sin-content · 1 year
:^.. Becouse of the recent problems I cant make content for you guys and still cant. But I can draw on my notebook and works I guess!! So...
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I am Kind Not Complacent Chpt 2
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I am Kind not Complacent chpt 2
Heimdall gow x reader
word count: 6 k
hello and thank you to every single person who has liked, commented, and reblogged my silly little story. I'm so glad I can make a few people smile and share my little fic. if anyone would like me to tag them to make finding the next chapter easier in the future please don't be afraid to ask!
as always, enjoy and have fun reading!
@engardeitsme as always, love bouncing ideas off and getting to share stuff with you before I post it! thank you for helping again! @lunaryasha @nokolla I hope you enjoy Thank you so much for your support and kind words <3
As YN got closer to the training grounds, Her limbs got ridged and her steps were more sluggish.
“Um, Mal?”
“I don’t think I can do this.” She froze in her tracks, whimpering as Mal tried to move her forward. She sighed and grabbed hold of the girl’s arm. YN leaned against her pulling, digging her heels into the mossy floor. “I-I mean I’ve only fought to get away, I don’t know anything about combat!” she looked up at Mal pleading, Her cheeks going rosy in embarrassment, “A-and I don’t know these people…” Mal huffed, looking back at Thor and Heimdall as they seemed to be waiting for YN, getting more and more annoyed the longer she took to get there. 
“I’m afraid you don’t have a choice really, do you? No come on, I'll introduce you. But you need to act properly. They are the Aesir princes and as someone under Asgard they now rule over you as well, you should know,” Mal tried to encourage the girl while also pressing it was important not to keep the princes waiting, “I’m sure they won’t go hard on you, dear little thing.”
“Oh? Are they nice?” YN asked, a bit hopeful. Mal looked at her as if she had grown a second head.
“Ni-? No, they’re princes. But you’re so small and sweet, so they may lose interest in you. Where did you say you were from again?”
“...Mmh,” Mal just hummed, now getting s bit nervous herself for the girl.
YN frowned at Mal’s lack of help. She almost felt like she was going to throw up. Meeting new people? who were mean? And she had to spare with them? 
“B-but why do I have to? Why now? I-I just got here, d-don’t you think-”
“Ah ah ah, don’t you go doing that negotiating thing. I saw what you did at breakfast. Now let’s hurry on, I rather not keep the Aesir princes waiting.” YN swallowed thickly, looking down at her feet as she allowed Mal to drag her the rest of the way. They stopped at the edge of the sparing area, where the dirt had gone wet and muddy from constant trampling. Thor quickly blocked a hit from young Heimdall and looked over at Mal and the girl. 
“Lord Thor, Lord Heimdall,” Mal lowered her head and put her hand on YN’s head to elicit a bow as well. “This is YN, a guest of the All-Father’s. She is to train with you today for an introduction to Aesir's fighting tactics.”
“Took you long enough, come here, I don’t have all day.” Thor didn’t even glance an eye at Mal, his focus purely on YN who gulped as he pointed to a spot at his feet. Heimdall didn’t even spare her a glance as he made his way to the opposite side of the circle across from Thor. YN felt Mal give her one more nudge as she finally moved to stand in front of the thunder god. 
“I will take my leave,” Mal stated, before turning back towards the great lodge. YN tightened her fists as she watched Mal retreat. Thor crossed his arms as the girl stood in front, craning her neck up at him. She gulped and dipped into a deep bow. ‘Just introduce yourself, don’t speak too much, and maybe this won’t be so bad. Maybe they’ll go easy if I’m polite.’ YN thought she heard a scoff come from behind her at the thought. But that was impossible. 
“Hello, my name is YN of Vanaheim and I am the goddess of peace. I was brought here to-” She peeked up at the sound of Thor clicking his tongue in annoyance or boredom, she wasn’t sure. She swallowed thickly, focusing on her feet, “U-um to be of assistance in some way t-to the All-Father?”
Yn gasped at a sudden large hand on her shoulder, roughly twisting her to face the blond boy on the other side of the sparing circle, and nearly tripped into the mud as she was shoved forward. 
“Quickly, let’s see where you are. Heimdall, keep her face intact. We don’t want to be scolded by Father, do we?” YN could almost hear the smirk in Thor’s voice and tried not to show her fear as the boy in front of her picked up two swords, the blades dulled for training. He tossed one to the girl and she caught it before it hit the ground, surprised at the weight of it. YN was shocked as the boy seemed to disappear from in front of her and yelped as she was kicked sharply in the back, skidding in the mud but staying on her feet. She whipped around to see Heimdall starting to circle her, smirking with his lips but glaring at her intensely. 
“Gods you pathetic. ‘Maybe I’ll go easy if you’re polite’? Ha!” he laughed sarcastically, before sneering and rushing YN. She moved quickly to try and block, their swords straining against each other as he leaned in, overpowering her easily. 
“Wh-what are you talking about?” Her eyes widened as she processed his words. What would happen if she failed? Would she be shunned again, would she be shut out? Didn’t she want to go home? Why did the thought of isolation suddenly scare her so much?
She thought of how to get out of the stalemate, wanting to parry and jump back to put some distance so she could have more options. But as she moved to do so, Hiemdall was quick to twist her around and shove her back from him. While she stumbled, her back turned, he moved quickly again, grabbing her by a fistful of hair and kneeing her hard in the ribs.
“And thinking we could ever get along? That you’ll ever belong here? Don’t make me laugh. Crawl on your belly like a dog and maybe I’ll tell the All-Father to send you back to your hovel in one piece, Vanir scum.” there was venom in his voice. Even at this young age, godly strength knocked the air out of her and she sputtered, coughing up drops of blood onto his once pristine tunic. He scoffed in disgust and pushed her back. Her mind raced as her vision blurred. She dissected the situation, his movements, reaction time, and words. She caught her breath, feeling him approach again behind her, and whipped around, knocking him in the brow with the hilt of her sword. Heimdall stumbled back in a daze and stared at the girl in disbelief. He wasn’t planning on retaliation, so he had stopped reading her movements. 
He watched her as she panted, her face contouring into a snarl as she squared her shoulders and changed her stance from submissive to feral; like a beast trying to get away from a hunter. Desperate, scared, angry. 
“That’s a dirty trick,” she growled out, straightening to stare into his eyes, “you have some nerve crawling into spaces you’re not welcome.” he was caught off guard by the statement, shocked that she had found him out so quickly. Thor meanwhile just rolled his eyes on the sidelines, thinking his brother was a fool for talking too much and revealing his hand so easily. Heimdall flushed in embarrassment as he heard Thor’s thoughts prodding into his head and growled, lunging in frustration. YN was able to narrowly dodge and the two circled each other.
“You catch on fast,” Heimdall offered with a sneer.
“You talk too much,” YN bit back, guarding her body just in time as Heimdall attacked again. 
Thor noticed the following pattern:
Heimdall would always attack first, getting a few good hits in. he moved fast, and precise; then got cocky and didn’t remember to put space between him and his opponent. He had a bad habit at his young age of underestimating enemies and didn’t use his foresight as fluidly as he should be,(or so Odin thought, and told Thor to push him harder.)
YN was the opposite. She seemed to almost run away, backing away and refusing to keep her eyes off her opponent for as long as possible, and constantly whipping around to try and keep up. She would try to defend herself, taking a slash to the arm, or leg while protecting her core, and when Heimdall got careless she would go in to retaliate. Her movements were hard-hitting and violent, going for jabs hard enough to push Heimdall across the field or knock the air out of his lungs. That said, she was precise in her own way. Thor also noticed that as Heimdall seemed not to care where he hit the girl, aiming for arteries, joints, and soft spots; she only aimed for places that would discombobulate him, throw him off balance, and put space between them. Thor stroked his beard in thought, calling out to Heimdall. 
“You need to use your powers, Heimdall,” He scolded, “you underestimate too much, and you need to do so quickly, process the information, and act accordingly.”
“Underestimate?” Heimdall scoffed and dropped his stance to stifle a sarcastic laugh. YN stiffened at the mockery and growled.
“Well, what kind of god who can read minds lets his opponent land hits on him?” She barked, blocking another attack and ducking to elbow him in the side.  Heimdall was quick to pary and kicked against the length of her sword, knocking her off balance.
“Maybe you just think yourself too highly. What is a goddess of peace supposed to be able to do in a real fight? You haven’t attacked me once! Goddess of pushovers more like!” He cackled, nearly doubling over. YN dropped her stance, her cheeks searing red in anger and embarrassment. 
“Try goddess of logic and tactic, you oaf!” Her heart pounded in her ears as her anger started to rise. She wanted to stand up for herself. She wanted to reason with him. She wanted to rip his tongue out from his teeth and-
“Ooh! Such snark! Not very peaceful of you, Queen Kindness ~” 
“I’m warning you!” ‘Be calm. Be calm. Be calm. Don’t let your anger get the best of you. It will only end badly. Just breath.’
“Oh or what? You’ll sign a peace treaty? Bake me a cake? Cry and beg for forgiveness?” Heimdall was almost out of breath from laughter, and YN saw red. Suddenly time stood still as Heimdall’s laughter was cut off by a mound of mud flying into his face. YN watched satisfied as the dirt dripped down his chin and smeared down the front of his tunic. 
Thor snorted and threw his head in laughter as he watched Heimdall swipe his hand down his face, his fiery pink eyes searing holes into the girl's face. 
“I told you to shut up!” she shouted, She reeled her hand back with another pile of mud. Heimdall dodged, running at her full force and grabbing her face, slamming her down into the mud. 
“You repulsive little worm.” he snarled, watching her sink into the ground under his weight. With her face still covered under his palm, she blindly grabbed another fistful and slammed it into the side of his head, knocking him off of her and deafening him in one ear momentarily. Thor was wheezing, doubled over the fence. YN stood slowly, the weight of water and dirt seeped into her clothes and hair dragging her down. She looked down at her grimy hands and shook them once, spraying mud and hitting Heimdall with droplets of muck.
“I don’t bake cake” she stated, smearing mud off her face nonchalantly. “But you’ll find I’m quite good at mud pies,” She smirked as Heimdall shook his head, regaining his senses. The next three minutes were full of pure chaos.
“ Sire, are you certain that Lord Thor and Lord Heimdall were the best suited for the job of testing the girl’s abilities?” A man with curved horns spoke, walking a foot behind Odin at all times. 
“Of course. Heimdall and her are nearly the same age, so it’s a fair fight wouldn’t you say?”
“Yes sir, but Heimdall is young and doesn’t know how to hold back at times. That with his fighting prowess and Thor’s…buffoonery, may cause a bit of disastrous cocktail.” Odin laughed at Mimir’s statement, holding his belly. 
“I always appreciate your bluntness, dear friend!” Odin regains his composure with a sigh, still smiling slightly. “That may be true, but I need Heimdall to read the girl’s mind. And because he is progressing so slowly, he still needs to be close and be able to concentrate, making the whole ordeal less than ideal. And Thor? He’s just grounded and I knew he would hate the job of babysitting.” Mimir frowned at this, not sure why Odin was so carefree about having his two most hot-headed sons be with their new guest. “ I fear Tyr or Baldur would go far too easy on the poor creature. I need results quickly to see where she stands. I just hope they haven’t beaten her too badly.”
 Mud flew in every direction, both from wads being thrown at each other, or residual splatter from tackling each other into the ground and wrestling each other like feral little goblins.
“Ugh!! You are such a little weasel!” YN screamed as Heimdall managed to slip behind her, shoving mud down the back of her shirt, but not before she flipped around and tackled him to the ground, shaking his shoulders violently and slamming him into the mud. He growled, his eyes glowing as he flipped her over, pinning her to the ground under his hips and yanking her hair, smearing it with dirt. 
“Oh yeah!? Well, you’re nothing but a squawking raven!” 
YN reached up, yanking at Hiemdall’s mud-caked hair, pulling so they flipped and rolled across the floor. Heimdall elbowed her in the eye. She yelped and punched him in the nose, pinning him to the ground, and closed the gap between them. Her hands found home around his throat and she didn’t feel herself squeeze, tighter, tighter, tighter. Heimdall gasped for air, kneeing her in her already bruised ribs. She screamed out in pain, her grip loosening and Heimdall threw her off, making her skid into the mud, curling up in pain as her side throbbed. 
“Hey, alright, that’s enough,” Thor called, getting closer to the two, still chuckling at the state of his brother. Heimdall heaved, grabbing a sword that lay forgotten in the mud. 
“Heimdall, come on, put the sword down,” Thor spoke firmly this time, reaching to grab the sword, Heimdall yanked free of his hold and trudged over, raising the sword above his head to swing down, YN nursed her side and prepared to dodge and tackle him again. 
“ What is the meaning of this!?” A voice boomed, making the children both freeze. YN watched as Heimdall’s eyes widened in horror, dropping the sword and stepping away from her immediately, getting down on one knee in the mud and bowing his head, eyes screwed to the ground. Thor followed, not even the hint of a smile on his face anymore. YN finally looked up, seeing Odin approaching with a scowl on his face, followed by a man with curved horns atop his head, his eyes shining with what looked like opals. 
Odin turned immediately to Thor, his arms crossed and his foot tapping as he waited impatiently for an answer. Thor straightened, deciding to look at the children instead of his father.
“They were just sparing, All-Father. Nothing but some roughhousing.”
“Roughhousing?” Mimir drawled out as he walked closer to YN. “They’re covered head to toe in filth. And this one’s eye is swollen shut!” He grabbed YN's face to get a good look at the bruising. He tutted and walked over to Heimdall, looking him over as well. Heimdall winced as the man checked his nose. “Oh lovely,” he spoke sarcastically, looking back at Thor and Odin. “his nose is broken!”
Odin sighed, bordering on a groan as he pinched the bridge of his nose. YN couldn’t explain it but despite what only looked like mild frustration, there seemed to be electricity in the air. She was not blind to the way Heimdall seemed to cower under his father’s gaze, and Thor seemed so small all of a sudden in the All-Father’s presence. The way everyone reacted to him unnerved YN and she hated the feeling of tension closing in on everyone.
“Boys, I told you to train her, not maim her. Mimir helps her up, will you?” 
Mimir gently grabbed her arm, helping her to stand, and walked her over to Odin’s side. 
“ S-sir it was my fault. I-I’m no good at fighting! I fought desperately and my temper got the better of me, I’m deeply truly sorry.” She tried to reason. Heimdall peaked up at her, confused as to why she would bother to take the blame. She didn’t know him or his brother. Didn’t she know what would happen if she spoke out of turn? Heimdall couldn’t help the pang of jealousy he felt at the way his father acted towards the girl. How his voice softened. Was she manipulating him? Heimdall tried reading her mind but he was still dazed from the scuffle the two had had. 
Odin cut off the girl’s apologies by holding his hand up, shushing her silently. 
“ I won’t hear it. You are a guest and in a strange new land. You were taken from your home and told to fight without any time to understand what was going on. I simply wasn’t thinking. And for that, I am sorry. I was supposed to come here to introduce you and watch you spar, not fight! But I thought to myself, ‘Surely my sons will do well in some friendly competition. I mustn’t worry so much!’ Isn’t that what I said, Mimir?”
“Yes, sir.” Mimir nodded, but YN felt his hand tense against her shoulder. Odin nodded and scowled at Heimdall and Thor, shaking his head with a sigh.
“But I suppose I was wrong to trust them with such a simple task.” YN was caught off guard as she felt Odin’s hand rest on her head.
“Are you alright, child?” YN looked up at him and nodded meekly. He smiled and pushed the girl over towards the two still bowing in the dirt. “Get up.” They stood quickly. Thor looked his father in the eyes, while Heimdall struggled to do the same, his hands squeezed tight at his sides. Odin nudged the girl forward. “I’d like all three of you to apologize to each other.” 
At this, the girl immediately bowed, apologizing for letting things get out of hand. Now that her anger had subsided all she felt was anxiety at the tension in the air. YN wanted nothing more than to apologize and hopefully get along with everyone. She turned to Thor and looked up with big round eyes. 
“ I apologize, Lord Thor, for not paying better attention to your encouragement and advice, and instead letting my nerves take over. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to teach me.” Thor let out a harumph, looking away. But then sighed and lowered his head in a passive bow.
“Yeah… sorry I didn’t keep a better eye on you both.” Odin scoffed, not satisfied but knowing that was the best he’d get out of Thor. He looked down at Heimdall expectantly, who just seemed to be frozen in place. Yn stuck out her hand as a peace offering. 
“I’m deeply sorry, Lord Heimdall. I hope I didn’t hurt you too badly.” Heimdall tsked at the statement and didn’t move. YN looked him in the eyes and he heard her thoughts.
‘I know you can hear me. Shake my hand, and play along. Unless you want to get in more trouble.’ He clicked his tongue in annoyance but with the nudge of her thought and the searing eyes of his father, he grabbed her hand and shook it.
“No my…lady…” he strained with a smile, his brow twitching “The fault is mine for thinking you could withstand a fight with me. I must remember that you are a woman, and therefore, weak and delicate. Like a baby bird,” She smiled back, squeezing his hand so tight that the tip of her fingers turned white. 
‘I’ll show you delicate, you little weasel.’She thought, her brow twitching as she pried her hands away and noticed him flex his hand subtly at his side to subside the aching of her anaconda squeeze.
“There, see? All better now! Mimir, take our guest to the infirmary will you?” Mimir nodded, guiding YN away. When they were out of earshot, Odin’s smile disappeared and he looked at his sons expectantly. 
“What have you learned?”
“She is reactive in her fighting.” Thor started his report, “ only attacking after her opponent makes a move. Otherwise, she’s a bit of a chicken shit. Kept running away from Heimdall until the only choice was to fight back.” 
“Hn…” Odin looked down at the younger boy. “So she was trying to run away and you still ended up like this? Honestly, Heimdall.”
“B-but father-“
“ I don’t want to hear it.” Heimdall shut his mouth stiffly. Odin repeated his original question, directing all his attention to Heimdall. The boy swallowed thickly and remembered her thoughts and the way they rushed one after the other.
“She…she’s a goddess, and she’s from Vanaheim. She wanted to avoid fighting me, kept trying to find a way to introduce herself, and thought being polite would stop me from hurting her. She kept trying to calm herself down, so I provoked her to see where she would go from there. She’s hotheaded and immature. I don’t think she can be trusted. You should just send her back.” Heimdall fidgeted as he spoke and Odin lost his patience, grabbing the boy’s chin roughly to look up at him. 
“Unfortunately that’s not in the cards just yet, son. She’s a child, and a goddess, therefore powerful and unpredictable. We need to keep an eye on how she grows and see if we can use her for the betterment of Asgard before one of our enemies finds her and uses her against us. You understand, don’t you?” Odin squeezed Heimdall’s chin as he posed the question. Heimdall whimpered slightly at the pain of Odin’s bony fingers digging into his skin and just barely was able to nod. Odin abruptly released his son, smiling brightly. “Good. So then, anything that we can use to get her to trust us? Get her to work with us?” Heimdall nodded again, reaching up to rub his sore chin. 
“She’s very lonely and pathetic…, which you can use to gain her trust, All-Father.  She seems passive in her solutions but she is also quick to anger and frustration so it would be important to keep that in mind during any negotiations…” 
Odin looked down at his son, taking in the information. He hummed in satisfaction and nodded.
“ alright. Good. I can work with that.” With that, Odin turned to walk away, paused, and spared Heimdall a glance over his shoulder. “Clean yourself up. You’re filthy.”
“What’s his problem, anyway? Is everyone in Asgard as… volatile?” YN asked as Mimir prepared an ice pack for her. He snorted and shook his head. 
“Heimdall is a special cocktail of issues, lass. Best to keep away from him. He’s a spoiled little prince, and I’m afraid the way he’s going it will only get worse.” He walked over to her with a white cloth. He dipped it in a bowl of warm water, rang it out, and pressed it to the girl’s swollen eye. She hissed, pulling away slightly, but Mimir kept her head gently in place, blotting the wound. “Stay still, I know it stings but I need to get all the dirt and blood off.” YN stayed tense but allowed Mimir to clean the wound. There was silence in the room, save for the slow trickle of water from the towel being run out every once in a while. YN interrupted the quiet.
“Are you allowed to say that about the princes?” She asked meekly, looking up at Mimir with her good eye. He raised a brow, dipping the cloth in the water again and going back to cleaning.
“Are you going to rat me out?” He posed, grabbing the ice he had prepared and holding it up to her face. YN shook her head slightly and smiled as Mimir simply shrugged, “Then I have nothing to worry about. Besides, my loyalties lie with the All-Father, not his band of brats. Like I said, best to just keep away.” YN thought for a moment and shook her head, holding the ice to her face as Mimir walked away to grab some medicine for the cuts on her face.
“That doesn’t seem right. Why should they be able to do whatever they want at the expense of others? Because they’re royalty? They should be held to even higher standards considering the power they have.” 
“What we think is right and what will end up happening are two different things. Best to forget the whole thing to save yourself the disappointment.”
“And who taught you that? Was it the All-Father?” Mimir stilled, seeming to be in deep thought. YN pouted, guilty at the tension she had caused.“ I-I’m sorry.” Mimir shook his head, a smile returning to his face. 
“It’s alright. It’s just… you’re quite forward for a young goddess in a new place.” YN frowned at that. She wasn’t really sure how she was supposed to be acting. She had spent so long working off instinct, that it may have made her a bit blunt in her words and actions. Mimir let the silence hang as she fidgeted with her ice pack before deciding to elaborate.
“… I’m not from here… Asgard, I mean. Hel, I’m not even from the 9 realms.” He looked back at YN and chuckled as she straightened her posture, her interest peaked. “ I’m a Fae, a Goodfellow. I used to be a fool to a Celtic faerie king.” He got a faraway look in his eye, as he slowed the grinding of herbs. She swung her feet as she waited for him to continue, tilting her head in curiosity. “What’s a Fae? What’s Celtic?” Mimir snorted at this, shaking his head. 
“That’s too long a story. The point is that I’m an outsider, like you. And I wasn’t happy where I was so I left… things may seem rough here, but they are better than they were. That’s what I hold onto. This is all new to you, and new is strange. The All-Father told me a bit about your background. Going from complete isolation to being surrounded by people and sparing lessons is a lot, and I apologize for your rushed introduction to Asgard thus far.”
Yn nodded, thinking about her own home. There was nothing for her there, really. And though Heimdall and Thor were less than pleasant and Odin had not yet shown he could be fully trusted, there were already things YN felt would be hard to let go of. The food she was able to eat here, the feeling of a warm bed and a crackling fire, the sound of people moving to and fro in the morning. The sound of people living around her, unbothered.
“ Odin called you Mimir…that means wise one doesn’t it?”
“ yes. I am Mimir, the smartest man alive.” He said proudly. He saw as the girl raised her brow in confusion and chuckled, “I am the ambassador of the gods and the nine realms, I know every corner of the realms, everything that has happened, every language spoken, every moment in time past now.” YN’s eyes widened in awe, to meet someone who claimed to know so much of the world after she had been isolated from it for so long, it made her mind soar. YN pulled the ice from her eye and balled her hands together in anxious excitement.
“ Would you… Would you be able to teach me? Please?!” She pleaded, nearly shaking with excitement. Mimir pretended to think about it, stroking his beard.
“ Oh? I dunno, it’s a lot of information I’d be throwing at you. Could be a bit boring.”
“Yes, that’s what I want! I want to learn about the realms, I want to help build connections, That’s what Odin said I’d be able to do here! Will you please teach me, Mimir?” 
The truth was, he was tasked with keeping an eye on the girl and taking her under his wing. Odin wanted him to teach her about the relations of Asgard to the rest of the realms and see if she could aid in Mimir and Tyr’s growth of Agard’s connections. He looked back down at the girl, guilt buried at the back of his mind. She was only here to be used. But then, weren’t they all in some way? 
“I suppose I could use an apprentice. But don’t whine when you feel you're being thrown over the deep end.”
“Yes!” she cheered, hopping off the table. She bowed deeply, before looking back up at the man with a hopeful smile. “Thank you, Mr. Mimir. I hope that your teachings allow me to be more useful, so that I may continue to stay here. Maybe my first day was hard, but I’m sure I can find my place here.” She beamed, the pain of her wounds already subsiding thanks to godlike healing and the creams that had been applied.  She runs to the exit, hoping to find Mal. She wanted to tell her about her fight with Heimdall and tease her for being too scared to stay and watch. 
“Oi, wait, your eye! I need to put this on it!”
“I’ll be fine! I have to go! Thank you again, Mimir!” she gathered her things, a new skip in her step. 
“Ah ah ah, at least take it with you.” He grabbed her by the shoulder, handing her a metal tin with the cream he had made with the crushed herbs and some bandages. “The great hall! Tomorrow at 6 am. Do not be late!” he barely got it out before she left, the heavy door slamming behind her. 
The sun had set in Asgard and YN was on her way back to her room from supper with Mal, who had apologized for leaving in a hurry and gave her an extra serving of potatoes as a sorry. 
YN yawned with a stretch. The swelling in her eye had gone down, but the bruising was now a deep yellow and purple. Mimir had also found out she had two broken ribs, but with the ointment and bandages he had applied, the girl felt fine and knew they would be fine by morning. 
YN was about to retire for the night, walking to her door, when she heard a loud hiss come from across the hall. She quirked a brow at the sound and turned. Dim candlelight flickered from under the door and YN walked over at the subtle sound of a pained groan. 
“Hello? Are you ok in there?” She asked with a knock. There was silence for a beat, and she knocked again, “Hello?” The person on the other side clicked their tongue in annoyance and YN could hear the loud screech of a chair dragging across the wooden floor. The door swung open and YN was met face-to-face with Heimdall, scowling with a blood-stained handkerchief over his nose. She tilted her head in confusion. 
“What the Hel do you want?” he grumbled, but his voice was slightly nasily because of his broken nose. YN had started to regret ever knocking but quirked a brow and pointed at his handkerchief. 
“You’re still bleeding.”
“No! Really?” Heimdall gasped in fain surprise.
“ I didn’t know we lived across the hall from each other.” She spoke again, ignoring his rudeness. Heimdall rolled his eyes and went to slam the door in her face. 
“Seriously, just get out.” She held her hand up to stop the door from fully closing. “What the- hey! I said, "Get out!”
“Why didn’t you go to the infirmary?”
“Tsk! Are you serious? I’m not a baby, I don’t need bandages and a cookie for staying still.” YN just rolled her good eye at the statement, pushing further against the door. “Hey!”
“You know we heal too fast for you to leave that alone. Your cartilage is going to grow back crooked.” Heimdall’s eyes widened at that, but he frowned as he looked away. 
“That’s not true. You're lying.” 
“Why would I lie about your nose growing back crooked?” YN watched him fidget in place. It didn’t take a genius to know that he cared about his vanity. The bright white shirts with gold trim and intricate braids in his hair when she first saw him were enough of a hint. And despite everything, she still wanted to make peace, if not to become friends then to at least have to worry less about being tackled at a moment's notice. Heimdall groaned in defeat, knowing she was right. 
“ Alright, fine then. What do you suggest I do, pestering raven?” YN sighed at yet another insulting name and crossed her arms.
“ May I come in?” She asked, annoyance obvious in her voice. Heimdall frowned but opened his door wider. Yn walked in and noticed the room was nearly the same as hers, save for a vanity in the corner of the room with the chair pushed back. She grabbed the back of it, dragged it over to the bed, and sat down, turning to Heimdall and patting the spot on the bed across from her. He shut the door and trudged over, sitting across so that their knees touched.
“Can you move the handkerchief?” Heimdall hesitated but slowly did so, his face showing discomfort as he removed pressure. His nose had in fact already started to bend slightly and YN couldn’t help the concerned hiss she let out. “ I really am sorry…”
“ Whatever. Just fix it.” His bright eyes glared through her.
“ I’ll have to break it again.”
“Like hel you will!”
“OK, if you don’t mind a deep bend at your bridge.”
“… fine.”
“What was that?”
“ I said fine already!”
She just nodded with a smirk, touching at the soft cartilage, and pressing it into place. Heimdall winced and tensed at each prod, his hands squeezed tight on his thighs. 
“If you keep scrunching your face, this won’t work.”
“Well, it hurts! You're doing it on purpose.”
“ I am not. Do you want a towel to bite down on?”
“ Shut up- ow! Hey!”
“OK, take a deep breath, This one is gonna be the worst but it should open up both nostrils so you can breathe better.” 
“H-how do you even know what you're doing is right?” 
“ I’ve been alone for a long time. I’ve always had to heal myself. And I’ve fallen on my face many times, my nose looks pretty good if I do say so myself.” She smirked slightly at him as he only gulped. YN grabbed the bridge of his nose and when he braced himself, she twisted her hand sharply, effectively knocking a piece of cartilage that had grown crooked out of place. Heimdall screamed as blood rushed out his nose. He brought the handkerchief back up to his face.
“Are you crazy?!”
“If I didn’t do that, your nose would have looked like a tree branch. Keep pressure on that for a moment.”She pulled the small tin from her pocket. “Look, Mimir gave me this to apply to my eye and ribs before going to bed. It will help with the pain.” She grabbed some bandages that were tucked in her pocket and ripped them into two strips, rolled them up into tight coils, and dipped the ends into the concoction. “Take that off, please. The bleeding should have stopped, and this will stop the soreness.” YN had started to think the boy’s brows were permanently knitted together in annoyance by this point as he moved the kerchief from his face. YN quickly pushed the wads of bandage up his nose to keep the cartilage from collapsing and to promote healing in the correct direction. That being said, he looked ridiculous and she couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out of her mouth. His face went red and he pushed her chair away from him with his boot. 
“ Alright, you’re done, right? Get out.” he hopped off the bed, pushing her towards the door. 
“W-wait a minute, do you think we could-” she gasped as she was shoved out the door, but twisted and jammed her foot before it could slam. Heimdall let out an exaggerated growl, throwing his head back.
“Gods- now what do you want?” she swallowed thickly and offered a small bow. 
“My name is YN, goddess of logic, tactic and peace. I will be staying across the hall from you. I hope we can learn to get along.” She stood back straight and smiled nervously. Heimdall pulled together a sickly sweet grin.
“I am Heimdall, god of foresight, and my time is too precious to be wasted on you. Good night.” And with that, he swung the door wide open before slamming it in the girl's face. YN winced and then sighed in defeat, fidgeting with her hands.
“Good night…” she called softly back through the door. At no response, she turned toward her room to retire for the night. Maybe the next day would be better. 
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spacedikut · 3 years
exam help ; spencer reid
pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader
summary: a self-indulgent blurb about spencer helping with exams :) 1.7k
a/n: first fic of the year :D happy 2021!
Another anguish-filled screech reverberates from your and Spencer’s shared office, bringing even your pet fish in the tank to attention.
It’s the third one this hour. Spencer tries to ignore it, just like you told him to, but God you sound like you’re in pain and Spencer can’t exactly ignore that, can he? He loves you and cares for you and- oh. A thump reaches his ears. A textbook, maybe? Did you punch your textbook?
He considers for a moment that the neighbours will be alarmed, perhaps call the police or tentatively knock with a, “Is everything okay in there?”
It wouldn’t be the first time.
What would he tell them? Oh, my apologies, my partner has exams coming up and just told me they get why unsubs do that now. I am also terrified.
There are many instances where Spencer feels useless. During his job, when his mother would have an episode, when his friends have problems he just wouldn’t understand. But, somehow, and maybe controversially, this is the worst type of uselessness. The type that leaves him staring at the wall, questioning everything, the type that makes his stomach drop because all he can do is watch.
He’s been watching you for the last two weeks. He’s sick of watching, of being no help, and he needs to do something before he breaks and does something illegal.
(The illegal thing is doing your exams for you - not illegal as in, perhaps, murder)
Your frazzled head pops out from the office, one hand rubbing your eyes and a permanent frown etched on your face, and with a fragile voice you ask, “Can you make me a coffee, please?”
Now, Spencer feels hypocritical, but he has to say it. “Another? Are you sure?”
He sees the internal battle within you, how you try your hardest not to snap. It’s not his fault you’re stressed. He’s just trying to help. “Yes, I’m sure. Please, Spence,”
“Of course. I’ll bring it in.”
“Thank you.” With a pained smile, you’re gone again into the dark abyss of where you’re studying.
With quick, ingrained movements, Spencer makes your coffee with too much creamer and marshmallows. Unusual, yes, but your current diet consists of coffee and whatever he can force you to consume – like marshmallows.
But then, hello, he spots a chocolate bar haphazardly close to the bin, grabs it, and hopes you let him watch you eat it.
Stepping into the room as quietly as possible, he’s smacked in the face by the smell of lavender. It makes him nauseous, the intensity of it, quickly followed by a lurch of his heart because you poor thing, you’re being crushed by the weight of your degree – literally. The other day you purchased an insanely heavy weighted blanket and you’re drowning in it.
Now, if you were to ask Spencer who the most beautiful person on the planet is, he’d say you in a heartbeat. He’s thought that since you first met and, years later, still stands by that. But now, right now, glowering at him in the dimly lit, lavender drenched study that you used to love oh-so-much? You have the face of a French bulldog, all grumpy and furrowed and too many creases on your face to make Spencer feel like he’s actually helping when he places the coffee and snack on your desk.
Despite the crabby expression, your words are filled with love and appreciation – which happens to be Spencer’s favourite mix. “Thank you, my love.” You take a sip of the coffee, hum in delight, and for the first time in days there’s a spark of something other than torment. “You’re the best.”
Spencer’s hand holds the back of your neck and he places a series of soft kisses to your temple, mumbling, “I love you. Very much. Is there anything else you need?”
“Okay. I’ll work on it.”
At that, you grace Spencer with a weak half-smile. It’s enough to overwhelm Spencer, overflowing and only able to be shown through a chaste, encouraging peck on your lips and a half-hug, Spencer bent at the waist to hold you in your desk chair. He noses your hair, hoping his closeness will alleviate some stress, before stepping back and praying his eyes tell you everything he wants to say but know will elicit annoyance from you.
I love you. Take care of yourself. Rest, please. You can do this, but not if you over exert yourself. I love you.
Your eyes tell him, I’ll try. I love you. And that’s all he can ask for.
But when he leaves, shuffles past his bookshelf, his eyes catch sight of an old file that reminds him of when he was preparing for his own exams.
He gets an idea.
It takes another two days, full of late nights involving work that isn’t staying up and distracting himself with books to avoid worrying over you and how late you go to sleep, and reading that leaves Spencer in awe of you and everyone in your field.
A part of him is amazed by how he wheelbarrowed the resources behind you without you noticing, another is worried about that fact, and the rest of him is excited that he can finally do something that will actually help. At least, he hopes.
(When everything is said and done, despite being endlessly grateful, you also inform Spencer that simply being there and being him and getting you coffee every time you ask is more than enough, really)
With pride, he leans back on the couch, observing his creations on the coffee table. There’s plenty of different colours, all representing a different topic, and he presses the thumbs up to like the Youtube video he was using to ensure his handwriting is easy to read.
Flashcards. Hundreds, if Spencer counted correctly. The textbooks he stole – borrowed – from under your nose lie next to his feet, the weight of them combined more of a workout than he’s (voluntarily) done in eons.
He only hopes you don’t think it’s too late, think he’s overstepping or-or that he’s doing those things that he’s been accused of before – thinking he knows best (he does, but whatever), overbearing arrogance, an unwillingness to hear and accept other people’s way of doing things.
He just wants to help. He wants you to know he’s here for you, no matter what you need. This is the thing that lets him believe he’s doing something, something good and useful. Spencer just wants to be useful.
He’s convinced you to eat a proper breakfast – fruit, oats, bread, meat, a whole buffet – and you sense something is amiss when you hear slow, tentative footsteps creeping from your bedroom.
Spencer, still in his pyjamas, glasses perched on his nose, approaches with a shallow box in his grasp. You swallow your bite, turn to face him. “What’ve you got there?”
The box is slid onto the counter next to your plate hesitantly, as if he regrets his actions as he’s doing them. Peering in, you see a blur of colour, stacks on stacks of rectangular paper filled with writing and questions and even a tips! section.
You pick up the first batch, all light blue, and flick through them, heart getting bigger and bigger with every word you read. And when you realise what they are, what Spencer’s done ­– for you – your heartrate has skyrocketed and the watch on your wrist is asking you if you’re okay.
“You made me flashcards?” You ask, in awe, again looking at the love of your life to find he’s already staring at you.
“I did,” He tells you, apprehensive and scared, already backtracking, “But, if you don’t think they’re useful, or-or you think I’m overstepping – I’m not trying to, I promise, I just thought…” He starts nervously shuffling and reshuffling some of his creation. “Flashcards are known to engage active recall and metacognition. Research consistently finds that applying metacognitive strategies tends to ingrain memories deeper into your knowledge, and that this kind of active recall retrieval practice leads to one-hundred and fifty percent better retention than passive studying, so…”
Your hands have a mind of their own, pulling what feels like an endless amount of cards out and turning them in your hands, from the questions on the front to the answers on the back, the ones with hints and advice and there’s several with doodles that are so Spencer you hold them to your chest. You’re so enamoured by this man that is still rambling and bumbling because he takes your silence as distaste.
“I just- I hate seeing you so stressed, so I made these. You don’t have to use them, of course. They’re not even that great. It’s not that I don’t think you’re capable, you’re beyond capable, or that your methods don’t work- Just, personally, I love flashcards. I used them all the time when studying, even though I didn’t really need them, so perhaps a change of medium would do you good-“
A warm hand on his own that keep fidgeting stops him mid-stream of consciousness.
“Thank you,” You say, earnestly, “Really. These are lovely.” You leap from your seat, wrapping Spencer in warmth and love and care, and he shivers when he feels your hot breath on his ear when you repeat your thanks again and again.
When he pulls you even closer, so your torso curves into his own, you feel the lightest you have in weeks. You’re in the arms of the man you love, who knows you love him too and you know loves you so much – enough to spend several nights reading your cursed textbooks so he could create something that might help – and now you’re confident that you can do it. With the help of Spencer and his lovingly hand-made flashcards, you can do it.
And if, somehow, it goes awry, that’s okay too. Because you’ll still have Spencer, your number one fan, who will be there to comfort you and advise you in any way he can. He’ll never let you doubt yourself, never allow a self-deprecating joke if he can help it, because if he has to, he’ll love and support you enough for the both of you until you can do it yourself.
The world feels a little brighter, your breaths feel a little lighter, all because of Spencer. So you kiss him, murmur love against his lips, and get ready to take on whatever dares to come your way.
tags: @pinkdiamond1016 @bluerose512 @andreasworlsboring101 @roses-and-grasses @ta-ka-shi-ma @ogmilkis @chiffonchronicles @rexorangecouny @unmistakablyunknown @goofygubler14 @gublertoon @averyhotchner @wheeledup @shadyladyperfection @joodeduarte @calm-and-doctor @
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is-it-madness · 3 years
A Different Kind Of Birthday Night
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A/N: Happy Birthday, my darling friend @fadingcoast!!! This is for you, dear heart. Here’s hoping for a wonderful year for you. Love you 🥳💜💜 Thank you for encouraging me to post this and for betaing. You are absolutely incredible.
Pairing: Loki x f!reader
Summary: It’s your birthday and Loki gives you a gift you’re sure to never forget
Warnings: This being my first smut should be warning enough. But also... D/s dynamics, kinda sub!Loki, oral sex (f receiving), fingering. I believe that’s it.
Word count: 1356
It was evening when you finally came home from work.
After working a full shift at the hospital, you felt gross, contaminated. Kicking off your shoes and tossing your keys down, you headed to the bathroom, wanting to wash the day’s grime off you.
You rubbed your eyes when you entered the bathroom, only to blink several times when realizing the tub was lavishly prepared for you. You smiled slightly, knowing only one man would’ve done this for you.
“Hello, my love.”
How you’re never able to sense his presence when he stood behind you, is something you’ll never figure out. You only knew he was there if he said something, or if he placed a hand on your waist, pulling you against him.
You spun around, grinning for what was probably the first time today. “Hi.”
The tension in your shoulders relaxed as you took in the sight of him gloriously bare from the waist up. Sitting enticingly low on his hips, were a pair of sweats. You could tell that he wanted to kiss you, to pull you into his embrace, to hold you flush against him. The want was clear in his eyes.
But you shook your head. “Bath-”
“-first,” he finished your sentence. “Yes, yes, I know the requirements, love.” A ghost of a smirk pulled at his lips. “I have no qualms. This time.”
“Oh? And why’s that?”
Loki grins and kisses the tip of your nose. “You’ll see. After your bath.”
A few minutes ago, you might’ve been exhausted and ready to collapse in bed. But that smile? With that mischievous glint in his eyes? Oh... now your interest was piqued. Whatever he had in store for you was sure to be more than interesting.
He took your chin between his fingers and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. “Now, in you get.”
You rolled your eyes at him, which earned you a playful smack to your ass, making you giggle. Loki heads to your shared bedroom to do... well, who knows what he has planned, and you stripped before sinking into the invitingly warm water.
When you walked in the room, you were greeted by a sight you weren’t expecting.
Loki was sitting on the floor, completely stripped, and looking at you with a demure expression.
It wasn’t often you saw him behave like this. Maybe twice before. But when he did, you relished in it. It meant you were in charge tonight. It meant he was yours to control, to use for your pleasure.
You crouched in front of him. “So pretty,” you murmured, easily slipping into your role of being in charge. “Especially when you’re like this, for me to use at my disposal.”
He licked his lips. “Thank you, Mistress.”
There it was. Your title. Your proof of power for tonight. It sent heat straight to your core. Your eyes flitted to his tongue and you smiled darkly. This is going to be fun.
“Hands behind your back. No touching me unless I grant you permission.”
He complied to your command and you straddled his lap, his semi-hard cock rubbing against your folds. You trailed your fingers along his chest and nuzzled into his neck, rocking your hips oh so gently to feel a delicious bit of friction on your clit.
“What to do with you… restraints? Or maybe the crop. You did look so cute with that collar…”
Between your words, you left open-mouthed kisses against his throat, leaving a bite here and there, making your mark on him. You could feel his muscles flex and tense under your touch and you can tell he’s using a great deal of restraint to not touch you.
You sat up straight, a smile gracing your face. “I know exactly what we’ll do.”
You stood and walked across the room, taking a seat in his chair, the one he used on occasions when the roles were reversed. But tonight? Tonight it was your turn.
You tugged on the tie holding your robe closed and spread your legs wide, giving him a full view of your glistening pussy. You hear his breathing hitch and his deep green eyes go black.
“Well?” You arched a brow at him, teasing a finger between your wet folds. ”It’s not going to take care of itself.”
Loki crawled towards you, hunger evident in his eyes. He settled himself between your legs, resting his hands on your calves. He placed soft kisses and nibbles on your thighs, fingers lazily trailing up your legs. You shuddered under his featherlight touches, as he takes his time.
Frustrated, you seized him by his hair and pulled his head back.
“Did I tell you I wanted teasing?”
“No, Mistress.”
You tighten your grip on his hair, tugging a bit. “And what are you doing right now?”
A soft moan escapes his lips. “T-teasing.”
“I’ll deal with your disobedience later, but right now,” you dragged his face close to your heated center. “I want that silver tongue on me.”
He responded by giving you a viper-like smile and licking a fat stripe on your pussy. You threw your head back, eyes rolling as he began to feast on you.
“Good boy... just- ah! Just like that.”
He hummed, laughing, sending vibrations on your clit as he sucks it into his mouth. Loki grabbed your hips, pulling you closer to his assault and threw you legs over his shoulders. He licked firmly against your folds and dipped his tongue inside you, nose nudging against your clit.
“Such a pretty pussy… and you taste so sweet Mistress.”
Your breathing became shallow, a small whine left your lips, but you still need more. “Loki-”
You hadn’t uttered more than his name, but he already knew what you wanted. Your folds were wet enough to make it easy for him to insert two of his long fingers inside your pussy. He looked up at you through his lashes, licking and sucking your clit as he pressed his fingers, scissoring for a moment before trying to find your sweet spot.
“You’re doing... s-such a good job... hmm- such a good job.”
Loki hummed in appreciation for your praise. He crooked his fingers in a come hither motion and your legs trembled when he found your g-spot. You threw your head back, reduced to whines and moans. His eyes were closed now, brow furrowed as he focused on bringing you pleasure. He added a third finger, pumping them in and out, tongue flicking and sucking your clit.
“L-Loki… I’m c-com-” You didn’t even finish your warning before he gave a particularly harsh suck and pressed his fingers deep inside your pussy.
You came with a gasp, a strangled scream, and his name on your lips.
Loki lapped up your juices, slowing down his ministrations to help you ride out your orgasm. You collapsed in the chair, chest heaving and limbs trembling. He stood up and gathered your limp figure in his arms, carrying you to bed and gently putting you down. He crawled on top of you, caging you between his arms. The weight of his body on yours was comforting, while the weight of his heavy cock on your mound was arousing. You cupped his face and brought him close, kissing him slowly, intimately, the taste of your release making you heady.
He pulled away, resting his brow on yours. “Happy Birthday, my kitten.”
Your eyes widened. “I forgot it was today. I can’t believe you remembered.”
He laughed quietly. “Your king never forgets such an important day.”
“Thank you for this, Loki. It was a wonderful gift.”
Loki arched his brow and smirked. “You didn’t think we were done yet. Did you?” He rubbed his cock against you, steadily building your arousal up. “My love, you should’ve known that we’ve only just begun. Your gift ends when you’re covered in my cum, begging me to stop fucking you.”
“I’d never beg you to stop…” you bit your lip.
Loki smiled widely. “Shall we begin?”
My ride or die:
@lehuka123 @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @just-the-hiddles @thehumanistsdiary @fanfictionaries @astheworlddturns @bbarnestan @buckyfan12
@delightfulheartdream @imherefortomhiddleston @imnotrevealingmyname
Tag lists are open ☺️
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gayaristocrat · 3 years
I Got Everything I wanted...
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Episode 1: Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience...
Pairing: Vision x Male Reader
Taglist: N/A
‼️Authors Note‼️: I'm finally at a point where I can write this story. I know that It is long overdue, so I hope this can make up for it. This story is going to be breaking the 4th wall a lot since they tend to do that in the actual show. Also, please let me know in my Inbox/Askbox if you would like to be tagged every time I upload a story to this series. While reading this, you may realize that it seems rushed, and that's because it was. I wanted to put this out as soon as I possibly could. Also since you guys voted that I just divide it up into parts for you to read. I will be uploading part 2 whenever I am able to.
Summary: (Male Name) and Vision struggle to conceal their powers during dinner with Vision's boss and his wife
Time Period: 1956 (So everything in this chapter is going to be colorless and in black and white)
Word count: 4k+
Word Key:
Have you ever dreamed of living the life you always wanted? Have you ever dreamed of something so bad to the point where you would do anything to get it. Have you ever dreamed of something so bad to the point where all of your care for others went out the window? Have you ever dreamed of wanting something so bad to the point where you would stop anyone who gets in your way.
"(Male Name), I love you so much. Please don't do this, cant you see that everyone is hurting, that everyone is in so much pain?"
"I'm sorry Vision, but I can't. I can't loose you...not again. I never meant for things to be this way, but now I can't go back. Not without you"
For a second, everything is black. The TV clicks on and a burst of grey static illuminates the screen. Everything is black and white, not a single drop of color is in the area. A happily little tune starts playing as a colorless 1956 Buick Special drives up a tiny hill and back down past a sign which says 'Speed Limit 35'. The camera angle changes to the back of the car, showing a banner above the license plate, 'Just Married'. Next, the camera cuts to us, (Male Name) and Vision, newlywed husbands.
It finally happened, we finally got married! Both of us turn take a quick look and smile at each other with nothing but love and glee, it seemed like nothing could go wrong in this moment.
A newlywed couple just moved into town,
A regular husband and husband,🎵
Vision turns his head back to the road and continues driving until we turn down a happy little neighborhood. Each house on the street has a pattern of different color greys with black roofs, their yards decorated with equally bland colorless flowers and grass. Children playing outside, and adults chatting with one another while they tend to their gardens, or while walking their dogs. Everyone is just so cheery and happy, even the mailman waves at us as we pass him. Everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be, perfect.
🎵Who left the big city,
To find a quiet life,
(Male Name)Vision!🎵
Vision drives into the driveway of our new home. We quickly hop out of the car and approach the house, but before we walk in I take notice of the 'For Sale' sign still in the yard. I quickly flick my hand and use my magic to change the sign to 'Sold'. After that I dust my hands off with a proud smile on my face as Vision scoops me in his arms bridal style, opens the front door, and carries me inside. I flick my wrist again and the front door closes and locks as we both move to the Livingroom of our already decorated 2 story home.
🎵He's a magical boy,
In a small town locale
And a hubby who's part machine,
How will this duo fit in and pull through?🎵
Once Vision puts me back on my feet, we start swaying with the jingle playing in the background while title cards pop up of written words that I don't care to read right now since I'm too busy enjoying this happy moment with my new husband. Vision then gives me a little twirl before wrapping his arms around my waist as we both dip into a loving heartfelt kiss.
🎵Oh, by sharing a love,
Like you've never seen
(Male Name)Vision!🎵
The scene suddenly changes as the lights flick on and cameras start rolling. You start the scene off by walking into the kitchen and start making your way to one of the grey drawers next to the oven and you grab one of your favorite aprons. Humming a little tune, you wrap the white cloth around your waist and start observing the kitchen to see what needs to be picked up or cleaned. Deciding to work on putting up the dishes, you raise your hand and the newly cleaned plates start levitating off of the counters and float off to the display racks, you then raise your other hand and a dark colored dish cloth floats out of the cabinet and it begins drying a glass cup. You then turn your back to the cup to observe if it had been cleaned good enough, suddenly you jump as a loud crash echoes through out the kitchen. Turn to see what the problem is, you only to find Vision looking up from today's news paper and glances at the shattered plate at the ground while a laughing crown erupts out of nowhere.
"My husband and his flying saucers" He says in his thick English accent (or is it British🤔), with a joking tone.
"My husband and his indestructible head" I reply back in the same tone as another laugh erupts from the crowd.
He then folds his newspaper and walked over to your direction, giving you a kiss on the cheek when he arrived, causing you to chuckle while twirling your finger, making the plate form back to it's original round shape before it floats off to it's designated spot.
"Vision, honey, what do you say to silver dollar pancakes, crispy hash browns, bacon, eggs, freshly squeezed orang juice and black coffee?" You say while walking over to the refrigerator, opening it and bending down, getting ready to grab out everything needed to make the meal for him.
"I'd say 'Oh, I don't eat food' " He says smiling at me, while the crown laughs again.
You look inside the fridge and hum to yourself in surprise while putting all the pieces together in your head before saying "Well, that explains the empty refrigerator then"
"(Male Name), my darling. Is there something special about today?"
"Well, I know the apron is a bit much dear, but I'm doing my best to blend in and have the 'Perfect House Husband' look." You say walking to meet him, assuming he's talking about the apron.
"No no, you don't have to try, you already are the perfect house husband." He says as he lightly grabs your chin with his pointer finger and thumb and lightly giving you a 'boop' on the nose. "But I was referring to the calendar. Someone's drawn a heart right above today's date." You then looked at him as you cluelessly try to figure out what he's talking about, so he puts his hands on your shoulders and turns you around to face the calendar behind you and he rests his chin on your head as you both look at the heart.
Trying to act like you know what day it is, you say "Well...d..dont tell me you've forgotten Vis?"
"Oh silly (y/n), I'm incapable of forgetfulness. I remember everything. That's not an exaggeration. In fact, I'm even incapable of exaggeration" He rambles boastfully.
"Hmm, well then if that's true, then maybe you can tell me what's so important about today's date"
He pauses for a second and thinks before he blows a slow puff of air out of his mouth, then deciding on saying "Uhhh...what was the question again? Oh well, no matter, perhaps you've forgotten yourself"
"Me? Heavens, no, haha. I've been so looking forward to it."
You both have actually been looking forward to day. Today you are celebrating...The first time you...uhhh...have ever celebrated this occasion before. It's a special day indeed, perhaps an evening?...of great significance?...to you both, naturally.. obviously...exactly! Well done for the both of you.
You two ramble on for a few more minutes trying to drill the other into spilling on what was so special about today, but you two couldn't since you were both obviously unknowing about it, then Vision remembered something.
"Well, sorry darling, that's me off to work, then." Vison says fixing his grey suit jacket and grabbing his suitcase walking to the front door. You quickly grab his hat hanging on the coat rack and place it on his head, fixing it to make it look straight.
"Also don't forget-"
"(Male Name), my dear how many times do I have to tell you I don't forg- oh you mean my face right?"
You nod letting him know that was what you were getting at. The audience laughs again as he quickly shakes his head and his face and hands transform from cold metal to warm flesh. Vision then puts his palm to his face and pretends to blow you a kiss, while you play along and pretend to catch it and put it over your heart.
Once he leaves out the door, you lock it a return to the kitchen, and make your way to the calendar, chewing on your polished nails (if you don't want nail polish then skip that part) as you try to remember the symbolism of the heart. Not even a second later your thoughts get interrupted as a loud knock at the door startles you back to 'reality'.
Going to go see who it is, you push the door that separates the living room and the kitchen, closer to the knocking. You quickly open the door and see a woman with a dark plaid dress and a styled black hairdo holding a grey plant in a white pot.
"Oh hello, dear. I'm Agnes, your neighbor to the right. My right, not yours" She says in a sing-song tone as she uninvitedly makes her way into the house. The eruption of cackles echo as you look at her in confusion as to why she decided to step inside, but decided to keep a calm attitude and not say anything about it.
"Forgive me for not stopping by sooner to welcome you to the block. My mother-in-law was in town...so I wasn't!" she says laughing with the audience once more as her dress sways with her movements. She rushes the potted plant into your arms and you smile and take it as she makes her way into the living room to continue her snooping. "So what's your name? Where are you from? And most importantly how's your bridge game, hon?" She says not loosing a single breath, and of course not giving you time to answer in between questions.
"Umm...Well I'm (Male Name)" You say reaching your hand out to shake hers
"(Male Name)? Charmed!" She joyfully says and returns the gesture.
"Golly, you sure do settle fast! Yes sir you did indeed! Did you use a moving company?"
"Why I sure did. Those boxes don't move themselves." The audience laughs as your inside joke, because let's be honest, the boxes did move themselves since you used your magic to decorate everything. (Damn (Male Name), you really are a powerful sum' bitch)
'"So (Male Name), what's a single boy like you doing rattling around this big house?" She says siting on the couch.
You laugh to yourself and dreamily look at the finger your ring should be on that Vision gave you to claim you as his, (He liked it so he put a ring on it.....sorry...anyways) but paused as it wasn't there. That's not right, because you could have sworn that it was there when you created this rea-
"Oh no, I'm not single I-"
"Well I don't see a ring
"Well I can promise you, I am indeed married...To a man. A human one and tall too! A a matter of fact, he'll be home later tonight for a special occasion just the two of us." You say putting emphasis on 'occasion' with a wink.
"Oh is it somebody's birthday? A holiday?" Agnes questions bouncing up and down in the couch with her legs crossed like a 'proper lady'.
"Well, no and no"
"An anniversary then?"
"Ye-uhh...yes, Its our anniversary!" You shout, finally able to remember what that heart meant.
Agnes waves you over to come sit on the couch with her and you obey, sitting down she grabs and rests both sets of you two's clasped hands on your apron.
"Sooo...tell me, how many years" She asks letting out a little squeal.
"Well..uhhh..it...it uh feels like we've always been together"
"You lucky man-" She shakes her head remembering about her own husband "-the only way Ralph would remember our anniversary is if there was a beer names June 2nd." She chuckles as the audience laughs from nowhere again. "So what do you have planned?"
"How do you mean?" You questioned her. I mean you never really did have time to come up with anything since you just realized, or assumed, what today was.
"For your special night, (Male Name)! A young boy like yourself doesn't have to do much, but it's still fun to set the scene. Say-" she says standing up to slowly make her way to the door "-I was just reading a crackerjack magazine article called 'How To Treat Your Husband To Keep Your Husband', and let me tell you somethin'...what Ralph could really use is, 'How to Goose Your Wife So You Don't Loose Your Your Wife'. She kidd's as her and the audience laugh. You look at her and shake your head trying to hold back your own laughter. "Hang on, I'll go grab it and we can start planning. Oh, this is gonna be a gas!" She shouts running to the door so she can leave and run to her house.
-----Time Skip---
Both Agnes and you are back on the couch, looking through her magazines trying to find ideas for the anniversary dinner you planned for you and Vision to share, when out of nowhere, the phone started ringing interrupting you two. You got up and rushed over to it hoping you don't miss the unknown caller, you pick it up and put it to your ear and then start talking.
"Vision residence how may I help you"
"(Male Name), darling I-"
"Vision, my dearest husband. How are you sweetheart?" You say cutting him off from his obviously panicked and frantic voice. I mean come on, you are just excited to hear your husband's voice after a hours of him being gone.
"Listen about tonight-"
You cut him off again, already knowing that he was going to talk about the anniversary. "Don't worry, dear, I have everything under complete control"
"Oh, well, that is a relief. I must confess, I'm really rather nervous" He says over the phone.
"Nervous? Whatever for?" You question.
"Well, you know, darling, I still get a little tongue-tied."
The audience coo's and aww's at how a dust of grey creeps up on your (dark grey/grey) cheeks. "Vis, after all this time..." you giggle out.
"There's a lot riding on this (Male Name)! If tonight doesn't go just so, I think this could be the end.
'Wait what' you think to yourself
"Well, it's just one night. There's no need to get dramatic." You say in a worried tone as you grasp your now queasy stomach.
Vision's tone begins to get more serious as the conversation continues in his attempt to express how important this is to you. "Look, I think the best course of action is to impress the wife."
"Well, first, I think you mean husband. And secondly I also think the best course of action is to impress the other husband too." You look over and give Agnes a thumbs up and a wink in her direction, and she does the same while sipping her martini.
"Glad to know we're both on the same page, love. Until tonight, then, my sweet little husband" Vision says making two smooching noises through the phone to you.
"Until tonight...my robotic husband" You return, whispering the last part so Agnes doesn't hear you. She couldn't hear you anyways, being too busy sipping her drink and flipping through the pages. You finally gently put the phone on the hook and return to the couch.
---Time Skip, Later Tonight---
Before Vision made it home, you set the big dining table that was next to the living room and tossed colorless silk scarfs on all of the laps in the room to set the mood and made your way to the bedroom to get dressed to surprise him for when he gets home. When you heard the door open and heard his voice, you tip toed your way out of the bedroom and into the living room, dressed a long fluffy white lingerie robe with white fur that wrapped around the arms of it which was trailing behind you, exposing both of your (dark grey/grey) legs. You then went all the way to Vision's black silhouette and gently wrapped your hands around his eyes, causing him to jump form the sudden contact.
The audience laughed again as they know your mistake. 'Where the hell is that laughing coming from, and whey is it happening right now of all times?' you thought to yourself in confusion.
"Guess who~" you seductively whispered to your husbands.
Suddenly the lights turn on and you hear Vision's voice that was filled with a mix of shock, embarrassment, and irritation at your recklessness. "(MALE NAME) WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"
You gasp and look in his direction. "Vision? What are you-" then it hit's you, if Vision is right there, then who's-
"Oh! Oh my stars, I'm so sorry!" You say to the man you mistook for your husband. You quickly uncover his eyes and stumble away from him as he stares at you in shock. Then you look down at your attire and try to cover your exposed leg as much as possible.
"What is the meaning of this!" The bald headed mad says appalled, as his wife stands behind him looking around cluelessly.
Vision interrupts with his stammering voice just as confused as everyone else. "Well..uh yeah (Male Name) what is the meaning of-" Suddenly it hits him and he tries to comes up with an excuse off the top of his head. "-Oh, the meaning of it! You want to know the meaning of it...and...the meaning of it is...that this is the tradition of (Random Foreign Country/Continent) greeting of hospitality. Uhh...guess who???" Vision says as he runs behind you and overs your eyes.
"Oh is that my host being me?" You say playing along.
"It certainly is, darling. Lovely to make your acquaintance" Vision says vigorously shaking your hand. "See i forgot to tell you my husband is from (Random Foreign Country/Continent)" he giggles along with the audience.
"Oh, how exotic!" The man's wife cheerfully laughs.
"I never knew such a place as that existed" He says in a dark yet serious tone.
"Oh hush Author, have you no culture. Oh and the robe, I absolutely love it!" His wife replies trying to lighten up the awkward mood.
"Thank you so much ma'am-" you march through the living room and snatch off the silk scarves from all the lamps and tightly grab Vision's hand. "-Can I just see you in the kitchen for a moment, sweetheart?"
You both then slam your way through the kitchen door and it swings closed behind you, leaving Vision's boss and his wife behind as they sit down on the couch and patiently (more like impatiently on Arthur's end) wait for your return. You then turn around and look at each other before throwing questions.
"Who are those people?!"
"What are you wearing!?"
"Why are they here?"
"What are you wearing!?" Vision questions again boldly
"Well, it's out anniversary, that's why I'm wearing this!"
"Our anniversary of what?" Vison says, desperate to know what the hell you were talking about. Eventually you had enough of these shenanigan's and throw the scarves down at his feet stomping your way to the kitchen chairs. "Well if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you!" you exaggerate, crossing your arms and pouting like a child
"(Male Name), darling! That...that man through there is my boss Mr. Hart! And his dear lady wife Mrs. Hart! The heart on the calendar was an abbreviation!" Vision whispers, roughly tapping his hand on the black heart drawn on the dull colored calendar.
You grab your head and shake it trying to put everything together. "Vision sweetie, you move at the speed of sound and I can make a pen float through the air. Who. Needs. To. Abbreviate!?"
Vision grabs both of your shoulders in an attempt to collect his thoughts and calm you down. "Darling, listen, it's all romantic to do the candles, the music, that stunning outfit. I don't wanna be unappreciative, but right now-"
"Your boss and his wife are expecting a home-cooked meal. Correct?" Vision nods his head while muttering 'exactly' while look around the kitchen in order to find somethin to serve to the unwarned visitation of guests. After looking around for a but, your eyes land on the mini round table that held a plate and food on it. "Well, does your boss and his wife have a hunger for a single chocolate-covered strawberry, split three ways?" Vision hisses while clenching his fists and shaking his head no.
"Oh wait, I might have better ideas" Without hesitation you raise both of your sands and snap your fingers, magically changing your outfit to the one you were wearing earlier that day, a pair of dark high waisted cuffed slacks and a white blouse to match (you can change if you don't like), and the audience claps in astonishment at your transformation whilst you tie your apron in a bow behind your back. Vision gives you a quick peck on the cheek and runs back to the living room to keep others company while you figure out what to serve everyone.
---Time Skip---
After minutes of looking, you couldn't find anything in the kitchen, and the refrigerator was empty, so you decided to call your good neighbor Agnes to see if she could pick up some things from the store and bring it over. A couple of minutes pass and you finally hear a familiar knock on the back door in the kitchen. As soon as you open it Agnes rushes through with her hands full of groceries stacked to her chin as she stumbles through the kitchen. Before you could even mutter out a 'thank you' she stops you dead in your tracks and puts all the food down on the table. "Before you can say anything don't think about it. I mean, what kind of housewife would I be if I didn't have a gourmet meal for four just lying about the place. Not that Ralph wants to eat anything other than baked beans, which explains a lot about his personal appeal, mind you." The audience laughs one more at her silly humor as you quickly render to her aid to grab some of the groceries before they could fall. Unfortunately, it seems like the Universe was not on your side since the large cooking pot crashed and hit the ground, echoing throughout the kitchen, while Agnes yelled out an overexaggerated 'oh my'.
You had to get rid of Agnes and as quickly as you can, so you decided to just push her out the back door despite her protests to help you cook. "Thank you so much Agnes but I can take it from here-"
"Are you sure dear, many hands make light work. And many mouths make good gossip too!"
"Oh ahahaha, you are so naughty! But-"
"Oh, shall I preheat the oven then? hmm?"
"That won't be necessary, thank you for your time!"
Somehow she managed to escape your grasp on her waist and make her way back to the counter to crab some kitchen tools to start cooking for you. "Well, I know you're in a pinch so this menu can be done in a snap." She says snapping her fingers before continuing her rambling. you run back over to her and snatch the utensils from her, setting them on the counter, and grabbing her arms to march her back to the door. "Lobster Thermidor with mini-minced turnovers to start. Chicken à la King with twice-cooked new potatoes for your second course, and Steak Diane with mint jellies for your main. Oh wait! Do you set your own jellies, dear?"
"Yes Agnes I do, now can you please-"
"Ah there you go, good boy! Recipe cards are all on the counter there. Bon Appétit!"
"Haha, yes will do, thank you so much again Agnes! Bye now!" You say slamming the door, making the audience laugh at your exhausted expression. Now that she's gone, you run to the middle of the kitchen and throw your arms around, making all of the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen fly open, the dishes start floating out, and the food starts cooking. Out of no where the doors to the island bar swoop open to show Mrs. Hart, but before she could see Vision distracts her by breaking out and singing Yackety Yack by The Coasters, causing her to break out into a little dance, making her way back to the couch. Dear gods and goddess', how lucky are you to have a savior like him.
But little did you know, that the night was only just beginning.
Finish the fic? Leave a like and comment if you enjoyed it. Also, give it a reblog too! Once again, I'm so sorry it was rushed! Please don't be afraid to let me know if there are any typos or errors. I will go back and edit this
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sslow-dancer · 3 years
May I please request some Jonathan raising baby Giorno with reader? I just need some soft Victorian parenting fic with my two best boys. 🥺
“He’s Just Like Me.” (Jonathan Joestar x Reader)
Warnings: none!
tags: gender-inclusive, gender-neutral, jonathan joestar x reader, infant giorno giovanna, family, parents, sfw, fluff
Description: Jonathan is excited to help his partner take care of their infant son, Giorno, after a long day at work.
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Jonathan sighs as he enters his home, tiredness washing over him as dread of finishing up his research takes over. He yawns, wiping at his teary eyes as his non-dominant hand holds his bag lazily next to him.
“Would you like me to take your bag up to your office, sir?” one of the servants kindly asks, holding out their hands to help the poor man out. Though Jonathan refuses, shaking his head as he waves him off,
“No, it’s quite alright, I can do it myself. You may go on and finish your duties, it’s getting a bit late so it’s best you get rest soon.”
“Yes, my lord. You rest well too.”
“Thank you, as you.”
After their kind exchange, Jonathan is startled to hear sudden cries coming from the upstairs nursery. He’s quick to drop his bag and run up the steps to see if his infant son, Giorno, is alright. His startled-ness is immediately calmed down though when he sees you cradling Giorno, shushing him softly,
“It’s okay...I’m right here. No need to be scared, go back to sleep. I’m here...”
He smiles softly, his eyes squinting happily at the sight of them. His heart content with how beautiful of a parent you are to their equally beautiful son. The sight so ethereal. He blinks in surprise when he notices your hand waving in front of him,
“Hello- oh! Great, you’re back to reality. I didn’t notice you had come into the room until Giorno looked over at the door- he’s young yet already so curious and attentive about his surroundings.”
Jonathan giggles bashfully, scratching the back of his neck as he’s embarrassed by the fact he was that deep into his thoughts about you two. He sighs,
“My apologies, I’m just so tired I’m guessing I forgot to warn that I’m coming in. As long as you weren’t startled by me then, I guess it’s alright.”
You giggle, “yes, of course. Anyway, would you like to hold him?”
He nods, letting out a joyful exhale as his half awake-half asleep son is put into his arms. He cradles him gently, cooing him to fall into a deeper sleep. You smile, admiring your husband bond with Giorno.
“It’s a lucky thing he calmed down when he saw you, I’m not sure if I could have quite-d him down this quick if you had not come home in time.” you chime quietly, your comment earning a soft laugh from Jonathan. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, you and him knowing full well that Giorno sometimes prefers him over you a lot, especially during sleepless nights. He shakes his head,
“Hey, no need for confusion. He’s just like me. According to my father, I apparently did not like sleeping until he got home as well. I only liked to be in my mother’s and father’s arms. I knew what his arms felt like and did not want anyone else taking care of me. Infant me was such a hassle for the servants...especially the maids...so much so that my father even offered to pay them extra just so they wouldn’t quick!”
This causes the both of you to break into a mini fit of laughter, Giorno cooing at the noise you guys are making.
You can wipe at your eyes as you let out a final giggle, reaching for Jonathan to give him a back hug. You wrap your arms around his torso, humming as you nuzzle your face into his back. Your height difference not too drastic but still good to look over his shoulder and see your son again.
You both squeal an “oop” when little Giorno sneezes suddenly, his little lip smacks filling up the room. You laugh,
“At least his nose isn’t as snotty as the last time.”
“Yeah, that’s good.”
You kiss the small of Jonathan’s back and take Giorno from his arms, gently placing him inside his crib.
You lean your head against your husband’s shoulder, Jonathan placing an arm around you as he presses his cheek against the top of your head. You whisper,
“Why don’t we go to bed now? I don’t think he’ll be waking anytime soon...”
Jonathan groans, “gosh, I’d love to and am desperate if I’m being honest but I think it’d be best I go finish up a couple of papers before I go down with you..uh, you can sleep before me if you’d like to, no need to wait. You do enough waiting during the day anyway”
You roll your eyes playfully walking towards the door way and placing a hand on the frame,
“Alright fine, I’m not even going to try arguing with you as you’ll convince me otherwise. I’ll get ready, don’t get too carried away, okay?”
“Okay, I promise. Good night.”
You yawn, waving as you walk down the hallway, “good night!”
“I love you.”
“I love you too...” you reply distantly. You can’t help but worry as you think he may stay up later than usual as he seems pretty stressed though your body can barely stay up itself so you can only hope he won’t stress further and meet you to cuddle all night long later. You sigh as you already miss his embrace as you enter your shared bedroom
Jonathan sighs as he takes one last look at Giorno and goes downstairs to get his bag. He stretches his arms as he enters his office, hoping his research won’t take too long to finish fully.
~ Time Skip ~
You’re startled awake when you hear your son’s screams later in the night again. You sprint down the hallway hysterically, determined to calm Giorno down before anyone else is disturbed by his crying. Though you’re surprised when you feel a hand on your chest stop you from running, you look up to see your husband Jonathan, towering over and waving you off to go back to your bedroom. He smiles,
“Go back to bed, I’ll take care of it.”
“No buts. You and the servants are constantly having to take care of him during the day. Let me handle it for once, I know I have my own job too but I’m father as well. It’s my duty to take care of him as much as you do. Now like I’ve already ordered you, go back to bed.” He kisses your forehead and pushes you to go back to bed.
You blink in confusion and take a deep breath. You shake your head as you walk back to your bedroom, slowly calming down.
You lay down in your king sized bed, closing your eyes. You subconsciously listen the the inaudible murmurs coming from the nursery and the rocking of a chair creaking the floors quietly. The soft whimpers of your son growing quieter and quieter.
Jonathan is truly grateful for the small family you and him have created.
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Purple Roses pt. 2 (Miss Venable x reader)
hiya..its 4 am in germany and im really tired :3 but here we go, Mina is damn soft in this fanfic..i hope its okay sksks..here is the first pt.:
summary: Mina meets ur parents and u have ur coming out..ouhh and she wants to ask u smt
warnings: nothing its super duper fluff i guess :D
tagglist: @d14n4ol
google translate sksksk
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"Earth to Mina ..", you grumbled and reached out your finger to tap her cheek gently.
Your girlfriend looked away from her newspaper with a frown to look down at you, who was lying in her lap.
You had to grin as she stared down at you in confusion as the glasses slid down a few millimeters on the bridge of her nose.
"I asked you something.."
"And what did you ask?"
"So ..", you started after your fingers had moved to her glasses and you had pushed them up again.
"Imagine you had to decide: Either you are the only mortal human among immortal humans or you are the only human who is undying among all mortal humans.. What do you choose?"
"Is that a test?"
"A test for what?"
"For finding out if I'm a psychopath or something like that?" She asked, still staring down at you, frowning.
"No ..." you shook your head. "I just saw it earlier on instagram and was just thinking about it .."
She looked at you thoughtfully for a few seconds.
"I would probably want to be the immortal human among mortals .."
"For real?" You shouted, tilting your head.
"Then you should see all your friends die .."
Mina raised an eyebrow.
"Which friends?"
"Oh wow .." you rolled your eyes.
"So, am I a psychopath now?" She smiled and you could see her white teeth.
"No .." you mumbled as you started to play with her purple blouse.
"I would probably have taken that too .. but just because it would have been weird to be the only person who would have to die at some point .."
Mina let out a low snort.
"Imagine that, a graveyard for one person ..".
"Yes! .." you exclaimed cockily. "I would probably be exhibited in a museum as the only human corpse. And I would get a coffin made of gold and people would come from all over the world just to see me dead .."
"Or some crazy scientist would use your dead body for their projects .."
"Ew .." you made and grimaced. "That wouldn't be that great ..".
"Better to be immortal, then ..", Mina said with a grin before leaning forward to put her newspaper on the table.
"Now I have a question for you, Y / N .."
"Oh yeah?" You looked confused into her brown eyes and she hummed in agreement as her fingers started to comb through your hair.
"Okay, imagine a bitter old woman comes up to you and asked you, if you want to marry her, what would you answer?"
"I would say no, of course ..." you said, tilting your head to one side.
"First of all, I don't find old, bitter women really attractive and, secondly, why should I marry an old, bitter woman when I can just have the most beautiful woman in the world?"
Mina laughed softly before tapping the tip of your nose with her index finger.
"You know what I'm getting at ..".
"What I know is that you could then leave your show-off house and then finally move into my horror apartment ..", you grinned cheekily at her and she just rolled her eyes.
"You know, I've been thinking, Y / N .." she continued, suddenly sounding serious. "We've been a couple for almost a year now and the only person who knows about it is your aunt and some of your friends .."
"Should I start tagging you on my pictures now?" You laughed.
"You're the one who doesn't like all the love stuff in public and that's not supposed to be a reproach .. I-"
"I want to get to know your parents ..", she interrupted you and looked at you carefully.
You met her gaze for a few seconds before you swallowed.
"My parents?" You repeated quietly.
"Your parents."
"Uhm..okay..that's unexpected .." you muttered as you rose from her lap to sit up.
"So my parents are nice people, but you know, that they dont now that I am ... you know-"
"That you are attracted to old, bitter women?"
"Oh shut up Mina .." you hissed and slapped her gently on the upper arm.
"If you say that again, break your stupid stick and throw it in the fireplace ..".
"Ouhh now I'm scared .." Mina teased, grinning, but you just shook your head.
For a moment there was silence between the two of you and Mina was finally the one who interrupted them.
"I don't want to force you to do it and if you say, you don't want to do that, then that's okay .. I don't want to drive a wedge between you and your parents either .." she said and put her hand on yours. Your gaze landed on her hand, ran down her arm to finally meet her face.
"Maybe it's a good idea .." you muttered and she smiled gently.
"At some point I have to tell them anyway .."
"Hello beautiful woman .." you greet your girlfriend who entered your shop. Like she did every Tuesday night after work ... It was one of your favorite traditions in your relationship.
"How can I help you today?", You smiled brightly at her as she leaned against your counter
"Well Miss Y / L / N, my wonderful girlfriend and I will be with her parents for dinner for the first time tomorrow evening .. You know, her parents don't know that she is a lesbian ...", Mina explained seriously and brought you to grin.
"That sounds interesting .."
"That's it! We're both just pretty nervous and I thought it would be a good idea to bring flowers to her parents ...".
"That's a great idea, Miss Venable .. what were you thinking of?", You tilted your head and wandered your eyes over the woman who was just standing in front of you.
The lavender suit, the way her hair was perfect and the dark lipstick ... she was so fucking beautiful.
Mina cleared her throat briefly when she realized that your attention was no longer on your conversation.
"You know, Miss Y / L / N, I love to watch your talented little fingers remove the thorns from the roses ..", she playfully raised an eyebrow and you couldn't help but laugh.
"How vulgar, Miss Venable .. just make sure that your girlfriend doesn't notice this, otherwise she'll get jealous ..".
You bent down briefly to get the box with the red roses from under the table. You put them on the table between you and Mina and took out the small knife to start removing the thorns.
"How was your day, honey?" You finally asked her after a minute had passed.
"Good," she said curtly.
"Good?", You looked at her grinning. "You sound like a school child who is asked how it was in school ..".
Mina shrugged her shoulders.
"I hate those idiots from my office, but that's nothing new ..".
"Imagine if I would work for you .. maybe you wouldn´t hate it so much anymore ..", you muttered while you still slid your knife over the flower stems.
"I think that wouldn't be a good idea .."
You just nodded and stared intently at the roses in front of you.
"What about the purple roses?", Your friend suddenly asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You had these roses once and never again .."
"That was a special delivery .." you explained and reached under the counter, took out the paper and wrapped the roses in it.
"But we can also make some ourselves ..".
You put the flowers in Mina's arms and looked expectantly into her confused face.
"How is that supposed to work?" She asked.
"You water white roses with purple color .."
"Should we try it sometime ..", she mumbled and you nodded.
"Listen Mina, you wait in the car and I'll finish everything here and then we can go home .."
"Sounds good .." she replied just before she turned around and strutted out of the shop.
Her dark eyes stared at Mina in the mirror as she smoothed her blouse with her hands. Miss Venable was usually never nervous, which was because, due to her dominant demeanor, she almost always had the strings in hand when it came to dealing with other people and she didn't care how much she hurt someone with her words. But that was you, her precious little princess and what she wanted least of all was to see you sad because of her. She also knew that she couldn't win over your parents if she intimidated them.
She leaned forward to apply her dark lipstick when you stepped into the bathroom behind her and let out an impressed whistle.
"Is that the blouse you wore on our first date?" You asked, examining the silk fabric on Mina's skin.
"Yes .." she muttered.
Miss Venable's eyes watched you in the mirror while she admired how beautiful you looked in the dress you were wearing.
"My parents should just like you and not want to go to bed with you .." you said with a grin when her eyes found yours in the mirror.
"Ha ha ..", Mina made dry before she screwed the cap of her lipstick back on and turned to you.
"Are you ready?" She asked and you nodded while you smiled wryly.
"You look beautiful .." she muttered and planted a quick kiss on your temple before walking past you to leave the house.
"So to summarize again what my parents know ... or rather
what they think they know .. "you started staring out the window of the moving car.
"Well, actually they don't know anything .. I think they used to think that I had something with my best friend because he was my homecoming date .. And now they think I was single and I told them on telephone you were a good friend... "
"That sounds like it will be a very relaxed evening ..", Mina joked and you couldn't help but grin.
"I'm just afraid it might be a little too much .."
"Too much?" Mina repeated confused.
"Is it a good idea to come out and bring your girlfriend with you? Don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with you .."
"Well ... you have a point, but let's speculate ..", Mina said when the car stopped at a traffic light.
"How could they react?"
"So .. we have these two iconic situations: The first situation would be this "we always knew it mimimi".
The other situation would be that they will be angry ... and so angry that they don't want to see me anymore .. "you explained and Mina could hear the concern in your voice.
"Something like that is sure not going to happen ..", Mina muttered as she took her right hand from the steering wheel and placed it on your thigh.
"I hope so .."
You were silent for the rest of the journey and that's why Mina decided not to say anything. Would you want her words, you would let her know.
"Here we are ..", Mina mumbled when she finally parked the car in front of your parents' modest house. She looked at you sideways and found that you were staring at the house as if you were about to start crying.
"Hey .." she cooed gently and grabbed your chin to force you to look at her.
"Everything will be fine..".
She examined your worried face and grinned when she saw that there was still a print of her lipstick on your temple.
"What?" You asked confused.
"You have my lipstick on your face ..", Mina mumbled and wiped her thumb over the print to remove it.
"And I think you don't want your parents to find out about your homosexuality that way."
"Not funny ..", you rolled your eyes.
Mina glanced at the car clock.
"We should go in, princess, we are already 5 minutes late .."
"Okay .. here we go ..", you mumbled and suddenly sounded brave as you leaned forward to press your lips against Minas for a moment.
When you both stood in front of your parents' front door and your mother opened the door for you both beaming, Mina immediately noticed the resemblance between you and your mother. This woman seemed just as straightforward as you, and you both had the same laugh. If your mom were really as carefree as you, then the evening wouldn't be complicated, Mina thought as she greeted your mother.
The first half of the evening was totally relaxed, your parents seemed to be really nice people, as far as Mina could tell.
While your mother was just as crazy as you, your father was a bit more introverted, but he had the same sense of humor as you and he was the one who cooked. A fact that somehow gave Mina hope, as it showed that your parents didn't seem to care about the old gender roles (cooking housewife and working businessman).
It was really nice. Mina, who usually had her problems with people, thought she might really like your parents at some point. they didn't ask private questions, didn't let an awkward silence reign, and were totally open-hearted people.
And yet she felt how nervous you were while you were sitting next to her at the dining table and trying to choke the food down even though you were probably extremely sick. Usually you played with your fingers when you were nervous or excited, but since your hands were holding the cutlery, it was your leg that was pushing off the floor all the time. And it was Mina who then, invisible to your parents, put her hand on your knee to calm you down.
It was around 9 o'clock when the four of you ran out of conversation and it was you who finally broke the silence.
"Well uhm, I actually came to tell you something .." you said and your voice sounded thick. Immediately all pairs of eyes were focused on you and Mina tensed her hand on your thigh to show you that she was there.
"Oh yeah?" Your mom asked confused before you nodded.
"Well, you always wanted me to be in a relationship with someone .." you continued and stared lost at the half-empty wine glass in front of you.
"And surprise..I'm in a relationship .."
"Oh really?", Mina could see your mother's eyes starting to glow and she wondered if the whole thing was really a good idea.
"Yes ..".
"Who is he?" Asked your father.
"Well uhm she's sitting right next to me ..".
Mina closed her eyes for a moment when she felt the confused looks of your parents on her. For a few seconds no one said anything and she felt you start to slide back and forth on your chair.
"Oh ..", Your mom finally pounded when she understood what you were talking about.
Mina opened her eyes again and stared into the flame of the candle that was on the table.
"You and Wilhemina ..?", Your mom looked confused between Mina and you.
"We've been together for almost a year .." you added and Mina heard your voice break at the end.
"What does being together mean?" Your mom asked sharply.
"She is my girlfriend."
"Girlfriend like best friend?"
"No, girlfriend like i love her ..", you muttered and looked carefully at Mina who smiled gently at you while she rubbed your thigh.
"Does that mean that you .....?", Your mother stared at you with her eyes wide open.
"I'm a lesbian, yes .." you said firmly and returned her gaze.
"Damn it .." your mom muttered and fell back into her chair.
Finally your father cleared his throat, too, who hadn't moved an inch before.
"How long have you known?" He asked, leaning forward.
"Since Highschool i guess ..".
"Since high school? Are you kidding me?" Your mom shouted angrily and Mina could feel you flinch under her hand.
"Why are you telling us this now?"
"Maybe because your most asked question to me was whether I have a boyfriend or when I will finally get one ..?" You croaked.
"Because we thought you were straight .." your mom yelled back. "If we had known that you were into women, we would never have asked such a thing .."
"I thought you'd be disappointed or something."
"Disappointed? Oh damn Y / N ..", your mother shook her head in disbelief and looked at you sadly.
"Can you say something too, Dad?" You asked after two minutes of more silence as you looked away from your mother to look at your father, who was staring at you thoughtfully.
"I uh ... so when you have a daughter, as a father, you imagine all the things your child has in store for you ..." your dad began.
"That includes the person your daughter wants to grow old with at some point and I just imagined that this person was a man and now it's a woman .. And now I need a few seconds to turn this man into one woman .. if you understand.."
"Okay ..." you replied quietly.
"You know, at the same time I wonder if I have said anything homophobic in all the years of your childhood that could have scared you .." he continued and you nodded slowly.
"Who knows it?" Your mother suddenly asked.
"Uhm .. some friends and aunt Phoebe .."
"Aunt Phoebe?" Your mother frowned when you mentioned your aunt.
You shrugged your shoulders.
"She noticed that Mina only comes to the flower shop when I'm there and then wanted to know why .."
"My sister knows that my daughter is a lesbian and I don't know?" Your mother called, sounding reproachful.
"I was afraid that you would be angry or something .." you defended yourself.
"Y / N you're still our damn daughter .." your mother mumbled and swore again.
"No Y / N, you are our daughter .." your dad interfered.
"There is no place for a  'still' because you are simply our daughter and your sexuality could never change that .. Who you love is your business and you do not need our permission .."
You stared at him and felt tears welling up in your eyes.
"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that .." you muttered before getting up and walking over to your dad to give him a hug.
"Thank you so much .." you whispered against the fabric of his shirt.
Suddenly you felt your mom, who had also got up, put a hand on your shoulder and pulled you from your dad's arms into hers.
And while you all played happy family, Mina was still sitting a little lost at the dining table and watching the situation in front of her. It all happened faster than expected.
In her  eyes, your father had taken it a little better than your mom, who seemed a little disappointed because you had only told them now.
"I should go to the bathroom to fix my make-up ..." you mumbled and smiled sheepishly as you withdrew from your mom's arms.
Your mother just nodded before you turned around to jump out of the room, leaving Mina alone with your parents.
"So you're a lesbian too .." said your mother, mumbling as your parents sat down again.
"I am.", Mina replied curtly and pressed her lips together.
"And is that serious between you?"
"It is."
"This is probably the moment when I should threaten to kill you if you break her heart .." joked your father.
"I'll propose to her," Mina said firmly.
"So it's really serious ..", your mother's eyes widened at Mina's words.
"It is .." repeated she.
"Well, we would be happy if you would invite us to your wedding..", your dad interjected and Mina decided at that moment that she liked your parents.
A few seconds later you were standing in the doorway and had your radiant smile back on.
"I think we should go now, Mina .." you said and Mina hummed in agreement.
"That's a good idea.."
As soon as you were outside, after hugging your parents for a long time, you jumped into the arms of your girlfriend to kiss every inch of her face.
"Jesus Y / N ..", Mina muttered, who stumbled a few steps back from your sudden attack.
"I'm such an idiot ..", you laughed. "I've been worrying for free all these years and now they have reacted so well to it ... I should have done that much earlier .."
Mina smiled as she pressed a quick kiss on your forehead.
"I'm proud of you, princess .."
"So and now ..", you shouted cockily and pulled her hand to your car.
"Now I want to get to know your mother .."
"No way..You don’t want to meet that witch ..".
"Come on, Y / N .. you promised me .." Mina pleaded.
"But it's really cold up there and besides, I'm tired .." you replied.
It was New Year's Eve and the two of you had decided to spend the evening at your apartment and then climb onto the roof around midnight to watch the fireworks. To your surprise, it was Mina who suggested going to you, although she usually doesn't like visiting your "horror apartment".
"If you put on your winter jacket you won't be cold and besides, I'm there ..", Mina tried further.
"You know, I think the idea of ​​you as a human heater is really cute, but we could just drive to you ..".
"That wouldn't be the same."
You sighed.
"Okay ..", you mumbled and had your friend give you your coat.
Surprisingly, you found out that you were the only ones on the roof. At least you couldn't see any of your neighbors when you went over the roof to your self-made bed.
It was currently 11:37 pm and until the fireworks started at midnight you had enough time to watch the beautiful starry sky, as you always did when you were with her.
Your head was on her shoulder as always while she had an arm around you as always and was playing with your hair.
"I actually wanted to talk to you .." you mumbled after a few minutes.
"Is everything okay?", Mina asked and looked down at you worriedly.
You nodded quickly.
"Yeah .. it's just uhm, you know I love the flower shop, but I don't think that's what I want to do for the rest of my life ..".
"No ..", you said. "That's why I'll catch up on my school leaving certificate and then probably study something ..".
"Thats great, princess .." Mina smiled gently at you.
"And what do you want to study?"
"History .. I guess and then I'd like to work as a professor .. At schools or colleges .." you mumbled.
"Professor sounds hot," said Mina and you had to laugh.
"The good thing is that when I study I can still live with you."
"Yep .." you nodded. "We have a college in town, in case you forgot .. and if they take me, I don't have to move to campus ..".
"That would be great ..", Mina muttered and glanced at her watch.
"In 10 minutes it will be ready ..".
"Ouhh, we should stand by the railing .." you said before you jumped up and stretched your arm to help Mina up.
"Well ..", you began as you clung to the railing of the roof and leaned forward a little so that Mina was afraid you would fall off the roof at any moment.
"Josh lives back there ..", you explained and pointed with an outstretched finger at another tower block. "He is the brother of a friend of mine. He makes a lot of fireworks with his friends every year. Then my neighbors, the Andrews, who are not there today for whatever reason, always let a lot of fireworks rise from our roof, even though it is actually is forbidden .. And then there are all the people on the street who bring their fireworks .. ".
You stared at a group of people who were standing on the corner of the street in front of the bakery and were already setting off fireworks
"It occurred to me, I think Josh broke his leg and can't even go on the roof .." you mumbled with a frown and Mina hummed in agreement, not even listening to you.
As your eyes wandered over the city, hers glued to you and looked at you lovingly. She looked at her watch one more time (11:55) and took a short breath before reaching into the pocket of her coat to feel the velvet-covered can with her fingers.
You didn't even notice it when you were still happy watching other people's fireworks
"Okay, Y / N .. I'm not good at this, but I'll try my best, okay?" Mina said suddenly and you looked at her confused.
"What do you mean?"
"We've been together for almost a year and I have no regrets, except for one small thing .."
"Oh yeah?" You frowned as she continued.
"About a year ago you asked me in the evening, if I believed in love at first sight and I told you, that I generally don't believe in love and that was actually a lie. So it was true somewhere, I didn't believe in love until the moment I walked into your little flower shop and saw you cut your finger because of your lack of concentration.
You know how much I hate people, but with you it's different..I can't hate you and I never could hate you and I hope that you understand that between all the 'hate' I try to explain to you how much I love you .. because I do and I have no idea what I would do without you, I would probably just be a bitter old woman .. ", she finished and grinned when she saw you roll your eyes.
"I hope you're not mad at me, because I can't get down on my knees because of my handicap .." she mumbled and took out the small velvet box to hold it towards you.
"But do you want to marry me?"
You stared at her in shock.
"Shit, that wasn't a joke?"
"Does that mean no?", Mina frowned.
"God no! I'm just- Oh damn, Mina, of course I want to marry you ..", you grabbed her face between your hands and pulled her close to kiss her tightly.
"This is going to be great .." your eyes lit up as you pulled back.
"I already have so many ideas for the wedding, I'll take your name and all that .. Y / N Venable sounds amazing, change my mind.. and then I'll move in to your house and then I can catch up with school and maybe one day we'll adopt a lot of children from poor countries..".
"Slowly, Y / N ..", Mina laughed and took your hand to slide the ring onto your finger.
"We still have enough time to plan, let's celebrate New Year's Eve now, please..”
"God, it is beautiful .." you muttered, staring at the silver ring on your finger. Mina smiled as she leaned over to press her lips against your forehead.
"Happy new year, princess .."
"Happy new year, my dear future-wife.."
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salvejoon · 4 years
Soft & Shy - jjk | M
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⇒ Summary: You and Jungkook take the next step in your relationship but there’s something he hasn’t told you yet.
⇒ Pairing: Jungkook x female reader
⇒ Genre: Fluff and smut.
⇒ Rating: 18+
⇒ Word count: 5.7k
⇒ Warnings: oral (male receiving) dry humping, grinding, unprotected sex (wrap it up my dudes), soft sex, undertones of dom!reader and sub!Gookie, it’s just a soft mess, Gookie is a good boy for his Noona, slight Noona kink.
⇒ A/N: Hello you beautiful bastards! I am back with another ramble jamble and I hope you guys like it! Unedited for now.
Tagging: @sugarly-laysa​ @pars-ley​ @ditttiii​ 
Nervous hands grasped your hips and you smiled. Hot breath fanned past your ear and goosebumps spread on your skin. A soft chuckle rumbled against your back and you put your hands above the ones on your hips, interlacing your fingers. Your hips swayed to the beat of the music and the person behind you followed effortlessly, keeping your bodies close and in-sync to the rhythm. 
Then one of the hands moved to your ass and gently groped.
You grinned and released your hands, turning around to face the person you were currently dancing with. Big doe eyes stared back at you and they widened when you put your arms around his neck, his cheeks getting flushed at the new closeness and while you smiled up at him, he seemed to have trouble finding a new spot to place his hands.
Oh, how sweet and shy Jeon Jungkook was. 
Right from the moment you had met him, he had been shy and mildly awkward. Which had made your teaching sessions a little bit stiff in the beginning. The Idol had reached out to you through your mutual friend, Namjoon, for English lessons. You had been shocked and had stared at the email for about 20 minutes before calling Namjoon. It wasn’t like Jungkook didn’t know English and was adequate but he had insisted that he wanted to get better. 
Enter you, an English Professor at Seoul National University. 
It was quite simple really: all you had to do was have a weekly tutoring session of 2 hours but because of his busy schedule, it had to be over video calls. 
The first video conference had been so awkward and filled with long pauses of silence and it was just so cringe. It was clear to you that he was really shy about speaking English and he was shy talking to you. 
Namjoon had warned you that the poor boy interacted with women in a funny way but you just had to get him to warm up to you. 
So, you always began the sessions with greeting him in Korean and have him talk about his day in his native language before moving onto teaching. You still didn’t understand why Jungkook felt like he needed a tutor because his English was fine. It wasn’t perfect and could get better but it was enough. 
One day you asked him why he had sought you out and he told you it was because he felt bad that Namjoon was always the one who did most of the talking when they were abroad. He wanted to help his friend by easing that burden. He wanted to be able to interact more with their international fans without fearing making a spelling error or having to use a translator. 
That’s when you got the feeling that below that shy and awkward exterior was a sweet and caring soul. 
“Hey handsome.” You said, feeling him stiffen when you kissed his jaw, “I was wondering when you’d join me. I’ve been feeling lonely out here all by myself.”
Jungkook’s hands finally found a spot to be, your midsection and you wondered why he hadn’t placed them on your hips as earlier, “H-hey.” He stammered and you leaned back a little and smiled up at him. He looked so flustered, even in the dim lighting of the club and his eyes were everywhere except on you. 
“You can grab my hips, y’know.” You drawled and grabbed his wrist, moving his hands down to your denim clad hips.
He swallowed thickly. 
As the lessons continued, Jungkook had slowly opened up to you. You found out that he liked to workout, which really came as no surprise because he was quite muscular. He liked video editing, drawing and he even showed you a couple of doodles, he liked reading comics and he was a big fan of Iron Man. 
He was also a walking, talking meme but you didn’t have the heart to tell him that. 
But what really had brought the two of you closer were your shared love for gaming. Oh boy, when Jungkook had found out that you played video games, all teaching had went out the window and it became an interrogation of what games you played.
He hadn’t looked happy when you told him you didn’t play PUBG and gave him the reason that you didn’t want to listen to 14 year olds screaming into your ear that they fucked your mum. 
You remember how flustered he had gotten when you had thrown the f-bomb so casually. So sweet and innocent.
“I… Uhm… Missed you.” Jungkook told you with a shy smile. You hummed in response and the music changed to a slower but heavier beat, “And you looked so…” He trailed off and you noticed how his eyes ventured lower.
“So what?” You drawled.
You bit your lip, feeling butterflies erupt in your stomach. You had chosen well when you had dressed up for tonight, “Thank you. You look quite hot yourself.” 
And he was fucking hot in those ripped black jeans that just tightly covered his muscular thighs and his ass and with that stupidly gray t-shirt that just hugged his upper body like a hand-fitted and tailor made shirt.
But the leather boots topped the whole look off. You wanted said boots to step on you. 
Perhaps it was the change in music, the alcohol in your systems or the way you both looked at each other with hunger but something changed in the way you danced. Swaying turned into him grabbing your hips tightly, bringing you flush against his pelvis and you fought back a moan when he guided your hips to grind against him. 
Sweet and innocent Jungkook was currently nowhere to be seen.
Jungkook began calling you up outside of your weekly sessions so the two of you could play games together. You often ended up playing something he wanted which was usually Overwatch. That was when you had discovered that he had a competitive streak and that he was a sore loser. 
God, how you had whooped his sucky ass Symmetra main with your Ashe. Get gud, son, or get wrecked.
You had no idea the man could curse like that, considering when you so much as said the word ‘fuck’, he would get all flustered. 
After a few gaming sessions, you had finally gotten to chose the game the two of you would play and seeing as you loved shooters and horror, why not a zombie game? 
Oh boy, you still regretted that. Never in your life had you heard a man scream so loud. 
Jungkook was apparently also a scaredy cat.
You felt him nose at your ear, his unsteady breathing making you shiver. It was getting hot, too hot but you didn’t dare move away from him. He was almost vibrating and you wondered if you would have bruises left from how tight he was grabbing your hips. Then he placed a thigh between your legs and you couldn’t stop the moan that escaped you this time. Your arms tightened around his neck, drawing him ever closer and he captured your lips with a whine. 
Namjoon had told you that Jungkook had really improved over the course of your tutoring. It made you happy to hear but also sad because the tutoring was over. Jungkook had sneakily wormed his way into your heart and you would be straight out lying if you said you hadn’t developed a crush on him. 
There was just the problem that he would never feel the same. Not when he had millions of other women, some much more fitting than you, begging him, seeking his attention. 
It had also taken a lot of you to admit your feelings for him because he was an Idol and was therefore, unattainable, then there was the fact that he was younger than you and not only by 1 or two years but 5 years and your experience with younger men was, mildly put, not great. 
He was at the peak of his career while you… You had other thoughts for your future than he had for his. 
The last video call the two of you had, had been an uneasy one. You hadn’t tutored much and had simply listened to Jungkook talking about the last concert they’d had in the States. He was so happy and he glowed and it made your heart do all sorts of jumps in your chest. 
Jungkook was also very perceptive and he had surprised you when he had asked why you were sad. 
You decided to be honest and told him that you were saddened that the two of you would part ways. He told you that the two of you would not part ways but now he was free to treat you as a friend and not a teacher. 
That had stung a bit. 
He surprised you again by asking you out for dinner to thank you properly for helping him… And to finally meet up in person. 
You happily agreed.
Your hands grabbed the hair at his nape and Jungkook groaned into the kiss, giving you the chance to snake your tongue into his mouth and he met it timidly with his own. His hands clenched and unclenched while you made out on the dance floor, bodies still grinding against each other. A familiar heat spread in your abdomen and it slowly clouded your mind. 
“Noona…” He breathed as you drew back and looked into his eyes: they were blown out, almost black. 
“Don’t call me that.” You sighed and licked your lips, “It does weird things to me.” 
The dinner was at a small but slightly more expensive restaurant, close to their dorm. It offered him and you a bit of safety and privacy. When you had seen the place, how luxurious it was, you knew there was no way in hell your card would go through once you had to pay.
Jungkook showed up looking handsome as ever in a pair of ripped jeans, a white t-shirt with a black cardigan and black sneakers. 
He looked like such a boyfriend. Except yours. 
You felt underdressed in your retail skirt and frailed blouse. Jungkook didn’t agree and told you that you looked pretty. It was the first time he had called you anything of the sort and he had done so with blushing cheeks. 
The attraction you had felt for him grow over the past few months of tutoring him only increased ten fold during that dinner. To sit across from him, seeing his doe eyes in real life and not through a screen, to be able to hear his laugh clear as day and to be able to touch him. It was a dream come true. 
He had thanked you so many times for being his tutor and you had waved him off, telling him that it was nothing but to him it was a lot. He was so sweet and such a gentleman that evening and the two of you had left the restaurant in good moods. 
Until he grabbed your hand and tugged you along for a stroll underneath the darkening sky of Seoul. 
He didn’t let go of your hand, even when you reached your car. Shyly, he had shifted on his feet, kicking the asphalt beneath them, rubbing his neck with his free hand and you waited for him to say something. 
Y/N… Noona, I like you. I have for a while. 
Needless to say, those weren’t words you had expected to hear but you had tugged him closer to you and leaned up to place a kiss on his cheek.
I like you too, Jungkook. Coffee next week? 
That was the beginning of you dating Jeon Jungkook. 
Now, two months into your dating, you wondered if the two of you would ever leave that stage of dating and actually become a couple officially. But you had promised him and yourself to take it slow because of his lifestyle and because you didn’t want to rush into another relationship that would only end up breaking your heart.
Yet after a month of dating you could already say you had fallen in-love with him. 
Your lips grazed his and when he bent down to try and capture them, you leaned back with a small smile, “It’s getting late.” 
Jungkook blinked a few times, as if trying to clear his mind, “B-but…”
“No buts, baby.” You grabbed his hand and led him away from the dance floor, towards the exit. Behind you, Jungkook was pouting but he followed you obediently. The haze he’d been in while dancing with you was slowly lifting, allowing him to think somewhat clear thoughts. He didn’t want to go home to the dorm. He didn’t want to part from you already. He didn’t think he would survive another date night ending up with the two of you parting ways. 
He wanted you so much, it ached. He ached to touch you in ways he had never touched anyone before but there was just one problem… Well, two really. He was so damn shy and had a hard time voicing his desire. 
And he had never had sex. 
A fact you didn’t know. 
Jungkook was so deep in his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed you hailing a cab and were standing in front of him, it wasn’t until you waved a hand in front of his eyes that he noticed what was happening. 
“You okay?” You asked with a tilt of your head. You still held his hand tightly in yours, your thumb caressing it slowly. 
He realized that he had to push past his insecurities if he wanted to take things further with you. He bent down and captured your lips, the sudden kiss making you gasp and he pulled you to him, his free hand grabbing your nape. 
“Jungkook - mhm - the cab…”
“I don’t want to go home.” He said, surprised at how steady his voice was, “I don’t want to leave you.” 
“What are you saying?” You asked, looking up at him. 
“I want to go home… With you.” 
You were at a loss for words. Sure, you had wanted to hear him say those words for months but now that you’ve heard them, you were unsure of how to proceed because if he came home with you tonight, there was no way that you could keep your hands to yourself. 
You would have a hard time with it, anyhow. 
“Baby, are you sure?” 
“I am.” He nodded curtly before flashing you a tiny smile, “Noona.” His smile widened at how your pupils expanded at the word.
“And you aren’t drunk?” 
“I’ve had two beers, Y/N.” 
“I just want to make sure you aren’t making a decision that you’re going to regret, Gookie.” 
Jungkook pecked your lips and stepped onto the asphalt, opening the sidedoor of the cab, “Ladies first.” He helped you inside the cab and entered it himself. You told the driver your address and he drove off. 
The nervousness returned tenfold in the cab and Jungkook was shifting in the seat, biting his lower lip nervously as he stole glances at you. You looked so calm as you looked out the window, the street lights illuminating your face as you drove pass them. He swallowed to ease the sudden dryness in his throat. 
“Are you nervous?” You asked with a side glance. 
“A-A little.” 
You reached out with your hand and you grabbed his larger one, noticing how sweaty his palm was, “I can tell. We can make him drop you off at the dorm if-”
“No. I want you, Y/N.” 
It was now your turn to blush. Such bold words coming from sweet and shy Jungkook made the heat in your abdomen flare and your spine tingled. 
Did he have any idea how fucking hot that was? 
You nodded, “Okay.”
Only a few more blocks to go.
You unlocked your front door and switched on the light in the hallway. Jungkook followed close behind you, still looking nervous. You brushed past him to lock the door again and his cologne caressed your senses. 
Christ, he smelled so good. You wanted to whimper. 
He took off his shoes and waited for you to hang up your coat but as you turned and your eyes fell on him, your gaze heady and strong, taking in his slightly trembling form, eyes honing in on how he chewed that poor bottom lip of his in anticipation… Your coat fell from your hand as you crossed the distance between the two of you, grabbing the front of his t-shirt as you pulled him flush up against you, your lips crashing together, a messy dance of more teeth than tongue. You backed him up against the back wall of the entrance hallway and on impact, he yelped into the kiss but you swallowed the sound. 
Jungkook couldn’t form a single word in his mind as your tongue massaged his and grinded your body against his. It felt different from the other times you’d had a make-out session. 
It was hungry. 
Your hands ventured lower until they found his belt but that was when something snapped in him.
You stopped immediately and looked up at him, puzzled, “Did I do something wrong?” You asked worriedly, afraid that you’d done something wrong. 
He shook his head, “I-I just…” He gently pushed you away from him and took your hands into his, “Can we talk?” He asked before bringing your hands to his lips, kissing them. 
“S-Sure.” You nodded, feeling the mood change as you led him to the living room and turned on the table lamp next to your couch. Jungkook sat down with a small sigh and was quick to hold your hands again when you sat down next to him. 
“Is there something wrong, Jungkook?” You asked him, your tone serious but a little wavy. Had you scared him? Did he feel like you had pushed him? It had been his idea but you wouldn’t do anything if he didn’t want it. 
“No. Nothing’s wrong, Y/N.” He shook his head. 
“If you don’t want to anything, we can just go to bed. I can take the couch.” You offered and he let out a huff, “I’m serious. If you feel like I’ve come on to strong or felt like I’ve pushed you then I’m sorry.” 
“What? No, babe. It’s not that. I want you so badly but I have something to tell you.” 
You froze when he said that and he noticed immediately. Your heart hammered in your chest in anticipation. 
“I-I’ve never…” 
“Never what, baby?” 
“Done it.”
“... Done it?” 
He groaned at your confused expression, “Had sex, Y/N. I’ve never had sex.” 
“Oh. Oh.” You leaned back slightly and shifted your gaze from his face to your intertwined hands, “Oh.”
“That’s all you have to say? ‘Oh’?” He sounded annoyed and you looked up at him again. So that was the reason why he had never suggested staying over at your place even when you had openly invited him. 
He was a virgin. 
It was like you were hit with a bat of desire at the revelation. One of the most attractive bachelors, one which had rows upon rows of women wanting to fuck him, of which he could just pick and choose as he pleased… Chose you to be his first.
“Do you not want me anymore?” He then asked and gone was the annoyed tone. Instead his tone sounded defeated, unsure, scared.
“Oh baby.” You smiled at him and let go of his hands to cup his face, “Of course I want you. I lo-” You stopped and instead cleared your throat, “It’s okay. I don’t mind.” 
He kissed the palm of your hand and smiled, “That makes me happy. You make me happy.” 
His sweet words only stoked the fire that was in the pit of your stomach, spreading to the rest of your body, “I don’t care about that.” You moved and Jungkook stiffened as you sat on top of him, straddling his thighs, “I’m happy that you told me.” You whispered before kissing him. 
You gently caressed his lips with your own, your hands moving down his chest to the hem of his t-shirt, “Can I?” You asked against his lips as you tugged at his shirt and when he nodded, you lifted it over his head, letting it fall from your hand next to the couch as your eyes drank in his upper body. 
You licked your lips, “Damn.” 
“Is there something wrong?”
“Not at all. I’m just taking in the view.” 
“D-Don’t tease me, Noona.” 
You sought his mouth again and Jungkook whimpered into the kiss as your hands glided across his skin of his stomach, feeling the muscles beneath twitch and up to his chest. 
He flinched when your fingers grazed his right nipple. It hardened under your gentle pinching and he let out a whine when you dragged your lips from his mouth and began kissing down to his jaw, nibbling softly. 
You moved further down to his neck and you watched as his adams apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly. You wanted to mark his pretty neck with love bites, so your lips latched onto the skin, sucking and his hips bucked up against you as he let out a gasp. 
“Noona,” He whined, his fingers straining against the fabric of your blouse, “You too.” 
You hummed in response and drew back, lifting your blouse over your head and you had to fight a chuckle at how his eyes widened at the sight of your bra-clad breast. You moved your hands behind your back and unclasped your bra, letting it fall down your arms slowly as you kept gauging his reaction. 
The gentle thud of it falling to the floor made him gulp. 
Without speaking a word, you took one of his hands and led it to your left breast, biting your lip when his large hand cupped it, his thumb gliding over the nipple. 
“Am I doing okay?” He asked, glancing up at your face and when he saw you nod, he cupped your other breast as he leaned down to take your left nipple into his mouth, causing you to cry out and grind down against him. 
Your eyes fluttered close as Jungkook slowly sucked on your nipple, your hips acting on their own accord as they grinded against the hardness in his jeans. A particular roll of your hips made his hips buck and you moaned loudly when it bumped against your clit. 
The two of you grinded against each other while he lavished your breasts, licking, tugging at your nipples until they hardened. 
“Fuck.” You murmured and suddenly pushed him back against the couch, causing his lips to release your nipple with a wet pop, “Sit back and enjoy.” You told him as he gazed up at you with blown out eyes and saliva on his lips. 
“What do you - oh shit - Y/N.” Jungkook watched with slightly wide eyes as you descended to sit on the floor, between his legs, your hands hovering above his belt while you looked up at him pleadingly. 
“Can you take them off?” You asked with a sweet smile and he nodded. Your hands undid his belt and you sat back as he slowly unbuttoned his pants and pulled down the zipper, pushing his jeans down to mid-thigh. 
You felt saliva pool on your tongue as you saw the bulge in his trousers. The outline was big and there was a dark spot where he had leaked some precum. 
He twitched when your index finger ran along his cock, following the shape of it, until it reached the head and your fingers sought out his trousers, gently tugging at the elastic band holding them up. 
“Take them off for me, baby.” You coaxed, looking up at him. He looked so cute from where you sat: cheeks flushed, lips red and swollen, his jaw set tight as he processed your words. Patiently, you waited as he shoved down his trousers to his pants and you scooted over so that he could take everything off completely. 
Now you gulped because what was in front of you was the prettiest dick you had ever seen. It was slightly darker than the rest of his skin, the head was mushroom-shaped, colored in an angry red. The thick vein that ran on the underside of it made your mouth water. 
“D-Don’t stare at it like that…” He murmured and shifted on the couch nervously. The look you had on your face was scary. 
It looked like you were about to eat him whole. 
You chuckled softly, “Does my staring make you nervous, Gookie?” He curtly nodded at your question, “Oh baby. I’m going to take good care of you. Just sit back and relax.” 
“Tell me if it doesn’t feel good.” 
Your hand grabbed it, thumb gliding over the head, spreading the wetness and above you, Jungkook hissed out a ‘fuck’. You licked your lips as you moved your hand up and down a few times, your eyes flicking back and forth between his cock and his face.
His hands were clenching and unclenching at his side as he watched you place a kiss to the tip before opening your mouth, taking him in, “Ahh.”
You closed your eyes and let your jaw go slack, slowly taking him in further, carefully listening to the sounds he made. Your tongue swirled around the head a few times before you surprised him by swallowing his length whole, causing him to let out a loud whine. 
“Y/N…” Jungkook arched his back as your mouth moved back up his cock, tongue licking the thick vein on the underside, “Please.” 
You hummed, the vibrations causing a slew of curses to escape his mouth. The sounds he was making went straight to your core and you resisted the urge to put a hand down your pants to give yourself some much needed relief. 
This was about Jungkook. 
Instead you squeezed your thighs together, trying to alleviate the pressure building. He whined when you swallowed, the sensation of his cock hitting the back of your throat. You glanced up and saw him raise a hand to his mouth, biting into it, muffling the pretty sounds.
You withdrew from his cock and he let out a frustrated whine, “I want to hear you, baby.”
“But it’s so loud and I-”
“I want to hear you.” His cock twitched in your hand at your commanding tone and you raised a brow: so Gookie liked being told what to do. 
“Yes, Noona.” 
Oh, you were going to ruin him. 
“Good boy.” 
You descended on him again and he let his head fall back against the couch as you bobbed your head up and down on his cock. He felt like something was ready to snap inside of him and he tried to relax and let the sensation wash over him when you suddenly stopped. 
“No!” He huffed, looking down at you desperately, “Why’d you stop? It felt so good, Noona, please…” 
“I know, baby, but what’s next is much better.” You stood back up and leaned down to place a kiss on his lips. He had a pout when you drew back, “Don’t pout, Gookie. I’ll make it up to you.” 
“Of course, baby.” 
Your hands went to your jeans and your fingers unbuttoned them, feeling his eyes on you the entire time. You dragged them down to your feet and stepped out of them and the man before you groaned as he saw your ruined lace panties, your wetness clinging to the fabric as you pulled them down as well and shoved the pile away with a foot. 
You ran a hand from your breasts down to your center, hissing softly when you ran a finger through the wetness there, “See how wet you’ve made me, baby?”
“But I haven’t done anything.” He said, voice shaking. 
You smirked and climbed on top of him, keeping eye-contact as you put your finger into your mouth, tasting yourself on your tongue. Jungkook whimpered as you moaned above him, “Noona, don’t tease me.” 
“I’m not, sweety.”
“Yes you are.”
“My pouty baby.” You kissed him languidly as you let your weight rest on his thighs, his cock trapped between your bodies, “You’re so cute.” 
“Y/N.” He groaned and drew back, “Please.” 
“What do you want, Gookie? Tell me.” You asked as you snaked a hand down between your bodies, grabbing his cock, moving it so it was under you and you smirked when he whined loudly as the head grazed your soaked cunt, “I want to hear it.” 
“I… I want to be inside you.” He strained out, hands moving to grasp at your hips as you ran his cock between your folds, “Please, please, please.” 
You keened at his begging, “Good boy.” You kissed him one last time before settling back, aligning his member with your entrance, “You ready, baby?” You asked, taking one last look at his face and once you saw his nod, you slowly descended onto him, “Fuck.” You mumbled, the stretch burning slightly as you’d had no preparation but you loved it. 
“Ah, it’s so tight.” He huffed out as your hips settled against his, “But it feels good.” 
You smiled at him as he looked up at you, his doe eyes sparkling in the dim lighting and your heart leaped at the emotions in the dark depths. You moved your hands up his neck, to his face, caressing his soft cheeks with your thumbs as you leaned down to kiss him. 
“Noona.” He sighed happily into your mouth, fingers grabbing your hips, trying to get you to move, “Move.” 
“So impatient.” You huffed but leaned your upper body back, your left hand finding steady purchase on his thigh and you lifted your body up, seeing how Jungkook’s eyes ventured down to where you were joined and you sat back down. He hissed at the motion and you did a few times, slowly moving up and down his cock, finding a steady and slow rhythm. 
You moaned loudly when you felt him begin to push up against you, meeting your thrusts with his own, “Jungkook.” 
His eyes snapped up to yours and he took in your expression each time the both of you moved. Your skin had a rosy hue to it and it glistened in the light. To him, you had never looked more beautiful as right now, on top of him, riding him so sensually. 
He was so whipped for you. 
“You feel so good, baby.” You praised, sitting back down harshly, causing him to cry out and you began to gyrate your hips, “So fucking good.” 
He moved his hands to your ass and squeezed the soft globes, helping you move, “You do too, Noona.” 
You threw your head back when his hips bucked and his cock hit a particular soft, fleshy spot inside you, “Do it again, baby.” 
He nodded and began fucking up into you, groaning when he felt your walls clench around him, “W-What’s happpening?” 
You didn’t answer him, instead moaning out your pleasure loudly, which only spurred on Jungkook and his thrusts got faster and harder and every time he hit that fleshy spot at just the right angle. The heat in your belly spread to your legs and you trembled as you got closer to the edge. 
“Don’t fucking stop.” You whimpered, moving a hand to claw at his shoulder, “Don’t you fucking dare stop.” 
He groaned when your walls clenched around him, this time tighter than before, “Are you cumming, Noona?” He asked, gauging your face, “I can feel your walls clench around me.” 
Your spine tingled and you let out a whine as you surged forward, your arms going around his neck as he picked up his pace even more, causing you to bite his shoulder. 
“I’m so close.”
“Me too, baby.” 
Then the sneaky bastard moved a hand from your ass and between your slicked bodies and he found your clit, causing you to stiffen in his arms as he applied pressure to the hardened nub. The heat exploded and your body went stiff as you let out a scream into the junction of his neck and shoulder, your legs spasming beside him and your cunt danced around him as you came. 
Jungkook let out a cry as he thrust a few times and pulled out, just in time before his cum spurted out and onto your bodies. He kept on letting out soft whines and whimpers as he came down from his high. 
Breathing raggedly, you hugged him tighter to you and felt his arms go around you, his face pressed up against your breasts, “That was amazing.” He huffed. 
“It was. You did so well, Gookie.” You said as you nuzzled his neck, “So good.” 
“You did too, Noona.” He pushed you back so he could look at you, his hands gently removing hair from your face, “I’m glad it was you. Thank you.” 
You smiled and leaned into his hand, “No, thank you for letting me be your first, baby.” 
He smiled a little as his thumb caressed your cheek and he stared into your eyes, “I wanted you to be my first because…” He paused and leaned forward, his hand falling to your shoulder as he hid his face against your shoulder, “Because I’m in love with you, Y/N.” 
“You’re going to be the death of me, Jeon Jungkook.” You grabbed his face and moved it so you could look at him, “Don’t say that and hide away.” 
“No buts. I want to look into your eyes when I tell you,” You quickly pecked his lips and then squeezed his cheeks together, “That I am in-love with you too.” He tried to speak but with his face squished, it only came out a muffled mumble, “Idiot.” 
He growled, grabbed your ass and stood up, causing you to yelp and swing your legs around his narrow waist, “What are you doing?” You asked, your hands grabbing his shoulders. 
“This idiot is moving to the bedroom.”
“Because I want to make love to my girlfriend.” 
“Ew. How sappy.” 
“Shut up, Noona.”
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faulty-writes · 4 years
May I ask for a Mirio request please? So Mirio has a big crush on the reader, I mean head-over-heels hopelessly in love, but not only is reader completely oblivious to how he feels, she tends to dote on Tamaki. It's entirely platonic on both ends between the two, Mirio knows this, and while he is happy that his best friend is getting some well-deserved recognition, it also drives him up the wall with jealousy. He's desperate for some of her attention and affection!
[I love Mirio. I hope you like it!] 
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There it was again, that heated jealousy as he watched you interact with Tamaki. The way you would laugh and smile while in the presence of his best friend, while he believed it was all well and good. That you were friends with Tamaki and nothing more, he wanted to be the one you spoke to. He wanted your attention, he wanted your love or perhaps he just wanted you to love him in the way he loved you. His feelings were so strong, he just wanted to shout them to the world. He wanted to protect you, hold you, kiss you and more. But, part of him believed he couldn’t.
Unlike most heroes, he believed love was just as important as protecting innocent lives. Yet, he didn’t want to ruin his best friend’s happiness, and though he was afraid that one day you’d fall in love with Tamaki instead of him. He knew he was getting closer and closer to telling you how he felt especially knowing his jealousy seemed to grow more intense every day. He knew he should tell Tamaki and Nejire, his two best friends about how he felt. Maybe they would understand and maybe Tamaki would actually give him a chance to get your attention for once. But he knew he was being selfish, still, did he have much of a choice?
A sigh came as he ran a hand through his hair, messing up his perfectly groomed style. His eyes kept focused on you however and he perked up when it seemed your conversation with Tamaki ended. He quickly stood from his seat and smiled as he decided to take his chance at getting your attention. “Hey, y/n!” he called and you turned your head. He was smiling brightly and there was a soft blush across his features. But, that was more or less normal when he was around you. In fact, his heart was racing and butterflies filled his stomach.
God, he was so crazy about you. Downright in love, now if only he had the courage to say that. One day perhaps. “Oh, hi Mirio,” you said, waving a lazy hand in greeting. He chuckled at your actions, always finding them to be adorable. You were so amazing! At least in his eyes, pretty as a peach too. “Hi, there! I hope you’re doing alright, it’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? The sunshine reminds me of you!” he said before swallowing the lump in his throat, “Uh you know, because you’re so warm and fuzzy and make me feel happy whenever I’m around you.” he chuckled, feeling the blush on his cheeks deepened. The beat of his heart echoed in his ears and he hoped you’d accept his compliments.
But the truth was, you didn’t understand why Mirio complimented you so much, and sometimes it got tiring. Still, you smiled as you didn’t want to upset him. “Uh, thanks Mirio that ...means a lot,”  you said before continuing to walk. “Ah!” Mirio stumbled to step in front of you and you backed up. You looked at him confused, “What are you doing?” you questioned, a little annoyed that he decided to get in your way. But you were willing to listen to what he had to say regardless, he was strange sometimes. You knew that much, but you also knew he was a great hero and always did everything with a purpose.
So you placed one hand on your hip, suspiciously glancing at him. “Well uh …” he chuckled and reached up, rubbing the back of his head. He tended to have nervous little habits when he was around you and while you noticed, you just assumed it was a normal occurrence. His eyes shifted back and forth, almost as if he were trying to think of something. “I ...I was wondering if you’d like to hang out today! Spend some time with Lemillion!” he declared with another smile, pointing a thumb at himself and playfully winking at you. “Uh …” you chuckled awkwardly, though Mirio was very sweet.
“Sorry, but I was headed back to the dorm building.” you said, “Do you ...maybe want to walk there together?” you suggested, after all, there had been plenty of times where Mirio insisted he walk you to your class or tag along with you and Tamaki. You didn’t mind and it was almost worth it to see the way he smiled at your suggestion, a sparkle coming to his eyes. “Sure! I’d love that, sunshine!” he grinned and offered you his arm. He insisted it was something heroes did, especially if they wanted to impress the pretty girl they rescued.
Though you wouldn’t count walking to a destination as a rescue. Still, you happily played along with his antics and took his arm. He chuckled happily as you two began walking to the dorm building. “So ...what were you talking to Tamaki about?” he questioned and while it seemed innocent, that jealousy boiled inside him. You looked surprised at his question, finding it a bit odd. But you shrugged, “Nothing important, just class and some mission that’s coming up. I think it’s tomorrow, right? Tamaki mentioned you were volunteering for it.” you shared, smiling at him. “Yeah!” he replied, a gentle breeze coming to ruffle his hair.
“I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to improve as a hero! After all, I plan to be the best hero I can and there’s only one way I can do that,” he explained, an overly cheerful tone in his voice. But you could tell how much it meant to him and it gave you a warm feeling, Mirio was certainly someone you could look up to. “Yeah, just don’t get too hurt okay?” you said, giving him a playful wink of your own. He felt his heart flutter at your words, it was nice to know you cared that much about him and he nodded. “I won’t promise! Even if I do, it won’t stop me from running to you,” he said as he playfully nudged you and you chuckled, though you weren’t sure why he said he’d run to you in the first place.
“Right …” you replied in a quiet voice, your conversations with Mirio always went between sweet and strange. But you were relieved when you reached the dorm building and released Mirio’s arm. “Well, thank you. I’m going to do some homework in my room,” you said, bowing your head before walking to the front door or at least you tried to. Mirio reached out for your shoulder and you gasped, “Uh …” you looked at his hand before turning to face him again. “Yes?”  you said, tapping your foot against the ground. “Do you um, need some company? I know it gets lonely when you’re in your room all by yourself.” you raised your eyebrow and though the offer was as sweet as it was creepy, you shook your head.
“Uh no thanks, I’m fine. Besides you need to rest up for that mission don’t you?” he frowned, every time you were away from him he felt his heart sink. “I mean ...I can rest anytime! After all, the mission isn’t until tomorrow. I can reserve some time for my friends.” he said as he dropped his hand. You nodded, “Yeah, maybe later tonight? My homework shouldn’t take that long to do, okay?” you said and while Mirio frowned, he understood. “Okay,”  he said before a smile came to his face. “I’ll look forward to seeing you tonight then, maybe we can watch a movie together?” he suggested.
“Yeah, maybe Tamaki can join us too. As long as the movie isn’t scary, he hates those.” you chuckled, but Mirio glanced down. “Right,” he said before watching you walk away. His hands curling into fists, he knew he shouldn’t feel this way. Tamaki deserved attention and love, that much was clear. But he was beginning to get a little possessive over the thought of you and he knew he needed some chance to get your attention. He wasn’t sure what chance that would be, but he’d figure it out along the way. After all, you were the person he loved and there was no way he’d give up on you.
When night came, you made your way to the common room and ran into Tamaki. “Oh hey!” you greeted the dark-haired boy who stuttered in return, “Uh h-hello ...um, w-what are you d-doing?” he questioned in a soft voice and you smiled, “Mirio mentioned he wanted to watch a movie, do you want to join? I’ll make sure it’s not scary.” you said as you playfully punched him in the shoulder. “U-Uh, okay ...I h-hope he won’t m-mind,” he replied before you grabbed his arm and dragged him there. Mirio was sitting on the couch, humming as he waited for you. 
Though he knew he only had a couple hours to spare. He turned his head when he heard footsteps but his smile quickly faded when he saw you were with Tamaki. “Mm …” he noticed the way you were holding his best friend’s arm and that same jealousy came, boiling in the pit of his stomach. Sometimes he wished he didn’t feel this way, but no one said being in love was easy. He tried to push his feelings down and waved the two of you over. “Hi y/n!” he said as he rose from the couch. “I saved a spot in the middle for you,” he said with a smile, his hand pointed out to it.
“Oh, uh thanks Mirio.” you said before turning to Tamaki. “Do you want to sit in the middle?” A growl rumbled in Mirio’s throat as you interacted with Tamaki, he had saved that spot for you. If anything to be able to get close to you. But you were going to give it to Tamaki? He crossed his arms, a tad upset that Tamaki ended up sitting in the middle with you on the right side and Mirio on the left side of him. So much for his plan. He hardly paid attention to the movie, too busy thinking about you and the ways he could possibly get your attention. “Mirio ...Mirio.” you shook the blond’s shoulder, “Hm?” he snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you.
A faint blush coming to his face, “Uh sorry, sunshine!” he said with a chuckle, “Is everything okay?” he questioned before looking around, the common room was empty apart from the two of you and it was completely dark. The television was the only thing that seemed to illuminate the room and you shook your head. “We finished the movie some time ago and everyone went back to their rooms for the night,” you explained and Mirio felt silly for a moment. “Oh well …” he glanced down before hopping to his feet. “I guess I should go then too huh?” he said as he stretched, his eyes never left you. “Yeah ...um ..” you looked down, almost feeling shy. “Look, Mirio. Good luck on the mission tomorrow and be safe okay?” you said before stepping forward, giving him a light hug.
A gasp left his lips and he felt his heart pound against his ribcage, you were hugging him! He hoped this wasn’t a dream, but even if it was it was one of the sweetest dreams he had to date. He smiled and squeezed you in return, happy that he was getting just one little moment with you. Even though he wished the hug had lasted longer, he pulled away with a flushed face. But thanks to the darkness, it went unnoticed. “Thanks, y/n, that means a lot,” he said, looking at you one last time before he walked down the hallway toward his bedroom. You watched him, shaking your head before you turned the television off.
The next day in class Mirio was absent, though you knew it was because of the mission. Often only the best students were chosen for missions and they got a special privilege which included skipping class without any consequence. Still, it seemed like you couldn’t concentrate on your schoolwork and Tamaki took notice. “A-Are you a-alright, y/n?” he questioned as he gently laid his hand on your shoulder. You reached up to take his hand and tried to smile. “Yeah, I ...I guess I’m just a little worried about Mirio,” you confessed, Tamaki nodded. “I u-understand, b-but Mirio is a g-great hero. H-He’ll be fine, I-I’m sure of it.” you looked at Tamaki, trying to believe his words.
It was true, Mirio was a great hero. One of the best students in U.A., maybe you didn’t have anything to worry about. “I …” you hesitated, “I guess you’re right. We’ll see him when he gets back.” Tamaki nodded once more, “Y-Yeah.” though it was clear the two of you looked up to the blond, Tamaki more than you. Still, you couldn’t help the uncertain feeling in your stomach. It was almost like feeling butterflies and you weren’t sure why you were feeling this way. After all, Mirio had gone on countless missions before and he always turned out fine. But unknown to you, he had gotten injured during his mission and you would come to find that out.
When the mission students returned two days later, the only thing they seemed to talk about was how Mirio had gotten hurt saving them and in doing so made the mission a success. Though you and Tamaki shared the same worried look. “W-We need to go s-see him.” Tamaki insisted and you nodded in agreement. “Why don’t we go after school?” you suggested and Tamaki shook his head. “No, I c-can’t. F-Fat Gum called m-me in, says h-he needs my h-help on s-something.” he explained and you frowned, “But I don’t want to go without my best buddy.” you said with a pout which made Tamaki chuckle.
“I think y-you’ll be f-fine,” he said and you shrugged. “I guess it would be rude not to see him. I hope he isn’t too hurt,” you said and looked back at Tamaki who seemed to share your concern. “O-Only one way to f-find out,” he replied and you chuckled though it almost seemed forced. “Yeah.” though you were a little nervous by the end of the day, you went to your dorm to change out of your school uniform. Deciding a more casual outfit was in order before you made your way to the hospital. It seemed a little crowded, but you approached the front desk regardless. The nurse working seemed a little tired but answered your question about where Togata’s room was.
You thanked her and made your way to the third floor and down the long stretch of hallway. When you arrived you looked at his name displayed outside the door and once more, felt nervous. Maybe it was because you weren’t sure what laid behind that door, would he be gravely injured or would it only be a few scrapes and cuts? Either way, you took a deep breath. You slid open the door, nearly jumping as you saw Mirio laying on the bed. His legs up in the air and he was moving them in a circular motion as if he were riding a bicycle. You stood there, wide-eyed at the display. Though on the bright side, he didn’t look too injured.
Only a few bandages and cuts, somehow it made you relieved and he smiled at you. “Hey y/n! I’m happy to see you!” he said before dropping his legs and swinging them over the bed. You chuckled and walked over to him, “Why do I feel like this is a regular thing you do whenever you’re in the hospital?” he laughed and shrugged, “Well it gets boring, I can’t just sit here and do nothing, sunshine.” you shrugged, maybe that was true. You could only imagine how boring it got when you were by yourself in a hospital room. “So, how are you feeling?” you questioned as you sat beside him.
He grinned happily, “I’m just fine! I should be out by tomorrow and back in school. So don’t miss me too much, okay?” he teased and you chuckled, “Well, that’s what I have Tamaki for.” you replied and watched Mirio’s smile fade. “Right …” you tilted your head, almost wanting to ask why he got a little unnerved whenever you mentioned Tamaki, they were best friends, weren’t they? Of course, you were a little oblivious to how Mirio felt about you, and at the moment, he only wanted to have one thing. Your attention and he knew one way he could get it. “Mirio are you okay?” you asked, deciding to push your luck after all.
“It seems every time I mention Tamaki that you-” your words were cut short when you felt him practically jump on you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. It was probably every girl’s dream to be this close to Mirio, this close to any hero. Though he had still caught you by surprise and you felt your face flush despite having hugged Mirio countless times before. So what made this one so different? You weren’t sure, but it seemed he was happier than ever. In fact, his heart was fluttering with joy as he held you close. Burying his face into the crook of your neck.
“Sorry sunshine, I just ...wanted a hug. Don’t let go okay? I’m going to need plenty more!” he knew he was playing the injury card, but if he had to get your attention someway. Why not use his condition to his advantage? Of course, part of him knew it was wrong and maybe you deserved some of the truth. “Well ...actually y/n, I just really want your attention okay?” he said, his voice low as he looked at you from his position. “You ...you want my attention?” you knew Mirio didn’t ask for much, he was always busy giving and giving to others. So, maybe in that sense, he did deserve to get something back.
Either way, you felt him nod. “Yeah ...sorry if that’s a little weird, but there’s no one I would rather be with than you.” your heart pounded at those words, did you really mean that much to him? You swallowed and laid your hand across his back. “O-Oh, um ...that’s ...sweet Mirio,” you said, letting a content sigh leave you. That was kind of nice, being nestled so close to someone and Mirio seemed satisfied for the moment. Of course, he knew when all this was over he’d have to go back to watching you interact with Tamaki. But he’d continue to try and prove he deserved your attention. Only yours.
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
No Valentine’s Day (Mr Love Scenario)
Requested by anon:
So could you do a scenario with the MLQC guys (whichever one you are most comfortable writing) finding out that the fem!reader doesn't like the holiday and how they would react when they find out (especially if they ended up getting them a gift beforehand)? Thank you for sharing your writing and have a great day~!
A/N: Although it was requested after Valentine’s Day, this is ridiculously late, I know (sorry!! writing scenarios is hard for me...), but I figured I would still post it since it was requested and it also has some cute fluff that I hope you all enjoy :D
Gavin subtly reached out for your hand. You smiled and intertwined your fingers with his. When you looked up at him, he was blushing a little, which only made your smile grow. 
All day, you had been together walking the streets and doing cute romantic things. None of you had said anything about what day it was, but you knew nonetheless. In Gavin’s case, you also thought he had kept it quiet out of embarrassment.
As you thought about this, he suddenly stopped walking. Halting with him and turning to face him, you saw him shoving his hand on his pocket.
“I... got you something” He muttered, fidgeting a bit as he hid his hands behind his back. “It’s not much, but I hope you like it”
“Gavin, that’s so sweet!” Despite the fact that his amber eyes were set on you, the faint red shade in his cheeks made your heart flutter. “But you didn’t have to, I don’t like celebrating Valentine’s Day”
He frowned, staring at you and tilting his head.
“Then what are we doing right now?”
“Looking for an excuse to be together”
He suddenly coughed and cleared his throat, his blush intensifying. Gavin shook his head, discovering what he hid behind his back and offering you a little box.
“You don’t need an excuse to be with me” He told you, sweetly smiling.
You returned the gesture, gently taking the box from him. 
“And you don’t need an excuse to give me a present if you really want to, especially not Valentine’s Day”
Gavin paused for a moment, watching you fondly. In the end, he nodded his head and motioned over to the small box in your hands.
“Open it” He reminded you, and you did as he said. The lid opened to reveal a beautiful silver necklace with tiny gingko leaves adorning it. It went along with the bracelet you were already wearing on your wrist.
“Gavin, I love it!” You exclaimed, throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him tight. He chuckled and returned the embrace. However, he froze when you pulled away and kissed him in the cheek.
“Uh...” His fingers shook silghtly as they took the necklace from you. “I’ll put it on” 
Gladly, you turned around and gathered your hair to the side, allowing him to rest the trinket on your collarbone and fasten it behind your nape. 
You grinned, thinking that maybe you could change your mind about Valentine’s Day if Gavin was always involved in it.
You smiled when two hands suddenly covered your eyes, since you had been expecting this moment. It was obvious that he would come looking for you on that oh so especial occasion.
“Guess who?” A cheerful singing voice softly said in your ear.
“Hello, Kiro” You laughed, taking his hands and pulling them away from your eyes. You turned to be face to face with him and his grinning expression.
“Hi, Miss Chips! I got you a little something!” His warning was confirmed when you noticed his hands were now behind his back. An empty bag hung from his arm.
“Nooo, Kiro!” You whined, fed up with the whole world making a big deal out of this day. “Not you too, I hate Valentine’s Day!” 
“What?!” He uttered in outrage. “But it’s such a lovely day! Besides, it’s a reason to celebrate how much I love you!”
Unable to be annoyed at him, you smiled a little. Seeing that you had no complaints to his excitement, he grinned as well.
“Does that mean you don’t want this?” Kiro showed you a giant teddy bear that hugged a plushie heart. “I can just return it, you know? If you don’t want it then I-”
“Fine...” Resigned to your fate, you took it from him. Even if the physical object wasn’t as important for you as the thoughtfulness behind it. “But only because you bought it” 
Kiro kept smiling, even awing when you took the teddy bear and found yourself hugging it tight against your chest. It was soft and warm. And it smelled like him.
Lucien had called you to his office, insisting that he wanted to see you. As you arrived at his door and knocked, you hoped it wasn’t because of what you thought. Today was Valentine’s Day, a holiday you disliked. You had asked him not to buy you anything, refusing to make him feel obligated to. 
“Come in” His voice called from inside. As soon as you walked in, you saw him standing leaned against the desk, waiting for you.
“Hello! I’m here, what did you want to see me for?” You smiled a little. “I hope it’s not for what I think...”
“Do I truly need a reason for wanting to see you?” Separating the distance between you, he approached to take your hand in his.
You blushed a little when he kissed your knuckles in quite a gentlemanly way.
“So you don’t want to give me anything?” You insisted, hoping the answer was no.
“Actually, there’s this little thing” He shoved a hand in the pocket of his white lab coat. “I wanted you to have it...”
You observed the envelope and carefully took it from him, squinting at it in curiosity to its contents.
“Lucien... I thought we said...”
“Well, I didn’t buy it” He interrupted you. “So technically, I didn’t disobey”
You laughed a bit, opening the letter inside the envelope and reading the first line that said ‘my dearest Y/N’. Before you could carry on reading, his hands covered the letter and gently shoved it against your chest.
“Read it when you’re alone, please” He sweetly smiled. “It may not be the best, but it came from the heart”
“Thank you...” You replied, quite moved by the gesture. “But now I don’t have anything to give back to you”
“You don’t need to, it’s enough with just having you here”
You nodded your head, taking mental note of Victor’s advice. Thinking the brief meeting was done, you turned around. He, however, called you as your hand hovered over the door handle.
“Before you go...” He mumbled, making a pause that was quite long and hesitant, especially for him. “What do you want for Valentine’s Day?” 
“What?” You quickly faced him, astonished by the sudden question.
He rolled his eyes as though it bothered him that you made him repeat himself. 
“Valentine’s Day, what do you want?” 
“Oh, I don’t want anything” You shrugged a little. “I don’t really like the holiday that much”
“Really? I’m surprised” He watched you  attentively, smiling a little. “But I did make some pudding, it’s a shame if it were to go to waste”
You gawked at him, observing his every move as he went to retrieve something from under the desk. When he held it in his hands, you saw that it was a small tupperware and inside it was some delicious looking pudding. 
“You did that for me?” You asked him, smiling at the endearing gesture.
Victor rolled his eyes once more. As he offered it to you, his entire body language screamed exasperation. But you did notice the way the corners of his lips were struggling not to curve up.
“Do you want it or not?” He insisted, averting his gaze at your staring. “Stop gawking and make up your mind”
“Thank you” You reached out, and your fingers brushed together. Suddenly, you were relieved that he wasn’t looking. “I will eat it”
“Wonderful...” He sarcastically said, feigning disinterest.
“But!” You held one finger up, gathering his attention. “Only if you eat it with me”
Victor stared at you, examining your expression. In the end, he rolled his eyes yet again and obliged.
“Fine...” He went to pick up two spoons from the small hidden box under the desk. “We can afford to take a break, I suppose”
You cheered, grinning from ear to ear as you took the spoon from him. You immediately started eating the pudding, humming in delight at its tastiness. Victor took his time digging in the dessert himself, too busy with admiring how your face radiated with happiness.
Tag list: @xionroxas / @lupanaoflaminar / @hottchocolatte / @bubblyblossomx / @freya-lynn / @hana-owen / @x-joie-x / @i-wanna-be-a-cookie / @ikemencrossedmyth / @legallyblindgamer727 / @thegrandduckmaster / @n3verending16 / @ginkgo-dreams  // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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angelicspaceprince · 4 years
Author: Ama
Title: Ouija
Pairing: Possible Future Beetlejuice/Reader
Character/s: Beetlejuice
Word Count: 2, 473 words
Warnings: Beetlejuice has dyslexia, I do not, I tried.
Tags: @yankyo, @justballoonfishthings, @breadbudzo, @aethersghoulette, @ironically-deadinside, @beetlejuicecansteponme, @beetlebitchywitch (some of you asked, some of you I just tagged bc)
Prompt: You find a Ouija board and end up communicating with a ghost who has trouble spelling. Together you figure out a way for him to communicate with you a little bit easier.
Notes: I promised this fic like ages ago, based off of @slut-4-beetlejuice hcs that they wrote ages ago and we kinda did a dance of reblogs where we added to each other. But yeah, this is what I came up with! My plan for this fic is to do it in two parts and if y’all want more I can write more later, but I’m basically gonna portray your side of the story and then our favourite residential ghost with the most. This, obviously, is the reader’s side of the story. This is my first attempt at writing Beetlejuice as a fic, not as a hc so please be gentle with me. I hope y’all enjoy!Also, I had speechie friendo talk to me about dyslexia and I based Beej’s spelling mistakes around the notes she sent me.
Ouija Board Inspiration
Buy Me a Coffee
It had started out innocently enough. You were bored and decided to spend the day exploring your new attic. You found a box filled with old games and decided that you wanted to sort through them, see if any were unusual or rare that you could keep. Most of them, you planned to donate somewhere, or put them back into storage.
You weren’t expecting much. Maybe a torn-up game of Twister, or Mouse Trap. Half a pack of Uno cards, or a ruined game of Trouble, and for the most part, you got what you expected. But when you found the Ouija board, you were a little surprised. Most of the games were for children, and weren’t in good enough nick to keep, let alone play. But the Ouija board looked like it just came out of the factory that created it. You go to lift the case from the bottom of the box, surprised by how heavy it was when you started to lift, nearly dropping it twice when you finally got it out and onto the table in front of you. Carefully, you lift the lid.
No wonder it was heavy. The Ouija board was wooden, and bigger than you were expecting. The dark wood had been engraved with the usual things a Ouija has, Yes, No, Goodbye, numbers 0-9 and every letter of the alphabet, the outside decorated with various designs you couldn’t make out in the dark. The one you could recognise was the pentagram engraved between the Yes and the No on the board. The planchette was also heavy, made from the same wood as the board, engraved with just two x’s, indicating where to put your finger.
You look over at the board as you hold the planchette in your hands. You were bored, yes. The attic was now in a state, yes. But the urge to test out the Ouija board was beginning to get too great. You organise yourself on the floor, placing the planchette in the middle of the board and just.... waiting. Not really sure on what to do now.
“Uh…hello?” Your voice is uncertain before you yelp when the cursor on the board begins to move. Yes, your fingers are on the x’s, but you weren’t providing any pressure. It just moved on its own.
‘H – I.’ The cursor spells out as your brain sort circuits as it returns to the centre of the board.
“Uhhhhh.” You pause, not sure how to proceed. “I’m Y/N. What’s your name?” The planchette seems to shake a little before moving towards the ‘No’ part of the board, returning to the centre. “You don’t want to tell me?” It moves back to the ‘No’. “That’s ok then. Can I ask if you’re really dead?” It moves to the ‘Yes’. “Is that yes I can ask, or yes you are?”
‘YES, I – A – M – D – E – D.’ You repeat the phrase once you’ve spelt out the letters quietly to show you’re aware of which letter the ghost was indicating with. “Sorry, I didn’t think I’d get a response, or one so soon.”
‘F – L – G – U – R – E – D.’
“Can I ask some questions about life after death?” You wait for the cursor to move over the Yes before continuing. “Is there a hell?”
So, it continued. Every day, after work, you’d come home and race up to the attic and spend time talking to your ghostly friend, who still wouldn’t tell you their name. All you knew was they were dead, had been for centuries, were bored, and were something called a bio-exorcist (which took a couple of attempts to spell). You also learnt that any form of parental figure, they hated, and any form of rules and regulations was not something they enjoyed.
You also noticed that they had a weird tendency to refuse certain questions or struggled to spell words correctly when they did. Sure, exorcist, intelligence and February weren’t easy words to spell when you weren’t writing them down, but replacing b’s for d’s and p’s for q’s, c’s for o’s and n’s for m’s. There were a lot of little things you picked up over time made you think perhaps there was more to this story.
So, you changed direction. One evening, you were talking about work and things that annoyed you and a question you thought they’d be fine answering, but the planchette just started to shake. You pause for a second, trying to figure out what was wrong. “Do you want to answer the question?” The cursor slides quickly and heavily to the ‘Yes’, causing you to move your whole body with it before it tentatively returns to the centre of the board. You think for a second as the planchette continues to vibrate with what feels like annoyance. “Can you spell the answer?” The planchette stops moving and everything is still. It’s so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. You wait for thirty seconds before you say “Hello?” and like that, the cursor slowly, tentatively, goes over towards the ‘No’ part of the board followed by a ‘A-L-W-A-Y-S-B-E-E-M-A-B-A-D-S-P-E-L-E-R. “Oh. That’s ok, I’m pretty rubbish without spell check too. Take your time.” Everything stops for a second, the energy that is always humming when you’re up here seems to have dropped to a low throb, and you slowly remove your hands from the planchette as you think.
‘How can I make this easier for them?’ You hum for a second before returning your hands to the board. “Would you prefer yes or no questions?” The planchette slides quickly over to the ‘Yes’ and you smile. “Ok, if something isn’t a yes or no question, I’ll provide answers and you can slide to the numbers to tell me which one is appropriate. Does that work?” Again, ‘Yes’.
Life moves on. It was weird at first, but you got used to asking only yes or no questions and becoming content with that as a response. A few more weeks went by, you slowly began to spend more time talking to the ghost in the attic. It was fascinating, and you were lonely and suspected they were too. Why else would they talk to you night after night after night? You never brought up the idea that perhaps they may have been lonely, but you focused on making sure like they felt like they had a friend.
A few more weeks had passed before you came up with a new idea. As good as it was to make them feel like they weren’t stupid for their spelling, you felt like you were muting them or speaking on their behalf. So, on your Saturday evening as you ate your dinner and you asked a question about if they enjoyed scaring people whenever they got the chance and the planchette moved by its own accord, you stared down at the board for a few minutes in shock. “You can move things WITHOUT me helping?”
“Why the fuck do I have to hold it then?” You forget to offer options as you take a breath, hearing the planchette slide across the board. “Its fine, I was just in shock.” You explain, not looking at what the ghost was being said. An idea pings in your head. “With your bad spelling, does it affect your reading or is it easier? One for both are hard, two for reading is easier.”
The planchette wobbles for a second before it slides over between the two. ‘R-E-A-D-I-M-G-I-S-S-T-I-L-L-H-A-R-D.’ It spells out. ‘B-UT-N-O-T-A-S-H-A-R-D-A-S-S-P-E-L-I-M-G.’
You can sense the confusion in the room as you nod, already thinking of a plan. “Have you always struggled with reading and spelling?” ‘A-L-W-A-Y-S-B-U-T-I-N-J-U-S-T-S-T-U-P-I-D’ You you’re your heart break slightly when they call themselves that. “Sweetheart, have you ever heard of the term dyslexia?” ‘No’. “It’s where your brain struggles to recognise letters or sounds, it makes it hard for people to read and write. They often miss letters or get letters mixed up, or sometimes even add letters that aren’t meant to be there.” You explain gently. “I think you may have the same kind my friend has. He reads a lot even though it’s a struggle, but if you get him to spell, he’s absolutely hopeless. Amazing at math, though. Like a walking calculator.” You smile as you get distracted before you shake your head and bring yourself back to the present. “I don’t think you’re stupid, love, I think perhaps your brain just isn’t wired to like letters and words.” You explain as you fiddle with your hands, unsure on where to put them. The planchette doesn’t move, but you can feel the air growing thicker.
‘N-O-T-S-T-U-P-I-D’ – the planchette draws a question mark over the entire board. You shake your head.
“Not stupid at all, pet.” A few seconds pass before the planchette moves over to the ‘Goodbye’ section. You sigh, slightly disappointed that they wanted to leave so soon. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
You ran late to work the next day, replaying the conversation in your head with your resident ghost over and over again as it kept you up later and later into the night. Your plan wasn’t well thought out at this stage, but you could get things started.
You stay late after work to make up for the hour that you missed this morning before rushing to the bookshop, making it there 10 minutes before they closed. You found what you wanted and quickly purchased it before rushing home, making sure to grab something for dinner as you drive home.
The moment you arrived home and placed your bags by the front door, the house felt empty. For the first time since using the Ouija board, the house felt like you were the only one in it. Pulling out the Ouija board, you asked if they were here. Nothing. You put your fingers on the planchette. Nothing again. You call out to them to see if they were there, nothing. You sigh before packing it back up. Perhaps your new-found friend had moved on.
It was a few days before your ghostly friend returned. The house had felt barren the entire time they were gone, you had stopped bringing out the board the day they returned, figuring that they just weren’t going to come back. A loud crash from the living room caused you to run out from the kitchen where you were preparing dinner to see what had happened. On the floor was the Ouija board, set up and ready to go with the planchette moving wildly across the board, so fast you couldn’t keep up.
“Hang on, hang on, hang on.” You rush back upstairs to grab the item you had purchased for them the week prior before rushing back downstairs and putting it next to the board with a satisfying thud. “I got you a dictionary, they had one with pictures which I thought could help.” You explain to where you hoped the ghost was. You put a pen in front of the giant book. “Just…. point I guess to the word you want to say. If you want to try it this way that is, I thought it might be easier for you.”
The air seemed thick as you waited for something to move, the planchette or the book. Suddenly, the cover of the book seemed to gingerly open as the ghost slowly looked for the words he was looking for. ‘IT-IS-EASIER’ they indicated with the pen. You smile as the pages begin to turn in a flurry, clearly excited to be able to communicate with you a bit easier.
So, life continued. The ghost (who you later found out was a man) would follow you from room to room, carrying the pen and the book to indicate different words to you, making comments on nearly everything that he wasn’t able to before, from the shade of paint on your walls (he thought they should be green) to what you were wearing (he was really into you wearing stripes for some reason), he would readily give your opinion on everything. It was weird, but you could feel yourself slowly falling for the now forever talking ghost. The freedom that came with the dictionary meant that your conversations become more…. conversation like. He wasn’t restricted to just yes or no answers, and you weren’t restricted to staying in one room. You found yourself having dinners next to the constantly page flipping book and laughing at his bad jokes and giving some back of your own. You found small doodles on the outside of the dictionary too, his own little crude drawings he did when you weren’t home. It was nice, it felt like some kind of perverse kind of domestic.
It had been months since your initial contact with him, and you still didn’t know his name and, to be honest, it was beginning to bug you. You didn’t say or show your annoyance about not knowing his name, but you figured it was time you knew. So, when you came home that night and had set up your dinner in your usual set up, you finally decided to ask. “Can I know your name?”
It took a minute before your squatter decided to respond. ‘ORION-BRIGHT-STAR’.
“Orion’s brightest star?” You say, almost as a question as you pull out your phone to do a quick Google. “Beetlejuice?” You look up to see a fury of pages flying as he quickly makes his way over to the ‘A’ section of the dictionary.
The pen slams back down on the page. ‘AGAIN.’
You hesitate. “Beetlejuice?”
There was a crash, a bang, and way too much smoke that filled the room as bright green lights seemed to radiate from outside your house. You cough and wave your hand to clear the smoke from your mouth when you finally hear it.
“Thanks for that babes, I’ve been wanting you to see me for months now.” You blink before you see him. He was-
Cuter than you were expecting. Shorter too. Not the scary man you had envisioned, but rather an adorable guy dressed in arguably way too many stripes, even though it seemed to suit. The green in his hair was vibrant and his whole being seemed to shake with excitement. For the first time in a long time, you didn’t know what to say.
“What’s wrong babes? Cat got your tongue?” He leans in closer to take a better look at you, but all you could focus on was the bright green of his eyes.
“You’re hotter than I imagined.” You heard yourself say before you turn bright, bright red. The grin on his face widens as he chuckles lowly, sending a shiver up your spine.
“Oh babes, we are going to have so much fun.”
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Shoto Todoroki x Reader - “Birthday Boy”
Todoroki’s birthday is coming soon and after consulting with a few of your classmates, you find the perfect thing that would make him happy on his birthday.
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Requested by @schweeeppess​: “Bnha request! Maybe some cute Todoroki x Reader fluff? Like it’s his birthday or something? Whatever this inspires you to write sis! :D I LOVE YOUUUUU” 
A/N: I hope you like it! Gosh I feel like this sucks, big time because it’s not focused enough on Todoroki? idk, I suck without laid out plots, I know I can do better. Also this is my first BHA fic, please don’t be mean :(
It had been two weeks, keeping an eye on the calendar, watching as time goes by, it was only getting closer and it only made her skin crawl as she thought about it.
Todoroki’s birthday was in just over a week and (Y/N) still had no idea what she could do for him. They hadn’t been dating for too long and, making no effort to stop seeming desperate, on an early Monday morning, she raced to her friend, making sure her boyfriend didn’t arrive to class earlier than normal.
“Todoroki’s birthday is coming up, do you have any ideas?” she bent down to her desk.
“Um, go ice skating, it’s so romantic and then just opened the ice rink downtown!” Uraraka beamed.
“That would be bad, Shoto basically does that when he uses his quirk, it wouldn’t be anything special if you decided to keep at  it -- or maybe the fact that you decided to do ice skating could give him a new perspective about it and he could enjoy it more, who knows, it might as well just-”
“Midoryia, you’re muttering again,” Ochaco nudged.
“S-sorry,” the boy blushed in embarrassment.
“Maybe do something just the two of you, he’d like that more than a big birthday.” Mina placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “I know for a fact he won’t enjoy us being there if he can spend time with you,” 
“H-he said that,” (Y/N) blushed.
“No, but it’s easy to tell,” she chuckled at the girl’s face. 
Something just for the two of us, the girl reflected.
Just then the door slammed open and in came the angry cinnamon roll. He didn’t say anything, only glared at anyone that was staring at him on the way to his desk. 
Thank god Bakugo came in first, no one might have noticed Todoroki trail in after him with his quiet footing. 
The blank face he usually had morphed into the tiniest of smiles as he made his way to the back, beside (Y/N).
“Hey,” she smiled, grasping his hand softly under the desk and squeezing it lightly. His heterochromia eyes glanced at her and she pecked his cheek, feeling shy by the amount of people in the room.
“Good morning, (Y/N),” he murmured.
“Good morning, how are you?” she whispered.
“Will you two SHUT UP!” Bakugo barked, making the girl nearly jump out of her skin.
“Calm down”, Shoto grumbled at the angry boy, squeezing the girl’s hand reassuringly.
“Quiet, all of you,” Aizawa’s disinterested voice interjected as he entered the classroom, having the most bored look (Y/N) had seen on him yet. Everyone shut their mouths and took their seats. 
Maybe I could show the appreciation I have for him, the entire day was spent thinking of what she could do for him.
He’s still unsure about using his fireside. (Y/N) remembered the sports festival, Izuku got through to him, maybe if she did the same, she could boost his confidence and love himself more. 
A content sigh escaped her lips, she knew what she was going to do.
“(Y/N)?” the voice tore her away from her plan, “Are you okay?” her boyfriend asked.
“Yes, why?” 
“It’s the end of the day, everyone is leaving?” He was confused now, he was sure something was going on but he didn’t want to ask if you weren’t ready to share.
“Oh, let’s go then!” she grinned, holding his hand and pulling him outside the classroom, “Bye Mr Aizawa,” 
They earned a small grumble from the man that was now in a burrito of blankets on the floor.
Hum after hum, the girl hung up the white, handmade letters above the living room of her parents house. Despite the owners being away, she still got their permission to spend Todoroki’s special day at their house -- as well as requesting (Y/N) to wish him a happy birthday. 
She still had a few hours before her boyfriend would arrive and she couldn’t be any more relieved at how on-time she was.
Since she wasn’t the best cook and her parents warned not to use the kitchen when there was no one in the house, she decided to buy his favourite food in the restaurant they went to every once in a while. The girl even prepared a nice dessert, having made a raspberry coulis, mixing it with yogurt and blended with crunched pieces of chocolate chip cookies.
The two small cups were safely kept in the fridge.
After a while, she managed to beautifully lay out everything that will be needed for the night. The freshly popped popcorn, the red blanket and the TV set up on one side, all red themed.
On the other side, the dining area, the food was carefully set out, cute and cosy, which various shades of blue and light grey. 
Quickly, the girl changed into some casual clothes and watched her hands, making sure she looked presentable.
As if on queue, the doorbell rang.
“Wait a second, I’m coming!!” the girl halted the person behind the door. Scurrying to the door, she opened it slowly.
“Hello,” the girl offered a welcoming smile.
“Hi,” Shoto gave her a small smile, “can I come in?”
“N-no, wait,” (Y/N) slipped out of the house and closed the door, “I need you to close your eyes,” his distinctively different irises held a hint of confusion before he obliged.
“Alright,” his eyes shut closed, placing his hand on his nose to make sure he wouldn’t peak.
“Great,” her arm slipped in his other one as she opened the door and closed it behind him, “okay, you can open up now,” 
Todoroki’s eyes slowly opened, not sure what to expect until they went wide eyed.
“You did this?” he muttered, scanning around. If she didn’t spend so much time with him, she would never have guessed that he was pretty impressed behind his nearly unmoved demeanor. The girl hummed in response.
“You like it?” she murmured, hugging his arm.
“I- yes, I really do,” he sighed, kissing her temple, “it’s only us right?” 
“Yes, only the two of us, for the rest of the night,” she grinned. A small chuckle rumbled in his chest as he took his shoes off.
“What’s the plan?” he pulled her against his chest.
“Dinner and then a lot of Netflix and cuddling.” A shy smile etched on his face.
“Sounds good,” 
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
Want to be tagged? Let me know in which ever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy​ @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx​ @lostnliterature​ @batette​ @pythiaaa​ @schweeeppess​ @gearsinice​ @mizmahlia​ @tina8009​ @alex--awesome--22​ @disa​ 
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sabine-leo · 5 years
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The lovely @theoneanna asked if I´d care to write something regarding Toms new commercial and include Bobby! Well, she shall receive ;) 
Hope you like it love!!! 
Author: @sabine-leo
Tom Hiddleston x Reader FLUFF
Wordcount: 1539
Is this the real life is this just fantasy...
The soft sheets around you felt like heaven, wrapping you in a fluff cloud of warm cotton.  But when you reached over to the other side of the bed there was only cold greeting you. No warm body, no arms that hugged you tight and cuddled up to you for some more stolen minutes.
Tom had started a new work engagement, which meant you would not see much of him in the next weeks to come.  But as you stretched for a moment and got out of the comforting warmth of your bed you heard Bobby wiggling up the steps. He pressed against your legs and begged for a cuddle before he nudged you to the stairs as if he wanted to show you something.
“What´s up Bobby?” Bobby yelped once and sprinted down the stairs, almost tumbling over in his hurry. Laughing to yourself a little you walked down and heard sounds coming out of the kitchen.
 This didn´t sound like Bobby, slowly opening the door to your white, open-space kitchen your eyes immediately took in the tall, lean and handsome looking man in his dark suit and fitted white shirt with an apron on top. He was chopping something, but stopped directly as he heard the door fully open. The smile on your face was bright and full of glee to see him as he turned with a soft
“Heeey” in his deep, sinuous voice. Biting your lip, you steadied yourself in the doorframe as his greeting washed over your body. “Morning!” He added and put a fried egg on top of the chopped veggies.
 How could a man look so hot doing something so domestic as making breakfast? Well, it was Tom after all. He looked hot in everything he did. The sparkle in his eyes got more intense as he offered you the plate. “I finished early so I thought I´d….pop back and make you breakfast!”
Kicking yourself off the doorframe you closed the distance between you and your hot, HOT and thoughtful fiancé to give him a kiss. Tom balanced the plate as he chuckled hovering over your lips.
“Thank you love!” you said and stroked down his arm. His smile was bright like the sun and it managed to fill you with warmth and appreciation for this wonderful human being that called you his and you could call yours in return.
As if Bobby wanted to be included in the love that floated around the both of you, he managed to squeeze his chocolate-brown self between Tom and you. You laughed a little and stole another kiss from your lover and sat down as he motioned to the table. Tom walked over to the kitchen again and added a little pepper to your egg and sat the plate in front of you before sitting down himself.
“Pepper on top, right?!” You smiled and nodded “Yes, you do remember the smallest details!”
Tom grinned and kept you company as you ate his delicious offering, stealing a cucumber of the plate as you were distracted by Bobby’s antics to get Toms attention.
 Bobby adored Tom as much as you did and would not leave his side when he was home.
“Come on Bobby, I´ll cuddle you tonight when I am home!!” He seemed ok with that and curled up at Toms feet. Tom smile and looked at you. His gaze travelled to your eyes and a soft smile toyed with his lips as he said “You look great!” A little blush on your cheeks made him chuckle softly before he took your hand over the table and let his thumb stroke it in a slow sensual movement.
Those few words, those little actions always made you feel special. He never failed in letting you know how much he loved you, even if he had only little time in between engagements like this morning.
 “I am afraid I do have to run again, darling!” he sighed as you were half done with your breakfast.
Getting up to see him out he got rid of the apron and took his suit jacket of the hanger.
“Probably be a bit busy over the next few weeks…” he started and you could see and hear how he changed from statement to inuendo before he added “…but erm… I´ll make it up to you soon. I promise!” Your heart beat faster and the smile on your lips was answer enough for him. You straightened the collar of his shirt and smoothed his jacket. He was all fine before, but you needed to touch him one more time before he left. The smile he gave you was knowing but he appreciated your sweet gesture as much as you had appreciated him making it home to prep breakfast.
He leaned in for a quick kiss before he walked to the door with a long last look.
 Turning another time, he smiled and waved before he was gone again.
You sighed and looked at Bobby who sat next to you.
“And off to work he is Bobby. You know what, let´s go out and get some things to make a real nice dinner for tonight!”  Bobby wiggled his tail and went to fetch his lead. Tom had taught him that.
 The walk with Bobby was pleasant and the weather held up until you were back home again. Putting everything away for later, you went about your tasks for the day and rewarded yourself with a bit of reading later in the afternoon as you had finished everything you wanted to do for the day. Bobby lay curled up next to you and took a nap.
 Earlier you had sent a text to Luke, asking him if he could give you a heads up when Tom was about to get home. As your phone signalled a message in the late evening you smiled at Bobby and got up. “Time to roll Bobby!” Some things you had already prepped and stored in the fridge. Prepping the small table in the livingroom with a nice cloth and candles you put on some soft music and lit the fireplace.  
 As you heard a car pull up in the drive way you smiled and Bobby could not get away fast enough to sit in waiting at the front door. The apron Tom had worn this morning now covered you and the sweet little dress you had put on for the dinner with your love. The lock turned and the front door opened. Tom was preparing to softly shout his usual “Darling I am home!” But puffed the in-taken breath out again as he saw you and Bobby already waiting for him.
 “Oh hello!” he said with a grin. Bending down to greet Bobby properly he looked up to you.
“Good evening Mr. Hiddleston.” You started “We received your booking. Your table is already waiting and your date should be here any minute too! Please, let me help you out of your jacket!”  Tom laughed softly and let you help him and hand his jacket on the hanger.
“If you kindly would follow me!” You said and let the way to the table.
Pulling his chair back and waiting for him to sit down.
“Well thank you!” he said and smiled.
 You nodded and went into the kitchen to get the 2 plates after you poured 2 glasses of whine and water. Setting the plates down Tom inhaled with closed eyes and hummed.
“This smells delicious! But where is my date?”
Taking of the apron you smiled when he gasped a little as he took in the dress that hugged your body. “Sorry I´m a little late!” you grinned and leaned down to kiss him.
Toms hand shot up to the back of your neck and held you close for another lingering kiss.
 “Thomas…your dinner will get cold!” You laughed as he tried to tug you onto his lap.
“I am rather famished, but I would like to have dessert before the main course!”
Giving him a last kiss, you looked into his eyes and nudged his nose.
“I promise you´ll get dessert…after you finished your dinner!”
 Sighing Tom let go of you but grinned “Alright darling!” As you turned to sit next to him, he couldn´t stop himself and nudged your behind a little. “TOM!” you grinned and sat down.
“I am so sorry….reflex!” He said chuckling and leaned over.
“Thank you for always making me feel loved! I don´t know how I deserve someone like you!”
You kissed him. Deeply and with all the love you felt for him after those words.
“You deserve the world Tom, it´s me that is frightened to wake up one day and find out that this was all a dream… or a commercial on Tv that got me daydreaming!”
Tom laughed and stole yet another kiss.
 After dinner he got the dessert, he wanted…and then some!
The shower afterwards was full of embraces and kisses before the both of you ended up cuddling Bobby as Tom had promised him this morning.
 You loved him and your dog like nothing else in this world! Live with him was an adventure.
You never knew what you would wake up to the next morning.
And to finish you off: 
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unfortunatelysirius · 5 years
╰❂╮ prompt ╰❂╮ You’re Tony Stark’s secretary, and also his sister, but there’s this one thing you can’t let him find out: your crush on the newest addition to the Avengers team, James Buchanan Barnes. ╰❂╮ author’s note ╰❂╮ I’m finally getting around to trying out new fandoms. Hope you guys like this; if you do, pls tell me, because I feel like it’s garbage and I’m sorry if it sucks D: Love you guys btw! Send some positivity my way pls, I’m going through some shitty times with rlly toxic people and it’s a struggle to get out of friendships with people you’ve known since childhood. AS ANOTHER SIDE NOTE, if you want tagged in future Avengers imagines, shoot me a message or just comment bc yoooo, I’ll totally do it. And rememberrrr, my inbox is open! And I’m always looking for fresh ideas for my imagines :))) ╰❂╮ warnings ╰❂╮ Swearing, Fluff ╰❂╮ word count ╰❂╮ 3869
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   If there was one thing you absolutely hated about your brother—not counting his oversized ego—it’d be his habit of meddling in your affairs. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t hide secrets from Anthony Stark. It just didn’t work that way, especially with all the security cameras and the blabber-mouthed Avengers that littered the Tower.
         But there was this one secret that, if gotten out, and if exposed to the male members of the team, you’d probably move to Alaska.
         You had the biggest, fattest, most obviously obvious crush on the Avengers’ new recruit, Bucky Barnes.
         Truth be told, if it were up to you, you wouldn’t be enduring the phases of a crush. You didn’t want to be infatuated with someone who probably cared more for succulents than they did for you. The butterflies, the stomach cramps, the anxiety, the sweaty palms; you were certain Bucky noticed your behavior around him, and he probably found it uncomfortable, and it most certainly made him avoid you, but what were you supposed to do? Stay rooted in your office all day? That was not a plan you felt obligated to disclose—especially not to your crazy-ass brother. If it was up to Tony, he would have locked you in your office by now; if he ever caught you, his puny little sister, attempting to join in on field combat again, he’d probably have a heart attack. And Pepper would have your head.
         Well, maybe not. Pepper liked you. But that was liable to change if you killed her boyfriend. And Tony would turn you into Rapunzel if you kept trying to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent when you were a freakin’ secretary.
         That’s one reason why you couldn’t share your latest fancy with your brother. With all the history of Bucky being the Winter Soldier, and you always getting into trouble that’d always wind up with you sustaining some sort of injury, he’d worry himself into early sickness. You told Tony everything, only starting with the trend of raw honesty after Tony revealed that he had cameras out in the hall from your room and basically knew everything you’d ever done wrong, but this was just something he’d try and sabotage in any possible way he could.
         However, that didn’t mean you couldn’t tell other people. It just had to be outside of hearing range for the Tower. That’s what had you and Wanda Maximoff at a café around the corner from Stark Tower. A populated place that was nowhere near Tony and his rampant, exaggerative mind.
         “Oh my gosh, Wanda,” you groaned into the table, barely managing to thank the waitress as she deposited your and Wanda’s coffees and blueberry muffins in between the two of you. You peeked up, giving Wanda your best I’m-dying eyes, fit with half-slanted eyelids and creased corners. “He’s just so handsome… I can’t be normal around him. Like, how do you be normal around cute boys?”
         Wanda pursed her lips. She had taken a dainty sip of her mocha latte through your rant, and was only just putting it down when you turned your pleading gaze to her. “Well,” she said slowly, “I do not think I am the best person to approach with this information. Neither Natasha. Do you have any secretary friends you can talk to about this?”
         Your eyes turned withering. You regarded your coffee and muffin as irrelevant, pausing only for a moment to take in the delectable blueberries bursting out of the muffin-skin, before you raised your head to its full height. “You and Natasha are the only people I talk to,” you said. You sounded whiney, but you were freaking out about this, so honestly, you didn’t care. You jutted out your bottom lip, thinking a pout could win her over, and evoke from her advice. “Please?”
         A pause. Then Wanda finally sighed. “If you really want a relationship out of this, then you should approach him with your feelings,” she told you. “Feelings are no good when they stay just that: feelings.”
         “That’s true,” you said. You took a bite out of your muffin, nearly turning into goo at the scrumptious taste. “He’s just so… stoic. And he hardly smiles, or laughs. Sometimes I don’t know if he wants to kill me, feels nothing for me, or finds me likable. I mean, I hope it’s the latter, but let’s face it; the only person he truly likes in that tower is Steve, and on rare occasions, he even enjoys Natasha’s company. I’m just… a background nuisance.”
         “No, you are not.” Wanda shook her head at you. She took her hands from her coffee cup, moving them out so she could place them on your own hands. She gave you a stern, motherly look. “You must get to know him better. Try your hand at being his friend, and then, see where the road takes you. You will do nothing for yourself if you continue to mope.”
         You nodded frantically. “Yeah, yeah—that’s a great idea—but, wait…” You sighed. “What do I do about Tony?”
         Wanda rolled her eyes. “Pay him no mind,” she said, pulling away a hand to wave it dismissively in the air. “You’re a grown woman. He does not own you. Unless you are a product of Stark Industries, and you are no human, but a robot in disguise. Are you?”
         “There you have it, then. Talk to Bucky, and see where he stands.” She leaned back in the booth seat, taking a long sip of her coffee. You proceeded to do the same.
         Maybe she was right… You did need to start getting to know Bucky better. And you needed to stop letting Tony influence and dictate your life. After all, Bucky was only a man, and if he was as truly stoic as you thought he was, then your feelings would be one-sided and Tony would get his wish: you, single forever, an eternal bachelorette.
         You were making breakfast in the kitchen Tony had on the Avengers floor (as well as the floor you stayed in, when you weren’t at your apartment in the city), clad in Hello Kitty pajamas, when you had your first encounter of the week with Bucky. You were humming to an old 80’s song, stirring pasta, and there came a deep, throaty chuckle, then his husky voice as he said, “Is that Billie Jean?”
         You jumped, a sharp squeak leaving you. A flush lit you up from head to toe, and if it wasn’t Bucky—if it was another Avenger, someone you were comfortable enough around to be yourself—you might have broken into a fit of, “Oh my god, oh my god”’s. However, just your luck, it was Bucky who graced you with his presence, seeing you in your pajamas, watching you as you jammed out to imaginary Michael Jackson records. This was downright embarrassing.
         You slowly turned to look at him. You fought back the even redder shade of blush that was struggling its way up your throat, choosing (from a multitude of other embarrassing ways to act around Bucky) to smile nervously and teeter-tot on your heels. If the symptoms of your crush were going to burn you alive, you might as well smile through the death and destruction. Bucky began to look expectant when you merely stood there and smiled at him, which made you remember you hadn’t yet replied to him. “Oh, u-um, yeah!” you said, through such a high pitch, that you internally face-palmed. Way to give yourself away, dumbass. “I was just…”
         “Dancing?” Bucky raised an eyebrow. A smirk was beginning to twitch at his lips, fighting to make its debut appearance. “That’s a bit of a safety hazard when cooking, doll.”
         Doll? Did he just call me doll? That deep-red shade you were trying to fight off your face… You were now a goner to your body’s dysfunctions. You flushed deeply, and your smile turned into a clumsy line that revealed just how much strength you had in the face of a handsome, well-mannered man, meaning zero. “There’s a reason why Tony keeps me locked up in the office all day,” you said, with an unsure laugh. “He says I make a habit of hurting myself when I’m alone. Apparently, I’m a trouble magnet!”
         Bucky’s eyebrows raised, and he no longer tried hiding his smirk. He looked amused. “Clearly,” he murmured.
         “Well, uh—” You stopped talking. You really didn’t know where you were heading with that. The curious look on his face, though, made you take a deep breath and say, “Shouldn’t you be at training?”
         Bucky’s eyes turned wide, and his smirk disappeared. He put a nervous hand on his neck, scratching at it—like this was a question he really didn’t want to answer. “Well, uh—” he parroted, looking just as jumpy as you had felt when you, too, had uttered the words. “I just wanted—I, well… I thought you might want some company.”
         You blinked. You hadn’t expected that. “Well… I could always use someone to talk to while I cook.” Your expression considerably brighter, you turned back to your pasta—which had almost burned while you were busy talking to Bucky.
         A loud scrapping sound told you Bucky had sat down, and the prickling sensation on your neck told you that he was staring. After about three minutes of you moving the pasta off the burner and putting together a marinara sauce, you decided to say something. You said over your shoulder, “So, you like Michael Jackson?”
         Bucky said, “Yes.” A simple answer.  
         “I do too,” you replied, a smile on your face as you put the marinara sauce in a pan to heat. You turned to him. “Would you want to eat with me?” At the startled expression on his face, you backtracked, a sense of panic welling up in you— “Wait, uh—only if you want to—”
         “Sure,” said Bucky, reverting you back to your normal, albeit fidgety, state. “Pasta’s nice.”
         “Oh.” You blinked. You weren’t expecting that answer. “Okay, cool!” The raised eyebrow he shot you at the amount of pent-up excitement in your tone made you feel a tad bit abashed, but what did that matter—you were having dinner with James Buchanan Barnes.
         You couldn’t stop smiling all throughout dinner, so distracted by your conversations with Bucky (and the astonishing fact that he was smiling and laughing with you, two elements of a human’s behavioral personality, which he apparently lacked, that caused you to think he disliked you) that you forgot one teeny, tiny detail about Stark Tower…
         Tony cornered you the next morning, nearly sloshing your coffee all down your shirt in his haste to get to you. “You couldn’t have picked a worse person to deflower you, huh?”
         You stopped walking. What the hell? “Did you really just say ‘deflower’? What are you—fifty?”        
         “Better than being in my 90s,” Tony said snidely, an obvious reference you weren’t automatically getting, before grabbing your arm. He ignored your look of annoyance and pulled you to in front of him. “That tin-armed hand-me-down is still in the works about becoming normal, Y/N/N. One little snap, and you could be killed. You understand that?”
         “What—are you talking about Bucky?” At Tony’s deadpan expression, you had to let out a sigh; of course he saw. Of course! He had cameras in every stinkin’ crevice of this damned Tower. “Tony… there’s nothing going on between us.” Well, you wished there was, but he didn’t need to know that. “And besides, Bucky is a person. Stop talking about him like he isn’t.”
         Tony rubbed a hand over his face in exasperation. “Bucky is a person… He’s got you brainwashed, or infatuated, because all I see is a man who murdered our damn parents, Y/N.”
         You pushed him off of you. “That wasn’t him,” you snapped. “He wasn’t in control of himself. If you want to blame anyone, blame Hydra. Stop being a dickhead about it.”
         Tony’s eyes darkened. He went to say something, but he must have thought better of it because he merely shook his head, then briskly walked back down the hallway. When you got to your office, you couldn’t help the long, angry screech that left you in the safety of your personal four walls; if there was anyone who could frustrate you most in this world, it was your brother.
         Taking long and well-thought measures to avoid someone usually resulted in you avoiding other people, too. Which included all of the Avengers. It wasn’t that much of a surprise when a knock on your office door sounded before Natasha was waltzing right in, a look of pure anger on her face.
         “Why are you avoiding us?” she said brusquely, barely paying your deer-in-headlights expression any attention as she plopped down on the meeting chair placed in front of your desk.
         “I’m avoiding Tony.”
         Natasha breathed out a scoff, then began to laugh. “He lives here, Y/N. How exactly did you think you were going to avoid him? Avoid us?”
         She had got you there. Your expression fell into a thin line teetering on the edge of shame, barely concealing your embarrassment. “I know… but he—”
         Natasha threw up a dismissive hand. “Whatever he did to you, it can’t be bad enough a reason for you to avoid everyone and lock yourself up in this tiny little prison you call an ‘office.’” She snorted. “Barnes is worried.”
         You were beginning to look away, not able to meet Natasha’s eyes while she was busy chastising you, but her final words caught your attention. You immediately turned to look at her. “Wait—what?”
         There was that meddling look that Tony was always giving you. Befit with a raised brow and hollowed-out cheeks, Natasha smirked. “Barnes. He’s worried about you. He’s the one who asked me to come check on you. He said Tony probably locked you up to keep you out of trouble.”
         Wow. I didn’t think Bucky cared enough to do that. Maybe there was a lot of things you didn’t know about Bucky. You pursed your lips, then said—“You can tell him I’m fine.”
         Natasha got this look on her face, before she was tilting her face towards the door leading to your office. “Why don’t you tell him yourself?”
         Before you could ask what she meant by that, the door to your office was pushing open, and Bucky stuck his head out from between the frame. His frown seemed bashful, and he didn’t meet your gaze head-on. “Hey, doll. Can I come in?”
         Doll. Again. You ignored Natasha’s knowing stare when you replied, “Oh, y-yeah—of course.”
         “Guess I’ll be off,” Natasha said loudly, rising from the office chair. She sent you a wink. “I’ll get Tony to lay off with the brotherly love.” She smirked.
         You waved her off awkwardly, biting hard on your lip as she passed Bucky and shot him a wicked, cheeky grin. Bucky mumbled a few choice words, shoving at her shoulder; he certainly seemed embarrassed by whatever implications were in her expression.
         When Bucky was out of the door’s range, and Natasha’s clacking heels were no longer heard above the ventilation, the two of you sat in a still, awkward silence. You were twiddling with your fingers, and Bucky was staring at his feet, both of you too introverted and shy to really speak the first words. However, in the midst of your frantic thoughts (Oh God, what do I say, what do I do, is he mad at me? Did I do something wrong?) you didn’t notice Bucky look up from his boots, or see him sink into the same chair that Natasha had only been occupying moments before. He looked at you for a long moment, and only when the hair-raising feeling that accompanied people’s centered gazes intensified did you finally look up.
         “Oh,” you said dumbly. “Hi.”
         Bucky’s lips twitched. The barest hint of a smile crawled onto his lips. “Hi.”
         You didn’t know what to say. Neither did Bucky, it seemed. This was extremely awkward, and you wondered why Natasha had to leave when she knew the two of you were the quietest members of the Tower; conversations were difficult to uphold when Bucky was silent most of the time and simplistic in his rare answers, and you always stopped before you could begin when it came to speaking.
         However, you must have misjudged Bucky for being defiant in his silence. He slowly crossed his arms, continuing to stare into your eyes, before saying, “Did Tony do something?”
         Your mouth fell agape before you were gathering your senses. Don’t be such an open book, idiot. “He said some things I didn’t like,” you said finally. “So we’re not on speaking terms, at the moment.”
         Bucky’s face brightened, then dulled. Like he was wanting a different answer. Like he knew exactly what you were talking about. “Ah,” he said. “Does the word ‘deflower’ really bother you that much?”
         Oh, shit. Did he—? “Wait.” Your reply was slow, calculated. “Did you overhear our conversation?”
         Bucky nodded.
         You sighed. Well, he must think I’m obsessed with him or something, defending him like I’m his girlfriend. “Tony’s… an asshole. I’m sorry he said the things he did.” There, that sounded friendly enough. You didn’t want to come off as a fangirl.
         Bucky just shook his head, looking determined. And like he didn’t really care about Tony, and his wonderful way with words. Bucky leaned forward, propping his crossed arms on your desk. He was close enough for you to smell his cologne, and close enough that your gaze immediately flickered towards his lips. “You said there’s nothing going on between us… What if I said there is something?”
         This conversation was heading in a direction you were not anticipating. Your jaw fell open again, eyes going wide with shock. “W-What?”
         Bucky stared at you. He seemed less confident now, with your expression of bewilderment so blatant. He started leaning back into his chair. “I’m sorry—was that too forward?���
         Now, you were dubious. Why wasn’t he referencing all the fangirl moments you’d have around him? Was he just oblivious? Since it appeared like he was embarrassed, for lack of a better word, you began to push forward in your seat; you latched a hand around his flesh arm. “N-No!” you shouted, before quieting, a blush on your face. “No… I just didn’t expect you to think that way about me, is all.”
         Bucky was the one to look dubious now. “I thought I was obvious about it.”
         “No, if anyone was obvious, it was me.” You laughed and shook your head. “Always giggling around you, and stuttering. And don’t get me started on the blushing. It’s like you’ve turned me into a schoolgirl again.”
         Bucky’s handsome face lit up with a smile. Not a smirk—a smile. It made your stomach do flips. “I guess I just didn’t think someone like you would like someone like me. I’m surprised… I even came up here. I was actually going to your office to ask you out on a date when… you and your brother talked, but when you said there was nothing going on, I just thought… And then you were avoiding Stark, which made me think maybe, you were lying, and maybe his words made you more angry than I thought.”
         That was the most Bucky had ever said to you. Maybe even around anyone in this Tower, including Steve—which made you feel smug inside. You smiled at him, and reached out a hand to lay gently on his jaw. “Well, you’re here now,” you told him softly.
         He smiled back at you. “Yeah. I am.” He cupped the back of your neck with his human hand and pulled you into a swooping kiss.
         You were shocked—completely shocked—by the amount of butterflies that lit up in your belly at the sensation of Bucky’s lips on yours. You thought the movies and books were lying when they said kissing was like a Fourth of July show. He tasted like coffee—black, no creamer and no sugar, the same way you liked your own coffee—and he smelled even more heavenly, making you nestle closer as the grip tightened on the hair at your nape. His lips grew harder against your own, moving passionately (as though both were pieces to the same puzzle) and it made you feel light, like you were airborne, the way he tasted and felt.
         So caught in this amazing feeling, you didn’t hear the door open. But you did hear the outraged noises that left whoever it was that barged in.
         “What the hell, Y/N?! Does this look like nothing to you?” your brother yelped, seeming completely bewildered by the sight of you and Bucky locked in a kiss.
         You pulled away, wracked with a sense of smugness at the deprived sound that left Bucky’s throat. You gave him a soft smile before moving your chair sideways to take a peek at the door. Tony was there, mouth fully popped open, pointing a finger between you and Bucky, like he was in utter disbelief; you were sure in that empty brain of his, he was praying for this to be nothing but a vicious nightmare, his greatest worries coming true.
         How sad it’d be when he woke up tomorrow morning to find that this was a reality, a reality not going anywhere anytime soon.
          You left your hand on top of Bucky’s as you said, “You know, Tony, it’s kind of rude to barge into a room without knocking first.”
         Tony spluttered, and gaped, raising an angry finger. Similar to how he acted when you called him a dickhead. “I’ll have you know—”
         “You own this place, you can do anything you want, you’re the great Tony Stark—blah, blah, blah.” You caught the amused smirk on Bucky’s face. And a startled look. He was probably confused about your banter with Tony; you could be talkative to people you really cared about, but the shyness came out in front of strangers and groups. You threw Tony a frown. “Listen, Tony—I get that you think you have some sort of sibling protection rules you live religiously by, but let’s be a little bit more lenient about my dating life… Okay? Okay. Now please—get out and go gossip to the Avengers about me. I know you really want to.”
         An outraged look appeared on Tony’s face. “Don’t think this is over!” he said angrily, before he was sweeping out of your office; there wasn’t a doubt in your mind that he was heading to the Avengers to mope and ask for advice on how to sabotage your relationship.
         You sighed, looking back at Bucky. He was already looking at you, and he was smirking. “Dating, huh?” he said, sounding pleased.
         You swatted at him playfully; now that you knew he didn’t hate you, it was much easier to be comfortable with him. “Oh, shut up and kiss me.”
         And he did.
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Stepping Up ~ Bucky x Reader (Part 8/12)
A/N: Hello my lovelies!!!!!! So first off, thanks so much for all of your support after my last announcement. And thanks for your responses! They will definitely be a factor in my decision. But for now, I’ve got more Stepping Up! :D There will be Four more parts after this and an epilogue. Planning on posting Monday/Thursday for the rest of this story so keep an eye out! :D 
Summary: Bucky and Dylan return from their night out.  Some antics. Some fluff. 
Characters/Pairings; Bucky x Reader, Penny x Dylan, Aunt Meg
Rating: K+
Warnings: nothing really. Fluff and silliness. 
Word Count: 982 
It wasn’t even one o’clock yet when you heard the SUV doors slam shut and boots on the front steps. You and Penny shared a concerned look. You hadn’t expected the boys back until well after two.
“Is everything okay?” Penny asked when Bucky hauled Dylan into the house.
Dylan beamed as soon as he laid eyes on Penny.
“There’s my beautiful bride to be.”
“Are you okay?” she asked again.
“I’m great. Everything is so great.”
You bit back a chuckle at his drunken slur.
“So why are you home so early?”  
“Wanted to be with you.”
He shrugged out of Bucky’s grip and stumbled slightly towards Penny, who reached out to steady him. Bucky followed close behind, grabbing him by the elbow.
“He hit his limit pretty quick. The others weren’t far behind so we called it early. We’d have been home earlier, but I had to wrangle a few of them back to the hotel. We’ll have to pick your car up tomorrow.”
“Thank you for getting them all home, Bucky.”
“No problem at all.”
“You’re so pretty, Penny,” Dylan gushed as he pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek.
“Let’s get you to bed, baby. You’re going to have a long day tomorrow.”
“Alright, let’s go, handsome.”
Dylan shuffled and swayed and Bucky reached out to catch him.
“I’ll take him up.”
“Thank you, Bucky.”
He hoisted him over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry.
“NO! Not going anywhere without you,” Dylan whined at Penny.
“I’ll be up in a few minutes.”
He pouted at her, and she turned to you with a sheepish expression.
“I’ll clean up. Don’t worry,” you laughed.  
“Are you sure?”
“Tomorrow is a busy day. You should both get some rest.”
“Thank you, y/n.”
“No problem, sweetie. Good night.”
“Good night.” She kissed you on the cheek and then turned her attention back to Dylan. “Okay. I’m coming with you. Can we go upstairs now?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, knocking his chin against Bucky’s back.
She rolled her eyes affectionately. “Such a drama queen. Alright, let’s go.”
You gathered up the trash and wine glasses on your way to the kitchen. You were scrubbing the dinner plates when a pair of hands settled on your waist and a kiss landed on your head. You smiled as you rinsed the plate and set it down to dry, turning in his arms in the process.
He swooped in for a quick kiss that still managed to leave you breathless.
“Well hi there.”
“Hello, doll. I kind of had my hands full with Dylan, and I didn’t get to greet you properly.”
“I like these proper greetings.” You pecked him once more, and turned back to the sink. “Did you have fun tonight?”
“Yeah, I did.” He grabbed a towel and started drying and stacking the dishes. “They’re a great group of guys.”
“Did you all raise a little hell?”
“If talking about our amazing significant others counts as raising hell, then sure.”
“Seriously?” You arched an eyebrow at him as you set the wine glasses down, and hopped onto the counter next to him.
“Cross my heart. Put a couple of beers in Dylan and he can’t shut up about Penny.”
“He can’t shut up about her sober,” you snorted.
“Exactly. Where do these go, doll?” he asked, interrupting himself.
“Top shelf.”
He took a step closer to you so he could slide the plates into their proper place, continuing to tell you about the night.
“But all of the guys are just as smitten with their partners. Myself included,” he added matter-of-factly and you felt a warmth settle in your stomach. “So it was about two hours of drinking and gushing about the people we loved. Followed by some very, very loud, and very, very bad karaoke.”
“I knew Penny picked a good one.”
Bucky hummed his agreement as he closed the cabinet. You knew you were smiling like an idiot, but you couldn’t help it.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” you asked innocently.
“Like the cat who caught the canary.”
“Maybe because I picked a good one too.”
You reached out pretending to smooth his collar, but tugged him down for a kiss instead. Bucky was more than happy to oblige, stepping between your legs, resting his palms on the counter on either side of you. He groaned quietly when you nipped at his bottom lip.
You and Bucky jerked apart. Bad idea on your part since you whacked your head on the cabinet.
“Ow. Shit. Hi, Aunt Meg.”
“Hi kids,” she smirked at you. “What are you two up to?”
“Oh nothing. Uh, we just did the dishes.”
“I see.”
“Well, we should get to bed.”
“Busy day tomorrow,” Bucky added.
“Right. Well, have a good night you two. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Good night.”
“Good night.”
You hopped off the counter and tugged Bucky by the hand towards the stairs.
“Oh, y/n.”
“Yes, Aunt Meg?”
“You might want this.”
She tossed you an ice pack.
“Thanks,” you mumbled and continued on your way, certain you heard her giggling behind you.
Once the two of you were alone behind a locked door, you flopped onto the bed dramatically.
“Oh my god. I can’t believe I just got caught making out with my boyfriend. I feel like a teenager.”
“Did you get caught making out a lot as a teenager?” he teased as he lay down next to you.
“No.” You started to reprimand him further, but got distracted by his smug expression. “Now how come you’re looking like the cat you caught the canary.”
“Because I really like it when you call me your boyfriend. And,” he pulled you closer by your waist. “Now I can kiss you without being interrupted.”
You felt your own smile grow as you leaned up to kiss him.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed!! I really love them and I’m really excited to share the rest of the story with you. 
Tag Lists are Open (Please send an ask) 
Stepping Up Tag List @holycoldcoffee @ek823 @lordemjay @nirvanalovesyoutbh @eleshka-still @bookgirlunicorn @pastelsweaters-and-bubble-t
Bucky/Sebastian Tag List @waywardpumpkin @sadanddeadsoul @captain-maaarvel @caylast @isaxhorror @run-your-cleverboy @ria132love @mbsgr @hereisanapplepie @pierrxt-uta @thejourneyneverendsx @stevieboyharrington @catsandbooksinafarawayplace @mywinterwolf
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imaginefantasticx · 7 years
Home, Love, Family
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Request: Hello! Are requests open? Can you make a short fic/imagine where Newt is just that shy, quiet, odd himself, but the reader/a friend of his is having some trouble with their family? How would he make them feel better? If you don't wanna write it it's ok! Do what makes you comfortable :D
A/N: My requests are always open! Just pop them up in my ASK! But you have no idea how excited I got when I saw this because I relate to this request a lot, and I got to merge in my own experience in it! It’s also strikingly cheesy in the end, I hope you liked it! xx
Moving from the United States of America to Great Britain was something you never planned on doing, ever. In fact, you don’t even remember the move really, it was all quite a blur.
You just remember being in a car for days and days, only to move from a place where the sun was shining endlessly, to a cloudy and dark city where people talked funny. After all, you were only four- it’s not like you would remember, right?
Although you couldn’t remember details, you could always recall being happier in the United States; and normally it was the little things that made you miss home the most. Whether it was a particular movie title or a flower, it didn’t matter, you just knew that Britain wasn’t where you belonged. That is- until you went to Hogwarts.
Suddenly your closed opinion seemed to change once you started to attend Hogwarts, suddenly you didn’t miss the feeling of home because Hogwarts was now your home, and this time, you weren’t living on a memory, you were experiencing it face to face.
Not to say that your life was a fairy tale now that magic was involved, because in reality, things were a bit harder on you. Your parents had no idea that you were a magical being, and the fact that Hogwarts, one of the best schools for Witches and Wizards, was practically in your backyard was a mere coincidence.
Your father started to suspect that your mother had an idea that you had magic within you the entire time, which is why she suggested the family move, but in reality she was just as shocked as you. A war started to break out between your parents once you received your letter. Your mother immediately gave you her blessing on leaving to pursue your magical education, but your father had different ideas.
“I don’t see why (y/n) has to go away just to learn how to pull a rabbit out of a hat!” he cried, waving his arms up, “(y/n) can easily just stay here and go to a regular school!”
At first you ignored your father, trusting that he would get used to the idea of you moving away, but he never did. In fact, he fought it until the last day, still insisting that you stay.
“I don’t want to stay.” you said calmly. “You already made me leave home, don’t stop me from finding a new one. Please.”
Your words caused your father to stare at you sadly before nodding once, “Alright.” he said, “just- be safe.” 
Ever since that day, you’ve never looked back.
Upon arriving at Hogwarts you were sorted into Hufflepuff despite your worry. The Sorting Hat was quick to put you in Hufflepuff after saying, “I can see kindness in you- ah yes and a desperate cry to prove yourself- should you be in Ravenclaw? You are brilliant you know- you would do well there...oh. HUFFLEPUFF!”
Immediately after the Sorting Hat cried Hufflepuff, loud cheers and friendly faces greeted you as you were ushered to your seat where a smiling boy with honey colored eyes looked at you and smiled sheepishly. “It’s nice to meet you.” he said quietly as the next person scurried to their seat where the Sorting Hat awaited. 
“You too.” 
At first your adaptation at Hogwarts was fairly easy. It was almost too easy. You hadn’t heard from your family in weeks and as horrible as this sounded, you were quite relieved.
Whenever you would go home for the holidays however, the change was small, however it was still there. 
Of course your parents were eager to see you again after so long, and as loving as the situation was, it always ended in screams.
Your sanctuary was Hogwarts and all who were in it, especially those who were in your house. Of course you had plenty of friends outside of your own house, but you always seemed to feel better whenever you were snuggled in your common room listening to the wind hit the windows softly.
It had been less than a week since your return from Christmas break, and although technically, the Winter break was still going on; you had really only been home for about three days before all hell broke loose.
You were currently sitting in the Hufflepuff common room with a pillow close to your chest. The fire was lit in front of you, providing a much needed warmth. Thoughts were firing left and right and you were trying your best to ignore it all, but no prevail.
You seemed to be lost within the fire as flashbacks of your parents arguing flooded your mind. You could hear your mother and father yelling as if they were right in front of you. “Stop trying to make things better just because (y/n) is back home! You know damn well that once (y/n) leaves it’s going to be the same.”
All at once everything seemed to crash, tears started running down your face silently as you kept your gaze focused on the flickering embers.
In fact, you were so wrapped up in your thoughts, you failed to notice a familiar face walking right in front of you. “(y/n)?” said a voice, and when you looked up startled, you were met with warm honey colored eyes.
“I’m sorry, Newt,” you muttered, quickly looking away from him almost immediately and back into the flames, “didn’t mean to ignore you.”
You heard Newt hum lightly in response, as he sat next to you on the couch, “why are you here?” he asked calmly, “I figured you’d be home with your parents.”
“I could ask the same about you.”
Letting out a small chuckle and running his fingers through his hair, “Well-” he said, “my parents are oh so proud of my older brother, and there was an opportunity in Albania for him, and instead of tagging along with them, I decided it might be better if I stayed here.”
“Oh.” you replied softly, “I’m sorry.”
“But I rather much know what’s upsetting you, (y/n). You’re always so happy and nice, it’s unsettling to see you so unhappy.”
“It’s just family issues.” you said, finally turning around to face Newt with a sad look on your face, “there’s nothing really anyone can do about it. I’m trying to do my best and ignore it, but it’s just so difficult.” you continued, “I can hear them screaming at each other in my head.”
Newt looked at his hands for a moment before he looked up at you with what you could only make out to be determination in his eyes. “I understand how difficult it is to live with pain, but you really don’t have to endure it by yourself. That’s why you have us,” Newt continued as he motioned to the entire common room. “We care about you.”
At this point tears started welling up in your eyes and you sniffled as you looked down, “I just- I can’t believe that I’m losing my family.” you replied, shakily.
“No you’re not.” Newt retorted sharply, “(y/n), you could never lose your family. No matter what, your parents will always love you. Don’t forget that okay? They love you and this school loves you. You will never lose your family, ever.”
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