#Will i become a doctor who fanart blog? who knows not me
n3arell-art · 3 months
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told myself i would actually make some original art and then didn’t, anyway here’s missy because she rewired my brain chemistry
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sysmedsaresexist · 24 days
Changing mindsets, from a Real Anti Endo™️
The Release of the (Pro/Endo) Golden Goose
I hope everyone from all sides will give this important, heartfelt post a read.
It's likely something you'll want to be aware of if you have a vested interest in syscourse and the validity of endogenic systems. Please give this a chance.
It's been almost three years since I started my blogs. Wow. I've been on tumblr a hell of a lot longer, but I really wasn't involved in the system community. I started out firm and loud. I probably inadvertently fakeclaimed (I went into this with the rule that I would NOT directly tell anyone they were faking, it was a boundary that I knew would ruin me socially if I crossed it, but I'm sure I probably did without meaning to), I name called and made fun of people and things. I was disrespectful to people. I invaded tags to get my message out there, though I was quick to stop once I realized I was making the tags unusable for the community I claimed to want to protect.
I learned very quickly what was appropriate and what wasn't, what I could get away with and what I couldn't. It started to become a numbers game, influenced by the risk of the post.
I made a lot of friends and a lot of enemies, and I amassed a following of over 2k. More people have come and gone from my little community than I ever thought possible. People made fanart of me, and I cherish those so deeply. I have over 300 asks because I struggle to delete the ones thanking me.
And the more I was thanked, the nicer I got, the more thanks, the nicer I got, rinse and repeat until I had trouble NOT empathizing with pro/endos. The more I was willing to listen, the more legitimate sources I came across that disproved my original ideas about consciousness. The people sharing the sources were more respectful than I thought they'd be. Things were starting to look a bit cloudy.
I talked to my colleagues about how they, as therapists, would handle some of these endos in their practice, and while their belief in the concept varied, kindness and attempts to understand was the consistent answer. When had I lost that kindness and understanding that had driven me to that field to begin with?
Colleagues, yes. For those who don't know, I have a degree in social services and counselling (plus three other degrees). It's why the current situation with the antis turning on me is so funny. I still can't get into the mindset of some of these new anti endos, I just can't imagine justifying that level of cruelty. I had lines that I wouldn't cross, and I didn't think people could be worse than me.
... That might have been a trauma thing, looking back on it.
So I got desperate.
I spoke to the actual doctors who wrote some of these papers all of us are quoting. Everyone was arguing the meaning of the words, so I went directly to the source.
Dr Colin Ross, who wrote about endogenous multiplicity in the 80s. I told him everything-- about plurals, non-traumagenic systems, syscourse, what was being debated, how I and others interpreted his words, and what I wanted to learn.
Was plurality only trauma based?
And back and forth and back and forth we went, with me asking over and over again in different ways, NEEDING to hear that it was.
But I never got that answer. He meant what he meant. He said what he said and he meant it.
That plurality was not only found in the aftermath of trauma.
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And I said nothing to anyone because I couldn't reconcile it.
Don't try to read between the lines, I assure you, there isn't some hidden meaning to be found there. I can't share all of the messages because some contained personal information, but my final response will tell you all you need to know.
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(It did NOT, in fact, make sense, and it took me three years to "rethink my paper" that endogenic plurality wasn't possible, I did not win that conversation, it was a dying stance that was not supported)
I've been accused of paying too much attention to my follower count, but I can't really help it. It's really scary when you make a post and see a sizeable drop. It means a lot of different things. My posts have less reach and support. I've upset people. I've done something wrong. My community is leaving me.
I'm in a weird spot, where I'm blocked by so much of the pro/endo community that I have nothing to join, and the anti endo community, who I still wholeheartedly support, continues to leave me for -checks smudged writing on hand- being too nice??
Misinformation about DID is a massive problem, and it's why I still consider myself anti endo and support that community. I relate to them in such a way that I'll always gravitate to and empathize with them.
Or at least, that's what I thought.
At this point, though, how can I not be pro/endo when Colin fucking Ross says it's possible?
I've already written about how I'm really struggling with these labels, and I love the people that have stuck around while I struggle to figure this out.
I hurt when I see the people that once supported me leave.
My (online) world is shrinking. Literally.
That's scary.
When you've watched so many turn away, you start to wonder, with every post, where is the line where the rest are going to leave? Is it this post?
I just want to be me, us, we want to laugh at the stupid crap people say, system or not, I want to talk about my disorder, I want to combat misinformation, I want to have productive, fun conversations about ideas and concepts with people who disagree and have different interpretations. I want to play devil's advocate and get people thinking. I want to be able to comment positivity and kindness on any post I see, I want to feel comfortable talking to more people about their ideas. I sympathize with anti endos, I relate to CDD systems, I still firmly believe that CDDs and plurality are different, unrelated concepts.
My priority will always and forever be the CDD community first and foremost.
However, I am a hypocrite. I have gone straight to the horse's mouth and failed. I've seen so much research that I finally get it. I'm grappling with holding on to this conversation with Dr Ross, wondering what harm I could have prevented if I'd gone public with these emails earlier.
Since when has being open to change been a bad thing?
Since when has showing respect to lived experiences been a bad thing?
What am I? What label describes this?
How do I go forward from here?
What are you going to do with this information?
I promise you, hate isn't the way forward.
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anotherlesbiandad · 6 months
okay fuck it it's about time i make a pinned post
what you'll find on this blog:
- a Lot of reblogs for various fandoms. these fandoms include (but are not limited to) community, supernatural, dc comics, percy jackson/hoo, buffy the vampire slayer, firefly, seinfeld, project hail mary, the hunger games, sherlock holmes (mostly acd canon but the occasional bbc post), doctor who, marauders, zigverse!marauders (of which i am the founder), teenage mutant ninja turtles, and okay jesus the list is gonna keep going if i let it
- discussion of classic literature and mythology (mostly greco-roman) when i feel like it. please send me asks about this if you want to become my best friend
- poor formatting
- the occasional fic or fic rec
- reblog bait and ask games cause i'm lonely and want to feel connected to something
- a lot of random ass thoughts, mostly to do with something above or my mental issues
those of you who have been following me for a while probably know about zigverse, and when i make a zigverse master post (eventually) i'll link it here.
if you're here from one of my poetry sideblogs please i am begging you to be sworn to secrecy about what i write over there. i'm working off of the honor system here
i used to draw over on this account, but have since deleted like all of my fanart. from here. it still exists on my art sideblog, but i'm not comfortable linking it here, so you'll just have to trust me that you might see it at some point
DNI LIST: honestly just like. don't be a dick? if you're following me and you're a dick to me then i'm gonna block you, but other than that have at it.
except for you wincesties.
okay that's pretty much it idk bye
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nehswritesstuffs · 11 months
Intro Post, GO!
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph--I last did one of these in 2018... fucking...
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Info under the cut, if you’re into that sort of thing.
Hi! My name is Nehs and I write stuffs. I’m a trained screenwriter and hope to one day break into that, but I also know that since it’s a lot of work and luck I might as well enjoy myself along the way. I’ve been writing fan fiction since about 1998 and sharing online since 2004, so when I say I’ve been writing fic for most of my life, I mean it. More recently I’ve been very active in the Doctor Who/Whouffaldi fandom and back in One Piece. These things are more alike than one would think. My life force feeds off of weird, rare, and otherwise less-popular ships as well as alternate universe settings.
Aside from being here I’m also on fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own. In the past nine years I’ve put out about 1.78mil words on AO3. My totals on FFN (which begin in high school (beware weird/lower quality work earlier on) and are skewed due to author’s notes and review replies bc i’ve been on the site for so long) are at ~2.38mil. Not everything from here is on my FFN or AO3 and not everything on FFN is on AO3 and vice versa. I do tend to crosspost a lot of my work, however, so when one site is down, there’s usually a good place to find my stuff otherwise if you were in the middle of something!
(No, seriously, my FFN hits took off during the latest mass-AO3 outage and it was mainly for stuff that was crossposted, so don’t be afraid to come on over!)
Uhh... big things I’m known for...
The Time That We Love Best: slice of life Whouffaldi AU set from WWII-1960; a hundred chapters of a relationship and lots of period-related plot; there are prompt fills to add to the story
The Thick of UNIT: crossover involving Doctor Who and The Thick of It, prominently showcasing the crackship of Kate Stewart/Malcolm Tucker; contains many OCs, canon cameos from both shows, weird shit, and current events; lots of offshoots and even has spawned fic of the fic
The March of Kasterborous and Gallifrey: pseudo-fantasy/nobility Whouffaldi AU that starts with an arranged marriage and morphs into a loving relationship and the building of a dynasty; consists of In Want of An Heir, Stars in A Sky of Blood and Blue, a prompt fill fic, and an AU of the AU that’s a remix of the first fic
Getting the Hang of Things: my attempt at a close-as-possible-to-canon Whouffaldi AU where they raise kids
a bunch of different fantasy-related Whouffaldi AUs, incorporating things such as selkies, werewolves, vampires, a How to Train Your Dragon setting, and more
Father Like Son, Mother Like Daughter, Parent Like Child: a One Piece Bellazón AU where Cora-san and Bell-mère raise their six kids in the East Blue, they’re all better adjusted, and proceed to make it everyone’s problem
little seagull, little seagull, where shall you go?: a One Piece AU where the Heart Pirates find a kid during the timeskip and Law completes the circle and becomes her Cora-san; is pretty much becoming a pick-your-own adventure story as I write varying branches to the plot
Love, Loss, and Finding One’s Self on the High Seas; I wanted to write Sanji/Pudding that gave her agency and made things less creepy; there’s lots of other ships too and it’s just weird af trust me
Other than that I am generally friendly and willing to interact with people. Drop me a line anytime, about fic or fandom or anything else, even if you think it’s negative. My personal blog is escapaldi. I enjoy hearing from readers (I’m one of those people that stalk reblogs for fun tags) and anything is better than nothing. There’s always room for improvement in a writer’s craft, so if you catch something then please let me know. Anon is on and if you prefer to confer in private just say so. Another thing to note is that I tend to reblog fanart for things I’ve written,things I find neat/important, and any other projects I may be in at the moment. If you got a problem with that, then I’m not really sure what to tell you. *shrugs* Oh, and yeah, don’t feed my fics to an AI for any reason whatsoever or I’ll astral-project myself to your computer and no one will enjoy themselves. :D
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bryan360 · 2 years
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
🎃Inktober of 2022 - Day 9: 🧙‍♀️Witch
🇵🇷Me: There’s a bit of changing plan as I continue on this year’s Inktober. At least this is what I’m going for when picking the right one. For today’s Inktober art share, I’ve made this fanart for 🧙‍♀️Ashley and 😈Red from the Warioware franchise. They’re not bad once you’ll get to know them….unless Ashley can cast spell to turn into a 🥄spoon. Yikes! As a good fan for Nintendo games, I do remember when playing its DS title years back (Link Here) before lost it unfortunately. Aside that, its cool when getting to know Ashley and Red’s first debut appearances before becomes well known for fans; especially for some reason wanted her to be in Smash Bros. games. That’s a guess, but its something. Anyways, hope you’ll enjoy this post that I got. Though don’t worry as I’ll be back with the costumes for my OCs or any cartoon characters to keep track. 😉👍 BTW, I’m more into Red’s previous old design than the latest one.
Previous Inktober Posts of 2022:
Day 1: ⚫️⚪️Cartoons - Link Here
Day 2: 🎃Pumpkins - Link Here
Day 3: 👨‍⚕️Doctor - Link Here
Day 4: 💀Death - Link Here
Day 5: 🐱Cat - Link Here
Day 6: 🦇Bats - Link Here
Day 7: 😈Devil - Link Here
Day 8: 🌳Forest - Link Here
Ashley and Red - WarioWare: Touched! (2004) © Nintendo
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301
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witchyclispe · 2 years
Hello everyone! I haven't posted here in a long time to say the least. I wanted to rebrand this account, so I can feel better about posting here❤❤❤ My original name on here was Damienmoonart! But i have recently changed it to Witchyclipse! Anyways-
This is my main blog! I plan to use it for my personal artwork! If you'd like to see my writing, please go follow my second blog @damisupernova !
Heres some quick info to get to know me 😌
My name is Dami! I am a self taught artist who mainly uses Digital Art. My program that I prefer is procreate! Ive been drawing for around 11 years, and hope to open an art shop on etsy in the near future! I am a huge nerd, who loves anything action, scifi or horror themed.
Yes there will be OC content here, whether that's my writing I've reblogged or my artwork itself. If you don't enjoy ocs, feel free to leave! This is going to be a safe and positive place for everyone, including myself 💕
Do not trace or steal my artwork. This includes my ocs, or fanart I have done.
If you are interested in talking or commissions, please feel free to send me a message! I'd love to chat and have fun with others 😌🦋
My Interests Include
Current hyper fixations will be in purple!
Marvel Comics
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Dc comics
Dc Extended Universe
The Sandman
Stranger Things
Harry Potter
Fantastic Beasts
Pirates of the Caribbean
Doctor who
Sherlock (Rdj, BBC)
Spiderman (Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield)
Detroit: Become Human
Resident Evil
Star Wars
Star Trek
The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings
John Wick
My Original Characters!
In every universe, there will be some canon divergence so beware!
Some designs are out of date/ to be worked on
Stranger Things
Cynthia Creel
Tadgh Hoffman
The Sandman
Astoria (Imagination)
Star Wars
Estelle Norith
Ziorah Casamorsa
Darth Corodis
Darth Binaira
Etheria (Azalea Collins Lehnsherr)
Zoan Lehnsherr
Madame Nightshade (Nova Moore)
Glitch (Coda Barlowe)
Agent Mothra (Dezdemona Lenoir) (variant: Deziray Octavius Osborn)
Red Daemon (Dr.Róisin Healy)
Illuminatrix (Monika Ivanov Zemo)
Evening Moon
Tsunami (Juliette Keloha)
Detroit Become Human
Lieutenant Aeryn Sinclair
Detective Rosaleen O'Connell
Amaris Macleod
Nightmare (Kinsley Hyde)
Harry Potter
Professor Odette Chamberlain Lennox
Lynette Lupin
Fantastic Beasts
Sylvain Strummer
Star Trek
Captain Jupiter Solace
Sherlock (BBC)
Lux Moriarty
Doctor Who
Celeste Pevensie
Zara Gemosia Atreides
The Hobbit/LotR
Lady Morìnth
Saffron Baggins
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carnirat · 1 year
Hello, my name is Jack, I'm 19, I'm autistic and have ADHD, and I use this blog pretty eclectically. At the moment, it's pretty heavily Fullmetal Alchemist focused. I post fanart and I guess analysis (?) posts about fma.
However, this blog is, at its center, a multi-fandom blog (and I guess whatever else I feel like). Most things I'm interested in center mostly around one character (Fullmetal Alchemist differs in that respect). I like Soul Eater (mostly Franken Stein), Doctor Who (mostly the 10th doctor), How To Train Your Dragon (mostly Hiccup and Viggo), Detroit: Become Human (mostly Connor), and a few other things but those are the main ones. I also reblog posts about disability, lgbt stuff, and other random bs.
Now for a few sidenotes-
If you ever DM me or try to initiate conversation or whatever and I don’t respond, don't take it personally. Strangers scare the shit out of me and responding is really hard. Bring up something fma related tho, and its pretty much guaranteed I'll respond.
I always read the tags people put on my posts, no matter how many notes I get. They're my favorite part of posting something so if you ever wanna say anything under one of my posts do it I love it.
This is specifically to Hohenheim lovers reblogging my posts and stuff. Just FYI, I fucking hate that guy. You can interact and stuff, just know that if you don't like people hating him, you sure as hell won't like me.
Organization tags-
All my art will be under #my art (this has been broken lately idk why)
Random pointless posts will be under #jack's nothing rambles
"Analysis" posts will be under the tag #my analyses
Answers to asks will be under #answering asks
If you are: royed/heied/aled shipper, a f3t1sh blog, or k*nk blog, a pro-ana blog, maps, nomaps, or map variants, t3rf, troll, ableist, racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, xenophobic, anti-semetic, Islamophobic, truscum/transmed, support autism speaks and others, zionist (subject to change)
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modernwizard · 1 year
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I posted 261 times in 2022
That's 122 more posts than 2021!
121 posts created (46%)
140 posts reblogged (54%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 236 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#hardship - 111 posts
#doctor who - 100 posts
#hardship vt - 89 posts
#hardshippers - 87 posts
#the master - 83 posts
#charity anthology - 58 posts
#fanart - 57 posts
#master works - 56 posts
#fanfic - 56 posts
#lgbtqia - 52 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#look how serious and still he becomes when he realizes that yaz' and the doctor's threats of violence are real
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Spymaster's transparent disguises and the Master's true self.
In a behind-the-scenes documentary about The Power of the Doctor, "Behind the Regeneration," Sacha Dhawan explains his interpretation of the Master, which I have trascribed for your edification and pleasure. You're welcome.
He says:
We were really intent on making sure that we raise the bar even higher by introducing more characters, more versions of the Master. And it made me think that maybe the audience hadn't quite seen my Master, as it were. And I'm still questioning at the end of the episode -- have you still seen the real him? There's maybe moments where he shows his real self, but kind of getting into that and thinking about that opened up loads of opportunities.
I think one of the things that I was really intent on is that, whatever kind of version of the Master I was playing, I was totally committed to it. So even though there's a similar vein going through all of them, I wanted each one of them to be distinctly different. You know -- he's a master of disguise. And he really embodies those characters, and it was really good fun to play. But in terms of preparation, I did a lot of prep trying to, yeah, make them different and understand each of their intentions, as it were.
But, even saying that, I was also interested in exploring maybe when the mask slips. Then you do see the real him. I can take aspects of what we've done and almost reinvent him again. I think that's one of the things I wanted to do.
And if I ever continue playing the Master, I'm going to continue doing it: constantly taking strands and reinventing them, keeping the audience guessing, keeping them on their toes, keeping them excited. And that's the real joy I get from it, as long as it's truthful.
This is a fascinating mini-essay. Sacha Dhawan's question -- "Have you still seen the real him?" -- seems to serve as a thesis.
The next paragraph, where he talks about the Spymaster's personae, emphasizes an apparent disconnection between the Spymaster's disguises and who he is undisguised. Each persona is "distinctly different." Sacha Dhawan describes "a lot of prep" understanding each persona and "their intentions" in the way that an actor would prepare for several separate and different roles.
But the Spymaster's personae are not separate roles, not as far as the actor is concerned. "There's a similar vein going through all of them," he asserts and then doubles down on his concept of the Spymaster behind the roles: "I was also interested in exploring maybe when the mask slips. Then you do see the real him."
Sacha Dhawan plays the Spymaster as a character of many aspects, roles, and disguises, but he does think that there's a core character, a "real him," beneath or within all the roles. "I can take aspects of what we've done and almost reinvent him again. ...And that's the real joy I get from it, as long as it's truthful," he says. Here the reinvention refers to the variety of forms the Master takes, but it's not a truly free, untethered reinvention, at least not how Sacha Dhawan sees the character. He talks about "tak[ing] aspects of what we've done" or building on his previous performances and the character's past personae. His caveat "as long as it's truthful" points to his belief that the Master does have a true self, and he ensures in his performances that, no matter how diverse the disguises, they reveal, rather than conceal, the Master's core.
This is consonant with my interpretation of the Master as an emotionally transparent individual who is constitutionally incapable of mastering how they feel. They're governed by their emotions [toward the Doctor], which they can never hide. Their disguises always allow their feelings to stream through. The disguises are all see-through. In fact, they reveal some aspect of the Master.
@natalunasans @spoonietimelordy @queen-of-meows @sclfmastery
60 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
Reasons I love the Spymaster #70: He still likes Yaz!
Find my full series under the HELP I WUVS HIM tag or at the why I love Dhawan Master tag.
#70: He still likes Yaz!
H/T to @themastergifs for these first four gifs.
The Spymaster favors Yaz from their first meeting. Here he is in Spyfall I.
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Yaz, proud of herself for having made the steganography connection, looks to the Spymaster [in his guise as O], for confirmation. He smiles and nods, approving of her conclusion and admiring her brains. Furthermore, even though the Spymaster doesn't really do standard eye contact, he makes some with Yaz here. He's really interested in her.
Here they are in Spyfall II.
See the full post
64 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
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See the full post
75 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
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The Master is coming back in June 2022!
Master Works, my Doctor Who charity anthology of stories about Masters and companions, returns in June 2022 for a limited time in PDF! All proceeds to Migrant Justice.
If you missed it the first time, you'll soon have a chance to enjoy short stories and visual art about the Doctor's companions matching wits with the Master[s]! More info here.
Do you like universal domination, stupid puns, and aliens with blue boxes? Check out Your Villain & You, my extremely serious self-help book to aid you in your own quest to be a master of all matter!! [This one is a for-profit endeavor.]
Tell your friends! Tell your enemies! Tell your frenemies!
93 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Who's back? It's Gender Who?
Celebrate Pride with the return of Gender Who? It's a Doctor Who-themed charity anthology with art, essays, and short stories celebrating all things trans, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming in the Whoniverse!
Gender Who? will be back in PDF form for a limited time only on June 1st. More info here. This is a nonprofit endeavor with all proceeds to Migrant Justice, a U.S.-based organization that helps migrant workers do political advocacy.
Also returning soon is my first DW charity anthology, Master Works, full of short stories and art about Master[s] and companions! Check it out.
If you just can't wait, why not kick off Pride a bit early--villain Pride, that is? My parody self-help book, Your Villain & You, is perfect for all fans of masterful disguises and dubious domination plans. Check it out here. [This is for-profit.]
736 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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waldrea-art · 2 years
Rea | adult | a fan of many things
Hi! I moved my art back to my main blog but these links still work.
Here’s a quick overview of my current favourites, just so you know what kind of fanart you can expect:
Series: Supernatural, Doctor Who
Anime/manga: Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood), Yona of the Dawn
Books: The Lord of the Rings, Psy-Changeling series by Nalini Singh, Discworld series by Terry Pratchett
Video games: Dragon Age, Detroit: Become Human, Mass Effect, The Witcher
other: Star Wars universe, animals, original art
I currently don’t have any adult content here but if I ever post any, I will tag it as NSFW. I am trying to tag all kinds of possibly disturbing content in the format of cw [specification]. If you notice I missed something that you would like to be tagged, please let me know!
Let me know if you are interested in an art trade! You don’t have to draw - I also love gifs, edits, ficlets or basically anything. :)
Feel free to reach out via ask or message and also to tag me in things, I’m happy to interact!
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oftincturedwords · 2 years
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hello , my name is bayze ! i am twenty-seven years old & a fanfic author on ao3. i sometimes post writing here on tumblr under my writing tag. i reblog lots of gifsets , fanart , & lots of other misc. things i like. usually posts are queued & it's set to post randomly at any time , but i have no queue tag. i at times liveblog things i watch / read.
if you are a mutual & want me to send in an ask meme to your askbox , tag me & i will do it ! i tag everything , so if you ever need me to tag something specifically for whatever reason ( it's triggering to you / don't like something i blog about / tired of seeing / etc. ) , just let me know & i will do it ! if you are a side-blog following from a main blog , please tell me what your side-blog is or else i won't know who to follow.
this blog is multi-fandom !
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ᴍᴀɪɴ ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍs : tolkien , hornblower , doctor who , aubreyad , detroit : become human , baldur's gate III , star trek ( tos , tng , aos , voy , ds9 , ent ) , star wars ( prequels , originals , tcw , tbb ) , merlin bbc , the musketeers bbc , good omens , band of brothers , the witcher , tombstone ( 1993 ) , & lots more fandoms in between !
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ғɪxᴀᴛɪᴏɴ⁽ s ⁾ : detroit : become human | baldur's gate III
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ғᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ⁽ s ⁾ : connor , nines , hank , & gavin | astarion , karlach , halsin , gale , shadowheart , wyll , lae'zel , & jaheira !
ᴍʏ ᴏᴄs : clone medic tether ( ct - 30 - 2197 ) , clone cadet snap ( ct - 9913aurek ) , clone cadet carve ( ct - 9911 ) , clone cadet mav ( ct - 9914 ) , clone cadet sliver ( ct - 9915 ) , kingsglaive medic aero , tavren ( bg3 tav character ) , & a whole bunch of others that haven't been inserted into stories.
ᴜɴᴘᴏsᴛᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴘ ʟɪsᴛ : aere perennius , a testament of trust , no quiet find , & etc. untitled wips.
ᴘᴏsᴛᴇᴅ ꮃꮖꮲ ꮮꮖꮪꭲ : owed a hundred times over , delicate operation , ties , dash - two , fighting chance , broken power , bound to happen , pushing through ( tenacity ) , orbiter dicta , grief is yours my friends , & of the north.
never will any of my wips / stories be abandoned or orphaned !
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Writing | Ao3 | Writer | WIP Updates
Do Not Interact
Ask Memes | Answered Asks | Tag Games
Spotify | Kofi
discord is available upon request to mutuals !
messaging system is mutuals only please !
askbox is open to all !
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monkeydluffy19920 · 3 years
Hi, love your blog. I wanna ask what do you think is the biggest SaNa hint from Oda?
Hiya @xebecx and many thanks for the feedback, much appreciated <3
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Frankly spoken it’s hard to to name just one big hint since personally I think Oda-sensei likes to sprinkle the hints around when it comes down to SaNami and also with many ships too (like said, it’s all about interpretation). Reason why I started to see potential on their ship was that it feels like their relationship has had pretty smooth development during these years. We have a starting point where Sanji immediately catches his eye on Nami but on Baratie arc. she is benefiting this situation so she could bail out for paying the restaurant bill which is ok for Sanji though (and he makes the guys pay *laughs*)
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In Arlong Park the rest of the Strawhats learn about her past which explains lots of thing. Sanji is the only one who doesn’t buy Nami’s betrayal act and defends her when others are against her despite the fact that they were aquantainces at this point of the story.  After Arlong Park there has been some flirt between two of them although Nami still uses her charm to delegate tasks for Sanji and for her benefits.
Perhaps the first major development shipwise happens in Skypiea where Sanji’s sacrificial nature is revealed to Nami (since last time she was unconcious when he took the bullet for her and Luffy in Drum Kingdom so the captain could get her the doctor). Sanji did it so Nami and Usopp could escape safely and first time Nami actually hesitates to leave him all alone and later she shows gratitude for him (although at that point Sanji is unconcious now which is a nice parallel).
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From shipper’s perspective, who would have thought that Totto Land and Zou arcs would include so much parallels that combine Nami and Sanji? First of all the wedding theme (this time just roles vice versa). Then she learns about his past from his relative, just like Sanji did back in Arlong Park. On top of that another Bellmere-like smile was revealed once he trew the farewell in Zou..
In my opinion the biggest development between them has happened when Nami and Sanji met in Totto Land since his departure. Those chapters offered so much tension and drama when Sanji first glared Nami angrily (hoping she would stop interrupting him) and then she later replies with a slap on face and teary eyes.
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There are more detailed thoughts about emotional slaps in One Piece in this post but shortly said, Oda-sensei has used this element only on a few people throughout the series and it has always the purpose of showing that it things are serious and gone deep under the skin. Also after the things have calmed, in every slap there is a forgiveness and understanding and Nami’s slap isn’t exception.
Although Nami tends punch Sanji every once in a while (as a running gag) and for some reason Sanji is the only who get heart bumps, this slap was something serious and loaded with emotions. So, even without the shipping goggles, it’s obvious that she was hurt from to see her friend to act like sh*t without knowing the reasons because before this incident, she was the most powerful driving force in the retrieval mission. 
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At one point it honestly felt like the aftermath might not get any panels and despite many fans (including me) was wishing there could be a moment similar  to @vichan91312‘s /@wiavi’s fanart where Sanji could show his vunerability and Nami would comfort him.
Oda-sensei wanted to yield the aftermath when it comes down to Nami’s and Sanji’s reconciliation although shipwise it would be more interesting that they would have an intimate moment and thought about the stuff. However, the way Oda-sensei decided to do it was more One Piece-stylish and maybe even more canon when it comes down to both of their characters. 
So, instead of forcing them to face alone face to face- conversations which could  have made both of them feel awkward,  Oda-sensei decided that Nami would show the forgiveness not so straightforward-style (since there were other around too) plus it would anyway be more characteristic for her not to admit anything romantic directly.
First approach was toned with comedic elements when she had this “never going to forgive you”- tsundere-ish stuff which Sanji interprets as a proposal (just like after what Nami told him before she battled Kalifa). Anime even extended more the “aftermath tension” this with that corridor conversation). but later Nami  welcomed him back with eyes filled with joy of reunion (and relief of her nakama being okay after that  merry go-round on flames arc).
The panel below was a nice gesture from Oda-sensei too (in addition to the bridal carry) because he could also have dealt this all with so called “out of panels”-kind of style which would have left things a bit vague.
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Honestly, it’s hard to decide only 1 hint that could be a “huge ice breaker”/turning point  but perhaps this emotional slap and reconciliation are could turn into something bigger since along the way both Zou and Totto Land included many parallels to past arcs plus the more time has past, the more respectfully Nami is towards him. He is nowadays more than a fool to tool, he has become a good friend.
All in all, in the end we all shippers in the whole fandom should remember that eventually Oda-sensei is the one who decides the plot twists in canon and even if the ending wouldn’t turn as wanted it doesn’t mean anyone’s ship is ruined or deserves some mud on on it. Besides it’s easy to forget that even the author said that One Piece’s main goal is not romance but chasing dreams and the importance of friendships.
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good-omens-classic · 4 years
Hi Good Omens fans, ever since making this blog, and trawling through the archives for old art, I have been thinking again about trends from before the TV-show, and the way people draw Aziraphale and Crowley.  I wanted to make this post addressing it but this is not “discourse” or to start a fight, in fact I would be perfectly content if all I did was make people think critically about what I am about to say and not even interact with this post at all, but I feel like I need to say it.
Talking about any racist undertones to the way people draw our two favorite boys usually makes people dig their heels in pretty fast.  This is not a callout post for any artist in particular, this is not me trying to be overly critical of artists especially since they have more talent and skill than I do, and I’m going to address some common counterpoints that I frankly find unsatisfactory.  Let’s just take a moment to set aside our defensiveness and think objectively about these trends.  It took me a while to unlearn my dismissive attitude about these concerns so maybe I can help others get over that hurdle a little faster.  Now let’s begin.
I’ve been kicking around the Good Omens fandom since maybe 2015 and for art based in book canon, whether it was made before the TV show came out, or because the artist is consciously drawing different, original designs, I’m going to estimate that a decent 75% of all fanart looks like this
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Aziraphale is white and blonde and blue-eyed while Crowley is the typical “racially ambiguous” brown skin tone it’s become so popular to draw podcast characters as nowadays.
And the question is why?  With the obvious answer being “it’s racist,” but let’s delve a little deeper than that.
A common thing I hear is that people get appearance headcanons fixed in their mind because the coverart of the book pictures the characters a certain way.  My first point is this only shifts the question to why the illustrators drew them that way, when there aren’t many physical descriptions in the book.  My second point is that while there definitely are cover arts that picture Aziraphale as cherubic, blonde, and white and Crowley as swarthy, dark-skinned, and racially ambiguous...
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(side note: why is Crowley’s hand so tiny?  what the hell is going on in this cover?)
It’s much more common for the covers to simplified, stylized, and without any particular unambiguous skin tones
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I don’t know about the UK but the most popular version in the United States is the dual black and white matching covers
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And while you could make an argument that the shading on Crowley’s face could suggest a darker skintone, it seems obvious to me that lacking any color these are not supposed to suggest any particular race for either of these two, and the contrasting colors are a stylistic choice to emphasize how they are on opposite sides.  If anything, to me it suggests they are both white.
In short I simply do not buy the argument that people are drawing Aziraphale and Crowley this way because that’s how they were represented on the cover art of the book.  If you draw them the way they are on the cover then whatever, I don’t care, but I don’t believe that’s what’s driving this trend.
The second thing people will say is that Good Omens is a work of satire, and it’s based in Christian mythology which has this trend of depicting angels as white, and it is embodying the trope of a “white, cherubic angel” paired with a dark-skinned demon for the explicit purpose of subverting the trope of “white angel is good, dark demon is bad” since Aziraphale is not an unambiguous hero and Crowley is not a villain.  “It’s not actually like that because Crowley isn’t a bad demon, and Aziraphale isn’t actually a perfect angel” is the argument.  This has a certain logic to it and allows some nuance to the topic, but to this I say:
Uncritically reproducing a trope, even in the context of a satire novel, is not enough to subvert it.  Good Omens is not criticising the racist history of the church, and while the book does have some pointed jabs at white British culture (such as Madam Tracy conning gullible Brits with an unbelievably ignorant stereotype of a Native American) it is not being critical of the conception of angels as white and blonde or the literal demonization of non-white people.  That’s just not what the book is about.  So making the angel white and the demon dark-skinned, playing directly into harmful tropes and stereotypes, is not somehow subversive or counter-cultural when doing so doesn’t say anything about anything.
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Please consider fully the ramifications of the conception of white and blonde people as innocent and cherubic and dark-skinned people as infernal and mischievous, especially in modern contexts...
Black people are more likely to be viewed as violent, angry, and dangerous.  Priming with a dark-skinned face makes people more likely to mistake a tool for a gun.  Black people are viewed as experiencing pain less intensely by medical professionals.  Black men are viewed as physically larger and more imposing than they actually are.  The subconscious racial bias favoring light skin is so ingrained it’s measurable by objective scientific studies, on top of the anecdotal evidence of things like news stories choosing flattering, “cherubic” pictures of white and blond criminals while using unflattering mugshots for non-white offenders.
This is why I say that if you’re going to invoke the “whites are angelic” trope, you better have a damn good subversion of it to justify it, because this idea causes real harm to real people in the real world.  And Aziraphale being a bit of a bastard despite being an angel, I just don’t see that as sufficient.  I am especially cautious of when it’s my fellow white fans that make this argument, not because I believe they do this out of any sort of malice or hatred of people with dark skin, but because I know first-hand it stems from a dismissiveness rooted in not wanting to think about it for too long because it makes us uncomfortable.  Non-white people do not have the luxury of not thinking about it, because it’s part of their life.
Now the strongest textual evidence people use, in the absence of much real descriptor, is this:
"Many people, meeting Aziraphale for the first time, formed three impressions: that he was English, that he was intelligent, and that he was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide. Two of these were wrong; Heaven is not in England, whatever certain poets may have thought, and angels are sexless unless they really want to make an effort" 
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This piece of art has circulated in the fandom for so long I don’t know the original artist and it’s been used for everything from fancovers to perfume.  This is where I found it and it’s one of the first things that come up when you google this quote about Aziraphale.  
Doesn’t it just feel like this is the man that’s describing, some blonde effeminate gay man?  Well guess what, there’s the “blonde as innocence” trope rearing its ugly head again, because the stereotype of gay men and effeminacy as being a white and blonde thing is--ding ding ding you guessed it--racism.  And why would intelligent suggest a white and blonde person, except if the stereotype of a dark-skinned person is less intelligent?
Now the point of “people assume Aziraphale is British” is another sticking point people will often use, claiming that the stereotype of a British person is white and blonde.  I guess this has some merit, since the British empire was one of the biggest forces behind white colonial expansion, and it seems disingenuous to assign “British” as “nonwhite” as soon as we’re being satirical, in the same way I found it distasteful that the TV show made God female when so many of the criticisms of the church are about its misogyny and lose their teeth as soon as God is no longer male.
However consider that 1.4 million Indian people live in the UK.  I heard a man say aloud once that the concept of a black person having a British accent was a little funny, as though Doctor Who doesn’t exist and have black people on it.  And I’m not overly familiar with the social landscape of the UK, but I understand they’re experiencing a xenophobia boom and non-white Brits aren’t considered “really British.”  The stereotype of non-white people not being British only exists because of reinforcement in media.  If you really want to be subversive, drawing Aziraphale as Indian goes way further than drawing him as white IMO.
Now let’s talk about Crowley.  He is almost always drawn with a darker skin tone than Aziraphale, even when they are both white, and while I’ve outlined above how this is problematic on terms of linking light skin with innocence, I think it does have an extra layer.  I think it also has to do with the exotification and fetishization of brown skin and non-white people.
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This artist’s tumblr is gone now but their art is still on dA and while it’s definitely beautiful and well-done, I think this is a very good example of what I’m talking about.
Crowley and Aziraphale necessarily contrast each other, so describing Aziraphale as “British” might suggest that Crowley is “foreign-looking.”  I also know *ahem* that the fandom generally thirsts over Crowley to hell and back, so making him a swarthy, tall dark and handsome is not necessarily surprising.
An interesting thing happened when the TV show came out, and everyone started drawing Michael Sheen!Aziraphale and David Tennant!Crowley more and more often:  It’s not ubiquitous, but it does happen that sometimes artists will draw David Tennant’s skin darker than it actually is.  The subconscious urge to see Crowley with dark skin is for some reason that strong for many people.  And I really encourage people doing this to think about why.  Not naming any names but I’ve working with fanartists before for collabs who I had to ask to lighten “bad guy” demon’s skin tones because it looked like they were making the skin darker on purpose to make them look scarier.  This person is a perfectly pleasant person who tries not to be racist!  And we both still fell into it accidentally, and it took me a while to notice and point it out, because the ingrained stigmatization of darker skin is pervasive yet often goes unnoticed.
What is the solution?  I don’t know, and as a white person I’m not really qualified to make that call.  Do we draw them both with the exact same skin tone?  Is it better to make them both white?  Should we make both of them non-white?  Should we only make Aziraphale non-white?  I am consciously aware of the fact that the Good Omens fandom is mostly white people, so most of the art we make is being both made by and consumed by white people, so I don’t feel comfortable saying “draw these characters of color specifically” because that can also veer into fetishization territory very quickly.  This is not specific to good omens but I think we should pay attention to what fans of color say in all fandom spaces and weigh our choices even if they seem insignificant.  And it’s important to realize that fans of color will not be a monolith in their opinion either, and it’s our responsibility to recognize that everyone can be affected by racism and social issues differently, the same way all women are affected by misogyny differently so just because one woman says such as such is misogynistic and another says it’s not.  I’m sure there are non-white fans who think it’s perfectly fine to draw Aziraphale as white and Crowley as ambiguously non-white.  I’m not saying they’re wrong.  And I’m not saying you can’t reblog this kind of art, or that people who make or made it should feel bad about themselves.  But so often this sort of thing goes unaddressed just because people don’t like thinking about it, and well, avoiding hard questions never really goes well I think.
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WAITTTT DID YOU GET ANY ZK ASKS YET? If not, pls do 1, 12, and 28 ☺️☺️ love you and your blog 🥺💞💞💞
Hey, girlie!!! Love you too, queen 💖💋
So let’s get to these questions, shall we?
“1. What made you start shipping Zutara?”
Okay, I’ma keep it real with y’all; I saw fanart and screencaps from the show and thought they looked cute together. But then once I watched A:tLA for the first time in a long time, I fell in love with their characters and their super dynamic relationship. Zuko and Katara have become my favorite relationship and favorite characters because they’re just a whole vibe, y’know??? Like who wouldn’t want someone who can let you genuinely be yourself with no judgement whatsoever and hear every word that comes out of your mouth and never take them for granted? Who wouldn’t want someone who embraces the mistakes you’ve made and tell you how much you’ve grown as a person and how deserving you are of love? Who wouldn’t want someone who takes all of you in and gives all of them back? Idk about y’all but that sounds like marriage material to me.
“12. What are your steambaby headcanons?”
HOO BOY, buckle up, y’all cause it’s about to get LONG!
So, I headcanon that Zuko and Katara have four kids; Izumi, Lu Ten II, Kya II, and Kallik (in order from eldest to youngest). I wanted to keep their canon daughters because I love them sm.
Izumi - Nonbender; the crown Princess of the Fire Nation; looks pretty much the same as she did in TLoK, but she has black hair in youth; Wears signature Water Tribe hair loopies and Fire Nation top knot; Izumi is skilled in the art of dao swordsmanship, jian fencing (courtesy of Uncle Sokka), tessenjutsu (courtesy of Aunt Suki), and chi blocking (courtesy of Aunt Ty Lee); Izumi has ADHD—more on the inattentive side than the hyperactive—and her special interests include writing and reading (will expand on those), and one of her coping mechanisms is writing lists (just like Sokka), and when she is feeling overstimulated, Zuko and Katara let her take breaks and do what she needs to do to feel better cause sometimes old fashioned nobles just don’t get it; Izumi goes on a journey of self discovery because she has doubts about being the Fire Lord.
Lu Ten II - Firebender, but make it blue like Aunt Azula’s; Black hair, shaved at the sides, wears it in top knot when he has to be formal otherwise it’s always in a wolftail; Blue eyes like his momma 🥺; Tallest of the four; Light brown skin, like pretty mixed, you can tell he’s biracial; Lu Ten is skilled in archery and, like Uncle Sokka, loves to invent things; I know windsurfing wasn’t invented till the 1970s, but whatever this is fantasy, Lu Ten is a pro windsurfer; I base him mostly on Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet; Has a lot of unresolved angst (for reasons would be spoilers for a big A:tLA project I’m working on); Is a big momma’s boy, he loves and respects his momma, but he doesn’t need to drink respect women juice since it’s already coursing through his veins; May or may not be the next Blue Spirit 🤫
Kya II - Waterbender; looks about the same as TLoK counterpart; Total daddy’s girl; Katara 2.0; A trouble maker, her and Lu Ten are the chaotic duo of the siblings; Bisexual panic all day erry day; becomes the Southern Water Tribe representative and chairwoman of the United Republic Council; Goes to live in Republic City when she’s older; goes from SWT helping with her cousin Chief Amaruq (Sukka baby) and Republic City. Might help Korra with her waterbending training.
Kallik - Waterbender; Blue eyes, dark brown hair shaved on the sides in a wolftail with a braided beaded strand hanging out (if someone knows the official name please tell me), and brown skin; Kallik is a sensitive soul, he’s a hopeless romantic, loves theatre and animals; Iroh taught him how to play Pai Sho and make delicious tea and he would invite Zuko and Katara to tea parties with his stuffed animals; Wants to become a doctor to help people, so he knows a lot about human anatomy and medical stuff; Is part of the reason Katara gets over her fear of bloodbending, he shows her that it can be used for good; Becomes the new owner of the Jasmine Dragon once Iroh passes away and lives happily with his husband and two adopted kids while being one of the best doctors there.
Yeah, Zuko and Katara are proud of the family they created, and while they had their fears in the beginning, they love their babies with all their hearts and wouldn’t change a thing. If you’d like to hear more about my steambaby headcanons, feel free to DM me!
“28. What’s a Zutara fic trope you can’t get enough of?”
Oh man, I love me a good modern AU. There’s just something about Zuko and Katara in our day and age that just makes it that much more fun. Like Zuko and Katara going grocery shopping? Amazing. Them texting cute mushy things on their phones? Adorable. Just everything about a modern AU is fantastic.
If there’s any more questions you guys would like me to answer, please feel free to ask me them! I love talking about Zutara and A:tLA in general.
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
Just let me love him! 
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Request: "hey! may i request an imagine where namjoon has a boyfriend (male transgender) and they decide to make their relationship public but maybe not all the fans being supportive / respectful of it? and namjoon rlly pissed off by the comments online and making posts to half educate them & half being shady haha thank u :("
Requested by: anonymous
Pairing: Namjoon x transgender Reader
Gender of the Reader: male
Word Count: 3k
Genre: Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Fluff
Warnings: mentions of Homophobia and Transphobia; mentions of hate towards the LGBTQ+ Community
A/N: Well... what should I say? I think I'll write every request individually without specify how long my writings would be. It really depends on my own idea for that request. This here took some time because I had to make some research and thought a lot about, how I want to write it.
That's also the reason why it ends up to be so long, because it was important for me to write that really long statement that Namjoons makes in here in the full version.
My Masterlist for your requests!
My official Blog Navigation!
I hope you all will like it! 💕
(Even when I researched things, when there is something that doesn't fit so well into the fic, please inform me 🤗)
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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He should have guessed it. He should have noticed it, before the vlog would be uploaded. No, he should have known it! He should have known that it'll happen when this information gets to the public.
And at the same time he should have known that there are also some black sheeps among the ARMYs.
Although the large majority is very open, liberal and supportive, there are still some people who call themselves an "Army" and "support" them, but they're also very open when they don't like something.
It could be their new outfit, their new haircut or, like now, their lifestyle and their relationships. When something deviates from their idealized image, which means that his members and he no longer correspond to the overly perfect image of that Army, they start hating.
There aren't many, but they still exist. Sadly.
And all of that just starts because of a scene and the one sentence he had said to explain it.
Yesterday he uploaded a self-made vlog on the occasion of his birthday, in which he simply wanted to take the Armys through his day and show them, how he's spending his birthday this year. Nothing "bad", right?
You two made your relationship public three months ago. Of course, after this public announcement, the excitement was big and pretty much every korean and even some international boulevard magazines as well reported about it. Who could ever have guessed that there will be a young man at the side of the world known K-Pop Idol Kim Namjoon instead of a woman??
The biggest gossip subsided after a week and since two months pretty much everything turned out to be quite normal again. Namjoon and you get a lot of encouragement and support for your relationship from the vast majority of fans, you already have an official shipping name (and Namjoon has to admit that it sounds really cute!) Beside that, fanarts of you two have been already created, based on the few couple pictures that Namjoon recently posted in their Twitter account.
However, Namjoon "only" introduced you as his boyfriend. He hadn't told the whole publicity that you were transgender and "actually biologically a woman". Why should he?
You identify yourself as a boy, just you weren't born as such, which is why you want to adapt your gender to your actual identity. It's not more than that and all that just means that you are his boyfriend, nothing else.
Joon just introduced you as his partner and not that you are female to male transgender because that has actually nothing to do with your relationship.
And then there was the thing with his birthday vlog. He had thought that this little thing wouldn't attract attention, probably because it had become so normal for him.
You brunched together in a restaurant on the day of his birthday, enjoyed the good food together and laughed a lot. Really nothing so unusual when you go out to with your partner.
This was followed by the fateful scene that has caused all of these comments now.
You two were so deep in your conversation that you completely forgot to pay attention to the time. However, you still had a doctor's appointment that day, which is why you rushed out of the restaurant in a hurry.
You just noticed it a bit too late that you'll have a doctor's appointment for your next testosterone injection on Namjoon's birthday. But you could't and didn't even want to re-arrange a new appointement because you need the renewal in a relativly regular interval.
So the vlog only showed a few seconds where you two sprint stressed but also laughing to a taxi, so that you'd somehow still belong halfway to your actual time of the appointment in the doctor's office.
When you get your injection, Joonie waits for you in the empty waiting room and explain shortly in the vlog, why this appointment is so important.
"Unfortunately, my sweetheart was born in the wrong body and to be able that he can live with his correct gender identity, he has to go to the doctor to get his dosis of testosterone."
And that was it actually. After that you went back to your shared apartement, where the boys surprised Namjoon with a little birthday party. Congratulated their leader for getting older and then unpack all the presents together. With it, the vlog was uploaded. Namjoon and the boys had given no further thought to this "new piece of information" that turned out be the reason for these controversial comments under his vlog. Simply because it's already become normal for everyone. You are a transgender, but you're just Namjoon's Boyfriend for everyone. Nothing more.
Nevertheless, some "fans" don't see it that way, they even starts questioning if it's correct to call you Namjoon's "boyfriend" because you just can't be a "real boy". After this comment all the other ones only got even more worse.
Namjoon got the opportunity to read the comments when he already was on his way to the studio. He had wondered this morning why you were so silent and inwardly at breakfast. He had ask you gently if something happed or if you're not feeling well. But you just shook your head and said that you slept badly. Namjoon doesn't ask further because he was sure, that you woulf know that you can always be completely honest with him. And Namjoon doesn't want to blame you, that you would be lying to him, so he just gives you a loving smile.
How wrong he was when he read through all these awful comments under the vlog.
The other members have seen these comments too, they're so damn furious, with what kind of words you're called in there and that some of the them wished that Namjoon would please break up with you.
They should've trained the new choreography today, but this incident is now much more important and the way how they want to deal with it. They came to the decision to make a clear statement.
Actually it's planned that Jimin make a vlive today, but they decide that Namjoon should make it instead due to the situation.
He himself is not so sure yet whether he should really do it today, the anger about these disrespectful comments is still too big and he cannot promise not to say rude things to the fans himself as well. He wants to give them a better role model than to hate each other. However, he's becoming more and more aware of the importance of publishing his vlive today.
Because you're his boyfriend and through your relationship, you get so much more attention, which unfortunately also increases the possibility of harrassing you, for what you are, a lot more. He brought you into this situation, so Namjoon also feels obliged to stand up for you and show you that he's absolutely not going to accept something like that!
In addition, it's so important to him and all the other members to show that they will accept hate and harrassing of LGBTQ+ people in no way.
It breaks Namjoon's heart when he comes home and sees your red, swollen eyes, testifying that you cried. He had tried countless times to contact you throughout the day, but you neither answered his calls nor his text messages.
The last time when you were online in the messenger was tonight. Probably when you read all these terrible comments.
"Hey baby...", Namjoon whispers softly as he comes up to you and closes his arms around your body, pressing you tightly, almost protectively against his chest.
"I know what happened. I read everything."
With these words your body begins to tremble in his arms, you press your face into the crook of his neck and a little sob comes from your lips.
Namjoon holds you, strokes his fingers gently through your hair and whispers sweet nothings into your ear to calm you down.
You take a trembling breath in and say in a broken voice: "I am so sorry that I am causing you and the others such problems..."
When these words comes over your lips, Namjoon takes your tear-streaked face in his hands and gently kisses your tears away.
"No, no, no, my love! Don't say things like that, they're absolutely not true! You are not the problem, definitely not! The problem are these people out there who just don't want to accept that not all people can’t identify with the gender they’ve been born with. Maybe because it’s just so normal and natural for them to be a girl or boy. Apparently these people cannot put themselves in your shoes, what it's like to feel like a boy or girl but stuck in the body of the opposite sex. Apparently they don't even tried to imagine what it would be like if they weren't born a what they are. How it would be to be born in a different body with their previous gender identification. You are not the problem. The problem are the people who cannot listen to you, at least to understand how debiliating this situation is for you. So instead of Jimin, I'm going to do the vlive today and I'll talk with Armys about it. I will tell them that I will not tolerate Transphobia and any other Phobias of the LGBTQ+ community at all."
Your swollen eyes snaps open and you look at Namjoon in disbelief. As you want to open your lips to ask him, if he's really sure about that because he could get even more hate for that, he already knows what you're about to say.
Before these words can leave your lips, he quickly presses his owns on yours and gives you a gentle kiss full of love.
"I want to do that, my love. I want to do this for you, for us, for our LGBTQ+ ARMYs and for all these other peoples. It's important for me to make this statement."
When you nod slowly, Namjoon released the embrace and gave you a last kiss on the lips.
Then he goes into the living room to the dining table, where his laptop is and logs in.
You go quietly to the couch and wrap yourself up in your favorite blanket. To be honest, you don't really know what to expect. Before Namjoon starts his vlive, he looks at you and forms a silent "I love you" with his lips.
"Hey guys. I know Jimin should be sitting right here infront of the screen and doing his vlive with you. However, something happened tonight that I want to talk with you about it. I think you already know, we uploaded my Birthday vlog yesterday and there are comments written which are absolutely terrible and I'm not going to accept that under any circumstances.", Namjoon starts the vlive.
Today there is no trace of his usual playful and childish behavior, which he shows so often in his vlives. He's absolutely serious.
"Some of you are asking why you just got the information now, that Y/N is transgender and why we didn't tell you right away with our relationship announcement. I decided against it for the simple reason that it doesn't matter in our relationship. Y/N doesn't identify with his biological gender, although his body may be female, he is actually a boy who unfortunately was born in the wrong body. He is a boy and therefore he is my boyfriend."
"I introduced him to you as my boyfriend, because it doesn't matter who he was before, what gender he has from birth. It should only be about who he is now, who can he be now, that he's able to be finally that person who he want to be. We should finally give these people, like Y/N, the opportunity to live in the gender identity they are, without always saying 'But you are in reality woman, right?'."
"No, not really, in reality is Y/N a man. Can we please finally give them the opportunity to live in the gender with which they identify themselves. So when they should identify with the specific genders like male and female. And if that's not the case, if you assign yourself as nonbinary, it's perfectly okay! After all, there is still so much space between these two genders! We should give all of them the opportunity to simply live the way they are."
"That's why I think, that we all should be very happy, that we can identify ourself with our biological gender! Therefore, we should help all the other people to find their right gender when their biological gender doesn't suit them! And that they're able to show themself in public."
Namjoon takes a deep breath after this long monologue and grabs to his water glass to drink a bit. While doing this, he read all the new comments that pops up. They are very different, some are positive and supportive and then there are these other comments, literally saying how he can talk such a shit. 'There are only two genders, nothing between them and everyone has to be able to identify with their own gender!'
It is precisely in this conflict that he realizes again that ignorance and the lack of will to understand each other are two of the major problems.
"As I read your comments, one thing caught my eye very clearly. We're talking too much about each other than with each other."
"I know, as a person who can identify themself fairly well with their biological gender, it's pretty hard to imagine what it would be like if it weren't. And because of that, we have to talk about it. I know that all transgender or generally all LGBTQ+ people are tired of having to explain their gender identity or their sexuality all over again and again. Having to explain, why they are the way they are now."
"But I think that it'll be the only way to remove these stereotypes and prejudices, as well as fear of 'this unknown thing' and thus all these unjustifiably phobias and racism. Just because a person cannot identify with their biological gender doesn't mean that you have to change yours too! It means, that you should simply accept and respect it! However, we should give all these people the chance to finally develop in such a way that they can really be themselves. Regardless of whether they are assign themself as male, female or no specific gender."
"There are still so many questions in the room that result from pure lack of knowledge. And that's normal, of course, we can't know everything, but we can learn something new every day. Ask each other questions, so that you have the opportunity to be able to imagine yourself into the position of an other person. So at least try to understand how the other person must feel. It's a long way but we should try to finally remove this hate that is caused by ignorance and misunderstandings."
"There are always two peoples involved in a conversation. That's why I appeal to the LGBTQ+ community to be still patient with us, even if you're already so sick of it. You must have the feeling of literally speaking against a wall... And all people who identify with their biological gender and are heterosexual, so you practically correspond to the 'ideal image' of society with it, should listen to the LGBTQ+ Community and ask questions, so that these prejudices and this hate can finally be stopped and we all are able to live peacefully together. I know, this idea is utopian, but we can still try to get as close as possible to this utopia of a peaceful coexistence of all peoples."
Namjoon takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a moment before dropping the statement.
"And who, after my monologue, still refuses to simply ask the peoples questions when they don't understand something and still prefer to think about them in prejudices, please unfollow BTS and BigHit Entertainment."
Your eyes are round like plates and your mouth opens, want to say something, but no words comes over your lips.
In the corner of his eye, Namjoon sees how the comment section with messages literally explodes.
"I am not saying this out of pure selfishness just because I am angry and hurt. I am saying this because all members agree with this statement. We decided for this statement together."
"Of course we know, that you're still able to see all of our things, we cannot forbid you from listening to our music. But we all wanted to talk about this topic once. BTS and the Army community should be a safe space for all Armys, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. We wanted to make sure that all Armys in our large community are welcome and that they'll be respected in the way they are."
"The members and me just need to know that we all can be honest with you and don't have to hide anything. That we can be sure you’re supporting us really. We just want that all peoples that follow us, are trying their best to understand each other. Of course, we all will never agree at the same point of view and that's a good thing! But we should respect each other's gender identity, sexual orientation and opinion. Because in the end we all are just humans. No more, no less."
"I would like to come to an end of this vlive for today. And for all haters out there, I'm not going to break up with Y/N. Please just respect that I love him. Exactly the way he is!"
With these words, Namjoon goes offline and closes the laptop, smiling at you softly when he comes to you on the couch.
"I love you. Please don't forget that," he whispers in your ear as he slips under the blanket and snuggles up to you.
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Like I wrote it in Namjoons statement, I try my best to imagine myself into your position even when I never made these experiences (and probably never will) you had to make. That's why I'm always open to talk and listen to you, to learn new things about it!
And even when I'll never be able to understand you "really", then I'll make sure that you know that I still care for you guys, okay?
Love you 💜
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imagine-your-kh · 4 years
✬ I’m Back ! ✬
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Oh gosh, it took way more time than what I expected, I’m sorry.
Okay, I have a few things to say, so let’s dive in... !
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It will be open this Sunday ! Please check the Rules before sending any !
I will try to use a countdown that will be linked in the post to show how much time is left... ! This will be a test to see how it goes, you’re free to tell me if you like this idea or not... !
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I will try a few things, slowly, so if it doesn’t please you, don’t be scared to speak out... !
Like I said before, I will try a countdown system for the MatchUp when it’s open. For now I’m hesitating between 24 hours of open MatchUp or more; we’ll see Sunday. I don’t know if it will stay or not, if I won’t need to close the MatchUp before the end of the countdown or something, depending how the test goes... !
I will try a few things for the design of the blog : changing the Pages of the Global HC (relationship and nsfw), some pictures, the divider, ... I want changes. So don’t be surprise if you notice a few things here and there in the following month(s) ! Again, don’t be scared to give your opinion.
I remembered there was a Chrome extension to change the y/n by your name. I always tried to avoid these ‘code’ because it break the flow of the text to me, but are you interested by more “y/n” to play with Chrome’s add-ons ? I wanted to try the html code to make it possible on my blog (without add-on), but it’s annoying to me to add it in my post everytime and breaking the formatting (that the new design of Tumblr make me upset already). If you know a Firefox version of it, please tell me... !
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Long story short : I got little problem after little problem after my huge surgery in August. Next week there will be the (normally) last fix...
On the top of that, we learned that my mother has leukemia. She’s actually on the hospital. She got better and better now, but there were some bad time.
Now if you want the long story, it’s under the cut
It ended that she was waking up late, came in the sofa waiting for the energy to kick in and... It didn’t. She was sleeping all day long in the sofa or in her bed. 
My father and I insisted for her to see a doctor, but she hates it, tries to avoid medicines, and she had a very very strong contradictory mind.
She did, the doctor taking blood.
Since then, she’s at the hospital.
My father and I were left alone in the house and let me tell you a few (shameful) things :
- My mom was taking care of the house mostly on her own. I was helping her here and there, but not much because she wasn’t pleased how I was doing it, the result, “I can do it” or as kindness to give me peace. With the fact she has a very strong contradictory mind, she also become very aggressive when we insist. I grew up with her, my fear of conflict probably came from this, but in any case I never insisted because I didn’t wanted to fight for something so trivial and using energy for a fight I would never win in the end. So what happened when my mom goes to the hospital? I became the housewife. In a house that isn’t organized in my way (fun fact : it’s organized “where I found place” word my mother) and that I can’t reorganized like I want because my mother will come back, of course. But there weren’t just about that, she was also taking care of the papers. The food. The first weeks my father and I were just running everywhere to know where the papers were, what we needed to take care of (my mother knew when she needed to sent papers and wasn’t telling to us so we got a few surprises for example) and the freaking food. I’m ashamed that we ended to throw food away because we were trying to cook what we had, but a few elements were supposed to make a (complicated for us) meal or that we thought we were out of and it wasn’t. This running in circle for weeks was stressful and I ended to do the most. And guess what? I ended at the hospital because I had pushed my limits and got a infection on the result of my surgery. At that time, I had a few request in Queue but I just hadn’t time to write one to add in the Queue. It was stressful to see the number approaching zero but I couldn’t write. When I finally got time in the end of the day I wanted to relax.
- My mother was the mediator between my father and I. Left alone in a stressful situation where I was thinking “I can do it, I can try, let me do it, I’m right” and where he was thinking “you can’t do it, don’t try because you’ll fail, I’m right” it was inevitable that at some point we ended to scream at each other. My father is really affected by my mother’s situation. I had more than one depression in my life. I couldn’t have one right now. I became the support of my father, reassuring him, trying to stay positive, I couldn’t have a depression. I just couldn’t. It’s hard to fight ourselves and supporting someone else at the same time. I could have tried to see the “psychologist” of the hospital, but I have the bad habit to keep everything inside.
-Next to all of this, I was trying to resurrect my Discord Server. I’m not a leader, I try to make everyone happy even if I know it’s impossible, I still tried. Trying to please everyone displease everyone and I was open to make just a little change, not enough. We were something like 30 persons on it, a “fight” happened before between me and the Mods (long story that could be resumed as : lack of communication and I panicked), I asked who wanted to join the Mods to be sure that they were motivated, I reworked the Server.. I won’t enter in the detail of what it was because I don’t want to enter again in the debate, but a few people weren’t happy about a situation. I tried to mediate but the persons wanted just it to be gone from their view so left the Server, and I didn’t wanted to get rid of it because I wasn’t seeing the wrong of it. In the end of the journey, it was 1a.m in my timezone when a friend that was on the Server and left because of it wanted to talk about it with me and it ended in a fight because their anger grew more and more that I wasn’t understanding how wrong it was (supposed to be). When they started to use capital, very upset, it clicked in my mind that this situation was stressful, making me sick and anxious... For a Sever that was already dying. And I couldn’t afford at that time with my mother to have a drop of mood. So I chose my IRL life and abandoned the Server in a rush, something that was in my mind since the first “fight”. It took me a full month to lose all the habits I got from a year to be on the Server. I miss to see all the OCs, all the news and ideas of my friends and people. I miss to not just drop a fanart in it, knowing it will please people without having to come in private and be scared to bother. I don’t miss to be glued on my phone every minute to be sure that nothing wrong was happening on the Server and be on charge. Be a leader isn’t for me.
I just couldn’t bring myself to write for the blog. When I had time, I just wanted to relax and doing nothing. For a long time I didn’t even draw. I love seeing your reactions, reading your ideas, interacting with you, but English isn’t my first language. I’m learning with this blog. I check less and less my translator, but this is still more difficult for me to write a request than what @lucky0stars​ can do. I’m also a procrastinator, I never was so productive before, but it’s because I’m “forcing” myself to focus. When everything is alright, I still end sometime to slap myself because “dude, you need to write your request. Do at least one”. So you can imagine that in the situation where I’m right now... It just blocked.
So I announced the break, without knowing when it will be done.
A few things happened (like my mother who had a few weeks in an artificial coma) that you don’t need to know, but it seem to calm down. I’m slowly coming back.
I’m here now.
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This Week in Gundam Wing (May 19-25, 2019)
Blog link:
Hello! I hope the week finds you well. Thank you for all your contributions!
Mod Duointherain
May 20 - 26, 2019
Doctormegalomania, Eldritch Holiday Ch 20   https://doctormegalomania.tumblr.com/post/185041737678/eldritch-holiday-creature-of-the-night
There’s something wrong with Happiness. Duo doesn’t know what...
Duointherain, Beneath
Ch 7 https://duointherain.tumblr.com/post/185059008499/fic-beneath-7
Heero saves Duo after he falls back into the lake
Ch 8 https://duointherain.tumblr.com/post/185138585664/beneath-8
Well, that didn’t go as expected... Relena calls her mom.
@ana-karenina-blog https://ana-karenina-blog.tumblr.com/post/140551670066/gundam-wing-pilots-i-was-recently-re-watching
Lovely pretty boys! :)
@Blancaxlobo https://blancaxlobo.tumblr.com/post/185103760741/one-of-the-most-unfortunate-hairstyle-designs-in
Duo and Trowa - unfortunate hair designs
@Chronicwhimsy https://chronicwhimsy.tumblr.com/post/157288516047/fapuary-day-14-gundam-high-school-host-club-i
The Gundam Boys host club!
@Gundayum  https://gundayum.tumblr.com/post/184983150346/okay-at-least-drool-outside-and-water-the
Hilde and Duo (dad bod Duo) taking a comfy nap!
@Gundayo https://gundayo.tumblr.com/post/185027035406/quatre-raberba-winner-52019-done-with-ugee
Beautiful Quatre
@lookitsmorefandomtrash https://lookitsmorefandomtrash.tumblr.com/post/184031207265/this-occurred-to-me-once-in-a-dream
Duo vs Duolingo - There will be blood!
@SapphireGamgee https://www.deviantart.com/sapphiregamgee/art/Seekers-795155096
Seekers - Trowa, Duo, WuFei, Quatre, Heero, Ryoga
@Snuffie https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/snufffie/134314772065
Heero and Trowa Baking
@bluesquishylemon https://bluesquishylemon.tumblr.com/post/185076915502/title-wufei-sketch-source-gundam-wing-character
Classic sketch of Wufei
@yaboycoach  https://yaboycoach.tumblr.com/post/185104301367/gundam-leg-sleeve-start-51819
Super cool Heero tattoo
Cosplay: (in Alphabetical order by blogger’s url)
@exasperatedagent https://exasperatedagent.tumblr.com/post/184969923943
Une and Noin, in a very cool cosplay
Photosets/Screenshots: (in Alphabetical order by blogger’s url)
@Bluesquishlemon https://bluesquishylemon.tumblr.com/post/184929642507/title-i-used-to-be-sweet-inspired-by
A lovely pic of Quatre - I used to be sweet, until life hit me in the face.
@Wingslanding  https://wingslanding.tumblr.com/post/184951390986/im-a-little-obsessed-i-mean-passionate
photo of manga and art, Heero/Relena
@Cinderellaincombatboots https://cinderellaincombatboots.tumblr.com/post/84701884994/a-soldier-of-peace-lucrezia-noin-episode-04-the
An interesting discussion about Noin
@Cinderellaincombatboots https://cinderellaincombatboots.tumblr.com/post/83201371025/episode-03-five-gundams-confirmed-trowa-barton
Trowa and Quatre meet for the first time
@Helmsmistress https://helmistress.tumblr.com/post/184951251024/how-fanon-becomes-canon
It was bad chili... how to make Frozen Teardrop canon.
@Lemontrash https://lemontrash.tumblr.com/post/185103417709/game-night
Only Duo could roll a 20 for getting done by the devil...
@gundaaamn  https://gundaaamn.tumblr.com/post/185136231062/quatre-i-heard-you-like-bad-boys-trowa
Maybe not that kind of bad, Q...
@Incorrectgundamwing quotes
Heero and Trowa - some dancing at a bar: https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/184957186214/heero-being-carried-out-of-bar-by-bouncers
Duo and Trowa discuss sandwiches and Quatre https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/184995991408/duo-you-ever-ate-something-so-good-that-like
Dorothy thinks we’re all extras https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/185029699177/dorothy-out-of-my-way-extras-zechs-stop
Heero promises to kill Relena ... this time. Going to be hard to do with a teddy bear. https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/185025017284/doctor-j-and-you-will-definitely-kill-relena-this
Duo and Relena discuss Heero’s mental health, or lack thereof https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/185020068827/relena-you-dont-want-heero-to-die-relena-and
Heero does not know the bright side... https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/185000573538/heero-look-on-the-bright-side-quatre-heero
Heero and Trowa - Did you miss me? https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/185008999206/trowa-undercover-did-you-miss-me-heero-i-have
Zechs who? https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/184980645248/at-preventers-hq-sally-duo-you-need-to-stop
Hilde’s in labor, married to Duo, she’s got a lot to do. https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/185044179958/911-operator-whats-your-emergency-duo-my
Alpha!Heero during the wars... https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/185053522384/i-understand-that-ft-is-a-dumpster-fire-and-that
Bubble wrap safety for everyone! https://noirangetrois.tumblr.com/post/185042675656/terrablaze514-incorrectgundamwingquotes
Life’s a freak show https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/185118145541/quatre-whats-a-freak-show-trowa-its-like-our
Dorothy’s notifications https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/185148104337/dorothy-is-she-crying-is-she-crying-sylvia
Zechs may have a head injury https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/185122051486/zechs-pointing-at-noin-thats-my-girlfriend
Insufferable People https://gundayum.tumblr.com/post/185067883091/incorrectgundamwingquotes-heero-about-the
Illegal contacts https://janaverse.tumblr.com/post/185068368388/incorrectgundamwingquotes-quatre-you-have
Cold Hearts https://incorrectgundamwingquotes.tumblr.com/post/185033256206/at-the-antarctica-base-heero-im-cold
MoodBoards/Aesthetics: (in Alphabetical order by blogger’s url)
@janaverse https://janaverse.tumblr.com/post/185137327258/this-is-my-actual-license-plate-with-the-location
Heero and Duo
Heero and Duo again: https://janaverse.tumblr.com/image/185107799718
Stickies from Heero: https://janaverse.tumblr.com/post/185134611013
No Idea What To Put This Under: 
@christianmswanson  GW opening Remix: https://christianmswanson.tumblr.com/post/184938390981/extended-version-of-the-previous-post-i-know
Revisit the opening, with the EW gundams.
@bobo-is-tha-bomb https://bobo-is-tha-bomb.tumblr.com/post/185090557001/the-building-drive-is-big-lol-after-completing
Lovely new Sandrock model
Calendar Events: 
This Week In Gundam Wing Events: https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/185146959405/mini-bang-rules
Mini Bang Rules! Theme for this Bang: Unorthodox Undercover Work
This Week in Gundam Wing Events: https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/185146909570/mini-bang-results
Voting results are in!
Event name, host, and link
News: AnimeNewsNetwork, Anime Limited Acquires Gundam Wing, Char's Counterattack https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2019-05-24/anime-limited-acquires-gundam-wing-char-counterattack/.147089
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