#I’ve been meaning to write a fic about the random hc for a while now
gncgang · 7 months
How about Kira or Yukako for the ask game?
Ooh I’ll do Kira, a good followup for Josuke
Sexuality HC: This man thinks he’s 100% completely and totally straight as if his stand isn’t a ripped pink naked catboy. Like come on. Fucker’s repressed as shit
Gender HC: cis man
Ship: him and kosaku is such a funny idea to me, but what’s even funnier is kira/kosaku/shinobu cuz like, imagine ur Hayato and ur parents are like “son we’ve been having trouble with our marriage so we’re bringing in this off-putting catman as a third to fix it” LIKE
BROTP: I… really don’t know abt this one cuz Kira doesn’t… have any friends HCUGJGYB
NOTP: I’ve seen Kira/Diavolo a few times but I’ve never really understood it, I feel like they would get on each other’s nerves
Random HC: I hate to say it but Kira’s definitely been banned from several dentists in Morioh because of. Um. Uh. hands in his mouth
General Opinion: he’s my disgusting up little man! Love to torment this little fucking freak :)
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msmargarita · 11 months
✨🤓Johnathon/🕳️ Spot Headcanons✨
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These are some headcanons I wrote for my two fics:
i'm not going to turn into a cosmic anomaly and leave you forever
i'm really serious this time, baby
It has !!spoilers!! for both of those fics!
It's basically an AU unless I somehow foresaw the future and guessed what happens in BTSV!
Beware the keep reading button. This is HUGE.
🤓 Johnathon HCs!
HE IS A GEMINI. Like come on. Talks a lot, nerdy, silly guy. He is a canonically silly guy! In his first fight with Miles he pretends to have hurt his nose (he doesn’t have one) to trick him. So silly! I would bet there's Capricorn somewhere in there too. And Pisces. I’ll make this man’s whole birth chart if you dare me. Just dare me. I’m insane.
Jason Schwartzman used to be in a band in the 00s. I think it would be cool if Johnathon also had some sort of interest in music. I think he would have tried to learn guitar in college but only got a few chords in before life got too chaotic and every now and then he thinks of picking it back up. 
He is also one of those guys who fanboys over old ass music, especially from the 60s and 70s. Loves Jazz, Funk and Prog Rock. Look at this man and tell me he is not a prog rock guy. He is a nerd, he might even be *shudders* a math rock guy. I also think he would have one completely random favorite artist that has nothing to do with the things listed above, like, idk Lizzo. Or Princess Nokia. He just looks like the type.
I think everyone agrees Johnathon is at least in his thirties, but I put him down as thirty-three in the end. I did that because Olivia is thirty-five tops in ITSV (according to Peter) and since he was her subordinate it makes sense that he would be just a little bit younger than her. 
“But hey! That's too young to get a PhD!” you might say, but I think Johnny is an overachiever. I think he was one of those super genius kids that got in early in college and lived for academia. A teacher's pet even.
He is a workaholic, so when he quits his job he gets really lost and doesn't know what to do with himself. He might have a new job soon doing what he loves, so you’re going to need to be on his ass so he doesn’t fall back into his old habit of overworking. 
I like to think that Miles would get an internship under Johnathon a few years in the future and they would learn a lot together. Jonathan would probably take a week to figure out he is Spider-Man and would cover for him when the boy needs to disappear. This actually sounds like a fun drabble to write about.
Johnathon may be a genius, but like he said, he is not too familiar with relationships. I think he might've had one or two in the past, but everything slowed down when he started working at Alchemax. “I’ve been told” is referring to those past relationships, in which he was probably told that he works too much and never has time to spend with his partners. He’s not been with anyone for a long time and his game consists of buying the first comic book he saw on a shelf in order to ask you out.
But that doesn't mean he is cold. Quite the opposite really, Johnathon is very touchy-feely. He hasn't been with anyone for a while and misses touching and being touched. He is most comfortable when being at least 70% curled around you. 
He smokes Dunhill Carltons (he likes to feel fancy), but less now that he isn't as stressed from work. Like he said, he used to go on walks to smoke and pass by the comic book store you work at before you guys had even met. I like to think he developed a little crush back then.
Had his tattoos done in college, so they are very faded now. He doesn’t think of redoing them because the mere thought of having to stay seated for hours in the same place feeling pain stresses him out. He was a lot more easygoing when he had them done.
He did have a superhero phase when he was a kid. He would fantasize a lot about having superpowers and flying away when the bullies showed up. Never thought about fighting back. Before becoming the Spot, he wasn't the confrontational type. The hero thing fizzled out as he grew older, but he would always dream about being stronger. Being a better version of himself in a kinda superficial, but understandable way.
He still has a bunch of action figures, he thinks they look cool. If you give him one, he won't even care if he knows the character or not, he just likes them.
Even though Johanthon says he is “good-looking”, he does add “for a scientist” in the end. I think he tries to mask his insecurities with humor, always putting himself down with a joke, always saying he’s too old, too corny, too nerdy. In the back of his head he knows the hair and the glasses are kind of a look, but he doesn’t feel handsome. You help as much as you can, but that’s an obstacle for him to overcome by himself. I think after i’m really serious this time, baby he gets better at this.
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🕳️ The Spot HCs!
For clarification: the story of i’m not gonna turn into a cosmic anomaly and leave you forever stretches the plot of ATSV to a few weeks instead of a day. Just think of it like Spot taking a little longer to power up instead of a few hours.
Since he was forced to do crime to survive, I think he would've thought to himself: "Well, since I have to go rob a store anyway, might as well be that one where that cute cashier works at." 
Yes, Spot starts tracking and following you after you two meet. He uses his computer nerd powers for evil. A very unhealthy way of dealing with a crush, I think.
Spot can eat but he doesn't get any nutritional value from food. When you drink wine together or when he burns his tongue (?) from tea it's just a placebo effect. I like to think that Johnathon's mind is still inside The Spot's body, so he eats just for habit. He says he gets hungry all the time, but it's actually a deep need to consume everything around him. The little rascal.
As he powers up, Spot gets more confident in himself. He thinks the stronger he gets the further away he gets from Johnathon, his old self. Which, in the end, turns out to be true.
I think at first you don't really believe Spot is an actual supervillain which is why when you see him after the fight in Mumbattan it's such a shock. In a way, you did the same thing Miles did when he underestimated him, even if for whole different reasons. I think even though he knows you care about him, Spot knows you don't see him as a threat and that makes him want to impress you more. 
Spot knows that the reason you keep getting new jobs is because his own crazy supervillain life keeps interfering with yours, so he tries to keep it as much hidden from you as possible. He thinks what you don’t know can’t hurt you! As Johnathon, he feels guilty at first that you’re changing your whole life to go with him to New Jersey, BUT this time it was your choice! Not because of supervillain shenanigans!
He does love you (even if it was too early to know) and wants to be with you, but his head is so lost in the supervillain game, he thinks he can’t stop now. You never really realized how serious he was about “being stronger”. Which is why you never tried to stop him.
I chose I’d Rather Be With You as a theme song because I think it’s a song Johnathon/Spot would enjoy. But I also like how the lyrics match both their feelings towards you, in both fics. He wants to fly away with you once he gets all powered up, he loves your smile, etc. He does want to be your friend until the end as the Spot, but as Johanthon he is really committed to work on his bad habits in order to be with you. We gon' make it this time, baby! I cry, damnit. 
It’s also a surprisingly gender-neutral song, with no physical descriptions in it! Anyone can put themselves in the lover's place. Bootsy Collins is cool like that.
I like to think that, in the end, Spot didn't erase himself from the timeline. He just reloaded an old save. Does that make sense? Like you said, your relationship will always have happened, just in an old, non existent dimension. And since Johnathon and you still get dreams and deja vu about the whole thing (think of it as dimensional residue or whatever), you do have all the EXP of the old save. Johnathon, after going through the literal end of all existence and then forgetting about it, feels something compelling him to finally take a chance and enter the comic book store. It’s like when your body goes through something and it remembers later, even if your mind doesn't. Here's a (hopefully) comprehensive timeline:
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the end.
Thank you for taking an interest in my weird AU! I would kill for you 💖
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gaybananabread · 7 months
TickleTober Day 29 - Wake Up!
@hexalianrebel-blackfeathers - Definitely 29 (Wake Up!) with Hobie getting tickled awake one too many times by Gwen, Pavitr, and/or Miles. I admit I wouldn't be able to pick just one. 
Why choose? I’ve got a feeling it’d probably take all of them to get his ass good, and why not revenge it? Got a little carried away with this one, but I’m pretty happy with how it came out! Used a few of Panda's hcs too! Sorry for the all the lateness recently, it’s been quite the month (O_Ou) Anyhow, I’ve loved writing these spider sillies for you, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Hobie, brief Gwen
Lers: Miles, Gwen, Pavitr
Summary: There’s one golden rule in Hobie’s house boat; don’t wake him up. His friends always break that rule. Deciding to be brats, the spider kids tickle Hobie awake once again. After he recovers, he takes a little revenge.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!
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In Hobie's boat, there was a spoken and unspoken rule. One that his friends could never seem to follow, no matter how many times he snipped at them for it.
Don't wake him up.
Every single time he lets one of them crash at his place, he winds up awake way before he wanted to be. Sometimes it's an accident, like a loud sneeze, broken cereal bowl or random floor squeak. Other times, though, it was 100% intentional. Times like that one.
Hobie was peacefully sleeping, draped over his couch. The other three had stayed the night, so he of course offered up his bed. The punk was tall, meaning he needed a bigger bed. The mattress comfortably fit the three of them, and he could live on the couch. He'd rather have his friends be comfy anyway.
He was planning on sleeping in. True, noon is a bit late, but he had goofed around most the night with the other spider kids; couple that with a full day of patrolling, and you'll know that he deserved a nice rest.
Gwen had been the first to wake up, her father's old work schedule sticking with her. It was nearly nine, but still. She quickly got bored, and not wanting to be the only one awake, poked Pav's sides. He slowly woke, grabbing at her hands and giggling. 
Giggling... Bingo. It would probably get her killed, but Gwen had a wonderful idea. "Hey Pav, how much do you value your sanity?"
He rubbed his sides, still a bit put off by the light tickling. "Uhum, it depends? What do you have in mind?" The mischievous look on her face, while endearing, sent a small chill down his spine. That look only meant one thing, though it wasn't aimed at him this time.
"I think Hobie deserves a special good morning. For letting us stay over, you know?" Pavitr sighed, knowing exactly what she had in mind. “Are you even a small bit worried about his revenge? He has told us many times over to just let him sleep.” He wanted to add that her idea would only get them “tortured,” but the thought made his cheeks go pink. It wouldn’t be that bad...probably.
The next to get roped into her plan was Miles. He got a much nicer wake-up call; Gwen was a bit too flustered to tickle him awake. She opted for poking his cheek until he groaned. “Mmmph…wah?” The boy slowly sat up, immediately picking up on the playful vibe in the room. Should be fun, whatever it was. “What’re you two planning, and can I get in on it?”
One hushed, giggly conversation later, they had a plan. A very stupid, silly plan that would undoubtedly backfire, but a plan.
Pavitr inched towards the sleeping punk, regretting his offer to pin him. If even one floorboard squeaked, or if Hobie’s spider sense went off too early, he would be a dead man. A giggly dead man, but a dead man nonetheless. Slowly, he raised his wrists, firing off a few webs at Hobie’s long arms. The punk shifted, but other than that, he didn’t react. Whew…
Miles and Gwen, the cowards, crept into the room behind him. Now that Hobie was restrained, they had no chance of being punished for their actions. “Nice job, Pav. You wanna do the honors?” The bubbly teen shook his head, backing away. “Oh no. I did the dirty work. You seal your own fates.”
Chuckling, Miles approached Hobie; he was feeling brave. He could feel the anarchist stir as he straddled his waist. It was clear he didn’t want to get up, regardless of what was happening. Miles placed his hand on Hobie’s stomach, slowly curling his fingers on the taunt skin. Hobie’s eyes fluttered open, a small glare on his face. The teen just smirked. “‘Sup, Hobie.”
The punk growled, tugging at his arms. Gwen giggled, Pavitr moving behind her to avoid his gaze. “You little shits… What’d I say ‘bout waking me up?” The hell…? Oh. They pinned his arms with web fluid. They were double dead now. “Al’ight, which one a’ yous planned this?”
Pav, ever loyal, pointed to Gwen behind her back. She swatted his hand away, laughing. “Ihit was a group effort! Morning, Hobs!” 
He huffed, looking down at Miles’ fingers for just a second. “You lot are dead as doorknobs.” That would have been a believable threat if a smile wasn’t threatening to come out. Just thinking about the slow fingers on his stomach were getting to him, though he’d never admit it. 
“Sure, sure. Who’s the one pinned under who, Hobie?” Oh, that cocky little- “Miles, I would not push our luck!” At least Pav had some sense. He would go easy on the teen when he took his revenge. Maybe. “It’s cool. Hobie isn’t going anywhere.”
“When I get outta this, you’re all gonna-” Miles cut him off with wiggling fingers, finally attacking the hero’s midsection. Hobie suppressed a squeal, snapping his mouth shut to block the silly sounds from escaping. He thrashed and tugged at the webs, almost bucking Miles off him. The smug teen yelped, hanging onto the couch for dear life. “Hey guys! Little help?”
Gwen quickly ran over to assist, knowing what would happen if Hobie got free; she wasn’t ready for their fun to end so quickly. Hopping on the couch, she sat on his thighs, back-to-back with Miles. “I gotcha! Here, lemme just-” She skittered her nails along his calf, knowing softer tickles worked better on his legs. The stoic boy cracked, bass-sounding giggles rumbling in his chest. Even his giggling was cool…
“Y-youhuhu aharse! Gehe’ ohohoff!” He tried kicking his legs out, but with Gwen on his thighs, he could only squirm. Miles was wasting no time, digging into his stomach and scribbling on his navel. Gwen, on the other hand, was being torturously gentle. It was a small mercy that Pavitr hadn’t joined them, still hesitant on whether or not the punk was okay with it all.
Why did he have to be so nice? Hobie wouldn’t say he was enjoying the silly interaction. He would never, ever admit say something like that. The teasing teens were just enjoying a small joke with him. A joke they would be paid back for, with interest, but a fun game all the same. Who was he to deny them that small pleasure? “Y-youhu’re wahastin’ prehecious time thehere, Pavi! Ihihi’m gohonna kill all ohof you whehen I gehet loose, mihihight as wehehell have sohome fuhuhun!”
The concerned teen needed no more encouragement. He practically bounced over to where Hobie’s arms were pinned, ready to wreak havoc on his nervous system. Pav knew that Hobie had to be in the right mood for them all to tickle him; thankfully, he was. Ten eager fingers dug into Hobie’s hollows, pulling a squeak from his full lips. 
Okay, he was regretting that decision. Hobie tried to curl up, tug his arms free, anything to gain the upper hand on the teens “attacking” him. Pav’s webs held strong though, Gwen’s hold on his legs surprisingly sturdy. While he was completely occupied, Gwen was growing a bit bored with the sort-of-loud laughter. She felt like being a menace; the big reactions were what she was after.
Hobie’s eyes widened when he felt Gwen messing with his boot’s laces. “GW-GWEHEHEN! DOHON’ YOUHU FUHUHUCKIN’ DAHAHARE!” Two pairs of eyes quickly moved to Hobie’s legs, the boys wanting to see what would happen next. Pavitr knew that was a bad spot, but Miles was the most inexperienced with Hobie. It would be funny to see his reaction.
Gwen, knowing he would do anything to get her off, laid across his legs. Hopefully her weight and strength would be enough to keep him down. The anarchist could handle tickling almost anywhere else. That spot, though? He was screwed.
Miles and Pav each stopped their teasing fingers, figuring he could only handle so much at once. The first boot came off, thunking against the wood floor of his house boat. “Gwehendy! Gw-gwehen, c’mon! Enough’s ehenough, mate!” She didn’t share his opinion. One finger dragged up his socked sole, making him muffle a squeal. “Really, Hobs? Plaid socks? And you say I’m a monster.”
“F-fuhuck ohohoff! Miles, Pahav, get her!” He looked to his friends, silently hoping they’d see how evil that was. Both teens gave him an apologetic smile, just holding him down. “Sorry, big man. We won’t let her kill you, promise.” Those little fucking- “GYAAH! GWEHEHENDYHIHI! NAHAHAO!”
Boisterous, loud, frantic laughter flew from his lips, quickly filling the room. He thrashed like a lanky worm on a hook, kicking and twisting in every direction possible. It tickled so fucking much. 
Miles was taken aback by the intense reaction. He had never seen Hobie laugh that hard before; it was just one foot, with the sock on. Mental notes were definitely being taken. “Damn Hobie, you’ve got some pipes on you.”
He wanted to flip the boy off, yell at him, do anything other than laugh his ass off; yet he couldn’t. The spot was that bad. Tears of mirth grouped in the corners of his eyes, his dark cheeks stained a bright red. He could barely form a sentence through his laughter, much less escape. Pride crawling in a hole for the moment, Hobie did the one thing he said he’d try his hardest to never do: beg. “PLEHEHEASE! GWEHEN- STOHOP!”
Just like that, the devilish nails left his socked sole. Miles and Pavitr quickly put some distance between themselves and the punk, valuing their lives. Gwen cut the webs on his arms, freeing him to curl up and giggle his head off. And he did just that; his arms wrapped around his midsection, one hand going to rub his poor foot as his knees went up to his chest. Gwen jogged to the kitchen, getting him a glass of water. 
When offered the liquid, Hobie sighed, downing the entire cup in seconds. His cheeks had calmed a bit, breathing slowly returning to normal. Miles whispered to Pav, not knowing that Hobie could hear every word. “Never guessed Hobie would be a ticklish-feet guy. Hell, I never thought he’d be that ticklish, period.” The punk groaned, making Pavitr giggle. “Why do you think he wears those big boots? Tickle deterrent.” 
Okay, that’s enough of their shit. Hobie stood, one booted and ready to enact his revenge. “I suggest you lot run now.” Miles needed no more warnings, turning invisible and darting away. Pavitr ran for the bedroom, locking himself inside. Gwen tried to do the same, but one of Hobie’s webbed snagged her and brought her into his arms. “Hey there, Gwendy. I fink some payback is in order, yeah?”
Trapped in the backwards hug, Gwen couldn’t do much besides squirm and plead with him. She was regretting not changing out of her thin sleep top. “H-hobie, come ohon! I was just trying to make you smile! It- it worked, didn’t it?” Okay, check on the obvious lies. “Y’know I don’ like liars, Gwenny. Time ta pay your penance.”
He dug into her stomach, paying special attention to the small amount of pudge below her navel. She squealed, her knees quickly buckling as loud laughter poured out of her. She really couldn’t handle the taste of her own medicine. “H-HOHOBIE NOHOHO! IHIT- NOHO FAHAHIR!”
Hobie snorted, loving her immediately crazed reaction. “Not fair? You kiddin’ me? This is 100% fair, ya shit.” He decided to be a bit mean, using both hands to claw at her ticklish tum. Snorts started to break up her laughter, her cheeks growing red as cherries. It was worth waking him, but damn, why did his hands have to be so big?! 
A creak came from the floorboards behind him, making the lanky boy pause. He webbed Gwen’s arms to her sides, scanning the room. “You. I’m gonna be back for you.” Hobie turned his full attention to the rest of the room, watching as his old floorboards shifted near the bathroom door. Bingo.
Hobie spent the rest of the afternoon hunting the perpetrators and making sure they learned their lessons. By the end of it, all three superpowered teens had rosy cheeks, dopey smiles and tired eyes. They were currently in a cuddle pile on the couch, the punk being used as a communal pillow. And you know what? He wouldn’t change a damn thing.
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beautifulblooms · 2 years
Kinda a weird request, but;
Eddie x male reader (can be hcs)
Y/N and Eddie getting high or something together and they're crushing, but haven't talked about it.
What if, out of nowhere, Y/N just says "you were my gay awakening" or something and Eddie is just "huh?"
Y/N just talks about how Eddie made him realize he was gay and kinda had a crush on him since.
{idk if this makes sense at all 😭}
I Was Never the Same After I Saw You - Eddie Munson x Male Reader
Male! Reader, he/him, this makes perfect sense!! Thank you so much for the request, i had so much fun writing this, it is a full fic and it was one of my favorites to write, I hope you enjoy!!
And as promised the “humina humina humina Eddie Munson” line did make the final cut
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
Throwing the gear shift into park I turned my keys and pulled them out of the ignition. When I opened the door a smile pulled its way onto my face when I remembered why I came over to Eddie Munson’s trailer.
It was a Friday at school, sitting in our chemistry class Eddie passed a note to me. Unfolding the notebook paper there was his adorably awful handwriting. “Wanna come over tonight and hangout? I got a new strain I wanna try out but I don’t wanna smoke alone” As much as I keep my hopes up he’ll ask me on a date I shouldn’t. I had loved Eddie for a while now but I didn’t want to ask him and end up being wrong about him and be called the town fag for the rest of my life. Grabbing my pen I wrote out a sure with a little smiley face before passing the note back. He did a small dance in his seat after reading my response.
I knocked on the front door of the Munson’s trailer, it was about 8pm so Wayne had long gone to work his night shift. There was a bunch of noise coming from inside before the door slammed open.
“(Y/n)! Come in!” There he was, the man who made me realize I didn’t want to date girls. Standing in his hellfire shirt, ripped jeans, hair a mess, leaning out the door to hold onto the handle. God I wish I could just grab his face and kiss him, but I can’t ruin this, it’s too good to lose. He stepped back and let me walk in, pulling the door closed behind us.
“Well you know what to do you’ve been here before, I’ve got snacks and drinks for tonight, I’ve got a few joints rolled for us too so we’re good for a bit. Whatdya wanna do?” His hands found their way to his back pockets, his usual stance that I had grown to find adorable and somewhat comforting.
“Smoke first I guess, we have the whole weekend and knowing your uncle he won’t be back for a while.” Kicking my shoes off at the door I followed Eddie into his room, admiring the posters and the clutter that made this space so, Him. He grabbed the joints off his desk before snagging his lucky zippo and flopping onto his bed. He gently pat the space next to him for me to sit down, before he popped open his lighter and took the first hit of the night. We didn’t take long to finish off the first two joints pretty quickly, then slowly taking drags from the third one to make it last a little longer. At this point we were both high, laid out on Eddie’s bed with random snacks and drinks on the bed with us and on his nightstands.
I looked over at Eddie, his hair spread out around his head, dopey grin while he quietly sings along to the music playing from his stereo. He looks absolutely angelic, there were only two thoughts in my mind as I looked over at him, what an angelic man, and humina humina humina Eddie Munson. Looking over his features he noticed me staring and turned his head to look at me.
“What’s going on in that mind, pretty boy?” I could feel my heart speed up and skip a beat at the same time when he called me a pretty boy.
“Oh nothing, just that you were my gay awakening.” I didn’t process what I said but it was too late for me to take it back, I guess we’re rolling with this.
“Huh? Whatdya mean gay awakening?” He moved so he was laying on his side, holding his head up with his arm while he looked at me with a curiously confused expression. I took a deep breath before deciding that the worst that could happen was he sends me home high and I move out of town to get away from this.
“From the first moment I met you I couldn’t help but think of us as a thing. I had always been used to looking at girls but never feeling anything about them. I could look at Chrissy Cunningham or Tammy Thompson and appreciate how pretty they are, but I don’t want to be with them. I don’t want to be with a girl, and meeting you, becoming friends, just being around you made me realize that. Your smile is so pretty that whenever I see you I just want to grab your face and kiss you until I can’t breathe. I want to play with your hair and feel how soft it is when I pull you deeper for a kiss. I love how excited you get when you talk about Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. When you start playing your favorite songs, and you just look absolutely beautiful. I love when you’re playing at gigs with the guys and seeing you headband while playing the sickest metal riff I’ve ever heard. So yeah, you were my gay awakening Eddie Munson, and if you don’t want me to be your friend after this because you don’t want to be associated with a faggot I’ll just leave you alone- and I’m rambling I’m sorry I can leave.” I didn’t even look at his face when I sat up after my apology. I kept telling myself to not say anything before this but of course I couldn’t stop myself after I got high as a fucking kite. I had barely started to stand up when a hand landed on my shoulder and pulled me back onto the bed.
“Don’t leave, please, I want to be friends with you, more than friends, I want to BE with you (y/n), I just didn’t want to think that I was crushing for the wrong guy. It’s hard to find people that are actually gay in a city like Hawkins, so please, stay, stay with me.” I looked over at Eddie, tears in my eyes while he also had started to tear up. I sat up again and moved to straddle Eddie’s thighs, grabbing his face with my hands and bringing our lips close.
“You want this just as much as I do right?” He nodded as well as he could with my hands holding him. After his confirmation I brought our lips together in a slow kiss, it showed every emotion and thing I had wanted to show him for years now. We held the kiss for a few seconds before we pulled away needing to catch our breaths.
“I love you (Y/n) (L/n).”
“And I love you Eddie Munson.”
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fyodior · 2 years
🪱 and 𔘓 made some GREAT horny posts so I'm here to cleanse this space a bit by telling you some of my random fluffy hcs of fedya
- when he has time he loves playing games with you (cards, chess, tabletop games...) cause even tho he knows that he's going to win everytime, he finds it amusing to see all the ways you desperately try and fail to outsmart him, he doesn't say it but he thinks you look adorable when your face has that subtle evil smirk to it because you're absolutely positive that this time you're going to beat him, only to be huffing out in defeat a minute later
- to cheer you up after beating you for the millionth time he's going to lightly praise you by saying that the strategy you came up with was good and that he had fun thinking of a way to counterattack it (even tho it was super easy for him but he won't say it cause he's trying to make you happy)
- again he won't outright admit it but it's obvious that he loves it when you sit on his lap while he's working. If you ever go into his office to bring him tea or something he will somehow get you to sit on his lap everytime. He wants you to sit with your chest against his, your legs around his waist, your arms around his neck and your face buried in the crook of his neck. This is his fav position cause you don't block his view of the computer screen, he can rub your back when he stops to think and because now you're acting as his personal blankie to keep him warm! If you're feeling particularly needy but he can't leave his desk he'll get you to cockwarm him until he's done and then he'll take you to his bed and finish the job but these are supposed to be fluffy hcs so I'll stop here jsjsjsk
- he loves your attention and to be pampered by you. When you bring him tea and food while he's working, when you give him a kiss on the cheek before you leave and after you come back, when you make sure he isn't cold in his office, when you beg him to take a break or come to bed because it's obvious that he's tired, when you tell him again and again that you don't want him sitting in front of his computers in the dark for hours because it's bad for his eyes...he loves everything about this
- for this reason he will accept to take a bath only if you get in the tub with him. Run your fingers through his hair and scratch his scalp and he's in heaven. He insists that you sit on his lap to wash his hair so he gets to look at your naked body and all the flustered expressions you make when his hands graze your skin cause this man loves to touch you. The fact that you're fully aware that he could kill you with a single touch but you still willingly let him touch you and often even beg him to touch you is enough to let him know that you trust him and he loves that
I cant think of anything else at the moment but hopefully these were good enough
- 💍
idk if you’ve ever watched saiki k but it reminds me of that gnsjdks like he will always win no matter what but he’ll want to make you feel a lil better about it😭 but honestly he can be very blunt so i’d imagine he’d accidentally be an asshole sometimes sjdjsjdjs like “you made fewer stupid moves this time, im very proud of you darling”
i could write a million fucking fics over and over about cockwarming specifically for him like i just LOVE the concept so much and could go on about it for hoursssss but i’ll also keep this clean 💀 and yes he loves you as his own personal weighted blanket that also gives him kisses and praises
i just imagine bringing him a blanket and some hot tea and a snack when he’s been at his computer for a long time, and it makes him all mushy. or maybe you have a cat together and you just walk in dump it in his lap and leave 💀
BUT YES OH MY GOD THE VULNERABILITY OF LETTING HIM TOUCH YOU DESPITE HIS ABILITY i’ve honestly never thought about that in detail before but thats such a good point like nothing means more to him than the fact that you happily welcome and seek out his touch, something that is easily lethal, thats how much you love and trust him which is something he’s never experienced before.
and taking little baths with him UGH god thats so sweet like forcing him to let you use a bath bomb so theres just pink fizzy water surrounding you as you wash his hair, using your nails to scratch his scalp making this bitch PURR. he just closes his eyes and leans into ur touch, wrapping his arms around you just to feel your skin. he thinks you are so beautiful, and cherishes every single little curve and bump and scar or stretch mark, every little “imperfection” just makes him fall more in love with you. he honestly just wishes you were naked always.
but yes thank u for cleansing this space my blog rly needed it dkfsbfksj ❤️❤️❤️
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Ahem… hello!
Uhh… don’t mind me! I’ve been reading your fics for a long while now, and I figured it’s about time I say hi! So… hi!
Happy birthday! Since time zones are dumb, I’m 90% sure your birthday has already passed, but… I still hope it was a good one!
Also, this is completely random, but I noticed someone in your blog shared a picture of a drawing someone made. And I wanted to share a drawing I made today! I read your Piers x reader fic and decided to draw this silly little man right after.
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The theme was colors and I chose pink! I put more effort into it than I intended to, but I just couldn’t resist after reading that fic you wrote.
I’ll definitely have to request a Piers fic from you (and maybe a Submas fic or two while I’m at it)! Your writing is so… so… 🤌 mwah. Chef’s kiss. Just make sure you’re taking breaks and not overworking yourself!
Hmm… what are your thoughts on Piers? I think he’s a silly, silly guy, with his silly, silly Obstagoon. I love his outfit. And he’s… EMO. 😩 My weakness!
(Bonus points for that sweet, sweet voice acting in Pokémon Masters EX. It’s literally so GOOD!)
Anyways, I hope you have a
✨pretty not bad day!✨
Hi! Thanks so much for reaching out for sending over that drawing — you did an amazing job! ^^
You’re correct that my bday has been over for a little bit but I do appreciate the ‘happy birthday’ regardless — and it was lovely, thank you haha
Though not necessarily sure what fic you’re referring to as I’ve thus far only written hcs for Piers (unless you mean those, which is fair as I’ve only been awake for a total of 12 minutes and my brain isn’t brain-ing properly yet lol).
I’ll look forward to receiving your requests, though! And I appreciate the kind words ^^
As for my thoughts on Piers, they’re as follows:
his attitude towards his home is something that I do relate to as I live in an English city that’s basically been left to rot
his whole aesthetic/design as a character is very appealing
his goals/demeanour are also very reminiscent of plenty of people I know in real life which makes him a much easier character to conceptualise in writing (idk if that makes sense but yeah)
So, to put it briefly, he’s probably my favourite character that I’ve had requested for the franchise so far. ^^
And thank you! I hope you also have a pretty not bad day haha
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hephaestiions · 2 months
p, s, t (pssssstt)
😂😂😂 Thank you for this ask, anon, it was such a lovely exercise of some creative muscles!
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Oooh, that’s so fascinating! I’ve been on the dark academia!AU bandwagon for a while now (in my head, I mean 💀). Personally think wandlore or even Divination would form a FANTASTIC magical theoretical premise for a DA!AU that grapples with questions of power, responsibility, perfection, the cost of magic, etc. And complicated friendships with a side of murder is pretty much already the MO for the hpverse. I think there’s either an 8th year or professors!drarry fic waiting to be written in these directions (do I want to write it? Absolutely. Can I afford yet another WIP? Absolutely not.) and I will patiently wait around for someone, anyone, to come riding in on a white quill to write it.
S: Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Thought for a bit about what to say for this one— whether to field a long, fleshed out hc or to just go with a couple of fun things I keep in mind when I’m writing. In the interests of an ask game, chose the second one and decided to let the world know that whenever I’m writing Harry, I’m writing him with long hair! Sometimes it’s just long enough for him to have to pull back into a small ponytail, sometimes it’s even more grown out and cascades a little down his back, sometimes it’s so long he french braids it. His wild magic and his hair are always going to be madly intertwined and he rarely has control of his hair growth, but he learns in time to lean into it, make the mess look intentional. My Draco is always losing his mind about it!
T: Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
I don’t think so? I’m a fairly flexible reader and writer when it comes to both Harry and Draco, I love exploring different scenarios and voices. That said, I’m very much aboard the powerful!Harry and competent!Draco trains. Harry is raw, and wild, and volatile, and his body and his magic have been through so much and it always both comforts and excites me to think of Harry with a great deal of power and brute force at his fingertips. Maybe it’s the Saviour thing? Or maybe it’s just a— he’s been through so much, he should always have whatever it takes to protect him this moment onwards thing. Which comes with its own set of intriguing complications and it’s just, I really love it when authors write Harry a little out of control and untameable. On the other hand, Draco is a character for whom approval and eventually survival hinges on precision, on control, on refined and careful magical competence. I also visualise him as obsessive and neurotic, a perfectionist, a paperwork fiend. He’s good at Potions, probably great at Charms and Transfiguration, definitely a skilled Occlumens and I think whatever he does after Hogwarts would play to those strengths. Which also makes it very interesting when he’s put in situations where all that careful control doesn’t work, doesn’t hold up, fails him. Some favourite Draco situations!
Send me a fandom ask!
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shotorozu · 3 years
hi!! so um i wanted to request maybe some hc or scenarios about midoriya, shoto and shinsou being loyal? if that makes sense? idk i've just read some angsty fics about cheating todoroki and now i'm sad :(
being loyal
character(s) : todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku, shinsou hitoshi (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] gender neutral; they/them pronouns, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, angst-ish, suggestive but it’s barely there (x reader)
note(s) : first of all, cheater! todoroki isn’t realistic at all in my opinion, even if it’s used as a weapon for other x reader fics. i don’t think todoroki would ever be with someone he didn’t love anymore, especially since that being in a romantic relationship would be a very big step for him, i could go on, but don’t worry about it anon!
no proofread wndnwnw
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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todoroki shouto
shouto as a lover is interesting. sure, you’ll argue like any normal couple— he’s not the best at understanding what’s wrong sometimes
and occasionally, you’ll have to shove it in his face for him to get the memo
his blunt words don’t help at all sometimes
but, you know one thing that shouto’s not? a cheater.
not even sugar coating it. he’ll never cheat. he loves you too much for him to even be thinking about other people
and i don’t think he’d stay and hurt someone’s feelings, if he felt like he shouldn’t be with them anymore
shouto’s popular, as to be expected. he’s the son of endeavor— who happens to be loaded, handsome, and also equipped with an amazing quirk
there’ll be a handful of people that’ll try to throw themselves at him.
as i’ve mentioned in the pick me girl post, shouto may be unaware about certain things, but as soon as he realizes what they’re trying to do
he won’t be nice, and that cold demeanor of his will come back in a snap. and, he’ll most likely try to leave right away.
like,, a girl could be half naked in front of him, but he wouldn’t even spare a glance at them. they’re not you, because they’re not hot. why does it matter? here’s an example :
random girl : “a man like you wouldn’t mind having a few extra lovers, right? there’s not harm”
shouto : 😐
shouto on the inside : ‘cooking some soba for Y/N would be delightful tonight, wouldn’t it? you should leave before it gets too late.’
he wouldn’t even say goodbye, the look on his face is enough to tell that he’s not at all interested in their advances
after all, you already make him feel complete and so loved🤠 shouto would rather slurp 3 pairs of jeans through a straw than ever think of cheating.
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midoriya izuku
it’s not difficult for him to stay loyal either, i mean,, loyalty in a relationship is the bare minimum anyway
all he’s focused on is you, improving and honing his skills, and fulfilling his dreams.
heavens forbid anyone for thinking that he’d ever get with any other person that’s not you
he’s aware that over time, he’s been an unintentional chick magnet— and technically, he’s friendly with everyone excluding bakugou, sorta
but right away, he understands when someone’s trying to get with him
while he might’ve said they were just being friendly before, he recognizes the signs well— considering that he thought YOU were just being friendly
izuku’s not blushy and well,, a mess. he’s still polite, compared to the other two— but, you can tell that he’s losing interest in the conversation that’s rare
but, if a girl’s going to stand in front of him half naked, he’s going to get flustered at first because they’re NEARLY flashing him tf?
and if anyone accuses of him being disloyal, he’ll get offended but mostly sad, because the thought makes him feel utterly sick to the stomach.
oh, and he’ll always make sure to mention you and your existence.
here’s a short example of how he’d be loyal!
random girl : “your quirk’s awesome! our kids would be super powerful ;)”
izuku, knowing well that his kids wouldn’t be able to genetically inherit any quirk of his: “thanks! if Y/N wants to have kids, our kids will be raised well. i appreciate for the compliment!”
random girl : “no, i mean—”
izuku : “it was nice speaking to you :) gotta find my darling now.”
he’ll leave immediately, not even thinking about looking back to see their reaction. he needs to see you
and the first thing he’ll tell you when he sees you is what had just occurred. the feeling in his stomach disappearing when you lend him an attentive ear
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shinsou hitoshi
ehh— compared to the other two, he wouldn’t notice right away.
he’ll assume that the people trying to snag him away are just being nice. because of his middle school days, friendliness is still something he’s trying to figure out.
he wouldn’t understand why someone would want to be with him since well,, man’s taken. no one would stoop that low to be a homewrecker
except for a few people, that had no sense of what was right or wrong. they just went for it regardless of his relationship status.
and when he realized what they were after, he’ll deadpan, absolutely uninterested.
compared to todoroki, hitoshi will simply tell them straight to their face that he’s taken, and he’ll just have to hope that they’d get it— and end the conversation in a nice away
but— if they don’t, he won’t hesitate on using his quirk this time. not to harm them of course, but to steer them away
example :
hitoshi : “i’m taken, and very happy with my relationship.”
random girl : “hmm,, but they don’t have to kno—”
and before the pursuer could even finish her sentence, they’re under his quirk, and he’ll demand that she forgets about the encounter, and that she’ll stay away.
because how dare they suggest that you wouldn’t be smart enough to find that out. their desperation makes hitoshi laugh
oh, and hitoshi will definitely shit talk them when he sees you again. he’ll even be so extra about it if he needs to
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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eremiie · 3 years
hello! i hope you’re doing well 💘 this is actually my first time requesting and I felt right doing it with you since I’ve loved all of your writings :) may i kindly get a hc with long haired eren and an s/o who struggles with self-love/body image? maybe they’re not always happy about how they look or how clothes fits them so they tend to wear more loose, baggy/oversized clothes because of it. thank you so much <33
i love wearing baggy clothes which has like little to nothing to do with that but— ENJOY
eren with a self conscious s/o;
okay i feel like you have to tell eren you’re self conscious at first, like he’ll think you wearing baggy clothes is literally just your style or something cause he’s kind of dense
once you tell him he doesn’t really understand exactly why at first because he genuinely can’t see why you’d be self conscious since he adores everyrhing about you
he’s not gonna stop you from wearing baggy clothes or anything, he probably thinks it’s pretty cute and got used to you dressing like that so he doesn’t mind it at all
now that he knows you’re self conscious he puts in an effort to make you feel better about yourself, showering you in kisses and compliments and affirmations constantly and at random as well
it can come off a little aggresive though just because that’s his nature, but he means all good
like if you were staring at your body in the mirror he’d pull you down to his lap, hold your face in his hands and be like;
“baby you’re literally so gorgeous, i will remove every mirror in this house if you keep looking at yourself and thinking negatively like that.”
obviously he’s just messing around, he’s not gonna remove any mirrors but he’s basically yelling at you to love yourself, like;
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likes to trail kisses around your whole body when you’re cuddling and tells you how pretty you are constantly
“you’re so pretty, i love you so so much, c’mere.”
suffocates you in affection because he’s praying it’s helping you feel better and feel less conscious, i apologize briefly if you don’t like affection but that’s what he’s giving
if you’re in public and he notices you’re getting self conscious because you’re looking at other people and comparing yourselves he’ll rub your hand with his thumb
he probably will go shopping with you to get the kind of clothes you prefer
but he also will complain a lot while you’re shopping even though he volunteered to go
“we’ve been here for like thirty minutes, when are we going?”
“eren it’s been fifteen minutes.”
but he would sit and watch you try on all the clothes when you got home, and tell you how good you look in every piece from the bed
i actually have a fic in my master list where this exact thing happens its called “delete it!”, very cute🤰🏽
but he’s really supportive once again and tries his best to boost your confidence through his love languages <33
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multisfabulis · 2 years
Death’s Hypocrisy and Life’s Antithesis
Word Count: 3636
TW: Discussion of death and suicide
I can feel my soul wanting to leave my body as I type this out because I'm super nervous over how this will do. Not only is this the third ship fic I've written this year, this is both my first BSD fic (a fandom I've been in since 2016) and my first DazAtsu fic (my OTP since my foray into BSD in 2016) AND it's the last fic I'll have written and posted for 2021. At least I fulfilled my promise of writing more than two fanfics this year!
So how did this idea come about? Well, I've had this HC scenario of Atsushi being in a suicidal state of mind and Dazai helping him out of it while making himself out to be a hypocrite since 2016 (I believe) but I never thought I'd turn it into a fic due to lack of confidence in my abilities and not knowing how to flesh it out beyond the bare bones. Then, over the course of time as I worked on my confidence and my skills, I eventually came around to the idea of turning my HC into a fic. Then Wan! happened (Episode 11 or 12, you know which moment I'm talking about specifically) and I stewed around for months until this fic came into existence earlier this month.
I didn't even plan on this being my first fic in either category! I planned on my first BSD being a SigAtsu fic because I enjoy living in rarepair hell and my first DazAtsu fic was going to be a Kagerou Days fic with death and tragedy but then Wan! happened and I postponed both. That was honestly for the best.
I want to apologize for the philosophizing, Dazai and Atsushi possibly being OOC, and for the pacing. Although I wrote this with the purpose of posting it once it was done, I also wrote it with the intent of indulging in 19 year old me's HC and I'm fully aware this would never happen in canon as it stands now. Still, I hope this fic is enjoyable to read, despite its issues!
One last thing, I do plan on writing more BSD fics! Some of them are DazAtsu while others are for other ships and a couple are even crossover fics! Those will be posted sometime in the future but this is me testing the waters for now!
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     What is life? A question humans have asked themselves dozens upon hundreds upon thousands of times throughout their existence and it was a question that seemed to have no “correct” answer. If you were to ask ten random strangers plucked off the street what life was, they were bound to give you wildly differing answers. A person’s interpretation of the concept relied on a multitude of varying factors, such as their past, their present, and what they believed would be their future. They also didn’t remain static; they could change due to any number of reasons and in a matter of years, months, weeks, or even days, depending on what happened. The answer was ever evolving, making it unlikely, if not impossible, to ever truly know it.
     For Dazai Osamu, his answer was this. Life was dark, full of death and despair with no end in sight, no hope of it ever getting better. It was hard to tell when it began or even if it “began”, suggesting the possibility he’d known of a life without the perpetual feeling of emptiness within it. Sure, his life went from absolute certainties to hypothetical implications over the past few years of his existence but it didn’t erase his insatiable desire for death. It always followed him, whether in the world of the living or in dreams, it stuck to him like a second skin. Life, as it stood now, was tortuous torment, something he became accustomed to long, long ago.
     The question he sought the answer to was, what was death? It was the end of life, the state of being dead. Children could understand such a concept once it was explained to them in easy and simple terms. However, what he really wanted to know was “What is death?” Would it give him the peace he lacked? Would death be able to fill the void that was inside him? Did death really mean the end of someone’s life or was it a term people used to describe the process of a soul leaving its mortal vessel to move on to the afterlife to exist for however much longer? Then there was the belief that someone was never truly gone if they lived on in others’ memories of them. It’d be just his luck to die only to realize a facsimile of him was still alive by that method. He’d never receive any rest, if that were the case.
     It was another one of those moods again. The ones where he pondered on the meaning of life, death, and other abstract concepts before coming to the realization they’d never be completely understood. Usually, when he found himself thinking such things, he’d stow himself away in a secret place for some time until he was done. Today, it occurred during work so he naturally snuck out while no one was looking and came up to the roof, with mostly everyone none the wiser. Ranpo knew because he was Ranpo and Kunikida tore the place apart trying to find him till he eventually checked the roof. As disruptive as these moods were, they did get him out of doing work and they had the added bonus of pissing Kunikida off so it was a win-win scenario.
     Everyone should’ve already been on their way home by now. However, he still had to finish his case reports and send them out before the day was over. He played around with the idea of doing work for a moment. He could write up his reports and be on his merry way but procrastination’s always been a hard habit to break and putting them off for another day was so tempting. Oh, what was he to do?
     Yokohama was just as lively today as it was every other day. Cool air came to chase away the late summer heat as night crept ever closer. Down below were the sounds of people walking and talking and traffic, the typical ambiance of a city. The clear sky above was streaked with vivid hues of red, orange, violet, and blue as the sun set over the horizon towards the west. It was an all too familiar yet still comforting sight to see for a dead man walking.
     He heard the door behind him open with a loud creaking of its hinges. Just by the process of elimination, there were only a handful of people who knew he’d been up here today. He turned around and was greeted by---
     Atsushi didn’t say anything. It wasn’t surprising, since Dazai noticed he hadn’t been acting quite like himself over the past few days. He still had his snark and was keeping up with both work and Dazai’s antics but it was easy to see he was half-assing it so as to not worry anyone. Whatever was going on, Dazai figured it was nothing too serious and wanted to give Atsushi some time to work through it on his own. Now he was wondering if, perhaps, that was the wrong thing to do.
     “Did Kunikida-kun ask you to come fetch me?” he asked before letting out a fake exasperated sigh. “I swear, it’s like he has no trust in me at all!”
     Instead of beating around the bush or try his hand at lying, Atsushi replied with a simple yet curt, “No, he hadn’t.”
     That was a tad concerning. He said nothing more and stood beside Dazai, resting his arms and head down on top of the railing. He hadn’t seen much of Atsushi today so he wasn’t sure whether something terrible happened while he was out working on a case or if his childhood decided to rear its ugly head up again. There was a good chance it was either-or. Regardless, now was most definitely the time for him to step in and give his lovely kitten some help.
     Before he could open his mouth, however, there were a couple things he saw that gave him pause. Atsushi had an almost listless quality about him, like it took everything he had to just stand there and do little else. Then there were his eyes, which were setting off alarm bells in his head. They looked darker than usual, the violet and gold muted to the point they seemed lifeless. They never lost their light, even in the worst of situations, so Dazai was really starting to worry over what was happening with Atsushi. Panic was a feeling he hated having.
     “Dazai-san, can I ask you something?” Atsushi called out, motionless.
     Despite his gut instinct telling him it was a bad idea, Dazai replied with, “You know I’ll always answer your questions to the best of my ability so ask away.” This might give him a clue as to what was troubling Atsushi so he decided to indulge him.
     “Do you think--” he stood up straight, keeping his eyes transfixed on the city before him-- “if someone were to jump from this height, they would--” his grip on the railing tightened and he swallowed nervously-- “die?”
     Okay, that was very unsettling to hear. Atsushi would never ask such macabre questions, much less entertain the thought of them. He was someone who fought to survive, to live life and see all it had to offer. To listen to a person who enjoyed even the smallest pleasures of the world wonder if a fall off of a building would kill someone went against his character.
     Slipping the mask on, he attempted to brush off the question as a morbid joke with, “Why, Atsushi-kun, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were asking that to see if you wanted to try it for yourself!” It was meant to be a chance to prove him wrong, even in the vain hopes he wasn’t. “But I know you’d never---”
     “And what if I did?” Atsushi asked, cutting him off mid-sentence. “What if I said I did want to try it?”
     “Well, it’s only a hypothetical scenario, isn’t it?” Dazai smiled uncomfortably, growing increasingly disturbed by how the conversation’s going. “It is hypothetical, right?”
     An agonizing moment passed by before Atsushi answered, “…Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.”
     “Atsushi-kun, you--” He placed a hand on his shoulder to slowly turn him when---
     Atsushi shook it off but it was enough. It was only a glance yet what Dazai saw struck fear into his core. What little light there had been in his eyes previously was completely gone, replaced with a dead hollowness. They were too similar, too close to the ones Dazai remembered staring back at him in the mirror during his days in the Mafia. It was an uncanny resemblance and he needed to do everything in his power to right this wrong, because it didn’t fit sweet Atsushi.
     “What happened? Can you tell me?” He thought if he approached this gently, it’d coax an answer out of Atsushi. It didn’t work. “I’m here to listen if you wanna talk about it.” More silence. “Atsushi-kun, I want to help you but I can’t do that if you won’t tell me what’s wrong.”
     He let out a sigh. “I thought you of all people would understand this.”
     “I do but that doesn’t mean this is the right way to go about it. What you’re thinking of doing isn’t going to solve everything, it’ll just make it worse.” God, he sucked at this. Not only was he the absolute worst person for this, it was his darling Atsushi he had to talk back from the edge. Anyone else would be better suited but it was just his luck to get caught up in this.
     “You think I don’t know that?” He turned away from the railing to face Dazai. “That’s all I’ve thought about over the past few days and I still feel like this. If anything, it’s only made me feel worse.”
     There was one tactic left he hadn’t tried yet. The very thought of using it was contemptible but desperation called for drastic measures. “Think of all the people that’d be affected by your passing, Atsushi-kun. Think about how Kyouka-chan would feel if you were to die.” He felt like scum for bringing her into this. “You have so much to live for so that’s why---”
     “Don’t give me those empty platitudes, Dazai-san, we both know you don’t believe in what you’re saying.” There was barely restrained anger in his voice and he glared at Dazai with heated intensity. “How can you ask me to live when you don’t even give yourself the same courtesy? You’re-you’re a hypocrite, Dazai-san!”
     He deserved that, especially for trying to manipulate him. Atsushi was right; Dazai was a hypocrite. How could a man like him talk someone out of committing suicide when he couldn’t extend the same mercy to himself? He craved death like it was his life’s purpose; he wasn’t qualified for this.
     Yet, because it was Atsushi, Dazai had to help him. Whatever was making him think he should die, he needed to be convinced it was only temporary. A proven hypocrite’s point still stood.
     “I may be but it doesn’t make what I said any less true.” Atsushi averted his eyes, most likely ashamed of his earlier outburst. Dazai’s voice took on a softer, kinder cadence as he said, “You can choose to believe what I’m about to say next, all I ask is for you to listen, okay?”
     Gently, he grabbed Atsushi’s hands and held them in his own. It was clear to see the difference between them in how they viewed life. Dazai’s were stained in so much black blood, they showed naught a trace of the “human” underneath. Atsushi’s, meanwhile, were pure white with only a splash of scarlet. He couldn’t stomach the idea of killing someone while Dazai felt the countless amount of sins crawling up his back. They were life and death yet the reaper was giving his antithetical partner the encouragement to keep going. How paradoxical.
     “You’re right, I’m a hypocrite. What right do I have telling you to live when I don’t tell myself the same?” He stroked the back of Atsushi’s hand with a thumb. “But it’s because you deserve to while I don’t. You’re a good person, Atsushi-kun, and I’m a poor imitation of one. You want to save people, you have saved people, and it’s because you are and choose to be a good person.”
     Dazai, in a rare moment of candidness, cast his gaze down to their conjoined hands before continuing on. “In some ways, you’re what I strive to be yet I know I can never reach you, no matter how hard I try--” his grip tightened ever so slightly upon sensing Atsushi’s incoming protests-- “and that’s okay. I’ve committed far too many crimes to ever be redeemed, I know I’m destined for hell but you still have a chance.
     “The world will always be a dark and harrowing place but--” he looked up and took a deep breath in-- “you, along with everyone else in the Agency, fight to make it less so. If you were to die here and now, the world would lose that little bit of goodness, that little bit of light only you have.
     “That’s why I ask--” he cupped Atsushi’s cheek, peering into his eyes that seemed to be regaining their natural brilliance-- “for you to live. Don’t die, not yet, not until it’s your time to go. Live, Atsushi.”
     Atsushi stepped back, turning away from Dazai, who was unsure on what he should do next. He felt too exposed standing out here but he didn’t want to run and hide again until he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt Atsushi would be all right. The mask had a tendency to slip whenever they were together but this might’ve been the first time Dazai let Atsushi into his walls, if only for a moment. It was strange and not at all appropriate with the kind of relationship they shared. Yet, if his precious Atsushi was ever in this situation again, he’d bring them down without any hesitation.
     Each and every word was said with the utmost sincerity. He spoke out of the depths of his heart, even if he was a demon masquerading as a human. He wanted to believe he got through to Atsushi, stopped him from potentially going through on a mistake that’d cost him greatly. He held on to hope like it was a lifeline.
     They may have been on the side of light but they were there for very different reasons. Dazai only wanted to fulfill his dear friend’s dying wish of becoming a good man in spite of all the atrocities he’d committed. Atsushi wanted to do good, whether it was by helping people or doing the right thing, which was more selfless and noble than Dazai could ever be. The world could care less if another monster like him were to die but if it were Atsushi? It’d be worse off.
     Several minutes went by as he wondered if he had possibly crossed his boundaries when he heard it. A quiet sniffling, followed by a shaky intake of air and a soft whimper, like someone was crying but trying to hide it. It was a sound he recognized, having listened to it many times before.
     Tears threatening to spill over filled Atsushi’s eyes. His shoulders trembled as he bit down on his lower lip to keep himself from sobbing. As sad as the scene was, it brought Dazai some much-needed relief. Atsushi was going to be okay.
     “D-dazai-san…” A tear rolled down his cheek before he wiped it away. “I’m sorry for… worrying you and for yelling at you earlier.” Then, as if he couldn’t hold it any longer, the dam burst open as a myriad of tears fell to the ground. “I’m sorry that I let you down, that I’m just a disappointment and---”
     Maybe it was from hearing the absolute pain and guilt in his voice or the pitiful way he looked at him. Whether it was one or the other, it didn’t matter. It was enough for Dazai to grab Atsushi’s wrist, draw him into his arms, and just hold him for however long it took till he stopped crying.
     Atsushi didn’t return the sudden hug, likely too shocked to do so. This was very much out of Dazai’s comfort zone and it wasn’t like him to make spur-of-the-moment decisions based on pure emotion. However, what Atsushi needed right now was an equal, not a mentor, and Dazai hoped he was filling in that position somewhat. If this left Atsushi feeling better after everything, it’d be worth it.
     “You could never disappoint me,” he whispered, smiling fondly. “You always manage to find a way to surprise me, even exceed my expectations.” His arms tightened ever so slightly around him. “You’re more than you think you are.”
     Dazai gave Atsushi one last squeeze before pulling away a moment later. Atsushi stood stock still, no doubt stunned from everything that just happened, and he had a flush of embarrassment on his face. Knowing he was going to be all right, Dazai felt confident that they had nothing left to discuss.
     Atsushi called out in a meek voice, “Dazai-san, I---”
     “I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, Atsushi-kun.” Dazai walked past him towards the direction of the door. “Kunikida-kun will kill me if I don’t finish my work and I’d rather my death be at my own hands.” He opened the door, the creaking of its hinges echoing from inside the stairwell. He turned back to Atsushi. “I’ll be here if you need me.”
     Before more could be said, he went inside and descended the stairs. He made it down one flight, deciding to get off on the floor above the Agency. Going home sounded appealing but he’d be risking bumping into anyone from there and he really didn’t want to deal with them after what happened. He walked further in, wanting to ground himself back to reality.
     That was… a lot. He was used to high-pressure situations, fights where his life could be snuffed out by a split-second decision but this was different. Dazai, a man who yearned for the sweet release of death, had to talk down Atsushi, someone that lived life to the fullest, from suicide. Not only was it a complete reversal of some of their earliest interactions but he opened up to him. He was a former Mafia executive that kept even those closest to him in the dark about his intentions yet he bared just a piece of his soul to save his protege. How things change over the course of 4 years…
     Atsushi was special. There was no other way to explain it; Atsushi had endeared himself to Dazai with his honesty, his faith, his loyalty. He deserved the right to live, the right to exist. He may be young and inexperienced now but there was nothing stopping him from reaching his potential if he continued on this path. Dazai was sure he’d get there in a few years’ time, even if he wasn’t there to witness it someday. Maybe he should try to stay alive until then, if only so Atsushi wouldn’t be sad over him not seeing how much he’d grown.
     Dazai let out a sigh and leaned against a nearby wall. When had Atsushi become so important to him that he was considering prolonging his tormented existence? It was made in jest but it was still a joke he’d never think about normally. He would be the death of him, either metaphorically or by his own hands. Honestly, if Dazai were to die via murder, he’d like his beautiful tiger to be his killer.
     How cruel yet fitting it is for death to love life.
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kazuharem · 4 years
“Out About on the Town” - HC [FLUFF]
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Thanks so much to @in-a-world-of-my-own-invention for my first ever request! (So sorry this took so long to complete!) This was so much fun to brainstorm 💖💖
A/N: Basically these HCs each have 3 events. 1 is described in little detail, another is described in moderate detail, and the last one is described in great detail.I did try to make each guy about the same length. If I wrote all three events in great detail, I’d be writing fics lol (brace yourselves,-these are long) Also sorry if the last lines sound like karma lines RIP
Here are the boys being dragged around by MC~
Gavin: "Memory Lane of the Youth”
(Ngl, this was the hardest for me to write for some reason, but I’m very satisfied with the results I think; thanks so much to @stehkotori for all the info/ideas on our favorite Birdcop ♡)
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💫 The “Letters Through Time” segment that you did became a huge hit and Loveland TV want you to do a part two on favorite haunts of people from when they were young
💫 You finish your interviews and find that the favorite memories happen to be an old timey arcade in the middle of the city, an amusement park that had been open for several decades, and a cliff side park where people particularly enjoy stargazing
💫 You want to call Gavin to come with you, but hesitate, is he still on mission?
💫 Just when you make the decision to call him anyway, your phone rings. It’s Gavin and you almost hang up on him in surprise
💫 “Gavin! Are you back from your mission? You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
💫 You hear Gavin laugh and your heart just swells “I just got back,” he tells you, his voice light, “It was a pretty easy mission this time. What’s up?”
💫 You tell Gavin about the show you’re shooting for “Do you have any free time? I’d like to ask you on a date for you to come with me. You were such a big help to me last time, and this excursion sounds like fun. If you’re not too tired, of course”
💫 He’s already in even before you asked “I’m free, where should I meet you?”
💫 You tell him the address of the arcade, intending to meet him there. Not even 5 minutes later, you hear the familiar roar of Sparky outside your apartment window. You run downstairs to meet him. “Gavin! Wha-”
💫 “Need a ride?” Gavin asks, leaning against Sparky. You eye him carefully and he smiles “I didn’t get hurt, I promise” You don’t believe him and inspect him carefully
💫 The two of you head to the arcade, your arms are wrapped around Gavin’s waist. It’s the first time in a while since you’ve felt free
💫 You arrive at the arcade and you gaze at the building, amazed. Despite its age, bright neon lights flashed continuously across its walls exactly how it did five years ago. Immediately, you pull out your camera and start snapping away. “It’s just like I remembered,” you say aloud, “I came here once with my friends.” Then you grab Gavin’s arm and pull him towards the entrance, “Come on! Might as well play some games”
💫 You go inside and an elderly man greets the two of you warmly “You’re welcome to play any of the games, just ask me for the tokens.” You look at the surroundings. There was Pac-Man, Galaga, Pinball, (wow hahaha I am old) and many more games of the past. Then you see a basketball machine and you spot a glint in Gavin’s eyes
💫 “Let’s go play basketball!” You suggest, remembering that Gavin loved to play basketball. You pass some bills to the elderly man and he gives you a handful of tokens. “Come on!” You hand Gavin some of the tokens, “I want to see you play”
💫 Gavin’s skills are unmatched, and you watch in admiration as he shoots ball after ball into the hoop. You snap a few pictures and the machine dinged
💫 “Young man,” the elderly owner says, awestruck, “You just beat the high score that no one has been able to in years”
💫 Gavin rubs his neck, a little embarrassed, “I just like it, that’s all” NAW homeboi was trying to impress you but also he is really good
💫 “Well you have some talent,” the old man says as you drop your unused tokens into a bowl, “Come back and play anytime”
💫 “Thank you so much!” You thank the owner for the interview and the two of you were on your way to the amusement park
💫 “I can’t believe this has been here all there years,” you marvel at the spinning rides, the Ferris wheel, and the carousel. “Now I can understand why this made it into the top spot for favorite haunts”
💫 For the rest of the day, you drag Gavin from ride to ride, taking pictures every chance you get
💫 It was twilight when the two of you get done with the amusement park. “What’s next?” Gavin asks
💫 You grin, “Our favorite pastime,” you blush a little at the word ‘our.’ Before he could ask, you blurt out the answer in excitement, “We’re going stargazing! And tonight’s perfect! Come on!”
💫 It’s quite a trek up to the cliff-side park, but Gavin is here and he has an arm around you, supporting you. The two of you hike up the mountain and the trail ends in a grassy meadow. Your mouth drop open, “It’s beautiful up here!” You exclaim, the tiny lights of the city seem so far way
💫 Luckily, there doesn’t seem to be anyone around so you and Gavin have the area to yourselves. Gavin settles himself on the grass and extends a hand towards you, “Come here”
💫 You sit and suddenly Gavin tugs on your hand, sending you flying into his chest. Your face flush instantly, “Gavin!”
💫 He laughs and you feel the sound rumble through his chest, warm and comforting, “We’re stargazing,” he reminds you and positions you so that you could comfortably look up at the sky. Your face turns a even brighter red, if possible
💫 You soon fall into a comfortable silence as the sky darkened to a inky black and slowly, twinkling stars start to appear
💫 “It really is beautiful,” you break the silence softly, wonder lacing your voice. Gavin makes a noise of agreement and he pulls you closer to him. “Gavin, I want to know about the constellations” you gently request
💫 And in his sure, soft voice, Gavin starts to name the constellations in the sky, pointing them out and telling you random facts
💫 You stretch your hand out towards the glittering background, “Don’t you ever wish you can just...reach out and grab them?” You ask softly, “Something about it makes me feel safe, like someone is watching over me”
💫 A calloused hand covers yours, the touch gentle, but you can feel the firm strength that you always associate with Gavin coursing through
💫 “The stars and I will always be there to protect you, no matter what”
Kiro: Night Market Expedition
(This isn’t exactly across the city, but MC does drag Kiro around. I thought it would be cute! This was loosely modeled after the Japanese Fireworks Festival, hanabi. This one is a little short - sorry!)
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🎆 It’s summer and that means festivals galore! One of the key parts of the festival is the night market, full of food and quaint handicrafts. After the night market, there will be a fireworks show
🎆 You invite Kiro out since the two of you love to chow down his album recording wrapped and you thought he deserved a break. DON’T TELL SAVIN ABOUT THE FOOD
🎆 Kiro is super excited at the prospect of all that food getting the opportunity to spend time with you as well as being able to see the fireworks
🎆 He meets you at the bustling square in his typical disguise, a hat and black frames. The various vendors are already making food and delicious smells fill the air. Kiro is practically bouncing as you make your way to him. “Miss Chips! Are you ready for our food expedition tonight?”
🎆 “Yes!” You say as Kiro cheerfully wraps you in a hug as way of greeting
🎆 “What’s our plan of attack?” He ask as he surveys the sprawling vendors, cerulean eyes twinkling with anticipation
🎆 “I did some research,” you say as you pull out your phone, “I’ve narrowed it down to ‘Foods We Have to Try,’ and ‘Viral Foods.’ Where do you want to start?”
🎆 Kiro studies your list with intense concentration, “The King Takoyaki first,” he says finally
🎆 “That’s exactly what I was thinking!” You exclaim and Kiro sends a million-watt smile your way
🎆 “Just as I thought, Miss Chips and I are really connected!”
🎆 You pull out a map that you procured earlier and study it. “Let’s go!” You grab Kiro’s hand and pull him along to the vendor
🎆 Along the way, you can’t help but snap pictures of the various handicrafts that people are selling. Kiro asks if you want to stop and check some of these out
🎆 “Later! We’re here to eat first,” you pull Kiro along, with nothing but your destination in mind. You arrive in front of the “King Takoyaki” stand. You and Kiro share a gleam with excitement and order 2 takoyaki
🎆 Kiro is about to take a bite when you stop him, “I need to take pictures first!” He laughs and grabs your phone
🎆 “Miss Chips, let’s take one together!” He pulls you closer to him and holds up his takoyaki, grinning at the camera
🎆 He takes a picture of you two, grinning goofily with your takoyaki
🎆 “Ready? On 3, 2,1!” The two of you bite into the savory ball. 
🎆 “Mmm!” Kiro wriggles with delight. You laugh and sneak a picture of him when he’s not looking. “Oh this is so good! Good call, Miss Chips!” He high fives you, “What’s next?
🎆 You look at each other, “Ringo-Ame!” [apple coated in crunchy sugar candy] Both of you say in unison and the two of you break out into a fit of merry laughter
🎆 “Come on!” You say, tugging on Kiro’s arm. “I think I saw it earlier.” You lead the way amidst the bustling vendors and stop in front of a little cart filled with bright red glossy apples on sticks
🎆 You pause to take some pictures. “Here!” You turn towards Kiro’s voice and suddenly your mouth is filled with a sweet tanginess
🎆 Kiro grins, “Is it good?” You nod as you chew and Kiro laughs aloud. His laugh is bright and carefree; it makes you smile as well
🎆 “We’re supposed to eat it together,” you mumble when you finally finish chewing
🎆 Kiro hands you an apple on a stick, “Then it’s your turn to feed me!” He opens his mouth wide and you stick the apple in his mouth. “Just as I predicted, whatever Miss Chips feed me is unbelievably delicious!” His voice is a little muffled
🎆 You put your hands on your waist and pretend to glare, “Of course! I only introduce you to good food, you know!”
🎆 Kiro smiles and it’s infectious. Your lips tug up in an answering grin
🎆 The two of you go from stall to stall, sampling various foods when suddenly you hear a commotion near the river
🎆 “The fireworks!” You exclaim, “They must be starting! Let’s go!” You grab Kiro’s hand and pull him towards the crowd. Everyone is congregating on the banks of the river, getting ready for the fireworks show
🎆 You manage to find an empty spot a little ways from the crowd. After all, you didn’t want Kiro to be mobbed
🎆 The two of you sit and wait. Kiro pulls you close and there is a thunderous BOOM!
🎆 The sky bursts into dazzling colors and the crowd oohs
🎆 “So pretty!” you shout to Kiro over the noise. He nods, staring at the colorful bursts. You steal a glance at him. The various colors and flashes from the fireworks throws different colors across his face, and you forget to breathe for a moment. Kiro looks ethereal
🎆 Kiro glances at you and your eyes meet. You can feel the ever present warmth emanating from his bright blue eyes and it warms you all over. He pulls you even closer to him. “What are you looking at?” He asks loudly
🎆 You smile and press your lips against his ear, “I was just thinking, that just now you looked like you do on stage. With the lights flashing, only right now the stage lights are replaced with fireworks. A true idol, bringing light to his fans,” you say, speaking from the heart
🎆 He gazes tenderly at you for a moment and then leans down to whisper in your ear, just like you had with him, breath ghosting over your ear,
🎆 “But to me, Miss Chips is my light, she outshines even the most beautiful of fireworks”
Lucien + Victor under the cut
Lucien: Cherry Blossom Tour
(FYI contains traces of Blossom Date-my Lucien creative juices has been used up by writing my other fic lol. NOTE: What I tried to write here is basically hanami aka a Japanese tradition of viewing cherry blossoms and eating/drinking. Also, this might be a bit biased oops)
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🌸 It’s springtime and cherry blossoms are finally in season! 
🌸 Cherry blossom themed everything have been popping up everywhere. Cafés, bakeries, ice cream shops, you name it. It’s the perfect time for couples to go out and enjoy spring under the cover of pink and white
🌸 You have been working nonstop for days and you were getting a little jealous at all the cute desserts that your coworkers posted on their social medias. This weekend, you finally have the day off and you want to go see the cherry blossoms before they’re all gone
🌸 You invite Lucien, and he readily agrees. He has been waiting for your invitation
🌸 He shows up in front of your door at 10am on the dot, dressed in a cozy white sweater with a black overcoat. “What’s the itinerary for today?”
🌸 You grab his hand and excitedly show him pictures on your phone. “So Kiki recommended this café and she said that the sakura latte is a must try! Also, afterwards, maybe we can go to this bakery! The mochi there looks so cute! And then after the bakery, we can go to this spot. I heard it’s the best place in the city for cherry blossom viewing!”
🌸 Lucien smiles as he lets you pull him along and ramble about all the places you want to see. “Slow down, silly girl, we have all the time in the world to see everything you’re interested in”
🌸 The two of you get to the café and settle down in a booth near the window. You eagerly order the sakura latte, Lucien orders the cherry blossom tea. As you wait for your drinks, the two of you chat casually about work. With Lucien around, the conversation is never dry, no matter how boring the topic
🌸 Your drinks arrive and Lucien waits expectantly, knowing that you wanted to take pictures. You quickly snap a few pictures of the pretty drinks and upload them onto your social media with the caption “Trying this for the first time!”
🌸 You take a sip carefully and Lucien watches with amusement. “Is it sweet?” You nod happily. Lucien chuckles, “Silly girl, you got foam all over your mouth”
🌸 Before you can grab a napkin, Lucien tenderly swipes his thumb across your lips. In the blink of an eye, his tongue darts out, catlike, to taste the foam on his finger. “You’re right, it is sweet,” he grins at your shell shocked face
🌸 After you recover from ProfessorSmooth Lucien’s antics, you finish your drinks and head over to the bakery to try the special sakura mochi
🌸 “Welcome! For today, we are having a lovers’ special! For every couple, we are giving them 2 free sakura mochi with the purchase of the special couple cherry blossom waffle set!” The cashier greets you cheerfully
🌸 “Er...” You are flustered
🌸 “We’ll take it,” Lucien answers for you as he wraps a arm around you, smiling politely at the cashier
🌸 Smooooooooooth
🌸 You collect your food and you once again take pictures of the delicate desserts
🌸 Lucien waits patiently until you’ve set your phone down and offers you a bite of the mochi. You close your eyes in delight as the fragrant taste spreads through your mouth and Lucien chuckles. “Good?”
🌸 You nod as you open your eyes to find Lucien gazing at you in adoration. Blushing, you move to return the favor and his grin widens
🌸 After finishing the desserts, you bring Lucien to the park where you can see couples setting up blankets underneath the pink blooms
🌸 “Careful,” Lucien warns as the two of you navigate through the crowd
🌸 You sigh, “I didn’t expect there to be this many people. There aren’t any open spots!”
🌸 “Look over there,” Lucien directs your attention to a little grove hidden a ways from the bustling crowd, “I think there might be some cherry blossom trees in there, would you like to check it out?”
🌸 You walk towards the grove and glance at the crowds behind you. They didn’t seem to be interested. The trees part to reveal a little clearing in which five cherry blossom trees sat undisturbed, branches laden with faint pink blossoms. You gasp in delight. “Lucien, how did you know these were here?”
🌸 He shakes his head, smiling, “I didn’t. I think we just happened to be lucky” WhAt a CoINcIdEnCe
🌸 You run up to the gently swaying trees, eagerly taking pictures. “It’s really so beautiful!” You gush
🌸 “Yes,” Lucien murmurs, but he’s gazing at you, “Truly beautiful” You don’t notice RIP
🌸 “Did you know that cherry blossoms are the embodiment of mortality?” He suddenly inquires after a moment. You look at him, a little startled by the topic. Oops here comes a lecture by Professor Lucien. He smiles as to reassure you and continues, “The Japanese Samurai believed in this principle to appreciate the inevitability of death without fearing it. This was carried over by the Japanese pilots during World War II who painted their kamikaze warplanes with cherry blossoms before embarking on suicide missions to ‘die like beautiful falling cherry petals for the emperor.’ It’s a beautiful contrast, isn’t it?”
🌸 You look at the delicate blossoms thoughtfully, “Yes, but you forget that cherry blossoms also embody spring,” you say quietly. “Spring and rebirth goes synchronously with cherry blossoms. The Japanese also worshipped these cherry blossom trees in the spring to grant them a bountiful harvest. So even though they are fleeting, they teach us to appreciate the fleeting moments in life and admire their beauty”
🌸 Lucien stills, “Indeed,” his dark eyes are on you, ever so unreadable, but you detect a faint fondness within those violet pupils
LOL this was my attempt to write a scholarly scene like the one they exchanged during the Blossom Date in the Chinese server EPIC FAIL RIP
🌸 You smile at him, “So instead being sad about these fleeting moments, shouldn’t we be happy that we get to see such beautiful blooms?”
🌸 “Yes,” he answers and his voice is a little thick with emotion
🌸 “These moments spent with you, no matter how fleeting, will always be beautiful”
Victor: Hidden and Exotic Foodie Gems Across Town
(Count how many times Victor calls you “Idiot” or “Dummy”)
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🍽 You’re doing a segment on undiscovered food joints around town
🍽 You ask Victor to join you since he’s a chef he owns Souvenir (one of the original hidden gems)
🍽 Doesn’t want to (“Dummy, just interview Mr. Mills and film it at Souvenir”)
🍽 You explain that since you already covered Souvenir, people want to see new content and new restaurants
🍽 Dummy “I’m busy”
🍽 A little disappointed, you say you’ll go invite Lucien someone else
🍽 Are you an idiot “Goldman, cancel all my appointments for today” (GiVe GoLdMaN a RaIsE) “Which restaurants are we going to?”
🍽 You excitedly show him a list of restaurants which includes a restaurant that has a soup dumpling recipe spanning over five generations, another which all their ingredients come from their home farm, and another restaurant which promises a unique sensory experience like no other. “So I was thinking having soup dumplings for breakfast, then the farm-to-table place for lunch, and then finally the multi-sensory restaurant wrapping it up for dinner!” You ramble, not noticing Victor sitting at his desk watching you, a small smile playing around his lips
🍽 “Dummy, so are we going to get going or not?” He interrupts you, “I do have a company to run, you know”
🍽 “Let’s go!” You cheer, pulling Victor from his desk. He refuses to admit that your enthusiasm is infectious
🍽 The soup dumpling place is located in the older part of the city and you’re entranced by the architecture of the buildings and quaint cobblestone streets. You take pictures of everything. Victor rolls his eyes, but secretly he’s smiling on the inside. Seeing you excited, he couldn’t help but feel the tingle of excitement as well
🍽 The dumplings were delicious and you captured everything with your camera, even stopping Victor from eating in order to take that perfect shot
🍽 Dummy “You’re not running a food blog”
🍽 After breakfast, you inform Victor that the next restaurant is up in the mountains. His brows crease. “Are you going to drag me all over the city?” Yup
🍽 “These are the restaurants the viewers want to see most,” you tell him as you trek up the picturesque trail through the woods
🍽 Dummy “Watch where you’re going”
🍽 You don’t listen to him as you continue yammering away and taking pictures. You don’t notice how Victor is watching you intently to make sure you don’t trip over a tree root or smack into a branch
🍽 Suddenly your foot misses a step and Victor grabs your arm before you could fall. Your momentum propels you into his hard chest. You hear a sigh above your head, “Didn’t I just say to watch your step?”
🍽 “My oh my, what a lovely couple!” You hear a cheerful voice say before you can retort. Victor lets you go carefully, still holding onto your arm. You both turn to find a little old lady smiling at you
🍽 “Hi!” You break away from Victor, a little flustered. You introduce yourself to the woman and your reason for coming. She warmly welcomes you guys into the restaurant
🍽 “Would you like to see the farm first?” She asks and your eyes light up. You look at Victor. He coughs
🍽 “You know, you don’t need to ask for my permission,” he says, rolling his eyes
🍽 “The two of you are so sweet,” the lady coos as she leads you guys to the farm 
🍽 The two of you spend a lovely afternoon, eating the freshest ingredients. You ask the lady many questions about her restaurant until you feel like you got enough material. There were many pictures taken
🍽 By the time you guys leave the farm, the sun is just starting to set. “Perfect timing!” You beam up at Victor, “I can’t wait for the multi-sensory experience”
🍽 Idiot “You’ve done nothing except eat all day. How can food excite you to this extent?”
🍽 “It’s the experience, not the food,” you tell him, waiting as the two of you arrive before a nondescript steel door. “And...it’s who I’m with,” you add, more softly as your cheeks redden. The door swings open then, saving you the embarrassment
🍽 The two of you are blindfolded, with earplugs in. You hold on tight to Victor’s hand as a server leads you two inside. You are gently directed to sit down and a hand removes your blindfold. You blink, eyes adjusting to the light and then you gasp. Multiple lights in a wide array of colors are projecting lazily onto the walls and table. Soft music play in time to the revolving lights. “Wow!” You exclaim in delight
🍽 “I see that it doesn’t take much to impress you,” Victor says quietly and you turn your head just in time to see a soft smile across his lips
🍽 You stare at him because did Victor just smile? And he sighs, “If you keep ogling at me, you’re going to miss the show”
🍽 Show? You’re about to ask when suddenly the music stops and the room darkens. There is a blast of fanfare and lights explode. You smell something absolutely fragrant and your server enters the room. 
🍽 For the rest of your meal, every course is paired with a matching scent as the lights dance to the music. Your senses are completely assaulted. You miss Victor smiling at the way you eagerly scarf everything down
🍽 At the end, the music quietens and the lights dim. You put down your utensils and turn to Victor happily. He’s looking at you with something inexplicably soft in his eyes. You blush, feeling self-conscious. “Wh-why are you looking at me?”
🍽 “You have sauce on your face, dummy,” he says without skipping a beat. VICTOR, CAN YOU NOT
🍽 You pout at him, after wiping your mouth. “So...you didn’t enjoy it?” You ask quietly. You can’t help but feel hurt, and you wonder if you had wasted an entire day of Victor’s busy schedule
🍽 There is a sigh and Victor reaches for you, pulling you close and you tumble into his lap. GUYS, YOU ARE STILL IN A RESTAURANT
🍽 “That’s not it, dummy,” You hear him sigh and then-
🍽 “I’ll always enjoy the time spent with you. That time is never wasted, as long as it’s with you” 
See I can write fluff sometimes, it’s not just angst all the time and not smut 😅 Wow this ended up being longer than I had previously planned to be. They turned out to be like minifics whatttt rip i’m sorry (Also there were some technical issues-forgot to save) 😓 But I hope that this was what you had in mind! Hopefully I got the characterizations of the boys right!💖
Requests are open!
For more of my work: 📖
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
this was originally meant to be a response/follow-up to @i-did 's post about race in the aftg fandom (that you should read). i ran it by him first and asked permission to add, but then we decided it was too long so i should make it its own post
i want to talk about fandom's take on the twins' race because it's rather glaring in the fandom that andrew (and then aaron by necessity) are often portrayed as the only white characters on the team and i have to question why?
there's nothing in the backstories that would mean writing them as POC would fling them headlong into offensive stereotypes that the fandom hasn't bypassed over to make another fox a POC.
they have a history of addiction? but it's okay for matt and seth to be addicts and be brown.
they're violent? but it's okay for renee to be non-white and a former gang member.
they're blond and 'pale'¹? but allison can be a WOC and bleach her hair without saying it explicitly? renee can have white rainbow hair no matter the AU? neil can be a blue-eyed redhead and still be drawn darker skinned half the time?
'pale' in and of itself is a very vague word that's only brought up in the context of comparison to notably dark skinned nicky. it's completely relative, and multi-racial families where people look wildly different from each other exist (pretty commonly). or if you're prescriptivist how about the multiple ways a POC can still be a natural blond including but not limited to pigmentation conditions or being mixed race? similarly, i think less than a quarter of the FCs i've seen for andrew over the years have been natural blonds themselves.
so if our holdups aren't about racial stereotyping and they aren't about the incredibly vague character descriptions, then why are the twins always white when it's approached as a good thing that no one else is? when i've seen multiple different posts lauding the fandom for adding diversity where nora didn't write it, except for here?
to be completely, bluntly honest, it's because we as a majority-white fandom are uncomfortable when we are not the central characters. or maybe we are uncomfortable when people of color ARE the central characters. i don't think there's much of a difference.
we are comfortable writing and drawing nicky, the upperclassmen, then kevin (in that order) as poc because, simply, we use them as background characters. they are rarely the main characters of fics, or have their own storylines in them; it all revolves around andreil.
additionally, while i've used neil up to now as an example of the fandom being OKAY with writing POC, let's also admit that it's an,, imperfect representation, as he will often be racially ambiguous with no explicit ethnicity, he will be the lightest skinned of the foxes of color, and he will still have eurocentric features. also it's genuinely a toss up as to whether he's drawn brown or not, there are still plenty of white neils, much more than there are white dans and matts and renees (not an attack on anyone who draws white neils, simply a statement) and FCs and edits of him still tend to be white people.
he's a bit of a schrödinger's person of color, not really any one thing or another, very few people being willing to take a hard stance on him and do the work of taking that decision under consideration when writing and drawing him.
(quick shout-out here to @hi-raethia for making content about an explicitly chinese interpretation of neil).
(additionally, to be as clear about my intended message as possible, this isn't a statement on the politics of passing or undermining the ethnicities of lightskinned poc, this is about a lack of detail being put into making a character a character of color in any thoughtful, meaningful, or significant way)
so when i talk about the centralization of white people in fandom, neil gets to be included, perhaps with a footnote indicating that this is somewhat of a more complicated statement than it is with lily-white andrew minyard.
nevertheless, i feel comfortable saying that 75% of fandom content revolves around andrew and neil, major exceptions only being jerejean which are often stand-alone from the foxes, and the rising branch of kevaaron shippers. however both of those ships are actually subject to this exact same criticism, as ships between a a flat-out white character and a dubiously "non-white" character who can also be white sometimes. it varies.
conspicuously, content about the UPPERCLASSMEN tends to revolve around andrew and neil.
fics where the upperclassmen are the pov character are often outside-perspective fics on andreil.
HC posts about the upperclassmen, especially matt, will devote major portions to his time spent helping, hanging with, and thinking about andrew and/or neil.
secondary ships like danmatt or renison tend to be just that, secondary ships moving in the background of andreil-focused works. they get more of a,,, scenic shout-out than a storyline
it is only comfortable for us to write these characters as characters of color if they revolve entirely around white characters
so after all that? what should we do, as a white-majority fandom? what should YOU, specifically, as a white person, do?
i hate to talk about a problem without also talking about solutions, and i try not to carp on something i don't want to be an active part of fixing. public criticism without an action plan only leads to hurt feelings and guilt, and that's never my intention when bringing this up. my goal is to address a general problem, not anyone specific's personal failings.
in all honesty leaning completely into all of the foxes being people of color, though i think neat and i certainly support, is not the best solution, and would be more of a hollow action than anything else without addressing the underlying problems that lead to the development of this dynamic.
i think the best thing to do would be to 1. do some research on writing poc, usually by following some writing-specific blogs like @writingwithcolor or @pocinmymedia . look up the 'black best friend' trope and really spend some time tjinking about it. spend an hour seeking out a random assortment of blogs that interest you that are also run by people of color. checking through tags like drawingwhileblack or blacktober may be good kickoff points.
tumblr is great because with an hour of active work to find these blogs, you can then go months passively seeing content from them. try not to interact, actually, simply watch and listen and become familiar with general trends and concerns in different communities. remember that every blog is run by an individual person, not an elected representative of their race, and always keep this in mind.
you are teaching YOURSELF that people of color are individuals, they have interests and inner lives that don't revolve around whiteness, that don't revolve around YOU
at the same time, 2. challenge yourself as a creator to make more content about the upperclassmen, specifically. make art about them doing stuff as a group separate from neil and andrew's group. find a compilation of 'draw the squad' memes and draw/tag the upperclassmen only. make jokes where they talk to each other. write some meta about their character motivations. write a fic where andreil isn't even mentioned, it can be super short, you can even use a prompt generator.
as a reader, reread their backstories in the extra content. reread son nefes. use ao3's filtering system to read some fics about JUST the upperclassmen, few and far apart though they may be.
if we've decided that the upperclassmen are people of color then lean into that, and learn to CARE about them on their own merit, because they are the most underutilized characters in the fandom. we need to make content centralized around them to combat the fact that fandom centralizes whiteness
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generallybarzy · 3 years
1 Year
January 22nd, 2020. That was the date it all started.
Now, it’s been a year. 
(Sorry, you don't get a read more, this is too important)
I started this blog last year, after attending a local hockey game that we get to see every year and realizing how much more I was into it than my other friends there. I went home, logged onto my other tumblr account, and started looking through random hockey tags from my [redacted] blog (y'all don't gotta know the fandoms I was into haha). For a week or so, I lurked. I saw bits and pieces of the all star game, of some of the games that were being played, but I was too scared to interact with anyone because I was joining the community so "late". I wasn't late to anything, its not like hockey is a new thing or something with a time limit, but it felt like I was behind. I wasn't a lifelong fan like some people I saw post about it, I didn't even understand what people were talking about. But I saw the game, eventually saw the cute players everyone loves, and got excited. I finally decided to make this blog, wanting to make some new friends in the hockey community. I kinda floated around hockeyblr for a while, rebloggong a few things quietly but not interacting too much because i didn't feel like i could, until my school closed down in March. After that, I turned to writing- specifically for barzy, who I had just learned about on this site. And with that writing, that very first fic that I tagged bigger writers in, trying to get some recognition, I started to gain followers. And friends.
Since i started, my followers on here have traveled with me through life. Literally. I got my drivers license, i embarrassed myself with that guy at the beach, got my first job, started (and hopefully soon finished) my senior year of highschool, and got accepted into my dream college. I didn't have online friends before this, so when I stopped be able to see my irl friends irl, you guys became just as necessary as them. We've been through highs and lows together, both irl, personally, and in this community, but honestly, i still love it here. I couldn’t be more thankful for all of you, the old and the new.  I genuinely wouldn’t have been able to get through the past year if it weren’t for this place. 
I have a whole appreciation post but some of the people who either ARE constantly in my messages or had been in the past but we haven't talked in a bit, all of these people helped me along the way. @matbaerzal (one of the very first writers who followed me on here, wow. The 10th person out of 1000 to follow me. I adore all of your stuff and look up to you so much) , @mbarzals (I think I convinced you to post your first fic, and I wrote all of Opportunities just for you, but we haven't really talked a lot in a while), @thirteenisles (mom! Helping me out a bunch, especially when I was way smaller on here and didn't have many friends, and we haven't talked in a bit and I'm so sorry), @d-cozens (has always been a solid reader, I remember you under a different user haha I've been seeing you in my notifications for the longest time), @fallinallincurls (we always talk the best concepts!!!!! I always come to you about fics!!!! In the long run, we just started talking a bit ago but you're like the sweetest person ever and I'm so happy we're moots), @softboybarzal (I can't even begin to describe how much you've helped. I'm serious. Thank you so much. Not to mention the amazing things we talk about, always making me so soft), @folkloreflyers (tk and nolan, we have the matching jerseys what can I say. We also come up with some of the best ideas), @barzzal (I deadass look up to you so much, your theme and content is god tier thank you for helping me with my header. I hope we can talk more smt), @dembenchboys (omg baby. Baby. Your messages mean so much to me and I literally light up whenever I see them. We literally don't deserve you. You're too pure and amazing for this world. An angel. I think I've forget to respond to you a few times and I feel so bad but I love you so much don't forget it!!!!!!), @canadianheaters (why do we always have the strangest conversations like idk what here but there's some cursed energy baaagghschhd anyway we come up with the best shit together like monkey suit mat), 🥔 anon, 💙 anon, 😌 anon, 🖤 anon, BLUE SHORTS ANON (I REMEMBER YOU WHERE ARE YOU) and all you other lovely followers i have who have been so supportive over the past year 💕💕💕
Now that all that sappy stuff is out of the way, here's what we'll be doing today to celebrate!
Send in your stories on how you came to find my blog and what made you stay!! Or just any stories you have about here
Request little hcs not about mat and s/o in scenarios but about small things like "does mat like coffee or tea?" or about what cute habits he might have. I feel like we don't discuss about my hc version of him enough
Also, respond to other anons and send your own hcs!!!!
The final thing is that I will be taking requests for short, personalized blurbs where you send me a prompt, a name, and stuff about yourself and I write YOU and mat instead of reader and mat.. I'll make another post about it when I'm ready to do those, probably around 2pm est.
Once again, lemme just drill it into your heads how happy I am to have all you guys, and how proud I am of where this blog has come to in a year. I couldn't have done it without any of you.💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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Once many moons ago you asked for some avatar writing prompts and I’ve been thinking of it ever since. Anyway I’ve also been thinking a lot about your Tourette’s!Sokka hc and fics and I was wondering if you could write a lil bit about how Toph finds out? I know you mentioned that she’d find out after pulling him out of the hole... but I’d love to read more about it
Anyway no pressure and if i’m totally out of line please let me know
Hi!!! No no, thank you so much! You’re not out of line at all!! I could talk about this forever and this is exactly something I need to procrastinate!
for those who don’t know, they’re referring to this post and this oneshot! It’s a lots of headcanons about Sokka (atla) having Tourette’s Syndrome!
This takes place during Bitter Work (I mean... Sokka is a hole haha) and for purposes of speculation and plot convenience, we’re assuming he’s been in the whole for at least half of the day (I mean, maybe that’s canon??? He had trouble walking when they got him out and it was long enough to make Katara worry...).
I tried writing this in a different way, so if anyone has strong thoughts / feelings / opinions on how I portrayed his tics, let me know! The last thing that I want to note beforehand is that tics are... weird and you can’t plan them. Writing for them is harder than I thought because they are random. I, personally, found it easier to write his verbal tics as the same few words because you don’t think of tics, they just happen? So writing them was weird, haha!
Word Count: 2,590
Tw: anxiety attack, tic attack (for those with TS or tics, I do write his tics in. They triggered some of mine, so proceed with caution)
Sokka sighed. “Maybe going to underground Earth bending tournaments was a bad idea,” the young warrior (nose wrinkle) said to himself. “I’m going to be rumbling-- rah-rah-rumble-- for ages now.”
He laughed. Then laughed again (blink, whistle). Then he shrieked in frustration.
Being stuck in this hole was miserable, and not just (whistle, nose wrinkle) miserable, it was terrifying. He couldn’t move his arms, he couldn’t move his legs, moving his fingers was possible, but he had clenched them so much that it was painful to continue, and he needed to move his arms, he needed to (whistle, whistle, whistle) tic.
The others were off training, and that could take hours. He was alone (blink, “yip yip, rumble rumble”) and they had no idea where he was, all they knew was that he was hunting.
The pain… it was hard for his brain to fathom the pain he was in. His legs (blink, whistle, blink) were numb but his arms (“Rah-Rumble”) were sore, they were aching and longing for the ability to move, to tic. It made his head (whistle, blink, blink, “yip, rumble, yip”) hurt. It was hard to breath.
“That’s-- rumble-- it,” he wheezed. “This is how I’m gonna-- rah-rah-- die. Oh, spirits, I’m gonna die!” Panic, pain, and loneliness were savages, wrecking the sanctuary and peace of his mind and body.
Sokka’s voice clipped, his body feeling (“yip yip, you need to yip yip”, blink, nose wrinkle) awake once more at the sight of his friend.
The monk turned at his name, his face lighting up upon seeing the water tribesman. “Sokka!” he (nose wrinkle, whistle) cried, running to him. “Are you okay?”
He opened his mouth, prepared to make some witty or sarcastic comment, but (whistle, blink) all that came out was a stifled, relieved sob. “I-I’m-- fah-fah-fine, fine-- I just need to get out of this stupid hole,” he assured, tears of happiness welling up in his eyes.
Aang studied him for a moment (“yip yip”), then grabbed onto what he could of Sokka’s hands, trying to pull him (blink, blink, nose wrinkle, whistle) free.
Pain shot through his arms and up to his fingers. “Ow! Stop, stop! You’re-- rumble, rah-rah-- gonna pull my fingers off! And (whistle) I don’t think the r-- re-rah-rumble, rah-rah-rumble-- rest is coming!”
Aang sat down in front of him, panting. “I would try to airbend you out, but I don’t think that’ll do anything.”
(Blink, whistle) “Oh, you can Earthbend me out!” Sokka cried excitedly (blink, blink, “rumble”). “That’s what you’ve been working on, right?”
“I can’t.”
“Well, what about-- yip-- Toph? Can you get her so she can Earthbend me out?”
“I can’t do that either.”
“W-- Wah-Wah-- Why not? I’m stuck and-and I can’t move and--” Sokka broke off into an unstoppable stream of “yip-yip”’s.
Aang started, reaching his hands out, but drew them back. “Suppose you probably don’t want to be touched right now?” he said sheepishly. “I’m sorry. Toph will just get mad at me if I go back. I’m a terrible Earthbender.”
“I just-- yip yip (whistle, blink, blink, nose wrinkle)-- I just want Katara.” The words stumbled out, and for a second, he felt like that young six year old again, asking for his mom when (blink, blink, blink) he had tic spasms during stressful training sessions.
Aang’s grey eyes were filled with sorrow. “I know you need help. I need to get over myself and just face Toph but… I just don’t want to let anyone down…” he trailed off, and (nose wrinkle, whistle) suddenly Sokka wanted to be out of that hole more than anything so he could give Aang all of the love that he deserves.
“Oh! Is that a baby Sabertooth Moose Lion?” asked the monk, a smile popping up on his face as the creature jumped out from the bushes.
“Aang, Foo Foo Cuddly Poops. Foo Foo-- rumble, rah-rah-- Cuddly Poops, Aang,” Sokka introduced nonchalantly, still mentally going through various ways to encourage Aang to get help.
“Huh, that’s weird,” Aang (“yip yip!”) stated, picking Foo Foo Cuddly Poops up. “Their moms are usually really protective.”
The Spirits must have something against Sokka, and maybe once he’s out of the hole he’ll ask Aang to visit the Spirit World and figure out what it is. Almost as if it were on cue, a loud roar shook the trees surrounding them, and Sokka soon felt overcome with blinking and screaming “yip yip”.
The roar came from behind him, but he couldn't move he couldn’t move he couldn’t move he couldn’t-- Spirits, he was crying. He was blinking so hard and so consistently that he was crying. His throat felt tighter and tighter with each “yip”, but he still held onto that small sliver of hope that Toph or Katara would hear him and come help him.
“Aang, I can’t-- ca-a-an’t yip-- I can’t see! I-- you need to yip yip-- can’t see! Is that- is that-thu-thu-- the mother? What’s happ-- yip yip-- ening? I can’t-- you-you, yip yip yip-- I can’t stop-- yip yip yip yip, RUMBLE-- AANG!” His words flew out of his mouth, they were uncontrollable, a storm that had been building up for the past however long he had been in here, festering and brewing. Sokka didn’t know what he was saying, his tongue was improvising, his words were a script never written. Honestly, he would be surprised if Aang could even understand what he said through his nearly constant stream of tics.
He couldn’t see, and not just behind him. His blinking was too excessive. His eyes hurt, his vision completely blurred. He was crying, from fear, pain, blinking too much, and because he just wanted Katara. The ringing in his ears returned, and he wanted to curl up into a ball, letting his tics run their course, holding his head in his hands.
A gust of wind ruffled his already messy hair, some of the longer strands falling into his mouth, but he barely registered it. Through the ringing, he vaguely heard Aang speak to him. And suddenly Sokka sobbed even harder because Aang was twelve and he shouldn’t have to worry about Sokka having a tic attack. The first time he had one around Aang, he had terrified the kid. Poor Katara had to run back and forth between making sure Sokka was alright and not in any pain and that Aang understood what was going on.
Spirits, Aang was probably scared out of his mind right now because they were being attacked and Sokka could do nothing to help him. They were in danger and it felt like he was cowering while the Avatar worked to save them both.
Moment after moment, he continued to tic, and, as Aang later said, continued to have an anxiety attack. It felt like an eternity when he finally saw the blurred face of Aang in front of him, moving in and out of focus. The monk’s mouth was moving, but no words were coming out.
He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t even think. The world around him had faded, falling into a grey abyss of nothingness where even feelings were numb and cold. He forced his eyes shut.
Suddenly, the ground beneath him began to move, it rumbled (much like he was), and out of nowhere, a hand gripped his hair tightly and pulled.
Freedom. He was free, but he couldn’t register it. He swatted at the hand until it let go of him, letting him crumble to the ground in a hysterical heap. The touch only worsened the feeling of restriction, even though he was no longer confined to the hole. The ringing grew louder and louder still, and through it all he could hear was someone screaming his sister’s name. Maybe it was him. Maybe it was Aang.
The curled into a ball position that he so longed for was finally attainable, and Sokka immediately fell into it. His legs were twitching, his hands continually flying to the sky and flashing the number three (a new tic he had picked up that replaced the fist pumping. Where his body picked it up, he hadn’t a clue, but he supposed it was better than fist pumping at everything).
“I can’t-- yip yip, yip rumble yip-- breathe-- bruh-bruh-bruh--!” he screamed it. How his vocal cords found the strength to scream, he didn’t know. All he knew for certain was that he felt like he was dying.
A tender, cool, calloused hand landed on his shoulder and he shuddered at the touch, desperately trying to shake it off. The hand would not relent.
Oftentimes, the light at the end of the tunnel was his name. The ringing halted to a stop, when through the blaring he heard: “Sokka”. The voice was loud but it was not forceful. It was commanding yet compassionate. “Sokka, can you hear me?”
Eyes still forced shut to calm the blinking, he nodded.
“It’s Katara. I know I’m already touching you, but can I hug you? Is that okay?”
Katara… his sister. His mind halted at once, the thoughts of death and breathing slipping away. Cautiously opening an eye, Sokka found his sister in front of him, one hand on his shoulder, the other hovering near his back.
A relieved sigh fell from her lips as he opened his second eye, blinked a few times, and then met hers. Her beautiful blue eyes felt like home. “Thank the Spirits,” she mumbled. “Can I hug you, is that okay? Aang chased away the mother Sabertooth Moose Lion and Toph got you out of the hole. You can move now.”
Realization hit him in full force. Toph didn’t even know he had Tourette’s yet. The chance to tell her never really came up. She probably hated him now.
He nodded once more, leaning into his younger sister’s touch, wrapping his own shaking arms around her, and letting her hold him as he whimpered.
Her touch was warm, heating the coolness of his fear into oblivion. He always liked when Katara hugged him. She always hugged him loosely, allowing him the room to maneuver or wiggle his way out if he felt uncomfortable.
Peace flooded over him, his tears vanishing with each passing moment and his breathing more stable with each breath.
“I’m-- rumble- rah-- so sorry,” he gasped once he extracted himself from the hug, finally calm and back into reality, as the world came back into sight.
“You don’t need to be sorry,” Katara stated firmly, sitting beside him. “We should have looked for you sooner when you didn’t return. I was just so caught up in Aang learning Earthbending and Toph is kind of a mean teacher--”
“Katara, it’s-- yip yip-- fine, really.”
“You were stuck here for hours, Sokka, hours! I was so worried…”
Hand holding wasn’t his thing, not in the slightest. It made his fingers hurt and he could never get his hands to hold still long enough for it to be comfortable for anyone. Katara, though, was the one exception. He reached for her hand, holding it tightly and rubbing his fingers against the back of it.
“Thu-Thu-- Thank you,” he whispered. “I love you.”
Katara leaned her head against his shoulder, finally allowing herself to breathe, all of her worries and fears slipping away with every exhale.
From the corner of his eye, Sokka noticed Aang slowly inching towards him, Toph lingering at his side. He gulped. “Aang, sorry I f-- fr-fre-fuh-fr--freaked out on you. Did I-- rumble rumble-- scare you again?” he asked.
Aang nodded sheepishly. “A little bit. Sorry I couldn’t Earthbend you out. I should’ve gotten Toph right away.”
Sokka shrugged, careful not to jostle his sister’s head. “Eh. It’s okay. You just started l-- luh-luh-rumbLE, LE, LE-- learning.”
The large grey eyes grew wider by the second. Aang bit his lip and glanced anxiously at Sokka. It was a look that Sokka had learned early on. “Come here,” he sighed, gesturing to his other side. “Not too close, though, okay?”
Aang immediately zoomed over and into his side, scooting away slightly before settling.
Sometimes, Aang just needs to be loved and reminded that he’s just a kid and that it’s okay to feel worried and that it’s okay for him to not believe everything was his fault. That look, that look was one asking for forgiveness, one of asking for affection.
And then there was Toph.
It was funny, really, how quickly Sokka could go between completely freaking out and needing someone to help him to him being the comforter, the calm and collected one. He supposed it was because his tic attacks weren’t very frequent, and this one was more extreme than most (probably due to being stuck for hours and having an anxiety attack), so he was used to jumping back into normalcy.
Toph, on the other hand…
“Hey, you,” he called. “Blind Bandit-- yip yip, you need to yip yip-- come join us!”
The hesitant and frightened look (Spirits, she was only twelve too) on her face was a huge contrast in comparison to her pale and usually uncaring complexion. And for a moment, she faltered. Being new and all, Sokka really couldn’t blame her. She barely knew them.
“I’m f-- fuh-fuh--fine,” he assured her. “I have Tourette’s so sometimes-- rumble-rah-rah-- when I can’t move my body freaks-- yip yip (whistle)-- out and sometimes I panic. Then we got attacked by a Sabertooth Moose Lion, I think? I kinda blanked out for that part-- rah-rah-rah--, but anyways, point is, I’m okay. And, I’m sorry for sc-- yip yip-- scaring you.”
The young Earthbender cautiously took a step forward.
“Don’t worry-- wah-wah-worry--, it’s not usually this bad. I guess me getting trapped in a hole-- rumble, rumble, rah-- wasn’t enough torment for the Spirits so they threw a large animal at me. It’s usually just small, normalish things like making hand gestures or my neck twitching,” he continued to explain, his tone gentle and trying his best to suppress his vocal tics for the moment to coax Toph closer. “Are you okay?”
Toph snorted. “I’m not scared, Snoozles. I just… I just couldn’t see what was going on completely and I was confused!”
“And worried!” Aang piped up from his side. “Don’t forget that you were also worried!”
Sokka smiled while Toph growled. She stomped her foot on the ground and a beam of Earth collided with Aang, sending him flying through the air and roughly hitting a tree.
“Ow,” he mumbled, rubbing his head.
Toph just shrugged, quickly making her way to steal Aang’s spot next to Sokka. The young warrior saw the Earthbender raise her fist towards him, then falter.
“Yes, you can touch-- yip yip-- me now,” he laughed. “Uhh, also, sorry for hitting you earlier.”
A hard blow landed on his arm, but he couldn’t have felt happier about it. The trio learned very early on that punching arms was Toph’s way of showing affection. “No biggie. I can take it.”
Aang came stumbling towards them, pouting. “No fair, Toph! I wanted to sit next to Sokka!”
“Well then, make Sugar Queen move and take her place.”
“But Katara has first dibs, she’s his sister!”
“Snooze you lose, Twinkle Toes.”
Katara opened her eyes and then proceeded to roll them. “Just come sit next to me, Aang,” she interrupted, extending an arm for the airbender to lean into.
Aang’s face lit up and he raced to her side.
Sokka sighed. Ah, normalcy.
Ahhh okay! I hope you liked it!
In case anyone was wondering, the reason why I stopped writing the tics in during the tic attack is because tic attacks (in my own personal experience) are kind of a constant stream of tics where something is always happening, and it would be really hard to write. So, when he had his anxiety / tic attack, I let it flow from there because there’s no way I could write that well or portray it right!
Thank you for reading! I’m always open to Sokka with Tourette’s questions, comments, concerns, etc...! I enjoy talking about it haha! I would also love to hear anyone’s personal Sokka with TS headcannons or ideas or any TS character stuff!
I am also always up to procrastinate, so if anyone ever has any writing prompts or fic recs, please lemme know!
and as always, Katara is FANTASTIC:)
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
If you're doing the character asks : Rita ? And Addison?
Rita’s gonna be in green Addi’s gonna be in pink
Fave thing about them:
Her style, her fierceness, her sass, the sheer power she holds!
Her compassion and love, her level of forgiveness, she’s always challenging herself to find where she fits in life and she knows what she wants, just needs to figure out how to get it
Least favourite thing about them:
I don’t really have one? Like my only complaint would be her career choice but like, she’s just doing her job man. Just because we only see her in the SVU department doesn’t mean she doesn’t have other clients who aren’t as terrible, and a handful of the cases we’ve seen her on have been innocent/iffy at best
It’s the adultery for me....
Favourite line:
“Oh look, a baby. Liv, ya got a minute?”
“And you must be the woman screwing my husband” (talk about an iconic entrance)
Barba, Donnelly
Callie, Mark, Amelia.
Casey? Again, I don’t ship Rita with a lot of SVU characters. I like the idea of Barhoun happening at Harvard but it not really being serious, but that’s it. But I do like Calvak
Callie. (Lol) Jake (? Benjamin Bratt, the one she ends up with lol)
Kat, Alex, Liv
Derek (lol. Listen...he was just not good for anyone...i said what I said) (also the whole Sam thing was weird...)
Random headcanon:
Oh lord, I feel I like I’ve voiced most of my Rita HC’s to y’all already. She comes from money, so she’s got a Hamptons house, a yacht, a couple properties at resorts around the world. Her and Barba have the “if we’re both 55 and still single we’ll get married” pact. But it’s purely for companionship, and friendship
If she’d stayed in Seattle her & Callie would’ve ended up together after the Arizona divorce. (And would’ve won custody of Sofia) cause like, that’s her bff, and her other bffs kid, and she still feels guilty over aborting Mark’s kid, and now that he’s gone, she knows Callie needs the support and love, esp with Arizona being a straight up bitch. Then they end up falling in love over time (also they both come from tons of money so there wouldn’t be any awkwardness there) (wow did i just come up with a fic idea???? Whoops.)
Unpopular opinion:
It’s not unpopular on this blog, but I stan her. I love her, she’s the fucking best and I cannot wait to see more of her
Addi did her best to make things civil when she first arrived in Seattle, she even stood up to a patient about Meredith, and later on her return visit hugged her. She truly supported MerDer being a thing, she was super underrated and I wish she came back more often than she did
Song I associate with them:
You Make Me Feel So Young (I listened to SO much Buble while writing Fortuitous Reunion and officially decided that this was Rita & yn’s song for that fic.
I legit have no idea...lol
Fave pic/gif of them:
I don’t have them on my desktop, but for Addi it’s the one of her with her glasses on while she’s practically eye fucking Karev as he walks by. I dont even know how to CHOOSE a rita one there’s too many good ones lolololol
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penname-artist · 3 years
Back to Earth
Salutations, fans and freaks! Tis the morrow!
Well, I’m back now! A month of relaxing and writing/drawing my heart out without the pressure of needing to post really did the trick. I’ve made peace with a lot of things too in my personal life, dusted off my jeans, and kept walking. (I’m glad that this time, I can keep my head up and not fall prey to selfishly hanging onto the past. Been there, done that, got the tattoo to prove it! Time to do some good in the world instead!)
I have several things I’d like to announce, and it’s all new content coming very soon (that I can guarantee WILL come soon, because I have already made it. These are not empty promises!)
Volo Pro Veritas, a Planes fan Discord server, will go LIVE October first, open to all by request! We’ll have our own little Planes Discord server to geek out, it’s gonna be great! It’s going to be a really chill server, nothing too fancy or complicated. (DISCLAIMER: we strongly suggest you are 18+ for this server!)
Also, a special launch trailer will be going up for VPV in the coming days, and another couple of *special treats* I cooked up for my YouTube channel! I’m so excited to share it with you guys, you have no idea! :D
As well as all that, I’ll be adding tons of chapters into The Human Files soon, and a new WoC short series called First Light! I did several writing drabbles while I was away, and I’m proud of them all. And, a NEW mini-miniseries is coming out, mostly to my Tumblr but I’ll add them to my Tidbits too, I’m gonna post little snippets of information on my headcanons! These are gonna be TINY and on a whim, literally just as they happen, so there’ll be a lot of random flakes of information that I haven’t found the time or place to throw in yet. I’ll group them up in Tidbits to have an actual morsel of content, and it’ll go under the new [HC] tag (for headcanon). Finally, a way to mention Nick’s weird sleeping habits, how Dusty is taller than Blade and Nick is a midget, and my idea of shipping names! It’s gonna be great, I’m very excited. ;P
IvoryS-J and I are kinda-sorta collabing, too! We’re doing an A/B/O fic (as I think I teased in Tidbits before) with some other, similar drabbles around it! Bravo and Echo might also be making appearances in the future… ;)
Working on tons more stuff behind the scenes, including art, writing, and animations, but I’ll let that stuff speak for itself when it’s done and out. I didn’t forget about Emergency! It just decided to be a pain and my original idea for an ending went a little bit skewed, so I have to straighten it out the hard way. It’ll get done when it gets done!
And Though most of you don't seem to know what it is, NaNoWriMo is coming up this November and I am planning to partake in it! Here's to hoping I can crank out 50,000 words in one month!
Thank you guys for your kind words and support while I was out, too, that means so so SO much, I literally cannot express my gratitude enough to you guys. I’m so grateful that even now, having severed a bunch of ties out of necessity, so many other people have been able to be there for me and support me in that very thing, helping me push through my grieving, and find courage to do what I love again. I’ll be honest, I prayed over this server decision a lot, and I have been paranoid about it for so many reasons, more than I am allowing myself to say. But folks have reassured me (Ivory, I’m calling you out! And Tanel and Bobbly, as well as other friends) that even if this server isn’t big, isn’t flashy, isn’t more than what it is, it’s still perfectly allowed to just ‘be’, and we’re going to have a great time with it.
So, it’s been a crazy summer. But I’m rested and prepared now, and ready to be the best and realest shit y’all ever fucking SEEN! I hope you guys are ready, because I am fired up and ready to fly!
Enjoy the content coming in the next two and a half weeks guys, and until the ‘morrow!
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