#and every single cactus ever
thegirlwholied · 1 year
of course I would get invested in one more The CW show before the network became a shadow of its former self...
...a show I started watching in season 1... lost track of... have never fully caught up on...but here I am watching new episodes live & catching up on the network's app...
...which is incredibly reflective of my relationship with The WB/The CW shows over the years actually...
Nancy Drew season 4. A fitting swan song so far for the The CW itself, as it was:
Play me that cursed-lovers, slow-burn, long-live-the-friend-group, musical-chairs-of-who's-dating-who, hot-parents-with-backstory, small-town-with-personality, filmed-in-Vancouver, everybody's-beautiful all-of-the-angst-but-also-snarky-one-liners, tune once more, with feeling.
Nobody does it quite like you anymore
#nancy drew#nancy drew cw#nancy x ace#the cw#past my prickliness over the cw handing me a cactus with nancy drew's name on it that was not the book series adaptation I've longed for#(...mostly / as much as I'm ever over anything/ you're forgiven not forgotten!)#it's hitting that nostalgia note and delivering on tropes i like perfectly#the cw was always my old reliable#when there was nothing else i wanted to watch#i could throw on a random episode of Vampire Diaries or The Originals#watch with no context to what was going on that season#and enjoy it#it was my network of buffy and charmed and supernatural all of which had a massive influence on my taste and what i want to write#(and not to leave out angel: let's just assume it included there with 'buffy')#i absolutely love roswell (og) & felicity though i only watched them years after they aired on dvd#gilmore girls. hart of dixie.#I never really watched jane the virgin or crazy ex-girlfriend but those shows were there as 'something I'll prob like when i have time'#everwood! how could i forget everwood with treat williams' recent passing!#for a while i watched every single superhero show they were airing#(smallville and birds of prey even way before the arrowverse)#each year I've always kept an eye on The CW pilots#(whatever happened to that Little Women in the zombie apocalypse starring BBC Robin Hood's Maid Marian?? i still want that unaired pilot)#it could be goofy it could be low-budget it could become a shadow of itself or go in directions i did not want to follow (a la The 100) but#man it's always been my jam#i suppose there'll be the Canadian shows they'll be reairing but#i don't think we'll quite see the like of this again#I'm enjoying it while i can!!
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grain-my-beloved · 4 months
Okay when I say I can't take Desert Duo angst seriously, that's not strictly true. There is plenty of angst potential for Desert Duo.
Even the very setup of the life series as a concept lends itself to angst. We're talking about a looping death game, here, after all. Everyone you love dies and nobody ever really wins. Over and over again. If we wanna go the Watcher Grian route with things too, that adds even more complex layers of guilt and horror.
The raw emotion of the cactus ring fight is always right there, there is absolutely something so gut wrenching about two people who care so much about each other being forced to fight to the death (grian literally jumped off a cliff afterwards, man).
Lets not forget Grian's constantly present guilt complex in general either, like, y'all think it didn't stick with him that it's his fault they died in Double Life?
And then in this past season, the way the universe literally conspired to keep them apart every single time they tried to draw close to each other has so much angst potential too.
It's not that I can't take any angst seriously with these two, it's that I keep seeing angst scenarios that feel played out and like they don't even really fit all that well.
They can both be snarky and petty, but they like each other. They enjoy one anothers company, they trust each other, they don't hold onto hard feelings, and they keep seeking each other out.
Whenever they talk about past seasons, it's with fondness. They mention the desert with smiles and yearning and small winks between them.
They whine about being scammed and tricked by the other and love to banter but at the end of the day, their snark is always accompanied by giggles.
Sure, they clearly enjoy being together and have a lot of instinctive loyalty, but, for one reason or another, they also don't tend to get jealous. Like. They both flirt with other people all the time, guys, and as I've pointed out before, Scar literally didn't care about the secret soulmates thing.
People keep making desert duo angst where the angst comes from them. From distrust, from anger, from resentment, from distance. But I just don't see it. They're fond of each other, they trust each other, they keep drawing together because they like to be together, and the angst that exists between them comes not from some toxic poisoning element of their relationship, but from the elements that keep pulling them away from each other when they aren't ready to leave.
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levilxvr · 3 months
here are some of my sfw modernau!levi headcanons in no particular order :)
cw: none
starting off with his phone: levi’s lock screen wallpaper is a picture of you and him from one of your holiday trips. The homescreen is some random unglam he took while you were doing chores in the room- and no matter how many times you tell him to change it he insists on leaving it as that.
Levi loves seeing you in his clothes, particularly his shirts. He just thinks you look adorable in them and something about you wearing his clothes makes him feel things. He doesn’t even care if he catches you in his favourite shirt or his most expensive jacket- what belongs to him belongs to you too in this house.
He’s all about quality time and making sure you always feel loved! At the end of every day levi never fails to set aside a minimum of 30 minutes of cuddling before bedtime. Doesn’t matter how packed his schedule is or how tired he feels. No letting you fall asleep on your own, he has to be the one hugging you to sleep.
Ok fine, he just really loves playing with your hair and talking to you about his day. Spending alone time with you amidst the chaos and busy events of the day grounds him and gives him peace <3
This man has all his hair products custom ordered online. It’s one of those websites where you do a whole survey and they analyse your hair type and recommend certain products that match your needs. For levi he’s been using their moisturising + strengthening range so his silky locks stay healthy and strong. (It smells rlly fresh and sweet too so that’s a bonus)
Lord, he’s such a good chef. (based on experience btw) He’s the kind of man to make breakfast every single morning without fail, and there’s an entire meal plan for the week on the fridge door. Of course you guys split the work and take turns cooking, but every morning breakfast is made by him. You’ll be waking up to the smell of his fresh banana bread or croissants every day, sometimes with a side of berry parfait and fruits if he’s got more time.
He knows exactly how you like your coffee or tea as well. Ever since you started dating him he’s been taking note of your orders at cafes so he can figure out your favourite ones. Then he recreates them for you based on online recipes so you can enjoy them for free every morning :)
Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention his cactus collection in the kitchen. Levi loves purchasing them from those little street markets every now and then since they’re cute and easy to maintain. There’s a ledge on the kitchen window where he’s got a few tiny pots lined up in a row. Sometimes you walk in while he’s cleaning the dishes and hear him talking to the cacti about the most random silly things lol. His favourite one is the round puffy cactus with a little red flower blooming on the side.
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eyeofnewtblog · 7 months
Things that happen at work:
So, the only female driver in the company comes in and actually has time to chat. (She’s absolutely gorgeous and fantastic btw) and we get to chatting about embarrassing bodily functions while on the road or on the job.
I honestly don’t even remember how the topic came up, I was just all of a sudden talking about the time I worked at a call center for a week when I was 18 and peed myself while on an hour long survey literally five minutes before it ended.
She then proceeded to top me with the top three times she didn’t make it to a gas station or was too young and new to know her tummy well enough. As a long haul driver.
Long story short, don’t ever pick up clothes you find on the side of the road because I 100% guarantee a trucker shit their pants and stripped on the side of the road with zero fucks to give and absolutely crying. Also always go on long road trips with a shovel and toilet paper. Maybe a tent. Cactus and bush work fine though.
Wipes are an absolute necessity though. Baby, window, Clorox. WIPES.
Also crying because you pooed or peed your pants as an adult? Not that big a deal. You personally are horrified and traumatized and humiliated, but every single person around you is just sort of like…ok, here is what I can give you to solve this problem, good luck, and honestly I’m just glad to not be you right now.
People aren’t judging you, they’re too busy being glad they AREN’T YOU. So just. Change, clean up, cry for about 20 minutes. Then move on with your life.
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raggstorice · 11 months
Where I take a fandom and give a Headcanon for Every. Single. Character.
Twisted Wonderland! #1
Here we go!
Riddle: whenever a bug lands on him he freezes. Just stops.
Ace: His parents always shut down his beliefs. Very much a 'Stay in line and You'll be fine' type of family. (If requested I will rant on my HC Ace backstory)
Deuce: He calls his mother every day and one day she just starts crying and is all like 'Im so proud of you. You've changed so much and I love you.' and Deuce started crying too.
Cater: Does not actually care that much about Magicam. He just needed something to base his personality off of.
Trey: Uses southern insults All. The. Time. People talk to him and he's just 'Well good for you!' and people think he's the nicest.
Leona: If you put a weighted blanket on him he will just fall over like that one scene in Lilo and stitch.
Ruggie: Knows everyone. And I mean EVERYONE. Try to introduce him to someone new and he'll just be like 'OMG my old friend!' yeah.
Jack: Named his cactus Paula. Also Talks to it and uses it like a doll. (Like that one scene in DRDT)
Azul: His first experience with a land dweller was when he saw a coin fall from the surface and he followed it. There was a language barrier so he couldn't talk to them. He wonders how they're doing some days.
Jade: Had a bonding moment with Jack over their love for plants (mushrooms and cacti) also eats mushroom-spinach pizza (like me!)
Floyd: He bites. Also he's banned from playing against other schools in Basketball because of the sheer amount of fouls he gets. Jamil is so done.
Kalim: Will summon a rainbow to cheer someone up. He's precious.
Jamil: Doesn't actually hate Kalim. He just needs to be mad at someone. Oh also he cooks for the Basketball club and brings food to practice. Ace is his biggest fan.
Vil: Godly eye makeup. He's the one who gave Rook his feather in his hat.
Epel: Bad Ass Mother Fucker. He prefers to fight with his tounge rather than his fists. The only one to realize Trey's passive aggressiveness.
Rook: Will bring back fresh meat from his hunts. Him and Jade bring the best ingredients to the Cafeteria and no one knows.
Idia: one time he hid from people in an empty classroom for several hours after school. Ortho almost sent a search party.
Ortho: Spends hours analyzing his friends. Like as a hobby. He brings them perfectly planned gifts and they all love it.
Malleus: Lilia cuts his hair. He also polishes his horns. He secretly really enjoys Sebek's loyalty just wished he was quieter.
Silver: Takes care of the horses so well. They love him and will only accept food from him.
Sebek: He can be surprisingly quiet if you ask nicely. He gets loud again if he gets worked up. Autistic.
Lilia: He loves his sons. He ends up taking care of the whole Campus. No one in NRC can take care of themselves properly so he does it. Mockingbird by Eminem coded
Crowley: He shows up randomly and helps students. Lilia is taking a student to the infirmary? He's there and takes them for him. Leona is asleep in the botanical garden? Crowley kicks him away from the path. The teachers are so done with the chaos and are ready to combust? He's there. He will make the chaos worse and somehow contain it at the same time.
Crewel: He stays stocked up on potions ready to help any students that are ill, tired, or in any sort of pain. He will let you sleep in his classroom and will pull you into his office if he thinks somethings up. Many students have cried in front of him.
Trein: Will go out of his way to include history not taught in textbooks. Stuff about gay rights, racism, trans right, war crimes, fun facts about political leaders, etc. He does it all in the most monotone voice ever.
Lucius: The best cat. Used to be a stray wandering campus. Will bring gifts to students it likes. Recognized Leona as one of its own.
Vargas: Always down to help students. Oh you have Asthma? Good thing I have SEVENTEEN EXTRA INHALERS. You seem to be struggling a little why don't you sit down? Exercise without rest is as good as no exercise at all.
Sam: Will give freebies to students who need it. Oh you skipped lunch to study for a test? Good thing I have a sandwich just for you! Your pen broke? Which one do you want? Also will tell you all the tea.
Grim: Whenever he eats those blot crystals he suddenly knows all of the victims trauma which he reports to Yuu.
Yuu: Has serious conversations with Overblot victims. The best non licensed therapist.
Authors Note: It's 1:23 AM. I'm going to sleep.
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favcharacterpoll · 9 months
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Goodtimeswithscar from Third Life faces Soundwave from Transformers. Who do you like more?
Scar Propaganda:
"Swindling everyone is always great"
"The best time ever. Scitties. Jellie the cat. Mr Rizz himself. Ect."
“scar is the server con man. he’s absolutely delightful. he’s got max charisma so he WILL sell you anything and everything. it will be useless but you will buy it anyway, sometime later this week he will also murder you. he tries to run a monopoly on sand whilst living in a giant desert. he sells “reputation points” to people under the promise that he won’t murder them if their scores are high enough (he’s lying), he will burn your precious tree down. he will turn and look to you with the sweetest voice and the most precious smile and declare that he’s going to murder everyone. and he will, you will too. and then he will let you beat him to death at the end of this brutal game. you won but at what cost? then you will jump to your death, because you cannot handle being the lone survivor.”
"VOTE SCAR OR ILL KILL YOU NOW in a chill and fun way tho"
"you are not immune to the good times"
"you are not immune to the good times"
Soundwave Propaganda:
"In like every show ever once he's not there/kidnapped/dead the entire Decepticon fucking faction goes to shambles. Ex: in transformers: Prime, (SPOILER!)
once he was "banished to the shadow realm" Megatron literally died and they lost the war ����💀"
"Soundwave never loses in a poll"
"SOUNDWAVE MY BELOVED his back is so so sore from single-handedly holding up the Decepticon cause every vote for him is 1 more ibuprofen tablet given to him"
"Soundwave is the funniest fucking character in transformers because he's literally the straight man in every situation he's in with the decepticons, because all of them are absolutely incompetent at their job due to them being too focused on infighting. When Megatron died in FOC Soundwave was the one who literally put him back together and by extension, fucked everything over for everyone else because in this specific continuity Megatron just happened to be addicted to space meth.
However it can be so easy to see Soundwave as emotionless because of his straight-man role and his monotone speaking patterns, but Soundwave has plenty of emotions that he displays throughout the years, most notably being when he's dealing with the cassettes (aka his children), and can range from being soft-spoken with them, to full-out enabling their violent tendencies and letting them go ham at beating the shit out of teammates (shout out to that one g1 clip where Soundwave tries to hold back his kids for like a single second before saying "fuck it" and letting them go for the eyes).
Even outside of the cassettes though, he's very expressive in his own way. In fact, he's the KING of pettiness and sass when he wants to be. He literally plays his own supervillain music when walking the halls, he's not above insulting the other deceptions when their arguments are bullshit to him, even when faced with the destruction of the world he was like "nah" until he saw his boyfriend getting injured and went "REAL SHIT" (there's literally memes about this it's so funny). Speaking of friends, he actually has a lot of interesting dynamics with the people around him, especially when it comes to the decepticon high command. He's described as Megatron's most trusted advisor, he's somewhat amicable with Starscream (who's his own brand of frustration), and he and Shockwave even seem to get along pretty well (to the point they have a biologically fucked up tube son together?? It's been years since I've watched Siege but I swear that was what lead to Soundblaster), and did I mention he's gay? I'm pretty sure he and Cosmos are in a relationship together in the IDW comics or at least have a mutual attraction, it's cute.
Also speaking of IDW Soundwave: he likes elephants. They're his favourite animal and he loves them to the point where after he died in the comics, his kids specifically started targeting elephant poachers because they knew Soundwave would want that.
Have I mentioned he has a cat dad in the IDW comics. Like his dad is a literal robot cat that found him when he was having a sensory overload in the middle of the streets. Have these panels from when his dad died and he wasn't even there to see it! He just knew 💖
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And have I mentioned he's met Fluttershy? Because he canonically met Fluttershy and let his cassettes play with her (while DELAYING HIS MISSION. THAT'S HUGE IN SOUNDWAVE LANGUAGE.)
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There's also him being the reigning champion of best robot husband, but that's a whole other situation which is also really funny."
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sanjisboyfie · 7 months
๑ keep safe : zoro being annoyed at his captain and [name] (16)
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one piece x male reader
maybe you're the same as me 
we see things they'll never see 
you and i,
we're gonna live forever 
『 prev 』
that night, no one really pressed [name] for answers of what ace and him talked about. they left him alone, except for luffy who had zero social cues. but it seemed like [name] didn’t mind his company.
he was grinning ear to ear as he talked with luffy about whatever luffy wanted to talk about. the crew was worried for [name] to an extent, but it was good to see their captain take some of that stress off of his shoulders. and just by being himself. luffy was attentive to [name], clinging onto him and pouting for attention every now and then. and since [name] was feeling rather sentimental, he gave every ounce of attention he could to luffy. 
[name] and luffy talked the whole rest of the night, falling asleep in each others’ arms. a whispered i love you was barely heard as it was carried away by the wind, but the tightening of luffy's arms around [name] let the man know he did hear it. to some extent, the setting reminded him of their treehouse. just using each other for body heat when the nights were cold. it made [name] only more grateful that he did end up finding luffy when he did.
but, despite how peaceful their night together was, the next day, [name] was filled with nothing but unbridled rage towards his captain. once more.
“you’re fucking with me,” [name] rasped, looking at their surroundings.
a couple hours prior — “alright, zoro, [name], it’s up to you then,” nami called out to the duo, making them immediately refuse the idea. seeing their reluctance, nami pulled her trump card, “do you want me to talk about your debt?”
luffy had gone and drank water from a suspicious cactus. it caused him to start hallucinating and essentially going feral. and no one else wanted to deal with him, zoro and [name] included. but when nami commanded them to, using their debt as a means of pushing them to act, they cursed under their breath. 
unfortunately, it worked and it got them stepping to work immediately.
“if you don’t end up in hell, i’ll kick you down there myself!”
“cursed navigator.”
“don’t talk so badly about me!” nami said in a sing song voice, “and zoro — i look forward to it!” she continued in the same tone, making zoro and [name] even more annoyed.
“b-but, nami, what if something bad happens?! we need [name] here to fight them!!”
“i’m stronger than both of those idiots combined, don’t panic, usopp,” sanji said in a relaxed tone, stuffing his hands into his robes pockets, “let’s just go on ahead, though, they’ll follow after us.
now, chopper was their only hope in getting luffy back to normal. but, of course, out of nowhere luffy began attacking zoro. [name] cursed in annoyance, allowing the first-mate to take care of this business. in the meantime, [name] was going to unbury chopper’s small body from the sand.
the two got right into throwing punches at each other and after a couple minutes in, chopper woke up.
“ah, thanks [name] for getting me out of the hot sand,”
“no problem, just do the same for me if i ever run into that problem,” [name] grinned, making chopper nod in compliance.
“oh, what are they doing though?”
“fighting it out, i think it’s the only way to get luffy out of that stupid state,” [name] sighed, leaning into the sand and watching the fight with not a single emotion on his face, “how stupid is luffy and why does he have to be the captain,” he rasped out.
chopper took his seat, waiting for something pivotal to happen so he could intervene. and when the two fighting finally struck each other in the face - properly - he ran down with his medicine bag to help.
he put some potion underneath zoro’s nose to wake him up and then soon, luffy followed after.
“where are the others?” zoro coughed.
“don’t know, was busy making sure you two didn’t actually kill each other,” [name] said with a shrug, “doesn’t matter, let’s just follow the footprints, can’t be too hard,”
“right, right,” zoro agreed, getting up from the sand and looking around.
at the same time chopper came to the same conclusion.
“right…the footprints,”
another breeze blew past them, sending their own previous footprints to be erased completely.
now — “don’t leave me behind!!” luffy shouted and [name] sighed, crouching down and offering his back.
“get on, before i change my mind,” [name] said. luffy took the chance with no hesitation, sighing in content at no longer walking in the hot sand.
“say, is it always like this?” chopper asked zoro and [name], seeing as luffy was quickly in a sleepy state the moment [name] started carrying him. “always climbing snowy mountains, crossing deserts…”
“ain’t that the truth? but, no, we’re a little out of the ordinary right now, then there’s our captain,” zoro sighed.
“i think i’ve gotten on board a not-so good pirate ship,” chopper groaned, feeling the heat attacking him once more.
“what a coincidence, i was just thinking the same thing to myself,” [name] grunted, adjusting the grip on luffy so that he wasn’t slipping off of his back, “why am i playing babysitter for this grown man?”
“ah, did you often have to watch out for luffy when you were younger, [name]?”
“yeah, plus the fact he’s younger than me too, doesn’t make the situation much better when he starts abusing his privilege,” [name] sighed, “he always knew i’d go in and save him, but i really hoped he’d grow out of that habit. especially now that he’s a real pirate!”
“so, it’s kind of like, you two are the most veteran people that have known luffy, right?” chopper asked, making zoro and [name] share a look with one another. “since zoro you’re the first mate and [name] you’ve known luffy since he was a kid…”
“no, you’re right,” [name] confirmed, nodding his head.
“but there’s not that much of a difference between us - all of us," zoro added.
“why did you join, zoro?”
“why do you ask?” zoro immediately countered, feeling an ulterior motive to the question.
“to me, since i just joined, it seems like everyone’s a maverick. especially you, zoro.”
“that’s true,” zoro said, a hint of a smile on his face, “in my case, things pretty much just turned out this way. i told [name] this story already, but me and luffy meeting just happened…not really something i sought after.
“but for everyone on board the ship, we’re just trying to get by. we differ in our goals with luffy, we’re trying to do what we want to do. on the outside, we have no teamwork at all. especially given our captain!”
“but…in the end, teamwork doesn’t matter at all,” [name] proudly grinned, “it’s just a mutual understanding and respect of each other,”
zoro glanced at [name] from his side view and subtly nodded his head, “it’s more so, giving something your all and turning to your crewmates and saying, “i did it! you’re up next! if you can’t do it, i’ll kill you!””
chopper and [name] sweat dropped at the explanation, but it seemed to make sense…at least a little bit, for both of them.
“but being by luffy’s side, it’s exhilirating, isn’t it?” [name] said, smiling so wide that his eyes were crinkling at the end, “for as troublesome, stupid, and reckless as he is, he makes things more interesting. and i’d rather live a stressful, adventure filled life than a boring, stale one!”
the reindeer blinked at [name]’s words, as did zoro, as the only word to describe what [name] said being: genuine. you could see it in the way he regarded luffy, the way he smiled whenever the captain was brought up, and just the way his demeanor turned generally more relaxed.
zoro grinned, familiar with that feeling and nodding in agreement.
“being by his side all the time’s given me another goal to strive for,” zoro said lightly.
“another goal?”
“sorry, dunno how to explain it,”
“and [name]? what’s your goal in being in luffy’s crew?”
[name] perked up at the question, opening his mouth to answer, if it weren’t for luffy’s head knocking into his own.
out of nowhere, luffy had woken up from his sleep and squinted off into the distance, “i see shade!!!”
he stayed attached to [name]’s back, thanks to his legs hugging [name]’s hips, and shot his arms forward. zoro and chopper paled, realizing what was about to happen.
the four of them crashed into the cave — well, technically three since chopper landed more on the outskirts of the cave and face down in the sand.
[name] groaned, rubbing his head and standing upright. unfortunately, the moment he stood up, he began to fall through the sand below his feet.
“you’re fucking with me, right?” he rasped out, feeling the ground beneath him beginning to disappear. “luffy, i’ll kill you!!”
he fell through and was met with stone cold ground beneath him after his fall. he landed on his ass, cursing at the pain, before standing up.
“luffy! zoro! chopper!!” he shouted out, listening to the way his voice echoed off of the walls, “bastards!!”
and just like that, someone else came crashing down into the ruins.
“oh, i really did summon them,” [name] said in glee, running over and kicking the fallen figure, “zoro, get off your ass, come on!”
“don’t kick me!!” zoro said, swinging his sword every which way to try and cut up [name]. “of course your dumbass would be down here,”
“yeah and your idiotic self followed after me,” [name] exaggeratedly batted his eyelashes at zoro, making the swordsman move away, “say, are you that interested in me like that you’d really follow me to the ends of the earth, zoro?”
“shut the fuck up! what the fuck conclusion was that?!”
“wah, it’s so cold down here,” came luffy’s childish voice and it was only a second before they realized that he had followed them down into the hidden room.
“idiot! what are you doing here?! if you’re down here, then there’s a good chance we might lose chopper!” zoro shouted in frustration, his face glowing red from anger at his captain.
“well, we’re alright though because i saw him falling down here as well,” luffy easily explained, pointing at the direction of sand now falling into the space from a different entrance point, “see, he’s right there!”
“that’s a relief he’s fine,” [name] said, walking over and helping the reindeer up. with a quick tug, [name] got him standing on his two feet.  
“now, where exactly are we?” zoro said, scratching his eyes to get them to adjust to the darkness faster, “is it a dome?”
“seems like it,” [name] said, walking around and grunting when he stubbed his toe against some rock, “cunt!!” he shouted in pain, holding onto his foot.
he looked up and immediately punched the first thing he saw to let off some of the steam. his fist was stopped immediately by the rock, zero cracking forming on the surface.
and now he was just hopping around on one foot while his hand was caressing his knuckles.
“fucker!!” he said, helplessly hopping around in pain.
“idiot,” chopper and zoro said in a monotone voice.
“well, whatever, doesn’t matter where we are, let’s just stay here for a little longer,” luffy said, taking in the cold atmosphere with open arms.
“hold on, i recognize these picture letters,” chopper said, walking over to the stone that [name] had just stubbed his toe on and punched, “this is an ancient language,”
“i fucking hate history then,” [name] said, still blowing onto his knuckles to ease the pain.
“you can’t seriously be in that much pain from one punch!” zoro accused in a shout.
“no, zoro, you don’t understand, i’m nothing but a sensitive man,” [name] said in an exaggerated innocent tone, holding on his hand as he willed fake tears to spring to his eyes, “a man like me shouldn’t be so roughly handled!”
“wow, he’s a good actor,” chopper said, impressed with the show [name] was putting on.
“cheesy motherfucker,” zoro groaned, looking at [name] pathetically weep about his “injured” hand. “weren’t you the one to do that to yourself anyway?”
“details, details, details,” [name] said, shrugging, “won’t you kiss my pain away, zoro?”
“fuck off, for fucks’ sake!! get serious!!” zoro said, punching [name] down on the head, and then internally wondering what was he did in the past life to deserve a punishment as terrible as this.
“luffy, come on, get us out of here, the others are waiting for us, probably,” chopper said, deciding to be the one to collect their captain.
“what?! no, i don’t wanna leave, we just got here, i don’t wanna leave!” luffy whined, rolling back and forth on the ground like a child throwing a tantrum.
after zoro and [name] physically knocked some sense into luffy, he was then determined to get them out of the weird dome. he missed the opening of the hole zoro had fallen from, though, and instead sent a portion of the ceiling crashing down on himself.
“what the hell was that…” [name] said as he gazed at his hopeless captain.
“i missed because it was too small, it’s alright, this time i’ll get it,” luffy said in determination. and he did seem to get it for a second, but then the ceiling came crashing down once more and burying him in rubble.
“what [name] said - what the hell was that?!” zoro shouted in annoyance, “just grab onto the boulder above the cave and shoot us up from there!!”
it seemed luffy refused to listen to reason, though, instead destroying the hole even larger. the ceiling came crashing down tenfold and [name] shielded his head in preparation for something to crush them all to their deaths.
surprisingly, nothing had immediately injured them. and luffy was left walking over to some pillar and wrapping his stretchy arm around it, at least two dozen times.
“chopper turn little,” luffy commanded, “and everyone grab on!!”
[name] sighed, walking over and taking his place as luffy’s backpack. zoro’s arm came around his back, to support him and made sure he wouldn’t fall, whilst also grabbing onto luffy’s robe. [name] had a tight grip around luffy’s neck and on chopper’s clothes too.
and then they were spinning around the pillar, over and over and over again until they were shot up into the air. it felt as if they were flying. with how fast they were soaring through the sky and the wind beating against their faces, it definitely felt like they were flying.
but unlike most things that could fly, they had no way of landing. chopper cried out for what they were going to do, but luffy just shouted how he had no idea either.
[name] winced, holding onto luffy and chopper tight as they braced for impact. he felt zoro’s arm flex behind him to make sure he was really secure. and then they all bounced against the sandy ground a couple of times.
[name] spat out sand from his mouth, kicking himself up out of the sand and tried very hard to not murder luffy in cold blood. he walked over to chopper, easily pulling his smaller form out from the sand with one hand and placing him on his head.
then he made his way over to zoro and tugged him onto his feet, earning a grunt of thanks from the swordsman. chopper still seemed out of it so he made sure to keep him steady on his head to make sure he wouldn’t fall.
“i think i really did get on the wrong ship,” chopper rasped, still catching his breath.
“we’re on the same wavelength today because i was thinking the exact same thing,” zoro echoed, breathing heavily as he shook sand out from his hair.
“i think i might really kill him this time around,” [name] said under his breath, trying to quell his anger and not let it get the best of him.
“hey!!! guys, what are you doing all the way back there!!! we need to catch up with vivi,” luffy shouted, jumping up and down and waving his arms for them to hurry up.
“idiot,” [name] murmured softly, taking ahold of zoro’s wrist and leading them to luffy. “let’s just go, so he can shut up,”
the four walked together for a long time before chopper finally caught a whiff of nami’s perfume.
“it’s the way of the sunset, come on, luffy!” [name] said, unknowingly sending his captain into an excited running frenzy.
“hey!! guys, we’re coming!!” luffy cheered as if the rest of the crew could hear him.
they came up over a tall sand hill and on the other side of it, nami, sanji, usopp, and vivi were walking in a straight line. luffy was jumping up and down in excitement of finding the rest of the crew while chopper, zoro, and [name] were breathing heavily in exhaustion.
now that the crew was all back together, they were able to continue on their trek to yuba without worries. [name] adjusted the headpiece around him to cover his mouth and nose seeing as the wind was starting to pick the sand up even more.
on his back, usopp was resting and sleep talking about defeating crocodile. [name] smiled at the murmurs and kept his head up to see ahead.
“did we make it to yuba? i can’t really see with all this sand,” luffy said, making everyone squint at the small glimmer of light that in front of them.
“the city doesn’t look right…” vivi said, blinking a couple of times before stiffening and jumping off of lashes the camel. “it’s a sandstorm!! yuba is being hit by a sandstorm!”
just as they were about to arrive, a terrible sandstorm had to hit their destination. with a new urgency, the crew began rushing forward to see the affects of the sandstorm.
[name] cursed under his breath, adjusting his hold on usopp when he was finished running, and looked at the city. it was almost completely buried in sand, it looked just like the city they had come across at first.
“wasn’t this supposed to be an oasis city, vivi-chan?” sanji asked, making [name] step forward and look at the terrain.
he squinted very hard, focussing in on any sign of an oasis being present. vivi spoke with a strained voice. “the sand has raised the ground, meaning the oasis has been swallowed up,”
“there’s…very little of it left,” [name] said under his breath. “it could be saved…but it’d be hard,”
just as he said that, there was a sound of someone digging with a metal shovel. the crew looked over a couple of feet and saw an old man, trying his best too dig a trench, it looked like.
“you travelers must have had a hard journey in the desert. although our oasis has completely dried out, we still have some of the best inns ever! they’re the pride of our town, you see,” he croaked, looking completely exhausted in digging as he spoke. [name] furrowed his eyebrows in concern for the old man.
“we’re here to see the rebel army, are they not located in this town?” [name] asked, although seeing from how desolate the town was, the answer was a given.
what they didn’t expect was for the old man to go on a miniature rampage on them. he began throwing things at him, which [name] slapped away if they got too close to him or vivi.
“those rebel scum!! they abandoned this town long ago,” he informed them after his throwing was finished. vivi looked shocked at the news and a sense of dread was filling the crew’s minds, “they relocated to katorea,”
“huh? katorea? vivi, is that close by?” luffy asked innocently, making [name] smack him on the head. when his captain turned to him in annoyance, [name] only put his finger to his lips and pointed at vivi, his eyes screaming, “you just exposed the princess, dumbass!”
but vivi didn’t even seem to notice the slip up, only answering, “katorea, is a town that was near nanohana…”
“you’re fucking with me, right?” [name] asked, blinking as he processed the information. if they were in nanohana when they first set anchor down in alabsta, that means the rebel army was only a town away from the beginning.
“nanohana? then we wasted our time coming all the way out here,” zoro said gruffly, crossing his arms over his chest.
“oh! i met lashes in katorea,” chopper said in surprise. lashes began to “speak” and chopper translated it. the camel offhandedly said, “i was transporting goods for the rebel army and they were stationed in katorea,”
[name] threateningly began to unsheathe his sword, “you asshole, you didn’t say anything and we were wasting time this entire journey?! i’ll cut you up!! sanji, are you ready to cook camel meat?!”
“more than ready! i’m itching to kill this bastard too!!” sanji shouted, kicking into the camel’s side.
“why didn’t you say anything earlier!?” luffy screamed in frustration.
“whatever,” chopper said, translating for the rest of the crew what exactly the camel said, which only sent them into a bigger fury.
“wait, did you say, vivi? are you princess vivi?” the old man spoke up, walking up the sand trench he was building and reaching for the princess. [name] stepped forward, in between the old man and vivi, not about to take chances with the guy’s intentions.
“slow down there, gramps,” he sad in a warning tone, “so what if she is?”
the sword that was resting on [name]’s hips was very slightly shining in the moonlight, making the old man gulp to ease his nerves.
”vivi-sama, do you remember me?” he asked quickly, seeing how eager [name] was to spill some blood, “i don’t blame you if you don’t, after all, i lost a lot of weight,”
[name] looked at the man, not taking his eyes off of him. suddenly, from behind his protective position, vivi shot out and brought the old man into her arms, “toto-ojisan?!”
“you do remember!”
“huh? who’s that?” luffy and [name] asked in unison.
“long story,” nami said simply, a haze in her eyes as she realized who the man was. her and vivi were exchanging stories while they were riding on the back of lashes and the man in front of them was a pretty pivotal person in vivi's stories.
“vivi-sama, please stop those fools!!” the old man screamed, tears rushing out of his eyes. [name] averted his eyes, feeling ever so slightly bad for intimidating him earlier.
“toto-ojisan, don’t worry. we will stop the rebellion,” vivi assured him, handing him her handkerchief to dry his tears.
the crew decided to take shelter at yuba for the rest of the night. [name] was thankful because it meant they could be shielded from the cold air outside. and just as he was about to get comfortable, he noticed that their captain was missing again.
“huh? [name]? you’re not going to bed?” vivi asked, already comfortable under her blankets near nami.
”i will, i’m just gonna check in with luffy,” [name] said, waving his hand, “he might be caused the old man out there some unneccesary trouble,”
“beat him up if he is,” nami called out over her shoulder casually.
“yes, yes,” [name] said softly, waving his hand. when he made it to the outside trench, he saw the old man throwing sand over his shoulder and working tireslessly.
“aren’t your bones aching, gramps?” [name] asked, announcing his presence to the man.
“not at all, this is normal work for me!” toto said stubbornly.
“where’d the idiot go?”
“oh…he was digging right behind me…”
[name] jumped down into the sand pit and hummed in thought when he saw luffy was sleeping in the hole he had dug. he murmured the word “idiot” under his breath before wordlessly lifting him up out of the hole.
toto watched in confusion as a simple wave of [name]’s hand had the boy’s body lifting off of the ground. in a couple of seconds, luffy was then resting on the sand next to [name]’s feet.
“how did you do that?” toto asked cautiously, looking at the stoic look on [name]’s face.
“i have magical powers,” [name] said childishly, wiggling his fingers around as if he were to cast a spell.
“not funny, young man,” toto said, unimpressed with the behavior coming from [name].
“hm, i’ll get him inside and then i’ll come out and help you look for water,” [name] said, picking luffy up with ease and holding him bridal style, “i think if you moved a little bit more to the left, though, you’ll be able to hit water sooner than you think,”
and with that being his last bit of advice to the old man, he walked back into the inn where everyone else was sleeping. dropping luffy onto a straw bed and covering him with a blanket was easy. he gently took of luffy’s hat, to not ruin it, and placed it close by for him to find in the morning.
when he came back out of the inn, he saw the old man did take his advice and was digging from the surface again.
“you don’t have to help me,” toto said, about to refuse the help, but [name] shook his head. the pirate held his hand out to the old man, urging toto to hand him the shovel.
“let me dig, i can do it better than you anyway,” he joked, enjoying the pissed off look on toto’s face. wordlessly, the old man handed him the shovel and took a seat on the side.
quickly, [name] got to work in finding water. it was deep, very, very, deep, but it was there. and he would hit it before the sun came up if he worked hard and with no breaks.
"has vivi always been so reckless?" [name] curiously asked, looking over his shoulder for a moment.
his company grinned at the question, "yes! she never cared about her status as princess as child and insisted to be friends with even the common folk. she would always get herself into trouble," there was a pause and then the man spoke again in a shaky tone, "but now that she's grown into a young woman - i can't help but worry for her and her safety!"
"well, there's no need to worry anymore ojisan!" [name] grinned, wiping away his sweat, "with the strawhats here vivi won't ever get hurt again. we're gonna help her save this country!"
the man looked at him with furrowed brows, "what makes you so confident? you travellers have just arrived in this country - we have been struggling for years."
"it's cause you guys didn't have us," [name] easily and cockily replied. this made the old man laugh to his heart's content - whether it be from amusement at his confidence or in mockery, [name] didn't know. nor did he need to. he'd keep his end of his promise and protect vivi as she saved this desert country.
toto wanted to stay up and keep [name] some sort of company, but eventually his eyes were beginning to droop in exhaustion. [name] laughed at the sleepy look on toto’s face.
with the motivation of making the man’s day when he woke up, [name] began working even harder.
sweat was dripping from every crevice of his body, his muscles were begging him to stop from how they ached, but he kept his main goal in mind. and when he finally hit some sort of watery sand, he felt himself almost begin to laugh.
he wiped his face, grimacing at the gritty feel of sand on his skin, and pushed his hair aside. his hair, which was usually tied in a neat, small ponytail, was completely unfurled and shadowing his face.
he sighed, continuing to dig to get deeper into the water supply. he pulled out a small cannister that was resting on his hip, collecting water for himself first, and then deciding to go back up for more cannisters to hold the water.
when he finally drained as much water as possible, he left the cannisters to rest near toto. he smiled as the man’s expressions were moving in time with whatever dreams he was having. [name] carried him inside the inn with ease before collapsing onto his own bed, which was near chopper.
he grabbed ahold of the reindeer and kept him close, holding him tight for some sense of warmth. chopper didn’t seem to mind, cuddling closer into [name]’s skin in his sleep.
and despite [name] only catching less than a handful hours of sleep, it was still pleasant.
[ .ᐟ ] DID U GUYS SEE THAT ZORO AND [name] MOMENT??? (zoro flexing his arm around [name] to make sure he was secure, so romantic right guys?!) WOOWWW I THINK THEYRE SO IN LOVE RIGHT NOW WOOWWWWW EVERYONE CHEER (its going to take so long for these two to even remotely progress im fucking DEAD) 
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taglist (lmk if u want to be tagged ! <3 :
@skullr0se , @strawberrii-tea, @triangulartriangles, @anotherlovefool, @haratatsu, @sinmp, @3v37773, @taru-nami, @disc0dild0s
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smallgodseries · 9 months
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[image description: A bright prismatic nimbus of psychedelic flames swirls around a single button of peyote cactus which looks like a wrinkled and inscrutable humanoid face. Text reads, “56, Wily Peyote ~ The Small God of Psycho Activity”]
He has his favorites.
All gods do.  The gods, they say, play dice with mortal lives, because when you’re immortal (not eternal, that’s a different basket of fruit, but immortal, and unending, until they do), there aren’t many games that can actually hold your interest for more than a few decades.
We do not speak of the time when Melusine attempted to introduce the pantheon to Monopoly.  The echoes of that war are still resounding through the remotest of halls, unending, like the toll of a bell with no clapper.
But Wily, he has his favorites.
He is with the addicts who seek his embrace in controlled substances, chasing him one hit at a time, and while he may feel badly to have stolen their lives away, they made a choice, once upon a time; they chose the shiver and the swirl, and he will not refuse them.
He is with the curious who seek his embrace for the very first time, the pipe or the pill or the phial or the needle in their hands, and he guides them as gently as his ever-shifting nature allows, and he hopes that he will not become their one true god, even as he hopes to see them again.  Like all things that live, he wants to survive, and that means, on some level that he must spread the faith.
He is with the ones whose own minds produce the chemicals and chaos that enable his ascension, the ones who see the air alight with colors, the ones who seek pharmaceuticals not to join him, but to push him, however temporarily, to the side.  He loves them all.
No matter what else can be said of him, he loves them all.  He can’t help himself.
He doesn’t want to.
But he has his favorites, and he keeps them as close as he can, even when they slip free of his grasp for their own good, and he cheers for their survival.  He would save every one of them if he could.
He never had a chance.
Artist Lee Moyer (Trident of Aurelia, 13th Age) and author Seanan McGuire (Wayward Children, October Daye & InCryptid series) sincerely appreciate you, whether or not you're a bud.
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(Genshin Impact) Dehya and Candace's S/O always getting into insane situations
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damn it my window's broken
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Dehya is completely baffled how her S/O is even alive.
Throughout her life, she knew one simple fact. The desert was an unforgiving place.
She now was convinced the desert actively seeked out the death of S/O.
S/O one time went near a body of water she and the other mercs had just secured. They just wanted a quick refill on their bottle, to which Dehya had no objections. It was then S/O noticed a strange chest in the water.
(S/O) "...Why is there a floating red ring around this chest?"
(Dehya) "Alright. We should get ready to move in a few minutes-"
(S/O) "D-DEHYA?!"
(Dehya) "Hm? What's u-"
A Ruin Skywatch a group of Hilichurls, Vultures, hostile Eremites, and a particularly nasty bunch of tumbleweeds threw themselves at S/O.
(Dehya) "Okay, WHAT?!"
Having S/O around was both a good luck charm, yet a terrible omen. They'd always find great riches and treasures lying around, but at the same time they'd always find every group of enemies possible surrounding it.
It was honestly a miracle that no casualty has ever been reported, much less S/O keeping their limbs intact.
(Dehya) "Jeez, everyone still alive?"
(Merc) "S-Somehow...!"
Dehya turned to S/O, laughing in utter disbelief.
(Dehya) "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were actively shouting your location to every single thing in the desert, S/O."
(S/O) "T-They came out of nowhere, I swear! All I did was look at the chest in the water!"
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Insanity, thy name is S/O.
Candace has no grievances against S/O. They had always been a curious and innocent person, a quality that was endearing.
That being said, their uncanny ability to find trouble was not.
Candace always leapt in to save them, but the situations she found herself leaping into was...For lack of a better word, stupid.
S/O wanted to examine a particularly strange shaped cactus, and since it was near the village, Candace didn't mind.
She watched as they accidentally fell onto the sand, knocking a stick to the cactus, revealing it to be a lever that turned on, and awoke a sleeping Ruin Earthguard.
Which then led into a group of treasure hoarders directly underneath it being alerted and attacking.
Which then led to the Traveler and Paimon, whom she wasn't even aware was at the village, accidentally bring a Ruin Hunter.
After the most explosive battle that month and thanking the Traveler and Paimon, she carried S/O in her arms back to the safety of Aaru Village.
(S/O) "I-I'm so sorry!"
(Candace) "Do not apologize. There was no way for you to know that was there."
She sighs as she gives them a hug, but then firmly holds their shoulders.
(Candace) "From now on, you will stay close to me, okay? I will protect you."
She still has no idea how S/O even manages to find these things, but at least any potential threat is taken care of thanks to them.
Though she was starting to believe some force was at play because she had investigated the exact areas S/O had accidentally triggered the attack, and found literally nothing.
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mcytgirly · 2 months
Non talked about opinion, but ‘Cool About It’ by Boy Genius is so desert duo coded and I haven’t seen anyone talk about it. So please take part in me analyzing the lyrics of ‘Cool About It’ to show you why it’s desert duo.
Met you at the dive bar to go shoot some pool (Found each other always, even if unintentionally. Always there to play the games.)
And make fun of the cowboys (ie. ranchers??) with the neck tattoos (I like to think soulmate marks in double life were on their necks.)
Ask you easy questions about work and school (every single small talk they’ve had in the life series since 3rd life)
I'm trying to be cool about it (the two of them literally haven’t mentioned what happened in 3rd life since like double life. I know as actual people their lives didn’t change obviously, but as characters they did. They were completely changed because of that desert, and yet they’re expected to be ‘cool about it’)
Feelin' like an absolute fool about it (idiots in love?? Need I say more.)
Wishin' you were kind enough to be cruel about it (Scar has never once gotten mad at Grian for all the times he’s hurt him. Outside of double life Scar hasn’t even really confronted Grian about it. Yes, Scar said the “you stab a man in the back” and “it’s for your secret soulmate” but he’s never fully been mad at Grian.)
Tellin' myself I can always do without it (I like to think that yes, both Grian and Scar never left the desert. But Grian tried to and failed, just like him trying to convince himself that he doesn’t need Scar. Well Scar never left the desert out of choice, he always goes back to Grian.)
Knowin' that it probably isn't true (Neither of them can do this without each other. Just Grian still tries to get away and Scar hasn’t. They need each other.)
I came prepared for absolution, if you'd only ask (The entirety of third life was the two of them literally against the world. The two of them would go anywhere with each other if the other asked. Literally all of their deaths in double life was an adventure they went on either separately or together.)
So I take some offense when you say, "No regrets" (They both hurt each other, and made each other lose lives. Though Grian pushes away Scar because he doesn’t want to hurt Scar again. Well no matter what Grian does, Scar still goes back! Scar doesn’t regret any of it.)
I remember it's impossible to pass your test (The entirety of every scam Scar has committed. Grian has never fallen for one, it was always Scar who fell for Grians. For example, Scar giving Grian a life in last life, and the entirety of their cactus trade in secret life.)
Feelin' like I'm breaking a sweat about it (“Scar put your clothes back on!”)
Wishin' you would kindly get out of my head about it (Grian being the one to tell Scar, “She’s dead Scar. You won.” in Secret life. And the entirety of “the voices want a fight” in third life)
Tellin' myself one day I'll forget about it (Once you win all the tiny details come back, but during the games you remember everything. So Scar remembers third life in last life but not on Hermitcraft. So every single season Grian always hopes he’ll come back and he’ll have forgotten what happened, he’s stuck having every single detail swallow him whole. He wishes he could use his hands again without seeing blood on them. But forgetting meant forgetting those lilacs and poppies, and Grian couldn’t live in a universe where he didn’t remember what those flowers smell like. Scar wishes he could remember everything yearns to never have to forget again, until he then wins secret life and realizes winning is to much to carry. Not when the memories haunt him everywhere and everyday for the rest of his life. He yearns to wake up one morning and forget everything, to never feel that loneliness again, but that would mean forgetting the desert, Scar can’t live in a universe where he doesn’t miss the feeling of sand underneath fingernails.)
Knowin' that it probably isn't true (Though contrary to the prior statement, both of their biggest fears is the other forgetting everything)
Once, I took your medication to know what it's like (After Scar won Scar was able to understand why Grian was so avoidant and never spoke about the life series outside of the games)
And now I have to act like I can't read your mind. I ask you how you're doing and I let you lie (Never apologized outside of 3rd life. They just don’t bring it up, they lie. Just like when Grian asked Scar if he wanted to be friends and Scar HAD to say no because he had to LIE)
But we don't have to talk about it (They never actually talked about what happened outside of the games!! They’ve never fully brought up 3rd life since the beginning of last life. They were never going to talk about it. )
I can walk you home and practice method acting (The both of them act like it doesn’t matter, but it does. It does matter. It eats them alive. It’s what brings them back to each other in every life, is every game, in every universe. They’re just ACTING)
I'll pretend being with you doesn't feel like drowning (Whenever they’re around each other they just have the memories of everything before this. They would forever be trapped by the memories of every moment they’ve ever been together. They will always go back. They will always feel like they’re drowning.)
Tellin' you it's nice to see how good you're doing. Even though we know it isn't true (They just want life to go back to how it was before. They’re just idiots in love. They just want to be a part of each others lives. They hate each other, they love each other more than anything. They want to be a part of each others days, yet they’re going to betray each other in ever lifetime. They’re going to avoid each other for the rest of their existence, they’re going to find each other again in EVERY SINGLE LIFETIME.)
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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darkaviarymc · 6 months
I kinda did a half-ass job explaining my views in the tags of that last post because, well, there's only so much you can concisely put into tags. So I'm just gonna make my own post.
I'm going to preface this by saying that you can do whatever you want forever and I'm not here to be the analysis police.
HOWEVER! I have Opinions and a right to voice them.
Grian is a very important, significant, and integral part of Scar's arc through the life series and vice versa. You cannot effectively discuss one without acknowledging the impact and involvement of the other. Even analyzing SL in a vacuum, Scar being forced to turn down Grian’s offer of friendship when both of them were desperate for alliances was a significant event for both Grian and Scar in the series. Desert Duo is important to Scar's win, and Scar's win is important to Desert Duo.
So I get it. I'm as feral a Desert Duo enjoyer as the next person. It's easy to get fixated on your favorite part, especially for the 90% of us who are some flavor of ADHD/Autistic. Hyperfixating is what we do best.
But so is overanalyzing.
Scar is his own separate character away from Grian, and I think people centering Grian/Desert Duo when discussing Scar's win and journey through the Life Series to get there are doing a disservice to Scar's character and arc. Especially when people focus on Grian at the expense of Scar himself.
The loneliness of Magical Mountain and effectively losing Joel in LL was a stark contrast to 3L and forced Scar to learn self-sufficiency. The rivalry and subsequent tentative alliance with Team Rancher and the disruption to his alliance caused by BigB in DL forced Scar to rethink everything he thought he knew about how alliances worked. The family dynamic and watching Bdubs die in LimLife was the first time he’d ever had to truly grieve a perma-death, even if only for a short time before his own demise.
And Scar took all of this with him into SL. With the knowledge and experience he gained from everyone he'd crossed paths, hearts, and swords with, he made himself into the Scar we watched push that final success button.
He did that. He did that as all of his experience plus his own wit, tenacity, and resilience. He is far more than the sum of his parts, those parts being allies and enemies of every season.
And yes, one of those parts (and a very significant foundation piece at that) was Grian and that damn desert.
We are all shaped by our lived experiences and those we shared them with. But no person can be defined by a single thing. The cactus ring isn't the only thing that made Scar who he is. Grian isn't the only person who made Scar who he is. Magical Mountain, Joel, Jimmy, Tango, Cleo, Etho, Pearl, Bdubs, BigB, Gem... all of them contributed.
But more importantly, Scar made Scar who he is.
I think something ccScar says a lot can be applied to cScar here: life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. And it's how Scar reacted to the people and events that he encountered that won him Secret Life.
TL;DR: It's OK and even important to bring Grian into the discussion of Scar's arc. But it's a great disservice to Scar's character to make Grian his ENTIRE arc.
PS: Yeah ok fine I'll say it now: I THINK THEY FINALLY LEFT THAT DESERT!
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howlingday · 4 months
Jaune: It's been our pleasure to provide you with hilarious incorrect quotes, entertaining stories, and saucy RWBY content. I'd like to personally say that all of us, love you. Each and every single one of you. And... (Sighs) You're all allowed to do whatever you want to my butt, whenever you want it. There will be no takesies-backsies.
Nora: Thank you, Jaune~! Your apartment key is in the box of mystery.
Jaune: You mean the breadbox you never cleaned out?
Nora: It goes by many names, and yes. And despite Jaune's butt-hurt feelings- or should I say "soon to be butt-hurt feelings" -we here on this page want you to know that we do love and appreciate you all.
Ruby: "Have any of you ever met any of Jaune's supposed girlfriends?"
Weiss: An interesting question, but the answer is simply no. Because much like Sasquatch, the Easter Bunny, and any of my tax forms, they are not real and do not fucking exist.
Jaune: Are you guys just going to be shitting on me for this entire post?
Weiss: Oh, Jaune... Not everything is about you.
Blake: Am I into BDSM? Well, I like to keep my options open, so I will dabble a little in S&M. Though, I find masochism especially fun when paired with karma. Don't you agree, Jaune~?
Jaune: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this wasn't about me.
Blake: Nothing is.
Yang: Have I considered getting together with Jaune? Well... there's a lot of ways for me to answer that.
Yang: Fuck no. Hell no. Not for all the lien in Remnant. And, my personal favorite, I would rather fuck a cactus.
Yang: But I'll stick with the simple "Nope" this time.
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sprout-fics · 6 months
I dont know if this’ll make sense so I will try my best, but I hope in the end it’ll just help ease the anxiety you might have cause I’m normally a silent observer and like watching and reading and enjoying from afar
But you know Christmas cacti? It’s a plain little succulent that quietly makes a space in your home green and pleasant? But during the cold months it’ll make these bright beautiful flowers that are just so vibrant and pretty compared to the leaves and it’s hard not to look at cause gosh is it pretty. And they’ll stay for some time, a good couple of weeks, and then the blooms will fall off and it’s back to its sleepy self again till next season.
That’s how I come to this blog, and your writing. It’s so lovely, even when you haven’t posted anything. It’s a comfort to come back to and I enjoy each and every time cause it was great from the beginning. And when you post something new, it’s so exciting and I come running.
So if you find yourself just wanting to sit back, not posting so often, I’m very sure so many of us will come flocking to your writings or posts anyways cause even if it doesn’t last long or forever or it’s only a short time, we’ll enjoy what you have to give cause it’s a treat every single time. Like a Christmas cactus
Does that make sense? Anyways. I will always look forward for what you have to give, even if it’s weeks, months, or years in between each release of anything. Cause it’s worth it to me and it’ll feel just as good as the first, second, and third time, ya know?
Happy belated birthday, sorry I didn’t say it sooner, but take care of yourself. You deserve every good that you get so take it! 😊
I've read this message several times within the past day. I think it's one of the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful messages I've ever had the pleasure to receive. I wish I had words to express how much I cherish it. I am so honored to be the recipient of this.
I used to feel the same way about this blog. It was a shelter from the rainstorm, a gentle place to land. Now, it makes me anxious and nervous- like being thrust outside into a gale and not knowing where to go. I think it's time I take a long, very long break. I tried to take one a little bit ago, but I don't think it solved the root issue of why I'm not enjoying myself, whatever that may be. I wish I knew. I wish I knew so I could fix it.
I'll be gone for a while. I'll still be uploading to ao3, but I don't find myself having the energy to crosspost here anymore. I'm not going to stop writing, but I am going to start doing it in a way where I'm writing for myself again, and not for others. I need to find the thing that made me start writing in the first place, so that if and when I come back, it will be through joy, not through an obligation of doing things just to do them. I have to stop treating myself like a content machine.
I'll still reblog things to @sprout-fics-reblogs probably. I like being here and seeing others' art and fics. I just won't be posting myself. I think I'm going to turn off asks as well. Just trying to shrink down and allow this blog to go dormant.
I appreciate every single person who has reached out to me. I have so many kind people following me and I think I take that for granted sometimes. Thank you. If you want to reach out to me, feel free to DM me, and I'll send you my discord.
Talk soon. Thank you. I love you. Bye.
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bestfictionalplant · 3 months
Round 2 Group 1
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Propaganda and spoilers under cut
Audrey II:
Oh my god the plant IS my blorbo. It/its Queen. Seymour Krelborn found Audrey 2 at a random market when there was a “Total Eclipse Of The Sun,” brought it to the flower shop where he worked and named it after his crush, Audrey. Eventually Audrey 2 started to crave blood (“Feed me, Seymour”), and Seymour ended up feeding Audrey 1’s abusive boyfriend Orin Scrivello (WHO HE DIDN’T KILL) to the plant. Eventually in the musical (and some versions of the movie) Audrey 2 eats every single main character, but before that in the movie it sings a song (“Mean Green Mother From Outer Space”) about how it came from… Venus I believe? Idk. And then in the movie it becomes a Kaiju. It’s my favorite plant quite literally ever and my dad played it in a summer camp production so it has to win. Vote Audrey 2! Previous propaganda: round 1
A Plant Digimon which has the appearance of a gigantic cactus. It can store nutrient data within its body, and can even survive for a long time in the empty desert areas. What it's thinking usually can't be understood at all by trying to discern it from its facial expression, as it spends most of the day staring off into space. However, once Togemon is angered, that expression changes completely, it starts getting violent, and it becomes unable to settle down. Its Special Move is further hardening the thorns on the ends of its arms and bang-bang striking with them (Chikuchiku Bang-bang). Previous propaganda: round 1
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bvlladonnas · 1 month
we're back in the fucking building (angel forgot she never finished this). ximena's, freya's, kaito's, & briar's favorite flowers, and why. / @valpoinspo
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ximena likes peonies. peonies represent prosperity, good luck, love, and honor. the flowers are quite expensive, particularly for a family of twelve, and so they were often part of ximena's birthday gifts growing up, a rare treat to have adorning her shared room. she loved the way they bloomed, how they would take up a whole vase. when xime got to her house in chile, there was a bouquet of peonies awaiting her on the counter, the most she'd ever seen. she sobbed the whole night after reading the card (what's new, miss sentimental) – her parents and grandparents had pooled money to get her this many, a "good luck" on her new endeavors, a request to continue to make them proud. she dried pressed every single one of them so they could never die.
honorable mentions: carnations, camellias, and lotuses.
freya likes yarrow. a common sight around the reservation growing up, freya used to spend endless hours counting petals with their friends (what they thought was a clever way to stay out past curfew and mess around). yarrow reminds freya of home, and endless nights laughing under a blanket of stars. since yarrow represents youthful love, rania received a small bouquet of it when freya finally asked her to be their girlfriend. very cheesy, but clearly it worked. now every bouquet rania receives (or any bouquet freya buys, actually) contains a bit of the flower; they see little piece of themselves in every bunch.
honorable mentions: hyacinths, orchids, and pincushion flowers.
kaito likes cherry blossoms. much like oliver's reasoning, they remind him of home. while he doesn't have as many bittersweet (heavy on the bitter) memories as oliver does, the yellow and white petals remind him of simpler times. walks home from school with his brothers, strolls through the park with his mother. the one weekend a year his father would be home and not look at his phone once, prioritizing his family over his work. they would sit outside and bask in the falling petals, watch the trees sway in the wind. cherry blossoms represent rebirth, new beginnings, and renewal, something kaito will know intimately quite soon.
honorable mentions: birds of paradise, spider lilies, and lily of the valley.
briar likes tulips. tulips, while having a variety of meanings, are known for representing love. to briar, they represent his mother. on the way home from school they'd often stop by the store to pick her up a bouquet with whatever money he could scrounge up at the time. it was a rare instance of a genuine, excited smile from the woman, something briar though they couldn't give her anymore. he likes yellow ones, specifically, because those were her favorite. there's a spot on his windowsill that houses a singular yellow tulip in a vase at all times. ask them and they'll just say they thought it looked nice.
honorable mentions: california poppies, cactus flowers, and wisteria.
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casposters · 1 year
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Title: Guadalcanal 1942–43: Japan's Bid to Knock Out Henderson Field and the Cactus Air Force Authors: Mark Stille & Jim Laurier
Attack on the “High-Speed Convoy” On October 15, the remnants of the attack aircraft from the Cactus Air Force attacked the Japanese “High-Speed Convoy” of six transports and eight destroyers. The transports arrived off Guadalcanal at midnight and immediately began to unload. When dawn broke, the Marines found the transports protected by Zeros from carriers Hiyo and Junyo and floatplanes from the R Area Air Force. Japanese bombardments of Henderson Field by battleships and cruisers the previous two nights left few American aircraft operational and little fuel. The fuel problem was solved when one of Geiger’s staff officers remembered the location of an emergency fuel reserve. As the Marines searched for fuel, the mechanics worked furiously to return damaged aircraft to flyable condition. Eventually, Geiger prepared a coordinated strike of 12 Dauntlesses escorted by eight Wildcats, three P-39s, and a single P-400. Geiger added his personal PBY-5A flying boat to the strike flown by his personal pilot Major Jack Cram. Using the slow and plodding PBY in daylight was considered suicidal, but the situation demanded every aircraft be committed. The PBY was fitted with two torpedoes and Cram was given his first-ever lesson on how to conduct a torpedo attack. The plan was for the Dauntlesses to attack first and draw attention away from the low-flying PBY. Cram put the aircraft into a dive and reached 240 knots, beyond the PBY’s safe speed. He succeeded in launching his two torpedoes at transport Sasago Maru. The ship was set afire, though it is not known if the cause was a Dauntless bomb or one of Cram’s torpedoes.
Wildcats and Zeros were exchanging fire behind the lumbering PBY. After delivering his attack, Cram turned left to regain the Marine perimeter. One Zero riddled the PBY and closed for the kill. A Wildcat got behind the Zero and brought it down on the edge of Henderson Field. Both Cram and his PBY survived this harrowing experience.
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