#genuinely kys
tiredgn0me · 1 year
instagram removed my story because i said "ill kill you" in it aimed towards dominos as if i can actually kill a pizza chain restaurant
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yappacadaver · 2 years
heavy stuff under the cut
dude i can’t go 6 months without my Mom telling me she’s sick of me, cant stand me, wants me gone, is kicking me out of the house like god damn. Why even pretend that you want a relationship with me? you hate my ass! I can’t say an opinion, be upset, have an attitude, without literally risking homelessness. I literally have no family to fall back on. She knows this, and makes the threats anyway! Like she’s almost doing it on purpose or something! Literally all I did was say “I thought I told you the date and time already” when she freaked the fuck out cause she didn’t know when the appointment was. And now I get a lovely little reminder that she hates my ass, wants me gone even if I’m homeless and even if it screws up my education plan. Because I’m not well enough put together. Cause the main thing that helps someone get it together is homelessness and being told your effort is worthless.
I have clawed my way back from failure, I am back in school as an honors student, I get grants and scholarships for my work. I am doing everything I fucking can and it will never be enough and I’ll never have a parent who loves me. Woopie. 
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oneeyekitten80 · 2 years
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Omg Stephanie herself commented
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
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imagine posting this and not being like hmm maybe i should disassociate myself from this group if this has to be said....................................
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krsyue · 8 months
sketch dumppp
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tested some brushes out between breaks,, ignore how horrendously inconsistent my style is
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utenixx · 4 months
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Some old guilty gear sketches I never posted anywhere
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southstand · 1 month
minjae must feel the weight of the world on his shoulders i swear, do you know what it’s like being one of the only players in the world of your ethnicity to play on the big stage? to have this feeling of not only representing your nation, but your entire continent? players like sonny and minjae go through so much turmoil because if they have a bad day it’s not just about them, it’s about their race. because the people they represent are invisible in football. because the leagues they come from are dismissed by even the most progressive football fan as ‘lesser.’ they had to work thrice as hard as your average footballer and have gone through such a specific kind of racism that is often erased and seen as invalid because they’re asian. every kick of the ball they take is so precious to me because they defied the odds, they let the words roll off their backs, they gave people hope that they can be visible in football. and yet they will always go through that same vile racism until we talk about the specific racism that asian players face as underrepresented people in world football instead of brushing it under the rug because they’re not part of your club.
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nonsensical-pixels · 6 months
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today on the list of scariest things in the sims 2 (2004):
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xxturndownxx · 1 year
if cis gay men making jokes at the expense of trans women is more important to you than trans women trying to exist in online spaces you are what's wrong with the queer community
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friedchickenluver · 10 months
Firelord Zuko canonically gets random bouts of baby fever whenever you’re giving him head or you’re doing the nastiest shit ever in front of/to him. After the most, toe curling, sweat inducing, heated, illegally loud sex, he’ll calm tf down to actually talk to you about having some damn kids.
Zuko probably: Yes my pullout game strong, but at what cost?
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natjennie · 2 months
my dad was just like "what happens when your mom and I are both gone and there's no one to do the laundry and clean up the trash and do the cat litter, how are you gonna buy a car and get a job and live somewhere" blah blah blah and like I don't know!!!! and it crushes me every day!!!! the idea that I'm unable to do all the little tasks that come with being an adult myself!!! I don't fucking know what I'm supposed to do about it!!! it haunts me! I think about it every minute of my life, the fact that I'm a failure by every adult human standard!!!! and I have no fucking idea what I'd do if I had to survive on my own!!!! it's fucking scary!!!!!!!!! so maybe you could like. look into things to help and try to help me figure out alternatives that work for me instead of getting passive aggressive that I can't just do things like normal and then reminding me of the fact that I'm incapable of basic tasks!!!! in the most upsetting way possible!!!!!!!
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heynowisavedyouright · 7 months
amane r u gay interrogation 4k
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violentviolette · 8 months
im gonna be very real and only say this once because there is zero room to change my mind on this
i am very psych critical and i agree with antipsych pricinicples and points, but bipolar disorder is a physical genetic condition that requires medication. point blank. medication is the Only proven effective treatment for bipolar and u cannot actually get better without it
and when i say get better i dont mean just slightly alleviate some things. i mean that remission means a complete and total lack of symptoms. if u are on the proper medication and taking it as perscribed then ur bipolar symptoms will stop. you will no longer experience mania, hallucinations, breaks from reality, delusions, ect. they will literally stop. and i say that so strongly because i know its factual because it is my very literal lived experience. it is also the lived expereince of everyone in real life that i have met and known throughout my 15+ years of treatment for bipolar disorder, which is dozens and dozens of people. I was diagnosed at 14 and have been in and out of treatment and on and off medication for over half my life at this point, and this is very much the reality but u also don't have to believe my lived expereince alone. bipolar disorder is one of the oldest recorded mental illnesses (we have literally known about it since the early 1800's) and treatment for it has existed almost as long. lithium is a naturally occuring salt and the only known antimanic agent in existence and humans figured out very quickly that this specific salt made some of us not insane anymore. the effectivenes of lithium and other mood stabilizers and the rates at which proper medication will result in full remission for bipolar patients and how relapses almost always only occur when people stop taking their meds is Very well documented. a reputable study done in 2003 reported that over 90% of bipolar patients recieving medication as treatment entered full remission within 2 years. and 72% of those people reported ZERO symptoms going forward
do not listen to people who tell u that u dont need medication for bipolar disoder, that it wont really help, that it only helps a little, that u can manage without it, that it wont actually make ur symptoms fully go away. they are lying to u, often to justify their own misguided decision to not take medication and ruin their own lives. do not listen to them because that kind of thinking will literally kill u. take ur fucking medication.
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krash-and-co · 5 months
I can't see anything cuz I just got my pupils dialaywd so Iim drawing l&co based on the little vision I have lef I'll eep you posted
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rninies · 3 months
// jjk leaks??
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trashmagic-333 · 15 days
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me to higher history 🥲
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