#Mcu tickle fic
The Proposal
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hey hi hello! ☺️
Maybe you can write some natasha and reader gf story?
For example, how nat proposes to the reader, the wedding etc.
All of it with a lot od tickles and happiness ofc 🤍.
Good luck!
Note: Thank you so much for this wonderful request! I had a lot of fun writing it and it was a very creative idea! Enjoy!! :)
Warnings: This fic has kissing in it and tickles. Please do not read if you are not comfortable with this
Word Count: 2126
Your girlfriend Natasha was everything you had ever dreamed of. She was strong, witty, beautiful, and best of all…dominant. You guys had been dating for 3 years now, and there was no doubt in your mind that she was your endgame. 
However, you never quite knew what she was feeling or thinking. You knew that she loved you more than anyone besides her sister Yelena, and that she cared for you immensely. You just weren’t sure if she was ready to commit. There was always some seed of doubt planted in your mind that you weren’t good enough. Maybe you were just an overthinker…
Today was the day of your 3 year anniversary. You weren’t sure if she had planned anything and you weren’t sure what to expect. You had bought a gift for her already and you were planning on when to give it to her.
Early that afternoon you got a text from Yelena asking you to go with her to get a manicure. You found it a bit odd since Yelena wasn’t the type to get manicures, but you agreed and got ready to go out. 
“Where are you going?” Natasha asked curiously.
You paused, not knowing if she already knew where you were going. She was a spy after all. 
“I’m just going out to get something…” you said, your answer falling flat as Natasha smirked at you.
“Enjoy your manicure,” Natasha said, as your mouth opened with disbelief. 
“How did you know?” You asked, eyeing her suspiciously. 
“I know everything,” Natasha said cockily. 
You rolled your eyes with a huff, now leaving for your manicure with the blonde.
“What took you so long?” Yelena asked as you arrived.
“Sorry, I got stuck in traffic,” you complained.
“Anyway, what color are you getting?” Yelena asked.
“I want something bold,” you stated, looking at the reds and blues.
“Yeah I wouldn’t go for something light-colored,” Yelena commented.
“Why is that?” You asked suddenly.
Yelena pursed her lips slightly, thinking quickly.
“Well, you know, you want to stand out, don’t you?” Yelena asked.
“I guess so…?” You said with uncertainty.
“C’mon let’s get these nails done,” Yelena rushed.
“Are you getting a pedicure?” You teasingly asked Yelena, knowing that she was too ticklish for one.
“Are you?” Yelena responded back.
You glanced at your feet knowing that they were too ticklish as well.
“That’s what I thought,” Yelena said triumphantly. 
After the manicures, you and Yelena stopped at a nearby food court for a light snack. What you didn’t know was that during this time, Natasha was planning something big.
You admired your royal blue nails as you sipped a lemonade and took a fry from the basket between you two.
“So what are your plans tonight?” Yelena asked.
“Well, I got your sister a gift but I’m not sure what else we’re doing,” you responded.
Yelena wiggled her eyebrows at you, hinting that Natasha was gonna do something naughty. You rolled your eyes and threw a balled up napkin at her as she laughed at your reaction.
You got home around 4:00 pm, and Natasha was right where you left her.
“Have fun?” Your girlfriend asked.
You nodded and told her about how it went.
“Good color choice,” Natasha commented, glancing up at you to see if you knew.
You eyed her for a bit before asking if you guys were doing something.
“Well, I have a reservation for two tonight at a fancy restaurant on the beach,” Natasha said casually.
“Am I the second person in that reservation?” You asked jokingly, which caused the redhead to pull you into her lap and trap you with one arm, while tickling your sides and stomach with the other.
“NAHAHAT STAHAHAP,” you squealed, trying to wiggle out of her grip.
“Are you gonna stop being a cheeky brat?” Natasha asked, working her fingers up your ribs, causing you to panic.
“I DOHONT KNOHOHOW MAYBE YOU HAHAHAVE A MISTRESS,” you responded through your laughs, as you squealed when she used her fingers to dig into your armpit.
Natasha just shook her head as she continued to tickle torture you and you eventually pleaded for her to let you go. 
“You’re such a troublemaker,” Natasha said with a playful eye roll.
“But I’m your troublemaker,” you emphasized, giving her a wink.
The two of you then got ready for the fancy dinner on the boardwalk of the beach. Natasha wore a fancy black dress and you wore a bold red dress.
You two mulled over the menu for a while, as there were so many options.
The waiter came over in a fancy tuxedo, asking what you guys wanted to order.
“Just to make sure, but you guys don’t have chicken tenders right? Because that’s all she eats,” you said jokingly, gesturing towards Natasha.
The waiter laughed and apologized that they did not serve chicken tenders.
Natasha narrowed her eyes at you, before ordering chicken parmesan. You ordered after her and got fettuccine alfredo with chicken. Once the waiter wrote down the order and left, Natasha gave your knee a squeeze under the table, causing you to yelp and hit your knee on the table.
You glared at her in embarrassment asking why she did that.
“Just a little revenge for your cheekiness you brat,” Natasha said quietly, giving you a pinch to your side, making you jerk away and turn red. You were used to her tickling you whenever she felt like it, but having it done in public was something that would always embarrass you.
You swatted her away and eventually the food came. You eyed the food suspiciously, wondering if Natasha had told them to hide the ring in the food somewhere.
You poked around for a bit before digging in, reaching the bottom of the bowl and finding no ring in sight.
For dessert, you guys ordered cheesecake and oreo ice cream, taking in the richness of each one.
“This is the best cheesecake I’ve ever had,” Natasha marveled, which you knew meant the cheesecake was superior. Natasha was hardly ever impressed by food. 
After safely eating the dessert with no ring in it, you two took an evening stroll on the boardwalk, taking in the cool summer breeze.
“So…three years. Long time,” you said awkwardly.
“And yet you’re still so awkward around me,” Natasha said with a chuckle.
“Well, what can I say? I get shy around beautiful women,” you said, giving her your cutest smile.
“You are so cute,” Natasha commented, as you blushed.
“I can’t believe it’s been so long. It felt like just yesterday I was learning about your habits and personality, and now I know it better than anything else,” Natasha said.
“I used to be so shy around you. You were scary, you know that?” You said with a grin.
“You’re still scared of me,” Natasha responded, reaching her hand out, threatening to tickle you. You quickly jumped away and covered your side.
“See? Always scared,” the redhead said with a smirk. 
“Where do you see us in the future?” You asked.
“I’m honestly not sure. Our lives are very different right now, but at the same time, there’s no one else I’d rather be with. I know it’s you Y/N, I just never know when the time is right.
You nodded understandingly.
“I wish we could know for sure what our future holds. But then again, does anyone really?” You responded.
“I just know that I have a ship and I am the captain of that ship,” Natasha said, looking out towards the sea.
You looked at her as she continued looking out to the sea. The sun was setting at its most perfect point. She turned slowly and looked you in the eyes for a minute. 
“Y/N, will you marry me and become my co-captain of the ship?” The redhead asked, breaking out into a smile.
Your eyes widened, panicking now. You knew relationships led to marriage sometimes, but it never seemed real until now. So many emotions were taking over you and you weren’t sure whether to cry or not.
“Natasha I love you so much, of course I will marry you. A thousand times yes,” you said, as she stood up and kissed you as you cried happy tears. She placed the ring on your finger, shining brighter than any star in the universe.
She swung you in the air out of happiness, as you giggled in glee. 
“I love you more than anyone else in the world,” Natasha said, leaning in to kiss you again.
Suddenly, you two heard a voice nearby.
“Wow those were some great pictures.”
You both spun around to see Yelena with a fancy camera.
“Don’t give me that look Natashka, you told me to hide and take pictures when the proposal happened,” Yelena said, now showing the pictures.
“Wow, you really timed it well for the sunset to be in the perfect position,” you commented.
“I needed it to be perfect,” Natasha said.
Yelena took some more pictures, also getting close ups of your ring. Now you understood why she took you to get a manicure.
After the pictures, Yelena gave you two some alone time on the beach.
Natasha looked at you mischievously. 
“Hey woah woah this ring is expensive,” you said defensively.
“Then I’ll just get your feet,” Natasha said, gently tackling you on the sand and burying your feet.
“Oh come on!” You whined, although you were secretly pining for tickles.
“I know your tense from not getting your evening tickles,” Natasha teased, as she removed your high heels and began gently tickling your feet.
“Wow so I guess when you get engaged your ticklishness doesn’t go away huh?” Natasha commented, as you tried to kick the sand away.
Natasha took a nearby feather and began to saw the feather between your toes.
“NOHOT THAHAHAT PLEHEHEASE,” you cried, as you were highly sensitive between the toes.
“We gotta celebrate somehow right?” Natasha asked, as you laughed against your will. 
Natasha finished it off by going for the kill, taking all her nails and scratching them against your heels, causing you to lose it.
“ENOHOUGH PLEHEHEASE NOHOHO MOHOHORE,” you cried, as she then let up and helped get you unstuck from beneath the sand. 
“Apparently people like you still stay just as annoying after they’re engaged,” you huffed at her.
“What was that?” Natasha asked, reaching out to tickle your stomach.
“NOHOHOTHING AHAHA,” you giggled out, rolling away from her.
“Do you like the ring?” Natasha asked, as you nodded and leaned in to kiss her.
The two of you made out on the beach as the sun continued setting before returning home to rest after the craziest day in your lives.
In the next few months, you two began planning your wedding. You guys had chosen the venue already and were now deciding on the food.
“I want mashed potatoes to be there,” you quickly interjected, as Natasha giggled.
“How about steak and mashed potatoes? With salad maybe?” She asked.
“Oooh yes!” You cheered.
“Do you want cake or something else?” Natasha asked.
You both didn’t like cake, so you decided to have an ice cream bar with all the toppings one could dream of. 
You had pretty much all of the details figured out. Location, food, dessert, guests, music, flowers, decorations, you name it.
The day of the wedding had finally arrived. It was sunny and beautiful outside and everyone was in a chipper mood.
After some socializing, the wedding began.
“Natasha Romanoff, do you take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The officiator asked.
“I do,” Natasha said, beaming.
“Y/N, do you take Natasha Romanoff to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The officiator asked you.
“I do,” you said, squeezing her hand in excitement.
“You may kiss,” the officiator announced, as you two shared a passionate kiss as the crowd applauded and cheered.
The rest of the night consisted of dancing, eating, and drinking with friends and family. You enjoyed the mashed potatoes and ice cream the most however. 
Later that night, you and Natasha were in a hotel room before leaving for your honeymoon the next day.
“What a day huh? I just got to marry an Avenger,” you said, taking off your dress and revealing the lingerie you had been saving for her.
“You’re so lucky there were people around. I would’ve worn you down so much you wouldn’t have been able to say ‘I do’”, Natasha teased, pinning you down on the bed and tickling you wherever she could.
You burst out into laughter, knowing that you were gonna be her toy for the rest of the night…
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ficsandgiggles · 2 months
How to Win A Tickle Fight (Scarlett Johannson x Florence Pugh x Reader)
Authors Note: this was so fun to write, thank you so much @marinasmarvel for the adorable prompt, I hope you enjoy it 💞
Word count: 1181
Warnings: Cute as fuck
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“Hey everyone, welcome back to my channel! Now as you know I am a huge fan of Marvel, and I’ve wanted to try and get some of their incredibly talented cast members on here. Well, today is the day, I am unbelievably honoured to introduce the amazing Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova!”
Scarlett and Florence both slid into view, sandwiching you in between them. You still couldn’t believe this was happening. Your humble self didn’t think that your channel was anywhere big enough to ever get to this point. Yes, you had a few million subscribers, but so did hundreds, if not thousands of other people.
When Florence reached out to you, saying she loved your content and your creative theories, she was eager to be a guest on your channel, so the two of you arranged a date and time for her to come to your place. It was only a couple of days before when she casually said that Scarlett would be joining as the two of them had been hanging out. She wanted to keep it a surprise but blurted it out as she was too excited to hide it from you.
The three of you hung out for a little bit before you started filming, you explained how this could take a bit of time as you had received an overwhelming amount of questions and you’d have to cut out some of the answers, but it was best to cover bases.
Throughout this time, Scarlett and Flo were physically close, occasionally poking sensitive spots if one of them got distracted, you couldn’t help but blush. You purposely chose a question where they asked the two actresses to expand on what specific trust exercises the two did and, more specifically how to win a tickle fight, as it was obvious the two of them got into a lot of them on set.
Even before you started filming, the two were bickering and poking each other, you just rolled your eyes, but there was a small part of you that was jealous, you had watched too many times to count the interviews where Flo would talk about their playful fights and attacks whilst they were filming.
They didn’t know about your upcoming question though, and you were so excited to ask it.
The questions started flowing, they ranged from their favourite on-set snack to their favourite Outset product (of course, Scarlett put a lot of playful pressure on Florence)
Eventually, you decided to drop the question on them.
“So the two of you got up to a lot of mischief during your time filming Black Widow, and a very interesting question was asked someone. What is the best way to win a tickle fight?” You asked with a grin, looking in between the pair. Scarlett looked at you with raised eyebrows, she was a little suspicious that you seemed more than excited to ask that question but didn’t push it for how.
“A surprise attack!” Florence announced and launched behind you to dig into Scarlett’s armpits, making her squeal and slam her arms down against her sides, cackling with giggles.
“FLOHOHO!” She laughed and pushed her away whilst leaning away herself, making the younger actress laugh fondly and move back to where she was sitting.
“Well first of all, you need to get an overly sensitive person.” She said and stared at Florence, who gasped and put her hand on her heart, pretending to be offended.
“I am not that sensitive!” She said, shaking her head. “You just have to find a sensitive spot, like everywhere on Scarlett.”
The two of them bickered for a little bit, you’d jump in with the occasional comment but all in all felt a little bit left out, you enjoyed the gossip of what happened behind the scenes but sometimes you felt like you weren’t in the room with them.
“Or if you’re two against one, you can just do this!” Scarlett suddenly announced and pounced on you to dig into your ribs, causing you to yelp and fall back towards Florence, who pinned your arms above your head with a cheeky smile as she looked down at you. “Hello.” She said casually.
“Nonono, help!” You squealed out, pulling at your hands as you already began giggling nervously, Scarlett looked at the camera briefly before looking back at you.
“I don’t think a camera can help you.” She grinned and already began skittering her fingers all over your sides and belly, as Florence wiggled a single finger under one of your arms as she held them up.
“Guys!” You squealed out, immediately breaking into giggles as you kicked and squirmed about, you couldn’t quite process what was going on just yet but I wasn’t complaining too much, this was a dream come true.
“Hey, you should do what I do to break you,” Scarlett suggested to Florence with a cheeky smile, but Florence simply returned the cheeky smile and stopped your armpit torture, making the other actress roll her eyes and reach over to squeeze rapidly into her side, making her cackle and then drill her thumb into your armpit.
“So I guess you have to experiment with every spot until you find the one that makes them crack,” Florence said casually as Scarlett moved to shake your ribs, making you cackle and arch your back. “That’s a good example.” Florence teased with a fond giggle as you whined in response.
“I'm right here!” You squealed between fits of giggles, shaking my head as you tried to kick out.
“Hm, another thing we used to do is raspberries, like all the time,” Florence added with a smirk as Scarlett grinned, watching as Flo leaned down towards your neck. “Oh, that’s cruel.” She told Florence before the young actress blew a huge raspberry on your neck.
“FUHUHUHUCK!” You screeched with laughter, kicking and shaking your head as Scarlett shook into your belly. “No swearing, Y/N! You may get demonetised!” Florence giggled along with you but noticed your laughter go silent and let you go.
Scarlett pulled you into a hug and turned to face the camera. “And that, lovely audience, is how you win a tickle fight.” She announced proudly as Florence joined in with the hug, sandwiching you into a cuddle between them.
“Thank you for watching everyone and we hope you have taken in some valuable lessons from this to wreck others if you need to. Say goodbye, Y/N before we wreck you again off-camera!” Florence grinned enthusiastically and squeezed your side to prompt you.
You blushed madly, looking into the lens of your camera. “Enjoy making edits and memes of this, I’ll see you in the next video…” you murmured, all flustered and shy.
Scarlett reached and turned the camera off, smiling fondly at you. “I think it’s time for a real tickle fight now.” She grinned, as she and Florence dragged you to your bed, you took in their lessons and you had a fun and fair tickle fight, and it was one of the best moments of your life.
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gigglz · 5 months
Peace and Quiet.
Lee!Peter Ler!Loki
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(this is a tickle fic!! Purely fluff! NSFW don’t interact.)
Summary: Loki is trying to relax, but a little pesky teenager is bothering him with questions upon questions upon questions. God, someone make this kid shut up!
Author’s note: The fic is pretty short! Also this is my first fic in 6 months so im sorry if its not the best😭
Word count: 1.2k+
It was a quiet evening. The Avengers were away on a mission, so Loki was left alone at the tower… or so he thought.
Loki was deep in the storyline of his current book of choice, relaxing peacefully on the couch as he read.
Suddenly, he heard the front door open as someone let themselves in.
Peter walked into the living room, where Loki was sitting. “Hey guys! I- oh…” He paused, looked around for a second, and then spoke again.
“Wheres.. uhm… wheres Mr.Stark?” Peter said nervously, clearing his throat.
Loki shrugged, not bothering to explain where the Avengers were.
“Okay well…” Peter stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before setting his backpack down near the entrance and walking over to the couch.
Peter plopped down, and Loki groaned silently.
Peter spoke “O-Oh i can move-“ “No, it’s fine.” Loki cut him off, a little irritated that his peace was disturbed.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, which Loki didn’t mind, but Peter, being Peter, couldn’t bare the silence.
“What’re you reading?” Peter turned to look at Loki.
“…A book.” Loki responded, lazily turning the page.
“Ah… nice… what book?” He asked more specifically.
Loki glanced at the cover “Lord of the Flies…” He went back to reading.
“Oh! Ive read that one!” Peter perked up.
Loki glanced at Peter. “…You have?”
“Yeah… a while ago.” Peter said enthusiastically.
“Hm.” Loki hummed and went back to reading.
Peter didn’t know what else to say, he was trying to make small talk, but that obviously didn’t work.
Peter spoke again, much to Lokis annoyance. “Can I ask you a question?” He blurted out.
Loki sighed, he thought maybe its just better to get this over with and then he can get back to his peace and quiet. “Go ahead.”
“Okay, cool. So… how… how is it like being here on earth and seeing all these stories about you?” Peter asked, he was genuinely interested.
Loki thought about it for a second. “…Its weird, but i am a god so i would expect no less.” Loki said, being his usual egoistical self.
“…Right.” Peter paused, and then asked again. “What were you thinking while trying to invade New York?”
Loki rolled his eyes. “I’ll let you know, that thats in the past. I’ve realized that being king of Earth would be pretty… underwhelming.”
Peter nodded, even thought he’s pretty sure Loki had just called ‘humans’ dumb he wasn’t going to press it. “Why are you still here? Why not go back to Asgard?”
Loki sighed, the kid was starting to get on his nerves. “I did go, but then i was imprisoned. So after that i decided to come here, lay low.”
Peter nodded again, feeling more relaxed around the ‘god’. “What are your powers?”
Loki turned another page, biting the inside of his cheek. Just a few more and then the kid will leave him alone. “I have many.”
“Like what?” Peter asked, resting his head on his hand and looking at Loki.
“…Illusions.” Loki was getting really irritated, he responded dryly.
“…And?” Peter leaned a little closer.
Loki sighed. “…shapeshifting.”
Peter looked at Loki like he was expecting something more. “Thats it?”
“No.” Loki answered.
Peter stared for a few seconds, waiting for Loki to say something more. “Then what else?”
Loki brought up his hand to rub his eyes. Why wont the kid shut up?? “Mind control.”
“Thats it?” Peter asks again.
Loki groans louder. “…no, thats not it.”
“What else?” Peter asks innocently, he really is just curious.
Loki keeps repeating the same two words in his head ‘don’t yell, don’t yell, don’t yell.’ “A lot more stuff.” Loki replies blandly.
Peter twists his head to the side “Like what?” He really wasn’t trying to annoy anyone, he just wanted to know.
Loki turns to look at the kid.
Peters curious expression turns to confusion. “…what?”
Loki murmurs something to himself. “…nothing.” He turns back to his.
“So…….. like mind control..?” Peter asks quietly.
Loki sighs. “I just said that.”
“Oh. Right….” Peter thinks for a second. “So.. teleportation?”
Loki closes his book, very annoyed. “Do you ever shut up??”
Peter is taken aback but the sudden outburst. “I- what..?”
Loki narrows his eyes. “You’re clearly disrupting me. Im trying to read. Don’t you know the others are on a mission? Why are you here???”
Peter scoots back a little. “I uh… i didn’t know..?”
Loki tries to calm down. “Go do something. I don’t know, go to Starks lab for gods sake!” He waves his hand dismissively.
“I would but uhh… its always locked.” Peter says, unaware of how annoyed Loki is.
Loki puts his head in his hands, reminding himself he isn’t allowed to hurt the boy.
Theres a moment of silence… before Peter breaks it. “…you want tea?”
Lokis eye twitches, thats it. “Im done. You’re done.” Loki grabs Peter’s ankle, and pulls him down flat on the couch.
Peter yelps. “W-waitwaitwait!!” Peter puts his hands in front of his face, to shield himself.
“Im not going to hurt you.” Loki says with an angry tone.
Peter removes his hands from in front of his face, a look of confusion plastered on it.
“Y’know Stark talks about you when he’s drunk. Its quite amusing, some valuable information he gives us.” Loki states, with and edge of amusement in his tone.
“W-what do you mean?” Peter asks nervously.
Loki groans at the question, enough with the questions. “This ought to calm you down.”
Before Peter can ask of what Loki means for the second time, he sees Lokis hands dart to his sides.
Peter yelps. “Wait! No! Hold on!”
“Shut up.” Loki starts squeezing Peter’s sides rapidly.
“Gahah! Wahait!” Peter squirms, trying to fight Lokis hands off.
“Don’t try and fight me.” As he sees the kid laughing he cant help but smirk to himself.
“Wai-no! Plehease! Im-nahaha!” As Peter tries to form words in between his laughter Loki chuckles.
“Oh now you decide to shut up?” Loki says teasingly.
Peter shakes his head, his cheeks becoming a warm shade of pink.
“No? Youre not going to shut up?” Loki hums, switching to tickle his stomach instead.
“AHAH! Thahats not what ihi meheheant!!” As Peter squirms wildly Loki has a harder time holding onto him.
“Tell me youre not going to bother me anymore, then ill let you go.” Loki says in a monotone voice, yet theres a slight smirk present on his face.
Peter nods, too busy laughing to actually say it.
“Nonono, say it. I want to hear it.” Loki doesnt let up, his hands moving even faster.
“I cahaHANT!!” Peter threw his head back from laughter.
“Thats too bad then.” Loki suddenly dipped his hands into Peters armpits.
Peter practically howled. “OKAY OKAY OKAY!! FUHUHUCK!!” Peter shook his head violently. “IM NOHOT- IM NOT GOING TO BOHOTHER YOHOHOUAHAHA!” Peters whole body shook from laughing so much.
Loki stopped after a few seconds, chuckling.
Peter gasped for air. “Man… ah…”
Loki picked his book back up, flipping a page, smirking. “Had enough?”
Peter nodded, getting up.
“Good. Now run along, or do you want to go for round two?” Loki looked up from his book, locking eyes with Peter.
“No! No. Im good. So good.” Peter quickly got up from the couch.
Loki nodded, going back to his book.
Peter quickly went to get his backpack and went upstairs. He was definitely not going to bother the trickster god again… or at least that's what Loki thought.
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Could you do a story where Y/N Is tony starks kid and is a total mini tony has his sarcasm and attitude buts it’s been getting worse then usually so he has to take matters into his own hands and twords the attitude out of them (playful twords everywhere and maybe some chasing 👉👈)
If you don’t want to do it I totally understand ❤️
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Hey Teddy:) sorry it took so long, writes block was a real pain but I'm back.
I hope you like it 💜
You were sitting in the avengers tower living room, playing a game on your phone with music blasting in your ears.
Suddenly a slap was delivered on the back of your head and you turn around, seeing your Dad Tony stark standing there with a grin.
"What was that for"?! You yell with a pout as you rub the back of your head.
"you weren't listening and aren't you a little to old to pout"? He chuckled
"Aren't you a little to old to play superhero" you say with a mischief grin and turn back to your phone.
"Careful there young lady, i might just have to TICKLE that attitude out of you" Tony whispered in your ear knowing that you were ticklish by your ear.
"Oh really? I could easily escape you old man" you giggled.
It was silent for a while until you heard a whisper against your ear "You have five seconds to run"
You didn't need to be told that twice, you jumped up from the couch and ran down the halls of the tower.
Giggling madly you heard Tony coming closer, the pounding of his footsteps only made you run faster as you slide around a corner. The lab doors came in view and you knew you could just lock yourself in there until your Dad went on his way again.
You almost made it to the doors when two pairs off arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you against Tony's chest.
"Gotcha" Tony said with a grin and traced his fingers over your ribs.
You were already giggling and tried to wiggle free but to no success, he wrestled you to the ground and sat on your legs to pin you to the ground. He immediately went for one of the worst spots.
Your underarms.
"Your such a Jerkhihihi nohahahahh" you squirm around in his arms as you giggle madly.
"There are those sweet giggles of yours" Tony said with a grin and tasered your sides with both hands.
You threw your head back as your giggles went to full on belly laughter "YOUR EVIL"!!
"I know" he chuckled darkly and traced a finger over your belly.
"hihihi" your laughter calmed down a little so you could breath, giving you one chance to escape.
So that's what you did, you wiggled around in Tony's arms but he was already faster then you, he lowered you to the ground and sat down onto your upper legs to pin you down.
"Your not going anywhere you little troublemaker" he said with a smirk and turned around on your legs so he was facing your feet.
"Don't you darHAHHAAHA DADHAHAHAH NOHIHIHI" you laughed your head off and trashed around as he scribbles over the sole of your feet.
"What's the matter? Can't handle a little tickling" Tony said with laugh and switched to scribble his fingers under your knee caps.
"OKAY OKAY I'M SORRYHAHAHAHA" you laughed loudly and kicked out your feet.
"You promise not to call me a old man again"?
He scribbles one more time under your knees and then got off of you "Your adorable" Tony said with a soft smile.
"and your evil" you giggled and curled up in a ball to get rid of the ghost tickles.
"Aww you love me" he said in a sing song voice and pulled you to your feet.
"Yeah i do, love you Dad" you smiled and Tony hugged you tightly.
"Love you too, Teddy bear" he smiled and kissed the top of your head.
Tony stark may be a genius, billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist. But he was also your Dad.
And you wouldn't want it any other way.
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shadfanfic · 7 months
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It’s been forever since I posted something in hereee!! , omg i miss everyone! How are you!? I love you!, i know I stayed quiet for wayyy too long but i got a job and i got super busy with college shit and stuff, I’m getting back tho! I promise at anytime now i might just post all of the sudden!
HOW IS EVERYONE!? If u have any questions I’m more than ready to answer please let’s chat! 🤍🤍
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gigglymarvel · 2 years
From Strangers to Sisters
Chapter One: Getting on the Road
Welcome to our series! Tony sends Natasha, Yelena, Wanda and Kate on vacation so the four can bond after a long few years. We hope you enjoy! (Word count: 2521)
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“Are you sure about this Tony? It sounds like an expensive trip just for us.” Natasha asked Tony, unable to believe that Tony was willing to send her, Kate, Yelena and Wanda away on a trip for a few days in his state of the art, auto driving RV which included a stay in a 5 star hotel by the beach.
“Romanoff, you need this, you all do. You’ve had a lot of shit thrown at you all and you need a break. And since Yelena and Kate are relatively new to the team, I figured it would be a good way for you all to bond in a low-key way.” Tony explained, offering Natasha a small smile as he saw her try to contain her bright smile.
Natasha grinned excitedly and hugged him, unable to hold herself back. “Thank you so much.” She told him. “I’m gonna go round up the others.”
Natasha went in search of the others, first spotting Yelena in the training room nearest Tony's lab which she had just left. Of course the blonde was at the punching bag as the redhead approached to hold it with a bright smile.
Yelena stopped punching the bag for a moment, looking at Natasha with raised eyebrows. “I was in the zone. You wanna spar or something?” She offered as she took the opportunity to regain her breath.
The redhead nodded, "Absolutely, I've got some news, but if I win, you have to be the one to tell Kate." She beamed, teasing her sister at the playfully combative relationship she had with the young archer.
Yelena groaned. “Ugh, fine. But what’s the news?” She asked, going over to the sparring mat, feeling confident she was going to beat her sister as she cracked her knuckles in preparation.
"I'll tell you when we're done," the older Widow smirked and stretched herself, and then stood ready to spar.
“Okay fine, let’s get this over with.” She murmured and immediately went to tackle her to the ground, trying to pin her to the floor.
Natasha feigned surprise, letting Yelena think she had the upper hand before turning the tables on her, landing the redhead on top of the blonde. She seemed her victory by scribbling under Yelena's arms, "I wiiiin!"
Yelena shrieked with giggles and slammed her arms down against her sides. “NOHOHO NAHAHAT!” She cackled out, kicking and wriggling around.
"I win," The redhead repeated, smirking victoriously as she stood and then helped the younger ex-asssasin up, "Tony's sending you, me, Wanda and Kate on a trip," she spilled.
Yelena immediately groaned. “I’m good.” She replied, still laying on the mat. “I’d rather not have hot sauce for a month then have to get stuck in a small room with Kate Bishop for goodness knows how many hours.”
Natasha's face fell, "Oh." She then went back to her tactics of her old days as the older sister, "Well, I guess that means you won't get to see the autopilot fully loaded RV with fully stocked fridge and Jarvis chef mode and the five star hotel literally on the beach," she smirked and started to walk away, counting in her head from ten until Yelena changed her mind.
Yelena rolled her eyes, she wasn’t a little kid anymore so she knew Natasha’s tactics. She remained on the mat and folded her arms. “I’m not a little kid anymore, that stuff doesn’t work on me.”
Natasha bit her lip, "So..you really don't want to come on vacation with me?" She asked sadly, causing the blonde to sigh, not wanting to upset her sister.
“Fine, but only for you.” She murmured as she stood up and went to walk out of the gym.
Natasha smiled victoriously, "Thank you," she said softly, but full of joy as her heart rose. "You realize you have to tell Kate now!" She whispered as she hugged the blonde, "Unless, and I'm doing this only because you were nice enough to come with me, you want to formally invite Wanda and I'll ask Kate?"
Yelena just grunted and shrugged, shaking her head as she pulled away. “I will go and tell Bishop to pack her things.” She told her before heading up to Kate’s room. Natasha chuckled and nodded, heading in the direction of Wanda's room.
Kate was trying a new, harmless confetti trick arrow at the target at her door. The second Yelena knocked and cracked the door open, she was met with a load of confetti in her face. She sighed, trying to keep her cool.
“Anyway, I guess you’re coming on a trip with us so pack up your stuff.” Yelena told her, brushing off a bit of confetti which landed on her nose before going to her room to pack.
"Wait what??" The bubbly archer followed the stoic blonde, "You can't just open the door and tell me I'm coming on a trip? To where? With who? What do I need to pack? What trick arrows do I need?" She blabbered.
Yelena rolled her eyes and got her suitcase out. “Some place with a beach with Natasha and Wanda. No trick arrows needed.” She told Kate as she started sorting out her clothes.
"A beach?? A beach! Oh my gosh this is incredible. But oh no! I don't know if I brought swimsuits to the compound??" Kate sputtered frantically, running her fingers through her hair, "But I get to bond with you all! Oh my gosh!" Kate said and went to her room to put together a semblance of a suitcase.
Yelena just rolled her eyes and kept packing as she mentally prepared herself for whatever was about to happen.
Natasha knocked gently on Wanda's door, "Wands?" She called out quietly, she was met with a murmur from the young witch, who was curled up on the bed for the fourth day in a row.
Nat walked into her room, "Oh Wands," she said softly and sat next to her, "Rough week, this one?" She offered gently as she ran her fingers through the brunette's hair.
“Whoever you’re looking for, they’re not in here.” Wanda told Natasha, she had been feeling left out recently, so she had decided to just shut herself away from the world, and it didn’t seem that anyone had noticed until now.
"Oh Wanda, I'm so sorry I've been preoccupied and we've had so much happen." The redhead said, laying to face her, running her fingers through her hair and cuddling her gently, she bit her lip, "But I have good news, Tony is sending us on vacation," she whispered.
Wanda simply shrugged and curled up a little, assuming she meant that Natasha and Yelena were going away. “That’s nice, have fun.” She told her quietly.
Natasha shook her head and poked Wanda's tummy, "No silly, you, me, Kate and Yelena!" She said and then hugged her, her voice going soft and sad, "I feel like…I really need more time with you. And I think Kate could use more time with Yelena. We're all family now," she said definitively.
Wanda flinched a little, shrugging. “Well, you and Yelena have been through some stuff together so I’m sure you’ll appreciate the sisterly time.” She replied blankly. “I’m sure Kate will love you too.”
"No! Wanda..please," Nat begged, "This is for us. I specifically wanted to make sure you came. I know we'd just started to get close and then Yelena and I just reconnected. But I think we all need this. Please…for me? If not for you, please for me." She tried, hoping the few bonding moments they had were enough, "I'd love to help you pack.." she offered.
The young witch sighed, shrugging a little in response as she quickly gave in. “Fine. I’m only doing this because you want me to, but I’ll stay out of everyone’s way.” She told Nat as she turned over and used her magic to quickly pack up. “There, I’m ready.”
Natasha chuckled, "You're packed, but you're not ready," she smirked and then attacked Wanda in a tickle hug, crossing her arms in an X over her torso and scribbling into her ribs, "You're not staying out of everyone's way, either. You're gonna get right in on the fun or I'll tickle you to pieces!"
Wanda yelped in surprise and leaned forward, trying to hold back giggles as she pushed at Nat’s arms. “Nonono you won’t.” She told her as she bit her lip and kicked out.
The redhead responded simply by moving to sit on Wanda's arms and wiggling her fingers at her from above, "C'mon Wands, let loose, Aaaah Ticktickticktickle!" She cooed and skittered down her arms, armpits and into her ribs.
The young witch squealed in surprise and pulled at her arms, shaking her head as she broke into giggles the second Nat touched her ribs. “Nohoho Nat!”
The Widow simply smirked, "There's my Scarlet Smile," she winked and shook into her ribs rapidly, causing Wanda to cackle and kick out, eventually using her magic to get her arms free so she could shuffle away.
The redhead pouted playfully, "Cheater," she said, "But be sure to pack a bathing suit, we're being put up in a five star hotel on the beach and a state of the art autopilot RV to get there!"
Wanda shrugged. “I’m sure it’s in my case. But I’m not the best swimmer so you won’t have to see me in my bathing suit.” She replied simply, not knowing that her shirt rode up from all her squirming.
Natasha smirked, "I want to, besides," she leaned down and raspberried Wanda's tummy, "More opportunities to get you like this," she winked, causing Wanda to shriek in surprise, she let out more helpless giggles.
“Nohoho that’s not necessary!” She replied, shoving her shirt down as she let out a few more giggles.
Natasha hugged her, "I'm so glad you're coming," she said sincerely as she rocked the young witch in her arms. Wanda raised her eyebrows in response. “You realise you’re not going to see me much, right? Yelena and Kate will take all your attention.”
"You really believe that?" The redhead asked sadly, worried about how the trip would go now but hoping to bring them all together still.
Wanda just shrugged in response. “It’s ok though, I don’t mind. Change of scenery for me I guess.” She told Nat. “I’ll be here when you’re ready to go.”
Nat nodded, finally going to her own room to pack. Meanwhile Kate anxiously kept putting things in and taking them out of her bag. Her anxious thoughts yelled out of her brain. She wanted everyone to like her.
Nat was always nice, she worried she annoyed Wanda and she knew she somewhat annoyed Yelena but the blonde also kind of saved her life so she didn't know how to balance it all. She bit her lip, wanting to check on Yelena but then deciding to go knock on Wanda's door instead.
“Are you ready to go?” Wanda called out, thinking it was Natasha. She sat up with a sigh, looking at the suitcase which was ready to go.
"Heeey…Wanda..it's me," Kate said and gently opened the door, as she scratched the back of her neck, "I uh..I'm having some trouble packing," she admitted softly.
“Okay… what would you like me to do about it?” Wanda asked her, looking over at her with a blank expression.
Kate blushed slightly, "I just wanted to uh…I don't know I guess I'm nervous for the trip, I'm sorry to have bothered you Ms. Wanda," she turned and went to leave Wanda's room, "I'm really glad you're coming," she added with a friendly smile on the way out.
“Ms Wanda?” She asked with raised eyebrows. “And don’t be nervous, I’m sure Natasha will look after you and you’ll fit right into their little family.” She told her, laying back down on her bed.
Kate stopped, coming back in, "You're part of their family too aren't you?" She asked, confused. Wanda just chuckled and shook her head.
“I wish, I’ve been an outsider with no family for a while now, they all get ripped away from me.” Wanda told her simply with a casual shrug.
"Maybe this is the trip that can change that," Kate offered quietly, and then offered out her hand, "I never did formally introduce myself so let's reintroduce, I'm Kate Bishop, and I'd really like to be your friend. And if you deem me worthy, maybe even your family," she said in a quiet, gregarious voice.
“Wanda Maximoff…” she replied quietly and shook her hand, trying to smile. “You can try and be my friend, but most of them get hurt or killed so I’d be careful.”
"I'm resilient," Kate replied with a smile, "I can't wait to get to know you more on this trip,"
Just then, Nat finished her packing and went down the hall to collect everyone, knocking on Wanda's door first to find Kate and the witch together, "Oh good! You both ready?"
“Yeah, guess so.” Wanda replied quietly as she stood up and headed out of her room, dragging her suitcase with her as she headed to the front door.
Kate panicked and ran to pack the rest of her things quickly and ran down the hall without looking until she saw Yelena on her bed.
Yelena remained in her room, casually scrolling through her phone with a blank expression on her face with her suitcase next to the bed.
The young archer knocked on the door, again sidetracked, "Hey Yelena…so are you ready?" She asked hesitantly but jovially.
“Pretty much.” Yelena replied, sighing as she sat up and locked her phone, shoving it in one of her many pockets before standing up.
Nat helped Wanda with her bags and gave her a hug again as she walked with her to the exit of the complex, calling out to Kate and Yelena, "We're gonna start loading up!"
Yelena nodded. “Right… let’s get this over with.” She told Kate before heading down and meeting Natasha and Wanda downstairs.
Wanda silently went to the RV, opening the back of it and using her magic to put everyone’s bags in at once, before hopping in and sitting on the couch inside.
Kate quickly packed her bag and added a few things as Wanda's magic carried it away. Natasha bit her lip, getting settled in the RV and shooting Tony a text, "So do I just turn it on?"
Tony immediately texted back. ‘Yup. It already knows its destination, journey should take around 9 hours in total. Have fun!’
Yelena explored the RV, already finding somewhere quiet to get herself comfortable. She settled into that spot and went back on her phone.
Kate's eyes widened, "Woahhhh, this is so cool!" As she took a seat at the table in the RV and turned on the TV immediately.
Nat settled in shotgun but turned the chair around after pushing start. "Welcome to your vacation, Lady Avengers. Please enjoy this trip complimentary of Mr. Stark."
And then, the journey began.
Next chapter
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giggliestgirl · 2 years
tk community/mcu writers: WHY DID Y’ALL NOT START WITH LER!ZENDAYA FICS? so much good material is there for you. PLEASE I BEG!
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tickles-in-ficland · 1 year
Summary: Y/N tries to avoid getting homework done by bugging two Demigods. It doesn’t go in her favor…or does it 😉
Word Count: 2,088
Pairings: Ler!Thor Ler!Loki Lee!Reader
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You were bored. With everyone on missions or spending time with their families, you needed some entertainment. Being the youngest on the team along with Parker, Stark was making you stay home this weekend and finish homework. Even being an Avenger, school was still important. You argued and insisted that you attend the mission but Stark had the final word.
You’d been “working” on your homework for an hour and decided to take a break and wander the compound. You thought, minus maybe Pepper who was usually in her office you’d be alone. Much to your surprise you saw two demigods sitting in the lounge area. Your lips curled up into a smile. They hadn’t seen you enter the room and you figured you’d sneak up and spook the brothers.
Before you could take a step, without looking up from his book you heard Loki speak.
“There’s no use in trying to sneak up on us Y/N. I know you’re behind me.”
“Ugh! No fair Loki.” you pouted crossing your arms. “How’d you even know I was there?”
“Darling.” Loki scoffed as he closed his book and turned his head to look at you. “You’re talking to the God of Mischief. You can’t get anything past me.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked over at Thor who wore an amused smirk on his face.
“He is unfortunately right young Y/N. Even as kids, I could never best him.” Thor chucked. “But it matters not because you shouldn’t even be down here. Didn’t Stark order you to finish your school work?”
“I uh, decided to take a break.” you said clearing your throat. “Needed to get some air and all that.”
“Ah.” Thor nodded, not entirely convinced by your answer. “Well my brother and I will be here should you need us. Back to it.”
Your eyes widened in realization. “Wait a minute! Stark kept you guys from the mission to be my BABYSITTERS?”
“I wouldn’t put it that way exactly…” Thor started but glancing over at Loki who was clearly amused by your reaction, spoke up.
"Oh I would." he said with a deep chuckle. “Yes. Stark asked us to make sure you did as you were told. Seeing as last time you were left unattended you did not finish your school work and failed an assignment.”
Your pout only furthered more at Loki’s words. “I’m not a baby. I don’t need to be watched.” you said with a stomp of your foot, digging your metaphorical hole deeper.
The brothers both raised an eyebrow in amusement. You huffed, knowing you’d proven their point.
“Okay fine. But I do need a break. I’m bored up there. Can I hang out with you guys for a little while. Pleeeeease?” you asked looking between the two with the biggest puppy dog eyes you could muster.
Going over to Thor, who you knew was the softie of the two, you wrapped your arms around his big torso and looked up at him. “Please Thor? We don’t hang out enough. We are always off doing missions or you guys go back to Asgard and I miss you.”
Thor looked down at you with a soft smile as he stroked your hair gently. The brothers had grown quite fond of you since you’d joined the team. Being the youngest of them, they felt protective of you like big brothers. The world was harsh and it didn’t hurt to have two demigods on your side. You knew Thor was a pushover, it would be Loki that would be the tough one to crack.
“Brother.” Thor said putting his arm around you affectionately. “Why don’t we let the young maiden take a break from her studies? Surely it won’t hurt to take some time to enjoy the company.”
Loki’s eyes narrowed you, his hands on his hips. He pinched the bridge of his nose before letting out a sigh of defeat. “Fine. But only for a short while. I don’t want to deal with Stark when he comes home and Y/N has yet to finish her school work.”
“YAY!” you cheered throwing your arms around Loki.
Not expecting the sudden impact, Loki stumbled a bit but gave you a small pat on the shoulder. He wasn’t much for affection like his brother, but you knew he cared for you nevertheless.
“I mean it Y/N.” he chastised. “Only a short break and then you are to return to your studies. Understood?”
“Yeah yeah sure.” you said with a dismissive wave of your hand.
Sure enough, you break went by entirely too quick. You were curled up on the couch, watching tv with your head on Thor’s shoulder when suddenly the tv clicked off.
“Hey!” you shouted looking over at Loki who shrugged. “What gives?”
“Breaks over. As agreed, it is time to go back upstairs. Should you need assistance with your work, you may call one of us and we will do what we can. We are fairly well versed in Midgardian studies. But until then, off you go.”
“No.” you said confidently crossing your arms.
“I’m sorry. What did you say?” Loki asked closing his book and looking at you incredulously.
“You heard me.” you snarked back, folding your arms once again in defiance. “I said no. N-O spells no.”
You heard Thor snort laugh behind you. He knew how this was going to end but you were digging your own grave and he was enjoying himself.
Loki scoffed a laugh before standing up and approaching the couch, where you and Thor sat.
“Y/N….” Loki said in a warning tone. “This isn’t going to end well for you darling. I’d stop while you’re ahead.”
“I don’t want to do my school work today. Maybe tomorrow.” you said reaching for the remote only to have it disappear in a green flash.
“Hey! Not fair. You can’t use magic to hide things.”
“Oh well.” he shrugged while a smile tugged at his lips. “Off you go.” he said reaching for your hand only for you to shake your head.
“I said no Loki.”
Loki sighed. “Then you leave me no choice.” he said with a fake pained expression on his face.
“For whAT?” you let out a squeak as Loki tackled you to the couch and with little effort had pinned your hands to your sides.
“Lohoki! What the hehell?!” you said nervous giggles building in your chest.
“I’m going to make you regret telling me no. Stark said to use whatever method we needed, to make sure you were not going to skip your schooling. This seems like a great way to do so.”
Opening your mouth to protest was cut short as you felt ten fingers find purchase on your sides. Sporadic giggles began to escape your lips as you tried to twist and turn away from the tickly feeling.
“Lohohoki!” you squealed as his nimble fingers worked their way up your sides.
Loki’s dark chuckle told you that he wasn’t stopping anytime soon.
“Brother, if you wouldn’t mind I could use some assistance.” Loki chided. “The young maiden is quite squirmy.”
“Certainly, dear brother.” you heard Thor chuckle behind you.
You felt slight weight in your shoulders and looked up to see the flowy blonde hair hair dangling above your face, Thor grinning at you through it.
“Thohohor! Hehelp!”
Thor smiled affectionately at you. “I would count myself a fool to challenge my brother. A lesson you dear Y/N have yet to learn.” He chuckled before fluttering his fingers along your neck, eliciting more squeals as you shook your head trying to evade his fingers.
Loki leaned forward toward your face. “Now darling. Are we going to behave now and do as Stark has requested or shall we continue this?” he asked halting his fingers for a few moments.
You took in deep breaths at the momentary reprieve. Truthfully you didn’t hate it. No one really knew but you had a feeling the Asgardian was catching on.
You smirked at the God of Mischief, playfulness dancing in your eyes. The twinkle in your eye caught Loki’s attention and a full grin spread across his face.
“You like this. Don’t you, young one? It’s why you’re being so defiant. You wanted this to happen.” he said starting to snake his fingers up your rib cage, bubbly giggles once again pouring from your lips.
“I do not understand.” You heard Thor question behind you.
As if you weren’t apart of the conversation, Loki continued his tickle attack. Your infectious laughter ringing through the room as you weakly batted at his hands.
“Have you not noticed, that our young friend here has not asked me to stop once? She has been given opportunity to yield and yet she responds with words she knows will get her in trouble?” Loki asked. “She LIKES this. She WANTED this. Isn’t that right little one?” Loki questioned you, his nimble fingers now reaching under your arms, arguably your worse spot.
“LOHOHOKIHIHI!” your hard belly laughter raising several octaves. Pushing on his hands did nothing. He was a God after all and his strength was no match for yours. “PLEHEHEASE! GAHAHAH!” your legs kicked wildly behind him.
Thor smirked as he too realized. “Ah. I see now. She’s yet to ask either of us to stop. Is that right Y/N? You enjoy the tickles, do you not?” Thor chuckled as his fingers made contact with your neck once again, a scream of laughter erupting from you.
Your cheeks a bright crimson color as you turned your head trying to avoid eye contact as the two Asgardians tickled you mercilessly.
“Come on darling. Just admit it. You like this.” Loki teased.
“Very well.” Thor sighed jokingly. “Brother, if you will.” he said gesturing for Loki to step aside. “Hold her please.”
“Nonono! Thohohor!” you squealed your eyes pleading.
In an instant, the two brothers had switched places with Loki now holding you down with little effort as Thor positioned himself at your waist.
“Now then.” Thor continued “Is my brother correct in his assumptions?”
You bit your lip to bite back a giggle. “Mahahaybe.” you admitted closing your eyes in embarrassment.
“Hehey!” Thor’s deep laugh rang through the room. “Look at me Y/N.”
When your eyes remained shut, Thor dug his fingers deep in your hip, causing a boisterous laughter to come out. You peaked at him with one eye and saw him looking at you with a gentle smile.
“It is nothing to be embarrassed by. Actually, it is adorable. Don’t you agree brother?” he asked looking at Loki who remained sitting at your head, occasionally fluttering his fingers in your neck.
“Indeed it is brother. What I don’t understand is why she shields her enjoyment of it.”
You sighed but a small smile played on your lips. Thor and Loki had released their hold on you, allowing you to sit up.
“Because. It’s not something most people enjoy. I grew up an only child. My parents worked all the time. I wasn’t given affection much as a child. And then…” you continued. “The…thing happened to me and I became a part of this team, this…family and for the first time I felt like I had brothers and sisters and… friends.” you stopped for a moment wiping your eyes.
“Heyyy.” Thor said pulling you to his chest and rubbing your shoulder. “It’s okay. It’s okay to want affection. As a young child you were deprived of what you craved most. It is natural to want that.”
“I hate to agree with my brother.” Loki chimed in which made you let out a muffled laugh in the crook of Thor’s shoulder. “But he is right. And if you need us to step in and be your big brothers, then that is what we shall be.”
You sighed in relief this time, a smile, a real smile this time gracing your face. “Thank you both. I really was bored though.”
“Well then.” Loki chuckled as he patted your shoulder. “We have been distraction enough. As agreed it’s time to return to your studies.”
You looked at him with a slight pout, twiddling your thumbs. “Would um…could you…” you asked embarrassed still.
“She wants us to continue brother.”
Thor grinned at you. “And what kind of big brothers would we be if we said no?” he asked before tackling you on the couch again, your deep laughter once again echoing through the room, your honorary big brothers tickling you to pieces.
Your homework long forgotten.
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mymelodymia · 6 months
Tickles // Dad!thor x daughter!reader
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summary: your father gets back at you after pranking him.
Warnings: thor being evil >:/
Age: 14
Area/place: asgard.
A/N: I've been obsessed w/ dad!thor recently, pls don't judge me lol. Also it's hard writing a tickle fic when you haven't been properly tickled in probably over 2 years, but i feel most comfortable writing them so...
🩰˚˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆+•°+💕*°•+
You had just gotten back from visiting the team on Midgard on your own. Your father was lying on his bed, bored, playing with his long blonde hair.
You had also bought a plastic version of his hammer to prank him with.
You walked in wearing an avengers t-shirt, holding the toy in your right hand. Trotting into the large bedroom with an innocent smile on your face.
He sat up quickly to greet you with a childish grin on his face, which immediately fell when he saw you with his "hammer" in your tight grasp.
His eyes flickered between your "hammer" and his own, which had been sitting atop his bedside.
You giggled before speaking "see, told you i was worthy" you smirked as he panted in confusion. You tossed the fake hammer into his lap. He smiled as he realized that it was plastic.
"I got you didnt i?" You asked him, grinning sheepishly to yourself. thor wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him and resting his head atop yours.
He wiggled his fingers on your side causing you to jump. You slapped his fingers away as he chuckled.
"You did. But, i will get my revenge" thor noted in a breathy tone. Your smirk fell as his expression transformed into a mischievous one.
Suddenly, you felt yourself being quickly pulled onto his lap with thors fingers digging into your sides. You screamed various protests to somehow stop your father.
Thor quickly bent down and blew the biggest raspberry he could just above your belly button. You screamed so loud you were sure the whole realm could hear you, and a few others.
"I thought you had outgrown this years ago!" Thor bellowed, he held you still easily, due to your size difference.
Before you know it, your dad was hovering over you and was sitting on your legs, which were kicking frantically to try to escape.
He blew another raspberry on your neck this time as he counted your ribs. You felt your eyes water as you screamed once again.
"Tell me, daughter, where does it tickle most?" Thor asked you, "here?" He added before blowing a quick raspberry on your neck. "Or here?" He asked, blowing a longer raspberry on your stomach, not even giving you time to process his words.
He stopped ticking for a moment so you could answer. "My tummy" you panted in between breaths.
"Good, now i know where to focus." Thor stated as you realized what a mistake you had made telling him this.
He blew three more raspberrys before letting you go. With tear-stains on your cheeks, you punched him in the shoulder just as lady sif burst through the door.
"What happened?! I thought one of you was being killed! I was halfway across the palace when i heard some blood-curdling scream! D@mn it thor!" She cursed, slamming the door as she shook her head.
You and thor busted into laughter as she walked out.
🩰˚˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆+•°+💕*°•+
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @tonystark-au // @zebralover // @yummyangy // @carellmcu // @mariasabanahabanabana //
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ficsandgiggles · 3 months
A Sense of Giggly Calm (Wanda x Reader)
This fic is for anyone that’s going through a tough time and feel like their emotions are too much. It’s especially for @pegasusflight77 whom I’ve wanted to surprise with this. I hope everyone who reads this feels a sense of calm and love. ❤️
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You stormed through the front door and threw your bag onto the floor, slamming the door in the process.
Todays shift was difficult, you had to deal with so many angry people and your supervisor snapped at you for half an hour about various rumours which showed blatant favouritism between your supervisor and other colleagues and the whole thing just made you frustrated and you wanted to quit right at that moment, but you wanted to try and calm down and process what had happened.
You and Wanda had a really strong relationship, not quite a romantic one yet but it was obvious the two of you had feelings for each other, but you weren’t ready to discuss it just yet. The second Wanda heard the door slam, she approached you, using her powers to add a sense of calm in your mind.
“Hey, rough day?” She asked you gently, although she already knew the answer, she could sense your vibe but she didn’t know whether to press or not, so she hoped her open ended question would allow you to either talk about it or not.
You just shrugged. “Yeah, it’s fine.” You replied, a little bluntness in your tone as you immediately headed to your room, again shutting the door a little too loud to get a tiny bit of frustration out, although Wanda’s magic did help calm your mind a little.
The Scarlet Witch decided to leave you for a little bit, knowing that if she tried to pester, it would get too much for you. She went into the kitchen and made you a hot chocolate, adding extra cream and mini marshmallows and even sprinkled chocolate dust over it. She eventually decided to go up to your room, knocking before opening the door just a little bit, her heart breaking a little as you just lay on your belly, seemingly defeated.
“Hey, Y/N, just checking in, I made you a special hot chocolate if you want it, may I come in?” She asked, her tone concerned yet caring.
Wanda was met with a shrug and a grunt from you, she took it as permission to come in, she put the hot chocolate on your desk and sat on your bed, a gentle hand on your back. “What’s up, buttercup?” She asked.
“Work bullshit.” You replied simply, not wanting to talk or think about it, Wanda was quick to pick up on this and nodded in understanding, not that you could see. She decided to relax you by gently spidering her fingers up and down your back, with full intentions in melting you a little.
However, she was met with a flinch, with you squirming a little as you tensed up, your shoulders even scrunching up every so slightly. You bit back a smile to prevent any verbal reaction from coming out.
Wanda raised her eyebrow, briefly checking your thoughts and smiled when she saw your mind imagining you giggling loudly as she used her gentle fingers and even magic fluttering around your overly sensitive body.
“Hm…” she hummed casually, her fingers now moving up your top as her nails gently dragged down your back, smirking as you let out a tiny squeal, knowing she had read your mind.
Wanda’s nails continued to gently drag across your back, until her spidering fingers suddenly attacked your sides. The quick change caused you to squeal again as you began giggling and pushing at her hands whilst attempting to move onto your back.
The redhead grinned and used her magic to send wiggly flitters into your belly. “Go on then, roll over.” She teased gently as her fingers kept scratching your sides.
After a few giggly squeals and hesitation to move, you eventually managed to roll onto your back in an attempt to push her off, but both of you knew that you didn’t want that, so Wanda just smiled fondly and now moved her fingers under your top to skitter into your belly, using her magic to wiggle under your arms.
The sudden change in her gentle attack caused you to squeal and arch your back, you loved it when her fingers skittered along your sensitive skin, yet it was tortuous at the same time, you gently batted at her hands in a playful yet feeble attempt to get her off you.
“We both know you love and need this, Y/N.” Wanda commented with a fond smile, her magic now fluttering into your thighs and feet as she pulled your top up gently to nuzzle and blow baby raspberries whilst her nails gently scribbled up and down your sides.
You blushed madly at her comment, whining in response as you tried to push her hands away, but Wanda was stronger than you expected, and her hands stayed put and continued to gently torture your sides.
“Awww, little angry Y/N is now a pile of adorable giggles!” Wanda teased, nibbling between her baby raspberries as her fingers now shook in the spaces between your ribs.
Blushing, you cackled with laughter as you shook your head in protest, your feet kicking out helplessly as you began to struggle to breathe. Obviously, Wanda noticed the is and finished you off with one more huge raspberry on your belly before letting you go and stopping her magic.
You curled up, facing away from her as you took in deep breaths, but mentally prompting Wanda to spoon you from behind, which the witch did happily as she held you tightly.
“It’s okay to feel frustrated and angry… I’m proud of you for feeling but just know I will support you every step of the way and I will be here to cheer you on.” Wanda whispered to you, and kissing your head for the very first time.
That gesture surprised you, but you melted into the feeling, a small smile on your face as you quietly thanked her whilst relishing in the feeling of being held by her.
It wasn’t long before the two of you fell asleep, all the stress and anger that work caused floated away in your happy dreams, feeling safe and loved once again by the Scarlet Witch.
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gigglz · 2 years
Brother, NO.
Hii! I’m finally writing a fic cuz I somehow got the motivation to write one.
Also idk when I’ll get to writing any requests, but someday I will.
lee!Loki, ler!thor
Warnings: Swearing.
Summary: Loki being mischievous, that’s all.
Word count: 1,800+
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Everyone wanted to watch a movie together, except Bucky and Sam because they were working out.
“I pick!” Thor said while reaching for the remote.
Tony snatched it, “No, you picked last time. I pick. Plus you have no taste in movies.” Thor rolled his eyes but smiled.
“What about.. this?” Tony picked a thriller movie.
They all agreed.
Tony pressed play.
Halfway tru the movie Bucky and Sam walked into the living room.
“Hey! Wanna watch a movie with us?” Steve turned to the two men.
“Sure! What are you watching?” Bucky asked as he and Sam hopped on the couch next to everyone else.
“Just some movie Tony found, it’s pretty boring,” Thor said, he was extra sassy today.
“Hey! Don’t do that, that’s my thing!” Tony joked.
Everyone chuckled.
When the movie ended Sam suggested watching another one, cuz why not!
“Ok, then what are we watching?” Nat asked Sam.
“Hmm.. oh I know!” Sam clicked on Toy story 3.
Everyone looked at Sam.
“You’re joking, right?” Wanda looked at Sam.
“Oh come on! You’re a kid, plus when was the last time any of you watched this?” Sam looked at Wanda.
“Fine I guess. Could be worse.” Wanda laughed and looked back at the TV.
“I have never watched this!” Thor and Clint said at once.
“What?? Oh well, you’re in for a treat! This is the best part.” Sam looked surprised.
“Yeah, I strongly disagree. The first movie is the best.” Said Tony.
“Uhhh, no? This is the best one! You have no taste.” Sam shot back.
Thor let out a laugh and Tony rolled his eyes.
“Hey! Why don’t you call your brother? Maybe he wants to watch? He’s technically still a kid!” Bucky turned to Thor.
“Ha! Maybe on Asgard, but he’s still older than all of you combined!” Thor laughed.
“Even older than these two combined?” Sam pointed to Steve and Bucky.
Everyone laughed.
“Were not that old.” Steve rolled his eyes at Sam.
“I guess you’re right.. you’re just from the fucking ice age!” Sam couldn’t keep it together after he said that.
Everyone burst out laughing. Even Steve and Bucky.
“Hah! Ehh, I bet your brother would’ve laughed at that, no Cap,” Sam said to Thor.
Thor laughed at the stupid pun, “Loki? HAH! No, there’s no way. Think about it! Have you ever seen him laugh? I think not! Even I haven’t! I mean not really..”
“Oh just go get him! There’s no need to burst his little pride bubble.” Tony laughed.
“Hey! That was a good joke!” Sam looked at Tony.
“Nope,” Nat said while sipping her tea.
“Ouch!” Sam put his hand on his heart and fell backward into the couch, what a drama Queen.
“Fine, I’ll go get him!” Thor scoffed and stood up.
After what seemed like an eternity there was still no sign of Thor or Loki.
“What’s taking them so long?” Bucky whined.
“Be patient, it’s Loki after all,” Bruce said from the kitchen, that he was getting some snacks cuz they have eaten them all while waiting for the brothers.
“Can’t they be faster? These guys are gonna die soon!” Sam pointed to Steve and Bucky.
Nat chuckled.
“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” Steve playfully punched Sam in the shoulder.
Bruce came back with two giant bowls filled with popcorn, drinks, and other snacks.
Suddenly there could be heard fast footsteps running down the stairs.
It was Loki.
“FINALLY! Oh, wait you actually ca-” Sam got cut off by Loki shushing him.
“SHHH!” Loki looked around, went to the corner of the room, and made himself invisible with his magic.
“LOKIII!!” Thor’s voice rang thru the entire Avengers compound.
Then Thor stormed down the stairs, but he wasn’t angry. Instead, he had a smirk on his face.
“Oh boy, what did he do?” Tony turned to look at Thor.
“Oh, he wouldn’t come down to watch the movie with us!” Thor looked around.
“So... why are you chasing him exactly?” Steve asked confused.
“.. No reason.” Thor was still looking around and walking around the room trying to find him.
“Ya know he’s right th- mm.. MMM!” Sam got cut off by something.
“Ah, right.. he’s using his magic.” Thor looked at Sam and chuckled while finally understanding.
There was a sound of footsteps behind Thor, he turned around and saw Loki trying to sneak up the stairs.
“There you are.” Thor ran after Loki.
Everyone looked confused, cuz they had just seen Loki turn invisible in the opposite corner of the room.
“So...” Bruce started but got cut off.
*huff* Everyone looked at the real Loki.
“Exactly why were you hiding?” Nat asked with obvious confusion.
“As he said.. I didn’t want to watch a movie.” Loki said as he started to walk away.
“Yeah, it’s much better to read a boring book!” Sam mocked Loki.
“HEY! Books are way better than.. whatever that.. is.” He pointed at the TV.
Loki didn’t even hear anyone coming down the stairs behind him.
“Mhm, and?” Tony asked with an amused grin as everyone saw Thor coming down the stairs.
“And? And what? You obviously have never read a bOOK-” Thor tackled Loki from behind.
“Hello there brother.” Thor smiled down at his brother.
“Wrong.” The fake disappeared under Thor.
Loki smiled sheepishly from the other side of the room.
No one even bothered to ask anything.
“Also, brother. I think your cape and armor look much better in pink.” Loki smirked.
“Oh no, you did not.” Thor stood up.
“I’m pretty sure he did.” Nat had snuck away to grab Thor’s “armor”.
“HA! It’s really pink!” Sam looked at the suit and laughed.
“Oh, you mischievous motherfucker.” Thor started speed walking to Loki.
Loki’s face turned from smug to *oh shit*.
“Wait! Wait! What are you doing?” Loki asked in panic as he circled the couch.
“Getting you back, bitch.” Thor now had a smirk on his face and gave him THAT look.
“Brother NO.” Loki now was panicking.
“What are they doing?” Steve asked confused as the brothers continued to circle the couch.
“I’m about to kill him.” Thor said in a teasy voice.
Loki let out a small panic giggle.
“OH! OH! Did you guys hear that??” Sam looked at everyone else with sparkles in his eyes.
Loki looked at him confused, “.. what?”
“Loki, did you just laugh?!” Even Wanda looked shocked.
“It appears so.” Vision said entering the room.
Loki was still circling the couch and looked at everyone REALLY confused, “..And?”
“AND?? You have never-” Clint got cut off by Thor.
“And you’re about to hear some more.”
Loki hadn’t noticed that Thor had stopped circling the couch and bumped into him.
“Brother don’t you dare.” Loki gave him a death glare, but Thor didn’t care.
“Oh, I think I do.” With that Thor pounced on Loki tackling him.
“Ok what is happening..?” Bucky was confused.
“BROTHER. BROTHER NO. NO.” Loki was screaming at Thor.
“Loki seems to be panicking.” Vision said.
“Yeah, we can see and hear that.” Steve looked down at them.
For Tony, it finally clicked, and he smirked.
Sam noticed that, “What?”.
“You guys are really dumb,” Tony said as he started laughing.
“AHAH!” Everyone was snapped back to reality when they heard a scream.
“Ah, there we go.” Thor looked amused.
Everyone looked at Thor and then Loki and back to Thor.
“You guys are really shit, he tickling him!” Tony said and everyone’s face turned from confusion to *oooh* to a smirk.
“AAAAGH! BROTHEHER!” Loki tried to fight back.
“Don’t fight it, just let it all out.” Thor chuckled.
Vision looked confused.
Wanda noticed.
“You don’t know what tickling is, Vision?” Wanda looked at vision and laughed.
Everyone turned to look at Vision’s confused face.
Vision shook his head.
“..no?” Vision tried to recreate what Thor was doing in the air.
Sam laughed at Vision.
“AAAAAUUH!” Vision jumped at the sound of the scream.
“Why is he hurting him??” Vision looked concerned.
“He’s not hurting him, Vision don’t worry!” Clint said.
“OK OK OK OK! IHIM SORYHIHI AHAH!” Loki shook his head.
“Anyone else wondering how the fuck we didn’t know about this?” Bucky laughed.
“Well you never really tried it, did you?” Thor looked up at him.
Thor drilled his fingers into Loki’s hips.
Loki bucked like crazy. “AGHAHA! THOHOR I SWEAR TO-  AHAHAAA!”
“Okay, okay fine... joking,” Thor said with a big smirk.
“NO. BROTHER. YOU CAN NOT DO THIS!” Loki pushed at his chest to try to get him off.
“Yes, yes I can,” Thor said as he lifted up his shirt.
“NO NO! SOMEONE STOP HIM PLEHEASE!” Loki shut his eyes and threw his head back.
“Since when does he say please?” Steve laughed.
“Ehhh?” Sam looked at everyone and wondered if he should help.
“Uhh.. yeah. I don’t think I’ll help him. I mean how many times have you seen him laugh? That’s right 0.. also he messed up one of my suits.” Said Tony.
“Friday come to record this!” Tony’s suit arrived and started recording.
“AAAHAHA! YOU BETTER FUCKHING DELETE THAHAT!” Loki threatened, but it wasn’t really threatening ya know... since he was laughing so hard.
“Ok NOW last thing,” Thor said as he bent down and blew a big raspberry on his belly.
When I tell you that Loki SCREAMED.
“Ok, I’m done here. Have you learned your lesson?” Thor still had a smug smirk on his face.
Loki turned on his stomach and curled in on himself. “yehes..”
Thor laughed “I know that still means no but I got my revenge.”
“Uhuh.. you’re awful.”
“Watch it!” He poked Loki’s side.
“okahayokayokayokay!” Loki put his hand up in defense.
Loki flopped on his back and just stared at the ceiling.
Vision hurried over to Loki and started checking for injuries.
“Ohoh! Fuhuck ohohoff!” Loki pushed Vision’s hands away.
Thor laughed at his brother.
“I’m sorry! I think he’s injured!” Vision said in a worried voice.
“I swear if you touch me one more time I’m going to rip that stone out of your fucking head!” Loki threatened and Vision backed away.
“Hey!” Wanda yelled at Loki.
“Don’t worry Vision, he’s not injured. I just tickled him that’s it!” Thor put his hands up.
Sam started laughing. “HAH! Oh my fucking god! That was hilarious!”
Loki looked at him with a death glare.
“O-or not.” Sam stopped laughing.
“Did you get that, Friday?” Tony asked the robot.
“Yes sir.” The suit replied.
“You better delete that.” Loki stood up and brushed himself off.
“uhhh, I don’t think I will.” Tony smiled and turned back to the Robot.
“Okay then..” Loki walked behind Tony.
Loki pointed at Tony and looked at Thor.
Thor shrugged.
“Ok since when do the two of you have telapat- AGH!” Tony flinched away and turned around to see Loki.
“Delete. it.” Said Loki.
“Fine. Friday delete it.” Tony gave the command.
“You humans have no durability.” Loki scoffed as he walked away.
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hey! here’s a sentence starter for ya!! ik u wanna do ler!bucky&steve and lee!reader, so maybe they could like get mad at the reader for eating the last two cookies, and then chase them around and end up tickling them to pieces on the couch!! :D
sentence starter: “wait… steve, why are the last two cookies gone? did you eat them?”
Yes!!! I love this!!
Hope you like it💟
The cookie thief
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"Wait... Steve, why are the last two cookie's gone, did you eat them?".
You were just about to walk into the common room with a cookie box in your hand when you heard bucky say that, quickly looking at the front of the box you saw in very clear letter's 'property of the super soldiers'.
Dammit why didn't I see that you cursed, taking the sugar from them was almost as serious when someone took Thor's pop tarts.
Looking for a good place to hide the evidence was a jacket from Clint hanging there. Perfect.
Hiding the box was a bit tricky since the stupid guy wore such thin jacket's but it worked.
Trying to act casually, you walked to the kitchen to get something to eat and sure enough double trouble was there.
"Hey guys" you said trying very hard not to let your voice crack.
"oh hey Y/N have you seen if anyone has taken out cookie box"? Steve said it like it was a war crime which made it even harder not to laugh.
"Now that you mention it, i did see Clint walking past me with a cookie box, but I'm not sure if it was yours".
By dumb luck you knew that no one was on a mission which came in handy when it was needed to blame someone.
The two super soldiers's speed walked away and a few minutes later Clint's bright laugh ring around in the compound, letting out a small laugh you opened the fridge, sneaking out a cola.
Sitting down on one of the many couche you zapped through the channel's until you found f/s (favorite show) and laid back in the couch cushions.
About two episodes later Steve and buck came in, when they sat on either side of you, panic started to set in.
"So did you find your sweets"? You innocently asked.
"Yes we did and found out something very interesting when we tortured Barton" bucky replied, with that very troubling smirk.
You swallowed, "Really"?
"When Barton was in need of a break he said something of quit importance, what was it again Steve"
"I believe it was "It was Y/N" he screamed it very loud, do you know why he would say that"?
"N no" damn why would I stutter now!!
"We think you do and besides" buck leaned forward and whispered in your ear "You have the crumbs on your hoodie".
Knowing that there wasn't a second to waste you jumped to your feet and made run for it.
The thundering of their footsteps was nerve wracking, a place to hide that it what you needed and fast.
Deciding that your closet was so obvious which made it the safest you hide there.
After about 10 minutes it was silent in the hallway, no footsteps, no whispering, no nothing.
The coast was clear.
Knowing that if you made it to the lab, thanks to your clearance, you could lock down the lab.
Getting out of the closet as quickly as possible, the journey to the lab began.
Sneaking was never one of your talents, but when it's needed everything becomes a talent, making the echo's of your footsteps silent and ducking away when there was another pair of footsteps, was doing very well.
The lab was right around the corner, you almost made it, almost.
"Well, well, well what do we have here" you jumped at the sound of Steve's voice, before you could even make a step you were trapped in a bear hug.
"Bucky, i got our little thief" he screamed and not a minute later mister smug face came around the corner.
Steve laced his hands in your ribs and a scream of laughter came over your lips, knees bucking from underneath you.
The stupid ass soldiers immediately pinned you down on your back and attacked your weak spots.
"What was that Y/N i didn't hear you" buck said blowing a raspberry on your tummy making you arch your back.
"Look at you all cute and adorable" Steve said pinching your knees.
"I see you found her" said Clint from the doorway.
"Ah Barton would you like some revenge".
"HELP AHAHAHAHAHA" you screamed out hoping that he would have mercy.
"I dont really need revenge" and he walked away "But before you let her go make sure that she has all of her ribs" the grin in his voice was easily heard.
The one dead spot that only Clint knew was on the bottom ribs and the bastard basically just told them that.
Your tormenters looked at each other and with out saying a word the duck into the bottom ribs.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA" the scream of laughter that came over your libs echoed through the halls.
After a few minutes of torture you fell into silent laughter and they let up.
"You good kid" buck asked, you only huffed in responsible causing the soldiers to laugh.
A pair of arms lifted you of the ground and carried you back to the common room, where the were watching Harry Potter.
They set you next to Thor who wharped a arm around you.
"What happend to you young one" he asked with a laugh.
"Stole some cookies didn't end well" you mumbled and the god let out a loud laugh.
"What did you do to her"? Nat asked
"She stole our cookies so we tickled the hell out of her" buck answered.
Secretly you enjoyed every second of it and believe me the two assholes knew very well.
A/N yes finally finished this fic, it was the first time doing such a long fic but i believe it turned out okay.
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shadfanfic · 2 years
ABOUT ME hello everyone! Call me shad ! :)
I’m 20 years old and i love reading tk fanfics so i told myself why not try to do my own!? Lol cause why not? anywho! I well be posting soon hopefully I’m writing multiple stuff and not only tk off course!
fics i well be posting are gonna be about:
Chris evans
Sebastian stan
henry cavill
Harry styles
1- English is not my first language so excuse my shitty writing and these stuff ☺️ 2-I’m not a professional at writing
3-if u don’t like tickle fanfics or ddlg themes please don’t enter my account
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marinasmarvel · 2 months
Summary: Natasha gets sick of Yelena constantly calling her a poser, so she brings back a playful method from their childhood to teach her a lesson.
A/N: I’m back with another drabble! Yelena deserved to be the bratty and annoying little sister as an adult, so I’m giving her that chance. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Tickling and fluff
Natasha pinches the bridge of her nose, resisting the temptation to throw her sister out the window. Sure, she would never intentionally hurt her sister, she loves the blonde more than she can explain. But Yelena is driving her fucking crazy.
The blonde is cackling on the floor of the gym, rolling around like a child. She had immediately burst into hysterics when Natasha landed in one of her infamous poses after Yelena had knocked her down while they were sparring.
“Yelena, it’s not that funny.” Natasha growls. But she can’t shake the fondness in her tone. “You’re right poser, it’s hilarious!” Yelena cackles.
Natasha tackles Yelena, their sparring session soon turning into a playful wrestling match. “Poser!” Yelena yells out.
Natasha groans.
“Hey poser, come here a second.”
Natasha internally groans. Yelena has barely even called her by her actual name. Only poser.
“What it is, Yelena?” She asks. The blonde smirks. “Nothing. Just wanted to call you a poser.”
Natasha lunges for her, but Yelena runs before she can grab her. “GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!” Natasha yells.
Natasha lets her get away.
For now.
Natasha’s last straw comes the next day.
The avengers are gathered in the common room, hanging out and chatting.
“Gosh, you are such a poser.”
Natasha freezes. Yelena has yet to call her the annoying nickname in front of the avengers.
Until now.
Yelena sees the mischievous glint in her sister’s eye soon enough to start running towards their shared room in the compound. She barely makes it into the room before Natasha is grabbing her by the waist and tackling her onto the bed.
Yelena is pinned before she can blink. Natasha is holding her wrists in one hand, her other hand slipping under Yelena’s shirt and resting on her stomach. The blonde is already giggling in anticipation, knowing what is coming next. “Nohohoho dohonon’t!” She pleads.
But Natasha ignores her.
She begins furiously wiggling her fingers right above Yelena’s belly button, sending her into cackling laughter. “STOHOHOHOHOP!” She screams, squealing when Natasha pinches her ribs.
“Really? Hmm…I don’t think I will. This is what you get for calling me a poser so much!” Natasha growls, leaning down and blowing a raspberry on Yelena’s neck. Yelena screams with giggles, squirming and trying to free herself. “YOU ARE A POHOHOHOSER!”
Natasha’s fingers stop. She raises an eyebrow. “Am I? Surely you should’ve learned your lesson now.”
Yelena nods at the question. Natasha sighs, appearing as though she’s given up, and Yelena thinks she’s won.
But then, Natasha grabs her ankles. Yelena’s eyes widen like saucers, and she starts desperately trying to free her ankles from the subsequent headlock Natasha has them in. “Nohoho! I’m sorry!” Yelena apologizes. Her feet have always been her worst spot, even when she was a kid. Natasha knows this.
The redhead pulls Yelena’s black socks off her feet, exposing them to the cold air.
“Too late. You had your chance.”
With those final words, Natasha cruelly skitters her fingers into Yelena’s soles, tickling her feverishly.
Yelena bursts into boisterous, unwavering laughter. She tries pushing on Natasha’s back, but the redhead doesn’t stop. A quick pinch to Yelena’s ribs has her falling back onto the bed. “STOHOHOHOHOP! MERCY!” Yelena cries. Natasha is quick and unpredictable in her movements, constantly switching between her toes, heels, and arches. She can tell that it’s driving Yelena crazy.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEHASE!” Yelena cackles. Natasha lets go of her ankles, crawling upwards and blowing a giant raspberry on Yelena’s toned stomach. The blonde wheezes, tapping the bed with her palm.
Natasha relents, looking down at her with her signature smirk. Yelena glares playfully. “That was mean, sestra.” She pants. “You had it coming, little one.” Natasha retorts. She opens her arms, allowing Yelena to snuggle into her side. “I love you so much, detka. Never change.” Natasha murmurs, planting a kiss on Yelena’s forehead. Yelena melts into the affection, curling closer to Nat.
“I love you too.”
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this fluffy and chaotic fic! Comments are appreciated. Feel free to send requests!
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supermarvel-fics · 2 years
Tickletober Day 13: Blush
fandom: marvel
word count: 600
pairing: loki x reader (established relationship)
summary: loki searches for any and all things that make you blush
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“Hello, darling,” Loki bellowed in that deep, seductive voice of his. He came from behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing a small kiss on your temple. You blushed at his words and actions, smiling and spinning around to face him.
Loki let a breathy laugh shoot through his nose at the sight of your face, running the pad of his thumb across your cheek. “Is that really all it takes to fluster you?” He asked. You hid your face in his chest, groaning quietly. You had muttered something to him, but it was muffled due to being pressed into his shirt. “I didn’t hear a word you just said, dove.”
You pulled back and looked up again, your eyes locking onto his vibrant blue ones. “I said that I can’t help it. It’s a natural reaction.”
“Well, it’s adorable. One of my favorite things about you,” Loki professed, leaning down to kiss you softly. You accepted it with eagerness, your face continuously growing warmer.
It had become a little game for Loki—finding things that caused you to blush in that endearing way that made him want to scoop you into his arms and squeeze you tight. He loved watching your cheeks turn pink as a shy smile rose to your face.
Loki found that the easiest way was to call you a pet name. ‘Darling’ got the best reaction, but he swore he wouldn’t say it too often lest you get used to it and stop blushing. Another sure-fire way was complimenting you. It could be just about anything; how your clothes accentuated your body, how beautiful your smile was, how swiftly you could take down enemies. Loki complimented you at least once a day just to watch your face change shades.
And recently, he’d added one more to his list of way to make you blush. It was purely an accident—Loki’s fingers squeezed your side a bit too hard when he hugged you from behind, causing you to squeak and buckle away from his hand. You instantly knew what had happened, your face turning red in response. Hopefully, Loki hadn’t—
“Ticklish, darling?” Loki asked impishly, only making your cheeks grow warmer in embarrassment. His head twisted over your shoulder to be able to see you, but you turned it the other way. “You cannot hide those blushing cheeks from me, dear, I can practically feel the heat radiating off of them.”
Without warning, Loki wiggled his fingers into your side with the intent to make it tickle, holding you tighter to his chest when you jolted and tried moving away. Giggling, you whined, “Lohokihi!”
“How delightful this is!” He boasted as he lifted you off the ground to carry you into the common room, sitting down on the couch with you in his lap. The entire journey, you were squirming, begging Loki not to exploit this little fact. “I can’t give up such a perfect opportunity to see you smile and laugh, love. Not to mention you’re blushing like crazy.
Loki twisted you on his lap and pushed you flat on your back so that he could see you better, wasting no time in scratching at your belly. Your eyes squeezed shut in ticklish laughter and your arms moved to block his access. “Lohoki! Wahahait!”
“You’re positively radiant, dove. I can’t stop now!” He teased, prodding into your ribs. Your face felt as if it were on fire with Loki complimenting you, calling you a pet name, and tickling you senseless.
But you were okay with it because you knew that Loki was inexcusably in love with you.
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fluffymcu · 1 year
hi is it ok if i can request a bucky x sibling reader fic where they’re watching a movie and the reader starts to get bored so she starts to poke bucky’s side even though he tells her to stop, when she continues to poke him he decides he’s had enough so he just tickles her, plus with raspberries and/or nibbles?
“Stop…” Bucky warns, grabbing your hand with his and interlocking your fingers to keep you from poking him. You were both snuggled on the couch watch a movie. You take your hand away with a small whine and let it drop over the seat of the couch.
It was a perfect afternoon. The compound was quiet, which was rare, the weather was perfect; nice and cold, and you and your brother were spending some quality time together. It was perfect. But then boredom hit you. So you decided to mess with Bucky to pass the time. You always enjoyed annoying him. He’s fun when he’s mad.
You quickly attack him with squeezes to his sides, one foot on the floor so you can easily escape. Bucky laughs and let’s you tickle him for a couple more seconds before grabbing your wrist. With a squeal, you try to take off, but it’s like pulling against chains.
With a smug smirk, he pulls you into his lap sideways and lifts up your shirt to blow a series of raspberries on your belly. “WAHAHAHAIT STAHAHAHAP!”
“Nope!” He teased, blowing another raspberry, rubbing his stubble into you.
“OHOHOHOWWWW YOURE HURTING MEEE!” You slapped at his head, pulling his hair.
“Oh, stop acting like it hurts….and stop acting like this isn’t what you wanted!” He smirks, lifting you up and rubbing his stubble in your neck and playfully nibbling it, making you scream.
“Cause I’m your brother, and that wouldn’t be very brotherly of me to just let you get away with that.” He smiles, reaching and grabbing a hold of your knees, relishing in the sound of your scream.
He was just getting started.
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