#arwen & aragorn
emilybeemartin · 1 year
I saw a post saying that Boromir looked too scruffy in FotR for a Captain of Gondor, and I tried to move on, but I’m hyperfixating. Has anyone ever solo backpacked? I have. By the end, not only did I look like shit, but by day two I was talking to myself. On another occasion I did fourteen days’ backcountry as the lone woman in a group of twelve men, no showers, no deodorant, and brother, by the end of that we were all EXTREMELY feral. You think we looked like heirs to the throne of anywhere? We were thirteen wolverines in ripstop.
My boy Boromir? Spent FOUR MONTHS in the wilderness! Alone! No roads! High floods! His horse died! I’m amazed he showed up to Imladris wearing clothes, let alone with a decent haircut. I’m fully convinced that he left Gondor looking like Richard Sharpe being presented to the Prince Regent in 1813
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*electric guitar riff*
And then rocked up to Imladris a hundred ten days later like
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autistook · 7 months
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I love social media
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ynnu-64 · 3 months
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Kind of photo redraw
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velvet4510 · 1 month
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glorf1ndel · 2 months
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Just some of my favorite BTS photos from The Hobbit and LOTR!
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maedictus · 5 months
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I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone.
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rohirriiim · 9 days
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For I am the daughter of Elrond. I shall not go with him when he departs to the Havens: for mine is the choice of Lúthien, and as she so have I chosen, both the sweet and the bitter.
THE LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY (2001 - 2003) dir. Peter Jackson
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artbyleav · 4 months
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“Then Aragorn was abashed, for he saw the elven-light in her eyes and the wisdom of many days; yet from that hour he loved Arwen Undomi daughter of Elrond.”
I saw all the valentine day posts and it made me want to draw my fave couple 🤍
Also if you were curious the elvish means “I love you”.
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rinthecap · 4 months
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Aragorn and Arwen in Vietnamese traditional clothings
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missmargaretcarter · 5 months
Can I just say how much I enjoy that almost everyone in Lord of the Rings is an adult. Like a grown ass adult. I do realize the hobbits are relatively young for their species, but there’s no chosen one teenagers, they’re not a group of random twenty something’s who also happen to somehow be geniuses, no childlike drama or super honed abilities that have somehow only been developed before high school. Just a bunch of old, weary adults getting shit done, honing their craft after years and years and being badass regardless of age.
Editing for the new folks reblogging: Pippin is the exception this. I mentioned the hobbits are young for their species, with Pippin being the youngest. Still, the main idea is that overall, this isn’t a YA novel with all twenty-something protagonists.
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emilybeemartin · 8 months
Boromir Lives AU: High Uncle of the White Tower
A follow-up to It's a BABY
First, as so many folks have pointed out, the baby's name, with the boron root, meaning "steadfast, trusty, enduring;" ergo Boromir: "steadfast jewel" and Elboron: "steadfast/enduring star." I love this as a memorial in canon, but we ain't in canon here and I get to make it an honorarium instead because I am drunk with power.
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Good luck getting that baby back, Faramir.
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"I'll have him wear nonskid waders, I swear."
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While this is obviously a nod to Sharpe, I was actually inspired by Sean talking about how he used to play with toy soldiers when he was young ("you know, about twenty") on History Hack.
Later, at the all-units Pass in Review:
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Boromir Lives: Helm's Deep
Boromir Lives: Whump-Time After Pelennor
Boromir Lives: GO TO SLEEP
Boromir Lives: Aragorn's Coronation
Boromir Lives: Faramir and Eowyn's Wedding
Boromir Lives: It's a BABY
Boromir Lives: The Haircuts
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ginzburgjake · 5 months
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yay another new year’s gift
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southaway · 7 months
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Aragorn and Arwen Wed
Nolofinwë Week Day Six: Arwen and Aragorn
They love each other
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dagordagorath · 1 month
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Now come the days of the King.
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afanofmanyhats · 17 days
One of my favorite things about Tolkien's writing is that he has a very specific, recurring trope. For lack of a better term, I'm dubbing this the Tolkien Wife-Guy.
This is mainly obvious in the Silmarillion, but Tolkien loves to write couples where the man is a notable individual- nobility, commits a great deed, or both- but the wife is at least equally notable, if not more beloved or powerful. Manwe is the king of the Valar and Eru's main representative in Arda? Everyone loves Varda more, and Melkor fears her more than his own brother. Elu Thingol is the king of the Silvan Elves? His wife is Melian, whose Girdle is the magic that keeps Morgoth's forces at bay. Beren is a chief among the Edain, who befriends animals and survives one of the most nightmarish places in Beleriand? His wife is Luthien.
Even in Lord of the Rings we see this occur, though the couples are on more even footing. Tom Bombadil is... Tom Bombadil, but Goldberry is the River-daughter, and Tom adores her above everything else, and the hobbits are completely taken in with her when she's their host. Similarly, while Celeborn is a mighty lord among Elves, Galadriel is one of the only Noldor in Middle-earth who saw the Two Trees, and her hair inspired Feanor to make the Silmarils, not to mention her own accomplishments in the war against Morgoth. Aragorn is the king of Gondor and Arnor, but Arwen is the Evenstar of the Elves, the descendant of three(?) different royal Elven lines. And Faramir becomes the Steward of Gondor and is one of the noblest men alive, but Eowyn killed the Witch-king, so you know. She got the grander moment for the saga.
But with (most) of these couples, we never get the impression that the man views his wife as Less-Than, or as a junior partner. Thingol is the main exception to this in how he dismisses Melian's counsel, and that's made out to be his foolishness within the text. Otherwise, Manwe treats Varda as his co-ruler, Beren never tries to downplay Luthien's achievements, and I'm pretty sure most of Tom Bombadil's dialogue is about how gorgeous Goldberry is. It's really sweet.
All of these examples really testify to how much Tolkien loved his wife. People rightly point to Beren and Luthien as the prime example of that, but I think you can find it in these other couples too. Even though Edith is mainly known to history as Mrs. Tolkien, it's evident to me that Jirt saw her as a whole person worthy of admiration outside of being his wife.
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rohirriiim · 20 days
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Liv Tyler as Arwen and Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING 2001 | dir. Peter Jackson
[sindarin translations in alt]
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