#I'm getting good at the quick and sloppy backgrounds though
amethystina · 3 months
I catch myself thinking about Who holds the devil when my mental stability is falling apart. Your story helps me to stay afloat.
Thank you
I'm so sorry to hear that you're struggling and, if I could, I would definitely give you a big hug. But, since that's not possible, I'm glad that I can still offer some comfort through my fic.
I've said it before, but knowing that my writing can give people hope, stability, or even just a distraction is the reason why I post. I will always write, but I choose to post it online because, just maybe, it can brighten someone's day.
And so please remember that. Even if I might not be able to update as often as I used to (due to my own health problems) I will always keep posting as long as there are people like you. As long as people enjoy what I do, I'll continue to share it.
I do it for you 💜
And while I don't have any snippets and such that I can share to maybe help you along, here's a simple sketch I just finished of Yo Han, on the subject of "You want to fuck that old man so bad it makes you look stupid."
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As I said to my friends:
Benefits of drawing: If I want to know what Yo Han looks like in the black Henley outfit I gave him in Who Holds the Devil, I can draw it
Downsides of drawing: I now know what Yo Han looks like in that black Henley outfit
... and now you all do too. You're welcome.
So yeah. Hang in there, darling, and do whatever you have to do to get through the day. I'm so glad that my writing helps. And even if I don't know you — and even if it may sound cheesy — please remember that I care about you. And, if I could, I would take all the pain away.
Take care 💜
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lilywastaken · 2 years
CC!DreamWasTaken x Fem!Reader
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SUMMARY: mornings with your boyfriend are always heavenly.
WARNINGS: Fluff, very suggestive at the end!!
A/N: Quick small blurb for one of my favourite boys!! <33. Thank you all for the love on my last post, it's appreciated a lot!!!
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Waking up alongside your boyfriend always felt heavenly.
His warm hands would always trace lines on your waist and stomach, his stubble would scratch against your cheek as he murmured in his sleep, his phone's alarm and Nick's offers for breakfast well abandoned in the background.
Oh, and his morning voice, it sent pleasurable shivers down your spine.
"Good morning, Clay."
You greeted, turning around so you were face to face with your boyfriend, your hand coming up to brush some of the curly strands of his hair out of the way of his pretty eyes.
"You sleep well?" His arm came down to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him so your chests were pressed together, his warm breath fanning on your face.
"Mhm… still a bit sleepy… Was awake for a while waiting for you."
His face slightly dropped, shifting in place so he was lying on his back, his arm dragging you with him so your head was resting against his chest, allowing you to trace random figures into his freckled skin.
"I'm sorry. George had this video he needed editing, a-and then patches vomited all over Nick's hoodie, and th-" Clay started to ramble, his free arm flailing around as he tried to get his point across, clearly feeling bad that he had spent so much time at his computer rather than in bed with you.
"It's fine, I'm glad you got some sleep, at least." You interrupted him with a soft smile, reaching for his face and pulling him towards you to meet him in a quick kiss.
"Still… I'm sorryyy…" He whined, turning his head towards you with one of his stupid pouts, causing you to giggle and shove his face away with your hand and a roll of your eyes.
"I said it's fine. Stop apologising."
You insisted, slapping at his chest playfully (which caused him to grab at the spot you had hit and dramatically cry out in pain.) and leaned up on your elbow, the bed covers slipping down your body to reveal your naked front, his eyes bulging out of his head comically at the sight of you.
"Uh… I just… Feel like there's a lot of room left for apologising, you know?" He murmured, his fingers running up and down your spine as he tried to tear away his gaze from your chest, his cheeks dusting pink and pink lips parted in awe as he watched you like a hawk.
"Is that so?" You rebutted with a raised eyebrow and a lopsided smile, watching him nod his head slowly before raising his eyes to look at you.
"Mhm… Just- Just lie down for me, okay? Let me do the work…"
Clay said, his voice still rough from sleep yet it had an underlying tone you couldn't put your finger on.
"I'm still tired, though…" You said teasingly, raising your hand to cup his cheek as he moved you both, his hands coming to rest next to your head so he was caging you in, the sunlight coming in from outside hitting his side, making him look something akin to a god, ready to serve and please you.
"I'll take care of you… don't worry." He said softly, nuzzling his face into your hand, making you giggle at the feeling of his stubble scratching against your palm.
"If you insist~" You said with a smile, making Clay chuckle roughly as he started to press sloppy kisses with a smirk from your neck to your exposed stomach, never breaking eye contact with you.
"Oh, I do." He rumbled as he reached your pyjama bottoms, pulling them down carefully and starting his attack on your soft thighs before reaching his prize.
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
Thoughts on The Super Mario Bros Movie
Spoilers ahead
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- The fact that Bowser's entire plan to get the Power Star was just so he could use it as a proposal gift to Peach is hilarious 🤣
- Jumpman!
Syrprised no one has mentioned this yet. No seriously this cameo made me smile so hard 😄 And yes it is Charles Martinet, and yes he is playing "Jumpman" in the background!
I just thought it was very sweet and YES while he doesn't look like game Mario, it was the best way they could've done it in, my opinion.
- The family was charming!
Honestly when I heard they had a whole family I got very worried that they would be taking up so much screen time.
It's like the issue I have with the humans in the Sonic movie's so far - they are not terrible, but I find it hard to care about them when they are not the main characters, and they go and high jack the movie.
But surprisingly, they aren't in it for too long! They are only at the beginning and end, and serve their purpose. In short, I am ok with them 👍🏻
- Bowser is perfect!
They got Bowser so right - honestly was a bit worried that he was just going to be a love struck clown throughout the whole thing...but when he gets mad or something doesn't go his way - he's terrifying! They really captured the fury of what a monster he is, both Jack Black and the animators 👏🏻
- OK now I know the other reason why they hired Jack Black! Bowser being a secret rocking music dude is not what I was expecting, and I love it 🤣👌🏻
- The fight scenes
DAMN! They did not hold back on these! The way the characters hit each other, the number of times Mario should've been dead with how hard he got smacked around. Dang it's brutal! And I love it!
Gotta mention the epic DK/Cat Mario, Rainbow Road 🌈, and Bowser/Luigi/Mario fights!!! So good 💗
- The Bros reunion
Need to mention it here, even though I already knew about it and gushed about it so many times there is literally nothing else I can say! It's a beautiful moment and even though it's quick I'm so glad they took the time to make that a moment ❤💚
Kudos to the movie for never forgetting the true heart of the movie - the Bros' relationship. Luigi coming in to defend Mario, the Bros taking each other's hand, them running to the star together, Bowser being absolutely pummelled by them! It's so good!!! 💗💗💗 I could watch that all day!
- This movie actually made me like Donkey Kong but not Seth Rogan
- I like what they did with the Kong's being a whole kingdom and like a big family 💗
- Toad is a funky dude. Please give him more in the sequel!
- I like the fact the end credits was so open. Yes I am aware some are upset that Daisy, Wario, Waluigi, and even Rosalina did not appear. But I think that it's a good thing. It shows that Nintendo and Universal did not want to hype up too much, just in case of the possibility of a sequel never happening (you can't really tell with Hollywood sometimes...) and it just means they got time to work on it.
This is the issue I had with Tails being introduced at the end of the Sonic Movie. They hyped him up so much, only for the writers to have to try and write in a sloppy reason in Sonic Movie 2 for why he is there.
It's clear this movie was a MARIO movie. Not hyping up too much for a cinematic universe or trying to get to the sequel - and I appreciate that immensely.
- The fact that Foreman Spike and Peach (two characters who have been in the same franchise but have never interacted due to the time and console releases their intro games took place in) suddenly sharing the same space in a movie??? That is surreal to me.
Technically these aren't so much negatives - just nit picks and little annoyances I found that they could've done better - and also talk about some complaints other people have mentioned.
- The pacing
Yes everyone has talked about this - and they aren't wrong about it...but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! Yes some scenes did seem to be on fast forward, just so the writers could get to the parts they really wanted to do...but when you also look at it from the perspective of urgency that the Mushroom Kingdom is under, some of it does make sense.
But still, the movie does tend to move at too fast a pace sometimes. But it is a fun rush. I can't really find a middle ground with it...
- Slow mo
No seriously did Zach Snyder take over at some point? There were too many pointless slow mo scenes for my liking.
- The pop songs
Not as bad as I thought they were going to be - but I still can't stand pop songs on Mario and I especially hate 80s songs!
In fact, what bothered me the most was the weird opera song they kept playing during their scuffle with the dog. Not only is it obnoxious, but it's playing so loud over the sounds and voices that you can't process anything effectively. It's weird and should've just been left out of the scene.
- Cranky's voice
Literally the only voice in the movie I felt did not fit the character at all. He should've sounded more old and grumpy.
- The fact it went by so fast!!! It was such a rush it went so quick. I wanted to stay in the MK forever 😭
- Luigi being absent
Honestly, yes we needed more of the Bros, but it was inevitable that Luigi wasn't going to have more screen time. Yes it is sad a prison breakout did not happen, but with all the footage they revealed up until release, it became more clear to me thst this wasn't going to happen. There just wasn't going to be time. I'm not upset about it, but we definitely need more in the sequel.
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2n2n · 10 months
Don’t you think Tsunene kiss is a bit early? Like Nene-chan barely KNOWS Tsukasa at this moment, she never questionned what happened in the Red House… I think I’d like to have seen it in volume 22 or later, when she was "more interested" in him. Nonetheless it’s freaking interesting because she knows he’s a Yorishiro, so maybe he will try to convince her to destroy him……: so many possibilities
Why does Nene-chan need to know much about Tsukasa in order to be kissed by him? He's a social reject undead 13 year old ... While I understand if it is outside of your taste, it makes typical sense for a pairing in this manga, specifically. I'm not sure how much you think Hanako knows about Nene-chan, early manga, when he begins flirting with her… ? Doesn't our manga OPEN with Hanako doing some quite out of pocket things, drawing Nene-chan into being confused & questioning of his intentions towards her? She questions his sincerity all the way up to the Far Shore ... the Yugi man... you're asking too much for any twin to do things in the right order at the right time.........
Hanako, day 1 meeting Nene-chan, asserts them as a 'couple',
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and QUICKLY sets into AGGRESSIVELY flirting with her! He admits to not caring about her life at this point-- this is purely physical ... (the sincerity comes later.)...
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Amane wastes no time "getting to know" or "becoming interested in" Nene-chan, he does not give her much time or opportunity to "get interested in" or "get to know" him.
Hanako, meanwhile, he is quite immediately captivated by Nene-chan at first sight…
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and binds her to him quickly. And that is a beautiful/romantic thing for our fated lovers.
Not long into their friendship (which can only exist in the brief hours between and after classes, give or take some spare moments), Hanako is kissing her …
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How much does Nene-chan know about Amane, here, in volume 2? Any more than she knows about Tsukasa, right now? Arguably less???
Amane at age 8 is flirting with Nene-chan and asserting she is his type in, oh surely only an hour at best, of knowing her… he's a kid, his feelings are simple…
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This isn't bad writing or something, it's just AidaIro's preference for romance; quite instant. Sumire did not know anything about Hakubo, when meeting him, but he was a handsome guy, she childishly and immediately is in love, and is in love for good! Who is to say a quickly-and-stupid-onset-romance can't become something earthshattering and beautiful? Who is to say a childish, impulsive start, ignorant of each other, is sloppy or 'too quick'? That's just an odd criticism to me, as a fan of all the pairings in this manga. I think KouMitsu is THE slowest individuals out here, and legitimately it's so slow for me it's unromantic fkldsfjslgg.glkjkljl.... meeting someone, forgetting about them,, keep forgetting about them,, have other crush, is like, ough its a struggle for me. Not how MY romance worked LOL!
While it took a long time for HanaNene to kiss on the lips, that has a LOT more to do with AMANE's specific hang-ups about vulnerability, fear of being attached, avoidance to take things seriously… his concept of 'having no future' and etc !! THINGS TSUKASA DOES NOT HAVE… as Tsukasa is not repressed, like Amane! I think if Amane was true to his heart, he'd have kissed Nene-chan full-on much sooner, but he's naturally avoidant of confession and earnestness!!! Amane would wait for the other party to confess, rather than confess himself! Amane is defensive and rude!!! Tsukasa is simply the type to not hide anything he's feeling. So a mouth kiss is easier for him to, do.
By comparison to Amane, in some respects, Tsukasa has been quite slow and observant… lol. I would argue Tsukasa has offered her more information & background on both himself and Amane in his forays with her, leading her to the bookstacks, to nowhere, meeting her at the Red House... though he has had less two-sided conversation, less time. These are interesting differences. I don't see how one is worse or more rapidfire. Amane hides his truth & lies a lot. If not for Tsukasa, Nene-chan would not know enough about Amane to fall so hard for him, perhaps. Through Amane's romance with her, Tsukasa gets to see quite a lot of Nene's personality. HanaNene in this way fuels TsuNene, and vice versa.
I think Tsukasa has observed Nene-chan quite a lot, is childish, and has precious little social connections at all; I think Nene-chan stands out A LOT! We know Tsukasa observes a lot of what goes on, truly at an unknown frequency. I think he could know as much about Nene-chan as Amane does, though as mostly an observer ... though, we don't know what sort of development they could have when Tsukasa is 12 (: Tsukasa's timeline is funky ! Disordered !!! He can't act normal, haha.
Tsukasa is childish… for Tsukasa, I think the kiss makes sense. I'm only shocked that little guy can really just up and kiss a girl ... I feel like it's taken him quite a long time .... she made her first impression when he was 4 ... much to daydream about, that mysterious girl.
Nene-chan had been lost & confused the entire early portion of Amane's pursuing of her... I'm afraid these Yugi twins both have poor romantic candor. They're quite insistent, aren't they? You have no idea if they like you or not, you get harassed, you get grabbed and pulled around and kissed willy-nilly with no explanation at all, you get suddenly claimed as property and made to follow commands … ! I'm afraid both Yugi are like that to Nene-chan, so I do not see why Tsukasa is unbelievable or too fast with it…!
Criticizing the trajectory and then immediately thinking of the destruction... I'm not with you anon, as much as I think Tsukasa being open to Nene-chan destroying him is in and of itself huge and romantic of him, a beautiful display of trust, placing her into the same position he would place Amane in.... I would like them to finally talk, alone, especially given time is frozen, and Tsukasa has longer than the duration of a school day ... I hope he can take her someplace the frozen clock can't effect... she has so much to process hahahaha ... she just starts accepting one Yugi twin likes her, and here comes the other one kissing her without a proper explanation ....
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arminsumi · 3 months
𝐓𝐨-𝐁𝐞 𝐄𝐱-𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝
🔞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐃𝐍𝐈 / 𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲, 𝟏𝟖+
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : fem reader / Gojo Satoru
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 : ex-boyfriend Gojo Satoru comes back into your life claiming to be an ex-playboy who wants to marry you now.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : drama, light angst, explicit sexual content, Shoko walking in on you two, cr**mpie
𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ->
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"I hate him!" you complain, throwing your keys down angrily as you stomp into your apartment's entrance, ripping your coat off your back and kicking the door shut with your foot.
"Bad date?" Shoko calls from the couch, relaxing with the TV running in the background.
"Awful!" you whined, "The worst I've ever had!"
She laughs and sits up. "Can I say I told you so?"
You blow a heated breath through your nose and march right to the kitchenette, tearing open the freezer and snatching the carton of ice cream out of it. Only after a therapeutic mouthful of ice cream are you ready to give Shoko the full story — and she's all ears.
She'd received your text hours ago about bumping into Gojo in public — and on a day when you were in such a rush that you had no make-up, hair sloppy, ugly shoes on, granny panties riding your ass and all. None of that stopped him from pestering you to get a coffee with him. Though seeing him again after years opened all your wounds, through all the hatred you still loved him so, so much — "Yeah, I've got time." you were so quick to accept a date with the man who broke your heart.
"I'm such an idiot for thinking that he changed! Really; you should have slapped me for giving him a chance."
Shoko raises a brow at you, observing your ruffled hair.
"... did you two get intimate?" she asks.
"What! No!" you deny embarrassedly. "I'm not pathetic enough to screw my ex on the spot!"
She leans closer to you on the couch, eyeing your neck. When she sees a hint of a heart-shaped hickey under your collarbone, she slowly shakes her head at you. There's only one person who ever gave you heart-shaped hickeys.
"Okay... we kissed." you admit.
"Must have been one hell of a kiss." Shoko teases. "So what went wrong?"
"He proposed to me!" you fume.
"Damn, that's crazy. He hasn't seen you in, like — what? Five years?"
"Yeah!!" you stress, "He is crazy — he's always been crazy, mind you. But anyways, I rejected him," you continue.
But Shoko interrupts; "Was this marriage proposal before or after the raunchy sex?" she asks.
"How do you know we — "
" — I'm no detective; but you smell like sex and Gojo Satoru."
"Alright, maybe we did..."
"When and where? Were you safe? Girl, don't let him knock you up — you know that weirdo's got a kink for that." she shakes her head, starting to therapeutically rub your feet as you talk.
"I'm on birth control so I let him bareback — don't look at me like that! He looked so good! And he was smiling at me like — you know how, that smile!" you say through a mouthful of ice cream, digging around in the carton before continuing to tell Shoko about your 'awful' date with your ex-boyfriend.
"... he's bigger than I remember..." you mutter dreamily to yourself, and Shoko whines "Ew." in response. You add; "And the backseat of his car was pretty spacious." to which she responds with another "Ew." so you double-down with "I forgot how hard he hits his strokes. He destroyed me." and, again, Shoko says "Ew.".
"... do you think eight and a half inches is hard to take?" you ask, and she pulls a funny face.
"Eight and a half is crazy. Where do you put all that?" she asks.
"Inside me." you say smugly.
"What steroids is your pussy on?"
"So, then, did he propose marriage to you before or after you let him bareback you in his backseat?" she asks, taking a turn on your ice cream therapy after hearing way too many details about how good her ex-classmate Gojo Satoru fucks.
"... during!" you reply, furiously.
"Haha!" she chuckles, cleaning the spoon of ice cream, "Seriously?"
"Seriously! Balls deep and asking for marriage." you shake your head.
"Was he just asking that because he was pussy-drunk?" Shoko questions.
You stop to think. "Oh... well! That doesn't matter! Pussy-drunk or not, he opened old wounds! You know how much I wanted us to be solid back in the day, and he was just a playboy." you say, bitterly remembering the past.
Shoko's sympathetic, picturing the past with you but through her own lens; to her, you and Gojo were two soulmates that met at the wrong time. The perfect match, the right chemistry. But you were serious and he wasn't. You wanted a relationship that lasted until old-age, and he wanted a honeymoon that lasted less than a year.
You can't remember all the details leading up to the breakup, but you do remember that Gojo moved away and started texting you less and less, until he stopped texting at all. What stung is that you could only conclude that he simply lost interest in you — frightening, how the person you spent nights talking about your world with ends up as distant as another galaxy.
"Can you believe it? He just got hotter with age. I hate it!" you complain bitterly, leaning head-against-head with Shoko as you stalk Gojo's each and every social media.
"I can believe that he's thirty years old." Shoko replies. You chuckle at her side.
"... he looks so good here..." you frown, seeing a photo he uploaded two months ago in Okinawa; celebrating his 30th birthday with Geto Suguru and Nanami Kento. "He and I would have made good kids."
"Oh my god." Shoko shakes her head, "You just said you hated him."
"Yeah! Because he has the audacity to offer me marriage after breaking my heart five years ago! And while pussy-drunk, too!" you fume.
Shoko smiles softly at you. "You love him."
"I do." you say defeatedly.
She pets your hair softly, then ceases momentarily to check her phone. She sighs.
"I've got to go." she says.
"It's 1 AM."
"I'm on-call."
"Quit your job; rob a bank with me and run away to the desert, like we planned 8 years ago." you joke, calling back to what you always said in university whenever Shoko was struggling with her medical degree.
"You're funny. You enjoy that ice cream; I'm gonna go sew someone back together." Shoko winks.
You look at her, grossed-out. "How do you have the stomach for this..."
She shrugs.
You see her out the door, and she rushes off to the hospital, not to return for a long while.
Snuggling into a blanket on the couch with the lights dimmed, you check your phone.
Perhaps it was a mistake to stalk all of Gojo's socials, because you left pawprints all over for him to find you. And boy did he grin like the Cheshire when he saw you in his notifications.
@ 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 liked your post.
Friend request from @ 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮
@ 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 wants to send you a message.
@ 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 look who's stalking me 😁
He's sipping on a home-made, non-alcoholic cocktail in his pretty penthouse, pacing back and forth over your "typing" status, clad in his fuzzy slippers with Suguru there for "emotional support".
"She's typing, she's typing." Satoru whispers-shouts to Suguru excitedly.
"Oh is she?"
Satoru nibbles the rim of his cocktail glass, coating his lips with sugar and licking it off, nervously awaiting your reply.
i hate you.
"She said she hates me." he smiles at his screen.
Suguru bursts out laughing, "Why are you smiling about that?"
"It's an inside joke."
"Oh, wow, just forget I'm your best friend, why don't you?" Suguru sasses.
Satoru rolls his eyes back at him, "She told me in the backseat tonight that the line between love and hate is blurry." he explains, "She hates me so much that she loves me even more."
"Does she hate every inch of you?" Suguru jokes.
"All eight and a half." Satoru chuckles naughtily.
"Are you gonna reply to her?" Suguru asks.
"Not yet; I don't want her to think I'm too excited. I've got to wait for at least ten minutes, then I can reply."
Suguru shakes his head at his best friend. "Ridiculous."
Actually, only two minutes pass before Satoru replies to you; he can't stop himself.
@ 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 don't be so mean to your future husband
you mean future ex-husband?
@ 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 wouldn't mind being your ex as long as i'm your favorite ex
🙄 you already are my favorite ex
@ 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 😘
i love you but i also want to 🔪🩸
@ 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 that's hot but can we fuck one more time before you stab me
Satoru becomes totally absorbed in texting you, and Suguru notes how his face is getting redder and how he's gone silent.
Then Satoru starts giggling naughtily.
"Get a room."
"... she wants me to come over." Satoru smiles at the screen.
"What?? It's almost two in the morning." Suguru raises a brow.
"What can I say. I guess she just needs me that badly." he replies smugly.
"Oh, Satoru, don't act like you're not pathetic for her." Suguru laughs.
Satoru's at your door, full of sass and smugness when you open it for him. You're nervously touching at your neck, acting coy and strange as you always have in the presence of someone as attractive as Gojo.
Sex follows after a small, bitter argument — of course. Because if there's one way he knows to shut you up, it's with his hard-hitting strokes.
"Come on, you can take it deeper." he coos into your ear, hugging your body from behind.
"I can't!" you pout.
He spreads your cheeks, exposing both holes to him, "I know you can."
He sighs when he finally pushes himself the rest of the way in, big hands coming to hold your ankles as you flail them around and squeal about how deep he is.
Pounding into you like that doesn't just have you seeing stars, but him too; his breathing becomes choppy, he furrows his brows in focus — jaw too slack for him to close his mouth when it feels this good to rub his cock inside you.
"Babyyy," he whines into your ear, nearing climax, "Will you marry me?"
"Satoru what the f— mmm!" you squeal and feel him go harder, like he's trying to dumb you down on his cock enough to make you say yes to his outrageous proposal.
"Please?" he whines again, getting closer.
His tip pounds into this weird gummy little spot that no one else has found in you except him, and it makes your orgasm build up too quickly for you to cope with. Sloppily going to rub your clit, you whine on the couch pillow that you're close and then he can finally let go.
" 'm cumming inside." he pants.
His eyes roll back while he empties his balls inside you, like he's trying to creampie you so good that he gets you pregnant.
Hearing him enjoy himself so much makes you shiver. You did that to him — you squeezing around him, spasming on his cock, made him lose control.
Calming down takes a while. You sigh when he slides out, feeling the pressure relieved from inside.
"Round twooo?" he asks after catching his breath.
You swat him. "Are you insane?"
"What? I've still got more in me."
"I mean earlier, you asked to marry me — again. That's twice in one day. And we haven't seen each other in five years. You're insane!"
He sees reality taking a hold of you as you scramble to get dressed. Satoru groans dramatically, rolling his eyes and going in for a hug to keep you there on the couch with him, naked.
"Baby." he says softly.
"Don't 'baby' me!" you snap at him.
"Why are you mad?"
"Because five years ago, you said no to marriage and now look at you!"
You look at him, glaring.
"I love it when you glare at me. You're cute when you're mad."
You purse your lips tight.
"I'm sorry." he apologized quickly, "I just couldn't marry you back then."
"Because you were a playboy!"
"Yeah." he admits, and you're taken aback. Gojo Satoru admitting a fault? What reality is this?
"So you admit it!"
"Yeah, I'm sorry." he shrugs.
"You're so pathetic." you reply.
His cock twitches. "But I love you."
"I'm not taking you back." you shake your head, and he knows you don't mean it. "Go buy a ring and stick it up your ass for all I care."
He cups your cheeks, and you immediately become putty in his hands.
Of course, he has to get in a smirking, stupid comment.
"Look who's pathetic now."
"I hate you." you grumble half-heartedly. Satoru grins.
He leans in, bumping noses with you. If there's one thing he loved doing, it was burning his blue eyes into yours until your face went hot and your lips trembled.
"... I'm a different person. You know, it has been five years, after all." he says softly.
You grumble more. "I can't believe it."
He nips at your chin, kissing cautiously.
Little kisses up your cheeks, one by one, make you smile and swat for him to stop.
Of course, innocent kisses don't stay innocent forever between you and him, and his back muscles tense as he slowly sinks inside you again.
Shoko comes home to you two hate-fucking, sweaty and panting and all.
"On my couch? Seriously?"
You two jump at her sudden appearance. Her face droops with tiredness, scrubs on and to-go coffee in her hand.
"Sh-Shoko!" you squeal, "I didn't hear you come in..."
She laughs. "Yeah, of course not. You moan too loud."
"She does." Gojo teases, so you smack his bicep to scold him. "Ooh, don't turn me on now."
"Gojo." Shoko says flatly.
"Shoko." he returns. "How are you?" he asks awkwardly.
She places her handbag down and takes her clip-claw out of her hair.
"Good. Just patched a kid up. Sledding accident." she replies.
"Gross." Gojo scrunches his nose.
"Not as gross as coming home to see Gojo Satoru's sticking his dick in my best friend." she replies.
He giggles, while you cover your face in shame. "Does my ass look good from the back though?"
Shoko heaves a sigh. "I'm going to bed." she says, "And will you two open a window? It smells like dick in here."
Gojo howls with laughter on top of you, his laugh reminding you of why you fell in love in the first place.
"Sorry Shoko. Get some rest." you say, though embarrassed still humored.
"Yeah. By the way, Shoko, you'd be the Maid of Honor right?"
"Yup." Shoko nods.
"We are not getting married!"
"... great! I'll tell Suguru to go get a suit tailored."
"Gojo, be serious!"
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© 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐢
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servin-up-surveys · 1 year
survey #102
(taken january 17th; uploading surveys taken while gone)
What is the most meaningful gift you’ve ever given? I worked extremely hard in art class making an anatomically correct heart out of clay that I painted and then put in a shadow box with a poem I wrote dedicated to him as the background for Jason once. I think I gave it to him as a Valentine's Day gift. I sometimes wonder if he still has it.
Whatever happened to the first person you ever loved? I have no idea what he's up to these days. It's probably better that way.
What is the biggest difference between you and your best friend? I am very emotional and he's barely at all. Or at least, he doesn't know how to show it.
Do you currently have a job? No, but I'm kinda regularly looking online... and it's stressing me out.
What brand is your vacuum cleaner? I don't remember, but something good. My mom's brother gifted her a vacuum cleaner once when she mentioned all she really wanted to buy for herself with the inheritance was a quality vacuum.
Could you win a staring contest with someone? Absolutely not, eye contact is extreeemely uncomfortable for me.
Name the last video game you’ve played. Girt and I are still playing Silent Hill 2. <3 We're in the prison area now, so making real progress.
Name someone who has changed your life for the better. The psychiatrist I went to for many years since my partial hospitalization program. I only ever left him because my insurance changed and he doesn't take Medicaid.
Can you say the alphabet in more than one language? Yeah, in German.
Do you ever get carsick? No.
Did you used to watch Blue's Clues? I sure did, I loved it. I got so emotional when Steve's actor published that video a year or two back addressing our generation.
What is the best way to tell someone that they stink? I just... wouldn't. Especially if I didn't know the person very well, because I don't know their living situation or if they have access to (hot) water, etc. Also as someone who has difficulty showering enough out of self-worth issues, I just don't think it's a good idea. I guess MAYBE I would if it was someone I was very close to and they were going to like, an interview or something, but I can't even imagine how I'd manage to do it.
Which movie’s musical score is truly memorable? Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron stands out.
What’s your favorite scene from the movie Titanic? I don't really remember because I've seen the movie only once a very long time ago. The last scene is super memorable though, where Rose throws the necklace (I think it was a necklace?) Jack gave her into the ocean. God did that movie make me cry, I remember that well. It's funny, I actually saw it while in the mental hospital and pretty much everyone was crying, like goddamn what a choice for mentally ill people at their worst lmfao
First kiss: quick, sloppy, and forgettable or passionate and memorable? It was quick and painfully memorable.
What is your favorite band's most popular song? Ozzy's is pretty obviously "Crazy Train," and I'm going to assume "Du hast" is Rammstein's because it was featured in The Matrix.
Are you listening to music right now? Yeah, I have "Little Dark Age" by MGMT on. Girt got me into it a long time ago.
Have you ever made the opposite sex cry? Yes.
Do you say the "H" in the word “herb”? No. I did for a very long time though, until I learned considerably late that it's silent.
What have you thought about most today? Girt and how he's coping. He's talked more with me today and seems a bit more perked up, but I'm still worried. I wanna see him really, really bad. This question prompted me to decide I'm bringing him lunch tomorrow btw lmao
If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be: Probably like a little toy computer and a mini model of my iPod. OH and don't forget a pill organizer lmfao
What type of food do you eat at your grandparents? My grandma tended to make all the things I didn't like, honestly, lmao. Though granted we saw each other super super rarely.
I find the thought of childbirth… fucking TERRIFYING and disgusting. "It's a miracle!" no bitch that is horror beyond our comprehension
What sea creature scares you? GIANT SQUID
What was the last thing to make you cry? Thinking Girt was going to leave.
What serial killer do you find most disturbing? Gotta be honest, I don't know nearly enough about like, any in order to give you a proper answer.
Who knows a secret or two about you? Jason, Girt, Mazzy, Tez, Mom... Really any of the VERY few people in my real, face-to-face life who know I RP. I guess the Joel situation I got in as a pre-teen could been seen by some as a secret, especially when SO few people know, but it's not something I'd deliberately hide anymore if it was relevant to share and haven't felt the need to conceal it for many, many years. I'll fully admit I was a backstabbing snake.
Where is your sister right now? I would assume they're home now.
Does anyone regularly tell you they love you? The two very regular people are Mom and Girt, but I feel like Mazzy and Tez do it a notable amount too.
Any posters of a band on your bedroom wall? I have multiple, but I am ACTUALLY considering taking them down, amazingly. I really, really am thinking of lessening the decor in my crowded room and making it a more nature-based, peaceful location that I can go to to feel safe and relax soundly.
Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate? I don't believe in soulmates.
Do you share your bedroom with anyone? My snake Venus' terrarium is in there, and Roman almost always sleeps with me. He sometimes roams to other places in the house to snooze during the night, though.
What’s your crush’s/boyfriend/husband’s name? Donald Jr. but I've always known him as Girt.
And their occupation? He's worked in a tire factory for like, a decade.
Do you think it’d be cool to have your body mummified after you die? No, honestly. I completely respect the cultural reasonings and even find mummies super fascinating, but for me PERSONALLY, I'd be very grossed out by the idea of it being done to myself.
Are you leaving the house tomorrow? Yes; I'm buying Girt lunch and bringing it to him at work, and I'm going to try and stop by the tattoo parlor to drop my deposit on my tattoo and get the appointment date!
Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche? To a degree. Sometimes they're just too excruciatingly ordinary/expectable, but I do very much enjoy a well-written love story.
Would you or do you allow your children to watch television? Yes I would, though especially when young, I would try to set limits. If I have kids, I really don't want them to face a technology addiction like I have. I want them to take adequate time to be present in the real world that is directly before them, experience this one trip they've got on Earth.
Can you read music? Not well anymore. Some things, sure, they've stuck with me, but not a lot.
Have you been to McDonald’s in the past month? Honestly, way too much. I have been very bad with fast food lately and it needs to stop.
Have you ever slept over at your best friend’s house? Not with my current one yet. He prefers coming over here.
Is your mother diabetic? She is, actually. Runs in the family. Her sugar level is VERY volatile so she can't mess up/miss those meds. It frighteningly regularly goes so low that she has to take emergency measures like glucose tablets and stuff.
Are you? No, but it's something I really do need to watch. I don't think I'm considered pre-diabetic anymore, my doctors keep track of that stuff closely and have told me I'm good right now, but I know I'm still at high risk for it just by genes, personal history, and lifestyle. And I do NOT want it. Diabetes has either affected or straight-up taken too many people in my life.
Would you like to learn how to make ceramic pottery? Eh, not especially. I mean, I'm not AGAINST it, but I'm just not very interested.
Ever sang someone to sleep? No.
What was the last TV show you were hooked on? Lol Girt and I went on a nearly full-day binge of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives the other day when he was here. We have streaks where we just let the episodes keep going and going and going... lol. It's interesting stuff though and always makes us way too hungry.
Have you ever started a book and never finished it? Yeah. I remember in specific I once got pretty damn deep into this MASSIVE book that was a story about a guy who adopted/raised a baby fawn or something like that but I just like... randomly stopped. I do think I tried reading it at too young an age though, it was pretty advanced, even for me at the age I tried it. I just found it with some googling: The Yearling. Apparently it's a classic. Maybe one of these days I'll try it again.
Do you have a favorite drummer? Who? Not talent-wise but I definitely have a bias for Rammstein's Christoph Schneider because he is a fucking PEACH
What about a favorite guitarist? Who? Again, talent-wise I really don't know, but I make it obnoxiously obvious I adore Rammstein's Richard Kruspe because he is one of the most charmingly chaotic and adorable human beings ever sobs I'm not supposed to be into 50 y/o men help
Do you ever write fanfic? Of what? I feel like this would surprise people that know how overly invested I get in some things/people, but I don't and never have. Never even read any. Nothing against it, it's just not my thing.
Do you ever READ fanfic? Of what? ^ oh, got ahead of myself
Have you ever thought somebody was plain-looking, but found them attractive once you got to know them better? I initially thought Jason looked kinda weird but then through just loving him he became THE most attractive person on the planet to me when we dated, like genuinely.
What specifically about them made them so beautiful? Look man it took me years to get OVER this dude, I ain't doing this lmfao
What is your #1 dealbreaker with friendships? For a friendship... hm. Being manipulative/gaslighting me over things is a very strong contender. I could also never, ever be friends with a person who thought they were better than everyone else. Well, I could never do that AGAIN. Been there, done that, no seconds please.
Are you interested in fashion? No.
Do you like Led Zeppelin? I enjoy some songs, yeah; "Kashmir" is fuckin legendary with one of the best riffs ever and I also *technically* love "Stairway to Heaven," but it's my #1 trauma-associated song that I physically CANNOT listen to so haven't for many, many years. My mom absolutely adooooores Zeppelin.
Have you ever seen a real-live cop chase? IIII don't think so? Maybe?
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Coming Home
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Captain America: The First Avenger
Pairing; 1940s!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary; Bucky finally reunites with you, safe and sound in your arms, after the gruesome war.
Word Count; 1969
Warnings; NSFW, 18+, minors DNI, mention of war and death, unprotected vaginal sex, mention of bodily fluids.
Authors Note; not everything may be accurate to the 1940s, war or Bucky’s story. My apologies! Enjoy loves <3
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All of your friends and family were mingling around the house, waiting for James to arrive through the front door at any minute now. It had been months since anyone saw him and people were more than excited to have him back home again. They were over the moon and thrilled that he had managed to survive the war and come home alive and well with all his limbs intact. There were so many brave soldiers coming home in caskets, their families forever in mourning at the loss of a loved one. All of you were so lucky that he was coming home in one piece.
It felt so familiar as you were sitting on the sofa waiting for him. Just like those months ago when you waited for him to come home with news of his enlistment but only this time you were waiting for him to come home safely to you.
“You alright, sweetie?” His mother questioned, taking a seat next to you as she saw you were deep in thoughts by yourself. A reassuring hand was placed on your shoulder as she gave a light squeeze. “I'm alright. I'm just so excited for James to come home finally. It's been half a year. I miss him dearly.” “Me too, sweetheart. It's going to be good to have my baby home again.”
Just then, the front door opened with no other than James walking through it, his uniform on, and a bag in hand. Everyone in the room gasped upon his arrival and then silent for a few long seconds. James didn't know what to do with himself while everyone kept staring at him. Like someone had flipped a switch, they all, at the same time, started clapping and hollering at him, finally being home again.
His mom, dad, and siblings were the first ones to hug and love him. Their son was home again, all in one piece. His mom was crying happy tears, and his dad kept telling him how proud he was of him. After that, it was everyone else's turn to greet and congratulate him.
You kept in the background, not knowing what to do with yourself. You were frozen. You couldn't move. Is this a trick? Is he really here, or was your mind playing a sick game with you. No. It was him, your loving husband, in the flesh.
He searched for you, his loving wife, that he had missed so much. His eyes were scanning the crowd of people that had gathered around him for any signs of you. Where were you? Why weren't you here to receive him?
That's when he finally caught your eye when a small gap was created in the crowd. Tears were streaming down your face as you held around yourself. Your mouth was opening and closing, but he could see that no words were coming out of it.
Without thinking, he went straight to where you were and stood just a few steps away. All you did was stare at one another for hours, it felt like. His own tears started to be produced at seeing you after so long.
“Bucky, it's you… You're here…?”
“I'm here, my love. I'm home.”
After such a long time without his touch, you finally felt whole again when he took those last steps towards you to wrap you tight and secure in his arms. That missing piece of you filled up with warmth and love at having him safe and sound by your side again.
It wasn't enough for both of you with only the arms enclosing each other. Your whole body wrapped itself around him as he held you up in his arms.
The other people left you to be for your little intimate reunion. Like this, you stayed for a few moments. Holding onto one another after such a long time.
“I missed you so much, my wife. Every second of every day, I thought about you. To be in this moment again in your lovely arms. To be this close once more.”
“Bucky, I missed you so much. My heart is finally whole again now with you here in my arms where you belong.”
The two of you were craving each other's lips after months apart. A whole series of pecks were left on one another to feel the comfort of your lips on each other. You stayed in your bubble for just a while longer. Caresses and comforting words left between you two before realization hit that you needed to join the others.
“I want to take you upstairs to our room and make love to you after so long, and I will tonight, my love. I'll give you all of me, but right now, we need to return to the others.”
As much as you wanted him to take you upstairs, he had a point. All of these people were here for him as well. It would be rude to leave them. After months apart, you could manage to survive a few more hours without him inside you.
The wait was painful as teasing words and touches were left on each other throughout the night. The longer it went on, the longer you became impatient and in desperate need for him, but you would have to suck it up for a while longer. The wait finally paid off when the last people to leave were his parents. A final hug and goodbye to James from them, and then he was all yours for the remainder of the night.
As soon as he closed the door on them, he spun around to be met with your presence a few inches away from him. In a flash, he had you wrap your legs around his waist as his lips moved hurriedly and messily against yours. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling and patting to keep him on your lips as long as possible.
The journey to the bedroom was a clumsy and messy one as you bumped into everything on your way. Stuff from shelves and the wall falling, but none of you cared. The clumsiness of it had both of you giggle out.
Your back came in contact with the mattress as Bucky set you down. His eyes admiring your form. Your dress was hiked up just a little, exposing your thighs to him that he loved to spend hours upon hours between. The sight of you had him inhale deep through his nose.
“You're so beautiful.”
He was quick to help in getting rid of your clothing as you did with him as well. Now just in your underwear, his lips returned to yours in desperation to feel them again. They moved downwards, your neck, breasts, stomach, and thigh, to worship all of you. As good as it felt and as much as you wanted him to continue with his journey to the final destination, you just wanted him right here, right now, Skip the overdrawn foreplay; even though you loved it to the fullest, you could do all of that later for all eternity. To explore each other and bring pleasure to one another with your mouths and fingers. But right now, you just needed his lips on yours as his hard length was driving itself in and out of you like only he knew how to.
“Bucky,” you grabbed the side of his head to lift his eyes towards yours, “as much as I want that, I need you even more inside me, baby, please.”
Your wish was his command. His lips traveled up the same way they had come down. He got rid of the last article of clothing from both of you. His length lined itself up with you, teasing your entrance, making you whimper out in complete neediness.
“Please, Bucky, I need you so bad.”
His forehead touched yours as your mouths were millimeters apart. Your hands holding his back to keep him flush with you, chest against chest.
“Do you remember that you wrote to be about wanting a baby?”
“Do you still mean it? Do you want a baby?”
“I do, James. Please, I want a child with you so much.”
That was his cue to push the entirety of him into your tightness. He would give you a baby, as many as you want. The gasp you emitted when he filled you up spread out in the room.
He rocked your bodies against the covers as his dick continuously brushed your g-spot, which had you moan and whimper in pleasure. His own sounds escaped him when he felt you squeeze him a tad tighter. Lips lightly touched one another as your mouths were parted to let out pleasing sounds fill the whole room. You wrapped your legs around his middle part to force him more in you. You never wanted him ever to stop with his moves.
His lips moved down to your neck to kiss, lick and suck on your sensitive skin. A single tear ran down your cheeks, tears of happiness and fulfillment in having Bucky here with you and inside where he belonged.
Once he caught a glimpse of tears, he stopped his movements immediately, thinking that he did something wrong or something that hurt you.
“What is it, doll? Did I do something wrong? Do you want me to stop? Am I hurting you?”
“No!” You grabbed the side of his face and pulled him to you until your noses touched. “Nothing's wrong. I've just missed you so much, and it feels so good. Please don't stop, James; it feels so good.”
“I won't ever stop,” his movements gained momentum again as his hips slapped against you, “I'll never stop loving and making you feel so good, princess.”
You and he were close and connected in all the ways physically possible. It felt like cloud nine, and you never wanted ever to leave this moment.
His thrusts became more raged, more sloppy, which was an indication that he would finish inside you very soon. His lips left kisses everywhere. On your face, neck, and just about everywhere, his lips could reach. His thrusts, his lips, and the feel of him holding you so close had your back arch, and your eyelashes fluttered shut in total ecstasy.
“Are you close, doll?”
“Let go for me. Let me feel you.”
You and he came together as you held each other close. His seed filled you up fully as your walls milked him for all he was worth; hopefully, a baby would come out of this. Moans of names and pleas filled the space as you rode out the high together.
After calming down for a while and getting your heart and breath under control, he pulled you to his side. Both of you kissing and caressing the skin of the other as you laid there in the bliss of the moment.
It was good to have your husband home again. To have him safe and sound in your arms where he belonged and what he called his home. He couldn't stop kissing you. Your lips were like a sweet drug for him that he would forever be addicted to.
“I love you, doll, so much.”
“I love you too, James, so much.”
The rest of the night was spent making love over and over again. The two of you had a lot of lost time to catch up on, so the comfort of your four-bedroom walls would be your home for the next few days as you caught up with one another. Talking, fucking, sleeping, comforting him after nightmares of the terrible and gruesome war was on the plan. Laughs, love, and kisses would be felt all around as well, as you kept yourselves in your safe little bubble.
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Credit @ firefly-graphics for the wonderful divider
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silverrstarrr · 3 years
Hello, today I am starting a Eren x black reader fanfic. And don't worry, yo girl over here is Nigerian😋😋 I do plan to put smut into it but I've never written smut before so please be easy on about that part! (The reader and Eren are both 18, their first year in University.)
Y/n L/n. Daniyah
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Dylan. Jason
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Normal Girl<3
Chapter one:
You love the way I pop my top. Or love how I lose my cool
Music was playing in the background on a loud Bluetooth speaker as you were preparing yourself for the day. Looking at your reflection in the mirror, you take off your bonnet, your long black box braids flowing down to your hips. Which cost a bitch. You were cleaning up your face and doing a causal face routine. You grabbed your makeup bag from under the bottom cabinet and began applying. Doing your eyebrows, eyeliner, eye shadow, lipgloss. Placing the brown foundation on your skin to cover up the bumps that were on your face, contour and more. You placed your false eyelashes on, ruffling up your hair a bit more. After a good 15 minutes, you were ready for the day.
Or love how I look at you. Say why?
The song Normal girl by SZA continued to play as you hummed to the rhythm of the song. Finishing up laying down your edges, you gave yourself a small smile in the mirror,  feeling hella confident in your looks. Even though you were self conscious, you had this thing when you believed you that you're the most ugliest bitch in the world, next thing you're in love with yourself. It was currently 8 am in the morning, class was starting by 8:45.
You wanted to freshen up before you left for school. Your roommate you shared a dorm with was currently out grabbing you guys breakfast.  You guys both settled for Dunkin' since their drink prices were reasonable and good unlike starbucks. You left the bathroom and grabbing your bonnet on the way out, switching the light off. You tossed the hair net on your bed as you went over to your dresser.
For your affection, tryna be down. No fighting and no stopping, Stick around
Oh shit, this was your part. You started to sing to yourself, not ACTUALLY singing it but you know, saying the lyrics.
"Wish I was the type of girl you take over to mama! The type of girl, I know my daddy, he'd be proud of. Yeah, be proud of."
You were singing your heart out at this point, who doesn't enjoy SZA?!
Not to mention, you relate so much to the song. Since you weren't America's "normal girl". You didn't have Blue eyes, blonde hair, or white pale skin. You were a beautiful brown skin woman, with black curly hair  and brown eyes. Not to mention you had 4c hair. But it wasn't a bad thing in your opinion, you loved your hair because at the end of the day, you knew it was long ass hell.
A bzzt sound came from your dresser, instantly your grabbed your phone and unlocked it. It was your roommate, Yume. Yume was a pale skin girl, with brown eyes and long black hair. She was mixed. Her mother was Japanese and her dad was white. Yume was pretty outgoing and bold, a lot of people on campus knew who she was. She was a party person. She still managed to get decent grades by that, you meant that she crammed at the last second and got a C+ or above. Opening up messages, you read the ones from Yume.
colonizer but times 2🧑🏻‍🦲
Attachment: 1 photo
Look what I gooottt😩❗❗
y/n is funky🧑🏾‍🦱🦷❗        
y/n liked a photo
Girl, hurry up and bring the food😭
over here posing with the dunkin' bag, goofy😭😭
colonizer but times 2🧑🏻‍🦲
I'm getting in the car now, see you later hot melatonin queen, wakanda queen 👸🏾 remember BLM✊🏻❤
y/n is funky🧑🏾‍🦱🦷❗  
You began laughing, using your hand to cover your mouth. You left messages and began scrolling through your other social media. First you check snapchat, it was a bunch of your friends and people who added you, leaving hearts under your post story. Since you posted a little selfie.  You had on a cute graphic t shirt that hugged your upper body and showed your stomach. You didn't have a flat stomach but a little tummy. You had on faded blue jeans that rested at your hips. Even though you didn't have a flat stomach, your curvy body and a dump trunk made up for it. You had a few necklaces resting on your chest as well with a few rings on your finger.
I wish I was a normal girl, oh my. How do I be? How do I be a lady?
You clicked on instagram. You had a decent 10k followers. You were considered one of those pretty aesthetic pinterest girl, especially because of your outfit ideas.  You look through your feed for a bit, then you came across yume's page. You scroll through her post and liked her recent. You checked the comments and all the guys fawning over her, it wasn't anything new but you didn't expect this one person. They left a black heart under their post and yume replied to it. You clicked on the profile just to check if she had a secret lover and she wasn't telling you. The username was "eyeager45". Surprisingly, he had 18k followers.
Normal girl, oh
I wish I was a normal girl.
I'll never be, no, never be uh
This shocked you, not his follower count but the fact your roomie got him commenting hearts?! Nah, you need to find out. You scrolled through his feed, looking at his photos, he didn't have a lot of post. But damn he was fine. He had long brown hair that rested on his shoulders, his eyes were a teal color but you were still stuck deciding if it was blue or green. Most of his photos, he had it tied into a sloppy bun, a few strands stood out flopping over his forehead. Without thinking, your dumbass liked his photo.
"I-" you said. Before you can unlike the photo, yume barges in with breakfast. It was already 8:20, classes were starting.
"There was traffic on the way and since it's rush hour, everyone and their crew was getting coffee."
Yume placed you guys drinks and food on a nearby round table. She quickly ran to the bathroom to pee, closing the door behind her. You placed your phone back on your dresser and went over to grab your drink. You took a sip, It seem like this time yume got your (f/d) correct and not just getting a random flavor she sees on the menu. Opening up the bag, you grab your (f/f) along with the other food that was apart of your meal. You went back over to the dresser to grab your phone, then back to the small table. You sat down on the small couch that was close to the table and started eating.
"Hey! Make sure you got your own shit and not eating mine by mistake" yume was washing her hands in the bathroom.
You nodded your head with a "mmm". You were digging in, eating fast because class was starting soon. Coming out of the bathroom, yume whistled looking at your outfit. She always gassed you up & was your number one fan.
"Look at you~ all cute and shit" she ruffled through the bag, grabbing her donut already taking a bite out of it then her breakfast sandwich as she sat down next to you. Both of you guys were munching as if the food was running away, like slow tf down. You took out your phone to take a quick insta video of your food and yume. She was taking a sip of her drink when you pointed your camera on her, she did a quick deuces, which made both of you laugh a bit. You quickly added it to your story and tagged her. You went back and forth with your drink and food, until it was finish. You still had a some coffee left but the food? Gone. 
You and yume shared an apartment together. It was close to the campus and it was cheaper. Dorms costed a load for no reason. Most of the time they had no kitchen and barley any room other than for the beds. You met yume during high-school but you guys weren't that close but still kept in touch. Summer break came around and you guys so happened to have the same job. It was the best summer of your life, you were really greatful for meeting yume. She was also the first to offer you to share an apartment together since you both were attending the same university.
Both of guys were majoring in different things but that was fine. Yume was planning on becoming a nurse while you were in the cosmetic industry. It's been a dream ever since you were young. Grabbing your mother's makeup bag and just smearing it all over your face by the age of twelve. You remember the first time you did your makeup and showed your mom.
She laughed so hard and took you into the bathroom to fix it up. Slowly you started getting better and better at makeup. You had your own YouTube channel by the time but it wasn't a lot of subscribers, about 3k. Now you were 19 and had a 500k subscribers who supported you all the way. Being in the beauty industry on YouTube was a hassel because there was always drama here and there but you were never included. More like a "I just sit back and observe" type shit. 
The apartment you guys shared was pretty big. You had your own room and bathroom, the same with yume. Yume parents were wealthy since her mom was a dentist and her dad was a doctor. Yume never made any real friends. They always ended up leeching off of her and her money, one of the main reason she kept distance from you and others during high school but the summer brought you guys together. 
It was the beginning of the first semester, you had your first class today. You were excited but that didn't stop the anxiety creeping up your spine. What if you didn't make a good expression, or did some stupid shit and fell.
"Hellllooooo, y/n. You good?"
yume was waving her hand in your face. She was laughing at bit because of your face expression while you were in la-la-land.
You nudged her lightly and giggled back.
"Stoop, leave me alone. I'm just nervous about my first day"
Yume grabbed the empty bags and wrappers that were on the table, walking to the kitchen to threw them away. She had on a cute oversized black sweatshirt with a white collar. It went well with her white tennis skirt and beige color platforms. Yume was 5'6 but looked 5'7. She was really pretty in your opinion. It was surprising she didn't have a boyfriend.
"Girl pleaseee, you'll be fine. You're pretty and you have a cute laugh—who wouldn't fall for you?" Yume continued cheesying. She went over to the doorsteps and grabbed a pair of pair of  black air Jordan 1 retros(the high ones). She walked back over and tossed them on the ground next to you.
"You aren't wrong about that...but you know I literally don't know what to say after 'hi'. I don't know how people do it, it gets so awkward after that point."
"Shit...you're right...well since we're in college now, we can ask others about their majors and stuff but I rather not hear about a guy talking about how much he likes the human body system."
Loosing up the laces, you slip your foot in  and began tying the strings—you repeated the same process with the other foot. You grabbed your coffee and did a quick stretch before heading over to your dresser. You picked up your phone and keys, your bag was next to the door, you'll grab on your way out.
Yume grabbed her jacket and you did the same.
"How many people do you think we'll be in my class?" She asked
Since she was majoring in nursing. You titled your head up and started to think.
"Maybe around 335 people."
You zipped up your jacket and placed your phone in the pocket. Opening up your airpods, you placed one in your ear.
"Pssshh, that's an underestimate. I think around 400 or more"
Yume opens the door, tossing her bag over her shoulder— you grabbed yours also. Stepping out the apartment, she stood by the side as you locked the door. You pulled your phone out and played your playlist. It was time to start the day.
pt 2
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afandommultiverse · 4 years
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Words - 1868 Request - Alfirineth
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A/n - I'm sorry I kinda strayed off with the request, I hope this is still good? I combined 3 soulmate AUs - name written in wrists - soulmate and enemies name written on your wrists but you don't which is which - a countdown clock to when you meet them Enjoy!
Y/n P.O.V
I looked up at the blue sky with tired eyes, counting the clouds floating across the massive empyrean hanging above me. Sweet chirps of birds and sweet melodies of the wind dancing through the green leaves branching around the border of my perception, luring me to a peaceful sleep.
And all peace was lost.
"You're in my spot." I turned my head lazily to face the intruder, interrupting my way to a plentiful nap. My arm seemed to burn, all buzzing and swarming from the same place as I set my eyes on him. I looked down at my wrist, eyes widening as the 3 zeros glared back at me, blaring my time up and he was here. His name was written precariously under the blinking numbers.
"So, it's you?" I called turning back to look at the sky. I could him wandering over, his steps all the louder compared to the soft nature that once was my background. He was right beside me in seconds, sitting down and laying beside me.
"I guess so."  Soulmates? All of my friends had already met all of theirs. Me? I took the longest and now that I'm finally here, it all feels the same. Nothing is different. If anything, it was just the same as it was 2 minutes ago before the clock ended.
Or was he my biggest enemy? I turned to look at my other wrist, its own clock still counting down, days away before I meet the second name written across my wrist. My eyes flipped to the sideways, watching the man beside me. He continued to look up at the sky, eyes empty as they stared dazedly.
"Do you know how we could figure this out? I'd rather not fret over this too long, sounds like it would be a drag." I mutter, already feeling sleepy again, bored with the situation as it was.
"I do, but for that, I'm gonna need you to come with me." My head snapped to look at him. Looking at him like he was crazy, I blurted.
"Do I look stupid to you? I can feel your mana! Anyone with some sense and the ability to feel it would know with the amount you have, you're all trouble. I'm too lazy to deal with any of that." Rhya slowly sat up, turning to look at me.
"Well, we can't know- unless we go. See, it even rhymes!" Rhya smirked. I only glare with rising boredom- and annoyance.
"Well, then I'm really sorry about this sweetheart." Suddenly he grabbed my shoulders before shoving me forward, moving to brace myself for the ground and roll out from under him, my stomach dropped when I didn't feel the impact of the ground. Instead, my body fell through an open chasm ripping apart the space and time of the earth, a spacial portal. Holding my breath, I waited until we made it to the other end.
Suddenly we were spat out, the end results surprisingly comfy. I looked around me, it was a bedroom, neat and mostly barren, but no doubt lived in. Rhya had flipped sometime in the portals. His body laying on top of mine was soon recognized and I snapped to look up at him.
"What the hell?!" He only smiled down at me, it was when I felt his hands grip my wrist gently did I realize he had them pinned above me.
"Don't you want to know what we are? Enemies or soulmates?" He whispered, pulling in close to my jaw to speak before pulling back and starting to kiss gently down my jaw and neck. It felt good, and even with how weird it all was, the kisses were comforting. I ripped my arm away from his lock, quick to put my hand against his chest and shove him back.
"You're lucky I don't obliterate your chest now." I hissed, flipping him over, my hand pinning his neck into the sheets, and by god did he look pretty. He only smiled back at me, his own hand coming to rest on my hip and swirl never-ending shapes into the fabric covering the skin. Skin that burned to feel the pad of his finger slide against it.
"I know a spell, sweetheart. Afraid we do have to get naked though." He was all smug, even as my fingers gripped a little tighter. Rhya lifted his hips, pressing the growing erection against my groin, quick to set a slow rocking pace. 
Unprepared for the sudden friction, my thigh gripped tightly around his hips, only bringing him in tighter. I leaned forward, quick to cover any whines or moans that had threatened to spill out, meeting the complacent eyes of Rhya, watching me struggle slightly.
"Come on, Sweetheart, I know you're not completely against it." I wasn't. It had been quite some dry spell, and I wouldn't be unhappy to break with such an alluring man. Plus, if he did turn out to be my enemy, wouldn't it make it so much juicer if we had sex? Especially if it was good?
"What's the spell?" I question, rocking my hips a bit of my own, pushing up against him. He groaned and gripped my hips, eager to continue.
"First things first, you gotta strip." I ceased my rocking and sat back, moving to rid my clothes. When I had finished and sat nude, I was surprised to find Rhya in the same state. He beckoned me up, moving to situated me over him again.
"I'm going to draw these sigils on you with my mana, you will do the same thing for me," He fingers drifted across my breath, drawing a sign that glowed a bright blue against my skin. His hand drifted lower, resting on my lower stomach. "In the same places," He whispered, finishing the final sign, letting his fingers linger. He pulled my hand to his chest, and rested it above his heart, prompting me to go.
I drew the same sign, my mana appearing f/c against Rhya skin, lighting up certain freckles spattered across his chest I couldn't quite see in the darkroom to begin with. As I continued on to draw the last symbol, drifting my fingers slowly, I felt the muscles twitch with each skimming touch. I recognized the symbols, making out the words 'Enemies' and 'Soulmates' each in their respectful places.
"What now?" I whispered peering down into Rhya's lustful eyes, feeling just as excited and as aroused as him, practically throbbing with need.
"We show each other a good time. Ladies first?" I scoffed and shook my head, moving to flip around pushing my ass back, and facing his cock. I looked back over my shoulder meeting his blown-out eyes, distracted with the sigh of my puffy pussy, glistening, and eager for touch.
"I hope you don't plan on leaving me hanging, do you?" I emphasized it by arching my back more, pushing myself closer, and even shaking my ass slightly, like dangling food for a dog. I felt his hand drift up to my thigh, smoothing over the globe of my ass before finally resting besides my opening, pulling flesh around it to get a better look.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Sweetheart." I moaned as a finger slid up my slit, pushing lightly against my hole before moving back up, rubbing a small circle into my clit, he continued this pattern until I finally began to show him some attention. I licked at the tip on his cock, catching salty weeps of pre-cum on my tongue. Wrapping my lips around him, I sucked on his tip gingerly before moving down and hollowing my cheeks, sucking softly. I could hear him groan behind me, his fingers stuttering faintly as he played with me.
Swiftly, a finger entered the center, gummy walls quick to pull him in and accept any erosion. The newfound pleasure had me whining around his cock, sending vibrations only making him push further into my needy cunt. He rubbed at my walls, pushing forward to find that spongy patch that would have me seeing stars, when I pushed forward, nudging his cock down my throat and swallowing.
"God- y-you are really... g-good at that." He sighed out, moving his second hand to rub at my clit while he continued to thrust into me, adding a second and third finger. My stomach fanned with heat, making my body buzz alive in apprehension in what's to come. I cried out around his cock, stiffening around his fingers cumming with the last strum against my clit.
I pulled off his cock to breath, getting ready to go back again, Rhya pulled me off, turning me around and raising me above his burnished cock. "As much as I would love to cum down your pretty throat, Sweetheart," He rubbed his tip against my slit, teasing me before finally setting into place and beginning to push forward. "But I want to cum in this tight thing a lot more." I moaned and he pushed in, filling me with several thick inches of good cock, rubbing against every nerve in every good way.
"Rhya!" That was the first time I said his name when he was stuffing me full of cock. He groaned and pushed to fit in more, brushing against my cervix. "That sounds pretty good falling from your lips, Y/n." I pushed my hips against him, ready to start moving if he wouldn't. As if reading my mind he began to move, pulling back and thrust back in gently. I held by lifting my hips, grounding down with his upwards thrusts, following a consistent rhythm.
I moved my lips to kiss him, pressing against his own which were surprisingly soft, pillowy, and plush. Our tongues dance in a sloppy exchange, neither fighting for the top, just touching and exploring one another. Pulling back to watch a single string staring to connect us, I moved my lips to kiss down at his neck, even biting some to hear his gorgeous gasps. A particular thrust hit the perfect spot, making me cry out against his ear I had previously been biting at.
"Oh yeah? Right there?" Rhya questions, slowing down to readjust before kicking back into gear and hitting that same spot with almost every furious thrust. I moaned against his neck helplessly, reveling in the feeling of his powerful thrusts, echoing throughout my body and making my head hazy, craving to reach that end again. I felt my stomach warm again, but this time hotter, butterflies tickling me bordering on the edge of sickening, I looked down to see the lovers sigil begin to grow brighter, burning into my skin.
Rhya's hand slid to press against the sigil, watching the light of it slip through his fingers as they continued to dance down, finally meeting their destination at my clit.
"You know what that means, Sweetheart." He began to rub furiously at my clit, pressing almost too hard on the pebbled bundle of nerves, but it was perfect, it was all I needed to finally snap. White-hot pleasure surging throughout my entire body, my vision goes dim, head bursting with hormones in a satisfying relief.
"We're soulmates."
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redsandtemple · 5 years
Actually, I'm going to break down the response bc I'm bored and my personality is making drama apparently
Going in reverse order bc that's how I like addressing things.
Reminder to anyone watching this clown car that I'm talking about a real fucking person, and real fucking people here, in case the absurdity of the scenario was lost.
So, for the response given by @wy-oh-wy , let's get into it
Ableism part 2: electric bugaloo!
First I'm going to point out this paragraph:
"When they found out Scar was a disabled YouTuber (they did not know this, at first) they were amazed by how hard he worked and they were inspired to work harder, even though in my opinion, they already worked hard enough."
This is just, straight up disability inspiration porn thinking? I'm full willing to call this ableist, because this explanation just pedastals scar for being disabled. It's barely different from the barrage of youtube comments calling him "so strong and inspiring for being able to make content while wheelchair bound, haha, if I was in a wheelchair I'd die" lol?
“Recently, Rhayne had become physically disabled” so I AM right, this is internalized ableism? The fact that it is recent does nothing to further your point, and I could easily present this as something to further mine. Get better points lmfao
"The year before that, it was about autism awareness." Not my lane to be in, but since we've been in everyone else's already, I'm calling this one a red flag too considering the actual autistic community has been pushing for autism acceptance as how to present the scenario, but hey, I'm slicing cubed tomatoes at this point, so let's leave it at that.
"Their headcanon literally has nothing to do with disability or anything.  Scar is not the only character they hc as ace, either, like you have claimed.  It has nothing to do with disability.  ... You can cry internalized ableism all you want, but it’s not ableist to headcanon a disabled person as ace (which they aren’t, they’re talking about character Scar, not REAL Scar, hence why they talk about the characters with SCARS AND A CRIMINAL BACKGROUND when RYAN does NOT have scars and DOESN’T have a known criminal background)." I'll get to the latter half of this waffle in a bit but, for the record.
It is ableist to headcanon disabled "characters" as ace. I elaborated on it outside of the post, here specifically. I didn't call the other headcanons ableist bc it's not, it's in the fucking context lmfao. But here, I'll quote myself(quoting a friend) again:
“what you have to consider in all forms is the historical oppression and persecution of marginalized groups; this happens to be desexualization in case of this specific minority. yes, there is a “sexy cripple” mythos, i forget the word, but in general, borrowing from birdie’s analysis, is about autonomy.
real life people know if they are asexual because they are humans with free choice and thought, but headcanons are informed by the people who make them."
You! Are! Not! Exempt! From! Ableism! Because! You! Do! Charity! Work!
If you can't take criticism, you're also not a very good disability activist? If someone who's disabled (lika myself and the friend I'm quoting) says you're doing shit wrong then you're literally obligated to listen.
Most of this waffle you provided just is a mix of internalized ableism, regular ableism, and tangential points.
(Quick aside before I move on from this section: “I see joe as ace because i headcanon him as an android” is straight up fucking aphobia buddy. I don't even want to talk about the “It’s like saying that all villains cannot be minorities- it’s not homophobic or racist to have a gay or black villain” line because you clearly don't care about historical context anyways. You really wanna pull the race card? On an nbpoc? I can't even speak properly on the issue, why the fuck would you.)
Whatever. Continuing on
The argument on how the minecraft personas are not the person: this one is a fucking nuanced as hell discussion which I did not, do not, and will not ever get into the full semantics of but for consistency sake, I'm erring on the side of it mostly being an extension of the content creator, since you can't ever fully make a persona that doesn't at least partially represent aspects of yourself. Furthermore, I'm going to continue picking on the Scar example here and say that also holds true. The man literally makes wheelchair accessibility jokes in his hermitcraft videos (ie when he bought a chicken from stress and asked where the ramp was, then bringing up ADA compliancy before stress basically talked him up the ladder) but the fact that I have to do a deep dive analysis on some people who just want to have fun playing minecraft together is honestly really, really depressing.
I don't know who said it but forever ago someone once said "the hermits play scenarios, not characters." This is most of the reasoning as to why the end of "story arcs" on the server don't permantenly change the dynamics between the hermits. It's not meant to. This isn't mianite. If you want me to elaborate further, I'm willing to go through this in dms. But I think I've made my post clear.
What's left to cover
Well I think your credibility on this whole scenario is shit anyways considering you were willing to fake permission, your impatience in that regards shines through everything else about your character. You clearly haven't thought too hard about what's actually ableist since on behalf of rhayne you only managed to prove my point more, and the most difficult thing you managed to needle me on is a topic that everyone hates talking about. This whole response is sloppy and absolutely filled with logical fallacies, some which I didn't even bother with due to how little they had to do with the topic at hand.
Congrats, dm me for further conflict, I'm done.
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emphoenixcat · 6 years
Ayee, kinda hella sloppy ask. Also I'm cool if you don't wanna do this type of one, idk if you still do these. But maybe a suicidal Patton, logicality, honestly idc about the plot I just have a weird obsession with sad Pat, maybe someone walking in on him doing something? Idk, I just really like your writing
Okay, sorry this took so long. I thought I would have trouble coming up with something, but then I ended up writing like 8 pages in google docs. Whoops!
Summary: Patton keeps hearing voices and they won’t leave him alone. He begins to accept that they are his own intrusive thoughts and that there is nothing he can do to stop them.
Warnings: suicide attempt, intrusive thoughts, defibrillation, heart problems, drowning.
He couldn’t take the voices anymore.
He had promised himself that he would stay strong for them. His family.
But did they think of him that way? Was he family?
Patton wasn’t so sure. The voices didn’t help, they only made him more uncertain about his purpose.
What are you? What are you to them? They don’t love you. They don’t need you.
He shook his head, trying to get rid of the unpleasant words. He could never tell if they were really his own thoughts or someone else’s.
You know it’s true. They only pretend to accept you out of pity. Do you know all the problems you cause? All the pain?
“Tha–that’s not true.”
Isn’t it? You were never the embodiment of happiness, but just the embodiment of pain. They know it. They feel it. No matter how much you try to keep it inside. No matter how strong you pretend to be, you are weak.
“N–no, you’re wrong. I don’t know what you are, but this–these aren’t my thoughts,” he insisted.
Oh, but we are. We are a part of you and you can’t escape yourself, unless….
“No. No, shut up. That’s not even an option.”
It’s always an option.
Patton shook his head once more and hastily moved to the door, he couldn’t take anymore of this. He knew he had to get out of there, it was his only hope. The thoughts seldom followed him outside of his own room. They would find him later, they always did. But he needed to get away before–before he started agreeing with them again.
He practically ran out the door, accidentally crashing into somebody. He fell backwards in surprise.
“Ow! What? Who? Oh uh….are you okay, Pat?”
Patton glanced up and saw that he had bumped into Virgil, who was now eyeing the moral side in concern.
“Uh yeah. Yeah, I’m alright.”
Virgil scrutinized his face with an inquisitive look, “No you’re not.”
“What? Don’t be silly. I was just surprised is all. I didn’t expect to see you, kiddo,” Patton smiled reassuringly.
The anxious side stared at him in disbelief, “You–you’re crying, Pat.”
Patton slowly raised his hand to his eyes. Sure enough, there were fresh tears there and they were still falling down his cheeks like rain.
“C’mon,” Virgil offered his hand and helped Patton up off the ground. “You can tell me everything or–if you want to–we can just hang out until you feel better.”
Patton nodded gratefully as the anxious side led him to the common room of the mindscape.
The moral side sat down on the couch as Virgil walked up to the cabinet near the TV set and opened it, searching for a movie that Patton would like. He turned to the moral side with an armful of movies.
“Okay, so we’re gonna talk. But I figured that you would like to have something on in the background, in case you feel awkward or something.”
Morality wiped at his eyes, “What about the others? What are they gonna think?”
“Don’t worry, they’re both busy. Princey said he was going on another quest or whatever, and Logan’s upstairs overworking himself as usual. You can talk to them, but only if you’re feeling up to it.”
“Thanks, Virge.”
“Hey, don’t mention it. Uh, so what would you like to watch?” he gestured at the pile of movies that he had plopped on the couch. Patton pointed to Lilo and Stitch, Virgil nodded and went to put the disc in.
You’re bothering him. He doesn’t want to be here listening to your problems. He’s just being polite.
The moral side gave a startled gasp. The voice wasn’t supposed to be here right now.
Virgil turned around at the sound, “What is it?”
Don’t tell him, he doesn’t care. Why should he?
He narrowed his eyes, “Patton….”
The worry on Virgil’s face made Patton want to tell him. Maybe if he just told him….
No. It’s his job to worry. He’s doing his job, nothing more. He doesn’t love you. You’re not family. You’ll never be family.
Morality forced a relaxed demeanor, contorting his mouth into an awkward forgery of a smile. He knew it was broken and that new tears were dripping from his eyes.
Anxiety’s frown only deepened, “Dad, I want to help. Whatever it is, please just tell me.”
Hope sparked in him, Virgil had called him his dad. All Patton wanted to do was hold his son in his arms and tell him all that was bothering him.
You really think he thinks of you as a father figure? You think that he could ever look up to you? Look at you, you’re the child. Nothing, but a big blubbering baby. He’s simply mocking you.
Patton pulled at his hair in frustration before abruptly standing up and leaving the room. He couldn’t be weak in front of him. He couldn’t do this.
You can’t do anything.
It won’t do any good until you leave everything behind for good.
He slammed his bedroom door behind him, locking it in place. The others couldn’t come in without his permission. The mindscape wouldn’t allow it.
Virgil tried to knock on the door politely, yet the way Patton had run out of the room had the anxious side in a panic. “Patton? Dad? Please open the door, I just want to know you’re alright.”
But the voice bombarded the moral side, relentless and excited. This was it. This was the moment it had been waiting for.
Do it. End it. You’ll only be left alone once you leave the world alone.
You don’t belong here.
Patton shoved the stacks of memorabilia aside. Clothes, toys, CDs, photos, and other miscellaneous items clattered to the floor. And he searched. Searched for a reason to stay, but the voice had grown louder, splitting into separate voices once again. They fed off of his emotions, like leeches they drained him of his happiness. The uncontrollable thoughts continued to multiply, another and then another until there were more than the moral side could keep track of. They wouldn’t stop talking, they wouldn’t stop extinguishing every small flicker of hope he had.
Patton barely heard Virgil over the thoughts anymore, though the anxious side was crying now, pounding at the bedroom door desperately.
The moral side scoured the piles of photographs and once beautiful memories, now tainted with the words of the voices.
My thoughts, he corrected. My words. My weakness.
They pushed him forward to a door at the back of his room. A door he had never seen before.
Morality reached out an unsteady hand and turned the knob, curious as to what was on the other side of it. He shuddered when he saw, when he realized what it was. What the voices expected him to do.
And the voices became louder in his mind, a deafening cacophony that only he could hear. They whispered, they yelled, they screamed.
Anything was better than this. Anything.
Everything finally turned to blissful silence as Patton let himself be submerged by the chilling water. Numbness. Nothing.
And darkness took over.  
In a deeper part of the mindscape, Roman suddenly heard Virgil’s cries of distress. A vision of a locked door and danger flashed through his mind. Though he didn’t know what it was all about, something about it shook him to the very core.The prince turned away from his quest, intent on finding the nearest portal back to the others. Something wasn’t right. Whatever the problem was, he knew he had to help.
Locked away in his room with its sound-proof walls, the logical side worked away at his computer. Logan was deeply engrossed in the activity of sorting out what belonged in Thomas’ short-term memory and what was important enough to go into his long-term memory. Everything was perfectly normal. Logic glanced at his watch a few times, noticing that he was ahead of schedule and he let out a sigh of relief before smiling triumphantly.
He was contemplating taking a quick snack break, when a strange buzzing interrupted his thoughts. Logan surveyed his surroundings in confusion, noticing words appear on his computer screen. Giant red letters that read Error.
That had never happened before. This computer was a part of Thomas’ mindscape. This computer wasn’t supposed to have errors. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
They found Virgil at the door of Patton’s room, futilely punching the door. He didn’t notice the others’ appearance, he was too blinded by tears and worry.
Without asking questions, Roman softly placed a hand on the anxious side’s shoulder and moved him aside. The prince drew his sword from its holster and concentrated. It transformed into an axe.
Virgil’s eyes widened, but he nodded slightly. He hoped the mindscape would allow this infringement of privacy. Hopefully, it realized how crucial the situation was.
Roman gestured for the others to move back and took a swing at the door. It took a few hacks before they were able to reach in and turn the knob.
The door creaked open and they quickly stepped inside.
It was uncharacteristically quiet and Patton was nowhere to be found.
The moral side felt the cold seeping into his lungs as he sank deeper and deeper beneath the waves, becoming lost in the sea of emotions. He was in the subconscious. He didn’t know how deep it was or if there was any end to it.
There was no going back now. There was no way of getting back, even if he wanted to.
The darkness continued to pull him farther from the surface.
Virgil was the first to break the silence, “Patton! Where are you?”
The others joined him in his calls for the moral side.
“You won’t find him.”
They whirled around simultaneously.
“I should’ve known that you had something to do with this. What did you do with Patton?” Virgil glared.
Deceit smirked, “I didn’t do anything to him. He did it all to himself.”
Roman stepped up to the other, his axe shifting into a sword. He brandished the weapon out before him, pointing it at Deceit’s throat. “Where is he?”
The snake-like side simply laughed, “No need to resort to violence.”
Meanwhile, Logan inched away from the group as he searched the bedroom for any clues. He knew that Deceit was toying with them and wouldn’t give them any information until it was much too late.
Virgil gritted his teeth, light sparking between his fingers.
Deceit grinned, “Calm down, Virgil. We wouldn’t want Thomas to be negatively impacted by your heightened anxiety. You remember what happened the last time you used your powers, don’t you?”
“If you really cared about Thomas, you wouldn’t be hurting Patton.”
The villainous side tutted in disapproval, “Thomas doesn’t need Morality. He’ll get along perfectly fine without him. You’ll see.”
The electricity danced dangerously in the anxious side’s hands now. His voice was surprisingly calm, “No. No, you’re going to tell me where he is.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Because I’m done reigning my emotions in.”
With lightning speed, Virgil grabbed Deceit by the throat. Energy crackled and sparked as the anxious side sent a bolt through the other side’s body.
“Virgil, you shouldn’t–”
“Shut it, Princey. I’m done letting this creep get away with hurting us. Damn the consequences.”
This time it was Logan who spoke, his voice laced with an edge of urgency.
Anxiety let the flaring light in his hand die down, but didn’t loosen his hold on Deceit’s throat. He turned to face the logical side with a questioning look on his face.
Logic tried to speak matter-of-factly, but his voice wavered. “I believe Patton entered the—the subconscious,” he pointed.
The anxious side let Deceit out of his chokehold, pushing him away in disgust before heading toward the back of the room. The deceitful side rubbed at his neck and glowered at Virgil.
A glossy black door covered in strange symbols was at the back of Morality’s room. A door Virgil had hoped to never see again.
He ran in without a second thought, ready to leap into the sea of emotions before him, but Logan held him back from the inky dark waves.
“Jumping in after him would be unreasonable.”
Anxiety chewed his lip in thought, “What do we do then?”
The logical side looked like he was at a loss of words.
“Do you think a seadragon could swim through the subconscious?” Roman asked from behind them.
“Roman, don’t be ridicu–”
“No, wait a sec. Princey might have a point. His realm and Patton’s realm would be more strongly linked to the subconscious part of the mind. Maybe it’ll work….” Virgil mused.
Logan glanced at the dangerous rippling sea before them and gave a decisive nod, “Roman is connected to the dreamworld which, in turn, is linked to the subconscious. Perhaps only something made of dreams can traverse subconscious waters.”
Without further prompting, Roman used his creative power to summon a massive seadragon with iridescent aquamarine scales.
“Will it be able to find Patton?” the anxious side asked as he eyed the creature with curiosity.
“One of the perks of being the prince, I can see what they see. I’ll know when they find Patton.”
The seadragon gracefully dived beneath the glossy surface of the subconscious and the prince let his eyes flutter shut as he focused his mind, connecting with the creature in a way that only Creativity could.
“I honestly don’t know what all the fuss is about,” Deceit said from the doorway. 
Logan crossed his arms, “You wouldn’t know the first thing about honesty.”
Deceit laughed and Virgil tried his best to contain his anger. “Why? Why would you do this? I know you’re a freakin jerk, but I thought that even you had some common sense. Having Morality away like this is crazy and disastrous.”
“Don’t treat me like a fool, Anxiety. The others are tired of you four always being in control. We’re as much a part of Thomas as you. And that Morality….he had the strongest influence over Thomas. And that idiot didn’t even realize his own strength.”
“Don’t you dare call Patton an idiot,” Virgil nearly growled.
“Whatever. You needn’t worry about Morality. He’ll still be a part of Thomas, he just won’t be as influential as you and I. It’s like how a person’s heart continues to beat even as they sleep.”
“You just don’t get it do you?” he snapped.
Logan interrupted Virgil and spoke directly to the deceitful side, “Morality represents more than morals, he encompasses all of Thomas’ emotions. He is the source of love and hope. Without him, Thomas would have no Creativity or Anxiety. While he is the counterbalance of Deceit, I suppose he also keeps me from forgetting what truly matters. Whether we like it or not, we are a unit. As Patton would say, we are family.”
Deceit grimaced, “It’s a sad day when Logic starts spouting nonsense.”
The logical side adjusted his glasses and narrowed his eyes, “Falsehood. Unlike you, I only speak fact.”
The snake-like side waved his hand dismissively before sinking out of the room, “You lie a lot more than you would like to believe.”
A torrent of water sprayed forth as the seadragon emerged from the subconscious, carefully cradling Morality in its arms.
Sadness filled the seadragon’s eyes and the creature placed the moral side near Logan and Virgil before moving to check on Roman.
The prince had slumped to the floor after the creature had resurfaced from the ocean’s depths, his energy drained.
“Virgil, go make sure Roman is alright. I’ll look after Patton.”
The anxious side did as instructed, feeling for a heartbeat. “Princey’s okay, I think he’s just worn out. He must’ve overstrained himself to find Patton.”
Virgil turned to ask how Patton was, but stopped when he saw the look on the logical side’s face.
Logan turned to him, “He’s….I can’t find a pulse.”
The anxious side felt like he had been punched in the stomach.
Patton had to be alright. He just had to be.
“Sudden cardiac arrest,” Logan muttered to himself.
“Wh–what’s that?”
Logic suddenly grabbed Virgil’s arm, “There still might be a chance. Go get some towels and some spare clothes. Quickly!”
Anxiety didn’t need to be told twice, he bolted out of the room and gathered up what he needed. When he came back, Logan was giving chest compressions to Patton. He glanced up after he was done and went to work, pulling off the moral side’s wet clothes.
“We don’t have an Automated External Defibrillator, but I don’t think we need one if we have you,” Logan explained.
Virgil frowned, “Are you suggesting that I give an electric shock to Patton.”
Logan finished wiping up the puddles of water, making sure that no moisture remained, “We don’t have much of a choice here, Virge. Roman is the only one who can conjure something as complex as an AED machine. You’re the next best thing.”
Anxiety wrung his hands together nervously, he had no idea how this would affect Thomas. Not only that, but he had stopped using his powers after he had left the dark sides. What if he couldn’t control how much voltage went into the shock?
The logical side ushered Anxiety toward Patton and instructed him to place his left hand on the upper area of the moral side’s chest and to place his right hand lower, to the side of the ribcage.
“Don’t worry, Virgil. You’ve got this. I know you do,” Logan reassured, giving the anxious side a faint smile before backing away.
Virgil pushed back the fear that he couldn’t save Patton. Failure wasn’t an option. This needed to be done, and this needed to be done now.
With one swift and decisive movement, Virgil sent the current of electricity to Patton’s heart.
He paused and gently felt for a pulse in the other’s neck. Nothing.
Trying not to let that discourage him, the anxious side directed the surge of electricity again and then paused once more to feel for a heartbeat.
This time, there was a faint rhythmic thudding.
Anxiety sighed with relief, wanting nothing more than to hold Patton tightly in his arms and never let go. He settled for holding the other’s hand.
“He’s breathing,” Virgil whispered.
The anxious side heard Logan let out a breath. Logic had been just as afraid as him.
It was a few days before Patton woke up.
When he did, he found that he was surrounded by teddy bears, chocolates, flowers, and friends. A new pair of glasses sat on his bedside table, he reached out and put them on. Roman and Logan were fast asleep on some chairs near his bed. Virgil was the only one awake.
Virgil glanced up when he heard Patton struggling to sit up in bed.
“Dad….” he whispered quietly, drawing Patton’s attention.
“Virgil,” he softly smiled and then frowned slightly, “What happened?”
“What do you remember?”
The moral side furrowed his brows in thought, “I was with you, I think. We were going to watch a movie, but….”
He shuddered slightly, remembering the cruel voice.
Virgil wrapped his hands around Patton’s hand. “It’s okay. I know about the voices and what they–what they must’ve said to you.”
Tear droplets pricked at the corner of Patton’s eyes, “They weren’t just voices. They were—they were my thoughts.”
“No, Pat. I promise you, they weren’t. It was Deceit and the other dark sides toying with your emotions. They wanted you gone because you’re their most powerful adversary.”
“Powerful? But they told me I was weak. They said that I caused nothing but pain to everyone.”
Virgil’s face darkened, “And they made you believe it too. Those fucking liars.”
“Virgil!” Patton’s eyes widened and the anxious side gave a sheepish smile.
“It’s true, Patton. They freakin manipulated you. Broke you down until—until you felt like leaving us.”
The moral side was beginning to remember now and he hung his head in shame, “I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have let them get to me. I should’ve been stronger.”
The anxious side squeezed his hand reassuringly, “Don’t beat yourself up about it. They’re awfully good at getting in people’s heads.”
“Did I–did I hurt Thomas?”
He avoided Patton’s eyes, “He–he had a panic induced heart attack, but he’s recovering. It wasn’t just you. I had to use my abilities.”
“Oh. I hope he’s okay.”
“He should be. I explained everything that had happened, I think he understands.”
An unpleasant feeling came over Patton. He watched Virgil carefully, noticing something he hadn’t before. He had assumed that his strange son was always shifting his eyes around the room because he was Anxiety and that just made him overly vigilant, but….
“How do you know, Virge?”
“How do I know what?” he shifted uncomfortably.
“How do you know that they’re good at getting in people’s heads?”
Anxiety sighed, “Because they’ve done it to me before. They didn’t go so far as pushing me to that part of the mind. They did, however, show me the door to the subconscious. I was just a game to them. It wasn’t like what they tried to do to you. They were serious this time, and I can only imagine how bad that was.”
Patton gasped, “You never told me!”
“I wasn’t close to you like I am now.”
The moral side pulled Virgil in for a hug, “I need to know these things. I want to help.”
Virgil rolled his eyes, but hugged Patton back. “I promise to tell you when I’m hurting, but you have to promise me the same thing.”
The moral side nodded, beginning to pull away from the embrace. To his surprise, Virgil pulled him closer, refusing to let go so quickly.
“I was so afraid I lost you, dad.”
Patton cradled his son in his arms, whispering soothing words of comfort.
Roman and Logan awoke to find father and son nestled together and fast asleep. A beautiful scene that made them smile.
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@ultimate-queen-of-fandoms @anxious-but-whatever
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sinmins-kitten · 7 years
Hi!! Can I request a reader x Namjoon smut about trying for a baby? Lol hope that's ok😬 if not maybe a first time smut, as in both joon and reader being virgins? Omg I'm not sure which one I want!! Lol surprise me🤔 whichever one you want lol, sorry for being indecisive 🤷‍♀️ 😂 have a good day!
First of all, I’m sorry because I was meant to only do a quick lead up to it and then suddenly there was more than anticipated. Thank you for the request, though! I hope it’s what you were looking for!
- Admin L ♡
Trying for a baby with Namjoon - ‘I’m Ready’
Word count: 1,672
It felt like the day had passed too quickly as the group was ushered away from the day care centre and into their fan back to the studio. “I could have just hugged him forever!” Hoseok cried out loud, hugging his arms around himself as he squirmed in his seat, thoughts mirroring those of each of the young men sitting around him.
Namjoon was staring out the window, lost in his thoughts of the children the group had spent their day entertaining, a soft smile gracing his lips. The conversation around him was nothing more than background sound until he felt a weight on his side and he was pulled from his thoughts of the children at the daycare to see one of his own overgrown children hanging off of his arm with his lip muttered out in a pout, “Sorry, what did you say, Jimmie?”
The younger’s gaze dropped as he pulled nervously at the material of Namjoon’s shirt. “He said ‘how long until you and y/n give us a kid to play with?’”, Taehyung chimed in with his signature box grin.
Within seconds Namjoon’s cheeks were scarlet from embarrassment, something that the fashionista of the group didn’t seem to understand as he sat straight and looked almost proud of himself for asking. The silence drew on as the 6 members watched Namjoon, and it was then the leader realised they actually expected an answer. Sputtering over sounds that attempted to form words, Namjoon pulled his arm away from Jimin, cornering himself against the door of the van, “You’re not serious!” He finally managed, the faces around him forming to slight scowls as he quickly tried to reason, “We can’t just have a kid. What about BTS? What about-“
Yoongi cut off the elder with a scoff, “You’ve been married for almost a year now, Hyung. If anything people are to think it’s weird if you don’t have one.”
There was silence again as Namjoon dropped his gaze to his lap. It wasn’t as if you’d never spoken about it, in fact the two of you became immersed in the ideal every time you passed a family on the street, but there was always the question of what people would say and Namjoon never managed to get past that thought. “You do want one.” Jin spoke up for the first time since they left the centre, “You should think about y/n in all of this as well. You both keep putting us ahead of you and you need to stop. It isn’t one or the other, you can have us and your own family.”
A small smile pulled at Namjoon’s lips as he looked up again, taking in the looks of support each member sent towards him before finally resting his gaze back onto Jin, “Thanks, Hyung.” He’d meant it, too. There was something about hearing the words from his friends that finally helped him push past the mental wall he’d built – it was okay for him to be happy.
A shiver ran down Namjoon’s spine as he stepped out of the car and onto the snow covered footpath, a chilling breeze sweeping past him as he tugged his coat tighter around himself. His breath swirled visibly in front of his face as he walked up the path and let himself into the house, “I’m home.” Namjoon called, the cold of winter instantly erasing itself from his mind as he heard your voice chiming down the hall and filling his heart with warmth.
“Joonie!” You called as you almost fell off the couch in your rush to see him, stumbling over your own feet as you went, “Welcome home!” Your smile only grew as you saw him standing in the hallway with his arms open wide, your body reacting on instinct as you hurried into his warmth and embraced him.
Your hands traced a familiar path up his back as you nestled into him, a low hum emitting from his throat as you began to press soft kisses along his jaw. His hands ran down your sides before resting on your hips, fingers spreading themselves across your body before squeezing and pulling you firmly against himself. When your lips finally met your bodies were already grinding against one another’s, the tension between the two of you sending your mind into a frenzy. His name left your lips in a breathy moan as he broke the kiss, leaning down to start sucking at your exposed neck. When you felt his hands slide down to give your ass a firm squeeze you didn’t need another sign to know what he wanted. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you jumped up onto him, legs hooking around his waist as he started to carry you down the hall, the two of you sharing sloppy, needy kisses as you went.
A gasp escaped your lips as Namjoon laid you onto the bed, eyes locked on your husband as he hurriedly pulled at his clothes and internally cursing winter for making him wear so many layers. By the time he’d freed himself of the garments that now littered the bedroom floor you were already waiting for him on the bed, nibbling at your lower lip as his gaze ran hungrily over your body. It didn’t matter how many times he saw you like this, the love and desire he had for you never lessened. “You’re fucking gorgeous, Babygirl.” It came out as almost a growl as he climbed over you, his fingers leaving blazing trails over your soft skin as he explored your body.
Small moans broke from your lips as he sucked at your skin, marking a trail down your neck and across your chest before grazing his teeth over your nipple. Instinctively your body arched, bucking against him in need, your fingers tugging at his hair as he started to suck, “Joon…please���” You begged, body aching for more.
You could feel the smirk on his lips on your skin as he started moving down your body, hands caressing your thighs as he spread your legs around himself, “Are you that eager for me, y/n?” He mumbled against your skin before lifting his head to look at you, and what a sight it was for him as your chest rose and fell from your quick breaths, your hooded eyes locked onto him as everything about you screamed for more.
“I swear, Namjoon, if you don’t hurry up I’m going to have to take over.” You couldn’t hold back your smirk as you watched him arch a challenging eyebrow at you, his hands gripping your hips as he lined himself up with your entrance. Biting your lip, you look down in anticipation, your mind stopping for a moment as you noticed something, “Babe, wait,” You almost choked on your own words, not wanting to wait any longer and from the look that Namjoon was giving you he was just as distraught at the thought as you were, “I’m not on the Pill, remember?” Running your fingers through your hair in frustration you look to the bedside draw, “Hurry up and put one on.”
Namjoon simply smiled and leaned over you again, his lips meeting yours in a slower, more gentle kiss before pulling back so he could look into your eyes, “I’m ready, Babe.”
Your eyes opened wide as the meaning behind his words played through your mind. Tears unwillingly started to build in your eyes as you smiled up at him, “R-Really?” Both of you had wanted this for so long, but there was a fear that kept you from going through with it, and to have him look at you with such determination and reassurance in his eyes it made your heart swell. “I love you so much.” Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him in for another long kiss before releasing him again and looking up at his dimpled smile shining down on you.
With your arms still wrapped around him so the two of you were pressed against one another, Namjon rocked his hips forward, stifling both of your moans by pulling you in for a deep kiss. Slowly he pushed deeper into you, your warmth tight around him and causing him to just his hips forward so that he was completely inside of you. “Fuck, Babygirl.” He groaned, rolling his hips back before snapping them forward again, repeating the action as he set a fast rhythm.
The room filled with your moans as Namjoon thrusted deep into you, his mouth sucking at your skin as you dragged your nails down his back in pleasure, “J-Joon…” His name broke from your lips in a moan as you felt the familiar pool of pleasure twisting inside of you, “Right…right there…fuck”.
Namjoon lifted himself up again, hands holding your hips securely as he dove deeper into you, hitting that perfect angle that pushed your over the edge and had you call out his name in a loud moan. Watching your face contort in pleasure while your walls clenched around him had Namjoon finding his release soon after you. His body continued to rock against yours, riding out your orgasm before pulling out and smiling down at you, “I love you.” He pecked your lips lightly before laying on the bed next to you, your arms wrapping around him instantly as you pulled yourself against him and rested your head on his chest.
“We’re really going to do this.” You smiled up at him, meeting his gaze as a grin spread across his face. Your smile shifted to a smirk as you snuggled closed to him, “You realise it might take a few trys, right?”
His chuckle shook both of you before he reached down to brush a stray strand of hair behind your ear, “What a chore. ” Tingles followed the path his fingers lightly brushed along your jaw and a content hum sounded from your lips. “I guess I better start coming home earlier each day so we can work on that.”
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bastardnev · 7 years
I Told You So
i FINALLY finished the Happier sequel to My King
(crossposted from ao3)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wade Barrett/Pac | Adrian Neville Characters: Wade Barrett, Pac | Adrian Neville Additional Tags: Fluff, i love!! these boys!!, Post-Summerslam Summary: Wade knew that Neville would win the title back.
(sequel to "My King")
Things had been rough since Neville lost the Cruiserweight title.
Not even 24 hours after he'd lost, Neville had grown to be a shell of his former self, marching around backstage with messy hair and unhealthy-looking dark circles under his eyes. Wade knew that the talk that they'd had wouldn't be enough to help him get over such a devastating loss, but he never thought things would get this bad. Every time Wade was with Neville, he was trembling, though whether that was due to sadness or anger Wade hadn't yet figured out. Whatever it was, Wade hoped that it would be gone by the time Neville's match at Summerslam ended.
Neville's rematch was set to be the second match on the kickoff show, which frustrated Wade for multiple reasons. It was bad enough that Neville wasn't seen as being 'important' enough to be on the main card, but there was hardly anyone seated in the stands yet. People would still be waiting on line to get in during the most important title match of the night -- in his opinion, at least.
His position on the card didn't seem to bother Neville, though. So long as he was getting his rematch, they could do it out in the parking lot in the early hours of the morning for all he cared. It didn't matter who was or wasn't there to watch -- he was going to get his championship back in the end.
"You're going on right after this interview, right?" Wade asked. He and Neville were watching the Ambrose and Rollins interview on a TV monitor out in the hallway, though 'watching' may not be the best word to describe it since it was really more background noise than anything. Neville was far too focused on his pre-match preparation to pay any attention at all.
"Mm," Neville affirmed, decked out in his new white and silver attire, his arms crossed. He hadn't been much for words in the last week, most of his responses having been either head shakes or grunts.
"Hey," Wade started as he put a hand on his shoulder, feeling how tense he was. "You're going to do great. I know you will. Kick his ass and bring that title back where it belongs."
"That's the plan." Neville noticed that the interview on the screen was close to ending. "I need to go."
"Go get 'em, King. I'll be waiting here for you when you're done." Wade wore as assuring of a smile as he could muster, and he watched as Neville walked away and left him by himself.
Wade sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets and staring at the image of Graves and Joseph on commentary. He had all the faith in the world in Neville. Wade knew how he operated, and there was no way in hell that he was leaving the Barclays Center that evening without that title in hand.
"Holy shit, he did it!!" Wade shouted when he watched the referee count to three, the sound of the bell signalling the end of the match sounding like music to his ears. In the process, he accidentally scared a few backstage workers who were standing nearby, causing them to jump. Wade paid their shock no mind, however. He was far too excited to worry about what anyone thought of him.
Neville had won. He countered Tozawa's senton by sticking up his knees right as it was about to connect and managed to hit the Red Arrow -- the same move that had cost him the title less than a week ago. That split second decision changed the momentum of the whole match and allowed for Neville to capitalize, and was champion once again.
The first two time Cruiserweight champion. That accolade belonged to the King.
His King.
A few moments later, Wade noticed that Neville was making his way towards him, clutching the title tightly in his hands as if it were going to be snatched from him at any moment. Neville shot a glare in the direction of the workers that were standing nearby, and they hurriedly scurried away, causing Wade to snort. Neville has the power to get rid of people with a single look. I can only hope to be that intimidating one day.
It was once they were alone that Wade quickly swept Neville off of his feet, hugging him and spinning him around. "You did it! I told you that you would!"
"Wade, stop that!" Neville struggled to break free. "I told you not to do that when someone could see us!"
"You've already scared everyone off, Nev. There's no one around to see us."
"Still, it's embarrassing... Imagine if one of those peasants sees me like this?"
"Fine, fine." Wade let him go, and despite his complaints Neville didn't actually look like he was angry at Wade. "But seriously, congrats. I'm so proud of you."
"Was there ever any doubt that I wasn't going to win my crown back?" Neville slung the belt over his shoulder and began to stroke it as if it were a cat. "This is mine, plain and simple. This title and the whole damn division is going to be mine until I decide that I'm done with it."
"That's my King." Wade grinned and ruffled up Neville's already messy hair. He took a chance and bent down, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead. The two of them hadn't had any actual romantic contact since the day Neville lost (if that kiss they shared could actually be considered romantic and not sloppy and desperate). Wade had no idea what kind of a reaction he was going to get.
Neville's expression had changed by the time Wade pulled away, his cocky one having been replaced with a more complicated and hard to read one. "You alright?" Wade asked. "You look a little weird."
"Don't I always look weird? Come on, just look at me," Neville joked, but his expression remained the same.
"What's bugging you? You don't look like someone who just won his championship back." Says the guy who made him look this way in the first place...
"This might sound like a weird question to ask, Wade, but..." Neville glanced around and made sure that they were alone before he asked. "What are we, anyway? Are we still just friends?"
Wade swallowed, looking down towards his feet. "Well, what do you want us to be?" He replied. "I mean, we did kinda kiss last week..."
"And we hung out at the hotel afterwards," Neville pointed out. "You kept me company."
"Yes I did." Wade remembered lying in bed next to him in silence, gently stroking at Neville's hair (which was still a little damp from the shower he'd taken) as he fell asleep. It wasn't a very happy memory given the context, but it definitely didn't read as being very platonic. "Do you want us to be more than friends? I was kinda hoping that we could at least try it." They were already close friends who shared all the same interests -- some examples of those interests being making fun of their co-workers and acting dickish in general -- so wouldn't it make sense for them to give dating a shot?
Neville chewed the inside of his cheek, fingers tapping against the title as he thought. Slowly, his hand reached out and gently grabbed Wade's. "... I wouldn't mind giving it a try."
Wade looked down at their hands and smiled. "So, since we're dating, would you mind if I... y'know..."
Neville rolled his eyes with a small smirk, checking again to make sure no one was watching before saying, "Fine, go ahead."
"Excellent." With that, Wade bent down again, this time pressing his lips to Neville's and letting his eyes slip shut. He knew that he needed to pull away before someone (especially one of the other cruiserweights) caught sight of them, but that was going to be difficult what with how nice Neville's lips felt. Wade was beginning to think that maybe it was worth it to get caught if it meant that they got to continue for a little longer.
Ultimately, he pulled away, chuckling at Neville's flushed face. "Is the King embarrassed? Is our feared ruler really that bashful?" He teased.
"Hush up." Neville shoved his arm. "Ugh, I feel grimy as hell... I need to go wash up."
"Good idea. You're all sweaty." That fact didn't stop Wade from pulling Neville close to him as they started to walk towards the locker room. "What do you say we go celebrate later, hmm? Lemme take you out someplace nice."
"First you kiss me, and then you ask me on a date? All within a few minutes? How suave," Neville replied. "But I'd like that. I'm in the mood to be spoiled."
"Only the best for my King."
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