#andromeda could be andy
whozui · 20 days
ya know how bruce finds hal jordan so insufferable?
imagine hal having a daughter around jason's age, and they just so happen to get along... wink wink.
think of the headache this would give bruce, think of how hal would make jokes about "family dinners" even if he himself isn't particulary stoked about his daughter dating a bat, he's looking at the bright side which is bothering bruce.
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wormy-worm · 25 days
Draw sunraiser tiktok doomscrolling PUH LEASE
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greencatalystcomet · 26 days
due to the lack of major female characters i propose we all start treating the black sisters the way we treat regulus black, barty crouch jr, and evan rosier. and i realize to do that we need queer ships so heres what im proposing
bellatrix/emmeline vance- okay i know quillkiller is already a semi popular wlw ship for bella BUT i think bella and emmeline would be really good and healthier. like emmeline is so calm, it perfectly offsets bellas... less sane moments
andromeda/sybill trelawney- this one i will admit i am most unsure about, mostly bc i wouldnt mind keeping andy/ted. bUT like i do kinda think andy would be a little enamored by the way that sybill is such a free spirit (bc andy feels so stifled by her family, it would be incredible to see some else who is so free) and i think andy could be the serious to balance the crazy of trelawney. that being said i also was considering andy/alice longbottom (commonly headcanoned alice longbottom nee fortescue) and i would love if somebody else could come up with an explanation/argument for that pair
narcissa/aurora sinistra- OKAY do you guys remember astronomy class? sinistra was the teacher for that if you forgot (and i dont blame you if you did bc i rlly went SEARCHING for women i could pair with this trio) but she ls mostly mentioned as giving out a lot of homework but i think that hard working, no nonsense attitude would likely draw narcissa in bc its something she and aurora would have in common (at first i wanted to pair narcissa with pandora, commonly headcanoned pandora rosier, but her mom is a rosier so ABSOLUTELY NOT)
anyway tell me what you think or if anybody has any other ideas pls post about it. honestly just post about the black sisters in general, this fandom needs more main women!!
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sk1fanfiction · 2 months
blood of the covenant/water of the womb
The Black sisters are so tragic.
I mean, imagine:
As kids, Narcissa is the baby sister that the elder two dote on, while both Narcissa and Andromeda look up to Bellatrix, the proud, beautiful, powerful, accomplished, perfect eldest sister, who has always known who she is and where she's going, but especially Andromeda, since they look so alike she's always been encouraged to act like her too but since Narcissa doesn't have the stereotypical Black looks and her parents didn't follow the Black naming scheme she's encouraged to be her own person a little bit more.
At Hogwarts they're all Sorted into the same House, Slytherin, which only increases their bond. Bella does really well at school, probably the top of her class, which makes Andy, who's only a year or two behind hyperaware of where the bar is. She walks, talks, and dresses like Bella.
Andy follows in Bella's footsteps (who's probably Head Girl by now) and becomes a prefect, but she gets assigned to do rounds with a Muggle-born Hufflepuff. And despite everything she'd been taught, everything she knows to be true, she finds herself falling for him and the worst part is she can't tell anyone, even Bella, the one she has always been able to confide in, always reassured her and set her on the right path.
Meanwhile Druella and Cygnus are arranging Bellatrix's marriage to Roldophus, someone she doesn't even like never mind attracted to but because she's the perfect Black and the perfect daughter she has to do it. And Andromeda sees and fears how she could get trapped, too, how there's another Lestrange boy in her year.
Meanwhile a strange foreign Dark Lord comes to dinner and he's so different to Roldophus and all those other men who think because she's a woman she must be weak and she's just a vessel for their pureblood children. And despite the way she shouldn't feel this way, Bella doesn't care. He listens to Bella's opinions and he takes her seriously and he sees her magical talent and her thirst to prove herself and he's not scared of her in the way others say that she's 'too intense.' And when he offers to train her, and adds that he never does this, she says, one better, I'll follow you.
Andromeda and Narcissa watch this strange man burn the Dark Mark into their sister's arm and they don't know what to think. Narcissa's scared Bella will put herself in danger, that she'll do too much, give too much of herself because she doesn't know when to pull back. And Andy's scared Bella's going down a path she cannot follow, because deep down she can't say she believes in blood supremacy, can't say she hates Ted and she can't figure out a way through so she leaves.
It's like part of Bella's heart has been ripped out. They were all close, the Blacks, but Andy and Bella had a certain je ne sais quoi, they were thick as thieves and inseparable. Bellatrix is the one who burns Andromeda off the tapestry, crying while she does it, the scorned love for her sister, the anger and shame that Andy chose that Mudblood over her turning that love to bottomless hate.
Meanwhile Narcissa, the lucky one, watches it all. Narcissa is the one that gets it all, she's the only one who's able to marry for love and stay with her family but there's also this Andromeda-shaped hole in her and there's a Slytherin resentfulness of being Bellatrix's supporting act.
Every night that Bella is on a mission, Narcissa stays up, even while pregnant with Draco, until she knows her sister is safe.
That fateful Halloween she waits and waits and waits but Bellatrix never comes home. When she finds out her last remaining sister is serving life she completely breaks down. Won't sleep, won't eat. The thought of leaving Draco without a mother is the only thing that helps her hold on. Regulus, Andromeda and Sirius are dead/burned off the tapestry/imprisoned; she and Draco are the last Blacks, that makes their bond even stronger, makes her scared of losing him like she did her sisters. She curses Voldemort for putting her in danger, aware of her feelings for him and that Bella would do anything for them, swears she'll never let that happen to her son.
All the while Andy raises her daughter, who hates the name she gave her in the same way Andy know she would hate the Blacks. Narcissa and Andy watch each other from across crowds; Tonks and Draco are never at school together, never know more than scattered off-hand mentions of a cousin on their mother's side. But both Narcissa and Andy fantasize of a reconcilation, of Tonks babysitting Draco while they rekindle their bond. Neither bridges the gap. That burn, that rift cannot be healed. But they still ache for each other.
When Voldemort returns that fear for Draco grows, but it's tempered with the joy of having Bella back after mourning her for 14 years -- Bella, traumatized, starved, jagged and torn up at the edges, different, but alive.
And just like knowing he was innocent kept Sirius sane, Bella's love and trust of Voldemort is what made her able to hang on. Yes, they're both drastically different physically (the snake face and the emaciation) and mentally (both shaken, less confident), but everything else can be the same. Maybe better.
But everyone is scared. It's not the same world, where the Death Eaters have control and are undefeated. Voldemort is scared of that boy, Narcissa is scared for Draco. It's clear things are not the same, things are not normal. Far from it. Fear makes Voldemort angry, and cold, and distant and nothing she does feels good enough.
And that boy -- lying hateful filthy boy -- he dares suggest that her Voldemort's filthy-blooded like him. No, he must just be taunting her, scaring her. But there are things Voldemort's said, things he's done -- she would notice, the way she hangs on every word he speaks and plays their conversations in her head over and over again in Azkaban -- Bellatrix just does her best to silence it and block it out, all these confusing things, she's a great Occlumens after all.
She'll make things certain, make things right, trim off the weakness, cut out the sickness. Like Sirius. Like that young woman with Andromeda's face and Andromeda's laugh, that filthy half-blood Andy left her to create.
Narcissa can't keep Draco safe like she, the baby sister, couldn't keep Bellatrix safe. When Voldemort burns the Dark Mark into his skin she sees her son emaciated and dead-eyed.
To assuage Narcissa's fears Bellatrix trains Draco like Voldemort trained her; but he's not the same, he's weak, he's moralistic, he looks at her with wide scared eyes and he's a failure. The glory of the Blacks is gone.
All the while, Narcissa's fear grows, when Lucius is imprisoned, when Voldemort's ire turns on her family, on her son, sets him an impossible task. The despair she feels, she hasn't felt for nearly sixteen years -- Bellatrix more interested in eking out morsels of approval from Voldemort and turning her frustration on Draco, and Narcissa by extension.
All the while, Andromeda's fear for her daughter grows, of the danger she puts herself in as an Auror and a member of the Order, and she's reminded of Bellatrix, of how she gives everything of herself and how Nymphadora does too, begging, begging her to hold back.
She's not good enough for him, not with the sickness, the weakness still clinging to her. Bellatrix very much wants to kill the woman with Andy's face. She's always been perfect. It's everyone else around her that's wrong, everyone else who has to go. She'll do better. Try harder.
And when the Snatchers catch that filthy boy, and he slides out of her grasp like a buttered eel, Bellatrix hits the bottom rung of the ladder of despair. She doesn't know who she is, anymore.
Voldemort's retaliation and rejection breaks Bellatrix's heart, but it hardens Narcissa's.
Bellatrix will do anything to make him happy. She finally kills the witch with Andy's face -- do you see -- do you love me now -- but he's still cold, still frightened, still different, and she despairs, but it will be all over when Harry Potter is dead and he can breathe again. They've won. It will be alright. It will go back to normal. She can have it all again -- Voldemort and Narcissa and her perfect, pruned family.
Narcissa will do anything to keep him safe. And so she chooses Draco's life, she lies, her heart in her throat, in front of her beloved sister, to the Dark Lord, with unshed tears in her eyes and Harry Potter's 'corpse' before her.
Bellatrix's death is something Narcissa knew was coming, deep down She mourned her sister sixteen years ago and she mourns her now, but it will all be worth it if Draco survives this ordeal; Potter must win, he must live, Voldemort must die. And Bellatrix will never allow this.
She wishes she could tell Andy that she understands.
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starchaserdreams · 10 months
Jegulus Microfic: Silver
“Regulus,” Sirius called out into the hall, “can you come here for a second?” He listened for his brother’s footfalls to switch direction, and they did.
Regulus walked into Sirius’ room, and shut the door when he was asked to.
“Andromeda gave me this,” Sirius said, holding up a beautiful silver ring, “it’s an old family heirloom. She wanted me to have it, but I…can’t wear it.” He tried not to let the pause linger, but it did. 
Regulus’ eyes narrowed. 
“Why can’t you wear it?” he asked.
Sirius just shook his head vaguely. 
“I just can’t, okay? Do you want it? I know you were talking about taking the next step with James, do you want to maybe give it to him? Seemed like you were headed there.”
Regulus held a hand out for the ring, and Sirius dropped it into his palm. 
“Why don’t you-” Regulus began, but his words died once he’d looked at the ring up close. “Oh, silver,” he said. He looked up at Sirius for a moment before speaking. “Then James probably can’t wear it either. You all spend loads of time together, wouldn’t work.”
Sirius just watched him. It seemed like- but he couldn’t know.
But Sirius didn’t say anything, and just waited for Regulus to go on.
“Don’t make me say it, but I know okay?” Sirius’ eyes widened, but Regulus answered his thoughts before he could voice them. “James didn’t tell me, you all just aren’t as subtle as you think. But James can’t wear this. You should just give it to him, and tell him to give it to me whenever he wants.”
Sirius collected himself at the last sentence enough to smile. 
“Awww, my little brother’s getting engaged.”
Regulus nodded and handed the ring back. 
“Thank Andy for me,” he said before walking out, dismissing Sirius, the knowledge about Remus, and his own engagement all at once.
@jegulus-microfic - 7/28 - 318 words
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sugarsnappeases · 16 days
microfic - bella killing sirius 🥰 | 1.5k words | warnings for um. death. obviously. but also for confusing narrative style ❤️
for the light of my life @quillkiller on this most auspicious day
Bellatrix laughs as Andy - the woman who looks like Andy, except for the purple hair, and the dirty blood - falls backwards away from her. She’s never going to get into the Duelling Club at Hogwarts if she keeps leaving her left side open like that; she’s lucky she has Bellatrix there to teach her.
The woman - her sister, blood-traitor, spawn of a mudblood, fighting on the side of the Order - doesn’t get back up again, limp body tumbling down the steep, stone steps. Bellatrix hasn’t lost a duel since she was thirteen, she holds the Duelling Club record for most consecutive wins - she’s the best person that Andy could have come to for help - she wasn’t going to be beaten by some filthy Auror brat.
Turning away from the unmoving body, Bellatrix runs deeper into the fray, moving towards the raised dais with its stone archway. It’s chaos, flashes of spellfire shooting across the room in all directions, red, purple, white, green, shouts and crashes and explosions as spells miss and damage the room, or as they hit their mark and damage the enemy.
She deflects a curse on instinct, swinging around to face the direction it had come from - a familiar face, her baby cousin - “Bella, will you duel me now?” - a traitor and a coward and unworthy of the name of Black.
Bellatrix returns fire. She’ll go easy on him, because Sirius is just a boy, mock-duelling with a borrowed wand and the small repertoire of spells that he had learned from her or from his parents, but he had always been quick on his feet, good at skipping out of the line of fire - she would make a proper duellist of him yet. She should kill him, for having everything and for running away from it, for turning against her, against his family, cursing their name then having the audacity to use the spells that she had taught him to fight for the wrong side of the war.
It’s the first time that she's seen him since he was disowned, in the middle of Diagon Alley, fighting with the Order of the Phoenix, and she should kill him. It’s the Yule holidays of her seventh year at Hogwarts, Sirius is nine and determinedly dodging her spells, one of their favourite games. They’re both somewhere else, screams and despair and a spinning, ungraspable whirlpool of memories, standing on the raised stone dais now, close enough to hear the whispers from the tattered veil hanging in the archway - soft, insidious, beneath the clamour of the battle.
Sirius throws a spell back at her, bouncing on the balls of his feet, “Hello cousin.”
Bellatrix grins as she dodges - Sirius is always so energetic, so eager to fight with her in a way that even Andromeda never is, let alone Narcissa or Regulus - so desperate to draw her blood, the same blood that runs through his veins, the same blood that he had forsaken, singling her out on any battlefield in the same way that she always did with him. He had run from everything that she had ever wanted - the Black heirship and the power, the esteem, which that entailed - as if it was nothing, as if she didn’t dream about commanding that level of respect, or awe, or fear, as if she hadn’t been scrambling every day of her life to try and get as close to it as she could. Sirius had run away from it, run away from her, and now he was a part of the Order of the Phoenix and she should kill him. She could kill him, the Black Heir, laughing as he narrowly avoids getting hit with a stupefy - he’s only nine, it’s not like he could really defend himself if she started firing off some of the more lethal spells she knew.
She had taught him how to perform the severing charm just the day before, lending him her wand - walnut and dragon heartstring just like the one that had chosen him when he turned eleven - he’s using Cissy’s today, struggling a little against it’s unicorn hair core, mostly relying on his ability to jump out of the trajectory of spells.
The two of them are volleying spells back and forth - ones that she had taught him and ones that the Dark Lord had taught her and ones that he had learnt without her somewhere - dodging or shielding or deflecting, spells barely grazing each other, she always knew that he would make a fine duellist - she had made him into one. They duel like this every time they see each other, during her holidays from Hogwarts, then during his holidays from Hogwarts; she had watched Sirius turn into a threat - she had taught him how to be a threat.
Bellatrix laughs as he manages to shoot off the severing charm that she had taught him - three different lethal curses in quick succession, a determined kind of acrimony about him, not surprised to see her fighting with the death eaters, in the same way that she isn’t really surprised to see him with the Order. She lets it hit her - blocks them all with a complicated shielding charm and throws back a confringo that explodes the cobblestones beneath his feet - still laughing as he cheers about how he’s fatally wounded her, feeling a sting from the shallow cut on her arm - he’s determined as ever but there’s less anger now; he’s playful, grinning when a curse singes the ends of his hair.
She knows she shouldn’t kill him - she isn’t sure if she could kill him anymore, he’s going toe to toe with her in a way that he’d never been able to when they were kids - she doesn’t think she really wants to kill him, her favourite cousin, more just the things that he represents, the signet ring on his finger that gives him an authority, aged nine, that she doesn’t have, can’t have, at nearly double his age - she thinks she wants to kill him now, though, now that he’s betrayed her, found a new family of mudbloods and blood-traitors and abandoned the role that she’s always craved. Bellatrix fires a stunner at him - puts up a hasty shield against his entrail-expelling curse, another one that she had taught him - the two of them laugh as he ducks it, the red light whizzing over his head - “Come on, you can do better than that!”
It’s loud, cacophonous with the battle raging all around them - blood on the cobblestones of Diagon Alley, some of it hers, some of it his - Cissy’s complaining that she’s bored and wants to go outside - the whispers emanating from the crumbling stone archway are getting louder, seeping their way into Bellatrix’s head - and Sirius’ voice rings in her ears, echoes around the room.
She flings another spell at him, grinning as she watches him determinedly move through the wand movements for diffindo again - he laughs as she stumbles, as her shield collapses under the force of his reducto, as he gains the upper hand - concentrating on pushing his magic through Cissy’s wand, not paying close enough attention to the spell she’s just cast - Sirius deflects the curses she hurls at him, sends a barrage of spells back at her - he’s laughing, cocky as always, as her spell hurtles directly towards him.
It hits him right in the middle of his chest.
It’s quiet, suddenly.
Quiet as Sirius’s laughter cuts off. As his eyes widen in shock. As he falls backwards, slowly, as if some invisible weight were making him heavy, as if some invisible force were gently lifting him away. She looks at him and his face is gaunt, an underlying emaciation that no amount of hearty meals can hide, she sees the same whenever she looks in a mirror, right down to the tired, but ever determined glint in silver-grey eyes.
Bellatrix watches Sirius sink into the tattered veil - watches him fall to the floor of the duelling room in Grimmauld Place, for a second she imagines that he might be dead, what it would feel like to kill him - watches the grim smile on his face as one of his spells meets its target and her vision goes black - the veil flutters, those insidious whispers seem to pause for a moment, then rise to a roaring crescendo as his body disappears.
She screams along with them, triumphant - she hasn’t lost a duel since she was thirteen, Sirius has never once beaten her, always ending their duels on the floor - she’s killed Sirius Black, and everything that he represents, even if he had spurned the signet ring and the esteem that came with it. Bellatrix walks across the room to enervate him - wakes up in Malfoy Manor, Cissy leaning over her and asking if it was true that Sirius was a part of the Order now, if he had really beaten her in a duel - turns away from the whispers and the archway and the duel that she had won, skipping back up the stone steps, laughing as she hops over Andy’s - the mudblood’s - body.
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greycloudsinwinter · 27 days
Hello. For example, if the reader was from the Ravenclaw house. Would anything change? And yet would Cygnus erase their daughter Andromeda from the family tapestry for not marrying a pureblood? If the reader wants her daughter(Andy) not to be kicked out. If Andy is kicked out of the family and the reader wants to continue seeing her daughter. What would Cygnus do?
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🐍if you are from ravenclaw or any other house other then Slytherin he is a bit more wary of his affection for you. But it doesn’t stop him from loving you in the most darkest ways imagining.
🐍as for your daughter… he loves his children very deeply they are an extension of both of you . However her marrying anyone other then a pure blood is seen as her rejecting you and him.
🐍even though he loves his daughter he will erase her from the tapestry. Maybe if you beg and plead for him not to he will think about it . And possibly give her a chance to dispose of the person she loves and come back to you both. And he would pretend you were a perfect family. But if she didn’t and refused to get rid of the person she loved he wouldn’t kill her but he would pretend she was never born . Going so far as too remove and portraits or anything that could be linked to her .
🐍if you still wanted to see your daughter there is literally only one way . YOU have to give him a son . That’s the only way he wants a boy really bad like he’s willing to do anything to get a son. Going so far to healers to see if they can make sure the next child you carry is a boy.
🐍just give him a boy and he will let you however you can only see your daughter once a year . And in his eyes that’s very generous of him. However beg him plead him all you want if anything he will banned you from not seeing her it annoys him when all you do is talk about your daughter.
Thank you for the questions ❤️❤️
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This ship is small but all of it is ours.
The Black Sisters introduce their youngers to all kinds of vices as a tradition. Better it happens when a family member is nearby, than alone or with strangers. "Peasants," says Bellatrix. "People who can't be trusted because they have all to gain from our downfall."
Bellatrix drinks with Andromeda, with the absinthe stolen from Cygnus's study. She forces her sibling to drink more than she could ever handle at 14 but it's all to teach her a lesson. Better she teaches her sister than someone else.
Thus, it's Bellatrix who holds her sister's hair as she weeps and chokes on her vomit, face down into a toilet the morning after. A couple of years pass, and Bellatrix is telling Andromeda to hold her eye open as she administers a few drops of potion, from a vial she shares between herself and the Lestrange brothers. When it hits, she's there when Andromeda tells her she wants to chase the stars.
Bellatrix lets her.
She smiles, watching Andy put herself between three Slytherins — back pressed to one of them, a hand caressing the other in front, and eyeing the last one with an easy hunger; no one dares to say anything because Andromeda Black is there, dancing, swaying and letting herself be held. She's not theirs but for the night, they're hers. Bellatrix is there when she falls back down. She's there when Andromeda tells her she never wants to feel like that again, that it wasn't her, and she feels terrified of what it means to truly lose oneself.
Narcissa watches Andromeda mix herbs in her room as she sits on her bed. Curious. She's seen their mother do this before after a fight with their father, forgetting to close the door to her sunroom, as a young Narcissa, watches her lean into a smoking pot and inhale the fumes that dance out of it. Now — she watches Andromeda grind the same six herbs, motions calm and practiced. She beckons her little sister closer and pulls her warmly, gently, to her side. "Lean forward and take a deep breath," she tells her. Forever wanting to please Andy, she does as told. It smells like burnt rubber but she keeps that thought to herself. Andromeda leans in to do the same just as Narcissa feels her body slowly lose feeling of gravity, swaying lightly soon enough. With a hand on her arm, Andromeda leads them both to her bed, motioning for Narcissa to lie down beside her. She throws herself into the mattress, mind going numb. She can hear Andromeda tutting fondly, pulling her into her arms.
"I think you breathed in too much. Don't worry, this should be nice. I do it all the time." Her eyes have since been shut but just before she slips into a semi-conscious haze of peacefulness, she feels the press of her sister's lips on forehead. "Sleep, my darling star."
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margareturtle · 1 month
So I’ve seen a lot of people talk about a aftg marauders au and I’ve thought a lot about it too—
The way I see it an aftg marauders au could go 2 ways (mainly in regards to the black brothers)
OPTION 1) Of course the parallels between Kevin and Jean and Sirius and Regulus are glaring in which case
Kevin-Sirius, Jean-Regulus, The twinyards-Evan+Pandora, Neil-Barty, Jeremy-James, Nicky-Andromeda, Dan+Matt-Dorcas+Marlene, Renee-Alice, Allison-Narcissa, Layla+Cat-Mary+Lily, Seth-Lucius, Wymack-Monty, Ichirou+Riko-Rodolphus+Rabastan, Tetsuji-Riddle
OPTION 2) However!! The parallels between the Black Brothers and the Twinyards are also glaring!! (Sirius would kill Walburga for Regulus and queue black brothers coldwar) in which case
Andrew-Sirius, Aaron-Regulus, Nicky-Andromeda (works that Andy is cousins with the Black bros and the Rosiers), Kevin-James, Wymack-Monty, Neil-Remus, Jean-Barty, Jeremy-Evan, Renee-Mary, Allison-Lily, Dan-Alice, Matt-Frank, Seth-Snape, Layla+Cat-Dorcas+Marlene, Ichirou+Riko-Rodolphus+Rabastan, Tetsuji-Riddle
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aithusarosekiller · 1 year
Black family hcs:
In honour of Sirius' death day
Black family headcanons
-up until 1975, if you asked Sirius, Andy, Bella, and Cissa who their favourite member of the family was, they'd all say Reg. Bella thought he was polite and impressionable enough to follow the rules, Sirius loved him deeply until he realised he couldn't be saved, Cissa had a really strong bond with him and they were always super close, and Andy saw a sweet shy boy stuck in a vile home and hoped he'd be able to get out one day. Andy and Sirius eventually started choosing each other as their favourites but their love for Reg never really went away.
-trans Andy. That's it. Andromeda is a trans girl.
-When they were young, Walburga and Alphard were really close and she always protected him even if there was no need to. As he grew into his own person and began to distance himself from the family values, she was the first to notice and chose to alienate him from the family. She erased any sign of ever loving her little brother and swore to never bother wasting time on a stupid child again
-in first year, the sorting hat was deciding whether to put Reg in Ravenclaw or gryffindor, it only placed him in Slytherin because he threatened it
-as kids, Andy and Cissa couldn't sleep until Bella had read them a bedtime story
-Druella was theorised to be part Veela, which sparked tension between the black and rosier families because her birth was heavily debated upon. She completely ignored the rumours and strived on angering other purebloods because she knew that despite their hatred, she was untouchable
-Alphard left money to Reg too but it was sneakily withheld to keep him from having enough power to get out. Cissa got some too but it all went to Lucius, there was no fear of her getting away because she was deemed 'secure' enough due to her marriage.
-Orion and Walburga allowed Reg to transition after Sirius left as they thought that if they made it look like he had enough 'freedom' within the family, he wouldn't try a similar thing
-Narcissa really liked Ted but couldn't admit it out loud. She thought he was cool and wished they could be friends
-Cygnus would blame all his mistakes on his siblings.
-this is dark but Cygnus and Orion killed Alphard. They didn't tell Walburga bc they were scared of her and couldn't predict her reaction but she knew from the moment it was announced
-Sirius and Bella used to be pretty close but the relationship deteriorated even faster the older they got
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fruitcoops · 1 year
Andromeda's return! I loved writing her for the other fics she's appeared in, and figured an introduction was in order since she'll be back again very soon. Andy being fabulous and Remus being wildly out of his depth is a favorite trope of mine. Coops credit goes to @lumosinlove!
“Sirius,” Remus called without moving an inch from the doorway. “There’s a person in our house.”
Because, well, there was. A person, that is. Sitting in their living room. Remus was 99.9% sure she had not been there when he left, forty-five minutes prior.
The woman watched him as if daring him to speak. Her eyes were almost as dark as her hair, warm chestnut against her pale skin. Her lower lip was fuller than the upper one, though her lipstick accentuated the Cupid’s bow and slight uptick at one side. It was an oddly familiar shape. A perfect brow quirked once, and her smile grew. “Bonjour.”
“Hello,” Remus said, rather stupidly. He stared at her for another long moment before turning toward the kitchen; a pan of something popped and hissed. “Babe—”
“Ouais, sorry, yes!” The noise grew exponentially for a few seconds. Remus bit his tongue and turned back to the woman, who had draped herself with a kind of casual confidence in Sirius’ favorite couch spot. Somehow, that detail unsettled him more than the rest of her presence.
He tilted his head slightly. “This is going to sound so rude, but are you supposed to be here?”
Even her snort was dignified. “Sirius!” she shouted. Her accent poked at the back of Remus’ mind, somewhere he couldn’t quite place… “Introduce me, you—”
Remus blinked. It wasn’t every day someone called his fiancé a rat in pristine French. And when Sirius (finally) rounded the corner of the kitchen with two plates in hand, he only looked fondly annoyed. The kind reserved for Regulus and, on occasion, Logan. “You come to my house,” he began, gesturing at her with the plate. “Unannounced, demand food, and then call me names? I never should have let you across the yard.”
“If I turned the sprinklers on, would you melt?”
“Wrong sister.” The woman accepted her plate with a grin. Remus began to wonder if he had stepped through a portal to an alternate universe. “I thought you said you texted your fiancé, eh?”
Sirius looked up at him then, frowning slightly. “I did.”
“I left my phone here.” Like an idiot.
Sirius’ eyes flickered over him; Remus didn’t really want to know what he looked like to warrant that slow nod. “I see.”
Remus waited a few seconds for him to continue and saw the woman roll her eyes. “There’s a person. In our house,” he repeated with a significant look.
There it is. Sirius straightened like he had been shocked, waving his sandwich toward the woman. “Yes! Remus, this is Andromeda. Andy, this is Remus.”
Ah. So it could get worse. “Your cousin?”
“The only tolerable one,” she confirmed with a smile. She stood with easy grace, holding a hand out to shake (or possibly kiss—Remus wasn’t sure). “Andromeda Tonks. It’s wonderful to meet you at last.”
“Remus Lupin, and you as well.” Something inside him died at the feeling of her hand against his sweaty palm. The only cousin Sirius wanted within a fifty-mile radius, and he had gone and made an idiot of himself right away. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize you were coming.”
“Neither did I,” Sirius huffed. “But you all seem to have a habit of turning up.”
“Is this about Uncle Alphard?”
“Of course it’s about Uncle Alphard!”
Remus raised a faint hand. “You lost me.”
Sirius just kissed his cheek, which was not nearly as comforting as he obviously intended it to be. “My family likes to show up to places without invitation. Don’t worry about it.”
Privately, Remus was extremely worried about it. He turned a smile on Andromeda and hoped the blistering summer heat hadn’t rendered him too disgusting. “I’m so glad you could come visit. Are you in town for long?”
“Non, my husband is visiting for work and I figured we should make a formal introduction.” Her smile was kind, if sharp at the corners. The narrowing of her eyes when she turned to Sirius made the hair at the back of Remus’ neck rise, yet he seemed unperturbed. “I hope you didn’t think I’d pass through without saying ‘hello’, little cousin.”
“You’re just upset I was home first and not my fiancé.”
Her gaze flicked back and pinned Remus like a moth on a hobbyist’s board. “Perhaps. He’s cute. I like him.”
“Thanks?” Remus managed. This conversation didn’t feel like one he should be privy to.
“You said Ted was in town?” Sirius continued, herding him gently to the couch with a hand on his bicep. Two small pulses followed. Sorry.
Remus draped an arm across the back of the couch when they sat and rubbed the side of his thumb over the bend of Sirius’ shoulder. Forgiven. A brief smile rippled over Sirius’ lips; the knot in his stomach eased by a degree. He would have preferred to vacuum the living room so his first impression wasn’t abysmal, but Andromeda seemed content to perch on a cushion like a mildly frightening bird and munch on her sandwich.
She swallowed daintily, raising her paper napkin (Jesus, Sirius couldn’t even have gone and grabbed the nice cloth ones? Honestly.) to her lips as if it was made of fine silk. “He is. There’s a work conference happening, so obviously they wanted him to speak at it.”
Remus sent a prayer of thanks to his mother for drilling the importance of small talk throughout his childhood. “Oh, what does he do?”
“He’s a landscaping specialist,” she said proudly.
Bingo. “My father is in landscaping, actually.”
“Really?” Andromeda’s eyes lit up and she leaned slightly forward. “Fascinating. What region?”
“He stays close to Madison, since my brother is still in school. Sirius mentioned your daughter is starting kindergarten soon?”
“She has one year left of preschool,” Andromeda corrected, though it was kind. Remus filed that away—maybe they would appreciate a congratulatory card in the spring. “And your mother?”
“She works in administration, and sometimes fills in as an emergency substitute teacher.”
“Yes, I remember she posted about a recent craft project on her Instagram. She makes lovely desserts, by the way.”
Remus restrained himself from gaping at her. Was it normal to admit to stalking your cousin’s fiancé’s mother’s baking-themed Instagram page? If that was something to expect from Sirius’ less-unhinged family members, he had wildly underestimated the extent of the ones they didn’t speak to. “That’s…very kind of you. I’ll let her know.”
“Please do,” Andromeda agreed, managing to lick some stray honey from her knuckle without smudging her lipstick. “We’d love to meet your family someday. Ted would be thrilled to speak with your father, I’m sure. And Regulus has been pestering me about visiting Nymphadora for ages, so we’ll be around.”
He felt Sirius balk under his arm. “Regulus has been texting you?”
“Of course.”
“He doesn’t text me.”
“Because you’re boring. Clearly, he likes me more.” Her words were biting, but her expression was pure mischief. “Remus, you play for the Lions as well, yes?”
“I do.”
“My husband is an avid Badgers fan. He was heartbroken when you clobbered them. I still don’t think he’s forgiven you for that play, actually.”
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the— “I’m…sorry.”
“Oh, don’t be. He’s quite cute when he’s frustrated,” she said cheerfully, waving off the apology with a manicured hand. Her thin silver bracelets clinked like bells; Remus’ head began to spin. This woman was playing 5D chess in their living room, and he had been left with a single pawn at best. It was rather devastating to realize Sirius’ entire family was made of highly attractive, highly intelligent people. He had never stood a chance.
“I’m so glad to hear that,” felt like the best answer he could give. Sirius gave his thigh a subtle pat, which he took as a good sign.
“You should bring Dora and Ted around sometime,” Sirius offered. “We have all summer off. Maybe dinner?”
“Is there a park nearby?”
“Down the street.”
“A picnic, then,” Andromeda said with a decisive nod. “The weather has been too nice lately, and we couldn’t possibly intrude on your home.”
Remus blinked. For real? After all this?
“It’s not an intrusion,” Sirius scoffed. “We’d be happy to have you both.”
“Oh, non—”
“It’s an invitation—”
“I simply couldn’t—"
“Ugh, fine.” She threw her hands up in surrender, and Remus had the sneaking suspicion some duel of Victorian-style politeness had just been completed. The winner remained unclear to his plebian sensibilities. “In that case, I’ll send you my calendar and we’ll work something out. Remus, do you have allergies?”
“Uh, pollen?”
“To food.”
“Then no.”
She beamed at him. “Excellent. We’ll bring watermelon and appetizers.” Her plate hit the coffee table without so much as a whisper of a sound; she stood in the same motion, smoothing her dress of invisible wrinkles. “I should go now. Thank you for hosting, and for the sandwiches. This was a delight.”
“It was great to have you.” Remus stood with far less poise, still feeling as if he had missed several important conversation steps along the way. “Please come back any t—ope.”
Her hug was brief, yet surprisingly loving, and the kiss to each of his cheeks quick enough that he didn’t fully register them until she had moved on to squeeze Sirius tight. “Text me more,” she said when they parted, patting the side of his face. “I missed you. It’s been too long since we spoke.”
Sirius shuffled, a little awkward, a lot earnest, every inch the wayward baby cousin next to her effortless confidence in spite of the way he enveloped her in their second embrace. “It was good to see you, Andy,” he said quietly.
Remus saw her sigh; the rigidness of her spine relaxed, tipping her just an inch into Sirius’ chest. One hand rubbed between his shoulder blades with the smoothness of an old habit. For a moment, he saw them as they were in one of Sirius’ oldest nightstand photos: the runaway and the rebel, arms slung over each other as they slogged through a wreck of a family toward freedom. Andromeda had looked fierce even at 17; next to her, Sirius’ stubborn scowl made them quite the pair.
There was no fight in them, now. Not against the soft blues and greens of the living room. Their cheekbones and bright eyes and perfect posture had given way to gentler things. Andromeda pulled back first, reaching up to tug at Sirius’ hair until he batted her hands away and shooed her toward the front door with a whine of quick French that made her laugh.
“Take care of him for me, Remus!” Andromeda called over her shoulder, then closed the door before he could answer.
Silence followed in her wake. Sirius exhaled slowly, sticking his hands in his pockets as he watched her leave through the main window. The sudden appearance of any of the Blacks was generally an omen of the end of the world in their house.
“She’s nice,” Remus remarked at last.
Sirius’ faint smile broadened with affection. “Yeah.”
“Very…put together.”
“Her mother was big on decorum.” His nose wrinkled at that, but smoothed soon enough. “It makes her a star at parties, though. Her husband, Ted, adores her.”
“For the parties?”
“Non, definitely not,” Sirius laughed as he bent to collect the plates from the coffee table. “For everything about her. He’s great. You two would get along well.”
“I’m sure we’d have plenty to talk about,” Remus agreed, watching him fold the paper napkins in perfect creases with absentminded motions. Her mother was big on decorum. That would be Sirius’ aunt, then, the one with the truly unfortunate name. His mother’s sister. Sirius hummed under his breath while he put away the dishes and Remus decided not to press for information; if Andromeda’s mother was strict enough to make Sirius comment on it, he wasn’t sure that can of worms needed to open. “Is Ted the one she ran off with?”
“Who else?” Sirius called from the kitchen, still audibly amused. “I’ve met him once or twice—he’s very calm, very caring. They balance each other. He reminds me a lot of you.”
“Calm and caring?”
“No.” Sirius reappeared with a sideways grin and crossed the room to cup Remus’ face in both hands, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. “Well, yes, but also you would climb a wrought iron fence for me and threaten to fistfight my father.”
“…I have threatened to fistfight your father.”
“Precisely.” Sirius kissed him again, slow enough that Remus’ stomach tumbled as he pressed up on his toes for more. Sirius’ heart beat steady and calm against his own; Remus could feel his smile. “You’d rescue me from a garden in the dead of night if I asked you to.”
“Just say the word,” he murmured.
“Mmm. No rescues necessary.” Sirius nudged their noses together and bit lightly at Remus’ lower lip. “I’m happy right where I am.”
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zeherili-ankhein · 2 months
My headcanons of Black family by their looks
So canonically some of their heights were mentioned. Lets add some headcanons to it
Sirius – He was 6'1 canonically but I like to imagine him as 6'3 so that's that because extrs tall Sirius is so good.
Regulus – 6'1 because I imagine him shorter than Sirius -and so does everyone else I think- but not really short.
Bellatrix – 6'0 she is tall and towers over most death eaters except some - Rodolphus, Rabastan etc (because I headcanon the Lestrange brothers to be TALL)
Andromeda – 6'0 she was a lot similar in looks with Bella, so it only makes sense they are of same height too.
Narcissa – 5'10. She took after her mother's genes a bit more.
Walburga – 5'10 if you make her stand next to Narcissa both of them looks pretty same in height.
Orion – 6'1 same as Regulus.
Alphard – 6'4 as I like to imagine him being the tallest in the family.
Cygnus – ummm 6'2 most probably, but he usually looks shorter.
*Also I think Ted was somewhere in between 5'8 to 5'9, same as Walburga, if you made him stand next to Narcisss they would appear same too.
*And Druella in my opinion was shorter than all the Blacks, 5'6 or 5'7 but still quite tall.
*Lucius is somewhere near 6'0, cuz in the books Draco is described as taller than Harry (who himself is 5'11) so I can only imagine Draco got that from Lucius.
We all know most of them had black head and grey-ish (it wasn't exactly mentioned but all people kinda agreed on it) eyes. But how exactly had they looked?
So IMO Walburga, Cygnus and Alphard all shared 85% similar facial features and truly looked like siblings.
And I think Sirius was a perfect copy paste of his mother's face, like they looked uncannily similar. So much so that if he was a woman you could have sold him as Walburga herself and nobody would have doubted.
Regulus though got a lot of looks from his mother and thus was pretty similar to his brother, also had some small traits from his father making him the less handsome brother. (Because I headcanon Walburga to be VERY beautiful -in a rough way- like Bella)
As for Bella, I think she should have inherited her genes from Cygnus, same with Andy but slight differences (like the lighter hair and wider eyes, but still similar like Bella) while Narcissa was more (a lot, with her different hair and traits) like Druella.
This would make Sirius and Bellatrix look somehow similar (like if seen in the dark you can't differentiate properly).
Note: Don't forget this all are headcanons.
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strwbi-laces · 19 days
F1 teams but its the marauders:
Ferrari: James and Sirius obviously. Pretty much on equal ground, no number 1 driver, bromance of the grid. But James has won the last few years and Sirius is getting antsy.
Red Bull: Barty andd Dorcas. They’ve got empires to topple. I think Barty would be the number 1.
Mclaren: Frank and Marlene. Frank is Jenson Button. He’s coasting here until he retires. He’s mentoring Marlene (badly).
Mercedes: Andromeda anddd Remus. Andy won her championships a while ago but still could win another. Honestly I don’t think Remus would drive but if he did it would be for Merc.
Aston: Rita and Bellatrix. Bella won the championship agesss ago and refuses to retire. Rita’s dad owns the team. They have a weird amount of tension.
Toro Rosso: Peter and Regulus. Redbull rookies, will be put through hell. Watch out!
Alpine: Evan and Mary. God they hate each other.
Williams: Lily and Pandora. Lily is driving her ass off, everyone knows she deserves a better car but for some reason she’s committed to team. Pandora isn’t even trying. (This is not a comment on Logie bear.) They’re besties.
Sauber: no one cares
Haas: Sybil and Alice. MILF F1 team. Alice gets into the points and Sybil starts driving like shes possessed. She will get banned by the end of the season but at least Alice has points.
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seriouslysam8 · 10 days
Could you share a snippet of #6 or #7? I’m curious in what state Andy and Ted find Harry, and I want to know what Ginny’s reaction is when she finds out Harry’s sick!
I’ll give you seven because I have more of that written.
If you read the MIT series, you’ll see a familiar name. 😁
It has been ten months and four days since Sirius Black had seen the outside of his cell in Azkaban when two human guards practically dragged him from his cell, his feet fumbling to walk but they only felt like jelly from lack of use. Nobody said a word to him as they made their way down a long corridor, prisoners screaming in their own despair all around him. It seemed to take days to get to their destination. Some windowless room with only a table and two chairs opposite of each other.
Sirius grunted as they forced him to sit down. Grabbing his hands, they fastened them to manacles attached to the table before they bent down to click manacles on his ankles as well. Sirius didn’t bother to look at what his legs were attached to. He just wanted to sleep as Padfoot, to be left alone.
The guards left. Sirius leaned forward, his hands carding through his knotted hair. His eyes slid closed, wondering if this was some new form of torture he was going to be subjected to. The door opened to the right but Sirius didn’t even bother to look to see who it was. All he knew was that it wasn’t a dementor because he wasn’t seeing James or Harry in his head.
“Sirius,” a familiar female voice breathed.
Looking up, Sirius saw Andromeda Tonks standing there dressed to the nines in an emerald green sheath dress and black robes. Her big gray eyes searched his, a watery smile crossing her features as she stepped forward. Her heels clicked against the stone, echoing in the small space. She knelt down beside his chair, her hands cupping his bearded face.
“Merlin, Sirius,” Andromeda whispered, a stray tear escaping the corner of her right eye. “Is this how they treat all the prisoners?”
Sirius felt a lump in his throat. He didn’t know. He was on one of the highest floors in maximum security. Nobody there was afforded the luxury of leaving their cell. Maybe those on the lower levels were given more freedoms. Sirius didn’t know nor did he really care. He had lost everything, so the sun seemed trivial.
“Sirius, can you hear me?” Andromeda pressed, her hands sliding down his face.
“Yeah,” he croaked, his voice sounding so foreign to his own ears.
Andromeda let out a sigh as she stood up. “We should sue. The condition you are in is appalling! I mean, I expected it with the way I’ve seen those on trial looking, but it’s… I’ll get you cleaned up. I’ll push for it. You’ll need to look presentable for your trial.”
Sirius’ eyebrow rose. “Trial?”
Andromeda huffed. “Do you know how much time it took me to secure you one? The so-called Minister of Magic said it was an open and closed case. Reeks of corruption and incompetence. I didn’t take that lying down. I went to every single magazine and newspaper who would listen to me. Took ages to get people to care enough.”
Sirius nodded, trying to comprehend what Andromeda was actually saying to him. He felt weak and his head spun. Part of him just wanted to lie down but he couldn’t thanks to the manacles. He glanced down at his hands.
“Sirius!” Andromeda exclaimed. “Are you still mentally there? Did they, Merlin, did they damage you beyond repair? You need to be competent to stand trial! To be able to speak full sentences!”
Sirius blinked, his thumb brushing right above the manacle. “How…” Sirius cleared his throat. “How’s Harry?”
Andromeda let out a scoff, causing Sirius to look up at her. “Harry? You’re concerned about Harry Potter right now?”
“He’s my godson,” Sirius replied, stating the obvious because Andromeda knew all about Sirius’ love for his godson. He had sent Andromeda countless letters filled with stories about the little boy, not to mention the pictures. Merlin, he had sent her so many pictures before everything went to shit.
“I don’t know how Harry is!” Andromeda exclaimed as she sat down across from him, her arms crossing over her chest.
Sirius licked his cracked and dry lips. “Can you find out?”
Andromeda pinched the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger. “I’m sure he’s fine, Sirius. He’s off doing normal toddler things.”
Sirius shook his head. “He’s with Lily’s sister.”
Andromeda sighed and glanced across the table at him. “Then I’m sure he’s having a blast with his aunt.”
Sirius sneered. “Her sister hates magic. She hated Lily. She hated James.”
Andromeda’s eyes softened. “You’re worried she’s not treating him right?”
“Either she grew a heart or she’s the same bitch I met a few years ago,” Sirius replied. “Can you check on him? Make sure he isn’t…”
Sirius snapped his mouth shut, his gaze falling back to his hands. He couldn’t say the words out loud because he feared they might be true.But a trial meant he had a way to leave Azkaban, to have the Hit Wizards look for Peter, and to be reunited with Harry. Sirius had never wanted anything more in his life than to feel Harry’s chubby little arms wrap around his neck again.
Andromeda’s hand touched his. He stilled at the touch, as odd expanding feeling filling his chest. He forgot what a nice touch felt like. Sniffing, he blinked rapidly a few times.
“Nobody is as bad as Walburga,” Andromeda whispered. “I can’t believe anyone would be as cruel as she was.”
Sirius swallowed. “You don’t know that. He’s so little. He lost everything that night and he’s with a woman who despises magic.”
Andromeda sighed, her eyes searching his. “Do you know where she lives? Her name? Anything?”
A weight lifted off Sirius’ shoulders. “Petunia and Vernon Dursley. They live in Little Whinging. Somewhere on Privet Drive. That’s all I know.”
Andromeda squeezed his hand. “All right. I’ll stop by after I leave here and before I meet with the lawyer.”
“Lawyer?” Sirius asked. “You hired me a lawyer?”
Andromeda snorted. “Of course, I hired you a lawyer. I wasn’t going to let you defend yourself. What a disaster that would be.”
Sirius narrowed his eyes. “Who did you hire?”
Andromeda pursed her lips.
“Andy,” Sirius pressed.
“Humphrey,” Andromeda said in a cagey tone.
Sirius blinked at her. “Humphrey who?”
Andromeda cleared her throat. “Humphrey Slughorn.”
“No, no, no, I’m not having some Slughorn defend me in court,” Sirius protested.
“Look, Hugh said he’s made a lot of deals for-“
Sirius scoffed. “Wait, Hugh? You mean Hugh Slughorn? Your old Hogwarts sweetheart?”
Andromeda narrowed her eyes at him. “Yes! Humphrey is Hugh’s brother.”
“So, he’s Horace Slughorn’s nephew?” Sirius clarified. “No, I refuse.”
Andromeda arched her eyebrow at him. “Do you want to see Harry again or not?”
Sirius’ heart hammered in his chest at the very prospect of seeing Harry. He wouldn’t just want to see Harry again. No, he’d want full custody and a nice place to keep him safe. If Humphrey bloody Slughorn was the best chance he had… Sirius rubbed his chin as he listened to Andromeda continue singing her praises.
“Humphrey is your best chance. He was Lucius Malfoy’s lawyer and he’s sitting free and happy, drinking wine in his fancy Wiltshire estate. Humphrey also represented Macnair,” Andromeda continued as she held up two fingers. “Yaxley.” She held up another finger. “Do you want me to continue? There’s about five more I can give references for.
Sirius rolled his eyes. “So he basically got off actual Death Eaters.”
“If he can get actual Death Eaters off, imagine what he could do for an innocent wizard,” Andromeda stated.
Sirius sighed. “Does Ted know you’ve been talking to Hughie?“
Andromeda scoffed. “Ted and Hugh are good friends.”
“Right,” Sirius replied, his hands clasping in front of him. “Can you come by tomorrow and let me know how Harry is?”
“Merlin, Sirius, you have a one track mind! There are other things you need to be worrying about!” Andromeda protested.
Sirius shook his head, his jaw clenching. “Where would your mind be if you were in prison and helpless while Dora was off with some magic hating Muggles who hated you?”
A pounding sounded on the door. “Five minutes!”
Sirius sighed, hating that he would only feel alive and human for five more minutes before he was dragged back with the dementors to rot and become a shell of a person again.
“Andy, please,” Sirius insisted.
“Fine. I’ll find him,” Andromeda assured him. “I’ll make sure he’s all right.”
Sirius chewed on his bottom lip. “You’ll help him if he’s not?”
Andromeda stiffened. “What exactly are you asking me to do, Sirius? Kidnap the boy?”
Sirius scratched his yellowing nail against a groove in the table. “If you think they’re hurting him, then yes.
“You can’t be serious!” Andromeda hissed, leaning forward. “You cannot ask that of me!”
Sirius swallowed and looked up at his cousin. “What’s the date?”
Andromeda blinked. “The fifth of September. 1982. You’ve been here for nearly a year.”
Sirius nodded, a lump as solid and hard as a rock settling in his stomach. “So Harry is a little older than two. Two, Andy.
Andromeda sighed, her lips pursing to the right. He blinked at the only family member he still liked, willing her to understand his anxiety and fears for Harry. He didn’t know if it was magnified because of his long exposure to the dementors or because there was a very real cause for him to be so alarmed. Would Petunia actually hurt a child because of her jealousy and bitterness towards Lily?
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cressthebest · 23 days
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 29
chapter 48:
1. oof. i was NOT prepared for james to realize regulus is a death eater
2. “Everything I do in that arena, it's for you.” james is not handling that well. it’s repeated every other paragraph and it feels like a punch to the GUT
3. pros of crimson rivers universe:
•homophobia and transphobia just aren’t a thing in this universe.
•james potter is a real human being.
•wolfstar is together
cons of crimson rivers universe:
• 23 people are brutally slaughtered in an arena for entertainment
4. oh thank god regulus chose his correct person to lie about killing. regulus is smart af
5. “Everything I do in that arena, it's for you.
How, Reg? James thinks, staring at the screen with a lump in his throat. How is this for me? Tell me how.”
6. 😐 james is trusting reg. with no hesitation. no hesitation. nohejsjksidksjsjdlalajsa
7. “Everyone better hope Regulus is fine, because if he isn't, if he's dead, Sirius is going to kill every single fucking person in this maze for daring to live when his little brother didn't.”
i choked on my tea yall. i’m actually so scared for everyone in that arena alongside sirius
8. augusta vs alice argument 👀 i’m here for the drama (that very much makes me a bad person)
10. thank god she’s fine
11. even tho regulus is a death eater, i find comfort in the fact that regulus hates those people and their personalities
12. the way mavis and velvets deaths remind regulus of his own games with james. two people who didn’t want to live without the other
13. god the evan call backs and KILLING me
14. “Regulus thinks Alecto is quite mental to subject herself to a shift of dealing with two of the Black sisters, who are as equally dramatic and ridiculous as the Black brothers when they want to be.”
15. “He's not here to make friends. It didn't go well for him last time, literally only last year, down to the same fucking day. Exactly a year ago, Regulus spent the day with Evan Rosier, climbing a tree to get to weapons, learning to trust, not knowing that he was on a clock that was running out where the best friend he didn't even know he would have was going to leave him, before he could even properly find him, and know him.”
punched in the fucking gut over this
16. narcissa playing up the pregnancy thing is freaking hilarious
17. the mention of andromeda took me out. i am not okay. reg wonders if andy is at home with her family watching the black family reunion on screen and missing them. babes… i hate to break it to you…
18. remus is pissed at regulus and tbh i don’t blame him
19. mcgonnagal being referred to as cat like>>>
20. the way that the game makers are referring to these games as brutal like never before is honestly terrifying. how the hell is dorcas gonna pull off getting them out?
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the-colourful-witch · 5 months
hey! I’m sorry if this is annoying lol but I can’t wait to see what you do with bellatrix! (The black sisters should SO be talked about more they’re so fascinating)
I loved your outfits for narcissa and andy so much ahh!! Like the class and extra efforts with the ribbons and lace for cissa and how she could use her style to her advantage and how andy’s are so lovely but still a contrast to cissa all the same but more casual??
Love it I hope you’re having a great day !
Hiya! Never apologize for asking, I don't mind at all :) Also, it's really fucking flattering, so thank you! <3 I had a lot of fun drawing Cissa and Andy. They both have a soft side that they're not afraid to show in their outfits. But when Narcissa uses it to lure people in, Andromeda is genuine. It's a really interesting dynamic, which I like to explore. I completely agree with you. The Black Sisters are really interesting. Talking about a dysfunctional family... am I right? It makes drawing them really interesting and fun to do. It also means it takes me a little longer to do so. Art takes time, especially if you're a bit of a perfectionist, like me... hehe. So, I wanted to reward your lovely ask with some Bellatrix sketches. I don't always make a sheet like this when I'm drawing a character, but for Bellatrix, I needed it. She has such a bold and slightly unhinged style as an adult and I wanted to figure out how that translates to her younger self when she was still considered beautiful and semi-sane.
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I figured Bellatrix and Narcissa have a lot in common when it comes to caring about their appearance. However, where Narcissa weaponizes her femininity and vulnerable looks, Bellatrix enhances her sharp edges and intimidates people straight away. She doesn't hide her dark side. I am also really looking forward to sharing the final illustration. It may take a few more days, I'm having a weekend with my friends, but it will be worth the wait! All the love XXX Fleur
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