#and it's only one year max so starting at University won't help
ricoka · 8 months
Really wishing I could do art full time again. I lack the skills ofc, but I wish I had more time to try out stuff and to learn and improve and use different mediums. Sometimes I wish I could at least afford to reduce my hours but that doesn't seem feasible in the current economy either.
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songmingisthighs · 5 months
Lonely Breeze
group : ateez
pairing : poly!yungi × reader
genre : angst, hurt/comfort
wc : 3.1 k
tw : angst, poly relationship, heavy stuff maybe; relationship issues, psychological issues, mentions of blood (injury), mentions of anxiety, ngl I'm just rambling at this point so if this is not your thing, pls skip lol.
a/n : this is why i don't listen to anything produced by mingi. I'm textbook kubler-ross every single time and idk how to feel about it. and yea i wrote this in 2 hours
buy me coffee ?
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It had been three days since you ran away.
Can it be counted as running away? You're a full-grown adult with intact mental faculties and 'running away' sounds rather juvenile.
Life had gotten too hard and you were overwhelmed. Despite having wonderful boyfriends like Yunho and Mingi, this time you truly didn't know what to do but you knew that you had to get out of there before you completely exploded.
To be honest, Yunho and Mingi were one of the reasons you had to run away.
It was nothing against them per se but you felt bad for having to always rely on them all the time.
The three of you met on the cusp of adulthood, at a dance academy workshop. The three of you didn't mean to join that joint workshop because each of you was from different area branches of the academy but you all just clicked. From then, you and they planned your lives together even down to which university you three will attend. But it wasn't until nearing the senior year that you three decided to pursue a romantic relationship. You still remembered it like it was yesterday. How you, Mingi, and Yunho join your other friends on a countryside trip to celebrate the end of the 6th semester only to find out that the cabin was at maxed capacity so you three had to rent a small, dusty place on your own. Little did you know, you, Yunho and Mingi had each planned separately to come clean about your feelings. You were the first to confess after having a particularly tiring clean-up session (just so you won't inhale the dust that had accumulated in the cabin), accidentally telling them how you could see the three of you in your 30s cleaning the apartment you will share together. You remembered the dread that washed down on you when Mingi asked what you meant. Like the reliable pillar he is, Yunho was the one who helped you calm yourself down and told you that he could see the same thing, how he felt the same way about you and Mingi. Then Mingi confessed his own feelings and from then on, you three were even more inseparable than you had ever been before.
While it surprised people that the three of you decided to commit to a relationship that was far from orthodox, no one was really fazed. Everyone who knew the three of you had at least assumed you three were sleeping together which was why no one approached either one of you romantically all through university.
Some called it fate, some called it dedication.
You believed in the former more than the latter.
But recently?
You feared that you had trapped them.
Maybe it was a quarter-life crisis but you suddenly felt nauseous at the thought of your life. It wasn't like things were falling apart. On the contrary, the pieces of your life were finally falling into place; you were starting to really shine at work, and you were finally able to start saving whilst resolving some of your financial issues. Your relationship with your boyfriends was even at its peak, there was more love than the three of you ever needed and you three were beyond happy.
Then one day, one day a week ago, things crashed down on you.
You didn't know what it was, you didn't know what caused it, but you suddenly couldn't breathe. You remembered holding onto the bathroom sink while your body trembled, tears streaming down your face like a busted faucet and you couldn't move. The cool bathroom suddenly felt suffocating and the sound of your boyfriends laughing just on the other side of the door felt deafening. It took you a long while to break free from that state and you only managed to do so because Mingi had knocked on the bathroom door asking for you to let him in because he needed to use the bathroom. That night, you found yourself unable to sleep and even finding their presence too much for you to handle even after switching position with Mingi so you could be at the edge. You had slipped away and cried yourself to sleep on the couch, sobbing silently until fatigue took over.
That whole week you were distant until three days ago when you came home from work to see a note on the table from Yunho who let you know that they were out for a bit to get something special for you.
One second you were pouring yourself a glass of water to calm your trembling hands and the next, you were in a train with a duffle bag heading to the countryside, cradling your hand that had a gash and fresh dried blood.
When you arrived at the dark and lonely cabin, you finally broke down, wailing into the emptiness as you hugged yourself in the middle of the room.
Neither of them was aware of what happened.
Or so you thought.
The first person who noticed how distant you became was Yunho. He had sensed that something was wrong since that day in the bathroom. He could never forget the look on your face as you stepped out. Your usually lively eyes were empty and you didn't even react when Mingi pressed a kiss on your forehead. At first, he thought that you might have had a bad day and that you were just not in the mood but as the days passed, you seemed more silent and distant. Yunho wanted to ask what was wrong but he didn't want to make it seem like he was prying so he tried to let you know that he was there for you in different ways; soft touches, words of affirmation, little presents in the form of your favourite drink or plans of going on a trip. He wanted you to have all the space you needed.
Mingi on the other hand immediately jumped into worrying about you. Suddenly he kept texting about your whereabouts and your feelings. He had even asked if he should pick you up early from work and even showed that he was already in front of your building. Mingi knew what it felt like to be all alone stuck in a headspace and it had taken him so long and finally relent, letting you and Yunho pull him out and believing you two that you were there for him. So he wanted to repay all that especially since you were the one who gently washed his tear-stained face and slowly fed him until he regained his own strength. He remembered the pit and he didn't like the idea of you being there.
So when they were met with an empty apartment the day you left, they went into panic mode. The sight of a couple droplets of blood near the broken glass and your work bag thrown carelessly on the couch was enough to send them into a frenzy and sadly, they even turned on each other.
Yunho wanted to calm himself and Mingi down first because neither of them even knew what happened and where you had gone to while Mingi, pointing that out, stated that they both needed to catch you before you could even go far. Then they fought over the fact that they were fighting when they should be looking for you and it ended with Mingi leaving the apartment when Yunho ran into your shared room, trying to charge his phone to see if you had contacted either of them.
Essentially, the three of you were alone at that moment in time. Nothing made sense and none of you had any ways of getting an answer.
You were alone in the cabin, crying your eyes out about... Nothing. You felt stupid for feeling bad over your life that was going rather well and you felt bad for leaving your boyfriends without an explanation. It was simple, you could've simply grabbed the phone and texted either one of them to let them know... Something. You could tell them that you needed time alone. But do you really? You could tell them that you were sorry. But were you really? You could tell them that you were overwhelmed and that they were not making your situation any better by being so supportive. But were they really? You felt like you were not worthy to even send them a text because who the fuck were you to be acting like that and then asking for understanding?
Mingi was running around aimlessly with worry sitting deep in the pit of his stomach. He had gone to several of your friends' places, friends you trusted who wouldn't blab about your disappearance. He hated being in a state of not knowing because he felt helpless. He hated being helpless. Mingi was not a helpless person so he didn't want to be associated with the feeling. First things first, he had to find you. But where could you be? Why had he never taken the time to ask you places you wanted to go to, thinking that you had gone alone because he was too busy with himself. Seeds of doubt planted by the negativity of the situation started sprouting its ugliness. Was your leaving his fault? Was he too self-involved to not have taken the time to dedicate his attention to you once in a while? Was he taking too much of Yunho and your attention? His head hurts.
Yunho, in defeat, slumped against the bed you three shared. Your pillar, your rock finally broke down and with each sob, his mind found it even harder to make sense of things. All the decision in his life was made on a strong foundation, Yunho was a sure man, and he didn't regret the choices he made and the path he took. But was he too sure of himself this time? Out of the three of you, Yunho was always the tie-breaker because he makes his decisions carefully and with logic. He never found any reason to resent that part of him until you left. Did he miss something? Were there signs that you had needed a different kind of treatment? Had he gotten too overconfident this time? Had his so-called level-headedness cost him something important?
Whatever it was you hoped could happen or appear by running away alone never came. Each hour you spent trying to make sense of things or finding a way to calm yourself only made it clear that you were all alone.
Dark thoughts started plaguing your brain, skewing your happy memories into something that was far from reality. The memories you had of banding together into a trio with Yunho and Mingi turned into fear that maybe you had inserted yourself into their friendship. After all, they found themselves together first before you bumped into Yunho and told him how you were alone, effectively guilt-tripping him. The thought of how they have always had your back turned into anxiety that maybe you had leaned on them too much. You relied on them more than you should and now you were a burden to them. The things you told them, should you have told them? Especially the dark ones, the ones that stemmed from your bad mental state. Were you manipulating them without realizing it? Were your promises of the future even really promises? How could you be sure that it wasn't you pressuring your expectations to them?
It had been three days. Were you still alone because they thought you were better off alone? That they too, needed time away from you? Maybe you never needed your own space, maybe it was your subconscious telling you that you needed to give them space from you.
Loud bangs broke the train of thought and the more you came back to reality, the more you recognized the voices.
"Mingi?" you inhaled sharply, seeing the face of one of your lovers on the window as he banged the wall.
Thinking that you were hallucinating, you turned your head away and stood up. There was no way he could be there.
More bangs were heard and when you turned around again, you saw both Mingi who was now with Yunho staring at you from the window.
"(y/n), open up!" Yunho called out.
Normally, you would register his voice as is but your brain, in its unstable state, thought that he was demanding you to let him in. Mingi too, though he was only standing there looking at you, sending knocks on the window as he wanted to hold you once again, your brain took that as him glaring at you and being in fury.
Anxiety shot up and your head shook violently. "N-no..." you whimpered, bottom lip trembling as you took a step back only to trip on a carpet and fall.
The sight of you on the floor caused Mingi and Yunho to abandon all reasons and logic and all they wanted to do was to help you. They started banging and trying to pry the door open, needing to get inside to be there for you but all it did was send you into a deeper spiral without them realizing. Your body curled into a ball while they were yelling for you to open the door. The more you heard them, the worse you felt and before you knew it, you were yelling for them to leave you be, leave you alone, you didn't deserve them.
It wasn't until you started yelling at how you should have never burdened yourself on them that they stopped banging on the door. Their eyes welled with tears hearing the things, untrue things, you hurled at yourself. It hurt them to hear you think so low of yourself like that. You were everything to them, you were something so precious and special and to think that you believe they would be better without you, it was like a serrated knife had been plunged into their hearts multiple times.
"That's not true (y/n), please..." Mingi rested his forehead on the door as his eyes closed slowly, letting tears wet his cheeks, "Please let me in, I... We... (y/n), please," he whimpered.
Looking around, Yunho remembered that the owner of the cabin had told him about a spare key a long time ago. Thinking that it was worth a shot, Yunho was glad to see that there was still a key hidden under the cushion of the porch lounger.
You were too busy bawling to realize that Yunho had opened the door successfully which was a good thing because had you realized, you would have done something stupid like run out into the field in the cold January breeze.
Mingi tried to rush inside only for Yunho to stop him, holding onto his arm as he watched you cry with a broken heart.
"Yunho, wha-"
Wordlessly, Yunho pulled Mingi down to sit in the doorway while maintaining his gaze on you.
Though confused, Mingi followed along, sitting down and looking between Yunho and you.
"We should go in there. She needs us," Mingi said, voice cracking as he shook Yunho slightly, trying to convince him to go inside. He knew he could definitely go inside himself, but for some reason, he felt like he shouldn't.
For once, Yunho didn't give any explanation and just shook his head one more time. Soon, however, his hand took one of Mingi's and they sat there with you with hands linked, waiting for you to... Well, they weren't sure what they were waiting for but they were sure they would understand soon.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You must have passed out from crying because you remembered feeling cold and alone but the moment you came to again, you realized that this time, you were... Warm.
Sitting up, you noticed that the skies outside were dark and when you turned your body around, you saw Yunho and Mingi attending to the fireplace. The cabin was dark save for the illumination provided by the warm fire.
It took a bit of time for your eyes to adjust but when your eyes really focused, you noticed that Mingi was holding onto your favourite blanket that you forgot to bring. How did they even got inside?
For a moment, you only watched them do their thing, comfortably sitting in silence as if enjoying conversation done by the soft crackles of the fireplace.
Mingi felt something on the back of his neck and when he turned his body slightly, he saw that you were staring at him with puffy eyes. His instinct told him to run to you and envelop you in a hug and tell you how worried he was and how much he regretted things that he thought he did. But his better judgement stopped him from making a move forward. Instead, he cracked a gentle smile and ducked his head down, carefully opening your folded blanket as a silent invitation.
Your body moved automatically towards him and before you knew it, you were suddenly sat in between Mingi and Yunho.
While Mingi draped you with your blanket, Yunho made final adjustments on the firewood before he sat down close to you and even moved so that you and he were shoulder-to-shoulder.
You were sure that they were going to ask what happened, what was wrong with you, why you ran away. But minutes passed and all there was was... Silence. You were sure that when you saw them again you'd be anxious because you had to explain yourself but all you felt was a sense of calm. It was rather ridiculous but you could feel the anxiety melting off of your body.
"I'm tired," finally you opened up even though your voice cracked due to how hoarse your throat felt. "I'm so tired," you exhaled as you closed your eyes, your bottom lip trembling once again.
This time, Yunho moved to sidle even closer to you so he could guide your head gently to rest on his chest. "You... Can you find it in your heart... To rest in mine?" Yunho spoke up finally, voice cracking as well. Mingi then moved closer until he was able to wrap his hands around your waist whilst leaning his head on Yunho's strong shoulder, effectively caging you securely between them. "You can rest in our hearts, love," he added, ducking to press a gentle kiss on your shoulder.
Nothing else needed to be said because nothing else should. The three of you had been through so much together in your youth that it felt like you were all alone. But, with the stars as your witness and the fire as your companion, you realized something that was always true. Even lonely, you were always together and your inadequacies made you whole. While pain exists and will always find its way back to remind you of your faults, it allows you to remember who and what you are, but most importantly, what you now have from that.
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kitchen-spoon · 17 days
Steve needs glasses
1989: Steve, Eddie, Robin, Nancy, and Max all live in Chicago together. Steddie and Ronance are in Established relationships and live together in apartments near each other. Max just moved to the city for university and Lives on Campus.
Before they all lived together Max figures out they are dating first and see’s Steve in glasses first because she cut herself pretty bad and was home alone. She goes to Eddie’s for help. He takes her to the kitchen and is cleaning her up when Steve walks out in his underwear covered in hickies with his glasses on asking what is going on.
Eddie is a mechanic. His style has changed a lot because of his job, he needs to dress more practical now. The few things he doesn’t give up are his septum and bridge piercings and his rings. He routinely takes them off and on everyday before and after work. Mostly he wears homemade muscle tank tops he cut himself that show his ribs made from band t-shirts. He wears work boots often now too. His hair is usually tied back into a ponytail and he uses his bandana to keep his bangs away from his face. His usual uniform also involves navy Carhartt overalls.
Steve works at a diner. On Wednesday nights he closes so Eddie, Robin, Nancy and max all come in after close and eat the leftover food that was going to be tossed. Nancy doesn't come often because she usually has work the next day and can't stay up late so, Eddie and Robin deffer to Max for Stories about Steve when he first started dealing with the upside down.
Eddie’s suspicion about Steve needing glasses starts right before they get togther. At first it was because of how much Robin brought it up but he just chalked it up to their weird wonder twins friendship. when He really notices though is when they go to a college party thanks to Nancy and Steve spills his drink trying to pour it in the cup while sober.
Eddie gets his suspissions confirmed when he gets Steve to admit he has trouble seeing one night. They are in the garage together, Steve is ‘helping’ by passing Eddie tools. He asks Steve to pass him a specific sized ratchet and Steve passes him the wrong size Twice. Eddie just straight up asks if Steve has trouble seeing but, Steve gets defensive and is like ‘alright asshole I get it I’m not handy jesus.” But Eddie calms him down, apologizes and asks again letting Steve know he is serious. He mentions the party and other things (squinting at the remote when he puts on movies, always clips the corner in the hallway going into the washroom.) And Steve finally relents and admits "maybe I’ve been having problems for the last year." Eddie freaks out, "like year?! Jesus Steve you need to go to an eye doctor. Seriously." and convinces him somehow.
They go. Steve’s head injuries / concussions have weakened his right eye. He has Amblyopia or a lazy eye. His brain has a disconnect and can’t recognize sight from his right eye as well. He’ll have to get glasses and wear an eyepatch. (which he only wears around Eddie) They make another appointment so he can get tests done and they can get his prescription.
Once they leave the eye office Steve makes Eddie swear not to tell anyone about anything. They talk about how needing glasses makes Steve feel weak and less useful, how he won't be able to protect the kids as well anymore and they won't trust him to keep them safe. He also worries about how they'll make him look because he knows he is stupid so all he has left going for him is his looks which will be ruined by the glasses. Eddie sits and listens and then talks Steve through all his worries, especially the ones abut his looks. Its how they have their first kiss and subsequently start dating.
After that Eddie takes Steve to all his appointments and they have little dates after to feel better. For one appointment Steve has to have his eyes dilated so Eddie really does have to come. It's on a Monday so Eddie has to come in his workboots, coveralls, and bandana right after work. Steve gets his eyes dilated and Eddie helps guide him around. They go to the cafeteria while they wait and have milk and cookies because that is all that is left. Eddie soaks the cookie bits for Steve and feeds him. Eddie laughs and says it’s what Steve looks like when he is stoned
When Steve gets his glasses and hangs out with Robin, Nancy and Max for the first time Eddie goes in first and is like don’t say anything or he’ll never wear them again and be blind by the time he’s 40.
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f1-disaster-bi · 4 months
👀 Okay sorry if I will sound insane/obsessed but I need to know everything about the Lando Omegaverse.
How did Lando joined the pack?
Who are the pack leaders?
Is there any mated couple? (slight preference of mine but I would love it for the ship not being Lestappen or Britcedes because I feel like there's only those ships and I need a change. But you can ignore me on that)
Do any other drivers will appear?
What are the dynamics in the pack?
Who's the alphas, the omegas and the betas?
Is it an in universe AU as in are they're still drivers?
Where do they live?
How do they manage to live together?
Is there any tension between the pack members?
Do they have any rival pack?
And I'm stopping her because otherwise I will ask you for a whole fic 😅 but yeah here are some thoughts
You are not insane and I'm so glad you asked these question because bgl, I'm excited for this au/storyline!
Are they still drivers?
No! This is a non-F1 au, Lando is in university in his last year
How did Lando join the pack?
Lando joined the pack when he was about 21. He's 24 in snippet I posted when he leaves the pack. He meets Charles when he starts university around the age of 20, and Charles realises that Lando doesn't have any sort of pack, family or non-family. He starts bringing Lando around the pack, and the pack adore him. They all treat him like their littlest brother and eventually, Lando is asked to join them when his lease is up on the shitty little apartment he rents in the bad side of town.
Who are the pack leaders and members?
Lewis is the leader of their pack. He always wanted to start a pack and him and Fernando started it after met George, Alex, Pierre and Charles. Max joined later and brought Daniel with him who Lewis was a little wary if because Daniel was another alpha while Alex and Pierre are betas, and Max, George and Charles are omegas, but Dan fit right into the pack. Dan is normally head of pack if Lewis is away. Lando is the last to join
Is there another pack/rival?
Yes there is another pack (kind of) who live next door to Lewis and Fernando's. They are only separate in title and they mix packs quiet often and that is the pack led by Kimi but really run by his two mates, Seb and Jenson, and has Esteban, Lance, Mick, Kevin (and maybe others). The pack was formed when Kimi came home to Jenson and Sebastian having brought home Lance, Mick and Esteban and he just sighed and accepted that he now had a pack
There is also an evil pack but not a rival and only come into the story later when they find out Lando is gone 👀
Are their mated couples?
George and Alex are together and mated. Pierre and Charles are flirting/courting, but won't really admit to being together. Max is single and happy to let the pack help with his heats.
Daniel and Lando are secretly courting as in its very very new.
In the other pack, Kimi is an alpha mated to his chaotic omega duo Sebastian and Jenson. They are completely in charge but he loves them and loves making them happy even if they keep bringing new pack members home.
The others are undecided for now, but I do have the funniest 'mated pair' which is Lewis and Fernando.
In that they aren't mated. They're just friends who bicker like an old married couple and act like one. They actually bought the pack house and formed their pack after a drunken night out where Fernando was complaining about how as an omega, he was getting passed over for the bigger houses and Lewis was complaining about wanting a pack so they decided fuck it. Yet everyone believes they are a happily mater couple and refuse to believe them when they say they're not until they meet who Lewis is courting....
Where do they live and how do they manage/tensions within the pack?
Fernando and Lewis bought a big house in a suburb outside the city that they work in where there is a university which some of the pack attend. Some of them drive or they carpool in. Those that are actively working (more than part time) pay towards the bills and up-keep of the house while Lewis and Ferando (who have well paying jobs) pay for the mortgage on the house.
There are of course some issues/tensions. People fight and bicker but normally sort it out quickly. Sometimes they have big fights and Lewis, Fernando or both have to step in and mediate, but relatively they give each other space and then apologies and fix things.
The main tension was when Daniel joined way before Lando joined the pack because he was an unknown, unmated alpha and Lewis wasn't sure how he felt about it at first even with Max vouching for him and saying he wouldn't stay if Dan didn't
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popculturebuffet · 2 months
Through a Mirror Darkly/Batmarch: Brave and the Bold: Deep Cover for Batman!/Game Over for Owlman! (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people. Welcome back to Batmarch after a long unintended break from it and welcome one and all to Through a Mirror Darkly, a new mini retrospective that goes through the looking glass and sees what dark reflections of our heroes could be. Or in less pretty words: We're taking a look at a bunch of mirror universe episodes in animation using kev's patreon slots while we wait for Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse.
It's a familiar concept: a parallel universe where for one reason or another, either they were just born worse or something happened that pivoted them in the other direction, our heroes are evil, our villians are good and usually the universe is a hell hole. I also can't say we won't ever return to this idea as there's plenty of mirror universe stories out there. For now though we're focusing on the four best we found in the genre.
Starting off we have a unique spin on one of the more iconic mirror universes with Dc Comics Earth 3. DC started exploring the multiverse to simply clear up an issue: there were two flashes, Golden Age Hero Jay Garrick and Silver Age Hero Barry Allen. Since Allen was seen reading a flash comic, they used that springboard to make a parallel earth Barry acciidently went through while tying nots for a class of school children.
Fan Reception was great so DC went to the next logical step, bringing back the rest of the golden age heroes for earth 2 and having a proper crossover, one so big, bold and fun that DC made it an annual thing: every year the JLA would unite wtih the JSA and every year another earth would be involved. So for the second the next course was obvious: a bad guy earth where up was down, black was white, John Wilkes booth was shot by Abe Lincoln, and instead of a variety of heroes protecting it, a group of the worst of the worst had conquered it.
Earth 3 has been revisited a lot and it's something I'll likely be going back to again as there's a lot to dig into: Grant MOrrison brought it back, infnite crisis brought the origianl back, ther'es been a few rebooted versions since, there's a lot of takes on this, and that naturally spreads to animation with superfriends, justice league and the film justice league: Crisis on two worlds, all taking a swing at it.
And the swing we're looking at today is Batman Brave and the BOld's take. This was Brave and the Bold's mid season finale, taking the crime syndicate and swapping out it's members for the various heroes batman had teamed up with, ironicallys howing up BEFORE the justice league itself ever did. Also for some reason their earth 3 is earth 23.
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This two parter was the first in Brave and the Bold, one of only two in the series history, the other finishing off the starro saga. It's also one of those two parters where part one and part two are basically their own episodes rather than one big episode split up into multiple parts. It's something I notice more after binging X-Men the animated series recently, as most of thier two parters are of the "one big episode" variety, with exceptions like the brilliant time fugitives.
SO under the cut we have two distinct connected stories at Batman staves off an attack from Owlman, takes his identity to go undercover and figure out his world.. then is forced on the lmab and to team up with his greatest foe when Owlman returns the favor. It's a fun, furious two parter and it's under the cut.
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Deep Cover for Batman!
We begin on Earth... 23.
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I get putting your own spin on things but when it's earth 3 in all but name.. just do what i'm doing and call it earth 3.
ON this blighted earth, it's last hero makes a last ditch Gamble: use a device called the Phase Oscelator and escape this earth to find help. This last hero is the Red Hood and most people familiar with this identity either know where this going or are confused why it's not jason tod but the joker in a dope suit and an expresionless mask.
The Red Hood was the Joker's first identity, revealed in a silver age story as what he did before falling in that vat and made canon again post crisis with the killing joke. How much of the story leading UP to joker becoming red hood in this version is vague if it's true or just one of Joker's many backstories, but the fact he was the hood and fell in acid isn't. Jason later took the identity for his own post ressurection, his own ironic sick joke on his murderer.
Given it's silver age stylings, it's a perfect fit here and a neat way to introduce JOker: not through the clown prince himself.. but through the hero he could've been as he makes his last stand. The series does obscure the cast in shadows.. though their shadier behavior tips that something's off. that and the whole "wreathed in shadow thing". It looks utterly neat and is staged beautifully, it just makes it painfully obvious their building up to so mething. That something is the reveal of the Injustice Syndicate. Why not crime syndicate, I dunno. The change in lineup is more fair as most leaguers hadn't been introduced yet so while Owlman, batman's evil counterpart stays, this version focuses on Owls and three brand new evil counterparts: Silver Cyclone, Blue Bowman and Crimson Scarab. The designs.. are really just recolors of their heroic counterparts, which I accept for the ones we see for like a scene later, but question hwy they put no real effort into these.
This sadly extends to the villians themselves as outside of Cyclone, most of them.. are just the character but EVIL. Even Owlman, despite getting two episodes is just "batman but evil" and mostly coasts on the fact that batman but evil is a chilling concept.
Part of the problem is, while I do LIKE these episodes... I feel they pulled the trigger way too early to do a parallel universe story. The other ones we'll be tackling are a decent ways into the shows run pulling from seasons 4 and 5 of two of them, and the middle of a truly MASSIVE season one for one of them. It's far enough in to know who these people are and thus get used to the opposiite. While we know Batman well enoguh at this point to get that, we really don't know most of the other heroes here well enougH: Green Arrow.. never really grows beyond "douchebag rival". Beetle however had a whole episode fleshing him out and is one of the only heroes with two so far so they have no excuse there. Red Tornado at least had a deep enough first episode to give them just enogu hto make a chilling evil versoin: Red badly wants to be part of humanity.. while Silver's cast his aside, being cold, emotionless and pure evil as he later tortures the Red Hood. IT's the lazy way to do a mirror universe: just that character but on the wrong side and it feels disapointing the show never went back and corrected this with a followup once we got to know the cast better. I really woudl've loved an evil aquaman once we got to know ours better.
Thankfully though while the evil dopplegangers are one note, the episode itself isn't as it's a fun tense ride starting with Owlman invading the bat cave. ANd as I said Owlman may bea bit thin as a villian.. but he works simply because "evil batman" itself is intriguing. It can be done poorly
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And sometimes won't go th efuck away, but the idea of someone as capable as batman using that power against us is chilling and the episodes use it well, this one having a cool parallel fight between the two, with the two evenly match, the animation flowign gorgeously and Batman winning simply because his counterpart has something he dosen't: arrogance. He pulls up night vision goggles after Batman takes out the lights... and Bats uses a MAGNEISUM FLAIR. He knows himself well enough to know his counterpart would have night vision and used that against him , locking Owlman up.
Having been left Red Hood's version of the batterang, a test run before he got captured and a calling card, Batman decides to investigate hence the deep cover and what makes this episode really work despite the thin characterization of most of the bad guys: Batman has to pretend to be his evil self, and it's clear from their actions both Silver Cyclone and Blue Bowman are suspcious from the get go, so it's a tense well done game of "how long can he keep this up"
Batman tries to spare his world by lying and saying everyone had powers there.. but this just gets Cyclone to go with option B: use a bomb to empty the world out. So not only does bats have tos tay under cover and try to minimize damage, he also has to save Earth 1 from annhilation without blowing said cover.
THankfully he has help as he gives an escaping red hood a mike and while hood is captured, Batman now has an ally. The Injustice Synidcate takes flight in a really cool scene, not just for the visuals.. but for how it's unsettling. Unlike most mirror universes at worst Earth 23 just has a bit more orange in the sky. Orange and Red skies: your sign we're all fucked!
What makes it actually unsettling is the civilians reactions.. they all run in terror and Batman's internal monologue makes it clear this is a world without heroes.. without hope. Instead of looking up at the sky in a we and at what they could be... they run in terror and pray their cruel gods don't see them.
The theft goes well though Bowman is getting more and more suspcious and has batman tailed by someone we can't see. GEE I WONDER WHAT HERO WE'VE MET IN SEASON 1 IS OUT OF SIGHT. SURELY IT MUST BE SOME NEW TAKE ON A HERO AND NOT THE ATOM. Meanwhile Cyclone tortures the red hood, saying he'll break him and showing a cruelty and lack of care that's just.. chilling coming from someone whose counterpart is noble and badly wants to be emapthetic. We also get a chilling recitation of Hood's history.. and just how determined this poor guy is: they knocked him into the chemicals, he presses on. They take out his allies after he finally gets some he continues. he won't break even in the face of this torture and it's WHY Cyclone wants to break him so bad.
Oh look it's the atom, who catches Batman just as he's about to free the prisoners sending him on the run. This sequences is the best of the episode, as Red Hood claims to be willing to finally talk.. while giving batman directions. Cyclone eventually figures this out and sends Bowman and Scarab to go finish this imposter. Unfortunately for them.... he's batman. He even says the line after he finishes them and finally can drop the disguise.
Unforutnately while the syndicate APPEARED to be just those 4 guys, it's actually a larger group and Cyclone called backup. Maybe they were in the INjustice Pool having an Injustice Mojito while playing INjustice.
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They aren't named so we'll go with The Molocule, Stretch Man, Aquamenace and Flare. I REALLY wish we got to hear evil Aquaman speak and my primary reason for being dispaointed we never got a followup is that Aquaman became so integral to the show it's weird to see his evil counterpart as one of the extras.
Thankfully Batman dosen't have to fight this alone and frees the other heroes, leading to a fun fight between the Injustice Synidcate and the Justice Society... wait no that dosen't work.. the Freedom Pals? Super Friends? Super Duper Justice Parade. Yeah that's the ticket.
So the Super Duper Justice Parade and the INjustice Synidcate have a scrap and since having a master stratgeist, or batigest if you will, on your side can tip the scales and the Synidcate lack theres, they loose.. all except Cyclone who triggers the bomb.
We then get an excellent twist: Cyclone.. is the DC version of Ultron in this reality, wanting to wipe out all humans and only having worked with them for his own gain, a truly sad contrast to his counterpart who simply wants to be accepted by humanity and tries his best to understand them. The bomb was ALWAYS intended to just kill the squishes and he dosen't care which earth he gets to rebuild in his image. Thankfully Red Hood shows up and... blows up his head. Jesus. I mean he deserved it, but it's a reminder this IS the joker, down to ending with a pun.. he's just a hero. He has his evil alternate reality counter part's style, skill and determination.. but not the madness that drives him. Simply a desire to do good
So with that earth 23 minus 20 is saved, Batman goes home.. and finds that he's now the most wanted man alive.
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Deep Cover for Batman is a decent episode. Like I said it's hampered by the fact only ONE of the syndicate is fleshed out.. but that one is just enoguh to help this and the well done sequences it does have along with the gorgeous animatoin make up for the lak of worldbuilding and character building for the baddies as does Jeff Bennet, Johnny Bravo himself, as Red Hood, proding an operating yet utterly heroic and loveable performance. And it'd be his best in the series... if he didn't get to top himself right after
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Game Over For Owlman!
So yeah while it's only been like.. a day for batman, it's been three weeks. Owlman broke out and using Batman's first outfit, such a cool little mythology gag complete with the purple gloves he really did have.
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They even made an action figure of it multiple times. It's great. I need me one of those at some point.
For now though this means all of Batman's friends are against him and it's the one part of this episode that I REALLY don't like as it feels REALLY sloppy, not to mention most of them don't seem torn up about this. It makes sense for Green Arrow: his greatest rival turning out to be evil? It's his goddamn birthday. But only Plastic Man seems REALLY hurt, which works well as Batman rode him so hard about being a reformed criminal so seeing him bein ga hypocrite clearly breaks the poor guy a bit. But everyone else just accepts this. And I get it's been 4 weeks but like.. not only is he wearing an older costume now.. but NONE OF you in a world with, up to this point in the series: Aliens, Ghosts, Super Intelligent Gorillas, Sorcerers, Atlantis, Atlanteans, Time Travel, Power Rings, my boy Mogo the living planet, Deadman, martial arts magic and fucking Bwana Beast, who I love but is objectively weird as shit which is why I love him, same for Mogo. And the bulk of this these guys were THERE FOR.. and not one of you thinks the obvious: that Batman's being mind controlled or has been replaced by a double. It's fucking agrivating. Again Ollie gets a pass as his reactoin to getting to fight batman and have a valid excuse is clear and true
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But the fact Beetle, who idolizes batman or Red Tornado, whose logical as fuck don't spot the obvious bothers me, it bothers me a lot
Thankfully after this less than great start, we get to the meat of the episode and what makes this ep so damn memorable: Batman is dropped into a warehouse where he meets his unlikely savior: The Joker. And for added pizaz to this reveal this was the clown prince's first apperance all season and the first time we've seen ANY of batman's foes all series. Every previous show is a b or c list villian attached to someone else, usually not the guest hero of the episode for added points. It's part of the series charm: instead of focusing on Batman's iconic but well used foes, it uses the wide scope of the dc plucking out every other villian great and small to get some spotlight.
Not only did this allow some villians even I didn't know existed like Babyface or Fun Haus to get spotlighted.. but it also meant when one of Batman's usual rogues DID show up it felt like a big event. Here especailly as after all this time we finally get to see one of Batman's own foes.. and it is glorious.
Jeff Bennet plays the Joker.. and he is utterly delightful. This Joker, while still vile and villanous fully leans into the silver age astetic of the show: he's still implied to kill people, still does over the top schemes, but it's in that classic golden and silver age way of more IMPLYING the death than showing the carnage he does. While other jokers can be funny this one, at least for this ep is almost entirley played for comedy, more an overgrown kid at play than the dangerous monster he usually is that's also an overgrown child just one who'd burn ants, whlie never really letting up on his competence, best shown subtly when Batman handcuffs him.. only fo rhim to have used the false wrists gag. Bennet plays it perfectly, using a posh accent to both seperate the joker from previous versoins and play into the old timey astetics the series loves.
Turns out Joker isn't happy with the new status quo as he loved the game as was and wants to partner with Batman instead.. the real batman. Unlike Batman's friends, Joker can actually TELL the other one's an imposter and can you know, tell that Batman suddenly doing crimes is weird and probably isn't him. It's not helped by the fact Owlman is horning in on his own crimes, ruining his fun.
So Joker offers batman his help: they team up and take out a mututal headache. Batman's first response is
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Joker makes a valid point that sways him though: Batman is fighting someone as obessive, well thought out and type A as himself. Neither he nor Owlman really have the advantage, something backed up by their fight earlier and Owlman easily escaping the second Batman was gone: Their SO much alike that the odds of Batman actually beating him are low, as is the opposite. It's a clever way to use the mirorr gimmick.. and the joker: As Joker points out not only is he pure chaos, something harder to predict, he's also come the closest out of anyone to actually beating Batman.
Batman is forced to Acknolwdge he's right and they Take joker's car. It's a brilliant concept too: Batman and the Joker are usually so diffrent they CAN'T work together, but the stakes here are perfect to force the issue. it's also a delightful dynamic as Batman is a perfect straight man to his arch enemy's goofy antics, with joker soaking up every minute of this teamup, from saving a child then milking it for all ti's worth when the kid turns out to be afraid of batman, to , when they have to call in a batmobile after thier car gets wrecked (Batman naturally keeps a spare and in another nice nod it's the one he used in the 50s), tries to press all the buttons like a deranged 7 year old. It's fucknig great.
They had back to the bat cave after a chase form team dumbass, and Batman finds out something horrifying: Owlman found all his contenginces and is using them. This is something taken from the comics: Batman has a bunch of diffrent plans in case his justice pals are brainwashed or mind controlled. It lead to the brilliant story tower of Babel as Ras Ah Ghul got a hold of them and turned them up to lethal. It's something they SHOULD know he has and should have more consequences here like that comic, but it dosen't. It is however resonable: unlike his friends Batman again is well aware brainwashing happens and we now know there's evil dopplegangers in at least one other universe. It's smart to have a plan, some of them should just bea ware of that and for all we know they might be. They don't , and shoudln't, know what that backup IS, but they should be trusted to know he has a plan if something happens.
Ethics aside this gives Owlman everything he needs to take out all of batman's major allies thus far, and gather his own injustice league of all the various vilians, who apparently completely trust a guy pretending to be batman meaning the villians are the only ones in this episdoe who actually get that multiverse theroies a bitch and don't just go "oh this paragon of justice is evil now. Cool. That happened".
Batman and the Joker bust in to save the day.. but Owlman's already prepared for this , and after batman looses the numbers game.. offers Joker something he can't reisist.. his own trap. Batman dunked in wax. The spiral effects as he looks at the button and his eulogy after are hilarous.
Thankfully Batman , like Owlman, saw this coming and thus had the phase oscelatior repared. I also love that in hindsight, the time diffrences in dimensions.. was a chekovs gun: Batman spents some time in the multiverse finding himself.. and himself.. and himself.. and also himself, and himself once again, and oh look him as a cowboy.
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It's a great reveal and one i'd forgotten: Batman found the joker was right, he can't beat himself alone.. but himselfves can.
It also speaks to the Brave and the Bold staff's love of the comics and heavy penchant for research as ALL of these batmen with exactly one exception are based on existing stories. That's the armored batman who even then still SOMEWHAT resembles Jean Paul's armor during his time of batman, but isn't close enough for me to fully think that's what they were going for
Thanks to the dc wiki though I know where the rest come from so settle in:
Going from left to right, we have the cowboy batman. Because everythings better when you make it a cowboy. It's just science.
Cowboy Batman is based on Nighthawk, a western hero I hadn't heard of before Kev showed me this wiki page. This is neat as the next year we COULD get a full cowboy look for batman during the return of bruce wayne after Darkseid seemingly killed him but thanks to a time gun he actually got sent through time and space, recarnating each time and each time becoming a new batman
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Next we have Bat Creature, a giant hulking batman that came out of batman getting hit by an evolution ray meant fo rmonkeys that somehow turned him into the hulk
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We then have vampire batman, the one variant I recognized as the dc 60 years of history book I read as a kid, and now have thanks to the kindnes of my mom's friend LIsa, had a section on it. It was a trilogy of elseworlds stories where Batman fought dracula and became a vampire as a result then lord of vampires. I.. really need to cover that one sometime.
Easing down past regular batman and ?????? Batman we have Captain Leatherwing, an alternate timeline bruce who became a pirate captin in a one off annual done by Chuck Dixon.
Finally we have hyper evolved batman, based off another wacky silver age transformatoin. During an issue of WOrld's Finest batman and superman found a satilite that crashed ot earth that evolves of devolves creatures. Unforutnately Hyper Evolved Batman, what was seen as 800,000 years of evolution hitting him at once, apparently ended up cold and evil and devolved superman as a result. And why yes Cave Superman versus Big Head Batman is something I should look at sometime. This version is heroic instead thankfully.
So a big ole bat-brawl insues and it's the highlight of the two parter... mostly because Joker spends the bulk of it running around with a round bomb with the biggest giggly smile on his face. The fighting though is great, with each batman getting to show off and freeing a hero. My faviorites are Aquaman's rescue, which has Black manta trying to turn up the giant sunlamp he's trapped under like he's turning up the volume on a tv before one of the batmen breaks a sprinkler allowing Aquaman to kick some ass, and Brain Batman Vs my boy THE Brain, which is won by Plastic man stretching his free arm to distract the brain. It's a well crafted wonderful fight scene that really leans into the craziness of the situation and has a lot of fun with tiself, which really sums up the show as a whole.
As for our big bad and his new best buddy, their defeated by their ego: both think they should finish off batman.. and thus bats is able to drop the wax thing on them.
One de waxing and a lot of handcuffs later
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The villians are all arested, none of the heroes bother to apologize, and Batman geninely wonders if Red Hood means Joker has good in him. As for Owlman the other batmen take him back with him giving an omnious vow to return.. which let me check what episode that happens in.
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..... you maybe see why I think this needed a followup.
At any rate while it has a bumpy start, Game Over for Owlman is pure fun once the joker gets involved and a good romp as Batman's forced to babysit his arch enemy to beat himself, and the finale encapuslates the shows "anything goes" style. You want a pirate, cowboy, hyper evolved, devolved, and armored batman beating up a bunch of foes while Joker runs around with a bomb? Yes let's do that. The show's love of just how fucking weird comics are will never not be endearing and this episode encapsulates that. These two eps aren't brave and the bold's best, but their still a LOT of fun and a decent enough story. NOt the best mirror universe story
Next in Bat Month: We have some more goofy classic goodness as we go to the golden age to find out where some of batman's most famous trophies come from as Bats must deal with gambling themed death traps, a man screwed over by pennies, and being hunted my mechanical dinosaurs on a billionares island. So a standard week fo rbatman, a good review for you
Next time Through a Mirror Darkly: We see just exactly where Darkwing Duck's arch enemy comes from as Darkwing tries to bring hope to a hopleless world. Get used to that it's goign to be a running theme.
Thanks for reading
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winterinhimring · 2 months
Talk about your fanfics ask:
1, 3, 9, 12
Thank you for asking this! I am always delighted to talk about my stories.
What story (stories?) are you writing rn that you’ll most likely publish next?
Probably the ever-elusive original novel, honestly. After my current fanfic projects, I don't have any more planned, though that doesn't mean I won't get walloped with a new idea soon. But I'm going to start a new arc of A Lot Can Happen In Twenty Years with a completely new character as the bad guy soon, so I guess that sort of counts since that story is more of a catchall for shorts set in the same universe anyway.
3. What tropes do you like writing about the most?
Answered here.
9. Top three fics you’ve written (in author’s opinion)?
AUGH. How can I pick just three? But...if I HAVE to choose...
First place MUST go to The War of the Ring, my massive LOTR rewrite and probably, if you applied thumbscrews, the story I'd admit is my actual favourite out of all the ones I've written.
Second and third place are a lot harder for me to decide on, because my favourite fic is usually the one I'm writing right now! I managed to narrow things down a bit by picking a favourite from each of the fandoms I've written for and comparing those, but that only managed to reduce the number of contenders to five.
You know what, you're getting all five (in no particular order because IT'S TOO HARD TO PICK OKAY).
Oath of Fealty, a Dune ghost story that I'm very fond of because I imitated the original's made-up chapter quotes and it involves one of my favourite characters in the novel! Book canon, but it's canon compliant for the first movie too.
Kad'au, one of the entries in my Cin Vhetin series, featuring Obi-Wan raising Luke, Jedi-Mandalorian bonding, grief, healing, Jedi history, and hope.
Bullets and Reactors, a fix-it fic for The Hunt for Red October which largely consists of a very tired submarine captain dealing with the aftermath of Shenanigans while trying to make sure that none of the self-sacrificing idiots he's acquired dies before he can get them all home.
Our Fathers Lied, canon-compliant Spider-man 3 angst. Mostly on this list because the title is taken from a terribly beautiful and grievous poem by Rudyard Kipling that fits the main character so perfectly that I almost couldn't believe it when I found it.
Kintsukuroi, a Bucky-centric fic about grief, hope, and picking up the broken pieces of what you had to build something new. Also features Shuri being awesome.
So...yeah, that's a lot more than you asked for, but I couldn't pick just one, darnit!
12. Write another line in your WIP (rude, productive, but okay).
Oy! Rude! (Just kidding.) Here's the line:
Someone will need to turn the power back on as soon as he's contained, Gwen had said about Max, but Harry was starting to have serious doubts about whether Max could be contained.
Ask game is here.
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shiningstardan · 2 months
During the process of writing fanfictions, do you have a creative block or are you able to flow a story easily?
☆ A S K T I M E ! ! !
Well... Imma try to reply to the best of my abilities. But first context:
I have come just come out from a 5-year writing pause. I won't call it a block because 5 years ago I didn't have much interest in writing, I just wrote 5 fics but didn't think much of it and even dropped one of those.
So, what have I done now that is so different and has gotten my juices flowing?
I have established some rules
1. I will not write for others.
What does this mean? I will not write expecting kudos, bookmarks or reviews. So I don't place my writing motivation on feedback, some people get writers block because they don't feel appreciated. It's hurtful but you gotta remember that you also write because you love this character and the fandoms. I've always been kind of a lone wolf irl so, I gotta conduct the same mentality on online spaces.
2. I will find what I need out of the fics I'm writing and write that
I have been investing a lot of time thinking in Naruto for example. What do I need from this story that I never got?
Hyuga lore & politics
Konoha 13 interactions
Re-imagining of the time skipped between the OG series and Shippuden.
The fact that naruto talks friendship to everybody but he only cares about 1 friend, so I need him to interact with the other.
Knowing I need this I have started writing fics using prompts that may help my inspiration. Created character profiles to know who is friends with who besides what we are told in canon. Taken advantage of certain fandom patterns, there are some headcanons that have become universal.
For example: Somehow, somewhere a fan decided that in fanfic Hinata's grandfather is called either Hideo / Hideto and the rest of the fandom just rolled with it! which brings me to my next point~
3. I don't have to start from scratch.
If you feel that you are inspired by an image, headcanon, just roll with it. Don't feel pressure to come out with "original ideas" all the time, that's exhausting. I personally love when authors reference things, so maybe you said that a character likes the color red and you repeat that in a different way every fic you have, maybe through clothes, maybe through food, maybe through objects. A nod is always welcomed.
4. I can work on something else or abandon your idea
If you are stuck with an idea you can
Sleep on it and check it later
Outline it and move on. You can write 4 or 5 sentences about what you want to happen in that section and then you can come up with the details for the scene and write something else.
Not work on it anymore, maybe you can recycle what you wrote for another project (that's how I wrote Happy Valentine's Day, I didn't want to star from scratch so I reused the first portion from a discarded idea)
5. Length doesn't define you
I'm currently writing a 20k+ fic. This is my first time writing this much and it's scary AF. I thought it would be a 2k max, because I don't have a really good imagination. In the past I have mainly written works under 1k and even a 40 part drabble pieces (if you know the technical definition drabbles are 100 words exactly). So up until now I had just written relatively short works.
Challenge yourself to write short, write a haiku, a drabble, some flash fiction (250 w) or something under 500. Just a page.
Any writing is good writing.
6. Workshop it
Talk about your story and the ideas you want to explore with a friend (that includes me now, just so you know. Whether it is an annonymous ask or a direct message, my ask box will always be open for fanfic questions, even if it's a different fandom or ship I personally don't gravitate to).
7. Educate Yourself
This last few months I have discovered that english and spanish are formatted totally different in terms of punctuation.
I have also wanted to learn more about creative writing so I watch some Lectures
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That being said I think I write slowly, but enjoy it nonetheless.
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watercolor-hearts · 1 year
I'm gonna finish most of my written finals this week and after that I'll finally have a bit more time and I wanna continue converting my story ideas into stories, but I feel like I have too many to choose from so I'm gonna put the titles and a 'little' description here and you can choose which one should I write next. 😊 (All of these ideas are from last season (except maybe the last one. Half of the idea is from last season but this season helped with it a bit.) I'm slow and I wanna finish them before writing stories based on the current season.)
Save the last dance for me | Max/Daniel
This one is about Max and Daniel at the FIA gala in 2022. Daniel's last FIA gala (only for a while, hopefully), he's sitting at a table with Max, Seb and some other people, thinking about Max and their future, how it'll be like etc. because he doesn't want to lose Max now that Daniel won't be in F1 anymore. Before Max goes to accept his trophy, Daniel tells him to save the last dance for him because the last one is special and since it's Daniel's last gala, he wants to make it memorable with his favorite person.
After Max goes to accept his trophy, Daniel tells Seb that he doesn't know how he'll survive without Max, without F1 (yeah no Daniel to Red Bull in this universe) and all the things that were in his life for all these years. And then Seb waits a few seconds, looks at Daniel and tells him that if he doesn't want to leave without Max then he should tell him because Max doesn't want to live without him either and they should communicate a bit better about their feelings towards each other.
So Daniel does tell this to Max. During their last dance. On live television.
(Or something like this but my stories usually change during the writing process.)
Forcing laughter, faking smiles | Daniel/George
I think I've already shared a few quotes from this one but I'll try to summarize it in a few sentences. TW: Self-harm!
So in this one Daniel cuts himself on the balcony of his hotel room after another shit weekend, and then when he sees all the blood coming from his arm he calls George because Daniel doesn't like blood and George had already helped him when he did something like this in the past.
George of course helps him etc., but they almost start arguing because Daniel wants George to go away but George doesn't want to leave Daniel alone after all the shit that happened to him. George tells Daniel they should go back to the room but Daniel doesn't want to. So George gives him his hoodie (the Japanese GP one — this inspired the story) and they sit on the balcony for a while, Daniel thinking a bit too much, George's supporting him with his presence, holding him and taking care of his physical and mental wounds. (It'll have a hopeful ending. I don't do sad ending, you don't have to worry about it.)
The Heartbeat I Can't Feel | Max/Daniel
This was my first ever idea in this fandom. I think I've already posted about it a few times, you can find those posts if you tap on the title in the tags. (Also I might change the title of this one later because I don't really like it anymore. And the description of the story here might be different from the what's in the older posts about it because my stories always change, I forget some things, I add some things etc.)
This is really, really deep, so it was a bit too much for a first English story for me, that's why I couldn't finish it, but since then I've changed and added a few things so I think I'm now ready to write it. Short-ish summary below. Also TW: Self-harm, suicide attempt, mentions of CPR, blood and hospital!
Okay, so in this one Daniel's really deep in the shit and feels like he can't do this anymore, he can't get out of it and he doesn't want to live anymore. Daniel thinks Max doesn't love him anymore because Daniel doesn't have the mood for s*x and other things Max wants to do. (Not true, Max loves him but they can't communicate well enough.)
One day Max leaves for the next race and Daniel's at home in their apartment in Monaco and he feels like it's time to end it all, so he fills the bathtub with water and takes out a fresh, new blade. [I don't want to write it down here, I wanna leave if for the story but you know what happens.]
But in the meantime Max notices that he has left something at home and when he goes back, he finds Daniel in the bathtub under the blood colored water. He tries not to panic (he doesn't even know how not to panic when his boyfriend's dying), pulls him out and calls the emergency services. He does CPR on him and he feels Daniel's ribs cracking under his hand and he's really scared he's gonna lose him. Once the paramedics arrive he just sits in the corner praying for Daniel to come back. He comes back. [This is the first part.]
[And this is the second part.] Daniel is in the hospital, sleeping, Max is with him, carefully holding his hand, finger pressed on his pulse point, eyes fixed on his chest to make sure he's alive. His mind endlessly plays the moments of finding Daniel and trying to save him. He can't leave him alone ever again.
But then there's an unexpected visitor. Lewis. And he wants Max to leave Daniel alone for a bit so Max and Lewis can talk. (Lewis sees that Max's worried and all but he knows Max needs a bit of fresh air and someone to talk to about all the things that happened because this is too serious to just leave it for himself. So Lewis convinces Max to go with him. Then they almost start to argue over a can of Red Bull in the hospital cafeteria. None of them buys anything, instead, they go outside for a walk. And then, when it's just the two of them, Max dumps everything on Lewis. And Lewis listens and helps.
[And let me save the rest for the story because this post is already too long and I have two other stories to write about. But I promise this one will have a hopeful ending too and Max and Lewis has a good relationship in it, they don't hate each other and that argument over the energy drink is not that serious. They're just stressed.]
More than one | Daniel/George/Alex
In this one George and Daniel are in a relationship. Daniel is polyamorous, George of course knows about it. Daniel doesn't have any partners outside George at the moment but he used to be with Max, but Max didn't like the polyamory thing and the fact that Daniel was in love with George, too, while he was with Max so they broke up and Max's now with Charles but it's not a negative thing in the story. George isn't polyamorous. Or at least that's what he said to Daniel. But then once, in the middle of making love, George says that he might be in love with Alex too. And that it's strange for him and he doesn't know what to do. And since Daniel and George are really good at communicating, they talk about it and Daniel tells him that he can love more than one at the same time, that's totally normal. And then Daniel plays matchmaker for them, talks to Alex, arranges a date night for Alex and George at their house etc. This one is all soft and fluffy, I really love it, especially the end of it because that's a soft, soft, soft and sleepy polyam cuddle of the three boyfriends. (Also, Alex is with Lily and Alex tells her about being in love with George at the same time George does to Daniel. And Lily supports it too. So this is gonna be a big, happy polycule. ❤)
[Untitled] | Daniel/Lando
I don't have a title for this one yet but it's about Lando and his struggles with this year's McLaren. He's starting to understand a bit how Daniel must have felt in the last two years and he's worried that they'll treat him like they did with Daniel, and then they'll sack him and he won't have a job anymore and he's gonna have to work at a McDonald's and he's gonna be homeless so on.
And after one of the races Daniel's attended too, and Lando yet again had a shit weekend, Lando reaches the top of his anxiety and he goes to Daniel's hotel room, crying, not knowing what to do and in need of comfort.
Daniel's gives him what he needs and they talk about Lando's fears. And then it's a bit better. It's always better when he's with Daniel.
So yeah I think it's already too long so I'm gonna leave the other two newer ones for next time when these ones are all finished.
Please tell me which one would you like to read so then I can start/continue that one first. 😊 Also, feel free to ask about any of them if you have any questions. As you can see, I love talking about my stories. 😃
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awkwardgtace · 7 months
10, 12, and 15 for the Halloween asks! I’m especially curious about Rhys, Vincent, Ian, and Mikhail for 10 and 15 🥺
10. Your OC is alone in the dark and hears a strange noise. How do they react?
Rhys: ok so he'd act fine, especially if he's in a world where he's objectively giant. In reality he is incredibly nervous, looking all over, and casually trying to hold any smalls around him. If he's tiny he will have all the bravado possible while quickly climbing into a pocket "Because it's easier if the human/giant gets scared and runs"
Vincent: This man is 100% always ready for a fight. Carries some kind of weapon, usually scissors. So he'd just casually hold them, if he's small then the giant/human will wind up having him standing on their head/shoulder to watch for any danger. He would also straight up call out asking "who the hell is out there?"
Ian: Screams and hides behind whoever is with him. If alone he scooby doo runs out as soon as possible. The only reason he'd even try to be brave is if he has someone smaller that relies on him.
Mikhail: He'd keep himself acting as stoic as possible. In shifter universes when he's not at his max height he'll start inching bigger and bigger with a scare sending him sky high. If it's really bad he'll go massive then immediately to his smallest size cause of how overwhelmed he's feeling (especially if he's on his own). If he's not a shifter he'll just try and stay calm and get to safety as soon as possible.
12. If you could dress up as one of your OCs for Halloween, who would it be?
Hmm, Melody and Dabria are probably the easiest, but I would probably wanna dress up as Mira or Alessia. Mira going the assassin look with plus either dying my hair or a wig and colored contacts. Alessia would be fun for the golden armor. Tbh I kinda see her in a halone from ff14 looking outfit now that I saw it in game. Suits her very well.
15. Draw your OCs and the pumpkins they collected from the pumpkin patch.
So I was actually gonna do a shitty attempt to draw for this, but I've been busy and will never do it. I don't want this sitting unanswered until next year like the writing suggestions might be.
Ian: Gets the saddest looking pumpkin he can find. If anyone asks he just says that he feels bad for it. Broken, discolored, anything wrong with it Ian is more determined to get that one.
Mikhail: Goes for the most neutral pumpkin. Not too big or small. He doesn't want to draw attention with his choice, but will have fun carving it later.
Vincent: Gets a small pumpkin. He's barely interested in this. Most likely dragged by Rhys or Delphia, just wants one he can easily carry. Will go back on his own later to get one more suitable for carving when the others are sad he won't carve pumpkins with them.
Rhys: Gets the biggest pumpkin he can find. If he can't carry it he will get help to do so. If he can't get the biggest one he will pout and eventually settle on one he can actually carry... or come back with a way to bring the giant pumpkin home. Even more so if he's a tiny around giant pumpkins
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100dayproductivity · 8 months
One of those days where I'm feeling overwhelmed by chores and don't know where to start. You ever have those days? You feel kind of paralyzed and end up doing nothing, right? I'm finding what helps me is to start in the corner of the kitchen with dishes and go from there.
First, I clear off my drying rack area:
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It wasn't bad today, just a couple of things. The mug stays there; it's what I put cutlery in to dry. The yogurt container is for compost.
Next, I have to finish filling up my dishwasher and running it.
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I got a new countertop mini-dishwasher recently because my old dishwasher stopped working and I couldn't keep up with hand-washing. The old dishwasher is pretty old--over 15 years old, probably. I didn't think it was worth getting repaired. However, I wasn't sure I wanted a new full-size dishwasher to replace it. My eldest child just went off to university this year and my youngest child is only with me part-time. The rest of the time I'm by myself. Do I really need a full-size dishwasher for 1.5 people? Also, I'm really thinking ahead to possibly downsizing at some point. Plus, I didn't want to deal with having to get a plumber to install a new unit at this time. So, I decided to try this cute little thing. It was on sale. (I can't remember the price off the top of my head, I think it came to about $300 CAD including taxes and shipping?) Jury is still out on whether it was a good buy. It's VERY small. But I knew it would be mainly for dishes and cutlery, not pots and pans. I'm okay with hand-washing a few things, just needed a little extra helping hand so I wasn't drowning in dishes every day. So from that standpoint, it's fulfilling its purpose.
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Lol, I know the before and after pics look the same but I DID squeeze a few more things into the dishwasher. What's left is mostly things that just need to be rinsed out: my Turkish coffee pot and French press, a pot I steamed veggies in, a takeout container that will go in the trash.
In clearing off the stovetop I discovered I still had about a half cup of coffee left in the French press. Woohoo! Yay me! ☕
In the sink I have: a cat food tin and a meat tray (the brown stuff is just coffee grounds). These go in recycling but I like to wash things out before putting in the recycling bin so that things don't get stinky in there because a) stinky recycling is 🤢 and b) it won't attract raccoons and rats that way.
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Now, I have to take a break from dishes for a minute to deal with laundry. I had put this laundry outside to dry the other day but I want to run it through air fluff in the dryer to suck out lint and soften the fabric up a bit.
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That big box with what looks like a little doorway is what the mini-dishwasher came in. My cat loves it! His own personal little fort. 😆 I guess I'm keeping it for now.
Here he is enjoying his privacy:
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Ok, back to the kitchen, I have a pot roast I wanted to put in the crockpot for dinner. Hopefully it's not too late!
Oops! I forgot about the max 10 photos per post. Stay tuned for my next post if you want to see the pot roast!
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(Please read before sending any asks)
<User has connected>
> Oh finally I've reached you, listen I don't have much time so I'll keep this brief but I need to explain things to you.
> Firstly I should let you know that this story is plot based, every choice you make matters and will impact the story, depending on your choices you can make a major change or a minor change. Remember silence sometimes may be the best option possible.
> Major changes will have this icon:
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> Minor changes will have this icon:
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> Once you get an ending, should you want to change the outcome, I've set up these things called Loading Points which you can go back to when your connection is terminated [reset]. They should have this icon:
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> However, these are far and few between so try not to get your connection terminated, oh that reminds me of something I forgot to mention but should the captain die, your connection will be immediately terminated.
> You can use your anon magic in this world with some exceptions and you can bring in Osserva anons [alien birds as your ocs] however I won't allow them to be overpowered or have special powers [some powers may be allowed]. You are not the god of this world so don't act like it.
> Now let me explain how this universe works, both Ghost Ship and May the best yandere win [MTBYW for short] are set in the same universe with only a few years having passed between the two stories and this story, in particular, is a set a few months after Ghost Ship's story ended.
> This brings me to my next explanation but should you want to try to save a character from death, you can teleport them to the captain however keep in mind it's not a good idea to spam this teleport button as you can only use this twice per character and it lasts for only 10 asks before the character is teleport back to where they were. > You can also teleport characters from MTBYW which may help give insight to certain characters but using this at the wrong time may lead to some disastrous results.
> [I don't mind people shipping my character as long as it's not Merlo/Squinty as that is a canonical child and it's just kind of weird]
> [Don't repost my work]
> And- Oh it appears that my boss is calling me, I'll just sign off now, we might see each other again, maybe not, it all depends on your choices after all but just remember the name ARG-02, it might come in handy later but all I can say for now is good-luck and remember don't kill the captain.
<User has disconnected>
I have this story written 15 story posts ahead of time and it’s mainly plot based however you can ask the characters stuff and they will respond however there would be at least one or two ask breaks per route but currently there are currently 4 routes but that can be subject to change later. My scheduling for posts should be every 2nd Wednesdays/Thursdays so I can have time to post MTBYW’s story, draw stuff unrelated to this ask-blog and answering asks related to me and don't progress the story throughout the weeks.
Another thing I should mention is that besides asks related to me, I’ll be mostly using my character ARG-02 as the narrator which is represented with a ‘>’ before each paragraph/sentence but if for me just talking out of character in one of those sentences I’ll be representing it with my dialogue being inside one of these ‘[]’ for better readability. 
Just adding another thing here but basically theres a friendship system where you can befriend any of the characters or make them your enemy which influence a lot of the routes and how they go however be careful in making sure its not to high or low. The max is 20 however if you have a certain character at level 20 it can result in a bad ending in a route. The min is -19 as besides one character who will give you a bad ending if you are at -20, any character at level -20 will instantly kill the captain or smash ARG-03's monitor which causes an instant game over except in one instance where it is another way to start a slightly hard to get route.
How the routes, polls and asks work on this blog:
So far there are 4 main routes which split off into multiple different ending however these are technically a predetermined path however dialogue, how you access the route, dynamics and character interactions change depending on the asks so no ending will ever be the exact same. Also, after some time, you will be locked into one of the routes depending on your choices but it’s not always the exact same way to a route, there’s alternate ways which may affect certain endings.
For a majority of the polls use in this blog, most of them are for major changes or minor changes which affect the story. If the poll ties, I will basically vote on which I would pick and that will be the one which is selected. For the major changes polls, I will put a disclaimer before the poll.
Asks are separated into two different sections which I call ask break asks and story asks.
Story asks as expected are the asks which effect/progress the story and are the ones which are posted during my usual scheduling regardless of when they were asked however I’m slightly stricter on what is asked (i.e., you can’t turn the characters into food when they are monologuing). You can also still use M!A, teleporting and summoning for story asks as well, in fact M!A & teleporting is required for one of the routes.
Ask break asks on the other hand are the asks which don’t effect/progress the story but allow you to ask whatever questions you want to the characters, use M!A, summoning your ocs as observas and teleporting any of my other character (if it’s the one which is required to start one of the routes then it will be sidelined until the ask break has ended). Ask break asks to happen during well you guessed it, an ask break (all posts in that ask break are tagged as such). Ask Breaks last for around 15-20 asks (excluding M!A) or until the next story post.
I highly recommend reading Ghost Ship before continuing
I also recommend reading MTBYW for some context on some of the characters
For the people who don’t want to read an almost 25,000-word story here’s a summary of Ghost Ship:
"Ghost Ship" is a captivating science-fiction novel that takes readers on an epic adventure through space. The story follows Captain William Miller and his AI companion ARG-05 as they navigate dangerous situations, confront powerful enemies, and encounter strange creatures and alien cultures.
The story begins with the Captain's spaceship crashing on an alien planet and being taken into custody by the locals. Along the way, he meets several characters, including Bengino and Serafina, who help him escape. The Captain and ARG-05 arrive in Crowehurst, where they meet Avvoltoio and his children, Pavona and Merlo.
However, tensions arise when Merlo and Avvoltoio get into a fight, and Squinty, who is revealed to be Merlo's alter ego later on, threatens Avvoltoio during a family dinner. Later that night, Merlo goes missing, and the Captain has a dream about feeling guilty over the death of Sophia, the previous Captain of the ship. The Captain wakes up to find himself kidnapped by Squinty, who almost kills him. However, the Captain reveals that he knows Squinty's true identity, and Squinty lets him go.
The Captain discovers that Merlo has been taken by Oca and Tacchina, who is revealed later to be a robot controlled by ARG-04. The Captain, Bengino, Serafina, and the rest of the crew must band together to rescue Merlo and defeat ARG-04 and Sophia. Throughout the story, the Captain deals with the challenges of space travel and the danger of being stranded on alien planet.
In the end, the Captain and his crew succeed in defeating their enemies and return to Earth, with Kioko joining them. The story concludes with a hopeful outlook on their future adventures in space.
> Error code 404: data could not be found [need backup of ARG-05's files which can be found in the following routes: Vantablack route, Strychnine Route, Chronophobia route]
Loading Point Select:
> Loading Point 1: The Beginning
> Loading Point 2: Returning to Earth?
Current Route: Error code 404: data could not be found [need backup of ARG-05's files which can be found in the following routes: Vantablack route, Strychinine Route, Chronophobia route OR a friendship level of 15 or above with ARG-02 in any route]
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Respect 😍💯🔥💯😍" on YouTube
The last screen is the hint the last video and
It says tools tour and they're saying they're going to use tools on us and things like blades stuck in stuff to supposedly expose us when we're not wood but okay I'm trying to see it without it saying it so, we heard about it you put a line on these and we studied everything they're doing find out tons of stuff and we wouldn't have tons after tons and tons and tons of people huge amounts of new tools gathered giant numbers of chainsaws it's just ridiculous how many people and we're still doing it and it doesn't compare to the numbers that are going into the pits but certainly helps us. And we get a lot of stuff and Intel and yeah huge army is gathering we know about it and here's the thing you guys are a bunch of slobs telling us so tonight we anticipate the warlock will lose on top of the almost 17 areas they lost and physically lost them cuz they move in from somewhere else and they already are and those areas are gone and we're taking them over and putting up obelisk and bases because we must and we do stuff to the concrete and we expect them to lose anywhere from 10 to 20 more areas and they're only one group that's going there and there's about 4 in total foreigners Tommy f the morlock and Max each is going to lose 10 to 20 areas tonight then will be close to maybe almost 70 areas but include the past few days it's going to be over 120 areas out of roughly 2000 that were remaining and that was a few weeks ago so really right now it's about 1700 areas so you think that's not bad you'll have 1600 areas but that's for the uneducated and that's only at the pits, the continents of Australia will probably absorb 20 by itself and New Zealand probably 10 I think there's a hole there because the tree is huge and they figuring out it was in the ocean a little as a land Sun and Antarctica will absorb probably 10 and Greenland ten. Meaning if that's like additional to the number it's just a lot and it's you're talking about surrounding and adjacent areas not the whole. And other things will take up a whole bunch of areas Spheres for example, probably take out another 50 to 100 areas for tonight we're up to about 200 starting now after about 110 or 120 already off the 1700 so down to 1380 that's where the Spears now you're talking about huge areas... People after more than just Spears and the core they're after ships and each area will lose probably maybe a third of the population so I'll need power they can't get at the core I'm going to lose a big big big chunks there down to 1380 and 1/3 of the areas under a thousand left by tomorrow and you won't be able to tell and we have to infiltrate.
We need to hire more people desperately of ours we need ours to sign on and our son said it and daughter today and I put it out there and I said they're doing top secret work they need to sign on now you need to be vetted now we need to just go out there and Vet them, yes it is the national guard so really it would be the interstellar planetary defense guard and I formed it last year. He said that they should be a certain amount of time before you have to join a month or two so I made it a month and it's working and people get in and see what it's all about and they talk to others it's in between and it works. There's enough that's going on right now that we need to get out there and pound the streets and get ours to join
The test is ready for tonight and we're going to show people I'm going to have the contest after when schools universities businesses and it's about the skiers and diamonds
Thor Freya
Is preparing one for kaiju thorium balls as additional.
I'm really pleased you came up with this and you lose a lot of stress cuz I see tons of our signing on. And he says that's perfect that's what I was trying for this is what I say you act like one of us all the time. But it's funny because I can't believe it worked so well and it was so nice and it started working and that this guy's a genius what's he been doing I saw all these things I started working like crazy I'm going to Great program here to sell it's just ridiculous if these things get loose the stupid idiot bugs on their own or enough to be a massive pest I suppose I should start doing that because if they get over there fleas see his problem and if you get over there, he told me how and I said that's ridiculous but no it's not with spice is such a pain in the ass and probably never get rid of that damn things I'm not even somebody might try to do that a lot so I'm going to check this out we need patrols and we need Star Trek type ships and hovercraft and that's what going on. Now I'm sending this out and I'm going to get permission I got to do this cuz it's ridiculous these bugs alone would raise the whole army this is several methods that would work I'm tired of hearing this s*** that's way too many bugs I'm putting that into motion too I have been but I need a bigger tons of units want us to happen now
Zig Zag
We need to have a meeting this is out of control and we haven't even hacked away at them enough yet I'm going to make sure we take over this damn territory. I know your problem is Hera is I'm going to make sure I did it before
Thor Freya
I'm putting an idiots out that we have to take over the territory and we're doing it now it must be followed
0 notes
f1-disaster-bi · 2 months
Oooh what are these au's where Lando runs away
I realized I currently have three possible au's where Lando runs away. Although the last one isn't really him running away, but it is angst and involves Lando leaving and I have a short drabble about it from dm's with a friend so I'll leave that one out of this post but hmu if people want some werewolf pack angst....
Prince and the Pauper au
High society but olden times. Lando is the youngest child of the wealthy Button-Vettel family who are considered to be the highest of high society in their town. Jenson is a doctor, and Sebastian a philanthropist. They help a lot of the neighboring towns that are struck by poverty or cruel Lords. After Lando comes of age (21), his parents start pressuring him to marry but they won't let him marry for love. Both his older brothers, Charles and George, married for love but Lando had always been the sick child, the quiet one, the wallflower so Jenson decides that the best thing for Lando is for him to marry who they choose.
After he realises that they won't listen to what he wants or support his passions because he isn't scholarly like George or social like Charles, Lando runs away. He feels trapped in his own home and life and would rather go far away with no money to start a life of his chosing.
Pierre is a well known rogue who often steals from or blackmails rich Lords and landlords taking advantage of the less well off. He respects Jenson and Sebastian because they have funded his efforts in helping people before but he doesn't fully trust the rich after how he ended up orphaned. He is asked by Jenson and Sebastian to try find Lando and bring him (or his body if the worst has happened) home
ABO Pack au/ABO Angst au
Lando ran away from the pack he was born into the night he turned eighteen because they believed that omegas were property for marriage and breeding. His parents had arranged a mating for him to a man almost fifteen years older than him, who had put his hands on Lando before he was ever eighteen. They were abusive, and he his only chance at a better life was to run away and with the help of a beta in the pack, Lando escapes with all his documents.
A few years later, when he is twenty and finally gets enough money to go to university, he meets Max and Charles. The two omegas take a liking to Lando, and start to invite him to their pack that is run by unmated pack leaders Lewis and Ferando, and has Alex, George and Daniel as well. Lando slowly accepts them as pack and moves into the pack house but never discloses his full past to any of them....except Daniel who he later starts to secretly court.
When Dan is away, Lando thinks he spots someone from his past and grows anxious. When he attempts to seek out comfort from the pack, they all seem to be having a bad day and snap at Lando. They shove him away, tell him he's annoying or a nuisance, to leave tham alone because "some of us have jobs and aren't burdens to the pack" when Landos the only left in uni. The final straw is Lewis, the pack alpha, looses it when Lando accidentally breaks something and uses his alpha voice on Lando, calling him useless and telling him to get out of their sight because they don't want to look at him.
It just completely sends Lando into a spiral, and when everyone is asleep, he runs away, determined to start again and not hurt the pack anymore than he already has, not knowing that there are things in the dark waiting to hurt him.....
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Transformers More Than Meets The Eye Retrospective: Issue 5 "How Ratchet Togt His Hands Back" (Comissioned by Brotoman.Exe)
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Hello all you happy autobots! We're kicking off 2022 with some energon for ya'll. See last month Brotoman unexpectly comissoined some EXTRA transformers. As a result your not only getting the conclusion of the Delphi arc early, but remember how I said I wasn't sure when i'd cover last stand of the wreckers?
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Yeah turns out that day is this week as after my best animated episodes of 2022 (which sadly won't include earth spark as I didn't get to it in time), you can tuck in for a review of the whole damn mini series. It's not necessary entirley to follow these reviews but it does give Fort Max and Overlord's full backstories, so it does make the experince better. It's the same reason i'll be covering Chaos Theory eventually.
At any rate we still have a story in progress to finish so settle in for a cold winter's story arc as we find out just whose behind the plauge of delphi and what our heroes will do about it?
We open with Fort Max delivering on his boast from last issue.. but instead of a triumphant heroic save.. it's a brutal slaughter as he TEARS one of them in half and as the other is fleeing for his life as you would after seeing that, grabs him and somehow smashes the con into Max himself.
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FIrst time I think i've used that for mental wellness… and Ratchet agrees. I like this a lot as it not only shows the two have a history.. but that Ratchet, as hard to phase as he is, has a limit. Max needs help, not to be back in the universe with a gun to his head. And as we'll see sometimes even seeking help.. won't work if the preson dosen't take to it.
But enough ominous foreshadowing it's time for a rousing round of everyone pointing guns at each other. When Ambulon tries to you know, take the pieces of dead decepticon off fort max, Pharma pulls a gun and plans to shoot him, citing him as a traitor and a former decepticon. Ambulon admits the latter, but poitns out that was 10 years later.
This lasts all of three panels, which had to be about a minute of accusations.. before First Aid untangles his entire scheme. It works well for me as it's clear Pharma likelyt hought little of our hero, and thus starts to loose.. because he's just that good a doctor: he finds the t-cogs Pharma claimed were absent in the decepticons, then points out his story of being attacked dosen't add up as their all laser scapel wounds… from PHARMA'S own scapel. While ratchet finishes the summation, First Aid still gets points for starting to unravel things.
He simply asks that Pharma show his alt mode.. and when he dosen't explains he figured out the virus: the doctors haven't entered the fatal stage not because of high resitsance.. but because they havne't transformed. Ambulon has the embarassing one of a leg as a former combiner, and First Aid, as Ratchet's own key surgeon's eye notes, can't. What I like is while some of the reasons WHY are things the reader only works out, there were still plenty of clues the reader could suss out like none of the doctors transforming while pipes and drift did, as well as the suspcious timing of Pharma being in a box and away from everything, as well as happening to be injured. IT's still a lot , but it dosne't treat the reader as stupid by leaving no clues to the mystery, just enough to solve and go "aha" if you didn't from the trail of breadcrumbs, but not enough that it's painfully obvious.
Pharma applauds them for their work.. but then shoots the life support. First Aid continues to make his badassery known, and make himsel fa faviorite of mine on this re-read, by quickly scrambling everyone into position, with Ratchet sacrificing himself by transforming so he can use the spark jump more effectively in car form.
We get some cutaway bits to Tailgate studying to be an autobot under Ultra Magnus, which is as hilaroius as it sounds. Almost fun , though danged if Magnus can say it. Yes he's literally so tight assed he can't say the word fun and I love everything about that. It's great stuff and helps break up the tension for a moment, there's just not a lot to comment on either so on we go.
We also get a bit between that's more plot relevant: Red Alert, the paranoid head of security, is having a session with Rung. Red Alert is hearing a voice only he can here.. which isn't automatically exactly what it sounds like as he points out his audio receptors are the best on the ship: he can hear what everyone's up to right now: Rewind begging Chromedome to help him find some data discs, Whirl aruging with himself. Usual lost light stuff, the former being yet another piece of foreshadowing for later I hadn't picked up on before.
ApparentlY Red Alert was worried about it being an auditory hallucination, somenthing Rung's warned him about in the past and Red Alert recorded it… though the problem is the crack , where the spark eater was quatum jumped into the engine, supposedly leads to nothing. Naturally though this isn't a delusion or hallucination… Rung recongizes the sound as a scream and when slowed down… it says "KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME"
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We'll get back to that hook at a later date, as we're back with Ratchet who's.. not doing so hot
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Pharma naturally needs to monologue about his evil plan though; As it turns out Delphi only made it this long because Pharma cut a deal with the Decepticon Justice Devision: Since hteir leader is hooked on transforming and thus wears out his cogs rapidly, and has no intention of kicking the habit, he offered Pharma saftey in exchange for a steady suply. Pharma at first just used paitents they lost.. a grim horrible thing to do.. but also understandable given we've seen what the DJD do to their own former comrades and haven't even begun to plum the depths of how terrifying they are. With likely no easy way to call backup without buying himself some time and no other option, I can see how giving what's esentially an organ donation to keep everyone alive, and only on patients you hadn't actively tried to loose but generally coudlnt' help, was the only option.
The issue, and what makes Pharma the monster he is.. is that he KEPT GOING. He had time to call for help, to do SOMETHING about this despite the ods.. but rather than risk himself he started killing patients instead, both ones who were apparently on the edge of far gone..a nd then one swho "held on". It's again one thing to do what you have to to sav elives.. but Pharma implicitly admits that he coudln't face high command without admitting what he'd done, thus cooked up this scheme, killing thousands more with the help of the two cons, Sonic and Boom
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Using their ablities he had them engeneer an audio virus that upon transformatoin caused the various fluids in a transformer to mingle and cause the subject ot shut down.
On reread Pharma is a thourughly facsenating villian… he has all of Ratchet's skill and prowess.. but none of his morals. Ratchet may be tired and grumpy, but he holds himself to a high standard, fights to uphold it. He won't hestitate to fight dirty as we're about to see, but he also is eaisly one of the most moral members of the crew. Pharma.. gave up his the second it was easy and blames everything else instead of the common factor: himself. he could've tried to get help or owned up to his crimes to get an evac earlier.. but valued his career on delphi and not being jailed for his crimes more than other peoples lives.
That very long explination later… Ratchet thanks Pharma for babbling on as he can now fight back
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God I love Ratchet. All Ratchet's everywhere.. but this one in paticular. Pharma looses it at this and a fight insues, though turns out Ratchet is far less immobile than he seems… though he still fails to shoot Pharma.. not because of some heroic code, his fingers just aren't working. God I love that gag.. and that it's a nice character bit. It shows Ratchet won't go easy.. just because he's the good guy. He's a dedicated physician, capable of mercy and will help and part of why he's so morose about his hands stopping is he can't help people. He's simply not showing it here because his opponent is an unrepentant mass murderer whose only slightly better than the people he sold out to and only slightly because as has been hinted at and as we'll see outright eventually the DJD are some of the most sadistic, horrifying monsters in existance and it's VERY hard to sink to their level.
Ratchet however.. continues to be badass: He summons his holo avatar to distract Pharma.
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Okay so this is from every early in this continuity, and a neat touch Simon Furman added: the transformers could project a driver, allowing them to talk to any authorities, blend in that sorta thing. So I give Roberts credit for remembering it and using it cleverly. The two struggle.. and the cure falls with him. Ratchet however is calm, willing to die.. simply because with his hands not working he has nothing left to loose..a nd while he looses an arm, Pharma is left hanging… and in a warrnted sadistic choice: turn into a jet and trigger the virus or hold on. he tries to take ratchet with him.. but Drift bursts in striaght outta nowhere, chops off his hands, and leaves Pharma seemingly dead, while Ratchet is revealed after to have grabbed the cure.
We get a quick wrap up: The cure was used…
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So Pharma will likely be back despite everyone treating him as dead, and Red Alert is shocked as Ratchet makes him chief medical officer: he was impressed by his work and him , having figured out something was wrong contacted him.. and his empathy over fistiron, having wanted to save him, cements it and Ratchet shows he's awesome one last time.. by feeling bad at the waste of Pharma. He was a great doctor.. and now he's gone. He could've done so much good but instead did so much evil. The only good thing besides first aid and co to come out of this… is a little reminder ratchet took with him
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Get Me Away From Here I"m Dying by Belle and Sebastian: A decent song that also nicely contrasts with the violent tone of the first few pages. Nicely done. Carries On by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes: Okay this may be one of th ebest band names i've ever heard. I'll also admit I really didn't like this song for the first minute or so.. and then the band kicks in and it fucking slaps. I'm not sure it fits the issue, but man is this song great. City Sickness by Tindersticks: Now this is more like it. This one entirely fits the story and fucking slaps, and whoever the singer for tindersticks is he fucking kills it. It nicely fits the tone of the last panel. One of the best songs so far. Next Time: I did mention a last stand of some wreckers didn't I? Then after that later this month it's therapy time! Thanks for reading
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bianxiousandcute · 3 years
Kiss on the lips(Sarawat x Tine)
Look...it’s not that Sarawat hated parties...well...okay, he didn’t really like them, he would rather go to a bar where they would be able to talk and maybe listen to some live music. But what really made him hate going to parties was that at every party that Tine was at was basically torture to Sarawat. Why he had to fall for his straight friend? Not only that but the one who got the most girls, every party Tine had a pretty girl drooling over him.
Mamma Mia! 2gether
Tine lives in Kalokairi for at least 20 years, he has a charming hotel, his loving daughter Pearl, friends, and his brother that are always there for him but his heart has been broken too many times and he has given up love. Pearl is about to become 15 years old and after she found an old diary filled with stories of three past lovers that her dad seemed to have a special connection with she decides to invite the three of them to come to the island in hopes that her father finds love again!
The Only Exception (Man x Type)
Type was never the trustful type, but after his last break up the walls he had around his heart grew bigger and thicker. Still part of him wants to trust people and be hopelessly romantic, but he can't do it by himself, and that's when a handsome stranger that just keeps appearing comes in.
Cherry Magic
I wish I was her... (Kurosawa x Adachi)
Kurosawa has an enormous crush on his best friend Adachi, but he seems to like their other friend Fujisaki, well at least that's what Kurosawa thinks.
Bad Buddy
Traitor (Ink x Pa)
Ink thinks the universe must hate her. Not only has she fallen in love with her straight best friend, but that straight friend, Pa, is dating the most annoying guy on the planet, Wai. She tries not to hate him, He is Pran’s friend so he mustn’t be a bad person, she tries, but how can she not hate him, he is with the girl she likes, the girl that will never like her back.
Six of Crows
The Crows (Inej x Kaz, Matthias x Nina, Jesper x Wylan)
Balancing a band and college classes isn't easy, add to that some trauma and drama it gets even harder. This Band tho won't let that take them down easy, as they say, no mourners no funerals.
Ladies and gentlemen, The Crows!
Red, White and Royal Blue
Blind dates (Alex x Henry)
Alex hated blind dates, he thought it was a thing for desperate people looking for love, but he had to admit, he was desperate. Alex sighed drinking his water while looking around the bar, Nora said his blind date would be late and that didn’t help his nerves at all, God why am I here? Why can’t my feelings just go away…I’m really not thinking straight he chuckled at his bad joke, if it wasn’t for his stupidly handsome roommate he wouldn’t have to be there, on a fucking blind date, he sighed, the thing is Alex realized not so long ago that he wasn’t as straight as he thought, and his feelings for his roommate are ruining his life.
Our Dining Table
Put your head on my shoulder... (Yutaka x Minoru)
It was a normal Saturday evening in the Ueda household. Tane was fast asleep, and Ueda-San was out with friends, so all that was left was Minoru and Yutaka awake, drinking and talking with a small radio playing random songs in a low volume.
Formula 1
What happens in Vegas... (Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen)
Charles remembers the previous night in flashes.
He had won the race, and he and many others were at a club commemorating his victory. He remembers dancing, people patting him on the back, a lot of champagne and tequila shots, and that’s when things start to blur. He remembers Max laughing in his ear as they held each other up while walking somewhere, sloppy kisses on a cold night and his back hitting a wall making him giggle into a kiss, his last memory is feeling happy and a chaste kiss while he hears clapping.
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epilepticreggie · 3 years
What are your favourite hc's for each character, or just one, idm, dump information on me :)
I want to preface this by saying that I loe you so much for giving me an excuse to just say everything that's on my mind, I'm going to give you lots of headcanons, lots of them, here we go
Flynn is the kind of person who can't just not know how things work but who will also refuse help at all costs, she must learn everything, but she must learn it on her own, you know the dance flyiers? she taught herself to use photoshop just for that flyier because she'll be damned if she has to ask someone else to do it for her, that was the tip of the iceberg, she can now make the most realistic montages ever. Her clothes? she makes them! she aught herself shion design when she was 5! yes, she sometimes buys clothes, but most of them end up being transformed anyway because she won't stand wearing the same dress as someone else, no matter if that someone else is on the other side of the planet, she's unique and her clothes must be it too, damn it! also, she doesn't know it, but her dog is related to Max (learn about Max on Willie's section). She also taught herself to code because none of tumblr's themes ever satisfied her, yes she's on tumblr, does she look like a non-tumblr user to you?
Julie's favorite disney character is Eugene Fitzherbert because Flynn, the first time she watched Tangled nobody could stop her from fangirling over the fact that her best friend's name is also Flynn, she made Rose call Misha just so she could tell Flynn about Flynn. They wouldn't stop reenacting the movies for years. It wasn't clear to me if this is canon or not, but I love the idea that Julie's Stand Tall dress was suppossed to be her quinces dress (she ended up not having one bc her mom was dying). Julie started to doodle on her shoes, mic, jeans, etc., as a compromise with her parents because she wouldn't stop drawing on the walls, including the school walls, and store's walls, and pretty much every wall.
Flynn, Julie, and Willie are best friends no matter the universe, Flynn and Willie are married as a joke and they won't divorce, not even for Alex to marry Willie.
the car accident where Willie died wasn't his first car accident, when he was around 12 he was in a car with his dad and they both ended up in the hospital, after that Willie refused to go inside a car, the accident is the whole reason he started to skateboard everywhere, he just couldn't stomach being in a car, only cars tho, he was okay with buses and trains and stuff like that. The only situation he got in a car for after that was at 16 when he found a bunch of abandoned puppies and he wanted to take them to the vet but he figured skating with a box of puppies wasn't safe and the bus wouldn't allow him with them, so he reluctantly went in the car. Having the puppies there helped because he loves dogs, especially big dogs, he finds comfort in acting as a chair for massive dogs. He used to volunteer at a dog shelter and adopted a massive dog from there, her name was Mini, lovely giant fluffy dog. He was about to adopt a small dog that had just given birth at the shelter, but then he died. His parents adopted her in his honor and named her Max because that's what Wilie wanted: a small dog named Max and a big dog named Mini.
speaking of dogs, Reggie is allergic to both dogs and cats, but he asked for a puppy in the show in hopes that being a ghost would render his allergies useless. it didn't, but he figured is not like he's going to die again so he keeps petting dogs. he was always top of his class because he's really good at memorizing things, but he would forget most of it as soon as the test was over, there were a few subjects he retained info about because he really liked them. he always acts so silly because he would always try to distract his little bro fom their parents' fights and at some point he just defaulted to that for everything.
Bobby was really good at tests but it was in a different way to Reggie. Bobby basically mastered the art of tracking down old tests, at first he would just dig through his brothers' stuff until he found their tests and then studied the (correct) answers from those tests, but eventually he worked out an entire system with older students to get their old tests because some of his brothers' teachers had retired since then, and also because it couldn't hurt to have more than one test to study from.
after the guys died, Bobby tried to separate himself from music as much as he could because the band still had fans trying to reach out to him and he couldn't stand one more question about the most traumatic night of his life, so he started to work at a museum and he met Ray there because of course Ray was a regular. After some months his plan kinda backfired because Rose also started to work at the museum and recognized him, but she was cool about not asking questions or bringing it up and they became besties. Bobby was the one to convince Rose to ask Ray out on a date since Ray would freeze everytime he tried to talk to her so he was obviously not going to make the first move. Rose was the one to get Bobby to play again by dragging him to an open mic and telling him she wouldn't stop the pda with Ray until he wrote his name in the list. She only wanted him to write his name down, baby steps and all, but then he actually got on stage, she was proud.
Carrie is popular but kinda not. She's not popular in the high school movie cheerleader way, she's popular in a Rachel Berry way where she's in every club she's able to, always wants the spotlight and would totally send someone to a crack house in order to keep her solos, so she's only "popular" because she's hard to ignore, not because people are fighting to be her friend. Carrie is short for Carrieta, someone take away the power of names from Trevor.
The following characters have epilepsy: Willie, Flynn, Julie, Alex, Reggie, maybe Bobby as well, idk.
Not exactly a headcanon, but Caleb's boss is played by Eva Noblezada, I love Eva Noblezada.
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