giving us said tickets
taking a nap on the sidewalk waiting for security to let us in
the countless “i love my boyfriend” with louis pics shirts
the dad with the “louis tomlinson made me broke” “but it was worth it” shirt
meeting @greeneyesfriedrice
the person who was giving pride flags away
exchanging friendship bracelets (even though i had none to exchange rip)
chugging an entire bottle of water so i could get it in the venue (it was massive)
meeting new people inside the venue
listening to giant rocks outside while in line for the merch stands
the hot dog which along with the water bottle, the migraine pills and the nice wind saved me from fainting
shoutout to the nice lady who served me the hot dog, she was so helpful
shouting “NO” at the top of my lungs while louis sang “so cmon call me liar”
THE VIBES???? everyone was so loud and dancing and having fun
louis, bless his sappy heart, thanking the crew and the opening acts, telling us he loves us
LOSING IT when louis got on stage shirtless
singing we are the champions with everyone around
the mom and daughter sitting beside me who told me i went hard throughout the entire show
speaking of that the girls in front of me who would look at me whenever i screamed aksjsksks sorry but i’m actually not
how all of us went directly to the gates and even though they kept telling us he wasn’t there anymore we stood there
i got lost momentarily but it led to ME SEEING LOUIS LEAVE AND SEEING HIM UP CLOSE
shoutout to my mom who i called after seeing louis up close in tears crying and screaming and hyperventilating and she was so happy for me aksjsksksksksm
meeting @pop-punklouis @nauticallyrics and many more at shake shack
keeping the vibes going and trying to find a bar
the first uber driver, god bless him
this is a safe space
accidentally finding the bar while we were supposed to going to another one
how the vibes got even more intense from there
scaring the other customers away akajskskskdn
the staff who were so nice
the vibes truly never stopped
leaving the bar at 2am
exchanging our favorite moments and hugs after we all had to part
getting on the wrong subway and just saying fuck it let’s get an uber
sleeping in the airport (painful but worth it)
the staff on the plane who were also nice and fun
the drive home, featuring trying to sing at the top of our lungs (but i i couldn’t because my voice was slightly gone)
realizing how amazing and incredibly this whole weekend was. i miss everyone and i can’t wait to see you all and louis again 💜
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Okay, I am so sorry for bothering you, but I am reading “Of Capture Weapons And Lightning Bolts,” again for the 3rd time and just had a thought when I was reading the part right before the Yule Ball starts.
Shouta and Hizashi take Harry to Pride, along with the rest of the group. They go as civilians, so they don’t have to deal with fans/press as much. The Weasley’s are so amazed at everything, but they are definitely having a good time. Hizashi does Harry’s makeup, and Shouta and Hizashi get Harry a flag almost as big as him. Victor and Fleur also come.
I don’t know, I just think this is so sweet. Anyway, I hope that you have a decent day.
YES. just so much yes. (Ngl I thought about this the other day and was screaming because it’s so cute)
The Weasleys are Thrilled okay? Like Arthur is on some Twitter for Dads At Pride and has a gaggle of young adults/teens following him for the day because he gives off Kind Dad Energy. He doesn’t learn much about all the wonderful muggle things he’s seeing but he learns about queer history and each of their names and the pieces of their stories they are willing to share. He tells them he is proud of them and more than one of them cries. He cries. Everything is good. Molly is giving out mom hugs left and right to the people who ask and kind advise to others. She tells someone the best deals to look for if they’re trying to make food on the cheap, stops to help someone else mend a hole in their outfit with a travel sewing kit she takes with her every time she goes in the muggle world because it never hurts to be prepared, and gives so many cheek squishes and head pats that she loses count.
But the kids. The kids. Charlie finally learns that there’s a word for how he feels, and that there’s a whole community of people that won’t tell him he just hasn’t met the right person yet or that he’s just shy and he just really needs to put himself out there. He ends up with an ace flag wrapped around his shoulders and the biggest smile any of them have ever seen on his face. Bill for his part has always known he’s bi even if he didn’t know the exact word for it. He is a hit between the long hair and the earring and he 100% got Hizashi to at least put some eyeliner on him so the man is a knock out. For all the people that stare or work up the courage to ask for his number, he can’t take his eyes off of the girl next to him with her brilliant smile and musical laugh and the pan flag made from hair chalk in her white-blonde hair. He has never seen someone look half as beautiful as she does now. Percy has the smallest rainbow pin on his button up shirt and the Biggest smile on his face. None of his siblings can remember a time he looked so relaxed. He can’t remember a time he felt so free. Fred and George both have the pan flag painted on their cheeks and are having the time of their lives discussing the possibility of a pride specific line for their shop with fireworks in the colors of the flags and all sorts of fun tricks that everyone could laugh at. Ginny and Luna are also matching but it’s with the lesbian flag on their cheeks and their hands holding each others so tightly even the massive crowd can’t split them up. They don’t know yet what the future holds for them but they think that whatever it is it won’t be as scary if they’re together. Ron is living for the food, of course, but seeing his siblings so happy and carefree is so much better. He is Best Ally.
Hermione is there next to Nemuri both of them grinning as they look over the fans and Nemuri promises to teacher her how to fight with one (a hero needs more than one weapon after all. Can’t be a one trick pony). Viktor and Alek are covered in flags and Viktor is soaking up the chance to be completely anonymous. No one asking for autographs, just quality time with his friends and the man of his dreams. Lee is tagging along with Fed and George, all laughs with the third most extravagant makeup of their little group because besides Harry he was the only one who would sit still long enough for a full look. Tenya is with Percy hanging off the man’s every word decked out in his own ace flag and killer makeup.
And Harry. Sweet Harry. He goes between hanging back with his parents to running around with his friends looking at all the cool stalls. He’s covered nearly head to toe in rainbows because Hizashi got excited but Harry makes sure he has a trans and nonbinary pin somewhere on him to rep his parents. His makeup is Immaculate and it damn well should be after the amount of time Hizashi spent perfecting it. Tensei is still pouting because Harry helped pin him down to get his own makeup done and then sat like a rock after Tensei complained the whole time he got a little bit of eyeliner. For the first time he feels like he can breathe without worrying what the Magical world or the Dursleys would think of him. He’s able to just be a teenager having the time of his life with his family. He meets a girl with spiral pigtails and the brightest grin that treats him like an old friend. He meets another girl, younger this time more Tenya’s age, with pink skin and black eyes with the aro flag on her cheek. He meets a boy with black hair and sharp teeth with a trans flag wrapped around his shoulders who calls his makeup manly. He meets so many wonderful people and the same people he has loved and love him and for a moment he can pretend that everything is going to be okay.
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orangetreeismyname · 2 years
Here is a preview of the wattpad stories I have made. Feel free to search it on wattpad. Avengers: A New Era
As kate opened the doors to her so called "home", guilt began to wash over her. She knew her mother deserved recognition for her actions, but deep down, kate felt alone. From now on there would be no more sweet hugs, no more invites when she was lonely, and most importantly, no mother. Kate was alone.
She had to admit though, the week at the Barton's was definitely relieveing. Clint's kids were amazing. Cooper wanted to play video games with her and play football. Lila practices archery with Kate. She definitely enjoyed learning the flick trick, and later on used it to hit Cooper in the back of the head. 'Nathaniel is sweet' Kate thought. He loved Kate from the moment he saw her and wanted to play every minute she was there. Laura was very welcoming. She treated Kate like her own. Kate smiled. It felt good to have someone love her.
She took a deep breathe and began walking into the corridor that led to the kitchen. She really needed some of those alcohol slushies to take her mind of things. The memory of clint and her came back to her head, and she couldn't resist a smile forming at her cheeks. She reached the kitchen and pulled out the vodka. She turned but paused. The hot sauce bottle was sitting where the blond haired assasin left it. She stood there for a good five minutes before going back to her slushy making.
As much as she hates to admit it, she found the woman interesting. She admired how much self confidence she had in her self. How she could just brush off she broke into someone's apartment. Kate would be running as soon a creak was heard. Then and again, she wasn't a trained killer." A trained killer" Kate repeated out loud. Why would anyone want to kill for fun? She shook her head. At least she didn't kill Clint. She wondered what he did to convince her. She looked down from her train of thought to see she had spilled vodka on the bench.
"Shit" she mumbled. She left all her things on the bench and walked up to her room. As soon as she got to her bed to flopped down and sighed. She was bored. Lucky was staying at the Barton's for a few more days since they got along so well, but now kate was lonely. Who could she call? Clint was probably busy right now and would block her anyway. Greer and Dee had abandoned her at the bell tower, so she didn't wanna call them.
Her mom was in jail. Kate shut her eyes at that thought. The thought of her mom, her poor mom behind bars in a orange outfit. Kate sniffled and sat up again. Who else was there? She could call Jack, but kate had to much self pride to apologise to him about what happened. Her phone beeped alerting her to a message. Groaning, she got up. It was a picture from clint of lucky with the kids. She chuckled slightly at the goofy look on their faces. A message followed behind the picture
"How you doing kid?"
Kate took a moment to think about this question. Is she okay? Physically, yes. Mentally? Maybe. But clint would nag if she said no
"Im doing fine. Bit lonely without pizza dog. Seems he has got attached. Traitor."
Kate only now noticed the time. It was 11:43. The exhaustion immediately plummeted on kate.
"That's good to hear. Lucky just likes us better okay? Don't take it personally. Actually it's probably just Nathaniel's crisp fingers that are keeping him here. Its getting late for you. You should probably go to sleep kid."
Kate laid down. She could close her eyes and just fall asleep right away. But she did have to finish this conversation.
"I was thinking the exact same thing. Pretty sure hawks are not nocturnal. Just remember to bring Lucky back next week. And don't let him get coopers chocolate fingers."
Kate at there patiently. Clint could be a slow typer at the worst of times.
"I will kid. Don't worry. Anyway I gotta go because these children are driving me crazy. Almost as annoying as you. Night hawkeye."
Kate was about to message back a insult but decided not to since he called her hawkeye." That is worth more then annoying him" she mumbled. He was right though she should probably sleep. Her eyes flickered shut to the thought of what he said.
"Night hawkeye"
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automatismoateo · 11 months
Just got back from Pride (as a Cis, Hetero male). via /r/atheism
Just got back from Pride (as a Cis, Hetero male).
Today is a day I look forward to all year, and it's still new to me.
Last year, my wife volunteered at Pride to Gove "Free Mom Hugs". I figured, meh, I like doing stuff with her, yea, I'll go. I got finished with my HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts - basically sword fighting with longswords) class and went to join her and my daughter to give free hugs.
Turned out to be one of the best days of my adult life. I gave so many hugs last year, to so many people, some of whom broke down weeping, saying things like "my dad would never hug me, THANK YOU!" One woman stood out in particular last year. She said her father had just passed away, and had never accepted her. She was so heart broken about it, she broke down crying, SOBBING as I hugged her. I held her for about 10 minutes uses as she wept. Just telling her she was okay, that she was strong enough if she chose to be, that I was proud of her, and I'm sure her dad would be too, if he had taken the time to get to know her.
She came and found me today at Pride. As she ran up to me, I recognized her, and yelled "HEY! HOW OOOMPH!" I ooomphed because she ran into my arms, hugging me tightly, crying. After about five minutes of me saying how happy I was to see her, how happy I was she made it, she leaned back, and said something that will stay with me forever.
She said I had saved her life. Her pain was so bad last year she had thought about killing herself, but having me hug her, and show her love, and tell her she was strong enough on her own, and how her dad would be proud of her if he had gotten to k ow her, had given her the strength to struggle through the year. How MY words had been the strength and anchor she needed every time she hit a hurdle this past year. She would hit a hard patch, too much for her to handle, amd she would remember what I said, and push through, seek help when she needed it, and had made it.
I was rhe whole reason she wanted to come to Pride this year, because I saved her life and she was so happy to see me.
Of course I hugged her again, and told her how proud I was of her, how she was breaking - in a good way - my heart and filling it with so much joy I couldn't believe it! She let go of me, and said "I love you, Mike, you are so important! Thank you! I love you!" And hugged me again.
How do you walk away from that unchanged? How can you walk away from that not filled to the brim and overflowing with good? I had another guy a few minutes uses later come over, asked me "why are you doing this, why are YOU here?" Not in a hostile way, he just wanted to know MY motivation, as a Cis, White, Heterosexual male, to come to Pride and show my support.
I pointed over to the protesters not for from us.
"Because of THEM. I have an 8 year old daughter. I don't want her growing up in a world where she feels any sort of fear, or intimidation, to act a certain way, behave a certain way, LOVE a certain way."
I pointed at the woman who I just described mu interaction with.
"Because of HER, and people like her. People rejected by their families, who have no one else, no one who loves them because they believe like THAT (points at the protestors) and can't see past their own bigotry to the wonderful, amazing people they are abandoning."
Then I felt a little patriotic. Pointed at the US Flag flying above the local fountain.
"And because of THAT. 23 years ago, I put on a uniform and swore I would defend our Republic and our people. I ended up crushing my spine doing that. Was medically retired from it. Then I went and did it again, as a civilian. Crushed my spine a SECOND time serving our people. I will NOT shed my blood, sweat and tears, break my body, spend my life, serving our people and NOT support those who need it the most. I fought AGAINST ideology like THAT (pointed at protestors), and almost died doing it, TWICE. I swore to support Freedom, Liberty and Equality, and that means ALL Freedoms, ALL Liberties, and Equality for ALL, not just those some decide "DESERVE" it."
(Yea, sometimes I can get goofy and speechify when I'm motivated)
The guy hugged me, told me he was grateful I was Herr and supporting the community. He said he was joining the Marines soon, and, hearing my words - ME, a simple little retired sailor - were exactly what he needed to hear. His girlfriend hugged me as well, said "thank you!"
I gotta tell you, it's a world of difference, the message between showing love, unconditional love, and the hatred spewed by the other side, hidden behind a sick veneer of "we love you, you just have to change EVERYTHING about yourself. When you love people, just love them, no strings attached, YOU CHANGE THEIR DAMNED WORLD! Their lives light up, their hearts light up! It's such a wonderful thing to see!
And I'm going to ride this high for a while, that's for damned sure!
Happy Pride, everyone!
Submitted June 11, 2023 at 01:34AM by mdw1776 (From Reddit https://ift.tt/Jl7M6uk)
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lily-drake · 3 years
Death was nothing new in Marinette’s life.  In fact it played a large role.  Her friends and city had died a hundred times over.  Her brother.  Her funny, smart, loving, dramatic brother had died at the hands of a mad man.  She didn’t think it was wrong for her to use the horse miraculous to visit her brother's grave.  It was officially five years after all.  He would be 20, he would have loved to plan out her 16th birthday this year.  She sat down and read Pride and Prejudice out loud, only a few tears falling as she glanced at the grave every so often.  She had also brought a bouquet of white lilies, statices, red carnations, and white daisies.  Soft grass laid over the dirt, the sun gleamed above, and sometimes when she would lean against the grave it was almost like she could feel him.
Dark storm clouds began to cloud the sky, and she knew she would have to leave soon, though she didn’t want to.  Dad would be upset if he caught her, though considering how many weeds she had to remove from the grave and how abandoned it looked, she doubted anyone had visited any time soon.  Suddenly the rain began to pour down and it felt like the earth shook.  She felt a great imbalance, but where, and how?  She touched both of her ears and she could feel her miraculous still there, Tikki even poked her head out from her bag with a look of fear.  A shiver ran down Marinette’s spine as rain came pouring down soaking everything in sight.  She looked around, and she kept spinning searching for something, anything that could have caused or been affected by the imbalance.  She waited there for many minutes just waiting, when she felt the dirt beneath her feet begin to shift a little.  She quickly moved away and watched as the dirt slowly moved and shifted.  She felt sick, because the dirt moving was directly where Jason was lying in eternal rest.  This couldn’t be right, this must be some mistake!  Her brother had died, she had seen the body, it haunted her nightmares for so many nights.  He’s been gone for five years!  This can’t be possible without some type of wish.
The grass began to move and shift away, and a fleshy mud covered hand raised from the ground causing a scream to rip from her lungs.  Her body sprung into action before her mind caught up to her beginning to help dig up her brother's grave, and when she saw the jet black hair covered in dirt and mud she knew that it was him.  She heaved him out from the hole and stared in shocked horror as he just sat there staring at her.  His eyes were the same blue she remembered, but they were so clouded.  Fear, confusion, and nothing shown in his eyes, like he wasn’t even truly there.  This must be a dream, it has to be, no, a nightmare.  Her brother shouldn’t be back, he died, she saw his limp body in dad’s hands, even if Alfred and bluebird tried to stop her.  But the imbalance was real, she could tell, and he was affected by it.
Slowly she raised her hand and hesitantly placed a hand on his cheek.  He leaned into her hand, though his eyes were still clouded and void.  He may be alive, but he wasn’t fully…alive.  She tackled her older brother into a hug and began sobbing onto him, but just sat there, head leaning against hers.  Pressing her ear against his chest she could hear his gentle heartbeat, and just for a moment everything seemed like it would be ok.  Then she felt a sharp prick in her neck and the world faded to black.
Marinette awoke to darkness.  She tried to sit up and felt her hands held behind her back being held together by something cold and thick.  Memories flooded back into her mind and she snapped into awareness and looked around.  It was dark, though there was a small light coming from a window far above where she could not ever reach.  The walls seemed to be made of thick stones and there was a heavy iron door a few feet in front of her.  Jason wasn’t there though, he wasn’t in the room, she didn’t understand.  Suddenly the door opened and she looked up and saw her mother’s green eyes.  Her panic grew again, how did she get here, was she captured too?  She had visited her often in Paris.  She was very vague about her job, and she knew it was probably sketchy, but could it be bad enough to be captured?
“Marinette, My Darling.  I apologize for your treatment, I did not realize that you were part of this.”
Talia rushed towards her daughter and unlocked the chains.  She was pulled into a tight hug that Marinette quickly returned.  After a few moments she pulled away but held her shoulders gently.
“I must show you something, come.”
Talia quickly stood and helped her daughter to her feet and walked swiftly through the calls of Nanda Parabat.
“What is mom?”
Talia smiled at that, she had always loved when her daughter called her that.
“It’s a surprise, My Flower.”
A few more twists though hallways and they stopped in front of a thick wooden door.
“I want you to meet someone.”
The door was pushed open and there sat a small baby in a crip with dark black hair, tanned skin, and dark green eyes.  Marinette gasped and covered her mouth,
“Meet your brother, Damian.”
Marinette slowly walked over and stared at Damian through the top of the crib.  He silently watched and studied her without making a sound.
“He’s about 3 months old.”
Talia said, smiling happily as she watched her daughter run her fingers through Damian’s small tresses of hair.  With a snap of her finger one of her shadows stepped next to her.
“Bring Jason.”
And with that order they were gone returning a few minutes later with a boy who was alive physically, but was mentally gone.  She could fix that though, it would be the last resort if all else failed, but she could fix it.  Marinette looked up when she heard Jason’s footsteps and her bright smile fell slightly into a small sad one.
She whispered softly as she took slow steps towards the boy.  She quickly ran and hugged him again.  He no longer smelled like mud and he wasn’t wearing his suit, and he was….he was alive again!  Tears fell down her cheeks, because she missed him so much.
Marinette stayed with her mom in what she learned was Nanda Parabat.  She trained with Jason, but he was catatonic, just going through the motions blankly.  It worried her, especially as she watched her mother grow more anxious.  She cared for her little brother, and wondered if her dad knew, or if he would even care.  She often looked at Paris news for when she needed to go for Akuma attacks, but if her host parents even realized she was gone.  They hadn’t, nor had any of her “friends” apparently as they hadn’t sent her a single thing from the weeks she’s been gone.
Marinette knew that Nada Parabat wasn’t a good place, knew that the people were bad, knew that her grandfather was the head of it.  He didn’t seem to care who she was, he just thought she was some nurse for Damian, and she was thankful for that.  She knew that the Lazarus Pits were here, what they did, how they were made, how her grandfather used them for selfish purposes.  She didn’t do anything though, she was mad at her father for sending her away, mad that he adopted a bee kid only a year after he sent her away, mad that he never talked to her, mad that Dick never fought for her or looked for her, mad that Jason was forced to wake up and climb his way out of his grave only to be practically brain dead, mad that her classmates believed lies over her, mad that her host parents believed them and treated her like dirt or an invisible object meant to seen and not heard, mad that Chat Noir would leave her during battles because she didn’t return his affections, and mad that no one cared that she was gone!  So she trained as hard as she could, made sure that she perfected everything her mother threw at her.  Took care of her family and made sure they knew how thankful she was for them and loved them.  Then when she finally got a text from someone it was insults for being a horrible person and hurting Lila when she hadn’t been there for weeks!
She threw her phone at the wall and the crack echoed around the room.  Her breathing was harsh and ragged and then the tears she had been holding back finally fell.  Sobs wracked her body as she bit her lip to keep silent.  She tried to take in deep shuddering breaths, but it was no use and the sobs came out.  Her knees felt weak and she crumpled to the ground.  The door burst open and she saw her mom there knife in hand looking around the room with swift deadly eyes.  When she didn’t see any visible threats she kneeled in front of her daughter and looked directly into her eyes.  Eyes a storming blue that flooded with tears and made her heart ache and her want to murder whoever made her precious daughter look so broken.
“My Flower, what’s wrong?”
“N-nobody cares ab-about me!  No one cares that I’m g-gone.  Everyb-body hates me, and I’m so tired of it!  I’ll n-never be enough for an-anybody and I’m t-trying so h-hard to do wh-what everyone needs or exp-ects me to be!”
Marinette stuttered out between sobs.  Talia glared at that and felt anger at Bruce.  She thought that he at least checked in with her every once in a while.  She had guessed wrong then.  She pulled her daughter into a hug and let her cry against her shoulder.
“Shh, shh.  It’s okay.  You are perfect the way you are Marinette.  You don’t have to prove anything to me.  You’re such a good sister, you train so hard, and you have so many amazing skills and talents.  You are enough, don’t let anyone say anything different.”
Marinette gripped onto her mom and they both just sat there in silence as Marinette finally just cried.  After who knows how long Marinette gently pushed away and looked her mom directly in the eyes with complete seriousness said,
“I want you to help me fake my death.  If everyone wants to pretend I’m gone or wants me to disappear, then fine.  I will.  I don’t want to be seen anymore.”
Talia stared at her daughter in shock for a moment then gave her a small smile.
“It will be done my dear, you will be free.”
“Thank you mom.”
@queenz-z @aespades @fandomsaremylifeline @stainedglassm @toodaloo-kangaroo @prettylittlebutterflie @trippingovermyfeet @liquid-luck-00 @unoriginalmess @buginetye @miraculouslydumb @laurcad123
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uwuwriting · 3 years
A little early for that w/ Todoroki, Shinsou and Bakugou
Request: hii can i req a hc of todo, shinsou, and bakugou seeing y/n taking care of eri then they’ll be like “i want a baby with you” :D - anonymous
Don’t get me started on the latest BNHA chapter. I just don’t want to talk about it. I’ll try to make a double upload today so maybe expect a song fic after this one Love ya.💖💖💖
masterlist II rules
warnings: fluff
Todoroki Shoto 
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-It was during Eri’s visit during christmas that it hit Todo. 
-You were dressed in a Santa costume just like everyone else with Eri gripping your hand as you took her around the room explaining all about Christmas celebrations. 
-It was a very mundane moment if you think about it. 
-You were being kind and caring to a child who had suffered immensely at the hands of Overhaul and you wanted to show her what the holiday was all about. 
-Now that he thinks of it, it shouldn’t have struck him like it did. 
-His chest became warm and fuzzy, his cheeks heating up a bit as he stared at you and Eri. 
-Then you kneeled down and brought Eri into a hug, raising her into the air so she could place an ornament on the class’s tree and it was game over for him. 
-He prides himself in being a rather collected person but at that moment he lost all sense of control over his emotions. 
-His mouth hung open and his chest started to squeeze, knocking the breath out of him. 
-He couldn’t help the thoughts of the both of  you owning a house somewhere not very far from Tokyo, waking up to you every morning , making breakfast with you and enjoying all the moments you shared. 
-Then other images flooded his mind. 
-Sitting in the living room as you steadied your toddler, a perfect mix of the two of you, helping them waddle towards him. 
-Him helping them place the ornament at the very top of your Christmas tree every time you decorated.
-He could see your smile so vividly he almost thought it was real. 
-It was a ridiculous thought for a 16 year old to have and he knew it but in that moment he let himself imagine it. 
-Before he knew it you were standing next to him, Eri running off to Aizawa excited to share what she just learned about christmas,  arms crossed over your chest as you let out a happy sigh. 
- “My santa work is done for the day.”
- “You would make a great mom” 
- *pikachu meme*
-He sensed your confusion *and so did your dead ancestors*
- “I want to be next to you when that happens.” 
-Girl you got whiplash from this whole conversation. 
-You couldn’t decide if you were soft and giddy since he basically said that he wants to start a family with you or if you were terrified because he said he wants to start A FAMILY WITH YOU WHEN YOU’RE BARELY 16. 
-In his defense he didn’t say he wanted to start now. 
-So you kinda calmed down. 
- “I-um thank you Sho. I think you would make a great father too.”
-Blushy blushy baby after that one. 
-Some denial sprinkled on top because trauma but blushy blushy boy. 
Shinsou Hitoshi
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-Okay now third year Shinsou is a stressed Shinsou. 
-A third year you is a stressed you. 
-And a field day with your now ten year old somewhat trauma free adopted by your homeroom teacher child was what you both needed. 
-Shinsou is like a big brother to Eri at this point. 
-He has babysat her one too many times to not be considered at least a stable figure in her life. 
-You had decided to take a stroll in the park, the autumn air and all the pretty leaves making it a sight to behold. 
-Plus it had a pond with ducks. 
-And you love ducks. 
-Shinsou had brought some bread crumbs so you could feed them and that’s what you were doing when it hit him. 
-That weird domesticity. 
-You were crouched down on Eri’s height, one arm wrapped securely around her small waist so she wouldn’t fall into the pond and the other was outstretched with a piece of bread, motioning to the ducks to approach you. 
-It was a nice scene, picture perfect if you asked him and it did something to his heart strings. 
-Just like Todo he imagined walking home with you after a tiring day at your agency, your hands intertwined, matching golden bands circling your ring fingers. 
-He imagined a little Y/N being next to you and not Eri. 
-Vibrant purple hair sticking out at every which direction as they would throw bread at the ducks maybe even calling him over when one got too close. 
-He was so lost in his own thoughts that he hadn’t noticed you standing in front of him, waving your hand over his eyes so you could get his attention. 
- “Earth to Toshi!” 
-You giggled when he shook his head, his eyes wide as he stared at your smiling features. 
- “Eri is hungry-” “You are hungry Y/N-chan!!!” “- and she wanted to go get some good old onigiri from that new shop that opened down the street.” “Lies…”
-You side-eyed the little girl who outed you, her own eyes staring right back in accusation as you let out a sigh saying under your breath “I’m hungry”
-He couldn’t control his laughter as it bubbled from his lips, ruffling Eri’s hair while giving you a kiss on the lips as he circled his arm around your waist and took Eri’s with his other one. 
- “Can’t say no to my girls now, can I?” 
-It was later that night when he voiced his thoughts. 
-You were asleep in his dorm, laying basically on him with your head tucked in his neck as you breathed evenly. 
- “It’s a little early to think of kids but I can’t wait to have one with you.” 
-And with that he fell asleep his dreams being filled with images of you.
Bakugou Katsuki 
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-You managed to get him to say that???
-Mister tough as balls?
-Mister imma roundhouse kick you if you look at me with affection in your eyes?
-Someone get this girl a medal. 
-But in all seriousness it was a very motherly move. 
-You were in your second year, the events of the war with the villains still haunting all of you so everyone was keeping an eye on their loved ones and their classmates. 
-Bakugou was no exception .
-Seeing people getting hurt severely, seeing himself so defeated and hurt during those battles had rattled him and he would always linger close to you, a slight paranoia having taken his place in his heart the past few months. 
-You understood why he did it, why he hovered next to you most of the time and if you were being honest it didn’t really bother you * except from that one time you went to the bathroom and he called you three times in a row bc he couldn’t see you and panicked*
-Eri was running around with Kaminari and Sero, the three of them playing tag with the one brain cell they all shared at the moment. 
-Suddenly, Eri tripped and fell, scraping her knee on the pavement, small tears forming in her eyes but she didn’t let them fall. 
-In a flash you were next to her, a hand massaging her knee around the area of the wound while the other one was cupping her cheek, your thumb making small circles on the girl’s cheekbones. 
- “It’s just a scratch. See? It’s not that bad.”
-Bakugou was just staring at the scene unfolding in front of him, his immediate thoughts being that you looked so motherly in that moment. 
-The concern and the reassurance reminded him of his mother when she would calm him down after he got hurt, before she became a pain in the ass *as he likes to say*.
-Without him even realizing it he made a mental image of your shared family. 
-A house in the outskirts, with a yard, maybe a dog running around. 
-But most importantly a little demon that looked like you, climbing onto your shared bed on his day off, nestling in between you two as it went back asleep.
-You making breakfast while having them in your arms. 
-He really wished he could see that now. 
-But he’s a little young and you wouldn’t really like having a baby before finishing high school sooo he kinda buried it. 
-He told you about it when you both were in his dorm getting ready for a movie night. 
-It was a more aggressive approach but you got the point of his little rant. 
- “I want to spend my life with you too Katsu.” 
- “OI!”
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez​ @storage11037​ @wolfkid22​ @letscheereachotheron​ @ezoyscorner​ @luluwiie​ @threeamwriting​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​
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emeren · 3 years
birthday boy - eren jaeger
shameless birthday fluff for the boy who deserves a happy ending and a happy birthday 
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pairing: eren jaeger x fem!reader 
word count: 2.1k 
content warnings: absolutely none, 100% fluff!
notes: i’m emerging from my request writing hole to post this lil one shot for my love’s birthday. i did not read over this so there may be errors or whatnot, but enjoy!
SUMMARY: reader shows eren what it means to have a good birthday.
eren had never been one for birthdays. 
he’d tried, he’d really tried to love them just as much as everyone else did. he could vividly remember all of the kids in his class bringing in donuts and ice cream and handing out little handmade invitations - invitations he never received. 
after two or three failed birthday parties thrown by carla - birthday parties that only armin and mikasa showed up to - eren had stopped trying. he insisted that he hated march 30th and that it was the worst day of the year. his mom always made a big deal out of it anyway, insisting on taking the three kids out for ice cream and a movie in celebration. 
eren would’ve never admitted it, as his pride was too strong, but he liked the small celebration his mom would throw. just him and his two best friends, building blanket forts and being allowed to watch one PG-13 movie for the special occasion. 
he remembered his tenth birthday being the last one that he even bothered acknowledging. that was the last birthday with his mom, the last birthday that didn’t go forgotten on grisha’s busy schedule. that was the last birthday that he went for ice cream and got to watch a PG-13 movie. 
as he got older, birthdays became less of a big deal to his peers. they weren’t large scale, festive events, but rather small group hangouts that involved getting drunk in a field. some sad, petty part of eren enjoyed watching everyone’s special day become exactly like his had always been: just another of 365. 
he didn’t remember telling you what day he was born. in fact, he was sure he hadn’t told you. it’d been a conversation topic he’d narrowly avoided in the past; lucky enough to have met you around april in order to skip over the awkward ‘oh, it’s my birthday’ chat. 
so he was confused. 
he was confused when he pulled his apartment door open, only to be met with your figure holding a carefully wrapped gift. hell, even eren didn’t realize that it was his birthday. he’d stood there in the doorway, gawking at you with a half-asleep look in his eyes. 
“what’s that for?” he’d asked incredulously, pointing at the gift. you laughed, the sound music to his ears as you slipped into his apartment. 
“happy birthday!” you squealed, setting it down and wrapping your arms around his slim figure. eren frowned for a moment, mind counting through the days of the calendar until they landed on march 30th. oh, i guess it is my birthday.
he hugged you back, eyes still warily focused on the gift. “who told you?” he’d questioned. 
you smiled up at him, placing a light kiss on his cheek. “i have my ways.” 
eren didn’t know what emotion it was that burned in his chest at your soft grin. he desperately wished for it to be annoyance, but it wasn’t, so he resorted to feigning it instead. 
“i’d rather we didn’t make a big deal about it,” he grumbled, slipping from your arms and walking towards his kitchen. he didn’t see the way you rolled your eyes or the way you mocked his voice, only turning around to see you approaching him with a bag he hadn’t previously noticed. 
“that’s alright, i was just going to make you some breakfast, if that’s okay?” eren normally would’ve protested any other special treatment on his birthday, but it wasn’t very unusual for you to cook him a meal. eren had a big stomach, and absolutely no skills in the kitchen. he resorted to shrugging, not wanting to show you the way your suggestion made his heart skip. 
and so he watched you. he watched you flit around the kitchen and make him his favorite breakfast (waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, extra side of bacon). your movements were so mesmerizing he’d nearly forgotten about this rotten day, the day that his younger self had declared the worst of the 365. 
“here, shithead. enjoy your meal,” you hummed playfully, sliding the plateful of food in his direction. eren flipped you off, too hungry to pick a fight as he dove into his meal. 
he tried to ignore the feeling of you staring as he scarfed down his waffle. he’d hoped you wouldn’t say anything else about his birthday. “do you wanna open your gift after we’re done eating?” you’d asked. 
eren paused his feast to look up at you, your eyes focused on your own plate as you waited for a response. he was apprehensive, but decided to take the bait nonetheless. “uh, sure.” 
eren could remember the best gift he’d ever gotten. it had been a handmade terrarium from armin and mikasa for his eighth birthday. they’d gone out in the woods behind their houses and rifled through the bushes and weeds to put together a jar filled with all sorts of creatures and plants. eren’s favorite had been the spider - whom he’d lovingly named peter - as he would catch flies and other small insects to feed to him. he’d been so excited about their cheaply made gift that nothing had ever come close to topping it (not that he ever got much in the ways of gifts, anyway).
as you sat him down on the couch, carefully placing an oblong box in his lap, he was unsure. he loved you, no doubt, but he didn’t know what on earth you could’ve gotten him. 
his previous confusion only grew when he opened the box to find a bundle of wildflowers. they were a mix of baby hues, soft and simple. he looked to you, brow raised in question. 
“flowers?” he’d asked, mind pondering all the possibilities. you laughed lightly in response, standing from your seat next to him. 
“c’mon,” you gestured for him, eyes scanning his bare chest. “go put a shirt on and come with me.” 
eren sighed, standing himself as he set the flowers on the couch. “listen. i love you, i really do. but i would just rather we don’t make a big deal out of today, alright?” 
he watched you roll your eyes, watched you fold your arms over your chest.
“i’m not making a big deal out of today,” you’d responded, a hint of annoyance in your voice. “just go put a shirt on. it’ll just be the two of us.” 
eren talked a lot of game regarding his self-proclaimed willpower, but he would never understand how easily he caved to you. thirty minutes later, he was sitting in the passenger seat of your car, eyes mindlessly gazing out the window with the bundle of flowers in his lap. 
you were playing his favorite music, humming along as your fingers tapped against the steering wheel. he’d just stared at you, admiring your beauty as you turned up a desolate road that he’d been too focused on you to recognize.
it wasn’t until the car stopped; surrounded by newly blooming flowers and freshly greening trees, did he piece together where he was.
“mom?” he’d breathed, eyes glancing out the window. you just smiled in response, unbuckling your seatbelt and getting out of the car. eren looked down at the bundle of flowers in his lap, wildflowers, his mom’s favorite. 
in that moment he felt like crying. sure, he’d cried on his birthday before, but this was different. it was a cry of appreciation, one that burned in his chest as you impatiently pulled his door open. he was quick to blink the tears away, putting up a front as he got out himself. 
his mom’s cemetery was atop a hill, located away from the city amongst the trees and wildlife. he remembered picking it for her because of how freeing it felt - it was more of a place for remembrance that mourning. he knew that was what his mom would’ve wanted. 
eren showed his appreciation by wrapping your hand in his, intertwining your fingers as the two of you approached his mom’s headstone. 
“what made you think of this?” he’d asked quietly, setting the bundle of flowers right beneath her name carved within the granite stone. he remained kneeled in front of it; long fingers coming up to trace the words. he’d been surprised by your answer. 
“i know you hate your birthday,” you’d started, watching the moment in front of you. “and i know your mom was the only person that ever tried to make you enjoy it. i hope it wasn’t insensitive of me to bring you here? i just thought maybe you’d want to spend the day here with her.” 
and there it was again: that burning within his chest. he pulled his fingers back from the cold stone, relieved you couldn’t see the mix of emotions on his face. it was on the contrary. he’d never had someone think of him this way, think of what he truly wanted to do. he smiled as he stood to face you. 
“thank you.” he’d said sincerely, wrapping his arms around you and kissing the crown of your head.
the two of you sat for hours, hands wrapped together as eren told stories about his mom and talked to her gravestone as if she were really there, too. he talked about his tenth birthday; how his mom had rented some barely scary movie, but how armin couldn’t sleep for weeks following their watch. he talked about the time mikasa had beaten up one of the popular kids for only excluding eren from his birthday party. before he knew it, he was wrapped up in stories upon stories. 
all too fast, the sun began to dip past the horizon. the two of you stood from the grass, pants slightly damp with mud but neither of you cared. eren leaned down, pressing his lips to the stone as a parting goodbye - something he’d started doing as a kid. 
as you drove away, eren felt content with how the day had gone. he watched the sunset from the window, face flushed and a small smile on his lips. he enjoyed the sweet moment, but couldn’t help the perverted thought that crossed his mind. he’d never had birthday sex before, and oh boy was he excited to try. 
the car stopped outside of his apartment, the two of you walking up to the door hand in hand. he grabbed his keys, about to unlock the handle when you stopped him. 
he loved when you looked at him like that. when your eyes were big and doe-like, filled with a mix of adoration and excitement. your hands carefully wrapped around his jaw, pulling his lips down to meet yours in a tender, warm kiss. 
he could feel his heart clench at the action, pulling away with a smile on his face. “what was that for?” 
“i just love you, ‘s’all.” you hummed in response, motioning for him to open the door. eren hated that you could make him blush, looking away with a playful roll of his eyes. 
he wasn’t expecting what waited for him behind the door. 
with the flick of the light switch, all of his friends popped up from around the apartment, yelling ‘surprise!’. his eyes widened in shock, a large banner that read off ‘happy birthday eren!’, but the words were all scrunched together at the end, the banner not large enough. 
“connie made that!” armin explained hurriedly, as if noticing the way eren’s eyes traced over the decoration. eren couldn’t help the burning in his chest as he looked at all of his closest friends. 
sasha, connie, jean, mikasa, armin, you. you, who had clearly planned this all. eren wasn’t ever very sappy, at least not since he was in high school. but the burning in his chest had become too much to bear, overwhelmed by all of the decorations and confetti, and thoughtfulness. 
he looked at you, tears in his eyes. he’d never had a big party before. he’d always wanted one, and here it was. “thank you.” 
“goddammit, this is what you get for taking him to the cemetery before his surprise party!” jean yelled, pointing at his friend. “i don’t think i’ve seen you cry since you were an annoying ass teenager!” 
“oh, shut the fuck up,” eren replied lightheartedly, embracing each of his friends. he wasn’t even embarrassed to cry. it’d been so long since he’d felt so loved. 
and so you all sat, eating ice cream and watching a horror movie. eren was in the middle, you curled up on his one side and armin on the other. as all of his friends enjoyed his birthday, squealing at the unnecessary gore, he couldn’t help but smile. 
maybe march 30th wasn’t the worst day, afterall.
<3 <3 <3 
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mileseywilesey · 2 years
Okay so I just watched Sing 2 and now you guys get my headcanons for the characters.
Johnny - He/They, Bisexual, came out to his dad before the first movie and his dad thought it was a joke (all the more reason he's so keen on making his dad proud in the first movie)
Ash - Any pronouns, genderfluid, lesbian. Thought she was bi, after breaking up with Lance she discovered maybe she wasn't attracted to men at all .
Meena - They/She, Cottagecore Pansexual. Hasn't come out to her parents because of her anxiety (they are allies tho).
Gunter - Will tell you he/him but doesn't actually care. He's giving spongebob so Homoromantic Asexual. Also maybe trans man.
Mr. Moon - Asexual, Aromantic spectrum (maybe just aromantic), possibly homoromantic. His life long dream was to open a theatre, he is not a straight man.
Miss Crawly - Lesbian. Y'know those old ones, definetley had some secret girlfriends back in her day.
Rosita - Straight Ally. "Free Mom Hugs" at pride. She has 25 children. No way all of them are straight.
Norman - Straight Ally. Doesn't actually know what's happening. Rosita made him a "Free Dad Hugs" shirt
Johnny's Dad - Raised in a homophobic household, homophobic at first, is learning. Just like the character development he got in the first movie.
Nooshy - Any pronouns, polysexual or omnisexual
Clay Calloway - Those scary bikers that you think are about to hate crime you, but in reality he's an amazing ally, and definetley kissed a few guys back in his prime
Jimmy Crystal - Homophobic, but the manipulative kind. Definetley manipulated Jerry big time
Jerry - Idk but he's fruity that last line where he said "I love you" to Mr. Crystal will not be ignored. Was raised in a broken household and doesn't know how to cope with feelings, met Mr. Crystal in school, fell in love, now he works for him,
Porsche Crystal - She's voiced by Halsey, what more information do you need? Learning to except herself after being raised in a very much mentally abusive household by her very much mentally and sometimes physically absusive father.
Ice Cream Guy - Bisexual, He/They/She (in order of prefrence). Cottagecore.
Lance - Y'know Ash's ex bf from the first movie? This is him. He's like a middle school boy. Is straight and lowkey homophobic but will slap his homies ass.
Becky - That one girl Lance was with. Bicurious, when asked she'll say straight but enjoys kissing girls in her free time. As one does.
Darius - I wanna say straight ally but his theatre obsession tells me straight passing bisexual white man who doesn't have to worry about being hatecrimed. Y'know. Those ones.
If there's anyone else you want me to do (or anything for that matter) let me know
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expectingtofly · 3 years
Painted Nails and Pride
internalized homophobia, john being an a**hole, bisexual dean, found family, happy ending
written for day 7 of @spnprideweek
Music boomed from the park down the street and Dean tried to focus on the newspapers spread out before him, front pages covered with news about a bear attack at a campsite a few miles west. Not actually a bear attack, of course. From the tracks they’d seen when they hiked out there yesterday, Dad's money was on wendigo.
Cheering drew his eyes from the table where he, Sam, and Dad sat outside a restaurant to the people heading down the sidewalk towards the music. Banners on streetlights along the road proclaimed that today marked Roseville's 3rd Annual Pride Parade. His eyes snagged on a group of kids his own age standing on the street corner, hugging and talking excitedly. One boy had painted nails and wore a cropped shirt that exposed his midriff. As he talked with his friends, he looked around, and his eyes met Dean’s. He smiled at him, and Dean ducked his head, face burning.
An announcer’s voice echoed down the street. “Welcome to Pride,” the voice boomed. Dean folded and unfolded the corner of the newspaper, listening to the cheering, rotating the ring on his thumb around and around.
Dad snorted, and Dean glanced up at him. Arms crossed, leaning back in his chair, he watched the proceedings with a scowl on his face. Dean studied the newspapers more intently, underlining words just to look like he was doing something productive. Part of him wanted to go down to the parade, just to see what it was all about, but that was ridiculous. Only affirmed by a derogatory comment Dad made low under his breath about the people in the street.
“Yeah,” Dean agreed verbally, jostling his leg under the table. He glanced sideways at Sam, who was giving Dad a glare. Dean gave him a look that meant, don’t start, but Sam ignored him.
“Don’t say that,” he said, and Dean froze, eyes snapping to their father. Dad pulled his eyes from the street to Sam, giving him a long, steady look.
“What?” he asked after a long moment. “You one of them?”
Sam only held his gaze for a second before it seemed his courage failed. He ducked his head. “No,” he mumbled, kicking at the table leg.
Dad stared at him for another long moment, expressionless, before turning his journal around and dropping it in front of Sam. “Shut up and make yourself useful. Sooner we figure out what’s killing these folks, sooner we can get out of this goddamn town.”
He waved down the waitress for another drink, and Dean glared at Sam, who was absently thumbed through the journal pages. Returning to his own work, he snapped one newspaper closed and opened another, skimmed an article about the victim’s family. The words didn’t really make sense in his head, though, and too soon he found himself watching the people in the street again. The boy who’d smiled at him had disappeared, though, probably watching the parade.
Finding a one-off line in an article about rumors of a strange being haunting the woods, he circled it and handed the newspaper across the table.
“Nice work,” Dad said, taking the paper, but instead of the usual warmth from his praise, Dean only felt sick.
He felt about the same now, standing in Jody’s kitchen—off to the side so he wouldn’t be in the way during the frenzied preparations to attend the Sioux Falls Pride Parade. Music played from Patience’s phone, some song he recognized from Cas constantly turning the radio dial to the pop music station. Sam helped Kaia finish a sign decorated with the lesbian flag, and Eileen signed with Alex who was learning sign language in high school. Claire sat at the table painting Jack’s nails, who wriggled in his seat excitedly.
Catching Dean’s eyes, he held up the hand Claire had finished. “Dean, look!”
Dean forced a smile. “Looks good.”
“Stay still,” Claire ordered, frowning down at Jack’s hand as she painted his pinky.
This was a bad idea, Dean thought. Jody had invited them for the week, mentioning off-hand that Sioux Fall’s pride events were going on, and Dean had pushed aside the mild panic at that comment, told her they’d come visit. He didn’t know he’d be roped into joining everyone at Pride, but here he was, feeling out of place in the corner of the kitchen. Who knew how he’d feel standing at the parade.
“Want me to do yours?” Claire asked, and Dean snapped his attention back to her. She was holding a bottle of nail polish, others lined up next to her on the table, and he froze, realizing what she was suggesting.
His first instinct was to spit out, “I’m not one of those,” but guilt rushed through him for how harsh the words sounded in his head. Defensive words, unnecessary ones because there was no threat here. He didn't mean them anyway.
Swallowing them down, he glanced around the kitchen for rescue. Cas was helping Donna pack water bottles because “It’s gonna be hot out there,” but he must’ve felt Dean’s gaze because he looked over and gave him a reassuring smile. No judgement in his eyes, or Claire's either, for that matter. He had a feeling he wouldn't find any judgement in this kitchen, which should've been a relief, but he had a hard time trusting it.
“Come on, Dean,” Jack said. “We can match!”
You can do this, Dean told himself. It's just Pride, not an Apocalypse.
He tried to smile. “Sure,” he said, going to the table and sitting down, chest tight.
He chose the color blue because it felt less ostentatious than the pinks and lilacs Claire presented to him. Even so, the color looked strikingly bright in the sunlight as he stood along the street marked off for the parade, and he shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Hey,” Cas said, touching his shoulder. Dean tensed, then felt awful for his reaction, but Cas didn’t move away, only rubbed between his shoulder blades until Dean relaxed marginally. “You okay?”
Dean nodded. “Fine,” he managed. Cas gave him a small smile and leaned his head on Dean’s shoulder.
A float passed with people waving and dancing on top, a banner strung across the front declaring, “Protect Trans Kids.” Jack waved a rainbow flag around, cheering along with the crowd. Claire’s arm was wrapped around Kaia’s shoulders, a smile tugging at her mouth despite her attempts to look unbothered by the proceedings. Dean wished he could feel that nonchalant. Instead, he kept looking over his shoulder. He didn’t know exactly what threat he was looking for, but the press of the growing crowds and the heat and noise, the bright colors and waving flags everywhere he looked was making him nauseous.
Turning back to the parade, he met Sam’s eyes. “Never thought we’d both end up here, right?” Sam asked over the noise, attempting levity, and Dean wondered if he remembered sitting outside near a Pride parade, feeling so unsure. There were plenty of other instances to remember, plenty of times John made disparaging comments that Dean either pretended to not hear or agreed with out of a panic that if he wasn’t careful, they might be directed at him next.
“This is fun,” Sam commented, watching the parade, and Dean wished he could agree.
Easy for you to say, he thought. You have a girlfriend, people’ll assume you’re straight. But he felt bad for thinking it. He didn’t want Cas to move away from him—if anything, wanted him closer, wanted his arm around him. But he felt too tense to move.
A crowd of middle-aged people walked in the parade, t-shirts reading variations of MOM HUGS, DAD HUGS, GRANDPA HUGS. Dean watched as people stepped off the sidewalk and hugged the moms and dads, some crying as soon as arms wrapped around them.
Without his permission, he felt his own eyes growing teary and he ducked his head, scraped his heel on the sidewalk.
“Dammit,” Jody said. “Where can I get one of those t-shirts?”
“We gotta do that next year,” Donna decided, and Jack gave her a hug.
“You can hand out hugs without the t-shirt,” he told her, and she grinned.
“You’re right.” Lifting her arms, she announced, “Free hugs over here!” People around them laughed, and someone took her up on the offer, telling her, “You’ve got a lovely family.”
Donna beamed. “Why yes I do.” She pulled Claire into a half-hug that Claire resisted, protesting the whole time. “Come here, Sam,” she said, yanking Sam into a hug that he had to nearly fold himself in half for. Everyone else got their turn, then she turned to Dean, holding out her arms.
Dean stepped into it, wrapping his arms around her. A gentler hug, Donna rubbing his back. Dean sunk into the embrace, the chaos around him subsiding for a moment.
“We’re family now, right?” she asked, pulling away to meet his eyes, and Dean nodded. Smiling at him and patting his arm, she turned back to Jody, wrapping an arm around her.
It felt a little easier to breathe now, his chest not so tight. The crowds around them didn’t seem so threatening, just smiling people with their families like he was with his. Eileen cheered as a float passed with an Irish LGBTQ+ coalition, and Dean smiled, easier now, not forced.
Jody pulled Donna in for a kiss that turned into making out. Claire rolled her eyes. “Ew, guys, Gross.” Kaia elbowed her and Claire’s put-on air of displeasure broke into a grin as she elbowed her back. Cas nudged Dean with a small smile when a float of pink, purple, and blue streamers drove past. For a moment, Dean's chest seized, John's voice ringing in his head, but in all the noise around them, it quickly drowned out.
Pulling his hands from his pockets, he took Cas’ hand. Cas interlaced their fingers immediately, squeezing tightly, then lifted their hands and studied Dean’s nails. Dean had let Jack paint a smiley face on his pinky to match the one on Jack’s thumbs. Staring at them, he thought of a boy at Pride with painted nails, his own fears and wants tightening his chest, but then Cas looked up at him with a smile, and the memory faded into a warm glow.
“I like them,” Cas told him.
“Yeah," Dean said. "Me too.”
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emikadreams · 3 years
May I request a prompt?
Feyre being comforted by Cass and Az when Rhys isn't available or all the bat boys comforting her? Just their fluff?
And maybe Lucien and Rhys bonding because Lucien means so much to Feyre and Rhys making an effort for her?
thank uuu sooo much for sending this in and I hope u enjoy this fluff monster!💕
Also please be kind with me, I haven’t edited this properly, studying for exams iss a bitchhh
Spoiler warning for anyone who hasn’t read acosf...
Uncles Retreat 
Rhys was gone.
Well, he was not home.
Ok fine he was at the Palace of Jewels but Feyre missed him horribly. She had thought it was impossible to miss him with every cell of her body but each new day shows her that her love for Rhys was like time; eternal and sweet. 
Feyre sighed and decided that she wouldn’t get out of bed today, she had meetings to attend herself but after being pregnant her duties had lessened and Rhys made sure that she was stress-free, “Cauldron, I love him so much.” She said to their empty room but she heard a chuckle from the bond. 
Her heart leapt as Rhys stroked talons down her shield and she lowered them instantly to let him in.
“Missing me, darling?”
“Horribly.” Rhys chuckled but she knew that he felt the same for the feelings he pushed back told her more than words could convey.
“I’m afraid that I’ll be stuck here for a couple of more hours darling.” Rhys sighed exasperatedly.
“Ugh fine, but can you bring me some dessert from Rita’s before you come home, I had been dreaming about it and now I’m starving!” She could feel Rhys smile with joy and pride as he said, “Tell our son that his father loves him to the end of the galaxy and back and that he will do anything to keep him and his mother happy.”
Feyre laughed, “He’s already got you wrapped around his finger, hasn’t he?”
“Oh most definitely darling, but I’m not complaining. You and Nyx are my everything.” 
She could feel his promise resonate through her body but the moment was broken when her stomach rumbled and Rhys took that as his cue to bid goodbye, not before telling her to eat well.
“Overbearing mother hen,” Feyre said softly before getting out of bed to find something to eat.
Seeing the house empty she touched her belly and said to her son, “Looks like it’s just you and me, love.”
“Aha! Not so fast high lady!” said Cassian as he breezed into the house through the front door followed by Azriel who looked at her and her belly and smiled unabashedly, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Oh no.” Feyre exclaimed, “I know that look Az, that’s your ‘Cass has something planned but I won’t let him do it alone lest he burns another building’ look.”
Cassian squawked in offence and turned to glare at his brother who simply shrugged at him, “What? She’s not wrong is she, I didn’t come to that trip to the summer court and you managed to burn down an entire building.”
“It was one building for cauldron’s sake, a teeny tiny building.” 
 Feyre laughed seeing them bicker and shook her head but her heart warmed that she was finally a part of a family that cared for each other as if they were all related by blood.
Her eyes burned and her throat tightened with emotion, both the Illyrians were at her side in an instant, turning her this way and that, scanning her entire body before saying in unison,
“What hurts.”
“Do I need to call Madja?”
The former from Azriel and the latter from Cassian. Feyre stuck her tongue out at them before answering, “Nothing, you overbearing uncles. I’m fine. Pregnancy hormones, remember?”
They breathed a sigh of relief before beaming,
 “Uncles. You called us uncles.” Cassian said, love, etched across his face.
“Well. that’s what you are, aren’t you? Might as well get used to it.” 
They laughed and Feyre joined along before asking, “ Why are you here again?”
This time it was Az who replied albeit shyly, “Well, we know Rhys is stuck at meetings so we thought we’ll enjoy some quality time together.”
Feyre squealed with happiness and hugged both Az and Cass or rather squished them together awkwardly.
“ If we knew you were going to be this happy about spending time with us we would’ve kicked Rhys out, a long time ago.” Cassian grinned but frowned as Feyre yelped.
“What’s wrong,” Cassian asked, a promise of death swirling in his eyes at whatever threatened his high lady and her baby.
“I’m fine, he just kicked.” 
“What!” they exclaimed,
“Oh that’s right we didn’t tell you guys, he started kicking a while ago.”
Cassian and Azriel stared, their jaws on the floor before Az cleared his throat and motioned whether he could feel her stomach, Feyre nodded, her face softening.
Az’s fingers were slightly shaking as he placed them gently on her round belly and waited, Nyx kicked with all the strength of an Illariyan almost as if he knew that his uncles were watching.
“Oh wow.” Az’s eyes were silver-lined and his lips were shaking, Cassian paid him no heed as he shoved Az and knelt in front of Feyre to put his hands on her belly.
Nyx replied with the same vigour he had shown Azriel. 
“Hi, nephew! This is your awesome uncle Cassian speaking, I can’t wait for you to get here so that I can have someone as awesome as me to annoy your mom with.”
Feyre giggled and Cass stood up grinning.
“Now what?” Feyre asked, curious.
“Well, we can do whatever you want,” he replied
“Whatever I want.” Feyre grinned devilishly.
Feyre giggled, a plan forming in her head. Cassian paled and tried to back away but Azriel caught his collar.
“You’re not going anywhere, you made your bed now lie in it,” Az said only half-joking.
Rhys was exhausted.
All he wanted to do was cuddle his pregnant mate and go to sleep not before she enjoyed the special dessert that Rita had made for her High lady, Rhys’s heart swelled with pride at how loved Feyre was. Which was what propelled him to get through with all the hour-long meetings but on arriving at the river house, a sense of dread washed over him.
His home was eerily quiet. 
He called Feyre’s name but no reply came, he guessed that she was probably already asleep and decided to go into their room and found to his surprise his brothers sitting on their bed with feyre, all in loose clothing, a huge tray of food on their laps and with face cream and cucumber slices on their faces, their heads were leaned against the bed rest and it seemed as if they were getting facials.
Rhys burst out laughing causing the trio to turn their attention to him, cucumber slices falling out of their eyes and to Rhys’s eternal pleasure Cass and Az opened their mouths to explain but was rudely shushed by Feyre, “You’ll ruin it.” and they immediately shut up
Which caused Rhys to double over with laughter, a hand on the side of his face, they continued staring at him with disinterest.
After a good five minutes of Rhys laughing, he sobered took a steadying breath and said, “Mate, Shadowsinger, General,” nodding towards them he mentioned their names, “ can someone put it on my face too?”  he asked and they all squealed with pleasure.
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artzychic27 · 3 years
In honor of the glorious pride month (Coming up soon), please enjoy these Miraculous Pride Headcanons!
Inspired by this post by @transvoltronhc
You a TERF? Fuck off, beeyatch!
Marinette- The Pan Trans Queen we all Need 🏳️‍⚧️
She/Her- Pansexual/Polyamorous
Every time Marinette inhales, a terf gets punched
Every time Marinette exhales, a trans kid gets a flag
She and Nathaniel supply the face paint
She’s very vocal at pride and gets super violent with protesters
Marinette: *Punching protester while her friends cheer* I don’t wanna see your disgusting face here ever again, you filthy pig! Same goes for the rest of you!
Terfs go to protest, walk away covered in bruises and with a tiny crush on the bluenette
Got into a muscle-flexing contest and won first
Dyed her hair the colors of the pan flag and walks around with a brightly colored, bedazzled trans flag cape
Supplies juice boxes and cookies for the pride kids
She and Marc pass out colorful binders, flower crowns, and starter makeup kits
Drag Queens and Kings LOVE her and are always giving her hugs whenever she walks by / She’s even been commissioned by them to make outfits for their next shows. The audience loved them
Alya- The Badass Pansexual Pirate 🏴‍☠️
She/Her but is not opposed to They/Them
Actually has dressed like a pirate with a sword the colors of her flag. Anarka was so proud
Will punch TERFs with their Pan bestie any day
Ships random people
Leaves many girls swooning as she walks by in her thigh high leather boots
Alya: Sorry ladies, I’m spoken for. *Kisses Nino*
No one dares to flirt with her because she’s out of everyone’s league
One protester made a transphobic comment about Nino, and Alya immediately hit em with a frying Pan
The chaotic aunt of pride
Death drops are flawless!
Hands out phone cases they painted the colors of different pride flags
Born This Way is her anthem
Has many pride-themed superhero tank-tops ‘Super Gay 4 Super Girl’ ‘I’m Bi Man’ ‘Deadpool was at Stonewall’
Nino- The Insanely Cool Bi Trans Guy 😎🏳️‍⚧️
Marinette made him a bedazzled cape so they could match
Mari and Kim’s brother in Transness
Dresses in hoodies no matter how hot it is
One of the mom friends. / Everyone wants to be adopted by him. / He once put everyone on baby leashes so they wouldn’t wander off
Everyone refers to him as “Trans DJ Jesus” because he wore sandals with a long curly wig one time. (To this day, no one knows why he did it)
Takes a five-minute break to Vogue with the drag queens
Supplies the music while skateboarding. He blasts every gay national anthem known to humankind
Alya, Adrien, Marinette, and Kim are very protective of him. Once, a TERF pushed him to the ground. Alya, Marinette, and Kim beat up the TERF while Adrien treated his friend to some ice cream
Adrien- Shit! We lost the baby! 🏳️‍🌈😱
He/Him & She/Her- Bigender/Bisexual/Polyamorous
Can’t stop, won’t stop wandering off because he’s never been to a Pride parade before
He was surprised at how accepting his father was. Although, it probably had something to do with Nathalie and Gorilla threatening to expose him as Hawkmoth if he didn’t let Adrien go
The class goes ballistic whenever she goes missing and will interrogate anyone
Myléne: *Interrogating a drag queen* Are you hiding him in your wig?! / Marinette: Get her out! She’s so frail! Her dad doesn’t feed her! / Nino: Found him! He was getting ice cream. / Myléne: ... You are free to go.
Nino has to put him on a baby leash every time
Drinks the most juice boxes and eats the most ice cream
Can’t tell when he’s being flirted with / Rando: Hey, cutie. / Adrien: ... My name is Adrien.
Bigender legwarmers, bracelets, and headbands
Dresses in pastels every year, and people just wanna hug him / He's happy to oblige and will hug anyone / Vows to hug the hate out of protesters
Every time Adrien smiles or laughs, a transgender child is accepted by friends and family and then gets a flower crown
Keeps getting asked if she and Marinette are dating. / Adrien: No, we’re just shopping buddies. (Secretly wishes for more)
A girl once asked if he was Cinderella when he wore a blue headband, and he immediately said yes. Now every week for Pride month, she dresses as a different Disney Princess
Nearly fainted when Marinette and Luka entered a flexing contest and Luka’s sleeves tore
Kim- Mari and Nino’s Bi brother in Trans Pride🏳️‍⚧️
He/Him & They/Them- Gender nonconforming
Kim: I’m a guy, I like blouses and heels, deal with it, people!
Kim/Mari/Nino: Bedazzled Cape Squad!
Muscle shirts and converse sneakers / Has a tank top that reads, ‘I flexed so hard the sleeves came off’
Got into a muscle-flexing contest against Luka and Marinette and got third place (No one beats Marinette)
Also can’t tell when they’re being flirted with
Alix and Max convinced him to dress in drag, and he went all out. Now he has the respect of many drag queens. And every pride parade, he wears heels and a huge wig
Gives everyone (Mainly Max) piggyback rides
Asked Max to be his boyfriend at one pride parade, and people thought it was so cute! They named that day, ‘Kimax Day’
Max- Not a Robot, I’m Agender 🤖
Has many pride tank-tops and pins with puns / ‘Error 404 Gender Not Found’ ‘I Don’t Speak Binary Code’ ‘2/3 of the Invisible Trio’
Has Marinette paint their cheeks the colors of the agender and asexual flags
Has one of those digital backpacks with pixelated images on the front
Downloads Pride songs for Markov to blasts from their speakers
When they and Alix convinced Kim to dress in drag, Max may or may not have drooled a bit
Progress Pride Flag cape, socks, and nails
When protestors attack, Max goes all LGBT scientist on their butts, explaining the difference between gender and sex, what hormone blockers actually do, and how not every gay person has AIDS
Once beat up a sleazy protester for... Feeling Kim down there / Max: *Hitting protester with a baseball bat* If you ever do that again, I will fit Markov with a laser and have them slice your rotten dick off!
Marinette and Nathaniel helped them make pride bracelets with the sexualities and gender identities written in binary code. The pride nerds LOVED them
Nathaniel: Our Beautiful BiRomantic Son 🎨
He and Marinette paint everyone’s faces before every pride parade
Painted an asexual heart on his Bi flag and wore it as a cape
Cuffed jeans, boots, tucked-in shirt, beanie, pride buttons / Paints pride flags on his denim jacket and shorts
Marc does his makeup, and he looks fabulous
His grandma teaches him how to fight in case of violent Christian protesters / Grandma: Sweetie, you’re Jewish and Bisexual, the world is gonna tear you apart. Learn how to give a mean left hook.
Once took over a face painting booth, now he does it every Pride Month
Enters the 'Crush a watermelon between your thighs' contest every time and always wins first
Saw couples cosplaying as Mightillustrator and Inverser, and cried tears of joy
He and Marc cosplay as couples at every pride parade. The fan favorites are Keith and Lance, Tweek and Craig, and Michael and Rich
CANNOT have too much sugar or he goes crazy and wakes up with no memories of what he did
The next day after an intense sugar high, people were saluting as he walked by and calling him ‘General of the Bisexual Battalion’ / He’s not complaining or questioning it / He has an army now and will one day take over all of Europe. Then the world.
Marc: The Rainbow Flag has Taken a Human Form🏳️‍🌈
Nonbinary- He/Him & They/Them
A True Pride Legend
Born on June 1st at a pride parade.
A singer helped deliver him, his cord was cut by a sword Lesbian, he was swaddled in a drag queen’s glitter cape, and their name was thought of by a drag king
This moment was so beautiful that many protesters cried and decided to join the parade
Everyone will literally stop what they’re doing just to get a picture with them / Everyone loves Marc!
Got into a splits contest and won
Makes flower crowns and knits rainbow flag scarves to pass out to everyone
Certified Mom Friend
Does everyone's makeup
Loses his shit when his shorter friends get lost in crowds
Hugs pride kids who were forced to sneak out or were kicked out of their homes then buys them ice cream / He and Nathaniel have adopted over fifty Pride kids who were kicked out of their homes
Joins Adrien in dressing like a Disney Princess. He SLAYED as Snow White
It may not seem like it, but Marc can throw a punch and fight with one hand right behind their back
Beat up a transphobic asshole for trying to “correct” a trans boy by forcing himself onto him. / They never did find the man’s body. In fact, all of his personal information was gone. Almost like he had never even existed... / Marc looks cute, but he can be terrifying when he needs to be
Alix: Two Out of 3 💚💜🖤🤍
She/Her & They/Them
Leaves many girls swooning as they skate by
Devious little shit
She doesn’t beat up protesters like her classmates. She pranks them until they cry / One year, they all ended up covered in rainbow glitter and pink feathers / Adrien and Rose help them make glitter bombs to throw at protesters, then they run away giggling
Wears sarcastic Pride shirts and black shorts with her roller skates
She and Jalil come out to their father every June
Alix: Father. I am AroAce! / Jalil: Also, I am gay! / Alim: Kids, I know. You’ve been doing this every year. / Jalil: Well... Thank you for being an ally!
This is the only time she’ll wear makeup / She wears it like war paint. Only it’s rainbow
Drinks the most juice out of everyone
Ships people with Alya. SHIPPING BUDS!
Myléne: Smol Asexual Bean ♠️
Goes all out for Pride Month / Rolls around in glitter with Rose and Sabrina before every parade
Dyes her hair all rainbow / Wears a ‘Shakespeare was Here’ shirt with her asexual flag skirt
Has also beaten up homophobes and transphobes
Is the most vocal when it comes to putting those assholes in their place. Ivan has to hold her back sometimes
After an acephobe after they made certain comments (You ace folk know what I’m talkin ‘bout) She roundhouse kicked them / Every protester knows not to mess with the bohemian girl
Will blast The PROM soundtrack at max volume from her phone
Cosplays as musical characters. Veronica Sawyer was a fan favorite
Part of the “Where the Hell is Adrien?” Squad
Ivan: My Girlfriend is Stronger than Me, and it’s So Hot 💪😍
Prefers He/Him but is cool with other pronouns - Questioning his gender so isn’t using any labels right now
The responsible auncle
Mari and Alya’s partner in Pansexuality/ He can’t help if everyone is attractive, he just can’t!
Looks like he can kill you, but is actually a cinnamon role. Myléne on the other hand...
Has let Marc do their makeup and nails, and looks gorgeous!
Did drag. Slayed. Rocks those three-inch heels.
Tank tops and shorts club
Like Marinette, no one dares to flirt with him. Not because he’s out of their league, but because they’re scared of his girlfriend
Dyes his blonde tuft pastel pink every year
More pacifistic than her friends are when it comes to protesters, but if the right buttons are pressed, hell shall be raised
They join Alya and Alix in shipping random people
Rose: The Lovely Lipstick Lesbian💄
She/Her- Breaking lesbian stereotypes est. 2004
The kind aunt who supports all of her niblings
Has been going to pride with her dads since she was born/ One of her dads is a retired drag queen
Wears her rainbow fairy wings every year
Has a lesbian flag with dozens of girls' phone numbers written on it. / Doesn’t wear it anymore now that she has Juleka
Throws fistfuls of glitter at protesters and yells at them, “LIGHTEN UP!”
Sprinkles glitter on pride kids and tells them to sparkle
Marinette helps her make rainbow unicorn plushies to hand out to children every year
Dresses as Disney Princesses with Adrien and Marc. Princess Squad!
Bakes cookies to pass around
Drag Kings and Queens love this girl! She’s cute, loud, and carries glitter everywhere
Butch lesbians learn not to flirt with her after their encounter with Juleka
To piss of protesters, she dipped Juleka and kissed her for ten whole seconds / Rose: I bet your husbands don’t love you like that. / Drag Queens: BUUUUUURN!
Juleka: The Gay Witch 🖤🏳️‍🌈
She/Her & They/Them - Total lesbian
Was there when Marc was born, and will never forget that day. (She has an impressive memory, even as a baby)
They swore they saw a rainbow when he was born
Dresses as a witch and wears red eye contacts to every pride event so she freaks out protesters
Has actually cursed them / They just bought the spellbook off of Amazon
Carries around a rainbow parasol
Carries Rose under every threshold she comes across
Is a lot louder at pride events than on regular days
She actually sang Girls Like Girls up on stage, and everyone went wild
Sometimes wears suits
When they saw Rose being flirted with by some butch lesbians, they went ballistic / Now the butch lesbians are terrified of her forever
She and Luka help out with painting her friends’ nails and dying their hair
Dyes her hair rainbow every pride month
Luka: The Responsible Hot & Chaotic Auncle 💖💚💙
Agender- They/Them, He/Him, She/Her - Polysexual/Polyamorous
“For me, gender is like silence... I’m just not into it.”
Doesn’t really care what pronouns people use for him
Wears dresses to every pride parade. Anarka and Juleka have never been so proud
Is always doing drag cosplay. Marc and Nathaniel have never been so proud / They had people gawking when they did Jessica Rabbit cosplay
Purposely bends over in front of people, while wearing leggings, skirts, skinny jeans, or short shorts. Marinette, Kagami, and Adrien got nosebleeds
Marinette/Kagami/Adrien: Luka's ass in those shorts is a Godsend.
Dyes her hair rainbow every pride parade
The minute June starts, they’ll get up in the morning, grab their Polysexual flag, and just run around the city
Has been coming up with Pride songs to sing at protesters. Many of the songs insult them. / Luka: Okay! This one goes out to the trash behind barriers, it’s called, “Please shut the fuck up, you homophobic dildos!”
Got into a flexing contest and won second, but at the cost of their sequined sleeves
Asked Adrien, Marinette, and Kagami to be his significant others at a pride event. They all said yes
Has carried Adrien and Marinette on her biceps, and Kagami on her shoulders
Adrien: ... I marrying them first. / Marinette: Get in the back of the line, blonde wonder! / Kagami: Both of you move to the back.
Kagami: While You Were Busy Being Hetero, I Studied the Blade 🗡
She/Her - PanRomantic/Polyamorous
Surprisingly, her mother was very supportive. She even bought Kagami a rainbow sword / Turns out, Tamoe had a few flings herself. 😉
Kagami came out to the whole fencing team by wearing a pansexual-flag print fencing mask. Adrien squealed all through practice
She didn’t quite understand what polyamory meant and was confused as to why she had crushes on Adrien, Marinette, and Luka at the same time
After a bit of explaining and reassuring her that it was totally normal and not being disloyal to a partner, Kagami came to terms with being polyamorous
Tamoe allowed Kagami to go to her first Pride Parade. On the condition that she take her sword to ward off protesters
She was so overwhelmed and wasn’t entirely sure what to do until she found Marinette, Luka, and Adrien in the crowd with their friends
The four of them hung out together and got closer
Believes Adrien in pastels is one of the purest things on Earth
When Marinette and Luka entered the flexing contest, Kagami had to keep Adrien and herself from fainting
When Luka asked her, Marinette, and Adrien to be his significant others she tried to resist the urge to jump and squeal, but couldn’t hold it in
Likes it when Marinette wraps her trans flag around her. It’s so warm
Chased off a protester and TERF with her sword. They said some shit about Marinette being ‘fake’, Luka being ‘greedy’, and Adrien being a ‘pansy’, and she just snapped / While screaming in rapid Japanese, she chased about fifty protesters away. Her SOs were so proud.
Sabrina: The Ginger Gent 👑🏳️‍🌈
She/Her, He/Him in Drag- PanRomantic
Rolls around in glitter, as is a Drag tradition
Dresses in drag. / The Ginger Gent is her drag king name and she’s got like a glam rocker theme going on
Sequined leather jacket, coiffed toupee, glitter makeup
Started doing drag when she was twelve. Her dad supported her wholeheartedly and even entered her in junior drag contests. She took first place three times
Sometimes puts on private drag shows for Chloé. (Nothing weird!)
Marinette helps makes most of her costumes
Luka’s partner in Drag / Together, they kick ass and still look glamorous
A makeup expert (Next to Marc)
Roger taught her self defense / If you're going to Pride, learn to fight
Has taken down thirty protesters, his hair still looks awesome, and there's not a sequin out of place.
Chloé: The Badass Polysexual Demigirl 💖💚💙
She/Her and They/Them
Not really that attracted to guys
Best dressed. / Marc/Luka/Sabrina: She wishes!
Only allows Marc to do their makeup, no one else!
She has her own float in the parade / She passes out rainbow boas
Taking names and kicking butt
Has actually choked a protester with their flag and they don't do a thing about it since they're the mayor's child
Chloe: It pays to have political power. / Marinette: In this situation.
Doesn't tell people, but they came to Marinette, Nino, and Kim about gender stuff when they were questioning their identity
The day was spent teaching Chloe about the trans spectrum until she found the gender that felt right to her
Whenever Chloe gets excited, she makes out with the first girl she comes across. / Many young female protesters started questioning things when the blonde's lips grazed against theirs'
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heejojo · 3 years
Love Isn't Beautiful But With You It Was
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✰ summary: y/n and niki's journey from being enemies to friends to much more than that.
✰ pairing: Niki x fem!reader (and a Jay apperance)
✰ genre: fluff, angst, enemies to childhood friends to lovers
✰ warning: a few sad scenes but I'm not sure they'll be too bad! death
✰ word count: 1.8k (the most so far tbh)
a/n: this is my first fanfic so please leave comments about what should be improved. if you have any requests feel free to leave them! it's past 12am now and I need to sleep but I hope you have a nice day!
prompt gotten from @moonlight-chi77 thank you!
“Love isn’t beautiful but with you it was”
Life disappears in the blink of an eye, but the memories created and the human connection formed does not. The memories created are embedded in our hearts and follow us through different paths of life. Whether those memories are good or bad, they become something we reflect on in later moments.
Nishimura Riki couldn’t exactly remember the first time he met you but all he knew was that he had never hit off with someone the way he did with you.
September 2012
Although Niki couldn't pinpoint the exact date you guys started talking, he knew it was in September of 2012. He knew at first he disliked you and wanted nothing to do with you because you had stolen his spot on the swings.
“That's my spot, I told Jay I was going to stay here forever,” he said while his friend who was behind him nodded enthusiastically, backing him up.
“Your name is not on it and you didn’t buy it so why should I leave?” you asked him without coming down because you got there fair and square.
“I called dibs on it,” he said while puffing out his chest.
“Dibs are for babies,” you say while continuing to swing. “I’m not a baby,” he retorts.
“If you say so, then why are you wearing a Talking Tom T-Shirt?” you ask and his face begins to turn red. “It's cool, isn't it Jay?” he nudges his friend asking him for support. “Cool man, girls just suck” Jay responds and they both leave. “At least I dress myself!” you yell at their retreating figures
After that day, Niki made it his mission to disturb you every day and never wore his Talking Tom shirt again after that day.
August 2016
“Niki!!” you screamed as you felt another water balloon hit your leg. At this point, your entire body was soaked. The young boy continued to laugh and run as you chased him. You were beginning to regret spending your summer break with him when you could be watching TV instead. Eventually, you give up chasing the blond-haired boy and go into the house to dry off. Thirty minutes later, Niki comes in with a bottle of orange juice as a form of apology. You snatch it without further thought and drink it. Looking up at him after you finish drinking it, you both burst into a fit of laughter. “You’re lucky I love food,” you say. Maybe spending the summer with him wouldn't be so bad.
December 2018
Your crush on Niki was painfully obvious to everyone but him. Your friends teased you, his friends teased you yet when you were together you denied it with so much vigour. Niki had liked you for a few months now. Everyone was enjoying the slow burn that was going on between the two of you; the soft glances across the room, the way you always looked for each other among crowds, the way he knew where your secret birthmark was even though your close friends didn’t.
It was the way you complimented each other that made everyone cringe and aw at the same time. The jacket you got him for his birthday was his most prized piece of clothing and the only person he let touch it was his mum. This year though, you gathered enough courage and told him how he meant to you and how you were content with being just friends even if it hurt a little. But you weren’t expecting Niki to say he felt the same way, even more so. Your friends heaved a sigh of relief and choruses of ‘Finally’ were echoed.
It felt good being with someone.
January 2019
Everyone argued with people they loved right? Your parents did, the old lady that sells fruit and her boyfriend did so you and Niki weren’t an exception. After being childhood friends for so long you’d think you could trust each other enough to talk about the things that bothered you but he refused to, claiming that he didn’t want you to see him in a different light and how it would hurt his pride. You would tell him that no one knew him more and cared about him the way you did. At times, you’d let it go not wanting to push him but that day you couldn’t take it.
“We need to talk. Why have you been avoiding me these past few days?” you asked him.
“I’ve just been busy” he replied.
“No, you’ve been avoiding me. I know you well enough to know when you're hiding something” you said.
He wouldn't budge, he never did especially when you cornered him like this. He started to get irritated and said, “I said I’ve been busy so forgive me if I can’t give you attention all the time. Not all of us are as clingy as you” You winced; it was your fault for pushing him to the edge like that. Nevertheless, you wouldn't give up. “ I just want you to say how you feel and what bothers you. I’d never look at you in a different light and you know that. You might want to be strong but it’s okay to show some sort of emotion, it doesn’t make you weak rather it makes you look like someone that acknowledges what is wrong and doesn’t try to ignore the problem or solve it on their own” you comforted him. As the words entered his ears, you could see the walls surrounding his heart crumbling. “It’s okay to ask for help or just to rant to someone. Even if we won’t be able to provide an immediate solution, it should help” you added taking a few steps forward and grabbing a hold of his hands. You squeezed them tightly.
“I...I’m just scared you’ll leave once you see the not so perfect side of me” he managed to say. “I will stay with you, why don’t we make the best of everything without worrying about the future?” you asked while smiling. He returned it and pulled you in for a hug. “Thank you, truly,” he said and you smiled under his embrace.
After a few minutes you spoke up, “Oh yeah, Niki?” you called his attention and he hummed in response. “Don’t ever shout at me like that again, I can deck you and you know it” you said.
“Got it, boss. Sorry for being a jerk”
June 2020
You usually went on diets and exercised a lot but you were losing weight at an extreme rate and you weren’t even on a diet. Niki was worried but you brushed it off telling him it was stress from school but it got worse. You found it difficult for you to balance yourself, you felt nauseated, getting even more frequent headaches and being tired all the time so Niki decided that enough was enough and took you to the hospital. Neither of you had expected the result of the scans that were run.
“I’m sorry but there is a tumour in your brain,” the doctor said. The air left your lungs. “You can choose to get the surgery and live in the hospital for 8 months or live with the tumour for 3 months” he continued. You thanked him and left the hospital. The elephant in the room was very much alive and neither one of you wanted to address it. Did you want to stay in the hospital for the rest of your life or did you want to say with your loved ones? You thought that they would go through and that won’t be worth it.
“Niki” you called out.
He looked at you with a sad smile and just pulled you in for a hug, careful not to hurt you. “Do you want to tell your parents?” You nodded. You couldn’t just leave without saying anything. Picking your jacket, Niki drove you to your parents house.
“I just wanted you guys to know, I couldn’t just leave without saying anything,” you said with your eyes cast downwards. You couldn’t bear to look at your mom who was already crying or your dad who was blaming himself even when it wasn’t his fault or your sister who was basically your best friend. Niki had given you guys privacy but you knew it was just an excuse for him to be with his own feelings.
“I’m going to stay close to home in the meantime so I can be closer to you guys,” you said. Your eyes were already becoming glossy with tears. You inched towards your mom, taking her hand in yours and said, “You did an amazing job of being my mom and I love you so much”. Moving to your dad, you said “You did a good job of protecting me so don’t think otherwise. Let’s make all the memories we want to now without any regrets”. At that, your sister burst into tears “I… I can’t bear to lose you” Your heart clenched. “I can’t bear to lose you too” She continued crying. Your mom wiped her eyes and said, “From today, live the way you want to. Eat what you want and do what you want.” From the corner of my eye, I saw Niki staring watching the whole scene. After an hour, I stood up and went home with Niki. The car ride was a long and awkward one. When we got home, we just slept hugging each other.
Starting tomorrow I was going to live.
July 2020
The pain is getting worse but the smiles on my family and friends faces are enough to keep me going. I wrote letters and got gifts for them. Niki looks at the calendar every day, I can’t tell him to stop because I can tell he’s hurting so much. Why can’t I just be okay for everyone?
August 2020
The time comes faster, Niki and I went on a getaway for a few days. He deserved a break from everything that has been going on.
September 2020
I never thought I'd die as silly as that sounds. I asked my parents and sister to leave when I got to the hospital. Niki refused to leave and stayed there till I took in my last breath. He kept crying begging me not to go and how he’d do anything.
“Does it hurt a lot?” he asked between sniffles
“No it doesn’t, it just feels like a needle” it hurt like a truck.
I chuckled and held his hand till I couldn’t anymore. “I love you’’ I say as the lights fade.
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Dear Nishimura Riki,
When you see this, it means I’m already gone. First of all, don’t beat yourself up too much. I could write for ages about how much I love you but now that I need to, my mind goes blank. You’ve done so well for putting up with me, hats off to you. You might not want to but move on, even though id like you to remember me; let your heart heal and be happy.
Take care of yourself and don’t skip any meals. Eat well and be happy, make sure you visit the places we never got to visit and enjoy yourself. Live life the way you want it every day. Be nice to people and smile more.
Thank you for all the happy memories, my love, I’ll be forever grateful for you. You made my life colourful and worth living.
Love isn’t beautiful but with you it was.
Yours truly,
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