#I'll bet *no one* can guess what my first four are for
incorrectbatfam · 8 months
Tim and stpeh’s top ten patrol fails
——— (10) ———
Tim and Steph: *chained together*
Two-Face: *monologues*
Tim: *picks the lock*
Steph, whispering: Free me first.
Tim: Why?
Steph: Just do it.
Tim: *frees her*
Steph: *sprints past Two-Face to the bathroom*
——— (9) ———
Steph: I'm closing in on the museum. Where are you?
Tim: ETA one minute.
Steph: Alright, I'm doing a quick perimeter check. Doesn't seem like there's much happening here.
Tim: Where are you? I don't see you. And this entire gallery looks deserted.
Steph: I've never heard anyone call a science museum a gallery.
Tim: Science? I'm at the modern art museum.
Steph: Red?
Tim: Yeah?
Steph: We're both at the wrong place, aren't we?
——— (8) ———
Tim and Steph: *tied to chairs*
Ivy: I gave the city ONE REASONABLE DEMAND and they—
Steph: *scoots her chair*
Ivy: —but all they cared about was—
Steph: *scoots her chair*
Ivy: So now I'm going to make them pay for—what are you doing?
Steph, biting an apple: ...
Tim: She gets snacky.
——— (7) ———
[on a stakeout]
Tim, stifling a yawn: What time is it?
Steph: Half past one. Still nothing on the drop site. If you need some shut eye you can tell me.
Tim: Nah, I'll just use my phone.
Steph: *peers over his shoulder*
Steph: You're reading an adopted by Batman AU?
Tim: ...I was hacked. Just right now.
——— (6) ———
Steph: I could use a little backup.
Tim, shooting his grapple: I'm on my way. How many are there?
Steph: Four, though I bet more are hiding.
Tim: In that case, we better get you out of there instead of wasting time.
Tim: *swings by*
Tim: Grab on.
Steph: *grabs his legs and pulls his pants down*
——— (5) ———
Tim: What should I call my next contingency plan?
Steph: Fuck if I know.
Barbara: Alright, Tim, let's review your plan for...
Barbara: *squints*
Barbara: Everybody leave. I want to talk to Tim alone.
——— (4) ———
Tim: I'm not so sure about my disguise.
Steph, dressed like the 1980s: It's an 80s-themed roller derby. No way you can mess that up.
Tim: *shows up dressed like the 1880s*
Steph: I stand corrected.
——— (3) ———
Steph: You need to put that computer down. Have a Batburger.
Tim: No. I've almost got it. And don't try to distract me 'cause I've seen everything.
Steph, whispering under her breath: You haven't seen Superboy.
Kon: You called?
Tim: Oh for crying out loud.
——— (2) ———
Tim: *driving the Batmobile*
Steph: Hey, what does this button do?
Steph: *hits the button*
Tim: *gets ejected*
——— (1) ———
Steph: Another successful patrol, if I say so myself.
Tim: All in a night's work.
Bruce: Where's Damian?
Tim: Huh?
Bruce: You were supposed to watch him.
Steph: Pfft, we knew that. He's right... uh...
Tim: We're just gonna—
Tim and Steph: *hop in the car and speed away*
——— (Honorable mention) ———
Steph: No sign of Robin at the dog shelter either. Did you locate his tracker?
Tim: It's offline. Best case scenario he just disabled it, but...
Steph: Oh God, we are in so much trouble.
Tim: Any other ideas?
Steph: Nope. I'm gonna get a drink of water real quick.
Steph: *goes into a store*
Steph: *comes back out with Damian*
Steph: Guess who I found trying to buy a butterfly knife?
Tim: I'll update Batman.
Tim, on the phone: Hey B, guess what?
Damian: *snatches the phone*
Damian: They abandoned me in Crime Alley!
Bruce: Red Robin, Spoiler, you're cleaning the lockers when you get back.
Tim: No wait—
Damian: *hangs up*
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
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twenty four hours (modern!eddie munson x fem!reader)
in which you come to a few realizations while remembering the very first night you'd met eddie. a phone call with steve leaves you with more questions than answers.
→ tropes: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, slow burn
→ warnings: strong language, eventual smut, heavier angst this chapter but all will be well soon, two uses of y/n, upside down does not exist, minors dni
→ word count: 4.4k+
→ a/n: shorter chapter today but the focus here is the memory! finally making some progress haha. also trying out something new with formatting/the summary situation. if i hate it, i'll probably change it. <3 also, italicized portion is a memory.
spotify playlist.
◁ previous part, next part▷
7:00 ────ㅇ────────────── 24:00
DINGUS: [image attachment]
DINGUS: y/n just texted me this. we’re not getting an update this hour. 
BIRDIE: what the hell happened?
DINGUS: she hasn’t said yet, as you can see in the photo, robs. 
ARGYLE  😎: what do we THINK happened? 
BIRDIE: my best bet is fighting? 
ARGYLE 😎: lover’s quarrel? Makes sense. 
BIRDIE: i’m adding nance back into the chat
BIRDIE added NANCE to the groupchat.
BIRDIE: @NANCE explain what you meant earlier please. we’re having a code red. the bad kind. 
DINGUS: there’s a good kind of code red?
NANCE: Oh God, what happened? 
DINGUS: y/n texted me saying she fucked up, and we’re assuming either she’s finally murdered eddie, or they’re fighting again.
NANCE: I can call Eddie, if you guys want?
JOHNNY: So does this mean we’re all $500 richer?
BIRDIE: @JOHNNY if you still think this is about the money, you’re a fucking idiot
There had been a time in your life where you believed you didn’t hold a single mean bone in your body. A time where you were soft-spoken, a time where you overflowed with kindness and dotted out compliments to random strangers. There was once a version of you in this lifetime that worked so fervently to be the type of person people liked and enjoyed the company of. You always swore to always treat others with the same grace as you would prefer to receive as well.
A year ago, that version of you had been sidetracked. 
You stare at the wooden frame of Eddie’s door with blank eyes. He wasn’t going to open it any time soon. You’d tried knocking multiple times, calling out to him in a soft voice, begging and pleading and begging and pleading. His response continued to be silence. 
“All I’ve ever done is hurt you.”
With the haze clearing, in the midst of the aftermath and sour clarity, you wish you would have corrected him. Eddie and you had surely hurt each other countless times, but it is not all he’s ever done. 
You can remember the better moments clearly now. The time you’d tripped walking up the steps of one of the bars on Main Street, and Eddie had been the only person in your friend group to stop completely, reflectively reaching out to catch you from embarrassing yourself. The night of your birthday, in which he hadn’t come to the party due to “work” as Steve had explained, but had sent a card along with your friends that contained a gift card to your favorite coffee shop. You hadn’t even realized he knew your favorite coffee shop, and you’d come to find out that he didn’t even ask a single one of your mutual friends for it. You’d brushed it off as a lucky guess. And there was the time you’d forgotten your wallet during a brunch with the group, and he hadn’t hesitated to pick up your bill with his own. He didn’t even give Robin the chance to argue; he’d simply snatched your bill from across the table when you’d paled as you dug through your bag, and didn’t say a word about you paying him back. 
Small moments. Glimpses of kindness, bandages on wounds that you’d been ignoring to keep up a war between the two of you that you’d always assumed he’d started. 
Eddie Munson wasn’t the enemy, and the first night you two met was never a red herring; it was a glimpse into who he actually was. A clear look past the armor he hadn’t formed yet when it came to you. 
“They’re going to love you!” Robin insists as she continues to shove you from behind through the entrance of the bar. Steve is ahead of you, guiding you through the rough crowd to the table the rest of the group had already snagged. 
You turn your head over your shoulder, reaching up and grabbing the hand that Robin rested on you, “You don't know that. What if they hate me? What if they think I’m the worst person they’ve ever met?” 
Even as you wore a smile, there was a truth to the fear in your words. You were petrified that these strangers, strangers who meant so much to your only friends on campus, would turn their noses to you. There was nothing Robin or Steve could do to extinguish the fear. It was already a terrible knot in the pit of your stomach, tying and untying itself like a nuisance as Steve started to wave at a brunette who had been scanning the bar as if waiting for someone. 
She’s pretty. Wavy hair barely brushing her shoulders, sharp features accentuated in the shadows of the busy location. The moment her blue eyes locked on Steve, all the concentration on her face faded to be replaced with an excited smile. 
She returns the wave, and the boys surrounding her at the table all glance in your direction. 
You’re still half-hidden behind Steve as the three of you approach the group. Robin bounds out from behind you, scooping the woman you assumed was the famous Nancy into a barrelling hug. Your eyes flickered to the boy sat to Nancy’s right, shaggy hair flopping against his forehead and smile creases exposed as he nods to Steve and holds up his drink in greeting. Beside him, another man sits, long and shiny hair flowing over an outrageous Hawaiian print shirt and topped off with a baseball cap that looked to be the merchandise of a pizza shop. His smile is welcoming – something comforting in the relaxation of it. 
You’re almost completely captivated by the warmth that bled from the group when Steve and Robin are suddenly taking their seats. Robin sits beside Nancy, while Steve takes the seat across from the man with long hair. 
The only seat left open was between Steve and a man who’s back was turned to you. 
His hair is in a loose bun, unraveling against the nape of his neck.  You could see each and every defined curl. His broad shoulders stiffen beneath a leather jacket and denim vest, and his ring-clad hand cradles a short glass of something dark, something fizzy. 
“Alright, everyone!” Steve announces, turning and beckoning you to take this seat. Your stomach twists again, realizing you’d be sitting beside a stranger. One who had yet to even spare you a glance, “This is Y/N.” 
There’s rounds of greetings and introductions as you brush shoulders with the stranger to take your seat, and try as you might to keep up, all you can focus on is not looking at him. 
You’re guess was correct – the pretty girl that Robin had hugged was Nancy. The boy with floppy hair at her side was Jonathan, and the man with long hair told you his name is Argyle. His tone of casualty matches the comfort of his smile as he holds a hand out to you across the table, both your elbow and his brushing against empty baskets once filled with bar food as you shake. 
Finally, you turn to look at the stranger beside you, Steve reaching around to clasp his shoulder. 
“And mister oh-so-welcoming here is Eddie.” 
Eddie. He finally turns to look at you, with doleful eyes and a tight-lipped grin, and you almost forget how to breathe. 
He was intimidating. All broodish glances and stand-offish energy. But then Argyle cracks a joke, and suddenly, it all fades. The air in the room crackles frantically as you watch him chuckle slowly at first, until he finally descends into cackles with Steve and Jonathan alike. 
That’s when the first vine sprouts. 
The second one does when the conversation becomes overwhelming, and you find yourself lost amongst the sea of new friends. They’re nothing but friendly, trying to learn more about you but easily falling into well-established inside jokes at times. When you descend into silence as you watch them recount a story of a time that Argyle snuck them into his job after hours, you suddenly feel Eddie lean in closer to you.
“I think they tell this story every time they get drunk,” he whispers, tilting his head so that the words only reach your ears, “I’ve probably heard it a hundred times by now.” 
You bite back a smile, “Just tonight, or the entire time you’ve known them?” 
You have to fight hard to swallow down giggles, Eddie hiding his with a sip of his drink. A waiter who had taken your order nearly ten minutes ago arrives with your own drink. An amaretto sour. 
“I’m Eddie, by the way,” he says as you taste the drink. Its citrus bursts across your tongue and you nod.
“So Steve mentioned.” 
“Yeah, but I felt bad for not introducing myself,” he shrugs. You were facing him fully now, no longer trying to stick vehemently to Steve’s side. “I didn’t want to seem like a dick, just… had a long week.” 
You knew all about long weeks.
“I get it,” you assure him, “Are you in school, too?” 
“Night classes,” he supplies with a wave of his hand, “Midterms are a bitch, especially after working all day.” 
“Tell me about it. I think I’m about ten seconds away from getting fired at my current gig,” you joke, and Eddie laughs. It occurs to you that you’d probably do just about anything to hear his laugh more, and already begin to conjure up terrible jokes to pull that sound from him once more. It’s even more comforting than Argyle’s friendly cadence, than Steve’s elbow knocking yours to remind you he’s still there.
“Why would you think that?” Eddie’s nose scrunches, more curls falling against his cheek. Your drink is immediately forgotten. 
“He caught me talking shit,” another laugh falls from Eddie’s lips at your deadpan, more reserved than the previous but just as melodic, “I give it a week. He was already looking for a reason to send me to the chopping block. Says I talk too much to customers.” 
“Is that even possible?”
For a moment, in the smoky bar, it’s just you and Eddie. All knotting nerves have been replaced by the weight of the vines that surge higher and higher in your chest, growing at impossible rates. They don’t strangle you like your fears of the night had; their weight is a comforting hold, something solid to reach out for in the unfamiliar territory of new socialization. Without the mask of intimidation, Eddie feels like an old friend. 
You assume that everyone else is distracted by their own conversation, but Robin catches the way you lean into him as the two of you joke. She nudges Nancy subtly, and they both share a look when Eddie blushes at you being impressed as he tells you that his battle vest is hand-sewn. 
Your vines are not as hidden as you assume they are, certainly not when the first bud of hopefulness begins to grow. 
“So how long have you known Steve?” you ask him quietly, still under the guise of the two of you having created your own small bubble of a moment. 
Eddie downs the last of his Jack & Coke, something you caught onto by smelling it on his breath when he had gotten particularly close to you during conversation, “Too long. We all met in high school, actually.” 
“Oh, don’t tell me that,” you groan, and your forehead dramatically falls into his shoulder without second-thought. He stiffens beneath the connection, “I’m infiltrating a friend group that’s stood the test of times? I’m doomed.” 
You nearly lift your head from his still stiff shoulder, afraid to make him uncomfortable, when he brings a hesitant hand to pat your back jokingly, “There, there. I think you’re fitting in fine.” 
“Just fine? Ouch,” you finally lift your head as you had planned to, just as Eddie had begun to relax into your touch. His hand doesn’t fall too far from your back, resting on the back of your chair. His shy grin is impossibly charming, “You could have just said I’m crashing and burning, you know?” 
The night carries on like that, you and Eddie lost in private conversations only to be occasionally dragged back in on whatever debate the group is having. It’s a spring reaction; once one or both of you have given your two cents, you return to one another, finding solitude in joking and Eddie updating you on the group’s ‘lore’, as he puts it. Steve shoots several glances in your direction, always prepared to offer comfort in what should be an overwhelming situation, but he never has to. Every time he glances at you, Eddie is already taking the lead of entertaining you, qualming all your anxieties into non-existence. 
Your vines decorate with buds of hope. Every laugh you pull from Eddie, every fleeting touch that passes between the two of you, every new inside joke he decides to make with you rather than indulging in ones set in stone already with old friends - they all whisper of new friendship. They whisper in potential, in new beginnings and coming home after long weeks. 
By the time Nancy announces she has to go to the restroom and invites you and Robin, you’re in full bloom. You’re convinced that Eddie is a friend. And you can see it in his eyes – he’s convinced of it too, looking nervous when you stand and agree to go with Nancy. He looks like a child about to lose their social crutch, and it has potential to be devastating.
It’s almost enough to make you ignore your bladder, but you need to pee, and you need to socialize with more than just Eddie tonight. 
You’re not sure what happens at the table during your trip to the bathroom. But something surely does happen as you giggle with the girls under the humming lights of the restroom, as you all stand in the mirror side by side and fiddle with your hair and makeup and Robin makes a comment about how terribly cliche the moment is. Nancy slaps her on the arm, mutters something about the importance of girls bonding, and when you return to the table, you see it immediately – Eddie’s mask of indifference has returned. 
His cheeks are flushed, and all the boys are sharing nervous glances between one another as you all sit down again. 
There’s no more fleeting touches. You sip on your now watered down drink, and you try and pull Eddie out from wherever he’s ventured in your absence, but it’s no use. A conversation was had while you girls had been in the restroom, and it left Eddie in his head, out of reach. The buds of hopefulness quiver on their vines, and you try to reassure yourself that it’s nothing personal. It’s nothing personal when he clearly holds back any laughs at your jokes you lean into his space to whisper to only him, it’s nothing personal when his arm never rests on the back of your chair again, it’s nothing personal when he won’t meet your eyes the rest of the night. 
It’s nothing personal, but it’s sorely disappointing. 
You end the night, everyone splitting up, Eddie heading off towards his motorcycle. He hadn’t even mentioned driving a motorcycle during the night, and you curse the way you watch him straddle the seat as he secures his helmet over his tied-back hair. You desperately wish to know what was said while you were in the bathroom, what had happened to make him retreat so far from you after spending the entirety of the night tending to the greenery that had grown attached to your ribcage. 
“You like him, don’t you?” Robin teases at your side, bumping shoulders. 
Something aches in you. The thrill of meeting someone new, of getting along, of finding them cute and endearing, is beyond your grasp. 
He didn’t even say goodbye. 
“I did,” you whisper softly. A reverberation of past-tense, an exhale of worry. 
You did. But he didn’t even say goodbye. 
Eddie still hasn’t opened the door. But to his defense, you haven’t tried knocking again. 
That ache from that night, the feeling of a delicate rush of possibility taunting you from a distance, still remains. Even amongst now rotted vines, even as petals fall from your hopeful buds. It never really went away. With each group hangout that followed, it echoed louder and louder, demanding to be heard and demanding to be felt as Eddie grew colder. You were an idiot the first few times; you’d still gravitated to him, falling right into his orbit and begging for his attention. You’d still seek him out in every room, craving to find the warmth that had once sparked in his eyes only to find them averted from you entirely. And when you couldn’t take the hint, when you wouldn’t leave him alone when Steve and Robin left you to your own devices at the hangouts, he became mean. 
You took it as a joke at first, but six months ago, something inside of you finally wisened up – it wasn’t a joke. Eddie Munson hated you. Somehow, he hated you, and yet he also swore to protect you. He hated you, and yet he would still pay for you without you asking him to. He hated you, and yet he still remembered your birthday. He hated you, and yet, he still knew your favorite coffee shop. 
He hated you and yet. 
You stand, unable to take your racing thoughts anymore, moving to pound on the door again, “Eddie. Open the door.” 
You’re not asking anymore. 
You don’t care for answers any more. In this moment, you truly believe you could let it all be water under the bridge. Right this second, if you looked into honey brown eyes and goddamn dimples, you’d forgive him. 
“Eddie,” your voice cracks, and you scorn yourself. 
All I ever do is hurt you. 
Even in locking himself away, he’s hurting you. Putting that distance, choosing to not work this out like adults, is hurting you. 
“Can you- I don’t know, at least let me know that… that…” you trail off, huffing in frustration and finally smacking a flat palm against wood, watching the door shake on its hinges from your force, “Just let me know you’re alive, Jesus Christ, Eddie. We still have to take the stupid fucking photo for this hour, and we-” 
Mid-tirade, the door swings open to reveal Eddie. He doesn’t look irritated, he doesn’t look mad. He looks tired. 
The war between you two has weighed heavy on him, too. He doesn’t look like the same person you met a year ago. The battles raged, the fights lost, the victories celebrated through bloody teeth – they all show on the shadows of his face, a clear mirror image to your own. 
“Take the photo,” he says in monotone, hardly leaving the door cracked enough to catch a proper glimpse of him. 
“The photo. Take it. For the chat, so you can get your money when it’s all over.” 
You’re stunned for a second. The money hadn’t even crossed your mind; you had just been rambling, hoping to find the right thing to say to get him to unlock the barrier between you two. 
Who the fuck even cares about the money anymore? 
You do. You’re supposed to. And so is he. 
You sigh and pull your phone from your back pocket, and turn your back to him before lifting the camera to capture the two of you. The door creaks open an inch more. 
There’s no fun pose. There’s no smiles. There’s nothing. It’s even more lifeless than the first photo taken. You can’t stand to look at it longer than necessary as you send it off to the group. 
Just as you turn around to face him again, to try and talk to him, the door shuts again. You can hear the soft click of a lock. The ache is heard, the ache is felt, as you refuse to look back at the wood that still separates you physically, at the emotions that separate you mentally.
You don’t really know why you do it. But you walk out to the living room, deciding against sitting outside the door any longer and continuing to make yourself miserable. Your feet carry you straight to the sliding door of his balcony, and you press outside into the cooler night air, shutting the door behind you. 
What happened when I was in the bathroom that night? 
The thought haunts you, a new ghost that had been lingering and gathering dust since that night. You never asked anyone, certainly not Eddie, and refuse to overthink it until now. But after tonight, after practically reliving your first encounter with Eddie all over again, the deja vu and the curiosity are winning over. 
You dial Steve’s number.
“Why do me and Eddie hate each other?” you blurt out, cutting off Steve’s greeting. 
“I- What?” Steve’s confused, understandably so, “How should I know? I don’t keep a list of every time you rant about him to me.” 
“What about him?”
“Okay, you know I love you, but I’m not a mind-read-”
“What about a list of every time he rants about me?” 
Silence buzzes through the line, and you glance up at the night sky. It’s a cloudy black. The city pollution hides most of the stars, and from Eddie’s balcony, you can’t locate the moon. 
“I also don’t have one of those.” 
“Why not? Because, Jesus Christ, Harrington, I have questions-”
“Because he doesn’t rant about you. Especially not to me, but Nancy says he never talks about you usually either,” Steve explains in an even tone, still not sure how his answer should be helping you. You are the one, afterall, with Eddie right now. 
Even if he is locked away in his room right now, refusing to speak to you. 
“That makes no sense,” you sigh, exasperation creeping its way into your bones, “I rant about him all the time. I’ve bitched to you and Robin more times than I can count about him. He should be doing the same.” 
Steve says your name softly, “Why are you asking me this?” 
You laugh humorlessly and shake your head, even knowing Steve can’t see you, “It’s stupid. Forget it,” It’s not stupid to you, and you can’t forget it, but this doesn’t concern Steve, “Can I ask you one last question, though?”
“Shoot, babydoll,” you can’t help but grin at that nickname. Steve pulls it out at random, every time he’s trying to make you feel bad. He knows that neither of you can take it seriously. 
“Um, that night you introduced me to everyone,” you begin, stepping up to wrap your free hand around the iron railing of Eddie’s balcony, letting the cold seep into your palm, “At the bar, you know?” 
“Right…” he encourages, “What about it?” 
“Me and Eddie got along,” you spit it out, letting it tear from your chest and score your throat on its way out, “We… we were getting along at first, and then I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, he…. He…” 
He was gone. The Eddie I’d first met had vanished. Where’d he go? Why’d he go? 
“Shit, your memory is way better than mine,” Steve chuckles, sounding nervous, “But, I mean, I kind of remember that. You two getting along, at least. Guess that’s why we all were really confused when you started hating each other. But I’m still not understanding the question - are you asking if I remember the night? Or if he’s ever talked about it? I was a jock, you’re gonna have to spell it out for my pea brain.” 
“Stop insinuating you’re stupid,” you scold on instinct, scowl settling along your features as you lean onto the railing and glance down. It’s only two stories, but the ground feels impossibly far as you ask, “What happened when all us girls went to the bathroom? When we came back, he acted differently. Did he mention hating me that night? Did I leave a bad first impression? Was it all just a joke to hi-”
“Woah, woah, woah. Slow down. One question, remember?” you’re sure Steve can hear the panting in your breath over the line, the way your chest heaves in the memory, “I’ve gotta be honest - I don’t remember. I know that’s probably not the answer you’re looking for, and I don’t know what’s going on with you two right now, but I was already well on my way to drunk. I think Jonathan and Argyle poked some fun at Eddie, maybe teased him about something, but I really can’t recall what it was about. Maybe his hair? Who knows?” 
The answer isn’t helpful. It’s only more confusing, more hurtful. 
He stopped joking with you because someone made fun of his hair? You lost access to the warmth buried beneath his surface because his friends teased him? 
“Okay,” you sound defeated. You feel defeated – defeated by the weight of still feeling like an outsider, defeated by the barrier of some measly wooden door, defeated by the hurt in Eddie’s eyes as you admitted that he only ever hurts you, “Okay, thanks, Steve.” 
You hang up before either of you say goodbye. When you pull your phone down from your cheek and ear, you see your phone still open to the photo of Eddie and you that you’d sent to the group. 
You were wrong. There wasn’t only nothing. Your face may have been void of all emotions, but now looking at it, you can see Eddie’s isn’t. 
He’s looking at you and not the camera during the shot, face crestfallen, eyes nearly teary as the corners of his mouth tucked downward. 
He’s looking at you with regret, with sadness. He’s looking at you as if he can see the vines he’d planted in you, all rotted and dusting away, and he’s mourning them just as you had. 
It’s bullshit, or your imagination, or your innate need for Eddie to bleed the same way as you have over your entire situation with each other. You lock your phone and don’t bother to look at the photo again as you enter the living room, as you toss your phone onto the loveseat, as you curl up on the couch and don’t even bother to go to ask for a pillow or blanket. He probably wouldn’t answer the door, anyway. 
You don’t say goodnight to Eddie, just as he never said goodbye to you the first night, and wonder if he notices the absence of your salutation.
taglist: @catherinnn @haylaansmi @gaysludge @paprikaquinn @manda-panda-monium @audhd-dragonaut @amira0303 @blushingquincy @hellkaisersangel @eddieslittlewh0re @ajkamins @prettyboy200 @munsonzzgf @blue-eyed-lion @digwhatudug @madaboutjoe @wickedslashdivine @sweet-villain @somespicystuff @big-ope-vibes @jadequeen88 @sylviin @emma77645 @notbeforelong @lolalanaie @lo-siento-ama @happy-and-alone @micheledawn1975 @aysheashea @moon-huny @munsonswrld @bambipowerblueaddition @averagestudent03 @bakugouswh0r3 @mattefic @mxcheese @bietchz @nativity-in-black @tlclick73 @stezzil @vngelis @coley0823 @folklorebau @luvmunson86 @theherothesavior @keene200213 @hargrovesswifee @m-chmcl-rmnc @cherrymedicine13 @iunaelumen777
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
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Working on all my November /October drafts before tumblr deletes em🤦🏽‍♀️ enjoy baby💓 i also added luffy because edging him would be so fun :)
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Edging Monster Trio + Kidd (NSFW)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Cw: …sex bro its sex
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2nd biggest brat of the four.
Zoro is a naturally easily flustered boy. Just a single compliment from you and he’s already red in the face.
But poor baby he tries so hard to mask it. It’s almost like he turns into a literal brat when you edge him on.
“Why—why do you want to hear me beg, are you some kinda sadist?”
“Lil bit.”
Edging Zoro is a treat because he would rather bite his lip until he bleeds before blessing your ears with his whimpers and begging
But you knew Zoro would be difficult so you made a bet. And in this bet he loss and that’s how he got here:
Strapped on your chair, naked, with you riding his thigh with a vibrator in your hand.
“What the—hell is your problem!” 
You could hear the strain in his voice. Zoro’s chest and face are so red, but not as red as his cock right now. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, he was looking at the wall and everything else, but you, and it made you upset, he couldn’t seem to want to look at you, being a little brat he was you grabbed his wet cheeks, mushing it together a little, forcing him to look at you.
“Hey…”You nod at him a little, he begins to huff and breathe through his nose, chest rising and lowering quickly almost as if he were struggling to catch his breathe, you smile, “focus on me…”
Nothing could compare to the shock shown in Zoro's eyes, it brought a chill down his spine to see you turn your demeanor in such a 180, and yet...he couldn't be more turned on.
Your eyebrows rise, it's been 15 minutes of consistent moving the vibrator on his cock and pulling it away, yes Zoro can have amazing self discipline, but you knew just how to push the envelope.
"Say it.."
"Fuck.." Zoro puffed out, head tried hanging low, but you picked it back up with one hand , while pressing the toy back on his leaking tip, precum now falling over the head of the vibrator. "...please..please let me fucking cum."
You almost felt bad for being so mean, you knew from his blushed chest and face, the way his thigh twitched under you cunt, and how a moan slipped through his teeth he was at his limit, but if he wasn't such a stubborn little asshole maybe he would have came sooner.
Luckily, you're not too mean and you let him do just that making a sticky mess on not only his abs but your hand as well.
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Biggest brat.
Most annoying brat
First off good luck trynna convince him and good luck trynna get him to beg
"Fuck you and that idea."
Edging Kid just...won't happen... not unless you are on top...possibly.
"Keep--fucking going dammit!"
You have spent 30 minutes trying to break this asshole and he finally started to whine just a little when you started to grind yourself on his cock just how he likes before cumming and stopped. Now, it's time to edge him.
"I'll never fucking beg for you."
"Then I guess you'll never fucking cum now will you.."
Kid is usually the type to call your bluff, he has done it plenty times in the past, but tonight you were tired. You were tired of his bullshit and trying to tell you what to do and that glint in your eye showed him you weren't playing around with him anymore.
Pressing your body against his your lips latched to his weak spot as you lazily humped his dick, damn your ass felt good slapping against his thigh he couldn't keep himself from biting his wet lips.
"Sssssshittt!" Kid got choked up, his lips began to part, eye furrowed focusing on cumming since he was so so close as you nibbled and licked on his neck, but alas, you knew his body like the back of your head so you move away, causing him to curse again.
"Say. Please."
"Fuck. You."
His voice was quivering when he said thta, you sigh, sure you were close to an orgasm as well, but you set your pleasure aside to show him you meant what you said.
And that's exactly why after 2 more times of stopping him from realsing inside you he broke, "Ple...please...make me cum..."
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Swears he hates it but he just cant get enough.
"Aah! W-wait wait wait wait wait! Sssssshhiit Y/N babe!-"
Fuck his moans were some of the sluttiest things you could hear from a man like him, he whines so much you almost wanted to give in and slide yourself on top of him, his voice alone made you so wet all by itself you kept rubbing your thighs, clenching over nothing when you heard him cry out beside you
"You're not ganna give up so easily are you? My pretty boy isn't THAT weak to temptation is he?..you already failed earlier, here's your second chance to show me you can handle this.."
His fingers were nearly ripping through your sheets, looking down to see you slowly push his black shirt higher over his chest, his underwear to his ankles and your pretty small hands around his throbbing cock, it was a sight to see as he laid uncomfortably still watching you pump so vigorously, just to stop all together.
Your breast now stained from prior, he came way too fast and way too easily when you rubbed his slit with your thumb.
Yes, you want to hear him beg, but it was more fun hearing him whimper, your hand was gliding against his wet shaft, using his cum as lube as you suckled his nipple, it was all too much for Sanji to take and feeling you stop him from cumming again, he started to get choked up, tears falling from his eyes
"Please!" He coughed, "pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease, let me cum for you please!"
Ugh. You really had a soft spot for this pervert. His cheeks were so wet and pink you kiss his lips passionately as if your were apologizing for being so mean.
Not parting your lips from him you flew your leg over him, pulling away slowly to let him watch you sink down on his cock, sharing such a slutty moan together, "Yes! Yes thank you, baby thank you I love youiloveyou i love--aahhh mmmmfuck!"
You let him thrust himself up into you, holding on to his shoulders as his tear stained face was mushed against your soon to be sucked on breast, still moaning into your skin about how good you feel and how much he loves you.
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Has no patience for it HOWEVER he enjoys it???
As you pop off from sucking his cock his body jerks up, a broken moan turns into laughter from him and it oddly enough turns you on.
"C-common! ahaha! Keep suckinggggg!"
"Say please first!" You both share a giggle, this was supposed to be where he begs and cries for more, but instead he's making it fun for the both of you.
"M' not saying please.." He then crossed his arms and pouted, but his little childish attitude was cut short when you spit on his pretty brown tip and swirled your hand on it, it was almost as if his eyes started to twinkle as his cheeks blushed stubly, "Y/Nnnnnnnnnn...ah.."
Luffy's moans got very scratchy and whiney when it came him him close to cumming, he began to raise his hips and grind them against your hand to push you to--
"Put your mouth back on itttttttt commonnnnn! I put my mouth on you!"
"Lufffyyyyy.." Your voice sounded playful as you moved his hips back down, "Say please first."
"Uh uh." He shook his head, "Suck it first."
"Then no."
You knew how to get him to do what you want, granted you didn't want to take such drastic measures but you were sick of him being a little impatient baby so with your opposite hand you pull his chin in for a kiss, it was soft and sweet, until Luffy grabbed your head to lower it back on his dick, "Stop itt!!!"
"Suck it--ah! Fuck!"
You cupped his balls, massaging them, immediately noticing his eye shut tightly gripping the covers beside him on your bed, he broke out into a soft moan, he hated when you touched his so so so sensitive--
"Stop touching down there...PLEASE JUST SUCK--op." Luffy quickly covered his mouth realizing what he said and it made you smile a little. "No! No! I didn't say please!"
"yes you did.."
"NU UH I--OH!"
You just shut your pretty flustered captain up by moving your head back down to take all of his cock back in your mouth.
"M-maybe I did saaaay it." Luffy voice kept stuttering watching you wink at him bopping your head up and down.
Dammit he was so cute like this.
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webslingingslasher · 7 months
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMj3TXKsh/ frat peter
peter is not paying attention. peter is on game four of the new madden release and you feel like you're slowly dying.
he was kind at first, letting you lay against him, keeping an ear free so you could babble to him. then, his friends joined and it became a real competition. you could see the passion in his eyes enhance, he was no longer actively listening.
it took three tries at his name before his eyes left the screen, just for two milliseconds, 'yeah?' focus back on the game, his tongue pokes out the corner off his mouth when he dodges and passes the ball off.
'are we done talking now?' another look at your face, you don't look upset. 'just let me do one game, okay?' you know it's never just one game.
'oh-' peter relaxes into the back of the couch, his headphones knocked back into place by a bump with his shoulder. 'kay.'
five minutes pass, he hasn't said one thing to you. peter's talking and laughing with his friends over the mic, you've watched a video on loop three times, peter would find it funny, and he's right there.
you sit up and pat on his arm, nothing. you tap again while using his name. 'peter,' he finishes his thought before freeing up his right ear. peter doesn't even respond, he just looks at you.
'look,' you shove your phone out, then flashes his eyes between the tv and your phone. 'no, no, i'm here.' his fingers spam buttons. you lost his attention in four seconds, you make a notion to squirm as far away from him as possible, even slightly bending your knees so peter couldn't touch you.
the sudden cold has peter notice your new position, he actually drops the controller and mutes his mic, leaning over towards you. 'sorry, let me see it.' you narrow your eyes, 'you don't care.'
'i care. i'm missing points right now and betting berated.' you reach a leg out to softly kick his thigh. 'fine. go back to your game, i'll just be here.'
peter can't pick up on shit when he's distracted.
'you sure? want me to get you anything?' there's never been a time in his life he's so desperate for a no. the controller's back in peter's hands, you pout at him, he blinks.
'no, guess not.'
you ignore him the rest of the game, the second it ends he looks at you with a teeny smile, you read right through it. 'you said one game.' peter raises his hands, 'i know i did, but my friends just got on. one more game? please?'
'i'll go home.' you scramble to sit up, peter pushes you back down with ease. 'c'mon, trouble. don't be like that, i like hanging out with you.'
'you're not hanging out with me, i'm watching you play a game.' peter's eyebrow quirks, 'what about love languages and quality time?' you frown, 'don't use my words against me.'
peter knows how to make you putty, expertly sliding between your legs to hold himself up by an arm next to your head. he kisses you slow and soft, 'please, trouble? one more?'
you nod, aching for one more kiss. it's not as slow or soft, he pulls away from you in a second, his headset back on. 'got the pass, let's go.'
peter's words offend you, if he thinks he can play you, he's wrong. you know how to play the game better then he does, boldly sitting up, you tug your shirt off. it takes a few seconds, but when he looks over, peter's staring at your chest and his controller drops.
'oh, shit.' whatever chatter he heard wasn't registering.
'nevermind. i gotta go.' it was the quickest you've ever seen him turn off his console.
peter's hands mime a squeeze, 'boobies. can i have boobies?' you block his viewing pleasure with your palms. 'you were dismissive to the one with the boobies.'
'i'm so sorry, i should've watched your video. i shouldn't have asked for another game, you're so much better than a playstation. now boobies?'
you consider his words, then drop your hands, he cheers. 
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danieyells · 12 days
hi there,
thank you so much for all the voicelines you post !! if it’s okay, can i request subaru’s ?
thank you again !
You're welcome! At some point I might go back and put in the ones I leave out because they don't appeal to me as much lol but since i always end up posting 99% of them anyway I think it's enough for most people hahaha.
I WAS GONNA OMIT ONE OR TWO BECAUSE OF SPOILERS but eh i'll just warm for like. extra spoilers. since after doing more code peeking it wasn't the spoiler i thought it was. SUBARU IS A SWEETIE THOUGH. I also read Subaru's chats which were put in the code recently and. Man this guy needs anxiety meds. I have a small guess as to what his stigma is, but we'll learn in a few days anyway.
You've Got Mail:
"It looks like there's a notice for you. I'd be happy to go pick it up for you if you've got your hands full. Oh, forgive me if I'm overstepping."
oh no he's anxious about helping--
Default(no affinity):
"I really am so lucky to be surrounded by so many kind people like you."
"I never thought I'd get the chance to enjoy the lifestyle of a student until I came to Darkwick. Every day truly is fulfilling here."
it feels like subaru is like. . .the only one who actually enjoys school life here. . .or who really enjoys being here period lmao. . . .
"You think I'm always smiling? Ha ha, I hear that a lot. It just happens when I'm around all of you."
"I may be the captain, but it's just in name. I think Haku is much better suited for the job than me."
"I've been working since I was four, so people often said I was mature for my age. But the truth is, I've still got a lot to learn."
that makes two characters whose parents have essentially been keeping them from normal life and normal childhood for work reasons since they were four year olds. . . .
Affinity 1:
"I tend to just have hot water for breakfast. I know it would be better for me to eat a proper meal, but it's just so much effort."
Affinity 2:
"I'm sorry I'm so late. The campus is so crowded I can never manage to walk in a straight line, so it always takes me longer than I think. Silly, isn't it?"
baby you're hardly the first person i've met with anxiety about crowds. you're fine.
Affinity 3:
"What would I do without Haku's help? Hotarubi would be a mess without him."
Affinity 6:
"Ever since I was a child, the performing arts were my only focus. Maybe that's why people always say my mannerisms are so peculiar. It bothers you too, doesn't it?"
poor boy doesn't know how to act if he isn't acting. . .he doesn't know how to exist off-script. . .no wonder he made a deal with a demon. it's probably the first thing he's ever done for himself.
Affinity 7:
"I'd like to go to the cafeteria, but the line is always so long. I feel bad taking time to choose while people are waiting behind me. The bar of entry feels a little high."
i am once again suggesting subaru get anxiety meds. hell go to sinnostra and get some weed, i bet they sell that. i hear it can help.
Affinity 8:
"I'm just about to go and meet a friend. I hate to inconvenience you like this, but if it's something urgent, could you speak to Haku about it instead?"
Affinity 9:
"What am I going to do? We're supposed to be meeting up in an hour... If I cancel now, they'll hate me..."
Affinity 10:
"Whew... I'll walk you back to your house, FirstName. Oh, it's no problem at all, I assure you! I wanted some fresh air anyway."
Affinity 11:
"I have an Anomalous Ecology test coming up. It's such a fascinating subject, I couldn't help but stay up all night studying. Now I'm a little sleep-deprived."
Affinity 12:
"I'm going to stretch my legs a little. I might not have a show to practice for right now, but I need to keep putting myself through my paces. I'll get rusty otherwise."
Affinity 13:
"I'm sorry my phone's been making so much noise. I recently downloaded an app by mistake, and it won't stop sending me notifications..."
awww he's also technologically incompetent. . .poor guy was probably raised with such a heavy focus on his career he just. never needed a smartphone. anyone he needed to contact or who needed to contact him was probably always very close by. it sounds like he didn't even properly go to school before going to Darkwick. Somebody please take this boy on a walk. like anywhere. take him to a library. buy him a churro. can sho make churros? this is somebody who's never had any sort of normal social experience and sees how different he is and wishes it weren't the case, unlike Ritsu who assumes everyone else is like him, i think he'd like to have some more Experiences.
Affinity 14:
"... ...Oh! Hello, FirstName—I didn't even notice you there. My mind was somewhere else."
Affinity 15:
"Good morning! Sorry? My hair's messy? You're right, it's sticking right up at the front... That's embarrassing. I'll fix it right away."
Affinity 16:
"I usually have lunch in the dormitory. I do eat on the terrace with Lyca every now and then, but he seems so busy these days..."
Lyca is one of the members of Obscuary, btw! Seems like he and Subaru are friends.
Affinity 17:
"I didn't take you for a night owl, FirstName. Since you're here, I suppose I'll stay up a little longer. You're sure you're okay? You're not sleepy?"
Affinity 18:
"Do you visit Sinostra very often, {PC}? I see... Oh, no reason. I was just making conversation. Ha ha."
why do you ask that. . .a certain mafioso captain wouldn't happen to be suspicious of you would he. . .or maybe you owe them money. . .or maybe you used to be part of Sinostra and moved to Hotarubi. . . .
Affinity 20:
"Oh, I couldn't ask you to come all the way to my room to wake me up—I'd feel terrible. I do very much appreciate the thought, though."
it's okay buddy jin already makes them do it, one more pit stop won't hurt.
Affinity 22:
"Lyca has seen my message, so why hasn't he responded to it? I hope nothing bad has happened to him..."
Affinity 23:
"Lyca will adapt well to human society, I'm sure of it. I'm so relieved that Darkwick chose to trust him. I can't thank you enough for your help."
he really likes Lyca huh? that is his dog.
Affinity 24:
"You can't sleep? Then let me tell you some stories. Legend has it that evil spirits appear once you've told a hundred. Now, what number was I up to..."
Affinity 25(max):
"I don't want to seem like I'm testing you, I just... I get really anxious sometimes... I'm sorry. I'm being weird, aren't I?"
he's the type to ask 'are you sure you love me? are you sure you wanna be with me?' after you get married and move in together and own a house and have two kids with another on the way. he's the hyper anxious 'i'm sorry we disagreed about our favorite colors do you hate me?' friend(affectionate)
"There is no time like spring. Everyone seems more relaxed this time of year. It's reassuring to see."
"They have no control over whether they bloom, and yet they get made a spectacle of nonetheless... Oh, sorry—I was talking about the cherry blossoms."
"There are many different flowers growing in Hotarubi, but I think the wisteria are my favorites. This is the best time to see them, so you should take a walk around."
"Hot today, isn't it? It's always raining in Hotarubi, so it does provide a little escape from the blazing summer sun, but... Ha ha. It is very humid, isn't it?"
"Summer makes me think of the ghost story Yotsuya Kaidan. The scene where Oiwa becomes hysterical, having realized her her face has been disfigured— incredible."
Yotsuya Kaidan is one of the best known japanese ghost stories! It's extremely violent, so read the summary at your discretion. The scene in question has Oiwa shown her reflection by her sister's boss to see that the cream she was given by a woman who was in love with her husband was actually some sort of poison that instantly scarred her face. She grabs a sword and goes to kill her, only for her to accidentally slit her own throat.
"Hotarubi House holds regular festivals during the summer months. If you need a yukata to wear, I'd be happy to pick one out for you."
"I don't mind scary stories, but when that biwa in the tea room started playing by itself, it did make me jump a little..."
slight spoiler, although you can probably figure it out from this but. . .Zenji is a ghost. Subaru currently can't actually see him or hear his voice. . .only Haku, the pc, and, perhaps not so oddly, Towa can afair. All of his youtube content doesn't have him or his voice in it because he can't be recorded by cameras. So Subaru doesn't realize that the biwa playing on its own is actually Zenji playing the biwa.
"The air has gotten crisper, and the leaves are changing color. I know it's only natural for the seasons to shift, so why does it make my heart ache so much?"
"Oh, these? They're some chestnuts I found. I know—I should give them to Sho. I'm sure he'll be able to make something delicious with them."
"That's another kuchikiri tea ceremony under my belt. It's an annual tradition where one cuts open a tea jar to reveal the tea that was preserved from the first harvest."
"...Oh, FirstName. Good morning... I had a hard time getting up today. It must be the cold... Ha ha. Not very captain-like, is it?"
"Today, I'm going to order ingredients from one of my favorite stores so we can all make negima—tuna and scallion—hot pot together. Please, do join us."
"People say winter makes you want to snuggle up with someone, but I find that a good blanket does a much better job."
i agree that blankets are much easier to manage than people lol. probably warmer too.
His birthday:
"A present? For me? Thank you... I didn't expect you to do anything for my birthday, so I'm a little caught off guard. I really appreciate it."
New Years:
"Happy New Year. I hope I can depend on your guidance and support again this year."
Valentine's Day:
"Chocolate? Oh, It's Valentine's Day, isn't it? Does that mean these are for me...?"
nah i just wanted you to look at them. YES THEY ARE FOR YOU BBY. why would you be showing him chocolate if it wasn't for him! On any day, not just valentine's day!!
White Day:
"These are for you, FirstName. I put in a special order for monaka from my favorite confectioner in Ginza. They're wafers filled with bean jam—I hope you like them."
April Fool's Day:
"Earlier, Haku told me he was switching houses. It gave me a real shock— I'm very relieved that it wasn't true..."
i bet subaru made the most scared kicked puppy face and started apologizing for being such an awful captain and blamed himself for that haku would go to a different house and haku had to quickly explain it was just a prank for fear that subaru might burst into tears.
"Happy Halloween. I know it's nothing special, but I've prepared some treats for the occasion. Oh... But you're more than welcome to play a trick instead."
please don't trick him. april fool's day was hard enough for him.
"Merry Christmas. We already have our New Year decorations up in Hotarubi, so it has a real east-meets-west atmosphere now. I hope everyone is okay with it..."
"Everyone seems busy at the moment. Maybe I should use this opportunity to tidy the garden..."
"{PC}? Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I was just worried because you were so quiet..."
"You're back... I'm so relieved. I was worried I'd done something to make you feel uncomfortable..."
this man shakes like a chihuahua 24/7. like you can taste the anxiety coming off of him. i love him. he's so pathetic(affectionate). i wanna squeeze his hand reassuringly and tell him everything's gonna be okay. i wanna hug him and pat his head. i wanna take him places so he learns more about the world outside of working. i wanna watch him do schoolwork excitedly because he's never really gone to school before and it's a new and exciting experience. i want him to experience the most mundane aspects of life with wonder.
good boy. yeah. get him anxiety meds /nodnod
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dragon-kazansky · 8 months
Spirit of the sea
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Izzy Hands x reader (GN)
You were a member of Blackbeard's crew long ago. Then you became a ghost story. Izzy Hands only sees you in his dreams these days, until he sees you for real when investigating Stede Bonnet. This sets him on a rollercoaster of emotions between you and what his captain is doing.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Warnings: Slight angst. Izzy's feelings are hurt, but he won't admit it unless you back him into a corner. He's mellowing out with you though.
Chapter Four - Just like before
A lighthouse. With the use of items on the ship, and the participation of the crew, Stede Bonnet and Edward Teach turned the ship into a lighthouse. The Spanish turned around, believing they got lost in the fog.
The Revenge managed to escape.
You had to admit that was insanely clever of your captain.
Later that night, while the crew slept, you sat on the steps and looked up at the dark sky. Everyone was pretty much asleep, except for the captains you could hear chatting up in the nest.
The only person you couldn't see was Izzy.
You didn't want to disturb the sleeping crew by getting up to search for your old friend. You just hoped he was okay. Izzy wasn't one for showing how he felt about things, unless that feeling was anger or annoyance.
Come morning you are woken up strange sounds. You open your eyes and look around to find Izzy loading up a dingy with stuff. You sit up in confusion. He hasn't noticed you, too busy doing what he's doing.
"Izzy?" You call his name softly.
He doesn't stop.
You stand up and walk over to him, frowning. "Izzy..."
"I said some things I regret last night."
"Oh?" You come to stand beside him.
"Some shit to Blackbeard... I didn't mean any of it."
You glance up at the captains. Ed is looking down at you with a nod. You take a deep breath and turn back to Izzy.
"He knows you didn't mean them."
Izzy grabs at the rail of the ship.
"I bet he has a plan, you know. He always has a plan."
You sigh softly. "Izzy, can we talk?"
He inhales softly. "Guess so."
"I'm sorry you thought I was dead. I'll keep apologising if I have to. Whatever it takes to make it up to you. I never meant for that to happen. I got trapped onboard the ship that day. No one would have known because my dumbass decided to wander below deck on my own to see what I could find. It was stupid of me. Anyway, I jumped off deck the moment I could and I had every intention of coming back to you. I was too late."
Izzy clenched his fists.
"Izzy... It was never meant to be that way. I'm sorry, okay?"
"Whatever. Doesn't matter," he says. "You're here now."
You don't know if that's his way of saying he forgives you or what, but you'll take it. Izzy is complicated.
"Don't leave. Please."
You can hear his slight breathing as he thinks about it. His head then turns in your direction and you can see his eyes more clearly.
"He's still got it."
You smile. "Don't think it ever left. Our Blackbeard, eh?"
Izzy exhales a chuckle.
"Don't go, Izzy. I can't make it up to you if you leave..."
Izzy says nothing and you take that as your sign to leave him with his thoughts. Man needs time to think.
An hour later you realise the dingy is back on the boat and Izzy is still onboard.
You smile at the sight of him.
Turns out there is a plan. Ed apparently had a talk with Izzy shortly after your talk with him. A ploy to kill off Blackbeard. Except, not really.
Stede is already wearing Blackbeard's clothes. Kill the man, say the great Blackbeard is dead, Ed gets to be Edward. Izzy would then proceed to be captain of his own crew.
It was definitely a plan.
In the meantime, Edward has told Stede he would show him what it meant to be a pirate. The first step was a raid. You laughed at the idea of taking Stede Bonnet onto a ship to loot.
Izzy had relaxed a little around you. Not enough for the crew of the Revenge to notice, bit enough for you to see. You look at him as Edward explains to Stede's crew the plan for the raid.
Izzy is looking at you. You fight back a smile. At least he's looking at you.
"Crew of Revenge, you are not to engage. You are simply here to observe how real pirates function in the real world." Izzy addresses the crew.
You hide your smile.
"Quick question, how violent do we expect this to get?" Stede asks.
Pretty violent was his answer.
It felt good to use your sword again. This was the life you were used to. This is how it always should be. You were to busy fighting to take an notice on if Izzy was watching you. After all, it was Izzy who taught you how to use a sword.
While the crew looted, you made your way over to Izzy's side.
"That was fun."
He sniffs, looking at the bodies on the deck. "Yeah, was a bit. Where's that pathetic excuse of a pirate gone?"
"Believe he's below deck looting. Ed went to find him."
Izzy nods his head and then looks at you. "You still got it."
You smile, not even pretending hearing that didn't make you happy. "Yeah. Can't ever forget everything you've taught me, Izzy."
He almost smiles.
"Hurry up and grab what you can."
"Aye, Mr Hands," you tease, leaving his side to go loot for yourself. Izzy follows you with his eyes, biting back another smile.
"A party?" You ask, looking at Ed and Stede.
"Some posh gathering for rich folk. Frenchie found the invitation," Stede explains.
"And you want to go to it?" You look at your captain. Blackbeard shrugs. "He's gonna need a new outfit."
"Ah, leave that to me." Stede goes into his secret closet. You turn back to Ed.
"Is this part of the plan?" You ask.
"Yeah. Kinda. Just let me handle this, okay?"
"Yeah, course."
"So, you spoke to Izzy?" Ed asks, looking at you gently.
"Yeah. We spoke. He at least doesn't hate me any more."
"Ah, he never hated you."
"He did a little bit. Be honest, Ed." You say to him.
"He never hated you. Not really. It's just hard for him to be open."
You nod your head quietly. Stede returns with a purple suit in hand. You notice the ribbons on top of the pile. You took this as your sign to leave them to it.
Up on deck you find Izzy lowering Lucius down the side of the ship. You raise an eyebrow in his direction.
"The fuck?"
Izzy glances up at you. "Got a little job for Spriggs. Caught him slacking."
"Barnacle duty? Oof." You peer down at where Lucius sits. "Shit job."
"Aye. Will teach him a bloody lesson." Izzy walks off. You send Lucius a sorry smile before following the brooding first mate.
"Anything you want me to do?"
"Whatever the fuck you like. I'm trying to get this crew onto shape," Izzy sighs.
"Will you at least look at me again?"
Izzy stops what he's doing and turns, looking at you. You smile at him. "That's better. Is our friendship healing?"
"Shut up."
You chuckle as he walks away.
A little time passes when Izzy storms past you looking a little miffed. You watch him for a moment before following after him.
"Some thing happen?"
"That useless twat is gone," he huffs.
"Yes." Izzy hisses the word.
You follow him into the captain's cabin where you find Wee John watching Lucius sketch a naked Fang.
"What the fuck?"
"Not bad," you hum.
Izzy turns his head to look at you with narrowed eyes. You smile at him with a shrug.
"Don't fucking look."
"I'm looking respectfully. Fang has nice form," you grin.
Fang smiles. "Aw, you're just saying that."
You turn back to him. "I mean every word, Fang."
Izzy sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Back to work, the lot of ya!"
You follow Izzy once again up to the deck. He leans against the railing, his shoulders tense. He looks out to sea.
"Useless fucking bastards."
You come to stand beside him. "Cut them some slack. None of them have been a real pirate. They're used to their cosy little ship."
"Fuck the lot of them. How on the hell does this ship function when this lot can't even do their duties?"
You shrug lightly. "I don't know. Up until recently I was locked up in their brig."
Izzy lifts his head to look at you. "You were their prisoner."
"Yeah, it was dumb. All those years sailing with Blackbeard and I get caught by some pirate wannabe," you sigh.
"What happened to you? What have you been doing these past 6 years?" Izzy asks, facing you fully.
"Been on the move, moving from place to place. Stowed away a few times. Was hoping to come across you lot again, but I never found you. Looks like you found me though..."
Izzy is watching your face.
"I won't leave again. Not like that. I'm home again."
You exhale softly and look around the ship. "You been well?"
"Good." You look back at him. "I missed that face of yours."
"This ugly mug?"
"Shut up. Not ugly."
He scoffs and turns back to the sea. "Let's hope Blackbeard kills Bonnet soon so we can go back to business."
"Just give him time."
A few moment of silence pass before Izzy looks back up at you. You look back at him softly, expecting him to say something, but he doesn't. He walks away.
Night draws in. Izzy stands in front of Lucius giving him a list of chores to do to make up for slacking, twice. You sit on the steps listening, whittling away.
"You're gonna swab the deck. Twice. Then patch the main sail, oil and renwick cannons, then stack the munitions. And by the time you've done all that I'll have several more chores for you."
"And what if I don't?" Lucius asks. You eyes him carefully. "You're not my captain."
"I could spill your beans." Izzy threatens. "You've been a proper little seductress, haven't you? Black Pete, Fang. Who else is there?"
Lucius grins. "Hey, Pete?"
"Yeah, love?"
"I drew Fang naked."
"Haha! Nice. He's drawn most of us," Pete tells Izzy.
"See? We don't own each other. Dizzy Izzy." Lucius looks him in the eye. "Or is it... Izzy the Spewer?"
You look at Izzy, knowing about that nickname. You were the day Ed left Izzy in charge and the storm happened. Izzy had a rough time.
"Go now," Izzy whispers.
"Have you ever been sketched?" Lucius asks.
"Fuck off." Izzy storms off. You watch him go.
Lucius looks up at you with a smile. "You fond of Dizzy Izzy?" He asks you.
"It's just Izzy."
Black Pete and Lucius share a look. "That a yes then?"
"Don't you two have things to do?"
"Only each other," Lucius winks at Pete.
You get up from the stairs, but Lucius speaks before you her very far. "I think if he got laid he'd loosen up a little."
You glare at Lucius. "Excuse me?"
"Just saying, Izzy hasn't yelled at you or given you jobs to do. I think he may have even been a little jealous earlier when you walked in on me sketching Fang."
"What are you implying?"
"I think you know."
You glare at him again. "Shut up." You walk away. Lucius and Pete laugh together.
You sit below deck on the hard floor whittling away in silence. The rest of the crew were above deck, most of them slept under the stars. Izzy, you were pretty sure, was in his cabin.
You move the knife swiftly along the wood.
"It's late."
You look up at the sound of the familiar voice. Izzy's voice is very distinct. You like hearing him talk.
"I know."
"The crew is sleeping. Ed is back too."
"Oh yeah, the party."
Izzy stands there with a hand on top of his sword, resting at his hip. He keeps his eyes on you as you whittle.
"What are you making?"
"Just... a thing."
"Right... a thing."
Silence settles between you both again. You can feel his eyes on you. His breathing is soft, but you can hear the wood creak under his feet as he shifts.
"I... uh... I'm glad you're back."
You stop whittling.
"I mis- I missed you."
You look up at Izzy slowly. Your heart thumping quickly in your chest. You know better than anyone what that took for him to say that.
"Missed you too, Izzy."
He inhales sharply and nods.
"Right. Yeah. Night then."
"Goodnight." You watch him as he turns sharply and walks away. He always walks away.
You focus back on your project. The sound of the knife scraping along the wood filling your ears once more.
Izzy wakes up with the sun. He groans as he stares up at the ceiling. Another day on this stupid ship with Stede Bonnet. Izzy can only hope Blackbeard kills the fucker soon.
He runs his fingers through his hair, keeping his hand there as his mind fills with thoughts. You spent a good portion of yesterday following him around the ship.
Izzy breathes through his nose and lowers his hand. He turns his head to the side only to find a strange object sitting on the table. He furrows his brow knowing that it wasn't there when he went to sleep last night.
The first mate sits up and reaches over to pick up the wooden bird. He holds it in his hand, turning it this way and that way.
"The fuck?"
It looked like it resembled a sparrow. He runs his thumb across the carved out wing. It was a decent job.
"Hm." The corner of his lip twitches. You. Silly little you with your silly little whittling last night.
He goes to put the bird down only to find a note resting where the bird had been. He gently places the sparrow down and picks up the note, turning it over to read it.
'A gift as part of my ongoing apology for leaving you 6 years ago. Nice to be back, just like old times.'
Izzy smiles slightly at the note and then puts it down, glancing at the bird again.
"Yeah. Glad to have you back."
@grippleback-galaxy - @askmarinaandothers - @godlikegallagher - @for-fuck-sake-im-alive - @whiskeyswriting - @lxsm2 - @bloody-bunni666 -
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theerurishipper · 9 months
Oh god finally. Someone who also hates season 5 Adrinette! Finale gaslighting of Adrien aside…. I found the romance boring? It was kind of hard to watch? The second hand embarrassment of certain scenes me me have to pause and take breaks lmao. The first 2 seasons of LadyNoir weren’t like this, so I know they can write romance if they wanted to! What makes you hate Adrinette in season 5? Because personally I think it has issues even if you erase the gaslighting of the finale
Anon, it's like you read my mind.
I'll just come out and say it. Pre-reveal Adrienette is literally the most boring and asinine way to get Marinette and Adrien together. It's not even about the ship. I like Adrienette. I enjoy reading fics focusing on it. But canonically, their relationship is not that developed and Ladynoir has the bulk of the development, which makes total sense since the show revolves around those sides of them. But they made Adrienette canon first, before the reveal, and I have things to say about that.
First of all, it's just so... lazy. Making Adrienette canon the way they did let them flake out on writing meaningful character development. The thing is, having Adrien do all the work is just bad. Marinette's whole arc that has been built up for four seasons is that she can't confess to Adrien. Part of her story is about gaining the courage and confidence to be able to tell him her feelings. But guess what? She didn't need to do shit, because that would mean the writers actually had to write character development, and that's too hard. So they had Adrien fall in love with Marinette and had him confess to her, which made it so much easier for them to get together. And it is just so lazy.
You know what else is lazy? How they wrote Marinette and Adrien's relationship in general. A part of Adrienette's relationship is that Marinette is under the impression that Adrien's life is perfect and that he has no problems at all. She just began to realize that that isn't the case in Risk. This was the perfect set up for some much-needed development in their relationship, because quite frankly Marinette and Adrien were not close at all before this. But now suddenly, Adrien is in love with her for seemingly no reason at all and she doesn't have to make the effort to get to know him, because he ends up pursuing her and just... lets her see the real him without any effort on her part. And it's like she just got handed the relationship without having to undergo any character development.
And it's so bad because Marinette was the one in any of their dynamics who had to learn to accept Adrien for who he was. She was the one who had to undergo the development of learning to love both sides of Adrien. She was the one who couldn't reconcile the idea that Adrien and Chat Noir were the same, and therefore couldn't love Adrien in his entirety. Adrien never had that problem. The moment he figured out Marinette was Ladybug, it just clicked for him. He already knew her and valued her. So, to have him be the one who has to give up on his feelings for Ladybug and fall for Marinette while Marinette doesn't have to start seeing him for who he is... it's just so bad. To have him do all the work and her not have to lift a finger and just get her dream boyfriend without truly knowing him... it's just bad writing!
And Adrien! I've always mentioned that he only exists to be Marinette's prop, and that is so visible here with the way he just... falls in love with her for no reason and does all the work to make Adrienette happen so that Marinette can just get what she wants handed to her without needing to grow as a person. And like, you're telling me he started to like her in Puppeteer 2? Fucking there? Don't make me laugh, show.
Apparently, all it took for him to fall in love with Marinette was her telling him that he should talk to his father. You mean, the same thing that Nino and Kagami and Plagg have been telling him throughout the series? Despite them knowing him better and being closer to him than Marinette? And apparently since that's all it took to make him fall in love with her, why didn't he fall in love with Nino or Kagami? Make it make sense!
And speaking of which, let's talk about the plot contrivances. Because Adrienette is the side of the square with the least development and least stakes, making it canon means they have nothing left to explore about it. So they introduce all these contrivances in order to try to make it interesting, and they do this at the expense of other plotlines. Marinette growing brave enough to confess? Forget that. Marinette realizing that she has a lot to learn about Adrien? Forget it. Ladybug and Chat Noir resolving their conflict from the previous season? Who's she?
Instead, we get episodes like Derision that deal with Marinette's supposed trauma that came outta nowhere. Now she's having trouble holding Adrien's hand and telling him she loves him. This was never a problem before. She held Adrien's hand just fine in episodes like Gorizilla and Chat Blanc and even as late as Risk. They made Marinette not being able to confess to Adrien about some retconned-in trauma instead of just about her not having the confidence to express herself. But no, we get this new trauma so that we can drag out the Adrienette drama for more episodes, because surely we have nothing else to deal with! Not like we have so many unresolved plot points and underdeveloped characters that could use some focus! The only reason Derision even exists is so that they can stretch this drama out for longer in an effort to pretend that it actually has something going on. Because now that Marinette knows that Adrien loves her, she shouldn't have any trouble telling him she loves him, and that would be the end of any relevance Adrienette has. So we get a bunch of episodes that go on and on about Marinette being unable to confess and Adrien being the Perfect Boyfriend™ who only exists to support her and help her with her trauma while asking nothing of her.
And speaking of Adrien, all he does throughout this season is talk about his relationship with Marinette. He isn't allowed to have any other emotions other than those that relate to her or Adrienette. Even his relationship with Gabriel is about how he's not letting him date Marinette. Him being a Sentimonster is only about how it affects Adrienette. And so, we get the scenes with Adrien blaming himself for Marinette's "suffering," and him being the one to change himself instead of her developing more confidence. The way they make it seem like Adrien has to change himself because of Marinette's reactions which are not his fault just so he can make her happy at his own expense is just... ugh. Like, I don't mind that he wants to help her be more confident, but the show puts the onus on him to be the one to do most of the work to make her feel comfortable and confident while she just sits back and doesn't grow or develop at all.
And this isn't a huge criticism compared to the actual problems I've laid out, but Adrienette is just so... bland. Like, it's the basic cookie cutter high school romance we've seen in hundreds of shows before this. I'll say it again, Ladynoir is what gives the square its flavor. Adrienette should have developed enough to be interesting in its own right and to compliment Ladynoir, but they chose to go the drama and contrivance route instead of developing their relationship. So, we have things like the whole sex metaphor thing, you know, because that's the most important thing in a season where Monarch is at his most powerful and Ladybug and Chat Noir should be more proactive.
I actually have more to say but I have no energy rn to say it. So I'll probably make a longer post about it sometime in the future.
Thank you for your ask!
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redroseincorporated · 7 months
tw sad shit and cursing and gore (in my kirby post lmao)
n also long
n also kirby spoilers
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The first Kirby game was just - yk what Kirby's known for: food and shit
Recover the stolen food stolen by a big ass penguin king and save the world, quote 'I'll get your food back, and your sparkling stars too!'
harmless enough right???
"oh no the fairy planet was taken over by EYE PEOPLE. lets assemble the crystal shards to go beat the shit out of them
harmless enough right???
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he's a little guy! so cute! so adorable!
so he's like
'i crashed here lmao can you help me rebuild my ship ill take you to my house if you do so'
kirby being the nice guy is like 'aight bet' and reassembles his ship
magolors like 'aight awesome' and takes them to his home planet right
kills the dragon
magolors like 'ah shit can you kill that dragon for me plz plz'
kirbys like 'aight bet'
magolors like 'aight sweet imma take this crown the dragon had and TURN INTO SATAN'
BRUV TURNS INTO SATAN (not an eye person today!)
kirbys like 'aight bet' and beats the sHIT OUT OF HIM
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(kirby beats the shit out of him)
the end of return to dreamland
keep in mind his daughter never really died - but she came back kinda late so he didnt recognize heeeeerrrrr - so he kept building the thing
(i haven't played this one bear with me)
the thing was called star dream aka a wishing planet
yk cool the new amazon product is a wishing planet
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(his name is president haltmann btw)
this game has a shortage of evil eye people :(
anyway kirby beats the shit out of the planet robot screw thing star fox style
but then
it turns into the legit planet
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this is a nova
it is a wishing planet
it is a cat
kirby kills the nova and we all go home yay goodness gracious this is the nicest game on this list
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once upon a time, a spider, the end
this is taranza he was my androgynous awakening
hes kidnapped the fucking penguin king god dammit
okay so you go to the sky kingdom and get some fairies to help you fight taranza (he has posessed the king, masked dedede remix go!!)
once you DEFEAT taranza and posessed for the 600th time pemguin, his WIFE SHOWS UP!! HIS WIFE!! HE GETS BITCHES!!
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she looks kinda funky tbh
HE GOT IT FOR HER UNKNOWINGLY AND THOUGHT 'she likes mirros :) she will like it :)'
queen body dysmorphia sectonia goes 'i NEED cocaina to become da prettiest girl in da werl'
taranza goes 'honey sweety you are da prettiest girl in da werl you don't need cocaina'
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what cocaina does to a girl
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^ did not happen
'im gonna find you im gonna fucking find you'
instead taranza went through the denial stage of grief first
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copy-pasted from my school notebook
This game, specifically, is the prime example of 'not being what it seems.'
Kirby Star Allies' plot is simple: Unkindness is spreading through the kingdom! Defeat it with the power of love! Befriend your enemies and safe the world!
Sounds pretty lighthearted, right?
Do you want the real plot?
Kirby Star Allies starts out, immediately, with a giant purple [Jamba] heart breaking and spreading smaller Jamba hearts across the world. Whoever gets close to the hearts turns evil. Pretty simple.
But it gets worse.
Kirby traverses through his home terrain, and saves his king (After said king turned buff for some reason?). After this, he notices: A giant spaceship has landed on his planet! So he goes to traverse across the planet to get to the spaceship. Pretty simple.
But it gets worse.
Turns out the spaceship is ran by three girls based upon three elements [Ice, Flame, Spark]. They said that the Jamba Heart, and the 'dark lord' would reign. Pretty simple.
But it gets worse.
So, Kirby tries to reason with them, but the maniacal dimwit of the Spark Lady destroyed the entire thing [Called a Jambastion]. So, Kirby goes to space to chase after her and her sisters. Pretty simple.
It can't get worse.
He finds a LARGER Jambastion, with a LARGER Jamba Heart, and traverses across OTHER PLANETS to find out what's going on. He gets to the Jambastion, and finds a mini cult ran by a dude named Hyness and the girls from earlier.
There's a piece of lore not included in the game, that the girls died due to their respective elements (Frostbite, burns, lightning) and Hyness saved them. First off? There are no humans in Kirby's world. How far away do they live? And Hyness is abusive now?
Hyness claims the same stuff about the Jamba Heart, only way more in depth, in the biggest chunk of tangible lore inside of a Kirby game. In five seconds.
He goes mad, and throws his adoptive daughters, and himself, into the Jamba Heart.
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It's name? Void Termina. Not ominous at all! Not ominous in my silly, friendship-based, save-the-world Kirby game!
Kirby fights this thing, on a scooter I might add, and it goes down the FIRST time. The boss has 4 phases: Dark souls, 2D boss, dark souls, 2D boss.
He GOES INTO IT'S THROAT, and with the help of his friends, PULLS IT'S HEART IN TWO.
(I'm confident he could do this on his own if he had arms)
Lovecraftian horror much?! In my silly, friendship-based, save-the-world Kirby game?!
So now the giant dark souls thing is a bird?? It grew wings?? Okay, no big deal, that's the most NORMAL THING HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. It uses giant lasers and swords and axes to defeat Kirby, as if they have beef that goes back to 1987 in the bar next to work.
Turns out, they do?
Once you defeat the giant bird of death and things, you go back into it's throat to take out it's heart a second time, because Kirby has no mercy. That heart? Turns into something. I swear to all things holy.
It turns into a Kirby.
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This boss battle is fine in the normal game, it's very Basic-Kirby-Game-Esque. But the True Arena.
The True Arena shows the real, canon if you would, version of bosses. Thus the name.
This second Kirby. Void Termina, now just called Void.
It has the best boss theme
It plays Green Greens.
(end of copy paste)
'I'll get your food back, and your sparkling stars too!'
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THIS IS KIRBY GOD DAMN IT, 'I'll get your food back, and your sparkling stars too!,' NOT LOVECRAFTIAN HORROR SIMULATOR
im done here im done here
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heres your fucking potato
and have a call out post my friend made up when i told him i was writing this
rant over
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golden-rats · 3 months
Bet on losing ghouls
The rusty old fucker is back with another keyboardsmash. Fic has been sitting around since august so uuuuh don't judge me for the person I was back then I didn't rework the fic much
Pairing: Swiss x gn!reader ghoul
Words: 3k
Tags: Sub swiss, kissing, handjob, cumming in panties, maid dress
Warnings: Mature content so mdni
You can also find the fic on ao3 here
“You two better be careful around each other, the tension between you is high!” The appearing ghoul’s tone was flirtatious. You looked at Swiss, so did Dew with whom you were just hanging out. The fire ghoul wasn't really amused by that remark, glaring at Swiss. "Why do you care?"
Swiss shrugged. “Just like to see my ghouls happy, you know, and besides... You two getting along so well is a sweet thing to see.” He smiled, his eyes twinkling as he couldn’t help but chuckle. “But you two better watch out, might end up giving me more work if you two decide to get into trouble.”
You ignored Dew for a moment, eyes fixating on Swiss. "...I am the trouble." You flashed him a toothy grin.
“Oh? Is that so?” The multi ghoul smirked, his tone was smug as he stared deep into your eyes. “Are you always trouble or just to some people specifically?” He questioned lightly while stepping closer, his voice teasing. You leaned your head on your hand. Not leaving his eyes. Purring. "Fuck around and find out."
“Well you had my curiosity, now you’ve caught my attention.” Swiss smirked even wider, his voice was playful. A bit taunting? He was trying to bait you. “Why don’t we see who’s better? And by better, I mean who can cause more trouble” Dewdrop raised an eyebrow at that exchange. "You two are going to give me a headache." He groaned before leaving. Now it was just Swiss and you in this little corner.
"Mhm that is tempting indeed... I don't want to hurt your ego though."
“Oh? What, you think I’m weak?” He leaned closer. “So are you gonna back down from a challenge? I thought this new ghoul was brave?” He teased, chuckling. “You don’t have to, if you’re scared.” The corners of his mouth stayed up, not breaking eye contact. You leaned forward a little as well. Your eyes narrowing, voice low but sharp. "What's the challenge?"
“Something little, that’s easy to start out with. I'd just say, steal the other ghouls’ masks, whoever steals the most, wins the competition. Not too hard, is it?” Fangs exposed in a grin, his eyes twinkled with mischievous delight. A playful flicker appeared in your eyes, matching his. That would be too easy. Your quintessence abilities allowing you to practically melt into the shadows. The ghouls won't even notice you. It was a little unfair, maybe. But you had to teach Swiss a lesson. So you smiled. "Deal."
Swiss' eyes widened in excitement. “Do we have a bet? If you lose… You have to wear a little maid outfit I have hidden in my room?” He teased, his tone soft and playful. At that thought you laughed a little. "And if I win, you have to wear it." Still chuckling you leaned back, watching him. "I'm not even gonna ask why you have one in the first place..." A small blush washed across the multi ghouls face when you mentioned it. “Of course, of course. If you win, I’ll wear it.” Crossing his arms over his chest, his spirits seemed high. Determination written in his stare.
"Then it's on."
It wasn't until much later that some murmurs sounded through the tour bus. Several ghouls looking around their small personal areas, searching for their masks. You giggled as you met outside with the other ghoul. Counting how many masks each of you stole. At the end, Swiss had stolen three masks, you stole four. He just smiled "Looks like you won.” He snickered before lowering his gaze. "I guess I'll have to wear that maid outfit then.” Your lips curved into a grin, triumphant. "Mhm, it almost sounds like you're pleased with that development?~" You teased. Swiss looked away, embarrassed. "Oh shush..." His voice was quiet, sticking his tongue out, as well as his middle finger up. "You win!"
You laughed wholeheartedly, holding your stomach a little. "Come on. Show me what a pretty little thing you are~"
"Nooooo, I don't want to." The multi ghoul pouted, his tone was playful all the same. He then looked at you, his grin growing larger. "You have to make me, big bully." The ghoul taunted. Your eyes glimmered as you stepped closer. Lowering your voice. "You lost a bet and now don't want to pay up for it? What a naughty ghoul..." Taking another step towards him. "Are you asking me to help you get dressed, mhm? Is that it?" Swiss' breath hitched in his throat as you came closer. He could feel your breath right against him, feeling his cheeks grow hot and his heartbeat quicken as he looked at you. "Okay, okay, I'll wear it!" You smirked widely. Satisfied as you straightened your posture and backed up. "That's a good boy."
"Yeah, yeah... I'm just gonna go get prepared." His cheeks flustered, it was obvious he was rather embarrassed at the moment. The usual confident ghoul was so sure of himself and his victory. Not spending a single thought on the possibility he could really lose. You looked after him as he walked off, his steps quiet and silent. He went back into the abby to look for the maid outfit and change into it, before coming back out with an uncertain smile on his face.
A grin tugged at the corners of your mouth. Looking him up and down. "My my... You got some nice legs little ghoul." He blushed heavily, his cheeks, once again, turned a bright red shade. "Thanks..." His voice was soft as he looked down, avoiding eye contact. "You think they look nice in this?" Now he smirked. There it was again, the cocky, confident demeanor. Looking up at you, his eyes danced with amusement. He had never seen himself dressed this way, it definitely was unusual and something to get used to.
"They do indeed... Oh, is that a blush I see?" You leaned in, still smirking. Swiss felt like he would melt from the inside out as you commented on his appearance. "You're not making it go away..." He mumbled. Still a bit embarrassed, it was obvious, his tail even wagged slightly. A small twitch of the short pointed ears showed that he seemed to be a little flustered by your close proximity. You giggled. It was too much fun to tease him. "Where did all that confidence go again? Shouldn't you feel powerful in that outfit? Being such a pretty little thing?~"
"Shushhhhh... You're making me even more flustered..." He looked down. "And stop with that stupid giggling! The whole bus is gonna hear you!" Your dark eyes shone. Exposing your teeth as you grinned even wider. "You know, now that you mention it... It would be a shame if they didn't get to see you like that, mhm?"
"Don't you even think about it!" The multi ghoul hissed playfully, trying to keep a smug look on his face. It really was a fun time to tease him. "You wouldn't dare…"
"I can't keep that sight to myself, that would be pretty selfish, don't you think?" You stepped closer once again. Swiss gulped, you getting closer sent a chill down his spine. "Please..." His voice was a soft mumble, he looked down again. You had to lean down a little. Tilting your head. "Please what? Speak up. You got a mouth, so use it."
"Please don't tell anyone..." Swiss mumbled again, looking back up, his eyes glimmered with a twinkle of excitement. Against all his acting he was obviously enjoying this a lot, a smirk was etched onto his face, his tail was wagging. "Please..." Voice still soft, he knew the risk he was taking. He knew it would be embarrassing, but he couldn't help but want to keep this game of teasing alive, he enjoyed it way too much.
"You beg quite nicely, you know that?"
“You’re so mean!” He couldn’t help it. Arousal building in his core. “Please, just don’t tell anyone!”
"Hmmhmm... Give me a good reason not to." Glancing down on him as you crossed your arms in front of your chest. Another flush washed over his cheeks and the tips of his ears as he looked up at you and thought. “Because I’ll give you a kiss if you don’t.” Swiss smirked again, his tone now playful. He leaned towards you, looking you dead in the eyes. After seeing you raise an eyebrow he quickly followed it up with "Everyone wants a piece of this ghoul. So I'm doing you a favor."
Your smirk grew as you leaned closer, backing him up against the outside of the bus. Lowering your voice. The night air got chill around you two. Meanwhile you were only illuminated by the stars and soft moonlight. Merely your eyes glowing at each other. "You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid..." You teased. Swiss' heart started beating faster, he felt his cheeks grow even hotter as he looked into your eyes under the dim moonlight. He felt a shiver pleasantly spilling down his spine as you got closer. His arousal only growing with each passing second. "I...Well....." The ghoul couldn't even finish his sentence, letting out a nervous laugh.
You closed the little distance you had between each other. Placing your hand on the bus, right next to Swiss’ head. Having him cornered. Your tail flicked, tangling with his as yours held it. "You sure you want to mess with the trouble I bring? I won't guarantee you'll get out of this unscathed.."
Swiss looked up at you, you were so close, a little too close, which made his heart skip a beat. The ghoul shivered slightly under your touch as you leaned over him, a small twitch of his ears gave away his arousal to you.
“Are you threatening me with a good time?” A small grin crossed his face.
"Is it working?" You purr as you put your free hand on his waist. Feeling the soft fabric of the maid dress. The ruffles adorning his slim figure.
Swiss looked down at where your hand had touched his waist, his eyes widened slightly as his face grew even hotter, his eyes danced with delight, his grin stayed as he looked back up at you, his gaze was soft and teasing.
“Yes… Maybe…” his voice sounded rather flirtatious, his breathing came out quicker.
"Good..." You whispered before taking a leap, placing your lips on his as you softly pressed him against the outside of the bus. Your hand on his waist slightly gripping it.
Swiss felt his heart skip a beat as you kissed him, his eyes flickered with a twinkle of joy, his breath hitched in his throat as he felt you leaning into him under the moonlight. The ghoul let out a small moan when you pressed him against the bus, he closed his eyes as he kissed back, his tail twitched lightly.
The moan satisfied you enough to kiss him a little deeper. Closing your eyes you felt his soft and warm lips. You let your forked tongue brush over them, asking for entrance. Your hand holding him in place.
“Mmh…” The multi ghoul let your tongue pass through his lips as he let out a soft moan again, his eyes closed. He felt warm, hot. Damn it, he couldn’t even think straight with how horny you were making him feel with just a few simple gestures and words. You knew you had this situation under full control. You explored his mouth, the hand next to his head moved to caress his horns. The other started to stroke along his waist and hip. He shuddered as you felt his horns, the base being such a sensitive part. “Mmn…” The ghoul moaned softly once more.
You shortly break the kiss, smirking. "You're a loud one... Careful or the others might hear how needy you are..." You leaned in again, this time kissing the nape of his neck. Your hand had wandered down, brushing his thigh and shoving up the dress a little.
He wasn’t used to someone kissing his neck this way. So openly. He didn’t know what to do with all these emotions running through him. The excitement of the chance of being caught at any moment. The building tension and intimacy. His weakening legs. How his skin felt like it was burning up under your every touch. “Satanas… Fuck…” he muttered weakly.
You chuckled as you kissed along his neck. Grazing the skin with your teeth, hand shoved under the dress and creeping up his thigh even higher. Swiss let out a louder moan while his whole body trembled. Your hand moving higher and higher, he felt like he was going to melt into a puddle any moment now.
"What was that?" Someone asked inside the bus. You couldn't suppress a grin as you kissed up to Swiss ear, whispering. "See? If you continue like this, they're going to interrupt us before we can really start..." You palmed his underwear, right above his lap.
"Ah-h-h..." Swiss let out an even louder moan this time, his tail was wagging rather quickly now, his breathing came out quicker, he shivered and he closed his eyes, feeling his heart hammer at his chest. "I-I can't help it!" He was clearly losing control after all that, it was just way too much that was happening. The ghoul started to shake a bit more from the pleasure. Maybe also a little bit from the fear that someone might interrupt. But was it fear really?
Murmuring could be heard from the bus. It shook slightly.
"Maybe you need something to get your mouth stuffed with..." You winked at him. Letting your hand wander over his lap. "You're already leaking, dear..." The multi ghoul felt his ears and cheeks blush. Feeling himself growing more and more aroused, even with just the slightest touch of the exploring hand, he was losing control. "Mhnn…" He let out a small whimper as his eyes flickered shut. He felt hot and cold at the same time as he heard the taller ghoul talk.
"That's better..." You smiled and kissed him again. Sealing your lips as you finally pushed your hand below Swiss’ underwear. Feeling his skin. His hardness. Pressing against it in a massaging manner. He kissed back, face turning bright red, shivering as he felt the hand pushing below his underwear. His whole body trembling at the touch. “Ahhh-...” Another small whimper escaped him. Letting out another moan as he pulled away slightly to catch his breath.
"Oh no, I won't risk them hearing us. Not when you're so close to ruining your panties..." You immediately kissed him again. Your hand working Swiss’ dick under the fabric. He let out a small growl as he was being teased, his face was bright red and his cheeks burned as he was being toyed around with. He whimpered as he kissed back. There wasn't any other option really.
“St-Stop it!~” Swiss let out in between kisses. He was clearly enjoying the teasing while getting a little bit flustered.
"Come for me little ghoul..." You pushed your body against his. Pressing him onto the outside of the bus. Massaging him quicker and with more intensity. Swiss’ face flushed even deeper as you pushed yourself against him, against the bus, his whole body a trembling mess. His hands went behind your head, he was clearly losing control, despite him trying to sound firm and assertive.
You kissed him deeply, passionate. Letting Your tongue dance with his. Your hand finishing him with a last few strokes. All of this had really worn the ghoul out, physically as mentally. Swiss felt himself being pushed to the edge, as you kissed him passionately, that, along with all of the teasing had really put the ghoul in a state he really didn’t want to experience in front of the other ghouls, even though you were hidden from their view, they would certainly hear the sounds of what was going on, the ghoul’s heart thumped and he felt himself grow even weaker.
He was close, his breathing was quick and heavy, it was obvious. Your kiss got deeper, trying to stifle his moans as he started to come in his underwear. You felt the fabric getting wet and sticky. Working him through his climax. Not breaking the kiss for even a second.
Swiss felt like he was melting in your arms, his breath was hitching in his throat, he couldn’t even think straight anymore. “Ohhh fuck…” He couldn’t say anything more. Panting against your lips. You held him for a few moments. Not wanting his legs to give out on him. You smiled as you rested your forehead against his. Whispering. "You did so well..."
“Hhh… That was amazing…” Swiss whispered, his eyes half closed. He was trying to steady his breathing but it was a bit difficult, his whole body still trembled lightly from the orgasm. “You’re so good” Swiss mumbled out, his tone was weak but his eyes danced with delight. He looked up at you as you rested your forehead against his. “That was the most enjoyable I’ve ever been teased.” You grinned before stealing a small, quick kiss. Releasing him from your embrace. "I was hoping you'd put up more of a fight... But I can't say I'm disappointed~"
“I couldn’t help it! You’re just too good at this, I have no chance against you.” Swiss chuckled lightly. “I have to admit, I wasn’t expecting an experience like this."
"I think there will be plenty of opportunities for you to get some revenge." You smirked and winked at him. "I suggest you go and change. Dirty little ghoul..." You teased him a bit before chuckling and heading back into the bus.
Swiss glanced down at himself for a split second before smiling at you, his face was still really red, his breath still came out quickly and heavy, but he was getting a bit better at controlling it, his heart had slowed down as well. “Oh, I’ll get you someday.” He grinned again. “I’ll get you, just you wait…” The multi ghoul let out a small giggle.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Being in the hospital im thinking what would it be like if Ari's girl ended up in the hospital nothing life threatening but something that needed to be treated in the hospital. I'm betting he'd be a nervous wreck and wouldn't let anyone see it he'd maybe go into the bathroom and freak but I'm guessing he'd try and stay strong but crack a bit infront of her or maybe stay overnight if they let (it depends on the wards)
ok, full disclosure, I did absolutely no research for this because I'd like you to have reading materials, so it's in no way scientific 🤷🏻‍♀️
The Chair Beside Your Bed, a Bedrock and Blueprints tale
No warnings except minor angst to fluff. (Sry, the gif barely works here but I'm...not changing it. 👀) WC 975
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Ari can barely keep his eyes open. You're already asleep, but he just can't bring himself to join.
The IV in your hand looks uncomfortable when you tense involuntarily. He watches the tendons pull and roll beneath your skin and swallows hard.
He should have seen the signs, and the doctors say you'll be right as rain once the antibiotics are done. He still can't leave. He still can't eat. He still refuses to sleep.
Ari's mind can refuse all it wants. Eventually, his eyelids are too heavy, his neck slumps over the thin pillow behind it, and he's lost to a dreamless land in the chair beside your hospital bed.
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"Ow," you hiss, releasing the two-by-four in your grasp.
"You get your hand, honey? I got those gloves for you."
You wave him off. "No, no. Stepped too close to the pile and scraped my leg. No big deal. That's almost all the wood from the truck."
"Great," Ari chirps, straightening after marking the outline of your She-Shed in the backyard. "I'll go get another load before dark. We can plot out the frame and whatnot tomorrow."
As you wipe the back of your hand over your head, Ari doesn't see any blood on your legs and immediately forgets.
"So we'll need equal amounts of wood on all sides," you ask.
He shrugs and pulls off his own thick work gloves. "More or less, yeah." Ari won't let you use any of the tools, but he will let you speak like it's a joint effort. Because it is. Everything he does is meant for you now.
While he's out at the store again, you divvy up the stacks of planks around the edges, far enough away for space to work but close enough for convenience. He's grateful, but Ari doesn't realize this means hours where you did not clean the cut on your leg.
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A week later and you're running a slight fever. Ari only notices you aren't walking properly when you get off the couch.
His worst fear at that point is that stupid desk chair you're always complaining about. Your back is constantly aching. He wishes the company would replace all the chairs soon but especially, specifically yours.
You work too hard. You're worn out.
He knows you've had a bandaid on one calf, but it's on the outside leg where you sleep in the bed. He forgets a lot until his leg brushes against it while you two snuggle, and you hiss in pain.
Ari insists on taking a look, switching on the bedside lamp. He can tell something is wrong before even removing the bandage because it's red beyond the adhesive. The middle is warm to the touch, which he can barely do before you gripe at him.
You promise to go to the urgent care first thing in the morning, and Ari drives you himself. You're so sure that they'll just slap some pills in your hand and send you on your way that you shoo him off to work.
He gets a voicemail two hours later.
"Hey, uh, don't be mad, but they've transferred me to the hospital. I have to be hooked up to this drip thing for a few days and--"
Ari's in his truck before his supervisor can even wish you well.
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If he'd thought about it at all, he would have gone by the house to get you and him a change of clothes, but no such luck. He refuses to leave the hospital grounds and only leaves the building when he absolutely can't stand his cigarette cravings anymore. Otherwise, he is right beside you.
You sleep a surprising amount, wiped out by the intensity of your treatment albeit fairly standard.
It's a long three days.
Ari decided after the first afternoon there that his chair needed to be on the other side of your bed. That way he could hold your hand that wasn't pierced with a needle, and he can safely rest his head on your side.
When you're awake, your fingers card through his hair. When you're awake, you tell him he looks like shit and needs to sleep, too.
"I promise I will later."
"You're lying," you complain weakly.
"Yeah, kid, I'm lying."
This exchange happens three separate times: the first you forget, the second you laugh at, and the third you start playing dirty.
You tell him you'd like to listen to one of your audiobooks, and since neither of you has headphones, you play it on speaker with the phone on your chest.
Ari is successfully out cold within minutes and wakes refreshed and a little pissed.
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He lied and told the nurses you are his wife in order to be allowed to stay overnight, so them calling him by your last name during the discharge routine is awkward, to say the least.
Ari has fun explaining that one on the drive home.
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With a few more days of ingestible antibiotics left, you're entirely on the mend and use every single ounce of your energy to argue Ari out of the house and off to work. He only feels less guilty when he comes back to find you asleep again, and after one more full day of bed rest, you are able to return to work as well.
From those days on, however, you are forbidden from helping with any repairs or building Ari does. José and Dimitri are rangled to assist when necessary, but it's a hard line in the sand that Ari will not shift on. He also takes it upon himself to be the First Aid King of the Castle and is in charge of all bandaging and cleaning of any wounds, no matter how small.
You only allow this complete farse (enacted over every papercut now) because he looks so cute when he fusses.
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[Main Masterlist]
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom: The Final Analysis
Part 1
Everyone buckle up, this is going to be a long one.
The new trailer dropped this morning, giving us a LOT of content to look forward to—everything is in its final state. The cutscenes, the models, the plot, the voice lines.
We're at the end. Any more surprises will need to be in-game.
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Our intro shot. Nothing we haven't seen before, to start, save for maybe that strange block over on the sky island to the left.
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Hazarding a guess, I'd say that this is a piece to be used in an Ultrahand construct. It doesn't look to be a typical building, at least.
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We get past the clouds and see Hyrule's horizon, and we get a feel for just how high these things are.
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Look, down there. THAT is Farosh, at the peak of its flight.
The isles are so high up that it'd take an insane amount of glitching to get there without using Recall.
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On top of that, we have multiple tiers of height. Hyrule is INCREDIBLY vertical this time around.
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We're then given a shot of the sky isles up close. Again, nothing too notable, but-
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The construct fighting this Chuchu does imply that they're here to protect the isles, rather than just be enemies. Despite their hostility, it isn't due to any sort of malice corruption, like the Guardians.
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One of the working constructs from the gameplay teaser is chopping at a tree, backing this theory up; they're here to work on something, and the attacking ones are their protectors.
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Next, we have Link diving down past the biggest building in all of this. This is the one from previous trailers that's been mostly obscured by clouds; given the amount of isles surrounding it, I'm willing to bet that it's a central hub of sorts.
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The world has curvature, which is a nice touch—we might be able to see what the land looks like beyond Hyrule if we get up high enough.
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Goddess cube? It doesn't look like it's resting on anything.
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This thing interests me most in this shot, though; it's got the same kind of spiral we've seen coming off of the Sheikah shrines, but this is definitely NOT that. If anything, it looks like it's generating the spiral.
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Then we have the lower part of the structure, with what looks like an altar and landing pad.
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Moving past it, we see the ground.
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Red circles of malice, though we haven't had a chance to see them up close yet.
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More Zonai glyphs on the ground
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But most importantly, a very distinct lake.
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That lake is at the southernmost point of Hyrule Field, meaning that Link's skydive here is likely right above the center of it.
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Then we get our logo drop.
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As well as probably the biggest glyph to date.
However, unlike almost every other one we've seen, we know what this is.
See the crest at the peak of it, the way the figure hunches over, the big circle that could be an eye?
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That's a Lizalfos.
Why are the glyphs monsters? Is it indicative of a challenge? An outbreak?
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Link flies on
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And we see the glowing spire. It's got four distinct spotlight sort-of things. It's in a similar spot to the Lake Tower, map-wise, so it might be a corrupted Sheikah tower despite its silhouette.
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Link runs through a grassy field. We can also place this one:
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A river separates a forest
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There's a bridge
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And an island
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That's the southeastern edge of Hyrule Field. Specifically, that island is where Magda (aka Flowerblight) gets upset if you trample her flowers on the way to Hila Rao shrine.
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However, this disqualifies this thing from being a Sheikah tower. The closest tower is the Dueling Peaks tower, and that's in the water further south—which would be further to the right than the screen shows. The only thing in the area this thing is placed in Breath of the Wild is a Korok.
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Also, what is this??? It looks like a portal, or something you would fly your Loftwing through in Skyward Sword. It doesn't SEEM to have magic in it, but that might just mean it's inactive.
And I'll have to make this a multi-parter because I've hit my first image limit. I'll edit this with a link to the next part once it's posted.
Edit: Part 2!
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dangerpronebuddie · 6 months
Kiss Me Once Cause You Know I Had A Long Night 7/?
28. An accidental kiss between two exes?
Ravi's eyes widened. "Um... what was that?"
Hen and Buck frowned at him. "What was what?" Buck asked.
"Eddie kissed you," Ravi stated.
"That is what boyfriends tend to do," Hen said.
"Bo- boyfriends?" Ravi frowned. "I didn't know you got back together."
(Ravi definitely thinks Buck and Eddie are divorced.)
(Read below!) Muah!
"For the last time, I didn't say the q word!" Ravi cried. He'd been hearing the accusation for the entirety of a hellish twenty four hour shift. Now, standing in the locker rooms, the guys weren't about to let up. Well, guy, singular. Chim started in around their third call in the span of an hour, and hadn't stopped since.
Chim slammed his locker closed. "Somebody must've. It was you or Diaz, I'm certain of it."
"No wonder you always lose the betting pools, Chim," Eddie grinned beside him as he buttoned his shirt. "We didn't say it. It was just a wacky shift."
Chim glared at the two of them. Ravi shook his head and opened his locker. "You're just upset you weren't the one to do the maneuver today."
Chim made an affronted noise. "It was my turn," he defended.
"You can go next time," Buck piped up with a grin.
"Too soon, Buckley," Chim said, jabbing a finger at him.
Ravi had heard several stories about the infamous lightning incident. He knew Chim blamed himself for not insisting on going up. But Buck never once blamed him. There was no one to blame at all. Ravi was just glad Buck was starting to actually process his death, instead of hide it.
Buck shrugged. "Just saying. It was Ravi's turn anyway. He had to have his first time."
Ravi beamed. The maneuver was a lot more fun than it had any right to be.
"Wait a sec," Eddie frowned. "I've never done the maneuver either."
"Because you're always the one making sure I don't fall when I do it," Buck grinned.
"Then next time, I can do it," Eddie declared, shrugging into his suede jacket.
"Oh no you don't, Diaz," Chim protested. "Me first." He hiked his duffle onto his shoulder and marched out.
"I'm gonna convince Bobby to make a chart so we take turns," Buck mused.
"And conveniently leave Chim off of it?" Ravi guessed.
Buck grinned widely. Ravi never wanted to be on his bad side. Again anyway.
The three filed out into the cold December wind, meeting Hen near the doors.
"You guys want to grab a beer?" she suggested.
The three nodded in a chorus of agreement.
"I'll meet you guys there," Eddie said, "I've gotta drop Chris off at a friend's house for the weekend."
"Don't let him forget his coat this time," Buck scolded.
"I still maintain that was on you, bud," Eddie grinned. He gave Buck a quick kiss before marching off to his truck.
Ravi's eyes widened. "Um... what was that?"
Hen and Buck frowned at him. "What was what?" Buck asked.
"Eddie kissed you," Ravi stated.
"That is what boyfriends tend to do," Hen said.
"Bo- boyfriends?" Ravi frowned. "I didn't know you got back together."
"We've... never not been?" Buck's frown deepened.
"But I thought... You guys were divorced weren't you?" Ravi was probably confusing everyone else more than himself. Even Hen was looking at him like he grew a second head.
"Where... did you get that idea?" Buck asked.
"When I was a probie, you guys were always together. Then just before he left for dispatch you were hardly speaking. I just thought you guys broke up or something," Ravi explained, feeling his face heat.
"They're just like that," Hen waved off.
"Uh, hey now," Buck protested.
"Buck, come on. You guys have been divorced maybe three times already," she drawled.
"Okay, technically it was only two. The second time was completely different," Buck reasoned. "The lawsuit and the Natalia thing are the only divorces we've had."
"I'm so confused," Ravi whispered. He really wished he hadn't brought it up.
"Alright," Buck sighed, slinging an arm over Ravi's shoulders and steering him to Ravi's car. "Time for a history lesson, kid."
Ravi looked at Hen, his eyes wide as saucers. She merely cackled and wished him luck as she left for her car.
By the time they reached the bar, Ravi knew it all:
The ladder truck (ouch)
The tsunami (double ouch)
The lawsuit (fools)
The well (yikes)
The shooting (which Ravi cried through the story)
And the lightning (which he missed thanks to his own side quest.)
He even got the abridged version of how Buck and Eddie became a very much not divorced couple. Of all ways, Ravi did not expect how it actually happened.
He assumed it would be after one of their many close calls, or after a night out drinking. Even a quiet afternoon in a park somewhere seemed more plausible. What actually occurred was a jealous Buck kissing Eddie just within eyesight of the PTA after no less than thirty parents spent the evening hitting on Eddie.
When Ravi asked why Buck picked that specific moment, Buck shrugged and said something about tomorrow not being promised to anyone.
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survivalist-anon · 1 month
Log 9: Old wounds heal twice
Walking into a picturesque farmland seems to never get old, I could see Mr.McGregor's farm a little ways up the hillside. Fjord had tirelessly marched with me for a better half of 10 miles.
"Ah, ready to see some chickens?", i could tell he was exited.
"Aye, don't worry lass, I have plenty of bolts ready.", with absolute gusto.
Fjord seemed a little too exited, I'm not sure what he was expecting, but hopefully he wasn't going to cause too much trouble. On that thought, I suddenly remembered that slip of paper Aldercon had given me. Taking out the paper, I was a bit.....well.... confused.
Pine Hills is currently home to a population of 900 or so people.....there was 7 names on this piece of paper.
Three I recognized, I wasn't too shocked to see James and nurse Amila on this list. However, I was actually surprised to see Mr. And Mrs Bellcaller was on here.
The other four ....were a mystery to me....never have I heard of their names....or known anyone close to those names.
"Hmm...Fjord looks like you're going to have to sneak in, I'm not certain if McGregor knows about space marines...nor do I have any idea hows going to take it.", I tried to come up with a plan...and fast.
Scratching his head, he hatches up a deceptively simple plan. "...hmmm...why don't we ...tell him it's a costume?".
"A costume? That's actually crazy enough to work.", I gave him an agreement nod.
"haha, we can say it's for that strange celebration you mortals like to do during the colder weather! I'm certain you know ".
'A cold weather celebration', that had me a little bit puzzled for a second until I realized what he was taking about, "You mean Halloween, it's the only holiday where people intentionally use costumes."
He nodded, "yes! That's the celebration! I remember last year we passed by your village and saw the whole thing. We were wondering why there were so many screams yet...there was laughter? At first we wanted to stop what we thought was someone torturing some unlucky sod. The look on our faces when all we saw were you mortals dressed up all merrily...it looked like good fun.", he seemed to reminisce about that day almost to the point of nostalgia, even if was only last year.
I even started to remember my past Halloweens too, good times of mystical spooky fun. "Well, it's still six months away. I bet we can plan something for this year if you want.".
If he had a tail, he'd furiously wagging it. "Sounds like a plan.".
We both hurried a little to farm. "Wait here, I'll just get a head to see if he's there and tell him you're a friend working on a costume. Deal?", I patted him on the arm.
"Deal.", in return, he patted my head. I don't know why or if it's because I've been with him and his animalistic nature rubbed off on me....but I liked it. It felt good for some reason.
I jogged to the barn, as I looked around, no one. It was strangely quiet for some reason. I looked to see if there any sitting near the farm house, nope. I checked the inside of the barn to see if there was anyone in there. Nope, just chickens and a few pigs. McGregor and Anna weren't anywhere to be seen either. It was just them after all.
I had a gut feeling I should double check if their truck was still here. I run to their driveway, it wasnt there. Even there was something lurking anywhere, the chickens were doing fine, just running around either free roaming or in the coups. "guess they were on their farmers supply run.", I speculated.
I quickly run back to Fjord's line of sight, "ALL CLEAR!", I motion for him to come. He adjusted his clothes bag that Bilhard had given him, and runs on all fours up the hillside. Goodness, he was wild. "Looks like you have free range in the meantime."
He stopped and stood up, he sniffed the air. "Huh, so...what do we need to kill one?".
At this point I started tilting my head, "oh they're not big. They're small animals. Remember my first kill technically was at 5 years old.". Walked to one of the coops where McGregor keeps his "sale chickens", these are for purchase so long as you leave the money in the cash box attached to the coop. "See, I shot this breed.", showed him the iconic white chicken that everyone is familiar with.
His reaction was again interesting to see. "Huh, they're not that intimidating.....are they edible?".
"Yep, you killed them, pluck them, drain the blood, clean them up and then cook them. Most people don't do that anymore because they can just buy already cooked or butchered chicken in the store....I think a little than a few decades ago people did have to prepare one halfway through the process."
As I was explaining this, I hear a flock of chickens clucking violently, as if they were interested in something. I turn to see a small group of them, horrifyingly pecking and killing a mouse that was unfortunate enough to sneak into the coop.
I for one, completely forgot how vicious chickens can be..... considering they were once dinosaurs....I should be ashamed for not remembering that detail.
Fjord, for some reason was impressed, "Hmm, I see you faced a worthy adversary in your youth.", teasing me and my first hunt. Of course.
I roll my eye a bit, "yes it very harrowing. Now, let's see if there's any-" I open the outdoor fridge next to the coop, only to find someone had vandalized the fridge by crushing all the eggs McGregor had probably harvested this morning."-left.".
Fjord peaked into the fridge, "well now that's a waste."
"You have no idea..." as I drop my head in mild inconvenience, I noticed a clue. A name tag...a name tag with a familiar logo on it. The Wonder Mart logo.
"Interesting..........", taking my phone out, I take pictures of the tag on the ground, the tag next to the fridge and coop, and the inside of the fridge. ".....ooohhh Anna is gonna hate me for texting her dad this ....but this could be big.".
Fjord in the meantime was watching me basically collect criminal evidence, he looks at the coop and finds the rooster.
This rooster is the closest thing to either a domestic terrorist or those campy signs of the devil worship that Pine Hills could have.... because this was a Black Spanish Rooster....with a bad temperament.
I turn to see Fjord on the defensive and the Rooster (whom I've come to call Cortez), having the silliest standoff I could witness.
"Lass, where's yah bow? I think I need it.", he sarcastically asked. "Seriously, this thing has some brass balls or somethin."
Cortez had begun to angrily erring at Fjord. Apparently, human men aren't the only ones that can have their masculinity challenged. With feathers ruffled, he suddenly jumps on Fjord's helmet and furiously claws and peck the helmy.
I was at this point expecting him to grab the rooster and kill with his bear hands, but he just stood there.
"Lass help. I've angered it.", it was the most monotoned cry for help I've heard from anyone.
"Oh God, one second." I rush to open the coop door, hoping to let the rooster in.
The sound of the hatch being lifted was like music to Cortez's ears, he calmed down the second the metal scraped against each other. Flapping furiously towards the coop for a legendary night of love making.
I am certain, Anna is going to fucking kill me now.
Fjord shook his head, removing his helmet he begrudgingly wiped the feathers grime off. "Are the males edible? I bet that one would make a mighty mouthful." He glared at Cortez, who's bad behavior has now been rewarded with several very fertile hens. "So what's the plan now?".
I could see I was going to have to go to the corner store in town for eggs. Lucky, my property was just a mile away. "That way. We head home. I can't just raid McGregor's kitchen for eggs, also I don't have a coop to keep chickens of mine own... neither do I care to have chickens for eggs. It's getting late, we can have some food at home, relax and who knows you can come with me to work tomorrow.", since James is in the list, I'm sure he won't mind Fjord, at least in disguise, just hanging out.
"ah, sorry about your eggs lass.", I get another head pat.
"Ah it's alright, things like this can happen.", it happens, but not like this. I leave the tag there on the ground for McGregor to find, I've already set the pictures and gifted him several more chicks.
Stewing on the hood of his patrol vehicle, having already eaten his lunch. Jeff postulates a way to make amends with Lorey.
"hmm..."Lorey, I know what happened back at the campground was....bad...but I'm sorry and I forgive you too", yeah...that should work....maybe I should have brought her a burger? Hmm...".
He waits a little more, class his partner from the patrol car walkie, " ~chk This is Officer Colt, any signs of the target?"
On the other line, his partner, another local PD named Thomas answers on his end, "~chk Jeff, come one man. We've been through this. Get over her, and find yourself a new gal. It ain't worth the embarrassment man."
Jeff not wanting to hear this, "~chk Tom, you don't understand. I really miss her, want to say sorry "
"~chk, bud, asking her out again isn't sorry. Just forget about her. Heck me and the guys are heading to Portland later this week for some fre-acky stuff man...you should come.... maybe you'll find a less spastic gal."
Letting out a heavy sigh, "~chk, let me try one more time, over.". He cuts off the walkie....he looks to the field and wonders if his plan is going to work. "maybe I have some fries left.", looking into his take out bag, he can see he had pretty much finished everything.
"-and than, when it got darker, my dad let the grill up. Man with the light of the brackets it was so cool. It was like fire magic.", I saw Fjord's face going from enjoying my story to suspicious.
"Fire Magic?", he asked with a cocked brow.
"It's a figure of speech, it was a cool and interesting moment that can look a little extraordinary because it's bright embers at night.", that was the second time I could see a genuine look of seriousness about the concept of magic. "What's your issue with magic? You do understand runes like the ones all over your armor are pagan."
His cocked brow goes away, "Pagan?", again genuine curiosity had struck again.
I could tell the conversation had become complicated, "ugh....ok I'll probably be able to explain it when I get-fuck me in every fucking direction what is Jeff doing here."
Fjord looked like his heart skipped a few beats, until he looked towards my cabin. "....who is he? Is he an intruder? Should i-", I raise my hand to steady him.
"please no... unfortunately everyone here knows I use a bow and arrow and he's a police officer. If he disappears than I technically disappear.", whatever good mood I was in had just went out the window.
Fjord could feel my frustration, he gave a soft growl and attempted to pass me to get to Jeff.
"Wait wait, Fjord hold on what are doing?", I grab his furred belt and nearly dislocated my arm from the force of him leaving my grip. The closest thing to that was holding on to a car as it was slowly rolling away. I run in front of him, "Stop stop stop! What are you doing?! You can't just walk up to him. Please wait here, trust me. My wrath is already too much for his little sad skull to handle.".
He looks at me, than to the cop car in the distance, "ok lass ....but if anything happens....I won't hesitate.".
"you can scare him, just please put your helmet on while doing it.", I knew from the one marine who killed Grandpa and from the video of 'Big Blue' that their armor was completely bulletproof. Plus it would hide Fjord 's identity.
I give a reassuring pat on his breast plate. "I'll be ok". I take a deep breath and march to my driveway.
As the sound of my stomps came closer, Jeff decides to pull his gun, "FREEZE!", his flushed cheeks had all the blood drain from his face.
He was officially done to me.
"....first you leave me in the middle of the forest....alone...you TAKE my car and abandon me....now....THIS!?", I've had enough.
"Lorey!? Oh my lord I am sorry! I-I just wanted to apologize a-and I was just-", he knew he had just fumbled his last ball with me.
"JUST WHAT?!? AM I JUST SOME SUSPICIOUS CHARACTER TO YOU NOW?!?", I was shaking, tears in my eyes, almost blinding me. Probably for the better not to see his face.
What I didn't know, was the moment I screamed. Fjord was going to take initiative.
"Lorey for Christ's sake! Can you please stop being over dramatic! What about me!? I heard something that night that scared the living shit out of me and THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT ME?!", his shouting was just as bad as mine.
The difference was I wasn't use to losing my temper like he was, he was very use to it.
"AT LEAST YOU HAD A WAY TO GET BACK HOME! I SPENT SEVERAL HOURS UNTIL THE DEAD OF NIGHT! NEARLY 20 MILES AWAY FROM FUCK ALL NOWHERE IN THE APPALACHIA MOUNTAINS! If it weren't for a gang of bikers finding me cold, wet and SCARED to death on the side of the highway I WOULD BE DEAD!", whomever was in earshot, had just heard the truth behind my breakup with Jeff.
"Oh so you're calling me a coward?! For defending myself and doing what it took to survive?!?, his hands were spread out, lucky for me he had put his gun on the hood of his patrol car and rarely used his taser. "You know what!? You're under arrest!", he hastily took out his handcuffs.
I was absolutely dumbfounded, "For what yelling at you?!?"
He than spoke to me in a tone I would have never imagined hearing from him in my whole life, "For resisting arrest and assault of an officer.". Something in him changed that very second.
I was for the first time actually afraid of him.
I considering myself dead that very second....until....the patrol car had just dropped right behind Jeff.
Both of us letting out screams of own. However, I wasn't sure if I was the one screaming at a decibel on bats can hear.
I saw that Fjord had effortlessly thrown the patrol just inches away from Jeff's back.
Jeff, now visibly shaking, looked over his shoulder and saw his now turned over vehicle. "Oh man..... dad's going to kill me.", he haphazardly took out his taser and pointed to whomever did this.
He turned to see Fjord, just ten feet away, the eyes of his helmet glowing red, and menacingly standing there, growling loud enough for me to feel it.
I knew he and the others were protective, but this was a whole different level of scary. I could see him slowly coming towards us.
By this point, I was more scared for Jeff. I can see that he was crying, soaked in sweat, nothing in his training could prepare him for this. He pulls the trigger and as the electric dart shoot out. Nothing, just the drowned out sounds of the car alarm of the patrol vehicle and the pathetic buzzing of the wires.
Fjord didn't even flinch, of course he wasn't going to flinch.
Jeff had to now rely on his gun...which wasn't holstered to his belt.
"oh my God nononono please oh God no.", his panicked state had unraveled him into a mess. He saw that Fjord was mockingly holding his gun like a toy.
"yah want this, boyo?", even his voice was closer to growling than before. He than throws Jeff's gun back at him, "pick it up."
Jeff hesitated, still shaking and blathering nonsensically to himself.
"Pick. It. UP!", the growl had gone to a mild roar.
Jeff gave a quick scream, with a violently shaking hand, he picked up the gun.
Fjord coldly stared at him, unmoving. "....do it."
Still shaking, Jeff again hesitated.
"DO IT. COWARD!", he roared again.
I didn't know what to make of this, it was as if all the anger I had felt physically manifested in front of me and now all I feel is regret.
I genuinely hated Jeff, but this felt it had gone too far.
Jeff suddenly, stopped shaking. Something in him snapped again, he grinned and unloaded on to Fjord. All he did was yell, shoot until there was only clicks.
Fjord. Was completely unharmed. The bullets didn't even chip the paint off his armor.
Jeff's manic grin, slowly turned into a look of horror.
Fjord, silently steps up to Jeff, towering over him. Gently grabs the gun by the barrel, and crushes it as if it were make of old cheap plastic. He leaned closer to Jeff's face.
Jeff screamed a blood curling scream and ran off as fast as he could
I was horrified, silently crying from yelling at Jeff and having just witnessed less than a fraction of what Fjord was capable of.
He turned to me, probably hoping for me to thank him, but I think he realized he scared me in the process.
He took off his helmet, "Lorey?", I slowly slumped down to the ground, everything has taken a good bit of my strength. "no no no please lass, I only ment to scare him. I swear, I wasn't going to do anything.... please.. please don't be afraid of me."
I took deep breaths, I stared out into the dusk of the evening, I looked to Fjord and all I can see was the look of guilt in those golden eyes of his. Now practically glowing in the dim light.
I knew what I was getting into, I could see the signs. I took a deep breath, this was a sign that I'm in a situation where I am dealing with extraordinary men capable of things I'm going to have to prepare myself for....he was slowly waking towards me, probably at this point not wanting to frighten me.
"please lass, I'm sorry. I won't do that ever again... please I'm-", he was like a child who had just been found with his father's gun and was begging for forgiveness. The heartbreak I felt for him just now was indescribable, he genuinely felt remorse.
I know why he did it, I was not going to be mad at him for doing his job. After all, Jeff wasn't just being an asshole that moment.... something felt terrible in him.
Wiping my face and nose, trying to control myself. "It's ok Fjord, it's alright...*hic*, you did good. It's ok ", we just hugged it out on the driveway.
I wasn't thinking about any witnesses, nor what Sten and Toke would think.
All I can do, should do...and would do, is forgive him. "It's alright, I'm ok....it was the heat of the moment, I was yelling at him too...and you protected me. It's all that matters. I'm not afraid of you, I'll never be afraid of you."
He looked up at me, I have no idea how I just made a harden warrior from fucking outter space cry a little for doing his job....but I can't blame him. All I can do now was hug his big fluffy red head, "now *sniff*, let's get inside before Jeff comes back with back up."
Fjord picked me up from the ground, carrying me, "yes lass....do you want me t-
"OH STOP THAT, you asshole joking in a time like this?!", my laughing betrayed my momentary anger at that joke. The tension had to have given way at some point or another.
His hardy laugh was contagious. "IM SORRY LASS, I COULDN'T HELP IT.", we just continued laughing to the door.
We're both morons.
End of log 9
@egrets-not-regrets @barn-anon @kit-williams
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hinatastinygiant · 8 months
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4 | Aztec Gold
Pairing: Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Pirate's Treasure Masterlist
"What does it say?" Bakugou asks, his tone calmer as he takes a step closer to you to show you the new markings on the map.
What you see are four symbols, drawings of four different pictures.
The first is a ship with billowing sails and a skull-and-crossbones flag, signifying the legendary pirate ship, you explain to him as you point it out.
The second is a locked treasure chest, suggesting something hidden or protected.
The third, a depiction of a cave entrance partially obscured by vegetation and shadows, conveying the concept of a secret or hidden location.
Lastly, a representation of the sun at its peak on the summer solstice day, symbolizing the specific and rare event required to unearth the treasure.
Somehow, this old map knows exactly where the Captain's treasure is hidden. You look at the captain, and your eyes meet. A spark flashes between you, and your heart skips a beat.
"So, what's the meaning of the code?" he asks you.
"A pirate ship, a locked treasure, a cave entrance, and a sunny day. It's as simple as that," you answer him. "I'm willing to bet on the summer solstice, that's when we should find the treasure."
"But how will we know where to look?" he continues to question.
"We'll just need to figure out what part of the island this map is referencing," you state confidently.
"But this island is huge. We don't have time for that," he grunts, becoming agitated again.
"I'm sorry, do you have a better idea?"
"Well, no, but-"
"Then let's start looking. It's the only way."
With that, the Captain turns on his heel, heading back toward the ship. You follow closely behind, hoping your guess is right. But before you can get back, a group of unshaven men jump out before the two of you.
"Thieves," Bakugou grinds his teeth.
"We've come for the treasure," the apparent leader, a tall, broad man, says, his eyes darting to the map in Bakugou's hand. "Show us where it is!"
"Do you really think I'll just let you make off with what's rightfully mine?" Bakugou sneers.
"I think you have no choice," the man threatens as he nods to something behind you. Then, before you can even react, a knife is placed at your throat. You gasp and look at the map in the Captain's hand. If you don't get your hands on it, he'll surely let these strangers kill you.
"Give us the map," the thief demands.
"Never," Bakugou spits.
"Then we'll kill her," the leader threatens as one of his lackeys holds the knife closer to your neck.
"You'll never find it without the map," Bakugou says, taking a step toward the leader.
Just as tensions escalate to a dangerous level, Bakugou's fiery resolve takes over. In one swift movement, he pulls out your knife and lunges at the thieves with an intensity that catches them off guard. With some seriously good precision, he slits the throat of the man holding you hostage, knocking the weapon to the ground.
Before the others can react, Bakugou has disarmed and killed all three remaining men. As the bodies fall, the last man standing, their leader, grabs his weapon and aims it at the Captain's heart.
You stumble back, your heart pounding. He just saved your life at the cost of his own. You've never seen anyone fight like that, and you're stunned at the sight.
"I-I'll kill you!" the leader shouts.
"Go on, pull the trigger then. Put me out of my misery," the Captain groans as your foot knocks against the knife that was previously at your throat.
"Gladly," the thief snarls, ready to fire.
You have no idea what's coming over you, but as you watch him about to shoot, you grab the knife and throw it as hard as you can, aiming for the head of the thief.
The blade buries itself into his skull, and his arm falls to the side as he crumples to the ground. You stand frozen, your eyes wide as you realize what just happened.
You didn't know you had that in you.
As the dust settles and the threat is neutralized, you fall to your knees, shaken by the close call. Bakugou, his anger momentarily replaced by concern, rushes to your side, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asks.
You can't speak, you just nod slowly, taking a moment to process what just happened.
"I had no idea you could do that" he grumbles as he extends his hand.
"Neither did I," you confess as you take his hand and stand back up.
"You saved my life," he says, still shocked himself.
"Don't mention it," you reply with an attempt at a smile. "I've never killed someone before."
"You'll get used to it," he tries to comfort you, but it does little to ease the nausea welling up inside you.
"I hope not," you whisper. "I think I'm going to be sick."
"Take a minute, Princess. Catch your breath."
"God, you've got to stop calling me that. It only makes me feel worse."
"Fine, what's your name then?" he asks, clearly annoyed.
"Oh," you hum softly, looking up at him. Had you really not told him your name before now? "It's Y/N. L/N Y/N."
"Okay, well, now that we've introduced ourselves, let's get moving. We've wasted enough time already."
You nod, your head still swimming from the earlier excitement. This isn't your first time on an adventure, but you've never come face-to-face with death like this before.
You follow Bakugou's lead as he continues his march toward the ship, your thoughts racing with questions and doubts. You're not sure how all of this is going to go down, but one thing's for certain; things are only going to get more complicated from here on out.
Taglist: @nemisimp @boopjuice
Pirate's Treasure Masterlist
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 month
I got a message and I might finally get my Metroid Prime remaster game soon!! I'm curious though and i wanted to ask. What do you think is the best time of the day to play Metroid Prime 1 ?
I remember when i talked about playing Metroid Fusion at night you said that it was the best way to play it and same for Metroid Prime : Echoes. So what about Metroid Prime I ? Is it better to play it at day or night? (also on the big screen or little screen? Probably on the big screen but since I'm on the switch and i don't have access to the tv for my switch this weekend idk if I'll be able to play it on the big screen and i dun wanna wait any longer T__T )
Oh, sweet! :D
Prime 1, hmm. There's an intro section that's definitely best at night, as with a very lategame area. But on the whole, the rest of the time it's pretty good during the day. ^.^
Big screen is definitely recommended if and when available, especially on the remaster, but it's still pretty enjoyable in handheld mode (or tabletop with the kickstand, depending on the control scheme you use) too.
On that note, a couple other things maybe worth knowing going in, though I'll put them under a readmore so you can take or leave them as you wish:
The Remaster version specifically has four different control scheme options you can try out, depending on what you're going for. (And a bunch of adjustable settings within those, not quite full button remapping but still close.) One that's close to the gamecube original, one that uses gyro to emulate the Wii Trilogy release's motion controls, one that uses standard first-person-shooter dual-stick, and one that somehow hybridizes the latter two in some way I'll admit I'm not entirely clear on?
The gamecube option is probably best for an authentic-ish feel for how it played in 2002, but is also kinda limited. I personally swear by the Trilogy controls, and while the gyro is slightly clunkier, (needs frequent manual recentering due to the lack of an IR sensor to do that automatically, and due to the detatched joycons needs a table to set up at) I've still been having a really good time playing through using that. But I know a lot of people are used to the twin-stick setup, so if you don't vibe with motion controls, that might be your best bet?
Similarly, the game has a hint system (sorta like Fusion's waypoint markers where it tells you where to go without saying how to get there, just as a pop-up from the suit instead) but while it is on by default, it is optional in Prime, and can be turned off and on in the menu. It is very handy for if you get lost, but I at least find that it tends to pop up pre-emptively well before that point, so even back during my first-time playthrough on Trilogy I turned it off after a while, and only temporarily turned it back on once or twice for a clue when I was genuinely not sure where to go. Once again up to you either way, but I figured I'd let you know first so you can make an informed decision of whether you want it or not.
Finally, unlike the 2D games this one doesn't have any rewards tied to completion time, so there's no need to rush yourself here. Unless you want to anyway, I guess. XD But it does show an extra after-credits scene if you get 100% item completion, so that's something to keep in mind later, if you want to go for that.
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scoobydoodean · 10 months
SAM Seriously? Atlantic City? DEAN Hell yeah! Play some roulette. Always bet on black. (pause) Hey listen, I've been doing some thinking. Um ... I want you to know I understand why you did it. I understand why you went after the crossroads demon. SAM sighs. DEAN You know, situation was reversed, I guess I'd've done the same thing. (pause) I mean I'm not blind, I see what you're going through with this whole deal, me going away and all that. But you're gonna be okay. SAM (looks up at that, exhales, says tonelessly) You think so. DEAN Yeah, you'll keep hunting, y'know, you live your life. You’re stronger than me. You are! (SAM clears his throat) you are... you'll get over it. But I want you to know I'm sorry, I’m sorry for... putting you through all this, I am. SAM You know what, Dean? Go screw yourself. DEAN What? SAM I don't want an apology from you! And by the way, I'm a big boy now, I can take care of myself. DEAN Oh, well, excuse me. SAM (voice raising) So would you please quit worrying about me? I mean that's the whole problem in the first place. I don't want you to worry about me, Dean, I want you to worry about you! I want you to give a crap that you’re dying! (DEAN says nothing but smirks) So, that's it? Nothing else to say for you? DEAN I think maybe I'll play craps. SAM stares at him, outraged. Shakes his head. Sighs in exasperation. DEAN's smile fades. They drive on.
See, one will see this in 3.06 and will want to smack Dean upside of the head! Because he is refusing—absolutely refusing—to face the consequences of the deal he's made—the consequences for himself, and the consequences for someone he loves! His words about seeing what he's doing to Sam here are distant and empty when you see the expression on his face within the episode—the disturbing slight smile and the way he just pretends "This is fine". Dean understands that Sam is having an emotional response and he could write down why for a class exercise, but he is refusing to let himself feel it because then all of this would all become real and he would also have to feel scared for himself.
The thing is, smacking Dean upside of the head would not work, and does not work! Dean already hates himself—if Sam is angry at him, or Bobby is angry at him, or he gets called selfish or screwed in the head or told that he's hurting people... well—Dean doesn't like himself either because he failed Sam and John and he's not supposed to be here and he's a curse that gets people killed, so... so what? Big deal! They are telling Dean things Dean already believes. Yelling and accusing may actually exacerbate Dean's belief that he deserves this—that he should not be here.
You know what does work? In 3.07, when Dean plans to run off alone to save the girl Gordon's kidnapped because he thinks "I don't matter anyway and I'm dying anyway", and Sam gets through to Dean just as soon as he uses two things: 1) Compassion and 2) Care.
DEAN What do you want me to do, Sam, huh? Sit around all day writing sad poems about how I'm gonna die? You know what? I got one. Let's see, what rhymes with "shut up, Sam"? SAM Dude, drop the attitude, Dean. Quit turning everything into a punch line. And you know something else? Stop trying to act like you're not afraid. DEAN I'm not! SAM You're lying. And you may as well drop it 'cause I can see right through you. DEAN You got no idea what you're talking about. SAM Yeah, I do. You're scared, Dean. You're scared because your year is running out, and you're still going to Hell, and you're freaked. DEAN And how do you know that? SAM Because I know you! DEAN Really?
(That "really" is something—there's a whole other world of things that could be discussed there)
SAM Yeah, I've been following you around my entire life! I mean, I've been looking up to you since I was four, Dean. Studying you, trying to be just like my big brother. So yeah, I know you. Better than anyone else in the entire world. And this is exactly how you act when you're terrified. And, I mean, I can't blame you. It's just... (pause) DEAN What? SAM I wish you would drop the show and be my brother again. 'Cause... (can't find words; tears in his eyes) just 'cause. DEAN (after a pause) All right, we'll hole up, cover our scent so he can't track us, and wait the night out here.
This is the first time we see Dean actually swayed since the very end of 2.22—and it's because
Sam shows compassion for Dean's state of mind and the actions that have come out of it. He says that he understands that Dean's play at apathy is just that—a play at apathy. Dean isn't acting this way because he's just some jerk who doesn't care about how his actions effect others. Dean is someone who cares, who is acting like he doesn't care because he is scared. Dean is sniping at Sam intentionally to make him angry, so Sam will get mad at him, so they don't have to talk and Dean can be reminded that he makes people mad and he deserves this. Dean isn't some jerk who should be gone because he hurts the people that care about him. Dean is someone who is hurting and scared and Sam understands.
Sam makes it extremely real to Dean how much Sam CARES ABOUT HIM by saying he wants him there "just 'cause". Dean is inherently valuable! Dean matters! And there doesn't have to be a reason, or a need that Dean fills. "Older" or "Big" is omitted before "brother" here, because it isn't about Sam needing Dean to take care of him—just like he said it wasn't in 3.06! It's about Dean being there at all!
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