endominator · 2 years
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I was in the mood to draw Mothra
I changed her mouth a bit since her toho-like mouth isn't rlly expressive enough for mya comics, so I gave her her monsterverse jaws kept her 2 mandibles
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moss-flesh · 19 days
my local vape store has too many cute workers
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maraczeks · 3 years
tww s6 thread pt 22
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catcze · 3 years
ooo more lore !! i don't usually use the wiki, i just look through items myself & i don't have those so i wasn't aware :0 wait watch me go on a wiki dive all night now adkhskdhfk. i do have a bit of a theory tho!
2.1 archon quest spoilers //
ok i'm probably gonna look like a clown when i'm proven wrong, but part of me kinda doubts signora's actually dead?? like, she seemed like a pretty major character, and it was so sudden. i know keeping her alive would undercut ei's power, but to be fair she hasn't had the gnosis for awhile, so the musou no hitotachi might not be as strong as it was when she slew orobashi, for example.
at the end, signora didn't use her vision(?) or delusion, opting to reach for ei's gnosis (that's what it looked like to me idk). which makes me think - if she wasn't using her pyro, why did she disintegrate to embers & ash instead of something more indicative of the lightning that killed her? i suppose it could just be a visual reference to how her body is made of liquid flame, but mayyyybe she did activate her pyro abilities at the last second to escape, and that's why her 'death' looked the way it did.
during the battle she seemed to be able to move pretty quickly in a pyro form of sorts, so what if she kinda.. dissolved into embers and disappeared of her own will? maybe she timed it right, or maybe she was hit by the musou no hitotachi - she is based on moths i think which have a sort of cycle of rebirth, and she did enter an ice chrysalis(?) mid-fight. so what if she's recuperating elsewhere in stasis like that, only to be 'reborn' later on in the game? many thoughts rn,,
idk, i'm sure i'm missing some points here, and i'm not rly convinced one way or another myself - i just think it would be cool if we saw more of her somehow hehe. as much as i love the whole 'mc befriends former bad guys they defeat' trope, it was refreshing to see a villain like her imo!
and yess, i've loved watching traveler grow more impatient & testy as the story progresses. altho the scene after signora's fight was.. a bit anticlimactic with my seelie dancing behind me lmao?? everything was dark & glitchy, traveler's silent, paimon's recounting the gruesome tale, and there's mr. bubblegum- "ubwbelbebrbeweb <3" doing flips in the background kdhfkhfsdkf - 🐺
I mean, it's a possibility ! After all, genshin is supposed to go on for 7+ (10?) years, so any sorts of twists and turns are definitely probably down the line. There were also some leaks a few months ago that,,, kind of ? support this theory, if you squint.
But! Regarding what you said about her reaching for the gnosis, I'm afraid that's not quite possible, since it later gets revealed that it was with Yae, and then later traded to Scaramouche.
But yes!! I deffo do think it's plausible (maybe even possible, if more evidence surfaces over time and with more lore reveals) that she could have dodged a hit. It would be interesting to have that kind of twist to the story, but I do kind of agree that it,,, does put a damper on the Shogun's strong image ? Idk and I feel like some people might consider it a 'cheap' twist, espescially considering the heaviness that befell the traveller (maybe guilt ?? idk, that's how i personally interpret it) during that sort of slow, dark walk out of Tenshukaku. Not to mention how I think that seeing Signora die directly or indirectly because of the traveller's actions is something that I'm interested to see in the future, regarding on how this knowledge might change the travellers attitude towards others, if it'll push them to be more ruthless, or if it would make them a bit more hesitant to fight after they've seen a strong foe like Signora die because of losing the duel to them.
And in a way,,, i don't know, and this is kind of opinionated, but I feel like killing Signora then reviving her would,,, be somewhat unsatisfying ? Because,,, it kinda feels like Genshin is going down a slightly different path now. It's grown a bit heavier and darker with the occurrence of its first on-screen death (and major off-screen death w/ Teppei) and i feel like turning around in the future and saying 'oh! actually this character isn't dead' feels too much like a 'take-back' or like they're backing out of that darker theme, which feels a bit unsatisfactory given that he archon quest has begun to push that sort of narrative, and it's an interesting route to go, considering we've seen the heaviness that meeting their sibling that has (presumably) pushed the sibling into being more direct in wanting to complete their mission (in how, at first, they just wanted to see the shogun, and not get wrapped up in the whole resistance thing) and how angry they got when Teppei died. Personally, 'taking back' something as big as the first character who the traveller is indirectly/directly responsible for killing feels,,, very much like they're just pandering to younger audiences, and i feel like it would be a cheap twist or a disservice to the heaviness that befell the traveller after the fight itself.
but idk thats just my opinion lmao,, wanting her to revive is valid too!! And i deffo agree that is was sooo refreshing to see a villain that was,,, wel, a villain. One without any highlighted redeeming qualities. One that's just bad. It was nice hahha
ALSO PLS THE SEELIE ASKJDN I love the name you've given him HAHAHA <33 also !! hope u enjoyed the lore dive, if you've done it. I mostly stick to the wiki instead of the game, since like you can open links in the paragraph instead of having to rifle through all the stuff in the game HAHHA
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volleychumps · 4 years
Melodies. -Yamaguchi Tadashi-
 One of the works I’ve wanted to do of my own accord, I promise I’ll be back to answering requests soon haha! Please enjoy this fic of my favorite freckled server, he needs all the love<3 Turns into kind of a song fic at the end! 
Set in a college AU-  (warnings: mild swearing)
WordCount: 2766
the one in which the shy freckled boy discovers a playlist with his name as the title on his best friend’s phone
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The first day of college calculus had started off absolutely horrendous. 
Your anxiety had continued bubbling up immensely as you laid wide awake in your bed the night before, the fearful result being you waking up a good six minutes after you were supposed to be in class, freshly prepared and showered with a caffienated drink in hand. 
Only you weren’t. 
So that’s how you stumbled into class a solid fifteen minutes late, hair thrown up in some sort of messy knot accompanied by a simple outfit of leggings (you slept in those), and a hoodie that was much too massive for your figure. To make matters worse, along with the pointed stare from your professor and the other near a hundred, most of the seats seemed to be filled at full glance. You withold the urge to tug at your hair and kick the wall. Your worst expectations had become a reality. 
“Nice of you to join us, Miss...L/N, is it? You’re the only one I wasn’t able to call out from the roster, and I usually do not take attendance. It’s the first day of the semester, in case you forgot. “ 
You suck air through your teeth before nodding once, ignoring the searing heat on your cheeks as a few chuckles chorused through the large group of students. 
“Take your seat. And don’t bother coming next time at all if you’re going to interrupt my lecture.” 
You nod once again before awkwardly walking up the steps, feeling all eyes on you as you willed yourself to get through the nightmarish situation. So he was one of those.
 The seats were full, to your dismay, and you felt heat rise to your eyes as you wished the professor would continue teaching, to get the attention off of you. 
“When you’re ready, Miss L/N.” 
Every cell in your body urged you to get out of there until by some stroke of luck, you saw movement in the scarily still classroom. A freckled boy had been waving his hand just high enough for you to see it, pointing downwards a bit shyly to signal the seat next to him was free. 
A rush of relief washes over you as you make a beeline over, plopping down in the offered shared desk as the professor finally begins to speak again. You had been saved, your savior moving his bag over some more to give you more room. 
“I promise I don’t usually look like this.” You whisper, getting your notebook and materials out. “But thank you sooo much, you don’t even know how close I was to crying.” 
“D-Don’t mention it.” The freckled boy whispers back, fiddling with his pen as you realized how shy he seemed, knowing that almost everyone on the first day of semester wanted friends, the shy ones being too scared to take the first step. Your eyes brightened at his phone screen, seeing a familiar song light it up before nudging him by the shoulder, your professor’s words of a syllabus becoming background noise as he looks towards you a second time, eyes kind in case you needed anything. 
“A man with taste, I see.” You grin, and the dark haired boy blushes before brushing some of his hair out of his face. 
“You listen to lovelytheband?” 
“Yamaguchi. L/N.” You both straighten immediately, ‘Yamaguchi’ turning a darker shade of red as he stands at attention, bowing immediately as you sat awkwardly next to his aplogetic figure. The professor sends you a scolding look as you shrink down in your seat, hating college already as he resumes class once again, figuring you had been placed on the bottom of his spectrum of students. 
However, you take just one more chance, scribbling on the corner of the now embarrassed boy’s syllabus with a small, secretive smile as the red ink appears on paper. 
Yamaguchi, was it?
Yamaguchi’s lips quirk up the slightest bit at the childish antic of writing notes to each other before blue ink touches below your note, red fading from his cheeks and taking on a pink hue. 
Yes. L/N-san?
All previous embarrassment forgotten, you figure all the awful events leading up to meeting your first friend had been worth it. 
Call me Y/N. 
“Tadashi, I don’t want to go! He’s hated me since day one, and you know it.” 
“Y/N, I already bought your coffee, don’t waste it please.” Yamaguchi sighs, shrugging his own bag off before placing it on your bed, taking a seat on the edge of it as you talk to him through your bathroom door. The first year of college seemed to whizz by in a flash, most memories being with the awkward, freckled kid that had soon become your closest friend seeing as you had been each other’s first.
“You’ve made it through the entirety of the semester, right? You’re going to pass this final.” 
“Shut up, you’re smart, you don’t get an opinion!” You pout, emerging from your bathroom in jeans and a bra as Yamaguchi reddens, turning immediately to face the wall respectfully as you withold a giggle, knowing Yamaguchi had seen a lot more than that after helping you back to your dorm after nights of getting wasted at your high school friend’s fraternity house. Bokuto and Kuroo pretty much got shit-faced every weekend. 
“We studied-” 
“You studied, Tadashi. I poked the seeds out of strawberries with a toothpick half the time.” You correct, braiding your hair back when fully dressed. “You can look now, Mr. Purity, I won’t corrupt you.”
Yamaguchi ruffles your hair, bending slightly to match your height as he stands from your bed, a key to your dorm dangling from his bike keys. “You’ve got this, alright? Don’t doubt yourself, you were at least doing math when counting the seeds-” 
You snatch your coffee as Yamaguchi chuckles, following you out of your dorm as you ensure the halls are mostly empty, not needing your RA to scold you for bringing Yamaguchi in here again, even after seeing he was harmless. Yamaguchi takes your phone and keys, your hands full from the beverage and your bag as you meet your other two friends in the morning sun. 
“Oh look. The fuckbuddies who apparently don’t fuck are here.” 
“Well hello to you too, Tsukishima.”
 You blink, unfazed as Yamaguchi blushes at the cynical blonde’s crude language, Sugawara swatting the blonde’s back as Tsukishima simply shrugs in reply. 
“Are we meeting up with Kuroo and the others after finals are over?” You grin excitedly as Suga clicks his tongue, flicking your forehead in a parental like way as you pout, Yamaguchi chuckling from alongside you. 
“How about we take our Calculus final first, and then you can focus on the party.” 
“Yes, mother of mine.” 
You dodge the next flick to the forehead as Yamaguchi puts a single hand on your shoulder, reading something on his phone as his eyes suddenly widen. “Crap! Last minute turn of events, we’re getting put into two separate rooms according to our last names! Y/N, you and Suga’s room is farther out!”
Suga groans, tugging your forearm along as you share in that groan. “So we have what, eight minutes to get somewhere all the way across campus?” 
“If we run, we’ll make it!” You exclaim, beginning to drag Suga with you as you break into a run, offering Yamaguchi a bright smile before doing so and promptly flicking Tsukishima off, who responds in the same fashion without missing a beat. 
“Wait, Y/N your phone-!” 
“Keep it! Get it back to me after I fail this test! Love you Tadashi!” 
“Y-Yeah, l-love you too!” 
“Have fun failing!” 
“I took notes on how to do it from you, Kei, don’t worry!” 
Tsukishima rolls his eyes as yours and Suga’s figures fade into the distance, your coffee splashing within it’s cup as Suga laughed at how easily tired you seemed. Golden brown eyes examine his friend, noting how Yamaguchi had a far off look in his eyes as your laughter died down in volume the further you got, soft smile set on his lips that was almost sad. 
“If you like her, just tell her.” Tsukishima had continued walking casually as Yamaguchi chokes on air at the sudden heavy words hurled in his direction. 
“Don’t even bother trying to hide it. All of us guessed it, and you just confirmed it with that reaction.” Tsukishima shrugs as Yamaguchi races to his side, heart beating in his ears as his shoulders seemed to sink in defeat, almost as if he had been fighting a losing battle yet still wanted to be on the frontlines. 
“Y/N’s way too good for me.” Yamaguchi finally said as the pair lucky enough to walk the normal distance continued their stroll to class. “I’m happy just...being close to her. I don’t need anything more.” 
“Hm. Oh really?” The blonde yawns, carelessness in his tone. “Even if someone else wants to be even closer?” 
Tsukishima smirks a little at the lack of reply as the exam building comes into view before patting Yamaguchi once on the back, done stirring up the sensitive boy’s emotions.
“Definitely not the right time to get your head stuck with that dumbass. You coming?” 
“Y-Yeah, just let me turn off my phone-” 
“Better hurry up.” 
Tsukishima’s continued steps sounded in Yamaguchi’s ears as he hurriedly turned on and swiped open his phone, heart dropping when realizing he had accidentally grabbed yours. Going to turn it off after seeing it open to your music application, something else catches his eye. 
Issa Vibe
At least try to study, dumb hoe
Shit Kuroo wants me to listen to (don’t) 
Yamaguchi Tadashi:)
Red spread across freckled cheeks before he finds himself sending the playlist to himself, deleting the message afterwards as if he was in a trance before turning off your phone, wanting nothing more than to sit back and listen to the music inside the playlist named after him. Guilt in his chest, he steps into the building, head spinning with something that was definitely not calculus.
“Wow, well fuck me then I guess.” 
You laugh out loud as you enter the fraternity house Bokuto and Kuroo resided in for the end of semester party, throwing yourself into your high school friend’s arms after not seeing Bokuto for awhile. Kuroo scoffs when you go to hug him next, pretending not to enjoy it as he scolds you for how short your skirt is. 
“Where’s Tsukki and Yama?” You question over the music as Bokuto grins, jutting a thumb backwards where Daichi and Suga were playing an intense game of beer pong against Tsukishima and Akaashi.
“I saw your freckled pet go upstairs earlier.” Kuroo grins as you feel a twinge in your chest. 
“Like with a girl?” 
“Have you met the kid? No way, he said something about wanting to lie down and he’s in Kenma’s room right now.”
You nod your head thanks, suddenly serious as Bokuto whoops childishly, causing you to roll your eyes as Suga sends you a questioning, overprotective stare on why you were going up the stairs of a frat house. You mouth Yamaguchi, before waving back to Daichi with a bright grin. 
“Go get your boy, Y/N!” 
“Akaashi, please scold him-” 
“On it. Kenma’s room is on the left by the way.” 
The many doors were confusing, accidentally opening one to Oikawa Tooru’s (who coaxed you to come in, what a tool), one to Terushima Yuuji’s (same thing, god you hated frat houses), and finally to Kenma’s, one of the few normal ones living in the house mainly because of Kuroo. You had opened the door right as Kenma had been planning to leave, and he nods to you once before glancing behind him to your best friend’s figure laying on his bed on his back, eyes closed with a pair of earbuds in. 
“He asked to borrow a pair of headphones and he’s been like that for awhile. Those are sound-cancelling, so do with that information what you will.” 
You pout, knowing Kuroo probably told Kenma about how much of a crackhead you were sometimes. “Aw, where’s the faith?” 
“Apparently none, with you.” Kenma cracks a small smile in response before leaving the room, turning back once to leave some parting words.  
“If you’re planning on doing anything, do it in Kuroo’s room, not mine.” 
Before you can deny that suggestion, Kenma’s already closing the door behind him as you groan and roll your eyes, wondering why everyone seemed to have the two of you figured out when in reality,
 you were just friends-
nothing more. 
You turn your attention to your best friend, careful not to make any sudden noise before realizing Yamaguchi was intensely concentrated on what he was listening to. Your eyes trace over his features, from the hands that helped you at your call, to the spread of the even freckles that were reddened half the time, and even to the length of his eyelashes, wanting nothing more than to lay next to him. You stop yourself, shaking your head- 
nothing less.
Just like that first day in class, you tap on the screen to see what music would brighten his phone screen and keep him in such a trance.
The lump forms in your throat before you can stop it, wondering how the hell he suddenly developed a taste for mxmtoon’s Falling for U, remembering how when you showed him that artist, he had claimed it wasn’t for him. 
Fearfully, you swipe into his phone to see your off-chance suspicions had been correct as you sit on the edge of the bed hastily, startling Yamaguchi to sit up from his laying position, panicked. He relaxes slightly when seeing you, only to panic again when he sees his brightened phone screen. 
“U-Um, Y/N, I-” 
You stand, eyes downcast as you brush your skirt off, walking towards the door as a fake laugh cuts his stuttered explanations off, heart pounding in your ears. 
“H-Haha! Uh, I didn’t mean to wake you, you just looked so peaceful.” 
Your pace quickens.
“I’ll see you downstairs, okay? They have a really cool cereal dispenser and I want some cereal all of a sudden-” 
You hear the creak of the bed, signalling he was to his feet as you begin to pull open the door.  
“Hey, how was the exam by the-?” 
You take a shaky breath when Yamaguchi’s arm extends, hand closing the door shut once again as you stand there, noticing the slight tremble of Yamaguchi’s arm before turning, pressing your back against the door as one of the freckled boy’s arms trap you in, proximity so close you can feel each other’s breaths. 
Yamaguchi takes one of the earbuds, putting one in your ear as the lyrics sound in your ears, and you look away, hearing the familiar tune as Yamaguchi takes the other one, slowly as to not startle you.
(IT’S CUTER IF YOU LISTEN TO IT: Falling For U- mxmtoon)
But I can't help it I'm falling for you And I can't quit it 'Cause I'm stuck on you
Your eyes brim with unshed tears before you can stop them, feeling Yamaguchi’s hand cup your cheek gently, droplets falling onto his knuckles.
And it might be pathetic and you might be skeptical But I just want to be with you Please tell me, boy
Fear filled your chest, the secret you tried so desperately hard to keep locked away becoming exposed without your knowledge. You were scared of how the boy you loved would react, how would Yamaguchi look at you after knowing you had kept it a secret for the sake of the friendship you cherished so?
Can you get a clue? Or come through 'cause I just want to be with you
“Tadashi.” You whisper, seeing a whole other person from the shy, freckled boy with the blue ink on your first day of class as Yamaguchi smiles softly, nodding once. 
I'm scared... Of telling you how I feel
“I love you.” 
Maybe It's better If I just try to conceal The truth
“Y/N L/N.” 
For me And for you
“I’m pretty sure I loved you first.”
And then from the close proximity, the distance was closed, a hand slipping into yours tightly as the wetness on your cheeks become unnoticeable, Yamaguchi Tadashi kissing you with a gentless so sweet you could melt. 
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neuroglitch · 3 years
i don't remember you ever talking about how your aspects came into your life. were they around since childhood or did they come about in adulthood? did they start off as characters and become real (that's a thing that can happen in did/osdd) or come out of nowhere with identities of their own? and i also wonder if they think/do things you disagree with or what the people in your life think about their existence.
i know you're reluctant to definitely label/dx but i'm sooo curious and fascinated by your aspects existence. you don't have to reply at all by the way! i just like asking questions about things i don't understand :)
Hi anon! 
This is a really good question, and I feel like in a certain sense Elias or Cadia would be better equipped to answer this bc they have different feelings and beliefs about their own origins. But I will try to do them justice to the best of my ability.
So it’s a little bit of everything that you mentioned. Since childhood I’ve had dissociative experiences, and this no doubt mixed with psychotic states in some ways, and contributed to an “overactive imagination”. But as such I don’t think there were others back then, but there was a lot of like.. identity confusion? going on. No idea what’s normal for small children when it comes to these things honestly..
I would say that over the years I had several experieces of being “stuck in character” from theaterplays or games or other things.. but that could be me afterrationalizing. 
As a teenager I went on exchange from a year and learned that you can just... reinvent your entire person and be someone new. That was Kita. Kita is still around, but only in particular situations relating to my exchange. The person I was before was a quiet, awkward kid, constantly muttering to themselv under their breath, unable to hold a conversation. Kita was outgoing, outspoken, brave and assertive. 
When I came home from exchange I kind of assumed that Kita would come with me. She did not, or rather, only as an idea in my head. I was back to my old self, and had to start a long and tedious journey to relearn Kita’s qualities.
I still don’t think that that’s super weird, but again, it was.. something.
Me and a close friend had a very passionate, toxic, codependent relationship from when I was 15 to 26. We coped with this stormy relationship and our respective declining mental health partially by constantly going in-character as other people. We lived together for several years, and when we didn’t live togerher we spent most of our time together. 
There were archetypes that I would “be”, and I know that Elias loosely references some of his own feelings and experiences as relating to some of these characters, but there never was an “Elias character”, it’s more accurate to say that the aspect of Elias lived his life partially through some of these characters. 
Cadia on the other hand traces her origin directly to a specific character. At the beginning this character represented a lot of things that I couldn’t openly be in my day to day life, much less even truly admit to myself.
But that was not unique to that character? 
A part of a pattern was that I did not get to complain or be psychotic or weird or in pain as “me”, but as these characters I could live it out very real experiences and be comforted, where normally my friend would have berated me.
Elias has a personal connection to a hazy memory of mine. The way I recall the event, I was 18 or 19 and has been learning to drive for a while. I was at the mandatory “wet road training” part. I(?) was in the car. But I had no idea how I got there, how to drive a car, and I barely understood my native language as the driving instructor yelled at me. 
But Elias and Cadia (etc) didn’t start to assert their own personhood/claim to be seperate sentient beings until much later. 
Actually my oldest “aspect” is little-me, we call them Riki bc that’s their favorite character. I say they’re the oldest, but they’re also questionable as a seperate entity from me just regressing. But they were definitely active before the others in much more than an “overinvolved roleplay” capacity.
Anyways, so to make a long story short... Me and my toxic friend eventually broke it off, this was at a time where I was mentally at a very low point, I was living alone, and I was failing to take care of myself on the most basic of levels. And the guys just kind of.. appeared in my mind, and did things for me.. At the time I considered them essentially a glorified coping mechanism at best, the beginnings of a delusion at worst. I treated them really poorly, and as a result Cadia disappeared completely for a year or more.  It was scary.. I didn’t like the idea of losing control, even if they were helpful. But it was also kind of exciting. A new input in my rather bleak existence. 
Ultimately I don’t know *where* they came from. Sometimes I feel like they represent aspects of me that have always been there, fighting for dominance over the main persona.. I honestly don’t know. I think the most important thing is that these days I’ve learned to treat them respectfully. Bc either they are not me, and I don’t get to treat other sentient beings like shit. Or they are me, and wel.. a bit of self-respect never hurt anyone :O  _____________ They sometimes do things that I disagree with, especially Elias has done some things that I definitely wouldn’t have done, but they’ve never done a big thing that upset me. As for the people in my life.. Well, people either know and are supportive-to-neutral, or they don’t know. I like to keep it that way as much as possible.
Hope this was at least a semi decent answer, it’s actually hard for me to explain exactly, and like I said, the others might disagree with some of this lol..
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Stinky Love
Sam Wilson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW! Stay safe kiddos! No funny business till you know what you’re doing. Okay?
Word Count: It’s weird. Not bad. Not good weird. But it is weird nonetheless. I might be stuck in the middle. I want to make healthy decisions. The start of it? Hmm...let’s see...today I consciously did not get into hyperactive mode when I had nothing to do at work. I told myself it is okay to rest for ten minutes without thinking of having something in hand every second! Another thing I did was greet the guards at the entrance (Anxiety- 0 Me- 1). Oh aaaand I wrote this! Despite my block. Because someone really special requested it. :D
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
"Easy. Easy. Eeeeasy. EEE-"
You put your hand on your knees, trying to get some air inside your lungs while the tears basically flew into the relentless wind that tried its very best to crack open your cheeks until the blood gushed out.
"Oh fuck!" You sobbed, not knowing what to do with this poisonous feeling in your gut right before you felt the rush and out came the contents of your stomach.
Sam’s hand was already on your back making gentle upward strokes to get everything out once and for all, all the while trying his best to soothe you through the pain and embarrassment.
"Oh my God ," you cried a bit louder this time.
"Shh," Sam cut you with his soft voice, "it's okay. It's perfectly normal. It could happen to anyone. Not everyone has the stomach for...this. Here."
You took the bottle from his hand and rinsed your mouth of the toxic kick of your insides lingering in every taste bud and stood up straight- measuring the straightness of the spine with the amount your gut could take without throwing anything more out. Once you were sure of it, you sighed with ease and cut a look at Sam.
"I puked. On my shoes. Because I couldn't handle a cable car, Sam."
Sam tried to form words in his mouth but all he ended up doing was making funny faces that had no idea what they were trying to achieve. "Wel- I mean...I'm sure someone else might've"
Sam sighed and took your hand, walking away from the snowy edge towards the gazebo resting on the hilltop that was one way of him sheltering you from the cold winter breeze trying to ruin your perfect cheeks. The wooden chairs had fluffed Tibetan cushions and a corner by the thick cement pillar to sit over the traditionally made mattresses and enjoy the fire from the fire pit kept in the centre of it all. He took you by the corner and sat down with you.
"I am pretty sure something was wrong with that cable car, babe. Even I'm feeling a little weird in the stomach," he assured you and wiped away those precious tears off your face gently, not taking his stubborn eyes off you till he was sure you believed him.
"Liar," you muttered, your voice still broken from all the crying, your body pushing itself closer to Sam, who was more than happy to wrap his arms around you. "Don't you dare tell the rest about this. Or I swear to God, Samuel Thomas Wilson, you will regret it for the rest of your life."
Sam suppressed his giggles but his eyes were giving away the humour they found when those brown eyes saw the cuteness that erupted out of you whenever you threatened him. Hell, he'd been turned on on more than one occasion when you'd been trying to fight him, never taking the situation where it was supposed to go.
"Okay. Yeah. I can promise you that. Sure." Sam shrugged and nodded, his smile growing wider with every second when he could see your nose flare up at the thought of finding your misery so funny.
So he kissed your nose.
"Stop it," you groaned, scrunching your nose, "I stink."
"Oh," Sam tilted his head, "no you don't," and ended up kissing your cheek before moving to your jaw and then down your neck, nearly catching your sweet spot till you wiggled and closed yourself like a touch-me-not at his caress and giggled. " Staahaap ! Stop it! I really do stink." And to not give his sex-brain an edge over you, you got up and stood three feet apart from him, smirking with victory.
Sam exhaled. And for some reason, you could see that familiar heavy gaze in his melting eyes- the very gaze that meant he was wondering, of all the ways to turn you on in such a way that you just couldn't resist.
Oh no.
"Sooo," he nearly whistled the word, "if you don't drink anymore, you won't stop running away from my sloppy kisses."
Okay...this is a trap.
This definitely has to be a trap.
"Whatcha say, Y/N?"
Trap. Trap. Trap.
"Yeah sure. Why not. But I don't see a way of getting out of this stink filled clothes and boots any time soon. We're four hour's hike away from Tony's summer house. And the weather doesn't look like a good time to travel."
You stood there, quite proud of yourself at counting down all the possible ways he could get his expert hands on you- damn those hands, they really know how to work you. There was no way out of here unless by some miracle-
"Friday," Sam announced out of nowhere, lounging back onto the seat, "give us some privacy, would you?"
"Here you go, Mr Wilson," Friday's voice echoed through the gazebo before you saw walls rising up from the stones in the ground- with fucking windows at that- and tiny partitions divided that space to welcome- out of the ground like some grand revelation- a cosy bed in one corner with a shower attached in the wall across the glass partition. The fireplace crackled to life and warm lights flooded this small yet unimaginably comfortable little place.
"Would you like some music?" Friday asked politely.
"Yes, please," Sam announced, quite proud of himself, "put on something slow and sexy for my woman here."
You looked at him, eyes filled with equal amounts of shock and appreciation.
"You knew ," you mention, "that's why you brought me here."
"It was hard getting some alone time with you back at Tony's place. Of course, I had to get you away from there."
And that's why I love you.
You took a step towards him before going back, making Sam raise his brow in questioning confusion.
"I really want to kiss you right now but I would hate myself if you smell all the vomit on me."
"Okaaaay..." He sang softly while getting up and closing the distance between the two of you, his fingers undoing the zipper of your jacket, "how about we get that stink off you so that I can kiss you as much as I want you."
And as soon as your head nodded an approval, a slow dance began to get you- and him- out of the clothes.
The jacket and sweater were already on the floor when you were moving away from the little living room space towards the bedroom and bathroom space, Sam helping you out of your blue t-shirt- his favourite- and folding it neatly before putting it on the bed.
You, on the other hand, had already got him half-naked, reaching for his belt but not quick enough for he already had his thumbs hooked into your jeans, twirling you to get his hands on your bra, unhooking it to let it go of your breaths, kissing your shoulders as he does so.
"Wha-hey!" You tried to refrain from giving in. "That's not our deal!"
You could feel the vibrations of Sam's chuckle on your shoulder, his hands already done with the jeans, sliding them down your legs with a little help from you. You were throwing the pair away when Sam pressed the shower controls, letting a gush of effectively warmed water hit you with the right amount of pressure. You turned around to catch your boyfriend in his boxers, wiping away his face of the stray water beads before reaching for the shower gel by the slot in the wall.
His hands massaged your muscles in the shoulders, your arms and stomach and then took the help of the loofah to make foam up his work. Soon enough, every last trace of the stink along with fatigue was gone, washed away by the water, the stench of gory sickness leaving you to be replaced by a wave of everything fresh.
It was a task to get Sam away from you just so he could let you brush your teeth- thanks to Stark's complimentary toiletries- but you somehow did escape his arms to get that bit done and wrap yourself in a robe and walk out into the bedroom.
The bed was too enticing after that five-hour hike and your legs did not have the energy to do anymore. Though watching Sam's lusty eyes, you felt he had some other plans.
"Sam, babe, I know this-"
"Shhhh..." He was already on the bed, shushing you by his fingers before planting a light kiss on your lips and planting himself behind you on the bed where you sat. "Let me help you get rid of it."
His hands picked up a slow, sensual pace, grinding his thumbs into your shoulders and back, letting them feel the pain, winding up the fatigue itself before releasing the grip to make everything feel five times lighter than before. Your moans were just a bonus, which, it's quite obvious to say, was turning Sam on, making him leave deep kisses where his touch would leave marks where the pain left and relief entered.
"I-ahh didn't know I could get turned o-oohhh-on by a massage!"
Yup. Your words were becoming an incoherent slur just as time passed by and his hands were finding there way down your waist, forcing you to lie down and let your body enjoy the much-needed love and sweet sweet torture.
"Oh...but I'm just getting started, pumpkin," he announced before slapping your butt cheek and turning you on your back and opening your legs.
"Well, who am I to say no to excellent service," you shrugged and pressed your lips to prevent the cheeky smirk about to land on your face while Sam chuckled and kissed your thighs, leaving wet kisses and nibbles on his way to your core.
His hot breath was your undoing. His touch dropped every last chain of restraint while his tongue called the Goddess of sex to come out and play.
And play, they did. The best concert on your aroused instrument, his tongue the professional conductor, knowing which swing and twirl of his will bring the perfect symphonies out of you, making you writhe under him with rising pleasure that was the quickest high on record.
"Sam," his name was coming out as a breathless chant from your lips, your hands finding his hair while his tried to keep your hips in place. "Please," the Goddess was begging to let the waves rise above the dams to let the floodgates be opened, either way, the high wanted to end with a thundering roar.
The moans grew louder once his fingers found your sweet spots and his tongue worked its magic around your clit. The tightness of your walls around him were telling him to increase the pace, making the Goddess dance with pleasure unknown before. The torrents rose, taking all your senses with them before breaking with a bang, their echoes coming after as Sam made sure he let you enjoy every last drop of nature's nectar.
Both you and him.
He flumped into the mattress beside you, watching your flushed face with a chuckle.
"How ya feelin'"
The walls vibrated with his laughter. Sam turned to you, picking the box of tissues- luxurious, of course; thank you, Stark- from the bedside table to help clean up the mess before taking you in his arms and wrapping you both in the duvet.
You kissed him. Once. Twice. Thrice. Okay, just one last time , because the number of kisses you wanted to shower him with was not enough.
"Okay, alright, sweetheart," Sam stated, taking another love-filled kiss from you, "your eyes are half open and you are on the edge of falling into a coma if you don't sleep right this second."
You groan. "Lemme kiss youuuuhhh."
Wrapping you in his arm, bringing you closer to his warm chest, Sam planted a peck your forehead.
"Sweet dreams, honey."
You yawned, tickling his chest with your breath. Your body bringing itself closer to his for the attractive abundance of love and warmth, your lips wearing a smile at the thought of him loving you even when you were a stinky mess.
"I love you, Samuel Thomas Wilson."
"I love you too, Y/N Y/L/N."
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emailclub · 3 years
OH i just remembered i have natty's nineteen kihno signed as well ❤ i'm sooo picky with nugu girls because noise music is so popular but i've been keeping up with woo!ah! and stayc! otherwise i'm deep into flops like i've had moonlight aria by ariaz and woowoo by dia on repeat lately 🐥 for the job thing yk it's good to focus on your own happiness 💫 i'm just resting for now because i go back to uni in 2 months 🙇‍♀️
i like the noise music but only when it’s done well bc sometimes they really just bring pots and pans into the studio and go haha ya uh huh yep! into the mic and win 20 music shows like ok wel. moonlight aria was SOOOOOO good idk where they went i haven’t heard anything from them in like 2 years ? also what r u studying at uni!
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omggiogiothings · 6 years
Got tagged by @nutella0mutt To get to know me better??? and then pressured to actually do it but ahem, yeah.
I won’t tag anyone? But if you see this and wanna give it a shot go ahead! Tag me and I’ll check you out v.v yeyeye.
Uhm, Bold are for things that are true. and this ((is my comments on stuff))
so here we goooo.
I am 5′7 or taller (( Nah, but I’m close. I think I’m 5′5 or 5′6))
I wear Glasses 
I have at least one Tattoo ((No, but I am planning to get one on the outside of my thigh!))
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair ((nah, a brunet))
I have or have had braces 
I love meeting new people
People tell me I’m funny ((I’m hilarious, excuse those people WHO DON’T AGREE.))
Helping people with their problems is a big priority to me ((Guilty, I’m always willing to listen and go out of my way to help people out. But if it gets too much I gotta pull back and think of my own needs too))
I enjoy physical challenges ((lol noooooo))
I enjoy mental challenges ((FUCK ME UP FAM. Puzzles r my shit, annoy me but I love doing them!!!))
I’m playfully rude to people I know well ((TECHNICALLY YEAH))
I started to say something ironically now I can’t stop saying it (bro, dude, etc) ((LOL NYALL. I HATE IT AND IM SAYING IT. THERES ALSO uwu IM SCREAMING))
There is something I would change about my personality ((can’t tell you what it is, but I feel there are times I would really want to change something))
I can play an instrument ((I can’t play anything anymore but used to have lessons in piano and violin for a bit))
I can sing well ((LOL NO))
I can do 30 push ups without stopping ((I have not done a single push up since high school and i refuse to start now UHM))
I am a fast runner ((it’s ya girl, first to get eaten in the zombie apocalypse))
I can draw well ((yeeee, at least, I hope I do))
I have a good memory ((shit memory who dis?))
I am good at doing math in my head ((yoooo, i still use my fingerss))
I can hold my breath underwater for a minute
I have beaten at least two people in an arm wrestle
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch ((hit me up with those eggs))
I can throw a punch
I enjoy sports ((this is a callout,,,, i am offended))
I have learned a new song in the past week
I’ve gone running at least one week in the summer
I work out at least once a week ((THE CALL OUTS ARE STRONG))
I have drawn something in the past month ((yeyeyeye))
I enjoy writing ((tbh yeah, sometimes I also wanna rip out my hair so like, yeah))
I have done martial arts ((no, but i need toooo))
I have had my first kiss ((yep, middle school was weird))
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting ((gravity falls n Voltron, I’m lookin at you))
I have had alcohol ((Yee, I prefer the fruity drinks tho. Never gotten drunk, only tipsy, maybe))
I have scored a winning goal in sports ((Hockey in Middle school where I also got my lip busted open by a hockey stick sooo))
I have been to an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in a hospital/ER in the last year.
I have beaten a videogame in one day ((surprisingly, no xD))
I have visited another country 
I have been to one of my favorite band concert ((FALL OUT BOYYY))
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling ((three, but one is half))
I live in the US
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with friends in the past month ((FINALS WEEK WHERE WE ALL DIED TOGETHER))
I have a smartphone 
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone ((MY DOGS))
I have a crush on a celebrity 
I have a crush on someone I know ((??? Maybe, not that much anymore))
I have been in at least 3 relationships ((Don’t count, I was too young to know what I was doing imo))
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush for over a year
I have been in a relationship for over a year
I have feelings for a friend
I have break danced
I know a person called Jamie
I have made a new friend in the past year (( LOOKING BACK AT YOU NUTELLA))
I have had a teacher with a last name hard to pronounce ((Since I started uni I just forget all their names tbh))
I have dyed my hair
I am listening to a song on repeat right now ((MOANA))
I have punched someone in the past week
I have known someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what to do with my life ((LOOK THESE CALLOUTS ARE BAD))
I speak at least two languages ((one and like .5 of another cause I forget to practice it but my whole family speak it))
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survivorwesteros · 7 years
Episode 7: I feel personally victimized - Luke
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why are they abaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
also steffen or drew will win this season bookmark this.
I can't Beloeve
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So glad to be back in the game! The amount of shock in the chat was awesome! Hahah I'm just glad I didn't get eliminated without receiving a single vote. Although I know I'll get one now!
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First of all I feel personally victimized by the hosts for allowing people to come back. Next I feel personally victimized because Darian came back and he has reason to target me!!! Going forward I'm trusting Drew the most because I love him so much :) Ashley, Steffen and Jordan are also strong allies of mine. I want to target Darian next and then I want either Brian, Lily or Andrew out. Jordan should leave fairly soon too because he's a big threat and that means betraying him but I need to do what I need to do to win.
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So I got some kick ass items at auction today. I got a Wildfire, which can reset a round and make all of our challenge results null so we have to do them over. I also got a ride on a dragon thanks to Steffen, even though we don't know about it yet. He got to choose two others to take with him and chose Drew and I, which I really awesome because I am starting to like Steffen a lot. Hopefully we can get closer in the upcoming days. I also got a turkey leg, which gives me an advantage in a challenge up to final five, so that is pretty chill too.
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Darian and Lily coming back????? UGLY!!!! KEEP THEM!!!!!!!! But also like I'm rebelling more against the fact of HAVING two people come back than the reality of who they are. If two people were going to come back, they’re DECENT choices because at least they both like me? But they come with their own vendettas against other people I like and it’s a PROBLEMMMMMMM. Darian coming back means the tension between him and Luke is gonna come to a head sooner rather than later. And Lily wants to take out both Andrew and Steffen QUICK because of reasons. Meanwhile WHAT EXACTLY HAS MY ASS BEEN DOING???? Aligning with almost every damn person in the game! Jordan specifically said “i feel like were aligned with too many people at this point. Like we need to actually get on a side” and my internal monologue is laughing because I think I’m connected to even more than he is because I’m with Steffen too???? 
1. Me Ashley Jordan Darian  2. Me Ashley Luke Steffen 3. Me Ashley Andrew  4. Me Ashley Andrew Luke Jordan 5. Me Jordan Lily 
I’m about one second away from starting one with Brian and Nic just for shits. And THEY’RE ALL FUCKING TARGETING EACH OTHER!!!! Luke and Steffen bonded on call over wanting Darian gone and have brought up Jordan’s name, Jordan and Lily want Steffen gone, Lily is PUSHING for Andrew to go and Jordan and I can only keep her at bay for so long, and LITERALLY NO ONE IS BRINGING UP BRIAN AND NIC TO GO like I’m about to upset a whole group of people really quickly. I think my best course of action right now, if Ashley would be open to it, would be to blindside Darian right the fuck back out. I need to convince Jordan that our five-person alliance (listed above as #4) is the most important thing in the world right now because it’s numbers after this vote. It’s also another alliance that I have with both Ashley and Jordan so if they’re on board for the Darian blindside, then we can do it without pissing anyone off. Except Darian but I mean whatever, it’s not like I have to see him at high school the next day (sorry Ashley!!!). And it keeps Luke happy, and I’m all about keeping Luke happy. And it might convince Brian and Nic that we’d go for Lily next and just cleanse the field, and honestly that’d be nice too. 
This is my dream boot list, at least for now (subject to like 18,000 revisions so like take it with the entire container of salt that for some reason is a current Snapchat filter with the Morton’s wig and umbrella) 
10th place: Darian, with the consent of Ashley and Jordan  9th place: Brian because whew comp strength  8th place: Steffen because I don’t know that I can hold Jordan and Lily off any longer on that one 7th place: Nic, to, in the words of Lord Voldemort, kill the spare 6th place: Andrew because he might not see it coming at that time? The kid has been to the Citadel so fucking much, I can’t 5th place and beyond I don’t fucking know yet??? That’s a really tough position to be in because everyone in that final five would potentially want to work to the end with me but they’re all also threats to win. Ashley has been a main co-conspirator since the very beginning for me, but walks in with at least Darian’s vote almost pre-destined. Jordan and I work well together and his reputation often works against him, but I honestly think this isn’t the jury that would hold that against him like Costa Rica did, and he would have Ben’s vote almost pre-destined. Lily’s story could go either way, in that she’d been voted out twice, she doesn’t deserve to win, or that she’s fought back in twice and made it to the end. Especially if people like Steffen and Jordan are on jury, that’s going to really resonate with them as people who have won buybacks and almost won with them before. Luke probably has the least amount of connections from that potential jury pool, but has a great story of being the only foreigner and needing to adapt to our schedules, staying up until 4-5am every night to participate with us when we’re at our most available. Steffen would really respond to that, having played seasons from Norway and understanding the struggle. Honestly I could end up with the worst case to present in any configuration of that five, but I’ll worry about that as we get closer because I think that’s the configuration that best LEADS to me getting to finals. I can argue my way through a lot of things, and if I lose, I lose, I’d be happy losing to any of them. This might be the strongest social game I’ve ever had?? Or I could be wildly delusional and other people have just as many chats with just as many leads and I don’t factor into anyone’s final plans. We’ll see, I guess
Pray for me, it’s gonna be a fucking bumpy ride. 
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So Steffen, Drew and I's dragon ride ended with me getting a vote revealer, Drew getting an advantage in a challenge of his choosing, and Steffen got a vote stealer. We all agreed to it and are now in a semi alliance. So this should be interesting.
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So I won immunity yay :) Sam got mad at me cause she spent a long time making that challenge and I beat it in 8 minutes so i felt bad and decided to make an actual confessional. Shocking right? Anyways even if I didnt have immunity I think Im in a good spot? like okay, so i have a lot of alliances. I have one with Andrew Drew Luke and Ashley, one with Drew Ashley and Darien, One with Lily and Drew and then i sort of have an alliance with Nic. Meaning I am not aligned with Steffen, meaning ideally Steffen goes. lily told me she has the power to take away someones immunity so thats good that thats on my side. Either way, things are good for Jordan. First confessional done, dont expect another
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me to jordan yesterday: lets vote out steffen lily to me today: i was thinking steffen for next tribal 
ok sooo i do think steffen is a big threat and could win but i feel bad about voting him out cause im not invested in this game and idk if he is but he could win so i feel guilty if i vote him out and stay over him r . i. o. p. in peace
well well wel......... this is perfect. darian came to me wanting to blindside a threat so i said drew and now he's doing all the work to get drew sent home :o i spoke to steffen abotu it and hes good and darians gonna try to get andrew/brian/ashley so hopefully that works. 
i have a really good feeling where this is the episode where my edit goes from INV to MOR3
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HONESTLYYYYYYYYYYY disregard the boot list, scrap it, move on from it, delete the confessional, it NEVER. HAPPENED.
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Lily has gone to Drew, Jordan, Darian and Ashley to try and get me out. Ashley and Darian came clean to me about it and now we’re sorting stuff out now.  darian thing lets him see a random alliance chat don’t like it. Lily is after me, then Brian, then Andrew. Drew has an idol from the citadel so now we’re strategizing. trying to spill that Luke wanted Brian gone. Lily has Drew and Jordan but only Jordan. Nic has to vote Drew. Drew might have to self vote Brian has to vote lily Andrew will vote lily Darian votes Drew Steffen votes lily Ashley votes lily Lily votes SteffenJordan votes Steffen Luke votes TBA 
so Luke came to me with Jordan tea about how now Jordan is voting me out well good job Lily I officially say you can choke now [17:46:00] Luke: So do we know what's happening yet? 
[17:46:08] Jordan (Westeros): no one is talking [17:46:19] Jordan (Westeros): if i didn’t have immunity id be freaking out [17:47:15] Luke: That's why I'm freaking out!! [17:47:23] Jordan (Westeros): i want to target steffen tbh [17:49:39] Luke: Oh wow really? You think that could work? [17:49:49] Jordan (Westeros): i think we could potentially get the voes [17:49:51] Jordan (Westeros): votes 
So screw you Lily, and Jordan next time you go behind my back, be a little more creative you little toad and as soon as Jordan tried to get me to vote out Andrew IM LIKE SURE but then sent those receipts to andrew also I might now have Luke voting out Lily 
[11/30/16, 6:42:48 PM] Brian: [2016-11-30, 11:38:39 AM] Brian: have you heard anything about the vote today? [2016-11-30, 12:19:23 PM] Lily Owen: Yeah, people are planning on Steffen [11/30/16, 6:42:59 PM] Steffen Bøhn: oh yeah [11/30/16, 6:42:59 PM] Brian: [2016-11-30, 6:42:13 PM] Brian: so idk [2016-11-30, 6:42:13 PM] Jordan Pines: no one has said it to me [2016-11-30, 6:42:17 PM] Jordan Pines: ive heard steffen so far [2016-11-30, 6:42:22 PM] Jordan Pines: and i think thats where I’m leaning
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So I am terrified for this upcoming tribal. Some shit is going to go down. After the auction there are so many items in this game that I can't even keep my head straight.
So Darian got approached by Lily, who said she wanted to get Steffen out. She had this whole hit list and whatnot, and stupidly told Darian a lot of crap. So basically he comes to me and tells me everything. So now we are working with Steffen to try and find a solution... Hopefully all of this stuff is true, because if not, who the hell knows who is leaving tonight.
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movingkeepmoving · 5 years
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Thessaloniki, Greece - June 2019 🇬🇷
What could have been a recovering night turned into a fight against the mosquitos in my room. Although they gave me at least 10 bites and stole an hour of my sleep, I managed to kill them both. No regrets! Some hours later I sat in a taxi on my way to V.s parents home. From there her mum drove us to the airport, saving me both money and time. I would have taken a train or bus too, but V. told me in advance that the Greek train system is not to be trusted and so we both booked the same flight by accident (we weren't that much in contact since London). Arriving at the gate, there were a couple of English speaking people with tattoos and passes on their bags. I soon figured out that the whole Dropkick Murphys crew shared our flight. Here we go.
I managed to fall asleep as soon as I was able to sit down on the plane and was woken up again by the airplane landing in Thessaloniki 55 minutes later. The bus to the city center was 2€ and took us a really long time (about 50 minutes). We were actually quite lucky to get a bus the minute we left the terminal. Other people boarding with us did say they have been waiting about an hour. The luck was on our side this time! Once we entered the town center, V. and I headed apart - she went to her air bnb, i went to check into my hostel and have another nap to catch up with my beauty sleep.
Later that day we met up again and V. Introduced me to two of her friends from Thessaloniki, who then showed us on of their favourite seafood restaurants in town. We ordered lots of amazing food and started talking about our lifes in different countries, politics and the usual stuff young people talk about. Sometimes when this happens to me, I take a moment and smile into myself, because traveling to another country and get this feeling of being so dearly welcomed by strangers is one of the best feelings out there. After a ton of sea food and salad and ice cream we headed apart again, as I really wanted to explore the seaside on my way to the venue.
There's something about hearing waves crashing and smelling the salty air while you're at the seaside. The endless blue in front of you - I find it endlessly calming. And so it's kinda obvious I felt in love with Thessaloniki within a heartbeat. The walk to the venue led me along the coast with restaurants and bars on the left and the soothing blue on the right side. I had no plans for the afternoon, the time slots for the local free walking tours didn't fit in my schedule and I had no desire to leave the sea earlier than I had to. So I just walked along and relaxed. It was some kind of relief to be able to just be in the moment after feeling tense while walking around Athens.
Close to an art installation of many umbrellas, I even allowed myself to lay down and close my eyes, enjoying the surroundings and the sunshine in my face. If life was always this easy, Hu?
At one point I decided to join V. in her lonely Q outside the venue. She told me people in Thessaloniki are way more chilled and relaxed than in Athens and you could tell by the time people showed up for the gig. While there had been a Q outside of the Athens venue an hour before doors were supposed to open, people showed up about 30 minutes before the doors were supposed to be open in Thessaloniki. Obviously the doors didn't open in time. This was still Greece and what would they do if they didn't had the chance to open the doors with a 30 minutes delay again?
We ended up in the front again just to realise the stage was about 5m away from the barrier and the whole room was all done with marble. Wow, nice choice for a punk gig, mind your steps and your beers, folks! We shortly met up with D. And his girlfriend from Thessaloniki. Both, V. and me, had been in contact with him via Facebook, figuring out, he was one of the only Frank Turner fans in town. We shared our bits about traveling, then Frank entered the stage and started his set.
This time we were more than just two people singing along, maybe even ten people, all gathering together in the center down the front. It was an incredible feeling to realise that not only me but also Frank did travel this far and still there were people who knew about his music, his songs, his lyrics. And somehow he united us for 40 minutes in doing the same thing: Singing along to his music! Especially the song "I still believe" speaks to me in those moments. Just thinking about it and writing it down, makes me grin again. It was sooo much better than the night before. Frank even decided to play "Four Simple Words" - a solo version he played in Porto for the very first time - and made us dance. It's funny, back in the day I needed at least 1-2 beers to get lost in the music, these days it works also without any kind of alcohol. Singing and dancing as nobody was around! And I think with our enthusiasm we even infected the people around us who first looked at us like we werde mad and then started to film Frank playing and asking what the name of this or that song was. Strike!
Once again weird looks once we backed down to watch Dropkick Murphys from the foyer. Once more a venue full of smokers. But this time I managed to see and hear the full set.
After the show wel once more met up with D. and his girlfriend. They asked if we were hungry and took us to a local restaurant. I can't remember the name of the food we had, but it was definitely local and definitely delicious. D. even payed for it and while we went walking all together forwards the city center afterwards, it hit me and I nearly started crying in front of the others: We all just met because one of our favourite artists decided to play a gig on Greece; people who had probably never gotten in contact with each other bought each other food, showed strangers their hometown, walked a long way with them just to make sure they didn't had to walk on their own. We all agreed in secret that this was all Franks "fault". And I was once more so absolutely grateful for him to travel that much, to make music that speaks to such amount of wonderful people all around the globe and that this community of his fans is so incredible supportive. I traveled for a couple of artists in my life, but none of them had the same amount of supportive folks in their fan community. That's something truly special and I'm grateful to be part of it! When it was time to head apart, we all knew in our hearts that this wasn't a good bye - we would meet again at some point!
What is Jay singing? "Travelling is good for the mind and for the soul. You should try to visit places that you've never been before. Talk to different people, experience different cultures. Find the polar opposite and look for something similar.."
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xoxo-anxciousanum · 7 years
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Hey guys, so this is my third time writing this post! It never saved the first time for some reason and the second time my battery died, so here i am on my laptop! you can smell the determination right ahahahaha? 
Any who, I have finally left high school where i have been for the past six years of my life! On the Friday the 28th of April 2017, I finally said goodbye bishessss wee out! So im just going to use this post to recap on my fantastic, wild, journey through the years of high school at St Andrews Academy.
So where do I start! Well first and second year was a nightmare because I had came to a brand new school from where my old primary school friends went. Therefore i had ZERO  friends to keep me sane! im not going to ,ie but i definitely was bullied for at least the first three years of high school. It was a nightmare, because it didn't help that i had facial hair and a heavy mono brow! Maybe im just being a bit hard on myself but i definitely struggled, there was nights were all i cared about was peoples opinions and i didn't want to go in some days because i couldn't bare it! Finally in third year i felt a bit more comfortable cause we were finally put in set classes so my English class was great!  We had such a great time, and i met a lot of lovely girls.Fourth year was the first year that i was going to experience exams and i was sady still tormented by stupid pathetic bitchess that needed to get over themselves get a grip and move on! anways, moving onto the rollercoaster of a year- welcome to the year of mofo Highersssss!!! This is when shit got reallllllll. i finally had the confidence and I was loving lifeee but it was not really a year to realx with friends and chill. i HAD TO WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK (In the humble word of rihannaaaa) Legit, was madness, but alhumdullilah, i made it in the end as i got my results in- 3As in Eglish, Biology and Geography and B in Chemsitry! Unfortunately Maths was a bit of a fail, but thnakfully i recived an offer from the uni so long as i achieved a B in Maths in sixth year as well as a nat 5 A in Physics! Inshallah i will acheive tht!!!!!!  I honestly learned a lot in that year as  i lso juggled out of school work through Ye where i strengthened bonds with the best peope ive met in my life. Genuinly learned sooooo many things about my self in that year- i am confident, i dont care what others think, and i can get whatever i want as long as i put my mind to it and not be tooo anxcious and worried. Anwhoooo i was defos eqipped for the last year of my high school life! I have never had such fun and made the msot incredible memories ever!!! i genuinly loved every minute becasue it was such a reaxed year, the amount of times i patched school and went on an adventure was crazy man ahahahah! incoming the rebellious anum husain ahahahahaha! made the most unforgettable memories that i will cherish forever, cant belive it all over! I still remember the day in primary when i was like how am i going to survive high school-with al the exams and changing classes every 50 minss! yet here i am! bishhhhhh we madeee itttttt yasssssssssssssssss.
Moving on, i have actually realised how much i love my cousins man. I genuinly dont know where id be without them. They amke my life so special and fun. Honestly if someone was to see our chats man, we’d be locked up ahahahahah! We legit talk about everything and anything, without judging each other. I love taht we can take the piss out of each other but stilll be the best of galsss man, we love winding up haiqa especially man its toooo funny! we are baesss for life and i truly mena it. The small things mean soo much to me, like going for walks randomly, going to morrions and buying crap loads of sweets then end up at tesco and cryinngg that we live in the most jakiest town ever!!!! I am certain that we will hare this beautiful journey together, through uni-eating lunch together and chillling in the sun. Man i cant wait!!!! im such a cheeeeeeesy gal man cause i cant wait to do couplyyy things when we get marruied man. like nandos, going bowing, movie nights etc it will be soooooooo amazing. Actaully never met anyone that has the same bond as us. Well we know two girls that think they do when i reality they see eachother like twice a year , so stfu. ahahahahahahahha im such a savage, but its true, we have such a unique bond, most people dont see their cousins, we are sisters!!!! we can annoy each other but we cant live without eachother! I love them milllllllllllllliiiiiiiooooooooonnnnnnnnssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!
Onto my amazing sisters! Where do i start, wel with one of them its a work in progress, its hard when she used to be mean to u and she chews loudly do u know, i have a lot of pettty ahtes so it made it worse, but its pending man fs. But for NAILAbae, she is a gemmmm! A diamond, we have been going out on trips to Glasgow since i was 6! we still carry this tradition on till now and im 18! whooooohoooooo, she is actualy the msot funniest person ever! she is sooo cute and i love her to bits! we have sooo much in common, we could literally chat for hours, she has helped me so much in school its unreal.SHE IS MY TRUE ROLE MODEL! i have always looked up to her from a young age, We tak about everything together, makeup, fashion,making fun of peple, blair and serena goals af!!!! im obvsss blair!!! Moving on to IMMYFATT!!! She is my fooood gal. we could literally go out and eat a samosa salad and get our eyebrows done, our insanely crazy eyebrows!! That would be our day out, but what make it fun, is the car journey nd the laughs we have together, before she waas married we used to always do duets in the car and record ourselves!! hahahahah we loved IF I WERE A BOY!!! Bey was my fav! we still sing now in the car and its the best! I love them milllions! I cant even begin to tell you how much i love my sis n law. Its so mad how she just appeared in my life and i love her millions.she is sooooo funny, cute and giry! She lets me borrow any of her make up which i think is sooooo cute man! she is such a princesss its amazing!!! Dont even get me started on my beautiful nephews and nieces!!!! i will love them allll forver! cant wait till i get my car and can take them out to the park!!! im such a cheeeesy gal but i love my fam! Ridah i such a smart coookie i cant wait till she takes over the world with her amazing presence! Zarish is an actual real life dolll its so funny she so cute and timid! i love her millions, the two boys AR and Eesa are just soooooo beaut!!! i love them with all my heart. I love that AR calls me ANNNNAAAAAAA. he is my babe! Eesa is changing everyday and i love him even more, cant wait till he grows up.
Roll on the next amazing years of my life!!!!! Roll on june 2017 (no longer in me mums car)Roll on september 2017!!! HWG WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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