jaundicesenator · 6 months
i'm bored on a road trip so more headcanons but this time not richie
-peter used to carry a fannypack full of sweets but stopped after the sweets kept getting stolen, he now hides them in his locker
-he has alternating times where he staysbwith his brother and his parents.
-after he started dating steph, ted started making very loud cringey jokes whenever he would drop peter off on his dates to try to embarrass him.
-peter started dressing more like a librarian whenever steph complimented his sweater(he proceeded to buy at least 5 identical sweaters with only the color different)
-Steph has dyslexia and she struggles in English and biology the most.
-She only realized that she might've had it whenever peter mentioned it and she went to go get tested(rich kid money)
-she was happy to learn that she wasn't stupid and couldn't read
-peter and steph now meet up after school almost everyday just to work on hw
-steph now goes to school almost everyday because of pete and doesn't skip anymore
-peter bought both of them promise rings after they reached the 1 year mark
-after they graduated they went to separate colleges but call each other constantly and do long distance (they are in love, if only i could have this)
-peter memorized steph's order at beanie's and would buy her order randomly as a gift
-peters love language is gift giving
-stephs love language is quality time and physical touch
ok now time for max and grace
-max used to be great at school but then his dad turned into an alcoholic
-he and richie used to be best friends befire he started self-isolating
-he has some guilt for ditching and bullying richie but he drowns it out with the power he feels from bullying
-he is surprisingly progressive and supports queer people
-he gets mad whenever people are homophobic and transphobic (he is a shitty person but not that shitty)
-he enjoys horror movies and thats why he enjoyed the nerds prank so much
-he secretly collects trinkets of his favorite slasher/horror characters
-grace felt a twinge of guilt after max died but it was short lived
-during the summoning grace felt a weird pulling to the black book and snuck it away after the whole ritual
-when she opens the book she can hear the lords in black laughing in her head
-when she opened the book for the first time after max's death the lords in black showed her a small glimpse of max's torture
-her parents thought grace had a demon in her after she came back home and called the priest to exorcize her
-she stayed in her room for a week after her parents did that to her
-she grew to hate her parents after using the black book
-her whole religion was shattered in front of her eyes whenever the lords in black were summoned
ok i think thats it for now. also if you see spelling mistakes or random capitalization just ignore it
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discount-shades · 11 months
Dead or Alive Chapter 4
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Chapter 4: Ten Wanted Men
A/N: This one is short but it felt like a really good place to end the chapter. The next chapter will be longer. :)
Pairing: Jake Seresin/Reader 
Warning: Western themed violence. 
Word Count: 1600 ish
Summary: Sugar and Jake plan to rob a stage. 
Previous     Masterlist     Next  
“I know of a score,” Pete looks up at you over his morning coffee. When you woke this morning you were still mulling over Jake's words from the night before. But when you saw Pete you made up your mind.
“I know of someone rich coming into the area.” Pete sets down his mug and looks at you. “Jake says you are always looking for information.”
“For a first time informant I usually pay them after the job is done.” He surveys you from across the table. “I could make an exception for you.”
“No, I want in on the job.” His eyebrows raise at your determined expression. “In for a penny, in for a pound.” You might as well go for the big score. A larger take could set you up in comfort. You could change your name and claim to be a widow. You could go back east or further west; Canada or Mexico would be safe. Plans and ideas were springing to life in your mind. “I’m already wanted.”
“Have you ever robbed someone before?” It was a valid question. “Other than that horse you got caught taking.” You shook your head mutely. When Pete went to open his mouth you quickly interjected.
“I’ve stolen other things, I was a pickpocket,” there is an earnest expression on your face. “Just not with guns.” You needed to be in on this job, needed the money. He sighs and you can feel his faith in you slipping away. “I can do this.”
You sit down across from him. “Let me do this Pete.” You stare at your clasped hands and feel like you are begging. Shifting your posture so your arms are crossed in front of you, you rest your elbows on the table. “It’s a stage, William Roberts, my old boss, is getting married and his bride-to-be is traveling by stagecoach to Pine Creek.” 
“You want to rob some poor woman on her way to be wed?”
You shake your head. “I don’t care why she is traveling, she’s wealthy. Roberts likes to brag about how big her dowry is and how much money she is going to be bringing into the marriage.” 
“How much money would she have?” Pete still had a dubious expression. “Banks can wire money between people these days over long distances. 
“That's the thing. Roberts was always complaining about how his fiance's father didn’t trust banks and insisted on bringing the dowry in cash.” The promise of a big payday sparked in Pete’s eyes and a devilish smile began to curl his lips. 
“A sentiment that, after our little bank robbery, I’m sure Mr. Roberts would share.” Pete gazed at you in thought for a moment before he broke his silence. “Gang takes half of the take, some of that goes to Penny, some for the emergency fund, and all people on the job split the other half of the profits.” It made sense, Penny did say she got a cut.
“I’ll talk to Hangman, he’ll run the job with you.”
“I was thinking–”
“It’s non negotiable.” Pete’s voice is curt in a way you haven't heard from him before. “He’s got the most experience with stages, you go with him or you don’t go at all.”
Nodding, you clench your jaw mulishly. Spending more time with Jake was not what you had in mind. You just knew he was going to complain the whole time about having to help you get the money to replace the hat. 
When you turn to go Pete stops you. “Get some breakfast.” He motions to a pot of oatmeal on the stove warming. You get a bowl and load it up with as much brown sugar as you can stand and sit across from him. “Glad to see you’re still eating porridge.” You glare and shovel a large spoonful into your mouth, chewing obnoxiously. Laughing, Pete drains his coffee before heading up the stairs. 
– – – 
Later you are able to wash your clothing and hang it on a line out back to dry. You only have the blue dress which doesn’t seem suitable for robbing. Maybe you will be able to borrow some clothes from Natasha, pants might be better. You could offer to do her laundry in exchange.
You watch your clothes blowing in the wind from the small window in your room. Pete said he would talk to Jake and you are just about to go find him when the man in question barges into your room. You survey him with raised eyebrows. “You know, knocking’s nice.”
“What?” he glances around the room, eyes flitting over the bed before his gaze lands on you and a faint blush colours his cheeks. “Oh, right. Nevermind that, Pete says you know of a stage with rich passengers.” He quickly sits across from you. “Tell me everything you know.”
“My old boss, Roberts, is getting married to an heiress from back east, new money but, like Roberts, her father has intentions for higher office and he needs connections around the country.” 
“You think she will be traveling with her dowry?” Jake leans back in his chair.
“Yeah, $10,000 cash.” His eyebrows rise at the amount. “Plus any jewelry she might have on her. She is supposed to arrive on the stagecoach that gets into Pine Creek next Friday.” Butterflies fill your stomach as Jake nods in understanding. This is really happening. 
“I can work with this.” Dimples cut into his cheeks as his green eyes sparkle down at you. “This might be a very lucrative payday for the both of us.” He stands and makes his way to the door and you scramble after him.
“Wait! What’s the plan? What clothes do I need? Do I need a horse? I don’t own a gun.” Jake pauses at the door, a look of confusion on his face.
“You’re not coming.” He says matter of factly. “I’ll get Phoenix and Bob to help, You’ll get 5%.” The door is halfway open when you slam it shut.
“That’s my lead, Jake.” Arms crossed, you wedge yourself between Jake and the door, leaning back to keep it firmly closed. The butterflies are gone, replaced with a white hot anger directed at the man in front of you. 
“You’ve never robbed a stage before.” He leans in, towering over you. “I’m not taking some greenhorn out on her first robbery so you can play at being an outlaw.” 
His hand brushes past you as he jerks open the door behind you, flinging you forward into his chest with a soft cry. Your body alights with sensation at being pressed against him but you quickly shove him back and resume your position in front of the door, this time with your hands clasped behind you over the door knob. Your fingers tingle at the memory of the warmth of his chest as you clutch the cool metal.
“You leave me behind, I'll send a telegram of what you plan on doing.” You glare up at him, heart pounding. His eyes are hard as they flick between yours, the easy grin and dimples you have come to appreciate are gone. It is a long moment before either of you say anything.
“You would sell us out?” There is an edge of danger in his voice. He steps closer and you feel a tendril of apprehension run down your spine at the feel of his hard chest brushing against yours. 
“Only if you steal my robbery.” Your confidence crumbles internally but you raise your chin a little to keep looking him in the eye. There is a line of respect between outlaws, honor among thieves and all, and you fear you have crossed it by threatening to go to the authorities. When you bite your lip in uncertainty his eyes leave yours to fix on your lips. 
When his eyes return to yours and there is heat in them. “Remember what you said earlier about there always being a choice, and not liking either of the options?” You nod, still standing firm. He leans forward and you can feel his breath brushing over your neck as he whispers in your ear. “I don’t like the option where you come with me.”
“And I don’t like the option where you leave me behind.” You curse the breathless quality of your voice. He leans back with a sigh, eyes searching your face. He must find what he is looking for because he steps back and the tension between you breaks. 
“If you’re coming you will do everything I say without argument, is that clear?” His expression is still serious but he has lost the hard look he had on his face earlier. 
“Crystal.” Jake nods in assent and you breathe a sigh of relief. The tension leaves your frame and you collapse back into the door.
Jake relaxes as well and you can see a slight grin playing across his lips and you feel the corners of your mouth turn up in response. You stand there staring at each other before Jake finally breaks the silence. “Are you going to move out of the way or do I have to crawl out the window?”
Heat floods your face and you step aside. “I should make you climb out the window,” you mutter. The dimples are back in full force as Jake winks before closing the door behind him. 
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marvelstarker-mha98 · 7 months
The Runaway Distance Life Of A Little Stark chapter 25: All The things Lost
Pairing: Tony Stark & daughter!Reader, Ben Parker x May Parker, Ben Parker, may Parker & Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, M.J and Peter, Erik Selvig, Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis, Skye. Fitz, and Simmons, Phil Coulson & agent may, Harley Keener, Adrian Toomes & Liz Toomes, Nick Fury & Maria Hill, Maria Hill & Reader Summary: The reaction from people that reader met Warning: Mentioning of child abuse (look up maria's hill dad from marvel comics) , flashback
Co author with: callikc Tag:  @venomsvl  @geeksareunique
In their Queens apartment, Ben Parker was trying to explain your story to May.
Since the two had come home, it was all they could talk about. Ben had to reveal he had known the truth all along and that Fury organized everything between you and them. It was a lot for May to process, and more than once she found herself taking a break just to comprehend the stories.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked tearfully.
Ben sighed, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry."
"But you told me about your brother and Mary being with SHIELD right after we got engaged. What was so different with Ellen? O-Or... (Y/n)? I would've understood."
"I'm so sorry. It was a sensitive topic and we were all worried for her."
"I'm your wife, Ben."
"And I'll never forget it. That day, our vows, how beautiful you looked in that dress..." He closed his eyes. "It was the hardest thing I had to do, keeping this from you."
"We vowed that we wouldn't lie to each other." She reminded him. "Do you remember that bit?"
"Of course I do, sweetheart. If it was my choice, I wouldn't hesitate to tell you everything. It was Fury who made the call to keep it quiet. (Y/n) wasn't comfortable with people back then either."
"What does that mean?"
"She didn't want to be known as the Stark Runaway or some rich guy's rebellious kid. She wanted a clean slate, to just be a person, a friendly neighbor. And she was going to tell you herself eventually. She just didn't want you to see her differently."
"I wouldn't." May looked away. "I love that girl so much. She's still going to be Ellen Campbell to me. She's not a runaway. She's her own person."
She found herself gazing at the apartment door. It was right on the other side of it where they first 'bumped' into you.
"She's always there when we need her, Peter loves her like a sister... And now that I mention it, she's practically a daughter to us too." She felt the tears sliding down her cheeks. "Is she going to be in danger?"
Ben wished more than anything that he could give a definite answer but the truth was that he simply didn't know. His silence gave that away too.
"Oh, my God." May whispered, hiding her face in her hands. "She told everyone who she was, said people would be after her... What's going to happen? Are we in danger too? The SHIELD leak-"
"Hey, hey, hey." He quickly wrapped her up in a comforting embrace. "You don't have to worry about that. Fury took precautions. He destroyed the files about Pete's parents and us when they died so he wouldn't ever be a target."
"And Ellen?"
"I... I don't know. But you know what she's like."
She managed a little nod, looking up at him. "She's strong."
He nodded, kissing the top of her head. "That's right. She's like a superhero."
"She'll be okay. She has to be."
"Before I left the station, the guys were showing off these videos of some car chase in Battery Tunnel. This car was driving up the walls and there were guys on bikes shooting at it. It had to be her."
"The other nurses showed me that too!" May gasped. "I thought it was, but there wasn't a clear line. I don't know if I'm more proud or terrified."
"At least we're on the same page about that."
As they continued to discuss the matter, Peter was sitting in the living room. He was busy with homework and completely oblivious to the conversation happening a few feet away.
However, it wasn't the homework that had him distracted. Coincidentally, it was also you.
Just because he'd spent the entire day stuck in middle school, it didn't mean he didn't know what was going on in the city. The teachers talked, but the kids talked even more. He'd heard all about what was happening in the capital and how you were being chased by what sounded like evil agents.
In his head he kept envisioning that you made it out okay and that you finally got to reunite with your dad. He hadn't forgotten about the day when you told him who you really were, so for you to get a hug from your dad was all he wanted for you at that moment.
He almost jumped a foot in the air when the laptop screen on the table started flashing to signal an incoming video call. He recognized Ned's username and quickly accepted, hoping his friend could distract him.
If the call wasn't surprising enough, it was even more of a shock to see Ned with a girl from their class. She was extremely quiet and they hadn't really talked before, but he was pretty sure her name was Michelle Jones-Watson. She seemed to avoid all forms of human contact unless absolutely necessary.
"I'm telling you, he probably already knows!" She was saying.
"Well, I'm telling you, I'm telling him anyway!" Ned argued back, the pair unaware that he had accepted the call already.
"Fine! But don't be shocked when he remains emotionless."
"Yeah, you'd know all about that."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"Uh, guys?" Peter spoke up, startling them both. "Yeah. Hi. What's going on?"
"'Sup, nerd." Michelle greeted.
"Peter!" Ned exclaimed, grinning. "I need you to look at the news!"
He frowned. "Why?"
"It's Ellen! You'll never guess who she is!"
"Ellen?" He frowned. "(Y/n)!"
While he launched himself out of the seat to find the TV remote, Ned and Michelle resumed their argument. Ned was pondering how Peter already knew the truth and Michelle was all too happily gloating with several 'I told you so's.
Peter scrambled to find the right channel, eventually settling with CNN, where a blurred image of you in a fancy car was stuck on the screen.
He had a huge grin on his face, glad that you were okay. Maybe the news was reporting on you finally returning to the world. It certainly seemed so with the way the reporter was talking about everything.
But then the headline changed.
Peter felt sick as a sudden wave of disbelief, shock, and sadness overwhelmed him all at once. Despite the wailing of alarms outside, the rain battering the windows, all he could hear was the reporter's voice.
"The missing daughter of famed billionaire and Avenger Tony Stark has been reported dead this afternoon after a failed surgery in an attempt to save her life. (Y/n) Stark shocked the country when she revealed her identity to the world several years after apparently running away from home. There are several eye-witness accounts who claim she was shot at long-range just feet away from the entrance of Avengers Tower. They also report that Tony Stark himself witnessed the act and was last seen carrying her inside the building."
May and Ben had returned to the living room at this point and had heard every word. They watched in horror as a picture of you at sixteen showed up with the words '(Y/n) Stark - Daughter of Tony Stark - dead at 21'.
"Uncle Ben? Aunt May?" Peter looked up at them with tears streaming down his face. "Ellen... (Y/n)... She-"
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(I couldn't find kid! peter hugging aunt may, so this will do!) He started to sob and May rushed to hug him, trying to quieten her own cries so she could comfort him. Ben slowly dragged himself towards them, putting his arms around them both as he closed his eyes tightly.
It didn't make sense. It didn't seem real. You were so precious to them all, and now you were just... Gone.
It wasn't fair.
Coulson had been sitting in his room in the dark for a while now.
Maybe a few hours had passed but he couldn't be sure. He didn't really care about it. He was just tired after all the chaos that had unleashed during the HYDRA-SHIELD reveal. He had his team in one piece - save for Ward who turned out to be a traitor - and they were all safely on the Bus. It was a good time to take a break.
The silence was only interrupted when Agent May opened the door, letting in a stream of light from the other room.
"I see the notion of knocking has become old fashioned." Coulson commented.
"You need to see this." She said, getting right to the point.
She held out a touchpad, her expression holding an emotion that even Coulson couldn't quite figure out. Curiosity got the better of him as he accepted the pad and looked at the reels playing.
He felt cold as the news of your death reached his ears. The whole room seemed dark again.
Elsewhere, in the rec room, Skye and FitzSimmons were also unfortunate enough to find the news channel.
They couldn't believe it either.
"Oh, my God." Simmons gasped, a hand over her mouth.
"(Y/n) Stark?" Skye questioned, eyes wide. "How did we not know that?"
Fitz didn't say a word, his arm around Simmons as she continued to stare at the TV with a saddened gaze.
Their time with you may have been short but it didn't mean it wasn't meaningful. After all, you were the one who brought laughter and jokes to the room, bettering a bad day. You got a smile out of everyone, even Agent May. No one could ever forget that.
You really were the rich girl in the end.
Erik Selvig, Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis stood in their rented London apartment, watching the news report in stunned silence.
It had taken them a while to remember why you looked so familiar, and it had been Jane who pointed out that they saw you way back in New Mexico after Thor got his powers back.
How could they have known back then just how important you were?
The next person to discover your death was Harley Keener.
He was in the garage working on the latest version of the potato gun when he heard your name on the news and almost dropped the weapon in his hands.
He didn't understand half of what the reporter was saying when the man talked about organizations named HYDRA and SHIELD and then a leak exposing secrets about both of them. Of course, in contrast, the news about you dying was as clear as day.
He knew you looked familiar.
You weren't just the Mechanic's friend, you were family.
The latest update didn't mean much to the people that hadn't encountered you before, but to those that had, it was indescribably shocking.
There was now a video of you being carried into the Tower up on the Internet. It was posted anonymously but naturally people ate it up.
It was the people of New York who took the grief the hardest. The Parkers, Ned and his family, and even Mr. Delmar. For them, it wasn't just (Y/n) who had been killed, it was Ellen Campbell. They loved her, and now she was gone.
You were gone.
People searched through all the different channels and websites to find a version of the story where you survived. They needed to believe it was a hoax, that you were going to show up the next day with your usual smiles and jokes.
Even a spokesperson from Stark Industries was forced to armor up in the end and confirm the news. They requested time to grieve the loss of the company's heir, refused to let anyone question Tony, and promised to answer any questions in due time.
Another New Yorker had discovered the news as well now.
It was the girl you had saved two years ago during the Battle of New York.
Liz was in the car with her father and watching the news on the small screen between the seats. She hadn't been paying much attention until she caught sight of your picture and gasped so loud the car almost swerved.
"Dad!" She yelled, pointing at your picture. "That's her!"
He looked between her and the screen in confusion. "What's that, honey?"
"She said her name was Ellen but that's the girl who helped me when the aliens came!" Liz insisted. "It says she was shot!"
Now, Adrian Toomes held a deep hatred for Tony Stark, but unfortunately he couldn't help but be grateful to the woman who had saved his little girl's life.
He may have vowed vengeance on the father, but he wouldn't be able to forget the daughter.
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Surprisingly enough, the last people to hear about your death were the real SHIELD agents.
Fury, Hill, and the very few people they trusted enough with the truth were gathered in a base while they waited for the Triskelion incident to calm down.
Fury stood by the window, a somber look in his eyes as he watched the rain slide down the glass. The sky was dark and the clouds gray, but he could also make out the several plumes of smoke wafting into the air from the crash sites of the helicarriers. It was hard to believe that a day hadn't even passed yet.
There was a buzz from inside his coat then. He cautiously took a phone from the pocket and saw a notification light up the screen. It was an unknown number, but he knew who - or what - had sent it. Fury always knew.
I am sorry, sir. I have failed my mission.
Fury, who was never one to show his feelings, let out a barely audible sigh. No tears fell, he didn't say a word, but he did feel a pang of remorse.
He was proud of you in a way. Not many would have the guts and strength to reveal themselves as you did, certainly not after so many years of hiding and paranoia. You had done a lot for SHIELD, and he respected you for it. You saved good agents, built valuable weapons, and even if you thought a plan was ridiculous you still listened.
Yet you were only human.
After being informed of all the details, he was extremely wary of the fact that HYDRA had repossessed the scepter. It was a dangerous weapon anyway, but now it was guaranteed to be used for bad.
Agent Hill entered the room then, her feelings vexed and torn.
"Sir?" She asked hesitantly. "Is it true?"
Fury kept his gaze on the phone in his hands and didn't even look up. "Agent Campbell is dead."
Hill immediately looked away, quite astounded by how much emotion she felt by the confirmation. It felt like just yesterday that you had awkwardly approached her for the first time and asked if she could train you to fight.
She had spent more time with you than she realized due to all the training, making projects, and even getting coffee during breaks. Not many saw it, but she could have considered you a genuine friend.
It was about a month after Thor had returned from Asgard in 2012.
Loki would be awaiting trial and for now the world was at peace once more. Well, the outside world anyway. You had just finished yet another practice round with Hill in which she had completely destroyed you.
Hill watched with an amused glint in her eyes as you dropped to the ground with a huff.
"Tired?" She quipped.
"Too much cardio." You grumbled in response.
She raised a brow, having heard that phrase at least three times during every session.
"You need to work out more." She said.
"I do!" You whined, picking at the mat aggressively. "I walk to the fridge and I run to the coffee machine and... And other stuff."
She crossed her arms, waiting for a better answer, and you rolled your eyes.
"I'm sorry, but me plus effort equals no go."
"You'll need to get used to it if you want to defend yourself." Hill shrugged, sitting beside you. "If you have any ambitions of becoming better, it'll take years of focus and hard work. How do you think I got here?"
She passed over a bottle of water which you eagerly took a long swig of before twisting the cap closed again.
"I'm not you." You eventually said.
"I know." Hill shrugged. "But we're more alike than you think."
You scoffed, clearly not believing the claim. "Oh, yeah? What's your poison? Did your dad also pretend you didn't exist for your entire life too?"
You blinked. "What? Really?"
She nodded. "Yeah."
You waited for her to elaborate, but she remained silent. "Well, come on! Don't leave me hanging, Hill. Spill the gory deets."
Maria Hill didn't trust a lot of people, that much was true, but she'd known you a long time now. She'd spent hours giving you advice on how to survive as an agent and knew pretty much all there was to know about you. Perhaps you were one of the few who deserved the favor returned.
"I never really knew my mom either." She confessed. "My dad didn't care. He was a drunk. Said I was responsible for all his problems. I got into the bad stuff, ended up with the marine corps, and then SHIELD. Haven't spoken to him since."
There was a silence after the short yet oddly detailed summary and you just stared at her for a moment before letting out a low whistle.
"Damn, girl." You mused. "I guess dads really can't do their jobs right."
While Hill smiled, she didn't encourage the mindset. "At least yours wants you home."
"Ha. That's funny."
"I mean it, Campbell."
"Okay." You sat there for a moment, considering it. "But what if I don't want to go home?"
Another silence followed your question and for a moment you thought the subject was being dropped. With that thought in mind, you raised your hand expectantly.
"Gimme five?" You offered. "Shitty fathers club? You can be the treasurer."
Hill cracked a smile, shaking her head as she reluctantly accepted the high-five.
"Yay!" You exaggerated a grin. "We're, like, totally besties now."
"Even so, I still gotta train you. Up you get, Campbell."
You whined again but she only laughed, easily hoisting you back to your feet.
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Back in the present, Hill's mind had been running wild with possibilities and solutions.
"Project TAHITI." She finally suggested.
Fury looked up at last, an array of feelings settling inside. Of course he wanted you back, but he also knew exactly how you felt about that particular project.
You had said 'If I die, don't ever do that to me.'
He respected you too much to go against your wishes like that. Even if it worked for Coulson, he couldn't do the same for you.
"She wouldn't want that."
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One thing that I think would be neat in season 2 is if the show played around with the “Gentleman Pirate” moniker for Stede. Because The Gentleman Pirate is Stede trying to have it both ways. “Why can’t one be a gentleman and a pirate?” he asks. This is in response to being told, “Some men are not built for adventure, some men should concern themselves with gentler things.”
But what is a gentleman? It’s not someone who “concerns themselves with gentler things.” Typically, it’s someone who owns land and doesn’t work for a living. The Badmintons are gentlemen. The French in episode 5 are gentlemen and gentlewomen. Stede’s father is a gentleman. A “gentleman” is someone wealthy, white, and upper class.
At the beginning of the season, Stede still fits this description of a gentleman. And we can see that he’s pretty aligned with white colonial hierarchies, seemingly out of habit. He has the white crew members pretend to be nobles while Olu, Frenchie, Roach, and Jim act as servants. He and Black Pete assume the indigenous people in episode two are cannibals, and they are rightly called out on that. He’s pretty paternalistic to Olu and Roach (which partly feels like Stede missing his kids and/or just being a weird dude, but idk I think there’s layers to it).
But over time he starts to align himself more with his crew, and less with the rich powerful white people who are the antagonists of the show. In episode five, Frenchie and Olu are the crew members who dress up as royalty to scam the partygoers. When Stede wants to get revenge for what happened Ed, he talks to the servants for dirt, presumably because Frenchie and Olu had already made a connection with Abshir. And then, of course, at the end of season one he gives up his land and his money (and loses his stuff but he doesn’t know that yet).
So, he’s not really a gentleman anymore. He’s not wealthy and he’s not powerful. He’s legally dead. The end of his season one arc is him literally casting away the trappings of high society and finding his crew. Metaphorically he’s made the choice between “gentleman” and “pirate.”
This is a very very long way to say that I hope there’s a scene in season two where Stede is doing an unhinged and dramatic reveal of his master plan (maybe Stede goes undercover on another fancy ship or something) and someone is like “But I thought you were a gentleman!” and Stede just smiles like the maniac he is and says, “Oh, you got that one wrong, actually. I’m a pirate.”
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Prompt 6: Idioms; Miss the Boat
By: @violence-as-a-love-language (Team Grey)
Summary: Black Pete and Lucius discuss what could have been if they weren't pirates.
"Hey, Pete?"
"You ever think about… what we could have been? Y'know, if we'd never become pirates?"
Black Pete snorted a laugh, rolling over to face Lucius. He had his bottom lip between his teeth, worrying away. Adorable. "Nah, course not! I was born to be a pirate, love. No regrets."
His answer didn't seem to help Lucius' worrying. If anything, it got worse. "Ah. Alright then."
There was a beat of silence. "I mean, y'know, doesn't mean pirating is everyone's first choice," Pete offered, threading his fingers through Lucius' hand. He planted a light kiss on his forehead, and could feel the tension easing in Lucius' body. Just a bit. "Was it not a, uh, first choice for you?"
It was Lucius' turn to snort. "Far from it. More like piracy was the only thing I was even sort of qualified for." He pillowed his head on his other arm, staring down at their joined hands. "Not much use being an orphan who can read and write when you can't even lift bags of spices without spilling them all over the floor."
Pete traced his thumb over the back of his hand. "If you could've chosen, what would you have been?"
Lucius went quiet for a moment. "Don't laugh but… I've thought about designing clothes? Y'know, for fashion purposes."
Pete smiled. "Gotta say, that sure sounds like you. Bet you'd make the fanciest, most nice looking clothing all the rich shits would wanna wear."
Lucius laughed. "Oh god, that sounds nightmarish. Every rich asshole begging to wear my designs. I would get such a kick out of making them wait. Like, sorry sir/madam, you're too late. The caramel dress is all sold out for this month."
"Well I never!" Pete said, his voice climbing several octaves as he waved his freehand dramatically in front of his chest. "No one says no to me, the great Count Eliza!"
"Well I am, and you just have to suck it up, your highness." Lucius shoved a finger into Pete's chest, making him giggle and slap his hand away.
"So brutal," he mussed, leaning forward to kiss Lucius' neck. "Bet they'd all have to listen to you if they wanted your designs."
"Mmm you're very right." His freehand cupped the back of Pete's neck as he snuggled closer. 
They went silent for a long moment, Pete's breath fanning out across his collarbone. Then quietly, Pete said, "I, um, always wanted to work with my hands more."
"Like more woodwork?"
"Mmm." Pete stared down at their joined hands, thumb stroking over Lucius' wooden one. "I like making little knick knacks sometimes. Little bears. Squirrels. Mice."
"That sounds adorable. Bet you get all th details right."
"Always. I like to make them super realistic, y'know? So you feel like you're really seeing one." He paused, closing his eyes. "...I always wished I coulda run a little store. Sold them proper. I think… I think people woulda liked them."
"I bet they would have, love." Lucius squeezed his hand. "We would have made a killing not being pirates."
"Yeah well, who wants to be rich anyways? Especially if it means I can't do this." Pete pulled away just a moment so he could reach Lucius' lips. They kissed softly. Carefully. Like it would all dissolve in a moment of they weren't careful.
"You've got a good point there," Lucius said, pulling back slightly to let his breath ghost over his lips. "Why would I want the world, when I couldn't have you?"
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blackcat2907 · 2 years
Got a Secret, Can You Keep It?
Part One: Differences
Word Count: 2112
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Pete "Maverick" Mitchell grinned as he and his best friend, Goose, walked up to the bar. He could hear the loud music from the mostly filled parking lot. With his luck, Maverick might even get a girl for the night…or a guy. Whichever one took the bait. Inside, the dimly lit bar fit a lot of people. Many were off with their friends in little groups, some were dancing, and some were just there to get wasted. 
"Now this is what I call a target rich environment," Maverick smirked, scanning the bar, looking for the right person to choose. 
"You live your life between your legs, Mav," Goose sighed, shaking his head. He and Maverick moved to the bar and found an empty area. 
"Even you could get laid in a place like this," Maverick joked, ordering his drink. He took the drink and sipped it, still looking for the perfect catch. His green eyes landed on a blond man dressed in whites, holding an iced drink, and talking to a woman. How the hell can he see with those aviators on? Maverick wondered, chuckling to himself. 
"You wanted to know who the best is?" Goose began, and Maverick looked at him and back at the blond. "That's him. Iceman. It's the way he flies: ice cold, no mistakes. Just wears you down till you get bored, frustrated. Do something stupid and he's got you." 
Iceman, huh? Let's see about that. Maverick rolled his eyes. "Hey, hey, Slider!" Maverick stared at the taller man Goose had greeted. "I thought you wanted to be a pilot, what happened man?" Goose laughed, gesturing to the patch on Slider's chest.
"Goose, you're such a dickhead," Slider rolled his eyes, "whose butt did you kiss to get in here?" He held his drink and smiled at Goose. 
"The list is long but distinguished," Goose rolled with it. 
"Yeah, well so are my Johnson's." Slider downed his drink and Goose shook his head. Maverick watched the two go back and forth, amused. 
"I see your flying with Iceman now," Goose observed as Maverick took another sip of his drink. 
"It's Mr. Iceman to you," Silder defended. Said pilot walked over and grinned. "Mother Goose, how's it going?" He shook hands with Goose. Mother Goose? Goose knew this guy? Maverick blinked. 
"Good, Tom. This is Pete Mitchell, Tom Kazansky," Goose introduced everyone. Maverick stared at Ice, green eyes meeting deep blue ones.
"Congratulations on Top Gun," Ice said, reaching for some of the peanuts, popping a few into his mouth. 
"Thank you," Maverick replied, looking to the side. He could already tell that Ice was going to make things harder for him, but Maverick always rose to the challenge. 
"Sorry to hear about Cougar," Ice spoke. "He and I were like brothers in flight school. He was a good man." 
Was!? "Still is a good man," Maverick defended, looking up at Ice. 
"Yeah, that's what I meant," Ice smirked. 
"Thought so," Maverick dismissed. 
"You figured it out yet?" Ice loomed over Maverick, staring into his eyes, a wide smirk on his face. 
"Figured out what?" Maverick wasn't going to back down. He felt cold around Ice as if the other just radiated cold energy. He felt the same way during the first meeting in the classroom earlier that day. 
"Who's the better pilot?" Ice ate another peanut, a smug look on his face. 
"I think I can figure that out on my own, thanks." Maverick started to get annoyed with Iceman. Who did he think he was? You could always–no, Goose would kill me. 
"Heard that about you, you like to fly solo," Ice jabbed. Maverick rolled his eyes and brought the glass to his mouth. He fought the urge to shiver. Did the air get colder? 
"Mav, you must've soloed under a lucky star," Slider interrupted and the air seemed to warm up again, Ice staring at Maverick. "I mean, first the MiG, and then you two sliding into Cougar's spot."
"We didn't slide into Cougar's spot. It was ours, okay?" Goose snapped, staring Slider down. Maverick smirked. Goose always had his back, and he always had Goose's back. Goose was the only one who knew about his…gift. 
"Yeah, well, some pilots wait their whole career just to see a MiG up close. Guess you guys are lucky and famous," Slider grinned. Maverick tensed. Slider couldn't have possibly known, but it still made Maverick nervous. 
"I think you mean notorious," Ice chuckled, taking more peanuts before patting Slider's shoulder and giving Maverick one last smug look. Maverick thought he caught a glimpse of awe and a bit of respect. "I'll see you later." 
"You can count on it," Maverick called as Ice and Slider left. Worry pooled in his stomach. He'd have to be a bit more careful around them. He turned around and leaned over the bar, eyes catching a blonde woman. He might as well try to save his night. 
"They were abused as children. We're gonna have a good time," Goose promised. 
"Always." They clinked their drinks together and laughed. Yes, with Goose around, they were going to have a good time and be alright. 
After Charlie left, Maverick and Goose decided they would head home as well. Maverick was uncharacteristically quiet when they got back. Goose noticed and immediately began to think what could have gotten Maverick so spooked. 
"Mav, what's wrong?" Goose asked as Maverick came out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist. "You've been out of it since we left the bar." 
"It's nothing, Goose. Just tired." Which wasn't exactly a lie. He was tired, just that wasn't the main reason he was out of it. He sent Goose a pleading look to drop the subject. 
However, Goose wasn't having it. "Sit," Goose pointed to the couch, "and tell me what's bothering you." Mother Goose mode had been activated and Maverick internally cursed. Knowing better than to argue with Goose when he was like this, Maverick sat on the couch, glaring at his best friend. "Mav. Talk to me." 
"Fine," Maverick huffed, glaring at the floor. He fought the urge to cross his arms like a child. He wasn't that petty. Sucking in a sharp breath, Maverick groaned. "Do you think we cheated by getting in because of me?" 
Goose gaped, taken aback. "What? What are you talking about?" He sat on the couch next to Maverick. "No, we didn't cheat. We got here through hard work and skill. Why are you suddenly asking?" 
"Because I'm lucky!" Maverick yelled, pouting at Goose's giggles. That sounded better in his head. "Goose, you know me. Know what I can do. Doesn't it feel like cheating since we have an advantage I can't control?" 
"Mav, you're lucky, so what? You still had to work hard to get where you are today. You've had bad days and you've had good days. Everybody has those. You're just luckier than most," Goose shrugged. 
"That is not the point, Goose, and you know it. What if someone–" Like Ice or Slider. "–got suspicious and started looking into me because of too many lucky shots? What if someone found out?" Maverick shuddered. "What if they send me–" he choked on the words he wanted to say, not being able to say them. He didn't want to go back there. He wouldn't go back there. 
"I won't let them, buddy," Goose promised, hugging Maverick. "You will never go back there, Maverick. I promise you that. Nobody will take you away." Maverick hugged back, holding Goose like a lifeline. 
"Thank you, Goose, for everything." Maverick reluctantly let go of Goose and wiped the tears that had started to form. He shouldn't have cried. A yawn escaped his throat. 
"Get some sleep, Mav. We have a big day tomorrow." Goose patted Maverick on the back. "Do you want me to stay?" 
"No. I'll be fine, Goose." Maverick stood up, towel still wrapped around his waist. "You need sleep, too." He hugged Goose and the older man left Maverick's house, leaving him alone. Taking a shuddering breath, Maverick firmly shook his head and went into his bedroom. 
Maverick was screwed the minute he recognized Charlie. Putting on his aviators did not help him to avoid recognition. Why did he have to go after the ones that would make the most complicated relationships? First Ice, now Charlie. Shit. 
"Because I was inverted." 
"Bullshit," Ice coughed into his hand, making the other pilots and RIOs laugh. Maverick turned around and glared at Ice, Goose's hand on his shoulder stopping him from making a mistake. 
"It's true, I have a great picture," Goose defended Maverick, smirking at the others. "I can show you sometime." Maverick bristled and sat back in his seat. He shouldn't need Goose to help him control his abilities. 
"Alright, Gentleman, we have a hop to take. Hard Deck is at 10,000 feet," Jester ordered, and everyone went to the locker rooms to get ready. 
"Mav, you can do this. Just breathe," Goose encouraged as the two followed the group. Charlie stopped them, but Maverick quickly ended the conversation. If she wanted to know that bad, read the file. 
"Maverick," Ice stopped Maverick before he could get to pre-flight. "I'm curious," he took a step toward Maverick, the air getting colder, making the smaller man shiver. "Who was covering Cougar while you were showboating with this MiG?" 
"Cougar was doing just fine," Maverick shot back. Why is it so damn cold? 
"Uh-huh." Ice didn't believe Maverick, glaring daggers at the smaller man. Something was off about him. Something Ice was going to find out. 
"WOO HOO! WE GOT JESTER!" Maverick and Goose cheered, slamming against the lockers and laughing with each other. 
"You won? That's bullshit," Wolfman accused, laying on the bench. 
"Didn't everybody?" Goose asked. 
"Hell, no, man. We got our butts kicked," Hollywood groaned, putting some things in his locker. 
Maverick and Goose listened to Wolfman explain his hip with Hollywood. Poor guys didn't really stand a chance. Good thing they were here to become better. Maverick decided he liked Wolfman. The guy was nice, and he was a damn good storyteller. 
Then Ice and Slider showed up. Great. Maverick scowled at them. So what if it was a few feet below the Hard Deck. He got Jester and that's that. But no, Ice had to antagonize him. Maverick was horrified to find he didn't mind. Something about Ice was soothing? Maybe it was because it was always cold around him, or maybe it was his piercing blue eyes or those perfect teeth? The frosted tips? Maverick shook the thoughts away. No, he needed to focus. 
"You're everyone's problem," Ice growled, staring at Maverick. Excuse me? Maverick fought the urge to flinch, and he could have sworn Goose looked like he wanted to murder Ice. "That's because everytime you go up in the air, you're unsafe." Ice stepped closer to Maverick, looming over the smaller man. "I don't like you because you're dangerous." 
That's it! Maverick got up in Ice's face. "That's right, Ice…man," he brushed something invisible off of Ice's shoulder, grinning like a maniac. "I am dangerous." 
Ice retaliated with a biting motion Maverick thought would be illegal to use. Not backing down, Maverick glared at Ice until Jester showed up. Next thing Maverick knew was that he and Goose had just been reprimanded for their stunts. Not to make things worse, Goose was being paranoid about graduating. 
"Goose, you are the only family I've got," Maverick said, throat constricting. "I promise we will make it to graduation and kick Iceman's ass." He smiled at Goose, who smiled back. "Bradley will be bragging to his friend on how his father and coolest uncle won the Top Gun trophy." 
Goose laughed and stood up from the armchair. "I'm going to hit the hay. Do you need anything Mav?" A look of concern settled on Goose's face. "I worry about you." 
Maverick shook his head and managed a smile. "I'm fantastic, Goose. Go sleep. Don't worry about me." Goose gave Maverick an uneasy look and left the house. 
Sitting alone, Maverick waited till the sounds of Goose's car faded in the distance. Staggering to his feet, Maverick gasped as white hot pain erupted in his side. Barely making it to the bathroom, Maverick took off his shirt and turned on the light. He stood at the mirror and hissed. Finding the burn cream was easy enough. Dabbing his fingers in it, Maverick applied cool cream to the burn on his lower stomach. 
Blue eyes stared at the reflection in the mirror with burned hatred and tears welling. 
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If anyone else wants to be tagged, please let me know!
I hope you all enjoyed Part One! I had a lot of fun making this one. Have a wonderful day!
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Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008)
Second movie: Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Smoking: A cone, some of bob bowl
This is another one of my favorites. Having male roommates can be a challenge, which I'm sure they would feel the same way about females. lol. Sharing a bathroom with them is hard also. But I always made sure to lock the door.
Seth Rogen steals Elizabeth Bank's hand warmer to heat up his balls, gross. But he gets his own pay back because it burns his nut sack! Karma.
I definitely knows what it feels like to not want to go to your 10 year reunion. I didn't go to mine, but I had a good reason, COVID it and so I got to stay home and not really make an excuse. Works for me!
I think Craig Robinson is my favorite in this movie. Imma be Oprah rich!
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First outfit that EB tries on makes her look like she's in the 70s. I do like the dress she choose she looks cute in it. "To catch a predator kind of way, yeah its sexy." As SR says.
Having 800 people in your graduating class sounds terrible. Like that just sounds like a very packed school, like sardines. Like that is just one class, not including the lower grades.
Then you have the wonderful Jason Long! I really like his other movies; Dodgeball, Accepted. Both great movies.
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"I will be your Sherpa on the mountain of gayness"
CR talks about wanting to watch shit while you shit does sound like a good idea. Though like you need to make sure you leave or your legs would be so numb.
Trying to come up with porn movie names, my roommate goes 28 Dongs Later. lol
Jason Mewes being in here I think is the cherry on top. He is so funny, Lester the Molester Cock-in-Stuff. Wait his porn name is Pete Jones!
Erotic Re-imagining Star Whores was born!
Then their plans get foiled and the place they were renting gets destroyed. Now to find out the next thing to try because they still need money. Finding the next thing while working in the Bean-N-Gone.
Shit going into other shit. Kind of feel like that's how life is.
Why would you just start dancing in a porn. They are in a coffee shop, like it was just so random lol.
CR and JM sleeping together on the couch is so adorable. Super hilarious CR's thumb in JM's mouth.
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Then the fall out between Zack and Miri. And as he is walking out of the coffee shop the guy pulls out too quickly and the poor camera man got covered in poo! So gross, but soo sooo funny!
CR finally gets Oprah rich! The Settlement went through. And we can come through and end the movie where he love interest comes to a close.
Sex really does change a lot of things in a relationship.
When SR runs into the apartment and sees JM naked in the apartment walking around like its nothing. Teaching SR about what a dutch rutter or a double dutch rutter. I probably could have gone my whole life without knowing that information. lol.
Let us Fuck! The End!
Wasn't as involved with this movie. In some pain and not looking forward to go to work tomorrow. Next time I'll do better, maybe, depends on the buzz.
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Binge Smoke*
Hopefully I'll wake up feeling better!
Thanks for stopping by.
-Tripple R
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kindofwriter · 2 years
Literally impossible to pick a favourite OFMD character because, like, Lucius is the definition of blorbo from your shows; he’s so cute and flirty and smart and helpful, and ships the main ship just as hard as the audience, and he carries himself like he’s cute, and he tries so darn hard to help everyone with their issues.
But then there’s Frenchie, with his little tunes and his left-field superstitions, and his brilliant tactical mind for schemes, who’s willing to fuck up a bunch of rich people because they offended a man he’d just met, and who gave all his riches away to help others escape a life of servitude.
And Jim, who’s badass and soft, and just the most delightful nb rep, and whose favourite colour is teal because of Oluwande’s earring, and who goes back to their old home despite it feeling haunted just because their shipmate asked nicely.
And Roach, who sleeps with his onions, and figured he may as well be the ship’s doctor because meat is meat, right? Who accidentally let the prisoners he was totally down to murder escape just because they asked, and who threw himself off the ship’s mast in the spirit of frat boy camaraderie.
And Oluwande, who is just the world’s most adorable character, who sees the good in everyone around him and they see it in him in turn, who likes when captain does the voices, who values Jim’s safety even more than they do themself, and gives his room away when they leave, and who’s voted the new captain despite not wanting the role.
And Black Pete, who secretly whittles, and tells silly little tales about a man he saw probably one time that absolutely no one believes, who, upon meeting said man, didn’t seem to mind in the slightest that he wasn’t everything he’d imagined, and who’s so head over heels in love with Lucius it’s adorable.
And Wee John, who wants to design his room with Frenchie, and was willing to dress up as a cat for him, and who wants to get stabbed by Jim, and who, upon meeting the dread pirate Blackbeard for the first time, just stared him down, unflinching.
And Buttons, the man, the myth, the legend himself, with his some-are-teeth, and his relationship with Karl and Olivia, and his moonlight basking, and his use of actual Scots, and his own brand of superstition, and his belief that he can hex people and talk to seagulls.
And the Swede, with his beautiful singing voice, and his just along for the ride attitude, and the way his crew mates seem willing to do anything for him, and his bandanna in the colours of the Swedish flag.
And that’s without even mentioning Stede, fancy soft-boy who just wants everyone to be happy, even if he doesn’t always know the best way of going about it. Who pays his crew a wage. Who has secret passages on his ship. Who played pirates with his children and they loved it. Who fell in love with the concept of a fearsome pirate, and then with his soft, silly best friend. Who burned a ship of people alive for being cruel. Who gave up everything to make both his old and new families happy.
And Ed, literally tumblr’s manic pixie dream girl. Tactical, strong, and intimidating, but also warm, loving, lost. Terrified of a world that is terrified of him. Tragic backstory and a hopeless romantic. A massive pushover who’s convinced himself this is the life he wanted. Likes things that are sweet and soft, both literally and metaphorically. Oh, and hot. He’s hot.
But still!!! There’s more!!! If you like little freaks who are confused about their own emotions and motives then Izzy is right there! Badass on duty and big softie in their downtime? Fang and Ivan! Mary, taking control of her own life. Mary’s cool and quirky friends. Spanish Jackie, with her 20 18 husbands and her knife-hand. Nana, teaching Jim how to be an assassin.
They are all so good and I adore them all.
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floraltypes · 3 years
May I request 44 with Pete Davidson thank you in advance 🥰
pairing - pete davidson x reader
request prompt - “sitting on the other’s lap”
an - thank you so much! hope this was up to your liking <3 can’t wait to work on some more! so make sure you all are requesting !!!
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The lights were blaring brightly, all sorts of colors, ones of blue and red and purple surrounding the large living room. It was clearly a more wealthy persons home, a birthday party for a rich friends of Pete’s and he insisted on you coming with.
Despite being a celebrity and going to your fair share of parties, ones like these, more crazy college rich kids, weren’t your favorite. And normally you wouldn’t see someone like you or Pete here, but Pete had been friends with the man for a while and casted him as the main event, and begged for you to come as well.
You had your worries, or, your publicist had more. Truly freaked when you’d brought the idea up to him, how paparazzi would soon find out and what would all happen. But when chatting about it with Pete not to long ago, it sounded important to him.
“Come on, Kyle might be a bit of a douchebag but it’ll be a great party,” Pete laughed, sitting next to you around the round table with his puppy dog eyes and his thumb lightly rubbing your knee.
“I don’t kno-” You began before your publicist, sitting across from you, Jeremy spoke up.
“Mr. Davison, this idea is absolutely absurd for a woman like Y/n L/n. She has a name to withhold, and attending a immature party like this Kyle is throwing, would be ruining her reputation,” He said, standing up and walking in a circle, clearly stressed.
“How is he always this uptight?” Pete leaned over to whisper in your ear. “How do you deal with it?” He moved back, still having his hand on your knee as Jermey glared at him.
“Pete,” You slapped his arm, looking offended. “I like having someone to make sure I’m making the right decisions, it reassures me. Jeremy does a great job, truly does. And having someone like him is even more needed when dating someone like you,” You smirked as now it was his turn to look offended.
“Still, you might be popular but should still have a life. You’re still young,” He reminded you as Jeremy now walked over, pulling your chair away from Pete and turning you around to look at him.
“Miss L/n. This is important, going to this silly thing will cause a lot more work for me, and is risky, very.”
Pete got up and pulled your chair backwards, closer to him once again.
“So, risks can be good.”
“You are such a bad influence on Miss L/n!”
“You’re going to let him say that to me?” Pete turned you around, shaking you slightly.
“Sorry,” Jeremy shook his head. “Sorr-”
“No, don’t apologize. Pete needs a little messing around every now and then,” You laughed, poking Pete in the chest as his lips that were down turned now spread into a small smile.
“Yeah, someone needs to be the bad influence,” Pete joined in as it looked like Jermey had a little weight lifted off of him.
“Okay. But still. Miss L/n, this party isn’t good and shouldn’t be-”
“What if I said that despite it being like a college party, there will be other celebrities, Kanye or something,” Pete shrugged as Jermeys eyes lit up.
“Perfect, other people, paparazzi will love it but you won’t look odd, you’ll be fine! Oh great! I’ll go figure this out, have fun at the party,” Jeremy smiled, rushing out with his notebooks and folders, running to start contacting others and answering to other phone calls.
Leaving you and Pete to chat some more before more planning would commence.
Arriving with your hair neatly done and a small coat of makeup on your face, pretty jewelry decorated your ears and fingers, smiling up at your boyfriend who had a fashionable jeans on and a nice shirt. You wore a small blue dress, fitting you favorably, and truly attracting some stares as you walked up.
Your eyes caught onto others, celebrity friends of Pete’s and a few others. Kyle, or who you assumed to be, looked fondly at the factor of how popular his twenty-fifth birthday party had become. The factor of his father being a successful director being a big part of the reason.
“Pete Davidson! Wow! This is so great that you could come to!” The man smiled widely, pulling him into a tight hug as Pete hesitantly excepted it. “You’re so cool, and everyone is, this is so cool!”
“Ah, no problem dude, your dad has helped me with some roles and shit so this is all good,” He laughed as you walked up besides him, his hand slipping behind to wrap around your back and pull you a bit closer.
“Holy shit! You got Y/n L/n to come!” Kyle exclaimed, his mouth dropping ever so slightly. “You’re like my favorite female actress, so fucking good, and you’re like, even hotter in real life,” He looked at you, like you were a huge idol of his.
Your eyes widened slightly, surprised at how open he admired you and was openly speaking about it. He seemed like a nice man, same age as you.
“Thank you,” You nodded, a smile gracing your lips as he moved closer to try and give you a hug, despite being glued to Pete’s hip.
“How’d you get her to come?” He moved back, turning his attention onto your boyfriend as he pointed at you like you weren’t there. “My friends are freaking out, and I’m so gonna be popular with the girls!”
“That’s great, dude. Perfect birthday present, getting laid,” He laughed, as you just stood there, pulling out your phone receiving a text from a friend.
“But really, how did you get her to come?”
“Guess it’s my stellar charm, gets all the girls pussys quaking.”
“Yeah, sure,” Kyle chuckled before a friend of his came up patting his back, telling him to see him soon. “I’ll definitely meet up with you guys later!” He high-fived Pete, then winking at you, as he jogged to catch up with his friend.
“That was nice,” You looked up at Pete, as he just shook his head, guiding you more into the house as you heard more cars pull up, and soon, cameras flashing.
The both walked into the fantastic house, the music blaring into your ears, songs by popular performers which some of them were there. Kanye’s song filtering through the room as you could catch a glimpse of him talking with his friend in a corner, small drink in hand.
It was surprising how this looked like a college party, it wasn’t exactly, considering just how lucky this man was to get all of these well-known people to come. Having a famous father, with popularity in the directing and music business sure comes with advantages when wanting to have a killer party.
“Any good drinks?” You question, following Pete into the kitchen where fine beers and scotch were laid out, even a keg stand not to far, it made you want to laugh. “So, this is the college experience?”
“Been to a lot of parties like this, sometimes better than the ones I attend now,” Pete mentioned, grabbing a beer and sitting down on a stool in the room.
“Too bad I missed out, maybe I should’ve got rid of the whole celeb thing and got into the keg stand and  sororities.”
“You would’ve gotten all the dicks you wanted,” He spoke casually, as you laughed harshly, almost wanting to slap him once again.
“Oh my.”
“But then again, you have mine,” He winked as you actually got up and smacked his shoulder this time.
“Y/n! Y/n! It’s Y/n!” A girl squealed, rushing over with a group of friends. “Oh my god! Can I get a picture with you? I lived for you in Long Law! You’re character Julie was so hot!” She jumped up and down practically as her friends nodded and pitched in their own compliments.
“Sure!” You smiled, nodding your head and getting ready to pose with the girls.
“This is the best day ever! All the people here! You’re here!” Another girl smiled widely for the photo her friend was taking, going on to compliment your outfit and some of your acting jobs.
You sweetly thanked her and the others for their kindness, admiring how sweet and how great of fans they were.
“Want a picture with me?” Pete peeked over, standing up and walking next to you. “It would be no problem.”
“No thanks,” One spoke, walking away with her friends.
“What the hell? Don’t they watch SNL?”
“Don’t be jealous,” You laughed, taking his drink and a chug from it, handing it back.
“I’m not,” He crossed his arms, sitting back on the stool. “No big deal.”
“And Brad, this is Y/n. She really came, Pete got her too,” Kyle walked over with his friend from earlier, pointing to you and then Pete. “They really came to my party!”
“Fucking cool dude!” Brad smacked his chest, then the both giving each other a high-five. “Y/n, seriously, how you looked at those last VMA awards, holy shit, and here you are in the flesh!”
“Thanks,” You hesitantly spoke.
“No, seriously, you look even better in real life. Surprising cause usually all those girls photoshop their pics to look skinner.”
His eyes were glared to your chest area, bold like his friend but in a worse way. He eventually moved them back to your face, muttering another comment under his breath as Kyle walked away to chat with someone else. Brad pulled his chair up next to you, pulling his phone and putting his head to the side of you, swiftly changing to the camera app.
“Take a photo with me?” He looked you in your eyes, face only a few inches from you, able to feel his breath, making you move your head away a bit.
“I guess,” You muttered as he put on another smile, nearing closer once again and your fake smile reflecting onto the screen. As he clicked the button, his head moved to the side, mouth going to land onto your cheek until Pete stepped in, pulling your stool closer to his. Brad leaned over fully where he almost lost his balance, cursing under his breath as he looked at the photo where you were no where in it.
“What the hell?” He looked at you harshly. “Just wanted a picture.”
“You can have one without kissing her cheek,” Pete commented, as you got out of your chair, moving to stand besides him.
“That wasn’t cool,” You stepped back away from him. “It was fully inappropriate, I hope that isn’t a frequent action, it was disgusting.”
“You know what? You really aren’t that cool, that hot, I was just saying that to try and catch a look at your boobs, get a snap of that and get thousands,” He scoffed, moving out of the kitchen, and pushing through crowds.
“Damn, my feelings,” You smiled, putting a hand on your heart and looking at Pete.
“What a fucking loser,” He mentioned, taking your hand and pulling you closer, allowing you to sit on his lap.
“Romantic,” You leaned up to kiss his own cheek, as he took a sip of his beer. “Oh Romeo!”
“Not that shakespeare crap,” He chuckled, taking a swig as you pulled out your phone, snapping a photo of you and him. He quickly kissed your own cheek as your lips turned into a wide smile, and his arm moved around to lightly rub your waist.
“This party, not something I have a feeling I want to attend again,” You admitted.
“What’s not to love, the shitty lighting, obnoxious music, idiotic people. Come on, tell me!”
“I think you can assume,” You rolled your eyes, texting your publicist that everything was fine.
“Sorry I made you come to this shitty thing,” He kissed you cheek again, placing other ones as you squirmed in his lap, giggling.
“Stop!” You exclaimed with another laugh slipping from your lips. “It’s fine!”
“So, you’ll come to another one with me next week?”
“No way,” You shook your head and from not to far away a photo was taken, quickly blowing up all over twitter as now both of your phones were ringing crazily.
I guess your publicist was right that this night would end with drama, drama about how this practically confirmed you and Pete’s relationship. Sure he wasn’t the best influence, making you step out of your comfort zone and being risky, but he still had your back, being there to catch you despite all of it.
You just laughed on the phone with the frantic Jeremy, placing another chaste kiss to his cheek, as you relished in the feeling of being in his arms.
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(pete davidson masterlist)
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johnemulaney · 3 years
John Mulaney: From Scratch in Las Vegas, September 4
Once again, spoilers for the show and what will presumably be in the special. This is about his relapse so tread with caution is that will be an issue for you. However, the tone of his struggle is the same one he used in his past specials so if you didn’t have any issues then, I think you’d be ok with this. Of course, use your own best judgement, friends.
The opener was Seaton Smith. 
He opened with trying to find the rich people in the crowd but acknowledged that they’d go mwrmwmwrw money isn’t everything so then he started talking about golf and went aha I got ya’ll. 
There was a joke about weed being the only Christian drug
He had a bit about when white people are nice, be nervous
He had a bit about there being a black man on the Bachelor and was like America (ABC and Disney+) were not ready for a black man to be fucking a house full of 50 white women. That shit premiered on Tuesday and the Capitol burned on Wednesday.
He also did some crowd work and roasted a couple in the front row for having different answers about kids and she was like I didn’t hear the question and was roasted about how not hearing questions you don’t want to answer is certainly a tactic, often used by drug dealers
He also had a bit about how different child rearing is in Texas versus New York and about how hitting your kids is treated differently, like his dad would have just threatened it whimsically. 
Now on to the Main Event!
The first thing he said was “hiiiiiiiiii” exactly in the tone you think he said it in. he followed that up with a little shrug looking adorable and a little bashful
“It’s him! Mr. Problems. Oh Las Vegas, Oh my god” he then talks about how Vegas is a land of vice and a Choice for him to preform in as a recovering addict. He had a sober buddy and 3 bodyguards with him at all times. 
“And here’s what happened” December 18, 2020, he gets invited to a friends apartment for dinner AND HE’S TWO HOURS LATE because he stopped, coked out of his mind, at SNL for a haircut because he still had his building access badge and he went to the hair department and they were like, he’ll leave faster if we just do this, and then he stopped at his drug dealers. 
He called venmo and cashapp, apps for drug deals and was like what do normal people even use them for. He maxed both out paying for drugs. 
He was the best looking person at his intervention. “Coke skinny, new cut” and the 12 people intervening looked like shit. He looked “tears for fears while they all looked jerry garcia” (I hope you know who those musicians are besties). 
He immediately yelled “Can I go to the bathroom” to you know, dump his drugs because when you walk into that, you know what it is. 
He was not allowed to go (he would be asked if he still needed to pee later and would say “what?”
There were 6 people in NYC and 6 people over zoom in LA because he guesses 6 people couldn’t be bothered to fly in for HIS INTERVENTION
Interventions can go two ways, it can be kind of accusatory and this is how you let us all down, or it can be supportive. Everyone but Nick Kroll got the memo to be supportive.
Nick Kroll went first.
Nick Kroll listed all the ways John was a bad best friend and brother over zoom and John was getting texts during the intervention saying Nick wasn’t supposed to do that and they were all sorry. 
Bill Hader went next. he originally wasn’t going to be able to make it so he had recorded a thing but since he was there, he did it live. (He would eventually send the video to John in rehab, which is not what you want on the way to rehab “awesome, more intervention”)
He tried to derail the intervention, “there’s not enough latinx representation” he said he’d go to any rehab except the one they had picked out for him. This was a star-studded affair and he was mad no one was being funny. 
 Natasha Lyons went next, telling him his life and career is in shambles
So he gets carted off to rehab after this intervention. Don’t let 12 comedians pack your bags for 2 months at rehab. it was bombas socks and iphone chargers. 
A little secret about rehab, you’re not allowed to bring drugs in. You remember how he was late? In his pocket on the way to rehab included: a huge amount of pills, 3g of coke (which was 2g by the time he got there, courtesy of a koala station in a gas station bathroom), and $2000 in cash. He had other plans for the weekend. He was admitted for xanax, coke, perocet, and adderall addiction. Say what you will, but he does not do anything half way.
It’s 4am when he’s sent to detox, he’s been awake for 3 days. 
He also gives a small lesson on how to get drugs. Find the lowest rated doctors on yelp and webmd reviews and go ask for them, they need all the business they can get. You become like Captain Phillips, I am the doctor now. 
Dr. Michael was his shady doctor. He was a first avenue apartment where he would write prescriptions from his kitchenette where his girl Minerva was always asleep. “I didn’t kill my wife Minerva.” But John would ask for his drugs, Dr. Michael would write the script and then ask what he needed it for. Dr. Michael would also make John take his shirt off, always offering a flu shot and going no, shirt all the way off (in case you were wondering how bad this addiction actually was)
The first moral is now you know. The second moral is get vaccinated.
He’s sent to the regular ward the next afternoon and they finally get him to sleep. 
He’s sketched out that doctors have last names at this establishment
He asks for drugs such as klonopin and is taken aback a bit when he doesn’t get them. The doctor is like PA state law says no, and so John suggests they go to a CVS in Jersey to get some. 
His bestie Pete Davidson starts calling that night. Except Pete changes his number every month and a half so John has him send a selfie and saves the new number under some other random name, at this point in time, Pete is saved as Al Pacino. (We get an Al Pacino impression) John is asleep and his nurse sees Al Pacino trying to call him 5 times and so she wakes him up. 
Pete Davidson and John Mulaney did not do drugs together. (The author is lowkey surprised and sad about that, like if Pete was my bestie, we’d make so many poor choices) But Pete was always very supportive of his sobriety. 
John needs recognition so badly, in group when they introduced themselves he said “I’m John M.” and no one cared. So he left a tabloid out with the news of his admittance and his face on it in the rec room on the table. The not being someone was “driving him bananas.” When they talked about what they do for a living and he said I’m a a stand up comedian, someone asked if he made a living that way. He said “yeah ask your daughter” (or your son)
One of the things you do at rehab is break up with your drug dealer.
One of his drug dealers only bought drugs to keep John from buying worse off the streets and only got into the game because John kept asking him for drugs and was his only buyer. That guy was originally a painter and John has no idea how they met. John is the only person to turn an innocent man into a drug dealer. 
Here he did the Baby J is back baby joke. the Park Theater is one of the biggest stages in the world so he did that joke in one pace across the stage and said the stage is that joke long. 
“I am no longer on drugs. It’s very good but also ah---” He’s in a 12 step anonymous group. 
“I need attention, clearly.” After a show you think he would be sated, but no. 
He wants that attention that the kid who’s grandparent died and showed up to school dressed for the funeral and got to sit in the beanbag chair for reading despite it not being his turn, gets. He went on about being willing to let one of the lesser important grandparents die so he could get attention, for quite a while. 
He feels left behind in science, like his C’s and D’s in those classes. All those classes were was putting things on a windowsill for the janitor to throw away. He had a bit about how the fuck people put dinosaurs back together, it’s like getting wayfair furniture without the instructions. 
He also things the moon belongs to America. Like we got there first and when other countries say stuff about the moon he’s like mmmmmmm.
He also had a joke about paying to get into college and like, for white people that’s always how it’s been. 
The show ended with him going over the highlights of that GQ interview that he was so coked out for that he forgot he did it entirely. He has no memory of it at all. He was just called up that day and asked for an interview and you know how coke is the best drug to receive attention on? He just did whatever he wanted with that attention. 
And that was the show.
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Crazy Rich Avengers: Chapter 2
Peter Parker x Reader
Chapter Summary: Tony is oblivious, Shuri is a queen as always, Peter is breakfast man and Y/N’s a grandma
Warnings: swearing and one mention of sex
Word count: 2589
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*Flashback to Wednesday*
“Alright troops, let’s get this party started.” Tony walked into the debriefing room that was used for only meetings, but this week it had a new purpose: discussing Wanda and Vision’s wedding plans. Everyone was gathered around a circular table with plans and maps strewn out across the table.
“What made you guys want to get married in Maui?” Nat turned to Wanda and Vision. Wanda simply shrugged, “We just wanted to see what the island has to offer.”
“Plus Mr. Stark has that lovely beach house in Spreckelsville,” Vision added.
“Are y’all inviting Peter and Y/N to the wedding?” Sam asked
“Of course! Why wouldn’t we?” Wanda seemed kind of offended that Sam would ask that. She was very close with Peter and the way he talked about you always made her warm inside knowing that he found someone he really loved. She was kind of like a second aunt to him in a way, though no one could top Aunt May.
“Oh, I love Y/N so much. Did you guys tell her happy birthday two weeks ago?” Nat asked.
A couple of ‘I forgot’’ and ‘Oh shit’ replies made their way into the group and Nat just shook her head.
“Wait wait wait. Who’s Y/N?” Tony was so confused. He had never heard of a Y/N Y/L/N before. Was she an employee close with Wanda? And why was she with Peter?
“What do mean who’s Y/N?” Steve asked.
“She’s Peter’s girlfriend, Stark.” Bucky stated it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. And it kind of was. Peter would come into the Compound on the weekends sometimes for training and just gush about you to everyone and even Bucky seemed to know who you were. And he never pays attention to Peter. Tony just sat there, not knowing what to say to hearing his intern having a girlfriend.
“Pete has girlfriend?” How come you all knew and I didn’t?”
Thor took a swig of his drink. “Because you do not listen to the Man of Spiders.”
At this moment Shuri, T’Challa, and Okoye walk in, with papers and blueprints in only T’Challa and Okoye’s hands, while Shuri sips her iced coffee, like the bad bitch she is.
“Hey what’s up losers?” She walked in and took the papers from their hands and spread them out on the table. She turned to Wanda and Vision. “Okay so I developed a knew sound system for the reception that does not require a DJ, and you can choose which one you want!” They all look at the plans and sure enough, there were about four different designs that they could choose from. Wanda and Vision had put Shuri in charge of all the technological elements of the wedding because she was clearly the smartest out of all of them.
T’Challa stepped up to the table. “Sorry we are late; my sister had to bring all of her designs and took about three hours to pack.”
“What? I have to look my best for the wedding. We all know you just throw clothes into a suitcase and call it a day.” She turned towards everyone else. “The only shoes he brought were his flip flops.”
“What you don’t like my royal sandals?” He puts up his foot to show off his shoes and turned to Okoye for support. She just shook her head. “I’m not getting in the middle of this, but if I were to choose a side, I agree with Shuri.”
Shuri laughed in T’Challa’s face and fist bumped Okoye and he looked at them and shook his head.
“What do you two know what fashion?” He asked.
“More than you,” they both said at the same time. This got everyone laughing around the table and Steve did his classic belly laugh where he grabbed the side of his chest and basically fell over.
Shuri turned to Wanda, “So, whose all invited to your big day?”
“Well, we invited Peter and Y/N –“
“Yes! Sorry I just can’t wait to meet her for the first time. Go on.”
Wanda laughed, “Aren’t we all? Also, Peter’s friend Ned is invited because he helps us all out on missions. What is it he calls himself?”
“The Guy in the Chair,” Vision replied.
“Ah yes, and of course all of you people. We wanted to keep it small,” Wanda finished.
“You know,” Sam started, turning to the royal bunch. “Stark over here didn’t know that Pete had a girlfriend.”
“What?” They all three gasped.
Okoye spoke this time, “We live all the way in Wakanda, and knew about this. You live twenty minutes away.”
“We know. It’s ridiculous,” Rhodey spoke.
“Okay and is there a specific song that you are walking down to?” Shuri asked.
“We chose the song ‘To My Future Wife’ by Mr. Jon Bellion,” Vision replied
“Oh, I love his songs!”
“We figured it represented our love for each other,” Wanda looked at Vision and gave him a peck on the lips, with hearts in both of their eyes. A bunch of aw’s filled the room as a response to the couple.
*Flashback ends*
You wake up at around three thirty in the morning to your alarm. You were essentially trapped in Peter’s arms and had to pry yourself out to get up and get ready. You threw a pillow at him to wake him up.
“What was that for?” He groaned.
“Come on. We got to get up or we’ll miss the flight.”
He got up with a sigh and got ready. He just dressed in jeans and that tight black t-shirt that you loved. Why would he pick that for a flight? You bit your lip and just turned away getting ready yourself. You picked out your black leggings and a white shirt because you wanted to be comfy for the 12+ hour flight ahead of you.
You packed your purse as your carry on which had your phone chargers, headphones, perfume, you know, the essentials for flying.
“What are we going to do for breakfast?” He asked. Peter was a breakfast man and so deciding what to eat in the morning was very important for him.
“There’s a coffee place at the airport; don’t worry, Pete.”
You left your apartment at around four in the morning and made sure that everything was turned off and nothing was out of the ordinary. You two take an Uber to JFK and almost fell asleep again. One thing was for sure, you were taking a nap as soon as you got on the plane. When you got there, you checked in with the front desk and saw that your flight would take off at 5:30am. So, you took Peter to the little coffee stand in the airport to get him some energy and food. He got a mocha iced coffee with a blueberry scone and you got a caramel macchiato and a breakfast bagel. You sat down near where your flight would be boarding and ate your food. You were so excited to eat because your favorite breakfast item was just a good bacon, egg, and cheese bagel. You bit into it and sighed out in a state of peace.
You had downloaded a few episodes of your favorite shows on your laptop so you and Peter could watch them together. You had downloaded some from The Office, Brooklyn 99, Parks and Rec, and The Good Place. You pulled out your laptop and headphones and gave one earbud to Peter so he could watch too. You decided to watch the episode of The Office where Michael hosts the Fun Run for Rabies.
About an hour later they started to board for your flight and packed everything up and walked over to the flight attendant.
“Right this way,” she said. She led you past the economy class and into first class and you started to get suspicious. There was no way you could afford this. Sure, you had some money put into savings, but it wasn’t much. She led you into one of cabins and you put your purse down.
“Uh ma’am?” You called out.
“Um there must be some mistake, I mean… we’re economy people. Like, we’re broke, there’s no way that we’re in first class.”
“Are you sure? You two are Y/N Y/L/N and Peter Parker, right?” She asked confused.
“Tony, I swear,” Peter sighed.
“I told Mr. Stark to not upgrade us because we were fine, but I guess he didn’t listen.”
The flight attendant walked away and you fell on the bed. The cabin had a little TV on the opposite wall and the bed facing it. Night tables were on both sides of the bed with little lamps that made it kind of cozy. You walked around the small room looking at the different little pictures of beaches from different countries. There were a set of silk pajamas on your nightstand and you held them up to Peter.
“These are nicer than my actual clothes!” Peter just laughed at how excited you were and pulled you down on the bed. He rubbed your thighs and started to kiss your neck and sucked lightly and slowly worked his way up to your ear and nibbled on it.
“As much as I would love to continue this, I am not having sex on a plane,” you laughed.
He laid down on the bed with you, “Well what do you wanna do then?”
“Tell me about everyone that’s going to be there. I want to be prepared to meet them when we get there.”
“Okay for starters, there’s Wanda and Vision, Wanda has like these mind-reading powers, so be careful about what you’re thinking around her. There have been plenty of times where I’ve thought about you in an adult way that’s caused her to not to be near me sometimes. But she’s awesome. She’s kind of like my second aunt when May’s not around; we’re really close.”
“Good to know. It’s also a good thing she’s not here right now because all I can think about is you in that shirt,” you wink at him.
He laughs and kisses your nose, “Vision is also pretty cool. You’ve seen Vision in like pictures and everything so you know he can shift between robot and human form, so that’s cool. Um, he’s just really chill and laid back. There’s also Sam and Bucky.”
“Oh yeah you’ve told me about them. Do they still tease you a lot?”
“Not much anymore, but I’m sure they will when they see us together,” he sighed. Yesterday when he went to the Compound for his camera, they had mentioned that Peter wouldn’t be getting much packing done if he knew what they meant. Peter did know what they meant and just rolled his eyes at them.
“Sam’s pretty cool when he’s not teasing me, and then he’s kind of a jerk, but overall he’s cool; you’ll probably get along more with him than anyone. He’s got a good sense of humor so,” he trailed off.
“Oh okay. Now what about Bucky?”
“Bucky still doesn’t really like me, all because of what happened in Berlin.”
“Sounds like he’s petty.”
“Yeah he kind of is,” he laughed.
He goes through telling you about all the Avengers and what they’re like. They all sounded pretty chill and fun to hang around.
“By the way, Ned is going to be there.”
“What? Really?” You neatly shouted because you haven’t seen him since about a month before college classes started. He had gone all the way to MIT for college, and the last time you saw him, was when you and Peter had helped him move into his dorm.
“Why is he going?”
“He’s like our ‘Guy in the Chair’ for the team. Tells us where to go on missions, and helps out with the team, so I guess Wanda and Vision wanted him there.”
“At least there will be someone I know and close with,” you laugh at Peter’s fake hurt expression.
“You’ll have me, baby.”
“Yeah, but you’ll probably be talking to everyone and doing wedding stuff and I’ll be just hanging out. But now I have Ned! Now, tell me about Mr. Tony Stark. I know he’s kind of like your father-figure as you put it sometimes. Do you think he’ll like me, or will he go all Papa Bear on me and tell me that I’m not good enough?” You joked.
“He should be cool with you. Mr. Stark’s a pretty easy-going guy so I don’t think there will be a problem. Unless you try to crash the wedding,” he smiled.
“Yeah I’m totally gonna crash it and just get shit-faced at the wedding.” It was now close to seven o’clock in the morning and you and Peter were wide awake and couldn’t go back to sleep and still had another thirteen hours to go, so you just pulled your laptop back out and put on one of your shows and cuddled with Peter.
He held your waist against his and laid his head on top of yours. Your arms were wrapped around his torso and head on his chest, watching TV. You stayed like this for a couple of hours. You eventually got bored and started playing a game on your phone.
“Whatcha playing?” He asked.
“Candy Crush.”
He laughed at your game choice. “You’re such a grandma.”
“What? Just because I like candy crush that makes me grandma?’
You lightly slap his chest as a response and watched his smile turn wide into a laugh. God those eye crinkles, I swear, you thought. It was kind of true though, everyone in your family and in high school called you the grandma friend of the group because you picked crocheting and baking of all hobbies, just like a grandma. And apparently Candy Crush was now considered a grandma game.
“Okay, I’d like to see you beat an ultra-hard level where you only have twenty moves to save 10 gummy bears,” you challenged him.
“Is that seriously a level on there?”
“Yes, and I beat it on the first try. Why, you scared?”
“No, had me your phone.”
You gladly give it to him and throughout the level you have to hold in your laughs because seeing his face scrunch up in frustration may have been the best thing ever.
“Shit!” He exclaimed
“What, did you lose?”
“No,” he lied. You held out your hand for your phone and saw that he lost on the level.
“Ha! Loser,” you poked his chest as you teased him. “It’s a shame you lost though, because losers don’t get prizes.”
“Oh yeah? And what’s my prize?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
You shrugged. “Guess you got to win if you want to find out.”
This time he held out his hand for your phone. “Just know, you got four more chances to win before you run out of lives.” Peter tried so hard at the game and gently slammed your phone in frustration and you giggled. Let’s just say that Peter didn’t get his prize. The rest of the flight consisted of watching TV and eating the surprisingly amazing airline snacks. When the nighttime came, the flight attendants turned all the lights off, kind of like a silent go to sleep call for all the passengers. You and Peter snuggled up against each other and waited for the rest of the flight to be over.  
Tag-List: @randomstufflol29 @spideyspeaches @binnotjin @lolooo22 @multi-universe21​ @ladykxxx08​ 
A/N: We got an Avengers flashback! Yay! I really wanted to incorporate the Wakandan bunch because a) Black Panther is my favorite movie, and b) They are all just amazing and I love the way that Shuri and Okoye tease T’Challa all the time and wanted to put that in this. The whole Candy Crush scene had actually happened to me before and I thought it would be nice to add a piece of me in the story, and Candy Crush is honestly underrated if you ask me lol. I hope you all really like this chapter, because the next one is going to be awesome! Thank you all for reading!
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wromwood · 3 years
Hey, hey! A new week, a new episode of CBS’s Ghosts. Here are my notes on the fifth episode of the season: “Halloween.”
.... Oops, I forgot this was in my drafts and now this post is almost four days late. Ah well.
- Aw, I like seeing the ghosts really appreciate a part of the house getting fixed up. In this case it was Hetty being happy at seeing the gazebo look more like how it used to. It really shows that these characters have a history with the house.
- At one point, Jay remarks about “The smiles you [Sam] claim to see on your invisible friends’ faces.” I can’t help but feel that “claim” makes this remark sound insulting. Jay seems to have more of these insulting-sounding comments about Sam’s relationship with the ghosts than Mike had for Alison.
- The ghosts have an interesting reason for not liking Halloween: they find people pretending to be ghosts insulting, and they themselves can’t do any fun living stuff. This makes me wonder what the BBC ghosts would think of the holiday. Share your thoughts!
- STOP, TREVOR (my reaction to him describing sexy Halloween costumes)
- (For effect, I’m going to share this next note exactly as I typed it while live-noting my thoughts.)
Sasappis died on Halloween. IN 1995.  IT IS A COSTUME. HIS NAME is MIKE, No, he’s 500 years old and joking. Storyteller, wink, it’s a gift. Ok, that got me but it just reminds me of my earlier comments.
OK, live-noting over. Now for context! Sasappis says his reason for hating Halloween is because he died on the holiday... in 1995. He’s wearing a Halloween costume and his name is Mike. But when Sam goes “Oh my god, really??”, he answers that no, of course it isn’t. He’s 500 years old and joking. He winks and says that he’s a story teller. It’s a gift.
This joke did make me laugh, but it IMMEDIATELY made me think of my earlier comments on Sasappis sounding a bit too modern to my ears, so much so that I honestly thought he might’ve been a modern ghost in a costume when I first saw/heard him. I wonder if this occurred to the writers as well, leading to this joke.
- The ghosts dislike how local kids vandalize the house every Halloween and they’re powerless to stop it. Now this is a cool addition to the CBS show. The BBC show is great, but I don’t know if we see too much of Button House’s neighbors (aside from that one rich dude and his wife). This CBS detail adds just a touch more world building.
- I don’t particularly care for Jay and Sam dressing up as the Step Brothers. Mostly because I’ve never seen the movie, but also because they’re just lame outfits. They do give a reason for it (It’s cheap, quick, and not sexually objectifying for Alison), but it’s just not entertaining for me.
- When a kid arrives dressed as a Ghostbuster, it freaks some of the ghosts out, but Pete and Trevor know what the kid is referencing. Trevor likes the movie Ghostbusters, but Pete hadn’t seen it because it came out the year before he died and he was very busy. Good job taking death dates into account and how they relate with the different characters.
- Sasappis has a weird moment where he says this: “I definitely wasn’t a parent! … I don’t know why I said definitely. I definitely had sex during my life.”
…. and then this continues into a whole one-sided sex conversation where Sasappis insists he’s not a virgin. This is ultimately proved correct by Thorfinn (who watched all those times), but... why did we need this from Sasappis? It honestly doesn’t feel important for his character to do/say. It just feels like a joke that could have easy been said by Trevor or any other character.
- So after the mischievous neighborhood kids egg the house, Sam (CORRECTLY) suggests talking to their parents. Jay says it’s not a good idea, since “Snitches get stitches.” Jay, come on. You’re a responsible adult. Apparently.
- Trevor uses his powers of touch to play Ghostbusters for him, Alberta and Pete. Alberta and Pete are horrified at Ghostbusters, and Trevor finds it disturbing now. This is a fun concept, and I’m glad I could see the ghosts’ reactions to modern depictions of ghosts. (Alberta:  “Why are they green? Were they green in life?! What died and made THAT ghost?!”) Also, seeing their perspectives change on something they knew in life now that they’re dead is pretty interesting.
- “I watched Jay sand for hours, getting sweater and sweater…” Goddamn it, Isaac. I know your whole thing is being gay, but lines like this make you sound as creepy as Trevor. BBC Ghosts did stuff like this better with the Captain’s occasional “compliments” towards Mike that sound more adorably flustered than creepy leering, as well as that one episode where Fanny gets overwhelmed with sudden flustered feelings on seeing Mike. (Her overreaction and horror at what she feels make it funny and not creepy)
- Isaac likes watching Bake Off. I just like this detail.
- Sam, don’t blame yourself for calling that kid’s mom. That was the right thing to do! DON’T MAKE THIS SHOW’S LESSON THAT YOU SHOULDN’T TELL PARENTS ABOUT THEIR KIDS’ BAD BEHAVIOR. (Ultimately, it isn’t, but the show never explicitly says that Sam was wrong to apologize for suggesting the responsible move here)
- “Didn’t kids murder you?” “Oh, that was just an accident. I think.” Further clues that Pete’s death is pretty similar to Pat’s.
- This episode has ONE appearance of headless dude. Just ONE of his headless body passing behind the cops after they asked Sam “Have you seen any other suspicious activity?” That’s IT. We don’t even see his HEAD.
- I like Alberta knowing Thorfin’s lying because she dated a two-timing bootlegger for five years. Anything to learn more of these characters’ histories.
- Well. We finally got it. Trevor’s one redeeming quality. He stands with Pete when he wants to tell Sam the truth about the gazebo (that the ghosts blamed the mischievous kids on it burning down instead of admitting that Thorfinn messed with the lights and caused a fire.) Halloween perpetuates the stereotype that ghosts are evil, Trevor says, and blaming the kids make the ghosts exactly what Halloween says they are.
- “He’s [Trevor’s] the one doing the right thing?” “Yeah, I’m surprised too.” SAME HERE, TWO CHARACTERS THAT I FORGOT TO LIST THE NAMES OF. SAME HERE.
- I did find Trevor teaching the ghosts to slow clap at his victory kind of fun. (No one except Pete knows it’s a cliche, so he savors the moment of them all doing it genuinely)
- So, once Sam informs the cops that they were wrong to judge the kids, and that she accidentally started the fire with a cigarette (she lies out of bad improv, and also because the ghosts didn’t tell her how the fire started), one cop says this:
“Ma’am, if you have any other problems, please lose our number.”
To which Sam replies: “Yeah, that’s fair.”
NO IT’S NOT, THEY’RE THE POLICE, HOLY SHIT. Like.... the police’s job is to help you with problems! (yeah, they have a bad track record for it, but for now, they’re the folks to call until the system is fixed.) For context, the cops aren’t just mad with them because of the gazebo. They also dislike Sam and Jay because of the viking funeral incident with their canoe. So there is even more reason to think that this isn’t “just a joke.” Even if this is a joke, that’s a bad joke. You don’t want the cops to imply that they won’t help you in an emergency.
- So, Sam and Jay treat the ghosts like children (and even say, in WORDS, that they’ve acted like children and should be treated as such) and give the ghosts consequences for their actions (no TV). I kinda… don’t like that. I do think they need consequences for lying, but I don’t like Sam and Jay rubbing it in that they are “children” in this circumstance. It’s very demeaning, and I want the living and the dead to respect each other as PEOPLE.
- Well, at least Jay appreciates the ghost Halloween. The ghosts burned down their gazebo in front of their haunted house. And he finds that cool. Maybe this will make him feel better about his decision to WILLINGLY PUT THEM INTO DEBT WHEN HIS WIFE COULDN’T PHYSICALLY HELP HIM MAKE THOSE DEALS. Just saying. Earlier when he complained about missing out on Brooklyn Halloween parties, I had no sympathy. You did that to yourself.
- …. They’re incorporating the stepbrothers costumes into their making out, which, as one of the characters point out, is disturbing. (Although it does let us know that Hetty married her cousin.) God, as if I needed more of a reason to dislike their Halloween costumes.
And those are all my notes! I hope you’ve all had a Happy Halloween.
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prettytoxicrevolver · 4 years
Ball | Colson Baker
Requested? Nah 
Warnings? None? It’s super long and idk if it’s good 
Summary: After quarantine and covid seems to be lifted, the hollywood scene wants to celebrate through a masquerade ball. Being a somewhat famous pop singer you attend with your best friend and meet Machine Gun Kelly where the night certainly becomes interesting 
Word Count: 2,651
(y/h/c) = your hair color 
(y/e/c) = your eye color 
Part 2 is here 
“Who the fuck throws a ball nowadays?” Colson asks, fixing the sleeves of his suit for the millionth time and turning to his friend. 
“I don’t know man,” Pete says shrugging his shoulders before moving to the mirror Colson was standing in front of to check over his suit one more time. 
The two best friends were invited to a ball in Hollywood and by the advice of their managers, decided to go. They both thought it was ridiculous, rich people dressed up in suits and dresses for no fucking reason other than they were bored was dumb to the pair. But they had to make an appearance because according to their teams “everyone would be there” and it’s important to make an image. 
It hopefully wasn’t going to totally suck, they at least could hang out with each other all night. The only thing they knew is that it was going to be a few speeches, some food, and lots of dancing. Hopefully, they could leave early. 
Even though you would never admit it, you’ve always wanted to go to a ball. You had grown up watching Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and Tangled where all these princesses had beautiful gowns and romantic first dances that you always dreamed of having. You thought you would never experience that but tonight you just might have the chance. 
"I can't believe we're going to a masquerade ball!" your childhood best friend Ava cheers excitedly. 
Ever since you became somewhat of a pop star, you never wanted to attend the parties your manager asked you to. Your anxiety always ruined them and you left early. But quarantine was officially over, you had Ava, a stunning dress, and a mask to hide your identity. It was perfect. 
“It’s really fucking cheesy but I’m still excited,” she tells you, and you nod. 
The idea of a masquerade ball was super cheesy right now. After spending over half a year quarantined, and wearing masks everywhere for safety, wearing a decorative mask to cover your face for the ball was super cliche in a way. However, you were just happy to get out of the house, going to your first ball, and seeing some of your industry friends after months. 
“Okay, last checks,” Ava announces turning towards you. 
You look over each other, checking that your dresses were all set, heels strapped, purses had everything inside, and you were ready to go. You link arms and head downstairs where your limo would take you to the ballroom. During the drive, you and Ava talk about who would be at the extravagant event, who you might meet for the first time, and what other things they would have at the ball. 
No matter how big you had gotten, you were still starstruck whenever you met some of your favorite celebrities. Ava loved seeing your reaction, which contained you not knowing how to speak, shaking and holding onto your face as you repeated the same words over and over as the other person sometimes either did the exact same thing or looked at you like you were crazy. 
What could you say? This wasn’t your lifestyle. You grew up in a small town and loved it there. That was more your speed some days and other days you couldn’t think of leaving LA. It was a balance. 
When the limo stops, the two of you carefully step out and are instantly bombarded by paparazzi trying to figure out who you are underneath the mask. You link arms once more and security helps push through the crowd to get you to the red carpet. 
Your publicist tells you to go first, take some photos, pose, and then have Ava join you. When you’re finally finished, you head into the ballroom. 
Colson and Pete really didn’t feel like dealing with the paparazzi when they got to the event. So, they pushed through the crowd, headed to the red carpet, and before they could shove their way through, Colson’s manager stops him. 
“Just a few pictures,” he says and Colson rolls his eyes internally but nods instead. 
As the two friends wait, Colson’s eyes wander around to the other celebrities surrounding him. Underneath everyone’s “masks” he was having a hard time trying to figure out who was who. While he and Pete decided to attend the ball, they opted out of wearing masks, practically ignoring the theme altogether. 
Finally, his manager lets him go and Colson takes a few pictures, before joining Pete for pictures, and then they’re finally allowed into the ballroom. It’s practically packed to the brim with people and the two friends look at each other before giving the signature best friend look. The one that says “fuck, I really don’t wanna do this” but here they were. 
They head straight to their table, stopping occasionally to greet friends and other stars they knew. When Pete sits down, he takes a quick look around before pulling out a blunt and offering it to Colson. The older man immediately takes it, thanking his best friend before lighting it up and passing it back to Pete after taking a hit. 
You had felt calm up until you reached the top of the stairs above the ballroom. There were hundreds of people dressed in black and white. Not only did crowds make you nervous, but you were dressed wrong. 
Clad in a fiery red dress with a slit up the thigh and black heels to match, you were the only one not in black or white at the ball. Ava looks at you curiously as you pause at the top of the steps. Her gaze follows yours and something like realization flashes in her eyes. 
"Babe, you look hot," she reassures you and you turn towards her. "Besides if anyone says anything I’ll tell them to fuck off." 
With a giggle and a nod, you two link arms for one final time and head down the steps. 
"Who the fuck is that?" Pete's voice pulls Colson out of his zoned out state to look at his best friend. He nudges Colson and points out two girls coming down the steps. 
Colson does a double take as he watches them encapture the room with every step. His eyes are drawn to the girl in the red gown, quite literally standing out among a sea of black and white. Her (y/h/c) hair falls down her shoulders and moves effortlessly as she looks across the hundreds of party goers, and it's like he’s drawn to her in some way. 
He can’t see her face underneath the mask but he’s certain of two things. Those are the most gorgeous (y/e/c) eyes he had ever seen even from across the room. And he thought she was fucking stunning, mask or no mask on. He’s breathless watching every step she takes and at this point he doesn’t care if he’s staring. 
He can't tell if she meant to or not, but her dress code defiance had caught every eye including his. And he had to know who she was. 
"Who do you think it is?" Pete asks, breaking Colson out of his stupor once more. 
"No clue. But I wanna find out." 
You were starting to believe that everyone in Hollywood truly did like to hear their own voice. You had been listening to speeches for what felt like hours and you were certain you'd have to fake an illness to get out. Thankfully as you're rehearsing a speech to get out of there, the music starts and so does the real fun. 
"Let's go dance before I die of boredom," Ava says dramatically before grabbing your hand and pulling you onto the makeshift dance floor. 
The two of you sing along to the lyrics, dancing around and overall making general fools out of yourselves. It was the best you had felt in a long time, finally able to enjoy a night out with minimal anxiety and your best friend next to you. Nothing seemed to be better than this moment and you were grateful. 
You danced and danced until your feet begged for a break and you're dying for some water. You tell Ava where you're headed and she doesn't hesitate to accompany you to the drinks station. 
"Bro, I need to find that girl," Colson says grabbing Pete the minute the speeches are over and the music is blaring. 
"What girl?" 
"The one in the red dress walking down the stairs earlier. I don't know man, I just feel like I need to meet her, talk to her." 
Colson hadn’t thought of anything else but the girl ever since he laid eyes on her. He was practically bouncing up and down in his seat from nerves throughout all the speeches. He knew if he didn’t find her soon he might never and that wasn’t an option.
"You're fucking crazy dude. You don't even know her," Pete says brushing his friend off. 
"Come on man just help me find her." 
"Fine. But only cause I wanna find her friend." 
The two best friends set off into the crowded room and search all over for the two girls. They start off wandering the outside, wondering if they ditched the dance floor for something more interesting. As they search, Colson wonders why this girl has such an effect on him but can't get a hold on why as he looks. 
And then he sees it. A flash of red passes by and he sees the girl headed straight for the drinks table and her friend right beside her. They look out of breath, and Colson realizes they really must have been dancing all night and Pete and Colson are a bit dumb for not checking there first. He’s stuck watching her for a second when he breaks out of his trance and heads back over to his best friend.
"Bro," Colson says pointing and the younger of the two turns to see the two girls finally grabbing their drinks. The two best friends give each other a look before starting to head over to the two girls. 
"Dude this drink hits," you tell Ava and she nods as she takes another sip. You take a deep breath as you survey the room and all of the people going hard on the dance floor. 
As your eyes sweep the room, you're suddenly choking on your drink as two people make their way over to you. You set down your drink quickly and turn to Ava who’s watching people on the dance floor, completely oblivious as to who’s coming your way. 
"Ava!" you squeal and she gives you a confused look. You smack her arm and try to point subtly and when she sees them she’s freaking out too. 
“Oh my god that’s-” she begins but neither of you can freak out too much considering the two men were practically a foot from you. 
"Ladies," Pete says upon walking up to the two of you. You both stand there for a second, starstruck when you remember he doesn't know who you are under the mask and take it to your advantage. 
"Hi," you say smiling widely. You watch as Pete's eyes can barely leave your best friends figure and you're practically screaming in excitement for her. “This is Ava,” you introduce and Pete’s face breaks into a wide smile.
"May I have this dance?" he asks, gesturing his hand to Ava and you have to nudge her to react. 
"Of course," she says, back to her smooth exterior. Her hand slides easily into his and as they walk away, she turns back for just a second to mouth a quick 'oh my god' and you giggle. 
"Uhm," you hear from next to you and you almost pinch yourself to make sure you're not dreaming. 
"Hi," Colson says and you've decided this is the best day of your life. 
Growing up, you listened to a million different types of music and even more different types of artists. Around high school, the harder part of your life, you found Machine Gun Kelly's music. The lyrics hit different like no other artist and you found yourself relating to each word and each song and connecting on such a different level. You looked up to him probably more than anyone else in the industry. 
And here he was. Standing in front of you. It was practically a miracle you weren’t freaking out. 
"Hi," you finally get out and he smiles sheepishly. That damn perfect smile that he claims he doesn't like. 
It also didn't hurt that you had a massive crush on him too. He was in an all black suit, the button down popped open at the top and you can’t help your eyes from running over the exposed tattoos. His hair falls over his piercing blue eyes and the minute they meet yours you’re breathless.
"You look beautiful," he says and you're definite that you could die happy right here right now. 
"Thank you," you respond blushing furiously under your mask and looking down at your shiny black heels. 
You try to think of something, anything to say, how much you loved his music, how excited you were for the nex album, literally anything but you were drawing a blank. You wondered for a moment if he had any idea of who you were underneath the mask and if he didn’t, why was he interested in you if he had no idea who you were? 
Colson was certain he might pass out just standing near you. You were even prettier up close and while he still had no clue who you were he didn’t care. Even the small silence between you two was enchanting and he couldn’t help but enjoy every second spent in your presence. 
"Do you wanna dance?" Colson finally asks when the song changes to a slower one and you’re practically two seconds from passing out on the spot. 
"You don't even know me," you tell him and he shrugs still extending his hand making your heart race even faster. 
"I think that makes it a bit more fun right?" 
You're at a loss for words as you nod and take his hand in yours. Your hands slot together perfectly as he leads you towards the dance floor and you're breathless the minute his left-hand lands on your waist and your opposite hands intertwine. His eyes are locked on your as he starts to move the two of you and you’re somehow hyper aware of his every touch on your body.
You spin throughout the ballroom, his gaze never leaving yours, or your body, and you never want it to end. It's a simple waltz, but the dips and spins leave you practically gasping as you can't even wrap your head around the fact that you just met Machine Gun Kelly and now you're dancing with him. 
Colson was euphoric when his hand met hers and he knew she was something special. He had never felt so calm and energetic around someone in his entire life. Gliding around the ballroom felt like something straight out of a movie and while Colson never believed in love at first sight before he was starting to now. 
The music comes to a close and Colson pulls you close. You want to say something, anything, even just tell him your name but you're so entranced by him and his movements you're rendered silent. 
His hands move slowly from your body to your cheeks and his fingers dance dangerously close to the edge of your mask. 
"May I?" he asks and you nod unable to speak. His left-hand drops back down to your waist as his right-hand pulls the mask off and you're officially exposed underneath his striking blue eyes. 
"Ms. (y/l/n)," he whispers. "It's a pleasure to meet you." 
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
💖 story masterlist 💖
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This is it. This is the happy ending they deserve. Fluff. Fem!Loki, because we don't get enough of Loki's female form. Some musings about relationships in general, I think. Guys, I'm crying as I'm posting this.
note: I've got two posts of outtakes coming out sometime this week. Snippets that didn't fit in the story but that have the needed vibe, y kno? As well as a new story is coming out soon... Be sure to check out my main masterlist and taglist if you like my writing <3
I want to thank all my readers for this amazing journey. I love all of you, really, like- I haven't figured out how to produce serotonin on my own ever since I hit puberty, and you guys, you are an amazing source for it. I appreciate the time and the patience that it took to read this 120k word thing and I hope you found a little something for yourself in my writing. A comfort, maybe, because everyone deserves to be happy. I love you all 3000.
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"You suck," I grumbled in Peter's direction. Luckily, the little shit was out of my immediate eyesight and I couldn't just pelt him with the assorted items that were scattered around me; luckily for him - after enduring hours of non-stop rambling from the spider boy, I was ready to bargain with Stephen for the sorcerer to put a temporary mute ban on Pete. His nervousness was becoming contagious.
"And you swallow," Pietro replied with a snicker as I heard him wrestle with Peter's tie over the pathetic noises of whining and grumbling coming from the younger man.
"I'm lady, ladies don't spit," I rolled my eyes into the skies, catching Loki's appreciative snicker. She - and yes, Loki was in her female form for this event - carefully combed and did my hair, something completely out of this world, all puns intended. I supposed she was feeling generous, because her female form generally made Loki even more moody and unapproachable. But in a hot way. I hope she didn't notice me ogling her like some kind of gallery painting. "You're a goddess, I can't believe you're friends with me," I addressed Loki, watching the careful movements of her slender hands in the mirror.
A small smirk and a dusting of pink over her pale cheeks was what I got, but the silence was so, so loud.
"Stop flirting," Wanda remarked from her spot by the window where she was doing Natasha's make-up with surgical precision. "You already have three boyfriends, leave some for us, Jesus," Her tone was playful.
"Oh my God, like you didn't brainfreeze and run into the fucking wall, forehead-first, when you saw Loki walk in," I scoffed as Loki's blush deepened.
My witchy friend grumbled something rude in Sokovian under her breath but refrained from any more comments, choosing to simp in defiant silence. Well, good for her, because I was about a hundred and five percent sure that Loki was as equally as smitten with her. It's just that neither of them knew how to approach the other. What can I say, idiots in love...
And yes, yes, I can say that because it takes one to know one. My own idiots were somewhere on the upper floors - getting ready in their own rooms, pulling out their brand new suits and ties for the annual Stark gala. It was supposed to be a charity fundraiser but as all of us were quite disillusioned, we knew it was nothing but a pissing contest between people with small PP syndrome. Even Tony himself said so.
Which is why I had assembled all the girls and theys in my room for a mission debrief. My own personal pride wouldn't let me be anything but a star, and to be completely honest, I just wanted to show off my family to the world - even if the delicate parts of our relationship were hidden from the general public, it filled me with immense amount of joy to be surrounded by my very own at their absolute best.
As for Pietro and Peter, they arrived not too long after me, Wanda, Natasha and Loki made camp in the biggest room with the most amount of natural light, surrounded by make-up and other assorted tools. Both boys were bickering but it was obvious that some of the older men had gotten on their nerves, forcing the youngsters seek solace with their peers.
"You know, Vanity Fair better be talking about us for at least a week," I grouched as Wanda helped me into my dress before I returned the favour. "The amount of people I had to actually, physically talk to, to get us these fucking gowns, is frankly disgusting."
"Agreed," Loki admired herself in the mirror, smoothing out invisible creases in her gown. "Although I must say, the dressmakers on Midgard are far more patient and open-minded than on Asgard." Truly, Loki had nearly driven the poor lady crazy. But on the upside, Loki looked like a living doll. Pristine, perfect.
"Our whims are their wages," Natasha piped up with a chuckle.
We stepped out into the main room, taking note of the men scattered on the couches, all of them wearing an almost identical expression of being already done with the formal event - which, I didn't blame them. Having gotten used to the informal, communal-living atmosphere, I wasn't overly keen on being surrounded by random rich douchebags either; as it was unavoidable, I was going to be miserable - but at least I was going to be miserable in style.
Predictably, the menfolk froze and hurried to pelt us with compliments as they surveyed our ensemble - all of our dresses had a distinct vibe despite carrying a sense of individuality to each gown. That was my idea, actually, to present the team as a family - both to satisfy my own need for one and to present a good public image for the press. Call it getting good cookie from the public - in advance.
"Stunning, absolutely beautiful," Tony chastely kissed my cheek, leading my by the arm towards the limo, Stephen and Bruce a pace behind us. "I'm the luckiest man in the world."
"We are," Bruce corrected him mutely. Stephen's smirk was a mile wide. "It'll be hard to keep my hands to myself for four hours but I'll manage," The scientist added, eyes briefly flashing a fluorescent green.
"There are children here," Peter interjected, nervously waving a hand. I gently elbowed Tony, speaking with my eyes rather than words, that Pete was in dire need of emotional support for his first big public event. With a sigh, the engineer relocated to sit next to the spider boy, both of them talking in hushed tones.
"Now, Bruce," I smiled innocently. "Why would I refuse a dance or five to my favourite lab partner in crime?" I winked at him as giggles erupted all around us. "And I'm sure there's a point somewhere about wizards sweeping princesses off their feet," I kept up the banter in hopes that any remaining tension would evaporate before we arrive to the venue.
I, however, couldn't lose all of it for we were absolutely assaulted by the photographers and press as we arrived to the red carpet; it was only sheer luck that me and Wanda didn't stumble ass over heels out of the limo. That luck's name was Loki: her magic delicately helped us to exit the car with grace despite our large gowns. Mental note to buy Loki all the chocolate: add to priority list.
It went about as good as it could. Peter was introduced as a trainee - and nearly had an aneurysm when Tony none-too-kindly corrected the host, calling Peter his protégée and successor. As for little old me? Rising star of biochemical engineering. No titles, no direct titles, but it was heavily implied we were involved.
I could fell the old, white rich men leering at me despite the layers of silk and tulle. Nobody was commenting on my champagne intake so I downed one after the other until I had a comfortable buzz going on. I could absolutely see why female scientists became either reclusive or brash.
Bruce's eyes followed me wherever I went. I had encountered some people I vaguely knew from all the socialite events I had to attend with my mother, so it wasn't as if I was a fish out of the water; it's just that every time I strayed further than ten feet from out group, I instantly grew a tail in the form of one of the Avengers.
"Sam, quit being creepy," I exited the ladies room, immediately spying the handsome man just 'casually' hanging out by a potted plant, glued to his smartphone and pretending to be very busy.
He looked up guiltily, shutting down Minesweeper and pocketing the phone. "Not taking any risks this time 'round, Princess," He offered me his arm, leading us back to our table. "Tony would have my head."
I rolled my eyes, falling into the chair next to Stephen. "My tracker implant is still in and the bracelets Natasha loaned me are actually tasers. Bird, chill," My hand snuck under the tablecloth, blindly groping for Stephen's hand. It didn't take much time for him to respond, cradling my smaller palm in his larger one, offering the small comfort with a tiny tilt to his lips. Both my large skirt and the fabric covering the table aided the secrecy; I felt like a middle schooler sneaking a kiss from my first crush behind the bleachers.
Coupled with the bubbles in my champagne, it made me giddy.
"Sam is just being careful, Princess," Stephen rumbled patiently. "This ball will be over soon."
I snorted, "But Stephen, I love balls," Causing the whole table erupt in bashful snickers.
"Yeah, think to me about it," Wanda downed the remnants of her wine glass, eyes wide, looking to the side. The giggling became a full belly-laugh as I didn't have the decency to play coy. I just smirked because, yeah, I did love me some...
The final hour dragged on forever. My feet hurt from the dancing. I had my suspicions that time would pass faster if I actually move around so I didn't waste the chance and cajoled Bruce into several slow dances with me. The energy between us was electric; I hoped my wife eyes and the red crawling up his neck would be attributed to alcohol. We spoke in hushed tones, about nothing in particular, the words being like sticks we threw into our fire.
Tony wasn't around much, way too busy to do much more than stop by our table every now and then. I both envied and admired him; he handled everything with grace and serendipity. Tony was right there next to Thor and Loki - literal royalty - and I had to pinch myself to prevent myself from ogling him, sighing in lovesickness every goddamn minute.
"If you ever stop looking at him like that, I don't think he'll survive," Stephen's tone was cheeky; his eyes were intense as he looked down at me as we danced. My sorcerer was rarely sappy, but when he found the words to describe his feelings... It was serious.
I met his eyes slowly, letting him soak in the very same admiration and awe I felt when I was with him. I felt his shudder, I heard the hitch in his breath. He wasn't jealous, no, he simply observed. I wanted him to see what I saw. "The day that I stop looking at you all like that is the day that I need to get my head screwed on straight." I wasn't a poet but neither was this a romance novel. "As far as I'm concerned, I won the lottery, the grand prize and the fucking life."
He chuckled. "You have way too much faith in us, Princess," Twirling me as to avoid the out of habit embrace.
Did I, though? I was inclined to disagree. Sure, we had our spits and arguments and sometimes Stephen would stick his cold ass feet under my blankets, Bruce's love for curry was a crime against anyone who slept in the same room as he and Tony routinely flirted with everyone and everything that had a pulse. I had days where my mother's temper surfaced.
Sometimes, one of us would inadvertently hog the other person and the remaining two would pout, roll their eyes or pitch a fit.
I just didn't see it as a big deal. All of those parts were normal - what couldn't be said about the rest of our situation. Compared to couples I've seen around, I thought we're happy. My boyfriends seemed to be happy, too, and if they weren't, it usually was pretty obvious.
So - okay, perhaps we definitely should be working on verbalizing our feelings. That would definitely solve if not world hunger, then at least the world war three that occasionally erupted in Tony's penthouse. And the ups and downs - not the steep kind, but ones not too different from waves rolling ashore - was what held us together. Because, well, our world was hectic and fast-paced and sometimes we needed that gentle rocking motion to sway us back to peace.
Tony's arm on my waist pulled me back to reality, steering me towards the balcony. Bruce and Stephen followed, all four of us power-walking through the inebriated crowd.
"Just so you know, I'm on board with whatever crazy shit you're planning," Stephen raised a palm towards a smirking Tony.
His mouth immediately dropped into a pout I could barely resist kissing. "But... I had a whole speech prepared," The engineer retorted indignantly, discreetly attempting to swat the sorcerer on the ass.
"And I'm sure it was amazing, honey," Bruce placated the upset Tony with a laugh, causing the latter to intensify his pout, eyeing us with mirth over the rim of his glasses, his stupid, lovely face more kissable than ever.
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@another-stark-sub @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit @littlegasps @pilloclock @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads @hermione-grangers-wife @individualistfem @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie @mikariell95 @gladiosamicitias @warrior1-19 @toomanyrobins
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blissfulparker · 4 years
Seasick→P.P pt.2
Parings→ peter Parker x reader
Warnings→slowburn, fake dating, fluff
Summary→when you lie to your mom about having a boyfriend before vactation peter steps in to help. But being in a fake relationship isnt as easy as you thought. especially not easy when you two have feelings for one another. 
A/n→ here is part two of seasick! @spectacularlyspidey made me this lovely moodboard, I love Ren 🥰 I hope you guys enjoy it and I’m going to try and post it more often if that is what you guys want💗
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Toothbrush, Peter, you need your toothbrush.” May helps him pack. She seemed more excited than peter. Peter placed his clothes into bens old suitcase as if it was a chore. Hes scared, beyond scared. What if your family hates him, what if they think hes less of what they expected, what if they catch on? All the ideas and scenarios ran through his head.
“May, i've got it. I'm 19 not 14.” he reminded her and she pouted. She knew the whole plane, he had nothing to hide from her Anyways.
“You know that you can still say no.” she comes over to run a hand through Peter's hair. She knew when Peter had a crush, she always did. Although normally he'd get scared of going on a field trip with one or a study date, never a summer vacation.
“She needs me to do this. I told her i would and were setting boundaries on the plane so when we get there its not weird.” he told her and she hummed.
“I know you really like her, like more than a friend. I have a tingle too.” she teases and peter scrunches his face. “But think this can be a start, you maybe could start something here.” she kisses his forehead before leaving him in his rom to finish packing. He looks over at his phone to see the time, he sees how you’ll be at his house soon and picking him up for the airport. The airport where you'd meet your family in Florida where you’d go out to sea.
He shuts the suitcase and listens to the sound of it zipping up before flopping on his bed letting the time run out.
8 hours, it was an 8 hour flight filled with anxiety and fear. You had both agreed on a list. A list of things to do around your family
-forehead kisses are allowed(kisses on the lips not necessary unless needed)
-holding hands as often as we can
-snuggling up to one another
-going places together like the pool or restaurant
-pet names
-make up stories about each other
-hands always on one another
That was about it. That's all you two had to do and you'd keep it up for a week. Then when the two of you get home things go back to normal. Normal. That word hurt peters ears. Normal meant there were no real feelings and he'd have to let go of you.
“I-i can hold your bags.” he offered as you two got off the plane. He wore his Columbia hoodie with sweats, probably not the best option for landing in Florida but he was so nervous.
You give him a warm smile and nod. You were nervous too, for almost all the same reasons as peter. You wished you could have just taken ned, ned or another friend who was just seen as your friend. Someone you didn't have to think so much about kissing. Someone you didn't have to think about pretending to hold. Someone you didn't have to worry catching feelings for.
“Wait,” you stop him and he looks at you with soft eyes. “My mom is really....touchy. She loves hugging and she might kiss your cheek. It’s nothing to intentionally make you uncomfortable but i'm really sorry in advance.” you warn him.
He nods as from a distance your mom shouts your name. She's wearing a sundress and sandals, ready for a vacation. Your dad is next to her smiling ready to hug you, now he knew it was real. All of it was now real. If your mom and dad intimidated him he was scared to see the rest of your family.
“Oh sweetheart i've missed you so much, ugh New York is such a small yet big state. We wished college did hog you so much.” she kisses your cheeks.
“Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend...Peter, the one I've been telling you about.” you hold his arm and he's already smiling and going in to shake hands. Your mom takes him for a hug and gets pink lipgloss on his cheek.
He sees how much you look like her, the hair, the eyes, the smile that's so contagious, but the personalities are completely different. She was bubbly and happy all over the place while you, you were a little more reserved and only showed the good side to your friends. Save the best parts of you for the best people.
“Ugh i was starting to think she'd never get one, especially not one so handsome and smart.” she holds his arms giving them a squeeze. “Wow he works out too you can really tell.” You quickly take him back before he gets uncomfortable.
“Mom…” you warn and she scoffs.
“Sweetheart, you know I'm teasing. Your sisters are already boarded and waiting so we can leave when you two are ready.” sisters. You never told him about sisters. He didn't even know you had any siblings. He thought you were always an only child. You never talked about any siblings or really family except your mom and dad and occasionally your aunt.
But he can tell by your facial expressions that you were already dreading it more than him, dredging sisters but he didn't know why. He wasn't going to push it either. By the shift in your body he knew it was best to just question when you two were alone.
He willingly followed your family into a cab where you four set off for a week of one of the hardest masks he had to put on, the mask of pretending to love you when he really did but could never tell you.
Never being on a cruise ship before he had no idea what to expect. His bare knowledge being the titanic—which did not help his fear of the ocean—even for the smartest kid, normally, he didn’t know much about boats. He never even considered himself to be on one, until last summer he never even thought he’d be in Europe for his senior year of highschool. That’s how he had to think of this, Europe. Semi-relaxing, regular peter, Europe. This was a once and a lifetime opportunity for him to be on a cruise with no Spider-Man activity, No stress, nothing but the sun on his skin.
“So we eat dinner at 7pm, you kids can get all settled in...maybe find yourself at the spa or the pool. Don’t be shy to order room service, ugh the boy is handsome but skinny.” Your mom comments once again. You give her eyes and a groan as you follow her down the hall to your room. “Oh please, you eat too, you're starting to lose your color.” She picks up your arm and you take it back.
He didn’t think the teasing was that bad, sure the appearance comments were too soon but he thought it was all a part of her bubbly personality. May teases all of them to eat when they’re over. May has teased all of them but always in a nice way.
When Peter dated Gwen—his ex girlfriend—last year she was the same. Always telling Peter about his appearance but he never really cared what she had to say. He just really needed someone at the time to move on from you.
“Here is your room, you kids have fun.” She hands you the card and kisses your cheek. “Wear the sundress your sister picked out, don’t be late.” She warned and walked down the hall. Only a few hours in and you wished you would’ve made some crap excuse about having a late final or actually telling the truth.
You two enter the room and Peter is shocked. It’s a gorgeous beach themed room. If he were a child he would already be jumping on the bed and touching everything. You seem to just drop your bags on the floor and immediately go to the bathroom. He leaves you be, taking in the beauty of the room, the California king bed, the wall hung T.V. The view of the ocean that made him slightly nervous but he didn’t mind. There was a dress on the bed, the sundress your mom wanted you to wear.
“Oh fuck.” You rub your face seeing that there’s the one bed. You thought maybe she’d at least use some sense and get two beds, that or a two roomed hotel. “I’m sorry pete, I thought she would maybe get us two rooms or—“
Another thing he seemed to notice was how money didn’t seem to be an issue for your family yet you never seemed to come off as well off. You lived in a small apartment like peter, your clothes were mostly thrifted or old, you ate ramen about three times a week and if it wasn’t that it was cheap pizza. Just like the rest of the group. You never came off as rich, it shocked him to even hear about a cruise, it shocked him even more that you could just say about how they could’ve gotten two rooms on a ship.
“It’s a California king,” he gestures. “We’ll fit without touching each other.” He calms you with a soft smile seeing how stressed you were.
“You’re not too scared of ships are you?” You ask him remembering how he said something about being afraid of the water.
“Well...Uh...no but yes, it makes me nervous but—“ your hand places itself over peters for comfort and he freezes up. You notice and quickly take your hand away.
“It won’t feel like anything trust me, you don’t feel the ship rock or anything. It’s not the titanic.” You reminded him as you picked up your phone and looked at the time. You two had plenty of time to get yourself ready.
“So….” he clasp his hands together and you look over to him. “For dinner how should I act?” He questions. You’re getting comfortable in the bed already while he’s still scared to touch it.
“Just be Peter, um...maybe a hand around my shoulder at one point or hand holding? Just like our list said. Really sell it. They’re gonna ask a lot of questions of how we met and stuff like that but I can do all of them if you want.” You tell him and he nods.
“Right,” he responded thinking the best thing to do was just be peter, the peter you knew, not the peter who was totally in love with you. “Just be peter.”
And that’s all he had to do.
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
Chapter 2: Those Eyes Add Insult to Injury
full masterlist // series masterlist // commission open // support my work
Pairings: Dark!Steve Rogers (in future chapters) x Reader
Word Count: 2,554
Summary: Steve Rogers; a Hollywood A-lister and your clandestine occasional hookup. Best friends since childhood, but people change and friendships fall out. Now you were merely strangers with benefits. What happens when one day you stopped being his doormat to be a better man’s queen? The selfish Steve Rogers would not like it. How far is he willing to go to get his favorite possession back?
Warnings: smut, non-con/dub-con, dark Steve (in later chapter), angst, Steve Rogers is an asshole in this one, no redeeming qualities. (MUST BE 18+)
A/N: this series is dedicated to the lovely @belovedcherry​​ who commissioned this story and developed the concept. thank you for being a friend when i truly needed it. i’m really glad that you trusted me to write this story for you. with all my heart, i sincerely hope you like it. this series will be updated everyday, there will be 4 more chapters ahead.
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Several years had passed since you graduated. You and Wanda remained close despite the bustle of life would get in the way sometimes. She got accepted in Yale University and she chose to study Psychology. Maybe that’s why she and you got along so well. You both were humanitarians at hearts.
College was a lot more fun than high school but that also meant the bigger pressure would come along in one package. Nothing that you didn’t expect. You went into social study major to groom yourself for the future you had set for yourself. Life went along as methodically as you originally designed.
But fate was a comical thing sometimes. When it has settled its decision to place two people who have such a rich history in their past together, it would be inevitable and inescapable one way or another.
The past couple of years of high school, you and Steve were practically strangers who went to the same school. He never greeted or talked to you anymore in class and he abandoned every ritual you had in the good old days. He stopped calling or texting, he stopped answering and he stopped coming over.
He just… stopped knowing you.
There wasn’t a day that passed by without you pondering about where did it all go wrong? How did the fair-headed friendship that bloomed like the flowers in spring slip away as briskly as a bottle of wine? A million questions rushed through your nostalgic head and as the season changed, the gap between you and Steve kept extending wider and wider.
You didn’t even know whether he really went to college or not. Or perhaps, he decided to go straight into auditions and found himself a good agent who was willing to manage his career. You still remember when he was so eager to do whatever it takes to study in NYU but you assumed that things had changed since then. He was a different person, after all, maybe he had new plans to pursue his dreams. But of course, life deprecated its surprises being spoiled.
Who would’ve warned you that you would get accepted to New York University as well as Steve?
You didn’t know until you ran into him at a sorority party that you were reluctant to go at first because you were never that much of a party gal, but your roommate, Natasha coerced you to.
Natasha was a kind person but she could also be a little bold than you were used to. You were grateful that she was your roommate though, you were a little worried that you might have to live with someone who was mean or untidy, everything that Natasha was not. You could imagine the relief when you learned how organized and sensible Natasha was. You had a feeling that the friendship you and Natasha had was going to last a lifetime.
“My sweet girl, y/n, I love you but you really gotta put yourself out there, okay? Forget that motherfucker Steve Rogers. He ain’t shit. If you go to the party with me, you might actually find yourself a decent guy who’s a lot cuter than him and who will treat you right. Because if he doesn’t then I’m gonna kick his ass and he will think twice before cheating on you.”
“I’m not looking for a boyfriend, Nat. Besides, I don’t care about Steve anymore,” you lied. “It’s not even about him, I’m just simply not much of a partier.”
“Bullshit. You are now. Let’s go. I won’t hear any more excuses.”
So you had no other choice but to put on a simple dress and went to the party with Nat. There was no saying no to her when she had made up her mind. Plus, you thought it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the vicinity and your potential classmates.
You also wrote a new resolution in your invisible diary that you were going to expand your connection in college and socialize more. You were only really friends with Wanda back in high school. You also shared a few classes with Pete Parker who was nice and smart, despite being a little gauche sometimes and you would often talk to him but that was it.
You also lost your childhood best friend who knew you better than anyone else before Wanda did. It truly deteriorated your trust issues and that’s why it was difficult for you to insert yourself in social situations and just effortlessly talk with any stranger.
You stood in the corner with a red plastic cup in your hand that was still almost full of beer. You didn’t drink either so you had no idea why you even bothered holding it. Maybe it gave you a sense of comfort that you wouldn’t be totally alone in this party.
Natasha had asked you to dance but you knew you’d look like an untrained clown at a circus, so you refused to join her. Natasha was currently lost in the music, dancing with a guy named Clint. You had no idea who the hell he was but he seemed nice, and you knew that if Clint had bad intentions with Natasha, he wouldn’t stand a chance and you wouldn’t let him so you assigned yourself the job to watch over Natasha and bring her home safely in case she chugs down a little too much alcohol.
Your eyes wandered around the room, trying to recognize and learn some faces. It felt like you were the only lonely person in the room as the exuberant music faded into the background. Everything felt slow and steady until the person who just walked through the door made your heart stop.
It was Steve. Steve Rogers.
The person you had incessantly wondered about. You hadn’t seen him in over a year even during the gap between graduating and starting your freshman year in college. You were too occupied in moving out, spending as many time as possible with Wanda and your family and filling out college requirements. Steve would emerge in your mind every once in a while but you tried to erase him away as quickly as possible when it happens because you didn’t want to waste your time missing a ghost and someone who probably never spared a second of his life thinking about you too when you are surrounded with your loved ones for the last time.
You didn’t know when you were going to be able to see Wanda again. She was going to New Haven and that means, it would take at least at two hours drive to visit her so you cherished the last moments that you had with her. She was like a sister to you. You still talked to Wanda nearly every day through texts but you also didn’t want to intrude her study too much. Besides, you had your own duties too as a college student now.
So why did it feel like your lungs stopped functioning when you saw his gorgeous face and those familiar pair of cerulean blue eyes? He had a grin on his face as he walked in with five other college boys. You didn’t know who they were but you assumed they were his new group of nitwit friends. Steve was wearing a brown leather jacket with a black shirt underneath.
He walked to where the kegs were with the boys trailing him along like they were his security team. They joked with each other boisterously as if they owned the place. Typical. Nothing you hadn’t seen in high school. But you couldn’t avert your sights from Steve. You were too riveted by the fact that Steve was here, at a sorority party of NYU.
It couldn’t really be him, right? I mean, is this serious? You two really attended the same university? This must be a joke.
Your thoughts were quickly interrupted when Nat pat your shoulder with her energy still blazing from the dance floor. “Whew, that was fun but I need some drink now.”
You didn’t respond as your lips were still agape, not knowing what you were supposed to say to her.
“Y/N? You alright? You look like you saw a ghost.” 
“He’s here.”
“What? Who?”
“Steve Rogers. The guy that I told you about.”
You pointed in his direction where he was surrounded by a bunch of pretty girls in skimpy dresses now. One of them was groping his bicep shamelessly and Steve had his arm around her waist. She threw her head back as she laughed cheerfully at something he just said.
“You gotta talk to him! Have some closure.”
“What? What the hell am I supposed to say to him?”
“Tell him that you and him are through and maybe, throw a drink at him afterwards. That scumbag deserves it.”
“Nat, no! Are you insane? I don’t wanna cause a scene.”
“But you can’t just let him get away with whatever he wants, y/n!”
“No, let’s just go home and forget it, okay?”
“Alright, if you’re not gonna talk to him, then I will.”
“No, Nat! Stop! What are you doing?! ” But she was already approaching him with ardent footsteps and fire in her guts as she brazenly inserted herself into the middle of the scene.
“Excuse me,” she sarcastically greeted the group. “Yeah, hi, I just need a minute. Are you Steve Rogers?”
You followed behind her but you stood just a few feet away from the incident so that Steve wouldn’t see you. But you could see from over Nat’s shoulder that Steve had a perplexed look on his face. His eyebrows were furrowed and all the girls around him were staring at Nat like she was a crazy person who just randomly popped up uninvited.
“…yeah.” He answered.
“Oh, so you’re the asshole that my roommate has been talking about. Man, she really didn’t lie.”
“Excuse me?” The puzzled look on his face turned into an offended one.
“Yeah, my roommate y/n. Does that ring a bell?”
He was aghasted at the mention of your name. Before he was given a chance to answer, Natasha filled his silence with more of her venomous words. “You really have the audacity to show your face here, huh? I swear to you, the next time I see your irritable face again, I will make you regret for ever breathing in my direction, but for now, I think this will do.” She threw the beer in her cup onto his face, humiliating him in front of everyone who was entertained by the drama.
Steve wiped his face with his hand and he was too stupefied by the information that had just been dumped on him like a cold water. Well, it wasn’t entirely figurative though.
Before Natasha walked away, she sneered with a sly smirk on her face, “enjoy your party.” She shoved the empty cup to one of the girl’s chest as she reflexively caught it, with a flummoxed expression, her eyes didn’t stray from Natasha.
She walked away vauntingly from the flock towards you, “let’s go, y/n.” as she kept walking towards the entrance. You were still frozen in your spot as she was already going for the door. But before you could follow her, your eyes landed on Steve’s doused face as his eyes were already fixated on you.
For a moment there, there were only you and Steve and the intimacy of unspoken farewells and muted longing that were encapsulated in one bubble of silence that comes when two people understand each other. It was like the drawer of Steve’s things that he left with the memories and he never asked you to return came hurdling back like ocean waves and everything just evaporated in the ticking time.
There was no need for words because your eyes delivered more than both of your lips had in the past couple of years.
“Y/N?” He uttered your name. That was perhaps the first time he had called you in years. And with that, it was like every broken piece you had intensively woven back together ruptured and there was no safety net that would prepare you for this fallout.  
He was bewildered by seeing you here and you had no clue what you were supposed to say. So you threw him a poignant smile, forcing yourself to put on an impassive facade in front of him. You were good at that, you had years of practice from all those times you found Steve making out with Janet in the parking lot. You wonder if they were still together?
You wordlessly walked away and joined Natasha to the front porch. Steve watched you turn your back on him, not knowing whether he should call your name again, follow you or he should just let you go. You on your way back home were filled with so many thoughts. You couldn't help but wonder, what would’ve happened if you had stayed and talked to him at the party? What would he say to you? Would he even care at all?
But on the other hand, you were relieved. It’s like, you truly got the closure Natasha said you deserved. Never in a million years, you would ever dream about standing up to Steve like that. Hell, you weren’t even brave enough to tell him how you feel back when you were younger. But may God bless Natasha and her parents for creating her, she defended you in a way that you could never do. And she showed you that maybe, it’s time you hold on to your promise that you vowed to yourself, that you were finally going to move on and bury him into your memory dump.
You were in college now. You had no time to wallow in sadness and heartbreak caused by a douche like Steve Rogers. So you made peace with the fact that it was probably the last time you were ever going to see him. You might run into him around college but you weren’t going to let it shake your ground. You unlocked the door of your dorm with a contented smile on your face as you sat on your bed.
Natasha instantly went for the small closet to change into her pyjamas but was briefly delayed by your mumble. “Thank you.”
“Pardon?” Natasha turned her head into your direction.
“Thank you. For doing that… At the party.” You smiled at her. You sincerely meant every word.
“I’d never let a man walk over a good woman like you, y/n.”
You nodded as she carried on with what she was doing. She went into the bathroom to wash herself off and you laid in your bed, feeling lighter than you had ever felt in years. Maybe she was right. It was time you realize your worth. You spent too many years doubting yourself just because Steve was too much of a reprobate to cherish you.
You closed your eyes, relishing in the comfort of your bed without fearing a ghost looming in your sweet dreams anymore now.
Letting tomorrow surprise you with whatever it has in store. Sometimes it involves a charming devil standing on the other side of your door with flowers in his hands and a wicked scheme to accomplish.
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