#anakin skywalker romance
amirahart · 2 years
"he didn't tell her that he knew the first thing he would do once he moved on to whatever happened after life and death was to find her. that he knew paradise existed the moment he looked into her eyes"
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coming soon: Anakin Skywalker x OC
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gg-s-world · 5 months
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spencer reid-
our love-🪐 IN PROGRESS!!
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christopher “rio”-
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patrick bateman-
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anakin skywalker-
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ethan landry-
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jason “JD” dean-
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mike shmidt-
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
Luke : Wow! Clearly this Jedi code was more of a set of guidelines! Ezra : Yes that must be it!
Cal : *Stops making out with Merrin for a moment* I concur!
Ahsoka : *Watching as Ghost Anakin tackles Ghost Obi-Wan off screen to keep him from spoiling the moment* No comment.
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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thesmuttyduchess · 2 months
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
I think a nightmare situation (for someone) is Anakin getting dosed with truth serum in TCW
And everyone's like "Oh, he's going to confess to the Amidala thing," and he's just like "I have murdered babies"
In front of like. Half the council.
"Obi-Wan did you know about--" "NO"
"Ahsoka please leave the room while we figure out what the fuck is going on. You shouldn't be here." [sounds of the pedestal she put Anakin on just crumbling]
They were expecting Anakin to admit he's horny and stupid about Padme and maybe planning to leave for her post-war. They were not expecting 'yeah I did a massacre,' okay?!
"Oh, we'll finally be able to stop pretending we don't know, and he'll stop being really awkward and pathetic about his affair!" Nope, it's so much worse.
I've seen truth serum fics for Anakin before but it's almost always for a Romance Confession and like. No. I want him to fuck up his entire career by admitting to an atrocity he committed. He deserves to fuck up his career at the minimum. He has killed so many people. Please make him go to therapy or something.
Palpatine: I'd like to speak with General Skywalker. Jedi: No, sorry, there's been an incident. Palpatine: …what kind of incident? Jedi: I'm sorry, but we can't tell you that. Palpatine: I am the supreme commander of the armed forces. You are legally obligated to tell me the actions of a high-ranking military member. Jedi: Technically it happened before the war, and outside of Republic space, so it's an internal Jedi matter.
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summerrain123 · 16 days
I was reading Queen Amidala Episode 1 Journal recently, and I found that it’s a nice read (legends btw) that sheds light on Padmé’s thoughts and feelings during TPM.
I think it’s so slept on how Anakin and Padmé shared a deep bond even before they fell in love, and this journal provides me with exactly that. I want to share some moments from the book that hit my Anidala loving heart. (Full disclosure: I’m not saying Anakin and Padmé’ relationship in episode 1 was romantic, simply stating that they had a deep connection and bond even before they fell in love and I feel like that accounts for their inevitable soulmatism in the future ✨)
The first thing I noticed is how Padmé talks about how her grandma would advise her that fate was complicated and that it’d be easier to follow “one thread”
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then later on Padmé goes on to say, as they’re tryna survive the sandstorm and Anakin leads them back into his house:
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I did mention ✨ soulmatism ✨ right?
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She mentions it again, when they’re on Naboo, before the parade. She just knows they’re bonded together now.
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Padmé even confirms here that she divides whom she truly is to whom she is expected to be. (Padmé vs Queen Amidala) and can only be one person at different times. And it’s clear that even before Padmé knew what Anakin would become to her, she had no doubts that he was gonna be someone very important to her and had already become someone important to her. Their bond and deep connection was a thing that was felt within both characters.
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My favourite part of this journal was the part where Anakin carved out the Japor snippet for Padmé so she’d remember him. But more so, I love how Padmé herself emphasizes how much it meant to her for him to give her that. (saying it’s more precious than he knows, and that it gave her a sense of comfort when she put it on.) this echos why Yoda advises for Padmé to be buried with it in the ROTS novel 💔
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Also, this last part hits the nail on the head. Padmé finding a moment of peace with Anakin, and how only one moment is enough for her. A subtle nod to how they become each other’s safe havens when they marry, during the war, and with their overbearing careers. The way how they’re the only ones who can keep the other happy amidst all that’s wrong in the galaxy. No matter what, they can always lean back on each other.
As Matthew Stover says in the Revenge of the Sith novelization:
Love can ignite the stars 💫
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jebiknights · 5 months
Sometimes I just remember that oh right it's apparently a slightly controversial opinion that I think if Palpatine hadn't been involved at all that Anakin could've been perfectly happy and fulfilled with the Jedi.
Like just from rots we see Anakin want to follow Jedi ideals, to seek advice and even help from the very Jedi that fandom loves to act like he hates and who hate him in return, and we see the Jedi around him actually have a lot of respect for him! But every time he makes progress Palpatine is whispering in his ear and pulling out the stitches and re-opening the wounds, making it near impossible for him to actually grow as a Jedi and instead he grows closer to Falling. Not to mention the war, which was orchestrated in part to actively challenge the Jedi's morals and make them make bad and questionable choices.
Plenty of Legends canon and even current canon in things like the marvel comics show Anakin actively wrestling and considering Jedi philosophy, the pros and cons, and working through all his trauma and trying to figure out what's right for him and what the Jedi code actually means. People act like he only ever does lightsaber training and that he never picked up a book in his entire padawanship (which not only is just not how the Jedi Order works from what we see but honestly is just a boring take on the character imo).
Like, I just don't think that Anakin is actually incompatible with the Jedi Order! I think he could've thrived there if he wasn't being actively sabotaged and also had more time.
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I can't not laugh at the image of Mace Windu fuming in whatever afterlife is for the force ghosts knowing that his lineage and Anakin's are forever interwined
Yes this about Ezra and Sabine
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person25 · 2 months
every time i see a two guy one girl trio i fear i become a different person all together
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amirahart · 2 years
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Even in a room full of art , he still chose to look at her. Not just because she was a trillion times more gorgeous than any of these paintings could hope to be, but because her beauty would never be truly captured in a mere canvas. Not even the most talented painter in all of the galaxy could accurately portray the joy of her laughter, the sparkle in her eyes, the softness of her hands, the feel of her lips. And to know that every night, Anakin got the chance to go home to her-even in secret- made him the luckiest man in the history of time. He didn’t know what he had done to deserve her. Because she was a poem in a world of words. She was truly deserving of her name. Only she was worthy of the title « Art »
A little something for my Anakin lovers cause my fic is taking longer than expected<3
Tags: @canvashearts (i feel so special that someone asked me to tag them, thank you love, hope you enjoy)
Xoxo Art
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qvnthesia · 1 year
Another You (1)
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an anakin skywalker/jedi consular!reader fic set during the clone wars
the pitch: best friends with anakin since he had joined the jedi order, you hadn’t expected to catch feelings for him, not that hard, at least. his intentions were clear — his heart already enraptured by the nubian senator, leaving you to ruminate about the prospect of letting go of not just him, but maybe everything. until another anakin shows up, and your — your universe’s anakin starts behaving strangely.
A/N: this is a gift for my padawan, @kaizsche! happy birthday, kai! i hope you enjoy this fic! i return from an unexpectedly long hiatus with a three-part fic and i hope that all my other readers enjoy this short-fic too! a note to all readers — there’s no y/n here, the reader’s nickname for the fic is sky. that’s all from my end! happy reading!
part one — and you are?
word count: 3, 380
part one (here) | two | ....
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As a Consular, you were trained to study the deepest abyss of the Living and the shrouded myths of the Cosmic. Albeit well-trained with a lightsaber, being a Jedi meant forsaking weapons for words. Diplomacy over bloodshed. Knowledge, insights, and lessons instead of learning the different ways of besting war-mongering droids and bureaucrats.
You look back at the looming hallways of the Temple, letting out a sigh as you turn around to watch the warships meander above the setting skies through the windows. The sun used to shine brighter, you think, but perhaps it’s the shadows that don’t let the light reach the galaxy anymore.
A Nubian ship soars between where the indigo darkens the pale orange in the sky and another wave of longing and sorrow digs deeper into your heart.
It had been almost a standard week since the Five Hundred and First Legion had arrived for their monthly rotation to protect Coruscant.
“Let’s hope we make it a week and not get called back to bust some Seppies since the 501st seems to be the only competent one to get some wins.”
You couldn’t stop the smile that had tugged at your lips.
“Don’t let Obi-Wan hear you say that.”
A deep rumble of laughter had echoed through Anakin’s chest and he’d pulled you into his embrace. It hadn’t taken a Force-sensitive to sense the happiness spread through your body, or that the same happiness had made him glow in the sea of shadows drowning the Force. He smelled just like he always did — fuel, probably the one from Malastare, since the scent always tingled your skin, and kyber, his bond with the second crystal coursing through his year-old arm. The spark of the Force, you called it, the crystal accepting the machine as a part of him.
But there was something more. You stiffened, the soft, sweet scent making you sneeze, making you draw back and—
“Since when in the name of Maker did you start wearing nlorna fruit-scented perfume?”
His cheekbones immediately stained red, shock dripping from every inch of his face until the charm and delight took over for the damage control.
“Some reporter tried to get up too close while I was on my way to the Temple.”
You laughed it off, knowing very well the Chancellor had banned journalists to enter the Temple after an incident involving three women, two men, and a food fight in the barracks had ended with Commander Cody coming off with a sprained neck and handing nearly half of the 212th two days’ worth of time of cleaning the trooper barracks on Coruscant. There were admirers of General Kenobi and on the other hand, well, admirers even Kenobi couldn’t negotiate with.
Obviously, it wouldn’t take an idiot to know. Anakin had always confided everything to you. He’d considered you as the best of his friends — the point which had exactly been the problem for the past two years. But you knew he was keeping something. You knew it, and the realization of it had cracked through whatever strength you always mustered whenever he smiled at you with those blue eyes — always so tired. Ones that had come to no one else to you for caf, for stories about your mind-blowing inventions, always teasing you about the time you had created such a fluffy pillow for Master Yoda’s backaches that it had taken him the collective efforts of the Council to wake him up from his slumber. You had never known what had happened in Master Yoda’s chambers, but the Council had learned not to disturb the centuries-old master from his sleep ever since then.
Anakin would continue on and on, narrating the tales of his adventures across the galaxy, while you kept on wondering when he’d slip like he usually did and confirm your worst fears.
But you never got the chance. The war grew on, spreading its tentacles to the corners of the Outer Rim to the point where the once full hallways of the Temple had never been so desolate, so hollow and abandoned. Every attempt of studying the Force your meditation had ended up just easing the mighty power as it writhed under the screams of terror, of the losses of life and the constant blasts and booms of missiles and bombs.
Just when you wished for some peace in the Temple, word had spread of spies in the Senate. You had joined Anakin and Obi-Wan to watch another one of the Senate’s heated sessions. The Chancellor’s bony fingers extended across the air, his steel voice commanding Senator Orn Free-Taa to shut down his baseless arguing against Senator Organa. But the senator from Ryloth simply refused to back down, until another pod smoothly drifted to join the three, the air ringing with the determination and tranquility brought forth by none other than Padmé Amidala.
The bond between you and Anakin flared up, something so bright and looming, such beauty and danger filling your soul till it vanished with a spark. You looked at Anakin, who had been clapping with the surrounding senators, his radiant smile only and only for no one but the occupant of the Nubian pod.
For so long, you had wondered who it was he’d found, had been so desperate for an opportunity to see, maybe echo some made-up protest or remark that’d dull his interest and make him come back to you no matter how selfish it sounded. But it was hard for you to ignore the goodness in Padmé’s heart, her resilience easing the Force in a way you never could, no matter how much time you spent studying it, meditating to repair its cracks and tear apart the veins of darkness shrouding its light.
Anakin Skywalker had fallen in love, and it wasn’t you. It was someone else and you… you were simply too late.
You let out a sigh, watching the Nubian ship disappear between the tall skyscrapers of the ecumenopolis. The scrolls on your table rustle for your attention, and you heavy-heartedly oblige, going back to once again analyze another countermeasure against the Separatists, who were now rumored to have created some sort of machine that could decimate entire civilizations — a planet-killer, the informant had said, before being poisoned to death.
You set down the scrolls with a heavy thump. Ever since Padmé, Anakin hardly ever came to visit. Ever since this stupid rumor of the Separatists’ planet-killer, the governing body of the entire galaxy looked up to you for solutions, for answers. They had offered you a chunk of kyber crystal retrieved from Ilum stolen by the Separatists and then recovered by Master Yoda himself. They demanded a weapon, sharply silencing your idea of diplomacy.
You wished for Anakin to maybe visit you, to just… just forget the karking war for five freaking minutes and let his childhood lullabies lull you to a restful slumber. Instead, you were drilling your gaze on the kyber crystal covering under a massive rug, the strength of the Force humming within a wonder for your meditation, the crystal’s deathly blue glow the bane of your sleep.
But that was the point. Maybe just forget the war. It did seem never-ending; one day the Republic won, the Separatists in the other. There was simply no end in sight. The number of lives to save was steeply increasing, missing civilians and dead soldiers bruising the Republic’s morale. Your master had been one of the unfortunate Jedi to pass into the Cosmic Force on Geonosis. Some of the padawans you had formed friendships with were now soldiers scattered across the galaxy. The Council was too busy arguing about matters behind closed doors, matters in half of which you were indirectly involved in. Anakin was away most of the time, the Hero With No Fear too busy to worry about his best friend who had so foolishly violated her morals and had fallen in love with him.
Isn’t that what you had exactly trained yourself to avoid?
“It’ll pass.”
You scoff at your Master’s words ringing in your head. The anger simmering in your bones builds up to a crescendo, and makes its presence known with the shatter of your sensor arrays on the opposite wall. Glass shards litter your laboratory, blood trickling down the lines of your palms, your exhausted tears joining the red dripping on the floor.
A soft twang bends the air in the room and echoes through the Force. The hair on the back of the neck rises sharply, and you watch the kyber in bewilderment. The deathly blue behind the rug hums stronger. Your equipment breathes to life, and your teary eyes squint in confusion, rushing toward the kyber as an invisible force possesses your machinery to run diagnostics on its own.
The deathly blue turns as bright as the Coruscanti sun shining at the Core, lighting up the edges of the galaxy with a power rivaling the one you and so many others before you control. You shield your eyes, stumbling over boxes and books detailing advancements of the past. Your equipment spits electric sparks, and you cower behind your arms.
“Stop it—STOP!”
The glow dies, the light in your laboratory returning to just as it was before. You launch into a fit of coughs, waving your hands to disperse the smoke filling the lab. You tune your senses and reach out into the Force.
The wave of a horrifying scream slams into you, knocking you off your feet. You summon the Force again, hoping the mystical power can help you steady yourself. But you freefall toward the table of sharp-edged screws and bolts until you’re pulled forward headlong towards a figure.
You regain your balance, fingernails digging into a smooth fabric covering a rock-hard chest. A tendril of warmth and concern wraps around your Force signature, and you look up at your savior.
You wrap your arms around his neck, breathing him in, all of him— wait, was that cabbage and banthaweed? Oh, who in the maker gave a shit — was he alright? Was he—
Your train of thought crashed to a halt as you draw back, gazing at Anakin before you. Your heart rate accelerates to a speed you can’t bring yourself to control, and you pray to the Maker he doesn’t hear it.
He’d done something to his hair. It was longer now, falling just below his shoulder and partly tied back, streaks of light brown and grey near his temples. Loose shirts and trousers and softer tones of beige and brown had replaced his dark, billowing robes. Most of all, you’re aware of his stormy blue eyes roving over you, wide-eyed in absolute shock.
There’s a strange breath in the greeting that escapes him, one that makes you gulp; his throat visibly bobs as he clenches his jaw. The movement makes you realize there are two feet between you and him. Two feet away from the thunderous storm that is always Anakin Skywalker.
To your surprise, there’s no storm raging before you, nothing but a serene sun shining bright, its warm tranquillity reminding you of the one time you and Anakin had snuck off-world to Naboo as padawans. He’d promised the summers there at the time were delightful, and true to his words, they really were.
You reach out, intertwining your fingers with his, and meet flesh instead of cold metal.
You yelp, harshly flinching backwards. Anakin’s eyebrows shoot up in concern and he raises both his hands in an attempt to placate you. You’re horrified as you see his right arm, no longer a prosthetic but actual flesh.
A sharp voice rings through the dimly-lit hallways, footsteps running their way towards you, and Anakin Skywalker skids to a stop at the threshold of your laboratory.
“Sky, are you—”
He halts his question mid-way, acknowledging the presence of the man standing right beside you.
There’s a moment of silence that passes between the two stunned men, before the Jedi-clad Anakin ignites his lightsaber, pointing the laser tip toward his long-haired double.
“Sky, get behind me.”
“Wha—” You whirl toward him with an indignant expression and your hands on your hips. “Do you think I’m incapable of defending myself?”
“No, I don’t—”
“On the contrary,” the long-haired Anakin speaks, his voice mellifluous and silvery, “I think not.”
You and Anakin pause in beginning another one of your bickering sessions, Anakin’s lightsaber still leveled against his double.
“Who in the hell are you?”
“Anakin Skywalker?” the long-haired Anakin answers again in the same tone, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. “And you must be…”
“Anakin Skywalker,” says your Anakin, the height of his lightsaber inching slowly to the ground, utterly confused.
“Well, this is interesting.”
The three of you swerve toward Obi-Wan standing in the doorway, arms crossed as he strokes his beard while Cody’s eyes are going to pop right off of his skull, witnessing one Anakin standing on each of your sides. Captain Rex, on the other hand, just aged a standard decade more with the lines appearing on his forehead.
“Stand down, Anakin. There’s no need for… that,” Obi-Wan ends rather admonishingly, though stunningly failing, still roiling from his possible lack of sleep — or the shock of seeing a copy of his former padawan.
Anakin’s lightsaber retracts into its hilt, and Obi-Wan turns to you.
“Consular Sky.”
Double shit.
“Are you alright?”
Oh, thank Maker—“Yes, Master Kenobi,” you nod fervently, not knowing whether you’re doing a good job of convincing Obi-Wan or yourself. “I’m completely fine, all thanks to Anakin.”
“It’s no problem, Sky.”
“You’re welcome.”
Anakin shoots a glare at, well, the long-haired Anakin, who shrugs with a relaxed raise of his eyebrows.
Obi-Wan looks like he’s about to faint right then and there, but the negotiator that he’s always been, he schools his expression just in time before anyone else can comment on it.
“Could you tell us what happened here, Sky?”
You look around your laboratory, trying to find an answer to the same question evidently ringing loud in everyone else’s minds.
Something along the lines of your nighttime reading pops up in your mind, and you cringe inwardly.
Double shit.
Obi-Wan’s expression settles into the one he’s always worn whenever he’s attending another one of the Council’s meetings.
Triple shit.
“Well, I don’t think I need to tell you where we’re going next, are we?”
“Which is the point here—”
The room’s attention turns back to the long-haired Anakin, eyes twinkling bright with the same softness as the time of his appearance.
“Where exactly are we going?”
Maker, he had to ask.
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“From another universe, this version of Skywalker is?”
You grit your teeth and find the courage to nod.
Master Yoda grips his cane even tighter. Honestly, you really want to pity the old master, but Master Windu sits right next to him, clearly grouchy at being disturbed from the sleep he probably got after weeks and weeks of leading attack and rescue campaigns.
“How is this even possible?” Master Koon’s voice rumbles through his mask, sharp and alert despite the drowsiness emanating from a majority of the Jedi Council.
“Well, Master Koon, there’s the multiverse theory,” you speak, voice slightly quivering. “It’s clear our universe isn’t the only one that exists. There are thousands of worlds out there with billions and trillions of lifeforms. But they’re distantly separated from ours, just like all others. For all we know, they might have their own laws of physics, their own collections of stars and galaxies — that is, if stars and galaxies can exist in those universes,” you stop a nervous hiccup and continue. “—and maybe even their own intelligent civilizations.”
“Is this true, then?” Master Windu leans forward with his signature soul-scanning glare. “Are you truly from another universe? Or just another shapeshifter?”
All other Council members swerve their heads toward the long-haired Anakin standing on your right.
“I assure you, Master Windu,” the other Anakin shrugs lightly. “I am not from here. I—”
He takes a second to look around, his gaze turning distant.
“I will admit I have been here before, in the Temple, though this one does look incredibly different from the one I was raised and trained in.”
Several pairs of eyebrows shoot up in surprise, even Anakin’s, who stands just in the corner behind where Obi-Wan has himself perched on another one of the Council chairs.
Master Windu recovers from his internal heart attack and focuses his line of sight on you.
“How did this happen?”
“Honestly, even I’m not sure, Master Windu,” you admit. “I did nothing of any sort to the crystal, it just started to glow, and the next thing I know—”
“I’m here,” the other Anakin finishes, eyes twinkling in some sort of amused annoyance.
Master Yoda taps his cane, and the Council’s incoming deliberations surrender to silence.
“Will of the Force, it seems, that this Skywalker has been sent here. Aid us, harm us, know that, I do not.”
He flutters his eyes close for a brief second, tendrils of his power hesitantly coiling around you and the other — long-haired — Anakin before refocusing them on you.
“Consular—” you stiffen as Master Yoda blurts out your name. “—find a way to send this Skywalker to his home, your task it is. Help you, our Skywalker will. Lead Captain Rex and the Five-Oh-First, Master Kenobi will—”
Behind Obi-Wan, Anakin steps forward to protest.
“—Temporarily, till resolved, the situation is.”
Anakin stops to stand on your left, the slight touch from his elbow a sign of comfort and reassurance.
“Important I feel, it is, to send this Skywalker home. Stay longer, he must not. At war, we already are. Already upon us, the shadows of the Sith are.”
The long-haired Anakin’s eyebrows raise.
You sigh inwardly. I’ll explain it to you later.
He relaxes, and you turn toward your Anakin, who gazes at his counterpart with a strange mixture of suspicion and something along the lines of annoyance.
“Send him home quickly, you must, Consular,” Master Yoda speaks with an inspired urgency. “Terrible it will be, I sense if the Sith find him. Not just for Jedi, but for the Galaxy, also.”
Your Anakin moves closer, his fingertips brushing yours, a tingling sensation itching yours to touch his.
You focus your gaze on the masters before you and bow down with both Anakins, nodding towards Yoda and Windu.
“Master Kenobi will show our guest to his new quarters.”
Obi-Wan seems relieved at finally being allowed to stretch his legs as he strides over to the long-haired Anakin.
“Come along,” the master pauses before smiling in his wise and incredibly tired ways. “Anakin.”
The other Anakin offers a cordial nod and turns to you.
“I suppose I’ll be seeing you later.”
He poses it as a question of sorts. You don’t take time to dissect his intentions, having no energy to do so with the day’s certainly turbulent events and give him a nod.
“Thank you.”
Your eyes slightly twitch in alertness as he offers you a bright, albeit tired smile. Before you can respond or react, he’s already followed Obi-Wan to his quarters, having long disappeared around the nearby corner.
Your Anakin puts his hand — the metal hand — on your shoulder.
You can practically feel the gears of his joints creaking to ensure his touch stays gentle, despite knowing very well he could easily crush your lung right now with the frustration nagging at his veins.
“It’s nothing, Anakin,” you answer before he can voice his worries out loud. “I’ll be fine—we better get some sleep, lots of work to do.”
Anakin nods, letting go of you with a soft smile. With a sweep of his robes, he walks out of the Council chambers.
You finally let out the breath you’d been holding; the image of both of their smiles filling your vision much clearer than they were supposed to.
Quadruple shit.
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to be continued...
thank you so so much for reading! if you'd like to be added to the tag list, comment below! <33
gif credits to @nowadayz
cross-posted on AO3 <33
part one (here) | two | ....
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whiteoakoak · 4 months
Anyone but you gives 90s romcom 💝
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thesmuttyduchess · 2 months
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adl3y90 · 6 months
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Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker had always harboured a deep disdain for one another. Their relationship thrived on a foundation of constant rivalry. However, when an unforeseen force bond unexpectedly blossoms between them as younglings, everything changes.
Current Word Count: 86,000
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summerrain123 · 11 days
It’s so funny to me how deniers claim Anakin and Padmé obviously weren’t “soulmates” due to how their fate turned out, because they obviously haven’t heard of the classical “tragic soulmates” love stories, and it shows.
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variant-nightwing16 · 8 months
The SW novels being used as fanfics for the galaxy to read, everyone being too invested in these novels to fight anymore because they wanna know what happens next between “Ben” and his Padawan “Vader”
Obi-Wan and Anakin don’t even know they exist, to busy with either missions, themselves, and training Ahsoka together.
Some people start noticing the similarities between Obi-Wan and Anakin to the characters, it’s not like their theories aren’t necessarily unjustified either.
they notice Anakin’s weird staring, notice his possessive tendencies when others flirt with Obi-Wan, notice that he continues to stand way to close.
They also notice Obi-Wan’s longing looks, his love filled eyes on his ex-Padawan whenever they’re together, his sadness whenever Anakin is with Senator Amidala.
They notice it all, and it breaks they’re hearts because one of the lines “Ben” says is that he’s destined for infinite sadness and now they can see why he said that.
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