#sorry if it’s confusing. it’s kinda meant to be. anyway ENJOY!!!!!!!
sugarsnappeases · 15 days
microfic - bella killing sirius 🥰 | 1.5k words | warnings for um. death. obviously. but also for confusing narrative style ❤️
for the light of my life @quillkiller on this most auspicious day
Bellatrix laughs as Andy - the woman who looks like Andy, except for the purple hair, and the dirty blood - falls backwards away from her. She’s never going to get into the Duelling Club at Hogwarts if she keeps leaving her left side open like that; she’s lucky she has Bellatrix there to teach her.
The woman - her sister, blood-traitor, spawn of a mudblood, fighting on the side of the Order - doesn’t get back up again, limp body tumbling down the steep, stone steps. Bellatrix hasn’t lost a duel since she was thirteen, she holds the Duelling Club record for most consecutive wins - she’s the best person that Andy could have come to for help - she wasn’t going to be beaten by some filthy Auror brat.
Turning away from the unmoving body, Bellatrix runs deeper into the fray, moving towards the raised dais with its stone archway. It’s chaos, flashes of spellfire shooting across the room in all directions, red, purple, white, green, shouts and crashes and explosions as spells miss and damage the room, or as they hit their mark and damage the enemy.
She deflects a curse on instinct, swinging around to face the direction it had come from - a familiar face, her baby cousin - “Bella, will you duel me now?” - a traitor and a coward and unworthy of the name of Black.
Bellatrix returns fire. She’ll go easy on him, because Sirius is just a boy, mock-duelling with a borrowed wand and the small repertoire of spells that he had learned from her or from his parents, but he had always been quick on his feet, good at skipping out of the line of fire - she would make a proper duellist of him yet. She should kill him, for having everything and for running away from it, for turning against her, against his family, cursing their name then having the audacity to use the spells that she had taught him to fight for the wrong side of the war.
It’s the first time that she's seen him since he was disowned, in the middle of Diagon Alley, fighting with the Order of the Phoenix, and she should kill him. It’s the Yule holidays of her seventh year at Hogwarts, Sirius is nine and determinedly dodging her spells, one of their favourite games. They’re both somewhere else, screams and despair and a spinning, ungraspable whirlpool of memories, standing on the raised stone dais now, close enough to hear the whispers from the tattered veil hanging in the archway - soft, insidious, beneath the clamour of the battle.
Sirius throws a spell back at her, bouncing on the balls of his feet, “Hello cousin.”
Bellatrix grins as she dodges - Sirius is always so energetic, so eager to fight with her in a way that even Andromeda never is, let alone Narcissa or Regulus - so desperate to draw her blood, the same blood that runs through his veins, the same blood that he had forsaken, singling her out on any battlefield in the same way that she always did with him. He had run from everything that she had ever wanted - the Black heirship and the power, the esteem, which that entailed - as if it was nothing, as if she didn’t dream about commanding that level of respect, or awe, or fear, as if she hadn’t been scrambling every day of her life to try and get as close to it as she could. Sirius had run away from it, run away from her, and now he was a part of the Order of the Phoenix and she should kill him. She could kill him, the Black Heir, laughing as he narrowly avoids getting hit with a stupefy - he’s only nine, it’s not like he could really defend himself if she started firing off some of the more lethal spells she knew.
She had taught him how to perform the severing charm just the day before, lending him her wand - walnut and dragon heartstring just like the one that had chosen him when he turned eleven - he’s using Cissy’s today, struggling a little against it’s unicorn hair core, mostly relying on his ability to jump out of the trajectory of spells.
The two of them are volleying spells back and forth - ones that she had taught him and ones that the Dark Lord had taught her and ones that he had learnt without her somewhere - dodging or shielding or deflecting, spells barely grazing each other, she always knew that he would make a fine duellist - she had made him into one. They duel like this every time they see each other, during her holidays from Hogwarts, then during his holidays from Hogwarts; she had watched Sirius turn into a threat - she had taught him how to be a threat.
Bellatrix laughs as he manages to shoot off the severing charm that she had taught him - three different lethal curses in quick succession, a determined kind of acrimony about him, not surprised to see her fighting with the death eaters, in the same way that she isn’t really surprised to see him with the Order. She lets it hit her - blocks them all with a complicated shielding charm and throws back a confringo that explodes the cobblestones beneath his feet - still laughing as he cheers about how he’s fatally wounded her, feeling a sting from the shallow cut on her arm - he’s determined as ever but there’s less anger now; he’s playful, grinning when a curse singes the ends of his hair.
She knows she shouldn’t kill him - she isn’t sure if she could kill him anymore, he’s going toe to toe with her in a way that he’d never been able to when they were kids - she doesn’t think she really wants to kill him, her favourite cousin, more just the things that he represents, the signet ring on his finger that gives him an authority, aged nine, that she doesn’t have, can’t have, at nearly double his age - she thinks she wants to kill him now, though, now that he’s betrayed her, found a new family of mudbloods and blood-traitors and abandoned the role that she’s always craved. Bellatrix fires a stunner at him - puts up a hasty shield against his entrail-expelling curse, another one that she had taught him - the two of them laugh as he ducks it, the red light whizzing over his head - “Come on, you can do better than that!”
It’s loud, cacophonous with the battle raging all around them - blood on the cobblestones of Diagon Alley, some of it hers, some of it his - Cissy’s complaining that she’s bored and wants to go outside - the whispers emanating from the crumbling stone archway are getting louder, seeping their way into Bellatrix’s head - and Sirius’ voice rings in her ears, echoes around the room.
She flings another spell at him, grinning as she watches him determinedly move through the wand movements for diffindo again - he laughs as she stumbles, as her shield collapses under the force of his reducto, as he gains the upper hand - concentrating on pushing his magic through Cissy’s wand, not paying close enough attention to the spell she’s just cast - Sirius deflects the curses she hurls at him, sends a barrage of spells back at her - he’s laughing, cocky as always, as her spell hurtles directly towards him.
It hits him right in the middle of his chest.
It’s quiet, suddenly.
Quiet as Sirius’s laughter cuts off. As his eyes widen in shock. As he falls backwards, slowly, as if some invisible weight were making him heavy, as if some invisible force were gently lifting him away. She looks at him and his face is gaunt, an underlying emaciation that no amount of hearty meals can hide, she sees the same whenever she looks in a mirror, right down to the tired, but ever determined glint in silver-grey eyes.
Bellatrix watches Sirius sink into the tattered veil - watches him fall to the floor of the duelling room in Grimmauld Place, for a second she imagines that he might be dead, what it would feel like to kill him - watches the grim smile on his face as one of his spells meets its target and her vision goes black - the veil flutters, those insidious whispers seem to pause for a moment, then rise to a roaring crescendo as his body disappears.
She screams along with them, triumphant - she hasn’t lost a duel since she was thirteen, Sirius has never once beaten her, always ending their duels on the floor - she’s killed Sirius Black, and everything that he represents, even if he had spurned the signet ring and the esteem that came with it. Bellatrix walks across the room to enervate him - wakes up in Malfoy Manor, Cissy leaning over her and asking if it was true that Sirius was a part of the Order now, if he had really beaten her in a duel - turns away from the whispers and the archway and the duel that she had won, skipping back up the stone steps, laughing as she hops over Andy’s - the mudblood’s - body.
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jade-jini · 7 months
imagine dom nerd won x popular sub reader 😩
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(I love my wony baby so much Ahhh also I’m sorry I took forever 😞) Smut!
Nerdy wony who might not be that talkative but is not exactly shy you know what I mean? Everybody would believe she’s a sub because look at her she’s so cute and polite but when you guys are in bed?? She shows you who’s in control and who owns you.
(And when I say dom nerd wony is cute but at the same time has a resting bitch face then what? It makes sense.)
To me wonyoung knows how to make you shy, it’s just she decides not to do it aaall the time. But when she does she has your face red and the words caught in your throat it’s so funny. Whenever people see you interacting and see how the popular y/n gets easily flustered by this nerd’s flirting and teasing they’re like??? Stick to your role ??
Wony who loves both rewarding you:
“Cmon baby, if you make me come with just your pretty mouth I’ll make sure you have a good grade in the next test” she said while passing her fingers through your hair, but let’s be honest, her pussy in your mouth was enough reward. Knowing that she meant what she said tho, that was just extra motivation.
And also punishing you:
“We studied so hard and for what, y/n?” She said while she has you bent on her lap, hand print already on your ass.
“I’m sorry mommy…”
Wonyoung spanked you a few more times, each one leaving a painfully delicious sensation. She didn’t stop until your moans became sobs, and she would’ve felt bad (not really) if it wasn’t ‘cause of how your pussy was basically dripping. Your slick making it look so shiny, the taller girl almost drooling at the view. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? I’m gonna have to find a different punishment for you, I think I already turned you into a cute little pain slut.”
So a little throwback; the classic popular kid needed tutoring and the nerd who gets assigned to help you by the teacher. Wonyoung is not really fond of popular kids so she wasn’t excited about the idea, specially since she knew you and your friends could be idiots sometimes. However, she could see in your eyes that you really needed help when she looked over the professor’s shoulder, and he didn’t give her a lot of options anyway when talking about it. So she simply accepted. You two quickly agreed on going to your place after class, and you left right away to meet with your friends, leaving her confused ‘cause why at your place though? When the library was a more than good space to study but whatever, she got sht to do so she didn’t think much about it for the rest of the day.
The thing is before the whole conversation, you and your friends already thought it would be fun to tease her once she’s at your place for the “private lessons”. The plan was to see how flustered you could make her, what was her limit. She’s kinda quiet so you thought she was shy. But oh you were so wrong my bro. Wony’s quiet and serious but shy and submissive? Nu-uh. And you were gonna learn it soon since your dumb ass was also planning that, if she didn’t back off on it, you could also end up having a lot of fun with the cute nerd in your own bed. You kept that to yourself tho, daydreaming about it for the rest of the day.
And as expected by me ‘cause I’m the author but not by y/n, everytime you tried to flirt with her, she’d answer so nonchalantly. Like you were starting to wonder if you simply sucked at flirting ‘cause why couldn’t you make her blush or stutter just once??
On the other hand tho, it seemed so easy for wony to cause this reaction on you lmao
“I just think it’s weird that a pretty girl like you is single ‘cause If I was your partner I’d be jealous knowing you’re going to another g—”
“Aww you think I’m pretty huh?” She teased with that little smirk she had that she didn’t allow to reach her eyes just to seem like she couldn’t care less about it.
“I-I mean…” ugh! Wtf? You were nervous? Since when YOU get nervous? Who did she think she was to make THE y/l y/n stutter? It should be you making HER nervous! You were tired of this game already. “What I meant is that—”
“Eyes on your book, y/n.”
“But I’m—”
“Quiet, y/n.” She basically ordered in such an authoritarian tone.
“Yes ma’am.” You answered, unable to disobey her.
What you didn’t know is that through the whole day Wonyoung has been studying your behavior, from the way you’d get nervous easily to the way you’d obey her every word. She’d merely hint she was thirsty and you were already bringing her water or juice or anything you could find. She said she was cold and you gave her your jacket (which did make her heart flutter but she kept it cool). It was a nice change from the way you and your friends (mostly your friends tho you weren’t that bad:c ) would normally treat other smart, shy kids around school. Now it was her who wanted to see what were your limits. Plus, you were having a little bit of an attitude whenever you got frustrated with a question. And she doesn’t know who told you you could act like that, just because she’s technically your teacher right now and has to have patience doesn’t mean she’s gonna be no punching bag.
“Jang.” You call her, clearing your throat and doing your best to sound confident and firm “Jang I’m talking to you, I don’t understand this question.”
“On your knees.” Wonyoung said, in that nonchalant tone that turned you on you hated.
“What?” You asked, completely confused.
“On. Your. Knees.”
“How is that gonna help me with the que—” bro you stupid fr.
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” Wonyoung did NOT like having to repeat herself at all, and it was obvious in her eyes even when she had that mean smile in her face. So your body didn’t listen to anything but her order, like her voice was a switch that activates something in you. How could you not listen to her when it felt like that was the only reason you were brought to this earth?
“Good girl. You look so pretty down there.” She praised and you can’t remember the last time you felt this eager for more praising. And you definitely can’t recall wanting it in this position, on your knees in front of her chair. “You’d look even better if that mouth of yours that you can’t seem to keep quiet was busy in something more important than complaining.”
“Hey! I don’t talk that m- Hmm!” And without any warning she just grabbed your hair and pushed your face against her bare cunt. When did she even take her panties off?! Or did she go to school without them at all under her skirt? Jeez.
“There there, hmmm~” she quietly moaned while slowly moving your head to pleasure herself. You were not gonna lie, it was so hot how she was basically using you like that.
“You go to class with no panties? That’s such a slutty behavior you k—” you wanted to tease but she was gonna have none of it, and there she had you shutting you up with her pussy once again.
“Shut the fuck up and put that mouth to a good use. Be good and I’ll make sure you can’t walk tomorrow.” She threatened, but it sounded so good so was it really a threat?
“Just like that, baby. Keep that pretty mouth right there ‘till I come in it...Hmm fuck y/n~” you heard her from the position you were in, and the beautiful sounds she was making just motivated you to keep going and to do as good as it was humanly possible. You tried grabbing her thighs to have her more steady but she slapped your hands away.
“Ah Ah! Hands behind your back. You wanna touch? You ask first.” She ordered while grabbing your neck and making you look up. Gosh being ordered like this turned you on so much, you obeyed immediately.
“Can I please touch you, mommy?” You asked in such a sweet tone but Wait. What did you just call her?
Fuck… Wonyoung thought, she wanted to hear you calling her that again and again. “Yes, yes you can baby. And you better call me that again when you’re coming for me do you hear me?” She said with the grip on your neck feeling slightly tighter, letting you know you had only one choice. You nodded eagerly, which made her giggle ‘cause you looked cute fr.
With ease, she stood you up and guided you to your couch, pushing you so you’d lie on your stomach. Wasting no time, wony undressed you entirely, the moment your ass was exposed she left a few spanks on it, making you squeak in surprise. This girl got you so wet so fast, your body has never reacted this way with any of your previous sexual partners. But Wonyoung just knows how to touch you. The way her hands travel over your skin. The way her mouth tastes you, making you moan her name and the title that escaped your lips earlier, asking her for more. Asking her to ruin you.
“You’re so needy. One would assume such a popular pretty girl gets fucked everyday if she wants to huh?” You heard, followed by a spank that got a loud high pitch noise from the back of your throat, making her laugh at your reaction and giving you another one “your pussy looks so pretty, exposed like this for me.” She said before bringing two fingers inside it, while her mouth was busy torturing your clit. You were a whining mess, it felt so good and god you were feeling it everywhere. The pleasure taking over you. Wony’s fingers reaching as deep as she could, and so fast turning your brain into nothing. She got you drooling over your own shirt that was resting under your head “m-mommy…Hmm gonna come… p-please~” you left in a moan, barely understandable.
“Ask properly, and I’ll let you. You sound like an idiot right now. Speak properly, baby.” The taller girl said, and it took a lot from you to able to recollect your thoughts, ‘cause they were all just so full of her.
“Please.. please mommy- fuck ~ please let me come..” you begged while sobbing, it all felt too good, and you were so close that the mere idea of not being allowed to come had you tearing up a little bit. But Wony wasn’t gonna be that cruel.
“Good girl.” She whispered right next to your ear and you had to bite your lip to contain a cry from escaping you. She started fucking you faster, focusing more on stimulating your clit. Her other hand kneading and caressing your ass. You let yourself go and came in her mouth, moaning so loud and sobbing, not being able to say any word, just pure sounds of pleasure. The same ones she did (tho hers were lower) as she tasted your orgasm in her tongue and felt you tighten around her fingers.
“That was.. so good wony..” you said out of breath, trying to look back to her, but she made you lie down again, surprising you.
“Was? What do you mean ‘was’?” You heard before feeling her teasing your cunt with her fingers again. Oh.
The next morning on your way to class, your legs were still feeling sore so when your friends saw you they clearly noticed the way you were complaining while walking, as if you spent the night working out.
“Jeez y/n, what happened to you?” One of your friends asked. Before you could answer, Wonyoung who was going down the stairs next to you stopped right next to you and gave you a warning with her eyes that made you feel a shiver going down your spine. You gulped and could only answer your friends with “I.. fell?” To which she gave you a little smirk.
“See you after class for our second lesson?” She said, not asking but just letting you know she already decided your plans and gosh she’s so hot dhhdkdfj- sorry. You could just nod before seeing her walking away to her advanced class. Your friends looked at you with shocked faces ‘cause Wtf was all that? But you ignore them and go to your class as well.
Eventually your grades did get better tho, the perks of giving a dom nerd good pussy.
Conclusion: it’s always the quiet nerds lol.
(Also if you like nerd wony go read this one that @pupyuj wrote ‘cause I love it <3)
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sughuru · 6 months
are those my clothes?
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- gojo satoru x reader & geto suguru x reader
upon realizing his clothes were missing, your boyfriend couldn't help but wonder: who could be the culprit?
genres/warnings: fluff, kinda short tbh
notes: hello again! this was supposed to be a full gojo fic but i got bored so i turned it into short drabbles HAHAHSHA anyways, enjoy! as always, english isn't my first language so ignore grammatical and spelling errors, thank you!
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Gojo Satoru
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“Baby,” Satoru yawns as he walks into the kitchen, “have you seen my…” his voice slowly fades as a smirk forms on his lips.
You turned your head and smiled, a pancake spatula in hand, “good morning, love!” As you flipped the pancakes, Satoru just stood there, a smug grin on his face as if he knew something, “what’s so funny?” you ask.
“My hoodie?” 
Realizing what he meant, you hurriedly apologized, "Oh! I'm sorry; it was cold outside, so I borrowed it-" Before you could remove it, he halted you. His expression softened, a gentler look replacing the earlier smirk.
Snaking his arm around your waist, he pulled the hoodie back down, making sure you’re covered up completely, “I was just teasing.” he remarked as he tilted his head, a warm and affectionate look on his face, “it looks better on you anyway.”
Geto Suguru
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After an exhausting day of exorcising and eating curses, all Suguru needs is your warm embrace and kisses. As soon as he was done for the day, he bidded farewell to Shoko and Satoru before walking back to his apartment where you were waiting for him.
Suguru opens the door, “I’m home.” he calls out as he takes his shoes off, leaving them by the door. 
Worry took over his whole body when he didn’t hear your usual, “Suguru, you’re home?” or the comforting sounds of you bustling in the kitchen were not heard. An uneasy feeling enveloped his whole body as he encountered the unusual silence.
Worry tightens its grip on him as he hastens to your bedroom. To his relief, he finds you peacefully asleep. A gentle smile spreads across his face, relief washed over him. He shakes his head in self-amusement, grateful for the solace that your presence brings after a day filled with problems.
"Babe," he softly called, catching himself before saying more. He should let you sleep.
With quiet steps, he gently opened the bathroom door to change out of his uniform and into more comfortable attire—his usual white T-shirt and sweatpants. However, as he reached for the familiar clothing, confusion set in.
Where the hell is the shirt? He could’ve sworn he left it in the bathroom this morning.
Returning, he tiptoed toward the bed, mindful not to wake you. Suguru carefully lifted the covers to create some space for himself, but midway through, he halted, a soft "eh?" escaping his lips.
Isn’t that his shirt?
A look of affection replaced the confusion on his face, Suguru gently tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear before settling down beside you. With warmth in his gaze, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close into a comforting embrace. 
This causes you to stir in your sleep, "Suguru...?" you muttered sleepily, your voice carrying a mix of confusion and drowsiness. He had a fond smile on his face.
He kissed your cheek, “go back to sleep, babe.” whispering affectionately.
In a half-awake state, you nodded, leaning into his touch, and peacefully drifted back into slumber. Suguru stayed there, savoring the quiet moment and the warmth of your presence, a serene smile lingering on his lips.
While Suguru chose to overlook the fact that you had borrowed his clothes that day, you were likely to find yourself on the receiving end of his teasing tomorrow. As you peacefully slept, he entertained himself with the prospect of light-hearted banter, silently promising himself a day of playful retaliation.
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runningfrom2am · 4 months
cold nights // part eighteen
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summary: you showed him colours he knows he can't see with anyone else.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 3.8k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, depictions of mental illness, also she's is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: hiii posting this early bc bestie and i are ab to start a 24 hour readathon! if i'm not active for the next day, that would be why. anyway wish us luck!! also i didn't edit this as thoroughly as i should have so i'm sorry lol
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist
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You called out of work indefinitely, after that. You didn't want to quit, you wanted to love your job and you honestly couldn't see yourself doing anything else but right now, you just couldn't. Luckily, the girls who worked down at the library were incredibly understanding according to Lennox, who was sent to deliver your letter of leave and apology.
It had been close to a week when you finally ventured out to the back porch to read rather than rotting in bed all day staring at the ceiling. Your mother made you tea, and insisted she come sit with you. You enjoyed the company.
"Would you like to talk about it?" She asks, just as you're turning the page. Under normal circumstances, you'd resort to Romeo and Juliet, but now you feel like you couldn't stomach it. So, Much Ado About Nothing would have to suffice.
"I'm okay, Ma." You say softly, giving a slight shake over your head as your eyes fly over the faded lettering on the page.
"Lennox told us what happened, you know." She adds after a beat of silence.
You look up at her, frowning. "I'm sorry. He wasn't supposed to tell anyone."
"Don't be, dear." She shakes her head quickly, gently resting a hand on your thigh. "I wish you had told us. I wouldn't have invited him in that day, I could have told you he stopped by and we could have made a plan. I shouldn't have sprung that on you."
You sigh, pursing your lips and closing your book. "I didn't want you to dislike him, that's why I didn't tell you. I thought... I wanted to come home with at least something positive to talk about. And I thought that if I gave it enough time, thinking positively about him, I could try to contact him without seeing... that."
She smiles sadly at you. "You really love him, huh?"
"How could I not?" You admit quietly, staring at the cover of the book on your lap. "He was the first person there to show me kindness, to make me feel like I wasn't alone." You explain. "It felt... Like Romeo and Juliet. Star-crossed lovers, because of course I didn't think I could really have him. I was living in a dream, in a way."
"And now?" She prompts you to continue, thrilled that you are finally opening up.
"Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps."
She chuckles, gently rubbing your leg. "So that's a yes, then."
"How I wish it was not." You groan, reaching for your cup to drown your predicament in tea.
"Your brother," She sighs, gently removing the book from your lap. "came home that night just... just shaking with anger. And he looked me and your father in the eyes and said he was going to kill Coriolanus. He was set on it." She explains, and you look at her.
"He said that?" You ask, and she nods.
"I could see it in his eyes, he meant it, and we were so confused. Because, after all, it had been Coriolanus and Sejanus who came to the door seeking help for you, and your father told me Coryo looked like a ghost- bless him." She chuckles slightly.
"What I mean is... Your brother is not immune to violence, either. He would hurt someone for you, I know it. Just because you don't wish him to, doesn't mean he doesn't love you so much that he would do anything." You mull over her statement, chewing passively on your lip. "And boys... boys just do things differently than you and I would. Or Lucy Gray would. I bet if you asked her about Billy Taupe, Tam Amber, or little Clerk Carmine, that she'd tell you they've all had their moments. But boys aren't treated fair in this life, so sometimes, they don't fight fair."
"Coriolanus killed someone, Ma."
"Why?" She asks. "Lennox told me you saw it. Why did he kill that boy?"
"Because..." You shake your head. "He was trying to kill him, first."
"Okay, well-"
"But that I can understand, given the circumstances." You quickly explain, guilt settling in your stomach like a weight as you put your mug back down. "It was after. Bobbin had so clearly already passed on, and he hit him again. It was anger, and it was not necessary. A waste of precious time he didn't have but he did it anyway and that... that scared me."
She hums, listening to you intently. "If it helps, dear, and this is my honest feelings... I still think he is a good man, with a good heart." She says. "I know what you've seen is... gosh, it's unfathomable, and I wish I could take that pain from you, but I really do think that if you still feel anything for him you should talk to him."
Your eyes snap up to hers, and you look scared.
"I've only met him once, but gosh, the way he looks at you, and how he spoke about you, he thinks you put the stars in the sky." She grins, trying to relax you by taking your hand. "No problems have ever solved by hiding. And even if you turn out to be correct, that he's never been who you thought he was, you'll get peace by having answers. And even so, he deserves that peace too."
"I... I'll think about it." You nod softly, reaching for your book again.
"Hello? Boys?" Lucy Gray calls out, walking into the small house Coryo and Sejanus have been occupying.
"In here!" Sejanus calls back, and she follows his voice into the small kitchen where he's attempting to make something to eat.
"Ooh, what's for lunch?" She asks, sitting herself down at the dining room table.
"Eggs... I think." Sejanus laughs. Lucy Gray had been coming by to try and keep them company, and she did really like spending time with Sejanus. Coryo didn't have a whole lot to say, though.
"Yum." She giggles, sitting up straight to look into the pan. "Where's Coriolanus?"
"On the back porch staring at the trees?"
"Pretty much."
Lucy Gray sighs, pushing herself up. "Okay, well, The Covey and I are going to the lake tomorrow. It's a hike out, but it's beautiful. You guys should come."
"I'll be there, but I don't know if we can convince blondie." Sejanus nods toward the back door.
"Oh, I'll convince him." She smiles smugly, brushing past him and out the door.
Lucy Gray finds out quickly that apparently she had guessed wrong- he was sitting on the porch, like he had been every day, but today he was reading rather than just staring out at the mountains. "What are ya readin'?" She asks, standing in front of him.
"Nothing that's any of your business." He grumbles, not looking up from the pages of the worn down book.
She leans over him, attempting to read it upside down. "Ah." She grins. "Romeo and Juliet? Good choice."
"What do you need, Lucy Gray?" He asks, closing the book and glaring up at her.
"I've come to extend and invitation to you, we're all going to the lake tomorrow. I think you should come."
"No, thank you."
She rolls her eyes, arms crossed over her chest. "You didn't chop off all those beautiful gold curls just so you could never see Y/N again, did you?"
His eyes visibly brighten at that, only for a moment. "She's going?" This was the chance he was waiting for. He intended to go to your house that following morning, maybe pick up flowers on the way, a book, or some kind of peace offering, but Sejanus and Lucy Gray shut that down very quickly. Even though he cut his hair almost as soon as he got back to this dump they called a house, they said you still needed time.
"Mhm." Lucy Gray nods, smiling at him knowingly. "She hasn't been working, so I was able to book her for the day."
Had Lucy Gray talked to you about this yet? No. But she knew it would do him some good to get away from this house for a day, whether you were there or not, and she knew that deep down you would want to see him again. A group setting was the best way to do this for everyone. She knew he would be easy to convince, but getting you to agree would be the hard part.
"Okay, okay yeah. I'll come." Coryo nods, looking down. He doesn't know what to do with himself, but he feels like he should be doing something to prepare somehow.
"She's still... sensitive. So be nice."
"I have never not been nice to her."
"Never said you have." Lucy Gray raises an eyebrow at him. "I meant be careful. She may not want to talk to you. I won't tell her you're coming so I can at least get her out the door."
"Why not?" Coryo asks, immediately knowing how stupid that sounds when Lucy Gray lets out a laugh. "I mean, I don't want to scare her off, so she should know. Please be honest with her." He pleads.
Lucy Gray's eyes soften at that. "Okay, you're right. But I'm not tellin' you if she says no. You still have to come." She points at him and he sighs.
"Okay, whatever. Sure."
"You're both just rotting and making it worse for yourselves. You need to get out." She says as she walks back inside, leaving him alone to read.
Coryo smiles to himself as he picks the book up again, continuing where he left off even though he's already read it five or six times.
"You're gonna be fine just fine, Y/N/N. I promise." Lucy Gray assures you as you walk down the path toward the forest where the Covey and Sejanus were waiting. With Coryo.
"I won't let him near ya." Lennox adds, kicking a rock aside as he walks in front of you and your friend.
"Whatever you want, sweetheart. If you want space, tell him. I talked to him about this. He knows not to push you." Lucy Gray whispers to you and you nod, teeth digging into the softness of your cheek.
"I know." You say quietly, arm wrapped around hers. You loved going to the lake, and you've been a couple of times since you've been back, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't hesitant to bring him with you. If it goes poorly, you don't know if you could ever go back.
"Yeah, I gave him a stern talkin' to. Put the fear of god in him, he'll be on his best behaviour." She giggles.
"You didn't actually scare him, did you?" You laugh nervously.
"Of course I did." She says, but you know she's just joking.
"Is Billy Taupe coming?" You ask her after a moment.
Your friend wrinkles up her nose and shakes her head. "No, lord, no." She chuckles. "He's off with that Mayfair. Real class act, they are."
You giggle, squeezing her arm. You take it as they're broken up, at least for now. "I'm sorry, Lucy Gray." You add and feel her shrug under your grip.
"I'm done with him this time." She tells you, shaking her head. "I can't trust him no more."
"One foot in sea and one on shore." You comment and she looks at you, a smile pulling on her lips as she gently pulls you closer, leaning her head on your shoulder.
"Y/N!" Maude Ivory greets the two of you first, running up and throwing her arms around your waist. You jump slightly at the sudden contact, making every effort to catch her with nothing more than a slight gasp and a smile. "I've missed you!"
"Hello, dear." You chuckle, running your hands over the length of her blonde hair. "It's only been a couple of weeks, and you do know where to find me."
"Your friend has a gift for you, come on." She grins, letting you go only to grab your hand and pull you up the rest of the hill.
When Coryo sees you, his instinct is to push his hair back out of his face. That can't happen, so he settles for shifting on his feet and gripping the flower he's holding in his hand as you avoid his gaze and he avoids your brothers. Of course you would hide from him- he doesn't fault you for it. You were nervous, he could tell. And of course Lucy Gray neglected to tell him that Lennox was coming, though, he understood why.
He just wished you were angry at him. That would be far preferable to you being afraid.
"Y/N, hi." Sejanus greets you and you smile at him, giving a quiet wave as you adjust your bag over your shoulder. You packed your book and a blanket with some cherries you picked from the tree behind your house to share with everyone. You can see in your peripheral vision that Coryo has gotten a haircut, but you can't bring yourself to look at him just yet. Or comment on it.
"Alright, let's get movin'! The sun is only up for so long." Lucy Gray claps, not forcing you to have to say hi to Coriolanus before she's urging the group on.
Coryo looks at you as everyone else starts walking, and you nod through everyone to go ahead of you. You hate the idea of having people behind you that you can't see.
Then, finally, your eyes land on him. He smiles, hoping you would want to walk with him.
"Go ahead." You say softly, quickly looking up ahead and Lennox has stopped to wait for you.
"Oh, uh, this is for you." Coryo takes a step closer, holding the yellow daisy out to you that he picked on the walk out. Apparently, you didn't want to walk with him- you just didn't want him behind you. That was a thousand times worse.
You look down at it for a moment, reminding yourself quickly to take it instead of just staring. "Thank you." You reply quietly, delicately plucking the flower from his hold.
"Yeah, of course." He grins, not wanting to give up your attention just yet. "I... I'm really glad you agreed to come."
"It'll be nice. The lake is beautiful." You tell him, glancing over at your brother.
"Come on!" He calls out, impatient. "They're gonna leave us in the dust."
You hold back a sigh as you feel Coryo's eyes on you. You guess you will be walking with him, after all. "Coming!" You smile at him.
It's fine- he's fine. He won't hurt me.
You look up at Coryo, and his eyes are still on you. "Shall we?" He grins, gesturing to the path ahead of you.
Okay, he looks normal. His eyes are normal. Blue, sky blue. Gentle.
"Let us go." You grin at him, holding tightly onto the strap of your bag as it rests across your chest. You look back down at your feet as you walk, mindful of the roots and sticks that may trip or scratch you. You spare a glance at his feet as he joins your side on the narrow path.
Lucy Gray knew that even with her warning that Coryo would likely corner you, but she kept a close eye on you even from up ahead while she talked to Sejanus and practically dragged Lennox along with them so he would give you at least a little bit of space.
You walk in silence for a long time. The trees get thicker as you separate from the meadow and the town, isolating you only further, but you didn't feel unsafe. Not really.
Coryo would take what he could get, but he had to try to talk to you eventually. When he planned out this trip in his head the night before they were set to board the train, he had hoped that the days and nights would be spent together. That you'd say you understood, that you were happy and okay and yes! You would love to take him to the lake you frequented, just the two of you, and 'Oh, we should bring a picnic and just spend the whole day there. It will be so much fun!' And he'd get to see your smile without it quickly fading and he could hold your hand and get that second kiss that he never thought he would receive and everything would be perfect.
He never considered himself much of a dreamer, but something about you made that change. After he got to feel his lips on yours, then on the soft skin of your shoulder and his hands on your waist or locked in yours, there was no going back. He was all yours.
"So," He starts talking after only about an hour of walking. You were almost there, so you took a sharp breath in. You could talk for forty minutes. You could do it. And you wanted to, you remind yourself. "This is quite a hike, isn't it?"
"Oh, yes." You nod. "But we aren't far out now. It's worth it, I promise." You say, eyes still locked on the ground just in front of you.
"Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful walk, just... long." He comments. "And lots of bugs."
"Yes..." You chuckle nervously.
"What's it like?" He asks, desperate just to continue to hear your voice,
"The lake?" You ask, risking a look up at him. His lips form into a smile and he nods, urging you on. "Well," You swallow, trying to organize every detail you remember from last summer, before the games. "The water is very blue, and quite clear. There's a dock, we have the most fun jumping off of it."
Coryo watches your expression intently, trying to inhale every word. You pause, and your face lights up with remembered joy. "My Pa put a rope swing up here for us kids when we were young, and a few summers ago I went to take it- I climbed as far back up as I could before jumping. Then, I felt the branch jerk and I grabbed it tighter, it ended up wrapped around my leg on the way down and I got stuck." You recall the injury, but you're almost laughing. "I got this massive red burn all up the inside of my thigh, and then Lennox ripped the thing down." You giggle, and Coryo swallows. "He was joking, just pretending to even though it was my own fault, but the branch broke clean off and me and Lucy Gray tried to jump out of the way and ended up falling straight into the water."
He laughs with you at that, shaking his head. "Well, I hope your leg wasn't serious." He watches you and you're quick to shake your head.
"No, gosh no." You giggle. "Not worth pulling the whole thing down over, but it wouldn't have been kind to the next kid who swung- that's for sure. So it was probably for the best."
"Fair enough." He shrugs, eyes still glued onto you.
"I'd rather get a burn then have that big ol' thing fall on Maude Ivory or CC. They were just little at the time." He nods. That sounds just like you.
"So you've been friends for a long time, I take it?"
"Well, yes. Since they got stuck here, pretty much."
"Stuck here?" Coryo asks, looking up ahead at the group that was still just within sight.
You look up as well, just to make sure they weren't in earshot. "The Covey isn't District." You explain, voice lowered. "They used to travel everywhere to perform, but then when they got here peacekeepers rounded them up. Executed all their parents, and the kids got stuck here." You tactically leave out the part about his father being the commanding officer at the time.
"I think that's why Lucy Gray can't get over Billy Taupe." You add quietly, watching your friend as she laughs with Sejanus up ahead. "He's one of them, they have so much history. They're on and off, but she'll never abandon him. Not when they've been through so much together. They're the oldest- they've had to take care of the rest of them for almost their whole lives."
Coryo doesn't know what to say. "That's... yeah. I can imagine it would be hard to move on when they're so tied to each other."
You hum in agreement. "Anyway, we met when they were begging outside the market. They set their instruments up and were playing for tips just so they could eat, so my parents stopped and invited them for dinner. They've been with us ever since."
"Your parents are really good people." He comments.
You look up at him, a small smile tugging at your lips. "I told you that, didn't I?"
"Well, you told me they weren't rebels. That doesn't mean they're saints." He jokes.
"Feels like anyone less than a saint these days is considered a rebel for one reason or another." You argue, but there's no harshness at all behind your tone.
"Regardless, your parents are safe." He says, hoping that you've forgotten about his father being a peacekeeper general.
"Well, thank you." You laugh slightly, shaking your head. "How is Tigris, by the way? And your Grandmother? Have you spoken to them since you've been away?"
"I've called a few times, yeah. They're doing well." Coryo smiles. "Tigris is taking some time off, she's working on some different projects at home."
"I'm glad to hear that." You smile. "They must be missing you."
"So they say, yeah." He chuckles.
"It's hard to be away from home." You tell him. "I know it all too well."
His smile drops steadily, but he just nods. "Yes. At least I have the guarantee of returning."
You try so hard to steer every conversation you have away from the games, but it never seems to work. People have so many questions, so many comments, and it's a shame that Coryo is no exception. You suppose that was inevitable. He's one of very few people who somewhat know what you went through.
You really wish you had met him some other way.
"I'm sorry." He quickly apologizes, sensing your shifted energy. "That was... I shouldn't have said that."
"No, no. It's okay." You insist. "I just... Everyone wants to talk about it all the time. I can't escape it."
"I should have known better. I'm sorry." He says again, taking in a deep breath. "I wanted to be different. I try so hard to not make you think about it and I should have remembered that before I said anything, I just-"
You shake your head, frowning as you look up at him. "I wouldn't expect you to." You tell him. "If I'm honest, you're the one person I think I am okay with discussing it with."
Coryo has to fight back the smile threatening to pull at his cheeks from the relief. You weren't planning on never talking to him again. This was a great sign. He opens his mouth to speak when he hears shouting from up ahead.
"We made it!" Lucy Gray cheers, and sure enough, he can see the lake appearing through the trees.
"Coryo, you gotta see this!" Sejanus's voice follows.
"We made it." You smile, happy to change the subject. "Come on, the water is going to feel so good."
Then, you're jogging up ahead of him and pulling your bag off to leave on the dock.
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taglist: @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl ,  @dreamyysouls, @rockstarbfs , @maysileeewrites , @baybieruth , @kitscutie ,  @fratboyharrysgf0201 , @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @drewsandsebastianswife , @niicole-87 , @queenofshinigamis , @innercreationflower , @nallasstuff , @scorpiolystoned , @iovemoonyy , @thatmarvelchick19 , @wearemadeofstardust0 , @regulusblackcore , @puredreamagination , @fantasticchaosthing , @becauseseaotters , @secretsicanthideanymore
okay suddenly tumblr isn't letting me tag more people than this so i just made some cuts unfortunately :') i just left the max amount of people i could whose users i recognized and see in my notifs all the time :) if you're not on here and you should be i'm so sorry!
also this taglist is closed now!! if you’d like to get a notification when i update, turn on my post notifications!! i promise i won’t spam y'all :,)
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 1 month
Reader receives Yelenas nudes accidentally
Authors note: this probably doesn't actually count as an accident but I felt like it kinda still is I think? Anyway, hope you enjoy
Authors note 2.0: sorry it took so long to release this 💖
Word count: 796 Part 2
Marvel Masterlist How They React To Masterlist
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   As the blonde tosses back another shot, her mind not only swirls with the effects of the alcohol but with an idea as well. It’s a bad idea, and will likely end with her having regrets and being embarrassed. But in her current state those things don’t really bother her like they should. So she decides to go ahead with the bad idea.
   With a smirk she pulls out her phone and clumsily opens the messaging app. She clicks on her earlier conversation with you and then goes to add a picture. She scrolls through her camera roll until she finds her hidden album that contains the few naughty pics she's taken.
  She spends probably far too long staring at her options before choosing one and attaching it to your messages. She debates on if she wants to send anything flirtatious with it, but in her muddled state she realizes she would probably do a poor job of getting any point across to you. So instead of adding anything she just presses send. 
   After realizing that yes, she did actually go through with it she sets her phone down and takes another shot, “O Bozhe(oh god)”
   You're in your room across the compound, lazily lounging on your bed as you scroll through netflix looking for something to watch when your phone alerts you to a new message. Being as late as it is, you figured that not many of the other heroes would be up and wanting to chat, so the fact that one of them was texting you was a bit exciting because it meant you didn’t have to be bored alone.
   You quickly grab your phone to see a text from Yelena and you smile. The two of you had become fast friends when Nat brought her onto the team, and have only gotten closer since. In fact, if you had to admit it you were harboring a not so small crush on the woman. But there was no way in hell you’d ever admit that, especially to her.
  At least that's what you thought. But when you open her message to see a picture of not only her smug smirk but her bare breasts as well, you contemplate running off to her right then and there and admitting everything. You however manage to reign in that thought to fully think about the situation first and decide to type out a reply
    Uh, Lena?
   It takes her a minute to actually respond, Yes?
  It's far too brief of a reply for you though and it also steps around the elephant in the messages entirely, You sent me a nude….
   You bite back the urge to ask if that was the only word she knew and instead decide to make this conversation an in person one. You shove your phone into your pocket and head off to find her. The first place you go is of course her room, and you knock on the door. There's a rustling on the other side before you hear footsteps, and that's when you realize something else must be going on here because you've never heard the spies' footsteps.
   The door opens with quite a bit of enthusiasm, causing your brows to shoot up and your confusion only doubles when Yelena's face beams at you from the doorway. 
   “Y/n, hiii” she greets before giggling a bit. The smell of alcohol on her breath is apparent and you try not to laugh but it's a bit hard when she shushes herself. That's when you manage to get a glimpse behind her and into the room however, and the sight nearly empty vodka bottle on her bed and the few empty beer bottles on her bedside table has all the dots connecting for you
   “Lena, you drink all that by yourself?” 
   She turns her entire body to look at where your gesturing and sways a bit, “Yup”
   You can’t help but chuckle at the way she pops the p sound, “Well, that explains the picture then”
   You had said it under your breath but she had still heard you and turns back around, “Oh yes! You like?”
   “Lena I…” you're honestly at a loss for words. Because yes you did like it, but you can’t tell her that while she's so clearly drunk because she might hear your yes and see that as a way to attempt to do other activities. Activities she absolutely can’t consent to in her current state
  “You didn’t” her frown brings you back out of your thoughts and you want nothing more than to kiss it off her face
   Instead you gently cup her face, “How about, we get you tucked into bed and we talk about that wonderful pic in the morning”
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Taglist: @lollygagger-s
345 notes · View notes
fucked up - Nico Hischier
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summary; Nico Hischier x reader.
The honest opinion from a person you really like can hurt the most. But what if Nico regrets it?
warning(s); bad language, angst, argument, fluff, maybe grammar errors
author's note; based on a true story. I'm sorry for not posting "happy-clappy fluff imagines" like usually (promise they'll come back soon). I can't write just pure fluff when I'm crying a river.
It's the third day in a row that Nico doesn't want to talk with you. You can't explain why, but your stomach feeling tells you, something is not okay. You tried to distract yourself with work, work and more work. But when you step in your apartment, you're mentally break down. Your overthinking says hello. You grab your phone, trying to call him, just his mailbox.
"What did I do wrong", you mumble to yourself, biting on your lip. It's rainy outside, like how you feel. You're starring at other people out of the window, until your phone vibrates. "hello?", you start the conversation without looking on the screen, who it is. "it's Nico, are you at home?", his voice sounds deep and kinda annoyed, "yes", you smile, happy to hear he's alive. "Ok bye", he hangs up without a second. You stress yourself to cook a nice dinner in an hour until the door bell rings. "hi baby!", you want to wrap your arms around his neck, but he pushes you politely away, "we need to talk, something is bothering me", his brown eyes let you feel confused, he never been so serious. You nod and let him walk in your kitchen. "I cooked dinner for us two", you smile to blow the negative vibes away. "Do you think dinner will change the fact you act exaggerate?!", his tall body turns around because he stands before you. "huh?", you're even more confused. "We're not together and you stress me out", he tolerates no argument whilst speaking. Honestly you're not able to argue. It's like a punch in your face. "what did I do?", you feel so small. Even when he told you this in a respectful way. "you stress me out. You want to text non-stop and you're not my girlfriend, not yet. After last night with five text messages I'm thinking if it's a good idea to ask you for that", Nico grabs your shaky hands,"it's not like I'm not interested anymore", he kisses your forehead. You're just able to nod and accept the fact. What he needs and wants.
"Thank you for telling me this", your fake smile shows sadness. Nico doesn't want to hurt you on purpose. "I'll pack in the pesto for you", with blurry eyes you do that, giving him the lunch box. Nico just stays calm, taking it and when you close the door behind you, he thinks of hoping you understood what he meant.
The next days your chest feels heavy, texting no message, you don't call him, you let him his freedom. You know Nico lost the finals of the world championship, he looked so disappointed and usually you would at least send him something lovely, but your brain tells you; you were clingy. You're the problem. You're a bad Person for bothering someone. You don't enjoy being a clingy girl.
In the middle of night your phone vibrates again, like ten times until you groan, you're not in the shape to talk happy phone calls. "hey, are you ok?", his voice sounds occupied. "Sure", you reply. "You didn't text me once. I'm worried. We lost", he let you know the news. Of course you're not saying that you watched his game. Like he gave you a clear message. You would be clingy you're not his girlfriend and he owes you nothing.
"I'm sorry to hear that", your hands shake again. You don't feel comfortable anymore, more like you have to hide your personality to be not the problem anymore. "I didn't mean that I don't like to talk with you", he coughs. "I really like you anyway as a person who you are", he talks more. "I'm tired, good night", hanging up until he can hear how much you're hurt. Just thoughts hunting you in your head;
what are you doing now?
What is the right way to deal with this?
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csainz5 · 1 year
hello! i saw your requests were open and wanted to pop in! i have a bit of a weird? idk request, where it’s like max verstappen x reader first where it ends with angst, and then she ends w carlos endgame?? maybe a whole lotta lover boy feels from carlos and ‘oh i fucked up something great’ feels from max, like essentially carlos that has been silently lining throughout readers relationship w max too?? i’m so sorry if this confused you! i loved ur previous carlos sainz fic!! 🤍🤍
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genre: fluff; light smut
pairing: bestfriend!max x reader; carlos x reader
summary: max constantly fucking up comes in no better time for carlos.
word count: 3.7k (my longest fic so far 💀)
warnings: angst, slight loverboy feels from max if you squint. voyeur max? not really but kinda ig and no beta we die like the ferrari fans we are 🫡 google translate ass spanish, forgive me 😞🫶
author notes: OMG ANON YOU ARE A GENIUS!!! I LOVED THIS REQUEST AND I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING IT. but small change tho, max x reader isn’t rlly like a proper relationship. anyways, hope u guys enjoy 😘😘😘
you were both 10 when you first met. your parents had been friends for a while by then, and they decided that they would place you and max in the same school. the two of you instantly kicked it off. it was like you guys were meant to be friends. you always shared the same opinions, the same preferences and all.
school with max was fun. the best, infact. the both of you hit it off well since the first time you met and had been inseperable (and insufferable) since. it was practically known to everyone that if max were to take a seat, the one beside it instantly belonged to you. you two had different friend circles, yes. But you were definitely each others best friend regardless.
highschool. highschool was a turning point in your friendship. although it was still as magical as it was, max’s attention at that time drifted between girls and racing. the former, burnt your heart with jealousy. everytime he ditched plans with you for his new girlfriend, you secretly prayed to god they would break up so you could have him all to yourself. The latter however, you didnt mind so much. you were always a fan of racing, and it only bought you two closer. you still remember go karting with max like it was yesterday. even if he was always the one to win, you weren’t too far behind, always coming it right after him. your deepest secrets, your highs and lows, your intrests, and everything about you was known to max, and max only. everyone would see you with him all the time, so no guys would ever approach you in school. Its not like you really minded it though, because max’s girlfriends only ever lasted two weeks at the most, and you guys would find your way back to each other.
You found solace in the unwavering friendship you shared with Max . Growing up together, navigating the twists and turns of life side by side, your bond evolved into something deeper over the years. You were always hopelessly in love with Max, but you concealed your feelings, afraid of risking the precious friendship you had cherished oh so much. Everyone but max could see it. I mean how couldnt they? you were always like a lost puppy around the paddock, finding your way to max. Much like your races, you would always find your way right behind him. it was clear in the way you looked at him, with stars in your eyes. How your voice went slightly higher when you were around him. How you relax when you’re with him. How you’re the loudest person during a race, always screaming his name as he raced by. Everyone felt sorry for you, really. Because in return to all of your affections was nothing but a cold and stoic response. Don’t get me wrong, Max definitely loved spending time with you, probably moreso than anyone else, but it was nothing in comparison to your admiration for him.
Afterall, in the world of Formula 1, where speed and competition reigned supreme, there was so space for screw ups. you needed to work hard for what you want and you needed to be cunning. and for max, nothing was as important as winning this year’s championship and more to come, so you’ve become used to his behaviour. he was quick, ruthless and on the top, and he wasn’t about to let anything get in the way of his success. so even though it stung when you could see how little you mattered to him over the sport, you convinced yourself it was okay. Because this was max’s dream since he was little, and whats a wish to date a boy over a pursuit for the championship but a speck of dust.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, you watched Max prepare for yet another exhilarating race. Your heart raced in sync with the roaring engines, anticipation filling the air. Deep down, you yearned for Max to realize the depths of your affection, but maybe it was too much to ask for, you think. He was always too caught up in his relentless pursuit of victory. Everyone saw it, even the rugged and striking driver of ferrari, with the number 55 adorned on his red suit.
Max insisted you leave him alone for a moment, so he could gather his thoughts before the race. “Are you sure, max?” “please, just go” reluctantly, you agreed and went into the paddock club. you settle into the couch and wallow to yourself. you just wanted to be there with him so you could calm his nerves, why was he acting unlike himself? you gather that recently this is all thats been happening. you always go behind him, wanting to be with him at all times, hoping to be the centre of his attention, but he stands like a stonewall. you’ve grown tired of it really. But come on, you knew you would find your way back to him again. You were infact in love with him since you knew what love was, weren’t you?
You get startled when a hand waves in front of your face “helloo?” “oh my god im so sorry” “no worries” he shoots you a cheeky smile. “did you need anything carlos?” “nothing, i just wanted to ask if i could sit by you” “yeah ofcourse, you didnt need to ask” honestly, this was the most you’ve ever spoken with carlos, so you were confused by his sudden intrest in you. but really, it wasn’t sudden at all. too absorbed into the grumpy redbull driver, you never noticed a tall figure clad in red lurk behind you two. He had seen it all. His eyes burned with rage everytime he saw you with max. What did he ever do to deserve you?
“Carlos? mate where the hell were you? you need to come to the garage, hurry up” charles says, appearing out of thin air “i’ll see you later, okay?” “Bye sainz” Looking back at you, carlos runs away behind the monagasque. you smile to yourself at the sudden attention from carlos. Atleast he distracted you, right?
yeah right. your nerves were all over the place the second the red lights blinked, and the race began. max was so off his game today, whats wrong with him? he was so far behind this race that even the alfa romeo cars had been ahead of him. it was his first race lately where he was behind a ferrari for once. you felt your heart thump as you wince, you know how much shit redbull & max’s father give him on the offchance that he isnt the best in the game. he didn’t deserve it, you think. he doesn’t deserve the shit they put him through. since this was the start of the season, everyone was very anticipated to see the result, to see who is going to be this years leading drivers.
you catch your eyes drifting towards one specific car though, and its not the redbull one you’ve always got your eyes on. the person leading the first race of the season happens to be the man that youve last talked to. carlos. you hold your breath, and blink for just a moment and there you see it, carlos gets the pole position. you dont know whether to be happy or not, a feeling you’re unfamiliar with makes your gut twinge. were you happy with the results? as much as you’d like to convince yourself otherwise, it was true. for some reason carlos winning made you feel proud, but in a split second you turn your eyes back to the circuit. max had gotten p7.
it was the night of that day that max had seen you under a different light. your look for the party had caught the eyes of everyone there, and unfortunately for max, even the eyes of a certain latino were set on you. Carlos was the first person you noticed the moment you stepped into the club. the ferrari pair had rented out the entire club for that night, celebrating their p1 & p2 standings. you instinctively go towards Carlos, talking him up about his big win. “Sainz, that overtake on lap 35? Blew my mind.” “you must’ve been attentive on me to catch that” he jokes, his chest rumbling with laughter. “oh come on everyone’s talking about it” “maybe. but so are you, and thats not very common” “I give credit where credit is due, what can i say?” you giggle, taking a flute of champagne. “hey, how come you aren’t with max? i ask only because this is the first time you’ve come outside that circle” he asks, slightly avoiding eye contact with you. “well, i guess you could say i just found someone more worthy of my time” “Oh..?” clearly amused with your answer, carlos decided that he’s not going to let you leave his side. He had a taste of it, and he knew he couldn’t let go just yet.
2 drinks become 4, and 4 drinks become 8 when you decide that you are done being the quiet girl behind max. you think that it’s time that you let go, live the moment for yourself, and yourself only. okay, and maybe Carlos too. conversations with him were just so light and breezy, you didnt have to hold yourself back hoping you’d be molded into the kind of girl he wants. it was obvious that he was interested in you as is. “Carlos” “yes, cariño?” “How come ive never spoken to you before?” “You know, actually you have” he wasn’t wrong, but that was just small talk at events. This? This was different. you knew it. He knew it. “No, no i mean like.. this” you say, speech slurred, hand reaching to brush his hair. “You’re driving me crazy, mi vida” he chokes out, eyes closed and a sigh escaping his lips. “Carlos..” you feel like you cant breath as you say, “Help me forget him” by this point of your conversation you had realised that he did, infact notice things about you. Maybe even in a way no one else did. you raise your eyes to meet his and you lose yourself in their charm. his brown eyes with specks of gold drew you in more than you’d like to admit. “Hermosa, when you have me,” he raises your chin up “You will be sober when you have me, and you wont be forgetting it any time soon”wind gets caught up in your throat at his bold statement.
“Come on, let loose carlos join me!!” by this point it was the alcohol talking, not you. “okay okay how about we get you home now?” “oh shut up im just getting started” “no you’re not, come with me” carlos says as he throws your arm around his shoulder to support you. “fuck, is she okay man? i can take her to her house just leave her with me” max say’s, finally emerging after eyeing you both all night. “don’t hold your breath mate, she’s going home with me”
you wake up the next morning with the worst headache, which only gets worse when you realise you can’t recognise the room you’re in and the clothes you’re wearing aren’t yours. you shoot your head up as you hear the door open. Carlos? wait a second. did you and he..? “Carlos, did we—“ “Did you want us to?” “Oh my god. OH MY GOD??” “Calm down im just messing with you, no we didn’t do anything. i just had to change your clothes because you puked all over them” this was so embarrassing you couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes.
“im so sorry, i really am. i didnt think i would let go that much yesterday.” “Don’t worry, i had fun. plus its nice seeing you not be so timid” your cheeks flush at his compliment. Fuck. i abandoned max yesterday, you thought, booking a cab to his house as you pack your stuff. “Youre not seriously booking a cab right now, are you?” “Not all of us come from Generational wealth, Carlos” you say, hoping you get connected to a driver as soon as possible. “No, no. you’re coming with me.” he says, taking his car keys and showing you the way to the garage. The moment you arrive at max’s house, you see an unfamiliar pair of heels by his shoes.
you knock on the door “Max?” No answer.“Max??” no answer yet again. you use your keys to open the door. “I didn’t expect you to come at this time” he says, his hand over a girl who you barely recognise’s shoulder. “Who’s this, max?” “It doesn’t matter, she was just about to leave” the woman looks confused but exits, mumbling something to max as she leaves. “Whos that, your conquest of the week?” you ask the second you hear the door click. “Why do you care? you must’ve had fun whoring out with the ferrari boys yesterday anyways.” He didnt mean for it to sound as harsh as it did, but what was done was done. Seriously? “Fuck you max. i’ve always been with you every second of every day and you don’t appreciate me for a moment. you constantly ditch me for these random fucking girls who you know are just with you because you’re in redbull. And i let myself go for one night. One fucking night and you’re on my back calling me a whore? you know what? i am tired. i am done with your bullshit. Maybe ferrari is better after all, huh?”
“You don’t understand my point” “what point max? what fucking point? Are you blind or do you just convince yourself to ignore the fact that ive been in love with you since we started talking? Do you know how much it hurt me to walk in your shadow all these years hoping you would notice that i was there for you? to notice that i was the one for you?” “You love me?” he sounds heartbroken saying it, but you’re on an adrenaline rush and don’t take note of it. you could feel your feelings for him fading more and more as you spoke your feelings out to max. “No. not anymore.” “Fuck. i never- i never thought, fuck.” “guess you just realised it too late mate” a voice speaks up behind you. “Lets go back, i cant stand to see his face.” you spit, with venom lacing your words as they sunk into max’s heart like a dagger.
After the incident with max, You realised that the night with the ferrari driver would be the start of something much, much bigger than you had expected. somewhere in between the races the 33 on your shirts slowly turned into 55. You didnt have to tell max you’ve moved on, it was clear as day. Carlos had gifted you a bracelet, a custom cartier one with the initials c.s adorned by a small pendant of a chili. everyone on the paddock could see that max was history to you. By this point it was also famously known that you had become Carlos’s girl. you didn’t mind the chatter though, you were so happy with carlos, he made you feel things that no one had been able to make you feel. he was gentle, and understanding. But at the same time, he knew exactly how to treat you, and the fact that you liked to be treated a little rough, once in a while, and he played it like a charm.
Your situationship with him was quick to blossom into a relationship, the best one you’ve ever been in. Days with Carlos were magical. he was crazy for you, as were you for him. you were so used to people stepping all over you that carlos treating you the way you deserved to be treated caught you off gaurd at times, but you grew attached to that quality of him. he made sure that he was the best man for you, and that you were treated exactly how you deserved to be. you noticed that you didnt even ask him for anything, he miraculously knew exactly what you wanted, and he delivered seamlessly. You had drifted significantly from max, but you didn’t mind anymore. Carlos was the only one for you and there were no doubts about it.
This particular morning was that of the emilia- romagnia grand prix, with you by the ferrari garage with carlos. everyone there had become used to you at this point, charles and some of the engineers becoming some of your best mates. Right now you were in carlos’s room, sitting on the bed as you watched him get ready. it was a home race for the ferrari boys. “What?” carlos talks over the phone, clearly upset with whatever he’s heard. you sit up straighter at his sudden change in demeanour. “Fuck. guess there’s nothing we can do huh?” he says, moments before he hangs up. “It’s canceled. the race is canceled because of a flood.” “What? Im so sorry to hear that Carlos, i know how much this race means to you.” you say, walking up to him and fixing up his shirt.
“Is there anything i can do to make you feel better?” memories of that night rush back into your head. you take in a sharp breath remember what carlos told you that day. “I’m sober now” “You remember that?” he looks into your eyes, his own shifting into a darker look. “I couldn’t for a moment forget it” you pull his collar in towards yourself “you little minx, me estás matando” “Lets see if you’re a man of your word, sainz” you dare to say. “you’re gonna wish you never challenged me, hermosa.”
His lips crash against yours as he pulls you up to jump onto him, legs wrapped around him as you take him in, in all his glory. your brain becomes foggy, and a thousand diffrent scenarios run around your head and at once, the all stop, Leaving your head a blank space. you run your hands through his hair, breathless. he walks you both over to the bed, his lips never leaving yours as unsaid words get conveyed to you. i want you. he gently places you on the bed, getting onto his knees.
You pull away from him for a moment, just a moment. you needed to get comfortable into the bed, and even the split second away from him makes you grow impatient. you look down to see him frantically trying to pull your shorts off you. Frustrated, you pull him by his neck back to you, kissing him with a rush you’ve never experienced before. you close your eyes, his wandering hands feeling making you feel sensitive all over. even a harmless rub against your thigh ticks you off. the whimper youve been suppressing comes out into the kiss, making Carlos feel as though he was losing his mind. he couldn’t take it anymore. he wanted you, he wanted you so badly he felt like a teenager about to cum in his pants.
All you wanted was to scream his name, loud enough for the entire hotel to hear, and he, wanted to listen to them on repeat like they were the best musical piece ever created. he was drunk on lust. “Can i?” you nod with all your might, you couldn’t handle it anymore. “Use your words, mi amor” “Yes, yes. please i want it so bad carlos, please.” “God, you sound so angelic begging for me right now.” Just as he was about to take off his top, the two of you hear a series of knocks on your door.
“Are you in here? its max” “Why is he here?” just as you were about to cuss him out, carlos signals you that hes got it covered. He picks you up, making you put your legs over his torso again. “Carlos? what are you-“ he shushes you, a finger falling over your swollen lips. just as you reach the room door, he clashes his lip’s against yours again. he slowly takes off the lock on the door, leaving max to think he can come in.
max is greeted by the two of you feverishly making out as he opens the door. you and carlos pay him no mind though, as if you couldn’t even see him. “Fuck you guys” He shouts as he bangs the door on his way out.
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94blazed · 10 months
Tumblr media
WC : 8.3K
Genre: smut. fluff. crack. angst.
Rating: M (minors dni)
Warnings: depression. alcohol; consumption. no smut in this part!
Summary: Seven wednesday jungkook. You and Jungkook have been delusional about each other your whole lives, but when Jungkook is off the market, you start to wonder if it was all just one-sided. After the break-up with sohee, you became friends with benefits right after a simple hookup, but when he receives a text from his ex..
a/n: this is a two part series! i couldn’t stop expanding the story :,) - no hate to sohee this is fiction!
TAGLIST : sign up here
You and Jungkook have known each other since the 3rd grade, basically throughout your entire lives, and have always had a connection towards each other. Ever since you were kids, there was always something there, a spark, but no match to ignite it. So it was more of an under the table type of thing, but everyone knew it was obvious.
At age 20, I was enrolled in Seoul University along with Jungkook and the rest of the boys. It was the summer of 2020 and we had gathered around the campfire on the beach, cooking s'mores, admiring the sunset, and playing a few rounds of volleyball while enjoying a few cans of Truly. Everyone was present except for Jungkook, who was the last to arrive with a hinted surprise he had mentioned in the gc. As the drinks flowed, I began to suspect that his surprise was just another bottle of alcohol. However, I'm growing a high confidence from these drinks, I start to prepare myself for this moment mentally and physically. To confess my feelings to him.
Light beams hit our faces as Jungkook finally arrived, and I couldn't contain my excitement. Everyone started dashing towards him, with me being the last to arrive. "Guys, I'd like to introduce you to Sohee, my girlfriend," Jungkook announced. Everyone greeted her as they should, and as a friend, I knew I should do the same. However, my heart sank deeper and deeper as I came into contact with her. It registered that she was now Jungkook's girlfriend and that everything that we had between us was probably one-sided and never meant anything, but I couldn't help but wonder why he never mentioned her before..
⋆ TIME SKIP ( 2 years later / december ‘22 )
After Sohee and Jungkook got together, they would always show up together at the hangouts. Even with the rest of the boys being there, I still felt like a third wheel. "jk's kinda a jerk for leading you on just for him to bring a girl out of nowhere," your best friend Jimin whispers. "Yeah," you sigh. You're honestly happy for them, but to be honest, you're a little jealous.
When we hung out with the boys, we would often sneak off to talk and maybe share a kiss or two, but it never progressed into anything further..
Just talking to him as if we were together made me feel like the world was on pause. Looking up from the ground, I saw them cuddling on the couch, his hands on her waist and hers resting on his chest, their eye contact never breaking. It stung a little, but as a friend, I knew I had to be supportive and had to accept the fact that it was over. "Hey, I'm gonna head out. I'm getting tired," I said. "y/n, stay a little longer. It's barely 11," yoongi replied, glancing at the couple. They didn't even acknowledge your presence. "No, it's okay. I have work in the morning anyway," I said, hearing a collective of "aww's" Jimin spoke up, "I'll walk her down. I'll be right back."
"I'm sorry, y/n," Jimin says, turning around to face you. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "Jimin, it's not your fault." "I know, but I really thought you two would've ended up together." he pauses. "You know, I've always seen you two sneak off, so I thought you two would have confessed to each other during that time. I would even distract the guys so they wouldn't notice." you smile. "I thought so too, but trust me, chim, I'm happy for them." Jimin throws you a squinted look, making you laugh, as you reach your car, as you say your goodbyes. Jimin embraces you and whispers, "Don't think about it too much. I don't like seeing you like this." grinning, you hug him back tightly, "I won't. Thank you, chim." After letting go, you waved goodbye and made your way home.
⋆ february ‘23
A week after that hangout, Jungkook stopped coming to the hangouts along with Sohee. He slowly stopped responding to the group chat and stopped posting on all his socials. You started thinking that he was just too busy being lovey-dovey with his girlfriend, but your assumption was wrong.
You attempted to contact him multiple times but went straight to voicemail. Frustrated enough you grabbed your keys, hopped in your car, and made your way to his place. Upon arriving, you knocked on his door. only to find that the lights were off, but it was only 9pm? he never goes to bed this early. Banging harder the door finally opened to a messy-haired Jungkook. "What do you wan- y/n?" He was surprised to see you at his doorstep. "What are you doing here?" "I'm here to see what's going on. You don't come to the hangouts, nor do you text or call us?" "I'm sorry." "Yeah, sorry. I love to hear it." "You think this was my choice?" Now you were confused. "What do you mean?" "Sohee. She didn't want me to be around you guys, especially you." You were taken aback a little. "Wait, me?" " I told her about us. She never did things like you did, and comparing you to her must've gotten under her skin." you didn't know Sohee would feel this threatened by you. "Wait, where is she now?" "We broke up a while ago. she took everything of mine, even my phone." You felt bad, really bad, and it kind of pissed you off. "Okay, um, can I come in?" He finally raised his gaze to meet yours, now seeing his face, you noticed how pale he got along with dark circles under his eyes. Which caused you to be concerned for his health. "Have you eaten yet?" "No, the last time was two days ago." Your heart sank, but you couldn't just stand there. "Okay, um, I'll order takeout right now, but let's wash you up first." Grabbing his hand, he followed you like a lost puppy. Looking around, you saw clothes everywhere, smashed dishes on the floor, and cabinet doors flung open. And pretty sure she did take everything.
After finding the bathroom, closing the lid to the toilet you assisted him to sit down. Turning to the tub, you plugged up the drain and turned on the warm water from the faucet. "Okay, can you undress for me and hop in once you're done?, I'll be right back." closing the door, you heard shuffling on the other side, which was a good sign. After placing an order, you helped clean up the mess that was made around the place. placing clothes in the hamper, making the bed, sweeping the glassware off the floor, and putting the dirty clothes in the washer. When completing, you went to check up on jungkook. Knocking on the door, you heard a quiet "come in." Opening the door, you saw him immersed in a bath of bubbles, which you did not recall adding, indicating that he had done so himself.
Sitting on the rim of the bathtub, you stare at his face, head tilted back, eyes shut, messy hair, and that cute little mole beneath his lip that you love so much. You didn't even notice a smile had crept onto your face until he opened his eyes, "What are you smiling about?" realizing that you were caught, you averted your gaze and responded, "Nothing, I just thought the bubbles were cool." There was a long moment of silence before you offered, "Let me wash your hair." dampening his hair a bit, you pumped a few globs of shampoo onto your palm and proceeded to massage it into his hair.
Jungkook let out a sigh of relief, "feels so good," causing your cheeks to tint a light shade of red. After rinsing it off, you continued with the conditioner, and so on. You stepped out for a little while so he could wash himself up. While waiting outside, you heard your name being called. "yeah?" "um, do you think you can wash my back?" burning up, you cooled yourself down a little before entering. returning to the rim of the tub, you took the sponge and gently applied it to his back.
While scrubbing, he spoke, "thank you, and I truly mean it. thank you." pausing, you resumed scrubbing. "That's what friends are for, Jungkook." he fully turned around this time, making eye contact with you. "No, I actually mean it y/n. thank you. To be quite honest, you were the last person I thought I would see." "Kook, after everything, I still care about you. Yeah, what happened between us was nothing, just a little fling. You didn't hurt me like you think you did. I completely understand." ( yeah right ). "Honestly though, I mean it. I owe you. a big one" You both held contact in silence, the world pausing yet again; both flicking your eyes at each other's lips, making sure the other wouldn't notice. "Can I kiss you?" you were taken by surprise, but after all this time, you couldn't miss this opportunity. Smiling, you leaned in closer, hand dipping to the bottom of the tub for support, eyes never breaking contact. You were an inch away before you answered, "yes."
Jungkook finally breaks a smile as he takes his damp thumb, tilting your chin to adjust to his angle. You deepen the kiss, not holding back as you slip your tongue through his parted lips, which he gladly accepts. Playing with his lip ring earns you a small bite to your tongue, making you want to play with his tongue instead.
You guys lasted a while in the bathroom, having an intense make-out session, but like before, it didn't lead up into anything. After helping him out of the tub, providing him with a towel. You left him to get dressed while you unclogged the drain, allowing the water to flow along with the rest of the bubbles down the drain.
After eating the takeout you ordered, you guys watched movies together on the sofa, but it was 2 in the morning, and you couldn't stay here all night, so you had to say your goodbyes. Looking over, you noticed that jungkook had fallen asleep. Cracking a smile, you get up and plant a kiss on the top of his head, but as you reach for your keys, he grasps your wrist. "stay, just for tonight." Breaking into a smile, you agreed. and let me just say, it wasn't the only night.
⋆ TIME SKIP / april ‘23
Ever since that night, you two have been fwb. slowly but surely, you started bringing him back into the group. He seems more lively now than he was when you first found him.
Like today, you both came back from the group to hang out, to spend time, just the two of you. ordered pizza, watched movies, and just enjoying each other's presence.
until now, jungkook received a notification.
- unknown: Do you like her?
- JK: who is this?
- unknown: Sohee.
- sohee: Y/N, do you like her?
- JK: why are you asking me this?
- sohee: because I still want us.
to be continued…
a/n: i hope you enjoyed part 1 even though it’s on a cliffhanger 😭 but i’ll be posting part 2 this week !
taglist : @jjklves @ane102 @moonbinniehappy @caro134340lina @bbtsficrecs @ahsluv @tatamicc @heartjiminie @ta3bae @ahsluva @starbrightday
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keikikait · 4 months
ʙᴜᴛᴄʜᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ (ɢᴏᴊᴏ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)
this is the final part. part one, part two, part three
pairing: gojo x f!reader (not au, gojo is 29, reader is early-mid 20’s), some nanami x reader
word count: 3.2k
summary: you hang on to gojo's words for too long, and find yourself in the presence of another
warnings: (FOR THIS LAST PART) no outright smut but it can get suggestive so 18+, ANGST, kinda mean gojo, kinda mean nanami, light violence (pushing), my wolf motif from part 3, nickname use [baby, sweetheart], death implications, mention of blood, no use of y/n
a note: this is the final part.
please reblog and like, it means a lot! let me know what you think!
"How close is soon?"
"Close enough."
It’s been almost three months, and here you are, your routine unchanged. You’re starting to wonder if this was ever really worth it. If Satoru Gojo is worth all of this effort. You feel yourself travelling further and further into the wolf’s den, your protective light slowly flickering out. Soon you’ll be left in total darkness, with only the wolves to comfort you. You wonder how long you’ll be able to get by, feeling the damp walls, etched with his poison, with your fingertips before you trip over the corpse of someone else who came before you.
Within the depths of your being, a conflict raged. One part of you yearned to continue, to press forward despite the darkness and uncertainty of a life with Gojo. The other part, weary and wounded, longed for escape, for a way to retreat from the perilous path you had set foot upon. You had ventured into the unknown, leaving behind the familiar and safe, all for a glimmer of hope. But as time passed, the shine of that hope seemed to diminish, replaced by an encroaching sense of despair. The wolves followed you all this way…you couldn’t let them down, could you?
The bell rings.
You’re snapped out of your thoughts, blinking a couple of times to stabilise yourself. Right. You were at work. You clear your throat and start packing up, preparing for the lunch break. The students quickly file out of the class, eager to enjoy the sunlight that just started peaking out from behind the grey clouds.
Gojo sits on the edge of your desk, smirking down at you. “Hey.”
You smile softly. “Hey.”
He glances back at the door before looking at you. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”
Fuck. Your eye twitches a little. You had a sneaking suspicion. “What are you thinking about?”
Gojo smirks, reaching out to stroke your cheek. “You bent over the desk, spread out all pretty for me…maybe I’ll gag you so no one interrupts us.” Your eye twitches again. You didn’t want to fuck Gojo right now, but you know you can’t just tell him ‘no’ without him trying to fight you. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. Maybe he would cum quickly and not even worry about your orgasm. You sigh, shutting your eyes for a second, and before you can speak there’s a soft knock on the classroom door. He immediately jumps away from you, returning to his desk before mumbling, “Come in.”
The door opens and Shoko peeks her head in her eyes immediately fixing on Gojo before speaking, “Hey. Are you still coming out with me and Akari tonight?”
What? You look between the two of them, confused. Gojo was supposed to be going out with you tonight, and even though both of you would have to leave the city and travel separately to avoid suspicion, you had been looking forward to your weekend away with him.
Gojo smirks, adjusting his blindfold. “Of course. Same place?”
“Yeah, same place.” Shoko looks at you, and her eyes widen as if she’s suddenly remembering that you exist. “Oh, sorry! We meant to invite you but…Akari’s car can only fit three.”
That’s the biggest fucking lie you’ve ever heard. What car can only fit three people? You smile as genuinely as you can. “No worries. I’m busy tonight anyways.” Shoko seems to brush off your response, saying a quick goodbye to Gojo before exiting the room.
Gojo turns to you as soon as he hears Shoko’s feet shuffling away. “Sorry, I didn’t tell you. I know you wanted to go out tonight but…I can’t say no to her. She’ll get suspicious if she sees me with you.”
You feel like the capillaries in your eyes are about to burst. “You promised we would go out tonight, Gojo. I was looking forward to this.”
Gojo sighs. “I know, baby. It’s just that she asked me to go with her, and I knew that if I said no she would ask about my previous plans, and I can’t just lie to Shoko.”
"But you can lie to me?" you ask, your voice tinged with both disbelief and a hint of hurt.
Gojo groans, running a hand through his hair. "Don't say it like that. It's not like that at all. I'm just...protecting my reputation."
You raise an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Your reputation? Being the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in the world? The unbeatable Gojo Satoru?"
Gojo sighs, a sheepish grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "Well, yeah. But there's more to me than just that, you know. I have a carefully crafted image to uphold."
You scowl. "Right. Because being the most powerful sorcerer in the world isn't enough. You also have to be an unattainable bachelor."
Gojo chuckles, reaching out to gently cup your cheek. "It's not about being enough. It's about maintaining a certain mystique. It's part of the job."
Even though you know his act is purely for show, you find yourself believing it anyway. “You don’t have to lie to me to keep your reputation, Gojo.”
He nods, his expression serious. “I know, it’s just…it's not just about me. It's about the jujutsu world, about maintaining the balance. You know how important appearances can be."
You push his hand off. “Whatever. I hope you have fun.”
He scowls. “Don’t push me away. You know I don’t like that.”
You laugh, standing up and grabbing your bag. “I don’t like being played with.”
Gojo reaches out and grabs your arm. “I can play with you however I like. You’re mine. Don’t forget that.”
“Whatever, Gojo.” You say, pulling your arm away and leaving the classroom, harshly closing the screen door behind you.
During your lunch break, you find an unexpected sense of tranquility. In the past, the mere thought of eating alone elicited feelings of isolation and longing, you yearned to sit next to Gojo. However, lately, you've discovered a newfound appreciation for this solitary time away from him. The absence of Gojo's magnetic pull allows you to explore different facets of yourself without the influence of his opinions or expectations of you. You can finally think, and you find yourself again wondering if this is all worth it. If Gojo Satoru is worth all of this trouble. You don’t want to hang onto him, letting him drag you along and fill your ears with false whispers and forgotten promises, but you can’t help yourself. You love him. Or, at least, you love the version of him in your head.
He doesn’t speak to you for the rest of the day, rushing out after class to head into town with Shoko and Akari. You ride the train alone back to your apartment, the wolves stalking you and hiding in bushes when you turn to face them. You reach your apartment and change into something comfortable. Maybe a long walk along the river will help clear your mind. Maybe Gojo will feel guilty and call you, begging on his knees for your forgiveness.
You walk along the river, admiring the reflection of the streetlights in the inky dark water. Your mind wanders, and you wonder what it would feel like to jump in, to feel your lungs fill with water as you sink into the abyss. You wonder what it would be like to choke on the salt, reaching for the surface, your hand outstretched, hoping Gojo’s own would reach in and pull you out.
As you sit on the bench along the water, lost in thought, someone sits next to you. Turning your head, your eyes widen in surprise as you recognise the person—Kento Nanami. It has been weeks since the festival, where you profusely apologized for Gojo's behavior after he dragged you to that isolated classroom. The memory of that day still makes your cheeks flush with embarrassment, and you can't help but feel nervous as you face Nanami again.
"Hey," you manage to say, your voice slightly higher than usual. "It's been a while."
Nanami nods, his expression unreadable. "Yes, it has." An awkward silence settles between you, and you fidget with your hands, unsure of what to say next. You want to make a good impression, but the weight of your past interaction with Gojo hangs heavily in the air. 
Finally, you speak up, your voice calm and measured. "I wanted to apologise for what happened at the festival. I know Gojo's behavior was inexcusable, and I should have done more to stop him." Nanami’s face shows slight surprise but you continue anyway, "I understand if you don't want to forgive me. But I wanted to take responsibility for my actions and let you know that I regret what happened."
He shakes his head, waving your concerns away. "It's not your fault. Gojo is the one who should apologize."
You smile faintly. "Thank you for saying that." The tension between you begins to ease, and you find yourself relaxing in Nanami's presence. You can't help but admire his calm demeanor, and as you talk, you realise that there is more to Nanami than you initially thought. He is intelligent, thoughtful, and possesses a quiet strength that draws you in. The more you speak, the more you find yourself enjoying his company. Maybe a little bit too much.
He suddenly stands, stretching a little. “I’m hungry. Have you eaten dinner yet?”
You shake your head. Eating was the last thing on your mind. “No. I could eat, though.”
He sticks his hand out in your direction. “Sweet. I know this great takoyaki stand nearby. Wanna come?”
You nod, smiling. “Sure.” You reach out and grab his hand, and you feel warmth pool in your stomach as your hand fits perfectly in his. His hands are so big, rough, and warm and your mind starts swirling as you imagine what they would feel like on your body.
You walk hand in hand toward the takoyaki stand, the warmth spreading all over your body. Your cheeks flush as you find yourself thinking, is this a date? Gojo has never taken you out on a date, not even once. It would be, as he always said, suspicious. You’ve eaten takeout with him in your apartment while watching TV plenty of times, but that isn’t really a date. Yet here Nanami is, taking you on a date.
As you stand in front of the takoyaki stand, waiting for your order, you can't shake the feeling that something special is happening. The air is filled with anticipation, and your heart races with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He doesn’t let you pay, another stark difference from Gojo. You barely eat, just admiring him as he talks through another corporate world story. You feel something in your gut, and you can’t help the fact that you’re falling for Nanami, and he seems interested in you too. At least you think he is.
You both finish your food and he walks you back in the direction of your apartment. He continues to talk about himself and his corporate job, and even though you find it incredibly boring, you listen anyway. He’s done so much for you just this night alone, it’s the least you could do to repay him. You make it to your apartment door, and in the heat of the moment you invite him in, and the smirk on his face as he accepts causes your thighs to squeeze together.
Sex with Nanami is different. He’s much more caring, more loving than Gojo. He doesn’t slap you, choke you, or hurt you. He’s gentle, gentle with his movements, and gentle with his kisses. You clean yourself up and return to the bed, already thinking about a movie you two could watch while you cuddle, to find Nanami gone. You text him, asking if he’s okay, and his response is plain. “Had to head out. I had fun.” You try not to overthink, you’ve done enough of that with Gojo. You set your phone aside and watch the movie alone, fantasising about your possible future with Nanami.
After two weeks, you finally say what you’ve always wanted to say to Gojo; “I want to break up.”
He laughs at you, leaning his elbows on your kitchen counter. “Funny joke, sweetheart.”
You stand your ground, your arms crossed. “I’m serious, Gojo.”
Gojo's laughter fades, and he looks at you with a more serious expression. "You can't be serious," His voice is laced with disbelief. "We're perfect for each other."
"I don't think so," you reply, your voice shaking slightly. "Things have been...difficult between us lately, and I don't see a way to fix them."
Gojo's face hardens, and he takes a step towards you. "You're making a mistake."
You start to shake. “No, I’m not.”
Gojo laughs again. “This is because of Nanami, isn’t it?”
You hesitate. “It doesn’t matter, Gojo. I want to break up.”
Gojo reaches out and grabs your shoulders. “Quit being a dumbass, sweetheart.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “Don’t call me a dumbass—”
“I can call you whatever I want,” Gojo says. “You’re mine. You’re not dumping me for Nanami. You’re not dumping me for anyone.”
You try to push him away. “I’m tired of waiting around for you, Gojo.”
Gojo pulls you to his chest, squeezing you tight. “Maybe if you weren’t such a bitch I would fall in love with you faster. Have you ever thought about that? No, you haven’t. You only think about yourself.”
Your words die in your throat, and you can feel the familiar presence of the wolves at your ankles. Nanami had come to your rescue, brandishing a torch to scare away the wolves that Gojo had left you surrounded by. You haven’t felt their presence in so long, you thought you had finally gotten away, but Gojo picked you right back up and threw you back in the den.
He shoves you against the wall. “Fine. Go with him. See if I fucking care. You’ll come crawling back to me after you realise he isn’t any different.” Gojo leaves in a huff, slamming the door of your apartment behind him. You did it. You got away. You escaped Gojo Satoru’s clutches.
Your heart sinks as you soon realise the harsh truth in Gojo's words. Nanami, the person you've been cautiously and gradually getting close to, is no different from the rest, you've been merely a casual fling, an object of desire providing temporary pleasure and companionship. That’s all you were to him, an object, and the bitter realisation leaves you feeling betrayed and dejected.
Weeks have passed since you first embarked on this uncertain journey with Nanami. You've shared meals, conversations, and even some tender moments late at night when the lights go out. During one of your late-night trips to the takoyaki stand, you ask him the age-old question What are we? With food still in his mouth, he looks at you, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as if trying to understand your reaction. His blunt words hit you like a ton of bricks: "Oh, I wasn’t looking for anything serious with you."
The pain is palpable as your heart shatters into a million pieces. The chopsticks in your hand tremble with the force of your grip, threatening to snap in two. A mix of disbelief and anguish floods your being, leaving you struggling to process the situation. A simple "huh?" escapes your lips, a feeble attempt to seek clarification or perhaps a desperate plea for him to reconsider. But the damage has been done, and the truth is laid bare before you.
He swallows, setting his food down. He pauses, gathering his thoughts, he speaks slowly, trying to choose his words carefully. "Listen," he began, his voice tinged with a mix of regret and awkwardness, "I want to be honest with you. You're an amazing person, a great girl in every way. But I have to confess, my feelings for you aren't romantic. As much as I value your body, I can't see us in a dating relationship. You aren’t exactly dating material. I don't want to lead you on or anything, but I just don’t want to date you."
You swallow hard, looking down at your lap. Maybe this was your destiny. Maybe you were supposed to be stuck in situationships, always being the one wanting more, always being someone’s but never being theirs. You mutter an apology to Nanami before standing up and quickly walking away, back towards your apartment. You expect, you hope, that Nanami will chase after you, but he doesn’t. He just goes back to eating, as if you were never even there.
You make it into your apartment, collapsing to the floor and sobbing. Was this your fate? Was this a punishment for your hubris, a long-term karma? Gojo had devoured you. Gojo had butchered your world, leaving only scraps of you. Scraps no one wanted, scraps not worthy of use. 
You’re back in the den again, surrounded by the corpses of those who loved before you. You were just another person in Gojo’s book, another person in the walls that surrounded the den.
You hear them.
You feel them.
The wolves. They’re coming for you.
You try to run, but you can’t. You keep tripping, and tripping, and tripping, unable to escape, unable to climb over the bodies of those who loved him first. 
You see the light on the other side, the exit to the den, and you get so close, and you’re almost out —
You trip again. Your body hits the cold, hard cave floor with a thud, the impact knocking the wind out of you. Your heart pounds against your chest, adrenaline coursing through your veins, as you scramble to your feet. But it's no use. The wolves have caught up to you, their relentless pursuit echoing off the stone walls. Time has run out.
You turn instinctively, desperation fueling your movements, trying to crawl away on trembling limbs. But your feeble attempt is met with a chilling realisation – they are already there. Towering over you, their hulking forms block out the dim light, casting eerie shadows. Their menacing growls reverberate in the air, sending shivers down your spine. Their muscular bodies tense and coiled, poised to pounce.
Their muzzles are contorted, revealing rows of sharp, glistening fangs, dripping with saliva. A feral hunger burns in their bloodshot eyes, as red as fresh blood. You can almost taste the metallic tang in the air, a grim reminder of the fate that awaits you. Paralysed by fear, you brace yourself for the inevitable, as the wolves close in, their ravenous jaws inching closer. The darkness of the cave closes in, consuming you whole.
You succumb to the wolves and their sharp teeth as they tear you apart. The way they bite and gnaw at you is almost comforting. Beside you is a puddle, and you watch your reflection as they butcher you. They tear out your heart, the one that once belonged to the strongest, and the one you thought would belong to a businessman. Your last thoughts are of Gojo, and you spend your last waking moments wondering if he’ll walk all over you, even in death.
epilogue is here
★taglist: @heijihattorisgf, @strxxberries, @sadmonke, @mo0nforme, @whereflowerswenttodie, @mwtsxri, @tuliptoot, @certainduckanchor, @softhrted, @mystarlightswiftt, @kaizestar (italics mean i couldn't tag you)
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okkalo · 4 months
What about a request of Mikey confessing to his crush in the aftermath of Kanto Incident?
hi anon! this was my first time writing mikey,, hope i did him right,, also sorry for the wait!! i kept doubting everything i wrote and kinda restarted lolz…anyways! hope u enjoy!! <3
i tried not to include spoilers so this should be safe for readers who haven’t gotten to the kanto incident yet!!
mikey x gn! reader
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“y/n, you came.” mikey’s voice made you turn your attention back towards him. he was dressed in his usual comfy attire with his hair half up, nothing out of the sorts by the sight but it still felt off. perhaps it was because of the time apart from him.
“mikey, hi,” you greeted with a smile, one that paired so perfectly with the afternoon wind that he’d be a fool not to adore. he walked up to you, sitting down next to you in such casual light, almost as if you two were never apart. despite his easiness, you couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous—something mikey was quick to catch onto.
he moves his upper body so that his shoulder collides with yours, nudging you slightly to the side. your narrowed eyes that were quick to point at him only made him smile.
“what was that for?”
of course, he just shrugs, playing innocent, “whoops.”
you can’t help but scoff, sending your shoulder into his to give him a harder nudge. mikey only giggles at it, unaffected. if anything, he’s happy you loosened up, reminding him of the person he fell for.
“you’re such a child, mikey,” you sighed, but you couldn’t help but let your eyes catch onto his boyish giggles for a moment longer. something in you swirled at the sight, it was no secret that you missed him.
“stop lookin’ at me like that, i’d think you have a crush on me or somethin’,” he mumbled, his hand giving your thigh a nudge as he looked forward to the scenery. while he acted nonchalant, you panicked on the inside, your widened eyes giving it away. did he know?
“who said i have a crush on you?” you hastily asked, trying to play it off.
“really, you don’t?” he suddenly shot his head towards you, his eyes widened in surprise. “i thought you liked me back,” he mumbled, as if they were the easiest words to say in the world.
“i never—wait what?” you immediately paused in your words to look over to him now, cheeks slightly pink as you two looked at each other with the same widened eyes. “you like me?”
“i like you a lot,” he confessed, his eyes relaxing only to narrow, now scanning you. “you don’t like me back?”
well, that was unexpected.
“no! i do!” you immediately correct him, now feeling foolish as you were hard contradicting yourself. mikey, confused even further, just stared at you, mouth agape as he tried to read you. just as he was about to break the silence, his stomach instead took the honors of voicing how hungry it was.
“you’re hungry? of course, you’re hungry, you’re mikey—let’s go eat,” your speedy words only gave away how flustered you were at the situation. before you could go too far, however, he was quick to pull you by your wrist back down to him, your faces just inches from the other.
“can i do this?” he asked in a muttered voice, his eyes indicating exactly what he meant as he looked at your lips.
and god, if only he knew what that did to your stomach, which was swirling with butterflies. still, your eyes meeting his, you could only give a small nod, not trusting your words to do the rest.
he was quick to move in, one hand on your cheek as his lips slid against yours. he was surprisingly gentle, against all things you knew about mikey, his kiss was gentle and short. he greeted you once again with a smile as both of your eyes fluttered open to meet each other once more.
he opened his mouth to say something, though his stomach was quick to cut in once again, groaning. you couldn’t help but giggle, the moment already making your heart pace with excitement. he only gave a soft chuckle, his hand reaching out to nudge your arm.
“let's get something to eat first, i’m hungry,” he spoke softly as he moved to stand up, his hand immediately reaching down to help you stand. “then let’s talk.”
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unedited. thanks for reading!
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peterman-spideyparker · 11 months
Corduroy (Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: This is just a cute little something that I wrote on my phone one afternoon and just forgot to move over to my laptop. Enjoy! :)
Summary: You’re married to the love of your life, doing what you love, living a life that you never could have imagined. There’s so many reasons to be happy, but there’s a new one that will expand both yours and Matt’s world forever.
Warning: Fluff, like, so much domestic fluff, a dash of angst (Matt gets a bit grumpy and pouty), pregnancy announcement and mentioned of false positives, a little swearing, allusions to sex
Other Characters: None
Word Count: 1,026
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“Hey!” Matt smiles brightly as you meet him on the sidewalk, coming from the opposite side of the street.
“Hey, hon,” you smile softly, leaning in for a sweet kiss. “Fancy meeting you here.”
“I know. It’s like we live together or something.”
You laugh and kiss him once more, sliding his hand in yours, the warmth of his skin making your hand tingly, your heart never failing to skip a beat whenever you feel the precious metal of his wedding band brush against your skin. 
“Ooh, you like me,” he teases as you walk up the stairs to the loft, pressing a kiss into your cheek. 
“Of course I like you, I married you, you dork,” you smirk, lightly elbowing him. 
“You wanna kiss me,” he hums, kissing you as you hit the top landing of the stairs. 
“What is up with you, Murdock?” you giggle in between kisses. 
“Such a bold faced liar, you are.”
“Fine!” he chuckles, lips attaching to your neck as you unlock the door. “I might have been able to get us reservations to a very fancy restaurant.”
“Like I need to shave my legs fancy?”
“Yeah, that fancy.”
“Damn, Murdock.”
“Perfect for a night of wining—.” He kisses the sweet spot on the side of your neck. “—dining—.” He mimics the motion on the other side. “—and sixty-ni—.”
“Matt!” you giggle as he brings his lips to yours, dipping you in the apartment as he kisses you. “Seriously, what has gotten into you?”
“Angel, come on!” he chuckles, but his face quickly falls when he realizes you don’t know what has him so elated. “You forgot?”
“Matt, I—.”
“It’s okay.” The look on his face tells you that it’s very much not okay.
“Please, Matty, don’t look at me like that. I’m sorry.”
He kisses your forehead. “It doesn’t matter. We can still have a good night. It’s okay.”
You follow him into the bedroom, feeling like you’re on the verge of tears. You forgot something that was important to him—the man that always puts others first, cares about what’s important to you, and you forgot something that clearly meant a hell of a lot to him.
“You have the right to be upset with me,” you say softly, putting your bag down by the bed and sitting on the mattress. “You don’t need to act like it doesn’t bother you.”
“It’s not a big deal.”
“Yes it is. I made you sad.” You lean over the side of the bed and pick up a wrapped gift from your work back. “Sorry?”
“You got me a gift?”
“Yeah. I was gonna give it to you anyways, but, now it kinda serves as an apology gift too.”
Matt takes a seat next to you and leans in and kisses you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. Finding the seams, he tears the gift open, running his fingers across the the bumps in the cover, opening the book and repeating the process.
“It’s Corduroy,” Matt says, confused. “I . . . I’m stumped on this one, angel.”
“Well, you said that your gram and dad would read it to you when you were little. You loved it. I was hoping maybe you could keep the tradition alive with our baby.”
Matt is silent for a second, the confusion evident and your words having to push him through it. The book falls out of Matt’s hands when it clicks and he lurches over toward you and wraps you in a tight hug. 
“The dentist this morning was the gynecologist,” you clarify as you hug him in delight and relief. “I needed to hear it from them before I said anything, Matty. I’ve had so many false positives and have been so close to telling you when it wasn’t true, and—.”
“Oh my God,” he cries into your neck, his hand holding the back of your head, scrunching your hair as he holds you tight. “Oh my God.”
Matt doesn’t let go for a long time, using you as his anchor as he’s filled with nothing but excitement. When he finally pulls away, his eyes are red from crying, tears staining his cheeks, and more in his eyes yet to fall.
“You’re pregnant,” he says so quietly, as if speaking the sentence into existence will make it untrue. 
“Super pregnant,” you sniffle as you wipe away his tears. 
“H-How far along?”
“They think just about eight weeks, give or take.”
Matt sniffles as he laughs, wiping away a tear with the heel of his hand as he tilts his head down toward your stomach. 
“Hi baby,” he whispers as he gently swipes a hand over your stomach. He rests his palm there, gentle but firm, before he lifts his head up to you and kisses you again. 
“I’m sorry I spaced on today,” you whisper as you continue to push tears off of his cheek. “I just—.”
“Hey, don’t,” he breathes, pressing kisses into the palms of your hands. “This . . . This is so much better.”
“Can I ask what today was?” you try quietly. 
“It’s the anniversary of our first date,” he explains softly. “I knew by the end of the night I wanted to marry you.”
You run your fingers through his fluffy hair and kiss his forehead. “Babe, that’s tomorrow. We had our first date after Professor Aleena’s final. It’s the passcode on my phone.” 
“I know it was after Aleena’s final. The 18th.”
“Mmhm, it was. Today is the 17th.” You lean forward and kiss him tenderly, preventing him from responding. “But now we get to celebrate tonight for a whole different reason.”
“That we do. Only this time, I’m drinking for two, and you’re eating for two.”
He smiles from ear to ear as you rest your forehead on his. “Yes we are.”
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​ @steampowerednightvaler​ @themusingsofmany @just-the-hiddles​ @toozmanykids​ @dangertoozmanykids101 @clints-worldavengers @theburningbookshop​ @itwasthereaminuteago​ @peter1ismybrother@hellskitchens-whore​​ @dpaccione​ @catnip987​
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blitzyn · 1 year
Can i get alhaitham with male reader. Haitham is jealous because reader have spent too much time with travelers. But one day haitham find reader getting hard and that there was a traveler picture there. Jealous + non con (but at the end reader like it) basically haitham being jealous and doing it rough.
my turn
alhaitham x m!reader
Synopsis: Alhaitham decides to avert your attention to him instead of the Traveler for once.
a/n -> I waited like an hour to finish the end and idk why. anyways sorry if its shit
wc -> 2.3ᴋ
cw -> non-con to dub-con, anal fingering, anal sex, jealous sex, ooc character???, idk tbh but hes kinda possessive i guess, not beta read
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Alhaitham hadn’t seen you around your shared house as often as you used to. At first, he ruled it off as you being extremely busy with a project for the Akademiya, but as time went on and on, he began to suspect otherwise. His suspicions proved to be correct when he saw you fooling around (you really weren’t) with the famed Traveler. How you managed to befriend each other, he still doesn’t know. He didn’t mind it at first; after all, it meant peace and quiet, but it soon grew to bother him.
He knows he always seemed so annoyed with your constant bickering with either him or Kaveh, but the two of you have been friends for a while now. It irritated him to think that he spent quite a while dealing with your overly friendly attitude (that he’s beginning to enjoy, but he would never admit that) and now you’re throwing all your effort away for someone who’s going to leave Sumeru for who knows how long?
He sighed annoyedly, entering his shared home as he’s met with silence. It was something he’d always longed for now that you and Kaveh moved in, but he secretly wanted to hear a “hello” or something of the like from you. The blond was going to be out for a while as he went on another one of his journeys for creative inspiration, and you were most likely spending your time with the Traveler.
He instinctively thought back to the book he was currently reading as he quietly walked down the hallway towards his room. He suddenly stopped in front of your door when he heard a noise from behind it. He moved one side of his headphones off of his ear to listen closer, noticing more frequent but quieter sounds. Placing it back over his ear, he stared at the floor in contemplation. He could either walk in and pretend that he didn’t know what you were doing, or he could move onwards into his room.
He sighed. He hadn’t seen you in a while. He wasn’t sure when he would get another opportunity.
“Hey, I need you to-” He cut himself off, feigning surprise as he watched you panic on your bed.
“Knock next time you asshole!” You quickly placed a pillow over your crotch, legs curling defensively. Alhaitham noticed that you held a picture frame upside down on the pillow, and while he briefly wondered what was on it, he subconsciously had a feeling he knew who it was.
You swallowed nervously when he simply stared at you with an unreadable expression, face burning shamefully. He was at a loss at what to do now that he barged in your room. He internally scolded himself - he was never acting in the moment again. He bit the inside of his cheek. He might as well continue forward.
Your eyes widened in surprise when you watched as he closed the door behind him and walked towards you, still not saying a thing.
“H-Hey! Get out!” you exclaimed, clutching the pillow tighter against you.
“You know, it’s been a while since you last talked to me,” he said, resting a knee on the bed. He towered over you, and you had the mind to hide under your blankets.
“What?” You were very confused. “I thought you didn’t like it when I did?”
“O-okay, whatever,” you stammered, voice rising in discomfort and nervousness. “Can’t we talk about this a different time?”
“No, and I don’t like it when you speak. Your voice gives me a headache, but since you’ve been here for so long, it’s already become routine to hear you. And I don’t prefer it when my routines are interrupted.” 
You blinked owlishly, despite your predicament. Did he just… say that he wanted you around in his not-very-straightforward way? Well, he should’ve told you that before you started hanging out with the Traveler. Maybe then you’d given him more of your attention.
“Hey–what are you–get off!” you exclaimed as he tore the pillow away from your hands, revealing your semi-hard dick. You tried to cover yourself with your hands, but he simply restrained them with one of his. As you struggled, you couldn’t believe his strength. A mere Scribe, my ass!
“Don’t you think it’s my turn for you to give me a part of your day?” he questioned rhetorically, sliding you down the bed so he had enough room to pin your hands above your head.
“What do they have that interests you so much?” he asked, his free hand gently stroking your cock back to hardness. “Their looks? Their strength? How they saved Sumeru?”
“I helped out too, you know.” What has gotten into him?! First, he admits that he actually wants you around him, and now he’s trying to flaunt his contribution to the nation’s safety? This wasn’t the Alhaitham you knew! “If it weren’t for me, they wouldn’t have gotten half as far as they did.”
“Get off of–” You gagged when he suddenly shoved his index and middle fingers down your throat, silencing you. You shook your head in an attempt to get him away from you, but he simply held you by your cheeks with the remainder of his fingers.
He admired the way you choked and sputtered on his fingers, rubbing your tongue up and down. He moved them so that he was able to pull on your tongue a little, before spitting directly into your mouth. You looked shocked and a bit disgusted, but you couldn’t deny the way it made your dick twitch. He pushed your jaw closed.
“Swallow.” His voice held such an intensity to it you were unable to do anything but comply, watching as a faint smile formed on his face as he felt your throat bob up and down. He pried your thighs open with his legs, shoving a hand down your pants. You tensed when you felt one of his fingers prod at your hole, flinching when he pushed them inside.
You squirmed helplessly, uncomfortable with the way they so slowly moved inside you. You could feel him stretch you a little every so often, but it seemed as if he were searching for something. Suddenly, with a well-placed curl of his fingers, you arched your back and moaned.
“There, huh?” He continued to press against the spot over and over again, subconsciously speeding up as he watched your face contort in ecstasy. He committed the sight and sounds to memory, engrossed in every little twitch of your body. His cock throbbed in his pants, and he couldn’t help but imagine how good you’d feel once he pushed himself inside you. How your eyes would roll back, how you’d cry out for him so prettily. He groaned to himself.
He pulled his fingers out of you before you could cum and yanked your pants down. He flipped you onto your hands and knees. Your sensitive dick brushed against the covers of your bed and you were unable to hold back a pleased groan, nearly deciding to grind against the mattress. It was shameful how quickly he was able to stupefy you with merely a few strokes to your insides.
But you panicked as soon as he began to line himself up against your hole, reaching back to place a hand on his hip in an attempt to push him away.
“Wait–not there!” you cried out. “Y-You can use my mouth… or something…”
He looked at you with indifference in his expression. “Why not?”
“I’ve never… y’know…” you sheepishly trailed off, face burning in embarrassment.
“So why not lose your virginity now?” He couldn’t care less that you were practically melting on the spot, and, quite frankly, he was getting impatient.
“I’m not a virgin. I just wanted to…”
He stared at the back of your head intently, watching you tilt it forward to cover your face even if he already couldn’t see you. You refused to speak properly, but you had unintentionally given him your wordless answer. His eyes narrowed.
Even now, you were still thinking of the Traveler?
He sighed and rolled his eyes, annoyed. He swiftly reached for the picture frame he had accidentally tossed to the floor and leaned over you, placing a hand on your head. He pushed your face into the mattress as he propped the picture up right in front of you, gripping your hair tightly to pull you up enough so you would be able to see it. Your eyes widened as they were met with the photo of you and your blond(e) friend, and Alhaitham’s faint reflection in the glass.
“You wanted them to fuck you instead?” You tried to peer at him through the corners of your eyes. “I guess that’s a shame. This is the best you’re getting.”
You struggled to get up as he finally began to push inside you, though his hand firmly anchored you in place. You let out a muffled, strained groan as his cock spread you open, a burn accompanying the uncomfortable feeling. Tears pricked your eyes. It was hard to breathe, but as he buried himself deep within you, you fought from whining and moaning more than you already have. He reached spots you couldn't've gotten to on your own. You felt full.
You tightly held onto the bed sheets to ground yourself, swallowing nervously when the man behind you began gently rocking himself against you. You felt him pull out almost all the way before shoving himself back inside with a snap of his hips. He had one hand on the back of your head while the other one held your hip, digging his nails into your skin. He jolted you forward with every thrust and yanked you back to him, scratching you.
“You’re imagining them instead, huh?” He leaned forward, pressing himself harder against you. It was an unfamiliar feeling, jealousy. He supposed the only way he could describe it was the sensation of longing fueling the inferno that was anger and bitterness. He hadn't had the chance to find out what it felt like, since he preferred a simpler life. But ever since you and Kaveh moved in, he was given (forced, more like) the opportunity to feel something other than the peaceful monotony he so preferred. “But, let’s be real here.”
The fire of ecstasy burned intensely in your abdomen, his cockhead brushing up against your prostate. “Do you really,“ He groaned, and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t the most heavenly sound you’d ever heard. “think they’d have the time for you? You think they’d be able to make you feel good?”
You tried to speak, but he refused to allow it, pushing the lower half of your face into the mattress just a bit harder. You realized that even if he did give you the chance to talk, you wouldn’t have anything to defend yourself with. The Traveler was well-versed in battle, everyone knew that. Consequently, that  boundless knowledge sacrificed their time for anything intimate. You stared at the picture rocking back and forth in front of you. Alhaitham was right.
“I know what you like.” The tip of his dick pressed against your prostate fervently as the hand on your hip jerked you off in time with his relentless thrusts. “I know what you don’t like.” He slowed down, denying you of the addicting sensation of your orgasm.
He suddenly raised your head by your hair. You winced, your scalp stinging. “Do they even know your favorite color?”
You froze, trying to recollect a memory where you mentioned such a statement. Although that hesitancy gave him all the information he needed.
“Didn’t think so.”
He released his grip on your hair to place both of his hands on your hips, resuming his pace from before. Satisfaction filled his chest as he forced you to your revelation, watching your body tremble. He felt a faint smile lift his face when you finally started to let your moans out.
Skin slapping skin and moans filled the room, creating an erotic melody that would forever be ingrained in both of your minds. He held you tight enough to ensure bruises, but neither cared at the moment. His labored breaths mixed with your nearly shameless noises. He noticed you peering back at him over your shoulder, and the two of you stared at each other for a few moments before he leaned forward and captured your lips in a kiss. It was messy and hasty, your drool smearing over yours and his lips even further.
He swiftly broke the kiss to litter bites and marks over your shoulders, wrapping a hand over your aching cock. He jerked you off in time with his thrusts, and you felt ready to burst right then and there. You fucked yourself back against his dick, trying to hasten your orgasm’s approach.
“Oh, fuuuck,” you drawled. “‘Haitham, I’m gonna… oh, god!”
You tightened around him as you came, your cum spurting over the bed and his fingers, staining the sheets. He lightly grunted and sighed in contentment as he followed soon after, hips slowing down and gently thrusting to ride out his high. He groaned into your ear which sent shivers down your spine, body trembling.
You stayed together for a few more seconds before he decided to pull out to clean the both of you. You laid on your side, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of your cum on your skin.
“Don’t leave, yet…” you muttered tiredly, watching as he shuffled around to briefly clean himself. He looked at you in question.
“I’m not going anywhere.” He sat on the bed. “But you need to clean yourself.”
“I’ll do it later…” you mumbled, closing your eyes.
“Don’t lay in your-” A slight grimace crossed his face before he sighed. He properly laid beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and back to bring you close to him. He had nearly forgotten how stubborn you were, but he knew that it was one of the very things that he liked about you, despite how much it annoys him. He momentarily wondered if you had any plans with the Traveler today, but quickly brushed the thought away with the reminder that they wouldn’t matter anymore.
He closed his eyes. Now you could redirect your focus onto him instead.
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cross-posted on ao3
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jinkiezzsstuff · 3 months
Omg the x transmigrated reader was AWESOME.
I absolutely love it , thank you so much for doing it!
I didn't mind the wait really, you have your own life and thing's to do ! (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
Would you mind doing a part 2? Meeting Lucifer and the angels maybe. (Adam,lute etc.. when charlie went to heaven.)
Do I need to describe the reader?? You can leave it blank as " h/c " "e/c" ( h/c meaning hair color and e/c meaning eye color. )
Have a good day and don't stress yourself 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜
Hiya! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I can absolutely do a part two!! I feel I owe it to you since the last one is so short but i’m really glad it’s whatcha wanted :) hopefully i also do this one justice
Characters present: Charlie; Vaggie; Nifty; Alastor; Husk; Lucifer; Adam; Lute; Sera; Emily (With the focus being on mainly Charlie; Vaggie; Lucifer; Lute; Adam; Sera and emily)
Part 1
Summary: You’ve spent about a week in hell and easily fell into place and routine. It was like a cheat code for life knowing everything that came next, and you made it your mission to meet the angels with Charlie
Warnings: Male Reader, Male pronouns, reader is a goat, implied to be tall, POSSIBLY OOC angels, reader kinda flirted with lute? i couldn’t help it love her teehee, loosely follows plotline but could be holes, cussing, possibly rushed because dude i was literally obsessed with the idea i needed to get it out, let me know if i missed anything! oh and not proofread so sorry luvs xx
“Couldn’t you just use you magic to bring these in Al?” You grunted setting the last box of supplies down. Alastor hummed flatly, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s more entertaining watching you lug those boxes up all those stairs!”
You gave him cut eye as he laughs, snapping his fingers disappearing to, god only knows where. Taking out a pad and pen from your back pocket, you wrote down all the stock you bought from the store- per Charlie’s request. As you did so your ear twitched picking up the faint sound of tiny pit pats from a certain cherry haired cyclops running around manically.
It wasn’t long before she came barrelling into the kitchen, you however were too occupied to mind her; staying bent over the kitchen counter writing all that you had bought. Nifty without asking, scaled your body, gripping your (h/c) hair and deeply inhaling. Looking up from the paper your hand ceased its writing in shock and confusion.
“Nif, what in the great fuck are you doin?” You asked in disbelief, she only cackled muttering to herself about bad boys and bad… bugs? “Hey can you do me a favour stabby?” You ask grabbing her gently off the nape of your neck and plopping her down below.
She stood at attention, hand in salute before shouting; “Sir yes sir!” You clapped your hands together huffing out a laugh. “Alright, good energy, would you mind helping me out by putting these things away. It’s all food for our patrons and stuff, i gotta go find Charlie and tell her what we couldn’t and could get.”
Nifty once again saluted before zipping around you in a blur. Cautiously you walked off trying to avoid the little speed demon as she zoomed around the kitchen. Once in the lobby you noticed, well a lot, the whole room was decorated, and there hung a banner with ‘welcum home daddy’, which you knew what that meant.
A little pep put in your step you trotted up to Husk at the bar. “Want a drink?” He immediately asked, looking over at you as soon as you got within reaching distance of the bar. You shook your head. “Nah, I wanted to ask if you know where Charlie was? It’s about stock, and i’ve got left over cash,”
Humming the cat shook his head eyebrows raised high. “Good luck with that one kid, she’s up there tryna convince the king to get her into heaven. You could try though, lord knows you will anyway.”
Although his voice was bored and tired, face looking as though he’d just been through hell. Thankfully he grinned at you calming the insecure thoughts that unwelcomingly entered your mind about him being annoyed at your appearance. Perhaps if it was your old life you wouldn’t have cared, but these characters, sinners, people, they were cherishable to you in a indescribable way, and you didn’t want them disliking you.
And that could be arguably unhealthy, but you saw a demon with the head of a chair carrying around their partner -you think?, it’s safe to assume you don’t have to worry about mental wellness and emotional instability or healthy decision making; it’s hell duh.
After waving goodbye to Husk you trotted up the stairs, hooves pounding against the wood a noise you’d recently gotten used to. As you stepped down the hall you wondered if Alastor had already threatened Husk, it would make sense as to why he disappeared while you unboxed, and why Husk seemed so down and out.
You tried to ignore how upset that made you, but realistically you weren’t any match for Al, you may be knowledgeable about the future, but that made you far from immortal or combat savvy. You had to be a little more calculated with situations like that.
Recognizing the voices of Vaggie, Charlie and Lucifer in the distance, you excitedly sped up. Eyes locked on the balcony door, you breathed deeply not wanting to look like a babbling fan boy over the king of hell.
Standing up straight you opened the balcony door, effectively stopping Lucifers railing rant as he hung himself over the edge. “Oh my gosh! This is him, dad! The guy i told you about, dad this is YN, YN, my dad: Lucifer!” Charlie exclaimed happily pushing the king of hell toward you.
His face was turned up in disgust, but you were too enthralled to care, instead you gave him an easy smile sticking out your hand. “It’s so nice to meet you Lucifer, and I apologize Charlie for barging in and interrupting; I came to tell you about to produce I bought.”
Lucifer took your hand shaking it firmly, slowly a smiled appeared. “Ah well, well, uh, you… i mean look at you! You’re huge huh, uh i’ve never seen a goat in hell! Aha, y’know, aside from… me.” Lucifer trailed, pitch raising and dropping rapidly as he observed your looming presence.
Charlie discreetly nudged her father for being so blunt, but you shrugged it off deciding to sway the conversation slightly. “So I just got back from the store, I got everything we needed for the hotel, food wise, aside from toilet paper, Niftys putting everything away. The only thing i didn’t restock was liquor, let’s let Alastor handle that one.”
Vaggie humphed, giving a rare approving smile and nod, involving herself in the conversation after being casted aside to herself. “It’s nice having someone actually spend the money on stuff we ask for.” Charlie tsked at her before focusing back on you and her dad.
“What do you think of this hotel?” Lucifer asked skeptically circling you. Charlie shook her head at her fathers antics but said nothing. “I think it’s possible, why shouldn’t it be.” You say, giving Charlie a sharped tooth smile. Lucifer put his finger and thumb under his chin, he hummed at you, look back at Charlie but he seemed to be elsewhere.
“I think we need a good word in, and some good marketing. No one likes a commercial or ad, y’know.” You add trying to sway Lucifers contemplative thinking into believing in her. After all you don’t think you could do another musical number.
Sighing and lurching forward, Lucifer smiled back at you then to Charlie.
You waited in the lobby checking your watch occasionally, impatiently waiting for Charlie and Vaggie to meet you. You spent a good deal of time talking to Charlie and Vaggie about the things they could say to the angels that you ended up being invited along for the trip. Charlie’s reasonings were that you were a good example of a goodness in hell, which you could agree with but part of that was because you may have not belong.
Needless to say that admittedly was not how you saw yourself weaselling your way into the venture, but eh, didn’t matter to you. You had one of your freshest suits on, compliments of Alastor, your hair styled perfectly after much fighting for the proper look you were seeing angels after all, cologne freshly spritzed and wafting off your body; you felt excited and your readiness reflected that.
Lucifer entered the lobby with a poof, being the one to conjure the portal to heaven. Smiling at him, he returned it and strolled his way to you, swinging his cane. Slamming it down he leaned forward supporting himself with the apple handled of said cane.
Sniffing the air almost comically he hummed approvingly. “That smells, so fucking good!” The exclaimation went straight to your ego immediately feeling better about your decisions with frangrance choice. “Thank you, it’s one similar to my favourites when i was alive.”
Lucifer nodded looking up at you, you could see vulnerability in his eyes briefly before his eyes darted away. “Can you do me a solid? Please,” Lucifer asked quietly stretching upward toward you. Hands in your pants pockets you leaned over just slightly as to not disrespect him and his height, but to get a little closer to him. “Protect Charlie, and Maggie-“
“Vaggie.” You correct quietly. The king shook his head hand coming upward. “Yeah her- anyways, please while your there use your frightening, uh, form, to keep her safe please. I can’t go up there and I’m loosing my mind with worry!”
Lucifer grabbed the rim of his hat pulling it over his face as he stressed no doubt catastrophizing things slightly. “Don’t worry Luce, from goat man to goat man, i got you. Charlie is pretty bright and i do believe she’s got this in the bag. I’m glad you could give her this opportunity as well, i know it’s hard. Good job.” You praised clapping Lucifer on the back, he looked up at you a fog seemingly cleared from his mind.
He thanked you with a new look in his eyes, appreciation for your words was definitely evident in them as well. Without further ado, Charlie came skipping down the stairs, Vaggie way less excited than her girlfriend but that’s understandable. Things always got worse before they got better and it’s not different for Vaggies fallen angel situation.
After a few short hours of travel, another musical introduction, you’d finally got to the place you would be staying. You lingered in the hall, waiting for Charlie to skip on out, maybe you could lessen the brunt for Vaggie. For you it was a show playing out, but for her, momentarily her world will feel crushed and confused and you didn’t want someone you could relate with going through such a thing.
Watching as the door swung open, you backed off into the shadows hoping you wouldn’t notice you, and once she was out of sight you knocked on their door. Opening the door, Vaggie stood there meek and shy looking, and gazing behind her you knew why.
There stood Lute and Adam tall and sharp. “Ouu a throuple interesting.” Adam says slyly smiling, Vaggie visibly cringed at that. “Who the fuck is this guy now!” Lute exclaimed grabbing at Vaggie.
Adam scoffed at Lute muttering at her to chill the fuck out, and thankfully she did stepping off from her attack position. “I came to see how Vaggies doing, who’re you?” You asked faux confusion feeling bubbles of excitement in your stomach, mischief brewing in your mind. “Uh duh, Adam the first fucking man, shit what’s with you losers.”
Adam was clearly pissed off, at your invasion but you didn’t intend to back off, instead you walked in beside Vaggie. You don’t remember them just appearing in the room when you were watching the show, but perhaps your mind is confused a bit.
It’s been awhile since you got here. “I, you filthy demon, am Lute,” You interrupted her finger pointed her way. “As in short for lieutenant?” Adam snickered and Vaggie pulled at you. “Please leave they, we, have to have a talk.” Looking towards Adam, Lute and then Vaggie, you decided the best thing to do was let it all play out.
With a prompt nod you turned to the door. “I’ll wait outside then.” Adam pushed Vaggie away from the door, he grabbed it and pointed a finger at you. “I won’t lie dude, you look fucking sick, hard shit, but next time you look at me fucking sideways, i will rock your shit. I am the literal MAN.” Slamming the door in your face you were greeted with silence.
Well for a moment. You could begin to hear Adam compliment your form toward Lute, saying they needed “horns like that” because they were “way more wicked”. It did strike your ego ever so slightly, in a way you suppose you and Adam could get along. You did enjoy guitar, and you wouldn’t mind knocking him down a peg for a little enjoyment. Plus, he lost his first loves literally made solely for him, you could sympathize with that heartbreak and how it changes you.
You weren’t shocked to hear the point of the conversation turn manipulative, as Adam threatened to tell Charlie that Vaggie was a fallen. You knew all their backstories though, you knew how this would go, so it almost felt fake pretending. It’s not that you didn’t feel for the emotions they felt because you truly did, you just new how momentarily it would be in the grand schemes of things.
The only problem seemed to be, when the show ends, do you end too? Would you then suddenly thrusted out of this world, become a part of it? You weren’t sure you wanted to think about that.
Hearing the door open, your head slowly and lazily swayed toward the sound watching Adam exit the room with Lute, only to have the door slammed on their heels. “Pft, on the rag.” Adam muttered hands on his hips, then his eyes travelled towards you. “The fuck are you doing, spying around?” Lute accused eyes hard as they lassered into your soul.
Your mouth shrugged and you shook your head no. Lute however didn’t let up stepped up to you making you cast your eyes down to her. You smiled mischievously at her, it was so cool seeing her yellow eyes stare into your (e/c) ones for real, not just some 2D colours on LEDs.
“I can smell the filth from a mile away. Whatever you and that antichrist have planned i will not stop until i sniff it out.” Lute gritted out angrily, Adam sticking up the bird in the background. Scoffing you shook your head. “Whatever pretty thing, i mean no harm,” You put your hands up defensively before continuing. “I only come for business. Trust, I and especially Charlie mean no harm. Heh, and i think you know Vaggies innocent.”
Lutes mouth hung open as Adam ‘aha’d pointing a finger out you. “You fucking freak! You were spying. Pound it.” Adam at first screamed than calmed down a coy smile present on his face. Lute groaned frustratingly at Adam. “We will fucking end you filthy sinners. We need to go!” Lute called as she walked away, Adam shrugged a cup materializing from nowhere for him to suck down.
Grinning you called out to Lute as she walked away. “Love you too sugar! See you in court.” You twiddled your fingers in their direction the two of them glanced back at your voice. Adam kept yapping to Lute but she was too busy sulking to herself.
You expected to be actually hit by one of them by now, maybe it was because you were in heaven that they couldn’t, or maybe Lucifer was right, you just looked frightening. Although you didn’t see what he saw, in your opinion you just looked slightly different.
Who knows though. Your whole worlds flipped upside down.
Walking aimlessly around the holy fortress you eyed everything around you and worried not about angels; most of them ran or avoided you. After all you were maybe the scariest outside of Adam with his mask.
Your eyes locked on an angel with dark skin and lavender hair. “Emily.” You accidentally say aloud, you grimaced watching her turn to you, and look up in awe. “Woah! You must be Charlie’s friend!” She exclaimed happily fluttering over to you. “Uh, yeah, YN, nice to meet you Emily. Sorry I went straight to the rooms i promised to unload things for Vaggie and Charlie so they wouldn’t stress themselves. I didn’t mean to ignore.” You say watching as he nodded along fully attentive.
“Oh that’s fine! I was so excited and distracted by Charlie and everything I barely noticed i’m sorry,” She trailed finger to her lip, she now realized that didn’t sound as good aloud as it did in her head. You brushed it off telling her it was fine. “I hope i don’t scare you, i’m used to myself but all these angels seem a little… disturbed.” You explained.
You weren’t gonna lie the looks you’ve been getting are what fueled the rush to get things over with, so you could get back to more welcoming eyes, well welcoming as they can be. It felt awful to be the centre of attention that was negative especially since you already really didn’t belong to this world.
“Oh no! You’re totally fine! I mean you are intimidating but if what Charlie said is true you’re a great man- uh, goat?” You laughed a genuine boastful laugh at her comment. “Yeah, goat man is good. Thank you Em, i appreciate it.” Her wings fluttered hands clapping rapidly. “I love when my nickname gets used!”
“Emily,” A warm voice spoke, approaching the space you took up in the communal space you were in. “We have to prepare, court is going to be in session soon.” Sera said placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. You met Sera’s eyes and immediately she looked as if she was pushed slightly, the hand not resting on Emily’s shoulder rushed up to her head.
Coming to herself she harshly questioned you. “What, and who are you?” A little taken aback by such a intro, you stuttered and stalled for the first time since being here. Most things flowed naturally but now it seemed something was, wrong.
“Sera! This is Charlie’s friend, the one accompanying them, the good one.” Emily whispered the last part to Sera who didn’t let up her seering gaze. “You don’t look like you belong here.”
Your blood ran cold at that sentence, what Emily assumed was a simple statement of your appearance to you was more of an acknowledgment. One that was specifically for you to understand that she knew. There was no mistaking it in her eyes either, it was like she was telepathically telling you that the gig was up.
Clearing your throat you nod once in finality. “Well, uh, let’s get to court hm?”
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coff33notforme · 1 year
HECK YEAH ANOTHA WELCOME HOME WRITER!! Also! The fact you also like tf2 makes you literally the best. Anyways I was wondering if you could write a Wally x GNreader (scenario,hcs, really whatever you feel like writing, I’m not picky!!) but where the reader has BPD, so they’re really awkward, gets embarrassed, anger issues…etc!!
thanks so much neighbor!! I hope you have a good day bud! Make sure to drink water and keep yourself healthy! Toodles!!
A/n: AAA, Thank you so much for the compliment and for the request! I had a lot of fun writing this! This is my first time writing for Wally and since there is not a lot of characterization for him yet I kinda just loosely based this off what I thought he might be like, so yeah. But I hope you enjoy none the less! ^^
Disclaimer: there might be some inaccurate depictions of BPD since I do not have this disorder, I did some research before I wrote this, but it still might not be true to the experience of everyone with BPD
Pairing: Wally darling and gn Reader (This can be read as Romantic or Platonic!)
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At first Wally had noticed small things about you, things that you made you stick out from the rest of his colorful friends
Wally had observed you from afar, interacting with the other neighbors, but you seemed to be acting different then everyone else in the group
You were stiff, your speech awkward and your movements seemed to be stifled in a way that made you seem very robotic 
And for the majority of the time you were in the group you seemed to be quiet, but by the way you stood it seemed like you always had something to say but you bite your tongue, letting the words die on your lips
Until you and your neighbors had parted ways, Wally watched as you walked away your shoulders seemed tense and a frustrated scowl rested on your face, this confused Wally, you seemed to be fine a couple minutes ago?
What had happened to upset you in such a short amount of time
Wally was intrigued by you, it's in his nature to be curious after all
Intrigued by this sudden ripple of change in your behavior Wally set out to ask you exactly what had bothered you
Wally walked the steps to your small home, giving a quiet knock to your wooden door,not wanting to disturb you incase you were still upset
Silence stretched out through your seemingly empty house, before the door creaked open, your face peeking out from behind the door
“Hello neighbor, do you mind if I come in?” Wally's cheerful voice rang out through your weary home, your tired eyes shifted behind you to your messy house, before you glanced back to the to the eager puppet in front of you
“Uh, I don’t know my house is kind of a mess right now.” Wally simply let out a light chuckle
“Mess doesn’t bother me at all.” You hesitated, sighing as you reluctantly opened the door as the colorful man stepped inside, glancing around your dreary home
“You have a lovely home friend.” 
You gave an exhausted smile
“Thank you Wally, that's sweet. And I don’t mean to be rude, what brings you over here?” you ask, rubbing your arms anxiously 
Wally took note of your sudden change in emotion
“Well, I don’t mean to stick my nose where it doesn't belong, but I couldn't help but notice you seem so…for the lack of a better word ‘strange’, whenever you speak to others.” 
You winced at the mention of your behavior
Wally took notice of this and immediately corrected himself
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to sound insensitive, what I meant is that I was simply concerned for your sudden change in your behavior, and was wondering if there was anything that upset you?” he offered a quiet explanation 
You shook your head, your eyes shifting to the floor
“It’s not important, don’t worry about it.” 
Unimpressed by this answer, Wally pushed a bit further
“If there's anything wrong, I want you to feel like you can talk to me, I’m not just a neighbor, I’m a friend.” 
He paused for a moment 
“Of course, there's no pressure, you can talk whenever you're ready to, dear.”
You smiled, this time it felt genuine, like his words had stirred the emptiness inside of you 
“Thanks Wally, I will.” 
From then on you and Wally's relationship grew much stronger than before
Wally was always there to help you when you felt lonely, or angry, or whatever you were dealing with he would be there to help you calm down, or for you to just rant to
Anything that you needed Wally was happy to provide
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First Welcome home request lets go gamers
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missyandthemisfits · 11 months
Souya ‘Angry’ Kawata - Big Sis Baji
A/N - Hey so got a couple different headcannon ideas floating around for this one, but I feel like Baji might only really approve of his sister dating a few folks - Souya is one of the few. Couldn’t stop writing this I love Bluebell so much 💙
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Souya ‘Angry’ Kawata x Baji’s Older Sister 
. • . O . • .
• It goes without saying that Souya would not only fall hard, but pretty damn quickly after a friendship has been established- but let’s backtrack a bit-
• Souya meets (Name) at a Toman meeting one evening, the meeting adjourned pretty quickly due to the low, consistent growl of Mikey’s stomach
Good thing it was informal, just the Captains and Vice Captains of each division, maybe one or two others 
But honestly, that begged an even bigger question; who was this vaguely familiar dark haired beauty? And what was she doing talking with Mikey and Draken so casually?
He was just about to shrug it off when Baji approached 
“There a reason you tossin’ that mean mug at my sister?”
Baji was half joking … but also half serious
He knew Angry meant no harm but it still sort of ticked him off - he’s very protective of his own when it comes down to it
- Is what Angry said, vein popping as he stuck his neck out. Now what he meant by that was ‘Was I really?’ 
We all know this boy is kinda bad at communicating with people
“There a problem here?” Nahoya chimes, already itching for a fight, any excuse would do
“Keisuke! Are you picking fights again?”
The dark haired beauty in question huffs over, stern look, hands on her admittedly curvy hips
“Relax-,” She reaches up, yanking on his ear with no remorse 
“How can I? God, all this time and you’re still causing me trouble!” 
Nahoya is hysterical at the sight of Baji’s embarrassed, defeated face. Souya on the other hand starts to grow flustered, finally putting the pieces together 
“I’m sorry about him!” She bows a bit in apology, an ear still between her soft fingers, “You’re um… Souya and Nahoya, right?”
Souya opens his mouth to speak but Nahoya beats him to the punch
“Yea, what of it? Who the Hell are ya, anyway?”
Souya gives his brother a look but she only laughs, completely unfazed 
“She’s in our class, Nahoya…,”
“Oh yeeea, must’ve been catching some Z’s or somethin’. My bad!”
Souya shakes his head and she suddenly grabs his hands in both of hers, successfully startling him
“Well it’s nice to meet you both again. I hope we can be friends!” 
He’s flustered, eyes on the ground, but stutters out a small “yea…”
From then on, at least when they decided to show up to class, she makes a point to eat lunch with them, occasionally walking them to Toman meetings 
She’s much kinder and more bubbly than what they expect, not to mention a total Otaku - something Nahoya found hilarious but Souya silently found cute
She was also very stubborn but that apple didn’t fall too far at all
Doesn’t take Nahoya too much longer to start making excuses as to why he can’t tag along - Souya is seriously confused, and honestly worried his brother has an issue with (Name) - he could be fickle like that
“Nah, she’s cool. For a girl anyway.”
Blue is even more confused
“Then…what’s up?”
Smiley starts to snicker, Angry’s brow furrows 
“Ya like her, don’t you?”
Souya feels something tug at his heartstrings-
Did he…?
He definitely enjoyed her company - the evening visits to Convenience Stores, the late night chats about the latest chapters of whatever manga, even the study sessions were pleasant. 
And at some point he’d gotten used to it- pretending his palms weren’t sweaty, ignoring his racing heart rate, chalking up the absent minded stares to ‘looking out for her’ in his mind, somehow oblivious to the fact he couldn’t keep his eyes off her-
It…was starting to make some real sense
He took a moment to exhale shakily and nodded, face the color of beets. Nahoya shrugged 
“Sooo…ask her out already.”
He’s panicking at just the thought, rattling off a million and one excuses like ‘She probably already has someone’ and ‘Her friendship is more than enough’
UGH so sweet, so obviously smitten
Only takes a few more days for Nahoya to lose patience & snatch his phone, typing up a message and hovering over ‘send’ devilishly 
“Either you send it or I do - what’s it gonna be?” 
Souya is mortified as he begrudgingly hits ‘send’, burying his hands into his thick hair after dropping his phone to the carpeted floor
“I can’t do this-,”
“Seriously? All you did was send ‘Can we talk’ - quit bein a wuss.”
They start to get into it and almost miss the vibration, both peering down at the screen
‘Sure! Your place or mine?’
He scrambles to get his phone before his twin, barely getting a ‘I’ll come to you!’ in before having his phone stolen again
“Wear something cute~,” Nahoya mouths the text out, pressing send before tossing the phone at his brother 
Doesn’t know  whether to be pissed, scared, or excited at this point- so be settles for a jittery combination of the three
Puts on his cleanest pair of khakis and a semi-formal, sleeved shirt because??? Reasons??? So cute bless him 
She put on just a little bit of makeup, flowy dress stopping mid-thigh, as if this wasn’t difficult enough for the boy
So nervous he’s having trouble standing - but manages to squeak out something -
His face is covered by his shaking hand and his eyes are squeezed shut, his other hand in a death-grip on his trousers
“I’m sorry…? I didn’t quite catch that one, Souya-,”
Blurts it out louder than he meant to this time, backpedaling IMMEDIATELY in an attempt to take it all back
“I- no- what I mean is- ah-,” starts to give up, “You can just…go home now…I already know it’s a long shot. Sorry I wasted your time…”
Refuses to look up
She’s hugging him close in the next moment tho burying her face into his shirt.
“Please don’t make me leave…not before I tell you I like you too.” 
He is SO shocked
Like his legs start to give out
Eventually wraps his shaky arms around her and buries his face in her sweet-smelling hair
They’re there like that for a while 
Neither of them wants to let go but eventually, a text comes through from Nahoya and Souya jumps
“S-sorry,” she waves it off, “I can…walk you up stairs if you’d like? I-I mean if that’s s-something you want!”
She shakes her head and smiles, glancing back at the apartment window
“I’ll be okay from here. Besides, my dad would totally kill me if I brought up a cute boy, or any boy for that matter-,”
His heart starts beating faster if you can believe it - so much so  he almost thinks he’s having a heart attack 
“Well… Goodnight.” She squeezes his hand before reluctantly letting go and waving, practically running back into her apartment building
He’s just…on cloud 9
Total romantic though so eventually he decided that the confession wasn’t nearly enough for this girl
Writes an entire love letter and places it in her locker, finding officially asking her out much easier that way
Before he knows it, she’s racing to embrace him outside the school gates, pulling away just enough to hold his hands gingerly with a laugh
“Honestly, I thought we were official already, but yes a thousand times yes, Souya.” 
His face heats up like it has many times before
Can’t help but tear up a little
…Keisuke is one of the last people to know funnily enough
Shocked but not bothered so that’s good
Dassa green light
In The Relationship 
Souya is so very sweet, everything done with timid, thoughtful care
Long before they even started dating, she happened to try his bento once and loved it - made mental notes on her likes and dislikes about it and started curtailing it specifically for her enjoyment 
So yes absolutely he starts making her lunch for her twice a week - she promises she’ll be just fine without it, he swears he enjoys doing it for her - he really does tho 
Random food based games like ‘Guess the secret ingredient’ after he’s comfortable enough to know she wouldn’t mind it
Grocery shopping dates, because he loves the market
Dates to anime cafes because a) she’s really into anime and b) he finally has a reason to go and try the food there - Nahoya promised he would but he’s far too easily distracted and forgetful 
Also yea, Baji’s sister? Kind of flirty when she’s interested in someone so like she flusters him on accident AND on purpose?
Definitely super cute when he’s all blushy and squirmy tho
Takes MONTHS to get to the FIRST kiss - and she’s most def initiating it, no way around that
Typically will initiate all the kisses but there are telltale signs when he wants one
Starts to play with his hands, his eyes darting from her lips, to the ground, to whatever’s in this distance, back to her lips 
Teasingly presses her nose to his, nuzzling and lying in wait occasionally 
“You’re gonna have to kiss me at some point ~”
And he does eventually work up the nerve to close the very small distance 
She becomes the official taste tester for both twins, quite the honor 
His love language is light physical affection and words of affirmation 
Absolutely melts at the lightest caress to his cheek, subconsciously leaning into it every time 
Compliments are NOT something he’s used to but boy does he love them, all of them 
They make him all tingly but the real personal ones about how pretty his eyes are or how soft his hair is or how cute he looked in that outfit last night?
He could just die and go to Heaven on the spot 
Petnames include “Angel, Honeybee, and Sweetness” 
Apologized profusely the first time he let one slip out
But she reaches for his hands, removing them from his face, and places gentle kisses on each fingertip, something she often did when he was overwhelmed - and once again he finds himself melting into her touch
So very, very soft for this girl 
Keisuke honestly had no idea his sister was into one of the ‘ogres’ - granted he didn’t get to see her much after the divorce
He was fairly curious as to why she chose him
“He’s so very kind and honest…always going out of his way to help his friends and family selflessly. And have you tried his cooking? It’s so good! How could I not fall for him?”
He smirked from his spot on the swing set, satisfied with answer
“Yea alright…just don’t go having any babies, I’m not ready to be an uncle.”
“What the Hell, Kei?!”
He laughed as she punched him square in the arm
As long as she was cared for and happy
. • . O . • .
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allmyocsarebritish · 5 months
This Christmas
Pairing: Xavier X Reader
Warnings (?): Vincent Thorpe is a shit dad
Angst with fluffy ending, Christmas stuck at Nevermore, mistletoe (kinda)
Christmas was never Xavier's favourite time of the year. Ever since he was a child, when Vincent Thorpe spent the whole day entirely absent from his son's life.
Xavier skipped down the staircase, two at a time, frequently tripping and once almost falling entirely. The unfiltered excitement raging through his small body was unbearable. The long corridors of Thorpe manor were a confusing maze of windy turns and deceptive doorways to a young child, yet after living there for all seven years of his life, Xavier had the entire floorplan memorised.
Down the stairs, along the first corridor and through the second doorway on the left.
That's where the living room was.
Practically bouncing into the room, Xavier felt nothing but bitter disappointment as his hopes began to chip away and his wide smile faltered. A small square shoddily enveloped in a mundane, rough, brown covering. Nevertheless, he immediately raced to the singular small gift residing in the leather armchair. The wrapping was careless, with a tear already in the plain brown paper, and sellotape messily plastered across the sides.
But who cares about the wrapping, right? Maybe one of Santa's elves was having an off day. Xavi wasn't bothered, at least they had remembered him this year.
He tore the paper from the present, discarding it on the black leather of the seat. He closed his eyes, enjoying the anticipation and adrenaline that came with Christmas morning. His mind flashed to the letter he had sent to father Christmas, wishing for a new set of crayons, or even better; colouring pencils.
He shook the mysterious cube, thoughts racing, before the curiosity became overpowering. Xavier's eyes flew open, and his excitement quickly morphed into dismay.
In his tiny hands resided a ridiculously broad book detailing types of outcast. Xavier knew his father was waiting for his disappointment of a son's powers to finally emerge, but even Santa saw him as a failure?
Tears welled up in the young outcast's wide eyes, as he solemnly returned up the stairs and to his room. Vincent Thorpe's absence was as though a kilo of salt had been dumped in the raw wound, causing betrayal and grief to override any remaining Christmas spirit.
Sinking to the floor and pulling his knees up to his chin, Xavier flicked on the television, turning to the one show that could grant him even the most pitifully small amount of comfort:
Even 10 years later the harsh sting of abandonment remained. A Christmas spent at Nevermore almost always meant loneliness and pitiful looks, something Xavier could not cope with again, not that he had any choice in the matter. The days in which most other students spent with family at home were filled with aggressive painting and meaningless archery.
Though it wasn't all bad.
Not this year anyway
No, this year was different. This year, Xavier had you.
A small pact to treat Christmas as any other day was inevitable. Neither of you wanted to be within a foot of festive celebration, seeing as spending the season at school wasn't exactly ideal.
Though Xavier spent the past month in a state of apprehension and dread, he had to admit that Christmas Eve was nothing short of perfection. It was no secret that under no circumstance should the two of you be caught in the same dorm room, but Weems made sure to turn a blind eye to a particular pair of abandoned outcasts. This proved to be really helpful, as you weren't at all subtle when clumsily clambering through Xavier's window.
"Shit, sorry." You winced when the struggle had sent his charger tumbling off the windowsill, clattering onto the floor. Xavier merely shook his head, trying and failing to contain a smile.
"It's not okay, y/n." He responded, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
You rolled your eyes, giving him a slight shove, in response to which he faked falling backwards. Naturally, this knocked him off balance causing him to indeed tumble, and leading you both to erupt in fits of giggles.
"You absolute idiot." You just managed to force out, having joined your boyfriend on the floor, resting against the wall. Xavier just snorted, setting you both off once again.
"We're acting like children." He laughed as you both began to calm down.
"Who cares? It's funny."
You leaned closer, and Xavier instinctively draped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into a comforting embrace. Your own arms cuddled between you, as Xavier pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"You know I love you, right?" You whispered, hardly wanting to shatter the heartwarming moment. "To the moon and back."
"Course I do. I love you too, princess." You buried your face into the crook of his neck in a desperate attempt to hide the faint pink dusting your cheeks at the use of your favourite nickname. Two warm hands cupped the side of your face, gently guiding it mere inches away from Xavier's. He rested his forehead against yours, softly touching his nose to your own.
"Seriously, I don't know what I would do without you."
"Me neither, love. Us against the world."
Those four words held so much meaning to the two of you. After all, how harsh could your lives have really been, if they had merged and brought two broken parts to make a whole?
"I know we aren't doing anything Christmas, but I did kind of bring something." Even in the faint light of Xavier's dorm, your cheeky grin was visible. "Can I show you what it is?"
How was he supposed to say no to that?
A quick nod of his head, and you immediately dove into your pocket, pulling out a cheap, low quality plastic plant. The leaves appeared to be of holly, yet the berries were a patchy white, as though they had been badly painted.
Confusion must have been evident on Xavier's face, because you soon elaborated.
"It's mistletoe." You explained with a deadpan expression, as though it were blatantly obvious.
"No? It's not?"
"Shut up and kiss me, Thorpe."
You held the painted fake holly above the two of you, as Xavier wasted no time in smashing your lips together.
No, this Christmas was nothing short of perfect.
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