#anyway i do apologise for my absence(s)
networksupported · 7 months
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This is what shipping with Cas is like
cas ships truly contain multitudes. no they don't they contain exactly two sides and this is them. and we love them for that!!
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borzoilover69 · 1 year
> BORZOI: Read HOMESTUCK like its 2011 (part 2)
I'm back. My barber made me look like Jake English deadass.
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Page 4149 i s a neat callback to page 629. I just realised the adjustment of what he's holding, since Egbert replaced him in Janes timeline, which is so interesting.
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AND OF COURSE ONE OF THE BEST FUCKING BOOKS KNOWN TO MAN. Pony pals. Detective pony. So awesome. So cool. That's all there really is to say about it. I read the thing on AO3. Janes right it was heavy handed but incredibly intriguing. You remember lolcat Jane? You remember lolcat? Yeah I remember lolcat. Its so cute that the recipe for it is a combination of tiny maplehoof, wise guy, and dirks sweet shades. Its such a neat little combination. A wise horse guy qith an affinity for ponies and sweeeeet fucking shades.
But anyways, I'm getting offtopic. Comparing and contrasting these two Andersons, we also draw parallels of our characters learning valuable information for their session later. In Egberts case, after reading through wise guy, Egbert gets the idea to overlap two cards and create a new totem lathe, alchemising and creating one of the first items. In janes case, she goes to check out the gristwidget and show how it can convert cards to grist, something the kids will find incredibly useful later on in their journeys. The Betas session was about creating and adventuring and finding something new (keeping with the spring theme, you see?) via the kids alchemising loot to make them further overpowered and giving them character. The betas session had BREATH. A lot of it. It was centered around their leader, and gave them all the freedom to go fuck off and do their personal quests with their troll guides and alchemise and learn as they go.
Meanwhile the alphas, again, stick with that autumn theme. The gristwidget is going to prove useful later, because all the enemies and consorts are dead on their planet. Their session is not meant to spring life anew, but to conserve, to survive, not thrive. I guess it's why reasonably we never saw them doing an alchemising session together. It just didn't fit the theme. They were not meant to thrive, they were meant to wait for the end of the long dead winter, to survive off of what they could conserve, for spring. Their leader as stated by Dirk is not Jane, nor Dirk, and heaven forbid Jake, but ROXY. Their leader was Roxy, keeping them together but also essentially setting the stage for the stagnant and obscure nature of their session, one that would test and strain their relationships to the furthest they'd ever been strained.
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Don't mind me, just enjoying the subliminals in the background. This shit looks like what I assume a tiktok page looks like.
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4155 oh neat!
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And here we get another flaw from the get-go. The flaws of the alpha kids are so prominently stated just from the get-go, how opinionated and stubborn and *wanting* to do their way they are but begrudgingly having to put up with others to some extent. Jane getting pestered by Jake, who has no time for japery or mild fun in his quest to deliver the package to Jade who will go on to give it to John and getting downright passive-aggressive. Roxy, in another quest to give a gift but not so urgently, being absent (They had plans) ignoring nor apologising for her absence. She ignores and seems unaware. We start off seeing Roxy at sort of her worst, while others are more reasonable, and then shit flies off the deepend and Roxy straightens herself out (as a leader does) and everyone else sort of catapults into things fucking up. But i'm getting ahead of myself.
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Reading this conversation just grates me honestly. Both sides are being pretty inconsiderate and I have to watch through my fingers and let out a breath as they get frustrated at each other. Janes reasonable in feeling chagrined about the whole thing, she's 15 dealing with a friend who's underage drinking and making generally bad decisions and Jane is no therapist by any terms of the words. The alpha kids rely on needling others for getting across things they cant really say upfront because they lack emotional maturity. Going "hey im doing xyz just letting you KNOW just making you AWARE." And it always always allllways backfires on them!! Just be upfront for once you idiots!! I'll put examples as I come upon them, but Jane is the most prominent.
Speaking of Jane, I always headcanonned her voice as either Velma from Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated. Velma reminds me of Jane very much, from crushing hard on a clueless and albeit not really fit for guy wearing green to ( and this is just my thoughts ) realising they're both lesbians and avid mystery enjoyers with relatively skeptic if wellmeaning airs behind them. I think seeing Jane in a vein similiar to Velma makes me fond of her.
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It's good to see them winding down a little as their conversation comes to an end. At the end of the day they're girls whove been friends for a very long while for better or for worse and i feel like a fair deal of early friendship with the others per Roxy was when she was inebriated which left them in a limbo of "hey what the fuck do we do" especially with Jane, who seems moreso trying to spur Roxy on via comparing how good her life is and how motivated she is in a push for action on Roxys side, to Dirk, who leaves it to his autoresponder to deal with her illadvised advances on his personhood.
Its great to see them while down after they sort of passive aggressively aired their annoyances at each other. At the end of the day its so important to know that despite it all, all the ribbing and nudging and stuff, the alpha kids work to try and spur the others on to be better and take care of them in their own ways, wellintentioned but not always hitting home base, you know?
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4160 Here she is playing pretend and giggling over her cute little detective get ups pretending to be a guy with an especially dashing mustache. Meanwhile Egbert in the beta session simply said "This disguise is stupid" and left the premises. But Jane is having FUN with it damnit shes so LOVEL-
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Ok. Well yeah you have a point but can you go back to roleplaying.
Well thats the end of janes interaction. Moving onto Jake!
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4166 ANNND theres Jake talking about wearing a generally feminine thing and considering it genuinely how he pulls it off. Gender nonconforming as fuck really. Both Jane and Jake. Like daaamn go for it i know what you are. Wear whatever the fuck you want to wear!
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Man. Looking at all these movies as a movie nerd its so insane. They revolve around curses from thousands of years ago, green menaces and demons, and blue lady femme fatales that guide the protagonist figure. Also Weekend at bernies 2 SUCKS. Wait holy cow is that smurfette.
Anyways the thing that stands out i guess within these pages is how Jake doesn't exactly cherrypick here. hes pretty upfront with some things and hypothesies.
You think your bed is some sort of electronic gadget. You're pretty sure those bedpost globes are supposed to glow like light bulbs under certain circumstances. But you've never been able to figure out what purpose it serves.
You have never seen a movie you didn't like, you are pretty sure. People give you a hard time for that though.
This is your collection of beauties. But you don't call them that to anyone but yourself in private, because somehow even you are aware of how dorky that sounds.
I guess Jake strikes me as the type to know quite a lot but never know exactly what to do about it. Live and let live while it lives.
You are oft-times the recipient of a good ribbing from Jane on account of your peculiar fascination with blue movie ladies. You don't have to justify yourself to her though. What is even her deal? 
Hmm. I don't have anything to say it's 12 am i should probably sleep. So with page 4171 of Jake kissing Neytiri, mirroring a wish to be the hero that Egbert had on page 223, I bid you all adieu- hey whats with these losers and kissing their damn posters.
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Jake: Stop kissing stupid poster.
Yes, that was a waste of time. Definitely. It's definitely not something you spend much time doing whenever you are alone, which is always.
Here he is being aware again to some regards, and trying to brush stuff off by showing how aware he is of what others think and how stupid some bullshit is. Which is intriguing to me. The way Jake talks about himself and his internal dialogue and thoughts is so intriguing to me, that often he brings up what he likes, what he thinks, vs relaity, vs others expectations, etc. Hes rather introspective and aware of things, and it's jsut. It's just interesting. Anyways I'm going to pop off to bed now. Goodnight all. I will be thinking about Egbert is so very forthright with whats good and whats not and Janes general deal for theatrics on her thoughts and Jakes more observant nature and write something tomorrow. Leave me a nice reblog or comment or drop a letter in my anon box.
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mrsmctominay · 3 years
fluff alphabet with judy bellingham ? <3
Fluff Alphabet- Jude Bellingham
A- Activities Jude has a soft spot for doing jigsaw puzzles with you, like the huge massive ones. They may sound boring but boy does Jude make them fun. You like to hide the last few pieces from him just to see him get frustrated about loosing them.
B- Beauty Your optimism and ability to see past his mistakes is beautiful.- He makes a mistake in a match? No problem, you didn't even notice. Besides, he will still succeed.- You always look forward no matter what and he really loves that.
C- Comfort He's a good listener, so he always lets you speak before he tries to give any sort of advice. If that doesn't work, he will put you in the car and you will go on a drive to clear your head.
D- Dreams Of course he wants you in his future, but he's still very young so he doesn't really want to think about it right now.
E- Equal At the beginning of the relationship he was way more dominant, but as he trusts your judgement more, he loosened off a tad.
F- Fight He can be tough when he's mad, he doesn't hold back. But soon after he will regret it and apologise right away. He never thinks about what he says in the moment. Even though you know he doesn't mean the nasty things he says at times but they still hurt.
G- Gratitude He appreciates the fact that he's met someone so amazing at such a young age. Everything you do for him, he is extremely grateful for. At times, he doesn't know how to show it but when he does he absolutely means it.
H- Honesty He either tells you everything, or nothing. There's times where he will be talking about something that he thought he already told you about but really he didn't. He was worse with that at the beginning of the relationship but he's slowly getting better at talking to you.
I- Inspiration Jude is wayyyy more open now. He's much better at talking. As I said, he's trying to get better at talking to you but you definitely see a difference in him. You helped him with this because of the way you talk to him, you're very confident in the way you talk and will tell him anything.
J- Jealous Jude? Jealous? Never. Well, maybe sometimes... Only when he's had a drink...
K- Kiss He was this little shy thing when it came to your first kiss, but now he kisses you like they kiss in the movies. He loves kissing you and he always does it like there's no tomorrow. A peck is never enough.
L- Love Well, you see, he's never actually said it. Numerous times he has tried to but the words don't come out. He does plan on saying it soon though...
M- Marriage As we know, Jude is still very young and hasn't thought about the future. It's a bit scary to him. But he definitely wants to marry you in the future.
N- Nickname He likes to call you butter cup, 'My little buttercup'. Or Sugar is another, Come on sugar lets go'. If it's a matchday and you're wearing your Dortmund kit he will call you his bumble bee.
O- On Cloud Nine He's quite shy when it comes to talking about your relationship. When Jadon was still at Dortmund, he would tease him about you or tell him that 'the young love is clear'.
P- PDA He's shy about showing love in public. Not many people know about the relationship anyway so you're both happy to keep the PDA to a minimum. Maybe he will chuck an arm over your shoulder every now and then or let you link arms with him but that's it.
Q- Quirk I've mentioned that he's not great at talking about things, but he translates a lot of emotion through touch. The way he squeezes his leg when he feels anxious or the way he rests his head on your chest when he's upset.
R- Romance He's a master at romance. Dates are always perfection. The most romantic always. Whether it's a big fancy restaurant, or if he's decorated the dining room. Either way, it will always be made special for you.
S- Support He always supports you, of course. But he doesn't try to get too involved. Of course if you need advice he will help as much as he can but he doesn't like to just in case he fucks up.
T- Thrill He doesn't want to be locked into one thing forever, so change isn't that scary for him. Although, he does need some aspect of routine for him to feel balanced. New places to eat, new adventures etc.
U- Understanding He's good at knowing what sends you in a mood. He try's to avoid it but if he's bored then why not make you grumpy and then go on the mission to make you happy again? He's always finding new things that tick you off and he makes mental notes whenever he finds a new one.
V- Value The relationship is so so important to Jude. He's unsure of how to show you this, but it certainly is important. You help him to live a somewhat 'normal' life. You're the only thing that he has away from football and the media.
W- Wild Card When he's stressed, he likes you to give him a massage. Afterwards you can always see a difference. He seems so much more relaxed and recharged.
X- XOXO He's more affectionate than he thinks. He doesn't realise how much he asks for kisses or cuddles, or how much he just does it. So yes, he is very affectionate.
Y- Yearning He doesn't like to dwell on your absence. He will always find something to distract himself with. That could be going to the gym, playing games with the boys or watching tv. Whatever it is, he will make it work.
Z- Zoo Deep down, he wants a bunny rabbit. I don't think he'd ever tell you but he definitely wants one.
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outhereinnevada · 3 years
Could I please request some fluff/smut with Auditor? Thank u
WOOOO! Alright, time for the first NSFW fic!
Warning: NSFW content ahead. Minors DO NOT INTERACT.
Anyways, onto the fic! Enjoy anon!
Relieving love - Auditor x Reader Smut
You've known the Auditor for as long as you can remember. Long before Nevada was thrown into madness.
When he founded the AAHW, he made you his second in command knowing that you had very similar ideals to him. If he was out and taking the day off, you would be put in charge.
The Agents and Engineers really loved having you around, you always made sure that they were well taken care of, especially the MAGS. The MAGS really enjoy just holding you in their hands to talk to you about whatever they had their minds on.
Auditor was very appreciative for your hard work in his absence and loved that you took the time to make the Agents and Engineers feel welcomed and readied in the AAHW. You were essentially a therapist for them.
Another rough day for Auditor, a lot of shit went down. Hank and his crew raided the base that the Auditor was at that day, very few got out alive, but he finally got home. Closing the door a bit harshly, he sat down on the couch with his head in his hands, obviously stressed out.
"Auditor? Are you alright dear?"
He looked up to see you crouched in front of him, you took his hands into yours feeling the tension he radiated. He sighed, letting himself calm at your touch.
"It was another rough day, the base I was at got raided by Hank and his lot. Very few of us got out of there, a lot of casualties."
With a soft gasp, you placed a hand on his cheek. He nuzzled into it, putting his own hand on top of yours.
"Oh Audi...thank goodness you weren't harmed. I don't what I would do without you."
His body heated up, he adored when you used that nickname. The flames around his body got a little more wild.
"s/o...you know I get flustered when you call me that."
You giggled, sitting next to him, you threaded your fingers around his flames playfully. He kept getting more and more heated until he snapped. He turned to you and gripped your wrists, your surprised, blushing expression staring right at him.
"Audi?! Wha-what are you-"
He quickly cut you off, seeming incredibly desperate for some reason.
"I-I'm sorry s/o, I c-can't stop myself anymore. You're just too irresistible."
You stared into his loving gaze, you knew what he wanted, what he needed at this moment. You gave soft smile before slipping out of his grip and giggling. Shocked, he turned his tomato red face toward you.
"Well, you'll just have to catch me then!"
Not wasting a second, you ran around the house. Auditor catching onto what you're doing, got up and started to playfully chase you. You ran around for a bit before running into your shared bedroom and jumping onto the bed, with Auditor following your actions and landing beside you.
You two laughed for awhile before Auditor got back into his previous mood, his body once again heating up. Hovering over you, his hands placed beside your head he leaned closer to you. Your face now turning more red from how close he was.
"Caught you~"
His voice became huskier, a sign that he became needy. You looked away shyly, burying your head into your arm.
"W-well, here's your prize then."
He chuckled, you knew you were in good hands with that laugh.
"Oh darling, you're in for a treat tonight~"
He gently pulled your arm away from your face and brushed your hair away from your face.
"I wouldn't want anything less~"
That set Auditor off, he leaned in to give a brief kiss on your lips before slowly moving to your neck. The light licks on your neck gave you sudden chills before he started to lightly nibble and suck on it, giving you hickeys.
You let out a soft moan indicating your pleasure. He decided to take it a step further and really bite down. A sharp gasp emanated from your submissive form.
"AAH, please...a bit more gentle."
He reeled back a bit. Noticing, you put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him.
"I apologise s/o. I'll a bit more gentle for you."
You kissed his cheek, a sign to keep going. He kept biting and sucking on your neck, trying to find your sweet spot. A yelp from you signalled that he found it.
Continuing to abuse your sweet spot, he snaked his hand up your stomach to your chest. You raked your fingers through the flames atop his head, your breaths hot and heavy.
He chuckled heartily at your flushed expression, proceeding to toy with your breasts as he left a few more hickeys on your neck. You decided he need some pleasure too, you lifted your leg to grind against his crotch. He let out a subtle groan, his face coated in red.
"Oh~ You want to play that game do you my love? Very well."
You didn't even notice that your shirt and bra were gone, before you could respond he started to nibble and suck on one of your breasts and massaging the other with his hand. The bliss was too much for you, you became putty within The Auditor's hands.
"P-please, I-I need you more. Just-jus-."
You couldn't finish your sentence as you let out another lustful moan.
"I could make you wait longer, but that would just be cruel of me~ So let's just get to the point."
You smirked, getting an idea. Before he could try anything, you flipped him over putting him on the bottom. You revelled in his shocked expression.
"Sorry dear, but I believe that you need some attention as well."
You quickly unzipped his pants and pull down his boxers, letting his cock spring up, the tip leaking with anticipation. You ogled at the grand size of it. You gently laid your fingers on the shaft, even the lightest touch got Auditor worked up.
"Wow, you really were holding out for me weren't you?"
Letting out warm, shaky breaths, he gripped onto your shoulders. You rubbed the inside of his thighs before pressing your soft lips against the head of his length, lightly sucking on it. Auditor gripped the sheets hard out of the sheer amount of satisfaction he was receiving.
"Ke-Keep going, you're doing so wonderfully-"
Multiple whimpers and moans escaped him, interrupting himself. This only prompted you to go down on him properly. Slowly taking more of his member each time he let out even a single noise, you pumped whatever you couldn't fit in your mouth.
The Auditor was in absolute ecstasy, he could barely speak. Your tongue swirled around the shaft as if you had done this many times before. You had taken in so much that it was hitting the back of your throat and you started to choke and gag.
"s-s/o. I-I'm-AGHH!"
Without warning, Auditor shot his load deep into your throat with a strained groan. You tried your best to swallow every drop of his seed as to not make a mess on the sheets. Finally ceasing, you released his cock from your mouth with a satisfying pop.
"Goodness, you...you were really pent-up. That was a lot to swallow."
Gazing into your tired eyes, he laughed to himself. He flipped you back to bottom position, a hungry look in his crimson gaze.
"I don't believe we're done yet, since you so rudely interrupted me when I was trying to please you."
He swiftly removed your pants along with your panties, he wiped two fingers on your opening rubbing his fingers together taking note of the wetness.
"Hmm, already soaking wet and I've barely done anything to you. Let's fix that shall we~"
Plunging the two fingers deep into your slit, he scissored you wide open to prep you for the ravaging he was about to give you. You tried to hide your increasingly high-pitched moans but the pleasure was just too much to keep quiet about.
"I hope you're ready s/o because once I start, I won't stop until I'm satisfied."
The threatening but alluring tone of Auditor's voice sent you into a downward spiral of lust and want. Removing his fingers, he lined himself up to insert himself into you. Leaning closer, he could feel how hot your breath was against his skin.
"Please...be gentle, it-it's my first time and feel it might break me if you go too hard and fast."
He caressed your cheek, giving you a gentle kiss. He rubbed the tip of his shaft against your entrance seeming eager to pop your cherry seeing as he was your first.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure you aren't harmed. That is a promise."
You nodded, slowly but surely he pushed his way into you. With every bit of his length that pressed in, you let out a strained but pleasured whimper. Finally hilting himself within you, the tears finally ran down your cheeks. He tenderly wiped away the tears and rested his forehead against yours, awaiting your signal to go.
After a couple of minutes, you shifted and a sultry whine was your response. Given the all clear, Auditor wasted no time getting into a rhythmic pattern. You wrapped your arms around him tightly, nails scratching his back which only made him speed up. Your lewd yelps and screams were music to his ears.
"Yes, keep screaming my dear, let me know that I'm giving you what's rightfully yours!"
You were tightening around his member by the second, each thrust leaving you seeing stars. Not wanting to be the only one, you bit down his neck and started leaving your own hickeys on him though they wouldn't be as noticeable as yours.
Your body trembled against his, his movements were getting slower and sloppier. You couldn't hold it in anymore and he neither could he.
At the call of each others names, you both released, there was so much cum that it leaked out of you, so much for not making a mess. Finally coming down from your highs, he pulled out seeing all of the excess fluid, he quickly cleaned you and himself before pulling a thick blanket over the both of you. You buried yourself into Auditor's side as he flopped down next to you, snaking an arm around you to pull you close to his radiating warmth.
"That...that was amazing."
"I agree, you did incredibly well for your first time. I'm proud of you."
You giggled as he planted a kiss on the top of your head, petting your head as he lulled you into a peaceful sleep before falling asleep himself.
"Goodnight s/o, may your dreams be pleasant tonight."
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co-reborn · 2 years
Hello People
Hihi. Happy Lunar New Year to everyone!!! insert traditional greetings here, insert chinese songs here blah blah. 
On to the main topic of this message.
For the next few months, I will be much busier than I have been. Why? Well, the other writers mostly know but I’m not gonna reveal it on the blog. So don’t pry further. Anyways, my already slow output will be further reduced and asks will be answered much more infrequently (not like I get that many to begin with) and stuff. I don’t intend to retire but I hope my circumstances doesn’t force me to. So yeah, don’t unfollow me because of my inactivity.
With that out of the way, I have much more minor stuff I want to address which will be under a “read more” line. tl;dr: my drafts lists, some minor theme changes, anons and idol list
Drafts List (as of 1 Feb 2022)
Lust Potion
Is Three A Crowd?
Initiation 3*
Some other collabs that are basically at 0 progress and not a priority for both us writers
It took me more than a month between Obedience (3) and Bust or Bust and given my upcoming schedule, it could be an even longer wait for any of these to be posted. Unless BFH happens of course. 
In the meanwhile, I have two quickies queued up for the future so that it doesn’t seem like I’ve been missing for too long. I don’t have any other backlog of fics ready so you’ll probably feel my absence after that. 
*With regards to this fic, I have actually gotten to writing it a long time ago and am like 80% done. I got distracted with other drafts and haven’t returned to complete it. Also, the draft feels like it’s lacking in many aspects that needs to be heavily edited and the (semi) perfectionist in me is procrastinating into finishing it.
**So I do apologise to all my followers from the very start that read the first rendition of SB and YB over on Wattpad. I do want to get to them, but many more ideas do come to mind that I want to get to before the inspiration fades. Fun fact (I guess): SB2 was going to be written a while back (where i started a draft for it and am a few paragraphs in). However, I was sent a picture of Uniform Mina by sins and you guys got Obedience instead and it snowballed from there. My main issue with continuing the two series is that I was highlighted some fundamental issues with my fic that I want to rectify, which makes planning it even harder. I do have the base idea in my mind already, it’s just a matter of writing it.
Blog Theme
So over the past few months, I have made several changes to my Tumblr Blog theme (which can only be viewed on the website version and not the app) with the coding hard-carried by BNS. The main big things that were added is a light/dark mode toggle and an easier to navigate masterlist (see images below) The light/dark mode toggle is on dark mode by default but feel free to change it to light mode (you monsters) and my masterlist looks like wikipedia now lol but given my many series and slowly increasing number of fics, I think it would be more useful in the long run. The “Latest Works” section definitely needs more work but I’m slowly improving that. I might add the table of contents to my Pics & Gifs collection in the future.
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Anonymous Asks
So due to the number of ruder anons in our community, more and more writers have turned off anonymous asks. I don’t want to do that because I want to believe in the nicer anons. Starting from now, I will not hesitate to block the ruder anons. I am dense as fuck and I don’t know what tone you intended to use, so if it’s a sarcastic ask, put a “/s” or something. Otherwise, you’re gonna be blocked. I will also not hesitate to turn off anonymous asks if the situation gets too bad and there is no telling when I will turn it back on.
Come on guys. Is it that hard to be nicer to one another in this community? Stop with the hate on us writers who write for the fun of it. If you don’t like some writers (me included), just click the fuck away. 
Idols List
I have not changed this since I began posting on Tumblr in June 2021. My recent fic has went out of my Idols List which might get some “???” reactions from you guys. I have not changed it (at the time of writing this message) but it will likely be changed when this is scheduled to send. Most notable addition is probably going to be Itzy’s Yuna. Please do not send me endless requests to write her. While I am willing to write her, I do not have strong intentions to do so at the moment but this could change any moment if the vibes are right. 
Other additions are mainly going to be fromis_9 members but rest assured, I will not stray away from Twice and 100% be a fromis writer. Feel free to send me asks about them as well, I would like to get to know them better. My current biases are Jiheon and Nagyung so umm.. if there are any content for them (irregardless of sfw or nsfw), send them to me juseyo hehe. 
I would not post UA pics!!! I don’t care even if it’s a sfw cute moment. This is a nsfw blog and I don’t want my words to be twisted such that I’m lewding a minor. If I do post a UA pic, please let me know immediately and I will delete it.
That would be all. If you have made it this far, thank you for reading this long ass message. I do hope I don’t disappoint the Onces here that I’m no longer a writer that only writes Twice. I will try my very best to remain a primarily Twice writer cough cough unlike sins cough so keep out for my many planned contents that will be out in 2069 kek. Hope everyone stays safe and healthy this year <3
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dracosathenaeum · 3 years
I’ve had this fic for @fuckingdraco ‘s writing challenge outlined for almost a year now. Half of it is a skeleton; i have some scenes which are fully written out and others which are just first drafts and idea dumps. this is quite literally copied and pasted so good luck if you read it.
I never had the heart to completely delete it but never liked it enough to write it; so here is my 2.2k draft fo what would’ve been a series. 
If anyone decides to read it, be warned, it’s a mess. i just didnt want it to die in my notes so it’s having a life here, in my new section of my masterlist ‘fics that never saw the light of day’.
warnings: memory loss, fight scenes, gore, fighting
Being in a secret relationships had its ups and downs
You had to sneak around
But that just made the moments you were together so much more meaningful
You couldn’t brag about him to your friends
But the both of you were quite private people anyways, explaining your absences as studying in odd places
No one ever found out
It was just you and draco
The summer of 5th year was hard as he spent all of it in the south of France with his family
But it made coming back in 6th year so much more exciting
your fingers ached to touch him as you walked past his carriage
It was moments like this that you wish you could openly love him
But when your friends started gossiping about how Harry Potter thought he’d become a death eater, you were suddenly glad you weren’t linked to him publicly
That thought itself set a heavy weight of guilt on you
He came back in 6th year and he had changed
His kisses lost their spark
His eyes lost their light
He’d fuck you rough and hard, almost as if forgetting himself. Before making it up to you in the next instance
Slow love making that made you feel like you had just slept with an entirely different person
You followed him
You supposed you shouldn’t have
But he was skipping meals and you couldn’t exactly talk to his friends when they didn’t know you
You couldn’t confide in your friends as they wouldn’t understand
So you had no other choice
You followed him throughout the nights, and every time you would find him slipping into the room of requirement when he should’ve been slipping into bed with you
Once you had gauged what time he usually went and on what days you yourself went, 10 minutes before he was due
You watch as he fiddles around some ancient looking cupboard and you wonder why you’re jealous of a dead tree taking up dracos time
You watch as he sends things through, until finally it works for him
But its not happiness on his face nor relief
It looks like dread
He doesn’t look like he’s accomplished something, no there was no way
You watch as he takes off his tie, throwing it in the pile of robes and jumper
You watch as he rolled up the sleeves to his arms, the arms that had held you up more times than you could count
And you watch as the dark snaking lines of the dark mark are exposed on your lovers skin
His eyes whip round to see yours, instantly widening in fear
It isn’t until you try to walk towards him and he throws his hands up to stop you do you realise the shattered glass littered around you
He flicks his wand and you walk over, standing in front of him trying to figure out why
“How did you hide it from me for so long.”
“Simple charms, I was hoping you wouldn’t have to find out.”
More dialogue where he explains
“I don’t have a choice.”
“You always have a choice.”
Draco please
“I can’t, I had to take this on my skin because my father fucked up”
“If I, if I stop now, I cant save my mother”
“Draco please, we can find a way around this”
You kiss him
And it feels like you’ve both gone back to before 6th year
When times were simpler
When he loved you and you loved him and that was it
No other interruptions
“I’m sorry, do I know you?”
“Draco Malfoy, we share some classes but we haven’t spoken before.”
“Oh, im sorry, of course. I’m really tired I dont usually forget peoples names I swear. I must’ve been so tired I wandered in, I apologise.”
“It’s okay, the doors over there.” You take that as his polite cue of asking you to leave
He offers a tight smile, one you remember from first year, one you remember seeing across the hall as he’s shut down by Harry Potter
Poor guy must be going through something
you turn, you dont even hesitate. You dont know what it is but you feel as if you’ve known him all your life
You change and you see a gold ring dangling from a dainty gold chain. You ask your friends if they’ve seen it before
im forgetting so much these days
But you keep it on, it brings you an odd sense of comfort
You keep it tucked beneath your blouse, bringing it to you lips on occasion when youre anxious.
He had forgotten about his ring, the very ring you had clasped between your thumb and finger as you worked on your essay. How was he possibly supposed to get it from you
he’s well aware he’s staring but his mind is whirling
He needs that ring
“Draco, isn’t that your ring?”
He should’ve obligated himself, that might’ve been easier
“I’m sure it just looks similar.”
“Draco, we both know that’s the Malfoy famlily crest, I wondered why you stopped wearing it.”
“Wait did she steal it?”
misplaced it
She picked it up
He had to awkwardly walk over to pick it up
“That’s my ring.” You had told him all about how your friends hated him and how you had feigned indifference the entire time
He had to act the part
Youre flustered, eyes flicking between the ring and him, fingers clasping it tighter as if not wanting to let it go
He notices and his heart clenches at the sight
Remembering the night he gave it to you
*flash back*
“I’m so sorry, I must’ve picked it up by accident here.”
“Wait, how do you even know it’s his, prove it Malfoy.”
“My vaults could buy Hogwarts, why would I be stealing gold from a nobody?”
Your cheeks flare up and your friends glare at him but see his side
You struggle to unclasp it, and of course you fucking do because his stupid fucking ass charmed it so only he could take it off
he watches as you struggle with it, turning to a friend to help before you have 6 girls pulling at the very expensive chain on your neck
“For fucks sake youre going to damage it, let me.”
Your breath hitches as his surprisingly warm fingers brush your hair out of the way, fingers working quick to unclasp the necklace, the weight of it leaving your neck and you feel surprisingly empty
“Thank you.”
You watch as he goes, your fingers scratching over your neck, feeling something bubble in your throat
This was pathetic, you were so sad over something that was never yours in the first place
You spend the remainder of the time trying to figure out how you cam to be in possession of it in the first place
your name is written in beautiful cursive on a letter that you cannot help but love
You turn it over to see a beautiful wax seal on it, fingers trembling as you break it
The chain is yours.
You tilt the envelope over into your hand to feel the familiar weight of the chain in your hand, clasping it around you neck in an instant
You look in the mirror but you dont recognise yourself
Your friends are surprised when you study with them
When you go back to your dorm room at a reasonable time
And you dont have a clue where it is they think you go
But how could you possibly explain to someone what you font remember
The chain is too light around you neck, its just not the same, it feels as if it’s chocking you rather than bringing you comfort
You start digging through your trunk and draws, looking for something to act as a pendant before you finally do.
Hidden at the back of one of your draws you find a little velvet box you dont remember stashing away. But then again, you dont seem to be remembering much these days.
Its a tiny little constellation of stars, charmed to sparkle and you heart wonders why you had never worn it before. It was a simple little charm but once hooked onto the necklace, you look at yourself in the mirror and finally feel as though a little part of you has returned.
6th and 7th years are a blur
A blur of horror
You dont really understand how life had changed so abruptly
You dont know how you end up fighting in a war at the age of just 18 but here you are
Draco stands with Hogwarts
And then his mother calls
You’ve seen him
Of course you have
You know what he is, know what his parents are
But you also know what he has done to make Hogwarts more bearable for you under the Carrows watch
The small things, diverging attention away from you and your friends
He wasn’t evil and some part of you knew that
You watch as he takes a shuddering breath and starts to walk
You watch as no one stops him
You watch as he loses more of his soul with each step towards mr no-nose
You dont know why you do it
You run
Your friends call your names, teachers joining in
They think youre joining the other side, they think youre fucked in the head, as they had since that incident in 6th year
But no, you were just missing something
you catch up to him pretty quickly, pulling him to a stop
“Ah, another to join my cause. Welcome young lady.”
“You know me. Im missing something but whenever I’m with you, whenever im holding this stupid constellation close to my heart, I feel at ease. Why”
he stares at you incredulously, and why wouldn’t he. Youre in the middle of a battlefield, Harry Potter has just been declared dead and Voldemort is less than a meter away
But you dont feel scared
And you feel stupid for not feeling scared
“It has felt like I dont even know who I am for the past 2 years, what did you do to me?”
You know everyones watching, you can hear the gasps on both sides as they think the worst of him
“I did what was necessary.” That was the first time he had spoken more than 2 words to you since he had gotten his necklace back that day in the library
“Draco, this is no time to be flirting. Come join me, bring her with you if you want.”
He tenses as voldy rests a boney hand on his shoulder, pulling him towards the other side, away from you
“If you won’t be joining us, we will use you an example of what will happen if you dont join us.”
You stare at him unfazed, fear was something you had gotten used to
Your fingers grip your wand in hand, running through all the spell harry had taught you in the da but its not enough
You are no match for voldy as he throws an unforgivable at you
You hear screams around you but all you hear is silence, as if the world had finally gone silent
Draco watched as the spell hit you directly in the chest. He had spent 2 years living with his actions all for it to have gone to naught in a single second
He watched as the light from his wand hits you
Before rebounding off you as if it hit a shield
There’s a flash of black and his mother is infront of him, wand out from deflecting the spell from bouncing back and hitting him
“She’s important to you?”
“She gave him one of the fucking family heirlooms, either she’s important to him or he’s an idiot”
His parents were… bickering in the middle of a battle
voldy recollects himself but before he can talk neville speaks up “I have no idea what’s going on but-”
Draco drowns out the noise as he stares at you on the floor, youre covered in dust and in blood but youre alive
He hears screams as harry rolls from hatreds arms, he hears the cries from death eaters but all can see is you
“We’re switching sides now?”
“I mean he’s fairly distracted, he won’t have time to hunt us down, we owe it to our son.”
Fight scene
You remember everything
Fred Weasley teases the both of you, “we have a war to win, you can fuck later.”
He copy his lazy grin, a grin that lights you up, a grin that reminds you what’s left to fight for
You see the spell before he does
Youre in an arms reach of him but Draco cant reach you in time
You push Fred to the floor, putting yourself in the line of fire by default and draco has to watch you get hit all over again
“We need to talk about what exactly it is ive been wearing around my neck this entire time.”
“I think only my mother can answer that.”
[if you made it this far, send me an ask with the word ‘chicken’ and i’ll send you a cursed photo xx]
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gra-sonas · 2 years
I think that in the past you said that you don´t want/like to speculate (if you didn´t say that, I apologise, maybe it was another blog). Anyway, my question doesn´t have to do with speculation because what I would like to know is which 5 things would you love to see in s4 if we were in a perfect world? You can just ignore this if you want to. Have a great day and week!
I just didn't want to speculate about Tyler's absence from/presence on set during the filming of episodes 3-10, that's all. Other speculation's always welcome tho. :) (not that there's anything of substance to speculate about, we barely knew anything about S3, and we know even less about S4).
Lemme ponder for a second.
I'd love (and expect) to see Malex moving in together, and I think there'll be a proposal/wedding at the end of the season (it's what they and we deserve as "pay-off" 😌).
I'm also looking forward to Kybel, bc daaaaaamn, Trevino and Lily have 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 chemistry, and they're going to make us LOVE them!
Then I'm very excited to get to know Dallas. His addition to the cast in S3's been an absolute highlight for me, and I hope they'll explore the triad a lot more in S4 (and Dallas will discover some new kickass 👽 powers).
I also hope for Sanders to show up again. I love him, and Michael should have Walt as a father figure instead of Douchebag Jones.
I can't think of anything else tho. I mean, I hope they'll continue to give us more conversations between various characters like they did in S3, but I won't get my hopes up for any particular constellations (especially none that involve my favorite... ).
Without being a negative Nancy I just doubt we'll ever get the kind of in-depth conversations or friendships between characters we've been hoping for since S1, so I just don't expect or wish for them any longer. That way disappointment lies...
If this sounds like I'm not overly excited about S4 atm, that's true. There's just NOTHING to be excited about yet. 🤷‍♀️ Like, apart from three new characters joining the show (and apparently sticking around until the finale), and Tyler's somewhat "cryptic" hint, we know zilch about S4. We don't even have a synopsis.
I'm sure some kind of excitement will develop once we have a S4 premiere date (or rather a trailer, hard to be excited about a mere date when we still know nothing about what to expect), but overall I'm going into S4 with the hope that I'll like it enough to sit through the parts of the season that will "make many of us unhappy - until it will pay off".
Tumblr media
⬆️ My face does this whenever I think about S4 tbh
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luna-rainbow · 3 years
hi! this may be a pretty long ask so I'm sorry in advance and pls ignore me if you want lol, but I saw your recent bucky posts and I just agree so much with what you said, and this "the way bucky's story was mistreated is emotionally draining" i feel that on a spiritual level 😓 I've been trying to talk about bucky's story in tfatws with a friend and she has had to stop me in the middle of ranting to ask if I was ok/suggest we change the subject for a bit because it gets me so upset sometimes and i just feel wrung out trying to make sense of it. when I first watched the show, after it ended i felt so so sad and i didn't understand why. i was sitting there like, it's a happy ending mostly, bucky and sam look happy, so why do i feel heartbroken?? and i really think it's bucky's entire story, and the big gaping hole that is steve and how they try to handle that by not handling it at all and just having people tell bucky to move on or that steve doesn't matter, when it doesn't make sense. even if you only see friendship between them, they were the most important people in each other's lives and steve's part in bucky's life informed who bucky is as a character, as a person. having them just try to basically sweep that under a rug and tell bucky to just move on feels so wrong to me. also, I kind of feel like it's almost framed as a breakup? which is funny bc marvel was so desperate to downplay stucky lol. idk. sorry that's off topic with your posts and I'm just ranting in your ask box now ugh. i just hadn't really seen anyone else on tumblr talking about the problems with bucky's story until i followed you so it's really nice to see other people have some of the same thought processes/feelings about it. so i just wanted to say that I love seeing your perspective, and your metas are amazing and so interesting, I spent all day thinking about the (bio)mechanics of bucky's arm after your arm meta! anyways, I hope you have a good day/night and I'm sorry for the rambling, like I said feel free to ignore this or only respond to the parts you want lol I understand not wanting to go to deep into tfatws stuff and drain yourself 💞
Thanks lovely for the ask. This turned out to be a long answer so I'll also apologise in advance LOL
I have many things I’m unhappy about with Bucky’s depiction in TFATWS, but you’re absolutely right that one of the major gaping holes is the avoidance of mentioning Steve. The series and the MCU is afraid to talk about the particulars of Steve’s absence, because:
a) they will have to acknowledge that what EG!Steve did was actually really shitty because not only did he leave Bucky completely stranded out of time (when he himself spent like 4 movies bemoaning this very sense of alienation), he dumped his burden on Sam without discussing with him, and he also left the Avengers completely leaderless. He is the only unifying force left in the Avengers, yet he just high key bails on all his friends to dance with a girl who he knew would have moved on.
b) they will also have to acknowledge that Bucky and Sam are entitled to feel upset and maybe even annoyed at his decision. I know we get told that Steve and Bucky “already had that talk off screen” but just because Bucky didn’t blast Steve on screen doesn’t mean he’s happy with Steve’s decision. We also never see Sam deal with the aftermath of what Steve chose to do. Sure, the story covers his hesitancy about being "Captain America", but it avoids addressing how Steve's selfish decision, which had massive personal ramifications for Sam, affected what Sam feels about Steve.
c) they will also have to address how his decision was completely OOC, because even if you take Bucky out of the equation, Steve has moved on. He’s had time to move on, he has a found family now, and he has a mission and Steve never walks away from a mission. Other people have written amazing metas on why EG!Steve is not Steve, so I won't rehash it here.
I’m not surprised that MCU put its head between its legs and refused to even touch on that subject because to actually lay it out in the open will not only ruin the image of their golden boy for non-Steve fans (most Steve fans already hate EG!Steve), but it will also have to address the hot pile of crap that EG created.
In a way, because of the way they’ve bungled EG!Steve, I’m actually kind of vindictively glad that Sam told Bucky to stop letting Steve dictate what he believes in. EG!Steve is not worth Bucky’s (or Sam’s) grief or respect. EG!Steve is certainly not the same Steve who broke through 70 years of mental conditioning on 3 separate occasions (okay fine the 3rd time was the helicopter breaking Bucky out but the biceps flex definitely helped).
But had Steve disappeared from their lives in any other manner, both Sam and Bucky deserved to have screen time dedicated to their grief, and not just them trying to manage the traumas of side characters. Steve was everything Bucky had to anchor him to the identity that isn’t the Winter Soldier. Sam gave up everything, including his livelihood and home and family, to support Steve. Legit I’m more upset about how Sam has been left out of this emotional journey than Bucky but I digress.
So yeah, I think my beef(s) with the series isn't that it didn't address the grief, because I think if I had to watch Bucky (or Sam) really mourn Steve's loss I would have HATED EG!Steve just that much more; but the way they've simplified both Bucky's and Sam's complex past experiences into something so...conveniently fixable.
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thedevillionaire · 3 years
Invasive Species
~3,000 words of my supernatural soap opera, Demonics Office edition. If you’ve read my fics before, you’ve met Cerberus and Kia already. Other Underworldians briefly appearing or mentioned here: Therion, Demonics Understudy - sort of the same thing as vice president, Crisis (Therion’s BFF, another Demon), Winter (Crisis’s bonded, Sorceress), and Belladonna (Therion’s bonded, Vampire). And of course, any questions, about anything, please do ask.
Heading home from the evening’s soiree more than a little later than intended, they’d only decided to take the detour to the Demonics Office last minute, Cerberus reasoning that collecting the necessary documents and notes for the introductory expedition he was directing in two nights’ time might as well be done now rather than waiting until tomorrow. It should be late enough that they wouldn’t be interrupting anything, anyway. They should, in fact, have pretty much the entire department to themselves at this hour – although it was a general truism that if any department was likely to have activity occurring at unorthodox hours, Demonics would be the one. He hoped for the best nonetheless, casually willing a few of the firebrands lining the walls aflame as he and Kia passed by.
Kia nodded towards the Office door upon their arrival. “It’s definitely unoccupied?” she checked again. “I mean, since you’re not expected in tonight at all and… Well, you know. Cat’s away, mice will play, all that.”
“Are you suggesting my Office could be the site of something…in flagrante?” Cerberus chuckled darkly.
“Oh, absolutely, babe. I’m just intending for it to be us.” She gave him a playful smile. “You know. Rather than walking in on it.”
“I’m not sure Therion’s a particularly likely candidate for that sort of thing,” said Cerberus, though he knocked lightly twice before opening the door anyway. “Or at least, if he is, he’s been careful enough to have never been caught.”
He stood aside for Kia to enter before him, and she paused, smirking. “Is that out of chivalry, hon, or are you just hoping that if someone is fucking on your furniture that I’m the one who gets to be the main witness so you won’t have to try to unsee it every time you come in here afterwards for the rest of eternity?”
Laughing, Cerberus kissed her lightly on the top of her head. “I’d not considered it to that degree, but now that you mention it, I hope you’ll forgive me for thinking that’s actually rather a good idea.” He smiled, half-bowed and waved her through.
Kia looked back at him in light-hearted reproach as she entered. “One day I’ll learn to shut up, you know.”
Cerberus closed the door behind them. “Oh, darkling, I very much hope that you don’t.” He paused for a moment, frowning slightly at a subtle, unusual scent that he couldn’t quite place, before disregarding it and following his bonded inside.
Kia semi-leapt with melodramatic abandon onto the couch, lay back and threw her arms wide. “Look! Completely fuck-free!” She grinned wickedly as Cerberus laughed again, and sat up, crossing her legs in a deliberate parody of primness. “Okay, okay, so remind me – what are you actually doing tomorrow or whenever?”
“First year Take direction. Standard introductory procedure. More necessary than interesting, unfortunately,” replied Cerberus, walking over to his desk and searching for the related papers he could have sworn he’d left here specifically, noting also that that wasn’t the only thing that seemed to be out of position or incorrectly placed or…flat out missing. Hmm. The carafe of cognac he kept there was also a significant degree emptier than it ought to be, too. “Something has definitely gone on here tonight,” he said, rubbing his nose absently against a faint but obstinate itch. “There’s been some…sort…” He broke off as the itch became abruptly definite, sneezing. “Hm. Pardon me.”
“Bless you!”
“Thank you, love,” Cerberus said vaguely, distracted by both the absence of the documents he needed and the disturbingly insistent tickle which seemed to have grown in intensity rather than to be at all relieved. He rubbed his nose again. “Why is nothing where it’s supposed to be?” he asked rhetorically, annoyed. “It’s not like it needed to…” he began, but soon lost his thoughts to other concerns. “Oh, excuse m… hh…” Breaking off again, he took a tissue from the box on the table, sneezing into it. “HuhTSCHuu!” He apologised and wiped his nose.
“Mmm, bless, babe.” Kia wandered across the room to meet him, pushing a few books aside to create enough space for her to sit on the desk, facing Cerberus and giving him a soft, suggestive smile as she curled an arm around his waist, the other behind his neck, through his hair. “You know…you could put off the document search for a little while, if you like,” she murmured, kissing him deeply and Mindsending a teasing, sultry :and do someone else instead.:
The rush of desire racing through Cerberus momentarily eclipsing all else, he returned her kiss with a promise Kia could feel, and she purred with pleasure as he drew her closer to him, wrapping one leg around his, feeling him covet her, and all she wanted was more. But it seemed like the fates had other ideas, as Cerberus found himself suddenly, unavoidably torn from the moment. His breath caught and he turned from her in haste, not able to do otherwise.
”HhTSSCHUU! Ah…ahTSCHUU! What the h…hh-AHTSSCHU!” He glanced back at Kia briefly, his brow creased in confusion and his eyes watering, before he had no choice but to surrender again as the need to sneeze again overtook him. “Hhh-hh-TSCHUU! Gods! Pardon me.” Sniffling wetly, he claimed several more tissues, the relentless irritation burning sinus-deep. “W-what…what the hell is…” Another hitch in his breath and he looked at the ceiling, attempting to settle the rapid, shaky inhalations but to no avail and he sneezed again, powerful and demanding. “Huh-ahhHEHTSSCHuu!”
“Oh, bless you! Are you alright?” Kia looked at her bonded in a mixture of concern and captivation, even as she thought to herself that he was clearly not alright and that it was fairly pointless to ask. “I mean, you’re not coming down with something, right? You seemed fine earlier…”
Cerberus, genuinely confounded, gave a brief shake of his head in answer and tried, not successfully, to steady his breathing against the compulsive, overwhelming prickle that simply refused to back down. “No, I…” He sniffled sharply and pressed the back of his hand firmly against his nose. “I…I’m not sick,” he said. “I have no…no idea wh… hhh-TSSCHUU! tshHUU! S-sorry, lov… ah-hh-MMPchh! Ugh.” He winced from the discomfort of stifling, a desperate measure he rarely resorted to, and wiped watering eyes. “Oh, my gods.” Taking yet more tissues, vaporising the used ones in a flash of Combust, he blew his nose and murmured another apology.
Kia leapt neatly down from the desk and half motioned, half physically directed Cerberus to take a seat, which he did, and she moved to stand behind him. “Okay. So, then, in that case…” She smoothed some disordered hair back from his face and kissed the top of his head. “What are you allergic to, hon?”
Cerberus shook his head once more. “Nothi…ii-AHHtchuu! hhtCHUU!” He had no chance of preventing the two rapid sneezes which took him completely without warning, and he blinked rapidly, wiping his eyes again, then his nose, both of which seemed to have no intention of stopping their near constant streaming now. “Nothing th…that I-I… Ah-TSSCH-uu!” He groaned, sniffling uselessly. “Ah, gods, excuse me. Nothing that I can think of, nothing that would…hh-HH…” Focus dissolving unstoppable, he sniffled several times more, uselessly, no respite or relief afforded, hurriedly claimed another few tissues, and sneezed again. “AHH-TSCHUU! Fuck!”
“Bless you, sweetheart.” Kia cast her gaze around the room, considering potential options and not recognising any viable ones. She gently neatened her bonded’s hair and rubbed his shoulders as he caught another convulsive sneeze in the tissues, and another immediately after that. “But maybe you need to think a little harder, okay?”
Other than the occasional reaction to dust, though – something he never let get out of hand in his immaculately kept Office – and of course unexpectedly or unsuitably cold temperatures and the like, again in this instance definitely not the case, Cerberus honestly couldn’t think of anything that could possibly be the cause of this.
“Gods, I-I don’t…” His breathing shaky, untrustworthy, he did his best to concentrate on something other than needing to sneeze and the fierce, unending, crawling itch that just. would. not. subside. “I have no idea. Nothing that should be in…in my Office, damn it,” he managed before an urgent, violent sneeze bent him double, leaving him gasping for breath. “AHHTSSCHHUU! Ugh. Honestly!” Scrubbing a rough hand under his nose, he sniffled strongly, looking back over his shoulder at Kia. He offered her a self-deprecating half smile, raising an eyebrow and giving a quick shake of his head. “I think I can see through time.”
Kia laughed. “Oh, hon. Well, I’m certainly not going to question your…many talents.” She stroked his hair and kissed him again, when her eye was caught by a salt-sketched pentacle on the floor of the ritual workings space in the furthest corner of the room, a small, lightly smouldering ceramic bowl at the pentacle’s apex northern tip, several unfamiliar symbols encircling it.
“Um…I’m no expert or anything, but isn’t that upside down for here?” She gently turned Cerberus’ attention towards it, pointing. “I mean, it’s not upside down but it should be, right? For Demonics.”
Cerberus followed Kia’s direction, finding focus difficult through reddened and watery eyes, but he nevertheless recognised a Sorcery cleansing set-up when he saw one. “What the…”
Before he could explore that thought further, though, the door opened suddenly.
Therion stopped dead in his tracks. Shit. He hadn’t planned on having to explain anything - just tidy up Crisis and Winter’s mess and leave again. “Uh…hey. I didn’t think you were coming in tonight,” he said, more than a little awkwardly. “I, um…” He indicated the pentacle. “That wasn’t me, man. But I am here to sort it…” A powerful sneeze from Cerberus interrupted him, and another following almost immediately.
Sniffling again, Cerberus cursed under his breath and tried to will himself to at least perhaps manage just a modicum of control, just for a moment, damn it, because he was fairly sure that any aura of authority and command, something that usually came so effortlessly to him and something he would very much like to have at least a semblance of right now, was going to be thoroughly undermined by this…ridiculous, unrelenting…sensation that he just...couldn’t… Gods, fuck… “Huh-TSCHHUU!”
Kia blessed him quietly, gave him a reassuring pat on his shoulder and another quick kiss, and left his side to head over to the ritual space, something having occurred to her. :Just a sec, babe: she Mindsent. :I’ll be right back.:
“Gesundheit,” said Therion. “You got a cold?”
Before Cerberus could offer any sort of denial – not that he was in any real state to do so anyway, his concentration primarily on trying not to sneeze again – Kia held up the ceramic bowl, thin tendrils of faintly scented smoke still curling from it. “Therion!” she called, displaying it. “What’s in this?”
“Um…well, it’s Winter’s work, so I’m not really sure. It won’t be anything too fancy, though – it’s just a basic cleansing Sorcery herbal concoction thing, so, um…probably mostly birchbark and…” Therion broke off abruptly, eyes widening in realisation. “Oh… Shit.” He didn’t bother to check anything further and instantly Sent the bowl to Winter’s house, Mindsending her a hurried :Sorry, sorry, I’ll explain later, can’t talk now, tell Crisis we’re probably in deep shit, sorry.:
“It’s… HMPTch!” Appalled, Cerberus stifled another sneeze and winced, sniffling sharply. “It’s what?!” He grabbed a fresh handful of tissues, wiped his eyes and blew his nose, and rounded on Therion in no uncertain terms. “Explain this. Quickly. Now.” His words, though congested, carried enough vehemence in their undertone that Kia, having crossed the room to stand with him again, put a calming hand on his arm to try and call him back from doing anything perhaps more extreme than was necessary.
Therion tried to think of a reasonable starting point. Fuck. “Um…”
“Quickly,” repeated Cerberus tersely, rubbing his nose firmly to try and suppress the irritation still bothering him despite the source having been removed. Damn stuff will have permeated practically everything in here. He sniffled again, emphatically, repeatedly, and pressed the back of his hand against his nose but couldn’t stop two more sneezes, rapid and forceful, and he swore in frustration. Kia softly blessed him again, and he Mindsent her an apology, thanked her between a series of sniffles, stroked her hair.
Exhaling heavily, Therion sent a silent entreaty to the fates to please let Cerberus remember that for the vast majority of the time, he hadn’t made any monumental fuck-ups and they actually worked together really well usually, and hoped against hope for the best. “Okay, um, well, me and Bel and Crisis and Winter were just having some after-shift drinks, and Winter has an advancement thing coming up that she wanted to do a practice invocation for and so me and Bel left her and Crisis here because it…seemed okay at the time, I don’t know, man, we’d been drinking, and I didn’t ask her what she was gonna be doing but how bad could it be, I mean, fuck, she’s only level 7, I told them to clean up before they left but they only did the desk or some shit because they were still drinking after we left and… I fuckin’ don’t know, man. And then I found out they hadn’t sorted the Sorcery ritual space shit and so I came back here to deal with that and…well, you know the rest of it.” He looked at Cerberus in trepidation. “I’m really fucking sorry, man.”
Cerberus cleared his throat, sniffled and blew his nose again, excusing himself with annoyance evident, and tried to steady his breathing, still somewhat erratic. “You will impress upon Crisis without question that the only reason he’s lived through this night is because it’s you telling him the following rather than me. If he or anyone else ever either performs or allows a Sorcery ritual to take place in the Demonics Office again, there will be no…no further warnings such as this one, and I…” He inhaled shakily, another rising itch threatening to derail him, but he pressed a firm hand against his nose in ironhard determination and managed to see it off, at least for the time being. “And I guarantee that repercussions will not be delivered with mercy.”
Therion nodded, chastened but relieved, given what other…significantly worse outcomes could have transpired, and agreed to do as tasked.
Cerberus paused a moment, considering. “And also, Therion? You will do whatever it takes to fumigate this place by tomorrow, and if you ever allow anything like this to occur again, your Understudy position is forfeit. Clear?”
Therion nodded again. “Crystal.”
With a short, sharp sniff, Cerberus pushed several wayward strands of ebony hair from his face and rubbed still-itchy eyes. “I have had entirely enough of tonight,” he said. “By tomorrow, Therion. Oh, and find out where the hell Crisis thought he should file my papers for the Take introduction two nights from now. Because it’s nowhere that makes a-any… Huh-TSCHH-uu! Goddamnit! *SNF!*” He pushed his hair back again, more roughly this time, his tolerance for this nonsense absolutely done. “Any fucking sense.”
He sighed, recentering himself somewhat as he shifted his attention from Therion to Kia, and wrapped an arm around his bonded’s waist, kissing her on the top of her head. “Shall we?” he asked, indicating the door. :I can’t believe I actually would have preferred to walk in on couch sex.:
Kia burst out laughing, shaking her head and reining in her laughter to a degree as Therion looked at her in curiosity. “Nothing,” she said, “nothing.”
Cerberus gave her a wry, knowing smile, claimed a few more tissues, and they left the Office without further ado, Kia stopping him as soon as they were out the door.
“Okay, so, why didn’t you mention birchbark when I asked you about allergies?” She raised her eyebrows at him archly. “Because Therion obviously knew about it.”
“Well, I’m hardly ever in contact with it.” Cerberus wasn’t even sure he’d remembered its existence at the time he’d been asked, anyway. “It’s not used in Demonics, and I’m never involved in cleansing invocations. Ridiculous things, really. I have encountered it in the Sorcery department before, some time ago – though that is probably why Therion recognised it, I suppose.” He looked at Kia in vaguely perplexed apology. “It’s just…I’ve never really thought of it as an allergy. Yes, sometimes it makes me sneeze, but…”
“Sometimes?!” Kia gave him a look of incredulity. “Babe.”
Cerberus chuckled, low and dark, sniffling again. “Alright, I do realise how that sounds, love, but I’ve never—” A catch of breath, brow creased anew, and a momentary pause. “—never had that level of exposure before and… ah-HH…” He inhaled deeply as the burning tickle returned with fresh, demanding insistence. “HAHTSCHH-uu! *SNF!* Gods! Honestly.” He sniffled again, sighed and wiped his nose. “Sorry, love. Pardon me.”
“Bless you, sweetheart. Nice timing.” With a gentle laugh and softvisceral thrill, Kia embraced him. “Tell you what,” she said seductively, trailing a manicured fingernail down his arm and giving him a warm, inviting grin. “If you Teleport us home, I’ll get you out of these clothes and into a hot shower.”
She stood on tiptoe, curled a hand through his hair, kissed him with unmissable promise. :And some hot company.:
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raikangaru · 4 years
Love - Zuko x Reader
Warnings: explicit content (smut)
suggested one shot
you may listen to the song as you read. the story is based from it
His royal robes stands out in the crowd, bright gold and red sticking out like a sore thumb. I haven’t seen him in a year, he had aged, stress lines and dark bags mark his face but he was as handsome as the day I left him. My heart clenches at the sight of him, I have missed him, I almost wanted to approach him. He continues to browse the wares of the market, surrounded by his royal guards, I shake my head before continuing on with my own errands. It was unexpected to see him but I’m not mad that I did. I return to my previous actions and selected the fruits I had wanted to purchase, smiling at the old lady as she packed up my items.
“Here you go dear”
I thank the nice old lady and turn back to where I had seen him, just to see him before I go but he was gone, I sigh sadly but go on anyways to my next stop. A hand circles around my wrist and on instinct I jerk it away but the hold stays tight on my arm, I look to the scruffy man with a horrible smile,”sir please let go of me,”I asked tugging on my arm,”no can do little lady,”he flashes me a smile, rotten teeth on display. “I suggest you don’t get me angry sir,”I tried again heating up my hands but he was suddenly ripped away from me. I turn to my saviour and familiar ember eyes meet mine,”I-Zuko, thank you,”I gape at the man before me, he was even more handsome up close. He pushes me behind him as his guards arrests the creep, “what a pleasant surprise to see you (your name),”he tilts my head up and rubs his thumb over my bottom lip,”still as pretty as ever, kitten,”he whispers into my ear and I stiffen you at the familiar nickname, dropping my purchases.
“Zuko, you know I’m not your kitten,”I bend down to pick up my groceries, “you use to like being called that,”he counters an almost sad look passes his face. “Why don’t we catch up as old friends?”he suggests, “I think it’s better if we don’t Zuko, I’m not interested,”I huff as I straighten up and prepare to be on my way but he doesn’t make a move to leave me alone,”are you not going to let me go until I agree?”,I quirk an eyebrow as his guards began to surround us, his flashes me an innocent before I sigh in frustration. Why does he act like everything’s alright between us, I’d hurt him. I was selfish and I couldn’t return his feelings the same way.
“Fine, lead the way almighty Firelord,”
He brings us to a very fancy restaurant, fit for the Firelord to dine in, “this is my favourite whenever I visit,”he says as he pulls the seat for me,”it seems like your taste,”I commented. “What would you like to order?”he picks up the menu decorated in gold and red, “just order what you usually get,”I try to relax myself and reach for the tea. He smiles and speaks to the waiter and a few minutes after plates of food are being served.
“I think this is a little too much Zuko,”I stare at the servings before us and he just laughs and gestures for me to begin eating, he scoops food unto my plate, urging me to try everything. He orders us a bottle of sake and we both drink a couple of shots. “Why can you never feel the same way?”he asks all of a sudden,”what do you mean?”I know what he meant but my head was swirling with too much alcohol,”love me,”his voice stiff and his eyes burn into me. As if trying to read my soul,”I don’t want to be tied down to you, I want to do other things,”I point to him. “But I can give you the world,”his eyes held sadness but I shake it away.
”I don’t care.”
He stands abruptly, gripping onto my hand tightly as he drags me to god knows where, the next thing I know I’m in his private quarters. His hand snuggly around my neck as he forces me to stare up at him, “why are you so difficult kitten?”,his lips leave a burning trail down my forehead to my lips, nibbling on my top lip biting my soft flesh before he pushes his lips against mine.
“Zuko, I don’t want to do this,”I muttered against his lips but I don’t stop, I don’t want to. His hands find my hair, pulling slighty to angle my face upwards, I can’t deny I don’t feel good because fuck it does. We break away a single strand of saliva connects us, he trails his kisses down my neck biting down on the skin marking his claim. “(your name), just let me have this,”his voice husky, I move to unravel his royal robes slipping them off his broad shoulder and running my hands on his well defined abdomen. He hikes up my dark robes, bunching them up to my hips before “Zuko,”I mewl out as his hand grazes my swollen clit,”such a cute sound, kitten,”he applies more pressure on my nub, rubbing harsh figure eights on it, I grip on his arms digging my nails into him as a wave of pleasure washes over me.
My head rolls back as he quickens the pace, a burn stirs up in me making my legs wobble, my high coming quick but as soon as it came it disappeared. “Oh, not yet my little kitten,”he steps away from me, clothes in disarray and neck covered in purple and red, I was mess and he loved it. His eyes clouded with lust as he unraveled me from my clothes, reducing me to my birthday suit, “got on the bed,”I bow my head in submission and sprawl myself out in all fours. A smack meets my ass cheek, tingles of pain running through me, biting my lip as the burn in pussy intensifies. God I just need him to fuck me, it must be the alcohol talking.
“So wet kitten, just how I like it,”he runs the head of his cock over my slit, coating himself in my juices,”please Zuko, just fuck me,”I begged, swallowing my pride and that was all it took for him as he roughly pushes himself inside. My back arches in pleasure as his cock filled me up, “yes, just like that. Fuck me hard please,”he pulls my hair arching my back even further. “Say it louder kitten, I need you to beg for me,”his hips rams into me as his fingers dig into my side breaking skin. His pace was relentless, giving me no time to breathe, he was fucking his frustration into me and I loved every second of it, the familiar burns starts to rise in the pit of my stomach. The sweet feeling of relief so close, I can feel myself clenching hard against him, wanting to milk his cock.
“Fuck fuck fuck”
The sensation is almost unbearable, losing all control my body finds release, my orgasm almost blinding as he chases his own, keeping up with his pace. “Shit,”his warm cum fills me up, hot spurts pain my walls white, he slowly pulls out, leaving me feeling empty as his cum seeps out of me.
We both lay, skin sweaty and bare on his silk sheets, catching our breaths from our wild ‘exercise’, his arms find themselves around me but I push him off, they had both agreed on this being the last. “I gotta go Zuko, it’s late,”I make a move to get up but his arm halts my movements, dragging my frame back to him and pressing himself closer. I attempts to get up again but is denied,”just a few more minutes, please,”his voice deep nipping on the shell of my ear, causing heat to burn in my core again. “Spend the night with me,”his hot breath sends shivers down my spine, he gently rubs my hips and burries his head in the crook of my neck.
I stay still and wait for his breathing to even out, until he’s in deep sleep, I slowly wiggle myself out of his hold, making sure to be very careful to not wake the noble man. I stare at his laying figure painted by the moonlight streaming in from the window, he looked ethereal, a beauty out of this world but I have to leave. I quickly dress up and pack what little belongings I owned, I look back at him once more before jumping out his window.
“I’m sorry Zuko, I’ll always be selfish. I can’t love you the same”
m a s t e r l i s t
i want to apologise for my absence, it’s been tough but thank you to @me-being-sad24-7 for suggesting this one shot. i am still in need of a job or something to help me earn money, i am juggling my uni work and tryna to find extra cash on the side. sorry for projecting these things to you guys, if you enjoyed the one shot leave a like and comment. thank you and have a great day!
all the love xx
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cuppatealove · 3 years
Ohh if I may pick two, 🌙 and 💋: about "A Confidential Source", everything that Fred told Peggy about the struggles/difficulties Daniel had to face after his injury - both physical and psychological - was really incredible, so many things I hadn't thought of before. This may be a silly question, but I was just wondering how much research went into that (because it's just so so detailed!); and also if the idea of it being Fred to whom Peggy talked was there right from the beginning :) of course only if you don't mind sharing that!
(Also sorry this turned out a little long 😅)
Don't apologise, please :)
🌙 What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
Any time I can squeeze it in!! Which is not often lol. Used to be late at night, in the wee hours, but I can't get away with late nights anymore. And, I'm not gonna lie, it's a struggle, because late night always was my best creative time. Occasionally Mr Cuppa has an evening out and I make the most of that. Otherwise it's when the Baby Cupplets are napping and/or out of the house. One of my fics (I won't say which, but it was NOT a short one) was written in tiny snatches on my phone in the newborn haze, stealing moments in the hospital, during night feeds, or escaping from relatives to pump milk for 20 minutes!!!!! (tmi?) It was a wild ride.
💋 [see above]
Ooh those are fun questions! Daniel's experiences: part research, part my over-active imagination ;) And by 'research' I mostly mean I watched the odd YouTube video. And read @peonymoss's Quo Vadis? many, many times, which totally counts as research. (I know I always harp on about that, but I really am its biggest fan!)
As for Fred: All the Peggy/Daniel events in the fic have been a well-established headcanon of mine for years, as have the many hours Peggy would later spend trying to process and understand them. I actually always imagined that Daniel had a hospital roommate he kept in touch with all his life who was an arm amputee, and that in their hospital days they would do a lot of (internal) compare-and-contrast about the pros and cons of each. (Well, I guess there are no pros, only the absence of cons.) Anyway, my initial idea had been that maybe Peggy could bump into this guy and get some insights, but I quickly decided that was just a little far-fetched! But the idea took root of some of the conversations they might have had, so I created Fred to fill the void, and then had to think about his job, his war experience etc. A LOT of research went into him that never made it to the page! I would love to write him again.
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ackernuts · 3 years
WHERE.[Erwin Smith x Daughter Reader]
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝘈𝘥𝘰𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘍𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘌𝘳𝘸𝘪𝘯 𝘚𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘹 𝘈𝘥𝘰𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴(𝘀): 𝘈𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺, 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩
𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1953 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴
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It was a normal pleasant day for the Survey Corps. It's had been almost a month since they've returned from rescuing Eren and the fleeing of the traitors, Reiner and Bertoldt and been a few weeks after Historia had been crowned.
The Corps had been back on operation again after defeating Historia's father's Titan.
While most are now focusing on coming up with a plan to retake Wall Maria after Eren successfully obtained the power of Titan Hardening, Commander Erwin is on Survey Corps HQ in Trost  together with his adoptive daughter, [Name] Smith.
[Name] became a fallen soldier after she lost her eyesight in the first encounter with the Female Titan back in their 57th expedition.
Being visually impaired, she's out of duty but she's to stay in the HQ with Erwin, as per his orders.
That brings us to the present with [Name] clutching at the arm of Erwin for support as they walk towards the messhall where everyone is having dinner.
Upon arriving, the room was bustling with the cheers of the newly recruits who's oblivious of the death trap they just got themselves into.
With a blank face, [Name] ignored all the judging stares of those who doesn't know what had happened to the young ex-corporal. Erwin sat her on her usual seat together with all the higher-ups.
Hanji then helped Erwin to fetch her meal so she can eat and take her medicine. With the two of them out of [Name]'s side and the absence of the other corporal, Levi, mutters of dissatisfaction and belittling from the new cadets rung up to [Name]'s ears.
“Who is she?”
“Why is a useless blind in our ranks?”
“Who does she think she is? Thinking she can survive without a damn sight.”
“She's probably whoring with the commander.”
Having enough of the mutterings of the brats, she stood up and feel her way towards the cadets using her heightened other senses.
“What did you brats just said?” her eerie deep voice with rasp in it echoed across the room, silencing the place.
Smug chuckle of a stupid cadet then break the silence.
“You want me to repeat what I said? Ha! So you're not just a useless blind but also a deaf! Well let me repeat then! You're probably just whoring with the Commander, I mean, what does a useless blind like you doing in our ranks.”
A loud bang was then heard from one corner where the new Levi's squad was sitting, there stood an outranged Jean and Eren.
“You idiot! How dare you talk to the Commander's daughter that way?!” yell Eren with palms clenched into fist and furrowed eyebrows.
“That's a corporal you're disrespecting!” added Jean.
The cadet's smug smirk dropped almost immediately and color starting to drain off of him. The room was silence once again with a pair of footsteps rang up to their ears.
Walking back to the superior's table, Erwin and Hanji placed the trays of foods then turn to the lady standing in front of the recruit's table.
“[Name]? What are you doing?” those words fell into the deaf ears of [Name] and look straight into the cadet's eyes despite not seeing a thing other than total darkness.
“You cadet. I know you're new here in the scouts but you're not new to the military. Is that how you respect a superior?” almost immediately, the boy strung up and salute to [Name].
“You do not only bad-mouthed a corporal but also disrespect the Commander with your filthy mouth. Now receive your punishment, you're to run around the HQ and you are not to stop until I say so. I don't care if you lose your leg running your laps, after all you're not a useless blind in this ranks.” and with so much fright from the (color) haired female, he run outside without a second thought.
With that, [Name] went back to go and eat her dinner with a single thought in her mind and a doubt in her heart.
After dinner, the two then went back to Erwin's office to finish his paperwork.
“Erwin, tomorrow you're going to retake Wall Maria, right?” [Name] quietly asked.
“Yes. Also, good thing you remind me. You are to stay with Commander Shadis as we do the operation.” [Name]'s ears almost burst at her adoptive father's words.
“But Erwin, I can fight too. I can help to retake the wall.” she immediately reply. Stopping abruptly at his daughter's exclaimed, Erwin look at her with wide eyes.
“No.[Name], you're staying here where it's safe. Braun and Hoover is still out there and with Hanji's report about this beast Titan who turns a whole village into Titans, we can't risk you getting injured or worst die in there.”
“But like I said I can fight. I'm still a soldier and ---”
“[Name] you're blind! You're disabled! It's too dangerous out there. I'm doing this to protect you.--”
“So that's how it really is?! It's because I'm useless now because I can't see anymore! Why?! Back when I'm still fine, you wouldn't hesitate to give me mission after mission but now that I'm visually impaired I'm just a rug doll you're going to throw! Is it because I'm not your perfect soldier now?! That without my eyesight I'm just a weak little daisy you can pluck out of the garden?!”
“No! That's not---”
“No! It is! Don't you think I don't know that?! You think I don't know that a lot of people are waiting for me to accept that I'm good-for-nothing now so they can pull the trigger and kill me?! You think I don't know the guns pointed at me every single second?!”
Anger and hurted tears streaming down [Name]'s cheeks and Erwin's eyes filled with regret. Sighing, he walk up to his daughter and put a hand in her shoulder.
“Look, just give me more time [Nickname]. I'll put you back to the battlefield.”
“Don't call me that! Put me back? How?! Are you willingly give me your eyes? You can do that? Can you just stop pretending that you can fix everything with your gamble? Your can't do anything, you're just my adopted father anyway.”
Pain strikes Erwin's heart at the words of his daughter as she feel her way out of the office and into her own room, stumbling a couple of times before entering her bedroom.
After that argument, [Name] locked herself in her room and doesn't even listen to the knock on her door by her father, bidding her a short farewell. Hours had passed and [Name] decided to get off of her bed and get ready to go visit her so-called grandpa, Cadet Instructor Keith Shadis.
Almost four days that the scouts went to retake Wall Maria and now they're back. The heroes of Shiganshina. [Name], received a letter that they found a compatible eye donor and is ready for the transplant, having her missed the return of her comrades.
Two days and the operation was successful. Her then (color except blue) eyes are now bright blue. Upon hearing the news of the operation, Hanji went and fetch the (color) tressed female and had her ride a carriage.
Much to [Name]'s surprise, Hanji hadn't uttered a single word since they took off and to her bewilderment, they stopped into the cemetery especially made for the military.
Her heart dropped at the sight of the regiment, mourning over their fallen soldiers. Frankly, she use her sight to go and look for her father that she dearly missed and hoped to apologized to.
“[Name]... I'm sorry.” she heard Hanji mumbled and ushered her to a certain tombstone where she see the name that made her whole world crumble.
There, written in the tomb is Erwin Smith. The name of the only man who have the courage to raise a meek, bruised little girl who he found on the side of the street. The very man who was so proud of her achievements, the only person who ever believed in her from the very beginning. The only one she will ever be proud to call her father.
Weak legs gave out and she fall into the ground, in front of her father's grave. Hot tears streaming down her cheeks like waterfalls. Her whole body shakes in disbelief at the loss of her beloved family. And to think that she haven't had the chance to apologise for their fight, hell, she haven't said she loved and cared for him for so long since she was six and now, she doesn't have the chance anymore.
“Who is it?...”
[Name] mutters, eyes widen and lips trembling in every word. The rest of the Levi's squad, Levi and Hanji, stare at her in sympathy.
“Who was it...”
Contemplating to step forward and apologise to the crying lady, Armin ashamedly about to walk up to her when he was stopped by Levi.
“Who is it?! WHO EVER IS IT THAT TOLD YOU, YOU CAN GO WHERE I CAN'T FOLLOW YOU!!” shouted [Name] in anger, sadness and regrets.
The scouts can only hang their heads low in grieve and emptiness.
A week after [Name]'s outburst that forced her body to shut down and fell into a short coma. [Name] woke up and she immediately asked to be discharged to stay in her father's office and room. Upon arriving there with Hanji trailing behind her, [Name] all of a sudden, felt her whole body went numb and she fell in Erwin's office floor.
“[NAME]!” Hanji ran up to her quickly and try to assist her.
“What is it? Those it hurts somewhere?”
“I- Hanji...my legs...I can't feel my legs...Hanji! I can't! My legs! I can't feel my legs.”
“Come on, let's get you back to the infirmary.” She said to the weilling woman and pick her up from the floor and into the infirmary.
“You're physically stable but it seems that you had been traumatized after all the events happened for the past weeks. Especially after loosing someone who's emotionally attached to you, it affects your capabilities to do the things you usually do with that person you always lean on. In your case, it was Erwin.” Hanji explained to the girl who's laying on the bed with a blank expression and an IV bag attached to her wrist.
“So you mean... I wouldn't be able to do the things I usually do with Dad? But... everything... I did everything with Dad. So it means I won't be able to do things even if I can see...”
4 years later
The Titans are all gone and the scouts can finally venture out the outside world, with Eren's father's memories, they're able to go and see the sea that he, Armin and Mikasa always hoped to see.
[Name] is back in her old self as a soldier to make her father even more proud and to not waste the eyes that Erwin had given to her.
Once there, all of them are mesmerized by the beauty the ocean holds. Different things they notice that peaked their interest but two oddly not as hyped as everyone else, Eren and [Name].
Both are just staring off to space and muttering words to themselves.
“Hey Erwin ... Are you seeing this now? I'm sure you do. It's beautiful isn't it?... We're seeing the outside world now. All thanks to you. Ha! And stupid gambles.
I missed you Erwin. Don't worry, you're safe now. You can rest all you want.
I'll... I'll see you later Dad...Soon, I'll get to where you are now.”
The End.
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chestnut-b · 4 years
Clueless (Art + Fic)
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Iruka’s sense of self-awareness has never been his strongest suit.
“Good afternoon Iruka-sensei.” he greeted. Kakashi turned to the back of the room. “A busy day in the mission room I see.” The silence was deafening. “There are some reconstruction projects near the Forest of Death that could use some extra manpower. Anyone keen?”.
In all his years in the mission room, Iruka had never seen a room clear out that fast.
He’d been receiving his second report of the day when he felt the sudden release of tension, but Iruka was nothing if not professional. Without even skipping a beat, he pulled his hitae-ate to his neck, tucked the curtain of hair behind his ear and out of his face. Iruka issued a quick apology to the Jounin before him and smiled amicably as he put away a freshly approved report. But the shinobi, whom Iruka had known to lack a chatty disposition, had not moved immediately as he usually did, and instead opted to stare at Iruka in a way that made him feel just a bit self-conscious.
He must have looked more of a mess than he thought.
“Is there something else I can help you with, Jounin-san?”
Iruka only received a mumbled thanks in response before the ninja quickly removed himself from the room. Quickly, he dug into his new vest pocket and felt absolutely nothing. He groaned inwardly, realising that in equipping his newly issued vest, he’d neglected to include his supply of spare hair ties.
“I’m getting a bit too complacent now that the war’s over.” he chided himself. It was too late to excuse himself to look for a spare; Iruka could only sigh as he ran a hand through his  now loose, tousled hair, attempting to make himself look, at the very least, presentable for the day’s duties. So lost in his own thoughts he was, that he failed to notice the sudden dip in chatter that usually filled the room.
The back of the mission room had always been a bit of a watering hole for the returning shinobi of the village, but as the hour passed Iruka was starting to wonder if he’d missed a memo somewhere. Between reports he took the chance to scan the room. Too many people whom he knew had no business here, some weren’t even on active duty at the moment. Heads kept peeking through the entrance and disappearing just as quickly. As he read the latest report before him, he resisted the urge to grip the knot of tension that had been building up at the back of his neck. But of course, by the time he could look up any shinobi worth their salt wouldn’t be caught dead looking in his direction.
Two hours in, and Iruka was starting to get annoyed. The line stretching in front of him was not only growing, but seemed to move at a snail’s pace. He’d had to engage in more than the usual small talk, and for some inexplicable reason, received three invitations to drinking parties and just as many invitations to a meal or tea.
While it was nice to see that Konoha’s peaceful days were bringing good business to the village eateries, the proposal for a new Academy roadmap he was to present to the Rokudaime and elder council in the coming week wasn’t going to finish itself. He’d had to politely decline each invitation, prompting a chuckle and snicker from Kotetsu and Izumo, who were manning the table beside him. The pair looked disturbingly amused by it all.
Speaking of the Rokudaime - he glanced at the clock across the room. It was about the usual time he’d spot the Hokage wander past the mission room door on what Iruka guessed, was his afternoon break. If Iruka knew anything from having assisted Tsunade-sama in her bureaucratic duties before, it was that Kakashi must have been drowning in more paperwork than the former jounin sensei had ever seen in his life.
The teacher smiled to himself; it didn’t feel like that long ago since he’d last received reports from Kakashi right across this very table. While the man wasn’t the most meticulous shinobi in that regard, Cell 7’s reports always made for an entertaining read (when they weren’t missions gone horribly awry, anyway), and Iruka found himself looking forward to receiving them on their return. Their argument during the Chuunin exams naturally caused some awkwardness between them, but when Naruto had left to train with Jiraiya, it was to Iruka’s pleasant surprise when of his own accord, Kakashi offered to buy drinks on the rare occasions Naruto wrote back home. Iruka hadn’t known what to expect, but their conversations had flowed as easy as the sake on those nights.
A sound of shuffling papers made Iruka pause. Hmm. The heat of the late afternoon sun on his back was making him feel unusually nostalgic today.
There was one Autumn, he remembered, when the first saury had come into season; Iruka passed a home-made bento to the older shinobi, along with an omamori containing soldier pills from their village shrine. Kakashi was due for a long mission that would see him away for a few months, and Iruka had wanted to thank him for all he’d done. Naruto’s absence had been unexpectedly hard on him, and Kakashi’s efforts, he’d realised, had kept the worst of the loneliness at bay. He’d regretted not bringing something for the rest of his accompanying team though, because Gai-sensei, upon witnessing this exchange, burst into a flood of tears in front of the village gates.
Really, he never knew Kakashi could look so pleased. Naruto was right, his sensei really did have a soft spot for saury.
Dragging his mind back to the present, Iruka added another report to the stack. The kunoichi before him was looking strangely flushed, but he just couldn’t muster the energy to suggest a cautionary visit to the infirmary. When she’d finally scuttled away, Iruka’s musings continued. Could a mere teacher and desk worker be friends with a Hokage? He wasn’t quite sure. But he did miss the conversations they’d shared over the letters in those years. Pein’s attack and the war had brought the meetings to an unfortunate end.
The reality of their situation; the new shinobi age, and Kakashi’s appointment as Hokage meant they couldn’t just pick up where they left off, Iruka thought. It’d been only two months since everyone had returned from the front lines. Many people were still mourning, but many were trying their best to move on with their lives.
Perhaps that why he’d received so many invitations. Iruka felt a twinge of guilt at the possibility of this, but remained firm in his decision. It would simply have to be another time.
As Hokage, Kakashi made few appearances in this room now, but on the days Iruka spotted him slouching past, the former jounin would send a surprisingly enthusiastic wave in his direction. Though the teacher never felt quite comfortable casually waving to the leader of their village in the middle of work (and a room full of shinobi), he never failed to send a genuine smile of acknowledgement back. An interaction that lasted mere seconds, but always gave Iruka the boost he needed to finish his shift.
Something he could really, really use right about now. That, along with a cup of tea. His throat was uncomfortably dry from all the extra talking he had to do today. The line at least, was making some progress.
Mere minutes later, as if summoned by an unsaid wish, a silver headed figure ambled by the door. Having noticed him out of the corner of his eye, Iruka looked up, ready to return a smile he was sure was waiting for him. However, there was none to be seen (though with the mask on, he couldn’t be completely sure). Instead, Iruka could only blink as he made eye contact with the man, who had stopped dead in his tracks at the door, looking at him with a mixture of surprise and weirdly enough, a tinge of......panic?
He wasn’t sure if it was a teleportation jutsu or just sheer speed, but in the next moment, the person standing in front of him wasn’t a stammering chuunin, but one Rokudaime.
“Good afternoon Iruka-sensei.” he greeted. Kakashi turned to the back of the room. “A busy day in the mission room I see.” The silence was deafening. “There are some reconstruction projects near the Forest of Death that could use some extra manpower. Anyone keen?”.
In all his years in the mission room, Iruka had never seen a room clear out that fast. His line mysteriously looked shorter too.
Looking rather pleased, Kakashi turned back to face him.
“Working on a new image?” The Hokage beamed at him, gesturing to his own head of silver. Two grey eyes, Iruka noticed, the same colour as his new vest. It suited him well. Two eyes though, he’d have to get used to that. Kakashi emoted so well with one, that two seemed a bit overwhelming at this point. Iruka felt his face grow warm. To be seen in such a disheveled state by his leader. How embarrassing.
“Please forgive my attire, it was certainly not my intention.” Iruka apologised, with a slight bow of his head. Kakashi merely shook his in response.
“No need, sensei. If anything, I should be the one apologising for interrupting your work, but it wouldn’t do to have everyone so distracted.”
Kakashi turned to Kotetsu and Izumo, who’d been enjoying their front-row seats to this scene a bit too much. 
“Kotetsu-kun, could you kindly take over Iruka-sensei’s duties for the rest of his shift?”
“As you command.”
“Do you need something from me, Hokage-sama?” Iruka was getting more confused by the minute. This wasn’t how he’d imagined their first proper conversation in months going. Kakashi merely nodded. Kotetsu took no pause and began shooing him away from his seat.
“Regarding the Academy proposals next week. I’d like to hear your thoughts about it so far. If you have the time to spare, of course.”
Well, he’d just had the rest of his shift taken over, it wasn’t as if Iruka had much of an excuse. Not that he minded at all. There was an unsettling energy in the room right now, and Iruka was more than happy to end what was an odd stint, by any means. Gathering his things, he said his goodbyes to his comrades, and made his way to the exit, where Kakashi was waiting for him. Iruka startled a bit when he felt a pat on his shoulder, but exited with a small smile on this face anyway. Even if they were just talking about work, he found himself looking forward to it more than he realised.
As soon as they’d left, the mission room seemed to take a collective breath, and the world returned to its natural state.
Izumo turned to Kotetsu, who was stamping the report Iruka had left unfinished.
“Think Iruka will ever get a clue?”
Kotetsu grinned and shook his head.
Author’s notes:
Thanks for reading! I’ve been thinking a lot about Iruka these days and felt the need to just write and draw something! It’s been so long too. 
I think Iruka has always been fairly sharp to everything around him, but himself. A little awkward and self deprecating, but that’s what we love about him! 
I’d love to know how you think about it. It was really fun to draw and write after years of just lurking. :D
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
For the headcanon thing (if my suggestion even counts as one); how about Arthur joins or is joined by reader in the shower/bathub? I don't mind smut since it'd fit but I think it would also work SFW, however it's up to you - knowing your writing it would be great and sweet either way! :)
Thank you so much nonnie! I was gonna do both SFW and NSFW for this one but I posted the filthiest thing I’ve ever written yesterday (A Bloody Smile) so I’m gonna go with soft and sweet SFW for this one!
It seems kinda obvious but there’s nudity in this; no smut though! Just two weary adults sharing water.
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It was the end of just another day for you and you wanted to go home.
Well, no… You wouldn’t mind walking through your front door but even then, surrounded by pieces of you and your comforts, you wouldn’t really be home.
Not until you saw your Arthur.
Only when his arms surrounded you would you be home, and thoughts of this keep you company throughout the day, partially filling the void in your heart put there by his physical absence.
Your journey home somehow took forever and yet no time at all; so consumed were you by thoughts of going home to Arthur.
People gave you strange looks for smiling so widely on your way home, but you barely noticed them.
They didn’t have the one thing that you did and you almost felt sad for them.
They would never know the absolute gift that was loving Arthur Fleck and being loved by him in return.
But you did.
You knew how lucky you were and it was for this reason that, in the moments you were conscious of it, did you wear your smile proudly.
Let them stare. It wasn’t like you were ever gonna see any of them again, anyway.
You practically ran up those horrible concrete steps, racing through the filthy streets of Gotham.
With the thrill that came from knowing that in minutes would you be seeing Arthur, you had the physical energy needed to forgo the rickety old lift entirely and soon you were at your shared apartment.
Despite your excitement at finally being in the place you knew Arthur would be, you entered slow enough so that, if he was lingering by the doorway, Arthur had enough time to get out of the way.
You had once hit him with the door on your way in, not knowing that he had his face pressed up against it; looking for you through the small peephole.
You had apologised a 1000000 times that night and each time had Arthur giggled and kissed you; he didn’t mind. It wasn’t like you had done it on purpose, though it had stung a little.
Not that he would tell you that.
He had just laughed through the slight pain ‘til he hadn’t felt it anymore, just like he dealt with everything else in his life.
This time, though, there was no one there.
You weren’t even slightly disappointed that Arthur hadn’t been waiting for you at the door like an excited puppy when their human goes to the kitchen. Not even a little. Nope.
You ignored the little voice in your head that called you a liar.
You could hear the radio being played in the bathroom, and you followed the sound easily; as if there was a rope between Arthur’s body and your own. 
You were being pulled to his side by the mere knowledge that he was just on the other side of the door and you were powerless to stop yourself; not that you ever would.
Arthur was a force unto himself and never would or could you resist him.
You knocked three times in rapid succession with the second knuckle of an index finger and let yourself in, smiling at the sight which greeted you:
Arthur in the bath, bubbles everywhere. 
It was in his hair, on his face, all over his body; he even had some bubbles on the tiles.
You had known that Arthur liked bubble baths but even this surprised you for a few seconds before you smiled gently at the man sat in the tub.
He was so soft and you loved him so much for it.
“Well, someone’s having fun.”
Even though you had knocked, Arthur still jumped at the sound of your voice.
You smiled at him and raised a hand in a tired greeting. “Hey.”
“Hi!” A small smile quickly dominated the whole of his mouth as Arthur took in the sight of you.
His smile soon turned into a frown, his strong dark brows creased in the middle; deepening the early wrinkles already there.
“You look tired.”
You shrugged, walked fully into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. 
“No more than you do.”
As Arthur spoke, you made your way over to him, toeing off your shoes and tugging off your coat, your bag and anything else that was strictly for the Outside World, which you wanted nothing to do with for the rest of the day.
It took so much from you and rarely gave back; so it could all go away for now.
So long as you had Arthur, you had everything.
You sat on the edge of the bathtub, your fingers sliding into Arthur’s wet curls.
His eyes closed in bliss as you lightly scratched his scalp.
“Have you washed your hair yet, honey?”
“No,” He hummed, “Was hoping you would be home in time.”
That was a daring admission in Arthur’s book and you rewarded him with a kiss, having to lean over in a slightly awkward manner to do so.
With your lips on his, your fingers in his hair, did tensions build, but you didn’t want that. 
You just wanted to relax in his presence and have Arthur relax, too.
You pulled away from the kiss just in time to see Arthur looking dazed as he opened his eyes and you smiled, reaching over to grab the shampoo that he preferred to use - yours.
It made his hair smell like you, it made his pillows smell like you, and it helped him so much during the day to have pieces of you all around him; so that it was hard to deny the reality.
His delusions were far less vivid, less controlling of his perception of reality, when he had solid evidence to say that you were real.
You got to work on washing Arthur’s hair, massaging his scalp as you worked the suds through his dark curls; Arthur’s face was tipped towards the ceiling, a rare serene smile on his lips.
Periodically did you murmur instructions - tilt your head back a bit more, keep your eyes closed, stay still for me - and Arthur listened to everything.
Sometimes he would moan quietly or arch into your touch.
He was so touch starved that even the simplest of touches were almost sensual to him. 
Every time he moaned, you would say something like “you’re so good for me, love” or some other small praise, which would only make him smile a little wider.
You just wanted to love him so hard that his life seemed infinitely better with you by his side.
Little did you know, all you had to do was stay - even without all these tender affections was Arthur’s life made better by your existence.
You rinsed out the suds and then conditioned his hair, grinning at the thought of how soft and fluffy it would be when you were done.
Maybe he would even let you brush it.
You knew he would - he trusted you completely.
When at last his hair was done did Arthur’s hand encircle one of your wrists as his intense greens met your eyes.
Though he said nothing, you saw his wants written on his face as clearly as if he had written join me? on his forehead in ink.
You stood from the side of the bath, undressed without a care - you ignored his hitched breath, his choked inhale, and put a hand on his shoulder - move forward - as he did so, you climbed in behind him, using your grip on that same shoulder to tug him back into resting against your chest.
You cuddled until the bath water started to grow cold.
You made it a point to press kisses to the bruises which littered Arthur’s back so densely that it was rare to find a spot of unblemished skin.
You were glad that he couldn’t see your face; it made hiding your tears that much easier.
You kissed every single bruise, trying to heal him with the strength of your love.
If such a thing worked in real life then never again would Arthur feel even a twinge of pain for the rest of his life.
As you cuddled, you spoke about your days, traded jokes, and just basked in each other’s company.
There was nothing you loved more than quiet nights like this, and even in the future when he grew darker, more sure of himself, when he traded what the world expected of him for who he really was, did you still enjoy and cherish nights like this.
For always would you come home to each other; no matter what.
The Arthur Fleck/Joker Defense Squad @writings-of-a-gen-z                      @x-avantgarde-x       @insomniabird      @mavalenovaninagavi     @itwasrealenough     @morrisonmercurymalek     @rand0ms-fand0ms     @rafaelina-casillas     @aclownthing      @rebs-doom      @vivft                  @help-i-am-obssessed      @autumnaffection       @taintednihilist   @vladtoly   @mg-woolf99      @misstgrey92  @that-s-life   @dopey-girl-blogs         @seeking-dreamland      @sweetheart-syndrome      @heartxfdesire @xmusichealsthesoulx       @0callmejude0      @the-one-that-likes-riddles        @hannibalsslut       @folliaght            @freeeshavacadoo         @bingewatchingmylifegoby       @unlovedbyeveryoneandeverything @okamiredfoxx       @sp0okysp0oky  @the-pandorabox      @mardema @jibanyyan        @honeyflvredcoughdrop         @emissarydecksetter @jokerfleckk         @epidendroideae         @chuuntas          @stillmabel       @pumpkinpeyes       @onehystericalqueenposts       @the-jokers-wolf       @nalsswa  @justahyena       @arianatheangelworld  @soullessblondbitch @gothamslittlejester  @twentyonestarrynights  @sirianfromsixties @kissmeclownman    @joker-is-my-hero  @lazyloosah  @lovesickkloxx @ladylovelyluna      @live-love-loki  @clownerybbxx   @tragicarthur    @anmach123      @rommie-chan      @arthurflock     @lucyboytom              @anti-peach       @immortal-bi-bitch    @hearthurfleck      @crazieroutthere      @curlystark     @hailmary-yramliah    @sagyunaro     @playinthedarktillitsgoldenagain     @jokeringcutio      @xenthefox   @mijachula@stcrrynightsinneverlcnd      @cheyennejonas22    @mrjfleck      @pauli1100     @smitten-susie    @actualkey     @callmejokerfleck   @jaylovesbats    @itsforyoubitch      @ridiculousnerd     @killerprotector3579       @soulsdontbreaktheybeeend     @fantasticwinnerclodexpert                  @arthurs-sweater      @pinkie44pie    @tsukiakarinobara      @prettyxlittlexpsychoxprincess   @elodia-gahan   @yours-mia    @rustyt33th     @parkdonghoons      @lady-carnivals-stuff      @hobi-hobi-kyo-kkyu      @jupiturde        @incognitofish      @j-sux      @nothing-but-a-comedy      @tahliamalfoydepp
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iwritethat · 4 years
Nightwing: Alter Egos
A/N: I would like to apologise for my absence and lack of content, but new year so I’ll try harder. But there’s still CHRISTMAS and Halloween stories I want to post... Better late than never? If you want them that is.
(In this Nightwing and (Y/n) don’t know about one another’s vigilante life. Yet.)
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Usually, none of the team got a large amount of personal time with villains constantly threatening to end the world on a daily basis, but during rare periods of relaxation you spent the majority of your time with Dick Grayson - who happened to be one of your closest friends.
Obviously you couldn't tell him about being (s/h/n) because of the unspoken 'secret identity' rule despite how much you wanted to, however this arrangement did have it's advantages such as being able to keep your personal and hero lives separate.
"Hey (y/n)?" Rang through your mind and you noticed a hand waving in front of your face bringing you back to reality.
You were out shopping with Dick for your friends' Christmas presents, specifically for Wally who remained a mutual friend.
"You just completely zoned out on me." Dick laughed, seeing your confused expression.
"Did I? Sorry, I was thinking." You apologised, pushing his hand away with a smile.
"I guessed - are you gonna tell me what about, a big time crush maybe or some deep dark secret?" Grayson continued, tone filled with fake wonderment.
"Maybe, you tell me yours and I'll tell you mine." Was your upbeat response, implying that you were playing around.
"Deal - I'm Nightwing." Dick happily grinned, though his careless nature lead you to doubt him.
"Oh really?"
"No of course not (y/n), there's no way I'd have the time and I like my beauty sleep." Your friend assured you, maybe part of you was hoping he wasn't joking.
"That's a shame." You responded, tone still carrying some happiness as you continued looking through the stores' merchandise.
"How so?" Curiousity had got the better of Dick and he wanted to know what you had to say about him - uh Nightwing.
"Okay, well Nightwing is pretty cool, he has that cocky attitude that's quite attractive sometimes, being a vigilante is always a bonus and he must be good looking - from what I can tell. And his body! It's so amazing, he is just - umm I think I'm going too far?" You dragged yourself out of your lecture on Nightwing's alluring attributes once glancing over to Dick who seemed bemused with a raised brow.
"Oh no, please continue." Dick commented, undeniably enthralled and flattered but he couldn't understand the sinking feeling in stomach, you were saying these things about him yet to you, Nightwing was a completely different person.
"He's my favourite hero - that's all, possibly a tiny crush but it's unrealistic and I haven't even met the guy so I'm not going to fall head over heels in love with him. So don't look at me like that." You justified, true you weren't in love with the hero and you assumed your need to prove that to Dick Grayson was probably because you secretly liked him. Ah so many secrets.
"I get it (y/n), I personally think (s/h/n) is quite hot and a beautiful fighter." Dick responded wistfully, you couldn't help but blush even it was your alter ego he was talking about. It was times such as these you wished to tell him.
"Like you say, I haven't met her so she could be crazy for all I know. How about this for Wally?"  Dick questioned, holding up a Flash Sweatshirt.
"No, he already has one." You reminisced, though you didn't forget his previous comment whilst he gazed at you skeptically leading you to defend your answer.
"Trust me he does, I bet we can find something else - if not you can just buy him food. And you're right, Nightwing could be a fuckboy." You stated nonchalantly, Dick however had to do a double take before following you out of the store desperately reminding you of your previous compliments of the hero much to your amusement.
~Time Skip~
The small Christmas gathering held at the Cave was quite exciting, though it was last minute so most were still dressed in their uniforms. Wally and Artemis even made an appearance which was unexpected but you were thankful, it had been a while since they'd left the team and admittedly it was quiet without them - even with the new recruits.
Wally knew about both yours and Nightwing's secret identities - being friends with both of you outside of heroing, but only found out who you were by accident. Honestly, he couldn't understand why Dick and yourself hadn't told each other but he'd promised to keep your secrets anyway because it wasn't his place to reveal such things - there were alternate ways to do so.
"You can see why someone would call you a fuckboy though right? The charm, the flirting, dating quite a few girls..." You half heartedly continued, responding to Nightwing's rambling of how his 'friend' outright insulted him.
"Yeah but (s/h/n) I really like this one. A lot, to the point where I don't even understand it. They're just everything I could ever want, I love everything that they do. I don't particularly want them to see me like that." Realisation hit the young hero, you on the other hand were watching on in disbelief but also with a look of sympathy.
You and Nightwing were close, so you got to know him well and you'd often talk to each other but this was new. Nightwing seemed lost in this person unlike any others you'd seen him with, even more so than with Zatana.
You smirked, ignoring the sudden breeze beside you and enlightened Nightwing with your wonderful advice.
"Wow aren't you love struck? It's horrible, I never thought I'd see the day, you should tell 'em what you just told me -"
"Sorry to interrupt guys but..." Wally intervened, pointing upwards towards the mistletoe dangling above your heads. Darn it.
"No no no. See, I've been avoiding that all evening, there wasn't any there earlier so how -" You argued before your eyes fell onto a smug Wally, too bad Kid Flash didn't forget how to use his super speed.
"One kiss?" Ex-boy wonder urged, since he knew neither of you would escape Wally's 'plan'.
Evidently, it was going to happen and kissing your superhero crush was a dream come true you supposed, so you went along with it. You placed one hand on his cheek/jaw and guided him to your lips and his held your waist loosely. Neither of you increased the intimacy, it only lasted 3 seconds maximum once you pulled away.
Wally held an expression of disappointment as that was not his desired outcome, the kiss you had just shared with his best friend was supposed to mean something. It was meant to be intimate and loving, you were supposed to tell/realise your feelings for each other - but nooo you're both just continuing your conversation like it never happened once you'd removed yourselves from the mistletoe. Wally threw his head back and sighed in frustration, he returned to Artemis who smirked at her boyfriend's antics.
"Nice try babe."
"Why did you pull away so fast?" Nightwing asked once you'd escaped the evil foliage.
"Same reason as you - I like someone else." You answered honestly, if Nightwing is willing to come to you with his relationship problems then you can get advice from him.
"I made the stupid - and clićhe - mistake of falling in love with my best friend." You proclaimed simply, rolling your eyes at your own idiocy.
"Hm, lucky guy." Nightwing's voice rang with cheerfulness once again.
"You would think, but I'm pretty sure my alter ego is friend zoned." Your tone upbeat and sarcastic causing you both to laugh.
~Time Skip~
You knocked on the door to the Manor, Bruce was invited to a gala for the New Year's celebration but the others decided to stay at the Manor which is where you were heading after Dick had asked if you were free.
It was late and New Years was approaching, wonderful at least at a party you may have the opportunity to kiss someone for good luck but you didn't mind missing out for your friends. Luck be damned.
"Miss (Y/n) I believe you left your scarf here from your previous visit, it is in Master Dick's room if you wish to collect it." Alfred greeted as you walked into the warmth the Manor provided.
"Sure, thanks Alfred." You nodded, going through to find Dick to ask for permission to enter his bedroom.
"Hey, can I grab my scarf from your room?" You called, politeness evident though you had given up your search since the Manor was huge.
"Sure (y/n)!" Dick responded from wherever he was, he understood and wouldn’t have minded if you didn’t ask but still.
Upon hearing his approval you made your way up the stairs and followed the route you knew by heart, calmly you opened his door and went to find your scarf. That's when you saw it, a Nightwing uniform strew across the bedroom floor, a string of curse words left your mouth after you got over your initial shock. Either Dick was Nightwing or an avid cosplayer, and if it was the latter why hadn’t he invited you?!
Cautiously, you began to piece together various situations in your head - as far as you knew no one else had insulted Nightwing via calling him a 'fuckboy' and did you really tell your best friend that you thought he had an amazing body that one time? Yes. Yes you did.
Taking a deep breath, you raced down stairs of the Manor focused on finding your friend despite the recent discoveries that were nagging at the back of your mind. Now most things made sense, if Dick was Nightwing then you were hoping that the 'friend' he was talking about was you - since you were the one who dared rip into his alter ego, though only in a friendly way.
Still you continued your search and luckily ran into him - literally. Arms were around your waist in an instant whilst you were mentally cursing yourself, you'd hoped it'd be smoother than this but you were willing to work with what you had considering the mini countdown ticking down to zero in your head - it was midnight!
"(Y/n) what are y-"
Instantaneously, you cut 'Nightwing' - Dick Grayson off by crashing your lips into his, unlike last time Dick was much more willing to reciprocate for you. Being lip locked with you meant so much to him and personally he wanted to make it last even if it was just for his own pleasure but was determined to make sure it was for yours as well.
Dick had eliminated all distance between you, his body was pressed against yours with his hands roaming your body and his lips moving against yours causing you to release a bearly audible moan. Though Dick heard it, of course he did, that's what he has been trying to earn from you the entire time - it meant he was making you feel good which was all he really wanted.
So when you felt him smile into the kiss after your small lapse of control you weren't surprised, painfully slowly you pulled away to leave a slight space between your lips'.
"Am I doing something wrong?" Dick inquired, his tone almost a soft whisper but carried a hint of disappointment that he'd tried to disguise.
"No, it’s amazing. You're amazing." You assured before he closed the gap again being more slow and gentle this time, deriving further pleasure for the both of you.
"That was nice... And Happy New Year fuckboy."
"Mmm, (y/n) - say what?!" Dick started, almost dreamily until your words had registered.
"I found this little thing - a uniform to be precise - on your floor." You replied, smirking slightly.
"(Y/n) I can explain just- just come with me." Dick pleaded, frustrated with himself for not putting it away in his rush to get ready. Quickly he guided you to the lounge, silently asking you to take a seat before he paced for a short time seemingly distressed. You faced your best friend expectantly, he had an explanation but where to start was a mystery.
"I wanted to tell you - I would have but with  Batman and the team and I couldn't. It kept you safer too, (y/n) please I know you must be angry -" Dick began, rubbing the back of neck sheepishly.
"No I'm not angry, I completely understand." You cheerfully replied, your expression showing contentment.
"I'm so sorry (y/n) - what?" Dick looked at you completely puzzled, speechless, dumbfounded - he wasn't expecting this at all.
"That... was uh... easier than I thought?" The male concluded, still spectacle of your behaviour so much so he began to question reality.
"Yup, but just so we're even... Promise you won't freak out?" You requested politely, hoping he would react the way you did.
"I think I can do that." He nodded.
"I'm (s/h/n)." You blurted out, but you didn't get the desired response, instead you received a questioning look that implied he did not believe you.
"Trust me, you kissed me under the mistletoe at Mount Justice, the mission with the Ice villains, oh - when Bart crashed into our timeline. I also remember you talking about how love struck you were because of your friend." The final aspect of your explanation elicited a response from the one opposite you, he was blushing.
"You remembered that." Dick asked though it was more of a statement.
"I did."
"Well uh that friend - it was you (y/n), I don't understand or really know how to explain my feelings. You are everything I could ever want and I love everything you do. Shit (y/n) - I just really want to be good enough for you." Dick repeated the words he'd said to (s/h/n), or you as he'd just recently discovered, with sincerity.
"That's a relief because you're that best friend I told you about - I fell for you too." You replied sheepishly, getting to your feet.
You had no idea how happy that made him, he was in front of you in an instant placing yet another kiss on your lips.
"You give good advice (s/h/n) - and I recall you saying something about Nightwing having an amazing body." Grayson was smirking, cockiness practically radiating off of him knowing he had you cornered.
"You remembered that."
"I did." Grayson sang rather smugly, this beginning a new year with a new adventure.
"Oh I need to get my scarf, do you want to come with me?" You suggested, successfully changing the subject.
"Where is it (y/n)?" Dick inquired, more than willing to help you find it despite losing his moment.
"In your bedroom..."
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hollenka99 · 4 years
The One Where More People Die
Summary: Marvin confronts Anti and learns something he wishes he hadn’t.
Warnings: Mentions of death, murder and manipulation
Marvin is apprehensive when he approaches the door. He honestly shouldn't be involving his brother in his superhero issues. Still, he was hopeful Sean would talk sense into him. The meeting proceeds as usual with coffee and chatter on the sofa. Marvin takes advantage of a natural lull in conversation.
"If I kill Anti, will you forgive me?"
He has never seen such a double take of this magnitude. "Marv, that's- fuck. You know I've always got your back as your brother but holy shit. You can't just dump that question on me."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I just... I've been fighting this guy for years and he won't stop. Desperate times, desperate measures, you know?"
Sean places both his hands on Marvin's shoulders. "Listen to me, you are being super irrational right now. I get that you are extremely done with him, I do. But can you even hear yourself at the moment? Please tell me you can."
"One guy to s-"
"Oh no, we are not going there. Don't you dare start bringing these morality thought experiments into the conversation. This isn't some hypothetical situation, Marvin. This is real life. You are talking about killing an actual person. An extremely shitty person but still. I obviously can't speak from experience but I don't have to when I say it will fuck you up for a very long time. I am begging you, don't get your hands dirty. Hang on."
Sean abruptly heads to a mirror to scrutinise himself. When he goes to face his brother, he looks like a bootleg version of Anti. The hair's not long enough or the right shade of green. Nor is his skin as pallid as the true killer's. Also, Anti's ears seemed to be slightly pointed at the top, which Sean is probably not aware of. Still, for someone who has never seen Anti in person before, it's a decent attempt.
"Find a way to arrest me and get me to rot in jail. After all I've done, don't you think I deserve to?"
Marvin has stopped looking at his brother. Instead, he is pressing his face into his raised knees at the corner. "Please don't change into him. Come on, pretending to be him is a shitty thing to do."
"Yeah, no, you're... you're right." He returns to the sofa as himself before swinging an arm around Marvin's shoulder to pull him in. This would have to suffice as a conclusion to the subject for now.
Jackie is one of the first to witness Marvin's ecstasy when he is able to prevent one of Anti's attacks. It had been a chance encounter while he had been patrolling in the park. Anti's mistake was shifting prematurely. All it took was a small distraction to allow the potential kidnapping victim a chance to escape. Cat hadn't seen where the guy had run off to but at least he was safe. The only bad outcome was Anti disappearing from sight as well. Someone's life had been saved, Jackie encouraged him to focus on that.
Jackie decides to surprise him with cupcakes for when he comes home from a shift. The gesture goes down well. Marvin brings up his recent good deed again as they sample the baked goods. Jackie is really glad to see his friend in a better mood. He's seemed so stressed lately. Marvin won't confirm it but he can tell it's linked to his work as the Magnificent Cat.
Joel drops by to hang out with his Irish friends later on in the week. He certainly does his best to act as he does normally but it is clear something's on his mind. When Jackie temporarily walks outside the building for a smoke, he is surprised to see his friend follow him. They make small talk for a couple minutes before Jackie delicately questions whether Joel was okay. He reveals there'd been a death in the family, his grandfather. And no, seriously, there's no need to apologise out of sympathy. Joel rambles a little about the man before voicing an odd request. He asks about Jackie's father. Jackie doesn't understand how that will help things but there was no harm in humouring his grieving friend so fuck it. He's slightly taken aback by the fact this causes fresh tears to appear. It gets mentally brushed off as this being a highly emotional time for Joel.
Marvin interrupts the conversation when he calls down from the balcony for them to return already.
"I feel sorry for him. At least I knew this was coming for a while. Shit's going to hit the fan hard for him soon and he has no idea."
Joel doesn't elaborate. Jackie isn't sure he wants him to.
Jameson had better things to do on a Tuesday night than deal with his tormenter. Yet here the asshole was, dressed in skinny jeans and a dark t-shirt, leaning against the doorframe. Under different circumstances, perhaps the glowing red light that leaked into the hallway would have been pretty to notice. It's far from it when Jameson's swaying to music with his daughter in his arms gets rudely interrupted.
"Cool, huh? I think our meetings needed a bit of jazzing up. Where's Laura, by the way?"
"None of your concern." The radio transmits.
"Oh, we're doing this via radio?"
"I am holding a baby and I don't trust you to behave long enough for me to put her down. So yes, as much as I hate it, I am using a radio."
"Right. Well, anyway, the reason I'm here is because-"
"I am not your reset button. Fix your problems on your own."
"So you'll let a woman stay dead, knowing full well you could have saved her life?"
"I am not the one who killed her."
Anti does not appear to be impressed with this response. Arms still crossed, he walks in Jameson's direction. As he passes, clearly on the way to the front door, he delivers a side eye to the performer.
"You know the cool thing about having the gene? There's always something you can refine, explore or expand upon when it comes to your abilities. I suggest you keep that in mind."
Despite Anti's absence, Jameson doesn't feel like having fun this evening anymore.
Anti clearly wasn't too pleased about something. The news claims it doesn't know who is responsible for bodies showing up with evident trauma to the skull. Honestly, who else could it be? If Marvin's mind wasn't so preoccupied with recent developments, he may have noticed how suspicious it was to receive correspondence from his enemy shortly after venting to Sean about the new murders.
The note delivered personally by the sender to the apartment reads:
Alright Cat, town centre at 3 tomorrow?
Oh definitely. Marvin wouldn't miss this opportunity to end things once and for all if he tried.
Anti was a trickster, he already knew that. If there was somebody he could shift into, he would. And yet Cat was still momentarily shocked to find Jameson waiting for him. It's not him though. He can't exactly tell how he instantly knows but he does. The real Jameson is likely at home right now.
"Alright Anti, what are you trying to prove? You've already made it very clear you've done your research into my personal life. Why my cousin?"
The murderer begins speaking through his hands. "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner."
"No. Jameson can't speak and definitely wouldn't use his sound manipulation to pretend he could. You've been speaking the whole time I've known you. Do your homework more thoroughly before trying to frame him."
"Alright, you got me. Not Jameson. I wanted to have a little fun with it but I guess that's not going to happen."
No, it certainly wasn't. The door bursts open. Wind rushes in. Anti is thrown to the floor. The Magnificent Cat wastes no time ensuring he remains there. Weight on the chest, hand at the throat and fist raised to potentially target the face. A moment passes as Anti processes the rapid succession of events. That's when he resorts to the worst tactic. The person Cat threatens now looks like Sean.
"How dare you." He feels the cheekbone for a second when his knuckle connects with it. "Stop looking like my brother."
"It's me!"
"He is the last person you should shift into if you want me to listen." The nose is targeted.
"Marvin please."
"Shut the fuck up."
"It's me, I swear. It's actually me." Anti is beginning to produce crocodile tears now. As if that would work on Cat.
"Why the hell should I believe you?"
Anti wriggles his fingers. They spark slightly. Cat misses this detail, preoccupied with glowering. He certainly pays attention when Anti causes his own hair to stand as he moves his hands around it. Sean loved performing that trick when they were younger. Oh shit. Marvin rapidly removes himself from his brother.
The situation de-escalated, the two brothers allow themselves to have the past few minutes catch up with them. Marvin sits with his knees up, one arm around them while the other rests on his forehead. Sean, meanwhile, remains on his back while covering his entire face with his hands. His nose is bleeding as a result of the hit. They breathe.
"Are you alright? I'm s-"
"Oh, sure." The hands are moved so they don't obstruct his mouth anymore. Now the heels of them are being pressed into his eyes. "My baby brother just punched me in the face a few times but yeah, doing grand." Arms flopping to the side, Sean turns his head to face Marvin. "But would we be brothers if we didn't have fights?"
"Don't joke about that."
"I'd honestly take being beat up over having a knife aimed at me."
"I'm so sorry. I thought he shifted into you to try get me at a disadvantage. I-"
"Stop. We'll be here all night."
Eyes still springing tears, Sean forces himself to sit upright. Marvin takes this as his cue to strongly embrace his brother. Sean reciprocates the pressure following a moment of surprise. The brothers remain in each other's hold for as long as it takes for tonight's events to truly sink in.
"I want to go home."
Marvin couldn't agree more with that desire. At Sean's apartment, the two of them sit quietly on the sofa. Neither seems to know how to break the silence.
"You don't have to talk. But I wouldn't mind some answers."
"No, you're right. You deserve the truth."
Sean's tale begins when he is 16. One of the other boys from school had been following him home and harassing him. That nuisance combined with the foul weather made him want to get home as soon as possible. While taking a shortcut through a field, Sean had lost his cool and whipped round to confront the kid. All it had been was a shove. Of course, poorly suppressed aggression had to be translated into something. And when you have electricity at your disposal? Those results can prove deadly.
"He was just there on the ground. And I was 16, you know? What the hell do you do when you've just committed manslaughter? Then everyone started talking about it. I had so many opportunities to turn myself in but never did."
"Why didn't you then?"
"You're going to hate me for this but uh... you. Well, you and the fact it had been rough weather that afternoon anyway. No, don't look at me like that. You were like 6 or whatever. As if I was going to leave you alone with our parents just because my powers acted out for a second."
"I kinda remember it being on the news." Marvin mutters numbly. "...You killed someone."
"It gets worse."
As it turned out, Sean had befriended a fellow student called Will Andrews while at university. The two of them had organised a drinking session together. He had gone a little too far that night and unwittingly revealed the secret he'd believed he would take to his grave. Unbeknownst to Sean at the time, Will had the gene. In Will's case, it had manifested in the form of possession. It allowed him to completely take over the individual and, in cases like Sean's, use their power to his advantage. He'd then proceeded to blackmail Sean by threatening to turn him over to the authorities if Will wasn't allowed to have his way.
As Marvin allows himself time to silently process this, he glances at the portrait hanging on the wall. It's a picture of Sean, some 10 years younger and with barely any facial hair, as well as a woman with her black hair plaited past her shoulder. They're both evidently very happy in each other's company. Marvin would hope so, since they were dating. Or, at least, had been before Emily had ended it in the worst way. All Marvin remembers from that night is Sean going out for the evening, Emily coming over with her key and them ending up hanging out until Marvin reluctantly went to bed. Then being informed the next afternoon after school that her body had been found in a nearby river. His brother had been a wreck following what she had done.
"Was Emily alone that night?"
"She wasn't, was she?" It's clear Sean is unable to say 'no' aloud. However, from the way this topic appears to be his breaking point, he doesn't need to.
Marvin doesn't push it. He'd never understood how she could have been so happy while chilling with him then deliberately drown hours later. However, being 13 at the time, he'd simply taken Sean's word that it was a far more complex issue than he likely could grasp.
"This Will guy's been making you kill all this time?"
"Yes." A voice crack within the whisper.
They meld into one from the force of Marvin's arms around him. "I'm so sorry. I wish you would've told me earlier so I could have helped."
"Not your responsibility." is mumbled.
"As if I'm going to let you be upset just because I'm younger. Tell your single braincell that, Zapper."
A man with green hair walks into the nursery. It's a lovely room, the little girl's parents hadn't done a bad job when preparing for her arrival. The majority of the walls are light blue, white clouds dotted about. Hardly a masterpiece but he's sure the 10 month old didn't mind too much. Little Freya had been peacefully dozing in her crib until he'd approached. Ah, even while sleeping, she proved to be her father's daughter. She begins stirring as she is lifted. Anti ensures her senses give her no reason not to settle. Still, that baby monitor wasn't purchased for no reason.
As if on cue, Jameson comes cautiously speed-walking through the door. His anxiety rapidly morphs into contempt.
"Sorry to disappoint, it's just me."
"Get out of my house."
"How about... no. Or at least, not yet."
Baby in his arms, he makes himself comfortable in the armchair positioned in the corner.
"A man repeatedly breaks into your house and now is holding your child. You're awfully calm for someone in this situation."
"You are in no way a threat to her."
"Oh really? I could do it. Just a few seconds and I'll be giving you my condolences."
"We both know you're not going to."
"You're really prepared to call my bluff in this situation? Somehow, I don't think you're stupid enough to risk your daughter's life."
"I'd simply rewind a few minutes."
"What about this afternoon?"
"Oh for the love of god."
"Marvin caught me off guard and it ended with me giving him a bullshit story. Obviously, he can't know any version of the truth."
The performer holds his hand upright. "How many times must I say 'no'? If he knows any part of the truth then good. He deserves to stay safe from your deception."
"Tried to frame you today, you know. He's thankfully too smart for that trick. But could you imagine if it had worked? Dozens of counts of murder will land you a whole life order. If they found you guilty, there's no minimum term. It's not like you'll re-enter society when she's in her 20s. No, you'll be there until you keel over."
"There is no evidence. I can't be convicted."
"But Anti's been seen at countless crime scenes. By none other than the guy who frequently collaborates with the police. You'd certainly be a suspect if he chose to talk."
"Then I would explain the shapeshifting serial killer has decided to use an innocent and well loved performer as his scapegoat."
The light suspended from the ceiling flickers. The disturbance increases speed until the lightbulb can't take the abuse any longer. Jameson simply sighs, fighting the urge to roll his eyes or facepalm to emphasise his thoughts on this display. Time halts. Extracting Freya from Anti's arms is relatively easy. As soon as he touches her and wills it, she exists outside of time with her father. A safe distance from the man, his daughter safely in her crib as she should be, Jameson grants Anti the privilege of being freed from a temporal limbo.
"Grow up already." He glowers. "I am done with this little 'partnership' of ours. We both know you would never intentionally harm me or Freya. And don't you dare even consider laying a hand on Laura."
Anti puts his hands in the air so they are parallel to his head. "Alright, I get the message."
"Tell Marvin the truth. The real truth."
"Like hell I'll do something so stupid."
"Either you tell him or I will."
"We both know I would never risk him walking out of my life."
"The truth will come out eventually and it will be better if it comes from you. As for people leaving your life, well... I would have physically distanced myself long ago if there were not things keeping me rooted here."
This is evidently the final straw for Jameson. "You have abused my powers for your advantage, dressing it up as if I am doing justice. You have threatened the people I love so that I feel incentivised to do as you say. I struggle to sleep and I assure you it is not because I have a baby. You have made my life a misery and I have no obligation to play nice. Even when you stop looking like that, I don't want to be around you. But of course, I pretend the opposite is true to protect you. And yet, and yet, after all that stress and strife, you have the gall to act as if I owe you loyalty. I never have."
"I uh... didn't get all of that, sorry. But-"
"Then perhaps this will be a good summary." With one finger, he does indeed condense his message to something much more universally understandable.
"He won't forgive you for keeping this from him, you know." Anti remarks.
"Get the fuck out of my house."
Anti begrudgingly makes his exit. The whole time he travels home, he wonders how much time he has left before the inevitable catastrophic end of all he's known.
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