#Priss Prints
cryptocollectibles · 1 month
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Pokemon 30 Collect 'em Stick-Ups (1999) by Priss Prints
From Series "A"
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rukunas · 1 year
hello I rlly enjoyed ur gojo fanfic where he has a lipstick kink could we have more of that? it was rlly good🙏
FOR MY TWO FOLLOWERS WHO ARE INDEED IN THE VOID @jspenft and @a-hidden-gem 🤞 had this shit in drafts for like two years…
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“what are you doing?”
he’s sitting up on the counter next to you, his legs swaying like a child’s as he watches you pucker your lips and apply a steady coat of gloss on your red lips.
you sigh, putting down your makeup to level him with a stare. “what do you want?”
gojo has the audacity to put on a look of dismay. “does there need to be an ulterior motive to admire you?”
“with you, satoru, there is always an ulterior motive.” you trail your nails up his torso, resting your palm on his chest before repeating, “what do you want?”
he smirks. “do you want me to be honest? no matter how obscene?”
“i want your pretty red lips wrapped around the base of my cock.”
it’s quite comical to gojo, to see how your face puckers up and reddens in shock. “sa—”
“you said to be honest! no need to act all priss and proper—”
“it’s prim and proper, smartass.”
“i don’t care what it is, i just told you what i want.”
“we have your dinner to go to—”
“we can cancel!”
“we cancelled last time—”
“i’m the head of the clan!”
“you’re so fucking infuriating! i just got ready.”
gojo latches his palms around your hips, holding you steady while trying not to laugh at your pout. he knows you mean nothing by it. “i never said to get unready. i want to fuck you like this.”
you roll your eyes. “fuck you.”
the mirror shows off your completive expression, bottom lip pulled slightly by your teeth. a heavy but familiar feeling rolls over you, settling right below your belly. it doesn’t help the way gojo stares, as if he needs to touch you, his fingers sliding to the bare skin of your lower thighs and slowly gliding upwards.
“ten minutes. then we leave.” you whisper, carefully planting a red print on his jaw.
gojo smirks. both he and you know better. but he lets the lie live, nodding and mumbling “just ten minutes” before tugging you up to him by your chin, tasting your cherry lips and moaning.
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1 notification: a text from Gojo Satoru
Gojo Satoru: sorry everyone! had to cancel tonight. strongest sorcerer things! you know how it goes…
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kitefreecss · 2 years
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wanted to see what would happen if i drew someone i hate :)
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mechanicalinertia · 10 months
Bubblegum Black: For A World Without Gold - Chapter 3 & Author's commentary
This is the longest chapter I've written for this fic, despite it being mostly characters talking to one another. 11k words of this shit, man. That's either great or terrible, depending on who you ask. Anyway, here we go!
Doctor Hartland: Relatively obscure character, the guy who provided Roberta with her murder-meds during the Blood Trail / El Baile De Muerte IIRC. He, like many such characters Cyberpunk 2020 would call 'ripperdocs', is what I assume is the front line of medicine in a city like Roanapur. I imagine a city where hospitals are either for syndicate soldiers or extremely rich people, and everyone else can rely on doctors who import or print any medicine they can get their hands on. Presumably 'Traditional Chinese Medicine' is pretty popular, too (did you know that the Chinese government, at least in Hong Kong, prescribed traditional remedies for COVID awhile ago? It did not, of course, help, but it was an alternative to Decadent Western Pig-Dog Medicine I guess. Eugh.)
Revy's Custom Ammo: Delayed-fuse HESH rounds, truly terrible fleshripping monstrosities, are actually something I got from Masamune Shirow's work. You know how in the original manga and in the 1995 movie, Motoko goes "Oh, is that so", shoots up the one guy, and then it takes a second before his cyborg body is blown to bits? That's the effect I'm going for. The tungsten tip is to penetrate body armor and dig into a target's vitals, although that doesn't work 100% of the time with heavier armor. Still, even if there's no penetration, damage can still be done. HESH rounds were originally designed to kill a tank crew through spalling, hitting the armor with shockwaves such that slivers of metal inside the tank would break off and kill the crew. This is something one can easily mitigate with composite armor and a Kevlar inner lining in the tank, but to translate that back to body armor is probably a little more difficult. One can imagine shockwaves and slivers of armor lining pulverizing human or light Boomer innards even without penetration.
Seburo M-057: A completely fictional Seburo handgun. For those readers who don't slobber over Shirow's non-porn work the way I do, Seburo is a Japanese gun company built up after around World War Three (in the 1990's in Shirow's timeline). Apparently it might also be a subsidiary company of Poseidon Industrial, the megacorp that becomes the entirety of Japan by the time Appleseed rolls around. Either way, it's a famous Japanese arms company, which makes one wonder: Are handguns legal in Japan in Shirow's world, where they are not in ours? For the sake of lore, let's say that Japan allows organizations like GENOM to possess and manufacture weapons for security purposes, but not individuals. Remember how in BGC2032 there was that whole subplot about how military-grade Boomers in Japan were technically illegal and ideally should only be manufactured offshore? And GENOM just ignored that law for the most part? Well, fuck that game. In the 2060's GENOM happily supplies the JSDF with whatever Boomers they want, the better to defend against China. Anyway, yeah, the M-057 is a caseless pistol, ammo stored in the gun's handle like normal, but a whole lot more of it, we're talking 18+1 per magazine. In the 2060's, caseless weapons are juuuust starting to make a comeback as a concept, aided by new chemical configurations with higher ignition temperatures and better structural integrity. Revy's handguns are the equivalent of a high-performance electric car compared to everyone else's Toyota Corollas, is probably the best way to think about it.
Second-Highest Boomer Per Capita City: First is Anchorpoint.
Lightning Hawk: A silly Resident Evil reference.
The Master: Okay, this is going to take some explaining. Or at least a picture:
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Yeah, okay, you see that gun Priss has? Sure looks like a laser magnum to me, doesn't it? And, hey, look closer, that's definitely its name on the side alongside the name of the sight! So, since no one has never done anything with this information, I have decided to do it my goddamn self. Now, as I've said before in the Hardsuit Tech document, laser weapons are actually pretty viable so long as you dial down the pulse train to femtoseconds and thereby jack up the pulsed power to the gigawatt or terawatt range. I do not know what the effective overall damage of a tactical-vehicle mounted terawatt laser would be, so in the end I settled on measuring the gun’s stopping power in joules, easy enough to compare to ballistic weapons. For the record, that max power level, 5KJ, is more stopping power than even 7.62 NATO. Which might be overkill even for futuristic high-density capacitors, but what the hell.
Chiborgs: Abbreviation of Chinaborgs. In this particular iteration of the future, following World War Three between the US and China's respective power blocs (and all the ruination that has brought upon the earth), Cold War 2 has been going on ever since neither side could claim absolute victory due to climate change-induced mass crop failures starving their armies out. So GENOM has one big rival in the 'Sinobloc': The China World Prosperity Corporation, a conglomerate of old State Owned Enterprises that privatized themselves following the war, rolled themselves up into a separate power structure, about as independent from the CCP as one can get, and resumed Chinese imperial efforts in the old Belt and Road bloc. But - but but but - they've never quite managed to emulate the entirety of Boomer technology. Oh sure, they've got robots, but Boomers are biomimicry nanotech down to the cellular level, a common platform for alternative life. WPC doesn't have that, so they've aligned with the turbo-Leninists in the Party, arguing that GENOM's Boomers alienate the proletariat from their labor on a societally toxic scale, and simply continued the use of prosthetics and augmentations coupled with inferior robotics to an absurd degree. A Chiborg, then, is a WPC-produced set of augmentations designed for relatively specialized labor, turning a human into a near-machine relying on constant maintenance and subject to constant surveillance. It’s not like these ‘shells’ are expensive, or cheap but low-quality. The WPC is more than happy to sell, as per Party directives, at an ever-so-slight-loss even in economically turbulent times. The insidious part, besides the addiction to maintenance and the monitoring of every micro-movement the brain orders the body to make, is who ends up with these things permanently grafted into themselves. Migrant workers in the bottom tier of the hukou system; ethnic minorities treated as culturally and mentally inferior to the Han majority; Taiwanese or Koreans or North Viet treated as near-slaves, the ‘curse’ of their WW3-era resistance against the benevolence of True Socialist Xi Jinping Thought with Chinese Characteristics For The Eternal Bright Future having marked entire families with generations of debt only payable by concentration camp labor. Voluntary, of course, but, y’know, not really.
Mycoplastic Packaging: Fungus-derived materials that have replaced most petrochemical-based plastics by 2060. In the case of easily-biodegradable packaging like what the Master comes in, it's more akin to a sort of micromesh made from hymenophore tubes. Check out this Vice article about more high-performance materials that fungi could help make. It's not really the same principle, but I imagine it's... plausible, to grow the right materials with some funky bioengineering.
Singto Phumici: Proud Lion in Thai. Note how some districts have English names and others have Thai. You could, I imagine, track the economic bracket of a given district, or perhaps who it relies on for authority, by the language used in a name. Might throw a Cantonese name or two in there later. We'll see.
Sawyer's Bloody Business: Yes, most of the meat in the 2060's is lab-cultured tissue or an imitation thereof, 3D printed into a meal. And yes, Sawyer feeds human corpses to flesh-eating bacteria which are supposed to build up a nice big blob of biomass that can then be fed to meat cultures. One meat becomes another, just with more extra steps and less maintenance than feeding human remains to pigs as one might do in the old days. You know, they've managed to print lab-grown Wagyu. How much longer before Mickey-D's is marketing luxury synthmeats in its products? I wonder.
Sawyer In General: The idea of Sawyer being an obsessive Priss fangirl has been a fairly crucial part of this crossover ever since I started thinking about it in early April. Perhaps it runs against her canon characterization as a stone-cold killer in Gore Gore Girl, but all we have to go off of for G3 so far is chapter summaries on the wiki, and it strikes me as a somewhat sillier spinoff than mainline Lagoon. Which is fine, but then what the hell, I have license to fuck around with what we're given in terms of Sawyer, because It Is Fanfiction. I guess I find her at once intimidating but kind of pathetic? I mean, those scars on her arms definitely aren't something someone else did to her, if Hiroe's claim that she was based of a friend with depression is to be believed. Without spoiling anything, suffice to say that in earlier drafts of this chapter Sawyer was even more of a mentally unwell gore fiend than she is here. My beta took issue with it, said that there was no way that what I want to do with the character in the long run made sense if she was like that. And you know what, he was right. We haven't seen the last of the Gore Gore Girl, not by a long shot. I didn't write that scene to set a big ol' nothingburger up. You'll see.
Priss vs. Revy: Okay, could Priss actually beat Revy in a shootout, even by one point or whatever? Hard to say. Priss's skill as a marksman is more up in the air just because we've seen less of her overall, and less emphasis is placed on her ability to shoot well. But I think that she's got some skill, at least, from her time as a bosozoku and from having to make crucial railgun shots as a Saber. Also... she kind of cheated. A little. Not a lot, but enough to win. Those who have read Anatomy of a Lovedoll, or remember a little side bit from Chapter 2, will recognize how.
Fediverse: Mastodon is the most famous of these platforms, but the fediverse is more than just 'the open-source Twitter replacement', it's more... federated networks are disconnected communications networks that can still talk to each other over a common platform, so the idea behind the fediverse is a galaxy of 'instances', small servers run by a person or organization that can all share common accounts with differing rules of operation and moderators and stuff. No one company owns the protocols used, and so it's a lot more of a wild west - plenty of people who were kicked off Twitter for good reason (Nazis) have taken root on fedi instances - but the idea in mentioning fediverse-like platforms in the noosphere of the future is that they're sort of the alt-internet, the cyberpunk-y version of the internet that has otherwise been carved up by big platforms and those Everything Apps I was talking about in the Chapter 2 notes (even more prescient now that Twitter-cum-X is being set up by Elon to be Explicitly That). Forums that run the gamut from respectable to shady; software and 3D printing libraries of varying quality and trustworthiness; piracy and crime and all the corrosive forces that eat away at the respectable foundations of the Noose - these are the kind of networks Benny and Jane love to hang out on. In other words, the only ways to use the internet of the future are Facebook, Amazon, and 4chan. God, don't you miss the days of nonplatformed webpages? Let's bring Geocities back, guys. Let's do that to save the internet.
Tewwowizm: Are the Knight Sabers terrorists? In the eyes of many, they probably are, a menace against the prosperous GENOM-lead global order that... you get the idea. The hope is that enough people can recognize that the Sabers mostly kill GENOM execs and blow up GENOM assets like industrial facilities and Boomers, and avoid killing innocents for the most part. To make them superheroes and not supervillains in the eyes of the body public. This was something I wanted to play around with in this conversation as it organically unfolded. At least, I think I did. This conversation textually pulling double-duty as a way to lead Eda off the trail of the Sabers working with the Lagoon Company and also letting Dutch get all weird and philosophical... I'm happy with it, but it's weird all the same. Either way, it does get to the desired outcome, highlighting how easy it is to needle Rock now after... well, have you Lagoon manga readers figured out who died yet? Yeah, I bet you have.
Eda's Pet Naming: Not in the manga, but I think it's funny and kind of mean-spirited on Eda's part, so in it goes. Okay, what else to put in here...
What I'm Stealing From: You may have noticed, dear reader, that I'm writing a lot of Rock. Hell, the next chapter is mostly his perspective again. This is probably not a good thing, because even if I find him super interesting as a character, most people are probably here for the girls, not him. Too much Rock, too much of the Lagoon cast in general and the Sabers risk being only bit players in a larger drama, which they should not be. So that's a balancing act I haven't quite gotten the hang of. Anyway, there's one Lagoon fic I want to bring up real quickly that has had a major impact on how I think about the franchise. It's called Apotheosis, which is, in my opinion, perfect in every conceivable way. While it lacks the balls-to-the-wall super-action of Lagoon as we know it, it makes up for that by having really interesting prose, heartfelt character development, firm grounding in late 90's history, and really getting inside Rock's head, both his best impulses and his worst ones. It almost made me cry at the end, and the only reason I haven't reread it extensively is because I'm afraid I'll either succumb to Fic Envy and start kicking myself, or I'll just rip off chunks of characterization and plot wholesale. Which is kind of what I'm doing now to navigate the Lagoon cast as people, but to a lesser degree. The Sabers have to provide a catalyst, a reactant, stuff like that - that means the plot can't be the same thing beat-for-beat. It better not be. Are there other fics that have made me think about this franchise deeply? Yep. Sure are. But I don't think any are going to be as radically influential on this fic as Apotheosis. We'll see. I have high hopes for this project.
Anyway, rough draft of Chapter 4 is already done, it just has to get edited but it's pretty short. Next time, a deal will be made that will change the way you think about Roanapur forever...
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wndybyrd · 1 year
"in my experience," Bandit drawled, chewing on a piece of sweetgrass, "𝓁𝓊𝒸𝓀𝓎 people tend to be the laziest. And you, Little Miss Priss..." he eyed the hair ribbons tying her little perfect braids back with scorn, "are among the 𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓲𝓮𝓼𝓽."
*PROMPT : she who became the sun.
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wendy paused, the page of her book ( pinched between a set of well-manicured fingers ) suspended mid-turn as she thoughtfully considered his statement. not bothering to tilt her head or turn her eyes toward him, not deeming bandit worthy of the effort, she simply offered a syrupy laugh in place of a response. the page was flipped fully and her eyes roamed its small print once more, letting his mockery sink beneath her skin to fester.
it was impossible to decipher what she had done to receive such inexhaustible scorn and taunting from bandit. since the moment her twinkle-toes had touched the sandy shores of neverland, he'd seemingly had it out for her. lost boys loved to talk with their fists, but it was common knowledge that hitting a girl was just bad manners. besides, as the two had come to prove, words were a far more cutting weapon.
" spell 'luckiest'. " , wendy instructed, finally daring a glance in the other's direction. her expression remained placid, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of succumbing to indignation, but she could not fully conceal the sneer that played along her lips. " i would much prefer to be considered as lackadaisically remiss rather than imbecilic and inane. i've come to enjoy my life, as you have omnisciently decided, of leisurely luck. it seems far more desirable than yours of hapless woe. "
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rising from the fallen treetrunk atop which she'd been sat, wendy tucked the book into her belt so it held snug against her waist. with her head held high, the young girl pushed past him and back into the hollow of their tree. but, just as she slipped past the shaded entryway, a head of amber curls peaked out once more to utter a final retort : " simply put, you may think i'm lazy but at least i don't have a pile of rocks where my brain should be. "
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sparrowmoth · 2 years
Word Search: Tag Game
I was tagged by @yourlunarspice​ to find the words print, loss, level, rack, and strong in my fics. Thank you for tagging me, hun! 💖
1. PRINT: She Painted Fire Across the Skyline
“You’re such a priss,” [Mal] teased, watching him spit and rub at the spot, brows knit in concentration. “Sorry your boot prints aren’t in fashion,” Carlos grumbled in answer, drawing a snort from Mal, who promised they would be soon, what with “all the ass she had lined up to kick” or whatever.
2. LOSS: She Painted Fire Across the Skyline
There was a long silence, and then Carlos dropped his gaze, mumbling, “Wow, you really thought this through,” at which Mal faltered, at a loss for what to say to that, because, yeah, okay… maybe she hadn’t—maybe it was a little impulsive, but— “Well, what do you want me to say?” she asked, her tone verging on exasperated.
3. LEVEL: Bad Case of Loving You
Humming in acknowledgement, Nurse Hart jots a note on her clipboard, then clutches it tight to her chest. She bends to Carlos’ eye level, and whispers loudly, “Nothing I haven’t heard before, kid.” Jay snorts a laugh, which Carlos tries to ignore as he replies with forced patience, “I’m in college.”
4. RACK: Honey, This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough for the Two of Us
[Jamil] crosses the room with a determined stride, pulls the door open, turns the light on, and glances over the racks and shelves for a sign of anything gone missing or left askew, but again… there’s nothing. Rolling his eyes as he starts to relax, Jamil leaves the closet, shutting the door behind him, and makes his way back to the bathroom—
5. STRONG: The Sea and the Stars
“Captain,” [Carlos] begins, nodding to Uma, “there are strong winds blowing in from the east; based on my calculations, that gives us less than an hour before we’re caught up in a storm, so…” He tilts his head back to indicate Jay as he continues: “I think it’s about time we settle this childish bickering and get on our way—” He throws Jay a pointed glance. “—for all our sakes.”
Not gonna tag everyone I can think of so there’s people left for others to tag with different word searches adjksgjskdg, but I will tag (if y’all are so inclined, no pressure) @moorsgrimhilde​ @telli1206​ @fuck-you-i-am-spiderman​ and @infiniteecosmos​ to find the following five words in their fics: WANDER, EVENING, TRUST, GESTURE, and STING
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smzeszikorova · 2 years
Heyo! It’s slightly more detailed character bio time, y’all!!!
Catherine Leures:
Protagonist of book one. She farms potatoes, operates her local newspaper’s printing press, and enjoys none of it. Coping mechanisms include escapism, shouting at inanimate objects, and going to war. (Last name is pronounced Loy-ray. I promise that’s about as weird as my character names get.)
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Age: 20
Height: Medium (Like 5’7, probably)
Magic: None, fortunately for her enemies.
Pronouns: She/her
Country of Birth: Kenacia
Religion: Christian
Random Skills: Archer, creative insulter, and master of destructive stress management techniques.
Quote: “Put me down! You’ll break yourself!”
Don’t Mention: Actually, most conversation topics are fair game for Catherine, but don’t call her a priss under any circumstances, or she’ll kick your ass.
Stuff She Hates: Her jobs, her house, being carried, Levi Niacera, crying.
Stuff She Loves: Romantic fiction, poetry, money, her three little sisters, complaining, pickles, sleep, punching Levi Niacera in the face, singing.
Crimes She’d Commit If You Paid Her: So many. She is desperate for money.
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esotikaprints · 2 years
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✨"La Decoration Arabe", plate no. 48, Emile Prisses d’Avennes (1885) ✨ 🌴Discover all Esotika prints on our Etsy shop 👉 Link in bio! ____ #digitalwallart #wallart #vintageposter #vintageprint #vintagewallart #etsyseller #antiqueprints #bohemianhome #artprints #bohemianhomedecor #indianart #arabicpattern #printableart #arabicwallart #esotikaprints https://www.instagram.com/p/ClHWnlWr7Sw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Little Green Men
a little 4/20 adjacent ficlet because I can't help myself
modern au - pre relationship but definitely soft
tw: Jaskier is high
Geralt glances up when he hears Jaskier come tumbling through the front door. His heeled, rhinestone studded ankle boots clack quietly across the floor as he makes his unsteady way from the coat closet to the living room, where Geralt is sitting on the couch watching X-Files with a half-eaten bag of gummy worms in his lap. The younger man peers around the corner; his eyes are bleary and red-rimmed but his gaze is fond and his smile is wide. It's Geralt's private opinino that the official dictionary definition of mirth should include a high-resolution, full-color photograph of Jaskier smiling.
The music theory student waves excitedly, as if his best friend and roommate isn't sitting merely a few feet away. "Geralt, my darling, how lovely that you're still awake!"
"You hung out with Yenn and Priss for four-twenty, didn't you?"
"Mmhmmmmm," Jaskier hums. He follows the hum with a quiet, sweet little giggle that does something absolutely stupid to Geralt's heart. "And I'm... fucked up, buttercup."
"Hmm. I can tell."
"Geralt," Jaskier pouts, swaying a little in place. "It was chilly on my walk back home and my feet hurt and I'm sleepy. Let me snuggle you a little bit to warm up? Pretty please, dear heart?"
It isn't fair. Jaskier knows how much Geralt loves that pet name. The name Jaskier saves only for Geralt, for these moments when they're all alone and the rest of the world seems so inconsequential.
"Jaskier," the older student frowns, gut stirring uncomfortably when he realizes again just how much his feelings for Jaskier have changed since they first became friends, "You're not in your right mind. You should go change into pajamas and sleep off your... adventure."
"You're no fun," Jaskier replies, sticking his tongue out. He spins on his heel and marches off toward his bedroom, heels clicking and clacking as he walks. Geralt hears him muttering under his breath: "Stupid thick-skulled history majors and their broody nonsense. I can't believe I-"
The flow of words is cut off when Jaskier slams his bedroom door shut behind him. Geralt sighs and sinks further into the couch, guilty and ashamed of his behavior just a moment ago. Jaskier only wanted someone to be close with; he was the sort of creature that needed the warmth of other people to survive.
Geralt could be happy to live in a little hut in the middle of nowhere, Shrek-style, and never see the civilization again.
Jaskier would go bonkers without someone else to talk to/at/with. Geralt knows already that he's willing to be that person for now and forever.
But that's not the issue at hand. No, the issue is Geralt's apparently never-ending stupidity. He stands and stretches before making his way down the hall. He pauses in front of Jaskier's room and takes a deep breath. Then he knocks. "Jaskier?"
From inside comes a muffled: "What do you want?"
"I'm sorry for being snippy, Jaskier. Do you still want to snuggle?"
A brief pause. Some shuffling. Then: "Are you watching a scary episode?"
"You think every episode of the X-Files is scary," Geralt replies, the smile obvious in his tone. Jaskier's door opens to reveal the younger man's mussed brown hair and half-lidded eyes. He's wearing one of Geralt's old Kaer Morhen High School t-shirts (a detail that only speeds the pace of Geralt's already racing heart) and loose cotton pajama bottoms in a pale shade of pink. Geralt takes another, deeper breath before continuing. "If you really want to snuggle and warm up with me, I have plenty of gummy worms and room on the couch and, just to prove that I am truly sorry, I will hide your face during the scary parts."
"My hero!" Jaskier declares, leaping forward to throw his arms around Geralt's neck. The history major allows his hands to rest on Jaskier's slender hips for a moment before he pulls away. He takes the brunette by the hand and leads him back to the living room, navigating him between piles of laundry and various displaced pillows. Geralt wraps a fuzzy pumpkin-print blanket around Jaskier's shoulders and pulls him down onto the couch, tucked closely against the larger man's side. Geralt tries to hide his giddiness when Jaskier wiggles his way under Geralt's arm and presses one side of his face into the patch of shirt over Geralt's collarbone, "Now I know I'm safe from the aliens."
"I wouldn't even let them get close enough to touch you," Geralt asserts. He clamps his mouth shut as the words have left it, the pinkening of his cheeks mostly hidden by the dim light from the television. If Jaskier notices he doesn't say anything; instead he lays his head against Geralt's shoulder, still smiling broadly and hazy-eyed.
"I know you wouldn't let me come to any harm. You're too strong and fast and brave," the music student sighs wistfully. "I can always count on you to protect me and help me when I'm feeling down, Geralt. You're so fucking kind. Your heart is enormous and so full of love for the world, even when the world is unfairly shitty to you. That's why I love you so much, you know. Your big fuckin' heart."
"Hmm. Not my butt?"
"No, but your butt is definitely an added bonus. I could watch you walk up and down stairs all day long and never get bored."
Geralt chuckles quietly. He places a feather-light kiss to the top of Jaskier's nest of messy brown hair. The music student relaxes his entire body against Geralt's, letting himself be held steady by the older student.
The X-Files plays on but neither man is really paying that much attention, too content to be close with the other. Too unwilling to let the moment pass unnoticed, unobserved, unmemorized.
They won't admit their feelings to each other for a little while yet but this... this is the beginning of something beautiful.
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tteokggukk · 4 years
all an act → ksj
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✳ pairing: acting major! seokjin x acting major reader, basically they’re both acting majors
✳ genre: enemies to lovers, fluff, college au
✳ warnings: swearing, copulation is implied (not written), just PG-13
✳ words: 10.6k
✳ a/n: I’M SO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE i’ve had this idea on my mind longer than my published stuff so far. i also didn’t think this would even reach 10k+ words, i initially thought it’d only be ~5k but my hand kept slipping and slipping and 10k happened. anyways, enjoy reading! and again, if you’d like to send some comments (esp on things i can do to improve), don’t hesitate to comment or send an ask!
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"How many years is it gonna take for you to finish writing a sentence?" You sighed and began tapping on your foot. You were sitting in one of tables outside to finish a short paper about a film your professor tasked you to watch with a partner. Normally you were fine working with anyone, and even if it was individual work you'd have no problem getting it done in no time. However, today was different. You almost wanted to tear your hair out and scream for as long as you could until this was all over.
You didn't expect Kim Seokjin to be your partner this time.
"When you stop acting like a priss, that's when," Seokjin rolled his eyes as he typed out the remaining sentences of your "collaborative" effort. You wouldn't even call it collaborative unless it meant having to argue about several different points of a story just to piece a whole paper together. You rolled your eyes and clicked your tongue, muttering a "Looks who's talking," underneath your breath.
For the whole year you survived not being partners with him and you thought you'd be able to get away with it, until your professor stopped allowing people to choose partners and started assigning them instead. You desperately hoped this was the last time you'd ever be partnered with someone you loathed.
You were both acting majors and were well known as two of the most top performing students in your batch, but you never got along well. When you respectfully asked your professor why he paired you with him in hopes of trying to get out of it, he started talking to you about both of your “potentials” and “how much better it'd be for the two of you to work together”.
"Here. I'm done," he pushes your laptop away from him and towards you, "Can I leave?"
"We still have to print and pass this," you told him through gritted teeth.
"And you need me for that? Wow, I'm almost flattered," He snickers before standing up and grabbing his bag.
"I'm so glad you aren't."
Slamming your laptop shut, you trudged ahead to the library to have the paper printed, moving slightly faster to avoid having to talk to (or argue with) Seokjin. You didn't have the energy to keep bickering, you were just glad this paper was over and you'd never have to talk to each other again.
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You stood next to Seokjin, making sure there was distance between you two as your professor, Mr. Brown, began silently reading your work.
So far so good, he was nodding and smiling as he mouthed the words on the paper, making only a few marks on every other page. 
All you needed to do was wait for him to announce your grade and you could both go your separate ways. Why couldn't time move any faster? You began counting the seconds to save yourself from boredom, but also to keep your eyes away from your partner.
"Wow, this is…" Mr. Brown spoke, breaking the silence.
"Yes?" You and Seokjin both asked in unison before glaring at each other for a millisecond.
"Unexpected," Mr. Brown says as he places your paper in front of you.
"Sir?" Your right eye narrows as you call in confusion. What does he mean?
"Unexpected. I thought for sure bringing you two together would produce a well-thought paper, but… this is terrible."
You felt your heart sink. No one has ever called your paper terrible. In fact, most of your papers almost always had good comments and praises and perfect marks, how could this have happened? You even made sure to check everything thrice before finalizing everything.
"What?" Seokjin exclaimed, "What do you mean our paper's terrible?"
"It lacks unity. Your opposing ideas are all over the place, I can tell you tried to link them, but you failed at it," Mr. Brown sighs in disappointment before taking his glasses off to breathe deeply, "You're aware of how many points this paper is, yes?"
"Yes," you and Seokjin spoke nervously.
"And you know only one submission is allowed, yes?"
"Yes," you both answered.
"You know where I'm getting at, right?"
You swallow nervously before speaking up, "Sir, can't we revise it and pass it again? We'll just tweak some of the—"
"I'm afraid you can't. You know the rules very well, Ms. Y/L/N," Mr. Brown shook his head. You sighed, feeling defeated.
"You both clearly have problems working together. Teamwork is part of the criteria, you know," Mr. Brown stood up to sit on the edge of his desk, "You're both our top performing students. I can understand how much your grades mean to you, but did you not consider how your differences could affect your output?"
"Is there any way we can get some extra credit to make up for this paper?" Seokjin asks. You felt a little relieved at his question as you were already feeling too nervous to ask any more.
Mr. Brown looked around in thought, "Well, there is a way I suppose. Some of the upperclassmen under my class are creating a short film and they need extra actors for their project. If you'd like to help them out, I'll give your paper full marks and add some extra points to your other outputs. It might be too taxing for you though."
"No! It's alright, could you give us their names so we can talk to them?" You asked. Mr. Brown nodded and began writing something down on a piece of paper before handing it over to you.
"I wish you two the best of luck. And please try to get along." Mr. Brown says before you and Seokjin excuse yourselves out of the room.
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"What do you know? Even our papers show we don’t work together well," Seokjin mutters as you two rushed to find those seniors you needed to work with, "I could've passed if I just had the right partner."
"You're blaming me?" You couldn't believe it, the audacity, "I would've gotten perfect marks even if I wrote that paper with my eyes closed."
Seokjin laughs, "Yeah, okay. You might not have even gotten any marks if you weren't with me."
"You know, my expectations for you were low, but holy fuck," You snickered, "This is the first time I've ever gotten a comment like that on an output. I don't think you being my partner this time around was a coincidence.”
"Oh yeah? If you had just agreed to add my opinion on—"
Just as Seokjin began leaning in to you to defend his ideas, you turned around to face him, abruptly stopping his speech, "Could you just shut up and walk while we look for the guy on this paper?" Your blood was boiling at the sound of his voice, all you wanted to do was get this over with.
The two of you continued searching rooms with Seokjin following behind until you reached the room with the door number your professor had written down. You stared at the piece of paper and looked at the door, hesitating to knock.
"Give me that," Seokjin took the paper from your hand and quickly knocked before letting himself in as you followed.
"Hello, is Oliver Beck here?" Seokjin asked and everyone around stared, making you feel a bit uncomfortable. A guy with long hair wearing a plaid shirt came forward, "That's me, what is it?"
"Hi, we're students from Mr. Brown's class and we were wondering if we could participate as extras in your short film? He says we need the extra credit," Seokjin explained.
Oliver looks confused. "Extras? We've already got that covered," he says, "We need main actors."
"Main actors?" You asked.
"Yeah, no one has agreed to do it yet, but we've already asked some to—"
"We'll do it," Seokjin cuts him off, causing Oliver to raise his brows in surprise.
"You will?"
"Yeah, we really need the credit."
"Are you sure? You haven't seen the script yet," Oliver asks hesitantly.
"Positive. We'll do our best," You spoke.
"Er— alright then, follow me," Oliver motioned for the two of you to walk along. You and Seokjin couldn't help but send each other mutual confused expressions.
Neither of you knew what you were getting into. How bad could the film be that no one has agreed to do it?
Oliver pulls out two copies of what seemed to be scripts from his bag and hands them to the two of you, "Here. It's pretty short, so it shouldn't take long to memorize."
The script wasn't as thick as you thought it would be, so you decide to flip through pages to see what some of the scenes were like. Seokjin just stares at the title on the front page.
"I don't mean to pressure you but we start filming next month, so I'd start practicing if I were you," Oliver announces, "Anyways, I'd better get back to my friends. Send me your numbers so I can contact you guys for details."
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After exchanging names and numbers with Oliver and a few of his group mates for the project, you and Seokjin finally left the room.
"Why do you think no one agreed to film with them?" Seokjin asks. You didn't exactly think you were both on friendly-conversation-terms, but the same question did linger in your mind.
"I don't know. Why? Are you backing out?" You asked mockingly.
"If there's anyone between us who'd back out from this, I'm pretty damn sure it wouldn't be me," He scoffs.
"You know, if we had just done that paper properly we wouldn't be stuck here doing some film that I don't even know," You sighed angrily.
"God, get over it. You should be glad you're even part of this extra credit thing. Technically I was the one who asked about it," Seokjin grunts.
"I am so close to taking this script and stabbing you with it," You glared at him.
Before you two parted ways, you both agreed to meet tomorrow at an empty rehearsal room to practice some of the scenes. You didn't know how this was even going to work, you blamed the whole thing on the paper even though you knew it was both your faults. How would starring in a film make up for everything if your paper couldn't even save you both?
You hung around in your dorm for the rest of the day to read through the script. A few hours later, Courtney, your best friend and roommate, arrived.
"I got your texts," she said a little too loudly as she entered, "Seriously? You're filming with Kim Seokjin?"
You let out a groan as you fell back on your bed with the script covering your face, "Ugh, I know! Can you believe my luck?"
"You know if any other girl had the chance, they'd thank all the gods right about now," Courtney laughed as she lied down on your bed, "I'm sorry about your paper though."
She was right. Seokjin was incredibly liked by everyone. He was the kind of person that exuded this welcoming aura, like you could easily be friends with him. Even people from other classes knew him. He always had that bright smile when it came to others. It was just different with you.
"It's fine. I didn't think our hate for each other would be reflected on our paper," you sighed, "And now I have to meet him tomorrow just to practice, ugh."
"You're meeting tomorrow?" Courtney raises a brow. You nod disappointingly.
"Well," Courtney sighed in annoyance, "Make sure he even gets there. If he stands you up again, I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of—"
You laughed, "Please, Court. He'll have to come this time. He's the one who got us into this."
"Yeah he'd better. Listen, call me immediately if he doesn't, okay? Wouldn’t hurt to give him a piece of my mind."
Ranting about Seokjin left you feeling ravenous, and it didn’t take long before you two decided to leave the room to grab some food from the cafeteria and talk about your day. When you both got back, you headed for bed and began reading the script, mouthing some of the lines to familiarize yourself with everything. 
Not even a few pages later and you felt your mind wandering off as your eyes rolled back, feeling yourself drift away with the script falling off your bed as you fell into a deep sleep.
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Seokjin was a few minutes late in the rehearsal room but you decided to let it slide since you two had to be on good terms to make this practice work. Based on what you've read so far; the story was about friends who've had feelings for each other for so long but couldn't do anything about it in fear of ruining their friendship. Generic, you thought.
"I'd say sorry for being late, but it's only you waiting," Seokjin says as he enters the room and drops his bag on the floor.
"I'd say no problem, I didn't wait long, but you're an imbecile that probably made me wait on purpose," You faked a smile before quickly turning back to a stern expression, "Did you read the script?"
"Just halfway," He says and pulls his copy of the script out from his bag, "Did you?"
"Same," you muttered, "So, let's start with the first scene?"
For the first thirty minutes you two had agreed to sit down and rehearse your lines. You were both good at reciting the dialogues, it almost seemed like you were professionals. You thought there wouldn't be any problems when it came to actually acting out the scenes until you both finally had to practice with delivery, you both sucked.
"What is so hard about not being stiff?" Seokjin exclaims.
"I am not stiff! You're just not moving that close to me!" You retorted, crossing your arms in defense.
"You know what? We've been going at this scene for an hour now and nothing looks right," Seokjin sighs.
"Of course nothing looks right, it's our first time practicing together. I've literally never done a scene with you before," You sat down on the floor and ran your fingers through your hair.
You'd think two top performing students would have a piece of cake acting out simple scenes with perfect chemistry, but you and Seokjin were far from it.
"We've never been partners before?" He asks, sitting down in front of you.
"No, never. And I honestly thought it'd stay that way," You grumbled.
"God, you talk as if this was my fault," Seokjin glares at you, "If we were the last people on Earth and had to do that paper again, I hope you know I'd rather choose a monkey than work with you."
"Why? Because great minds think alike?" You fought back.
"It's a well-known fact those animals have bigger brains than you do."
I swear to God, hold me back or I am gonna hurt him so bad.
"Why don't we just practice reading the lines and act them out tomorrow?" You suggested politely with a smile that was so painfully forced. 
And so that was what you did for the next two hours, only rehearsing the first half of the film. That was what you did for the next two days, but the problem was though you two did sound great in dialogue, your act wasn't close to it.
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Jin had a secret.
He's been keeping it for months now, and only his best friend, Yoongi, knew about it.
He didn't actually know why you two hated each other so much. He had no idea why you hated him at all. He just started going along with it until it became a habitual thing, but as to why this all started he had absolutely no clue.
"She's nice to me," Yoongi spoke as he shoved another potato in his mouth.
"She's nice to everyone," Jin added.
"Everyone but you," Yoongi laughed.
"I think the reason why you two can't get your scenes right is because you act like you hate each other," Yoongi told Jin as they ate their lunch, "Why don't you just ask her why she hates you so much?"
"I can't, she thinks I have a reason. It wouldn't make sense if I asked her," Jin shrugged, "It's kinda fun though, bickering with her. I just don't understand why."
Yoongi raised a brow, "Fun? Hold on, you're not…"
"It's not whatever you're thinking," Jin rolled his eyes, earning him a smirk from Yoongi.
"Right," Yoongi spoke, "What are you gonna do about your practice? Hasn't it been like, two weeks?"
"Yeah, and we're nowhere near done," Jin sighs, "Speaking of which, I have to go meet her now."
"Sounds like a date," Yoongi teased.
"I will hit you with this script," Jin warns him before taking his bag and muttering goodbye.
He hurriedly walked to the rehearsal room and checked his watch, he was late again today. Jin was sure he'd earn another lecture from you and how he lacked punctuality and that they'd never get anything done if he never arrived on time. Today he brought ear plugs, and before walking in he made sure to put them on before entering the room.
There was no noise.
It took him a minute to find you lying down on the floor on the side of the room, using your bag as a pillow. You were sleeping soundly as you clutched your script in your hand with earphones plugged in.
Jin closed the door behind him and quietly sat down in front of you. He watched as you slept peacefully, hair strands falling on your face.
You're pretty, Jin thought. You always have been attractive to him, and kind to others-- but it was always a different case when it came your relationship with him, or lack thereof. Without thinking, he found himself reaching out for your face, tucking the strands of hair behind your ear.
You opened your eyes and saw Jin sitting in front of you, his hand close to your face. His eyes widen and he quickly moves back, his ears turning red.
"What are you doing?" You asked, pulling your earphones out of your ears.
What was he doing? You hated each other. Was he not thinking straight for a moment just because you looked so peaceful and harmless while you slept? Was he forgetting how much you hated his guts?
"There was a bug," he lied and quickly stood up, shyly turning away from you.
That was odd. I could've sworn…
"Okaaay," You spoke awkwardly and stood up, rubbing your eyes to get rid of any eye crusts that may have formed while you were sleeping, "Whatever, let's practice."
You had to admit though, your practices were getting better. There was less banter and more productive work and you couldn't help but feel like a huge weight off your chest has just been lifted. Oddly enough, there were less insults coming from both sides and subtler, masked compliments.
"You know for a monkey, you're doing pretty well," Seokjin teased, causing you to roll your eyes but smile anyway.
"You can just say I'm talented, don't be shy," you joked, making him chuckle a bit.
It was awkward though, being "nice" to each other. With Seokjin, you were more used to insults and arguments rather than trying hard at compliments. At the same time, it felt kind of nice to know that it was possible to have more to your "relationship" rather than constantly fighting.
By the time you two had finished practicing, it was already dark out. You both sat on the floor for a good ten minutes before standing up and deciding to leave.
"Hey, Monkey, it's dark outside," Seokjin spoke, breaking the silence between you two.
"Yeah, I know," you replied. You were already used to going home alone in the dark, so you figured him trying to scare you wouldn't make any difference.
"How far is your dorm?" He asks.
"It's a twenty-minute walk, I guess," You tried not to sound surprised at his question, "Why?"
"Come on," he says and opens the door, "I'll walk you home." Seokjin turned all the lights off now, which thankfully hid his ears that were now red.
Your eyebrows were raised in shock as you stood there wondering if you heard him right.
"What are you doing standing there? Hurry up!" He called.
You stared in disbelief as you walked towards him, silently analyzing what food he must’ve had before practice that messed with his brain and made him nice all of a sudden. He closes the door behind you two and you both start walking.
It was silent. And awkward. And you were confused. Why was he suddenly being so nice? It felt so… weird.
"Are you sick?" You asked.
"No?" He looks at you, confused, "Why?"
"You're being nice," You said, a little too quietly.
"If something happened to you people would blame me because I was with you last," he explained quickly, "Plus, there are many animal abusers on the loose—"
"Oh, shut up, forget it," you shoved him lightly, holding back a smile as Seokjin laughed.
And then there was silence again.
"How do you wanna go about the last scene?" Seokjin asks out of nowhere.
The last scene? Oh, that scene.
It was your turn to turn pink now as you avoided trying to sound like the question bothered you. You tried your best to sound nonchalant as you answered.
"I don't know, just go with the flow, I guess…" you told him.
"When do you wanna practice?" He asks, sounding casual.
"Whenever you're ready," You muttered. Am I even ready?
When you finally got to your dorm, you contemplated whether or not you would say bye to him. While silently debating with yourself on what you should do as you stepped on the stairs leading to your building door, Seokjin beat you to whatever decision you might've made.
"I'll see you Monday, Monkey," Seokjin said, stopping in front of the first step.
"Thanks for walking with me, see ya," you said in a voice that sounded more monotone than you wanted it to be. Neither of you said anything else so you went ahead and walked in. Seokjin watched and finally left when you were no longer in sight.
The way he was acting today bothered you. Not in a bad way, you just didn't understand why he was being that way. Had something changed?
Once you entered your dorm room, you tried to fix your face into a normal one as you pushed your thoughts aside. Courtney immediately rushed over to you to ask you questions.
"You don't usually come home after dark, what took you so long?" She asked.
"I practiced with Seokjin, remember?" You spoke, carefully avoiding eye contact as you placed your bag on your chair.
"For this long?" She asks suspiciously.
"Yeah, we finally got some scenes right," you turned to face her as you plopped yourself onto your bed.
"About time," she sat on her chair, "Hey, will you go out with me tomorrow?"
"Ooooh, are you asking me out on a date?" You teased as Courtney rolled her eyes with a smile. 
"No, at least not with me," she grins.
"Huh?" You asked, squinting one eye.
"Micara set me up on a blind date with someone on campus. Apparently they're bringing a friend so now it's a double blind date," she sighs.
"You agreed on a blind date? That's so sketchy," you commented, earning yourself a look from Courtney.
"Yeah, yeah, it's sketchy. I just did it for fun, Micara says he's really cute. I don't know about the friend, though."
"Cute is subjective."
"You have to come with me," Courtney pleads with puppy dog eyes.
"Courtney! No, ask someone else," you tried to shake your hand away from Courtney who was now holding onto your arm.
"It's gonna be so weird if I hang out with the two of them!"
"Well, that's what you get for saying yes to blind dates."
"Please! What if they actually are weirdos who want to take advantage of me?" She pouts. That did make you think twice. A smile begins to creep up on Courntey's lips, knowing you were about to say yes.
"You're lucky I love you," You sighed.
"Yes! Thank you so much, y/n," She pulls you in for a tight hug, "You won't regret coming with me."
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The next time you saw Seokjin wasn't on Monday.
You saw him the next day. On the double date. In a movie theater. 
Your heart nearly stopped.
At first you thought Courtney's date came alone and you almost made an excuse to leave, until Seokjin came carrying two bags of popcorn with him, almost dropping them when he saw you standing there.
"Monkey? What are you doing here?" Seokjin asked in shock.
"Do you two know each other?" Josh, Courtney's date, asks while taking one bag of popcorn.
"They hate each other," Courtney whispers to her date.
"You’re the friend?" You asked out loud.
"Before you two come for each other's necks, why don't we fall in line for the movie?" Courtney anxiously smiles as she and Josh begin to walk away to line up, leaving you and Seokjin staring at each other. The whole situation reminded you of that Spiderman meme.
Seokjin sighs and walks closer to you, "Guess I'm gonna have to stay with you."
"No one's forcing you to," you told him.
"Do you want me to leave then?" He challenges.
"I never asked you to come!" Your voice slightly raises in defense.
"Great, then!"
But neither of you moved from where you stood. You just stared at each other, arms folded while Seokjin clutched onto the bag of popcorn. Finally, you let out a deep breath.
"I can't leave my friend," You spoke.
"So can I," He says, "Let's just fall in line."
Courtney and Josh were so far ahead now you could barely see their faces from where you were. Seokjin stood behind you in the line. Neither of you said anything.
There was a group of guys standing in front of you talking loudly to themselves. Suddenly you notice their voices turn down and they began whispering among themselves. You could've sworn you caught them stealing glances at you. The guy in front of you turns around to face you. You raise a brow.
"Hi, I'm Max," he introduces, "I couldn't help but notice you."
Well, duh. I'm right behind you.
"Oh, hello Max," You forced a polite smile.
"These are my friends," he motions at the group of guys behind him and they all wave, "You should join us."
Does he not know the tickets have assigned seats? Embarrassing.
"No, I really shouldn't," you tried to sound as friendly as possible to avoid any trouble, but the guy was persistent and he was beginning to annoy you.
"It's alright, we don't bite. Are you alone?" He asks, slowly moving closer while you tried to move back. This guy was extremely creepy.
"She said no. Fuck off," You heard Seokjin speak up from behind you, his voice much deeper and more intimidating causing chills to run down your spine. It was different from the way he spoke to you whenever you would banter.
"I was talking to her, who even are you?" Max says rudely and glares at Seokjin.
"I'm the guy she came with. What's your deal?" Seokjin moves forward and places his hand on your shoulder to subtly move you away from the guy.
"Oh, yeah? I never saw you talking to her," Max challenges.
"I think she already said no once. How many times does she have to decline before you understand that no means no?" Seokjin crosses his arms. He was much taller than the creepy guy, who was obviously starting to become intimidated by him.
"Dude, back the fuck off. We were here first," Max spits. They were so close, you almost thought a fight was about to happen.
"Do you realize how stupid you sound?" Seokjin frowns. That was enough. People were beginning to stare so you held onto Seokjin's arm, "Seokjin, it's fine. Just stop talking to him."
"No, this guy is extremely disrespectful and creepy!" Seokjin's voice was a little too loud now, "You don't get to force girls you don't even know to stick with you and your friends. That is so close to predatory behavior," he points at the guy and people start backing away from him and his friends.
"She already said no once, you shouldn't try to peer pressure her into coming with you!" Seokjin says, "And she's not alone," he grabs your hand, taking you by surprise, "She came with me. Now screw off before I call security."
Max, along with his friends, were evidently scared of Seokjin now as they all glared at him and left. Your heart was beating fast from anticipating the worst out of the scenario, but Seokjin handled it pretty well. You were too shy to admit it, but he saved your ass today.
The two of you watched as the group of guys left, his hand still clutching onto yours. When they were gone, he looked down at you, "Are you okay?" He asks, concern evident in his voice.
You were at a loss for words. He defended you, and he's still holding onto your hand really right. This was the first time you've ever seen him truly concerned about you. You'd like to think you could've defended yourself as well, but the fact that Seokjin did it for you sent this warm feeling in your chest that you couldn't understand.
"Yeah. Fine," you spoke but it came out as a whisper. You cleared your throat, "Thanks. I really appreciate it."
"No problem," he gives you a small smile, "I don't suppose you still wanna watch this movie?"
"God, no, honestly," you laughed a bit, "I never wanted to."
He laughs and steps out of line and so do you, then he politely mentions the people behind you two to take your place. His hand was still holding yours, and you were beginning to wonder if he had noticed. You didn't let go, either.
"Let's hang out then," Seokjin blurts out. He tries to ignore the feeling of heat on his ears as he looks at you to wait for your response. You tried your hardest not to seem at all fazed.
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Seokjin suggests going to an arcade, and so you did. When you got there, you both had to stand outside for ten minutes or so trying to finish the popcorn he bought because food and drinks weren't allowed inside.
"Why'd you buy such a big bag anyway? Were you planning on feeding the whole audience?" You tried to chew and swallow five at a time to hurry up.
"I thought the movie was gonna be boring, this was all I could do," Seokjin says defensively.
"At the rate we're eating this we're gonna get some kind of ulcer," You grumbled.
"You don't seem to be having a problem," he laughs and you playfully slap his arm.
Once you got in, you raced to one of those zombie shooting games. Seokjin was good at aiming and definitely had more kills than you did, but you couldn't help but laugh at how startled he got every time a jumpscare appeared.
"Look at all your deaths, you suck at this," he laughed while pointing at your score.
You blushed, "Ha-ha, funny. I bet you can't beat me at racing," you smirked, challenging him to a race.
"You're on," he grinned.
The two of you then proceeded to one of the car games and true enough, you beat him at it. He wasn't even close to being good. He hit every sidewalk and his car kept slowing down.
"Are you even driving? You might as well run if you even want a chance at winning," You teased as you continuously accelerated.
"How are you so good at this? Are you secretly part of those illegal street racers?" Seokjin was struggling with his car as he moved his steering wheel around.
When you were done racing, Seokjin spots one of those stuffed toy machines. "Do you want one?" He asks jokingly, not actually expecting you to say yes, though he didn't exactly mind getting one for you…
"No. Nuh-uh, that is so cheesy," you laughed and shook your head, "Let's play guitar hero."
It was difficult to admit it to yourself at first, but you were having so much fun with Seokjin. Of course, you two never stopped teasing each other with little insults, but now it felt so much more lighthearted. You started getting along well with him, it no longer felt awkward or forced.
Seokjin felt the same way. In fact, there were moments where he'd subconsciously find himself staring at your lashes, or giving you soft pats when you won a game as an excuse to get close to you. He didn't realize how natural it came to him at all, until he found his gaze fixed upon your smile that sent a warm feeling all over him.
You've never smiled at him so genuinely before. Seeing it now, it was as if your beauty had been completely magnetized. Now all he wanted to do was see more of that smile. In almost all the games you played, Seokjin decided to go easy on you so you'd win most of them. It was amusing to him, seeing you so competitive. Seeing you happy every time you won felt like a win for him as well.
When your eyes shifted to meet his, you noticed how he quickly looked away while the color of his ears turned into that familiar shade of red.
"Let's just play one last game, I'm starving," you held your hand to your stomach.
"Really? After all that popcorn?" He teased, followed by the sound of his own stomach rumbling, making you laugh.
"You tried," you laughed, "Let's play that one." You pointed at the Just Dance machine.
After a minute of arguing on what song to pick, Seokjin ended up choosing (your song of choice). Of all the games you could have picked, you started to regret choosing Just Dance. You didn't even /know/ how to dance, what made you think you could beat him at this game?
You glanced over at Seokjin who was dancing flawlessly and effortlessly. Your mouth dropped, and you stopped dancing altogether to watch him move. He was so focused on the game, he hadn't noticed you stopped playing just to watch him.
Your eyes fixated on his every move. He moved so well, you could feel your heart thumping louder as you watched in awe.
He was so attractive.
Finally, the game was over and Seokjin was surprised to see you standing there, just watching him with your mouth open. He holds back a laugh and moves towards you, placing his finger on your chin making you close your mouth. He was so close to you; you could feel your cheeks heat up.
"Surprised?" He asks.
"Who knew you could dance like that?" You spoke, but mostly to yourself.
"I don't know, natural talent I guess. Why'd you stop dancing, monkey? I thought you'd beat me at it," Seokjin pokes your forehead.
"I was just giving you a chance," You played off, "You should me thanking me."
He raises a brow and smiles, "Then as thanks I'll buy you food, come on."
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You both decide to go for churros in a cafe. Seokjin suggested to dine in because you'd probably spill the chocolate as you walked, so you sat across each other in a small but comfortable space. Even though you insisted on paying for your own food, he beat you to it and paid for it instead.
"Just take it as a thank you gift for 'letting me win'," he says while adding air quotes. When he was no longer looking, you broke into a smile at his thoughtful gesture.
"You know, I never thought I'd say this but I'm actually having fun," You told him in manner where you tried to play it cool. He smiles and nods at this.
"See what happens when you aren't busy hating me?" He says with a cheesy smile, "You'll never find anyone as fun as I am."
"Sure, Seokjin," you rolled your eyes, "Just wait ‘til we start practicing and start ripping each other's throats out."
"That's not gonna happen."
"And why is that?"
"I'm confident something's changed," he grins charmingly with eyes looking fond for a moment you had to look away for fear of turning red in front of him.
You cleared your throat, "Whatever you say."
As you two continued to eat, you started talking about all sorts of things. Why you got into acting, how he was so good at dancing, how you and Courtney met. The flow of your conversations came naturally and you found yourselves wanting to know more and more about each other.
Time kept ticking, but you two didn't seem to notice. Even when you were done with your food, neither of you seemed close to running out of things to talk about.
Out of nowhere, Seokjin suddenly stopped and brought his hand close to you and you felt him gently touch your face. You stopped breathing.
"An eyelash," he says while moving his hand back.
"Oh, thanks," you tried hiding how flustered you were.
His phone started ringing, muttering a "One moment," before quickly answering it.
"Josh," he spoke. Your eyes widened.
You checked your own phone as Seokjin spoke to his friend. Your phone was filled with hundreds of messages from her asking where you two were and what you were doing.
"I'm with her," You heard Seokjin say, "You want us to leave you two alone? Then I guess you're doing well."
Leave them alone? That made you look up at him before typing a message to send to Courtney.
I'm with Seokjin and I'm doing great. I'll tell you everything later. I think Josh wants us to leave you guys alone. You alright? Are you having fun? Message me if you need me.
"Alright, see you tomorrow then. No, no it's fine, I'll bring her home," Seokjin continued, "Bye. Stay safe."
"They want us to leave them."
"I have ears, Seokjin."
"Big ones too, monkey," He jokes, "I'm kidding. And stop calling me Seokjin, no one calls me that."
Right, his friends called him Jin.
"Just call me Jin," He says, "None of my close friends call me Seokjin."
"Are you saying we're close friends?"
"I feel like we're moving too fast," He says sarcastically, laughing at his own joke before he continued, "No, our relationship's much more special than that."
You choked on your own saliva, "What?" Did you hear that right? Our relationship's what?
"We're partners that failed a paper and are now working on a movie," He laughs, "I'd say it's been great journey so far."
"And I'd say it's been a pleasure but it really hasn't."
"Seeing as you had fun with me today, I don't think that's true," he smirked. Why was it getting harder to get back at him?
"Shut up," You couldn't think of anything anymore.
You suddenly thought of asking him about it.
The reason why you disliked him so much in the first place. Why he left you alone without telling you.
Does he even remember?
But the mood between you two was great right now, so you decided to push the thought aside and ask some other time.
Shortly after, you two finally left the cafe and walked around, continuing your conversation. After a few more hours later, you decided it was getting late and that you should probably get back. Jin offered to take you home. The ride home was just as fun, blasting music and playing songs that you both knew.
He walked you back to your dorm and you both stopped at the steps outside the building.
"Thanks for today Monkey, I had fun," Jin smiles.
"Stop calling me that," You laughed.
"Then what do you suggest I call you?"
"Your highness."
"Too long. Princess?"
"Jeez, I was kidding," You chuckled nervously, obviously flustered so you took a step back on the first step, "Keep 'Monkey', I don't care."
He raises a brow at your response. "Your replies were better than that," Jin took a step in front of you, your faces were now close and your eyes levelled each other's. You gulped nervously.
"I'm just running out," You said coolly (or at least, in your head you thought it was cool), "You're moving to some new level of annoying and it takes some getting used to."
"I annoy you?" He asks.
"Yes. 24/7."
"I guess I'm living in your mind, rent-free," he smirks, "24/7, huh?"
You were beginning to feel even more flustered now and you knew that Jin noticed by the smirk on his face. He begins to step back and his face turns back to a warm smile.
"You wish," you spoke, "Bye, I'm leaving. Thanks for the drive." Before you could turn your back, Jin takes your hand and holds onto it. You almost muttered an "Oh my god" out loud at his action.
"Y/N, wait," he says, pulling you close to him, making you step down. Your faces were inches apart now.
You heart was beating, trying to anticipate what he was gonna do next. Was he gonna lean in? Why was he staring at you like that? His face was so near. Did you want him to lean in?
"The last scene," he spoke.
"What?" Seemed like the only words you knew how to say now.
"The last scene," he spoke again, "We haven't practiced it yet."
Whatever it was you were expecting was off the table as you let out a sigh that Jin thought was out of relief. "Monday, we'll do it Monday. But we can't use the rehearsal room," you told him.
"Yeah, I figured. Where do you wanna practice, then?" He asks.
"Is your place available?" You asked before realizing how suggestive you sounded, "Because Courtney's usually home early."
Seokjin grins, "Yeah, my place is fine."
"Okay, great."
"So, I'm gonna go now," You said slowly.
"Right," Jin lets go off you, "I'll see you Monday. For real this time."
"Monday, okay. See you," you waved before turning around and entering your dorm. You resisted the urge to look back and check if had already left, so you walked quickly before you changed your mind.
However, if you did look back, you'd find Jin patiently waiting until you were out of his sight, smiling to himself because of today's events. When he was sure you were gone, he finally left.
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Jin was right. Something has definitely changed between you two. The day after your "date", you couldn't stop thinking about the way he was with you. He was kinder, more fun to be around. You didn't expect him to be that thoughtful, either. Of course, he was all these things to others, but now he was like that with you. Then you realized he was all you've been thinking about. It scared you slightly.
He really did live in your mind, rent-free.
"What happened, by the way?" Courtney asked.
You snap out of your thoughts and looked at her, "Yesterday?"
"Yeah, you and Seokjin disappeared."
"We decided not to watch the movie, then we hung out in an arcade."
"You hung out with him?" Courtney eyed you suspiciously, slowly making her way towards you to sit next to you on the bed.
"And you're both still alive?"
"So what was he like?" She asks.
"He was… nice. He saved my ass from a group of creepy guys," you smiled as you thought about it, "And he's good at dancing."
"You danced with him?"
"No, on Just Dance."
Courtney just stares, obviously shocked because she never thought you and Seokjin would get along, "You basically went on a date."
"It wasn't a date!" You said defensively, "We just… left you two. Didn't Josh tell Jin to leave you guys?"
"You call him Jin now, that's actually really cute," Courtney teases, then changes her expression to a frown, "Wait, no. Josh never said anything like that."
Huh? But I thought... "What do you mean?"
"He called Seokjin two hours later after you two still didn't show up, then he started going all 'What? What are you saying? No, I never said you two should leave us' and all that," Courtney explained, "Then he said Seokjin offered to take you home and that you two were still together. I got your message minutes later and you said you were doing great so I didn't worry."
"What? But Jin said he asked us to leave you guys…" You trailed off.
"He did? Well Josh never asked you guys to leave."
Oh my God. It didn't make sense. Why would Jin…?
"I'm thinking he wanted to spend more time with you," Courtney says, giving you a teasing look like she knew something. You only look at her. You didn't really know what to say.
It took you a while to sleep that night trying to analyze what was going on with Jin. Every little thing he did stuck in your head and it was making you confused. He affects you now in ways you never thought he ever would, you weren't sure if that terrified you.
One thing's for sure, this was the first time you wanted the weekend to pass by quickly.
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You saw Jin on Monday, and the next day, and the day after that. Sometimes you'd practice, other days you'd both just sit down and talk if you were too tired. You still hadn't got the last scene right, both of you were still in the "dialogue-only" phase. Truthfully, you were both just waiting for the other to initiate it first.
On days where you and Jin would decide to just hang out and take a break, you began to notice how much nicer he had become towards you. Apart from that, you noticed him so much more now that you almost admired whatever it was he did.
Today was the last day of your practice and you both finally got through the scene. Tomorrow would be the actual shoot and you were already feeling confident that you'd do well. Just one part made you a bit uneasy, the actual kiss. You could feel how you two were so obviously trying to distract yourselves by doing other things, just to prevent an awkward atmosphere.
"Let's take a break," Jin says tiredly, sitting down on the floor.
"Shouldn't Yoongi be back by now?" You asked and sat down across him.
"No, he's over at his hometown visiting. Says he needs his space on his music project," Jin takes a piece of chip from the bag of snacks you brought, "He'll be back in a few days." You only nodded, staring at the television that was showing a movie with people drinking some fancy wine.
"I want that," you said quietly, mostly to yourself.
"Want what?" Jin looks at you, "That high class society? Fancy people around?"
"No, what they're drinking," You pointed at the wine.
"Wine?" His voice slightly sounding shocked.
"Yeah, I should tell Courtney to go get some…" you muttered absent-mindedly as you continued to watch the people drinking onscreen. Jin suddenly stands up and walks over to their mini fridge. You watched as he pulled a bottle of wine out and proceeded to grab wine glasses from a cabinet.
You sat up straight, not expecting him to actually bring you wine. "What are you doing?"
"You said you wanted wine," he says, setting the glasses down on the small coffee table.
"Yeah, but—" You stared at the bottle, "How do you even have that?"
"Yoongi drinks them to think," He says and pops it open, "I drink them with him." You stared as he poured himself a glass. "Do you want one?" He asks.
You took one of the empty glasses and moved it close to him, so he poured you some as well. Jin sat next to you on the floor as you two sat in silence, watching— no, just staring at the TV screen, sipping on your glasses of wine.
Later on, the TV was shut off and you two went back to talking. Your scripts were set aside on the bed, almost completely forgotten.
"I don't get drunk easily," Jin says, "I think you do, though. You're turning slightly red."
It was either that or because of how close you two were right now.
The wine made you talk so much, much more than usual. Jin found it interesting. He really did have a high alcohol tolerance, and watching you talk about the most random things amused him a lot.
"There's something I wanna know," You spoke, "Two things, actually." This was it. You weren't drunk, but you were beginning to lose the ability to filter the words coming out of your mouth.
"What is it?" He asks softly.
"Why did you tell me Josh told us to leave them alone?" You stared at him, he stared back at you.
"How'd you know about that?" He asks.
"Courtney." You heart beat fast. You knew what you wanted to hear, you just wanted him to say it fast.
"I'll answer you, but you'll have to answer my question after, deal?"
Jin set his glass down before looking deep into your eyes.
"I wanted to spend more time with you." He wanted to say something more than that. Something more serious, but he had to know your answer first.
You weren't sure what to make of that now. It was what you wanted to hear… or was it? Now it could mean completely different things.
"Oh, okay," your face began to heat up, and it wasn't because of the alcohol now, "So what's your question?"
"Why did you hate me so much? I mean, assuming you don't anymore… unless you still do," Jin asks.
You looked at him, searching for any sign of sarcasm or a tell that he was lying. He wasn't. He looked back at you with a serious expression on his face. There was a silence that lasted for a minute, almost as if time had stopped.
"You don't remember?"
"Don't remember what? Was it something I did?" Jin looks confused. Maybe he really didn't remember. But it only happened eight months ago. Has it really been that long?
"Eight months ago a friend set me up with you," You explained, feeling slightly embarrassed at the context.
"Someone set you up with me?" Jin asks, raising a brow.
"Yeah…" you could feel your face heating up now, "It was supposed to be like a blind date thing, so I initially didn't know it was you. So I went to the place and waited but you stood me up and when I told my friend about it, she told me Kim Seokjin couldn't make it."
"Then when I saw you the next day, you didn't seem to care and it made me so angry— the fact that you never apologized or even talked about it," You continued, "And that made me despise you."
Jin was staring at the floor now trying to recall what happened. He looked lost and confused. He reached out for his glass and took a sip before turning to face you again.
"I don't hate you anymore," You told him, in fact maybe you were beginning to feel the opposite for weeks now.
"Y/n, are you sure that happened? Because I don't remember ever being set up with you—or anyone, for that matter," Jin says, "And believe me when I say that because I've always turned down set ups and blind dates and whatnot."
"I swear, that really wasn't me. Someone must've used my name."
"Why would someone use your name?"
"I don't know, I—" He runs his hand through his hair, "I've been told there are guys who are jealous of me or something. Maybe they used my name to get back at me."
"That's so low," you felt a pang of guilt now. You've been hating on him for all the wrong reasons, everything suddenly felt like a false memory. If only you'd known sooner, "What the fuck," you muttered quietly.
"What the fuck indeed," Jin sighs.
"I'm so sorry, I should've known," You looked at him.
"No, don't be. I'm sorry you had to go through that, and I apologize you thought it was me all along," He held your hand, "If anything, I should've known. You were never just mean to anyone on purpose. I should've asked you."
There was silence between you two as he stared at both of your hands intertwined, while you stared at his face, trying to get everything to sink in.
"What was your second question?" Jin finally asks.
"Why you stood me up," you laughed, "Turns out you didn't."
"You know," Jin spoke while his free hand reached for his glass. He finishes the drink in his hand before continuing, "If you did ask me out, I wouldn't leave you out in the cold."
You laughed, "Why would I ask you out?"
"I don't know. Got any ideas?" Jin teased. You smiled and bit your lip, not knowing what to say next. The lip bite did things to him, but he was trying his very best not to seem at all fazed before realizing he was already staring at your lips.
Maybe you were tipsy enough to finally do this.
You drank your wine and grabbed your script from the bed. Jin watched as you flipped over to the last scene.
"Michael," you began reading your lines as you stood, Jin's hand leaving yours, "You know we can't do this. It'll ruin everything."
Jin doesn't even need his script anymore due to the countless times you've both practiced the dialogues alone, "It's not gonna ruin everything, or anything for that matter." He stands up to face you.
"Yes, it will. You know how this will risk our friendship. This won't end well."
"Your eyes tell me otherwise."
"I don't—"
"You do, and you know it," Jin moves closer now, and you can feel your heart beating.
"Emily, I love you. I always have, and you know that. I know you feel the same." He places his hand on your waist. There were no lines left for you to read now, just one last thing your characters needed to do.
It was at this point where you both felt the wine was getting to your system.
He leaned in close, staring at your lips as you slowly moved back. When you couldn't anymore, you felt his lips meet yours, and before you knew it, he was kissing you— and you were kissing him back. You could feel his soft lips pressing against yours as your hands travelled up to his chest. You both fell back onto his bed as the kiss progressed into a rougher pattern of movements. Your hands grabbed onto his shirt while one of his hands gripped onto your waist, the other pushed back onto the mattress for support.
When you two pulled away to gasp for air, the awkwardness of the position you two were in never registered your brain. Instead, your eyes met each other's, searching for any sign of denial. When Jin sensed that there was none, he crashed his lips back onto yours.
Your mind was overflowing with euphoria and adrenaline. You were nervous, excited— you didn't know what was going to happen next. The moment his lips started trailing down your neck, small sounds began to escape from your lips. Whimpers that drove Jin wild as he began to pick up the pace.
The scene about to happen was no longer part of the script, but you were both more than willing to play the part.
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The next morning, you woke up next to Jin who was sleeping soundly with his arms wrapped around you. Last night's events started coming back to you as you gently tried to squiggle out of his hold.
Panic was the first feeling that rushed over you.
1. The shoot was in a few hours and here you were, dressed in Jin's oversized shirt and sweat pants.
2. Your tendency to over think began creeping in.
What if he only did it because of the heat of the moment? You suddenly felt a wave of embarrassment because you thought you had initiated the whole thing with the script reading and all. Maybe he liked you. Maybe he didn't. Neither of you said anything about liking the other last night, so what if it didn't mean anything? You couldn't deal with this right now, so you silently picked up your things and left.
It was still pretty early in the morning, so you tried your best not to make a sound while Courtney was asleep. You took a shower and got ready before you headed out and went to the place where you had to film.
The group of upperclassmen greeted you as you walked in and made your way to Oliver, who would be directing the whole film.
"Hey, y/n. Glad you're here early, where's Jin?" Oliver asks.
"I think he's on his way," you lied. As if on cue, Jin enters the room and people start to greet him. Oliver calls him and Jin makes his way to you two. You couldn't look at him at all.
"You two should start changing, we'll start in 30," Oliver announces and you two head for the changing rooms. You walked a little faster to avoid conversation.
For the rest of the filming process, you both received compliments from everyone on your acting skills. You barely needed to repeat takes which was a relief. You and Jin had the perfect chemistry.
Jin kept trying to talk to you in between breaks, but you'd just give short and simple answers, sometimes just avoiding him altogether. You just couldn't bring yourself to make any eye contact that wasn't on set, or else you'd feel this churning feeling in your stomach and it made you uncomfortable. Soon enough, Jin got the idea and suddenly turned all silent as he observed your every move.
Finally, you had to shoot the last scene. You tried your very best not to appear bothered which seemed to work because no one has asked about why you look so uneasy. Jin was trying his best not to beg you to tell him what was wrong.
"I want you guys to give this your best shot. This scene is the most important, and I need to see more of your chemistry, got it?" Oliver tells them.
The cameras began rolling and Oliver shouts "action".
"Michael, you know we can't do this. It'll ruin everything." You were sat on a sofa and Jin was standing next to it.
"It's not gonna ruin everything, or anything for that matter." Jin says his line and sits close, next to you. You look back at him.
"Yes, it will. You know how this will risk our friendship. This won't end well." You stood up and turned away from him.
He places his hands on your waist and turns you around for your eyes to meet. He pauses for a brief second before his line, "Your eyes tell me otherwise."
"I don't—"
"You do, and you know it." Jin continues, pulling you closer to him. "Emily, I love you. I always have, and you know that. I know you feel the same." he places his hand on your cheek, and you both stare at each other.
"Maybe I do," you muttered, shocking Jin. He continues the act and finally pulls you in for a kiss. Everything came flashing back. You wanted more than what you two had now, it was so easy to see.
"Cut!" Oliver shouts and he begins to clap and you and Jin began to pull away. He looks at you for a moment, and you look back at him.
"Y/n, that improvisation was amazing!" Oliver shouts, still clapping his hands together. You snap out of it and laugh nervously, "Thanks."
"If I hadn't known better, I'd think you two were seeing each other," Oliver teases, "I'm glad you two took this role. Thanks, you guys."
After a few more praises from Oliver, you headed back to the changing room to wear your normal clothes. Scenes of your kiss and scenes from last night began replaying in your mind. You wanted to ask him what it meant, but you were afraid to be the only one falling.
You left the changing room and decided to leave quietly. As you were about to head out, you heard a voice call from behind you.
The voice alone made you stop in your tracks. There was no need to turn around to know who it was; it was Jin. He walked over to you, holding your wrist so you would face him.
"You're avoiding me," he spoke. You looked around, checking if the coast was clear. When you decided it was, you soon.
"I'm not," you lied.
"Stop lying," the hurt in his voice was evident, "You are. You wouldn't even answer my texts."
"You texted?" You hadn't checked your phone since you left his apartment, "I haven't checked my phone."
"Why did you leave?" He had this disappointed look on his face. Knowing it was because of you made you feel even worse.
"Honestly? I was scared," you admitted.
"Of what?"
"That we only did that because of the heat of the moment. That it was all just for fun. That it was because of the alcohol. That it meant nothing."
"Is that really what you think?"
"No," You looked down, "I mean, I'd like to think it isn't."
"Y/n, you know it isn't," Jin said quietly.
"I didn't think it was," he admits, making you look up at him, "I meant it all. Me wanting to spend time with you. Walking you home. Kissing you. It all meant something to me."
"It did?"
"Yeah. When you fell asleep before I did, you looked so peaceful. I started thinking about how I could look at you forever, and the thought of waking up next to you made me happy," He held your hand, "But when I woke up, you were gone."
"I'm sorry, Jin, I just—" You sighed, "I thought of all the worst things and left. I panicked. That's really all I can say." He nodded.
"But did you mean what you set on set? Or was it really just improv?" He asked, his eyes staring deeply into yours.
You nodded, "Yeah, I did."
Jin just nodded and looked at your eyes. Had you really upset him this much?
"Jin, I'm really s—"
Before you could finish your apology, Jin takes his free hand and grabs you by the waist, pulling you closer for a kiss.
This time it felt different.
It felt so, real. No alcohol, no script. It was just Jin.
You wanted it to last forever.
When you two finally pulled away, Jin was the first to speak.
"I like you, a lot, y/n. And I've realized that for a while now," he tells you.
"I like you too," you couldn't help but smile, ignoring at how much your cheeks burned. It was fine, Jin's ears were just as red, "Even though you suck at racing games and my ideal boyfriend is an illegal street racer.”
Jin laughs, and you couldn't help but laugh with him because of all this. All the banter turned to compliments and all the eye-rolling turned to kisses. Now you were more than just partners who failed a paper and ended up working on a movie.
"That's alright, Monkey," Jin grins before placing a kiss on your forehead.
"The only thing I need to keep racing is your heart, not a car."
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a/n: sorry it got longer than expected. anyways if you read until here, thank you for reading! i hope you liked it! send me comments/asks anytime if u want.
also, if you’d like to read my two other works, here are the links!
let’s fall in love for the night
welcome to my youtube channel
which are both taehyung x readers.
see you in my next fic/edit!
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neonponders · 3 years
Hawkins Wolves
I have this gif/post saved and here we go:
Fraternity Twin Harringtons
(cue Billy sweating in the background)
Bryan and Steve Harrington.
Bryan is older, has the grades (A and B averages, still great), and the name from their dad’s Scottish heritage side.
Steve is the younger twin, more athletically endeavored, and named from god only knows. He used to lie and say it was from their mom’s Greek side, just so people would stop talking about his nose. Bryan loves it and totally went with it, because hello? They have the same nose. And the same eyes and brow bones. Bryan has the narrower, V-shaped jawline while Steve’s is more square. The same hair, even if Bryan keeps his nape short and Steve’s not afraid of a mullet.
Frankly, they’re damn near identical when standing next to each other. They’re not joined at the hip, though, and are very much known as brothers instead of twins.
So Billy meets Bryan first.
Bryan is kind of an anomaly. He’s popular, and for good reasons (smart, and jaw-dropping attractive), but he tags around with Jonathan Byers. During a smoke break, Billy follows them down to a creek bed running around the school. He finds them on some boulders: Bryan is modeling up high, and Jonathan is squinting through his camera talking about lighting and, “There’s a spider web there. Watch your foot.”
Long story short: Billy likes Bryan. He doesn’t act on it, per say, but he does become a part of this portfolio pair - Jonathan practicing shutter speeds, etc., and Bryan building up a modeling portfolio.
It’s fun. It’s something to do. Billy particularly enjoys the action shots they get around the fields of Hawkins. Who knew modeling actually took work?
Then a dark red BMW parks on the side of the road behind Billy and Jonathan’s cars. The latter turns around, concerned by the sound, but Bryan reassures, “It’s my brother.”
Billy’s first thought is: Thighs.
His second is: Shoulders.
He can see immediately that the two are related but the brother is more filled out, athletically, and - “How old is he?” Billy can’t help but ask.
“About three minutes younger than me,” Bryan smiled.
The guy trots down the slope into the field to speak for himself. “Bry, if you skip breakfast again, you’re gonna be modeling for a Halloween store.”
“Not all of us have two-a-days, Vivi. I don’t need a truckload of calories.”
He waves a tin foil parcel in the air. Billy wondered if it’d be worth commenting on it being almost 5pm (”Golden hour!” Jonathan called it.), but he stayed quiet. “Do you know how hard it is to keep hash browns crispy? Eat your friggin’ burrito.”
“Yeah. Like you didn’t make that fresh because you ate mine during English.”
He catches the breakfast burrito when it’s thrown at him, though, and Billy is left with him while Jonathan switches cameras and film. He held his hand out and introduced himself, “Steve.”
“Ah,” Billy exhaled understanding and shook. “Billy. I’ve heard your name around.”
“My brother’s obsessed with me. It’s a twin thing.”
Said twin flipped him off in between massive bites to his burrito.
Billy corrected, “No, something about a keg record. That I beat last weekend.”
Steve took that with grace as he nodded. “Did you puke?”
Billy frowned. “No. It wouldn’t be a beaten record, then. Come to think of it, why didn’t I see you at the party?”
Bryan intercepted, “Too busy moping. He’s fresh off a break up.”
Jonathan coughed and looked like he was trying to climb into his camera bag. Billy peered between the three of them, unable to read exactly what was happening.
Steve flicked the end of his nose and leaned into a walk. Billy took that to mean he wanted a conversation alone. He didn’t expect the topic.
As they strolled by an acre of unclipped wheat, Steve hovered his hand over the fronds and said, “I’ll only say this once because I’m not his mother, but I did lose the race out of the womb. If you take advantage of my brother, I’ll put your dick in the trophy case at school next to my State trophy.”
Billy couldn’t decide which to address first: how this small-town, high school priss figured Billy out, or that he actually thought himself capable of intimidating him. Steve wore a goddamn polo underneath a sweater, for Christ sake.
Billy went with, “That’s going to make it easy for investigators to connect some dots.”
“You get my point - ”
“Yeah, I get your dull point, pretty boy. But I’m not going anywhere. I’m stuck in this shit town and it’s nice to have something to occupy myself.”
Steve stopped walking and blinked at him. “Are you modeling?”
Billy smirked. “Why? Like what you see?”
Steve’s lips pressed together a little, those large irises wandering his face before he admitted, “Nice eyes.”
And that was that.
He just left Billy in the field and strolled back to his car.
It was up to Billy to discover that Steve wasn’t the air-headed, athlete brother. Out of the two of them, Steve was the bad boy. The baby of the family with polos and clean Nikes and spare cans of mousse and hairspray for himself and his twin under the passenger seat of his car. Father-dearest’s old BMW.
And a bat with nails in his trunk.
He still couldn’t compare with the queers in mosh pits of California, but Billy discovered he kissed a whole lot better than them anyway. He cliff-dove in the frigid quarry because that’s how the swim team selects its captain. And if Billy joined him just to see those nips puckered to cut ice, only to get shoved into the water too, who is he to complain?
Steve Harrington made him pop a boner in late November waters and then took him home for a blow job in a hot shower and homemade pot pie.
Yeah, Bryan was a looker, and Steve sometimes degraded himself as second rate, but they both showed up at the Hargrove house one night. Billy hadn’t known Steve knew his stepsister, but Max let both of them through her window, and they might’ve saved Billy’s life.
Billy would never call either of the twins bad boys out loud. But as Steve drove them - Billy, Max, Bryan, even Susan - back to the house in Loch Nora, Billy thought their faces in the dim street lighting looked like wolves. Pointed, soft, and ready.
Wolves were considered bad all the time.
Bad. Beautiful. Hunters. Thieves.
Billy earned worried and confused glances around the car when he laughed. He sat up to lean into Steve’s space and purr, “Steal me away any time, baby,” and kissed a bloody print on his jaw.
“Huh?” Steve blurted.
“He has a concussion,” Bryan declared.
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peremadeleine · 4 years
The Empathetic Dog Thief, Episode 1
Alternative titles: “Will: Deer Hunter and Dog Dad,” “Crimes Against Costuming,” “What Year Is It: A Crime Drama”
Armed with a gin & tonic and one sleepy cat, I finally gave the NBC show another shot.
I didn’t know Will had a superpower. Cool...?
How come he’s play-acting the murderer, though? Just because he can think like a killer doesn’t mean he needs to be reenacting it himself. That’s just confusing for the audience?? The way they did it in the Red Dragon movie was still effective without coming off as “aw, Will’s playing serial killer”
“This is my design” what
Plaid shirt and striped tie, truly a costuming sin. I didn’t love Will’s “modern wild west” costume vibes in Red Dragon, but it was better than this.
Don’t pretend that Jack and Will don’t know each other. Hate that.
Do look forward to hearing how many different ways people can pronounce “Graham” though.
Oh boy, why does Crawford push Will’s glasses up on his face while murmuring “hey” softly like a lover?? They’re strangers. That was mighty uncomfortable.
is he just assuming Will is on the spectrum? Right after they met???
and then Will confirms, but wait, he just has an “active imagination”?
at least in canon Crawford doesn’t take advantage of people on the gd spectrum, and he spins it as being for the good of the victims. jfc.
“based on the characters by Thomas Harris”
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Of course all the victims in the first episode are going to be women
“it’s not about all of these girls, it’s about one of them”--seven minutes in and they’re already ripping off Silence.
“he’s like Willy Wonka. every girl he takes is a candy bar.” no. nO.
“I mean, I would. Wouldn’t you?” no Will, Crawford’s a douchebag, not a murderous psychopath.
“Why is it now a crime scene?” Because Will says so and he’s his own forensic team, apparently. Next question.
Also apparently he only owns red plaid-print shirts. Huh.
Lol Will has empathy for everyone but a grieving father confronted with his daughter’s dead body???
I don’t like the way Crawford is speaking to Will one bit. It’s supposed to be sensitive, but it comes off as condescending and mollycoddling. Ew. That is SO not Jack Crawford.
"You wrote the standard monograph on time of death by insect activity"?!?
so Will IS his own forensic team. Weird flex, but okay.
Antler velvet. Christ, HERE WE GO.
“You not real FBI?” Rip-off of Silence #2!
“You unstable?” Stop coming at Will, Jesus!
Will is a serial dognapper. SIX DOGS. Maybe, maybe, people in this neighborhood are missing their gd dogs, you monster.
none of them are even UGLY dogs
Will’s also drinking tho. One point for Gryffindor.
Oh, another plaid shirt. At least this one’s got a nice pattern. And isn’t red.
The bathroom is painted red, tho. What is it with Fuller and red walls?
Hugh Dancy’s American accent slips when he tries to like...emote. Yikes.
Strangulation is neither quick nor merciful.
A forensic specialist who wears her long-ass dark hair loose down her back and shoulders in the lab should be FIRED.
Implied “we covet what we see every day” scene: Silence Rip-Off #3
nineteen minutes in, me: W H E R E  I S  H A N N I B A L this is false marketing
Okay, I actually kind of like the “okay, I can cover him 80%” scene. Crawford’s real good at fucking up people’s lives in order to save lives.
twenty-one minutes in, me: HANNIBAL’S HERE THANK CHRIST
will probably regret this thought later
it’s okay, Hans. I, too, hate the career choices that have led me to this point.
the fact that he has tissues by HIS chair in his office is fuckin’ hilarious, what a douche, I love him
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same, tho
The costumes and sets and cars are all screaming 70s/80s. But smartphones!
I’m watching this pretty late so my volume is a bit low and I cannot understand 70% of Hannibal’s dialogue, uh oh
Hannibal is supposed to be short so I don’t think this little “oh Crawford confused the short weepy patient with Hannibal” bit is that cute...I’ve always felt like Mads was poorly cast for that reason, among others. Oh well.
I take it all back:
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“No secretary?” “She was predisposed to romantic whims.” Not sure whether I like this line because Hannibal’s the one acting on whimsy or if it makes me cringe because of the way they’re dismissing Hannibal’s former secretary. Hmm.
“Are these yours, doctor?” a) Duh and b) Silence Rip-Off #4
Why the fuck does Crawford think he can just examine Hannibal’s papers? Like?????????
no wonder he hates your rude ass, Jack
“Very interesting, even for a layman” Wow, unexpected Red Dragon rip-off (by the Red Dragon adaptation) #1
this whole scene is made of cringe HELP
why is Hannibal dressed in his Easter Sunday suit
Tattlecrimes.com. I’M SPEECHLESS at the stupidity of that.
tabloids are, in fact, still a thing in the Year of Our Lord 2013
No way is Hannibal fucking Lecter going to drink the swill that probably is Jack Crawford’s coffee, as if.
“Not fond of eye contact, are you?” Yes, Hannibal is the only character who should be canonically coming at anyone like this. (But also poor Will.)
But Will, at least look in his direction while he’s talking to you? I also don’t love eye contact...it’s rude not to even look at a person, though.
Hannibal finally used a contraction! He’s human after all. (This is a common Fanfic-Writing-of-Hannibal problem. I used to have it, too. You think to emulate him you have to write lofty, staid dialogue. But we’re talking about Hannibal the Punmaster General here.)
“This cannibal you have him getting to know” I’m sorry, who said anything about cannibals???
Stop incriminating yourself Hannibal honestly
Wait, is the implication that the victim whose lungs were taken is Hannibal’s? I hope not, because what would he be doing in Minnesota, and since when did Hannibal cut people up alive (Krendler notwithstanding--he’s a special case), especially women????? He’s a Monster(TM), but not a fucking sadist.
Will’s wardrobe also contains gingham!
no really, when did they determine that the serial killer was a cannibal?? did I sleep through that part?
“have Dr. Lecter draw up a psychological profile” bitch, please. Dr. Lecter doesn’t work for Crawford.
I don’t like hearing/watching people eat, especially in quiet moments. That’s going to become a problem in this show, isn’t it?
Will’s dream dear is fucking awful CGI. Wow.
That brown blazer--Hannibal would never.
EVERYTHING about Hannibal that should be black--his clothes and his hair--is brown here. It’s...weird.
to quote @random-emerald-thoughts​, “my homocidal boy aint about that tawny bullshit”
Hannibal Lecter: food snob--that’s canon. 
Don’t like this dialogue, though. And Hannibal bringing anyone he just met food in glorified Tupperware rings very false.
“Uncle Jack” what the fuck
Wow, Fuller jumped directly into the teacup thing right from the start. Yikes. He clearly didn’t understand it. (Clarice isn’t the teacup, bro. The teacup represents time, and disorder, and will it ever be reversed?)
Lots of weird metaphors in this episode overall, though none as bad as the Willy Wonka thing.
Why is Hannibal in Minnesota? Is he a crime-scene investigator now? Is he on the FBI payroll? Doesn’t he have patients with appointments to keep? Social obligations? I HAVE QUESTIONS.
He’s not a priss or a germaphobe. DISLIKE.
Do like the phone call. Just fuckin’ carelessly with people’s lives for the fun of it, that’s our Hannibal.
FBI? Are you FBI, Will?
He shouldn’t have been issued that sidearm if he can’t hold it steady.
One shot would have been plenty. Maybe two. Jfc, the reason Clarice shot Gumb so many times was because he was going to shoot her. Hobbs had a knife, which he dropped, and he was incapacitated by the first/second shot. Silence Rip-Off #5
How the fuck is he still alive and talking?! Will plugged him about eight times!
Call the police, Hannibal, or the ambulance, or take off your jacket and provide first aid to this girl. You’re a doctor!
It really is like he wants to be arrested or something.
And then he gets to ride in the ambulance?? Just Because?
Overall, it was...not very good, imo, poorly paced, very poorly written, with acting that jumped wildly from “very good” to “awful,” sometimes from the same actors. Intense cringe throughout a lot of the script. Ripped off Silence of the Lambs, a superior movie about many of the same characters, way too many times. Will is boring and I don’t care about him, but then I also don’t care about canon Will. And I still think Mads Mikkelsen was poorly cast as Hannibal...the costumes aren’t doing him any favors, either. We’ll see if he can bring me around.
Some moments of genuine humor that I appreciated, though, and some nods to the canon that I grudgingly appreciated, too, including Hannibal being a dick and Jack Crawford fucking up people’s lives.
Hopefully if you made it this far into my observations you got a kick out of them. I probably won’t go into this much detail for every episode, but I do intend to try to watch at least all of Season 1.
Painful as it might be.
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kitefreecss · 2 years
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ok I think finished the priss print,,,
2 dif version plus a possible not secret third version?
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Conversation Between A Classmate And I Today:
Him: *makes an uber-sexist comment about womens’ driving skills*
Me: *glares a deadly glare at him*
Him: What? It’s true! Haha.
Me: *looks back down at binder* *says angrily* Actually, studies have shown that women are actually in fact better drivers than men, and right here in my binder- *pulls out papers and flourishes it grandly* a printed out copy of said studies and articles. 
Him: You’re angry because your on your fucking period, right? God, all these over-emotional girls being such prisses when they are on their periods. Are you going to cry? That’s what always happens. First you get mad, and then you get sad, and then you cry. 
Me: *stares uncomprehendingly* 
Guy sitting behind me: Are you sure that’s a woman on her period or you last Sunday when your football team lost?
Me: *turns around and grins approvingly*
Guy: And women don’t get over emotional. They get as many mood swings as men do when they have erections, yet no one ever mentions that. And by the way, they’re birthing a fucking bloody organ for a week or more. You can’t fucking talk about getting emotional when they have an organ coming out of them AND their uterus’ are trying to stop the blood flow- which is what causes cramps. Their uterus’ are literally trying to kill themselves every month. I would to, if I was a woman. 
Me: *points to him* Boom. *fistbumbs guy* *continues studying like nothing happened* 
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occasionalfics · 6 years
Dog Days (Steve X Reader)
drabble masterlist | main masterlist | taglist
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For @memyselfandmaddox​: “could you do a soulmate with steve that they meet somehow because of my dog maggie? The little runt that she is would so run away from me and priss her way over to steve demanding he pick her up and love on her. When she runs away from me she looks both ways to cross streets and only uses the sidewalks. MISS 16 YEAR OLD MAGGIE IS BASICALLY DEAF AT THIS POINT SO CHASING AFTER HER SCREAMING HER NAME DOES NOTHING.”
A/N: I’m a big Tattoo fan so...that’s where I went with this. (It doesn’t hurt that Chris Evans’ tattoos are...a huge turn on js) Also how have I never gotten a soulmate au request until now?! This was too fun! I want more! And maybe I deny Infinity War but I don’t deny Civil War so I wanted to put this at a point when Steve, you know, wasn’t a fugitive.
Warnings: None! Just another super cute one!
Words: 1,398
It was 2011 when you woke up with your first tattoo just above your wrist. You liked the simplicity of it: three black circles, one inside the next, with a simple star at the center of the smallest circle. It looked like a bullseye, with no color or words.
The only problem: you hadn’t gotten a tattoo. Your bank account proved that, since there’d been no transaction or even an ATM withdrawal to serve as evidence of a possible drunken mistake. Plus, you’d been sober the night before, so there was no way you’d gotten that tattoo of your own volition.
The only explanation: your soulmate had been born. Which presented a whole new issue: your soulmate was a lot younger than you. The thought made you shudder with disgust and curse the universe for doing this to you - because what else were you supposed to do? All you had was this mark that would constantly remind you of what was to come, even if you dreaded it.
So you told your friends and family that you had gotten the tattoo intentionally. It was easier to explain its sudden appearance than it was to tell them you’d finally gotten your soulmate mark well into adulthood. The only living being that knew the truth was your little pooch Maggie, who, to the best of your knowledge, didn’t know anyone that could actually communicate with dogs. Your secret was safe...for a while.
Two years later, you were walking Maggie down a busy street in the heat of the day - she had little booties on to keep her paws safe from the concrete - when the little monster somehow got out of her collar and sprinted away.
“Maggie!” you called, trying to keep up, but then you remembered something that made your heart sink: Maggie, in her old age, had gone deaf. She couldn’t hear you or oncoming traffic, though she might be able to feel vibrations from engines and car horns - if only she wasn’t wearing booties.
You went into high gear, following her as fast as you could. Despite her age, she was still a spry little girl. She kept up a ridiculous pace, somehow beating you even as she stopped at red lights and looked both ways across intersections before dodging across crosswalks. All you could do was follow her path, breathing harder and harder as she went. Clearly, she had a mission, even if you didn’t know where that would take either of you.
She headed into a small cafe, pushing past a couple as they came out onto the street, and you rolled your eyes. Maybe she couldn’t hear anymore, but Maggie still loved the smell of coffee. But you’d noticed that she’d passed quite a few cafes on her mad sprint, so you didn’t know why this one was special until you went inside.
There she was - the little yippy monster was sitting politely at the heels of a broad-shouldered blonde man in a pair of slightly baggy jeans and a plain blue t-shirt that was almost two sizes too small. You hardly noticed at first; you just watched Maggie’s tail wag at an alarming rate. She barked up at the man to get his attention, and when he looked down at her, she stood on her back two legs and panted for his attention.
“Maggie!” you called, even though you knew she couldn’t hear you. Even if she could, she’d probably ignore you anyway.
The man bent down as if he hadn’t heard you either, smiling at Maggie as she jumped and barked at him. He put his hands around her tummy and picked her up, laughing as her eyes went wide and white and she licked his hands frantically.
“Maggie - you little rascal!” you said, stepping closer to him to try to get your dog’s attention. She didn’t cease her licking, but the man did chuckle.
“So you’re Maggie,” he said, then he turned to you. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to steal your pup here.” He tried to hand Maggie back to you, but she wriggled in his grasp and cried.
You rolled your eyes and tried to pull her from him without being rude, but Maggie didn’t like that at all. She went to nip at your fingers, so you pulled them back and yelled, “Hey! Who do you think you are, lil’ miss?”
The man laughed again, and when you finally looked at him, you stopped. Everything stopped, actually. Maggie stopped moving and the baristas stopped working and the people around you stopped talking - all in the second it took for your wrist to itch like crazy. You thought the man looked familiar, too, so you stared at him until his laughter ebbed.
Maggie went about licking his face - his strong jaw and sharp nose, and without even realizing it, you were kind of jealous. But you reminded yourself that you didn’t know this man, and that he was still holding your dog one way or another.
“She really likes you,” you managed to say without making a total fool of yourself. You tried to pet her, but Maggie completely ignored you. Her tail kept wagging as she made herself comfortable against this man. When he pet her, her tail went faster.
“Well, I like her too,” he said. Then he made sure he was supporting Maggie with one arm before dropping the other. He held his free hand out to you and told you, “I’m Steve.”
Without even thinking, you held you your arm with the soulmate tattoo to shake his hand. “(Y/N),” you said, almost automatically getting distracted by the light blue of Steve’s eyes. They looked familiar, too, but you couldn’t remember why. But damn, was that tattoo itchy. It’d never been itchy like that before.
Once you pulled your hand back, you instantly scratched the tattoo, which pulled Steve’s attention to it. You watched his brow furrow and his head tilt and suddenly - you knew who he was.
“Oh my god,” you whispered. You moved a little closer, so you didn’t alert too many of the other patrons around. “You’re not...Steve Rogers are you?”
He didn’t answer at first because his attention was still on your tattoo. “Is that…” he started, but he never finished his question. He reached his fingers out until they came into contact with your wrist - which sent huge waves of sunshine-y warmth up your arm. He must’ve felt it too, because his breath caught at the exact moment that yours did.
“What...was that?” you asked, looking at your wrist, then back at Steve.
He scrambled to hand you Maggie, who cried at the loss of contact with Steve. You held her close as he brought his opposite wrist to your attention. There, in the same place your tattoo was on your arm, he had one that was just the outline of Maggie’s name, but it was in the same font that was printed on her collar tag, which you’d had custom made by someone on Etsy a few years ago.
“Maggie’s your dog?” Steve asked, like he didn’t already know.
You nodded. “And you’re...Captain-”
He hushed you and looked over his shoulders, searching the room to make sure no one was paying attention. Before he spoke again, he gripped your free hand in his and pulled you outside, over to the furthest table possible. You sat across the table from one another with Maggie walking over the metal grate freely now, even though you knew she was supposed to be on the ground.
“Yes,” Steve said. “I’m...Steve Rogers.”
You looked at your tattoo. It wasn’t a bullseye after all. It was his shield without the color. It’d come late because, for almost seven decades, he’d been close enough to death to be kept from you. The Universe hadn’t been playing a trick - it’d been keeping you from years and years of disappointment, until Steve was brought back into the world.
“So what was it like?” you asked. “Waking up with this name on your wrist and having no idea who Maggie was?” You managed to smirk at him before you planted your chin on an upturned palm.
Steve smiled, too. His ears and cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he looked at the table, then at Maggie. “Confusing at first,” he answered. “But...not so bad.”
Global: @infinityblogger @welcome-to-my-daydreams @hopefulblazetriumph @httpmcrvel @capsheadquaters @samanthasmileys @sunigyrl @yeahbutmarvel @mysweetcookie99 @ourdreamsrealized @tinyfistwarrior @punkrockhufflefluff @lady-thor-foster @nerdywitch @dreamerinfinity @demonspawn2468 @blackpantherimagines @pensysto @memyselfandmaddox @acciorinn @the-resal10 @untoldshortsofthefandoms @j-marvel-memester @vinyloider
Steve: @girlwhoisfearless @mrsdeanwinchester19 @multi-fandom-imagines8 @ineffabl-y @warriorsacrifice @pensysto @marvelous-super-soldier @cherrysfandom 
Drabbles: @athorable-and-deanlicous @esoltis280 @pensysto
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averyonelovesjack · 6 years
wrapped around your finger ~ jack avery
requested: yes
hi babe!! I love love love your writing and I was wondering if you could write about jack being like the nerd/shy guy at school and the reader is like the total priss and runs the school but she really likes him and he’s never gotten the hint but they finally tell each other they like the other?? thank you!! :)
summary: the very bright jack avery is tutoring queen of the school, y/n, but is unable to see the true feelings that rest behind their relationship.
warning(s): cursing, studying
word count: 1428
My highlighter ran over the small words that were printed on several pages of notes. My binder was jam packed and practically fell off of Jack’s bed by the time I was finished writing everything down. 
“we’ve been studying for like forever,” i whined, throwing my head in my hands and closing my binder, “i think it’s time to call it quits for the night.”
“you feel 100% prepared for tomorrow’s ap geo test?” Jack asks me, watching me put my things away before he was finished helping me study.
“no, jack, but i’m never going to be 100% prepared. But my brain is jam packed with notes that aren’t going to help me with anything other than this stupid fucking test tomorrow,” i send him a look. He looks down and I wait for a response.
“it’s eight, are you staying for dinner?” Jack stands up. It’s been about six months since my AP Human Geography teacher recommended Jack as a tutor for me. He’s been in my grade since we were in middle school, although our groups usually didn’t cross paths. Although I had high potential and usually got good grades (other than this bs class), my group of friends didn’t exactly reflect that. And Jack and his friends did. After the first week alone, Jack and I became more than just a tutor and the person he was tutoring. It was a friendship, I like to think. He knows a lot about me and I think I know a lot about him.
He’s a very sweet guy and he’s cute and smart and he’s the perfect guy, other than the fact that he can’t take a hint for the life of him. It’s been about a month of me having real feelings for him and no matter how much I flirt with him, he seems to just ignore the fact that I potentially fell for him, “i can’t tonight. i told joyce i’d meet up with her for some dinner.”
“oh, have fun,” he gives me a forced smile.
“she’s not that bad,” i tell him, my eyelashes batting.
“she’s a grade-A bitch, but sure,” he tells me, laughing a little bit, “i’m serious, have fun.” 
“rain check?” i ask with a hint of a smile.
“yeah, sure,” he looks down, “good luck on the test. you’re going to be fine.”
“thanks for helping me,” i tell him, “and thanks for offering to help me with my biomed tomorrow night. i know it’s more of me than you signed up for, but i really appreciate it.” 
“it’s no problem, really,” Jack smiles, “you’re much better than other students i’ve tutored.” 
“i’m a complete imbecile when it comes to this dumb ass history class,” I tell him.
“Madeline threw a book at me and Josh screamed at me because i taught him more than what was on the test,” he shares the horrors of being a tutor.
“well they’re assholes, don’t mind them,” i remind.
“easy for you to say, you’re friends with them. you can just ignore them when they’re assholes. i’m being paid to help them,” Jack stands up to walk me out.
“it’s not like i’m any closer with them than i am with you,” i tell him.
“Yes, but you’re friends with everyone at this damn school,” he smiles a little bit.
“that’s not true, not everyone,” i respond.
“y/n, you have everyone at this school wrapped around your damn finger,” he told me, with a laugh hinted, “it’s fine. i’ll see you tomorrow,” 
I sat down at my lunch table with my food in my arms and my friends to my sides. Daniella sat down next to me and started looking at me strangely.
“what?” i question.
“why were you talking to... jack earlier?” she looks disgusted, something i don’t understand.
“because he’s nice and he’s been helping me with my work,” I tell her.
“ohhhh, so he’s giving you the homework answers? i knew that being friends with nerds would be helpful,” 
“no, i mean that he’s tutoring me,” i answer, “he’s a great guy.” 
“he’s a nerd. have you ever even heard him talk?” Daniella questions.
“yes, i’ve heard him talk. You’re being a bitch, you know that? there’s more to this school than popularity, you know. we supposed to be getting an education here.” 
“that’s rich, coming from you. you could have any guy in this stupid school, and you chose jack. and especially when you have this whole fucking school wrapped around your finger,” She told me and I looked at her.
Jack said the same thing to me. Am i really that terrible? 
I sat down on Jack’s bed, a lot running through my mind. I was supposed to focus on studying for my biomed unit test tomorrow, but instead, all i could focus on was jack. a little bit about what he said and how danielle said the same thing. and of course, he didn’t mean it in a bad way; he’s too kind to ever say something in a rude way, but the way danielle said it, it made me question it. 
“-and the pituitary gland releases adh, which stands for...” i snap back into what Jack had been telling me.
“sorry, i was distracted. can you repeat that?” i blush, looking down at my notes.
“yeah, are you sure you’re ok? you seem a little off today,” he sends me a friendly smile, “you’re not going to remember any of these facts if you’re distracted,” 
“yeah, i’m fine,” i say, “it’s been a long few days.”
“we can take a break,” Jack closes the notebook, “what’s on your mind?” 
“i don’t know,” i shrug, “what did you mean yesterday? when you said that i had the whole school wrapped around my finger?”
His face dropped, “n-no, y/n, i didn’t mean to upset you.”
“no, it’s not you,” i tell him, “i mean, yes, you said it, but not in a mean way. and then danielle said something too.”
“well i can’t speak for danielle, because she’s a terrible person. no offense, but she’s an asshole to me,” he responds, “but i just meant that you have a lot of friends. it’s not a bad thing, it’s a good thing actually.” 
“am i a bitch?” i ask, sort of out of the blue.
“y/n, are you kidding?” jack asks, “i don’t know how you act with other people, but you’re nothing but kind to me. since we started working together, you always find a way to make me feel like i’m not some smart kid who stands in the background. you’re not a bitch,” 
“you’re just being nice,” i answer, “someone who’s kind doesn’t become friends with someone like danielle.”
“you know what, stop worrying about danielle. you have better people in your life who you can be friends with; she is definitely not worth your time,” 
“like you;” i give him a smile, “you’re a better person to be friends with,”
Jack smiles, “you don’t want to be friends with me. it’s sweet, and i’m glad that i can help you, but you don’t want to be friends with me.”
“oh, shut up,” i tell him, “why wouldn’t i want to be friends with you?” 
“we’re in two completely different worlds, y/n,” he reminds, “it doesn’t matter that you think that i’m nice or that i think you’re kind; we’re in two different worlds.” 
“well maybe i don’t want to be in that world, maybe i want to be in your world,” i tell him, “and maybe i want to be more than friends.” 
“y/n, what do you mean?” Jack looks at me, unsure of what i’d just admitted.
“jack, you’re smart and you’re sweet, and you’re fucking hilarious, but you can’t take a hint for your goddamn life!” i tell him, “i like you. like a lot.” 
Jack smiled to himself, looking down at his hands, “you can’t, no, you don’t.” 
I leaned in, pressing my lips softly against his. Instead of pulling away, like half of me believed he would, Jack pushed against me. He kissed me back, his hand resting on my cheek. 
It was a few seconds before we separated and Jack looked at me with that beautiful smile of his, “so you actually like me? this isn’t just a dream?” 
“no, it’s not a dream,” i laugh a little bit, “i really like you.” 
“well, i really like you too,” Jack smiles, “even if you do have this school wrapped around your finger.”
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