summerrain123 · 19 hours
I find it hilarious that C-3PO is completely use to Anakin and Padmé always hugging and kissing, that he just moves along and accepts it whenever it happens, lol.
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summerrain123 · 2 days
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In this little scene in the AOTC novel, I just love how it tells us how much Anakin knows PadmĂ© so well and truly cares for her, when he’s ordered by the Council to escort PadmĂ© to Naboo. We see that his immediate reaction is to defend Padmé’ desires, that she’d want to stay back for the vote, but of course the Council acts on its own accord. Even still, to see that Anakin was trying to argue a case for PadmĂ© against his higher ups because he knows how much this vote meant to her is endearing.
He even told Obi Wan that he only wanted to explain her passion for it. Anakin truly was the very few people in Padmé’ life that really saw her and cared about her opinions, desires, and took them seriously. He put her above all else and not in the way where her trusted teammates or subjects relied on her to behave as a leader, but he prioritized her for just being “PadmĂ©â€, and that’s why I think he was the only one for her.
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summerrain123 · 3 days
Oh no don’t apologize! I didn’t mind you asking me one bit 😊 I just wanted to avoid reblogging the OP’s post cause I had them blocked.
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@anidala-for-ever you tagged me in a post of a user I blocked asking for some receipts in claim of proving that the Lake Retreat scene between Anakin and PadmĂ© in AOTC where he runs his hand down her back/arm was consensual and I wanted to provide the evidence for that. For reasons I think is obvious, I didn’t reblog the OP’s post because I have them blocked, so I’m tagging you with the receipts. There you have it!
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summerrain123 · 3 days
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@anidala-for-ever you tagged me in a post of a user I blocked asking for some receipts in claim of proving that the Lake Retreat scene between Anakin and PadmĂ© in AOTC where he runs his hand down her back/arm was consensual and I wanted to provide the evidence for that. For reasons I think is obvious, I didn’t reblog the OP’s post because I have them blocked, so I’m tagging you with the receipts. There you have it!
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summerrain123 · 4 days
I wanna talk about the conversations PadmĂ© had with Sola in the AOTC novel, and they how clearly confirm that Padmé’ first and last love was always just Anakin đŸ„ș of course we know Anakin felt a deep connection with PadmĂ© the moment she walked into Watto’s junk shop, and has loved her for 10 years, so she’s indefinitely his first and last. But on the flip side, is the truth for PadmĂ© as well.
(Of course, I’m not counting adolescent crushes she had when she was a kid, because that’s not “love.”)
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Sola in the AOTC novel has a conversation with PadmĂ© about how she never thinks about settling down and wonder if she’s ever even wanted a family, and clearly Sola thinks the concept is foreign to her sister because she never speaks on such things nor has she ever expressed the desire to want more (despite that we know PadmĂ© does want these things.) because PadmĂ© was always heavily focused with duty rather than getting involved with someone.
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PadmĂ© even tries to deny it when Sola insists that settling down with someone is something she needs and wants but finds that she can’t when she’s faced with the reality of it. This clearly indicates Padmé’ mindset all her life, trying to justify to herself that she doesn’t need to settle down and find love, start a family. She tries to convince herself that she’s okay and content with living her life in duty. Having not found anyone to love her whole life, she thinks she’s immune and not needing of matters like this, and yet she still finds it hard to deny the desire when her sister poses the question.
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PadmĂ© eventually gives the idea some thought when she’s reunited with Anakin again, because up until now, she’s never in her life before gave into “wanting more”. Her life was always choosing duty and career over her desires. Or to put it more accurately lacking the conviction for that desire because nobody in her life before Anakin could make her.
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PadmĂ© even so much as remembers Sola’s words of “finding love” and “settling down” the minute Anakin comes back into her life, admits that she found the idea more tempting than it had ever been. Because now, finally, PadmĂ© truly had found someone to desire and fight for (even if she doesn’t yet realize it yet, because he’s a Jedi, and she’s a Senator.)
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After PadmĂ© brings Anakin home to meet her family (something which Sola confirms PadmĂ© had never done before with another boy 😏) Sola pulls her aside to talk about Anakin with PadmĂ©, because she so clearly sees the sparks flying between them. Advising her sister to give the idea some thought, because as Sola says PadmĂ© thinks “being a girlfriend and a Senator, aren’t mutually exclusive.”
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Sola confirms that PadmĂ© just needs to “give into her desire” and that she’s always so “tied up in responsibilities”. Never leaving room for “more”.
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And the most pivotal part of Sola and Padmé’ conversation about her quickly growing feelings for Anakin, Sola corroborates that whatever PadmĂ© is “feeling” is something “new” to her, she knows her sister has never felt this way about anyone before Anakin, and she knows she’s afraid. PadmĂ© is weary because Anakin is a Jedi, but more importantly PadmĂ© is afraid of her own feelings for Anakin too, because she herself also knows she’s never felt this way for anyone, her whole life was all politics and that’s all PadmĂ© knows and is comfortable with, at this point. Sola then she tries to reassure PadmĂ© that it’s a wonderful thing despite that it’s a new sensation her sister is going through. PadmĂ© at this point even acknowledges that denying what her sister is saying wouldn’t be honest.
This is why Anakin and Padmé’ love was so pure, before they got together, their lives were entirely about duty and responsibility. And as Anakin and PadmĂ© have stated in other SW novels, their lives before each other, belonged to something lesser then their true selves and the people they were before didn’t matter, as it took away from their individualities. After getting together they became two halves of one soul. They’re stronger together. Nobody {before one another} was able to do this for them.
They’re truly each others “one and only”, or “first and last.” 🌟
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summerrain123 · 7 days
Vader didn’t spend the rest of his life hating himself for what he did to PadmĂ© and living a guilt ridden life as a tormented soul by losing her, dreaming of a life he could have had with her, and imagining scenarios where things turned out differently where he had not chosen the wrong path, only for haters to say he would’ve “done it again” 🙄 the only point of that scene in ROTS is to showcase how badly Anakin had “fallen.”
It really doesn’t matter if you “care” or not that he’s completely broken up about this, because that point is pivotal to Vader’s redemption. It’s meant to showcase Anakin’s humane side and complete horror at his actions because they’re so foreign to even him, who carried out the deed. The point of Vader’s guilt is to narrate how Anakin isn’t “innately” cruel or evil. He was influenced by the dark side, and even he couldn’t believe he had done this to PadmĂ©. So yeah, Anakin repeating the same horrid actions that he’s haunted by for the rest of his life doesn’t seem likely.
This doesn’t exist just for the heck of it:
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summerrain123 · 10 days
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PadmĂ© during her dinner with Anakin in AOTC (where she’s wearing “that” outfit) is initially wearing a shawl over her dress which seems more covered up and modest. The thing that intrigued me though is how she takes OFF her shawl when she’s alone with him at the fireplace, revealing the more “sexy seductiveness” to her look 👀
She unconsciously did this on purpose 😏 girlie waited to be completely alone with him to show off her goods đŸ€Ł how do they expect me not to love her đŸ–ïž
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^ it does express her “true” feelings 😌
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summerrain123 · 11 days
A little part of PadmĂ© always wanted to settle down and have a family before that craving enhanced after she had met Anakin again, but before that point, she never indulged in any of her personal affairs because she felt a strong sense of duty. However I want to point out that this wasn’t the only reason. It’s true that PadmĂ© is a workaholic and never found time to settle down. But this is also due to the fact that in her life, nobody ever peaked her interest enough or quite literally ever for her to want to “choose” them over her duty, the way Anakin does.
PadmĂ© mentions in AOTC novel that the men who took an “interest” in her were never genuine and mostly always had an ulterior motive with her due to her status as a politician. This was one of the main factors why she never took interest in anyone till someone with a big heart as Anakin came along:
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PadmĂ© didn’t only neglect her personal desires because she was inclined to her duties but also because she wasn’t impressed with anyone that came around her, and most likely was waiting on the “right one” whenever that time came, or she just simply didn’t think much about this topic again (despite that she desires a settled life.) till of course “the one” {aka Anakin} unexpectedly came back into her life.
PadmĂ© needed someone who was like her and in that sense, I mean someone who is as genuine, passionate, kind, generous, wears their heart on their sleeve, loving, loyal, etc and shared the same sentiments and emotional energy as she did and see her for who she was (as “PadmĂ©â€ and not as Queen or Senator.) and only Anakin Skywalker fits the criteria PadmĂ© desires. To put it more bluntly, only Anakin Skywalker could’ve truly won PadmĂ© Amidala’s heart. He was the only one that can match her heart and soul, and love her as she is and not as whom she appears as. In conclusion, nobody else ever stood a chance, cause it wouldn’t have worked with anyone else. It had to be Anakin.
I think Catherine Taber (the voice of PadmĂ© in TCW) said it best when she mentioned how Anakin is the only exception in which PadmĂ© thinks with her “heart” instead of her “mind”. Anakin was the only one who had this affect on her and vice versa.
To top it off, PadmĂ© confirms this as well in Queen’s Hope.
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summerrain123 · 11 days
It’s so funny to me how deniers claim Anakin and PadmĂ© obviously weren’t “soulmates” due to how their fate turned out, because they obviously haven’t heard of the classical “tragic soulmates” love stories, and it shows.
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summerrain123 · 12 days
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Anakin was insane for this 😳
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summerrain123 · 13 days
Finished my re-read of Clone Wars: Wild Space by Karen Miller and the Anidala moments in there have me dead
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PadmĂ© using clothes as her armour to shield herself if Obi Wan came to her of news that Anakin was dead after the Geonosis battle but her holding out faith because of her connection to him being so deep that she’d know if he was gone. (✹ soulmatism ✹)
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Obi Wan being ordered by Yoda to break up Anakin and PadmĂ© after witnessing them getting too cuddly in the cavern after the fight with Dooku, and PadmĂ© knowing that Obi Wan isn’t truly understanding of Anakin and his need for love and affection, she knows her love can save him. (And she was right, because it did, fast forward to ROTJ.)
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PadmĂ© wanting to protect Anakin from the Jedi’s stern, cold, and detached ways because they’ll only isolate him of a life filled with love and value, and she knows that life isn’t suit for someone with a big heart as him. (Yes queen, come collect your man đŸ–ïž)
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PadmĂ© the ever efficient queen deciding she doesn’t care what the Jedi say or do, because she’ll never let them tear her apart from her Anakin, not even the force. If they’re together, nothing can come between them. (She knows they’re a power couple 😌)
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We know Anakin looks out to 500 Republica where PadmĂ© stays when he’s at the temple, but Anakin also knowing that PadmĂ© looks out to the temple where Anakin is anytime they’re apart longing for him 😭
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The way Anakin can feel her every emotion, feeling, and weight of her love for him as it affects him just as much 👌 this is why I say they’re soulmates. (Reminds me of that specific scene in the ROTS novel, you know the one đŸ„Č)
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Lol, less serious, but it’s confirmed that PadmĂ© wears “seductive robes” when she’s alone with Anakin 😏
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Anakin matching Padmé’ energy and basically confirming themselves to be a “power couple” :]
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PadmĂ© and Anakin once again matching each other’s energy. Why do they always gotta be so poetically romantic towards each other??!! 😭
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Bail coming to tell her “news” and PadmĂ© confirming that she could handle anything apart from “disaster befalling Anakin” 👀 please, nothing was more important to her than him.
(I have much more to say, but I’m at my limit, will continue on another post.)
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summerrain123 · 14 days
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Anakin being a good and caring husband ✹
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summerrain123 · 16 days
PadmĂ© once again proudly declaring that her and Anakin are ✹ soulmates ✹
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summerrain123 · 16 days
Exactly, the default argument antis use is the “force choke” to discredit Anakin and Padme’s love but I often have seen many SW theorists use their “clashing political views” as a reason as well. After all, the “force choke” is a moment even in universe that was considered extremely “out of character” for Anakin because he would never harm PadmĂ©. It only exists to showcase how far he’s fallen, therefore the former argument holds more promise to use against Anidala.
As for the Clone Wars episodes, you’re right. There were some episodes which showed Anakin’s struggle to support both his wife and the man he considered a father. He is loyal to a fault, but even despite it all, he does his best to be there for PadmĂ©. He trusts her despite that he has a different way to handle things, and unfortunately due to Palpatine’s brainwashing, Anakin finds it hard to also oppose him, even though in some cases, he finds, he doesn’t agree with him. For example: in ROTS when Palps suggested he and Anakin leave the unconscious Obi Wan behind and Anakin’s knee jerk refusal of that idea.
Overall, I 100% agree with you. It’s true that Anakin never had issues with the way PadmĂ© wanted to handle things, and that was due to his trust in her. He supports her vision of things and they could have 100% come to a conclusion together in ROTS if Anakin wasn’t vulnerable to Palpatine’s mind games. That’s a trait of a “compatible” couple, just to reiterate my original point.
Antis who love to use the excuse of what happened between Anakin and PadmĂ© in ROTS (not the force choke 💀) as proof that they’re not “compatible” because PadmĂ© was against Palpatine and Anakin clearly wasn’t, think they’re real smart, lol. This argument can’t be further from the truth and that’s because, Anakin wasn’t against Palpatine, not just because he was being influenced by him towards the darkside, but also because he truly believed in the “good man” he always thought he was. If it also weren’t for the Jedi Council’s mistrust of Anakin and the poison being fed to him by Palps himself being added to Anakin’s already clouded perception then there’s no doubt he would’ve at least seen a glimpse of what others were seeing too. To Anakin, the Jedi were technically committing treason by asking him to “spy” on Palpatine, and this only added to Anakin’s confusion of what’s right and wrong. However, the moment and I mean the exact moment where Anakin discovers Sidious for being the Sith Lord, he immediately switched up on him.
If it wasn’t because Anakin was having nightmares about PadmĂ© dying in childbirth with Palps being his only way to save her, he wouldn’t have thought a second about saving Palpatine or going to help him. At that point, he would’ve teamed up with the Jedi, AND PadmĂ©, and the rebellion towards maintaining peace and justice within the galaxy. Anakin and Padmé’ views don’t much clash, they have the same set of morals, sense of justice, and strive for peace. They just believe in different methods. But this wasn’t enough to lead them apart, because other than the one time in ROTS which people love to use as an argument against Anidala saying it makes them “incompatible”, there’s literally never a time where they both don’t support one another in what they’re doing and what they believe in. They both trust one another and Anakin says as much in Queen’s Shadow (I know that’s Disney canon, but I felt like it’s worth the mention.)
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Bottom line is: that it was circumstances and other outward factors that put Anakin and PadmĂ© on opposite sides. Not because of who they were as people. If Sidious wasn’t hung up on getting his claws into Anakin, there’s no doubt that he’d 110% support PadmĂ©, the Jedi, and the rebellion against Palpatine. So no, whatever went down here doesn’t at all make them “incompatible” đŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™€ïž
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summerrain123 · 17 days
Antis who love to use the excuse of what happened between Anakin and PadmĂ© in ROTS (not the force choke 💀) as proof that they’re not “compatible” because PadmĂ© was against Palpatine and Anakin clearly wasn’t, think they’re real smart, lol. This argument can’t be further from the truth and that’s because, Anakin wasn’t against Palpatine, not just because he was being influenced by him towards the darkside, but also because he truly believed in the “good man” he always thought he was. If it also weren’t for the Jedi Council’s mistrust of Anakin and the poison being fed to him by Palps himself being added to Anakin’s already clouded perception then there’s no doubt he would’ve at least seen a glimpse of what others were seeing too. To Anakin, the Jedi were technically committing treason by asking him to “spy” on Palpatine, and this only added to Anakin’s confusion of what’s right and wrong. However, the moment and I mean the exact moment where Anakin discovers Sidious for being the Sith Lord, he immediately switched up on him.
If it wasn’t because Anakin was having nightmares about PadmĂ© dying in childbirth with Palps being his only way to save her, he wouldn’t have thought a second about saving Palpatine or going to help him. At that point, he would’ve teamed up with the Jedi, AND PadmĂ©, and the rebellion towards maintaining peace and justice within the galaxy. Anakin and Padmé’ views don’t much clash, they have the same set of morals, sense of justice, and strive for peace. They just believe in different methods. But this wasn’t enough to lead them apart, because other than the one time in ROTS which people love to use as an argument against Anidala saying it makes them “incompatible”, there’s literally never a time where they both don’t support one another in what they’re doing and what they believe in. They both trust one another and Anakin says as much in Queen’s Shadow (I know that’s Disney canon, but I felt like it’s worth the mention.)
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Bottom line is: that it was circumstances and other outward factors that put Anakin and PadmĂ© on opposite sides. Not because of who they were as people. If Sidious wasn’t hung up on getting his claws into Anakin, there’s no doubt that he’d 110% support PadmĂ©, the Jedi, and the rebellion against Palpatine. So no, whatever went down here doesn’t at all make them “incompatible” đŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™€ïž
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summerrain123 · 17 days
I was reading Queen Amidala Episode 1 Journal recently, and I found that it’s a nice read (legends btw) that sheds light on Padmé’s thoughts and feelings during TPM.
I think it’s so slept on how Anakin and PadmĂ© shared a deep bond even before they fell in love, and this journal provides me with exactly that. I want to share some moments from the book that hit my Anidala loving heart. (Full disclosure: I’m not saying Anakin and Padmé’ relationship in episode 1 was romantic, simply stating that they had a deep connection and bond even before they fell in love and I feel like that accounts for their inevitable soulmatism in the future ✹)
The first thing I noticed is how PadmĂ© talks about how her grandma would advise her that fate was complicated and that it’d be easier to follow “one thread”
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then later on PadmĂ© goes on to say, as they’re tryna survive the sandstorm and Anakin leads them back into his house:
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I did mention ✹ soulmatism ✹ right?
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She mentions it again, when they’re on Naboo, before the parade. She just knows they’re bonded together now.
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PadmĂ© even confirms here that she divides whom she truly is to whom she is expected to be. (PadmĂ© vs Queen Amidala) and can only be one person at different times. And it’s clear that even before PadmĂ© knew what Anakin would become to her, she had no doubts that he was gonna be someone very important to her and had already become someone important to her. Their bond and deep connection was a thing that was felt within both characters.
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My favourite part of this journal was the part where Anakin carved out the Japor snippet for PadmĂ© so she’d remember him. But more so, I love how PadmĂ© herself emphasizes how much it meant to her for him to give her that. (saying it’s more precious than he knows, and that it gave her a sense of comfort when she put it on.) this echos why Yoda advises for PadmĂ© to be buried with it in the ROTS novel 💔
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Also, this last part hits the nail on the head. PadmĂ© finding a moment of peace with Anakin, and how only one moment is enough for her. A subtle nod to how they become each other’s safe havens when they marry, during the war, and with their overbearing careers. The way how they’re the only ones who can keep the other happy amidst all that’s wrong in the galaxy. No matter what, they can always lean back on each other.
As Matthew Stover says in the Revenge of the Sith novelization:
Love can ignite the stars đŸ’«
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summerrain123 · 17 days
And what if I gave in and came onto Twitter? I would have to make a separate private account, cause the way I’d be putting all the nasty, terrible, untrue Anidala/PadmĂ©/Anakin opinions on blast everyday would be ridiculous 🙃
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