#Steve!Cas x reader
cheynovak · 16 days
Basic instinct 
Human Castiel/’Steve’ x F/Reader Y/N      
Warnings:  18+, losing virginity, oral sex, fluff.  
Side note: English isn’t my first language 
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Castiel has fallen and took a job at a gas station, trying to navigate his new life as best as he could. He took on a new name, Steve. Having a job gave him purposes, trying to fulfil his new duty to the best of his abilities.  
He meets Y/N in the shop, she is also new in town and quickly finds ‘Steve’ a charming man, Castiel becomes friends with her in an instant, finding her a friendly and patient woman, one who will be able to help him, teaching him a basic human need.  
Behind the counter stood Steve, a man with tousled hair and an uncertain gaze. Unbeknownst to anyone around him, Steve was actually Castiel, a fallen angel stripped of his celestial powers, navigating the complexities of human life.  
It was a quiet night at the gas station until Y/N walked in, her presence injecting a spark of liveliness into the mundane atmosphere. She was new in town, her eyes filled with curiosity as she perused the aisles of snacks and drinks.  
As fate would have it, Castiel's clumsiness got the better of him. Fumbling with a stack of canned goods, he accidentally knocked over a display, sending cans clattering to the floor. Flustered, he hurriedly bent down to pick them up, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Y/N, noticing the commotion, approached Castiel with a warm smile.  
"Need a hand?" she offered, kneeling down beside him. Castiel glanced up, his blue eyes meeting hers, and he found himself momentarily speechless at the sight of her kindness. "Uh, yes, thank you," he replied, his voice slightly shaky.  
Together, they began to gather the scattered cans, their hands brushing occasionally in the process. There was a subtle electricity in the air, a connection forming between two souls who had crossed paths by chance.  
"Sorry about the mess," Castiel said sheepishly, finally managing to regain his composure. Y/N chuckled softly, her laughter like music to Castiel's ears. "No worries, accidents happen," she reassured him.  
As they finished cleaning up, Castiel couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards this stranger who had extended a helping hand without hesitation. He wanted to learn more about her, to unravel the mysteries behind her captivating smile.  
"Thank you for your help," Castiel said earnestly, a hint of sincerity lacing his words. Y/N waved it off with a grin. "Anytime, Steve," she replied, her eyes twinkling with warmth.  
As Y/N approached the counter to pay for her items, Castiel rang them up with practiced efficiency, his mind still preoccupied with their brief interaction. She reached for her wallet, she glanced up at him with a friendly smile. "So, Steve," she began casually, "any recommendations on where to go out in this town? I'm still trying to get a feel for the place."  
Castiel's heart skipped a beat at her question. He knew very little about the town's social scene, having spent most of his time quietly observing humanity from the confines of his makeshift home in the gas station. "Um, well," he started, his voice faltering slightly, "I've heard there's a bar on the other edge of town. It's called The Rusty Nail. People seem to like it there."  
Y/N nodded appreciatively, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Thanks, I'll check it out," she replied, handing him the cash. With a final smile, Y/N bid him farewell and headed towards the exit.  
The next day dawned with a sense of anticipation lingering in the air as Castiel prepared for another shift at the gas station. As he stood behind the counter, arranging merchandise with meticulous precision, he couldn't shake the memory of Y/N's warm smile and the way her eyes had sparkled with genuine interest.  
Just as the previous day, Y/N walked into the gas station, her presence once again commanding attention. Castiel's coworker greeted her with a friendly nod, but her eyes seemed to bypass him entirely, seeking out only one person in the room, Steve.  
Castiel felt a rush of nerves as Y/N approached the counter, her gaze locking onto his with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. "Hey there," she greeted him with a smile, her voice soft and inviting. "Hello," Castiel replied, trying to keep his voice steady despite the fluttering in his chest.  
Y/N leaned in slightly, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "So, about that bar you mentioned yesterday... Do you think it's worth checking out?" Castiel swallowed hard, momentarily lost in the depths of her gaze. "Uh, yeah, I think so," he managed to say, his mind racing to formulate a coherent response.  
Y/N nodded thoughtfully, her lips quirking into a playful grin. "Well, then, maybe you could show me around sometime," she suggested, her words hanging in the air like a tantalizing promise.  
Castiel's heart skipped a beat at the invitation, his mind whirling with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Could he really risk getting closer to Y/N. But as he looked into her eyes, seeing nothing but warmth and sincerity reflected back at him,  
Castiel knew that he couldn't resist the pull of destiny drawing them together. With a newfound sense of determination, he met her gaze with a resolute nod. "I'd like that," he said softly, almost shy. 
Later that night 
Castiel found himself standing outside the bar, a nervous knot forming in his stomach. He had never experienced such jitters before, crumbling under the weight of human emotions. Dressed in his gas station uniform, minus the familiar blue vest, Castiel felt out of place among the crowd.  
His heart raced as he scanned the room, searching for a familiar face amidst the sea of strangers. And then he saw her, Y/N, radiant in the soft glow of the bar lights, her smile illuminating the room like a beacon of hope.  
Castiel felt a surge of excitement mixed with a tinge of nervousness as he made his way towards her, each step bringing him closer to the unknown. Y/N's eyes lit up with recognition as she caught sight of him, her smile widening into a grin of delight. "Steve!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying over the din of the crowd.  
Castiel couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the sound of his name on her lips. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the inevitable rush of emotions that would come with being in her presence.  
As they settled into a booth at the corner of the bar, Castiel found himself unable to tear his gaze away from Y/N. She looked stunning, her hair cascading in soft waves around her shoulders, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. And then, in a moment that took Castiel by surprise, he felt a surge of something else, a primal urge coursing through his veins, awakening desires he had never known as an angel.  
He couldn't deny the way his heart quickened at the sight of her, the way his body responded to her proximity with a hunger that bordered on instinctual. As Y/N excused herself to buy drinks,  
Castiel watched her go, his eyes tracing the contours of her figure with a newfound hunger. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her, his heart pounding in his chest as he took in the sight of her swaying hips and the gentle curve of her back.  
As she disappeared into the crowd, Castiel felt a rush of warmth spreading through him, his senses heightened by the memory of her presence. He couldn't shake the feeling of longing that coursed through his veins, an ache deep within him that begged to be sated.  
Unable to resist the pull any longer, Castiel rose from his seat and made his way towards the bar, his steps quickening with each passing moment. He needed to be near her, to feel the warmth of her skin against his own, to drown in the intoxicating scent of her perfume. 
As Castiel approached Y/N at the bar, his heart raced with nervous anticipation, his determination faltering in the presence of her radiant smile. She looked at him confused. He stumbled over his words, his tongue feeling heavy and clumsy in his mouth.  
"Um, hi," he began awkwardly, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I, uh, was wondering if you, um, wanted another drink?" Y/N's laughter rang out like music to Castiel's ears, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she regarded him with affectionate fondness. "You know that's what I'm buying right?"  
His cheeks turn red. "Oh eh. Yeah, I-I just..." "You're cute when you're nervous," she teased gently, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead. Castiel felt a warmth spreading through him at her words, a sense of relief washing over him like a comforting embrace.  
Despite his initial awkwardness, he found himself drawn to Y/N's easy going nature, playful putting him at ease in a way that he had never experienced before. "Thanks," he replied with a shy smile, his nerves gradually melting away in the warmth of her presence. "So, um, what can I get for you?" he asked her.  
After he ordered and paid for her, they walked back to her apartment Castiel couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability gnawing at him. He knew he had stumbled through their conversation at the bar, his social awkwardness on full display for Y/N to see. 
Taking a seat across from her on the couch, Castiel couldn't help but fidget nervously with the edge of his uniform shirt. "I have to admit," he began hesitantly, his gaze fixed on the tabletop, "I'm not very good with people."  
Y/N's expression softened with understanding, her eyes brimming with empathy as she reached out to gently place her hand atop his. "Hey, it's okay," she reassured him, her touch sending a comforting warmth coursing through his veins. "We all have our moments of awkwardness." 
In that moment, as they surrendered to the ecstasy of each other's embrace, Castiel felt a sense of completeness wash over him—a feeling he had never known as an angel. With Y/N in his arms, he felt alive in a way he had never felt before, Castiel pulled back just slightly, "I have to tell you something."  
Her lips moved to his neck, mumbling joking. "What... you're like a virgin or something?" Castiel's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Y/N joked about his secret, her playful tone masking the truth of his confession.  
He felt a lump form in his throat, unable to meet her gaze as he struggled to find the words to explain. "I... I am," he admitted softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've never... experienced this before."  
Y/N's expression softened with understanding, her teasing melting away as she reached out to gently cup his cheek. "Hey, it's okay," she reassured him, her touch sending a wave of comfort washing over him. "We can stop... if you want."  
Castiel's heart swelled with gratitude at her words. Despite his embarrassment, Castiel's desire burned fiercely, fuelled by the intoxicating allure of Y/N's presence. He yearned to explore the depths of passion with her, to lose himself in the ecstasy of their shared desire.  
With a shaky breath, he leaned in close, his lips brushing against hers in a tender caress. "I... I don't want to stop," he confessed, his voice husky with longing. "But I need you to tell me what to do."  
Y/N's eyes widened with surprise at his admission, her own desire mirroring his as she met his gaze with unwavering intensity. With a gentle smile, she reached out to trace the contours of his jawline, her touch igniting a firestorm of sensation within him.  
"Listen to your instincts," she whispered softly, her breath hot against his skin. "Let go of your fears and just... feel." With Y/N's permission granted, Castiel's trembling fingers traced the contours of her body, his touch tentative yet eager as he explored the curves of her form.  
Each caress elicited a soft gasp or a shiver of pleasure from Y/N. Castiel's breath caught in his throat as Y/N gracefully slid off his lap, her movements fluid and mesmerizing. His eyes widened in awe as she shed her clothing, revealing delicate lingerie that accentuated every curve of her body.  
He couldn't tear his gaze away, captivated by the sight before him. Mesmerized by her beauty, Castiel felt a surge of desire coursing through him, his heart pounding in his chest as she dropped to her knees before him. His breath hitched as she gazed up at him with eyes dark with desire, a silent invitation hanging in the air between them. 
As Y/N's hands deftly undid his pants, Castiel's breath quickened, anticipation mingling with a deep-seated longing. When she looked up at him with those pleading eyes, full of desire and intent, his heart skipped a beat.  
The moment her warm mouth enveloped him, Castiel's head fell back, a deep groan escaping his lips. The sensation was overwhelming, sending waves of pleasure coursing through his body.  
He grasped the edge of the couch, his fingers digging into the fabric as he surrendered to the exquisite torment of her touch. "Y/N," he murmured, his voice rough with need, his eyes closing as he let himself be carried away by the waves of sensation.  
Her rhythm was slow and deliberate, every movement driving him closer to the edge. He could feel her every touch, every caress, igniting a fire within him that threatened to consume him entirely.  
The room was filled with the sounds of their shared passion As the intensity of the moment built, Castiel's hand found its way to Y/N's hair, his fingers tangling in the silky strands as he gently guided her movements.  
Each touch, each glance, each moan from her lips brought him closer to the brink, his body trembling with the effort to hold back the tide of ecstasy. As Y/N pulled away and stood up between his legs, Castiel's eyes followed her every movement, his heart pounding with a mix of desire and anticipation.  
He reached out, his hands trembling slightly as he slid the delicate fabric of her lingerie off her body, revealing her completely to him. The sight of her standing before him, bathed in the soft glow of the room, took his breath away.  
With gentle but firm hands, Castiel guided her back towards him, positioning her over his lap. She placed her hands on his shoulders, steadying herself as she slowly lowered herself onto him. Castiel could feel the heat and slickness of her as she began to glide down, his breath catching in his throat at the intense sensation.  
Y/N hissed softly as he filled her, the stretch making her gasp, her eyes fluttering closed for a moment. Castiel's hands moved to her hips, holding her steady as she took him in, inch by inch. The connection between them was electric, a potent mix of desire, need, and something deeper, something almost spiritual. "Y/N," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion and lust, his gaze locking onto hers. "You're... incredible." She met his gaze, her eyes dark with passion, and began to move.  
The rhythm started slow, each movement deliberate, both of them savouring the exquisite sensation of being joined so intimately. Castiel's hands roamed her body, tracing the curves of her waist, the swell of her breasts, the softness of her skin.  
Every touch was a testament to his reverence and awe for the woman before him. As Y/N's movements grew more confident and their pace quickened, the room was filled with the symphony of their shared pleasure, her soft gasps and moans mingling with his deep groans of satisfaction.  
As Y/N moved above him, her movements fluid and rhythmic, Castiel was utterly mesmerized. He watched her, his eyes wide with awe and admiration, captivated by the way her body responded to his.  
Every curve, every motion, was a testament to her beauty and the deep connection they shared. "You're amazing," Y/N whispered, her voice husky with pleasure. "You feel so good, so perfect."  
Her words sent a shiver down Castiel's spine, his heart swelling with a mix of pride and desire. He could feel himself getting closer to the edge, the tension building within him almost unbearable.  
"Y/N," he breathed, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm... I'm close." Y/N's eyes locked onto his, her expression one of pure, unfiltered passion. She leaned forward, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, "Let go, Steve. Let go for me."  
Her words were his undoing. With a deep, guttural groan, Castiel's hands tightened on her hips, his body tensing as he surrendered to the overwhelming wave of pleasure crashing over him.  
He buried his face against her neck, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he found his release, the intensity of the moment leaving him trembling. As the waves of ecstasy slowly subsided, Castiel held Y/N close, his heart still pounding in his chest.  
He felt a profound sense of connection and fulfilment, a deep gratitude for the woman who had shown him the beauty of human intimacy and love. She took his hand and guided him to the bedroom, "Sleep" she said "I'll clean myself and be right there with you." 
In the quiet aftermath, as they lay entwined in each other's arms, Castiel knew that he had found something truly extraordinary. But he also felt tired. And as he gazed into Y/N's eyes, he vowed to cherish and protect this connection for as long as he could. 
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prettybillycore · 2 months
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happy birthday blog, I can’t believe how old you are
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itsteambarnes · 20 days
Can these wounds be mended? part 1
Synopsis: Y/N didn't have the easiest childhood which lead her having a lot of traumas. One of them being yelled at. Steve doesn't know that and seems he doesn't even care.
TW: Yelling, angst, crying, wounds
A/N: Let me know if I missed anything, my first post on here. I am not still sure how tumblr work on pc since I have been using it mostly on my phone. This story is very personal to me since my father used to yell at me about everything and I'm still very sensitive about being yelled at. Please comment how you want me to continue this, I appreciate every tip you could give me. Also, English is not my first language. I'm from Finland.
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She didn’t have the easiest childhood. Physical and emotional abuse which lead her to being scared of men. She had a hard time not being triggered when someone raised their voice. Unfortunately Steve didn’t know about that. 
You had been an Avenger since your family disowned you. You found out about your abilities and decided to show them to your mom and dad. You’re able to become invisible and now that you think about it after, that is what your parents wanted you to be. Still they were shocked and kicked you out of your home. They had been waiting for an excuse to do that and now they had it. They told it to you themselves.
You lived on the streets until Shield found you. You had no money so you had no other choice than to turn invisible and steal some food. It caught Shield’s attention because in the surveillance cameras there were those stolen goods just floating in the air.They had some trouble finding you but they succeeded through that unfortunate google maps car driving right past when you changed from being invisible to normal.
Long story short, you became an avenger. With a lot of training and a lot of tears you gained control of your powers. But it seemed as if it wasn't enough for Captain America.
You had just gotten back from a rough mission. You had tried your best but there was one slip up. Your powers had faltered and you had shown yourself to the enemy at a critical point which had gotten you hurt. In the quinjet you were tending to your wounds. Others had tried to help you but oh dear Captain America had stopped them. You didn’t think much of it since you were used to people not caring or helping you. You thought you deserved to be treated this way and Steve knew that.
You were bleeding from your right thigh and left arm. The attacker had had some kind of a sword so the cut was deeper on your thigh. As the quinjet landed the bleeding hadn’t stopped and you limped out of there.
“Y/N, in my office, NOW!” you heard Steve shouting. You just nodded and kept limping. Tears started to sting your eyes. Blinking them angrily away you thought that they were for nothing. You deserve this, you messed up.  Limping your way to the elevator you kept blaming yourself. You should have not said yes to the mission. You set all your teammates to danger without thinking.
Taking a deep breath you open the door to Steve’s office. Your eyes are towards the floor and slowly you raise them. Your eyes meet Steve's blue ones. He is sitting by his desk, which is at the opposite of the door. He is looking at you sternly. You gulp.
“Finally, it took you long enough.”
“Sorry, my leg…”
“Enough with the excuses”, He interrupts and stands up. 
“How stupid can you be? You set your teammates in danger. You were supposed to control your ability. Did you lie to us about you being ready? Don’t even answer that, you made that clear in the field. I don’t know why Shield even thought you would be suitable for our team. You just fuck up everything!” He shouted and rubbed his temples.
“I… I… Just tried my…”, You started to defend yourself when he interrupted you.
“You just tried what? To fuck everything up? Because that’s what you did. You are a disgrace to this team and if it were up to me you would be kicked out after this. Get out of my office, I can’t even stand your face!” He shouted and pointed at the door. You tried to control the tears but couldn’t help them falling while you turned to the door. You got out of there as fast as you could. You felt a panic attack coming and were determined to get out of there before Steve could see it.
Thankfully you got out of his office without him seeing it or he just decided to ignore your discomfort. Once you were out of the door you dashed to the elevator. You can not break down before you get to your room! You had been working on your problems with someone yelling at you but when it came out of nowhere it was hard to deal with. Especially when someone shouted as Steve had. You would've done anything he asked without asking, just to get him to stop shouting at you. 
Tears burned your cheeks and you were grateful you didn’t run into anyone on the way to your room. Your wounds were hurting but you thought you deserved them. No reason to go to the medbay, no reason to bother anyone any more than you already had. 
Once in the security of your own room, you could let the panic and sorrow let loose. You gasped for breath and tried to calm yourself. You sat down on the floor and tried to calm yourself, just like your therapist had teached you. It just wasn’t working. The thought of being hated by Steve was just too much. Because, you know, you had the biggest crush on your team leader. He had the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen and the sense of righteousness. He always thought about the wellbeing of others and was so understanding. Well, maybe you were the exception. It was obvious he didn’t think about your wellbeing or intentions on that mission. 
You, through hiccups, drag yourself to the bathroom. Getting out of the clothes you were wearing was a mission in itself. You surprise yourself by getting into the shower, the water turning to pink from the blood from your wounds. But you deserve those to not heal properly, don’t you?
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aloneatpeace · 8 months
What do you prefer in a fic
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21 notes · View notes
theconstantsidekick · 2 years
“We have never made the world a better place, Tony; we have just defended it," Y/n stated gravely.
-Snippets from Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (4) It's coming soon folks, I promise.
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nataleesilasshadow · 2 years
The way he walks
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20 notes · View notes
biteofcherry · 1 year
Nature’s beauty
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mountain rescuer Steve Rogers x female reader
summary: Your teasing comment about staying home barefoot and pregnant makes something in Steve snap. He’s now eager to turn it into reality. 
warnings: consensual; barebacking; breeding kink; housewife kink; light bondage; dubiously consensual taking of risky pictures; lots of filthy talk (not even dirty, just nasty filth); mention of cumplay; established relationship; Steve’s a rescuer but who will rescue us from Steve’s hotness; 
*no squirrels were harmed in the process of writing the story
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“Come on. Get out of there!” You huffed, tapping your fingers against the wood of the small birdhouse installed high on the tree trunk. 
It was a birdhouse - and just this morning you saw a small, colorful bird check it out - but some sneaky, red squirrel decided to squat inside it. How did it even fit through the tiny hole, you had no idea. 
You noticed it as you returned from your little hike, seeing a flash of an orange fluffy tail as the squirrel stuffed its tiny butt through the hole. So you tried climbing the tree, not much successfully, and scare the intruder out.
It wouldn’t be a good house for a growing squirrel anyway. 
To prop yourself, you used one of the wooden crates Steve built you for the vegetable garden that you planned on starting. Since it wasn’t enough to reach the birdhouse, you stuck another crate on top of it. The construction swayed a little, but you braced yourself against the tree trunk and reached your hand up to knock on the small wooden house.
“Your nuts won’t fit in there with you!” You called, though it was doubtful the squirrel would understand you. 
The crates wobbled, but before you had a chance to stabilize yourself with both hands on the tree two strong hands gripped your hips and easily lifted you up.
“And what do you think you’re doing, sweetheart?” Steve’s steady voice calmed your initial panic. 
You melted into his embrace as he set you down on your feet on the ground and spun around to face him. Your immediately wrapped your arms around his neck, straining on your tiptoes to greet him with a kiss.
He’s been gone for nearly two days - his usual shift stretching longer due to a crisis his team had to react to in the higher parts of the mountains. 
“Steve.” You breathlessly whispered his name, smile stretching on your lips. 
So close to the way you looked and sounded when he woke you up with his mouth between your thighs. 
“You’re back.” You pecked his lips once again then grinned. “Just in time for eviction.”
“Eviction?” Steve’s eyebrows rose in surprise.
“A squirrel locked herself inside the birdhouse. We need to chase her away. For her own good.” You pointed up at the tree where few weeks ago Steve installed the birdhouse. 
With a shake of his head and an overly dramatic sigh, Steve went to his truck to get his backpack with the climbing gear. He put the crates away - sending you a warning glare for coming up with a dangerous idea of putting your safety on top of them - then tied a rope around the tree to have a leverage for climbing. He reached the birdhouse exceptionally quickly. 
Once he brought it down, you opened the front panel and shooed the squirrel away. It looked at you indignantly, holding a nut in its tiny paws, then scrambled away onto another tree near your house.
“I see you got into serious animal real estate business, even though you only got back home yourself.” Steve chuckled, pointing at your small backpack and the camera placed a few feet away.  
“I went to the valley to take some shots of the early crocuses.” You beamed, picking up your things. 
“But!” You kept close to Steve as you both walked up the porch and into the house. “I prepared a stew earlier and some garlic bread slices that are ready to pop into the oven.”
“Wow. You’re organized like a proper housewife.” Steve snickered, patting your ass. 
“Yeah?” You glanced at him over your shoulder, waggling your eyebrows comically. “You gonna keep me barefoot and pregnant?” 
“We can have that arranged.” Steve wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you to him. He kicked the door shut behind you and dropped his backpack to the floor. 
“Ah-ah!” You quickly slipped away from his grasp.
You turned around with a grin, mischievous sparks lighting your eyes. You lifted the camera and clutched it protectively to your chest. 
“Gotta put the fragile goods into safety first, before you go all patriarchal on me.”
“You’ll never forgive me that vase, won’t you?” Steve hung his head in shame, but he couldn’t suppress the proud smirk on his face. 
The pretty, pink glass vase became a collateral damage when the two of you resolved a minor argument with hot, angry sex. 
Steve bent you over the table and fucked you so hard that your hands flailed helplessly around and you knocked the vase off the table. As the glass shattered all over the floor, you gushed around Steve’s cock with a scream that surely carried through the mountain range. 
“That orgasm was worth the sacrifice.” You laughed, disappearing into the bedroom. 
“But my camera is too precious to risk it!” The cottage you and Steve were living in wasn’t tiny, but small enough that your voice easily reached other parts of the house if you raised your volume a bit. 
“Duly noted!” Steve called back. 
He walked into the kitchen where the faint smell of stew lingered in the air. He sat down on one of the chairs and bent down to unlace his shoes, smiling to himself as he thought of you cooking and dancing around the kitchen.
You were quite messy when you cooked, even worse when you baked. But there was no hotter sight than you naked on your knees on the tiled floor, with smears of flour on your face and then his cum dribbling down your chin. 
Suddenly, provoked by your recent words, an image of you walking around the kitchen pregnant flashed through Steve’s head. 
He saw you glowing and round, cutting strawberries with a smile as he whisked the batter for pancakes. You’d snack on the strawberries, claiming to be hungry and impatient to wait for breakfast. He’d take the fruit from you with a laugh, lick the sticky juice off your fingers. Then go on his knees to pleasure you until you can’t stand upright anymore.
He imagined you bent over the sink, hands in soapy water from washing dishes, as he fucked you slowly from behind - unable to keep his hands away from your pregnant belly, needing to take you as soon as he comes home from his shift. 
He easily pictured you carrying a toddler on your hip, bouncing the kid lightly as you walk barefoot around the house, the swell of your belly growing with another baby. 
You’d take the kids to the meadows, play with them and take stunning photographs of the nature and of the kids exploring its beauty. You’d chase away squirrels and tend to your vegetable garden - happiness radiating off your faces. You’d cook meals and try new baking recipes, and you all would eat together. 
And later in the evening, when he puts the oldest kid to bed and you nurse the newborn baby to sleep, he’d take you again. 
Fill you full through your needy cries, letting the nature take its course with your body as well.
Steve was so deep in this unexpected rush of craving he didn’t hear your soft footsteps at first. Only when you called his name upon entering the kitchen did he look up.
There you were - feet bare on the floor, your pants replaced with soft, cotton pajama shorts, and in his t-shirt which you liked to wear around the house. 
All that was missing from the fantasy was your pregnant belly stretching the fabric of the tee.
Steve crooked a finger at you, wordlessly calling you over. 
You noticed the heat in his gaze, how wider his pupils got and that his lips were slightly parted on a quickened breath. It was a look signaling some mindblowing pleasure coming your way, though you weren’t exactly sure what caused it at the moment. 
You walked over, straddling Steve’s lap and placing your hands on his shoulders. His palms spread over your ass, fingers kneading your flesh and forcing you to rock against him.
Against his undoubtedly growing, impressive erection. 
“I feel that you’re really happy to see me.” You grinned at Steve, but couldn’t help yourself from rubbing against him.
“Always.” Steve muttered and kissed you. 
His lips were soft, but the way he used them was anything but gentle. He took possession of your mouth, tongue slipping between your parted lips to tease a moan out of your throat. 
Your fingers weaved into his hair, fingernails scratching his scalp and causing Steve to purr. 
He gave your asscheek a smack. Not exactly painful, but firm enough to elicit a squeak out of you and have you buck against him. 
“I want to fuck you bare.” Steve growled, hips pushing up into you. 
“Wha-” your mouth was still chasing his lips, your mind not yet fully catching up with his request. 
Steve gave your ass another slap and tilted his head back, so your gaze focused on his eyes and what he was saying.
“I want to fuck you bare.” He repeated, his voice low and raspy with dark need. 
“I want to fill you up and breed you.” 
You shivered at his words. Your nipples tightened into hard peaks and your clit throbbed. 
“You’re serious.” Your voice came out breathless, your throat suddenly dry.
Steve and you talked about having kids before, but it was all vague; nothing beyond agreeing that you wanted to build a family together, sometime. In the far future. 
Since it was a unspecified future and your health didn’t allow for you to take pills or hormonal shots, Steve always had a strip of condoms at hand. Even in the spur of the moment quickies on your hikes, he always sheathed himself. You never took him bare.
Never felt him fill your pussy with his cum. 
“What’s that thought, sweetheart?” Steve leaned forward and nipped your bottom lip when you let out an involuntary moan at the thought of being full of him. 
“We’ve never done it bare.” You rubbed your heated core over his clothed cock. “I only had your cum in my mouth, or on my body.”
Corner of Steve’s mouth tilted in a smirk. He slid one of his hands to grip the back of your neck as he licked a wide stripe from your throat over your chin and up to your lips.
“I promise to still let you play with my cum from time to time, doll.” He kissed you again.
With your big eyes full of wonder, you always liked him to paint your body with white streaks of his spent. You stuck your little tongue out, swallowed him greedily, and scooped up every drop from your skin. 
“But from now on, we’ll mostly fill your sweet cunt with it.” 
You felt his dick twitch beneath you as he said those words. You felt your own panties and shorts dampen with your growing slick. 
“What do you say, sweetheart?” Steve nudged the tip of your nose with his affectionately. “Want to get pregnant?”
“Pregnant and barefoot?” You huffed a breathy laugh, realizing it was your own words from earlier today that spurred Steve’s desire.
“Well, some days are really cold out here, so I think we can skip the barefoot part.” He smiled against your lips. “But we’re definitely doing the pregnant part.”
You were constantly grinding against him, your breasts pressed and rubbed against Steve’s chest. Growing heat consumed you and you wanted, needed, Steve to sate the fire he ignited. You felt as if your body wouldn’t calm down until he spilled inside you, like he promised.
“Yes!” You captured Steve’s mouth, clinging to him even closer. 
“Yes, Steve!” You head fell back as he kissed and bit down your throat. “Fuck a baby into me!” 
In rushed moves, surprisingly efficient considering how both of you were trembling with impatience, you undid Steve’s pants and took him into your hand. He pushed your shorts and panties to the side. 
You both moaned as you slid down his cock. The feel of his hot flesh without the latex cover made your toes curl. 
It was quick and brutal, really; your thighs burned as you bounced up and down on his length. A tearing sound, as Steve yanked on your t-shirt, didn’t falter your pace. 
Your climax came as dizzying, filling the house with your scream and Steve’s loud groan following soon after. 
Nothing but the pounding of your hearts and heavy breathing, as you sat tangled and spent. A little mewl of surprise bubbled on your lips when you felt Steve’s cock twitching and spurting more of hot come inside your fluttering walls. 
It was hotter and wetter than how it felt ever before; and the thought of Steve’s cum filling up through your cervix made your pussy clench around him. 
When you slid off him a while later, a thick dollop of cum dribbled out of you. Steve put your panties back in place, cotton quickly filling and staining with the mixture of juices. 
“That won’t do.” Steve frowned, as he pulled the waistband of your panties and glanced at the mess between your swollen folds. 
“You’re dripping it all over and it has to take.” 
Before you had a chance to ask what he meant - your brain fuzzy from the aftershocks and bliss - Steve picked you up. 
He carried you to the bedroom and dropped you onto the bed. He got his t-shirt over his head in a split of a second, then moved your pliant body around, getting rid of all of your clothes as well. 
“Stay here.” He pointed at you and walked out of the bedroom.
You did enjoy the view of his naked ass moving. As well the way muscles in his back flexed. 
When Steve returned, he had three climbing ropes in his hands.
“What are you planning mister rescuer?” You arched a brow. 
He merely winked at you, joining you on the bed and straddling you. He weaved the blue cord around your wrists, binding them to the headboard. One of the red ropes tied around your left ankle; the other around the right. 
You expected Steve to tie your legs to the foot of the bed, but instead he bent your legs at the knees and pushed them up toward your chest and slightly to the sides. The ends of the rope he tied to the headboard as well. 
Once he was done, your breath was quickened again, as your vulnerable exposed position registered. 
“Now,” Steve knelt back and ran a finger up your ass, “all my cum will stay nicely snug in your pussy.”
He scooped whatever dribbled out of you and pushed it back into your quivering cunt. He was right. In this improvised bondage version of a mating press, your hips were tilted up enough for the gravity to work in favor of impregnation. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Steve looked at you, love and desire shining in his eyes.
From your gorgeous face, hair sticking to your sweaty skin; your breasts shaking with each breath and your lovely legs strained and bound; to your gorgeous ass and glistening, swollen folds. 
A thick trickle of his cum lingered just below your leaking hole. He moved his hand slowly up your ass, reaching up to push that one drop back inside you.
“I wish I could preserve this image forever.” He murmured.
Then paused. 
Slowly, Steve’s gaze shifted from your pussy to your face. His eyes darkened and a naughty, evil really, smirk curved his mouth. 
“What are you thinking, Steve?” You asked warily, partly scared of his wicked idea and partly excited. 
Steve got off the bed, but returned rather quickly. 
With your camera in his hands. 
“You can’t be serious.” You squeaked, squirming against your bonds. But they were fucking secured top notch, you were unable to even pull your legs closer together.
“Why not?” Fingers of his left hand returned to your heated skin while he held the camera in his right hand. “You take photographs of nature. What’s more natural than this?”
He traced one of your swollen folds and pulled it slightly to the side, exposing your hole and the white cream filling it.
A shutter clicked. First photo of your pussy saved on the memory card. 
Steve took a few more photos, from different angles. Some close-ups of his cum, some a wider perspective including your stretched body visible between your spread legs. 
He moved closer, kneeling up and positioning his hardened cock between your sopping folds. 
He moaned as he watched his dick slide back and forth; looked up at your face and held your gaze when you whimpered as the head of his cock bumped against your swollen clit repeatedly. 
“What’s more natural than a pretty cunt serving its purpose?” Steve rasped out, guiding the tip into your opening. 
He angled the camera again, snapping a picture of your pussy opening up for him. Then a series of photos as he slowly pushed inside. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, you’re taking me so good.” Steve bit down on his lip as he thrust deeper. “Such a fucking beautiful sight.” 
He flipped the camera function to video, recording as he buried himself in your wet cunt. Your wrecked moan at the stretch, too. And the squelching sound of a filled pussy. 
Steve’s free hand rested on your mound, thumb drawing the hood over your clit up and then resting on the hardened nub. Your hips bucked when he started rubbing. 
He tilted the camera up, making sure to register all of your body before focusing on your face. You whined his name aloud.
When you noticed the camera pointed at you, you closed your eyes and turned your head to the side embarrassed. 
“Don’t be shy on me, sweetheart.” Steve cooed, maintaining a steady pace. “You’re stunning. Absolutely fucking gorgeous. And your pretty, little pussy-”
He returned the lens between your spread thighs, recording every detail of his cock driving into you. 
His dick shined with your juices and remnants of his cum. Your folds were puffed and darkened, and your clit crushed under his big thumb. Your wetness smeared around, glistening on your ass and thighs, as well shimmering on the hair above Steve’s cock.
“She’s swallowing me, doll. Greedy, little pussy.” Steve growled, picking up his rhythm.
“What she’s hungry for, sweetheart? Huh?” Though his hand was shaking slightly, he managed to move the camera so it was recording your face again. 
“Tell me, what she’s hungry for?” He delivered a firm smack atop your clit that made you squeak and clench around him.
“It’s hungry for your cum!” You cried out.
You felt the heat engulf you whole, felt it almost burn the skin off your cheeks from the inside.
Steve always had a penchant for dirty talk, but it wasn’t always as nasty. Just a few lines here and there. Something about fucking you bare, trying to knock you up, made him wilder. And he forced you to interact along with him.
“Wants to be filled?” Steve’s raspy voice prompted again, another slap stinging your clit. 
“It wants to be filled so bad!” Your need overcame the embarrassment.
With your eyes still closed, you babbled all the filth you were shy to admit, but everything you knew Steve wanted to hear.
“Wants you to fuck it hard and come inside. Please, Steve. Need you- Need you to make me take it! Fill my belly and make it swell!” 
“Fuck, sweetheart.” Steve nearly came at the sputter of your dirty words. “My sweet, fucking, dirty girl.”
He put the camera down on the side of the bed. He didn’t bother to switch it off. 
It recorded a slightly blurred angle of Steve’s hips driving into you, his balls slapping against your butt as he leaned fully on top of you and bottomed out.
It recorded the sounds of your bodies - wet squelching, skin slapping, Steve’s heavy groans and your high pitched cries; and filthy demands.
“I know you’re close, sweetheart.” Steve stretched himself over you and propped his weight on his forearms on both sides of your head.
“I am! I am, I’m so close, Steve!”
Your body wanted to move along with his, to rock up into him and touch him, but your tied limbs prevented you from doing so. You could only lay there and take whatever Steve gave you. However he gave it.
“I’ll get you there, I promise.” He nipped along your jaw, lavishing each sting with a lick of his tongue. “First, though-” he paused to kiss you fully.
A surprisingly thorough kiss, considering how frantically his hips were pumping you.
Steve’s voice turned into a low, gravelly growl.
“Tell me your purpose, my sweet fuck doll.”
So close to the edge that your toes were curling, you weren’t resilient enough to fight for more dignity. You knew what hot, humiliating words Steve fished for.
And you knew you could scream them out, because once he untied you and you left the bedroom, Steve would respect you like he always did. He would worship the ground you walk on and cherish you. Give you the stars, if he could.
“My p-purpose-” your voice choked on a moan as Steve angled his hips, driving his cock into that spongy, oversensitive spot inside you.
With a whine you dropped your gaze down, unable to look right into Steve’s eyes as you cried out the words.
“To be bred! Fuuuuck. To be bred and have your babies! Be y-your, ah, little housewife. To serve you, serv- Fuck! Steve!”
“I got you, sweetheart.” Steve groaned, leaning his forehead against yours.
He slowed his pace, but each snap of his hips drove his cock into you deep and rough. Skilled, coarse fingers maneuvered between your bodies, finding your clit.
A few strokes over your nub combined with the incessant pounding into your sweet spot were enough to push you over the edge.
You clenched your hands around the ropes that tied your wrists to the headboard as you shattered. Steve’s choked, low moans lost in the sound of your keening, as he came right after you.
Steve dragged his lips across your cheek toward your lips. Kissed you slowly, and wet. Your ragged breaths mingled, a string of saliva stretching between your mouths and popping.
He remained buried inside you, his cock twitching and spurting more cum into your clenching channel.
“I fucking love you.” Steve breathed heavily, a huff of chuckle at the end of his confession.
“Mhmm. I love you, too.” You opened your eyes halfway. “You perv.”
You both laughed, a quiet, intimate sound between lovers that knew each other to the tiniest bone.
With a displeased groan, Steve pushed himself up. He was careful as he sat back, not wanting to slip out of your pussy too quickly.
His gaze focused on your joined bodies as he withdrew inch by inch. His cock glistened with thick cream; your walls fluttered at the friction. He admired your open hole for a moment then squeezed your puffed folds between his fingers.
“Gotta keep it in, sweetheart.” Steve tugged on your folds lightly, keeping them pinched between his fingers.
“I could make you come again. Help your pussy swallow more of it into your womb.” His eyes, still hazy with desire, drifted back to your face.
You groaned. Your cunt clenched at the mere idea of another orgasm shattering your body.
“How about we leave it as it is for now?” You wiggled your butt as much as you could in your restraints. “You can do more nasty things to me in the upcoming days.”
Because you knew if you allowed Steve to make you come again now, he’d use his mouth. And if he used his mouth, he would switch into the overstimulation mindset - he always did that when he went down on you.
You were plenty ruined today without that.
“As you wish.” Steve sighed, with exaggerated disappointment.
“But I’m keeping your legs tied up for a bit longer.” He announced, releasing your folds and patting them less than gently.
You squeaked and glared at him, but it only made him grin.
“Better untie my hands.” You said, making a comically frowny face. “So I can call for the mountain rescuing service to save me from a brutal bear’s captivity.”
Steve laughed and plopped down on his ass, then stretched himself on the bed crosswise. He reached for the camera and finally turned recording off.
He did switch to a browsing mode, though.
“Stop working yourself up again!” You reprimanded him when you realized why Steve moaned suddenly. “Untie me and bring me food.”
“Isn’t it your purpose to serve me food, little housewife?” Steve propped himself on his elbows and looked at you with a cheeky grin.
“Can’t do that while I’m bound.” You smiled sweetly.
Steve moved up and leaned over you, untying the ropes around your hands in two swift moves. He rubbed the skin on your wrists then placed a soft kiss on each.
“Hmm, brutal bear has to think of ways to keep you full and still able to do your housewife duties.” He winked at you.
“Yes, yes, can you think of that while we’re eating?” You rolled your eyes.
As on cue, your stomach rumbled.
“You stew here.” Steve moved down your body and kissed your abdomen, then hopped off the bed. “I’ll reheat everything. Want some wine, too?”
Slipping his pants back on, Steve left the bedroom. And you inside it.
With your legs still up and spread, your hips tilted up and cum brewing in your cunt.
“Are you fucking serious?!” You yelled after him.
His response was an impudent snicker.
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upsidedownwithsteve · 9 months
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CH10. Cheque, Please! | The Menu [2.2K] Eddie Munson x shy fem!reader: a line cook au.
The diner was packed. 
Tables were full, the large room a buzz of chatter and music, the speakers playing an old sixties bop. It was a familiar sight, one that happened more often than not since Jim sold the diner. The new owner ripped the place apart, down to its old bones before he put his life savings into it. 
New floors, new tables and chairs, artwork on the walls that were signed by Argyle, a photo of the whole staff taken and framed by Jonathan, Jim Hopper at the forefront, a wide smile on his face on the last day before his retirement. The bulbs in the neon sign outside had been replaced so it no longer flickered, the green and blue glow of it now announcing the diner’s new name, proud and bright for everyone to see. 
Eddie’s Slice Of Chicago. 
“Door! Behind!” You yelled out as you entered the kitchen empty plates piled high in your arms and Jonathan took them from you with practised ease. 
Steve was on the grill, still hesitant and not as fast as Argyle, but he was flipping burgers quicker than he had last week. His chef whites were brand new, his name badge shiny and his front of house position taken over by Nancy. Everyone was in new uniforms, freshly pressed and a sage green, aprons still without stains and a pocketful of pens that didn’t run out of ink too quickly. Robin was taking orders, laughing with a family from out of town, letting their toddler grab at her finger as she promised them to return soon with their pizzas and shakes. Dustin was helping Max run a large order to a table of backpackers, a border collie under the table at their feet, getting its ears scratched by the new start, Mike. 
There was a sign on the staff notice board, up beside the employee of the month, a piece of ripped paper with the words “SIXTY FOUR DAYS SINCE THE LAST FREEZER BREAKDOWN.” The rest of the space was filled with staff photos, polaroids and prints of the group at a fourth of July picnic, a barbecue at Jim’s in the summer, huddled around the kitchens countertops in the winter, drinking from mugs filled with Argyle’s homemade horchata, the frame that held Billy’s scrawled termination letter, an old napkin that held a small conversation in pen. 
It felt more like home than ever. Even when Eddie wasn’t there. 
Everyone answered to you in his absence, unofficially in charge when the boss wasn’t here. It had taken some getting used to, hell, you’d even tried to pawn off the responsibility to Nancy, or Steve, anyone who’d been at the grill longer than you had. But Nancy was part time, back at college during the week, taking Robin on dates in the evenings and Steve was too busy being trained as a new prep chef to worry about invoices and deliveries. 
So you stepped into the role cautiously, softening to the idea when Eddie kissed you something fierce and told you that there wasn’t anyone else he trusted to do the job. His acceptance letter had come the month after taking over the diner. A thick, white envelope that lay heavy on your doormat because he’d finally moved in, sharing your small apartment with you like he did everything else. 
Clothes. Jewellery. Books. Records. Food. Kisses. 
Vincennes University offered Eddie the chance to do what he hadn’t been able to before. Refining his craft, learning new skills, working in a state of the art kitchen with equipment he’d come home and gush to you about. The diner was doing well enough that tuition wasn’t a worry anymore and suddenly, the long commute into Indianapolis for classes four days a week seemed worth it. Eddie was passing with flying colours, receiving accolades and opportunities at every given moment and when he came home, exhausted but happy, he came home to you. 
Bone tired, he’d slip into the apartment, socked feet padding gently over the floorboards, Tupperware full of something delicious to be stacked in the fridge. He’d find you curled up somewhere, a black cat called Basil in the nook of your bent legs. He’d kiss you sweet, he’d kiss you soft, warming you up to a simmer until you forgot how much you’d missed him that day. 
It was all worth it. 
“Table eighteen wants extra hash browns and booth six needs two pepperoni’s and the Hawkins special, chefs,” you called to Steve as you slapped the orders onto the bar. 
“Got it,” Steve and Argyle called back, one a little more nervously than the other but it was okay, ‘cause Eddie was home soon. 
Eddie was home soon. 
He’d called from a pay phone outside of the school, voice buzzing with excitement, with pride, and yours mirrored his back. He’d be on the train soon, he’d meet you at the apartment, if you could get away early. So you handed your keys to Nancy and she grinned, knowing there was a cause for celebration waiting at home for you. You drove Eddie’s van back along the road, coming into town on the familiar stretch, passing Wayne’s, the trailer park you both visited every Sunday for dinner. 
The apartment door was unlocked, dimly lit in the early fall gloom, already smelling like garlic and tomatoes, like fresh bread and the scent of Eddie cologne that lingered on his jacket that hung in the hallway. Eddie’s records were in the shelves by your books, his guitar hanging from a hook in the tiny office room, his shoes on the bench by the door. He’d transformed your kitchen when he’d moved in, a decision that had been all too easy to make. There were  pots and pans hanging from the rack, shiny, sharp knives that he was scared of you using without him there, jars and tubs of ingredients stacked high in the fridge and the pantry. There were fresh herbs in planters on the window sill. The radio always played. 
The kitchen always felt like the heart of the home. 
That’s where you found Eddie, sweater sleeves rolled up and grinning at you from the stove top, a large spoon in hand as he mixed in some fresh rosemary to the pot of sauce. He greeted you with a glass of wine, the cheap stuff that you liked best, catching you in a kiss before you could bring the cup to your lips. 
He kissed you soft, kissed you sweet, humming when you laughed into his mouth, his free hand slipping inside of your shirt to ghost his fingers over your ribs. 
“Hi,” you whispered. You’d never tire of this. This warmth, this kind of greeting, this feeling of coming home. “Good day?”
Eddie nodded, stealing another kiss, catching the corner of your mouth. He gazed at you, eyes shining with excitement and you could practically feel the buzz in his bones for what he was about to say. 
“I got it.”
You blinked, once, before your smile turned into a grin and it stretched wide. You barely had the common sense to place your wine on the countertop before you launched yourself at the boy, your arms wound round his neck as your crushed your face into his curls. Eddie whooped, a joyful thing as he lifted you off your feet and grinned against your throat. 
“You got it,” you whispered back to him, everything in you frilled with awe and pride. 
“I got it,” he repeated again. His voice sounded thick. 
The internship with Chef Emmelie was something that everyone in Eddie’s class was vying for. Eddie had spent an insane amount of time on his application, using you as his own personal taste tester in both work and home. New recipes were concocted, old dishes were reworked and it had all paid off. Eddie had been hand picked to work alongside one of the country’s greats, assisting in setting up a new restaurant, a fine dining establishment that promised to deliver nothing but the best cuisine to the masses. Eddie would help create the menu, and hopefully, maybe, eventually, take over as head chef. 
It was another level of surreal. 
“I knew you would,” you mumbled into his neck, pulling back only to crush Eddie’s cheeks in the palms of your hands and give him a kiss that ducked his breath away. His lips tasted salty, but perhaps that was your own tears you could taste. Eddie just held onto you tighter, his stew mix bubbling away without any attention. “Where is it? Have they told you where you’re setting up?”
You’d held Eddie’s hand as he clutched his application letter and promised him that no matter where they sent him, you’d follow. The only thing that tied you to Hawkins, was the boy and Basil was easy enough to smuggle into a cat carrier, once you could catch him. Wayne had squashed any hesitancy from Eddie immediately, waving him off and saying that there would be private jets for each of you once he hit the big time as the new celebrity chef. And of course, there was the diner. 
Eddie laughed then, a breathy, disbelieving thing and he finally shuffled to settle you onto the small dining table that sat in the corner of the kitchen. He nudged his way in between your legs, sniffling when Basil appeared to wind around his own ankles and the only sounds were the purring of the cat and the simmering of dinner. You held your breath, brows raised, expectant. 
London? Dubai? Paris? Los Angeles?
“They wanna set up in Chicago.”
Going back to the city you left was a lot less daunting with Eddie by your side. 
Wayne moved out of the trailer park and into your apartment, something that made leaving a little easier for Eddie. He still owned the diner, and promised to stop by at least a few times a month if scheduling around the new restaurant would allow. He’d found a new manager, a woman from town called Joyce who loved to bake and knew enough about taxes and accounting that she didn’t fuck up order and invoices. She loved the place like Eddie did, promised she’d do it proud. 
(She met Jim on Sunday in summer and after she served him her famous cherry cheesecake, one date in the park had turned into three, into five and now they were inseparable. They spent most of their time walking around town, visiting farmers and Jim enjoyed his retirement by helping Joyce create new desserts for the diner.)
Eddie’s internship came with an apartment in the suburbs, a small townhouse that was far enough from the hustle of the city that you felt more at home than before. It was less bright, less loud and Basil had a garden to roam in, a bench beside a vegetable patch he could bathe in the sun from. 
It had a pantry and old oak floors, a huge window that looked out onto the street that was lined with cherry trees, and a nook in the living room that you liked to read in. You found a job, pretty easily, a vintage bookstore on the edge of town that smelled like coffee and cinnamon, old pages and older stories. It was owned by an old man who let his dog sleep under the front desk, who brought in pastries for breakfast and made you sweet tea in the summer. 
The restaurant opened in the spring. Hit headlines the following day, praising the special on the menu made by newcomer chef, Edward Munson. By the summer, the heat was climbing and so was Eddie’s popularity. He was running the restaurant, got to create a new menu every six weeks and the waitlist was booked out until Christmas. He told you he loved you every time you paid him a visit, on your lunch break, a whisper between a kiss hello and goodbye in the kitchen, coy whistles from his staff that he burned pink at. 
And when you both drove back to Hawkins for long weekends and holiday stays, you crammed yourselves and Basil into your old apartment with Wayne, packed his freezer full of food and tried to convince him to take in one (maybe two) of the strays from the trailer park to keep him company. 
You spent the Fourth of July with the diner crew, in the backyard of Jim and Joyce’s new home, sharing Polaroids and newspaper clippings of the restaurant, of your new home, Eddie’s menu. Steve was in awe but nothing could beat the look of pride on your boyfriend’s face when Steve told him he’d mastered a French omelette. Argyle was running the kitchen, Nancy had been promoted to assistant manager, part time or not, and Robin had helped Jonathan in running a Sunday morning coffee club, where Hawkins residents got to taste test new bean flavours over a pastry breakfast and some town gossip. 
Eddie didn’t scowl much, not anymore. 
And when you next bumped into Chrissy, you waved at her from under the tuck of Eddie’s arm, diamond ring glinting on your left hand in the sun. She didn’t have much to say to you, not after that. 
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afriendlyblackhottie · 3 months
One or the Other
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x female!reader x Sebastian Stan
Summary: after hooking up with Bucky and not telling Steve, you’ve been letting the guilt get to you. Good thing bad it doesn’t have to.
Warnings: minors dni, smut, perceived cheating, manipulation, knotting, unprotected sex, non con, oral sex, Daddy kink
[A/N: yaaaay finally. Lmao I rewrote this so many times so omg I’m happy it’s finally done I hope all of you like it 😀☺️ this is unedited as I write it on tumblr’s writing thing and autocorrect is ass and and I… make mistakes lmao. Please don’t forget to like and comment. If you really really like it I’m taking tips CA: $allieday27 & PP: @allieafbh. Thanks so much for reading guys. You know I love coming back to you 💜 ✌🏾)
“He wouldn’t what?”
This time Steve said it with a scoff, as the words had just come from his boyfriend’s lips. Don’t even know how you’d gotten to this topic. Definitely didn’t feel appropriate for the dinner table even if you were at the point where the bill was being paid. Especially not the swanky restaurant they’d had you sitting in all dressed up like you were their shared date.
Hell they’d all but asked for that anyway. Had told you they were taking you out and to be ready by seven. It’d been about a month since you’d started living with them anyway. Bucky had clearly meant it when he said he liked the housewife look on you as it self like that’d pretty much had been what you’d become.
Who else would become the lady of the house if not for the lady of the house. Especially as they’d kept you sleeping in between them. Had been feeling bad for their lack of intimacy even, but they insisted it was fine.
It wasn’t like the three of you hadn’t talked about sex before. Sure you hadn’t gone into detail, but you’d never call yourself a prude. Normally. But all of that was before Bucky had tasted your pussy. Before Steve had started kissing you goodnight every single night as the two of you fell asleep on the same bed.
And now like that first night it was Steve’s turn to find out your dirty little secret. That you’d been dating a man who wouldn’t do what his boyfriend easily did. Behind his back. And fuck it made you feel like the worst kind of person.
“Tell him, Y/N,” Bucky insisted, as if it was pressing news, but after they’d scared him shitless when they went to retrieve your things the day before they’d been a little hyped off their own egos.
“I mean… yeah… I know but-,”
“But what?” Steve laughed. “I just never took you as the type to settle.”
You crinkled your nose at his words. Looking over at Bucky who seemed just as curious to hear your answer. “I mean what can I say, it wasn’t like he was bad in bad necessarily he just said he didn’t like it.” You tried excusing it away. Not exactly wanting to be the topic of conversation anymore.
Bucky and Steve looked to one another. Sharing a knowing glance before Steve reached over to place his hand over yours. “Any man would be lucky to eat your pussy.”
“Steve!” You gasped, ripping your hand away from him. Looking around to make sure no one heard as the two of them laughed. So unlike him anyway. What happened to the reserved sweetheart the world had come to love.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” His laughter slowed to light hearted chuckles. “But I mean it.” He shrugged. “Right, Bucky?”
Who was the best and worst person to ask this question to. Your face heating up as he smirked at you. Making you squirm under his icy gaze. “Definitely, Doll.”
You crossed your arms, looking away from the both of them to try and gather your thoughts. Could feel their eyes on you as they changed the conversation. Already feeling cruddy enough that you’d let your best friends boyfriend touch you like that or that you hadn’t been able to get it out of your head since it happened.
The annoying craving you hadn’t been able to shake of wanting him to do it again, but maybe even more. Maybe even worse. Had been craving the way he talked at you. Which was making all of this really difficult right now.
As you looked back over to them you saw them do these little smiles before pecking each others lips. The romantic gesture causing your heart to ache a little. Which was so annoying as you’d never felt like that before. My how things can change in a month.
“Where you going?” Came from my mouth as soon as Steve stood up.
“Bathroom. Why you gonna miss me?” He teased.
“Definitely,” you mumbled as he leaned down to kiss your forehead. The spot tingling as he walked away. Bucky still keeping his eyes on you as if he was being paid to baby sit you.
“Did I tell you, you look nice tonight?” He said after a few moments of silence. As if he didn’t know. Before you left the house him and Steve had called you pretty so many times you were scared it was adding to your ego.
“Once or twice,” you replied, face feeling hot. Not that you wanted him to affect you like this.
Bucky looked his lips before they turned up in a smile. “What do you wanna do after this?” He asked. “Too pretty for us to just take you home. Gotta show you off.”
“It’s fine,” you replied. “Besides I’m getting kinda tired.” He narrowed his eyes before standing up. Coming to sit on the same side as you in the empty booth. “What are you doing?” You asked with a chuckle.
“Tired my ass. Come on, Doll. What do you wanna do? We could go dancing or maybe get some ice cream,” he named off before stopping. “Actually… that ice cream sounds really good.” He hummed before bringing his lips close to your ear. “Maybe I could eat it off of ya?”
“Bucky!” You smacked his leg making him laugh.
“I’m just messing with you, Doll.” He didn’t stop his laughter, “but actually that doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea.”
You glared at him as he smirked. Clearly proud of himself for his ability to make you squirm. If anything it was only egging him on. Wanted to see how far he could push you.
“Remind me to schedule an ice cream date for us one of these days,” he said, placing a hand on your thighs. The dress you were wearing was the one they helped you pick it when they took you shopping. Said you couldn’t wear any of the rags you wore on dates with Bryce while with them. As if it had bothered them before.
They weren’t lying when they said it had hugged four curves real well. Made you look like a grown woman. Could have sworn you saw Bucky’s pants get a little tighter when you modeled it for them. Now he was feeling all up on you without a care in the world when his partner could have come back at any moment.
“Fuck, Doll, you’re the prettiest fucking girl in his place,” he whispered in your ear. Free hand grabbing onto yours as the other moved circles on your thigh.
“Bucky,” you whimpered out. Already feeling like putty under his touch. “We can’t.”
“I’m not doing anything,” he said before kissing the side of your neck.
“What if he comes back,” you turned to him.
“We’re. Not. Doing. Anything,” he whispered in your ear again. Hands creeping dangerously close to your center. “See. I’m not the only one that thinks it’s insane that your boyfriend wasn’t eating you out. I ate you out once and now I can’t stop thinking about it.”
A soft gasp left your mouth as he kissed your neck again. As if there wasn’t anyone that could see the two of you in a restaurant full of people. It was like he didn’t care. Worse then that he was giving you exactly what you’d been wanting and you did not want him stopping even though this was the last thing either of you needed to be doing.
“But what about Steve?” You gasped out. “We can’t just-,”
“Steve’s fine,” he cut you off. “I think you wanna get caught. You naughty little-,”
“Alright you two ready to go?” Steve came back finally coming to sit on the side he’d already been occupying. Bucky was pulling away like shit didn’t happen
“Yeah. We were just thinking about what we should do after this,” Bucky sobered up. “What do you say doll. Keep it innocent and let us take you out for ice cream.”
And this man damn well knew he was far from innocent.
From the ice cream shop you were happy they were letting you call it a night. Not that you hadn’t been having fun, but you were definitely going to need a cold shower or something. Something felt strange about touching yourself while in their bed even when they weren’t home and right now you could use some kind of relief.
Had gotten off a few times in the shower but it just wasn’t the same. Even in the bathtub it was like none of it was ever enough. Funny how after all that time with Bryce you’d never felt this desperate but Bucky tongue fucks you and turns you into an addict and he hadn’t even made you cum yet.
“Damn, you’re making a big mess,” Bucky laughed as the ice cream dripped off onto your chest. Wanting to not chance it getting on your dress. “Gonna have to buy you a bib next.”
You glared at him before trying to smack his shoulder only for him to grab your hand. “Hey!” Not that he cared as he overpowered you. Leaning down so he could lick up the sticky liquid. “Bucky!”
Steve laughed beside the two of you. Shaking his head. “Gotta be tastier than eating it off the cone.”
You glared at him, but before you could say anything, Bucky grabbed the cone to hit it against your chest. The cold making you jump as Steve’s laughter increased. “Want a taste?” Bucky offered.
“Hey!” You protested, standing up. Looking down at the now dairy covered fabric. “What the hell!”
“Chill, Doll. We’re just messing around.” He laughed.
"I’m just gonna go shower,” you walked off to the guest room that had been used for your clothes that no one had bothered to make fine for you to sleep in. Regretting it tonight since you definitely needed some kind of alone time.
As you’d gathered your things to go to the bathroom you groaned seeing the door closed with the light on underneath. Fucking nice. “You ok?” Steve’s voice came from behind you making you jump. A smile turning up on his lips as you put your hands on your sticky chest cringing at the feeling. “Bucky got you pretty good, huh.”
“Yeah.” You mumbled.
“Come on. I’ll help you get cleaned up.”
“It’s fine. I’m gonna shower anyway.”
“I know, but just… let me help you, Doll.”
With that you followed him to the kitchen where he grabbed a towel to wet it. Gabbing it along your chest as you reached up to take it. “I can do it,” you said, but found yourself faltering as he looked into your eyes.
“I know, but I like taking care of you. Me and Bucky. We both do,” he said softly. “We hope you like it too.”
You nodded, lost in his gaze as he kept dabbing along your chest. “I mean I do, but-,” you stopped.
“But, what? You know you can talk to me.”
But I’ve been messing around with your boyfriend on the low? Felt so strange trying to come out and just say it. Even if you should have. “I know,” you whispered. With his half smile he leaned in to kiss your cheek. Letting his lips linger on your skin. “Steve, I…” you trailed off, chest feeling heavy. Bad enough Bucky had already worked you up.
“Talk to me, Doll,” he whispered lips close to yours now. His breath fanning against your skin.
“You know what we need?” Bucky’s voice boomed as he came into the room, making you fling yourself away. Steve stood there sober as hell still with a smirk on his face. Fuck it was like the two of them were trying to give you whiplash.
“What is it, Buck?” Steve asked.
“We are way too sober. I’ll just run to the liquor store real quick.”
Yeah cuz that’s what the three of you needed. Alcohol.
That shower really didn’t do much to curb the invasive thoughts you were having. Or the aching between your thighs. Had been feeling so pent up that it was no wonder you couldn’t get it together.
Bucky was still gone and Steve was holding two records in his hand. “What do you think, Doll?” He asked holding up the two options.
“Doesn’t matter,” you mumbled.
Steve hummed in response before deciding for himself. Music soon filling the room after. Not like you hadn’t grown to like their 1940’s tastes as much as they’d been willing for you to show them your own music.
He sat down beside you. The two of you letting the music play around you as you lost yourself in thought. Had been trying to take your eyes off of his broad shoulders or anything else that might make your mouth water.
Sat through the first song, still not speaking until the next one started up. “Oh! You have to dance with me,” Steve blurted out.
“Dance with me? Please.” He stood up, holding out his hand.
With a sigh you nodded. Taking his hand in yours so he could help you up. Even if you thought it was the last thing you should be doing. Ignoring the sparks that shot through your arm. Besides it was only a dance.
Steve snugly wrapped his arms around you, chin going to the top of your head. “This is nice,” he said, swaying back and forth with you.
Could feel how strong he was like this. Had gotten used to this in bed but it wasn’t like Bucky wasn’t right there. Had never felt all of him all alone.
Sure you’d hugged before, but guess you’d never felt so small next to him before. Your head starting to swim as if you’d had more to drink. Guess the two glasses of wine at dinner were starting to get to you.
“Did you have a good time tonight?” Steve asked, trying to force you to make conversation somehow. His insistence making you crack a smile as you’d had found yourself a little too comfortable in his chest.
“Mhm,” you hummed. “Until Bucky got ice cream on my dress.”
He laughed at that. “Well, to be fair, it did look pretty tasty.”
You looked up at him. Face all scrunched up. “You’re not supposed to agree!”
Another laugh left his lips as he looked down at you. “What do you want me to say.”
“I don’t know!” You rolled your eyes. “Go, hey, Y/N, sorry my boyfriend’s such an ass and spilled ice cream all over your tits.”
It only made him laugh more. “Well first of all, watch your mouth, Doll. And second it was only ice cream.”His words made your head jerk back. Except his arms tightened around you so you couldn’t step away. “Besides we had fun anyway.”
He rubbed his hands up and down your back. The spot he touched feeling so hot even through the t-shirt you were wearing. Not like he wasn’t right. Had been enjoying yourself you just felt so tense with the sneaking.
“We did,” you agreed.
“Something wrong?” He asked.
You shook your head. Going back to putting your cheek against his chest. “Just tired,” you mumbled.
“Aw, Honey.” He cooed, placing a kiss on your forehead. The spot tingling once again. “Guess I’m just surprised, though. Since the two of you had been fucking I’m surprised you’re so shy.”
With that said, it felt like someone had punched you in the gut. A sharp intake of air as if you’d been plunged into the Arctic. “Steve, we didn’t-,”
He laughed. “What? You didn’t think I’d know? Didn’t think I’d notice him touching you under the covers every night.”
“What? We haven’t.” You shook your head. “We- we didn’t. Not like that,” feeling yourself panicking.
Steve finally let you out of his hold but made sure to grab your hand. “Calm down, Doll,” he laughed. What the hell. “It’s ok.”
“I just- I’ve been wanting to tell you- and I’m sorry- I… I…,” you struggled to get the words out, “I promise I wanted to tell you i just-,”
“Doll, it’s. Fine.” Emphasizing each word. Bringing you back into him so his hands could go to your hips. “Can’t believe you didn’t think I’d already know. Think Buck wouldn’t have told me?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. He never said- I mean we never really talked about it,” you said, feeling that familiar prickle in your eyes as you tried to hold in your tears. “It just… happened. I promise it was only once… kind of. And-,”
“Doll,” he pressed. “It’s okay.” With that pulling you over to the couch. Taking. A seat and pulling you down with him. Right on his lap. “What you don’t believe me?” He asked, putting his hand on your cheek. Stroking it with his thumb. “If it wasn’t alright you wouldn’t be here, Baby.” He chuckled. “Especially after all that Bryce shit.”
“I just… I don’t know what I would have done without you both, ya know.” Your voice cracked as a tear slid down your face. “I didn’t have anywhere else to go and-,”
“Hey,” he whispered. Hooking a finger under your chin to make you look at him. “Relax.” Catching you off guard as he placed his lips on your cheek. The warmth of him making you melt. “That’s it. That’s our girl. My girl.”
Breath hitching in your throat. “Steve…” you couldn’t help yourself as you said his name. Brain already feeling too fuzzy.
The blond licked his lips while glancing down at yours. “What is it, Baby? Tell me what you want.”
“I’m just… thankful,” was all you could muster.
Steve chuckled. “Oh come on. I think you and I both know what you want.”
Your bottom lip quivered. “I don’t-,”
But, before you could say finish he cut you off with a kiss. At first you sat on his lap frozen. Even as your heart fluttered. Not like any girl wouldn’t get like this from kissing Captain America.
Which was the problem. You weren’t supposed to be like the rest of them. “We can’t,” you forced yourself to move away.
“Says who?” He scoffed.
“I don’t get you two,” you abruptly stood up before he could react. “What was this whole thing some kind of long con to fuck me.” You stood in front of him with your arms crossed.
He shook his head. Standing up with you. “Of course not. Even if we- look if you didn’t want this, none of this would change. The problem is I know you want it. Stop pretending you don’t.”
With that his hands were back to pulling you close. Arms still folded in front of you. Not like you could deny it.
“I can fucking smell how wet you are, Doll,” he whispered in your ear. “Think Daddy doesn’t know how horny you’ve been for him.”
Your jaw dropped at that. Never thought you’d hear words like that coming from Steve of all people. So quickly too you hadn’t even-
“Nuh uh,” he said, not caring anymore as his hands went down to your ass. You jumped closer to him. That only made him smile again. “Don’t bullshit me, Baby. I can fucking smell it on you.” He laughed. “How fucking wet you are. That you’re ovulating. Bet if I touched you right now you’d cream all over.”
“Steve!” You gasped. Could not believe you’d been hearing such vulgarity from Steve of all people. Or… huh.
“But am I wrong?” He came back to sit. This time instead of sitting, you straddled him. Feeling his bulge press into your center. The sensation making you yelp.
Didn’t even get the chance to answer him as he put his hands under your ass. Gripping the flesh in his palms. Not caring as you twitched up as you came back down on top of him.
It wasn’t like you didn’t know him and Bucky are attracted to women. Just had never expected them to be attracted to you. Yet there you were on top of one after the other had gone down on you. The other positioning you right over his dick that you could tell by the feeling would no way fit inside of you.
Yet as a moan fell from your lips, you know you were definitely a goner. The point of no return and then some. “That’s right. Why are you trying to play like you don’t want it, Baby. Knew you weren’t going to say no to me.”
“Steve-,” you couldn’t help it as you whimpered out.
“Unless you’re going to beg for my dick right now I don’t want to fucking hear it,” he growled. “Getting sick of your fucking mouth.”
Another whimper coming from you. Don’t know why you would be reacting to him like this after he talked to you like that. Something about it making you want to do as he said. Listen. Be good.
“That’s my girl, huh,” he whispered. “That’s my puppy isn’t it. You’re always such a good fucking girl for me, aren’t you?” He hissed.
It was all happening so quickly. No chance to react as he started kissing you again. This time not pulling away. Wrapping your arms around his neck. Hands still massaging your ass.
Wasn’t long before you were flipped on your back with him hovering on top of you. Hooking your leg over his hip. Moaning into his mouth as he ground his crotch into yours.
His tongue fighting yours for dominance even though you were already sure of your role. He’d get his way. Already had. Wasn’t like you wanted to tell him no.
Steve pulled away so he could kiss down your neck. “Cant believe that asshole wouldn’t eat you out,” he said. “All I can fucking think about and he wouldn’t do it? Fucking loser.” Had never heard him talk like this before, but you’d be lying if you said it had no effect on you.
“Steve,” You whimpered.
“Ah ah ah, that’s not what you call me. Say it right or I’ll stop.”
No. He can’t stop why would he stop! Doesn’t he see that he was making you come undone so easily. Didn’t it mean anything to him. “I don’t- I - Daddy,” You remembered.
Steve smirked. “That’s a good girl. Take this shit off.” Barely giving you the chance to react as he yanked you up so he could pull your shirt off in one fell swoop. Breasts on full display as he licked his chops. “Fuck,” he said before leaning down to take one of your nipples into his mouth.
“Daddy!” You mewled from the contact as he made a show of circling his tongue around one of the nub.
“That’s it. Fuck. You little slut. Have you been sleeping between us without a bra on this whole time,” he asked taking it between his teeth.
“I can’t sleep with one on,” you sounded so goddamn whiny, but you couldn’t help it.
“You don’t have to lie, Doll. You been waiting for me to taste you, huh?”
Not that it was your plan, but shit you kind of wish it had been been. “I didn’t mean to,” you whimpered.
“Didn’t mean to what? First you didn’t mean to fuck my boyfriend and now you didn’t mean for me to fuck you?”
“He didn’t!” You protested.
Steve got back on his knees. Grabbing your cheeks in his hand. “What did I say about you watching your damn mouth?” He asked. Teeth barred, eyes narrow. Looking like he was ready to devour you.
“He didn’t. I promise.” You whined. “I wouldn’t do that to you. I wouldn’t.”
Steve’s eyes softened at that. Watching you lay there flat on your back at his mercy. Even still trying to be a good friend. Well… as good as one as you could be in a situation like this. Isn’t that why they needed you. Your sense of loyalty.
Were loyal to Bryce when he definitely didn’t deserve it. Had shown yourself so many times to have had their back when no one else did. Things had been hard as hell when they first came out about their relationship and yet there you were.
Had gotten so close to them that it started to feel like you were part of them. Then Bryce of all fucking people had the nerve to get jealous. Except he should have been. If they’d known how easy you would have folded they would have done this sooner actually.
So as your pleas came from your mouth insisting you were telling the truth, something about it… he doesn’t know. He was Steve Rogers after all. It really was no wonder that it somehow only made him harder. Still you saw the glimpse of the Steve you normally saw.
“I promise. I’m sorry,” you pleaded. “I was feeling so cruddy. I didn’t wanna hurt you.”
“Hey, hey,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss you softly. “It’s ok. It’s ok.” All your emotions were clearly bubbling out as he came to sit up. Bringing you with him. “It’s ok. It’s ok,” he whispered softly. Kissing your temple.
“I just-,” you wiped your eyes. “I just don’t understand.”
“About what, Doll?” He asked, having not pulled his mouth away from you.
“Is this all you two wanted. I thought- I though-,”
Steve stopped you with a kiss. “Relax,” he said against your lips. You quivered and he didn’t stop. Peck after peck after peck. “Can you do that for me?”
You nodded. Not like you hadn’t been kissing him back. It was instinctive at this point. That ache still there. Wanted to feel his teeth back on your breasts. Just wanted him. “Daddy,” you moaned again. Can’t believe how easy it was for you to flip into it.
Steve deepened it after that. Starting to get up and holding you closer to him when you gasped in surprise. Not wanting to break the moment so he went right back to it. Carrying you to the bedroom.
He dropped you down on the bed getting on his knees this time in front of you. Finally breaking your embrace. Hurrying to pull off the little shorts you were wearing. Panties coming off with it. “No more clothes at bedtime,” he mumbled putting his lips on your thigh. Something about him seemed so thirsty.
Like he was dying to lap at your- as soon as his tongue touched you it was like you melted. Sinking down into the mattress. “Steve!” You moaned.
Hands going to his hair. Nails digging into his scalp. Steve groaned against you. Taking long licks from the bottom of your pussy to your clit. “Cant believe he wouldn’t eat you out. What a fucking loser.” Steve pulled away to laugh. Using his thumb against it now. “Taste so good.”
Going back to putting his mouth on you. Mouth falling open as you laid back back. Arms going above your head as you cried out. Shit. Between him and Bucky you can’t believe you’d settled for less for so long.
“I’m gonna cum,” you moaned, getting louder as that familiar. Snap ran through you. “You’re gonna make me- you’re gonna- I’m gonna- you’re gonna make me-,” you said hips moving back and forth.
His pointer finger rubbed your entrance only turning the intensity up. Made worse when he pushed it inside of you. Middle finger joining soon after. Making you yelp as he curled his fingers inside of you.
“I’m fucking cumming!” Your eyes rolled into back of your head as it finally happened. Couldn’t remember the last time you had an orgasm. Had interrupted Bucky before he could properly get you off and you’d been so pent up ever since. Needed this so bad.
“That’s it, Baby,” he hissed pulling away as you squirted into his hand. “That’s our fucking girl.” You tried to close your legs, but all Steve did was yank them open. Clearly hungry for you as he went back to what he was doing.
Soon enough he stood up. Unbutton his shirt wanting to sit up to help, but all you could do was convulse before him. He smirked down at you. Enjoying the view of you clearly stuck in ecstasy. Wanted to know what else he could get out of you. Dying to feel you wrapped around him.
“Tell me how bad you want it,” he said kneeling down in front of you. Now naked and ready to give you every single inch.
He rubbed his dick against your slit. Making you mewl for him. How the hell could he expect you to say words right now. “I need it so bad, Daddy. Please fuck me,” you begged.
Didn’t need to ask twice. Steve lined up with you. Tip against your slit. Leaning back down to kiss you. Making you taste yourself on his tongue. Nails digging into his back as he finally slid inside.
Mouth forming into an ‘o’ as he did. “Fuck,” he breathed.
It felt like he’d filled you the brim. Too much for you to take and not enough at the same time. Face screwing up as he threaded his biceps under your legs to spread you open wider.
“Fuck me,” you begged. “Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me.”
He put his forehead against yours as he thrusted into you. “Look at me,” another growl falling from his lips as you closed your eyes. That look was back. The lust. The need. “Knew you’d have good pussy. Pussy worth waiting for. Can’t believe you’d been wasting it on that asshole. Needed real men to handle you.”
“Yes,” you moaned. His lips going to your neck as you raked your nails up and down his back. The two of you breathing heavy as he rocked deeply inside of you. Legs wrapping around him. Lips going to his shoulder.
It all happened so fast when he rolled over to pull you on top. “Ride me, Baby,” he grabbed your hips so he could start rocking you on top of him. Throwing your head back as you got on your feet. Moving up and down.
“You’re too big!” You cried. Not like you hadn’t been expecting that it’s just shit this was a lot to handle.
“Oh come on. You can take it you’ve got it. You’ll make daddy proud. You know I don’t like quitters.”
You moaned at his words as he put his hands in your hair again. Making you bend towards him so he could kiss you again. Smacking your ass and then gripping it.
You looked between the two of you seeing you hadn’t even slid down all the way. Almost scared to make an attempt but the choice was made for you as he wrapped his arms around your hips to slam you down.
It felt like he’d split you in half at any minute. Couldn’t he see that he was breaking you. Though you were sure if you asked him, he’d say he didn’t care. And at this point you weren’t sure if you did either.
As your orgasm began to hit, thoughts had clearly left your brain. Putting your face into the crook of his neck. “You’re gonna make me cum again.” Practically weeping from the overstimulation.
This time as he changed positions, pushing you back on your back. Head laying at the foot bed. Needing to be the one in control. “Gonna let me fuck you whenever I want, huh?”
“Uh huh,” was the most you could muster.
“My little play thing?” He smirked, but faltered as he moaned out. “Feel so fucking- gonna make me cum too.”
“Uh huh!” You moaned again, eyebrows scrunching up.
“Gonna make me cum in you, Baby. Fuck. Want it so bad. Want daddy’s cum don’t you.”
If you were in your right mind you would have definitely been telling him to pull out, but you were much too overwhelmed. Unable to think as he fucked into you. So close to cumming on his dick. Wanted it more than anything. Wanted to-
“Ah!” You screamed, putting your face into his sweat covered neck as you came around him. Hips bucking wildly into him as the shocks ran through you.
“That’s it, Babygirl,” he hissed. “That’s fucking it. Cum for me.”
You put your hand to your mouth, silencing yourself. Chest racking with sobs. As badly as Steve wanted to reach up to rip it away he found himself too caught up in his pleasure.
A growl curdling in his throat to come out as a, “Fuck, Babygirl,” as he chased his own orgasm. Even catching himself off guard when he pulled out to rip you onto your back. Not giving you much time to register anything either as he pushed back into you from behind. “Fuck,” his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he gripped your hips.
“Daddy!” You finally let out a scream, unable to hold yourself up. Collapsing so your ass was still in the air with your back arched.
From this angle it just seemed that you somehow felt even better. The way you wrapped around him was making him dizzy. Found himself unable to stop from giving into his primal urges as he rutted his cock into you as few as he could go.
“C’mon, Babygirl,” he hissed. “Give me one more. You can do it for me. Do it for Daddy, Baby. You know what I fucking want.”
It was like he couldn’t control his mouth and you were fully under his spell. Drinking in his words. Letting them tingle in your ear until they added to the shockwaves shooting down to your core.
Especially as he laid down on top of you. Feeling so much bigger than usual even in stature. Wrapping his arm around your neck so he could pull you in. Having his ear to your lips, “Take it, Y/N. Take it,” he spoke like he was delirious, feel like he was getting even heavier with each movement until he could finally get his knot into you.
The invasiveness made you jump. Not able to go anywhere as he’d had you trapped under him. Letting out a deeper growl as he finally let go inside of you. Hips still moving as he gave you his seed. Knot ensuring that all of it would stay deep inside your pretty little cunt.
Even with the strange sensation, you relaxed into it as he slowed. Unable to fight him. Didn’t even want to. Felt like you couldn’t after the initial shock. Steve still staying on top of you as he finally came to a stop. Breathing heavy into the crook of your neck. Eyes getting heavy with each breath.
A part of you wondering what the hell just happened, but too fucked out to speak. Or form a real thought. Especially when he kept shifting his hips as he was still inside of you. Small whimpers escaped your throat from how sensitive you were.
“Steve,” you sniffled wishing the two of you were the other way. Feeling like you needed to hold onto him.
It was like he got the hint even if he didn’t bother to move. Still feeling him swollen inside of you, through slowly softening.
His arms wrapped around you tightly. Lips going to your cheek to place a kiss on it. “Shhh, Baby. It’s ok. I’m right here. Relax,” he said into your ear. “I’m not goin’ anywhere. You didn’t such a good job for me.”
As Steve whispered sweet nothings to you, Bucky stayed in the back of your mind. Can’t believe he was still out. Shit. What the hell were you supposed to do now.
Even then it wasn’t like you could focus on worrying. Steve finally making you drift off to sleep. Getting settled underneath him with no thoughts in your brain.
Can’t be too much of a party if one of you was asleep now could it. His jaw dropping at Steve as he smacked the man’s shoulder. “Could have at least waited!” He laughed. Not like he was one to talk.
After he finally pulled his knot from you, he was quick to get up. Making sure to tuck you in before getting up to clean up after himself. Not bothering to put any clothes on. As if Bucky hadn’t seen all of him by now.
Steve smirked, taking a sip of water. “You could have joined in at anytime.”
Bucky poured a second glass of whisky. Before handing it to his boyfriend who accepted. “Wanted to, but i had a lot of fun watching.” Before pressing a kiss to his lips. “Fuck. You even taste like her.” He hissed.
And it was true. He really could have, but every time he tried to move a muscle he find him glued to his spot. Watching you both through the crack in the door. Hand fisting his dick until he came against the wall that would definitely need cleaning. Then he kind of wanted to wait for you to do it. Your fault anyway.
Couldn’t bring himself to look away from the best porn he’d ever seen. Right in front of his face. All his fantasies coming true. The man of his dreams fucking the shit out of girl of his dreams what else could he ask for. And watching how well you took it even as you got overwhelmed, fuck why would he have ever looked away.
That’s why as he started to appreciate Steve’s super Solider stamina as he got hard in his mouth. He couldn’t get enough of the taste of your pussy on out. He could do with letting Steve feel like a cocky bastard with two cock hungry sluts begging for his dick tonight.
The problem is that you were right there, in the middle of their bed. Freshly fucked out after taking your first knot. While he would have liked to be the one to give that to you, he was also fine with Steve’s sloppy seconds.
Which is why he couldn’t help himself as he started kissing on your thighs. Salivating at the sight of his boyfriend’s cum only making your pretty little pussy look even prettier. Of course he had to taste you. Who better to clean you both up but him.
“Buck?” You asked in a tired voice, eyes blurring and then slowly adjusting. Fear shooting through your body, that only turned to confusion as he rubbed his thumb slowly over your tender clit.
“I hope and and Steve had fun together, Doll,” he said before licking your hole.
Because it was only just the beginning.
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mysticmunson · 1 year
in the cards
eddie munson x reader x steve harrington
summary: after a mundane game of go-fish, steve makes a proposition that changes your friendship.
word count: 7.1k
warning: SMUT, minors go away shoo, dumbification
quick shoutout to @lilacletter for being amazing and letting me talk about the fic way too much!
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Playing Go-Fish wasn’t the most exciting thing in the world, but the game barely persisted as Eddie and Steve conversated. After their shifts at work, they met at yours and Eddie’s apartment, the typical meeting spot since Steve tried to avoid his house like the plague when his parents were home. 
A mixed set of diamonds and spades sat in Eddie’s hand as he tapped his foot, tapping the pad of his fingers against his pursed lips. His collection on the table was growing, but still slightly behind the one before him. 
“Are you even listening to me?” Steve huffed, his elbows on the table as the other eyes flicked up in his direction, rolling on their way. Placing the game face down, he leaned forward, motioning for his friend to continue.
“She couldn’t even remember my name when she was leaving, man! And not even in a good way!” Steve groaned, throwing his cards down and rubbing his palms against eyes, slouching down in the wooden chair of the dining room table. 
The date he had had last week was eating him alive ever since he pulled away from Mary’s house. They both knew what they were going into when she offered him to come over while her parents were away. What he didn’t expect was for her to forget his name, still getting it wrong when he reminded her as she sent him off with, “See ya, Cleave.”
“What kind of name is Cleave? Do I look like a Cleave?” Steve questioned rhetorically as Eddie smirked, holding back a laugh as he nodded. “What? Never had a girl forget her name before, hotshot?” 
“Yeah, asshole, I have.” Eddie scoffed, rubbing the corners of his lips, “It was just one bad time, Mary is bland anyways, find someone you actually find interesting. Have a connection with.”
It was true, Mary had been a fairly desperate choice after a few dry weeks, bumping into her at the mall. He hadn’t seen her since high school, even then she would just come to his house parties to drink and head out with a member of the football team. He knew he could never forget her as during junior year, she threw up into his grandma’s vase and cried, running to a friend's car with the vase in arms.
“It shouldn’t be this difficult to get laid.” Steve sighed, pushing his chair to stand, sauntering over to the fridge to grab two beers. The wooden drawers were littered with Chinese food menus, appliance instructions, and loose change, but in the depths was a silver bottle opener. 
He firmly flicked the cap back, repeating the motion for the other bottle before tossing it back into the unknown. The tops scraped across the granite counters with a sharp noise, wincing as he put them into the garbage pail. Entering the dining room, he held the drink towards Eddie as he accepted.
“Not difficult to get laid, difficult to get laid good.” Eddie stated, shrugging and taking a sip. The bubbles tickled his throat as he coughed them away subtly, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“Since when are you the sex expert?” Steve grumbled, not enjoying the turn of events that this conversation was bringing forth. He fell to his seat, slumping as he threw his head back, taking a long slip.
It seemed like days ago that Eddie would ask Steve for advice on your guy’s sex life, paranoid that he would be shit at it and scare you away. He’d always assure him it wouldn’t, he had known you longer than Eddie, and it would take much more than awkward touching to get rid of you.
Now, it was more than days, weeks, or months ago. You two had been together for over two years, moved in together, and ironed out the major sex concerns. But Steve had never had to vent like this to him and his ego was bruising like a peach.
“Since I’ve had a girlfriend for almost three years and you can’t even get a steady hook up.” He snapped, rolling his eyes as he gathered all the cards in a pile, straightening them into a deck. The soft cracking of the paper hitting one another filled the room as Eddie began to shuffle, seeing quick splashes of red and black amongst the white sheets. 
“Whatever, maybe it’s cause I like trying kinky shit unlike some people!” Steve retorted, but was only met with a laugh that Eddie couldn’t hold back for even a moment. The boy's eyebrows scrunched as he looked at him expectantly, hoping for an explanation of his abrupt humor, “Oh what, you’re some King in the bedroom now?” 
After he stopped needing frequent advice, Eddie didn’t talk about sex that much, aside from the typical joke or banter. Steve figured it could be due to his friendship with both of you or that Eddie finally relaxed into the intimacy, but part of him always wanted to know the details. 
Sure, it was nosey, but everyone is nosey, especially when two of your closest friends start dating. You two were a bit of an odd pair, anyone with Eddie was as his rough exterior could juxtapose with your gentiler one. When Eddie would ask about how he should initiate sex or suggest something, it made Steve’s mind wander. He kept it under a fair amount of control, but he saw the fictional visuals as he made suggestions. He knew you both well, so well that sometimes he was convinced he was the puppet master of your sex lives for the first few weeks. 
Once you two had gotten closer, the chats stopped, with any questions towards Eddie being met with, “No complaints.” Short, but effective, and unfortunately, nothing to add onto. He tried to ignore it, focusing on his own issues, but it practically taunted him. He’d see a used condom in the trash when using the bathroom or notice the way you shivered when Eddie dragged his fingers against your bare skin, even in the most innocent of areas, shooting you a wink.
“I doubt that you wanting to try shit is prohibiting your action and King is debatable.” Eddie mused, resting his ring clad fingers against his gray shirt, the condensation from the glass lingering to darken the fabric. 
Finally, more than just blanket statements, he could work with this banter. 
“So just sometimes a King? Sometimes a disappointment like your old chum?” Steve joked, running a hand through his locks, working through a single knot that must have come from a kid pulling on his hair at work. Apparently kneeling to the bottom row to organize nature documentaries was a contact sport.
“I do what I need to do. And then some.” Eddie replies, but his friend can see the smile he’s trying to suppress before his lips meet the bottle again. So Steve nods for him to continue, putting his ankle against his opposite knee, giving him full attention.
Eddie doesn’t look over until he becomes painfully aware of the silence, seeing awaiting eyes. He liked having something private that no one would know or understand, seeing each other in a raw way completely enticing to the other.  
But part of him wanted to spill his guts, share every detail with precision and description. He was never one to bite his tongue, constantly having a new topic to discuss or argue about. He could trust Steve, probably more than anyone, and you trusted Steve a lot too.
“We’ve done a lot, she forgets my name and her own a lot. It’s… something else, man.” He sighs, relinquishing the sharp breath behind his teeth, curling his toes from inside his boots. 
“In a Cleave way or a good way?” Steve jests, not enjoying the slight awkwardness lingering, that Eddie cackles at, shaking his head.
“Good way, don’t think we would’ve lasted this long if she called me Freddie.” He laughs, one that Steve returns, “She goes dumb a lot, so it’s not unusual.”
The riot quieted as Steve tried to make sense of Eddie’s comment. You weren’t dumb, not by a long shot, you had managed those boys out of trouble more times than they could count. 
“Ya know, turns into an airhead, can barely talk, starts blinking slower, and just mumbling.” Eddie explained, “But sometimes, it gets really loud. Cries and drools a lot too, basically have to carry her cause her legs get too shaky.” 
Silence hung for maybe a moment before Steve laughed, making Eddie look up at the boy before him who rubbed fingers over his eyebrows. His eye roll was noticeable, even behind the stray hairs that fell as his head moved and the fans blew cold air. 
“What’s so funny, Harrington? Don’t believe me?” Eddie grimaced, annoyed at his friends behavior and trying to ignore the shot to his self esteem. His sexual experiences started years after Steve’s, it’s why he went to him in the first place after you two got together. 
As time went on, you made him feel relaxed about wanting things or experimentation, so much so that he didn’t feel a need to talk about it with anyone, but you. Steve would rant or rave about his newest find while he chose to hold his cards a bit closer, especially as you got more vulnerable with him. 
After your first few times together, he noticed you couldn’t fully relax into it like he could. There was a subtle rigidness to your form, as if your body could decompress, but you were holding back. When you revealed you wanted him to place his hands around your neck, he was nervous, but tried gently. 
He watched as your eyes went blank, breathing leveling out, and body molding to his against the mattress. His thrusts kept their harsh pace as he talked you through your orgasm, finishing himself not long after. During after care, he mentioned it and watched bashfulness cover your face.
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to have my hands around your neck to fully relax, baby.” He confessed, your body against his as he cupped your cheek, “Let's just keep trying different things and see what you like best, okay? I just want you to enjoy it.” 
The next few times were spent experimenting with positions, dynamics, and role play. It wasn’t until you stopped trying to force it that it happened. You had a particularly rough day, crashing into him with neediness that you usually tried to suppress as he led you to the bedroom. 
The same hazy gaze coated your eyes as he fucked you, the sound of skin against skin filling the room as you squeaked in response to his grunts. When Eddie noticed, he encouraged it, being gentle vocally to help you succumb to the pleasure you were craving. It made you feel weightless and made him feel like a hero. It became addicting, the dynamic of letting him care for you as you let the day melt away.
“Whatever man.” Steve commented, his lips meeting the bottle as he drank it halfway, burping quietly into his fist. 
“I’m not lying, jackass!” Eddie raised his voice, not indicating anger, but in frustration and his typical rowdiness. His brown eyes bore into his companions as they go from playful to complex. 
“Prove it.” Steve retorts, solidifying his stance at the opposition. Eddie had no reason to lie, but he couldn’t imagine you so defenseless. So helpless. 
Eddie opened his mouth to reply until his eyes widened, eyebrows disappearing behind his unruly bangs of brown. His reaction made Steve’s stomach drop, if the instigation was overstepping a boundary he had been blind to, but how were you supposed to react to this sort of proposition.
The gears within their head slowly churned as they stared at one another, pursed lips and nodding slowly and subtly. Downing the rest of his beer in one swing, Eddie let out a loud breath as the bubbles trailed down his gut. 
“Okay Harrington, if she agrees, join us.” Eddie decides, truly unsure on whether you would find the idea enticing or strange. Feeling a bit of both of those emotions, the boys shook their hands on it before letting their arms fall to their sides. 
That was 3 weeks ago. 
Steve figured you had opted against it, cringing at the idea of him becoming sexually involved in your relationship, but you nor Eddie were acting differently. You all went to dinner as normal, Steve came over every few days, all the mundane things that occurred prior to the conversation over cards.
When the days of radio silence fizzled to background noise, he concluded that it wasn’t going to happen, that the perverted thoughts that crept in his mind would remain there until they vanished. But with Eddie’s added details, it only enhanced the imagery, seeing everything when he closed his eyes. 
As he tied his shoelaces, sat on his bed in jeans and a sweater as he prepared to do last minute adult stuff, like going to the post office. Robin had been away at band camp for two weeks and asked him to write letters, most he forgot to send, but he was determined to make at least one get there before she came home and ridiculed him. 
His bedside table phone startled him, securing the knot before grabbing the green handle, almost knocking over the candle his mom got him for Christmas years ago that he had only lit once. 
“Yello?” Steve chimed, pressing the phone to his shoulder as he adjusted the watch on his wrist. He kept forgetting to puncture another hole in the leather to make it more snug. 
“Harrington, what’s up, man?” Eddie let out a breathy chuckle from the opposing end, making Steve check his calendar across his room. He usually came to their place on Tuesdays after his longest shifts and on the weekends, but he panicked that he forgot an event.
“Uh, just hanging out, ‘bout to head to the post office.” He hums, pressing his lips to a line, preparing himself for the scream he’s about to receive when Eddie reveals whatever he may have forgotten, “What about you?”
“Cool.” Eddie cuts his friend off, clearing his throat, “Remember that conversation we had like three weeks ago? She said yes, I told her you’d appear on a random day, I didn’t want her to be nervous.”
The thud within Steve’s stomach must have been picked up on the opposing line, his fingers halting their work at picking off the plastic covering of the coil connected to the phone. The only thing making him know this was real was Eddie’s grainy breathing in his ear through the shitty speaker. 
“I’ll be right over.” He declares, putting the phone down harsher than intended, standing up quickly to grab his box of condoms from his bedside drawer. His anxiety riddled brain begins to overanalyze, how many condoms do you bring to a threesome? What if they all break as he puts them on and has to do a walk of shame to the gas station to get more? What if you’re allergic to latex and have a bad reaction?
As he made his way to his car, he felt himself clam up as the worst outcomes infiltrated. What if this is a joke? Eddie luring him over, just to laugh at his anticipation to watch his girlfriend get fucked. He could tell the whole town how Steve Harrington is a cuck, a lustful heathen watching young women get pleasured. But then he rationalized that, who would Eddie tell? He had a loud mouth, but most tuned him out and he didn’t hang out with many people who would actually give a shit.
They were his best friends, they shit on him, but never intentionally made him feel bad. You had seen him at some of his lowest points, only providing comfort and a joke to lighten the mood. It would be a complete contrast to the girl he’s known for years.
His car pulled into the apartment complex, waving at the guard reading a newspaper who stood post daily. His typical spot beside your car was open as he backed in, placing his hand on the passenger seat to look behind himself, easing into the compact space. His car jolted to a stop as he turned off the engine, remaining in his seat belt for a moment, unable to believe he was here for this reason.
On autopilot he approached your door, softly knocking as he rocked back and forth against your doormat. The black font spelled Welcome, recalling how you dragged him along to buy furniture and decor for your place when you moved in.
“Hey man.” Eddie smiles, swinging the door open and letting his friend in. Steve nodded and slipped off his shoes, noticing the sound of running water from the bathroom, “You still wanna do this right? If not just say the word, I don’t want to fuck up-”
“I wanna do it.” Steve assures a bit too firmly, face reddening which makes Eddie laugh, going to the couch and sitting down. Steve followed, grabbing the blue throw pillow and placing it in his lap. 
“Alright, here’s the plan. She’s in the shower and still doesn’t know you’re here. She’s had a few rough days at work and needs to destress, so I’m gonna get her started and make sure she’s in a good headspace before you come in.” Eddie explains, more serious than most saw of him, “I’ll signal you, thumbs up or down for which direction this is heading. If she doesn’t want to today, just head out like normal, but if she does, don’t hesitate to back away during it. Neither of us will be offended, if she gets upset, it’s just because she’s in a headspace and I’ll handle it, nothing’s gonna change our friendship.”
Steve nodded as Eddie spoke, feeling more relaxed at his reassurance, comforted at his thought into it and how he accounted for everyone. He could tell Eddie was a bit nervous as he bit at his lip, playing with his rings by twisting them back and forth, the skin beneath becoming the shade of a strawberry. When the water turned off, he gave Steve a nod before walking down the hall to the bedroom, leaving the door open just an inch. The bathroom was connected, meaning you wouldn’t notice the opened door or Steve, just Eddie sitting on the bed nonchalantly. 
“Hey pretty girl, c’mere.” Eddie cooed, signaling you over in just your towel as you opened the door, hair down and dry as you washed it the day previous. 
Pulling your body close to his, you melted to his embrace, relishing in his soft shirt and strong arms. You had never felt comfort like how you did with Eddie, that peace could be contained in such an eccentric package. His lips pressed lightly against your damp skin, down your collarbone to your shoulder.
Tossing your head backwards, you barely noticed as he slipped off your towel, letting it fall down into a heap of beige. He met your lips with his, cradling your cheek with his palm, twisting to let you lay against the blanket. Yanking off his shirt quickly, he met you again, his tongue slipping behind your teeth. 
With your thighs at his sides, he rubbed his jean clad crotch against your bare cunt, making you mewl into his mouth. He scooted down between your legs, rubbing soothingly against your plush skin.
He could have gone all in, eating you out like he was starving, but he knew something more effective at this moment. He was delicate, pressing gentle kisses to your lower lips until you whimpered. He sucked on your folds, avoiding your clit to keep you needy, seeing your hands clench at your sides.
The salacious sounds flowed into the living room where Steve sat, keeping his gaze on the door for his signal, but his cheeks became crimson. It felt like an invasion, hearing two people pleasure each other, even though he was invited. He had been in this home more times than he could count, but he noticed the chips in the paint on the wall or the small stain in the carpet as he tried anything to avoid thinking of you spread out. 
“Eddie, please.” Steve heard from the bedroom, followed by the squeaking of the mattress and the male voice shushing you. He tried to rub some pain away from his crotch, biting his lip at the brief relief, but yanking his hand away as he heard your moans get louder until you cried out. 
It went quiet as Eddie’s upwards thumb came into view, the reality officially settling in as Steve approached the door. Stepping inside, he saw you naked on all fours upon the messy bed, facing the right side of the bed. His breath hitched at the sight, your eyes already spacy and only focusing on your boyfriend who stood with your chin in hand, wearing only a pair of black boxers. 
“Now sweetheart,” He began, summoning Steve over, “Are you going to be a good girl for our guest and me?” You nodded fiercely, only aiming to make him happy in this blissful state, making him chuckle as he dropped his grasp. “Alright, get him started.”
Steve wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, but you apparently did, sitting up and pulling off his sweater. You were at eye level when you looked the other way, waiting for the approval of your partner before you met your best friend's lips. The kiss was tentative, his movement hesitant as he felt someone watch, but he soon fell into the touch.
He held your cheek, deepening the kiss and stepping closer. Your mouth was minty and warm as his tongue crossed the border, exploring the uncharted territory he had fantasized about. Your hands reached his belt, undoing the metal buckle and unzipping his jeans. Your palm rubbed against his growing erection, making him moan into you before biting your lower lip.
With a small trail of spit, you pulled away and moved to the floor to sit on your haunches. Yanking his trousers and underwear to the floor, you averted to Eddie, taking his remaining clothes off. You licked your hand to gently tug at Steve’s cock as your mouth was occupied with your boyfriends length. 
Their groans almost harmonized as they got harder under your touch, finding power within the submissiveness. A firm hand came to your head to push the cock further down your throat, gagging briefly as you sucked in a breath through your nose. Switching the placement, you felt Steve twitch when your lips met his tip, swirling your tongue around the smooth skin. 
“Fuck.” Steve whispered, his stomach clenching as you bobbed your head, your hand moving in a similar motion against Eddie. He found too much pleasure watching his girlfriend blow their best friend, but it made him hard and it only increased as he realized how much consensual power he had in the scenario.
He grasped your wrist, moving it so he could move lower, squatting beside you. As you reached the end of Steve’s dick, Eddie yanked you off as you squeaked, his hand threaded into your hair. He made a soft tsking noise, shaking his head with a shit eating grin. 
“On the bed.” He instructed, assuming your previous position on all fours as he sauntered behind you, grabbing a condom from the bedside table. He nodded at you as you began to suck Steve’s dick once more.
Eddie stroked himself inside the plastic and slid his head through your wet folds, watching the tip get shiny. He smirked, pressing into your cunt as you moaned, a low vibration surrounding your invaded throat. When you came up for air, Eddie laughed to both you and Steve’s surprise. 
“Now, now, don’t be shy. Tell Stevie what you’re really thinking about,” Eddie taunted, watching embarrassment flood to your face as Steve looked downwards in confusion, meeting the man's eyes next, “Are you gonna tell Stevie? Hm?”
Looking back at Eddie with a wobbly lip, Steve felt his heart twist and subconsciously brought his hand to your cheek to rub it soothingly. Steve wasn’t used to seeing his friend be a bit of a dick, mocking and belittling you, but there was still so much care. And you clearly enjoyed it, finding peace within the world he made for you behind the wooden door and concrete walls. Eddie laced his fingers into your hair, smirking as you looked up at the man before you.
“Go on, tell Stevie how you’ve been dreaming about his balls in your mouth.” Eddie taunted as his friend grew a cheshire smile, biting his lip to prevent his own laugh. 
“Want ‘em, baby?” Steve lured, moving closer with his erection by your face as he lazily stroked it, blossoming red. All you could muster was a whine, launching forward to suck on one of his most sensitive places.
Stars appeared before Steve as your hand moved to jerk him off as your mouth went to work beneath it. Eddie’s thrusts picked up momentum with a smack to your ass, rubbing the skin tenderly as you moaned.
“Fuckin’ loves it, man. Practically begs for my balls.” Eddie musters out, flicking his gaze up as both held condescending smirks, “Loves when you press them on her face or… on her pussy.” With his last words, Eddie pressed them against your folds, clit feeling his warm skin as you cried out. 
Shortly after, Eddie pulled away, tilting his head to signal their partner away too. When he got a good look at you, Steve really realized what Eddie meant. Your eyes were glossy, lips hanging open and doing whatever you were instructed. He was snapped from his daze when a condom flew at his chest, fumbling to grab it before it hit the ground.
Eddie held up the box, showing the sizing that was a match for Steve’s, so he opened it, putting it on with a grunt as he felt sensitive. You laid down horizontally on the mattress, Eddie by your head and Steve by your feet. Eddie hadn’t come yet, but pulled away the condom, knowing he was about to enter your mouth. 
“Hey, look at me.” Eddie commanded gently, squatting to meet your eyes as you looked in a haze, “Focus for a second, baby.” Steve went stagnant, releasing himself from his grasp and rubbing small circles on your hip. 
“Now, your hand stays on my thigh at all times, okay?” Eddie asks, awaiting your nod. Giving head in this position, him above you with your nose covered by his skin, was glorious, but made him anxious. He didn’t play around when it came to things like this, knowing how ditsy you can get and the lack of oxygen it can cause if you couldn’t signal him.
“I want you to tap my thigh once for Yes or Good, then twice for No or Bad. If you need to call Yellow or Red, smack me as hard as you can.” He instructed, smoothing your hair back from your forehead, “I need to hear you say it, pretty girl.” 
“Once for yes, twice for no, smack for red.” You whispered, reaching behind you for his hips and he grabbed your wrists. 
Giving you a warning glare, you slinked them down, resting them on your warm tummy. 
“If your hand leaves me or you don’t respond, Steve and I both pull away.” He addressed, making you whimper, “It won’t happen if you do those two things.”
Nodding, you sniffled subconsciously, looking into your devoting boyfriend's eyes with a small smile. He stroked your cheek sweetly for a moment, kissing you upside down, mumbling a sweet ‘I love you’.
While Steve had never seen this side of Eddie, he knew it had to have existed as you were a fairly emotional person. It wasn’t anything abnormal, you just felt things intensely in general.
He kneeled on the bed, glancing at your face and observing as he slid himself inside. He knew that as soon as he heard your moanful gasp, that it would remain on repeat in his brain far longer than it should. Inching himself in with a shaky breath, he held onto your plush hip, relishing in the soft noises leaving your mouth.
Straddling over your face, your hand resting on Eddie's thigh, he pushed his tip inside your lips. He moaned at the vibrations around his cock as you made muted noises, biting his own lip and clenching his eyes. 
The pleasure you felt was all consuming, feeling full by your best friend and the warmth of your boyfriend on your face with the rest of him using your throat to get off. Spit pooled to the top of your mouth, coming down your chin, feeling Eddie’s thumb rub some on your lips. 
Eddie’s hand went down to squeeze your breast, toying with the nipple to evoke shivers. Your brain had drifted away, senses overloaded to a state of bliss beyond comprehension as they utilized your body for what they desired. When Steve’s fingers reached your bundle of nerves, your legs began to shake, whimpers struggling to surface.
Hands from both ends stroked your soft skin gently, attempting to calm you down. But  part of Eddie was losing his mind, watching you be pleased by another man, but a part of him couldn’t look away. His gaze lingered at your cunt being filled, but Steve’s eye’s couldn’t tear away from seeing the outline of Eddie’s cock through your neck. 
“Hand. One warning.” Eddie grunted after your hand had fallen to your sides, too immersed in your head to remember the one rule instructed to you. The muffled squeak could be heard as it flew back to his tattoo, gluing itself to the detailed ink. 
The squelching of your arousal was filling the room, Steve throwing back his head, pushing some of his brown locks away. The position was good, but he wanted more, letting his hands flow from your hips to your knees.
In a swift motion, he bent them, holding your thighs down to fuck you deeper, making sure his balls hit the bottom of your pussy. Eddie laughed as you yelped, taking an opportunity to thrust faster down your throat, making you gag. 
Maybe there should have been more shame in how much pleasure you received from being manhandled, especially by two people, but their gentle touches felt far more erotic than anything else. 
Starving off an orgasm, Eddie slowed down, making the strokes longer, nuzzling down to the hilt. His mouth hung open, eyes fluttering for a moment before opening in front of him to see Steve, who looked at where the two of you met. When Steve looked up to see Eddie’s blissed out grin, he blushed, lips parted slightly. 
As Eddie relished in the pleasure, he felt your hand beginning to slip before falling to the sides, giving you a few seconds to see if it was an accident, before pulling away abruptly. Steve noticed and backed away too, softening his gaze at your bashful and frazzled demeanor. 
“No, wait, please.” You mumbled, throat growing slightly raw as you tried to sit up, but Eddie walked to the side, dragging you to sit up by your armpits. He can see the way your thighs are clenching, adjusting in discomfort with wide eyes. 
“We’re gonna try something else, okay?” He soothed, rubbing your cheek with his thumb before kissing you. Steve felt himself growing weaker as he neared his end, cock blossoming a bright red, and opted to take a seat on the bed. Eddie had turned away to grab a fresh rubber, “Get on top of him, baby.”
After receiving the instructions, you followed them by straddling Steve and kissing him. The hormones were flowing with more intensity as you ached for an orgasm while he hoped he’d at least last a bit longer. 
“Fuck her, Harrington.” Eddie’s voice boomed as he approached, his knees on the bed as he went behind you. Without hesitation, Steve angled himself to your entrance and slid his tip inside. You gasped between kisses, sinking down on it with little resistance as due to the gravity and his hands guiding your waist.. 
Meeting your hips halfway, Steve moaned at the feeling of you on his cock and Eddie watching with a stoic expression. You threw your head back as a wave of brief pleasure coaxed you, not quite at your peak before getting closer. 
Through the movements, Eddie reached to his drawer, pulling your preferred lube choice and put some onto his hand. He grabbed himself, making sure his length was well covered and dragged his damp finger against your other hole. He felt your body shutter at the delicate touch, this being something fairly new for you both, and never doing it at the same time as classical penetration.
A loud gasp sent your lips away from Steve’s, making his brows furrowed in confusion until he saw your boyfriends focus downward. Steve hushed you, holding your head against his neck to let you cry out, body tensing at the sudden sensation of the man behind you. 
“I know, sweetheart, I know. You’re doing so good.” Eddie assured, being as delicate as he could as he inched his way inside. Every vein and ridge felt so prominent within the canal of your holes, closing your eyes to focus on the way they both felt. 
Your barely audible cries made both men feel guilty, Steve stroking your hair and Eddie rubbing your back. The safe word or colors hadn’t been utilized, so they knew they weren’t going over any limits, but the tears falling down your cheeks weren’t easy to witness.
He reached a point where most of himself was inserted in your ass, beginning to thrust subtly to test the waters, putting a few drops of lubrication to where you connected for some extra help. 
“You’re okay, honey, we gotcha.” Steve moved his hand between your bodies, finding your clit to rub small circles against the needy bud. The pleasure helped ease the ache from both men inside, nails digging into his tan shoulder. It was a few minutes later when you finally mewled, the sensitivity of your body finally meeting the pleasure they were proposing, feeling their tips reach a point inside you.
“There she is, there’s my girl. Doin’ so good, baby.” Eddie praised, holding your hips still to let him control the pace, also giving his friend more leeway to thrust up into you. The spurts of satisfaction became more frequent as all three of you grew more comfortable, gaining a rhythm. 
“Feel so good, sweetheart, fuck. Better than I imagined.” Steve blurted, resting his forehead against yours as his hands multitasked between your chest and between your legs. 
The sensation was overstimulating, penetrating the most intimate of places with pain and pleasure. The world around you seemed to turn to television static, aware of it, but with no concept of what truly was going on. 
With your cheek pressed against Steve’s cheek, your mouth hung open to release small squeaks, a few tears still trickling as the pain slowly subsided. You curled your toes that were pressed against the comforter, a reminder of your physical presence. 
The reminder must have not been clear enough as both men pulled out abruptly, the sudden emptiness startling you with a whimper that was quickly hushed. Eddie sat against the pillows, pulling your back to his chest, pressing a few short kisses to your neck and lips with small words of encouragement. 
Yanking your legs across, you were spread out against Eddie’s lap as he re-entered your ass, the insertion much quicker than before, making you wincereleased a sob. Eddie tilted your face towards him, hushing you calmly. Steve moved towards you on both knees, preparing to slip inside, but became transfixed on your glistening pussy. 
His mouth met your cunt, lapping up your messy arousal from your puffy folds. Shivers ran down your spine as you focused on his tongue, balancing with the ache of Eddie’s cock inside. Steve’s mouth reached your clit, slipping two fingers inside to curl upwards, finding a familiar spot that made you moan.
“Don’t come yet.” Eddie commanded and felt your body tense against him, nodding with a bitten lip. He would typically make you verbally agree, but he knew the whole situation was fairly intense, so he wasn’t going to get hung up on minor details.
“Didn’t think you’d be so cruel, Munson. Especially not with this cute little cunt.” Steve smirked, rising back to his knees as his mouth glistened with your arousal. 
The vulgarity falling from his lips was due to comfort, realizing he could also join Eddie in the game with boundaries. He watched his friend roll his eyes with a laugh while Steve slid in quickly, making you gasp. 
There was a hitch in your throat, coughing it through as you tried to regulate your breathing. The new position had you more revealed, Eddie’s hands holding your knees far apart and propositioning you completely exposed to their guest.
“Kiss please.” You mumbled, attempting to get closer to Steve’s face, which made him laugh. 
“You have two cocks inside you and still need more?” He sassed, instantly regretting it as your face fell and Eddie glared, “I’m just kidding, baby, c’mere.” His lips met yours fast, absorbing every second of passion between you both. 
Eddie kissed along your neck, still ignoring the jealousy he had over your exchange with their friend, but reminding himself he knew you like no one else did. Like how he knew it took a lot for you to ask for specific things when you were vulnerable, something he’d definitely need to mention to Steve.
A burn began to strike in your lower gut, broiling as they increased their movements, the sounds of wet skin hitting one another as your slick and the lubricant covered both of them. Steve’s thumb met the bundle of nerves between your legs again, ruthlessly swirling the pad of his finger against it with no mercy.
The pleas from your mouth didn’t commute as your jaw fell open, a shaky hand attempting to ease some of the pressure below, but they only increased their intensity. They could see you falling apart with little regard, their own balls tensing at the approaching orgasm, but they weren’t done with you yet.
“Off please.” You mumbled to Eddie, his brows furrowed in concentration, catching your gaze as you rested your head on his shoulder. 
“No baby, not tonight,” He whispered, which ignited a whine that he quieted, “You’re being good sweetheart, just not tonight.”
Steve wondered what you were referencing, but found it pointless to question now as Eddie wasn’t allowing it. He glanced down to see himself slotted between your legs, a glistening mess that made his stomach clench. A deep moan left your stomach as you began to shake, crying out at the overstimulation and feeling yourself losing control. 
Eddie’s ring clad hands seared into your hip, attaching his lips to your neck as Steve leaned in to snatch your lips. The kiss was fierce, desire overcoming all of you in mere moments as the finish line came in sight. Your boyfriend groaned and threw his head back as he came, body shaking as the tightness of your ass strangled him. 
Somehow Steve managed to get you to finish before him, his fingers moving quickly against your clit until you cried out, letting himself release. He shivered against your chest, your nipples grazing across his damp skin, trying to use his free hand to hold himself up. 
The whimper you released was inevitable as Steve slipped out, rolling to his side, and Eddie pulled out. The emptiness was jarring as you tried to come back down to Earth, a mixed set of emotions encompassing you as the boys helped you lay down, molding between them. 
As the intense huffs subsided, your eyes fluttered open to see two sets of brown ones looking at you with affection. Eddie’s calloused thumb came to your cheek, wiping the stray tears that had slipped, and Steve’s firm hand rubbed your hip. 
“You feelin’ okay, baby?” Eddie asked, tilting your head up, knowing eye contact can sometimes be difficult for you after intense sex. He can see your hazy look, blinking blankly and nodding slowly. “Let’s get you cleaned up then you can sleep, okay?” 
The question didn’t need an answer as he pulled on his boxers, lifting your body up and carrying you bridal style across the hall as Steve picked up his boxers from the floor. He sat on the edge, stretching his back that he thought was pulled after the intense climax, but the exhaustion waved over him instead. Rubbing his eye lids, he lost track of time in his own daze, hearing the squeak of the bathroom door open. He looked up, Eddie smiled and raised his eyebrows quickly with you in his arms. 
“She about fell asleep in there,” Eddie chuckled, “Stay the night, man. It’s getting late.” He told Steve, bending down to snatch his discarded shirt and put it on your body. Steve nodded, scooting back to his original placement on your right while Eddie went to your left. 
The rustling made you squeak, just on the brink of slumber, nuzzling into the both of them. Hushing you, they both maneuvered the shirt onto your body, opting to forgo the panties due to your sensitivity. Your soft snores vibrated against Eddie’s chest, your bottom against Steve, as they laid on their backs.
“What did she want off?” Steve asked, breaking the silence, his friend looking over at him in confusion, “Towards the end. You said she was still good, but not now.”
A blush settled on Eddie’s cheeks, looking down at you and kissing your head. A laugh threatened to form as he tried to word it as clean as possible.
“She wanted the condoms off.” He replied, watching Steve’s eyes open wider, rubbing a hand on his face with a small sigh of disbelief. “We only do it every once in a while, for obvious reasons, but she usually asks for it when she’s small.” 
“She’s gonna kill me.” Steve mumbled, making Eddie laugh with a yawn cutting him short, now yawning as well. He wasn’t sure what the morning would look like, but he didn’t have the energy to think about it, he was going to enjoy what the night had brought him.
He needed to start playing Go-Fish more.
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hi! thank you for reading, mwah!
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moonpascaltoo · 25 days
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╰┈➤ 18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all steve harrington stories i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, let me know <3)
a/n: so embarrassing please ignore this. this is the same post. i couldn’t edit it whatsoever. some links weren’t working so i deleted the original. so i apologize for doing this again and retagging writers. (had to split it into two parts)
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✰ steve harrington ao3
✰ steve harrington two
✰ @upsidedownwithsteve
          ☾ give me a night, i'll make you
                    ⌗  Steve teaching reader how to really kiss? Like she’s only ever had bad ones before?
          ☾ my name is whatever you decide part 2
                    ⌗ old money steve, an infatuated waitress, no labels, a disaster waiting to happen. some smut, some jealousy and too many mentions of monaco
          ☾ she drives me crazy part 2
                    ⌗ summer camp, broken kayaks, too much tension and that boy you hate. an enemies to lovers camp counsellor story
          ☾ meet me in the afterglow part 2
                    ⌗ another year at summer camp, more broken kayaks, a change of plans, a lot of wondering. meet us in the afterglow.
          ☾ grumpy x sunshine
✰ @crappymixtape
          ☾ because of you part 2
                    ⌗ enemies to lovers
✰ @andvys
          ☾ I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss
                    ⌗ Steve was slipping through your fingers and you desperately held onto him not realizing that his heart wasn’t yours anymore. Dealing with the aftermath of your breakup turns out to be harder than you thought. Steve’s presence still lingers and while he keeps a hold of your heart, someone else sneaks their way into it too.
✰ @astermath
          ☾ second chance
                    ⌗ steve decides to ask out the girl who he keeps seeing around hawkins with her nose in a book. he’s a little surprised when he gets brutally rejected, only to find out his “king steve” era is haunting him more than he expected. he attempts to make it up to you and show you he’s changed, even if it takes him a couple of tries.
✰ @munsonson
          ☾ hurt feelings part 2
                    ⌗ 𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘴 𝘶𝘱 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯'𝘵 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳. 𝘜𝘯𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘮, 𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘴.
✰ @lovebugism
          ☾ king!steve & shy!reader
                    ⌗ the one where king steve keeps his best girl a secret
          ☾ shy!reader
                    ⌗ steve finds out the cute girl at the record store likes him and decides to bring her ice cream as a proclamation of love
          ☾ comfort request
          ☾ king!steve & shy!reader
                    ⌗ steve comforts you when he accidentally makes you flinch
          ☾ shy!reader
                    ⌗ steve helps his shy gf celebrate her very first valentine's day
          ☾ shy!reader
          ☾ shy!reader
          ☾ jealously, jealously
                    ⌗ steve doesn't realize he's in love with you until he gets a glimpse of you with someone else
✰ @scoopsahoy
          ☾ more than just friends
                    ⌗ you and your best friend have gotten into the habit of making out, as long as there's no touching. but that's easier said than done
✰ @upsidedownmvnson
          ☾ tell me you love me part 2
✰ @starryeyedstories
          ☾ absolutely smitten
                    ⌗ There’s a new crew member at Scoops Ahoy and Steve might have a crush.
✰ @starcourtsteves
          ☾ the aftermath
                    ⌗ After the Battle of Starcourt, Steve and the Henderson siblings go back to the Henderson house for a sleepover so Steve and the reader are catching up/finally relaxing in bed (she was with the Kids and Steve in the Russian base). Dustin eventually crashes in his sister’s room for mutual comfort.
✰ @ashwhowrites
          ☾ angsty request
✰ @nervoushottee
          ☾ illicit affairs
                    ⌗ You wish you were enough for Steve, but he will always want Nancy.
          ☾ go for it
                    ⌗ Steve has been your “movie guy” at Family Video for a while now. Little does he know that the main reason you’ve been buying these movies is to flirt with him and just maybe ask him out…
✰ @harringtown
          ☾ stories tucked away
                    ⌗ AU in which the reader is pulled into the Stranger Things world. With the knowledge of how the story ends, they try to change the script and save the characters they’ve come to love. But this isn’t just a show, anymore, and destiny isn’t easily affected, even if that destiny was written by a pair of grown-up film kids (aka a self-aware reader, the same old gang, the same old monsters, eventual steve/reader, and a few surprises)  
✰ @fleurrreads
          ☾ right person wrong time
✰ @plainemmanem
          ☾ golden hour
✰ @loveshotzz
          ☾ comparing hand sizes
          ☾ i guess its never really over
                    ⌗ Convinced by your best friend to return to Hawkins for the summer, nothing is like how you left it five years ago, including the boy you’ve done nothing but try and forget.
✰ @luveline
          ☾ (its not like) hes my boyfriend
                    ⌗ Steve hears you wrong, thinks he’s your boyfriend, and begins to act accordingly. You try your best to go along with it until you can’t anymore
✰ @fictionalthrill
          ☾ a stranger valentine
                    ⌗ Steve puts himself out there on Valentine's Day
✰ @princekeerys
          ☾ alt!reader
✰ @certifiedlovergirlsstuff
          ☾ do you want to be my valentine
✰ @stevie-petey
          ☾ oh, you didn't know
                    ⌗ steve is pathetically in love with you and for some reason the universe hates him and continues to pray on his downfall. typical.
          ☾ jealous!steve
          ☾ steve blurb
✰ @ash5monster01
          ☾ wrong address
                    ⌗ Three dozen roses have just been delivered to your door on accident, in attempts to find the sender and correct the mistake, you discover you might have just found your match.
✰ @lesservillain
          ☾ think i need someone older
          ☾ borrowing
✰ @handful0fteeth
          ☾ hot for teacher
                    ⌗ you’re going on your first date with steve harrington, and hours before he’s due to pick you up your best friend gives you some rather unsavory information.
✰ @keerysfreckles
          ☾ breaking the silence
          ☾ time after time
                    ⌗ steve's longing glance to y/n makes him decide to stay at the hawkin's middle school snow ball.
          ☾ reunions
                    ⌗ during spring break of 86, y/n hopper flies back to hawkins indiana (dustin's request) and isn't surprised when dustin tells her the world might end again.
✰ @captainmarvels
          ☾ where i lay down
                    ⌗ Steve has one year left to get you to talk to him, and he doesn’t realize how much he loves the game until you let him win.
          ☾ a case of you
                    ⌗ When you catch Steve’s eye from across the mall, all he can think about is you. Will he garner up the courage to say hi, or will your flirtatious banter remain an unspoken thing?
          ☾ home away from home
                    ⌗ When you and Dustin leave Steve alone for half the summer, he realizes just how much he loves his two favorite people.
✰ @jurassicbarnes-archives
          ☾ the keg stand
                    ⌗  In which you take a stand to protect your best friend’s reputation. 
          ☾ eventually
                    ⌗ In which you break up with Steve but a series of unfathomable events eventually lead up to you wanting him back.
          ☾ coy
                    ⌗ In which you make the first move (and Robin wins a bet)
✰ @slashersteve
          ☾ next best thing to an angel
                    ⌗ Reader has been cursed by Vecna, and the group has to work fast in order to find a way to rid her of it. There's too many close calls, and just when they thought they had it figured out...it just might be too late.
          ☾ stuck with me
                    ⌗ you and Steve have been through some tough shit, but it was always together. This time, it really seems like you’re going to die and Steve doesn’t want to die without telling you something first.
          ☾ some kind of disaster
                    ⌗ Reader and Steve have been together for a few weeks now, and she runs into a person she had a fling with once. That person was Billy Hargrove, and it’s the first Steve’s hearing of this.
          ☾ ahoy there
                    ⌗  Steve keeps striking out with girls, and Robin is having a time about it. The score for the day is 0-5, and then you approach the counter and suddenly it becomes 1-5. 
          ☾ lets kiss
                    ⌗ It might be the end of the world, and you're for some reason worried about having never been kissed. Steve decides to change that.
          ☾ five tickets
                    ⌗ Steve couldn’t pass up a chance to be able to kiss you, even if there is a price.
✰ @munsonluhvr
          ☾ how to fake it part 2 part 3
                    ⌗ In an attempt to cover up a lie and make his ex-gf jealous, Steve enlists you, his best friend, to fake date him.
          ☾ whats wrong with being confident
                    ⌗ king!steve harrington x confident!reader. after setting his eyes on you in the cafeteria, steve, and all of his ego, pursues you; though you don't fall to your knees quite as easy as the other hawkins high girls.
✰ @str4ngergirlw0rld
          ☾ angsty steve blurb
✰ @steveharringtonat3am
          ☾ grumpy x sunshine
✰ @buckylattes
          ☾ alone with....him
                    ⌗  You get locked in a store with Steve(thanks to him being an idiot) and you’re not sure how long it’ll take to get out…but something else gets out before you guys do. Thankfully it stops your arguing and hate for each other. 
hopefully all links work, let me know if not <3
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ang3lofsmalldeath · 1 year
blurb of steve harrington x reader having a daddy kink (minors DNI; not proofread)
maybe it was the warmth of steve’s heated pool or the sips of rosé you had rushing to your brain, but you couldn’t stop the fluttering in your tummy as you watched steve play basketball with the younger teens in his pool. you certainly couldnt stop the feeling when robin swam up to sit with you on the pool steps and pointed out steve’s behavior, “ugh look at dingus… god he’s gonna be such a good dad one day- it’s kinda annoying.” of course, you couldn’t help but agree with her, a dreamy sigh slipping out of your month while steve dunked dustin under the water, and you had begun imagining him with a lil fluffy-haired babe of his own. robin clocked the way you were looking at steve, “don’t you agree?” she questioned as you quickly nodded your head, “oh i see- you wanna be the one to make him a daddddyyy!” teasing you in that sing-song voice, making you simply giggle in return, trying to ignore the warmth that flushed to your cunt thinking about steve as a daddy.
one of the best things about your relationship with steve is that he almost always can tell how you are feeling, he can read you like a book. so you weren’t shocked that he immediately could tell what you needed when you wrapped your arms around him, basically hugging him from behind as he cleaned the grill, clad in just his yellow crewneck over your damp bikini to fight the nip of the wind. at this point, everyone had left so he felt no shame as he put his arm around your shoulder, pulled you into his side, and stared at your glassy puppy-dog eyes. breathlessly chuckling, he pressed a chaste kiss on your forehead, “i know, honey, i know.”
once you got inside, steve all but carried you to his bedroom, both of you loving the way he manhandled you, as you pressed small pecks on his jaw and cheeks. “are you feeling needy, baby, huh?” he teased, turning the knob on his door, noticing the way your hips were trying to hump his. you could whimper and squirm in response as steve sat down on his bed with you in his lap. you were both so turned on, and still a lil tipsy, so it wasn’t a surprise when you ended sinking down on his throbbing cock, his hands on your waist, within a few minutes. “o’shit baby, yeah there you go, my good girl. jus’ the tip, ok, don’t hurt yourself baby- god you’re so fuckin wet,” steve couldn’t help his whines and moans as you trembled like a leaf around him, cockdrunk trying to take him deeper. “hnghhh-oh! i-i ca- cant-s’good daddy”. you didn’t catch the petname slipping past your lips, but steve did. stopping you from sinking any further, he stilled your hips and grabbed your face by squishing your checks “what did u call me, honey?” of course you were beyond embarrassed, but with his steady grip in your face you had nowhere to run. “i’m s’sorry! i didnt mean to i-it jus’ slipped out-” you felt stupid and small and you couldn’t control the tears dripping from your eyes. “aw, sweetheart, it’s okay, dont be embarrassed. i jus’ wanted to know why you want to call me that. y’know ill give you whatever you ask for, angel”. you stopped your sniffling, and shifted your eyes to nervously connect with steve’s, basically whining out “ ‘s just-robin asked me if i was ever gonna make you a dad, ‘n’ i cant help imagining it- you take such good care of all of the group now, and well… me so i jus’ couldnt stop thinkin’ about it”
steve could say he was surprised but, he wasn’t. at heart, he was a caregiver through and through, and that carried into your relationship to an extreme. there was a hint of casual dominance in everything he did for you. tying your shoes, carrying you around, bathing you in the shower or bath, keeping your hands warm in his pocket, making you meals, feeding you when you were to weak, kissing you to sleep everynight, etc,. and to be honest, he blushed to the thought of you wanting his babies as bad as he wanted to give them to you.
“aw, peach,” he cooed grabbing your face and slowly thrusting into you, watching you contort your pout into a gasp, “you’re s’sweet, love, one day, you’re gonna let me put a baby in you, hm? yeah but until, i’ll just be your daddy, you can have me all to yourself, how ‘bout that, honey?” you rapidly nodded your head with your eyes pinched, whimpering and whining about how good it felt and how deep he was, as you began to match his thrusts, slowing building a steady pace as he went further and further inside you. “my shy, dumb lil baby, huh? put daddy’s cock in you and you can’t respond t’me? that’s okay, my girl, my good girl, just let your head go empty and daddy will do all the work, gonna make this soaked, pretty pussy cum all over me.”
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babyhatesreality · 10 months
Soo maybe a scenario or headcanon where the reader start with sharing her veggies with her daddies but after a while she start sharing food that she likes so when there at the avenger tower and its Lunch time she wanna give petie and the other a bit of her food and wann give her daddies a bit of her favorite food so she grabs a bit and hold it to her daddies mouth 😻
Oh, this is an adorable thought, you cute Nonnie you...
Sharing is Caring
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f!reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, language, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
Bucky had never seen your eyes so wide before. He chuckled softly, thoroughly enjoying your incredulous delight.
"Dat's....for me?" you asked in a hushed tone, completely in awe of something so wondrous.
Bucky had to bite the inside of his cheek from outright laughing. They had found some individual snack packs of mini Chips Ahoy cookies the last time they went grocery shopping, and had packed them as a post-lunch treat today. They'd brought you up to the work floor with them, as it was just boring paperwork today. Knowing how much you loved your cookies, the small bags seemed like a good idea to try. They had no idea you'd react with such reverence.
Your little mind was BLOWN. A whole bunch of little chocolate chip cookies in a pretty blue bag, and all for you??? It was too much. You were overwhelmed with the indescribable majesty of it all.
"Yeah, it's for you, munchkin," Bucky said gleefully, his grin threatening to split his face. "You can have the whole bag since you finished all your fruit." He opened the bag and held it out to you.
You took it as carefully as if it were a Faberge Egg. Bucky had to pretend like he had an itchy nose- using his hand to cover his mouth as your complete and total wonder was so damned cute that it was making him giggle like a schoolgirl. He wondered how long you'd actually be able to keep quiet about this.
He didn't have to wonder for long.
You shrieked with absolute delight, jumped up and down, and then absolutely hurtled yourself at Bucky, who caught you with a laugh. "TANK YOU TANK YOU TANK YOOOOOOOU!" you screamed delightedly, hugging your Daddy as hard as you could. You let him go and popped one cookie into your mouth. It was so little and it was so good and it was the BEST. You looked back into the bag. There were SO MANY in there. You carefully extracted one, and held it up to Bucky. "Here, Daddy!"
Bucky smiled and shook his head. "Those are yours, baby, they're for you."
"But I wanna share!" you said, jumping up and down. "C'mere! Open!!" Laughing at your sweet impatience, Bucky leaned down and opened his mouth as requested. With a squeal of delight, you popped it into his mouth, then surprised him with a quick kiss on the nose. "Tank you!! Chew good!" you shrieked over your shoulder as you tore out of the room, on a mission. You just heard Bucky laugh at your instructions as you skidded into the next room.
"GUYS LOOK!" you shrieked with joy, holding your small bag aloft. Peter, Wanda, and Pietro turned around, curious, but were just as excited as you were when they realized the treasure that you held. You shared one with each of your friends, in turn, before running out of the room and back to Papa's office. You yelled 'hi' to all your friends and family as you ran past them in your delight, and they all knew you well enough to step to the side as you barreled down the hallway to your destination.
Steve sighed patiently. He could hear you blazing your typical path of destruction towards him. He loved your carefree and playful spirit, but was constantly afraid that you were going to get hurt in your exuberance. You flew into his office, looking more wound-up than usual.
"Hi Papa! Guess what??"
"Hi Baby. Whatever it is, it must have been important for you to be running around the floor like that."
"Oh. Oops. Sorry, I forgotted again."
"Yeah, I figured. What's up, pup?"
You giggled at the little rhyme and the resigned but loving look on his face. "Lookit da COOKIES!!!" You made a show of clearly walking- not running- towards him, and he grinned at the strained look on your face as you fought against your natural cheetah instincts. Once you got next to him through, you flung yourself into his lap, scrambling and squirming to pull yourself upright. Steve gave you little assists here and there, and put his arms around you once you got to your destination. "Here, I wanna share with you please!"
"That is so sweet, baby, thank you." He couldn't say anything else as you dug one out of the bag and tapped it against his lips. He made a funny face at you, then started pretending that his lips were glued together. He tilted his head at your, his eyes playfully twinkling. You giggled, then laughed as he teased you by not opening his mouth, and playing like he couldn't. You ended up smashing the cookie flat to his lips and pressing it in, not letting up, screaming with laughter. Finally Steve "pried" his lips apart and let you push the cookie in, then tickled you as you continued to laugh like crazy.
"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on in here?" A deep voice startled you. You stopped laughing, twisting around. "There's not this much happiness allowed on this floor." Nick Fury was standing there with his arms crossed, but you could see a hint of a smile on his face. You hopped off your Papa's lap and skipped around the desk to stand at the Director's feet. Ever since he'd declared you a part of the family, you absolutely LOVED him and always enjoyed a moment to bask in his coolness.
"Hi Mr. Nick!" you said happily, completely unaffected by his tough guy demeanor. "Here, I wanna give you something!" You held up a cookie to him. You might not have been afraid of him, but there was no way that you were going to ask him to open his mouth like your Papa and your Daddy.
Nick took it from your hand with a low chuckle. "Well, thank you, little one. How'd you know I love mini cookies so much?" He looked at you curiously when you got a very, very serious look on your face.
"I am about to blow your mind then," you said, completely solemnly. You held up the cookie bag for him to inspect, inwardly thrilled. You knew that you were about to change Nick Fury's life forever with your little blue packaged miracle.
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bigtreefest · 4 months
Chapter 1: Digging For Gold
From: You Catch More Bees With Honey Series
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Pairing: Mob! Bucky x Farmer! Reader
Summary: Bucky doesn’t always have to personally negotiate his business dealings, but what happens when one of them insists they’ll only deal with him? He heads out to the country to get it sorted, of course.
Word Count: 2,167
Content/Warnings: light mob themes, mentions of misogyny/ Bucky’s attempt at it, fem reader with minimal descriptions, minimal use of y/n, use of a pet name (Honey), Sam and Steve teasing Bucky and Bucky having none of it. Content below the cut.
Author’s Note: Well here it is— my first fic publication! I literally never write, but I’ve felt so motivated to get this down. Idek how I wrote this many words bc lord knows I’m not doing the same for school. Anyway, I digress. I hope you all enjoy. Comments, suggestions, asks, and reblogs are soooo appreciated!! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Bucky was used to being turned down at first. In the fact, he was used to being turned down two, three, four times before getting his way. He always got his way, until it came to you. He had been trying to seal this deal for what was going on months now. Usually by his fifth ask, his clients got some sense into them, and in this case, sense means a threat of lead through the heart by a henchman. But that hadn’t phased you at all. If anything, it encouraged you to keep pushing back. A real piece of work, this girl was. Each time someone went to negotiate, they came back with their head hung low, sending in their boss to deal with her next as she had requested. Just for that cocky bastard to leave and come back doing the same. Why were they giving into your requests? They couldn’t help themselves when you had that convincing way about you, and neither could Bucky, even if he wanted to deny it to everyone around him. After months of asking for the next boss, you had finally reached James Buchanan Barnes: the head of his mob. Known for his ruthless nature, no one had ever come out of a deal saying ‘no’ to him. If they said no, they didn’t come out of the deal, simple as that. No one had seen his soft spots, and his buttons weren’t to be pushed. Too many had found out the hard way. The only one who could get away with it was his best friend who had known him since childhood Steve. More like a brother, and his only family left, at that. But it looked like he had a soft spot for you, letting you get away with dismissing these meetings, which is exactly why he needed to go himself: to show he wasn’t soft. To show that he could close the deal and his men lacked discipline when they fell to your kind charm. He’d go to this meeting and then wash his hands of the issue, making the deal he decided he had wanted months ago. He got into the back of his black town car and shut the door, directing the driver to start the long journey to the farm.
As he sat in the car, he wondered why the partition was up, as he heard singing faintly coming from the other side. He pushed the button for it to come down, to be greeted by a familiar pair of blue eyes that belonged to his best friend Steve and the back of Sam’s head.
“Oh heyyy boss. Fancy seeing you here,” Sam said keeping his eyes on the road and turning down the radio.
“Where’s Gio?” Bucky barked back.
“Oh calm down. He’s home relaxing with his family. Sam and I gave him the day off. Figured you’d need our help,” Steve said with a small shrug.
Bucky grumbled to himself something about being the boss while Steve and Sam exchanged a quick glance in the front seat before Sam spoke up again.
“Listen Boss, she’s already been through both of us. Obviously we can’t tell you how to succeed, but we can tell you what to expect going in there.”
“Plus we can remind you what we’re really here for and give you back-up none of us had the luxury of” Steve interjected, “the fact that you’ve waited this long shows you’ve got a soft spot for her, and we can’t afford to push this deal back any farther.”
Bucky knew that. He knew it was coming down to the wire “First off, I do not have a soft spot. Not since I was little, and you know that. I’d have anyone else’s head for even thinking such a thing. And second, if it’s so easy, why couldn’t you two have sealed this deal last month when you went, then? Huh?”
At that, Steve snapped his mouth shut and Sam kept his head forward, not daring to glance back at the mob boss whose jaw was clenched with anticipation.
“That’s what I thought. But go ahead, speak now or forever hold your peace, because when I go in there, I need to come out with a deal.”
He’d never let anyone besides his right-hand and number three men know how on edge he was for this meeting. He looked out the window hoping for the best and that his hard outer persona wouldn’t crack today as Sam and Steve started with their briefing.
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When Sam pulled off of the pavement and onto the dirt driveway, Bucky’s eyes absorbed the rolling hills and abundant trees. It was beautiful, but nothing like his city. He enjoyed the tight spaces and routine rigidity of concrete. This was a different world. Her land was sprawling, far further than the crop fields sat. Acres for the cattle to graze and others that laid fallow. It was built over old mines. That’s why he wanted it all: for the tunnels. It would be so much easier to store and move his product, cutting transportation time and having discreet underground facilities if he could just strike a deal, but he’d finally met his match without even meeting her yet. A woman just as stubborn as him, but opposite in every other way.
Sam pulled up in front of a beautiful farm house. Modest, but chic and well cared for. Leaning against one of the posts that framed the front porch was her. Hair hidden under a cowgirl hat, well worn from work-filled days and in a flannel shirt, jeans, and boots showing even more mileage than the hat. Bucky looked out the window and let out a deep breath.
“Wish me luck, boys”
They both just nodded. A more than sufficient acknowledgment in their line of work. Bucky opened the car door and his red bottoms crunched the rocks beneath his feet as he sauntered over to her.
“Ms. Y/L/N. This has been a long time coming.”
“Indeed it has. Good to see you Mr. Barnes. And please, call me Y/N.” Her voice twanged.
Then she flashed him that smile, ugh how he hated that. She wasn’t even trying, but it made him feel an odd warmth that started deep in his chest. One that almost made it seem like it made his heart melt a little. A heart that was stuck in an ice age for as long as he could remember. Still, he couldn’t budge. He had to set an example for his men. How could he push an agenda he couldn’t fulfill? His thoughts continued to race as he stepped up to the bottom of the wooden steps leading to the porch. Not a good start with her literally having the high ground.
“Do your drivers want to come in? I don’t mind gettin’ them some refreshments while we chat.” She offered kindly. How was she so smooth? Bucky glanced back and Steve and Sam gawked at you though Steve’s window. Bucky made a mental note to have that tinted more so no one could see them embarrassing him and themselves in the future.
“No. They’re fine.” Bucky coldly, borderline spat back. “And you can call me by my name, as well, if we’re not doing last names. That’s mostly what I do with those I work closely with”
Bucky wanted to have a firm hand in these business dealings, but he wasn’t a total monster, plus, he knew in most cases, the more comfortable a client was, the more likely they’d give up benefits, sweetening up his own end of the deal. See? He was still working on wrapping you around his finger. He had this down, even if Steve and Sam didn’t think so. At least, that’s what he tried to convince himself as you nodded with a soft smile on your face and led him inside.
Bucky followed you past a living room, flanked by a functional and methodically laid out kitchen. That gave him a better idea of who he was working with: someone who meticulously planned their work environment. Someone who cared for every aspect no matter how small. Everything had a place and made sense. Nothing unnecessary was present and it seemed ergonomic, yet modern and classy, like everything about you. His gaze lingered as long as he could until he had to pull his head forward to continue following you down the hallway to your home office. Once again, practical and functional, with a few papers strewn around a laptop and your other useful desk features. You had everything you needed in arm’s reach, no need to tuck it away in drawers if you were constantly using it and you kept it organized enough that it wasn’t a stressful mess. You gestured for Bucky to take a seat on the couch across from you as you sat in your desk chair and flashed him a smile. Ugh there was that smile again, and this time it got him good and he couldn’t help but dopily smile back, not even aware of what his body was doing.
“James” oh how he hated when you called him that. Sure, it was his formal business name, but the way you said it made him grimace. Yeah, it sounded beautiful from your lips, but its use meant your weren’t close. And that’s all he wanted. Was for you to be close. Up against him, on top of him, engulfing him, drowning him. And he would happily accept that fate. Heck, he was drowning right now in these thoughts about you, but he clawed his way to the surface and shook his head to refocus as you said his name again, noticing his attention had drifted in favor to a blank stare at your lips. He knew with that slip-up, he had to regain control and take charge.
“Listen Honey, you’ve essentially been exterminating every guy I send in here and I don’t like it. All you are is sweet but somehow you’re turning down this deal like a bitter old man would” His sudden stern and almost condescending tone was a huge juxtaposition to the wonderland face you had noticed moments ago. You didn’t like that one bit. Being an independent woman who ran a successful business, you were used to men trying to stomp on you until they had their way. You didn’t stand for it with all of Bucky’s underlings and you weren’t going to stand for it now. You’d regain control and keep your calm demeanor, because you’re that much better than all these other mediocre men in business you dealt with all too often.
“First off, James. Let’s not get into extermination or pesticides. That’s far too complicated of an issue for right now, especially if you don’t understand the simple terms I so graciously asked you for. And if you wanna call something honey, you better be referring to my beehives on the south side of the property. Now, I just want to talk to you so you can see where I’m coming from” you said was a sickeningly sweet smile. He could see it didn’t reach your eyes, still filled with fire and not backing down. But dang if your tone still didn’t match the new nickname he’s given you. Sweet and thick. Bucky for the first time found himself listening to demands from another. He settled down into the couch cushions as you pulled out the contract you’d drafted yourself.
Bucky raised his hands in surrender. “Alright, fine. By all means, let’s get down to business. I wanna see what’s been giving all my men such a hard time that you’ve had to come directly to me.”
Bucky leaned forward to grab the contract from your hands. He flipped through the pages, most of it was identical to what he’d drafted, besides you inflating the numbers. He could handle that, but the last line he saw made his neck muscles go limp as he dropped his head.
“James Barnes will work and stay at the farm for one month’s time, uninterrupted, to learn the gravity, value, and hard work associated with operations.”
He should’ve known, but what was one month? If he was going rn use the mines, he may as well see all the land and livestock that could be affected if things went awry. He’s been doing this job for years, anyway. Maybe he needed the break. He’s sure Steve could control everything else, right? He wouldn’t have waited so long for this deal had he not needed the mine shafts. Your smooth voice broke him out of his thoughts.
“So… what’ll it be, James?”
He looked up at you through his lashes with a smirk you couldn’t quite read as you returned your own smirk, knowing what this meeting meant. Knowing that he wouldn’t have come in person unless he really wanted to make a deal happen.
“Sure Honey, whatever you want”
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emsgoodthinkin · 1 year
Shy my ass | steve harrington x f!reader
wow, staring at him now I never noticed before just how perfect it is. I mean sure yeah eveything about him is perfect i love all of him but, his nose oh wow, his nose how I could just—
‘you alright’?
‘huh? yes why is something wrong?’
‘nothings wrong pretty, you just zoned out for a bit’
‘oh! I’m alright must be the..weather?’ you wince at that poor lie. it never worked in movies why would it work now
‘well, if you’re sure baby. he kisses you with those plush lips and you leaned in to get a deeper feeling of them; maybe for a closer feeling for his nose against your face also
‘oh my, I-sorry’—
‘It’s okay I liked it baby’ he pecks you one more time
‘now as i was saying; robin was gushing all over about how Jenny at the mall asked her—
I swear I’m not being rude he’s not boring in any way but..the way he scrunches his nose when he smiles telling a story, the bridge curves just right for me rub my clit on—
‘what!? sorry!’
‘you’re not looking into my eyes when I’m talking, you keep looking at my nose; why?’
Crap crap crap—
‘shy girl tell me what’s on your mind’
‘I um- well I just think it’s pretty to look at is all’ you whisper
He pulls your face closer to his to look into his eyes. ‘ what’s pretty about my nose sweetness?’
You turn beet-red which didn’t go unnoticed while he places you on his lap
‘shy girl, why do you like my nose so much hm? you know I’ll get the answer outta ya one way or another’
you squirm. you aren’t good at eye contact you never were. he knows how it makes you nervous but; he knows deep down how wet it actually gets you.
‘I t-told you I think it’s pretty and there’s little freckles on it…and..’
‘And- and I feel like it would um-feel goodtositon— you rush out that last part in a whisper
he says nothing but licks his lips and pouts saying ‘you wanna rub that pretty little clit of yours on my big nose baby?’
your eyes not meeting his anymore
‘uh,uh look at me and tell me..is that what you want?’
‘yess it’s what I want stevie.’ you stare back at him lips trembling. He can’t stand looking that shy pout of yours as he shoves his lips onto yours slipping his tongue into your mouth making you moan.
‘cmon baby, stand up for sec’ you allow space for him to rip his shirt off and your already soaked lavender panties off as he lays flat.
‘come sit on my face baby, let daddy take care of you dirty girl’
‘Im not’ you blush hard under his gaze. it’s not that you didn’t like his degradation, it’s that you’re so sheltered with such whore undertones only Steve has discovered.
Climbing on top; he can already smell your arousal making his cock grow harder but he can take care of himself later. He’s determined to watch his baby girl dive into her little fantasy of hers.
His strong arms making your thighs callapse on top of his face he seems more eager than you already—
‘it’s okay baby, ride my nose baby just like you wanted make yourself feel good’
still feeling shy under his gaze he helps you out a little bit giving you some kitten licks; with some airy gasps—
‘steve oh-ohh oh my goodness oh my goodness yes mm—
‘that’s it baby just enjoy the feeling I got you’
grinding a little bit in circles now he helps angle your hips so now your clit is directly on the bulbuls tip of his nose
‘oh fuck yes yes FUCK Steve!!’
‘that’s it keep going baby’
Steve knows when you get warmed up enough when y’all have sex you’ll really let yourself go of that shy girl persona ; and once it starts it’s like you’re a completely different person.
Gripping his hair like it’s a saddle your nails dig in his scalp like razor blades you hump, fuck, and grind all over his nose
—‘fuck goddamnit Stevie I ca-cant shit feels so good—‘
‘look at you’ he says growling and scoffing -fucking my face but everyone’s sees you as an angel don’t they?’
‘ I am jeez— YES YES RIGHT THERE ; you’re yanking his head back and forth his hands digging in your ass occasionally, his tongue peaks out to tease you it’s all exhausting in the best way
‘you smell so fucking good baby cmon, I can feel your filthy hole clenching on my nose baby fucking hump my face baby fucking cum on it— you got it—‘
drooling, surprised your hips aren’t broken by how fast your circling your whole bottom basically on his face he can even get a whiff of your ass, he needs to pull his cock out ; he needs to cum with you. and hard too.
‘—daddy— stevie please your nose so good fuck’
‘cum baby’ he says squeezing his balls so he can make more pressure rise into his leaky red tip, jerking and fuckkng his fist at the same pace your grinding his nose—
‘shiitt, baby thats it yeah fuck this pretty cunts so G-GOOD baby gonna cum for me? yea?’
‘yes please please close fuck—gunna—
his face soaked more than a pancake with syrup; thighs on fire, clit swelling , and twitching as you cum on his nose nearly even in his eyes; he’s spilling on his soft tummy with a few large grunts and sighs
too weak to climb back off he slides your body off with his not so weak arm gazing. fucked out face, and her staring back in horror at his face looking as if she painted him with a hot glue gun—
‘don’t even apologize I plan on licking all of this off my face’ he says while swiping his forehead with his finger and sucking it
she sits up leans forward
‘what are you—‘
she starts sucking his nose like its her own personal ring pop . steves eyes widen from the confidence ; getting her own flavors off while making herself all wet again just from the act. she won’t tell him that though.
‘you’re actually the devil in disguise’
‘hey! no he’s scary can I be something cuter?’ she pouts
He chuckles to himself in amazement and admiration. This shy girl was so- scratch that.— Yeah right.
Shy my ass.
reblogs appreciated :>
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grugruel · 7 months
Fun at Fazbear's
Parings: William Afton x f!reader
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Summary: Mr. Raglan has had to work some long and hard hours the past few weeks, and you just want to help the poor man winde down. But when you sneak into his office, hes on a call. So naturally, you decide to test his limits.
Word count: ca 2k
Warnings: established-secret relationship, age-gap (reader over 20), choking, semi-public sex, pinv sex, rough sex, A slap, creampie, slight praise (used "good girl" once.)
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I opened the door quietly, slinking in before anyone looked my way.
I knew he would be working late today, as he had been for a while. So I wanted to chear him up, to leave him with a pleasant memory of me for later.
He sat at his desk, leaned back in his chair with the phone in one hand and forehead resting in the other as he supported himself on the armrest.
'No, no. That wont work.' He spoke into the phone, shaking his head, clearly sick of the conversation. Perfect.
I stepped inside, turning my back against the door so that I faced the room. I grabbed the doorknob behind my back and carefully pulled it shut, making the door click softly as it locked. Steve looked up at the sound, noticing me and immedietly sighed. He was not particularly pleased that I had interrupted him, and even less so for entering his office without permission. But I would not be so easily discouraged.
Smiling sweetly I clasped my hands behind my back and sauntered toward him, swaying my hips seductively with each step. He let his hand fall onto the desk and mouthed 'What is it?' As he listened to the voice on the other end, furrowing his brows in annoyance, not really in the mood for my usual antics.
I shrugged my shoulders innocently and a pleased expression crept its way ontl my face, it could not be rubbed of even if I tried. My hands slid up my body, stopping at the bow of my blouse which was tied around my neck, and undid it.
The annoyance in his features reshaped into uncertainty as he raised his eyebrows in surprise, 'Uh huh, well. . . Go on.' He answered the person on the phone, but looked at me as he said it. I obliged.
I twirled the blouse ends between my fingers, then traced my hands along the bare skin of my chest, slowing as I reached the buttons and undoing them one by one, very slowly. A wicked smile crept onto Mr. Raglan's face as he sat up in the chair and leaned onto the desk, nodding approvingly and urging me to continue.
I stopped wasting precious time that couldve been spent close to him and walked up to him briskly, lust sinking its claws into me. I rounded his desk, stepping into his proximity and he moved his arm to make room for me. As I moved to sit down his desk, he grabbed my waist with his free hand and pulled me close to him. I stood between his spread legs, almost close enough to touch his growing bulge. He laid his chin on my ribs looking up at me, then kissing the skin under the ribcage in gratitude. He had needed this, and he would be taking complete advantage of it later, fully letting go of his stress as he came deep isnide you.
I smiled down at him, knowing that hed yet to expercience the full extent of my plan. I sat down his desk, opening my legs slightly. He sighed again, but this time happily. His hand fell to my thigh, rubbing it purposefully and I hummed appreciatively at the feeling. Spreading my legs wider, letting my skirt hike up over my thighs to reveal my unclothed core. He stopped rubbing and froze, looking at my center with an animalistic desire and squeezed my thigh real fucking hard. Id have fingerprint shaped bruises in the morning, thats for sure. He fought hard to control his breathing as his hand fell down the inside of my thigh and moved to my clit.
But I grabbed his wrist an inch before he made contact and his eyes snapped to mine, furious that I would dare stop him. But I only smiled, very pleased as I was in control, which was only infuriating him further. I raised my hand to his face, pinching his chin between my fingers and meeting his eyes through my lashes. I leaned close to his unoccupied ear to whisper, 'You cannot touch, not while on the phone.' And smiled wickedly, very happy with myself. I was chearing him up and he'd get his prize, but I wanted to have some fun for myself first.
I leaned back again, giving him a quick kiss on the lips to prove that I could still touch, then moved my gaze to his as I pulled the blouse over my heaf and removed my bra. I stood up swiftly, unzipping the skirt at my back and let it fall to the floor. I sat back down and put on a show for him, my hands roamed my body, squeezing, pinching, kneading. Breathlessly moaning, loud enough for him to hear, but low enough to avoid the caller hearing. He snarled at the sight, holding on to the armrest agressivly, almost ripping through the material. I heard the voice on the phone go, 'Mr Raglan, is everything alright?'
I raised my eyebrows in mock surpise and whispered 'You'd better answer that.' But Mr Raglan's reaction was not what I was expecting. His expression changed from fury to calculated grinning, then answered the man 'Sorry about that.' He drawled, 'Im not feeling to well, would you mind if my assistant answered your questions instead? Shes more than capable.'
My eyes widened in fear, eyebrows remained raised in what was not mocking anymore. I had, had the crontol for a second and he ripped it away from me. I heard a muffled agreeing from the man, 'Great, I'll go get her' Steve told him, then handed me the phone.
I took it involuntarily, as if forced by my own body, knowing there would be hell the second I put it to my ear. I Hesitated, as he was staring me down, waiting to pounce on me like a predator luring its prey. As I contemplated my choices, he began unbuckling his belt. I swallowed hard, anticipation and fear prickling my skin in equal amounts, then answering 'Hi, this is his assistant speaking.'
And then, rightly so, there was hell. He zipped down his jeans and pulled it out. I gasped at the sight of him, huge to say the least. 'Mhm, Yes thats right sir' I answered the man on the phone with a shaky voice.
Steve hooked his hands under my knees and dragged me closer to him, then moved my legs to stradle his hips. His cock teasing my opening, he met my eyes hastily and put a finger to his lips. A clear warning, truly threatening if anything and then shoved himself inside of me. I grabbed the end of the desk for support as his thrusts rocked my entire body and bit into my shoulder to keep from screaming. He grabbed my hip with one hand and pushed my upper body against the desk with the other, then grabbing my breast rougly. I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to focus on the callers voice, but it proved hard as pain and pleasure coursed through me. His pounding was vicious, no doubt punishing me. But I was loving every second of it. He moved his hand to my throat, grasping it gently and stroking my jugular in soothing motions, then yanking me toward him, meeting my lips in a hungry kiss. I moved the phone to my shoulder, holding it firmly against my skin, hoping it would be enough to muffle the disgustingly carnal sounds of wet slapping and kisses. He released my lips and kissed his way down my shoulder and chest, stopping at the breast he'd previously attacked and took it into his mouth, sucking and kissing feverishly. I threw my head back in pleasure, moaning loudly. His hand squeezed my throat in warning, reminding me of the man on the phone. My eyes flew wide, I put the phone back to my ear 'Hello, miss? Are you there?' I covered the phone, sighing in relief as he had not heard us, 'Im sorry- sir' I managed, stopping myself mid-scentence from moaning again, 'Im not quite sure what happened there.' I lied, rushing through the words in the most normal voice I could muster. Mr Raglan chuckled against my skin, his breathing strained. He let go of my throat, pulled out of me completley and stepped back. Confusion hit me for just a second before his hands were at my hips again, pulling me off of the desk, turning me around and thrust me back over it, all in one quick motion. He nestled his hand in my hair and shoved my face into the desk and then slammed back into me. His pace quicker and harder than before, the sound of slapping skin mixed with him filling me perfectly had me close to my release. 'Mmh, close.' I mumbled, earning a hard slap on my ass in punishment. I bit into my hand, trying hard not to make another sound. 'I- I uhm. . I only ment that we're close, to. . .' I paused, trying to think of am answer as my mind was clouding with thoughts of my realese, spots were specking my vision and a knot tightening in my stumache. 'Close to-' I began but stopped myself, 'Close to meeting our goals for the month.' I tried, but had no idea what I or the man was actually talking about, but he sounded pleased.
I was quite sure however, that he left our conversation more confused than before he had called. He finally wished me a good evening and hung up. A pent up moan escaped me that same instant, 'Good girl' I heard breathed from behind me, and I smiled happily. Glad I had managed relatively well despite the circumstances. His thrusts were becoming unfrequent, close to his release aswell. He snaked his free hand under me to rub my clit and It tipped me over the edge, with him close behind me. I almost screamed, had he not stopped me. He yanked me toward him, my back flush against his chest and moved the hand to cover my mouth, muffling my screams. In our exhaustion, Mr Raglan fell back into his chair and dragged me with him, settling in his lap with his dick still inside me and his cum oozing out of me. I leaned my head against his shoulder, and he stroked some hair of my face as we just enjoyed the sound of eachothers breathing.
'Am I still coming over later?' I asked him, and he smirked, 'Youre coming later, your coming tonight, tomorrow morning, again at work and again in the evening, and so we shall repeat.' He breathed, and I smiled 'Good, because im not sure how well that call ended and we both might need some chearing up after that.'
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