#Lily Evans you will always be famous
radiohead-spiderman · 5 months
One of the oddest things I’ve seen this fandom do, that irritates me in all honesty, is making jily angst povs and in the comments there will be various comments going “Reggie would never do that”, “And then Regulus swoops in”, “Yeah but Regulus would never say that”, and it’s just like, what???
All of jegulus’ characterization of the two is LITERALLY that Regulus WOULD do that??? Also, why bring up another ship in a different ship video?? I promise you, you guys can just scroll.
It’s also just, if a person were to make an angsty pov where Lily is yelling at James for that godawful headcanon where he asked her out everyday, ie harrased her every day, you’d have at least, at LEEEEAST ten comments saying that Regulus would never do that, and calling Lily unfair and cruel, however if someone were to make a jegulus angsty pov where Regulus yelled at James for NO reason(instead of Lily’s valid one), you’d have an insane amount of comments sympathizing with both of them.
This fandom hates women, it has in it’s roots with Tonks and wolfstar, and it has now with Lily and jegulus.
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rhaeblack66 · 5 months
dark arts practicing lily evans >>>>>>
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mentallyadinonugget · 1 month
“but james potter was a bully””he bullied snape!!!” ok? someone had to do it.
~Here’s a list of good and shitty things Snape did canonically:
•Snape was a blood supremacist who called lily a slur.
•invented a curse for enemies (marauders)
I don’t think a good person would make up a curse which mutilates someone terribly. That too, during his time in Hogwarts.
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•oh yeah later on he became a death eater 😋 (the main goal of the death eaters wasto eliminate all muggle-borns in the wizarding world and establish voldemort as its ruler)(magical nazis basically).
Plus when voldy was going to kill lily, Snape was like yk what you can kill the husband and the INFANT just don’t hurt my lily flower teehee like okay james bullied him so him not caring about james made sense but harry was a child bro
•BULLIED CHILDREN DURING HIS TIME AS A PROFESSOR????? he was literally neville’s bogart ffs and not because “some teachers are just scary okay Neville was afraid of almost everything!!!” but because Snape bullied neville on a daily basis plus threatened to kill his pet after a failed potion thingy. plus he made fun hermione’s physical appearance (when draco made her teeth all big and Snape was like hah it’s the same there’s no difference) and he bullied for BEING GOOD AT ACADEMICS LIKE 😭😭😭???? He bullied almost everyone in Hogwarts I just know it.
•sectumsempra’d George’s year off.
•tried to out Remus Lupin as a werewolf for NO reason other than his childish misdemeanour.
•called Sirius and Remus an old married couple.
•saves Katie bell from a cursed necklace
•saves draco malfoy from a terrible curse that could’ve killed him by the counter charm “vulnera saneteur”
can someone guess which curse Snape saved draco from??? You’re right! It was sectumsempra!
•switched sides or smth
~Here’s a list of good and shitty things james did canonically:
•called Snape snivellus (was funny ngl)
•bully snape
•turned into an illegal animagus at the age of 15 so his werewolf friend (Remus) has company during his transformations.
•took sirius black in after he ran away from an abusive hoursehold.
•literally died trying to stall Voldemort so Lily and Harry have some time to escape or just live in general.
So my point is canon james was a bit of an asshole but he still did way more good deeds than Snape even though Snape was in all the seven books like one of the good things he did was literally the consequences of his own actions (healing draco).
All of this is canon btw. NONE of it is fanon.
sincerely keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth he did what should have been done.
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jfpstarchaser · 1 year
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annabelinlove · 3 months
No Games
Pairing: Wolfstar x reader (Sirius Black x Reader, Remus Lupin x Reader)
Summary: You were injured by some Slytherins and the boys worry for you.
Word Count: 5.9k
Warnings: angst, description of violence, language, Snape is a dick, English isn’t my first language, Peter doesn’t exist in this, lmk if I missed any
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Being a muggle born never really bothered you. You loved your parents, and you were glad for the childhood you had. They were really surprised when you had gotten your letter but were supportive nevertheless. They didn’t understand your new world and even though they were happy for you, they never cared to learn more about it. Part of you was bothered about it, because living in two different worlds, yet still trying to communicate, was hard. You drifted apart and whenever you visited during the breaks, they never wanted to hear about your school year or the magical world. It was usually awkward and uncomfortable, but you still loved them dearly and knew they loved you. You weren’t ashamed of your parents and defended them any chance you got.
Your first year was pretty hard. Not only were you getting used to this whole new world you were suddenly thrown into, but you’ve also learned the hard way, that being a muggle born was viewed as a bad thing. Being called worthless, stain on the wizarding world and mudblood were suddenly a daily occurrence. Thankfully, being sorted into Gryffindor led you to meet some amazing people and become best friends with Lily Evans. You tried to get through it together and it was suddenly much easier to have someone who understood you. You’ve befriended the Marauders as well and since the start of the second year, you were inseparable. Lily had some apprehension at the beginning, since James Potter was an ‘arrogant toerag’ in her words, but you’ve helped her realize, that there was much more then mischief in the boys. It didn’t take long for you to develop feelings for two of the troublemakers. There was just something about Sirius Black and Remus Lupin that made you fall, and you fell hard. You still remembered the conversation with Lily, where you revealed your feeling by accident. It was soon after Sirius and Remus started dating.
“I don’t get how the two of them could be together! Don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy for them and I hope they’ll be happy but they’re just... they’re so different!” Lily told you drunkenly at one of the famous Gryffindor parties, looking at the couple snogging in the middle of the made-up dance floor.
“And that’s the beauty of it, you know? When Sirius is hotheaded, Remus is there to calm him down and where Remus is reserved, Sirius helps him get out of his shelf. They’re two sides of the same coin,” you defended them fiercely. Seeing them like that made you so happy, but the darker side of you was jealous, wishing you could be part of it.
“I kinda wish a coin had three sides, you know? Can you imagine how amazing that would be?” You said without thinking, gaze fixed on the two boys. Lily shot you a confused look.
“A coin with three sides? How would that even look? And what kind of shape would it have to have? Why would you want a three-sided coin?” Her confusion was not only in her eyes, but you could also detect it in her voice as well. You just rolled your eyes at her oblivion.
“I don’t want a three-sided coin Lily, I wanna be part of their relationship. How you’re on top of every class, I have no idea.”
The memory always made you smile. And your wish came true. Not long after your conversation with Lily, even though it felt like years for you, you became a part of the relationship. It was quite complicated at the beginning, you were no stranger to dating, but dating not only two boys but two Golden boys of Hogwarts was no easy task. But you’ve happily settled and after some long conversations, when you all tried to figure out, you were as happy as you could ever be.
Your sixth year was however when things turned complicated once again. The war raging outside the walls of the castle was taking a tool on you. You were constantly worried about the safety of your family as well as your own. It was no secret that you had muggle parents, which made you a target at the school as well. Every time you saw some Slytherins, mostly Snape with Malfoy and Mulciber, you were called names and even hexed multiple times. But it wasn’t only you, every muggle born was treated like that, which didn’t make it better, yet it seemed like you were the biggest target, wether it was because of your connection and close friendship with the Marauders, the constant pranks you pulled on them or the fact, that you always fought back and never let them get away with it. You had many serious talks with Lily about this topic. She tried to tell you to take it easy and ignore them like she did, and they’d get bored of it soon. You never had the heart to tell her, that the reason the boys didn’t target her as much was because Severus still had feelings for her, even after their falling-out, and threatened other Slytherins to take it easy on her.
“Why did you do that?” Lily asked you as you laid on your bed with a pack of ice on your face that still stung from the hex they threw at you.
“You mean why did I turned them into snakes? Because that’s what they fucking are Lily. I can’t juste let them call me names and walk away. Plus, they started it,” you said tiredly, the headache making you nauseous.
“But you could! If you had just ignored them, you wouldn’t have been hurt and in detention” she tried once again “that’s what I do, just walk away. So what if the call us mudbloods, its not like its harmful anymore.”
“But its not about the name calling. They’re fucking death eaters and acting like they’re better than us, but they’re not! It’s about the principle. You can’t do something bad and not get punished for it.” The conversation was almost identical to the one you’ve had many times in the past.
“Well, at least you’ve answered your question why you have to go to detention for the following week,” Lily sighed and went to change you ice pack.
The boys tried their best to protect you, they always made sure that at least one of them was with you. Wether it was in library with Remus, quidditch with James, the kitchen with Sirius or at least one of them walking you to every class and the Great Hall. They never talked to you about it, but you knew what they were doing, and the thoughtfulness warmed your heart. But they couldn’t be with you every second of the day no matter how much you wanted them to or how much they tried. That’s how you found yourself walking to your common room late at night after another detention with McGonagall.
“I’m sorry, you did what?!” Remus shrieked, staring at you in disbelief.
“I set Snivellus on fire. I mean, just his robes,” you mumbled sheepishly. Your boyfriends stared at you with mixed amazement and incredulity. James bursted into laughter.
“How come we never thought of that?” He said between laughter.
“Pff, don’t encourage her Prongs or she’ll think it was a good idea and will do something analogously stupid.” Your scarred boyfriend scoffed, but the corner of his mouth twitching.
“And what was I supposed to do? Let him torture the poor second year and just walk away?” You tried to defend your actions, slowly getting worked up.
“That’s not what he meant, pet. We just want you to be careful. Moony means well, he’s scared, just like the rest of us. They’re getting bolder and bolder. We’re proud of you for defending the kid, aren’t we, Moons?” Sirius finally joined the conversation, trying to calm you all down. He pulled you into his arms, kissing your head. Remus sighed and took your face into his hands, looking deeply into your eyes.
“Of course I’m proud, you're our brave girl, darling. Just don’t wanna see you hurt.” And with those words he kissed you deeply.
Walking down the dark and empty corridor, you tried not to think about the sickening smell you’ve been inhaling for the least couple of hours. Professor McGonagall made you wash one of the dirty bathrooms without magic as your punishment. You were disgusted with the Hogwarts students and the mess they could make. So lost in your own head, you didn’t even hear the steps of people behind you. Not until it was too late anyway.
“Well, well, well, who do we have here?” Said the voice behind you that belonged to no other then Severus Snape. Before you could even pull out your wand, it flew out of your hands with a simple Expelliarmus from Mulciber, whom you just noticed standing behind Snape.
“I’m not in a mood for your games Snivellus,” you snapped at him, already tired from the day you had.
“Oh, trust me, this is no game,” he threatened, smiling at you maliciously. You wanted to punch him so hard.
“What are you even doing here, aren’t you supposed to be at the infirmary? Those burns looked pretty nasty earlier.” His smile disappeared and something much more dangerous appeaed on his face.
“You’re gonna pay for that, you stupid bitch,” he sneered at you. Your fight or flight instincts kicked in and you moved to him with the intention to rip his head off his body. But before you could take more than few steps, he hit you with a Petrificus Totalus spell. You tried to mask your panic when you realized you could possibly be in an immense danger without your wand and the ability to move with two deatheaters, who loathed you. The grin Snape and Mulciber gave you was a sign of how much of a shit job you did to hide your emotions.
“Not so brave now, are you, mudblood?” Mulciber gave you a sickening smirk. You could see nothing but madness in his eyes. They started to circle around you, eyeing you like predators wanting to hurt their prey. You watched them carefully, waiting for their next move.
“Not in a mood for games, did you say? What a shame because I’m ready to play,” said Mulciber before casting a Flipendo and suddenly, you were upside down, your head hitting the floor. You wanted to do something, protect yourself, scream for help, but you were powerless, unable to do any of the things you wanted to.
“I feel like it’d be much more fun if she didn’t see us, don’t you agree?” He asked Severus who chuckled and nodded.
“For once, I must agree with you. Obscurs!” And all of a sudden you were blindfold, your panic rising. You had no idea what they had planned for you, but were sure it was nothing pleasant. Everything went pretty hazy after they hit you with the Confundus charm. The two deatheaters were taking turns hexing you. They made you slowly bleed and ache, but they haven’t done anything terrible to really harm you, which somehow made you even more nervous. They were slowly becoming more and more harmful with their hexes, causing you more pain. Until they grew bored of the wand work. You were thrown on the floor, all spells lifted from you, and you thought it was finally over before you were harshly kicked into the stomach. You could hear them laughing as they continued to hit you and kick you around the cold floor. They’ve caused you more then enough harm. You were bleeding from various places and was more than sure that you had a few broken bones as well as a concussion from them throwing you around like a ragdoll. Your foggy brain couldn’t comprehend all that was happening. Both of them suddenly stopped and quietned down as you tried to crawl away from them. The silence was broken with a shout.
“Crucio!” Yelled one of the boys. You couldn’t care less which one, as you were hit with an immense pain. You were on the floor, whirling in pain. You trashed on the ground, somehow in hopes off gettin rid of the pain, but all in vain. You tried to let out a scream, but you weren’t sure if you did because you couldn’t hear anything but their laughter. The curse was lifted and you sucked a breath of air into your lungs, or at least you tried to. You didn’t have time to even move before they’ve casted the curse again. And again and again. You felt like your insides were being twisted and ripped out of you. At that point, you just wanted them to kill you. You didn’t know how much time has passed, before Snape leaned over you.
“You’ll learn where your place is. You don’t deserve to breathe the same air as we do, mugblood. Let this be your lesson. Hopefully one you’ll remember until your pathetic life ends. Which may not be that long, now that I think about it.” You didn’t even notice that the curse wasn’t on you anymore. You couldn’t move, couldn’t see, couldn’t do anything then whisper a pathetic please, hoping your suffering would end soon. He just smirked at you and looked like he wanted to say something else, but Mulciber beat him to it, shouting Crucio once again. There was nothing you could do than just to take it while begging them to stop. You were slipping into unconsciousness, the pain being too much. You couldn’t even tell the difference between being under the curse and not because all you could feel was agony. You thought you heard someone shouting, but it may have just been a hallucination. Opening your eyes, you could make out a silhouette of someone else coming and you were praying to Merlin it wasn’t Malfoy wanting to join in on all the ‘fun’. To your surprise you saw, or at least thought you did, Snape and Mulciber running away, but not before the last curse Snape sent your way. Sectumsempra were the last words of Severus Snape, before he took of, disappearing in the darkness. You realized; you didn’t know pain until now. Your body was on fire and instead of drawing in a breath, you coughed out blood.
“Hey, hey, can you hear me?” Somebody was leaning over you, but you couldn’t make out who it was.
“It’s okay now, please just try to breathe. You’re safe, you’re safe.” Those were the last words before the darkness took over you.
“Lay her here, carefully! And quickly, sent for Dumbledore!”
“I don’t know what to do, I’ve never dealt with something like this.”
“Just hold on, it’s gonna be okay.”
“What the fuck happened?!” “You can’t be here right now, mister Black.”
“This is gonna hurt, dear. I’m so sorry.”
“You’re safe now, my love. I’m never gonna let anything like that happen to you. I swear on my life.”
“What the hell do you mean, they’re not gonna be punished?!” “We are not discussing this topic with you, mister Lupin.” “They can’t just walk away, have you seen what they’ve done to her? She’s fucking dying!” “Enough Remus, please.”
“Please, wake up. I know it’s selfish of me to ask this, considering everything that happened, but please, I really need you to wake up.”
You kept slipping in an out of consciousness, hearing bits and peaces of the conversations happening around you, but the darkness has always won and took you under.
The first thing you felt was something wet on your hand. You tried to open your eyes, but even such easy task seemed like something impossible. You tried to move, but it was like you were under the binding curse all over again. After much effort, you were able to open your eyes very slowly. The bright light made you blink a couple of times, but you were able to recognize your surroundings. The hospital wing. You wanted to sit up, but the pain suddenly consumed you like a tsunami, and a groan tore itself out of your throat.
“You’re awake!” Said a quiet voice. Your eyes met Lily’s beautiful green ones. Tears rolled down her cheeks and the realization that you’ve felt her tears on your hand hit you. You tried to open your mouth to say something, but your throat felt like sandpaper and nothing came out.
“Shh, don’t say anything, its okay. Here, try to drink some water instead.” She handed you a cool glass of water, but you were unable to sit up and drink. When she noticed, more tears welled up in her eyes and she softly squeezed your hand and with the words, that she’ll be back soon left you alone and disappeared behind the white curtains around your bed. You didn’t know how much time passed with you just looking at the ceiling, but Madam Pomfrey was suddenly by your side with some other woman in white.
“This is nurse Bimley, we’re just gonna do a quick check, okay?” She asked and both her and the nurse started to examine you and move you around. They asked you some questions, but you didn’t really pay attention, your mind tired to function properly. With their hands on you and calming words, you fell into the darkness.
Opening you eyes the second time was easier and even adjusting to the light was quicker. You found yourself half sitting, half laying on the hospital bed. Did they move you again? How long has it been since I last woke up? Why am I even here?
“Hey.” Whispered a voice beside you, interrupting your train of thoughts. You looked at the boy sitting on a very uncomfortable looking chair next to your bed. You’d recognize his stormy eyes everywhere, but the ever-present spark in them seemed to disappear, worry replacing it. Your hand was squeezed and you looked on your other side, seeing a scarred hand placed in yours. You felt somewhat calmer knowing that your boyfriends were with you.
“Here, drink this.” Remus lifted a glass of some murky liquid to your mouth waited patiently for you to drink the whole thing and you did even though it tasted like shit. He placed the, now empty, glass on the table, avoiding eye contact the whole time, contrary to your other boyfriend. You were all quiet for a while, just studying each other before Sirius broke the silence.
“How are you feeling, love?” You wanted to answer, but instead of words, you started to cough. To your horror you’ve realized droplets of blood came out of your throat, and Sirius was quick to hold a small bucket near your mouth.
“Shh, its okay darling. Just let it out. It’s okay.” Remus tried to soothe you, suddenly standing next to you. He looked like he wanted to place his hand on your back, but for a reason unknown to you, he decided against it. After your coughing fit, you closed your eyes and tried to properly breathe, which suddenly seemed like almost impossible task. When you calmed down a bit and looked up, you saw Sirius’s eyes pooling with unshed tears. He tried to smile at you reassuringly, but it felt fake.
“We should get madame Pomfrey,” Remus murmured, the words aimed to Sirius who slowly nodded, but before any of them could move, you croaked barely audible no. Your voice sounded like nails on chalkboard, and you cringed before starting to cough again. Sirius held up the bucket again while Remus spoke.
“Okay, okay. We won’t call anyone just yet. Just try to breathe for us darling.” And you did what he told you. He sat on the chair again. After you stopped coughing, you tried to speak once again.
“What..” but before you could finish your sentence, Sirius gently shushed you. “Don’t speak, my love. You need to rest and talking just makes it worse.” You nodded at his words, resting your head on the pillow behind you.
“Do you remember what happened, angel?” Remus asked you carefully to which you just shook your head. You didn’t remember anything; you mind still not working properly. The only thing you knew was that you were in terrible pain. Remus sighed before continuing.
“You were attacked darling. When you were walking from detention, some Slytherin cornered you and..” his voice broke, not being able to finish his sentence. Thankfully, Sirius took over.
“They did horrible, horrible things to you, angel. They didn’t tell us exactly what happened, but it almost killed you.” His voice was barely above a whisper at the end, a single tear rolling down his cheek. It almost killed you kept on replaying in your head over and over again as you started to remember bits and pieces. Their laughter, their hexes and curses, the pain. You didn’t even realize you started shaking before Sirius gently laid his hand on your cheek.
“Hey, hey, baby listen to me, you’re safe now. It’s over and you’re safe, do you hear me? We’re never gonna let anything like that happen to you again, okay? You’re safe with us. I promise.” He tried to calm you but you didn’t register his words as you kept on remembering everything. It felt like you were in a trance, not being able to do anything beside cry and shake, ugly sobs tearing out of your throat. You didn’t even realize that Remus quickly left your side to get Poppy to help you. To you, she appeared out of nowhere, suddenly by your side.
“I told you to get me when she wakes up, mainly to prevent something like this from happening. Now leave us alone and get professor McGonagall.” Both of your boyfriends left rather quickly without a word but sending you a sorry look. You really didn’t want them to leave but were unable to voice you thoughts through the sobbing. The sweet nurse got you to calm down after a while of sweet talk and reassurance that you were safe.
“Let me check the injuries, okay?” She asked but already started to take off your hospital robe that you didn’t even notice you were wearing. Underneath your whole body was bandaged, some of the bandages red from the blood seeping through them, you could see black and blue bruises where your skin was showing and you felt like you were going to be sick. Madam Pomfrey, thankfully, saw that coming and quickly brought a bucket to your mouth, the same that Sirius gave you earlier, and you puked your guts out, all that while she whispered calming words to you. When you were done, you closed your eyes and let the nurse rewrap your wounds after rubbing some ointment on them. The second she was done, professor McGonagall came into sight with Dumbledore on her heels, it was like they scented they could come.
“Good evening miss Y/S. How are you feeling?” He asked you politely, his eyes searching yours. You shrugged your shoulders, not trusting yourself to talk just yet.
“Do you remember what happened?” He asked you again to which you just nodded your head, avoiding eye contact with anyone.
“I know its hard, but would you be able to tell us what happened?” You dreaded this question, but took a deep breath before finally answering verbally. You vaguely told them the events of that night. I don’t even know how long I was asleep ran through your head, but you pushed it aside and continued talking. About how they cornered you, taking your want and hexing you. How they grew tired of it after a while and decided to beat you up. How they used one of the Unforgivables on you before someone came to your rescue. How they ran but not before sending some unknown spell in your way. By the end, you were silently crying once again.
“Thank you, dear. You should rest now. Don’t worry about anything else. I’ll come and talk to you when you feel better.” Professor McGonagall thanked you and you heard in her voice how sorry she felt for you. You sent a smile her way, or at least tried to, before they left you again.
“You should really rest now. I’ve put some sleeping and calming draught next to your bed, if you want it.” Madame Pomfrey decided and went to leave you alone before you stopped her.
“May I speak to Remus and Sirius please?” You pleaded with her before adding “it’d make me feel much more at ease.” To which the nurse nodded before disappearing behind the curtain, hopefully snatching the boys. And soon enough, Remus’s head poked from behind the curtain, smiling at you soflty.
“Hi there, darling. James and Lily are here to see you, if you feel like it. If not, that’s completely okay and they understand. Anything to make you comfortable.” You smiled at his thoughtfulness, and you considered it for a second. You didn’t want your friends to see you in such state but you knew that seeing them would make you feel better so you nodded. Soon enough, around your bed were the four most important people of your life. You gently smiled at them, feeling calmer already. Remus carefully sat on your bed, Sirius in the chair next to him with Lily in the chair and James standing next to her on your other side.
“Hi.” you said timidly. Lily almost started to cry when she heard your voice and James laid a protective hand or her shoulder, smiling gently at you.
“Hello there, sunshine.” He responded just as gently.
“Are you feeling any better?” Remus asked you carefully, not wanting to make you cry again or overall worsen your state. You didn’t know whether to say yes or no so you just shrugged.
“I’m so glad you’re okay. We were all so worried.” Lily whispered, looking deep into your eyes. A flashback of her crying when you woke up suddenly popped up in your mind.
“You were here, before I mean.” You realized, looking at her.
“We were all here at some point. You kept on waking up and falling asleep the whole time you were here.” She looked like she wanted to add something, but her quiet sobs prevented it.
“Yeah, you’ve been here for two days. We sneaked in whenever we could. Sometimes you woke up and started babbling some nonsense, sometimes you just screamed. Do you remember any of that?” James added and that’s when you noticed the dark circles under all of their eyes. You felt bad for making them so worried.
“No. I mean, I remember some of it, but it’s all blurry. I remember some other woman tho, I think she was a nurse.” You tried to fish for your memories, but nothing else came to the surface.
“That was nurse Bimley, she came from St. Mungo’s after Dumbledore sent for someone to help you.” Lily explained, now more composed, but it left you even more confused.
“Why? What happened?” You decided to ask, wanting to hear their side of the story. They all looked at each other in apprehension, apart from Sirius, who was uncharacteristically quiet and avoiding eye contact, before Remus decided to put you out of your misery and explain.
“When you didn’t come from your detention, we started to worry. The more time passed, the more terrified we were. James tried to look for the map, but we’ve put it somewhere and none of us were able to find it. We kept on telling ourselves that you were fine, and that Minnie was just making you work extra hard, so we didn’t go to search for you. Something that I’ll never forgive myself for and I’m terribly sorry for it, love.” He took your hand into his and softly squeezed before continuing. “Then some Gryffindor prefect bursted into the command room, ordering everyone to go to bed, that there was an attack on a student, and we weren’t to leave our dorms. I felt my soul leave my body at his words, I swear. We didn’t even take the cloak, we just ran straight to the infirmary. There, we saw...” but before he could continue, Sirius interrupted him, his eyes unfocused as if he was remembering the night.
“It was Reggie. He found you and took you straight to Madam Pomfrey. He saved your life. We found him sitting on the floor, looking like he might pass out or puke. When he spotted us, he quickly started to explain how he didn’t have anything to do with it, how he wasn’t part of it and just tried to help you. I was so confused at that minute but when I saw the look on his face… I just knew that something horrible must have happened to you.” He exhaled, still not looking at you. It was Regulus who helped you. Regulus saved your life. You were tremendously grateful for Sirius’s little brother. Sirius took a deep breath.
“After he calmed down, he explained what happened. Told us that he was just wandering around when he heard screaming, so he went to see what was going on. He found you on the floor with Snape and Mulciber above you with wands in their hands. Doesn’t take a genius to know what was going on. He went to you aid, yelling at them to leave you alone. Before he could make it to your side, they ran away, but Snivellus casted some weird curse at the very last moment. We don’t know what it was but..” he choked on his words, not being able to continued. You could feel the anxiety from remembering that night rolling off of him. James decided to add to his speech.
“It slashed up your whole body.” He said before Remus send a dark and disapproving look his was which shut him up pretty quickly. Thank Merlin for Lily who decided to carry on explaining before the two of them started fighting.
“The curse made numerous of gashes appear on your body, they were all so deep and you were slowly, but surely bleeding out. If Regulus hadn’t brought you to the infirmary so quickly, you’d bleed to death.” She said quietly, not looking into your eyes.
“We heard Poppy screaming at Dumbledore to sent for help, that she wouldn’t be able to safe you by herself. Then he and McGonagall came out of the door and saw us. I don’t think they were even surprised to see us there. Dumbledore left without saying a word, surely to sent for someone from St. Mungo’s, while Minnie stayed behind. She was crying but tried to look strong for us. Told us that you were hurt really badly, but that they were going to help you. Then she made us all leave with a promise that we would be updated as soon as she knew something. She walked us all back to our dorms, even Regulus, to make sure that we wouldn’t try to stay. But once inside the common room, we just snatched the cloak and decided that one of us would always be by your side and we were until you woke up. And now we’re here.” Remus ended the story and a long pause followed. You tried to compose your thoughts but it all seemed too much for you. So I did scream. Your head started to hurt and you were just so fucking exhausted from everything.
“We’re gonna let you rest now, Merlin knows you need it. We’ll be back tomorrow, I promise. I hope you’ll feel better, sunshine.” James broke the silence first and he gently kissed your forehead.
“Thank you, Jamie. For everything. You too, Lils. Please, try to get some proper sleep as well, okay?” You pleaded with them and softly.
“Only you would worry about us getting some sleep while laying in a hospital bed.” Lily shook her head but laughed a little bit and you smiled at them as James took Lily’s hands and they both left, leaving you with your boys.
“I’m so fucking incredibly sorry, my love. We promised you that we wouldn’t let anything happen to you and look where we are now. I’m so so so sorry.” Remus whispered, ashamed of himself.
“We won’t let anything like that happen to you again. I swear on my life. We failed you once, but it’ll never happen again, okay? I’d rather die than seeing you like this again. I’m so sorry, my darling.” Sirius apologized as well and your hear hurt for them.
“This wasn’t your fault, you couldn’t have done anything. I don’t blame you and never will. Please, don’t blame yourself either. I’ll be okay.” You tried to reassure them, wishing they wouldn’t be so hard on themselves.
“But it is out fault. We should’ve protect you but instead left you alone to your misery.” Sirius kept on beating himself but you were quick to stop him.
“Please, don’t. You can’t be with me every second and that’s okay. You’re here now and that’s what matters.” Remus looked like he wanted to say something as well, but you stopped him. “Let’s talk some more tomorrow. I’m exhausted and in pain and I just want to sleep. I’m here and I’m alive, that’s what matters.”
“Of course, of course. We’re gonna leave you to rest. Merlin knows you need it. We’ll come back tomorrow.” Remus said as he started to stand up, but you quickly shot your hand to stop him, the quick move making your whole body ache again and you let out a groan. Sirius quickly brought the draughts that Pomfrey left for you to drink and you happily did so while smiling at him in thankfulness.
“Please stay, I don’t wan to be alone.” You whisper shyly when you’ve set the potion down, still holding Remus’s hand. He smiled at you gently but looked unsure.
“Are you sure? You need to get some sleep and we don’t wanna bother you or make you uncomfortable.” He made sure to know you’re comfortable.
“You could never make me uncomfortable. Please, I really need you right now.” You assured him and pleaded with both of them to which Remus nodded and performed a spell to make your bed bigger so all three of you would fit and have space.
“Oh, thank Merlin. I don’t think I’d be able to leave you alone tonight.” Sirius sighed as he laid next to you, very careful not to hurt you. You smiled at his words and turned to him.
“Have you talked to Regulus?” You whispered to him while Remus drew the curtain shut and went to lay on your other side.
“Yeah, sent him a message thanking him and telling him you were okay. He asked if he could see you.” He whispered back to you and gently put his arm under your head, to pull you just a bit closer.
“I’d like that. I wanna thank him myself.”
“I’ll let him know tomorrow. Wanna talk to him myself. But now sleep and don’t worry about a thing okay?” He kissed your head just as Remus lied on your other side and took you into his arms slowly, waiting for a sign of discomfort from you but when you didn’t show any, she kissed your head as well before whispering.
“Sleep now, my darling angel. We’ll be here when you wake up and then every second for the rest of our lives.”
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milunalupin · 3 months
hi!! I would like to request older!reader and older!sirius black where reader ends up saving him from bellatrix’s curse.
ty for requesting !! enjoyyy <3 + ty to my lovie for helping :)
— another one bites the dust (but it's definitely not sirius)
post azkaban!sirius x reader ★ 1.5k words
Lily Evans was your best friend. The two of you had been sorted into Gryffindor as muggleborn witches together and assigned the same dorm. The two of you did everything together, from studying in the library to braiding each others hair down by the Black Lake. Of course being that close meant you had to witness all of James Potter's attempts at winning your best friend over. One time you happened to alone on your way to class when James and the other 'Marauders' had stopped you, begging you for any tips on how to successfully ask Lily out.
"You've gotta let this go. She's way out of your league, you toerag." You had rolled your eyes at him, the boy gaping at your remark as you had always seemed pretty docile. Sirius Black — who you now notice was standing beside the bespectacled boy — barked out a laugh and applauded you, causing a warm feeling in your chest that you would never admit was because of him. Moreover, if James ever asked him to, Sirius wouldn't mind hanging out with you to get information on Lily (and not because he thought you were super cute).
Once James had successfully convinced Lily to date him, you and her had blended in well with the Marauders. When Lily and James would have their couple time, you would play chess with Peter and study with Remus in the common room. Sirius even let you join in on planning and performing their famous pranks (which did not jumpstart a crush on him or anything). The six of you had become your own little family, and when James had proposed to Lily after graduation it was no surprise who the groomsmen and maid of honor would be.
Meanwhile you had also fallen in love with Sirius Black during your time at Hogwarts, and the two of you had become attached at the hip. Sirius would walk with you to class, and you'd spend nights in the astronomy tower talking about the future.
You were each other's safe space, and Sirius loved you so deeply, which led to a lot of heartbreak the the night Lily and James were killed and your boyfriend was sent to Azkaban for the rest of his life for being the one who did it. You spent the next twelve years working under the Department of Magical Law enforcement as an investigator, trying to convince the Ministry that Sirius would never in a million years do anything to hurt his friend, much less kill him and his wife. They ignored you, dismissing your claims as a fit of hysteria, weaponizing your grief against you. You had been nonstop trying to figure out what exactly happened that night, regularly exchanging letters with Remus until he sent his final one, asking you to refrain from sending any more, as he felt too betrayed by Sirius to hear any of your theories.
The moment Peter had been revealed as the true murderer, Remus had come by your flat to apologize in person, the two of you reconciling over tea and teary hugs. When Sirius finally came back things were slow to return to "normal", but the two of you were just as in love with each other as you were back at Hogwarts. Because of his current situation with the Ministry, you moved in with him at 12 Grimmauld Place, then agreeing immediately when Dumbledore had come to the two of you about reassembling the Order of the Phoenix.
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"You're a cheater Sirius Black, I don't want to play anymore." You huffed, standing up and throwing the playing cards down on the coffee table. The two of you were playing cards on the couch in Grimmauld place, trying to have a relaxing night amidst the recent chaos. Sirius cooed and pulled you down to sit on his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing sweet kisses to your shoulder. "Oh you'll survive, Mrs. Black."
The name alone caused you to melt into him, but the way he was looking at you in that moment made you feel like a teenager again, shy and in love with the boy before you. "Mrs. Black? We're not even engaged, love."
He grabbed your left hand, his thumb running over your ring finger, his voice becoming as soft as his touch. "It's coming, darling, don't you worry."
Your future mother-in-law screeched in horror from her place on the wall. "The most ancient and noble House of Black will not be accepting of a revolting mudblood! Must keep the blood pure, toujous pur!"
"I like to think I've been patient enough." you teased, gesturing to where his mother's portrait hung, the crazy bitch still muttering nonsense to herself.
Sirius sighed and lightly squeezed your hip. "I know m'love, you've been too good to me. Once things blow over a bit, I promise we'll get back to how things used to be, yeah?"
You hummed, brushing the hair out of his face and kissing his forehead. "No need to rush, we've got the rest of our lives, Sirius."
The fireplace suddenly lights up green as Severus comes through, his lip curling on one side as he saw the position you two were in and moved his gaze to somewhere else in the room.
"Severus," Sirius clicked his tongue, cocking his head to the side. "to what do we owe this pleasure?"
"The Dark Lord," his eyes met yours, then shifted to settle on Sirius. "seems to have put an idea in Mr. Potter's head that you were being tortured at the Ministry. He's on his way there to look for you, you are to alert the Order."
You and Sirius stood immediately, thanking Severus as he disappeared again and sending your patronus' to the other Order members. They arrive quickly and the six of you head to the Ministry and apparate down to the lower level chambers, wands at the ready.
Kingsley and Alastor moved towards one group of Death Eaters, with Remus and Tonks on the defense. "Harry, where's Harry?" you were frantic looking for your godson, Sirius right beside you. You find him in combat with Dolohov, rushing to his side just as he hit the dark wizard with a Full Body Bind curse.
"Nice one, Haz!" Sirius praised from a few feet away. Harry beamed at you and you smiled and squeezed his shoulder quickly before heading back over to Sirius.
The chamber was complete chaos, the dark walls lighting up with flashes of all colors, all kinds of hexes and jinxes were being thrown around. You had to admit, Harry and the other students were great at duelling and really kept up with the Order members. Out of the corner of your eye you see your beloved's deranged cousin, her wand locked onto Sirius. Her wand glowed green as she shouted out an unforgivable spell.
You turn around to see him just a few feet from the Veil. "Sirius!" you gasp, immediately casting 'Accio' to pull him out of Bellatrix's way, his hands gripping your waist to steady himself, eyes blown out in shock. You both are staring at each other, eyes watery and chests heaving.
"Too fucking good to me, darling."
Your moment was interrupted by a screeching Bellatrix, sending a 'Confringo' your way. You managed to dodge it but the spell caught the sleeve of Sirius' coat.
"Don't you fucking dare!" you growled, shooting multiple stunning spells at her which she annoyingly kept deflecting. She laughed maniacally as you circled each other, casting spells left and right. The dark witch then shot another spell at Sirius, effectively hitting him in the back then grinning madly at you, "Whoopsie!"
Your heartbeat picked up as you realized where she was standing. You quickly scanned the chamber and it seemed that most of the Death Eaters had fled or been taken down. You'd never killed anyone before, but she was one of Voldemort's strongest followers. Not only that, but she tried to attack your Sirius not just once, not twice, but three times. Your eyes widened as you saw her prepare another curse on him.
"Not my boyfriend, you bitch!"
You cast 'Depulso', throwing her back a few feet into the Veil, immediately sending her into the world of the dead. You stood there frozen, your wand still pointed where Bellatrix once stood. Sirius pulled you back into his arms, whispering "thank you"s and "i love you"s into your ear.
Harry had appeared next as the battle ended, joining in your group hug, the three of you holding each other tight. You kissed the top of your godson's head, no longer unable to hold back your tears.
Harry had come home with you and Sirius that night, having some dinner and then going upstairs to stay in one of the spare rooms. Sirius held you close in bed that night, thanking you once again for saving him. You smiled and squeezed his hand, thanking him for coming back to you all those years ago. You fell asleep that night unaware of the sparkling diamond that was hidden in Sirius' nightstand.
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lemon-boy-stan · 4 months
As the first wizarding war draws near, the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin becomes even more visible. You'd thought that being James's sister and a Slytherin would change things, but it only made things worse. Pairing: Regulus Black x fem!Potter!reader. Genre: fluff, some angst. Warnings: pureblood supremacy, war talk, slightly dark themes? Swearing, Sirius being a dick. YN calls Sirius a cunt.
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The Potters and Blacks were, perhaps, two of the most popular wizarding families at Hogwarts; along with the Malfoys, Prewetts and the Notts. Yes, being pureblood had it's privileges, but it was popularity that put James Potter and Sirius Black on the map.
James and Sirius were the kinds of people that no-one disliked. They were good at sports, funny, daring, and over-all good natured people. They might not have the best grades like Remus Lupin or Lily Evans, but they were damn good at making people laugh, and no-one seemed to mind if they lost any house points.
When the Sorting Hat was sorting you into your house, it had mentioned Gryffindor. Out of all the houses, Gryffindor was the house to be in. Gryffindor made stars, and was home to many famous witches and wizards.
James was a leader. He became Prefect in his fifth year and Head Boy in his sixth year, and was the youngest Quidditch player in a hundred years to be made Captain of the Gryffindor team. He was a good friend - always loyal, always listening to the side of everyone's conversations, always making sure everyone was involved. He was a gentleman - when he had his heart set on someone, he knew exactly what to do and how to treat her right (in the later years, of course). Your mother and father were extremely proud of him.
You yourself were somewhat similar, as his younger sister, but you always envied him for finding most things in life easy. James had every opportunity laid out for him. You, however, had to work hard if you wanted something, sometimes twice as hard as the average student; hence why the hat placed you in Slytherin.
Being in Slytherin and being a Potter caused quite an uproar your first year at Hogwarts. Everyone in Slytherin had a bone to pick with James, based on whatever prank he and his friends had done on the house. Because of this, everyone had some kind of opinion on you, except for the first years, who knew nothing better but to be your friend.
You had met your first ever friend on the Hogwarts Express. James had brought you to sit with his friends, the "Marauders", as they liked to call themselves. You'd spent two Christmases with them before coming to Hogwarts, and honestly, they were pretty stuck-up, especially Remus, who was some sort of care-home yob, and glared at you every time you spoke.
Eventually, you left the carriage, telling James you wanted to make some new friends. He didn't mind, and jokingly told you not to make friends with the "wrong sort", although you didn't really know what that meant.
All of the carriages were full of people who looked older than you and scarier. You walked further down the train, wondering why some students were staring at you. You ignored them, looking through all of the carriages. Finally, after quite some time, you came across a carriage that was almost empty.
A small boy was sitting on the left side of the carriage, reading a book about Ancient Runes. You smiled, he looked so peaceful compared to everyone else; and he was your age. You put your hand to the door and knocked. He looked up, frowning.
The small boy put his book down and got up. He opened the door, "what do you want?" His dark eyebrows furrowing in confusion. You smiled apologetically, "I was just looking for a place to sit. My brother and his friends are a bit annoying." The small boy looked you up and down and stepped aside. "You can sit with me."
"My brother and his friends are a bit stuck up, too. I met them on the platform. My name's Regulus, by the way. Regulus Black."
Your eyes widened. This was Regulus Black? The brother that Sirius Black despised so much? Well, he didn't seem quite so decietful and troll-like after all, but perhaps siblings just disagreed with each other. You wondered why he was all by himself.
"I enjoy my own company, normally, but mother said to make friends. You seem like a respectable enough witch... Would you mind telling me your name?" You tried not to giggle at how Regulus spoke. You'd never heard a ten-year-old speak so posh before. You smiled, "YN Potter, nice to meet you."
Regulus's eyes darkened but he shook his head. "You're not bad for a Potter. Let's be friends." Regulus Black held out his hand, and you shook it, sitting down next to him.
The train continued to move through Scotland. "I'm afraid I'll be put in Slytherin," you said after awhile, putting your head in your hands, "all of my family's been in Gryffindor for thousands of years, but the other day dad joked that I was more cunning than bold."
Regulus looked at you, "I think what you did earlier was pretty bold." You scoffed, "what, asking you if I could sit with you?" He grinned and nodded, "yeah. Do you know how many people avoided me just then before you got here? Even in the Slytherin carriage they think I'm some sort of a freak." You frowned, "I don't think you're a freak. You're just a regular kid to me."
Regulus pulled a face, "I'll have you know I'm the second heir to the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black, an extremely respectable and non-regular young wizard." You let out a snort of a laugh, "what kind of kid has to be respectable?!" Before covering your mouth. Regulus smiled at you, "the ones who don't snort like that." You giggled.
Regulus started to get more comfortable. "All of my family's been in Slytherin for thousands of years, just like how yours is with Gryffindor. When Sirius was put in Gryffindor two years ago mum went absolutely ballistic. Maybe I might be put in Gryffindor too, but I think I'll probably be in Slytherin... I wish I was brave enough to run away."
You snorted again, "I wish I was brave enough to be in Gryffindor." Regulus laughed loudly. You turned to him, "if I am put in Slytherin, it won't be so bad if I'm with you." And he smiled.
And you were right. With Regulus by your side, you found it easy making friends in first year. Everyone in Slytherin was a pureblood, and was either scared of him (which you thought was truly ridiculous) or they respected him.
As the years went by, it was clear to most people that the two of you were as close as two peas in a pod. You were often seen together so much that on the rare occasions where you weren't together, you were asked where the other one was.
It was in your third year where you realised your feelings for the youngest Black brother was not just those of friendship, but something much stronger. As your crush grew and your Slytherin friends teased you about it, you began to worry and think of what would happen if you were to date Regulus, and what would happen when your big brother and his best friend found out that you were dating the little brother that he despised so.
And in fourth year, as if nudging these events into reality even further, you and Regulus began to date. In fifth year, the two of you became prefects and Quidditch Captains, and it was clear that you were a powerful unstoppable couple. Despite this, however, some people still did not agree with the dynamic of your relationship.
It was during lunch in the middle of your fifth year did the rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor really take its poll.
The war was almost in full motion, and it was obvious to anyone with brains that Voldemort did not have good intentions. There had been whispers in the Slytherin Common Room of some older students who had joined Voldemort's side through some kind of ritual.
James and Sirius were convinced that Regulus was one of these people, and as usual, had convinced themselves that they were right.
"What exactly are you trying to say, James?" You snapped. Your older brother put his hands up in surrender. "Don't get mad at me, I'm just the messenger. Padfoot thinks you should reconsider your relationship with Regulus, that's all." Merlin, were you glad that Reg was out in the pitch training. Sometimes his mad Quidditch obsession was a good thing.
You turned to Sirius now, "you think that, do you?" And Sirius shrugged. James jumped in quickly, keen to stop an argument from happening.
"Well you know how Padfoot's family are all very... Traditional," James was picking his words carefully, watching your facial expressions, "and he told me the other day that his folks had been talking about some dark lord for a long time, like, ever since second year, and how they were all going to join him and support him, and Padfoot was just saying-"
"Regulus is bound to join up!" Sirius butted in. James turned to him and sighed. You looked at him. "He means well, but he's easily coeerced into things, and he's always trying to impress mother, and they always brainwash him, I mean, just look at Bella."
You scowled. Sirius's parents may have been horrible people, but that didn't mean everyone else in his family was. Okay, perhaps one or two of his cousins had done some nasty things in the past, and Bellatrix was one of them, but you would always remember her as the girl who cursed some older students for boxing your ears. She'd said any friend of Regulus was a friend of hers and that you could count on her.
"Bella is a perfectly kind and respectable witch. She's really nice, actually." Sirius rolled his eyes at this. "Well, whatever, but don't come crying to me when your boyfriend has suddenly run off to join Voldemort. I'm telling you, all of them are like that. You know, at least ninety percent of Slytherin house are evil!" Sirius threw his arms up and you began to fume.
"But you always forget the main thing, don't you, Black?!" Typical Sirius Black to hate something but to leave an exception. "I'm a Slytherin too! You think we're all just so evil, do you? You think all of us want to join Voldemort? Since Regulus apparently will, maybe I will to PROVE YOU WRONG, you righteous, narcissistic cunt!"
Lily and Marlene gasped but you didn't care. Sirius scoffed even louder. "Oh, that's rich, coming from YN "I don't want to be a Slytherin" Potter! But I suppose after snogging my dear brother everything's fine, is it? Suppose the death eaters will just have to snog you to convince you to join up-"
"CONFRINGO!" The Gryffindors shrieked loudly at the sudden spell. Sirius flew backwards, knocking down the students who were sitting next to him and you knew who it was immeadietly. Regulus was always rather powerful with his magic.
Sirius got up and glared at his younger brother, taking out his wand. Regulus held his chin high, "don't you say a word against my girlfriend." And Sirius scoffed. "Is she really your girlfriend, or is she just someone who you lock lips with in your bed? LEVICORPUS!"
You dove infront of Regulus just before you saw Sirius wave his wand, but forgot to take out your own, and now you were hovering in the air. James let out an enraged roar, getting up. "WHAT THE FUCK, PADFOOT! DID YOU JUST CURSE MY FUCKING SISTER?!" You didn't think you'd ever heard him be so mad before.
Sirius glared at him, "I was trying to get Regulus, but the little weasel doged it just like everything else in his life!" You tried to fight the enchantment, "GO FUCK YOURSELF, BLACK!" kicking at the air. The other students laughed.
"Expelliarmus!" Regulus flicked his wand and Sirius's wand flew out of his hand. "You're just as bad as mother," Regulus hissed, "cursing an innocent person." Sirius rolled his eyes, "oh, I'm as bad as mother? Who's the one still grovelling about her knees and begging for her admiration?! Who's the one who-"
"CAN THE TWO OF YOU JUST SHUT UP AND PUT MY SISTER BACK? FINITE INCANTATUM!" James wove his wand angrily, and you fell back down to the ground. The school had stopped laughing now, and were all just watching intently.
Regulus turned to you, "are you okay?" You dusted yourself off and nodded, "I'm good." You turned to Sirius. "Not that it's any of your business, but Regulus is my boyfriend and I love him. So if you can't deal with that you can just get lost."
James looked the two of you up and down before nodding solemnly. He turned to you, "YN, Regulus, I'm sorry. I didn't see it before, but I do now, and I can tell that you're in love. So, what I'm trying to say is, if you want to be together, I don't have a problem with it anymore." James nodded at Regulus, who still looked a bit taken aback that he was being addressed.
Sirius scowled, "I still do."
This time it was Regulus who rolled his eyes. He then turned to you and grinned, "since you've got such a problem with it, Sirius, watch this." You looked at Regulus in confusion before getting the memo and grinning. Regulus smiled too, grabbing your waist and leaning in, kissing you on the lips. Slytherin house cheered as the others stared in shock.
Sirius scoffed in disbelief, "whatever." And you smiled, kissing Regulus again. James made a sound, "you better remove Regulus from my sister, Padfoot, or you won't have a brother anymore." You giggled softly, threading your fingers through Regulus's dark curls before looking up into his green eyes and pulling away.
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peotego · 2 months
Unconditionally | James Potter
Pairing: James Potter x fem!Black!reader
Summary: Three times when you realised you are in love with your brother’s best friend and one time when it all suddenly made sense.
Warnings: some swear words, my English? (since it’s not my first language)
Words: 4k
James' POV
Whenever I tried to think back to the time when it all started, I couldn’t exactly pinpoint the moment when I realised I loved James Potter.
He was my brother’s best friend, for Merlin’s sake!
I remember I hated him when we first met. Maybe it was because he was a Potter and my father told us to never befriend a Potter? I was, after all, a daddy’s girl at that time. Sirius loved the idea of going against our father’s orders but me? Not really. I was a good girl.
I stopped being the favourite child of the Black family when I was sorted to Gryffindor alongside my twin brother. It caused a lot of arguing back at home. Sirius was proud to be a Gryffindor. Me? Not so much. Imagine being the favourite child spoiled with compliments only to become a black sheep. I couldn’t bear it. But maybe it was good because it helped me to bond with my brother more? I was even more furious when Regulus was sorted to Slytherin the year after that and took my rightful place on the pedestal. Finally, I understood how my brothers have always felt.
At that time Sirius was a great friend. He helped me get through all the bad feelings I had about myself for something that wasn’t really my fault. Finally, I was okay with all that had happened.
But back to James Potter. The thorn in my side.
Everybody knew he loved Lily Evans, he wasn’t very discreet about his big, awful crush on her. The whole bloody Hogwarts knew about his infatuation with the redhead girl. I used to tease him about it alongside Sirius, Remus, and Peter.
Maybe it was in our 6th year? When I realised?
We were all sitting in Potions classes when Slughorn decided we should work in pairs. I turned to Lily because we usually partnered up.
“Oh, no, no, no,” said Slughron with a big smile on his face “We should mix things up a bit. I’m going to assign your partners”
All of the students present growled at his revelation. I feared I would end up with some Slytherin bloke. However, Slughorn had other plans.
And in that way, Sirius ended up working with Peter (a disaster indeed), Remus was assigned to some Slytherin girl (poor Remus), Lily with Severus Snape (well, they were still friends at that point), Dorcas with a shy girl from Gryffindor, I believed her name was Lucy (Lucy was good at Potions so Dorcas won a partners lottery), Marlene and Mary together (they worked good together), and that left me with James Potter.
I smiled at him but inside I was screaming. Everybody knew Potter was good at every single class but he rarely paid attention to the instructions. I knew I would end up doing all the work myself and constantly reminding him to focus. What I didn’t anticipate was that we would be working on an Amortentia potion. Slughorn first called us to see what the potion should look like and, of course, he asked us what we could smell.
When I tried to concentrate, I recognised the smell of old books, my favourite candy from Honeydukes, Andromeda’s famous pumpkin pie, and something I couldn’t quite recognise.
That’s when the revelation came and I was hit in the face with the smell of James’ cologne. I thought he was standing too close to me but when I looked around he was actually close to Lily Evans bothering her.
The whole class was a nightmare only because I now knew that somehow James Potter’s smell was in MY Amortentia potion. His constant questions about what I could smell didn’t help either. He was too curious for his own good.
“Just drop it, Potter”
“You probably smelled a wet rat”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night”
“I couldn’t sleep if I knew you fancied Wormtail”
“Stop, Potter, or I’m going to hex you”
“Always a charmer, Black”
He tried to touch my shoulder but I was still too scared from the moments before when I smelled him in the potion so I shuffled a little so as not to be touched by the boy. James looked confused and his smile dropped a little but I paid no attention to it, too preoccupied with my own conflicting thoughts.
When the class ended, I quickly packed my bags and left the classroom.
We never talked about it again.
Maybe it was at a party after Gryffindor won with Slytherin? We were all having a blast till the very end. I danced with my friends, drank a lot, and flirted with some boys who tried to get my attention. It wasn’t until our little group of friends were the only ones that stayed in the common room. Marlene had a genius plan to play Spin the Bottle. You had to kiss the person it landed on.
“I’m not going to kiss my sister, McKinnon,” said Sirius. I pretended to vomit at the mere thought of it.
“He’s right, Marlene, what are we supposed to do if it lands on one of us? I know Blacks have a tradition of marrying within the family but I really do not wish to continue this madness”
“Okay, if you don’t want to kiss someone, you need to answer a question truthfully and drink”
We all agreed to that.
Now I see it was stupid.
Remus spun the bottle first and it landed on Peter.
“Truth, please,” said Lupin and we all laughed.
“Okay, Remus, who was your first real kiss?” asked Mary. Remus looked uncomfortable, and so did I because I knew the truth.
“Um, I don’t know if she wants her identity to be revealed” Remus tried to dodge the question.
“Shut up, Moony, you agreed to play the game!” Sirius gave him a shot of firewhiskey which he needed to drink after answering the question.
“Okay” Remus sighed “It was (Y/N)”
“You kissed my sister?!”
“You wanted me to tell the truth!”
“I think I made myself very clear when I said that my sister is off-limits for you idiots!”
“Well, brother, that’s why the kiss was so good” I tried defending Remus but probably made it worse “Because it was forbidden” I winked at Remus who quickly emptied his glass and blushed like crazy.
“This conversation isn’t over” Sirius pointed at his friend “Are you going to tell me you snogged Prongs and Wormtail too?” he asked me.
“You’ll never know, brother”
Peter spinned the bottle next and it landed on Mary. It was a quick kiss.
Mary needed then to kiss Marlene.
Marlene kissed my brother who then kissed Lily.
Lily spun the bottle and I saw that James wanted really badly for it to land on him. His dreams were crushed when it stopped at Dorcas.
Then Dorcas kissed Remus.
But when Remus spun again it landed on me.
“Come here, Remus, for old times’ sake”
Sirius screamed something I couldn’t understand. The kiss with Remus was sweet and quick, just like I remembered our first one. I smiled reassuringly at him after but I knew my brother would talk his ears off later on.
I took the bottle and spun it. I prayed it wouldn’t land on Sirius.
The bottle landed on James Potter instead.
“Two out of three. Better get ready Peter” I said with a smirk but inside I was actually stressed. I still remembered his smell in amortentia.
James slowly made his way to me never once breaking the eye contact. He sat in front of me, staring intensely. He put his hand on my cheek when his lips met mine. I shut my eyes closed and kissed him back. His lips were soft and, Merlin, he knew what he was doing when he pushed his tongue inside my mouth. I grasped his shirt bringing him closer to me and biting on his lower lip. He moaned a little trying to kiss me even harder but he had too much strength and it ended up with us falling to the ground, James on top of me.
“That’s enough, Prongs, it’s my sister” Sirius helped James get up and then gave me a hand.
I don’t remember much from that party after that.
My mind was still fixated on that little moan.
James Potter’s kiss made my legs weak.
It was mind-blowing.
The party was long forgotten when next day James declared his undying love for Lily Evans to the whole school during breakfast. I tried to squish my little crush when I still had the chance to move on.
At the end of our 6th year, I knew I was fucked. I noticed every single little thing about James Potter. I liked the way those little wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes when he was laughing. I loved his jokes. I adored how much he cared for his friends and family, how he could do absolutely everything in his power to cheer Remus up after a full moon, how he got out of his way to tell Sirius and me that our family name didn’t define us as people, how he would defend Peter when Sirius was making fun of him.
I was even mad at Lily for not seeing how wonderful he was. I was furious when she was still rejecting him, making fun of him. He didn’t deserve that. He deserved to be loved unconditionally. He deserved someone who would fall madly, truly, deeply in love with him, who would know all his quirks and bad sides and even though still love him for who he was.
James Potter was loud and obnoxious and he did strut a little but he was also devoted to his friends, funny, caring, and good-hearted. And if Lily Evans didn’t see that, it was my personal mission to make James realise that he deserved better.
Sirius and I spent the summer at the Potters. My brother went there for almost every school break but it was maybe my third time there. I didn’t want to leave Reggie alone with our parents but turned out he was more than okay with their way of treating me. That was when I sent an owl to Sirius and he told me to pack my bags and go to the Potters.
We had a lot of fun together. We laughed, we played quidditch, we talked a lot, and I even helped them plan their next prank for the beginning of our last year at Hogwarts. Euphemia Potter was a sweet lady who welcomed me to her house with open arms. I helped her a lot around the house and talked to her about every little thing I couldn’t talk about with my mother. She was great, she made me realise that maybe I had a mother but I never had a mom.
Fleamont Potter was just like James but older. He made a lot of jokes, gave us candy when his wife wasn’t looking, he even asked me if I could marry his son once.
”You see, (Y/N), I believe you would be a great match for my son. I see how he looks at you, how his smile is wider whenever you are near. He talks about his mystery girl a lot but he could never tell us when we would be able to meet the love of his life, as he likes to call her. Now I see why. Sirius is always around and I’m not sure he would be okay with his best friend dating his sister”
”Oh, Mr Potter, I think you have it all wrong. I appreciate the vote of confidence but I am not James’ mystery girl. Her name is Lily and she’s my friend”
”We’ll see about that, (Y/N)”
During one evening Sirius went to bed earlier because he didn’t feel good and that left me and James alone in his backyard, lying on the grass and looking up at the night sky.
”Jamie, your father wants me to marry you”
”Yeah, crazy, right? He thinks I’m your mystery girl”
”Oh, and what did you tell him?”
”That it’s definitely not me. That I know the girl you have a crush on and he said that we’ll see”
”I have no idea why he said that I’m very sorry”
”No big deal, Potter”
After a moment of silence, I decided it was time to talk to James about Lily. I was nervous and a little scared that the conversation would ruin our friendship.
”I’ve been thinking about you and Lily for a while”
”Yeah” I took a deep breath before continuing,” I think she doesn’t deserve you”
”How so?”
”You see, Jamie, you’ve been trying to get the girl since we were thirteen years old and she’s still not even slightly interested in going on a date with you. She’s always laughing at you, turning you down. I don’t think that’s very good for you. I get that you’re in love with her but maybe you should start thinking about yourself a little bit?”
James was quiet for a moment.
”What do you mean?”
”You deserve the world, James Potter. You deserve a girl who will be madly in love with you. You deserve a girl who will love you unconditionally. You are a good guy. Sure, you have your faults. We all have them. But you should be loved the way you love other people - wholeheartedly. I don’t think Lily is the right girl for you. I’m also not saying you should do whatever I’m telling you right now. I just believe you should think about it a little bit and decide if it’s even worth it. Because you, James Potter, are definitely worth it and it’s her loss if she cannot see that”
”Wow, Black, do you have a crush on me or something?” He chuckled making my heart hurt a little bit.
”You’re also an idiot” I slapped his shoulder but laughed with him too. Despite my smile, my heart was breaking a little bit just because the thought of me having a crush on James only made him laugh. ”I’m your friend, I just hate to see you struggling so much”
”You are a good mate, (Y/N). Thank you for always looking out for me” James took my hand in his and interceded our fingers. He softly caressed my hand with his thumb.
During our 7th year, everything changed. James Potter suddenly stopped being interested in Lily Evans anymore. And that was a big, juicy gossip at Hogwarts. How could it have happened that James Potter just stopped loving Lily Evans? Could he have another girl? Maybe he had a secret girlfriend?
There was a lot of gossip about his possible girlfriend going around the school. I was just glad that he finally realised that he was worth much more than what Lily was giving him all those years.
That was also when I noticed that he paid a lot more attention to me. He always sat next to me, he wanted to be partners in every class which made Sirius mad, he helped me with my homework, and he walked me to my classes even when it meant that he would be late to his. It was really weird but I wouldn’t dare to hope he suddenly had a crush on me. I wasn’t stupid.
Until that one fateful night in October when I helped the boys with the prank we planned together. A Ravenclaw prefect was patrolling the corridors. He spotted us near the kitchens and shouted something.
”Run!” Shouted Peter. We all started to run but we were a big group so it would be easy to eventually catch us.
”We need to scatter,” said Remus out of breath. Peter immediately turned the corner and turned into a rat. What a team player.
”(Y/N), here” James took my hand and made me run with him in the opposite direction from Remus and Sirius. He found an empty broom closet and quickly closed the doors behind us. There wasn’t a lot of space so we were very close, our noses were practically touching. James put his fingers on my lips so I was quiet. His other hand was still holding mine and squeezing it reassuringly. After a while, when we were sure the Ravenclaw boy wasn’t coming in this direction, James moved his hand to my waist.
He was staring at me very intensely.
”What?” I whispered to him ”Do I have something on my face? Why are you looking at me like that, Potter?”
”Remember what my dad told you? About my mystery girl?”
”Yeah?” I was confused. Why bringing it up now?
”He was right, you know? It never was Evans. I like her, sure, but as a friend”
”What? Then why were you running after her like a lost puppy all those years?”
”Remember when we first met?”
”Of course, I do, James. I hated you.” He chuckled at that.
”I thought you were a stuck-up rich girl but you proved me wrong, (Y/N). I had this big crush on you in our first year”
I looked at him as if he had three heads. What was he talking about? I put my hand on his forehead to check if he wasn’t sick. He rolled his eyes at me.
”I told Sirius about that. He was my best friend so I thought that he would give me some advice. What I didn’t anticipate though was that he would be overprotective of his sister. He screamed at me almost all night, he said that if I ever try to fancy you again he will personally beat the living shit out of me. I get him, you know? You are his precious little sister…”
”He’s only two minutes and three seconds older”
”…and he wants to protect you from all the bad guys out there even if his best friend is one of them. So I tried to never talk about that again. But Sirius knew. In our third year, he came up with a rule which he then proudly told us about. We are friends and friends don’t fancy each other's siblings. If we ever dare to break the rule, that means we were never friends in the first place. I was scared, you know? I didn’t want to lose both of you so I told him later that he has nothing to worry about because I don’t fancy you anymore, that there is another girl I have my eyes on. He asked me who it was and I panicked. Lily Evans was the first one to come to my mind because you two were always together. So as not to lose my best friend I tried to persuade him that I love Lily Evans”
”You were quite good at that”
”Shut up, Black, I’m not finished. Then you mentioned the conversation with my father and told me to look for someone who deserves me. Love, the problem is I never felt good enough for you but your words made me think. If not now then when? Am I supposed to watch you fall in love with some idiot? Am I supposed to stand in the crowd at your wedding even though I want to be the one waiting at the altar for you? Am I supposed to let the girl of my dreams slip through my fingers because I’m too scared of what my best friend will say about this? You said a lot of nice things about me that night so let me return the favor. You are incredibly smart and witty, (Y/N) Black. I love it when you get so preoccupied with your book that you’re not really paying attention to the world around you. You bite your lip a lot when you’re focused on the books you like. I adore the way you always come up with a sarcastic comment about everything stupid we say. I like to watch you cheer for me and your brother at quidditch matches. I love the way you care for your friends and family, even when some of them obviously don’t deserve that. You are stunning, (Y/N) Black, in and out and I am madly in love with you”
”Remember that one class last year when we were making amortentia? You asked me what I smelled and I didn’t want to tell you”
”I remember”
”That’s because I smelled you and it scared the living shit out of me”
”You smelled me?” James was surprised but he had a small smile on his face.
”Yes” I looked down because I knew I just blushed like crazy and was a little embarrassed about that ”Later on there was this big party after you guys crushed Slytherins at quidditch and Marlene suggested spin the bottle game”
”I really wished that damn bottle would point at me. I might have used a spell to be sure actually”
”You what?”
”That kiss was totally worth it. I still think about it”
”You used magic to kiss me? You’re a fool, James Potter” I laughed a little but couldn’t help myself and grinned happily. ”You didn’t have to do that”
”And why is that?” James smiled at me and let go of my hand. He cupped my cheek instead and waited patiently for my answer. That little bastard. I stared at his lips for longer than I would like to admit it. But, Merlin, how much I wanted to taste those soft lips again, to hear him moan in my mouth.
”Because,” I said getting closer to him. He still looked me in the eyes, our lips brushed when I said the next part ”I am madly in love with you too, James Potter”
He didn’t wait for another second. He pushed his lips against mine and kissed me hard. I put my arms around his neck trying to bring him closer to me. One of his hands wandered behind my back and under my shirt while the other tangled itself in my hair. I bit his lower lip again hoping that I would get the reaction I wanted.
And I did.
He moaned into my lips and put his tongue in my mouth. I remember that at one point we knocked a broom over but we didn’t care much about that.
I felt happy, over the moon happy. James made me feel all of the emotions at once: excitement, love, happiness. I felt as if I was made just for him and he for me. When our lips met it was like fireworks on New Year’s Eve, as cheesy as it sounds. But James Potter made me into one of those giggly girls who wouldn’t shut up about their boyfriends. And the worst part is, I didn’t mind.
When we finally broke apart to get some air, James was grinning like crazy and still holding me close to him. I wondered if he could feel the way my heart was beating so fast.
In that small broom closet, I felt like the luckiest girl in the entire world.
James suddenly became very serious and there was a wrinkle on his forehead as if he was worried about something. He hid his head on my shoulder and hugged me tightly.
”Merlin, how am I going to tell that to Padfoot”
”That’s something we should worry about tomorrow”
”Can you kiss it better?”
”You’re not hurt?”
”But I will be tomorrow”
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sebbianas · 9 months
marauders in fandom spaces
james would be that person who is friends with everyone artist and writers he would befriend them, does not really have any content but would hype all his friend’s post becomes well known because of this
sirius would be a handsome cosplayer does both male and female characters has a lot of fans
remus would be that person that theorizes about the story and would be right most of the time people sometimes think he’s the author
peter is an artist does a lot of quick sketches that are never fully colored, he post a colored art once and it went viral that the author/writer noticed it
regulus is that writer that everyone loves his works are always highly recommended but he’s not very active in the fandom would post something and then disappear
lily would also be a writer but unlike regulus she’s very active and would reply to all her comments (would sometimes collab with remus)
mary does the occasional cosplay but mostly she makes banger edits and it would always go viral
marlene would have a lot of ongoing fic and she always promises that she would finish it but then she gets a new idea and writes it
dorcas would be a famous smut writer her fics would always have smut but it would be so well written and would always have angst
pandora would be an artist and would make so many wholesome art, she draws scenes from reg’s fic and its the only time they see reg reply to anyone
evan is known for liking exactly one character whenever that character is mentioned you will see evan in the comments or evan is probably the one who posted it lol
barty would know every drama in the fandom would always be updated in the latest gossip with the media he is obsessed with
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dovrt · 2 months
Sirius Black, one of the most famous actors of the 20th Century. A womanizer of sorts. The media loves him, his family? not so much.
Wherever he goes, tragedy and drama follow. He's smart, he's cunning, he's charming, he's manipulative. He goes after what he wants and he always gets it.
He's had seven wives, or at least that's how the story goes. Everytime, he's pictured with some different woman. He never really manages to stay with the same one for very long.
He's never been one for subtlety. Always loud and obnoxious and transparent.
At least that's what the media thought of him.
An old Hollywood legend, friends- with the likes of James Potter, Lily Evans, the directors Mary McDonald and of course his own brother he rescued from their abusive parents, Regulus Black.
They're like a galaxy by themselves. Always revolving around one another. All of them stars, but Sirius burns the brightest.
Near the end of his life, he hires his godson to write his memoir. And so Harry Potter, son of James Potter and Lily Evans, writes the story of Sirius Black, his seven wives, James Potter and his "marriage" to Lily Evans and the peculiar case of Regulus Black.
The public goes crazy, naturally.
The book goes through Sirius' life. At first, how his parents were abusive, how Sirius learned the traits he mastered later to be a good liar, mostly as a survival tactic.
Harry has written about how eventually it got so bad, Sirius had to run away to his best friend's house. Fleamont and Euphemia Potter, both being in the film industry had no problem introducing James and Sirius as new talents. Nepotism gets you everywhere.
The book goes onto how Sirius starred in his first movie with James, something about two young boys during the World War. Sirius had finally found his calling. He loved it, the cameras, the attention, the articles. He absolutely loved it and he used his fame for everything.
After the release of his first movie, he gets a letter, just two words. Sirius, help. And so he does. Regulus was an adult by then, and yet unable to escape the grasp their parents had on him. So Sirius did what his baby brother asked. He helped.
The papers went crazy with that one. "FILM STAR SIRIUS BLACK KIDNAPS BROTHER FROM FAMILY HOUSE" It only makes Sirius laugh harder. Because the papers have always been wrong. There hasn't been a single thing in his life the Papers have been right about and if there was, it was because Sirius had laid all the answers in front of them, waiting for them to piece things together.
In any case, he continued his rise to fame. James' second movie was with an actress their age with flaming red hair and just as fierce a personality. James had been in love since the moment he laid his eyes on her.
Lily Evans had come from a poor background, with none of the connections Sirius and James had. And yet she'd proved herself multiple times.
They dated for a while in their early twenties, but it didn't seem to work out so they stayed friends.
Sirius' third movie, Regulus' first, was directed by a woman Sirius was first tongue tied around. Not in the romantic sense, Sirius had just never met a female director until then.
Mary McDonald was a force to be reckoned with. If Lily had been fierce, Mary was a whole different story.
As unprofessional as it was, they dated for a while. The papers had a field day with that as well. "MARY MCDONALD, DIRECTOR SLEEPS WITH ACTOR FOR CONNECTIONS"
Sirius never paid them much mind. He got what he wanted from Mary and so did she. When they eventually stopped dating because they figured out neither liked the other romantically, they continued to stay friends.
When Lily won her first well deserved award, they went out to celebrate. Just them. James drove, Sirius in the passenger seat, Regulus suffering in the backseat grumbling about how he'd rather be anywhere but there.
That's not to say the others weren't successful. James had girls wrapped around his finger, millions would literally throw themselves at him. And yet he never reciprocated, never went out with anyone after Lily.
He was a successful actor in his own right, films after films after films. He was a diverse actor, anything from biopics and romance to tragedy and comedy.
Regulus acted in plays mostly, though he did his own share of films. The public loved him, word on the street was- men mainly.
So they drove and drove to the middle of nowhere. Just Sirius, James, Regulus, Lily and Mary. Until they stopped at some shitty diner surrounded by nothingness as far as the eye could see.
That's where Sirius met Remus for the first time. Just a waiter, a snarky one that seemed to have no idea who they were and was downright rude to Sirius at times.
And still, they all came back. Again and again and again. When Mary won her first award for one of her films, when Regulus won awards for the musicals he starred in, when Regulus ditched theatre entirely and moved to music, when Sirius won his first golden globe- again and again and again. Somehow they always ended up in that diner.
Which is how Sirius found himself visiting the diner alone sometimes, just to get to talk to Remus in that small town where no one knew him. Which in turn is how he found himself in bed with Remus more times than just once.
So when Sirius won his first Oscar, he dedicated it to his Moony of course. And the public went wild as they had a reputation of. "ACTOR SIRIUS BLACK'S NEW SWEETHEART?"
It's not that Sirius hadn't dated before Remus. Hell, he'd even had a Vegas wedding with a fellow actress, a small wild fling with a famous singer and he'd lost track of all the women who wanted him. But this was different. As the times were, he knew the two of them would never be able to live as they wanted. Fame had given Sirius everything he wanted and yet it couldn't give him Remus.
They broke up, they made up, they got back together. Again and again and again.
Later, Sirius wondered why they wasted so much time.
Sirius caught James and Regulus in the bathrooms at the Grammys once. He'd groaned in disgust and made a huge deal out of it, teasing the two endlessly.
Regulus had been beetroot red even as he got on stage to collect his award. James had just hung his head in shame in the audience, only looking up during Regulus' speech where he thanked Sirius and "the sun" whatever that meant.
They were always in each other's orbit. Whether it was because James, Regulus, Lily and Mary wanted a child they decided to coparent, or simply because they were all just best of friends.
Remus didn't like the fame part much, but he tolerated it for Sirius' sake.
As always, rumors arose and so Sirius had to deal with them. He went in public, flirted with a few women, got into pr relationships and a few pr marriages over the following years.
His last marriage was to Mary, or rather his last legal marriage. Because in his heart, he'd been married to Remus as long as they'd been dating.
Fame trickled away, as it usually does. But they were immortalized for their works.
And now, after all of them had gone, Sirius would immortalize them for the right reasons. He wanted to tell the public their real story, not the one they had been acting in for decades.
And so Harry Potter wrote his book.
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cressthebest · 2 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 7
chapter 12:
2. god i’m so worried about what’s gonna happen to wolfstar when the games are over. they deserve a lifetime together
3. the snake, jesus christ. i’d flip off the game makers too
4. crimson rivers and just lovers peter >>>>>>>
5. god, peter is so sensible and reasonable and i love him so much
6. 😧 the avery spider. what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
7. james, darling, love, stop telling all the people you like the location of the cave. you cannot save everyone. their death will be inevitable. you’re going to hurt your soul like this
8. “Frankly, Regulus looks like he's been through Hell. He's absolutely gorgeous.” jesus christ. and with a knife pressed to his throat. he is NOT toning down his horny rn
9. “"You're hesitating, love."” FUCK YEAH THE FAMOUS LINE
10. 😧😳😳 not the bondage joke james makes at reg. holy shit- no chill
11. james had a knife to his throat twice in this chapter. he is living the high life
chapter 13:
1. “James has always been that infuriating mixture of wonderful and stupid, for as long as Regulus can remember.” yes, that is how i’d describe him
2. 😐 my dear james, what the fuck. why are you nervously beatboxing
3. oh god, they’re gonna have to kill the deer to eat. james is NOT gonna like this
4. regulus does NOT give a fuck about the deer. he only doesn’t kill them cause he’s softhearted for james
5. “He tilts his head up to the sky, like he's looking directly at Sirius with an expression that clearly states: are you seeing this shit?” LMAO
6. (james describing his feelings for sirius) “Well, for one thing, what we have is special and goes beyond the bounds of romance, reaching unfathomable lengths that no one can understand but us, so jot that down,"” LMAO but also yes. absolutely right
7. 😧😧 jaw open. shocked. sobbing. reg agrees that in a different lifetime, him and james would probably be dating
8. 😭😭😭 james getting excited about if in a different life he married reg because that would make him sirius’ brother in law
9. “"Your ability to find things to be happy about, even in the middle of literal life or death fucking astounds me."” so true. but also. like. i understand james. me and james have got this connection. i understand him.
10. 😏 they’re gonna share a blankie
11. HANDCUFFS?????
12. "”Mum, Dad, look away, I'm having impure thoughts," James announces, gasping theatrically as he presses the back of his hand to his forehead. "Oh, the shame."” LMAO HES SO FUNNY
13. god, i miss james’ glasses too, reg
14. i’ve always wondered if the capital/hallow would show if tributes had sex in the arena. like, would they show it? like morally, they let people kill one another, so would they have anything morally against showing two people having sex in the arena??
15. god, they’re gonna be so mentally fucked up when they leave this arena
16. “Dorcas vividly remembers being very sure that the 'McKinnon girl' was about to die, only to be stunned when that 'McKinnon girl' shoved someone twice her size right into the fire and warmed herself up while they burned.” 😧 no wonder the past haunts marlene so bad. jesus fucking christ
17. god i love dorcas. she has no excuses for the other hallows. she’s like, i grew up and realized it was wrong. that’s all it took. the rest of them should have grown up as well
18. 😳😳 dorcas says she likes it rough
19. 😳 oh shit wait i think they’re actually gonna fuck
20. DORLENE <333333333333333
21. oh damn. the secret codes and sharing of messages to relay info. like gid and fab’s death
22. god, not dorcas lying about gid and fab’s death. i understand 100% but jesus. it sucks
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singmyaubade · 2 years
| sypnosis: you attend james potters wedding with a love you hope to save.
| warnings: may contain use of cursing, all fluff
| marauders era
you walked inside the church, as nervous as ever, lily evans hugging you almost immediately, “merlin, i wasn’t sure you were attending!” you embraced her back.
you sighed, “and not attend my ex boyfriends wedding with the woman i hate the most? i could never miss it.” you said, lily giving you a frown.
“saying this as his ex too, you guys are meant for eachother.” lily rubbed her arm lightly, “and she is truly the devil including that family of hers.” you both laughed, “well you should join mary and i.” lily invited with a smile.
you smiled back, “of course, i just have to go to the restroom quickly.” lily nodded, sitting down as you went to find the restroom.
you quickly rushed around to find it before the ceremony starts as you bumped someone around the corner, falling to the ground, you muffled an apology before looking to see who’s hard chest you bumped into.
your cheeks blushed red in embarrassment, “james.”
he gave you a smile, reaching his hand out, you received his hand with a silent thank you, “i was hoping you would attend.” he spoke with a smile.
you gave a slight laugh, “and why is that?”
“it’s not everyday that your first love attends the most important day of your life.” he smiles brightly.
you inhale deeply, “i thought lily was your first love.”
“lily is certainly once in a lifetime but you are everything in one, you are the hardest to find, the best prize of all.” he spoke as your breath hitched.
you both paused for a moment, staring at eachother. you could tell he was being truly genuine which made it all even more hopeless and enticing.
“well are you excited?” you asked.
“of course, i am scared to my wits but im sure it will all be a relief soon.” he answered.
“does it feel right?“ you took sharp breaths.
“i like to think so.” he confusingly smiled.
your eyes turned glossy, “could’ve been us.” you chucked lightly.
he gave you a slight smile with a frown, “yeah but right person, wrong time.”
you looked down, “yeah.” you took a deep breath, “you look absolutely handsome.” you smiled.
“i would hope so but you seem to have outstaged me as always.” he looked in your eyes.
you laughed slightly, looking down.
you both were silent for a few minutes.
he swallowed deeply, “i know this might be highly inappropriate.” you looked at him, “but i would’ve been the luckiest and richest man on earth if you were the person i was spending the rest of my life with.”
hearing those words almost made you shatter completely, things shouldn’t have been this way, you felt entirely cursed in this moment.
“james come on!” you heard sirius yell from the dressing room.
he smiled, “i have a woman to marry, i will see you out there.” he took both of your hands, giving you a kiss on the cheek before walking away.
in that moment, you felt as if you just saw your own entire mind, body, and soul walking away from you. you knew you couldn’t let him get away.
you quickly stalked back to your seat, sitting urgently next to lily, “i cant let him go.” you quickly whispered, looking ahead.
“what?” lily whisper shouted.
“he can’t marry her.” you looked at lily.
she saw the look in your eyes as the wedding bells sang and the piano started playing the wedding theme.
james was at the altar with sirius, remus, and peter behind him. he looked nervous as ever and you could tell by the way he was wiping his hands on his pants.
his bride walked down the aisle, one of the most successful, famous, and angelic pureblood to ever exist.
james grabbed both of her hands as the priest started the ceremony.
your hands were trembling as held onto them, calming you down. you felt as if you were going to throw up.
the ceremony was going as fast as it ever could, you felt as if time was slipping out of your hands and you couldn’t get a grasp.
and just for a moment,
only a single moment,
james looked into your eyes, giving you a sign of some sort of hope.
you popped into reality as lily whispered something in your ear. “stand.”
you were confused, “what?”
“stand now!” she whisper yelled to you as you followed the order.
everyone looked at you in shock, some with anger, and some with disbelief.
you could see sirius give remus five galleons:
your heart rate fastened as james looked at you for a second then gave you a slight smile.
“how dare you!” his bride yelled, “you do not get to ruin my moment!” she looked at james, “order them out!”
the bride continued yelling, begging for you to be carried out.
you looked at james with pure hope before he let go of his brides hands and started running towards you with a smile.
“potter!” his bride yelled.
you quickly smiled back as he grabbed your hand, forcing you to run with him.
you quickly yelled before exiting the doors, “i love you lily evans!”
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Delicate, Chapter Two: …Ready For It?
same disclaimer as last time this is just for funsies and i’m not a writer !! also we’ve unlocked cissa and lily povs!!
CW: a bit of alcohol-related struggles
< prev chapter next chapter >
“Lily that was mental! You can’t just say things like that, especially in your situation! What if you get sued?”
“The money you waste on PR teams, I invest in lawyers!” Lily replied, dropping her keys on the table, an exasperated Alice following her inside their home.
“She brought up Snape,” Lily justified herself with a sigh, “You know how I get when they bring up Snape.”
They had just come back from Rita Skeeter’s show, and of course it had been a complete disaster: that woman loved to pick the touchiest topics during her live shows, banally exploiting private matters for views and publicity. That was one of the two reasons most celebrities refused to be her guests, the other being that she was generally a very unpleasant woman to interact with.
A right bitch, if you will.
However, Lily’s situation was…singular.
About a year before she had upset a few (many) big shots in the music and acting industries, gaining a lot of enemies and getting terrible backlash. It had been a horrible year, and thankfully her friends were there for her, but she wanted to get back on the scene. She wasn’t going to let some rich assholes dim her light.
So, of course, when Rita Skeeter had offered her an interview, she had accepted out of desperation. Like an idiot.
“She read one of Avery’s Tweets and you went crazy!” whined Alice.
“I didn’t go crazy-“
“‘How is Lily Evans still relevant? She only makes songs about Snape, he basically made her famous’ And what did you say, Lily?”
Lily bit her lip, remembering the moment with just the tiniest bit of shame. The smile Rita had on her lips while reading that stupid Tweet, the blind rage it had caused.
“Please remind me, what did you say?”
“Something mature and responsible, i’m sure-“
“You said, and I quote, ‘Just to let Avery Jr know, I was the one who made that bitch fucking famous’” Alice countered, eyebrows raised.
Lily swallowed. “…I didn’t say anything else though, did I?”
“Because they cut the cameras!”
“Listen,” rebutted Lily, sitting on the sofa in their living room and pulling out her phone.
“I may have implied that he’s gay but it’s not my fault if he finds that offensive! It’s his problem, really, and he can’t bring that up to court.”
“I think you should focus on the fact that you called Severus Snape a bitch, and that he would be a nobody if it weren’t for you,” countered Alice, taking a pot of peach yoghurt from the fridge. “I pity Longbottom, really: lately being your manager seems like a fucking nightmare.”
“Good thing he’s good at his job, then. He’s like part of the family now.” Lily looked up from her phone smiling, “You are the mum, he’s the dad, Marlene is the reckless younger sister and i’m the angry teen full of hatred for this world.”
“We’re both too young to be your parents, and he might be suspicious of his wife writing about women in her love songs, you know.” Alice smiled, taking a spoonful of yoghurt. “What are you watching?”
“Oh, it’s Narcissa’s last show,” explained Lily with a shrug, “She performed a few songs for a festival last week and I heard great things about a certain performance…apparently she’s been working with this girl for a few months, singing together. She’s been hiding a gem, that’s what her fans have been saying.”
“And how come you’re suddenly so interested in Narcissa Black? Didn’t know you were a fan of hers.” Alice got closer, leaning over Lily’s head to watch the video on her phone. She carried the faint smell of peaches and the weight of past personal issues in her voice, but Lily wasn’t going to pry. Much.
“I like her music, actually. But it’s this new girl that really piqued my interest. New blood, always exciting.” Lily paused the video and decided to push her luck, just a bit. “They remind me of us, you know: a younger singer, guided by a-“
“I’m not like Black. And you were already popular when we started living together with Marlene, so I don’t think it counts.” Alice cut her off, harshly, and started walking away. “I’m going to my room, see if I can write something.”
Lily silently accepted her defeat and swiftly changed topic. “Pizza tonight?”
But Alice had already gone up to her room, so Lily took it as permission to order whatever she wanted.
She had no clue what Alice’s issue with Narcissa Black was: in the three years she had been living with her, Alice had never given a sign of knowing Black, and Lily could’ve easily thought Alice had absolutely no connection to her.
However, the way Alice became quiet whenever Narcissa showed up on TV and how she’d turn off the radio when Black’s songs were playing indicated otherwise: in Lily’s opinion, Alice was trying really hard to hide her…hatred? No, not hatred-distaste for Narcissa, but her indifference was a too-long practiced craft for it to be genuine.
Lily thought that constantly trying to ignore someone counted as actually thinking about them, and she had therefore concluded that Alice Fortescue was mildly obsessed with Narcissa Black.
Marlene and Frank agreed that there was something going on between the two, or at least there had been, so Lily supposed she wasn’t just jumping to conclusions.
However, whenever they tried to bring it up, they were always shut off by Alice, and, as childish as it may sound, it hurt: Lily, Marlene and Alice had known each other for years, they had shared fears, hopes, secrets. They had never broken each other’s trust, and that was one of the fundamentals of their friendship.
So why was Alice so incredibly jealous of the corner Narcissa occupied in her mind? Was she ever going to let them in?
She would, eventually.
Or at least Lily hoped so.
In the mean time, she had a new singer to focus her attention on: an unknown girl named Mary Macdonald, who performed for the first time with the Narcissa Black, as the closing act of a festival that had sold out probably because of Black. The piece they were going to sing was a fan favourite, Born to Die, so the crowd’s expectations were extremely high.
This Mary Macdonald was either exceptionally confident, or completely mental.
But when she started to sing, Lily was immediately captivated. From the way she walked on the stage, to how she swayed to the music, to the bright smile on her lips when she wasn’t singing, it was impossible for Lily to take her eyes off her. For a few minutes, Mary’s voice seemed like the only real thing in the world, making everything else feel mundane, unworthy of attention.
Narcissa let Mary steal the spotlight, looking at her proudly like she was showing the world a ground breaking discovery. And she wasn’t wrong, because the girl sang for barely five minutes, and yet Lily was already starving for more.
How could Mary fear the eyes of a few thousands of people when she sang like the whole world was watching? How could she feel the pressure of being a guest on another star’s show, when she shone just as bright?
Lily didn’t need much more after that.
She opened her chat with Alice and Marlene.
lil evans: i’m going to sing with Mary Macdonald and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.
lil evans: and we’re having pizza tonight.
“Making her sing during that show was completely mental, Cissa.” Amelia was leaning against the desk in front of Narcissa, arms crossed.
It had always been hard for Narcissa to find her intimidating, since they were similar in both age and personality, so she was one of the few who weren’t affected by her signature Amelia Bones Glare. In addition to that, her mischievous eyes and Narcissa’s satisfied smile made the whole conversation feel more like two friends chatting casually, rather than a lecture about Narcissa’s…surprise song. Introducing Mary to a crowd like that had been a bold choice, but neither of the singers regretted it.
Narcissa and Mary had been working together everyday for two months now, 6 hours of practice daily. Narcissa was aware this rhythm was probably unbearable for Mary, who had another job, but the girl had been set on working her ass off to start thinking about her own album as soon as possible, and even when she eventually started working on it, she still spent a quarter of her day singing.
They even spent part of their free time together: considering how much Mary seemed to dread staying home and how discreet she was about her private life, Narcissa had the suspicion her family situation wasn’t exactly the best, so she had been inviting her over to her place as often as possible with the weirdest excuses to give her a distraction.
It’s not like Narcissa could have helped it, she knew what a shit family could do to a person, and she genuinely appreciated Mary’s company, too.
So much, in fact, that she had taken her to perform live for the first time as soon as she had the chance.
“You’re right, Mel, it was crazy. It worked, though,” replied Narcissa nonchalantly, bringing a cigarette to her lips. Thank God Amelia was also a smoker and allowed the occasional cig-breaks indoors, as long as Narcissa had to share. “It’s all the media has been talking about for the past two weeks. Besides, we are going to drop her album in, like, less than a month, some extra publicity can’t hurt.”
“It was her first time singing to an audience, and you made her jump on a stage in front of live cameras,” Amelia cocked her head to the side, eyes wide in amazement. “She could’ve fucked it up, and I wouldn’t have blamed her.”
“But she didn’t,” countered Narcissa, resting her head against the armchair. “Because we talked about it beforehand. Listen, that girl was born to perform, her place isn’t inside a small recording room. I wanted the people to see her for the first time at her best.”
Amelia shook her head with something vaguely resembling fondness. “You really do care about her, don’t you? Pass it.” Narcissa inhaled and handed her the cigarette. She exhaled and watched as the smoke floated in the air, light under the sun rays like a bride’s veil.
“Why did you even agree to introduce her to me? I didn’t know you had such a kind heart.” Amelia commented, eyes squinted towards the window. “Not that I’m ungrateful. I have a lot of hope in Mary. However, you didn’t strike me as the type of woman who wanted to be…a mentor, I guess.”
Narcissa was still watching the smoke leave the cigarette, head tilted back.
She still didn’t know why she’d let Mary into her home that night, months before.
She knew, however, that she hadn’t hoped to make it past 27, yet there she was, not too far from her 28th birthday.
Leaving her parents’ house and throwing herself onto new projects hadn’t magically changed Narcissa’s life for the better, and she’d also found herself completely alone. There was also the fact that she ended up high or drunk way too often to not consider it a problem, although in the past she hadn’t worried about it too much: many great stars died like that, and Narcissa wasn’t too bothered by the thought of joining them.
But then Mary showed up, with her determination and stoic audacity, so set on really owning her life, and made Narcissa realise how scary her indifference towards death was.
In truth, that night Amelia had answered her email almost immediately.
“The album is promising, but there’s a lot of work to do, Narcissa.”
“I know, but I swear, she has it. The spark, I-I felt it. I could help-“
“You have to be able to help, Narcissa. You know what I mean, right?”
She didn’t drink for five days, after that call. And on the fifth day, Amelia gave her a chance, and Mary officially became part of her life. Since then, there had been highs and lows: sometimes she went to Edgar (who was much more empathetic than Amelia, though Narcissa would never say that to her face), and he’d go to her house to throw away her remaining alcohol. Other times, when Mary was willing to drink with her, she let herself take a glass or two: Narcissa’s rule of thumb was drinking one glass less than Mary, and considering that the girl was still wary of drinking more than a few glasses or a couple of shots, Narcissa hadn’t gotten tipsy in two whole months.
“Narcissa? Are you there?” Amelia waved her hand in front of her eyes. Narcissa noted that the cigarette had disappeared somewhere.
“Yes, Mel. Was just thinking.”
“About?” Amelia asked, eyebrow raised, but Narcissa didn’t say anything. She didn’t like talking about her struggles, but Amelia Bones always seemed to read her mind, which was equally endearing and annoying. So, at the silence that followed, she said, “You’re doing better, by the way. Have you told-“
“I’m not going to tell her-“
“NAR-CIS-SAAAA” Mary barged into the room, eyes bulging and breathing heavily. Her arms were open wide, phone in hand.
“Ma-ryyyy?” Narcissa replied in confusion while raising her arms, mimicking the girl. Mary rushed to her and shoved the phone in her face with an excited smile.
“Som-someone just contacted me and you won’t believe-oh, Amelia, you need to see this, too!”
“Stay still, child, you’re moving too much.” complained Narcissa, squinting at the bright screen and wrapping a hand around Mary’s wrist to steady it. Amelia quickly moved closer, read the first few words, and immediately frowned. “That’s a name I haven’t seen in a while.”
Dear Miss Mary Macdonald,
This is Lily Evans, if the email address wasn’t a dead giveaway. I just saw a video of your performance with Narcissa Black, and I must say, you’ve instantly enchanted me. I could spend many words praising your incredible singing, but perhaps it would be more efficient to get straight to the point.
You may already know this, but because of certain circumstances last year, I completely disappeared from the public eye. I will soon make a comeback though, and I was wondering if you wanted to write a song with me to put in the album. Or we could write a single, however you prefer: to be completely honest, this is just an excuse to sing with you.
I’ll leave my phone number, in case you wish to reach out to me <3
Have a delightful day,
Miss Lily Evans
“What do I do, what do I do?” Mary asked leaving her phone to Narcissa and Amelia, their eyes still glued to the screen.
“Well, Evans has a big fan base, a collaboration with her would be great.” Amelia said, still analysing the email like it was a cryptic message from an alien.
“Do you also sense a flirty undertone or am I seeing things?” she whispered.
“I don’t know, maybe she’s just very informal and frien-no okay, now that you’ve mentioned it, I can kinda see it.” Narcissa replied just as quietly.
“Shoot your shot Mary!” she said, smiling fondly at the girl, who was covering her face with her hands.
“But first, consider that Evans has been in the middle of some drama lately. Despite her loyal fans, her reputation has gone to shit during the past year. You know that, right?” Amelia asked, standing up next to Narcissa’s chair.
“…Actually, I don’t.” Mary replied.
“How do you-“ Amelia whispered, appalled. “Well, I’ll send you some links so you can get what I mean. I had the chance to speak to her a couple of times, she’s a good person. A bit fierce and isn’t afraid of speaking her mind, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing,” Amelia got closer and put a hand on Mary’s arm.
“I bet she’ll be a pleasure to work with. If you want I can contact her manager.”
Mary chewed on her lip, deep in thought.
“Fuck it, I’m doing it.” she snapped, getting her phone back from Narcissa, who let out a small ‘ooooh’ as encouragement.
“But I’ll text her myself. We’ll figure out the rest later.”
“I agree. You should also meet her in person, first,” intervened Narcissa, knowingly. “You don’t want to work with someone you don’t get along with. Two artists need chemistry.”
“Mhm…” Mary agreed, distractedly. “I’ll go, then. I just wanted to tell you first, I was absolutely freaking out-“
“Of course you were, it’s Lily Evans we’re talking about,” said Amelia understandingly, “Everyone knows at least one of her songs.”
“…Yeah,” commented Mary, with an unsure smile. “Yes, of course I do. Well, thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow.” The two women watched Mary leave the room, practically bouncing instead of walking.
“So, Mary and Lily…” started Amelia once the room had gone back to quiet, still eyeing the door.
“Apparently.” Narcissa already knew where this was going.
“You know she’s Fortescue’s girl, right?”
“I’m aware.”
“I’m not even looking at you but I can feel your stupid grin. Stop it.”
The phone was ringing when Lily got out of the shower: it was rather late, and she wasn’t really expecting any calls. She didn’t recognise the number on the screen, but it wasn’t the usual Unknown Number that meant Snape was trying to get in contact with her, so she accepted the call.
“Good evening, is this Miss Lily Evans?” greeted a voice on the other side, and Lily recognised with a smile the old-fashioned welcome.
“Well yes, could this be my dear Miss Mary Macdonald?” she replied, just as charmingly. So Mary wanted to work with her, despite everything…maybe Marlene was right, things were getting more promising.
“My my, it may just be her,” then she laughed softly, and it was such a pleasant sound Lily wanted to put it in a song, somehow. “Sorry, I broke character. Anyway, am I disturbing you?”
“Not everyone is born an actor, darling, and no, not at all-“ Lily scrunched her curls with a wet towel.
“Good, because I wanted to tell you I would love to write a song with you,“ Lily saw her smile widen as she looked at herself in the mirror.
“-But I’m afraid we’ll have to wait at least three weeks.” Mary concluded, sounding so sorry Lily couldn’t manage to feel too disappointed.
“Oh, it’s fine, I can be patient. How come we have to postpone our meeting? If I can ask, of course.”
“Well, you see, I’m working on-“
“LILY!” Marlene barged into her room screaming, her brown eyes open wide and blonde hair even messier than usual.
One thing about Marlene is that she never banally entered rooms, she always barged in, slamming doors open and announcing the motifs of her intrusion. It was a rather dramatic habit, but it always made Alice smile when Marlene appeared on top of the stairs, shouted “HUNGRY!”, and set the dinner-making process in action. Lily was just grateful someone in the house never forgot about meals.
“PETER IS BACK IN TOWN!” she continued, grabbing Lily’s shoulder.
“Excuse me, Mary, can you hang in there for a minute? I’ll be back shortly.” Lily explained, widening her eyes at Marlene, who quickly covered her mouth with her hands, surprised but not really apologetic.
Mary laughed, “Sure, no problem.”
“I’m sorry…” Marlene smiled as Lily muted herself, although she seemed more enthusiastic than sorry.
Marlene, Peter and James had known each other since they were kids, and being all separated for work matters (Marlene and Peter had always worked solo, while James had formed a duo with Sirius Black when they were sixteen), they were all overexcited when they had an excuse to see each other. The four of them together reminded Lily of those puppies that are perpetually either jumping, running or barking.
“It’s okay. So, Peter is back?” Lily smiled.
When Peter was younger, he used to be really quiet and shy, always getting dragged into trouble by James and Marlene first, and then Sirius, too.
Or at least, that’s what Marlene had told her. Lily found it hard to believe, considering how Peter acted now: he was comfortable on the stage, always ready to joke, in front of thousands of people or with his closest friends alike; he wasn’t necessarily the loudest at a party (that honour went to Sirius and James), but he was still a pleasure to have a conversation (and especially talk shit) with.
“Not yet, actually. He’ll be back this Saturday,” Marlene answered, biting back a smile.
“I bet Effie is hosting a welcome-home party as soon as he gets in town,” Lily continued, remembering how Mrs Potter always found opportunities to gather all her “kids” (as she had nominated James and all his friends) under her roof.
“Oh, it’ll be a big one this time,” Marlene confirmed. “She has already asked me to invite every living being I know. Wait, are you on the phone with Mary Macdonald?”
“Shit, I’m making her wait. Can we talk about this later?” Lily asked, bringing the phone to her chest. Nice first impression, idiot.
“Wait, wait. Invite her, too.” Marlene suggested, wiggling her eyebrows.
“I can’t ask her to come to a party all alone with a bunch of people she doesn’t even know-“
“Then ask her to bring Narcissa, too,” Marlene wiggled her eyebrows more aggressively.
It took Lily an instant. She gaped.
“You sick, sick bastard. Alice will be there. Shit will go down, you know?”
“Why? Alice and Narcissa don’t even know each other,” Marlene batted her eyelashes with an innocent shrug. “Besides, Sirius hasn’t spoken to his cousin in forever, they need to catch up.”
Lily licked her lips thoughtfully and brought her attention back to the phone. A formal party wasn’t the best setting to talk about work, but it was perfect for getting to know someone. And Lily really wanted to get to know Mary. She unmuted herself and brought the phone to her ear.
“Hey, before we continue, are you free this Saturday?”
that was all, hope you liked it and let me know if you want to be tagged when i post updates bc it won’t be that often lmao
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bumble66 · 4 months
The similarities between closeted right-wingers and Chris Evans
Alternative title: "Dear Mr. future president Evans,"
Recently, I saw how Chris Evans met Joe Biden. For people who don't know. Chris Evans has a political online platform called ASP. This was not the first time he met a famous politican but meeting the president of the United States is something else. It should be clear by now why he does that... Anyway, it reminded me of the gossip I found recently:
As I mentioned in my last big blog post, about Chris' potential boyfriends, I am not really a fan of marvel and didn't know much about him during his time as Captain America. I only got interested after he started the cringeworthy PR relationship in November 2022. In 2018, I was made aware of how many closeted celebrities exist and Mr. Evans being so clumsy with his Portugal bride gave me the perfect opportunity to uncover this Hollywood facade.
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As you can see, I have also been asked by a lot of people why I think Chris could be closeted (either gay, bi or a straight guy who doesn't want to commit and just sleeps around). I will answer these questions in relation to today's topics: I. The Portugal PR relationship is mostly done for his future political career (or that was the plan before the backlash) II. The behavior of closeted right-wingers resembles Chris Evans' III. Portugal Bride was not the first PR relationship rumor but why does a rich, attractive and alleged womanizer like Chris need PR relationships all the time? As I always say. Everything on my tumblr is alleged. I merely summarize what people speculate online and give my own opinion on that.
Tim Scott, a failed GOP 2024 candidate and alleged closeted gay man, announced on X that he got engaged to a woman:
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As you can see from the screenshot, no one's buying it. It is rumored Tim Scott is doing this because he will be chosen as Trump's vice president. People online claim that Tim Scott being gay has been talked about way before the first "Why doesn't have Tim Scott have a girlfriend" articles:
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I heard about Tim Scott being gay and being pressured to have a PR girlfriend around the same time Chris pretended to have gotten married in September and that made me think... I can't find the comment anymore but I remember someone of Chris' fans on the LSA forum suggesting that Chris' "A starting point" political platform isn't just for shits and giggles. Apparently, he wants to go into politics after his acting career. No idea how successful he will be now with that after his latest movie flops and the Portugal relationship having led to lost followers on his social media accounts because it made him appear as a "dollar store Leonardo DiCaprio" but in general..., this idea isn't too far off. Remember the Terminator aka Arnold Schwarzenegger? An action hero became the Governor of California and with Chris Evan's fake Captain America image, pretending online and in interviews to be like Steve Rogers, he could sway a lot of people too!
Remember. The alleged marriage wasn't the first PR relationship of Chris Evans. At least according to his fandom, when they explained how he and Portugal Bride met, he was involved in several other PR relationships before:
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According to this person, the relationships with Christina Ricci and Minka Kelly from long ago, were planned by a PR team too and it adds up with a blog post I found years ago about how Minka is allegedly a beard for my back then favorite actor Jake Gyllenhaal. Bearding appears to be a career of its own in Hollywood: https://gaywriter.wordpress.com/2012/06/19/blind-item-jake-gyllenhaal-is-looking-for-a-new-female-beard-to-present-illusion-of-heterosexuality-to-fans/
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So his PR team not only allegedly had several options next to the Portugal Bride (like Monica Barbaro) but they were apparently also responsible for his faked relationship with Lily James? It is rumored that Lily wanted more from this PR arrangement from back in 2020. Possibly real love? The social media site Icons+ reports that "Lily James left Chris Evans to be a millionaire's "other woman"". She basically publicly "cheated" on Chris and many gossip sites reported on it. Did Lily do that as revenge because Chris solely wanted PR and rejected her? Kinda like "if you don't give me real love, I ain't giving you positive PR either". It makes me wonder though. Why would a heterosexual man privately reject a pretty woman like Lily James after wanting to be seen with her in paparazzi photographs after all? Odd.
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Yes, Chris' alleged personal Paparazzo with the name Jesal basically admitted that he was called to do the pictures with Lily back in 2020 (Nowadays, he seems to be busy with the Portugal PR relationship as you can see from the screenshot, where he was called for a christmas party Portugal Bride and Chris attended). This reminds me of of another failed 2024 GOP candidate who is rumored to be closeted. There is a medium article regarding Ron DeSantis called "Is the GOP gossiping that Ron DeSantis is gay?", how most if not all of the GOP party know about his alleged homosexualty:
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As you can see, not just his own party but the general public thinks so too. In fact, they speak about Ron DeSantis' being closeted the same way some people speak about Chris being allegedly closeted:
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The replies to this dailymail article about Chris' and Portugal Bride's relationship-reveal, demonstrate that people think that both Chris and Ron overplay the alpha male macho tough guy image, solely to cover their true sexual orientation.
But PR relationships can also have another function. As I pointed out on my blog before: There are many heterosexual men I know who just wanted to sleep around but because of societal pressure, they pretend to be monogamous. The latest political example of that seems to be Gavin Newsom who has been in the news for being an alleged serial cheater. He was already caught cheating back in 2007. On X I found this summary of his latest shenanigans: (TRIGGER WARNING: mention of SA)
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Why do I mention Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom in relation to Chris Evans? Because they all have one thing in common. A fake stable married man image. Look at the header picture of DeSantis and Newsom on X. Newsom holding his son in his harm. A few weeks ago, DeSantis had a header picture of holding his children's hands and the latest picture, you can see right now, also shows his wife and kids again to portray the family man image while allegedly being someone completely different (a closet case = Ron, a cheater= Gavin). Sorry not sorry but when I saw those header images combined with the rumors I knew about those two guys, I immediately though that Chris is not so different. He also calls the paparazzi, so he can be portrayed for the public as a guy who has a stable relationship and doesn't randomly sleep around in all kids of places.
As someone pointed out on the Lipstick Alley thread called "Chris Evans Relationship Theories 5", he used to go to parties similar to the ones seen in the movie "Eyes Wide Shut" but these rumors were allegedly scrapped by his team when he became Captain America. Why did they worry so much about this specific gossip? Was it true after all? Apparently this goes back as far as 2006:
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I have no problems with that because I am pro sexual liberation. I actually point this out so we can normalize this and let people be who they really are, so that they don't have to do these fake relationships anymore.
I mean, remember the screenshot from my "Chris Evans possible boyfriends" post? The user ShellyT20... how she described that a lot of PR relationships in Hollywood exist because the male actors either sleep with each other, have p-word scandals and/or are serial cheaters "but post fake romance stuff on IG and other public platforms. It gives a fake sense of normalcy and stability and shuts fans up for the most part as well as acting as a distraction." When I read this I got reminded of the public "beyond the blinds podcast" episode you can listen to on spotify. The one about the Hemsworth brothers. There it was alleged that Chris Hemsworth is constantly cheating. I wasn't surprised. He isn't my type but I can't deny that he is what most consider super attractive + tall + rich = in no way is this guy monogamous as a famous hollywood actor (LMAO the audactiy to even thinkt hat)... Sadly, when I confront some people with that... for instance Evans fans on LSA or X, most roll their eyes and don't believe that.... They were like: "How can a guy like C. Hemsworth, who posts social media posts about loving being a father and being married for over a decade possibly be such a bad guy"... ... ... ... ... Well and this the reason why Hollywood still fools you with PR relationships because most of you are gullible. You want to see men married with children and as long as the women are age appropriate, you eat it up. And all this goes even beyond these Hollywood celebrities and politicians the general public is aware of. Apparently, even e-celebs are in PR relationships/fake image relationships these days. The youtuber TheQuartering, who said he was partying with right-wing e-celebs said this about them last year: (TRIGGER WARNING: transphobic slur)
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Just like how Chris Evan's fans are disappointed that he wasn't the internet boyfriend after all (his fake image for the 2010s) and started to date random young women like Leonardo DiCaprio and Bradley Cooper, TheQuartering was disappointed too with his right-wing colleagues, who pretended to be committed husbands with children while actually being a closeted pride parade. The right-wing commentarors TheQuartering talks about are: Elijah Schaffer, Jack Posobiec and Mike Cernovich. When I found that out I was shocked. I was like "So even these e-celebs are basically "their own Hollywood club" and need PR relationships to function publicly". It really shows how deep gender roles are still ingrained in our society. That even internet-famous people have to have a family man image and portray themselves in a certain way to become "e-celeb-A-list". And if they don't, they will be denied that status.
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I know it hurts that your favorite A-list stars are also wife cheaters and that their activism is most likely fake only so that they can continue participating in Hollywood orgies (Which apparently already happen on the e-celeb level). But at one point it had to come out and isn't it better to accept reality than to participate in and support these fake scenarios only to feel better about the world? Cause it is not just TheQuartering who exposed the fake image of the right-wing online community. Blaire White, a right-winger herself, pointed out the same. As people say, where there is smoke, there is fire:
In this video at 55:35 regarding Blaze Media, Blaire White spills tea about closeted e-celebs. It also includes orgies and drugs... like with our favorite super hero (allegedly).
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(Blaire is not the only one who knows about the orgy parties)
Lastly, one of the most famous right-wing e-celebs is Steven Crowder. On his channel he had a video where he once admitted that he had a bisexual phase... a phase..
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And according to his own logic that means:
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He also went so far and basically created beard twins. I remember clearly the video where he announced the pregnancy of his wife. He held up a picture into the camera from an ultrasound. It was like "See, I am hetero after all. Are you happy now?". That's at least my opinion on how the video looked like and it adds up with what peole usually say about him:
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Honestly, if someone had told me that this text is about Chris Evans, I'd have believed it and so now we have come full circle. While I only know about Chris Evan's since the pandemic (As I said, I don't watch super hero movies), I am still disappointed. In some interviews, he appeared so adorable, awkward and different from other men in Hollywood (like when he was interviewed about his "Lightyear movie announcement" tweet on Jimmy Kimmel). But in the end he is no better than the closeted republicans. Portraying a conservative image of marriage while behind closed doors it is worse than a sitcom trying to convince you that canned laughter makes everything funnier.
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(picture: Is this the awkwardness people talk about? Adorable...)
Yes, there have always been rumors that his real personality is being "weird and awkward" and that he is not just acting in movies but also in most interviews. It goes so far that someone claimed he had been rejected on a date and that's why some people assume it is actually him who initiated the Portugal PR relationship and basically paid for it because he can't get someone himself through normal means. Are some people punished with their good looks?
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IMO just like with the married right-wing e-celebs who do orgies all the time, it is also a bad idea of Chris wanting to become a father (at least according to his "sexiest man alive" PR narrative from 2022 which seems to be in the trash can now too).
But let's assume his PR team has that still on their minds: Not only would it be solely for his image (which would make this situation PR either way, even if the marriage were real) but according to all his alleged wild ways, he is also unfit to parent, it would be a disaster actually. Controversial commentator Pearl Davis described it very well. How some people just shouldn't be parents:
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I agree with Vale. She would just be in it for the image of being a married woman and in our case... a married, monogamous, non-cheating family man. A user on LSA said that when you switch out "fake nails" with "fake teeth" in Pearl Davis' message, you will have the pefect description of Chris Evans:
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(Chris Evans being interviewed at the Lightyear premiere resembling Barry Manilow with too much botox) Sorry but after seeing this picture, I have to agree with her. I love his clothing style but a bi-peacock who is more interested in vanity and fake status will never be a good role model for children. As the saying goes: "You can't have it both ways"
I know this is all a tough pill to swallow but c'mon people. This is the year 2024 and at one point this fakeness just needs to stop. Celebrities, politicians and even social meda e-celebs... you are being fooled. And according to Hollywood insider and daughter of famous TV personality John Walsh, a lot of times, one partner of the arrangement is suffering. Is this really what you support? I don't and that's why I uncover all these PR relationships of the entertainment world because as a true progressive, I don't think that people should be judged based on outdated gender expectations like marriage and monogamy.
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The closet kills... your real personality. I mean honestly, what do you gain from being remembered after your death as someone you never were? As Joan Rivers jokes at 0:43 in a short clip from 1966. This so called bearding has been going on forever. I don't think we need a 100th anniversary of this shameful practice. So please help me to expose this so that in the future, celebrities can become famous for truly being themselves.
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f10werfae · 2 years
Baby, It’s Breaking News
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Pairing:Husband!Chris Evans x Kardashian!Reader
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: After keeping their life for the most part quiet, Y/n and Chris agree to give a statement to the Hollywood press (Article Style with an interview)
Warnings: none really
- Requests are open!
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My Main masterlist: Welcome to the Fae Station✨
Chris Evans Masterlist: Library of Chris Evans 💫
Y/n Kardashian-Evans, the first of the Kardashian siblings to change her surname, causing an earthquake to erupt within the hollywood life.
After getting wedded to her long term boyfriend Chris Evans, the couple didn’t wait long before bringing two new additions to the family. Lily and Noah Kardashian-Evans.
Y/n has always been known to keep out of the spotlight as much as possible, even during the filming of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, the youngest usually didn’t make many appearances.
After meeting at a mutual friend’s party, Chris said he simply could not keep his eyes off the Kardashian and just had to get to know her. Which then has led onto them dating for 3 years and now being married for 3.
One thing that has been out in the public is her passion for art, one that definitely wasn’t hidden by her mother Kris Jenner. Who revealed that her youngest daughter had been accepted into art school years ago, and was now working for a major publishing company as an illustrator for children's books.
Going back to 2019, Chris and Y/n's wedding was one you just had to be at to witness. Taking place on a lovely island off the coast of Greece, in a lovely town filled with historical monuments which symbolised their love for history and travel.
Adorning a lovely corset wedding dress, the famous Kardashian met her groom at the aisle, tears in both of their eyes as they exchanged vows and rings.
Their wedding ceremony however was quite unique, in that it took place at around 7pm allowing for the sun to set by the time they were wed.
Their reception was outdoors allowing the moon to shine down, the trees surrounding the venue were decorated with fairy lights or small fire torches, a very nature theme becoming apparent. The couple having a secret last dance was revealed as Y/n posted pictures of them embracing as they swayed to music, the sea and the moon shining behind them.
After that major event the couple went off the grid per say, with Y/n only revealing new books she had illustrated or Chris revealing his new projects he would be taking on.
The next thing we knew was that Y/n Kardashian Evans had relocated permanently to Chris' home state, now owning a large enough countryside house in Boston. She is the first to leave the comfort of having her family close by, although she says it was, “For the Best”
Keeping a low profile in Boston, the couple seemed to be basking in their newlywed stage, with photos being posted from their honeymoon in the alps in Switzerland, a classy choice.
Both wearing ski attire, the couple announced they would be expecting in early 2020, not giving much information as to how far along Y/n was .
That photo alone amassed over 30 million likes, capturing the hearts and eyes of people around the globe wit the caption: “New developments in progress 🍼” Holding a pair of baby skis between them
Surely enough in March of 2020, Chris Evans had posted on instagram the photo of Y/n holding two bundles of joy as she lay in her hospital bed, a beautiful yet tired smile on her face, with the caption: “My beautiful wife and kids♥️” The world going into shock at the sight of the twins.
Many of the Kardashian and Evans family rushed to announce their support under the post, with the likes of Scott Evans and Kim Kardashian reposting it onto their story, welcoming the new arrivals.
Their names were then revealed two weeks later to be, Lily and Noah, names the couple apparently had been set on since they found out about the twins.
Unfortunately for us, the lives of the family would once again go off the grid as the world went into lockdown because of the Coronavirus.
With minimal updates, and the only source of press coming from rare stories off Chris Evans' Instagram of the children walking with his wife or them at their pool, the life of the Kardashian-Evans still remains for the most part a mystery.
However, now with life returning back to normal slowly, there have been pictures of the couple bringing their children to the beach or even to LA where we saw Kris Jenner post about looking after her grandbabies.
Leading us to then know that Chris and Y/n had taken a well deserved break to go to Peru, a unique yet amazing choice as they went to see the likes of Machu Picchu.
Now in August of 2022, we had the pleasure of interviewing the couple off camera as they came to our studio, with the well awaited questions I’m sure you all had.
Here Is The Transcript! :
Interviewer: So Y/n and Chris it’s absolutely amazing to see you both here, I must say you both look great!
Y/n: Thank you so much! It feels weird to be in a studio again
Chris: I’m glad to finally address some questions now that we’re finally settled back into normal life
Interviewer: So first off, how are your children doing. Has covid affected them at all? And how was life with two young children at home 24/7
Y/n: Honey do you wanna answer this one?
Chris: Of course, life was definitely chaotic to say the least. Learning how to act as parents to not one but two, all whilst a pandemic was going on was difficult. Overall their development hasn’t been affected as they still don’t attend school anyway, although when they finally became aware of the world around them it was hard to explain the idea of a virus and why we had to be so careful
Interviewer: Now, is there any plans of any new additions any time soon?
Y/n: Uhh we’ll see, it’s not off the table for now
Chris: Just wait i’ll have another Evans for ya within a year
Y/n: Oh stop it babe!
Interviewer: Have they had the chance to meet the family back in LA?
Y/n: Oh yes, my mom actually came to Boston to be in the delivery room with Chris and I. Then for my sisters, they had flown over when restrictions were loosened to stay for a while for a visit.
Interviewer: Do your children know what you do for work? Or are you still just their mom and dad to them?
Chris: Well they know that I fought monsters for a living? They still can’t grasp the idea of acting as a job so we settled on that. As for Y/n most of the books we got them as babies were books she had illustrated, so that was easy enough.
Interviewer: Chris do you plan on returning to new projects anytime soon?
Chris: For now i’m enjoying being a family man and basking in the domestic lifestyle, spending time with my beautiful wife and kids, being there for the their firsts. So for now i’m focusing on the likes of ASP, where I can work from home
Interviewer: Any funny stories? I know I have a few from when my children were born
Y/n: Omg I have to say this one! When I would be sleeping, obviously the babies would wake up crying in the middle of the night wanting to be breast fed. Well one night I was feeding Noah after Lily was already done, so Chris was sitting beside me on another rocking chair doing some skin to skin contact with Lily in his arms. Lily then starts suckling on Chris' nipple, and it was the funniest thing i’ve ever seen. Just seeing Chris try to pry a clearly sleepy baby off his chest
Interviewer: Well that’s definitely new!
Chris: Yeah it was something i’ll never forget
Interviewer: Now I hate to ask this, but your sister Khloe is having a second baby with Tristan Thompson through a surrogate. Reports say that Tristan has cheated a multitude of times during this pregnancy, what do you make of this?
Y/n: Usually I don’t like to comment on the situations of my family members. As many people know I tend to stay out of the spotlight as much as I can, preferring a more quiet life. I have no doubt that Khloe will be an amazing mother once again, just like she is to True. It’s up to them as parents how they deal with scenarios like this, I just hope that Tristan has the wellbeing of his kids in mind. I know my sister is strong, no doubt she will get through this, it’s just unfortunate
Chris: Yeah listen, I love Khloe, she’s like a sister to me and we are here for her no matter what; for her, True and her new baby.
Interviewer: Well folks, that’s all for today! I can’t thank you enough for coming in! Good luck with everything
Chris: No thank you so much! You’ll be the first to know when i’ve gotten my newest Evans haha
Y/n: He isn’t joking by the way, he will let you know haha, but seriously thank you for today!
I quite liked this format ☺️
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sn0wp1anets · 4 months
just got back from dance so some marauders dance au brainrot
dancer james potter is my one and only the loml honestly. classically trained but now is super into hiphop and like commerical dancing. he teaches classes at those really intimidating studios and he is so loud and the biggest hype-man ever. goes to his friends classes (mostly sirius) for fun. always has to stand in the back filming the mirror because hes tall and has really steady hands/arms. hes nice sure but hes also like kinda an ass because he knows hes good .you can tell when he starts dancing because his eyes change so fast its like a light switch. can pick up choreo at insane speeds and is casually just like oh wait youre still on this part? has like a real fanbase and everything because he danced for some singer on a big world tour and everyone thought he was hot. dresses really messy in that stereotypical dancer way ifykwim. does alot of battles.
oops i lied dancer sirius black is also my fav ever and the loml. hes classically trained ofc and was a bit of a ballet prodigy. he and james have been training tgt since forever. smooth like so smooth that its kinda intimidating because youre like wtf how does he move like that does he even have bones. (kind of the way sean lew moves if anyone has watched his videos) absolutely ruthless choreographer- to the point where the studio will only let him teach advanced classes because it's literally impossible to keep up- and people get annoyed because hes like what do you mean you cant do this. perfect svetlana arches and so flexible that in ballet even the girls are like wtf. dances w his clothes alot? like he uses them as part of the dance. does loads of artsy projects.
dancer lily evans who took ballet classes at her local community centre and then got a scholarship at some posh academy that sirius and james were at. having the most gorgeous lines ever and is really known in the dance world for insane artistry. tried taking jazz funk and hiphop and heels classes but nothing stuck so she just does ballet. most perfect hair bun that everyone else asks her to do theirs. in a really intense ballet company and shes such a perfectionist: if you see a light on in the studios at 2am chances are its her. gets really annoyed when people take her barre spot. got super famous when she danced juliet- the audience cried in the final act, and she even got calls to be casted as juliet in movies
mary is one of the only ones to have never done ballet but shes just so good at everything else that it kind of gets overlooked. heels queen. teaches alot like actually alot and its mainly heels classes. like james she has so much energy in classes so she always hypes people up. has the best style even when shes just practicing or teaching- people always ask her where she gets her clothes from. insane crazy facial expressions when she gets into it and when she performs you literally cant look anywhere else. she choreographs for tv shows and movies and things but once she choreographed a pop star's music video and then posted a tutorial of the dance and everyone lost their shit collectively. random but when she does hiphop classes etc she does that thing where she tucks her shirt into her bra.
dancer remus went to the same academy as L+J+S and was also a scholarship student so the teachers paired remus and lily up for pas de deux/partner work all the time and it annoyed lily so much but remus didnt really care. he doesnt look very strong but he has insane core and leg strength so all the girls in the company want to be paired with him for lifts etc. kinda thirdwheeled sirius and james' friendship/relationship when they were at the academy got kinda frustrated because he wasnt as flexible as sirius was. goes to all the non-compulsory classes in the company and listens to the barre gossip so he knows everything. goes to his friends' non ballet classes too like this man does not rest. known for dancing the prince in sleeping beauty and once he got stopped on the street and asked if he was 'the guy from that one ballet'
marlene danced competitively in a really intense team when she was little so she has insane stamina and also is really good at staying out of dance world drama. does mostly contemp work but also gets involved in alot of other dancers' choreo projects because shes flexible and easy to work with (mostly except for when people are slacking - she will just rip into them: she got banned from teaching at a studio after getting mad and going if youre not here to dance then why are you even here get out- which is kinda valid but wtvr) dances really sharp and really clean. will just wear mary/james/remus/sirius' clothes when she practices instead of her own.
peter started dancing because of james (they were childhood friends) but then got really bored of ballet so he quit. the end. jk no he took alot of modern dance classes and then kind of hopped between different dance styles. realized he has really bad stage fright so he doesnt really perform but he still dances and he choreographs like alot. he also gets invited to judge events and battles alot? in like bug battling events hes one of the three people sitting there with sunglasses on. he also gets brought in as a guest choreographer for teams and companies and schools.
dancer dorcas is like untouchable. she went to ballet school in russia and not the uk, but moved back to join a company. becomes the company's principal at 20. there was a rumor that she sold her soul to the devil for ballet technique and she found it so funny that she texted her family group chat about it. danced the lead in swan lake and also the sugar plum fairy in the nutcracker production. has really nice warm up clothes. used to be rivals with lily in the company when they were both soloists but now theyre friends and its a thing for them to get dinner together after evening rehearsals. her jumps are really powerful and pretty so they end up getting put on programmes and the website and on advertisements and sirius thinks its funny to send her photos of them. sometimes goes ice skating just to show off (its iconic)
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