#also huh been a while since i rambled in the tags like this
an-asuryampasya · 9 months
placeholder text so tumble will let me add a read-more-thingy
yet another day when I am cursing my resistance to picking up coding skills, but this time it's because of the World Soil Museum.
i mean first off, that EXISTS! how sodding cool is THAT???? a soil museum!!! AND they have a virtual tour! i am so excited to discover this!!
and the website has so much info about each kind of soil (like this page on a random sample I clicked on from the virtual tour) and there's images of each sample they have. And I just it would be really neat to do the whole 'play with jpegs like dolls' thing and place samples side by side to compare. Even just the images. Actually, especially the images of the samples.
like i KNOW getting to see silt and clay beside each other would fix some part of my brain.
would it particularly useful? idk, unsure how much the average person cares about this and those that do care likely have better and more efficient sources of info. but I would have a lot of fun with it, so there's that.
for a tool like this i imagine i'd need to get each sample's image+info separately and then set up a way to pull them up side by side. which mhmm boo @ the coding involved because that stuff remains witchcraft to me 😔
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ehnrat · 1 year
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i was also lookin up the full versions on the KHR songs and i saw that ponycanon uploaded one of my fav endings 3 weeks ago and HRMMMMMM
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wonysugar · 8 months
keep talking | aeri uchinaga
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synopsis : your best friend, aeri, was on tour with her fellow aespa members. she missed you a whole lot though, so you guys get on call and she asks you to talk about your day, to ramble, and to just keep on talking<3
pairing : idol!giselle x fem!reader
genre : best friends to fwb, phone call, smut!!
tags : phone sex, giselle is pretty subby in this, so yknow reader is kinda dommy, long distance, bffs to fwb, fingering, clit rubbing, dirty talk, you talk her through it ehehehe, aeri is still an aespa member, they’re on tour, and aeri has practice later help, what a bummer :((
warning : none just horny smut lol
word count : around 1.2k
a/n: this has been in my drafts since july,,, SO sorry,, but anyways i hope you enjoy this :] thank you
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“a-s-a-p, babyy, hurry up, don’t be lazyy”
you heard the ringtone from your cellphone, immediately jumping on your bed from excitement as you quickly accepted the anticipated call, not even bothering to read the contact name. you’ve been planning to call her ever since she’s left the country, but she’s just been so endlessly busy recently, you couldn’t help but miss her.
immediately greeted by the voice of your best friend, aeri, a playful “heyyyy.” is what came out of your speaker.
“heyyyyy.” you sang back just as playfully, earning a giggle from her. “how is it in the uk? you having fun?” you ask, occupying your fingers by twirling and playing with your hair as she hummed. her and her band, aespa, were currently on tour. today, they landed in london, and were now getting ready for their concert tomorrow.
“it’s fun!! we landed only a few hours ago but i’m already loving the city so farrr. i went grocery shopping with ning earlier and, it was like.. so fun for no reason??” she told you, you could visualize her smile just from the way she spoke. “it would be so much more fun if you were here though, y/n..” she added, now probably pouting.
you chucked, “it’s okay, aeriii. it’s not like we’re completely separated, we have each other’s number. worst case scenario, we text a couple of times in a day.”
“but it’s not the sameee.” she whined, “seeing your best friend in person and seeing them through a screen is not the same thing at all.”
you tried reassuring her that the tour wasn’t gonna last that long, and that you both were gonna hang out as soon as it was over. she eventually agreed and shrugged the feeling off, asking about your day and how you’ve been.
“to be honest, it’s also been kinda lonely without you so i’ve just been at home in my freetime, sometimes going on walks. though i should say! listening to your music while i’m at work does help, like girl.. that shit gets me so hyped up like m-m-mamba-“ you rambled on and on, confident that she was listening to everything you were saying due to the responsive mhms she let out.
they progressively became less frequent, however, and then, at some point, they just completely stopped. you started worrying, wondering if the signal was gone or something..
“you there?” you ask.
“h-huh? y-yeah i’m still here.” she replied with a slightly shaky voice.
that didn’t sound very convincing.. was she feeling okay? before you could ask, a small noise escaped her lips. a noise that sounded like… a whimper. a whimper that was trying to held back.
“you know, we can call some other time if you don’t feel too well right no-“
“fuck y/n please don’t hang up… keep talking about whatever i don’t care but just.. please k-keep talking. i’m sorry, i’m listening i p-promise.” she interrupted in such a desperate voice, kinda whining in the process as she was breathing heavily into the mic.
you were dumbfounded. this was all so strange.. was she in danger or something? why would she ask you to just keep talking if she was, though? you just sat there for a moment, silent, a confused look plastered on your face.
until it clicked. oh.
the heavy panting.. the shake in her voice.. begging for you to keep talking.. the slight whimpering??? your stomach pleasantly twisted at the thought, was she actually..?
a smirk began to form.
“aeri..” you pause, contemplating actually asking the question. then,
“are you touching yourself right now?”
no response, just a desperate sigh. she was probably trying to think of an excuse. oh that poor girl. “oh my god you totally are.” you said, feeling like teasing her some more.
“i’m sorry y/n, i - fuck - i just missed you so- mmh..so much i couldn’t help it i’m sorry-.” she whined out.. you were imagining the look she had on her face right now, head probably buried in the pillow.
yet in another whiny voice, “this was a bad i-idea i have practice later and.. fuckfuckfuck-“ is what comes out of her mouth, almost inaudible due to how quiet she was being, careful as to not let the other members next door overhear.
you couldn’t lie, you weren’t expecting her to act like this. she never would say kinky shit to you directly, let alone do it in your company. you guys were close, so you talked about sexual things sometimes, but it was all in good fun. having her masturbate on a call got you unexpectedly and indescribably turned on.
“fuck practice aeri, describe what you’re doing.” you asked, getting undeniably hornier by every small noise she let out.
she exhaled, “i’m - ah - fingering m-myself..”
you slowly unbuttoned your jeans as you were listening to her response, “with how many fingers?” you add.
“t-two..” she panted yet again, your hand already getting into your panties and closer to your cunt.
“are you imagining they’re mine?” you spread apart your pussy lips, gently rubbing on your folds, feeling how wet you already were from her. you exhaled from relief.
she whimpered and squirmed at your words, knowing her, she was most definitely feeling embarrassed right now. then, she let out a needy mhm in response to your question as she was pumping her fingers in and out of herself.
“words, baby.” you added.
“fuck y/n - yes i am..” she quietly moaned out.
“good girl.” you praise, earning a cute little whimper from her. fuck, you couldn’t help it, hearing her pretty moans and knowing that she was touching herself to your voice made you lose it.
you inserted your own fingers into your aroused cunt, letting out a sigh of relief as you were finally doing something about the pool that was growing in between your legs ever since you figured out that your best friend was masturbating to your voice. holy shit, not even the greatest porno ever made could get you this aroused.
then, you heard a chuckle from the other side of the line. “d-did i get you horny?” she teased.
“no shit you did.” you shakily confessed as you could hear her quietly moan, “you sound so good.” you added.
“fuuck i wish i was there with you right now.” she confessed back, her voice obviously still very shaky.
“what would you - mmh - do if y-you were?” you wanted her to explain every little detail, to ramble on and on about what she was thinking of right now.
she slowed down on the fingering, as if it was really going to maximize her thinking, “w-well.. for starters..
i’d probably pin down you on the bed.. get on top of you and m-make out with you, slowly letting my - god - hands roam your entire body as i move my mouth further down. feeling the pressure from your knee in between my thighs..”
her voice started getting shakier while your cunt got just as wet hearing her describe the scene, god you needed to see her face, you needed to see how she was probably squirming at the sensation, how desperate she was getting just from imagining all of it. you needed to see it for yourself.
“aeri.” you shakily let out.
before she could even choke out a response,
“can you get on facetime?”
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eliysian · 8 months
── 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐫 !!
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PAIRINGS: RE4R! Leon Kennedy X Reader
INFO: After a lone night drinking at a bar, a man orders you a drink and you end up in a stuffy bathroom stall and a rough hangover the next morning at your new job.
A/N: AHHH IM SO SORRY IF ITS BAD! I've never really wrote NSFW scenes this is my first time, I hope it's not like cringy!! Also, pacing isn't that great 😭.
TAGS/WARNINGS: Small NSFW scene NO MINORS, one night stand, running into him again, NOT PROOFREAD, new job, no use of y/n, girl reader, short story, blah, blah, blah. there is indicators around the NSFW scene, skip it if u want to!!
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You sighed to yourself, you couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in yourself for being back at this bar. You'd promised that you'd stop drinking for your own health; especially since you were starting a new job soon and needed to stop that habit as it definitely wouldn't help.
The glass infront of you stirred in your hand, mindlessly swishing it as you zoned out. The drops of bourbon dripping down the interior of the glass. The words in your head absorbed you, the fuzz from the alcohol kicking in a lot harder than you would've wanted. Thoughts interrupted by the bartender setting down a drink infront of you. 
"I didn't order another drink," You internally cringed at the slight voice crack that edged along your words—also at the fact you didn't even give the bartender a chance to say who it was from.
"The man over there," She spoke, "To the right of you; by the window." She quickly added as she stepped back, taking another order from the couple a few seats away from you. With furrowed brows, you turned to your right and locked eyes with the man. He looked a little older than you, but no older than 30. Around 27, if you had to guess.
Shooting the man a slight wave, you were met with a drunken smile from him. You laughed a little, since it dawned on you how you probably looked the same with the amount of shots you've taken. 
Somehow, you found yourself walking over to his booth and making small talk; rambling about unnecessary things. Only asking for his name once randomly in the middle of the conversation, which was probably 1 of the 10 words he managed to say inbetween your drunken rambling.
Which also—somehow—turned into your own little whining session, "Life has honestly been so bad," You complained. "I need a break." In which, you added on mindlessly about how a break has been long awaited for you, how you've lacked some sort of excitement in your life recently, and the weight of your new job towing down on you. "You need a break?" The man, Leon, brokenly said. You nodded in response, mouth too filled with bourbon to say a word.
"I'm free for the rest of the night, if you're interested." His words dripped with intent, finally confronting the tension that sat in the air throughout the whole conversation. You hesitated, but.. why not?
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Whiny moans from parted lips filled the stall, skin slapping almost rough enough to bust an eardrum. "God, you're pretty," Leon grunted, brows furrowed through arousal while his hips snapped up against yours restlessly. The struggle to hold your moans together was rough, the burning lump in your throat begging to be let out instead of squeals and loud whimpers.
Leon let out a low, growled chuckle, fucking you through your high as you've already came. "Needy f'this dick, huh?" You bucked your hips up in response, whining as you clenched around his length. "M—Mhm!" Your hands pawed at nothing, trying to ground yourself. His chest pinned against your back, deep exhales and groans filling your ears.
The growls he was letting out were practically intoxicating to you, the throbbing of him inside of you only making you attempt squirm from his hands. They were strategically placed on your hips, fucking you down into a pit of pleasure while ramming you down onto his dick. You couldn't help but think about how bruised up you were going to be in the morning.
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"Fuck, I've got a bad hangover," Leon groaned, pinching his eyebrows while the slightly taller male beside him laughed. "I told you not to drink, there's a new rookie today too," Chris nudged him, voice rumbling through Leon's ears and causing a rough throb in his frontal lobe.
"God damnit, you're gonna make me train them- aren't you?" Leon scoffed, adjusting his belt. "You volunteered," The other man responded quickly, the gruff tone of voice finding its way back into his words. The walk was short, yet felt like eternity for Leon. The throb that was barred into his skull ached, he really shouldn't have drank. 
Hell, he barely remembers what happened last night. Just a few faint memories of being in a stall with a stranger. She was pretty—too pretty to be getting fucked in a bathroom stall—but he did regret it. Getting blackout drunk and possibly getting a stranger pregnant the night before work? Internally he beat himself up for it.
Chris seemed to be dealing with his own thing aswell, as everytime Leon looked up he was just as lost in thought as he was. Before he could even ask they were entering the main hall, where everyone else already was, presumably to meet the new recruit. Seats were filled, only two faces being familiar enough for Leon not feel uncomfortable. 
Chris walked off, and almost on que, Luis walked up to him to ramble about the new recruit. "You should go meet the rookie. Ella es bonita, eh?" Luis chides, a miscevious grin plastered against his lips. Leon just chuckles lightly, walking past Luis to the same hallway Chris went into.
He slid open the same door, "Hey, where's the—" Leon froze, eyes locking onto the same familiar face of the woman he met last night. "—Recruit.." He finished quietly with an exhale.
You stood there, now at a loss for words as yours and Chris' gaze met Leon. Leon's eyes glued to you, clicking the faint memories of last night together; your body pinned against a dirty stall while he fucked you dumb. His hand gripped the knob hard, veins now popping while he white-knuckled.
Chris took a double take at you, confused by the tension. The door was suddenly slammed shut with a frustrated sigh, Leon no longer in sight. "Uhm," You cleared your throat, looking back up to Chris.
"Do you two know eachother?" Chris blurted.
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flyingwargle · 1 month
koganegawa throws the gym door open. “tsukki!”
“please don’t call me that.” tsukishima is on the floor, stretching. their teammates, also stretching, pay the setter no mind, while their coaches are huddled in the corner for a discussion. koganegawa slips his court shoes on and bounces toward him.
“didja see the server rankings?” he asks. “they were updated this morning!”
“i don’t care for rankings of any kind.”
“not even for who has the best blocking rate?”
tsukishima gives him an unamused look. kyoutani joins them. “and? did miya finally beat kageyama?”
“he did! and you know who else made the list?” koganegawa tries to drag the silence out, but all he receives are scowls. he gestures at tsukishima. “you, tsukki!”
“what do you mean, ‘no’? i’m telling the truth!”
“show me.”
koganegawa whips his phone out, despite their coach’s strict rule not to have electronics in the gym. “look!”
they lean forward. as mentioned, miya is at #1, kageyama beneath him. the rest of the list is filled with familiar names, most who play for div. 1 teams. then, at #9, is his name: tsukishima kei, sendai frogs, mb.
“it’s just a matter of time before you were on it,” koganegawa says. “we almost won an entire set with your jump floaters!”
“that’s because we played against the neighborhood association.”
“give yourself more credit! you got the most service aces when we played against the tamaden elephants.”
tsukishima shrugs. “my serves aren’t anywhere as good as miya’s.”
“nothing is as good as miya-san’s! you’re one of our strongest servers.” koganegawa freezes at the dangerous cough that kyoutani lets out. “but kyoutani-san is also strong! one of the best on the team!”
kyoutani grunts and moves away. koganegawa continues to ramble, and tsukishima tunes him out, contemplative. kageyama has been on that list ever since he entered the v. league; hinata joined him last season, debuting at #7, but then fell to #8. with tsukishima, all three karasuno alumni are among the best servers in the nation, and it’s all thanks to the alumnus that retired his court shoes.
it was during their second year that yamaguchi offered to teach them how to do a jump floater. “no, thanks.” kageyama’s answer was immediate. “i’d rather strengthen my jump serve.”
“me, too.” hinata did try to learn but tended to put too much power into it. “i’ll keep practicing, though!”
they went off to help their underclassmen. tsukishima stayed back. “sure, i’ll learn.”
“really, tsukki?” yamaguchi brightened.
“why not?” their team had a strong roster of serves – tanaka took the title of ace and big server after asahi; kinoshita continued to tag-team with yamaguchi as pinch servers; and they had a first-year with the same ferocious serve as kageyama. “it could be useful.” tsukishima, himself, continued with his standing serve, although he did start practicing his jump serve. his failure rate was higher than his success rate, however.
they went to the side of the court, and yamaguchi walked him through the process. tsukishima knew how it was done theoretically, but in practice, it was a different story.
“tsukishima!” noya received his serve flawlessly. “too much spin!”
he clicked his tongue, yamaguchi laughing beside him. he tossed his ball for a serve, and noya raised his hands for an overhand receive. he’d only gotten better at them since the spring tournament.
tsukishima went for a jump serve, although it landed out of bounds. yamaguchi handed him another ball, curiosity in his eyes. “are you going to become miya atsumu?”
“no.” he took it, squeezed it between his hands. “it’s good to be unpredictable. if your opponent doesn’t know how to react, you’ll gain an advantage.” there was merit in strengthening what was already in his arsenal, like kageyama, but after kinoshita graduates, it’d just be yamaguchi who can do jump floaters, although there was a first-year aiming to be their next pinch server. the more tricks that karasuno had up its sleeve, the better.
“to be good is to be free, huh?” yamaguchi smiled, lowering his eyes to his ball. “the only reason i learned was so i could stand on the court, but you’ve been there the entire time. it makes sense for you to use jump floaters as a means of success.”
“you do too, now.” tsukishima bounced his ball a few times, not looking at his friend. “my floaters will never be as strong as yours, nor will my jump serves will be like kageyama’s…but it’s good to have a variety on the team."
"maybe in the future, you’ll be a dual wielder like miya atsumu!”
tsukishima scoffed. as if he’d play more volleyball than necessary.
he stands at the end line, ball in hand. when the whistle goes, he takes a step, throws his ball, and jumps for a floater. kyoutani raises his hands but the ball swerves and he misses. koganegawa turns to cheer. “nice job, tsukki!”
tsukishima picks up the ball as it rolls back over. at the whistle, he tosses it for a jump serve, aimed in between kyoutani and their libero. it bounces without being picked up. “someone is fired up,” kyoutani comments.
the ball goes back to him. tsukishima releases his breath, moving backwards to make room for his approach. he’ll never be as strong as kageyama, or as unpredictable as miya. what he can do, however, is to continue polishing his skills and bring the best for his team.
to be good is to be free. he smiles to himself, tossing the ball and jumping like a crow about to ascend.
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erixyin · 2 years
Posion Running Through My Veins | Part 2
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Well, here's part 2. Enjoy because it's gonna be a bumpy ride! Extra-long chapter - technically two chapters combined into one. Hope you like it
A lot is going on and I don't know how I'm gonna end things, but I don't need to think about that until the next part. Oh boi let's get angsty. This is a heavy Billy Hargrove chapter and also the reader is a singer and songwriter. Reader has written most of the original songs that Corroded Coffin play. It's a long one because I felt like rambling and spoiling you all since it will probably be a bit of a wait until the next update. I don't think three parts is going to be long enough.
I'm sorry it's so bad but I needed something to fill between the last chapter and the gig on Friday. It's not kicking off yet but it's going to. I'm so sorry for the angst.
Tag list: Please let me know if you want to be added in the future!
@sidthedollface2, @yaskna, @ancheyew, @samurai-hearts, @bucky-hydra-hoe-barnes,
Song used: This Love by Taylor Swift
Summary: Billy confronts and comforts you after your fight with Eddie. Reader puts her feelings into a song. Tensions continue to brew about who the song is about. Robin and Steve are worried.
Warnings: crying, mentions of trauma. fem!reader, reader uses she/her pronouns, possessive!eddie, eddie muson x reader, billie hargrove x reader, past relationship with billy hargrove, reader basically has a mental breakdown through her music, mentions of injury, violent and hot tempers, sorry for the long descriptive paragraphs i can't help myself, lmk if I've forgotten anything.
Words: 5003
No minors allowed please and thank you
Please do not repost anywhere. I will be posting on my AO3 account and linking it here.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
"Hi Billy."
He let go of your waist and gave you a boyish grin. It was playful and soft. Not many people saw this side to him. Especially after everything that went down.
You breathe an exhausted sigh. This really isn't what you needed right now after the fight. Your emotions still tight inside your chest. Feeling like you were about to spill over at any second.
You walked past him, hoping he'd get the hint that you wanted to be alone. No such luck. Instead, he kept up pace beside you. Eyes trained on you, your face and you saw him frown slightly at the sight of your other hand trying to cover up the bruise on your wrist that was starting to turn black and purple.
"You finally moved out, huh?" he finally asked. It was phrased as a question, but it felt more like a statement. A reflection on what he had missed while he had been under treatment. Maybe he had heard from Max that you had moved out into your own trailer. Maybe they had driven passed your uncle's house, since it was on the way to the trailer park. Or maybe Billy just knew that after everything that went down last summer, you had to get your life sorted and do what was best for you.
"I... yeah" you stumbled over your words. Exhaustion and pain on your shoulders and you were still winded by the swirl of emotions you had felt in the past few hours.
Billy held you gently by the shoulder, noticing the way you bit your lip at discomfort, before dropping his hand. He stopped in front of you. You were now far enough away from Eddie's trailer that you could start to breathe properly again. You looked back and saw the lights still on.
When you turned back to Billy, the bad boy appearance had temporarily dropped, and he pulled out a packet of cigarettes. He took one out and slotted it in his mouth, then offered you the packet. "I still don't smoke" you said, looking up at him, a twinkle in your eyes.
"I know." His smile was so goofy and friendly that the cigarette almost fell out of his mouth. Words no one else wouldeverhave the guts to describe Billy Hargrove as. His smile grew as you took one out of the packet without another word, a small smile creeping onto your face.
He reached into his back pocket for his lighter. Black covered with doodles of hot pink flames. "I cannot believe you still have it" you raised your eyebrows at him as you leant towards him to light your cigarette. He cupped his hands around the tip to ensure it was lit. He shrugged, not giving you the satisfaction of an answer as he lit his own. Chuckling, you took a long drag of the cigarette. Coughing slightly as the smoke filled your lungs. "Damn I have not done this in a while" you managed to splutter out, choosing to completely ignore the look of pure amusement on Billy's face.
Both of you sit on the table of the wooden bench just outside your trailer. You breathed deeply. The peaceful silence settling in as the stars started to wake up and take their spotlight next to the moon. This was something you had missed. You loved Eddie with everything you had but every moment with him was loud or talkative. You never had a moment where you could just sit together and be comfortable in each other's silence. But then equally, you couldn't as easily talk about things with Billy. It was always a struggle for him to reveal his true emotions. Even with Neil gone, so much had happened last summer. The things he had done, the things that had happened to him. You knew him opening up would be even rarer than before.
"Your boyfriend give you those bruises?" Billy asked, staring straight ahead of him. Of course he noticed you inwardly groaned to yourself.
"He's not usually like this. We just had a bad fight, that's all." You took another long drag, watching the embers of your cigarette butt float off into the air. Looking down at your wrist you gently smoothed over the bruise, sucking in a sharp breath when you did. It was worse than you had thought. Muttering a "fuck" under your breath, you blinked sharply trying to ignore the pain. Your hand shivering slightly as you brought the cigarette to your lips. You didn't want to even think about the bruise Eddie had, in fairness probably accidently, left on your shoulder from the parking lot.
"Was it about me?" he asked, still staring ahead. Eyes unwavering from wherever he was looking. You couldn't read his emotion from the side. If your brain hadn't been so tired, maybe you would have spotted the direction the conversation was going in. Biting your lip, you had no reason to lie to him. But at the same time the emotions you through you had calmed down, threatened to spill over once again. When you said nothing, he just nodded and let out a deep sigh. "He gets like this a lot when he gets mad?" Billy had a way of making his questions sound more like statements of fact. It made it difficult to argue with him, but it also made you face the ugly truth quicker.
"No, he's not like this usually. It's his dad he-" you cut yourself off, not wishing to tell Billy Eddie's trauma just like that. It wasn't your place. "He just lost his temper alright." Standing up you took the cigarette out of your mouth and stamped it out on the ground, ready to leave this conversation. Running away again you heard your voice inside your head, how typical. Shaking your head slightly you pushed the thoughts to the back of your mind.
"Doll" you let him take hold of your non-bruised wrist. Not with the same painful grip Eddie had had on you, but something gentler, still firm. "You and I both know that shitty fathers aren'tan excuse" he looked at you, his icy blue eyes staring into yours.
The unwavering eye contact between someone you know wasn't going to back down, made you finally crack. The first tear fell down and then then the second, and then before you knew it you were crying your eyes out in front of your ex-boyfriend Billy Hargrove. You allowed yourself to lean into his touch as he held you like he did before in the parking lot. Except this time with him sitting down on the bench still, so you could lean into his neck and let him engulf you into a tighter hug.
You stayed their crying silently. The fear from the car ride, the flashbacks of Eddie yelling at you and hitting the steering wheel, the pain on your wrist and the feeling of being trapped. It was all too much for you to keep locked away. Even after everything that had happened to you with the Upside Down, almost losing your ex-boyfriend and the fear of it all coming back again. You thought you could handle relationship drama. You certainly could handle everyone else's, even Steve who was trying to date every single girl in the state.
"I'm sorry" your muffled apology, while Billy just held you. He didn't say anything, he didn't need to. He was better at showing his emotions through actions rather than words. He shushed you gently as you kept trying to apologise as you tried to silence your sobs.
You eventually pushed against him, pulling yourself up and out of the hug. You were about to apologise again, but Billy got up from the bench and put his hand on your chin. His thumb gently grazed your lips, in a gentle attempt to stop the apology from escaping. It fucking worked because it took you a heartbeat longer than necessary for your brain to start working again.
"You need sleep, my girl" he let his hold on your chin linger for a little longer and then added, "And if he hurts you again, you let me know" this time his eyes were serious. You looked at him eyes wide, "I won't hurt him, not until he does it after the warning" he smiled at the end and so did you. Part of you thought he was joking but deep down you knew Billy would kill Eddie if things got too out of hand. He was gentler after everything that had gone down, more in control of his actions. But he still had a long way to go. You knew that more than anyone.
You wiped your eyes and smiled a goodbye as you headed into your trailer. Looking back to give him a small barely audible, "See you tomorrow" something that you usually said to Eddie if you couldn't spend the night at his. You didn't think much of it, Billy knew what you meant, and you went inside and locked up. Ready to have a long night sleep, drained from crying and the emotional rollercoaster you'd been on today.
He lit another cigarette with the black and pink lighter and blew smoke up in the air as he stared directly at the trailer you had come from, the lights still on, a figure in the window. Billy smirked and got in his severely beat up car, it roared as he drove away.
Looking out your window one last time as you heard the car speed off, the lights in Eddie's trailer now off.
The next morning your head felt heavy, like a hangover or a migraine. The only thing pulling you into the present reminding you that the blur of events yesterday wasn't a fever dream was the smell of smoke on your clothes that you slept in, and the bruises still left on your wrist.
The fight and the words that Eddie has said. rushing back to you but you pushed them down. Not having another mental breakdown, you thought to yourself.
You decided doing the only thing you wanted to do after the fight was to write them all down and maybe turn them into a song. At first, you didn't know what to write. You wanted to do a solo gig or maybe join forces with Robin and Steve on stage, but you hadn't gotten around to figuring it all out. Plus, you didn't know how Eddie would feel about being in two bands, and you definitely didn't want to ask him about it right now.
Maybe after Friday?
Tuning your guitar, you realised you still hadn't called Eddie last night when you had gotten in, and he hadn't called you. "Well, whatever" you muttered to yourself, "he can sweat it a bit after yesterday." It's what he deserved you thought to yourself, but you didn't say it out loud. It felt too mean.
The words starting to flow onto the page and suddenly you were putting chords to paper, playing it and then reworking it with the song.
You grimaced as you looked at the time and realised that you had already missed first period. "Fuck!" You groaned shoving your notebook into your bag and your guitar into its case. This was gonna be a fucking awkward day and there was no getting around it. Looking at the sky, it was thankfully overcast which meant you could wear long sleeves, and no one would notice. Well actually...you thought to yourself before you smacked yourself into gear and shoved a fresh band t-shirt on and the jeans you were wearing yesterday. Shoving your shoes into your docs you darted out to your car.
Locking the door behind you, you heard a roar of a car engine behind you. You saw Billy in his torn up black car, with somehow a working engine. You hesitated. With his driving you could get to school and not miss too much of second period but at the same time if Eddie saw you pull up... It could get ugly. You looked behind his car and saw that Eddie's van was already gone so you couldn't have asked him for a lift even if it had crossed your mind.
But the decision had been made for you when you realised if you were late another time the school would call your folks andthatwas a situation you did not want.
Billy saw you hesitating at your door and the engine roared louder, as if an invitation to get in.
You gently put your guitar in first and then yourself, sitting your backpack on your lap. "Someone's eager to get to school, or maybe you just missed me so much since yesterday." He winked at you, and you just scowled. You were really not a morning person, and you didn't want to give hm the satisfaction of a response.
"Billy just fucking drive" you rolled your eyes and fastened your seatbelt. Billy just nodded and drove, like a fucking maniac, but you were right. You did get into school before the end of second period.
The drive was silent, you were thankful for that, after the last one didn't go so well. You didn't even ask if Max had already gotten to school, you hoped you hadn't just pinched her ride without even thinking of her.
When you got out the car you gave Billy a quick "Thanks!" Before you dashed in, really hoping that not too many people clocked that you had just gotten a lift to school by the Billy Hargrove.
Making it to second period, thankfully it was music so you, Robin and Steve could do fuck all and sit in one of the little music rooms and just chill. The teacher seemed confused that you had brought your own guitar with you but then couldn't be bothered to ask why so let you three go without a word. "I want to see you perform your creation at the end though!" Mr Bradley called after the three of you basically ran to one of the tiny music rooms.
"Can I copy your notes from Chemistry? I slept in" You asked the room, but it was for Robin. You knew Steve was going to ask the same thing because even though he had been there, he was focusing on other things.
"Only if you have a song that you can perform at the end of this class. Because I am not having Mr Bradley fucking harass me after band with 'when are you going to perform the song you've been working on for weeks' okay? I'm not going through that again." Steve walked over with his tambourine ready and your guitar on your lap and Robin being the musical genius she was able to play the everything.
Reaching into your notebook you pulled out the song you were writing. "Yeah, I have a few things" you said, flicking through the pages. A lot of the ones before the one you were writing this morning were mostly for Corroded Coffin, the one this morning was laced with pain and all the emotions you were trying to get rid of. You saw Steve trying to peak over at the words, but you held the book tighter to your chest. Giving you a confused look, since you were never too secretive with these two about what you were writing, you gave a half-hearted excuse of, "It's not completely finished yet."
"Can I tambourine to it though?" Steve here asking the important questions. You nodded before checking back to read over your rush of notes and then gave a hand gesture equivalent to 'I'm not sure?' "I'll just have to incorporate my genius another way then." He moved his hair with his hand dramatically and you chuckled. You could always trust Steve to lighten the mood.
You knew he was trying to cheer you up. Since neither of them had heard from you after you got into Eddie's van yesterday, they assumed it wasn't good. You knew Steve was trying to dance around the question. But Robin wouldn't be able to hold it in for much longer.
And like clockwork, "So what happened last night?" Robin asked. You shrugged, not really wanting to get into it now since you had only just started to feel better. The negative emotions that had finally started to escape you were now slowly burrowing their way back in.
"Hey, what happened? I know that Billy dropped Max off at the trailer park. Did he see you? What's wrong?" Robin further pressed. You knew she wasn't trying to pry; she was just worried about you. You let out a small 'ow' when she placed her hand on your wrist, attempting to comfort you. Shrinking away when she heard your small noise of pain.
"Show me" Steve said instantly, in his parent tone. You knew there was no arguing around this one. You reluctantly pulled up your sleeve to reveal the purple, green and black bruise bound around your wrist. You heard Robin gasp and Steve looked like he was ready to kill someone with the tambourine he was holding.
"Who did this to you?" Steve was standing, pacing around the small room. You shook your head. You really didn't want to talk about this right now. All of the pain and worry seeping back into your mind that you had tried to push away, to write away, it was now coming back. "Wait you said Billy was at the trailer park, right?" He looked at Robin and Robin was wide eye. You continued to shake your head, but Steve ignored it. "You can't defend him forever y/n! He's a dangerous guy! You saw what he did to all those people last summer!" Steve went for the door, and you blocked him instantly. Putting your hands up to try and calm him down. Robin looking in-between you two, clearly struggling with what she should do. "He's dangerous, and he's not going to change! Look at what he did to you!" Steve was now practically yelling, and you were trying desperately to quieten him. "The first thing he does when he gets out of hospital is to try and drive a wedge in your new relationship and physically hurts you." Steve finally put down the tambourine. "I won't stand for it. You don't deserve that." His voice lower but still firm and seething with disappointment and disgust.
He pulled out his car keys and gently tried to remove you from in front of the door. You, still shaking your head, trying to form words in your mouth but all that came out were panicked breaths. "Steve calm down, this isn't helping" Robin pushed Steve out the way and put her hands on your arms. "Look at me, tell me what's wrong. We just want to know what happened." She could see that you were physically trying to stop yourself from shaking, on the verge of a mental breakdown.
You let out a strangled sob as you looked into Robin's eyes. You looked to Steve, seeing the anger was gone he was more concerned for you. Then in a very small voice you managed to stutter out, "It was Eddie" and then you buried your face into your hands.
Robin pulled you into a hug and let you cry into her.  She looked at Steve and mouthed 'Eddie?' and Steve nodded. Both of them stunned by the fact that it had been Eddie to injure you like this, not the only guy to match and overpower Steve in a fight.
With no malice, but firmly enough you wiped your tears and your snotty nose on your sleeves, pushing away from Robin. Proceeding to sit back down on the chair you had been previously. You put your guitar on your lap and pulled out your pen and notebook. "Please, can we just focus on music right now. I don't wanna discuss this anymore."
You refused to look at them both and eyes planted on the lyrics you had written this morning, more of them coming to mind. Steve was the first one to pick up his tambourine and went, "So what am I doing again?" and let out his best warm smile. You returned it, yours a little sadder as you strummed your guitar absentmindedly.
Robin carefully sat down on the table behind you, managing to sneak a glance at the words written in your notebook whilst you weren't looking. "We got 15 minutes left and then we are gonna rock Mr Bradley's world!" she said it with a forced laugh. The negative feelings crushing under the weight of Steve and Robin's attempts to abide by your wishes and just have a good time. You loved them with all your heart.
"So, I was thinking if you harmonise with me on this note-"
You ended up telling Mr Bradley that you would perform the song at lunch time, since you needed a little longer to rehearse and perfect it. It was really because you had a free period before lunch and Steve was making both of you laugh at his tambourine slapping hip swaying additions to his performance. Sometimes it felt good to just pretend to be regular teens at school, take a break from the reality of everything.
You knew performing at lunch time would mean that you would miss seeing Eddie, since you had no classes that overlapped today. But honestly? That's what you needed right now. A bit of space. Collect your thoughts and focus on your music.
You checked the tuning on your guitar one last time before double checking everything was fine with the instruments. Your anxiety getting the better of you and you just needed one thing to go right today. You could see the people start to gather for lunch time. You wondered if Eddie was already there waiting for you at their signature lunch table.
Shaking your head like an etch-a-sketch, pushing the only important thing to the front of your mind: Robin was on keyboard, bass guitar and backing vocals, Steve was on tambourine, backing vocals and gonna do a cheeky little razzle dazzle. Leaving you on your acoustic guitar and adjusting your mic.
"Well, I'm waiting" Mr Bradley said down below in one of the audience chairs, with a clip board. You sucked in your breath and looked at Robin and Steve. Counting yourself in. Just before you were about to start playing you saw the hellfire kids get to the table. You paused, knowing that Eddie would be on his way soon. Taking a deep exhale, you started playing and Robin and Steve followed suit.
"Clear blue water, high tides came and brought you in" you started singing, your voice wobbly at first until after a couple of beats it sounded more confident, still quiet. You pushed your nerves down. Even after performing at The Hideout so many times in front of your friends and the odd regulars, your anxiety always heated up on stage. It's just me and my friends performing a song in my bedroom was all you thought to yourself as you continued through the verse.
"Skies grew darker, currents swept you out again." you breathed a sigh, "and you were just gone and gone." It felt and sounded so therapeutic to listen to the words you had written down in your state of turmoil and have them sung back to you in a calming, melodic way.
"In silent screams and wildest dreams, I never dreamed of this" you felt the pull on your heart strings as you sang.
It was still only you on the guitar and occasionally Steve's tambourine to keep you in beat. you took a deep breath, ready for the chorus:
"This love is good; this love is bad. This love is alive back from dead, oh" Robin's keyboard joining you with the vocals and it suddenly sounded so beautiful. You never would have guessed that all of this pain could create such a beautiful song.
"These hands had to let it go free and, this love came back to me, oh"
At the exact moment you sung that line, Robin saw Eddie stroll into the cafeteria. She made no indication to you, but she glanced over to Steve, and he gave a subtle nod understanding. Thankfully you were still buried with the music, just focusing on the mic and playing, nothing else.
Then the second verse began:
"Tossing, turning. Struggling through the night with someone new" and if you had been paying attention it was that exact moment that Eddie clocked that you were performing on stage with Steve and Robin. Steve tried to keep his expression calm, but he noticed Robin almost missing her note on that line.
"In losing grip, on sinking ships. You showed up just in time." You now allowed yourself to get louder, ignoring the bustle of the cafeteria and as it got noisier. You just let yourself sing. Allowing those emotions to flow through and out of you and into this song. Unbeknownst to you, Max came and sat in one of the chairs behind your music teacher with her lunch, shortly followed by El, and then the rest of the hellfire kids. An unreadable expression on all of their faces. Finally, Dustin made his way over and sat next to Max. He looked heavily concerned and kept making sharp eye contact with Steve.
You changed up the chorus after the second verse randomly, almost catching Robin and Steve off guard.
"This love left a permanent mark. This love is glowing in the dark. These hands had to let it go free and, this love came back to me, oh."
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the bridge. It felt like you were confessing your feelings for the first time again. Sharing your darkest secrets. But if anyone asked you would say it was just a song and it held no meaning. Even though that wasn'tentirelythe truth.
"Your kiss. My cheek." You blushed but continued, "I watched, you leave. Your smile. My ghost. I fell to my knees." You almost faltered over that last word, but you powered on.
"When you're young, you just run. But you come back, to what you need." You sung that last note with all the power you could muster.
You continued on with the chorus, finishing on "this love came back to me, oh." Finally opening your eyes and allowing it to focus on the audience. You saw the kids all with their lunch on their laps. But your eyes landed on a fluffy haired individual who was leaning against the wall at the back. His eyes on you and you could see thoughts were ticking over in his mind.
Putting down your guitar, you noticed your music teacher looking pleased with your group. "Now that was worth the wait and all the excuses you kept throwing at me; however, I expect to see this kind of effort in every assignment I have for you three from now on." He got up and you saw on his clipboard he had given you all As for this assignment. With that he left, and you could release a breath you didn't even know you were holding.
Sliding off the stage, you were about to head over to Max. Throughout the song she was watching you as if she were listening to all the lyrics properly. As if she knew something else.
But Steve caught your arm and nodded over at Eddie who was only a few steps in front of you now. "Hey sweetheart" he smiled, his usual warm and silly smile. As if all of yesterday evening, hadn't happened. You gave him a small smile back, not yet ready to forgive him fully. Not until the bruises had at least started to heal.
You thought he was about to apologies again or pull you aside and have a talk with you. But to your surprise, instead, "Let's get my superstar singer of a girlfriend some lunch." And gently put his arm round you, carefully avoiding the place where he had gripped you only 24 hours beforehand.
"Only if you're buying." You let him lead you away from the group back towards the cafeteria, which was now bustling with people.
Steve and Robin were having a mental conversation with each other behind you whilst this exchange was going down.
The hellfire kids, all got up with the remainder of their lunches and followed Eddie back to their usual table. Adam, Gareth and Jeff were probably sat there on their own wonderingwhere the helleveryone else was.
All except Max, you said something to Lucas, and walked over to the duo. Biting the inside of her cheek she glanced back at you, laughing about something that was happening between Eddie and Dustin. The red head turned back to Steve, clearly wanting to say something but was clearly struggling to put it into words.
"C'mon kid, spill" Steve said, placing his tambourine down and sitting on the edge of the stage. Robin also crouching down, to sit next to him.
"You won't tell y/n?" She asked. It was clear whatever she was about to say, it was to be strictly kept between the three of them.
"Yeah, pinkie promise or whatever" Steve said holding out his pinkie, as to which Robin and Max rolled their eyes. Only Robin indulged him in the pinkie pact seal. He gestured to Max to spill. The pact now sealed.
After looking at her shoes and messing with her headphones a little She took another look over her shoulder, double checking whoever she was worried about definitely wasn't there or at least out of earshot. She brought her voice into almost a whisper, leaning closer to Steve and Robin's faces.
"I saw her and Billy outside her trailer last night."
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olympiansally · 1 year
EXCUSE ME??? YOU CAN'T JUST DROP THAT IN THE TAGS??? Im gonna need some Mikami/Beyond food-for-thought ramblings ASAP. Indoctrinate me into this cult, please and thank you <3
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I laughed so much when I saw these, I show one inch of unraveling and yall pounce lmao You guys really want me to be the messiah huh? Just want me to let out the crazy! I guess everyone can blame you two for what is about to be unleashed then!! LMAO
Also, @seventhfracture my beloved it is hilarious that you chose to word this like that because one of the main things that plague my brain for Beyond and Mikami is an actual Cult leaders AU so like yes lets start the indoctrination, sure :’)
But alright alright here goes the rambling, because I make no promises of this being super coherent, but!
Beyond and Mikami have the most unhinged ship potential because they are exactly what the other wants, but in the worst way possible. I’m talking toxic levels of encouraging each other’s worst impulses, I’m talking “whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same”, but the thing the souls are made of is arsenic.
To me they are a twisted funhouse lawlight, but worse. Except, being worse is what lets them actually make it work because their thing isn’t competing, it’s encouraging.
Lawlight is all about I’m the only one who can stop them, I’m the only one who can keep up while Beyond and Mikami would be something more yes, yes kill them all, burn everything to the ground baby.
I will admit that I first started thinking about them in the silliest way. My brain just connected the dots between Beyond Birthday “I have never even been submissive to a traffic signal” and Teru Mikami “Kira’s most obediently submissive little worshiper” Mikami and I was was like oh, oh they would fuck so nasty!
And tbh I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them ever since lmao
And then, the more I though about it, the more I realized the dynamic between them would also be all kinds of interesting in ways other than just the kinky sex - which tbh, already makes the ship quite compelling in my book lmao. But the contrast in their personalities! The way they can give each other exactly what they want, but fully ruin one another in the process!!
To put it simply, Beyond has always wanted to be special and Mikami wants someone to worship. Now put them together? Nasty horrible codependence :’)
Growing up the way he did - Wammy’s, L, being the backup - Beyond has always been second best, has always craved being seen and valued. He has an arrogant sort of confidence that is a clear front for his feelings of not being good enough, not being worthy. And yet, he is the most unhinged, the most fearless, the most willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants - even in the midst of so many ruthless death note characters.
Similarly, Mikami doesn’t fear societal judgement. He thinks everyone else is wrong and he is the only wholesome righteous person alive, he thrives in not quite belonging because it allows him to twist himself into a “good man” martyr in his own mind - so much so that seeing someone acting in accordance to his own beliefs made him immediately assume that must be a God, because if he is heaven’s most perfect little angel, then whoever agrees with him while having more power to act on it must be a God. And yet! Mikami is just desperate to belong to someone, to make someone happy and in doing so, become someone valuable.
In a way, it’s all about their individual abandonment issues and lack of belonging and the way those experiences shaped them into people who find a wicked sort of comfort in their otherness.
In a way, that’s just like lawlight - except L and Light try to be justice, they try to do some good. But Beyond and Mikami don’t really care about what anyone’s perception of “good” is. Beyond doesn’t much care for good, unless it’s defined by someone he’s trying to impress and Mikami doesn’t think anyone but him truly understands what’s good (until of course he meets Light, but that’s not where we’re going with this). And that? The matching disregard for societal morality combined with the potential for codependency? It makes them a perfect template for absolutely deranged villains if ever put together!
And yes, Mikami’s whole strict orderly and organized way to go about things would probably clash with Beyond’s messier impulses at first. But that’s where their contrast becomes most interesting, because who better than crazy crazy Beyond Birthday to unravel Mikami’s uptightness? Who better to guide him into letting go? And Beyond’s single minded type of fearless focus given direction? Put under the guidance of Mikami’s certainty of a higher purpose? Beyond could take the shape of a chaotic vengeful God in Mikami’s eyes - as cruel and punishing as Mikami always dreamed consequences should be.
Meanwhile, Beyond - always second best to L, never good enough growing up, Backup - would revel in the worship, in being valued and it would likely push him to lean further into the whole thing - kill more, punish more, make it crueler. Not because that was his initial intention, but because he was raised to follow the instructions of someone he was meant to please and well, if falling in love means that person becomes Mikami rather than Watari, then too bad for the “criminals” of the world.
I think the fact that they feed each other’s desperation could be so… feral? I mean, Mikami is shown to thrive on scraps of affection - again, see Light - and Beyond has the potential for the type of cruelty - a byproduct of growing up at Wammy’s that L also displays, see Misa being tortured for example - that would make Mikami elevate him into the highest of pedestals, make him into that fearless God delivering divine punishment. He doesn’t share any of Light’s restraints due to trying to follow his dad’s moral code. Mikami is shown in canon to be even less forgiven than Light towards criminals, Beyond is supposed to be even less concerned about the greater good than L. Together? An absolute reign of terror! And the worship? The devotion?? That would probably be addictive to Beyond’s attention starved crazy, which means he’d lean into it and probably start performing right into Mikami’s belief system in order to reaffirm his godhood.
In a way, it’d be a vicious cycle of starved for affection, their very own lovesick ouroboros: Beyond delivers the punishing wrath Mikami has always hoped for and the fact that it’s being delivered by his own personal God reaffirms to Mikami that he is righteous, that he is special. The more Beyond confirms Mikami’s beliefs, the more Mikami is willing to worship, which in turn confirms to Beyond that he is doing the right thing and therefore should keep doing it, which makes Mikami love him more and so on and so forth.
If Mikami wants him to kill then it’s the right thing to do, if Beyond kills then it’s the right thing for Mikami to want - a never ending cycle. It’s the opposing force to lawlight’s combative friction, a downwards spiral in which the more they do, the more they are encouraged to do.
Anyway! I’m gonna cut myself off here before I get too carried away because once I get really started about them there’s so much lmao
But I will say that my favorite way to ponder their dynamic is as a twisted reflection of lawlight. I fully believe Beyond-wannabe-L-Birthday and Teru-wannabe-Light-Mikami would have thrown out the yearning immediately upon meeting and jumped straight into horribly entertaining codependency. My absolute favorite though? Lawlight investigating the shinigami eyed boyfriends. I mean the fun mirror versions interacting with each other while the twisted relationships unfold? Idk man drives me insane tbh
So yeah! This feels like more than enough for now, even though yes I could probably talk about them forever lmao
Thank you for indulging me my beloveds, it was fun :)
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Hello! I'm sending this to my favorite writers to enable you to brag about your own writings! (But don't feel pressured to reply and take your time!) :D
Pick one fic you wrote and would recommend to us readers for each of these genres:
Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/No Comfort, AU (any AUs!), Selfship (If you selfship!), [Insert a genre you've written but is not in the list].
Have fun, and just a reminder to always be proud of what you created!! You're amazing!! We love you!!! 💗
Extra // Feel free to ramble on why the fic is your favorite, whatever thinking process you have when you wrote it, which part(s) are your favorite, etc!!
ahhhh this is such a cool ask to get, thank you so much!! also your favourite writers? and that includes me of all people??? don’t mind me, someone might be cutting onions in here 🥺🩵
i hope you don’t mind me rambling, i might have gotten a little carried away ^^; (i’ve also not really heeded the one per genre rule, i’m just bad at picking one or the other hshsh)
one of each huh? i think we’re already running into a problem on the fluff genre, i don’t really have anything to recommend, i’m afraid; none of them really stand out to me personally (that aren’t aus or so), so i’d much rather talk more about my other works
Hurt / Angst
now to hop into the categories i really like talking about, hurt and angst!! :D out of anything comfort related, i think i like my period comfort scenarios for both obey me and twst. i wrote them to alleviate my own pains in a way, but it’s great to see other people getting comfort from them as well (also to all my folks who told me you felt included by the gn reader instead of a fem reader, i see you and i love you)
with the mushy gushy stuff out of the way, let’s dive into my absolute favourite genre to write ever, angst (no comfort hehe ^^); here’s the problem to not list too many fics but i’ll use my spare from not naming a fluff fic :]
long-time ramble and tag readers will know what to expect; what could’ve been is the first angst fic i really got into and could’ve easily been a series if i had thought about it at the time. while looking back on it, sure there are things i could’ve done better, but it still has a soft spot in my heart and despite the low notes, it’s the fic i got the best feedback on ever (those asks, comments and reblogs are so precious to me, you have no idea)
similarly a million miles away and the loneliest (same premise, different characters) are some of my favourites too. overall, in its entirety, i prefer the former, i think most parts in there came out very well. however, if i had to pick one part out of all eight that i would recommend, it’s xiao’s part from the loneliest, it didn’t gather as much attention as part 1 but my friends left so many amazing comments in my document and i myself love how it came out, which makes it so special to me
Selfships + OCs
while i do selfship, i hardly ever write about it on here (or much in general outside some hcs i pester some moots with); for one, i find it hard to write about, my thoughts seem to leave me the second i try to type them out. i also don’t think many people are interested in the topic anyway and i hate feeling like i’m shouting into a void (i’m trying to keep a lid on how much i babble on dash anyhow, with varying amounts of success ^^;)
i thought i read ocs on the list, so i’ll include them, as well, especially since i have a little more to say than about selfships, considering i post about some of them every now and then. dantalion and his story part have a special place in my heart, not only because he was the first oc i introduced, but also bc his part resonates with me most, i think. while not seen much of yet, i also took a liking to my twst oc cheron, i think he’s fun!! (ofc i like my other obey me ocs too but these two are ranked a little higher hshshs)
this one… might be obvious. i think we can all see the modern au coming from a mile away (perhaps even from a million miles away haha). it’s kind of the only au i have really going on but, even so, there’s a reason my inbox fills up the second i mention it. though, when i wrote that piercer! xiao fic all that time ago, the au wasn’t even a thing in my mind yet, funny how that works. it’s currently on a bit of a hiatus but it’s certainly not dead ^^;
more excitingly however, and as a treat for the people who’ve read this far into me rambling about my own writing, the aus in my drafts!! i want to work on all of them (and then work on none of them)
the oldest of the three i’m thinking about is my haikyuu isekai au. i’m 10k into the draft (plus like 2k notes) and i still think the premise and plot is super fun (i was thinking/hoping it would end up somewhere between 20k and 25k) buuut the problem is i’m currently stuck on one scene that’s just not turning out fun at all, so i’ve been neglecting it ever since ^^;
second on the list of aus that occupy my mind is my twst pokemon au!! this one is more recent but i’ve been enjoying doing world building for it + the people i’ve let read over my first draft of a intro seem to have liked it too!! i’ll have to give more intense and focused thought to brainstorming the story we’d be follow, but i get excited every time i think about it hehe
and lastly, the most recent thing i worked on, an au for barbarian bakugo and… well i won’t say anything on the identity of the reader yet. it is a little enemies to lovers and i have already planned out part 2 in my head despite not even remotely finishing part 1. it doesn’t help that the book i’m reading rn evolves the same themes and makes me think about it every time i look at it or pick it back up :]
(there’s also an au i might want to write for mermay but idk if i can finish it in time + the bakugo au weighs heavy on my mind rn hshsh)
as a last point, i’m also keeping in mind that i had an event planned!! i haven’t finalised it yet and haven’t given much thought to my own entries but maybe i can get there some day (perhaps towards the end of the year?) ^^
anyway, thank you so much for indulging me and prompting me to talk about my writing, as you can probably tell, i love doing that haha and thank you again for the kind words, it really means the world to me <3
if you have any questions or thoughts on any of these, feel free to ask me!! i’d be happy to talk about any of this :> (though i can’t promise fast replies…)
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tripstitan · 8 months
An Author's Rambling
I'm not really sure how to do this social media'ing thing. I don't use this site, or really have any desire to do so, so I feel like some hack making self-advertisements with the help of guides and AI and stuff, just throwing them into the wind where they'll be seen by no-one, because I don't have a follower base that would reblog them. It might seem self-defeatist to not want to really do the social media thing, but I'm asocial, a hermit, content to not interact with other humans for the most part, plenty neurodivergent. I guess this ramble is also me technically coming out in public pretty widely. Yeah, like Reggie, the narrator/main protag in my webnovel series, I'm an aro-ace with neurodivergencies up the wazoo, disabled in a few ways.
What am I hoping to accomplish? Just to get "An Age of Mysterious Memories" out there to people that need it, that need to be seen, to feel represented. But, like I said, posting here feels like throwing fliers into the wind, hoping that they'll land somewhere that someone picks it up and goes, "Huh, neat, maybe I'll check that out someday when I'm bored or depressed."
I'm actually surprised that a couple of my posts have been seen by at least one person that wasn't on my follower list, which, hey, shoutout to you new fam.
This social media stuff really burns me out and detracts from my writing, but between this, and some pretty-expensive google advertising, I don't know how else to offer up my story to the world.
I don't even care about "conversions" or conversion to click ratio or whatever. I have 0 patrons on Patreon, and that's fine. I've been skating by in life on the thin ice of every new day (Thank you Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson, heh.)
I guess maybe I should ask how I should even do this. Should I get more personal? Post more ramblings, with popular tags, and just hope that those bring traffic, and then hope that that traffic sees that I have a free webnovel up?
A lot of the guides suggest quantity, and a regular posting schedule for this social media stuff that's way too hard for me to keep up without burning out, because I have chapters going up every day or every other day, basically, nonstop. In the approximately two years since i started getting serious with my webnovel series, I've averaged at least a chapter every other day. Some days I write ten to twenty chapters, maybe a few days in a row, then I don't write anything for a month or two, because titling them, posting them, advertising them, burns me out. I could keep writing, forever and ever, even if that means writing chapters I can't post yet (I have so many chapters written for the next volume in my series that it's not even funny.) Or I could write side-projects, or fanfic I guess. I took my first foray into that a while back, and I kind of want to do a reread on my fanfic and plot out a conclusion to it, instead of leaving it hanging like it is. But fanfic isn't my baby, it's not what I want to get seen.
What I want seen is AAoMM, because it's... it's the representation, it's me putting myself out there, my internals, my neurodivergencies into a narrator, my Q status in the lgbtqia, having intrusive thoughts and not acting on them, and just so much more, that I know other people identify with, and honestly need. The representation matters, and I just want to provide that, because I know people who have been, or are hurting, or struggling, or are just in a funk, or depressed, or bored, or any number of things, that share so many of the traits that Reggie carries, that I carry. Several of my readers have said that it feels like the thoughts that are expressed are them in the situations Reggie is in. I don't think I've seen another adventure novel series where we get stream-of-consciousness moment-to-moment inner narration of a neurodivergent narrator that falls into the lgbtq community.
What a niche, right? Except... it's not. We're all having our own inner adventures. We all do have a stream of consciousness, whether we acknowledge it or not, and there are *Tons* of people out there who are neurodivergent in the lgbtqia community. Hell, at this point in Earth's history, I'd be surprised if anyone has survived unscathed without any neurodivergencies, trauma, or panic. We went through a global epidemic, a pandemic. That must have been rough on you peeps out there that actually leave your homes and do stuff with other humans. My sympathy to you guys. I'm a hermit, my life got a little bit easier, because things started allowing web-based doctor's visits, and delivery of groceries, and other stuff to help with social distancing. I'm rambling, but I just want to give AAoMM to everyone who needs it.
I want to nerd out about my webnovel series with people, and answer questions ranging from silly, to heart-wrenching. Why? Because I am in a good place, I've gotten somewhere in life that I feel content, despite all my comorbid things, all the depression and trauma and anxiety and social-phobia and adhd and spectrum'ness and the struggle with identity, especially my AA agendered ace identity, that I've slid around on, and worried I'd invalidated myself over the years, and everything else I've got, gone through, carry around, or deal with. Reggie's narration is that--, that beacon of, no matter how hard things get, what slams your mind with intrusive thoughts, that there's hope, that there's warm, soft times, contented times, happy times, ecstatic times, somewhere along the tunnel that is life's journey. Also that you can slide around on the scale of your agenderness or aromanticness, or your sexuality, and that that's okay, that you still are who you feel you are, or say you are, no matter what others think, that there can be romances and fluff and all kinds of things that are exceptions to rules, whether those rules are imposed by others, or yourself.
It feels like I'd look like I was shilling or pandering though if I interjected all the tags though, for every chapter, because not every chapter does it really come up that Reggie(and most of the inner circle) is at least technically agendered, or that there are several LGB relationships for side characters, or--. Well, it is always pretty evident that Reggie's brain is neurodivergent, we hear every thought that Reggie ever thinks, including the intrusive ones, almost every thought anyway.
But I also sort of want to put AAoMM in front of non-ally neurotypicals who are ablebodied and cishet, and be like:
"God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in our shoes 'Cause then you really might know what it's like to sing the blues" (Thanks Everlast, for those lyrics.)
Not in a malicious way or anything. I don't want them to suffer, I don't want anyone to suffer. Plus, I'm sure they're going through their own things, just like everyone else. I just want to try to remind people to be empathetic to each other, to think for that brief moment, before interacting with another human being, that -they are another human being-. That they deserve to be treated equally to how they're interacting with the world around them, more or less. Everyone deserves human rights, and the dignity of being acknowledged as existing with their own struggles.
I got pretty soapboxy here I guess, probably best if I shut up now and just hit post. (Could you guess that I'm an author by the verbosity of this goofy-arse post that was just supposed to be me semi-ironically whining about social media on social media?)
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salubriousbean · 3 months
salutations and bonvenon! thanks for dropping by, I am the salubrious bean. I suck at interacting with people so if I seem weird maybe that's why. Also yea I usually mostly type how I speak stuff irl
"Let our hearts and hands be stretched out in compassion toward others, for everyone is walking his or her own difficult path." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf
my pinterest account: https://pin.it/1NNV9VU3T
star wars rp blog with a clone trooper oc, go check it out! : @ct-7045 🫡
writing ask game thing! (with Screw!) ✨ (trying something new, send in something if it pleases ya!)
25 follower "celebration" thing! 🫶🏼🤟🏼
The 495th Division!
fandoms I am in: STAR WARS, EPIC: The Musical, LOTR, about every Brandon Sanderson book, Urinetown (the musical), also been revisiting my childhood with Roald Dahl recently, Moon Knight, BLUEYYYYYY!!!, curious George? (one of my fave childhood shows), Gravity Falls, Ranger's Apprentice/Brotherband Chronicles, Carmen Sandiego (2019), other assorted fandoms
While asks/messages are always welcome (I love asks!), please keep them appropriate. I will do my best not to follow/interact with any NotSFW & explicit, etc. blogs. I want this blog to be a safe space for everyone (like minors) and I'll do my best to keep it that way!
A post/reblog chain I found if you're having a bad day: https://www.tumblr.com/fiddlepickdouglas/644601820180840448/in-case-anyone-is-having-a-bad-night?source=share
other stuff under the cut so this post isn't too kriffing long:
I like getting tagged in things so feel free to tag me in (appropriate ofc) things (like those get-to-know-you reblog things or those picrew things)
Apparently I really like the words "thing" and "things" hehe
Yea also I'd love to post more of my art but 1) I don't always have access to a device where I can upload the pictures of my art, since I'm a traditional artist (but would really really love to get into digital art), and the device I use for tumblr won't let me upload a pic for some reason, and 2) I have wack schedule so I don't always have time to draw and then I stay up late to draw anyways so maybe that's not very good but whatever
✨MY PERSONAL TAGS✨ (I added colors bc I was bored) (they're all at the bottom of this post so you can click on them) (yea they are kinda redundant) (i just wanted tags that were uniquely mine) :
art: #salubriousbean art
writing: #salubriousbean writing
answering asks: #salubriousbean answers
posts I had in my queue: #salubriousbean queue
polls: #salubriousbean poll
tags I might use again?:
music rambling: #salubriousbean talks about music
rambling posts about other stuff: #salubriousbean rambles
things I declare Salubrious (which in this case means I really really really love it): #IT HAS BEEN DECLARED SALUBRIOUS
25 followers: #salubriousbean 25 follower celebration
other/random: #salubriousbean random
huh, pretty self-explanatory tags I guess, I'll try an tag all of the posts I make
i use star wars swears but not actual real life ones 👍 those might be in reblogs tho so sorry bout that
when I use omg it equals "oh my grapes" or "oh my goodness"
other information about me: music nerd, I play piano and double bass. I also dance but that doesn't mean I have balance lol. I'm in my second year of pointe. also I like hoarding the cardboard tab thingies you rip off of tissue boxes. I also like trying to balance those Cadbury chocolate eggs so they're standing up.
languages I am currently learning: ASL (American Sign Language), Esperanto (on Duolingo), and Italian (also on Duolingo)
lol the capitalization on literally everything original except my writing is so wack, sorry but also not sorry. also sometimes I forget to tag all my original posts and then they disappear into the void so I'll try and tag all of them with one of my tags at least.
I'll edit this masterpost as needed.
God is good. May the Force be with you. Always.
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levil0vesyou · 7 months
i'm so sorry for that monday production story, i hope it doesn't affect you as much now. adults really do say some wild shit and don't even realize how damaging it can be. my dad would point out all the broken and abandoned houses and dirty cars on the street and say they were mine, and i always replied they were his, and we'd start bickering, and then laughed it off, and i only thought about it recently and have no idea why he would say such a thing? i think it subconsciously got ingrained that i'm not good with housekeeping and generally don't deserve nice things (sorry for trauma dumping). just, adults are so weird with their kids and don't realize the damage
(ask is in reference to my tags on this post)
(there's more trauma in this reply btw, fair warning. under a cut bc long)
Thank you, it actually means a lot!! I wasn't even sure if anyone was gonna read it lmao, tag rambling sometimes feels like just straight up screaming into the void lmao
Hate to disappoint, but its effect on me has been increasing for years 😎👍 It's so weird how you can have shit like that lie dormant for ages until you one day go "hang on" and then it starts eating away at you
It also goes really well with her "Niemand wünscht sich ein behindertes Kind" (lit. "Nobody wishes for a disabled child" but can more accurately be translated as "Nobody wants a disabled child") which she only said once and not even about me but basically one shotted me and has been squatting in my brain evilly ever since. Top ten fucked up sentences to completely devastate your disabled child, number 4 will surprise you 😎👍
(I actually did bring that one to her attention years later but she dismissed any effects it had on me on grounds she didn't mean it that way 😎👍)
Yea, that's some bullshit tbh. Like, that's not the kinda shit a father should be saying to their kid, like bro this is an impressionable young mind in your care who trusts you blindly, not your fucking sibling or highschool bestie you can shoot the shit with. Parents give like zero shits what they say to their children, it's wild. And very concerning sometimes
And it would probably be possible to heal that shit more easily if they actually recognised that, maybe even apologised, but at least in my mum's case, she categorically refuses to acknowledge any instances of one of her children being negatively impacted by something she's said or done if we're the ones bringing it to her attention.
Like, I think she recognises some of the stuff she's said and done as not great but any attempt to amend that list will result in her "oh so I'm a horrible person and at fault for all your problems and you refuse to take responsibility hmmm?" spiel 😔
For the record tho I wanna say I don't think she's a horrible mum and especially when it came to material well being/physical health/etc she really did try her best and I could've had it much worse. She was an underpaid nurse raising three children (two of them disabled) mostly on her own while also caring for different sick elderly relatives over the years.
It's a miracle she made it work and while I do think some stuff was unnecessary, some of especially the later stuff that was more affective (not like hitting or anything, the only parental figure who ever hit me was my grandma who did it exactly one time tho even that took many years to process which is how I know "it's okay to hit your kids" ppl are full of shit) which I can far more easily understand & forgive. That said, if your own child says "[thing you did or said] had a negative impact on me" maybe believe them lmao
...yea this is a bit too long huh
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commanderjuni · 6 months
early morning rambles for my silly evil gw2 group(s) ocs.... no names yet since theyre still heavy wips but i hope to use these beasties in roleplay too! :]
i wont tag as spoilers since there arent any /lh most of the stuff i'll talk about you can find on the wiki! :]
putting all this under the cut to spare ur guys' dash
nightmare court
* she/her femme sylvari. THEYRE SO BEAUTIFUL TO ME i cant NOT make one...
* prrrobably a necromancer (idk elite spec yet..). instead of feasting on JUST life force, her connection to the nightmare allows her to feed on the fear of those around her. thus i associate her with the soul reaping core specialization! :]
* themed like a wolfsbane plant! a poisonous, beautiful purple color. her accents may be orange and/or green for some nice contrast
* still young for a sylvari; she USED to be a dreamer before she got alien beamed away by nightmare courtiers who wanted to use her budding necromancy to their advantage. promising they'd show her much greater things it was capable of, she decided. huh! okay! :]
* funnily enough she actually isnt like. overtly sadistic or malicious. she WILL deal excruciating pain to others, but moreso because she was told to rather than her actually wanting to hurt anyone... or because she got bored and pain is the only "enriching activity" she knows /lh
sons of svanir
* he/him masc norn... im going in girl-boy-girl-boy order so this one gets to be a dude :]
* former follower of either raven or leopard, but was convinced to join svanir at a pretty young age because he struggled to fit in with other norn... svanir promised him a home: a convincing temptation
* pretty cut and corner svanir (excluding the whole misogyny thing). reveres jormag. he especially feels that jormag is the superior spirit, due to the fact it not only is a WHOLE ASS DRAGON, but it also is tangible. jormag has been seen and wounded and attacked before; the other spirits, while you CAN see them, he finds are incorporeal and therefore just spectres unworthy of the praise they get
* a ranger! i imagine he tames mostly ice wurms, but he also takes in beasts tainted by the ice dragon's corruption. he is surprisingly (to others at least) kind to his beasts, and they fight with a fierce loyalty at his side. idk elite spec yet ... bleehh
* very unnerving, even to other svanir sometimes. he's very quick and trick; like nature, he is a fickle creature and does what he seems to please. and get on his bad side, and you may suddenly find yourself hunted by gleaming eyes in the blinding shiverpeak blizzards.
flame legion
* she/her charr. i just think flame legion ladies are neat :]
* born into flame legion. her father was a powerful shaman, and her mother a gladium who was manipulated by her mate into becoming flame.
* being a lady in flame legion isnt fun to nobody's surprise, so initally she was just Some Guy's Lame Daughter until it was revealed she has elementalist magic... Something her sire was keenly interested in. After much fighting on the matter, she was allowed to practice being a shaman, even being granted an honorary title. (Though nobody. calls her it really)
* AS MENTIONED shes an elementalist! her main and favored attunement is fire (duh /j), but she is impressively powerful and manipulates all elements with relative ease, especially earth alongside fire. water and air are sort of novelties or in a pitch healing elements for her.
* a pretty quiet lady. .... TOO quiet, sometimes. she always appears deep in thought, contemplating something that nobody never really knows. she doesnt speak unless spoken to, and generally is very cagey and guarded.
* he/him boy rat. RUAGGHHH i need to make more male asura. silly silly guys
* BORN AND RAISED INQUEST 💯💯💯💯 homegrown (literally) by his father, who is councillor yhak! totally no shady reasons behind his making at all :] (yhak wanted to just have a back-up "him" in order to keep his hold on the council)
* a very powerful high clearance guy. probably recognized under the "overseer" or "officer" title?? i'll have to spin my Wheel Of Inquest Ranks and Titles to figure it out /lh EITHER WAY his dad gave him a high rank to get him used to being at the top and abusing power ^.^ if you saw that last part no you didnt.
* his class is. tricky to find out but mainly im thinking he's a mesmer! elite spec probably virtuoso. he can do anything with his mind (STABS YOU WITH PSYCHIC BLADES)
* very Customer Service Pleasant. he's actually a very mean and uptight person but hes surprisingly easy to please if he gets what he wants. very intelligent in terms of politics and like another oc of mine (hi srabba) he wishes to seize the area around the thaumanovas reactor in order to utilize the chaotic energies lurking around...
* she/her female human (TUMBLEWEED) /J im thinking for she's elonian OR canthan for funsies
* Ok so. imagine this. ex-noble girl. she gets sick of the constant squabbling and formalities of noble duties, and falls in love with a bad boy/girl promising to whisk her away to a better world... 10 days later shes now a bandit and is about to blow up an orphanage. Girl help.
* squints my eye. thief. without a shadow of a doubt this girl is a trained thief. mainly im thinking shes very acrobatic in fighting so shes a daredevil too! :]
* a bit of an awkward girl. shes had to go from Princess Smiles and Waves to "if you mess with me again i'll stab you in the side" so her personality is a little. skewed. but she has a silly humorous personality! enjoys being the life of the party! :]
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mssf-milk · 9 months
For how long you have been a sinner of chans ?
Finally I have the time to answer this ask thank god
As you may already know, it all started with DEFORMOGRAPHY, a fic that I stumbled upon on complete happenstance, searching for Sans/Reader fics to indulge myself in. The tags shook me, but I was intrigued enough to open the work. And I loved it immediately. Some scenes in it managed to greatly disturb me, which made it very memorable. This fic introduced me to an idea I've never thought about before.
After that, as I usually do with things/ideas that catch my interest, I started searching the world wide web for more stuff to satiate my inquisitive mind. I found art on Pinterest, found more fics centered around the idea of a human tormenting the short funny skeleton man, but eventually the fire calmed down. I even forgot about it for a while.
But it lingered. I'm not sure if the idea wouldn't leave my head right from the start, or on re-read, but after reading all the similar fics to it that I could find, I realised that
It still.
I HAD to see more of this. And so about I started writing something. Not sure when, but probably in April or March. The first draft(??) I was writing was quite different from what turned out in the published work. The idea was the same, but the execution was different, you know? Maybe I'll post it someday, if I manage to find it and think it isn't cringe or something idk. The first attempt was mainly done to get it out of my system, because by god I cannot exaggerate how FERAL this concept made me. I remember shaking from the dopamine bro.
Eventually, I picked it up again and started over, which happened in May, this time approaching it more seriously and deliberately (even though at first I'd procrastinate on writing a lot because of perfectionism). After a lot of mulling over the different ways I could execute this concept, and thinking over the possible plotholes, the first chapter was eventually posted in August.
Fun fact: What if I told you that I wasn't interested in necessarily Chara/Sans at all? That's right, to me, the concept and the whole idea came before the ship itself. In a different timeline, there's probably me, writing a fic for Frisk/Sans or Sans/Reader, just with the same premise. It's just that when making those character sheets for fun, I brushed away the possibility of "The Human" in question ever being Frisk (because of their kind personality), and so just filled it in as "Chara/The Human". It eventually lead to me thinking of the Human being specifically Chara and no one else, and removing the possibility of it being a reader-insert at all.
(Huh, I should post these sheets I was making during that time here someday)
Side note: this is also why wholesome and good Chans content is... I do like it, but it's not what I'm looking for, you know? I'm here for the messed up no good dynamics full of misery. Yay!
So... end of the line is, I do not know.
Does it count from ever since I got hooked by the general idea? From when I started writing my own? Or only from when I solidified Chara as Sans's "lover"?
I guess it's up for interpretation.
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bippot · 2 years
Tumblr media
Summary: After a long day at work, Jake just wants to go home and be pampered by his girlfriend because he's been working so hard and they've got a busy day tomorrow.
Looking after his sister's little ones and a Halloween party is easier to deal with if his lovely girlfriend shares the responsibilities.
Tags: Established Relationship, First Meetings, Fluff and Smut, Domestic Fluff, Massage, Halloween Costumes, Family Fluff
Song Recommendation: Monster Mash by Bobby Pickett
The Crew, Jake Martin Masterlist - here
(Ps. I know The Crew fandom is mostly dead but I had written this ages ago and thought, 'huh, why not post it?')
└─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────┘
That's what Jake was. Overworked. For the past couple of weeks, Catherine had him doing non stop interviews, fan meetings, and television appearances. Non-fucking stop. It was driving him crazy, and he knew it. He was exhausted. He hadn't had a day off in ages. He didn't think he could physically be able to take much more.
All he wanted to do was hurry home to his lovely girlfriend and become one with his indent on the couch for the next couple of hours. He could just turn his brain off and let Y/N give him as many smooches as she was willing to give him. That was how he got through most days.
Well, that's how he got through the days that she was home. Y/N was a comedian. A good one. Or at least that's what Jake thought. And that was what her legion of fans (who had a tendency to pry too much into her life) also believed.
To Jake, she was the funniest woman, no, person in the world. Not only that, she was the most beautiful human he'd ever come across, inside and out. This woman who brought joy to millions was his. He got to go home to the beautiful Y/N L/N. It was actually something that he couldn't even fathom. How did he get so lucky?
It wasn't luck. It was all thanks to one of his sponsors, 'Sweet Victory', which was a vodka brand that Y/N was fond of. So fond of that she managed to weasel herself a contract with them. In exchange for a lifetime supply of booze, Y/N had to star in a few adverts for the company. That was easy. She could do that in her sleep.
She had been the face of Sweet Victory for a while when the company decided to sponsor Bobby Spencer Racing. Y/N never understood why an alcohol supplier sponsored a sport that focused on driving. Intoxication and cars? Yeah, that is a great thing to endorse.
But, she got free shit and the chance to hang out with an incredibly cute pro athlete man? Fucking sign Y/N up. Apparently, someone's PR person thought it would make for a great chance to pair the two together. Comedy's rising starlet and the dashing playboy of NASCAR? It was a match made in advertising heaven.
Catherine had been a little hesitant at first. Jake's first commercial hadn't gone as well as she'd expected it to go. But he was on his own for that one. Y/N was seasoned when it came to being in front of a camera since that was her literal job. She was known to be easy to work with, so Catherine gave it the go ahead.
What she didn't know was that Jake had the biggest crush on his scene partner. It was weird. Jake never got nervous, but on the day he was supposed to meet Y/N, he couldn't help but get slightly ramble-y with nerves. He paced around Kevin's office, declaring with every step, "I’m not nervous. Not at all. But, what if I, like, look at her and just accidently recite her last comedy special. Word for word. Cause I know it. I do. I always watch it after a race to help calm me down. Should I tell her that? Or would that be weird?"
Kevin and Beth just stared at him. Their eyes followed every move he made. Jake was actually going to be starstruck. It had happened before when he heard that Ashton Kutcher placed bets on him coming in second (with Blaney in first, but he didn't like to think about that part), and he almost got so dazed that Kevin thought it would be unsafe for him to drive. In the end, Jake came twelfth and felt an intense shame that he let the presenter of Punk'd down. He couldn't let Y/N down that way. Oh fuck, that would be, honestly, the most awful thing in the entire world.
"She's, like, the funniest person ever," Jake sputtered.
"I thought you said I was the funniest person ever?"
"I lied, Kev!"
He stopped in place and tried to calm himself down, taking a couple of deep breaths before speaking again, "I'm good. I'm calm." He then remembered that he wasn't just going to see her, he was going to have to talk to her too. "Oh fuck, I lied. I fucking lied. I keep on lying. I don't know what to say to her. Maybe I can wing it, I don't know. What does she like? Movies? Books? What do I talk to her about? Is she a big reader? I'm dyslexic. Is that going to be a problem? What if I say something stupid?"
Of course, of course he was going to say something stupid. That's what he did. Every time. But, he didn't want to let Y/N down. He didn't want to become a segment in her act where she told an audience full of people how he fainted when he first saw her. Or vomited on her shoes. Or something equally as stupid, but also equally as embarrassing.
His little heart was racing, and not the kind of racing he loved. The adrenaline of the chase was second nature to Jake. This? This was hell. It was worse than the Kutcher situation. Jake was actually going to meet and spend an extended period of time with Y/N. He was going to stand in front of her and say, "Hi, Y/N. Love your work. I'm Jake, by the way. Just in case you wanted to know. Oh? You knew that. Right, right, right, because we have to shoot this thing and my name is on the call sheet. Of course." And then he was sure that his heart would just fucking stop. Maybe even explode.
Because Kutcher may be cool and handsome, but Y/N, however, was Jake's absolute dream girl. Pretty. Smart. Her job literally was to be hilarious. Yet, everything he heard about her was that she was incredibly kind - always volunteering at children's hospitals, paying off people's university debt, and that time that she called Piers Morgan out for being a twat on live television.
Yeah, to Jake, she was beyond perfect. Additionally, she had a great ass, which is always a plus.
"Take it easy, Jakey," Kevin reassured, but then got straight to the point. "We're going to need you to be on your best behaviour today. That means no trying it on with the nice comedian lady."
"I don't think I could if I tried," Jake said, feeling a little sick. Talking to her was enough. Flirting with her? Jesus, that would take some serious balls. Jake was great at flirting. He knew that. Women always loved him for it. But, he wasn't going to a word out with Y/N, let alone anything that was even mildly suggestive.
"You know what I mean," Kevin said, although it was obvious he was just humouring Jake. "Just be yourself today, alright? Yourself without all the pick-up lines."
What was he without his pick-up lines? Just some regular guy? Just another fun of the mill, totally jacked elite athlete? Just some dude who was getting paid a lot of money to stand in front of the camera with the girl he likes? It's a hard life. But, hey, someone has to endure it.
Beth got up from her seat, quickly making it to Jake's side to rub comforting circles on his back like his mother used to when he was young. She could feel how inconsistent his breathing was and started doing breathing exercises with him, telling him, "Breathe in. That's it. You've got it. Now out," over and over again until he was doing it normally. It worked for a moment.
Then he saw her.
As soon as he saw Y/N, his heart stopped. It was beating so fast that he felt like he was about to pass out. It took all of his discipline to not rush over to her and totally make a fool of himself. Catherine had just strutted past the window with Y/N right next to her, the pair idly chatting like they were old friends. She had a casual, open, happy expression on her face as he watched them through the window.
There was Y/N. There she was. Right on the other side of the wall, about five metres away. She was wearing a grey sweater and blue jeans. It was simple. Casual. Easy-going. But somehow it looked classy, even perfect. She looked so freaking cool. She was smoking hot. And to think, he was about to talk to her. What the hell was he thinking?
She saw him looking at her and gave him a small wave, sweetly smiling. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! "Oh my God," he mouthed, his eyes growing wide. He felt his mouth fill with saliva and his hands got much sweatier than they had to be. He was going to be sick. Or pass out. Or both.
"Alright, alright, settle down, Romeo," Kevin said. He put his hand on Jake's shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze. Kevin couldn't help but be amused by the way that he couldn't tear his eyes off of her, yet he still offered, "Maybe I should get Jake some water or something. You know, to calm his nerves."
While Kevin headed to the kitchen, Beth tried her best to reassure him, "It'll be alright, honey. You'll see. Once you talk to her, you'll be alright. She's just a person. Nothing more."
It wasn't working. He still looked terrified.
Kevin returned with a bottle of water and handed it to Jake, saying, "Here, drink this, alright? It'll help."
"Thanks," he said, his voice wavering.
Thinking she was helping, Beth offered the age old advice, "Just imagine her in her underwear."
Normally Beth wouldn't say anything that would cause anyone to picture a half naked woman, but they needed this sponsorship. They needed it. And a mess up on Jake's part might:
a) make the backers, well, back out.
b) get Jake into Catherine's bad books again - a place where he just managed to crawl out of.
c) make an influential celebrity have a bad experience with Bobby Spencer Racing and tell their audience about it, which definitely would mean that Jake would be replaced by Jessie in a millisecond.
d) all of the above.
Y/N in nothing but her panties? Oh, he'd already imagined that. He'd done that a lot. And now, he couldn't stop. His heart was pounding so hard that he thought it might explode out of his chest. His brain went into overdrive as he desperately tried to picture every single part of her in her underwear.
"Not helping, Beth!" he blurted out, unable to stop himself. He basically tore the cap off the water bottle and made it his mission to chug the entire thing.
Now the thing about glugging down water like a man who has been stuck in the Sahara Desert for a millenia is that it is really easy to spill it everywhere. Especially if something distracts you.
Say, if the door to the office opened and the very person you were freaking out about entered and smiled at you first because their eyes were immediately drawn to the fact that you looked like a complete idiot standing with one hand against the desk for stability - because if you didn't do that, you might fall - and the other furiously tipping all of contents of the water bottle down your shirt, would you manage to keep your chill?
Probably not.
Strangely, Jake did. As soon as he saw that grin of hers without the blinds of Kevin's office in the way and that goofy grin that was aimed at him, something happened. He wasn't nervous anymore. Not a single ounce of fear remained. In fact, he felt great. The best he'd ever felt. There were no butterflies or attempts to say anything, only to stutter out an incoherent mess.
Only the feeling of 'oh, this just feels right' and he didn't quite know how to explain it. It was like the feeling you get when you finally finish a jigsaw puzzle. It was cliché and soppy, but that's the only way he could think to describe it as. So yeah, he could do this. No, he was good to go. So good to go.
"Oh shit," he exclaimed looking down at the mess he made. Yeah, it had to come off. Without warning, Jake's fingers found the bottom of his shirt and he lifted it over his head, throwing it in Kevin's face when it was off.
"Jesus Christ, Jake," Kevin exclaimed, pushing the shirt from his face and shaking his head. Beth's mouth dropped open as she covered her face with her hands, while Catherine stared at Jake with utter confusion on her face. They'd hoped he'd at least say hello to her before popping his top off.
Jake, on the other hand, was surprisingly calm. Being shirtless was easy for him. If anything, wearing a shirt was the difficult part. He just beamed at Y/N as she made no attempt to hide that she was ogling him.
She couldn't help it. Y/N let none of them mistake where she was looking. Her gaze started at his right bicep then moved to his chest, then further down to his hips then up to his other bicep, only to finish at his face. He liked being the centre of her attention. He liked it a lot.
A light shade of pink coloured her cheeks as she looked at him in awe, and he felt his entire body grow hot and tingly. There was no denying that she was checking him out. And he was soaking it all in with a smug, wide shit-eating grin.
"I like your shirt," she joked with a small smile, and he felt as if he'd just won the lottery. "It's almost skin-like."
"Thanks. I made it myself," he retorted, then added with a cheeky grin, "I bet it would look good on you too."
Cutting the tension, Kevin cleared his throat awkwardly. "Why don't we show you around the garage while Jake finds something to cover his modesty?" he suggested, and Jake could practically hear Catherine's teeth grinding.
"If I have to," Jake said, then he shot Y/N a wink as he brushed past her, making his way out to grab a spare shirt from his locker in the gym changing room.
Calling after him, she flirted, "You don't have to."
And that's how it started.
He managed to keep flirting with her throughout the shoot. So much that she actually said, "Jake, you're going to have to stop. My face is too red already. Poor Laura has had to add more concealer four times already."
The entire time that she was in the garage, they had a back and forth. Every time he made a mistake, she laughed. Never in a mean way. She just thought he was funny. And cute. And charming.
"Really? I didn't even realise you had makeup on. I've been too busy getting lost in your eyes, just can't seem to help myself."
Leaning forward, she brushed some hair from his forehead and coquetted, "That's so weird because I swear I caught you looking down my shirt a minute ago. Do I have eyes down there too?"
"I'm not too sure. But you can always give me a better look later, if you want. I'm more than happy to get lost in any part of you."
Her cheeks were a bright red by now and she was trying so hard to look away, but his eyes were like magnets and she couldn't, she had to keep looking into them.
"Get a drink with me at the weekend?"
The weekend wasn't close enough.
"What are you doing after this?" she whispered in his ear, and he felt a shiver run up through his body, it was so erotic. He wanted to grab her and kiss her so badly. He could spend the entire day just kissing her.
What was he doing after the shoot? Knocking back a few drinks at his house with his ultimate dream girl? Yeah, exactly that. The moment he unlocked his front door and let her in before him, letting his eyes wander down her form as she surveyed his home, she turned around to ask, "So, what's your poison?"
She had a way of taking his breath away, of making him forget everything around him, even his own name. He didn't answer her question. He gripped her hips and tugged her so she was flush against him, claiming that, "We could always skip the drinks."
Seductively, she placed her hand on his jaw and brushed her thumb across his lips, her voice low and sensual as she faked innocence to inquire, "Well, what do you want to do instead?"
"I'm sure we can think of something," he replied, then kissed her deeply to prove his point. Her eyes fluttered shut as she melted into him. It took all of his willpower not to move his hands up and down her back and to simply take her right there in the foyer. No. He wanted their first time to be right.
He wanted it to be perfect. He wanted it to be so good, she'd immediately want more. And he'd give it to her. He broke the kiss and cupped her cheek, his thumb ghosting against her cheekbone. She stared at him for a moment, a thoughtful expression on her face, before she reached up and ran her fingers through his hair.
No words were said, but they knew. As soon as they did this, there was no going back for either one of them. They'd be stuck on each other for eternity. And you know what, they were completely fine with that. If anything, they were overjoyed at the prospect.
Jake stepped away and gestured for her to lead the way to his bedroom. She let out a chuckle and reminded him, "Darling, I don't know where we're going."
"Oh fuck, I forgot that." He took her hand and led her to his room, smushing her against the wall outside and attacking her with smooches because he got too eager and couldn't wait any longer.
"I'll have to teach you how to be all gentlemanly," she teased.
"Oh, I already know how to be gentlemanly. It's just I'm not very good at it when it comes to you."
Hooking his hands under her thighs, he lifted her and began to make his way towards his bed. She quickly found the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, throwing it behind them. She didn't need words to communicate her desires. Everything was already obvious in her eyes. With her mind. With her body. He could spend hours just looking at her, worshipping her body.
Unable to stop himself, he instinctively muttered, "Boobies," when he saw hers. She just laughed at him, delighted that he had a tendency to say whatever was on his mind.
"Jake, are you going to put me down or are you going to keep staring at my boobs?"
They'd reached the bed and he'd been too preoccupied with her chest to even think about placing her against the pillows and sinking into her. She was staring down at him expectantly, waiting for him to start what he'd been dying to do for hours now.
"I'm going to put you down, but I'm not going to stop staring at your boobs," he replied, grinning from ear to ear. He did so, whipping his shirt off and playfully swinging it around before he moved on top of her. He made a big deal of kissing down her neck as his hands moved across her chest, a little disappointed that she still had her bra on.
She reached down and found his belt, undoing it as she moved him so that he was lying on his back and she was straddling his thighs. Before she tossed the belt to the side, she noticed the car emblem on the buckle and lightly dragged her finger over the metal and complimented, "This is very cute."
"Thanks," he replied, his eyes on her mouth as she pulled the fabric of his trousers down, revealing his underwear. He was rock hard. She slid her hand under the waistband and took him in her hand, using the precum that had already started to form to slide up and down his length. He gave a low groan of pleasure as she continued to use her hand to drive him crazy.
"God. Oh God," he murmured, his voice hoarse as his head rolled back into the pillow. He closed his eyes as his fingertips danced over the skin of her thighs, then moved across and grasped her ass through her jeans
"Tell me how good you feel," she whispered as she dropped down and lowered his underwear so she could take him into her mouth, licking the entirety of his shaft before she placed her lips over his tip. She sucked him gently at first, loving how it felt to feel him so deep inside her throat. Then, she changed it up and started sucking him with a bit more force, using her free hand to cup his balls as she did.
"Oh, so good. Fuck!" he answered, his hips bucking up into her. "Fucking yeah, so... you're going to have to stop or else I'm.... I'm, fucking hell, I'm going to come on your face, Y/N."
She pulled him out of her mouth and chuckled up at him as he squirmed. Reassuringly, she asked him to confirm, "I'm happy for that to happen. Or do you want me to stop, sweetheart?" He nodded frantically, his face reddening as he panted, eyes squeezed shut, body rigid with the effort of keeping his orgasm at bay.
Moving back up so she could check if he was okay, she brushed some sweaty hair from his forehead and slowly trailed her fingertips across his abs and chest, enjoying his heavy breathing.
"You're way too good at that."
"I'm just trying to impress you."
"Yeah. Consider me impressed," he laughed, bringing his hand to her neck to pull her lips onto his.
As they kissed, he took over the hand that was unconsciously playing with her boob and walked it down to her jeans, undoing them and shifting his hand into her underwear in no time.
"I'm going to take these off of you," he said, smiling when she bit down on his bottom lip.
"That sounds like a good plan."
Jeans and panties removed, he couldn't help but gaze at her body, drinking in the sight of her. He had every intention of savouring every moment of this, every detail of this magnificent woman, every bit of her.
Still, her bra was on. She noticed him looking at it with a little pout and leant on one elbow, using the other to fiddle with the clasp on her back. The moment it was undone, she slipped out of it and threw it at him, and he caught it with a grin.
Together, they said, "Boobies," as she knew that was just about to come out of his mouth. He knelt between her thighs and gripped onto her breast, kneading upwards so that he could rub his thumb over her nipple, making sure to keep his eyes open, drinking in her beauty and how she looked in his arms.
Honestly, she was everything he could have ever wanted and more. So, he did something he didn't usually do.
Going down on a girl to Jake is something that couples do. He doesn't know why that idea got in his head. Maybe it's because if he did it to one one-night stand, they might get the wrong idea and think he was super super into them and that would make it ultimately more difficult for them when he never spoke to them again.
Usually, he wasn't super super into them. Today, he was. And he was going to try his absolute hardest to make sure this wasn't just a one time thing.
So, he scooted back a little and started at her ankle, peppering sloppy smooches up her leg, taking his time to pay attention to every little part of her, loving the way it felt under his lips and his hands. The moment he got to her thighs, he licked a slow strip then slung her knees over his shoulders and got to work.
With his hands firmly driving her hips down so she couldn't squirm away from everything he gave her, he swirled his tongue around her clit, lapping at her wetness until she was rocking against his face and begging him for more. He added two fingers and gradually pushed them into her, loving the way she moaned and arched her back as he fucked her with his fingers while flicking her clit with his tongue.
As he drove her closer and closer to the edge, she started making loud, needy noises and desperately grabbed handfuls of the bedsheets, her movements getting faster and more desperate until she was thrashing about and couldn't help but cry out his name as she came.
"JAKE!" His name. Oh my god, she said his name. Well, he was the one who made her come, so...it was expected. He just thought he'd never get the delight before today.
He continued to lick her until her orgasm had slowed, before slowly pulling away and looking at her, eyes bright with a feverish lust. "Good?" he asked, smiling crookedly. She just nodded, too out of breath to speak.
With a grunt of satisfaction, he opened the top draw of his bedside table and asked, "Are you allergic to Latex?"
"Oh my god, you're such a whore," she joked and peered at his collection of condoms. He had every type under the sun. She saw a brightly coloured box and snatched it. "Woah, you've got Spiderman condoms? We're using these. I'm on the pill so I was going to tell you that you didn't have to, but oh boy, we have to now."
She shook one out of the box and tossed it to him. He didn't waste any time. He didn't even refute her claim that he was a whore, because, well, he had been. He'd been a right slut and that's fine. But maybe he'd have to change his ways.
"You don't mind that I've, you know, been around?"
"There's nothing wrong with experience."
Once he was wrapped up, he leant down and smushed their lips together so he could feel her moan on his mouth as he pressed his cock into her welcoming heat.
"I've been dying for you all day," he confessed and meant it. He'd never wanted anyone like this. He hadn't thought it was possible, but he wanted her. God, he wanted her so much his body was going to explode if he didn't slow the fuck down already.
So, he started slowly, taking his time to feel every part of her, to make sure she felt his every reaction. Slow, steady, agonisingly sweet, like he had the whole world to lose in her and he was taking it all in. It was the most amazing feeling in the world to feel her wrap her legs around him, to feel her start to move on him, to feel him pick up the pace and get more desperate with every thrust.
It was so much better than he thought it was going to be, having her wrapped around him like that, her body moving in perfect rhythm with his, the pounding of his heart keeping time with her own. It was a beat. It was a song. It was everything.
The intensity increased when she locked her arm around his neck and began to rock herself onto him, gazing deeply into his eyes as she moved. Her free hand came up to cradle his cheek, her touch light but firm and possessive. It sent such a delicious jolt through him that he wasn't sure how he didn't come right then and there.
Y/N moans were getting louder and louder until he felt her begin to contract around him, drawing him deep into her as she shook and came hard. He was right there with her, his whole body tensing and his own orgasm hitting him in a wave of pure, unadulterated joy.
Fully spent, he unceremoniously slumped on top of her with a loud groan and buried his head in her collarbone, breathing deeply as he fought to slow his heart rate and regain control of his senses. He usually wasn't much of a hugger after sex, but today was different. He felt a need to keep her close to him, to feel her pressed up against him for as long as he could.
"Stop it," she laughed as he nipped at the skin of her neck.
"Stop what?" he asked innocently, then kissed her neck again with more force, causing her to let out a moan and clutch the back of his head to pull him by the hair off her.
Ignoring how obviously turned on that made him, she warned, "We are on camera tomorrow; don't leave a mark."
Playfully, he surveyed her neck and grimaced, admitting, "You could've reminded me maybe...one, two, three..." He counted as many as he could see. "Seven, no, eight. Eight hickeys ago."
Eight love bites? That would be a task to cover up. She could get revenge and give him some but that would make it painfully obvious what had happened. If Laura the makeup artist thought it was difficult to cover Y/N's blushing cheeks, well, she was in for a real treat with the mess Jake had made on her neck.
"Can I make it ten? You know, who wants eight, when you can have ten?" he chuckled. Two more wouldn't make that much difference, would it? So, when she nodded, he proceeded to kiss her neck again. With a playful nip when he was done, he whispered, "That's more like it."
Comfortable silence filled the room for a moment as Y/N raked her hand through Jake's hair and stared at the ceiling, lost in her own world. She was so preoccupied with her thoughts, she didn't notice him gazing lovingly at her, watching her, waiting for her to look back at him.
When she finally did, he slowly leaned in to kiss her, a kiss so soft she doubted anyone had ever kissed her like that before. It was sweet and tender and completely different from the other ones. Those had been filled with lust, but this one had been different. This one had felt more like something. This one felt more like…well, like the sort that couples do. She felt him smile against her lips when she opened her mouth to deepen the kiss. Her fingers wrapped around the back of his head as she pulled him even closer.
Then it hit him. Those others were out of need. In those moments, there was nothing else on his mind except from his need for her. This was because he wanted to. He wanted to kiss her like this, he wanted to hold her like this, he wanted to be with her like this, because he wanted her. Not just her body.
With a little bite on her bottom lip, he moved to press a chaste peck on her cheek and murmured against her, "Want to repeat this again tomorrow? I'll actually get you a drink next time."
"Throw in dinner and you've got yourself a deal."
They weren't surprised when one date turned into two, three, four... Before they knew it, bam, they were living together. A year had gone and Jake was still as hooked as the day he met her.
Recently, they'd both been very busy. Y/N had a couple of gigs across the country and had been travelling for the last few months, facetiming her man whenever they had the chance. When Catherine let him take some time off, Jake was with her, driving to wherever she was and sneaking into her shows. He'd seen her set so many times before, but it never failed to make him laugh.
Fans and media outlets had pieced together the relationship, but the couple hadn't outright confirmed it. There were always pictures of Y/N at Jake's races or Jake at Y/N's shows that people pointed to in an effort to prove their relationship. And, they weren't wrong.
But, she was home now. She had a couple of weeks free for a break, and he couldn't have been happier. He'd almost forgotten what it felt like to get home from work to find her there. He'd almost forgotten how good it felt to just be in the same room as her.
Searching for her the moment he got inside, he found her taking off her makeup in the bathroom. She looked up from the mirror and they locked gazes as he immediately wrapped his arms around her from behind. When he felt her place her free hand on top of his as she continued to wipe at her face, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.
"Hey, baby."
Every time she called him that - and she did it often - he couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his face.
"I see you've lost the shirt already."
Of course he had. The minute he got home, the shirt was off.
"Did you miss me?" He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "I missed you," giving her a peck on the cheek between each word.
Teasingly, she deadpanned, "Oh God, no," and was rewarded with a few annoying squidges to her waist, which caused her to squirm and jovially admit, "Okay, okay, I missed you too."
For some reason, he took the makeup wipe from her hand and teasingly rubbed it across her face, making her giggle. He couldn't help himself. The way her face scrunched up and her expression went as if she'd eaten something sour.
"Hey! Get off me, weirdo," she cheered, fidgeting in his arms and turning to face him in the hopes he'd stop his playful attack. The attack didn't stop, but it did get softer and slower, then she realised he was getting her makeup off for her. So, she relaxed her face and just let him do it.
Normally, Jake's touch was gentle. This was rushed. A little haphazard. That's what made her inquire, "How many cups of coffee have you had today?"
His answer was a mumbled, "Five or six..."
That was a lot for anyone, let alone someone as excitable as Jake, which is why she exclaimed, "Five!"
"Or six, yeah." He paid particularly close attention to her lips as he cleared away the last few remnants of the red lipstick she'd been wearing as he confessed, "Yeah, I had - what was it? - four in person interviews and five online ones. They kept asking and asking. I swear I could feel myself dozing off by the third question."
"So, you're about twenty minutes from crashing?"
"Probably twenty five," he corrected as he threw the wipe into the bin and placed her arms around his shoulders, bringing her closer to him with a swift tug. She gave a little sigh as she leaned in to pepper his cheeks with as many kisses as he'd let her with the final one landing on his lips.
With a smack to his ass, she ordered, "Come on, I don't want to have to carry you to bed," and walked into their bedroom, pulling him along with her. He remembered one night where they got drunk and she tried to pick him up. It went okay for a moment. She was holding his weight then, all of sudden, she sneezed and let go, causing him to plummet ass first into the ground. The pair had giggled about it, but now Y/N refused to even try just in case she dropped him again.
└─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────┘
At first, Y/N attempted to put their laundry away but Jake brought her onto his lap from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed, claiming, "The laundry can wait, I can't." So, she climbed onto his lap, straddling his thighs as she settled in and wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands landed on her ass, as they usually did, and patted along to whatever song was going around in his head at the time.
"Did you wear such a thin shirt and no bra on purpose?" he asked with a smirk.
"Maybe," she teased back, and leaned down to give him a kiss, "Or, maybe it's laundry day."
"I'm going to believe the first option."
"So, you're going to believe the lie?"
Now he had noticed, he couldn't tear his eyes away, mumbling a small, "Uh huh," before tenderly touching his lips to her cleavage. As he shifted his hands up her body, he must've moved too fast and the ache in his shoulder reappeared.
Earlier in the week he'd managed to injure himself a little. Not a lot. A smidge. Jessie had made him jump when he was focused on the simulation and he'd twisted in a weird way. Every now and again, he'd get this dull ache in his shoulder. His trapezius, if he wanted to be specific. It didn't hurt exactly, just a tight, uncomfortable feeling that he couldn't get rid of.
The moment he let out a little groan and jiggled his shoulder around to relieve some of the pain, she noticed, got off him and ordered, "Face down on the bed, big guy."
"Y/N, my love, I'm fine," he objected, but complied with her order anyway, getting down into his underwear and flopping onto the pillows. They'd been through this routine before. Many times before.
After finding the oil that she always used, she undressed, straddled his butt and leant down to give the back of his shoulder a comforting kiss before she began to rub the oil all over his back. She warmed her hands up then began to give him a thorough massage, starting at his shoulders and working her way down. As she worked the oil into his skin, he could feel his stress melt away, leaving him feeling more relaxed than he had in days.
Jake was barely awake, but every once in a while, he'd mumble something about how much he loved her while she worked on relaxing his tired muscles, always checking if she was pressing too hard or too light. Anything that he wanted, she'd do.
When she was finally done, she let out a sigh of contentment. "There," she said as she straightened up, "How does that feel?"
"Much better," he sleepily answered, lying there as she wiped the oil off his back with a towel, then waited for her to hover a little so he could flip himself over to face her.
She let her fingers dance across his abs as she inquired, "Coffee's worn off?" He answered with a yawn. "That's a yes."
"Okay, smartass. Can you order food and wake me up when it gets here?"
"That's also a yes."
Without answering, he fell asleep with a smug grin, his body finally surrendering to the exhaustion weighing him down. She got off him and let him get some well needed rest as she dealt with everything she needed to do. (Then eventually procrastinated and sat watching tik toks until the delivery came.)
With a groan, Jake opened his eyes to find that he'd woken up and was surrounded by the smell of food. Y/N was perched beside him, slowly unloading all their wrapped food onto the duvet, being incredibly careful if anything was leaking.
"Hey," he murmured, lifting a hand to stroke her cheek. "You're pretty."
"I know," she said with a smile. "But, you're prettier."
"That's im-" He let out a yawn. "Impossible."
He stretched and sat up, still not fully awake as he surveyed the array of Mexican food she'd bought. After rubbing the sleep from his eyes, they tucked in.
Halfway through a bite, she held out her phone to him and pointed out, "Look, someone made one of those fancam things of you." She pressed play on the tik tok and added, "It's very sexy. I bookmarked it."
"How did they even find this footage? This is from years ago," he mumbled through a mouthful of burrito. "My hair looks small."
"Your hair looks great. What the hell are you talking about, my love?"
The pair continued arguing about how nice his hair used to be until they'd both finished eating. The wrappers and containers were thrown on the ground as neither of them could be bothered at that very moment, and instead, they cuddled up and watched a movie.
Neither of them moved for a while. Well, until Y/N decided to do her skincare on herself and Jake since she'd come to the conclusion that he needed even more R&R.
"I love you, but you are not plucking my eyebrows again. That hurt so bad last time."
Rolling her eyes, she subtly placed the tweezers back into her bag and pouted, "Aw, you big baby."
Jake chuckled as he watched her rub he had no idea what onto his face. And then there was more. And more. And then it was the face mask. He knew what that was because she'd left one out once when they first moved in together and she'd managed to convince him that women shed their skin like snakes once a month. He had to Google if it was true or not.
So, the couple sat there, scrolling through the #JakeMartin tag on tik tok, enjoying all the little videos that people had made of him. On a few occasions, Y/N had said, "I'll save that one to gaze at when I'm missing you."
"Just facetime me, stupid."
"That's a good point actually."
Soon, she could tell he was getting sleepy again, so she made sure that all the lotions and shit that had been on his face was properly rubbed in and he was absolutely ready for bed. With the final kiss of the day, he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her onto his chest, feeling as she said, "Go back to sleep, my love. We've got a big day tomorrow."
"Mm-hmm. Big day," he agreed, and let his eyes close. He was out in seconds. His soft snores were the cutest sound in the world. Y/N sighed and smiled, enjoying the moment until she joined him in the land of Nod.
They had a big day tomorrow, indeed. Tomorrow was Halloween. Catherine wanted to make it a big deal. She wanted Bobby Spencer Racing's Halloween Spectacular something that people tweeted about. Every member of the crew had to dress up (even Chuck).
No actual work was going to be done. None. That was mostly because children were allowed to roam around. Catherine said it was to "help inspire the next generation of kids to get involved with NASCAR", but it was actually a marketing strategy: children are a great way to make your brand seem authentic and family-friendly. All of the dangerous equipment had been tucked away and the place had been decorated like a candy world - Catherine clearly had just watched Wreck It Ralph.
Jake was in charge of entertaining the children, which he was great at. They'd ask him every dumb, childish question on their minds and he'd respond then ask one back that was just as immature. It was the perfect dynamic. Beth did keep watch just in case he said something that wasn't appropriate and would give him a disapproving look so he'd know to change course.
Then, in the evening to celebrate, the crew and their family members had a little get together. The crew was a family, after all. And, it was time to celebrate that together.
Waking up with a soft moan, Y/N immediately noticed how her hips were slowly grinding. Then she felt Jake's hands clutching at her thighs and his tongue gently moving against her clit. She ran her hands through his hair and gripped it, urging him on as he continued his lazy pace.
Sleepily, Jake lifted his head and met her gaze, smiling as he greeted, "Morning," then got back at it, sucking her clit into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. "You taste so good."
"You say that every morning."
"It must be true then." She arched her back and let out a small yell of pleasure as he increased the speed of his ministrations.
Carefully, he added a finger into her tight, wet channel and slid it in and out with deliberate motions, not going too fast as she'd just woken up and was still a little tender. His own hips began to move against the mattress, eliciting a loud groan from him as he increased the pace.
Glancing at the clock for a moment, Y/N pointed out, "Jake, baby, we haven't got enough time for two rounds. Either I come on your face and you in your underwear, or you fuck me. Your choice," and tugged on his hair so he'd stop to listen to what she'd said.
With a huff, he raised his head and got to his knees in between her thighs, pulling his boxers down to line them up and enter her, his hands cupping her breasts while his hips surged forward and pushed into her slick folds.
She tilted her head back and let out a long moan as he continued to work slowly in and out of her. Jake dropped his forehead to chest and began to frantically thrust into her, slamming his hips into hers in a series of slow, hard thrusts.
Her hand came up to trap his chin between her fingers as she stared deeply into his eyes, holding him in place, focusing on nothing but the heavy, perfect rhythm of his thrusts. Their moans and groans filled the space, reverberating around and awakening other parts of their bodies. It was a symphony of lust.
Pulling his lips to hers, she let out a moan against his mouth as pleasure overtook her with a quaking fury, and he fucked her harder, his length driving into her over and over. His orgasm hit him hard, and he buried his face into her neck, holding onto her as he came down from his high.
The final staggered, hard thrust made sure that he emptied into her, and they held each other tightly until they were both fully spent. They didn't move for a few short minutes, just enjoying the afterglow of their exertions.
"What do you want for breakfast?" He asked as he brushed some sweaty hair behind her ear.
"Hmm, I feel like a waffle."
"Waffles it is."
Y/N didn't bother opening her eyes when she heard Jake leave the room. She knew exactly where he'd gone. It was clear when he returned with two plates full of waffles and syrup. "Let's eat," he said, smiling as he placed hers on her lap and pecked her on the lips before sitting beside her.
Both of them tucked into the food, the conversation flowed easily as it always did when the two of them were together. No topic was too mundane, and no issue too serious. Jake was the most amazing company because he always had the answers. Hardly ever the right ones, but an answer nonetheless.
After they'd finished eating, Jake decided that he wanted to be difficult. He got back under the covers and tried to go back to sleep, but he could tell by Y/N's expression that that was not going to happen. "Jake. Baby," she cooed, her voice slightly patronising. "Catherine will murder you if you're late."
He rubbed his eyes and groaned, "I'd like to see her try."
Fine. She could amp it up. She trailed her finger down his bicep, claiming that "Jessie will probably get your spot when you're dead."
"No, she won't," he replied, his voice deep and sleepy. "I'll make sure of that."
Okay, the Jessie rivalry wasn't working today. It usually did. She would have to go further. "I guess without you around, I'd have to go back out on the market. But now that I've got a taste for NASCAR drivers, I can't go back. I wonder if Blaney is married?"
Just the mention of Blaney caused him to shoot back up and grumpily pull the duvet off, whining, "Fine. Okay. I can't have Blaney taking my woman," as he leant in for one more smooch before he got ready for work.
"Good boy," she praised, patting his reddening cheek once they had broken apart and beaming as he got dressed into his costume. "I love you."
"Love you too, Cara Mia," he retorted, waiting for her to get up so he could tug her into a passionate parting kiss. She didn't get up. She just got to her knees on the bed and craned her head up so he'd close the gap between their faces. Jake obliged, and she closed her eyes as his lips pressed to hers then 'accidently' lost his balance and fell on top of her.
Toppling backwards, Y/N had milliseconds of peace before Jake crashed onto her chest, pinning her down and smothering her with a deep, fervent kiss, acting as if he hadn't fallen at all. It was if he just wanted an excuse to kiss her more. She wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss and returning it with equal fervour. His tongue slipped into her mouth, and Y/N let out a small moan of pleasure then realised what he'd done.
"I see what you did there, Bubeleh. Very smart."
"Five more minutes," he replied, his voice husky and thick. "Please?"
"No, baby." She tried to ignore how he was now kissing up her arm. "Jake, you're going to be la-" He moved to her neck and managed to briefly stop her train of thought. She looked over at the clock. "Fine. Fine, five minutes. Just don't speed too much on the drive over."
He groaned in satisfaction. He'd won. She always gave in. She could never say no to him and they both knew it.
"Me? Speed? I wouldn't dream of it," he joked against her lips, fully taking advantage of the next five minutes while he had them, while he had her in his arms. He took his time, lingering over every part of her mouth, every sensitive spot he could reach until she was writhing and gasping and begging him for more, so he'd stay for longer, so he'd go further.
But no, as soon as the five minutes were up, she pulled away, her lips puffy as she slapped him on the ass and ordered, "Okay, now get out."
"One more?"
"Please, baby."
She got out from under him and pulled him to his feet, giving him one last peck before she pushed him towards the door. "Go. Now."
"Okay, okay," he replied, finally getting to the door and preparing himself to actually leave. "I love you," he called over his shoulder.
"I love you too. Now fuck off."
And fuck off he did. He got an ear full from Catherine for being late, to which he responded, "You try leaving your incredibly hot girlfriend every morning. It's difficult, okay?"
"So you're blaming Y/N?"
"Yes. Yes I am."
Whilst Jake was answering a litany of questions about what Disney movie was his favourite (Cars 2, duh), or was he older than twelve ("mentally, that's debatable," Kevin muttered under his breath), or where was his Morticia?
Yes, that is correct. Jake Martin came up with the idea to go as the wife-man himself, Gomez Addams. It could've just so he got to see Y/N in a sexy, goth look - it totally was - but as a woman-lover himself, he found a certain kinship between himself and the Spaniard. They both loved to get the ladies. Or rather, one lady in particular.
Where was his Morticia? Well, Y/N had the task of driving to Jake's sister's house to collect his niece and nephew as Jake had 'accidentally' offered to look after the little shits on Halloween, so Y/N was preparing for a lively ride to the garage. And as she had expected, the children had been given sweets before she arrived so they were experiencing a sugar rush.
All of her apprehension melted when she saw Toby, Jake's little five year old nephew. He opened the front door and ran out as soon as he saw her car pull up on the drive. "Y/N! Y/N! Look, I'm uncle Jake!" he basically yelled at her as she got out the door, immediately running into her legs and wrapping his arms around her thighs, squishing her into stopping her from continuing to walk.
"Hi, little man. Let me see your costume," she replied, crouching down to inspect his suit. It was practically perfect. It even had the huge 'Fake Steak' logo across the front. Mostly to herself, Y/N whispered, "Oh, Catherine is going to love this."
Picking him up so she could regain movement in her legs, Y/N lifted him up and placed him on her hip. He wrapped his arms around her neck as she carried him into the house, saying, "I asked mom if I'm allowed to drive like uncle does but she said no. I'm old enough. I think."
"You definitely aren't," Y/N cooed, making it through the front door to deposit Toby on the lounge room floor. He ran over to the toybox and began grabbing random toys, putting them in his backpack for the day. "Ah, Spiderman! Nice choice, Tobes."
Anne, Jake's sister, hurried in with a toddler in her arms, holding her out for Y/N to take. "I'm actually going to go crazy if I don't get ten minutes to myself," Anna huffed out, handing Y/N little Rosie. "They woke up at six this morning and somehow haven't stopped."
Rosie grabbed onto a handful of Y/N's hair and lightly tugged on it. Y/N made a dramatic shocked face as she looked at the kid, causing her to giggle. The two year old was in a onesie that looked like a knockoff of a very recognisable Dreamworks dragon.
"We'll be out of your hair in five, don't worry," Y/N reassured her, setting Rosie on her hip like she had done with Toby, which allowed her to reach into the tote she had on her other shoulder and pull out a bottle of wine. "You'll have so much time to enjoy it. You won't know what to do with yourself."
Taking the bottle from Y/N's hand, Anne kissed her on the cheek, exclaiming, "I have one idea now. You're a lifesaver. First you take my annoying little brother off my hands and now you've got full custody of my children."
"Only for today!"
"It's sealed forever. I'm changing the locks."
The pair continued to lightheartedly squabble for a few more minutes before Toby pulled on Y/N's sleeve and announced, "I've packed my bag and I want to show Uncle Jake my Lightning Mcqueen car because I know he'll like it."
"That's a great idea."
Y/N walked out of the house with the two children, getting them all buckled in before setting off and spending the whole ride back listening to a broad spectrum of Disney music. If she had to listen to the Frozen soundtrack one more fucking time, she'd put a bullet in her head.
Bobby Spencer Racing was a happy sight as they made their way in. Even Y/N was entranced by the new makeover. Everything was pastel, candy-like colours and Jake's car had been swapped out for a go-cart kind of thing that seemed to have large oreo looking wheels and a chocolate body. The way it was all decked out reminded Y/N of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
So, she declared to the kids, "Don't try and eat anything. I can assure you that most of it is plastic. Not nice."
With one hand she was carrying Rosie and the other was firmly attached to Toby's. Her grip on Toby vanished the moment he saw Jake, who was now standing in the doorway of the garage, a big, goofy grin on his face. When he saw the boy coming towards him, Jake crouched down and opened his arms. Toby ran straight into them, hugging him tight.
"Hey, buddy," Jake greeted, squeezing Toby back for a moment before letting him go to check out his outfit. Leaning his hands on the kid's shoulders to figure out what his costume was, the hugest grin appeared as Jake realised and excitedly exclaimed, "Me? You're dressed as me? Oh, man! That's the best Halloween costume ever!"
Seeing Jake and his nephew right next to each other made Y/N notice how similar they looked. Both had the same, wide, happy smile. They had the same hair. Nose. Cheekbones. The only difference was the eyes. Toby got those from his father. When they had a kid would their little tyke get Jake's eyes? Or Y/N's?
Woah. It had changed from if they had a kid to when.
"Which one of you is the real Jake Martin? I can't tell," Y/N joked as she got closer and whipped her phone out to take a photo. Jake turned Toby to face the camera and tickled him so he'd smile, his whole face glowing.
"Hey, babe." Jake gave Y/N a smooch on the lips, just a quick peck since there were children around. Toby shielded his eyes and let out a disgusted 'ew' at the display. "Where's your costume?"
Rosie was desperately trying to get into Jake's arms, so Y/N handed her over as she reminded him, "The plan always was that I was going to drop the kids off then get ready, or did you forget that?"
"Oh, yeah. I forgot that."
From behind them, Kevin slapped his hands down on Jake's shoulders and teased, "Ol' Jakey has never been good at plans, have you, bud?"
Y/N could see that Kevin had managed to get his full costume on, a Captain America suit. He had the helmet on now, which apparently had been a struggle due to his huge head. But it was clearly recently bought at Party City.
As soon as Kevin saw Toby, he had to do a double take. No. Jake hadn't shrunk. His eyes widened and he cheered, "Oh, Beth is going to freak."
And since seemingly everyone had decided to congregate at the entrance, Beth gave a high pitched squeal as she reached out to touch the little boy's cheek, exclaiming, "You're a little Jake! You're so little. You're so cute. Let me show Amir." She took the boy's hand and led him inside to show him off to the rest of the crew.
Rosie looked up at her uncle and sneezed right on his cheek, causing Jake to scrunch up his face (an expression that looked very similar to the one Toby made when he saw the smooch) and proclaim, "Uhhh, thanks Rose."
Kevin took Rosie from his hands and brought her inside so Y/N could use a tissue to clean him up, softly tittering as she gently swiped the snot from his face. She took his chin between her fingers and tilted his head around, claiming, "All that skincare did so much good. You're looking so handsome, handsome."
Now there were no children around, Jake yanked Y/N closer to his chest and gave her a proper kiss, stealing her breath away and making her toes curl in excitement. He pulled back, grinning like a fool, and declared, "I can't wait to see you in that sexy, sexy dress."
"I thought you'd be more excited for the moment when you get to take it off me," she flirted, hooking her fingers in his belt loop and looking up at him with a cheeky grin.
He lowered his head and seductively whispered, "Oh, I booked tomorrow off just so I can take care of you all night," as he placed a kiss under her jaw, slowly working his way down to her collarbone.
She swatted his chest, playfully chastising, "Stop! You're going to give me a heart attack." She lightly pushed him away and walked back to her car, only turning around when he slapped her on the ass and called back, "I'll be back soon."
"You better."
Honestly, getting into her costume took longer than she expected. The zip at the back took the most time. It took some serious flexibility to get it all the way up. Then the makeup, which she'd been practising for a while, needed to be just perfect. It came to the point where it had taken so much energy that Y/N thought, 'Fuck it, I'm just going to wear trainers instead of heels,' because you wouldn't be able to see them under the dress, so who would know?
Arriving back at the garage a little later than planned, Y/N had managed to walk in the moment that the cameraman that Catherine hired to get some sweeping, corporate style shots had the lens pointed at Jake. He stopped listening to whatever Kevin said and completely forgot to breathe. Or at least that's what it looked like.
The moment he saw Y/N, he forgot everything else. Including, it seemed, his dignity as he spilled the drink he was holding out to Kevin all down his star spangled front. "Come on!" Kevin complained, wacking the driver around the head to wake him up. "What is it with you and spilling stuff when you see Y/N?"
"Oh, it's the love, I think," Jake explained, his eyes glued on Y/N the entire time as she saw Rosie toddling towards her and wrapped her up in her arms.
"Are you going to stand there drooling?" Kevin asked, giving the cameraman a huge grin as he realised that they were in frame. "Go get her, Romeo!"
Rosie was so happy to see Y/N that she let out a squeal and wrapped her arms even tighter around her neck. "Mwah!" Y/N bent down and planted a kiss on the top of her head, making her giggle. "How you doing Toothless?"
Nodding, the little girl started babbling nonsense as Y/N made her way towards where she thought she saw Jake on the way in, but was intercepted by Beth and Tobey on the makeshift dance floor.
"Woah, I've never seen shinier red slippers in my whole life, Beth."
"I added the glitter myself," she beamed back. No Dorothy was complete with a pair of ruby heels.
"Ah, that's why there's a trail coming from your office then."
Gently swaying Rosie to the beat, Y/N smiled and hummed along to the tune. She didn't seem to be the only one enjoying herself, judging by the happy faces and the slow, steady increase of foot-tapping and shoulder shimmying from everyone, even from a Frankenstein monster-looking Chuck who was lurking in the corner.
Amir was helplessly trying to wrangle his kids. One of them was trying to pull off the red bow tie he was wearing and the other was tugging on his sweater vest.
"What's Amir's costume?"
Chuckling because she thought Beth was joking, Y/N repeated, "No. I mean, what's he come as?"
"Fear from Inside Out."
Oh. That's fitting.
Jake made it to his girlfriend and couldn't help but wolf whistle as he took in the sight of her. Her dress hugged every inch of her curves perfectly and accentuated them. As expected, there was also enough cleavage to satisfy any guy's desire but, as much as Jake tried not to stare at it, he still couldn't control the urge and reached out to honk her boob.
"Children, Jake," she reminded him as she playfully slapped his hand away and continued dancing with a smile. "How long has the camera guy been filming?"
"Not a clue."
"Long enough to catch Jake drooling over you," Beth pointed out teasingly and nudged Y/N's arm.
It was at that moment that Rosie wanted to join her brother on the floor and wiggled until Y/N placed her down. Beth managed to deal with both of them and gave the couple time to themselves. As soon as they were childless, Jake gripped onto her hips and took his time to really absorb how hot she looked in her dress as it hugged her every curve. He ran his thumb along the material of the dress, feeling the silky smoothness of the fabric against his calloused fingertips.
"You like my costume?" She leaned forward slightly and gave him an exaggerated wink, causing him to chuckle and continue his exploration of her body. She tilted his chin up so he'd look into her eyes as she teased, "Better stop that before you get noticeably aroused."
His response was to pull her closer and gently sway them to whatever song was playing. She slung her arms over his shoulders, one hand beginning to play with the hair at the back of his head. And Jake, who seemed to be struggling to focus on anything but her, simply smiled and leaned his forehead on hers.
"Bet one hundred dollars that they'll have a little one by next Halloween."
"It would be stupid to bet against that, Kev," Beth scoffed as she ushered the children towards the buffet where Kevin was perched.
The pair had their moment then got back to their childcare duties and were happily helping to keep an eye on the kids. Rosie eventually got sleepy and almost dozed off standing up. Y/N managed to scoop her up before that happened and settled the girl against her chest, slowly rocking side to side with a slight smile on her lips.
"Jake, baby, I think it's time we get this one to bed."
Jake was sitting on the floor and incredibly busy sat playing with the toys Toby had brought, making various sound effects to go along with each item. Hearing her voice, however, he stopped immediately and glanced over his shoulder, his eyes widening upon seeing Rosie in Y/Ns' arms.
"Tobes, time to go, bud," Jake told his nephew as he gathered up the toys and placed them in Tobey's bag. He got to his feet and held out his hand, offering to lift the boy up into his arms, who accepted with a huge yawn and a tired pout.
They said their goodbyes and began the journey back to Jake's sister's place when the sibling in question called them.
"Me and Simon are..." Anna hiccuped. "We're fuckin wasted, man."
Luckily, both children were firmly asleep in their car seats and didn't hear their mother's profanity.
"Do you want us to take care of them tonight?" Y/N offered, knowing full well that's where the conversation was heading and it would be easier if they just skipped right to that bit.
"Jake...Jakey....baby brother, you've got to marry her," Anna slurred into the phone, her speech becoming slower as she went on. "She's so nice and smart and makes... Y/N makes you happy. Do something about it, shithead. Not tonight...no, you're looking after my kids tonight."
The line disconnected abruptly after that, leaving Jake staring at his phone.
"She's going to have an awful hangover tomorrow," Y/N joked before the atmosphere got awkward. Obviously, Jake had offered to drive and that left Y/N twiddling her thumbs in the passenger seat, waiting for him to say something.
"Anna's right, you know, I should do something about it." His voice was quiet and gentle as he gazed across at her. Jake took his hand off the gearstick and reached for her hand, taking it between his own, giving it a gentle squeeze which she returned. "You make me really happy, Y/N. You always have. You know that, right?"
Her heart did a little skip as she felt the heat rising to the skin on her cheeks. She didn't quite know how to react, or even how to respond to something like that. But, she tried as she replied, "You make me really happy too, my love."
She didn't miss the way his lips turned up into a small smile and how he squeezed her hand again, his thumb gently stroking the back of her hand in a soothing motion. The two stayed like this for a while, smiling and gazing into each other's eyes with fond smiles on their faces. The only sound was the faintly music coming through the radio, making everything feel calm and peaceful.
Eventually, Y/N broke out of her daze and the silence, "My office has that sofa bed. It's low and that's best for Rosie if she wants to get out of bed for any reason. Tobes can take the spare room."
"Sounds perfect. Honestly, I'm exhausted," he admitted, rubbing his eyes and leaning his head back against the headrest as he sighed contently. "Just wanna sleep in my comfy bed and watch some TV."
"Then that's what we'll do," she promised, kissing his cheek and then another then another. After several more kisses were planted on his face, all while he let out groans from happiness and contentment.
"Baby, you're making it real hard to drive," he chuckled softly as he put both hands on the wheel. Y/N didn't reply, merely continuing to pepper his face with kisses, which caused his laughter to intensify. They arrived home in record time.
After unloading the car of the sleeping toddler, they carried her inside and laid her down on one of the many pillows scattered on the couch. Jake was quick to follow with Toby in his arms, settling the boy down beside his sister. Y/N was about to start setting up the sofa bed when Jake quickly grabbed onto her waist.
"Wait," he mumbled sleepily before pecking her lips softly. He had one of those big, fancy L couches and the idea, "Why don't we just let them sleep here? They can have that part." He pointed to the normal couch bit. "And we'll have that part." The chaise lounge bit.
"You are a genius, anyone ever told you that?"
With one swift tug, Jake pulled Y/N close to his body and wrapped one of his arms around her waist as he rested the other against her cheek to brush strands of hair away from her face, his thumb caressing her soft skin. They gazed deeply into each other's eyes and basked in each others' presence without saying a word. It was Jake who spoke first, voicing the thoughts that were running rampant through his head.
"Marry me?"
A bright grin formed on Y/N's lips as she leaned forward, pressing her lips to his once more in a loving kiss which made his knees weak. A moment later, Jake finally managed to break apart and looked at her expectantly with an adoring gaze. Her smile softened as her heart soared, unable to believe he actually asked her something like that.
"Yes," she breathed out. "I will gladly marry you."
"Yes, you idiot."
As usual, her arms snaked around his neck and he pressed their foreheads together as they shared a tender kiss, filled with affection and passion and so much love. Y/N felt herself getting lost within this moment of joyous love and warmth and found herself being consumed by the purest kind of ecstasy as she allowed herself to drown in the euphoria he gave her with every single touch of his lips, every word spoken between them.
"Oh shit, I really am a wife-man now."
He finally let her go and get some blankets for the children. She was sure to hurry back to the couch once she had taken off her makeup and had the blankets in her grasp, and settled down next to Jake so they could cuddle. She wrapped her arms tightly around his torso, and pressed her body against him, listening to his heartbeat. His fingers traced lightly up and down her spine as they held each other, revelling in the feeling of being together in this simple act of love.
"Sorry I didn't do a whole big, dramatic proposal thing. I just had to know. Was I supposed to wait? Should I have bought you flowers, or something? Is that what people usually do?" he rambled on as he buried his nose in the crook of her neck. He knew there wasn't a doubt in his mind she loved him too. Just like she loved every part of him - his flaws, his strengths, his feelings.
Y/N kissed the top of his head and squeezed him tightly, letting out an amused laugh. "You're not changing your mind already, are you, baby?" She teased with raised eyebrows, grinning as his eyes widened and he shook his head fervently.
"Fuck no, never."
He leaned down to capture her mouth once more, pulling her closer as she responded in kind. She moved her hands to his cheeks and deepened the kiss, wanting to keep touching him forever. Eventually they reluctantly parted for air, but they remained within the same bubble of bliss, unable to think of anything else but each other. As though it were all that mattered in the world.
The pair whipped their heads around to find Tobey awake and sitting up on the couch, with a disgusted frown on his features. They laughed together as he scrunched up his tiny face and stuck out his tongue.
"You wanna watch some TV, Tob?" Jake suggested.
"Hell yes!" He exclaimed - waking his sister up - as he swung his legs over the side of the couch and jumped to the floor to waddle over to sit on Jake's chest, hugging him tight. "Can we watch Scooby Doo?"
"Great choice."
Rosie crawled next to Y/N and rested her little head against her auntie's shoulder, curling up like a ball and drifting back to sleep. Jake smiled as he watched them, feeling like he'd finally found someone whom he belonged to and who belonged to him too. Someone who cared about him. And he couldn't ask for anything more.
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Hello,can you do a headcanon about hinata x childhood!reader?
The reader always support hinata whenever he's playing volleyball,i think it's cute.
I absolutely adore this omg!
Also i conpletely forgot that you said headcannon and not fic, but when i realised i was already halfway through and it was too late to regret it 💀
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Hinata x Reader
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Hinata had been passionate about volleyball for as long as you could remember. There was never a time where you hadn't known him to be obsessed with the sport.
Obviously you hadn't been friends with him his whole life, but the two of you had been thick as thieves since you had first met. Some would say you were attached at the hip.
So when he didn't grow out of what people called this "childish phase" of being obsessed with the sport, you really weren't surprised. He had a passion. You weren't sure what was so wrong with that.
Life seemed so confusing as a kid. It was all "you should find your passion and stick to it! Enjoy life! Hobbies are healthy!" Until you actually found something you liked. Then it was "that's not how the real world works. You're obsessed! You're acting like a child!"
It's just a game. What's the harm in having fun?
It didn't matter to you, though. Hinata was your ride or die, and you would stick with him! If Hinata wants to play volleyball, then he should be able to do what he wants and the parents could stuff it. Sucks to suck.
And stick with him you did. You've not missed a single one of his big games, and you were always in the stands cheering him on, whether it be through victory or a crushing defeat.
You only wished you could play along with him, but you're a girl, and would have to join the girl's team and to be honest, you were never very good at volleyball anyway. You would've just dragged their team down.
Whatever. Sucks to suck, right?
You've never told him how many times you've backed him up when he wasn't even there, speaking up against passing people who made comments on how hard he tries for something so seemingly irrellivant. What assholes. You've always backed his corner though.
You both met when you were little, when you ran straight into eachother and collided headfirst during a big game of tag in the playground. Though, when people ask, you like to just say "i broke his nose" and leave it at that.
You sit at the bleachers, watching Hinata fly sky high as he smacks the ball down into the opposing team's court, winning the game by a few points. As much as he likes to explain all of the rules and positions in the game over and over, you just never really understood. But that was okay, because for what you lacked in understanding, you more than made up for in support and encouragment.
You leap over the bleachers like a wild kangaroo, practically bouncing up to the buzzing ginger and enveloping him into a hug while he talks to Suga. The team don't really know you all that well, but when that Tanaka boy spots you, he sure wishes he does.
Hinata goes stiff as a board as you attach yourself to him like some sort of koala person, squishing him with the might of a bear and rambling on abput how proud you are, his blush rushing all the way down to his toes.
He feels like the luckiest person on earth right now, his teammates and friends with him as they bask in the glory of their recent triumph, and his bestie at his back, cuddling him and giggling about something along the lines of "flying sky high". He doesn't remember you ever being the type of person to try drugs, but- hey... don't knock it 'till you try??
"Oh gosh i almost set my house on fire this morning because i forgot you can't put forks in the microwave- but here i am! And boy am i glad because i couldnt bear to miss this! Gotta be here- i mean, why break tradition, huh? Never missed a game yet! -Because what are we? For lifers!-"
Your pointless rambling is cut off as Hinata hugs you back, having managed to spin you around while he starts on a pointless ramble on his own.
The team watches on in horror as you both seem to speak in your own private language, your synchronised rambling and jumping around signalling that Hinata may be a duplicate.
Tobio deadpanns. "It was already too much with just one of that idiot. Now we've got another one?"
Neither of you notice though, and you're too busy making synchronised squealing noises and jumping around to notice the comment, but just seeing you here in support for Hinata's dream is enough for most of them.
And with open arms, the team comes to recognise you as Hinata's number one, and just as valuable of a friend.
This video is obviously not mine lmfao but omfg this is exactly how i imagine reader and hinata to be like together 💀💀💀
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Jane’s Pets Pt. 30: Die a Hero or Live Long Enough To Become a Villain
TWs in the tags
Desperate measures | Failed escape | “I’ll be right behind you.”
Puppy is in charge of cleaning. Puppy is in charge of cleaning the blood.
Today, there’s a lot of blood. More than she’s ever seen upstairs. Master got rid of the bodies, so she just has to worry about the blood. She cleans while Kitty excitedly rambles.
“I was right! I mean, I didn’t know she could teleport things that big. And I guess it’s still possible that she can create things, but it’s just easier to teleport them… But we do know more, now! Do you think there’s any limit to what she can teleport? Besides not being able to do living things. Like, could she teleport an entire planet? A universe? And like, she teleported everything in the house too! So she doesn’t have to be touching something to teleport it. Do you think it has to be in contact with something she’s touching, or could she just teleport something from halfway across the world?” Agonized screams come from the basement.
Kitty gestures to the mess. “Are you sure you don’t want help with that?”
Puppy nods.
“Do you think she can teleport liquids? I wouldn’t put it past her to make you clean up the blood while she could easily get rid of it.”
Puppy nods. If she could speak, she would point out that the blood was already teleported when Master moved the house. She would also mention that, when Master found a place to put the house, the blood was still warm, despite spending hours in her void. Kitty would find that very interesting.
Kitty keeps rambling. Puppy cleans. She’ll have to clean Jane’s weapons later, too. Now that she’s good at them, she actually enjoys a lot of her chores. She likes to watch the gore slowly fade away until it’s gone. It’s relaxing, and much more enjoyable than a lot of other things Master has her do.
Bunny screams and screams. Puppy hopes he thinks what they learned was worth it. It would really suck if he didn’t.
“Why are you like this!?” Bunny screams. Right, he can still talk. I laugh and smack the crowbar against his jaw. He screeches.
“That would be the immortality. Ever hear the phrase ‘you either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain’?”
I swing at his ribs.
“I was a hero for so long.I used my powers for good. I made the world a better place, all that shit. But you know what? It doesn’t last.”
I swing at his shoulder.
“That’s why you have to die to be a hero. Because if you keep living and living and living, you’ll see that it didn’t matter. All the heroics in the world don’t matter, because mortals are always going to be mortals. The effect of any heroics will be gone within a few generations at most.”
I hit his kneecap, one, two, three times.
“And it gets so boring. Doing the same things over and over with no results. You have no idea, Bunny. Boring isn’t even the right word, I can’t describe it with mortal language. You get desperate. For any entertainment. And guess what? Hurting people is a lot more entertaining, and the consequences are just as nonexistent.”
Bunny doesn’t seem to be listening. That’s fine. I prefer the unresponsiveness to the snark of the others. Little brats. Puppy’s grown out of it, at least. And Kitty’s been a lot more obedient since I started hurting Bunny. Trying to be a good example, I’d guess.
He’s getting too close to passing out. I sit next to him.
“Blink twice if you can hear me.”
He stares straight ahead. I flick his jaw and he makes a squealing sound.
“Blink twice if you can hear me.”
He blinks twice.
“That’s my good boy. Do you think you’ve learned your lesson?”
He doesn’t respond, but he physically can’t without enormous pain.
“Do you understand, that no matter how hard you run, no matter where you go, I’ll be right behind you? Blink twice if you understand.”
He blinks twice again. I pet his hair.
“You understand that your escapes will always fail?”
He blinks twice without needing to be told.
“Good boy. I think that’s enough pain for today. You just need some alone time, huh?”
He gasps and tries to look at me without moving his head. His eyes plead for it to be over.
“Come on. I think it’s time you experienced the cold room.”
A/N: Let me know if I should tag anything else!
Tag list: @eatyourdamnpears @ghostsinthecloset
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