#anyways yeah the last two are new (ish) ocs but I don’t feel like getting into their stuff rn
arolesbianism · 7 months
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A handful of things I’ve drawn in the past month
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qwerty-the-duck · 2 years
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A couple days last, but OCtober week 2 finished! Thanks to @oc-tober2022​ for the prompt list! Under the cut is a brief explanation of each picture and how they related to the prompts. (Just like week one, which can be found here!)
And just because i forgot to mention, the OCs for most of the prompts are picked via a spinning wheel with one OC for each day. (Which I adjust if I pick one myself cuz it fits well or if I use 2 OCs in a drawing)
Day 8: Lucy (Long Story Short/LSS) for Graceful. Lucy is a gentle giant guy who gets a bad rep cuz of his appearance. His powers don’t really do much in basic offense so he is actually really skilled in fighting and has an almost dance-like approach to avoid taking hits himself. Also he loves animals, even one-eye mutant cats, so that’s there too.
Day 9: Mason and Jade (Fireball and Chain) for Role-Reversal. Mason and Jade are loose friends in the context of the story, (Mason isn’t a student at the school so they don’t really interact) but who better than two trans kids for the ultimate role reversal. Day 10: “Fencer” and Hikari Gotou (Fireball and Chain) for Dream. The prompt for this is more about myself than the characters. Bleach is one of my biggest inspirations and this was the airdate for the new season, so I drew two of my characters that matched the personalities of the Bleach characters the best and tried my hand at copying the newest seasons style. It’s a dream of mine to have a story that gives people the same feelings and inspiration that Bleach gives me.
Day 11: Reiku Gotou (Fireball and Chain) for Fight. Reiku is one of the most powerful in her story, so her fights don’t usually last long. Wanted to give a shot at a manga art style and format for this one. Took a lot of time and effort but was really fun. (A couple of the SFX didn’t export with the image and that made me sad but I didn’t have time to fix it, sadly.) Day 12: Istalf (Fireball and Chain) for Begging. I was originally gonna do something more “spicy” for this one cuz...Istalf is...anyway, but I got uncomfy looking for references in my family’s living room so instead I just went with a simple scene of him complaining about having to take care of kids he secretly loves and would die for. Day 13: Arlen and Jet (Minimal) for Fear. I spun Jet for this one but they are honestly not that fearful of a character. They are very “for the sake of science” and don’t really worry too much about their own safety during things, but they do care a lot for the character Arlen and often has to see him put himself in danger/pain as part of their job so yeah. Day 14: Eiza (Fireball and Chain) for Legend. This one was very amusing to me and straight forward because in Fireball and Chain, Eiza is a creature that is called a “Legend” so I was kinda free to do whatever I wanted for this one, so I just found a fun angle to try out. (I colored the entire jacket and the rainbow splatter on it just to greyscale it after T^T) Two-ish weeks to go!
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
FATWS One Shot #2 - The Beginning of a Family
Word Count: 1804
Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of Human Trafficking (once, it was a mission Reader did), Minor Character Injury
Setting/Characters: The first half-ish of The Avengers in 2012; Reader, Steve Rogers, Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, Mentions of Loki, Phil Coulson, and Clint Barton, OC!Agent Anderson
A/N: Here’s One Shot Number 2! I was thinking of making it longer and adding the actual Battle of Manhattan, but I dunno if I’m gonna do that. I just wanted these to be One Shots of first meetings and other smaller events. I didn’t want to do scene-for-scene two parters. If you want me to, I can, I don’t mind doing it, I just wasn’t planning on it. I’ve kinda been slacking today, which is why I haven’t cranked out more than this one, but I’ll see if I can finish one more for tonight. Tomorrow’s another late night for me at work, BUT! Tomorrow night FATWS comes out! So I will be doing the next Episode! I also don’t have Friday off this week, so the Parts might bleed into Saturday, but they will come this weekend!
Reminder that this has nothing to do with FATWS the show, but I don’t have a title for my FATWS Series, which is what these are based off of, so this is what they’re called for now! If you have any ideas for names, feel free to send them in! I’m just too lazy to come up with something clever for the whole Series.
Thank you so much for reading! As always, not beta’d so please excuse any mistakes! Be kind to yourselves and others! Stay tuned and enjoy!
FATWS Masterlist
cjsinkythoughts Masterlist
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You were exhausted, coming back from an assignment that lasted a little over two months. It’d been your first one since you were assigned to help Steve adjust, and you were guessing they’d keep you on desk duty for a few months before sending you back out again. Which frustrated you to no end.
But then you got back your personal cell phone from a fellow agent and, seeing you had a few  voicemails - which you never had - you flipped it on.
“Hi, Y/N.” Your lips turned up at the man you started growing close to over the past year. “I-I know you’re on a mission right now. I mean, you just left last week. Anyways, I just…I hope you’re doin’ okay. You probably won’t get this until later, but…still. I hope you’re safe. I, uh, I got that book. The one you were joking about me getting. The U.S. History for Dummies one. It goes farther back than I need to know, but I still read all of it. It helped. I wish you were here though. But I know you’re working. And that’s important. Um… I guess I’ll see you in a few months.”
The phone beeped before the next message played. “I took your advice. I got a sketchbook and some other stuff. There’s a ton of new supplies. I’m kinda excited to try them out. Maybe they’re not new but they’re more accessible now than they used to be. And I found a gym. In Brooklyn. It’s kinda run down - a hole in the wall type place - but they don’t do memberships and they don’t care how long you stay as long as you pay for your time. So that’s nice. I guess. Anyways…hi. I don’t think I said that earlier. It’s Steve, by the way. But you probably guessed that. Um…that’s all. I just wanted to let you know. Stay safe, honey. Abbyssinia.”
You listened to the next couple ones, all along the same lines. Steve telling you about his day; about the dog he was allowed to pet on his run or the different coffee he tried this morning at your previous suggestion. You snickered a little, shaking your head. You would never guessed that Hitler hitting, Nazi punching Captain America was so…soft. Cute.
His last voicemail was from earlier that morning, and it made her brow furrow. “Hey, honey. I, uh…God, I really wish you were here. I was told you’d be getting back last week, but then they said it might be another couple weeks because something happened? I hope nothing happened. Please be okay. I’ve really missed you. I know it’s only been a year, but…you’re the only familiar thing I have right now. I guess Fury was right to choose you since you were the first person I saw. There’s a, uh, problem. Fury’s got a mission for me. Some guy named Loki stole the Tesseract. Which was HYDRA’s secret weapon. That blue cube thing. I was just getting used to laptops and fast food and this…it’s just a lot. Overwhelming. You were always good at making things less intimidating. I’ve gotta go. Some SHIELD personnel are picking me up now. We’re going to…somewhere. I’m sure you would know, but they haven’t exactly told me. Hoping to see you soon, Y/N. Please be safe.”
You frowned at the information, looking up at one of your fellow agents, Anderson. “Hey.” He turned his head towards you from his conversation with the copilot. “Is something going on at HQ?”
“The Helicarrier.” Anderson corrected. “Fury just called it in. Something with the Tesseract. And some guy’s mind controlling people. He’s got Barton, apparently. The director is bringing a few people on board; Banner, Stark, Romanoff. Rogers, too, I heard. He wants you to be there ASAP, so we’re going there now.”
Letting out a sigh, you rubbed your eyes and nodded. “Alright. Let’s go see what’s going on.”
Fury met you as you walked off the jet, lugging your duffle bag over your shoulder. You were still in your clothes from the mission; a human trafficking ring in Guam. Dirty, torn up jeans along with a white tank top hugging your torso and a flannel, unbuttoned, over your shoulders. One of your sneakers had a hole in it, too, and you were walking with a slight limp from the dislocated kneecap you got a few days prior.
“Agent.” He nodded in greeting, passing you a file. “The others are waiting. We just brought in Loki.”
You chewed your cheek, narrowing your eyes as you scanned the information in the file. It had personal files of the others, but you didn’t need to look through those. You knew Natasha very well, considering she taught you half the things you know, along with Barton. You knew Stark - of course you did - especially after you helped set Natasha up to be his secretary a while back. Banner you were also knowledgeable about, seeing as you went undercover to find him when he first took off and had been part of the tracking team on him ever since. Thor you had learned about after his fiasco in New Mexico from Coulson. And, last but certainly not least, Steve Rogers, who you knew better than any file could explain.
“Walk me through this; Thor and Loki are the real Thor and Loki? Like, from Norse myths?”
“Apparently so. You know about the New Mexico incident with the two last year, don’t you?”
You nodded, pinching your lips together tightly. “Well, yeah, but I thought…I dunno. I guess it just didn’t click. So,” you tucked the file under your arm securely, raising an eyebrow at Fury. “We’re fighting a god? An actual god?”
“With an army of aliens.” He confirmed.
“Wonderful.” You huffed as the two of you turned a corner, making your way onto the bridge, just in time to hear Stark talking to Banner about him turning into the Hulk.
“Dr. Banner is only here to track the cube.” Fury butted in. You crossed your arms behind Fury, leaning on your good leg. “I was hoping you might join him. Before you do, this is-” 
“Y/N! You’re back!”
You shot a grin to the blonde, who perked up upon seeing you. “Hi, Steve. Just in time, too, huh.” You nudged Natasha slightly. “Hey, Nat. Sorry about Clint.”
She shrugged. “I’m just glad you’re here to help.”
“I’m sorry.” You looked over to find Banner frowning contemplatively at you. “Do I know you?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but Fury beat you to it. “Formalities later. Y/L/N, we’ll bring you up to speed-”
“I’ll get there, sir. How are you boys planning on tracking down the Tesseract?” You questioned, nodding in the two geniuses’ direction.
“I’d start with that stick of his.” Steve suggested, turning to look at the duo as well. “It may be magical but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon.”
“I don’t know about that, but it is powered by the Cube.” Fury stated. “And I’d like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys.”
A tall, broad as hell blonde looked at Fury, confused. “Monkeys? I do not understand-”
“I do!” Steve jumped in, pointing at Thor, before leaning back in his seat at the silence that came after his exclamation. “I-I understood that reference.”
You chuckled and shook your head, winking at Steve when he smiled bashfully at you. As the two scientists - was Stark a scientist? - started heading out, Steve hopped up, padding over to you.
“You’re back early.”
“Late, technically.” You shrugged, letting him pull you in for a hug, your hand rubbing his back. “I got your calls.”
He pulled away, his ears turning red. “Oh, yeah. I, uhm-”
You sniggered. “It’s fine, Steve. You can call me whenever you need to. I’m just sorry I couldn’t answer you sooner.”
“You were working.” He shrugged half heartedly. “Did it go okay? Are you okay?”
“Yes, Steven. I’m fine.” You rolled your eyes just as a yawn threatened to escape your lips. “If not a little tired.” You tapped on the star against his chest. “Nice suit, by the way.”
“Ha ha.” He grinned, eyeing your own clothing. “You’re matching me.” He tugged on the red, white, and blue flannel hanging from your arms. “You also look like shit.”
You snorted. “Wow. What a gentleman. Let’s get this whole Loki situation over with so I can go to bed, yeah?”
He chuckled a little with a nod. “Sounds like a plan, honey.” The two of you started out of the bridge. “You should shower first, though.”
“You’re a bully, you know that?”
“I’m just sayin’!”
“I’m just sayin’!” You mocked with a huff. “Leave me be, Rogers.”
His laughter was cut short, making you look over at him curiously, only to find his slitted eyes studying your movements. “Why are you limping?”
“Relax, Captain. I just dislocated my knee. It’s fine. Shit happens on missions, you know that.”
“Is that why you came back late?”
Shaking your head, you lead him to one of the private rooms the Helicarrier had so you could shower and change. “No. I just needed a little more time. That’s all. Now let’s focus on the problem at hand. We can talk more later.”
He hesitated, leaning against the doorway and watching you set your bag on the small cot.  “Okay. As long as you’re alright.”
Your heart jumped a bit at the concern laced in his tone, the apprehension in those blue eyes - which you found out had some green in them - making your breath hitch slightly. “I am.” You spoke softly with a firm nod of your head, trying to assure him and his worries. “I promise.”
“I’m gonna go check on Banner and Stark, then. Come find me when you’re done.”
You cleared your throat to recover yourself, throwing him a cheeky grin. “Aye, aye, Captain.”
He rolled his eyes with a smile, before turning and walking out, leaving you alone and confused.
What was that? You’d never had that reaction to anything. Your heart doesn’t race whenever someone walks in the room. Not like it did with him. What the hell did that even mean?
You shook your head, clearing your throats. You didn’t have time to dwell on that now. You doubted it was anything more than a fluke. You were just tired and seeing someone familiar, who was genuinely excited to see you was like a breath of fresh air after your operation. That’s all. Yeah.
With that decided, you headed to the shower, head spinning with new thoughts of this problem with the God of Mischief and that stupid blue cube.
All Works Taglist (Open):
@happygoreading​ @bibliophilewednesday​
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doodleimprovement · 4 years
CSAU :: Moonie Jericho and the Mysterious Case of the Moon-Jumper Mask
At long last, It is finished! Happy Halloween! 
Below the line is a lighthearted fic taking place in the “Coffee Shop” AU (( @doodledrawsthings​ ))with Magic! Family fun! Low stakes! And a gratuitous cameo by my OC because of course Nell is here 
Seriously though this fic is about as lighthearted as it gets. At the end of the fic are a few sketches I drew but didn’t end up coloring. 
((There’s going to be an alternate ending posted separately at a later date, but its not relevant to the fic)) 
Fall in Subcon Forest came in gently as always, and by the time Halloween rolled around, everyone was firmly in their sweaters and beanies and thick leggings and hiking boots that were only occasionally used for hiking. The leaves of the trees and the shining sun framed the town in such lovely muted colors that it looked like a picture right out of a magazine.
Not that anyone in the Horizon was looking out the window to see it - the curtains were closed in an attempt to not blind the employees and clientele.
It was that time between the end of school but before trick or treating, which meant that all of the teachers and parents were coming into the Horizon with their kids to get the new specialty drinks - well decorated and tasty, and more importantly, not hilariously overpriced. The kids in particular seemed to love the “Ghoulishly White Hot Chocolate”, and the teens flocked to the “Jack-O-Spices Frozen Pumpkin Latte”
Luka was almost certain that the pumpkin spice smell would burn itself so deep into his nose he’d never be able to un-smell it. A small price to pay for the rise in business, he supposed.
“Luka, Two Snatcher-ccinos!” Clover called from the cash register.
“I still hate that!” He responded with a light tone
“Too bad, make ‘em!” She teased back with a light laugh.
“Don’t get all testy, you two! We’re only open for another hour!” MJ called, grinning before turning back to the coffee machine, where they were effortlessly making yet another latte.
“Too long!” Clover argued, grabbing a muffin for a customer from the bakery display
“You’re telling me, and I still have to take Bow and Hattie trick or treating” Luka huffed, finishing up one of the “Snatcher-ccinos” and moving onto the next one.
“WE are!” MJ corrected. Luka just playfully rolled his eyes.
The conversation ended up dying rather quickly as the business went through its last rush, and, at long last, 4 o’clock came, and the store shut down. The three employees did a rather quickly clean up this night around - they were all eager to be anywhere but work that spooky night.
Once in the back of the store, Luka seemed to almost melt in relief, leaning further and further into the wall.
“Ugh, my limbs feel like Jelly” he commented as his voice gained its echo
“For all we know, they are,” Clover teased. “We’re meeting at MJs in an hour, right?” She stretched.
“Yeah.” Luka nodded “Have they already run off?”
“Yup. They’re excited” She chuckled “You gonna get home alright?”
“Yeah, thanks. See you later”
That stupid, cursed thing of a mask had not moved in weeks since he’d found it, and its stupid grin had started haunting the corner of his vision when ever he was in his studio.
It seems like it's decided that sitting on the desk in his art studio was its happy place. At least it was out of the way, and in a place he didn’t frequent often.
Though its eyes definitely still moved, which gave MJ hives like you would not believe. Why he kept it in his studio he wasn’t sure.
Tim had told him that the thing was mostly harmless, that it just seemed a bit… off, which wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Timmy even said that he got “good vibes” off of it, which was a strange phrase to use on something that felt at the very least mildly cursed.
Finishing with the caplet for his costume, gently clasping it, he looked in the mirror and gave himself a smile.
It was obscure, sure, but he’d put a lot of work into it! The legend of the “Lonely Man” was well known in these parts, maybe someone would get it. Someone had to.
Whether or not anyone got it, he was still happy with the tattered thing. That faux old age took forever to get right.
As he straightened out his clothes, his eyes caught the mask once more.
His hand picked it up off his desk, and his thumb rubbed on the odd surface. He couldn’t really tell what it was made of, but it was… oddly smooth, he thought. His brow furrowed as he looked at its eyes, a single pupil in its left eye, and a cascade of diamonds in the other. It was certainly an interesting and eye-catching design. He also liked the blue and reds, and that weirdly off-putting grin.
Such an odd thing.
He held it up with one hand over his face - not putting it on, but getting a look in the mirror at how it would look with the outfit.
He found it utterly bizarre that he could see clearly through the eyes despite what seemed like thick paint over it.
The mask itself wasn’t actually that scary when taken all at once. Oddly enough, it seemed to match with his outfit - at least, color wise. It didn’t even seem evil or anything. It seemed… kind.
That was an odd word to use. MJ tended to flip flop on how he feels about the damned thing
Before he could think any more about it, his doorbell rang, and the mask was left on his desk, forgotten the moment company arrived.
“Who is it?” He asked as he approached the door
“The Dread Pirate Roberts!” A little voice announced as the oak opened up.
To his absolute delight, Harriet was dressed indeed the Dread Pirate Roberts, missing nothing but the mask (The town doesn’t allow masks on minors, for some reason. A weird little policy). Next to her stood an excited Bow, grinning from ear to ear. He knew exactly who she was, but still asked-
“And who are you?”
“My name is Inigo Montoya” She said with all the faux-seriousness she could muster, holding up a foam sword “You killed my father, prepare to die!”
“Oh, goodness, the finest swordsperson in the world and The Dread Pirate Roberts have come to my home, I don’t stand a chance!” He moved out of his way as the kids ran into the apartment, and their father walked up behind him.
When his eyes went to Luka, he let out a snort. The man was dressed in a slightly silly looking prince outfit dyed almost completely purple, and his form was mostly purple as well - an energy-saving tactic if ever there was one.
“And you are?”
“He’s the ghost of prince Humperdink” Bow grinned. “This was the best costume we could find for it”
“I honestly think he shoulda died at the end of the movie so I'm cool with it.” Harriet commented as MJ moved to the side and let the group in “Is Clover here yet?”
“Not yet, I’m sure she’ll be here any minute and we can get right along with trick or treating!” MJ announced
“Yay!” the girls responded in unison, taking their place on MJs couch and turning on his old television for a brief moment of entertainment
Mj looked at Luka and grinned “Well, you’re lookin’ spooky, Luka”
“You kind of do too… what do you look like?”
MJ snorted “I’m the ‘Lonely Man of Subcon forest’. Heard of it?”
“Nope, don’t think I’ve been here long enough” Luka shrugged “Does look nice though. Very zombie-ish.”
The two chatted for a bit before there was another ring barely 10 minutes later.
“That must be Clo” MJ pushed himself off of the wall. “Can you get that? I want to grab my wallet so we can get the kids some ice cream before they go running around”
Luka nodded, giving him a grateful smile before turning to the door to greet the final member of the trio
MJ popped back into his studio, grabbing his wallet… and looking again at the mask.
He pocketed his wallet, and picked the mask up again. His thumbs rubbing against the strange texture of the mask’s sides.
He couldn’t help but admit that he was tempted.  Maybe, he could just see what it’d look like, just for a moment. Who knows? Maybe this has all been anxiety for nothing and the mask is just… weird.
He looked back into the mirror, and placed the mask on his face.
There was a moment where he stared amusedly at his reflection - it added a certain air to his outfit. Maybe wearing it out wouldn't be so b-
And then his body seized
He couldn’t move, he couldn’t breathe. He trembled and a pain started from his head and traveled down his spine. It was like the worst shiver from the cold he’d ever experienced. Like ice was pressed directly against his skin. It dispersed like a fog, freezing freezing, and, suddenly-
It stopped.
Panting heavily, MJ pulled themselves back up to a standing position - when had they bent over like that? - and lifted their head, making eye contact with themselves in the mirror.
They were - blue! And - and the mask was very much not a mask!!!
When they blinked, it blinked. When they moved, it moved. When they grimaced, the mouth moved along to create the expression. their eyes scanned over the crescent shape, past their neck and then landed on their-
“H-hands!” They stared - they were missing a finger and - had claws?? They clenched their fists in disbelief, eyes catching on a glinting just under their sleeve.
.. Where had the chains come from?
“MJ? MJ are you okay?”
“D-don’t come in, its fine!!” They panicked, “I’m uh, just, finishing up and stuff with my costume!”
“It looked finished to me” Luka commented “Did something rip?”
“Y-yes?? yes! Something totally ripped“
“They’re lying!” Hattie pointed out
“Sounds like their lying voice” Bow added.
Curse these adorable, smart little girls!
“I-I’m fine!” They yelled out “Totally fine, just fine”
“... MJ I’m opening the door, be decent”
“No, Clover, I - “
But the door opened anyway
And Clover - dressed up as “Generic princess” - looked in, and … stared.
“.... MJ?”
“.... H-hi, Clover.”
“Clover, what are-” Luka cut himself off “Uh….”
“It’s me! Its MJ, I uh - “ They tried to come up with a succinct explanation for the situation, despite not having any real idea.
“The mask” Luka quickly concluded, recognizing the face after MJs unfortunately previous run-ins.
“I … yes” MJ’s shoulders slumped a bit.
“Hey, at least you still have feet” Luka commented, causing MJ to look down and see that he did in fact still have his shoes on. Thank heaven for small mercies.
“What happened, what is it?!” Harriet pushed her way through, her eyes wide as saucers once they landed on the recently transformed adult “... Whoa”
“I … I put on the mask. I was curious and - and it..” They looked back down at the pale, blue hands, nervously moving the fingers and claws. “I felt like I was freezing, my whole body and then…” They trailed off.
“Whoa..” Harriet approached him slowly “It's like, Majora’s Mask!”
Lukas put his hand on her shoulder to stop her from jumping - now really was not the time “... I suppose that's one way to describe it.” He gave a deliberate, thoughtful face towards his transformed friend.
Bow was very firmly behind the adults, staring rather intently and slightly bewildered. Sure, she had been getting used to Mr. Princeton as a parent but.. This was somehow very different.
“... We need to talk to Tim.” Clover concluded
“Tim’s out of town” Luka reminded the group with a grimace “He and Timmy had some kind of meeting thing with other magical people. We don’t…” Luka huffed, his hair fluffing up a bit “We don’t know anyone else whose adept at magic like they are”
Harriet furrowed her brow a bit, looking at the discomfort that MJ was experiencing, rubbing their hands together. Could they be stuck like that? She wanted to think that maybe this really was like the Zelda game, but who could tell? It's not like they knew anyone….
“Yes we do!” She snapped her fingers“I kinda hate that Mu was right, but there is a witch in town!”
“What?” Lukas’ brow furrowed “Who?”
Getting to the edge of town was… novel, to put it simply. The group was rather lucky that Luka was used to doing this sort of thing. And he was about 4 times larger than the group, so that helped in flying them around.
With the sun kissing the earth, red rays crawling into the darker sky, they didn’t have too much time, but followed Harriet and Bow as they got past the town center, and led them down to-
“Wait, why are we at Nell’s place?” Clover stared ahead at the Mint-green home, succulents hanging from pots and a radio sitting on the edge of the porch.
“Because Nurse Nell is a witch!” Harriet announced walking up the two steps of the porch.
“What- Harriet!” Luka startled.
“Its true!” Bow defended as Hattie knocked on the door.
“Kids, we’ve known Nell for a long time, she’s not-”
“She is!” Hattie argued “We saw it!”
“She made us promise to keep it a secret!” Bow added.
Said nurse opened the door as MJ tried to speak up
“I wasn’t expecting trick-or treaters,” She greeted before looking out the door, “But I do-” She paused as her eyes landed on the strange group at her front porch.
There was a rather awkward, extended silence as her eyes scanned MJ through her thick lenses with a gaze that conveyed a strange kind of surprise.
“.... Inside, now” She pulled the door open further, leaving no room for argument.
The adults shared a glance, but did as she said, entering her small living room. She greeted them with a nod as they entered, and shut the door behind them, motioning for MJ to approach her.
She didn’t say a word as they did so, and very slowly lifted her hands to their face, holding it steady as she scrutinized. “What happened? Less than 3 sentences” She half asked/half demanded. Her tone wasn’t harsh, but it was serious.
“Uh, I put on a cursed mask and it uh… did this” They tried to sum up.
“Where did you get the mask?”
“I found it in the forest. I thought it was abandoned from the spirit festival”
“And why did you pick up an abandoned mask in the forest?”
They awkwardly didn’t respond. She sighed
“I get it, hun” She responded, resigned. “Stay still”
“I am”
Clover and Luka watched her with some skepticism, seeing the woman take a deep breath, and as she exhaled, her hands suddenly glowed dimly, tapping at the side of MJs head.
“Hah! See! Told you!” Hattie pointed, jumping slightly
“Shhhhhhhh!” Bow shook her “She’s doin’ magic stuff!”
“Hm…” She masterfully ignored the yelling children “Well, good news is that the magic isn’t very strong, Just… aggressive.” Nell announced. “And it's not malevolent” She let go of their face.
“... I… How can you tell?” MJ asked, their own hand tapping their blue cheek.
“.. Let's say it's a feeling” She summed up. “You can sit down. I need to grab something from my library”
And she left the room
“.... I don’t think I’ve ever seen Nell that serious” Clover spoke out “Also the uh, glowing hands? Didn’t know she could do that”
“How did you not know she had magic?” Luka asked with a rather incredulous tone
“It never came up!” Clover retorted
“How did it never come up?”
“Its cool!” Harriet jumped into the conversation
“It think its cool too” Bow agreed “I always wondered how my paper cuts at school always healed so fast…”
MJ had sat themselves down, hand staying on their head, feeling the strange curve of their forehead with a certain fascination. Nell’s words - said with so much affirmation- did make them feel better about the situation.
The nurse returned, her expression still relatively serious, but calmer as she carried an old, thick book with a rather overly ornate cover in a faded blue.
“You’re lucky I collect these old things” She commented for a moment, sitting down next to MJ. She flipped through the pages, finding a two-page spread with a plain mask listed on it, and text printed so small that MJ just could not read it. “Here we are.”
Harriet climbed up next to her “What's it say? That’s a lot of words!”
Nell chuckled a bit at her eagerness “It is, but... “ she hand rested on the book for a moment, and then she lifted it, and the text glowed, lifting and circling around her hand like a ring.
“Whoa…. It's like the unknown from the Pokémon movie!” Bow jumped, causing Nell to laugh more.
“A little, I suppose” Nell responded, and she looked over at the other two adults, mostly at Clover, whose bewildered stare caused her to laugh again “You okay there?”
“... How did I not know this about you?”
“Never came up, dear. Don’t think too hard about it. You too, “Snatcher”” The woman gave a smirk. Luka cleared his throat. “Now…”
A simple flick of her hand, and the letters were floating around MJ’s head, and some of them glowed just a little bit brighter “Hm….. Alrightie, that's a good sign” She snapped, and the letters, very suddenly disappeared as if popping a bubble. “Well, Give until dawn, and then you should be able to take off the mask. If you can’t, come to me. I don’t work tomorrow”
“Oh… Well, that uh, wasn’t so bad. I’ll be okay?”
“Of course” Nell nodded, shutting the book “I’d’ve called the Kagai’s the moment I let go of your face if I thought otherwise”
“The who?” Hat questioned.
“Another time, Hattie, another time” Nell placated. “Now….” she exhaled, putting the book on her coffee table and clasping her hands together “I just realized I haven’t even said hello to any of you”
Something about that sentence finally broke the tension, getting a laugh out of Clover and Luka, and a snicker out of MJ.
The next ten minutes consisted of Nell reassuring the group that MJ would be fine, and reiterating that they needed to come to her if the mask did not come off by sunrise.
“There’s a lot of magic in this that I can sense. So uh, just be careful.” She warned. “I don’t know a lot about that, so you’ll have to ask Tim”
MJ nodded “Uh, thank you, Nell”
She gave them a kind smile “Don’t mention it. Next time you need me though, have Clover send me a message or just call me, alright?” She looked passed them to Harriet, who gave her a sheepish smile.
“Got it” The transformed barista nodded.
“Oh and, don’t be too worried about people seeing you. Just say it's a costume” She recommended as they walked out with their family waiting just beyond the porch. “Happy Halloween!” She called before abruptly shutting the door
“So……” Bow started
“Can we go trick or treating now??” Hattie finished.
Luka looked up to MJ, who seemed much calmer than before, despite continuing to lift their hand to their weirdly shaped head.
“.. Yeah, yeah i think we can” they gave Luka a grin “And thanks for getting us the help, Hattie” MJ reached down and picked her up “Who knew the Dread Pirate Roberts could be such a help!”
The girl giggled before being put back down “Then let’s go!!”
MJ was initially a bit tittered when they entered the town, but the moment anyone noticed them, the compliments rolled in.
“Wow! You look like a spooky zombie!”
“What game is that cosplay from?”
“How did you get the prosthetic to look like that, damn!”
“Wow, that is a really cool idea for the Lonely Man!”
MJ was beaming at the semi-undeserved praised as they took the kids from neighborhood to neighborhood, filling their pillow cases close to brimming with so much candy that Luka kept making a face and seemed to be mentally preparing to hide all of it, whispering to Clover and MJ about taking some of the candy so that it wasn’t all in his apartment.
“Seriously, all that candy?? They’re going to get cavities and I cannot pay for dental work like that.” The father aggressed. MJ just laughed a bit, looking ahead at the two girls who were trying to run ahead to the next house.
And then Bow’s foot caught a crack.
“Ah, Bow!” MJ startled, hand reaching out - but there was no way they’d reach her before she fell-
And then, she just stopped falling, stuck in midair as if floating.. But she wasn’t.
Upon closer examination, she was held up by a variety of red strings, connected to MJ’s clawed fingers
“... Uh”
“Whoaaaa” Hattie gaped “Magic! Cool!”
Bow pulled himself up to a standing position, and MJ put their hand down, the strings disappeared
“.. Thanks” Bow cleared her throat “That was really cool”
“It kind of was... “ They commented, looking down at their hands “I’m gonna be having a heck of a long talk with Tim when he gets back from wherever he is”
“Yeah, definitely” Luka nodded in agreement.
Lucky for the group the rest of the night went without incident, with MJ joining Luka at home and the two of them staying up until the sun started showing through the windows.
“Ready?” Luka asked him, the being no longer human shaped, as he’d finally reached his limit
“Yeah.. I think so” MJ took in a breath “She said it can just… come off like how I put it on…”
“Alright….” Luka’s voice trailed off as MJ reached their hands up to their face, thumbs by their cheeks, but then - wait! The edge, the mask! They felt it.
Barely bothering to breath, they mentally counted… 1… 2… 3!
they pulled it off and gasped as that icy feeling went through them even faster than last time, trembling and nearly falling over as Luka kept them up with their tail.
“Hey, hey! You okay MJ?”
MJ looked up, nodding “Yeah, uh, how do I..?”
“You’re back to a nerd, if that's what you’re asking” Luka lightly teased
Their hands went back up to their face, and gasped when they felt their regular skin, and their glasses (Where had they gone? Didn’t matter)
“Oh, thank god” The tired barista flopped onto their partner, “That was exhausting. Thank goodness the Horizon is closed today…”
“Hah, ready to sleep?”
“Oh, definitely” MJ commented, looking down at the mask still in their hand, its smile seeming not nearly as spooky than before.. “Hm..”
“.. Why’d it choose me, I wonder” They muttered, sitting up and placing the mask by the window sill “But… we’ll see about finding out more, hm?”
“.. Yeah, we will” Luka confirmed.
MJ gave him a smile, hugging his partner with a slight nuzzle “Come on, we need to sleep. Hattie and Bow-”
“Oh, don’t remind me. We’re in for a hell of an afternoon” Luka groaned, but he was still smiling.
Saying that things were “back to normal” was never correct with this group, but things were still pretty okay. Maybe better, even.
Moonie figured they’d just have to wait and see.
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Costumes! I wasn’t able to finish these in time, but I hope they suffice! 
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
“Is that drawer still available?”
namjoon x reader (or oc) genre: fluff; angst word count: 3.8K
a/n: Hi lovelies! This is what takes place after Joon and Daisy have their fight (sort of fight?) in “The strings are attached already.” We start with Joon’s perspective of things before moving back into Daisy’s mind. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for reading! :)) 
Oh, also, this features a bit of Yoongi, coming in clutch with some subtle-ish advice. 
p.s. this also fulfills a prompt request by @bulletproof-eternally​ (hi love) from ages ago: “We could be an epic novel of forbidden lovers. Like Romeo and Juliet, but without the ending.” 
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THE beat sounding from Yoongi’s monitor was hardly even registering in Namjoon’s mind with you filling every corner of it, taking over each one of his thoughts.
Staring at the screen mindlessly, he didn’t recognize Yoongi’s voice calling for his attention until at least the fifth time the older man spoke, “Namjoon.” Eyes snapping to his work partner, Yoongi shrugged. “What do you think?”
Running his hand over his face, Namjoon sighed. “Play it again.” Without asking the questions that were present in his mind, Yoongi simply restarted the instrumental.
As the beat played on, Yoongi interjected thoughts such as, “this is where you could do your verse,” and “I’m thinking a pre-chorus by Jin and Tae here.” But at receiving no response, Yoongi paused the music and turned to Namjoon. “What the hell is going on with you today?”
“Huh?” Namjoon asked in surprise. “Nothing, I just- I’m gonna get a coffee.” Yoongi huffed, sitting back in his chair as he stared at the monitor, the unfinished beat with an impending deadline putting him on edge. “Do you want-” Namjoon started to offer as he began to stand up, but slamming his knee of Yoongi’s desk sent him right back in the chair. “Fuck!”
Yoongi looked at his younger member in concern, not sure what to do for the man. “You ok?”
“I’m fine,” Namjoon said dismissively and shortly.
“Yeah, sure you are,” Yoongi retorted disbelievingly. Placing a hand to the younger man’s shoulder to keep him seated, Yoongi stood and walked toward the exit. “I’ll get the coffee,” he said just before slipping through the door.
Namjoon needed to get his head on straight. Replace the relationship problems from his nonexistent relationship with concerns of work. That’s what he needed to do.
But when Yoongi returned with the coffee, and Namjoon proceeded to spill the hot liquid over his own hand, he realized removing you from his thoughts would be an impossible task. He was distracted by you and the look on your face as you tried to hold back tears. Even if they were of your own doing, they hurt him to see.
“Ok, what the hell is wrong with you today?” Yoongi asked, beyond annoyed by his friend’s lack of focus.
“Nothing, I just need to reel my thoughts in,” Namjoon told him, trying to avoid a conversation about you with his band member who hardly knew you were a concern to be had.
“Maybe it would help to talk about it,” Yoongi suggested, feigning disinterest as he took a sip of his coffee. When Namjoon scoffed, Yoongi simply shrugged. “We’re not getting any work done anyway so,” the man said, cutting himself off as he awaited Namjoon’s next words.
“What are you meant to do when you’re seeing someone and want to make things more exclusive and official but they’re resisting?” Namjoon asked, embarrassment spreading across his cheeks in a light pink tint.
However, Namjoon didn’t realize how close the question would hit Yoongi, the older man clearing his throat as he sat up, setting his coffee down. “Uh, why do you ask?” The two guys sat in silence for a moment, Namjoon giving Yoongi a look as if to say, you know why. “So I met the reason last week,” Yoongi realized, Namjoon nodding. “It’s safe to assume you two aren’t just friends then?” Yoongi asked dumbly, Namjoon letting out a single laugh.
“Uh, yeah,” Namjoon breathed out. “Haven’t been since the first night.”
“Right,” Yoongi nodded awkwardly, acting as though he didn’t already know you and Namjoon were fucking around. “So you want to be more and she doesn’t?”
“Yup,” Namjoon nodded, staring in front of him at the beat displayed on the screen. “Maybe I deserve it.”
“What?” Yoongi asked, eyebrows pulled together in question at the ridiculous statement. “What are you on about?”
“I just think- Maybe she’s too good for me,” Namjoon said, rather pathetically in Yoongi’s opinion. However, the look on his face showed the older man that Namjoon was in serious doubt about his own worth.
“That’s ridiculous, you’re great,” Yoongi told the man bluntly, Namjoon looking toward his friend but avoiding his gaze. “Look, I don’t know her all that well yet, but it was obvious to every single person in the dorm last week that she likes you as much as you like her.”
“Well, I mean, that’s how it feels sometimes but then why won’t she be with me?” Namjoon asked in frustration. “She’s so confusing.”
“She is with you,” Yoongi pointed out to Namjoon with a sense of understanding. “It’s just the label that’s scaring her.”
“Scaring her?” Namjoon asked, not having totally thought of that possible conclusion himself. He knew you were holding yourself back, but he assumed it had to do him and his worthiness.
“She’s probably scared of committing for whatever reason,” Yoongi shrugged. “And it’s probably not related to you. If it is it’s probably because she doesn’t feel deserving or something, I don’t know.”
Pulling his eyebrows together in curiosity, Namjoon met his older member’s eyes. “How do you know this?”
“Experience,” Yoongi said simply before grabbing the mouse and clicking something on the screen.
Nodding slowly, Namjoon realized just how much his friend had been keeping from him. “How long have you been seeing whoever is on the other end of that phone you’re always on?” He asked with an edge of playfulness in his tone.
Trying to hold back the curve of his lips, Yoongi smiled as he continued facing the screen. “It’s new.” Namjoon smirked, happy for his member having found someone, even if he was holding out on introducing her. “But I almost fucked it up. Because she’s too good. And I thought I was undeserving.” Yoongi didn’t elaborate anymore on the subject, but Namjoon understood what he was saying.
“Well, shit,” Namjoon breathed out in realization that there was probably an entire thought process going on in his potential lover’s head that he knew nothing about. “I should probably talk to her, huh?”
Nodding, Yoongi took a glance at his younger friend. “Just ask her about it. I can almost guarantee it has nothing to do with you not being good enough,” he gave the tiniest of reassuring smiles. “It’s probably the opposite.”
Sighing deeply, Namjoon thought of you and the internal conflict that must be going on inside your head at the moment. That is until Yoongi interrupted his thoughts, pulling Namjoon’s attention back to the work that needed to be done.
“Or maybe it is you and you should just forget about this whole thing and focus on this fucking song that’s due today,” he teased in a joking tone, Namjoon letting out a light chuckle.
“Yeah, I’m sorry,” he apologized bashfully. “Restart the track, I’m here now.”
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When Namjoon left his apartment that morning, you were still there, failing to hold back tears as rain threatened to fall outside. He left you with a decision: stay and be with him, or leave, possibly for good. When he returned that afternoon, the rain was pouring, drenching his hair and clothes as the weight of your decision sat heavy in his mind.
The trek from the doors of the apartment building to the elevator had his heart racing more than usual, the fear of what he’d find, or not find, within his home suffocating the man. How would he accept the conclusion to this thing with you if you weren’t there?
Over the course of your fling, he’d come to know your heart as a hearth. The center of his home. He’d felt its warmth, the comfort and security you provided. But he also knew the bitter cold that chilled him to the bone when you locked him out. He wasn’t sure anyone else’s warmth would be able to thaw his numb existence if you walked out of his life.
Yet, reaching his apartment door, he still had hope. Because no matter how many times you’d tried to keep him at a distance, you always pulled him even closer than before. He trusted you. You’d given him a million reasons to expect disappointment, and he still believed in you.
Unlocking the door and pushing it open, all he could hear was the drum of his heart pounding against his chest. Scanning the living space, his heart dropped just slightly at no trace of you. But the hope remained. You could still be in the bedroom. Or the bathroom. He felt you in there still. It didn’t feel like an abandoned home.
Calling out your name, he strode toward the bedroom, peeking inside the open door to see… emptiness. The room was filled with his belongings, as full of meaning and personality as ever, but it felt so barren. With the bathroom door down the hall open as well, his heart stopped for a moment. You were gone.
Entering the bedroom, he scanned the space, the chill of the outdoors already filling the typically warm area. Or perhaps it was the absence of you. The top drawer of his dresser, the one he offered to you, was left ajar, drawing him closer to check its contents.
If there could just be one piece of you in there, just a single item, he’d have that hope to hold onto for just a bit longer. He approached the furniture much slower than he did the bedroom, his confidence significantly faltering the longer he stood in the apartment without you there.
With his index finger, he tugged the drawer open just a bit more as he peered over the edge to look inside. A sharp exhale left him as tears instantly pricked his eyes, a lump of emotion forming in his throat. It was empty.
Placing his palm flat against the outside of the drawer, he prepared to slam it shut when the dirty clothes hamper to the side of the dresser caught his eyes. Appearing purposefully placed, sitting on top of his clothing, was your lost shirt. As if you mindlessly placed it there, unknowingly designating the domestic space as a shared one.
Slowly, he reached for the garment, lifting it out of the hamper just as the echo of the front door opening filled the otherwise silent apartment. His legs were moving him toward the bedroom door before his mind could even comprehend the situation.
He was standing in the door frame before his head and heart caught up with him. There you were, the drenched t-shirt he offered you that morning hanging off your frame, your hand clenched over the strap of a tote bag, your eyes wide as you stared at him in surprise, your chest heaving as if you ran all the way there. The sight of you simultaneously knocking the air from his lungs and filling them with life.
Lifting the tote you carried, gesturing to the contents, you sighed. “Is that drawer still available?”
Heart racing, you watched as Namjoon marched toward you, your eyes filling with tears because it was him. And he was yours. Fuck, you were terrified, but he was worth it. When his arms clasped around your waist, pulling you tightly against his frame, your arms easily wrapped around the back of his neck as you exhaled in relief.
“God, I’m so sorry,” you mumbled against his face as you pressed repeated kisses to his cheek. “I’m so so sorry.”
“Don’t ever scare me like that again,” he complained lightheartedly, pulling away just enough to bring his lips to yours, pecking you softly in a quick succession.
“You’re home early,” you explained between kisses. “I meant to be here when you got back.” The man’s lips curved into a grin, his stunning dimples greeting you.
You did mean to be there. You meant to have that fucking drawer filled with your belongings. You meant to be sitting in his room when he returned, smiling at him, telling him you wanted him and you were sorry that the decision wasn’t this simple from the start but it was simple now and you were choosing him.
To be honest, the conversation with Jungkook a week ago had been weighing on your mind. He’s happy with you, Jungkook had told you. Namjoon was happy with you. And you were happy with him. It was that simple.  
Resting his forehead against your own, his rapid breathing began evening out, your fingers running comfortingly along his neck. “I’m sorry for keeping you in the dark,” you apologized sincerely, a tear sliding down your face. “For giving you so many mixed signals.”
“No, no,” he quickly negated, dropping the shirt to your feet as his hands came to hold your face, his thumb wiping away the tear. “I’m sorry for putting pressure on you,” he counter-apologized, you shaking your head sadly.
“Joon, don’t do that. Don’t you dare apologize,” you cried. “You’ve been so amazing, you just- you are amazing. Like so amazing that you terrify me,” you admitted, Namjoon pulling away from you so his eyes could scan your features, his thumb catching another tear as it escaped your bottom lash line.
“I terrify you? Babe, how is that possible? You scare the living hell out of me,” he chuckled, you letting out a light laugh with him as you glanced downward.
“I gained feelings for you so easily, and-” you looked up to meet his intense gaze. “You’re so incredible, and this kind of thing,” you gestured between you both, “doesn’t always work out,” you explained, Namjoon’s stare softening in slow realization. “You’re so much to lose.”
“Babe,” he whispered empathetically, your words paralleling the talk he had with Yoongi. You weren’t holding back because Namjoon wasn’t good enough, but rather because you felt he was so good. And the thought of losing something so good was too much to bear.
“I didn’t plan on feeling this way toward you, and when it happened so quickly, I just got scared,” you sobbed, your bottom lip jutting out in a pout as tears fell onto your cheeks. “If I lost you, I don’t know if I’d recover,” you told him, followed by a sniffle.
When tears formed in Namjoon’s own eyes, your heart swelled in affection and you wanted to protect him. “I just have had this persistent belief stuck in my brain that it’s better to not have something so great at all than to have it and lose it,” you explained shaking your head. “But that’s so stupid, because you’re the best and I want you, I’ve wanted you. I’m still scared but I fucking want you, Joon.”
The man didn’t say anything, instead choosing to kiss you hard, the action full of passion and understanding, his lips working perfectly against your own. Before, you wondered if you and Namjoon had met in another lifetime. In that moment, however, it felt as though you’d been waiting for this in every lifetime, or possibly fighting it, never fully getting it. Getting him. But in this moment, this lifetime, you finally got it right.
Pulling away from the kiss, Namjoon’s hands held your face as his eyes scanned your features. Letting out a breath, he wrapped his arms around your head in a hug, your face finding solace against his neck, his skin still wet but characteristically warm as always. “When I got home and you weren’t here, I could see my whole life continuing on without you and everything was,” he sighed, “cold.”
“Joonie,” you whispered, your face scrunching up in emotion.
“You make me happy,” he assured you. And there were those words again that made this whole thing so simple. “Being vulnerable around you- I’m scared too,” he admitted. “And maybe the fear of losing all of this will always be there, because we are a lot to lose. But we’re so much more to gain.”
The words sunk in slow but penetrated deep within you, his sentiment being the first time you ever thought about fear and love going hand in hand. Of course it was scary. Life is unpredictable. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t live while you can, especially when something so wonderful presents itself. And with that thought in mind, you had no doubt that you were exactly where you wanted to be.
“Do you still want me to be your girlfriend?” You asked through a small smile, Namjoon loosening the hug to look at you, his lips curving up, his dimples appearing as perfect divots. “Because if so, I would really like for you to be my boyfriend.”
“Then it looks like you’re my girlfriend now,” he grinned happily, kissing your forehead gently.
“Say it again,” you whispered.
“What? You’re my girlfriend?” His eyebrows raised with the teasing question.
“Yeah,” you giggled, kissing the man’s lips tenderly. “Again.”
“You’re my girlfriend,” he repeated before deepening the kiss.
Losing yourselves in the kiss, his lips on yours, your fingers threaded into his hair as you desperately tugged on the locks, Namjoon smirking against your mouth just as you lightly bit his plump bottom lip. His hands moved to hold your hips, pulling you closer to him, causing you to step forward, effectively slipping on the clothing that the man had previously dropped at your feet, your forehead hitting Namjoon’s cheekbone with a light force.
“Oh my god, are you ok?” You asked, inspecting his face, Namjoon chuckling in amusement as he squeezed your hips in his grasp.
“Are you ok?” He countered, you giggling as you nodded.
“Come here, babe,” you cooed, angling his face so you could leave a few sweet kisses to his cheek. “Is that-?” You asked, looking to the floor, spotting the source of the near fall.
Bending to pick up the shirt, you let out a small gasp in surprise. “Guess where it was,” Namjoon playfully started, you pulling your eyebrows together in question. “The clothes hamper.”
“No way,” you giggled, realizing you must have put it in there with unknowing purpose. “Well, I prefer this shirt anyway,” you teased, looking down to the t-shirt Namjoon had given you to wear.
“It looks a little wet,” he said suggestively, looking down at your frame in a way that made you want to strip everything off that very second.
Shrugging, you cocked your head at him, your fingers toying with the damp strands at the nape of his neck. “Maybe you should take it off me then,” you suggested with a smirk, Namjoon immediately tugging on the material. “Yours is a little wet too, babe,” you pointed out playfully as you ran your hand down his chest.
“Well,” he looked down at his own shirt for a moment. “Would you look at that.” Laughing at his remark, you kissed him softly before smiling against his mouth.
“Hey, before we go any further with this whole taking these off,” you tugged on the fabric over his pectoral, “can we talk about something real quick?” You asked, knowing you were completely killing the mood but needing to be on the same page.
“What’s up? You ok?” He asked, a nervousness seeping into his tone and features, though he tried to appear calm.
“No, yeah, everything is fine, it’s just,” you tilted your head to the side in thought. “Can we keep this whole boyfriend girlfriend thing between us for now?” You asked, hoping the question didn’t come across in any way other than how you meant it. “I just want to take our time getting used to the label and the new terms and be able to adjust to everything that comes with this before we invite other people in.”
“Other people as in,” he started, “my members?”
“I just want to be really certain and comfortable and properly established before they know,” you said guiltily, the man smiling in amusement to your nerves.
“That’s fine, babe, I get it,” he nodded, kissing your cheek comfortingly. “Properly established,” he teased you, causing you to groan as you poked his chest in slight embarrassment.
“Stop teasing me,” you giggled. “The guys just mean a lot to you and honestly they already mean a lot to me so I just want to know exactly what we are and feel good about where we’re at before us includes all of us,” you explained unnecessarily, though it felt very necessary to you. “Does that make sense?”
“Of course it makes sense,” he assured you with a fond smile. “You’re really cute, you know that?”
Grinning at him, you nodded, jokingly confirming that you did indeed know that. Namjoon laughed before kissing your lips quickly, you slightly chasing him, causing the man to flash you a smirk. “This could be fun,” he commented, you raising your eyebrows at him.
“Yeah?” You asked, Namjoon nodding, causing you to hum in agreement. “We could be an epic novel of forbidden lovers,” you said seductively, dragging your finger along his collarbone. “Like Romeo and Juliet, but without the ending,” you added, Namjoon chuckling at you as he pulled you closer once again, nuzzling his face against your neck. “We’re not really forbidden either but you get the vibe,” you continued, Namjoon’s breathy laugh tickling your skin.
“I get the vibe,” he confirmed humorously, you giggling as he kissed the spot on your neck a few times, you biting your bottom lip in response. “Although, Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy,” he pointed out, you groaning in annoyance at him.
“I said without the ending, you said you get the vibe, Dimples,” you complained, Namjoon laughing further.
“Sorry, sorry, I get the vibe,” he playfully told you, trailing kisses along your jaw.
“I don’t think you do get the vibe,” you teased, though a small moan cut you off.
“I get the vibe, babe,” he assured just before attaching his lips to yours once again, you immediately deepening the action as you started pushing him backward toward his bedroom.
With him so close, your door wide open to his presence, a warmth spread across your body at the feeling and the realization that he was yours and you were his, and in the kind of way that you both could feel secure in being each other’s. You were still scared, but you were happy.
You never planned on meeting Namjoon, and you definitely weren’t planning to fall for the man. But standing in his apartment, in his embrace, you found yourself feeling as though you were home. As unexpectedly as Namjoon entered your life, he never felt foreign. In fact, he’d felt familiar since the first night you spent with him. Just now, you were finally allowing yourself to make yourself at home, take your coat and shoes off, well, and the rest of your clothes, and even leave them in his dirty clothes hamper. Because you were finally home.
And you’d finally fill that fucking drawer.
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saiilorstars · 3 years
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Ch.4: The Mind Intruder
Chapter summary: The mind is a very tricky thing but Mamoru seems to have the right abilities to get in.
Fandom: Sailor Moon (Crystal)  – – [Rewrite of season 2, AU-ish in that there’s new OCs and the fusion of plots from the manga, crystal and the og series]
Pairings: Eventual OFC x OMC, Usagi x Mamoru
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel @stareyedplanet @perfectlystiles
{If you’d like to be added to this OC’s taglist, let me know!}
// Story Masterlist //
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"Miss Keena?"
"Hm?" Azula looked up to find her teacher, Miss Nano, standing impatiently in front of her desk.
Azula sheepishly hid her notes with an arm and watched as her teacher put down her last math exam. She nearly fell out of her seat when she saw the ugly red '30' at the top of the paper. "WHAT!?" she picked up the paper and nearly crushed it against her face from how close she looked at it.
Miss Nano went on to continue handing out the class exams back. Azula kept blinking as if the grade would go away in one of those. This had to be a mistake!
"Miss Nano, please!" she trailed after the tall blonde teacher around the classroom after school, begging for a second review of the exam. "I don't know what happened…" Well, actually she did know. She had been focusing on Sailor Hemera, Senka and the Shadow Crystal mystery…but Miss Nano didn't need to know about that. "I know I can do better!" Azula followed the teacher towards the door and quickly scurried outside first to block Miss Nano's way.
"Well you really should have," Miss Nano said like she really lamented having to grade the exam. She knew Azula to be a well studied student and couldn't understand what happened. "I expected better than this. I thought you understood the material-"
"-but I did!" Azula exclaimed, though she stuttered to give a reason on her poor work. "I-I just h-had a, um, a th-thing that I had to do that, um-" she gasped when the teacher returned to her classroom and shut the door. Azula blinked and stared down at her exam that really seemed to be burning her fingers the more she held it. "I don't get 30s!" she said just a tad loud for the passing students to hear.
"You got a 30? In Nano's class?"
This was truly the last thing she needed right now. She turned to Mamoru and violently pointed a finger at him, forgetting for a moment that he wasn't used to her usual behavior when she was upset."I don't need this right now from you!" she went up to the closed class door and continued to call for the teacher. "Miss Nano, please. The only way I'd get a 30 in my life is I was...dead!"
"Then I suppose you're the walking dead," Mamoru remarked smugly.
"Oh my God!" the red haired girl whirled around in his direction. "You're still here!?" Azula was very used to their old sibling-like relationship that the words and sarcasm just tumbled out of her mouth. It most certainly did not help that she was possibly at her worst moment right now.
"I was on my way out," Mamoru, surprisingly, remained calm and merely pointed at the doors at the end of the hallway. "But then I saw you shouting and I figured I'd like to see how this plays out. Heard Miss Nano can be difficult."
"You're not funny, and I'm not laughing," Azula stood with a straight face.
With such a straight face it would be impossible to feel anything. But then again not everyone was a reincarnated Earth prince.
"Usagi, c'mon, this is simple math!" Azula rubbed her face in frustration. The blonde in question had let her head fall to the table, over her math book to be precise. "Get up, c'mon!" Azula gently hit Usagi's foot with her own under the table.
Usagi slowly raised her head off the book. "Why do I need to know this again?" She was startled when Mamoru lowered himself beside her, having just entered the cafe. He put an affectionate hand on Usagi's back.
"So that business people like her-" he shot Azula a look, "-don't take advantage of you."
A sarcastic smile spread across Azula's face. They always joked Azula would end up taking over her family's business, except she didn't find it amusing. "You're not funny, and I'm not laughing."
Azula recognized that remembering face on Mamoru's face and was tempted to slip away before he came back to the present. Besides, Miss Nano would have to see her tomorrow anyways. But just as she turned away, he called out to her.
Crap! she thought with eyes shut before she turned back. "Yes?"
"Th-the blonde girl who was...who was with you the other day…?" Azula was sure that not even he knew what he wanted to say. It looked like he was still trying to process whatever he saw.
He probably means Usagi. She's the only blonde I know. And Azula severely doubted he meant Minako. Though that would make it easier...
"What was her name?" his question pulled her back to the present.
Azula cleared her throat and whispered the answer so low it almost seemed as if she didn't want to answer. "Usagi…"
"Have you ever tutored her at the Fruits Parlor Crown?" Mamoru seemed afraid to even ask the question.
"W-well, yeah…" Azula wasn't sure what the hell was going on but she knew he was starting to remember things. She had tutored Usagi on several occasions on her math in that cafe and many times Mamoru had come in to see how things were doing. Azula thought it was more to distract than to help. Usagi was all for distractions.
"Okay, I-I…" Mamoru rubbed his face, frustrated with himself. What the hell was he doing? Was he really asking a random girl about another random girl?
"Are you okay?" Azula felt the need to go check up on him. Whatever was happening to him she was sure wasn't meant to be happening. She walked up to him and reached to touch his arm. As soon as she did they both saw something.
"Here," Azula set a pink milkshake in front of Usagi and sat down right across from her. "It's exactly what Mamoru would order for you right?"
Usagi whimpered and buried her face in her hands. Azula sighed when she heard the small sniffles.
"If it's not right then I can ask Unazuki for something else, or…" but Azula trailed off knowing this wasn't the problem. She rubbed her forehead and stared at Usagi for a moment in silence before speaking up. "Look, Beryl might have taken Mamoru but he will come back, alright?"
"How do you know?" Usagi lowered her hands for a second, her sparkly blue eyes now red and glossy. "I couldn't save him…"
"Give yourself a break, Usagi, you just realized who you were in a previous life. You're not God. But you are a fighter and even though you spend half your days crying over something as petty as a broken cup, when the going gets tough...I have confidence you get tougher."
"You think I can be strong?" Usagi's lip quivered, doubt etched all over her face.
"Mamoru does," Azula said softly. "And though I like to purposely disagree with him just to annoy him, in this case he's actually right. You are a strong girl and I know you will get through this."
 Azula gasped deeply and pulled her hand off Mamoru's arm, the latter quite stunned by what they saw.
"How did I…?" but he didn't get to finish the question because Azula began to back away, and fast.
"I-I have to g-go!"
"Wait!" Mamoru called in vain. Azula was gone in a flash and all he was left with were strange feelings and new images in his mind.
~ 0 ~
"No you don't understand - he was in my mind!" Azula flopped on a park bench. Luna and Artemis hopped the bench and each rested on one side of the girl. "I-I felt him actually in my mind! I didn't even know he could do that!"
"Well, Mamoru isn't a Sailor Scout but he was the guardian of Earth and thus given powers he might not have developed yet," Luna said, rather reasonably and calm too. It was nothing to how Azula was reacting.
"He's remembering," she said, truly destroyed just by the thought. "You two said they wouldn't remember anything."
"Minako and the girls remain the same…" Artemis said thoughtfully, "...but none of them have the psychometric abilities that Mamoru does. Rei does, in a sense, but she's another story-"
"Not helping, Artemis," Azula cut him off. "So you think because of Mamoru's powers he'll be more likely to remember?"
"He's connected to the Earth because of who he was in the past and so by extension he's connected to everyone on the planet. This memory wipe works best on humans, specifically…" Luna trailed off, leaving Azula to make her own conclusion.
"Sailor Scouts," Azula finished with a small sigh. "So, basically, because Mamoru was the prince of Earth back then he's more likely to figure things out. That's just...great," she gritted her teeth together.
Luna affectionately pawed at Azula's uniform coat. "Don't fret, Azula, please. You are taking this far too serious-"
"Luna you don't understand," Azula calmed somewhat. A despondence slowly took over her facial features. "Back when Sailor Moon and the Scouts were active my only job was to look at the perimeters, stay on the computers...I couldn't help them out there. When they went off to fight Beryl and Metaria I had to stay here and just...wait. My job was to literally wait and see if they would come back alive."
"That wasn't your fault. You would have put yourself in grave danger if you accompanied Sailor Moon and the others…"
"It doesn't make me feel any better," Azula said glumly. "I was useless to them. I thought - I thought that now since everyone lost their memories and Usagi wanted to be normal...that this could be my job now. I would make sure they were all normal and safe. It's stupid, I know, but...it was my job this time to protect them." Azula paused for a full minute, her sadness overflowing. "But now Mamoru is beginning to remember and...now there's a Sailor Hemera and a stupid shadow hellbent on getting a crystal no one knows about."
"Azula," Artemis hopped off the bench and turned to look up at the girl, "Luna and I can keep an eye on the girls and certainly on Mamoru, but you can start to live your normal life as well. You shouldn't burden yourself with problems that we can solve. You just live a normal life..."
Azula snorted at the idea. "Normal? I'm at the park talking to cats - yeah, that's normal."
"Azula-" Luna began but Azula had gotten overwhelmed and rushed away.
"I'm going to go check on Minako," Artemis said after a couple of seconds. "And maybe we should patrol the other girls tonight just to see if any of them are remembering anything too."
Luna acknowledged his idea but preferred to stay back a little while longer. It was crazy to think that even now things still hadn't gone back to normal. Usagi was living her life as she wanted but outside of her blissful bubble things were beginning to get worse again. This time there were no Sailor Scouts to defend the planet from the evil trying to find the Shadow Crystal. Sure there was a Sailor Hemera but they still didn't know who she was and what her intentions were. Luna didn't know whether to feel grateful that Mamoru was remembering little by little because then that would mean he would be able to help a little...or should she be further concerned because now a second person had managed to avoid the memory wipe - it was still a grand mystery how Azula did it first.
Luna thought about this as she hopped off the bench and started her way back to Usagi's home. Usagi had been questioning lately where her dear old cat kept wandering off to and Luna didn't want to jeopardize her close position with Usagi. It was simply a challenge having to act like a true Earth cat all the time. It was why she often found Azula to keep conversation and her personal mind stimulated besides Artemis.
As Luna went off, a tall girl with long, brown and straight hair walked up to the bench where Azula and Luna had been. Her dark brown eyes glimmered golden for a second. "So you know where the Prince is…?" a smirk tugged at her pink lips.
Azula shivered as cold wind drew into her room from the open window. She went over and closed it then turned back. There were various newspaper clippings on the grounds with her own notes attached to it. Sailor Hemera and Senka needed to be stopped at all costs. Azula felt like she didn't have the luxury to get emotional. She took a seat on the floor, in the middle of the papers, and began sifting through them to reread what she already knew.
One hour later, her step-sister Keiko opened the door. "Hey, Azula, dinner's read - woah," her green eyes landed over the mess of papers around Azula. "What are you doing?"
"Homework," Azula supplied the excuse quick as she reached for another clipping.
Keiko caught site of some of the headlines and made a small whistler. "About that weird cloud thing and the Scout? What class is this for?"
"Communication - uh, intro to communications," Azula glanced at her sister with a small smile. "Journalism might be fun."
"Though you always wanted to work in something related to space, or something...?" Keiko left the door open so Azula could follow her out. "Sorry, you talk a lot sometimes and I tune it out so-"
"-Dad?" Azula blinked at the sight of her father already sitting at the kitchen table. "What are you doing here?" he was usually tied up with the business that he was rarely home for family meals. Kaito Keena was a man of business, and since he owned the Game Center Crown which was very popular in the neighborhood...he had a lot to do.
"I live here, remember?" came the black haired man's answer. His sarcasm made her playfully roll her eyes. "I'm also the one who pays the rent, so..."
"Okay, okay, I get it," Azula took her usual seat at the other end of the table. "I just didn't hear you come in, that's all."
"You never hear anything when you get into your work," Keiko pointed out.
"Oh, a lot of homework tonight?" Kaito asked.
Before Azula could answer, Keiko cut in with what she'd seen. "She was looking into that creature and the mysterious Sailor Scout who've been making appearances around the city."
Kaito's eyebrows shot upwards, making Azula dread what he would say about it. "Really? Well, makes sense since you always talk about the galaxies and whatnot. You think they're aliens, then?"
"Um..." Azula cleared her throat and put both her hands on the table. "I mean, the Scout looks humanoid. But that shadow thing probably is."
"Oh, but you know what I learned today?" Keiko excitedly asked. "It's actually funny what they name themselves. Hemera is a Goddess of day and light while Senka means 'shadow'. Can you believe that?"
"No, I...I hadn't considered the etymology of the names," Azula blinked rapidly.
"I just wonder where these aliens come from," Keiko went on, "And I'd definitely would love to know what a Shadow Crystal was."
"Yeah, that would be nice," Kaito agreed. "It would certainly help get the two out of the city before anyone gets killed."
"I should have asked that cute little fortune teller at the shrine…" Keiko said wistfully.
Azula raised an eyebrow. "What fortune teller?"
"Oh from the local shrine," Keiko leaned away from the door. "What was her name? Hino Rei? I went in to ask whether or not I'd get the school secretary job I applied to a couple days ago."
Azula blinked. Rei. How could she forget about Rei and her mind abilities? Mamoru wasn't the only one with mind tricks - Rei could sense danger! Sure Rei's mind was cleared of anything Scout-wise but her ability had come way before she awoke as Sailor Mars.
It was a stretch, but Azula would take it.
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highpope · 3 years
Silver Keys - Ch. Two
JJ Maybank x oc ? Soulmate AU / Topper x oc
warnings: none, if there ever are let me know? :)
word count: 2k ish
notes: hello hello im back from the dead for one night only. This chapter is from JJ’s point of view. I promise the drama will have been worth all this wait. (hopefully) as always feedback and reposts are encouraged.
There are two other parts! Read them here - Masterlist.
JJ Maybank was never one for soulmates. Coming from a household of two broken people didn’t make him feel like there was hope for him like the universe was created so people could find their other half or their missing piece. Why isn’t a person whole to begin with?
 His parents weren’t soulmates. He didn’t need some magical musical force to tell him that. One questionable decision and nine months later, a blond boy was brought into the world, helpless. JJ tries to give them the benefit of the doubt, they didn’t mean to have a kid. But then his mom left before he could remember what her face looked like. Before he could memorize the sound of her laugh. He resented her for it, leaving him with his dad. JJ’s dad, who selfishly turned the world upside down and told him to walk through walls to make it out the other side. 
JJ never bothered to ask his dad if he had heard the music. He figured if he had ever, it was long gone now. 
Now, he leaned against the wall, a half-empty beer in his hand, surveying the crowd. He had long ago lost his friends and he was starting to wonder why he did this. Go to parties, that is. If he wanted to be drunk he could sit at John B’s and then pass out on the couch. If he wanted to listen to shitty music and watch people lose at beer pong, he could do it with people he liked. Instead, he was in a sea of kooks and faces he vaguely remembered as people he graduated high school with. They were getting too old to pretend like this was still fun like the universe hadn’t already projected the rest of their lives. But again, JJ Maybank was never one for all that universe shit.
The sunlight through the blinds shined into JJ’s eyes, making him groan and throw a pillow over his face. He had slept on the pullout last night, giving Kie the spare room. Pope was either on the floor or sprawled out on one of the recliners, JJ couldn’t remember. He went to check but was matched by a searing headache. Closing his eyes again he noticed the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. Not two seconds later, June was opening the door to the Chateau. She let the screen door close behind her, making a noise loud enough to make JJ want to crawl inside his own body. 
“Good morning, Sunshine,” June said when he had finally made his way to the kitchen.
“It’s too early for that shit.” He squinted. 
She had left a bottle of water and some ibuprofen on the counter and he made a mental note to thank her when he wasn’t feeling like death itself. 
“Hungry? I can do french toast, there’s bread.” 
“Please,” Pope groans (from the recliner) as he rubbed his eyes.
“Tough night?” June asks, starting to bring another water bottle and meds over to the spot next to JJ. He watched as she walked back to the refrigerator, grabbing the half-empty carton of eggs and milk jug. She placed everything on the counter before standing on her tiptoes to grab a bowl. He noticed her shirt rose when she lifted her arms, exposing her stomach. JJ blinks, hard, and then instantly groans, reminded of his headache.
“I'll take that as a yes.”
Pope had since joined them at the table. He seemed to be handling his hangover better than JJ. The two of them talked about last night while JJ tried to piece it all together. 
Just then John B stubbles into the kitchen, his hair sticking up in every direction, “Morning” he mumbles before taking his seat at the kitchen island. Like clockwork, June sets down medicine and a bottle of water, and JB thanks her. 
“Hey, J, where’d you go last night?” John B asks.
“I just came back early,” JJ says truthfully. 
June chimes in, “What? No lucky girl?” he narrows his eyes at her and she winks in response.
JJ clears his throat, “Nah, got all summer for that. Tourons aren’t even here yet.”
“Really?” Pope questioned, “You walked back?” 
“Yeah, pretty sure I talked to Kie before I left,”
As if right on cue, Kiara comes shuffling out of the bedroom. Her eye makeup from last night is smeared and her hair is falling out of the bun on the top of her head. 
“Speak of the devil,” JJ says when she joins them in the kitchen. 
June, again, gets a bottle of water out of her bag and shakes out some ibuprofen from the jar, “Morning sleeping beauty,”
She narrows her eyes in response. No one messed with Kie in the mornings, especially when she was hungover. JJ wouldn’t be surprised if she hissed at them. There was one time they had all spent the night at the chateau and the next morning she was woken up by the rest of them doing something stupid in the yard. JJ could have sworn fire came out of her mouth. It physically hurt to be yelled at by Kiara.
Now, Kie takes the medicine from June and downs half the bottle of water, nods her appreciation, and walks over to the pullout where she rolls over, pulling the blankets over her head, falling back asleep. Safe for now, he thought.  
The five of them had spent the rest of the day at the chateau. The girls had dedicated the afternoon to watching movies in the living room, while JJ, John B, and Pope sat around on the hammocks, swapping stories from last night. John B had allegedly won at flip cup three times, but Pope called bullshit. 
The two of them had left to get some firewood to build a fire and pick up some food. JJ wandered down to the dock, took his shoes off, and stuck his feet in the water. The sun was starting to set and the reflection on the water looked like something out of a movie. He would never admit that to anyone though. He was just about to go back inside when June sat down next to him. 
“Hey,” she started.
“Hey, how’s Kie? She chill out?”
She laughed, “Yeah. You know how she is.”  JJ nodded. He knew.
“You doing okay?” June asks, bumping her shoulder against his. He could feel her eyes on his. 
“Yeah, just. Rough night like you said.” 
She must have accepted that response because she turned her gaze back to the water in front of them. 
“What about you? Survive your birthday dinner, Ju Ju?”
She rolls her eyes, “barely. My aunt pestered my mom all evening. We were seconds away from the table being flipped.”
“You’re kidding.”
“I wish I was. Happens every time.” 
“I’m sorry,” 
She shrugged before speaking again, “can I tell you something?” 
JJ nodded. 
“I think I heard my soulmate yesterday. Right after you dropped me off. It was the weirdest feeling.”
“Really? How do you know?” JJ’s head was spinning with questions. It’s not like he couldn’t talk to Pope or John B about this, but it was different. They weren’t quite as open as June could be. Or maybe JJ didn’t want to be as open with them. 
“I don’t know. I guess you just do. It’s not even like I knew the song or could even tell you what I thought it sounded like.” She breathed. 
He looked at her now, her face was calm but her eyes were whirling. He could see her formulating her thoughts, trying to wrap her head around what she had heard.
JJ shook his head, “that’s crazy and so fast,”
“Right? I thought so too.” She paused, “J, it was so weird.”
“Good weird?” 
“Yeah, comforting almost.” She was cracking her fingers, something she did when she was nervous. He noticed that she was still wearing the bracelet he had given her in the truck yesterday. He wondered what she thought about the whole soulmate thing. Her parents were still in love, there was no reason for her not to agree. 
“Do you think-” he started, only to be interrupted by Kie yelling at them from the backdoor, “Pizza’s here!” 
“Coming!” June yelled back, pushing herself up and slipping her shoes back on. She reached a hand out to JJ, who was still seated. He took it, even though he didn't need the help and the two of them started back to the rest of their friends.
It had been a week since the pogues had last hung out. JJ had picked up an extra project at the garage and was spending most of his time there. When he wasn’t, he was sleeping in John B’s spare room. But tonight, he was off and everyone was going to the boneyard. 
Almost instantly, JJ pulled out a blunt and his lighter. The sun was in the weird period before it set and was completely dark and the waves were almost louder than the music. Almost. John B and Kiara carried down a few chairs and beach towels to the usual spot just south of where most people congregate. While Pope and June went to get drinks, JJ leaned against a tree, surveying the crowd. It was mostly people they knew from around the island. He recognized a few people from when he used to work at the country club, but the rest were new faces. He caught a girl looking in his direction from across the party. She was short with dark brown hair. He noticed she was alone, too. With one swift nod of his head and a hand through his hair, the girl was already walking over to him.
“Yeah, I really just couldn’t stay in the house any longer, you know?”
JJ nodded his head.
“Anyway, you’re from here?”
“Born and raised,” he replied with a smirk. JJ was trying to pay attention to the conversation, but he wasn’t sure he remembered her name and he definitely couldn’t tell how old she was. Was it Jess? It starts with a J he reassured himself. 
“Are you here with anyone?” Jamie asked.
“Few friends of mine are hanging out over there,” JJ motioned, pointing Jackie in the direction of the pogues. He smiled slightly at all of his friends huddled around a fire. The moment was cut short when JJ noticed Topper and Kelce walking toward them. Almost instantly he got to his feet, muttering an apology to… Jade, and joined the others.
“JJ!” Kie sang when he walked over, clearly the drunkest of the five. She got up from where she was sitting to hug him only to stop short when she noticed the other boys.
“What the hell do you guys want?” She spits. John B stood up slowly.
“Hey, hey,” Topper starts, raising his hands in surrender, “just here to talk,”
“So talk,” Pope said. He was sitting next to June behind the rest of them.
Topper cleared his throat, “June? Can we-” He nodded toward the trees where JJ had just come from. Everyone’s eyes shoot to June who furrows her eyebrows before nodding her head and beginning to get up. Pope stands up with her.
“Look, I just want to have a conversation,” Topper states. 
“It’s fine,” June says, starting to walk off. She 
John B calls out, “You sure?” 
June just nods her head. 
“You better not fucking touch her dude or I swear to-” 
Kie grabs his arm, “JJ,” she urges. June turns her head and gives him a look before walking off with Topper.
tags: @allycat449-blog @ifilwtmfc @sarcasticsagittarius1998
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oc-factoids · 3 years
Ight vibe
So Jasper Haynes is this small little goblin prince man who’s design was basically stolen from ezran of dragon prince but im working on fixing that because you can’t live in the woods hiding from your parents wearing a huge ass cape
But I’m getting ahead of myself so let’s start from the beginning *movie rewind sound effect*
Jasper Haynes is part of the royals family and lived a pretty ok ish life for like the first 10 years
I mean he was sheltered and as all get out and his dad never hugged him and he had no friends but like
Ok ish
Basically what you need to know is he and his sister Sophia were like super super close and they vibed together in the back gardens and also Sophia knew magic
So one day famine and plague falls upon the kingdom and all the villagers are getting uneasy and preparing to eat the rich but jaspers dad Digby (fun fact looked up pretentious names on google and made his name the first result) Digby is all like “Nono guys the plague and famine isn’t my fault it’s the fact that my DAUGHTER is SECRETLY a WITCH and has been CURSING US this whole time!!!” And like yeah she is a witch but you knew and she sure as hell isn’t cursing anyone beyond the f-bomb
So anyway Digby burns his own daughter at the stake to save his own ass and forces Jasper to watch because “he needs to be a strong leader” or whatever the fuck so Jasper is deeply traumatized at the age of 13 now
(Side note sophias last words were “do not ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee” because I like to feel smart by inserting quotes from classical literature Into my maladaptive daydreams stories)
So anyway for a couple of years he’s in that post truama apathy Dream state where your just going for the motions because I’m not projecting you are
But he’s also self-teaching himself magic on the side in secret to honnor his sister’s memory and keep a bit of her alive with him
So he keeps going through the motions for 3 years until one particularly hurtful conversation with his dad Jasper just snaps and has a midlife crisis at the ripe old age of 16 and packs up a bag full of stuff and runs away from home where he kinda awkwardly stumbles around in the woods for two weeks barely surviving because sheltered™️ until two lesbians( Lily and Julia) stumble upon him and take pity and are like “you will die if we don’t help you come here buddy” and then ✨found family ✨ and ✨healing✨ and ✨getting kidnapped by the fae✨
In the like “you are given infinite money and time and full creative freedom make your oc story into a tv show” senario its kinda episodic with the trio just hiding out in the woods and learning lessons and facing a new evil guy of the day with character growth being the driving force kinda like Steven universe
We will talk about lily and Julia later but this post is already super long so bye other Jasper I hope you like my oc Jasper see u later
Also Jasper is ace aro because *hits my favorite ocs with a beam that makes them my exact sexuality and gender*
Should I sign with an emoji?? Here ig-🐞
Aaaaa ok I LOVE this?? I'm just ❤❤❤
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dancingkirby · 3 years
ATLA OC Week Day 5: Secrets
Summary: Four girls swap their juiciest secrets at a slumber party, but Naoko is disappointed when hers doesn’t get the reaction she wanted.
WARNING: Underage sexuality without actual sex, mentions of bullying, and some homophobia.  In short, these are not nice girls.
“Shun took me to the theater for my birthday yesterday,” Hana confided, so excited to share this information that there was almost no space between words.  “And while the room was dark and everyone was watching the play, we kissed!  With tongue! And you know what?  I even let him touch my boobs!”  She finally paused to take a breath, then added, “I still had my top on, of course.  I’m not stupid.”
Naoko and her other two friends Etsu and Kazashi made the appropriate oooh-ing sounds.  The four of them were having a sleepover, which was a regular occurrence for them.  Since the rules against idle chitchat at the Royal Fire Academy for Girls were so strict, this was the optimal time for them to catch up on gossip and inform each other of important events in their lives while eating snacks. They took turns hosting, and this time they were at Naoko’s house.  She liked it best this way because she had the largest and nicest bedroom.  
“I take it things are getting serious, then?” Naoko inquired of Hana.
The other girl nodded. “We’re both planning on talking to our parents and seeing if they’ll let us being betrothed.”
Betrothals were not uncommon at the academy; many of the girls in the upper classes had had contracts drawn up already, and even a few of the younger ones.  Naoko didn’t see either set of parents objecting; in fact, she wouldn’t be surprised if they’d already thought of that themselves. On paper, it was a good match…Shun’s family were wealthy merchants, and Hana’s family was noble but short on funds after a series of bad investments by her father.  Both families would benefit from the arrangement.  However, Naoko did wonder what they’d do if the betrothal was arranged and the affianced pair’s infatuation faded.  Hana always had been the most sentimental of the four of them.
“Well, there’s nothing going on in the boyfriend department for me right now,” Etsu said. “But I still have something I think you’ll be interested in hearing.  So Sifu Mingxia asked me to get her a new ink brush from her desk, right? I opened it, and she had a nude drawing in there!”  
“EEEWWWW!” everyone chorused.  As she took a handful of fire flakes, Naoko thought that this was useful information indeed; Sifu Mingxia was a total bitch, and now one of them could potentially use this to blackmail her.  
“And what was more…” Etsu said slowly, relishing in the suspense, “It was a nude drawing of a woman!”
Even better.  It also explained why Mingxia had never been married even though she was like fifty.  
“What, was she trying to hit on you or something?” Hana asked.
“Nah, I don’t think so.  I think she either forgot it was there, or put it there accidentally. I just got the brush without saying anything.”
“Good.  Save it for the next time she gets on your case for being late for class,” Naoko advised.  Honestly, what did that woman expect?  Her class was the first one of the day, at 7:30 AM, and almost no one arrived on time for the first class.
“Well, what about you?” Etsu asked, turning her head toward Kazashi.  “Are you gonna tell us why Okayu tried to challenge you to an Agni Kai last week?”
Naoko gaped. “She did what now?  When did that happen?!” Okayu was the most boring, mediocre, and plain-looking girl in their grade.  The thought of her challenging anyone to anything was downright comical.
“Oh yeah, I think that’s when you were at that dance ceremony,” Etsu said.  “You would’ve loved it.  She was blubbering so hard that she couldn’t even get the words out properly, thus forfeiting her challenge.  So what was that all about, Kazashi?”
Kazashi gave a most wicked grin.  “Well…I happen to know her boyfriend, although he’s probably her ex-boyfriend by now. His name’s Aran, and he’s mega-hot. So I spread a little rumor that Okayu blew Sifu Hongqi in the bathroom so he’d give her a passing grade on the kata test.  And everyone knows how stupid she is, so they all believed it!”
She threw back her head and laughed, and the other three girls joined in.  (Perhaps with a bit of hesitation from Hana?  That would bear watching.)  Naoko had always liked Kazashi the best of the three girls; she was very nearly as ambitious and ruthless as Naoko herself.  
“So are you and Aran an item yet?” Etsu asked once they’d calmed down.
“Not yet.  But I’m working on it,” Kazashi replied. “Now, Naoko, you’ve been pretty quiet tonight.  You haven’t told us about that dance ceremony yet!  It was at the palace.  Surely something interesting happened!”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Hana said, opening a bottle of nail polish and starting to paint her fingernails with it.  “I went to the palace for a dinner a couple of years ago, and it was really boring. No cute guys or anything.”
Naoko grinned. “Then you must not have been looking hard enough.  Because I definitely met a cute guy while I was there; a very rich and very powerful guy as well.”  She was intentionally a bit evasive with the details since she didn’t want the other girls to figure out who it was and try to nab him for themselves.
“Sounds intriguing!” Etsu said.  “Was he interested in you too?”
“I think so,” Naoko responded.  “He said I had beautiful hair.  And Father said I could marry him as soon as we get his wife out of the picture!  Got any ideas, Kazashi?”
But to her surprise, all of the other girls’ smiles faded, and they looked away from her, making noises of hesitancy.
“Uh…I’m not sure that’s a great idea,” Kazashi said at last.  “Splitting up a boyfriend and girlfriend is one thing, but…this guy is married?  Getting involved with a married man would be messy.  How old is he, anyway?”
“He’s not old old,” Naoko said, feeling her face twist into a scowl.  “Only thirty-four.”  What was the big deal, anyway?  Why were they all gasping like that?  It was true that the age gap between them was almost twenty-one years, but there were plenty of noble married couples who were farther apart in age then that…including Kazashi’s own parents.  And it wasn’t like she was getting married right now.
“Yeah, that’s, like, super-creepy.  I wouldn’t do it,” Etsu said.
Feeling a mounting sense of desperation, Naoko turned to Hana and demanded, “What do you think?”  Surely she, newly in the throes of love herself, would understand.  However, Naoko was to be sorely disappointed.  
“Well, if you’re really that into older men, maybe it’d be best to check out someone a little closer to your own age first.  Maybe like sixteen-ish?” Hana suggested.  She had finished painting all of her nails, and was waving them around to dry.  Then something appeared to click in her head. “Wait. I think I know who this guy is. Is it Pr…”
Quick as a flash, Naoko was on her feet, had a hand clamped over Hana’s mouth, and was dragging her outside.  She slammed the door behind them.
“Don’t you dare say his name!” she hissed in a voice that was barely audible; she was well aware that the other two girls would have their ears pressed to the door in an attempt to eavesdrop.  “He’s mine, you hear me?!”
Hana nodded, holding up her hands partly in surrender and partly because she didn’t want her newly-applied nail polish messed up.  When Naoko was satisfied that the girl wouldn’t scream, she removed her hand.
“What’s wrong with you?  I…I wasn’t even interested in him anyway!  I have Shun!” she protested.
“Good,” Naoko whispered.  “Let’s keep it that way, shall we?”  Then she opened the door and walked back in to her bedroom like nothing had happened.
The other girls eventually struck up another conversation, but Naoko wasn’t paying attention to it.  She just sat in the corner sulking.  They’d see! While they courted their pathetic adolescent boyfriends, with their acne and barely-visible mustaches, she would be in the arms of a real man.  They’d be sorry when she married the delectable Prince Ozai and became Princess Consort.  Or perhaps…even more?  Father had been dropping hints lately that Ozai might not be content with simply being the spare prince for much longer.  
And if/when Naoko became Fire Lady, she was not going to invite these girls to her sleepovers anymore.  That was for certain.
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crimsonrae · 4 years
A Matter of Degrees
Chapter One
Summary:  Dr. Emil Hamilton had been fascinated by Superman, but not afraid. Five years after his death Clark finds out why.
Clark Kent x OC
Rated: Mature
A/N: I’m not a big Superman fan, but after watching Snyder’s films and Henry, I wanted to explore a more broken/healing Clark. Slowish build on this. Let me know if you want to be tagged. :)
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Somewhere in the California Desert
He wanted to laugh.
It was an inappropriate reaction to the situation at hand, Emil knew this intrinsically, but he still wanted to laugh... mostly in disbelief. He had just watched as an alien and a human were taken hostage - as a Kryptonian spacecraft disappeared back into the sky. More than that, he had watched it happen with an entire platoon of U.S. military personnel. To say that the last few days had been surreal would really just be an understatement of biblical proportions.
He wasn't unaccustomed to weird situations, by any means, but his threshold had definitely just found a new level.
He snorted quietly to himself and focused on the hilarity bubbling in his gut, knowing that if he didn't the panic that lurked beneath would take over. Some part of him was terrified that this whole thing wasn't going to work, that handing over Kal-El – Superman- whatever-his damn-name-was and Ms. Lane was a giant mistake and he felt sick that he had just stood there and let it happen.
"Dr. Hamilton?"
What if General Zon annihilated the Earth anyway? Did he really have what he wanted?
"Dr. Hamilton, sir?"
Emil blinked as a hand grasped his shoulder and began to push him toward a waiting caravan. All around him the soldiers had begun to disperse, following new orders he assumed. General Swanwick ducked his head down and continued to prod the shorter man forward as he spoke hurriedly, "There's nothing for us to do here. We'll get you back to base to monitor the situation...with any luck, this General Zod will head back to whatever Godforsaken planet he came from."
"You really think that's what's gonna happen?" Emil questioned cynically. He wasn't really expecting a response as he clambered into a Humvee and pulled his phone from his pocket.
"I can only hope." The general murmured quietly before disappearing from the scientist's side.
Emil shook his head and dialed a number he knew by heart. He barely noticed when the car lurched forward as he listened to a familiar ring, he had the sinking feeling he would get her voicemail, but that was okay. Another moment past before he heard her voice.
Hi, you've reached Rebecca Hamilton. Leave a message and I'll get back to you when I have a free moment.
Abrupt. To the point...yeah, that was his little girl. He smiled faintly, "Hey kiddo, it's been a few days since I've talked to you. I know it's probably nighttime where you're at right now, but I just... I just wanted to talk to you. You wouldn't believe the things I've seen lately or maybe you would. I met a young man that reminded me of you. Well, a young man and a reporter actually...it's a long story. I just want you to know, honey, that I love you and I'm proud of you. Give your old man a call when you get a chance, huh?"
He ended the call and tried not to frown sullenly as he turned his gaze to the passing scenery. The sergeant driving the Humvee shot him a side glance as he curiously asked, "Daughter?"
Emil jerked slightly, not expecting to be pulled from his thoughts as he glanced briefly at his phone, "Yeah...yeah, she um she's working somewhere in Southern Asia right now. Couldn't pronounce the name of the village even if I wanted to."
The sergeant nodded politely, "She a scientist like you?"
Emil huffed a small laugh, "No... no, she's a freelancer. One day she'll be a tour guide for some cruise-line, the next she's trekking through a jungle as a research assistant. She has this blog about her travels, it seems to keep her fed."
The sergeant raised a brow, "That's exciting...and worrying, I bet, for a father."
"Like you wouldn't believe." The doctor muttered ruefully, "She's always had my curiosity, but sometimes I wish she had gotten her mother's instead. Andrea was more inclined to sate her curiosity with books in a library. I was always the one that needed to be on-site somewhere. Becky got that from me and I'm sure somewhere Andi's laughing at the many heart attacks that our daughter has given me as a result."
The sergeant chuckled quietly as he navigated them through the base's gates, "I think that's just a child's prerogative, Dr. Hamilton."
"You're probably right." Emil agreed warmly as he thought of his daughter, he could practically see her mischievous smirk, "You have kids?"
"Two. A boy and a girl." The sergeant answered with a proud grin, "My girl just turned six and she bullies her big brother something awful.
He pulled up before a plain stucco building and slid a photo from his inside pocket to hand to Emil.
"Old school. I like it." The sides were crinkled, but it was a photo that probably went everywhere with the man. Two cherubic faces peered back at him and Emil smiled, "They're beautiful."
He clicked the side button of his phone to show the sergeant the photo acting as his wallpaper. It was him and Rebecca before she had disappeared off for lands unknown again. She had wrapped an arm around his neck as she made him take a selfie with her. It had been a good day.
"I break my phone on a regular basis. Photo's easier to keep around." The sergeant explained as he took Emil's phone and raised a brow, "You guys must be close."
Emil shrugged as they swapped back, "It's just been the two of us for a long time. She's my world, even when she's on the other side of it."
He slid his phone back into his pocket as he pushed the car door open and stepped outside. He leaned back in and offered his hand, "Thanks for the ride Sergeant...Haskell. It's been nice chatting with you."
"Aaron Haskell, sir. And you as well." Haskell replied taking the offered hand.
Their conversation was mundane at best, but Emil recognized it for what it was- a brief distraction from the horror the world had become in the past forty-eight hours. That there is still a possibility of there being no tomorrow. The two parted ways from there and Emil drifted through the next few hours as he watched the screen in the situation room. General Zod was still hovering outside Earth with no word from either Ms. Lane or Superman.
It was just as a faint buzzing vibrated through his pocket that movement was detected on the screen. Emil bit his lip as his daughter's face flashed across the screen of his phone and he glanced once more at the group of tensely strung soldiers and scientists. They could do without him for a few minutes. If this was the world ending, he was damn well going to talk to his daughter.
"Hey, kiddo. Give me one second." Emil said hurriedly as he moved for the hall. No one paid him much attention, their eyes still glued to the screen.
"Hey, Dad." Rebecca said tiredly once he was settled somewhere somewhat privately, "I didn't like that message you left...it sounded too final... too goodbye-ish. You're okay, right?"
A fond smile crossed his lips, "Yeah, sweetheart, I'm fine. I'm just missing you. I wish you were here. What are you doing up? It must be late there."
"Super early actually. Are you sure, you're okay? I've seen the news, Dad." He heard her sigh quietly, "Aliens exist – the world may be ending. And I'm guessing that you're probably in the middle of it."
"You get news in the jungle?"
"Becky -" He started calmly, to anyone else they would have heard a weary, but confident young woman, but he heard the fear, the worry in his little girl.
"Don't tell me, you don't know what's going on, Dad." A dryly amused lilt entered her tone, "You seem to forget I know who you work for and that you have a tendency of leaving classified files on the kitchen table. I know what a big mucky-muck you are over there... Just tell me you're safe, okay?"
"I'm safe. I promise." He shook his head in exasperation, "I'm surrounded by guys with guns, can't get any safer."
"Yeah, right." She murmured quietly and he could almost picture her tugging at the necklace she always wore, "I've changed my flight. I'll be home the day after tomorrow."
"Oh, sweetheart, no. You were supposed to be in Nakhomi Ticakwok for another month. Don't cut your trip short, this is nothing." He cringed both relieved that she was coming home, but hating what was bringing her back enough to protest.
"Oh God, Dad, you weren't even a little bit close. Just say Malaysia, it'll keep you out of trouble." She muttered as she stifled a laugh, "And if it's nothing, then Malaysia isn't going anywhere. I can always come back."
"Becky..." He sighed.
She huffed on the other end, sounding for a moment just like her mother, "You know I hate it when you call me that."
Emil rolled his eyes, "You know, there was a time you hated being called Rebecca."
"That's because it usually meant I was in trouble, but I'm not a little girl anymore, Dad. Becky is a name for a little girl with pigtails and the tendency of being covered in dirt."
"Yeah well, you're my little girl, no matter how old you get and I bet you all the money in my wallet that you have your hair in braided pigtails right now and are covered in dirt."
Emil grinned at the stymied silence from the other end of the line. She was probably checking herself over, but he knew his daughter.
"...It's not dirt, it's clay." She stated defiantly and he snorted.
"Twenty-seven years old and still a walking tornado." He murmured affectionally, "Don't you ever change, kiddo."
"Yeah, yeah." She muttered quietly, "Tell me about this guy you mentioned in your message. You said he reminded you of me."
Emil swallowed a sigh as he looked up and down the hallway to make sure no one was listening to him. Even still, he cordoned himself into a small side office, "He's... special, honey. Kinda like you. He can do things that quite frankly are astounding."
"Ah, you mean he's a freak like me."
"You're not a freak." Emil rebuked tiredly, "Being different, doesn't make you a freak."
He knew the apathetic grunt was her placation for him, but it set his teeth on edge, "You're not a freak."
"Dad, just move on." Rebecca murmured quietly, it was an argument and an old one.
This time he let the sigh come, "He's strong and he was putting on this determined front for me and the General, but I could see he was worried, scared. All I wanted to do was tell him it was going to be okay, but I couldn't. Made me think of you. How brave you are, how strong..."
There was a moment of silence and then she asked, "Was this the alien? Did you guys find him?"
"Becky -"
"You did." She breathed, "Holy shit... Dad, do you think my abilities are-"
"You're human, Rebecca Josephina. I watched your mother give birth to you and there is no doubt that I'm your father, so don't even go there."
"Oh, the full name. Haven't gotten that in a while."
Emil rolled his eyes, "Oh kid, you're gonna be the death of me."
She snickered lightly before asking quite solemnly, "How'd you know he was scared?"
"Father's instinct." He murmured just as the door to the office swung open.
A bright-eyed tech peered at him worriedly, "Dr. Hamilton. You're needed in the sit -room."
Emil nodded and watched the tech run off as he sighed again, "Listen, honey, I have to go, but I'm glad I got to talk to you today."
"Me too."
"I love you so much, kid."
"I love you too. Dad, be safe please." Her voice sounded so small, despite the steadiness of it and he frowned.
"That goes both ways. I'll talk at ya later." Emil stated softly as he listened to her parting and quickly end the call.
It wasn't until hours later when Emil was aboard the C-17 and his fingers were reaching to push down the key that he thought back to his daughter. To the last words of their call. He prayed that this hairbrained scheme worked and it would save the world and his little girl, because it sure as hell wasn't going to save him.
Goodbye, kiddo.
Next Chapter
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subaruthegamer · 3 years
About my OCs (Randy and Deacon)
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Again, bear with me here.
Randal (Randy) David
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“What’s rule #2?” - me
“Never *bleep* with anyone who’s bigger than you.” - half-drunk Randy - regarding why Jack effortlessly... 18+ed him.
Randal (as I occasionally call him) is from a slightly better off family from Hidden Springs, and he was born to parents who while idealistic on the outside, were actually a little bit difficult to live with on the inside. Even though is family life left a lot to be desired, in terms of education, he was attending some of the best schools that Hidden Springs had to offer. With that, his education did leave a rather bitter taste in his mouth since he had almost quite literally, burned his mind through everything that was asked of him. As a result, he now suffers from a mild case of depression which he hides even better than myself.
After turning 17, Randy had a tutor as a result of his rather intense struggle to keep up with everyone else. But he also started to notice an attraction to him (he was pretty much devastatingly handsome) and it started to get personal in a way. That was when Randy started to suffer a headache about his situation. Because his parents were quite uptight about him staying straight as an arrow, this was probably going to be the end (to him). So on the day he turned 18 after his high school graduation, he decided to enlist in the military. But he had to tell his parents about that and his sexuality. Rather than wait until everyone was at dinner, he waited until the night he was about to be shipped out to tell him.
You can guess how it ended for his parents - the bickering was endless.
I honestly don’t know how Randy pulled through with dealing with his training, but one thing I can say for certain is that while Randy was starting to get his body toned, but the one thing that I can say for sure is that he was definitely the smart one. This got him transfered once, and then again. Until he landed into Colby’s team. 
It was a crush at first sight after all - Colby was big, bulky - but obviously, he couldn’t just say he’s in love with him. Until one night, at a barracks somewhere we will probably never know, Randy managed to sneak out of his cabin, and for some rather insane reason, decided to peep on Colby. Colby had just came in from some weight-lifting, so he was going to take a shower. So when Randy peeped, he was getting turned on by Colby’s big size and when he turned around, how large his... uh... right, keeping this safe for work...
Anyway, Randy snuck back to his cabin and needed a moment alone to himself because his heart was pounding so fast. The next morning, he was summoned to Colby’s cabin and sure enough, Colby knew he had been spied on. So inevitably, rather than give him a lesson, Colby would go with his “lesson” by clearing up his schedule come liberty day, and giving him something that was sorely needed.
When the day was free, Randy went over nervous... he had never had somebody this close to him... and when the door closed in Colby’s cabin... it didn’t take long for Colby to slowly strip him down and start his “lesson.” Sure enough, they were sweaty and layered.
This kept up for weeks on end. Working together and creating a formidable team of tactics and actual fighting with (potential enemies) they were literally climbing the ranks during the day, and being given lessons during the night. In fact it got to a point where they had been turned into the stories of legend because of Randy’s moaning.
Sadly (for Randy) it didn’t last, because Colby rather strangely quit his position after he himself spent 6 years in the military. With an address if Randy ever got himself loose, he stayed on - but while he was good over the next year with other people, they got transferred out because Randy wasn’t quite as compatible with others simply due to the dynamic that he and Colby had. So, he quit.
After that, he sort of bounced all over the country, seeing if Colby was there, hoping to hopefully continue with what he and Colby had - enter me.
Yeah, it’s a pretty good guess as to what happened when he finally found Colby. This was an awkward reunion for sure, since Colby was in love with me, and Randy was now... the ex.
Obviously with him sharing a room at his Riverview house (which I was still studying in college) this did have a few awkward moments - then it started going into a slightly strange stalker-ish vibe that was coming off. I was probably overreacting, since Randy’s questions were really sort of borderline creep~ish to the point where I had to have a conversation with Colby with regards to it. 
“I mean, in hindsight, it’s not so bad - I have a feeling we’re getting somewhere.” - me
“It’s more of... will he do everything to replace you?” - Colby
And it didn’t happen. Strange as it may seem, it just didn’t happen. Despite all of it, he was still trying (a bit too hard) to try and remain upbeat about the whole ordeal, but it left me with the impression that he was a little cold with it.
After I graduated and got a job starting my way up with being an intern, Randy got a job as a filing clerk in the office. We started hitting it off as friends, and he was starting to have this sense that he wanted Colby, but he didn’t want to fight over what Colby’s mind up was which depressed him. As I was a former sober companion then, I always notice the signs that one may possibly start to need vices. The job he got was something to live for, but it just felt like he wanted more at the end of the day.
We had our fun, of course, as friends. Walks, drinks, the occasional shameless flirt. I worked my way up but then sort of stalled, which got Randy to catch up to being an intern. By the time I was given the opportunity to be a full-blown journalist, Randy was on the heels of being one. His comparison tests were unique in a way nobody has ever seen before (why, I will never tell you!) but we both got into our moment in the spotlight - I was working on reviewing cars, he was reviewing consumer products.
Furthermore, we also both got job opportunities in Lucky Palms - hence the move.
Which did leave one question - was Randy really going to try and shoot himself past me and into Colby’s arms? The three of us decided that Randy can be friends-with-benefits with Colby. Which meant that there was no relationship with Colby - it being over as Randy came to the reality that Colby was in love with me. But the occasional hookup would be okay.
Did it mean he can also sink his claws into me as well? (hehe...)
Deacon Peaks
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“Lemme get this right - you got that tattoo to hide several of scars on your arm?” - me
“It’s not something I’m proud of.” - Deacon
Deacon has been through a lot. Actually, more than even I could describe. Coming from the slightly rough side of Twinbrook, his story wasn’t as fairytale as his blond hair and tattoos suggest. Deacon and his sister (who we’ve never seen but is mentioned on occasions) were born to a rather alcoholic father, who beat everyone on several occasions. Deacon sustained a lot of the injuries through school, and until his mother finally went to his grandfather, he was still suffering a lot which the school staff at the time turned a blind eye to.
When his mother finally had enough, his grandfather (who he called Pops) had the whole family (minus his father) move into his place and chased his father away with a shotgun. After that, at 14, he was starting to put the pieces of himself back together, but it started to take a domino effect on his education, since he was also bullied through school. Until a new principal came into effect 2 years later, the pieces he had allowed him to get by, but not get better. In fact, from what I remember about the conversations Deacon and I had when we were alone was that he also started an attraction to boys - who then also got kicked around for liking them as well. So, clearly, high school wasn’t exactly something he’s enjoyed.
That gradually changed slightly as he entered college - although it was still a painful time for him - even as he turned 21. Because Deacon was at a small college party, the temptation to drink too much was just there. I mean, everyone was simply getting too drunk to get comfortable. Even in this setting, the pressure was still on. But he walked away. And good thing he did, because hazing was a thing that occurred then.
Now, Deacon entered college with loans, so unsurprisingly, he did have to work quite hard through college. It wasn’t the most enlightening difference, but it was enough to live by modestly. He still had to bike to school, but it was enough to work and live by in a way. Although with Deacon’s athletic career - he graduated alright, but there is a problem: the amount of debt wasn’t exactly something that enlightens a prospective team. So after graduating, he held a few dead-end jobs before moving to Lucky Palms.
While looking through the ads list at the supermarket in Lucky Palms, I had advertised a room for sale (this was post-Adam, pre-Jack - draw your own conclusions) and, Deacon, ever the blondie, came in and was about to text the number on the ad. Sure enough, it was me. Randy had been living in a room on his own, and with Lucky Palms property values, renting a spare room that could be used could supplement what we paid.
Sure enough, Deacon was sort of back where we started until a team mascot position at the stadium opened. So he took it - but he was facing a little bit of ridicule from not being “from the bag - and probably rusty.” Obviously, he hid this from us until I checked in on him... and where I may have introduced him to Randy.
The two went on a night on the town at a bar, and Deacon (according to Randy) did have some degree of fun, but there was something missing. Now, when they got home with Randy (on the gray line of tipsy and drunk), Deacon decided that rather than carry Randy to his room (which factually was closer to the stairs than Deacon’s was) he would take him to his.
What happened during the night would be anyone’s guess (relax, nothing of a rather criminal nature happened), but when Randy woke up (unsurprisingly slightly hungover) Randy had been giving Deacon a cute smile while waiting for him to wake up. When Deacon turned around, his heart was beating quickly. Randy was still staring into his eyes with this cooling effect that apparently gradually got them to cuddle even closer in bed.
They spent the whole day cuddling until... Deacon made the first move with a kiss in bed. With Randy slightly shocked (and hungry) that Deacon wasn’t sure if he blew it. But Randy responded by kissing him back :)
This was a gradual secret until I accidentally got him and Deacon making out because Randy accidentally took my phone and I was going to give it back.
What was interesting about this was that they moment they started dating was also the same moment Colby proposed to me.
Randy was the catalyst in Deacon’s life, and soon enough, Deacon started flying up the ladder from being a mascot, to being one of the most sought after players. And before you ask - they’ve decided to be boyfriend and boyfriend.
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kkulmoon · 4 years
SUGAR & SALT | The First Snow Has Melted (2)
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pairing(s): rich boy!kim taehyung x baker!reader (f) + park jimin x named OC & kim seokjin x named OC
genre:  angst (?), slice of life, romance, smut (later chapters), slow burn, fluff (occasional), s2l, e2l, countryside-ish au
word count: 6.7k
rating: pg
a/n: i took way too long to update this 🤡(it won’t happen again 🥺) and i am doing so with such a shitty chapter lol but hey at least I managed to finish it. also thank you to my lovely beta reader for giving me much needed advice about where i should go with this, @scvkjin​, angie you’re truly an angel 💕😭
warnings: some swearing
synopsis: You’re a small town baker, whose business is on the line following questionable decisions made by your town’s political board. You decide to take action in order to salvage your reputation as the town’s favourite baker. 
What you didn’t expect was to fight for your precious secular life that keeps being invaded by the best friend of the owner of your rivalling bakery, Taehyung. He also happens to be the one in charge of your lack sugar, due to a minor (depending on the point of view) mistake, though he’s known as quite the conscientious count.
You’re a baker.
A bad one, it seems. Even with Taehyung, Jimin, Seokjin and Ada, the finest products and tools at your disposal, you seem to cook up a disappointing dish. So whose fault is it really?
☁︎ previous chapter ☁︎
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The journey back is just as agonising if not more. You keep your eyes closed in hopes of catching some sleep but all in vain.
Thump! Taehyung's legs are about to drive you insane. You move your jacket's hoodie to cover your ears, hoping he gets the memo. He keeps going. It is really annoying but you don’t you feel like telling him to stop and possibly make him more anxious than he already was, so you hold out. A few minutes pass by and he seems to calm himself, so you decide to take down your hood. To your right Ada's head lays on Jimin shoulders as their chest oscillate, up and down, at a steady rhythm.
You're brought back to your high school days, when the two fell in love for the first time. Jimin was your go-to friend, who also happened to be your only friend. Ada was, and still is, a hopeful admirer in disguise. It's actually quite hard for you to comprehend how two people can be so obvious about their feelings while simultaneously being negligent about the subject of their affection.
You shake your head. You've reached the threshold for your daily analysis of your best friends' relationship. You shift in your seat and dangle your feet. The boredom is crippling and the humid air in the bus is making your hair frizzy.
Itching for some action , you turn to your right and say, "What's the matter?"
"Is everyone in Warringham like you?" Taehyung wonders. He stares straight at you making you tilt your head back to the left.
While you're glad at the increase in activity, you aren't sure that being indirectly insulted is the type of action you are currently looking for. But there's nothing better for you to do. Indulging in some self deprecation wouldn't be too bad given your recent behaviour.
"If you're referring to being hostile, then not so much," you say, thinking about the new bakery that recently open across from yours, "but they are weary, change isn't really an appreciated thing."
"So they don't like outsiders?" he pushes.
"No and yes. Outsiders that are trying to change things, that's what they don't appreciate."
Taehyung drags his hand down his face. "Goodness gracious, I guess I will have to deal with the backlash at some point."
You could have told Taehyung that backlash in Warringham is more like rage. However you don't feel like that is your responsibility, so you hold your mouth shut. You're sure Jimin would have his back. Brotherly love or whatnot.
"By the way, why are you asking me this," you add, "don't you already live in Warringham?"
"Well yeah, technically, but it hasn't been that long. I had only been there for about two weeks before I followed Jimin here. I didn't have much to do so I stayed in for the most part."
You truly want to scoff at Taehyung's reply but you think of one word: Jimin. People truly do live different lives. You wish you had the privilege of  staying at home. You wish your mom and your brother had the privilege of staying at home. Maybe things would have turned out different for you. Maybe you would have been different and befriending Taehyung wouldn't feel like combing your hair while it's dry, meaning impossible.
"Why did you move to Warringham anyways?"
You raise your eyebrows while bracing yourself. This should be a good one.
"I needed some change. I got bored of the city, as one does, and a friend needed some help," he says matter of factly.
"Ahhh, exactly as one does." You nod as the sides of your lips drag down.
To feign familiarity with such a concept is all you can do at the moment. Your lives and reasoning are being revealed to be so diametrically opposed, you doubt that your individual bonds to Jimin would be enough to allow the two of you to connect.
You try to find a way to end the conversation. Talking to Taehyung only seems to involve judgement one way or the another. Taehyung's body shifts towards you. You guess he's in a talkative mood, now that he has calmed down. But you are not, at least not anymore.
So you pull your hood up back onto your head. For the first time since you bought the jacket, you're happy it's too big for you. That way you get to avoid glancing or being glanced at by unwanted subjects. The rest of the ride back is silent, just as before. Lucky for you it's nothing unusual, just how you like it.
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Quick and heavy steps sound against the gravel in front of your porch. You would already be on your bed hugging your phone by now had it not been for you having to drag both yours and Ada's suitcases into the house.
Apparently her and Jimin needed some privacy. For what? You really don't know, what else would they need to talk about? They have been attached at their hips for the past two weeks one could almost think that she went on vacation with him and not you. In fact, that’s probably what people thought. You remember catching elderly couples and young parents glancing cutely at the pair. 
She had said, and you remember it clearly: 'This will be a time for me and you to simply relax and have fun together. Make some new golden memories in a shitty place’.
Lies, lies, lies.
You remind yourself to not easily cave in next time she suggests you do a common activity. That isn't even the worst part. You were made to leave your beloved work phone. It’s not that you didn’t believe in your staff, but the bakery is the only thing you’re remotely passionate about. Your life revolves around it, leaving it behind even for just two weeks, was a harder task that you thought it would be.
You huff as you use the little of your remaining force to lift Ada's suitcase up the few stairs on your porch. For someone who seemed to have worn pretty much the same clothes during your stay at Punniton her bag sure was heavy. Or it must probably be all the baggage she carries from her failed romantic endeavours. Yes, you just said that, because once again, yes you're that type of friend. Loving, supporting but judgemental and blunt nonetheless.
You strut all the way to your room while the odd bone crack disturbs you. For all the money you paid for your stay at Punniton you sure as hell deserved better beds. Bed with wire lattices? Come on, it's not like we were going to boarding school.
You may need to leave a bad yelp review. It was your seventh year there after all, you're bound to feel entitled to some things at some point. Anyways, it's not like yelp reviews really count to anyone outside of the city, so you'll simply just write one to satisfy your own petty behaviour. 
You walk to the end of your room to open the window. The air is stale and mixed with another scent that you can't quite catch. You turn to face your bedside table. HA! On it there is a moldy orange. The orange you should have taken taken with you for the train ride to Punniton.
With a pair of scissors at your disposal you poke into the orange. Something you soon realise you shouldn't have done now that there's a small puddle of orange juice on your table. You hurry into the kitchen to throw it away. While you're at it you glance outside through the kitchen window. What are they talking about?
Ada's head turns towards you and you duck as fast as you can. You creepily lift your head back up to find that they are kissing. The creases that form on your forehead would be able to be seen  from miles away. You're also sure that someone could inspect the back of your throat right now from how wide your mouth is open. It has been two weeks, and they are already locking lips!?
Huh, you guess it must be easy to get over a couple years of emotional trauma if you're really in love with one another. You spend some more time analysing their kiss. Was is a 'I'll see you soon 'kind of kiss, or the 'I love you but i can't tell you' kind of kiss, or the 'I have been wanting to kiss you for the last 2 weeks' kind of kiss. 
For someone who claims to be trying their best to live their best life, you really are concerned with other people's problems. But how couldn't you? If you're thinking logically, which you always are, hurt Ada equals you having to mend her wounds. On top of that you would also have to deal with another strain to yours and Jimin's friendship.
So yes, them trying to get together again is just as much their business as it's yours. If things go wrong you'll be the one standing between the crossfire and while the last one was quite mild, you believe years of pent up frustration will blow up this time.
As much as you would like to keep watching them go at it, it feels too  private and you're not a creep so you look away and walk back to your room. You reach for your bedside table's drawer to get a hold of your phone so you can turn it on.
There's two possible scenarios. First one, no one messaged you, in which case everything is under control. Or, no one messaged you because they either forgot or deemed whatever happened to be too serious to say over text.
The moment you type in your code while your phone tries its best to recognise the house's wifi, you're so startled you automatically get up from your bed.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!
Okay, so you obviously got messages and now you are scared. You navigate your way to your messages. Eight missed messages from Joe, one of your staff.
December 17th
[09:10] (Joe) Hello Y/N. So we have a problem...
[10:05] (Joe) Hello? Are you there?
[10:15] (Joe) I don't know if you're getting these messages but I'll go ahead and explain the situation.
[10:18] (Joe) So we just got an email from the municipality saying that there was an inconvenience with one of the  papers you sent in for the bakery's inventory.
[10.20] (Joe) They have got everything else ordered and it should arrive on time. However, the paper for the sugar order can't be found anywhere.
December 18th
[10.35] (Joe) You haven't answered and nobody knows where you went for vacation. The only person who would know also most likely happens to be with you.
[10.38] (Joe) Since it is a time of crisis I went over your log for the bakery's inventory and rewrote a sugar order based on your notes. So I have now gone to the municipality and deposited the order papers.
December 20th
[08.20] (Joe) So the municipality just got back to us. They have said that the order is now registered however there will be a month long delay before it arrives given the fact that it was ordered during a vacation and other businesses most likely are before us in the deliveries.
This. This is why caring for things is something you try to avoid. You could do everything right from your end and yet there's no guarantee that you would at least get rewarded for that. In fact, worst case scenario you could even end up being wrongly penalised for it. That's where you are currently standing and you feel awful and betrayed. Which is a funny thing since this wasn't even done by someone you actually knew. The downside to taking things and caring for them...
Your body stays in a paralysed state as you try to rack your brain for any possible solution to the situation. The only thing you can come up with is complaining. Your staff had already done their best to lessen the damages. Now all you need is someone to dump your frustrations on so that you can feel somewhat productive and needed.
Also being head chef means showcasing the type of qualities that a leader should have so you need to come up with something to do in order to make sure that your employees don't think any less of you. Going to the municipality's building seems like the best option.
It would allow your subordinates to see your dedication to work but also allow you to complain to your heart's content. This means feeding other's expectations of you all while feeding your own ego. Two birds, one stone.
You're in the middle of typing away furiously, when Ada steps into your room, leaning against the door frame.
"By the way I thought about keeping this to myself at first but then I thought, you know what I should treat my friends the way I want them to treat me so here we go...", she starts.
"I'vechosentopursuethisthingthat'sgoingonbetweenmeandJimin,"she blurts it out and still you manage to catch everything.
That's how focused your mind was even if you are busy typing back a response to Joe, it's still on high alert.
"Uh, hellooo? Did you hear what I just said"
“Ahh uhh, got it. Capiche. Good luck”
"That's all?"
"I mean can I talk you out of it and bring up past sad memories?"
" Well, no... I would rather you not"
"Then i repeat, good luck," you take a break from your phone screen to look at her, "I really hope it works out for you this time around. They say third time's a charm, right?"
"Yeah they do....hopefully it's true for us"
It's quite rare for someone as cold as Ada to openly share her doubts when it comes to private matters. You have had to battle her in the past to get her to tell you what exactly happened between her and Jimin. You get up and walk up to her. Black hair strands tickle your shoulder before you can engulf her entire body in a big comforting hug.
"I'm just really scared."
"Take it as a good sign. You like him. At least you know you're not only halfway into it like the time you tried to date Louis just to make Jimin jealous."
You try your best to sound comforting and play the best friend part. It crossed your mind to be more harsh with her about her decision, but you decided against it. Just because you may personally have a hard time dealing with romantic matters doesn't mean you need to project that onto her.
She is going through a rough patch as it is. You make a mental note to message Jimin about the matter. Ada may not want you to talk about it with him, but still you will, not as Ada's best friend but as his.
Ada steps back from the hug and blinks hastily. "Anyways, why did you look so irritated?”
"There's some problem with the bakery's inventory so I need to go the municipality to complain," you explain.
"Just to complain?"
"I mean yeah, but also deal with the logistics of it all you know," you cough out the answer.
"Uh huh, I see. Just don't cause too much trouble or make a scene. I don't want to have to defend you in court knowing you're in the wrong."
"Yes Ma'm. I'll try," you retort mumbling the last statement.
"Alright, then we're all good. Also I ordered pizza it should be here in 20 so you can come out then."
You vigorously nod your head.
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Nice fit. Head full of a mix of good arguments and well camouflaged arguments made to sound good when truthfully they are quite groundless. Throat cleared. Chin up. Power pose on. You felt like you could rule the world. Well, maybe the world is too much of an ambitious thought. You want to feel powerful but remain humble, so let's settle for Warringham. Yes, you feel like you could rule Warringham. Anyways, that not really the point. The point is:
You are ready to make a scene.
This better work. You did not get dolled up and decide to swap your sneakers for some heeled boots in order to be ignored and left high and dry. For once, you hoped that you could use humans' blatant incline for vanity and love of beautiful looking to your disposal. Your contouring better make sure you can make up for the mess that the municipality created.
You strut as gracefully as possible. The automatic doors slide open in front of you and you panic slightly at the sudden gush of air that hits your face. Your hairstyle better not get ruined. The reception is overseen by some poor intern that's looking to curb her boredom by playing with her nails or trying to figure out the different ways she could scratch her different body parts without people taking notice.
You can't help but feel like a blessing. You are about to liven up this kid's work place. The kid had exactly thirty-five seconds left of boredom. That's how long you think it will take to walk to the reception desk in the most gracious yet intimidating manner possible. The countdown starts as you take your first step.
K'duh. K'duh. K'duh. K'duh. K'duh.
You arrive at the desk, feeling even more excited. The intern's eyes are still wandering around. Yes, you feel like a superhero that could defeat all of the world's injustices but you are pretty sure invisibility isn't one of your strengths. You clear your throat.
The intern lifts her blue eyes to look at me. Eyeballs bulging out of their skull. What a way to feign interest.
"How could I help you ma'am?"
To be quite honest, you were feeling a bit sorry to have to put the intern through a scene. She probably didn't know how to deal with such situations. Or, you could just be getting cold feet. Things always sound better in theory, in your head, where they should be left.
"Uhm, yes...," you shuffle through your handbag to find your documents.
Actually, Ada's handbag. What?! You needed to match with your dolled up cover. Once you find them, you squint your eyes in hopes of catching the name on the name plate attached to her blazer.
"Yes, Vera. I'm looking to talk with the person in charge of the economics department here. Or maybe just management"
You were thinking about what sort scene to pull. On a scale from Becky to Susan how petty did you really feel being.
"I'm sorry but the concerned person is currently not in right now."
You take a long look at Vera. Is she really going to pull that move on you just because she is too lazy to go look for the person?
"Can you then check if there's someone else I could talk to?" you sneer.
"Well I would need to know what the errand is about exactly," she continues to use her service voice.
"I'm am the head baker at the municipality owned bakery, you know the one in the town centre. My orders were messed up and I need to talk to someone in charge to know how I am supposed to deal with the consequences. You know do the things that people in charge of businesses do."
"I would really love to help you ma'am, but the person in charge of economics has yet to arrive. I do not know who it is as they are starting today."
Ok, so maybe Vera was annoying but she didn't look like a liar. It must be a sign not even the world wants you to go ham with your complaints.
Who do you know that works for the municipality? You turn around to realise that it's in fact no one because you don't know the person standing in front of you. Not personally at least. But oh my my my. You wish you could get to know him physically. Que? What is wrong with you Y/N, get a grip on yourself. He may not appease your mind or your feelings, but your eyes are heaving a feast at the very moment.
"Oh hi Taehyung, fancy seeing you here?!"
'Fancy seeing you here', really!? Just because you're dolled up and everything doesn't mean you are on the same level of fancy that his city self is. Once, again get a grip Y/N.
"I would say the same but unless you work here people usually only come in if they are having problems," he says as he walks closer to you. Against your better judgement you walk closer as well.
You're facing each other, standing right in front of the reception desk. In your periphery, you can see the shift of a body. Vera must be intrigued for some reason.
"Well you hit the nail on the head. I was trying to have Vera here help me, but she says she can't," you say as you point to your left.
"It's actually they, ma'am not she," she retorts and you bite your bottom lip. Why in the heck does she keep calling you ma'am.
Taehyung turns to her, "Anytime she's here and she needs help you can just call my office phone," he says and you don't know why all of a sudden his hotness points soar through the roof as if he had collected enough coins to get a power star just like in Mario Bros. You may have a thing for people with saviour complex you realise.
"Of course, Mr...," Vera probes with a wide smile and fascinated eyes.
"Kim. Kim Taehyung"
Kim Taehyung. You mumble his name. It has a nice ring to it, you can't lie.
"Oh and I don't know what the occasion is but you look really nice," he says and you reprimand yourself for how good his statement makes you feel. Who are you? You do not need validation from anyone. No, you don't. However, deep down you know that a little appreciation, even from someone you say you don't like, goes a long way.
"Oh this...," you point at yourself, "pfft, nothing much just felt like getting dolled up." Oooh, what a big fat liar you are. And yet, you have the audacity to criticise Ada.
He nods his head at you and gives you a thumbs up. There you go again making things awkward. You can already imagine the sort of things he will tell Jimin about you and none of them are positive.
"You look good too...," your voice wanders.
You could have easily added to your statement, because unlike his, it wasn't a lie. You could hate him, which you don't. You could find him uncomfortable, which you do. But you couldn't lie about his fortune in the visual department.
Taehyung is suited up, or at least he was when he got into the building. Now, he's wearing a crisp white button down that's slightly rolled up at the wrists to showcase his watch. It resembled one of those watches you see on Antiques Road Trip. He must gotten it from his great great grandfather or something along those lines.
While you were at Punniton there hadn't been a chance for you to take a good look at Taehyung given the pile of winter clothing he had on him. So, you allow your eyes to roam lower to where his shirt is tucked inside well ironed light brown slacks.
Well ironed. Finally something non-Jimin related that you like about Taehyung. There are very few men your age that you have encountered that wear properly ironed clothes so you consider it one of the highest signs of self care. Your eyes have a mind of their own. They fixate on the movement of his hands as he moves to adjust his watch.
"What is the problem anyways?" He asks and you shoot your head back up. He didn't catch that, did he?
"Ohh I work at the bakery. I sent in the papers to stock up on inventory since it's owned by the municipality. But apparently someone from management lost the papers for the sugar inventory and now the bakery is out of sugar. I'm just here to complain about the fact that I'll need to increase the prices which will mean less bread sold and lower wages and smaller bonuses. I just find it really disrespectful given how hard we all work for the bakery and how long we've stayed while knowing we can get a better pay elsewhere just by doing half of the work"
"Huh, huh," Taehyung attempts to sound supportive.
"The situation just annoys me, A bunch of well-off people thinking that a more than a month long delay won't affect much. Like damn I have to pay rent, utilities and ten employees as well as myself," you continue your rant.
Look on the bright side, you got to vent a bit. Not that you thought Taehyung would be the one on the receiving side. You are feeling slightly better, and like your entire mission didn't completely fail. It simply took an unwanted detour. Time to get out of your head. Taehyung's fingers caress his knuckles before they go through his hair. Is he nervous?
"Wow that sounds awful, i'm sorry that happened to you," he says as he reaches into one of his pockets. That sounded... weird or even fake. But then again you couldn't expect him to understand the struggle some people face in life. His past big city life must have been so luxurious even problems took care of themselves.
"If you need any help all you need to do is ask. Any friend of Jimin's is a friend of mine."
He brings his phone out and points at it. "Duty calls. I'll see you some other time Y/N." He walks away typing furiously. Now that was also... weird. Another thing to add to the list of pros and cons you had made for Taehyung.
Pros: Jimin's friend, irons his clothes properly, weird.
Cons: annoying, big city boy, weird.
It's a tie, for now. If only you could imagine the fluctuation the future beholds. You will run out of mental space to store all of the reasons why you don't like and why you do like Kim Taehyung.
Now that he's gone, you face Vera again. Did you want to cuss her out and then leave, or did you want to cuss her, make another petty comment about appropriate workplace behaviour and then leave? You settle for neither. You already got to vent so you don't think you have it in you to go the extra mile. So you turn to your left and leave, never to return again, you hope.
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The slowness at which you are going is flagrant. You removed your boots by the entrance to be met by such swollen feet you feel embarrassed for yourself. They aren't even that high neither are they too tight. You attempt to walk all the way past the kitchen and through the hallway that leads to your room but you give up less than halfway through. The couch will have to do for now.
You scroll through your social media and come across an announcement post from Jimin's account and you're reminded of his show. It premieres in four days and you remember him saying that he will leave tomorrow. God, you're so caught up in your own shit, you completely forgot about him.
[14:20] hey, what time are you catching the train tomorrow again?
[14:25] minnie 💜13:45. Trying to see when to schedule in a crying session before?
[14:27] Ha.ha.ha. You’re not that special and you already left once. I am immune now.
[14:28] minnie 💜Ooff, ouch. I am strong but I’m not made of stone y/n. That hurt 😢
[14:30] I would argue otherwise. Which is great since it brings me to the very important and touch topic we need to  discuss
[14:32] minnie 💜Y/N. I heard it the first time. I am NOT going to hurt her.
[14:35] You don’t know that. She is more invested than you may think. I don’t think she can take a third fall out. So I will need you try your best, can you promise that?
[14:36] minnie 💜Promise. I’ll be honest with her tonight.
[14:36] Thank you 😌
Jimin really wishes he could tell Y/N why he is so cautious about completely confessing to Ada. It has nothing to do with him being insecure about his feelings. It is more so a matter of protecting Y/N  because he knows how Ada would react in such a scenario. Maybe one day, when Y/N is ready, he will be able to let her know.
[14:38] minnie 💜speaking of Ada she told me about your sugar issue, what’s going on? ps I’m also hurt that I need to get your life updates from someone else 😣
[14:40] Hmm yeah srry about that, i’ve been a bit out of it 😬,I went to the municipality building to find someone I could complain to but there wasn’t anyone there
[14:41] minnie 💜you will hate me for suggesting this but you should ask Tae for help
[14:42] Hmmm 🤔….
[14:42] Nope
[14:42] Non
[14:43] Nein 👎
[14:43] I am not trying to be indebted to someone i don’t plan on keeping in my life
[14:45] minnie 💜Ohh come on you wouldn’t be indebted, just think of it as him doing me a favor (cuz he owes me a couple) except it has nothing to with me
[14:46] minnie I really appreciate you looking out for me, but I got this 😚
[14:46] minnie 💜https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/kim_taehyung
[14:47] minnie 💜I’m just saying he’s got connections 🤷‍♂️
You click on the link. A freaking Wikipedia page?! The page isn’t ridiculous long but still, the fact that he has one. Your eyes shift to read his profile. There’s a picture of him, one worthy of a couple of screenshot you were not going to take, except he has blonde hair and you can’t help but think that you prefer his current hair color.
Kim Tae-hyung (age 24) Other names: Earl Kim Taehyung, Count Kim Taehyung Occupation: Economist Awards: Uffington’s Novice Photographer 2019 Taehyung is not just Jimin’s city friend. He is a count. An earl. An aristocrat amongst Warringham peasants. [14:53] Wow I see that you have upgraded huh, what are your intentions for the future that you felt the need to become friends with a nobleman 🤨
[14:55] minnie 💜actually he approached me, he went to one of my shows with his fam and then came to compliment me backstage and asked if i wanted to go for a drink
[14:57] and you thought ‘you know what, going out for a drink with a stranger is totally responsible’ [14:59] minnie 💜 i didn’t go alone i went with the team, i’m nice not stupid 😤
[15.00] minnie 💜but my point still stands, you wouldn’t be losing anything by asking him
Should you tell Jimin that Taehyung has already offered to help or would that just encourage him to keep pushing? You decide against telling him.
[15:01] i’ll think about it
[15:01] minnie 💜 that’s y/n code for: thanks but no thank you
[15:02] i mean it, i’ll actually let the thought simmer in my mind and see if i like the result
[15:03] minnie 💜smh
[15:03] minnie 💜 i’m going to need to leave u, someone else is here to keep me company 😏
[15:04] ewww, u nasty, byeeee
[15:05] minnie 💜byeeee, and like for real think about it 😙
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Tomorrow is now today. Jimin is sadly going away. You are that deep in your feelings that you feel the need to recite a corny ‘poetic’ rhyme. You are standing near the edge of the railway platform. Taehyung is standing somewhere behind you. The both of you waiting for Ada and Jimin to rap up their sob fest or more accurately Ada’s sob fest. It takes a minute.
Once they are ready they find their way to you. You form a disproportionate human circle where Jimin and Ada are glued to each other’s side while you are closer to Ada and Taehyung’s closer to Jimin.
“Hey Y/N, can I talk to you real quick.” Jimin motions for you to come to his side as he increases the distance between you and the rest.
Is he going to have individual talks with all three of us?
“So, what’s up?” you ask. The quicker you’re with this the less time you get to feel emotional.
“I’ll keep my promise if, and only if you keep yours,” he says as he places his pinky in front of your face. You grab onto it with your palm.
“I don’t remember promising anything.” He signals to Taehyung with a head nod. Oh, you see what this is about.
”You know it’s okay to admit you need help, right? You don’t need to have all the answers yourself.”
It may be true that you do not have all the answers, but you do have the ones that you need and the ones that mean something to you. But you can’t tell Jimin that so you sigh as you bite your top lip.
Jimin reaches into his back pocket. “I’ve had this now for a while and I think it has done its job. I believe you need it more than me right now.”
Onto your palm a small metal circle is placed. Teddy the penny. You can’t help chuckling. It had in fact been a while since you had seen the rusty fake penny with a teddy bear engraving. The penny that brought you and Jimin together back in elementary school when you still thought your teddy bear was the bestest friend you could possibly have. It listened to you and it understood and it comforted you, softly, all night. Most importantly, unlike Jimin, it never questioned you.
Your teacher had made fake pennies for the class to give as rewards. You and Jimin had a joint place in your drawing competition and coincidentally you both wanted the only teddy bear penny available. The teacher placed the two pennies in the palms of her hands, and told you to close your eyes. Her hands shifted from side to side, above and around one another. When you opened your eyes, you were made to chose and ended up with a butterfly penny instead.
All you can remember is moist cheeks, hurt cries and resentment. All of which went away when Jimin put the then warm penny on your small clammy hand, “You look like you need it more. Don’t be sad. Teddy doesn’t want things to be sad he wants them to be funny.”
From then on you exchanged Teddy the Penny, the one who needs it the most gets it. You had given it to him when he left to pursue his dreams.
“Honestly it’s not that big of a deal,” you dismiss his worry, “it’s definitely not a teddy the penny worthy situation,” you clarify.
“You know I am not gonna fight you right before leaving. You and I both know that the bakery is the only thing you actually care about. So yes, you care more than you show.”
“I also care about you and Ada too,” you retort and it’s the first time in the last three years that that you get to have Jimin’s questioning and disappointing expression directed at you.
“If you’re going to keep playing like this I might as well join and not keep my promise.”
Ok, so now your plan to avoid talking to Taehyung just wouldn’t be doable. You could deal with hurting yourself but hurting others? No. That’s where you draw the line. You are really going to have to talk to him.
“Fine,” you mumble out.
“I said fine.”
Jimin pulls you into a hug. “Look at you, this is progress and thank you, that means I can keep my promise.” He hugs you tighter and your jaw tenses as you attempt to make sure he doesn’t squeeze out all of the tears that you plan on shedding when you get back home.
“I’ll miss you so much. Please take care of Ada.” He lets you go but keeps holding your hands. “And let her take care of you too. Okay?”
“Uh hmm,” you nod your head at the fastest speed you can manage. Partially because you do want to reassure him but also you need to dry the incoming tears.
Jimin continues to caress your shoulder as you walk back to meet the others. You try to keep your head up as to not raise any suspicion but realise your failure when you meet Taehyung’s eyes. He gives you a reassuring smile and winks at you. The last part does register properly in your head but you act like you didn't see it.
The train tracks sound. It’s almost here.
“I’m so glad I decided to come back. Take care guys, I’ll try to get back as fast as possible,” he says as he goes on to squeeze Ada’s hand and hug Taehyung.
The train comes to a stop and the gushing sound of air that comes from the opening doors resonates against your eardrums and you’re brought back to the first time he left. You were just as hurt back then as you are now. The only difference is that you felt hope where you feel despair today. Why? You don’t really know. Things tend to be felt before you get the time to register what those feelings mean.
Jimin steps into the train and sits by a window seat facing your side of the platform. The whole minute before he’s taken away with the train unravels itself in slow motion. It goes by so fast, you realize you forgot to wave goodbye. Nevertheless, you raise your hand to wave it frantically. Maybe he saw it?
Taehyung clears his throat. “I gotta hurry back to work. But hopefully I can see you guys around.”
Right, Taehyung and Ada still had work. You had given yourself a leave from work for the remaining of the day.
“Alright, sounds good, we can catch up some other time,” Ada says with a cheerful voice. You're surprised by how well she's taking this.
She moves to link arms with you. The same arm that she pinches.
“See you around Taehyung,” you manage to say. He looks at you a little too long for your liking before he turns away to walk away.
Your phone buzzes and you reach for it.
[13:45] minnie 💜here’s his number by the way: *********
[13:45] minnie 💜also I saw that 🙋‍♀️🤞
The outlines of your hands holding your phone blurs before you can feel wet drops on your forearms. Ada brings your body tight against hers as she pats your back.
You now realize how happy you felt having all three of you in the same place despite all the problems at work and Taehyung. You had really thought that the sweet imagery would manage to stay alive a bit longer than what it did.
But good things tend to be ephemeral, just like the first snow that melts to reveal old ways.
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Posted: May 15, 2020
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omniswords · 4 years
How to Open a Padlock, Part 3 [Nino Lahiffe/Camila Siddiq (OC)]
Four times Camila Siddiq ran into Carapace, and one time she found Nino.
Here’s part 3, everyone! Only two more after this. Enjoy some more shenanigans ;u;
“Uh, Cam,” Marinette says from behind a hefty cardboard box. “I don’t think a turtle can be a guardian angel.”
“It’s not a turtle,” Camila insists with a roll of her eyes. “It’s Carapace.”
Maybe the day that you move into a new apartment with one of your best friends isn’t supposed to be all fun and games. And, admittedly, it isn’t. There’s a lot of, well, moving. And sweating. And carrying things that can’t fit in an elevator up four flights of stairs. At least they have help, though, in Luka and Nino and Noel, the last of whom is really only in it for the pizza they’ll get to eat afterwards.
Which Camila can’t really blame him for. Pizza’s always good on Moving Day.
Actually, she finds it kind of surprising that Luka wasn’t at least a little disappointed that Marinette wasn’t moving in with him. But maybe it’s because they like the process of feeling everything out the way they are, without moving in any direction way too fast. And maybe it’s because he wanted to spare her the ordeal of moving in and living with four different guys. Especially when she’s dating one of them. Or maybe two of them. It’s hard to really tell.
But there is something entertaining in setting up the portable speakers first, so that their conversations have a backdrop of soft music. And there is something fun about dancing around these hardwood floors that are theirs now, whirling around in a space they can decorate for good and being adults… ish.
And, Camila suspects, they’ll probably be having more conversations like this now that they don’t have to run two doors down to have them.
“It’s kind of funny,” Marinette says. “I always pegged you for a Bunnix kind of gal.”
“Oh, don’t get me wrong,” Camila shoots back, ruffling Noel’s hair from his place on the newly set couch and quipping for him to get back to work if he wants to earn that pizza. “Bunnix?” She kisses her fingers. “Art. Literal art. An icon. But Carapace is…”
She has to pause, in the middle of putting away the decent dinnerware they got on clearance. It’s hard not to think about the moments he really saw her, really spoke to her. Even the times he was in the background and caught her eye. Did she catch his, too?
“I mean,” she says, examining the glint of a couple of forks. “I’m pretty sure every Arab in Paris is legally obligated to adore him. And his muscles are basically to die for, yeah. But I just… There’s something special about him, you know?” She turns away; Marinette’s never seen her blush before, and she’s not about to start now. “Something about him that makes me feel kind of… protected. More than other heroes. And more than other people. And…”
Marinette’s halfway through tying her hair up in a bun again; it must have fallen apart with all this moving. But it isn’t until Camila turns back again that she notices everyone staring at her with rapt attention from the living room. Even Noel.
“And?” Marinette says. Prompts her.
Camila stares right back, feeling prickly, and she’s not entirely sure if it’s all because of the sweat. “There’s something about his eyes,” she says. “Something about his hood. Something that… makes me want to know what’s under there.”
Noël’s the first to react. Scrunches up his nose in disgust, just like she figured he might. “Why is that so gross hearing from you? It sounds like you’re in love with him or something.”
“What?” She grins. “Jealous?”
“God, no!” Noël pretends to retch, and whether it’s because he sees her as a big sister or because he’s all but two steps from aromanticism, she’s not totally sure. “I just didn’t know you were actually capable of, you know. Mushy-gushy crap.”
“It’s one of my better kept secrets,” she says with a wink, even if the realization of it sinks deep like a stone into the pit of her stomach.
It’s Nino she finds herself with on the way down to the moving truck to drive it back to the rental place at the end of the day. He’s got a better sense of direction, and the rental is under her name anyway, and it’d be nice for Marinette and Noel to have some time together. For old time’s sake. And it’s nice to see Nino in the driver’s seat besides, one hand on the steering wheel as they pause through slow-going traffic.
“So you’re still coming for dinner tomorrow, right?” he says to start conversation. It’s so easy to dip into Arabic when they’re alone. “My folks are pumped to see you again. Mama’s even making pastilla. Seafood, shrimp, just how you like it.”
“Tati doesn’t have to do all that,” Camila says with a fond smile out the window, even though she sits back in her seat and hums in delight; no other food could possibly hold a candle to Nino’s mom’s pastilla. “I just finished my degree, is all. Nothing my parents didn’t do.”
“Yeah, but. It’s you.”
Her smile grows a little. Even more, when Nino’s fingers brush her shoulder. “Was this your idea?”
“That’s classified,” Nino says with a laugh. And then, “Speaking of… Carapace, huh?”
“Oh, with this again.”
“It’s not that.”
When she turns back to him at another stop light, he’s studying the dashboard a little too intently. His thumb scrapes over the steering wheel and back again, almost like those records he scratches in his own time and his side jobs. She’s always wondered how he does it. Makes something new out of something so firmly established. He’s chewing on his lip the way he does when he thinks too hard, and only releases it when she coaxes it out with her thumb. “I just think,” he says, “a hero like him would be happy to hear what you said.” He shrugs. “Guess Noel had a point.”
“What point?”
“You know.” Nino finally flicks his gaze her way. It isn’t often that he looks cool—not like Marinette’s Boyfriend levels of cool, anyway—but he always manages to pull it off behind the wheel. “Sounds like you’re in love with him or somethin’.”
Camila folds her arms, and closes her eyes, and thinks about the smile under that hood. And the hand on her back. And those eyes. And the thought that, maybe, we’re all a little bit in love with the someones who save us from ourselves.
“Well,” she says right before he hits the gas. “Maybe I am.”
(Maybe she is, she thinks the next time Carapace catches her eye. And maybe she doesn’t have to keep tacking on that maybe.)
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sumu-samu · 3 years
Chapter 1
next masterlist
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x OC
Genre: Fluff, angst, and everything in between
Warnings: curse words, death, blood, killing, gore, and some good old chaos
Summary: Xephyr Kane, Marcus’ adopted daughter, grew up on the Ark, but begged the council to lock her up in solitary after a traumatic experience involving her birth parents. Now, she’s being sent to the ground, on her own terms unlike the other 99 kids, in hopes to start new. But what happens when she gets down there, and nothing goes as planned? Throw in a hot headed “leader” that wasn’t supposed to be there and thing get... difficult.
A/N: Here’s the first chapter.... I hope it's okay. This thing has been sitting in my Google Drive for months, almost a year, now and it’s causing serious glitches so I need to get rid of it, but I don’t want to delete it. So, here you go. Also, if anything gets really confusing, just let me know and I’ll go through and revise it
It’s been 97 years since the nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on earth, leaving the planet covered in radiation. Now, I say everyone, but I don’t actually mean everyone, there were a few people who were able to survive. 12 nations had operational space stations that came together to form one, the Ark. It’s been estimated that Earth needs another hundred years before life is sustainable. But, the Ark just couldn’t wait that long.
“We’re sending them down to the earth,” Kane spoke to me. I sighed knowing that no matter how many people they sent down I couldn’t help. Kane would update me on status of the Ark, mainly because he knew I couldn’t tell anyone anything anyways, and because he was my mother’s best friend, he was the closest to a family I had
“How many?” I asked. I needed to go down, I may have chosen to be put in here but I can’t just sit by and do nothing. 
“99, but there’s room for another-”
“I’ll go!” I cut him off. 
“Xeph, you don’t have to.” He looked at me with worried eyes.
“ I can’t, I go down, and I live and do as much as I can to get the rest of you down, and not end up like Him or… I go down… and I die-”
“And don’t end up like him” this time Kane cut me off. “Okay, but you do know that this will only give us a month, engineering needs 6. And you refuse to be let out.” 
“Well, you won’t float me.” 
“You’re not even 18 yet, besides there’s no stopping it. It’s either earth or a mass culling”  
“Don’t think like that, you know how it makes me feel” I gave him a disgusted look, “When do we go down?” 
“Tomorrow.” He gave me another look. “You look so much like your mother.” 
“Well, we all know that’s not how I’m turning out,” I said with all the sarcasm I could muster.  
*next day*
Kane walked into the cell holding a silver wristband. “It’ll read your vitals, tell us whether or not the earth is livable.” He put it on my arm and it stung but I held it in. “Be careful, you’re not like them, they could hurt you.” 
“I’m not worried about that.” Two guards led me out of the cell, a bunch of kids thrashed around trying to get out of the guards hold, I walked peacefully. 
They lined us up and put us on the ship one by one. Lots of people were worried, some were excited, I didn’t know what I was feeling. I mean I wasn’t really feeling anything. I couldn’t feel anything.
They got us all settled in and then It was time to launch. “Welcome back.” I heard a familiar voice say from in front of me.
“Wells what the hell are you doing here?” I heard another familiar voice, but this one more feminine.
“When I found out they were sending prisoners down to the ground I got myself arrested I came for you guys.” Wells said.
“Why the fuck would you do that?” I said bitterly before we heard a loud crash and some people screamed.
“What was that?” Clarke asked. 
“That was the atmosphere.” Wells said unamused. We all heard a high pitched screech and then static.
“Prisoners of the ark hear me now,” Jaha’s voice rang out. “You’ve been given a second chance. As your chancellor I hope you see this as not only a chance for you but a chance for all of us.” I rolled my eyes
“Indeed for mankind itself, We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better we would have sent others. Frankly we’re sending you because your crimes have made you expendable.”
“Your dad's dick Wells!” A boy yelled out.
“Those crimes will be forgiven, your record wiped clean.” Jaha continued. I just stood there emotionless. I didn’t care, hell I wanted to die, but Kane wouldn’t let me without a real reason. 4 years ago when my mother was killed and father floated I put up steel walls that no one had broken down. If anyone does, it ends badly. Love is weakness, love is feelings, feelings are  weakness. That’s what I’ve been told, what I’ve been telling myself for these past years, and what I will continue telling myself until I die.
“Your drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mt Weather was a military base built inside a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough nonperishables to sustain-”
“Check it out!” People started cutting Jaha off. “Go, Finn!” “Spacewalk bandit strikes again.” 
“Check it out your dad did float me after all” “Finn,” said to Wells
“You should strap in before the parachutes deploy,” I warned him.
“Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live!” Clarke said to two other boys who started to cut their seatbelts.
“Mount Weather is life.” Jaha continued. “You must locate those supplies immediately”
“You’re the traitor who's been in solitary for a year.” Finn said to Clarke.
“You’re the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk.” She said coldly back.
“But it was fun,” Finn commented. “I’m Finn.” Just then the parachutes deployed sending the two boys and Finn tumbling around the ship.
“Finn are you okay?” I called out.
“The retrorockets should have fired by now!” I yelled out in panic.
“Everything on this ship is 100 years old, right? Just give it a second”
“Clarke there’s something I have to tell you!” Wells turned to her. “I’m sorry I got your father arrested.”
“Don’t you talk about my Father!” She cut him off.
“Please I can’t die knowing that you hate me!” 
“They didn’t arrest my father Wells, They executed him! I do hate you!” As she said that the rockets fired, better late than never right? Ish… There was a crash and then the rocket's machine humm died.
“Listen… no machine hum.” A black-haired boy said from the other side of the ship.
“That’s a first.” The boy next to him said. All of our belts clocked and everyone unstrapped themselves.
“The doors are on the lower level.” One of the kids said. 
“No, we can’t just open those doors!” Clarke said. I climbed down after some of the kids with Clarke following me. 
“Hey, just back it up, guys.” A tall, dark-haired boy, with freckles,  in a guard uniform said.
“Stop!” Clarke called out to him before he hit the button to open the door. “The air could be toxic.” we both made our way to the front.
“Clarke, if the air’s toxic we’re all dead anyway.” I said coldly.
“Bellamy?” A girl called from behind us. He turned around with something in his eyes I couldn’t quite explain. He started to smile as the girl made her way to the front. 
“My God, look how big you are.” He smiled and she gave him a hug.
“What the hell are you wearing? A guards uniform?” She asked him.
“I borrowed it. To get on the dropship. Some one’s gotta keep an eye on you.”
“Where's your wristband?” Clarke asked. 
“”Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in over a year.” The girl said. Then it hit me, he didn’t have a wrist band because he wasn't a delinquent. This was Bellamy Blake, and his sister Octavia. His sister was locked up for literally being born, his mother was floated for having a second child and he went the rest of the year with no one.
“That’s Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden under the floor.” Octavia lunged at the crowd but Bellamy held her back.
“Octavia, Octavia, no. Let’s give them something else to remember you by.”
“Yeah like what?”
“Like being the first person on the ground in 100 years.” Bellamy opened the door. Wind pushed my hair back, sunlight shined on my face. We were really here. Octavia cautiously stepped out, then she jumped on to the ground. There was a pause then she screamed “We’re back bitches!” Everyone ran out of the dropship.
We were all excited but there was no military base anywhere to be found. There was no way we were on Mt. Weather. I went back into the dropship to see just how much damage to the ship was done. 
“Shit.” I sighed. 
“What?” Wells questioned picking up one of the boys who had died when the parachutes activated.
“Comms, it’s dead. We have to communicate with the Ark.” I rubbed my head.
“Hey, I’m sure you can get it back up, you’re great at these things.” He put his hand on my shoulder. I pushed it off with a little more force than I meant to.
“I can try but it all looks really beat up to me.” I sat down and started looking at everything.
“Nothing a star engineer can’t do. Now, I’m going to go and bury the dead.” he said somberly.
A minute later I heard a deep voice from behind me. “What are you doing?” It asked. 
“Comms is dead, I’m trying to see if anything is salvageable.” I sighed.
“And?” The boy pushed. 
“Fried, completely dead. No way in hell I can get it back up. There's a few wires that survived but everything essential… is ruined… meaning-”
“No contact with the Ark?” He asked. I finally turned around to see none other than Bellamy Blake. 
“None, but not like you mind.” I said.
“What? What are you talking about?” He gave me a stern look.
“1, not scared of you, don't test me. And 2, I know everyone's story here, everyone but yours. Meaning you did something just to get onto the dropship. I was also told only 100 kids were sent down, counting you there is 101, meaning there's a stowaway, the ark wouldn’t have sent a guard let alone one so young, so.... Connecting the dots I assume you came down just to get off the Ark?” 
“I came down for my sister.” He said bitterly as we walked away. 
I gave up on the wires and decided to get outside. When I went out I saw Clarke with a map. “we‘ve got a problem. The communication system is dead, There's a dozen panels missing, wires are fried. I can’t fix it.” I shook my head.
“Well all that matters right now is getting to mount weather.See? Look.This is us.” She pointed to a circle on the map, “This is where we need to get to if we want to survive.” She drew a line across it to where Mount Weather was marked.
“Where’d you learn to do that?” Wells came up behind us. She gave me a saddened look, I gave one back to her. “You’re father.” He nodded sadly.
“Ah cool a map.” A scrawny kid with goggles came up behind us. I recognized him from Farm station but I couldn’t remember who he was. I kinda wanted to forget everything about Farm Station. “They got a bar in this town? I’ll buy you a beer.” Wells pushed him away.
“You mind?” He said in a threatening tone. 
“Hey,hey,hey! Hands off him, he's with us.” I turned my head to see the one person I really wish I hadn’t. John Murphy, the asshole of the century. The ex who decided he wanted nothing to do with me after what had happened with my parents. Recon he didn’t know what exactly happened just that they are now dead. The idiot who decided to set part of the Ark ablaze for the thrill. Can I get a break please! I gave him a look of pure hatred, and he gave me one back. He hated that Marcus had taken me in, that I could look at the guy who got his father floated as a father. Well I really couldn’t, I was pretty pissed at him, we don’t have the best father daughter relationship.
“Relax.” Wells put his hands up in surrender. “We’re just trying to figure out where we are.”
“We’re on the ground. That not good enough for you?” Bellamy sassed.
“We need to find Mount Weather.” Wells started to walk towards him, “You heard my fathers message, that needs to be our first priority.” 
“Screw your father.” Octavia cut him off. “What, you think you're in charge here? You and your little princesses?” 
“Don’t call me that.” I lunged for her and Bellamy almost came after me if Clarke hadn’t held me back.
“Do you think we care who’s in charge? We need to get to Mount weather, not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we’ll get and the harder this will be.” She said to all of the kids around her.
“How long do you think we’ll last without those supplies?” I asked. “The human body can go one month with out food as long as you’re properly hydrated, and only 2 weeks without water before we start dying of dehydration and starvation, and in between that you start to feel as if you wish you were dead because the starvation is too much.” I explained.
“We’re looking at a 20 mile trek, okay? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now.”
“I got a better idea,” Bellamy said to her, “you three go, find it for us, let the privileged do the hard work for a change.” If Clarke wasn’t still holding me back I would have ripped his face off. 
Damn it! Stop! Don’t think like that! You think like that you become him, you can’t you can’t you can't. 
I tried to calm myself down, the more violent I become the worse I get. 
“You’re not listening!” Wells shouted. “We all need to go.”  Murphy came up and shoved him.
“Look at this everybody, the Chancellor of earth.” Everyone laughed.
“Murphey!” I yelled. He ignored me.
“You think that’s funny?” Wells asked. And then in one movement murphey swept Wells off his feet sending him to the ground with a crunch. 
“Murphey!” I screamed louder, he still ignored me.
“No but that was.” Murphy stated. “Alright.” They both stood in a defensive position ready to fight. The other kids started to shout fight, I was yelling at them to stop. No one was listening, but no punches were thrown as finn came and stood in front of Wells blocking him from Murphy.
 “Kid’s got one leg, how about you wait till it's a fair fight.” He told Murphy. And with that John backed down. 
“Hey spacewalker!” Octavia walked towards him, “Rescue me next.”
Clarke and I walked away trying to figure out how to get to Mount Weather, while helping Wells with his leg.
“So Mount Weather, when do we leave?” Finn asked.
“Right now.” Clarke said. “We’ll be back tomorrow with food.” She said to Wells
“How are the three of you going to be able to carry enough for 100?” He asked, Finn turned around and grabbed the two closest people he could. 
“five of us, can we go now?” Clarke nodded her head.
“Sounds like a party, make it six.” Octavia walked up to us. It was kinda obvious she was only coming along for Finn but hey, we need as many people as we can get.
“Hey, what the hell are you doing?” Bellamy walked up to her.
“Going on a walk.” she shrugged him off her.
“Hey,” I noticed a crack in Finn's bracelet. “Were you trying to take this off?” 
“Yeah so?” He shrugged.
“So this wristband transmits your vital signs to the ark, take it off and they’ll think you're dead.”
“Should i care?” Finn rolled his eyes.
“Well I don’t know, do you want the people you love to think you’re dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months cause they won't if they think we’re dying.”
We walked off into the woods, “So, what happened with you? Why’d you get sent down here Council Girl?” Finn asked. I gave him a cold stare for multiple reasons. 1 being that name he gave me, 2 being that he referenced the fact that Kane is my technically adopted father, and 3 because it was none of his business. I just ignored him and walked faster. 
“Hey, guys would you try to keep up?” I called back, Clarke was the only one who was keeping up with me.
“Come on girls, how can you block all this out?” Finn smiled
“Well its simple, I wonder why haven't we seen any animals? Maybe it’s because there are none, maybe we’ve already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty though, come on.”  Clarke continued forward
“Guys wait up!” one of the two boys called out 
Who are you two?” I asked. 
“Oh… I-I’m Jasper this is-”
“Wait… Jordan? Jasper… Jordan?”
“Uhhh… yeah…?” He was confused as to how I knew him.
“M-Monty?” I faced the other boy who too became confused. It took him a minute but then his face lit up with realization.
“Xephyr?” Monty smiled at me.
“Xephyr!” Jasper shouted and ran to me and gave me a hug. “You left the farm station so long ago… where… where did you go?” 
“Let’s just say i’m not Xephyr Cole any more-”
“Yeah, now it’s Xephyr Kane isn’t it?” Finn said. 
“Shut up you ass.” I rolled my eyes.
“Clarke motioned for us to come over to her quietly and then pointed at some animal, it was a deer. It was amazing… until it turned towards us. The thing had one and a half heads. Freaked out we kept walking. 
“So, bellamy?” Finn asked me with a smirk.
“Oh, like you didn’t see the way he was looking at you.” He chuckled. 
“He’s… there’s something bad about him, he's a pain in the ass and I can already tell.”
“And how do you know what someone is like just by one conversation?” He asked me.
I stopped dead in my tracks, “Cause I dated John Murphy.” I continued walking, eventually taking the lead. 
“You know what I’d like to know,” Finn started. It seemed very obvious out of the six of us he was the most vocal. “Why send us down today? After 97 years? What changed?”
“Who cares, I’m just glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell and now… i'm spinning in a forest.” Octavia said.
“Maybe they found something on a satellite.” Monty suggested. “You know, like an old weather satellite.”
“It wasn’t a satellite. The Ark is dying.” When Clarke said that everyone paused “With the current population level there's 3 months left of life support, maybe 4 now that we’re gone.”
“So that was the big secret they kept you locked up to keep? Locked you up in solitary, floated your old man?” Finn asked her
“Her father was the engineer who discovered the flaw. He thought people had a right to know.” I said
“Council disagreed, my mother disagreed, they were afraid that it would cause panic. We were gonna go public when wells-”
“What? Turned in your dad?” Finn jumped in when she went silent for a while.
“Anyway, the guard showed up before we could. That’s why today. That’s why it was worth the risk, even if we all die, at least they bought themselves more time.”
“But it’s still not enough. Engineering needs six months and they now have only four. The council pushed it off forever and then people started getting symptoms.” I said.
“They’re gonna kill more people aren’t they?” Monty asked. No one responded.
“Good after what they did to me I say, float them all.” Octavia walked in front of all of us. She started taking her clothes off.
“Oh damn, I love earth.” Jasper chuckled.  She walked to the edge.
“Octavia what the hell are you doing?” Clarke yelled. She just looked back with a smile then jumped. We all ran to the edge to see a river.
“Octavia, we can’t swim.” Monty called out.
“No but we can stand.” She stood up.
“There's not supposed to be a river here.” Clarke said with confusion.
“Well there is.” I laughed and followed Octavia. Everyone else started taking their clothes off.
“Octavia, Xephyr, get out of the water.” Jasper warned us. We looked behind us to see something moving. It grabbed Octavia, she screamed as she went under the water. The tail end had hit me right in the abdomen knocking me down underwater, my head had hit a rock, I tried to stand back up but for some reason I couldn't. I could feel my leg split open on a rock. After what felt like forever I felt someone pull me out. 
“Xephyr!” Clarke called out. “Are you okay? Can you hear me?” I opened my eyes and groaned.
“Octavia?” I looked over to see Jasper holding her, the only other one who was wet was Finn, meaning he was probably the one who pulled me out. 
“Xephyr. She’s fine can you hear me alright?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
Night had fallen not too long after. I stayed awake as long as I could but I eventually gave in.
I stood there, over her dead body, my best friend, Clarke dead, gutted, and I was covered. Covered in blood, her blood, a knife in my hands. I couldn't feel anything. I didn’t care. But for a moment there I felt a small amount of joy. 
I woke up in a sweat and screaming. Everyone was looking at me. “Xephyr? Was it?” Clarke asked. I just nodded.
“What was it?” Finn asked. 
“No, nothing lets just, lets go” We went back to the river where finn found some vine we could use to swing ourselves over.
“You wanted to go first now stop stalling.” I rolled my eyes.
Fin  was just about to go when Jasper stopped him and said he wanted to go. He waited a while before he went, as he tumbled to the ground we held our breath. 
“We are appogee!” We all started cheering. “Come on clarke you’ve got this!” He shouted. Then he held up a sign that said Mount Weather. 
“We did it! Mount Weather!” I screamed. We all cheered again… until… a spear was launched into Jaspers chest “J-J-Jasper! Jasper!” I screamed.”Jasper! NO!” Octavia pulled me down. “We’re not alone.” I said with fear.
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itskateak · 4 years
And They Were Roommates, Mr. Stark!
(Oh my God, they were roommates, Peter.)
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Summary: Well, there was only one bed...Peter can’t help being a meme and Tony will join in every time.
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Velika Dante King (Fem!OC)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Fem!OC
Warnings: Fluff, nightmares, probably blackmail because why not
A/N: There’s really not a plot here. I just wanted to write an Only One Bed trope for my babies. Because why not. This isn’t beta read or proofread. It’s four-thirty am. leave me be.
The safehouse was actually...nice for once. Well, it wasn’t in the middle of the damn woods, for a start. And it wasn’t falling apart, nor did it smell musty and unused. This safe house must be newer, which was a comfort after a mission gone slightly awry. 
The door didn’t stick when Bucky opened it, nearly stumbling over his feet when it swung in with way less resistance than he’d expected. There were three rooms in total, as usual. A living room and kitchen combination, a bedroom, and a bathroom. He dropped their stuff on the table and immediately began to strip off his tactical gear.
Velika kicked the door shut and leaned against it, exhausted. It was supposed to be a short mission. Get in, get the files, and get out. Well, the base wasn’t abandoned. In fact, it had been crawling with Hydra agents. It wasn’t impossible for the two of them to get through the agents, but that didn’t make it easy. Her body ached in ways she didn’t think possible.
“You wanna shower first? You look dead on your feet.” Bucky asked, laying weapons out on the table from where they’d been strapped to his body. “I’m gonna try and make contact with Stark. Let ‘em know we’ve made it here safely and get an ETA.”
“You’re a blessing.” Velika pushed off the door and pulled the zipper of her jacket. She shucked it off, tossing it over the back of the only couch as she passed. “I’ll try not to use up all the hot water.” She teased.
“I spent the last seventy-ish years on ice. A little cold won’t kill me now.” Bucky shot back over his shoulder. It earned him a laugh and he smiled to himself as the door to the bathroom shut. 
He grabbed his jacket and snagged hers on the way by and walked to the door. There were a few coat hooks on the wall. He could at least tidy their mess up. He toed his boots off and placed them out of the way. He grabbed a lighter from the cupboard and made his way to the fireplace with full intention to light a fire.
Bucky paused and furrowed his brow, looking at the open door of the bedroom. He stood and crossed to the doorway, poking his head in. Well, that was fantastic. There was only one bed. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Velika. The opposite was the case. And he didn’t know if he’d be able to keep his hands to himself if they were in the same bed together. 
He sighed and returned to the fire, lighting it quickly. Once it was crackling and putting off warmth, he wandered back to the kitchen table. He rifled through the duffle bag for his change of clothes, finding Velika’s there as well. He smiled and shook his head fondly.
Bucky knocked on the bathroom door lightly. “You left your clothes out here. I’m gonna come and set them on the counter, okay?”
“Oh, thanks!” Velika called from the other side. He opened the door, steam hitting him in the face, and reached out to plop them on the counter. 
Bucky shut the door behind him and sighed. He dug around in the bag again for the SAT phone, finding it quickly. He pulled it out with his clothes, setting those down on the table. He sank into the chair, wincing as his knee popped. It didn’t hurt. It just sounded bad.
“Stark?” Bucky leaned back against the chair, slouching.
“Hit me, Barnsey.” Tony’s annoyingly cheery voice crackled over the receiver.
“We made it to the safe house.” 
“Great! Uh, can you hang tight for the night? There’s a storm comin’ in tonight that’s grounding us until the morning. There should be food there and running water.” Now he just wanted to punch Tony in the face.
“Yeah...see you in the morning, then.” He ran a hand over his face and hung up. Well, twelve hours or so until evac. 
“So, how long are we cooped up here?” Velika asked from behind him. She was pressing water from her blonde hair, her head tilted to the side. She now had a pair of sweatpants and a loose t-shirt on and she looked far more comfortable now. And tired.
“There’s a storm hitting New York tonight that’s grounded even us. We’re here till morning.” Bucky stiffly rose to his feet. 
“Ew. I was hoping to get an actual meal tonight.” She wrinkled her nose up like she did when she smelled watermelon or kiwis. They weren’t allowed in the compound anymore as the smell just made her nauseous. “Let me get my crap out of the bathroom and then it’s all yours. There’s still hot water left.”
Velika disappeared back into the bathroom and reappeared with her shoes and tactical clothes. She stuffed them into the duffle bag and pulled her hair up.
“You hungry?” She asked as he scooped up his clothes and headed for the shower.
“A bit, yeah.” Bucky leaned in the doorway, his head resting against the wood.
“Want me to cook something?” Velika offered.
“Please?” He almost looked like a puppy for a second and she knew immediately that she couldn’t deny him even if she wanted to.
“Go shower, then. Can’t promise it’ll be done by the time you get out, though, knowing your penchant for three-minute showers.” Velika teased and started for the small kitchenette.
“You took eight minutes. Five minutes longer than you usually do.” Bucky countered, pushing off the doorway.
“Oh, you’re timing my showers, now? Go, you dork. Before I change my mind and let you starve.” He chuckled and the door to the bathroom shut.
Velika rifled through the pantry and found non-perishable cans of food. At least they weren’t reduced to MREs this time. She pulled a can of soup out and glanced it over. It would do for the night. She found a pot and set it on the stove before pouring the contents of the can into it. She set the lid on the pot and let it slowly start to heat up. 
She leaned against the counter, eyes falling shut as she waited. She was exhausted. Though she’d hoped to be in her own bed tonight, whatever was here would have to do well enough. She’d certainly slept on worse, considering her time in the war and in the POW camp. 
“I can cook for myself if you need to get some rest.” Bucky had a towel over his head and was ruffling it over his hair to get the water out. When he removed it, he looked like a fluffy dog. “Oh, by the way, there’s only one bed.”
That made her eyes snap open in disbelief. “You’re serious.”
“Check for yourself if you don’t believe me. I don’t mind taking the couch.” Bucky ducked back into the bathroom and returned with his clothes. 
“We’re adults. If the bed isn’t tiny as hell, then we can share. It’s one night.” Velika turned the stove off and found a bowl. “Clear the stuff off the table, please.” After hearing the duffle bag hit the floor, she turned and set the food on the table for him. As an inhuman being, she didn’t really need to eat and she didn’t feel like forcing herself to.
“Alright. Thank you.” He sat down across from her and quietly started to eat. “Did you turn off the stove this time?”
“Yes!” Velika swiveled around anyways to check. “Did Stark give you a time to expect him by?”
“Nope. Just said they’d be here in the morning. Gives us time to sleep, at least.” Bucky leaned his face in his hand. It seemed that was the only thing really keeping him awake. Now that the adrenaline was gone and they were showered, it seemed they were both headed to crash soon.
“Well, I’m going to go get settled. Which side do you want?” She stood and raised her arms above her head, stretching her back out.
“Lef’ side is fine.” Bucky brought his hand up to catch the little bit of soup that slipped out as he spoke. 
Velika snorted and placed a hand on his shoulder before heading to the bedroom. He was right. There was only one bed, but at least it was a double. She pulled the sheets and blankets back, her exhaustion quickly catching up to her. She crawled in and settled, finding the bed was actually very comfortable.
She was nearly asleep when the bed dipped with Bucky’s weight. He sighed tiredly and she fell asleep to the soft sound of him breathing.
“Report.” The voice came from behind her somewhere. She was staring at the floor with a blank expression. Where was she? What was going on? The last thing she remembered was falling asleep in a safe house with Bucky. Wait, who was Bucky?
“She’s ready. Go ahead, sir.” Another voice that she didn’t immediately recognize responded. No, not again. Not this again. They promised they’d leave her alone.
The words were jumbled but she knew them all the same. Her breathing became labored and she struggled against the chains binding her. Please, don’t do this. Not again. The feeling rose in her chest as a scream. Her voice was grating and rough. 
Velika felt the tears run down her face. She got out. She was away from this. But they’d just dragged her right back into it. As the words continued, she started to still and calm. Her handler stood in front of her, waiting. 
“My body and soul are yours to command.”
Velika sat up quickly, chest heaving. She hated those dreams. Those old memories dragged to the surface always came after her when she slept. She ran a hand over her face, wiping away the tears that had fallen. She took deep breaths to calm herself.
Five things. She could see her hands and the shape of the room. The air tasted damp like a small rainstorm had passed through. She could smell the soap provided for them and the traces of Bucky’s cologne. The blankets were soft beneath her fingers. The sound of Bucky’s steady breathing...was no longer something she could hear.
“Y’okay?” Bucky mumbled, voice low and slurred. He splayed his left hand on her lower back, thumb rubbing softly back and forth. She glanced over her shoulder at him. He’d rolled onto his back and was looking up at her with a sleepy yet concerned expression.
“Nightmare. M’okay.” Velika shakily sighed. “Did I wake you?”
“Yeah, but ‘s’okay,” Bucky assured her, continuing to trace patterns on her back. “Wanna talk ‘bout it?” His Brooklyn accent was coming out more since he was only half awake.
“Not...really. Just old memories.” Velika felt her heart begin to slow down. “What time is it?”
“Four in the morning, about. At least a couple hours till they’ll be here.” Bucky yawned and blinked tiredly. “You gonna try and sleep some more? I know how it can be after a nightmare.”
“I’d like to sleep more but honestly...I don’t know if I’ll be able to.” She sighed, staring at the corner of the room. She was still drained from the mission and her body needed the rest. 
“C’mere.” Bucky rolled onto his left side, tugging on her shirt lightly to encourage her. “Maybe you’ll feel safer knowing ‘m here with you.”
Velika cautiously laid down next to him. He shifted up a little to give her a little more space. She settled in, head tucked under his chin. He pulled her closer, throwing a leg over her waist to effectively wrap himself around her. He reasoned that if he did that, maybe he could protect her from more nightmares tonight.
Bucky pulled the blankets back over them, making sure she was comfortable. “Get some more rest, m’kay?” Without thinking, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. She tensed in his arms and he panicked for a second.
“If you’re gonna kiss me, at least do it properly.” Velika teased and he was glad to hear lightness in her voice. 
“Didn’ think it was a good time, considerin’ you woke up from a bad dream,” Bucky admitted, face heating up. Her hand cupped his cheek and tilted his head down to look him in the eye.
“All things considering, I think it’d be the best time. Gimme a good memory to combat the bad.” She whispered, a twinkle in her eyes.
Bucky smiled and shyly leaned in to kiss her. It was gentle and timid. He didn’t want to give her the wrong intentions. She pressed closer to him, returning the kiss and he could feel her smiling against his lips.
“’S that gonna work?” He muttered when they parted.
“I think it’ll do just fine.” Velika giggled and snuggled into him. “I really like you. Like, romantically.”
“Oh, good. I was hopin’ it was that and not you checkin’ to see if I brushed my teeth.” He joked, eyes falling closed.
“Did you?”
“Nope.” He grinned and kissed her forehead.
“Well, guess we’re even ‘cause I didn’t either,” Velika mumbled, eyes fluttering as she fought to stay awake.
“Get some sleep, angel. We can talk about where we go from here once we’re comprehensive.” Bucky couldn’t help the smile spreading over his face. It was still there when he fell asleep.
Peter quietly opened the door to the bedroom and poked his head in. His eyes widened and he very quietly climbed up the wall to get a better vantage point. What he thought he saw was actually what he saw. He smiled widely, happy that the two of them had finally worked things out. He’d been trying to get Bucky to say something to Velika for months now. 
He snuck down and out of the room just as quietly and shut the door. 
“Are they still asleep, kid?” Tony asked, Ironman suitless. Once he’d scanned the area and found that things were safe, he’d figured it was easiest to just walk into the safe house without the armor. Peter pulled his mask off with a grin.
“And they were roommates, Mr. Stark.” He recited. Tony gave him a confused look and started for the bedroom door. He opened it and poked his head in as well before turning to Peter with an expression similar to a kid in a candy shop.
“Oh my God, they were roommates, Pete.” Tony immediately pulled out his phone and snapped a few photos. A little blackmail wouldn’t hurt for the future. He wouldn’t use it to do anything too terrible. Maybe just get Velika to wash the dishes for him when he didn’t want to. Something like that. He shut the door and turned to Peter. “Give ‘em five more minutes.”
Tony crossed his arms and stood quietly for maybe all of thirty seconds before checking his watch. “Okay, time’s up. Grab the pots. Let’s wake these lovebirds up.”
Tony Stark was lucky Velika and Bucky weren’t armed.
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Agents of Shield- 0-8-4
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Pairing: Leo Fitz x Violet Ward (OC)
Summary: The gang finds a strange object in a South American cave, Grant and Violet mentally vibe, Violet gets shot, the side of the plane blows up!
Warnings: cursing, shoot-out, angry rebels, gunshot wound
Word Count:  11297 (she sorta long eek)
“S.H.I.E.L.D. 6-1-6, you have course confirmation. You are cleared direct to the Slingshot.” An agent’s voice came over the speakers. “Agent Coulson, everything all right up there? We heard you had a little dustup on the ground.”
“Yeah, we’re all good. It’s gonna be blue skies from here on out.” He replied shortly.
Then the side of the plane blew open, and wind rushed in, sucking things out and leaving Coulson clinging to the pole and struggling to hang on.
                                              19 HOURS EARLIER
I helped Skye take her last bag out of her van before she hopped out, dressed in a cute red dress with leather boots. I pulled the sleeves of Fitz’s green sweater down to my fingers as I lifted a bag for her and she took out a box.
“Hey!” She called to the agent who came to take her van. “No joy rides, okay? That’s my house.” She mumbled the last part.
“No worries.” He laughed and placed a gadget on it to turn the engine on.
She scoffed. “Where do they think of this stuff?” She smiled at me.
We walked up the ramp as it closed behind us. Jemma gave her a cheery welcome as we passed the lab. Fitz was hyperfocused on what seemed to be the dendrotoxin in the night-night gun. 
“Agent Coulson told us the news!” Jemma came with a smile. “What a wonderful surprise!”
Fitz followed her, hands fisted on his hips. He eyed me in his sweater, and his eyebrows shot up before he became stoic again as Jemma spoke.
“Isn’t it, Fitz?”
“Yes, what a surprise.” He nodded with a false smile, obviously disgruntled.
“No, it’s wonderful, you must be very excited!” Jemma cut him off.
“Yep, first day of school.”
“Alright, Jem, you can be best friends later. Come on, Skye.” I grinned at Jemma.
We walked up to the main floor, where I showed her the extra room.
“Do you guys just plan on having consults?” She asked, placing the box down on her bed with a laugh.
“No, I don’t think so. This was supposed to be my bedroom.” I placed the bag down on the bed.
“What happened, you bunk with big brother now?” She quirked an eyebrow playfully.
I tilted my head. “Agent Coulson tell you?”
“No. He mentioned it when he was under that truth serum. Is that real by the way? Because he said some real weird stuff. It was kinda freaky.”
“Uh, no. Truth serum isn’t real.” I squinted. “What kinda stuff?”
“Called your grandmother Gramzy.” She chuckled.
“Oh. Yeah, he’s good at lying.” I sighed.
She noticed the tension that came with the mention of Grant’s behavior and what he said.
“So. If you’re not sleeping here, and you’re not with your brother, where?” She sat on the bed and patted it.
I took the spot next to her. “Fitz and I share a bedroom. Coulson told us to take the bigger one, because we apparently ‘live stuck to each other’s hips anyways’.” I put quotes around that, rolling my eyes. “That, and he said he’ll probably spend most nights in his office anyways.” I smiled.
“You share a bedroom? Scandalous!” She giggled.
I chuckled. This was typical. Coulson had told me to gain her trust, get in her head. She was about my age, and I could probably read her fairly easily.
“We’ve been together for a few years now. We met at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy. He’s the best.” I grinned.
Yes, I was playing a role, but anything I said about Fitz was bound to be genuine. I loved him with all my heart, and there was no easy way to lie about that.
“Cute, cute. How long exactly?”
“Uh well we met when we were like fifteen and sixteen, and we started dating when he turned eighteen, so like eight years.” I smiled.
“Aw! So, what does big brother think? About you dating the nerdy tech guy?” She wrinkled her nose, obviously joking.
“It’s uh… complicated. But I don’t really care what he thinks.” I shrugged, picking up the lag and closing the awkward gap. “Fitz is great, and I love him.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet!”
I smiled, blushing. “Alright, come on. I’ll show you around.”
“So what exactly is this place?” She asked, following me through the halls.
“Officially, it’s an airborne mobile command station but we call it the Bus.” I saw Fitz-Simmons coming up the steps, joining us.
Fitz caught my hand in his immediately, falling into step with me. “Yeah, we find it best to use shorthand when in the field. But everything has to be just so, you know, because of the danger.” He seemed intent on scaring her.
I squeezed his hand and pulled on his arm, shooting him a look. He got the message that he was going to ruin Coulson’s plan and shut up, pouting like a child.
“Yeah, I’ve been up here before, but I didn’t see much because of the bag that Agent Ward put over my head.”
“Yes, so sorry about that.” Jemma smiled apologetically.
Skye turned to me, stopping in her tracks. “How do you handle that, by the way? Since there’s two of you?”
“Oh, everyone just calls me Violet.”
“Oh, that’s such a pretty name!” She took the water bottle Jemma offered.
Before I could reply, May came over the comms. “Wheels up in two. Lock it or lose it.”
“What’s that mean?” Skye looked at me with wide eyes.
“No backing out now.” Fitz smirked.
I glared at him very obviously before turning back to Skye with a reassuring smile. “Just means we should pack up your stuff before taking off so it doesn’t go everywhere. Come on.”
She started back toward her bunk and Fitz pulled me back by the arm.
“What is it? Why do you keep trying to scare her off?” I hissed in a hushed voice.
“I just don’t like new people is all. You know this. Come to our bunk once you’re done helping Skye, yeah?”
I rolled my eyes with a sigh. “Fine.”
He broke into a grin and leaned in to kiss my cheek before walking off. I rolled my eyes again, this time smiling. I went back to Skye, only to see Grant rapidly approaching her door. I cleared my throat and basically took a hop toward her door, leaning against the doorframe. Grant glared at me and knocked on her open door.
“Hey, I just shoved my bags into the drawers. I’ll unpack later.” She smiled at me and then turned to my brother, “Hey! I know we didn’t really-”
“You might wanna read that. This isn’t like other planes.” He shoved a paper in her hands and stalked off.
“Sorry about him. He’s got, uh, social issues.” I offered an apology.
“You could say that again.” She unfolded the paper, and I could now see that it was the layout and emergency exits for the Bus.
“Say what again?” Coulson approached now.
“Sweet ride.” Skye grinned at him.
“I earned a little goodwill from Director Fury when I got hit right before the Battle of New York.” He was referring to the Chitauri invasion that took place a year back, led by Loki Laufeyson and stopped by the Avengers.
“You took a bullet?” She asked, tossing the pamphlet aside.
“Ish.” Coulson said, and I turned tail and left.
I hated to hear his recounting of how Loki had stabbed him through the heart. Coulson believed that he had surgery and then was given a vacation in Tahiti. Only a few agents knew what had really happened, and we all had to pretend we didn’t. I passed Grant, perched on one of the bar stools.
“Violet.” He caught my attention.
I froze, plastered a smile on my face, and turned on my heel. “What’s up, Grant?”
“Come here for a minute.” He made a grabby hand.
I squared my shoulders as I padded over to sit next to him. He took a sip of his water before turning to me, eyes squinted.
“Why’s he bringing Skye?”
“She’s a fresh pair of eyes.” I spat out.
“Why’s he trusting her?” He fired.
“He’s got a plan.”
“What sort of plan?”
“I’m not at liberty to discuss that with you, Grant.” I smiled.
He paused, raising an eyebrow. This was an interrogation, and we both knew it. His face read a mixture of frustration and pride.
Give me the answers I want.
It was like I could hear him in my head.
Give up, Grant. I narrowed my eyes.
He wanted answers, but he was also glad to see I wasn’t easy to give them up. He switched subjects.
“You and Fitz. What is that? Friends with benefits? Are you guys secretly married, or—”
“He’s my boyfriend.”
“How old is he?” A silent he looks twelve followed, and I felt a small sense of relief at being able to read his facial expressions.
“Twenty six.”
“Is he good to you?” It didn’t seem to be coming from genuine brotherly concern, but some ulterior motive.
“How long have you been a thing?” His head tilted.
“Eight years.” I didn’t have to do the math again.
“Has he ever hurt you?”
“If you count shooting me in the forehead with a NERF gun, then sure.”
I got an eye roll. “How about emotionally?”
“Not on purpose.”
“Where’d you meet him?”
“The academy.”
“Have you guys ever done anything physical?”
I leaned in with a scowl. “None of your business, dad.”
A pause.
“Why are you with him?”
“How many reasons do you want?” I tilted my head.
“First one that comes to mind.”
“He’s cute.”
“Wow, anything less shallow?” He recoiled.
“He’s smart. Funny, makes me laugh, makes sure I’m okay, takes care of me, doesn’t make me feel stupid-”
“Okay, I got the message.” He put his hands up, but I had already set up the kill.
“Oh, and he’s always there for me. Real supportive too.” I sat up straight.
I watched his face change as he gulped and looked down. That was a hit that had hurt, and it was intentional.
Jesus, Vi. You didn’t have to go there.
I didn’t expect Grant to tell me everything. I didn’t expect a written biography or complete transparency. But I had expected him not to lie to my face and act like I wouldn’t figure out. I had expected for him to support my choices, even ones as simple as I like Fitz and I’m dating him.
I met his glance with arched eyebrows.
I wanted to.
“Any more questions?”
He shook his head. “No.”
“Great! I’ll see you in a bit.” I walked past him with a slap to the shoulder, my confident facade falling once I was in the safety of my room with the door shut.
“Darling? You alright?” He was sitting in the arm chair, already buckled up for the take off.
I felt tears cloud my vision as I swallowed hard.
“Come here.” He began to unbuckle himself, but I looked up and shook my head.
The plane lights flickered and there was a beep. I rushed to Fitz, falling into his lap as he wrapped his arms around me, a hand in my hair and the other around my legs, holding me against him. The take off only lasted a few minutes, and by then I had cried myself to calmness. Fitz’s white shirt now had tear stains on it, and the collar of his green flannel was a tad wet, but he didn’t care.
“Talk to me, Vi.” He unbuckled his seatbelt and cradled me in his arms as he laid me down on the bed and sat next to me, kicking his shoes off.
I only climbed back into his lap with my head against his shoulder and he leaned against the wall, sighing. I wasn’t crying anymore, but I didn’t know how to say what I wanted to. He pulled his arms around me, pressing kisses to my forehead.
“He’s different. He’s so different.” I finally croaked.
“What happened?” He angled his head down to look me in the eyes.
I shifted, sitting up to face him.
“He was asking all these questions about Skye, an-and then about you and I just- I… He got so … pissy? God no, that’s not the word. I don’t even think there is a word. He just got so-”
“Attackative?” He offered with a gentle smile.
“That is not a word.” I shook my head.
“No, it’s not. But it’s the word you need.” He shrugged. “What was he asking, darlin’?” He brushed my hair behind my ear.
I sighed. “Why Coulson was bringing Skye along, why we were trusting her.” I shook my head before meeting his gentle gaze.
“You don’t have to tell me the rest if you don’t want. I know it’s all delicate.” His eyebrows were furrowed.
I shook my head again. “He started to grill me.” I rolled my eyes. “About you. About us. But it wasn’t normal. It wasn’t ‘I’m your brother therefore I’m concerned about who you’re dating’, it-it was more of a ‘I wanna know all about your relationship so I can pick it apart’ interrogation type thing.”
Fitz sighed, “Darling, I’m sure he’s just trying to get to know you better. Maybe he’s out of practice. You know how field agents are. Especially specialists.”
“No, Leo. He’s wrong. He’s not who he used to be.” I sighed.
Fitz cupped my cheek. “Who was he before?”
I felt my heart crumble. “He was my brother before, Leo. He was just my brother, and now he’s some stupid heartless solider.”
The brakes screeched as May slammed them. We had to fit six people in an SUV with five seats, which naturally ended with me sitting in Fitz’s lap. He opened the door and let me hop out before following suit, everyone but May piling out.
“Tire tracks forty meters back. I’ll check them against the site’s trucks, make sure we’re alone.” Grant spoke.
“Too much exposure here. I’m gonna find a place to park.” May looked around.
Fitz-Simmons unloaded their gear, and May pulled off. We looked around as animals chittered in the trees. Fitz pulled me from Grant’s side, holding my hand tightly. Jemma offered me a smile. Fitz must’ve mentioned Grant’s approach.
“I would love to see a capuchin in the wild. Maybe even a yellow-tailed woolly monkey. You know, um, Peru has thirty-two different species of monkey.” He spewed excitedly.
I loved to watch him geek out over technological things, but him geeking about monkeys was a whole new level. I personally didn’t like monkeys, because I was scared of them at a young age at zoos, but Fitz knew so much that it warmed my heart.
“Yeah, and over two hundred species of snakes! The shushupe has a fascinating ven-” She was forced to back up as Fitz pulled his suitcase from the rack attached to a van he bumped into. “Venom. It’s neurotoxic, proteolytic, and hemolytic!”
“Oh, that’s fascinating.” Fitz forced out, now nervous.
“Oh! No, I’d be much more worried about earthquakes, malaria-”
I cut her off with a hand to the back of Fitz’s neck to kill a pestering mosquito. She turned to us with a smile.
“Ah, there’s no vaccine for dengue fever.” She turned and gasped at the sight of the Peruvian ruins in front of us.
“Look at that.” I mumbled.
Before I had gotten into psychology, and eventually S.H.I.E.L.D., I had planned on becoming an archaeologist. My mother and father had bullied me out of it, but my love for it still held strong. Fitz-Simmons knew this, and watched with laughing smiles as I stared in awe.
“Come on, let’s get a picture!” Jemma pulled us onto the first step.
“No, no, guys-” I tried to get out of it, but Jemma posed on one side of me and Fitz trapped me on the other, grabbing my face and leaning down to press a kiss to my cheek as Jemma snapped a picture. I was smiling widely, but I couldn’t help it. I loved them both, and they knew it. Skye caught my eye from behind Coulson and grinned wide.
“Good morning, professor.” Coulson spoke to the archaeologist that came out of the ruins. “I’m Agent Coulson, with S.H.I.E.L.D.. I understand you’ve made an interesting discovery.”
The man sighed. “I-I’m not sure how to explain it. This temple dates back at least 500 years. It’s filled with pre-Incan artifacts. One of them is … impossible.” He gestured. “And looks like it might be dangerous.”
“Well, that’s why we’re here.” Coulson nodded with a smile as the man led us down.
It was just a stone opening with steps down to the temple floor, but I couldn’t stop staring, eyes darting from one spot to the next. I scanned the walls, fascinated by the engravings and pictures, ignoring the large cobwebs and imagining what this place was like in its prime.
“It’s there. Exactly as we found it.” He pointed at a silver and blue contraption stuck in the wall.
It reminded me vaguely of the tesseract.
“Who else knows about this?” Coulson rushed to it, eyes wide.
“Just the ministry. I believe they are the ones who contacted you.” The man explained.
Coulson asked the man to evacuate the site as Fitz-Simmons set up their equipment and drones. Skye and I stood in the middle of the room, staring at the walls.
“Leave the man alone.” Jemma scolded one of the drones that stood at the man’s face, smiling politely.
“Now. For your own safety.” Coulson ushered him away.
“There’s nothing about this anywhere. It’s amazing, I’ve searched every data stream. What have we got here, guys?” Skye got closer, putting a finger up to it.
“Whoa, car- uh, careful. I-I- no, wouldn’t do that.” Fitz stumbled over his words of warning.
Skye took his advice and took a step back.
“The object’s placement in fossiliferous rock formations suggests it’s been here for at least 1,500 years!” Jemma exclaimed.
For once, I understood what she was saying. “That predates this temple by a thousand years.” I furrowed my eyebrows.
“Ah! Maybe it’s alien!”
“Yeah, but the shape and the craftsmanship- it’s almost German.” Fitz looked up from his tablet.
“Sir?” Coulson’s radio crackled to life; it was Grant.
“We have a situation.” He grunted.
“Lots of rebels in this area.” Skye noted.
“Not enough gunfire.” I shook my head.
“Keep working. Violet, stay here, be vigilant.” He spoke into the radio. “I’m on my way.” He walked out and Fitz-Simmons picked up their pace.
“Why’d he make you stay here?” Skye asked me.
I pulled out my handgun and checked the safety. “‘Cause I’m the only one out of us four cleared for combat.”
“Are you seeing this? It’s alive.” Fitz spoke up.
“I’m sorry, did he just say that it’s alive?” Skye looked at me.
I shrugged. “Alien tech is weird.”
“It has a functioning power source.” Fitz explained.
“Sleepy’s reading radionuclides, but they don’t match any known isotope.” Jemma shook her head.
“I get temporal matches, but even then, they seem to shift. Is that even possible?” Fitz pulled his eyebrows together.
“Depends on the shifting of the temporal radio stuff, so…” Skye tried.
Fitz-Simmons only stared.
“It’s totally weird, right?” Skye gave a nervous laugh. “I’m gonna go check on Coulson.” She tried to slink past me.
“No, you’re not.” I caught her wrist.
“We’ve got company.” Grant popped through the opening, his radio in hand. “National police.”
“What?” Fitz-Simmons exclaimed.
“Why are they here?” I looked at him.
“They heard about this object, they’re probably here to protect it. This area has a lot of rebel uprisings.” Grant put his radio away.
“Yeah, people are fighting back against the government’s mining policies. It’s pretty kick-ass.” Skye scoffed.
 “Yeah, it’s kick-ass, all the violence.” Grant rolled his eyes.
“That’s not what I’m saying.” Skye argued.
“No, it’s what you’re typing. In your van, alone- where it’s safe.” Grant was taking a personal hit.
“Grant.” I warned.
“How much longer?” He turned to Fitz-Simmons.
“What’s the hurry?” Jemma groaned.
“Are we in danger?” Fitz looked straight up at me. 
“Not if everyone does their job.” Grant pulled his sidearm. “What is yours, exactly?” He looked to Skye.
There was a faint explosion from outside, and then gunfire. Grant perked up, gun still in hand. I grabbed Skye and pulled her between me and the wall, guarding her from the opening. The temple rumbled, and dust fell onto us.
“Sounds like they’re engaging with the rebels.” Grant shot me a look.
“Time to go.” I looked at Fitz-Simmons and they immediately called the drones back to pack them up.
“They’re coming for it, let’s move!” Grant shouted.
Skye went to help them pack, but Jemma ushered her away as politely as she could. “We need a containment case for the 0-8-4!” Jemma shouted.
“There’s no time.” Grant grunted.
“But it has a fluctuating power core, frequencies way above 10 exahertz!” Fitz yelled.
Grant and I looked at each other. He shrugged.
“Jacket.” I held my hand out and he rolled his eyes.
You’re not serious.
I jerked my hand out again.
Give me the jacket, dumbass.
He sighed before pulling it off and shoving it into my grip. I ran to the object, using his leather jacket like a glove and gripping it. I gave it a tug, but to no avail.
“Shut up, Grant!” I placed my foot up on the wall and tugged again, this time with my body weight.
It came out with a crackle of the wall and more dust as the temple rumbled again.
“Violet!” Fitz shouted, and Jemma said something else, but I didn’t hear her.
“Let’s go!” Grant shouted, taking the object and shoving it into a duffle bag.
“I’ll lead, you pick up the rear!” He shouted, pulling the strap over his shoulders and putting his gun back up.
“You did not just pull that out of the wall! What is wrong with you? Do you two realize we do not know the amount of photon emissions coming out of this-”
I put my hand on Fitz’s chest and pushed, raising my eyebrows.
“Okay.” He put his hands up and filed behind Jemma and Skye, who was close behind Grant. “We just don’t know what’ll happen if it gets excited!”
“Stay close.” Grant ignored him.
They ran out, and Fitz hit his knee on the way out, letting out a groan. I bit back a smile at his clumsiness, urging him forward with my gun ready. The sunlight was blinding, and the gunfire was loud. Grant began to fire, but they returned it faster than the two of us could go.
“Get back!” I shouted, yanking Fitz by the bag, pushing Jemma and Skye back into the temple opening with him.
Grant was on one knee, shooting. I ducked behind him, his body covering most of my torso as I swept my gun over his head and fired.
“Cover me!” He shouted and stopped firing.
I shot an approaching rebel in the shoulder as Grant pulled something out of the pocket at my thigh, trying to twist around without losing the cover to my body. He pulled the thunderstick out and swung it, letting it go to full length.
“Grant, now!” I shouted.
He rolled over the steps as I fired again, scrambling back into the opening. Six hands yanked me in as Grant hit the button, and two pulled me into their chest as the explosion went off, leveling the rebels to the ground. We waited two seconds, and then were back on our feet. Grant pulled the thunderstick out of the floor and waved to me, backing up so he could cover Skye and Fitz-Simmons as they ran.
“Grant, 10:00!” I shouted, pointing my gun.
The rebel fired faster, but was blocked by our SUV, driven by none other than May. She opened the door and Grant shouted for us to get in. Jemma yanked the cases from Fitz’s hand and threw them into the backseat, helping Skye in. Grant bent down so I could easily jump onto his back. He straightened and I took another shot at the rebel, this time taking him down. I fumbled back onto my feet, and Jemma yanked me in, letting Fitz pull me into his lap, as she slammed the door shut. Grant got in and May hit the gas before his door was even closed.
May drove wildly, the car bumping and jerking. Skye shut her eyes tightly, and Simmon was clutching Grant’s seat from behind. My forehead bumped against Fitz’s, but we kept our noises to ourselves. I saw Grant turn around, trying to see the truck behind us.
Where the fuck is he?
“Coulson’s secure in PMP’s truck.” I told him, sensing his distress.
He nodded, turning back to May. “Take the south route to the airfield.” He ordered.
“Gotcha.” She swerved the truck and my head went backward to the window. Fitz grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me tightly against him, my forehead stuck to his neck.
“Slow down!” He shouted.
“You’re joking, right?” Skye yelled back.
“Ward, listen! We have to be careful! There’s a binding energy structure that could overheat!” He was frantic.
“I could roll down a window!” Jemma tried to help.
Bullets hit the side of the window, metal on metal making an awful screech. I leaned over and rolled the window back up.
“Do not roll down a window!” Skye shouted.
“Stay quiet and keep your head down!” Grant turned around, ordering over his shoulder like an angry parent. “Head left. The ravine empties.” He spoke to May.
She turned wordlessly, leaving the four of us in the backseat to tumble into elbows and knees.
“But Ward!” Fitz cried.
“Quiet!” Both Grant and I scolded, turning to face him.
“How fast can you have the wheels up?” Grant asked, hitting a button on the dash to open the cargo hold of the bus.
“Fast.” May replied, tires screeching as she braked hard on the ramp.
We scrambled out of the car, May barking an order for us to close the ramp. Grant got there first, smashing the button. Fitz and Jemma ducked out of the way, but Skye stood there, astonished.
“What are you doing? Coulson is still out there!”
“Get off the ramp, you’re in the line of fire.” He shoved her my way and I only bounced her off to Fitz-Simmons, who grabbed her by the legs and pulled her down.
Grant and I stood at the edge of the ramp, firing as best we could at the rebels without hitting Coulson or the other men. It took a few seconds to get them all loaded in, and it was enough for a bullet to skip by Grant and graze my shoulder. I cursed, gritting my teeth before shooting down the man that had hit me. In my focus to hit him, I took another one to the leg and crashed to the ground with a scream.
“Violet!” Grant shouted, not looking at me and not turning, but becoming stiff and shooting even faster.
The military men loaded in, followed by Coulson, as the ramp began to close. Grant ceased fire and holstered his gun, taking mine and lifting me in his arms, running past a questioning Coulson and to the lab, where Fitz-Simmons followed, clearing off a table.
“I’m fine!” I fussed, trying to get Grant off of me. I said it again, this time hitting him in the chest before pointing to the black duffle bag on the floor by the doors. “Focus on the 0-8-4, I’ll be okay.” I clutched my shoulder.
“I can start patching her up.” Jemma gently pushed him aside, helping me pull Fitz’s green sweater off and cutting the leg of my jeans.
He sighed. “Fine. Fitz, what was the problem?”
Fitz only stared at me, concerned as his lips twitched and no words left his mouth, only a tiny gasp.
“Leo, I’m okay. What was the problem?” I tugged the free scraps of jeans off, exposing the wound that was bleeding and gross.
He snapped out of it, “As I said before, this device has a high-frequency, fluctuating, sub-material compression-”
“Fitz. In English.” Grant cut him off angrily.
Jemma quickly cleaned my arm and wrapped it. It didn’t hurt as much as my leg did.
“The 0-8-4 is fueled by tesseract technology.” He gestured. “Hydra. World War II. Captain America. It’s full of lethal amounts of gamma radiation.”
I let out a gasp as Jemma pulled the bullet out of my leg with forceps.
“Tesseract. S-s-so, you’re saying it’s worse than nuclear?” I grunted through my sentence, trying to focus on anything but the burning sensation in my thigh.
Fitz only nodded, and everyone took a step away from the bag. Grant came to my side, pulling my matted hair away from my forehead.
“You touched it.” He scolded, sitting behind me to hold my shoulders steady.
Please don’t make me lose you.
“With your jacket. I’m fine.” I wheezed, feeling light-headed.
I’ll be okay, you won’t lose me.
“She’s lost a lot of blood, Ward.” Jemma’s voice was strained as she cleaned the wound again, and it felt like she was sticking a drill into my leg.
My chest tightened and I pushed back, my head thumping against Grant’s chest as he grabbed my shoulders, countering my force. “We’re the same blood type.” He yanked a sleeve up as soon as I stopped squirming.
“Can’t you guys get her anything for the pain?” Skye sounded so distant.
“She’s allergic to almost every damn painkiller on this godforsaken Earth.” Grant grunted and I could feel the vibrations in his chest.
“We could’ve just waited until I passed out.” I mumbled.
“Would’ve taken too long. Just a little pinch now, darling.” I heard Fitz and felt his hand over my arm, and then a needle being stuck inside.
I winced, trying to squirm once more, only to be stopped by Grant holding me down with one arm, the other connected to mine through a series of tubes.
“It hurts.” I whined, throwing my head back to hit Grant in the chest again.
He didn’t budge. “I know, Vi. I’m sorry.”
I whimpered again, forgetting that anyone else was in the room even though I could feel Simmon’s hands working on my leg.
“I know, ducky. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Shh shh shh. I know, I know.” He mumbled to me as pain took over in surges and I let my weight fall back against him, everything fading to black.
“Yeah, well I use normal English, words like duck and run and might blow us to pieces.” I could hear Grant bitching.
“Oh! Oh, wow! Well congratulations, Agent Ward! You managed to string three words together in a sentence!” I heard Fitz snap at him.
They continued to argue, and I forced my eyes open, rolling my head to the left. Coulson’s army men friends were strung around our garage, packing their guns into a code-protected safe as Coulson spoke to a woman. I realized I was no longer in the clothes from this morning, but my pajamas. Fitz must’ve gotten them from our room.
“Can you guys shut up?” I asked, my voice hoarse and scratchy.
“Violet!” Skye perked up before anyone and came running, Jemma on her heels.
“Hey.” I smiled.
Jemma pulled out a pen and shone it in my eyes. I knew she was making sure I was okay, so I tried not to fuss. Skye sat at the edge of my bed.
“Why’s the bed in the lab?” I asked, turning to Jemma.
“Coulson wanted you in here, since there’s unknowns on the bus. Just in case.” She explained with a smile. “Your vitals seem good. We bandaged your leg, but you should wait at least a few days before putting weight on it. No major hits, it just skimmed your femoral artery.”
“Well, that’s reassuring. Are you two done now?” I leaned around her, looking at Fitz and Grant.
Fitz looked at me with a relieved smile, and Grant only looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
Well, you’re feeling better.
I rolled my eyes at him.
Shut up, dickhead.
They shuffled over, like two kids in trouble. Jemma moved aside and let Fitz stand at my side, kissing my forehead and hugging me tightly. I pushed my face into his chest and breathed deeply, hating to see him so worried.
“Hey. I’m okay.” I stroked his cheek as he pulled away.
He only nodded with a soft smile before stepping back to let Grant in. I smiled at him as wide as I could in my sleepy state. He instantly laughed, both amused and relieved. He rushed toward me, sitting on the side of the bed and letting me hug him at my own pace. My head fell onto his shoulder as his arms came around me, holding me against him as he breathed choppily. He hid his face in my hair, and I could feel him trying not to cry. I wrapped my arms around his torso and looked over his shoulder at Fitz, pointing to the door with a pleading look. He got the message, pulling Skye and Jemma out with him.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve been covering you. You shouldn’t have gotten hit, especially not twice.” Grant’s chest heaved.
“It’s okay. It’s not your fault.” I rubbed his back.
He only sighed, letting his breathing even out over the course of a few minutes, still clinging to each other. He finally pulled back, wiping at his tears with the sleeves of his shirt before sniffling and looking back at me.
“I’m sorry.” This one was different.
He wasn’t apologizing for me getting shot. He was apologizing for his change in behavior. For being aggressive. For being unlike himself.
I nodded. “Grant, what happened to you?” I reached for his hand.
He let me take it, looking away with eyes closed and his lips in a thin line.
“Jail changes people, Vi. You know that.”
I squeezed his hand and leaned his way, trying to get him to look me in the eye. My own eyes began to tear up, and they stung.
“I meant after. After you …” I stopped and swallowed. “After they told us you died-” My voice broke, and half the word fell away into the air. “What happened then?”
He looked down, and then up at me, eyes sad. “My SO left me to fend for myself in the woods for half a year. I was alone, Vi. And I was scared.” His eyebrows were angled up.
I know I’m not the same. I’m so sorry.
I looked away, nodding once more. “I’m sorry. I put too much pressure on you.” I pursed my lips and looked back to him.
I just want my brother back.
He squeezed my hand this time, and I looked up to see him nodding his head.
I’m trying my best. I’m right here.
“No. You’re doing good. You’re keeping me in line. It’s a good thing.” He reached for my face and wiped my cheeks.
“Thank you.”
I nodded again, leaning forward for another hug. “You guys can come back in now.” I called, and Skye and Fitz-Simmons stumbled in.
Skye came back to my side, replacing Grant as he went on to continue his conversation with Fitz. They began to argue again.
“I’m just trying to tell you what you’re dealing with!” Fitz screamed.
“And I don’t understand anything you’re saying!” Grant screamed back.
The sliding doors opened and Coulson walked in, eyebrows raised. “Do we have a problem in here?”
Grant backed down and Fitz went quiet, working on his night-night gun.
“No sir. Just working on our communication. Not everyone was prepared for a firefight.” Grant looked around.
“We got out, didn’t lose anyone, saved a few of theirs. I’d say we did alright. Violet, how’re you doing?” He looked over at me.
I flashed a smile and a thumbs up. “Doing great, sir.”
He nodded. “Good, I’m glad. Anything else?” He looked around.
Skye’s hand popped up. “Yeah, I have, uh, one small question. Because I’ve been feeling like the tagalong hayseed rookie, but now I get the sense that Ward doesn’t know which one’s Simmons and which one’s Fitz, and they’ve seen even less gunfire than me, and he somehow managed to let his sister get shot, and I’m no rocket scientist, but is this your first mission together?” She leaned forward.
“No. Of course not.” Jemma frowned. “It’s our second.”
“I was your first? That’s sweet.” She scrunched her nose up.
“You’re amused?” Grant snapped.
“I’m terrified. I am in way over my head, but I have been on this team just as long as any of you. I might as well be team captain.” She scoffed.
I noted Simmon’s perfected eye roll, along with the glance Fitz and Grant were sending each other. Coulson remained stoic.
“I was joking, but maybe that’s not a bad idea, because these guys do not like each other much.”
“This isn’t about that.” Grant turned to Coulson. “I’m a specialist. Today, I could’ve eliminated the enemy threat myself if I was working alone,” 
I felt myself sink back into the pillows. I thought we had worked great together, considering we never had before. Jemma noticed and came to the other side of the lab table, shaking her head.
“...but I had non-combat ready agents-”
“Whoa, whoa, wait! You work alone?” Fitz cut him off.
“So typical. Who do you think designs your equipment?” Jemma looked at him with a scowl.
“Or the polymers for your weaponry? People like us do that.” Fitz pointed between Jemma and himself.
“Try going into the field with just your bare bum.” Jemma finished.
“Guys.” I pushed myself out of the bed, ignoring the shock traveling up my leg and the looks I got from the three of them. I forced my arms to do most of the work, half-limping and half-dragging myself to stand in front of them at the head of the table. “Shut up, and stop fighting. Because now you’ve proven Skye right, and Coulson’s doubting every single one of us.”
“You’re not wrong. We still need to iron out the kinks. But Ward, you can speak six languages. Simmons, you have two PhDs in fields I can’t pronounce, and Fitz, you are a rocket scientist. Violet, you keep being the buffer. And work it out.” Coulson had a firm tone, like a father scolding his kids before leaving.
I let out a breath and let my legs give out as Grant caught me with an angry look. He picked me up and plopped me back on the bed, checking the bandages on my arm and leg.
“I-I’m good at stuff too!” Skye called after Coulson.
I was lying with my head on the pillow in Grant’s lap, a book falling from my hands as he rested his against my head. Fitz-Simmons were in the conference room with the holotable, and they had gotten snippy with each other. Grant and I stayed out of their way, holing ourselves up in the lounge. I let my eyes slip closed. It didn’t matter if I fell asleep, Grant would probably just move me to my bed either way.
“Hunger Games?” I heard Skye. “Oh, is she sleeping? Sorry.”
“She’s a heavy sleeper, it’s fine. And no, it’s Matterhorn. One of a hundred novels my SO gave me that I’m just getting around to.” He sighed.
There was a pause.
“SO. Supervising Officer.” He explained, probably not looking up from his book.
“Got it. Hackers have lingo too, but I’ll pick yours up. I feel like you and me? Wrong foot. Can I buy you a drink?”
I felt him chuckle and set the book aside, pulling the pillow further onto his lap so he could sit up straight without pushing me off the couch.
“What I said before- When I said the uprising was- whatever I said- a good thing. I don’t want you to think I’m oblivious.” I heard the clink of a bottle. “What I was talking about was the tweets.”
“Tweets.” Grant repeated, his hand coming up to rub my shoulder.
He knew I was awake, and he wanted to make sure I was taking mental notes so we could dissect this later.
“You trying to make things better or worse?”
“Peruvians have organized for the first time in decades. Thousands of suffering people who have never met uniting over a common idea? It’s mind-blowing. And I don’t want to bring it up because I don’t wanna see your hate face, but … that’s what the Rising Tide is all about.”
“Okay.” He sounded slightly disgruntled.
“Usually, one person doesn’t have the solution. But a hundred people- with one percent of the solution? That’ll get it done.”
Grant took a deep breath.
“I think that’s beautiful. Pieces solving a puzzle.”
Grant sighed and scooted closer to her, holding my head with a hand to keep me steady. I heard him take a glass from her and swirl it.
“You and I see the world differently is all.”
“I’ve never been in a war zone during a war until today. That was crazy. I take it you’ve seen that a lot?”
Another sigh from him, this one deeper. He didn’t answer her question, only grunted as he put his drink down.
“Did you get shot?” She grabbed him.
“Skin deep. Nothing like Violet here. Nothing to worry about.” He took his arm back.
“You also got shot. Did that happen protecting us?” She pressed.
“Said don’t worry about it.” There was a gentle tone, and I imagined he was smiling.
She was talking about the bit of blood on his side, where he had gotten skimmed while lifting me to shoot one of the rebels out from the other side of the car. Jemma took care of it after she took care of me, and she said he’d only need a bandaid and he’d be fine. He hadn’t bothered to change his shirt.
“Well, no wonder you were so pissed.”
He hesitated. “I wasn’t pissed. I was trained to be the whole solution, to eliminate variables. And today, they keep adding up.” His tone changed, and his hand moved slowly to shake me.
I feigned sleepiness again, opening my eyes and rubbing them.
“Vi.” His eyes remained in one place.
I sat up slowly, and he pulled me into his side, bringing his mouth to whisper in my ear. His grip on my arm was firm.
“When I say so, take Skye and get to the lab. Guard Fitz-Simmons, and don’t let them get the 0-8-4. They’re PMP, but they’re lying to us.”
I pulled back and leaned against his shoulder, nodding slightly so he would feel it but the officers wouldn’t see it.
“Morning.” Skye smiled at me. “We’re turning.”
Grant nodded. “We’re entering restricted airspace, so we have to follow certain flight paths. Regulation. This plane is capable of fully automated flight, but May has to be on the stick herself tonight.” He slung his arm around me again.
“You’ve got an SO, May’s gotta be on the stick. Lots of good lingo on this plane.” Skye laughed.
“Yeah. We just can’t seem to understand each other.” Grant smiled his charming smile, the one he used to flash when he was in high school that made all my friends, in their middle school glory, fall for him.
Skye poured herself another drink and Grant looked down at me with an eyebrow arched. I watched him as he looked back to the officers. He set his jaw and gave me a squeeze, kissing the top of my head.
“Skye. Hand me the bottle.” He smiled again, then whispered into my hair. “Go, now.”
“Okay, turbo, but you’re still nursing the one you’ve got.” She laughed and I pushed myself to my feet.
“I’m not the only one.”
She looked at me and I shook my head, reaching for her hand. “Remember how we had to talk to Fitz about the fan in your bunk? We should probably go now, before he turns in for the night.” I smiled.
She caught on and gulped nervously. “Okay.”
Grant smiled as the officer came over, then pushed us out of the way and smashed the bottle onto the officer’s hand, who let out a scream. I grabbed Skye and pulled her behind me, trying to move as fast as I could without letting the stitches in my leg break. We rounded the corner and I pulled my weight over the side of the banister, letting myself slide down it rather than running down the stairs.
“Violet!” Skye called out from the bottom of the steps, pointing at one of the officers, who had Fitz with a scalpel to his neck.
“Get in here and sit down.” The man growled.
I grunted as my weight fell onto my leg and I put my hands up. Skye grabbed me by the elbows, helping me stand before dragging me into the lab. Jemma tried to help lower me to the floor, but it only seemed to piss the man off more and he moved the scalpel closer to Fitz’s neck.
“I’m fine, Jemma.” I shrugged her off, sliding onto the floor and clutching at my leg, below the line of stitches.
“Stop squirming, pretty boy.” The man growled as Fitz tried to pull his arms away.
I could hear his hard breathing and I felt my head throb.
“You know, if you want a valuable hostage, you might wanna take someone else.” I started.
“What?” He hissed.
“I mean, it’s your choice.” I shrugged. “He is pretty, you got that part right.”
“Shut up.” The man grunted.
“But really, he’s just the tech guy. He’s like, oh I dunno,” I shrugged again, “glorified IT. That’s what he is. He doesn’t know anything. Coulson can easily replace him.”
“Shut up!”
“Listen, bud, I’m just trying to help you out. You want leverage against Coulson and Ward? Switch me out for him.” I glared, breathing hard and grabbing the same spot of my leg.
The men stared for a second, contemplating. “Fine. Nice and easy. Nobody try anything or I’ll kill you all.” He eased his arms off Fitz, who ran into my open arms, squeezing me.
“You’re an idiot!” He shouted loudly.
“Loop the cameras.” I whispered into his ear before kissing his cheek and letting the officer put the scalpel up to my neck.
I groaned in pain as he made me put weight on my leg. The man forced me down on it as I whimpered. He laughed, then shoved me against the table.
“Where’s it hurt?”
“Where do you think, dumbass?” I growled through gritted teeth.
He hummed to himself, putting the scalpel down and bending down, moving his hand across my thigh to move my grip. He grunted in satisfaction once he found the blood soaked bandage. He cracked his knuckles before resettling his grip on my leg, ready to dig his fingers into my wound. The spot I had gripped was an inch below, where the worst he could do was make it throb more. He pressed a thumb against it and I yelled anyways, letting him believe it. I heard Skye gasp. He jammed his thumb in further, his head in the crook of my neck. He smelled vile and he was breathing oddly.
I took the moment of his distraction to elbow him in the crotch. He fell to the floor, still gripping my leg. I turned around and kicked his face, fingers finding the scalpel and ripping it over his face, breaking skin on his cheek and forehead. Skye screamed as blood splattered across my shirt. I stabbed him in the shoulder and kicked his head again, this time to knock him out.
“Fitz, lock the doors.” I ordered as I pulled back and pushed the man aside, my leg pulsing.
“Are you okay?” Jemma was worried, her forehead creased and her eyebrows furrowed.
I nodded. “Went a few inches down, don’t worry.”
“Hey!” There was a harsh knock on the lab door and Fitz yelped.
I looked out to see another man with a gun to Grant’s throat. I glanced over my shoulder, glad to see his fellow officer out of sight.
“Open the door or he gets blown to bits.”
I could see Grant breathing heavily. They had done a number on him, his eye already swelling. He looked at me, frustration on his face.
Don’t you dare open those doors.
I sighed.
I’m not just gonna sit here and let you get shot.
“Open the doors.” I mumbled, falling back to the ground.
I could see Grant talking frantically to the guard, who only seemed to get angrier by the second. The doors slid open and I could finally hear my brother’s voice.
“Please. I swear I won’t try anything. She just needs help walking, that’s all. She’ll put up a fight against you if you touch her. Please.”
“Fine.” The officer snorted, pushing him forward.
Grant ran to me, scooping me into his arms and pulling me up. “You’re okay.” He whispered, the lines on his forehead a tell of how worried he was.
I only nodded as they tied us each up, and then gave me my own separate black eye along with a broken nose and busted lip for having cut their friend up. I spit out blood as they left, trudging back up the stairs with their bleeding friend. My nose was throbbing, as was my leg and every other part of my body. I leaned my head against Grant’s shoulder, exhausted.
“This is all my fault. I should’ve learned Kung Fu.” Fitz tried to joke.
“Yeah, but I shouldn’t have pushed you into the field in the first place. You weren’t ready.” Jemma sighed.
“It was my job to make a proper threat assessment.” Grant tried to take the blame.
“Uh, we- we weren’t ready.” Fitz argued.
“This couldn’t have happened if Agent May wasn’t on the stick.” Skye jumped in. “She would’ve busted out with some of her ninja know-how.”
“Agent May? No, no, no. She transferred from administration.” Fitz argued again.
“Well, I’ve seen her destroy a guy, so…”
“Can we stop the pity party? We have to find a way out of here before they kill Coulson, take the 0-8-4, and then crash this plane where nobody will ever find our bodies.”
“Okay, wait but Agent May?” Fitz-Simmons pressed again, this time looking to Grant.
He smiled. “You’ve heard of the Calvary?”
“Yeah, everyone at the academy talks about st-... She’s the Calvary?” They exclaimed.
“I told you never to call me that.” May’s voice was scratchy.
“Oh, well we’re sure to get out of here now! Um, how do we get out of here?” Jemma asked her as she sat up.
“Can’t go through the doors. They’re bolted, tied to the pressurization lines. You two geniuses have nothing?” She looked at Fitz-Simmons.
“Yeah, well, it’s hard to concentrate in these intense situations.” Fitz explained from beside me.
“Hey. Don’t freeze up. Take a breath. You don’t need to come up with the whole solution. Just part of it. Right?” Grant spoke calmly.
“Yeah.” Skye smiled. “Pieces solving a puzzle.”
“Well that’s clearly the worst idea we’ve heard yet!” Jemma scoffed.
“Yeah!” Fitz agreed.
“Maybe, but it might work.” Skye shrugged.
“Guys, Reyes is gonna kill us once we land and blame it on rebels.” Grant insisted.
“At least this way we’ll have a fighting chance.” I offered.
“We’ll take it.” Grant spoke for the both of us.
“What’s first?” I asked Fitz.
“We can’t get upstairs without going in the lab.” Fitz answered.
“And the only way to release the lab doors is from upstairs.” Jemma added.
Skye rolled her eyes. “First thing is that we’re tied to the cargo door, so unless you guys can-”
She was cut off by a crack and I grimaced.
“What the hell was that?” Fitz jumped closer to me, worried, and I bumped my knee to his in reassurance.
“Her wrist.” Grant answered.
We watched as May snuck behind Lola, making her way up to the balcony in silence, where a guard stood watch with Grant’s sidearm. She was slow and quiet, inching her way across the bottom railing of the balcony on her fingers. The guard turned and stared straight at us before becoming confused by the lack of one of us. May swung up, her legs locking around his neck as she threw him over the balcony and he landed cold on the floor. She landed on her feet and popped her wrist back into place.
“What’s next?”
“Okay, we’re sure, right?” Sky stood on Grant’s other side.
“Yeah, we’re sure.” He had his arm around my shoulders, keeping me balanced.
“We’re all on board.” Jemma’s voice was shaky.
“Yeah, let’s do this, fast.” Fitz was on my other side.
“Alright guys, let’s do it.” I was the last to speak, and probably the calmest besides my brother.
“No turning back, no freezing up.” He spoke.
“Because if we do, then…” Fitz trailed off.
“All of us die.” Grant finished.
“We know.” I patted his arm.
“Alright.” Grant nodded and gave me a look, to which I nodded.
You’re sure you’re okay to do this?
He knelt so I could get on his back, like we were children at a fairgrounds and May revved the engine of the SUV. “You guys talk a lot.” She sat in the car and gunned it, barely giving Grant time to shove Fitz-Simmons and Skye out of the way. She crashed into the lab doors and I heard Fitz wince. Jemma climbed onto the table and started to unscrew part of the ceiling. Fitz got the drones out, firing them up as Skye and I raided the cabinets for cords. May snuck out, and Grant found other cords.
He handed me the link of chains and a few cords, and I got them together as fast as I could. He did the other two. Once he finished he grabbed Skye and Jemma. I tightened Fitz’s around his waist, pulling his tie over it so it wouldn’t get caught.
“Are you sure this’ll work?” He asked me, worried.
I nodded. “I’m sure.” I pushed him over to Jemma’s side.
Grant turned me around to hook my cord on, tightening it a bit more than was necessary. He scanned my face and I only nodded. This would work. It had to work. Grant and I worked fast, hooking the cords together and praying they would hold. Fitz held the tablet tight in his hands, with a view of what the drone was seeing. Coulson’s voice came over.
“It’s gonna be blue skies from here on out.”
“Simmons, forget what I said before. This is the moment we’re gonna regret.” Fitz took a deep breath before hitting the button.
The drone would activate the 0-8-4, which would hopefully blow the plane open and give us a shot. The panel beside Grant turned from red to green.
“It worked!” Skye shouted.
“The drop in cabin pressure released the doors!” Jemma smiled.
“I’ll take care of the soldiers, you guys get to the 0-8-4.”
“And Coulson?” Fitz asked.
“Let’s hope he can handle himself. Be careful.” He grabbed my shoulder before pushing the door open, leading the way.
There were gunshots, and Grant was shoving us to the floor, crawling toward the couch. He jumped over, taking on two soldiers, getting one out of the way before trapping the other against the couch and kneeling over him.
“Go, now! Find the 0-8-4!” He yelled at us and Skye started to move, forcing the rest of us to follow with her.
I watched as another soldier took on Grant, leaping onto him and taking him down. Things became quiet and I thought for a second that my ears were bleeding. Fitz pushed himself to his hands and knees behind me, saying something that I couldn’t hear. I sighed before pulling him by the cord and yanking Jemma back. I tied theirs together and ripped my own off.
“Violet, what are you doing?” Fitz screamed, but I was already moving over the couch, kicking one soldier in the face with my sock covered feet as another tried to drag me onto the floor. I felt the plane jerk downward and the man fell away. I grabbed at one seatbelt, pushing against the couch to give the other to Grant, who gripped it before kicking another soldier away. Another managed to grab my leg, his finger in the bullet wound on my thigh. I screamed, trying to get him off by kicking at his shoulders.
“Fitz! We got it! Reel us back in!” Skye shouted as Jemma pried the 0-8-4 from the wall.
I watched in practically slow motion as she unbuckled herself. Grant’s hand slipped from the seat belt and he cursed, fumbling to get a grip on anything he could. I tore my eyes from Skye and kicked a leg out, despite my entire body screaming in pain. Grant grabbed a hold of my ankle, grimacing when he heard my involuntary yelp. The soldier finally let go, his fingers dragging down my leg.
The plane slowly came back up, and both Grant and I dropped on the floor. The man that had been gripping my leg started to hit him, punching him in the ribs. One of the first men Grant had taken care of was now back on his hands and knees, crawling toward me with a shard of glass. I scrambled away, only to see another soldier cornering Fitz-Simmons. I jumped over the couch to help them.
“Cut him loose!” I shouted.
Fitz hit at his buckle until the man went flying, and I secured one hand on Jemma’s cord, the other catching Fitz as he fell.
“Sorry Ward!” Jemma shouted as the man fell onto him, pulling him toward the opening.
“Grant!” I screamed as he caught hold of a railing, trying to pull the man back inside.
His sleeve slipped from my brother’s hand, and as he looked down at it somberly, his grip came off the pole and he flew toward the gaping hole in the plane.
“Grant!” I shrieked, relieved to see, once again in slow motion, one of the liferafts coming to cover up the hole, Grant falling into the center of it with a heavy breath.
I pushed myself to my feet, ignoring the searing pain in my leg as I ran to him, collapsing next to him with a sob. He practically pulled me into his lap, throwing his head backward and rubbing my arm. He jerked forward, and I looked over to see one of the soldiers crawling toward a gun. Coulson stepped in front of us and trapped the man’s hand under his foot. I felt my brother relax once more before pushing me off and grunting as he got to his feet. He bent over to pick me up, again onto his back. I watched as Skye sighed from the floor and Fitz-Simmons popped up from behind the counter.
“I read the safety pamphlet.” Skye came over to us.
“I think you might be the first.” Grant scoffed, slowly walking over to meet Coulson by the bar.
Everyone crowded around it, with the exception of Fitz, who was clinging to one of the columns with his eyes glazed over.
“No other way in, huh? I was just starting to warm up to this place.” Coulson sighed, picking up a broken glass off the floor.
Skye leaned over and placed a coaster under it before taking a seat.
“The 0-8-4 is cooling and stable.” Fitz was now calmer, one arm around the column and the other on his hip. “But we should call HQ and get it to the Slingshot as soon as possible.” He hugged the column again.
Jemma took a seat as Coulson walked over to Reyes, who was tied up to a pole. “Told you they were good.” He was proud.
“Why don’t you go hug your boyfriend? He looks a little scared.” Grant whispered over his shoulder, easing me onto the ground.
I laughed, pushing at his back with the little strength I had left before limping over to Fitz, who upon seeing my state, let go of the column and threw his arms around my middle without hesitation. I relaxed in his grip, sliding my arms around his shoulders and letting him hold my weight.
“I love you.” His voice was hushed.
I let out a laugh, tightening my arms around him, happy he was okay. “I love you too, angel face.”
When we got to the Slingshot, the first thing that happened was Jemma insisting on stitching my leg back up after cleaning it, much to my refusal. Then, we took showers, and then, technical crew started to take care of our bus. Somewhere along the way, Grant and I had demanded coffee and Fitz-Simmons had begged for tea.
I watched as Coulson cleaned a smudge off of Lola, turning and talking to Skye.
“Looks like Skye might end up as more than a consultant, despite our reservations.” Grant was busy repacking weapons into their cases, letting me put my weight against his side.
May only nodded.
“She could turn into a solid asset. With some serious work.”
“Well, if she wants to be a field agent, she’ll need a supervising officer. Someone disciplined. Someone good.” She looked at Grant, who was only nodding.
I giggled, looking up at him. He caught May’s stare and made a face.
“Okay. I’ll do it.”
I laughed this time.
“Just to be clear, you were talking about me. Right?” He asked, but she didn’t give him an answer.
“I was thinking, maybe even a pair. Two people who could… tag team?” She raised an eyebrow.
Grant and I looked at each other with identical grins on our faces.
“We blew up a plane!” I could hear Fitz coming down the stairs.
“I had a new experience, that’s for sure.” Jemma sounded content, as always.
“Eat that, Professor Vaughn.”
“You had a new experience, but it was new for all of us!” She had a beer in her hand, and Fitz had a cooler.
“They’re happy.” May noted and I smiled.
“Hey, come on, you guys don’t wanna miss this.” Fitz stopped and handed me his beer so he could help me up.
I hopped onto my toes to kiss his cheek before letting him lead us to the edge of the ramp, sitting down and passing beers around. Fitz pulled me to sit between his legs and I settled happily against him, glad to have his arms around my middle gripping me like a lifeline. Our legs dangled off the edge.
“So it’ll take about a hundred and eighty days to reach the sun. Now yes, of course, it would’ve been faster if they’d used hydrogen-fueled APUs, but they’re having fun.” Fitz explained as Grant sat next to us, taking a beer.
“How many of those have you guys had?” Skye asked with a laugh.
“Skye.” Jemma chuckled and May sat next to her. “It’s important when in the field to unwind from time to time.”
“Yeah, yeah, especially after a hard day of everyone almost dying.” Fitz continued.
“Which doesn’t happen every day, right? It’s an anomaly, an irregularity! Not … the norm.” Jemma exclaimed.
Coulson stood at the edge instead of sitting. “Speaking of not the norm, who’s idea was it to blow a hole in this plane?”
We all went white, looking down. Fitz gripped me tighter, now afraid of Coulson’s anger. Skye hadn’t sat down, so when she spoke it came from behind.
“May said that the doors were tied to the pressurization, so I thought-”
“So we thought it would be the only way to release them.” I cut her off.
“It was everyone’s idea, sir.” Grant jumped in.
“Yes, quite genius, really.” Fitz perked up.
“Nice work.” Coulson broke a smile and we all relaxed again.
Even May smiled and I leaned back against Fitz with a smile, laughing when Grant made a disgusted face at us.
“All clear for liftoff.” A voice came over the speakers.
“Oh, time for blastoff.” Fitz pinched his nose. “Launching in three, two…” He trailed off, watching as the rocket went up, leaving a gray trail.
“The trajectory will take it beyond the lagrange point so that it doesn’t hit Herschel.” He leaned over to explain to Grant.
“Yeah, and there haven’t been any coronal mass ejections, so it shouldn’t lose telemetry.” Jemma giggled.
“Guys, English.” Grant sighed happily.
There was no response as we watched it go up through the clouds. Grant patted Fitz’s back. He flinched and I laughed, looking from my brother to my boyfriend and then back up to the rocket, which was now out of sight. I curled up in Fitz’s lap, letting my forehead fall against his neck as I closed my eyes. Coulson excused himself, presumably to go get chewed out by Fury. Skye still hadn’t sat down. May and Grant slowly finished their beers, and then excused themselves to finish packing up weapons. Jemma soon followed, taking the cooler too. I caught Fitz giving her a look as I twisted around to have my side against his chest.
“Why are you making everyone leave?” I looked up at him.
He only smiled.
“Leo. Come on.” I pressed a kiss to the underside of his jaw.
“Just want you and the sunset, nothing else.” He muttered, kissing my forehead.
I smiled. “Hey. I’m glad you’re still alive.”
He looked down at me, a wide smile growing on his baby face. “I’m glad I’m alive too. And to be completely clear, I’m overjoyed that you’re still alive.” His hand came to my face, thumb stroking my cheek.
I kissed the palm of his hand. “I think Grant sorta likes you.”
“Oh yeah?” He laughed. “What makes you say that?”
“You���ve been doing nerd-speak since we finished the fight, and he hasn’t wanted to murder you yet.”
“And how exactly do you know that?” He grinned.
“I can read his facial expressions.” I smiled.
He pulled me in to peck my lips. “That’s amazing, darlin’. I’m really glad for you. I guess you getting shot snapped him back to reality?”
I nodded. “I think so.”
“Well, glad to see I wasn’t the only one.”
“What do you mean?” I leaned into his arms, tilting my head.
“Nothing special.” He shrugged. “Just realized how much I love you is all.”
I smiled wider this time, sitting up and grabbing him by the neck. “God, I love you. Why do I love you so much?” I peppered his face in kisses, feeling him chuckle.
“What can I say, I’m a romantic.” He shrugged once I pulled back.
I rolled my eyes and suppressed a smile, letting him pull me forward to meet my lips once more.
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