#and completely misunderstanding it for 'what love must probably feel like'
wickedheadache · 1 year
OUAT sucks so much at writing romances that the only "straight woman" that seems to be actually attracted to men is Snow. Literally everyone else's attraction is just compulsive heterosexuality, they kiss a man and I just. can't believe them.
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alaskasmonsters · 1 year
𝖆 𝖇𝖔𝖜𝖑 𝖔𝖋 𝖗𝖔𝖈𝖐 𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖞 | 𝖕𝖙. 2 (gojo satoru)
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pairing: gojo satoru x gn!reader
content: reader has amnesia, pining, oblivious reader, not actually unrequited feelings, misunderstanding, clown behaviour (gojo IS in it after all), fluff, gojo being a softie
w/c: 7.069
summary: your amnesia still wasn't getting better and your confusing feelings for satoru, a man you didn't even remember, didn't help at all. and why did he keep acting so...weird?
a/n: happy april fools! instead of pranking you with a not funny joke like the majority of the internet i decided to give you a gift! the second part you’ve been waiting for for months haha…🥲 i hope the word count makes up for it a little as this did end up long!! i completely underestimated how much work this would be so forgive me for the v long wait 🙏🙏 i hope i didn’t forget to tag anybody!!this time i also can finally say that this is being posted on April fools because gojo is a jOKE! peace and love on planet earth ❤️ alsoo i coloured the header myself as a little extra hehe.
part 1
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So. You were in love with Satoru. No biggie. 
You had fallen in love before, maybe even times that lay beyond the reach of your current memories. Loves that weren’t him. Loves that had been lost in the darkness of the six years you couldn’t remember anymore. Years that you feared you would never get back again.
Six years. 
You stared back at the reflection in your mirror, hands absentmindedly picking at your hair. You’ve been trying to make it look nice for the past half an hour but whenever you felt like you were happy enough with how it looked you made up your mind and started tugging at it again. 
You just couldn’t decide how to wear it, whether to smooth it down or mess it up, or maybe use any product. You couldn’t remember how you used to wear it. This haircut wasn’t familiar to you. Hell, not even your face was familiar to you. Your cheeks used to be rounder, your eyebags weren't as prominent before and you couldn’t tell whether you looked tired or you were just growing old. 
“26 isn’t old, you dork”, is what Satoru had told you when you had complained to him about it. It was, though, when you couldn’t remember anything past twenty. 
You sighed, dropping your head against the glass of your bathroom mirror, the glass fogging where your warm breath hit it. 
Yeah, that you were in love with a man you couldn’t remember was only the tip of the iceberg your ‘life-past-amnesia’ ship was steadily heading towards. It was already a mess by itself, sure, but things were worse, way worse than they seemed at first glance. At least they were in this new life that included curses and amnesia spells.
It wasn’t just that you didn’t remember Satoru. Not how you’ve met or how you’ve fallen in love with him. All the moments that had slowly tipped you over the edge or maybe. Maybe there was only one moment that had made you fall for him. Brutal and quick, like a punch to the face. You had a few pictures, the doodle and the promise of the bowl of rock candy. The candy that you were allergic to but Satoru loved. Candy you probably bought just for him to grab handfuls of it and stuff it into his pockets when he came over to visit. 26-year-old you must be helplessly in love. 
The tip of the iceberg though? You didn’t think Satoru returned your feelings. Or the 26-year-old you's feelings at least. Considering how he’s behaved after finding out about your amnesia you were certain that the man only saw you as a friend. Sure, maybe he’s been trying to distance himself from you emotionally, because you not remembering him was hard for him, but that didn’t mean anything. After all, if Satoru felt the same way, if the both of you had been more than friends…wouldn’t he have told you? 
Yeah, he was very strict with the “Don’t tell Y/N anything about the past 6 years” rule but certainly, this would be an exception.
Which meant your love wasn’t just helpless, but also unrequited. 
You sighed, burying your fingers in your hair again and suppressing the need to rip your hair out. 
26-year-old you was such a loser. 
You gave yourself a minute to grieve the loss of your nonexistent coolness, then you straightened up again, carding your fingers through your hair to fix the mess you just created.
You’ve been losing your mind about this issue for way too long already. It’s like you couldn’t think about anything else anymore but Satoru and your feelings for him. Which was ridiculous.  You hadn’t been able to stop thinking about this since last week when you’d first realized that you had liked him, back in your living room when he’d confirmed to you that it was him who drew that ugly sketch for you, the one that looked like the drawing of a child.
Well…it wasn’t ugly…it was kinda cute. Knowing him you could imagine he was doing it to annoy you…or maybe because he tried to make you laugh? When thinking of the little sticky note you could almost picture his wide grin and the way he must have praised himself for drawing such a wonderful masterpiece just for you. Maybe he’d poked your cheek and made fun of your annoyed expression. Maybe he had kissed your cheek right after you’d told him to stop being a menace, giggling against your skin, breath warm and tickl…
Not that he’d done that before. Kiss your cheek. Why did you picture him doing that?
You shook yourself out of your thoughts. This was getting pathetic. Now that you remembered your feelings for him it was almost like they were trying to rush back into your body, like a wave being pulled back to land with force. And with the feelings, the wishful thinking, the yearning, came.    
Not that any of it was real. Your feelings were just a projection of your subconsciousness because you knew you were supposed to have them! And your thoughts were just you being a hopeless romantic, imagining sweet moments between you and Satoru that never happened. 
You barely knew the man. After all, it's been three weeks now, since that day you’ve woken up without your memories. Three weeks. And nothing. Your memories hadn’t returned and you were unable to recall anything from the past 6 years. There was only this stupid feeling of deja-vu you had when Satoru had shown you his eyes and the instinct to call him by his first name when you scolded him. And now those lingering romantic feelings. 
But that didn’t count. It was not enough. 
Why did you like Satoru? Why were you in love with him? You wanted to know so badly you felt like you were going insane. It couldn’t be just because he was pretty, right? You weren’t that shallow, right?
Not that he hadn’t displayed any good qualities so far. He was funny and attentive, he knew your favourite foods and paid attention to what you told him. At the same time he was one of the most annoying people you remember ever meeting and a little infuriating about 50 percent of the time…okay maybe more like 70 percent. And he thought it was funny, too, when he was being an annoying asshole. He always laughed at your sour expression. 
But…his laugh was kind of cute. Even if he was being a prick, you couldn’t stay mad at him for long when you heard him laugh because he kind of snorted when he did and it was ador…Stop.
You grit your teeth and spun around to leave your bathroom. You’ve been spending way too much in there trying to fix your hair, anyway. You were starting to behave weirdly, thinking about Satoru’s laugh and his eyes and his everything. 
Fuck. This was bad. Were you actually in love with him now? Not 26-year-old you. But this you. Even without your memories of him? Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. 
You stomped through your bedroom, glancing at the clock on your nightstand, the time reading 2:30 PM, before ripping open your closet. You had another 10 minutes. You can’t believe you’ve wasted so much time just being distracted with your hair and thoughts. You were sure that when you had entered the bathroom it had only been around 2 PM. 
You quickly grabbed some pants and a shirt, deeming both acceptable before slipping into them, almost stumbling over your feet as you tried to climb into the pants and then almost hitting your elbow against the closet door as you pulled your shirt over your head. One look in the mirror and you pulled the shirt over your head again. It looked stupid. Not a good fit with the pants.
You started rummaging through your closet again, internally scolding yourself for even bothering that much. You were only going out to grab food with Satoru. It wasn’t a big deal, you were sure you’d done that all the time.
Satoru had told you he’d pick you up. He hadn’t told you where you were going because it was supposed to be a “surprise” but knowing him it wouldn’t be anything too fancy. At least you hoped it wasn’t. He would have told you if it was, right?
You stopped and looked down at your pants. They would work, right?
You shook your head. Again. You did that a lot now. 
You finally decided on a button-up shirt, a little bit too big on you but the material was soft and it looked good. You had to roll up the sleeves a little but then you only had to slip into some shoes and you were ready. 
Just in time, because that was the moment you heard your front door open and Satoru’s voice calling your name in a sing-song voice. 
You groaned, having half a mind to stomp out of your bedroom and throw him out of your apartment. 
“Just because you have a key doesn’t mean you can just come in!” You called through your closed bedroom door – you had expected him to wander into your apartment unannounced.
His laugh was just as cute when the door’s wood muffled it.
“I told you I would be here by 2:30, Yn-chan. I’m on time!” 
You looked back at the clock to find he was right. He was on time. Didn’t mean he didn’t have to knock. This was your apartment, after all. He didn’t live here. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror one more time, giving your outfit a once-over and letting your fingers smooth down your hair one more time before you opened your door and stepped out of your room. 
“One day you’re gonna walk in on me naked and you will not survive that because I will kill you,” you scolded Satoru, waving your finger at him in a warning. 
The man just snickered at your comment, grinning widely as his eyes fell on you. His eyes were neatly hidden behind his sunglasses yet again. Still, you didn’t miss the way they looked you over, studying you with badly concealed amusement. 
You frowned, tensing. Did you look weird?
“Any special occurrence I don’t know about?” Satoru asked innocently, cocking his head at you.
You blinked. “What? Why?”
He didn’t answer immediately but his grin didn’t waver. 
You looked down at your outfit again, wondering if it was too fancy. You knew this wasn’t a date or anything but you couldn’t help but put a little effort into your looks. Maybe it was a little more than you’d usually wear but you didn’t think it was too on the nose. 
When you didn’t seem to understand what Satoru was referring to he took pity on you and stepped closer. 
“Where did you get the shirt from?” He asked, tone light, as he reached out to tug at our sleeve.
You looked down at it, wondering why he wanted to know so badly. The shirt looked like any other. There was nothing really special about it. Maybe it was a little bigger on you but you had plenty of oversized clothes.
“I don’t know. My closet.” You shrugged.
Satoru rolled his eyes beneath his glasses.
“Try to remember!” he insisted, tapping your forehead.
You sighed, tired of this specific game. Still, you knew you had no choice but to indulge him. He was only trying to help you, after all. 
“A gift,” you suggested.
Satoru smiled.
“Very good.”
“Really?” you asked, surprised but excited.
He hummed. “It used to be mine.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. Well…that was something. 
“And you gave it to me? Why?”
Satoru cocked his head to the side, looking at you expectantly. 
You groaned and hit his arm lightly. “I don’t know! Just tell me.”
The grin that snuck on his face was mischievous with an edge of…something. Something that made you feel a little dizzy. When he answered his voice was deeper than before, an edge of huskiness to it. 
“You look cuter in it than I do, Yn-chan.”
You caught yourself before your mouth could drop open, and you could do something stupid like actually swoon. Instead, you scoffed and turned your back to him, pretending to reach for your bag, giving you an opportunity to hide your reddening face from his prying eyes. 
Why did he have to say it like that? Was he trying to be a little shit?
Satoru chuckled as if he knew what you were doing. It didn’t help at all with the warmth in your cheeks. You grind your teeth as you slung your bag over your shoulder, then decide against it, only grabbing your keys and wallet to stuff into the pocket of your jacket. You let out a quiet breath to collect yourself before turning back towards the man. He waited patiently with a small grin on his lips.
“Are you ready?” he asked. 
You hummed and moved past him to step towards the door. You reached for the handle, then you paused. Feeling Satoru’s gaze linger at the back of your head, you touched a hand to your hair again, fiddling with a strand in the back you felt was not sitting right. 
Your lip jutted out in frustration and you had half a mind to excuse yourself to the bathroom to return to your earlier attempt at making your hair sit okay. Before you could do it, you heard Satoru approaching. 
Turning back, the apology you were about to mutter died on your tongue as you saw him leaning over you. His expression was serious as he caught your wrist between your fingers and moved your hand to the side before he started softly moving his fingers through your hair instead. You froze, standing still as he combed down once, twice, giving a harsh tug to one of your strands before he pulled back with a satisfied smile. 
“Here we go. What would you do without me?”
His voice sounded so so soft. 
You swallowed, trying to calm your fluttering heart down as you blinked up at the man who was regarding you with warm eyes. Oh no, oh no no no. 26-year-old you had a point. They had a good point. 
“Does it…look better?” You asked nervously, your hand moving up to touch your hair carefully before Satoru batted it away and chided you for trying to mess with his good work.
You glared at him, knowing full well your gaze had lost its heat, and he just chuckled.
“Your hair looks beautiful as always, Y/n chan, I just helped improve it,” he soothed you, waving his hand with a silly grin.
You bit your lip, averting your gaze.
“I guess it’s just different from what I remember.”
He hummed noncommittally. Then he opened the door wide, waving his other hand to motion you to go first. The crooked smile resting on his face at that moment did not leave your mind all night.
“You’re such a chicken, Yn-cha,” Satoru teased.
You gasped, offended. “Am not!”
He poked your cheek with a soft chuckle. “Such a chicken!”
You batted his hand away, contemplating for a second if you should just bite it. You had quickly noticed that Satoru drove one to measurements like those. Would you ever consider biting anyone else’s hand? No, not in a million years. But the man was so infuriating sometimes it just awoke this urge in you.
Satoru grinned like he knew exactly what you had thought, wiggling his fingers in the air between you as if to dare you to do it. Sometimes it really seemed like he could read your mind. You blamed it on your apparently close friendship before the whole amnesia thing. 
When you didn’t actually attempt to sink your teeth into his skin he let his hand fall to the side and stuck out his tongue. You punched his arm with a huff, leading him to let out a dramatic whine.
You couldn’t believe you actually liked this dork. It was still a mystery to you, even now that you’ve finally accepted your fate. After the not-date, it was hard not to. The night wasn’t very eventful, you had only visited a little ice cream parlour and walked around the city a little. 
Satoru had been an absolute menace and dragged you into all kinds of souvenir shops – like he didn’t live here in Tokyo…
But he’d been funny and charming despite everything. He had opened doors for you and had insisted you linked your arms together. “So I don’t lose you,” he had joked but it had sent butterflies fluttering through your stomach regardless. You had even ended up sharing a milkshake because Satoru had insisted. 
It had felt like a date. It really had. But it couldn’t have been. Satoru would have told you. If there was anything going on between the two of you he would tell you. He wouldn’t keep something as big as you two being in a relationship to himself. Amnesia rules be damned. 
But even if it wasn’t a date, it had only made you understand 26-year-old you’s affection towards him more. How were you meant to not fall in love with Satoru if that was how he treated you all the time?
Didn’t mean you could let him know about that, though. 
The man was still pestering you, digging his finger into your side and making you squeal and squirm away.
“Come on, tell me,” he urged you with a whine, “Who is the better-looking sorcerer? Me, and you know you want to tell me, you have to  follow your heart, or boring businessman Nanami?”
Yeah…that was what Satoru has been annoying you about for the last five minutes on your way to Shoko’s office. Five minutes. And only because you had passed Nanami on your way there and Satoru had noticed your eyes following the man after he had nodded politely at you in greeting and given Satoru a deadpan stare before he walked past you. 
Since then Satoru was relentless in his quest to find out if you thought Nanami was more attractive than him because well…Satoru was a menace. And his ego was apparently very fragile. 
“And I told you, I cannot answer this question honestly because your ego wouldn’t survive the fall, now cut it out, you big baby,” you teased him and pushed his hand away.
Satoru shook his head, not ready to give up yet. If the shit-eating grin on his face was anything to go by. 
“You’re such a chicken, Yn-chan. You’re just too embarrassed to admit how attractive you think I am. You think I’m gorgeous. It’s okay to admit I am the most handsome guy you’ve ever seen.”
You rolled your eyes, hating that he was right. Nanami was a very attractive man. Unfortunately, you’ve found yourself more drawn to pretty men with gorgeous eyes and annoying personalities and an ego the size of all of Tokyo. Skill issue on your part.
“Sure, that’s it,” you deadpanned and Satoru hummed with delight.
“Admitting this takes strength, I know.” He gave a solemn nod and reached to pat your shoulder but you shoved him and sent him stumbling to the side, laughing.
You had to hide your smile.
You arrived at Shoko’s office only a little bit later. Satoru knocked but barely waited until the woman told them to come in before pushing the door open and sticking his head through the gap, giving a cheerful greeting.
You heard Shoko groan before being dragged into the office by Satoru, his grip around your shoulder as he pulled you in front of him. The woman’s features softened at your sight, the lines in her forehead smoothing out again. You waved at her with a small smile, understanding the annoyance Satoru was able to awaken in people. 
“I’ll leave them in your hands,” Satoru announced, grabbing both your shoulders and pushing you forward like a mother presenting her child.
“They’re not a child, you idiot,” Shoko sighed.
The man’s only reply was a smile, as he patted your shoulders innocently. You glared at him and called him a jerk and Satoru laughed. Before he finally let go of you again he gave your shoulders a squeeze as if to ensure you he’d be back, then he retracted towards the door. 
“Remember! No memory discussion! Alright, bye. I’ll pick you up in an hour.” He waved at both of you before slipping out of the office and closing the door behind him.
“I feel like I was just handed off to daycare,” you sighed and Shoko snickered. 
“He’s very protective of you.” She said it in a voice that sounded neither like she was excusing his behaviour nor like she was scolding him.  “Could be less annoying about it, though.” 
You hummed in agreement, taking a seat on the small sofa in the corner of the room. Shoko watched you quietly from where she was sitting behind her desk, tapping her fingers against the wood.
“I can imagine you’re getting frustrated by being asked this so much, but do you remember anything yet?”
You sighed, having expected that question. It’s been almost a month, after all. You knew that this was probably going on longer than any of them had expected. “No? I mean. Other than a few deja vus, if that counts.”
She nodded, staring thoughtfully at the screen of her computer. 
“Any other symptoms? Headaches? Nausea? Blackouts? Any physical pain? More tired than usual? Numbness?”
You shook your head, a small smile on your lips. “No, Doctor, no other symptoms.”
Shoko blinked, looking taken aback. Her eyes darted back towards you, then she burst out into quiet laughter. 
You frowned, confused.
“You’re still calling me out even without your memories,” She mused to herself when she calmed down, “Can’t help it, really.”
You leaned back into the cushions of the couch, feeling warm at the sound of Shoko’s laugh. For some reason, you felt incredibly pleased. 
“So you do this a lot then. Turn on the doctor mode,” you asked her with a teasing tone, wondering if you could get any information out of her without Satoru being around to shush her.
She rolled her eyes. 
“You complain about me mothering you too much when you get sick. But wouldn’t have to if you weren’t such a difficult patient.” 
You lightened up, grinning. “Mh, yeah, I like to ignore my illnesses until they go away.”
Shoko gave you an unimpressed look, seemingly displeased by how unashamed you were about it. You just shrugged. The woman decided to let it go, only muttering something to herself you couldn’t hear from the distance but were sure was about you being a brat. 
“Has Satoru been pestering you a lot about the memory thing? I bet he is, that idiot.”
Your smile fell. 
“No, actually, he barely asks about it,” you admitted, your eyes falling to your lap. “I feel like he’s pretending to be less bothered by it than he actually is.”
“Oh?” Shoko asked, but she didn’t sound surprised by your observation at all. 
You narrowed your eyes at her. “You know.”
“Why Satoru is holding you at arm’s length? Take a guess.”
“I don’t know. I barely know him.”
Shoko shook her head, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“You know him quite well. You just don’t remember. At least consciously.”
You frowned, sitting up. “What do you mean?”
Shoko leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms, regarding you with a calm gaze. 
“You said you were having deja vus?”
You nodded, telling her about when you had called Satoru by his first name for the first time and the feeling you’ve had when the man had pulled off his glasses and showed you his eyes. How you’d felt like it hadn’t been the first time. 
That last part brought an amused smile to the women’s lips. “Of course, he’d try to copy that.”
You perked up at her words. “So that did happen before!”
Shoko hummed. “Which just proves my suspicions. Subconsciously you still remember the past six years.” She raised her hand and motioned towards you. “You instinctively know how to engage with your environment and with the people you are close friends with. You recognise familiar situations and you still seem to feel the same way towards us. You just fail to consciously access your memories.”
You frowned, not quite understanding what the woman was saying. Were feelings connected to memories? Could you being in love with Satoru be a sign that your memories weren’t as removed as you had first suspected? 
Shoko, who noticed your confusion, explained further, “Y/n, I remember when you first got here. It took you months until you opened up to us more and started warming up to Satoru. Even though you are now affected by amnesia you didn’t revert back to that state. You still act as you did a month ago before you lost your memories.”
So the loss of memories wasn’t really the issue, you just couldn’t access them.
“So…what do you think I should do?”
She shrugged. “Trust your instincts.”
You sighed. Right. Your instincts. Like you could trust them when they were so ridden with your wistful yearning. What if you told Shoko that your instincts were screaming at you to wrap your arms around Satoru, bury your head in his chest and stay there? That your instincts were screaming at you to grab his face and kiss him. That your instincts were telling you that the two of you should be dating and that it was unfair how you were stuck with those feelings instead of 26-year-old you who actually knew how to deal with them.
Shoko clicked her tongue and let out a snort, making you look up with panic. Had you said any of that out loud?
She shook her head. “I can’t believe that jerk pulled the eye move but not that stupid hand thing with Infinity on you.”
“Infinity?” you questioned, feeling like the word felt familiar to you. 
“It’s one of his curse techniques.” Shoko looked up to the ceiling, pursing her lips.
Then she started to explain to you, as simply as possible, what Infinity was and how it worked. You listened to her with wide eyes, feeling yourself grow a little dizzy. 
“Infinity?” You echoed.
“Infinity.” Shoko repeated again, raising an eyebrow at your pale face. “I know you don’t remember anymore but there is no need to look so terrified.”
“So no one…can touch him?” 
“Without his permission, yes. The jerk turns it off sometimes when he pleases.” She rolled her eyes.
At your silence she turns to you, a frown twisted her face. “What is wrong?”
“I just…we’re kind of touching all the time.”
Shoko gave you a look and you blushed, cheeks exploding in warmth. That sounded…not like you had wanted it to sound.
“No…not like that, it’s just- casual, I guess. But…”
Shoko grinned. “I see.” Then she burst out into laughter.
You felt yourself blushing even more, lips jutting out in a pout. “What’s so funny?”
“The asshole always turns it off around you. It’s probably subconscious at this point.”
You blinked. “He does?”
Shoko lifted a brow, giving you an amused look. “Surprised?”
“I- of course!”
Why wouldn’t you be? You wouldn’t put it past Satoru to turn on Infinity whenever you hit his arm or shove him just to annoy you.  
Shoko just shrugged, eyes twinkling with mirth as she told you, “Some motivation to remember I guess.”
“Shoko!” You whined.
The woman just chuckled again. “You could try to surprise him. Touch him when he doesn’t suspect it. Just to test the theory.”
Yeah…maybe you’d do that. 
You sighed, watching Satoru empty the bowl of rock candy you’d just restocked the other day, grabbing a handful of them before throwing himself back down on the couch. Your eyes followed his fingers as he skillfully unwrapped each candy with one hand before Satoru stuffed them into his mouth. He hummed appreciatively every time. 
You couldn’t believe a 26-year-old you was so desperately in love with him to be indulging this behaviour. 
“I didn’t stock them up just for you to eat all of it within a day.” 
Satoru turned his head a little in your direction but his glasses were hiding his intended side-eye. 
“But you got them for me, didn’t you?” 
He grinned as you stayed silent, knowing he’s seen right through you.
“You’re so sweet, Y/n-chan.” 
You huffed. “Shut up. Who says I got them for you?”
“You’re allergic and as you’ve said before I am the only one who’s shown up to your apartment the past few weeks. Who else would you get them for?”
You leaned back in the chair, eyes resting on the bowl on your desk. “My secret boyfriend obviously.”
Satoru hummed. “I thought you came to the conclusion he didn’t exist.”
You bit your lips, glad he has turned with his back towards you again so he couldn’t see your conflicted expression. Maybe you’d just come to the conclusion that you wished Satoru was the secret boyfriend…
You couldn’t stop thinking about that conversation Shoko and you had had that day. About Satoru’s distance, about your lingering feelings despite the memory ‘loss’ and about Infinity. Especially that last part hadn’t left you any peace. What reason was there for Satoru to shut it off around you? Even when you threatened him with your chopsticks? Or was it just another amnesia rule? Did he want you to remember Infinity by yourself?
You frowned, eyes gazing towards his seat on the couch. He was still happily munching on his candy, his back exposed to you.
What had Shoko said? You should try to test him by touching him when he didn’t expect it? This way he couldn’t just shut it off at the last moment. This way you’d know for sure if he automatically disabled it around you.
Your fingers itched and you balled your hands into fists to stop yourself from tapping them against your thighs. You were sitting close enough that if you leaned forward you would be able to touch him. He was still busy with the candy, making happy noises.
Your eyes zoned in on the uncovered patch of skin on his neck, a pale stripe peeking out between his hair and his collar. 
Satoru made a questioning sound in the back of his throat and you realised he was still expecting an answer. 
“How do I know you’re not just keeping him away from me? Maybe it’s just another one of your amnesia rules.” You tried to joke, keeping your voice steady. 
He snickered, shoulders shaking as his head fell forwards a little, exposing even more skin of his neck.
You stared at it, feeling your heartbeat out of your chest.
“Though I definitely have the power to do that I don’t think-”
You pushed your finger against the skin of Satoru’s neck.
The man stopped, neither flinching nor moving away. He just waited.
Your eyes went wide, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your finger. He hadn’t activated Infinity. He couldn’t even have known that you would touch him. Your mind was reeling.
“Sorry, you-uh-there…there was a hair!” You yelled out, voice rising an octave, as you swiped your finger down his skin to pretend like you were brushing it away.
Then you quickly snatched your hand away.
“I see. Thank you.” Satoru’s tone was unreadable again. And he still didn’t turn around.
Not that it would have helped ease your mind to see his expression, not when the glasses were hiding his true feelings by covering his eyes. 
“Of course.” You laughed awkwardly, now wanting nothing more than to bend forward and press your lips to the spot you had just touched. 
You shock yourself out of that thought. Get a grip.
You cleared your throat. “So you have… the power to keep my secret boyfriend away, huh?”
It was meant to lighten the mood, maybe get rid of the sudden tension you felt between the two of you. But Satoru stayed quiet for a while.
“I’m the strongest.” He said it like it was a fact and for some reason, you didn’t doubt him. 
You smiled. “Maybe he’d get very upset if he found out you ate all his candy and would try to fight you.”
“I’d win,” Satoru insisted, finally turning around to look at you, a smirk lifting the corner of his lips. 
And then with one smooth move, he bent over the back of the couch and snatched the bowl of rock candy from your desk. You gasped, watching in shock as the man dug his hand in the contents and fished out even more candy than he had before.
You jumped up, reaching for the bowl.
“Give it to me.”
“Nope.” Satoru laughed, holding his hand out of your reach.
You bent over the back of the couch, stabilising yourself on his shoulder as you climbed half over the backrest, Satoru’s laughter filling the air with your annoyed yells.
“Satoru stop being a little shit. I just bought these. That’s way too much sugar for you.”
You reached over him, catching his wrist and almost losing balance and falling but were able to catch yourself in the last moment, luckily not smashing your foreheads together in the process. Wait…foreheads?
You froze, hands still holding his wrist as you realized that you were now sitting in Satoru’s lap. 
Like actually sitting in Satoru’s lap. Butt on thighs. Sitting. 
You couldn’t move, you tried to will yourself to do something. Anything. But your body didn’t respond, too overwhelmed that you were sitting on Satoru’s lap. 
The man looked unbothered, eyes twinkling with mischief as your cheeks exploded with heat and you kind of wanted to slap him because what the fuck? 
You let go of his wrists and quickly tried to move back and out of his lap but had to have Satoru save you from losing balance and almost falling backwards in your attempts. Which he did by grabbing your waist with his hands and pulling you back in his lap, letting go of the candy still in his hand. The sound of them clattering to the floor filled the following silence. 
“Careful,” he chided you, voice playful. 
You stared at him, eyes darting between the dark lenses of his sunglasses and across his face as you tried to work out what was happening. 
“See something you like?” he teased, hands still comfortably resting on your waist.
That’s what you noticed suddenly. He hadn’t let go of you. No, he was keeping you in his lap, like he wanted you there. And what he just said…was he flirting? 
Seriously flirting? 
You reached forward, not knowing what possessed you as your fingers traced the frames of Satoru’s glasses before softly plucking them from his face. The man didn’t stop you. He remained still, unblinkingly staring up at you with those blue eyes that mirrored the sky. You folded the glasses absentmindedly and clipped them to his shirt before your hand reached for his face again. The cap of your finger brushed the skin of his cheek, barely able to notice the softness of it when you came back to yourself. What the fuck were you doing.
You reeled back, almost falling out of Satoru’s lap again if it wasn’t for the man’s grip around you.
“Why are you fighting it?” His voice was suddenly serious.
You blinked, overwhelmed by what had just happened, what was still happening.
“Fighting what?” You breathed out, flexing your fingers in his grip.
Without much explanation, he pulled your hand back to its previous position a few inches away from his face before letting go again.
“Trust your instincts and stop fighting them, otherwise your memories will never return.”
You swallowed.
“What if it’s not instincts?”
He cocked his head. You didn’t continue your sentence.
What if it was merely your feelings for him? What if you messed things up for 26-year-old you?
Gojo sighed, shoulders falling and for a second you saw disappointment fleet through his gaze before it was replaced with a feigned expression of amusement.
“You’re such a chicken.”
He straightened up and you realised that he was letting you go, that you could get out of his lap now. Instead, you did something stupid. 
You grabbed his face with both of your hands and waited long enough to see him perk up in surprise, eyes wide as they stared up at you, and then you leaned down to press your lips against his. 
Satoru didn’t even wait until your lips were fully connected before he pushed forward, head tilting until your mouths could slot together perfectly. Something in your chest fluttered as he pulled you closer against him, your chests being pressed together. You gasped into his mouth. He used that opportunity to deepen the kiss, slipping his tongue past your lips and you followed his guidance, letting yourself sink into the sensation. You shuddered against him, overwhelmed with the feeling of him but at the same time, it felt normal…a little bit like you were coming home.
You both pulled back to catch your breath, not moving far away, noses still close enough to almost touch. This was insane. You couldn’t help staring at him, his eyes looked so bright and a little crazy. You just noticed how impossibly blue they were. Bluer than the sky even, like they contained a whole other universe in them.
You swallowed, tongue darting out to wet your tingling lips, the taste of sugar lingering there.  You didn’t pay any attention to it, too distracted by the excitement that bloomed in your chest when Satoru’s eyes darted down to follow the moment. 
A laugh bubbled past your throat at the absurdity of it all. Only yesterday you wouldn’t have thought it possible that Satoru would let you kiss him, much less kiss you back. That you’d been sitting here in his lap, all because of…well…
“You deactivated it.” Your voice was barely above a whisper. 
“When I touched your neck. Infinity.”
His eyes widened, finding yours. “You remember that?”
You gave his cheek an apologetic squeeze, “Shoko told me.”
He visibly deflated. “So you still remember nothing?”
Yeah…there was still that. Your memories. You swallowed, eyes darting down to his lips again and you remembered what Shoko had told you. What Satoru had just told you. You have to trust your instincts.
“I can’t tell if it’s a memory or more of a feeling. But I think we’ve kissed before.”
“Oh yeah?” Satoru teased, visibly brightening up again. 
He hummed, fingers squeezing your waist as he pulled you closer against him. Your thumb brushed his cheek and your noses brushed. 
“Do feelings count as memories?”
Satoru lifted an eyebrow.
“You’re getting philosophical with me.”
You softly pinched his cheek.
“Would you let me kiss you again?”
His eyebrow quirked up. “Would that help with your memories?”
“Would you let me even if it didn’t?” You whispered, already leaning closer. 
“Are you asking these questions to figure me out or because you want to kiss me?” he asked, but his voice sounded hoarse and you could tell that he wanted you to kiss him just as badly as you wanted to kiss him.
“I’m following my instincts,” You muttered and leaned back in to connect your lips again.
Yeah. This was like coming home. 
After that afternoon you became bolder. Pulling Satoru down for kisses, reaching to hold his hand, sitting close enough your legs were touching, snuggling up to him when you were watching a movie. 
To your pleasant surprise the man was accepting your touches with ease, Infinity still shut off around you. You didn’t talk about it at first, happy to just enjoy this new but somehow familiar dynamic you had. But there was really just one explanation for this. 
“We’re dating.” 
Your statement didn’t seem to surprise Satoru at the very least.
“Is that a question or a statement?” he mused, not even turning around as he prepared your food at the counter of your kitchen.
You closed the distance between the both of you and slung your arms around him, testing, and just like you’d expected, he let you. Not just that, it almost felt like he was leaning into your touch.
“I’m pretty confident,” you hummed, tightening your grip and pressing your face into his side.
“You’re remembering?” Satoru asked but he didn’t sound convinced.
You scrunched your face. “Did I ask you out?”
Satoru tensed and peaked down at you, eyes narrowed suspiciously. 
“Are you guessing?”
You grinned. “I asked you out but you kissed me first.”
His eyes widened. “Y/n…”
Your grin softened into a smile at his hopeful eyes. 
“It’s not really remembering, I think. It just…feels right. It’s like I just know it.”
He sighed, reaching out to twirl your hair between his fingers. 
“Are you even trying?” He sounded so whiny. It made you giggle again.
“You’re such a jerk. Why didn’t you just tell me we were dating?”
“You need to remember yourself for the curse to wear off,” he justified, but then admitted what you had already suspected, “It was also very funny to watch you squirm and be all flustered around me. You were so embarrassed for wanting to see my eyes.” He giggled to himself. “And to hear about that secret boyfriend of yours you buy those candies for was very entertaining. “
You rolled your eyes. “And you were that secret boyfriend the whole time.”
Discarding the food at the counter the man turned around in your grip so he could sling his arms around you as well. He rested his head on top of yours.
“You never told me you were allergic.”
You shrugged. “You would have made fun of me for being so smitten with you.”
“Because you are! You love me so much!” he sing-sang, rocking you in his arms, making you laugh. 
“Yeah, I do,” you agreed softly.
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@crystal-lilac @duf3h6237 @hufflefluffslytherin @chucky-26o1 @lordbugs @patchi-chi @chewymoustachio @enesitamor @yourbloodyqueen @lady-cryptstone @iwatobiswimbros @kite11 @kurookinnie @spacedaddydinn @nishayuro @cinaiel @marblesphere @zhah-zu @olaf9086 @oriontingz @bloobrryktty
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Summary: You and Pablo have ben going out on dates when a false rumor made you doubt yourself and shut him out...until he finally gets to confess his feelings.
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: slight angst/ smutty themes/ fluffy ending
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You met Pablo at one of the after parties through shared friends, and since you guys started talking you fell madly in love with the Barça golden boy.
He was so caring and knew just how to make you feel like the only girl in his word. Everything seemed to be perfect unless a particular rumor sparked your interest.
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Barça Golden Boy, Pablo Gavi, caught with his new girlfriend, young influencer and model, Jessica Sin. What are your thoughts on this newest football couple???
After reading that title and looking at that picture for what felt like eternity, you shut off your phone feeling tears fall down your cheeks.
"Was he really pretending this whole time!?" you said out loud to yourself in utter disbelief.
After reading the rest of story which claims they only started dating a few weeks ago, you remembered that Pablo told you he will be a little distant due to preparation for El Copa del Rey. Yeah, right! He was probably fucking her during that exact time!
"I'm so stupid! Díos!" you said in defeat getting your backpack and packing some of your clothes you kept at Pablo's apartment leaving before he came back.
You weren't even gonna tell him 'goodbye'. He didn't deserve any sympathy from you after this!
When Pablo came home, completely exhausted from yet another all day training session, he was surprised that you were not waiting for him.
Last time the two of you texted, you made a plan to do dinner and a movie at his apartment and he was planning on begging you for a sleepover as well...after so many busy days, he just missed spending time with his girl.
He took his phone to text you.
pablo: why are you not here bombón?? don't tell me you forgot about our date :(( Read 10:30pm
Pablo finished his shower, putting on some grey sweatpants before taking his phone and raising his eyebrows after seeing that you just left him on read.
His first instinct is that something must have came up and you couldn't talk right now. He trusted you enough to give you space and wait for your call.
The next morning, you didn't even have the strength to get up and go to school from crying all night thinking to yourself how impossible getting over Pablo is going to be...he was your first real love...first time you thought you found someone you wanted to build a life together.
But of course he wanted a model and an influencer! It should have been strange to you that he ever showed interest to such a normal and boring college girl.
Pablo woke up late cause he had a day off from training expecting to see a message from you pop on his phone but there was nothing. Just his read message from last night...he was starting to get worried so he decided to text you again.
pablo: amor, is everything okay? pls answer me, I'm starting to get worried. Read 11:12pm
You read the text tossing your phone away as more tears escaped your tired eyes. Was he really acting like nothing happened!?
Seeing that again just read his message, Pablo was seriously freaking out at this point. Did he do something? Were you mad at him? A call from Pedri interrupted his thought process.
"Hermano, have you heard of the gossip yet?" Pedri said and Pablo rolled his eyes never being the one to care much for fake internet drama.
"Pedri, I really don't care which Kardashian cheated on her husband this time! I can't reach Y/N. She is mad at me and I don't know why!" Pablo said irritated.
"I know why she is mad! It's because the gossip is about you cabrón!" Pedri said sending Pablo the link to the exact story you read yesterday night.
"Mierda!" Pablo said now realizing what had happened last night.
Of course the story was bullshit and Pablo felt horrible that you had to deal with it but that's part of his career as well (unfortunately!). He needed to explain everything to you as soon as possible!
Pablo Gavi (12 missed calls)
He just wouldn't give up for hours and ever when you turned off your ringer, you just couldn't stop thinking about answering him. You wanted to hear his voice again..hell you wanted to kiss him right now..but you knew you should't. You needed to distance yourself until you get completely over him!
"Hija. There is a chico looking for you at the front door?" your mom said peeking through your bedroom door and you froze knowing exactly who it was...you couldn't face him now...no freaking way!
"Tell him I'm not home, please mamá!" you say and she waited for you to change your mind seeing how genuinely worried the boy was but after a few seconds she respected your wishes.
"Lo siento but she isn't home. Is there a message you'd like me to leave?" when Pablo heard those words from your mom, his heart broke..you didn't want to see him.
"Um..just tell her it was a misunderstanding..por favor" Pablo said before leaving stealing a glance at your bedroom window with a small hope of seeing your face but you never came.
pablo: I know you are seeing my messages, so please just give me a chance to explain to you what happened. none of it is true, mi amor. i don't even know who that girl is, I promise you. I never had someone in my life like this, someone so genuine and kind. I can't function without you mi vida, please just come back to me and we will talk about everything. i love you so much <3
Reading that message you were crying ugly tears. You didn't know what to believe anymore...everyone online kept saying Pablo will end up with a model...the girl from the picture fits him perfectly..she isn't average like you...but Pablo's words were always genuine and you began wondering if you should have given him a chance to explain himself before jumping to conclusions.
"He's sitting in front of our house...waiting for you..and he said it was a misunderstanding? I don't know what's going on hija, but the boy seemed sincero..maybe give him a chance?" you mom said and you smiled wiping away your tears before peeking through a window seeing Pablo sitting on the edge of the road looking straight at you.
When Pablo met your eyes he got up moving across the street and standing underneath your window..it was corny but he didn't care when it came to you.
You gulped opening your window slowly looking down at those warm eyes you fell deeply in love with.
"I wanna be only with you...nobody else. Please let me explain bombón" Pablo spoke first and you felt your heart tighten at the familiar nickname.
"Bueno..we can talk..but that's all" you say and he nodded waiting for you happy that you were still giving him a chance which he fully intended to take.
"We should go somewhere private?" Pablo suggested and you nodded letting him drive you to his place although you were still keeping your guard up.
The drive was quiet for awhile...it was a little awkward because you both obviously wanted to hold hands like you always would but kept your distance instead.
"You look beautiful amor... com siempre" Pablo needed to break the silence and you just took the compliment blushing a little in response.
When you arrived he opened your door and led you inside while making sure to give you enough space so that you are not uncomfortable by his presence.
The moment you both sat down on the couch he began talking.
"None of it is true. I was signing some stuff for the fans and she asked for a picture, that's all. I haven't even asked for her name...and I would never betray your trust like that. Amor, I love you...like this isn't just a crush for me anymore" Pablo opened up and hearing those words leave his lips made something in your melt.
"Pablo..I'm scared...I don't want to get hurt" you admit deep down knowing that even if this wasn't true, you were way too "normal" for someone like him..he deserved more.
"I would never hurt you...I would rather beat myself every single day than do something to bring you pain mi vida...you have to believe me please..I don't know her.." he felt his eyes fill with tears as he came down on his knees besides you holding your hand and kissing them repeatedly.
"I believe you Pablo..but this happened because I know I'm not for you..I'm not a model or an influencer or someone that fits with the famous footballer..I'm just a college girl! I don't have the body or the fame!" you finally admit what's on your heart and he looks up at you as tears fall down his cheek.
"Don't you ever talk down on yourself in front of me Y/N! You are the most genuine and kind girl I have ever met in my life. You want to know something? I am the one who is lucky you chose me to be in your life. You are smart, selfless and real...unlike all those models out there, you are real mi amor..and that's precious because it became so rare" Pablo's words were making your heart tighten and tears spill down your cheeks. Never did someone say something like this you..and truly meant every word.
"And as for the body..amor..you got me weak every single time I see you..trust me on that one" Pablo added with a little smirk seeing a smile creep on your face.
"Come here.." he got up opening his arms welcomingly and you couldn't resist anymore hugging him tightly and resting your head against his strong chest listening to his sped up heartbeat.
"You're mine and now everyone knows it too..." Pablo whispered caressing your back and you were too busy listening to his heartbeat to register it right away but when you did you pulled away looking up in confusion.
"What did you do Gavira?" you asked and he chuckled taking his phone from the back pocket of his jeans and showing you his newest Instagram Post.
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mi bombón <3 @y.n.bebe
@gavibarca @jessicasinthequeen used this story to grow followers while this girl didn't post anything...shows you who is the real one! good choice @pablogavi !!!
@gavinhofans: I knew it!! he would never date someone so superfiecial like @jessicasinthequeen liked by 10K others
@pablitoo: this is soo cute <33
@gavifan: pablo dating a normal girl is so adorable <33 she is a real one pablitooo!!
@barcafans: this just proves how fake all the gossips are!! this is real love!!!
@pablosgirl I'm sad he is taken but I'm glad it's by a normal girl! we love the queen! @y.n.bebe
"Díos mío! Tu eres tan loco!" you said reading all the loving comments his fans gave you being overjoyed that you were not a model or an influencer..you were so wrong.
"Estoy loco por ti, bombón." he answered and you put the phone away snaking your arms around his neck while kissing his lis passionately.
"I thought we are just talking and nothing else" he teased reminding you of your words while you were running your hand through his hair leaving small kissed on his face and neck.
"Shut up! I love you too...demasiado" you whisper and he rises your chin kissing your softly while grabbing your thighs remembering that there are other ways to show just how much he loves you...;))
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sysmedsaresexist · 4 days
As someone with OSDD (if I’m right) what’s the worst misinfo about DID that us endos discuss in our spaces? /genq
JCYDJFCYS I love this question, I want my mods to jump in, too, but I'm going to spice it up with the worst misinformation from both sides.
For me, Dude, the worst I've seen in endo circles... is that DID is the same thing as mediumship. This is going to seem like I'm vagueing one of two people, but it's not you two (you'll know who you are). There's actually someone from before them that gave me the worst taste for that discourse, and probably made me a lot more angry about it.
In anti circles, it's got to be that dissociation is solely trauma-based. It's the most fundamental misunderstanding that leaks into everything else
I think those are my two biggest peeves.
Mod Quill here to say FFFFFF I HATE MISINFO. Gosh it really is in all the communities, too.
In endogenic spaces, it’s hard for me to decide, but I think it’s the idea that the ToSD is ableist because “it supports final fusion” (which is its own can of worms, which I think Mod Robo might touch on, if my guess is correct). The ToSD doesn’t even fucking mention final fusion get off it. I hear about the ToSD being ableist constantly, and genuinely, it seems like just being medical at all in any way is considered ableist…
Meanwhile, anti-endos? Good lord. The worst misinfo I see is the gatekeeping of trauma. “You can’t develop DID from XYZ” — congrats! You’re a fakeclaimer who doesn’t understand how trauma works. I pray no newly discovered systems find you.
Mod Robo here! Oh gosh, what misinfo haven't I seen? I swear I've seen the wildest shit!
Some of the worst stuff from pro-endos was them claiming or implying that CDDs are just the "broken" versions of endogenic plurality. I've seen people claim that DID doesn't require trauma, that the DID diagnosis only exists to stigmatize endogenic plurals, and that CDD systems who use terms like "parts" or "alters" just want to dehumanize ourselves and others.
Around 2019, a pro-endo started spreading a rumor that MPD was renamed to DID in order to stigmatize plurals which is just so horribly incorrect. Multiple dissociative disorders were renamed at the same time to have the word 'dissociation' in them, and it was done by a team of researchers. The pro-endo used the previous DSM chairman's ableism to spread lies and drag innocent DID systems into discourse.
Like mod Quill said, there's been a ton of misinfo from pro-endos over ToSD (theory of structural dissociation). I've seen people claim that it's completely bunk because one of the researchers who worked on it (there were multiple) lost his medical license for abusing a patient. I've also seen pro-endos try to apply ToSD to endogenic plurality and conclude that ToSD must be bunk because it doesn't fit? It just makes no sense to me because the theory was created to explain trauma-related dissociation caused by disorders like PTSD and DID, etc... It has nothing to do with plurality.
I've also seen tooons of horrible shit from pro-endos AND anti-endos about final fusion and fused alters/systems. I've seen people say it's comparable to grooming or suicide, or that these systems are just secretly "pluralphobic" and trying to become singlets. Honestly, the hatred and misinfo I've seen people say about fused systems is some of the worst.
As for anti-endos, I've seen lots of bad misinfo too... One of the worst things is gatekeeping common CDD things based on trauma type. For example, saying that nonhuman alters are only possible in systems who experienced ritual abuse. Other common CDD things I've seen anti-endos say can only happen due to ritual abuse: gatekeeper alters, subsystems, polyfragmentation, alters with number names or color names, switching due to triggers, alters who feel loyal to their abusers, alters that other alters can front through, certain headspace stuff like checkered floor tiles, having a headspace in general, etc.
I could say more but my reply is already longer than both Dude's and Quill's combined. I'll just leave it off here!
Mod Signal: I like this ask a lot lol. It shows genuine curiosity and a desire to improve spaces. Misinfo collects like dirt around syscourse. We all have to sweep regularly to make sure that shit gets thrown out.
On the pro-endo side, the worst I've seen is endo systems attempting to lean into the fantasy model of CDDs to support their own plurality. That model has been debunked for quite a while, and it has hurt so many goddamn people. CDDs are trauma-based, we don't have to reverse scientific progress or fakeclaim some of the first cases of recorded CDDs to support endo systems.
On the anti-endo side, my least favorite bit of misinformation is the idea that the TOSD shows how different people's trauma ranks in the trauma Olympics. The idea that someone with polyfragmented DID must have had things worse than an OSDD 1B system who must have had things worse than someone with BPD, etc. The level of dissociation required for each label in the DSM relies on so many more factors than just "who had it worse". There are biological dispositions to dissociation to take into account, there's the reminder that what's traumatic to a child isn't always considered traumatic to an adult, there's attachment styles to take into play. There is so much more to the science than "I had it worse than you and I have the diagnosis to prove it".
Everyone is welcome to reblog and add their own. This could be a good learning opportunity for people to go, "wait, that's not true??"
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riddlerosehearts · 5 months
silver twisted wonderland is strongly autistic coded and, although most likely completely unintentional, really good autistic representation in my opinion and i wanna talk about why 💚
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okay, so. as an autistic person myself, i love to see myself in fictional characters and headcanon characters i can relate to as autistic. i personally feel that you don't necessarily need evidence to do this, but i do like having evidence and being able to back up my headcanons! and i've thought of silver as autistic-coded ever since a couple months after i first got into twisted wonderland early last year, and have been wanting to make a post on his many autistic traits since october. i should warn in advance that this is probably going to be a long post, which is why i'm putting it under a cut. so with all that being said, let's get into it!
silver takes people's words very literally. all the time.
the first time i called silver autistic-coded, in a message to a friend of mine, was when i was sharing my thoughts on the endless halloween/spectral soiree event and i reached this scene between him and jamil:
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in this scene, jamil exclaims "you've got to be kidding me!" in frustration and silver misinterprets this as jamil thinking he was trying to make a joke, and then tries to explain what he actually meant. he also does something like this in leona's ceremonial robes vignette, when leona responds to silver's assumption that he and malleus are friends with "you're dreamin'. come back and talk to me once you wake up. or better yet, don't", and then silver replies: "in fact, i am very much awake". and in ruggie's PE uniform vignette, ruggie tries to joke about teaching silver to haggle "if you ever end up on the street" but silver responds by genuinely thanking him, to ruggie's surprise. this type of overly literal thinking and clear difficulty with understanding sarcasm is incredibly common in autistic people and silver does it all. the. time. i'm only giving a handful of examples because it would take way too long to try and compile every single instance of this.
similarly, silver tends to take what people say at face value and assume that others have good intentions where most people would not.
examples of this include the fact that, also in leona's ceremonial robes vignette, silver believes leona without question about having seen malleus in the greenhouse even though it should be obvious that leona is lying. and, in silver's broomquet/bloom birthday card voice lines, when azul gives him a coupon for his birthday, silver is told that there must be a scheme "behind this gift" and responds by saying that there's nothing written on the back of it--or, in another translation, he's told that there's "something fishy" about it and replies that it's not a coupon for seafood. so he not only doesn't even consider that azul of all people might have an unsavory motive for gifting him a coupon, but he also misunderstands a common turn of phrase. these are very common traits that cause autistic people to be thought of as oblivious and naive.
silver has trouble understanding social conventions and nuances in general, and has ways of thinking that seem strange to others.
in silver's birthday boy voice lines, he apologizes to yuu for not realizing why they were asking what he wanted a while back and having answered with "more time for training", and he also thinks yuu is odd for being excited when it's not their own birthday. in his PE uniform vignette he tries to help vil with a film club project by starring as an extra in a short film, but vil ends up getting angry with him because silver can't figure out when he's "supposed" to act surprised. he also surprises and confuses others by treating events like the culinary crucible and beanfest in unusually serious and overdramatic ways, with the latter event causing vil and riddle to discuss how difficult it is to tell when he's joking--during which riddle, who spends a lot of time around silver as a fellow member of the equestrian club, notes that silver isn't the type to tell jokes. jack and jamil have a similar discussion after silver tells them about how he befriended a family of bears as a child, during the endless halloween event. and in his birthday boy vignette, he talks about how ever since sebek grew taller than him, he's been asking sebek to get the dishes from the top shelf, which always causes sebek to get a "triumphant look" on his face. and then, rather than realizing sebek is taking pride in being taller than him, silver says he thinks that he must "get enjoyment out of fetching things from high places".
again, there's way too many examples of silver doing things like this and i don't want this post to be so long that it's impossible to read. but this is all just very autistic of him and these are the kinds of things that cause us to be thought of as weird, stupid, and annoying by our peers.
silver has flat or blunted affect.
the word "affect" refers to how one portrays emotion, through gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, etc. if you have a flat or blunted affect, your emotions will come through very little, no matter how strongly you may feel them, and it can be incredibly difficult for others to tell if you're happy or sad or what you're feeling at any given time. this is something autistic people commonly experience, and silver has this with his lack of facial expression in particular. in-game, silver has extremely little variance in facial expressions compared to every other character, and even his one rarely used smiling expression--while adorable and always a delight to see--is more of a small half-smile.
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and it takes a lot to even get this much out of him. he'll often say that he's happy or excited, and seem to genuinely mean it, but not smile at all. i believe that most often he's seen smiling like this when talking to or about lilia (brb while i cry at the thought of that). and this trait of his is commented on several times, such as one of his groovy voice lines when he says the following with his usual neutral look on his face:
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or, in his birthday boy voice lines, where he says: "every time someone takes a birthday picture of me, they ask me to smile more. i AM smiling…"
it's fairly common for autistic people to have flat affect and be thought of as robotic, emotionless, and unapproachable as a result. and there's actually a lot more on this topic that i want to talk about, but i'm going to come back to it later in this post.
silver has a love for mushroom risotto that can be seen as him having a samefood.
the word "samefood" refers to the tendency that autistic people can have to eat the same food very frequently for days, weeks, or even months at a time. people who have samefoods might have a strong reliance on routine and/or have sensory issues that make them resistant to trying new foods. and they may often need the food to be prepared the same exact way each and every time. it's common for autistic people to be thought of as picky eaters with bland palates (because samefoods are often, but not always, the kinds of foods that are usually considered bland and plain) because of this.
admittedly, silver does say in one of his voice lines that he's not too picky when it comes to food, but the reason i'm applying this trait to him is because of jade's labwear vignette. lilia comments on the fact that silver is having mushroom risotto again and says he's always been like this and that he needs to broaden his palate, to which silver replies that he doesn't mind eating the same thing every single day. then, when he tries the risotto he gets so shocked that he freezes in place and lilia suspects that he's been poisoned, all because it turns out that the texture of the mushrooms is different that day. lilia says he doesn't see why that matters and asks if silver is sure he isn't just imagining it. this last bit is also interesting to me because autistic people are often overly sensitive to food texture, and get similar reactions as the one silver got from lilia when we try to talk about it. i feel like it's lucky that the changed texture of the mushrooms was one silver enjoyed, because it could've been very frustrating if his samefood was suddenly different in an unpleasant way.
and, i originally wanted to also include sections for some other small things, like how he's mentioned feeling his chest tense up around large crowds and having trouble relaxing in unfamiliar places, or his having a fairly limited range of interests and thinking that he's not fun to be around, or how he tends to communicate better with the animals that flock to him than with his schoolmates, but this post is already getting long so i figure i should go ahead and move onto the next thing i wanted to talk about:
throughout this post i've been saying that autistic people who share the traits that silver has are often thought of as stupid, annoying, unapproachable, and/or emotionless by those around us. we get bullied and looked down on for things that we can't really help. and that's exactly what happens to silver.
here's where i'm going to mention leona's ceremonial robes vignette once again! after the "you're dreaming" "i am very much awake" interaction, leona gets annoyed at silver for not understanding what he meant and says he must have a screw loose, and then ruggie says the following, right in front of silver:
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leona then tricks silver with his lie--or, i guess technically it's more of a half-truth--about the greenhouse, an action which causes even ruggie to say he feels bad for silver. and later, when leona goes to diasomnia to confront malleus, this interaction occurs:
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this vignette is just one of several examples of other students looking down on silver and taking advantage of his tendency to take people at face value and assume the best of them. not just ruggie and leona, but a significant amount of other students see silver as absent-minded, odd, and bothersome and have given him (along with kalim) an insulting nickname.
also, silver's flat affect and the cruel way that people treat him over it is the entire focus of his dorm uniform vignette. silver gets in trouble with crewel, who dismisses his apology because he doesn't "look" sorry, for falling asleep in class and has to collect everyone's reports. his classmates act polite to his face while he's collecting them but then as soon as he walks away they start talking about him behind his back, saying that because he always has the same expression on his face, he's unapproachable, exhausting to deal with, and probably doesn't even actually have emotions. silver overhears all this and instead of getting upset that his classmates are insulting him, saying completely ridiculous things and treating him like a burden, he puts the blame on himself and starts thinking he needs to change himself to fit in with them. he thinks he needs to be like kalim and tries unsuccessfully to get kalim and jamil to give him lessons on how to be more expressive. it's pretty common for autistic people to not even realize we're being treated unfairly and instead believe that we're the problem. it's also common for us to try and mask our autistic traits in order to fit in, and to try copying the behavior of those who seem socially successful and well-liked.
but, silver has people who understand him, who love him exactly as he is, and who don't believe he needs to change.
for one thing, kalim himself doesn't think silver needs to change. he says he thinks silver is really nice and isn't unapproachable at all, but he'll try to help him be more expressive if it's something he wants to work on. kalim is silver's best friend and has never wanted him to be anyone other than himself. and when sebek realizes what silver is doing he immediately thinks it's ridiculous and instead comes up with a plan for silver to be able to show his classmates that he isn't emotionless. malleus and lilia then spot the two of them training in the courtyard and talk about how much they love and care for silver, and how well they understand him.
also, that conversation that lilia and malleus have is one thing in particular that makes me really happy about this vignette and is a reason why i think silver is such unexpectedly good autistic rep (even though, again, he's not canonically autistic and probably wasn't written that way on purpose). because, when i read the endless halloween event i knew next to nothing about diasomnia, had read hardly any of their vignettes yet, and i said to my friend "i know they probably just want us to think silver is weird because he was raised by fae, but i think he's autistic coded." i assumed that him being a human who was raised by fae would be something you could use to explain away all of his quirks if you wanted to, and say that they're a result of that rather than of him possibly being autistic.
but seeing lilia and malleus talk about how they know that silver is an incredibly passionate and empathetic person, that they know he feels very strongly even though his emotions don't show on his face, and that they don't find him difficult to read at all, made me realize that lilia, malleus, and sebek are all fae (half-fae in sebek's case, but still) who are each very different from silver--and sure, i guess you could say that some of his communication issues might come from his upbringing as he never went to school or interacted with others his age very much before going to NRC. but he did grow up with sebek who, again, is half-human and very different from him. and his flat affect at least is explicitly not something that could come from his upbringing as lilia, malleus, and sebek are all at least as expressive as any human--if not even more-so in sebek's case. and from the way lilia and malleus talk about his inexpressivenesss, it seems clear that they know it's an unusual thing, probably not any more common for fae than it is for humans. it's just not a problem for them, because it's a natural part of who silver is and they love who he is.
and basically silver is just sooooo autistic.
when i originally got the idea to write this post i made a joke to my friend that it would be easier to just post a link to silver's twst wiki page as an explanation of why i think he's autistic. i mean, it really would've been since his autistic traits come through in so much of how his character is written and there's so much solid evidence for it. but instead of doing that i decided to autistically write a... *checks notes* 2500+ word essay overexplaining my headcanon because i just love him so so much. so in conclusion:
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marvelouslizzie · 1 year
unconventional methods - chapter 2
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Summary: Bucky Barnes struggles with his feelings towards Bunny, leading him to make a big mistake. Now he must make it right. It means doing something he is uncomfortable with.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader (SHIELD Agent Bucky Barnes x Adult Content Creator Reader)
Word Count: 6.7K
Warnings: 18+ NSFW MINORS DNI, texting, overthinking, self-doubt, misunderstandings, pet names, video call, mutual masturbation, slight dirty talk if you squint, metal arm use, use of a dildo, teasing, small dose of sub/dom dynamic, no mention of y/n.
A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who showed interest in the first chapter. I really didn't expect this story to get the attention it did. Means a lot to me. If you didn't read the first chapter, you definitely should before reading this one.
unconventional methods - chapter 1
marvelous lizzie's masterlist
This story will end with chapter three, which will most likely come out the following Sunday (12th March)
Once again >> indicates incoming messages and <<; indicates outgoing messages.
Once again a big thank you to @notafunkiller and @es1dit for everything. Extra thanks to @notafunkiller for the beta-read and for helping me to improve the story. You two are the best!
All work is mine, please do not repost or translate without my permission.
Every like, comment and reblog is highly appreciated. Don’t hesitate to message me or send me a question or comment regarding the stories I write. I would love to talk about it and no, it would never bother me as long as it’s not a hate comment. They are never welcome.
Read more tag starts after the first paragraph of the story.
Gifs belong to @fysebastianstan I wanted to add them through Tumblr gifs but couldn't find them that way. I hope it's alright to use them and if not, I can remove them if requested.
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<<< Previous Chapter
After that magical night, Bucky found himself overthinking again. He was definitely struggling with the feelings he had for her. They were sexual, but that was not all. He had been in only sexual relationships before the war. It was like an agreement: purely sexual and for fun. Some girls wanted a bit more experience before finding the love of their lives, and it was totally fine, but this… this definitely wasn’t the same. He was feeling possessive over her and the feeling was so strange, especially considering they did not even meet face to face.
Of course, he knew he wasn’t the only person she was sharing this side of herself with. Posting adult content was literally her job. There was no doubt other men would like to get closer to her and she would probably talk to them a little, see how she feels and if things fall into place, they would get to see this side of her and she would get aroused just for them. A rare sight. Anybody would be lucky to witness that. 
He still couldn’t believe she was into him. It was probably more of the idea of him, not the real him since she didn’t know who he actually is, right? He knew his dick wasn’t a disappointment, his body was fine, but definitely could be better. There was always space for improvement. She did not see the metal arm or his face. She only heard his voice, saw some parts of his body, and created a different version of Bucky. Not even Bucky, James. Some 33-year-old dude named James who was partially good-looking. In her mind, he must be someone else, completely different from reality.
That was what she should be for him too, right? Some random super attractive girl on the internet who was willing to talk to him? Nothing more. Yet he couldn’t force himself to feel nothing but sexual attraction toward her. He tried to focus on work, but he couldn’t. Mission reports were always boring anyway. How were they supposed to distract him? 
>> Hey handsome, I hope you’re having a good day.
Her texting him doesn’t help, either. It’s just making it harder for him to stay away. He needed to distance himself, get a new perspective and maybe, maybe have a chance to realize he was being ridiculous. But she was so hard to resist her, especially when she was just wishing him a good day like this, with no expectation or pressure.
<< Hey, Bunny. It’s boring, but I’ll survive. I hope you are having a good day.
>> Oh, I’m having a great day. Especially after last night…
Bucky closed his eyes and took a deep breath when he read the message. He just wished she wouldn’t bring it up. It was great, he can’t deny it, but he knew… he fucking knew it was nothing special for her, and remembering that just broke his heart a little more. She shouldn’t have to act like it meant something to her. The idea of her faking something was just unbearable.
<< You know you don’t have to…
>> I don’t have to what?
<< I’m grateful that you made me feel special. It felt great, but I know I’m not special or anything and you don’t have to act like I am. It’s fine. 
Her responses came in so quickly, he had a bit of a hard time following them.
>> What the fuck, James?
>> What the actual fuck?
>> Do you think I am doing this with everyone?
>> Is that how low you think of me?
>> You think I open my messages, talk to the ones that seem okay, and send them special photos in my spare time?
>> Why would I fucking do that? What am I gaining? Loyal followers? More paying customers? People don’t wanna pay shit for things they can get for free. I know that better than anyone. It’s my job!
>> You think I pick the ones that are good-looking, and just have fun? If that were the case you wouldn’t even have a chance! Do you know why? You don’t even have a profile picture! I didn’t even know your name for days! I don’t even know if you are single or married or divorced!
>> If you think I’m treating loyal customers like this or something you are wrong. God, I feel so stupid because I thought you were different. Why would you be any different than the others? Just because you respected my boundaries, just because you didn’t ask for private photos, and just because you reminded me of those gentlemen from 40s movies, it doesn’t mean you are not after the same thing they are.
>> You have no idea what I am risking just by talking with you. God, I’m so stupid. 
>> You got what you want and now you are done with the small talk. I get it. I’m backing off. Sorry for disturbing you.
<< Bunny, bunny, bunny!
<< No, please, stop! That’s not what I meant.
<< Please, give me a chance to explain myself. 
<< Please.
<< That’s not what this was, believe me.
>> Explain what? How this is nothing special for you? It was just a bit of fun time with the girl you were following online? I don’t want to hear it.
>> You don’t have to explain anything to me. You don’t owe me an explanation, I’m just a random girl who shares adult content. Obviously, I have no soul or feelings. 
<< I’m the one who has feelings for you, okay?! I didn’t think you would find me interesting or special because I don’t feel like I am. 
<< I am sorry. I think I was just projecting. That’s what my therapist would say.
<< I just didn’t wanna make you uncomfortable with my feelings. I thought they would be totally unrequited.
>>  You have feelings for me?
>>  You better not be lying to get out of trouble, James! 
<< I’m not, I swear. Just give me a chance, okay?
>> Fine. You get one chance. Tonight. You explain yourself on a video call or I’m not talking to you anymore.
<< Whatever you want, doll. Whatever you want. Just don’t step out of my life. 
The day did not seem to pass fast enough. It felt like time was standing still just to torture Bucky more. The work was much more boring than usual: a lot of paperwork, signatures, and chasing the right people. Not that he was chasing anyone. He was sitting and pitying himself while waiting for Natasha to show up. He just wanted to get up and leave, but apparently, it wasn’t possible. When Natasha finally stepped inside, Bucky groaned out of frustration.
“Oh, fucking finally, Romanoff.”
Natasha didn’t even look at him.
“I was busy. What do you need?”
“A couple of signatures.” She leaned in and started to sign the papers as quickly as possible. She was never reading what she was signing because who had time to read a 25-page-long mission report? Apparently, Bucky Barnes because he had to write it from the scratch. Like his day wasn’t horrible enough... “I wish we could just go on missions, and that would be it.”
“Oh, that’s the dream, Barnes. That’s the dream.” She finally put her pen down. “I’ve been writing the mission reports for months. It’s your turn now, stop complaining.”
“I know, I know.” He accepted the defeat much easier than he normally would.
“Are you alright?”
Bucky looked up at her from his seat. Was he alright? Definitely not. He could feel a heavy knot inside his chest, burning his lungs and stomach while he was waiting for tonight. Of course, he wasn’t going to say that to Romanoff.
“I’m fine.”
“Doesn’t look like you are. Whatever it is, stop overthinking.”
“Easier said than done,” he murmured. 
“Look, I know it’s not an on-off switch, but you gotta try a little bit harder. Shift your focus on something else or just face whatever makes you this… uneasy.”
“I’m gonna face it. Shifting my focus is not helping.”
Natasha gave him a suspicious look. She had no idea what this was about, but she had a feeling it might be because of the pretty girl she suggested to him. Or was it just wishful thinking? No, wishful thinking wasn’t something she did often. She was always a big realist and something was definitely up with Barnes.
“Good.” She simply answered. She knew him well enough to guess pressuring him to talk wouldn’t work on him. “We have a meeting tomorrow.”
Bucky groaned in frustration because he was just done with the mission report and now SHIELD was ready to send them in another mission again.
“We need a break.”
“This one is pretty urgent. Apparently, it’s been an undercover operation for a while now and they finally got the info they need. We’ll need to leave right after the meeting.”
“An undercover operation, huh? Interesting.”
“Be here at 9. Fury wants us all present, it’s really important.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll be there.”
Bucky had no idea when the video call was gonna happen, but he was already feeling too self-conscious. His face was known to most people all over the world since he was accused of killing the king of Wakanda. Then working for SHIELD became a big deal. He wasn’t sure how Bunny would react when she realized he was the Winter Soldier. He wasn’t ready for that.
>> Are you there? I’m available for that video chat.
<< I am.
>> OK. I’m calling you.
He quickly turned his laptop on, hoping he would keep the camera off for the conversation. Maybe just hearing his voice would be enough for her.
���James?” Her voice was so soft and silky. Hearing her saying his name like that made him shiver a little.
“Yes, doll?”
“Why is your camera off?” Of course, she wasn’t gonna let it go. What was he even thinking?
“I am not…” He actually didn’t know what to say. “I don’t feel comfortable…”
“You don’t feel comfortable with me? Is that what you’re saying?” She definitely sounded offended.
“No, it’s not like that. I don't feel comfortable... and you might not feel comfortable either."
“It’s hard to explain.” He was hoping she would just let it go.
“Try me.” She didn’t.
“Please, doll… Let’s just talk.” He was practically begging at this point.
“Jamie, if you don’t turn the camera on, I’m leaving. We can’t continue like this.” She sounded so determined, it was scary. And her calling him Jamie? A part of him melted. He had noticed how her calling him Jamie influenced him in this way. Maybe because his mom called him Jamie when he was little. Bucky came later when he was a teenager. Before that, he was Jamie at home.
“Don’t. Please, don’t.”
“Don’t what? Call you Jamie?” The defensive tone of her voice was breaking his heart.
“Don’t leave.” He quickly turned the camera on, afraid she might just leave. Then he heard her gasp. Fuck, she’s scared, he thought. “I told you it might be uncomfortable.”
She quickly pulled herself together.
“Yeah, it’s so uncomfortable looking at that pretty face.” She managed to say, trying to hide her surprise. “Or those blue eyes. Do you ever look in the mirror Bu-bunny?”
“Bunny?” He repeated confused. “You are the bunny, not me, doll.” 
“If you say so.” She shrugged, licking her lips nervously. “I can’t believe you have been hiding this face all this time.” she tried to focus on him. “Why did you even think I would be uncomfortable?”
“Don’t you know… who I am?” he sounded nervous again, thinking he might have to explain his past. It’s always tedious. How can you say you were a brainwashed assassin in a less threatening way? You can’t. That was the problem. 
“I know you were the Winter Soldier if that’s what you are asking.” 
“That explains the reaction.”
“No, it was because of your pretty face. Not because of your past. I’m in no position to judge you for your past. Whatever you did, you had no control over it. That’s pretty obvious.”
“How can you be so sure?” His question came instantly.
“Maybe I can tell you how and why one day, but not today.” She sounded a bit uncomfortable, so Bucky didn’t want to push her.
“Whenever you want, Bunny. I will always be here to listen.”
“Can I see your arm?” The change of topic came too suddenly. Her question caught Bucky off guard.
“Your metal arm. It’s vibranium, right?” She was talking about the arm he has been trying to hide so hard. Does she really want to see that arm? 
“Yes, it is.” He tried to sound as normal as possible.
“Can I see it?” She repeated eagerly.
Without saying anything, Bucky curled up his sleeve to reveal a part of his arm, still feeling a bit uncomfortable.
“Wow.” She looked stunned. “It looks… so pretty. The gold details. Wow.”
Her expression was something that can’t be faked. She was so genuinely surprised and interested. It gave Bucky the confidence he needed.
“Wanna see the rest?”
Bunny nodded excitedly, making Bucky smile. He took his henley off pretty quickly, and his metal arm, broad chest, and dog tags were on full display.
“Now I know why you only had one arm in every picture you sent me. Smart move, Sergeant Barnes.” Her eyes were still on his body, focusing on his arm. Bucky couldn’t remember the last time he felt this desired. Oh, god she definitely knows who I am, he thought. Getting called by his rank did things to him. He could feel the blood rushing to the other places. It’s not the time, it’s not the time, he tried to remind himself, yet a low groan escaped his lips before he could control it.
“So am I gonna see the rest, Sergeant?”
He gave her a confused look. When he asked that question he meant the rest of his arm, but apparently Bunny had different ideas. 
“You mean…”
“The rest of your body, yes.”
“I thought we were gonna talk.” He tried to hide how much he was actually enjoying this change.
“We were, but I changed my mind.” Bucky smiled once again. Maybe I still got it, he thought.
“Because of the arm?”
“Because of you and yes, the arm too since it’s a part of you.” 
“I never thought…” He couldn’t get to finish that thought.
“Your arm would be a turn-on? Well, it is. You should get used to that.”
“That’s gonna take a while,” Bucky admitted, then he looked back at the screen. “You gotta share more to see more, Bunny.”
“You are a fast learner, Sergeant. I like that.”
“I told you, you can always count on that.”
Bunny took her shirt off, instead of answering him. Bucky’s expression changed pretty quickly when he noticed she had no bra on. God, he needed to touch her, feel her and make her feel good, but he has no idea if that was even possible. His eyes focused on her nipples. How could they look this delicious over a video call? He wanted to latch on them, suck until she was a crying mess under him. 
“You okay, Sarge?”
“God, Bunny, if you call me Sarge or Sergeant one more time, I will come inside my pants.”
“Noted,” she said with a teasing voice. “We wouldn’t want that, would we? I wanna see you first. Then we can make that happen.”
“I wanna see you, too. Coming hard while I tell you dirty things that turn you on.”
“Wow, the old man has a dirty mouth. Who would’ve thought?”
“Are you teasing me?” He asked with a small smile on his lips.
“I am challenging you.” Bucky gave her a suspicious look.
“To do what?”
“To talk dirty for real, James. You are ‘all talk and no action’ sometimes.”
“Oh, is that what we are doing now?” He already sounded challenged by her words. “I should’ve known you wouldn’t like a gentleman.”
“I do like a gentleman, outside the bed. In the bed, they are boring.”
“Okay, okay.” He nodded, trying to decide what to do next. “Good to know. Now, take your clothes off. I wanna see that body.” 
“Is that an order, Sarge?”
“Yes, it is, Bunny.”
“And what if I don’t follow it?” Her voice was so fucking cute, Bucky did not know how she managed to be like this. 
“Then you will be punished accordingly.” He didn’t even think before answering.
“Over the phone?”
“No. I will punish you in person. I will find wherever you live and I will punish you for not following a clear order.” The words spilled out of his mouth without much thought. The second he was done, he realized what he said. God, if she had got scared, she would have had every right to do so.
“That sounds more like a promise.” Her answer was unexpected and didn’t seem wary. Was she not scared of him? At all?
“It can be, but you wouldn’t wanna get punished.” 
“Hmm…” She thought for a second. “Tell me, what do you want? A good girl or a bad one?”
“I want you, Bunny. Whichever you are.” His answer must be unexpected because Bunny’s expression changed for a second. She looked emotional and vulnerable, but she quickly pulled herself together.
“I am a little bit of both.” 
“Then both it is.”
Bunny quickly took her remaining clothes off instead of responding, giving him a look. “Your turn.”
Bucky did the same.
“Now what do you want me to do?” She asked eagerly.
“Touch yourself for me.” She could feel how aroused he was just by hearing his voice. The full view of his erection was helping, too. 
“Touch yourself first.” She sounded so demanding and Bucky couldn’t find the strength to refuse. His flesh hand wrapped around his already painful erection. “With the metal one, Sarge.”
Bucky quickly looked back at her, with confusion written all over his face.
“I promise, I am not a groupie or anything. I just think it would look so hot.”
“A groupie?”
“Google it if you don’t know what it means. I am not gonna embarrass myself by explaining.” Bucky laughed a little.
“I know what it means, Bunny. I just wasn’t sure why I would think you're a groupie.”
“Oh…” She looked at the camera for a second. “You really don’t know, do you?”
“Know what?” He was completely lost.
“That you have fans.”
The look he had was unforgettable: completely lost.
“I have fans?” He repeated mindlessly.
“Nobody told you that, huh?”
“Nope. I have fans?”
“You do.” Bunny giggled. He was really an adorable old man. “People who defend you online. I will explain more later, okay?”
“Okay.” He still sounded confused, but he let it go. The sight in front of him was more interesting than a group of people defending him. 
“Metal hand, around your cock.” She reminded him.
“Right.” She watched him wrap his vibranium fingers around his erection. It was truly a sight.
“Now, your turn.” 
“What do you want me to do?” She quickly asked.
“Do you have a dildo around?”
Bunny was silent for a second. “Yes?” Her tone was hesitant.
“Do you have a favorite?”
She tried not to smile. “Of course.”
“Take that one.” He sounded so confident. It was a huge turn-on. 
“Wait a second.” She left the frame for a while, and Bucky could hear her walking around, looking through her stuff. Finally, she came back with it. 
“You like it big,” Bucky stated after seeing the dildo. It was probably as big as his own dick. No wonder she was so into the pictures he sent.
“Is that a problem?” Her question was genuine. “I can get a smaller one.”
“Why would I want that?” He had no idea. “I want you to enjoy this. That’s why I asked for your favorite.”
Bunny’s concern vanished quickly.
“Now what, Sarge?”
“Now we both start to play with ourselves.”
“Sounds good.” Bucky watched her brushing her fingers against her clit while letting out delicious, low moans. It was nothing too pornographic, and he could feel more blood rushing to his lower side. He started to work on himself pretty slowly with his vibranium hand since it was new to him. He never used his metal fingers before so he was trying to be careful. 
“Use lube.”
“Huh?” Bucky looked like a fish out of water.
“Use lube, it will make it better.” Her fingers were still working on her clit and lips as she spoke. “Or whatever you have. A cream works too, I guess.” 
“I have lube, doll. How do you think my dick survived you for this long?”
She giggled again, and all Bucky wanted to do was kiss her hard. Her lips, her nipples, her wet pussy. Anything… he just needed to taste her. 
“You don’t even need lube, do you?” he asked, trying to distract himself.
“Nope.” She moved her finger away from her pussy, just to show him how wet she is, and the response she got was a loud moan.
“Fuck.” He took a deep breath. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” It was such a raw reaction, and Bunny loved every second of it. “All for me?” 
“All for you, Sarge.”
His fingers started to work faster, and thanks to the lube, it was much better than he expected. He was surprised at how the metal felt against his cock. Definitely didn’t feel like flesh, but it was good. Really good since he could actually move his metal hand faster.
“Can I put this in me?” She asked Bucky for permission to finally use the dildo, and god, he had to stop for a second, not to come instantly. 
“Yes. Yes, you can.” He breathed out, struggling to form sentences at this point, but he managed it.
She pushed the dildo inside her effortlessly and let out a loud moan as she moved it in further. Bucky took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. There is no way you are not gonna come before her. He was talking to himself. Just calm down. 
"Ride that dildo, Bunny. Imagine it's me."
“You want this to be over soon, huh?” Her teasing tone helped him relax. He liked that he wasn’t alone in this.
“You gotta meet me in the middle, Bunny. Otherwise, it’s gonna be embarrassing.”
She didn’t tease or challenge him this time. She just listened to his order and started to ride the dildo as she would ride him. Her movements, the noises she made… She was making things even harder. He felt like he lost control of his fingers. He wanted to slow down, try to come with her, but his metal hand wasn’t listening to him.
“F-fuck.” He breathed out. “I’m- I’m gonna come.” He sounded so pained like he was disappointing her.
“I’m gonna come, too.” Her response was quick. “Sstop holding yourself back.” She was panting, involuntarily showing him how close she actually was.
“Shit. Pinch your nipple for me if you like that.” His metal hand was moving fast on his cock, it was oozing with precum already. 
“I do.” She was out of breath already. “I do.” Pinching her nipple was enough to push her over the edge. “Oh, fuck…” When the first wave of her orgasm hit her, he could see how strong it was. “Fuck, Bucky…” The moment she said his name, he knew he was gone. There was no way he could hold back. “This feels so good. So fucking good.”
“God, Bunny.” He let out a loud moan as his come hit the laptop screen. He gasped as he continued to move his hand until he felt painfully overstimulated.
He had no idea how long the silence between them lasted.
“James?” He heard her silky voice before opening his eyes back up.
“I’m here, Bunny.” She smiled in response. She could see he was still there, but she wasn’t gonna say that.
“That was amazing.” Bunny looked so blissed out.
“Tell me about it.” He shook his head like he couldn’t believe how strong that orgasm was.
He heard Bunny taking another deep breath while looking back at him.
“Look, I know this is not the time…” Bunny sounded more serious than before. The tone got his attention back to her. 
“Tell me.” He suddenly sounded so demanding.
“The timing is horrible.” 
“I don’t care.” He smiled, trying to assure her.
“I won’t be around for a while.” His face dropped when he heard her words. “That’s why I wanted to talk to you tonight. I won’t be online or posting new content.”
"Is something wrong?" He sounded so worried, so panicked. As crazy as it might have been, he didn't want to lose her, especially after this.
“No, no, no.” She quickly assured him. “It's something I have to do. I was working on something for a long time and now it might come to an end. Which is a good thing since that's what I was trying to achieve. I just need to deal with it, then I will be back and I'll explain everything, okay?” Bucky nodded. “Just know that I'll be busy, but I'll come back, okay? No need to worry about me.”
“I will always worry about you.” That was the truth. Even if he knew she was fine, not hearing from her would worry him. “Thank you for telling me.”
The next morning, Bucky woke up feeling much better than he ever felt since he was a free man. Last night, things exceeded his expectations. He noticed how much he was overthinking everything, how he never thought she'd be so okay with who he was. He never thought she would be still attracted to him after seeing him. He wasn’t delusional enough to think he had an ugly face. The problem was the things that face was associated with and, yes, he was still convinced she was way out of his league. But she didn’t seem to care, and that was all that mattered to him. 
He quickly got ready. His morning routine was simple, so he could just leave in half an hour: a quick shower, a simple breakfast, and putting on appropriate clothes were enough. After he was done with the essentials, he found a bit of time to send Bunny a good morning message. She might not be able to respond, since she told him she was gonna be busy these days, but he still felt like doing it. And after last night, he had no intention to refrain from following his wishes. Not anymore.
But when he opened the app, he was simply shocked, horrified even… Because Bunny was gone. Completely gone. Her account was deactivated, and only their old messages were still there.
The panic scattered throughout his body like rapid fire, spreading from his chest and burning everything on its path. He had no idea what to do. He didn't have her number or any social media accounts if she had any. He didn’t even know where she lived. Yes, sure, Bunny told him she was going to be away for a while and wouldn't be able to share anything, but deleting her whole account? That was completely unexpected and alarming. He rubbed his face with both of his hands, trying to figure out a way to make sure she was fine.
Slowly, the overthinking returned and took complete control of him. What if she just played it cool yesterday but wanted to vanish after learning who he actually was? The Winter Soldier was a terrifying figure, he would have not blamed her if that had been the case, yet he would have felt betrayed and disappointed. He tried to think of a moment or a small detail that showed she was just trying to act her way out of a dangerous situation, but nothing came to his mind. She was surprised, of course, but after that initial shock, she was back to her normal self. She even wanted to see him more intimately. Was it because she didn’t feel safe anymore? Could she possibly act so flawlessly and show no fear while trying to get away? A part of him didn't believe that couldn’t be true. She was one of the most authentic people he met, even though they did not actually meet in person. That was why he was pulled towards her this much. Another part of him thought this is basically her job. She had to look convincing enough, but looking and acting were completely two different things, and Bucky wasn’t sure of anything anymore. He was so focused on trying to find a logical explanation for everything that he almost didn't hear his phone ring. 
When Bucky grabbed back his phone, he saw the name Sam Wilson on the screen. He didn’t feel like answering, but Sam was stubborn as usual. He called him back again in a second, and Bucky had no choice but to answer at the end.
“Hey, Buck. You ready buddy? I’m on my way and I can give you a lift.”
Bucky made an unintelligible sound, not knowing how to answer. He already forgot about the meeting and the time.
“Please, tell me you are ready. The meeting is in half an hour.”
“I am.” He finally managed to say something back. His own voice sounded robotic and the words were forced, but he had to go through this day to find a way to reach Bunny. Maybe he could ask for Fury’s help to locate her. It would take a lot of convincing, but he would do it for her. To make sure she was safe and sound. To do that, he had to go to this briefing. 
“Okay, I’ll be there in 5.”
As Bucky and Sam finally arrived at the SHIELD headquarters, Bucky muttered a simple thank you. They didn't talk much during the ride, which wasn’t unusual, yet Sam suspected something was wrong. Bucky was usually calm and collected. He wouldn't engage in small talk or chat about random topics, but this time he seemed nervous. Sam wanted to ask what was wrong, but after all the time they spent together, he knew it was better to just wait for a sign. That was always more effective. Bucky would recoil into his shell like a freaking turtle if you made a move too soon, and that was the last thing they needed.
As for Bucky, he couldn't stop wondering about all the possibilities in the world and what he should do next. He would have to talk to Fury privately, ask for help, and get out of this mission. After that, he would go on whatever mission they decided to throw his way. No problem. None at all. Just let me be sure she is fine.
While still thinking about the plan in his mind, Bucky found an empty spot in the meeting room and sank down. He was checking his phone regularly to see if there was anything from Bunny or if maybe her profile would be back up, but no. There was nothing at all, and his worry was growing every second. He had no idea how he was supposed to go through this meeting at all.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to end one of the biggest undercover operations in the history of SHIELD.” Fury’s voice got the attention of everyone in the room. “We are going to hit HYDRA where it hurts the most. Innocents will be saved by cutting HYDRA’s biggest financial income. It doesn't get any better than this.” Fury talking about HYDRA got Bucky out of his own head for a second. “This operation has been going on for quite some time and there’s no one better than Agent Elvisa to explain the details before we get to action.” Fury turned his eyes to the side, moving his hand up to introduce the mysterious agent. What Bucky didn't expect was to see Bunny, in flesh and blood, right in front of him. She was wearing a generic SHIELD uniform, her hair neatly tied up in a ponytail, looking composed.
“Thank you, Director Fury.” Hearing her silky voice made Bucky realize he wasn’t dreaming. His eyes widened when he realized he was really standing there, looking perfect in that ugly outfit. He could feel a hole forming in his stomach while Agent Elvisa started to explain the details. She was actively trying to avoid meeting his eyes while talking, showing some statistics and the essential, but Bucky couldn’t hear anything. His ears were ringing.
Since Bunny kept avoiding the eye contact with him, Bucky’s glance turned over to Natasha. She was the one who suggested her, after all. Did she know about this? The woman who he thought was a complete stranger was actually a SHIELD agent. There was no way Natasha did not know this. Was this all an elaborate prank? Maybe orchestrated by Natasha. That would make perfect sense.
Bucky understood that HYDRA was making a lot of money from their human trafficking network, and SHIELD was about to destroy it. He would have loved to focus more on the details since this would have been a personal case for him in another context. He was one of their victims after all. Yet his palms were sweating as he thought about confronting her. Even when he tried hard to understand, his brain didn’t compute any of the information she was giving. It was too loud, too uncomfortable. He felt thirsty and nauseous at the same time.
After the meeting was over, Bucky jolted out of his seat to catch her. He needed a second to talk to her, privately, to understand what the fuck was going on. He thought he deserved that much explanation before going on another mission after everything that happened between them. 
She was talking to someone, but Bucky didn’t pay attention to their conversation. He stopped right next to her, invading all of her personal space without considering how it might look from the outside.
“We need to talk.” His voice was so harsh, it made her flinch. She looked up and met his eyes for the first time, and he could clearly see she was uncomfortable. 
“She was…” The man she was talking to tried to interject, but Bucky was having none of it.
“I’m talking to Agent Elvisa.” God, the way he said her name was stone-cold. It sounded like he wanted to spit her name out. He subtly grabbed her arm. “We need to talk. Right now.”
Bucky’s hand didn’t leave her arm until they were tucked inside the closest empty office. He was trying to control himself, but it was so hard when a million questions were running through his head. Yet, he managed to choose one to ask.
“Why?” His eyes were like two daggers.
“Why what?” She managed to say back, a little terrified.
“Why did you do this to me?” The way Bucky asked the question broke her heart. She could hear the disappointment, the pain and betrayal in his voice. “I just need to know why you did this to me.”
“What are you talking about? What did I do to you?” She looked completely clueless, and it hurt Bucky even more. “Look I know…” She tried to explain, but he didn’t let her.
“Was this a joke? Did Natasha put you up to this?” He talked so fast and harshly. “Or was this a bet between co-workers?” She was silent. Completely silent. Trying to understand what he was talking about.
“You think I played with you?” She asked the question like she couldn’t believe him. 
“Didn’t you, Agent Elvisa?” Again, her code name sounded so harsh on his lips. She wasn’t Bunny anymore.
“Playing with you was never my intention.”
“But you did it anyway.” God, he sounded so broken, on the verge of a breakdown.
“I didn’t even know I was talking to you until last night, Bucky.” She was getting emotional, but Bucky wasn’t in the state to notice it. “I could never…”
“You could never what? Make a fool of me? Break my heart? What did you think would happen when you decided to show up and give a presentation in that freaking room?” He raised his hand to point toward the general direction of the meeting room.
“I didn’t know you would be here!” She finally snapped and started to yell back. “I didn’t know I was talking to you until last night! Did you even listen to me back there?”
Bucky looked all lost, trying to understand why that would matter right now.
“I was on an undercover mission all this time. It had nothing to do with you! You think I made a fake account and started creating content just to mess with you? Why would I do that?”
“I… I don’t know.” He didn’t know anything. All he came up with was a list of possibilities.
“I have been doing this for months! I’m trying to catch those bastards, trying to look convincing enough and make them pay for what they did!” She stopped for a second, trying to collect herself. She didn’t want to cry. Not right then. “You think you are so important that I would create a whole ass account instead of just coming and asking you out?”
Her question silenced him for a second, making him wonder what the last sentence meant.
“What did you just say?” 
Right at that moment, someone knocked on the door and stuck their head inside.
“Sergeant Barnes, we have to leave in 10 minutes.”
He didn’t even look their way. “I’m in the middle of something!” It was so harsh yet attractive.
“I know, but Director Fury…”
“Just tell him I need 5 more minutes.” The determination in his tone shook the agent and he left without saying anything in return. As soon as Bucky heard the door close, he repeated his question.
“What did you just say?”
“I don’t know what kind of sick game is going on, but I’m assuming you know I have a crush on you. Maybe Nat told you. I.. don’t know, but I would never do something like this. Not to you, not to anyone. I’d just ask you out and get rejected with pride.”
“You had a crush on me?” He couldn’t believe what she was saying.
“You… didn’t know?”
“No.” They both looked so confused.
“I assumed that you did.” She awkwardly looked around.
The door was opened without a knock this time and both of them turned their heads simultaneously.
“Buck-” Sam couldn’t even finish his sentence. The double death glare startled him.
“For god's sake! I just need 5 minutes of privacy before I go there and fight. Is that too much to ask?” 
“Okay, man, calm down. I’ll tell Fury.” He quickly looked at Bunny and then at Bucky before closing the door behind him. Both Bucky and Bunny turned their eyes to each other.
“Okay, look… I didn’t play with you.” She started to explain. “No one put me up on a mission to mess with you. I don’t know if this is a twisted game of fate or something else, but I didn’t know you would be involved in this operation, okay?”
“It’s Romanoff’s doing.” He finally put two plus two together, and she nodded slowly. It made sense to her, too. Then they heard Fury talking outside, and they knew that the time was running out.
“We don’t have time for this.” She stated while running her hand through her hair. “Just know that I was going to explain everything after the operation. That’s why I said what I said yesterday.”
Before he could answer her, the door opened once again. No knocking, no hesitation. Bucky was about to yell at them not to interrupt once again, but Fury was standing on the door sill, looking uneasy.
“Barnes, we have no time for…” His eyes darted between both of them. “...whatever this is. We have to leave before it’s too late.”
“Fine.” He finally responded after a short while. “I’m coming, but this conversation is not over, Agent Elvisa.”
“I’ll be waiting, Sergeant Barnes.”
Next Chapter >>>
taglist (I tried to tag everyone who showed interest in chapter two. If you would rather not be included please let me know.)
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sebbyisland · 10 months
This is a weird question but you have good vibes so do you know any good shoujos for beginners? If you dont then just delete this lol
OH this is the best question i have ever received! Thank you! I hope this can be a helpful resource for you or anyone else interested in getting into shojo!!!
I’m gonna define “Good Beginner Shojo” as stories with an interesting premise, strong narrative(? this is VERY subjective sorry?), and also lacks some of the more squicky/uncomfortable tropes: predatory romantic relationships, borderline sexual assault as flirting, or incest**. This list is split between short and long series. I’ll also try to keep the genres diverse! These are all stories I’ve personally read/watched and are popular enough that they’ve been officially translated in different languages.
Good Shojo for Beginners, Short Term Investment
Princess Tutu: A dark fairy-tale-esque anime about a young girl who studies ballet in the day and fights demons at night using ballet + emotional intelligence. The deeper plot is that the entire cast are treated like puppets by a grand and elusive storymaster, and they all must struggle to escape being doomed by the narrative. There’s a lot of references to Swan Lake, the girl keeps getting turned into a duck, many emotions are felt. Complete, one anime season.
From Me to You: shy young girl is a social outcast due to misunderstandings that blew out of proportion. She receives an olive branch from a boy in her class and this gives her the confidence to start making friends and support herself!! The aforementioned boy is also her love interest and is endearingly too flustered to make a move. high school drama ensues. Two anime seasons, manga complete ~120 chapters.
Magic Knight Rayearth: three girls get transported to a fantasy world and have to learn to work together in giant magic mecha suits order to rescue a trapped princess + save the world. They make friends along the way as they try to fight monsters. One anime season, manga complete ~30 chapters.
Kase-san: sapphic high school romance with a jock girl and gardener girl who plants flowers near her practice field… they are both kinda shy and build up confidence as their bond gets deeper. it’s just 100% fluff. anime OVA and complete manga, ~15 chapters, there's also a sequel-series though
Library Wars: what it says on the tin. militant librarians fight the government to stop book censorship. the story follows a soldier in training: a reckless young woman who dreams of meeting the "prince" who inspired her to take up arms to protect books. this is more of an action-comedy than a political drama, so don't expect too much from the plot, but it's fun to watch our failgirl get put into situations. one anime season, 73 chapter manga, live action movie. you'll be okay just watching the anime but obvi the manga expands more on the characters + world building.
Orange: high school girl receives letters from her future self that tell her that a boy from her friend group is planning on committing suicide. She works with her friends to prevent this from happening, but things are definitely more complicated than they seem. An emotional drama, discussion of mental health including depression and suicidal thoughts. It’s a really heartfelt series. One anime season, ~38 chapter manga. (originally published in a shoujo magazine, then switched to seinen probably for marketing reasons.*)
In the Clear Moonlit Dusk: Masculine studious girl feels distant from her classmates who idolize her as a “prince,” but then she catches the attention of the local sparkly bad boy “prince.” An innocent, fluffy high school romance about a prince and her prince. SO many sparkly anime eyes, if that's you're thing. It’s a simple plot, but I enjoy the execution a lot. Ongoing, currently ~27 chapters
Tokyo Mew Mew: Captain Planet but magical girl. group of teen girls get accidentally infused with the DNA of endangered animal species + magic and transform into a hero squad to fight aliens trying to destroy earth's resources! Their cover for their secret headquarters is a maid café, where they all work part time. Manga complete ~30 chapters, anime adaption complete + one season of anime reboot.
Good Shojo for Beginners, Long Term Investment
Yona of the Dawn: historic fantasy setting, coming of age for a naive young princess who grows into a capable leader by abandoning her sheltered life within palace walls for…plot reasons (major spoiler in 1st chapter LOL). there’s a slow but thorough exploration of the political issues in her kingdom, i would say the world-building is an unexpected strength of the story. She’s supported by her hot magical anime boy harem, but the story emphasizes found family dynamics over the romcom. there’s still a primary love interest established early on, it’s just VERY slow burn. one anime season, manga ongoing 300+ chapters
Kageki Shojo!!: Follow the adventures of an all-girls vocational school to train to become members of the historic Kouka all-girls musical theater troupe, where women play roles for all genders. The protagonist is a girl who grew up watching Kouka performances and never lost her sense of childlike wonder. Theater doesn’t come naturally for her, but she’s also very talented. Fun cast, lightly discusses social issues as they come up with sincerity and care. Very reminiscent of 80s shojo. One anime season, Ongoing manga 90+ chapters
My Love Mix-Up! what if there was an ACTUAL high school love triangle. boy likes girl who likes a different boy, but that boy is interested in the aforementioned boy. what if this was all a misunderstanding and actually boy and girl like the same boy. what if that was also a misunderstanding. have you ever been a dumbass high school student trying your best. protagonist is bi king. 120~ chapters, no anime, but a live action show.
Ouran High School Host Club: ah yes a classic romcom. girl gets a scholarship to an elite high school and accidentally falls into debt on her first day to the school host club (boys who professionally flirt with girls during lunch). To pay off her debt, she pretends to be a guy at school so she can work as a host. The comedy is a blend of making fun of shojo tropes and the disaster personalities that make up the supporting cast. it's funnier the more shojo you have read/watched before this one. one anime season, 200+ chapters, complete
BL Metamorphosis: elderly widow accidentally reads a BL manga and gets invested, she bonds with a high school girl who works at the bookstore about it. Very cute parallels between her late husband and the fictional love story. Depicts fandom culture without normalizing the creepy and invasive BL fan behavior. Reminds me a lot of spending time with my grandma, which makes me want to cry.~90 chapters.
Sailor Moon: I know i know everyone is going to tell you this but it's actually a classic for a reason. (Sapphic!!!) magical girls traveling across space and time? Fighting evil with the power of friendship and love? Cute character designs? It's a good time. Protagonist is a total brat (normal 14yr old!!!!) AND a good hero. I'm putting this last because I wanted the other stories to have a chance, but it's honestly so good like please. There technically an inappropriate age gap relationship but it's like the disney movie Tangled where you don't realize it until you literally look up their ages. 150+ chapters, complete.
**When I first read shojo, I was a very young child, basically the target audience, but there are things I read as a child that would make me feel a bit disgusted to read now. Knowing this, I want people who are new to shojo to make informed decisions. There are problematic tropes present in MANY well loved stories--and they are well-loved for a reason!!! These complexities are part of reading and enjoying fiction. I've excluded some of my all-time favorite stories from my childhood thanks to the criteria I set as good "beginner" shojo--but I also don't want to contribute to a world that divides stories as "problematic" and "unproblematic" as if such a binary exists. Ultimately, this list is just based on my PERSONAL taste, what I deem more comfortable to read than other stories, so I can't guarantee that you'll have the same experience. I can't even promise I would have the same experience re-reading some of these, since the stuff that made me comfortable/uncomfortable in the past has changed in the present. It's all very subjective. That's why I'm intentionally specific about the tropes I've excluded. Note that this doesn't mean the stories listed are not littered with their own flaws. I hope this disclaimer didn't seem too excessive, haha.
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posallys · 1 year
okay so i'm in the process of rereading pjo and i just got to botl and i want to talk about my girl annabeth. i feel like a good majority of the fandom mischaracterization of annabeth comes from botl, specifically because she was rude to rachel throughout the book, and then everyone just assumed that because she wasn't nice to rachel she must be a bitch inherently, on top of being this fucking emotionless shell of a person, which is wild to me because i don't know how her being rude to one (1) girl automatically discredits everything she's done in the past three books. i feel like it stems from a complete misunderstanding of why she was rude to rachel. let's make this clear: she wasn't rude to rachel because rachel was a potential love interest; she was rude to rachel because she was scared.
everyone she's ever loved has been taken from her in some way: her mom being absent because she's a goddess and not really wanting anything to do with annabeth; her feeling like her dad and stepmom didn't want her around (losing her real family); thalia, her found sister, sacrificing her life to save annabeth, and then leaving her again to join the hunters; luke betraying the camp, but more importantly betraying annabeth on a much deeper level because he was her only family. he promised her that he would be there for her, no matter what, and then he leaves her, just like everyone else. even grover left her, in a way, because he went out to search for pan and wasn't around. the only close person who hasn't left her at the point of botl? percy.
but she knows about the prophecy at that point, so she's spent the better part of three years resigning herself to the fact that her best friend is going to die when he turns sixteen and there's absolutely nothing she can do to stop that. she's spent the better part of three years trying not to fall in love with him because it would only hurt worse when the time comes. if i had to bet on it, the reason she was thinking about joining the hunters in ttc is because if she isn't around him (and also can't because she's a hunter), she won't become more attached to him than she already is. if she separated herself from him, it would hurt less. except here's the thing: by that point, she couldn't make herself do that. she couldn't make herself willingly give up percy yet, because it might not have been him. if i had to guess, when thalia came back, annabeth stopped worrying about percy dying---just for a little while---because she thought that thalia was going to be the child of the prophecy after all. so when thalia became a hunter, she was mentally prepared to lose thalia again. but that means that every fear she had about percy being the prophecy kid before thalia came back to life resurfaced full force, and now suddenly annabeth has a year and a half left with him when she thought that she might have longer. so despite the thought of her joining the hunters to prevent herself from getting too attached, she hadn't metnally come to the point where she was ready to give up the small hope that he would live.
which bring us now to botl. like i said, i'm just now rereading the book (and i'm only on chapter 1 but i started thinking about annabeth and here i am). annabeth is mean to rachel because she's terrified of losing percy too soon. sure, at this point she knows the prophecy is his, she knows come next summer she probably won't have him anymore---but that's just it: next summer. she's preparing herself to lose him in a year, not immediately. so when someone comes along that presents a way for her to lose percy, of course she gets scared, and she gets defensive about it. it's not even the fact that rachel was a potential love interest, it's more so the fact that rachel was a mortal, and not part of their world. if percy was with rachel, there's a good chance he'd try to leave the magical world behind, and, more importantly, leave annabeth behind, which she wasn't ready for yet.
hell, that's exactly what ended up happening in the beginning of tlo! annabeth wasn't upset because he was spending time with rachel, she was upset because he was spending time in the mortal world rather than her world and, in her mind because of all of her past experiences being abandoned, that translates to "percy is leaving her," and it was way earlier than she thought, and she wasn't ready. so what does she do? she tries to protect herself. she puts walls up and tries to act cold and distant because she's coming to terms with the fact that she's already lost him. she's already lost him.
and like, was she jealous of the fact that rachel was a love interest? probably, yeah. but i think it's also just important to know that there's something way deeper to it. annabeth isn't being a bitch for the sake of being a bitch, and she's not just jealous of rachel because she was a girl that liked percy. she was upset because he was getting further and further away right in front of her. he was leaving way quicker than she was prepared for, so a lot of the stuff she said to rachel came from a place of fear of losing percy, and anger at rachel for trying to pull him into the mortal world, effectively leaving her behind and adding another person to the list of people she loves that have left her.
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queerprayers · 1 month
hi johanna! i want to try going to church, but feel self-conscious. i live in a small town, my friends are not religious and my family is ex-christian. i'm worried about people judging me, even though i know that shouldn't matter. some of my family seem embarrassed of how christian we used to be and they'd be surprised i want to go to church. i feel equally worried about walking into a church where everyone knows everyone but me or seeing someone i know! any thoughts are welcome. love your blog!
Hello, beloved!
I'm sure you're not alone in this situation—honestly, it can be kinda embarrassing to genuinely want to participate in faith, the way it's embarrassing to be earnest about anything. People who aren't religious can completely misunderstand the motivations and experiences of religious people, and while I don't know why your family left religion, both people who just weren't all that into it and people who have been hurt by or have serious issues with the church can be (sometimes understandably) antagonistic toward people who stay or join. 
Perhaps judgment "shouldn't" matter—but it does, to most everyone. Something something how our brains are wired to desire acceptance—I'm not a psychologist. It makes sense and it's okay. Caring what people think often coexists with empathy—they're both awareness of others, desiring good emotions in others. But we cannot let empathy become fear of ourselves. Empathy extends to our own souls too. Being genuinely faithful in the face of judgment from outside and within your communities takes strength. Creating a life of your own is terrifying. This isn't fair, but it is our calling. 
In recent years, I've embraced the uncool-ness of my earnestness—my beloved amalgam of philosophy and religion that started as an apocalyptic cult and was co-opted by empire and has a lot of weirdos and needs to repent of its crimes and has produced some of the most beautiful art in the world and that attracts people to the walls of churches even after everything. I'm almost glad in some ways that it's not the assumption anymore that everyone is Christian, that more and more you have to go out of your way to be part of this thing. (I'm not completely naive—I know that where I live is a majority Christian country, and I am not pretending oppression or minority status or counterculture. But I am often met with surprise that I'm Christian, and I treasure that.)
The small town thing is its own beast—I live in a city (small but I think it counts), but I currently go to church half an hour away in a very rural area, and there's a specific environment of knowing everyone that I only have a tiny experience with but can imagine how exposed it must feel to try something new or change your life in any small way. And there is definitely a small church culture that can feel intimidating, like sitting at a new table in high school, wondering if somewhere tight knit has room for another. I can never promise this, but I know with my church and many others, welcoming a new person into that tight knit community is the most natural thing in the world. You'll probably get a more personal welcome, and be invited to more potlucks, and I can't promise someone there won't know your mom, but it's doable even as an introvert. Church people want more people at church—in lovely communal ways or in evangelistic ways, and while I hope you meet the former, even the latter has its own welcome. There are definitely ways to dip your toes in the water of church without braving this—like visiting a church while you're out of town, or tuning into a virtual service—but I believe in you to take it a step further. If you come a few minutes late and leave a few minutes early to avoid any conversation, I salute you. If you see someone you know and flee the other direction, I understand. If you go once and have to wait a few months to be brave enough to go back, so be it. But you have as much a right to exist on holy ground as anyone, and you already have common ground to stand on because you want to be there, just like them. I don't know how many churches are near you, but you're already going outside your comfort zone, so you might as well step into one that you're not familiar with—a more traditional mass, or a hippie sing-along. Don't set limits on your journey that is about pushing past limits.
You want to try this out, and it probably feels lonely, and you'll have to stomach surprise and probably being looked down upon by people who feel they know better, feel they have evolved past the need for silly little ritual, or for whom religion only exists as closed-mindedness. I don't know if you're queer, but I've had similar experiences of being the one to embrace where God and my heart lead me, to the embarrassment or shame of those who have never encountered it or have stifled it within themselves.  You'll have to stand your ground, the way anyone who seeks something their family and friends don't has to do. Formulate some answers for questions you may receive—but no one has a right to your story. You're allowed to be casual about things that are deeply personal, you can say "I don't know, I was just curious" when everything in your soul is calling out for this. Being publicly faithful often comes after you've done the reconciling within yourself. Have patience.
If you're into saints, find some who have gone their own way—Francis of Assisi comes to mind. I even think of Moses, telling a member of his own adoptive family to let his people go, standing his ground for people he had only recently come to love. The faithful that have come before us had to live through—and die from—so much. Entering new communities has always needed strength, the strength of God. Often a lonely way at first, but your family's embarrassment or your friends' lack of understanding is not your burden. Their judgment is on them to swallow down or bear the guilt of acting on it. Your choices and calling is for them to reconcile. I'm not saying we should do whatever we want without regard for how it affects others, but you are not causing harm, and any tension will not have been created by you going to church, but by them disliking or not understanding this fact. And tension is sometimes necessary for people to reconcile with—it'll be good for them. You're probably doing them a favor—we all need to learn how to love people the way they will need to. It sucks to feel like a teaching tool, and I don't want to reduce you to that, but so often living a full life means people who can't deal with that have to learn. Looking at someone embracing what you never found a way to flourish within or understand is like looking at the sun sometimes—I've been there. But it is not for us to apologize for the light. And it often happens that being that light will move someone else to bravery.
I'm sorry it falls on you to be brave first. I'm sorry that religion is not simple or easy, but genuine desire can and will take you so far. I have a hunch that after the first time, a lot of things will make more sense. Beginning is half of the journey sometimes. If you've already begun since writing this, I'm very proud of you, and if you haven't, you have so much beautiful time. Faith is not all or nothing, and it is never too late. Life does not begin and end in your small town, and life can and will flourish—you are part of such a big world and history, for better and worse.
God is with you, regardless. God is right there, walking with you, moving your feet over the threshold of places you muster so much bravery just to enter. What shouldn't matter but does, deeply, heartbreakingly, can be both taken seriously and let go of, through the peace of Christ.
<3 Johanna
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navarice · 1 year
my dearest fellow mdzs stans, i really don't want to spoil anyone's fun but sometimes some things must be said. please do NOT mistake fanon characteristics for canon characteristics because by GOD is it frustrating to dissect a character when all anyone wants to do is blindly turn away from the very vivid and metastasizing flaws.
jiang cheng is an extremely complicated character, and that's why we love him. but by god, he is a jealous, self-victimizing asshole with a massive inferiority complex who likes to torture (probably) innocent look-a-likes of his (as far as he knew) dead adjacent family member. jesus christ this isn't some simple case of miscommunication (well it is but, you know no amount of communication will ever mend the giant chasm that developed between them. especially not with asians raised within the most classical case of asian parenting, i mean come on now) but a matter of deep and intense self-loathing developed since early childhood projecting violently outwards. let me be clear. he hates wei wuxian. he loathes him. he wants to kill him with his own hands again and again so some part of his convoluted sense of justice and superiority will be fulfilled. he's a classist, a bully, and abusive to everyone around him. ong at the end of mdzs, i was nearly crying tears of joy when jin guangyao flayed him flat on his ass bc that man needed to hear it. he needed to feel it. he needed to stop blaming others and blame himself.
and!! he's homophobic!! the entire cultivation world is, yes, but he's the only one we see give wei ying and lan zhan active shit for it!!
point is...his complexity makes him interesting. as a child, he was pretty alright tbh. he was understandably upset when three of his dogs got taken away and he saw his dad give a completely random kid such a gentle hug when jiang cheng never received one so far. he was a kid, and it was sad and helped the readers get a glimpse at the already dysfunctional family dynamics before wei ying came into the picture. as an adolescent/teen, yes he had a lot of unresolved rage and inferiority issues building up when he was constantly being compared to wei wuxian by his mother and not given enough reassurance from his father (once again, all present before wei ying...everyone just likes to dump the shit on him bc it's easier to point fingers at others than at yourself). perhaps he could have turned out differently if literally either of his parents stepped up and took accountability. however, after the burning of lotus pier? after the golden core transfer? after wei ying stuck around as his subordinate just as he promised, and protected jiang cheng like he promised, and defected just to save the yunmeng clan's reputation so jiang cheng doesn't have to put up with the other clan's shit, still continuing to keep his promise? after wei ying's death? idk abt y'all, but all bets are off bro.
mxtx makes it a point to make him so irredeemable. he's an exploration of what can go wrong if you let your traumas, self-hatred, and revenge fantasies blind you. he has the worst traits of his parents for a reason, directly contrasting with the other sibling, who is a perfect picture of eldest daughters born into a dysfunctional family. jiang yanli has the best traits of her parents (in terms of compassion and standing up for her family), but the family dynamics also made her the way she was. the responsible, the mediator, the occasional mother, stepping in where madam yu cannot.
there's just so much potential to hold him accountable buried under the pretense of misunderstandings and kinnie moments. he just had so many chances, more than any other character, to make a different choice. to actually look past his misgivings and unlearn the bad habits he used to protect himself as a child. i'm not saying he has to magically heal from all his traumas, but at the very least know not to be like his parents. but he wasn't written that way. because that is what happens when you give into your insecurities and generational trauma.
bottom line: jiang cheng is a fantastic archetype that needs to be explored in all his authenticity, including his moments of loyalty and cruelty.
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
How about this; Jango meets up with a female informant at a night club; this is the first time they've met, but it's instant, very Strong, mutual attraction and after she gives him the information, they burst out of the back door of the club, into a dark alley, making out and end up having their way with each other in the alley.
I'll keep the ideas coming as I get them; feel free to use whichever ones inspire you the most!
The Alder Job
Summary: When Jango Fett needs information for a bounty, he normally goes to his information broker, a Toydarian named Roz. This time, however, Roz sends him to get his information right from the source.
Pairing: Jango Fett x F!Reader
Word Count: 2159
Warnings: Smut, mentions of Pedophilia and human trafficking (Jango misunderstands a situation, there's no actual pedophilia or human trafficking)
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So, I very much appreciate all three of the ideas that you sent me and I'll probably write all of them because I love Jango...apparently, lol. I hope you like this one~
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Jango is annoyed.
Okay. Jango is often annoyed. It’s his go-to emotion in most situations, but now he’s really annoyed.
“Well? Have you arrived yet?” Roz’s voice is scratchy over the comm.
“Yeah, yeah. Are you sure you can’t give me the information?”
“I could….but I’m not going to. You need to talk to this informant.” Roz replies, before she laughs, “Don’t worry. I told them to look for you.” And then the comm disconnects.
He exhales loudly, trying to shove his irritation away, as he eyes the night club distastefully. He can hear the music coming from the club all the way out to the street.
This is officially the worst job he’s ever taken.
Jango walks over to the bouncer, who eyes him and his armor, before he jerks his head to the side, “You’re expected. VIP section. Don’t cause any trouble.”
As if he would.
Still, Jango nods once and steps into the club, and is immediately assaulted by the scent of stale alcohol and sweat. Distaste, and disgust, cause his lip to curl, but he has a job to do. So he turned toward the VIP section. 
As with most night clubs, the VIP section is cordoned off from the rest of the club. Unlike most clubs he’s been in, this VIP section is situated at the top of an elevator, completely separate from the rest of the club.
The music is quieter up here, and it smells less like stale beer and more sugary. It’s almost as bad as the scent down in the main club. Almost.
The Bouncers up here look a lot more dangerous than the ones down below, but if Jango had to guess, the people up here all have more money than sense, so the better guards are reasonable.
One of the bouncers eyes Jango, but doesn’t move to stop him. Poor guy is probably used to all sorts coming up here. 
Most of the tables are filled with men surrounded by gorgeous, and young, women. Though there’s one that’s clearly a bachelorette party, and another that looks like some teenager’s coming of age birthday party.
But there, in the back, closest to the back door, is a young woman sitting at a private table. She’s alone, with her gaze locked on a datapad in her hand, and she had one knee pulled up to her chest.
And, while Jango’s never been one to put much stock into looks, he has to admit that she’s stunning, and he really can’t understand why no one is giving her a second look.
He crosses the open room over to her, and lightly raps his knuckles on the table. She lifts her gaze from the datapad to meet his, her expression puzzled at first, before it clears and a warm smile crosses her face.
Jango can’t remember the last time someone greeted him so warmly.
“You must be Mand’alor Fett. Please, have a seat.” Her voice is light and warm and Jango is so distracted by the sound of her voice that he doesn’t immediately register what she calls him until he’s seated across from her. 
“I think there’s been a misunderstanding,” He says, gruffly, “I’m not Mand’alor.”
She pauses, “Ah. Roz indicated that that was your title. Was she mistaken?” Her voice is lightly accented, and Jango can’t get enough of it. He also can’t help but notice that she hasn’t taken her eyes off of him.
“Roz has a tendency to exaggerate.” He finally says as he leans back, and he notices her gaze drop to his chest plate for a moment, before returning to his face. 
Nice to know that the attraction is mutual.
She laughs softly, “I had noticed that, yes. So, what should I call you then?”
“Jango. Just Jango.”
“Well then, Jango,” His name is like honey on her lips, and he curls one of his hands into a fist to keep from doing something foolish. “It’s very nice to meet you.” And then she introduces herself, and he jolts in surprise.
“Wait. Alder?”
She smiles, “As in those Alders?” There’s something wry in her voice, “The one and the same. It’s why Roz asked me to be your informant. There’s no one better to give you the information you need than someone from the family.”
“You do realize that I’m here to kill them, right?”
Her smile becomes even more wry, “Oh, yes. I’m aware.”
“...I’m going to need some clarification before I get any intel from you.”
She laughs, “That’s fair.” She leans back in the chair, and Jango’s gaze drops to her thigh, now exposed since she moved, and then slowly drags back to her face.
“Go ahead.”
“We had a falling out.” She explains with a careless shrug. Or a would be careless shrug, if it wasn’t for the look on her face. “You see, they had…ideas. As to my place in society, and I had different ones.”
“Must be pretty vastly different ideas if you’re okay with them dying.”
“Well, they wanted me to be a trophy wife for my grandfather’s best friend. I had different ideas.” She drops her gaze for a moment, “I was 17 when they started planning my wedding.”
He exhales slowly, “So. Not only are they corrupt, they’re also pedophiles and traffickers. Good to know.” He leans in, “So, about that intel.”
“My mother is holding a gala in 12 days.” She replies, “The whole family will be there. Normally, tickets to these events cost an arm and a leg. But I have a ticket for you.” She slides a ticket across the table to him, “The downside is that it’s black tie only.”
“Of course it is.” Jango taps out a rhythm on the table, “You know the house, anyway for me to sneak my gear in?”
“Hm…you could try to pay the caterers to bring them in and stash them somewhere.” She offers, “Other than that, you might be able to hide the gear on the grounds somewhere.”
“I’m sure I’ll figure it out.” Jango finally says, his gaze dragging down her body again, and then a sly smile crossing his face, “So, you have any other plans for the night?”
“Can’t say that I do.” She replies, as she leans in a little bit, “Why do you ask?”
He smirks at her, and stands, scooping his helmet up with one hand and then motioning for her to follow him. He opens the door, and stands in the doorway, waiting for her.
She watches him for a moment, and then she passes through the door, intentionally pressing her body against his.
And, for the first time in his life, Jango finds himself cursing his armor.
He follows her down the carpeted stairs and into a dimmed hallway, his gaze lingering on the way her hips look in her mini-skirt, on the way the skirt swayed due to her canting walk.
The moment they’re no longer on the stairs he has her back pressed against the wall, and his lips are hot against hers. She kisses back just as eagerly, her arms sliding around his neck to tangle in the hair at the back of his head.
“Kriff,” Jango breathes against her lips, “I’ve never been so annoyed at my armor in my life.”
She laughs breathlessly, “I’ve never been so annoyed at a piece of metal in my life either.” She admits. 
He laughs softly, and presses even harder against her, “I suppose we should do something about that.”
She raises up on her toes and kisses him again, her tongue sliding against his lips for a moment, before allowing Jango to take control back. When he breaks the kiss this time, she’s breathing quickly and her eyes are half lidded, “Later,” She murmurs, in answer to his comment, “I want you.”
Jango’s fingers flex on her hip, “Here? Now?” He murmurs. 
She hesitates, her gaze snapping from one side to the other, before she takes his hand and tugs him out the VIP door.
Jango follows her out the door, down the alley, and into a darker, quieter alley. 
“Here?” She asks him, as he presses her back against the building and slots his thigh between her legs.
Jango quickly assesses the alley. No cameras. No people. Good enough for now.
He doesn’t answer her verbally, instead he just crashes his lips against hers, and moves his leg so he’s able to slide his hands under her skirt. He eases her panties down her legs, and then shoves them in one of his pouches. 
A breathless laugh falls from her and Jango presses her firmer against the wall, “Kriff.” He breathes as his lips fall from hers to latch onto the tender skin under her ear, pulling a moan from her pretty lips, “Later I’m going to make you fall apart over and over, mesh’la.”
“Later?” She asks.
Jango removes his codpiece and presses it into her willing hand, before he adjusts his bodysuit so that his hard cock bounces free, “I need to be inside you,”
She whines and presses against him, “So hurry up.”
“Impatient,” He crashes his lips against hers again, “Arms around me, mesh’la.” Jango waits until her arms are secure around his neck, and then he lifts her and encourages her to hook her legs around his waist. 
He rocks against her a few times spreading her arousal against his cock, and, as an added bonus, making her whine and moan out his name. “You’re so wet, cyare.” Jango murmurs as he nips her earlobe, “Is this all for me?”
“Don’t tease, Jango-” She gasps out shifting and squirming in his arms to try and encourage him to just start already.
He nips her earlobe a little harder, ripping a moan from her throat, “Just for that, princess, I’m definitely going to tease you later.”
“You-” She’s not able to finish her sentence as he thrusts into her, hard and fast, and her words turn into a cry of pleasure as her head falls back. And the only reason her head doesn’t hit the wall is because of his hand resting on the back of her neck.
“Oh no you don’t,” Jango growls as he starts a slow, but hard, pace. “Eyes on me, Princess.” He pulls almost all the way out, before thrusting hard into her.
She struggles to keep her eyes open, but she does. And Jango feels a thrill when she obeys him unquestionably. “Such a good girl,” He breathes, “So obedient. Kriff,” He kisses her deeply, “You’re so tight-”
She arches against him and clenches around him at his praise, and Jango makes a mental note. He’ll have to take advantage of that later. 
“S-sorry,” She gasps.
Jango laughs, “Oh, cyare,” He snaps his hips roughly against hers, “Don’t apologize for feeling amazing-” He adjusts her for a moment, and then snaps his hips against hers again, and she lets out a sharp gasp. 
“A-again. Please. Do that again!” She pleads with him.
“Yes ma’am,” Who is he to obey such a delicious sound? He snaps his hips against hers making sure to hit the same spot over and over. 
Sweat beads at his temple, she really does feel amazing. And it’s been so long since he’s had a partner, he’s not going to last much longer this first time. But she’s not going to go without.
He won’t let her.
Jango dips his hand to where they’re joined, and he presses a firm finger against her clit, rubbing in quick circles. His hips stutter as she clenches tightly around him.
She falls apart silently, her face pressed against his neck, and Jango can’t wait to see what noises he’ll be able to pull from her when she’s in his bed.
“Where-?” Jango gasps out as his thrusts become shallow.
She keeps her legs tightly around him, which he takes as answer enough. A few more shallow thrusts and he’s spilling his seed deep inside her. 
Jango presses his forehead against hers as he tries to regain control of his breathing, and he feels her soft fingers against his cheek. His eyes open and he flashes a cocky smirk, “So, cyare,” he murmurs, “where do you live?”
She laughs softly and drops her legs back to the ground, “Not far.” She admits with a small smile, “Close enough to walk, if I had someone with me to keep me safe.”
Jango watches her fix her skirt, a small smile crossing his face when she reaches out and carefully fixes his bottoms for him, and snaps his codpiece back into place.
“Lucky for you, you have a Mandalorian here to protect you.”
She favors him with a bright smile, “Lucky me indeed.” She takes his hand and leads him out of the alley, “This way, Jango.”
Jango falls into step next to her with ease.
Maybe, just maybe, he owes Roz some nice wine. Maybe.
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misc-obeyme · 11 months
I have so many thoughts. SO MANY THOUGHTS.
Spoilers for Lesson 20 under the cut.
From a storytelling standpoint, Lesson 20 was kind of underwhelming for me. It was kinda boring.
Everything is totally resolved and then we have a party? And MC is given the completely pointless title of Devilsitter? And the Celestial Realm is just like yeah okay see ya.
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Seriously, Diavolo? Everybody knows you just made that up. Also why did they have to give him that goofy hat? I think this would've been a little more impactful if he'd been in demon form, you know? Anyway...
It felt like we went through all of that for a whole lot of nothing.
It also feels like they want to tell a more complicated story and that's why this whole separate app situation began. But then they were like well we wanna keep some of the overall vibe, so it still has to have seasons and the first one still has to be twenty lessons. Like they should've just scrapped that and let the story play out how needs to. Because I felt like they were just putting filler in there so that they could extend the Nightbringer part of the story into the next season.
All that aside, though, there were things I did enjoy about the lesson, mostly involving the usual character shenanigans.
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Sometimes it really feels like Simeon is just always on the outside, longing to be part of this family. He loves them so much he's willing to sacrifice his own standing to help them, but he also knows he's not part of them. We already knew this of course, considering he does exactly that in the OG to make sure MC gets to stay with them. I just feel like Simeon is so selfless. And it's kind of heartbreaking? I just want to hug him.
And oh, my sweet precious Barbatos... if you choose him to escort you, he says some amazing things.
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Is this the fancy butler way of saying I love you? Don't misunderstand, I am so soft for sweet kisses to the back of someone's hand, but if you think that's gonna cut it, sir, I really need you to try harder.
What can I say, I just want Barbatos to profess his undying love. I want him to break his butler persona and spill his heart out. I want him to actually tell us exactly how he feels and what he's been through and how hard it must have been to live the way he has for so long with the power of time and space at his fingertips. Ugh. Okay, sorry I'm getting off track here. We already know I could probably write another couple of essays about Barbatos aside from the one I've already written lol.
I would be remiss if I didn't talk about Solomon in this lesson, too...
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I thought this was an interesting reaction from him when MC asks him to be the brothers' ally. Like yeah, obviously not against the human world, but this was about keeping the brothers in the Devildom? I'm trying not to read too much into it since it could just be that they wanted to make it seem like MC was the one who convinced everybody and stuff. Like okay whatever!
But truly the best Solomon moment was if MC chooses him to give them the "special emblem."
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SOLOMON. My stupid wizard loving heart can't take it when you say stuff like this!
And then the forehead kiss, I was just like this is so soft and sweet I'm losing my miiiiind.
What can I say about it other than it was great? Of course I went back and chose all the options. Having Diavolo or Lucifer give you the emblem is pretty sweet, too. But there is just something next level about it being Solomon because of the whole master/apprentice thing, but also because he's the only one who knows what you're really going through. I just really love him, okay?
Lastly, I have to say I was a bit surprised with Mephisto in this lesson... he's starting to grow on me.
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Mephisto! I'm pretty sure that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!
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For once, I agreed with him. Also, if it was actually me, I'd be like your arguments are pointless because my last dance is going to be with Thirteen.
I was expecting a little more after the end credits, but it was just a repeat of those weird Nightbringer lines from one of the earlier lessons... I can't remember which one it was. I was really expecting Nightbringer to make a final appearance, but nope.
The hard lesson completely blew my mind, though. I have to make a separate post just for that.
In the end, this lesson had some good parts, but it definitely just felt like filler because they needed to end the season. We're not getting any real answers until next season, apparently. I swear if I have to wait for a season three for some decent answers, I will be flipping tables.
Of course, I'm really just here for the hot anime characters so... I'll just go back to simping as soon as I'm done table flipping lol.
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sunnylands-world · 2 years
Yellow - draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff reader requested
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Look at the stars, look how they shine for you - yellow by Coldplay
The classroom was filled with the sound of potion mixing and laughter as Snape walked out having Been called by Dumbledore. It seemed like the room was divided into Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Everyone was separated; Hufflepuff from Slytherin because they were opposite. Ravenclaw from Gryffindor because they seemed to have a clash that was between the two; maybe it was bravery or who was smarter it was unknown.
We could tell why Slytherin and Ravenclaw got along or at least tolerated one another because they had a common enemy, they didn't like Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. The two were friendly, brave, and there for each other which Ravenclaw and Slytherin were not. Now don't misunderstand that a few people in each house could have been in another; but most of the house usually didn't like the other.
So Draco of all people was more than confused when a particular girl in Hufflepuff had managed to catch his eye. She seemed completely transparent because he knew everything about her. He knew this wouldn't work; he was a death eater and she was an angel in yellow.
And everything you do yeah, they were all yellow - Coldplay
So he continued on trying to ignore her laugh, her smile, how she would help the teachers carry things or when she walked the first years to class.
(Aah) Your skin, oh, yeah, your skin and bones (Ooh) Turn into something beautiful (Aah) You know, you know I love you so You know I love you so - Coldplay
He felt almost bad for wanting her when he was so dark and mean; but the other half of him thought he deserved her after everything he was going through, so he went to her table in potions class and Stood in front of her.
So then I took my turn oh, what a thing to have done and it was all yellow - Coldplay
her sugar cookie smile graced her lips and it made his stomach turn and twist; he swallowed hard as he seemed to actually feel shy, worried, scared much like a child. His eyes locked with hers and his heart stopped; could he do this take her down a path that was full of monsters. He suddenly felt selfish, his chest tightened."Draco, are you all right?" She said looking concerned; did she not know who he was or what he had done. Of course she did, she said his name but not just that asked if he was okay.
A gloss came to his blue eyes. "I-i'm fine I'm fi-i'm okay" he breathed. she looked like she was searching him and he emptied, like an open book told all his secrets; a tiny boy with a loving look casted his way, He was bound to break only the Snickers of her friend reminded him he was there, and all of sudden he remembered why he buried it all away, so he didn't look weak, soft, like a boy who was afraid of his father or a coward. he quickly left the table; his friends looked at him puzzled.
"What was that? Blaise said, frowning. "nothing just… leave me be" he huffed, turning back to his work. The rest of the class went rather fast but Draco's thoughts were probably what made it move like a movie on fast forward. He walked the halls going to hide away when a hand grabbed his wrist.
I swam across, I jumped across for you Oh, what a thing to do 'Cause you were all yellow - Coldplay
he turned back wide eyed; only to be blinded by the sun herself. "It's okay to feel Draco Malfoy, no one expects you to be a strong wave. Every wave must lay low so the boats can go '' she said, hugging him. He was statue-like in her bear hug. "Hug me, draco'' she whispered into his Slytherin robes; his head fell into her neck and tears rolled down his face. She smelled comforting, warm, and he began to feel weak again.
(Aah) And you know, for you, I'd bleed myself dry For you, I'd bleed myself dry - Coldplay
He was afraid to let go in her arms; he didn't know what everyone would say later at the sight of green and yellow becoming one. It was going to cause some gossip; but would it matter if all he could see was the sun. No amount of cruelty could take away from this moment where he felt he didn't have to hold it all in, he was protected by this small girl.
It was refreshing to not feel like he needed to hold himself together; a girl, a Hufflepuff, had been the light breaking into his dark. What a stranger thing but was the wizard world normal not in the slightest. so we could have a Hufflepuff girl protect a boy.
Look how they shine for you Look how they shine - Coldplay
Request open 💙
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hannahssimblr · 2 months
Evan - Character analysis
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Evan, Michelle's greasy emo boyfriend plays one of the most important roles in Lucky Boy: 2009. I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about him and who he is and his purpose in the story so let's go ahead and do something of a directors commentary, haha!
He appears right at the beginning of 2009, having an awkward encounter with Jude in the hallway after rugby practice. He's defensive and deliberately misunderstands Jude's attempts at humour in order to 'punish' him in some way.
 "I think Evan knows when I’m joking, I believe he is smart enough to note the difference in my tone but he always does this, acts like I’m being mean because it confirms his biases about people like him and people like me."
This is kinda important as it's a major theme for the whole part of this story - cliques and where each character slots in (or doesn't) in the social hierarchy of the school. Jude is on top, Evan is near the bottom but seems to enjoy being there, Evan likes the idea of being an outsider, of being persecuted and victimized as it gives him an excuse to be angry.
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Persuaded by Jen, Jude attempts to befriend Evan (and Michelle), but is faced with resistance. Evan doesn't want to open up to Jude. I think there's probably two reasons for this. One, he's likely been bullied in the past by boys like Jude - if not directly by Jude himself (although if he was, Jude probably doesn't remember), and two, for Evan's friend group, being friends with a 'jock' is a bit lame. it'd be as embarrassing for Evan to be friends with Jude as it would be for Jude to be friends with Evan.
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Still, Jude and Evan eventually bond over a shared love for mischief. Evan is delighted to learn that Jude was the bathroom stall arsonist of 2004 and lets his guard down. This leads to the fireworks scene, in which Jude recognises some of himself in Evan's excitement.
“I think there's… something about guys like us,”
Jude, desperate for connection is really reaching for something in common with Evan, and willing to ignore things about him that don't seem quite right.
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This conversation on the seafront during Jude's suspension from school is probably the most telling of Evan's horrible personality, but Jude is too busy thinking about his similarities with him to really notice it.
“What’s she like?”
I don’t really know how to answer, “Um, she’s nice, she’s, like, sweet under this cool-girl exterior, and really smart.”
Evan laughs, “No, that’s not what I mean. I’m just asking, you know, since she’s supposedly pretty experienced and all that…I just was curious…”
After Alison's nudes get leaked through the school, Evan is most interested in what she's like in bed. He seems to misunderstand the entire situation, and then goes on to complain that he's not getting enough from Michelle.
Why is Evan opening up to Jude about this? Because he thinks this is who Jude is too. If they are similar in their love for bad behaviour and illegal activities then they must be similar in their attitude towards women too.
“Yeah, but you must have- I mean, you always have a girlfriend.”
I’m surprised he even paid that much attention to me
I'm surprised he's paid that much attention to you too, Jude. It's almost like he cares about what you think and looks up to you.
I like to think that Evan's hatred of Jude in the beginning is due to jealousy, or some desire he has to be him based on who he believes him to be. Evan values the friendship with Jude as he sees it as a way to justify his bad behaviour. He wants someone to validate him, to make him 'cool'. Underneath it all, Evan really just wants acceptance from the popular kids.
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By the end of Evan's arc he trusts Jude completely and truly sees them as friends. He admits that he's been dealing drugs behind his girlfriends back, which is perhaps a test of Jude's loyalty. When Jude promises not to tell Michelle (for his own good reasons) Evan sees this as confirmation that he is trustworthy enough to let further into his inner life.
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Which is when he feels comfortable to share the fact that he cheated on her with Carlie.
All along, Evan was unable to see Jude as anything but a stereotype, to see what he really wanted to see, which was a popular jock with questionable morals. Jude does drugs, Jude messes around with girls, so he will understand these things I am doing.
The difference between Evan and Jude, really, is that Evan is deliberately awful. He loves the idea of himself of being a 'bad boy' of doing things that are illegal and wrong, and of getting away with it. Jude just has impulse control issues, he's not really a bad person. It's this misunderstanding that is really the end of their friendship. If Evan had really known Jude at all he wouldn't have ever trusted him with this final secret, and it would have gone without saying that Jude would tell Michelle, but alas...
“You get me, right? Guys like us, you know, we need to be able to just relax sometimes, not think so hard…”
“Yeah, for sure… Guys like us, huh?”
Yep, guys like us, Evan.
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onedaughterofman · 1 year
Writing Sessions #3 (Cardinal Copia x g/n reader)
Summary: Copia's crush talks to him for the first time. For some reason, there's also a baby rat in his hands.
Tags: Fluff, Copia being dumb af, misunderstandings, some sexual innuendos (maybe). Copia is dumbfounded by his crush. Around 700 words.
A/N: Something short based on @tasty-ribz really cute fanart I loved it, so I had to write this ♥
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Something squirms in his palm. Tiny fingers curl around one of his own, thin whiskers tickling at his skin. A baby rat, probably a few days old at most, rests secured between his hands.
“Poor thing! I found it all alone, Cardinal. Do you think it’s going to be fine?”
Your mouth is moving. Lucifer, how much Copia wishes he could understanda single thing you are saying. It must be important, because you seem high-spirited and there’s a heavy furrow on your brows. Oh, how cute you look when you gaze at him through your lashes, hands clutched together and shoulders shaking with each word.
Copia swallows, but nothing loosens the knot in his throat. The blood rushes to his face, causing a deafening rumble in his ears. Fuck, he’s all flushed and sweating, fingers lightly trembling upon being in your presence.
You are not only a Sibling of Sin requesting his assistance, but also the most beautiful Sibling he has ever seen. You are the one his heart yearns for, the love of his life. You and he are destined together, to be perpetually lovers as the times goes by.
Well, you don’t know it yet. One day, he’ll tell you. Just…
Not now.
“I was so worried, Cardinal. Papa’s cat had almost caught it before I did it, and the poor thing was shaking so hard. Hell, I think I’m shaking too…”
A hand is unhurriedly rested on his own. Copia swallows, sensing the thick saliva get stuck in his throat. He wants to cough, but somehow manages to stop. You are right, you are slightly trembling. A few of his fingers hold the tip of your own before letting go suddenly, as if the touch had burned.
And it did. You burn on his skin, almost as much as you set his heart on fire. Copia knows your name, he has written a dozen of love letters and poems dedicated to it.
Of course, he never actually sent them. He’s not even sure if you were the one who told him your name, or if he merely heard it around the hallways. Well, maybe he secretly checked the Ministry’s records trying to find it.
“Is that okay, Cardinal? We can take turns.”
“Turns?” He whispers, mismatched eyes completely focusing on yours. Big mistake. Copia feels as if the world had stopped, had come to a violent halt to allow him to bask in the beautiful sight. He notes your long lashes, bright eyes and the way your mouth moves when you smile at him.
“Yes, we’ll have to do this all day and night long. We’ll get so tired, won’t we? It’s not an easy task, we’ll end up sore and struggling to regain our breath.”
“Oh, Sibling,” he breathes out, mouth agape. The baby rat nests on his palm, snuggling closer. It’s so endearing, so tiny. Copia would be swooning right now, if only there wasn't a better view right in front of him.
“Would you like that? You can take the lead, since you seem to know what you are doing. I’ll do anything you tell me to, Cardinal! I’ll try my best!”
Fuck. Copia’s clothes are tight, extremely suffocating in all the wrong places. He gasps, mouth open, as he struggles to find the right words. Are you asking for him? Do you need him? If he could take you right here, right now, he would. The desire he feels towards you is too strong, it renders him a useless man, a fool.
Copia wants to hold you close, to fall to his knees and worship every inch of you to Hell and back.
“Sibling,” he murmurs, instead. He’s anxious, wheezing for air. “Of course. Anything you want.”
The smile on your face makes it worth it. Without notice, your hands are on his arms, softly squeezing as you gaze at him with dazzling eyes. “Thank you so much! I knew I could count on you, Copia!”
If the world had stopped before, now it’s in flames and about to break in a thousand pieces. Copia struggles to think, brain empty and mind running at full speed. He nods once, instinctively clutching the baby rat closer to his body. He can barely overhear the last words you say to him, before disappearing into the long hallways.
“Sorry, I’ve got to go. I’ll meet you later in your chambers, is that okay? I'm so excited. We'll be amazing together!”
Absentmindedly, he nods. Chambers? You are going to his private room? Oh, Satan. He has to clean everything, change the bedsheets, find some candles and wine, maybe? He has to set up a nice playlist, something to get the right mood.
Copia rushes through the corridors, long cassock swaying behind him. He’s so focused in his date he almost forgets about the baby, until it lets out a loud squeak.
Wait. Why did you give him a rat?
Copia isn’t completely sure. It’s okay, he doesn’t mind it. He’s always open to rescuing these little creatures from the cold and hunger of the Ministry. Besides, he can ask you tonight, when you finally meet him for your date.
Ps: someone save this man.
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lets-try-some-writing · 10 months
Had this really cute idea about TFP kids having pets of some kind if they ever do get a chance wanna know what you think!
Jack--- a pigeon- because they're great companions for people who has anxiety or feel lonely ( he probably has the one with small beak and feather covered legs and definitely a female because they're more loving and affectionate and puts her in cute clothes)
Miko--- a bearded dragon (or maybe even a gecko but definitely some lizard animal)- they're puppies with scales very energetic, weird and has fun personality and moves their head to music ( definitely dress it up and named it after a slash monkey member)
Raf--- a guinea pig or a rat (but I lean on rat more) - they're very social animals and love their owners very much and very intelligent ( he definitely has two because they has to have a friend. And he always let them climb on him or hides them in his pockets or bag and takes them with him)
And I like to imagine them explaining to the bots that they're not pets but companions/family or even their own children and how much they mean to them or how much of an emotional support they were to them!
And definitely found an excuse/reason to bring them to base!
And the bots reaction are like:
Ratchet wants them immediately out the base but get gaslighted into letting them stay for a day one the condition that they stay away from his work place ( Miko doesn't comply)
Optimus would be curious about them since he haven't seen them so close and would want to learn more about them and how they behave completely different and seems to understand their owners
Arcee might be more neutral about them saying if the kids are happy then that's it but surely gets interested in seeing how they act and the tricks they do
Bulkhead wouldn't want to be near them because he fears they get in his joints like some scraplets (Ratchet used that to keep him away from his stuff)
Wheeljack( I'm not too sure about him) but would want to see what they're capable of and tries to teach them bad tricks to maybe piss of a certain CMO
Bumblebee/Smokescreen would undoubtedly be amazed at these different animals and be even more impressed by the tricks hey do to the point they'd want one but gets shut down quickly by the whole team because they're too much work
Ultra magnus would just leave simple comment about them and leaves
What's your opinion? Maybe different animals? But these fits them well!
What do I think? Well, since I am unsure if this is a writing request or not, I will give my opinion on what you have presented here. Please feel free to send in another request if you were hoping for writing. I tend to misunderstand things like this more often than not.
Now firstly, this is an adorable idea and I do in fact think the animals fit. I doubt they would have any exotic pets, except perhaps Miko who I could imagine having some sort of parrot due to the intelligence of the species. Aside from that, spot on thinking regarding the animals that would be involved.
Ratchet's reaction is comedy gold I must say. Optimus's makes perfect sense considering his personality, although I also imagine he wouldn't be too fond of the mess or the pets getting into equipment. Arcee's reaction is also pretty solid, however I can see her developing a strange rivalry with Jack's pigeon or Rafael's rodent upon having to assist in collecting the small thing from either the rafters or under work stations. Bulkhead's response is perfect, no commentary there except for that I think it would be hilarious for him to fear Rafael's hamster above all else. I've dealt with hamsters, those little critters can RUN-
For Wheeljack I would alter his reaction only slightly to have him find it funny to watch the pets fail at whatever it is they are attempting. Him staring at the hamster and laughing hysterically when it runs into an object or the pigeon when it inevitably crashes sounds on point for him. You got Smokey and Bee also perfectly on point in my opinion. That sounds about right for them, although Bee I think would be less inclined to get one and more silently encouraging Smokescreen since if Smokey could convince the team to let them have a pet, then great, but I doubt he would want to deal with the glares personally. Ha, yeah Ultra Magnus wouldn't give a crap unless one of the animals touched his stuff. Then I bet he would have WORDS with whoever owned the animal in question.
In conclusion, a very humorous concept indeed.
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