fashionbooksmilano · 2 months
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Seta Oro Cremisi
a cura di Chiara Buss
Segreti e tecnologia alla corte dei Visconti e degli Sforza
SilvanaEditoriale, Cinisello Balsamo 2009, 192 pagine, 23x28cm, 200 ill.a colori e 10 b/n, ISBN 9788836614912
euro 45,00
Primo volume della collana Seta in Lombardia, il volume accompagna una raffinata mostra proposta dal Museo Poldi Pezzoli di Milano, dedicata ai tessuti in oro e seta che, quale bene di lusso per eccellenza, hanno contraddistinto la signoria dei Visconti e degli Sforza durante l’età rinascimentale.
Veri capolavori, che conferiscono ulteriore rilevanza all’esposizione poiché testimoni dei sorprendenti risultati di uno studio – mai fino ad ora così completo ed esaustivo - dedicato ai tessuti auro-serici lombardi del XV secolo. Un’appassionante ricerca, progettata dall’ISAL (Istituto per la Storia dell’Arte Lombarda) e condotta in collaborazione con nove istituzioni europee, che per la prima volta ha documentato con chiarezza l’eccellenza delle tecniche di lavorazione ed è pervenuta al riconoscimento di reperti tessili esistenti che mai nessuno aveva individuato.
A Milano infatti l’arte della seta nacque dalla volontà del duca Filippo Maria Visconti che fece chiamare, nel 1442, due setajoli – rispettivamente da Firenze e da Genova – i quali portarono in città le maestranze, i macchinari e le materie prime per dare avvio a una vera e propria “industria della seta”: nel volgere di un quarto di secolo, con una rapidità dunque sorprendente, tale produzione raggiunse i livelli di quelle veneziane, genovesi e fiorentine, considerate le migliori in Occidente.
Questa esposizione – attraverso sessanta oggetti tra tessuti, vesti, ricami ma anche gioielli, ritratti e opere d’arte applicate – offre dunque l’opportunità di far conoscere lo sfarzo della corte milanese, la più ricca e potente della penisola italiana nella seconda metà del Quattrocento, ma anche di illustrare le ricerche effettuate su alcuni preziosi esemplari esistenti, che, per la prima volta, hanno fornito una serie di dati estremamente interessanti tanto sui materiali usati (seta, kermes, indaco, cocciniglie, zafferano, oro, rame e argento) quanto sulle tecniche di filatura.
Il catalogo accoglie numerosi saggi che illustrano le scoperte di laboratorio e d’archivio, in una panoramica a tutto tondo che, oltre alla storia politica e artistica del ducato e alla qualità della vita a corte, esemplifica le profonde conoscenze scientifiche che accompagnavano la questa particolare produzione e, non ultimo, l’aspetto sociale della struttura artigiana milanese.
Milano, ottobre 2009 - febbraio 2010
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messinacalcio · 3 months
Il Messina supera agevolmente il Brindisi - VIDEO
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Un Messina tranquillo, molto pratico ed in scioltezza supera agevolmente fuori casa il Brindisi ed ora guarda seriamente all’obiettivo zona play-off. Modica schiera il Messina con il 4-2-3-1 con Fumagalli in porta, Salvo a destra nello schieramento difensivo, un inedito Dumbravanu a sinistra, centrali, Manetta e Polito; centrocampo con Franco e Frisenna; in avanti dietro il “falso nueve” Ragusa, schierati Zunno, Emmausso e Rosafio. Al 5’ si vede il Brindisi con Opoola i, il colpo di testa viene fermato da Fumagalli. Al 32’ va in rete Zunno, l’attaccante si incunea nella difesa del Brindisi e caglia un destro che supera Saio. Nel secondo tempo al 51’ tocca a Ragusa segnare la seconda rete del Messina frutto di un contropiede e di un assist di Emmausso. Il brindisi si rivera in avanti ed accorcia le distanze con Opoola che di testa anticipa un’uscita imprecisa di Fumagalli. Al 73’ Emausso sfiora la segnatura con un colpo di testa ravvicinato. Ma un minuto dopo ci pensa ancora Zunno lanciato in area da Rosafio. Nel finale ancora Opoola tenta di accorciare le distanze. Un Messina che gioca tranquillo consapevole della sua forza. Ha praticamente raggiunto l’obiettivo stagionale della salvezza con nove giornate di anticipo ed ora guarda alla zona play-off, sicuramente un traguardo che in pochi si aspettavano anche in questa stagione.   Tabellino: Brindisi-Messina 1-3 Brindisi: Saio, Vona (73' Falbo), Gorzelewski, Petrucci, Bellucci (66' Monti), Valenti (86' Galazzini), Guida, Merletti, Trotta (46' Vantaggiato), Opoola (86' Pagliuca), Bagatti. A disposizione: Antonino, Auro, Fiorentino, Speranza, Labriola, Spingola, Zerbo. Allenatore: Danucci. Messina: Fumagalli, Dumbravanu, Manetta, Frisenna, Emmausso (86' Plescia), Zunno, Franco, Salvo (59' Ortisi), Polito (59' Lia), Rosafio (86' Giunta), Ragusa (70' Scafetta). A disposizione: Piana, Zona, Luciani, Signorile, Cavallo, Fumagalli J., Civilleri. Allenatore: Modica. Arbitro: Centi di Terni. Marcatori: 32' Zunno (M), 51' Ragusa (M), 54' Opoola (B), 74' Zunno (M). Read the full article
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telodogratis · 2 years
Auro Technologies salvata dal fallimento, ora si punta su Auro-3D e Auro-Cx
Auro Technologies salvata dal fallimento, ora si punta su Auro-3D e Auro-Cx
La società belga Saffelberg Investments ha acquisito tutti gli asset di Auro Technologies. Saffelberg Investments, una società di investimento con sede in Belgio, ha rilevato Auro Technologies, la creatrice della tecnologia audio Auro-3D. Si risolve così un periodo difficile che aveva recentemente portato alla dichiarazione di fallimento, a seguito di negoziazioni fallite con altri potenziali…
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auro-ora · 4 years
Finger Duties
Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Warnings: fingering, squirting because I’m filthy, implied smut. Word Count: 570 Notes: this is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ and I’m still shy to write smutty things so hope this is fine!
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Incoherent nonsense passed your lips, your head thrown back into the pillow. Your skin was burning, your insides aching, tingling with needs. You needed Bucky so badly but he was taking his time with you tonight, kissing every inch of your inch, nipping and sucking on your collarbone leaving purple marks behind as he trailed down between the valley of your breasts. Sucking your painfully hard nipples into his mouth and gently grazing them with his teeth. “Please Bucky. I need you!” you begged, bucking your hips up to hopefully push things along. “Shhh be patient baby girl.” he cooed, trailing his lips down south this time nipping your hips. “Bucky please I need you so bad. Please just fuck me.” Bucky slipped a digit between your seeping folds, gathering up the leaky mess from your entrance and swirling his finger around your clit.
He teased your entrance, slowly dipping his finger inside and removing it before any pressure could build up. You were becoming frustrated, normally with your pleas he would be fucking you by now but not tonight. Your legs were shaking as he continued to massage your clit, the cold metal against the hot nub was setting you more on fire.
Bucky kissed and nipped the insides of your thighs. A breathy moan passes through your lips but your hopes of him fucking you anytime soon is quickly diminished as he still teases your entrance. “I promise I’m gonna fuck you real soon doll.” his tongue swipes your clit and your back arches off the bed. “I need to finger you first baby girl, I’m too big for you.” he explained through hooded eyes and before you could disagree with that comment, he slides two digits in, the fingertips massaging your g-spot. 
You whined, the pressure building quickly. Your eyes rolling in the back of your head as he fucks you with his fingers. Your arousal lubricates his fingers as he easily maneuvers them in and out of your tight hole. Your walls clenching around them. You meet his movements with your hips and he inserts a third digit and you’re done for. A strangled scream passes, your hips raised in the air. A couple more strokes of his fingers and he has you gushing out all over them. Your arousal dripping down his fingers onto his forearm, soaking some of his face unintentionally. “OH FUCK!” you howled, feeling your walls pulsate around his slowing fingers as he brings you down gently from your high.
Once your hips are back on the bed, he removes his fingers. Sucking each one off clean. “Fuck baby girl. That was hot.” he chuckles, using his shirt to wipe his face. A blush creeps up your neck to your cheeks as you realize what you did. “I’m sorry I squirted on you.” Bucky pulled his shirt off and made quick work of removing his pants and boxers. “Never apologize baby girl. I think you’re ready for me now.” your hips jerk when he touches your clit, still sensitive from the intense orgasm he just gave you moments ago. “I’m ready.” you moaned breathlessly, pulling him down on top of you. Your legs wrapping around his waist as he slipped inside, his cock grazing each ridge of your walls. A wanton moan escapes both of you at the same time. “Fuck me. Hard and fast.” your last command and your soldier complies.
@jobean12-blog @marvelgirl7​
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Come and Get It!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 929
Summary: Bucky decides to be a brat and shoves your phone down his pants but two can play at this game...
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club continuation of drunk drabbles and the super fun prompt below sent by @buckys-henley Thank you and I hope you like this! Thank you all for reading and much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warnings: fluff, talk of Bucky’s hotness, flirting, teasing, sassy Bucky but reader sasses back, implied sexy time- maybe a little more... :D 
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Curled into the couch you sit with your phone resting on your thighs and a permanent smirk on your face. Bucky, Sam and Steve are in the kitchen, arguing over what to order for dinner and you’re texting Nat giving her an in-depth description on how hot Bucky looks. ‘I swear Nat, it’s like his tee shirt is going to rip at the sleeves if he flexes and every time he lifts his arms I get a peak of the V at his hips. PLEASE SEND HELP.’
Nat’s reply makes you cackle but you quickly cover your mouth, so you don’t draw attention to yourself. ‘You know you wanna find out what he’s packing down there. Make it happen girl.’ You can’t deny it and your eyes are glued to him while he gestures wildly, flicking Steve in the side of the head and laughing.
He must feel you staring because he glances your way and winks. You try to smile but you probably look more constipated than anything else and sink lower into the couch. ‘I think he just caught me checking him out!!! I gotta get out of here.’ The chat bubbles immediately pop up and you nibble your fingernail while your heart races.
Just as her reply comes through your phone is gone from your hands and Bucky stands over you, “what’s going on over here doll face? What’s so funny?” You jump up and stand on the couch, now almost eye level with him and lunge for the phone. “Gimme that Buck!” He raises it above his head and you nearly fall off the couch. His shirt rides up and his sweats fall lower on his hips, exposing that trail of hair you want to trace over with your mouth.
Dragging your eyes back up to his you make a final attempt to get your phone, failing miserably and plummeting off the couch. Thankfully, he catches you with one arm, holding you against his chest while his metal hand still holds your phone out of reach. “Oh my god Buck. If you don’t give me my phone back, I swear I’m gonna…” You trail off and make grabby hands but it’s hopeless.
You can hear the soft whirs and shifts of the metal plates in his arm and it momentarily distracts you. Bucky seizes the opportunity and let’s you slide down his chest, stuffing the phone in his pants all in one swift movement. You’re left standing there with your mouth hanging open and your hands balled in fists at your sides.
“You did not just put my phone down your pants!” His knowing grin makes you angrier and now you stomp a foot. “BUCKY!” With his hands on his hips he continues teasing you, “maybe if you were paying more attention that wouldn’t have happened.” You let out a scream, pushing his chest, “get it out and give it to me!”
Sam and Steve have moved closer, their sniggers loud enough for you to hear and making you even more mad. “You want it baby, go and get it, I’m not stoppin’ ya.” Having had enough you decide it’s time to make your move. You turn and get back on the couch, smiling and reaching out to grab the collar of his shirt.
Yanking him closer you wrap one arm around his neck, now easily in reach since you’re a few inches taller. Your other hand trails down his chest while you bring your lips to his ear, gently nipping at the soft flesh before whispering, “too bad Sam and Steve are here watching us, otherwise I’d get you right out of those pants and we’d both forget all about the phone.”
His eyes visibly darken, and his hands settle at your waist, his breath hot against your cheek while he feels your hand slide lower and lower until your fingers dance along the waistband of his sweats. Placing one finger under the elastic you see his lips part, his breaths coming a little faster now. His skin is warm to the touch and you dip the rest of your hand under, feeling his boxer briefs and grinning.
You hook one finger into those and pull them from his body, the rest of them following right after as your hand goes lower. His hold on you has tightened and he brushes his nose to yours, “well, what are you waiting for baby? Everything you want is right there.” With those last words you wrap your hand around is throbbing cock, the skin silky and warm.
He’s already half hard and you can’t stop yourself from giving him a firm squeeze, his girth and length practically making you moan out loud. His metal hand wraps around your wrist, stilling your movements as he draws you closer, “either we’re about to give these two pervs more of a show or you’re gonna let me take you back to my room.”
Giving him another good squeeze, you use the distraction to quickly slip your other hand down there and snatch your phone, pulling it from his pants with a victorious squeal. “I GOT IT! HA!” Sam and Steve let out peals of laughter, slapping each other on the back and walking out. You look at Bucky with your best smug face, wiggling your shoulders and taunting him. “I win!!!” His metal fingers tighten ever so slightly around your wrist reminding you of where your other hand still is. “You may have gotten your phone back baby but I’m pretty sure I’ve got the upper hand right now.”
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @bugsbucky @buckosawrus @buckys-henley @book-dragon-13 @buckys-minty-breath @buckys-broody-muffin @bucky-on-my-mind @breezy1415 @chuuulip @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @hailmary-yramliah @hawksmagnolia @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @imgaril-lindru @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @loricameback @lorilane33 @littledarlinhavefaithinme @littleredstarfish @lokilvrr @mushyjellybeans @marvelandotherfandomimagines @marvelgirl7 @nano--raptor @pinkdiamond1016 @randomfandompenguin @sallycanwait68 @softpeachbarnes @tuiccim @the-wayward-robot @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @yansi1923​
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pizzettauniversale · 2 years
Auro io sono un po’ spaventata. Ho lasciato il ragazzo con cui mi frequentando da 10 mesi settimana scorsa perché ormai non lo sopportavo più e le cose non andavano. Visto che adesso sono tra virgolette libera ho deciso di iniziare uscire con i miei amici. Ieri sono andata in un posto vicino a casa e qualcuno l’ha chiamato per dirgli che ero con un altro ragazzo e lui si è presentato lì. Sorrideva e diceva che non voleva fare i casini però mi ha spaventata perché ha anche fatto una battuta dicendo che se scopre che gli ho fatto le corna (che non è vero) o che inizio ad uscire con un altro ragazzo spariamo in due
Tu ora vai dalla polizia e lo denunci, così vediamo chi continua a fare delle battute. Avverti i tuoi genitori, spiega loro che hai paura e non sottovalutare la tua situazione. Tu sei LIBERA non libera tra virgolette e lui deve essere denunciato.
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bella-spil · 4 years
My fav series/ oneshots/ headcanon
Here's my fav stories from other writers on here.  Since I don't reblog, I hope this makes up for it.  This is a long one since I like a lot of stuff, and a lot of them are smut, so don’t judge.  It will be updated whenever I find something.  This is more of an appreciation post, I think, but check out the stuff by these people because they work hard for recognition.  Btw is pretty much all Seb and his characters...
Bucky Barnes
One Shots
-All my love
-Winter Soldier Hotline
-squat here often?
-Im not going anywhere
-Wrong side of the bed
-All in good fun
-2 A.M
-Power Dynamics
-The lesser Evil
-The Bartender
-Almost Like Sleepover
-Ask me out already
-Prove me wrong
-Phone call
-Ride of Your life
-So this is love
-You’re Annoying 
-You’re a tease
-Paint me Pretty
-Teach me
-One last time
-Your protector
-The(not so naked) pinup calendar
-The Cheeky little list
-Drunk Buck Running Amuck
-Fly High
-Magical Mistletoe
-Winter Baby
-Uh, a little help please?
-That's My Girl!
-Drunken Bird
-Drinking games 101
-Give it Back
-Had it all
-Buckys nighttime meal
-Buckys special present
Finger Duties
-car sex
-Slippery, Smooth
-Morning Goodness
-Drunk On you
-Test Drive
-We’re up all night to get lucky
-Make me Believe
-Power over me
-The bet
-innocent seb
-Lover(continuation of above)
-thirsty reader
-olive oil massage
-Things Bucky says during sex
-Thigh riding w/ librarian!Bucky
Chris Beck
One Shots
-stuck together
Lance Tucker
One Shot
-Champagne with a Friend
Sebastian Stan
-calling him daddy
One Shot
-King of my heart
-Lover of mine
-Illicit affairs
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book-dragon-13 · 4 years
HBC Date Night
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To start off with, we’ve got swing dancing with Bucky. While it may have been decades since Bucky last went dancing, it only takes him a song or two to pick it back up. It’s a fun night for all and by the end of the night you’ve been twirled, spinned, and dipped to your heart’s content. And maybe on the not so distant future, you and Bucky will try other types of dances.
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Next up is starting with our space man, Chris Beck! He’d tell you all the mythologies behind the constellations, stories of the stars he saw from the space ship, and all about how it was on Mars, even if he’s told you all of it before. There’s just something about hearing Chris’s tales underneath the night sky that makes it new and magical.
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Now we go to New York with Carter. He’ll take you to the Metropolitan Museum Of Art, letting you take in all the pretty paintings and statues. As a bonus, Carter will tell you funny stories about the people in the paintings and sculptures, just to see you smile.
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And now we’ve got a drive in movie with my main man, Hal! He’ll put a blow up mattress, blankets, and pillows in the bed of his truck so that the two of you are very comfortable. And it doesn’t matter which movie you and Hal see, since the two of you’ll be making out the whole movie 😉
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With Frank, he’ll take you on a picnic. It’s simple, but can be elegant. Perfect for you and Frank. And if after the food and drinks are gone, Frank kisses you and it leads to more? All the better!
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Chris will take you on a road trip, wandering aimlessly and visiting whatever roadside attractions catch your eye. It doesn’t matter where you are or where you end up, as long as you and Chris are together.
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Charles takes you to a French Café... in Paris. Maybe you’ve been trying to get Charles to do things simpler, And he argues that a café *is* simple. So you just laugh and enjoy your day in Paris with the man you love.
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Now, Jefferson’s date is based off something I did a few years ago. It’s a haunted house based off of literary classic like Edgar Allan Poe, the Crucible, Dracula, Frankenstein, Jekyll & Hyde, etc. Jefferson would enjoy “protecting” you from the scary things, while you enjoy seeing him jump at the smallest should, and seeing all the literary references is even better.
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With Professor Seb, he would take you to a little bookshop and let you pick whatever books you like. Once your to read pile has grown bigger, Seb buys the books and takes you home, where the two of you have a reading date. And when you and Seb have finished reading, the two of you discuss your books.
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And with Cowboy Seb, this is kind of two dates in one-a horseback ride in the mountains, and a horseback ride on the beach. The mountain ride would be an everyday date, while the beach ride would be while the two of you were on a rare vacation. Either way, you and Seb race, enjoy nature, and maybe kiss like the end of the Princess Bride.
@the-ss-horniest-book-club @marvelgirl7 @eurynome827 @cchellacat @nano--raptor @marvelandotherfandomimagines @ikaris-whore @chuuulip @cametobuyplums @jewelofwinter @jewels2876 @bugsbucky @littledarlinhavefaithinme @littleredstarfish @lancetuckershairgel @southernbell91 @mycupoffanfiction @jobean12-blog @hawksmagnolia @this-kitten-is-smitten @aesthetical-bucky @godofplumsandthunder @beckzorz @abovethesmokestacks @hiddles-rose @randomfandompenguin @buckys-broody-muffin @sallycanwait68 @auro-ora @crushedbyhyperbole @sebastiansloserclub @buck-gnasty @when-the-hell-is-bucky @ninjabucky @wintersoldier1989 @azurika-writes @wintersoldierissucharide @becs-bunker @hailmary-yramliah @itsunclebucky @buckysbrat @mushyjellybeans @tranquil--heart @bucky-plums-barnes
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hawksmagnolia · 4 years
Paint Splatter
Flex your muscles challenge 
Author: Allie @hawksmagnolia
Summary: An attempt to teach Bucky how to play Clue ends in very colorful Avengers (and a Darcy).
Prompt used: June 8/Cool/Being painted wasn’t what she expected/A bloody knife
Characters: Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff
Fandom: MCU
Words: 660
Warnings: None. Unless you hate fun.
Author’s Notes: Hope y’all enjoy! xoxo
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“This is complete bullshit.” Clint muttered, his hands flying as he signed. His latest Stark designed hearing aids really helped his hearing, especially if he could see their lips, but he still signed to help Darcy learn.
“Paint it up, Clint.” Darcy signed slowly and handed him a paintbrush and a small bottle of purple paint.
Scowling, he took them and drew another stripe on his arm, matching the previous four. Darcy had 3 green ones while Bucky was sported a single blue stripe.
Natasha’s arms were perfectly clean. And her face was perfectly smug.
“Why are we playing this again?” Darcy eyed the multitude of colorful stripes on her and Clint. This is not what she expecting when she thought about being painted. She always figured it would be all elegant with her draped in silk, like those women in Renaissance paintings. Instead, she smelled like an elementary school classroom and had a steak of purple paint in her hair when she had beat him.
“How come you two are so damn good at this?” Clint sulked as he drained his beer. “Stupid bloody knife. I could have sworn it was the noose.”
“Probably because you are half drunk and because you always pick the noose.” Nat eyed him as she shuffled cards to reset the board. “And we’re playing because you and Barnes need a break from Mario Kart after you broke the coffee table last time.”
“Also because we are trying to fight the former Russian spies at a mystery game.” Darcy paused. “Did I sign ‘Russian’ right?”
Clint nodded and then stopped. “Wait a damn minute - I’m a spy too!” 
Bucky was studying the ceiling and attempting to hide a smile.
“We could always play poker.” Clint offered as he popped the cap off another beer with Bucky’s lighter.
“You cheat! Every single time!” Darcy threw the little metal pipe at his head where it bounced off his forehead. “Last time you conned me into playing poker I lost all my blue M&Ms and my green apple Jolly Ranchers.” She finished signing the sentence by flipping him off.
Clint crossed his arms over his chest. “Not my fault, you shouldn’t have bluffed on a lousy Ace high.”
Darcy signed something very rude at Clint who laughed. “You just told me to go walk a couch. You need to do this.” His big hands guided hers into the correct formations.
Bucky looked at Natasha questioningly. “Candy?”
“Have you met them? Do you really think we’d let them use money? We switched them to candy after they used a box Sam’s Lucky Charms and ate all the marshmallows.”
Darcy let out a yelp as Clint swatted at her with his paintbrush. She scrambled up into Bucky’s lap in an attempt to escape. Bucky grabbed his blue one and painted a stripe down the side of her face.
“Hey! Not cool Bucky! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
“All’s fair in love and war doll.”
She responded by smacking a kiss on his mouth and while he was distracted she dumped green paint on his head.
When the call out sounded, Steve went to go look for his teammates as Clint and Bucky both had a habit of being late.
What he found was three very paint-covered Avengers and Darcy who was hiding from Bucky behind Natasha while he yelled about how he didn’t need green highlights for a damned mission.
He slowly backed out of the room and called the mission dispatch as he headed down the hall.
“We’re going to need a few extra minutes for Agents Barnes, Barton and Romanoff to decon. Don’t ask. Thanks.”
@nano--raptor @cchellacat @eurynome827 @jobean12-blog @book-dragon-13 @aesthetical-bucky @marvelgirl7 @sallycanwait68 @buckys-broody-muffin @softpeachbarnes @godofplumsandthunder @azurika-writes @ikaris-whore @this-kitten-is-smitten @randomfandompenguin​ @littleredstarfish​ @bugsbucky​ @auro-ora​ @imgaril-lindru​
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auro-ora · 4 years
Friend or Foe
Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 2,144
Summary: what happens when two enemies are stuck in quarantine together?
Warnings: enemies to friends, language, angst, quarantine problems, arguments. 
Notes: @jobean12-blog​ here we are babes, thank you for wanting to read this and sorry if this sucks. :c I haven’t written in over 3 years <3
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There was no doubt about it that Bucky Barnes, your roommate, your enemy, your rival, your whatever else you wanted to label him as, was officially driving you to the point of insanity. It didn’t help that you were quarantined with the man in question since the beginning of March, three months. Three months of being locked in your spacious two-bedroom Brooklyn apartment with him. Neither of you were free to leave, neither of you were allowed to go to work, the compound was out of the question, your family lived in a different state, you had no choice but to stay here under this roof with him.
Some days, you believed he was doing most of his antics on purpose, such as leaving his dirty dishes in the sink for you to clean, leaving his dirty laundry on the floor in your shared bathroom, cooking his own food and leaving you to make your own food, playing his music too loudly, only one of you were allowed to go grocery shopping and he often went, forgetting to pick you things up even if you did ask him nicely. It was your worst nightmare and it couldn’t have happened at a worse time when the weather was starting to get warm, the heat causing more arguments between the two of you, which often ended with him screaming at you.
It wasn’t funny anymore, at first you would probably admit you loved to piss him off on purpose, but as the months passed, it was becoming upsetting. You wondered what you did at the beginning to make him dislike you so much, he was talkative when you first moved in, a steady foundation for a friendship but then it went downhill after day 5. Bucky wasn’t a man you could talk to, he wouldn’t listen and he would often ignore you and pretend you didn’t exist, and it was much easier for him to do that when he brought other girls home for the night. But you? Bucky made the rule when you first moved in that no other men were allowed in this apartment, which at the time you agreed to because it was his apartment and you were grateful to have found a room in Brooklyn.
You overheard him say to a friend just the other week how he wished some girl named Natasha was living here, which made you upset and since then, you have tried to avoid him as best as you could. You would use the shower when he was in his room listening to music, you would cook when he was in the shower and then you would sneak back to your room. It was like two strangers sharing a space, and you were sure roommates weren't supposed to act this way. You did try to find another apartment, but unknown to you at the time Bucky was the one sabotaging everything by contacting the person advertising the apartment and falsely warning them of your partying habits, which resulted in your viewings being canceled at the last minute. They never told you the reason why, you assumed they had found someone better suited, financially. Was Bucky proud of his actions? No, he wasn’t, but he didn’t want you to leave, he didn’t want to go through the hell of replacing you with someone else who he might really hate next time.
Today would be a good day, you were almost sure of it. The light from the sun created pretty patterns on your wall, you pulled yourself up from your bed and walked out into the living room, scoffing by the sight of your roommate sprawled across the couch with his arms spread out on the back of it. You mumbled a good morning, he ignored you as usual. You rolled your eyes and walked into the bathroom, making sure to slam the door a little harder than necessary.
“Stop slamming the fuckin’ doors!” he yelled from his spot. You could feel the anger building up inside of you. The frustration from having a complicated roommate and no means of fixing the already broken relationship. You peeled your pajamas off your body and turned the water on the shower to a comfortable temperature, pulling your hair tie off, your hair falling loosely over your shoulders. You step into the shower and sigh, making the most of your time here because this is the only time you get peace and quiet from Bucky. You lather up your loofah with your favorite shower gel and wash every inch of your body, at least twice. Then working on removing your body hair and finally, shampoo and a deep condition. Meanwhile on the couch, Bucky was scowling towards the bathroom door, the steam started to appear from under the door. He knew you were taking your sweet fucking time on purpose to avoid him, but 40 minutes to wash yourself? No, he was not having that. He stood quickly and walked to the bathroom door, surprised to find it unlocked. He saw your form behind the shower curtain, and swiftly yanked it to one side where you screeched, using your hands to cover your private parts.
“BUCKY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?” you yelled at him, but the jerk just stood there, his eyes trailing and you wanted to smack the smug grin off his stupid face. 
“Thought you drowned in ‘ere or something. What’s taking you so fuckin’ long to wash your damn body?” 
“GET! OUT!” you threw the soapy loofah at him which he easily batted away. 
“Hurry the fuck up!” Bucky spat.
Fearing Bucky would return sooner than later, you hurriedly washed the conditioner out of your hair and stepped out of the shower, wrapping the white fluffy towel securely around your body and stepping out into the living room once again. This time your pain-in-the-ass roommate was busy making himself breakfast. Your room was warm from the heat of the sun and you sat on the edge of your bed, staring longingly into the mirror opposite you. The towel pooled around your waist, you sighed and walked to your closet for some clothes, putting them on quickly just in case Bucky decided to walk in once again. You towel dried your hair, putting it up into a messy bun. You went back to the kitchen, this time to prepare some breakfast for yourself, only to find Bucky had left you no eggs or bacon and the bread was gone.
“You ate all the eggs?” you rubbed your temples, this couldn’t be happening. It was supposed to be a good day and it was already going to shit.
“I did.” came his nonchalant reply. “There’s no milk either.”
“Okay.” you sighed knowing he wasn’t going to be helpful. “Can I borrow a face mask and some latex gloves please?” you rubbed your temples with your fingertips and watched as your roommate leaned back against the counter and folded his arms across his wide broad chest. 
“No.” he deadpanned, his tone and eyes were stone cold.
“I said please!” now your eyes were filling up with tears, and you were completely helpless, unable to go out to buy your food with protection, because if you went out without a mask and gloves, you risk catching the virus. 
Bucky steps in front of you, his large frame towering over you forcing you to crane your neck upwards. His breath fanning across your face as he spoke.
“Make me a list of items you need and I’ll go and get it.”
“Why? Each time I’ve asked in the past, you’ve always refused!” you shouted a little louder than you intended.
“Y/n, come on. Don’t be an asshole and make this difficult. Just write the fuckin’ list so I can go!”
“Not when you speak to me like that. Get out of my way, I’ll go my damn self!” you attempted to shove him but he didn’t even budge.
“You’re not goin’ out there, it’s too dangerous.” 
“I don’t know why you even care!” you yelled. Weeks of built-up anger and frustration all coming out.
“Because I care about you!” Bucky yelled back. And then there was silence, neither of you spoke a word, just staring and blinking at each other. He cared about you? Since when? Since when does ignoring someone, yelling at them and picking arguments count as caring about someone? 
“No you don’t.” a single tear rolled down your cheek, you nibbled on your lip, mulling over his words in your mind like a loop.
“I do, y/n. I was just scared… when you first moved in, I didn’t even think you’d like me as a friend, then I saw the way you looked at me like you were trying to figure me out and I panicked. I’m sorry.”
“All I wanted was to be your friend Bucky. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“I know and I’m so sorry for everything I ever did and said to you, I’m an idiot and it wasn’t my intention to drag it out for as long as I did.”
“You really hurt me. All those times you screamed at me and made me feel like I was the problem, that you hated having me here and you made me feel like if I suddenly died, you’d throw a party!” you attempted to shove him again, but he stepped closer instead grabbing your wrist and pulling you into his chest.
“Don’t you EVER say that. I’d be lost without you honestly, because you’re so argumentative and you amuse me.” his heart thumped against your ear and you didn’t actually understand what was happening. One second you thought you two hated each other which turned out not to be true, you learned Bucky did care about you. You pulled back after a while, wiping your wet cheeks with your palms and a wet chuckle came out.
“I never wanted you to see me cry.” you admitted through some deep breaths.
“You’re still pretty. I really hope we can start again from the beginning, though I don’t expect you to forgive me right away.” he smiled sheepishly.
“It’ll take some time, you have been an asshole.”
“Alright, don’t sugarcoat it.” he teased
“No but seriously, we both have been pretty stupid, so yeah. During this quarantine, let’s work on a friendship.”
Later that day, Bucky kept his word and did your grocery shopping, picking up everything that was on your list and more. He bought some snacks and chips in hopes you’ll agree to watch a movie with him later, which you did. The pizza was taken out of the oven and the chilled beers were on the coffee table waiting to be cherished. You contemplated on lighting some candles, but didn’t want to give Bucky the wrong impression since you weren’t interested in a relationship (at this time). You went with the other options and switched the lights off entirely, the only light was from the TV screen. Bucky chose a movie, an action he had found on Netflix and the two of you settled into the couch. The pizza was eaten, the beers were gone and you were halfway through the movie when a loud knock sounded on the front door. 
“Oh, I’ll get it.” Bucky said squeezing your thigh as he stood up. You paused the movie and placed your hands under your thighs. You heard a harsh laugh boom through the apartment and you cringed. 
“Nat! What are you doing here?” Bucky joined in on the laughing as he invited her in. You narrowed your eyes, remembering no visitors were allowed in people’s households so why was she here?
“I came to see you. Couldn’t wait to see my man any longer!” she laughed and pulled him into a hug, looking over his shoulder towards you and smirking.
“Uhm, Bucky? The movie…?” you interrupted them. Bucky offered you an apologetic look as he took Natasha’s hand in his and led her to his bedroom door. 
“Sorry doll. Maybe another time.” your heart sunk, you knew this was too good to be true. The slam of his bedroom door caused you to tense up, as you sat on the couch in the dark listening to their giggles behind the door and then the loud music started.
“Thanks for nothing.” You mumbled to yourself, turning the TV off and sheepishly walking into your bedroom, allowing the tears to fall down your cheeks. You sank to the floor, raising your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms around your legs. You wished this time you were good enough for Bucky, but clearly his priorities were the wrong way around.
Maybe this time you’ll be lucky enough to be approved to rent a different apartment. Now you were more sure that you didn’t want to be here, you didn’t want to be near Bucky any longer.
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Twenty Six Weeks!
That's how long the HBC has been running the extended "Quarantine" Drunk Drabbles. With very few exceptions there has been at least one Drabble prompt answered here EVERY DAY for 26 weeks!
As we enter our 27th week, we begin Clean Up The Archive Challenge! With over 50 prompts in the archive, it's time to get some drabbles out of there before we begin new challenges.
If you haven't written with us before and want to, NOW IS THE TIME! Send a DM to us and let us know your preference of character and genre (smut/fluff/angst) and we'll send you a couple of prompts to choose from.
Clean Up runs until this Sunday September 20! We thank everyone who submits prompts and everyone who reads and reblogs - you are all the HBC ❤️
Here are all the writers who have published a Drunk Drabble weeks 1 - 26! Let's cheer them on this week, a round of applause for:
@jobean12-blog @mushyjellybeans @beckzorz @ninjabucky @writing-what-writing @this-kitten-is-smitten @wintersoldier1989 @whenthehellisbucky @wintersoldierissucharide @godofplumsandthunder @marvelgirl7 @ninjabucky @hailmary-yramliah @itsunclebucky @becs-bunker @that-damn-girl @nano--raptor @buck-gnasty @verdandistormborn @official-and-unstable-satan @crushedbyhyperbole @throwmyheartawayagain @aesthetical-bucky @jewels2876 @loricameback @littleredstarfish @buckys-broody-muffin @bugsbucky @eurynome827 @azurika-writes @ikaris-whore @hawksmagnolia @auro-ora @feedmecookiesnow @emilylyoness @angrythingstarlight @nomadicpixel @buckosawrus @marvelandotherfandomimagines @sallycanwait68 @cuddles-with-bucky @chuuulip @schmucksbucks @boinky-and-bonky @happygowriting @thesweetestnightmare @cametobuyplums @buckstaybucky @cosmosbucky @dunkpunkdork
@sevans-is-my-weakness @haebaebarnes
Remember, the author who posts the most Drabbles this week gets a special request from the mod: choose a theme day or get a special drabble written for you!
As always - thank you for playing with us!
Love, The HBC 💋
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Pitching a Tent
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 1,568
Summary: You and the team go on a camping trip together and you get stuck sharing a tent with Bucky. 
Author’s Note: This is for @aesthetical-bucky 1k challenge and the continuation of the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club drunk drabbles and the super fun prompt sent in below. For the challenge I had the prompt- enemies to friends/lovers: camping trip and you’re forced to share a tent with (Bucky) and then the smutty prompt- “are you wearing underwear?” Congratulations my beautiful love! Thank you all for reading and much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warning: Fun teasing, flirting, fluffy fun, implied sexy times ;)
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The tent pole pops out of the fabric and nearly takes your eye out. Letting go a string of curses you flail around in a huff. “Having some trouble, doll?” Bucky taunts, standing over you with a smirk. With a frustrated groan you stand, poking him in the chest. “Are you offering to help or just enjoying my suffering.” He picks up one of the poles and bops you on the head, “nope, definitely not gonna help,” and walks off with a laugh.
You grit your teeth, ready to stab him with the pointy end but Clint’s boots block your way. “Hey kid, need some help.” Looking up you frown, but it quickly turns into a smile when he gives you his own goofy grin. “That would be great thanks! Bucky basically came over here to make fun of me then left.”
Clint’s grin only grew, his eyes twinkling with something you can’t quite place. “What?” you ask, watching as he starts picking up the pieces of the tent. “Nothing. You two are oblivious is all. Hand me that pole, please.” You hand it over with a raised brow, blowing out a raspberry before saying, “if by oblivious you mean he’s an asshole then yea.”
With a shake of his head Clint continues building the tent, doing it far more quickly and efficiently than you ever could. “Wow,” you say, standing back and looking over the perfectly balanced tent. “Thanks, Clint! At least someone was nice enough to help me!” You shout the last words in Bucky’s direction, his head swinging your way. “Well it’s a good thing. You would have never been able to do it yourself.”
Clint can no longer contain his laughter as it rings out over the campground. “Oh man, so funny,” he mutters as he walks away. You narrow your eyes at Bucky, sticking out your tongue. He waggles his eyebrows suggestively and does the same back, your face scrunching up in shock. “UGH!” you say, not noticing when Steve leans over in Clint’s ear, whispering something that makes them both grin deviously.
The rest of the day goes by peacefully and you enjoy the beautiful sights and sounds of the woods. You manage to avoid Bucky for most of it. After dinner you head down to the lake to cool off with a swim. Ridding yourself of your clothes you walk into the refreshing water wearing only your underwear and bra, sighing at how good it feels.
You’re so caught up in the relaxation of your surroundings that you don’t hear Bucky quietly enter the water. It isn’t until he has his hands at your sides, tickling you and effectively scaring the life out of you that you know anyone is there. You scream loud enough to draw over Nat and Clint, the two of them going from terrified to annoyed. “I’m gonna drown the both of you if you don’t cut this shit out!” Nat yells over the water then stomps off, Clint hot on her heels.
“Nat’s not gonna be able to drown you because I’m gonna do it first,” you shout, trying your best to push Bucky under the water. It’s no use of course as he laughs and easily holds you back. “Nice try doll, but you might want to work on your take down a bit.” With that he dunks you one more time and strides out of the lake. You seethe, watching as the water drips down over his neck and chest. You don’t know if you’re angrier at the fact that he managed to scare you or that you’re staring because he looks so damn delicious.
Darkness finally descends on the campground and you and the rest of the team are huddled around the campfire, roasting marshmallows while Tony complains. “You should have let me buy a camper. Then we could have done this and gone to bed in style.” Steve throws a marshmallow at his head, tsking as he says, “that defeats the purpose Tony!” You laugh while trying to unstick your fingers from the marshmallow on your smore, finally deciding to just lick it off. You feel someone staring and look up to see Bucky’s eyes on you. His jaw is clenched, and he looks almost angry, so you just chalk it up to him being his usual jerky self. Throwing him a smirk you lick your lips.
It’s after midnight when everyone finally shuffles off to their tents. Nat and Clint, Tony and Pepper, Steve and Sam and then you and Bucky are left glaring at each other. “Oh, hell no, Barnes, you can sleep outside,” you say, going into the only empty tent left and starting to zip it closed. He barges through, “no way y/n. Looks like you’re stuck with me.”
You look down at the sleeping bag and although it’s giant there is only one. “Then you have to sleep outside the sleeping bag!” You stomp your foot with authority, and he laughs. “We’ll see about that.” Huffing and puffing you get yourself ready for bed, all the while very aware of Bucky’s closeness.
Once you’re under the cover and comfortable you sneak a glance his way just as he’s taking off his shirt. He starts to take off his pants and you screech, “what are you doing Barnes?” Giving you a cocky smile, he replies, “what does it look like, baby, getting ready for bed.” His pants are off in a second and he’s now standing in his boxer briefs.
You swallow hard and try to look away but can’t seem to bring yourself to. He lays down next to you, above the covers as promised and grabs his book. “Sleep tight, doll.” You mumble goodnight and turn over with a sigh. You’re not sure how much time passes before you start shivering but you can’t seem to stop.
“Are you cold, y/n?” You were hoping he was asleep already. “No, I’m fine,” you lie, curling into yourself. The next thing you know he’s getting into the sleeping bag and pulling you into his chest. At first you protest, pushing away from him with a grunt. “No thanks, Buck.” He doesn’t listen, tightening his hold on you and whispering into your neck, “don’t fight me, doll. You can’t freeze all night. Your feet are like ice.”
Giving in you go limp in his arms, finding it hard to fall asleep now that his warm body is so close to yours. You wiggle around to get comfortable and you hear his breath hitch, the low rumble of a growl vibrating through his chest. Ignoring him you cuddle closer, the feel of his hardness against your ass making you stifle a moan. You finally relax, the comfort of his strong body lulling you into a peaceful sleep.
When you wake up the next morning, Bucky’s arms are still curled around you and your legs are tangled together. “Morning baby,” he murmurs, stretching his arms. You do the same, your oversized shirt riding up above your bum. Bucky immediately stills, his thigh brushing against your bare skin. “Are you wearing underwear?”
His question is barely audible over your heavy breathing, the air thick with tension as he runs his metal arm up your thigh. “Um. They were still wet last night after my swim in the lake, so I didn’t wear any to bed.” He rolls you over, caging you under him and between his arms. “Are you telling me you’ve been without underwear this whole time?”
You shake your head yes, unable to speak now that his thigh is nudging between your legs. “Fuck,” he growls before leaning down to kiss you. The very moment your lips brush to his you hear the zipper of your tent. Bucky jumps off you and throws the cover over your bodies. “Morning you two!” You hear Sam’s chipper voice before you see him poke his head into the tent. “Hurry and get up, Tony’s hungry and is already starting to yell about taking everyone out to eat. We have to get breakfast ready and we need all hands-on deck.”
He smiles, waiting for your reply. “Yea, yea, we’re coming Sam, get out!” Bucky throws a sock at his face which works better than expected as Sam wrinkles his nose in disgust and quickly leaves. “Fucking hell, he has the worst timing.” You giggle then blurt out, “but I thought you couldn’t stand me.” Bucky quickly moves back to you, taking you into his arms.
“Quite the opposite doll. I really like you a lot. It’s just easier for me to be a pain in your ass than actually tell you. I didn’t think you could ever feel the same way.” You straddle his waist, winding your arms around his neck. “Well, you’re wrong. I do like you. A lot.” His thumb brushes against your cheek and he leans in for another kiss only to be interrupted once again by Sam yelling outside your tent.
“Don’t make me come in there again! Hurry your asses up.” Bucky rests his forehead to yours and sighs, “I guess we have to go help with breakfast.” You tuck some hair behind his ear. “Yea, I guess,” you reply with a light laugh, then perk up, asking, “hey, so what are you doing later?” His grip on your waist tightens and he gives you a heated look. “You.”
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @azurika-writes @book-dragon-13 @buckys-broody-muffin @bugsbucky @emilylyoness @eurynome827 @imgaril-lindru @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @kaosera @loricameback @littledarlinhavefaithinme @littleredstarfish @mushyjellybeans @marvelgirl7 @marvelandotherfandomimagines @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin @scarletsoldierrr @sallycanwait68 @the-wayward-robot​ @softpeachbarnes​ @yansi1923​ @hiddles-rose​ @hawksmagnolia​ @hailmary-yramliah​
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lionofchaeronea · 5 years
The Story of the Golden Fleece
Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica 1.277-293
Notes: “the Thracian bard” = Orpheus; “whose name would endure forever” = Helle gave her name to the Hellespont. Here the Thracian bard with sweet-sounding lyre Draws out the night, singing of how Phrixus Stood garlanded with fillets on his temples And, covered in clouds, fled the unjust altars, Leaving Athamas to Learchus, Ino’s son; Of how a golden ferryman bore the youth Into the waves that pitied him, while Helle Clung tightly to its horns.  The goddess of Dawn Had finished seven courses, and the moon Had finished the same number of shadowy nights In heaven, and Sestos, which does not seem from afar To be separated by water, had begun to depart From its sister city Abydos. Here his sister – whose name would endure forever – Deserts the son of Aeolus, alas! Rescued from her savage stepmother in vain. From far behind, with weary palms, she seeks The moistened Fleece; but the waters drag her garments – Thirsty now with pressing weight – down; And her hands slip from the smooth gold. Ah, Phrixus, What grief you felt when, swept by the rapid tide, You looked back to behold your wretched sister’s Face crying out, her hands – last seen of all - And her locks of hair spread out on the deep! Thracius hic noctem dulci testitudine vates extrahit, ut steterit redimitus tempora vittis Phrixus et iniustas contectus nubibus aras fugerit Inoo linquens Athamanta Learcho; aureus ut iuvenem miserantibus intulit undis vector et adstrictis ut sedit cornibus Helle. septem Aurora vias totidemque peregerat umbras luna polo dirimique procul non aequore visa coeperat a gemina discedere Sestos Abydo. hic soror Aeoliden aevum mansura per omne deserit, heu saevae nequiquam erepta novercae! illa quidem fessis longe petit umida palmis vellera, sed bibulas urgenti pondere vestes unda trahit levique manus labuntur ab auro. quis tibi, Phrixe, dolor, rapido cum concitus aestu respiceres miserae clamantia virginis ora extremasque manus sparsosque per aequora crines! 
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Phrixus extends his hand to the drowning Helle.  Fresco in the Fourth Style from Pompeii; now in the National Archaeological Museum, Naples.  Photo credit: Stefano Bolognini/Wikimedia Commons.
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pizzettauniversale · 3 years
ciao auro, posso chiederti alcune informazioni? non ho nessuno con cui parlarne.
vorrei fare sesso con il mio ragazzo, sono vergine ancora, ma non so come affrontare la situazione. bisogna utilizzare le precauzioni, quindi utilizzare il preservativo ok, ma dopo il rapporto che si fa? io donna dovrei prendere qualcosa? questa cosa mi spaventa molto e non so praticamente nulla a riguardo.
Ehilà, scusa se rispondo solo ora ma sono tornata a Roma.
Prima di tutto fai bene a rivolgerti ad altre persone e non andare a casaccio.
Seconda cosa bene che sai da sola che si deve utilizzare il preservativo. Poi parla con il tuo ragazzo, digli come ti senti e se non ti va di fare qualcosa non farlo. Se hai paura che possa farti male ci sono dei lubrificanti fatti apposta della durex.
Dopo il rapporto lui si sfila e butta il preservativo, tu non devi prendere niente. Vai in bagno e ti fai un bidet per prevenire possibili infezioni, lavarsi dopo i rapporti è sempre molto importante.
Fine, goditi tutto perché è bellissimo e se hai altre domande chiedi pure 💗
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Nuovo post su https://is.gd/Z8iCy7
La terra d'Otranto del XVII secolo nei versi di un autore coevo
di Armando Polito
Oggi l’Italia arranca disperatamente in Europa e nel mondo e le roboanti, giornaliere  dichiarazioni su un presunto riconoscimento altrui del nostro prestigio rappresentano solo un tentativo di gettare fumo negli occhi per avere consensi in cabina elettorale. Ancora più desolante è il quadro se lo sguardo per settori si sofferma sul profondo sud. Che la situazione, soprattutto sotto il profilo economico, per quanto territorialmente ci riguarda fosse radicalmente diversa quattro secoli fa, lo mostra non solo una vasta letteratura specialistica con le sue testimonianze del tempo, ma anche la produzione poetica. Prenderemo in considerazione, per quanto riguarda quest’ultima, Paolo Antonio Di Tarsia1 e la sua opera Europa pubblicata a Madrid nel 1659, prima edizione ormai introvabile. Una seconda uscì a Lione nel 1661 e ad essa farò riferimento2.
L’opera, tutta in latino,  contiene all’inizio ben tre dediche: due in prosa, rispettivamente di uno di coloro a spese dei quali l’opera fu pubblicata (C. Bourgeat) a Giovanni Clemente di Belle-Croix e del Di Tarsia a Pasquale d’Aragona; la terza, ancora del Di Tarsia, in distici elegiaci, a papa Alessandro VII, che già era stato vescovo di Nardò3. Seguono 14 elegie celebranti l’Europa. Alla fine il volume contiene note esplicative per ogni elegia (in questa seconda edizione, come si legge nel frontespizio, sono del fratello Biagio.
Appare significativo che nella parte dedicata al Regno di Napoli (Elegia V, pp. 19-22) sono ricordati, ognuno con una o più peculiarità, ben dieci centri di Terra d’Otranto. Siccome vi compaiono in ordine sparso nelle pp. 21-22, ne riproduco i dettagli dopo averli estrapolati (nota esplicative comprese, laddove ci sono), aggiungendo alla trascrizione la traduzione e qualche nota. Le elegie, superfluo dirlo, sono in distici elegiaci; di solito, però, ogni toponimo non occupa l’intero distico ma solo la prima o la seconda parte, cioè o l’esametro o il volgarmente detto pentametro. La E o la P in parentesi tonde accanto ad ogni toponimo hanno questa funzione indicativa. Anticipo che dominanti sono i riferimenti all’economia o al paesaggio, ad eccezione di quelli culturali di Rudie e Martina Franca.
                                                                            BRINDISI (E)
Brundusium commendant Castra, Via Appia, Portus. (Fanno apprezzare Brindisi i castelli, la via Appia, il porto)
                                                                           TARANTO (E)
Aequor ut immensum, extendit se fama Tarenti. (Come l’immenso mare si estende la fama di Taranto)
                                                                              GALLIPOLI (P)
Gallipolis cultros, vinaque, vela facit. (Gallipoli produce coltelli, vini, veli)
Gallipolis. Vela ibi fiunt ex bombacio sive xylo, aureis sericisque filis intexta, quibus Mulieres tegendis, ornandisque capitibus utuntur. (Gallipoli. Ivi si fanno veli di bambagia ovvero cotone, intessute di fili di oro e di seta, dei quali le donne si servono per coprire e ornare la testa)
E dopo? Si legge in Pietro Maisen Valtellinese, Gallipoli e suoi dintorni, Tipografia municipale, succursale della Tipografia Garibaldi in Lecce, Gallipoli, 1870, pp. 53-54: Uno sguardo retrospettivo di due o tre secoli, ci addita Gallipoli la città delle industrie e delle belle arti. Avevansi diverse manifatture come di mussolini e veli di finissima ventinella, fregiati di vari colori, ed altri travagli di cotone di cui era molto esteso il lavoro. Si fabbricavano guanti e calze di finissima ventinella, di cui i Maltesi, i Veneziani, i Genovesi e Siciliani ne facevano grande smercio; ma ora tali lavori decaddero in depreziamento per le esotiche manifatture che s’introdussero a prezzi mitissimi, di cui non ponno sostenere la concorrenza le indigene.
                                                                              LECCE (E)
Dulce domos ornent pelles, quas pingit Aletum. (Le pelli che colora Lecce, piacevole cosa, ornino le case)
Aletum. Vulgò Lecce. Provintiae Hydruntinae caput. Pelles ibi coccinei coloris ex Oriente delatas,auro et coloribus graphicè exornant, pinguntque,quibus sellas, mensas, scrinia, ephippia, caeteraque utensilia tegunt. (Aleto. Correntemente Lecce. Capitale della provincia otrantina. Ivi con oro e colori adornano e dipingono artisticamente le pelli di colore scarlatto importate dall’Oriente, con le quali rivestono sedie, tavoli, cofanetti, selle e altri utensili) 
Aletum mi appare come deformazione di Aletium (nulla a che fare con l’attuale Alezio) che il Galateo (XV-VI secolo) riporta come una delle tante varianti: Urbem hanc alii Lupias, alii Lypias, alii Lopias, alii Lupium, alii Lispiam, alii Lypiam, alii Aletium, alii Licium, alii Lictium, a Lictio Idomeneo, alii Liceam: omnia haec nomina idem sunt. (Alcuni chiamano questa città Lupie, altri Lipie, altri Lopie, altri Lupio, altri Lispia, altri Lipia, altri Alezio, altri Licio, altri Littio da Littio Idomeneo, altri Licea: tutti questi nomi sono la stessa cosa)
                                                                        GALATONE (P)
Vite, oleis, plena est Galata, melle, croco. (Galatone è piena di vite, di ulivi, di miele, di zafferano)
Quanto allo zafferano ancora oggi, nonostante tutto, fiorisce spontaneamente, almeno nella campagna in cui, a Nardò, ho la fortuna di vivere, ma la storia è vecchia. Scriveva, infatti, il già citato Galateo: Hic coelum salubre, ac tepidum, aurae salutares, et suaves, ager apricus semper vernans floribus, et bene olentibus herbis, thymo, thymbra, pulegio, serpillo, hysopo, melolotho, camomilla, calamentho, ubique abundans; unde et caseum nobile, et mel gignit, non deterius Hymectio, ac crocum laudatissimum. Itaque ut apud Marsos, et Pelignos Sulmonensis, sic et apud Salentinos Galatanensis crocus ceteris praestat. Temporibus patrum nostrorum in Salentinis hic, non alibi crocus habebatur. Unde huc venerit incompertum est: attamen videtur hoc solum sponte sua crocum gignere. Omnis ager, ubi sues non sunt, silvestri croco abundat; qui flore, bulbo, capillamentis, ortensi sive sativo similis est; tempore etiam conveniunt, uterque enim floret post ortum Arcturi.(Qui [nel territorio di Galatone] il clima è salubre e tiepido, l’aria salutare e soave, la campagna soleggiata che sempre si ricopre di fiori e di erbe profumate: timo, santoreggia, puleggio, serpillo, issopo, meliloto, camomilla, nepeta abbondante ovunque. Perciò produce pregiato formaggio e miele non inferiore a quello dell’Imetto [monte della Grecia famoso nell’antichità per la bontà del suo miele] e zafferano apprezzatissimo. E così, come presso i Marsi e i Peligni il croco di Sulmona, presso i Salentini lo zafferano di Galatone supera gli altri.Ai tempi dei nostri padri il croco c’era qui in Salento, non altrove. Da dove sia giunto qui, non si sa, tuttavia si vede che questa terra lo produce spontaneamente. Ogni campo dove non ci sono maiali  abbonda di zafferano selvatico, che nel fior, nel bulbo, nei filamenti è simile a quello dei giardini o coltivato. Concordano pure nel tempo: entrambi infatti fioriscono dopo il sorgere di Arturo [stella visibile in primavera guardando ad est])
                                                                           GROTTAGLIE (E)
Spumantes offert bibulis Cryptalla racemos. (Grottaglie offre ai bevitori spumeggianti vini)
Si legge in Vincenzo Corrado, Notiziario delle produzioni particolari del Regno di Napoli, Nicola Russo, Napoli, 1792, p. 128 : Produce di particolare il territorio di questa Terra [Galatone] grossissime e gustose mela granate; puranche saporite uve, per cui il vino delle Grottaglie vanta un’eccellenza superiore agli altri vini della Provincia.
                                                                               OSTUNI (E)
Ostuni Diana dedit sua munera sylvis. (Diana diede i suoi doni alle selve di Ostuni)
In Giovanni Battista Pacichelli, Il Regno di Napoli in prospettiva, Parrino, Napoli, 1703, parte II, p. 177: Nelle selve assai feconde di Salvaggina, e fra’ Campi fertili di odoroso, e gratissimo Vino, di Olio, di Formento, e di altro esquisito, siede questa [Ostuni ]…
Sarebbe interessante sapere quanto esattamente è rimasto di quella selva e, questa volta, per colpa di quale dio o sedicente tale…
                                                                                     RUDIE (P)
Eversas Rudias Ennius erudiit. (Ennio erudì la devastata Rudie)
                                                                                   EGNAZIA (E)
Olim ignes factos, Equites nunc Gnatia gignit. (Egnazia ora genera cavalieri, un tempo fuochi fatti [senza che si vedessero4])
Gnatia. Nunc Monopolis, Urbs praeclara, et nobilis in Apulia Peucetia. Hic olim thura liquescere credebant Gentiles in primo templi aditu,sine igne, supero nimirum calore, de quo Horatius lib. serm. saty. 5. (Egnazia. Ora Monopoli, città illustre e nobile nella Puglia peucezia. Qui un tempo i pagani credevano che gli incensi si liquefacessero nel vestibolo del tempio senza il fuoco, senza dubbio per il calore celeste, della qual cosa [parla] Orazio, libro I, satira 5)
Ed ecco il pezzo oraziano (vv. 97-100):… dein Gnatia Lymphis/iratis exstructa dedit risusque iocosque,/dum flamma sine tura liquescere limine sacro/persuadere cupit. (… poi Egnazia dalle acque adirate5 diede occasione di ridere mentre vuol farci credere che sulla sacra soglia l’incenso si liquefà senza fiamma)
                                                                     MARTINA FRANCA (E)
Me iuvenem Martina dedit Grecumque Latinum. (A me giovane Martina diede il greco e il latino)
Martina. Alludit ad doctissimum Ludimagistrum Iosephum Caramiam in ea Urbe natum, à quo Auctor, Graecis Latin(is)que Litteris Cupersani imbutus fuit. (Martina. Allude al dottissimo maestro Giuseppe Caramia nato in quella città, dal quale l’autore fu istruito a Conversano nelle lettere latine e greche)    
                                                                            OTRANTO (P)
Ex Hydruntinis citria mala pete. (Agli otrantini chiedi cedri)
Oggi non so, ma questa caratteristica permane nel XVIII secolo; si legge in Francesco d’Ambrosio, Saggio istorico della presa di Otranto .., Giuseppe De Bonis, Napoli, 1751, p. 3: Questa Città ha breve il suo orizonte,per il sito basso che tiene, vedendosi per terra circondata da valloni; e però sarebbe di aria mal sana, se i molti arbori di cedri, e melaranci, de’ quali nelle sue vicinanze abbonda, non la purificassero col grato, e continuo odore. E in Francesco Antonio Primaldo Ciatara, Relazione di fatti che interessano la fedelissima città di Otranto, Stamperia Simoniana, Napoli, 1772, p. 6: Il terreno della Città di Otranto poi è molto atto agli aranci, cedri, e limoni per le acque, che lo bagnano.
                                                                               NARDÒ (P)
Stragula Neriti xylina lectus amat. (Il letto ama le coperte in cotone di Nardò)
Neriti. Urbs Neritonensis celebris est. Texuntur ibi stragula, sive lectorum tegumenta lemniscata ex bombacio, sive Xilo, quae sunt in pretio. (Di Nardò. La città di Nardò è celebre. Vi si tessono coperte o coperture di letti decorate di nastri di bambagia ovvero cotone, che sono apprezzate)
Coverte di bombace di Nardò ricorre, quasi a mo’ di etichetta, negli inventari presenti in atti notarili fino alla fine del secolo XIX e riferentisi, è ovvio, a famiglia abbienti.
1 Nato a Conversano nel 1619 , morto a Madrid nel 1670, pubblicò anche: 
De S. Io. Baptistae humanae salutis prodromi laudibus oratio panegyrica. Ad illustrissimum, D. D. Iulium Aquavivam Aragonium, Francesco Savio, Napoli, 1643
Divae Virginis insulanae cupersanensis historia, Iuliano De Paredes, Madrid, 1648
Historiarum Cupersanensium libri tres, Iuliano De Paredes, Madrid, 1649
Memorial politico-historico, s. n., Madrid, 1657
Succus prudentiae sacropoliticae ex nonnullis r. Pp. Ioan. Eusebii Nierembergii, Societ. Iesu, operibus expressus, & per locos communes digestus, a spese di Claude Bourgeat e Michel Lietard, Lione, 1659
Vida de Don Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas, S. M. Redondo, s. n., 1663
Tumultos de la ciudad y Reyno de Napoles, en ano de 1647, En Leon de Francia: a costa de Claudio Burgea, mercador de libros, 1670
2 https://books.google.it/books?id=kJhf-zqGOCcC&printsec=frontcover&hl=it&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false
3 http://www.fondazioneterradotranto.it/2014/03/02/alessandro-vii-un-papa-gia-vescovo-fantasma-di-nardo-e-il-suo-vice/ . Credo che questa dedica e l’altra della prima opera indicata nella nota 1 a Giulio Acquaviva (marito di Caterina d’Aragona duchessa di Nardò) siano due dati non sufficienti ad ipotizzare un qualche rapporto tra il Di Tarsia e Nardò, tanto più che il futuro papa da vescovo non vi mise mai piede e la stessa Caterina dopo le nozze risiedette stabilmente nella città del marito, a Conversano.
4 Per comprendere il senso della traduzione e di questa integrazione è necessario leggere il seguito.
5 Questa è la traduzione letterale di lymphis adiratis, locuzione la cui oscurità ha propiziato fin dai tempi antichi una ridda di interpretazioni: chi vi ha trovato un’allusione alla penuria di acqua dolce, chi, quasi collateralmente, all’abbondanza di acqua salmastra, chi al potere distruttivo dei torrenti precipitanti dalle Murge (in questo caso la traduzione sarebbe “distrutta dalle acque adirate”.
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