#I'm still trying to make shit work even after you've argued that you have a right to see my naked body and touch me without consent
yappacadaver · 2 years
heavy stuff under the cut
dude i can’t go 6 months without my Mom telling me she’s sick of me, cant stand me, wants me gone, is kicking me out of the house like god damn. Why even pretend that you want a relationship with me? you hate my ass! I can’t say an opinion, be upset, have an attitude, without literally risking homelessness. I literally have no family to fall back on. She knows this, and makes the threats anyway! Like she’s almost doing it on purpose or something! Literally all I did was say “I thought I told you the date and time already” when she freaked the fuck out cause she didn’t know when the appointment was. And now I get a lovely little reminder that she hates my ass, wants me gone even if I’m homeless and even if it screws up my education plan. Because I’m not well enough put together. Cause the main thing that helps someone get it together is homelessness and being told your effort is worthless.
I have clawed my way back from failure, I am back in school as an honors student, I get grants and scholarships for my work. I am doing everything I fucking can and it will never be enough and I’ll never have a parent who loves me. Woopie. 
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weebsinstash · 4 months
I wanna be best buds with Lucifer. All my brain cells r now fixated on the short munchkin dressed like a haunted puppet with depression who CLEARLY needs a new passion project in his life.
Depressed Dad is clearly in need of something or someONE to kick him out of his depression funk. Y/N could be just the ESA he needs. The hell equivalent of those little marimo moss balls parents buy for kids who are too irresponsible to remember to feed fish.
What I'm saying is, the platonic yandere potential is off the charts. We go to Valentino to get hungover and fucked, but we go to Luci for a hangover cure and a comfy couch to crash on.
Honestly I was thinking of something, like
Lucifer just wants to assume everyone down there is the worst, but imagine he comes to the Hotel to see Charlie and Reader is there as a guest and, SOMETHING happens
Like I was imagining it would be really cute if Lucifer's first visit to the Hotel went significantly worse and Charlie and him are arguing and Reader is the one who tries to help them make amends. Constantly fighting the feminine urge to put musicals in these fucking fics or posts but you wind up singing a tune about how WAIT, please don't go, the two of them have to make up, and clearly he's a good person and an even better dad because CHARLIE is like rhe nicest sweetest bestest person you've ever met
and then after you're done Charlie is like BAWLING like when Angel forgave her, just grabbing you and her Dad, "this is the first time they've saaaaang, they've been too shy and they did it for US, that's so beautiful!!!" just like HARD CRYING and you're basically like Honorary Child 2 at that point
I can just. mmm, imagine if you knew Val first and then befriended the Morningstars. Valentino tries to force you to do something one day and you're just like, picking up your phone, staring Val dead in the face as you text someone. FIVE MINUTES LATER, there's a knock to the door of the set, and you rush to open it, and everyone starts losing their fucking MIIIINDS as LUCIFER HIMSELF walks in
You give Valentino a grin that would have made a demon proud as if to say "fucking try me bitch" before turning back to Lucifer, "heeeeeey short king! I'm sorry for messaging out of the blue but I missed you! Hey, i think my friend Mr Valentino was about to like, give me a job or something?"
Lucifer's just all, "oh, you mean like working the lights or, helping mop the floors cause, I don't think that suits a young lady/man/whatever like yourself!"
Like can you imagine Val was having you read some AWFUL like NAAAAASTY script before Luci came in and it's still in his hand and you point at it, "hey isn't that it right there?" And Valentino and potentially even Vox have to SCRAMBLE, "No no not at all, this is, uh, my laundromat receipt!" *shoves the entire booklet into a nearby shark demon's mouth
Lucifer is standing there being, kinda judgy like he was with Charlie's hotel but otherwise being friendly and YOURE the one being the "silent" menace. Valentino is GRINDING his teeth, "soooo, Mr Morningstar, sir, big fan, excellent work, uh, what can we do for you?" And you're just slinging an arm around THE DEVIL "oh, me and him were gonna go grab lunch and I was maybe gonna crash at his daughter's new place where Mr Lucifer here is gonna be visiting all the time. You don't mind right?" and Vox has to step in and answer "yeah, sure no problem!!!" because Valentino is about to devolve into nothing but furious squeaking
This is an idea I'm prolly gonna wind up using for a platonic Husker thing but, Reader having an abusive childhood and Lucifer becomes aware that YOUR dad was a mean piece of shit, definitely down in Hell too or previously exterminated, and Lucifer just finds you like DRUNK IN THE GUTTER, "I'm a looooooser just like my dad". Like. Yandad Luci here is probably the type where he sees you having ONE bad hangover and he's concrete convinced you're a hardcore alcoholic and need rehab STAT. Which may be true but what I'm saying is is that, he sees you at your weakest ONCE and he's suddenly like "Oh no, duckling! cmon, let, uh, let ... Daaaaaad help you? 🥺" and you find out his idea of help is like. Extremely well intentioned but horribly well executed as he's over here, "you know what helps MY depression? Inventing things in my workshop" and you look around to 4000 versions of the same rubber duck and you're like "s so.... is it working" and he just emphatically declares "No! :D but I think it's getting a little better with you here!" and your fate is fucking sealed and wait until Lilith moseys on back into town and finds the "savior" of her goofy little husband and best bud of her daughter and now you've got every Morningstar on your side in totally The Most Normal Ways Possible :)
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becca-e-barnes · 5 months
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As a romantic, sentimental shit, I decided to add a little spin off to the Moving In series.
While I'm not a huge fan of Christmas, Christmas Eve always felt really special to me. Christmas Eve traditions in our family have changed a lot over the years but I'm really excited to start my own! I've been trying to imagine what my perfect Christmas Eve would be like next year and it'd be pretty damn close to this.
If you celebrate it, have a lovely Christmas tomorrow! If you don't, I hope you have a wonderful day!
There's no way to keep the cat off the twinkling fairy lights on the tree. You've tried every trick the internet could offer but nothing stops her; except her own sleepiness.
After a long afternoon fighting the lights (and losing), she's curled up in the armchair, peacefully sleeping.
The tree is safe.
For now.
"Your fluffy murderer is asleep." Bucky hums contentedly, pulling you impossibly closer to him on the sofa.
"Good." It's about time. Even the TV playing Olaf's Frozen Adventure doesn't seem to be disturbing her and she loves that movie.
You're surprised the heat hasn't knocked Bucky out yet. Between your body heat, the matching pyjamas you're both wearing and the glowing embers of the fire, you're surprised he's not asleep too.
"What's Santa bringing tomorrow?" Bucky teases, running his hand from your hip to your waist, slipping his hand under you top and letting it rest there.
"I don't know! Hopefully the stand mixer I asked for... Maybe some baking supplies... Some cat treats maybe." You smile at the thought and feel Bucky laughing against your back.
"That cat of yours has not made it onto the Nice List, sweetheart. No chance. Santa won't be visiting her." His lips are curled into a smile as they drift from your collar, up the back of your neck.
"She's been good the rest of the year. She's only been naughty since I put the tree up." You feel like you have to protest on her behalf, even though you know Santa will be bringing her plenty of cat treats.
"So there's hope for you too then if that's how Santa works. If he excuses short bursts of naughtiness, you might still make it." His hand trails its way back to your hip, slipping just under the waistband of your pyjama shorts.
"I've been good this year and you know it!" You tease, pressing your ass back against him.
"Oh see no, this is naughty." Bucky corrects you, kissing your neck with a little more pressure.
"I don't think so. You seem to like it so this is me being nice." You wiggle your ass against the front of his pyjamas, enjoying the evidence of his interest.
"Don't argue sweetheart, that'll put you firmly on the Naughty List." He knows you hate reasoning like that.
"Well, if you've been so good this year, what's Santa bringing you?"
There's a short pause but the kissing over your neck doesn't stop.
"I don't know... I don't need anything." He didn't ask you for anything for that same reason. "I have everything I need here."
"That's gross. Grow up." You know he can't see the way that made you smile so you're free to affectionately bully him for saying it.
"You're so right." He laughs, somehow shuffling even closer to you.
"I'm sure if I got down on my hands and knees in front of the tree and looked right in at the back, I could find a gift with your name on it." You go back to rubbing your ass against his crotch, tempting him to escalate.
"Sweetheart, that view alone would be enough of a gift." He's got a special way of making you feel like a temptation, without ever objectifying you. God, he's wonderful. "But I want to see that pretty face. I want to lay you down under your tree and unwrap my gift properly."
"Unwrapping your gift early will put you on the Naughty List!" You try to feign disgust at the very suggestion but really, that's all you want.
"Then I'll be the happiest man on the damn Naughty List this year." He laughs, scooping you up and laying you down on the plush carpet.
"You're more of a terror than the cat." You giggle before his lips are pressed to yours, kissing you with an intensity you really quite enjoy. His tongue slips past your lips, rubbing against your own and it's almost dizzying to start so intensely.
Your fingertips dig into his broad, muscular back and shoulders. It's easy to let need cloud your brain and he doesn't seem to mind as he sheds his pyjama top.
"We aren't matching anymore." You smile, reaching for the bottom of your own top, pulling it off in one swift motion.
"Excuse me. You're unwrapping my present for me." Bucky pretends to be horrified but your decision has its perks. He's now got full access to your breasts and it's like Christmas came early for him.
He wastes no time, sucking and kissing and licking your breasts. His tongue flicks over your stiff nipples, enjoying the way the sensation makes you squeal and writhe under his mouth.
"Bucky... Please." You whine after a while, desperate for him to move on.
"Someone's needy." Bucky smiles, raising an eyebrow before he reaches down to remove the bottom half of your pyjama set.
Fuck, he's not wrong. His fingertips trail against your sex, checking to see whether you're as aroused as you sound and he's almost surprised to find you are.
"God, you're so wet. I'm going to make this pretty little pussy gush for me." He slips a thick finger into you, followed by a second and he's thrilled to realise you'll be able to take him already. He can take the edge off for you now and then take his sweet time licking his own load out of your fluttering cunt once he's given you what you need.
"Please." You whimper, noticing he's offered you nothing awfully useful. He hasn't curled his fingers to stroke your walls, he hasn't moved at all actually.
"I wanted to take my time with you." Bucky begins, removing his fingers and taking off his pyjama bottoms. "But that's not what you want right now, is it?"
You shake your head, giving in to your own desperation freely, knowing he'd want you to be honest.
"That's okay, sweetheart. Let's take good care of you." The residual heat of the fire warms your bare skin as Bucky arranges your thighs, settling himself between your legs.
"Good girl." Bucky hums, dragging his thick, bare cock through the evidence of your arousal, coating himself in the slick mess between your legs. "So pretty for me."
He watches the way your body accommodates him so willingly and your whines remind him not to keep you waiting.
His thick, leaking tip presses to your entrance and the feeling of him sliding into you is breathtaking. It always is.
Both of you stop breathing for a few short seconds until he's slid the whole way home, buried as deep inside you as your bodies will allow.
"Hey, look at me." Bucky whispers, holding the side of your face gently with one hand, making you realise you'd closed your eyes.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He begins to pull back slowly before pressing back in, setting a slow rhythm.
If feels wrong not to tell him the same. It's wrong not to tell him how wonderful you think he is. It's not fair to let the moment pass without mentioning that you love getting to do this with him and be vulnerable but still feel safe. You love having him in your space and spending time together and getting to enjoy these tender, intimate moments at the most random of times. But those aren't thoughts for now. Those are thoughts for when you're both fully satisfied and cuddling together, breathless and tired and entirely aglow on this same carpet later this evening.
That feels right.
"You are the most incredible man I've ever met." You reply instead, tugging gently on his soft, dark hair to pull him into a kiss.
You hear him groan against your lips, offering the same intensity as before. He speeds up his thrusts to match his mouth, sliding in and out of you with purpose and a delightful need to spill his release into you as he's coaxing yours from you.
"Play with yourself." His instruction is clear and driven by his own need. He needs to feel you cum before he can allow himself to do the same and his orgasm really seems to have snuck up on him.
Your hand slips between your bodies with a practiced ease, finding the little bundle of nerves between your legs, rubbing it in tight circles.
"Good girl. Fuck, I wish you knew how you feel. So wet and soft and warm." He hasn't taken his eyes off your face and that only lets you see how pleasure is evident all over his. He's almost overwhelmed and it's so lovely to watch.
"Fuck, I'm so close." You whine, begging him not to change a single thing. Not his pace, not his angle, nothing. This is perfect.
"Cum for me, sweetheart. Go ahead, I'm right behind you. I've got you."
The release is all consuming for a good few seconds, your body fluttering and twitching, milking Bucky's from him and he so willingly gives it to you. He groans gentle praises as he works both of you through your highs, taking every ounce of pleasure he can get from you while giving you as much as possible.
When your peak and his have both subsided, he slips out of you, giving himself a second to catch his breath.
"If you weren't on the Naughty List before, you definitely are now." You giggle, kissing his forehead repeatedly.
"I'm just getting started." He smiles, kissing your lips before moving down your body to kiss between your thighs.
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appocalipse · 2 years
heat of the moment | steve harrington
summary: half certain your crush on steve harrington is in the past, you return to hawkins to attend your friends' graduation. however, an impulsive shared kiss later, things get a little out of hand and you realize you might be lying to yourself... 4.4k words | (old) friends to lovers
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The sound of the button falling to the floor seems deafening in your living room.
“Oh shit,” Steve mumbles. His white shirt (in which he looks criminally handsome, you might add) is now definitely too open for a social event like his favorite kids' graduation. There's a lot of exposed skin, a lot of complicated feelings; you avert your eyes discreetly.
Robin, eyes wide at the unexpected incident, bends down and picks up the button with a desperation that is probably far greater than necessary. She stares at the object as if it were a ticking time bomb.
“Oh my God, we're going to be late,” she says for what feels like the twentieth time. “We're so going to be late.”
“Robin-” Steve tries.
She's pacing the room with even more anxiety than usual. She almost bumps into you when you get in her way. The clock on your wall says you still have a full hour before the ceremony begins, though.
Taking the button from her hand, you gently say, “Robs, relax. I can sew it back on.”
“I told Vickie we’d be there like, five minutes ago,” Vickie, her girlfriend whose little sister is also about to graduate, to whom Robin has promised a ride.
You can't say you don't understand her nervousness. It's a new relationship, one that took years and years to evolve from friendship to love, and even now it's a secret kept only between the people closest to them. You feel lucky that she eventually included you in that circle — not because the fact she likes girls makes any difference when it comes to the admiration and love you feel for her, but because after all the Upside Down craziness, you've come to consider her as family and it's nice to know that the feeling is mutual.
You hear a metallic tinkle and Robin grabs something out of the air —the keys Steve has just tossed her. “Go ahead,” he says, gesturing for her to hurry up. "We'll catch up with you later."
“We can take my car,” you shrug. It's no BMW, but it will do. And you think Robin deserves to show off a little for her new girlfriend.
“Robin,” Steve calls, and the two exchange the kind of look that feels like an entire conversation. Then he tilts his head toward the door and says, eyes gentle, "Just go."
She does. You disappear into your bedroom and return to the living room with a small sewing kit in hand. Steve is still standing in the exact same spot, looking like a movie star with his hands in the pockets of his fancy pants. "Aren't you going to take your shirt off so I can sew the button back on?" you ask, feeling a little silly.
The room seems to have shrunk in size now that it's just the two of you.
“I think it will take longer if I take it off,” he argues. “Can't you do it while I'm wearing it? Robin will throw a fit if we leave her alone with Vickie's family for more than fifteen minutes."
Your laugh sounds soft in the quietness of the room. “Sure.”
I sure as hell shouldn't do it, you think. But even so, you grab the button, the white thread, and the needle and try not to give yourself away when Steve patiently waits for you to come closer.
You're friends, you tell yourself. You're both adults now and you've spent a whole year away from Steve. The remnants of whatever feelings you once had for him shouldn't be anything more than that anymore: remnants. You'll quickly sew the damn button and go see the rest of the gang. Easy.
A needle, trembling fingers and your unrequited high school crush; what could possibly go wrong?
A lot, you realize, your nose at the height of his chest as you work. Steve is looking down at your face. You're not quite sure if you're breathing when you carefully pass the needle through the first hole of the button and he asks, "Is there anything you don't know how to do?"
“Fly,” you joke, looking at him for barely a split second. “But I think this can be resolved in the future.”
Steve chuckles. You feel his chest vibrating against the back of your hand.
“Yeah, well…it's been kind of hard for us here without you. Too many shirts missing buttons thrown away, you know.”
“You could have sent them to me,” your smile mirrors his. You try not to overinterpret the meaning behind his playful tone as you focus on sewing back the button correctly. "I'd have fixed them."
You could have visited me, you want to say. You could have just called me. Hell, you could have sent a damn letter.
“We didn't want to bother you,” is the reply he offers. It doesn't go unnoticed that he's speaking plural; we. “College life's not easy, right?”
“It’s a piece of cake compared to the Upside Down, that’s for sure,” you say honestly. “But…I miss you- I miss everyone.”
You're almost finished fixing up his shirt now. There's a part of you that desperately wants to make this closeness last longer, and a part of you that's fighting the urge to drop everything and run away. You don't have a clue which one is going to win.
“I'm sure you've made a lot of friends way cooler than me by now,” he says playfully. He'd like nothing more than for you to tell him the very opposite.
But then you giggle, and Steve can't help the words that come out of his mouth next.
"…maybe even a boyfriend."
There's a genuine question somewhere behind those words. The way he looks at you now reveals a seriousness that wasn't there before; you think you can only be imagining the hint of jealousy you hear in his every word, the curiosity as he waits for an answer.
“No,” you end up saying, shrugging your shoulders as nonchalantly as you can. "No boyfriend."
“Me neither,” it takes Steve a second to realize what he'd said; he swallows and shakes his head with a slightly nervous chuckle, which almost makes you prick him with the needle. “No girlfriend, I-I mean. Not that I have a boyfriend! I'm uh, single.”
'I'm uh, single?' Steve wants to hit himself upside the head. He feels like he's become Robin — and thank God she's not here now. He would never hear the end of it.
You're nice enough that the only thing you say is, “Oh.”
Barely a word. How very eloquent, you think.
The room still seems to be shrinking in size, faster now that Steve is looking at you so intently. He doesn't seem to realize he's turning your simple task into an almost impossible mission.
“Stop staring at me, Steve,” you say quietly, tone playful although it's a genuine request. The response you get is an equally playful wag of his eyebrows as he leans further into your space, his laugh mixing up with yours when you weakly punch him on the shoulder. "I'm serious!"
“Why? Am I making you nervous?” he teases.
He backs away still looking like he's having a lot of fun.
"I'm going to pierce you, Harrington," you lift the tiny needle in your hand; an empty threat.
"You would never."
"Oh, you don't think so?"
Eyes on your adorably focused expression, he can't seem to answer. You could use that smile of yours as a weapon, Steve thinks, as you bring your attention back to fixing up his shirt.
He feels like no time has passed at all when you say, "All done!"
You have fast hands. They take the smallest pair of scissors Steve's ever seen out of the sewing kit and carefully cut the thread. Then you close his shirt, satisfied with the now perfectly sewn button, and gently adjust the loose tie around his neck.
You don't realize what you're doing.
"Thank you," a faint whisper, mouth a hairsbreadth away.
Your fingers are still smoothing out the collar of his shirt. You freeze.
You're already closer to each other than you've ever been, but Steve leans in closer yet, the tip of his nose almost touching yours. He angles his head to the left the tiniest bit and it's inevitable: his eyes meet yours. It's a sea of a thousand brownish tones, honey and chocolate and coffee and maybe even gold, and you take in every single one of them with affection you can't seem to hide.
"You're welcome."
It's a spell. A trap — one into which the two of you fall together, gazes locked on each other's. The world around you momentarily silences. The Earth stops spinning. The clocks stop working.
Or that's how you feel.
Steve looks down at your mouth and back at your eyes, then again.
"You…" he murmurs in hesitation. The question, however, is quite clear. "Can I…?"
It is impossible to know who closes the gap first; you think it was you, Steve is certain it was him. In the end, it doesn't matter.
The kiss is butterflies in the stomach, slow, tentative, something new to explore calmly. His lips part against yours and you sigh, because it feels good to kiss him, too good, good in a way it shouldn't feel, and when his tongue brushes yours and you find yourself responding, you realize there's a limit to how much blame you can put on adrenaline — and kissing Steve Harrington right now is way beyond that limit.
You tense up. A gentle hand is brought to your face, thumb on the high of your cheek, soft lips moving against yours as he takes the smallest of steps forward; you'd love to say that your body pretty much moves itself away from him, that pulling away is easy since it's the logical decision. But truth is: it takes all of your willpower to step back, to pull your face away from his and jump from cloud nine back to solid ground.
It's no surprise Steve doesn't offer any resistance, though. “You okay? I'm sorry if I-” he mumbles, suddenly at a loss. He's as big a mess as you are, pink lips and uncertain hands resting unquietly at his sides. Did he get it all wrong? Can he touch you? He waits. "I thought…"
You had let it last too long. You can't pretend that you didn't really want to kiss him, that he took you by surprise…in fact, you wouldn't do it even if you thought you could. The look of guilt on his face now almost makes you sick.
But you can — you must — hide how much that kiss just rocked your world.
“It's okay,” you say, more confident than you expected to be. You smooth out a non-existent wrinkle in your dress and add, with one more step back just to be sure, “I just...”
I just like you too much to settle for a meaningless kiss.
"It's okay, I swear, Steve. But... I think we're running late," you say instead, tucking needle and thread into the sewing kit with a smile that does little to soothe his nerves. "I'll go get my keys."
"Sorry, I just…" more on instinct than anything, he touches your elbow as you pass beside him. "...are we good?"
You open your mouth. Someone who sounds awfully like you says, "Of course, Steve. It was just a kiss, right? Let's just...forget it."
Only it wasn't just a kiss. Later, when everyone comes back to your house after the ceremony — because apparently, it has the nicest backyard for an impromptu little reunion around a fire — it clearly shows on Steve's face. At least for Robin, who knows him better than anyone, that is.
"What happened?" she asks, nudging him with her elbow.
Steve looks from side to side, more like he's about to confess a murder than what happened in your living room earlier.
There's no use dancing around it.
"We kissed."
“SHHHHHH!” Steve feels all the color draining from his face. Fortunately, the music is loud and no one is paying much attention to him and Robin. “Jesus Christ, Robin!”
“Sorry, sorry! Wasn't expecting this. Why are you so down if you two kissed?”
Around the makeshift campfire, Max is laughing loudly. Lucas has an arm around her shoulders and is probably the one who caused said laugh. Steve likes that's this easy for them — they deserve each other, that kind of happiness. Though sometimes it's still hard for Steve to remember they're not 12-year-olds anymore.
"Because I don't understand," Steve says. "I don't understand her."
“Did she kiss you back?”
"Well, yeah. I think so? I don't know, I thought so, but then she pulled away and got all weird and…I think I blew it, Robin, I- ow!”
His arm stings. She'd just slapped him.
"You didn't blow anything, dingus," she emphasizes. "Not if you don't give up now."
"Give up? What's there to give up on? We kissed and she made it very clear she wants nothing to do with me.”
"She said that?"
“Well, no, but-”
"Stop it!" Robin says, not without kindness, but chiding nonetheless. After all this time, she knows very well Steve looks down on himself more often than he lets on. "Do you know why Vickie fell for me?”
"A mystery still."
"Very funny," Robin is watching her girlfriend happily dance across the yard, a rare expression of absolute tranquility taking over her features. "She fell for me because I was honest with her. Got it?"
Steve grimaces. He takes a generous sip from the plastic cup in his hand, the same cheap drink everyone else is having. "I am honest with Y/N," he protests.
“So you told her you went to her house that night, a year ago?”
"Don't see how that could've helped."
“Did you tell her you spent the entire summer thinking about visiting her in college?”
“Oh, then you certainly told her you keep pestering the kids with questions about her, right?”
"I don't pester them!"
“Ask Max.”
"Robin," Steve says. "Sometimes I don't know why I'm still friends with you."
Robin's smile is all fondness.
“Because," she begins, "I give very good advice. So here's the thing: be honest with her. She's leaving again next week, so what's the worst that could happen? You get rejected?”
Steve had enough time to think about the worst that could happen, a hundred different versions, a thousand.
“Or she might hate me,” he suggests, trying not to sound as pathetic as he feels. “Might laugh at me. Maybe she'll never even want to see me again. Or-”
"Steve," she laughs. It's not a mean kind of laugh — Robin just finds it genuinely funny, an absolutely crazy idea. She places a hand on Steve's shoulder. "Are we talking about the same Y/N?"
Steve sighs. No, not really. He knows you're not cruel. Nothing could be further from the truth. And there's a part of him — a part he's been holding on to for the last few hours — that honestly believes his feelings, confusing as they are, are reciprocated.
Still, insecurity can be blinding, and thinking about you makes him feel like he's 17 again.
"If it's any consolation," Robin says after a very long moment. "I'm pretty sure she likes you too."
"Pretty sure."
"92 percent."
"That's a very specific number, Robs."
Her gaze follows Steve's and lands on the front door, through which you walked just a few minutes ago, in the midst of a friendly conversation with Jonathan. Robin reaches out and takes the plastic cup from Steve's hand.
"That number will go up exponentially once you walk into that kitchen," she says, not without sympathy.
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When Steve walks in, you're standing on a stool, trying to reach a couple of bowls on top of the kitchen cupboard. Your back is turned, but it's as if you feel his presence because you turn around and see him standing in the doorway the very moment his foot touches the floor.
"Hi," he says, rather awkwardly.
You jump to the floor, bowls surprisingly steady in hand. You're barefoot now, the pretty high-heeled shoes you've been wearing discarded many hours ago. The height difference between you and Steve is more evident as he approaches.
"Want some help?" he asks, eyeing the snacks scattered across the kitchen counter. Potato chips, tortilla chips...you name it, it was probably there.
"Uh...okay, sure."
You consider saying no, but you're no idiot. Odds are he came all the way here to talk about the kiss, so letting him help serve the snacks might delay the conversation, or at least distract him a bit.
You're pouring a second bag of potato chips into one large bowl when Steve says, "I can't."
You expected him to say many things. This isn't one of them. "What?"
"I can't forget about that."
That. You get distracted and a handful of chips falls out of the bowl, a bunch of cheese-flavored balls bouncing off the marble counter.
He instantly moves to help you collect them. "I'm sorry."
Sorry, sorry, sorry. The word alone is pretty close to causing you physical pain.
“Please," you sigh. "Stop apologizing.”
“Sorry-” he cuts himself off. Steve cringes, the ghost of a smile on his face as e runs a hand through his hair. "Apparently I can't stop."
You look at him — really look at him — for the first time since the kiss. He got rid of his jacket and tie a while ago, but his hair is still almost perfectly in place and he still smells unfairly good; expensive cologne, hair product, and something entirely Steve, impossible to identify, underneath all that.
He still looks like a fucking movie star, a heartthrob. You rarely see him in formal clothes — which is kind of a blessing in itself, since he is a magnet for bad decisions wearing those.
Steve looks at you so softly you're afraid you'll blurt out something stupid. You think very hard before saying anything.
"You didn't do anything wrong."
“I clearly did. I kissed you. I thought-” he pauses, running his fingers through his hair, his frustration palpable. “I don't know what I thought. I was an idiot.”
Your heart skips a beat. “Steve-”
"I thought you wanted it too"
Never in your entire life had he looked so vulnerable. You've seen him bloodied and bruised more times than you'd like to mention, but he's never looked like this — nervous, guilty, full of regret.
"I wanted it too," you admit.
A spark ignites inside his chest. He fights to ignore it, to let it die; hope is a dangerous thing. Almost unconsciously, he moves a little closer to where you're standing.
“So…you wanted it too,” Steve says, his thoughts almost a bigger mess than he can keep up with. "Why did you pull away like that, then? Was it...bad?"
You must have heard it wrong, you think. There is no way you've heard what you believe you've heard.
"What?" you ask for good measure.
"You can tell me if it was bad, I swear I won't-"
“Of course it wasn't bad!”
Steve looks warm, cheeks a little red. He's fiddling with an empty bag of chips, avoiding your gaze like his life depends on it. It's almost funny that he'd come to such an absurd conclusion.
“I'm a big boy, okay? I can handle rejection- God knows I can, even if it is…” you, he thinks miserably, but doesn't finish the sentence. "Look...what I can't stand is the thought of you going back to college hating me, Y/N."
“I'm not- Shit, Steve. That's not what this is."
"Then what is this?" he asks, eyes finding yours. "What is this between us?"
His insistent gaze on you makes your face hot, your heart race. But it's not unwelcoming. Not in the least.
"Steve," you whisper, voice low, eyes on the floor. Steve leans closer, tilts his head down as if to hear you better. "I think…"
The silence stretches endlessly.
"You're so pretty."
You lift your head and your eyes meet. It's equally enerving and wonderful. You want to laugh and cry at the same time.
"Sorry, I just…" Steve shakes his head, smiling something shy. "I was thinking about telling you this all day and I didn't because it never felt like the right time, so…"
"You don't have to be so nice," you say mildly. "That kiss doesn't have to mean anything."
"It didn't mean anything to you?"
"It doesn't matter."
"It matters to me," Steve takes one step, just one. A small step that seems huge in your tiny kitchen, enough to bring Steve within arms reach.
"I like you."
Steve feels it like a blow to the heart.
"I like you," to his delight, you continue. "More than I should. And you don't have to say you like me that way too. I know that kiss was just…a heat of the moment thing."
His eyebrows raise very quickly. "A what?"
"I'm just saying you owe me nothing. And I know you've been on a couple of dates lately...Dustin told me. So there's no need to pretend you like me or something. Really."
More than a couple if Dustin had told you the truth, Steve thinks. Sometimes he'd meet new people at random and try to get to know them, to find something in them that could remind him of those infuriating feeling he had for you. But, needless to say, it'd never work out.
It's quite clear why.
"Y/N," though he resists the urge to laugh like a madman, Steve can't bite back a smile. "Robin would laugh so hard if she could hear you right now. Lately, she's done nothing but listen to me complaining about all of my dates, you know?"
"No, listen to me," his eyes are kind, his hands kinder when they suddenly find each side of your face. But his tone is unmistakably firm, leaving no room for doubt, no room for interruption. "You ruined all the other girls for me, if that's still not clear."
Your heart does that strange thing inside your chest where it feels like it's getting bigger and bigger and bigger, like a balloon ready to burst.
Your hands find purchase on his elbows. You try but can't find anything to say.
"Why do you think I kissed you, Y/N?" Steve asks, thumbing at your bottom lip.
Your lips part seemingly on their own. Forgetting the party outside, forgetting the snacks, forgetting you wouldn't be in Hawkins for long, you find it in yourself to say, "I was the one who kissed you, Steve."
He smiles as soft as a cloud. "I'm pretty sure it was me."
"It wasn't."
"It was."
"It wasn't."
"Oh my God, okay," Steve chuckles. It's an absolutely ridiculous argument at this point. "You kissed me first. But... I wanted to kiss you more."
Kiss, kiss, kiss. You really really want to kiss him again and all this talk about kissing is not helping. At all.
It's impossible he doesn't know the effect he has on you. He tilts his head slightly to the side, gently lifting your chin with his knuckles; a perfect fit if he wants to kiss you again. Steve is too close, and your mind does nothing but replay the kiss you shared earlier. Traitorous, traitorous mind.
You look at his lips. Hard not to when he's so close. You try to make sense of what you want and what you need and shy away, just barely. He follows and you feel the cold touch of marble on your lower back; you're all but pressed up against the counter now. Anyone comes in, it'll be difficult to explain.
You find that you don't really care about it, not right now.
"Steve," you sigh, a hairsbreadth of his lips.
It feels like the hundredth time you've said his name tonight and it's ridiculous that even that causes a rebellion of butterflies in your stomach. Steve, steve, steve.
He's holding your face in his hands like it's the most valuable thing in the world.
"Kiss me," he breathes. He waits for you to close the gap.
In truth, there's nothing you'd rather do than oblige. But it's never been so simple for you.
"I'm leaving next week," you remind him, unsure as to why you're arguing against yourself. You lean on the counter, hands so firm on the edge your knuckles turn white. His eyes follow the movement of your throat when you swallow thickly, then he moves his head back just enough to stare at your face, gently moving a strand of hair away from your eyes.
"So?" he asks.
"So? I'll be thousands of miles away from you, Steve."
"You can move all the way to another planet and I still wouldn't be able to forget how I feel about you."
"You have feelings for me?" It may be stupid, but it's too tempting not to ask. You've made the bed, you may as well lie on it.
As cliche as it may sound, when he laughs, is music to your ears. Sweet and genuine, warm and inviting.
"Girl, were you even listening to me?" Steve asks. His playful tone is endearing and you chuckle lightly along. "I feel everything for you. Ask Robin. You make me feel like a damn teenager, like-"
You kiss him — this time it's pretty clear you're the one doing it, leaning in and bringing a hand up to his face, guiding him in.
It's less thought and more feeling; you'll have time to do the thinking and work out the details later. For now, it's wandering hands, slow movements, smiles against each other's mouths.
A hand clutches your hip, desperate in its need to feel you closer. You pull back to take a breather and giggle when his kisses move down to your jaw, your neck, brief little pecks intended to show you that he'd be down to anything and everything with you from now on.
Later, when you two walk out the door hand in hand and Steve is bold enough to kiss your cheek in front of all your friends, Max stands up, pumps her fist in the air and looks triumphantly at Lucas, her fiery red hair whipping behind her.
"Told you so! You owe me twenty bucks!"
a/n: i'm a bit rusty 😫 so please go easy on me!!! please leave a comment/reblog if you feel like it! ♥ thank u for reading anyways!
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sugawarassoulmate · 1 year
someone else tries to get with them
feat loser!kuroo, enemies to lovers!kita, and toxic!oikawa
part 1
cw: fem!reader
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kuroo's body tensed the second one of them came close to him. he always hates these events — spending hours fake laughing at awful jokes to get on the good side of investors. his only joy is when you tag along, keeping prying eyes at bay.
but kuroo's found himself cornered by three women, all the much-too-young wives of some of his colleagues who were all taken with the handsome ceo.
"this suit looks amazing on you," one of them said. kuroo wanted to tell her that his wife picked out his outfit but before he could answer, another chimed in. "you just fill it up so well, have you been working out?"
his eyes flick over across the room, where you're standing with a quirked brow. you've calmed down a lot since marriage and don't explode with anger every time another woman so much as breaths near kuroo anymore. instead, you took a sip from your wine glass and gave him a look that said, "figure it out."
"can we get you a drink?" one of the other women asks as kuroo feels another pulling on his bicep. did they not see the wedding band on his finger? did none of them notice him walking into the room with you on his arm?
he starts sweating, eyes darting back to you and then the women. kuroo's so used to you taking charge and staking your claim on him but he can't allow you to be disrespected like this.
as one of the women tries to pull him in again, kuroo fights out of her grasp. "i'm married!!!" he blurted out, startling not only the women but a few people that were nearby. embarrassed that he raised his voice, kuroo cleared his throat. "sorry for yelling but i don't think it's appropriate for us to talk like this. i love my wife very much. have a good night."
kuroo makes his way toward you, a smug grin on your face. "so, you into ugly girls or something?"
"baby, please," he whines.
enemies to lovers!kita
you may have found kita absolutely insufferable but most people found him a joy to be around. he was kind and respectful to others. the kind of person that helps others without asking or walks old ladies across the street. it seemed as though kita didn't have an unkind word to say about anyone, except for you.
because of his benevolence, most people wanted to be around him. girls threw themselves at him, knowing that he'd be the type to spoil his significant other. that wasn't the annoying part — because you definitely didn't care about some dumb bimbo trying to get his attention. it was the older women who tried to set kita up with their daughters that irked you the most.
"you know, i have a daughter your age that you'd just be perfect for," or "do you have a girlfriend? my niece could really use a sweet boy like you, can i give her your number?"
even after explaining that he was too focused on his studies and helping his grandma with the farm to even think about dating, these women wouldn't take no for an answer.
"can you tell whoever's blowing up your phone to cut the shit?" you complained, growing tired of the constant buzzing.
kita rolls his eyes at your foul language. he doesn't bother looking at his phone as the two of you lock up the club room for the night. "one of my grandma's friends gave my number to her daughter and she keeps tryin' to set up a date," he says, bored expression never leaving his face.
"you're that down bad that you need your grandma's buddies to get a date?" you scoffed, trying to hide the fact that it may bother you just a little bit that there are so many people trying to get kita's attention.
perceptive as ever, kita catches onto your catty attitude. "she probably won't stop until i say yes to a date," he says nonchalantly, walking back onto campus.
he's only getting a rise out of you. what little free time kita has left from all of his other responsibilities goes to you—both of you know it's true, there's no reason to argue. still, you'd just die if you couldn't make a comment at his expense. "i mean if, sure, you're into ugly girls. this girl can't get a date on her own?" you rambled, stomping beside kita as you head back to your apartment. "but don't let me stop you. i know how much you love doing charity work."
"i won't go if you don't want me to," kita hums, holding the door open for you (1. because he's a gentleman, 2. because he knows it pisses you off.)
"i don't care what you do," you said back to him in a similar mocking tone.
that weekend, though, kita is at your place, where he usually spends most of his weekends. "your date was that bad, huh?" you said as soon as you open the door for him.
"i told her it wouldn't work out and deleted her number," kita answers, carefully removing his shoes and placing them neatly by your door. "i only have time fer important things." he makes direct eye contact when he says it before brushing past you to head to your bedroom.
kita's words stump you for a second, trying to figure out what he meant but soon, his irritating voice comes back, scolding you to hurry back and any thought you had before is forgotten as an insult leaves your lips.
you felt terrible for being late. punctuality was something you always prided yourself on but your boss seemed to think differently, keeping you in the office for hours.
normally, you'd suck it up and accept that you had a shit day at work but you and oikawa had a date planned — one that took ages for both of you to set up.
the image of oikawa sitting at the restaurant alone broke your heart, so you practically raced over there, barely having time to change out of your work clothes.
"i'm so sorry, babe. my boss is such a dick and then the trains were slow—" you rambled as soon as you sat down, immediately asking for your boyfriend's forgiveness
"hey, slow down! it's okay, honey," he said, pushing a glass of wine across the table for you. "i know you didn't mean to be late. you're here now, that's what matters. i already ordered for the two of us."
he had every right to lay into you tonight. this was the perfect opportunity for him to be at his most dramatic, to really make you feel guilty for being late but he acted with a maturity you weren't used to seeing.
"i still feel bad that you were sitting here all by yourself," you said, reaching over to hold his hand.
oikawa shrugged. "well, i wasn't totally alone. our waitress kept me company while i waited."
you hate to say that the second he said "waitress" the alarm bells started ringing in your head. a handsome, young man like oikawa sitting alone in a fancy restaurant is like food on a silver platter for some of these vultures.
and you could only imagine how charming he must have been when the waitress comforted him about being by himself—smiling at her jokes and staring up at her with those warm brown eyes of his, completely unaware of that she would take it as an invitation.
you tried to swallow the bitterness down, not wanting to put a sour note on the night. you opened your mouth to speak but a grating sound stopped you.
"ohhhh, how good of you to finally show," said the high-pitched voice, dripping with faux concern. "i was worried you might have stood this poor man up."
oikawa laughs at the unfunny joke, clearly finding all of this amusing and she practically sparkles at the slightest hint of his approval. "i don't know how you'd ever let him out of your sight. any girl would just love to snatch him right up,'
his eyes glance over at you, ready to see how you'll react. oikawa just loves it when you get territorial of him and even though you've gotten better over the years, there's still that part of you that's always ready to claw someone's eyes out for thinking they could stake their claim on him.
"you're right, any girl would. in fact, many have tried and they've all failed," you smiled up at her, gripping oikawa's hand harder so she would have to take notice of it. "now be a dear and have our food ready soon, okay? i want to spend some time with my boyfriend."
with her tail between her legs, the waitress scurries from the table, muttering something about the food. oikawa laughs again, pressing a quick kiss to your knuckles. "my mean baby, you know you don't have anything to worry about, yeah?"
of course, you knew. you wouldn't be with oikawa if you didn't trust him but any girl who had the slightest inkling that she could lead your man astray had to be humbled—and oikawa would be lying if he didn't enjoy the possessive look you get in your eye.
"let's enjoy our dinner, babe."
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©sugawarassoulmate 2023 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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dbnightingale24 · 1 month
I'll Wait For Your Love
A StevexReaderxBucky Messy Triangle
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Everyone thank my husband because he fixed the wifi! This is only a bit of the final installation of 'My Little Decoy'. You can read the full version here. I didn't finish this as quickly as I wanted to, but it still got done a lot faster than I thought it would (yay anxiety!).
Thank you @fuckingbye for always putting up with my shit, and always making me amazing moodboards because I'm lame as shit. I love you and I can't wait to tackle you with a hug <3.
As always, please heed the warnings and I hope you enjoy it! Here we go!
Word Count: 35,290 (it's called growth)
Warnings: SMUT!! (18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI), Slight Infidelity, Arguments, Drinking, Smoking, Angst, Swearing, Self Loathing, Fluff, Heartbreak, Lying (by omission), Daddy Kink, Uhh...I think that's it?
Song(s) That Inspired This Chapter: You Cling To Your Papers and Pens, Wait Until You Like Me Again
Summary: When two major parts of your past come back and ask for another chance, do you stand your ground and stay with the life you've created for yourself, or do you decide to test the water after all this time and see if it's worth the leap of faith?
I do not give consent/permission for my works/stories to get posted elsewhere. I do not condone this type of behavior, this is for entertainment purposes only.
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It’s weird. You had made peace with never seeing either man again, yet for the past hour, the three of you have been in your kitchen arguing. Bucky snaps at you, Steve defends you, you snap at Bucky, Steve gets you to calm down, Bucky snaps at him, and you threaten to kick him out. Honestly, for the most part, Steve is the mediator. You’re assuming that they have some level of friendship again, or he just doesn’t want to pile anymore guilt and pressure onto you.
It was clear to you that he hadn’t expected Bucky to follow him and, if he hadn’t been so focused on seeing you, he would’ve noticed Bucky’s car. Apparently, with Maria being pregnant, Steve assumed that Bucky hadn’t even noticed his erratic behavior.
He should’ve been right.
“James, I don’t know what you want me to say,” you sigh for what feels like the millionth time as you stir the white sauce on the stove. “I can only apologize so many times, but it’s not like you were in the dark. You saw the connection between Steve and I, and you decided to pursue me anyway. I didn’t start cheating until long after you had-”
“You being in love with Steve was already cheating!” he shouts at you, and you pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Are you ever capable of holding yourself accountable? Or is it only when you know you’re in danger of losing me? You never apologized for cheating and you still won’t fess up to it, you never actually apologized for your behavior when we found out I couldn’t get pregnant, and even now, you’re just throwing it in my face that I cheated on you after you cheated on me. Is that what you came all the way here for? To yell at me and make me feel small in my own home? Because, if it is, you can get the fuck out right now. I don’t need this shit from you, James. I didn’t need it then and I sure as shit don’t need it now,” you say firmly as you finally turn to face him.
You don’t miss the small smile that comes to Steve’s face, before he takes a sip from his beer bottle. 
Bucky lets out a frustrated sigh before he ran a hand through his hair, “no, that’s not why I came out here.” “Then what did you come here for?”
“I wanted to see you,” he confesses softly.
You turn and open the oven to check on the salmon, “she’s pregnant, James. That’s what you wanted-” “I wanted it with you and you know that.”
“You cheated with her, James. You cheated with her because you knew it would hurt me the most, you fucked her at work, in our house, and went out with her after work very publicly to make me look like a fool. Then, you denied the whole thing to try and make me feel crazy, like I couldn’t see the lipstick stains on my pillow-”
“You hurt me!”
“Because I couldn’t have a fucking kid? You think that was a fun thing for me to find out?!”
“It wasn’t just the baby! You never loved me in the way that you love Steve, and I tried and tried-”
“Then why not just let me go?!”
“Cause I loved you. I love you.”
“Well, you got married to her a year after I left, and now she’s gonna have your child. Looks like you’re doing just fine.” “Don’t be fucking callous,” he scoffs.
“James, you followed Steve to my home to berate me, and you’re gonna sit there and tell me not to be callous? You went out of your way to have this argument, and for what? Because you couldn’t trap me into being in love with you? Go fuck yourself and die on that fucking cross you’re so desperate to hang yourself from!”
“Darlin’,” Steve snaps and Bucky rolls his eyes.
“I’m sorry, but fuck that. You want me to feel so bad for something I tried to ignore, and that’s not fair! What I did was wrong, but I tried. I defended you, I looked the other way, and never held anything over your head. You constantly went out of your way to hurt me, and I’m supposed to feel bad for finally following my heart? I’m supposed to feel bad because I wouldn’t let you trap me and make me hate myself anymore? Fuck that. I never played you for a fool, you did that shit to yourself, and I refuse to pay penance for it anymore,” you snap as you pour the bow ties into the boiling water. “God, where does your pregnant wife even think you are?”
“I just told her I needed to get out for a while.” “You’re such an asshole. I don’t even like the bitch and I think it’s a low blow. You leave your pregnant wife to tell your ex-wife that you still love her? What the fuck did you think was going to happen? What did you think I was gonna say? You thought I’d see the light and wanna take you back? You married her out of spite, James.”
“I do love her-”
“Well, clearly not enough,” you scoff, “this feels a lot like the pot calling the kettle black, because you love her, but you’re still pining over me? That’s fucking rich, I gotta say. You’re a real piece of work,” you chuckle dryly as you pour yourself another glass. 
“I wanted to see you...make sure you’re okay. Nat and Meg won’t tell anyone anything, Meg won’t even talk to me-”
“Well, what the hell did you think was going to happen, James? I’ve been her best friend since we were six. Yeah, she’s not too fucking fond of you after everything that’s happened.”
“So what? You just hate me now?”
“I don’t hate you, you self centered asshole! I should, I have every fucking right to after the last year we spent together, and I wish I did, but I don’t! You’ve been attacking me! I’m sorry that you decided to pursue the one person your best friend was in love with, and I’m sorry that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t love you the way I’ve always loved Steve. I’m sorry that I cheated on you with Steve and it broke your heart even more. However, a lot of this shit could’ve been avoided if you would’ve just stayed away! I’m not your fucking scapegoat anymore, James. You’re finally getting what you want, and you’re still not happy-” “I don’t have you! I don’t have what I want-”
“You had me and then decided to treat me like an object! I can’t do anything about the fact that you treated me like total fucking trash, James! That’s on you, not me,” you state as the timer goes off.
As you turn off the stove top, Charlotte makes her way into the kitchen and sits patiently.
“You know better little miss,” you laugh softly, “go lay down.”
She huffs, but gets up and walks back to her bed nonetheless, and your heart flutters at Steve’s soft chuckle. 
“So, that’s it?” Bucky huffs.
“I honestly don’t know what else you expect. I don’t know what more you want to know. Everything you’ve asked, I’ve been honest about, everything you deserve an apology for, I’ve apologized for...what else is there to say? What else is there to do?” you ask as his phone goes off.
Pulling it out (rather aggressively), he mutters, “what the fuck now?” before getting up and storming out, slamming the door shut behind him.
“If he breaks my house, I’ll break his neck,” you mutter, checking on the broccoli, before taking another sip from your glass.
“It’s Maria. She’s been on edge lately. She’s due in two months and she feels like Bucky’s attention is elsewhere.”
“I wonder why,” you scoff. “What about you? Are you gonna rake me over the coals too?”
“You know better than that, honey,” he sighs heavily. “We don’t have to-”
“You might as well, Steve. It’s why you’re here-”
“I’m here because I’ve missed you like crazy, and I wanted to see you. We’ve already gotten farther than I expected us too.”
“I wasn’t sure if you’d wanna see me or not.”
“I was never angry with you, Steve. Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I still cry over it,” you scoff, rubbing your forehead. 
“Then why-”
“I couldn’t do that to you, Steve. I loved you. I love you. Breaking up your friendship with Bucky? Stealing you from the Avengers-”
“I told you I’d go with you-”
“But you would’ve felt guilty. Yeah, you’d still love me, and you’d be happy to make a life with me anywhere, but you’d feel guilty. You and Bucky? I knew it could get resolved once I was out of the picture, and for the most part, I was right.”
“You didn’t give me a chance-”
“Because you wouldn’t have been logical about it, babe. Neither of us are ever exactly smart when it comes to each other,” you smile softly and he chuckles with a slight nod. “Please understand that it wasn’t something I did lightly, or that I didn’t think about how much it would hurt you. It seems like I’m always hurting you one way or another, and I’ve never wanted that.”
“We always find ways to hurt each other, darlin’. We can’t seem to get this dance right,” he sighs.
“No, we can’t.”
“Whatever you’re making smells amazing,” he smiles weakly.
“One of the many perks of no longer being an Avenger, I get to work on my cooking skills.”
“You’ve always been the best cook, babe,” he compliments as he gets up and makes his way over to you.
Having him so close to you still makes your brain so foggy, even after all this time.
“I’ll leave after dinner-”
“You don’t have to,” you quickly interrupt. “Neither one of you do. I have spare bedrooms...” “You’re comfortable with us staying here?”
“I mean, I’m already feeding the both of you and I don’t want you to spend the money, when there’s no need.”
“Still the most thoughtful person I know,” he whispers, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, and you lean into his touch. “There is something I have to tell you though.”
“Oh God.”
“They know.”
“They who?” “Everyone. I told Tony I’d be gone for a few days, because no matter what happened today, I knew I was gonna need time to recover, and he kept saying that he needs me to train the new recruits. So, I just folded and told him where I was going.”
“I’m sorry, I really am, but I needed to see you, darlin’. I had no right and it’s your privacy, but I knew he wouldn’t let me go if I didn’t tell him.”
“No, it’s alright. I’m the one that left the way that I did...”
“He wants to see you, they all do.”
“I didn’t promise them anything, I just told them I’d let you know.”
“I guess I owe it to everyone, don’t I?”
“That’s for you to decide,” he smirks as his eyes study your face. “You smell like vanilla and strawberries.”
“It’s my soap,” you giggle.
“I feel like I should be angry with you. You looked me in the eyes and lied to me.”
“To be fair, you did the same thing, Rogers. For years.”
“That’s true,” he sighs, backing up and leaning against the kitchen island.
Your confusion is short lived when you hear Bucky come storming back in.
“Are you staying over or not?” you ask as the second timer goes off. 
He glares looking from you to Steve, “do you even want me here?”
“Whether I do or don’t isn’t the point. I’ve already made dinner, it’s getting late, and there’s no reason for you to spend money if you don’t have to. If you don’t have to go back tonight, I prefer you to stay where I know you’re safe. The last thing I need is for you to get into an accident on an almost five hour ride home, because you were sulking and not paying attention,” you mutter, dumping the bow ties into a strainer before transfer them to a bowl.
He looks taken aback (in a good way) , before responding with, “thank you,” and grabbing another beer.
“Ya know, I know you two can’t get drunk off of anything I have, but I do have stronger drinks.”
“This is fine, doll. Thank you.”
Well, at least he’s being nicer.
Soon enough, you’re taking the salmon out of the oven and breaking it up, before cutting up the broccoli and adding both to the bow ties. After adding in your homemade white sauce, you add just a bit of lemon juice and mixing it all in together. You can’t lie, it’s nice to cook for someone besides yourself for a change, even if the situation is extremely awkward.
“Uh, darlin’?” Steve asks softly as you take three plates out of your upper cabinet.
“Not to be creepy or nosey, but your phone keeps vibrating,” he laughs.
“Ah shit!”
You completely forget to answer the chat between you, Meg, Nat.
“Take as much as you want,” you tell them before sprinting up the steps.
Grabbing it off of the nightstand, you let out a small groan as you see the string of missed texts in the ‘Three Crazies’ chat.
Ms. Widow: I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
Rock n’ Roll Queen: What happened???
Ms. Widow: Steve heard me on the phone with Y/N, and hes taking a few days off go and see her.
Rock n’ Roll Queen: Oh shit! Oh SHIT!
Ms. Window: I think Buck is going too, or something, cause he took a few days off too. Maria found out and she’s freaking the fuck out. 
Rock n’ Roll Queen: Fuck.
Ms. Widow: The whole fucking compound is buzzing, and Bruce is more than upset with me. Y/N, I’m really so sorry.
Rock n’ Roll Queen: Has anyone said anything to you?
Ms. Widow: No, Tony’s been pacing all day and the team is kind of dumbfounded. No one knew where she was, now, both Steve and Bucky are off to see her. No one knows why the divorce happened...no one knows anything.
Rock n’ Roll Queen: Babe, has anyone said anything? Has anyone showed up?
Ms. Widow: Oh God, please answer.
Rock n’ Roll Queen: Starting to get worried here, babe.
Ms. Widow: Please don’t hate me. I’m so damn sorry. I didn’t know Steve was even around.
Y/N: They’re here now, both of them are downstairs eating dinner, and they’re staying over tonight. I’ll talk more after dinner when I’m getting ready for bed. I could never hate you, Nat. You should know that by now.
You place your phone in your back back pocket and run a stressed hand through your hair, pacing before you remember they can both hear you and just stand in the middle of your bedroom. How was everything spiraling so fast? How the fuck were you supposed to explain things without saying too much? Oh God, how the fuck were you gonna deal with Maria?
All of these thoughts were giving you a headache, and you’re growing hungrier by the second. Racing back downstairs, you walk right by the two sets of inquisitive eyes, and make yourself a large helping of the pasta dish into a bowl before showering it with a generous helping of Parmesan cheese.
“What’s wrong, darlin’?” Steve is first to ask, but the look on Bucky’s face lets you know he’s just as worried. 
“Everything is fine, just having a day,” you mutter, grabbing a fork and your drink before making your into your living room, and curling up on the couch.
You honestly aren’t even mad at them, but you’re now trying to navigate how all of this is going to work. You’d closed that chapter of your life, and had dealt with things in your own way, but now? Now, everyone knows and for as much as you hate to admit it, they deserve an explanation. It doesn’t matter that you technically did everything by the book (turning in all your weapons and any sensitive and classified details you had), you still abandoned your friends. The family you got to create. All they want is to see you and know that you’re okay, and who are you to say no? None of them did anything to deserve that.
God, you hope they don’t think you’ll stay. You have no desire for that life anymore, nor do you feel like seeing Maria’s smug fucking face anymore. No, you’re life isn’t exactly quiet now, but it’s a lot more calm and a lot more stable. You have your job, your fur baby, your home-
“Darlin’,” Steve sighs as he sits at the other end of the sofa.
You hadn’t even noticed that Charlotte had sensed your anxiety and stress, and curled up by your toes. 
“I’m sorry, this is my fault-”
“I’m the one who walked away like I did, Steve.”
“Be that as it may, I-we disrupted your privacy. No, I didn’t expect Bucky to follow me, but I...I just needed to see you and didn’t think about anything else. I haven’t seen much of your life out here, but I can tell it’s quiet, you’re happy, and you’re finally at peace. Now, you have a million questions to answer and people to answer to. I’m really sorry, honey.”
“It’s...it’s fine,” you sob, not even understanding why you’re crying.
All at once, all of these emotions just overwhelm you, and you feel as if you’re drowning.
“What the hell did you do to her?!” you hear Bucky faintly yell.
Everything seems to fade around you and all sound is lost. Your family, friends, past...you have to face them all. Everything you’ve tricked yourself into thinking you’ve healed from is all of a sudden back in your life at once; the scabs all feel torn off and bleed again. Without warning, no easing back into it, and you have no idea what to expect. What if everyone hates you? What if no one even wants to see you? Is Maria the favorite now? Is she in your old office? You faintly feel someone wrap their arms around you, and you honestly don’t care which one of them it is, you just cling to them in a weak attempt to bring yourself back down.
“Darlin’, you’re okay, it’s all okay. Buck and I are right here,” Steve promises with worry laced in every word as he softly rubs your back.
He pulls you close and you can tell he’s trying to regulate your breathing with his own.
“I need you to breathe for me, pretty girl. Deep breaths,” he coos softly.
“M...Meg! Please call Meg,” you sob.
“Call Meg!” he repeats harshly towards Bucky, and you hate yourself for how worried they both are.
You pray that they don’t start arguing, because you don’t know what the hell you’ll do, and you can faintly hear Charlotte whining and feel her little paws on your lap. You haven’t had a panic attack since your second night there, and she’s never seen you have one.
This is only a bit of the final installation of 'My Little Decoy'. You can read the full version here.
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Fall In Love With A Girl
❝she'll make you feel like the world is on your shoulder.❞
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Summary: What can go wrong, will go wrong. That is until you meet the most beautiful woman you've ever seen and her brother's puppy.
Pairing: Modern Helaena Targaryen x Reader
Word Count: ~3.3k
Author’s Note: This is a re-write of an old fic of mine. I'm in my re-writing era and this is Megan's Version. I felt like this would be the perfect time to remind everyone that I love women.
Warnings: language, fluff, women loving women (if you are against this unfollow me?)
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There were certain rules to being a veterinary technician.
Number one, waterproof mascara and eyeliner always; you’ll never get used to those abuse cases or having to hold someone’s hand as they say goodbye to their beloved pet. Number two, carry a lint roller on you at all times; it’s best to get the pocket-sized one, because both dogs and cats shed a lot! Especially Bella the Saint Bernard who was due for her yearly check up today. Number three, iron your scrubs! And it’s probably best to keep an extra pair in your car, because it’s more likely than not that you’ll end up getting peed on by someone’s over-excited pup.
Even though you knew these rules by heart and you followed them every single day of your work life, today was an exception. It was just one of those days that absolutely nothing- no matter how hard you tried- was going right. You were covered in fluffy cat hairs, Mrs. Comier’s Jack Russell, Hankie, peed on your leg twice, and you had run out of waterproof mascara. So, when Mr. Langley brought in his thirteen year old Labrador to put her down, he cried and so you cried, and in the end you looked like the raccoon that liked to sneak into the office dumpsters at closing hoping to find some cat food.
Today just wasn’t your day.
It was fifteen minutes until closing time, and you could feel the excitement and exhaustion in your bones. You were desperate for rest, to go home and take a shower, crawl in bed and watch terribly written romantic comedies on Netflix until you passed out. If only you could snap your fingers and make those last few minutes fly by, but that was impossible and unfortunately manipulating time wasn’t a superpower you had acquired yet, so instead you swept and mopped the floors for the sixth time that day.
And that was when you heard it. 
The tiny bell over the door chimed, signaling that a customer had just walked in and you could hear the pitter-patter of doggie feet on the linoleum floors. As far as you knew, there weren’t any more customers scheduled for the day; the last appointment was over thirty minutes ago and they were a no-show. From your spot in the back hallway, you could hear your coworker, talking to the patient and before you knew it, she was charging through the back door. You took one look at her, knowing what her question would be before she even opened her mouth. That shit-eating-grin was always plastered on her face when she wanted something. 
“No,” you said as you swept the dirt into the dustpan.
“Come on, bestie,” she whined. “I really need to get out of here on time tonight! It’s just a simple check-up and she seems really nice! Please will you take them?” 
Not wanting to argue or cause an issue, you sighed, exhaling every ounce of oxygen in your lungs before finally giving in. She was practically beaming with excitement as your shoulders slumped, eyes rolling back as you sat the broom down. 
“Oh, my God! Thank you so much! I owe you, big time,” she went to hug you but you stepped to the side, avoiding her embrace at all costs. 
You simply nod at your coworker as you try to dust some of the cat hairs from your scrubs. It was no use, and you knew that, but still, you at least tried to look more professional. After the day you’ve had, you should have known that clocking out on time was just too good to be true, but you still put a smile on your face as you walked up to the front desk. One day you’d cash in on all of the times she owed you for, but today wasn’t that day. Everything that could have gone wrong today had already gone wrong, and at this point you were only giving in to her for the plot. What else could possibly happen? 
When you got to the front desk, you looked over the counter to see the customer on one knee as she played with the tiny puppy; rubbing its belly and tickling its sides. 
“How can I help you?” You asked with that fake customer service voice.
The young woman turned around and looked up at you, flashing one of the most brilliant smiles you had ever seen, and you could have sworn that a chorus of angels were singing in the background– or maybe it was just the classical music on the radio that your boss liked to play, who knows? She was absolutely stunning though, with her pale blonde hair and striking lavender eyes. 
“Hey, uh- I had an appointment for this little guy,” she replied with a soft smile as she moved to stand.
“Okay,” you nodded, trying to remember to breathe. You could smell her perfume as she took a step up to the counter. “What’s this little guy’s name?” 
“His name is Sunfyre.”
“Oh,” you realized that this was that no-show appointment that should have been here thirty minutes ago. It was then that you looked right past her good looks and lilac scented perfume and let the irritation settle back in. “You’re Mr. Targaryen? You had an appointment with us at 5:00.”
The woman rubbed a hand on the back of her neck and gave you a sheepish smile.
“Not Mr. Targaryen, that’s my brother. I’m Helaena,” then she lets out a sigh. “He’s out of town and forgot to mention that I needed to be here until ten minutes before I was supposed to be here and then there was traffic, and I’m really sorry that I’m late. I hope I can still get him in, I mean, if that’s okay. If it’s too late then I’ll just make another appointment, I guess”
Your eyes widened as she rambled on and then you smiled at her. If it were anyone else, you probably would have told them to make another appointment and kick rocks. But this girl was just so gorgeous and her smile was just so beautiful, and your hopes of getting home on time were already sacked, so you led her back to the exam room and told her that it was no problem.
“Hopefully this doesn’t take too long,” she mentioned as she picked Sunfyre up and sat him on the table. 
Wait, was she actually rushing you?
“I’ve got this stupid thing I’m supposed to go to tonight,” she continued as you checked the puppy’s weight.
She really was rushing you.
“It’s a blind date that Aegon, uh-”
Before she could say ‘Mr. Targaryen’, you nodded your head to let her know that you understood who she was talking about. 
“Yeah,” Helaena kept on, not really caring that you weren’t really listening. “He set it up and I’m just nervous. I’ve never really been on a date- well, I’ve been on dates, but never a blind one. With the way this day has been going, he’ll probably end up being an alien with six eyes.”
“I know how you feel,” you mumbled under your breath.
“What’s that?” She asked.
“Oh, I just agreed with you,” you replied, not really wanting to go into details about your day with a girl who was about to go on a blind date and probably fall in love with someone that wasn’t the vet tech with a piss stain on her leg. Besides, her blind date was with a man which meant your chances were pretty much shot. “About the way this day has been going.”
“You’ve had a bad day, too?”
“I’m going to let Dr. Strong know you’re ready and we’ll try to get you out of here as soon as possible,” you say, ignoring her question. 
“Oh, okay. Thanks,” she replied as you shuffled out of the exam room.
Your boss looked up at you from his desk and raised his eyebrows underneath his glasses. You said nothing and only dropped the puppy’s chart on his desk with a thud, before turning back around and heading into the back hallway. You could hear that Helaena girl sweet talking the pup from behind the door and your expression softened for a moment. But that was only until you glanced at the clock and saw that it was well past closing time, and you should’ve been walking through your front door right now; maneuvering out of your bra and kicking off your non-slip, worn out tennis shoes. Your frown came right back as you looked over the front desk, making sure everything was in order before your boss eventually called you in for an extra hand. 
You sighed as you saw that your coworker had bailed on stamping the outgoing bill statements, a job which was tedious and tiring, and usually ended in cramped hands and sticky fingertips. With a soft groan, you sat down, flexing your toes in your shoes and tried to quickly stamp as many envelopes as you could.
“Hey, kiddo,” Dr. Strong called from somewhere within the office. “Can you lend me a hand for a moment?”
You stood up and tossed the envelopes in the mailing bin before heading towards the back hallway. 
“What’s up, doc?” You asked with a forced grin as you tried to lighten the mood. Your boss, Harwin, had been under constant stress ever since his partner veterinarian, Dr. Tully, quit the practice to focus on his family. 
“Can you draw me up 1cc of Nobivac?” He asked as he scribbled something down in the chart in front of him. “And I’m going to need you in the room when I administer it, there’s a note in the little guy’s chart that says he’s not very good with shots.”
“Yes, sir,” you replied as you pulled the keys to the medical cabinet out of the front pocket of your scrubs.
Helaena smiled at you when you entered the exam room once again. The puppy in her hands jumped in your direction, tail wagging from side to side as he whined for attention. “I think he likes you,” the girl commented as she tried to hold the puppy back. 
“That’s nice,” you replied with a soft smile, not really wanting to make small talk with Ms. I-Have-A-Blind-Date-Can-You-Hurry-Up. “But he’s probably not going to like me very much after getting poked.”
“Probably not,” Helaena laughed. You couldn’t help but feel a little light-headed at the sight of her smile, despite your tough facade. The sound of her laugh was just as attractive, if not more so. “But who knows, maybe he’ll forgive you.”
Dr. Strong stepped into the room, cutting your conversation short to begin his own spiel; informing Sunfyre’s short term owner of the possible side effects of the rabies vaccine, and also why it is important to have one. Information that, hopefully, Helaena would pass on to the absent Mr. Targaryen.
While your boss prepped the puppy for his first rabies shot, your job was to try and distract the little guy as much as possible and to keep him comfortable, of course. Helaena stood off to the side, letting the two of you work your magic, and within seconds- without even so much as a yelp- the procedure was finished and Sunfyre’s tail was still wagging. 
“All done,” you cooed, placing a kiss on the puppy’s wet nose. 
“Looks like he still likes you,” Helaena said as she hooked Sunfyre’s leash back to his collar. “I had a feeling he would.”
You went to say something, but Dr. Strong got there first, sticking his hand out to Helaena for a handshake and saying, “It was nice to meet you. Please tell Mr. Targaryan that we look forward to seeing him at the next visit, which you can coordinate at the front desk.”
“Thank you,” she replied. “I’ll be sure to let him know.”
“You can follow me, this way,” you told her, ushering her and Sunfyre out of the exam room and into the lobby. “That’ll be $115,” you told her after tallying up the total sum of the visit. 
She let out a low whistle and pulled her wallet from her back pocket, “is there any way to leave a tip for your excellent customer service?”
You let out a dry laugh, and bit the inside of your cheek to keep from saying something that would get you in trouble. “While I appreciate the offer, you should probably save it for your date tonight.” 
“Date?” She asked as she signed the credit card receipt. “Shit, right, my date!” She exclaimed, thrusting the tiny piece of paper your way. “I gotta go!”
You made a face and hurriedly handed her a copy of the bill and a rabies tag for Sunfyre. 
“Good luck,” you told her as she rushed out the front door. “And you're welcome,” you said with a frown after she didn’t even say ‘thank you’. 
Happy that your day was finally over, you couldn’t help but feel like you had just been kicked in the gut. As you finished stamping the monthly statements, your mind was stuck on what Helaena and her blind date– who may or may not be an alien with six eyes– were doing right now. Was he smart? Was he making her laugh? Did he appreciate how absolutely breathtaking her smile was? Did she see him and immediately know that he was the one she had been searching for? Did time stop?
“Hey,” you heard Dr. Strong’s voice from behind you and realized that you had been standing in the same spot for minutes now, holding a stack of envelopes that you had meant to drop into the bin. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you replied as you came back to reality.
“Don’t forget you’re fostering Nugget tonight to make sure that he doesn’t pull out his stitches,” he told you before disappearing back into the hallway. 
“Ah, yes, Nugget,” you replied, mostly to yourself, as you were sure your boss was out of earshot. “The overweight Chihuahua who looks like he ate one, too many nuggets. I couldn’t be more excited.”
After you locked up and had Nugget on a leash, you said your goodbyes to your boss; happy as ever that- even though it was well after dark- you were finally going home. You picked the chunky Chihuahua up, making sure not to touch his freshly removed manhood and placed him in the backseat, where he quickly made a home. Before you even pulled your seatbelt on, you pulled your hair out of its ponytail and ran your fingers over your tender scalp. It was the first step to comfort after what you were sure was the worst days you might have ever had. You’d take your shoes off if you could,, but you were sure there was some crazy law about driving barefoot, so you left them on.
Nugget stayed quiet for most of the way, until he unexpectedly started to whine. Thinking that he might need to go potty, you pulled over into the parking lot of an ice cream parlor. He hopped out of your backseat gingerly, and led you over to the grassy area where he proceeded to squat and relieve himself. 
“Fancy meeting you here,” you heard from across the parking lot and turned to see none other than Mrs. Blind Date herself, Helaena. Just when you thought this day was starting to get better, she began walking toward you with Sunfyre in tow.
“Oh, hi,” you replied, cautiously looking around for the hot shot that would inevitably be introduced as her date. You didn’t want to ask, but curiosity got the best of you and, “how was your date?”
“Well, I was supposed to meet him here and he never showed,” she replied, looking a bit dejected. “I’m honestly not surprised at all. I mean, if you knew my brother, you probably wouldn’t be surprised either. Besides, what else should one expect from a man?” You laughed at that. “I was just about to leave, but then I saw you, and figured I’d say hello.”
You bit your lip to keep from smiling again at her rambling, unable to help yourself when you heard that there was no date, and that this extremely attractive stranger was somehow still single. “Well, hello.”
Helaena smiled brightly before taking notice of Nugget, who was shaking at the thought of being petted by someone new, and dropped down to a knee so that she could reach him. “Who’s this little chunker?”
“This is Nugget,” you replied. “I’m fostering him for the night.”
“Fitting name,” she laughed, standing back to her regular height. “So, can I buy you an ice cream? I don’t think I said thanks before I ran out of your office earlier and I’d like to make it up to you.”
“Sure,” you replied quickly before you gave yourself a chance to say no. “I mean, yeah, that would be nice.”
Helaena smiled as you fell in step with each other, making your way to the front of the booth. Sunfyre and Nugget were playing with each other; romping around and playing together; putting you and Helaena into a few awkward positions as you had to unwrap their leashes from around each other’s legs. You learned that she was an artist, mostly oil paintings and photography, who lived on the quiet side of the city with Aegon, her brother. And you told her all about your bad day, and what it was like working in a veterinary office, and some of your funny stories from college. 
Before you could even eat three bites of your ice cream, Nugget had coerced you into giving him most of it; which probably wasn’t what his actual owners intended for him to eat after his surgery. Helaena didn’t mind that the ice cream she had bought for you went to satisfying a fat Chihuahua’s sweet tooth, especially not when most of her own ice cream was being lapped up by little Sunfyre.
“Well, I should get home,” you told her after seeing the neon ‘open’ sign of the parlor shut off. “It’s getting late.” 
She nodded, standing up from the bench that you had been sitting on, “It was really nice running into you.”
“I agree,” you replied with a smile. 
“If you’d like to, maybe I can take you to dinner next?” She asked as she nervously ran a hand through her hair. You blinked a few times, wondering if you had heard her correctly or if it was your mind playing tricks on you. “You don’t have to.”
“I’d like to go to dinner with you,” you told her quickly and honestly. 
“Really?” She asked excitedly. “I mean, that’s cool.”
“Should we?” You asked, taking out your phone to swap numbers and she laughed.
“That’s probably a good idea.”
You repeated the numbers twice to make sure she typed in the right ones, and after an awkward hug that seemed like it was almost a kiss on the cheek, you and Nugget happily walked back to your car. As soon as the driver’s side door was shut, you let out a joyous squeal and did a small dance in your seat. Your phone vibrated from the cup holder as you shifted into gear. You picked it up quickly and swiped at the screen until an unsaved number popped up on your screen. Your heart soared at the message that could only have been from one person.
That was the best blind date ever! ;)
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stqrbxy · 8 months
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please call my name. [中也] chuuya nakahara.
he's there for you, no matter the day or time, he'll be at your beck and call; even if you don't ask for it.
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t.w :  depression? burning out, vulgur language, just reader being tired of living.
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Another excruciating day to get through, it's definitely not like you don't have enough weight on your back anyway. As a groaned muffle nuzzles against the comforting warmth the pillow provided you for your nights at your apartment, you had to abandon it for the day.
What a pain.
The scents of sweet dreams coaxed back to you, begging you back on its field of roses, but your body subconsciously moved to try — to prove their worth, to do their job, what's the point of their job if they don't even do it right?
Lazily, you trudge over to the sink, slowly squeezing out the toothpaste from its container onto the toothbrush; lethargically brushing your teeth and attempting to brush your hair in a way at least presentable.
You were a fashionable one, but today you weren't feeling like it, so you just slipped on the first outfit you found okay-ish in your wardrobe.
All actions are done in a half-asleep manner, no one — not even you, would be surprised if you didn't look as neat as the mirror reflected with blurry eyes gazing at it.
Exiting your bedroom, you are met with the sight of a short ginger lounging on your living room sofa. The one you're so very familiar with. How could you not? You could recognise those bleu céleste eyes even if you were on your last breath.
Speaking of the one and only Chuuya, he seemed to make himself at home, one leg over the other whilst sitting on your couch, the faintest sound of the television casting a romcom in it in the background as his eyes travelled over you. Frowning subtly when he saw the eyebags underneath your eyes, and how you didn't look even remarkably close to the enthusiastic person he knew you were.
Wait, how'd he even get into your house? Ah right, you gave him a spare key, but that brings another question to your mind —
" Chuu'? Don't you have work today? "
The words leave your lips almost without your own will, the blank look on your face causing Chuuya to dryly chuckle.
" No, not anymore at least. You've been clearly down for the past few weeks, overworked, not showing up to our dates — even more, because you're over the moon at the smallest amount of time you spend with me, "
The words weren't meant to be cocky or arrogant, it was the truth. Considering how busy both of you are, you both are equally elated whenever you two get to spend time together, no matter what you're doing.
" So, I've decided to take a day off for my doll, we can stay home, do whatever the fuck ya' want, just spend time. Would you like that? "
Chuuya asked, but both of you knew there was no other way out, he was a man of his word after all. A smile, which seemed rare after its long-term disappearance, appeared on your lips. A sigh escapes your body, treading over to your boyfriend as he smiles marginally at your submission. He wraps his arms around his beloved's body, whispering coos in his low voice as he brings you to sit on his lap.
Oh right, you had work, and you still didn't tell them that you wouldn't go at least. Either way, the exhaustion caught up to you, and you failed to argue any further, letting Chuuya carry you around for the rest of the day, treating you as a princex to be cared for.
With him around, you can let your insecurities loose and worries dissipate.
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author’s note : back from the dead back from the dead I'm back from the dead back from the dead /lyr /ref with that out of the way... hope you all are doing great! I've been through a shit ton for the past few months, that's no excuse to slack off though. so, i hope to supply you with more fanfics of sorts; this fanfic is rather ahaha.. self-indulgent, hope some people can find a tinge of comfort in it.
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xoxoavenger · 1 month
Hey! Since you’re taking requests, can I request a sort of part two (not necessarily it could jsut be a stand alone) to Days of Future Past where what if younger Charles had a wife in the 70s where reader decides to break it off with Charlie’s casue the love she had for him begun to slowly dwindle because of all the events that happened in the last fic. And while she does care for him as the father of her son and fully expects him to still be in his sons life, she can’t be with him anymore since it’s to much
pairing: Charles Xavier x Fem!Reader
word count: 739
warnings: angst, no comfort
notes: Days Of Future Past was posted a year ago for my birthday celebration, so it's only fitting that I post the long awaited part 2 for another birthday celebration 🥰
Days Of Future Past (part 1)
birthday celebration main masterlist
The thing about change is that it doesn't happen overnight.
When Logan went back to his own time, Y/N never expected Charles to go back to normal immediately. She knew it would be an uphill battle. But she was pregnant and tired of waiting.
"You're joking." Charles says. They're in his study, Y/N standing even though she is due in a week. They haven't had any conversations that aren't about their son since Logan came, and they need to have this conversation before there's a baby taking up all their time. When she brought up her decision, he didn't seem to like it.
"I know you're on cocaine." She says point blank. She's known for awhile, but it's finally time to force him to get his shit together.
"If you're going to leave me, you might as well go before our son comes." He doesn't think she'll actually do it. He goes back to his work, sitting behind his desk as if she'll huff and walk out. But His words just make her more sure in her decision. She takes a deep breath and looks over at him.
"Charles. I am leaving you. We're not arguing about that right now. What we're talking about is if you're going to be in our son's life or not." She can tell this makes Charles mad, but she has to think of herself and her son. She can't stay with Charles, not when he continuously puts her through tough times. She doesn't know how she's even gotten through this pregnancy when all he's done is get high or drunk and act like she wasn't pregnant for six months.
"What the fuck?" Charles blinks, looking up slowly. "You can't just leave as we're about to have a kid!" His argument infuriates her.
"I'm not in love with you anymore!" She screams, the room going completely quiet. They stare at each other, both hurting.
"What does that mean?" He whispers, and she almost wants to take it back. She can't though, because it's the truth.
"I'll always love you, Charles." She tells him, walking closer slowly. "But after what you put me through, I'm not in love with you."
"I need you." He tells her, reaching out when she gets close enough and grabbing her hand. "I can't get through life without you."
"I'll be here." She assures, moving his hand to her protruding stomach. "There will be a piece of us in this world soon, and I would go through everything again for him. But you and I cannot work together. At least not now." Tears begin to fall from Charles' eyes.
"I can quit." He mutters, and she nods.
"I know you can. And you're going to for our son." She moves to sit on his desk. He puts his head against her stomach, tears soaking her shirt.
"I need you." He repeats, and she just shakes her head.
"Our son needs you." She cards her hands through his hair. "Maybe in another time, we can be together, but you've put me through too much."
"I'm sorry." He finally whispers, and she nods, trying not to cry. "I love you so much."
"I know you do." She tells him. A part of her feels bad. She knows he's trying. But it's too little too late, and she can't sacrifice any more of herself.
"I can change." He promises.
"Charles," She pulls away from him, looking down. "I know you can change. But I can't wait for it. I can't keep giving up pieces of myself to fix you." She feels the need to kiss him, for the comfort and the repetitiveness. But it'll only hurt worse.
"I don't need to be fixed. I just need time." He begs, and it's the same thing Y/N has heard over and over.
"I don't have time to give you." She tells him truthfully, moving away from him now. "Our baby will be brilliant. He will have two loving parents. But they will not be together. For their sake and his."
"Y/N," He starts, but he doesn't have anything left to say. He has nothing left to beg with.
"I love and care for you." She whispers. "But I am not in love with you. You have taken things from me that you cannot give back. Broken things you can't repair. And I can't forgive you for that."
She walks out without looking back, going to move her stuff out of their room. 
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler @thefandomplace  @mcueveryday @icequeen1371 @kenzi-woycehoski @multifandom-boss-bitch
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bonny-kookoo · 9 months
For the ilysib couple 👀 Where they have an argument but realize that they can't be without each other & make up .. maybe with some smut ? 🙈
No smut in this, only suggestive at the end :)
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"Jungkook you constantly do this, it's ridiculous!" You complain, shaking your head. "I'm done with this, fuck this!" You argue, not looking at him.
"You're not even letting me talk!" He whines back at you, frantically gesturing with his hands. "I didn't mean to come off like that, come on-" he attempts to make up his mistake, looking at you with a pleading gaze, and you roll your eyes- mostly because you know his stupid round eyes will surely make you cave in.
"You know how I hate it when you don't take me seriously! You didn't even ASK me if I wanted that!" You cry out, angrily folding a skirt you throw into your bag zipped up on the bed.
And that's when he does something that really makes you fume. He's got the audacity to take out each item you just packed, even holding something out of your reach when you grab after it. "Give me that, asshole-" you growl, and he shakes his head.
"You're not leaving like that." He shakes his head, pulling the entire bag off the bed, before he sits down on the side of it. "I was stupid, it was rushed, I should've asked you first, got it. I admit that, I take that, it's my fault-" he says, and you make the mistake to look at his stupid bambi-gaze, feeling your heated anger already losing its fire. "-But don't leave. Please." He asks, hands on his knees palms facing upwards. "I'm sorry I always treat you like I do, I'll really work on it." He promises, and you sigh, arms still crossed.
"I don't want you to change that.." you mumble, chewing on your lip. "I.. ugh I like it when you like, baby me and shit, I just.." you huff to yourself, averting your eyes from him. You've got no clue how to voice your thoughts and feelings, at all. Because you've gotten so attached to him that you've now become scared to be without him.
You've let him too close, and now you're stuck with him. Now it'll hurt when he leaves. And that scares you.
"I want you to take me seriously." You whine, and he reaches out his arms for you- something you almost instinctively walk towards, letting him pull you onto his lap, hands around your back keeping you secure.
"I am." He nods, and you decide that anger doesn't suit his pretty face.
"But I want you to.. baby me too. Like.. get me shit from shelves too high, and brush my hair, and all that cheesy shit you constantly do.." you say, and he sighs.
"But you can have both?" He wonders, tilting his head to somewhat look at your lowered face. "Just cause I care for you or call you cute and do those things for you doesn't mean I'm not taking you seriously anymore." He explains, and you just shrug, defeated.
"But sometimes I don't wanna be cute." You complain. "Sometimes I wanna be sexy. You know?" You ask, looking at him, and he shakes his head, laughing.
"You're both to me." He chuckles. "That's what makes you so amazing to me. You can switch from absolutely adorable to breathtakingly hot in a split second. Makes me dizzy sometimes, not gonna lie." He flirts, and you roll your eyes.
"You just wanna have post-argument-sex right now, admit it." He laughs, loudly so, throwing his head back, before he grins at you again.
"See? Right now you're both again-" he smiles, hands sneaking under your loose shirt. "Cute and sexy. And just for the record, while I wouldn't say no, I wasn't aiming for that." He says, trying to appear seriously.
"Ah well, you're getting it anyways.." you shrug, before you leave his lap, and flop down on the bed next to him on your back. "You're doing all the work though, I'm still huffy at you for pulling that shit." You say, and he laughs fo himself, leaning over you, quickly loosing his shirt.
"Don't worry.." he purrs down at you, eyes now sharp as they look down at you. "I'll take care of you."
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babyhedonistt · 5 months
Too Close To Touch - NINE
WARNING // Some content in this chapter may not be suitable for all readers. Viewer discretion is advised.
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"Y/N?" Noah burrows his eyebrows as you zoned out in his gaze. He brings his hand up and takes the cotton ball out of your hand, holding your hand gently in his. You felt your eyes water but your refused to let yourself cry in front of this man.
"Hey.. what's wrong?" He asks, realizing how close you were to having a breakdown. He positioned himself with your knees tucked between his as he sat in front of you. You pulled your hand from his. "You. You always know how to break me down and I can't.... I can't handle this. I can't handle you."
"Y/N.. I know it's a lot but. So much has happened this past week and I--"
"Why did you make me sign that NDA?" You blurt before you could even stop yourself. You nearly choked on your sentence as it passed your lips. A wave of confusion flushed over Noah's face. "What do you mean I forced YOU?"
Awkwardness filled the air along with tension you could cut with a knife. Why was he so confused? You poked at his chest. "Don't fucking play with me, Noah."
"Y/N, do I look like I'm joking? I thought you were the one who sent ME the NDA."
"Matt told me you wanted to keep -"
"Our relationship in the book so it wouldn't tarnish our reputations." We both said at the same time. Our jaws went slack. "Did Matt... Lie?" I asked.
"Lie? Now that's a strong term." Matt's voice sounded as he entered the dressing room, Ruffilo following him and closing the door behind them. "It was Nick's idea after all." Matt elbowed Ruffilo and Ruffilo looked at Matt with the most disgusted look on his face.
"Nick?! What the FUCK!?" you scream at him and he threw his hands up. "It was to protect the band Y/N! Considering Noah locked himself in his room for three days and wouldn't even bother telling any of us what you two argued about. You left Folio to read. Figured since you two didn't wanna share with the group what transpired given that you two were once closer than EVER, an NDA would be an easy way to pretend whatever happened between you two didn't happen."
"Nick was just trying to--" Matt starts before Noah launches off the chair and grabs Nick by the collar, shoving him against the door to the dressing room. "Noah!" You shriek standing up, pulling at Noah's shirt, attempting to pull him off Nick before Matt moves you aside, pulling Noah off Nick. "Enough." Matt yells. "You two are best friends. Why are you acting like this?"
"Best friends don't keep something like this from each other." Noah grunts, adjusting his mic pack that nearly fell from his belt with the aggression.
"Please. I was doing you a favor. You've been making goo goo eyes at Y/N since we were kids. Call it a nudge in the right direction. You really think you're good enough for her? You've treated her like shit the entire time she's been here." Nick spits.
"Nick. Don't bring me into-" You start. "I thought and NDA would save you from the heartbreak. On BOTH ends." Nick explains looking between you and Noah. "You made me hate her for the longest time. You weren't helping anyone." Noah growls.
"You were looking for a reason to hate her while you two were together. I simply just gave you one." Nick raises an eyebrow.
"What the fuck did I do to deserve this?" Your voice churns with disbelief.
"You deserved a reality check Y/N. You're like a little sister to me and the shit he has put you through and you're still the one to clean him up, pick him back up and tell him everything is going to be okay? I know Noah."
Nick looks up at Noah with a scowl. "The depressed rock star inside him would throw you to the side the minute he gets bored and finds something better."
"Maybe when he was 24, Nick, but..."
"But what, he's changed?" Nick raises an eyebrow. "Look how that worked out for him." Nick points at Noah's battered face while Noah stares at the floor with a sigh.
"When did you become to nasty, Nick? I miss the way you used to be." You feel tears start to run down your cheeks before you wipe your face standing up and pushing past the boys, out of the dressing room.
"Good job." Noah glares at Nick. "Looks like I'm not the only one who managed to make her cry today. That was fucked and you know it."
"You two need to get your shit sorted out in the next five minutes. If you don't then we're going to have more on our hands than Noah and Y/N being together."
Matt sighs angrily and moves past Nick out into the hallway.
Nick and Noah look at one another, staring each other down, almost unrecognizable to each other. Almost as if they were never friends to begin with.
To be continued...
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Authors Note : WHOOAAAAA were yall surprised with this one or what?
Hi babies <3 hope you're well and enjoyed the chapter. Always love the feedback.
@badomensls @Laurpartyprogram @Starvingarsyn @Jilliemiw86 @Blackveilomens @Darkmxgician @sammyjoeee @kingdxmxfcxrds @Lizzyanthony3 @Flowery-mess
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squidsniaki · 1 year
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Honey, I'm home!
Just headcanons between the reader and Vash who just moved in together.
WARNINGS: Literally none, this is pure fluff. The reader is gender neutral and the setting is modern/irl. Enjoy!
Let's face it, he's unbearable the first few days. But in an oddly charming way. He makes an emphasis whenever he addresses the fact that the two of you now share most of your belongings. He would do stuff like prepare dinner and then call for you saying stuff such as "dinner's served! you know, at OUR table!"
The first time the two of you walk through the threshold, he absolutely insists that you let him carry you in. There is no arguing, not when he's staring at you like a beaten god damned labrador.
So, he tries. Emphasis on the "tries". Because, guess what? The man is so excited that he ends up messing up in all the possible ways. Your head definitely hits the doorframe, and while he's panicking and apologizing Vash loses his balance and the two of you land on the floor. In his defense, you're inside at that point. While the two of you laugh like it's the funniest joke out there, he gives you the corniest grin and just says "uh... nailed it?" You lose it on the spot.
Every day, he says he'll make you breakfast. Every day he oversleeps and you make it for him instead, gently ruffling his hair while he pouts and setting his brew on the nightstand saying "you'll get there, hon." You never really had confidence in that one, but you didn't mind. Making him breakfast first thing in the morning was oddly a charming way for you to spend the first moments of your days. The pride on his face and the surprise on yours when he finally makes good on his promise.
He announces his return. Every. Single. TIME. It's gotten to the point that at a certain hour, when you know his shift's been over for a while now, you just expect it. He even held a grudge when you didn't say "welcome back" that one time. He walked around the apartment all evening, just kicking dust and grumbling. You had the best solution though. "Are you still angry?" "...no." "Ah, well... damn. I guess i'm gonna have to eat these honey glazed donuts with strawberry filling and ALLLLL these sprinkles all by myself." And he just jumps you, hugging you so tightly you feel like you might get crushed. "Over it! Now hand over the goods."
You do not. I repeat, you do NOT sleep separately. Hot outside? Vash will start the fan. You came back late after work and don't want to wake Vash up? Though shit, he's already pulling you down, ignoring your nagging that you gotta shower first. He didn't move in with you, the love of his life, so that one of you ends up sleeping on the couch. Try him, he'll swear he'll throw the damn thing out the window.
Affectionate to the bone, both of you. While more often than not Vash is the one to pepper you with it, you have your moments. And these things can be subtle, too. Sometimes it's just a hand on your hip, a shoulder touching your own. But sometimes it's so much more, like ruffling of hair, or kisses on his beauty mark. He's so grateful for you. And what he's grateful for, he cherishes.
With different work schedules, you tend to miss each other in the morning or in the evening. And when either of you comes back home late, neither of you wants to disturb their sleeping lover. But at some point, you've just developed this... instinct, I guess? Even before the apartment door opens, you just know Vash is back. You stir awake, rubbing the sleep off your eyes with a yawn. Your getting up is lazy and clumsy, tripping over your stretched out night socks. That's okay, Vash is there to make sure you don't kiss the floor. You kiss his cheek instead, and while he nags you to go back to sleep, you just follow him around until you're both back in your shared bed. For all the complaining he does, he can't deny how his heart skips a beat every single time.
I've had fun with this one! Admittedly, I wrote it while I was talking a bus back home from work so it's pretty short. Just something that kept me occupied during the traffic 💕
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
The Trouble With Love
Part two
Summary; Nancy and Steve's marriage is breaking apart, you decide to go on a date with a fellow teacher. Gossip rages in the playground which Steve overhears from Vickie.
He's not prepared for how that makes him feel.
Warnings; Major Angst, Sexual Tension, arguing, Jealous Steve
Taglist; @lou-la-lou @eddiesguitarskills @heyyimmisunderstood @alycunningham @mxcheese @micheledawn1975
Lmk if you would like to be added to the tag list 🌸❤️
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Eventual Steve Harrington x Reader.
Nancy came back the next day and the argument was worse than the first.
"Don't start with me Steve, just don't okay? I'm tired and I need some space to think" He shakes his head just pissed that they don't communicate now, there never seems to be communication anymore.
"We need to talk about this Nancy. I keep trying to talk to you but you keep deflecting and when we do talk its like you don't listen"
She rolls her eyes and grabs her jacket.
"And then you just walk away. I'm trying here Nance but we cant get past this if we don't talk" she sighs.
"Talk about what?" he stares at her stunned and feels his irratation growing.
"About kids Nance, you shut me down every time and I just want to know if it's even something you want?" Nancy turns away from him and there's silence for a moment.
"I don't know, she yells. I don't know if I even want kids!!" Steve swears he feels like his heart has been ripped out.
"You don't know for like now? Or forever?" she swallows and speaks softly.
"Ever. I've never wanted to be like my mother, the nuclear family. I love her but that's just not me" Steve sits down his head pounding, agony ripping through him.
"Why couldn't you tell me this before? You've known what this has meant to me for years, it's one of the first things we talked about after getting married" he asks Nancy and there are tears in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry Steve. I have to get to work" He looked at her exasperated.
"Right. Fine". The door slams as she heads out and Steve puts his head in his hands, he just doesn't know what to do.
After getting lost in his thoughts too much Steve calls Robin and invites her over to have pizza here.
It will be a good distraction, take his mind of a few things.
The minute that Robin sees the expression on his face she pulls him into a hug and he explains what had happened.
"I don't know what to do Robin," he tells her feeling conflicted about what he should say to Nancy.
Anna and Vickie arrive and Anna beams.
"Hi Uncle Steve, Pizza time" she exclaims excitedly and Vickie ruffles her hair.
"Not yet. Soon baby" Anna pouts adorably so he distracts her by pulling out one of her favourite jigsaw puzzles.
Vickie gives Robin a quick kiss and looks excited about something.
"So I heard some interesting gossip on the playground today" Robin looks intrigued by this and he listens as well curious.
"Do tell" Robin urges Vickie who smirks and settles down on the couch.
"Well, a certain Hawkins preschool teacher and Hawkins elementary school teacher are going on a date" Steve's hands freeze on a piece of the jigsaw he was handing Anna.
"What? I mean she's a babe but Matt Daniels? He was such a... ( Robin chooses her words carefully because of little ears listening) meany in high school"
"He's a poo poo head" Anna giggles and Robin and Vickie exchange amused looks at Anna's very spot-on assessment.
Steve is half listening because there's a funny feeling in his stomach at the thought of you going out on a date.
He was concerned that's all. Robin is right Matt was a douche in high school, he was older than you and still a bit of a shithead if Steve was being honest.
There's no way that Steve is entertaining the intense flash of jealousy he just felt but he couldn't ignore it either when it makes him feel like there's a deep pit in his stomach.
He shouldn't be feeling this way and he immediately feels like shit but it doesn't help the burning feeling in his gut at all.
You had put a plan in action to bury your feelings for Steve and you hoped to god that it worked.
It involved you on a date with Matt Daniels who was Hawkins Elementary teacher.
Matt was nice, interested in you and available.
The two of you were planning to go out to a bar in Hawkins, just grab a quick drink and chat and see if the two of you could be compatible.
It was a little nerve-wracking because you hadn't been on a date for so long and you had dressed up for the occasion.
Matt was coming to your house to pick you up for the date and when he arrives your nerves reach a crescendo.
"Hey babe. So you ready?" you nod and take his arm as he leads you outside.
"Miss Smiley" you hear a tiny, happy voice shout and you smile as you turn around and Anna is waving at you.
She's playing in the front yard with Steve, she has tea cups out, her teddies and is having a tea party all for Uncle Steve.
It's so precious and Steve is the perfect guest, so sweet with her. It makes your heart flutter.
Then his gaze meets yours and his eyes widens.
"Jesus" he whispers under his breath and it makes your legs shake a little at the way he looks at you.
"Hi, Anna. Steve" You nod and give him a little wave. Matt comes over and his arm slips over your shoulder.
"Better get moving babe" he locks eyes with Steve and smirks.
"Oh hey, King Steve Harrington, princess tea and dollies, fun times huh?" there's a mocking way in which he says it and you frown as Steve's eyes flash.
"I think it's very sweet" you murmur and the angry look on Steve's face melts away. Matt snorts and tugs on your hand.
"Come on, I need a beer" you reluctantly follow and begin to have a bad feeling about tonight.
Hopefully, you were wrong.
Steve watches you and Matt go, that sick feeling in his stomach growing more and more intense.
What did you see in that jackass? You could do so much better than Matt Daniels.
"He's a big poo poo head" Anna announces suddenly and it breaks the tension that Steve is feeling and he chuckles.
"Yeah honey you're right, he is a big poo poo head"
Unfortunately, your bad feelings about the date were very much spot on and it's an hour before you've had enough.
It's a relief when he takes you back home but he's still being a dick, just drunk and handy and you're growing tired of it.
You push away from Matt disgusted at his attitude and tell him" Yeah, I think this date has ended"
His eyes flash and he moved to grab your arm but there's movement and then Steve is in front of you both and he pushes away Matt.
He must have saw you come back from his house.
"Take the hint dickhead and clear off yeah?" Matt sneers.
"Hero Steve Harrington huh? Hey, how's Nancy? Saw her with Jonathan earlier looking pretty cosy if you ask me?" Steve freezes, eyes flashing in pain.
"That's enough, you snap. Get out of here Matt" he sneers then storms off.
You turn to Steve and he swallows, running his hand through his hair. He looks so lost and you want to comfort him.
"Thanks for helping me, Steve" He comes out of his reverie and softens.
"Anytime. You okay? Jesus, you're shaking" He shrugs off his jacket and places it around your shoulders.
It takes all of your willpower not to snuggle into it... Yeah cause that wouldn't look weird at all.
"Thanks, I'm sorry what he said about Nancy" Steve shrugs and looks so sad that it makes your chest ache.
"It's fine, Nance and I... We'll be fine. I think" His face scrunches up in pain and he looks so helpless that your heart hurts for him.
"She'll come around. She's very lucky, and so are you. You'll work it out" you rush out hurriedly.
"I hope we can" his tone is unsure though and you wonder what is going on, was it about Steve wanting kids? Then you realise its none of your business and keep your mouth shut.
"You look beautiful by the way, Matt's a total butthead"
Beautiful. He said you were beautiful, a giddy feeling envelops you but you know you have to fight it off as nothing good can come from this.
Very gently you kiss Steve's cheek in thanks, the air crackles around you both and you meet Steve's gaze. His hazel eyes are intense and it makes your stomach fill with butterflies.
His eyes trail to your lips and it feels like your heart is beating out of your chest. Is he going to kiss you?
It feels like the two of you are magnets, you just draw closer together. His lips are inches away from yours then they brush across them so softly.
It's a feather-light touch but it ignites every bit of want and desire in you.
But it's still wrong, very wrong and you both step away in an instant.
"We, we can't. You're married. We shouldn't" he moves further away from you.
"I'm sorry, this was a mistake, I love Nancy. This is a mistake" Hurriedly you shrug out of his jacket and hand it to him before rushing inside.
Fuck! You were so stupid! Steve's words playback in your mind on a loop and you let out a groan of frustration as tears pool down your cheeks.
You were supposed to get over Steve. Not fall even more for him. What a mess.
Steve heads back into his house, his lips tingling.
When he kissed you it felt like...like fireworks, his mind is racing and Robin comes up to him she looks very distressed while holding an envelope.
"Steve, Nance must have dropped this off when we were out getting pizza" He takes it from her.
Inside is a note and Nancy's wedding ring and his stomach bottoms out as he reads the contents of the note.
Nancy told him she was going to live with her parents for a while, she needed space.
She had left him.
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buckybarnesss · 8 months
Something I think is interesting is how Stiles and Scott both have troubled childhoods but it's very under the radar. Almost invisible.
Physical abuse, like what we see with Isaac's dad, is very visible. Everyone sees it and says "yes that is abuse."
But Stiles being left alone at the hospital with his dying, delusion mother? Scott's dad being a drunken, violent mess?
It's hidden.
I think this is why the sheriff is so beloved: the trauma he caused Stiles isn't something easily recognizable unless you've had experiences with a parent who tells you to your face that you're a troublemaker. I think this is why Scott's instinctive reaction to Derek is so divisive: it's a trauma response that is going unrecognized because Scott and Stiles don't really talk about it.
it really does fly under the radar that each of the og main cast of teens are deeply troubled one way or another.
teen wolf gets dismissed so easily because it is a campy, silly show that isn't some high brow avant garde piece of television. people online only know it because of the shipping or because jeff davis isn't the best at understanding how time works.
it's also in turn dismissed because it's not buffy or angel and only see it as some emulation that only existed to try to cash in on the twilight craze.
which fair. i'm certainly not going to argue it's prestige television but teen wolf contains multitudes actually. it says something actually.
at it's very heart the show is about generational trauma and overcoming said trauma. it's about growing up. it's about grief. it's about loneliness.
teen wolf says "be your own anchor". teen wolf says the people you choose to have in your life -- your pack --they make you stronger. teen wolf says even when you are at your lowest you can still rise.
it's not perfect by any means but i think people dismiss it too easily.
it tried.
but no one wants my treatise on the underlying themes of silly ol' teen wolf.
scott and stiles resolutely do not talk about their respective issues. it's unspoken between them. they don't need to because they know.
stiles is actively and openly hostile to rafael mccall for a reason. scott is quietly radiating worry and concern when stiles appears to be losing it in riddled because he knows about claudia.
the parents aren't prefect in this show. they are various shades of bad parents.
knowing rafael mccall is an alcoholic that all but abandoned his family explains everything about scott's attitude and behavior towards derek in season 1 and 2.
(no really i need to know if rafael paid melissa child support because it doesn't seem like it. throw this whole man away.)
knowing stiles has unresolved grief about not just the death of his mother but from the trauma of her illness on the family explains why he is the way he is. (the stilinski's storyline is one of the best carried emotional beats of the show).
and it's not like it's just scott and stiles.
lydia's parents are in the middle of a divorce in s1, her father talks shit about her in the parent teacher conference in the tell. he's seen when she's in the hospital after being attacked by peter but he's never seen again after that. it's natalie we see tell lydia about her mother-in-law lorraine so it seems lydia's father had his own trauma and ditched his daughter. natalie is the only parent lydia has from s2 onwards and natalie is spotty at best.
i've gone over allison's abusive family. jackson has so many issues he became a kanima instead of a werewolf. kira has sooooo many issues with noshiko. malia's traumas have traumas. liam has IED and an unexplained absent biological parent.
even the parents have trauma. chris argent has gerard as a father. the man would sell him for a bugle chip. noah stilinski had an abusive father. melissa was in an abusive marriage with an alcoholic.
and of course the king of trauma on television himself -- derek hale.
not all trauma is seen and not all abuse leaves marks on your skin.
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can i get an ajax request where they get into a fight (u can make it about whatever), and ajax gets mad at reader so they’ve gotta make it up to him somehow. loll like an angsty start with a fluff ending
Pairings: Ajax Petropolus x Fem!reader Summary: ^^^ Warnings: fight, angst.
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white knuckles, clenched jaw, killer headache's.
your eyes are on fire and they're burning from the tears. you've been crying for what feels like years.
it was so stupid and purely out of his jealousy.
"is there something wrong with you that you can't see it?" Ajax yelled at you, his hands throwing up in the air as he paced around the room, his nose flared as he took sharp, quick breaths.
"there is absolutely nobody else! is there something wrong with you that you don't trust me?" you shouted at him, your hands in your lap as they shook in fear and anger
you had been focused on studying and working your shift at the café in town 'too much' and not paying attention to him, making him think there was someone else you were seeing that was in town.
so that's what brought him to your dorm, at 11 at night
"how am I supposed to trust you when I don't see you, you have made no time for me, I'm your last priority and I'm sick of it! I've had enough!"
"school is more important than us! Ajax you can't look me in the eyes and tell me we'll last forever because we don't know that as much as we might want it to, people change, feelings change, we don't know what will happen and I don't want to put you first in case we don't last" you stated, sobbing as you stood up to keep your shaky ground
"well clearly your feelings have changed already, and it's obvious that I'm not even on the list of priorities anymore, hell buying teddy bears are before me," he shrugged, pointing to the pile of stuffed teddy's in the corner of your room
"they haven't changed! I still care for you so much! you are on the list, I promise!" you argued, going in to hug him but he pushed you away
"you're full of shit! I haven't seen you in weeks! and you can't even say you love me anymore!" he sighed heavily, his hand in a tight fist as he looked at you
he wasn't a guy to get mad that easily, but if he didn't get enough attention from the one he so desperately loves, he grows irritated and makes up scenarios in his head to justify your actions until he can't no more
"I can, I say it all the time! look, you've had a shit day and you saying this because your tired, just go have some sleep and we will talk tomorrow, after all, it's Saturday" you nodded your head, trying to get him to understand
"I have had a shit month, do you not realize I haven't been able to sleep without you next to me? if I go back to my bed, all I'm gonna do is lay there in self pity, wandering what I did for you to leave me" he teared up as he paused
"trying to remember what it's like to hug you and actually talk to you"
it was silent for a moment, you stood there, hugging yourself as you cried violently with him there, standing there in front of you but his eyes anywhere but on you
"you have work tomorrow" he stated, knowing you won't talk to each other for a long time after this
"I think this might be it for us"
"you don't mean that" you sobbed, stepping towards him desperately, but he only walked around you, towards the door
"no, I do! I mean every bit of it! I'm sick of not knowing how you are o- or what's going on in your life! I'm tired of walking into the Weathervane and seeing Tyler all over you! I've had enough" he yelled, grabbing the door handle and walking out of your room, shutting the door loudly behind him.
you stood there, your head pounding as you stared at the door, waiting for it to open to reveal you beloved boyfriend again, but with a smile planted on his face and we went to hug you.'
but he was never there again. the door never opened.
you backed up into your bed and flopped on the mattress as you cried, staring at the ceiling that seemed more blank then usual.
you never wanted it to end like this. you never wanted it to end full stop. all you wanted was some time to yourself to fully commit to Ajax and time to study.
you cried all night, wondering if that was really it, if that was actually the end of you and Ajax.
you didn't sleep that night, wondering if Ajax wasn't either.
he wasn't. technically.
when Ajax got to his dorm, he went straight to the bathroom with tears in his eyes, he looked at himself in the mirror.
he was a mess, he reached up to his beanie and wished his power was permanent as he pulled it off, his body turning to stone just as a tear fell from his eye, the salty drop of water rolling down his stoned cheek, leaving a dark grey streak against the light grey stone of his face.
he knew he wouldn't get any sleep and he was exhausted, so at least he was unconscious.
you walked towards the door, knocking on it softly.
you awaited for the arrival of Ajax after knocking again
you had called Tyler before your shift and told him you felt too sick to come into work.
"Ajax?" you called out through the door, you didn't fully expect him to answer, but you did think he would at least tell you to go away
you felt the doorknob and twisted it slowly, the door opening as you quietly pushed it.
you peaked your head in, looking around the one bed dorm, seeing it empty.
you stepped in, holding your tote bag close to you
"Ajax?" you called out again, looking around further, seeing no one. you looked over at his bathroom, seeing it cracked open. you cautiously strolled over to the door and opened it after hearing no noise coming from it.
you walked in, seeing Ajax fixing his beanie, the mirror covered
"what are you doing here?" he asked, looking at the bag clutched to your side.
you reached in the bag and pulled out one of his zip up hoodies, handing it to him
he nodded his head, understanding what was going on
"already giving my stuff back, thanks" he said disappointedly
"doesn't smell like you anymore" you stated, shaking your head at his statement
"I'm really sorry I haven't made time for you, I love you, I really do. I-I'll try harder, I'll spend every second with you if even a part of you still wants me, I can't lose you, Ajax." you sobbed, walking closer to him
you pulled out something from your bag and gave it to him
"even if it was my fault I missed you. I couldn't help but buy these. I have...too much of them, every time I get paid, I go to the store and buy as many as I can with the money." you smiled softly as he held the stuffed snake
he looked at you and stepped closer, pulling you towards him. holding you in a month awaited embrace
"I love you, so much, I don't know what you want me to do to show you that, I'll quit at the weathervane if you want, but I do need to study" you whispered in his chest, humming at the warmth
"I don't see how we can't just study together, even if it's just for a minute a day I'll be happy, just as long as I see you" he shook his head
"ok, not a single minute, make it 10" he chuckled quietly
"you don't have to quit, but just stop spending all your money on these, just have one of these" he pulled of one of his rings that slithered around his fingers, dropping it in your hand
"I love you" he muttered
you looked at him and smiled, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
he grabbed your face and redirected you to meet his own lips
"I missed you"
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
Daddy's Home - BD!hawks x fem!reader
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synopsis: there's an unwelcomed guest at your door wanting to see your daughter (and maybe you) but as always with keigo, you could never really figure out what he was thinking
content: strong language, intoxication, mention of alcohol and alcohol use, drunk!keigo, baby daddy issues, father!keigo, black coded reader
in advance, i apologise 😭😭 but enjoy 🫶🏾
It was too late for this shit.
It was only 9PM, and you weren't going to bed for another two hours or so, but that didn't change the fact that it was far too late for any of this nonsense and it doesn't fucking help that your past chose tonight, of all nights, to infringe upon the peace you'd set up for yourself.
"I want to see my child."
Even though he stood a good three feet from your door, the acidic fumy smell of alcohol was hard to miss. Slightly covering your nose (purely out of spite), you rolled your eyes at the man before you.
"Keigo, we've gone over this."
"Gone over what?" He gruffly rolls out, his eyes squinting at your seemingly far away figure.
You can't help but let out a sigh as you tighten the rope of your silk dressing gown. Ironic, because it was Keigo who had brought you the very garment but like all gifts; once given away, they were no longer yours.
"About you showing up at my door?"
Keigo cluelessly blinked at you.
With an exasperated sigh you decided, out of the bountiful graciousness of your heart, to rejog his memory.
"You agreed that you'd check with me to schedule when's a good time to see your kid. Not call and say you're on your way, not show up without notice — Text and Schedule. If you want to keep seeing her then you've got to respect those boundaries."
"Oh." He said.
He wanted to continue speaking but he paused in order to harshly swallow back a chuck-up. God, he was such a mess.
The haggard blonde man let out a belch. He slightly swayed but he was still able to stand on his own two feet without any support. It looks like he was more tipsy than drunk but it still didn't help the fact that he'd shown up intoxicated.
"Well, I don't remember that. Sorry, I...I guess but I'm here now and I just want to see her so please let me see her."
A dry laughed unsuspectingly ripped from your throat.
For a second, you had forgotten why you and Keigo didn't work out in the first place. But it's fine because not even five minutes into this conversation and he was already reminding you that his audacity was one of the biggest factors.
Looking the man up and down, your face reflects that of borderline hysteria.
"And what makes you think imma let you see her in this state? After you show up unannounced, past her bed time and reeking of alcohol? Huh, Kei?"
A long groan left the man's throat as he slowly started to close his eyes. He really hated arguing with you.
"I-I know, I'm sorry--"
"You really thought I was gonna let you waltz in here and--"
"Just, please!"
Keigo knows he's unjustly raised his voice at you and as soon as he's done it he's remorseful because the expression on your face is truly making him feel more nauseous by the minute.
But it's not his fault, he thinks. Right now, he was truly so stressed out and you always trying to 'start an argument' with him didn't help and his senses were so overexerted and raw and fuck, did he leave his headphones in the Uber?!
Either way, Keigo doesn't know how to remedy this minute blip up with you. All he wanted to do was see his child (and maybe you too) but it looks he was fucking even that up.
Ruffling his hands through his hair, Keigo frustratedly groans before offering you a piss poor waiver of an excuse.
"Please...Let me...go drink some water or something. I'll...give me ten minutes, man. Just give me ten minutes and let me go to the corner store, I'll buy some water. I'll sober up a bit but just...please. I just need to see her."
His voice sounded so exasperated. And to be honest, you didn't deny that he was.
At the end of the day, you knew you'd always have a soft place in your heart for the man. For crying out loud, he was the father of your child and once the love of your absolute life. You hadn't left him because he wasn't good to you. You left him because he wasn't good to himself.
Voluntarily allowing himself to self-destruct through the guise of his peers and the habits he never wanted to let go of. It wasn't the father figure you wanted your child to constantly witness growing up and Keigo agreed.
That doesn't mean he didn't miss the both of you though.
Still, you contemplated his offer. Letting him sober up before seeing his daughter was the least you could do, concerning he was already here, but it wasn’t until you heard the gradual movement at the top of the stairs that you realised it may have been too late.
"Daddy? Is that you?"
Hearing the voice of his daughter, Keigo automatically perked up. He even stepped right towards the entrance of the door, his face genuinely lighting up.
"Hey baby! Hey. Yeah, it's me." He said through the gap.
As the smaller patters of feeting came down the stairs, Keigo gave you a look of uncertainty. He knows he promised to sober up first, get himself together and recalibrate, but now that your daughter was aware of his presence, he couldn't just leave.
What if she felt like he was abandoning her again?
You softly chewed the bottom of your lip, as the conflicting opinions raged war throughout your head. Yet in that split second, you had to make a decision.
Slightly opening the door a bit wider, you indirectly gave Keigo access.
The man gave you a look of bewildered gratitude before stepping in further to finally meet your daughter at the bottom of the stairs.
“Hey, superstar!”
The little girl jumped into his arms with a sweet bell of laughter and as always, Keigo caught her in his arm and spun her round a few times as he held her close.
"I never knew you were coming. If I knew, I would have asked to stay up later!" She said once Keigo placed her down.
Crouching to her height, the blonde pitifully gave his daughter a look of regret as he quickly squeezed just under her chin in an action of endearment.
He was so sure his breath reeked and that his face was a mess but if his daughter noticed, she didn’t say anything above it.
"Sorry, kiddo. My bad. It was a bit of a last minute decision but I just really wanted to come see you."
Your daughter nodded before slightly jumping in place, her hands clasped together.
"Did you bring me any gifts?!”
Keigo’s eyes widened.
He was so distracted, so fixtated on being one-track minded that he had forgotten to bring his daughter a present.
Of course it wasn’t intentional. It was just a lil something he did, to make up for the times he couldn’t be there. Not like it solved anything but it was something. But currently, he had nothing.
Things really weren’t working out like he’d wanted them to today. Keigo now realises how in the spur of the moment, he’d been selfish in turning up here and demand he get to see his daughter.
He’d completely disregarded that showing up was partially for her too.
With a bashful expression, he apologises.
"I...no. Not this time.” He pauses to suppress a belch. “I'm sorry."
"Naww..." The small girl’s shoulders sagged. Her bottom lip softly jutted out in disappointment and for a moment of pure conceitedness, Keigo noticed how she was almost a spitting image of him.
However, as quickly as she’d seemed sad, her attitude perked up.
"It’s okay if you don’t bring me any presents though. I'm just happy to see youuuu." She said really loudly which earned an endearing chuckle from her father.
How on earth was he blessed with such an understanding daughter and how the fuck did he mess the life he had up?
(Don’t tell him, because he knows exactly how, but sometimes it’s easier to think about the ‘what ifs’ rather than the ‘what nows’s.)
Bouncing in her spot again, your daughter took ahold of Keigo’s hand as she waved his arm like a battle rope.
"Ouh, ouh! Do you wanna come up and see my feather collection?! It's gotten a lot bigger since the last time you saw it and my teacher said it really impressed her and that I might be able to bring it in for show-and-tell!"
Keigo’s spirits were momentarily uplifted. He was always so enthusiastic to see what his daughter had been up to, even if he did think her hobbies were a bit weird.
But before he could answer, the blonde heard you clear your throat from behind him.
Right. Of course.
He was still only a visitor, even in a place he once called home.
Keigo cautiously looked to the side. He wasn’t brave enough to turn around and face you or find out what expression you had right now.
Looking back at his daughter, he gave her yet another remorseful look.
“I...I'd love to bambina but daddy…daddy can't stay for too long and you've got school tomorrow."
The younger girl, bounced even more. She bent her head and back in protest before the once again pleaded her father.
"But I promise it won't take long! Just five minutes!"
Keigo could feel another belch coming on but he had to hold it back. He was such a mess, such a nasty wreck, but his daughter still wanted him of all people to be proud of her.
But God, the things he’d do, pay, kill just to be able to go up with her. But he knows he couldn’t because he’d already messed that up once.
Reluctantly standing back up again, Keigo slightly staggered backwards as he fiddled his fingers with each other.
"I’d love to but I really gotta go now. I’m sorry, I promise I’ll come see it the next time I visit.”
The dejected look on the younger girl’s face brought back the nausea Keigo was feeling from before. This was honestly so dehumanising because all he’s done tonight is apologise and disappoint.
Finally making your presence known again, you stepped closer towards the two. With a warm smile, you beckoned your head upwards in the direction of the bedrooms.
“Alright, c’mon, baby. Go head to your room. I’ll come tuck you in, in just a bit, but lemme talk to daddy first, okay?”
Looking up at the two of you with doe eyes, the girl tried to persuade you with her cuteness, using the adoration you both had for her to stay up longer, but alas her tactics failed.
Not like you didn’t find her cute, but there were only so many liberties you could no longer take these days.
Seeing that neither of you were cooperative, your daughter sighed loudly.
The girl got up to two steps before shouting back,
“Night, Dad! Love you!”
If was a dagger stuck between his skin, cartilage and heart, then right now, Keigo knows the dagger was being jaggedly twisted anti-clockwise. He was just opening up prior wounds being here.
“Love you too, kid.” He mumbled.
You watched the man for a few seconds, truly feeling a sense of pity for him but once you realised the time (and how he was technically unwelcome), common sense kicked in.
“Alright then, Kei. Ready to head out?” You asked. You didn’t want this to last any longer than it had to.
The blonde man took a long inhale. He held his breath, his cheeks slightly bulging before he breathed out, and then turned to lay his forehead on your shoulder.
The familiar feeling of Keigo's forehead on top of you startled your inner being. You figured, good-heartedly, that maybe this was just the alcohol edging him on, that no way was he in his right mind. But you hadn't realised that you were still oh so set to the warmth of his person. The way your body slotted into his felt so comfortable, dangerously comfortable.
But you didn't know what to do.
Should you leave him be? Or chastise him to know better? Either way, there was only one thing you could think of which you knew how to do best.
"Keigo..." You whispered, your voice catching at the back of your throat.
The man only hummed, clearly unaware of your inner turmoil, but it's through his disparity that you made up your own mind and so you patted his back to lightly push him off you. So that he could get the message.
Feeling you touch him back, Keigo mildly snorted, as if the action had awoken him.
"Oh. Sorry." Keigo raised his head to look at you.
His eyes were hooded yet familiarly beady as his iris' washed over your face. His breath was practically mingling with yours, heavy and ladened with the weight and responsibility of fermenting alcohol.
With how close the two of you were, there was an assurance in your heart that he was going to kiss you, and that you were going to slip up and kiss him back.
But suddenly, your words from earlier echoed dully at the back of Keigo's mind. The one time where you would have allowed room for a mistake was the time Keigo finally registered that no more mistakes would be dismissed.
Keigo took one last look over your face, trying his absolute darnest to work out whether there was more than just disapproval behind your expression.
"Forgive me. Old habits." was all he could muster once his hazed mind admitted it couldn't read you good enough to figure it out.
Your heart surprisingly sunk but you figured it was for the best. You were just about getting over the man and encouraging yourself to move on. There was no reason for you to be the dog that went back to it's vomit.
Letting go of a breath you didn't know you were holding, you feebly nodded to the side.
"I...It's okay. Those things happen."
And it's in that moment in which you knew you should have told him to go. You knew the moment as soon as it came but you didn't take it. Stupidly, you gave him room to breathe.
Seeing his opening, Keigo took a hold of your hand and fiddled with two of your fingers as he swayed to and fro.
"I miss you..." He slurred.
Shaking your head, you pleaded for him to stop.
"Keigo, don't—”
"I miss you and our home. I miss the life we had...I miss waking up next to you in the morning and—" An unexcused belch left his mouth. "Going to sleep with you and... in the night. And...and...I miss the baby...I wanted more...babies."
Your breath hiked at the back of your throat. A pitiful grin left Keigo's lips as he looked over you with hazed eyes. Even with the state he was in, he still knew that it was you he wanted.
"I wanted so big...such a big family with you. I had dreams with you. I still do.”
Letting go of his hand, you moved away from the man.
"Shut up, Keigo. Please. I'm being serious, you're making me really upset right now."
He wasn't making you upset. He was making you regret your decision in leaving him.
He didn't need to know that, but you also knew it wasn't the way forward. Even after breaking it off with him, there was still iniquity in his lifestyle that he wasn't willing to change for you and your daughter.
Just look at him now, still doing the same things that got him in this mess.
Despite his lack of cognitive comprehension, Keigo was able to realise that your resolve was legit.
He mutters.
There was a slight pause.
"That's the only thing you've been saying all night."
You didn't mean to say it so loud. You only meant to say that under your breath, thinking Keigo was even too sloshed to pick it up, but he did.
He did.
The man momentarily froze in his place. You could practically see the gears working in his head, the recognition that you had caught on to his excuse of an act.
Keigo wiped a hand down his face.
"I know. Sorry. Fuck, I know." He whispered back.
And for a split second, you thought that maybe he had repented, but as soon as he let out an extensive belch, you retracted it.
Shuffling towards the front door, you opened it up a bit further. You didn't have to say anything. Keigo already knew that his time was up.
Pivoting on his feet, Keigo messily pointed towards the door as if you hadn’t opened it for him to leave first.
"I should...probably get going." He mumbles, his eyes downcast and unfocused.
Curling your lip inwards, you held the door open as you stood by the side. You could only watch as the man shuffled his way out.
“You sure you gon’ get home okay? Not gonna call an Uber or anything?” You pried.
Even after all this time, you still worried, cared, for his well being.
Keigo shook his head, already stepping out the front door but not without almost tripping up on the step. Once he corrected his footing, he splayed his arms out for balance. It took him a few seconds to regain it but once he did, he was set on his way again.
“Don’t worry ‘bout me. I’ll be fine.” He ironically slurs out.
You could only but stare longingly as the man ushered himself out. With a heavy sigh, you semi closed the door whilst still peeping out. You remember doing the exact same thing when you used to see him off for work.
“Take care of yourself, Keigo.” You say a bit lower.
The man continued walking without turning back. He only raised his hand in acknowledgment of you words. Once he heard the click of your front door close, Keigo took a jagged shaky breath.
He fucking hates how he performed today. Despises it. Everything he did was just so wrong and incorrect.
He had showed up on drunk conclusion that maybe he could get his old life back, get his family back. But after tonight, he knows he’s done nothing but cement his lost and his future fate.
Why didn’t he just be honest from the start?! Why couldn’t he had just fixed up from the start?!
People had warned him time and time again but he never took heed. He never thought you’d take action, just always though you’d tolerate him time after time.
But he guesses everyone had their limits; even heart eyed smitten you. But now look at him; stood tipsy in the pitch dark of night, outside of his old home with nowhere to go.
He’ll try Enji’s house, he thinks. He’s only three doors down.
Keigo couldn’t even stagger five steps beyond the province of your house before throwing up the contents of his stomach into a bush.
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