#anyway sorry what i am hoping for is that we're moving towards a point where t1n can be diagnosed
fortunatelyfresco · 2 years
In the general population as a whole (ie, not just those who are sleepy), the presence or absence of SOREMPs on repeated MSLTs is also quite variable, suggesting that this may not be the best feature to use in discriminating among diseases. Indeed, prominent narcolepsy researchers have concluded that the presence of 2 or more sleep-onset REM periods [eg, on the MSLT] does not appear to have any specific pathognomonic significance.
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scarisd3ad · 1 year
To the end and back [daryl Dixon x reader]
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Chapter seven - the calling
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Summary - after the world ended you were sure you’d never find love again but a certain archer catches your eyes and changes the entire trajectory of your life.
Warnings - regular twd warnings
Season 2 ep 2
We're all looking around, confused. The shot sounded like it came from the direction we were just coming from. It wasn't loud but not quiet enough for it to be inaudible from where we're at. So it had to be close enough to the Church. We had only left the church about 10 minutes ago we couldn't have gotten far, especially at the speed we were going at. We were stopping and going every five minutes and we were walking slow because Rick, Shane, and Carl were supposed to catch up with us. We didn't want to get to far along to the point they couldn't find us just in case. There was no way we had gotten too far. It had to have come from around the church. There must've just been a Walker, that's what we're all telling ourselves but they could've easily used a knife. Rick, and Shane wouldnt risk using a gun. They didn't have to use the gun, it wasn't on purpose. It couldn't have been on purpose.
"Wh-what was that?" Lori stutters out. "Just a gun, they must've came across a Walker" Daryl replies trying to keep us walking along. We keep on going, but still a little shaken from the scare the gun shot gave us. "You think they're okay?" I ask Glenn. He just nods. They said they were just going to do a quick search of the area, they should at least be making there way back now. Right? Maybe I'm just overthinking things, oversimplifing a quick search. They're searching they're obviously going to find walkers they need to kill. But my anxiety always gets the better of me, always it always does. The worst things imaginable will always pop up in my head.
Lori stops and turns around. "You still worrying about it?" Andrea asks as she also stops. "It was a gunshot" Lori says. We're all stopped at this point turned towards Lori. "We all heard it." Daryl says. She turns towards us "why one? Why just one gunshot?" She asks. Daryl shrugs "maybe they took down a Walker."
"Please don't patronize me you know Rick wouldn't risk a gunshot to pit down one Walker. Or Shane. They'd do it quietly." She's right. They wouldn't use a gun to put down one Walker, they were smarter than that. They wouldn't risk drawing more near by using a gun. "Shouldn't they have caught up with us by now?" Carol asks meekly. “There's nothing we can do about it anyways. Can't run around these woods chasin’ echoes." Daryl says.
"So what do we do?" Lori asks. "Same as we've been. Beat the bush for Sophia, work our way back to the highway." Daryl replies. I fidget with the pocket knife that sat in my pocket, flipping it around, opening it closing it. "I'm sure they'll hook up with us back at the rv."
Lori let's out a sigh before continuing on with us. We stop again turning back to see that Andrea and Carol still hadn't moved. "I'm sorry for what you're going through, I know how you feel." Andrea says as she walks up to Carol. "I suppose you do. Thank you." Carol says with a weak smile. "The thought of her out here by herself...it's the not knowing that's killing me. I just keep hoping and praying she doesn't wind up like Amy." Carol says through tears. Andrea's faint smile fades. Carol realizes what she had just said "oh..oh god. That's the worst thing I ever said" Carol whispers. Andrea shakes her head with a weak smile "we're all hoping and praying with you, for what it's worth." Daryl pushes himself off of the tree he was leaning on and begins to walk towards Carol, and andrea. "I'll tell ya what it's worth, not a damn thing it's a waste of time all this hopin' and prayin' cause we're gonna locate that little girl, she's gonna be just fine." Daryl says "Am I the only one zen around here good lord" he scoffs before turning back around. We all follow after Daryl as he begins to walk. I bet he's fed up with our stoping and going. Every 10 minutes we all stop because someone is upset, or someone is thirsty. I'd be fed up with us too.
We've been walking for about 30 minutes when Lori stops. "We'll lose the light before too long." Daryl says trying to subtly tell Lori we should probably hurry up, and stop, well stopping. We were not only heading back towards the highway but trying to find Sophia. The sun was going down we were going to lose the light if we didn't hurry. "I think we should call it."
"Let's head back." Lori says. Carol furrows her brows and asks "We'll pick it up again tomorrow?" Lori nods "yeah we'll find her tomorrow" Daryl whistle as we all begin to walk back in the direction of the freeway.
We're walking through a patch of very overgrown grass. "How much farther?" Andrea asks. "Not much. Maybe a hundred yards..as the crow flies." Daryl answers. "Too bad we're not crows." I stay near Glenn we're both quietly chatting from time to time. "You got any more of those granola bars you carry around" Glenn asks with a pleading smile. I nod. I always carry around some type of food when I'm outside of camp or wherever we're staying. I stuff my hand into my bag and search around until I found the rectangular granola bar packaging. I hand him it and he smile as he opens it, and stuffs it in his mouth. "Thanks" he says his words muffled by the food. I roll my eyes and laugh "you're disgusting."
"As the crow flies my ass."
The sound of a scream makes us stop our conversation. "Andrea?" We all begin to start running in the direction the screams are in. She's laying on the ground while a Walker is above her trying to bite her. A woman on a horse comes through knocking the Walker away. We’re all in shock at this point, who is this random woman on a horse, and why is she here. "Lori? Lori grimes?" She calls out as were running towards Andrea.
The lady has brown hair that’s cut in a short bob, and a pink tank top on.
"I'm Lori" Lori says raising her hand a bit as she approaches the woman. "Rick sent me you've got to come now." She says. "What?" Lori's brows are furrowed. What happened so badly that Rick had to send some woman on a horse to come get Lori. "There's been an accident. Carls been shot. He's still alive but you've got to come now" that's what that single shot we heard was. That shot was Carl getting shoot. Lori's frozen she doesn't know what to say. "Rick needs you. Just come." Lori immediately takes her back pack off. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa. We don't know this girl!" Shouts Daryl. Lori begins to walk towards the lady, and her horse. "You can't get on that horse!" Daryl says as Lori mounts the horse. "Rick said you had others on the highway that bit traffic snarl?" The lady asks. "Uh-huh" Glenn says with a tiny nod. "Backtrack to Fairborn road. Two miles down is our farm. You'll see the mailbox. The name is Greene. Hyah!" Just as fast as she came she was gone. That's was probably the weirdest experience I've every had during these times. "What the fuck just happened" i mutter. Somehow in the few days since we left for fort-benning we've lost one kid and the other has been shot. We can never win can we.
The Walker that had attacked Andrea sits back up weezing. "Shut up" Daryl mutters before shooting it straight through the head, and walking off.
We make it back to the highway without any more walkers or random ladies with horses taking someone.
Glenn explain to Dale what happened he's confused very confused. "Shot? What do you mean shot?" Dale asks as we're climbing back up to the highway. "I don't know, Dale. I wasn't there. All I know is this chick rode out of nowhere like zorro on a horse and took Lori." Glenn says as he climbs over back onto the highway. I climb back over panting. "You let her?" Dale asks Daryl. "Climb down out of my asshole, man. Rick sent her. She knew Lori's name and Carl's." Daryl says as he pushes past Dale. "I heard screams was that you?" Dale asks as Andrea climbs over. She ignores him walking off. I guess she’s annoyed with him right now. "She got attacked by a Walker" I say "it was a close call" Glenn adds. "Andrea, are you alright?" Dale calls out. Andrea turns around annoyed but just shakes her head before opening the door to the rv, and getting in.
We go about doing what we need, loading back up the cars and whatnot. Daryl pulls me aside, far enough away from the others so they couldn't hear us or really see us because we were standing behind a truck. It's not like we were trying to hide whatever was going on between us, it's just for privacy. Something no one gets now. "You alrigh'?" He asks. I let out a breathy laugh, and nod "I'm fine" he nods but continues to look for any cuts, or bites on my body. When he's really sure I'm fine he pulls me into a hug. One of those hugs you just need, just for comfort. His breathing is shaky. "You're gonna find her" I whisper as I rub my hand in small circles on his back. "I-I know I am" he whispers. He's stressed. "I-I-know I am" he repeats just for his own confirmation. He pulls aways before pressing his lips to mine in a kiss. I honsestly don't know what Daryl and I are. I just hope it isn't temporary, because I've really grown to like Daryl a lot. I really hoped he did too.
"We're gonna have to go" I whisper. We're all gathered around talking about what we should do. Should we stay here, or go to the farm that lady had talked about. "I won't do it. We can't just leave." Carol says quietly. "Carol, the group is  split. We're scattered and weak" Dale says with a sigh. "What if she comes back and we're not here? It could happen" Argues Carol. I feel for Carol I really do but we can't be scattered around like this. It's not safe, we'll die if we stay like this. "Carol, dales right. It's just not safe to stay scattered like this." I say. "If Sophia found her way back and we were gone, that would be awful." I roll my eyes "I'm not saying it wouldn't I'm just being logical, staying here isn't safe. You saw that big herd that came through, another one could come through and we'd be missing three people. Two of them being our strongest!" I shout with my arms crossed. "It's nothing against you Carol, you know I love you and Sophia to death but we just can't I'm sorry" I say softly.
"Okay." We all look over at Daryl as he begins to speak "We got to plan for this, I say tomorrow morning is soon enough to pull up stakes. Give us a chance to rig a big sign, leave her some supplies. I'll hold here tonight, stay with the rv" Daryl says. "If the rv is staying, I am too" Dale states. "Thank you. Thank you both." Carol whispers. Daryl nods, acknowledging carols thanks. "I'm in" Andrea sighs. I let out an annoyed sigh.
"Well, if you're all staying then I'm-" Dale quickly cuts off glenn "no, not you glenn. You're going take-take carols Cherokee." Glenn scoffs he's always the one who's sent to do things first. He's like the crash test dummy. "Me? Why is it always me?"
"I'll go with you glenn." I say, glenn gives me a thankful smile but Daryl scoffs. "No you're not. You're staying here with me" I roll my eyes "no I'm not. You're not in charge of me, and I want to find out if carls okay."
Glenn sighs as he crosses his arms "i still don't understand why I have to go"
"You have to find this farm, reconnect with our people and see what's going on. But most important, you have to get t-dog there. This is not an option." T-dog is leaning against the back of the rv. He's not in good shape either, he's all sweaty and just all together looks Ill" "that cut has gone from bad to worse. He has a very serious blood infection. Get him to that farm. See if they have any antibiotics. Because if not, t-dog will die, no joke." Dale explains as Daryl walks over to some some trash bag he brought. He grabs a rag and then a bag full of orange medication bottles. He walks back over and throws the rag at Dale "keep your oily rags off my brothers motorcycle." Then he places the bag on the hood of a yellow car. "Why'd you wait till now to say anything? Got my brothers stash" he opens the ziplock bag and begins to go through the medication. "Crystal, x. Don't need that. Got some kick ass painkillers" he throws a bottle of painkillers to Glenn, and then begins to go through the bag again. "Oxycycline. Not the generic stuff neither. It's first class." He throws the bottle to Dale. "Merle got the clap on occasion." He says with a shrug before walking back to his bag.
Glenn, t-dog, and I are about to leave when Daryl pulls me aside.
“Your stayin’ with me” daryl whispers. We’re stood outside, it’s dark and everyone else is already fast asleep. I roll my eyes I don’t understand why he wants me to stay so much. “I don’t want to” I reply. He sighs as he buries his face into his hands. “I’ll keep you safe. I just don’t want you goin’ off to some strange farm by yourself” I cross my arms as I groan “I’m not going to be by myself, Glenn will be there too.”
“Just stay with me, okay. I don’t-“ he sighs “I don’t want you gettin’ hurt” I’ve never seen Daryl care much about anybody else except for his brother, and now when Sophia went missing. I didn’t expect him to care so much about me
“Fine” I whisper begrudgingly. “Good, C’mere.” I walk a bit closer. he places his hand on my cheek cradling my face like I’m a piece of glass, and if he’s too rough he’ll break me. A month ago I wouldn’t of ever thought of Daryl Dixon as a softy, but he is. Deep down past that rugged, tough exterior is a man who just wants to be loved, a big’ol teddy bear who just wants affection. He caressed my cheek before pressing his lips to mine.
“C’mon sunshine lets go to bed.”
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@e1d0lonk3k @soul4death @furiousheartpoetry @silicone-bonez @nezukos-number1fan @your-shifting-gurl @maziejay08
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bluesylveon2 · 11 months
I am DEEPLY enjoying this event. #41 with Rook Hunt please (bonus points if MC is a singer)
This was lowkey kinda fun to write because it made me think about one specific tiktok. I hope that you enjoy!
Word Count: 958
Notes: modern au and chaos
Warning: not beta read and possible ooc characters
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Being at the gym at night was Yuu's dream. No one was there since it was late and it was quiet. There was barely anyone there, and Yuu could count how many with one hand. 
One of Yuu's favorite things was hopping in the shower and singing like she was a pop star. There were barely any women there, often leaving Yuu to sing as long as she wanted. It's not like the poor guy working up front cared anyway. 
Yuu happily hummed the newest song released by her favorite artist as she made her way to her designated stall with her stuff. Despite no one there at the time, Yuu liked to go in one specific shower because it was far enough from the entrance to give her privacy. The girl continued her humming as her body automatically moved to her shower. She opened Magicfy on her phone, and music filled the empty stall as she placed it back in the caddy. 
I know a place
Where the grass is really greener
Warm, wet n' wild
There must be something in the water
Yuu got lost in the song and loudly sang as she cleaned herself. No one was there or listening, so Yuu did not care. Little did she know about the other presence entering the shower room.
"Now, what do we have here…" A man, who was also naked, said aloud. 
California girls
We're undeniable
Fine, fresh, fierce
We got it on lock
West coast represent
Now put your hands up
"Ooh, oh ooh."
"Ooh oh ooh," A male voice sang along, causing Yuu to freeze. The music played, and the male sang in the background as Yuu slowly turned to face the frosted glass door. 
"Why are you on the female's side?!" Yuu yelled out, causing the male to stop singing.
"Female? Non you got it all wrong, mademoiselle. This is the male's side."
"No, it's not. I can prove it to you," Yuu said, stepping towards the door.
"Wait! I'm-" The door opened, causing the man to stumble from how close he was standing. To regain his balance, he reached out to something, which happened to be Yuu, and fell.
"What happened?" Yuu placed her hands down on something hard and pushed herself up. She froze when her eyes landed on her hands resting on a toned chest, blonde hair splayed out on the floor, a handsome face and a very naked man under her looking at her in shock. She did not even want to look down to see what was down there. 
"AHHH!" Yuu screamed as she struggled to stand up and jump away from the blonde like he was on fire. She immediately grabbed her towel to wrap around herself and her shower caddy. 
“Je suis désolé, mademoiselle!” He attempted to go to her, but Yuu moved away. "I tried to warn you earlier-"
"That was my fault! I should have looked where I was going! I'm so sorry about that!" Yuu yelled and made a beeline to the door, leaving a confused but blushing man behind.
It had been a week since "the incident," and Yuu wanted nothing more than to not see that man again. She had decided to burn and hide that memory in a deep part of her brain where no one, except herself and a divine being, could see it. 
Yuu stepped inside of the cafe and took a deep breath. According to her friend, Trey, Rook, his coworker, was very eccentric. Rook had moved from France to work in Crewel Research, one of the best-known research laboratories in the world. Yuu tapped her fingers against the table while waiting for her date with Rook. Trey had insisted that Rook would be a good fit for her as they shared common interests like science (not to the extreme like Trey and Rook) and the arts. Yuu thought Rook was interesting enough to meet as he is known for seeing beauty in everything. 
The sound of a bell jingling caused Yuu to look up. Her smile immediately faded as her eyes landed on the same blonde male she had been trying to forget for a week. 
What is he doing here?? Yuu thought as she was coming up with her escape plan. She was considering just running out when the man met her eyes. His eyes lit up, and he smiled as he headed toward her. 
"Mayday! Mayday! ABORT MISSION! ABORT!" Yuu's mind screamed at her, but her body refused to move. 
Yuus heart pounded against her chest as The man stopped beside the empty seat. “Bonjour, you are Yuu, non?”
Yuu opened her mouth to say no when she realized something. "How do you know my name?"
The man chuckled and held a hand out to the empty chair, looking at Yuu expectantly. Yuu hesitantly nodded and let the man sit. "Trey mentioned you a lot at work, and you are as beautiful as I imagined."
Yuu's eyes widen, and her mouth opens in an "o." The world must be laughing at her now because the man she was trying to forget was sitting in front of her right now, and that means-
"Wait…are you Rook? Trey's coworker?"
Rook smiled and held a hand out to Yuu, His green eyes gleaming. "Oui. We started on an interesting note before, so let me introduce myself properly. I am Rook Hunt, and you are?"
"Yuu Crowley, Yuu replied and shook her hand with his.
Rook smiled as he brought Yuu's hand up and lightly kissed her knuckles, causing the girl to blush. "What a beautiful name, Yuu. I look forward to our date."
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Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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yourmomni · 1 year
Here with me- Park Jay
A/n: I've had this in my draft forever I hope you enjoy this
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Watch the sunrise along the coast as we're both getting old
When I was 13 I found love. I found love that I never knew could feel like this. It was just a normal day as I walked through the park taking in the scenery. The sun was setting with a beautiful orange hue over the sky. I found a bench and sat down enjoying the way people lived their lives. I saw a couple having a picnic and a old married couple walking their dogs. Siblings playing at the playground. Different types of love. "Beautiful isn't it." I jumped looking at the boy sitting beside me. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you I just saw you sitting alone and thought you could use some company." He wore baggy shorts a vans shirt with a baseball cap turned backwards.
I stared at him his lips were bright pink and his eyes shinned like the stars in the sky. It felt like time stopped. Is this love ?
I cant describe what im feeling
I felt like we were looking at eachother for hours but it was nearly 30 seconds
He looked away first blushing and staring at his hands. "I'm Jay I live in those houses across the street we just moved her saturday." " im Y/n" He smiled up at me and I smiled at him
I wish I could live through every memory memory again"
"Just one more time before we float off in the wind"
We were now 18 and college was going to start soon and I new it was nothing I could do to change it " why can't you just be happy for me I finally did it I made it to their dream  school my parents are finally going to be proud of me for once why can't you just accept that." He yelled. I threw my bookbag on his bed. " I am happy for you but have you thought about where you want to go not them." He scoffed "Thats not something worth thinking about you know that ." " but just think about it you could go to any school in the world you just- " " Y/n just stop" He blew up. I flinched back. " Just because your parents dont give a fuck about where you go or what you study doesnt mean mine think the same ." He gritted his teeth  pointing a finger at me as he talked. I stood their wide eyed. I snatched my bookbag off of his bed. " You know what fuck you jay." He looked at me in shock. " Fuck you, Fuck your stupid college, fuck this stupid house and fuck what you think about me." The tears feel down my face. He took a step towards me. "Y/n  wait i-." I took a step back from him." No just stay away from me and have fun in college." I ran down the stairs and out the door slamming it on my way out. The tears poured out as I walked to my house I slammed the door and ignored my parents asking what was wrong with me running to my room. I closed my door and layer on my bed. I cried myself to sleep that night.
When graduation finally came around I finally noticed how long I spent with Jay. Almost half my life. When the ceremony was over I gave my dad and mom a huge hug as they both handed me bouquet of flowers. After taking a few pictures we went home and chilled the rest of the day until their was a knock on my door. My dad kicked my mom's leg so she would get up but she didn't budge. I giggled " don't worry ill get it." I walked to the door and opened it too see no one was there. " huh weird." I began to close the door until I saw a vase full of beautiful flowers. I tilted my head in confusion and leaned down to inspect the beautiful bouquet I found a note hiding behind a yellow rose "congratulations Y/n we did it we graduated I'm sorry about everything i said to you that day if i could take it back i would I'll be leaving today after graduation so you'll probably never see me again. But you'll be happy to know I took your advice life is too short to live other people's lives so I'm gonna live my own. Anyways I hope you never forget me because I will never forget you .
Love, Jay
Oh P.S. doesnt the sky look beautiful
I looked up and saw the orange hues like I saw they day I met him. I bought the flowers inside and put my shoes on " I'll be back dont start the next movie without me." " y/n-" I ran out my door and down the street to his house. No cars were in the driveway.  Hopefully I'm not to late. I ran up the stairs and knocked on the door. "JAY" I banged on the door. " Park Jongseong." I yelled. I backed up from the door and went to where his window was on the second floor. I picked up pebbles and began throwing them at his window. " Jay please." I fell to my knees  in exhation. I whipped my tears. " I never got to tell you how proud I was of you." "You can tell me now." I jumped at the voice and I saw Jay leaning beside me. I looked at him and it brought me back to that day. The day I met him.
He sat down and started pulling at the grass. Something he does when he's nervous. " your probably still upset with me but I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am and-." I threw my arms around him. He hugged me back immediately. I pulled away and looked at him as he looked at me I glanced down at his lips and he did the same for me. He leaned it and so did I our lips connected. He deepend our kiss and wrapped his arms around me tighter I pulled away we both were out of breath. " I love you I've always loved you." He rambled looking throught my eyes. I smiled " and I've loved you since they day I met you."
"Save your tears,it'll be okay all I know is you're here with me."
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Love is like a sickness, so stay the f- away please :) |Losers club
Okay so i have an idea for a one-shot so I'm just gonna write it real quick before i lose it
Some of the lines on here we're found from TikTok and i don't remember where i saw them sooooo credits to my fyp!!!
Key words: y/n - your name
Losers club x fem!reader platonic!
Basically an AU where the reader and Beverly are best friends the reader has a shit sense of humor and makes jokes all the time (kind of like a girl version of Richie) and Bev keeps drooling over a boy from the losers club *cough* *cough* bill *cough* and its so obvious that a blind person can see it
Anyway before i spoil anything else let's just continue
Warnings: cursing
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---No one's pov---
"sup Bev." Y/n said as she walked up behind her friend, Beverly, she jumped at the sudden voice, "spying on your future boyfriend again?" She asked as she giggled, her friend blushing in embarrassesment, "Stoooooooppppp he's not my boyfriend." Beverly said, fully facing towards y/n now, "i said future boyfriend, not current boyfriend, didn't i?" Y/n laughed as Bev punched her lightly in the arm, "c'mon let's go, they're gonna get suspicious if we keep talking behind them." Y/n said grabbing her ginger haired friend by the wrist and dragging her to the losers
"sup losers!" Y/n yelled as she finally let go of Beverly's wrist, "what are y'all talking about?" She asked, Beverly soon standing next to her looking down, "n-nothing much, j-just planing to g-go to the q-quarry." Bill stuttered, "yeah are you lady's coming with?" Richie asked as he pointed towards y/n and Beverly, "we'll think about it-" "yes! We'll come along!" Beverly cut y/n off making her roll her eyes, knowing her whole attention was going to be directed at Bill, "awesome see you a bit after school!" Stanley said as he started walking away, the rest of the losers following him
"way to go lover girl, you just made me waist my free time." Y/n groaned as she looked towards Beverly, "well that's not my problem because you're coming with me." She said grabbing y/n's wrist and dragging her to their next class, "sometimes I wonder why i am even your friend."
"That's because you love me."
"Oh please i would rather be friends with a trashcan- oh wait, I'm already with one."
"Haha very funny now quit letting me drag you and pick up the pace!"
-----time skip-----
"well it looks like we're the first ones here." Y/n said as they approached the cliff looking down at it, sending a shiver up y/n's spine, "well might as well get undressed, hope you have non see through underwear." Beverly said as she started to take off her shirt followed by taking down her trousers, "jeez could have given me a heads up!" Y/n yelled as she turned away, "sorry thought you wouldn't mind." Beverly shrugged, y/n huffed and took off her clothes as well
They soon heard multiple bikes approaching as they both turned around to see all of the loser's, "well you're here early." Ben said as he threw his bike on the ground, "yeah Bev couldn't just wait to see Bill nake-" y/n was cut off by a hand to the mouth, "i just couldn't wait to go swimming!' she yelled, y/n just rolled her eyes, as she licked Beverly's hand, Bev moved her hand in disgust, "well now you have to turn your heads, unless you wanna see my big dic-" "hey Bev wanna jump in first? Great!" Y/n didn't even wait a second and pushed Bev off the cliff as she jumped in seconds after, after they both surfaced Bev gave y/n a death glare, "what did i ruin your chances of seeing Bill's penis?" Y/n asked, Bev rolled her eyes and pushed y/n's head underwater
Y/n and Beverly were currently sitting on a rock, the rest of the loser's decided to stay in the water for a little longer, Beverly looked at Bill with hearts in her eyes as y/n gagged at the sight, "he's so dreamy." Bev sighed, "He looks like a horse." Y/n proclaimed, "horses are cute!" Bev said tearing her gaze off of Bill to look at y/n, "well he's definitely the ugly type." Y/n said, Bev slapped y/n on the back of the head, "ow! What was that for?!" Y/n yelled, "for being a dickhead." Beverly said and y/n just rolled her eyes
Soon all of the loser's were out if the water and sitting on the rocks just talking, it started to get dark and slowly each loser started to leave, the only ones left were Beverly, Bill and Y/n "yeah I think i sould go." Y/n said as she stood up from the rock and started to get dressed, leaving as quickly as she came, leaving Beverly and Billy alone, "sooooo." Bev started
"i like you!" Bill yelled without a stutter, and before Bev could reply he smashed his lips against her's, Bev melted in to the kiss and as they pulled apart their heads turned quickly when they heard a twig snap, they saw y/n reaching for something on one of the rocks "heh... Sorry for ruining your cheesy moment but i forgot my socks... I'm just gonna- yeah bye!" She ran towards her bike and left the two in embarrassesment, "s-so wanna g-get some ice cream tomo-rrow?" Bill asked as he turned towards Bev locking eyes, "that would be great." She breathed out as they slowly leaned in and kissed
A flashing light was seen from their left as they looked to see y/n standing there with a Polaroid camera, "OH FOR FUCKS SAKE!" Bev yelled, "what i want to have as many pictures of you as possible before you pass away, because im sure as hell not gonna get your sickness!" She yelled, swinging her fist in the air
"For the last fucking time y/n it's called love!"
"do i look like i give a shit on what your sickness is called!?!"
"it's not a god damn sickness you dumb bitch!"
"Oh who's gonna be called a dumb bitch when you're on your death bed huh?!"
Hillow everyone hope y'all's are having a great day/ night/ afternoon, hope you liked this one-shot and I'm sorry for all of you Benverly shippers, i ship them to so this hurt my heart but Bev did like Bill in it chapter one so it had to be done :(
Anyway as always I'll be checking for any spelling mistakes in the morning!
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sunball · 3 years
𖦹 this reading includes what is going on in your person’s life right now, what they (or their higher self) want to say to you at this moment and songs they'd like to give you. this reading is more about your future spouse or your future partner, someone who you may not be in contact with but you're curious about what they're doing.
𖦹 so there will be two paragraphs for each pile (what your person is doing and what they want to say to you). you can choose more than one pile. ex: pile 1 for what your person is doing and pile 2 for the message.
𖦹 how does this work? close your eyes and take deep breaths, pick the pile you are most drawn to. If you aren’t drawn to any pile then that’s okay, these messages aren’t for you.
𖦹 take what resonates.
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now playing:
now playing:
pile 01's songs
hello pile 01, welcome to your reading. I'm getting a lot of fire energy here, especially leo. I'm hearing Leo in 1st and 10th house, aries in 8th house, aries mars, mars in 10th house and also Venus in 2nd and 3rd house. I'm also getting gemini and capricorn. capricorn mars, aquarius venus. If these aren't your placements then they're most likely your person's placements. or perhaps, those are their transits. I feel a lot of confident energy from your person, I think they are at a good place right now. Your person has been betrayed and heartbroken quite recently but I feel like they're not trying to let that get to them. they're keeping their head high, focusing on their goals and working really hard. the pain motivated them to work hard, maybe as a way to get revenge? In their head, they may think that if they work hard, they can show off their success to the person that broke them like "hey, look at me now!". for some others, it's possible that they're working really hard because the work distracts them from the pain and the situation. they're acting like the pain isn't affecting them, I'm seeing them just laughing and hanging out with a group of people (their friends?) acting like theyre not dealing with any problems. your person is definitely at a period of time where work is only on their mind, they're hungry for success. success is the only thing your person is heading towards, it's the only direction they see. love isn't on your person's mind at all so I doubt that you've crossed their mind. but little do they know, the direction that they're heading towards will also lead them to you. your person may have travelled somewhere recently or maybe they're thinking of travelling somewhere else. there is change on the horizon for your person, maybe they will be promoted soon or moving countries, going to university, etc. they are so ambitious. I'm seeing piles of paper on desks, papers stuck on walls with dates and notes on them and also quotes. motivational quotes perhaps. your person is also working out, they could be getting up quite early. 6 am? I'm getting mad mars in 6th house vibes from your person. they're feeling burnt out, they have so much on their plate but they're not stopping anytime soon because they like it and also because they have no choice. they're also taking many responsibilities, I'm hearing house chores, work and looking after their parents or siblings. your person could be a student, a business person or they could work in an office. they're organizing their workspace and keeping track of their schedule, getting ready for the next chapter of their life. laziness is not in your person's vocabulary!
you know, I am so busy right now. I'm too exhausted to even think about love, to think about you. I don't think about it anymore unlike before. I know at times you feel like we're nowhere close and you doubt my existence because of how distant I feel and I'm sorry. It is partially true, we're nowhere close to eachother and we're both individual human beings. let's live in the present and experience things and meet new people without having to think about eachother. I don't feel right about thinking of the future and just hoping for something to happen, hoping to just end up with someone like you. It doesn't feel right. I need to do something, I need to take action. that's exactly what I'm doing now. It gives me a sense of stability knowing that I'm taking action and there's a high possibility of my dreams coming true. I've promised myself that I won't stop working until I've achieved everything. I can't do all of this by myself, I need your help too. I'm asking you a favour, do your part. I'm doing mine. work hard and don't slack off. I'm sorry again for sounding cold, I'm not like this on a daily basis. I'm just really tired. I need to get my point across. don't slack off. please. I'll keep saying that. oh, that reminds me. at times I will definitely sound like a teacher or a boss, it's just a habit I got from work. It's not my intention to make you feel stupid, I know you're smart. I wanted you to know that because I don't want you to think I'm generally a cold person. I'm not. when tarot readers or psychics or astrologers or whoever says that I'm cold, they only mean when I'm at work or when I'm busy or serious. I would never be like that to someone I love, especially you. truthfully speaking, you don't know much about me at all especially if you think I'm a cold person. that thought you have of me stops now. I'm guessing that you're curious about me now. I like to look neat and clean, I don't like bright colours, they look unprofessional. I hang out with my friends sometimes and we just have lunch at a café or a local restaurant. I'm on my computer a lot so my back always hurts but I'm doing exercises to help me with it. I have too many cookbooks that I don't use because I don’t have much time, I end up freestyling my food and cooking up some eggs. I need to get better at managing time. I don't like people that don't practice what they preach, it irritates me. now for my appearance. this, in no way is useful information that will help us in any way but I suppose I'll just tell you. I have a sharp nose, it's pointy and a little wide. I don't have any piercings. I don't have bangs. as for my eyes, they're brown and deep-set. my lips? they're just lips. you'll love them anyway so it doesn't matter. my hair? neat and brown. you'll love it too. that's enough. you can stop trying to get to know me now, leave that for when we meet. you can know me more yourself when the time comes, I like the process of getting to know someone and the effort someone puts into getting to know me. until then, keep working hard.
now playing:
pile 02's songs
I’m getting cancer energy from the pile, also pisces and gemini and libra. I’m hearing cancer/pisces/ libra venus, venus in 5th/7th/12th house, pisces moon, mercury in 7th house, cancer in 2nd house, gemini rising. if these aren’t your placements then they’re most likely your person’s, if not then these may be their transits. right now I feel like your person is trying something new, especially a hobby. I’m getting ‘painting’ for some of you. for others, your person has started something new like a project or they moved to a new house, something like that. there’s this feeling of ‘newness’ in your person’s life right now. they have so much passion for whatever this ‘newness’ is. they’re excited for this change, they can’t wait to move to the next stage. I’m feeling a positive energy coming from your person. their creativity is flowing through their blood, they feel inspired and joyous. some of you may not like to hear this but your person may have gotten in a relationship with someone or they want to get into a relationship with someone. they have a crush. I feel like there’s still an important choice to be made and your person has waited such a long time for the next stage, the relationship stage. I feel like their crush or their partner isn’t showing them that much attention, it feels quite one sided (your person giving more), they’re doing so much for their crush/partner but I feel like your person isn’t seeing it right, they’re just so blinded. like a little kid when they have a crush. If you don’t like what you’re hearing, don’t worry, they’re your person for a reason. anyways for others of you, I’m seeing your person listening to music while they’re doing their new hobby. painting is coming really strong, I’m seeing an easel. If it’s not a hobby then your person is feeling in love, whether it be a person or something else. their head is in the clouds, they’re listening to love songs, feeling so inspired by everything around them. love and venus themes is really important in your person’s life right now. If you’ve been listening to love songs recently or if you just feel all lovey-dovey, it’s most likely because of your person, you’re connected to your person. or if you feel inspired out of nowhere, it’s probably because of your person too. I just felt like I had to let you know that. sooner or later though, your person will realise that the relationship is one sided and they will give up on it. this will hit your person really hard, it will be a hard lesson for them. perhaps even the last lesson because I feel like your person has always done too much for people that don’t deserve their love. your person has experienced a lot and learnt many lessons except for this, when they learn this though, they will have learnt all the lessons. they can tick this off their box. I’m getting such wise Pisces vibes from them. for lots of you, your person is already in the 'realisation' stage and there's about to be a change in their life.
It’s been challenging these days, maybe even these past few weeks and maybe even months too. It’s fine though, I can get through it. you don’t have to worry about me. I have a gut feeling that something is going to happen soon, disappointments? I’m not surprised, I’ve been so stuck in my own head. I don’t know why I keep giving people more. so stupid of me. maybe it’s not my fault? maybe it’s their fault for giving less, who knows. I don’t know how to stop. why do I do this? I keep getting disappointed over and over again, I’m starting to not have hope anymore. despite this, I still think love is beautiful. with the right person. love is not only limited to romantic love though, which is what I’ve learnt recently. I’ve been so fixated on romantic relationships that I’ve forgotten about the beautiful things around me. surprisingly, there’s love everywhere. do you know what I love? I love the stars, I love flat white coffee, I love the smell of fresh grass, I love nature and the sun, I love dogs (especially small dogs) and I love experiences. experiences that shape me into a better person, painful or not, I love those. not to sound masochistic – but I love pain. I learn from pain. love has always been painful for me but I’m still giving people my all, wrong people to be precise. Is that why I keep falling for people that don’t care about me? because I love getting hurt? now that I’ve thought of it, it sounds terrible. I need to fix that. I feel embarrassed now that you know this, please don’t shake your head. I will fix it. I want this cycle to end. don’t be worried about me. you should continue living your life, there’s yet so much you can experience. places to go, new people to meet, new activities to do. so much. I’d love to experience so many things with you. do you like road trips? I’d love to go on a picnic date too, does stargazing sound good? we could travel around the world, that’s on my bucket list. so many ideas but there’s still so much distance and time between us. I feel excited thinking about it, I want to do so much right now and experience so many things. by the time we meet, I might already have a long white beard because I’ll be so wise *laughs*. who knows, white hair does look awesome. I think it might suit me actually. on a serious note, I want you to know that you should not be afraid to try new things. don't be afraid of change. regret is scarier than change, staying in the same place and not growing is scarier than change. you may lose something good but what if you gain something even better? I’ll be there for you every step of the way, I’m always there for you even though I’m not there with you physically. do you feel me? I’m so proud of you. If you see an opportunity, take it or you’ll regret it later. don’t be afraid of saying no or saying yes, you deserve to be heard, assert your dominance *laughs*. I love you, take care of yourself. you can do it. [:
now playing:
pile 03's songs
I'm getting mutable and fixed energy here, especially scorpio, virgo, leo, sagittarius. maybe scorpio rising and sagittarius rising with pluto in 1st house. I'm hearing saturn in 8th house, saturn in 22°, scorpio sun or moon aspecting saturn, pluto and sun or moon sitting in the same house. if these aren't your placements then they're most likely your person's. these could be their transits too. your person is going through a transformation, something had recently happened in their life that has caused this transformation. I'm thinking it's death, a death of a loved one like a family member, a friend or a pet. someone close to them. If it's not a death of a loved one then it's a death of a cycle, a death of a job, a relationship, something like that. something that came to an end. it's affecting your person badly and they feel so much guilt. they're missing and mourning over whatever this is. they're pessimistic, they feel like the whole world is against them and that their would turned upside down. they have no hope anymore, they're not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm seeing that image of Yuu Otasaka from the anime Charlotte. I think your person is exactly like that right now. depressed. I see tissues, dark rooms and hoodies and blankets. also gaming for a number of you (interesting how the picture you chose is a picture of keys). they're going through it right now and they need support. your person is not communicating with many people or interacting with anyone at all, they're pushing people away. looking at the picture of the pile you chose, I realised it says "wish you were here". now this could mean that they wish that the person they lost were still with them or they wish that someone could come and support them or comfort them, or for a few amount of you, this could be meaning you. they wish you were there with them. however, I don't think love is a thought that comes in their mind in this period of time. it's more like, they're screaming into a void wishing someone could hear them, not directly meaning you. for others of you, I'm getting a different situation. your person may have gotten fired or they tried something but it didn't work out and they had so much hope for it. they badly wanted it to work out and now your person is feeling disappointed in themselves, like someone just ripped away something really valuable to them. your person doesn't know that the reason this, whatever this is, didn't work out is because it wasn't meant to. It's not part of their divine plan. It honestly saved your person from future problems but they don't know that. It's a blessing in disguise. I'm strongly feeling it's something related to their job or maybe love, 'right place, wrong time' is what I'm hearing. your person is blaming themselves for it all, thinking it was because of time, lack of planning or they didn't try hard enough. It isn't true, they should be easy on themselves.
I don't know what to say. I don't feel like saying much. why do you want to know anyway? do you care? am I interesting? I'm not all that special, you know. here I go again, making sh*t sad. I'll try and make this light-hearted as possible because you shouldn't see this side of me, not so soon. not like this. *silence* I'll start off by saying that you can't control whatever life throws at you. but you can control your reactions and how you deal with it. I'm not doing very well, not dealing with it the way I usually do. It hit me hard and I don't like being sad like this and not doing anything, not wanting to get out of bed, not wanting to talk to anyone, not finding joy in the things I love doing. I hate this f*cking feeling and the way I'm dealing with it. I heard that you should let yourself feel everything once in a while. I'm f*cking feeling everything alright. why did I not let myself feel before? now it's all consuming me. all of my problems and emotions, this darkness inside of me, erupting. I regret this. I regret acting like I was fine before, finding distractions. now I know that being distracted doesn't necessarily mean that it's gone, the problem is still there. don't do what I did. let yourself feel. or it will all build up and eat you alive. you don't want that. I don't want that. I don't want you to be sad, god no. definitely not like this. but if being sad will help you then that's certainly fine by me, just don't act like you're fine. that will hurt me much more. just do what I say. showing emotions is not a sign of weakness. look at me, I'm so f*cked up because of not thinking that. this feeling will go away, right? right. If you need to let it all out, do it. I can feel your sadness, the nights you cried, I felt them. those tears of yours, I want to wipe them away but I'm not there. it sucks. I need you here. I need a good f*cking hug right now. I want you to be happy but I don't know how. I'd do anything to see that smile of yours. that precious smile that I have yet to see. I know it's precious. listen to me. I need you. I need you to stay strong. you're so strong and much more emotionally intelligent than I am. I am so in awe. your strength gives me energy, you give me energy. you're the light of my life. I hope our kids will be as beautiful and as amazing as you. I'm glad I was given the chance to talk to you like this. I love you, sunshine.
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you know sometimes a lot of if authors ask us if we would like options and interactions added to the game......so it's not so outlandish and strange when things get asked for. but i suppose you didn't ask for suggestions which means people definitely shouldn't give you unsolicited suggestions. but speak for yourself. Use "I" not "us authors". My MC. My characters. My-oof we get it. no ones saying its not YOUR characters and not YOUR game. okay? maybe go write a proper book or something where it can properly be your mc with no customization or variations. (I'd definitely buy it) and no suggestions to allow to say something snappy to RUDE characters. RUDE. i like rude characters so not complaining lol but idk what being neurodivergent has to do with it especially in this instance lmao. especially if it's just being RUDE and HOSTILE to one person, aka YOUR mc. We weren't talking about you and you not being neurotypical and what you do because of that, we're talking about these types of characters who are just plain meanies so please keep stuff like that out of it.
also about your other post. what does self inserts have to do with anything??? because someone would like the option for the mc to wear glasses??? cause they maybe wanna not have the mc get stepped on willingly at all times??? fanfics have set personalities for the 'Yn' character so i cant really understand what you could mean? the only thing is that they dont have a name?? the yn part?? and if you play that way, interactive fiction is more self insert and oc insert than yn fanfics will ever be. idk how the lines can be blurred lmao?? we knowwwwwwwwww its the authors character and not us as a reader. we knowwww. its just fun. it's just immersive. please calm down its not that serious and again speak for yourself cause i have never seen anyone else complain about that before. *priest voice* and if you do, speak now or forever hold your peace. all your other points are valid tho I'm sick of that whole; "it's not my preference so please change this character to suit me" bull. anyway I've never been this rude to anyone on the internet in my life but you just irk me so I'm tryna fight. please reply accordingly. and yes I'm on anon oof so cowardly yudda yudda yudda idc. ooooh you should start an if authors union ya know! since you feel so oppressed by entitled readers wanting the interactive fiction game they're playing to include certain interactions. no no I'm not deluded, you don't have to do that honestly but just say no and stfu about it. maybe put somewhere in your bio "don't suggest things, i dont care, this is MY mc not yours and MY game." it would be sooo iconic if you actually added that lol. i sound like a pos spoiled brat towards the end even to myself but oh well. cue the ass kissers and dick riders to your defense ig. if you answer this at all. "dont listen to them-" "I'm so sorry you have anons like-" "the audacity of some peo-" "don't worry, they're wrong, keep complaining abou-" "if they don't like your posts then they shoul-" "I can't believe -" "this is so rud-"
Hope you don't mind, I'm a no nonsense type🥔
Well this is a lot. I’ll just go point by point. And to preface people saying “ignore it and move on” thank you, I’d rather not. Even if the ask does not seem too constructive. So, here, anon, your 15 minutes of fame and attention. 
You are correct — I did not ask for suggestions as to what choices I should make available. Sometimes I ask for suggestions about different things, and I do appreciate that feedback, but I do not appreciate unsolicited suggestions as to how I should write my game.
I use “us authors” and not “I” because I am not the only author who gets the ‘suggestions’, it’s easy to see since almost every week at least one author deals with something of the sort.
“My MC. My characters. My-oof we get it. no ones saying its not YOUR characters and not YOUR game. okay? maybe go write a proper book or something where it can properly be your mc with no customization or variations. (I'd definitely buy it)”
Auch, ‘proper book’? Appreciate the info that you’d buy it, but this is just a backhanded compliment of sorts. I (and other authors as well!) repeat it often that the characters are ‘ours’ because people do forget that, often.
“i like rude characters so not complaining lol but idk what being neurodivergent has to do with it especially in this instance lmao. especially if it's just being RUDE and HOSTILE to one person, aka YOUR mc. We weren't talking about you and you not being neurotypical and what you do because of that, we're talking about these types of characters who are just plain meanies so please keep stuff like that out of it.”
Lot to unpack. I assume you’re referring to some older responses I gave, where I mentioned that neurotypical people can often perceive behavior of neurodivergent individuals as ‘rude’ when the person is not rude; they just don’t conform to neurotypical standards. I also mentioned cultural differences; for Americans for example, behavior of Poles is often perceived as rude, but for Poles it’s being neutral. I respectfully decline, and I will keep mentioning things like these.
 Idk who’s the ‘we’ you talk about, maybe speak for yourself? :/ (I think I’m allowed a bit of pettiness here)
The entire thing about self inserts — let me guess, you self insert? (Last bit of pettiness I promise)
I’d appreciate if you specified which post you mean, since I’m not clairvoyant. I’ll assume you meant my post from TNG blog, since it’s there that I spoke at length about self inserts. I’m not sure what’s your entire point with this, to be frank. Readers can headcanon whatever, that’s quite alright — you can self insert all you want; what stops being alright is when the authors boundaries — mine for example — get disrespected because a reader got too deep into their self insert, or when I get treated like a one-shot writing machine with someone’s overly specific, detailed scenarios, or when people complain about their MC “being stepped on willingly at all times.” If you don’t want your MC to be “stepped on willingly at all times” feel free to simply not read. It’s that easy. 
Y/N fanfics often have a bland ‘Y/N character’ with minimal personality and characteristics, it’s a hollow character most can project into. Y/N fanfics have also things like: your last name, your eye color, your hair color, but often they’re so easily self-inserts because of how empty they are (that being said, still most Y/N fanfics are written with an able-bodied, NT, white, cis women in mind). Y/N fanfic is a clear self insert, it’s meant as self insert — Interactive Fiction is not. 
“idk how the lines can be blurred lmao?? we knowwwwwwwwww its the authors character and not us as a reader. we knowwww. its just fun. it's just immersive. please calm down its not that serious and again speak for yourself cause i have never seen anyone else complain about that before. *priest voice* and if you do, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Feel free to read through the responses in the tags and replies to that post then if you have never seen anyone else mention this. You may know the difference, some people don’t — I for one often get asks worded as “I wouldn’t do that / behave like that / I’m not attracted to that” etc. “I” not “MC”. So.
“anyway I've never been this rude to anyone on the internet in my life but you just irk me so I'm tryna fight. please reply accordingly. and yes I'm on anon oof so cowardly yudda yudda yudda idc. ooooh you should start an if authors union ya know! since you feel so oppressed by entitled readers wanting the interactive fiction game they're playing to include certain interactions. no no I'm not deluded, you don't have to do that honestly but just say no and stfu about it. maybe put somewhere in your bio "don't suggest things, i dont care, this is MY mc not yours and MY game." it would be sooo iconic if you actually added that lol. i sound like a pos spoiled brat towards the end even to myself but oh well. cue the ass kissers and dick riders to your defense ig. if you answer this at all.”
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131 notes · View notes
max33imagines · 2 years
17. ‘I know you still love me’ Part 2 — Max Verstappen X Reader.
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Max's POV.
"I'm done with this shit now." I say, throwing my hands up, walking to the bedroom to get my things.
"You cannot accuse me of that kind of stuff Max to just say you're done." I heard Y/n shout. I grab a bag from the top of the wardrobe and start throwing clothes into it, in hopes I get out of this apartment before she follows me in here with some bullshit excuse.
"What are you doing?" I look at her, she looks angry, frustrated even. But not upset.
"What does it look like Y/n? I'm done, I'm going."
"Going where, what are you on about Max? And you say I overreact?"
I roll my eyes as I continue grabbing things, going to and from the bedroom and bathroom to get everything I'd need for a couple days alone. Where am I going to go? Anywhere but here. Y/n continues to scream at me but she doesn't stop me.
"He's my boss Max, you cannot be serious!"
"It doesn't fucking look like that to me
Y/n!" I shout back, getting more impatient with the fact she can't see my point.
"You've pushed me so far over the line of tolerating this shit that I can't even see the line!"
"Tolerating what!? What are you on about Max?"
"This okay ! Us ! I never see you anymore, you can't be bothered to give me the time of day and I'm done watching you parade around other guys when you won't give me a second look. Enjoy your nice job and whoever it is this week that has caught your eye." I zip my bag up, throwing it over my shoulder as I head towards the door, grabbing my keys off the hook as she runs after me with even more bullshit excuses.
"Please don't go Max, we need to talk about this!"
"We're done." I simply say, slamming the door behind me as I head to my car.
I drive to a hotel not too far from our apartment, still annoyed she won't be straight up with me. Why else would she give so much of her attention to that guy. Is that why she's so distant? Or why she puts off coming to my races ? Because I'm taking her away from him?
My skin crawls at the thought of another man touching her, doing the things to her that only I should do.
"Mr. Verstappen! Room for two?" The girl behind the counter says. The worst thing about Monaco is everyone knowing my business. Y/n and I have stayed here a few times whilst getting things done to the apartment, moving in with her feels like a lifetime ago but also feels like yesterday.
"For one." I bluntly say. She can clearly see I'm alone. I check in for a few nights which will give me enough time to clear my head. I grab the key card and find my room. Throwing my bag on the floor, I sit on the edge of the bed, four years together and she does this to me. After everything I've done for her, everything we've been through.
I flick through the channels on the small tv, moving up the bed to lean against the large headboard. I find myself watching whatever wasn't the news or football but all I can think of is her. Should I have left? Should I go back to her and apologise? Did I really over react? I can't throw away four years of my life, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I've fucked it now. Unless I go back.. no. She's cheated on me. She's been sleeping around behind my back, probably in my bed with another fucking guy.
'He's my boss!' Is he fuck. That's probably how she got her new job anyway.
Four days have gone by, they say you go through different stages of emotion after a breakup. The angers done, hello sadness. Y/n always said I was a jealous person, and maybe I am. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I jumped to conclusions like I always fucking do. I wonder what she's doing right now, why hasn't she called me? She was begging me not to go but she left me as soon as I walked out that door. Just like I left her.
I'm being stupid now, just call her. Just call her and tell her you love her and you're sorry. I grab my phone off of the charger and navigate to her number, just as I'm about to press on her name I'm interrupted by a knock on the door.
Y/n? No it can't be. She doesn't know where I am, unless I'm that predictable?
"Hey." She says as I open the door. She's standing there awkwardly as I realise I'm just staring at her, having not yet said a word.
"Kelly? What are you doing here?" I ask. She's in a white t shirt, some leather shorts and boots. She hasn't necessarily dressed up, but she looks good.
"Can I come in?" I nod as I open the door a bit wider, letting her slip through while I let the door shut, picking up some clothes which scattered the floor.
"I heard about you and Y/n." How the fuck-
"Did you break up with her for me?" She asked as she sat on the edge of my bed.
I'm not with Y/n anymore. But I want her back. But she cheated on me.. I think? Fuck. I've got a beautiful girl that I walked out on sat at home, yet I've got another beautiful girl fluttering her eyelashes at me sat on the end of my bed.
"No Kelly, not for you." I simply say. I don't move, I stay standing in front of her as she looks up at me through her eyelashes. Her hands are behind her as she leans back to look at me more clearly.
"What we've had has been fun. Sneaking around each race. Boring when you bought her along though, you made it harder for me to get you alone."
Kelly and I had been somewhat seeing each other for a couple months. Never anything serious, but when Y/n got that job Kelly was just a shoulder to cry on, that evolved quite quickly and soon enough I couldn't keep my hands off of her. Y/n was going behind my back so I guess I did the same.
"It's got to stop now Kelly, I shouldn't have left Y/n, I'm going back home tonight-"
"Tonight?" She pouts. She's acting ridiculous, so why am I falling for it.
"You don't want one more night?" She rubs her hand up and down my arm, not breaking eye contact. She's always been intense, I suppose she's always been a challenge.
"Come out tonight. Me and my friends are going to that new club that opened. You deserve some fun after the few days you've had." Just because I go for a night out doesn't mean I have to do anything. I can go out tonight to clear my head and think things through before going home to Y/n tomorrow.
I nodded, quickly putting on a blue shirt over my white t shirt.
We got to the club and it wasn't long before I was drunk. My brain is fuzzy with thoughts of Y/n cheating on me, or not cheating on me. Kelly coming to my hotel room, I still don't know who told her about me and Y/n, nor do I know how she found where I was staying. She goes after what she wants, and when it's me she wants, it's exciting. But do I want her? Fuck I need another drink.
The club is booming with loud music, Kelly and her friends are dancing while I'm waiting at the bar to get served. What am I doing here. I've spent all day moping around for Y/n and I've come here with the girl she's already suspicious of. If she found out I'm here with Kelly then she'll know what I've been doing. I finally order another drink, I'll leave after this one. Maybe if I stay here at the bar Kelly won't realise I've gone back to my hotel room.
"You're missing all the fun!" I heard from behind me.
"I'm having fun over here." I say as I take a sip of my drink.
"You can't be because you're not dancing with me." Kelly said as she takes my hand and leads me back over to the dance floor. Y/n always tried to get me to dance with her at clubs and I never did.
'I can't dance!' I'd tell her and it's true. So why is it so much easier to have a good time with Kelly.
Drink after drink after drink and the thought of Y/n once again just makes me angry.
"Fuck her!" I shout over the music when Kelly asks about her.
"Actually I'm sure John's fucking her right now!" I say, nearly losing my balance and falling. Kelly laughs and I put my arm around her, her friends dancing and singing along to whatever song is playing now as we attempt to do the same.
"Let's get a photo!" One of Kelly's friends shout. I forgot her name as soon as she introduced herself to me. She asks some guy to take a photo of us all, passing him her phone as we all huddle together. I grab Kelly's waist from behind, almost leaning over her as we pose for the photo. Once the photo was taken Kelly's annoying friend wouldn't shut up about how much she loves the song that was playing. Everything's annoying me a little too much tonight, apart from Kelly.
"Let's get another drink." She says in my ear, the loud music making her having to shout a little bit. She begins to walk away but I grab her arm, pulling her back towards me as I kiss her. She runs her fingers through my hair, pulling me in just a little bit closer as she deepens the kiss.
"Let's go back to my room" I say, as she nods. I grab her hand as I lead us through the crowd of bodies, quickly making it back to my room.
My lips were on hers in a matter of seconds, slamming the door shut and ripping off each other's clothes. She's desperate for me and I'm just as bad, quickly laying her down on the bed as I climb on top of her.
"That was the last time." I say as I try to find my clothes from the night before. The bright lights hurting my eyes, I wince at the pounding in my head and I can't tell if it's the hangover or severe guilt.
"You said that last time." Kelly said, still laying in my bed not bothering to move.
"I mean it. Last night was a mistake. I shouldn't have gone to that club, I shouldn't have kissed you and I sure as hell shouldn't have fucked you!" I say, getting more frustrated at how smug she looks.
"You want her back don't you?" She simply asks, as if the answer wasn't obvious.
"Because you didn't last night." Fuck she's annoying, I can only take her in small doses and clearly 12 hours of her is too much.
"Please just go Kelly, like I said this was a mistake. It was from the start, okay? I need to go back home and talk things through with Y/n." I say, trying to find her clothes for her since she still hasn't moved.
"Oh she won't take you back." She smiled. Kelly's not a spiteful person, when we first started doing whatever this is, she said it'd never get back to Y/n, and I believe her. She's not the type of girl to tell Y/n what we've done.
"You should be careful of who you take photos with Maxie, because it's already in the tabloids." That annoying bitch from last night and her fucking photos. Kelly grabs her clothes as well as hugging the duvet close to her body as she walks into the bathroom.
I frantically grab my phone, typing my name into the browser to see Kelly and I plastered everywhere.
'Max's new girl!'
'All over for Max and Y/n?'
'Max's mystery girl!'
How the fuck am I going to get myself out of this one?
Kelly finally leaves, explaining she'd never tell Y/n about what's been going on, but the photo speaks a thousand words. I was too drunk to think of the repercussions of this one fucking photo.
9 days without Y/n. 9 days. I've been angry, I've been sad, I've been guilty and now I'm back to sad. I'm angry at myself, sad I've lost the best thing that's ever happened to me and guilty for accusing Y/n of exactly what I was doing behind her back. I've spent everyday after Kelly, sat in a hotel room alone crying to myself at the thought of every possible outcome. The thought of telling Y/n the entire truth. The thought of her not wanting me back. The thought of how bad I know I'm going to break her if she found out the truth. She couldn't hate me more than I hate myself.
I decide to go back home, knowing I need to try and save what we had. What she doesn't know won't hurt her, I can't throw away four years with her and I can't let her either.
I leave the hotel making the short drive back to our apartment. I look awful and a part of me is hoping Y/n looks somewhat awful too. Has she missed me ? Is she over me ? I still don't understand why she never called or texted.
I don't know whether to knock or let myself in. She might not even be in. I grab my keys and unlock the door, seeing her standing at the end of the hallway.
"Y/n." I say. I'm not sure whether I'm surprised she's home or relieved. Her hair is messy, she's in pyjama shorts and one of my shirts. I wonder if she's been wearing my clothes the whole time I was gone.
"We need to talk, I mean uh, can we talk? Should I have knocked ? I don't really know what to do." I stumble my words, not wanting to look directly at her but I have no where else to look. We still haven't gotten around to putting our photos up on this blank wall.
"This is your apartment as much as it is mine." Y/n mumbled as she walked towards the couch, I followed her into the living room as she tried to tidy up some of the mess that was on the floor.
"Listen, I- well I- I suppose I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry Y/n." I began. I take a seat on the couch next to her, Y/n's eyebrows are furrowed as she looks back at me.
"You walked out on me. Literally." She said, I already know she's trying not to cry which cuts me up as deep as it cuts her.
"I know I did and I feel horrible. It's been nine days without you and they've been hell, I was having a shit time racing and I felt like I was having a shit time here, I just wanted out. But I've just made things worse-"
"Wait, wait, wait. So you were having a shit time with me so you break up with me, go out with you're friends, have a good few nights and now.. you're back?" Y/n's tone was cold, sharp almost. She's seen the photo.
"What?" I ask, not wanting to give myself up.
"I've seen the pictures." Fuck. Y/n pulled up the article on her phone showing it to me. My heart sank, all I can hope is she remembers what I've always told her. The media twist things, it's not all true.
I've fucked up big time.
"Y/n, it's not what it looks like." Y/n rolled her eyes as she let out a dry laugh, I'm going to end up digging myself a deeper hole here, but I want her back. I need her.
"I've been miserable, I know how it looks. I know it looks like I've left you to go out with her without any repercussions but it wasn't like that. Some of the guys thought I needed some sort of a pick me up and came up with the idea of going out-"
"Did you sleep with her?" Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Fuck Y/n! No! Of course I didn't fucking sleep with her !" I exclaim, hoping she believes my lie through my guilt. She looks as heartbroken as I am. Heartbroken that she could tell me to walk out that door and never come back, heartbroken that I already walked out on the only constant thing in my life.
"I was mad at first. Mad that all you'd do is call that John guy, email John, talk about this fucking John and wouldn't pay attention to how I was. I didn't even make the podium Y/n and all you could say was you were busy emailing fucking John!" I could feel my anger rising, the anger I felt nine days ago which sparked this whole thing. I still don't know whether I was over reacting or if it's true.
"He's my boss Max. I have to speak to him." I was over reacting. I lean closer to Y/n, about to tell her somewhat a part of my truth.
"I got jealous okay. Jealous you'd talk to him all the time. I spent three days in a hotel room mad at you, mad at myself too. The fourth day I was just upset, thinking about you, and him and, fuck! It got the better of me. I hated it Y/n. Just the thought of it." I began. She's looking back at me, her brows are still furrowed as she listens to every word that comes out.
"The guys came to see me and somehow convinced me to go out, I didn't know she'd be there I swear."
'You don't want one more night?' Plays through my head. The thought of Kelly sat on the edge of my bed now just sends a shiver down my spine.
"We went to a club and after a few drinks I didn't feel sad or angry anymore, I didn't really feel anything. Then she showed up and decided to join us with some of her friends and we got talking, she asked how you were and I told her we were over." I need to save this somehow before I give too much away. I need to tell her how much I love her, how much I need her by my side.
"I don't know why I told her that, I guess we were, well are, but I don't want this to end Y/n-"
"What else happened?" She cut me off. Does she know what else happened?
"I'd had a drink, I was with the guys and I thought I'd lost you. You didn't even call me Y/n. No call, no text-"
"What else happened?" She said again.
Maybe I should just come clean.
"I was with her, we were talking and we kissed. She thought it'd be a good idea to go back to my hotel so we did." Y/n stays silent, I can see her try to frantically blink away the tears coming to her eyes.
"We got back to my room, but I couldn't do it Y/n. All I could think about was you, I pushed her off of me and told her to leave and she did."  That's what I wish had happened. That's what should have happened.
"So you went out, was with her all night, took her back to your hotel to sleep with her but backed out at the last second? The girl that was always 'just a friend?' She's the person you went running to !? I can't believe this." Y/n stood up and walked towards the kitchen, I follow her to see her back facing towards me.
"That was day four, right? So if you were so upset why did it take you another five to come back?" Because I'm full of regret and guilt.
"I needed time Y/n."
"What, to work out if you wanted me or her?" Y/n spat as she turned around to face me. Fuck.
"No Y/n, fuck! To think about what's best for me and she was never in those thoughts. Just you. I got in my head so much about you and your boss that it kept me away, today I guess I had to just come here and find out what we are now.."
"We're broken up." Those were the words that I was scared of. The words that've gone through me and shattered every ounce of me.
"Please give me another chance Y/n, listen, I was wrong okay. I was wrong to let jealousy overtake me, I was wrong to not just speak to you about what was going on in my head.-"
"You were wrong to kiss her." And I was wrong to sleep with her.
"John is my boss. That's it. Line drawn. How many times have I asked you about her? How many times have you told me to stop being paranoid ? That she's just a friend. That you love me?"
"- I do love you. Y/n, fuck you know I do, and I know you still love me."
"These nine days have been horrible for me too Max. You've hurt me so bad, giving up on us so quickly and easily. I've hardly eaten, I've hardly slept, I haven't left this apartment once because you've broken me Max. Of course I'm still in love with you." Thank god, thank fuck! I take a step closer towards her before she continues.
"But the difference is when I was sat here heartbroken, I didn't go out and nearly fuck John. I can't trust you Max. I can't trust that you're not going to leave again, or you're not going to get mad and kiss someone else again." How can I do this to Y/n. After everything we've been through I become a jealous excuse of a man and break her in the worst way possible.
"Please give me another chance Y/n, I can't do this without you. I'm so fucking sorry, I can change, I'm never going anywhere again, I've seen what it's like and I fucking hate it, I'm here now aren't I? I'm fighting for you, I'm fighting for us." I am, I really am. Fuck Kelly, fuck everyone else. I just need Y/n.
"Then you need to fight harder."
"I will, baby I will-"
"Please don't call me that." She finally breaks, tears begin streaming down her face as I slowly walk towards her, this time she lets me, as I wipe the tears from her face.
"I'm so sorry. You don't understand how sorry I am, and I'll prove it to you, even if we have to start all over again. Let me prove to you how much you mean to me, how much I need you Y/n, because I do. And it's taken this fucked up situation to prove that to me."
"Prove it to me? How are you going to do that?" She asks, looking up at me as my hands are still gently on either side of her face.
"You'll see."
Part 3
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jangdeok-su · 3 years
I loved your hcs about deok-su liking the reader while he’s with mi-nyeo but what if the reader was dating mi-nyeo and from-su still had a crush on the reader
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Deok-Su is jealous of your relationship with Mi-Nyeo (Headcanon)
you entered the game with your special girlfriend, Mi-Nyeo, she is the very clingy type with the person she loves, she does not let go of a sole
she wants to be on your team all the time and in everything you do, with her way of being nobody could miss her, she was always drawing attention to herself
"you don't want us to go and ask the guy over there to be on his team, he's the strongest here" she asks you, pointing at player 101
you accepted even if he didn't seem very friendly and rather angry but it was better to have him on his side
"hey, hello beauty" she said to him, you look at her with round eyes, Deok-Su looked up and looked at your girlfriend with a look of disgust, he didn't notice you right away
he stood up and you excused yourself, "sorry, excuse my girlfriend's behavior" that's when he laid eyes on you, his gaze remains fixed on yours, his mouth between open and his eyebrows furrowed immediately became relaxed
he doesn't answer right away, he just stares at you, "hey beefy, we're talking to you" says Mi-Nyeo, hitting him on the shoulder, that's when he shook his head as if to come to his senses , "is that your girlfriend?" he asks you
"yeah, she’s a bit.. particular should not take this personally" you answer him, and he looks at Mi-Nyeo with a disgusting look, "no question, but you I keep you in my team" he answers
his response left Mi-Nyeo speechless, she grabbed your arm as she led you away, "aren't you even gonna drop me to go with that one?" she yelled at you, when you turn around you notice that he is still staring at you
"It would be nice to be on his side anyway, don't you think?" you ask her, "I'm going to go talk to her, you stay there" you finished, Mi-Nyeo wanted to follow you but you motioned to her to stay where she is
"excuse me again, uh, I don’t know your-", "Deok-Su is Deok-Su my name" answered the player 101 before you are the time to finish your sentence
"all right then, Deok-Su, I’d really like her to come with us to your team," he got up and headed towards you, he put his face a few inches away from yours, "is it serious between you?" he asked you
"well we’ve been together a long time yes" he blew but he didn’t take his face off, his eyes were going back and forth between your eyes and your lips, he raised his hand to place it under your chin but a voice screamed "hey oh, am I bothering anyone?" , it was Mi-Nyeo who was moving towards you
Deok-Su huffed, he thought about crushing her to the ground first but changed his mind saying "okay, anyway I think we can't get rid of her" he walked over to her to tell him "I hope the next game takes care of you before I have to" and he went back to his bed
you look at your girlfriend being happy that she is accepted and terrifying by this man, she was speechless at Deok-Su's behavior saying that he does not run out of breath
when Deok-Su saw that Mi-Nyeo came back alive from each match he went crazy, he hopes to hear his number be eliminated in vain, "still alive this bitch" he breathed when he saw her with you on your bed
he often stares at you from his bed with his jaw so tight that it seemed that it would explode and he touched the blade of his knife imagining that his next victim is Mi-Nyeo
"are you all right, boss?" asks one member of the band, "no it’s not okay, the other bitch is still there, if she survives the next game we kill her ourselves," he says, low enough that you don’t hear
"uh, kill her, but what about the person who’s with her?" asks this same member, "it is precisely to have only the other I want to kill the bitch" said Deok-Su with a smile
every time Deok-Su tries to trap Mi-Nyeo so she’s dead, he puts more energy into it than trying to save his own life
he often gets close to you when she’s not around, you like his company, you’re safe with him but when she comes back you feel that he’s changing personality
he likes to come between the two of you so you can only see him rather than her
he tries to kill her first during the night of the massacre but since you are always close to her he refuses to imagine to hurt you
Mi-Nyeo notices that he stares at you during the games and that he feels a relief when you are qualified, "what do you want bitch" he asks him while she stares at him, "you what do you want huh?" she yelled, "I think my fist would like to end up on your face," but you put yourself in between to calm them down
every time he came back to the dormitory, there was an argument between the two bursts, Mi-Nyeo was clearly no match for Deok-Su, but he knew that if he hurt Mi-Nyeo you would never forgive him
he was obsessed with you, he thought that to you, to your body and to see you with that other woman devoured him from within
sometimes he would only get up to grunt with frustration, when you were standing next to him he could not help himself to approach you, as if he wanted to feel you, to take you in his arms
you didn’t know if Deok-Su was in love with you or if he just hated Mi-Nyeo, "but he obviously has feelings for you, that one!" hurla Mi-Nyeo, "calm down" you ordered him, and you stared at Deok-Su who made you sad
you still think he’s cute, with you it’s a real teddy bear but his jealousy is a real demon as if she took possession of his body
you felt sadness in his eyes when he looks at you, his eyes look so painful that it hurts your heart to look at him
when he looks at Mi-Nyeo he wants to crush her like an ant and she suffers as long as he suffers
he promises to go out with you alive at the end of his games
he dreams of pocketing the money if there’s Mi-Nyeo’s death money in it
he hates not having what he wants
when at the marbles games you put yourself with Mi-Nyeo and as the rules were set out he turned to you two with a smile
during the whole game every shot gun made him jump, "please the other whore" he thought each time
"fuck, I’m so bad at marbles," yelled Mi-Nyeo and Deok-Su laughs
you heard Deok-Su scream with joy when he beat his gang member and you knew he was qualified, when he goes out he notices that you are winning
he waited on his bed, worried and impatient getting up every time a participant entered the dormitory, "if it’s the other bitch I swear I’ll kill her this time", but when he saw your hair coming through the door, he blew relief holding his chest
he waited a few minutes but Mi-Nyeo never came back into the dormitory, he rushed towards you by taking you in his arms and you burst into tears
"I know you didn’t like her but she was my girlfriend," you try to say crying and wiping your tears off her shirt
he put his arms around you and sighed as if he had always wanted to do this, he squeezed you so hard that you think your arms will let go under this pressure
"don’t worry, I’ll take care of you now," he told you with a sorry tone, but you didn’t see his smiling face
in your sadness he was the happiest of men
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interlunium-opus · 3 years
"I hate him spending time with you more than I hate running so you know, priorities." [ Jay. ]
[ Jay | fluff ]
Author’s Note: Here's a fluff in response to the following request "Can you maybe do a fluff/crack for Jay where maybe he felt a little jealous when you praised someone for their skill and he immediately goes competitive mode and openly tries to show how he's far better indirectly to the guy?" Hope it's close to what you have in mind and hope you like it :3
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“Do you have anything to explain to me?”
You jumped, startled, as Jay appeared beside you while you were busy shoving your textbooks into your locker, “Jay! What did I say about sneaking up on people?”
“And what did I say about not keeping secrets between us?” Jay snapped back, arms crossed, brows raised, “Is this how much our friendship is worth?”
“My goodness, what is it this time?” You sighed as he fished his phone out of his pocket, turning it to show you a candid picture of you and Sunghoon from last night.
“I mean seriously, of all people to date, you have to go for this pretentious prick?” Jay scoffed before gesticulating wildly, “Look, I know I said that you need to stop being aromantic and start planting some sort romantic interest somewhere — but Sunghoon is just ain't it. In fact ! I’d rather you date the spawn of the devil, Jungwon, instead.”
You snorted a laugh before shaking your head dismissively, “Dude, we were just running last night okay? Does that even look like a date to you?”
“Okay,” he repeated sarcastically, “but you love running alone! So why are you suddenly running with someone — and not just anyone but this prick???”
“I really don’t get why you two hate each other so much,” you raised an eyebrow at Jay, “Look we just happened to bump into each other last night and since we were heading the same way, he asked if I don’t mind him tagging along for the remainder of the way — no big deal.”
“Ughh, that’s the oldest trick in book,” Jay scrunched his face, “And you said yes?”
“I mean — we’re not exactly strangers, we have been in the same tutorial class together for more than a year now," you mumbled as you zip your bag up, "He's a good running partner too. His pace was so stable and steady that it made me stuck to mine as well — I mean, duh, he's an athlete after all."
"Hey, I can run well too," Jay grumbled defensively, "You know if you needed a running partner, you could've called me right?"
“Maybe if you were as fit as I am, she would have,” Sunghoon suddenly appeared beside Jay, peering over his shoulder to look at the picture on his phone, “That’s a good picture of me and y/n — no wonder you got jealous.”
“Speak of the devil,” Jay rolled his eyes, “Aren't you a bit too greedy over what I have? first, you took up my spot for the dance competition and now you're trying to make a move on my girl."
"Jay, that was 2 years ago — get over it. You've taken my spot afterwards for the Summer competition anyway so we're actually even," Sunghoon retorted, "Also, she's not your girlfriend anyway so your territorial behaviour is pretty misplaced."
"Guys, cut it out," you shut your locker close with extra force in an effort to shut the squabbles, "Also, why am I suddenly dragged into your petty fights."
"Right sorry about that, he's just always trying to pick a fight with me," Sunghoon shook his head dismissively before turning to you and beamed, "Just stopping by to ask if you're running again tonight 'cause I would love to join again. It’s off season for ice-skating so I thought it's the perfect time to get back to running again."
“Oh? Yeah I am going tonight as well, just a tad bit late in the evening though. I want to finish up some work at the library first,” you smiled back at Sunghoon, ignoring Jay’s burning stare, “You know you can start ahead if you want — don’t want you waiting too long in case I'll take too much time at the library.”
“I’ll go when you go, don’t worry,” he reassured as he backed away, joining Heeseung who was waiting for him, “I’ll text you alright? Looking forward to tonight!”
You nodded and waved at him before turning to Jay, “What?”
“That’s it,” Jay clasped his hands together, “I’ll run with you tonight — and the next.”
“Jay, don’t be ridiculous, you hate running,” you emphasized, “which is why I never asked you to run with me.”
“Hey — I can love running if it’s for you,” he winked, wrapping an arm over your shoulders, dragging you past the crowded hallway towards your next class, “Or let me paraphrase: I hate him spending time with you more than I hate running so you know, priorities.”
“your priorities are all skewed then," you clicked your tongue, "Well, as long as you don't hurt yourself."
The next morning however Jay did not show up in Modern Political Thought seminar that you guys have every Thursday morning. Though the guy is such a sleepyhead, he never misses a class even when he pulled up an all-nighter the night before. So this sudden absence, paired with the fact that he managed to run a whole 5km without stopping last night, was sowing seeds of suspicions and guilt within you. To make things worse, he did not even respond to any of your messages for the last 5 hours.
That was why you ended up being in front of Jay's apartment instead of having your lunch that noon. "Hi!" you immediately say as the door of Jay's apartment opened. It was Jake, his flatmate, with his lids only half-opened and hair all disheveled, "y/n?"
"Sorry for waking you up Jake," you smiled apologetically, "Is Jay home? He missed a Politics seminar this morning and he didn’t respond to my text at all — just wanna make sure he’s alright.”
“mmhmm, pretty sure he’s in," he answered drowsily before yawning, "but probably, still hibernating.”
“Oh okay, do you mind if I come in?”
Jake nodded, backing up as he held the door open, “Of course, come in — it’s messy though.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you reassured, making your way towards the room at the end of the hallway. As you knocked on his door, Jake suddenly shouted from the kitchen, “don’t bother knocking y/n — that guy sleeps like a log. Just go in.”
“Uhh…” you bit your lip, slightly hesitating but relented when your subsequent knocks yielded no answer.
“Jay? I’m entering okay?” you say as you let yourself in, carefully navigating around the dark room, stumbling a few times against some random furnitures.
"Jake, get out okay-" you hear him grumble from underneath the covers, tossing the other way, "just let me... sleep mo..re."
As you neared his bed, you reached over to his bedside table and turned on the lamp. Suddenly, Jay rose from the covers, his hand gripping your wrist, grunting "Jake what did I just say-"
Trailing off, he looked at you with brows furrowed in a mix of annoyance and confusion, before his expressions gradually soften "y/n?"
"dude, you almost gave me a heart attack," you muttered, sighing exasperatedly.
"Sorry, I thought it was Jake trying to disturb me again," he softened his grip and rubbed your wrist as if he had just hurt it, "Did I hurt you?"
"My heart, almost but my hand is fine," you pulled your hand away, "How about you?"
"What about me?"
"You missed class this morning," you crossed your arms.
"It's just one class, no big deal. I just overslept-"
"Is that all?" you raised an eyebrow before pointing at the crumpled muscle relief patch packs and pain relief creams strewn messily across his bedside table, "Did someone overexert himself last night?"
"Fine, I didn't come to class partly because my legs are sore," he shrugged, "but hey, I ran as much as Sunghoon did! Aren't you proud of me?"
"Not if it's at the cost of your legs!" you replied exasperatedly, "Come on, where is the rational Jay that I know? he wouldn't have let his competitiveness and ego cloud his judgements like this."
"It's just normal post-workout sore, I've had it a couple of times before," he reassured, "Also, I may hate running. But I'm actually good at HIIT and strength training so I'm not all that unfit as you think I am. Or he thinks."
"All that just so you can prove him wrong?"
"No of course not, I couldn't care less about him," he huffed, "I just wanted you to know that I can pace well with you too."
"Jay, that does not make it any better-"
"Probably also to convince you that I make a better running partner than Sunghoon," he sniggered.
"Well, guess what, you can't run if your legs are hurt," you quipped.
"Oh shit, that's true," he muttered under his breath, "Well post-workout sore usually last between 3-7 days so I'll be good as new after that. Running partners?" he stretched his hand out as if asking for a handshake.
You sighed, grabbing his outstretched hand, shaking it as if you guys are signing on a pact, "Only if you promise not to overexert yourself next time."
"Promise," his smile widened, "Have you had lunch? I'll cook something up for you."
"Your legs are hurt though."
"They're sore not hurt," Jay emphasized, scooting to the edge of his bed, "Also even if they are hurt, I cook with my hands not legs so..."
You chuckled, "Well sir, if you insists."
"Of course, wouldn't let my girl go out of this house famished," he wrapped an arm over your shoulder, grinning gleefully.
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blueeyedgeorgie · 3 years
The One That Got Away-Dream Was Taken
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Pronouns: She/her
Word Count: 2.4k+
'You're gonna be there, right?'
Y/n bit her lip, reading the text message for what felt like the millionth time. She had texted him 40 minutes ago, yet no reply. This had become so much more common recently and she had no idea why. Maybe it wasn't such a big deal, but it felt important to Y/n. Clay would never leave her on delivered for more than ten minutes. Even when he was streaming, he'd text her before he had begun, telling her when he'd be finished.
Tonight was an important night, they had been planning for this for months. A few members of The Dream SMP server had come out to Florida to meet up. They had planned to meet up for dinner and maybe a bottle of wine at Y/n's house afterward.
Y/n admired herself in the mirror, she wore a black dress that complimented her body well. She felt gorgeous for the first time in weeks. Usually, she didn't rely on items to make her feel good about herself. Clay was always there to compliment her or assure she was pretty. But recently, he just seemed to disappear.
It felt so hard to connect with him recently, Clay had become so quiet. Every time she texted him, she was left on delivered for hours if she wasn't left on read. It was rare for him to even send a brief text back to her nowadays. Weeks had passed since the last time Y/n was able to see Patches or hang out with Clay.
At this point, it felt like Y/n was at war with herself. Half of her was so demotivated, maybe it was time to finally leave Clay alone. The other half was demanding they had to keep trying, their friendship was just going through a rough patch right now.
'You know why you're trying to hold onto this friendship, you have feelings for him.' Y/n swallowed hard while the thought of Clay appeared in her mind again. It was true, she had grown a small crush on her blonde friend. But it wasn't her fault, It was because of the way he use to be so protective of her. The way his face lit up when he laughed. The way he just knew something was wrong. 'But that doesn't matter. It's obvious he'll never feel the same way about you.'
Before she had gotten another chance to argue with herself, Y/n's phone had buzzed. Clay? ...Wilbur.
'Hey, I'm gonna uber to the restaurant in the next few minutes. On your way?"
Letting out a sigh, she typed away. 'Getting in the car in five minutes.' She took one more glance at herself in the mirror. "He's going to be there, I know it."
"George!" Y/n smiled, picking up her pace as soon as she spotted her friend. Their arms wrapped around each other, holding one another tight. "It's so good to see you."
George let out a short laugh, "It's good to see you too, Y/n." He pulled away from the hug. He had dressed in a suit, they had planned to meet at an expensive restaurant for the night. It was recommended by Clay, it was one of his favorites.
"Anyways, we should go find our table, I think Wilbur's already here."
The pair walked side by side, friendly banter being spoken between them as they entered the restaurant. Nostalgia immediately hit Y/n as they passed through the doors, it wasn't her first time here. Multiple times in the past, Clay had brought Y/n out to eat here. The first time they ate here was the first time she had seen him in a suit.
"Oh, yes?" The h/c girl had quickly snapped back into reality, looking to her right. "I'm sorry, lost my train of thought for a moment."
"It's fine, I think I see Wilbur." George motioned to look across the room, there at a round table was another friend from the UK. Wilbur sat down, looking at something in his lap.
Biting down on her lip, Y/n had to fight back the urge to yell aloud; "Wilbur!" And run to him. When the lanky man had noticed his friends, he smiled and stood from his chair.
"Wilbur!" she whispered quietly, trying not to disturb the other tables. Quickly she shuffled over to give as big a hug as she could.
"Y/n!" He whispered back, returning the exact energy she gave.
One by one, more and more friends had arrived. Everyone seemed so happy to see each other. Eventually, it seemed as though each person was lost in a conversation... besides Y/n. She had been staring down at her phone, she was still left on delivered by Clay. 'What a dick.'
"hey, Y/n." Her head shot up, looking across the table. Niki sat there with a smile, "Just curious, is Clay showing up tonight?"
Y/n's smile faded for a second, only to reappear. "I... I doubt it. I haven't received a text message back from him, and he hasn't answered any of my calls for these past few days." She ignored George and Nick, who gave each other a certain look as she spoke. But at this point, it didn't matter. Clay wasn't going to ruin Y/n's night with her friends.
"Here, let me try and call him... would that be alright, Y/n?" George was already standing as he spoke, his phone in one of his hands.
She flashed a faked smile at him, "Yeah, I don't care, Gogy."
With that, George had excused himself from the table, already beginning to pull up Clay's contact before he even reached outside. Y/n help her breathe for a moment, watching her British friend disappear around the corner, out of sight. Usually, 'out of sight, out of mind' made sense, but not in this case. Y/n could feel her stomach doing backflips as she glanced from her phone, checking the time, only to look back to see if George had returned yet. It practically felt like time had slowed down, trying to drag these few minutes out as long as possible.
When George had returned, Y/n could already tell he didn't have good news. Just by the look on his face, she knew Clay had flaked out on all of his friends.
"Clay's gonna be a little bit late, he's bringing a surprise with him."
"A surprise?"
What surprise could Clay possibly be planning? Whatever it was, Y/n hoped it would be something to help keep their friendship from breaking apart. "Did he mention how long it'd take for him to show up?"
"He said, 15-20 minutes."
"So let's just order drinks now, he can get whatever he likes when he shows up.
If time wasn't slow enough while George was on the phone, it felt like she was stuck in time. Y/n had begun to pick at her nails nervously, this was going to be the first time they saw one another in weeks.
"Hey," Y/n felt Wilbur place a hand on her shoulder, pulling her out of her thoughts again. "Look."
She glanced up at the entrance. There he was, wearing the suit she had seen him wear for the first time. A giant grin was on Clay's face as he walked, he looked to his left. And there she was... a blond-haired girl wearing the exact same dress Y/n had picked out for tonight. Y/n could feel her cheeks flush in embarrassment.
"Hey guys," Clay spoke as soon as he came into earshot of his friends. Looking over the table, his eyes looked with Y/n's for a short second. "I want you to meet Elise."
One by one, Elise had introduced herself to each of Clay's friends. But when she reached Y/n, it felt like a stab in the stomach. "Omg, hi! You must be Y/n!" She was pulled into a quick, bone-breaking hug, "I love your dress! Oh, we're matching! How cute!" She just seemed to perfect, she was so much better than Y/n.
While an extra chair had been pulled up the table, everyone was lost in conversation. Except for Y/n, she had stayed quiet. Every now and then, she'd look over to Clay, who sat across the table. Their eyes would lock every couple of times, a strange feeling laid in the pit of her stomach when it would happen.
It seemed as though Wilbur had caught onto Y/n's anxiety. He was quick to offer his hand, allowing his friend to hold it under the table. Wilbur had always been a good friend to her, if Y/n wouldn't tell Clay about something, she'd turn to her brunette friend. So of course, he knew about her feelings towards Clay.
After placing everyone's orders, Y/n just couldn't take it anymore. Standing, she moved across the table. "Clay, could I get a moment to speak to you outside?"
"Uh, sure... Y/n." He was hesitant to stand. Before leaving the table, he had whispered something into Elise's ear.
The short walk outside was quiet. There was obvious tension between them. When the front doors opened, Clay had begun to speak.  "I-"
"No. Not right here. Around the corner." Y/n didn't stop walking, making a direct beeline for the alleyway on the left of the building. She could hear Clay let out a sigh behind her, only making her fight the urge to yell a brief; 'fuck you,' at him.
When they were finally around the corner, she had turned on her heels to face the 6'3 man. "What the fuck, Clay?"
" 'What?' You don't get to ghost me for weeks then reply with, 'what?'  Do you know what a dick move that is? Where have you been?" She practically hissed at him, crossing her arms as she spoke. If it was possible, steam would leave her body from how upset she was.
"I've been busy, Y/n."
"Busy? So that means you cut me out of your life? After being friends for months?"
"You aren't the most important thing in my life, Y/n. You should know that." It was Clay's turn to give Y/n a nasty look. But at this point, she didn't care.
"I know, I shouldn't be the most important person in your life, Clay. But that doesn't mean shut me out of your life." She snapped at him, pushing herself up against his chest, "You know what would've been nice? Not being left on delivered or read. It would've been nice if I could receive a text every now and then catching me up about your life."
"As I said, I was busy."
"Busy! That's your only excuse, pathetic. I can tell you're busy, you have a girlfriend and I never got to meet her."
"Am I the only one who didn't know about her?"
Clay froze. he knew this was the end of the line for him.
"Clay." His silence spoke loud enough. "I'm happy for you, I really am. But... it fucking hurts, you know." Y/n let out a short giggle, she could feel her eyes watering. "I loved you, you know. I loved you so damn much. If you told me to do something, I'd do it with hesitation. But it's crystal clear the feelings aren't mutual."
"No, it's fine. I'm gonna leave. Don't worry, I've ruined the night, I'm sorry. Enjoy your time with your friends, Clay. Don't let me rain on your parade any longer." Y/n had stepped back, trying to move past her friend.
"Y/n, listen to me."
"Move, Clay. God damn it."
For a few seconds, Clay continued to try and catch her attention, refusing to let her past. "Y/n, shut the fuck up. Listen to me." Out of frustration, Clay had grabbed onto the girl's shoulders, pushing her against the wall. Y/n looked down at the ground, batting back tears. "Y/n..." he sighed, moving one of his hands under her chin gently. Carefully, he made her look up at him. He always hated seeing her cry.
"I'm an idiot. A big one. Y/n... I love you too. I just didn't think you felt the same, so I decided to push you out. I looked for love somewhere else and I found Elise. But Y/n, I really do love you."
"No, you don't..." Y/n whispered softly, she shook her head as a dumb smile appeared on her face. "If you loved me, you would've made a move. You wouldn't have closed me out of your life for weeks. You wouldn't have found someone new to love. Please don't bullshit me, Clay. You know I'm not stupid."
"Y/n..." clay could feel his heart begin to crack, it hurt to see her like this.
"Please just let me go," her voice was soft as she spoke. He really did hurt her heart. "I want to say goodbye to my friends."
"I..." Letting out a sigh, he stepped back, "alright."
Clay watched as Y/n disappeared around the corner, wiping tears from her face. Why was he such a fool to let her go?
Y/n smiled as soon as her table came into sight. It would all be quick and easy. As soon as Elise noticed her, she stood from her seat. "Oh my god, are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit chilly outside," Y/n replied, pulling Elise in for a hug. "It was so nice to meet you. You're such a lovely girl to talk to."
"Right back at you," Elise smiled at Y/n, taking her seat again.
One by one, Y/n gave each of her friends a hug goodbye. When Wilbur held her, she was quick to whisper something brief to him: "Walk me to my car?" Wilbur nodded, taking her purse for her as they walked out. On their way out, Clay had passed by them. He kept to himself, looking the other way when Y/n came into sight. When he was out of earshot, Wilbur spoke up.
"Are you okay?"
"Honestly, no. I just wanna go home and cry." Y/n let out a huff of breath. She was speed walking to keep up with her tall friend.
"Do you want me to tag along?"
"Please." As the night continued on, it seemed like both Clay's and Y/n's moods had changed drastically. While Y/n was at home watching movies and laughing with one of her best friends, Clay was stuck in the place that reminded him of Y/n, thinking about how she'd be the one who got away. Did it hurt him? Yes, but he deserved it. He was the one who ruined it all. Nothing would be the same after tonight.
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bokuroo-squeals · 3 years
"I love you, and you love me. Isn't that enough?"+ Best Friend's Brother with Osamu
If this does well, I might do a part 2 but I seriously don't think this is good. It's written a little to awkward for my liking.
Event masterlist here.
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Stolen glances were your favorites, getting to be unapologetically in love with someone and your secret unknown to the world. In silence,you could appreciate him, the color of his eyes, the tip of his nose, how his eyes crinkled in delight when he laughed. Delicious moments where you could enjoy him.
By stolen glances was the only way in which you could reach Osamu like the idiot in love you were, because you knew that if his brother ever found out how hard your heart beats for him, not only would he be scandalized, you also believed that he would also feel betrayed. After all, Atsumu had vocalized plenty of times his disdain at the thought of you and his brother together.
You were a good friend, you really were, and while you couldn't stop from falling har for his brother- yet you admit that you loved every second of your feelings- at least you did stop yourself from acting on them, as much as it was possible. Of course you tried, though it was hard when his own brother looked at you with a glint so fond on his eyes, when his warm hands seemed to find yours with no problem when you were close, but never reaching for them, just enough to brush yours and give you a taste of what they feel like.
You continue to watch Osamu form the distance, in your seat next to his brother while the younger twin laughs at something Suna said, and his laugh could be at his friend's words, but his eyes are on you. He turns his head to the game they're playing, the sofa small with two big bodies like theirs seating in them.
"Say, Y/n" Atsumu calls for your attention, looking at the sealing deep in thoughts. "Would you be interested in me setting you up with someone"
The spit in your mouth makes you choke with his words.
How were you supposed to react to the sudden proposition, and what were you supposed to say? Should you tell him that the only guy you're interested in at the moment was his twin? The brother that he prohibited you from dating since day one?
You're eyes travel again to Osamu, who isn't looking at you, but with the way his eyebrows furrow, you are aware of him listening, and your poor heart can't handle the pressure. By the sight of it, he doesn't seem to happy about the conversation Atsumu is intending to have, and neither are you but it's not like you can't tell him that, so with a sigh, one you hope sounds tired and annoyed enough to convince him, you kindly reject the direction he wants to take.
"No, thanks" cool, calm, you remember, stay cool and calm. Yet, Atsumu can't read the room, or chooses not to do it, as always, and continues despites it.
"C'mon, you can't be single forever. I know this guy, he saw a photo of you and he's interested in meeting you" he moves to face you, a self-satisfied smile on it, as if he is about to make something incredible by setting you up– he's not, in fact, you think he's really stupid in this moment– and his brows nudged towards you like an invitation to say yes.
By now, you're too afraid to turn to steal a glance at his brother, being it for a fear of how pissed you think he might be, or because of the fear of the blond catching you, either way, your eyes stayed focused on your idiotic best friend.
"I don't care, you're lame and so must be your friend" with a hand pushing him away, you're about to end the conversation "Anyways, instead of focusing on my love life, you should start one yourself" you huffed, ending the talk.
Atsumu pouts, and while he's not pleased with your crude answer, he listens, leaving you alone. Although that doesn't mean he's dropping his irritating antics, finding another prey, his brother.
"How about you, 'Samu? There's this girl I already rejected, but I guess she'll be interested on a date with you. Obviously, I am the handsome twin, but you're not that bad yourself"
It's not your place, it really isn't, to say no, to tell your friend to fuck off and leave Osamu alone because you want to be the only one for him. But you seriously want to do it, shout that he can't set up his brother with a random girl because you feel like he already belongs to you. And you know it's selfish, that's why you stay silent, with an invisible scowl and gritted teeth and fists clenching a little too hard.
For the nth time that night, Osamu's eyes land on your figure, meeting your's in the process. The difference is, that this time, he's look is both cold and hot. Cold as if they're telling you how tired they are, and hot as if to tell you he's ready to make you step up your game, almost challenging you.
"Yeah, of course, just know that once she's met me, she'll have clear who's the better twin. Won't even remember a thing 'bout you" Osamu's smirk is teasing, and everyone could say it was towards his brothers, but you knew better. It was dedicated to you.
A pang of something hurts in your chest, maybe of jealousy, and maybe it's the pain of hearing him giving up on whatever you're supposed to have. It's wrong, you're feeling the guilt of those sensations, because you're the one that has pushed him off, denying every single advice that could have been done, and still, you want him just for you.
It isn't until hours later, when Suna has left and Atsumu has fallen asleep when you talk for the first time this day, aside from the greetings.
You stand in the kitchen, a glass of water in your hand, trying to calm how agitated your insides are. At this point, the twins have left a disaster of your mind and heart, coming like a hurricane of emotions that hits you hard enough to hurt. A part of you wants to scream, declare your undying love for him, for his deep voice and calming irises, declare that he's yours and yours only– you remind yourself that he isn't– but the other side of you is too afraid, afraid of hurting the one person that has been next to you through everything and anything, the one who has picked up the broken pieces and helped you come back as one stronger version. You don't want to hurt or hurt anyone, which it's so damn hard in your position, but you know that you'd never forgive your heart if you let down Atsumu, if you even dare to disappoint him.
Osamu's entrance pulls you out of your trance, successfully taking your attention towards him, although he appears to ignore your presence, walking past you without a word. Painful, that's too painful for you.
"Osamu…" you trailed off, trying to make you as small as you can.
"Save it. I'm not in the mood to talk to you" he's cold, and you hate it, he's never been like this to you, but you can't blame him either. While he's cold, there's just the tiniest hint of anger on his voice, making you more unsettled.
"I'm sorry! I don't want to hurt you, you know that, is just that–" he interrupts you. He's pissed, his eyes show it, his chest puffs and shoulders tense, a sight you never want to see again.
"It doesn't matter, it's not like we're anything, anyway" his words cut deep inside you, damn they do.
You wished you could unhear the pain behind what he says, but it's right there, and it shows his vulnerability.
"That's not true… you know how I feel about you"
"Then let's do something about it! I love you and you love me, isn't that enough?!" The raw emotion touches your insides in the most painful but delicious way. You want to hold him close and comfort him, yet you don't think you have the right to do it. "So what if my brother doesn't approve it?! Are we supposed to forget about how we feel? Am I supposed to ignore how much I love when our hands meet? How much do I adore the way you look at me?! Or pretend that I'm burning to kiss you?! I'm sorry, Y/n but I don't care anymore about anything Atsumu has to say at this point."
He comes your way with big steps, and you coward a little at the sudden movement, and then he kisses you. A kiss is full of irritation, annoyance, love, care, all the bottled up feelings showing in a kiss that says more than words.
"I'm not hiding up how I feel anymore, so this is me officially asking you to be mine. You can reject me and we'll forget this happened, or you can accept and we'll face Atsumu, together".
Your answer is obvious, coming in the form of another kiss, one that's more tender, sweet and short.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
I am so disappointed with Enchante. I really liked it first and although the four ambassadors were boring I didn’t mind them. But the twist of Theo being Enchante didn’t sit well with me. I hope the eigth episode would have been the last because the last two episodes ruined it for me. If the eight episode had been the last I could have pretended that Theo will be a good boyfriend when he finally gets Akk but no. He just moves to France without any discussion with Akk or even saying that he will miss Akk and Akk has to doeverything in the relationship without getting anything back. People were so horrified by how Kiyoi treated Hira but I think that Theo is worse. Both Kiyoi and Hira were aware of that Kioyi treated Hira like a servant at high school when they weren’t a couple or even friends but Theo and Akk has a pretty similar relationship but they both pretend they are friends and everything is fine. When they are adults Kiyoi actively pursuits Hira by asking him to different parties, asking about his feelings and telling about his feelings and doesn’t do his best to manipulate Hira to confess his feelings without telling about his feelings what is exactly what Theo does. We don’t really see KiyoiHira as a couple but I think that they will have more equal relationship that AkkTheo because Kiyoi clearly states that he doesn’t want to be the king, he wants them to have a real relationship and Hira seems to take charge of the situation whereas Theo still expect everything to happen the way he wants and Akk always feels inferior. Sorry about the rant but these series are the exact opposite. At the beginning of My beautiful man I struggled with Kioyi’s treatment of Hira but it was really interesting to see them fall in love and how it changed their behaviour towards each other. Enchante was cute at first but Theo’s spoilt prince act and Akk’s inferiority complex was never resolved and their relationship became more and more toxic.
Oooo, that's a very good comparison.
And very true.
We start Kiyoi and Hira was a power imbalance that the show plays with and lets us see from both their POVs over the course of the story. They showed us Hira's worship and Kiyoi's realization of what he wants and trying to get what he wants and we see that there was not really manipulation on both sides but more misunderstanding. Kiyoi used Hira with Hira's full knowledge and understanding and Hira just wanted to be with Kiyoi.
But with Theo and Akk we started equally. We started with a friendship where, apparently, Akk often took care of Theo and was Theo's only friend and what we got seemed like an equal and loving relationship.
My biggest issue in the Theo and Akk relationship is that it is entirely built on Theo manipulating Akk and everyone deciding that it's romantic and it's just 'who he is'. From the reveal of Theo as Enchante... the entire rest of the show was just about Theo constantly not speaking directly to Akk and trying to get certain reactions out of him and Akk having to do literally all the work.
What would have happened if Akk hadn't literally just... walked into Theo's house to check on him? Would Theo have ever reached out to him?
Kiyoi reached out to Hira. Kiyoi got his number. Kiyoi invited him places. Kiyoi did as much as he could to make sure that Hira knew how he felt and Hira never picked up on it because of his insecurities.
But we didn't see that with Theo and Akk. We saw Akk work up the courage to confess and then Theo just... keep on manipulating him and wanting Akk to do all the work and not responding to his phone or even thinking about Akk and then the way he told him we was going to France and at no point did he ever bring up the idea of an LDR or literally anything.
And then we're just expected to support Akk literally abandoning his family and his country to follow Theo to Paris because Theo couldn't be bothered to speak to him in anyway? No phone call? Nothing. Just... Theo abandons Akk entirely and then Akk follows him and yaaay happy ending where Akk will be doing all the work in their relationship. He'll do everything and Theo will just be the spoiled prince who uses Akk and manipulates him.
But at least Akk knows what he's getting into? I guess?
Seriously. This was a show that I wanted to love. I wanted to love Enchante. I love mutual pining and idiots and the entire premises was so good to me... but instead we got this.
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
08 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖔 𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖞
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Warning: very mild suggestiveness
Summary: you weren’t really sure how it happened, but an average student who wore glasses and spent all her extra time on bookstores and library managed to date your school’s volleyball club setter. On your 3rd year of law school, your ten years anniversary to be exact, he went home from Argentina and it was a week before he was going back, he broke up with you with the reason of he can’t handle long-distance relationship anymore despite being at it for two years. You didn’t cry, you stood there as he was sobbing in front of you, you held his face in your palms and offered him a gentle smile, gentle enough to let him know you’ll support him and will always be watching him, together with the child in your stomach right now, but he doesn’t need to know that.
chapters: prev//next
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You woke up the next day feeling a hundred times better than yesterday
Strangely enough, you were on your bed, no Oikawa in sight, you proceeded to go out of your room to tidy up the whole house, well sike, the house is spotless, you clearly remembered sleeping with the playmat spread out and toys and books scattered, not to mention dozing off in the couch as Oikawa cuddles you
You felt your face suddenly heat up because of the sudden memory
You shook your head mumbling a “he was just sleepy” over and over again
“who’s sleepy? ” your suddenly whipped your head towards the door and saw a freshly showered Oikawa with simple ripped jeans and a hoodie
“how did you-“
“Oh, I took your keys” “I also brought us breakfast” he adds and proceeds to raise his left hand holding two orders of coffee and his right hand with two containers of food
“where did you come from?” you asked
To be honest, you didn’t expect him to come to your house now since you only asked him to take care of the kids yesterday
“Oh I just went home and took a quick shower then went to order us some food” he says in his usual cheery voice
You just nodded at him kind of feeling awkward, your breathe stinks, you had  dried up drool on your face, puffy eyes and bird nest hair
“you should eat first before feeding the twins, it’s quite early they’re gonna wake up a bit later” he says and ushers you to the kitchen
You didn’t know what the hell was going on, you just woke up, your head was still hazy, and out of nowhere your ex suddenly appears and gets you breakfast?
Well you still followed him nonetheless
You sat at the dining table as he lays out the food for the both of you
“so, what are your plans today?” he says taking a bite of his pancake
You sipped your coffee and answered “I’ll take the kids to ma’s and go to work”
“why are you taking the kids to your mother?”
“ma likes taking care of them, and I don’t have a babysitter”
“why are you taking the kids to your parent’s house when they have their dad to take care of them right here?”
“don’t you have better things to do?”
“awww is y/n-chan worried about me~”
“you don’t have to worry about that, I cleared my schedule for two weeks”
“oh is it not enough? Don’t worry bubs I’ll clear my whole month for you-“
“what do you mean why? To focus on my family of course”
“I just answered your question-“
“Why are you doing this when you’re gonna leave us after two months anyways?”
“Oh I’m leaving alright, but I’m taking you with me, or I can just finish up my season there then I can move back here in Japan, either way is fine”
“Oikawa we already talked about this-“
“and I changed my mind, do you really think I would leave my kids alone? You think so poorly of me Y/n chan, you hurt my heart”
He clenches his shirt on the left side of his chest as if his heart was aching, you rolled your eyes at his antics
“but Oikawa your career-“
“Y/n-chan~ do you really have so little faith in me?  I can build my career anywhere”
“but it’s your dream to play for the Argentina National Team, you had that dream since you were young!”
“well I have a different and bigger dream now, besides the person I like is in Japan right now”
There was a long silence between the two of you, you coughed, trying to mask the bitterness in your voice
“well, she must be very beautiful for you to change your dream”
He looked at you and smiled softly "yes, yes she is"
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 “hey baby” you greeted Haruto who was babbling
You finished your breakfast and conversation thirty minutes ago
You picked him up and peppered Haruto’s face with kisses, you whipped your head to the door and saw Oikawa who was looking at you rather fondly with his phone recording
A blush crept to your neck as you furrowed your eyebrows at him
He immediately notices and chuckles, putting his phone away, and approaches you
“hey bud” he says and plants a kiss on Haruto’s forehead
“bah!” Haruto giggles flapping his arms up and down making you laugh as well
“alright, time to get you fed buddy” you say and sat down on your feeding chair
You lift your shirt up ready to feed Haruto when
“damn” Oikawa says underneath his breath but you heard it loud and clear
Your eyes widen as you immediately yanked your shirt down
“Oikawa!” you called him angrily
“what?” he says trying hard to suppress the grin threatening to crack on his face
“get out I’m feeding the kids” he couldn’t point out if the redness of your face was because of anger or embarrassment
“oh are you shy bubs? It’s not like I didn’t suck on those-“
“Oikawa get out”
He lets out a chuckle and turns around to exit but not before pausing and turns his head to look at you saying “I guess I’ll just wait until it’s my turn Y/n chan~”
You knew damn well your face was red because of embarrassment
You looked down at your “Haru what am I supposed to do about your father?”
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Ok so this chapter is very short, hehe I was suffering from severe writer's block and my brain was just not cooperating. Anyways, I hope y'all liked this chapter! Comments and Reblogs are very appreciated and comment, ask, or dm me if you want a tag on the future chapters as well
I can't believe we're more than half way through the story and you guys still like it, my heart-😭💖
VDHSHSHB am so sorry I can't tag some accounts I'll just highlight those accounts 😭
@heiressofdexter @artsamber @seashellmichellee @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @misssugarless @minnieminnie00-got7  @karakento @tsukkisfatsimp  @torus-wiife @fiaesco @stormcastello @tintina365
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karlajoyner · 3 years
Stamps (Luke Patterson x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so this one was rather long. I don’t know if I liked it very much but that’s just me being critical of myself. Anyways I hope you enjoy it!
Requested by: kennice1 (Wattpad)
Warnings: None
My eyes opened slightly to see my boyfriend laying beside me in his suit from the night prior.
We had done it.
We played the Orpheum.
And got rid of Caleb stamps.
Now we were here the very next day in Julie's garage like we'd been the past couple weeks feeling better than ever.
"Good morning beautiful" His raspy voice spoke as he to was barely opening his eyes.
"Good morning Luke" I replied staring up at the ceiling.
The bright sun rays hitting many different points of the studio since it was probably near mid day now.
"Morning? It's afternoon" Another voice in the room spoke making my head whip in their direction.
"Well then good afternoon my dear brother" I grinned sitting up only to see Reggie still passed out on the barkin lounger.
"Has Julie come in today yet?" Luke asked sitting up as well, pulling my body into his.
"Yeah. Said she was gonna go have breakfast and get dressed before coming back for practice. She also said she'll bring us something back"
"Oh to have breakfast. What a privilege we now have" I said stretching out my body.
"I sure did miss pancakes. I hope we have that" Reggie spoke in his morning voice.
"Look who's awake"
"Afternoon" I corrected him standing up.
"Where are you going?" Luke pouted.
"To get dressed for practice too. In case you haven't noticed I need to get out of this thing" I spoke pointing down at the long royal blue dress that sat tightly on my body.
"Or you could just stay in it. Maybe rip it up a bit make it more fitting" Luke suggested pushing the dress up my leg.
"Can you not try to sexualize my little sister in front of me?" Alex spoke.
"Sorry" Luke apologized.
"My boyfriend can sexualize me all he wants" I argued making my way towards the exit.
"I think it's endearing" Reggie said making me giggle.
"I'm gonna go see if Julie has anything I can barrow. And maybe a sewing machine. I think you were onto something there Lukey" I teased the boy watching a smirk take over his face before I walked out.
I giggled deciding to surprise Julie at her front door for the first time as an actual human being again.
Since I couldn't just poof into rooms anymore.
A grin formed on my face as I reached the front porch being careful to avoid any windows up the driveway.
"Look at you y/n. Looking as lovely as you did last night"
An all too familiar voice spoke from behind me before I could press the doorbell.
My heart immediately dropped as I spun around coming face to face with the devil himself.
"Caleb" I whispered.
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh I just came to pay a little visit.... Tell me how does it feel to be alive again. Oh it must feel great"
"Just leave us alone. We've already defeated you and we're not joining your stupid house band" I bravely spoke watching as he inched closer.
I gulped nervously backing up until my back hit the door behind me and he was only a few feet away.
"That's not very nice of you to say. I've offered you and your boys everything and this is how you repay me. With insults. Nice try trying to be brave sweetheart but we both know your scared out of your mind. Scared that I'll hurt you. Or your little bandmates. Am I wrong?"
"Leave us alone" I repeated attempting to stand my ground
"I can see why Luke's so infatuated with you. Your strong headed like him. Too bad you won't make it home for breakfast"
My eyes widened as he grabbed ahold of my shoulders. My eyes rolling the back of my head.
"I have a fight too" I smirked hearing footsteps coming up the pathway.
My eyes fell upon a face I recognized to be none other than Nick. Julie's crush she'd been telling me about for weeks.
"Oh there's someone here" He said noting my presence.
"Hey, you look familiar. Wait. Aren't you that other girl in Julie's hologram band?" He asked hopefully.
"That's me" I smiled at the boy.
"I'm y/n" I said sticking my hand out for him to shake. He took it smiling back at me.
“I’m Nick”
"So your here to see Julie?" I asked ringing the doorbell for the two of us.
"Uh yeah. I didn't get to see her last night after the show so I thought I'd bring her these" He said showing me the flowers in his hand.
"How sweet. The broken hearted teenager fighting for his girl" I spoke mischievously raising an eyebrow.
"I'm sorry what?" He asked.
"Julie's told me about you Nick. It seems she's canceled on you a few times now hasn't she?"
"Well yeah but that's just because she was busy"
"Are you sure about that? In all honesty she just doesn't seem that interested if you ask me"
"R-really?" He asked looking down with a frown.
I cheekily bit my lip as the front door opened.
Taking my chance and caught the boy off guard, pulling him in for a passionately rough kiss.
Making sure that he fell into the trance. The flowers in his hand fell to the ground as he held my waist pulling me closer.
"N-Nick? Y/n?!" Julie's voice rang through my ears.
"Oh Julie. I-uh didn't see you there" I panted pulling away.
Slipping a note into Nicks hand before his eyes went from purple swirls back to his normal eyes color.
"J-Julie" he stuttered going to pick up the flowers.
"I-I don't know what happened"
"I think I can explain what's going on here. Nicks just not that into you Jules. Sorry. Anyways don't tell Luke about this. Wouldn't want anyone to get hurt now would we? See you later" I smirked walking down the front path of the house. Leaving the two dumbfounded.
I made sure I was out of sight before poofing away to the one place I called home. Awaiting for my revenge.
Julie's POV
I stood there in shock as y/n walked away. Leaving Nick and I standing on my front porch.
"Julie I- I can explain. She just- She was here and we started talking. I didn't even know her. I though she was your friend"
"I did too" I mumbled in confusion. What was wrong with her?
"She left me this. It probably her number but I don't want it. Your the only girl I want Julie" He said throwing the paper on the ground.
"I-I don't know what to say Nick. I um- can we talk about this later?"
"Of course. Take all the time you need"
"I will"
"These are for you by the way" He said sticking his hand out holding a bouquet of flowers.
"Thanks" I muttered watching as he too walked down the same path out the front gate. I picked up the paper Nick dropped. Confusion coursing through me. Until I opened the paper.
She's home at last. But alone. Don't make this any harder and come join my house band or else....
~Your friend at the HGC
I read to myself. Everything making sense now. I had to show the boys.
Y/n's POV
I glared at Caleb who sat across from me. Specifically at the same table we were seated at the very first night we entered this dump.
"They're not gonna come" I stated crossing my arms.
"Really? You think so?"
"They're not that stupid"
"Y/n you underestimate your bandmates. Your Luke's girlfriend, Alex's sister, and Reggies bestfriend. Of course they're coming for you. And when they do they'll be gifted with a new stamp. Just like you" He grinned at me making me scoff.
As if on cue someone flashed into the middle of the room making me audibly groan in frustration.
"Seriously?!" I shouted.
"Told you" Caleb spoke making me roll my eyes.
"Boys welcome home"
"This isn't our home. We came for my sister and we're leaving" Alex spoke up.
"That doesn't seem to be on my schedule for the day. Why don't I have Dante help get you boys settled into your new rooms?"
"Y/n let's go"
"She's not going anywhere. She can't yet"
"Why not?"
"Show them" Caleb said as I glared dagger through him.
"Oh now you don't want to speak. Don't be rude y/n show them what I've gifted you" Caleb encouraged me again.
I simply kept quiet with my arms still crossed.
"Fine then I'll show them" I let out a scream as my arms separated from each other turning until my wrist was finally viable to the three boys in front of me.
"What did you do?" Reggie asked as they inspected the golden stamp on my wrist.
"This my dear pal Reginald is a new stamp and once activated will send shocks through y/n here once again. Only this time it'll hurt just about three times as bad. That is until you agree to become apart of my house-band. Or you could just leave her here on her own it's your choice really" Caleb spoke tapping my wrist.
My eyes widened as the stamp began to float in the air before placing itself back on my wrist.
Suddenly an excruciating pain coursed through my body immediately making me drop to my knees.
"You have until tonight's show to make up your mind" He spoke before flashing out leaving us alone in the empty ballroom. Immediately I was engulfed by a pair of strong arms as the pain tingled on my wrist.
"Y/n! Baby are you okay?" Luke asked wiping away the stray tears that had escaped my eyes
"What happened? How'd Caleb get to you?"
"It was in front of Julie's house this morning. I went to ring the doorbell. I didn't even get to do it before Caleb showed up, possessed my body, made me kiss Nick in front of Julie, and then brought me here"
"He made you do what?!" Luke shouted.
"Uh- did she not mention that?" I asked sheepishly.
"She did not"
"All she said was that you were acting really weird and that you left this note" Alex said pulling out a folded up letter from his back pocket.
"Then forget, I said it" I quickly spoke attempting to move the conversation along.
"We'll talk about his later. We need to figure out how to get this stamp off your wrist" Luke said inspecting it closely.
We sat in Julie's garage trying to come up with an idea on how to get the stamp off which wasn't going so well since it still was sending electric shocks directly through my body.
I groaned in pain as another jolt course me evidently leaving me weaker as the time passed. It was getting dark out and we were running out of time.
"Guys it's almost 8:30. The show starts at 9:00" Julie said showing us her phone screen.
"We've got to figure out how to get this thing off" Luke shouted in frustration at the rest of the band.
The three of them expressing concern on their faces.
"Okay we have to think. What happened last night? What did we do to make your stamps disappear" Julie asked as Luke helped me sit up.
"Easy. Julie said she loved us. We said it back then we hugged"
"That's it! Julie said she loved us. She connected with us and we did with her"
"So your saying Julie has to say it again and hug y/n?" Reggie asked.
"We could try it" Julie suggested walking over to me.
I nodded standing up immediately falling back down as I was zapped once more. The stamp on my wrist tingling afterwards.
"Baby are you okay?" Luke whispered holding me in his arms.
"I-I'm fine. Let's just get this over with" I spoke standing up once more.
I looked at the girl in front of me seeing her eyes filled with hope.
"I love you" She spoke softly pulling me in for a hug.
"I love you you too Jules" I whispered in her ear. We pulled back seeing the stamp flatly sitting upon my skin.
"It- it didn't work"
"Do it again" Luke demanded.
"It's not gonna work Luke"
"It has to. Do it again" He ordered. I shook my head no looking at the girl in front of me. Her eyes beginning to tear up.
"It's okay Julie. I'll be okay" I whispered wiping away the single tear that left her eyes.
"Don't worry about me"
"How could I not? I can't lose you a second time y/n. Your like my big sister and I really do love you"
"I love you too. But I guess it only worked the one time" I said before another shock hit me.
"We could always figure out your unfinished business" Reggie suggested as I regained my posture.
"We don't have time"
"I have to get the Hollywood ghost club before that show or I'll become thin air"
"I'm coming with you" Luke said standing up.
"No your not. You are staying here. With Julie. Where your safe"
"Julie's not my girlfriend you are. So I'm going with you whether you like it or not. I'm sure Caleb wouldn't mind anyways"
"Luke Patterson you are not going anywhere"
"He's not but I am" Alex spoke.
"I am too"
"Not you guys too" I groaned looking at Julie for help.
"Do you understand what'll happen if you guys come back with me? Calebs going to brand you for life"
"So what?”
"So everything we've accomplished up to now would've been for nothing"
"It's going to be nothing if your not here with us" Reggie spoke.
"Julie a little help here"
"You guys need to go with her" The girl said letting out a breath.
"No Jules. You need them here with you. It's not Julie and the Phantoms without the Phantoms"
"Forget about the band right now y/n. You need them with you. You can't live whatever life you have left without your friends, your family, and your true love" I sighed looking at the girl who smiled softly at me.
"You guys brought music back into my life and for that I'll be forever grateful. And with Flynn I'll get through this. But I will never forgive myself if I separate you from your boys" She said making my eyes water.
"Our boys" I corrected her pulling her in for a tight hug.
I sighed in content as the rest of the boys joined our hug one last time.
"I love you guys"
"We love you too"
And that's when I felt it.
The feeling from last night. I was no longer week. The tingling had stopped.
"Your shining!" Julie gasped pulling away first.
Smiles formed on everyone's faces as the stamp arose form my wrist dispersing into thin air.
"W-we did it!" We did it!" Alex shouted jumping up and down excitedly.
"It makes sense now. I didn't just hug one of you. I hugged all of you!"
"I guess love really does conquer all" Luke stated pulling me into his arms, making sure to leave space so I could still look up at him.
"We did it baby"
"We did it" I confirmed pulling him in for a loving passionate kiss with everyone cheering in the background.
Up Next: Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Jeremy Shada x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Reggie Peters x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Reggie Peters x Reader
Carrie Wilson x Reader
Sunset Curve x Reader
@lolychu @headheartbellarke @bookish0918 @kcd15 @ifilwtmfc @moviesbooksandfandoms @lovesanimals @lavender-writer @kaitieskidmore1 @morganayennefertyrell @iloveteenwolf @ghostofmgg @jammi13 @theravenclawlife
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 7
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Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Lunch with Bucky was spent in a little Italian place right across the bar. It belonged to a seventy-year old Italian immigrant named Marco who invested in it with nothing but his savings when he first came to New York. Fifteen years later, his little dining place stood still through its ups and downs. In fact, business was getting stronger for Marco ever since the bar opened.  His target customers expanded from fellow immigrants to little boys who played soccer in the little league and finally to drunk bastards who wanted pizza in the middle of the night. He also started putting up a 24/7 sign and hired more people to work for him. Marco gave me a sympathetic smile as soon as he passed by you with a bottle of hot sauce he knew you liked.
"Where's the hunk?" His Italian accent never faltered. "Ditched ya?"
Lunch with Bucky was also cut short when he received a phone call from Leonard about an emergency in the White Wolf. "It's Leonard." He said. "Gotta get back to the hotel." Then you slipped in a tiny question, seeing a different phone on his hand: "Is that your phone? I thought you left it in your penthouse, that's why you crashed into our apartment."
"I borrowed Peter's old phone when we did our little fiancè act back there. Then I got my phone back after I ate all that food."
"And here you are again eating."
"Not anymore, I'm not." He chuckled, getting up from the chair and throwing his napkin gently on the table. "I gotta go, doll. Duty awaits. I'll see you around."
You were left there with two plates of pasta, one large pizza, and a hundred dollar bill that covered the whole meal. "Plus tip." Bucky then fled and hailed a cab. He gave you one last look and a small salute before getting inside then off he went.
"He had some business work to do." You replied. "Can I take these to-go please? Oh, and here." You handed Marco the hundred dollar bill and said something you have never said (not once!) in your entire life. "Keep the change."
Marco grinned, took the money and placed it inside his apron pockets. "Any chance you got four more of this?"
"Hey, that's with the tip already!" You playfully rolled your eyes and leaned back on the chair. "And you should ask the hunk that. Not me."
He started taking some plates off the table, his back a bit hunched as he did. "Who was that anyway? Finally replaced that old boyfriend of yours?"
"Old boyfriend? Marco, I'm single. Oh no, you're not at that stage now, are you?" It was meant as a joke but you did genuinely care for the old guy.
Marco stopped from picking up the plates and stood taller. "What ya talking 'bout?"
"You know," you whispered, "the forgetful stage."
"Oh fuck off." You earned a glare from him then continued to pick up the plates from the table before wiping it clean. A mother covered her three-year-old daughter's ears, with pasta noodles falling out of her mouth. She said something to Marco but was overpowered by his voice. A man in his 40's kept looking at you and Marco, probably wondering what the fuss was all about. "I'm still young!" He added. "And you know who I'm talking about. The guy you live with."
You scoffed and gave him an unbelievable look as you watched him clean, avoiding the stares people were starting to give. "That's not my boyfriend, Marco." You whispered.
"What? He's not?"
"He's my roommate." You took a sip of your bottled water. "We're roommates, nothing more."
"Well, good. I like the hunk better than that skinny roommate of yours." He bellowed laughing, holding his big, round belly. His voice echoed against the walls.
"Wait, so you thought Peter was my boyfriend this whole time?" You genuinely asked.
"Well, yeah! You were always together eating and whatnot. What was I supposed to think?"
You were supposed to argue with Marco that it was okay to be friends with someone of the opposite gender: to platonically hangout twenty-four seven, have pizza nights, movie nights, and all the things couples do but in a very platonic way. But Marco was an old man who stubbornly clung to his ancient beliefs. You didn't want to light a fire you and him. Besides, you were still on your way to earning his trust and getting a friend discount.
"Unbelievable." You mumbled, hoping he wouldn't hear it. Despite his old age, Marco still had the ears of a twenty-year old.
"You and me, both. All the time I was thinking to myself, you could do better!"
Oh, God. I know where this is going. You thought. "I'm not letting you set me up with your son, Marco."
"Why not?"
"Because he's old." You groaned, wishing he would just clear the table and just get it on with your to-go Italian food.
"So was that hunk you were with!"
Tired of all the back and forths, you sighed. "Marco, can't you just give me the food? I still have work to do."
"Yeah, yeah, aight. Don't nag me." Marco grunted. "You sounding like my ex-wife back there." His voice faded once he went back towards the counter, and started placing the food in the little to-go boxes.
Your phone on the table lit up. A text message from Peter asking you if you were still with Bucky. You replied back instantly that he went back to the White Wolf. You received no more messages from him after that.
A few seconds later, a figure approached and stopped right in front of you. You looked up and saw one of your friends who also did photography back in college.
Wanda flashed you that sweet smile of hers that reminded you of chocolates, rainbows, and unicorns.
"Aria! Wow, it's so nice to see you!" She crouched down to envelope you in a warm hug, then sat across from you, where Bucky was sitting a few minutes ago. She placed her small, shiny purse right on the table, her painted nails never letting it go. "I was just walking down the street and then saw you from the window. How are you? It's been quite long, huh?"
"Yeah, I'm doing good." Wanda could be such a Chatty Cathy. She was the kind of person that never let silence take over a room. If you memory served you right, you haven't seen each other since you graduated from college. She was a year younger than you and even though you stayed in New York the whole time, you never bothered to visit her at NYU Tisch during her last year. "How about you? How have you been doing?"
"I'm doing real good too! I actually set up my own studio a year ago in Manhattan after being a wedding photographer. I now photograph models, sometimes I do photowalks. I also hold photo exhibits from time to time." Unlike you, Wanda chose to follow her passion and majored in Photography and Imaging. "It's been really fun!"
Albeit feeling happy for her, a pang of jealousy struck you. You tried your best to ignore it and said: "That's great, Wanda. I'm so proud of you. You've come a long way since then."
She grinned. "I did, yeah. How about you? How's the business thing?"
You pursed your lips. "I'm actually juggling two jobs right now. I bartend at that bar over there," you pointed across the street, "and I also started a photography business." You continued. "I just do product photos for small businesses."
It was nothing big like Wanda's. Actually, it wasn't anything compared to her Manhattan studio and photowalks and photo exhibits. Nothing at all.
Her jaw dropped. Eyes wide. "Bartending? Wow! That doesn't sound like you at all!"
You chuckled then shook your head. "Who would've thought, huh? But it's pretty convenient and it pays half of my rent."
"You're still living with the Parker guy?"
"Actually, yes I still am." You replied. "But it's just the two of us now."
"Nothing more comforting than a familiar face around, huh?" She answered. "Oh hey, it's great you're still doing photography. I thought it was just a hobby of yours."
"I fell in love with it more during college, you know that."
Wanda just nodded her head in response then looked at her wrist watch. "Right. Well, this has been fun but I have a meeting to go to at some company who wants to talk about collaborations and stuff. You know the drill." She stood up from the chair, its legs scraping the wooden floors. "It was really nice to see you, Aria. I hope we can see each other again soon."
You mirrored her and stood up, reaching for a hug. "It's nice to see you too, Wanda." You let her go, then rambled. "I'm just in the bar if you ever wanna grab a drink or maybe coffee or lunch or anything, really."
"I will." She replied.
Before walking out, Wanda placed her hand on your shoulder, matched with a tight-lipped smile; like the gesture of someone towards a family member at one's funeral. Funnily enough, it was kind of appropriate. Your career in photography might as well be dead. You haven't received any work inquiry in over a month now, and some businesses have been rejecting your photography services. It was the classic "it's not you, it's me" scenario. They just found someone better.
With Wanda out of sight, you drained your thoughts and continued to stare at the moving cars on the streets. Getting you out of your trance was Marco tapping you on the shoulder.
"You alright there, kid?" He asked while handing you a plastic bag full.
"Yeah, sorry." You answered. "Just got distracted." You relieved him of your to-go food, grabbing it from his calloused hands.
"I know that kid you were talking to."
"Yeah, yeah. She photographed my son's wedding."
"The one you kept setting me up with?"
"Not that old bastard." He answered, frowning. "The younger, hotter one. With all the cheekbones and the eyes. Got them from me." Marco looked like a taller Danny DeVito. You doubted this "younger, hotter one" of his looked anything like Marco. "She also photographed my daughter's wedding."
"Jesus. How many children do you have?"
"Five." He chuckled. "I got some great swimmers."
You made a guttural sound and rolled your eyes. "Oh, God. Did not need to know that. Anyway, I gotta go. See you around, Marco." With that, you started to walk out and headed straight to the apartment.
There was nothing much to do once you got in the apartment besides putting the leftovers inside the fridge. The bar usually opened at four in the afternoon for happy hour so you took a short nap and was able to clear you head of all the things that happened overnight.
You woke up at about three in the afternoon and headed down the bar. By the time you got there, Nick was already inside, arranging the tables and chairs that were turned upside down.
"Hey, you got in early today." You greeted him as you approached the bar counter.
Nick looked up, hands still wrapped around a table. "Yeah well, I can't let you be employee of the month every single time."
"Living right above the bar does have some of its perks." You chuckled, grabbing an apron. "Need help with those?"
He answered no but his actions said otherwise. You jogged towards him and lifted the other side of the table, placing it on the floor without making much of a sound. You walked towards the other tables then started lifting one, praying to God you won't let it slip away from your arms but of course, you still had no luck on your side. Once Nick asked you that one question ("Do you want to go on a date with me?") you didn't want to hear, you dropped the table on your right foot. Bam! You stifled the sound of pain that itched your throat. Nick shuffled towards me and asked me if you were okay. You gently shrugged him off, telling him that it was nothing and that you you recently had a concussion less than twenty-four hours ago, this was absolutely nothing.
"You sure?" He asked. His hand gripped my waist, trying to maintain my balance.
"Yes, Nick." You straightened up and tried to stretch your right foot, checking if it was sprained or not. Thankfully, it was still good for running.
He let go of you then scratched the back of his head. His eyes focused on the wooden floors. "That was not a good time to ask that."
"I don't think there was ever a good time to ask that."
"Is that a no?"
Your mind recalled the conversation you and Peter had at the elevator: "Never dip the pen in company ink, right?"
Yes, it was easier to let him down easy with no one else around. You could also tell him you'll think about it but either way, you'd still be spending the remaining minutes in the bar with the fleeting awkwardness hanging in the air. But the silence was becoming heavier each second you weren't saying anything so you just shut your mind for a second and said: "Is it okay if I think about it first?"
"Yes. Sure. Of course!" He replied, finally meeting your eyes. "Just let me know. You know where to find me. Just here in the bar. 'Cause I work here."
"I know, Nick." You snickered. "I work here too."
"Right, right." He shook his head. "I'm just gonna..." He trailed off, pointing to the tables with his thumb.
"Yeah, I'll just..." You didn't know where else to go so you just made up an excuse. "I'll just be in the kitchen."
"What are you gonna do there?"
"I think there are still some shipments there? From earlier?" Lie. "I'll take care of them. Don't worry."
And with that, you left Nick arranging tables and chairs while you headed towards the kitchen, sat on the floor and scrolled through different social media platforms before one of the cooks entered the kitchen. You ignored the befuddled look she gave you. It was the sign to  stand up and walk out of the kitchen. So you did.
Once Peter walked in the doors, you grabbed a bottle of beer and removed the bottle cap. You greeted him with a smile and placed his drink on the counter. "Hey, Parker. Guess what?"
"Hey, y/n." He smiled, sitting on the stool and placing his briefcase on the counter. He immediately grabbed the beer bottle and took his first sip. "Nick finally asked you out?"
"You don't know the rules to the 'Guess What' game, do you?"
"Oh, I know the rules." He replied. "I'm just a born rule breaker. So," he stared at his beer bottle scratching the sticker with his thumbs, "did you say yes?"
"I told him I'll think about it."
"And you've thought about it?"
"I'm gonna tell him no." You walked away from Peter, pouring beer from the beer tap into a beer mug for one of the regulars who just walked in. "It's kind of hard to work with someone you're dating or you've dated. I mean, you learned that the hard way, right?"
Peter groaned, reminiscing the time he dated his co-worker, a certain Denise, for six months, stringing her along for a couple more before dumping her. He couldn't even begin to describe how much hatred Denise had for Peter. One night, you found Peter on the rooftop, writing his resignation letter. Of course, you had to throw it after sneaking up on him behind his back. Apparently, Peter couldn't take any more of Denise's death stares during meetings, lunch breaks, and any time she was around Peter. Luckily, Denise got fired the next day for some legal dispute. Peter drank his whole night away that very day and you ended up taking care of him. The next day, you told him everything he'd done that night except one thing: trying to kiss you.
"Hey," Peter hissed, "here he comes. Good luck." He swiftly left his briefcase and beer bottle on the counter, hurrying his way towards the toilet.
You gave Nick a small smile once he opened the counter pass-through. "Nick. Hi."
"Y/n. Hi!"
"So, about the thing earlier -- "
"Can I get a beer?" Interrupted a man on your left side but you couldn't care less. You put up your hand in front of his face. "In a mug!"
Before you could even say "I'm sorry, Nick, but I can't date a co-worker. It's just not right. But you're great. Not just with me" the man shooed your hand away. "Hey! The hell is this?"
You groaned. "You'll get your beer in just one moment, okay?"
The man huffed and left the counter then sat on a nearby table, flipping me off. You rolled your eyes at him and brought your attention back to Nick who was still waiting for your answer. While halfway through your short speech you have been preparing in your head, he interrupted with a: "Yeah, yeah, I know where this is going. It's fine. It's alright. I understand. I'll let you get back to work."
He started turning around but you immediately stopped him. "So this is okay, right? No weird tension between us, or something like that?"
He nodded his head and sent you a warm smile. "Yeah, everything's good. At least I tried, y'know. I'll, uh, see ya around 'cause y'know -- "
"You work here, yeah."
"Yeah. Well... " And with that, he treaded away towards the pass-through and approached some newcomers.
The man from earlier was still staring at you so you went ahead and opened the beer tap. Before the liquid even reached the top of the mug, a hand laid on top of the tap handle and turned the tap off.
"Now," Bucky's voice rang inside your ears, "how about you make me a mean drink, doll?"
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