#I make so many posts talking about jegulus it seems like I’m a hater
radiohead-spiderman · 5 months
One of the oddest things I’ve seen this fandom do, that irritates me in all honesty, is making jily angst povs and in the comments there will be various comments going “Reggie would never do that”, “And then Regulus swoops in”, “Yeah but Regulus would never say that”, and it’s just like, what???
All of jegulus’ characterization of the two is LITERALLY that Regulus WOULD do that??? Also, why bring up another ship in a different ship video?? I promise you, you guys can just scroll.
It’s also just, if a person were to make an angsty pov where Lily is yelling at James for that godawful headcanon where he asked her out everyday, ie harrased her every day, you’d have at least, at LEEEEAST ten comments saying that Regulus would never do that, and calling Lily unfair and cruel, however if someone were to make a jegulus angsty pov where Regulus yelled at James for NO reason(instead of Lily’s valid one), you’d have an insane amount of comments sympathizing with both of them.
This fandom hates women, it has in it’s roots with Tonks and wolfstar, and it has now with Lily and jegulus.
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